HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPP-10-22 11801 W. 44th Ave.City of W heat -�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' Meeting Date: Attending Applicant(s): PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY May 6, 2010 Heine Silz, Thea Silz, and Shelia Monroe Heine's Market 11801 W 44`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner Sarah Showalter — Planner II Adam Tietz — Planner Mark Westberg — Projects Engineer Address/Specific Site Location: 11801 W 44`' Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Existing Zoning: Comp Plan Designation: C-1 (Commercial One) Mixed -Use Commercial Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant owns an existing business, Heine's Market, on West 44`h Avenue, at the northwest corner of 44`h and Tabor Street. The site is being impacted by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) I-70 ramp relocation project, which is widening right-of-way (ROW) along 44`h Avenue. The applicant has a few proposals to adapt the property to the chanes caused by the ramp relocation project. First, to replace the previous freestanding sign along 44` Ave that was removed by CDOT, the applicant would like to place new wall signs on the building. Second, to make up for lost parking spaces along the south side of the property, the applicant would like to move the curb along the surface parking area on the east side of the property. The curb adjustment would create an extra 2 feet of space to the east, enabling longer parking stalls. The cur surrounds an existing 10' wide planting island with mature oak trees in it. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting will not be required. Existing Conditions: The property is zoned Commercial One (C-1), a commercial district established to provide for areas with a wide range of commercial land uses which include office, general business, and retail sales and service establishments. The site is located on the northwest corner of W 44`" Ave and Tabor Street. To the west of the property, CDOT is reconstructing on-off ramps for I-70. CDOT is currently constructing the project, which includes widening and improvements for W 44`" Avenue. Directly to the west of the property is a CDOT-owned right-of-way parcel that will contain a drainage pond for the new I-70 ramps. Directly north of the site is a residence zoned A-1. To the east, on the other side of Tabor Street, there is a mix of residential and agricultural zoning. To the south, on the southern side of W 44`" Avenue, there are commercial land uses with commercial zoning. The site contains a commercial structure, used as a garden and plant store, constructed in 1991. The parcel has an area of approximately 31,102 SF, which reflects the reduced size after the widening of 44'h Avenue. There are paved parking areas to the east and south of the structure. The parking area to the south was significantly decreased with the widening of 44`" Avenue and is no longer large enough to accommodate parking spaces. The east parking area will remain after the reconstruction project is complete. It has a landscape buffer, approximately 10' wide, on the eastern perimeter of the parking area. This landscape buffer contains 3 mature oak trees. The applicant also owns two lots immediately north of the site, under the address 4501 Tabor Street, which have a total land area of 37,267 SF. These lots contain greenhouses, planting beds, parking areas, and storage area associated with the retail store located at 11801 W 44`" Ave. Planning comments: Si na e The applicant stated that, rather than replacing the freestanding sign on 44`" Avenue with another freestanding sign, he would prefer to construct