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7500 West 29th Avenue - �� City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wh6atP.,ijE',303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Approval of Special Use Permit and Site Plan WHEREAS, an application for a Special Use Permit and a Site Plan was submitted for the property located at 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard to allow the expansion of an existing church and school as referenced as Case Nos. SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Special Use Permit and the Site Plan, relying on criteria listed in Sections 26-111 and 26-114 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has properly notified pursuant to Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; and WHEREAS, there were no registered objections regarding the application; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Special Use Permit to allow an expansion of a church and school on a property zoned Residential -Two and located at 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard (Case Nos. SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08) is granted based on the following findings of fact: SPECIAL USE PERMIT 1. The proposed improvements are consistent with the existing uses on the property, the zone district regulations and are in substantial compliance with the applicable standards in the ASDM. 2. There is adequate access to the property. 3. Approval of the SUP will result in a property being physically improved, as well as providing additional educational amenities, which could serve as a catalyst for other property investment in the area. 4. The request will not have a detrimental effect upon the general public health, welfare and safety of the surrounding area. 5. The SUP evaluation criteria have been met. SITE PLAN 1. A site plan was properly applied for and is insubstantial compliance of Section 26-111 of the City Code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall resolve the unpermitted access on to Wadsworth Blvd with CDOT prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 2. The Special Use Permit shall comply with all material representations, commitments, and operation restrictions as depicted in the application materials and documents maintained in the case file. Al Community Development Director q-ts-- 1 L Date Li w W 0 0 0 0 M CL C) C LIJM In Ld Ln 4—J o $" CN 0-) d 0 06 V w �e 0 m a 0 �f LLJ CL 0 tr a M N 0 EXCEPT a THAT PORTION CONVEYED .. STATE DEPARTMENT is ARM'. O HIGHWAYS RECORDED EXCEPT may, R . , CONVEYED , THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY ill. i NTY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 1, 00 UNDER RECEPTION. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE�. SITE DATA TABLE EXISTING ZONING R-1 DROPOSD LANA USE 'SPECIAL. USE PERMITTED FOR CHURCH/SCHOOL GYMNASIUM &c CHAPEL TOTAL AREA 9.08 , , 524 SQ FT#3s SUBDIVISION -LOOR AREA BY USE I27;680 SQ FT �_"HAPEL AREA 1 PROPOSED830 SQ FIT e E i J i` sq 00ON I t�j"A U.J7 "Mu _j , ZOM • c m a SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON "MYCOMM-1c JUL V 'D "2M7; FOREGOING INSTRUMENTTHE t'` r A.D. 2016 BYWITNESS MY HAN D AND OFFICIAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES,-. SEAL. C1 ERTIFICATION., APPROVED THIS � �_� DAY C3F _ 2016 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL`. 91 El REQUIRED Shut Title BUILDING `1 0F 1 4) 0060 OPEN I I158,867 0100 SQ FT SOD, TREES, SHRUBS 0101 9 SQ FTHARDSCAPE G102 (5 OF 14) 1%/ 3o460 SQ FT PARKING407 OVERALL UTILITY PLAN 0400 (7 OF 14) PAVING STRIPING & SIGNAGE 237 244 LANDSCAPE PLAN ACCESSIBLESTANDARD (9 OF 1 h) LANDSCAPE PLAN a t BICYCLE 12 0 (13 OF 14) e E i J i` sq 00ON I t�j"A U.J7 "Mu _j , ZOM • c m a SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON "MYCOMM-1c JUL V 'D "2M7; FOREGOING INSTRUMENTTHE t'` r A.D. 2016 BYWITNESS MY HAN D AND OFFICIAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES,-. SEAL. C1 ERTIFICATION., APPROVED THIS � �_� DAY C3F _ 2016 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL`. 91 El 3 t COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING. The existing sit is zoned Residential -Two (R-2) per Section 26-209 of the City of Wheat Ridge Zoningand Development Code. The proplosed land use is church and school, whish is allowin the R-2 zone district through approval of a Special Use Permits CASE #CUP -94-03, #TUP-00-03, #:SUP -15-06, #WSP-15-08 MARTIN/MARTIN ,.A ASSUMES LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES rz ON S DRAWING PLOTTED M THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION.^ THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES may, R COMMENCEMENT ii TO THE 0 h e List Table Sheet Nunn b e Shut Title coao `1 0F 1 4) COVER SHEET 0060 (2 0F 14) SITE PLAN 0100 (3 OF 14) GRADING PLAN 0101 (4 0F i 4) GRADING FLAN G102 (5 OF 14) GRADING PLAN C200 (6 OF 14) OVERALL UTILITY PLAN 0400 (7 OF 14) PAVING STRIPING & SIGNAGE 'v (8 OF 14) LANDSCAPE PLAN z s (9 OF 1 h) LANDSCAPE PLAN a t (10 QF 14) EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS i (13 OF 14) EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (12 OF 14) ROOF PLAN (13 OF 1) SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN (14. OF 14) LIGHTING SCHEDULE AND CUT SHEETS 3 t COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING. The existing sit is zoned Residential -Two (R-2) per Section 26-209 of the City of Wheat Ridge Zoningand Development Code. The proplosed land use is church and school, whish is allowin the R-2 zone district through approval of a Special Use Permits CASE #CUP -94-03, #TUP-00-03, #:SUP -15-06, #WSP-15-08 MARTIN/MARTIN ,.A ASSUMES LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES rz ON S DRAWING PLOTTED M THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION.^ THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES may, R COMMENCEMENT ii TO THE 0 ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFOR NORTHLS3P ASSOCIATES LT011 I 10 WEST i;'. GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 2960t ^ 864.233.4027 MARTINZP4ARTIN r COLFAXCONSULTING ENGINEERS 12499 WEST ,i; COLORADOi 303.431.6100 MARTIN MART] 1. R fit. , 380DATE: 2016 04 29 DRAWN BY:, VSB 0-132110 e* 4"kHEET ma moll OF 4 ISSUE FOR PERMIT SUIP REVIEW '4 f 'v t„ z s e F + , i � a t y i 7, i t ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFOR NORTHLS3P ASSOCIATES LT011 I 10 WEST i;'. GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 2960t ^ 864.233.4027 MARTINZP4ARTIN r COLFAXCONSULTING ENGINEERS 12499 WEST ,i; COLORADOi 303.431.6100 MARTIN MART] 1. R fit. , 380DATE: 2016 04 29 DRAWN BY:, VSB 0-132110 e* 4"kHEET ma moll OF 4 ISSUE FOR PERMIT SUIP REVIEW 10 M 0 0 Q0 0 C) C-) z V) ©- -C C) LLJ C) F_ U) a M C Q) M Ln -. 0 -;j- 0-) 0 od 4 rfy 0 0 LJJ 0 0 < cr_ -RIP RAP BLANKET 12' WID:E DET. PO ID MAINT. ROAD 0 -SEF 11 If V.111t,00Z.1�1 MA''A"If', EA [� %, � LI X 0 tf, A I i3A C K 0 F p b ik IL 2 X 6 RA11- 111- 1 F1 N E[ C C F-� E F 0(.) T I N S, G, A 0 E 'E I, AVEL BIA 0-1 _1T''yP[k..AL P["JST ES',,'E(-,'107RE WJ�Tfl LAC't 80LT�'-.'�i, HEA7) FI_i".�4 H; T�,� Ob, '�Lj"R'FACE ALL EXR�,JSE-."') LIJMHE,�`' SHALL. RE '5,JAINNEI."� W11 TOM, COATS OF OLYMPIC El X TE R I ()i P tov 0 07) STAIP4. ENGAGE DESIGN TRANS LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 864.235.0405 FAX 864-233.4027 111111111pir! L L:N0. Description Date Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 12/21/15 2 Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 03/17/16 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/29/16 PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 20160429 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER lsb�uft FOR PERMIsT ltffl�w SUP REV E 10 fl 0 0 0� 0 0 f n (C) Z o :D U) M LiJ 0 4-a (n 0 M C: CL -0 Ld A M (_0 I V_ Ln 0 0 00 z 0 0 u Z 0 < _j PAN 79.7 F 80.12 79.44- M. E. EXISTING 3800-132110 PROPOSED Date PROPERTY LINE b 12/21/15 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 03/17/1 1 16 SECTION LINE 3.05 EASEMENT RETAINING WALL 82.85 CURB & GUTTER TYPE I CURB & GUTTER (SPILL) 5 750----- 83.00 5750 --ST- - - - - STORM SEWER RETAINING WALL WITH -RD- - - - - ROOF DRAIN F__1 I N LET RAILING TO BE FLARED END SECTION SIGN DESIGNED BY OTHERS DECIDUOUS TREE > BUSH/SHRUB DRIVE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE 041 54 TOW 82.93 86.97 ik TOW WR VALLEY INLET 81.82 482" PAN 79.7 F 80.12 79.44- M. E. EXISTING 3800-132110 PROPOSED Date PROPERTY LINE Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 12/21/15 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 03/17/1 1 16 SECTION LINE EASEMENT RETAINING WALL CURB & GUTTER TYPE I CURB & GUTTER (SPILL) 5 750----- CONTOURS 5750 --ST- - - - - STORM SEWER @ STORM MANHOLE -RD- - - - - ROOF DRAIN F__1 I N LET < FLARED END SECTION SIGN GRADING ARROW DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE BUSH/SHRUB DRIVE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE SPOT ELEVATIONS f ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 864.235.0405 FAX 864.233.40127 MARTLNIMARTIN 40000 CONSULTING ENGINEERS 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 303.431.6100 MARTIN MARTI NCOM REVISIONS: 3800-132110 Description Date W DRAN BY: Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 12/21/15 2 Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 03/17/1 1 16 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 2016 04 29 W DRAN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER in a SEEM SUP ROFEVIEW v D Ln IN 01 N IMEMEM E K KEYMAP, SCALE 1 tp--20-110" TING Description Date 20160429 PROPERTY LINE 12/21/15 CHECKED BY: RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 2 SECTION LINE 03/17116 EASEMENT 3 RETAINING WALL 04/29/16 CURB & GUTTER TYP E I CURB & GUTTER (SPILL) 4N t tt CONTOURS 5750 -T-- STORM SEWER ST TO MANHOLE 0 -RD-- - ROOF DRAIN 1.11% DO, F-1 I N LET IN FLARED END SECTION SIGN GRADING ARROW DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE BUSH/SHRUB 0z DRI VE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE SPOT ELEVATIONS i i f �W 'S RM " TRANSFORM F 4,C3i - A G E D; E I& ( iN T R A LS3P ASSOCIA TES LTD 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 864-235.0405 FAX 864.233.4027 �-No. Description Date 20160429 Per Special Use Permit 12/21/15 CHECKED BY: Review Comments 2 Per Special Use Permit 03/17116 Review Comments 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/29/16 4N t tt yr t �W 'S RM " TRANSFORM F 4,C3i - A G E D; E I& ( iN T R A LS3P ASSOCIA TES LTD 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 864-235.0405 FAX 864.233.4027 �-No. Description Date 20160429 Per Special Use Permit 12/21/15 CHECKED BY: Review Comments 2 Per Special Use Permit 03/17116 Review Comments 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/29/16 PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 20160429 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER Idr—M E 0 ff- !q0*5" Sug" 0 E F 0 R P E R M I T S 0 OF U500" REVMEW N 1 5 0 z ES 0 0 0 Ln C) z :D C) U) M C n 7D 4--J M Ln o -d- CN o) 0 44 0 C) 0 0 < CL Q ,KEY'MhAAP, SCALE 110-200" CURB & GUTTER TYPE I CURB & GUTTER (SPILL) CONTOURS 5750 E 0 El ------------- 20 10 0 20 40 SCALE: 1 =20' ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET -ST- - - - - ST -RD- - - - - F-1 DRIVE EVERGREEN TREE BUSH/SHRUB DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE 1-n sf , T.y d RT, . . ... ....... R EN( AGE DESIGN TRANSFOFt LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 11 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 3001, GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 864.235.0405 FAX 864.233.4027 MARTINIMARTH CONSULTING ENGINEER 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 802' 303,431,6100 MARTIN MARTI N.COM �t � ?,I � tll!', �, P mm, - I—No. Description Date 1 Per Special Use Permit 12/21/151 Review Comments 2 Per Special Use Permit 03/17/16, Review Comments 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/29/16 PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 20160429 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY": jER A A COQ ----A A I —T T ............... NI -EXISTING DENVER WATER 60" TRANSMISSION LINE 0 0 7TH AVENUE —RD— — — — — _SS_ — — — — 9 0 co _W_ WM —IR- --- FIRR] —OHE— E ELEC T If ELI —CT— DRIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . .vena. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . REPLACE SERVICE WYE WITH 4 -FT MH. COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION WITH WHEAT RIDGE SANITATION DISTRICT 0 PROPOSED ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM LS3P ASSOCIATES LT 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 31 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 296011 TEL. 864.235.0405 FAX 864.233-4027 L. M LNO. Description Date Per Special Use Permit \-EXISTING FH 12/21/15 2 Per Special Use Permit RETAINING WA L L -41" 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/29/16 WITH RAILING COQ ----A A I —T T ............... NI -EXISTING DENVER WATER 60" TRANSMISSION LINE 0 0 7TH AVENUE —RD— — — — — _SS_ — — — — 9 0 co _W_ WM —IR- --- FIRR] —OHE— E ELEC T If ELI —CT— DRIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . .vena. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . REPLACE SERVICE WYE WITH 4 -FT MH. COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION WITH WHEAT RIDGE SANITATION DISTRICT 0 PROPOSED ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM LS3P ASSOCIATES LT 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 31 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 296011 TEL. 864.235.0405 FAX 864.233-4027 L. M LNO. Description Date Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 12/21/15 2 Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 03/17/16 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/29/16 PROJECT: 3800-1321 10 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER I S S U E F 0 R P EF= Rs' MAE I T SUP REVIEW 9 10 A 70 n LLJ U) 0 Q) V) LLJ < C) (A CL M LIJ 00 M o CN cy) 0 06 4 0 U) 0 70 0 0 0 < CL 0 WEST 27TH AVE M 0 4_ ASPHALT PAVEMENT FOR PARKING SPACES 3.5 PASPHALT OVER 6 BASE COURSE CONCRETE WALKS 5" CONCRETE OVER COMPACTED SUBGRADE ASPHALT PAVEMENT FOR DRIVE AISLES AND EMERGENCY ACCESS LANES 4" ASPHALT OVER 9" BASE COURSE 3 1ASPHALT OVERLAY WITH ROTO -MILL PERIMETER 6 NATIVE SEED 12 ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM MARTIN MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 801215 303.431.6100 MARTIN MARTI N,COM REVISIONS. - Description Date Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 12/21/151 2 Per Special Use Permit Review Comments 03/17/1 ej 3 FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/29/16 PROjECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 20160429 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY,: JER PAVING STRIPING & SIGNAGE N M 9 3 - GRO LOW SUMAC �i,�'ll,wi��'�� � M'11111111111MWJ_Iw� TZ 01MMT 13=rl �, % .00 I 1__w%=M .009 : I _,� — , — I : , I � : ", I I , I I , �, I " I I I I \ I -1141l..'. : " ..... .. � v 11 � . 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'_-----, --- __".. __ _, - - ---------- ---- - ---'-�',��",�"",��",�\L"r""-� ............. _ __-r" ------ -----' ------ Lr_-____'_.,_____ __.- ____ ______ __.____ ------ . .... .. '..", ---------- _,_'____. ,��, . ... ___ __ - ��i, ____ _____ . ......... __ , '''',�-.�,r�.-r'L�L.-,----,",.,_-_,.-,,,.+,- - 4r 111. 11 r, 1-1 --- � 0 1 5) 6 P" liiiii'lillill�",�..�, I _11111 . —"-.r-- 1!_" - 11 r -- �= I wom" ffim Em I ## D 30: law ) SCA%LE.: P;XW30 -0* r. *I% ,l , ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFOR 1 LS3P ASSOCIA100ES LTO a i � . � � 110 WESTNORTHSTREET SUITE30;0� GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 1 TEL. ,864.235.0405 FAX 864.233.4027 I -L. I "I �, �_ F I .. , I �, , r I I -1 � � -,,�r rr 11 11 I " "� ir,� - I.. � ) ,�� ., I 11 1, ,� r I I :"-T 1,,, - , ��71,�� ! I T.11, '10 WIMM"�h, f � REVISION& i f I L I 1� - -1 11 11 �'L, � J� ... 11- 4 V%_, � "I, ,. �,�,� -3 � I �_� , �,,_�, I � "" - — �, 11 _ . I r-111 - I r 11 I � L I 11 i I � I � � 1 'Per Special Use Permit � 12/21/15 � � rL �r,--.,''�-"L'��'r''".-�'',r,�,r"r".''�","'-'","r�,�,,��,�-",�-,L"r ... ..... . - - " � it L' ' r, - � 03/0,91jr6 r, , , L' � I � 2 ,�Per Special Use Perrm � � I I I 11 - I I I I � � I =��,�2111,�,�) L_,`�izll��,�.�_,, LL"'. -- I -11 �� '. ._ 11 I . . . . . . . . . . � 11 -;�!'"= 11� ,,�,��7� j, ,�,j, i, � I r �! ,'� Landscape; P1 1i an 1i i� �,, � " ' 1%kk r : i, , � " �, i I %J �,- 0-"hHEET NO. 8 11; 11L " , " "I I � "I I r",: I , , I , !iL I I I 11 - "i I I I I I " , I I , ,� i�li OF 1'K 4 �- ,,I L'�Z���� �����r���-7L,Ii-�,=-� - = ISSUE F"OR PERMIT,w W_ SUP REVIEW 10 191 0 CONCO ER — BUFFLO JUNIP 5 A mmmmm 11111MIMM I / I V a Aff 7A :F kk RN d + ........... ...... .... . .. .... . ..... ................. ........... ............ .................. ........ .............. ............. ......... ...... "wv", ................. ......... ......... .. ........ ................... ........... .......... ........... .I.".,.,., ............ ..... . .... ....... QtY. Comm Name EXISTING 16" CAL. SCOTCH PINE— TO REMAIN Acer x freemaN1 2 11 cd., B&B, Specm'en 4 American Lbdm Tia americana EXISTING 14" CAL. SCOTCH PINE— 1 Catalpa TO REMAIN 2 ed., B&BI , Specmen OECal1UlS 9411M 37 Froebel SpFea Soma x bwalda Froebeii' # 5 Contami, EXISTING 10"' CAL, ,r # 5 ConW a 27 Mte Potentia Potentia fruticosa DEAD SCOTCH PINE 21 Gro Low Sunac Rhus aromatica EXISTING 10' CAL. SCOTCH PINE 9 Snub Rose - Pi* TO REMAIN # 5 Conterier EV6iffM OEM 7 Dwf Mugu Pine Pius =go # 5, conta' M EXISTING 12' CAL. SCOTCH PINE TO REMAIN 15 i I ago Pbmbago aubulata #1 Contaner 12 led Swrfch Grass EXISTING 22" CAL. SCOTCH PINE— #1 Contarier TO REMAIN CalamagrosAs acutMora 'Karl Foerster' #1 Contaijv RRK�ATED NATIVE S� WDC 15% Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass EXISTING 12' CAL. ASH TO REMAIN 10% Reubens Canada Bluegrass EXISTING 14" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 12"' CAL. ELM TO REMAIN EXISTING 7' CAL. ELM TO REMAIN— SEED AT 40 POtJNDS PURE LIVE EXISTING 10" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN Lot Area EXISTING 24" CAL. COTTONWOOD— = 1551407 SF TO REMAIN: 2 TRUNKS Total Area of Non -Living Material 10 191 0 CONCO ER — BUFFLO JUNIP 5 A mmmmm 11111MIMM I / I V a Aff 7A :F kk RN d + ........... ...... .... . .. .... . ..... ................. ........... ............ .................. ........ .............. ............. ......... ...... "wv", ................. ......... ......... .. ........ ................... ........... .......... ........... .I.".,.,., ............ ..... . .... ....... QtY. Comm Name Botancal Name Mn ke DEMUOIS TREES 8 Autum Blaze Maple Acer x freemaN1 2 11 cd., B&B, Specm'en 4 American Lbdm Tia americana 211 cal., 8&,,,,,B, Specinen 4 Camim Flackberry CCdtiS occidentaks 2" cal., 888, Specir�en 1 Catalpa Catalpa speciosa 2 ed., B&BI , Specmen OECal1UlS 9411M 37 Froebel SpFea Soma x bwalda Froebeii' # 5 Contami, 13 Dwf. Burning Bush Euonymw alatus ,r # 5 ConW a 27 Mte Potentia Potentia fruticosa # 5 Contaimi 21 Gro Low Sunac Rhus aromatica # 5 Contaw' 7 Dwf. Euopean Cranberry Dish UDunm opdus # 5 Contam 9 Snub Rose - Pi* Rosa Fairy' # 5 Conterier EV6iffM OEM 7 Dwf Mugu Pine Pius =go # 5, conta' M 15 Bulfab ,wiper Juniperus sabha Buffalo' # 5, contw"w- WASS6 / MOMS 15 i I ago Pbmbago aubulata #1 Contaner 12 led Swrfch Grass Panicun w' gat= Pathfnder' #1 Contaner 10 Maiden Grass - Mormg Light Miscanthus sm'sis 'Morring Ight' #1 Contarier gp Feather Reed Grass CalamagrosAs acutMora 'Karl Foerster' #1 Contaijv RRK�ATED NATIVE S� WDC 15% Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass 15% Blue Fescue 10% Reubens Canada Bluegrass 157. Chewings Fescue 25% Blue Grams 20% Hard Fescue SEED AT 40 POtJNDS PURE LIVE SEED PER ACRE LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS Lot Area Total Area of Living Vegetation = 1551407 SF Total Area of Non -Living Material = 31460 SF Total Landscape, Area - 158,867 SF Total Lot Area - 3951524 SF Landscape Area Required (207. of Total Area) - 791105 SF Trees Required Landscape 1 Tree per. 1000 SF - 79 Trees Required (79V10 SIR Wadsworth Blvd. Frontage = 636 LF (21 Trees Requredl W 26th Ave. Frontage = 629 LF (21 Trees Requred) Required Frontage, Trees = 42 Total Trees Regiied =121 Total Existing Trees = 2,22 (Equivalent) Total New Trees Provided = 17 Total Trees Rovided lselillill =239 Snbs Required Landscape 10 Shrubs per. 1000 SF = 790 Shrubs Required (79,105 SF) Total Existing Shrubs = 76 Total Now Shrubs Provided = 233 Total ST" Rovided =309 NOTE Due to too 00AS h excess , of to re#wwt a re&W w.ft. of stubs is proposed. 00 1. "ft"010, PLA GROUND EXI S TING EXI STI G SH E,P 'REM CH INLINK BUILDING "TO FENCE E ARLA'S,''WITH, BLUE (APROX. EA,S)--- ti .......... .... ............. ............ em WALL ........... yy ...WL ...... .......... ........... .... ....... . LL TETHERBA Co - NC;, 83 III EXISTING Y-5" CAL. ASH TO! REMAIN I IN U Z) UAL. IU Mr -MAIN SIDEWALK EXISTING 8" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 8" CAL. CLUMP ASH TO REMAIN WEST W, U E27TH A VE IMM -17-T T E ASH TO REMAIN E ISTING 20"' CAL. ASH X -EXISTING 30"' CAL. TO REMAIN SCOTCH PINE TO REMAIN CON C. 00 EXISTING ASH TO REMAIN LE TO REMAIN G 5 ulik is V riki EXISTING 2-14' HT. VIBURNUMS TO REMAIN 3 CHAINLINK EXISTING 10' CAL. RED MAPLE TO REMAI iN FENCE EXISTING 4" CAL. SYCAMORE TREE TO REMAIN 4 CHAINLINK FENCE it GR, A, SS e`% A z:HRUB Bf D WITH SPECIFIED MULCH DEPTH MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED SCALE: NTS ;fATrAV2xWTW I t ";, �, MM ROUGHEN SOES OF PLANT PIT SCORE SIDES OF ROOTBALL OF BOO TBOUND PLANTS ONLY FILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED SOIL MIX. 0 15 6 5 30 am SCALE: 1*w=3W-0* EN(i,AGE DESIGN TRANSFORM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD., 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 864.235.0405 FAX 864.233.4027 REVISIONS: "IN yi 1A 1 'Per Special Use Permit :12/21115 03/09/16 2 1Per Special Use Permit PROJECT: 38;00-132110 DATE.- 05 18 DRAWN CHECKED BY: BN Landscape Plan D N 1� ---- Nl:-:W BRICK TO MATCH EXISTINGI 14 1-019 fl-, it 1'-11 1/4" 15 30, 0 24-011 NOTE: "7.2 VERT. 'PROIFILE MTL. PANEL, COLOR 1 SHADED IN THIS ELEVATION FOR REFERENCE ONLY. GYMP(j""AFETORIUM ELEVATION - WEE04t)T 7.2 VERTICAL PROFILE MTL. PANEL - COLOR 1 "N' 10RIZONTAL MTL. PANEL, TYP- EXISTING BRII ARCHITECTURAL STANDI� SEAM METAL RO! 7.2 VERTICAL PROFILE MI PANEL - COLO?� CAFETORIUM E-L-EVATION - EASIT 1/1611 = 1 1-011 GYM/CAFET0R[u,m' ELEVATION - NORTH I- IEIIN� ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFOR LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD:. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300, GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 864.235.0405 FAX 864.233.4027p PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 20160323 DRAWN BY: RWS CHECKED BY: BAM A -d MASONRY EXPANSION JOINT GYM/CAFETORIUM ELEVATION - SOUTH �211E� I A N A 0 E NEW WALKWAY CANOP (SEE ROOF PLAN BRICK R�OWLOCK WATER TABLE NEW BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING (TYP.) EL ELEVATlu"'ONNNORTH Uri 1 A 6ff = 1 1-011 Fa PRE -FIN. COPING TO MATCH STANDING SEAM MTL. ROOF COLOR NEW BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING (TYP.) T.O. CURVEDWALL 231 -oil �B.O. QHAPEL ROOF 149 - 011 T FLOOR &-� of - off 1�ffl MTL. PANEL - 2'X 4'FLAT SIGNAGE BY OWNER, N.I.C. NEW BRICK TO MATCH EXISTINO (TYP-) T.O.'CURVED WALL as ttYz St x -i 23 X"'.. B.O. CHAPEL ROOF 9 0115 14 77. 7-7777777 ' 0 CHAPEL ELEVATION - PLAN SOUTH NEW BRICK TO MATCH AXI STING (TYP.) CHAwFul"EL ELEVATION - PLA'a N EAST i K 0 ALUMINUM CANOPY ABOVE EGRES (SiEE ROOF PLAN) MTL. PANEL - 7.2 HORIZONTAL 70141 EXISTING BUILDING BRICK ROWLOCK WATER TABLE BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING (TYP.) TPO ROOF (SEE ROOF PLAN) NEW WALKWAY CANOPY BETWEEN NEW AND EXISTING (SEE ROOF PLAN) GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUTS T.O. CURVED WALL 231-011 B. HAPEL R OF —FIRST FLOOR of - lovi Pd REVISIONS: Description PROJECT- 3800-13211 iO DATE: 2016 03 23 DRAWN BY: RWS CHECKED BY: BAM SUP M EXTERIOR LmFm.mVATIONS SHEET NO. OF 1 4AN m 2 mmm mom INNE0010ma m m offi0000 Issuh lommOR PhKmll- SUP REVIEW N A 0 I A 3 11 ff Ljr EL t AI IV f_%L_%J1V1- Wr_%r I I Is D__ 717 - __ - - - - - -- __ - - - - - 13-rewolmlawnff M&TOT9 �'f "'R rounfig"ou usuglagg"I (SLOPE PROVIDED VIA TRO. INSULATION) 2 11 Pq 14 13 "N"I TRUE NORTH N ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 NEW HVAC EQUIPMENT, RTU. GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 864.235-0405 FAX 864.233.4027 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF BY PEMB TRUE NORTH N 3 E Ll IT El R REVISIONS. -- _T Date Description Per Special Use Permit Review Comments .Per SUP Review Comments, dated 03/07/16 PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 20160323 DRAWN BY: RWS CHECKED BY: BAM SUP ROO PLAN SmnmhET 4 %Ot I ISSUE F R PERMIT-_ SUP REVIEW x A A 0 �,' . _��+0.3 _1� `__1 � ... 1-1 211_111�2 +0 .3 + 0,11 - ,.______0._WV_7__._: . - ± ± --' ___ _�. tl,,�,_ - I I � .- . 01 5 - - '_0_._-5_-_____ -'0.6 '0.5 '03- __ __ I -i i ----,--O-.-! ---'-- i H .0 I 11 . i � � BY MANUFACTURER 1: ,a"---- -*a&- I � 1 im .... _ I I I i I -1 - I- - _+ -,---,-------+ 9 1.0 1.0 +0.7 4__ ___ +0� -'6.1 I ( ' .1 � -1-111-1-11 __-1__1_-.- + 5 1.6 + 1.6 + 1.1 1. I - 'O.6 - I 1___.-- - - - - - " - __ , +0.2 -'( . , _' .1 I --.1-.1- I - _1_1________ 3 '2.3 '2.3 '1.7 - 'O.8 _1___._-___-_______ '10.2 '�.i 11 ' I- 1. - I- _ -..---I--,.--- 8 '3.1 � +2.9 '2.0 - +0.8 � _--.-1-_- I'll, +0.2 i (�. A, ------F-,1,-,------- -1-11_111.___1-_-- ... _4 i ?Sq,41 +3.7 1-111111---1 ---- ._._____ +2.9 +2.0 +0.9 __11 _ 'O.2 '4 I _ --- 1-111--.__ ( .1 -8. 1_11_1__1-'3,1____._'2.9 '2.0 'O.8��.-,--"-�,-�'0".2----,..-. 41�: ___ , 1 I , I � t " � � I C + ! i f � � I I I i � l - i � , � i 3- - _+2.3______-+2.3 1.7 +0A- - - -'�042- -- I I � I I 0 I I i I i ", l i, i i I I I � � ) I � : � i � I I I I 11 � j I � I i l/ I I ) I i � I ! 1, , ,`1 ___,____,_,_,1 � i I i I �. i ;i I �,�.��,X��___,_ ��l � i i ,AL__,____ ___.__ I I 11� � I i I . l, ,�, , /� " � i __ ...... Mt . ..... ��,--,��..-"�,��.�,--,---�..�-,���-----,-. --.1- ln��_,==' - " I i ! T!==,r_----:!_-l� t--- === ---- - - ------ ___________,_:_�� , .11-1----�,��.-,--�,�l.-I".-.�-.--------,-� - - --------- ,T i - - -- � --7----+1.6 +1. 1 +0.6-- -�0.2 - _11___-.:, ��-�,_,_- _�, ��___ ������__ ,; � "I � I l i 1.1-1.111-11- � 1-11. ____-__��_I, ,j � 1.1-1-1 - �' 5 1. 1_�l I -,-----,r- _-__-,_--_i - l,-,-,-,, - ___ - ____ -"-,--",-- , I � L" = __ __,_,_,_,___,_ __ " , ""' 1- "",, .1! e � � i I I , i _____,________ __ __ ... ______ ___ � 'I __ ___ , -,-,-- , ___ - ___ �____________,_ � "I' F I ___, [/11111� r , , , __ __ , , i i i � - L .--,,- fl'�,�� �_ , 11, _______,_ _______ _ -"-,I , I I I � I lt F______7t=___ I , , i I � , ! � I L. __ _ 1 '��7 p I / - I 7 , " �,,�, , i 0.� I + � 0 _1 i ::__",.=:0__*_ _____,___ , i , , +0.0 +0 A I _-1-1- -, '1� � ;��__`+.�.1---- -. 1- I ____._____ ------- I__ � I - I - - 1111-_1_1 I I -1__-.._1__-- ---- --- 11 ___1---__,______,__ I—- I— 11-11, 11_-___ ... 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I 11-1,11-1-11-1-1-11, �, 11 11 "I , "I-11,11�11-11��ll,�-I'll�-,�,�l- I I _1 --11--_--1_- � ANCHOR BOLT DATA __ - __ ___ __ I 1111111111111111111111111111111111 -1111-11,11 ...... __ ____ -, am / -.1 -111- I—— " -1_-11-1-_1111 I � � I � - " I ; :1 � � \ I 11 . i � � BY MANUFACTURER 1: ,a"---- -*a&- I � 1 im .... _ ___ I 11-11111 "" -1 I I I l i 1 I "I I -,"'I'll-, , I �1, � I I I � � I -1 �� P I . 1-11111-111 ......... � ...... "Ill.-Ill-Ill",,-�""",,.",�'ll,�ll,�,�","--,,�ll-�-11 ,,,, . 1 I ��' .. -11111_----'- M4 BY MANUFACTLJRF-R __ ��, - _ 1-1-1-1 I � I -1 I= � - --- � M 11 "I'll-, 11 I-,--,' 11 I , I 1-11 :11-1 - -11 �, _Ii'- I ��1.1'1 '.'� ... , - , � " . 11 �� , ", �,� ��,'� , , , ", I �;) I , , 11 ,� "I", ... I'll I ", � , 11 I I , , - ;� � " ` , . I " I -1- " I I - 11� � , 11 ��� , 11: " ,� 11 - I - L , 11 � _ "I I , l I I" , , � - l 1_1 , � ,� l, - t, ��,,,,',".,: , ,,� �'1111,,l I I "I'll ��;,, �;� - I , , �11!11_ .,�,� , ,,,,, ,�,, , .,,,,,, �,ll 'll - �, 1� "I I I "', 11�� , �� ;,,,, ,,,,' I I - - - - - � -1 I - l _ - __ -11 - � - � 1-111il _ �, - , - - I - 1� �111 I ; - _ _ I - �,, , � , , 1� "I"'' "I ,� 11",11111111-11 "I I" I ", ,,,, I � ��,, 71", I """" , b I I � _ I '_ 11 I � -, 11 III", : � lill, _'. 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Site Photometric M-21 mrm'olan ,do& M M Mr IMINk. %-,;'wp H E ET N 0 m 1 3 0� F 1 I 1� E Issuh FOR POEROMIT w M_ Iff- __ SUP REVIEW wl',"""'� Ic R 9 0 The cylindrical form of the Vision Flood Small LED luminaire blends effortlessly to architectural and landscape environments. The Vision Flood Small LED luminalre offers optical, energy and maintenance solutions for the full breadth of floodlighting applications. SPECIFICATION FEATURES INV U E DIMENSIONS DELIVERED LUMENS BY DISTRIBUTION, LED QUANTITY AND DRIVE CURREW[ Voltage Drive Current / LED Quantity Theoretical L70 360mA 626mA 700mA IES NEMA 20 LEDs 40 LEDs 20 LEDs 40 LEDs 20 LEDs 4,0 LEDs TYPO (H x V) TS (Tight Spot) 2,082 3,877 2,877 5,421 3,399 6,070 3 x 3 TOS (Tight Spot Baffle) 1,260 2,347 DUEllectronic Dimming TSB=Ti g ht Spot Baffle 1 x 1 WST (Wide Symmetric Rectangular) 2,219 4,132 3,066 5,774 3,264 6,470 7 x 6 MST Wedium Symmetric Rectangular) VAT (Vertical Asymmetric Rectangular) 2,261 2,243 4,210 3,123 5,885 4,177 3,100 5,840 . . . ............... . 3,692 3,663 6,590 6,540 6 x 5 6 x 6 NSR INarrow Symmetric Round) 2,112 3,943 2,918 5,496 3,450 6,158 3 x 3 MSR , I - Medium Symmetric Round) 2,183 4,065 3,016 5, 8 8=0 NUTE: Lumens values based upon 4000K CCT and 250C ambient operating temperatures. INPUT WATTS BY VOLTAGE, LED QUANTITY AND DRIVE CURRENT 3,565 6,361 4x4 ---------- 7LLED INGLUDED 24 B40-7=40 LEDS at 700mA3,4 KADL 4 tg 40K R3 PI RH Voltage Input by Drive Current LED Quantity WH=White 121b35 350mA 5�25mA 700mA 20 LEDs 40 LEDs 20 LEDs 40 LEDs 20 LEDs 40 LEDs Input Watts @ 120-277V InputWatts, @ 347V InputNatts @ 480V 24W 27W T -31W 46W 48W 52W 35W 67W 49W 94W 38W 70W 52W 97W 42W 73W 55W 1100W NITH T)"PE 4 D15TRIBUTION AND HOUSE- PC_ -Button Photocontrol (Specify Voltage) JB-XX=Architectural Junction -box with Two 3/4" NPT Entries PMI-XX=Post Mount Exteqslon Single - EPA 0,12 SG=Softening Glass�' Wood pole or wall SM-XX=Stanchion Mount M PM2-XX=Post Mount Extemsion Double - EPA 0.12 T Ow '1101 ST-XX=Stanchion Mount Tenon 5,108 VFS-CFR-XX=Color FilterAdapter with Red Gel" 8030=80 CRI / 3000 CCT 106 VM-XX=Wall Mount SIN6LE-HEAD LED POLE MOUNTED ARLA LI&H,T VFS-CFB-XX=Color Filter Adapter with Bright Blue Gel 15-7 15,620 WMA-XX=Wall Mount Arm KIM 20b VFS-,CFG-XX=Color Filter -Adapter with Deep Green Gel POLE Shipped separately WMT-XX=Wall Mount Tenon Mount" DDBTXD VFS-CFO-XX=Color FilterAdapter with Warm Orange Gel PER7 NFMA twist -lock receptacle only (no MVOLT-RF006-XX TNIA-XX=Twin Mount Arm - EPA 0.35 PNMTDD3 DIMENSIONS DELIVERED LUMENS BY DISTRIBUTION, LED QUANTITY AND DRIVE CURREW[ Voltage Drive Current / LED Quantity Theoretical L70 360mA 626mA 700mA IES NEMA 20 LEDs 40 LEDs 20 LEDs 40 LEDs 20 LEDs 4,0 LEDs TYPO (H x V) TS (Tight Spot) 2,082 3,877 2,877 5,421 3,399 6,070 3 x 3 TOS (Tight Spot Baffle) 1,260 2,347 DUEllectronic Dimming TSB=Ti g ht Spot Baffle 1 x 1 WST (Wide Symmetric Rectangular) 2,219 4,132 3,066 5,774 3,264 6,470 7 x 6 MST Wedium Symmetric Rectangular) VAT (Vertical Asymmetric Rectangular) 2,261 2,243 4,210 3,123 5,885 4,177 3,100 5,840 . . . ............... . 3,692 3,663 6,590 6,540 6 x 5 6 x 6 NSR INarrow Symmetric Round) 2,112 3,943 2,918 5,496 3,450 6,158 3 x 3 MSR , I - Medium Symmetric Round) 2,183 4,065 3,016 5, 8 8=0 NUTE: Lumens values based upon 4000K CCT and 250C ambient operating temperatures. INPUT WATTS BY VOLTAGE, LED QUANTITY AND DRIVE CURRENT 3,565 6,361 4x4 ---------- 7LLED INGLUDED 24 B40-7=40 LEDS at 700mA3,4 KADL 4 tg 40K R3 PI RH Voltage Input by Drive Current LED Quantity WH=White 121b35 350mA 5�25mA 700mA 20 LEDs 40 LEDs 20 LEDs 40 LEDs 20 LEDs 40 LEDs Input Watts @ 120-277V InputWatts, @ 347V InputNatts @ 480V 24W 27W T -31W 46W 48W 52W 35W 67W 49W 94W 38W 70W 52W 97W 42W 73W 55W 1100W Ambient Temperature Lumen Multiplier Theoretical L70 Temperature Maintenance lHours) ............................. 160,000 Hours) K=Knuckle Mount B20-3=20 LEDS at 35OmA 500C > 350,000 ii 41-1 Ambient TM -21 Lumen Theoretical L70 Temperature Maintenance lHours) Color 160,000 Hours) K=Knuckle Mount B20-3=20 LEDS at 35OmA LED=Light > 350,000 TS=Tight Spot AP=Grey > ORDERING INFORMATION Saminille Number: VFS-K-B40-5-LED-E1-MST-GM VFS VISION FLOOD SMALL LED CERTIFICATION DATA 46"C' Ambient Temperature Rating UL and cUL Listed IS( - ,)i goo i IP06 Luminaire LM,79 / LM80 Compliant 2G,'Vibration Tested DegignLights Consortium@ Qualified* ENERGY DATA Ellgatronic LED Driver >01: Power Factor <20% Total Harmonic Distortion 120-277V 50/6OHz, 347V/6DHz, 480V/60Hz -40'C Minimum Temperature EPA Effactive Projected Area. 1 � 11.9, Sq. Ft. SHIPPING DATA Approximate Net Weight: 18 lbs. (8 kgs) Product Fami ly Mounting Type Number of LEDs Driver Current Lamp Type Voltage Distribution Color VFS=Vision Flood K=Knuckle Mount B20-3=20 LEDS at 35OmA LED=Light EI=Electronic (120-277V) TS=Tight Spot AP=Grey Small KEY NOTES B20-5-20 LEDS at 525mA Emitting DUEllectronic Dimming TSB=Ti g ht Spot Baffle BK=Black Degree arm (pole) KADLEMIS 20( U 820-7=20 LEDS at 700mA Diodes 347=347V WST=Wide Symmetrical Rectar�gqular BZ=Bronz,e ALTERNATE KEY B40-3=40 LEDS at 35OmA KEY 480=48OV" MST=Medium Symmetrical Rectangular DP=Dark Platinum LUMENS 51125 & CATALOG NO. INVUE #VF5K-B20-5-LED-E1-M5T-XX-XX- B40-5--40 LEDS at 525mA NOTES MOUNTING VAT=Vertical Asymmetric ReCUngular GM=Graphite Metallic 7LLED INGLUDED 24 B40-7=40 LEDS at 700mA3,4 KADL 4 tg 40K R3 PI RH PUMBAK DDBXD U* NSR=Narrow Symmetrical RoVj�,d WH=White 121b35 VF5-VS LITHONIA #<AD-LED-&OG--7OO-4OK-R4- HINONA <1M 205 WBD- Wall bracket MSR=Medium Symmetrical RQ�ind 51N6LE-HEAD LED POLE MOUNTED AREA LI&HT Options (Add as Suffix) Accessories (Order Separately) NITH T)"PE 4 D15TRIBUTION AND HOUSE- PC_ -Button Photocontrol (Specify Voltage) JB-XX=Architectural Junction -box with Two 3/4" NPT Entries PMI-XX=Post Mount Exteqslon Single - EPA 0,12 SG=Softening Glass�' Wood pole or wall SM-XX=Stanchion Mount M PM2-XX=Post Mount Extemsion Double - EPA 0.12 7060=70 CRI / 6000 CCT Ow '1101 ST-XX=Stanchion Mount Tenon 5,108 VFS-CFR-XX=Color FilterAdapter with Red Gel" 8030=80 CRI / 3000 CCT 106 VM-XX=Wall Mount SIN6LE-HEAD LED POLE MOUNTED ARLA LI&H,T VFS-CFB-XX=Color Filter Adapter with Bright Blue Gel 15-7 15,620 WMA-XX=Wall Mount Arm KIM 20b VFS-,CFG-XX=Color Filter -Adapter with Deep Green Gel POLE Shipped separately WMT-XX=Wall Mount Tenon Mount" DDBTXD VFS-CFO-XX=Color FilterAdapter with Warm Orange Gel PER7 NFMA twist -lock receptacle only (no MVOLT-RF006-XX TNIA-XX=Twin Mount Arm - EPA 0.35 PNMTDD3 VFS-BD-XX=Barn Doors -;--;PA 1.01 WG Wire guard DBLXD Black TMT-XX=Twin Mount Arm Tenon Mount - EPA 0.42 Textured black VFS-TV-XX=Top Visor - U A 0.6 height 1,1 6,177 SMT-XX=Surface Mount Tenon Part night, dim 5 hrsll VFS-4S-XX=Fou r Sided Vi§o r DNAXD Natural DNATXD SF-XX=Slipfltter 5F Single fuse 0 20, 277, 347V) VA6174--Tamper-proof Dr�ier Bit CPR Cap Screw NOTES: 1. DesignLights Consortium" Oualified. Refer to www.designlights.org Qualified Products List under Family Models for details. 