HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2016I City of WheatRdge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA April 7, 2016 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on April 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. *Agenda packets and minutes are available online at http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/95/Planning-Commission 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—March 17, 2016 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS -1601: an application filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a subdivision plat to create 2lots for property located at 10801-10803 W. 44th Avenue. B. Case No. WZ-1602: an application filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -3 (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue. C. Case Nos. WZ-15-10 & WZ-15-11: an application filed by Stor-All Storage for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) and a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue. *Continuance from March 17, 2016 Meeting* 8. OTHER ITEMS 9. ADJOURNMENT Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Whew Ridge. Call Maureen Harper, Public Information Officer W 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. I City Of ]�9rWheatRoge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting March 17, 2016 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair BUCKNAM at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29a Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Alan Buckram Dirk Boden Emery Dorsey Donna Kimsey Janet Leo Scott Ohm Steve Timms Amanda Weaver Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner II Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 8-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — March 3, 2016 It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner OHM to approve the minutes of March 3, 2016, as written. Motion carried 6-0-2 with Commissioners TIMMS and WEAVER abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (TMs is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Planning Commission Minutes - 1 — March 17, 2016 No one wished to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-15-10 & WZ15-11: an application filed by Stor-All Storage for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) and a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue. Ms. Ritchie gave a short presentation regarding the rezoning, Specific Development Plan and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. The property is a vacant lot and has been since at least1985. The current zoning is Planned Commercial Development (PCD) with a variety of zone districts surrounding the property, including: Agricultural -Two (A-2), Residential Two (R-2) and Commercial -One (C-1). An excerpt from the Comprehensive plan identifies this property as a part of a neighborhood buffer zone. The ODP and SDP process is as follows: A neighborhood meeting was held on July 14, 2015 with 12 members of the public in attendance; the 1" request is for an ODP which is a zone change and the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to City Council; the 2°d request is for the SDP site plan and should conform to the ODP document; the 3`d request is for a subdivision plat which will be processed administratively. There are a number of challenges to the Mangone Office Park ODP that is currently approved for the site: it has great visibility from I-70, but poor access; higher intensity uses are allowed but not viable, development costs are expensive due to the irrigation ditch and it is an awkward site configuration to develop. The uses for the proposed ODP are limited to three: Mini -warehouse for inside storage, Warehouse/office and flex space and a Community Building. Architectural Standards will comply with the ASDM. The maximum building height is 50 -feet, although the applicant does not intend to go that high. The site design for the SDP is for a single structure with a 27,050 sq. ft. footprint and 104,000 sq. ft. total —four stories tall. Parking is to the north of the building and a detention area located to the north of the parking area. Access will be a primary point on the northern side off Youngfield Street, none off Xenon Street. The self -storage leasing office will be adjacent to the parking area with the upper floors elevator served. Public improvements will include and 6 -foot detached sidewalk with a 6 -foot amenity zone all along Youngfield Street. Landscaping will cover 44% of the lot with 15 trees and 356 shrubs which exceeds the requirement. Drainage for the site will include a detention pond on the north end of the site which is still being worked on by Public Works. The applicant is proposing to pipe and bury the existing irrigation ditch. There were no concerns from Agency referrals. Staff recommends approval for the zone change and the SDP with a couple of conditions. Planning Commission Minutes -2— March 2— March 17, 2016 Commissioner BODEN asked if there is an access easement for the adjacent property owners to park on, on the narrow strip of land on the east side by Xenon. Ms. Ritchie stated that none of the surveys have identified anything and there are still issues being worked on for the plat, but don't foresee an access easement being located there. Commissioner WEAVER asked for more information about the neighborhood meeting. Ms. Ritchie explained the neighborhood meeting was a very thoughtful discussion held on July 14, 2015 and the major concerns were related to the height of the building. Some concern was also related to traffic and possible circulating around the neighborhood if the entrance is missed. There were also concerns about fencing, lighting and security. Commissioner WEAVER asked if there were any lighting buffers in the plans. Ms. Ritchie stated the code is not specific about lighting, but it is not allowed to spill over into other properties. There is no lighting in the rear of the building, and most neighbors won't see light. Commissioner DORSEY asked where the entrance will be to the property and also asked about restriping of Youngfield and if there will be a turn lane added. Ms. Ritchie explained the entrance will be on the northwest side of the property off of Youngfield and she added Public works is looking into the final striping of Youngfield. Commissioner DORSEY also wanted to know what the dog legged piece of property near Xenon will be used for. Ms. Ritchie stated the utilities, except for water, will be accessed from that little piece of land. Commissioner KIMSEY wondered what the east elevation finishes are going to be. Ms. Ritchie stated the lower will be a split face CMU, in the middle will be an insulated metal panel with 3 different colors of architectural metal panels. Commissioner TIMMS wanted to know what other zone districts allow indoor storage facilities along with PID and where the closest industrial zoned districts are in relation to this property. Ms. Ritchie stated Commercial -2 and Industrial Employment also allow indoor storage facilities and most are north of I-70. Planning Commission Minutes -3— March 3— March 17, 2016 Ms. Reckert added the closest is the 44th Industrial Park to the west. Commissioner TIMMS asked if the residences to the east of the property are mostly one story homes, wanted to know what the rear setback for the PID zone district is and gave his concern for the architecture on the rear wall of the building being more of a warehouse than an office building with windows. He also wanted to know how many units will be inside the self -storage building. Ms. Ritchie said the homes are mostly one story and the setback is about 25 feet, but the site plan shows the building will back about 32.8 feet. The applicant will reply to the number of units. Commissioner LEO asked if this project is in conflict with the Urban Renewal Plan and also wanted to know if this property falls within a flood plain. Ms. Ritchie stated that Steve Art had been contacted and he said it is consistent with Urban Renewal and recommends approval in this location. Also, this property does not fall within a flood plain. Commissioner OHM commented that there are some nearby PIDs and with regards to rezoning the W 441i redevelopment plan is commercial and this property is not being rezoned commercial; also, the definition of neighborhood buffering as written in the Comprehensive plan does not include storage or industrial zoning. He also asked if the Comprehensive Plan needs to be amended. Ms. Ritchie and Ms. Reckert explained that with regard to the 441i redevelopment, this storage space is not the typical storage building/facility. The feel will be more like an office building with less traffic. This is a viable use for this property and looking at the zoning on the property over the last 30 years the question is asked, what would a good use for this property be; many businesses could have been put on this property and they weren't and typical retail uses wouldn't work on it. What constitutes a buffer can also be looked at in different ways and this building would provide the buffering needed especially with traffic increasing on I-70. It was also added the Comprehensive plan was amended in 2009 and will probably need to be looked at again as things change in the City. Commissioner OHM wanted to know if there are other I -E districts next to R-2 zone districts. Ms. Ritchie stated there may not be, there is more Industrial next to A-1, with some A- 2 adjacent to Industrial. Many of the A-2 are not used for agriculture, but have single family homes on them. Commissioner OHM was also concerned about the results if the rezone carries thru and for some reason the applicant pulls out. Planning Commission Minutes -4— March 4— March 17, 2016 Ms. Ritchie stated there are only 3 possible uses in the ODP and an SDP would have to be approved. Commissioner OHM had concerns with the lighting and pointed out, albeit little, there is some lighting spilling out onto 4385 Xenon. Ms. Ritchie state that would be looked at and to remember there will be trees added in the landscaping plan. Commissioner OHM also wondered why the utilities weren't shown on the site plan, but appears on the Landscape plan as well as no wall signs in the plans Ms. Ritchie stated the utilities are left out for clarity on the plan, but can easily be added back in. The signage has to apply to code and that will be looked at later. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if the current zoning would have the same amount of development opportunities and allowed uses in the PID seem very narrow which might hinder future redevelopment. Ms. Reckert stated that per code there can't be a zone change to a straight commercial zone district. A C-2 zone district would allow outside storage and with the PID there is more control by the Staff to see what is being built, to look at the architecture and the parking. Staff may not have supported a commercial zone change. Tim Nelson, Galloway 6162 S. Willow Dr., Greenwood Village, CO Mr. Nelson started by clarifying a few of the questions the Commissioners asked. He stated that one reason why the site may not have been developed was the original plan development anticipated to do a looped water line from Youngfield through the property and back out Youngfield. Unfortunately, this water line was abandoned. The plan now is to bring the water line from 44u' and have it exit through the dog leg to Xenon Street. The plan is not to pave over the water line on the dog legged portion, but to landscape it and have other utilities in that area also. Galloway will also work with Valley Water to repair the abandoned water line to make the infrastructure stronger. There are some neighbors who want fences and we want to work with them, as long as we can keep the area behind the building from becoming a hiding spot for transients. The lighting will be looked at and corrected so there is no spillover. The left turn lane will is a CDOT access and will require a permit. The storage unit count is still to be determined. Commissioner OHM commented on the site triangle and wanted to make sure the clear zoned is definitely kept at 3 -feet. He also asked if there is the possibility of placing an evergreen tree on the adjacent property to help stop the spillover of light. Mr. Nelson thought the applicant would not object. Planning Commission Minutes - 5— March 17, 2016 Commissioner LEO asked what the average in and out traffic is at a facility like this, daily. Mr. Nelson replied 274/day with 16 in the a.m. peak hour and 18 in the p.m. peak hour. Commissioner TIMMS wanted to know the proposed hours for the facility. Mr. Nelson replied 24hrs/day and standard business hours for the store. Commissioner KIMSEY asked what the typical ceiling height of the storage units will be, due to the concern of the building height and wondered if they could be lowered. Mr. Nelson stated the building was designed to meet all the codes and 10 -feet for the ceiling height is the minimum. Commissioner DORSEY asked if the access to the building will be on the North side of the building, if an elevator will be used inside the building and how big trucks, loading or unloading personal items, will be able to turn around in the parking lot. Mr. Nelson stated the access will be on the northern end of the building which will be staffed during the day and the elevator will need a code to access upper floors. The regular sized moving trucks will be able to do a U-turn in the parking truck, but the large semi -trucks would need to back in to the parking lot. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked why four stories for the building instead of three stories. Mr. Nelson replied the lesser square footage leads to a concern for the return on investment, adding the project would not be economically viable if we lowered the building by one floor. Also, the site has challenges; it would be difficult if the building was spread out over the property due to the two ditches on the site. Commissioner BUCKNAM wanted to know why the three specific uses and not more open ended with commercial use in the proposed ODP. Mr. Nelson stated they were thinking Planned Commercial at the beginning, but then thought about the use of the building in 20+ years. Also, commercial uses require more parking and that would be difficult on this site. Cyndi Beckfeld 4365 Xenon Street, Wheat Ridge Ms. Beckfeld explained that what she heard today was different then what was mentioned at the Neighborhood meeting and she is very disappointed. She was not Planning Commission Minutes -6— March 6— March 17, 2016 aware of the 24-hour times and trucks coming in and out at all hours. She feels she has been taken advantage of and wants an 8 -foot fence on her back property line. Esther Kettering, Kushman Wakefield 1515 Arapahoe St., Denver Ms. Kettering is the broker representing the owner of the property, the Mangone Trust and she gave a brief marketing history of the property over the last 3 years. It was realized the property would need some type of entitlement for the property to be developed. There have been inquiries from the auto industry for sales, budget level motels, manufacture of sporting goods and an industrial cleaning service for uniforms; this would also be a 24-hour business. Ms. Kettering stated the zoning which has been proposed is very accommodating and flex office space encompasses a large variety of different businesses. The Mangone Trust feels the storage building is palatable for the location. Catherine Murphy 12700 W. 42nd Ave., Wheat Ridge Ms. Murphy is from adjacent neighborhood and does not want to see the same thing happen to this this neighborhood as did in hers with the Johnston Building on W 42nd Avenue. She stated she is concerned about the possible lighting spillover from the building and sign similar to her property. Ms. Murphy explained she also has concerns about the sign height and 24-hour access. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked the applicant if the signage concerns could be addressed. Mr. Nelson explained a signage plan has not been done yet, but the plan is for the sign to be on the building, and the signs will be located on the north and west sides of the building. Commissioner TIMMS asked about the signage height if close to a interstate. Ms. Ritchie stated the height of a sign can be 50 -feet if the building is within a'/4 mile of an interstate with deeper setbacks also the neighborhood is taken in to consideration. The building sign is related to the size of the building. There was some discussion about lighting and Mr. Nelson stated the lights will be full cut off lighting and the minimum safety requirements in a parking lot will be followed. Ms. Reckert reminded the Commission the will be flexibility with development standards. Commissioner OHM asked about fencing on the property and if there will be a gate at the front entrance. Planning Commission Minutes -7— March 7— March 17, 2016 Mr. Nelson stated the only proposed fencing is on the southern end to protect the ditch, which has water rights, from our multi -layer landscaping. If the city wants to put bollards on the dog leg portion of the property adjacent to Xenon St. we will look into it. Also, we will be willing to work with the neighbor who would like some fencing. Mr. Nelson added there will be no front gate, but there will be security cameras in the parking lot. Commissioner OHM asked if there will be noise to the neighborhood from the building. Mr. Nelson stated this is not a traditional storage facility. All the storage units will be inside so the neighbors will not hear the bay doors opening and closing. Commissioner DORSEY asked if the store will also be the leasing office and what the hours will be. Mr. Nelson replied the store/leasing office will have standard business hours. Commissioner BUCKNAM wanted assurance that the neighbors privacy will not be invaded with the building and parking lot having 24/7 security cameras in different locations. Mr. Nelson stated the neighbor's privacy will be honored and the security around the building will be done appropriately. Discussion between the commissioners continued with concerns about the property becoming Industrial on the south side of I-70, close to the neighborhood. Other discussions were about the buffer zone. It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner BODEN to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-15-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development to Planned Industrial Development with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44a' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is not consistent with the City's comprehensive plan and other guiding documents by introducing industrial into a non -industrial area; 2. It will have a significant adverse effect on properties in the neighborhood through incompatible performance standards and architecture associated with industrial uses. Motion Tied 4-4 with Commissioners KIMSEY, BUCKNAM approving and WEAVER, DORSEY, LEO and OHM denying. Therefore the motion failed to pass. Planning Commission Minutes -8— March 8— March 17, 2016 It was then moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-15-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development to Planned Industrial Development with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44a' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's comprehensive plan and other guiding documents; 2. The proposal meets the zone change criteria; 3. The proposed uses and ODP plan are all less intensive than what could be allowed on the property currently and will serve as a neighborhood buffer; 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. Motion tied 4-4 with Commissioners WEAVER and LEO approving and Commissioners BODEN, BUCKNAM, TIMMS and OHM denying. Therefore, the motion failed to pass. Ms. Reckert and Ms. Ritchie gave the Commission some options for coming to a decision one also being a motion for continuance. Commissioner DORSEY wanted to remind the Commission that we are looking at downsizing the zoning and there will be less impact to the property and neighbors. Ms. Reckert recommended taking a 10 minute recess. After the Planning Commission reconvened Commissioner BUCKNAM asked the applicant if they would be willing to consider a continuance until the April 7 meeting to develop more information to help the Commission make a decision. Ms. Ritchie also stated the staff could have more conversation with the neighbors as well. Mr. Nelson agreed to the continuance, but asked for questions and concerns from the commission to help them refine their ideas. It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner KIMSEY to continue Case Nos. WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 until April 7, 2016. Motion carried 8-0. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked for input from the Commissioners, to the applicant. Commissioner BODEN stated he understands the property is a buffer zone but want the height of the building to be taken into consideration with regards to the neighborhood. Planning Commission Minutes -9— March 9— March 17, 2016 Commissioner WEAVER concern is the connection with the neighborhood, the building should be a buffer and not a conversion. Commissioner DORSEY thinks the zone change is a good thing and agrees with the use for Industrial zoning. Commissioner TIMMS thinks it is too specific of a zone change and is too industrial. Commissioner LEO would like to see the uses in a buffer zone defined. Commissioner OHM said he is ok with the use, but zoning he is concerned with and the buffer usage. He asked what the proposed use and how it ties into neighborhood buffer description. Commissioner BUCKNAM echoed the concerns of Commissioners TIMMS and OHM and wants the staff and applicant to look at the future uses of this property is zoned to PID. He thinks it is a very limited usage and would like to see the use expanded. 8. OTHER ITEMS A. Election of Officers Chair Elect is Scott Ohm Vice Chair Elect is Amanda Weaver 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner WEAVER to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 p.m. Motion carried 8-0. Scott Ohm, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes March 17, 2016 - 10— ♦��4' City of �qWheat �idge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Lauren Mikulak DATE OF MEETING: April 7, 2016 CASE NO. & NAME: MS -16-01 / Fruitdale Plat ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a subdivision plat consolidating existing parcels into two lots LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10801-10803 W. 44th Avenue APPLICANT(S): Wheat Ridge Housing Authority PROPERTY OWNER(S): Wheat Ridge Housing Authority andJeffco Public Schools APPROXIMATE AREA: 171,205 Square Feet (3.93 Acres) PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Two (R-2), Residential -Three (R-3), Restricted Commercial (RC), and Commercial -One (C-1) PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant historic school building and Norma Anderson Preschool ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION LOCATION MAP Planning Commission Case No. AIS46-01 /Frimdate Plat Site All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a two -lot minor subdivision on property located 10801 and 10803 W. 44th Avenue. The purpose of the subdivision application is to clean up encumbrances on the property by consolidating the existing parcels to create two lots. The subdivision will help to enable future reuse of the Fruitdale School currently owned by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRHA). The plat is processed as a minor subdivision because it is currently comprised of 5 lots and parcels. In this case, Planning Commission has the final authority for approval. Part of the property is subject to a related application. Lot 2 of the proposed plat is the subject of a zone change request (Case No. WZ-16-02). While related, the zone change should not affect the decision of the Planning Commission as related to the subdivision application. The purpose of a subdivision plat is to identify property boundaries, access, rights-of-way, easements, and utility service to enable future development. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject property is located 10801 and 10803 W. 44u' Avenue. The site is 171,205 square feet (3.93 acres) in size and is comprised of several parcels, only a portion of which have been previously platted. WRHA owns the historic Fruitdale School located on the west side of the site. Jeffco Schools owns an L-shaped property to the north and east, including the Norma Anderson preschool Whibit 1, Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. To the east is a large gymnastics facility and to the north is the Fruitdale Patio Homes Subdivision including 14 duplexes. The uses along the 44th Avenue corridor to the south and west vary widely, with commercial businesses, multifamily residential properties, and a few single family homes. To the west of the site is a commercial property that was historically used for auto repair but is currently for sale. The Housing Authority purchased Fruitdale School in 2011, but the history of the site dates back to the 1800s. The property was deeded to the Jefferson County School District in 1883 and the first school was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroyed by fire in the 1920s, after which noted Denver architect and developer Temple Buell designed the existing red brick school building in 1927. Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s and the facility served as a public school until 2007. When Norma Anderson preschool opened on the east portion of the site in 2007, Fruitdale School was decommissioned. As of the writing of this staff report, WRHA and Jeffco Public Schools are in the process of executing a land swap. When the Housing Authority purchased Fruitdale, a portion of the preschool's playground remained on property owned by the Authority. A revocable exclusive license agreement has allowed the preschool to continue using the playground. A land swap between WRHA and the school district will return the playground to Jeffco Schools and will provide the Fruitdale property with additional land area to the north Planning Commission Case No. MS -16-01 I Fruitdale Plat The land swap itself is exempted from the subdivision regulations as a city -approved land trade, pursuant to Section 26-402.C.8. The plat is being used subsequent to the exchanging of deeds in order to deliver two clean and consolidated lots: Lot 1 to be owned by Jeffco Schools and Lot 2 to be owned by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority. The land swap enables future reuse of the Fruitdale School property by expanding the developable area and by removing the playground encumbrance. The purpose of the subdivision is to remove the encumbrance of interior lot lines. In November 2015, WRHA executed a purchase and sale agreement with Hartman Ely Investments (HEI), by which Lot 2 will be sold for redevelopment after platting is completed. Regardless of whether or not HEI is the ultimate buyer, WRHA considers the subdivision plat necessary for redevelopment and sale of the property in any capacity. III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT The purpose of the subdivision plat is twofold: to consolidate the parcels that comprise Lots 1 and 2 by removing interior lot lines and to establish two easements. Lot Configuration The site is rectangular in shape, and the proposed subdivision plat will result in two lots =it �. The plat is comprised of three sheets with the standard notes and declarations on the cover sheet. The second sheet shows the existing parcel lines relative to existing improvements. This sheet also shows all existing easements which will remain. Sheet 3 shows the proposed conditions. The interior lot line created by the land exchange is indicated by a solid line, and the old parcel lines to be removed by the plat are shown with dashed lines. With the consolidation of old parcel lines, Lot 1 will be 2.52 acres in size and will contain all improvements associated with the Norma Anderson Preschool. This includes the parking area, playground, and school building. Jeffco Schools has requested room for expansion to the west, and there is a 45' setback that will allow the addition of another classroom. Lot 2 will be 1.41 acres in size with a street frontage of 198 feet. The width of Lot 2 decreases to 147 feet in the middle and 110 feet for the northern third. The Housing Authority has been working with a developer partner to reuse the existing cottage and school building, and the proposed lot configuration will allow this and will provide sufficient room for parking adjacent to 44th Avenue. The zoning on the property is mixed and includes five designations: A-1, R-2, R-3, RC, and C-1. Typically, a subdivision is analyzed to confirm that proposed lots are compliant with underlying zoning in terms of size and width. Once consolidated, both lots are over an acre and at least 100 feet wide and would comply with the minimum standards among the five zone districts. hi this case, public schools are exempt from local zoning, so the size and width requirement is moot for Lot 1. If the MU -N zone change request is approved for Lot 2, there are no minimum size or width standards that would apply. Easements All existing utility easements are shown graphically on the plat. Only two new easements are proposed: a 10 -foot utility easement is located along the southern property line and a cross access easement is located at the northwest corner of the site. If in the future Fruitdale is redeveloped or if the Planning Commission 3 Case No. MS -16-01 /Pruitdale Plat preschool expands, the cross access easement may be improved to provide emergency and maintenance access off of W. 44th Place. Public Improvements No public improvements are required as a part of this subdivision application. Drainage No new development is proposed at this time, so no new drainage reports or easements are required as a part of this subdivision application. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the subdivision plat regarding the ability to serve the property. There are no outstanding issues or concerns; specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Public Works: The subdivision plat has been reviewed and approved. Arvada Fire District: Can serve. Fruitdale Sanitation District: Can serve. Xcel Energy: Can serve. Valley Water District: No response. Comcast Cable: No response. Century Link: No response. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that the proposed minor subdivision plat is compliant with the zoning and results in a logical lot layout for the existing conditions and any future development. Staff further concludes that the subdivision plat complies with the standards in Article IV (subdivision regulations) of the zoning and development code and that all utility agencies can serve the property. For these reasons, Staff recommends approval of the plat with the condition listed below. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. MS -16-01, a request for approval of atwo-lot minor subdivision plat on property located at 10801 and 10803 W. 44u' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 2. All requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The subdivision plat shall not be recorded until the land exchange between the applicants is finalized. Planning Commission Case No. MS -16-01 I Fruitdale Plat Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. MS -16-01, a request for approval of a two -lot minor subdivision plat on property located at 10801 and 10803 W. 44I' Avenue, for the following reasons: Planning Commission Case No. MS -16-01 /Pruitdale Plat EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL The subject property includes 10801 and 10803 W. 44v' Avenue and is highlighted in blue below scanning Commission Case ME 16 0111hudame Fa! EXHIBIT 2: SITE PHOTOS This image is taken from the middle of the site, looking north. The interior property line is indicated by the dashed white line. This image is taken from the northwest comer of Fruitdale School looking northeast. The preschool is visible in the background. Planning Commission Case No. A1F1601 /Fndtdale Plat EXHIBIT 3: OWNERSHIP MAP The image to the right shows the ownership prior to the land swap. The shaded yellow indicated the areas subject to the land swap. The image to the right shows the ownership atter me land swap. This is consistent with the lot lines shown in the subdivision plat This image does not show the inGrior parcels lines that traverse the property which the plat will remove P(annmg Commission Case we ME 16 01 /FYuddeme Fa! EXHIBIT 4: PROPOSED PLAT [Attached] Planning Commission 10 Case No. MS -16-01 /Pruitdale Plat Owners Certificate WE, JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT R1 AND WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY, BEING THE OWNER(S) OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 3.9303 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONSIDERING THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21 TO BEAR N00'18'33"W, A DISTANCE OF 2645.79 FEET BETWEEN A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C 1/4, 521, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/521, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO. COMMENCING AT THE NORM QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE S00'18'33"E ALONG THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, A DISTANCE OF 1600.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 15, FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES SUBDIVISION, DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 93180748, DATED NOVEMBER 3, 1993, RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N89'31'09"E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 15, A DISTANCE OF 296.44 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 2012090033, DATED AUGUST 24, 2012; THENCE S00'18'41"E, ALONG THE WEST UNE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND, A DISTANCE OF 129.23 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND; THENCE S89'46'58"E, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND, A DISTANCE OF 41.71 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 15 THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1. S00'18'41"E, A DISTANCE OF 261.58 FEET TO A POINT ON A TANGENT CURVE; 2. THENCE 23.45 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET, AN INCLUDED ANGLE OF 89'34'37" AND SUBTENDED BY A CHORD BEARING 545'05'59"E, A DISTANCE OF 21.13 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE; THENCE N89'53'18"W, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 451.98 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, R AND R AUTOBODY FILING NO. 1 - AMENDMENT NO. 1, AS DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 2007124328, DATED NOVEMBER 6, 2007; THENCE N00'18'41"W, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 262.43 FEET; THENCE N00'I8'34"W, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND, A DISTANCE OF 139.26 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 15; THENCE N89'31'09"E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 15, A DISTANCE OF 98.93 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 171,205 SQ.FT. OR 3.9303 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF FRUITDALE SCHOOL SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND 00 FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS ONES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. BY: BRUCE HUXLEY (PLANNING & PROPERTY DIRECTOR) JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS ___DAY OF A.D. 20_ BY______— WTNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC BY: JANICE THOMPSON WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS ___DAY OF A.D. 20_ BY_______. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CASE HISTORY MS -16-01 FRUITDALE SCHOOL SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 3 TOTAL AREA = 171,205 SQ FT, OR 3.9303 ACRES, MORE OR LESS Brass Armadillo a Antique Mall W interstate 70 Fronts a Rd N a W 47th Ave FrDIW,,,, I .v W 45th Ave Klphnq o Apar 3 's W 46C-1 Ave SITE ^ W 441h Ave MAP DATA 02015 GOOGLE Vicinity Map SCALE: 1" = 500' Planning Commission Certification RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS _ DAY OF BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON City Certification APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF __ BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS County Clerk and Recorders Certificate STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT ___OCLOCK_. M. ON THE ___ DAY OF A.O., IN BOOK__— PAGE___— RECEPTION NO._ JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: AREA TABLE NAME SQ. FT. ACRES PROPOSED LOT 1 108,497 2.4907 PROPOSED LOT 2 62,708 1.4396 SWAP AREA 1 15,370 0.3528 SWAP AREA 2 4,638 0.1065 ACCESS EASEMENT 3,740 0.0859 SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY 171,205 3.9303 Notes 1. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY COMMITMENT NUMBER ABB70425126-2, DATED NOVEMBER 18, 2014AT 5:00 P.M., AND COMMITMENT NUMBER ABB70476552, DATED NOVEMBER 30, 2015 AT 5:00 P.M., WAS ENTIRELY RELIED UPON FOR RECORDED INFORMATION REGARDING RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS SURVEY. THE PROPERTY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN SAID TITLE COMMITMENT. 2. ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 3. THIS SURVEY IS VAUD ONLY IF PRINT HAS SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF SURVEYOR. 4. BASIS OF BEARINGS: GPS DERIVED BEARINGS BASED ON A BEARING OF N018'33"W ALONG THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, BETWEEN A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C 1/4, 521, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX AT THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, 516/521, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION AS SHOWN HEREON. COLORADO STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, CENTRAL ZONE, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983 (NAD83). ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE THERETO. THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC-STD-007.2-1998) 5. VERTICAL DATUM IS BASED ON CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT PHAC 1, WITH A PUBLISHED ELEVATION OF 5471.62 FEET (NAVD88), BEING A STAINLESS STEEL ROD 12' LONG MATH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, STAMPED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT PHAC 1" LOCATED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF W 29TH AVE. AND WEBSTER ST. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS COLORADO STATE PLANE, CENTRAL ZONE 0502, NAD 83, NTH A COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.00025226062. SCALED FROM LATITUDE N 39'45'28.83495, LONGITUDE W -105'04'46.27094. NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58 (C.O.W.R. PHAC 1) 6. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT AND/OR BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE C.R.S. SEC 18-4-508. WHOEVER WILLFULLY DESTROYS, DEFACES, CHANGES, OR REMOVES TO ANOTHER PLACE ANY SECTION CORNER, QUARTER -SECTION CORNER, OR MEANDER POST, ON ANY GOVERNMENT LINE OF SURVEY, OR WILLFULLY CUTS DOWN ANY WITNESS TREE OR ANY TREE BLAZED TO MARK THE LINE OF A GOVERNMENT SURVEY, OR WILLFULLY DEFACES, CHANGES, OR REMOVES ANY MONUMENT OR BENCH MARK OF ANY GOVERNMENT SURVEY, SHALL BE FINED UNDER THIS TITLE OR IMPRISONED NOT MORE THAN SIX MONTHS, OR BOTH. 18 U.S.C. § 1858. 7. THE DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. B. FLOOD INFORMATION: THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE X, AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN ACCORDING TO THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP; COMMUNITY -PANEL NO. 08059C-0213 F DATED FEBRUARY 5, 2014. FLOOD INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 9. DATES OF FIELDWORK: OCTOBER 13-15, 2015 10. THE TOTAL AREA OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS 171,205 SQ. FT. OR 3.9303 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. AREA AS SHOWN HEREON IS A RESULTANT FACTOR, NOT A DETERMINATIVE FACTOR, AND MAY CHANGE SIGNIFICANTLY NTH MINOR VARIATIONS IN FIELD MEASUREMENTS OR THE SOFTWARE USED TO PERFORM THE CALCULATIONS. FOR THIS REASON, THE AREA IS SHOWN AS A "MORE OR LESS" FIGURE, AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS AN ACCURATE FACTOR FOR REAL ESTATE SALES PURPOSES. 11. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS PER COUNTY OF JEFFERSON WEBSITE AS RESEARCHED ON NOVEMBER 2, 2015 AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 12. PER COLORADO REVISED STATURES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 13. THE CURRENT ZONING ON THE PROPERTY INCLUDES AGRICULTURAL -ONE (C-1), RESIDENTIAL -TWO (R-2), RESIDENTIAL -THREE (R-3), RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL (R -C), AND COMMERCIAL -ONE (C-1). 14. UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITES. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WTH SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. 15. CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT: THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HEREBY GRANT LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS CROSS-ACCESS/INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENTS, AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE UNITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS 16. LAND SWAP AREAS NOS. 1 AND 2 ARE RELATED TO AN EXCHANGE AGREEMENT FOR REAL PROPERTY WHICH WAS RECORDED ON MARCH 17, 2016 WTH JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2016024690. Surveyor's Statamen �1 I, JOHN B. GUYTON, A LAND SURVEYO THE FINAL PLAT OF THE BOUNDARY OF DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST 01 ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, C ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. JOHN B. GUYTON COLORADO P.L.S. #16406 _`V` P �O�O CoQ P� COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT R'IION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY RMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH I AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT mom www. 000 ry ry N N N N 0 000 I M I M I I I I I I I =zz WWW Zmmm mmm 2000 M Q U O >coo W U U U www aaa N o N zzz 000 555 W x x I �ry I I na I I Wnmrmm I I I I z O 5 Q 2 FQ E- z p" o a O x m o U N z a E- O F ti �i n F m m N N W U 01 Z W m M ZFOM 33 U OZ OOwO U m >� � � w n � a O N O M D O M M o w G0 NmMM 0Laa .� O ¢ O WOO O m w o L Lv Nma¢ CO n No m ? >oa m 1 OF n Loop O M M in p0±x J d < It4 S (SEAL) JOB NUMBER: 15-66,609 DATE: 10-30-2015 DRAWN BY: E. DAVIS CHECKED BY: JK/JGZ/WW SHEET 1 OF 3 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT NORTH 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 21 C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 13309 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) F I w� 0 z� 0- 40' W. 44TH PL. FENCE 0.5' (40' R.O.W.) EAST± -H o= ) z0 wz w � EXISTING 10' UTILITY EASEMENT FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC - CAP, MARKED "VLC, 20699" -18 M., a -o ci XISTING 10DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT (P) N 40 100. 7' AM P 1.44' (C I FOUND 1-3/4" ALUMINUM CAP, MARKED "WILLEY MCKISSACK, LS 23528" 0 N M in M bo 0 0 z 4"/t 4' 0 i N in M 00 I LAND SWAP AREA NO. 1 (REC. NO. 2016024690 DATED 03/17/2016) FRUITDALE SCHOOL SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 3 40 ( "TOIBE OF SEC. 21 2659.51' (AM) .... _i N. LINE OF NE QUARTER N89'27'26"E W w CAGE NORTHEAST CORNER, SECTION 21---�j AS PER R AND R AUTOBODY FILING NO. 54.3' ao L rl 20.6' P6 C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 13609 0 - 10.8' STAIRS CD ,0 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF AS PER DESCRIPTION IN TITLE COMMITMENT (SEE Z_ 0) vw WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, 00 J SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE S16/S15, S21/S22, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" _ 2 -STORY BRICK BUILDING m IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) I I N z i> - O 3 z { En M 489'31'09"E 417.08' (AM) ..:":=€r'.:::i... FOUND No. s REBAR "NO CAP" ;:: _...f �� w z - - N89'31'1 5"E 417.08' (P) - - -w 102.31' AM&P 107.19' AM&P _N _ EXISTING 10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT (P) , 107.21 AM&P EXISTING STORM EASEMENT (REC. NO. 2012090034) 48931 09 E 395.37 C WALL 1.71' (C TO REMAIN - - N89'31'15"E 395.37' (P) FOUND 1-3/4" ALUMINUM GRATE INLET / a 7'/15 LOT LINE (HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT) N89'59'22"W 99.00' (C) N89'59'16"W 99.00' (P) I • O 139.5'-S89'41'25" a 198.00 "FLATIRONS SURV 16406" 2 I EL 42.0' JRAME SHED 40 ( "TOIBE MOVED' r .... _i WALL W w CAGE C7 z AS PER R AND R AUTOBODY FILING NO. 54.3' ao L rl 20.6' P6 2z < N 0 - 10.8' STAIRS CD ,0 w AS PER DESCRIPTION IN TITLE COMMITMENT (SEE Z_ 0) vw 0_ 00 J SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE _ 2 -STORY BRICK BUILDING m �o POSTED ADDRESS: N z "FRHITnAl F SCHOOL" O 3 z PROPOSED LOT En M GRAVEL - I `C .... _.. , ..... " i3 �: _. . ..........:.. ":.. 8.3' 42.0' n � N N 3� �� M 00-00 00 6 z n z 26.0' 1 -STORY BRICK BUILDING 2.0' zo o N N 2.0' a 26 0' 00 z In O U Z N 10.0' a 76.5' z 1.6 ' 0 0 O N 1s•/ts :21 s"/ts' J 0 209.4' CAP, MARKED "WILLEY 12" PVC (E) FOUND 1-3/4" ALUMINUM MCKISSACK, LS 23528" s - / CAP, MARKED "WILLEY M l MCKISSACK, LS 23528" N Irt\1 � N 0 ,. 12" Pvc�� � o_ o 0 v H 0 174.5' - M m o N [...;. i6 o....,.,: ::--:-, ...... 31.6' 7 0 M ww 221, 1 -STORY STUCCO BUILDING = M 19.1' POSTED ADDRESS: 10.8' 0 p N60"NORMA ANDERSON PRESCHOOL" a S89'46'58" E, 3 10801 W. 44TH AVENUE OVERHANG 41.71• (C) 4i _ _ SAND.' 'n S89'46'52"E Box PARCEL A M 0 20.00: (P) IRV 12.7, a 52.4' n 3" METAL 10 m OVH °. N IRv POST L=11.68' o `; -� s PICNIC - N89046'58"W 198.00' (C) s TABLES d. ' . ° 10,8''4 8.1: a<' FENCE N89 -46'52"W 198.00' (P ON-LINE± 8.2 Nd L=66.53' J LANDSCAPING v PLAY O IRv° f I GROUND N is"/t s' MONKEY LOT LINE (HEREBY .� REMOVED BY THIS PLAT) n N 7 BARS tiR ST J MUSIC G ME 0 .•. ':. IRV \ �. N Q 7. / GRATE INLET �P�' 0 SWING SET 12" PVC (N) 15 /15 z O `w a 8" PVC (W) Xw ch D Of V) CD D LAND SWAP AREA NO. 2 ':a z BOOK 330, PAGE w w '. (REC. N0. 2016024690 IRv z m 0 z W DATED 03/17/2016) 212 DATED 7/1/1930 <>- m = w M REC. NO. 2012138009 DATED 12/21/2015 BROKEN DOWN ASPHALT FRAME SHED 10.2' N FF"'"rN i0 . • w 10 a "FLATIRONS SURV 16406" 2 I EL "FLATIRONS SURVEYING LS 16406" O 40 ( N AS MEASURED AT TIME OF SURVEY N N .... _i INFORMATION W w 0 C7 z AS PER R AND R AUTOBODY FILING NO. 0 IRI n RV g M (D) N s.. Y Q w AS PER DESCRIPTION IN TITLE COMMITMENT (SEE FD Ln 0_ 00 M SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE 00 Q PROPOSED EASEMENT LINE �o EXISTING LOT LINE Ad o 0 CONCRETE EDGE OF ASPHALT GRAVEL --X- FENCE SIGN SHURB/BUSH x"/x' Of0 RADIUS) X"/X' CONIFEROUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LINE RADIUS) HANDICAP PARKING SPACE ® NO PARKING WATER VALVE ® a Q Ic! �.. CHASE 4 �� LOT LINE (HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT) SED LOT 1 kv N ';t C-4 � 3� CID 00 O 0 z e•' d. CHASE w� o Z o t FIBI FENCE 0.8'� r7 z WEST± Je /30' Q 89'53'16"W 98.99'J(CT)�...STING 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 469'5318 W 99.00(C)489 34 27"W 99.01' N89'46 46 W 99.01' (T) S895318�E 253.98' C d 89'5318 W 451 98 C SIGN d•.... ... b _ .. ..: . ...,... . a . '�. .f .'.. U' Q �, .d .°fid FOUND N0. 4 REBAR ° "NO CAP" FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC 4 _ UNKNOWN VAULT • FOUND ORANGE PLASTIC CAP, EXISTING DENVER WATER CAP, MARKED "VLC, 20699"w MARKED "CRS, LS 28669" W. 44TH AVENUE EASEMENT (REC. NO. Z 0 (66' R.O.W.) 2007066064) TO REMAIN N,y y/y w z FOUND NO. 4 REBAR wv IN RANGE BOX OS EXCEPTED PORTION (REC. NO. 86049897) O a a ' /24' /15' /28' -ofd N a>o m >o 3<Z _ w00w Z zo Oz zwz F_¢¢ tnw0- X w 1 I 0 0 I 0 0 FOUND ORANGE PLASTIC -4, CAP "ILLEGIBLE" \ 1.04' NORTH OF LINE d Existing Conditions _ _ _ _S. LINE OF NE QUARTER OF SEC. 21 CASE HISTORY CENTER 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 21 S89'35'130W 2652.42' (AM) C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 14309 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY MS -16-01 OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C 1/4, S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX PER MONUMENT RECORD 0 FOUND ALIQUOT MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED • w SET 18" #5 REBAR WITH 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP "FLATIRONS SURV 16406" 2 I EL "FLATIRONS SURVEYING LS 16406" O CALCULATED POSITION (NOT FOUND OR SET) (AM) AS MEASURED AT TIME OF SURVEY .''.:"..... .... _i INFORMATION (P) 0 (P1) AS PER R AND R AUTOBODY FILING NO. 1 -AMENDMENT NO. 1 (D) N 7/l/1930 w AS PER DESCRIPTION IN TITLE COMMITMENT (SEE FD Ln SECTION LINE M SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE 00 Q PROPOSED EASEMENT LINE ASPHALT DRIVE & <ING LOT 37.8' WEST± (SEE NOTE 15) L=23.45' (C) L=23.42' (P) R=15.00' (C&P) X89'34'37" (C) 4=893437" (P) CH=S45'05'59"E (C) 21.13' (C) ASPHALT DRIVE & PARKING - LOT 38.5' WEST± 2(SEE NOTE 15) i� M I V EAST 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 21 C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 14409 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S21/S22, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) Legend i mcn = ou it. FOUND ALIQUOT MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED • FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED SET 18" #5 REBAR WITH 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP "FLATIRONS SURV 16406" 2 SET 2" ALUMINUM DISK WITH MAG NAIL "FLATIRONS SURVEYING LS 16406" O CALCULATED POSITION (NOT FOUND OR SET) (AM) AS MEASURED AT TIME OF SURVEY (C) CALCULATED FROM RECORD AND AS MEASURED INFORMATION (P) AS PER THE PLAT OF FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES (P1) AS PER R AND R AUTOBODY FILING NO. 1 -AMENDMENT NO. 1 (D) AS PER DEED, BOOK 330, PAGE 212, DATED 7/l/1930 (T) AS PER DESCRIPTION IN TITLE COMMITMENT (SEE FD NOTE 1) SECTION LINE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING EASEMENT LINE Q PROPOSED EASEMENT LINE N EXISTING LOT LINE PROPOSED LOT LINE 0 CONCRETE EDGE OF ASPHALT GRAVEL --X- FENCE SIGN SHURB/BUSH x"/x' DECIDUOUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LINE RADIUS) X"/X' CONIFEROUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LINE RADIUS) HANDICAP PARKING SPACE ® NO PARKING WATER VALVE ® WATER METER FIRE HYDRANT IRV IRRIGATION VALVE �S SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CLEANOUT 8T STORM SEWER LINE E] ROOF DRAIN OD AREA DRAIN ® TRANSFORMER EM ELECTRIC METER EP ELECTRICAL PANEL LIGHT POLE ovu - OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE CO-) UTILITY POLE @0 FIBEROPTIC MANHOLE TR TELEPHONE RISER GM GAS METER INDICATION OF ACCESS FLAGPOLE CENTERLINE O POST COV. COVERED HCR HANDICAP RAMP OVH OVERHANG Notes 1. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SHEET SHOWS THE EXISTING CONDITIONS. ONLY PLATTED, DEEDED, AND RECORD DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. i mcn = ou it. 000 W��� FD FD Q N N N N N N M M 0 I 0 I 0 I I I I I I I mom w w w Z:2 0 0 4000 0 0 0 W W W IL IL IL N N N z 000 z z N N N N n LO c0 r 00 m O Q � z Z - Pa O tri a a z Q O O a O U � x U C7 a a z z F� W E- c� � x o W U E- X w V) 0 rn N Orn N p O O I z w 0 0 Z 01" U OZ 0 O V W O > M LD w O r\ O D_ V rh �yJ O Lr) X0000 �°p U w0001 N00 Q 0 't O > LLI0 N O0 Q 0 Ld[if 0 w o . EEo�� in0= X Nm 0-< 0 Ln ro > 0 rl Q00 To o'0 =0rl 0 r- 1l D_-�^ OzMn 0 w 0 0 ZO = X J 0 < (SE. JOB NUMBER: 15-66,609 DATE: 10-30-2015 DRAWN BY: E. DAVIS CHECKED BY: JK/JGZ/WW SHEET 2 OF 3 N89'31'09"E N89'31'09"E 1.44' 100.37' N89'31'09"E 102.31' POINT Oj1eJ N89'31'09"E 110.00' :l BEGIN G L N89'31'09"E 9.63' 1z� w N z Z J O_ w ~ Z w z N W PROPOSED I = LOT 2 z Detail 'A' N89'31'09"E 285.37' 2ROPOSED LOT 1 Legend FOUND ALIQUOT MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED O SET 18" #5 REBAR WITH 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP "FLATIRONS SURV 16406" 2 SET 2" ALUMINUM DISK WITH MAG NAIL "FLATIRONS SURVEYING LS 16406" 0 CALCULATED POSITION (NOT FOUND OR SET) - - SECTION LINE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE — — EXISTING EASEMENT LINE - - - - - PROPOSED EASEMENT LINE — — — EXISTING LOT LINE PROPOSED LOT LINE Notes 1. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SHEET SHOWS THE PROPOSED CONDITIONS. ONLY MEASURED AND CALCULATED DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3o GRAPHIC SCALE ea 0 15 30 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. Proposed Conditions CASE HISTORY MS -16-01 FRUITDALE SCHOOL SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SHEET 3 0 F 3 NORTH 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 21 C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 13309 _ _ _ _ _ _- - - FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY N. LINE OF NE QUARTER OF SEC. 21 N89027'26"E 2659.51' (AM) OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) S E -E � O 0- 0 v <40'- W. 44TH PL. (40' R.O.W.) P 10'4822„ E 1626 g4' (AM) 4 11: _ — "V n V M i` ^j - - Do ::............ - FOUND NO. 5 O O I REBAR "NO CAP:, AINAGE`7 UTILITY EASEMENT (P) O iOC� N6931 9"E 296.44' EXISTING 10 DR mom w r ' r w r 110.00 WM�� 285.37 o POINT OF BEGINNING r -� 1.44 SEE S89'31'09"W �SOO'18'34"E DETAIL 'A' FOUND 1-3/4" ALUMINUM 'n _ _N89'31'09"E_83.92' _ 24.08' 15.00' - - - - - CAP, MARKED "WILLEY FOUND 1-3/4' ALUMINUM/ L-40.76' MCKISSACK, LS 23528" CAP, MARKED "WILLEY /�R=26.00' MCKISSACK, LS 23528" A=89'49'43' L-40.92' CH=N44'36'17"E R=26.00' 36.71' A=90'10'17" N CH=545'23'43"E 36.82' o N oo N �00 CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT N O — HEREBY CREATED BY N ( THIS PLAT) W z i., .-_............:.-.,. ..........,.. R... ......... :.:.. :...2i.. , IN89'31'09"E 19.0' BTWY ...t......i :f...3 15.00' BUILDINGS 46.4' N 1 — EXISTING 10' UTILITY EASEMENT FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC - CAP, MARKED "VLC, 20699" ....- .. .,,._.. ...:.2432 N89.53'18"W _L�EXISTING 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 159.18. N89.53']8"W 100.00' 77F+OUNDO. 4 REBAR -^�f "NO CAP" FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC) CAP, MARKED "VLC, 20699" n LOT LINE (HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT) LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT 7 1 Em <�o V) F V'. w Z 0 in 6 OD ! � J 6 m N x z 03w e z Q 0 w m O I z U Z IN I z FRAME SHED�� "TO BE MOVED" LOT LINE (HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT) 11 LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT 2 62708 SQ. FT. OR 1.44 ACRES, MORE OR LESS ZONINIG: A-1, C-1, R-3 i EXISTING 10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEM LOT 1 s a 108,497 SQ. FT. OR 2.49 ACRES, MORE OR LESS NTNG: A-1, R-2, R-3, & R -C 11 0 NORTHEAST CORNER, SECTION 21 C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 13609 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/S15, S21/S22, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) I:: �r i -S iii : c}s:�i:...:.. A: :.. ENT (P) EXISTING STORM EASEMENT (REC. N0. 2012090034) 11.71' TO REMAIN / FOUND 1-3/4" ALUMINUM CAP, MARKED "WILLEY l MCKISSACK, LS 23528" Irt\\I I N I op- - 01 o N m 0, N ON W........... ....: `i...'J ~ O bD W Z 0 xu O w w Cn S89.46'WE 41.71' z W N a>N d>o >o j ¢ z J0 U w0w Cf 0~v zWz Q Q cnwa w W I/ N z W C) C4 w 10 ZIP U3 0 (n L=23.45' R=15.00' -89.34'37" 1 CH=S45.05'59"E 21.13' M _ N10F��Q• SSP VEA TER, 1 21 C. / rc PINT 14409 FOUND 3-1/4" SBRR S ,�/rRKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, NUMENT, 1/4, S21/S22, T3S, R 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) mom w w w WM�� a��� N N o 11' 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 V) V) V) z z z y w w z m m m 0000 a° D 000 LOT LINE (HEREBY — REMOVED BY THIS ° PLAT) -- - - - - - - - - - --- _ __ w w - __ ---- - - ------- o IL d _ 10' UTILITY EASEMENT (HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT) , w , 0 m m 89'5318 W 451.98 C z z z " 000 Mme'' pp O FOUND ORANGEPLASTICCAP, MARKED "CRS, LS 28669" W. 44TH AVENUE EXISTING DENVER WATERa EASEMENT (REC NO FOUND ORANGE PLASTIC "ILLEGIBLE" t O (66' R.O.W.) 2007066064) TO REMAINCAP REBOX BAR I0 M FOUNDIN EXCEPTED PORTION 1.04' NORTH OF LINE RANGE z (REC. NO. 86049897) N00'18'33"W Of Of 7:CENTER M S. LINE OF NE QUARTER OF SEC. 21 _ W r N 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 21 _ _ S89'35'130W 2652.42' (AM) C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 14309 O FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C z 1/4, S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN Q RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) z �1O �4 U) N z W C) C4 w 10 ZIP U3 0 (n L=23.45' R=15.00' -89.34'37" 1 CH=S45.05'59"E 21.13' M _ N10F��Q• SSP VEA TER, 1 21 C. / rc PINT 14409 FOUND 3-1/4" SBRR S ,�/rRKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, NUMENT, 1/4, S21/S22, T3S, R 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) mom w w w WM�� a��� N N 11' 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 V) V) V) z z z w w w z m m m 0000 000 w w w IL d d 0 m m z z z 000 mom � Of Of N M S Ln W r N m O z z Q z �1O �4 U) Q ar z F1 0 O 0 z _ � W O a a E- O a E- Ln 0) N om N 0 C7 o 00 z LdO 00 OZ W J ofLd MO O >� O w M �a O T) MOO y 00O M r v V W m NO�n > U O t �LOU 00 • ti pij [y - � Nm V� a wQ Lr) O MLu Ln ro > O 14- <00 Qro o(0 m H U rr�, r" Df =)H— ro OZ p, OM L, O O Ln ZO = X J d < P(SEAL) JOB NUMBER: 15-66,609 DATE: 10-30-2015 DRAWN BY: E. DAVIS CHECKED BY: JK/JGZ/WW SHEET 3 OF 3 City of Wheat,Rj ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planting Commission CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 7, 2016 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-16-02/17ruitdale School ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10803 W. W Avenue PROPERTY OWNER: Wheat Ridge Housing Authority APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.41 acres PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial — one (C-1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission WZ-16-021Fruddale Zone Change All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial—One (C-1) to Mixed Use —Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue. The purpose of the rezoning is to modify the list of uses and to simplify the review and approval for future reuse of the property. (Exhibit 1, Applicant Letter) The zone change is the first step of the process for approval for reuse or redevelopment of this site under MU -N zoning. If approved, and prior to any redevelopment, a site development plan review will be required to confirm compliance with the city zoning code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. This review would be administrative with no additional public hearings required. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located at 10803 W. 44u' Avenue, on the north side of W. 44u' Avenue between Parfet St. and Moore Ct. The subject site is 1.41 acres in size and is zoned Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3) and Commercial -One (C-1). The subject property has roughly 198 feet of street frontage along W. 44u' Avenue, with a curb cut near the center, roughly 24 feet in width. The property contains two structures. The first is a cottage along the western property line near the front, approximately 1,100 square feet in size. The second is the old Fruitdale School building which has not been used since 2007. The school structure which was built in 1927 is located toward the rear of the property with a single story addition on the west side constructed in the 1950s. (Exhibit 2, Aerial Photo) A related case, Case No. MS -16-01, would subdivide the subject site from adjacent property to the east. The Fruitdale school building and cottage are located on Lot 2 of the Fruitdale School Subdivision. (Exhibit 3, Fruitdale School Subdivision graphic) The Housing Authority purchased Fruitdale School in 2011 from the Jefferson County School District, but the history of the site dates back to the 1800s. The property was deeded to the Jefferson County School District in 1883 and the first school was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroyed by fire in the 1920s, after which noted Denver architect and developer Temple Buell designed the existing red brick school building in 1927. Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s and the facility served as a public school until 2007. When the Norma Anderson preschool opened on the east portion of the site in 2007, Fruitdale School was decommissioned. The property is flat with various mature trees on it which appear to be elms, cottonwoods and spruce trees. (Exhibit 4, Site Photos) In November 2015, WRHA executed a purchase and sale agreement with Hartman Ely Investments (HEI), by which Lot 2 will be sold for redevelopment after platting is completed, Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change and various other milestones are reached. The developer is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating 16 loft style apartments. The sale closing is anticipated in the summer of 2016. Regardless of whether or not HEI is the ultimate buyer, WRHA considers the zone change and subdivision plat necessary for redevelopment of the property in any capacity. Adjacent zoning and land use Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the east and north is the Norma Anderson Preschool facility, owned and operated by the Jefferson County School District. Along the W. 44u' Avenue corridor are properties zoned C-1, Restricted Commercial (R -C), Residential -Three (R-3), Residential -Two (R-2) and A-1. The uses along the corridor vary, with multi -family residential properties, numerous commercial businesses, a few scattered single family homes, and a church. To the north of the property and the Norma Anderson Preschool is residential development, with both multi -family buildings and duplexes. (Exhibit 4, zoning map). III. PROPOSED ZONING The property currently has three separate zonings on it Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1). The purpose of the zone change to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) is to consolidate zoning on the site and to prepare it for redevelopment opportunities. The MU -N zoning allows a variety of residential, commercial and civic land uses. The MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI's residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most future development if, for some reason, HEI does not move forward. MU -N is also an appropriate zone district for this location. This zone district is generally located along neighborhood main streets, such as W. 44th Avenue, because it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. The A-1 zoning has a limited use list and includes single family residential and agricultural uses such as general farming, horse stables and landscape nurseries. The R-3 zoning allows a variety of residential uses including single and two family dwellings and multi -family with up to 12 units per acre. The C-1 zone district allows a variety of land uses including office, service and retail uses that can serve the neighborhood or provide more of a regional draw such as with large format retailers and franchised restaurants. The most intensive zoning on the property is the Commercial -One with the least intensive zoning being A-1. The following table compares the existing A-1 and C-1 zoning and proposed MU -N zoning for the property. Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Development A-1 zoning C-1 zoning MU -N zoning Standard Uses Single family Commercial uses Residential and residential and (office, service and commercial uses general farming retail) including (office, service and operations restaurants, fueling retail, restaurant) stations, RV and auto including multi -family sales and service and live/work facilities Architectural None None specified but Mixed Use Standards would have to follow development standards ASDM specified in zone district — similar to ASDM Max. Building Height 35' 50' 35' for any building having a residential use and 50' for any building having a commercial use Max. Lot Coverage 40% 1 80% 1 85% to 90% Min. Landscaping N/A 20% Mixed use — 10% Single use - 15% Min. Front Setback 25' 0' — 20' build -to 0'-20' build -to If the rezoning is approved, the applicant would then submit for an administrative plan review and building permit. The design for the property would be held to the standards set forth in the zoning code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.D.2. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. While the new zoning would allow for residential, commercial and mixed uses on the lot, any proposed new development will require site plan review through which traffic impacts, drainage, and buffering will be analyzed. Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change The MU -N zoning is expected to add value to the subject property and also to the surrounding community. The mixed use development standards will support compatibility between future development and existing land uses. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Prior to issuance of a building permit, an administrative site development plan application will be required and referred to all impacted utility and service agencies Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The proposed zoning is consistent with the policies and goals in the City's comprehensive planEnvisionWheat Ridge which was adopted in 2009. The Structure Plan map in Envision Wheat Ridge illustrates the community's vision by classifying different types of areas and corridors. It is not a parcel -based land use map, and therefore does not specifically show all existing and proposed land uses. The Structure Plan for this area depicts W. 44th Avenue as a "neighborhood commercial corridor" with Public (represented in blue) transitioning into Neighborhood to the north, east and west (represented by yellow). Goals identified for neighborhood commercial corridors include: Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change • Encouraging improvement of underutilized properties. • Increasing housing options • Ensuring quality design for development and redevelopment • Redevelopment and reinvestment in underutilized areas with denser, high quality development. The property is also located in the Fruitdale Valley Subarea plan which was adopted in 2007. Goals identified in the plan include: • Designating this general area as mixed use • Supporting the redevelopment and revitalization of properties along 44th Avenue. • Improving and maintaining the quality and conditions of property in the area. • Targeting the Fruitdale School property for a viable reuse of the existing building Because the MU -N zoning will allow for investment in the property either through reuse or redevelopment, the zone change and site development could encourage revitalization on other properties in the area Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current zoning designations as they appear on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. West 44a' Avenue carries between 11,000 and 12,000 vehicles per day and land use on the corridor includes a variety of residential, multi -family and small businesses. Many of these properties were developed in Jefferson County prior to incorporation of the City. The zone change will promote reuse or redevelopment of the property which could act as a catalyst for additional redevelopment and property investment in the area Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Many of the City's guiding documents recommend expanding housing choices for City residents. The zone change will assist the City in reaching this goal. Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a zone change support this request. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on October 28, 2014. Roughly 20 persons were in attendance. Discussion topics are addressed in the neighborhood meeting notes. (Exhibit 5, Neighborhood Meeting Notes) VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Arvada Fire Protection District: Can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense to be assessed at the time of site plan review. Fruitdale Sanitation District: May require line and tap upgrades at the developer's expense. Valley Water District: Can serve the property with upgrades at the developer's expense. Wheat Ridge Public Works: No objections. Drainage and traffic will be analyzed at the time of site development plan. Xcel Energy: No objections to the zone change Comments received relate only to the zone change request. A separate referral process would be required in the future if the zone change is approved and a site plan is submitted. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property and prepare it for reuse or redevelopment. Investment in the property may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-16-02. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property. 4. The zone change will prepare the property for reuse or redevelopment and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 40 Avenue, for the following reasons: Exhibit 1— Applicant letter Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change WRUA M 7500 W. 2 Ave. wheat Ridge, co 303-235-2806 March 2, 2016 Please find enclosed a complete land use application for the purpose of rezoning property at 10803 W. 44h Avenue. The purpose of the zone change application is to consolidate zoning from Agriculttual-One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C- 1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) and to facilitate reuse of the property and building Background The Fruttdale School building is located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue and is currently owned by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WHRA)- The property was deeded to the 7effMon County School District in 1883 and the first school was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroyed by fire in the 1920s, after which noted Denver architect and developer Temple Buell designed the existing red brick school building in 1927- Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s and the facility served as a public school until 2007. Enclosed is a timeline of events that have occurred since 2007, but in brief WRHA purchased the property in 2011 from 7effco Schools and has been seeking a viable reuse of the property since that time. Zone Change Request The subject site is currently zoned Agnicultural-One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) and is 171,205 square feet or 3.93 acres in size. A concurrent subdivision application will consolidate existing parcels resulting in the 3.93 -acre subject lot. The Authority has long been aware that the property would likely need to be rezoned in order to facilitate a redevelopment. Until now, it would have been premature for the Authority to speculatively rezone the property. Some uses (such as a school) would not have required a zone change, and other uses would have required a specific zoning designation or planned development. Currently, the Authority is working with a developer partner who is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating 16 loft style apartments. The developer. Hartman Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change OfierConsWeraflons Thu mage ism the aptong map whah states that the Faefidale School P/amm. go=...... W 16021F..tole Zow Qmge FrWldale School T9 e For bahgmwa refamce, luft b mvm ati Jive ofea®ts NW have ocm mce 2W] i hM ngf push ofWett lby WRHA aW0 nmayal to ikubfy a kad um • Fa1120W-Fruildaleis tlswnvisiwal as a rLmlw 2MYl wh® We nm Na® Avdasw Rarlwloprm'w We adlacmlp4aly thFmt"earc fFrwWWeis trmnsf M to nvwotlale Wepra'rLwl. IlWileslo Fswltlaleare dismmaialmd hmm'finedfi lhevew We'cLml. mdlhehiMric MWNvghcwua'va®! • SW 2008-Je SrLm moms an RFP ro sobat props sfm We pmibks of fhebuJ &NRHA dsitlrstoa taproWsalfmra onofWeschoolwb resi Lffnts. • Aprd 1-WRHAredmsPtas¢Cnmproc Idcacmtatim &ra WS Ic residvtiWre ofFruif c WRHA W3's Fvtxi'is$22,WJto Mrelop cwceplualpkvs mdwmkspb =ions. Fvtasisc Ip saXcp s for wo Webudd giao resiamiW Ima: we cosrfm r®ovaM1w¢slu®tor a vmlYEf] vultiw 6rmavaege msl of$tg8,0.'Upauvitfmvivemits. • Fa112008-Afla aplwvg fivavovgopiovs, WRHAd®tla aresid�ial reieeof Fruit&leis kmableb®rtt of Wefivwav8r%vu®®6 assmatalwiW wdtifimilYdedo Jopomt.Iffi WRHA mtifialeBm Schwls Watth p%Mism Imgm cma'id alt ible wdfLepopaal iswiWdrawn • Suvmc2010-I FmtdakdWtliv86asremaivedvacaatfm Wr¢yem;mlJe SCIwWsmvdc6Whet Ride ifWeCiryofll mAutlmitywwWLYero recma'iticlwWavB We WolclYbefined®olitiw Pkvs are fivali H Jwy 2olof oaa me Fmmvm iw ammededil vants walniato asp's We vudliry of cw Avglhe FruiWak Schwlwm rcodmtialvwts. • O 2010- AvwYtl malys¢ is co Icholby tM Gaesis Govp mr a fce of "000. IM avalysrscwsitlas fm-s9emtl fm-Irm'eresitlatialmits. Ther tsoflhe malysrs agave ivtl to WA arca a ansa is not lmmciaRy wabl WN rlY giv fhecunwamc ticmtl vnYtila tmommtlde iws_ The Hovswg AWhmity daids agawmlmpusueaaryisitiwofFruiWale. • 14r 2010-WRHA alellamJeffm Bchookwdimlmg Weyaremt imcatedmPvchasmg WedWdivg • Fbm 2011-I scbml tlishicl p para the building for d®ohi The Mayor, wdh �fi cmmado Presmatiw lac.(CPf) a aprtoac Je Schools adM p ib tyofW pmcbasmg me bwldwg to sere it h= 0.. 