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Minutes of Meeting
December 18, 2003
The regular meeting ofthe Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair
McNAMEE at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
John McMillin
Marian McNamee
Phil Plummer (arrived at 7:04 p.m.)
Paula Weisz
Scott Wesley
Kevin Witt
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Community Development Director
Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant
Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of December 18,
2003. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community
Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner WEISZ and seconded by Commissioner WITT to
approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
5. APPROVE MINUTES - December 4, 2003
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and secouded by Commissioner WESLEY to
approve the minutes of December 4, 2003 as presented. The motion passed with
Commissioners WEISZ and WITT abstaining.
There were none present to address the Commission.
A. Case No. ZOA-03-19: An ordinance amending Section 26-621 ofthe Wheat Ridge
Code of Laws pertaining to parking in residential areas.
The case was presented by Alan White. He advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to
hear the case and reviewed the staff report.
Planning Commission
December 18, 2003
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Commissioner McMILLIN suggested that language be added to clarify that if an RV is parked
on the side, but a portion of it extends into the front yard, it would be counted as an R V parked
in the front yard.
Commissioner McMILLIN referred to the 6-foot height limitation, and suggested that specific
language be added regarding boat trailers because, while a boat trailer would not exceed the 6-
foot limitation, adding a boat would most likely exceed that 6-foot limit. Alan White
commented that this would come under the exempt status.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Alan White estimated that variance
fees would fall between $200 and $500. Commissioner McMILLIN then suggested that
variance fees be forgiven for a certain period of time to allow citizens to apply for a variance
without charge.
Commissioner WESLEY asked if there are height limitations for boats. Alan White explained
that height limitations presently apply only to structures.
Chair McNAMEE invited public comment at this time.
Don MacDougall
9815 W. 37th Ave.
Mr. MacDougall was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He did not feel lot sizes had been
adequately taken into consideration in this ordinance. He has lived in his present location for
35 years and has never received a complaint about his horse trailers and stated he was in favor
of a grandfather clause.
Victor Olson
2620 Upham St.
Mr. Olson was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He questioned the objective behind the
regulations. Alan White responded that it was developed to help clean up the appearance of the
City. Mr. Olson questioned where such regulations had been effective and what ordinance the
regulations were modeled after. He objected to the whole concept of regulating RV's.
Tom Gillen
3250 Nelson St.
Mr. Gillen was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He thought the ordinance was a good
compromise. He thanked Alan White and staff for their work on the issue.
Roger Davidson
4590 Vance St.
Mr. Davidson was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He stated he thought the City was shooting
itself in the foot by making these rules. He asked about non-operative vehicles and was told
they are handled under the nuisance code. He asked about vehicles parked partially in the front
Planning Commission
December 18, 2003
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Denver Johnson
2948 Vivian St.
Mr. Johnson was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He commented that the rules were being
established for aesthetic reasons. He has a utility trailer and an RV. He explained that his
house sits on an angle on a comer lot and asked how the rules of front yard and side yard would
apply in his situation.
Jim Opp
3232 Vivian Dr.
Mr. Opp was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He explained his situation. His lot backs up to
Lena Gulch and he can't access his back yard from the rear. He can't access his back yard
from the side and he can't park on the side because the houses are too close together, so he
must park his RV and trailer in the front yard. He suggested a holiday period for enforcing the
regulations so that residents could apply for variances.
Polly Pinkston
10630 W. 46th Ave.
Ms. Pinkston was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She asked if the regulations applied to her
property zoned A-2. Alan White replied that the regulations only apply to residentially zoned
property and that they would not apply to her. She thanked staff for their work.
Kevin Craig
10615 W. 46th Ave.
Mr. Craig was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He questioned if there would be a height
problem with trailers and whether the 6-foot exemption applied with or without contents loaded
on it. Alan White responded that it would depend - empty and less than 6 feet it would be
exempt; loaded and over 6 feet it would not be exempt; loaded and under 6 feet it would be
exempt. Mr. Craig supported the holiday period to apply for variances.
Vanessa Moreno
6671 W. 26th Ave.
Ms. Moreno was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She commented about the proposed setbacks.
In her case, the increased setback would actually make her trailer more visible.
Commissioner WESLEY commented that the sign of a good govemment is one that changes
laws according to times. Because there seems to be a lot of confusion about this ordinance and
because there seems to be no precipitating action to warrant the ordinance, he believed there
should be more information in order to make a fully informed decision.
Commissioner McNAMEE stated she was strongly opposed to having horse trailers included in
this ordinance. One of the nice things about the city is the number oflarge lots and horse
properties. She also commented that she had never seen a problem with RV's in the city. She
believed that setback issues need to be examined more closely.
Commissioner WEISZ commented that she believed the ordinance presented a good
compromise from the more restrictive ordinance. She agreed that a further compromise would
be a holiday of nine months from fees for variance applications.
Planning Commission
December 18, 2003
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Commissioner PLUMMER agreed that horse trailers should be eliminated from the ordinance
and suggested that a waiver of variance fees be allowed for a period of up to two years. He
further commented that the Commission should act upon the ordinance at this time.
Commissioner McMILLIN disagreed that the Commission should act upon the ordinance at
this time because there is not a full Commission and he didn't believe there was any pressure
from City Council to take immediate action on this matter. He suggested continuing discussion
of the ordinance until January. He also believed that it will take a complicated ordinance to
address everyone's issues. He further agreed with a fee holiday. He suggested that the
Commission meet with the Board of Adjustment to discuss variances for RV's. He commented
that he felt a grandfather clause would be feasible and disagreed with the 15- foot rear yard
setback requirement.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ to
recommend approval of an ordinance amending Section 26-621 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws pertaining to parking in residential areas with an amendment to allow a waiver
of variance fees for a period of two years after the ordinance is adopted and that horse
trailers be eliminated.
Commissioner McMILLIN offered the following friendly amendments: Reduce the rear
yard setback from fifteen feet to five feet. If the RV or loaded vehicle is less than six feet
in height, it can be parked next to the rear property line. If any portion of an RVextends
beyond the front structure of the house, it would be counted as a "front-yard" RV. To
determine whether a trailer is exempt or non-exempt, it must be loaded with its intended
cargo of boats, snowmobiles or motorcycles.
The amendments were accepted by Commissioners PLUMMER and WEISZ. The motion
passed 5-1 with Commissioner WESLEY voting no.
. Commissioner McMILLIN asked about the status of an earlier request for staff to
investigate a lighting code based on objective measurements. Alan replied that this request
was taken to Council and they also requested staff to pursue the matter. Commissioners
PLUMMER and McMILLIN volunteered to prepare a report based on their research
. Alan White advised the Commission that the next Planning Commission meeting falls on
January 1,2004 (New Year's Day). It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and
seconded by Commissioner WEISZ that the January 1,2004 Planning Commission
meeting be canceled. The motion passed unanimously.
There were no commission reports.
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Planning Commission
December 18, 2003
There were no committee and department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to
adjourn the meeting at 9:08p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
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Marian McNamee, Chair
Planning Commission
December 18, 2003
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(December 18, 2003)
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