HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/2016I City of WheatRdge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA April 21, 2016 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on April 21, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. *Agenda packets and minutes are available online at http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/95/Planning-Commission 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—April 7,2016 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. OTHER ITEMS A. Continue required actions on Case Nos. WZ-15-10 & WZ-15-11 8. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. PBG -15-01: an application filed Parfet Storage for approval of a Planned Building Group to allow six proposed storage buildings and the existing office/home to be used as an office/home for the site manager for the property located at 5130 Parfet Street. 9. ADJOURNMENT Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Whew Ridge. Call Maureen Harper, Public Information Officer W 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. CI(Y Of /Wheat Pidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting April 7, 2016 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29a Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Alan Buckram Emery Dorsey Janet Leo Scott Ohm Steve Timms Dirk Boden Donna Kimsey Amanda Weaver Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner II Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary 4. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 5-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — March 17, 2016 It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve the amended minutes of March 17, 2016, as written. Motion carried 5-0. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (TMs is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Planning Commission Minutes - 1 — April 7, 2016 No one wished to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS -16-01: an application filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a subdivision plat to create 2 lots for property located at 10801-10803 W. 44a' Avenue. Ms. Mikulak gave a short presentation regarding the subdivision to create 2 lots and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Mikulak gave a brief history of the Fruitdale School and its property, stating the Fruitdale School was decommissioned by Jeffco Schools when Norma Anderson Preschool opened in 2007. In 2011 Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRHA) acquired the school to save the building from demolition. In 2012, with the use of grant funds a historic structure assessment was completed and in 2013 the Fruitdale School was designated on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2014 WRHA published a Request for Information to identify a developer partner and in 2015 after a charter school terminated a purchase contract, WRHA entered into a purchase contract with Hartman Eli Investments (HEI) along with a signed agreement in 2016. Their proposal is for residential reuse. The subdivision application does not depend on this specific reuse proposal; the WRHA would like to clean up the encumbrances on the property regardless of who purchases the property. There will be a land swap between WRHA and Jeffco Schools to help clean up the lot lines and it is City approved and therefore not subject to the subdivision regulations. The purpose of the plat is to clean up lines so there can be redevelopment because buildings cannot cross property lines. This consolidation will create a clean Lot 1 and Lot 2 and also create easements: one along the southern property line and hammer head cross access easement at the northwest corner of the property for emergency and maintenance access. There were no outstanding issues with outside agency referrals. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked about the east side of Lot 2 and wondered if there is enough space for services to be accessed between the Fruitdale School and playground. Ms. Mikulak stated the developer has a good idea of how that space will be used and there is no concern at this time. Janice Thompson, Chair, Wheat Ridge Housing Authority 12290 W. 42nd Avenue, Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Minutes -2— April 2— April 7, 2016 Ms. Thompson stated it is very important for there to be a rezone and property line clean up and the Fruitdale project will definitely benefit the City. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner LEO to recommend APPROVAL Case No. MS -16-01, a request for approval of a two -lot minor subdivision plat on property located at 10801 and 10803 W. 44" Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvement installed at the developer's expense. 2. All requirement of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The subdivision plat shall not be recorded until the land exchange between the applicants is Finalized. Motion passed 5-0. B. Case No. WZ-16-02: an application filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W 44th Avenue. Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Reckert stated the purpose of the rezoning is to consolidate the zoning and to modify the list of uses and prepare the property for redevelopment. Rezoning is the first step in the process and if rezoning is approved then a Site Plan will be required to review redevelopment on the site. The 3 current zoning designations were inherited when the City incorporated in 1969; A-1 being the most restrictive and limiting to single family and farming uses, C-1 being for retail use and R-3 allowing for single family up to multi -family dwellings. MU -N is a hybrid of both A-1 and C -fallowing for residential uses and commercial uses as well as multi -family live/work. Both the Structure Plan (within the Comprehensive Plan) and the Fruitdale Valley Subarea Plan call for revitalization on the 44 Avenue Corridor. A neighborhood meeting held on March 1, 2016 had 3 attendees who were generally supportive and there were not concerns from outside referral agencies. The next steps are a City Council meeting on May 9, site plan review, and a building permit. Planning Commission Minutes -3— April 3— April 7, 2016 Commissioner BUCKNAM thinks the MU -N zoning makes sense in this corridor and asked a couple of questions regarding the historic building. He inquired about the relationship between the City's architectural standards and the historic preservation requirements. Ms. Reckert explained that if there were to be a large expansion, by more than 50%, then the developer would have to comply with architectural standards, but because it is registered historically it will have to follow the federal historical standards. Commissioner BUCKNAM then asked about the administrative site plan review process, and wondered if there has been any discussion about public input or review given that this is a historic site. Ms. Reckert and Ms. Mikulak stated currently there is no input from the public during a site plan review process. Because of the national landmark designation, federal design standards may trump local design standards. Commissioner OHM asked if the building is taller than 35 feet and if this presents a problem because 35 feet is the maximum height for residential uses. Ms. Mikulak and Ms. Reckert stated they don't know the current height of the building, but the height would not prohibit the building from being used residentially because it is an existing condition. Craig Horlacher, President, Fruitdale Roof Maintenance Assoc. 10720 W. 45", Wheat Ridge Mr. Horlacher read part of a letter addressed to Mr. Hartman with HEI. The concerns of the association regard the northern end of Lot 2 and the construction of a new fence or screening. They are concerned that a fence on the Fruitdale property could negatively impact the maintenance and replacement of the existing cedar fence in the future. Also, he expressed a concern of privacy in the backyards due to the proximity of the access road and the line of sight from the 2°d story windows in Fruitdale School. Ms. Reckert acknowledged the concerns and stated she is not sure what the future site plans holds related to fencing. She indicated that zone change approval is not typically conditioned with requirements related to fencing. It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commission BUCKNAM to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44r Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. Planning Commission Minutes -4— April 4— April 7, 2016 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property. 4. The zone change will prepare the property for reuse or redevelopment and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request. Motion Carried 5-0. C. Case Nos. WZ-15-10 & WZ-15-11: an application filed by Stor-All Storage for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) and a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue. Mr. Ritchie gave a short presentation on this continuance from the March 17, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Ritchie updated the Commission with the applicant's changes in the case report. She explained the ODP document now includes additional uses which are more commercial in use. These options include research laboratories, eating establishments without a drive-thru, medical and dental offices and retail sales. Also, there will only be one free standing sign with a maximum height of 15 feet. Revisions were also made to the SDP document including the lighting plan which was refined to have no spill on adjacent properties; a security light added at the rear emergency exit and the low light levels are consistent with office park lighting at night. The wall signs are what the applicant intends to apply for and are allowed under the sign code as is. With regards to the Comprehensive Plan, this area is designated as a neighborhood buffer due to the proximity to I-70, but there is no specific use of buffering defined, but there are goals. Goal N112 is to increase housing, but this property is not ideal for housing; Goal NH4 is to stimulate investment and redevelopment in the neighborhood buffer areas, which this proposal promotes; Goal SC3 is to increase community safety and code enforcement, this proposal should reinforce this goal; Goal CS7 increases opportunities for public involvement with City government, this goal is not applicable to the proposal, but the ODP includes community buildings as a possible use; and finally Goal SF4 maintains a healthy and active community which this proposal promotes by providing a detached sidewalk along Youngfield Street. Ms. Ritchie explained that PID was proposed because the majority of uses are allowed in the I -E zone district and if rezoned to I -E the district would allow uses more intense than appropriate