4 • Apcd MlI-A sevsW wovths ofvegotalim, We Horn Authority Wm y fwc Fm We B hool for $112,00�some puce wNrb Je oSchm6 had abeadypail force m W a®etlialom or WeWaatiw fm d Iimn AWaliov of f new pwsl l's Playglovvd a® ams an We Iavd d W P/amm,g Gmm/sslon W I6021FrWdlle Zow Qwge Fa112011-1be Waim of We sehwlhazdefenonmdb®se of a la& ofcli®te mvtrolavd al®tivgmofdtumg Wefom}rms ofsittmgvaratl NRHAdeida'ro ivshllamw emf watlx LuatlivBu wsWaized fens msl of$11QCLb. Spnvg2012-Bascmman hmlionam® byMa$I5,Q'O matcLmgg tsrcxxtrml WeS Hi toucFuva(SHF) fm®pctuna of a Hutonc StrocOve Ass®aI(f15A). SUIepaWlArtLdec6u hualmpepme We HSA. IXamtazotz-Ile llSAiunply ntakmdeb uit I.dale,wt ym:Were udd chl to titessalsimpgmmatr WebuildivghabJame `+'ifLUY my jm imaior cLmgcm Wedtildiog covfigwaiw mteowt fivish woh Spsivg 2013-N ry hes fm ma esevs a second SIfFgreen m the avnwt of $43,00() Iltis ivclWs'aealuva125bmatch of$11,0]0f WAHA, onaallwrs fm fhe ps pmatiw of wsmu4w aocum®6 az id®tifial w W e HSA MartL 2013 -Aflc ryplrm8 ms hislmial Imlmah d®gwtioq FewMale SrLwl u rypoval m be ivcluNd w 0e National Resta of Hutosic Flazs ons W e Co1maM state Regutc oflliMnc Npatis. O 2013- WRHA mtaivs Balla Bmgpc Gow to c®plem a v tatiw ons mahet onalnm Wit u Ilan pxisYle ecce ptiws(mvaa; apml offe, enter$ ivWashiaf erc) aver quavtifis lhefmsibiNyorearh Iffim d smayaxnuoesthat aeraeamaWa�ance(S2z meew7 baa ah®art�aaWaam anamamm We lt]l eeomatiov cr.4s amismbilimlvales'finearL tyRe oflavauu. ThemmkH smay much W s Ba! vo spmOc lona use u covvdaal a "higpst aml LM use;' and mry ldmtial arose would bYelyhaceafmdivg gap ofSl 510 S1]S ma4wdoBarc H 'coftwlmtis hai^4 We s hftommmdsostobj hip with WC Cit y. Woo aceq. ih tits= ds'd be atiwsspwat t objective, is less lust bk ptiw al ttthis loolte Au ataless®swtt Wdate Itrol eh�eulas Wav Wee®bwM mns of dmo4tiw aver W e Authmiry's iwalm®! m date. M A14-NRHAlubl lsa Re fm Wast(RFF) to mlica cease p &ils wmmedcvel lm®Wry My2014-INmfropxals arersa 1iv� mtir F ant! WeHo=g AUWmiry sc c apap W from Mowtaiv ITumix ChNa School fm m sgvaov of Weu rbmtasrLrol wen Feuitda@ Apmchazeavasamage� sl ciolm O tcba. Im®y 2015-ARersevael nom s of&e dihmce We charts sUwl tames We furh avds 2g t FLmvy 2015-I Housivg AuWmiry oBm another RFl eegwvtlml, HenWon By m�ts(HE), an � m P lMe mtlevtlgO. ml proposal. ApN M15-HFSp mat ap Iunmaryue proposal m WRHA ana¢ grevtNan scNsivef -month Pa mm cine daigmce. Nm 2015-VIRHAmaMca apwcbaseana Sale Agermvl 1G Pbr16 Cem mason P/ZZwe Chmye Planning G.....lon W 1602/FmYVde Zow Qwge Exhibit 3 — Plat page Planning Commission 15 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Exhibit 4 — Site Photos Planning Commission 16 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Planning Commission 17 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Exhibit 5 — Neighborhood Meeting Notes City of W peatRusers �dge ,.olnuca R;mpMa;.;wpwti;m „mw .,,,». mmres)(I p.,m.Baasues FoozeZos? NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: MUM1 1.2016 Attending Staff: M,ndih Raskin, Senior Planner Laurin Mkulak &WEiuwn in the WXeq Ridge Housing tauntingly Laeaion of MeeW:g: WM1nt Ridge Munioipel Building Poli7500 mS VOLL20AvRa WNut Ridge, CO Wm33 Pmpery, Address: 10803 W. W Avmm Property 0nnerl0: Wheat Ridge Housing Authority property Owserf) Present? Yes Applicant[ sailboat Ridge Housing AONonty Applicant Preaem? Yea Eaitting Zoning; CommmivlAoe, Residaaial-Th:ee(R-3)and! Agricultural - One(A-1) Existing Comp.I Neighborhood! Commenced Comdor Studio Site Conditions The e;te;v located al 10863 W. GO° Almost an Ne noM side of W, 44-6 Aston INI Eaton se W Mere Ct TM subjnt sire iv vwrmtlymnetl AgnculturalAne (A-11, Raidemial-Three (R -3J, antl Cammmial-One (C-1) and is 171,205 squirt feel Or 393 me; in does me;sting of general stplavM panels. Sun ingpmo i®iwludeavmelyoflu uao. Imma]ierelYlO Neean ud mdb is 16e Andereon Intoned facility, owned and opmted by tine Jeflm'on Lowly SCM1mI Oislnn. Along W. M" Avenue omdor are prvpemnconed C- 1. Rm;nN Conuontiel(RLL RMidmlial-Three W-i).Residenual- Two(it 3)and A -I. The int on the wmdar vary, with multi-fumily nsidml;W pmperieq contagion, sxniW businesses, ideas azutemiangle firmly M1om¢and a chmcb. TothenoMollbepmpeny end the Mtlemn Mncbcol is mitlemiel developmml, with WM mWIi-lemilybuildingaM duplexes. The subject pnapaty To MUS11y 196fen ofsvn fmnlage 00" W. W Avenue, with a curb cut near Ne ceom, mulply 24 len in width. The po^Kdy ecmioa two sNnurn The fico is a homes along the Planning Commission 38 WZ 16 021 osiCale Zone Change watam pmpeny line near the front, appmaimatdy I, I OO square face in ds. The somal is the old Pmitdue School building which has mt bear ueN since 2007. ThemmOl unemre which was built in In do is50s. mwmd theheaofNepmperry wArasinglestoryatlHepron 2012 Sam J in Ne 1950s, The cilyof Wheel Ridge Housing Authority ucquirN the pmpmy in 201E firm the 1<flmon Couroy School Hianiq, Currently, Aplaygmund for the product] is located m prvpmy owned by the Housing AmFunty The wheal district and the Hour irg AU ty are currently tllscanning a land swap, which will dandal We land containing the playground to He, school diao-in, and the sebnoI district win dead vaunt portion of due W Cele, one, of their property to the Housing Authority The FmithimSdrool building is located at 1 Wry W. cath st min,mtl is atremy owned by Ne What grow Forcing Audariry(WRHA). The property on deafed bine lefimun County School District in 1883 uM the first ubwl was Wilt on the site in 1884. This original building was daaoyM by fire in We Pride, after which med eeriest uchnset and develops Temple Buell designed the in, sling red bnQadmlbuild,,gin19E2 Addibom' on Wu sides offl brodingwert umstmcW in the HOW ad uefaaliryservM ane apublicschool until Erb]. Th, shawl building icon the stateend mhotW regisua for historic building. Applleaor/Orvav Preliminary formed The aWbaed is rob"'ynga zone amge room AgimlNnlAne (A -p, Re idential-Three H-3% and CmmumerculAne(Gp to Muell Ueo Ndght whood(MU N). the pmpase of the area dangeu W cownlidaw zoning on the am and to drapes it forrtdevelognm opportunities. The MU -N inning allows u vviely Ofmsidm ill, command and civic land use, Currently, the Autho or is working with a developer parme who is pmpwin9 Pace of the ening sidearms for the duress ofmortim 16 oft style apmhnmb, The developed Former Ely Inas metre (HEI) is correctly under contend to ryrchare the money and closing is a chuniaed in she summs of 2016 TM MU -N inning is flexible enough b acmmmodme HEI, residential reux pmpo W, boo scroll atm beappmpriece fm mete future development if, foe mine reach, HEI daa cosi move Inward MUU-Nis elmanappmpMainzonedisnia fm this to Account, cobecause iisoiv is genredukrrd] uses meg mlgFWrame main moons sod u W. H°Avenue, besaueeir allows formidmliil uses as, well ase IimilN rvtgerfmmmacial and teuiluw. Attendants Twm the nelghbrehuud: I In addilien to Mary and the applicant, dose member Of Wheal Ridge Museum formerly &nim Thom isoR!)hand Hart, femufarWtlnr) nM five metnbms oflhepublie were in avendmted ar the m wing Thtte of those morning own and Weedy a car inner facility lmwled on 0m immediately to Ne west wFtd bas C -I and R-3 zoning (Phil RWmao read oil northern RWmmo) The fowr anm]a, Tr¢y deadpanning, lives in the lowMWusetlarelopment west of the mor repair mainly (11913-10951 W.G4 Avenge), Mw.1-mmoMy is a forme Ory Counnl weptnmmlave from Derrid IV and WMA member. We Hearten caw Potential develWpvin negio,morm with the WRHA fmnadifiution of the building Into 16 rtsidenliil dwelling mity,. u+zssfT I&ag Commiarten ovmmmwe crab aw,ge Ibe following Is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: gm(fenphies]the sire mnditions. zoning on thepopmy and in lFeneiyibwhaatl, and humorous for the external; riNuat. I The affiliates minced the mason for the zoning change and a proposed redevelopment name, bar thesompasty The anmdess were informal of the pmeas for a zone vimma The at dm were iagalool of their oplar ty to make comments during the Procne and at the public hearing. no following issues ware d'umeeed rmgardiog the was change mi nd proposing denlopmmr: If me propmy is abroad and repuryosed will the school building be demotishN? No. Whir about the small Muse in plant - will it be kept? Under be, m wrplon the small home on the front portion mfo eamyn-N will ,mm, std he row -bo ed Will the zone change Impact the zoning on adjacent l>mpnryl Na. tour cone change xll/only tbpam the Fraitdolmdmlaroperry. Will the gone changeiniondi a myverba in thenen? The Jefferson County damaswi office bases malonsmo amemsonue mtmmdnioning Impravemenuon eM xhminre xY(ImwlliMlYoacea pmmi lh,4paaonnmeen snfue andeoaldsernmo ralyst) woerotM1eryropzrry inrenmmt along rAe gJ°Ave dor. s Arc there my pccific plans for she propenyl Me WRNAu cassead, order rvnrmw seek a dewlaper ,he xvuld remade/ toe imide of the b damiefor 16 residential dnrel4ng units - these may or o NO of brow,- bec mte income m as and same marol.we moire. Has Ne WRHA had may bmhad firm the Wheel Ridge than road Society? Nw recant/}. No written wneepundence way eecei vd regarding the neighborhoM coming mance. wzRT I&gCommtarten ovmmmwe zarn aw,ge cm m......, wz16ovFmro3me Zm, omge `o �Q 30 mz y� 2 na' o, p $D u m 3 n 3c c� i1 cm m......, wz16ovFmro3me Zm, omge Planning Commission 22 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change FRUITDALE SCHOOL SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NOR'T'H HALF OF SECTION 21, r LOT 9 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P. M. , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 'E - - - P1 /4 0i COMER, SE TION 21 SHEET 3 OF 3__N8911'09'E 102.31' NORTH f/4 CORNER. SECTION 21 - - NORTHEAST GRIPER, NO. 1319CO.W.R. PANT N0. 13309 N. UNE Di NE QUARTER di SEC. 21 N89'27'26 -E 2839.51 (AM) COAP. POINT N0. 1'BOF9'E 110.00' N89'31b9'E FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP. MARKED 'dT' FOUND 3-1/4'BRA55 CAP, MARKED 'Ott of 287.37 OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, 'WHEAT RIDGE,SURVEY YONUYETHT'11.09'E 9.83' S"/S21, T3S. R69Y1. 198{, LS 13212' IN 518/511 RANGE 2, X ( R69W, 198{. LS CORD) PROPOSED RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) $10'46• W RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) z H LOT 1 t`I' 12'E '626-94- 26.94' (AM I I _ LOT 12 LOT I LOT II I I - I Ilnv LOT 9 I I I FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES FRUITDALE PATIOHOMES - �'� LOT 8 I I :'7 ZONING: R-2 FOUND N0. S I I ZONING: R-2 I I� ZONING: R - PROPOSED m� LOT 2 Z0� FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES Fm"C RE NO CAP' - I T $ ZONING -._L-3 EMS NG 10' DRAR/ACE! U TY T (P) EXISTING ORM EASEMENT I� I Q" �1 - I I-N3fb��ET198.44' (REG. N0. 2012090034) EXI TING 10' DRAINAGE & UTIUTY EASEMENT (P M)b n TO REMAIN 1 $ 4Q' 110• ` 285.37 / - - _ - ) A. 44TH FL --- PON OF BEGINNING I 56971 OD'W `500T874'E FOUND 1-3/4' ALUMINUM FOUND I-3/4' ALUMINUM Detail 'A' (40' R.O.W.) N89'31'09'E &7.92' -- 1.44' I SEE DETAL - 24.08 -I 15.00 CAP, MARKED'WWLEY CAP. MARKED'WLLEY /4' YCKISSACK, LS 23528' M[NISSACK, L$ 23328' FOUND 1-3ALUYINLIM CAP. MARKED 'MiLLEY / R-26.00 MOISSACK, LS 23528' u / 1-89'49'43' L-40.92' CH-N44'36'17'E R-26.00' I 36.71' N 6$ CH -5457743'E X« :4 n IFS LOT 16 38.82' logo FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES LegendI CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT I I g r LOT IS : o ZONING: R-2 (HEREBY CREATED BY I i FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES m FOUND AUOUOT MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED NIS PUT) 1 r I 0 ZONING: A -I. R-2, R-3. B R -C FOUNDMONUMENT AS DESCRIBED UNPLATTED 19.0' BTW �N897I'09'E (REL. N0. 59) I 1300 J SET P REB AR WITH I I/2' ALUMINUM CAP ZONINGG:: R-3 R-3 /XI � "FLATIRONS $DRV 115406' I 46.4 SET 2' ALUMINUM DISK NTH MAG NAIL J I I _ _ 'FLATIRONS SURVEYING LS 16406'IAOU- CALCULATED POSITION (NOT FOUND OR SET) � � � � � . SNj'58'E I SECTION UNE LOTUNE ORRER$Y �. ..• - _� REMOVED BY TNI SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY UNE I PUT) I / 7 �I 'A _. �` r - SW48'58'E / -- - EXISTING EASEMENT UNE \ ' - - - - PROPOSED EASEMENT UNE _ - - - • O ` I EXISGNG LOT UNE I-EXISTI 10' U11Utt EA$EYQ4T ` I- 4 I -I PROPOSED LOT UNE II'- CREATEDTBYNTHS PLAT 511ED�I FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC ( 'TO BE MOVED' II^ CAP, MARKED 'VLC. 20699' LOT UNE (HEREBY I I 81 p REMOVED BY MIS PLAT) IIH...... Notes I I I IIs TINE INFORMATION ON NNS SHEET SHOWS THE PROPOSED $I 9.4 W - CONDITIONS. ONLY MEASURED AND CALCULATED DIMENSIONS p. LOT 1, I g ly1 94 0M ON NIS SHEET, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. f _ L N 109.814 $p. i1. OR m 2.52 ACRES. MORE 3, Z. I i TONING: A-1, R -I, R-3, R R -C '• � I itl� JSt iS N p WIC DN{ml� UNPLATTED V I ff w ZONING: C-1 LOT R AND R ALITOBODY FILING NO. 1- LOT UNE HEREBY I I R W N I AMENDMENT NO. (REC. N0. 2007124 328) CREATED BY THIS PLAT ZONING: C-1 5 R-3 6 r LOT 2 611 1S OR ME OR LESS {1 ACRE ZONING: A-1, C-1. R-3 I I - I GRAPHIC SCALE I I I o N I I I LOT UNE (HEREBY _ --�' ( U1 PELF) I RE'MOKD BY MIs - T T moe - so KPLAT) -� LL -23.45I ---_-- J I R-15.00' I I L89'34'3T I 2 CH-S45'05'59'E Y� - - - - ------�------ -------------- - I - - - N8q'S3'18'W exlsnNc 1R' unun EASEMENT I b 10' U11Utt EASEMENT (HEREBYGRANTED BY M$ PUT) �JN7I 739.ie' M 53'16:20000 b EXISTING WATER ..F TIC c FOLN10 NO. • REBAR vT FOUND 'CRS. 026689' DENVER owro gTANf.I RAS .:1 FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC _ H lf. 44TH AVENUE EASEMENT (REG. NO.AIM CAR 1LLOF LINE 'NO CAP' CAP. MARKED 'VLC. 20699 .^� b r$� (66' R.o. w.) zoo]066084) To REMAIN I.a' NpiM a UNE - �V FOUND IN RANGEGE SOOX $ r0 EXCEPTED PORTION 604989 (REG. N0. 8604989]) OQ�(\ S�0 `p 3 Proposed Conditions y CASE HISTORY s MS -16-01 z 0 Tn 5 � o z F a n z a.O O d U C4 z In ((nn O IL a a n IL F 7 Cx, " � b S. 0U 2�^� o. n�gp i9RR iE s -Oo- r P DATE: -4 " 10-30-2015 O OQ`�` / 5 "� ERADSANJVIS Y. I N0018'33*W ` - C �j 609.48• (AM) - _ - - - - - - _ ��KCHECKEDY. s. uI� a QUARTER OF s¢c. 21 SBq 13-w :R52.42AM� --J,H1I1•A (]j 3K JG2 WW CENTER 1/4 CORNER. SECNdI 21 - FOUND• P.�ARKEDTY / / C.O. W.R. PANT N0. 14309 OF WHM�UYENi. 1/4. F0UN0 3-1/4' BRASS LAP. MARKED .11 S21/f rr 1954. LS 13212' IN SHEET 3 OF .3 OF WHEAT RIDGE. SURVEY MONUMENT, C RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) 1/4. S21, T3S. "SW. 1984. LS 13212' IN City of Wheat,Rj ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Lisa Ritchie DATE OF MEETING: April 7, 2016, continued from March 17, 2016 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development to Planned Industrial Development with an Outline Development Plan, and approval of a Specific Development Plan to allow the construction of an indoor self storage facility. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 12700 W. 44a' Avenue PROPERTY OWNER: Raleva Properties, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.81 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer Area ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. VICINITY MAP This staff report is intended be read as an update to the staff report prepared for the March 17, 2016 public hearing. All sections of the previous staff report that have updated information are included, with the updated discussion underlined. L MARCH 17, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING On March 17, 2016, Planning Commission considered a request for approval of a zone change to Planned Industrial Development and a Specific Development Plan for the property. Following discussion of the request, the Planning Commission took two votes regarding the zone change, one for approval and one for denial, both of which tied. The Planning Commission then voted to continue the public hearing to April 7 to allow the applicant and staff to address concerns and provide additional information and analysis. II. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN —UPDATED for APRIL 7, 2016 Attached is a copy of the proposed Outline Development Plan which contains two sheets. The ODP is a zoning document that will establish allowed uses and development standards for the property. The ODP also contains a general concept plan which includes a concept site layout and architectural and site design standards. (Exhibit 1, Reduced copy of revised ODP document) The applicants and staff evaluated additional uses that could be added to the ODP that would be considered compatible with the context of location and the particulars of the site, as well as for potential impacts to the neighborhood. The following have been added to the proposed list for allowed uses: research laboratories, offices and other facilities for research: eating establishments with no drive through, un to 2,000 square feet: medical and dental offices, clinics or laboratories, excluding substance abuse clinics; and retail sales up to 5,000 square feet. The addition of the retail and eating establishment uses is intended to provide the option for neighborhood scale facilities that could be provided as an amenity to the other possible uses. These are in addition to the previously proposed allowed uses: mini -warehouse for inside storage, warehouse/office and flex space and community buildings. The applicants intend to use the property for self storage, but the provision of other allowed uses is to facilitate alternative uses should the property redevelop or transition at a later date. The proposed development standards for landscaping refer to the zoning code. Architectural, site and streetscape design shall comply with the ASDM and Streetscape Design Manual. Parking is proposed to be in conformance with the zoning code, with the exception of the parking requirement for self storage use, proposed at a minimum of 16 spaces. The side and rear setbacks, lot coverage and building height standards proposed are consistent with the zoning code standards for Commercial -One development. The front setback proposed is a maximum of twenty feet, consistent with the Contemporary Overlay district in the ASDM. The ODP is now revised to have all signage conform with the sign code, with the exception of the freestanding sin allowance. Rather than allowing two freestanding signs up to fiftv feet in height that could be allowed under the sign code based on proximity to I-70, the ODP restricts the proyerty to onlv one freestanding sign with a maximum height of 15 feet. The square footage allotment of 144 square feet is consistent with the size that would be permitted under the code should the building shown on the SDP be approved. Planning Commission WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID Comparison Table of the Mangone Office Park ODP and Proposed ODP Development Standard Mangone Office Park Stor-All Storage Mini -warehouse for inside storage; warehouse/office and flex space; community buildings; research Restaurant, retail food store, laboratories, offices and other bank, hotel, medical or dental facilities for research; eating Uses office, business office, theater, establishments with no drive veterinary hospital, and car, through, up to 2,000 square feet; truck, trailer and ry sales* medical and dental offices, clinics or laboratories, excluding substance abuse clinics; and retail sales up to 5,000 square feet Brick or block structure Architectural intended but not specified. Shall comply with the ASDM Standards Would default to the ASDM. 3 -story structure intended but not specified. Max. Building Height 50'-0" if defaulted to C-1. 50'-0" to top of roof deck Within the City's Charter height exemption area 14% proposed but not Max. Lot coverage specified 80% 80% if defaulted to C-1 35% proposed but not Min. Landscaping specified 20% 20% if defaulted to C-1 Build -to / Setbacks Front No setbacks specified 0 — 20' build -to area Rear setback Would default to C-1 and 25' Side setback, south ASDM 20' *See Mangone Office Park ODP for complete list of permitted uses III. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN —UPDATED for APRIL 7, 2016 Attached is a copy of the Specific Development Plan (SDP) which contains 8 sheets. The ODP, as discussed above, will set allowed uses and development standards. The SDP document includes a site plan with more details related to the proposed development. Shown on Sheet 1 is the proposed Site Data Table, which is consistent with the standards outlined on the ODP. The proposed use on the SDP is 4 -story, indoor climate controlled self storage facility. (Exhibit 2, Reduced copy of revised SDP document) Planning Commission WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID Landscaping The landscaping plan proposed meets or exceeds all criteria in the code. A total of 44% of the site is proposed to be landscaped. Along Youngfield Street, sod and shrub beds are proposed between the building and sidewalk. The drainage area will be surrounded by trees, as well as the southern and eastern sides of the building. Shrub beds are proposed to surround the parking lot and run the majority of the eastern property line. A xeric wildflower seed mix is proposed for the remainder of the site. The landscape plan has been undated to reflect sight distance triangles and to ensure that the plant selections will not be problematic in the future. Sienaae The sign program for the development is now shown on the SDP. As noted in the ODP discussion above, the Property would be restricted to onlv one freestanding sign with a maximum height of 15 feet and a maximum area of 144 square feet. The wall signs shown on the SDP are representative of what could be approved under the sign code. Signage will be reviewed and approved under a separate sign permit. Liehtine The lighting plan has been revised to refine the areas that will be illuminated for impacts on neighboring properties and to further evaluate securitv concerns on the nronerty. The lighting plan shows that there will be no spillover on to adjacent properties. It should be noted that the lighting levels proposed are relativelv low, consistent with an appropriate level for an office nark at night, not a retail store or fueling station, at night. The applicant proposes this lighting plan following their determination that it is an appropriate level to provide security while not impacting the surrounding area to a great degree. Neighborhood Buffering When comparing the existing Mangone ODP and the Stor-All ODP, the neighborhood to the east could benefit from the proposed changes. The site is the final property between the residences on Xenon Street to the east and the Youngfield Street and I-70 right-of-way to the west. The right-of-way is approximately 500 feet wide in this location. The most recent traffic count on Youngfield Street in this location is 13,361 vehicles per day. There are 99,700 vehicles per day on I-70 near this property. The existing ODP sites the structure in the northern portion of the site with a smaller footprint and large parking lot in the southern portion of the site. The proposed ODP would site the structure in the southern portion of the site and should provide improved buffering capabilities from the impacts of Youngfield Street and I-70. The proposed landscape plan includes extensive landscaping, including 12 new trees and a fence at the rear of the property. The piece of the property that extends to Xenon Street is proposed to be seeded with the xeric seed mix. It is currently in a native state. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA — UPDATED for APRIL 7, 2016 The zone change and ODP application require analysis relative to the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112 E. Staff provides the following analysis: Planning Commission WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The change of zone will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The property is currently vacant and new development should have a positive impact on the surrounding area. The zone district proposed. Planned Industrial District, was selected because property cannot be rezoned to a straight commercial zone district, under Sec. 26-301. The property could be rezoned to a Mixed -Use zone district. As well, the property could be rezoned to Industrial -Employment, but some of the allowed uses in that zone district are not compatible with the surrounding area The zone designation of Planned Industrial Development, rather than Planned Commercial Development, is suggested due to the alignment of the majority of the proposed uses with the Commercial -Two and Industrial -Employment zone districts, rather than the Commercial -One zone district. Within Wheat Ridge, the Industrial -Employment zone district is intended to allow light industrial and commercial uses that support employment. When evaluating the proposed uses on the ODP to the uses allowed in the Industrial -Employment zone district, the more intensive, and more commonlv associated "industrial" uses are prohibited. For this Particular property. the uses that would be permitted will likelv not impact the neighboring Agricultural -Two zoned properties negatively. In addition, the proposed uses likely will impact the adjacent properties less than the currently allowed uses on the Mangone ODP, or if the property were rezoned to a zone district more commercial in nature. The proposed use for self storage is less intense than the allowed uses currently permitted for the property. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developers' expense. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. At least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. Planning Commission WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID Excerpt from Envision Wheat Ridge Structure Plan In Tabor Lake West Lake Bass Site Location Envision Wheat Ridge, the City's 2009 comprehensive Plan, identifies this area as a Neighborhood Buffer zone, which is a designation for locations generally at the "edges" of neighborhoods, and generally function as buffers between low intensity residential areas and higher intensity commercial corridors and uses. The Structure Plan of the Comprehensive Plan is intended to Drovide strateeic guidance and general land uses for future redevelopment to aid the Wheat Ridge commurtity in achieving its future vision. It provides high-level guidance for the communitv's areas and corridors — itis not intended to be parcel based, nor is it a zoning man. When evaluating this particular property for use as a Neighborhood Buffer, staff continues to support the request based on the context of this Darticular DroDertv in this Darticular location. The following evaluation of the goals for the Neighborhood Buffer designation is provided Goal NH2 — Increase housine options: This Darticular location is not ideal for housing- as it directly abuts I-70 and Youngfield Street. This goal is not appropriate for this particular property. Goal NH4 — Stimulate investment and redevelopment in neiehborhood buffer areas: This proposal is consistent with this goal. Goal CS3 — Increase community safetv and code enforcement The redevelopment of this lot should improve the safetv of the area, which at times is occupied by a transient population. Although this DoDulation generally may not be dangerous- it can increase the anxiety a Planning Commission 6 WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID neighborhood experiences and can increase Police activitv. This proposal is consistent with this goal. Goal CS7 — Increase opportunities for public involvement with Citv Government: This goal is not applicable to this particular development. Goal SF4 — Maintain a healthv and active communitv: This redevelopment of this property will provide a detached 6 foot sidewalk along Youngfield Street. This is consistent with other development scenarios that would likelv be considered for this Particular Property. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning map of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current Planned Commercial Development designation as it appears on the City's zoning map. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. The surrounding land uses in the area have experienced a relatively small amount of change over the past few years when compared to other areas of Wheat Ridge. This rate of change in the area could increase in the future with the opening of the Ward Road Station for the RTD FasTracks Gold Line Commuter Rail Station to the north of the site. It is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area due to the potentially changing nature of the area. Traffic in the area has increased over time, and is projected to continue to intensify. This will be even more likely when the Clear Creek Crossing site develops on the west side of I-70. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a zone change support this request. Planning Commission WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID V. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN CRITERIA The SDP application requires analysis relative to the criteria for approval in Sec. 26-305 D. of the City's code: 1. The proposed specific development plan is consistent with the purpose of a planned development as stated in Section 26-301 of the Planned Development District Regulations. The purpose of a planned development is to permit well-designed, innovative developments which may not be feasible under a standard zone district and to promote flexible and efficient use of land. The proposed SDP is well designed with higher quality architecture, a reduced amount of parking relative to other possible uses for the site, and a landscape plan that is responsive to the existing conditions and surrounding area of the site. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. The proposed specific development plan is consistent with the design intent or purpose of the approved outline development plan. The SDP is consistent with the design intent and purpose of the ODP for a 4 -story, single structure development intended to be a high quality self storage development. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The proposed uses indicated in the specific development plan are consistent with the uses approved in the outline development plan. Mini -warehouse for inside storage is an allowed use on the ODP document. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 4. The site is appropriately designed and is consistent with the development guidelines established in the outline development plan. The proposed site plan is consistent with the development guidelines included on the ODP document, including setbacks, lot coverage, building height, parking requirements and architecture. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 5. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the subject property, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Planning Commission WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID All utility agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 6. The proposed specific development plan is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual, Streetscape Design Manual, and other applicable design standards. The application is in substantial conformance with the ASDM for building and site design, meeting or exceeding all requirements. The application is also in substantial conformance with the Streetscape Design Manual, with the noted exception of street trees in the area of the irrigation ditch proposed to be piped. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed Planned Industrial Zoning and accompanying Outline Development Plan are consistent with the goals and policies of the City's guiding documents, including Envision Wheat Ridge. Staff further concludes that the proposal provides a logical land use transition and will serve as a neighborhood buffer between the properties to the east and the I-70 corridor to the west. Because the proposed zoning and ODP and SDP meet the criteria for evaluation, a recommendation for approval is given for both applications, Case No. WZ-15- 10 and Case No. WZ-15-11, with the conditions listed below. X. SUGGESTED MOTIONS • The followiu2 is su22ested for the first case, Case No. WZ-15-10: Option A: "I recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-15-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development to Planned Industrial Development with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's comprehensive plan and other guiding documents; 2. The proposal meets the zone change criteria, 3. The proposed uses and ODP plan are all less intensive than what could be allowed on the property currently and will serve as a neighborhood buffer; 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met." Planning Commission WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID Option B: "I recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-15-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development to Planned Industrial Development with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. 2. ... • The following is suggested for the second case, Case No. WZ-15-11: Option A: "I recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-15-11, a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with purpose of a Planned Development; 2. The proposal is in substantial compliance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual, the Streetscape Design Manual, and the zoning code; 3. The proposed site design and proposed uses are consistent with the Outline Development Plan; 4. All requirements for a Specific Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall continue to work with staff to ensure that the final fence design is consistent with the provisions in the zoning code and so that it shall provide additional layer of buffer for the neighborhood. 2. That a subdivision plat shall be approved for the property prior to recording the SDP." Option B: "I recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-15-11, a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. 2...,, Planning Commission 10 WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID Exhibit 1— Revised ODP Document Planning Commission 11 WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID Exhibit 2 — Revised SDP Document Planning Commission 12 WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 / Stor-All Storage PID LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION. A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SE '/, OF THE UPS '/, OF SECTION 20, TOM SHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE CENTER '/, CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, WHENCE THE NORTH '/, CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20 BEARS N00°15'06' W A DISTANCE OF 264231 FEET, THENCE N00°15'06' W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE AW ''/n OF SAI D SECTION 20 A DISTANCE OF 670 92 DEFTLY THE INTERSECTION OF SAID EAST LINE AND THE CENTERLINE OF WEST44TH AVENUE, THENCE N89°5]'14' W A DISTANCE OF 687 32 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION N0. 86104746, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THENCE S00°0246' W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 119 05 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION N0. 2010060878, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS, SAID POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY U HE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE CONTINUA NG S00°02'46' W ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION N0.2015059313, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORLAS, A DISTANCE OF 225 04 DEFTLY THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL RECORDED AT RECEPTION N0.2015059313, THENCE S89°57'14"E ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 2 60 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND RECORDED IN BOOK 1129 AT PAGE 41 ], JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THENCE S00°0646' W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 81.]0 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL THENCE S89°57'14"E ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 11252 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N44'5146E A DISTANCE OF 21 28 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°22'00", A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.66 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF XENON STREET, THENCE 50019'14"E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF5510 FEETTOTHE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1937 AT PAGE 339, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THENCE N89°57'14"W ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 12]5] FEETTO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL, THENCE S00°19'14"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 81.]0 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL SAID POINT ALSO LYING ON THE NORTH LINE OFA PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION N0.92014580, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THENCE N89°5]'14' W ALONG SAID NORTH LINEA DISTANCE OF 29544 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1885 AT PAGE 44, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS, SAID POINT LYING ON SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70', THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE THE FOLLOW NG FOUR (4) COURSES 1) THENCE N29 -3420"E A DISTANCE OF 233]6FEEP, 2) THENCE N89-5]'14' WA DISTANCE OF 1 28 FEET, 3) THENCE N29 -34'01"E A DISTANCE OF 22759 FEED, 4) THENCE N67°48'31"E A DISTANCE OF 71 35 DEFTLY THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (]8,492 SQUARE FEET) 18019 ACRES PHASING NOTE THIS PROJECT IS ANTICIPATED TO HAVE ONLY ONE PHASE, HOWEVER FUTURE PHASING, IF REQUIRED WILL NOT REQUIRE AMENDMENT TO THIS PLCO. INTENT AND ALLOWED USES 1 INTENT a. THE PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IS ESTABIJSHED TO PROVIDE FOR A HIGH QUALITY, MINIWAREHOUSEFOR INSIDE STORAGE 2. ALLOWED USES. MINI WAREHOUSE FOR INSIDE STORAGE. lT. WAREHOUSE/OFFICE AND FLEX SPACE. c. COMMUNITYBUIIDINGS. d. RESEARCH LABORATORIES, OFFICES AND OTHER FACILITIES FOR RESEARCH e. EATING ESTABLISHMENTS WITH No DRIVE THROUGH, UP TO 2000 SQUARE FEET i. MEDICALAND DENTAL OFFICES CLINICS OR LABORATORIES EXCLUDING SUBSTANCE ABUSE CLINICS I, RETAIL SALES UP To 5000 SQUARE FEET DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS CURRENT ZONING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED ZONING. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT LOT SIZE ]8, 492 SO. FT.(18019 AC) MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT. FIFTY (50) FEET(TOP OF ROOF DECK) BARIUM LOT COVERAGE EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) WITH A MINIMUM OF TWENTY PERCENT (20%) OF THE LOT BEING LANDSCAPED. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH. NOIJMITATIONS, PROVIDEDALLOTHER REQUIREMENTS CAN BE MET FRONT YARD SETBACK TWENTY (20) FEET MAXIMUM SIDE (SOUTH) YARD SETBACK TWENTY (20) FEET MINIMUM REAR (EAST) YARD SETBACK TWENTY FIVE L05 FEET MINIMUM ALL PARKING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26501 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS. MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES FOR MINIWAREHOUSEFOR INSIDE STORAGE SIXTEEN (16) SPACES. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26 502OFTHE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. ALL SIGNAGE SHALL BE IN CONFORMAN CE WITH ARTICLE VII OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTION. A MAXIM UM OF ONE FREESTAN DIN G SIGN IS PERMITTED. THIS SIGN MAY BE U P To 15 FEET IN H BCH T AN D UP To 144 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. ARCHITECTURAL, SITE AND STREETSCAPE DESIGN SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ARCHITECTURALAN D SITE DESIGN MANUAL AGES) AND STREETSCAPE DESIGN MANUAL THIS OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENTS SUCH AS SITE LAYOUT AND BUILDING ARCHITECTURE HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED ON THIS DOCUMENT. ASA RESULT A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PRIOR TO THE SUBMTTAL OF A RIGHT OFWAYOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION AND ANY SUBSEQUENT SITE DEVELOPMENT. CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE PROPOSED PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SITE IS AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 44TH AVENUE AND YOUNGSFIELD STREET. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE DEVELOPED TO CONTAIN A FOUR STORY INTERIOR CLIMATE CONTROLLED STORAGE FACILITY. THE BUILDING WILL BE OF SPLIT FACE BLOCK METAL, STUCCO AND TINTED WALL PANEL SKIN. LANDSCAPING WILL BE DEVELOPED TO SCREEN, DAMPEN NOISE AND ENHANCE THE SECURITYAND PRIVACY OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD. CASE HISTORY WZ-M-10 WZ-15-10 STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SHEETINDEX 1. COVER SHEET 2. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN OWNER/DEVELOPER STOP. ALL STORAGE 1375 W. HILLSBORO BOULEVARD DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 TEL 954) 421-]8N CONTACT. JEFFANDERSON TRAFFIC ENGINEER KIMLEY-HORN 4582 S. ULSTER STREET, SUITE 15M DENVER 0080237 TEL (303) 22823M CONTACT. CURTIS ROWE, P.E. Y�1 L9=N] 7 ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 1300 S. POTOMAC STREET AURORA, COW012 TEL (303) 33]-13M FAX (3G0337]481 CONTACT. CHIP BECKSTROM PLS. CONTACTS CIVIL ENGINEER ARCHITECT GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC 6162S WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE320 6162S WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE SEE GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, C080111 TEL (303) ]]08884 TEL (303) ]]08884 FAX ISM) 7703636 FAX ISM) ]]03636 CONTACT. ADAM KOESTER, P E. CONTACT. KYLE MATTHEWS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MEP ENGINEER SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, CHARLES N. BECKSTROM DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF STOR-ALL STORAGE 4375 XENON STREET, WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. CHARLES N. BECKSTROM PLS#33202 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE/UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER, OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED ASA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OFA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS NAY ONLY ARSE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. JEFF ANDERSON, &MANAGING PARTNER -STOP. ALL STORAGE Init. ARK STATE OF COLORADO ) N ) SS ®6E�' COUNTY OF w szeoaeE. THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS O wszeD ave. WITNESS MIX HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMM SSION EXPIRES. NOTARYPUBUC W PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION W A COMMISSION. ii O Q CHAIRMAN CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF DT BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL J ATTEST J CITY CLERK MAYOR (' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 8 'H1 •. N O N 1 1 1 1 1 PROJECT SITE 44TIAVE 44TH aaE W 42ND ME 50 180 ]0 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SHEETINDEX 1. COVER SHEET 2. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN OWNER/DEVELOPER STOP. ALL STORAGE 1375 W. HILLSBORO BOULEVARD DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 TEL 954) 421-]8N CONTACT. JEFFANDERSON TRAFFIC ENGINEER KIMLEY-HORN 4582 S. ULSTER STREET, SUITE 15M DENVER 0080237 TEL (303) 22823M CONTACT. CURTIS ROWE, P.E. Y�1 L9=N] 7 ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 1300 S. POTOMAC STREET AURORA, COW012 TEL (303) 33]-13M FAX (3G0337]481 CONTACT. CHIP BECKSTROM PLS. CONTACTS CIVIL ENGINEER ARCHITECT GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC 6162S WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE320 6162S WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE SEE GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, C080111 TEL (303) ]]08884 TEL (303) ]]08884 FAX ISM) 7703636 FAX ISM) ]]03636 CONTACT. ADAM KOESTER, P E. CONTACT. KYLE MATTHEWS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MEP ENGINEER SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, CHARLES N. BECKSTROM DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF STOR-ALL STORAGE 4375 XENON STREET, WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. CHARLES N. BECKSTROM PLS#33202 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE/UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER, OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED ASA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OFA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS NAY ONLY ARSE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. CK•111►rwigs]NO �:1W_1►1H::16101 91:1: K61:1:4919167.171119 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) 88 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK _M GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC 61625. WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE320 61625. WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE SEE ON THE DAY OF 2015 A D., IN GREENWOOD VI LLAGE, CO 80111 GREENWOOD VI LLAGE, CO 80111 TEL (303) ]]08884 TEL (303) ]]08884 FAX ISM) 7703636 FAX ISM) ]]03636 RECEPTION N0. CONTACT. JOE WILSON CONTACT. MARK MONTANO P.E. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER (DEPUTY) G a €oway Planning. A;ReZe. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com s IL Far'I 01l( c�orgr6' JEFF ANDERSON, &MANAGING PARTNER -STOP. ALL STORAGE Init. ARK STATE OF COLORADO ) N ) SS 3 03/04/16 COUNTY OF ARK THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS O DAY OF AD.2015BY WITNESS MIX HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMM SSION EXPIRES. NOTARYPUBUC W PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION W RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF 20 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. ii O Q CHAIRMAN CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF DT BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL J ATTEST J CITY CLERK MAYOR (' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CK•111►rwigs]NO �:1W_1►1H::16101 91:1: K61:1:4919167.171119 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) 88 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK _M GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC 61625. WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE320 61625. WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE SEE ON THE DAY OF 2015 A D., IN GREENWOOD VI LLAGE, CO 80111 GREENWOOD VI LLAGE, CO 80111 TEL (303) ]]08884 TEL (303) ]]08884 FAX ISM) 7703636 FAX ISM) ]]03636 RECEPTION N0. CONTACT. JOE WILSON CONTACT. MARK MONTANO P.E. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER (DEPUTY) G a €oway Planning. A;ReZe. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com s IL Far'I 01l( c�orgr6' # Date 1 10/23/16 Ir Init. ARK 2 02106/16 N ARK 3 03/04/16 Z ARK 4 04104/16 O ARK Z W W X �ca0 O Q W N J 0 J W LL Q (' Z 'H1 •. N 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 # Date 1 10/23/16 Issue I Desaiption 1STSUBMITTAL Init. ARK 2 02106/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL ARK 4 04104/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK Project No: SAS0000002 Drawn By: KRL Checked By: ARK Date: 10232015 SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET 1 SHEET 1 OF 2 L STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED — — — — — — — ADJACENT LOT LINE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO In 0 126.60'189Jo'E) / q Cl) Lf) N EXCEPTION PARCEL B (BK.1914-PG.128) ro / Z "o- 3 - /j 3 3 rr li rr g Q 7,ZJ A.,/ 8 Z� "� C� O ,moo • / / 4 �J 8 EXCEPTION PARCEL / • (BK.1895-PG.44) / N89057'14"W 295.44' UNPLATTED (ZONED A-2) 127.40' (S89°50'W 694.8') i I rn .0 �I �I o CD (REC. N0. 86104746) z co v N O co O / / / / X38 I I I UNPLATTED (ZONED C-1) S89°57'14"E 129.15' UNPLATTED (ZONED C-1) _ 127.00' _ N89 7'14"W 127.00' UNPLATTED (ZONED R-2) EXCEPTION PARCEL A v 0 0 zl I S89°57'14"E 127.57' H W p Cn U z m O z0 - ED X I l*- 3H tm 0 m SITE LEGEND SCHEDULE 10 PARCEL LINE TO BE REMOVED BY PLAT 02 PROPOSED SWALE 03 PROPOSED DETENTION POND 04 PROPOSED PARKING LOT 05 PROPOSED BAYOU DITCH RELOCATION 06 SLATER MOODY DITCH TO REMAIN N :r 0 15 30 SCALE: 1'=30' a lo wa Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com 02015. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved ersonaf( oars ZONE LOT BOUNDARY LINE — — — — — — — ADJACENT LOT LINE co BUILD-TO/SETBACK LINE 3 03/04/16 EXCEPTION PARCEL LINE 1❑ PARKING COUNT ED� PROPOSED SITE LIGHTING EXISTING STREET LIGHT (WOOD POLE) EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT W PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT O EXISTING MANHOLE COVER 0 PROPOSED MANHOLE COVER z UTILITY PEDESTAL W E;] EXISTING INLET fW rq PROPOSED INLET IT PROPOSED TRANSFORMER PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVING PROPOSED SIDEWALK PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING SCHEDULE 10 PARCEL LINE TO BE REMOVED BY PLAT 02 PROPOSED SWALE 03 PROPOSED DETENTION POND 04 PROPOSED PARKING LOT 05 PROPOSED BAYOU DITCH RELOCATION 06 SLATER MOODY DITCH TO REMAIN N :r 0 15 30 SCALE: 1'=30' a lo wa Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com 02015. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved ersonaf( oars # Date # 1 10/23/15 Issue / Description 1ST SUBMITTAL Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 co ARK 3 03/04/16 z ARK 4 04/04/16 O ARK Z W W V QotSO V 0 W J W J DC Z Q O =) W �O= CIO >- # Date # 1 10/23/15 Issue / Description 1ST SUBMITTAL Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL ARK 4 04/04/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK Project No: SAS0000002 Drawn By: KRL Checked By: ARK Date: 10/23/2015 SHEET TITLE: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 2 SHEET 2 OF 2 STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED I N THE SE'/n OF THE NW'/n OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE CENTER '/, CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, WHENCE THE NORTH '/, CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20 BEARS N00°15'06' W A DISTANCE OF 264231 FEET, THENCE N00°15'06' W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE AW ''/n OF SAI D SECTION 20 A DISTANCE OF 67092 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID EAST UNE AND THE CENTERLINE OFWEST44TH AVENUE, THENCE N89°57'14' W A DISTANCE OF 687 32 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION N0. 86104746, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THENCE S00°0246' W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 119 05 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION N0. 201 00 60 87 8, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORLAS, SAID POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAV U HE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE CONTINUA NG S00°02'46' W ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION N0.2015059313, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORLAS, A DISTANCE OF 225 04 DEFTLY THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL RECORDED AT RECEPTION N0.2015059313, THENCE S89°57'14"E ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 2 60 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND RECORDED IN BOOK 1129 AT PAGE 417, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THENCE S00°0646' W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 81.70 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL THENCE S89°57'14"E ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 11252 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N44'5146E A DISTANCE OF 21 28 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°22'00", A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.66 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAV UNE OF XENON STREET, THENCE GOTHS '14"E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE A DISTANCE OF 5510 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1937 AT PAGE 339, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THENCE N89°57'14"W ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 12757 FEETTO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL', THENCE S00°19'14"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 81.70 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL SAID POINT ALSO LYING ON THE NORTH LINE OFA PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION N0.92014580, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THENCE N89°57'14' W ALONG SAID NORTH LINEA DISTANCE OF 29544 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1885 AT PAGE 44, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO PECORas, SAID POINT LYING ON SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 70 THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAV UNE THE FOLLOW NG FOUR (4) COURSES 1) THENCE N29 -3420"E A DISTANCE OF 233 76FEEP, 2) THENCE N89-5714' WA DISTANCE OF 1 28 FEET, 3) THENCE N29 -34'01"E A DISTANCE OF 22759 FEED, 4) THENCE N67 -48'31"E A DISTANCE OF 71 35 DEFTLY THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (78,492 SQUARE FEET) 18019 ACRES PHASING NOTE THIS PROJECT IS ANTICIPATED TO HAVE ONLY ONE PHASE, HOWEVER FUTURE PHASING, IF REQUIRED WILL NOT REQUIRE AMENDMENT TO THIS PLCO. INTENT AND ALLOWED USES 1 INTENT a. THE PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IS ESTABIJSHED TO PROVIDE FOR A HIGH QUALITY, MINIWAREHOUSEFOR INSIDE STORAGE 2. PROPOSEDUSE. MINI WAREHOUSE FOR INSIDE STORAGE. SITE DATA TABLE EXISTING ZONING. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP SENT -STOR-ALL STORAGE PROPOSED LWD USE MNI-WAREHOUSE FOR INSIDE STORAGE LANDSCAPE PLAN ®6E�' ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS TOTAL AREA. 18019 AC/8492 SQ FT GROSS 18019 AC/8492 SQ FT NET LOT#1 18019 AC/78,492 SQ FT GROSS 18019 AC/78,492 SQ FT NET 8. PHOTOMETRIC PLAN FLOOR AREA BY USE 0060 A STORAGE. 103,100 SQ FT OFFICE 1200 SQ FT O 0 ii REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED LOT SIZE 7$492 SQ FT 78,492 SQ FT BUI LYING COVERAGE 80%MAY /62,]94 SQ FT NAX 26,075 SQ FT OPEN SPACE/LANDSCAPING 20% MIN / 15,698 SQ FTMN 44%/34,4]9 SQ FT SOD/SEE DED TURFGRASS N/A 34%/26,972 SQ FT SHRUB BEDS N/A 10% /7,507 SQ FT PARKING 2 STANDARD 15 15 ACCESSIBLE 1 1 BICYCLE 2 2 CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE PROPOSED PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTSITE ISATTHE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 44TH AVENUE AND VOUNGSFIELD STREET. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE DEVELOPED TO CONTAIN A FOUR STORY INTERIOR CLIMATE CONTROLLED STORAGE FACILITY. THE BUILDING WILL BE OF SPLIT FACE BLOCK METAL, STUCCO AND TINTED WALL PANEL SKIN. LANDSCAPING WILL BE DEVELOPED TO SCREEN, DAMPEN NOISE AND ENHANCE THE SECURITYAND PRIVACY OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD. CASE HISTORY WZ-M-10 WZ-15-10 WZ-15-11 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE yOM1:11 :12104191M.I 1. COVER SHEET 2. SITE PLAN 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN ®6E�' ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS w szNDAbE. ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS 6. wszND AVE. 7. AERIAL PERSPECTIVE 8. PHOTOMETRIC PLAN PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION 0060 A COMMISSION. O 0 ii CHAIRMAN N CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION 0 APPROVED THIS DAV OF GT BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL W LL ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR Z COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 8 W 2 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 N PROJECT SITE 3111111111%%," 44TH RUE 44TH AAE. W 42ND AVE 50 180 70 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE yOM1:11 :12104191M.I 1. COVER SHEET 2. SITE PLAN 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN 4. ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS 5. ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS 6. ROOF PLAN 7. AERIAL PERSPECTIVE 8. PHOTOMETRIC PLAN OWNER/DEVELOPER STOP. ALL STORAGE 1375 W. HILLSBORO BOULEVARD DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 TEL 954) 421-78M CONTACT. JEFFANDERSON TRAFFIC ENGINEER KIMLEY-HORN 4582 S. ULSTER STREET, SUITE 15M DENVER 0080237 TEL (303) 228-23M CONTACT. CURTIS ROWE, P.E. Y�1 L9=N] 7 ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 1300 S. POTOMAC STREET AURORA, COW012 TEL (303) 337-13M FAX (3G0337]481 CONTACT. CHIP BECKSTROM PLS. CONTACTS CIVIL ENGINEER ARCHITECT GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC 6162S WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE320 6162S WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE SEE GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, C080111 TEL (303) ]]08884 TEL (303) ]]08884 FAX ISM) 7703636 FAX ISM) ]]03636 CONTACT. ADAM KOESTER, P E. CONTACT. KYLE MATTHEWS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MEP ENGINEER SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, CHARLES N. BECKSTROM DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF STOR-ALL STORAGE 43]5 XENON STREET, WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER W DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF W KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. CHARLES N. BECKSTROM PLS#33202 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE/UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER, OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BYLAW I FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OFA SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE AVESTED PROPERTYRIGHT. VESTED PROPERTYRIGHTS MAVONLVARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. CK•111►rwigs]NO �:1W_1►1H::16101 91:1: K61:1:4919167.171119 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK _M GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC 61625. WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE320 61625. WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE SEE ON THE DAY OF 2015 A D., IN GREENWOOD VI LLAGE, CO 80111 GREENWOOD VI LLAGE, CO 80111 TEL (303) 708884 TEL (303) 708884 FAX ISM) 7703636 FAX ISM) ]]03636 RECEPTION N0. CONTACT. JOE WILSON CONTACT. MARK MONTANO P.E. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER (DEPUTY G a €oway Planning. A;ReZe. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com �L Far'I l( c�orgf's JEFF ANDERSON, MANAGING PARTNER -STOP. ALL STORAGE Init. ARK STATE OF COLORADO ) 2ND SUBMITTAL ) SS 3 03/04/16 COUNTY OF ARK THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS 4TH SUBMITTAL DAY OF AD.2015BY WITNESS W HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. W COMM SSION EXPIRES. NOTARVPUBUC PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION 0060 RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF 20 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. O 0 ii CHAIRMAN N CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION 0 APPROVED THIS DAV OF GT BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL W LL ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR Z COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CK•111►rwigs]NO �:1W_1►1H::16101 91:1: K61:1:4919167.171119 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK _M GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC GALLOWAY & COMPANY, INC 61625. WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE320 61625. WILLOW DRIVE, SUITE SEE ON THE DAY OF 2015 A D., IN GREENWOOD VI LLAGE, CO 80111 GREENWOOD VI LLAGE, CO 80111 TEL (303) 708884 TEL (303) 708884 FAX ISM) 7703636 FAX ISM) ]]03636 RECEPTION N0. CONTACT. JOE WILSON CONTACT. MARK MONTANO P.E. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER (DEPUTY G a €oway Planning. A;ReZe. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com �L Far'I l( c�orgf's # Date 1 10/23/16 LU Init. ARK 2 02106/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 Q ARK 4 04104/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK H W� 0060 9F_U O 0 W N J 0 J W LL Z W 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 # Date 1 10/23/16 Issue I Desaiption 1STSUBMITTAL Init. ARK 2 02106/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL ARK 4 04104/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK Project No: SAS0000002 Drawn By: KRL Checked By: ARK Date: 2/82016 SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET 1 Sheet 1 of 8 C STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN my �� _4 / 1 / 2 / / i '/ 7 EXCEPTION PARCEL A (BK.1895-PG.44) / / 6 20- / PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I 0 126.60' m m / / / 1 / 6 / c� OVERFLOW 0 / NbV-bt'14"VV ZVb.44' UNPLATTED (ZONED A-2) EXCEPTION PARCEL B (BK.1914-PG.128) UNPLATTED (ZONED C-1) ZONE LOT BOUNDARY LINE 127.40' (S89°50'W 694.8') � 2ND SUBMITTAL I 3 03/04/16 rn ARK .0 4TH SUBMITTAL �I 1❑ PARKING COUNT ED�n �I o EXISTING STREET LIGHT (WOOD POLE) (REC. N0. 86104746) CD z ,Ak PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT W N U) U �I N O PROPOSED MANHOLE COVER M J Z m O :0::)o a O cov EXISTING INLET / Z IT PROPOSED TRANSFORMER / v _ S89°57'14"E 129.15' / ED 37 ZQ / O = UNPLATTED (ZONED C-1) M 0 I 1 X38 1 1 1 1 vl CI z 89°57'14"E t UNPLATTED (ZONED C-1) 0 I I Ne,�L' b-3Hp— 1 0 N89057'14"W 127.57 4 0 37 I 1 UNPLATTED (ZONED R-2) o I co v 0 0 zl I S89°57'14"E 127.57' SITE LEGEND ZONE LOT BOUNDARY LINE I � 2ND SUBMITTAL BUILD-TO/SETBACK LINE 3 03/04/16 W ARK PROPOSED EASEMENT 4TH SUBMITTAL W 1❑ PARKING COUNT ED�n PROPOSED SITE LIGHTING a— EXISTING STREET LIGHT (WOOD POLE) M � � ,Ak PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT W N U) U 0 PROPOSED MANHOLE COVER M J Z m O :0::)o a EXISTING INLET � Z IT PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LUQ v _ S89°57'14"E 129.15' _ ED 37 ZQ I I O = UNPLATTED (ZONED C-1) M 0 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 vl CI z 89°57'14"E t 127.00' N89°57'14"W 127.00' 37 UNPLATTED (ZONED R-2) EXCEPTION PARCEL A �I A=90022'00" I I 0 j 0 I I Ne,�L' b-3Hp— 1 0 N89057'14"W 127.57 4 0 37 I 1 UNPLATTED (ZONED R-2) o I co v 0 0 zl I S89°57'14"E 127.57' SITE LEGEND SCHEDULE 10 FRONTAGE CURB AND GUTTER TO REMAIN 02 STREET LIGHT RELOCATED WITHIN 6' AMENITY ZONE 03 PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER WITH 2' CATCH PAN 04 SAWCUT AND PATCH ASPHALT PAVEMENT 05 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING 06 PROPOSED 6' DETACHED SIDEWALK 07 PROPOSED CURB CUT PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARD DETAIL C -D05 VCG.DC2 08 EXISTING CONCRETE LINED IRRIGATION DITCH TO REMAIN 09 PROPOSED PIPED IRRIGATION DITCH 10 PROPOSED CONCRETE HEADWALL 11 PROPOSED CATCH CURB AND GUTTER 12 PROPOSED SPILL CURB AND GUTTER 13 PROPOSED SITE SIDEWALK 14 PROPOSED CURB RAMP 15 PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT 16 PROPOSED LOADING AREA STRIPING 4" WHITE @ 2-0" 17 PROPOSED ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE AND SIGNAGE 18 PROPOSED PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER 19 PROPOSED DITCH EASEMENT BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT 20 PROPOSED LOADING AREA 21 PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT 22 PROPOSED STOP SIGN 23 EXISTING DRIVEWAY CUT TO REMAIN 24 PROPOSED WR CURB INLET 25 PROPOSED F.E.S. 26 PROPOSED DETENTION EASEMENT TO BE CREATED BY CONSOLIDATION PLAT 27 PROPOSED GRASS SWALE 28 PROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURE 29 PROPOSED SITE LIGHT 30 PROPOSED DETENTION POND 31 EXISTING PARCEL BOUNDARY TO BE REMOVED BY CONSOLIDATION PLAT 32 PROPOSED AREA INLET 33 PROPOSED WATER EASEMENT BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT 34 CONCRETE CHANNELIZED DITCH 35 UTILITY EASEMENT BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT 36 PROPOSED YOUNGFIELD RESTRIPING 37 PROPOSED SCREEN FENCE 38 PROPOSED MONUMENT SIGN (15' MAX HEIGHT) N 0 15 30 SCALE: 1"=30' ii Ga"00 0 Owa Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com 02015. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved S VPLIL�, EI'SonR(ll�l l ri or�1f S �L �L ZONE LOT BOUNDARY LINE — — — — — — — ADJACENT LOT LINE 2ND SUBMITTAL BUILD-TO/SETBACK LINE 3 03/04/16 EXCEPTION PARCEL LINE ARK PROPOSED EASEMENT 4TH SUBMITTAL PROPOSED SWALE 1❑ PARKING COUNT ED�n PROPOSED SITE LIGHTING a— EXISTING STREET LIGHT (WOOD POLE) R EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ,Ak PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT 0 EXISTING MANHOLE COVER 0 PROPOSED MANHOLE COVER z UTILITY PEDESTAL EXISTING INLET ® Q PROPOSED INLET IT PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LUQ PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVING U. PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING SCHEDULE 10 FRONTAGE CURB AND GUTTER TO REMAIN 02 STREET LIGHT RELOCATED WITHIN 6' AMENITY ZONE 03 PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER WITH 2' CATCH PAN 04 SAWCUT AND PATCH ASPHALT PAVEMENT 05 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING 06 PROPOSED 6' DETACHED SIDEWALK 07 PROPOSED CURB CUT PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARD DETAIL C -D05 VCG.DC2 08 EXISTING CONCRETE LINED IRRIGATION DITCH TO REMAIN 09 PROPOSED PIPED IRRIGATION DITCH 10 PROPOSED CONCRETE HEADWALL 11 PROPOSED CATCH CURB AND GUTTER 12 PROPOSED SPILL CURB AND GUTTER 13 PROPOSED SITE SIDEWALK 14 PROPOSED CURB RAMP 15 PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT 16 PROPOSED LOADING AREA STRIPING 4" WHITE @ 2-0" 17 PROPOSED ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE AND SIGNAGE 18 PROPOSED PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER 19 PROPOSED DITCH EASEMENT BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT 20 PROPOSED LOADING AREA 21 PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT 22 PROPOSED STOP SIGN 23 EXISTING DRIVEWAY CUT TO REMAIN 24 PROPOSED WR CURB INLET 25 PROPOSED F.E.S. 26 PROPOSED DETENTION EASEMENT TO BE CREATED BY CONSOLIDATION PLAT 27 PROPOSED GRASS SWALE 28 PROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURE 29 PROPOSED SITE LIGHT 30 PROPOSED DETENTION POND 31 EXISTING PARCEL BOUNDARY TO BE REMOVED BY CONSOLIDATION PLAT 32 PROPOSED AREA INLET 33 PROPOSED WATER EASEMENT BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT 34 CONCRETE CHANNELIZED DITCH 35 UTILITY EASEMENT BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT 36 PROPOSED YOUNGFIELD RESTRIPING 37 PROPOSED SCREEN FENCE 38 PROPOSED MONUMENT SIGN (15' MAX HEIGHT) N 0 15 30 SCALE: 1"=30' ii Ga"00 0 Owa Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com 02015. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved S VPLIL�, EI'SonR(ll�l l ri or�1f S �L �L # Date 1 10/23/15 W Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 Q ARK 4 04/04/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK W V Q080 V O co W V V♦ J J LUQ U. QL9H 1 ZQ O = W co O 1 1 1 1 1 1 # Date 1 10/23/15 Issue / Description 1ST SUBMITTAL Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL ARK 4 04/04/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK Project No: SAS0000002 Drawn By: KRL Checked By: ARK Date: 2/8/2016 SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN 2 Sheet 2 of 8 STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PLANTING NOTES INIMMUTAIIIII 1.14. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES, STANDARDS, AND PROVIDED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECOMMEND INSTALLATION OF SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS PER 20% MIN 114,699 SF SPECIFICATIONS. SOD/SEED THE SOI LS REPORT FOR THE THE OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE CONSIDERATION. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE HIMSELF AWARE OF THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED 15. AT A MINIMUM, ALL TOPSOIL SHALL BE AMENDED WITH NITROGEN STABILIZED ORGANIC AMENDMENT ON-SITE TREES UTILITIES, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO THE UTILITIES AND/OR ANY INJURY TO 14 TREES & 1 COMPOST AT A RATE OF 5.0 CUBIC YARDS AND AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE 16-20-0 AT A RATE OF 15 DRIP ANY PERSON. ON-SITE SHRUBS POUNDS PER THOUSAND SQUARE FEET OF LANDSCAPE AREA. COMPOST SHALL BE MECHANICALLY 366 SHRUBS STREET TREES 15 TREES INTEGRATED INTO THE TOP 6" OF SOIL BY MEANS OF ROTOTILLING AFTER CROSS -RIPPING. GROUND 3. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR 6 INTERIOR TO SITE COVER & PERENNIAL BED AREAS SHALL BE AMENDED AT A RATE OF 8 CUBIC FEET PER THOUSAND JUSA ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. 99 SQUARE FEET OF NITROGEN STABILIZED ORGANIC AMENDMENT AND 10 LBS. OF 12-12-12 FERTILIZER DRIP QUERCUS BICOLOR SWAMP WHITE OAK PER CU. YD., ROTOTILLED TO A DEPTH OF 8". NO MANURE OR ANIMAL -BASED PRODUCTS SHALL BE 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE EXTREME CARE NOT TO DAMAGE ANY EXISTING PLANTS INDICATED 7 USED FOR ORGANIC AMENDMENTS. DRIP AS "TO REMAIN". ANY SUCH PLANTS DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REPLACED WITH MUGO PINE 18"-24" PIMU THE SAME SPECIES SIZE AND QUANTITY AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN EXPENSE AND AS PLANTING LOW DRIP ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER. REFER TO THE TREE PROTECTION NOTES ON THE PLANS (AS _6. ALL DECIDUOUS TREES SHALL HAVE FULL, WELL -SHAPED HEADS/ALL EVERGREENS SHALL BE QUMA APPLICABLE). 3 UNSHEARED AND FULL TO THE GROUND; UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. TREES WITH CENTRAL 10 PENSTEMON PACHYPHYLLUS UTAH BLUEBELLS LEADERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF LEADER IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED. PRUNE ALL DAMAGED 5. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE THE SITE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO TWIGS AFTER PLANTING. BE PERFORMED AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN WRITING OF UNSATISFACTORY 10 RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA PULCHRA MEXICAN HAT CONDITIONS. IF SITE CONDITIONS OR PLANT AVAILABILITY REQUIRE CHANGES TO THE PLAN, THEN 17. ALL PLANTS WITHIN A SPECIES SHALL HAVE SIMILAR SIZE, AND SHALL BE OFA FORM TYPICAL FOR AN APPROVAL WILL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY. DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN -� THE SPECIES. ANY PLANT DEEMED UNACCEPTABLE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE 10 CORRECTED. YELLOW BEEPLANT IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND SHALL BE REPLACED WITH AN ACCEPTABLE PLANT OF 6 PENSTEMON EATONII LIKE TYPE AND SIZE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN EXPENSE. ANY PLANTS APPEARING TO BE 6. ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND CLEANED OUT PRIOR TO 6 UNHEALTHY, EVEN IF DETERMINED TO STILL BE ALIVE, SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED. THE LANDSCAPE YELLOW YARROW INSTALLATION OF TOPSOIL, TREES, SHRUBS, AND TURF. ARCHITECT SHALL BE THE SOLE JUDGE AS TO THE ACCEPTABILITY OF PLANT MATERIAL. 7. FOR ALL INFORMATION ON SURFACE MATERIAL OF WALKS, DRIVES, AND PARKING LOTS, SEE THE 18. ALL TREES SHALL BE GUYED AND WOOD STAKED AS PER DETAILS. N07 -STAKES, SHALL BE USED 6 SITE PLAN. SEE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN FOR FREE STANDING LIGHTING INFORMATION. CANYON BEARDTONGUE FOR TREES. 8. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ONE WEEK PRIOR TO 19. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE TRUE TO TYPE, SIZE, SPECIES, QUALITY, AND FREE OF INJURY, BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. BROKEN ROOT BALLS, PESTS, AND DISEASES, AS WELL AS CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DESCRIBED IN THE "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK,. FOLLOW 9. WINTER WATERING SHALL BE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL SUCH TIME AS FINAL GREENCO TREE PLANTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR TREES. ACCEPTANCE IS RECEIVED. 20. ALL TREE AND SHRUB BED LOCATIONS ARE TO BE STAKED OUT ON SITE FOR APPROVAL BY THE 10. ALL LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, WORKMANSHIP, AND ETHICS SHALL, BE IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ACCORDANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACTORS HANDBOOK PUBLISHED BY THE COLORADO LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. 21. ALL TREES PLANTED ADJACENT TO PUBLIC AND/OR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS SHALL BE PRUNED CLEAR OF ALL BRANCHES BETWEEN GROUND AND A HEIGHT OF EIGHT (8) FEET FOR THAT PORTION 11. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE FINAL OF THE PLAN LOCATED OVER THE SIDEWALK AND/OR ROAD. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 22. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE PLANTED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF TOPSOIL. FINISH GRADING AND SOIL PREPARATION 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN FINISH GRADES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE 23. ALL PLANT BEDS SHALL BE CONTAINED WITH STEEL EDGER. STEEL EDGER IS NOT REQUIRED GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALONG CURBS, WALKS OR BUILDING FOUNDATIONS. ALL EDGING SHALL OVERLAP AT JOINTS A STRUCTURES AT THE MINIMUM SLOPE SPECIFIED IN THE REPORT, AND AREAS OF POTENTIAL MINIMUM OF 6 -INCHES, AND SHALL BE FASTENED WITH A MINIMUM OF 4 PINS PER EACH 10 FOOT PONDING SHALL BE REGRADED TO BLEND IN WITH THE SURROUNDING GRADES AND ELIMINATE SECTION. THE TOP OF ALL EDGING MATERIAL SHALL BE A ROLLED TOP AND 1/2 INCH ABOVE THE PONDING POTENTIAL. SHOULD ANY CONFLICTS AND/OR DISCREPANCIES ARISE BETWEEN THE FINISHED GRADE OF ADJACENT LAWN OR MULCH AREAS. COLOR: GREEN. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT THE GRADING PLANS THESE NOTES AND ACTUAL CONDITIONS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY BRING SUCH ITEMS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE 24. THE DEVELOPER, HIS SUCCESSOR, OR ASSIGNEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ESTABLISHING AND ARCHITECT AND OWNER. CONTINUING A REGULAR PROGRAM OF MAINTENANCE FOR ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS. SEE LANDSCAPE GUARANTEE AND MAINTENANCE NOTE. 13. AFTER FINISH GRADES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE SOIL SAMPLES TESTED BY AN ESTABLISHED SOIL TESTING LABORATORY FOR THE 25. A 3 -FOOT CLEAR SPACE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AROUND THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF ALL FIRE FOLLOWING: GENERAL SOIL FERTILITY, PH, ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT, SALT (CEC), LIME, SODIUM HYDRANTS. ADSORPTION RATIO (SAR) AND BORON CONTENT. EACH SAMPLE SUBMITTED SHALL CONTAIN NO LESS THAN ONE QUART OF SOIL. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO SUBMIT THE PROJECT'S PLANT LIST TO MULCHING THE LABORATORY ALONG WITH THE SOIL SAMPLES. THE SOIL REPORT PRODUCED BY THE LABORATORY SHALL CONTAIN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING AS APPROPRIATE 26. AFTER ALL PLANTING IS COMPLETE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A MINIMUM 4" THICK LAYER GENERAL SOIL PREPARATION AND BACKFILL MIXES, PRE -PLANT FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS, AND ANY OF MULCH AS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANTING LEGEND. INSTALL A 4" THICK RING OF DOUBLE OTHER SOIL RELATED ISSUES. THE REPORT SHALL ALSO PROVIDE A FERTILIZER PROGRAM FOR THE SHREDDED CEDAR BARK MULCH AROUND ALL PLANT MATERIAL IN ROCK MULCH BEDS WHERE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD AND FOR LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPING IS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. WOOD MULCH RING SIZE SHALL BE 1.5X THE CONTAINER DI AKIT /`CKITCD /TVD \ PLANTING LEGEND ♦ IRRIGATION SYMBOL ((DRIP, SPRAY BOTANIC NAME • • OR ROTOR) OVERSTORY DECIDUOUS TREES X ORNAMENTAL DECIDUOUS TREES a DRIP HEPTACODIUM MICONIOIDES nFCInUOUS SHRURS SIZE OF THE SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, AND ORNAMENTAL GRASSES. TREE RING SIZE SHALL BE GREEN INDUSTRIES OF COLORADO INDUSTRY STANDARD WIDTH. 27. ALL MULCH SHALL BE HARVESTED IN A SUSTAINABLE MANNER FROM A LOCAL SOURCE. 28. INSTALL DEWITT PRO -5 WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER ALL ROCK MULCH SHRUB BEDS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS ONLY. NO LANDSCAPE FABRIC SHALL BE USED IN WOOD MULCH AREAS. NO PLASTIC WEED BARRIERS SHALL BE SPECIFIED. 29. ABSOLUTELY NO EXPOSED GROUND SHALL BE LEFT SHOWING ANYWHERE ON THE PROJECT AFTER MULCH HAS BEEN INSTALLED. 30. ALL PLANTING AREAS WITH LESS THAN A 4:1 GRADIENT SHALL RECEIVE A LAYER OF MULCH, TYPE AND DEPTH PER PLANS. SUBMIT 1 CUBIC FOOT SAMPLE OF MULCH (ONE SAMPLE PER TYPE TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. THE MULCH SHALL BE SPREAD EVENLY THROUGHOUT ALL PLANTING AREAS EXCEPT SLOPES 4:1 OR STEEPER, OR AS OTHERWISE DENOTED ON THE PLAN. ABSOLUTELY NO EXPOSED GROUND SHALL REMAIN IN AREAS TO RECEIVE MULCH AFTER MULCH HAS BEEN INSTALLED. 31. ALL PLANTING AREAS ON SLOPES OVER 4:1 SHALL RECEIVE COCONUT FIBER EROSION CONTROL NETTING FROM ROLLS. NETTING SHALL BE #CT -125 AS MANUFACTURED BY NORTH AMERICAN GREEN (OR EQUAL. INSTALL AND STAKE PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. SEE ALSO THE CIVIL ENGINEER'S ROSION CONTROL PLAN. LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS AREAS OF REQUIRED LANDSCAPING REQUIRED PROVIDED OPEN SPACE/LANDSCAPING 20% MIN 114,699 SF 44% / 34,479 SF SOD/SEED LOW 34% 126,972 SF SHRUB BEDS NORTHERN SEA OATS 10%/ 7,507 SF ON-SITE TREES 15 TREES 14 TREES & 1 LOW DRIP EXISTING TREES ON-SITE SHRUBS 147 SHRUBS 366 SHRUBS STREET TREES 15 TREES 9 TREES & DRIP JUNIPERUS SABINA'BUFFALO' 6 INTERIOR TO SITE COMMON NAME PLANTING LEGEND MATURE QUANTITY WATER USE SIZE ABBREV. SIZE (HXW) (VL, L, M, H) DRIP GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS SHADEMASTER HONEYLOCUST 2.0" CAL. GLTR 40'X25' 8 LOW o DRIP 'SHADEMASTER' NORTHERN SEA OATS B&B CHLA 3.5'X2.5' 23 LOW DRIP OSTRYA VIRGINIANA AMERICAN HOPHORNBEAM 2.0" CAL. OSVI 40'X25' 8 LOW DRIP JUNIPERUS SABINA'BUFFALO' BUFFALO JUNIPER B&B JUSA 1'X5' 99 LOW DRIP QUERCUS BICOLOR SWAMP WHITE OAK 2.0" CAL. QUBI 50'X50' 7 LOW DRIP PINUS MUGO MUGO PINE 18"-24" PIMU 3'X3' 3 LOW DRIP QUERCUS MACROCARPA BUR OAK 2. 2' B&B L. QUMA 60'X60' 3 LOW 10 PENSTEMON PACHYPHYLLUS UTAH BLUEBELLS _ --/ EDGE OF PLANTING AREA NOTE: ALL PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED AT EQUAL TRIANGULAR SPACING (EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS AS INFORMAL GROUPINGS). REFER TO PLANT LEGEND FOR SPACING DISTANCE BETWEEN PLANTS. PLANT SPACING SCALE: NTS 2 TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SEVEN SON FLOWER 6' HT./2T0" CAL.