2. Standard 4000K CCT, nominal 70 CRI. 3� 40 LEDs at 700mA (1340-7) limited to 25*C ambient conditions. 4� Not available with color filters or external shielding. 5. Not available with 20 LEDs at 700mA IB20-7). Provides 0-10V DC low voltage leads used in dimming control. 6. Only available with normal power factor and cWTHD. 7. Not available with 347V or 48OV. 8. Avaiiable with 20 or 40 LEDs at 36OmA M20-3 a r B40-3) only. 9. Standard on WST distribution. 10. Must order SF Slipfitter. 111. Not available with B40-5 or B40-7 R -9 EPAO- 11 ft2 (0, 1 1 fn�') Length: 17-112ft (4-1, � 5 crn) Width: 17-112" (44, 5 crn) Height: T-1/8" (I & 1 cryl) Weight 36 lbs. (max)- (76A kq) IN 110 liiiiiiiii'Mil-lill 111 1 11 11 1 11,111 liiiiiiiiiiiii I LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE 20( 20 LEDs 530 530 mA 6ENERAL NOTES: R2 -lype 11 MVOLT A. ALLLI6HT FIXTURE FINISHE5 SHALL BE MANUFAGTURER'S STANDARD AS DIRECTED BY THE OMER. Shipped included Single -piece die-cast, aluminum housing with contoured edges has a 0.12" nominal wall thickness. B. FURN15H ALL NECE55ARY LUMINAIRE GOMPONENT5 TO FAGILITATE A GOMPLEJ E AND FULLY FUNGTIONAL L16HTIN6 SYSTEM. DLL347F 13 CUL A 30 LEDs G. GONNEGTION5 MADE TO ANY EXTERIOR L16HT5 SHALL USE VqATERPROOF GONINECTOR5. 40K 4000 K 3 Tlype 111 KEY NOTES 347 PUMBAK I . PROVIDE 5TRA16HT 5" 5OUARE STEEL POLE NITH FIXTURE. OVERALL HEI67FIT OF FIXTURE FROM'6RADE TO TOP OF L16HT 15 L15TED UNDER MOUNTINO GOLUMN. PROVIDE 5HAFT NALL THICKNE55 04 4" arm GAPABLE OF 5UPPORTIN6 MAXIMUM ALLOhABLE EPA RATIN6 FOR FIXTURE. DRILLIN& AND POLE FINISH SHALL MAGTGH FIXTURE. REFER TO POLE E3A5E DETAIL FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Degree arm (pole) KADLEMIS 20( U mull MENEM �4 1-ype IV I MANUFACT(JRLER ALTERNATE KEY 06 6" arm KEY DESCRIP77ON LAMPS WATTS LUMENS 51125 & CATALOG NO. INVUE #VF5K-B20-5-LED-E1-M5T-XX-XX- MANUFACTURERS VOLTAGE KIM 120 NOTES MOUNTING 61 EXTERIOR LED FLOOOL16HT 7LLED INGLUDED 24 6RADE KADL 4 tg 40K R3 PI RH PUMBAK DDBXD U* Square and round pole universal mount- ing bracket adaptor (specl� finish) 13-7 121b35 VF5-VS LITHONIA #<AD-LED-&OG--7OO-4OK-R4- HINONA <1M 205 WBD- Wall bracket PI 51N6LE-HEAD LED POLE MOUNTED AREA LI&HT LED INCLUDED NITH T)"PE 4 D15TRIBUTION AND HOUSE- MV0LT-RF00(9-H5-XX MG6RAN-EP150N Wood pole or wall I b' OAH M SIDE SHIELD 3 Ow '1101 100 5,108 i a 1 106 F2 SIN6LE-HEAD LED POLE MOUNTED ARLA LI&H,T LED INGLUDED 15-7 15,620 LITHONIA #KAD-LED-bOG--70O-4OK-R5- KIM 20b b POLE Shipped separately NITH TYPE 5 DISTRIBUTION DDBTXD Textured dark bronze PER7 NFMA twist -lock receptacle only (no MVOLT-RF006-XX MG6RAN-EDISON PNMTDD3 I b' OAH Notes BETH EDEN Typ P1 & P2 Introduction The ContourO Series luminaires offer traditional square dayforms with softenededges for a versa -tile look that complements many applications. The KAD LED corribines the latest in LED technology with the familiar aesthetic of the Contour@ Series for stylish, high-performance illumination that lasts, It is ideal for replacing 100- 40OW metal halide in area lighting applications with typical energy savings of 70% and expected servi,ce life of over 100,000 hours. ... ...... . .. KAD LED 40C 1000 40K R5 MVOLT PUMBAK04 DDBXD EXAMPLE "D tED, KAD LED 20( 20 LEDs 530 530 mA 30K 3000 K R2 -lype 11 MVOLT 2771 Shipped included Single -piece die-cast, aluminum housing with contoured edges has a 0.12" nominal wall thickness. Shipped separately DLL347F 13 CUL A 30 LEDs 700 700 mA 40K 4000 K 3 Tlype 111 1201 347 PUMBAK Uriiversdl mounting adaptor 1 04 4" arm DADI 2P Degree arm (pole) KADLEMIS 20( U 40C 40 LEDs 1000 10OOmA 50K 5000K �4 1-ype IV 2081 480 SPD- Square pole 06 6" arm DADI 2WB Degree arm (wall) 700 mA 60( 60 LEDs Houseside shield for 60 LED unit KAD LED 300000 40K R3 MVOLT PUMBAK09 PIRH DDBXD �R5 Tpe V 2401 Mast arm adapter (specl� finish) RPD_ Round pole 09 9" arm VAre guardaccessory KAD LED 40C 1000 40K R3 MVOLT PUMBAK09 P1 RH DDBXD KADL 4 tg 40K R3 PI RH PUMBAK DDBXD U* Square and round pole universal mount- ing bracket adaptor (specl� finish) KAD LED 40C 1000 410K R5 MVOLT PUMBAKD9 PIRH DDBXD KADL 46f 40K R5 PIRH For more controf options, visit and WBD- Wall bracket 12 12" arm must be 3.25" 01). minimum. WWD- Wood pole or wall M 4,802 3 Ow '1101 100 5,108 i a 1 106 5,126 3 0 1 107 Shipped installed R2 6,203 Shipped separately DDBXD Dark bronze DDBTXD Textured dark bronze PER7 NFMA twist -lock receptacle only (no PIRH Motion sensor, 15-30'mountling PNMTDD3 Part night, dim till dawn',' WG Wire guard DBLXD Black DBLBXD Textured black controls) height 1,1 6,177 PNMT5D3 Part night, dim 5 hrsll KMA Mast arm DNAXD Natural DNATXD -lextured natural 5F Single fuse 0 20, 277, 347V) BL30 Bi -level switchl�_".141 dimming, PNMT6D3 Part night, dim 6 hrs external ter aluminum 1000 mA alumintim DF Double fuse (208, 240,48OV) 30%1,6,7 1 PNMT7D3 Part night, dim 7 hrs 6,579 DWHXD White OWHGXD Textiired Wnite 6,603 BL50 Bidevel switch.#,ed dimming 0 2 92 R5 PIR Motion sensor, 8-15'mounting height 50%1,6,1 0 1 HS Houseside shield 3, 0 1 97 1 .................. Stock confiqurations are offered for shorter W4 times' Accessories 11.11-1-111-�'ll'.11�-1-111--l'-�,�,-�-,-U-,--,�",--.I'IL""'Il�11---�"'-�'-""�.",�"-,.,�"-,-��2",-","-"",�"."�""�-, NOTES 1 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V (50/60 Hz). Single fuse (SF) requires 120, 277 or 347 vo Itage option. Double fuse (DF) requires 208, 240 or 480 voltage option. 2 9" or 12" arm is required when two or more luminaires are oriented on a 90' �drilling pattern. 3 Available as a separate combination accessory; PUMBAK (finish) U, 4 PIR s , "' �,,` 01"-`- "1 ,pacifies .JU�,, control; PIRH specifies . I-' i", , , f the control; see Se� or details. Dimming driver standard. 5 MaAmum ambient temperature with 347V or 480V is 30T, 6 eRuires an additional sWitched circuit with same phase as main urninaire power. Supply circuit and control circuit are required to be in the same phase. 7 Dimming driver standard, MVOLT only. 8 Aso available as a separate accessory, see Accessories information at left. 9 Requimi luminaire to be specifted with PER option.0rdered and shipped as a separate line item. ........ ... . ...... ....... .... . ... ... . . . ........... . . ............. Template #5 Top of Pole Tenon Mounting Slipfitter" i 9/161, D Ia. 1%, Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Electrical Load (3 PLCS) T20-190 T20-280 T20-290 T20-320 t T20-390 T2,0-490 Use these factors to determine relative lurnen cutput for average ambient temperatures from 0-40-C (32-1104T)� 2-74" T25-190 T25-280 T25-290 T25-320 T25-390 T25-490 2-1/8" 14.00, ij%' Nlk� T35-190 T35-280 T35-290 T35-320 T35-390 T35-490 " L�,�*AjTq , �K m 277 347 480 208 240 �TN For round pole mounting (RPDXX) only. t Requirm 9"or 12'arm O*C 320F 1,02 I 09C 50OF 1,01 530 35 O.Ml 0,18 0,16 0.15 2-11811 20�( 68OF 1.00 20 700 46 0-3�� 0.23 0.20 0.18 0,15 0,12 2VC 770F 1.00 1000 73 O&Ill- 0. 031 0.27 0.22 0.17 30'C 86F 1.00 530 53 141 0,26 0.23 0.20 - - 1, 1:10 41; 101�F 0.99 30 700 69 0.% 0.34 0.29 0.26 0.21 016 1000 108 0.52 0.46 0.40 032 024 .... ...... . ..... . ........ 530 71 0 .61' 0.35 0.32 11,29 0,21 0,16 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance 40 700 94 01Y 0.46 OA1 036 017 UO 1000 141 1.114,rl� D.68 059 0.52 0,42 030 Data references the extrapolated performance projections for the KAD LED platform in Lumen Output a 25'C ambient, based on 10,000 hours of LED testing (tested per IESNA LM -80-08 and 530 103 048,ry 0,50 OA4 0.39 0,29 0.22 Lurnen values are from photometric te�fts performed in accordance with I ESNA LM -79.,08. Data is considered to be ropresentative of the configurations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. projected per IESNA TM -21 -11). 60 700 137 1.1§1 U6 0,58 0.51 0,40 0,29 Contact factory -for performance data on any configurations not shown here. To calculate LLF, use the lumen maintenance factorthat corresponds to the desired number 1000 216 1,81 1.04 0.92 0,81 0.63 0.47 M Of V r,.[ up hours below. For other lumen maintenance VakleS, contact factory, NOTE: All ratings in this table are for a no.�.fiinal s m operated at 25'C ambient yste ernperature. Current and power sPecificitions in this table do not include branch circuit 0 i51'1.1&W&11AWAt1 All, ,000 50,000 100,000 derating specified in the National Electric9l Code. Please observe all applicable electrical codes and ratings. !,o,, b-91 0.76 R2 3,615 1 0 1 95 3,846 1 0 1 101 3,860 1 0 1 102 R3 3,600 1 0 1 95 3,830 1 0 1 101 3,844 1 0 1 101 530 mA 35W 1.0 z. R4 3,605 1 0 1 95 3,835 1 0 1 101 3,849 1 0 1 101 3, 8 2 6 -2 -0 -1 1-0 -4, _0'7`0_ -3'-' KA 0 1 107 4,084 3 0: 1 107 0.1" 1.0 097 R2 4,537 1 0 1 95 4,827 1 a 1 101 A 844 1 0 2 101 20C INSTALLATION Prdered,and shipp0d sep'aotply, illuminating streets, walkways, parking lots, and surrounding areas. installation using nearly any existing drilling 1,tz§ttern. Stainless steel bolts fasten the luminaire DLL127F 1.5 J U Photocell - SSL twist -lock 0 20-277V) Single -piece die-cast, aluminum housing with contoured edges has a 0.12" nominal wall thickness. G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. Th�§ KAD LED also utilizes the standard K-Swies DLL347F 13 CUL A PhotoCell 55L twist -1106 (347V) KAD LED 30C 1000 40K R3 MVOLT PUMBAK09 DDBXD KAD, 40C 40K R3 DLL48OF 1.5 (ULD Photocell - SSL twist -lock (48OV) FINISH minimum ambient. DesignLights Consortiurr,00 (DLQ qualified product. Not all versions of sc U Shorting cap I KAD LED 30C 1000 40K R5 MVOLT PUMBAK09 DDRXD KADC .410C 40,K 115 KADLEMIS 20( U Houseside shield for 20 LED unit KAD LED 40C 1000 40K R3 MYOLT PUMBAK09 DDBXD KAE)t� *0C 40K R3 KADLEDH5 30( U Houseside shield for 30 LED unit KAD LED 40C 1000 40K R5 MOLT PUMBAK09 DDBXD KADL,4-OC 40K R5 KADLEDHS400 Houseside shield for 40 LED unit available in standard 4000K, 3000K or 5000K VO CRI) configurations, 700 mA KAD LED HS 60( U Houseside shield for 60 LED unit KAD LED 300000 40K R3 MVOLT PUMBAK09 PIRH DDBXD KADL 36( 40K R3 PIRH KMA DDBXD U Mast arm adapter (specl� finish) kAD LED 30C 1000 4,OK R5 NIVOLT PUMBAK09 PIRH D08Xb KADL 3#f, 40K R5 PIRH KADWG U VAre guardaccessory KAD LED 40C 1000 40K R3 MVOLT PUMBAK09 P1 RH DDBXD KADL 4 tg 40K R3 PI RH PUMBAK DDBXD U* Square and round pole universal mount- ing bracket adaptor (specl� finish) KAD LED 40C 1000 410K R5 MVOLT PUMBAKD9 PIRH DDBXD KADL 46f 40K R5 PIRH For more controf options, visit and *Round pole top must be 3.25" 01). minimum. 11.11-1-111-�'ll'.11�-1-111--l'-�,�,-�-,-U-,--,�",--.I'IL""'Il�11---�"'-�'-""�.",�"-,.,�"-,-��2",-","-"",�"."�""�-, NOTES 1 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V (50/60 Hz). Single fuse (SF) requires 120, 277 or 347 vo Itage option. Double fuse (DF) requires 208, 240 or 480 voltage option. 2 9" or 12" arm is required when two or more luminaires are oriented on a 90' �drilling pattern. 3 Available as a separate combination accessory; PUMBAK (finish) U, 4 PIR s , "' �,,` 01"-`- "1 ,pacifies .JU�,, control; PIRH specifies . I-' i", , , f the control; see Se� or details. Dimming driver standard. 5 MaAmum ambient temperature with 347V or 480V is 30T, 6 eRuires an additional sWitched circuit with same phase as main urninaire power. Supply circuit and control circuit are required to be in the same phase. 7 Dimming driver standard, MVOLT only. 8 Aso available as a separate accessory, see Accessories information at left. 9 Requimi luminaire to be specifted with PER option.0rdered and shipped as a separate line item. ........ ... . ...... ....... .... . ... ... . . . ........... . . ............. Template #5 Top of Pole Tenon Mounting Slipfitter" i 9/161, D Ia. 1%, Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Electrical Load (3 PLCS) T20-190 T20-280 T20-290 T20-320 t T20-390 T2,0-490 Use these factors to determine relative lurnen cutput for average ambient temperatures from 0-40-C (32-1104T)� 2-74" T25-190 T25-280 T25-290 T25-320 T25-390 T25-490 2-1/8" 14.00, ij%' Nlk� T35-190 T35-280 T35-290 T35-320 T35-390 T35-490 " L�,�*AjTq , �K m 277 347 480 208 240 �TN For round pole mounting (RPDXX) only. t Requirm 9"or 12'arm O*C 320F 1,02 I 09C 50OF 1,01 530 35 O.Ml 0,18 0,16 0.15 2-11811 20�( 68OF 1.00 20 700 46 0-3�� 0.23 0.20 0.18 0,15 0,12 2VC 770F 1.00 1000 73 O&Ill- 0. 031 0.27 0.22 0.17 30'C 86F 1.00 530 53 141 0,26 0.23 0.20 - - 1, 1:10 41; 101�F 0.99 30 700 69 0.% 0.34 0.29 0.26 0.21 016 1000 108 0.52 0.46 0.40 032 024 .... ...... . ..... . ........ 530 71 0 .61' 0.35 0.32 11,29 0,21 0,16 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance 40 700 94 01Y 0.46 OA1 036 017 UO 1000 141 1.114,rl� D.68 059 0.52 0,42 030 Data references the extrapolated performance projections for the KAD LED platform in Lumen Output a 25'C ambient, based on 10,000 hours of LED testing (tested per IESNA LM -80-08 and 530 103 048,ry 0,50 OA4 0.39 0,29 0.22 Lurnen values are from photometric te�fts performed in accordance with I ESNA LM -79.,08. Data is considered to be ropresentative of the configurations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. projected per IESNA TM -21 -11). 60 700 137 1.1§1 U6 0,58 0.51 0,40 0,29 Contact factory -for performance data on any configurations not shown here. To calculate LLF, use the lumen maintenance factorthat corresponds to the desired number 1000 216 1,81 1.04 0.92 0,81 0.63 0.47 M Of V r,.[ up hours below. For other lumen maintenance VakleS, contact factory, NOTE: All ratings in this table are for a no.�.fiinal s m operated at 25'C ambient yste ernperature. Current and power sPecificitions in this table do not include branch circuit 0 i51'1.1&W&11AWAt1 All, ,000 50,000 100,000 derating specified in the National Electric9l Code. Please observe all applicable electrical codes and ratings. !,o,, b-91 0.76 R2 3,615 1 0 1 95 3,846 1 0 1 101 3,860 1 0 1 102 R3 3,600 1 0 1 95 3,830 1 0 1 101 3,844 1 0 1 101 530 mA 35W 1.0 z. R4 3,605 1 0 1 95 3,835 1 0 1 101 3,849 1 0 1 101 3, 8 2 6 -2 -0 -1 1-0 -4, _0'7`0_ -3'-' KA 0 1 107 4,084 3 0: 1 107 0.1" 1.0 097 R2 4,537 1 0 1 95 4,827 1 a 1 101 A 844 1 0 2 101 20C INSTALLATION The energy savings and long life of the KAD LED area luminaire make it a reliable choice for Included universal mounting block and extrwlod aluminum arm facilitate quick and easy illuminating streets, walkways, parking lots, and surrounding areas. installation using nearly any existing drilling 1,tz§ttern. Stainless steel bolts fasten the luminaire CONSTRUCTION to the mounting block securing it to poles orkoalls, The KAD LED can withstand up to a 1.5 Single -piece die-cast, aluminum housing with contoured edges has a 0.12" nominal wall thickness. G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. Th�§ KAD LED also utilizes the standard K-Swies Die-cast door frame has an impact -resistant, tempered glass lens that is fully gasketed with one 0'emplate #5) for pole drilling. piece tubular silicone. LISTINGS CSA certified to U,S, and Canadian standar4i,, Luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for -40*C FINISH minimum ambient. DesignLights Consortiurr,00 (DLQ qualified product. Not all versions of Exterior parts are protected by a zinc -infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish R3 4,519.""- 1 0 4,807 0 2 100 4,825 1 0 2 101 available in standard 4000K, 3000K or 5000K VO CRI) configurations, 700 mA 46 VT R4 4,524. 1 0 2 94 4,813 - 6 2 100 4,830 1 0 2 101 (20 LEDs) Rev. 05/06/15 M 4,802 3 0 1 100 5,108 i a 1 106 5,126 3 0 1 107 R2 6,203 1 0 2 116 6,598 0 2 92 6,622 2 6,177 1 0 2 86 6,571 1 0 2 91 6,595 1 0 2 92 1000 mA 73W R4 6,185 1- 0 2 86 6,579 0 2 91 6,603 1 0 2 92 R5 6,564 3 0 1 91 6,983 3, 0 1 97 1 3 0 1 97 ___R2 5,328 1 0 2 99 51669 1 0 2 105 5,689 1 0 2 105 R3 5,307 1 0 2 98 5,645 0 2 105 5,666 1 0 2 105 M --l" T,6W 3 0 1 104 5,999 3- 0 1 ill 6,020 3 0 1 ill R2 6,674 2 0 2 95 7,100 2 0 2 101 7,126 2 0 2 102 30C R3 6,647 1 0 95---- 7,071 2 0 2 101 7,097 2 0- 2 101 700 mA 69W R4 6,655 1 - "2 0 2 95 7,080 1 0 2 101 7,105 1 0 2 102 (30 LEDs) R5 7,063 3 0 2 101 7,514 0 2 107 7,541 3 0 2 108 R2 8,881 2 0 2 84 9,448 0 2 89 9,482 2 0 2 89 R3 8,844 2 0 2 83 9,409 2 0 2 89 9,443 2 0 2 89 1000 MA 108 W R4 8,855 2 0 2 94 9,420 21 0 2 89 _;,Z4 2 0 2 89 R5 9,398 3 0 2 89 9,998 4 i 0 2 94 10,034 4 0 2 95 R2 7,034 2 0 2 102 7,483 2 0 2 108 7,510 2 0 2 109 R3 7,005 2 0 2 102 7,453 2 0 2 108 7,479 2 0 2 108 530 mA 71 W R4 7,014 1 0 2 102 7,462 1 0 2 lu 7,488 --- 1 0 2 109 R5 7,444 3 0 2 108 7,919 1 0 2 115 7,947 3 0 2 115 R2 8,73,7 2 0 2 96 9,295 1 0 2 102 9,329 2 0 2 103 40( 1-- , R3 8,701 2 0 2 96 9,257 1 0 2 102 9,290 2 0 2 102 700 mA 94 V1 R41 8,712 2 0 2 96 9,268 1 0 2 1102 9,301 2 0 2 102 (40 LEDs) 115 9,246 3 0 2 102 9,836 4 0 2 108 9,87 4 0 2 108 R2 11,537 2 0 2 82 12,273 1, 0 2 88 12,322 2 0 2 88 R3 11,489 2 0 3 82 12,223 2 0 3 87 12,272 2 0 3 88 AlkmA 141 W iz - 11,503 - 2 - ---- 0 3 -- 82 12,237 --- 2 0 __ 3 __ - 87 - 12,286 - 2 - ___ __ 0 3 88 R5 12,208 4 0 2 87 12,988 4 0 2 93 13,039 4 0 2 93 R2 10,334 2 0___ 2 102 10,993 0 2 109 11,033 2 0 2 109 R3 10,291 2 0 2 102 10,948 J1 0 2 108 10,988 2 0 2 109 530 mA 103 W R4 10,3D4 2 0 2 102 10,961 1 0 2 109 11,001 2 0 2 109 R5 10,935 4 0 2 108 4 0 2 115 11,675 4 0 2 116 R2 12,871 2 0 2 96 3,692 3 0 3 102 13,742 3 0 3 103 60( R3 12,818 2 0 3 96 13,636 1 0 3 102 13,685 2 0 3 102 700 mA 137 W R4 12,833 2 0 3 96 13,653 0 3 102 13,702 2 0 3 102 (60 LEDs) R5 13,620 4 0 2 102 14,49 4: 0 2 108 14,541 4 0 2 109 R2 16,336 3 0 3 76 17,379 11 0 3 80 17,440 3 0 3 81 R3 16,268 3 0 3 75 '17,307 4 0 4 80 17�368 3 0 4 80 1000 mA 216W R4 16,288 3 75 17,328 I 0 4 go 17,389 3 0 4 81 R5 17,286 4 _ 80 18,390 `� ,� --- 4 0 - 2 &5T'18,455 4 r-,- 2 1 85 Ora L"d INTENDED USE INSTALLATION The energy savings and long life of the KAD LED area luminaire make it a reliable choice for Included universal mounting block and extrwlod aluminum arm facilitate quick and easy illuminating streets, walkways, parking lots, and surrounding areas. installation using nearly any existing drilling 1,tz§ttern. Stainless steel bolts fasten the luminaire CONSTRUCTION to the mounting block securing it to poles orkoalls, The KAD LED can withstand up to a 1.5 Single -piece die-cast, aluminum housing with contoured edges has a 0.12" nominal wall thickness. G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. Th�§ KAD LED also utilizes the standard K-Swies Die-cast door frame has an impact -resistant, tempered glass lens that is fully gasketed with one 0'emplate #5) for pole drilling. piece tubular silicone. LISTINGS CSA certified to U,S, and Canadian standar4i,, Luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for -40*C FINISH minimum ambient. DesignLights Consortiurr,00 (DLQ qualified product. Not all versions of Exterior parts are protected by a zinc -infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish this product may be DLC qualified. Please chock the DLC Qualified Products Listat www, that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multi -stage designlights.org to confirm which versions irie, qualified. process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand eWeme climate changes without cracking or peeling. WARRANTY 5 -year limited warranty. Complete warrantyii�.rms located at OPTICS Precision -molded refractive acrylic lenses are available in four d Istributions, Light engines are M". available in standard 4000K, 3000K or 5000K VO CRI) configurations, Note. Actual performance may differ as a retiflt of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, rneasl4t-,ed under laboratory conditions at 25'C. ELECTRtCAL Specifications subject to change without noielle. Ught engine consists of high -efficacy LEDs mounted to a metal -core circuit board and aluminum heat sink, ensuring optimal thermal management and long life, Class 1 electron c driver has a power factor >90%, THD <205/6, and has an expected life of 100,000 hours with <1 % failure rate. Easily - serviceable surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low (per ANSI/IEEE C62,41,2). One Lithonia Way Conyers, Georgia 30012 * Phone, 800.279.8041 a Fax: 770.918.1209 KAD-LED '"NOW 0 2012-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 05/06/15 I ENGA(I"A"IE DESIGN TRANS.,FORM LS3:P ASSOCIATES LTD.", 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 296101 TEL. 864.235.0405 FAX 864.233.4027 -No. Description Datd' 20151103 DRAWN BY: K.D.D. 1 Per Special Use Permit Rev'ew Comments 12/21'/15 PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 20151103 DRAWN BY: K.D.D. CHECKED BY: MAL. Lighting Schedule a n d C u ts h vowts 'm SHEET NO;. 14 OF 14 - saw mosm ISSUE FOR toF.RMH S m z UP REVIEW City of Wheat ,ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE March 28, 2016 Dear Property Owner: This letter is to inform you of Case No. SUP -15-06, a request for a Special Use Permit for expansion of church and school, with a Site Plan review. The requests are for property located at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd. and zoned Residential -Two (R- 2). The attached photo identifies the location of the requests. An expansion of church and school requires a Special Use Permit in the R-2 zone district. Pursuant to Section 26-114 of the City Code, an administrative special use review can be granted by the Community Development Director without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacentyrouerty owners are required to be notified of the request by mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on April 8, 2016. Thank you. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Aerial Map Site www.ci.wheatridge.co.us CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DAHLBERG BARBARA GREEN DAVID G 7500 W 29TH AVE 7340 W 26TH PL 7325 W 26TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKE WOOD INVESTMENTS LLC 1334 SILVER ROCK LN EVERGREEN CO 80439 SCI COLO FUNERAL SERVICES INC 7777 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WADSWORTH COMMONS 2010 L P % HENDRICKS COMM LLC/ATTN MARC HENDRICKS 7730 E PROGRESS PL 208 GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80111 MARFIL MATTHEW MARFIL ANASTASIA 7363 W 26TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 SWIHART JAMES E TISON ANNA S 7360 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WADSWORTH COMMONS 2010 LP % HENDRICKS COMM LLC/ATTN MARC HENDRICKS 7350 E PROGRESS PL 208 GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80111 MCHUGH JAMES E 2700 VANCE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 VALAND THOMAS VALAND JESSICA 7330 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 City of Wh6atP,,,.Ldgc POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. SUP -15-06 DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS: April 8, 2016 1,�'�qa✓ V��-;2 --& k ctrl- 1�ceI�� residing at 0 6 UU 000 5 as the applicant for Case No. Public Notice at (name (address) SUP -15-06 0 hereby certify that I have posted the sign for 2600 Wadsworth Blvd (location) on this day of ,4,,,7 r, / / and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: S ��� NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. MAP i 40 City of W heat R�ioge PUBLIC POSTING REQUIREMENTS One sign must be posted per street frontage. In addition, the following requirements must be met: ■ The sign must be located within the property boundaries. ■ The sign must be securely mounted on a flat surface. ■ The sign must be elevated a minimum of thirty (30) inches from ground. • The sign must be visible from the street without obstruction. ■ The sign must be legible and posted for ten (10) continuous days prior to and including the deadline for written comments [sign must be in place until 5pm on April 8, 2016. It is the applicant's responsibility to certify that these requirements have been met and to submit a completed Posting Certification Form to the Community Development Department. ♦�44 City of ]p"Wheatp, clgeMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 March 10, 2016 Mr. Burgess Metcalf LS3P Associates Ltd. 110 W. North Street, Suite 300 Greenville, SC 29601 Re: SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 / Beth Eden — Closure of Emergency Access Dear Mr. Metcalf: This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a special use permit and site plan for property zoned Residential -Two (R-2) and located at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd. After further review and discussions with CDOT regarding the emergency access to Wadsworth Blvd that currently exists and is shown to remain, Public Works has determined that this access should be removed. CDOT also supports this request. During evaluation of this issue, it was determined that no access permit is on file with CDOT that originally approved this. In spite of this, because access currently exists and is used on a regular basis, a closure permit will need to be submitted to CDOT. Please contact Marilyn Cross, Access Manager with CDOT at 303-512-4266 to begin this process. Should your client desire to keep access at this location, further discussions with both the City of Wheat Ridge and CDOT will be necessary to secure an access permit and to determine what possible improvements will be required on Wadsworth Blvd to accommodate this access. If a meeting to discuss these comments is desired, please let me know. Sincerely, Lisa Ritchie, Planner 11 303-235-2852 lritchie@ci.wheatridge.co.us cc: Case files (SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08) Enclosures = , I 4 City of "� Wheat�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C'itN of %\ heat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave. March 7, 2016 Mr. Burgess Metcalf LS3P Associates Ltd. 110 W. North Street, Suite 300 Greenville, SC 29601 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 Re: SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 / Beth Eden —2 "d Review Dear Mr. Metcalf: This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a special use permit and site plan for property zoned Residential -Two (R-2) and located at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd. I have reviewed the second submittal and additional responses and have the following comments: Sheet 1 1. Include all sheets in the Sheet List Table 2. Revise the Statement of Proposed Land Uses and Compliance with Zoning to: "The existing site is zoned Residential -Two (R-2) per Section 26-209 of the City of Wheat Ridge Zoning and Development Code. The proposed land use is a church and school, which is allowed in the R-2 zone district through approval of a Special Use Permit." 3. Revise Owner's Certificate, see example. 4. Remove the City Clerk and Mayor as signers of the City Certification. 5. In the Site Data Table, include the Floor Area by use information. Sheet 2 6. Remove the vicinity map, not necessary on this sheet. 7. Remove the Site Data Table from this sheet. All information is shown on the cover sheet. 8. Remove the notes regarding public water improvements by CMWD. 9. Staff expresses concern that a painted railing will not appear attractive if not well maintained. As an alternative, the City has a standard wood fence detail that is used throughout town that could be considered. See attached. Sheets 3 through 7 10. No comments. Sheet 8 11. Staff requests additional shrub plantings along the south side of the property between the drive aisle and W. 26th Avenue. Sheet 9 12. No comments. Sheet 10 13. Staff does not support the determination that no screening of the mechanical units on the gymnasium is required. While the exhibit provided demonstrating that views of equipment from Wadsworth are minimal, staff notes that the units will be highly visible as viewed when approaching from both the north and the south along Wadsworth. As discussed, a mechanical well is desired. Alternatively, the units could be consolidated and relocated onto a lower, rear portion of the existing building with screening. As shown, staff cannot support the request. Sheet 11 14. No comments. Sheet 12 15. See comment for Sheet 10 Sheets 13 and 14 16. No comments. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See attached comments and redlines from Dave Brossman dated January 29, 2016. CDOT: Staff is continuing discussions with CDOT regarding the emergency access. A response will be forwarded when this has been finalized. This concludes the summary of comments. For the next review, please provide a response to this letter, including a response to each item identified above, and resubmit plans in the following formats: • One (1) full-size hard copy of the plans • One (1) hard copy of any revised plans or letters. • Digital files of the resubmittal documents in Adobe .pdf format If a meeting to discuss these comments is desired, please let me know. Sincerely, Lisa Ritchie, Planner II 303-235-2852 lritchie@ci.wheatridge.co.us cc: Case files (SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08) Enclosures OA City of ]�9"'Wh6atpUd le COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'x' Ave. December 10, 2015 Mr. Burgess Metcalf LS3P Associates Ltd. 110 W. North Street, Suite 300 Greenville, SC 29601 Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 Re: SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 / Beth Eden — I" Review Dear Mr. Metcalf: This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a special use permit and site plan for property zoned Residential -Two (R-2) and located at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd. I have reviewed the first submittal and have the following comments: All Sheets 1. Revise the title of the all sheets to: "Beth Eden Baptist Church Special Use Permit and Site Plan Southeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, Colorado" 2. Include "Sheet No. X of X" of all sheets. Sheet C000 3. Revise the Location Map to a line drawing, the map as shown will not reproduce well on black and white mylar. Remove the text between the map and the map title, as crossed out on the redline. 4. Include the owner's certificate on this sheet. Provide the name of the person who will sign the owner's certificate. It may be signed once the final submittal is approved. 5. Include the surveyor's certification on this sheet, it may be signed once the final submittal is approved. 6. Include the city certification. 7. Include a complete Legal Description, write the abbreviations out completely. 8. Add a Case History Table with the following case numbers: CUP -94-03, TUP-00-03, SUP - 15 -06, and WSP-15-08. 9. Add statement of proposed land use and compliance with zoning. 10. Add the complete Site Data Table, formatted as: Existing zoning Proposed land use Total area[acres/sq ftgross[acres/sq ft net Lot # [acres/sq ft] Floor area by use ft 11. Remove the Legend from this sheet. 12. Remove the City of Wheat Ridge General Notes from this sheet. 13. Update the Sheet List Table following the removal of identified sheets. Sheet C001 14. Remove this sheet. it is not necessary for the Site Plan submittal. Sheet C050 15. Remove this sheet, it is not necessary for the Site Plan submittal. Sheet C060 16. The underground utility items may be removed on this sheet and in the Legend for clarity. They are shown elsewhere in the Site Plan submittal. The purpose of this sheet is to clearly show all surface improvements. 17. Remove the Basis of Bearings note. 18. Remove the Benchmark note. 19. Show new detention easement, if planned. 20. Make the Proposed Easement lineweight in the Legend darker, if new easement is planned. 21. Make the Property Line more visible, and provide dimensions for each length. 22. Revise the label for the Existing Entrance off Wadsworth Blvd to "Existing Emergency Access" or similar. See referral comments. 23. Identify the access control method for above entrance. assumed to be a gate. 24. Include an elevation and detail for the retaining wall, including heights and materials. 25. Provide the parking totals per area. 26. Dimension the parking areas, including drive aisle width. parking spot dimensions, and islands, typical throughout. 27. Dimension the width of all walkways, typical throughout. Required Proposed Buildin coverage % max / sq ft max % / sq ft open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Sod % max /s ft max Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Parkin Standard # # Accessible # # Bicycle # # 11. Remove the Legend from this sheet. 12. Remove the City of Wheat Ridge General Notes from this sheet. 13. Update the Sheet List Table following the removal of identified sheets. Sheet C001 14. Remove this sheet. it is not necessary for the Site Plan submittal. Sheet C050 15. Remove this sheet, it is not necessary for the Site Plan submittal. Sheet C060 16. The underground utility items may be removed on this sheet and in the Legend for clarity. They are shown elsewhere in the Site Plan submittal. The purpose of this sheet is to clearly show all surface improvements. 17. Remove the Basis of Bearings note. 18. Remove the Benchmark note. 19. Show new detention easement, if planned. 20. Make the Proposed Easement lineweight in the Legend darker, if new easement is planned. 21. Make the Property Line more visible, and provide dimensions for each length. 22. Revise the label for the Existing Entrance off Wadsworth Blvd to "Existing Emergency Access" or similar. See referral comments. 23. Identify the access control method for above entrance. assumed to be a gate. 24. Include an elevation and detail for the retaining wall, including heights and materials. 25. Provide the parking totals per area. 26. Dimension the parking areas, including drive aisle width. parking spot dimensions, and islands, typical throughout. 27. Dimension the width of all walkways, typical throughout. 28. Identify the circle in the concrete walkway area at the southwest corner, is this an ornamental element? 29. Clarify the tree label near the southwest corner, the leaders aren't pointed at anything. 30. Identify the areas that will have landscape modifications. 31. Confirm there is adequate overhang room in the parking area between the retaining wall and curb. 32. Add length and width dimensions of buildings, typical throughout. Sheets C100, C101 and C102 33. Remove Basis of Bearing note and Benchmark note. Sheets C151, C150, C152, C153, and C154 34. Remove these sheets, they are not necessary for the Site Plan submittal. They may be necessary for the Civil submittal. Sheet C200 35. Remove Basis of Bearing note and Benchmark note. 36. Include a Legend. Sheets C220, C221, C222, C300, and C301 37. Remove these sheets, they are not necessary for the Site Plan submittal. They may be necessary for the Civil submittal. Sheet C400 38. No comments Sheet C500 39. This sheet is likely not necessary, as this information should be transferred to the Site Plan. All line and curve dimensions are not necessary for the Site Plan submittal, just overall dimension of areas. Public Works may require for their Civil submittal, however. Sheet C501 40. See comment above. This sheet should be removed. Sheet C600 41. Remove this sheet. not necessary for the Site Plan submittal. Sheet L-01 42. Remove underground utility items and labels, not necessary on landscape plan. 43. Remove or clarify labeled items presumed to not to be left in place, such as Metal Storage Container, Chain Link Fence for Trash Enclosure, Stump, etc. 44. Reduce lineweight for grading. 45. Replace "Deciduous Trees" with "Deciduous Shrubs" in 2"d row of the Plant List table. 