for this location. Also, PID is employment supporting. Other options Planning Commission Minutes - 5— April 7, 2016 the Planning Commission can consider are revising the zone district to Planned Commercial Development, allowing additional uses not proposed on the ODP, consider different hours of operation and to consider zoning limitation such as signage or lighting requirements. Tim Nelson, Galloway 6162 S. Willow Dr. Greenwood Village, CO Mr. Nelson explained a few of the changes made to the proposal including added sight distant triangle, modified the landscape plan, and there is more data on lighting. The CDOT requirements have been meet and there will be no signage on the residential side of the building. Also, there were zoning uses added for compatibility 20-30 years down the road. Commissioner TIMMS asked if there had been any more discussion about hours of operation since the March 17 meeting. John Anderson, 1291 SW Mulberry Way, Boca Raton, FL Mr. Anderson stated the hours of operation for the retail/rental office will be 9:00am to 6:00pm and shorter on the weekend. The facility access hours will be 6:00am to 9:00pm. Commissioner DORSEY reiterated the hours of operation are very important. Cindy Beckfeld 4365 Xenon St., Wheat Ridge, CO Ms. Beckfeld stated the neighbors are nervous about the four story building and she wants to make sure the dog leg/easement on the Xenon St. side of the property will never be used as access except for emergencies. Also, she does not want to see big semi -trucks using the parking lot and wants to make sure the City is involved sees that the applicant does what they say they are going to do. Scott Mefford 4380 Xenon St., Wheat Ridge, CO Mr. Mefford stated his greatest concern is the height of the building and there should be a buffer between the building and the neighborhood. He has noticed there are no other 4 -story buildings in the vicinity and has questions regarding the glare off the building, if it will act as a snow fence and if there will be privacy issues. Mr. Mefford has two requests, the first being lowering the height of the building to 1 or 2 stories and the second being erecting a pole to give the neighborhood an idea how tall 4 -stories will be. Planning Commission Minutes -6— April 6— April 7, 2016 David Murphy 12700 W. 42nd Ave., Wheat Ridge Mr. Murphy believes the applicant is well intentioned and doesn't want to cause complications for the neighborhood, but he does have concerns. Some of his concerns are the free standing sign and the light that will spill into the neighborhood. This storage facility is better than other business that could be put on this site, but is it right for the neighborhood. His other concerns are traffic and fencing and the height of the building. Finally, Mr. Murphy stated his concerns for the site when the storage facility moves out and what could move in. He wants to make sure the City can take care of it. Janice Thompson 12290 W. 42°a Ave., Wheat Ridge Ms. Thompson stated she has lived in the neighborhood since 1955 and has seen changes in the area and there doesn't seem to be a good plan in the area for businesses. The transitional change from neighborhood to commercial should be stair stepping and that is difficult when the City does spot zoning changes. She feels this makes it hard for residents to invest in their homes. We would like the City to look at the whole area and see what works best to enhance the area and protect the neighborhood. Also, Ms. Thompson wants assurance to the neighbors on Xenon Street that there will be no access on to Xenon for the proposed site. Mr. Nelson replied to the neighbors' concerns and questions. He stated the emergency lighting on the back of the building is a light by the rear door and there will be no light spilling into the adjacent lots. There will also be no semi -truck parking; the parking lot will not accommodate a truck that size. Mr. Nelson addressed the 4 -story height of the building and stated the height is allowed in the zone district. To have an elevator bay it is economically feasible to go 4 -stories. Also, he explained there will be no windows facing the neighborhood so there will definitely be privacy for the neighbors. Mr. Nelson also explained there will be a transition from I-70 to the storage facility then to the neighborhood. Commissioner DORSEY wanted confirmed hours of operation and how people will access the building. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Anderson explained the hours of operation will be 6am — 9pm and the building will be accessed by key code. A process starting at 8:45pm will alert anyone in the building that they will be closing at 9pm. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked about the landscape plan on the east side of the building with the mix of Oak and Honey Locust. The mature height of the Oak will be 50' and will provide a nice visual, but how mature will the trees be when planted. Mr. Nelson stated it will be 2" in caliper, 15-18' in height and the canopy will be 8' wide which is good for transplanting. Planning Commission Minutes -7— April 7— April 7, 2016 Commissioner OHM asked about the upright junipers on the residential side. Mr. Nelson said they are meant to be a buffer for the neighbors who don't want a fence. Commissioner LEO asked what the difference in height is between the building and I- 70 and if the building is higher than the highway it could be obnoxious to the neighborhood. Ms. Ritchie explained the height could be researched and the information provided; I 70 and the Hwy 58 flyover is elevated near there. Commissioner OHM asked a question to staff from the neighbors as to how the City will enforce what is put on the plan. Ms. Ritchie stated multiple departments will work together, but a business license will be required and code enforcement will work with the building and planning departments. Kathryn Murphy 12700 W. 42°a Avenue, Wheat Ridge Ms. Murphy asked what will be done with this building if it is not in compliance when being built. The neighbors want assurance. Ms. Reckert explained that the inspectors and planners will enforce whatever City Council approves. Commissioner OHM asked if there are deed restrictions on the property, with regards to the site access. Ms. Reckert stated it would be governed by the Planned Development. Mr. Murphy asked if there is still a plan to merge 44I' Avenue and Youngfield. Ms. Ritchie stated that Public Works reviewed the plan, and that it is a CDOT controlled area and there were no concerns raised. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked about the buffer zone as mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan, is it really that vague in the Plan, more so with the changes in use both physical and visual. Ms. Ritchie stated the Structure Plan is different depending on the area and the goals are varied and diverse. Planning Commission Minutes -8— April 8— April 7, 2016 Ms. Reckert stated it is contextual depending on where the property is located. The planning department looked at this as a buffer for I-70. Commissioner BUCKNAM added he thought the expanded uses are beneficial. Commissioner LEO asked if Case No. WZ-15-10 passes will the 50' limit be set. Mr. Ritchie replied yes. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-15-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development to Planned Industrial Development with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44a' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's comprehensive plan and other guiding documents; 2. The proposal meets the zone change criteria; 3. The proposed uses and ODP plan are all less intensive than what could be allowed on the property currently and will serve as a neighborhood buffer; 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. Motion denied 2-3 with commissioners BUCKNAM and DORSEY approving and OHM, TIMMS and LEO denying. 6. OTHER ITEMS Ms. Ritchie stated this application, WZ-15-10, will be heard at City Council on April 25 for First Reading and on May 23 for a Public Hearing. Ms. Ritchie also updated the Planning Commission on the upcoming Public Meeting for Accessory Dwelling Units on April 12. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner BUCKNAM to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Scott Ohm, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes April 7, 2016 9— 'SAI City Of c�7�IheatR�dge COMMUNITY DEVEIAPMENT Memorandum TO: Planning Commission THROUGH: Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director FROM: Lisa Ritchie, Planner II DATE: April 15, 2016 (for April 21, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting) SUBJECT: Case Nos. WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11 ISSUE: Following the continued Public Hearing on April 7, 2016, the Planning Commission voted on a recommendation of approval for Case Nos. WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11. That motion failed 2 votes to 3. At that point, the meeting was adjourned without any further action on either the zone change application (Case No. WZ-15-10) or the Specific Development Plan application (Case No. WZ-15-11). Following the adjournment of the meeting on April 7, staff consulted with the City Attorney to confirm whether or not the action taken by the Planning Commission on these cases was sufficient. The City Attorney has determined that the required actions on both cases are incomplete. This memo is intended to provide guidance for the Planning Commission regarding the required actions that maybe completed during the Planning Commission meeting on April 21, 2016. The City Attorney will be present at that meeting and will be able to provide additional guidance during the meeting, or clarify any questions that are raised from this memo. PRIOR DISCUSSION: On March 17, 2016, the Planning Commission opened a Public Hearing to consider Case Nos. WZ-15-10 and WZ-15-11. Toward the end of that meeting, the Planning Commission voted to recommend denial, which resulted in a 4-4 tie. Following that vote, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval, which again resulted in a 4-4 tie. At that point, the Planning Commission continued the Public Hearing to April 7, 2016. In order the complete the necessary actions on the applications, the first step is to take an affirmative vote on the application for the zone change. This means that whatever motion is made must pass. The presumed next step for Planning Commission would be to make a motion to deny the application along with findings for denial (because the previous motion and vote for approval failed), and take another vote. If that motion passes, then the action is considered complete. If that motion fails, then subsequent motions and votes must be acted upon until there is one that passes. Following completion of action on the zone change application, the Planning Commission shall take action on the SDP application in the same manner. If Planning Commissioners who weren't in attendance at the April 7, 2016 public hearing wish to participate in the voting on these applications, the video of the meeting must be watched and the minutes provided in the packet must be read. The City Attorney will confirm for the record that each Commissioner who wishes to vote has watched the video and read the minutes. As a reminder, the public hearing on these applications has been closed. There should be no public testimony, or information presented by the applicant or staff prior to the continuation of the necessary actions. The video of the April 7, 2016 public hearing can be found on the City's website at htty://www.ci.wheatridge.Co.us/824/Watch-Public-Meetings-Live-and-On-Demand ATTACHMENTS: • Possible Motions 2 SUGGESTED MOTIONS: • The following is su22ested for the first case, Case No. WZ-15-10: Option A: "I recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-15-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development to Planned Industrial Development with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. 