HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPP-10-24 6175 W. 38th Ave.I* , , 4'
City of
Wheat Ridge Community Development Department
Meeting Date:
Attending Staff:
Site Location:
Existing Zoning:
Existing Comprehensive Plan:
February 11, 2010
Julie Grenfell, Applicant
Patrick Pacheco, Applicant
Cindy Speer, Property Owner
Meredith Reckert - Senior Planner
Adam Tietz — Planner
6175 West 38`h Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
R -C, Restricted Commercial
Main Street Corridor
Existing Site Conditions:
The property is zoned R -C and fronts W. 38`h Avenue. The building on the property is currently
vacant. The properties on with side to both the east and west are also zoned R -C and are used as
offices. The property to the north is zoned R-3 and has multi -family housing units on it. The
property directly to the south is the also zoned R-3. Just to the southwest of the property are the
Highlands West and Highlands South retirement facilities.
The lot area is 15,058 square feet. The site contains a one-story building, approximately 1,550
square feet, originally constructed as a home and was eventually converted to a commercial
building. It has served as an office for several different companies in more recent years. The site
currently is fully developed with parking in the front. The rear also is paved and has served as a
parking area. The rear parking area is accessed by a drive isle on the east side of the structure and
is exited by a drive isle on the west side of the structure.
Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal:
The applicant is proposing to re -use the existing building with a daycare facility. A few site
modifications are also proposed, including converting the parking area in the rear into a
playground. The parking in front of the building would be primarily utilized by parents/customers
Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal?
Yes, a neighborhood meeting will be required required.
Planning comments:
The site is in the Restricted Commercial (R -C) zone district, which was established to provide for
a reasonably compatible transition between residential and more intensive commercial land uses. It
provides for residential scale, neighborhood -oriented professional offices and services which, by
their nature and through design limitation, will promote neighborhood stability and protect
neighborhood values and character.
The R -C zone district does not allow for daycares as a permitted use, and thus the property will
need to be rezoned. The new zoning would be a Planned Commercial District (PCD), which
requires the applicant to complete the Outline Development Plan and Final Development Plan
processes (see more info below).
Rezoning will require approval by both Planning Commission and City Council. The criteria
utilized to evaluate the rezoning are:
1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of
Wheat Ridge is in error; or
2. A change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone
changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence
supports the finding of at least four (4) of the following:
a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with
the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related
policies or plans for the area;
b. The proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be
minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived;
c. There will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community
derived by the change of zone;
The planned development process is comprised of two steps. The first step is the zone change and
Outline Development Plan (ODP) approval. The ODP document is reviewed as part of the zone
change to planned development and establishes permitted uses and development standards such as
maximum building height, maximum building coverage, setbacks from perimeter property lines
and minimum landscaped coverage. A "to scale" sketch plan is required showing general use
areas and conditions on adjacent properties. Additional graphical information including aerial
perspectives must be submitted as part of the ODP to illustrate proposed architectural design,
structure massing, building height and general character of the development
The Final Development Plan (FDP) addresses the more detailed elements of the site plan such as
specific building placement, landscaping, and architectural elevations. A subdivision plat usually
accompanies the FDP, as do civil design documents. The Outline Development Plan and Final
Development Plan cannot be processed concurrently.
Outline Development Plan
After the pre -application meeting, but prior to application, the applicant will need to hold an
informal neighborhood meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for
citizens to become aware of the proposed development in their neighborhood, and to allow the
developer to respond to citizen concerns regarding the proposed project. All residents and property
owners within 600 feet will need to be notified of the meeting. It will be the responsibility of the
applicant to coordinate with staff and to notify area residents of the date, time, and location of the
meeting. Staff provides the notification list. There is a $100 fee for the neighborhood meeting.
A staff planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations, and the process
involved; however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project.
Once the neighborhood meeting is held, a formal application may be submitted. A meeting must
be set up with a planner to submit the application. A case manager will review the submittal
application for content. If all submittal requirements have been met, the proposal will be referred
to outside service agencies (Xcel Energy, water district, fire district, etc.) and other City agencies
(Public Works, Economic Development, etc.) for their review and comment, generally for a period
of 15 days. After all comments have been received, the case manager will forward those to the
applicant. Modifications to the Outline Development Plan document may be required as a result of
these comments.
Once all comments and requirements have been met, the zone change application can be scheduled
for public hearing in front of Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is a body of
appointed Wheat Ridge citizens that reviews various land use proposals and makes a
recommendation to City Council. Publication in the Wheat Ridge Transcript, notice to adjacent
landowners within 300', and posting of the property with signs are required prior to the Planning
Commission hearing. The City will coordinate the publication, will mail the notices of the
hearing, and will provide the applicant with the posting signs. The notifications and postings must
occur at least 15 days prior to the public hearing.
The case manager will prepare a staff report which will be presented at the Planning Commission
public hearing. There is a specific set of criteria used to evaluate a requested zone change (Section
26-112.D. of the zoning and development code). A recommendation to Planning Commission will
be made in the staff report based on these criteria. At the hearing, after the staff report is given,
the applicant and members of the audience will be given a chance to give testimony regarding the
application. Generally, a decision for recommendation will be made that same night. Sometimes a
case will be continued to another hearing date for further study and input.
Regardless of the Planning Commission recommendation, the case is automatically scheduled for
public hearing in front of City Council.