46. Due to the excess number of trees, a reduced shrub count is acceptable. However, examine if there are additional opportunities for more shrubs, and include a note on the next submittal stating that due to tree counts in excess of the requirement, a reduced number of shrubs is proposed. Sheet L-02 47. River Rock shall be a minimum of I". 48. Clean up text in Typical Deciduous Tree Planting area. Sheet A-201, A-202 or A-204 49. Staff is not yet fully supportive of the exterior metal building materials and lack of transparency for the gymnasium's western elevation. Please provide a sample board with both metal siding materials and roof material. While staff acknowledges that the transparency requirement as defined in the ASDM may not be appropriate for a gymnasium use, including the use of clear glazing between 3 feet and 8 feet above the first F.F.E., additional architectural elements are desired. Consider the use of a translucent system near the roof elevation. Additionally, there is the need to satisfy the ASDM requirement for material variation for at least one change in material for each 12 feet of height and fagade articulation of 1 foot is also required for each 50 linear feet of fagade. Included with the comment response are examples of similar projects that could provide the additional detail staff is looking for. The proposed design of the chapel is acceptable, in spite of the deviations from the ASDM due to its compatibility with existing architecture. 50. As part of the comment above, with the next submittal, please provide a written response as to why the application cannot fully comply with the requirements of the ASDM, including that this is an institutional use with unique requirements not contemplated in the commercial standards outlined in the ASDM. 51. Solid metal roll -up doors are not permitted. 52. Provide a roof plan identifying where the utility items will be located, or include them on each elevation so that distance from the west elevation can be determined. All rooftop equipment shall be screened with a parapet wall or similar devise that is at least as tall as the item being screened. The screening element may be shorter than the equipment only if the equipment is set back so that it is not visible from the street or adjacent residential properties. 53. Remove all references to "Roof Plan", unless it is included in a future submittal. Sheet A-203 or A-205 54. No comments at this time. Sheet E-100 55. Remove General Notes and Key Notes 56. Light trespass is not permitted across property lines, particularly against adjacent residential property. Revise lighting plan accordingly. 57. Confirm all lights identified with "E" are existing. 58. Per code, all pole heights are to be a maximum of 18'. Taller heights are permitted if they are to match existing. Confirm existing pole heights are 20' or reduce new pole heights. Sheet E-200 59. No comments. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See attached comments and redlines from Dave Brossman dated December 4, 2015. 4 Wheat Ridge Fire District: See attached comments from Kelly Brooks dated December 8, 2015. Consolidated Mutual Water District: See attached comments from Andy Rogers received November 25, 2015. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: See attached comments and details from Bill Willis dated November 30, 2015. Wheat Urban Renewal Authority /Economic Development: No comment on the proposal, received November 19, 2015. Wheat Ridge Police Department: No comments received. Wheat Ridge Forestry and Open Space: See attached comments from Margaret Paget dated November 23, 2015. Century Link: No comments received. C0111Cab7 Cable: No comments received. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments received. Xcel Energy: See attached comments from Donna George dated December 8, 2015. CDOT. See attached comments from Marilyn Cross dated December 3, 2015. This concludes the summary of comments. For the next review, please provide a response to this letter, including a response to each item identified above, and resubmit plans in the following formats: • One (1) full-size hard copy of the plans • One (1) hard copy of any revised plans or letters. • Digital files of the resubmittal documents in Adobe .pdf format If a meeting to discuss these comments is desired, please let me know. Sincerely, Lisa Ritchie, Planner 11 303-235-2852 lritchie@ci.wheatridge.co.us cc: Case files (SUP -15-06 and WSP-1 5-08) Enclosures 42- m n 2'-6` 6 6" 9" 6" 9' 6" 1"4" o U7 y D V> I Y m - D h Y m 0 0 N X D nm U)> oox =DFS gx n prn�rn O �oom=t{ XM �rnom 2 > m Op C C r �n D D r CON�o -go- C) n n En m-1 Da70OD I" O Z C m o CO O mom; D m z> r -4D XZ n� Zm zo X COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Issuing authority application STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT APPLICATION acceptance date: Instructions: Contact the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) or your local government to determine your issuing authority. Contact the issuing authority to determine what plans and other documents are required to be submitted with your application. Complete this form (some questions may not apply to you) and attach all necessary documents and Submit it to the issuing authority. Please print Submit an application for each access affected. or type If you have any questions contact the issuing authority. For additional information see CDOT's Access Management website at http://www.dot.state.co.us/AccessPermits/index.htm 1) Property owner (Permittee) 2) Applicant or Agent for permittee (if different from property owner) Street address Mailing address City, state & zip Phone # City, state & zip Phone # (required) E-mail address E-mail address if available 3) Address of property to be served by permit (required) 4) Legal description of property: If within jurisdictional limits of Municipality, city and/or County, which one? county I subdivision block lot section township range 5) What State Highway are you requesting access from? 6) What side of the hi hway? ❑N 6S ❑ E ❑ W 7) How many feet is the proposed access from the nearest milepost? feet ❑ N S ❑ E W) from: How many feet is the proposed access from the nearest cross street? feet ❑N ❑S ❑E ❑W) from: 8) What is the approximate date you intend to begin construction? 9) Check here if you are requesting a: ❑ new access ❑temporary access (duration anticipated: ) ❑improvement to existing access ❑change in access use ❑removal of access ❑elocation of an existing access (provide detail) 10) Provide existing property use 11) Do you have knowledge of any State Highway access permits serving this property, or adjacent properties in which you have a property interest? ❑no ❑yes, if yes - what are the permit number(s) and provide copies: and/or, permit date: 12) Does the property owner own or have any interests in any adjacent property? Ono []yes, if yes - please describe: 13) Are there other existing or dedicated public streets, roads, highways or access easements bordering or within the property? Ono ❑yes, if yes - list them on your plans and indicate the proposed and existing access points. 14) If you are requesting agricultural field access - how many acres will the access serve? 15) If you are requesting commercial or industrial access please indicate the types and number of businesses and provide the floor area square footage of each. business/land use square footage business square footage 16) If you are requesting residential developement access, what is the type (single family, apartment, townhouse) and number of units? type number of units type number of units 17) Provide the following vehicle count estimates for vehicles that will use the access. Leaving the property then returning is two counts. Indicate if your counts are peak hour volumes or average daily volumes. If of passenger cars and light trucks at peak hour volumes Al of multi unit trucks at peak hour volumes # of single unit vehicles in excess of 30 ft. # of farm vehicles (field equipment) Total count of all vehicles 0 Previous editions are obsolete and may not be used Page 1 of 2 CDOT Form #137 01110 18) Check with the issuing authority to determine which of the following documents are required to complete the review of your application. a) Property map indicating other access, bordering roads and streets. e) Subdivision. zoning, or development plan. b) Highway and driveway plan profile. f) Proposed access design. c) Drainage plan showing impact to the highway right-of-way. g) Parcel and ownership maps including easements. d) Map and letters detailing utility locations before and after h) Traffic studies. development in and along the right-of-way. i) Proof of ownership. 1- It is the applicant's responsibility to contact appropriate agencies and obtain all environmental clearances that apply to their activities. Such clearances may include Corps of Engineers 404 Permits or Colorado Discharge Permit System permits, or ecological, archeological, historical or cultural resource clearances. The CDOT Environmental Clearances Information Summary presents contact information for agencies administering certain clearances, information about prohibited discharges, and may be obtained from Regional CDOT Utility/Special Use Permit offices or accessed via the CDOT Planning/Construction-Environmental-Guidance webpage http://www.dot.state.co.us/environmental/Forms.asp. 2- All workers within the State Highway right of way shall comply with their employer's safety and health policies/ procedures, and all applicable U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations - including, but not limited to the applicable sections of 29 CFR Part 1910 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards and 29 CFR Part 1926 - Safety and Health Regulations for Construction. Personal protective equipment (e.g. head protection, footwear, high visibility apparel, safety glasses, hearing protection, respirators, gloves. etc.) shall be worn as appropriate for the work being performed, and as specified in regulation. At a minimum, all workers in the State Highway right of way, except when in their vehicles, shall wear the following personal protective equipment: High visibility apparel as specified in the Traffic Control provisions of the documentation accompanying the Notice to Proceed related to this permit (at a minimum, ANSI/ISEA 107-1999, class 2); head protection that complies with the ANSI Z89.1-1997 standard; and at all construction sites or whenever there is danger of injury to feet, workers shall comply with OSHA's PPE requirements for foot protection per 29 CFR 1910.136, 1926.95, and 1926.96. If required, such footwear shall meet the requirements of ANSI Z41-1999. Where any of the above -referenced ANSI standards have been revised, the most recent version of the standard shall apply. 3- The Permittee is responsible for complying with the Revised Guidelines that have been adopted by the Access Board under the American Disabilities Act (ADA). These guidelines define traversable slope requirements and prescribe the use of a defined pattern of truncated domes as detectable warnings at street crossings. The new Standards Plans and can be found on the Design and Construction Project Support web page at: <http://www.dot.state.co.uslDesignSupport/>, then click on Design Bulletins. If an access permit is issued to you, it will state the terms and conditions for its use. Any changes in the use of the permitted access not consistent with the terms and conditions listed on the permit may be considered a violation of the permit. The applicant declares under penalty of perjury in the second degree, and any other applicable state or federal laws, that all information provided on this form and submitted attachments are to the best of their knowledge true and complete. I understand receipt of an access permit does not constitute permission to start access construction work. Applicant or Agent for Permittee signature Print name Date If the applicant is not the owner of the property, we require this application also to be signed by the property owner or their legally authorized representative (or other acceptable written evidence). This signature shall constitute agreement with this application by all owners -of -interest unless stated in writing. If a permit is issued, the property owner, In most cases, will be listed as the permittee. Property owner signature Print name I Date Previous editions are obsolete and may not be used Page 2 of 2 CDOT Form #137 0110 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING APPLICATION FOR ACCESS PERMIT (CDOT FORM NO. 137) January 2010 To construct, relocate, close, or modify access(es) to a State Highway or when there are changes in use of such access point(s), an application for access permit must be submitted to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) or the local jurisdiction serving as the issuing authority for State Highway Access Permits. Contact the CDOT Regional Access Unit in which the subject property is located to determine where the application must be submitted. The following link will help you determine which CDOT Region office to contact: http://www.dot.state.co.us/AccessPermits/PDF/Region_Address_and_Map.pdf All applications are processed and access permits are issued in accordance to the requirements and procedures found in the most current version of the State Highway Access Code (Access Code). Copies of the Access Code and the application form are available from the CDOT Headquarters, Access Unit located at 4201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver, CO 80222 and in each of the six Regional CDOT offices. The locations of CDOT Regional Offices, the Access Code and the application form are also available from CDOT's web site at: http://www.dot.state.co.us/AccessPermitsfindex.htm Please complete all information requested accurately. Access permits granted based on applications found to contain false information may be revoked. An incomplete application will not be accepted. If additional information, plans and documents are required, attach them to the application. Keep a copy of your submittal for your records. Please note that only the original signed copy of the application will be accepted. Do not send or enclose any permit fee at this time. A permit fee will be collected if an access permit is issued. The following is a brief description of the information to be provided on each enumerated space on the application form (CDOT Form 137, 2010). 1. Property Owner (Permittee): Please provide the full name, mailing address and telephone number and the E-mail address (if available) of the legal property owner (owner of the surface rights). Please provide a telephone number where the Permittee can be reached during business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Having a contract on the property is not a sufficient legal right to that property for purposes of this application. If the access is to be on or across an access easement, then a copy of the easement MUST accompany this application. If federal land is involved, provide the name of the relevant federal agency AND attach copy of federal authorization for property use. 2. Agent for permittee: If the applicant (person completing this application) is different than the property owner (Permittee), provide entity name (if applicable), the full name of the person serving as the Agent, mailing address, telephone number, and the E-mail address (if available). Please provide a telephone number where the Agent can be reached during business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Joint applications such as owner/lessee may be submitted. Corporations must be licensed to do business in Colorado: All corporations serving as, or providing, an Agent as the applicant must be licensed to do business in Colorado. Instructions for completing Application forAccess Permit (CDOT Form #137), January 2010 Page 1 3. Address of Property to be Served: Provide if property to be served has an official street address. If the access is a public road, note the name (or future name) of the road. 4. Legal Description of Property: Fill in this item to the extent it applies. This information is available at your local County Courthouse, or on your ownership deed(s). A copy of the deed may be required as part of this application in some situations. To determine applicability, check with the CDOT's Regional Access Manager or issuing authority staff. 5. State Highway: Provide the State Highway number from which the access is requested. 6. Highway Side: Mark the appropriate box to indicate what side of the highway the requested access is located. 7. Access Mile Point: Without complete information, we may not be able to locate the proposed access. To obtain the distance in feet, drive the length between the mile point and the proposed access, rounding the distance on the odometer to the nearest tenth of a mile; multiply the distance by 5,280 feet to obtain the number of feet from the mile point. Then enter the direction (i.e. north, south, east, west) from the mile point to the proposed access. Finally, enter the mile point number. It is helpful in rural or undeveloped areas if some flagging is tied to the right-of-way fence at the desired location of the access. Also, if there is a cross street or road close to the proposed access, note the distance in feet (using the same procedures noted above) from that cross street or road. 8. Access Construction Date: Fill in the date on which construction of the access is planned to begin. 9. Access Request: Mark items that apply. More than one item may be checked. 10. Existing property use: Describe how the property is currently being used. For example, common uses are Single Family Residential, Commercial orAgricultural. 11. Existing Access: Does the property have any other legal alternatives to reach a public road other than the access requested in this application? Note the access permit number(s) for any existing state highway access point(s) along with their issue date(s). If there are no existing access point(s), mark the "no" box. 12. Adjacent Property: Please mark the appropriate box. If the "yes" box is marked, provide a brief description of the property (location of the property in relation to the property for which this access application is being made). 13. Abutting Streets: If there are any other existing or proposed public roads or easements abutting the property, they should be shown on a map or plan attached to this application. 14. Agricultural Acres: Provide number of acres to be served. Instructions for completing Application for Access Permit (CDOT Form #137), January 2010 Page 2 15. Access Use: List the land uses and square footage of the site as it will be when it is fully developed. The planned land uses as they will be when the site is fully developed are used to project the amount of traffic that the site will generate, peak hour traffic levels and the type of vehicles that can be expected as a result of the planned land uses. There may be exceptional circumstances that would allow phased installation of access requirements. This is at the discretion of the CDOT Regional Access Unit or issuing authority staff. 16. Estimated'Iraffic Count: Provide a reasonable estimate of the traffic volume expected to use the access. Note the type of vehicles that will use the access along with the volume (number of vehicles in and out at either the peak hour or average daily rates) for each type of vehicle. A vehicle leaving the property and then returning counts as two trips. If 40 customers are expected to visit the business daily, there would be 80 trips in addition to the trips made by all employees and other visitors (such as delivery and trash removal vehicles). If the PDF on-line version of this application is being used, the fields for each type of vehicle will automatically be added together to populate the last field on the page. 17. Documents and Plans: The CDOT Regional Access Manager or issuing authority staff will determine which of these items must be provided to make the application complete. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. If an incomplete application is received via U.S. mail or through means other than in the hand of the Access Manager or issuing authority staff, it will not be processed. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify with the CDOT Regional Access Manager or issuing authority staff whether the application is complete at the time of submission. Signature: Generally, if the applicant is not the property owner, then the property owner or a legally authorized representative must sign the application. With narrow exceptions, proof of the property owner's consent is required to be submitted with the application (proof may be a power of attorney or a similar consent instrument). The CDOT Regional Access Manager or issuing authority staff will determine if the exception provided in the Access Code (2.3 (3) (b)) is applicable. If CDOT is the issuing authority for this application, direct your questions to the CDOT Regional Access Manager or the issuing authority staff serving the subject property. http://www.dot.state.co.us/AccessPennits/PDF/Region_Address_and_Map.pdf If the application is accepted, it will be reviewed by the CDOT Regional Access Manager or the issuing authority staff. If an Access Permit is issued, be sure to read all of the attached Terms and Conditions before signing and returning the Access Permit. The Terms and Conditions may require that additional information be provided prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The CDOT Regional Access Manager (or issuing authority staff) MUST be contacted prior to commencing work on any Access Permit project. A Notice to Proceed that authorizes the Permittee to begin access related construction MUST be issued prior to working on the access in the State Highway right-of-way. The Notice to Proceed may also have Terms and Conditions that must be fulfilled before work may begin on the permitted access. Instructions for completing Application forAccess Permit (CDOT Form #137), January 2010 Page 3 City of Wheat Ridge PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`" Ave. December 4, 2015 Mr. Bill Willis, P.E. Martin/Martin 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 303.431.6100 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 Re: First Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, Permit Construction Plans, and SUP Plans for Case #SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 / Beth Eden Baptist Church. Dear Mr. Willis, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on November 20, 2015, submitted for approval of a Special Use Permit for the Beth Eden Baptist Church Chapel and Gymnasium project located at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd., and I have the following comments: PLANNING AND ZONING Zoning Submittal Drawing Set: 1. For all comments pertaining to the sheets included in the Zoning Submittal Drawing Set, please refer to the Building Permit Construction Plans below (the sheets are identical). CIVIL ENGINEERING Final Drainage Report (Discussion): I . Under Section I A. Site Location, there are a couple of additions/clarifications needed (please refer to the redlined Report). 2. Under Section 1 B. Site Description, there are a couple of additions/clarifications needed (please refer to the redlined Report). 3. Under Section II B. Sub -Basin and Site Drainage, the first sentence in this section is incomplete; please revise. 4. Under Section III A. Criteria: a. Pertaining to the proposed release rates as specified under item "c": These values represent the MAXIMUM allowable release rates per UDFCD. For the current design to be approvable the Report must confirm that W. 26th Ave. has capacity for the proposed 1.10 ft3/sec (Minor event), and that the release will not have negative downstream impacts. Please discuss gutter capacity calculations, roadway spread & depth, and the velocity of the flow released from the pond. Include all necessary calculations in the Appendix in support of statements made herein. Note that if it can be demonstrated that W. 26th can in fact handle the proposed release from the detention pond (refer to UDFCD Table ST -2), additional drainage improvements may be needed at W. 26th & Upham Street to mitigate the impact of the (concentrated) release. There is a vane grate already located at this intersection but the nearest curb inlet is another 350 feet to the east (or about 650 east of the subject property), we need some reassurance that the current (vane) system at Upham can www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Public Works Engineering December 4, 2015 Page 2 handle the anticipated release. So again, depending on the outcome of the calculations, additional downstream improvements may be needed at 26th & Upham. L Under Section III B. Runoff, it should be stated that the pond will release through a pipe and then a sidewalk chase into West 26th Avenue. 2. Under Section III C. Detention: a. State that a Micro -pool conforming to UDFCD standards will be employed. b. Note: With the release going to W. 26th Ave., additional drainage improvements may be required at the 26th/Upham intersection. c. Please provide a brief description of the emergency overflow weir. 3. Under Section III E. Open Channel Flow, please note that a min. 6" deep swale along the base of the pond berm on the east will need to be constructed to direct any runoff towards the street and to prevent that runoff from reaching adjacent property. 4. Under Section IV A. Impact of Improvement, depending on the outcome of the calculations required for the release into W. 26th Ave., additional drainage improvements may need to be constructed at the intersection of W. 26th & Upham St. during this project to mitigate the downstream impacts of the stormwater being released from this site. Whatever improvements may be needed should be included in the Conclusion as evidence that the stormwater generated by this project is being fully addressed and will not negatively impact downstream properties. Final Drainage Report (Appendix): 1. Please use the City of Wheat Ridge precipitation values for the drainage system calculations. (Currently the City and County of Denver values are being used). 2. Please use the standard UDFCD worksheets for the EDB volume and (Stage -Discharge Sizing of) the WQCV Outlet, as required by the City's Site Drainage Requirements. (Plus, using the Modified FAA method may actually shrink the size of the pond). 3. Please note that one (1) foot of freeboard shall be required for the detention pond. Please be sure this is reflected on all documents. Final (Proposed) Drainage Plan: 1. Show existing grade arrows for sub -basin OS -3. 2. Please include the following on the Drainage Plan: a. The Design Points for all Sub -Basins. b. Provide all inlet ID numbers, so the reader can easily relate these to the Inlet Worksheets from the UDFCD (found in the Appendix of the Report). 3. Since the berm for the pond will need to be increased slightly to attain the required one (1) foot of freeboard, a minimum 6" deep swale will need to be constructed along the base of the swale so runoff will be directed towards the public roadway rather than towards the adjoin properties to the east. This swale needs to be reflected on the both the plan and cross-sectional views. 4. Show the 50% WQCV+ 100 -year WSEL (a minimum of one (1) foot of freeboard is required) on Cross -Section B -B. Building Permit Construction Plans: Sheet C000 (Cover Sheet): 1. Please add the following Note #21: "NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. www.d.w h estridge.coms Beth Eden_2600Wadsworth_SUP-FDR-ConstPlans_Review-Llir.docx Public Works Engineering December 4, 2015 Page 3 REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 303.235.2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK)." 2. Please include the following Note #22: "CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PROPER ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303.235.2861) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY." Sheet C050 (Demo Plan): 1. Please add the following Note #l: "NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 303.235.2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK)." 2. Please include the following Note #2: "CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PROPER ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303.235.2861) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY." Sheet C060 (Site Plan): 1. Please move callout for the On-site 6" curb so the text mask doesn't hide the asphalt drive aisle to the maintenance underneath. 2. A barrier (gate, etc.) needs to be placed in the area between the new parking lot by the Chapel and the maintenance driveway. 3. The text for the Limits of Construction needs to be much larger so the reader doesn't need to hunt for it. 4. The existing property lines & easements linetypes found in the Legend need to be darkened for clarity. The proposed easement linetype should also be made darker and thicker as well. 5. Continue the new curb & gutter proposed along the easterly side of the parking lot northward to the existing asphalt edge. 6. Please be advised that a Stormwater Detention Easement shall be required for the pond. This easement must be shown on this Site Plan along with the following Note: "THE STORMWATER QUALITY DETENTION AREA HEREIN SHOWN AS "STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS." 7. Two (2) new ADA ramps will need to be constructed at the relocated entrance to W. 26`I' Avenue. I've taken the liberty to draw approvable examples of what those ramps will need to look like. The one on the west should be designed following CDOT's Type 2A (M-608-1) and the one on the east is more or less a Wheat Ridge special (City detail C -D06 VCG.CR.SPECIAL). wwwxi.wheaI ridge.coms Beth Eden_2600Wadsworth_SUP-FDR-ConstPlans_Review-L11r.docx Public Works Engineering December 4, 2015 Page 4 8. The Note pertaining to water improvements should be moved to the Overall Utility Plan. 9. For the Site Plan: a. Please turn off all of the utility layers. b. Darken the linetypes and identify the property line and easement lines. Sheet C100-101 (Grading Plans): I . Please add the following Note regarding the need for retaining walls to be engineered if over 48" in height: "4. IF ANY PORTION OF A RETAINING WALL EXCEEDS 48" IN HEIGHT, THE ENTIRE WALL SHALL BE ENGINEERED BY A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER LICENSED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO." Sheet C102 (Gradin Pg lan): 1. Continue the new curb & gutter proposed along the easterly side of the parking lot northward to the existing asphalt edge. 2. Please modify the new entrance onto W. 26h to reflect the inclusion of the two ADA ramps (refer to Site Plan Comment #7 (Sheet 060). 3. Need to define a swale and provide armor to convey the runoff collected by the curb & gutter on the east side of the easterly parking lot into the detention pond. A detail showing the rip -rap & grading is encouraged. 4. Please add the following Note regarding the need for retaining walls to be engineered if over 48" in height: "4. IF ANY PORTION OF A RETAINING WALL EXCEEDS 48" IN HEIGHT, THE ENTIRE WALL SHALL BE ENGINEERED BY A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER LICENSED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO." 5. A minimum 6" deep drainage swale running along the base of the detention pond swale from the north to W. 26th Avenue shall be required (see the Drainage Plan sheet) to minimize impact to the adjoining properties. Please include this on the Grading Plan as well. 6. Include Cross-section B -B from the Drainage Plan across the swale/berm for the pond on this sheet. Sheets C 150-C 154 (Erosion Control & Detail Sheets): 1. Sheets 150 and 151 are in the wrong order in this submittal. 2. Pertaining to Sheets C150 through C154, all erosion control information will be reviewed and approved under the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) by Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager. Mr. LaRow will determine what information from the SWMP will need to be included with these construction plans. Sheet C120 (Road Plan and Profile): 1. Please add the following Notes to this Sheet: "3. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 303.235.2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK)." "4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PROPER ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303.235.2861) hcaIriJgc.cu.us Beth Eden_2600Wadsworth_SUP-FDR-ConsiPlans_Review-I.Itr.docx Public Works Engineering December 4, 2015 Page 5 PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY." Sheet C220 -C221 (Storm Plan and Profile): 1. The storm pipes shown in the profiles should really only extend to the inside wall of the structures. 2. The structure walls should also be shown in the profile view. Sheet C222 (Storm Details): 1. Provide the percent grade on the pipe from the outlet structure. Sheet C400 (Paving, Striping, and Signage): 1. A barrier (gate, etc.) needs to be placed in the area between the new parking lot by the Chapel and the maintenance driveway. 2. Need to add signs, "MAINTENANCE ACCESS ONLY" at both maintenance road barricades. Sheet C500 (Horizontal Control): 1. Include on this sheet the coordinates of, and the descriptions for, the monuments used on this project. 2. Please include information pertaining to the coordinate system being used on this Sheet (is it CO State Plane, if so, which system? Is it the Current City Datum?? 3. If the modified, ground-based Current City Datum is being used, which is a great idea since the As -Built Plans required by the Municipal Code shall be on the Current City Datum, then please include the following information: ALL DISTANCES ON THESE PLANS ARE SHOWN USING (GROUND) MODIFIED STATE PLANE MEASUREMENTS (U.S. SURVEY FEET ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 0.01') CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITYDA TUM. A. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND-BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502. B. VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR 1S 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5471.62. Sheet C600 (Site Details): 1. Please note that the City -standard minimum sidewalk width has been 5' for a couple of years. Please download the newest version of the C-1302 VCG.SW - Vertical Curb with Sidewalk (CS) Section detail from the City's engineering resources, detail sheet web page found at: http://www.ci.wheatridp,e.co.us/330/Concrete 2. If the Vertical Curb Midblock Ramp (MR2) was proposed for the west side of the new entrance on W. 26th Ave., it needs to be removed from these plans and replaced by the CDOT Type 2A detail. 