2. ... Option B: "I recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-15-10, a request for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development to Planned Industrial Development with an Outline Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's comprehensive plan and other guiding documents; 2. The proposal meets the zone change criteria, 3. The proposed uses and ODP plan are all less intensive than what could be allowed on the property currently and will serve as a neighborhood buffer; 4. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met." • The following is suggested for the second case, Case No. WZ-15-11: Option A: "I recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-15-11, a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. 2...,, Option B: "I recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-15-11, a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan for property located at 12700 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with purpose of a Planned Development; 2. The proposal is insubstantial compliance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual, the Streetscape Design Manual, and the zoning code; 3. The proposed site design and proposed uses are consistent with the Outline Development Plan; 4. All requirements for a Specific Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall continue to work with staff to ensure that the final fence design is consistent with the provisions in the zoning code and so that it shall provide additional layer of buffer for the neighborhood. 2. That a subdivision plat shall be approved for the property prior to recording the SDP." 4 City of Wheatl .gle IT COMMUNY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: DATE: CASE NO. & NAME: ACTION REQUESTED: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert April 21, 2016 Case No. PBG-15-01/Parfet Street storage Approval of a Planned Building Group to allow multiple structures on a single parcel LOCATION OF REQUEST: 5130 Parfet Street APPLICANT: Parfet Street Storage APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.5 acres PRESENT ZONING: Industrial -Employment (I -E) ENTERINTORECORD: (X) CASEFILE& PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Pinnns. Commusson PBG-15f1/Po Stsnaaestonwe 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make a decision regarding this request. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a planned building group (PBG) for property zoned Industrial - Employment (I -E) located at 5130 Parfet Street. Pursuant to Section 26-116 of the code of laws, a PBG site plan is required in all zone districts other than planned development and mixed use districts for properties on which more than one primary structure is proposed. An application for more than four main structures requires approval by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. This case will not require review by City Council. Per Section 26-116.D.2., the decision of Planning Commission is final. Appeals from a Planning Commission ruling shall be to the Jefferson County District Court. A formal neighborhood meeting is not required for this application. II. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION/HISTORY The property is located at 5130 Parfet Street, between Ridge Road and W. 50u' Avenue extended in the northwest quadrant of the City. The site consists of one developed parcel (Lot 1 or northern portion), and one undeveloped parcel (Lot 2 or southern portion). While Lot 2 does not have structures on it, it functions as detention for the northern lot. Access into the proposed development site is from Parfet Street. The property also abuts the interior intersection of West 50th Avenue and Oak Street. West 50th dead -ends at the southeast corner of the property. The northern portion of the lot (Lot 1) is developed with a single -story 1135 square foot office building, and a detached garage. Other improvements on the northern portion include parking, landscaping and a small, screened outdoor storage area. (Exhibit 1, Aerial Photo) Lot 2 is located to the south of Lot 1 and is undeveloped. Lot 1 is relatively flat and connects to Lot 2 through a steep and narrow sliver of land. Lot 2 has a considerable grade change with an estimated 13% grade at certain points. Both lots are under common ownership and equal approximately 3.5 acres in area. Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses and zoning. To the west is a transmission substation which is zoned A-1. Abutting the property to the southwest are three parcels (5120, 5110, and 5006 Parfet Street) all zoned Agriculture -One (A-1) with single family, greenhouse and farming uses. To the north and east of the property are developments zoned PID, which have a variety of office/warehouse and manufacturing uses. The property south of Lot 2 is an undeveloped parcel zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD). (Exhibit 2, Zoning map) The subject property was rezoned from Planned Industrial Development (PID) and Agricultural -One (A-1) to Industrial -Employment (I -E) pursuant to Case No. WZ-14-15. The property was previously used as an electrical contractor's office and storage yard. (Exhibit 3, site photos) Planning Commission PBG-15-011Parfet Street Storage III. PROPOSED PBG SITE PLAN A planned building group entails site plan review for a parcel with more than one primary structure. Pursuant to Section 26-116.A., the purpose of a PBG is "to promote better overall utilization of a site by promoting improved vehicular and pedestrian circulation and access, more efficient layout of parking and a better overall landscape and architectural design scheme for the total site, while at the same time ensuring adequate standards relation to public health, safety, welfare and convenience in the use and occupancy of buildings and facilities". (Exhibit 4, Reduced copy ofPBG) The applicant is proposing to develop the northern portion of the property into a six -building self - storage facility with an office/residence. No development on the south side will occur at this time except for drainage improvements required to accommodate the storage facility's storm water runoff. The original residential building in the interior of the site is proposed to serve as an office and the property manager's residence. The front building (building A) has a 10' build -to line from Parfet Street which is consistent with the standards in the I -E zone district. A 5' setback is provided from the northern property line. Access drive and interior aisle widths Primary access is provided by a curb cut onto Parfet Street which extends to the east into the property. It intersects another major drive aisle east of the office structure. Both of these drive aisles are 24' in width and have been approved by AFPD as fire lanes. Other interior access between buildings is 22' which, in staff's opinion, are too narrow for general circulation around the storage buildings. The City does not have a minimum aisle width for this particular use; however, our research has shown that at a minimum the industry standard is 25'. Many Denver metro municipalities require 30' or more for interior drive aisles for self -storage development. Theses wider widths are required to allow for safe maneuvering of moving truck, often by drivers with infrequent experience driving such vehicles. Access into the site from Parfet Street is controlled by the use of an electronic gate. The gate is inset 40' from Parfet Street so that vehicles have room to pull off the street as they wait for the gate to open. West 50th Avenue extending east from Miller Street dead -ends at the southeast corner of the property. The City is requesting a dedication of 20' for extension of 50u' across the southern boundary of the property. Section 26-412 of the Subdivision Regulations requires that "streets shall conform to the requirements set forth in the subdivision regulations, the comprehensive plan, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and the Streetscape Design Manual of the City of Wheat Ridge." That dedication would be accomplished by separated instrument. Street construction would occur when Lot 2 develops. See additional discussion further in Section III. of this report. Landscaping Landscaped coverage on the property is indicated at 19% where 10% is required in the I -E zone district. The majority of the landscaped/open space coverage occurs along Parfet, around the office and along the eastern property line. While quantities have been met, exact species have not been identified. Instead the applicant has included a plant list from which plant species can be selected at the time of building permit. Building architecture The building architecture shown on sheets 4 — 9 does not comply with the Heavy Commercial/Industrial design standards specified in the Architectural and Site Design Manual Planning Commission PBG-15-01/Parfet Street Storage (ASDM). These substandard items include fagade detail, fagade articulation, materials, and transparency. Even though the facades on building A are embellished, the standards specified in the ASDM are not being met. The following are excerpts from the ASDM. A. FAtr'ADE DESIGN Design Principle: Buildings serving heavy commercial and light industrial uses should include variation and human -scaled components to prevent monotonous and two-dimensional design and to contribute to the character of the community. Section 4.2.A. Design Standard: Fagade Detail: Each fagade shall incorporate at least two of the following elements: reveals, belt courses, cornices, deep overhangs architectural repeating elements of