wall signs attached to the main building. This is partially due to the cost of engineering the foundation for a freestanding sign, as well as issues related to underground utilities that can be avoided with wall signs. Per the C -I zoning on the site, a wall sign would be allowed per each street frontage of the building. This would include one sign facing Tabor Street (to the east), one sign facing W 44`" Ave (to the south), and one sign facing the ROW immediately west of the property. The maximum size allowed for each wall sign is 1 SF of area for each linear foot of frontage for the wall that the sign will be mounted on. For example, the east side of the structure facing Tabor Street appears to be approximately 100 long. Thus a sign of 100 SF would be allowed for this side of the building. The wall signs may be mounted on the mansard roof, but not above it. A permit will be required for the new wall signs. In order to apply for this permit, the applicant should come to the Building Division desk at City Hall and fill out a sign permit application. The application will require to -scale drawings of the proposed signs, including elevations showing their size and dimensions and proposed text/graphics. The sign permit application will also require drawings showing how the signs are to be mounted to the building. For more information or questions, please contact the Chief Building Official, John Schumacher, whose phone number may be found at the end of these notes. Until the wall signs are approved through the sign permit process, the applicant may place temporary banners on the building. Banners may not be mounted on a fence and are allowed to be half the size of wall signs (1/2 SF for each 1 foot of linear building frontage). Directional signs, no more than 4 square feet per sign, may be placed on the fence during construction to direct customers to the entrance for the business. 4 rr Parking Area There is approximately 56 feet of clear space between the east face of the main building and the existing parking lot curb near the eastern edge of the property. This is enough space to fit one row of parking stalls 18' deep adjacent to the structure, a 22' wide drive aisle, and a row of 16' deep parking stalls at the east of the property. The zoning standards would allow a 16' deep parking stall with 2' overhang for the front of the car, over the curb, totaling 18' in depth. City staff would recommend this layout since it will preserve the required 10' wide landscape buffer along Tabor Street and ensure that none of the existing oak trees along Tabor Street are damaged from reconstructing the curb. The property is already nonconforming in terms of landscaped area since the zoning code at the time the site plan was approved required that 10% of the lot area be covered with landscaping for all commercial properties. There is also an approved site plan for the site, approved in 1991 per case number WZ-90-8, which shows the 10' landscaped buffer along Tabor Street. Moving the curb as proposed and subsequently reducing the landscaped area on the property will not be allowed unless the owner obtains an approved variance from the landscape requirements in Section 26-502 of the Wheat Ridge Zoning Code. The variance process is outlined below and in the attached process guide. Please note that staff would not support the variance application since the property is already below the minimum landscape requirements and because there are viable alternatives to meeting the site's parking needs. Photos of the property and aerial photography from 2008 show the storage of materials in parking spaces along the east side of the property, just north of the curb cut/access point into the