3. Need to include the following standard City details on this Sheet: a. U-A01_Curb Chase - Sidewalk Chase (2 pages) b. S -E01 HMA -Typical Asphalt Detail www.d.whestridge.co.us Beth Eden_2600Wadsworth_SUP-FDR-ConstPlans Review-I.Itr.docx Public Works Engineering December 4, 2015 Page 6 Sheet D2 (Drainage Plan): 1. Please include Sheet D2 at the back of the Plan set for reference. Stormwater Management flan 1. The Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is being reviewed by Bill LaRow, Stormwater Coordinator 303.235.2871. Bill's review comments will be returned under separate cover. OTHER REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO THE PROJECT: 1. Stormwater Detention Easement: Upon completion of the final design, a Stormwater Drainage Easement shall be created by a Colorado licensed Professional Land Surveyor and created by separate easement document furnished by the City. The following language will need to be included as a Note on both the Site Plan and included below the purpose statement of the easement document: "THE STORMWATER DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY AREA(S) SHOWN HEREIN AS A "STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT" SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS, ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SAID STORMWATER QUALITY AREA SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS." The fully executed easement shall be delivered to the City for recordation prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Stormwater Management Plan: This site is greater than one acre in size. As the area of disturbance will meet or exceed one (1) acre, a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) associated with the required CDPS Permit shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge for review and approval. The SWMP must be approved by the City prior to issuance of any Building or Grading Permits. The CDPS Permit is generally obtained by the contractor at time of Building Permit Application and a copy must accompany the final submittal of the SWMP. Please contact Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager at 303.235.2871 for further information. 3. Right -of -Way Construction Permits)/Licensing a. ROW Permits. Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW), the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the City only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Beth Eden 2600Wadsworth_SUP-FDR-ConstPlans_Review-I.Itr.docx Public Works Engineering December 4, 2015 Page 7 easement or ROW dedications. b. Licensine. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. 4. 2 -Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The contractor shall warrant any work performed within the public Right -of -Way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all constructed public improvements and Final Acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2 -year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector at any time deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require replacement or repairs, the contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. 5. Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along W. 26th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard as a direct result of related construction traffic. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining all affected roadways on a regular basis such that they remain free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 6. Drainage Certification w/As-Built Plans required prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of -Record Mr. William P. Willis, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. Three (3) copies of the "As -Built" Plans are to be submitted as follows: a. One (1) hardcopy is to be signed & sealed on 24" X 36" bond paper, and b. Two (2) electronic files are to be delivered on DVD/CD-ROM as follows: One (1) file in AutoCAD 2010 DWG or older format, and one (1) file in PDF format (of the signed & sealed sheets). 7. Stormwater Maintenance Agreement and O & M Plan Required All post -construction Best Management Practices (BMP's) for water quality must be maintained and inspected by the property owner(s) per Section 20-34 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. For above -ground detention facilities with outlet structures, underground detention facilities, porous landscape detention areas, porous pavement, and centrifuge type devices such as a Rinker Stormcepter®, a Stormwater Maintenance Agreement accompanied by an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Plan will be required prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The O & M Plan shall be kept current and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with the State and local requirements. The O & M Schedule/Log is typically assembled by the Engineer -of -Record, must be kept current by the property owner, and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code requirements. The O & M and SMA shall be required prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. Contact Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager at 303.235.2871 for additional information. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Beth Eden_2600Wadswonh_SUP-FDR-ConstPlans Review-I.Itr.docx Public Works Engineering December 4, 2015 Page 8 8. Information Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, land surveying, platting, and ROW information, as well as the City's Standard Street Construction, and Stormwater/Erosion Control Details are available on the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatridQe.co.us Please include l PDF file of the revised Final Drainage Report and Building Permit Construction Plans with the next submittal. • Please be advised that submittals will not be considered as being under review until such time as all required items have been received by the City If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.23.2864. Sincerely. David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer/ City Surveyor CC: Steve Nguyen. Engineering Manager Lisa Ritchie. Planner II File ww w.ci.w hea tridge.co. u s Beth Eden 2600Wadsworth_SUP-FDR-ConstPlans_Reciew-IJtr.docx From: Cross. Marilyn To: Lisa Ritchie Cc: Bradley Sheehan - CDOT: Christooh r Laughlin DOT Subject: CDOT Referral Comments SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 Beth Eden Baptist Church, City of Wheat Ridge Date: Thursday, December 03, 2015 4:17:01 PM Lisa Ritchie. The Colorado Department of Transportation Region 1 has reviewed the referral for SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 for Beth Eden Baptist Church to add additional parking, construct an on-site detention facility and construct a gym, new chapel, and other building space. CDOT has the following comments for this referral.- This eferral: This section of State Highway 121 (Wadsworth Blvd) is classified as "Regional Highway" (NR -A) in the State Highway Access Category Assignment Schedule. The church currently does not directly access a state highway and we do not anticipate any immediate impacts to Wadsworth (Hwy 121). Any proposed construction, utility, survey, or landscaping work within CDOT right-of-way will require a Special Use Permit issued by the Department. Please contact Chris Laughlin for requirements.Chris Laughlin, Project Manager/Permit Coordinator, 303-512-4269 (Office), 303-916- 0463 (Mobile), christopher IaughlinC�state c o us Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to review this referral. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the number listed below or simply reply to this message. Marilyn Cross, AICP Access Manager Permits Unit 01 P 303.512.4266 I C 303-317-7755 I F 303.757.9886 2000 S Holly, Denver, CO 80222 marilyn.crossgstate.co.us I Link to Access Permits I www codot goy Al'8 IN, From: Margaret Paget To: Lisa Ritchie Subject: RE: Referral - SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 - Beth Eden Date: Monday, November 23, 2015 12:57:46 PM Attachments: lmaoe002.iog Imane003.iog Hi Lisa: I have reviewed the trees planting plan and other plant in the plant list. Not anything major stands out for me. General comments below: 1. For ease of maintenance they might want to consider less thorny/sticky shrubs Holly Grape and Roses as they tend to trap blowing trash and then someone has to reach in there and pick the trash out and OUCH! 2. Grass mix if this is applied throughout the site the Buffalo grass will not survive in shade. So they may either want to remove it from the mix and only use it or apply it separately in sunny areas. 3. Another note... great they are going to protect the existing trees during construction... Might want to determine if they are worth protecting... like the Ash. • There are a large number of Ash that exist on this property so they might want to consider gradually replacing these with other tree species in the future so they do not lose a large portion of their tree canopy at once. • Start with the removal and replacement of Ash trees that are having health issues or might be causing issues with buildings or utilities ... or are located close to the construction. Let me know if you have any questions. Margaret Paget Forestry and Open Space Supervisor Office Phone: 303-205-7554 f From: Lisa Ritchie Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 4:41 PM To: Margaret Paget Subject: Referral - SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 - Beth Eden Margaret, The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Special Use Permit and Site Plan at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd (Case Nos. SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08). Please download the application documents from the City drive: Folder: V�\Communily Development\ Land Use Case Referral File name: SUP — Beth Eden Comments are due by December 4, 2015: no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you. Lisa Ritchie Planner II 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2852 Fax: 303-234-2852 wwwci.wheatridae.co.us i a � CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 44th Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303424-7252 Fax: 303424-2280 November 30, 2015 Lisa Ritchie City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Email: Iritchie@ci.wheatridge.co.us Re: SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 — Beth Eden Dear Ms. Ritchie: On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District Engineer, offers the following in response to the referenced referral dated November 19`h, 2015 concerning request for approval of a Special Use Permit with a Site Plan at 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard. The Site Plan includes construction of a gym, new chapel and other building space. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed Special Use Permit and Site Plan conditional on the elements identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. The subject lot at the address referenced above is entirely within the boundary and service area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). Existing Sanitary Sewer Mains Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains adjacent to the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running west to east, south of the referenced property within W. 261h Avenue. Per the District Rules and Regulations, separate buildings are required to have independent service lines and connections to the District main. It appears from the plans that several buildings connect to a single private service line with a single connection to the District main. If the developer wishes to maintain the existing conditions of the shared service line and single connection for multiple buildings, a variance request must be made and approved by the Board of Directors. In the event, the request is not approved, each building will be required to have an independent service line with independent connection to the District main. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from the anticipated development(s) to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. A downstream capacity analysis provided by the developer may also be required. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. It appears from existing records that the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the developer is responsible for determining depths to verify if gravity flow is capable of servicing lots or if private individual sewage ejectors (lift station) are required. Costs The amount of the sanitary sewer tap fees will be based on the water meter tap sizes for the proposed development. It appears from the plans that the existing 2 -inch water meter will be replaced by a 1 -inch meter and a 3 -inch meter. Please provide certified documentation to confirm appropriate capacities. In addition, engineering review fees will be required to be deposited by the developer to the District. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 4401 Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303-424-7252 Fax: 303-424-2280 All costs involved are to be deposited in advance— engineering, reviews, design, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware that proper tap and development fees are required to be paid prior to connection to the District main. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Note that the referenced area for the planned development is not located within the Wadsworth Boulevard Redevelopment Corridor. A copy of the District's rules and regulations are available upon request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sue Matthews during regular office hours, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, or Bill Willis, MARTIN/MARTIN Consulting Engineers, 303-431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis District Engineer MARTIN/MARTIN, Inc. Cc: Sue Matthews — Wheat Ridge Sanitation District CCCONSOLIDATED mutual water July 27, 2015 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Ms. Lisa Ritchie 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case No. SUP -15-06 & WSP-15-08 — 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard Dear Ms.Ritchie: This letter will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated November 19, 2015, regarding the above referenced property. Please be advised that the above referenced property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company ("Company".) Domestic water service may be provided to this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service. Our records indicate that the property addressed as 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard is currently receiving domestic water from the Company through a 2 -inch meter (CMWCo Tap Number 14102/Account Number 01000919-01.) Domestic water service may continue to be provided to this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service. The Company requires that a new application for water service be completed by the owner and returned to the Company at the time there is a change in use. The Company considers a remodel or building addition as a "change of use." The Company's rules, regulations, and requirements further state that each separate structure be served by a separate tap and meter, and in order to receive domestic water service, the property must also front a Company main. THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue - P.O. Box 150068 - Lakewood. Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238-0451 - Fax (303)237-5560 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Ms. Lisa Ritchie November 20, 2015 Page 2 of 2 Fire protection requirements should be obtained from Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District ("District") and those requirements forwarded to this office by the District at the earliest possible time. We can then determine if additional system improvements would be required to meet the demands set forth by the District. If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincere Andy Roger Project Engineer cc: Kelly Brooks, Fire Marshall, Wheat Ridge Fire District Michael E. Queen, CMWCo President Zach Queen, CMWCo Superintendent of Distribution Kim Medina, CMWCo Tap Administrator WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT DOING THE RIGHT THINGS AT THE RIGHT TIMES FOR THE RIGHT REASONS 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 • ph.303.403.5900 • www.wrfire.org DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION December 4, 2015 Lisa Ritchie City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 291h Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Community Development Referral CASE No.: SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 / Beth Eden Baptist Church The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has reviewed the Community Development Referral and has the following comments regarding our ability to serve this property: 1. A Commercial Site Planning Guide is attached and should be provided to the applicant. All requirements established in the Commercial Site Planning Guide, as well as the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) and IFC amendments adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge shall be met unless approved by the Division of Fire Prevention. 2. While we have no concerns regarding our ability to serve the property, specific site requirements including water supply/hydrant locations, site access, building configuration, site infrastructure, etc, may require fire department review and approval. The applicant is encouraged to request fire department input at the earliest reasonable opportunity. Items that appear to be in conflict with code requirements include the width of the private access drive (fire lane) along the north and east of the new addition as well as the turning radius for the private access lane. There is limited to no dimensional information on the plans to verify compliance with width and distance requirements. Please ensure that the following requirement are met or addressed: • Dimensions -Private Drives. Fire apparatus access that is designated as a private drive shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-six (26) feet (7924.8 mm) and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. • Hydrant for sprinkler and standpipe systems. Buildings equipped with a sprinkler and/or standpipe system installed in accordance with section 903 or 904 shall have a fire hydrant within 150 feet (45 meters) of the fire department connection. Where Required. Where a portion of a facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet (90m) from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building. Onsite fire hydrants and mains shall be provided were required by the fire code official. Exception: For buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 the maximum distance requirement shall be 500 feet (150 meters). Turning Radius. The required turning radius for fire apparatus shall be a minimum of 50.Oft outside radius and 25.Oft inside radius. A turning radius template is attached. 3. A Fire District Permit Guide is attached and should be provided to the applicant. The applicant should be made aware that the proposed development will require one or more of the following Fire Department permits for each structure: C Fire District building permit o Fire alarm system permit o Sprinkler system permit o Commercial kitchen hood suppression system permit It is the responsibility of the property owner/tenant to verify that all required Fire Department permits are acquired. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with respect to this review. Reviewed by, T-M-f;�j�7p� Kelly Brooks Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Attachments: Commercial Site Planning Guide Turning Performance Analysis Fire District Permit Guide SITE PLANNING GUIDE FOR COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES Division of Fire Prevention 12012 IFC Revised: November 3, 2014 40 WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT INTEGRITY • COMPASSION • SACRIFICE • RESPECT • STEWARDSHIP 3880 Upham St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • www.wrfire.org • ph.303.403.S900 General Information Signage_ - Private Street Signs - Building Address Numbers Table of Contents 2 `a Fire Apparatus Access Roads 3 - AdditionalAccess -----._._........ ..... ... __._..----._...----- -..... - Dimensions- Public and Private Streets - Dimensions- Private Drives - Commercial and Industrial Developments - Remoteness Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads - Fire Apparatus Access Road Widths - Vertical Clearances - Authority - Surface - Access and Loading - Bridges and Elevated Surfaces - Dead End Fire Apparatus Access Roads - Turning Radius - Fire Apparatus Access Road Grades - Marking of Fire Apparatus Access Roads Water Supply-and_Fire Flow g - Where Hydrants are Required - Water Supply of Fire Protection - Fire Flow Calculation Area - Minimum Required Fire Flow - Reductions in Minimum Required Fire Flows - One and Two Family Dwellings - Buildings Other Than One and Two Family Dwellings Fire Hydrant Spacing — 7 - Location and Spacing of Hydrants - Sprinkler or Standpipe Systems and Hydrant Location Fire Hydrants and Installation Obstruction Clear Space Around Fire Hydrants Physical Protection - Other Barriers 7 Fire Protection Systems g - Underground Lines for Fire Protection Systems -- - Backflow Prevention - Fire Department Connection Locations - Access to Fire Department Connections - Locking Fire Department Connection Caps Utilities _ 9 - Electrical Rooms — - -- - --" - - Gas Meters Subject to Vehicular Damage - Other Barriers Miscellaneous Features ---- _.__._.._._._._._...._--__.._.._._._.....--_----....__...............-. - ._. Key Boxes - Locks WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention General Information This site planning guide for commercial occupancies is based upon the 2012 International Fire Code and the 2012 International Building Code as amended and adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge. For site plan purposes, commercial occupancies include all buildings other than one and two family dwellings and townhomes as classified by the International Residential Code. This guide has been prepared for use within the boundaries of the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District that have adopted the 2012 International Fire Code. This information is intended to be used as a guide for site planning purposes and is not intended to be inclusive of all code requirements. Additional requirements based upon the International Fire Code as amended may be applicable once a site plan submittal has been reviewed by the Division of Fire Prevention. Signa Streets and roads shall be identified with approved signs. Temporary signs shall be installed at each street intersection when construction of new roadways allows passage by vehicles. Signs shall be of an approved size, weather resistant and be maintained until replaced by permanent signs. Street signs, temporary or permanent, shall be installed prior to above grade construction. (IFC 12 505.2) Private Street Signs. The installation of street signs shall be the responsibility of the developer. Street signs shall meet the requirements of the Model Traffic code. The street sign design shall be approved by the Division of Fire Prevention prior to installation. (IFC 12 505.2) Building Address Numbers. New buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed upon the building in a position that is plainly legible and visual from the street or roadway fronting the property. The address numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Address or building identification numbers shall be a minimum height of not less than four (4) inches, and with a minimum stroke width of not less than 0.5 inches. (IFC 12 505.1) Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. (IFC 12 505.1) 2 1 P a g e WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Fire Apparatus Access Roads Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of the fire code and shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior wall of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. (IFC 12 503.1.1) Exception: The fire marshal or designated representative is authorized to increase the dimension of one hundred fifty (150) feet where: 1. The building is provided throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with the fire code. 2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location on property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire protection is provided. 3. There are not more than two Group R-3 or Group U occupancies. Additional Access. The fire marshal is authorized to require more than one fire apparatus access road based upon the potential for impairment of a single road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access. (IFC 12 503.1.2) Dimensions- Public and Private Streets. Public and private streets that are used for fire apparatus access shall have an unobstructed width that meets the dimensions and parking restrictions as set forth by the Street Standards adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge; and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (IFC 12 503.2.1 amended) Dimensions- Private Drives. Fire apparatus access that is designated as a private drive shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-six (26) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (IFC 12 503.2.1.1 amended) Commercial and Industrial Developments. Buildings of facilities exceeding thirty (30) feet or three stories in height shall have at least two means of fire apparatus access for each structure. (IFC 12 D104.1) Buildings or facilities having a gross building area of more than sixty-two (62) thousand square feet shall be provided with two separate and approved access roads. Exception.- Projects xception:Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 one -hundred -twenty-four thousand square feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings are equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system. (IFC 12 D104.1) 31 WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses. (IFC 12 D104.3) Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Where the vertical distance between the grade plane and the highest roof surface exceeds 30 feet (9144 mm), approved aerial fire apparatus access roads shall be provided. For purposes of this section, the highest roof surface shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the intersection of the roof to the exterior wall, or the top of parapet walls, whichever is greater. (IFC 12 Appendix D105.1) Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet (7925 mm), exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the building or portion thereof. (IFC 12 Appendix D105.2) At least one of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet (4572 mm) and a maximum of 30 feet (9144 mm) from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official. (IFC 12 D105.3) Authority. The fire marshal shall have the authority to require an increase in the minimum access widths where they are inadequate for fire or rescue operations. (IFC 09 503.2.2) Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of eighty five thousand (85,000) pound fire apparatus and shall be surfaced in a manner that provides all-weather driving capabilities. (IFC 12 503.2.3) Access and loading. Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 85,000 pounds. (IFC 12 D102.1 amended) Bridges and Elevated Surfaces. Where a bridge or elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHITO HB -17 and City Engineering Standards. Bridges and surfaces shall be designed for a live load of a minimum of eighty five thousand (85,000) pound fire apparatus. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges. Where elevated surfaces which are not designed as for use of fire apparatus, approved barriers, approved signs or both shall be installed and maintained when required.(IFC 12 503.2.6) 41 WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Dead End Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Dead end fire apparatus access roads in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for the turning around of fire apparatus. (IFC 12 503.2.5) TABLE D103.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS LENGTH WIDTH (lest) (feel) TURNAROUNDS REQUIRED 0-150 20 None required 120 -foot Hammerhead, 60 -foot "Y" or 151-500 20 96 -foot -diameter cul-de-sac in accordance with Figure D103.1 120 -foot Hammerhead, 60 -foot "Y" or 501-750 26 96 -foot -diameter cul-de-sac in accordance with Figure D103.1 Over 750 Special approval required Turning Radius. The required turning radius for fire apparatus shall be a minimum of 50.5ft outside radius and 38.1ft inside radius. In addition, the outside radius is 53.6' when accounting for the front bumper overhang and is 55.8ft when accounting for the boom platform overhang. (IFC 12 503.2.4 amended) 28' 228'R TYP.' 98' DIAMETER CUL-DE-SAC 1728- � 28' R TYP.' 120 HAMMERHEAD 20'L 26' 20'-T 20' MINIMUM CLEARANCE AROUND A FIRE HYDRANT 28' R TYP.' i 70 20'T 20. ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120' HAMMERHEAD FIGURE 0103.1 DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND Fire Apparatus Access Road Grades. The grade of fire apparatus access roads shall be within the limits established by Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Standards. (IFC 12 503.2.7) 5 1 P a g e WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Marking of Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility. (IFC 12 503.3) Water Suppiv and Fire Flow Where Hydrants are Required. Where a portion of a facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet (90m) from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building. Onsite fire hydrants and mains shall be provided were required by the fire code official. Exception: For buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 the maximum distance requirement shall be 500 feet (150 meters). (IFC 12 507.5. 1) Water Supply for Fire Protection. An approved water supply for fire protection, either temporary or permanent, shall be made available as soon as combustible material arrives on the site. (IFC 12 3312.1) Water lines shall be installed and looped in accordance with the Water District of jurisdiction standards. Fire Flow Calculation Area. The fire flow calculation area shall be the total floor area of all floors within the exterior walls, and under the horizontal projections of the roof of a building except as modified in Section B104.3. (IFC12 B104.1) The fire flow calculation area of buildings constructed of Type IA and Type IIB construction shall be the area of the three largest successive floors.(IFC 12 B104.3) Minimum Required Fire Flow. The procedure for determining fire -flow requirements for buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be in accordance with appendix B and Table B105.1 (IFC 12 Appendix B). A copy of Appendix B and Table B105.1 is available upon request from the Division of Fire Prevention. Reductions in the Minimum Required Fire Flow Area Separations. Portions of buildings which are separated by two (2) hour fire walls without openings, constructed in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code are allowed to be considered as separate fire flow calculations. (IFC 12 B104.2) One- and two-family dwellings. The minimum fire -flow and flow duration requirements for one- and two-family dwelling having a fire -flow calculation area that does not exceed 3,600 square -feet shall be 1,500 gallons per minute for 1 hour. Fire -flow and flow duration requirements for one- and two-family dwelling having a fire -flow calculation area in excess of 3,600 square -feet shall not be less than that specified in Table 6 1 P a g e WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention B105.1. Exception: A reduction in required fire -flow of 50 percent, as approved by the fire code official, is allowed when the building is equipped with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system (IFC 12 B105.1 amended). Buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings. The minimum fire -flow and flow duration requirements for buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings shall as specified in Table B105.1. Exception: A reduction in required fire -flow of 50 percent, as approved, is allowed when the building is equipped with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. The resulting fire -flow shall not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute for the prescribed duration as specified in Table B105.1 (IFC 12 B105.2 amended). Fire Flow Test Information. Contact the Water District of jurisdiction to obtain fire flow test information and test data. (IFC 12 B105.2 Fire Hydrant Spacing Location and spacing of hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be provided along required apparatus access roads and adjacent public streets with spacing between hydrants no greater than 300 feet. Fire hydrant spacing for complexes or subdivisions shall not exceed 300 feet. (IFC 12 507.5.1.2 amended) Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the appropriate Water District of jurisdiction and the Division of Fire Prevention. Hydrant for sprinkler and standpipe systems. Buildings equipped with a sprinkler and/or standpipe system installed in accordance with section 903 or 904 shall have a fire hydrant within 150 feet of the fire department connection. (IFC 12 507.5.1.1 amended) Fire Hydrants and Installation Fire hydrants shall be installed in such a manner that the four and one half (4-1/2) inch discharge nozzle on the fire hydrant is a minimum of eighteen (18) inches above finished grade in accordance with the Water District of jurisdiction standards. Fire hydrant discharge nozzle threads shall be in accordance with the Water District of jurisdiction standards. Obstruction. Unobstructed access to fire hydrants shall be maintained at all times. The fire department shall not be deterred or hindered from gaining immediate access to fire protection equipment or fire hydrants. (IFC 12 507.5.4) Clear Space Around Fire Hydrants. A 3 -foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants, except as otherwise required or approved. (IFC 12 507.5.5) 7 1 P a g e WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention Physical Protection. Where fire hydrants are subject to impact by a motor vehicle, guard posts or other approved means shall comply with Section 312. (IFC 12 507.5.6) Other barriers. Physical barriers shall be a minimum of 36 inches in height and shall resist a force of 12,000 pounds applied 36 inches above the adjacent ground surface. (IFC 12 312.3) Fire Protection Systems For information on sprinkler or standpipe systems that may be required by the International Fire and Building Codes or required for access, fire flow requirements for water supply, please contact the Division of Fire Prevention or the City Building Department. Underground Lines for Fire Protection Systems. Underground fire lines and water lines shall be adequately sized for the sprinkler system design density and required inside and outside hose streams. Underground contractors shall be licensed with the Colorado Division of Fire Safety and the Water District of jurisdiction. Underground fire line design and installation will need to be approved and inspected by the Water District of jurisdiction. The two -hundred (200) pound hydrostatic two (2) hour test shall be witnessed by the Division of Fire Prevention. (IFC 12 507.5.3) Back Flow Prevention. The potable water supply shall be protected against backflow in accordance with the requirements of this section and the International Plumbing Code. Back flow prevention shall be installed on all new sprinkler and standpipe systems. (IFC 12 903.3.5) 1. Double Check back flow prevention devices may be installed for sprinkler and standpipe systems without chemicals. 