at least 1' in depth, recessed windows, color and /texture differences. Section 4.2.A. Design Standard: Fagade Articulation: Each fagade shall have at least one variation in plan depth, a minimum one foot in depth for every 100 linear feet of the length of the fagade such as recessed entries, recess windows and/or storefronts, offsets in the fagade including columns, pilasters, protruding bays, reveals, etc. With regard to fagade detail and articulation, the elements shown appear to be "faux" in nature and have not been thoughtfully integrated into a comprehensive design. An example of this is the 1' fagade break that is not carried up into the roof line. B. MATERIALS Design Principle: Buildings should utilize high-quality, durable materials that provide variation and visual interest. Section 4.2.13. Design standards: Materials Primary materials: must comprise 40% of the fagade and must be one of the following materials: brick, stone, textured, colored concrete block or hard coat stucco. Secondary materials: may not exceed 60% of the fagade to include: smooth -faced CMU, EIFS, metal panels or articulated concrete panels. The elevation of building A is shown has having 40% hard coat stucco and 60% metal or other material with 15% transparency but these numbers don't seem accurate nor are they accurately represented on the plan set. Staff has concerns with stucco being utilized adjacent to the ground and potential concerns for long-term durability. The rest of the buildings on the site are composed of metal with wood trim. No accommodation has been made for trash collection on the property. Detention pond and Right -of -Way for West 50u' Avenue In 2009, the City adopted Envision Wheat Ridge as its Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a document that among other things, acts a tool for guiding development and establishing land use policies Planning Commission PBG-15-01/Parfet Street Storage 4 One of the major components of the plan is Transportation. The Transportation Structure Plan identifies targeted areas for future transportation -related improvements. These improvements focus on improving transportation options and connectivity for all modes of transportation. The plan identifies West 50th Avenue as a proposed roadway from Kipling Street on the east extending to Ward Road on the west. This connection is intended to provide an adequate transportation grid needed to serve the northwest portion of Wheat Ridge. The RTD Gold Line commuter railway lies five hundred (500) feet north of the subject property, and there are two rail stations located within about a half -mile of the subject property in Arvada and at theWard Road Station in Wheat Ridge. The Gold Line is scheduled to be open for service this year and upon its opening the importance of the W. 50th connection to the City's transportation grid will become very apparent: • The future W. 50u' Avenue will serve as a collector street and requires approximately 60 feet of Right -of -Way to construct to current standards. Planning Commission PBG-15-01/Parfet Street Storage 5 • To meet the City's current roadway design standard for a collector street it will necessitate a twenty (20) foot strip of Right -of -Way (ROW) dedication along the south line of the subject property. • The owners of the subject property were made aware of the ROW dedication requirement during the Pre -Application meeting held with City staff on April 16, 2015. This was reiterated to the applicants subsequent to the pre -application as follows: • The 20' strip will need to be dedicated but the construction of the street would not be required with the current development proposal on Lot 1 (the northerly lot). • W. 50u' Avenue improvements would not be required with development of Lot 1, but rather construction of these improvements would occur upon development of the southerly Lot 2 (development of Lot 2 is currently referred to as "Phase II" by the owners). • If drainage modifications are necessary to accommodate the current development, the cost of the design and construction falls back to the developer. Detention Pond Reconstruction An existing stormwater detention pond constructed during a smaller, prior project currently encroaches about five feet into the twenty foot strip of proposed ROW dedication. The civil engineering documents for the current application state that: • The existing detention pond is inadequate in size and must be enlarged to accommodate the current project. • The enlargement design of the existing pond includes regrading along the south side of the pond, creating a situation whereby the City must redesign, reconstruct, and re -certify, a privately -owned detention pond in order to complete the future W. 50th Avenue connection. In order to avoid having a private detention pond within public ROW, Public Works has required the pond be regraded in a manner that relocates the south berm of the pond five (5) feet north of the current design. Moving the pond five feet north allows most of the existing pond area to be used in the redesign, while keeping its final location outside of the 20' strip of proposed W. 50th Avenue ROW. The property owners have indicated that they are not will to comply with this requirement, resulting in an encumbrance to a public ROW by a private detention pond. Drainage report The drainage plan for the site does not adequately accommodate the proposed improvements. The proposed drive between Lot 1 and 2 is very steep with approximately a 12% grade. The westerly swale as designed will be prone to erosion. Staff has requested additional erosion control measures to stabilize this area IV. PLANNED BUILDING GROUP CRITERIA Planning Commission PBG-15-01/Parfet Street Storage In order to approve a planned building group application, the Planning Commission shall consider the criteria listed in Section 26-116.D.3. of the city code. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the criteria: 1. The proposed plan complies with the zoning and development code and is not contrary to the general welfare of the immediate neighborhood and economic prosperity of the city. While the use of the property for self -storage may be appropriate at this location, the design proposed does not provide a benefit to the general health, safety and welfare for either the neighborhood or the northwest portion of the City. The self -storage use, in general, generates minimal tax so there is not a substantial economic benefit. If the dedication for West 501' Avenue does not occur, the goals and objectives of the Transportation portion of the Comprehensive Plan and Subdivision Regulations are not promoted. Further, the conflict with the existing detention pond will be a liability for the City's when the extension of West 50th Avenue is completed. Staff finds that this criterion has not been met. 2. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). The application is not in substantial compliance with the standards set forth in the ASDM with regard to architecture. The architecture of the buildings has not been thoughtfully designed with cohesiveness that results in a benefit to the area. Specific examples include the use of materials which have questionable long term durability and the negative aesthetics of "faux" architectural treatments. There are also concerns from staff regarding the drive aisle widths on-site. The 22' -wide aisle widths are sub -industry standards and no allowances are made for larger turning radii around buildings. Staff finds that this criterion has not been met. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Arvada Fire Protection District: Can serve the property from the 24' wide drive aisles running from Parfet along the southern portion of the property and on the east side of the office. Valley Water District: Can serve. Has a concern about grade issues if and when Lot 2 develops. Wheat Ridge Economic Development: Has indicated that while the storage facility is probably a good use of the property, the elevations on the buildings with frontage need to be more aesthetically appealing. The drive aisles appear inadequate in width for larger vehicles. Planning Commission PBG-15-01/Parfet Street Storage 7 Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has commented regarding traffic and drainage. These comments were detailed in Section Ill. ofthis report. Xcel Energy: Can serve. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the application does not support the general health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood and City and is not in compliance with requirements of the ASDM. Having found the application is in conflict with the goals of the Transportation Structure Plan and Subdivision Regulations, Staff recommends denial of the planned building group with conditions listed below. VII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Option A: "I move to DENY Case No. PBG -15-01, a request for approval of a planned building group site plan on property zoned I -E at 5130 Parfet Street, for the following reasons: 1. The design proposed does not support the general health, safety and welfare for the neighborhood and the City. 2. The goals and objectives of the Transportation portion of the Comprehensive Plan and the Subdivision Regulations are not being met. 3. The conflict with the existing detention pond will be a liability for the City's when the extension of West 50u' Avenue is completed. 4. The proposal is not in substantial compliance with the ASDM." Option B: "I move to APPROVE Case No. PBG -15-01, a request for approval of a planned building group site plan on property zoned I -E at 5130 Parfet Street, for the following reasons: 1. 