main parking lot. Per the approved site plan for the north side of the property, approved in 1993 per case number WZ-93-9, this area is not designated for outdoor storage or display and the applicant should remove the items currently being stored in this location. Staff recommends moving these items to the southwest corner of the property, on the south side of the store, where there is no longer room for parking due to the widening of 44`h Avenue. Once these items are relocated, the parking spaces currently being covered by the stored materials will be available for use by customers. Finally, staff would also recommend the potential addition of parking spaces just south of the main building, aligned along the existing parking lot drive aisle. Since there is more room here, a full 24' drive lane and 18' long spaces could fit. Please see the enclosed illustration that shows these potential changes. In order to determine information about the likely location of the oak trees' existing roots below ground, it would be helpful for the applicant to contact Margaret Paget in the City's Department of Parks and Recreation. Her phone number is 303-205-7554. Please note that per the request of the applicant, a code enforcement office inspected the sight triangle obstructions at the property to the north (4433 Tabor Street) and sent a notice to the owner to remove the non-compliant obstructions to view. Variance Process The proposal to relocate the curb on the east side of the parking lot would reduce the existing landscaping on the site, which is already below the required 20% landscaping for commercial properties. The applicant would need to calculate the total landscaped area per the proposed changes. If it is a variance of 50% or more from the required 20%, the variance would be non -administrative. If it is less than 50%, the variance could be processed administratively. Please see the attached process guide and variance criteria for more information on the variance process. The basics steps in the process are: 3 I (1) Submit completed variance application and fee ($200 for administrative and $300 for non- administrative) (2) Staff reviews application and may put it on referral to other departments. After any comments are addressed by the applicant, the application is scheduled for review. The review process will vary depending on an administrative or non -administrative variance. All variances over 50% must go to the Board of Adjustments (BOA) for approval. Public Works comments: No comments at this time. Building comments: Building Division was not present at the meeting. Please contact John Schumacher in the Building Division if more information about what is required for the sign permit application drawings is desired. Architectural and Site Design Manual comments: The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply since no new construction is proposed. Attachments: Pre -Application Transmittal Sheet; FDP Amendment Checklist Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Sarah Showalter — Planner II 303-235-2849 Adam Tietz — Planner 303-235-2845 Mark Westberg — Special Projects Engineer 303-235-2863 John Schumacher — Chief Building Official 303-235-2853 4 .