2. Reduced Pressure back flow prevention shall be installed on sprinkler and standpipe systems using anti -freeze or chemicals. Please contact the Water District of jurisdiction for installation and type of back flow prevention that is approved for installation. (IFC 12 912.5) Fire Department Connection Locations. The fire department connection serving a sprinkler or standpipe system shall be located on the front of the building or as approved by the fire marshal. A fire department connection serving a sprinkler or standpipe system shall be installed at a minimum height of not less than three (3) feet nor more than four (4) feet above finished grade. (IFC 12 903.3.7) Location of sprinkler control valves. When automatic sprinkler systems are required within a building and the system serves more than one tenant space, the main control 81; WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Division of Fire Prevention valves shall be located within an approved room that is accessible directly from the building exterior. The door to said room shall be not less than three (3) feet (914 mm) in width by six (6) feet eight (8) inches (203.2 mm) in height. The door to said room shall be identified as required in section 509.1. (IFC 12 903.1.2 amended) Access to Fire Department Connections. Immediate access to fire department connections shall be provided and maintained at all times and without obstruction by fences, bushes, trees, walls, or any other object for a minimum of three (3) feet. (IFC 12 912.3) Locking Fire Department Connection Caps. Locking Knox fire department connection caps shall be provided on fire department connections for water-based fire -protection systems. (IFC 12 912.3.1) Utilities Electrical room Labeling. Doors into electrical control panel rooms shall be marked with a plainly visible and legible sign stating ELECTRICAL ROOM or similar approved wording. The disconnecting means for each service, feeder or branch circuit originating on a switchboard or panel board shall be legibly and durably marked to indicate its purpose unless such purpose is clearly evident. (IFC 12 605.3.1) Gas Meters Subject to Vehicular Damage. Gas meters that are subject to vehicular damage shall be adequately protected by posts or other approved barriers that comply with the fire code. (IFC 12 312.1) 1. Constructed of steel not less than 4 inches in diameter and filled with concrete. 2. Spaced not more than 4 feet between posts on center. 3. Set not less than 3 feet deep in a concrete footing of not less than a 25 -inch diameter. 4. Set with the top of the posts not less than 3 feet above the ground and located not less than 3 feet from the protected object. Other barriers. Physical barriers shall be a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches in height and shall resist a force of twelve (12,000) pounds applied thirty-six (36) inches above the adjacent ground surface. (IFC 12 312.3) Miscellaneous Features Key Boxes. Where required. Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire -fighting purposes a key box is required to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be a "Knox' Brand key box and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. (IFC 12 506.1) Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official. (IFC 12 506.1.1) 91��1, :( FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE A Fire Protection District permit is required for the following project types. All permits are applied for and issued through the respective Fire District independently. It is your responsibility to contact the appropriate Fire District to determine submittal requirements and to obtain the appropriate permits. Refer to the Fire District map on the back of this guide in order to determine which Fire Protection District your project is located in. FIRE DISTRICT SITE PLAN REVIEW ❑ Site plan review. ❑ Development plan review. Site and development plan reviews includes an assessment of: -Site access and fire access roads -Signage -Fire flow requirements -Address numbers -Fire hydrants. locations -Exterior obstructions -Occupancy specific requirements -Trash enclosures FIRE DISTRICT BUILDING PERMIT Fire District building permits are not required for single and two- family dwellings regulated by the International Residential Code. ❑ New building construction. ❑ Construction that includes an addition to an existing building. ❑ Construction that includes alteration to an existing building that: -Alters the structure of a building -Alters any portion of the exiting sequence or process -Adds or removes square footage from an existing structure -Changes the use or occupancy group designation -Modifies the interior configuration of the building Building plan reviews include an assessment of: -Building/Fire code study -Site plan -Emergency planning requirements -Exterior fire service features -Egress and exiting provisions -Fire extinguishers -Fire protection system requirements -Building service systems -Use and process specific criteria -Hazardous materials/processes FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PERMIT (NFPA 72): ❑ Installation of a new Fire Alarm system. ❑ Replacement of a Fire Alarm Control Panel. ❑ Addition of fire alarm initiating devices at the discretion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. ❑ Addition of fire alarm indicating devices, including horns and strobes at the discretion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. ❑ At the discretion of the Fire Code Official. If a fire alarm permit is not required, provide to the Fire District: - A Scope of Work letter. - A signed NFPA 72 Certificate of Completion. - A basic as -built plan showing the location of any new or relocated devices and what circuit(s) were augmented. SPRINKLER SYSTEM PERMIT (NFPA 13,13R, 13D): ❑ Installation of a new Fire Sprinkler system. ❑ Relocation of sprinkler heads in an existing fire sprinkler system at the discretion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. ❑ Addition of 10 or more sprinkler heads to an existing fire sprinkler system. ❑ Replacement of conventional sprinklers and piping with flexible piping and sprinklers. ❑ Changes that modify an area considered to be the most demanding design density flow area. ❑ Increase in building area or increase of the system design density. ❑ At the discretion of the Fire Code Official. STANDPIPE SYSTEM PERMIT ❑ Installation of a new system. ❑ Relocation of an existing system. ALTERNATIVE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM PERMIT ❑ Installation of a new system. ❑ Any addition to an existing system. FIRE PUMP PERMIT ❑ Installation of a new pump. ❑ Any addition to an existing system. KITCHEN HOOD SYSTEM PERMIT ❑ Installation of a new system. ❑ Addition of one or more nozzles or at the discretion of the AHJ. ❑ Relocation of an existing system. MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ❑ Demolition plan ❑ Membrane structure. tent or canopy ❑ Underground tank installation ❑ Miscellaneous system construction: -Compressed gas systems -Motor fuel dispensing systems -HVAC systems Note. This Permit Guide addresses Construction Permits only. Contact your respective Fire District for all Operational Permit requirements. Rev. 61112011 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS • Submittal contents and requirements may differ between fire districts. it is the responsibility of the permit applicant to verify specific submittal requirements with the appropriate district. ■ Alterations that render an existing alarm system or suppression system inoperable may dictate that a Fire Watch be implemented at the facility. Contact your fire district to determine local Fire Watch requirements and procedures. • Work done without a required permit is subject to a `Stop Work Order" In accordance with Sec. 111 of the IFC. ■ Plan Approval: No installation work shall be performed until the submitted plans are reviewed and approved by the Fire District. Plans are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Please submit your plans as early as possible. Plans are normally reviewed within 10 business days. If current workloads dictate a longer plan turnaround, the Fire District will notify the applicant that additional time for plan review and approval is necessary. ■ Plan Submittals: ■ All permit applications and two (2) sets of submittal materials shall be submitted directly to the Division of Fire Prevention of the appropriate fire district for review and comment. Upon completion of the plan review, one (1) set of plans will be available for pick up at the Fire District office. • Plan Review Fees: Permit fees for plans submitted directly to the Fire District will be paid directly to the Fire District. Plan review and permit fees are established by the individual fire districts. For questions on plan review fees please contact the appropriate fire district. ■ Inspections: Twenty-four (24) hours notice is required for all inspections and tests. Available days and inspection times will be noted on the approved plans. ■ Requirements prior to Final Inspection: No acceptance testing shall be conducted by the Division of Fire Prevention prior to the completion of construction within the building or units. Final inspections are subject to field inspection. • Re -Inspection Fees: Re -inspection fees will be charged for re - inspections needed due to incomplete fire alarm systems, failure of tests, and conditions that should be corrected prior to inspection. SPRINKLER SYSTEM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS It is the responsibility of the sprinkler or standpipe system installer of record to assure that all applicable code requirements are adhered to. The currently adopted edition of the International Fire Code, as amended and the most current edition of NFPA Standard 13, 13R or 13D shall be the primary, but not all inclusive, resource documents. • Contractor's License: Fire sprinkler contractors shall be licensed with the Building Inspection Division of the City of Wheat Ridge and the State of Colorado Division of Fire Safety. Sprinkler System Submittals shall include the following: • Submit two (2) complete sets of fire sprinkler system and or standpipe system plans and two (2) sets of supporting documentation including but not limited to copy of owners certificate, cut sheets on equipment to be installed, product information, and hydraulic calculations. ■ One (1) set of stamped plans will be returned to the contractor. The set of stamped drawings with the notation, "THIS SET OF PLANS IS TO REMAIN AT THE JOB SITE" is required to be at the site at all times for inspections. • Sprinkler plans shall be stamped by a minimum level NICET III designer for fire sprinkler systems. ■ Plans must be of a fire sprinkler and/or standpipe system only. No combination drawings using reflected ceiling plans, mechanical, electrical etc. will be accepted. • Plans shall be provided with a scale. It is recommended that the scale be 118 inch equals one foot or greater. • Plans shall include at a minimum: sprinkler head locations, type of sprinkler heads, pipe sizes, hanger locations, sprinkler riser design, indication of remote areas and heads identified as calculated heads, indication of any non-sprinklered areas and code reference deleting sprinklers and other plan submittal requirements as specified in the most current edition of NFPA Standard 13. ■ All symbols appearing on the plans shall be indicated in a complete legend located on the plans. • Ceiling heights shall be identified on the plans. • Ceiling construction features such as flat, sloped, smooth, metal bar joist, trust joist, etc. must be identified on the plans. ■ All pertinent information regarding the proposed equipment to be installed as a part of the sprinkler system shall be specified or designated on product data sheets or cut sheets. Fire Sprinkler Final Inspection: • No acceptance testing will be conducted by the Division of Fire Prevention prior to the completion of construction within the building or unit(s). ■ Re -inspection fees will be charged for re -inspections needed due to incomplete sprinkler systems, failure of hydrostatic tests, and conditions that should be corrected prior to inspection such as painted heads, missing heads, mud caps in place. • A minimum of twenty-four hours notice is required for all sprinkler system and standpipe system inspections. Available days and inspection times will be noted on the approved plans. ■ No work is to be concealed until rough inspections are conducted and necessary corrections have been completed and re -inspected. Rev. 8/112011 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Fire Alarm Final Inspection: It is the responsibility of the designer/installer of record to assure that all applicable code requirements are adhered to. The currently adopted edition of the International Fire Code, as amended, and the most current edition of NFPA Standard 72, shall be the primary, but not all inclusive, resource documents. • Contractor's License: Fire alarm system companies and installers shall be licensed with the Building Inspection Division of the City of Wheat Ridge and the State of Colorado Division of Fire Safety. • Record of Completion: Three (3) copies of the Record of Completion as outlined in NFPA 72 shall be completed and be ready for signatures upon completion of acceptance tests. Fire Alarm Submittals shall include the following: • Submit two (2) sets of fire alarm system plans and two (2) sets of cut/sheet product information. • One (1) set of stamped plans shall be returned to the designer/installer. The set of stamped plans with the notation, "THIS SET OF PLANS IS TO REMAIN AT THE JOB SITE" is required to be at the site at all times for inspections. ■ A minimum level NICET III designer for fire alarm systems must stamp the plans. ■ Plans need to be clear and understandable. Plans must be of the fire alarm design only. NO combination drawings using reflected ceiling plans, mechanical, etc. will be accepted. • Plans shall be provided with a scale. It is recommended that the scale be 118 inch equals one foot or greater. ■ Plans shall include one line and riser diagrams for all devices, notification circuits, auxiliary circuits, initiating circuits, circuit designation and central station connect. ■ Fire alarm panels shall be provided on a dedicated circuit. The circuit breaker for the fire alarm panel shall be red and identified as "Fire Alarm Panel". A circuit breaker lock shall be placed on fire alarm circuit. ■ All symbols appearing on the plans shall be indicated in a complete legend located on the plans. • Ceiling heights must be identified on the plans. • Ceiling construction features such as flat, sloped, smooth, metal bar joist, trust joist, etc. must be identified on the plans. • All pertinent information regarding the proposed equipment and devices to be installed as a part of the alarm system shall be specified or designated on product data sheets or cut sheets. ■ All detectors, pull stations, control valves, extinguishing systems, etc. shall be identified with the corresponding address number noted on the panel and/or graphic map. Audibility tests shall be conducted by the installer/designer prior to final inspection and a copy of the test results shall be provided to the Division of Fire Prevention at the time of the final inspection. Rough wiring and location inspections will need to be conducted by the Fire District and the Electrical Inspector for the City of Wheat Ridge. Any necessary corrections shall be completed and re -inspected prior to the concealment of work. Prior to calling for final acceptance test: • Make sure all paperwork and permits are on-site and available to the inspector. • Have readily available all appropriate tools and equipment necessary to fully test all devices and circuits. • Have sufficient personnel available to perform system testing. Any required communications (i.e. radios) shall be provided by the permit holder. • Notify all appropriate building personnel and occupants of the time period during which fire alarm testing will be conducted. Post signage at entry points if necessary. • All detection and notification devices must be pre -tested prior to requesting a final inspection. • The fire alarm communicator must be connected to two (2) active phone lines and the detection system on-line with the monitoring station. • A Knox Box brand key box shall be on order or installed at the time of final inspection. • The permit holder is responsible for the proper installation and operation of the permitted system. Failure of a final acceptance test requires will require a re -inspection. Consult with the appropriate fire district to determine what re -inspection fees may be assessed. FIRE FLOW TEST INFORMATION Fire flow test information may be obtained from the Fire District for the Valley Water District. Fire flow tests are usually conducted with the Valley Water District within ten (10) working days of the request, unless weather conditions or scheduling conflicts arise between the Division of Fire Prevention and the Valley Water District. For fire flow information in the Wheat Ridge Water District service area please call: 3031124-2844. For fire flow information in the North Table Mountain Water service are please call: 303-279-2854. For fire flow information in the Consolidated Mutual Water service area please call: 303-238-0451. Rev. 8/1/2011 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE 4( Turning Performance Analysis 11/5/2014 Bid Number: 528(28594) Department: Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Chassis: Arrow XT Chassis, PAP, PUC Body: Aerial, Platform 100', PUC, Alum Body --------------- -------------------- Additional Bumper Depth Axle Track Wheel Offset Cramp Angle Chassis Overhang ; Tread Width y. Wheelbase I rY1 f-7l'A�O�i Parameters: Inside Cramp Angle: Axle Track: Wheel Offset: Tread Width: Chassis Overhang: Additional Bumper Depth: Front Overhang: Wheelbase: 400 82.92 in. 5.25 in. 13.5 in. 68.99 in. 0.00 in. 127.6 in. 276 in. Calculated Turning Radii: Inside Tum: 26 ft. 5 in. Curb to curb: 42 ft. 4 in. Wall to wall: 48 ft. 9 in. Comments: Notes Actual Inside Cramp Angle may be less due to highly specialized options. Curb to Curb turning radius calculated for a 9.00 inch curb. 0 11 I LJ I I I W Inside Turning Radius CategorylD Category Description OptionCode Option Description 6 Axle, Front, Custom 0090913 Axle, Front, Oshkosh TAKE, Non Drive, 24,000 Ib, DLX/Otm/AXT/DCF 30 Wheels, Front 0091794 Wheels, Front, 22.50" x 13.00", Steel, Hub Pilot 31 Tires, Front 0582746 Tires, Front, Goodyear, G296 MSA, 445/65R22.50, 20 ply 38 Bumpers 0695359 Bumper, 26" Extended Steel Painted, AXT/Sab/SFR/DCF/Enf 437 Aerial Devices 0592931 Aerial, 100' Pierce Platform, 50 MPH Wind Rating, 1501b Tip Load Allowance Notes Actual Inside Cramp Angle may be less due to highly specialized options. Curb to Curb turning radius calculated for a 9.00 inch curb. 0 4( Bid Number: 528(28594) Department: Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Definitions: Turning Performance Analysis Chassis: Arrow XT Chassis, PAP, PUC Body: Aerial, Platform 100', PUC, Alum Body 11/5/2014 Inside Cramp Angle Maximum turning angle of the front inside tire. Axle Track King -pin to King -pin distance of the front axle. Wheel Offset Offset from the center -line of the wheel to the king -pin. Tread Width Width of the tire tread. Chassis Overhang Distance of the center -line of the front axle to the front edge of the cab. This does not include the bumper depth. Additional Bumper Depth Depth that the bumper assembly adds to the front overhang. Wheelbase Distance between the center lines of the vehicle's front and rear axles. Inside Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle around which the vehicle can turn. Curb to Curb Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle inside of which the vehicle's tires can turn. This measurement assumes a curb height of 9 inches. Wall to Wall Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle inside of which the entire vehicle can tum. This measurement takes into account any front overhang due to chassis,bumper extensions and/or aerial devices. 2 XcelEnergysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY December 8, 2015 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29'h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Lisa Ritchie Re: Beth Eden, Case #s SUP -15-06 and WSP-15-08 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3i0 Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571.3284 donna.l.george@xcelenergy.com Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way & Permits Referral Desk has reviewed the plans for Beth Eden. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing electric distribution facilities within the subject property. The property owner/developer/ contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Should there be any easement issues, Frank Grady (Right -of -Way Agent at 303-425- 3874) must be contacted. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. Should you have any questions with this referral response, please contact me at 303-571- 3306. Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado 0 C 8 a BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH PERMIT SET SE 14 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6T" P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RICHT-OF-WAY OR EASEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING REGULATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS. 2. AN APPROVED RICHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND A MUNICIPAL CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCING WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. ANY WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE STATE RICHT-OF-WAV SHALL REQUIRE AN APPROVED STATE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 3. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER AND CITY INSPECTOR OF ANY PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED WHICH WOULD ALTER THE ORIGINAL DESIGN OR CAUSE NON-CONFORMANCE WITH THE ORIGINAL APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR ANY ELEMENT OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO ITS CONSTRUCTION. 4. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO RESOLVE CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS OR DESIGN ERRORS ENCOUNTERED BY THE CONTRACTOR DURING THE PROGRESS OF ANY PORTION OF THE PROPOSED WORK. IF, IN THE OPINION OF THE CITY'S INSPECTOR, THE MODIFICATIONS PROPOSED BY THE DEVELOPER TO THE APPROVED PLANS INVOLVE SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE CHARACTER OF THE WORK OR TO FUTURE CONTIGUOUS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING REVISED PLANS TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER CONSTRUCTION RELATED TO THAT PORTION OF WORK. ANY IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ORIGINAL APPROVED PLANS OR APPROVED REVISED PLANS SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED PER THE APPROVED PLANS. 5. UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO FOR LOCATION ON UNDERGROUND GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE UTILITIES AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. CALL 1.800.922.1987. 6. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE RELOCATED PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 7. WITH NOTIFICATION OF THE RESPECTIVE OWNER, ADJUST RIMS OF ALL CLEANOUTS, MANHOLES, VALVE COVERS AND SURVEY MONUMENTS PRIOR TO THE FINAL PAVING LIFT B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LIGHTS, SIGNS, BARRICADES, FLAGMEN OR OTHER DEVICES NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN INGRESS AND EGRESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE WORK THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A WRITTEN AGREEMENT FROM THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNER(S) IMPACTED BY THIS ACCESS, 10. PRIOR TO THE FINAL LIFT OF SURFACE PAVEMENT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS STUBBED OUT BEYOND THE BACK OF CURB/SIDEWALK LINE WHEN ALLOWED BY THE UTILITY. SERVICE FROM PUBLIC UTILITIES AND FROM SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR EACH LOT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT WILL NOT BE NECESSARY TO DISTURB THE STREET PAVEMENT, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK WHEN CONNECTIONS ARE MADE. 11. TWO (2) COPIES OF THE "AS -BUILT' PLANS (RECORD DRAWINGS) SHALL BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK AND ISSUANCE OF ANY CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY/COMPLETION: • 1 COPY IS TO BE ON 24" X 36" BOND PAPER, AND • i COPY IS TO BE ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA (DVO/ CO -ROM) AND IN AN AUTOCAD COMPATIBLE FORMAT (.DXF, .DWG, ETC). 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY INSPECTOR AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE DESIRED INSPECTION. 13. NO PORTION OF THE STREET MAY BE FINAL PAVED UNTIL ALL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, DESIGNED TO SERVE THE STREET AND/OR DEVELOPMENT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. 14. STREET RICHT-OF-WAY MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. MONUMENT HARDWARE AND RANGE BOXES WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON REQUEST. 15. SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF INITIAL EXPOSURE OR SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER GRADING IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE IN A GIVEN AREA (AS DEFINED BY THE CITY). THIS MAY REQUIRE MULTIPLE MOBILIZATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING. 16. ANY DISTURBED AREA OR STOCKPILE NOT AT FINAL GRADE THAT IS TO BE LEFT EXPOSED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS AND IS NOT SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, SHALL BE TEMPORARILY SEEDED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF PLACEMENT OR DISTURBANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE TEMPORARY SEEDING STANDARDS. IF THE SEASON OR STOCKPILE MATERIAL PROHIBITS TEMPORARY SEEDING, THE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH AN EROSION CONTROL BLANKET OR STRAW MULCH AND TACKIFIER, AND ANCHORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SEEDING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 17. STOCKPILES OF ANY MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED FULLY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND NO LESS THAN 100 -FEET FROM THE BANKS OF THE NEAREST ORAINAGEWAY. STOCKPILE AREAS SHALL BE SIZED TO FULLY CONTAIN THE MATERIAL BASED ON MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STOCKPILE SIDE SLOPES OF 3 (HORIZONTAL) TO 1 (VERTICAL) CONSTRUCTION. 18. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS ACHIEVED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. OR TO DISTURBED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE, BUT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR A PERIOD OF TIME OF MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS. 19. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY PER INSTRUCTIONS OF THE CITY INSPECTOR. 20. REFER TO THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. -THIS MAP IS PRO'ODED BY GOOCIF EAP7H PRO AND IS USED FOR PRWrC- REFERENCE ONLY. IT 15 TO BE USED ONLY FOR PLRFOSES PERMITTED BY ANY A PUCASLE UW AND THE TERMa Oi THE LA.ENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MARIN/MNtTN, INC. AND COOCIf. THIS IMP MAY NOT BE COPIED OR MODIFIED. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE Q BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM OPHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5' DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION - 5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM EXIST/NC LEGEN PROPOSED - - PROPERTY LINE -- - - - - — RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE — - - - — SECTION LINE — — — — — EASEMENT - --- ' RETAINING WALL �1 �a CURB & GUTTER � TYPE I Z Q CURB &GUTTER SION (SPILL) TYPE II CURB & GUTTER (CATCH) DUTY DRIVE LANES CONCRETE/ SIDEWALK HANDICAP RAMPS 5750 CONTOURS 5750 UTILITY CROSSING 0 - - - - -ST- - - - - STORM SEWER S' Q STORM MANHOLE O - - - - -RD- - - - - ROOF DRAIN --RD e STORM INLET < FLARED END SECTION - - - - -SS- - - - - SANITARY SEWER 55 5® SANITARY MANHOLE O Q CLEAN OUT Gd3 -----W----- WATER LINE W ® WATER VALVE B A FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER O - ----IR- - - - - IRRIGATION LINE IR IRRIGATION CONTROL - - - -OHE- - - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -----E----- ELECTRIC LINE —E O LIGHT POLE jf POWER POLE ELECTRIC METER - - - - - T - - - - - TELEPHONE LINE T TELEPHONE PEDESTAL TO - - - - -CT- - - - - CABLE TV T SIGN J - -► DIRECTION OF FLOW �► GRADING ARROW —► DECIDUOUS TREE O EVERGREEN TREE 40 BUSH/SHRUB CA C w MONITOR WELL -----C----- GAS LINE —c DRIVE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE SPOT ELEVATIONS BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS 013212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. c. W 15 UNCC Know what'. below. u� TEFTY OFTcxjorl; Call before you dig. CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS CAYS IN ACVA`CE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE. MATERIAL. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. S 2 2z in Z ^~ Li. my 0a JWWZ Uj00 W D 2 =a W U �a � WZ Z Q /WM� W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 100 GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROUNA 29601 TEL 864.21!.0405 FAX 661.2111027 MEMBERS OF THE ANERICJIN IN$PN E OF AACHITECT• COPYRIGHT 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM L31P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: NO �DMciFno,1 PROJECT: 14.11150 DATE: 2015_11_p DRAWN BY: VS11 CHECKED RY: JER COVER SHEET C000 J ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D C B MARTIN/MARTIN. INC. GFNERAL NOTES: IN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARD NOTES, THE FOLLOWING SHALL APPLY: 1. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS CURRENT EDITION. ALL STREETS, WATER MAIN, STORM SEWER AND SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INSPECTION. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ONE (1) SIGNED COPY OF PLANS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND ONE COPY OF THE APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER, OWNER AND THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE (48] -HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING INSPECTOR (24] -HOURS PRIOR TO START OF WORK. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDITIONS AT AND ADJACENT TO THE JOB SITE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED T0, SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY DURING PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. TRENCH EXCAVATION AND SHORING, TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SECURITY. THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS. 5. THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE/OWNER/ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION REVIEW OF THE CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE ADEQUACY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY MEASURES IN, ON OR NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 6. ALL TRENCHES SHALL BE ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED AND THE SAFETY OF WORKERS PROVIDED FOR AS REQUIRED BY THE MOST RECENT OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION [OSHA] 'SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION.' THESE REGULATIONS ARE DESCRIBED IN SUBPART P, PART 1926 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. SHEETING AND SHORING SHALL BE UTILIZED WHERE NECESSARY TO PREVENT ANY EXCESSIVE WIDENING OR SLOUGHING OF THE TRENCH WHICH MAY BE DETRIMENTAL TO HUMAN SAFETY, TO THE PIPE BEING PLACED, OR TO ANY EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS OR STRUCTURES. THE CONTRACTOR MAY BE REQUIRED TO USE AN APPROVED PILING INSTEAD OF SHEETING AND SHORING. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS FOR STREET CUTS, UTILITY INTERRUPTIONS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL, 8. AT LEAST FIVE (5] WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION, A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY A CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR AND SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. NO WORK SHALL BEGIN UNTIL ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES HAVE BEEN PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAIN THE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE PROJECT OR UNTIL THE ROADWAY HAS BEEN OPENED AND THE PERMANENT TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. 9. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL AND SUBGRADE PREPARATION SHALL BE TESTED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARDS AND SHALL BE TESTED AT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REQUIRED FREQUENCIES BY A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE APPROVED PRIVATE SOILS TESTING FIRM. TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO, REVIEWED, AND APPROVED BY, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION PRIOR TO INSTALLING BASE COURSE, ASPHALT OR CONCRETE ON PREPARED SUBGRADE. ALL BASE COURSE DENSITY SHALL ALSO BE TESTED BY THE PRIVATE SOILS FIRM AT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REQUIRED FREQUENCIES TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REQUIREMENTS. BASE COURSE TEST RESULTS SHALL ALSO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION PRIOR TO INSTALLING PAVEMENT. ALL CONCRETE AND ASPHALT PLACED SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MINIMUM MATERIALS TESTING STANDARDS. TEST RESULTS SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION PRIOR TO INITIATION OF THE CITY'S REQUIRED YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL HEALTH AND SAFETY RULES AND REGULATIONS. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING ALL UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND FOR COORDINATING WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY FOR ANY UTILITY CROSSINGS REQUIRED. REPAIR OF DAMAGED UTILITIES SHALL BE AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 12. EXISTING FENCES, TREES, SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, LANDSCAPING, STRUCTURES. AND IMPROVEMENTS DESTROYED, DAMAGED OR REMOVED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE REPLACED OR RESTORED IN LIKE KIND AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THESE PLANS. 