2." Planning Commission PBG-15-01/Parfet Street Storage Exhibit 1 — Aerial Photo Plnnnvng co n nsmon Paa1SouPo!1 t Feat Storage Exhibit 2 — Zoning Map P1arning Commission PBG-15-01/Parjet Street Storage 10 Exhibit 3 — Site Photos F L F Planing Commission PBG15-01/Pare[ Street Storage Looking north on Parfet Street— property on the right Looking northeast across the property 11 i Access aisle into property from Parfet — office on the left Storage area east of the office Planing Commission PBG15-011Pafet Street Storage 12 Looking west where 50" Avenue dead -ends at the SE corner of the property Looking west toward detention area on Lot 2 Planing Commission PBG15-011Pafe[ Street storage 13 Exhibit 4 — PBG plan Planning Commission PBG-15-01/Parfet Street Storage 14 PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP E :M 1 1' :1 I A 11 z Rio1 ' WHEREAS, PARFET STORAGE LLC HAVE SUBMITTED A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE'S APPROVAL PURSUANT TO WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, FOR THE LAND AREA LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS - WHEREAS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE HAS APPROVED SAID PLAN ON NOW, THEREFORE, UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF THE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, THIS DECLARATION IS NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS OF THE LAND AREA AND TO ALL OTHERS THAT IT IS THE SUBJECT OF A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AND THAT SAID PLAN AND THE ORDINANCES RELATING THRETO ARE BINDING ON SUBSEQUENT PURCHASERS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS UNLESS THE PLAN IS ABANONED, AMENDED OR WITHDRAWN IN WRITING AND DULY RECORDED AND SHALL LIMIT THE CONSTRUCTION, USE AND OPERATION OF ALL LAND AND STRUCTURES INCLUDED WITHIN SUCH PLANS TO ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS SET FORTH IN SUCH PLANS AND ORDINANCES OWNER: PARFET STORAGE, LLC BY GREGORY A. HERBERS AS MEMBER/MANAGER STATE OF COLORADO 1) / SS COUNTY OF ,JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS _ DAY OF A.D. 20_ BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. L:1111��� STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF ,JEFFERSON ) I HERBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE _ DAY OF A.D., IN BOOK . PAGE RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY. DEPUTY 1 M' Ik411 0 1' 1 APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. I, ROBERT M. HAYDEN DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF PARFET STREET MINI SAGE WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. SURVEYORS SEAL SIGNATURE ROBERT M. HAYDEN. L.S. 27268 Know what's below. lima 0111 before you dig. AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO L L L 17 U z LWi J 00 Y 50TH AVE 50TH AVE 0 CJ PROJECT p LOCATION a NTE STATE 70 FRONTAG RD 0 70 N 44TH AVE yicu li 1 m" SCALE: 1' = 1000' SITE BENCHMARK THE BENCHMARK USED FOR THIS SITE IS NGS 12409, LOCATED AT N=1713256.48, E= 3109706.48 (NAD83)/ N= 713688.67, E= 110490.93 (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM), WITH AT SECTION CORNER DESCRIPTION OF E 1/4, S16 WHICH IS A 3-1/4' ALUMINUM CAP (LS 23524) IN THE CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITH AN ELEVATION= 5393.92 1. FENCING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26-603 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 2. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26-502 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 3. PARKING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26-501 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 4. SITE AND BUILDING LIGHTING SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 26-503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 5. SIGNAGE SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH ARTICLE VII OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 6. THE BUILDING AND DESIGN STANDARDS WILL FOLLOW THE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN MANUAL. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS CONSIST OF MINI—WAREHOUSE STORAGE UNITS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE EXISTING RESIDENCE TO CONVERT IT TO RESIDENCE/ OFFICE SPACE ACCESS TD THE SITE WILL BE OFF OF PARFET STREET AND A PRIVATE DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS WILL CONSIST OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, PAVED ACCESS DRIVES AND ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING. ARCHITECTURAL— ALL BUILDINGS 1D BE CORRUGATED METAL CLAD WITH WOOD ACCENTS IN NATURAL EARTH TONE COLORS THIS DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS FOR THE NORTHERN LOT ONLY AND THAT PRIOR TO ANY SITE DEVELOPMENT ON THE SOUTH, A SITE PLAN PROCESS WILL BE REWIRED. WZ-12-02 WZ-03-08 MS -02-07 WZ-10-08 MS -10-04 WZ-14-15 PBG -15-01 WA -16-02 SELI �M�KO S T E E L City of Whea iidE XcPReV AlDEA n ergy W m ' ' Ni"Ry m PARFET STORAGE, LLC. 14995 FOOTHILLS ROAD GOLDEN, CO 80401 CONTACT. GREG HERBERS 303.717.0378 L . . BASELINE ENGINEERING 1950 FORD STREET GOLDEN, CO 80401 CONTACT: NOAH NEMMERS, P.E. 303.940.9966 MAKO STEEL BUILDINGS 5650 EL CAMINO REAL #100 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 760.448.1760 MUNIm= CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 303.234.5900 XCEL ENERGY 1123 WEST 3RD AVENUE DENVER, CO 80223 CONTACT- DONNA GEORGE 303.57.3306 ARVADA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 7903 ALLISON WAY ARVADA, CO 80005 303.424.3012 SITE DATA TABLE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 IN PARFET PARK SUBDIVISION, TRACT 2 REPLAT #2, FOR NORTHERN LOT ONLY ZONE DISTRICT. I—E INDUSTRIAL—EMPLOYMENT C1 SQUARE FEET ACRES PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY- 53,155 SF 1.22 100% TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 19,720 SF 0.45 37.0% TOTAL PARKING/DRIVE COVERAGE 23,507 SF 0.54 44.0% TOTAL OPEN SPACE/LANDSCAPINQ 9,928 SF 0.23 19.0% OFFICE AREA: 187 SF RESIDENCE AREA- 867 SF BUILDING HEIGHT. 50'-0' (ALLOWED), 9'-4' (PROPOSED), 25'-0' (EXISTING) PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED PERCENTAGE NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL SPACES: 2 2 100% NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES- 1 2 200% NUMBER OF HANDICAP SPACES: 1 1 100% SHEET MEX SHEET NO. SHEET TITLE C1 COVER C2 SITE PLAN C3 LANDSCAPE PLAN Al BUILDING A ELEVATIONS A2 BUILDING B ELEVATIONS A3 BUILDING C ELEVATIONS A4 BUILDING D ELEVATIONS A5 BUILDING E ELEVATIONS A6 BUILDING F ELEVATIONS E1 PHOTOMETRIC SITE PLAN DNG DRAINAGE PLAN W_ 00 W G G> G z z S Z J Z r z 0 U z 0 U) Li Li w w Li W < O (n Z N F— < O W a v W H RM F— W a LL_ Q w c� 0 w w 0 U vwwSL nE�on�cr MML &IBIBTTAL 10/13/15 Duns BOF 24" X 36" ARMY FM SURKY OME BEC 5/9/15 JOB NM C03208 OIMWM NAME 3208 -SP Phase i.dwg sNo:'r 1 av 11 C1 a 0 c O a O C) 0 CD N N cncn 00 0 N 0 0 .- 0 c'� 0 PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUII,DING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO —-----------------------Q� Q� TI ------------------------------— � I PROPOSED EMERGENCY 54' ACCESS EASEMENT t EX. FIRE HYDRANT (TYP.) .76.59 �ry0 MINIMUM OF 5 TREES ALONG THE FRONTAGE DECIDUOUS OR EVERGREEN 10' BLDG. SETBACK 10' UTILITY ESMT. EX. UTILITY POLE 50' R.O.W. g 4.4' PROPOSED 6' X 10 STONE MONUMENT 15 SIGHT 23.8' TRIANGLE 35' VALLEY WATER R15 R15 DISTRICT ESMT. SHALLOW (REC. NO. 78096490) STORAGE N=1,712,551.88 22.2' 1 —st' BLDG SETBACK UNITS r—: 4" e,,, eft i ywyTI S 89 4915 E PROPOSED EMERGENCY I 5' UTILITY ESMT.-J I' BUILDING F i ACCESS GATE 20' 67' 3,875 SF 20, (RE: ARCH) 16' 16' 00 �fi. 24' >00 107.4' �'1' 70' 9, R20 >00 �' �' G' 0 016' 22' 22'0 300 30' 22' 40' 22' 30'30', 30' �� 22' �� 30, o I )00Q °0000 9' '00 ° °00000 ...:;?; O o '0° CONST. 80 LFA 3' °00000 4' ;00 WIDE CONCRETE 5';0 0000 ;00 PAN (TYP.) ° 000000 °000 >00 000000 000 °0 000000 00 >00 , a 00 5' 30a 120 000. ,00 d EX. RESIDENCE 000'4 )�O O 00000 ncmfv °O° 44Y 5' UTILITY ESMT. CONSTRUCT A 6' HIGH SOLID FENCE ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE 5' UTILITY ESMT. REC. NO. 2011042920) 5' UTILITY ESMT. _ REC. NO. 2011042920) DRAINAGE ESMT. (REC. NO. 2011042920) L :1 1 SITE PLAN C2 C2 ° BUILINS B W O°O°O°O C O°O. < BUILD1N D BUILIN E 3 600 SBUILDINF 3,200 °0000000 2,400 2 4BUILDIONS 1,280 SF o°o a 2,400 F 2,400 F 0 Z� °00°00°00°0 U o a 000 d 000 z 0 m 0000000 d 0000000 000 °°0 p! w 0000000 ° CONST. 80 LF- 3' cl 000300 0000 CONST. ADA 0 A. WIDE CONCRETE LaJ CONST. 80 LFA 3 CONST. 110 SYS 00000000 LIFT (RE ARCH) 0 PAN (TYP.) �. MADE CONCRETE CONCRETE SIDEWALK 0°13.8 0a ° ° 10' PAN (TYP.) °;11.7; ,6.8 ' 00 e C� c Z N 27.1og c o M PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENTcj CL d. • 5'x-1 • ° 000 ° N=1,712,431.89 N=1,712,43276 E=3,106,531.11 10.5' g5' INSTALL BOLLARDS �5' 10.5' Q 6.2a 125' 6.5' E=3,106,810.77 ° (TYP.) 18' 000 17.5' o� PROPOSED BUILDING ° w CD 0 / R3' °° °00 " a. 1 1 0000000000 0000000 O ° 10.5' go (TYP.) 000 13.2 ° ° 0000000 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING 3' 3' INSTALL WHEEL 3' 3' 0 0 0 U STOP (TYP.) — — CONST. GATE 24.8' ARCH) I-- —(RE PROPERTY BOUNDARY z z RIGHT OF WAY LINE LOT LINE 89''15' W (275.00') S 45 o R' 44Y 5' UTILITY ESMT. CONSTRUCT A 6' HIGH SOLID FENCE ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE 5' UTILITY ESMT. REC. NO. 2011042920) 5' UTILITY ESMT. _ REC. NO. 2011042920) DRAINAGE ESMT. (REC. NO. 2011042920) L :1 1 SITE PLAN C2 C2 1ACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL EX. CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF EX. CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM WHAT IS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLANS. 2. CONTRACTOR MUST REPAIR ANY DAMAGE AREAS THAT ARE NOT A PART OF OF THE APPROVED PLANS BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL STATE. 3. ASPHALT & CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTIONS TO BE REPLACED SHALL MATCH EXISTING SECTIONS, 4. QUANTITIES PROVIDE) ARE APPROXIMATE, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY. 5. THE MOST CURRENT MUTCD STANDARDS SHALL APPLY FOR PARKING STRIPING. 6. ALL RADIUS IS 2 FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4000 PSI WITHFIBERMESH CRETE 31 ASPHALT PAVING �. ASPHALT PAVING T 2 3' WE CONCRETE PAN C2 C2 N.T.S. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 20 40 (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 20 FT N F DL o W � W � U � W 0 W W z 0 Z� � N U o a z 0 m cn Elfw p! w C w w cl LBIDEM LaJ �. PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT W . 5 W� o 0 N ~_ C� c Z N c o M PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENTcj CL LW d N E V� w a Q o� PROPOSED BUILDING w CD 0 T a w M 0000000 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING 0 a 0 0 0 U PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPERTY BOUNDARY z z RIGHT OF WAY LINE LOT LINE o ------- EASEMENT LINE c o EX. EDGE OF ASPHALT o EX. CURB & GUTTER m PROPOSED 2' CURB & GUTTER % Z Z El EX. WOOD FENCE CL 0 PROPOSED GATE 1ACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL EX. CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF EX. CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM WHAT IS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLANS. 2. CONTRACTOR MUST REPAIR ANY DAMAGE AREAS THAT ARE NOT A PART OF OF THE APPROVED PLANS BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL STATE. 3. ASPHALT & CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTIONS TO BE REPLACED SHALL MATCH EXISTING SECTIONS, 4. QUANTITIES PROVIDE) ARE APPROXIMATE, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY. 5. THE MOST CURRENT MUTCD STANDARDS SHALL APPLY FOR PARKING STRIPING. 6. ALL RADIUS IS 2 FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4000 PSI WITHFIBERMESH CRETE 31 ASPHALT PAVING �. ASPHALT PAVING T 2 3' WE CONCRETE PAN C2 C2 N.T.S. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 20 40 (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 20 FT N F DL o W � W � U � W 0 W z 0 U z 0 cn Elfw w w w LaJ CifO N ~_ C� Z N Z CL LW d N E V� w a Q w CD 0 a w 0 U NUAL SUBISTTAL 10/13/15 DRAWD M 24" X 36" SURVEY M SLIM DAZE BEC 5/9/15 As N0. C03208 DRAWD NAME 3208 -SP Phase i.dwg smw 2 OF 11 C2 0 0 N o� 0 CN �o 0 N cn N N cn 00 0 N N Q) 0 N 0 0 0- 00 N 0 N 0 u PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO J+1 10000' I I/00'. e / \ 0-00 0000 1000, 00000 /400 ,Now OW Ile anon" i IPROPOSED EMERGENCY / / / I I 0000 ACCESS EASEMENT \ I \_ I / \ 35 VALLEY WATER / DISTRICT ESMT. ` \ (REC. NO. 78096490) 1 I ti 1 tiYo Y II 1 1 I S 89049915" E (325.01') I I V 1 I 1 l1 00000000000000 000000 00000000000.,.,0 00 00 00 00 00V Vc, 00 —�I 1 1 / 00000000000000000 000 000000000000000000 0000000000000 00000000 0000000 ---_ O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '020 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O °°°° O I o 5' U11UTY ESMT. I oO0 ,OIIIII ,IIII IIII / loo 00, loo /0oo0 / 00 0 anon-so10-0 //10' U11UTY 1\ I1 / ESMT. 0 Is 0 000 ° 00 0 o 0 ° I I II II / ° ° O 00 0 0 0 0 R.O.W. _o00 0 100 0 no /50 00 � °0° �° ° ol `00 ° r a Qg - I III / �� ° a I LO 000 EX. OFFICE I 25' VALLEY WATER OFFICE. Bn nI III nuIn nI III HILI^ r :I: ;::::. �1 III �ILIf% a �, III �,.,,. � n, III MILIA „ a I 4::. DISTRICT ESMT. 0 .900e 00000 I FULL CROWN, STAKED uj I OPEN SPACE N 89095 SF NOMUM PERCENT LANDSCAPED COVERAGE 35% • STREET TREES* ' 5 ON -SIZE TREES _ --7 C SEC11ON UNE 80 81 // v FULL FROWN, STAKED PROPERTY BOUNDARYiiimJ / 2.5" CAL. LOT UNE /// - — — — — — - 5124 EASEMENT UNE EX. MINOR CONTOUR '�- 0000" ;(REC. NO. 201142920) _ — - — B 5125 � I CP 5124 PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR / �/ —5125 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR UJ W Q a N 000, I000, (� 'n W 0-40 / a J I I Q W 0000 -� I �1► l 1111 * I 0 Of w 5' U11UTY ESMT. REC. NO. 2011042920) 5' UTILITY ESMT. �— REC. NO. 2011042920) i .00 - DRAINAGE DRAINAGE ESMT. (REC. NO. 2011042920) o Lp / v 0-10/ 3 000 o Z (REC. No. 78096490) lo' UTILITY ESMT. I SHADE TREE SHRUBS ROCK MULCH 2" NATIVE SEED MIX ASPHALT NOTE: 1. ALL LANDSCAPED AREA SHALL BE SERVED BY A ZONED, AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 2. INDIVIDUAL TREE AND SHRUB SPECIES WILL BE ESTABLISHED BY A LANDSCAPE PLAN AND APPROVED BY STAFF DURING THE BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW PROCESS. 3. NON—LIVING MATERIAL SHALL BE LIMITED TO 35x. NON—LIVING LANDSCAPING WILL NOT EXCEED 35% OF THE TOTAL LANDSCAPED COVERAGE. LANEW"E TABLE PER Sec 26-502 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS FULL CROWN, STAKED uj PROVIDED OPEN SPACE N 89095 SF NOMUM PERCENT LANDSCAPED COVERAGE 35% LMR STREET TREES* - 5 ON -SIZE TREES _ --- SEC11ON UNE 80 81 DISTRICT ESMT. v FULL FROWN, STAKED PROPERTY BOUNDARYiiimJ BAB SPEC_ QUALITY 2.5" CAL. LOT UNE uj - — — — — — - 5124 EASEMENT UNE EX. MINOR CONTOUR '�- GAP IN CLEAR ;(REC. NO. 201142920) _ — - — B 5125 EX. MAJOR CONTOUR CP 5124 PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR TH —5125 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR SHADE TREE SHRUBS ROCK MULCH 2" NATIVE SEED MIX ASPHALT NOTE: 1. ALL LANDSCAPED AREA SHALL BE SERVED BY A ZONED, AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 2. INDIVIDUAL TREE AND SHRUB SPECIES WILL BE ESTABLISHED BY A LANDSCAPE PLAN AND APPROVED BY STAFF DURING THE BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW PROCESS. 3. NON—LIVING MATERIAL SHALL BE LIMITED TO 35x. NON—LIVING LANDSCAPING WILL NOT EXCEED 35% OF THE TOTAL LANDSCAPED COVERAGE. LANEW"E TABLE PER Sec 26-502 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS FULL CROWN, STAKED REWIRED PROVIDED OPEN SPACE 7.971 SF 89095 SF NOMUM PERCENT LANDSCAPED COVERAGE 35% 19% STREET TREES* 5 5 ON -SIZE TREES 8 8 ON -SIZE SHRUBS s 80 81 *TREES AND SHRUBS TO BE FROM THE SELECTED PLANT UTST NOTED BELOW I I I 1 P LANT LIST 10,z FULL CROWN, STAKED 3-5 TRUNKS BSB SPEC. QUALITY 8' HT. QUIAN. S'Yf'v1 120 CLEAR CREEK WATER & 2.5" CAL. FULL CROWN, STAKED I SANITARY SEWER ESMT. \ \ TREE S 2.5" CAL. (REC. NO. 80045919) \ AG \ \ 1- — A — \ & - 20' VALLEY WATER BP DISTRICT ESMT. IH FULL FROWN, STAKED (REC. NO. 83012940) BAB SPEC_ QUALITY 2.5" CAL. FULL FROWN, STAKED RP BSB SPEC. QUALITY 15' DRAINAGE ESMT. __ __ ___ SPACING PER PLAN GAP IN CLEAR ;(REC. NO. 201142920) _ — - — B CREEK WATER & SANITA11ON — \'5' UTILITY ESMT.,-.------ __ / CP IIICTRIrT FC1/T — — I- NICE 503. -ml TH I/ ----- --I--04— �------------ .00, 00000 101 20' / \ 1 WATER 6 ESMT. I '��► / FUTURE BUILDINGS(UPON AN APPROVAL OF A SITE / / PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION) Koo", LANDSCAPE PLAN C3 C3 SHRUBS DM CC DB GS MK PF RB SP sJ COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME -,i /E REMARKS AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY Amelanchier x grand iflora'Autumn Brilliance' BOSNIAN PINE Pinus heldreichii var. leucodermis IMPERIAL HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos var_ inermis'lmpcole' RED POINTE MAPLE Acer rubrum 'Frank Jr GINKGO BILOBA Maiden hair CHANTICLEER PEAR 'Chanticleer pear TOBA HAWTHORN Crataegus x mordenensis'Toba' BLUE MIST SPIREA Carypteris x clandonensis SPRING GREEN COMPACT CRANBERRY Viburnum trilobum 'Spring Green Compact' DWARF BURNING BUSH Euonymus alatus'Cornpacta GROW -LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC Rhus aromatica 'Grow -Lain' MISS KIM LILAC Syringa patula'Miss Kim' POTENTILLA GOLDFINGER Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfrnger ROSY GLOW BARBERRY Berberis thunbergii var_ 'Rose Glow' GOLDFLAME SPIREA Spirea japonica'Goldflame' BLUE ARROW JUNIPER Juniperus virginiana'Blue Arrow' GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 20 40 (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 20 FT 7' HT. FULL CROWN, STAKED 3-5 TRUNKS BSB SPEC. QUALITY 8' HT. FULL CROWN, STAKED 8Z i9 B&B SPEC. QUALITY 2.5" CAL. FULL CROWN, STAKED BAB SPEC. QUALITY 2.5" CAL. FULL FROWN, STAKED BAB SPEC. QUALITY 10' HT. FULL CROWN, STAKED BAB SPEC. QUALITY 2.5" CAL. FULL FROWN, STAKED BAB SPEC_ QUALITY 2.5" CAL. FULL FROWN, STAKED W W BSB SPEC. QUALITY 5 GAL. SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM 5 GAL. SPACING PER PLAN 8Z i9 FULL FORM 5 GAL. SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM 5 GAL. SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM 5 GAL. SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM 5 GAL_ SPACING @ 36" O_C_ FULL FORM 5 GAL. SPACING PER PLAN W W FULL FORM 5 GAL. SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM 5' HT. FULL CROWN, STAKED N B&B SPEC. QUALITY N C 0 Q) rn a' o M a " I to W C� 8Z i9 z J Z 0 OW F w a U W � ow 0 0 Lu ac Of 0 CD Of LLiji D PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF FOR AND ON BEHALF OF BASELINE CORPORA71ON W171AL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 DRAVANG SIZE 24" X 36" SURVEY FIRM SURVEY DATE BEC 5/9/15 JOB NO. C03208 DRAVANG NAME 3208–SP Phase 1.dwg SHEET 3 of 11 C 3 W C� Q O W W Z Z Q J N UJ W Q a N Z J (� 'n W u_ a Q W 0 Of w CD U PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF FOR AND ON BEHALF OF BASELINE CORPORA71ON W171AL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 DRAVANG SIZE 24" X 36" SURVEY FIRM SURVEY DATE BEC 5/9/15 JOB NO. C03208 DRAVANG NAME 3208–SP Phase 1.dwg SHEET 3 of 11 C 3 DO N N CDN n 0 a w DO 0 N r� c 3 0 0 0 Ln 0 CD 0 N 0 U PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP W .� AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WIiEAT RIDGE Z LOCATED IN THE SOUTWEST OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO J W= Vi a.r IIIAI 1 ^ iiiM Y•\AAr TIlI1 vvvlw L V ZLLll \ V l 26 Ll 261J 1 %X JL%.W.Ll Z J LLL T l 3L 1 1V1 COLOR: TAN FAKE WINDOWS/GLAZING (TYP) SHUTTERS TRIM COLOR: RUST 1' EACH WAY TAN WALL AND ROOF COLOR ON CORNERS RUNNING BOARD HORIZONTALCOLOR: AND BATTEN BROWN STAIN nAw ., ,•fir" ^KY ~a'xt. i!•�J� a�JV^ 4t•{a. ts'.. �I:.•i t•y},;tiXi Y;u=r• {4 .:a ..� '•}•.'l;'.. { •'�•:. ' ar !Y~4t`•i' y.!}r: <••'N ti••ytvf'I .. +.Ai \"': �• wt Z.. •^•y, n \� .J ::x i . i.;.r.:2 J:1� •:.f �.J Y� Yn..:Jt•i :•:•. Ca 4 v ;, arr h' `::•4'a' S N �$. ta. •. .. a..` �: 2�••:..Y ; Y.V'J •4•,i, 7''"w' iV,, :J:•Y. Y, fav; !-w,•'ti. y 'i'4a :y t',, a1; ••: '\,i"V Y• J Ca•\ '°;•J •: y' o•,•e', "• ,t J nY :,t a: J•y '�.�ivrJ• �•iy .t •{�• •:C:: .«.may ::aL ., y.�A'. `•.�A,g.:.' Yrtr:4 6.:5•� Yl. ^ �;�r .?7C =r ...v.:.at4''Y s !{.ttY �..t.�' .•S.r s •J,: ,t;^..:iil'•>iM(•tl,*i,x;nti. : r^a. tw'�'•4 t• SL N • •.,. :4K: wsrtw• yC. i Y•J••ri p••'i�'.0 ••.• N. ni. \ :�•at a•" N a'G "...:�t:`i r, wJ, .:•e•: a• y,: i:Y'q«'v`�. ;, viJ•tit"F: fa: Y. �: 4isk4t v rs - ri..«•�'!�. 1 :)''tis � •,•y '•�%tea Jia n4f_.n T !4•Y•��-L•j.:♦^a!'sf"a •Jt, �f+a� !¢.� t•, .: ..N•.:Y O;� 7'.:},y: `: V .' pew: •RAP•'t4�i '\ f S .4: : w•: •N•"C .l. •,r...Va• a. "' a• ! •..tY. l... .t n y .Y"•i•. '.+'.. Y'•. • S •t: a '. .; .w. � :fi•;t Tt'.. .•a+•.A•, •r.a•.Lt ': ••C• YY' N`tl .ta.t a •! 'i. Y !• 4^ r• M Y t• .«dit+•. f J•.•• A.N•ti .•p•; Jretia •! • o !w .•. Tf.. ,Y,:, .Y'S 'aa t ,/': y'.•' «.�t.:� Y S.aw t '..:T.. i t ::a r x'Yi.w .t • t yJ }:.L.J .A. f •4.: T t 4. r•{ v.it Y•"i r'T•. 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J..M S .at • s < ' rt0 t:'•.at� i:S.J •'V Y•t A :v A .._:' T f % ••.K'•:. «''�. '•t C . t : t' !:`y� 4:"i., .i. \. J .'••• ,Y. •tr✓.. ,.1V Sa �YY i't'J : «'i'45. .t. i�'. nt -r.w •:. b. rt '4• t n �.• I• . : `wr's 4 . •'..: �.:.^t �Y'� �tl ,fY Y. .Y • 1. ✓. 1 • .:0.„.�r `.:•I L.. i.• •h s•• • rY Yw • .♦ i1., .J^, Y~we J'T:N .\. rH' ., • .aSi� ,rl !'• t ,M'. «r'I MJ.• ,4.4 i. t i N..I. q f• YJ...: �',} I t . J' < .:•'..2•t ` '•s.. 'Y.`. a: n; :: i' .4' !. J•Yt ? i ' w,w•:d:. '-A u..., r•[•. ,J„« w ,� •L. .. . ' Y. ' wi. Jr Y'{r�-:."a' •.i.. 9: t'a•.. M a• •. + ••:Y'••a t ;••:r Y a • M•.S�♦{ :w Y '.0.3. 3ai: : 7 Y: > •Z :i rl.Y'•.". w 1: •t'r . "r V t r . Y`•lYf . �.\ Y's r F :Y•t:d " ♦r�. t:i Y y }'•. K".:. nr••Y � ,:,••a• b ! . .a Ta . +i ..a. Y•i:. a.•J15• • • �.:..