The zone change must be approved by ordinance by the City Council which requires two readings.
The first reading of the ordinance is not a public hearing and no testimony is given regarding the
case. The first reading date is solely for the purpose of publicly setting the public hearing date.
The second reading of the ordinance is a public hearing. The same requirements for adjacent
landowner notification and posting will be followed as for the Planning Commission public
hearing. A staff report with recommendations will be presented at the public hearing. However,
the ordinance approving the zone change does not go into effect until 15 days following the final
publication of the ordinance.
Final Development Plan
After the zone change and accompanying Outline Development Plan (ODP) documents are
approved, a Final Development Plan (FDP) approval is required. The property cannot be utilized
until a Final Development Plan has been processed and approved; although site clearing, grading
and excavation or placement of fill can begin with appropriate city approvals.
When the application is submitted, a staff planner will be assigned to handle the case. This person
is the project manager for the case and will be the contact at the City throughout the entire final
development plan process.
The case manager will review the submittal application for content. If all submittal requirements
have been met, the proposal will be referred to outside service agencies (Xcel Energy, water
district, fire district, etc.) and other City agencies (Public Works, Economic Development) for their
review and comment, generally for a period of 15 days. After all comments have been received,
the case manager will forward those to the applicant. Modifications to the Final Development Plan
and plat documents and supporting technical documents may be required as a result of these
comments. There may be more than one review required before the documents are ready for
administrative approval.
Once all comments and requirements have been met, the Final Development Plan application can
be approved if it meets the following criteria:
1. The proposed FDP conforms to the approved Outline Development Plan (ODP) as
approved by City Council.
2. The proposed FDP is consistent with the permitted uses on the approved ODP.
3. The proposed FDP meets the requirements for an FDP.
4. The proposed FDP complies with the standards and regulations of Chapter 26 and the
Architectural and Site Design Manual.
The community development director can approve, deny or approve the FDP with conditions. If
the FDP is approved, a blackline, photographic mylar of the FDP with original signatures must be
provided to the City for recording with the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder's office within 60
If the FDP is denied or if the applicant objects to conditions of approval imposed, the applicant can
appeal the decision to City Council within 30 days. After a written appeal is submitted to the
office of the City Clerk, the case will be scheduled for public hearing in front of City Council.
Publication in the Wheat Ridge Transcript, notice to adjacent landowners within 300', and posting
of the property with signs are required prior to the City Council hearing. The City will coordinate
the publication, will mail the notices of the hearing, and will provide the applicant with the posting
signs. The notifications and postings must occur at least 15 days prior to the public hearing.
The case manager will prepare a staff report which will be presented at the City Council public
hearing and will include a recommendation. At the hearing, after the staff report is given, the
applicant and members of the audience will be given a chance to give testimony regarding the
application. Generally, a decision for recommendation will be made that same night. Sometimes a
case will be continued to another hearing date for further study and input.
Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM)
Since no expansion to the existing building is proposed, the requirements within the ASDM should
not apply.
Building Division comments:
The Building Division was not present at the meeting. The Chief Building Official, John
Schumacher, submitted written comments and the applicant should contact him directly to discuss
building code requirements, including the possibility that sprinklers may be required.
Public Works comments:
No drainage report is required.
Attachments: Pre -application transmittal sheet; ODP Handout and Checklist; Example ODP and
Phone Numbers
Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848
Adam Tietz — Planner 303-235-2845
Sarah Showalter — Planner II 303-235-2849
John Schumacher — Chief Building Inspector 303-235-2853
Mark Westberg — Projects Engineer 303-235-2863
PreappNo: JAPP 1024 PreappDate; 1 5113j2010
AppiicantName; IJulie Grenfell
ProjectStreetNo; 16175 W. 38th Ave.
PreappFeePd PreappFee; �— $0
F NbadmeetingFeePd NbadmeetingFee; $0
Notes; Ifee waived
Case #; I Permit #;
Record: 14 14 IF -371 ► 1 ►i ► * of 371
Proposal for rezoning 6175 W. 38th Ave.
We are proposing to the city of Wheatridge to change the zoning of the
property at 6175 W. 38th avenue to allow for a child care center. Current
commercial zoning at said property is restricted and does not allow for a child
care center. Changing the zoning would have no adverse affects on the
neighborhood and greatly benefit the community.
Upon surveying the surrounding area we found only one part time preschool
associated with Martenson Elementary. This preschool is only open half days four
days a week and closed in the summer. This part time preschool cannot possibly
serve the needs of working parents.
With the new development on 38"' Ave., a full time child care with preschool
would add appeal to new businesses opening in the area. A child care center
would also bring consumers into the area. Owners and employees could have
their children close allowing for easy and convenient drop off and pick up. This
close proximity would also allow parents to have lunches with their children. We
will also support local businesses by offering child care discounts.
The property we are seeking to rezone is in a perfect spot for a child care
center. The building sets back off the main street 38th which allows clients easy
access to the center without adding traffic to the neighborhood to the North.
Changes to the exterior of the building and property will be minimal and add
curb appeal to the neighborhood. Changes will include a fenced playground,
updated landscaping, new roofing, and paint. All changes will increase the overall
attractiveness of the business.
,,Vle appreciate your time and consideration for this project and hope to bring
�.;ieatridge a thriving new business.
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