13. OWNER/DEVELOPER SHALL OBTAIN A STORMWATER CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FROM THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION, PRIOR TO CLEARING, GRADING, OR EXCAVATING A SITE OF ONE-HALF ACRE OR MORE, OR LESS THAN ONE-HALF ACRE AND PART OF A LARGER DEVELOPMENT. A COPY OF THE APPROVED PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION PRIOR TO THE START OF CLEARING, GRADING OR EXCAVATING OF THE SITE. A COPY OF THE APPROVED PERMIT MUST ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COLORADO STATE CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING DISCHARGE PERMIT FROM THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT FOR ALL AREAS WHERE DEWATERING IS REQUIRED FROM AN EXCAVATION AND WATER IS DISCHARGED INTO A STORM SEWER, CHANNEL, IRRIGATION DITCH OR ANY WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES. A COPY OF THE APPROVED PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY DEWATERING. A COPY OF THE APPROVED PERMIT MUST ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING STORM RUNOFF AND ANY GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY PORTION OF THIS PROJECT, GROUNDWATER SHALL BE PUMPED, PIPED, REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF IN A MANNER WHICH DOES NOT CAUSE FLOODING OF EXISTING STREETS NOR EROSION ON ABUTTING PROPERTIES IN ORDER TO CONSTRUCT THE IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. NO CONCRETE SHALL BE PLACED WHERE GROUNDWATER IS VISIBLE OR UNTIL THE GROUNDWATER TABLE HAS BEEN LOWERED BELOW THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. ANY UNSTABLE AREAS, AS A RESULT OF GROUNDWATER, ENCOUNTERED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE STABILIZED AS AGREED UPON BY THE CONTRACTOR, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, AND THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AT THE TIME OF OCCURRENCE. 16. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD LOCATING AND VERIFYING ELEVATIONS OF ALL EXISTING SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS, CURBS, GUTTERS AND OTHER UTILITIES AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION SHOWN ON THE PLANS, AND AT ANY UTILITY CROSSINGS PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY OF THE NEW IMPROVEMENTS. IF A CONFLICT EXISTS AND/OR A DESIGN MODIFICATION IS REQUIRED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE ENGINEER TO MODIFY THE DESIGN. 17. PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL UTILITIES TO COORDINATE SCHEDULES. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL BUSINESSES/RESIDENTS IN WRITING 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY SHUT-OFF IN SERVICE, THE NOTICES MUST HAVE CONTRACTOR'S PHONE NUMBER AND NAME OF CONTACT PERSON, AND EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER FOR AFTER HOURS CALLS. ALL SHUT OFFS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UTILITY DIVISION, AND CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE VALVES AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE OPERATED BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PERSONNEL, UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION IS GIVEN OTHERWISE. 19. ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT WORK, INCLUDING CORRECTION WORK, SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REPRESENTATIVE WHO SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO HALT CONSTRUCTION WHEN STANDARD CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES ARE NOT BEING ADHERED TO. THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY SUCH MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP THAT DOES NOT CONFORM TO ITS ENGINEERING CODE OF STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING AWARE OF, NOTIFYING, COORDINATING AND SCHEDULING ALL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR FINAL APPROVALS AND PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. 20. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE ANY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES NOR PERFORM ANY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS BEFORE 7 AM OR AFTER 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OR BEFORE 8 AM AND AFTER 5 PM ON SATURDAYS. NO WORK WILL BE ALLOWED ON SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS. THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FURTHER RESTRICT OR MODIFY THESE HOURS OF OPERATION IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. 21. COMPACTION OF ALL TRENCHES MUST BE ATTAINED AND COMPACTION TEST RESULTS SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 22. RECORD DRAWINGS SHOWING ALL CHANGES FROM THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER AND OWNER PRIOR TO INITIATION OF THE CITY'S REQUIRED WARRANTY PERIOD. THE RECORD DRAWINGS WILL CONSIST OF A MARKED -UP SET OF 'ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION' DRAWINGS VERIFYING THE FOLLOWING: • ALL LENGTHS, SIZES, AND MATERIALS OF INSTALLED PIPE, MANHOLES, AND ANY OTHER IMPROVEMENT. • HORIZONTAL LOCATIONS EITHER BY STATION AND OFFSET, OR BY NORTHING AND EASTING COORDINATES OF ALL MANHOLES, BENDS, CLEANOUTS, VALVES, TAPS, WYES, STUBS. PLUGS, TEES, ETC. •INVERT ELEVATIONS OF STORM SEWER AND SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS, STUB ENDS, TOP OF PIPE ELEVATIONS OF EACH UTILITY CROSSING. ETC. • CONSTRUCTED SLOPE OF STORM AND SANITARY PIPES BETWEEN MANHOLES AND STRUCTURES. • TOP OF PIPE ELEVATION AT REGULAR INTERVALS ANO/OR FITTINGS FOR WATER LINES. • ELEVATIONS AT FLOWLINE OF CURB AND GUTTER AT DESIGN LOCATIONS AND GRADE BREAKS. ELEVATION OF INLET AND TRENCH DRAIN GRATES. TOP OF CURB AT CURB INLETS. • ANY OTHER VARIATIONS FROM THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS MUST BE CLEARLY NOTED AND DETAILED ON THE PLANS. • AS -BUILT FIELD NOTES, FROM WHICH THE AS -BUILT DRAWINGS ARE PREPARED. ARE TO BE PROVIDED AND STAMPED/SICNEO AND DATED BY A COLORADO REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. 23. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WARRANT ALL WORK TO BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FROM THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE INTO THE WARRANTY PERIOD OF ALL CONSTRUCTION CALLED FOR BY THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 24. DURING CONSTRUCTION AND UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, THE SITE SHALL BE CLEANED AND RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO, OR BETTER THAN, THAT WHICH EXISTED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. 25. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR PAVEMENT DESIGN AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING EXCAVATION, COMPACTION, MATERIALS, EMBANKMENT, PAVEMENT SUBEXCAVATION, MOISTURE CONTROL, AND TOPSOIL REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT. FINAL PAVEMENT DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AFTER SUBGRADE IS COMPLETE. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE THIS WORK. THE CONSTRUCTION METHODS FOR EXCAVATION/EMBANKMENTS, COMPACTION, AND SUBGRADE PREPARATION SHALL BE IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 26. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ARE INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT DEPICTED HEREIN. PERIODIC, SYSTEMATIC MAINTENANCE IS NECESSARY FOR THE OWNER TO REALIZE THE DESIGN LIFE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE FACILITIES OF THIS PROJECT. INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER. THE DESIGN RELIES UPON A RESPONSIBLE EFFORT BY THE OWNER TO MAINTAIN THE FACILITIES, THUS, ANY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE OWNER'S FAILURE TO PERFORM SAID MAINTENANCE ARE BEYOND THE DESIGNERS CONTROL. MARTIN/MARTIN EMPHASIZES THE IMPORTANCE OF A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM AND IF REQUESTED WOULD BE AVAILABLE TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR ASSISTING THE OWNER IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE, SYSTEMATIC MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TO MAINTAIN THE MAJOR INFRASTRUCTURE COMPONENTS OF THIS PROJECT. OWNER SHOULD BE COGNIZANT OF THE IMPORTANCE OF MAINTAINING DRAINAGE PATTERNS AND TO AVOID EXCESSIVE IRRIGATION. THE SOILS TYPICALLY FOUND IN COLORADO ARE SENSITIVE TO EXCESS MOISTURE. THIS COULD POTENTIALLY RESULT IN PAVEMENT/STRUCTURE MOVEMENTS WHICH MAY BE UNACCEPTABLE AND COMPROMISE THE DESIGN INTENT AND FUNCTIONALITY OF THE PROJECT, MARTIN/MARTIN RECOMMENDS THE OWNER MAINTAIN A COMPLETE SET OF SOILS/DRAINAGE REPORTS AND DESIGN PLANS OF THE PROJECT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. 27. A PROFESSIONAL GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER LICENSED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO IS TO BE HIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE CONDITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS MADE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THESE PLANS, SIGNED AND SEALED BY BILL P. WILLIS, P.E. NO INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS, AND/OR ANALYSIS HAS BEEN CONDUCTED BY MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 28. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIRING ITS OWN PRIVATE SURVEY CONSULTANT TO VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. IF EXISTING CONDITIONS AT THE SITE ARE DIFFERENT THAN WHAT IS SHOWN IN THESE PUNS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. GRADING NOTES: 1. ALL SITE GRADING (EXCAVATION, EMBANKMENT, AND COMPACTION] SHALL CONFORM TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE LATEST GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR THIS PROPERTY AND SHALL FURTHER BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE'S ENGINEERING REGULATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS. 2. THE GRADING DESIGN SHOWN HEREON HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF FHA AND HUD CRITERIA AND TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT. VARIOUS CONFLICTING DESIGN CRITERIA MAKE TOTAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATIONS DIFFICULT (ADA, SITE PLAN LAYOUT, ETC.]. IF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER DETERMINES THE DESIGN MAY COMPROMISE THE ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE OF THE STRUCTURES AND/OR PAVEMENTS, UPON RECEIPT OF THE WRITTEN COMMENTS FROM THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, COMMENTS WILL BE DISCUSSED AND RESOLVED WITH THE OWNER AND THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, AND WILL BE ADDRESSED IN A MANNER AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. 3. IF THE OWNER ELECTS TO UTILIZE FOUNDATION SYSTEMS AND/OR PAVEMENT DESIGNS THAT REQUIRE SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR CONTROL OF SUBGRADE MOISTURE, SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND EXTRAORDINARY DESIGN PARAMETERS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER IN CONCERT WITH THE FOUNDATION/PAVEMENT DESIGN. IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED THAT VARIOUS FOUNDATION SYSTEMS REQUIRE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF SUBGRADE PREPARATION, DRAINAGE DESIGNS, AND/OR SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE CRITERIA THAT ARE BEYOND THE PURVIEW AND RESPONSIBILITY OF MARTIN/MARTIN, AND THE GRADING PLANS SHOWN HEREON. THE INCORPORATION AND EXECUTION OF THESE SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS SHALL OCCUR IN CLOSE COORDINATION WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS. 4. GRADING SHOWN HEREON IS DESIGNED TO ADDRESS PROPER DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PROJECT. 5. EXISTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN DEPICTED FROM BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND ARE SHOWN TO THE EXTENT KNOWN, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY EXISTING GRADE CONDITIONS AT THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND AT LOCATIONS THAT INTERFACE WITH EXISTING OR PROPOSED BUILDINGS AND NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES THAT CONTRADICT THE ENGINEERS INTENT FOR DRAINAGE PATTERNS, MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM SLOPES, AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH CHANGES TO THE DESIGN WITHOUT PROPER NOTIFICATION. 6. PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN HEREIN ARE DEFINED AS FINISHED ELEVATION AFTER PAVING, LANDSCAPING, ETC. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH GEOTECH FOR PAVEMENT THICKNESS AND ARCHITECT FOR THICKNESS OF TOPSOIL, SOD AND LANDSCAPE MATERIALS. 7. ALL SPOTS ARE TO FLOWLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FG • FINISHED GRADE. FF - FINISH FLOOR, TOF - TOP OF FOUNDATION, HP . HIGH POINT, LP - LOW POINT, TOW - TOP OF WALL (FINISHED GRADE AT BACK OF WALL), BOW BOTTOM OF WALL (FINISHED GRADE AT FACE OF WALL), GB - GRADE BREAK, FL - FLOWUNE, TOC - TOP OF CURB. 8. TEMPORARY CUT/FILL SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED A STEEPNESS OF [1:1] (H:V). PERMANENT SLOPES SHALL NOT EXCEED (4:1] (H:V) [UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE] IN AREAS TO BE SEEDED OR SODDED. 9. REFER TO THE FINAL DRAINAGE STUDY PREPARED BY MARTIN/MARTIN INC. FOR DRAINAGE BASINS, FLOWS AND INTENDED DRAINAGE PATTERNS. A UNCC ""°'"'"'��''sy�01AL CEI RER OAF IFIL C A {90'14RIAIIO you ft CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 594333.6107 FAX 994233.4027 0 0 COPYMOM 2915 ALAI ONTO RESERVED FRWTED OR E1t07RONIC DRAWNOS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED N ANY FOODS WITHOUT WRNTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. PROJECT: 14.0945 DATE: 2015 11 O DRAWN BY: VSE CHECKED BY: JER NOTES cool ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 0 C B O B 00 O --O -- --- I x x x� 0. J� - ASPHALT W - 1) BUILDING TO \ 9 --t - - - .�� - BE REMOVEDSIDEWALK \ EASEMENT IA, I DEMO UTILITIES (TYP.) , PROTECT TREE ® / - I I REMOVE I I I I TREE (TYP.) � I 1 {1 I I $I$ � I r. 1 3 t 1 'CT 1 i—r�------c--�� q q I I IF q I I � I 0 \�WATER EASEMENT r\ I / I II PARKING LOT TO BE RE -STRIPED. EXISTING ASPHALT TO REMAIN. / R___� I + 7- X-7 I I W. WATER. / I I EASEMENT' 0 dl I i >< 1 STRIPING TO BE / REMOVED (TVP.) / DEMO WALK I r ' —s T I1 I I I I I ^ I I�r-E'___ �-3-- $s I REMOVE -TREE (M'•)- - - LEGEND EX/ST/NG DEMOLITION RETAINING WALL CURB k GUTTER ASPHALT CONCRETE/ SIDEWALK - ----ST- - --- STORM SEWER ST Q STORM MANHOLE O STORM INLET <FLARED ENO SECTION SS- - - - - SANITARY SEWER SS S® SANITARY MANHOLE O W----- WATER LINE W ® WATER VALVE B D. FIRE HYDRANT IL WATER METER - - - - -IR- - - - - IRRIGATION LINE !R �IIRRIGATION CONTROL - - - -OHE- - - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC —OHE - - - - - E - - - - - ELECTRIC LINE E//''�� �I DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE BUSH/SHRUB -----G----- GAS LINE G 1� • '8.00' ELECTRIC EASMENT •.�� / ill• . ����`� �� ASPHALT .. .--����C I �i `'k -PROTECT VALVES� \`AND METER 2' TAP TO BE REMOVED BY © C}1 1 CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT IN---- W-- = W- --- — — — W. 26TH AVE BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, COUNT' OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. I ; 1 1 NOTES: 1. PROJECT ADDRESS: 2600 WADSWORTH BLVD. WHEATRIDGE, CO 2. RE: SHEET C151 AND APPROVED STORMWATER MANACMENT PLAN FOR INTIAL EROSION CONTROL BMPS. _—_ --- --- N UNCCK,.Whnbelow UTkJTY NOTIFICATION GG0Call before you dig. CALL 811 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBIUTY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, 40 20 0 40 BO THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, SCALE: 1'=40' MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S, SURVEY FEET PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. 2 =)Z H _O C/) z� a 0a m= U WooZ IL W =a wU C.) _j F_ W Z W a a co LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL $64.235.0401 FAX 564.2334027 MEMBER! OF TIE AMERICAN INSTTVfE OF A CNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0643 DATE:2013 11 03 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER DEMO PLAN C050 _ J ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 0 \�WATER EASEMENT r\ I / I II PARKING LOT TO BE RE -STRIPED. EXISTING ASPHALT TO REMAIN. / R___� I + 7- X-7 I I W. WATER. / I I EASEMENT' 0 dl I i >< 1 STRIPING TO BE / REMOVED (TVP.) / DEMO WALK I r ' —s T I1 I I I I I ^ I I�r-E'___ �-3-- $s I REMOVE -TREE (M'•)- - - LEGEND EX/ST/NG DEMOLITION RETAINING WALL CURB k GUTTER ASPHALT CONCRETE/ SIDEWALK - ----ST- - --- STORM SEWER ST Q STORM MANHOLE O STORM INLET <FLARED ENO SECTION SS- - - - - SANITARY SEWER SS S® SANITARY MANHOLE O W----- WATER LINE W ® WATER VALVE B D. FIRE HYDRANT IL WATER METER - - - - -IR- - - - - IRRIGATION LINE !R �IIRRIGATION CONTROL - - - -OHE- - - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC —OHE - - - - - E - - - - - ELECTRIC LINE E//''�� �I DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE BUSH/SHRUB -----G----- GAS LINE G 1� • '8.00' ELECTRIC EASMENT •.�� / ill• . ����`� �� ASPHALT .. .--����C I �i `'k -PROTECT VALVES� \`AND METER 2' TAP TO BE REMOVED BY © C}1 1 CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT IN---- W-- = W- --- — — — W. 26TH AVE BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, COUNT' OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. I ; 1 1 NOTES: 1. PROJECT ADDRESS: 2600 WADSWORTH BLVD. WHEATRIDGE, CO 2. RE: SHEET C151 AND APPROVED STORMWATER MANACMENT PLAN FOR INTIAL EROSION CONTROL BMPS. _—_ --- --- N UNCCK,.Whnbelow UTkJTY NOTIFICATION GG0Call before you dig. CALL 811 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBIUTY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, 40 20 0 40 BO THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, SCALE: 1'=40' MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S, SURVEY FEET PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. 2 =)Z H _O C/) z� a 0a m= U WooZ IL W =a wU C.) _j F_ W Z W a a co LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL $64.235.0401 FAX 564.2334027 MEMBER! OF TIE AMERICAN INSTTVfE OF A CNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0643 DATE:2013 11 03 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER DEMO PLAN C050 _ J ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 1� • '8.00' ELECTRIC EASMENT •.�� / ill• . ����`� �� ASPHALT .. .--����C I �i `'k -PROTECT VALVES� \`AND METER 2' TAP TO BE REMOVED BY © C}1 1 CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT IN---- W-- = W- --- — — — W. 26TH AVE BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, COUNT' OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. I ; 1 1 NOTES: 1. PROJECT ADDRESS: 2600 WADSWORTH BLVD. WHEATRIDGE, CO 2. RE: SHEET C151 AND APPROVED STORMWATER MANACMENT PLAN FOR INTIAL EROSION CONTROL BMPS. _—_ --- --- N UNCCK,.Whnbelow UTkJTY NOTIFICATION GG0Call before you dig. CALL 811 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBIUTY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, 40 20 0 40 BO THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, SCALE: 1'=40' MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S, SURVEY FEET PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. 2 =)Z H _O C/) z� a 0a m= U WooZ IL W =a wU C.) _j F_ W Z W a a co LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL $64.235.0401 FAX 564.2334027 MEMBER! OF TIE AMERICAN INSTTVfE OF A CNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0643 DATE:2013 11 03 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER DEMO PLAN C050 _ J ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 2' TAP TO BE REMOVED BY © C}1 1 CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT IN---- W-- = W- --- — — — W. 26TH AVE BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, COUNT' OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. I ; 1 1 NOTES: 1. PROJECT ADDRESS: 2600 WADSWORTH BLVD. WHEATRIDGE, CO 2. RE: SHEET C151 AND APPROVED STORMWATER MANACMENT PLAN FOR INTIAL EROSION CONTROL BMPS. _—_ --- --- N UNCCK,.Whnbelow UTkJTY NOTIFICATION GG0Call before you dig. CALL 811 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBIUTY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, 40 20 0 40 BO THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, SCALE: 1'=40' MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S, SURVEY FEET PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. 2 =)Z H _O C/) z� a 0a m= U WooZ IL W =a wU C.) _j F_ W Z W a a co LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL $64.235.0401 FAX 564.2334027 MEMBER! OF TIE AMERICAN INSTTVfE OF A CNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0643 DATE:2013 11 03 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER DEMO PLAN C050 _ J ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL $64.235.0401 FAX 564.2334027 MEMBER! OF TIE AMERICAN INSTTVfE OF A CNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0643 DATE:2013 11 03 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER DEMO PLAN C050 _ J ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D B BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH SITE PLAN SE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6T" P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO Lx ST,NG IRRIGATION POLO E cy ---T,�pF- £ —X X X� EXISTING 1R- ENTRANCE 0— I u O/ 1 GULF 1 PLAYGROUND EXISTING BUILDING )1�---ST----� APIC TO REMAIN GYMNASIUM EXPANSION I2 -FT PAN i ; g• R 3, 1 4' WIDE CONCRETE PAN RETAINING WALL WITH LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION HAND RAIL DESIGNED rDO NG SHED TO REMAIN --T _ BY OTHERS 1 II EXISTING CHAPEL TO W, BE DEMOLISHED RELOCATED FIRE _ HYDRANT BY CMWD `I I EXISTING BUILDING I 'I ` TO REMAIN Cl\� 1 TREES TO BE FFE:5483.85 qREMOVED EXISTING — — -_.. T—ST -I .MItZ 1 1 I - RE -STRIPED STORM INLET _— (Tva) EXISTING BUILDING NEW S TO REMAIN EXISTING BUILDING _ I I I CHAPEL � TO REMAIN I NEW FIRE HYDRANT — / 1 8' WATER MAIN EXT. X I — BY CONSOLIDATED x N_ MUTUAL WATER DIST.— O W EXISTING 1� XPANDEO - _ --- PARKINGI BUILDING Q TO REMAIN LOT `vcL� - RELOCATED EXISTING BUILDING x ,—, TO REMAIN r _ III I STORM IiLETI(TVP.)= I DUMPSTER I / i Q lY _ ! — - I EXISTING ACCESSIBLE ROUTE ( .: -� BUILDING o e e I TO REMAIN I II I DEr. OND - -E ----- r I HOOP J JI 111 PARKING DO —II — - T I WATER QUALITY AND DETENTION ---� POND TREES TO BE REMOVED 7� ©O 1—— - — ----11�SSIC --�S AND REPLACED _ wA----1FJ---- W - - --~�5— ---'� ----3SRE.. LANDSCAPE - I '-3_ G----_�_=_—=T- NJ/1 COR. SEC..J7 _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ 7 _ _ _ _ _T -.i_ T - - --- - -- T---- r= R69W, 67N P.M. -- _. – FOUND 1–//4'ALUM. STRUCTURE AV RAMC£ BOX KL£C.W[E „ BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SM /PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROO. 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. STAGE ADDITION FIELD �\ — 1 i 1 ~ a \ my 8' PVC Z 4' WIDE EXISTING rCONCRETE PAN 11_J a~LL -I �\ — zo ~ a my 8' PVC Z ATER N EXISTING a~LL PARKING LOT TO =Q U RE -STRIPED W Z / MWM W EXISTING 60' DENVER WATER CONDUIT, / 30' WATER `vcL� - RELOCATED / � 1 TRASH / LEASEMENT. DUMPSTER IQ 12' WIDE I DEr. OND - -E I MAINTP ROAD `I511LIT LINE 8' ELEC. EASEMENT — -- -- - — - T I WATER QUALITY AND DETENTION POND IDETENTION — .— I POND OUTLET a _ ..� STRUCTURE I RIPRAP BLANKET — — _—E . _. 12 -- EXISTING ORALE ENTRANCE TO - BE REMOVED W. 26TH AVE=_�----r=1--- ENTRANCE/EXIT MODIFIED BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. a •D115 M IS PROVI)ED d GOMi EAA'II/ /W) AND 6 USED FDR PROJECT REFERENCE ONLY. R IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR PURPOSES PERMITTED BY ANY APPLICABLE LAW AND THE ERMS OF THE LCENSE AGIN:FIIENT BETWEEN MARTIN/WVRIN, WC. AND GOOGLF. THIS AWP MAY NOT BE COPIED OR MODIFIED. VICINITY MP YSi NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. ALL PUBLIC WATER IMPROVEMENTS TO BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BY CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD). . N 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1'=40' ALL DWENSKINS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET WE DATA EXISTING ZONING A-2 TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 9.09 AC. BUILDING COVERAGE EXISTING: 46,740 SF PROPOSED: 66 180 SF PARKING SPACES STANDARD 255 ACCESSIBLE 6 NC4. — 1N1wrs belauK LITY NOTLIFl.LCA �"nyou d CALL 811 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER. THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE. MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. 4 2 � Z �� zo ~ a my 0a zD Woo a~LL W =Q U W Z Q Q MWM W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 664.23S.0405 FAX 8&1.2334027 MEMBER, OF THE AMERICAN IM3TiNiE OF ARCN1ECT9 COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGH73 RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERM133ION FROM L33P ASSOCIATES LTD. REV1310N9: PROJECT. 14.0945 DATE: 20151103 DRAM BY VSB CHECKED BY: JER SITE PLAN I Lq06O 1 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D 9 1 I I , i h ITEC 1 I 1 i l l 1 1 , I I , I , \ I ml OW � II � Iwo 1 I i I10 I r/ II I =I I I II 1116,17 W ;\ Iw I I W I \ \ \6197 jI 87.' 7 i IIII \ y� I I I I ( W itI I RETAINING WALL WITH 1 RAILING TO BE DESIGNED BY OTHERS 1 I I I 874] I I 96,9] I IWR VA o i'i I m II 1 09 I 3 Ir I - o i� I I 3 11 II I II -8697 \114 _ _ I 864] I ANG I i i I \ \ X�--f-_------------- \ .04 \\ 'Y-' LITS) L --ST I---r.ST UMPANEL-FRS OF CONSRtUCT10N 11, ae.so R1 a6.50 85.95 113.14 5Ag6 -+ -113.112 11339 /- `- - _ _ _ - G X- \ s� % 6' CURITH 2' PAN B W 15 ATTACHED. TO WALK ,c 83. 1 9345..1.. _. ... _... _..._..... ... ...�. --gA85 3 `- -- �-11e3.ie 1 a n u.R - e1.,\ _ 82.97 4' CONCRETE PAN95 {/ 83.56 a3.56 6TOC 83.95_ \ /8\l BOT. RAW 1-1 \ -A9 As - DOON 26 DDDR 83.15 I IIAl 112. 82.5 LAN83.84 DING -els - - - - - - - J as 115 9� \ DOOR I 6- CURB CUTS (4) AT 25' FINISHED FLOOR ELEV._5483.85 WR VALLEY INLET SPACING. GRADE AREA 79.44 \ BETWEEN BLDG AND CURB RICHT-OF-WAV LINE 81.44 -Am TO DRAIN TO CUTS. 7E IW -50.95 93.21 FINISHED FLOOR 83.33 ELEV._5483.85 I 62 411 Ge 6' CURB CUTS (3)I AT 25'�" \ 24' NYLOPLAST 9OLF 8' HDPE 01.505 \ INLET WITH PED. CONNECT ROOF DRAINS. FRIENDLY GRATE SEE NOTES. \ INV -81.25\ - 8384 5750- 4' NYLOPLAST INLETS STORM SEWER 1141, 9.as (5). SEE NOTES. I- 63.65 83.35 DOOR INV -82.60i 83.051 / ❑ DOOR 82.74 82.81 - oa T T-ST�T 113. � ez.ez 52LF 12' sy bbl I SIGN PVC 03.565 B3.6a e��' INV.81.40 83,75-/', c / DECIDUOUS TREE O T83.33 -- BUSH/SHRUB ORATE I F 24" NYIOPLAS\T SWALE / 79.611 79.44 INLET WITH PEO. l,1 RICHT-OF-WAV LINE FRIENDLY GRATE 8' CONCRETE PAN 7E IW -50.95 93.21 FINISHED FLOOR 83.33 ELEV._5483.85 I 62 411 Ge 6' CURB CUTS (3)I AT 25'�" GRADE AREA RI /SPACING. 8.1.19 BETWEEN BLDG AND CURB i TO DRAIN TO CUTS. 1 , 55 (SPILL) 83.64 4 5750- - - - 8384 5750- 112.36 STORM SEWER 83 73 83 73 8288 82.98 •8288 -BT" 87.M .28 6, 111.45 24' NYLOPIAST INLET 13.68 q!�`83.22, 83.15 I ���PED. FRIENDLY GRATE -'IINV._78.95 GRATE_ BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTHPRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51 -EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS %13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANCE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. LANOINC 24' PED. RIEAST INLET WITH PEO. FRIENDLY GRATE INV.=81.25 84LF 8' HOPE 01.505 CONNECT ROOF DRAINS. SEE NOTES. .2 �(6)NSEE� NOTES . INLETS DooR DOOR 3OLF 6' HDPE 025 X11511` 8' HDPE 01.435 CONNECT ROOF DRAINS CONNECT ROOF DRAINS WITH CONCRETE HEADWALL WITH APPROPRIATE SIZED APPROPRIATE SIZED TEES TEES (ASSUMED 6-X67 (ASSUMED 6-X87 \- � 79 Q I + MATCHLINE: RE C101 BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION _5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. I \` I � I r 11 � I \o I� I" W \ W \ Z 1 F � I \79.95 I i FL \ FL -_79.30 FL I Frcnln PROPOSED SWALE / 79.611 79.44 - - l,1 RICHT-OF-WAV LINE 1P0�` 8' CONCRETE PAN 7E J 1 III�..J yl` I - - - - -- I CURB A GUTTER /A / I i CURB k GUTTER £XlSTINC I Frcnln PROPOSED - - PROPERTY LINE - - - - - - - RICHT-OF-WAV LINE - - - - - -- - - SECTION LINE - - - - - EASEMENT - - - - - -- RETAINING WALL =Z=z� CURB A GUTTER TYPE I CURB k GUTTER (SPILL) 5750- - - CONTOURS 5750- -----ST----- STORM SEWER ST © STORM MANHOLE O ----iXD----- ROOF DRAIN -RD-- ❑ INLET < FLARED END SECTION + SIGN Z -////-````��r GRADING ARROW DECIDUOUS TREE O EVERGREEN TREE BUSH/SHRUB ORATE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE SPOT ELEVATIONS NOTES: 1. 4' AREA INLETS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH 6' CONC. COLLARS (6' DEPTH). SET RIM ELEVATIONS 2- BELOW EDGE OF ADJACENT SIDEWALK. GRADE AREA BETWEEN BLDG AND WALK TO DRAIN TO INLETS. 2. CONNECT ROOF DOWNSPOUTS TO HDPE 8' STORM WITH APPROPRIATELY SIZED TEE (ASSUMED 8'X6' WITH WATER TIGHT SEAL 3. IN NO CASE SHALL SLOPES EXCEED 3:1 (H:V). ANY SLOPES THAT WOULD EXCEED THIS MAXIMUM SHALL REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OF WALLS OR TERRACING. 4. ELEVATIONS ON CURB AND GUTTER ARE TO FLOWUNE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I / r I �' UNCC I(DDYFM belo L I ; ( �IXF� Call be+ore you dig. CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTIUTY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN 20 10 0 20 qp PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, SCALE: 1"=20' THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, Au DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE UEY .S SURV'FET MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. S IL _ co W w V r W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 700 GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 26601 TEL SS4.M.0MS FAX SM377.4027 0 0 MEM11ER60F THE AME=AM SOT11VTE OF ARCHrr§ 6 COPYRIGHT 20111 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAY M03 AID DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED M ANY FORM WITHOUT VW8fTEM PERERSLGN FROM LSV ASSOCIATE$ LTD. PROJECT: I&MMS DATE:2015 11 W DRAWN By.. V313 CHECKED BY: JER GRADING PLAN C100 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D C B I Tis I I MATCHLINE: RE C100 115LF 6' HDPE STORM DIE. CONNECT ROOF DOWNSPOUTS. SEE NOTES. \ _— s@ WEST 26TH AVENUE \ _T— —.—�_— �T — -- -� -�-- -1'---'35-T---35----r 35-----i5-�---�5---- 5-----3S---�- 35------55-/ ---s5- BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N8744'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAF IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3 -1/4 - BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SM /PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROO. 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM h --,// 4 / \ i / / i KEYMA P SCALE D EXIST/NC LEGEND PROPOSED - - PROPERTY LINE - - - - - - — RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE — - - - — U SECTION LINE ZM — — — — — EASEMENT - WU RETAINING WALL t r -- -- CURB k GUTTER LU Z W TYPE I m CURB & GUTTER (SPILL) - -- ---5750 - CONTOURS 5750 - - - - -ST- - - - - STORM SEWER ST STORM MANHOLE O - - - - -RD- - - - - ROOF DRAIN —RDS O INLET < FLARED END SECTION SIGN j - GRADING ARROW —� 0 DECIDUOUS TREE O EVERGREEN TREE 40 BUSH/SHRUB a DRIVE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE d SPOT ELEVATIONS NOTES - 1. O c.1. 4' AREA INLETS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH 6' CONC. COLLARS (6 - DEPTH). SET RIM ELEVATIONS 2- BELOW EDGE OF ADJACENT SIDEWALK. GRADE AREA BETWEEN BLDG AND WALK TO DRAIN TO INLETS. 2. CONNECT ROOF DOWNSPOUTS TO HOPE 8' STORM WITH APPROPRIATELY SIZED TEE (ASSUMED 8-X67 WITH WATER TIGHT SEAL. 3. IN NO CASE SHALL SLOPES EXCEED 3:1 (H:V). ANY SLOPES THAT WOULD EXCEED THIS MAXIMUM SHALL REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OF WALLS OR TERRACING. 4. ELEVATIONS ON CURB AND GUTTER ARE TO FLOWLINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED — Y N UNCC K11ow whatt below. CENTS; �M �Ilbeforeyou dig CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTK4 ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UnUTY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. R IS, 140WEVER, 20 10 0 20 40 THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, SCALE: 1'=20' MATERIAL. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UIILMES ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. 4 2 =)Z �O Zp a m = 0a U 00 ZM W alLLL W = =a WU �a X LU Z W as m LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 864135 0405 FAX 864.233.4027 M WIIER5 OF THE AYERIGR IISTRUTE OF ARCNIYECT6 COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVMOKS: PROJECT: 14.0945 DATE. 2015_11. 03 DRAWN BY-, VSB CHECKED BY. JER GRADING PLAN C101 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 0 C 0 MATCHLINE: THIS SHEET / 1 JT = RELOCATED TRASH 'DUMPSTER / / /� / , s0• / EL ST /(p(p) LMii 64s5 —/— O_' — -- Z ' I — i� / 1 \ 69.71 I 09. 09.47 , 64.25 74 89.70 68.88 / WATER QUALITY AND DETENTION POND // WQ / WQ SYR5-4.55. VOL -6.762 CF II Tr LMATCH EXIST A/ 67.61 ee.n fia.w 165.95 85.6 66-66 _ I 1 65.17 85.56 --35-'T CL1M 1 + L= 465.30, VOL -20,894 CF j WQ+100YR EL=5466.20, VOL -33,985 CF 64.49, i 4'CONCRETE / TRICKLE CHANNEL ss_ 24• FES ' OVERFLOW WEIR 66.213; N 6.20= 166.92 II 1 CONSTRUCTION W. 26TH I TOP OF BERM I All 80.x, 0 1 I I I I I IIIIh MAINTENANCE PATH 1 � I- 6456 I / \6602 / I I1 I � I I I 0' SOIL BLANKET SIDEWALK CHASE �� rIl �! I --- L-- i BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3 -1/4 - BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. A 5- DISK ON A 9/16- STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER. AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. SCALE KEYMA oo. £X/57/NG LEGEN PROPOSED UNCC K.DWAw L .E61> PROPERTY UNE - - — - - - — RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE — - - - — MI SECTION LINE SCALE KEYMA oo. £X/57/NG LEGEN PROPOSED UNCC K.DWAw L .E61> PROPERTY UNE - - — - - - — RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE — - - - — BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR SECTION LINE MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES - — — — — EASEMENT — — -- "- RETAINING WALL z 1 ""_---- CURB k GUTTER = - PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. TYPE I CURB k GUTTER r� (SPILL) 5750--- -- - CONTOURS 5750 - - - -ST--- - - STORM SEWER ST Q STORM MANHOLE O - - --RD- - - - - ROOF DRAIN —�RO— L, INLET < FLARED END SECTION SIGN y - i GRADING ARROW —► 01 DECIDUOUS TREE O EVERGREEN TREE ct BUSH/SHRUB DRA-f DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE SPOT ELEVATIONS :� ' Nags, 1. 4' AREA INLETS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH 6' CONC. COLLARS (6' DEPTH). SET RIM ELEVATIONS 2- BELOW EDGE OF ADJACENT SIDEWALK. GRADE AREA BETWEEN BLDG AND WALK TO DRAIN TO INLETS. 2. CONNECT ROOF DOWNSPOUTS TO HDPE 8' STORM WITH APPROPRIATELY SIZED TEE (ASSUMED B -X67 WITH WATER TIGHT SEAL 3. IN NO CASE SHALL SLOPES EXCEED 3:1 (H:V). ANY SLOPES THAT WOULD EXCEED THIS MAXIMUM SHALL REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OF WALLS OR TERRACING. 