�. Y� .4 "'.F ' 0.:Y: BUILDING A —WEST SOUTH �♦ I � � • I11 �� � u AR) ELEVATION ALL BOTTOMS HARDCOAT STUCCO) COLOR: RUST BUILDING A — ENDWALL ELEVATIONS NORTH A r 1 PIIEPAIED UNCIER 11E�DPECT $LqgrAm INITIAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 CRAwB10 SE 24" X 36” GRAPHIC SCALE SURVEY FM SURVEY RATE BEC 5/9/15 5 U 5 10 JOB N0. C03208 ptAWM NATE (IN 1" 3208 Elevations.dwg 1 INCH = 5 FT sMEET 4 OF 11 Al S Z J Z r 1 PIIEPAIED UNCIER 11E�DPECT $LqgrAm INITIAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 CRAwB10 SE 24" X 36” GRAPHIC SCALE SURVEY FM SURVEY RATE BEC 5/9/15 5 U 5 10 JOB N0. C03208 ptAWM NATE (IN 1" 3208 Elevations.dwg 1 INCH = 5 FT sMEET 4 OF 11 Al N 0 N CDN 0 a w DO 0 N r� c 3 0 0 0 Ln 0 CD 0 N 0 U PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTWEST OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO MAI I C% ALIT% T ^^r' LIVVI\J COLOR: TAN BUILDING B —EAST (FRONT) ELEVATION BUILDING B — WEST (REAR) ELEVATION BUILDING B — ENDWALL ELEVATIONS r• 1•' � �� 1I » 1 • 1 7 M W Z J W a A r PIIEPAIsu 11EmmVURN wDPECT USUAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 DRAMA SIE 24" X 36" SURVEY FM SURVEY DAZE BEC 5/9/15 JOB N0. C03208 DRAWW NATE 3208 Elevations.dwg STET 5 OF 11 A2 S Z J Z r PIIEPAIsu 11EmmVURN wDPECT USUAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 DRAMA SIE 24" X 36" SURVEY FM SURVEY DAZE BEC 5/9/15 JOB N0. C03208 DRAWW NATE 3208 Elevations.dwg STET 5 OF 11 A2 0 N CDN 0 a w DO 0 N r� c 3 0 0 0 Ln CD 0 N 0 U PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTWEST OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO WALLS AND ROOF COLOR: TAN BUILDING C —WEST (FRO TRIM COLOR: RUST ELEVATION BUILDING C —EAST (REAR) ELEVATION DOORS COLOR: TAN BUILDING C — ENDWALL ELEVATIONS GRAPHIC SCALE 5 0 5 10 (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 5 FT Wcm c U Zco H � o 'c o ti J C3 a o� WcmCDU o� L O d O C cm -M C W W M Q F— y O � � o rn M S Z J Z r PIIEPAIED UMER 11E�DPECT SUPWrAm URAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 CROW SIE 24" X 36" SURVEY FM SURVEY DME BEC 5/9/15 JOB N0. C03208 DRAWW NATE 3208 Elevations.dwg STET 6 OF 11 A3 N 0 N CDN 0 a w DO 0 N r� c 3 0 0 0 Ln 0 CD 0 N 0 U PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTWEST OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO WAI l c AAlll onnr LIVVI\J COLOR: TAN BUILDING D —EAST ONT) ELEVATION BUILDING D — WEST (REAR) ELEVATION BUILDING D — ENDWALL ELEVATIONS r• 1'' � `r 1I 1 1 7 M W cm c ZU H o 0 co `� c 'c o ti J C3 a o� WcmCDU o� L O O C c M C W W M Q ¢ 11 o� � o rn M ^ o M S Z J Z r PIIEPAIED UMER 11E�DPECT SUPWrAm 04114L SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 CROW SIE 24" X 36" SURVEY FM SURVEY DME BEC 5/9/15 JOB N0. C03208 DRAWW NATE 3208 Elevations.dwg STET 7 OF 11 A4 0 N CDN 0 a w DO 0 N r� c 3 0 0 0 Ln 0 CD 0 N 0 U PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTWEST OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ITTLvr.NawlmlvIam WrAT.Nr UVVI\J COLOR: TAN BUILDING E —EAST ONT) ELEVATION BUILDING E — WEST (REAR) ELEVATION BUILDING E — ENDWALL ELEVATIONS r• 1'' � `r 1I 1 1 7 M Wcm c U Zco H o 0 'c o ti J C3 a o� WcmCDU o� L O O C c M C Lu W M Q F— y O m � o rn M ^ o M S Z J Z r PIIEPAIED UMER 11E�DPECT SUPWrAm URAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 CROW SIE 24" X 36" SURVEY FM SURVEY DME BEC 5/9/15 JOB N0. C03208 DRAWW NATE 3208 Elevations.dwg STET 8 OF 11 A5 N 0 N CDN 0 a w DO 0 N r� c 3 0 0 0 Ln CD 0 N 0 U PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTWEST OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ITT1.t111054000F.Ri.INK ■T.M.X r BUILDING F -SOUTH (FRONT) ELEVATION (WEST HALF) COLOR: TAN BUILDING F -SOUTH (FRONT) ELEVATION (EAST BUILDING F -NORTH (REAR) ELEVATION BUILDING F -NORTH WEST ELEVATION BUILDING F - ENDWALL ELEVATIONS IITA /:yl to] mm■1I110 COLOR: BROWN STAIN COLOR: RUST MATCH LINE GRAPHIC SCALE 5 0 5 10 (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 5 FT r W F W a U 0 � W W N J W CC r z 0 U Z O U) CC w L� LLJ w ILL] C cn Ngo F �aJj Z N> W W a LLIaz E �Mo m F- ILL] a � a W 0 W LL U PIIEPAISU 11EPERVORN �DPECT URAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 CROW SIE 24" X 36" SURVEY FM SURVEY DME BEC 5/9/15 JOB N0. C03208 ORMMB NATE 3208 Elevations.dwg SHEET 9 OF 11 A6 Wcm c U Zco H o 0 'c o ti J C3 a o� WcmCDU o� L O M7cm- O C M C Lu W M Q F - y O m � o rn M ^ o M S Z J Z r W F W a U 0 � W W N J W CC r z 0 U Z O U) CC w L� LLJ w ILL] C cn Ngo F �aJj Z N> W W a LLIaz E �Mo m F- ILL] a � a W 0 W LL U PIIEPAISU 11EPERVORN �DPECT URAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 CROW SIE 24" X 36" SURVEY FM SURVEY DME BEC 5/9/15 JOB N0. C03208 ORMMB NATE 3208 Elevations.dwg SHEET 9 OF 11 A6 O rn O O O O N O N O N IN O� cn O O E O O N N N c= O O O O C/7 O O N O N O N O O PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUILDING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTWEST OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO + + 0.0 0.0 KEY + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 MOUNTING + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0,0 + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0.0 + 0.a + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0,0 + C._:l + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + ). + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0. + + + + + + 0.0 + + 0.0 0.0 #LMC-30LU-4K-4-1 + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.1 + 0,0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0 0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + + 0.0 0®0 LU ®0 + 0,0 + 0.0 + 0.1 + 0.1 + o.a + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.a + 0.0 + 0.1 + a.1 + a,o + o.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + a,0 + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 +0. 0 + 0.0 + ,0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0,0 + 0.0 0.0 + 0®0 + 0. LL_ 9�.4 -U.0 U.0• Im - . Lii _ - a- . Qf ,0 +0.1 +0.1 +0. 0.0 0,0 U.0 U.� 2 CD ►ILDING F U + + 0,0 0.0 + 0 .8 + .2 + 0,7 X0.5 + 0.5 + 0.3 0,2 + 0,2 .1 .0 0.2 0.2 + 0 1 0.0 + 0,0 0.0 8. + 0 5.4 X2.2 1.3 + 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 + 2.0 3.7 +2.8 + 2 a 4 1.5 0.6 + 0.8 + 3,3 X7.6 + 6,5 +3.1 X1.3 + 1.4 1.6 1.6 1 _ X0,9 + 1.1 0.9 + 0.5 .2 + 0,1 + 0,0 EW4 0.0 0.0 0. .2 9.7 3.5 5.0 8.9 6.3 3.2 1.$ 2.6 6.5 5.0 6.2 2 1.0 '1.1 ,3. 7,3 9.8 10.6 9.2 5.3 .$ 5,3 X7.7 8.2 -3 X2.6 1,0 0,2 0,1 0,0 EW3 EW3 EW4 EW3 0.0 0.0 .5 8 5 3. .4 - 2.4 1.6 5.0 7. 2 6 5 8. +5.1 1.3 0.2}.0 0,0 A d- 4 d d 0.0 0.0 0. .5 9 6 6 6 4 7 3.5 5 5 Y.4 3 8 3 X1.8 1.2 0.1 10 0 '0 0 EW3 EW3 .4 °EW3 + + + BUILDING A + + ° + + + + + EW3 + + + 0.0 0 0 0 8 9 1 4 3 1 1` 4 d 6 9 43. 6.5 .9 °8 .0 1 8 2 7.6 .3 0.1 0.1 0.0 AWE 4 W3. 0.0 0 0 0 6 8A 7 2 11 6.3 BIJILQIN 8.5 47. 1 .- 5. 5 4 1.4 0,2 0,1 0.0 EW3 a. W3 0.0 0 0 8 BILIN L� B + + �UILa N �3 3.9 +4 4 I I q ��,I BUILD 1 4 pp IL �f II4� E 3.3 1.4 0.0 0.0 0 2 6 5 9 IV� .7 a 0.2 EW3: d 0.0 0 0 0 4 .4 2 1i 4 7 5,3 3;11) 9 6 6 1 5.5 1. 4 0.2 0.1 0.0 EW3 EW3 0.0 0 0 0 4. 9.7 1 5 6. 4 6 .2 9 5' $. .4 1li.3 ,2 0. 0.0 0,0 a W -- . 4 EW3 0�0 0 0 + 0 6 1. $' + 0 8 +5.7 5 ++5.7+ , 9 .4 : 6 3 1- 6", 6 +5 + 1.2 X0.1 0.0 + 0. 0 -S DSS 2� 9 -.3 2,5 2. ,6 .6 - 5.0 3a8 1.5 2.0 . �- 14.1 1.2 .2 0.1 0.0 EW3 + + + + + l + -+ + +-- � - �� 7 '- + + + + + 0.2 0 8 3. /.2 4' � ,� 2,$ 5,6 8,0 5.9 2.7 1.3 .0 1.1 1,7 3.5 ,1 $,0 5.0 3.1 4.2 8. 5.2 2.2 0, 0,2 0.1 0,0 X0.2 +0 '4 + 0.5 0.5 + .4 + 0,6 + 0.7 + 0.7 + + 0.4 + 0.5 + 0.6 + 0.8 + 0.7 + 0.5 + ,4 + 0.4 + 0.5 '0 .6 '0 .4 + 0.5 + '0 .6 + 0.4 + 0.5 + 0,7 + 1.0 + + 0.5 + 0. + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.4 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.0 I+ .1 0.1 + + 0.1 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0,1 + 0.1 + 0,1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.z + 0.z + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 '0 .1 '0 .z '0 .z '0 .z '0 .z '0 .1 '0 .1 '0 .1 + 0.z + 0.z + 0.z + 0. 0, + + 0.1 + .1 + 0.0 + 0,0 + + 0.0 0.0 + + a.0 0.o + a.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.0 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0. 'ole`. O o + 0.1 + 0.0 + .0 + 0.0 + 0.0 LAREDO Cat.# See Luminaire Schedule `" sPrau�io�in�� Job Type L I G H T I N G SERIES EW3, EW4 Approvals LMC - 30LEDs SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT IMAGE(S) Intended Use: Lenses: Full cut-off IDA compliant perimeter or entry lighting Full cut-off distribution - individual acrylic LED optics for 12-18ft mounting heights that require high light provide IES Type II, III and IV distributions. output and maximum energy efficiency. Laredo LMC -30 Installation: LED wallpack provides low installation costs with Iitte Quick mount system provides rigid mounting over or no maintenance and 60%+ energy savings. Ideal recessed junction boxes -fixture does not require open - for schools, factories, hospitals, warehouses and retail ing for mounting. Foam gasket for sealing to smooth LMC-30LU applications. surfaces provided. Superior performance with 5 to 1 spacing to mounting height ratio. Minimum operating Construction: temperature is -40*C/ -40°F. Decorative die-cast aluminum housing and door. Rugged design protects internal components and provides excel- Cork*: lent thermal management for over 70% lumen mainte- Drivers are 0-1 OV dimming standard. nance at 50,000 hours minimum LED life. Lektrocote® Photocell and occupancy sensor options available series powder paint finishes provide lasting appearance for complete on/off and dimming control. in outdoor environments. Five standard finishes include: Bronze, Black, Gray, White and Platinum. Listings: • Listed to UL1598 for wet locations Optics/Electrical • 40° C ambient environments LED: • U.S. Patent No. D563,587 _ 30 High power LEDs delivers up to 6070 lumens at . DesignLights Consortium (DLC) qualified, 700mA and up to 3489 lumens at 350mA. Variety of Consult DLC website for more detailsi distributions -Types II, III and IV (Forward throw. High Consult DLC webnlight r more CRI LEDs provide excellent color rendition with up to 100 lumens per waft efficiency. LMC-30LU Egress Wallpack: LMC-30LU Motion Sensor LMC-30LU BBU • CCT- 5000K/ 67 CRI, 40001(/ 70 CRI, 3000K/ 80 CRI Designed to meet strict 1 fc minimum requirements. • Electronic driver 71 w system (2 drivers, 2 circuits)At At 121t mounting height 1 fc covers 16x16ft area, well beyond the 10x1 Oft standard; No uplight, external test max, 120-277V and 3477V and 480V, 50/60Hz DIMENSIONS 0.4 AMPS max, or 35w driver, 2 circuits), amps button;120V or 277V only; Rated -20° C to 35° C � A � � B maHz • Surge protection - 20KA; Turns fixture off Warranty: at end of life; Includes LED for end of life Five year limited warranty (for more information indication (see surge suppressor page 2) visit: http://www.hubbelloutdoor.com/resources/ C warran / L A B C I • `tighting 16.0" 12.125" 9.0" cafacts (406 mm) (308 mm) (229 mm) cuso P,oa„tt Pa„ ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING EXAMPLE: LMC-30LU-5K-3-1-PC(4) L] NUMBER OF LEDS/SOURCENOLTAGE1=141011:111111111 I 1' �• LMC Laredo 30LU 30 LEDs, Universal voltage 120-277V 3K 3000K 2 Type II BLANK STD 700MA 1 Bronze BBU1 Integral battery for 120 or Medium nominal t Black 277V rated for -20° C ambi- Cut-off 30L1 30 LEDs, 120V 4K 4000K 3 Type III 035 350MA ent; Available in 350mA 3OL2 30 LEDs, 208V nominal 3 Gray (035) drive current only 5K 50001( 4 (ForwType lard throw) 4 White PC' Button photocontrol, 30L3 30 LEDs, 240V nominal 5 Platinum place X with voltage, 30L4 30 LEDs, 277V 3p240V, 412 7V 208V, 30LF 30 LEDs, 347V F1 Fusing (specify voltage per footnote) 30L5 30 LEDs, 480V SC131,2 Programmable motion control, factory default is 10% light output 1 PCN and F Replace X with 1-120V, 2-20BV, 3-240V, 4-277V 2 Must order minimum of one SCP -REMOTE to program dimming settings, 0-10V