� City Of Wheat jdge COMMUNCIY DEVELOI'MENI City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'h Ave. April 22, 2010 Heinz Silz Heinie's market 11801 W. 44`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Silz Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your property located at 11801 W 44`h Avenue. Your property has been recently impacted by the Colorado Department of Transportation highway ramp relocation project. You recently came into the Community Development offices to discuss issues relating to these impacts and inquired what options were available to you. Issues you are concerned about include the removal of an existing freestanding sign and loss of the curb cut and front parking area adjacent to W. 44`h Avenue in front of your store. With regard to the sign, a sign permit for re -erection of the sign will be required. The allowed freestanding signage for the property is based on the footprint size of the structure. Given a footprint of 10,800 square feet, you would be allowed 112 square feet of freestanding signage on each of the Tabor Street and West 44`h Avenue frontages. It would appear that the original sign which was erected in 1991 was 112 square feet in size, was doubled -faced and was 16.5' in height. Minimum setback was 10' from the then existing right-of-way line for W. 44`h Avenue. In 2001, the sign code was amended and freestanding signs over 15' in height must now have a 30' setback. Signs over 7' in height, but less than 15' in height must be setback 10' from the property line. You may want to consider lowering the height of the sign to 15' so only a 10' setback is required. If the sign is to be relocated to the corner of 44`h and Tabor, sight distance must be maintained at the intersection of these two streets. This sight distance is measured 55' in each direction from the intersection of the property lines (right-of-way lines) at the street intersection. If the sign is to be located within this sight distance area, a clearance area between 3' and 7' is required from the grade of the street to the bottom of the sign face so vehicles can see under the sign. A building permit is required in order for the sign to be put back up. One of the pieces of information required with the sign permit application is a foundation plan for the sign stamped by a licensed engineer. The plan will include an elevation detail which illustrates the depth of the footers and structural support given the sign's size and height. A site plan showing the location and detail of the sign is also required. When you visited the Community Development offices, you indicated that you wanted to restripe the parking lot on the east side of the building to accommodate the displaced parking in front. You have indicated that you would like to eliminate two feet of the existing landscaped buffer adjacent to Tabor Street in order to accommodate two rows of parking in this area. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us It is my recollection that during the property acquisition negotiations with CDOT, several different striping plans were prepared for your use. The plans were professionally prepared and maximized the area on both of your lots. According to our records, a total of thirty-four spaces are required. City staff would like to meet with you to discuss options for your property. I have reserved a pre - application meeting time for you on May 6, 2010, at 2 PM. There will be no fee for this meeting. You will be meeting with members of the Public Works Department and Community Development. It would be extremely helpful if you could drop off in advance any property surveys and parking configuration designs prepared by CDOT so that the best option can be considered. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner A4A14E[ BARE a p r o f e s s i o n a l c o r p o r a t i o n Peter J. Ewers, AIA, LEE DAP peter@ewers arch itecture. com CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 07/17;09 4:22 PM cdba LAKESIDE PARTNERS RECEIPT NO:CDA061759 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICATION F 200.00 ZONE AMOUNT PAYMENT RECEIVED 200.00 CK 1006 260.00 TOTAL--__---- NORTH I!A C.O,lN CR SCGTION LO -pRP`�S CAP IN R.AN6G POINT pOR- �.S MGIC ZONED At y' H 14j PE.NGE 1- s eW'H4'24"w z �NPA�FO b' H1411 fCRK-r. J 0 31 d9 -a I� pO O n W 7 0 N P1PF0 ,R6KATgN w YHaH 1t„�}0 W r{. �r b \ I Rc�eePp.,R P01NT'P �HNTe RP1.C.PTTow1 No. p51o1 �4-C 3� AI O -t nr 03 a ceJ'-K ". 