4. ELEVATIONS ON CURB AND GUTTER ME TO FLOWLINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED � I I , I I D4M� - - - - - - - UNCC K.DWAw L .E61> a~ UTILITY cw, OF a� ,1 PROJECT: GALL 811 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE DATE: BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR - MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES 20 10 0 20 40 SCALE: 1'=20' MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY uL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES wZ Q Q PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 700 GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 664293.6103 FAX 664.237.4027 WEWIENL OF THE A VEIIICAN WR6RME OF ARCHITECTS COPYRIGHT 2013 ALLRIGHTS RESERVED 'RINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWW403 AND OOCUMENTATKNR MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED N ANY FORM WITHOUT VAUTTEN PERMISSION MOM LSSP ASSOCIATES LTD. 646.1 Dwa1000n I I D4M� 2Z U)0 a~ � PROJECT: a DATE: 2013 11 07 DRAWN BY: Z� Woo W wZ Q Q W m LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 700 GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 664293.6103 FAX 664.237.4027 WEWIENL OF THE A VEIIICAN WR6RME OF ARCHITECTS COPYRIGHT 2013 ALLRIGHTS RESERVED 'RINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWW403 AND OOCUMENTATKNR MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED N ANY FORM WITHOUT VAUTTEN PERMISSION MOM LSSP ASSOCIATES LTD. 646.1 Dwa1000n I I D4M� PROJECT: 14.0643 DATE: 2013 11 07 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER GRADING PLAN C102 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW CITY OF WHEATRIDGF GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL (GEC) PLAN GENERAL NOTES. 1. THE APPROVAL GRANTED IN WRITING FOR THIS DOCUMENT INDICATES THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ENGINEERING OMSION, HAS REVIEWED THE DOCUMENT AND FOUND IT IN GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SUBDMSION REGULATIONS AND/OR THE URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CRITERIA MANUAL. THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEER, THROUGH ACCEPTANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT, ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY (OTHER THAN AS STATED FOR THE COMPLETENESS AND/OR ACCURACY OF THESE DOCUMENTS. 2. THE ADEQUACY OF THIS DEC PLAN UES WITH THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 3. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY SUCH MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP THAT DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE DEC PLAN. 4. THE PLACEMENT OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ACCEPTED CEC PIAN AND THE URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL MANUAL. 5. ANY VARIATION IN MATERIAL, TYPE OR LOCATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ACCEPTED GEC PLAN WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM AN ACCOUNTABLE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION. 6. AFTER THE GEC PLAN HAS BEEN ACCEPTED, THE CONTRACTOR MAY INSTALL THE INITIAL -STAGE EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS INDICATED ON THE ACCEPTED GEC PLAN. 7. THE FIRST BMP TO BE INSTALLED ON THE SITE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTION FENCE, MARKERS, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS OF DEFINING THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ADJACENT TO STREAM CORRIDORS AND OTHER AREAS TO BE PRESERVED. B. THE GEC OPERATOR SHALL STRICTLY ADHERE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -APPROVED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AT ALL TIMES. THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION MUST APPROVE ANY CHANGES TO THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, ADDITIONAL EROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROLS MAY BE REQUIRED IN ANY ADDITIONAL AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION. 9. PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION, THE PERMITTEE SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES. FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT THE DENVER INTER -UTILITY GROUP AT 1-800-922-1987 OR FAX AT (303)534-6700. 10. NATURAL VEGETATION SHALL BE RETAINED AND PROTECTED WHEREVER POSSIBLE, EXPOSURE OF SOIL TO EROSION BY REMOVAL OR DISTURBANCE OF VEGETATION SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AREA REQUIRED FOR IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 11. A COPY OF THE ACCEPTED GEC PLANS SHALL BE ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. 12. ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC MUST ENTER/EXIT THE SITE THROUGH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -APPROVED ACCESS POINT. A VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL PAD IS REQUIRED AT ALL ACCESS POINTS ON THE SITE. ADDITIONAL STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES MAY BE ADDED WITH AUTHORIZATION FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION. 13. THE GEC OPERATOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANUP OF SEDIMENT OR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS TRACKED ONTO ADJACENT PAVED AREAS. PAVED AREAS INCLUDING STREETS ARE TO BE KEPT CLEAN THROUGHOUT BUILD -OUT AND SHALL BE CLEANED, WITH A STREET SWEEPER OR SIMILAR DEVICE, AT FIRST NOTICE OF ACCIDENTAL TRACKING OR AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GEC INSPECTOR. STREET WASHING IS NOT ALLOWED. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO ENSURE AREA STREETS ARE KEPT FREE OF SEDIMENT AND/OR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. 14. APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR FOR THE DURATION OF THIS PROJECT. AT A MINIMUM, THE GEC OPERATOR SHALL INSPECT ALL BMPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCEPTED GEC PUN. ALL NECESSARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACTIVITIES SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 48 HOURS FOR LEVEL 111 VIOLATIONS, AND IMMEDIATELY FOR LEVEL II VIOLATIONS, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS. 15. TOPSOIL SHALL BE STRIPPED AND STOCKPILED IN THE LOCATION SHOWN ON THE ACCEPTED DEC PUN. 16. THE ACCEPTED DEC PLAN MAY REQUIRE CHANCES OR ALTERATIONS AFTER APPROVAL TO MEET CHANGING SITE OR PROJECT CONDITIONS OR TO ADDRESS INEFFICIENCIES IN DESIGN OR INSTALLATION. THE DEC OPERATOR SHALL OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING FOR ANY PROPOSED CHANCES. 17. NO PERMANENT EARTH SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE ALLOWED. 18. LINING OF TEMPORARY SWALES AND DITCHES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT MANUAL. 19. ANY SETTLEMENT OR SOIL ACCUMULATIONS BEYOND THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION DUE TO GRADING OR EROSION SHALL BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY BY THE GEC OPERATOR. THE GEC MANAGER SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ACCESS RIGHTS TO ADJACENT PROPERTY, IF NEEDED, AND REMEDIATING ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS TO ADJACENT WATERWAYS, WETLANDS, PROPERTIES, ETC. RESULTING FROM WORK DONE AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. 20. A WATER SOURCE SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE DURING EARTHWORK OPERATIONS AND UTILIZED AS REQUIRED TO MINIMIZE DUST FROM EARTHWORK EQUIPMENT AND WIND. 21, SOILS THAT WILL BE STOCKPILED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS OF STOCKPILE CONSTRUCTION. NO STOCKPILES SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET OF A DRAINAGE WAY UNLESS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION. 22. ALL CHEMICAL OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS WHICH MAY ENTER WATERS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, SURFACE WATER, GROUND WATER AND DRY GULLIES OR STORM SEWER LEADING TO SURFACE WATER, SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE COPHE PER CRS 25-8-601, AND CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. RELEASES OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND CERTAIN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES LISTED UNDER THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT (40 CFR PART 116) MUST BE REPORTED TO THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER AS WELL AS THE COPHE. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR CDHPE. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER CAN BE FOUND IN APPENDIX A SPILLS THAT POSE AN IMMEDIATE RISK TO HUMAN LIFE SHALL BE REPORTED TO 911. FAILURE TO REPORT AND CLEAN UP ANY SPILL SHALL RESULT IN ISSUANCE OF A STOP WORK ORDER. 23. ALL WORK ON SITE SHALL STAY A MINIMUM OF ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET AWAY FROM ANY DRAINAGE WAY, WETLAND, ETC. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON AN ACCEPTED CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GEC PLAN. 24. THE USE OF REBAR, STEEL STAKES OR STEEL FENCE POSTS FOR STAKING OR SUPPORT OF ANY EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP IS PROHIBITED (EXCEPT STEEL TEE -POSTS FOR USE IN SUPPORTING CONSTRUCTION FENCE). 25. THE CLEANING OF CONCRETE DELIVERY TRUCK CHUTES IS RESTRICTED TO APPROVED CONCRETE WASH OUT LOCATIONS ON THE JOB SITE. THE DISCHARGE OF WATER CONTAINING WASTE CONCRETE TO THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED. ALL CONCRETE WASTE SHALL BE PROPERLY CLEANED UP AND DISPOSED AT AN APPROPRIATE LOCATION. 26. ALL DEWATERING ON SITE SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GEC INSPECTOR AND BE FREE OF SEDIMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEC MANUAL. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: IN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WHEATRIDGE STANDARD NOTES, THE FOLLOWING SHALL APPLY: 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND IMPLEMENTING AND MAINTAINING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT DAMAGING FLOWS ON THE SITE AND IN THE WATERSHED BELOW THE SITE. CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO STRIPPING OF NATIVE VEGETATIVE COVER AND AS GRADING PROGRESSES. REFER TO SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PUNS AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD MAY WARRANT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ADDITION TO WHAT IS SHOWN ON THESE PUNS. THE PLAN MAY BE MODIFIED WITH APPROPRIATE APPROVALS AS FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT. 2. NATURAL VEGETATION SHALL BE RETMNEO AND PROTECTED WHEREVER POSSIBLE. EXPOSURE OF SOIL TO EROSION BY REMOVAL OR DISTURBANCE OF VEGETATION SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AREA REQUIRED FOR IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND FOR THE SHORTEST PRACTICAL PERIOD OF TIME. 3. TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED TO THE EXTENT PRACTICABLE ON THE SITE FOR USE ON AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED. ANY AND ALL STOCKPILES SHALL BE LOCATED AND PROTECTED FROM EROSIVE ELEMENTS. 4. AT ALL TIMES, THE PROPERTY SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND/OR WATERED TO PREVENT WIND -CAUSED EROSION. EARTHWORK OPERATIONS SHALL BE DISCONTINUED WHEN FUGITIVE DUST SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACTS ADJACENT PROPERTY, IF EARTHWORK IS COMPLETE OR DISCONTINUED AND OUST TH FROM TI 0 E SITE E CON NOES TO CREATE PROBLEMS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY INSTITUTE MITIGATIVE MEASURES AND SHALL CORRECT DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY. 5. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE, TEMPORARY VEGETATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS WHERE PERMANENT SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT SCHEDULED FOR INSTALLATION WITHIN THREE MONTHS. TEMPORARY VEGETATION SHALL BE A VIGOROUS, DROUGHT TOLERANT, NATIVE SPECIES MIX. PROJECT SCHEDULING SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPRING OR FALL PLANTING SEASONS FOR NATURAL GERMINATION, BUT SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED. IF CONDITIONS MERIT. REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE PUN FOR FINAL LANDSCAPING. 6. TEMPORARY FENCES SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG ALL BOUNDARIES OF THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OR PROPERTY LINES AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN, TO PREVENT GRADING ON PROPERTY NOT OWNED BY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. IN ADDITION, THE CITY OF WHEATRIDGE MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY FENCES IF FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT. CONSTRUCTION FENCING LOCATION SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY BY THE CONTRACTOR. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT SEDIMENT, DEBRIS AND ALL OTHER POLLUTANTS FROM ENTERING THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM DURING ALL DEMOLITION, EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS THAT ARE PART OF THIS PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REMEDIATION OF ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS TO ADJACENT WATERWAYS, ROADWAYS, WETLANDS, ETC., RESULTING FROM WORK DONE AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. 8. THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR THEIR AUTHORIZED AGENTS SHALL REMOVE ALL SEDIMENT, MUD, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, OR OTHER POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS THAT MAY HAVE BEEN INADVERTENTLY DISCHARGED T0, OR ACCUMULATED IN, THE FLOWLINES AND PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SITE DEVELOPMENT OR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. 9. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR AND/OR THEIR AUTHORIZED AGENTS SHALL INSURE THAT ALL LOADS OF CUT AND FILL MATERIAL IMPORTED TO OR EXPORTED FROM THIS SITE SHALL BE PROPERLY COVERED TO PREVENT LOSS OF THE MATERIAL DURING TRANSPORT ON PUBLIC ROADWAYS, 10.APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES- (BMP1 SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR FOR THE DURATION OF THIS PROJECT. AT A MINIMUM, THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS AGENT SHALL INSPECT ALL BMPS WEEKLY AND AFTER SIGNIFICANTPRECIPITATION EVENTS. ALL NECESSARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SHALL BE COMPLETED IN A TIMELY MANNER. ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM A BMP WHEN THE SEDIMENT LEVEL REACHES ONE HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE BMP OR, AT ANY TIME THAT SEDIMENT OR DEBRIS ADVERSELY IMPACTS THE FUNCTIONING OF THE BMP. 11.WATER USED IN THE CLEANING OF CEMENT TRUCK DELIVERY CHUTES SHALL BE DISCHARGED INTO A PREDEFINED, GERMED CONTAINMENT AREA ON THE JOB SITE. THE REQUIRED CONTAINMENT AREA IS TO BE BERMED SO THAT WASH WATER IS TOTALLY CONTAINED. WASH WATER DISCHARGED INTO THE CONTAINMENT AREA SHALL BE ALLOWED TO INFILTRATE OR EVAPORATE. DRIED CEMENT WASTE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINMENT AREA AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. SHOULD A PREDEFINED GERMED CONTAINMENT AREA NOT BE AVAILABLE DUE TO THE PROJECT SIZE, OR LACK OF AN AREA WITH A SUITABLE GROUND SURFACE FOR ESTABLISHING A CONTAINMENT AREA, PROPER DISPOSAL OF READY MIX WASHOUT AND RINSE OFF WATER AT THE JOB SITE SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROVED TECHNIQUES AND PRACTICES IDENTIFIED IN THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH k ENVIRONMENT'S TRAINING VIDEO ENTITLED BUILDING FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT, READY MIX WASHOUT TRAINING', AND ITS ACCOMPANYING MANUAL ENTITLED, 'READY MIX WASHOUT GUIDEBOOK, VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT WASHOUT AT CONSTRUCTION SITES' THE DIRECT OR INDIRECT DISCHARGE OF WATER CONTAINING WASTE CEMENT TO THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED. INFORMATION ABOUT, OR COPIES OF THE VIDEO AND TRAINING MANUAL ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH h ENVIRONMENT, 4300 CHERRY CREEK DRIVE SOUTH, DENVER, COLORADO 80222-1530, 303-692-3555 12.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL STORM SEWER FACILITIES ADJACENT TO ANY LOCATION WHERE PAVEMENT CUTTING OPERATIONS INVOLVING WHEEL CUTTING, SAW CUTTING OR ABRASIVE WATER JET CUTTING ARE TO TAKE PLACE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF ALL WASTE PRODUCTS GENERATED BY SAID CUTTING OPERATIONS ON A DAILY BASIS. THE DISCHARGE OF ANY WATER CONTAMINATED BY WASTE PRODUCTS FROM CUTTING OPERATIONS TO THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED. 13.PAVED SURFACES WHICH ARE ADJACENT TO CONSTRUCTION SITES SHALL BE SWEPT IN A TIMELY MANNER WHEN SEDIMENT AND OTHER MATERIALS ARE TRACKED OR DISCHARGED ON TO THEM. EITHER SWEEPING BY HAND OR USE OF STREET SWEEPERS IS ACCEPTABLE. STREET SWEEPERS USING WATER WHILE SWEEPING IS PREFERRED IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE DUST. FLUSHING OFF PAVED SURFACES WITH WATER IS PROHIBITED. 14.REFER TO THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION h SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 27. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE DRILL SEEDED AND CRIMP MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEC PLAN WITHIN THIRTY DAYS OF INITIAL EXPOSURE OR WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (AS DEFINED BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) OF AN AREA, WHICHEVER IS LESS. THIS MAY REQUIRE MULTIPLE MOBILIZATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING. ~ 28. HYDRAULIC SEEDING AND HYDRAULIC MULCHING ARE NOT AN ACCEPTABLE METHOD OF SEEDING OR MULCHING IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. a Q= 29. REQUIRED DEWATERING EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN A MANNER THAT AVOIDS POLLUTION AND EROSION. WATER FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL NOT BE DISCHARGED INTO ANY STATE WATERS INCLUDING WETLANDS, IRRIGATION DITCHES, CHANNELS, OR STORM SEWERS UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION IS OBTAINED FROM THE OWNER OR CONTROLLING AUTHORITY AND A COPY OF THIS Q i APPROVAL SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER. BASIS OF BEARINGS 30. THE STORMWATER PROGRAM MANAGER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY TO ASSURE ALL i NECESSARY BMPS ARE ADEQUATELY INSTALLED PER THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP). BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ZC3Z Q QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF 31. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DUST CONTROL ON THE SITE. DISTURBED AREAS NOT YET READY TO BE SEEDED, THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51 -EAST LANDSCAPED, PAVED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED SHALL BE WATERED, SPRAYED WITHE A TACKIFIER. MULCHED (WITHOUT SEED) OR AND BEING MONUMENTEO BY A FOUND 3-1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE RIPPED AS NECESSARY TO EXCLUDE VISIBLE DUST EMISSIONS. BOX PLS #13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3 -1/4 - 32. AREAS TO BE RE -VEGETATED SHOULD HAVE SOIL CONDITIONS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING VEGETATION. UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS, SOIL BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. AMENDMENTS AND TREATMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE GROWTH MEDIUM TO SUSTAIN VEGETATION. ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM #PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION 5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM NC IL nuTv r.IDnFlcn Callbelanyouft CALL 811 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU OIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS. HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. �a Z � ~ �a a Q= J� W O O a. LL ILL Q i W C� U IL i ZC3Z Q co Q LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET WILE l00 ORFEENVILIA SOUTH CAROLINA 200111 TEL. SINIMS."IS FAX SM.2S0A027 NEMEu OF THEANIMM MWITIM OFMCHI'll ✓f COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AHD DOCUNIMATNNI MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED N ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM L23P ASSOCIATES LTD. PROJECT: PLUM DATE:20115 It 02 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER EROSION CONTROL NOTES C150 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 0 C Qz I3 1 1 I 1 _� ( ( I1 �I/-0 CF /--CF---CF—CF _ �Y _ I EXISTING SLOG� x x \\ 1 hY �CF) '� 1 \ _� --W -----W- ti-�-\ I e EXISTING BLDG I l y 1 Iii 1 Isl—.— M EXISTING BLDG EXISTING SLOG I —Q- 4� EXISTING BLDG /O/ (, // / /I ,' //_.. .,` T_ ►"�', V�- IWS'— lig � I I I � ISS$ I /r I 10, EXISTING BLDG -7q // / ,r /Ile ri q/ I 4"� fm >�- �( j /r • / \YAC_-�_zI 1 w r_,�_- / /�_\ �ja— '1 ,fir I / , 1 i CF 5480 ; 7 111 // / // /`� �/ � l / i'-/ / �—'r— -ll \ EXISTING BLDG ' I I II FENCE a 35 SILT FENCE + / SF rl�il--L, /SS W ►fie`\ /9 CONTROL VEC , -- CWA W Z PERMANENT SEEDING I Wt ST 2F{7H AVEA(UE t t / i�,/ �5►// r � CSC � I / SF L— MAINTAIN 16' WIDE ENTRANCE FOR USE BY -SS-4--PUBLIC, CONTRACTOR TO MANAGE LOCATION =OF VFC AND MAINTAIN PUBLIC ACCESS T - _ �f _ i .5 , THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. $F SFD 7TH AVENUE — — =-.T-= vv q I � --rj<____ / hk ---CF-----CF— CONSTRUCTION CF FENCE a ASF—SF— SILT FENCE SF ® VEHICLE TRACKING W Q � =Q CONTROL VEC CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA CWA W Z PERMANENT SEEDING PS ® SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG SCL STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT W/ PROTECTION SP OSTABILIZED STAGING AREA SSA ® INLET PROTECTION IP p p \l \\ ROCK SOCK RS BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N69'44'51 -EAST AND BEING MONUMENTEO BY A FOUND 3-1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3 -1/4 - BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SM /PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16- STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM N 40 70 0 41080 SCALE: 1-=40' 4.I WVFNSKWS SHOWN ARF U.S. SURVE, FFET w whals below. C _ Call nerve you u CALL 811 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE. MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. I S c =) Z �O H C/) Zp Q a 02 m U WD Z� LL LL W Q � =Q ❑ W U ua � W Z Q Q MWM W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET 9URE 700 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 684.235.0405 FAX 664.213.4027 N-3 OF THE AIIERICAN VRRRVTE OF AFCNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOC UMENTATIGN MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LSSP ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: o. O4gIPY0n De1e PROJECT: 14.0345 DATE: 20511_03 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER INITIAL ESC PLAN C151 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D B 0 -1a--'` r�:dc.\1 WEST 27TH AVENUE RS.. --CF—CF— CONSTRUCTION FENCE CF —SF—SF— SILT FENCE SF ® VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL VTC Z� CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA CWA a~LL =a PERMANENT SEEDING PS ® SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG SCL W Z STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT W/ PROTECTION SP O m STABILIZED STAGING AREA • INLET PROTECTION IP p p ROCK SOCK \� ® EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ECB NOTES: 1. MAINTAIN BMPS UNTIL SITE IS STABILIZED. 2. REFER TO THE APPROVED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PUN FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR NSW"*51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16- STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. N 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1'=40' ALL 04MEN MS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET NC what%below. NO�Cell bdoielou d CALL 8 1 1 2—BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. m Z �O cn a F- Zo �.- a m= �a v Z� W00 Lu M a~LL =a W U a. W Z W Qa m LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. SM135.0405 FAX S84.233.4027 0 MEM -3 OF TIE ANER INSTRVTE OF AACHTTECT6 COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: L�] PROJECT: 14. D945 DATE: 2015_11 03 T)"WN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER INTERIM AND FINAL ESC PLAN C152 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D C 6 i h G O w Concrete Washout Area (C«'A) MM -I a SIGN 31 LTE MSHOUT 31 6 A B NN. 31 KNRE HACINC tONfRQ (SEE Vit ORM tl - OTU St lF I wecACE CONCRCTC WASIIOUT ARLA PLAN Il• ITP. COMPACTED EERY AAfD = TK PCmwEIFR I n SLOPE DKTARBED OR} I __�.�/ COMPACTED SOIL T Nlv[lEDMCPIrp,:. 6 . 0 N. C,ANrn, (SEE VTC IEQTIQ-k A aIML t CWA-i. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA CRd, rjy UATIOI MTM I. SO: PLAIN "CW rm -CWA S6r- LOCAnC 1. 00 NOT LOCATE /N UIUED CWW TR HM 400 OF ANY WVW ORNNAEE PANWAY OR R.ATERRCN'. DO NOT LOCATE "MIN 1,000• D ANY WELLS OR OR -K "TER SOURCES IF 9TF TONS 11 MYE INS `N`t F. OR f H-tL PEPMFABIr S 4 E.Kr ON SIT, THE CWA MIST BE INSTALLED WIN AN NPERMEARLE LNER (16 Yl MN TNCKN SS) OR SWfACE SiOPADf ALTION-ITM Ui:NG PREFAB/KAfED CONCRETE MA1.CUT OEYCES OR A LIIO) A60K ORpMD STORAGE AAE SMOLL3 BE USED. 3. TAE CS. SHALL FE INSTALLED MOR 10 CONCRETE PLACEWNT CN SHE, CHIA SHALL INCLUDE A FLAT SUBSLRfACE Pr tMAr 6 AT LEAST 6' BY S' SLOPES LCONC OJT Or THC SUOCUR-ACC AT SHALL 0E 3:1 OR RA1TER M CYT SCALL K AT LEAST 3DEEP. S WRM SIANDUhUNG SIDES MIG LACK OH TA CWA SHALL -A MMYUY Ht Wl D 1'. 6 M E 111AC9000 PAD WNL BE SLOPED 2R Tom" TIE CM T SIGN SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCrgM ENTRANCE. AT THE OAA -0 RJiWHCRC AS HICILSVfIY m CLAMLT -A. NC HMA OF M[ CVA f0 OPCRAIOA2 OF CONCRETE TRIOS AND PUMP WS. 5 USE GUTATED H mft i PEAYETER EKr CoHVWuCFKIN. ND.e"bn 7010 Urban Dr. -Xe Ild fl -d C-1.1 Mwid CWA-3 MM -1 Concrete Washout Area (CWA) '__ 1. MSPECr BIM EACH WORKDAY, AND ".1- THOU N EFFECTIVE OPERATNQ CQNOMTHOM. YARI,iNAH[C Or RLN SHOULD Of PAGACP.VE. HOT REACTNE..ISPECT BUPA AS SOON AS POSSOX (NTD ALWAYS WITHIN` 21 HOURS) FOILTRMC A StORM MAr CAUSES SURrACE t., MC PMCRH NCMZv- YNHTENu- ]. FREQUENT 06%WATONS MD MANTEAMNCE NE NECESSNr TD NAATAN BNP,, N EFRCrW OP ARMC CUOIIUN uH5PEG1IW5 AVO CWPECI- YEASUPES SrgLED K DOCUMENTED THOROU KY. 3 *NOW BMP[ NAVE FAILED. REPAIR OR FEPIACELILNI SMDAD BE MTMTED URO. DISCOVERY D< ME rN UC , THE CWA SHALL BE REPAMO. CLUNCO. OR D"WZO AS NECE55M, TO M R,44 CMAUOTY FOR CONCRETE RAWL DONCREiE WILAII.S, ACCLUJ ATED N At. 9,%, IE M[YL\tiD UIIt THE MArCAJ.3 HUK INCHED A Or- Of J'. Co"m -SNOUT IN NE SUBSRFAACE PIT SHALL SE TRANSWAVED PORTED FROM TOF HE 108 SITE AND NuLN A WATETHER � T CONTAINER AND DISPOSLO Or PWOAMV.. B VALE CWA 94ALL REMAIN W PACE UNTIL ALL COMCWETF FDI THE FRCJECE .9 KACED T WHEN THE CWA n MrMTCOIR ME (Y^M ,EO, n6E0 AREA W"F TCP SON, SLID MND MULCH OR OTHERWSE STABIUZM N A MANNER APPROVED BY IEE LOCAL jMWCMN. tPTt- AMPIfD Hb NMIaIM eNlllN. (Wtf.1lU AW M CN . MRD. ODdMeLL - MWAWE w A ioAo, Ig)L MANY JUWROCDONS HAVE SNIP ORNLS IHMT VARY FROM UOFCO SEMWNO DBMS CD"SULI WIT. L(T'lL JURISDICTIONS K t0 TATO" CEIM SOULD H USD WREN DFIE-Mas ARE ACRD. "; 1hJivaRe and FIDul1 ('OnU(II Dwncl NGVNnbr, T--010 IEO1➢OSlnrm fha�naor ('nteru Nan .•1 Silt Fence (SF) SC -1 Q � 0 FENCE E CE POST WIN POST MIM 0' EUA SET FENCE OrolfARE -1 S`CE SPKO'C U flaw_ [Cna� w. �. e' YwL W AT LEASE 10' 1e' o= or Skr r[NLE _ -- W U 'rXL • ALL BE ARNEn SILT FENCE H At .LOIN asr POSTS SHELL OAERL P MONIS $0 TINT NO GAPS LAn1 w x1 FERE ROTATE amu POSTS SMALL HE JC44ED AS /WM W ) S"OLIM, HEED AL ROTATIS] DEC. T"VM[33 O' GCOR w HASTYF IN DRECTIOY SHOWN ANT CFCHIVE,fIEFN .INTO SEN (SA!N�M, fRAfl..(RATED. SECTION A SF -1, SILT FENCE No'ember 2010 Urban Dmim3r P W FI«d ('Mmml Dislncl SIF I TSC -1 Silt Fence (SF)] H fY3 A 1. Str FENCE MUS- BE PLACED AWAY CROP THE ME OF ME SLOPE to ALLOW FOR WATER POILONG. SAT RNCf AT THE TOF Or A SLOPE SWR ILD BE INSTIUED I" A Mr LOCATg AT LEAST SEVERK FEET (2-5 FTI FROM ME TOE Of M SOPS to ALLOW "M FOR PONDING AAC OD ,I- 1. A UVIFORM 6' Ai ANCHOR ,gE.rl[H SHALL L BE LACANATED USING "WICHLR W SU FDCE P VTAUAN OEVCC rC RIRWCRATERS, BACNNOM OR 91RLAR EOUIPMCM SHALL BE USED 3 COYPACI MOOR IRENCTH BY HARD MM A 'JUYRMC JAd' OR K WHEEL ROLLIC CDNPACTOM SHALL K 5001 TW Ai FENCE RESStS KWC PULLED WI of MCHOR TR[h01 0, HMAA I. Sir FENCE swt BE PULLED TOR AS IT IS AIICIOR o 10 THE STAPES f1EK % AD R W IO'UA .. SEG MEIWEEN STAKLS MID' " HAS BEEN ANCNOMO IO THE'TM 5 SAr F,N FA91Y: SWI S NttWMFD 10 Nf STAINES IFJl: 1" NFAW NM SIAPFR 00 NMS `MTHE I' HEADS STNVS AND NMS SHOULD BE PLKm J' AU&C TLE FABRIC OdW M StAKE. 6 AT EEE ENA OF A WIN Of SILT FENCE AEOTC A CONTOUR, ME SLr rvVcE sH0ul0 or TUKD PETIPL OCULAR TO THE CONTOUR TO CREATE A J -ALOGIA' THE 'J -HOOK' EAIENOIr6 PF%'[NDCULKE TO TEE CONT" SPOULD K Of SA'MICNI rENCTN 10 KEEP RLRI W FROM RONNO MBIA ME ENA OF THE SILT rENCf (14'CMLY 10' - 201 1, SCr FEN'[ SHAU BE INSTALLED R TO MIT RANT ORTUERIG ACYIWIIES xr AMCP wNTFLIA. l NATE] I. INSPTCr ON% EACH WOROAI, Aro MAW"' TM MIN err "'C OPEMnA2 CCHOTON MVOENMCE OF EACH SHOULD BC PROACTkE, NAT REACDIC INSPECT DMP, AS SOON AS PUSSWLE (AND ALWAYS MMN 24 HOURS) FCUD A SIOR, DUI CJUSES SUWACE [BOSON. AND PC -Oft NECESSARY -nrf 1 MEODEM OBSEPVAIONS AND MANTEHVICE M[ NECESSARY TO LAWMAN SUP, M CFTCCHNL Of[MlwO lXINbTI M,MCTCNS AND COMCCT- MEK%nES -LD M DOCUrEMEO Nomotx?nY 3. WHUU, @N' w< IMEv. r1EYMM d M[I[ACFAWNI SHOULD & MTWLD UFO' DISCOVEIN OF THE FA;UUR . .. SFr`MFIt AFC "T. a E- D INE SRI "HOT SMA" Or WEAOVET AS NIFI TO MAINTAIN THE FJMCTION.ufY Or THE BMP, TIPCALLY WHEN OEPN of ACCUWLATED SED -4.m IL APPRONAURLY 6'. 5. REPAIR OR REPLACE SMT FENCE WHEN DERE ARE SONS M WEN. SUCH AS 5A40NG. tUNH- M IDIiYY. 6. sr_r FENCE Is to REMAIN N PACE UNIT TLE UPSTRLVI MrURBED AREA US STABUnD AND APPROVED BY ME LOCAL JLOSU CTION. OR IS RCPL.ACEU BY M ECUWALOII PE %klut SEDIMENT COWFI L OAP. T. WHEN SILT FILN U 4 REMOVED. ALL DSTURIED MEAS SHALL SL CAPERED MM IQPSuL SEEDTO NO WLCNED OR OTHERWISE STABNJ]Eo AS KPNOVm W LOCAL XMM.CDON f.ITRn APAnm Hb MWH Y AWKR. ORMY AW WN V AWIIWA MMN AW.AMr w -P, NOTEM,VFI JUNlOCr1OM Hw.E MV -ALS TNM - /REAR -- lrAMMO .-IS CONSUL! WI, LOGE AIRISIXTIONS AS TO WHICH DRM SNNAD ff USED AWN UFYEAEHCES ARE HDim. SFJ Urtun r% -j , id FI -d C-1, A DmriLY N-Trib. 2010 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SM- I s/cr _ s/cr '� aMSDE SSA Q COAN?1TWI[0«H CONSTRUCTION - YEHICIE ` TR.Afvs SITE PAAMNC !i' �). A[[a5 I I T' uN ,wcrwSS III CRANVVR MATERIAL � ll[O fNrRMICE (SEE "�\ nITN< VW _I to VPD -3) - �/DSIT I. DR CONSTRUCTOR W AMT. -_- EZCrKC RDADRAT SSA -1. STABIL17FD STAGING AREA S1A1ILLUD-%AaW,AWAJftZ%LLATION NICETIES 1. SEE " VIEW FIST -LOCATIDM D SIAIG N(S). -NNrMCION WI M -1 -1- AND -1 a 11- MEA, Nin Nv'NUVN, FROM THE LOCAL A RSOCIION. 2- SIABIDED SFACWC AREA SHOULD BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE NEEO5 OF THE 511E OVER92N0 RESUTS N A LARGER AREA TO STADIUM FnIONING CONSTRUCTION. S. slN AREA SHALL K STABUEEO PF" TO OfMm oPEnWIONS ON DE SITE R Mf lfMIIZm liN:RRD ARCA SnAI CG(r9R 0 A .- 3• MON onNN AR G' 5- 3. UNLESS Of"ERAM SPECIFIED BY LOCAL ,NRSOICTIDN. ROCK SWNL COISTST or DDI SECT (P03. AAMfo #3 COARSE AGGEGLtE a 6' (MITIS) RDCK. 6. ADOTIGIAL PEMW MR WUPM MAY BE REQUIRED IKLUAIC BIR NOT LAIM TO TET FENCC AND CCMrRUCTOM [,WW: STMv Tm 4TAbSt ARC A'TF -^TS I. INSPECT SHE. EAC. WO 1. AND M -HN, iHEM N fmCTNE OPCww(; CONDTCN M&NTENWOE OF BAP. SHOULD BE PROACINL, NOT REAGIN[. INSPECT BLP. A 900" AS PDS9WF (MID MWAYR WIMN ]A NOUNS) F(1IGMWD a CfTInA1 MASE fAJRN's SYINF'K[ EROSION. AND PERFORMM[FSSARY LIAIITED.YRCr 2 "MOLE" OBlDNAMnS AND AR YMMTNK[ C HCC[SSNtY M -- BVA EAARNO CONDIT ETFECTNE OP" 'SKCnCNS AND COREC"t ME.AAMES S o D BE DOCUMENTED MORdIGHLI 3. FIE% RMP. HAVE EAAfD. KPNR M REPLACEMENT SHOUEI BE ..FATED UPC' OIWOIERY OF THE FALURE A ROU SHALE K WAPPiJD OR REGRACED AS KCESSVIY IF RURNO OCCURS on UNCIEW- A:QCfIADC .10A CIAO- NOKlrexr 2010 Urb,m Drain66e AFA FI.A C -!Z1 Dun.I SM -6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) === SIAGCA MEA $NA.LL K EJ6Af6Z0 W KCE• Y 10 CONTYN PNM/IC, VC r ANO U'MOADI'rO/'-O.ONG OPERATION IFC STABu2E0 I'- ArIEA $MALI BE AEAO.ED AT E END 01 CONSfnUCTIDN INH GRANULAR MATERW SHALL BE REMOVED OR IF MFRONEO BT RHE LOCK. JURSDICPOY. USED OM 9%. AND THE WEA COVERED MM TDPSDIL SEEDED w0 NULO"ED OR 0 NEnTWSE STABILL&O M A NANMnR APPMUVFO & LOCAL A4RSDIGnON Note M.WY "N AUTRES MOr.67 THE USE OF RECICUM CONCRETE As CRNVLAR MATERIAL TUT STAMU= STACING MEAS DUE TO OFTKULM "M RE-ESCABUSMYEAr OF VCGEIATCN N AREAS WHERE RECTCLED CONCRETE WAS 0.ACm. &M LMNY "ISDICTCNS HATS BW DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UD'CO STANDARD ORALS CDAISVLr MM LOCAL AFKOICIIONS AS r0 WHICH OCTAL SHOULD BE USED WI1EN O.Mn tfS ARE IIOrM RNT,a..OSIso r"w PRIIW,e mwr, mM.M. nr AVIAAIAH .. +uPro) SSA4 I)rban DraiDAE and Fkld C-.1 Duvj,, Nmemba 2010 t SC -5 Rock Sock (RS) R S 111" (wivVS) CRUSHED Rp{;K ERGO fD IY WINE MESH tly" IWNUS) Cnuo- D ocC Et10.Q4D NMRG MESH "RE HE ENDS II ` ,' To 6' LLAL AT 10. O.. RFnP«x w ` CRal.m s,YF.rr tunas. orHEFhASE LL HARD SURFK'1, 2• 0' -IO' DfPEND'O rN SW sEt-EW I, RQ(•K SOCK SEQTION ROCK SOCK PLAN ANY GM AT "I SUI( BE MUD MEM M AOFCUArE AL'OUNT OF IM' (MNU3) CRuvm R00K AND WRIIPPLD POCK SUCK, AODIONAL EHWIC MESH LEHaIrm t0 "It D ROCK WJWORCCD SOOT. AS M ALOVULfM TO FILLING JOINTS T2" 12' MD�iR� . `WN! pP�ITiC, ROCK som CAN�B[.W ROCH WO OARAPMO (RPCAtIr 12 -INCH D/fAIM) TO AVOID GPS. GRAMICl/ MOTE SM 92E YA55 PCW wsiivsr SOUR E LRS" 3EK5 ROCK SOCK JOINTING No.I 2- Tn. w imWo 10- 33 1E' 0 TS 3{" K SOON MVAIAW N'< WrC"Es SPECIICATON5 FOR 40. C COARSE AC KGAIE FOR CONCKr I PEC P_ MRTWCW FOP PER AAfMO WJ ALL ROC" SHALL BE -LOCATgi(S) OF RCCA SOCKS FRCTURED FACE. NL SEES. 2 CRUSHED ROLA S- BE OF• (SNS) N SITE NTH A FRCTURm FACE (ALL s10E5) AMO SHMLL COMPLY MFH CRAMC"OWN TSON THIS SER (1)V MINUS). J WIRE MESH SHALL BE FA8RICAtE0 OF 10 GAGE POuLRN UM, on EWNALENT. WIRE A MAAW JW OPENING OF A', RECOMMENDED MIWIAr ROLL WIH OF N• 4. RAPE NES" SHALL BE SEOPED U'4NO TIOG RNGS' OR ORE TTS AT 6- CENTERS AIDC ALL JOINTS ANTI AT P CFNTTM TN THDS DI SFIOtS 3 SOME NLNIOPAUDES WY ALLOW ME uSE OF FETOR fABRC IS M LTERNATAC M WNC AESMI r0n TIE nOnA DI(Ar.LRE. RS -1 RO K STICK P RIM TFR CONTROL RS -2 UPM. N -.Z3 Dd Flud ('umnd Ihntrlal N--ber 2010 I Rock Sock (RS) SC- vA^N YYMF".NY MOR< S:FCr DIP, EACH w1b(DAv. ARD NARITAN THEM N EEECTM oKRATNO CoNm. AMMW-Cf OF aNIN, SAOIAD K PNSICDVE, "02 REAC/Nf. HWE[r tYN AS SOON AS PMSEtr (MA AL,M WAYS WN 24 "NRS) ECILOwhG A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE CPO`.AOH, AHC T[wDRN NccT UMFF CC 2. FREOUEM O%V"TCNS AND YANIEMANCL ME NCCESSMY 10 MMT- 6wA, IN EFF LCTM D9 -M 0pU1nON M99f,T- NO L'OMNECIM WASIRFS 9NAAD ft DCCULENTED rHORUUCIET. 3 WHERE BP. EMR: rNLED. FEPAR NR REPLKFMENI 9,MU BE INNTE.O LION DISCOKRI of M FALNRE, A. ROCK 90CKS WALL BE FtEPEACEO F THEY WCOW HEAVEY SOIE, W QWQXD BEVQO REPAIR. 