HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/2000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting December 7, 2000 ORIGINAL 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair McNAMEE at 7:30 p.m., December 7, 2000, in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLLCALL Commission Members Present: Jerry Collins Paulette Cooper Don MacDougall Marian McNamee Nancy Snow Janice Thompson Commission Members Absent: Dean Gokey Dick Doyle Staff Members Present: Alan White, Planning Director Gerald Dahl, City Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of December 7,2000. A set ofthese minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioners GOKEY and DOYLE absent. 5. APPROVE MINUTES Commissioner SNOW requested an amendment to the minutes on page 4, paragraph 5: the word "deleting" should be changed to "modifying." It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to approve the minutes of November 30, 2000 as amended. The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioners GOKEY and DOYLE absent. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to appear before the Commission Planning Commission December 7, 2000 Page 1 7. PUBLIC HEARING There were no cases scheduled to come before the Planning Commission. 8. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair McNAMEE declared the public hearing closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Modern LOl!: Homes (42nd and Youlll!field) Alan White informed the Commission that the City has received a petition from neighbors in this area requesting that 42nd Avenue be paved. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that she was not an originator ofthe petition, even though her name appeared as such. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of Zoninl!: Code Planning Commission continued review of Chapter 26, Zoning and Development, of the city code. Sec. 26-106 - Review process chart (page 4) . There was a consensus of the Commission that all subdivision applications should require a neighborhood meeting. . The footnote on page 4 should be changed to reflect that the minor subdivision process applies to 4 or fewer lots, and the major subdivision process applies to 5 or more lots. . There was a consensus that the review process chart should be alphabetized within categories and that an indication be made as to which processes are subject to legal protest. . There was also a suggestion that "X" be changed to "M" on the chart to indicate required meetings. . There was a consensus that a request be made to the codifier that charts be printed on one page without separating into columns. . Another column should be added to the chart on page 4 to indicate the applicable code section. Page footers should also note applicable section. Section 26-109 - Public hearing notice and procedure - Item D. Letter notice (page 7) It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON that the Planning Director be directed to take a request to City Council to change public Planning Commission December 7, 2000 Page 2 noticing requirements in view of the cost to the city and unnecessary expenditure of staff time which does not result in benefit to neighbors. The motion passed unanimously. There was discussion regarding the relevancy ofthe motion because the draft ordinance includes this change. Therefore, Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner THOMPSON seconded to rescind the motion. The motion passed unanimously. . There was discussion regarding possibly changing "adjacent property owners" to "property owners within 100 feet." Sec. 26-115 - Variance/waivers/temporarv permits/interpretations (pages 21-23) . In items 3.b. and 3.c. the word "variation" should be changed to "variance." . There was a consensus of the Commission to agree with the criteria involved in considering variance requests. Sec. 26-107 - Expiration of development approval; reapplications (page 5) . Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about the sunset law as it relates to this section. . In response to a question from Alan White regarding approved applications which have not proceeded to development after several years, Jerry Dahl expressed his opinion that the applicant would have one year from the date of the adoption of the ordinance to proceed with development or re-apply. This issue is also addressed in Section 26-1003, page 255. . There was consensus to leave this section as it is presently worded. Sec. 26-112 - Private rezoning (page 14) . The words "approve with conditions" should be removed from paragraph E. . The words "approve with modifications" should be removed from paragraph F. Sec. 26-613 - Home Occupations (page 184) . There was a consensus of the Commission that a recommendation be made that no more than one outside employee shall be allowed in a home business. . Commissioner SNOW requested that small day care centers be removed. . On page 185, item no. 10, the last sentence should be changed to read "All tools, equipment and materials shall be totally enclosed within this vehicle or within enclosures attached to the vehicle." . On page 43, under Home Occupation, the sentence which reads "Nonresident employees are not allowed" should be deleted. Further, the reference should be changed to Section 26-613 instead of26-612. Planning Commission December 7, 2000 Page 3 Section 26-628 - Vehicle. farm implement. boat and trailer sales and rental (page 204) . No changes were recommended to this section. Section 26-603 - Fences. walls and obstructions to view (page 175) . Item B. Sight distance triangle requirement - No changes were recommended to this section. Section 26-615 - Commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) facilities (page 187) . No changes were recommended for this section. Section 26-711 - Billboards: specifications and regulations (Page 224) . There was a question as to whether the wording, "On or after January 1, 1996, billboards are prohibited in the B-I district" should remain. Jerry Dahl will review this matter. Sec. 26-1003 Application to developments in process (page 255) . There was a consensus to remove "rezoning approvals" in the third line of item B. Section 26-501 - Off-street parking requirements (llage 159) . Item G. Parking for the Principal Purpose of Sale Prohibited on page 159 is duplicated on page 197. There was a consensus to remove Item G on page 159 in its entirety. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:17 p.m. f'r)au'cv\ Me} AJJf.~ MARIAN McNAME , Chair ~~ Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission December 7, 2000 Page 4