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THE CgMMC2CIAL WILD IMG WILL HAVE 960* aWAMt !"ECT OM THE FIRST FLOOR 3600 L. #VIL rFLT PILI, BE USED FOR TALL STOWAGE. 1670 SQUARE FEET VILL BE USED FOR COOLERS AMO MONK AREA AMD THE RLTIAIMTWG s3lTC SOUARE FEET IS FOR RETAIL SALES ARCA. _ 1. 5VVAR[ PECIFYLOILLLL SIE UTID, WILL LIZED,IAS OFFICC SPACE AND THE RQIOf 4500 SQUARE rECT Or AIYIMC THE TQTALSPACE VILL BE USED CFOR STORAGE (7000 SOVARC FL.TI. J. As HOW DCVCLOPMOMTAPLW ISLA/ MCDIrHANDDICAPPED:9ARRING. OM THE SITE 4. THE LAVOSCAPIMG PROPOIED VILL INCLUDE 3S SIOM7Bs AVD/Oft TREES AMC 12 STREET TREES. THE LAxogCI oG SQUARE FOOTAGE TOTAL 4615. S. THE DESIGN OF THE HMA -SITE LI GHTTIMG WILL BE DCSTOWIM 30 AS TO WVOOVCC MO OFT^ -SITE OI.AKi. 6. THE COLOR OF THE WORTH AMD HEST SIDE WALLA ABI PLANNED IM EAST" TONp . 7. OUTSIDE STORAGE II INDICATED ON THX SITE PLAN A1W WTLL 00 IH.Y1 By SOLID IN TS FENCING. THE AREAS FOR OUTDOOR DISPLAY Lit ALSO I1DtCATU TSD OM TBITE PLAN. S. THE OUTDOOR DISPLAY AREA WILL BE ODMCRETE AND WILL HAVEA ISM FTFIT OVERHANG 1`0001RI 1 THE BUILDING. T B AA FROM THIN Ct E COHETV OUT TO TTR BEISWIT[OM AREA MILL 29 SLOPED Wl" ASPHALT• THE DETENT10" ANSA #LLL NOT EE:XCD 9 INCHES IM 90TH. 9. %,M CUTRAYCt WILL HAYS SIGMAGE 10 FELT FROM THE STMEET AMD VILL CowraMt TD CIT" HW WMXAT 2t ODE STAMDAROS. 10. THE IRRIGATION DITCH IMDI CATCD ON TME SOI7TH SIDE OF TME LIME HAS NEO, MMIgD iM THE PROCESS OF THE ATwL4T coNttT7uctlON BY THE CITY Or WHEAT RiDGC. It. THE USOF THC pROPERTf VILL BE CI EXCLUDING ANY TTPt OE AUTO ES %EPA 121C'LEAMING OR SCNVTCING. 113DNC[APMENT HILL OCCUR IM ONE aTAQL. a, THERE IS r0 Orric IALLT r.GTASLISKIM 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DESCRIBED TRACT. 3) tCARIMGS. AS SNOWM UBRS,=. ARE BASED DM TUE ASSUVPTIOR THAT TME BCAST y THE NE OF THE MONUMENTS MONUMENTS aSHHOVIN ON THE ATTACHND LAM. BCIAPa20. AS1'40'VSAtCD 4) Sia -INCH IRON PIM. WIT" CAP STAMPED LS ASS. RECOVEM AT POIrt SHOWN THUS I -q . SI ELEVATIONS ARC RASED ON CITY OF WMEAAT RID" MARK, ATTOP N EAST ONE-OVARt£R oRHER SECTION 5406.00 IKEr. 61 Sia -INCH S ]Rota PIM WITH CAP STAMPED 16837 ART AT POINT S"O" meal -1 Ip.L1AE L E E S I � � Q►IA.L -- --"-- -- ---- - ---- --------- J I PROPOSED PUBLIC DEDICATION 1,665 SQUARE rELT Al BU ILDIYG FOOTPRINT 9.600 SQUARE FAST 2 44 AE PARKING (3S) ANO stints m MMS 21,52'1 sok" !'R7 SIt I LAYOBCAPINo AND L NPAV" An" � taw" [�L TOTAL SITE AREA 40,424 sou"M rm I)06 I 4 T -i 3 u BLANE scALE.1"=300' VICINITY MAP PARKING RrWIRENENT CIMAT RETAIL I I; ra SPACES .nlp I. 1170 It 1S -SPACES J0 600 Z I ) SPACES X i FAST '(a CORNER SECTION PA .T ]Rp'tI I _-.` I p a I N R 40 x BS1 = .A I B F 1 POINT pL7Y.- 4� SC1Z do 35 SPACES AIIE PROvtvFD. PARKING RrWIRENENT CIMAT RETAIL 4320 ra SPACES STOV/,CE 1170 1S -SPACES OTF ICE 600 ) SPACES 64 SPACES 40 x BS1 = 34 SPACES. 35 SPACES AIIE PROvtvFD. PARED BY .EX1k6 SERVICE. INC DFirAIPTIDM, ; TRAT PORTION or Tw s{ t -'tA[f SGT to. LJRY' BUMDI VISION. A sowtvt*l I■ TAE orTtclAL Mecaros MNt _ _.. CaWNYTt rr ruT sDx_a AT ►AGR v. cin w am:Ir3BBBV I2Mr0SOM colMNrT. COLORADO. As rolseBs, rcc:r[rp:u rR I01rT7V>tOT SENO of- _ tglwu to, TWICE COUNTY.21'W. <WABQW ABBIwRTIH711 TTUIT TK �E L31R a TWHL 1fOiM:tRA1': @� Of Ow SJUr 10. TOWW"IP J SOUTH. "oft N WEST Of.TNt 6TH P.Y... pkias W.o'31'40'W., ALONG TSt _A�' Its"RCE TION LOT 10 A DISTANCE OF M.2S rQ'Y TO TR U7RTrSA@T l� OF "NAT "ACT Or X71[0 1»'F. T� l� 16C1r�TiOt MUMBES @70426" Or TWIN JB7rENJOW