^ HEMI 20'X10' 3 MODERATE DRIP CHRYSOTHAMNUS NAUSEOSUS RABBITBRUSH 5 GALLON CHNA 2'X2.5' 61 LOW o DRIP DWARF BLUE' NORTHERN SEA OATS 18"-24" CHLA 3.5'X2.5' 23 LOW O DRIP RHUS AROMATICA'GRO-LOW GRO-LOW SUMAC 5 GALLON RHAR 2'X6' 21 LOW DRIP JUNIPERUS SABINA'BUFFALO' BUFFALO JUNIPER 18"-24" JUSA 1'X5' 99 LOW O DRIP RHUS GLABRA'CISMONTANA' ROCKY MOUNTAIN SUMAC 5 GALLON RHGL 6'X6' 49 LOW DRIP PINUS MUGO MUGO PINE 18"-24" PIMU 3'X3' 3 LOW EVERGREEN SHRUBS DRIP ARCTOSTAPHYLOS COLORADENSIS PANCHITO MANZANITA 5GALLON ARPA 18"X4' 43 LOW o DRIP ' PAN C H ITO' NORTHERN SEA OATS 18"-24" CHLA 3.5'X2.5' 23 LOW DRIP CYTISUS PURGAN 'SPANISH GOLD' SPANISH GOLD BROOM18"-24" 5 GALLON CYPU 4'X4' 46 LOW DRIP JUNIPERUS SABINA'BUFFALO' BUFFALO JUNIPER 5 GALLON 18"-24" JUSA 1'X5' 99 LOW DRIP JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS'SPARTAN' SPARTAN JUNIPER 5 GALLON 18"-24" JUCH 15'X5' 44 LOW DRIP PINUS MUGO MUGO PINE 5 GALLON 18"-24" PIMU 3'X3' 3 LOW ORNAMENTAL GRASSES ® DRIP BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA SIDEOATS GRAMMA GRASS 1 GALLON BOCU 2.5'X2' 190 LOW o DRIP CHASMANTHIUM LATIFOLIUM NORTHERN SEA OATS 1 GALLON CHLA 3.5'X2.5' 23 LOW PERENNIALS o DRIP SALVIA WAINACHT MAY NIGHT SALVIA 1 GALLON SAMA 24"X18" 38 LOW MISCELLANEOUS OTREE CANOPY. ONYLON TREE STRAPS AT ENDS OF WIRES - SECURE TO STAKE OR DEADMEN WITH NAILS. O12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE. SECURE TO TRUNK NOTES: JUST ABOVE LOWEST MAJOR BRANCHES. 1. SCARIFY SIDES OF PLANTING PIT PRIOR TO SETTING TREE. 2. REMOVE EXCESS SOIL APPLIED ON TOP OF THE ROOTBALL THAT COVERS THE O 24" X 3/4" P.V.C. MARKERS OVER WIRES. ROOT FLARE. THE PLANTING HOLE DEPTH SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE ROOTBALL RESTS ON UNDISTURBED SOIL, AND THE ROOT FLARE IS 3"-5" ABOVE FINISH OPRESSURE -TREATED WOOD STAKE, 2" DIA. EXTEND GRADE. O STAKES 12" MIN. INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 3 CUT OFF BOTTOM 1/3 OF WIRE BASKET BEFORE PLACING TREE IN HOLE, CUT OFF AND REMOVE REMAINDER OF BASKET AFTER TREE IS SET IN HOLE, REMOVE ALL NYLON TIES, TWINE, ROPE, AND OTHER PACKING MATERIAL. REMOVE ALL BURLAP O PRESSURE -TREATED WOOD DEADMEN, TWO PER FROM AROUND ROOTBALL. TREE (MIN.). BURY OUTSIDE OF PLANTING PIT AND 4. TREE WRAP IS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY NEW PLANTINGS, EXCEPT IN LATE FALL 18" MIN. INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. PLANTING SITUATIONS, AND ONLY THEN AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. WHEN WRAPPING TREE, WRAP FROM TRUNK FLARE TO LOWEST MAJOR BRANCH. O TRUNK FLARE. 5. REMOVE ALL NURSERY STAKES AFTER PLANTING. O WOOD MULCH TREE RING 3DIA MIN. TYPE AND 6. FOR TREES OVER 3" CALIPER, USE THREE STAKES OR DEADMEN (AS DEPTH PER PLANS. DO NOT PLACE MULCH WITHIN APPROPRIATE), SPACED EVENLY AROUND TREE. 3" OF TRUNK. O FINISH GRADE. STAKING EXAMPLES (PLAN VIEW) 0 ® ROOT BALL -SEE NOTE 3, THIS DETAIL O BACKFILL. AMEND AND FERTILIZE ONLYAS RECOMMENDED IN SOIL FERTILITY ANALYSIS. 2 UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. ® 5 O 3 4" HIGH EARTHEN WATERING BASIN. PREVAILING PREVAILING WINDS WINDS �Fp� SEED NOTES: XERISCAPE WILDFLOWER MIX: XERIC SEED MIX XERISCAPE WILDFLOWER MIX SEED --- --- 24,155 SF MODERATE I RHIZOMATOUS TALL FESCUE (RTF) TURF SOD SOD --- --- 5,573 SF MODERATE LBS./1,000 SF WOOD FIBER MULCH 46 15-15-15 ORGANIC FERTILIZER 9 ORGANIC BINDER 4 SEED ESTABLISHMENT NOTES: 1. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED ALL NATIVE SEED AREAS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING OPERATIONS. SOIL PREPARATION MEASURES IN AREAS TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SEEDING. MULCH - USE IN ALL PLANTING AREAS 1" - 4" MULTI -COLOR COBBLE ROCK MULCH MULCH --- --- 9,433 SF --- O STEEL EDGING 1,826 LF --- OTREE CANOPY. ONYLON TREE STRAPS AT ENDS OF WIRES - SECURE TO STAKE OR DEADMEN WITH NAILS. O12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE. SECURE TO TRUNK NOTES: JUST ABOVE LOWEST MAJOR BRANCHES. 1. SCARIFY SIDES OF PLANTING PIT PRIOR TO SETTING TREE. 2. REMOVE EXCESS SOIL APPLIED ON TOP OF THE ROOTBALL THAT COVERS THE O 24" X 3/4" P.V.C. MARKERS OVER WIRES. ROOT FLARE. THE PLANTING HOLE DEPTH SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE ROOTBALL RESTS ON UNDISTURBED SOIL, AND THE ROOT FLARE IS 3"-5" ABOVE FINISH OPRESSURE -TREATED WOOD STAKE, 2" DIA. EXTEND GRADE. O STAKES 12" MIN. INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 3 CUT OFF BOTTOM 1/3 OF WIRE BASKET BEFORE PLACING TREE IN HOLE, CUT OFF AND REMOVE REMAINDER OF BASKET AFTER TREE IS SET IN HOLE, REMOVE ALL NYLON TIES, TWINE, ROPE, AND OTHER PACKING MATERIAL. REMOVE ALL BURLAP O PRESSURE -TREATED WOOD DEADMEN, TWO PER FROM AROUND ROOTBALL. TREE (MIN.). BURY OUTSIDE OF PLANTING PIT AND 4. TREE WRAP IS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY NEW PLANTINGS, EXCEPT IN LATE FALL 18" MIN. INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. PLANTING SITUATIONS, AND ONLY THEN AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. WHEN WRAPPING TREE, WRAP FROM TRUNK FLARE TO LOWEST MAJOR BRANCH. O TRUNK FLARE. 5. REMOVE ALL NURSERY STAKES AFTER PLANTING. O WOOD MULCH TREE RING 3DIA MIN. TYPE AND 6. FOR TREES OVER 3" CALIPER, USE THREE STAKES OR DEADMEN (AS DEPTH PER PLANS. DO NOT PLACE MULCH WITHIN APPROPRIATE), SPACED EVENLY AROUND TREE. 3" OF TRUNK. O FINISH GRADE. STAKING EXAMPLES (PLAN VIEW) 0 ® ROOT BALL -SEE NOTE 3, THIS DETAIL O BACKFILL. AMEND AND FERTILIZE ONLYAS RECOMMENDED IN SOIL FERTILITY ANALYSIS. 2 UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. ® 5 O 3 4" HIGH EARTHEN WATERING BASIN. PREVAILING PREVAILING WINDS WINDS �Fp� SEED NOTES: XERISCAPE WILDFLOWER MIX: 1 HEDYSARUM BOREALE NORTHERN SWEETVETCH o / BK.1914-PG.128) �C /\ 0.5 MIRABILIS MULTIFLORA WILD FOUR O'CLOCK \k 0.25 CALLIRHOE INVOLUCRATA WINECUPS 0 0 0 0.25 IPOMOPSIS AGGREGATA SCARLET GILIA �- 'FOOTHILLS GRASS MIX' SEEDING RATE: 2 LBS/1000 SQ.FT. OR 25 LBS/ACRE ( / / % SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME / 25 PASCOPYRUM SMITHII WESTERN WHEATGRASS / / w / 25 BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA SIDE -OATS GRAMA / w 2- GLTR 15 ELYMUS TRACHYCAULUS SLENDER WHEATGRASS 12 ORYZOPSIS HYMENOIDES INDIAN RICEGRASS /•' l w w w / 6 SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM LITTLE BLUESTEM 5 BUCHLOE DACTYLOIDES BUFFALOGRASS l / �w w l W w 5 BOUTELOUA GRACILIS BLUE GRAMA / 2 KOELERIA MACRANTHA JUNEGRASS w 3-JUSA w w/ w I w 2 POA FENDLERIANA MUTTON GRASS 5-RHAR/ O r I I 3 SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS SAND DROPSEED EXISTING TREE / ' TO BE REMOVED W I w I�/ 5-OSVI \ w Y �^ 1) SEED OOTHILLI S GRASS MIX", 50%-"XERISCAPE � WILDFLOWER MIX' WESTERN NATIVE SEED COMPANY P.O. BOX 188 COALDALE, CO 81222 I/ (719) 942-3935 / 2) ALL SEED APPLICATIONS SHALL BE DRILL SEEDED WITH 3-JUSA 12-ARPA- 1 - QUMA - 11 - BOCU - EXISTING TREE LEGEND B J i TO REMAIN TO REMOVE 9 BO, EXISTING DECIDUOUS EXISTING DECIDUOUS / TREES TO REMAIN TREES TO BE REMOVED / i -1 -30 431 6P / / 1/ 12 - BOCU \ i G�� 9 SAMA 31-ARPA �� 5-JUSA ,vd 3 - RHGL I / 7F / 7L. CYPU / 49 - BOCU EXCEPTION PARCEL A (BK.1895-PG.44) 2-RHAR/ 5-JUSA 3- RHAR� / 1 1 (D 19-CHNA Q� 11-RHGL 1 43 - BOCU I (D0 / 3-JUSA 6-RHAR���� 10-JUSA SOD, SEE NOTES �. 7-CYPU 5 -RHGL 22-JUSA 41� 15 - RHAR CIO`' / \ j i� •/i w OW /° B, -IJ aA�von� SEED M XIC/FOOTHILLS 1 - QUBI !° ?- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 3 - OSVI CONCRETE CHANNEL, SEE CIVIL JIHIVIC I r_M SHRUB AND PERENNIAL DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE FINISH GRADE IN PLANTING AREA. O OMULCH, TYPE AND DEPTH PER PLANS. PLACE NO MORE THAN 1"OF MULCH WITHIN 6" OF PLANT CENTER. OPLANT ROOT BALL. SET TOP ROOTBALL 2" ABOVE ADJECENT GRADE. IN BERMED AREAS SET ROOTBALL 2" ABOVE LOWER ADJECENT GRADE - INSTALL WATER RING (2 - 3" HT.) OBACKFILL MIX (PER PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS). AMEND AND FERTILIZE ONLY AS RECOMMENDED IN SOIL FERTILITY ANALYSIS. JET BACKFILL WITH WATER TO ELIMINATE VOIDS. OCOMPACTED BACKFILL MIX (75%). OUNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. LEAST THREE MONTHS REMAIN IN THE GROWING SEASON. IF LESS XERISCAPE WILDFLOWER MIX HYDROSLURRY APPLIED OVER THE SEED BED AFTER SEEDING. THE \ SEEDING RATE: 4-8 OZ/1000 SQ. FT. I SYSTEM FOR SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AT THE n % SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME 1/ 1, 2- QUMA 150/50 XERIC/FOOTHILLS ISEED MIX EXISTING TREES I TO BE REMOVED 123 -JUCH ; / LBS./1,000 SF WOOD FIBER MULCH 46 15-15-15 ORGANIC FERTILIZER 9 ORGANIC BINDER 4 SEED ESTABLISHMENT NOTES: 1. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED ALL NATIVE SEED AREAS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING OPERATIONS. SOIL PREPARATION MEASURES IN AREAS TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SEEDING. ESTABLISHMENT REQUIREMENTS AND ENSURE TIMELY CLOSEOUT. EXISTING TREES THESE MEASURES MAY INCLUDE, AT THE OWNER'S OPTION, / I 10 COREOPSIS TINCTORIA PLAINS COREOPSIS O C0 V / 10 DALEA PURPUREA PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER L / 10 GAILLARDIAARISTATA PERENNIAL BLANKETFLOWER 1 Z O / 10 LINUM PERENNE V. LEWISII BLUE FLAX 1 1 10 PENSTEMON ANGUSTIFOLIUS PAGODA PENSTEMON 10 PENSTEMON PACHYPHYLLUS UTAH BLUEBELLS _ --/ �\ 10 RATIBIDA COLUMNIFERA PULCHRA MEXICAN HAT -� 10 CLEOME LUTEA YELLOW BEEPLANT 6 PENSTEMON EATONII FIRECRACKER PENSTEMON 6 ACHILLEAYARROW YELLOW YARROW FICC EOPTION PARCEL B 6 PENSTEMON COMMARHENUS CANYON BEARDTONGUE 1 HEDYSARUM BOREALE NORTHERN SWEETVETCH o / BK.1914-PG.128) �C /\ 0.5 MIRABILIS MULTIFLORA WILD FOUR O'CLOCK \k 0.25 CALLIRHOE INVOLUCRATA WINECUPS 0 0 0 0.25 IPOMOPSIS AGGREGATA SCARLET GILIA �- 'FOOTHILLS GRASS MIX' SEEDING RATE: 2 LBS/1000 SQ.FT. OR 25 LBS/ACRE ( / / % SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME / 25 PASCOPYRUM SMITHII WESTERN WHEATGRASS / / w / 25 BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA SIDE -OATS GRAMA / w 2- GLTR 15 ELYMUS TRACHYCAULUS SLENDER WHEATGRASS 12 ORYZOPSIS HYMENOIDES INDIAN RICEGRASS /•' l w w w / 6 SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM LITTLE BLUESTEM 5 BUCHLOE DACTYLOIDES BUFFALOGRASS l / �w w l W w 5 BOUTELOUA GRACILIS BLUE GRAMA / 2 KOELERIA MACRANTHA JUNEGRASS w 3-JUSA w w/ w I w 2 POA FENDLERIANA MUTTON GRASS 5-RHAR/ O r I I 3 SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS SAND DROPSEED EXISTING TREE / ' TO BE REMOVED W I w I�/ 5-OSVI \ w Y �^ 1) SEED OOTHILLI S GRASS MIX", 50%-"XERISCAPE � WILDFLOWER MIX' WESTERN NATIVE SEED COMPANY P.O. BOX 188 COALDALE, CO 81222 I/ (719) 942-3935 / 2) ALL SEED APPLICATIONS SHALL BE DRILL SEEDED WITH 3-JUSA 12-ARPA- 1 - QUMA - 11 - BOCU - EXISTING TREE LEGEND B J i TO REMAIN TO REMOVE 9 BO, EXISTING DECIDUOUS EXISTING DECIDUOUS / TREES TO REMAIN TREES TO BE REMOVED / i -1 -30 431 6P / / 1/ 12 - BOCU \ i G�� 9 SAMA 31-ARPA �� 5-JUSA ,vd 3 - RHGL I / 7F / 7L. CYPU / 49 - BOCU EXCEPTION PARCEL A (BK.1895-PG.44) 2-RHAR/ 5-JUSA 3- RHAR� / 1 1 (D 19-CHNA Q� 11-RHGL 1 43 - BOCU I (D0 / 3-JUSA 6-RHAR���� 10-JUSA SOD, SEE NOTES �. 7-CYPU 5 -RHGL 22-JUSA 41� 15 - RHAR CIO`' / \ j i� •/i w OW /° B, -IJ aA�von� SEED M XIC/FOOTHILLS 1 - QUBI !° ?- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 3 - OSVI CONCRETE CHANNEL, SEE CIVIL JIHIVIC I r_M SHRUB AND PERENNIAL DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE FINISH GRADE IN PLANTING AREA. O OMULCH, TYPE AND DEPTH PER PLANS. PLACE NO MORE THAN 1"OF MULCH WITHIN 6" OF PLANT CENTER. OPLANT ROOT BALL. SET TOP ROOTBALL 2" ABOVE ADJECENT GRADE. IN BERMED AREAS SET ROOTBALL 2" ABOVE LOWER ADJECENT GRADE - INSTALL WATER RING (2 - 3" HT.) OBACKFILL MIX (PER PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS). AMEND AND FERTILIZE ONLY AS RECOMMENDED IN SOIL FERTILITY ANALYSIS. JET BACKFILL WITH WATER TO ELIMINATE VOIDS. OCOMPACTED BACKFILL MIX (75%). OUNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. IW EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 12 - SAMA 8-JUSA 3-RHG U ' 3-RHGL! Nb� ---------_ - \ NG TREE REMOVED / / / / / 18-CHNA////, W 5 -SAMA / 3_-JUSA / 12 - SAMA 7`BOCU / / / / I LEAST THREE MONTHS REMAIN IN THE GROWING SEASON. IF LESS Init. ARK THAN THREE MONTHS REMAIN IN THE GROWING SEASON AT THE TIME \ HYDROSLURRY APPLIED OVER THE SEED BED AFTER SEEDING. THE \ NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER. THE IRRIGATION I SYSTEM FOR SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AT THE 6 -CHINA SLURRY MIX SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: �. w OO _00S 0 1/ 1, 2- QUMA 150/50 XERIC/FOOTHILLS ISEED MIX EXISTING TREES I TO BE REMOVED 123 -JUCH ; / LBS./1,000 SF WOOD FIBER MULCH 46 15-15-15 ORGANIC FERTILIZER 9 ORGANIC BINDER 4 SEED ESTABLISHMENT NOTES: 1. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED ALL NATIVE SEED AREAS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING OPERATIONS. SOIL PREPARATION MEASURES IN AREAS TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SEEDING. ESTABLISHMENT REQUIREMENTS AND ENSURE TIMELY CLOSEOUT. EXISTING TREES THESE MEASURES MAY INCLUDE, AT THE OWNER'S OPTION, / I RESEEDING OF SPARSELY GERMINATED AREAS AND/OR INSTALLATION 2. FOR PROPER ESTABLISHMENT, SEED SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN AT IW EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 12 - SAMA 8-JUSA 3-RHG U ' 3-RHGL! Nb� ---------_ - \ NG TREE REMOVED / / / / / 18-CHNA////, W 5 -SAMA / 3_-JUSA / 12 - SAMA 7`BOCU / / / / I w w w w+ .k--.�-�.--�-� --�--� fir✓ w .✓ EXISTING TREE TO \ BE REMOVED 1 -GLTR SCREEN FENCE, 2-QUBI UNPLATTED (ZONED A-2) SEE CIVIL SOD, SEE NOTES 7 - CYPU 2-GLTR 30 0 IRRIGATION CONCEPT LEAST THREE MONTHS REMAIN IN THE GROWING SEASON. IF LESS Init. ARK THAN THREE MONTHS REMAIN IN THE GROWING SEASON AT THE TIME \ OF SEEDING, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY \ NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER. THE IRRIGATION I SYSTEM FOR SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AT THE 6 -CHINA TIME OF SEEDING. 26- BOCU 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL w w w w+ .k--.�-�.--�-� --�--� fir✓ w .✓ EXISTING TREE TO \ BE REMOVED 1 -GLTR SCREEN FENCE, 2-QUBI UNPLATTED (ZONED A-2) SEE CIVIL SOD, SEE NOTES 7 - CYPU 2-GLTR 30 0 IRRIGATION CONCEPT 3 - PIMU 6-CYPU 16 - BOCU EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 3 - HEMI 23 - CHLA 12 - CHINA 5-RHGL 7-CYPU 6 - RHGL 7-JUCH -2-GLTR 7-RHGL 1 - QUBI EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED amN v �7-JUCH �ti0 3H0 w w w w -SS ..3n 0�. 3 9 3f1 -J- 5 - RHGL 3 - QUBI N XEX IC SEED - �W- 1-GLTR EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 7-JUCH UNPLATTED (ZONED R-2) SCREEN FENCE, SEE CIVIL 50150 XERIC/FOOTHILLS SEED MIX RHGL EXISTING EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED CONCRETE CHANNEL, GRAPHIC SCALE 15 30 60 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - 30 ft. N I 120 1. AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL BY THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION. THE ENTIRE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED BY A QUALIFIED IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. 2. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL TAP OFF BUILDING'S POTABLE WATER SERVICE AFTER THE WATER METER, BEFORE BUILDING'S DOUBLE CHECK VALVE. 3. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL OPERATE ON POTABLE WATER, AND THE SYSTEM WILL HAVE APPROPRIATE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES INSTALLED TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF THE POTABLE SOURCE. 4. ALL NON-TURF/SEED PLANTED AREAS WILL BE DRIP IRRIGATED. TURF SOD/SEED SHALL RECEIVE POP-UP SPRAY IRRIGATION FOR HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE. 5. ALL PLANTS SHARING SIMILAR HYDROZONE CHARACTERISTICS SHALL BE PLACED ON A VALVE DEDICATED TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY WATER REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO THAT HYDROZONE. 6. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE, TO CONSERVE WATER BY USING THE FOLLOWING DEVICES AND SYSTEMS: MATCHED PRECIPITATION RATE TECHNOLOGY ON ROTOR AND SPRAY HEADS (WHEREVER POSSIBLE), RAIN SENSORS, AND SMART MULTI -PROGRAM COMPUTERIZED IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS FEATURING SENSORY INPUT CAPABILITIES. Ga,,,oway Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 0 www.gallowayUS.com 02015. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved S� • L �EI'SonR(ll�l l ri or�1f S �L �L THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. LEAST THREE MONTHS REMAIN IN THE GROWING SEASON. IF LESS Init. ARK THAN THREE MONTHS REMAIN IN THE GROWING SEASON AT THE TIME \ OF SEEDING, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY 3 03/04/16 NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND OWNER. THE IRRIGATION _ 7- CYPU SYSTEM FOR SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AT THE 6 -CHINA TIME OF SEEDING. 26- BOCU 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL CORRECTIVE MEASURES, AT HIS OWN COST, TO SATISFY 20-JUSA ESTABLISHMENT REQUIREMENTS AND ENSURE TIMELY CLOSEOUT. EXISTING TREES THESE MEASURES MAY INCLUDE, AT THE OWNER'S OPTION, TO BE REMOVED RESEEDING OF SPARSELY GERMINATED AREAS AND/OR INSTALLATION 7-CHNA OF SOD IN ALL SEEDED AREAS. 3 - PIMU 6-CYPU 16 - BOCU EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 3 - HEMI 23 - CHLA 12 - CHINA 5-RHGL 7-CYPU 6 - RHGL 7-JUCH -2-GLTR 7-RHGL 1 - QUBI EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED amN v �7-JUCH �ti0 3H0 w w w w -SS ..3n 0�. 3 9 3f1 -J- 5 - RHGL 3 - QUBI N XEX IC SEED - �W- 1-GLTR EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 7-JUCH UNPLATTED (ZONED R-2) SCREEN FENCE, SEE CIVIL 50150 XERIC/FOOTHILLS SEED MIX RHGL EXISTING EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED CONCRETE CHANNEL, GRAPHIC SCALE 15 30 60 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - 30 ft. N I 120 1. AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL BY THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION. THE ENTIRE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED BY A QUALIFIED IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. 2. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL TAP OFF BUILDING'S POTABLE WATER SERVICE AFTER THE WATER METER, BEFORE BUILDING'S DOUBLE CHECK VALVE. 3. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL OPERATE ON POTABLE WATER, AND THE SYSTEM WILL HAVE APPROPRIATE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES INSTALLED TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF THE POTABLE SOURCE. 4. ALL NON-TURF/SEED PLANTED AREAS WILL BE DRIP IRRIGATED. TURF SOD/SEED SHALL RECEIVE POP-UP SPRAY IRRIGATION FOR HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE. 5. ALL PLANTS SHARING SIMILAR HYDROZONE CHARACTERISTICS SHALL BE PLACED ON A VALVE DEDICATED TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY WATER REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO THAT HYDROZONE. 6. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE, TO CONSERVE WATER BY USING THE FOLLOWING DEVICES AND SYSTEMS: MATCHED PRECIPITATION RATE TECHNOLOGY ON ROTOR AND SPRAY HEADS (WHEREVER POSSIBLE), RAIN SENSORS, AND SMART MULTI -PROGRAM COMPUTERIZED IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS FEATURING SENSORY INPUT CAPABILITIES. Ga,,,oway Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 0 www.gallowayUS.com 02015. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved S� • L �EI'SonR(ll�l l ri or�1f S �L �L THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. # Date 1 10/23/15 W Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL ARK 4 04/04/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK F_ qqT ♦W V Q080 V O C0 V V♦ Q J J L EL L9 1 Z O LU W O i 1 1 1 1 1 1 # Date 1 10/23/15 Issue / Description 1ST SUBMITTAL Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL ARK 4 04/04/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK Project No: SAS0000002 Drawn By: SRA Checked By: 4 Date: 2/8/2016 SHEET TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN 3 Sheet 3 of 8 HANGING CANOPY W/ 5'-0" PROJECTION LU z 0 N �z LU o Q PM 4 STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF BUILDING SIGNAGE (NAME/LOGO TO BE DETERMINED). SIGNAGE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE VII OF CHAPTER 26, THE SIGN CODE, OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS AND APPROVED & PERMITTED UNDER SEPARATE SUBMITTAL. PER THE SIGN CODE, THE WALL SIGN(S) ON THIS ELEVATION COMBINED MAY BE UP TO 200 SQUARE FEET IN SIZE WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED 3'-0" ABOVE THE ROOF DECK. 1 3 5 15 T.O. SCREEN SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ALUMINUM EQUIPMENT SCREEN BEYOND 153' - 4" 1 TJ 5 T.O. SCREEN T.O. PARAPET 151'- 6" WEST ELEVATION CONCEPT Rr'.01 F. 1/R" = 1'-m 20' - 2" EAST ELEVATION CONCEPT SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" MATERIAL LEGEND: 0 MBCI ECO-FICIENT 2� SPLIT FACE BLOCK 0 MBCI ECO-FICIENT ® MBCI SHADOW RIB 0 MBCI SMOOTH © SMOOTH TEXTURED STUCCO INSULATED CLASSIC COBBLESTONE SW7549 INSULATED CLASSIC WALL METAL PANEL COLOR METAL PANEL COBBLESTONE SW7549 WALL PANELS CASA PANELS COBBLESTONE SW SA PCL ORANGE COLOR SW SA PLUM BLANCA SW7511 SW7549 GROUND STORY TRANSPARENCY: WEST ELEVATION - YOUNGFIELD STREET 201'-8" X 10'-8" HIGH = 2152 S. F. (100%) CLEAR GLAZING = 320 S.F. (15.0%) 2ND FLOO 110--8" 1ST FLOOR 100' - 0" T.O. PARAPET 151' - 6" T.O.-ROOF 142'- 8" 4TH FLOOR 132' - 0" 3RD FLOOR 121' - 4" 2ND FLOOR 110' - 8" 1ST FLOO 1001-01, BUILDING MATERIALS TABLE:: 20' - 2" NORTH FACADE O° - 59% 0 0 - 59% WEST ELEVATION CONCEPT Rr'.01 F. 1/R" = 1'-m 20' - 2" EAST ELEVATION CONCEPT SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" MATERIAL LEGEND: 0 MBCI ECO-FICIENT 2� SPLIT FACE BLOCK 0 MBCI ECO-FICIENT ® MBCI SHADOW RIB 0 MBCI SMOOTH © SMOOTH TEXTURED STUCCO INSULATED CLASSIC COBBLESTONE SW7549 INSULATED CLASSIC WALL METAL PANEL COLOR METAL PANEL COBBLESTONE SW7549 WALL PANELS CASA PANELS COBBLESTONE SW SA PCL ORANGE COLOR SW SA PLUM BLANCA SW7511 SW7549 GROUND STORY TRANSPARENCY: WEST ELEVATION - YOUNGFIELD STREET 201'-8" X 10'-8" HIGH = 2152 S. F. (100%) CLEAR GLAZING = 320 S.F. (15.0%) 2ND FLOO 110--8" 1ST FLOOR 100' - 0" T.O. PARAPET 151' - 6" T.O.-ROOF 142'- 8" 4TH FLOOR 132' - 0" 3RD FLOOR 121' - 4" 2ND FLOOR 110' - 8" 1ST FLOO 1001-01, BUILDING MATERIALS TABLE:: PRIMARY MATERIAL METAL PANEL VARIOUS NORTH FACADE 4,073 SF - 59% EAST FACADE 5,476 SF - 59% SOUTH FACADE 4,834 SF - 69% WEST FACADE 5,853 SF 59% SECONDARY MATERIAL SPLIT FACE CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS NORTH FACADE 2,088 SF - 30% EAST FACADE 3,777 SF - 41 % SOUTH FACADE 1,429 SF - 21 % WEST FACADE 2,712 SF - 28% GLAZING C/) J NORTH FACADE 763 SF -11% EASTFACADE LL SOUTH FACADE 648 SF -10% WEST FACADE 1,304 SF -13% ii Gaonoway Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 0 www.gallowayUS.com 02016. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved S • L L -i ci C91 Personl.�!ltJ. tJ, or.�rs. STAMP a �V �v `O COPYRIGHT THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. # Date 1 10/23/16 2 UJ 3 03/04/16 4 04/01/16 Q CD °Z5 O 9�--U U)O 0 w CD C/) J Jwo LL �0_ U) # Date 1 10/23/16 2 02/08/16 3 03/04/16 4 04/01/16 Issue/Description 1ST SUBMITTAL 2ND SUBMITTAL 3RD SUBMITTAL 4TH SUBMITTAL Project No: SAS000002 Drawn By: KCN Checked By: ARK Date: 2/8/2016 SHEET TITLE: ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS 4 SHEET 4 OF 8 STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN """" "'"""T1- "" "T"'""— """ "'"'G SIGNAGE (NAME/LOGO TO BE DETERMINED). SIGNAGE ICLE VII OF CHAPTER 26, THE SIGN CODE, OF THE 'PROVED & PERMITTED UNDER SEPARATE SUBMITTAL. (S) ON THIS ELEVATION COMBINED MAY BE UP TO 145 JM HEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED 3-0" ABOVE THE ROOF DECK. KInPTP PI PVOTIMI rnKIrPPT -.0. PARAPET 151' 6" T.O. ROOF 142'- 8" 4TH FLOOR 132' - 0" 3RD FLOOR 4" HANGING CANOPY W/ 5'-0" PROJECTION 2ND FLOOR 110' 8" 1ST FLOO 1001-01, SOUTH ELEVATION CONCEPT SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" MATERIAL LEGEND: 0 MBCI ECO-FICIENT 2� SPLIT FACE BLOCK 0 MBCI ECO-FICIENT ® MBCI SHADOW RIB 0 MBCI SMOOTH © SMOOTH TEXTURED STUCCO INSULATED CLASSIC COBBLESTONE SW7549 INSULATED CLASSIC WALL METAL PANEL COLOR METAL PANEL COBBLESTONE SW7549 WALL PANELS CASA PANELS COBBLESTONE SW SA PCL ORANGE COLOR SW SA PLUM BLANCA SW7511 SW7549 PM T.O. PARAPET 151'- 6" T.O. ROOF 142'- 8" 4TH FLOOR 132'- 0" 3RD FLOO 121'-4" 2ND FLOO 110'-8" 1ST FLOO 1001-01, BUILDING MATERIALS TABLE:: PRIMARY MATERIAL METAL PANEL VARIOUS NORTH FACADE 4,073 SF - 59% EAST FACADE 5,476 SF - 59% SOUTH FACADE 4,834 SF - 69% WEST FACADE 5,853 SF - 59% SECONDARY MATERIAL SPLIT FACE CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS NORTH FACADE 2,088 SF - 30% EAST FACADE 3,777 SF -41% SOUTH FACADE 1,429 SF - 21% WEST FACADE 2,712 SF - 28% GLAZING NORTH FACADE 763 SF -11% EAST FACADE SOUTH FACADE 648 SF -10% WEST FACADE 1,304 SF -13% ii Gaonoway Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 0 www.gallowayUS.com 02016. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved S • L L ci C91 Personl.�!ltJ. tJ, or.�rs. COPYRIGHT THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. # 1 UJ Issue/Description 1ST SUBMITTAL 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL 3 Q 3RD SUBMITTAL 4 04/01/16 4TH SUBMITTAL CD °Z 0 9�--U OU) Q r1 �Wn U) J J LU n N) L-- Q O�-- L.I.J 0 = U) # 1 Date 10/23/16 Issue/Description 1ST SUBMITTAL 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL 4 04/01/16 4TH SUBMITTAL Project No: SAS000002 Drawn By: KCN Checked By: ARK Date: 2/8/2016 SHEET TITLE: ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS 1 5 SHEET 5 OF 8 STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO CONCEPTUTAL ROOF PLAN Galloway Planning. Archliecture. Engineering. 