fully adjustable dimming with aulemalic daylight calibration and different time delay settings,120V-277V only SPRUL10IN13 Spaulding Lighting • 701 Millennium Boulevard • Greenville, SC 29607 • Phone: 864-678-1000Q° HUBBELL HUBBELL L I G H T l N G Due to our continued efforts to improve our products, product specifications are subject to change without notice. Lighting ® 2015 SPAULDING LIGHTING, All Rights Reserved • For more information visit our website: www.spauldinglighting.com • Printed in USA LMC -SPEC 8/15 PHOTOMETRIC SITE PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 20'-0" N LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE KEY QUANTITY LAMP DESCRIPTION MOUNTING MOUNTING HEIGHT MANUFACTURER CATALOG NUMBER VOLTS NOTES EW3 21 LED WALL MOUNTED LED FIXTURE. FULL CUT-OFF. SURFACE 10'-0" SPAULDING #LMC-30LU-4K-3-1 120/277 1 4000K TYPE III DISTRIBUTION. BRONZE FINISH. AND ASTRONOMICAL TIMECLOCK FOR 'ON'/'OFF' A.F.G. LIGHTING z 0 oCU EW4 4 LED WALL MOUNTED LED FIXTURE. FULL CUT-OFF. SURFACE 10'-0" SPAULDING #LMC-30LU-4K-4-1 120/277 1 4000K TYPE IV DISTRIBUTION. BRONZE FINISH. • A.F.G. LIGHTING w p NOTES: 1. COORDINATE FIXTURE FINISH WITH THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH -IN. GENERAL NOTES: UJ M DRAVANG SIZE °D N PHOTOMETRIC VALUES. Z ZZ > [-- Z SHEET 10 of 11 _J J � U FROM DUSK TO DAWN FOR SECURITY VIA PHOTO CELL 0 AND ASTRONOMICAL TIMECLOCK FOR 'ON'/'OFF' z 0 oCU OPERATION, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. N 0 if w LL_ LL_ • U LLI w p o W CD 0 Q tc a, = M M M LU W WQ CC Cn N U p8 z � LLJW UJ o� � Cc �Cc o� Z � rn 1. BUILDING MOUNTED FIXTURES SHALL BE IESNA FULL" CUTOFF. 2. EXTERIOR FIXTURES SHALL BE UL LISTED FOR WET LOCATION. 3, EXTERIOR LIGHTING ON EXISTING BUILDING IS EXISTING TO REMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXISTING LIGHTING CONTRIBUTION IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE6 M DRAVANG SIZE °D SURVEY FIRM BEC PHOTOMETRIC VALUES. Z ZZ > [-- Z SHEET 10 of 11 _J J W Z 4. LIGHT FIXTURES TYPE 'EW3' AND 'EW4' SHALL OPERATE FROM DUSK TO DAWN FOR SECURITY VIA PHOTO CELL 0 AND ASTRONOMICAL TIMECLOCK FOR 'ON'/'OFF' z 0 OPERATION, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. N if w LL_ LL_ w p o W CD 0 Q 0 M WQ W J Cn N U p8 z � LLJW UJ � a Z V) W W LL_ a Im Q Lii a- �W F a W p Z O GC w � I- U � w o Cn w tY DRAVANG SIZE 24" X 36" SURVEY FIRM BEC SURVEY DATE 5/9/15 JOB NO. C03208 DRAVANG NAME 3208 Photometrics.dwg SHEET 10 of 11 E1 z 0 z 0 if w LL_ LL_ w W CD Q 0 WQ W J Cn N U LLJW UJ � W a- O V) W LL_ a Q Lii CD Qf Q 2 CD U PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF FOR AND ON BEHALF OF BASELME CORPORA71ON W171AL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 DRAVANG SIZE 24" X 36" SURVEY FIRM BEC SURVEY DATE 5/9/15 JOB NO. C03208 DRAVANG NAME 3208 Photometrics.dwg SHEET 10 of 11 E1 a 0 0 0 U N 0 N a 0 U U 00 0 N n 0 0 0 .- 0 U 0 N n 0 PARFET STREET MINI STORAGE PLANNED BUII,DING GROUP AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LOCATED IN THE SOUTWEST OF SECTION 16, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I II \ I I� % I 35 VALLEY WATER �I ili \ 35 VALLEY WATER III I / I DISTRICT ESMT. 1 I I II, / \ 1 IIII / DISTRICT ESMT (REC. NO. 76098490) low l /// , ♦ I I 1 ( (REC. NO. 78096490) \ 1/ ► ,-;--,/ / \ /► I 1 I'll \ I/ �' I -/ \\ /I I 1 I'll /'/ /' �5k35i :4` /^5 �,/A/ �o // \ I I I,Il `---1------- - ...... -- ---- Q or 00: p$-1 \ I 1 ) Ill/ OS -1 .. 543Nd 5— Q —'— / \ --\ III / r 0.040.10 u-\ I\ 11 � o. r_ _I I I I I I\ 1 0.40 ` . / J - - I 1 1 I 1\ 1 IIII / 2 I 5' UTILITY ESMT 1 11 11 11 1 1 / - /� / / 1\ 1 J UTILITY ESMT. 10' UTILITY — . _ = j I 2 \ 1 I / \ / I l 10' UTILITY • ;// ESMT / \ 1 ' I 1 I ESMT � � I 1 I I I I I 8.6% � I I l III , II I / / � / r l 125 VALLEY WATER I I / , I /ll I / y " 25 VALLEY WATER H �, �� / � / � — _ I / I I DISTRICT ESMT. I I � // /� � H �� � I DISTRICT ESML \ \ �I 1 I /(REC. NO. 78098490) / 1 / /'/ / 50 / ; / (REC. NO. 78096490) R.O.W. \ ,�'\fo a� / I / III 1111//, R.O.W. l / / 1 V� \ `� I Ij►/� / 1 l �,0 V,► 1 r s4 �l I I;1/, ,'II111� I X -`Cr P1 x yti, 11!, .�1 `� / / \ 1 10 UTILITY \` b I�jII Ilii \ \ w v 1.16 0.77 ,Q, 1 o UTILITY b 1111 / / / \ Q�" ESMT. Ij 111 I I \ C4 Q`/' 0.85 c3 j I, ESMT III / I /// - tt20 - / / I 11� / ,1/1'jlll) / I g �,� I lr9 1 Ili / J \ _ / - / / / I I / I I / .-"\ ' n j /1 Ijl/ i I \ _ / "3` PROPOSED 4" PROPOSED ROOF I I I / / / // /til Illi \ 1 V Ill/ Ill A I UNDERDR 40 / IT \J Illlllll� ,� /- i /V l► I I GAP IN CLEAR 111111, I C / sg E / DOWNSPOUT (TYP.) /hy, ll I GAP IN CLEAR IIIIIII I CREEK WATER \ s - I Ill / Illllll,i / / _ _ / - - 1 t SANITATION \ I l I IIII 111 —/— � � I 1 & SANITATION -� / - - = 1 DISTRICT ESMT. - I 11 ,1 / - ?ss 32 �� ' 099 �l DISTRICT ESMT. I I IIII,I I 20 CLEAR CREEK WATER /1/'1111',1 1 '� -- --- G -- -31� --- 5 p I I 20 CLEAR CREEK WATER & 1,1'llll', --L- - --- ---- I ----- / SANITARY SEWER ESMT. SANITARY SEWER ESMT. / / / I I (REC. NO. 80045919) 111 / lllll11 I - - - - 1.60X `- - - - I' I I I I ► (REC. NO. 80045919) 111 / lllll l� / �'S UTILITY / -- \� _I__I,/I l 1 I I I III Ill IIII / /� /---' i'5' UTILITY' / -_\\� ,� I, I I g I l 11 ll ESMT I - - ^ \\ / -I• _ �� / I I f I I 20' VALLEY WATER IIII Ill/ III _ i ESMT. l - - ^ \\ 28/ 9T8_ / I I f I 20' VALLEY WATER \ �su�� \\., I IJ \ \ \ 1 I DISTRICT ESMT I Ill, I, IIII \ �suP�?�• —27— IJ 1 \ t 1 , DISTRICT ESMT I III, Il IIII \ ,tflG ./ — „•_ \ \ 1 I I 1 (REC. NO. 8=2940) I IIII 111 I I 1 �(, • 26— 26 W°' '1 I I 1 (REC. NO. 83012940) VIII, lll�l — * \\ 1 1 1 1 _ / II11,1 l 1' `�`� \5425• �1 Ey // ��_ /I-'r�" 1 L��v - =� ---DLII 11111 , �1 E.I / C% �2q_ 24�� L��" ----- / / �� � - �� - ------ --- ---I / ''1Il'"II Il / �' l \ `rte - `` �__-_---_ --- _`-_/ _/,Il 11 \\\ _I \\ ----_ /'i/ l 1, O / / / ??� 23_ \\ ----; ----- // l 'Ill 1�e5 UTILITY ESMT _I_ j__-�/, I l / / 5 UTILITY ESMT REC. NO. 2011042920) \ 'I / - ��- — �/ I�j i0 b// REC. N0. 2011042920) 2�i / - -% ��- Old/,/ // '/i / ___ _ / / / V / / // /i / 21 —� / __►-------_ — - — 1 Ill // 5' UTILITY ESMT. //- i ��� --- �•���_-����� /// // �. ddddd ,L��/ 5' UTILITY ESMT. O) /i- �` 9 �/ ��-- -- _�_��' / -REC. NO. 2011042920 / _ L /' ----- / �V I �1 L / - _ ) / -I - -� - /L -5 UTILITY ESMT` - / - ��� / 29 m / REC NO 201104292 0 / / 18 / I /L / -5' UTILITY ESMT.: / DRAINAGE ESMT. / / `i - - - _ / - _ - F / -(REC. NO. 2011042920)_ / \ _ / / / , T = - T 1 \\ / ' ' - _ _ -- - / / -( DRAINAGE ESMT. )� / `` / / " / 15' DRAINAGE ESMT. 15 DRAINAGE ESMT. / I / ' - F � REC. NO. 2011042920 a �' \�J / f ) _ k I 20 ) ' \ \ l 1 / / - \ - / / / \ - _ J ` I I WATER / (REC. NO. 201142920) - - \ / (REC N0. 201142920 / I l / / WATERT / / /^\ I 1 I / / \ f \ e \ 1 ' Q / / / /' / _ �.\ ESMT. / / \ ` / / ' / \ e \ 1 I Q / / / / / / ESMT - / �� / / / / \ 1 1 / / --- _ / \-__/ / 0 I / I 00" --- Jlly \ ll 11\ r// / /' /'' // /ddodddddddddd" / / '/ \ /' 100 ISI/ - \\ ll I I\- / /// // // / , J11 - - j000%-�Y b /ddd �/ I dir/ / / / /--I _r //' //1-_' /� �� �'` .{-. `. /%j/�•1 I • J11 \ I-` y b // I / / / / /- I �/' //1-_/ / 'I" �. //%/1 1 .11 710) 5 / \ / -01 _ / //-71 / // /' ��� �/ / I // \ V /''1 / I/ / \� �'I / //� // /' //� / �/ / // \ V /'_j .0e l f /_ / 1 _ / — j J_--�/ \\ Q /' / / y' I1 \ l _ _f /_ / 1 _ / — _/ \\ __/ / 1 // 1 _/ / I // / �. m ■ ■ � ■ ■ � ■ ■ � ■ ■ m HISTORIC DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARY / / / �l� ♦ PROPOSED DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARY / \\ /� f - / ��`'-��� / /% _ _ y -- 11 \II \ -5116--- EX. MINOR CONTOUR --5118--- EX. MINOR CONTOUR -5115- - EX. MAJOR CONTOUR -� ---- i-_____-_ r --r+ \) I - -5120- - Ex. MAJOR CONTOUR ----/----- -- — ♦ FLOW DIRECTION. TYPICALLY ON PAVED SURFACES ----- _� �_--- -- _ _z------- i,dx�_-- Q �� [ -----7!- Z__�-=-_>-------�� / 5118 PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR �/ (--.---- Z - --> ----- �� i DESIGN POINT DESIGNATION /l/ ---/ 1 \-/ --1_-- '� / �/ r/ /Y % / /l� -- _---�-- o�� �/ / //Y /// ^ \ I � _ --- 1 \ / / � 1 / 5120 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR , /// A = BASIN DESIGNATION / / \+ ♦ \ �' \\ /'' /01/ / / I / /' A B = BASIN AREA (ac) / I / /� 1 r ' ' / I / / / Il I , FLOW DIRECTION, TYP. ON PAVED SURFACES o� r / g C C = 5 -YR C -FACTOR / 1 1 /\ / �( / // 1 I I FUTURE PHASE STORAGE / / I /'/ \ \I \ \ / \ / / �'/ IIIA ll 1/ / /// AND DETENTION POND / ,' IIII l 111 / D D = 100 -YR C -FACTOR / \ ' - _ _ 1 / I / / lI / / / I / / / /l ,I/ DESIGN POINT DESIGNATION / / / 1 (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) /• 'All /I // / 11/ / I // dOo it r -,I � 1 / �__,-\\\ \�--/,,-��.. � � _, }' •► i� „Ili 'l'� A =BASIN DESIGNATION / / //i= '=i—�-- '/l�/1/ B = BASIN AREA (ac) / / / / I' /-- �__ / ///// I/ / / BC C = 5 -YR C -FACTOR / // / \\ \\\- __�-�- \�\\ L ____ / D \�\.— �� D = 100 -YR C -FACTOR '/i/ I / ^\ \\ \- � __ _ __ 0001 10, or S.. dOddddd.001 ,dddd Id i ////00P .01 '� �' /^ \I \\`\ ` ^ --� too""' ///1� //, j ////00�e le'� 5395 //' Id / — — — __/� // \ ( Storage Requirement from Sheet , / �_// ty _ — 94ddddddd \ fes"" DM_ �/ /fir/� Full -Spectrum': 0.26 0.55 acre -ft. /����/ - _i_ _ f STRUCTURE 'I / ,y I �� / bap \ _— fo, EX. DETENTION \ 1 I I / / \`is', / POND L // ,Ill/ / \ _ EX. 18 PVC _ _ J/ —I GRAPHIC SCALE 1 HISTORIC DRAINAGE PLAN 40 0 40 80 DNG DNG (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 40 FT Water Surface Elevation ft (input) Surface Area at Stage ft2 User Overide Volume Below Stage ft3 (output) Surface Volume Area at Below Stage Stage acres acre -ft (output) (output) Target Volumes for WQCV, Minor, & Major Storage Volumes (for goal seek) 5383.80 801 500 0.018 0.011 z 5384.00 2,239 804 0.051 0.018 l 5385.00 3,806 3,826 0.087 0.088 EX. DETENTION v ad 5386.00 5,200 8,329 0.119 0.191 / 5387.45 6,000 16,449 0.138 0.378 0.260 5388.00 7,633 20,199 0.175 0.464 •i 5388.50 1 8,000 24,107 1 0.184 0.553 0.550 5389.50 1 8,110 32,162 1 0.186 0.738 M RE -GRADE EXISTING 1 1100 YR OVERROW STORMWATER DETENTION POND PER CIVIL PLANS GRAPHIC SCALE 1 DEVELOPED DRAINAGE PLAN 40 O 40 80 DNG DNG (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 40 FT W r.& OUTLET STRUCTURE ,- a it 00 z — / I // �I l -� d— \ / of EX. DETENTION v ad � uJ J 0 POND / / I - 86 EX. 18' PVC �,�� ZUEn 0 � J/ W Elf0 •i o� O N RE -GRADE EXISTING 1 1100 YR OVERROW STORMWATER DETENTION POND PER CIVIL PLANS GRAPHIC SCALE 1 DEVELOPED DRAINAGE PLAN 40 O 40 80 DNG DNG (IN FEET) 1 INCH = 40 FT W w � w � U � w 0 w of a it z � N U o a z m Q� •C of Z � uJ J 0 o� 1111111111: a o ZUEn 0 U W Elf0 •i o� O N o CM M C W W M � :■o m MEE0 ■■■ o ::: Q No o No M OO a y � F d p � w � w � U � w 0 w of a � z i Z S J Z ZUEn 0 y � F d p � w � w � U � w 0 w of z ZUEn 0 Elf0 w w w w UJ Q Cif OO Z N a � ~ w LTJ a V� LTJ a Q w CD 0 w w 0 U NAAL SUBMITTAL 10/13/15 DRAWD = 24" X 36" SURVEY FAY SLIM DAZE BEC 5/9/15 JOB N0. C03208 DRAWD NAME 3208 -Civil Phase 1.dwg SNSEr 11 OF 11 DNG