COW" RtPCOM�iOA[Q POINT BEING TR � Qi. OOIMTIMUi U6 YA'27'21'W. AIaYG TTA@ t", List Of S"b LA" 10 A Dt,pl' "M tf__ 6l .ss TTa't to TIR roW.TTRAst COW= or TCR EOVTU 11.00 Cell or THL 004M 132.00 rWr of SA[G LOT lot TTWres 5.00-14.24'7. LE400 CO VERTr TILS Of t1E ISA [It fOU'fM E 1.00 filQf A D160MICT Of 116.94 rOM TO A po IMT Gr Yrs -CLOT LPMt Of THE EXIST IOS.00 rfil Of IMS LAST ON, -.ALA OP Rl0 LOT 109, TMtYCE O-W+i!'s7K. AtbMG THIS rJ1@T LINE Hx "a SA10 ttlT LOS -00 f 2 A DISTAILS Or 100.6] ffET TO ► fTiilNT 0t TR "Vol" LTR Or TTIAt TRACT Or LAND DCMMtB= IM YID BBC®T1ON W)NOM 0706269@, TVNEE B.M'S7'OI�E. AI.OMG TIQ rOr'B. LIVE TA SAID TRACT A DIST&WX Of 194.7@ FLET, TUMM C'OWT�:IMI� Aklla IIIO IX LLSM.BM� OR 2- DYMT►ICE Of 19.67 FEET TO TOR T" _r2= 4L enirrt •R "Am= DNIFI8s6[IFI HEINZ N $.1: THf.A M SI(.I , IS74S HIONVAT 74, PORT MORCAY. COLORADO 60701 QUA&"= 4P acaagr 7Q11 THE PROPOSE _",* -STORY COMMERCIALBUILDING PILL "AVX Ar LrnRIOR ofBLOCK ow _BRIcl( 02 GIA" 061 "1006ti Drs ACBE EDTO ALONE' YPJST ♦AT% AVEMUCAVmMUANDTAND TA/WR SyMEr. THC"C MC LIL.ACYHEDGE to".LALDYG TCR VESTAPt,G EILL 61 DE OP THE DEYELOPNEMT WTLL BE PRESERVED To WITIGAT'E THIS IKPkCT OW ADJOIWIWO PROPERTY. UNITIED CONTROL WILL 00 MAIVTAT,EV By A CONT'NUIMO OWWERSHrP OWING THE DCVCI-PLA=NT PHASE NX1YZ Y. THG M. 5It.2 Mid" Curr1FIG& uw THE BF1.OV Ltwm Oewsms. Do NEWEST AGNCE THAT TME PROPYTT L2t MAA Rc1QINM PCC"". Et Li- e L Bf QEvB: olSD AS A PLANNED BCVELOPSMT 1N ACCORDAN"t WtT" THE USS. 2OISTRICTIO", AMD CONDITIONS COYTAtIltD"-tq >kts PLM, AND A MAY OTMCRMIISE BE 0L'QU IOiD BT LAW. K TIWT1n AOCOOEt3t THAT T1R APPROVAL aP gl�i01It2NO T'0 PLANNED DXvCLOP1m,T. AM APPROVAL Or THIN OUTLINE OLVLI.OPVIDMT PLAN 00" YOT CREATE A VY"BD fEOPt<tTT RIGHT. VETTED PROPERTY aIGNTL MAT ONLY Am ISE AND ACCB,E PURSUANT -TO "a PROVISIONS Of SECTION 26 or APPENDIX A Or THE CODE Or LAPS of THE CIT" Or WHEAT 0100E. THB SILS INZ Y. LZ r`/I:-1lrai. YOTART PUBLIC BUBSLw IBF.D ANDWOR= To BEFORE Y THIS DAY Of /�'C'� 11•Z� VITNLt6 YT HASID AMO OfTICIAL SCAL. ` -911 BT COW" ISSIOW EmIRES lil'_3'4� _• %A+•✓, .- z �I? 4 uAll" 9QYt1:8141I ZBTlr ICATIOC` eprr APPROVED THIS � DAY Or �+`^ ,- -• lOL. MY "a "HEAT Ri00i PE."I'INC. 1` MISBIOw. I PLANNING AMD DCVFI.OPH27R Di RECTOR "n QZNQIL Cffi1E1�I19Y APPROVED THIS -�f 4- DAT Of C� - 19 BT TME WHEAT RIDGE CIT" COUNCIL, - NAFDE ' ATTEST CETT cxm.;. QZM OAK UM U&MM& THIN boctocroT ACCO rot tilt:@ IN TM O � Of Tom CONT CI�19j IN BOOwr 7 C R AT GDd, CWWRADO, ON T1R _JY-, 00L10CUptll( Ae>s"ION CLIM67F 7Rr=dWW COUNTY CLERK AND RCCOODIS ,y 011 (�A k aid f2teD6etw OCKM r (>7$ f�lC1T10Y, I. BTtVw R. Lzsvn. DO MaRm cz"trT THAT SWIN @YBWrT .df BSI= 01rIC1AL BtvtT.DliliiRT. WAS ,BADB V41M Ml A7PtRT.Low MODPOMESILITT AMD cft=lpO OY "AL1 -111190. AM TO "0 Mal or TWT uoWLEOM. 101' "low ASID B@Llcr. IW AccoRDarL; VIM ALE, Amftl5X 0*4RAw STATOSs. CURRENT REVISED mrTl*M At A/R7(Om. F7 . 6BS7 !Sg, &CCCRDIMG TO COLORADO LAN, IOU MAST COERErct ANT LWAL ACTION 15"W" 5"W 'Pow AIT t7Brec? IN THIS W71VET EITWIN THBELSA TRS ATTt'9 TOU FIRST DISCOPRR SUC8 MrWT. ISM BO ttWpTT. MAT ART ACTION BASrJj VI'011 ANY DEBUT IN "NII OVRVCT BE co mcm wort "NAV Td TIARA FROM TUE DATE OF Tr cMiricAT'IOM SHOWN Room. CASE HISTORY wZ- Be -4 PAHr1JFCT NO S 179-1 - 2� Irf_S-b! o+ M , O� N ¢ O Op U W Q cn w w V Ca 3 0 c 0 I I C7 w Q Z �n Z o. N 4* (n lilguls moss L 1 W U Z w w Q M w 0 O0 ¢ wIr q j ¢ A � w I a ¢ U Ln Z .a w 3 cn a) O W W U U U ;S !� Mi PreappNo: JAPP1022 PreappDate; 151612010 ApplicantName: IHeinz Silz for Heinie's Project5treetNo: 111801 W. 44th Ave. F PreappFeePd PreappFee; $0 NbadmeetingDate; F NbadmeetingFeePd NbadmeetingFee:$0 Notes; Ifee waived Case #: I Permit #; ecord: It 370 ► ►1 ► of 370