61625 wlllm Drive Si Greenman Villyge, CO 80111 303.]]08884 0 Wm,vDellmayUGc0m 5TOMO LL Personal'r r101'frs STAMP G� GO O� COPYRIGHT T HERE P VWB ARE AN I NET RUMEM OF SERVICE ANO ARE T HE P ROP BIIV OF T IE FRONT EST, AND MAV NOT BE O OPLIDATE O, Ole CLOD EO, 0R REPRO O UCEO W IT HOOT THE WRRTE N CO REACH OF T HE FRONT ES. CO PMI 0M 3 ANO INFRI NOEME M3 WIL L BE ENFORCE O AM PRO BECUT E0. a Lu LoueSDe mpron 1 10MI6 ISTSUBM17AL 2 A� END SUBMITTAL 3 0GOrI6 3RD SUBMITTAL 4 R— 4111 SUBMITTAL wn co V 0 R- R- Q w U (n J W 0 J = �[ 0 j W coS 0 a Me LoueSDe mpron 1 10MI6 ISTSUBM17AL 2 0G10&i6 END SUBMITTAL 3 0GOrI6 3RD SUBMITTAL 4 04101116 4111 SUBMITTAL Pmi+ONo SA3000002 Uh edeaey. ARI( SON. Marl SHEET TITLE ROOF PLAN sHEETSOFe STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO Adl RAN r C 1p a Galloway Planning. Archliecture. Engineering. 61625 wlllm Drive Si Greenman Villyge, CO 80111 303.]]08884 0 Wm,v4ellmayUGc0m 5TOMO LL PersonallrJ. r oclrs STAMP `ON'k G� G� coYRIGH T T HERE P VWB ARE AN I NET RUMEM OF SERVICE ANO ARE T HE P ROP BIIV OF T IE AROHT EST, AND MAV NOT BE O OPLIDATE O, Ole CLOD EO, 0R REPRO O UCEO W IT HOOT THE WRRTE N CO REACH OF T HE FRONT ES. CO PMI 0M 3 ANO INFRI NOEME M3 WIL L BE ENFORCE O AM PRO BECUT E0. a Lu LoueSDe mpron 1 10MI6 ISTSUBM17AL 2 A� END SUBMITTAL 3 C6104116 3RD SUBMITTAL 4 R— 4111 SUBMITTAL wn co V 0 R- R- Q w U (n J W 0 J = �[ 0 j W 0 coS a Me LoueSDe mpron 1 10MI6 ISTSUBM17AL 2 CAN&16 END SUBMITTAL 3 C6104116 3RD SUBMITTAL 4 04101116 4111 SUBMITTAL PmiepM 393000002 Uh edeaey. ARI( SON. Marl SHEET TITLE AERIAL PERSPECTIVE sHEHE OEe STOR-ALL STORAGE - PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN PART OF THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6th P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LED PATRIOT® WALL SCONCE (XPWS3) I I 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 .0 10.0 �.o 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 a a a t.0 t.0 t.0 J.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0/10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 lo -0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0�atotoaaaa�10.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 V to a �.o a to 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 to LEI< 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0/to toti.o/toatototoaaa Ro 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 X10. 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 V 10.0 10.0 ti� to a to to to a a a 0.0 a t.0 t.0 ,G -T 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 t.0 t.0 t.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0/0 to to fi.0 to a to to to a a a.0 0+ of t.o t.o t.o t.o t.o t.o t.o t.o t.o t.o 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Y0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 ° 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 t.0 t.0 t.0 t.0 t.0 J.0 lo.0 lo.0 lo. 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High level light is activated when passersby enter target zone and 5100 increased to full bright in 1-2 seconds. Low light level (30% of maximum drive current)is 55 activated when target zone is absent of motion activity for 5 minutes and is gradually 28 ramped down (10 seconds) to low level. Sensor detection range 110° horizontal x 93° 3600 vertical x 10 meters maximum distance. 44 EXPECTED LIFE - Minimum 60,000 hours to 100,000 hours depending upon the ambient 48 temperature of the installation location. See LSI web site for specific guidance. 1 6100 LEDS - Available with 28 or 48 select high -brightness LEDs in Cool White (5000K) or Neutral DOE LIGHTING FACTS White (4000K) color temperature, 70 CRI. Department of Energy has verified representative product test 2900 data and results in accordance with its Lighting Facts Program. OPTICS/DISTRIBUTIONS - Ultra-high efficient reflectors provide three distributions. Choose � 9 Y Visit www.lightingfacts.com for specific catalog strings. from Wide Throw (WT), Forward Throw (FT) or Wall Wash (WW). 48 HOUSING - One-piece die-cast aluminum housing is smoothly contoured rectangular shape. LIGHT OUTPUT - XPWS3 POLE MOUNTING - XPMA (for square) or XPMAR (for round) allows mounting to poles In ght So Ts single and D180 configurations. Use with 3" reduced drilling pattern. Milliamps # of LEDs Distribution/Lumens (Nominal) Type FT Type WT Type WW Watts E 28 3100 3000 3200 34 M 48 5100 5100 5200 55 e E 28 3700 3600 3800 44 W 48 6200 1 6100 6300 72 E 28 2900 2900 3100 34 3 m 48 4900 4800 4900 55 5 E 28 3500 3500 3700 44 z 48 5800 5700 1 5800 1 72 Mounting hardware Is stainless steel or electro -zinc plated steel. Housing and optical unit are sealed with extruded silicone gasket; supply conductors with molded EPDM bushing. OPTICAL UNIT - Clear tempered optical -grade flat glass lens sealed to the aluminum optic housing creates an IP65 rated unit. Pressure stabilizing breather allows super -tight protection while preventing cycling from building up internal pressures and vacuums that can stress optical unit seals. WALL MOUNTING - Galvanized -steel universal wall mounting plate easily mounts directly to 4" octagonal or square junction box. EPDM gasket is supplied to be installed between g q I 9 PP mounting plate and junction box, sealing junction box from entrance of water. Universal plate permits fixture to be mounted in uplighting (indoor only) or downlighting position. LED Chips are frequently updated therefore values may increase. POLE MOUNTING - XPMA (for square) or XPMAR (for round) allows mounting to poles In ght So Ts single and D180 configurations. Use with 3" reduced drilling pattern. Drive Current ELECTRICAL - Two-stage surge protection (including separate surge protection built into Also available in traditional light sources electronic driver) meets IEEE C62.41.2-2002, Location Category C. Available with universal Optional Sensor]Opt.in. ns. voltage power supply 120-277VAC (50/6OHz input) or 347-480VAC. WT -'Nide Throw DRIVER - Available in 350mA and 450TPA drive currents (Drive currents are factory 28 programmed). Components are fully encased in potting material for IP65 moisture CW -Cool White resistance. Driver complies with IEC and FCC standards. Driver can be easily accessed. BLK - Black EMERGENCY OPTIONS - Optional integral emergency battery -back-up options are available. Sensor BB option operates in OoC to 60°C ambient temperature and CWBB operates in -20°C to LED A€ 60°C ambient temperature. When primary AC power failure occurs, both options operate 1 10 LEDs for minimum of 90 minutes. 450 --050tH OPERATING TEMPERATURE - -40°C to +50oC (40°F to +122°F) This product, or selected versions of this product, meet the FINISH - Fixtures are finished with LSI's DuraGrip® polyester powder coat finishing process. standards listed below. Please consult factory for your specific requirements. The DuraGri finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking orpeeling . FO'HS ETV L (` WARRANTY - LSI LED fixtures Garry a limited 5 -year warranty. COMPLIANT Iwce„ek ® wet location PHOTOMETRICS - Please visit our web site at www.Isi-industries.com for detailed (downhoot only) photometric data. AFeedingComplant llIP65 a SHIPPING WEIGHT (in carton) -30lbs./13.6Kg _ ® Wall L LISTING - ETL listed to ANSI/UL1598, UL8750 and other U.S. and international safety LIGHT OUTPUT - XGBM standards. Suitable for wet locations in downlight position. Optional Class 1 Division 2 lgOpOK) (groups A, B, C &D) hazardous location rating is available (Select HL option). For a list M SJ Mc[allc Slldc. of the specific products in this series that are DLC listed, please consult the LED Lighting - PCI208 208J Button Type Photocell section of our website or the Design Lights website at www.designlights.org. Project Name I Fixture Type 1 10/21/15 © 2015 Catalog # LSI INDUSTRIES INC. LED PATRIOT® WALL SCONCE (XPWS3) LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION P1PICALOR DER EXAMPLE XPWS3 FT LED 48 450 CW UE WHT BB Prefix Distribution ght So Ts #oE Drive Current Color Temperature Input Voltage Finish Optional Controls Optional Sensor]Opt.in. ns. XPWS3- WT -'Nide Throw LED 28 350-350TA CW -Cool White UE - Universal BLK - Black Wireless Control System's Sensor th ani IJ o LED A€ - FT Forward Throw 1 48 450 --050tH ! ,5000K) Voltage .clogs BRZ -Bronze I fU5 Integral Motion Sensor Patriot WW-WallWash drive current. DOE LIGHTING FACTS EXPECTED LIFE - Minimum 60,000 hours to 100,000 hours depending upon the ambient NW Neutral White (120-277) GPT Graphite PCV PI nuc f rtmlSysIem PC1120- 120V Button Type Photocells Wall L nominal) calor temperature, 70 CRI (nominal). LIGHT OUTPUT - XGBM DISTRIBUTION/PERFORMANCE - Types 3, 5, FT and FTA available - field rotatable lgOpOK) reflectors. M SJ Mc[allc Slldc. rr F,LH H,Lat IGL Platin .nom - PCI208 208J Button Type Photocell Sconce HO 26750 25460 29070 31810 300 TOP -ACCESS COVER - Gasketed, tethered top -access cover provides ease of installation LW 11450 11260 12220 13470 136and allows for easy driver access. Four captive stainless-steel fasteners secure the top - SS 16390 15170 17230 18750 188 347480 PLP- Platinum Plus Cod c SyOen PCI240-24OV Button Type Photocell' OPTICAL UNIT - Clear tempered optical grade flat glass lens sealed to aluminum housing LED Chips are frequently updated therefore values may increase. creates an IP67 rated, sealed optical unit (includes pressure stabilizing breather). Optical PCI 277-277v Button -Type Photocell unit can be easily field rotated in 90o increments. Directional arrow on optics allows alignment without the unit being energized. SVG-SolidVerde GCM r dr c lrtCrere PCI277- 277V Buttori Photocell`' standard. Use with 5" traditional drilling pattern. Round Pole Plate (RPP2) required for (required for satellite fixtures) mounting to 3"- 5" round poles. (See Accessory Ordering Information chart.) ELECTRICAL - Two-stage surge protection (including separate surge protection built into electronic driver) meets IEEE C62.41.2-2002 Location Category C. Available with universal Green GCMH HocVSatv lite Gold PC1347-347VButton-TypePhof cells DRIVERS Available in Low Watt (LW), Super Saver (SS) and High Output (HO) drive options currents (Drive currents are factory programmed). Components are fully encased in patting material for moisture resistance. Driver complies with FCC 47 CFR part 15 RFI/EMI standard. WHT White Contr, f„t.rr This product, or selected versions of this product, meet the standards FINISH - Fixtures are finished with LSI's DuraGrip® polyester powder coat finishing process. listed below. Please consult factory for your specific requirements. xn,e i-Innee„con The DuraGri p finish fnl ish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. ROHS FCC ® c ULO us DECAL STRIPING - LSI offers optional color -coordinated decals in 9 standard colors to COMPLIANT uSrEb Amerman mase wet location accent the fixture. Decals are guaranteed for five ears against peeling, cracking, or fading. 9 Y 9 P ga ga g. ARRA IP67 # r ..: - r .... rt r c D,I , 1,.11rnl a potions PHOTOMETRICS -Please visit our web site at www.lsi-industries.com far detailed Rxlurescomplyweh ANSI cf36.31-2010 American Na6onel standard for Roadway Lighting Equipment- Luminaire Vihratlon 313 requirements. photometric data. SHIPPING WEIGHT IN CARTON -Fixture - 44.5 lbs 20 1 Arm - 5 lbs. 2k arm prom external signal)94-Blue BLS3- Bill Switching ,�.F�, ae,ei, r- ,l ,J.r sea l , /fur 4S 1 1 Battery BBBack-up' G a list of the specific products in this series that are DLC listed, please consult the LED Lighting section of our website or the Design Lights website at www.designlights.org. 59 -Dark Green 51 - Dark (from external signal - requires CWBB- Cold Weather Batter Back-up' 21 -Tomato Red -277V 120controls system voltage) Stand -Alone Control PMR2-Too Erergency 12V Clrruit Provisions 50 -White (blank) -None with (2) 35 WaH Halogen Lamps? 700 -Aztec Silver DIM -0-1D volt dlmniings HL Class 1, Division 2 Hazardous Location Me allic LUMINAIRE EPA CHART' - XGBM ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (Accessories are field installed) 0" Bracket 12" (from external signal) Rating, ETL Listed to UL844' Single 2.3 2.4 ri 0180° 4.7 4.8 RPP2-Round Pole Plate 162914BLK RPSB208-277- Wet Location Remote Box with BKS-BO-WM-'-CLR - Wall Moura Plate 123111CLR 208-277V External Photocell CIF D90° 4.7 BKA-BO-RA-B-CLR - Radius Arm 169o10CLR PMOS120-120V Pole -Mount Occupancy Sensor 518030CLRe �+ T9o° 7.2 BKU-BO-S-I9-CLR- Upsweep Bracket for round or square poles 144191CLR PMOS208/240-208240V Pole -Mount Occupancy Sensor C/P 7,3 p XPMA- Pole Mounting Adaptor w/ Fxture ry TN120 ROS6277-WL Remote Box with 277V Occupancy Sensor P cY Cif' 090° 6.8 FOOTNOTES: 1 -Use with 5"tmd0ional drillingpattern5-Not compatible with Vininet wireless stems DIM or BLS. 0 p 5Y Note: House Side Shield adds to fixture 2 -IMS, DIM and BLS are not compatible. On SS drive current is: House Slde Shield adds to fixture EPA. HSS must be mounted opposite of IMS. Consult factory. EPA. Consult Factory. Back Plate for Use vaith Square Poles' xPAAR4 - Pole Mounting Adaptor w/ Fixture BackPlate for Use vaith 4' 0-D. Round Poles XPMAR5 - Pole Mounting Adaptor w/ Extort Back Plate for Use with 5O.D. Round Poles CCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION' (Accessories are field installed) LED drive current when ambient temperatures exceed rated temperature. Description Order Number Description Order Number xPNG3 Pcly,a Usual, Shield 244657 DFK203240-DoubleForm DFK208.2401e 2PWS3 SW BLK Surface Wiring Box (Available in blackonly) 3569153LK DFK480 Double Fusing DFK48011 K120 Single Fislny FK12010 FK347 SinTe Fusing FK84710 K277 Single porting FU7711 1 pole; occurs 20' out from a 20' mounting height pole. FOOTNOTES 1 Iss centrols inlo,nnerd accessories se, Controls secrm 6 F,ailhc, e wind 1F oltage unij ..Irh e windr 1 , sjstern tMPJ or HI notion 2 PenReniiec a Sheelonager and ojerrdeswitch . Not comcrtdle'auth battery back -rap, / Alloo, G74s L, 1J I' eip,rxtr, core L, required Net `rl with ol, sprite., o,ttry back-up, IIA EMR2 HL Option1 II HL XPIAf FPMfrpinion 3 ll l p thl with IMS pt 3 Not Fri it[ les ctrl k t biro kt k II t ll EMR2.pY. 4Nt pthl B ono- I. ;]Stern or DlM. 9Nt calorico-EMP2option -Ds}'1for 3r1 lJlligfttF 5 or D180 rrc,nrrdorporation only. I- Il te,rrpeY ole ,u tr F'sior Hl opt.,n. L F,,ng obr, nstellcdlnaoempatiblejuncTnn boxwpplcdbyrontracter DIMENSIONS Junc1lon Be. C4-58" 8-11/16i (117mm) 8.. (203mm) o 0 0 1 t r_ 7-3/4" (197mm) 19-114" 11" (489mm) _ Universal Mounting Plate (279mm) MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR BUILDING FIXTURE .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W .0 `0.0 W LED AREA LIGHTS - (XGBM) Gds mover® LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY US patent D574994 & 7,828,456 and MX patent 29631 and US & Int'(. patents pending Oil, 01/15/15 Project Name Fixture Type Idustries" 0 ©2015 Catalog # LSI INDUSTRIES INC. LED AREA LIGHTS - (XGBM) �wer-LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION TYPICAL ORDER EXAMPLE: XGBM 5 LED HO CW UE WHT VCM ES Prefix Distribution Light Drive Color Input Voltage Finish Optional Controls Optional Sensor/Options smmacn aera re NeTemhne XGBM'- SMARTTECTM THERMAL CONTROL - LSI drivers feature integral sensor which reduces LED drive current when ambient temperatures exceed rated temperature. CW - Cool White OCCUPANCY SENSING (IMS) - Optional integral passive infrared motion sensor activates BLK - Black Virtinet Wireless Network switching of luminaire light levels. High level light is activated and increased to full bright LED FFA - Forward Throw in 1-2 seconds upon detection of motion. Low light level (30% maximum drive current) SS - Super Saver NW - Neutral White is activated when target zone is absent of motion activity for -2 minutes and ramps BRZ- Bronze (requires a Venture controller/Malibu down (10-15 seconds) to low level to allow eyes time to adjust. Sensor is located on the Greenbrier front of optical assembly and rotates with the optic. Sensor optic has a detection cone of S-XGBM-FT-LE=D-LW-NW-BZ approximately 45°. Examples of detection - occurs 30' out from a 30' mounting height 1 pole; occurs 20' out from a 20' mounting height pole. GPT- Graphite ENERGY SAVING CONTROL OPTIONS - DIM -0-10 volt dimming enabled with controls IMS'- Integral Motion Sensor by others. BLS - Bi -level switching responds to external line voltage signal from separate Sho!withonal decal striping 120-277V controller or sensor (by others), with low light level decreased to 30% maximum E3 9 drive current. DOE LIGHTING FACTS EXPECTED LIFE - Minimum 60,000 hours to 100,000 hours depending upon the ambient Department of Energy has verified representative product test temperature of the installation location. See LSI web site for specific guidance. data and results in accordance with its Lighting Facts Program. 5 - Type V Visit www.lightingfacts.com for specific catalog strings. LEDS - Select high -brightness LEDs in Cool White (5000K nominal) or Neutral White (4000K L nominal) calor temperature, 70 CRI (nominal). LIGHT OUTPUT - XGBM DISTRIBUTION/PERFORMANCE - Types 3, 5, FT and FTA available - field rotatable Lumens (Nominal)Watts Type 3 Type Type FT Type ETA 1Naminal) reflectors. L Lw 14080 13840 15020 16560 140 HOUSING - Square, die -formed aluminum. Fully enclosed weather -tight housing contains a SS 20180 18040 20700 23030 187 factory prewired drivers and field connections. HO 26750 25460 29070 31810 300 TOP -ACCESS COVER - Gasketed, tethered top -access cover provides ease of installation LW 11450 11260 12220 13470 136and allows for easy driver access. Four captive stainless-steel fasteners secure the top - SS 16390 15170 17230 18750 188 access cover to the housing. d HO 22240 20550 23510 25410 288 OPTICAL UNIT - Clear tempered optical grade flat glass lens sealed to aluminum housing LED Chips are frequently updated therefore values may increase. creates an IP67 rated, sealed optical unit (includes pressure stabilizing breather). Optical PCI 277-277v Button -Type Photocell unit can be easily field rotated in 90o increments. Directional arrow on optics allows alignment without the unit being energized. MOUNTING - 2-1/2" x 5-3/8" x 12" extruded aluminum arm mounting bracket shipped standard. Use with 5" traditional drilling pattern. Round Pole Plate (RPP2) required for (required for satellite fixtures) mounting to 3"- 5" round poles. (See Accessory Ordering Information chart.) ELECTRICAL - Two-stage surge protection (including separate surge protection built into electronic driver) meets IEEE C62.41.2-2002 Location Category C. Available with universal voltage power supply 120-277VAC (UE - 50/6OHz input), and 347-480VAC. Optional Color Decals DRIVERS Available in Low Watt (LW), Super Saver (SS) and High Output (HO) drive options currents (Drive currents are factory programmed). Components are fully encased in patting material for moisture resistance. Driver complies with FCC 47 CFR part 15 RFI/EMI standard. OPERATING TEMPERATURE--40°Cto+50°C(-40°Fto+122°F). This product, or selected versions of this product, meet the standards FINISH - Fixtures are finished with LSI's DuraGrip® polyester powder coat finishing process. listed below. Please consult factory for your specific requirements. xn,e i-Innee„con The DuraGri p finish fnl ish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. ROHS FCC ® c ULO us DECAL STRIPING - LSI offers optional color -coordinated decals in 9 standard colors to COMPLIANT uSrEb Amerman mase wet location accent the fixture. Decals are guaranteed for five ears against peeling, cracking, or fading. 9 Y 9 P ga ga g. ARRA IP67 # r ..: - WARRANTY - LSI LED fixtures carry a limited 5 -year warranty. Funding Compl'wnt PHOTOMETRICS -Please visit our web site at www.lsi-industries.com far detailed Rxlurescomplyweh ANSI cf36.31-2010 American Na6onel standard for Roadway Lighting Equipment- Luminaire Vihratlon 313 requirements. photometric data. SHIPPING WEIGHT IN CARTON -Fixture - 44.5 lbs 20 1 Arm - 5 lbs. 2k arm prom external signal)94-Blue BLS3- Bill Switching LISTING - UL listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards. Suitable for wet locations. For a list of the specific products in this series that are DLC listed, please consult the LED Lighting section of our website or the Design Lights website at www.designlights.org. Oil, 01/15/15 Project Name Fixture Type Idustries" 0 ©2015 Catalog # LSI INDUSTRIES INC. LED AREA LIGHTS - (XGBM) �wer-LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION TYPICAL ORDER EXAMPLE: XGBM 5 LED HO CW UE WHT VCM ES Prefix Distribution Light Drive Color Input Voltage Finish Optional Controls Optional Sensor/Options smmacn aera re NeTemhne XGBM'- Fr - Forward Throw LED LW - Low Watt CW - Cool White UE - Universal BLK - Black Virtinet Wireless Network Sensor LED FFA - Forward Throw LUMENS SS - Super Saver NW - Neutral White Voltage BRZ- Bronze (requires a Venture controller/Malibu ES4-External Sensor Greenbrier Automotive S-XGBM-FT-LE=D-LW-NW-BZ HO -High Output 1 (120-277) GPT- Graphite link) IMS'- Integral Motion Sensor 12217 3 -Type 111 LSI LIGHTING, XGBM LED AREA LIGHT, LOW WATTAGE, 4000K, BRONZE COLOR, REAR SHIELD E3 9 W WALL MOUNT MSV -Metallic Silver (blank) - None PCI 120-120v Button -Type Photocell XPWS3-WT-LE=D-28-350-NW-BRZ 5 - Type V Q L 347-480 PLP -Platinum Plus VCM- Standard (revenue grade) PCI 208-208v Button -Type Photocell O=)w IIIN.0= Ito >Ns SVG - Satin Verde VCMH- Standard(Host) PCI 240-240v Button -Type Photocell Green DIM -0-10 volt dimming PCI 277-277v Button -Type Photocell WHT - White (required for satellite fixtures) PCI 347-347v Button -Type Photocell Optional Color Decals Stand -Alone Control options 45 -Light Gold 20- Charcoal Metallic (blank) - None DIM2-0-1 OV Dimming 88K- 8'B racket is and D180 only) 55 -Black TB -Terminal Block Metallic prom external signal)94-Blue BLS3- Bill Switching 59 -Dark Green 51 - Dark (from external signal - requires 21 -Tomato Red -277V 120controls system voltage) 50 -White 700 -Aztec Silver Me allic LUMINAIRE EPA CHART' - XGBM ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (Accessories are field installed) 0" Bracket 12" Bracket Description Order Number Description Order Number P P XGBM- HSS - House Side Shield Black only) 482002 BLKa RPSB120- Wet Location Remote Box with 120V External Photocell CIF Single 2.3 2.4 ri 0180° 4.7 4.8 RPP2-Round Pole Plate 162914BLK RPSB208-277- Wet Location Remote Box with BKS-BO-WM-'-CLR - Wall Moura Plate 123111CLR 208-277V External Photocell CIF D90° 4.7 BKA-BO-RA-B-CLR - Radius Arm 169o10CLR PMOS120-120V Pole -Mount Occupancy Sensor 518030CLRe �+ T9o° 7.2 BKU-BO-S-I9-CLR- Upsweep Bracket for round or square poles 144191CLR PMOS208/240-208240V Pole -Mount Occupancy Sensor C/P 7,3 p ROSB120- WL Remote Bax with 120V Occu an Sensor Cel" PMOS277-277V Pale -Mount Occupancy Sensor 518029CLR° ry TN120 ROS6277-WL Remote Box with 277V Occupancy Sensor P cY Cif' 090° 6.8 FOOTNOTES: 1 -Use with 5"tmd0ional drillingpattern5-Not compatible with Vininet wireless stems DIM or BLS. 0 p 5Y Note: House Side Shield adds to fixture 2 -IMS, DIM and BLS are not compatible. On SS drive current is: House Slde Shield adds to fixture EPA. HSS must be mounted opposite of IMS. Consult factory. EPA. Consult Factory. with 347-48OV, tenon factory regarding dimming. 7 Includes VCM. To be used in conjunction with VCM option in fixture. Consult factory. 4 - Do not specify for satellite unds. Conon factory. DIMENSIONS 24" sq. (610 mm) 9" (229 mm) 12 (305 mm) I 2.1/4" 9" (57 mm) (229 mm) i{ (35 met) 0 TIONALIMS 5/8" (16 mm) I 315/16" (99 mm) 13 mind) 339 mm 1 1 House Side Shield482002BLX 1 1 4.1/8" (105 mm) Project Name I Fixture Type 1 01/15/15 Industries" 0 ©2015 Catalog #_ J LSI INDUSTRIES INC. MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR AREA FIXTURE LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE W Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK SYMBOL I QTY LABEL ARRANGEMENT LLF WATTS LUMENS MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 4 S SINGLE ARM MOUNT 1.0 136.4 12217 S-XGBM-FT-LE=D-LW-NW-BZ LSI LIGHTING, XGBM LED AREA LIGHT, LOW WATTAGE, 4000K, BRONZE COLOR 1 S -HSS SINGLE ARM MOUNT 1.0 136.4 12217 S-XGBM-FT-LE=D-LW-NW-BZ-HSS LSI LIGHTING, XGBM LED AREA LIGHT, LOW WATTAGE, 4000K, BRONZE COLOR, REAR SHIELD E3 9 W WALL MOUNT 1.0 34 2873 XPWS3-WT-LE=D-28-350-NW-BRZ LSI LIGHTING, PATRIOT WALL SCAONCE, 28 DIODE, 4000K, BRONZE COLOR, FULL CUT-OFF CALCULATION SUMMARY LABEL UNITS AVG MAX MIN AVG/MIN MAX/MIN PARKING FC 5.66 13.9 1.2 4.72 11.58 DRIVE FC 4.85 12.4 0.6 8.08 20.67 N LED FIXTURE (SHOWN WITH REAR MOUNTED SHIELD) NOTE: POLE LIGHTS AND BUILDING LIGHTS SHALL BE DOWN CAST FIXTURES. LIGHTS SHALL NOT IMPACT ADJACENT PROPERTIES. (TYP. ALL LIGHTS) o Cn co DARK BRONZE POLE AND FIXTURE CONCRETE LIGHT POLE BASE FINISHED GRADE N 2 AF REAO LIGHT DETAIL ST_TO SCALE 0 15 30 SCALE: 1'=30' 10 1111111 Ga%,oway Planning. Architecture. Engineering. 6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 320 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.770.8884 O www.gallowayUS.com 02015. Galloway & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved S "PLIL7 �Pe�'SonRl� c�or�/'S # Date 1 10/23/15 W Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL ARK 4 04/04/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK W 0080 Q O to 'W V /w� J LV J a: Q L p� Z Q O=)w IIIN.0= Ito >Ns 1 1 1 1 1 1 # Date 1 10/23/15 Issue / Description 1ST SUBMITTAL Init. ARK 2 02/08/16 2ND SUBMITTAL ARK 3 03/04/16 3RD SUBMITTAL ARK 4 04/04/16 4TH SUBMITTAL ARK Project No: SAS0000002 Drawn By: JMG Checked By: ARK Date: 2/8/2016 SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN 8 Sheet 8 of 8