3 SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED UPSTREAM D ROCK SOCKS SHALL BE REMOVED AS NRDEO TO MMRAIN AACTCNKRY OF 0C BNP, ErPICALLY WHCH DON OF ACCUMULATED SED.OI`S E WPTOAWmY K OF 12N IEIOHT D IHE ROOM SOCK R K S ARF TD RMAIN EN AA LAID IMF. -INN -,URFO AREA r< SRICSODHTMT FED AND APPROVED BY THE LOCAL JU6SOCTp" > EH ROOT SO4AS ARE NN . ALL DASIuRDm MEAS SHALL Of COVERED Mtn fQPSC . SEEE` ANE) MNO"ED OR OTHERWISE STARU= AS WIRUED BY IDEAL (T.Ha A6✓Im rb OWI w NRmH, 0"twW AIC GIH' a ,ASML cvaRwlOL IW AWAMA w NRIFAOI ULLAWT ILIIR�iKININS Ml1v! tlMH UIL ,HAI VMT IMA LIAR(U 9TAHDAy RrNLs. CO.SHAT C65 ARE NOTED. ON to" AUR6DICDOMS AS TO vHfw ORM SHOulO M u5E0 NEM "'T'N NQIE: THE DETAILS WCUJOLD MM NIS FACT SHEET SHOW co -DML, ESLD, CCN'+DRCwL AfnCOS OF ROCK SOCA RRTALaArCN IN INE OOIKP wmo oul- MU T[RC ME MART 01NLA SMIAR PNOPSEEMY PROOJCTS ON ME MARKET, UUCO A0I.ER MKp5ES .NOR DSCOURAGCS USE Or PROPRITAPY PROTECT" PRODUCTS HOKYM, 1. THE r v T PROPPILTMY ACT DM. MI: u3m. THE MPSCAAAM DCT- FTC. MC AWAFMTIR+CIR YUst BE INCLUDED N M S~ AND ME BEP LAW SE INVAL EO AND MAWW0 M SHOAT IN ,HE YMAFACIVRER'S DETAILS. NmembN X10 L'Hban IhAIItiRe RDJ F)LNId C'ONIISHI D. -T RS -3 S D Z 1-- cf) Q � 0 � �a a m= U WOE Z� iL LLLL W o= =a W U Ua H Ll1 Z Z Q /WM W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE'SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 663 TEL 633.0603 FAX 664233.4021 0 0 MEMBERS OF ME AMERICAN INlTTEFFE, OF ARCHITECT] COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM L33P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0943 DATE:3015 11 03 DRAWN By.. VSB CHECKED BY: JER EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D C a z G O SC -6 Inlet Protection (1P) a C, P) SEE ROfi SOCN DIASTEM ROCA OCNAM TOR AO NMC ROfx SOCKS te' OwDER 16' ONDER SOG6 9LnGNs BLoas .N RAB rNLE'T L L 2'�' I.DCO - SECTION A - $lND IP -1. BLOCK AND ROCK SOCK SUMS OR ON GRADE INLET PR T (CTI1N RDO( AN, CURB WN N,YT P9,I7 SCh crr T SEE AMIE 5oa DESCH DETAt FOR HAS --To. Rra6RC11f M --"I 'CHULR• ROCAS DUAL RE D OF NEV, SO Ma Nn IHE rrnEl n I SHfM.E ROW. ABjTTNO ONE NC En R1N THE OPEN EIC FACHID AWAY FROM THE pJ18 3 CMYC_ BAGS SrW1 Be PUCEO ARLOOD CONCNITIf ROCKS. CLOSCL� laurt G WE AIgD1ER AO JOMRD t=NEA W ACCOADANCE Mill ROCK SOLI OCSON DETAIL MMI.JY w r TWO CURB SOUS NR10. >D DEO. MIICfF ANO RACK SOCX wTil T'TT— PROrcn (Sff or.L Aft -9 CURB SOCK ROW — IP-2IP�.CuRBRoCKSoCKS UPSTREAM UPSITREAM OF INLET PROTECTION GIBB�iSX213lCLCl[lLr7<jGl L� QBtlIJy9yEJIfIE_jl0icly p iE5 1 SPA NOCK SMN OFSICN OE IAA NSr.YIAMIN HEOUNENENtS. 7 RACELENT Of THE SOCK SHALL BE MPMO WTELY 30 DECREES FROM PERPENDICULAR W THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION a FLOW 3. . AIK TO RE r -L. MIM INA CURB MD --0 A AAINww DF 1 —1 APMNN. F. AT LEAST TWO CURB SOCKS IN SERIFS ARF REOUKEO UPSTREAM 0< N_CRADF MRS IPI Ur)un Ihainagc 9IA) F1'HW ('nnAUl DlmTct NMvenlFel 2010 Sediment Control Lo (SCL) SC -2 Sc SCL Ie' (LAN) TIopTEN RIME � 9' OaMETER (MN) SEO.E.1 CONTROL LOG EERIER (M LESS IF OCRs, YCHICULS Aft FLOE+' DF SCT CLAY CONFINED ON \, MT ARGFR OMIIEJER SEDIMENT F CONTROL Las MAI ak�i NEED TOM CMDfTCEo ORPE9 SEDIMENT CONiROL LOG L 6NlER STAA1 N Co. to. COMPACTED E.CRAARED Y 9- DIAMETER (MW) TRF31Ol SOL 9EaAMfNi CONROL 'Co 9 aw. xi (rm.l MANUS RIOT 6' SECTION A BETWEEN Sol Am ROCK 1]' fPAEhK f.Y. REF' . 1y . Te• (YIN �', NBBDoN srM� 0. (T I COATER SEDIMENT CONTROL LG UX SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG JOINTS SCL-1. SEDIMENT CONTROL LO NuF:mM 2010 Ud— (k.. -gr anJ F 6HAJ E•nncrul nim Yl SCL-3 I Inlet Protection (IP) SCfiI •a F xu A I�1` . bJ IP -3. ROCK SOCK cUMP/AREA INLET PROTECTION T. SR ROC' SOOT DESGN D e TON MSTMft REZUh.ENTS 2 SrRAw R'_rfS/SfOAAC%T CONTRA LOCI MAY BE USED N PUCE OF RMA SOCKS FOR !LETS N PER.DUS AREAS. INSTALL PER SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG OTML INLET CRATE SNT ITME (SEE SIT ? I FENCE OESIW oRAA ) IP -4. SILT EENCE EOR SUMP INLET PROTECTION S��f�n rt���t����i��� I IF S.i FTNC.F TSCrN fETu GfN KRNIA— RFpARMFNtS 2, POSTS MAAU. BE RILED At EACH COKER OF THE "LEI AMID MONO THE COCES At A MAIMNN SPACND OF 3 RET 3 STRAW M`TIl S/SEOMEN! CONTROL LAOS AMY BE U%C IN PLACE of -1 RICE 1CR INLETS N PEWOLS AREAS. INSTALL PER SEDIMENT CONTROL LOC OETAL N,ncmbr, 2010 Urtw Diaumgc" FI9,A1 C,A,vol Dl is IP -5 SC -2 Sediment Control Lo (SCL) 3' CWPtiR] ETLCAW:.) pCENTER $TAKE N C.lq. LOC mew.. FAV 1 Y OAAE10t (..) 'r—SEDIM ILNT CONTROL. LOG " "Acf Loc r.A..1t ecK D• CPRS SCL-2. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT BACK OE CURB NTIERALER CON'R0- LING 3' _ 0' aAMETfR fYw) 5[OM91i CDIRAOL Loc AM _ IwE ;A." rYPrcAI 15 DSCL (FTP) CURB L o -_Ac_ cLmRa. Lcc A[:•Yrhl •$.LINT RA.x 5CL-3. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT SIDEWALK WITH TREE LAWN 'MHC AT A IWf. / TW CEMER (1 W. vMfi ,FA.'Ir'V. 1nA s, NNH 1 AT 1ERAA1FR C - casrRlrnW SINE SCL-4. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS TO CONTROL SLOPE LENGIH SCL-1 UTtun Dk.in.ge and FLAB Cmind Duwia )NMRrmb., 2010 Inlet Protection (IP) cr_6 rFNrP. R UFPRD r 't •Ir. LOCnMTCyA OF MIT PROTECTION. -TWE OF OF PROrCC7ION (P.1. P.2. F.J. IP.L tP S. P.6) 2. INLET PROTECT" SMALL BE 94TALLED PROWILY MYER PALL CONSFAMF IN ON MMIC IS COMPLETE VIP.0 LL MTIAN .6 wa/6) u A RrVfAL,/RUNOFF EVEMT a FORECAST. INSTALL INLET INOTCTIN PRIOR To ONS' Or EVENT 3 MANY JLPISOYIIONS IMA{ 6Lp DETAu THAT vW, r1M "CO SGMCYO ca.'s CONSULT ON LOCAL JVR15pCnONS AS TO wRU DETAIL SHOAD BE USED NNE. DFFTROICES ME NOTED FMR PRQrr- AM YMNiPM. /IpIES I RBECI BihEICM .N(IIAAmAI YU WINIAN MEM N EPEECML O'LXMI CUNWILN MAINTE%WCF d BIP. MQUID BE PRLSACTNE, Her REAMS NSPECr BNP, AS SOON AS P09$aE (AAA) 1-11 N 2. NDUR9) FOTLOWNC A STORM THAI CA1JSEs SURFACE EROSION. AND PMOA0M NECESSARY MMTITDMCE O. FREWEM OBSER.A`N AO WNwRI✓vKE ME MECEMANY TO MANTMN 9AI. IN EFTECIOE O IP CONSTgR NSPECTIOMS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SM W RE DOCUMENTED INOROUGHLY. 3 WERE OMP, HAVE FAMED. REPM DA RUUCOAVr MjC,,LO BE N ArEO UPON 0`5CP4R, OF INE FALURE .. SEDMENT ACCLAOL&I'M UPSTREAM OF TALI PROTECnO SHALL K REMOVED AS 50% Or C A TY. A RAI FtS'r ENGSIL NFENCE 3 1YIEN RR )L O YTHE H RFAMFS SOR W CMACIO, A DCPA K 6- MAw SILT FENCE S USED, CLP h OF M NIDA? IOTA 91Mf flAL15 S MET PROTECTION 5 TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTO THE LOSTRE;W OSTURBED AREA R PERYMp1TLY SMUZED, MISS THE EDGE JURISDICTION APPROVES EARLIER REMONK O ILLI PROTECTION IN STREEIS. 6 NMN BAR PROTECTION AT AREA INLETS IS REMOVED. TIE 6517URR'D AREA SHALL BE COVMO WM TOP SOL MEDEU AND MULCKED, OR OTHERWISE STABIOZEO IN A MANNER APPROVED or INK LOCK AIPISDCTIOI. (DO. AWPI.O rPMr IOAM N AAM¢A mOrm Ao [,M„ a AAHP. masm AO, .AA.AM<. SAI CONSULT ." LOCAL �MNSOQCnC,4 A, " =1 O_FRO B[0 31ANDMDLSW F OETNL7. OLFFERENCES ME IBRD. IET. � OS W Igzr PROTEC-, N TIMES FO ft W IROPdIiMrb-JOnL Y� .ME VAMRVYL u PROPRIETARY NLEF PROTECTIDFI YCDOOS CM THE MARACT UOFCO NONFA ENDORSES NOR DISCOURAGES USE OF PROPRIETARY N t PROTECTION: HONEVER. N ENE EVENT PROPIIEY E TMW1N005 W USED. THAPPRCPNATL ORAL FROM DE WNUFACTIwER MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE SNP MO NE SIP MUST 01 MTALLED ANO LAANTANED As SOWN N THE ArAMJFIC TONERS CETAAS. POROLECTX}I CHI- ATH LOCAL .MROCI— To SOME MUNICIPALITIES DISCOURAGEI OR PROHIBIT gOEKRAAW ✓ STRAP IIALLBNES FOR INLET PROTECTOR IS AC'CEPrMIE, WL Novelnbe, 2010 U0— Drainage and FTNAI (_uLI1 DIIv "I Dp-7 I IrhPA Cr.Ym, nr"n,P. C \A, . I' 1 T Control =•MVA NI cOIINv 1. SEE PUN VICA FOR LOGTION AND LENGTH OF SCEVENT OWTAGL LOGS 2. SE0IEAI CONTROL LGCS NMT ACI AS A PERIMETER CUYITROL SHALL BE LHSTAR M PRIOR TO Iry UPeAAOCHT LAIC-afNPOIID ACTIN'S 3 SENTIMENT CONTRSI LOGS SHALL COMSST OF SIMM. COMPOST r,CCL9FW OR COCONUT INNER. AHU SHALL x "a ON' MY, NOWD REED xCos OM WWI ..CE.OwC RVy, HOLE4 AND OBATOUS WEAR SEMMEM COfIRCA LAGS WY BE USED AS SMA, CHEd DAYS . DITCHES MO SWALES HOWEVER" THEY SOOAO NOT BE USED A POENNA STREAMS OR NIDI YELO0, DRM M MA'S S IT IS RECOMAEhOFD N Ar sfaAw Cowme, LUGS BE nEHeAfn INTO THE CjgeO TO DEPTH K IP"1pnWm, )A or m DIA-ar" or Ne LOG P TRInFCNMG To MWS DEPTH KNOT FLAVILE MOA OR OtU •I (SHCNr TEAM INSTALANOM .,H DESIRE NOT ro DAMAGE IAMOSCAPr) A LESSER TRENCHING DEPTH ARMY R ACCEPTABLE NM AM ROBUST srAKrIG eNE UP— VM or NSOMAN' MAN' TT— LOG '-- RE BICNFkLTO ATYA SYR NAT IS FREE OA ROCAS ANO DEBRIS. THE SOL SHALL BE TX.IL1 CQMRACNED INTO ML SHAPE OF A FMHT TRIANGLE USING A SHINE, OR 111OONTE'D UAW RoUjOt T. FOLLOR w"Ammum GLNOAwa FDR sTam r "UFACTUNERSNMUCM A 00 NOT SPECIFY SPACING. STANCE SILL R PLACED ON 4 CENTERS AND EMBECOED A MINIMUM Of 6- MID TIE OROUND. $' OF NNE SWE SHALL PROTRUDE FRO. THE IOP OF INE LOG. $ Af$ THAT ME BRatEN PA,e. 10 IIISTAL4Allp1 SHALL R R:PIACED. (VENT f r .'+Te NMal BNP. EACH MOIIAOA,, AAO MNNTAN THEM fAFECrIK DPEAANNAV [M0.TOK MVMM_'M O INP. SHOULD BE PROACTNE. NOT RFACINE. INSPECT BAP. AS SOON AS POSSIRE (AND KNAYS .IMM 2. IWURS) Fa10MNG A STOBI IMT CAUSES SUWACE olagoN. AND PERFORM MCCSSMY' MANruNANCC 2 FPCO" DFJSERVANCAI AAI MMMEYMIA•E MIM W=%AAY .0 MA,_ ,,A. A, EFFECTIVE OPEAAnMG ""I" INSPECTIONS MO CGRRECT"E MEASURES SWp.E.) R OOCUACNITD NOROWHIv. 3. VINE% INP- R44 FILED, REPINE OR RfPIACTEIENT SHOAD BE NITWm UPON DISCONEIW OF THE FAILURE. A. SEOIENI ACM-LATED UPSTREAM M SWMENr CONTROL LOG SMLL RRFNa AS NEEDED TO UMITA H FWMCnONAJTY or rE BAP. T1oC.AEN EN DUN or M CLAA L TCO SDAMENIS S APPRO~tELY B OF THE mmw DF THE SOLENT CONTROL LOG. 1. $C:XMO' CCNIROL LM V_ i ROMO,.m Ar THE ENR OF CWStAvC/ N, F "S""M MEAS EYES` NEER REMOVAL n[Y SMLL BE OO&RED NTH TDP SOL. SEEDED MD 61ULOWD OR OTKRW.SE STAMITO N A MMNFR .WPROffD BY THE LOCAL (�• oN+m rAPr To-. u Arm. maWo ortltle. m..T., muHm m,YN w,.N. Ym. c on Y AMOAA tOrRR,Tp INT +RARER M M1rIU01 NOTE MMY wRYlf`IONS MAYS BW MTNLS THAI YWr FROM MGACD SIAIOANO CE IRAs. CONSULr INN LOCAL JURISOK710A$ AS NO WWI DETAL $HOUR IL USED w.EA OIFFEIFNCEs MOA -To NPV JHA 2010 llrfun Oramape AINI Flmd CPnTmI Dwnct SCL-5 Vehicle ( 1 L+:w] Sc H cf) 20 FOOT � CIAO. CAT, Be a m = LESS IF OCRs, YCHICULS Aft U CONFINED ON SIDE— CIA ONER PAVED SURFACE so FOOT (w) e_ti�•P}� ¢�• 4�tp•.�P(%S''[-,�l-jss++�����yy'�:gr _'tqt'^ s". ak�i r yr r1 !� RC`DAAy By 10C. AINTSOCT-ON. USE W COOT SECT. 0703. AAoNTV #3 m CONIAW COREU. OR a' MANUS RIOT BETWEEN Sol Am ROCK WrAMC SECTION CONTROL N ISM4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC)] SIeBEJ1:D Ot6 !rax aTM::Tvf.-R INs7yyypy"Nps t CGT IOM NYHA IMI -UCCATION OF CONSTRCDON DITRANCE(S)/EFIr(S). -TYPE Of CDMSTR.CTDN FYmAM[E(s)/OOR(S) (IIRTI/pMrl.alr AAHAFEI rMLSH. CUN6fRUCnOM -I OR TIw) 2 CYM15TNMCTDN tlAT OR TNM STABAIAD CONSTR'JCI1011 ENTANCFS MME OILY 10 6E USED ON SHORT "'N"'MA PW -'ACM (TYRCALLY RANGING FROM A NEON 10 A MEAN) WHERE THERE MRL BE HARED VE�JAR ACCESS. 1 A SfABL12E0 CCNSfFW*4 ENTRANCE/EAT SHALL BE LOWED AT ALL ACCESS PDMS WERE VEHICLES ACCESS THE COM1RVCTtON SDE FROM PAYED MKRR-OF-MVS. .. STABIJZED COMSTRUCnoN ENtRANCE/EOOI SHALL BE INStA = PRIOR f0 MY LAND aSRW6nG K,Tr TEs 5 A NOM -POLO COORXnif FNWC SHALL M PLACED UNnrR THE STM jmn CONSTRUCTION, [HT NAf2/rK,T PnGA TO THE "A VHT oI ROCN. 6 UNLESS OTHERMY SPEpF'[0 BY LOW ,LRS.SCi'IXC ROCK SHALL CCUSIST Or DOT SECT. 1705, AASHTO N COME ACCIEGR OR a- (ANUS) RCCn. STMI:2m ��aE'�rl��Ts. FM�YSE/iL* �Si�^SiaCr .ROTE$ I IASPECr RMPA EACH w3M1A[Wt, ATO NANNY— THEM w FFRCTM1A OPERA" CONOOION ANNTENJVCE OF BLP. NN:AL ft 'ROACTIM AOT Ar crIK. NSPCC' "I AS $ODI AS POSSIBLE O S(ANS N. N .00S) FRLOMNNSUMACS O A STORK AT CAUSES EROSION. AND FEWORM NECESSARY MAMDWiCt 2 FAEDUENT OHSI.TNATIMS MO NANrr M AN NECFS&MAY t0 MANTAN RIA, IN .FF -C —AA -I CONa - NWEC-" AND COR TC A IAUnK.,, s.wLc 9[ DOCIIYENTD fHOROU*4LY J AHM SAP, -It FAAIC nEIAW OR REFLACCACHr SAIULO S fRYVM 'UID, DISCOVERY OF THE FAUNA ACCL SHALL SIE Pl1ED PEAPINR REGRADED AS rECESSAPY To THE SIABIUIEO aTRANCC/dtr To MANTAN A CONSTSTOR ESPN 5 SMMENT RUCKED OMO MND ROADS IS TO BE RdOAED rHIR""OUt W DAY AMC N NL END OF THE DAY BY SNO.EUNC 0. SAIEEPWO $EON" MAY FAT BE W.S.0) MIA. SEWN SCACA ORIFI.. JLrR�1CI1phS HAVE CLP DRwLS OMI vARY FROM UOfW MARD O SIOT3 Al. C ULT VN LLN�AL JUWR XrO( AS r0 -ICH DETAIL SNO'ALD BE USED MN ,rRENCES M€ NOTED HATE., _. — m. W Mrmun. __ Tor AAA_ M M,McrI I Irb.n Drainage aM FTNAI ('Umrol Distrin \'n,Lmlhcr 2010 2 =) Z NO H cf) a~ Zp � CD a m = U WooZ� CL LL LL W = =Q _ W U �a 1AAAM WZ W as m LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 3DO GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 661.2350405 FAX 664.233.4027 i; 0 MEMBERB OF THE AMERICAN N TITUTE OF MCHTTCT6 COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM L33P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: L—N..I - DIN.". I ME. PROJECT: I'Lum DATE: 2015 51 03 DRAMA BY: va CHECKED BY: JER EROSION CONTROL DETAILS C154 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D C B F BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N69'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SM %PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16' STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1985) DATUM. r - EXISTING LEGEND PROPOSED - - PROPERTY LINE - - — - - - — RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE — - - - — ZOC SECTION LINE W — — — — — EASEMENT — — — — — _�_. RETAINING WALL tri ---- - -_- CURB & GUTTER Z Q m HANDICAP RAMPS UTILITY CROSSING - - - - -ST- - - - - STORM SEWER ST STORM MANHOLE O - - - - -Ro- - - - - ROOF DRAIN -C STORM INLET m < FLARED END SECTION cz - - - - -SS- - - - - SANITARY SEWER SS SANITARY MANHOLE O Q CLEAN OUT coo -----W----- WATER LINE W ® WATER VALVE 8 Li FIRE HYDRANT Ak. 9. WATER METER ,9 - - - - -IR- - - - - IRRIGATION LINE --------- 4R — IRRIGATION CONTROL Q - - - -OHE- - - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC - - - - - E - - - - - ELECTRIC LINE O LIGHT POLE >« j7 POWER POLE f — ELECTRIC METER - - - - - T - - - - - TELEPHONE LINE —T— TELEPHONE PEDESTAL mT - - - - -CT- - - - - CABLE TV T GAS LINE --G SIGN J, Ew MONITOR WELL DRIVE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE NOTES. 1. FINAL WATER MAIN EXTENSION FIRE HYDRANT RELOCATION TO BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BY CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD). 2. REMOVAL OF EXISTING 2' WATER TAP TO BE PERFORMED BY CMWD. 3. SEE GRADING PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING DRAINAGE NEAR BUILDINGS AND ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS. 1 NC emmmrsbelow. N TIuTY — IE AT Cell before you di CALL 811 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. R IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, 40 20 0 40 B0 MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES SCALE: 1'=40' PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET T 4 m =)Z NO F— cn a~ Zp � a m= �a Wow ZOC U aILLL W Q F- =Q 2 W U 3a � Ill Z W Z Q m Q LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL, 664.27S.0405 FAX 664.233.4027 MEYBER9 OF THE AMERICAN WOTRUTE OF ARCH M COPYRIGHT 2DIS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM L33P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0945 DATE: 20/S_11 OJ DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER OVERALL UTILITY PLAN C200 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW �7 C - B l "1-5477 i SINGLE W.R. CURB INLET � N:700803.23 ___ ---' E:118621.47 I _' � \I 5485 54fl4 . I \ EXISTING ELECTRIC \ STA.=13+85.37 ELEV=5175.25 ASSUMED 2' COVER 5475 .►.���`- _.....---. - g S lr 5470 E D \\ W. 26TH AVE STORM I m I 5. 0 - PROPOSED GRADE \ EXISTING GRADE EXIST 2' WATER STA -13+73.49 \ EXISTING N ELEV:5470.52- - EXISTING ELECTRIC - _ STA. -11+76.01 TO BE DEMOLISHED STA.=12+86.60 ELEV=5470.06 ELEV�5472.69 ` ASSUMED 2' COVER ASSUMED 2' COVER EXIST 6" PVC SS- STA=13+28.06 _ ELEV=5469.70 gb o 14+00 13+50 1 13+00 12+50 12+00 7 11+50 t Ly1 DENVER WATER UNE .-11+28.75 V-5462.73 LIMED 8' COVER 11+00 82.90LF I18' PVC O EXIST. 8' PVC WATER STA -10+40.27 ELEV-5463.30 -- - ESTIMATED 4.5' COVER 10+50 10+00 EXISTING PROPOSED - - PROPERTY LINE - - - - - — RIGHT -OF -WAV UNE — - - - SECTION LINE — — — — — EASEMENT - RETAINING WALL -- CURB 6: GUTTER ® HANDICAP RAMPS UTILITY CROSSING - ----ST-- - - - STORM SEWER —ST — 0 STORM MANHOLE O - - - - -RD- - - - - ROOF DRAIN D— e STORM INLET < FLARED END SECTION ccl - - - - -SS- - - - - SANITARY SEWER SSS SANITARY MANHOLE O Q CLEAN OUT COO -----W----- WATER LINE —W- 0 WATER VALVE B .0. FIRE HYDRANT t, WATER METER - - - - -IR- - - - - IRRIGATION UNE !R IRRIGATION CONTROL Q - - - -OHE- - - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -----E----- ELECTRIC LINE 0 LIGHT POLE F3 POWER POLE f c ELECTRIC METER - - - - - T - - - - - TELEPHONE LINE T ® TELEPHONE PEDESTAL Q GAS LINE C SIGN y OR/VE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR NOW44'51 "EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5' DISK ON A 9/16• STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVA71ON 5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. N 20 10 0 20 40 SCALE: 1"=20' ML DIMENSIONS SHOWN ME U.S SURVEY FLET NC WnE�beln L U T' NOTIFICA L.L� CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT 15, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE. MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. S D Z O V/ Q ~ Zo 1"- a 0Q WV .J w w Z Lu aLLo Lu D p= W �a X W Z Q Q Lu W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. $64 .235.0405 FAX 664233.4027 0 0 1nlllMIS OF THIS ANEOCAN 9 W 711117E OF ARCIR[CTt COPYRIGHT Mg ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT EE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WRIIOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LSV ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0945 DATE: 2015_11_03 DRAWNSY: VSS CHECKED ST: JER STORM PLAN & PROFILE C220 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW STORM SEWER NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE PRICIN. TO POTHO EnITIFQ IN 32ND Z AVENUE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ANO PROVID EVATION� DF ;TING N 0 UTILITIES TO ENGINEER TO VERIFY DESIGN SHOWN I� rr4clRl c I.._., ~ - - '�""1' $ SS 1 _iy - - - - -1 -W 1 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE Z T - - i C _ - ` - i- -�A'- -- - - - - h L- - - - - CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING STANDARDS. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS, C Q \ \ 1 -IF- -'N I AND DRAWINGS CURRENT EDITION. ALL STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION 2 -SS AR- - - ±I SHALL BE APPROVED AND INSPECTED BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. MM � W V •u i1 , I _ �_�' 3. CONTRACTOR SMALL VERIFY HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATIONS Of N:700980.77 o m - m EXISTING STORM SEWER POINTS OF CONNECTION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION E:118644.61 -------N----'r--- N:700871.44 IR'" i E-118633.05 % ` \ i �\ OF ANY PROPOSED STORM SEWER. J �y A/ D N:118635.97 S i 4. ALL STORM SEWER ONES SHALL BE RCP, CUSS III UNLESS DISTANCE LL O E118635.05 i UJ _ 9 i i BETWEEN PIPE CROWN AND BOTTOM OF PAVEMENT IS LESS THAN 1B", IN � � LL w \ WHICH CASE CUSS IV WILL BE REQUIRED. STORM SEWER PIPE WITHIN T EXISTING WALK - - ,. PROPOSED BLDG i _ i ���`: i� I d U- EXISTING T 54611\ •\ I \ PUBLIC R.O.W SHALL 8E MINIMUM OF 18" CUSS III RCP. Q � i L T V SINGLE W 5. T R W PIP JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH AN APPROVED = J W N:700603. ALL S 0 MSE ER E -�- �---- -N- \ I\ RUBBER GASKET 0-RING OR PROFILE TYPE GASKET. THE JOINT SHALL BE U T � SIMILAR AND EQUAL TO THE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION 'R-4" JOINT CL i DESIGNATION, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 6. DISTANCES FOR STORM SEWER PIPE ARE THE HORIZONTAL DISTANCES W z W Z--- 1_ .n \ 18" FROM CENTER OF MANHOLE TO CENTER OF MANHOLE. THEREFORE, Z ? M WR VALLEY INLET s \ \ DISTANCES SHOWN ON PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE AND COULD VARY DUE TO Q Lil WR VALLEY INLET - WR VALLEY INLET _ _ _ N:700802.52 U` \ \ I VERTICAL ALIGNMENT AND MANHOLE WIDTHS. N:701027.51 N:700919.51 _ E:118581.49 E:118582.15 - �I E:1185B2.B7 'w�• \ 15+O \\ ( 17. MANHOLES, BARRELS AND CONES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST PVC `4' DIA. MH \\ I y CONCRETE. CAST-IN-PUCE MANHOLES SHALL NOT 8E ALLOWED. N:700732.38 X17+94.94 12' PVCI+00- - i5' I 18+00 \ :118597.36\ of N 8. PRECAST MANHOLES AND RISERS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN CONFORMITY -SX�2 WR VALLEY INLET 5482 \ \ - WITH ASTM DESIGNATION C-478. All CONES SHALL BE [ECCENTRIC] AND N:700963.SB r \ I, \ •� SHALL BE ROTATED AWAY FROM ADJACENT CURB AND GUTTER. El 18S81.BB S� � WATER EASEMENT •� \ -�5 P Wyt ; RE: CMWD \ 9. ALL STORM SEWERS SHALL HAVE CUSS "B" BEDDING UNLESS OTHERWISE 1�jX I I TP IT I SHOWN. BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-33 OR D-448, /I I \ \ \ \ GRADATION NO. 67. LS 10. THE FLEXIBLE PLASTIC JOINT SEALING COMPOUND SHALL BE "RAMNEK,' RUBBERNECK OR APPROVED EQUAL. NOTES: 11. THE CONNECTION OF A NEW STORM SEWER TO AN EXISTING MANHOLE/INLET 1. SEE GRADING PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL MAY REQUIRE CHANGES IN ELEVATIONS OR MODIFICATION TO EXISTING STORM SEWER INFORMATION STRUCTURES. USE OF A PRE-CAST CONCRETE STRUCTURE OR C RIDGE. MANHOLE/INLET RECONSTRUCTION IS AT THE DISCRETION OF CIT' OF WHEAT 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REMOVE DEBRIS DEPOSITED INTO PUBLIC LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. MANHOLES AND OTHER PUBLIC STRUCTURES TO ELIMINATE THE POSSIBILITY 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 000 5. OF PROPERTY DAMAGE DUE TO THE DEBRIS CAUSING BACKUP INTO PRIVATE GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 -- _ STORM - - 490 PROPERTIES. IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT DEBRIS CAUSED A BACKUP, THE TEL. 964225.0405 FAX 991200.4027 -- CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES. 13. NO TREES SHALL BE PUNTED WITHIN ANY SEWER EASEMENT OR WITHIN TEN - - I--- - [10] FEET OF ANY PUBLIC MANHOLES, PIPES OR INLETS. 14. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE _ ---- - -- - - TAKEN AS FINAL ELEVATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE PRECAST CONCRETE EXISTING GRADE a ADJUSTMENT RINGS TO ADJUST THE MANHOLE FRAME TO THE REQUIRED FINAL GRADE, SUCH THAT THERE IS NO MORE THAN EIGHTEEN1B INCHES FROM FINISHED GRADE TO THE TOP OF THE CONE SECTION. THE RIM SHALL rn.n + n BE LEFT 1/8-INCH TO 1/4-INCH BELOW FINISHED ASPHALT, r $ mo 7+www 15. MANHOLE COVERS SHALL BE ALIGNED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF THREE [3] FEET CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE MANHOLE RING AND THE UP OF GUTTER. TEXISTING GPS SERVICE_ m oi'O v a ,c TO BE LOWERED - ,0� ---- -- .. ___. -. - X z? ---- -- - 485 z e +.0 A N z m v - STA.-15+89.46 ^ < = 16. STATIONING/COORDINATES FOR AREA INLETS ARE AT CENTER Of INLET. = u » N ELEV;5484.25 -°f v STATIONING/COORDINATES FOR FLARED END SECTIONS ARE AT CENTER OF ++N > II �� i i ++N a ASSUMED 2' COVER mai - - , FLARED ENO. .n.. C) N +�v� Sz II r z 17. SLOPE OF INLET FLOW LINE OR GRATE TO MATCH STREET GRADE UNLESS o INLET IS AT A SUMP LOCATION. PROPOSED GRADE g \ BASIS OF BEARINGS 5480 _ BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST \ \ 460 QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF \ THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51 "EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE \ - - BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' YEY9ER9 OF TME AMERICAN NSTfI1RE OE µCNREGTS BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 83:gJLF 1Y pyC O 100x-- -___ 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. P INTED OR DRAWINGS AND IC \ \ DOCUMENTATION MAYNNOT BE REPRODUCED BENCHMARK IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION _ 17 5" PVC O LOOK EXISTING ELECTRIC ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM /PHAC 1, FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. STA.-13+85.41 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16" STAINLESS STEEL z 5475 44.07LF 12" PVC O 1.00R ELEV-5475.24 ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT 9- 71.62LF 18^ pVC ASSUMED 2'-COVER 5475 THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH REVISIONS: Ogg; BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. Due PROPOSED 8" PVC WATER! - - _,. _ _ ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAV01988) DATUM. G STA.-16.30.96 1 g ELEV�5474.82 J1'JBIF 18' DVC 7.5' COVER -- _ __ 1'405 m 20 1D D 20 40 PROJECT: 14.0945 SCALE: 1'20' F- ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEE, 5479 DATE: 2015 11 02 {Q DRAWN BY: VSB A CHECKED BY: JER STORM PLAN & $ �NC DwwIlbeorelyw. PROFILE E 9-. - } CALL 811 2-BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE ii _-_-_ -- _ - _ BEFORE YOU DEC. GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR C 2 2 1 $ � - MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY 3 + - 65 LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN 18+00 17+50 17+00 16+50 16+00 15+50 15+00 14+50 14+00 PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, ISSUE FOR PERMIT g o MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES 9�� PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. ZONING REVIEW ' ' i D - 8 A °' aS _ 4— 4 2' MI E.W. 5 J• 3" 5• CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 'CLOSE MESH GRATE OVER i- INLET PER COOT STD. PLAN No. M-604-10 h 11 TOP OF STRUCTURE e WQCV + SVR WSEL-5465.30 I I °d I I I I I I , I I I I I I ° d I I I 0 I I I ' I O I WD --12'I D I I I < d I D I I O I I I IA mirRr)pnni I I 5461.82 I I ° I I I I RE: GALVANIZED I 1 STEEL PLATE DETAIL ° I I d° d a d < SECTION B NOT TO SCALE MIN. SIGN AREA 0 IS .75 SO. FT. ad WARNING Wo STAINLESS STEEL ° uwurtH D�T�os ANCHOR BOLT (TVP.) T OVRETISAZONxNi CODE Vx%ATxx1. d / I OUTLET PIPE 1 1 INV.- 5461.571 I I 1 I I \ \ / •o ° a III p a 12" PVC OUTLET PIPE SECTION C NOT TO SCALE 25' 6 Fji "— 2 6 Yt- MIN. I MIN. TOP OF PLATE - 5465.30 o I I o I I 5 -VR ORIFICE I 6• X 5.24' I I I I I I TT M F -YR ORIFICE, I 0 I 5a6a.15 I I o I o I I (1) COLUMN OF 1 I 5/8• DIA HOLES I 0 I NUMBER OF ROWS: I I 6 Ya' GALVANIZED I I STEEL PLATE I I I 4 ao I I ° 0 o 11OF lot PRF RATI( I I Sa61.82 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I'0 STAINLESS STEEL o I I ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) 12' MAX. SPACING I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 2- L — — — — — — •L------ 2- STEEL PLATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE REFER TO POND GRADING 8• DETAIL SHEET FOR 2•_11 ORIENTATION OF OUTLET PIPE 5• T.C., io • I � � I I i I � I � 3' _ I m 5' STEPS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M 199. (SEE COA STO DTL. NO. 105) OUTLET STRUCTURE WARNING SICN RE: SECTION C ORIFICE PLATE—, RE: SECTION C A CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 'CLOSE MESH GRATE' OVER INLET AND WINGWALLS PER CDOT STO. PLAN No. M-604-10 h 11 OUTLET STRUCTURE PLAN NOT TO SCALE -3 12.60'- 100 YEAR 2.60100YEAR + X WOCV=5466 20 I 12• PVC 1 FINV-5461.57 C8 x 18.75 FORMED a i INTO CONCRETE. i(I.0 STAINLESS STEEL 2 c ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) MIN. 2 12' MAX. SPACING FILTER SCREEN FRAME Y• GALVANIZED •4' ATTACHED TO CHANNEL STEEL PLATE , BY INTERMITTENT WELDS. —BOTTOM OF INSIDE OF STRUCTURE ELEV.-5459.32 SUBGRAOE, RE: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT POND DATA DETENTION PONO WOCV VOLUME CF ( ) WrOCy ELEVATION 5 -VR + WQCV (CF) 5 -YR + WQCV ELEVATION 100 -YR +1/2 WOCV 100 -YR+ 1/2 WQCV ELEVATION POND LOW POINT ELEVATION OVERFLOW WEIR ELEVATION OUTLET PIPE DIAMETER TOP OF STRUCTURE ELEVATION TOP OF BERM ELEVATION PERFORATED PLATE HOLE DIAMETER NO. NO. OF GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE AND TACK WELD IL TO STEEL CHANNELS OVER OPENING AT THE WATER QUALITY WSEL TO PREVENT DEBRIS (CF) FROM ENTERING VOID SPACE SECTION D NOT TO SCALE A INCHES SOUTH PON 6,762 64.15 20,897 65.30 33,985 66.20 62.15 66.20 12" 65.30 66.92" g( DETENTION POND OUTLET STRUCTURE FILTER SCREEN TO BE INSTALLED It OF INLET FROM BOTTOM OF MICROPOOL TO TOP OF ST CTUF STEEL PLATE TO BE INSTALLED INSIDE OF INLET FROM BOTTOM OF INLET TO TOP OF STRUCTURES. 4• 2'-6•MIN. FLAT MICROPOOL J SECTION A NOTES: NOT TO SCALE 1. FINISHED GRADE TO MATCH TOP OF WALL ELEVATIONS AND SLOPES SUCH THAT NO CONCRETE SHALL BE VISIBLE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE TOP FACE OF WALL. %"0 STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLT (IYP.) RE: STEEL PLATE DETAIL STRUCTURE INVERT -5462.15 RE: TRICKLE CHANNEL DETAIL C808.75 AMERICAN STANDARD STRUCTURAL STEEL CHANNEL FORMED INTO CONCRETE WALLS. FILTER SCREENJ LINSTALL U.S. FILTER STAINLESS STEEL WALL FRAME ATTACHED SCREEN WITH 0193 VEE WIRE, 0.139" TO STEEL CHANNEL OPENING BETWEEN WIRES, TE 0.074" x 0.50' BY INTERMITTENT SUPPORT RODS ON 1" CENTERS, TOTAL WELDS (TYP.) SCREEN THICKNESS -0.655" WITH Jmw ANGLE, WELDED CARBON STEEL FRAME. UJ000 IL LL LL EXTEND FILTER SCREEN OR INSERT U Q GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE AND TACK WELD IL TO STEEL CHANNELS OVER OPENING AT THE WATER QUALITY WSEL TO PREVENT DEBRIS wZ Q Q FROM ENTERING VOID SPACE SECTION D NOT TO SCALE A S ?Z o Q ~ 0 �ww IL Q 0 m () Jmw Z UJ000 IL LL LL W T= 0 2 U Q W V IL wZ Q Q W m LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVUAY-30UTHCAROLINA 20601 TEL 8".23!.0407 FAX SM.233.4027 0 0 IBnu OF THE A4E11X•NI ounrrvm OF ARCHWI IS IPYRIGHT 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NEED OR ELECTRONIC DRAYYpG3 AND CUMEHTATION IMAY NOT DE REPRODUCED YIY FORM WRNOUT WRITTEN PERMN IKON DM LSV ASSOCIATES LTD. REWWMO: PROJECT: 14AW DATE: 20/8 11_0 DRAWN BY. vas CHECKED BY: JER STORM DETAILS C222 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D C B � DENEBN «DRS. OD— —1 BE awv e 2. WT1H MIKE CONCRETE WAu9 5N4 � eE FORME➢ON IRS_I—I ] STFPa 0— BE PAWNEO YIIEN MEi pILENlgMH _E'.Jl AND lWIL E N AC[DRDANCE ATTN AANRO M IR ALL MER SMALL SE CONatRIICTED ON RIADE RR DE 9 I1AgFtE ;;i W -L WR Ci-�M I Al 1. TT � 1. NTt CtAel N� ET fOCUN E I mill�i11 M111,1111111] WEEWI� 1R1F t ::T 1. � J- 7 T 1 WR CURB INLET (SINGLET � TIONS ' WR CURB INLET (SINGLE) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE U-CO22CURB.INLETCITY OF WHEAT RIDGE u coiiCURB.INLET DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS WR CURB INLET (DOUBLE) U DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS WR CURB INLET (SINGLE) ENGINEERING DIVISION WR DIVISION STANDARD STORM WATER MANHOLE WITH CAST IN PLACE BASE _— 13xO0 RIGID PIPE TRENCH BACKFILL (FOR CONCRETE STORM SEWER PIPE) NOT TO SCALE PIPE TRENCH NOTES: 1. PAVEMENT REMOVAL. EXCAVATION. BEDDING. STRUCTURAL BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF THE PIPE. 2. COMPACTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REOUIREMEMS OF SECTION 7M OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 3. BRACING. SHORING. SHEETING. ETC. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE 6 OSHA REQUIREMENTS. SHORING SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCEDENTAL TO STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION B IS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIT PRICE OF THE PIPE. 4ErEaAL NATE! CONCRETE 1-1 BE OAS] B 3 CASTd1-0IAGE CONCRETE BNU HFIEII BE rORMED 011 .. Ml ] STEP9 sprat eE PRDvlDfO vnEN oaEi a1ENlgN x Ex�Ew T f —BE -0—T-1. MER 9NNt BE CONSRVCtED PI OiAOE PER DE --F oETAL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I U -B02 PIPER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE � U-1301 TVALY.INLET woE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS U DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS RIGID PIPE TRENCH BACKFILL U ENGINEERING DIVISION WR VALLEY INLET (SINGLE) ENGINEERING DIVISION - .r.BoePn. I _ A,wwtm.T i 'I, BEE NOTE e B72• s T 0{wr THROUGH MANHOLE INTERMEDIATE ANGLE D] by A '�s• z• gj;' SHARP ANGLE A ITS 1v1e' N CNIYED DENECTOII voNr cDavED DEnEcroR vaNTs °'B'rr 1144I EIfiENp COefLETELr sHNL EXTEr.O Awou rNf �M TME OPP�D CEMIFRINE Di iNE OPPO9IMD uTERAu N vlovm PPEe Aa e"DWN SECTION A -A o r 1 L �Z D1 ALUMINUM STEP No Es °T ON °1 M" 1 ALUMINUM N I OY SPECS FLM T _� A FED SPEC OQA-100/4 -O a e B .��RESTREW— OPPOSED LATERALS L C MIN YIELD STRENGTH- ]a,00°PSI REINFORCING D MIN ELONGATION•10%N7 Q MA1110LE � �" °j- CONCRETE WAIL SECTION 1 MINS OF STEP) (APPLIES 'NO WRH THROUGH MANHOLE QEIATAIOIE IErIaI w FROe.WRHI e•PRoIECTION ONE COLLECTION LINE D MANHOLE V.F THROUGHO MANHOLE 9TE➢9 TO BE HOOItED BEHIND B 15000. I �' PROJECTION COLLECTION LINES REI ORCIIG sn. WHEN CONC TWFROM WALL ` 1H1••'' T— SECTR ARE CAST 3 WEIGHT PER STEP • 2-23 Wa NOTE! .. <• 1 •. 4 STEPS TO BE PLACED BEHIND D 1 PPE MERi fIEVAT1pq AND DROP TNROVON MANHOLES SN4L BEN 1 REPEORCNG STEEL WHEN C.ONwPYAncE NTiN TIE REWEIIED AMD SrONFU CCMBIRIICTgN MANS. THE PBP VEELIICAL SPACIq WITH CONCRETE SECTIONS ARE IIIENDON I! ro PROYOIE SEIOOTIE NdLT1IgLAENT ROw TMOLgH THE MARIpES �. < b -- BOTTOM STEP C! ABOVE CAST. DO NOT STAGGER BY AEEPNG INE LARGER UES LQNEiI M TIE MWIQE AND BRINfANO TIE sMALLEn LSEJ N Sl%'ARLY rBG11ER. 7' BENCH AND TOP STEP 2P S. TS PI METAIItFp REFlECi1VE ] 16A1DN14 seRDE DROP MROucH ANY M.ANDL£ sNALL M t1 NSE! LLAX BELOW RN. TAPE BIEDI. ] 611WIIlY DPOP TNIWWIIM'MANNOL£9a4l BLoirl L 4 ALL—l—CTDN!Srw1. BE CLINKSNSwPE 10 rTtOtnor SEgOMElow TRANaRIDN3 AS arawN W TNp OSTM a rI1RAA4 ANGLE aETx[EN tHF CE.NTIraM o..Nr �NcoMINc vIPE.AND nE ceNTEAINE aP rHE oLneDlNe P6E aNNt aF es ueREEs TYPICAL INSTALLATION ALUMINUM STEP MANHOLE BASE AND DEFLECTOR PLAN �O A' 4� I v H 1. J 1W PICK HOLE r1 Z SECTION A,11 NOTE =Q t Wiw09PECIFIURpN9.—AJ4 �. CASTINGS aNNJ.IENIeKII®INDIY 1WM AMIAAM TENYIE aTNENOM aF ]61011 (CTIA t6) QI EDIw YNAFACIUES GT.F ] ALL CARNGS TO BE DPPEDNASRWIT WEPANT pN APRrWED EDDALI NFENMI MTp CABTIIOB,NC. 61a400t4 C1. ] Nu.NUM cavERa WT1H UMLOD10 NE wm.JlDrl war.. BTL Nc wow aE0U4®N Nl FABEAOIISMq DMNAfE WAYS. NtrEM14 CA6iNG 10 WIMAIAMWYTNlTECONFOrW NTN BM EM1lf araeaDTN ac xaw STANDARD 24' RING & COVER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE U -K01 MANHOLE.STANDARD CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE U -K02 MANHOLE.BASE CODECITY OF WHEAT RIDGE U -K03 MANHOLE -STEPS CODE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE U -K04 MANHOLE RING 6 COVER DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS MANHOLE RING & COVER DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD MANHOLE U DEPT' OF PUBLIC WORKS MANHOLE BASE & DEFLECTOR U DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS MANHOLE STEP DETAIL U ENGINEERING DIVISION ENDMEERING DMSION wlaM®r BN ENGINEERING DMSKkI ENGINEERING DIVISION I —j 4 wwamw- - i Z �O H cl) H c a my �a Z wpm CL u. ILIL =Q W Ua � WZ Q Q MWM W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORM STREET SUITE 100 OREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 2/001 TEL 0042]0.0105 FAX 004217AC27 0 0 MN OFMAEIBBCANONTFIMOFARCHff* I DOPYNIONT Mill ALLRI MrJMid REIED OR ELECTRONIC ORAWN010 AHO IOCUMEMTATON MAV NOT EE R@IIOCLNED L ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION ROM LOW ASSOCIATES LTD. PROJECT: 14MI0 DATE: IMS 11 03 DRAWN BY: VM CHEC EDSV: JER UTILITY DETAILS 300IS-C300- ISSUE SUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D C B 0 0 3 a Ab S A o � �g E s� 1? 03] ) IETTERING RECESSED FLUSH I-(t)LETTERING ' Q U M P • RECESSED FLUSH r T N$ `T 0 G 1R'1111m1LETTERING RECESSED FLUSH 1• R5mm1 LETIERMG TOP OF COVER RECESSED R� 23 Tro• OM BOTTOM OF COVER 3- V-1 1 i ` 7ro• — � R2mml RSmml —'. tl• 1 114• (3S NMI zo nna-olA �W]� Is2amml _ PICKHOLE DETAIL SECTION OF COVER MACHINED SURFACE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE U-KG5 PHASE II LID oeTAl CDDE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS STORM SEWER MANHOLE LID U ENGINEERING DIVISION PHASE II NPEDS LS3P LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 864735.0105 FAX 884.2336027 MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: �/o. Daampuon Dale ] PROJECT: 1/.0945 DATE: 2015_11 03 DRAWN BY. VSB CHECKED BY: JER UTILITY DETAILS C301 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 2500 PSI CONCRETE F— cf) Z +IT KIK suRFACE A A r-6' JP U w. 6 •/ WOp LL L WAYS Y BRANCH MAN DNE a =Q wU k SPUR SAME AZE B SANITARY SEWER wZ W P PE C Q Q m 2500 PSI CONCRETE 9Y 4' MN I I --B' C NOTE: SEE SHEET It FOR SECTION IN-LINE CLEANOUT WHEAT RIDGE SANITATION DISTRICT IN-LINE CLEANOUT LS3P LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 864735.0105 FAX 884.2336027 MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: �/o. Daampuon Dale ] PROJECT: 1/.0945 DATE: 2015_11 03 DRAWN BY. VSB CHECKED BY: JER UTILITY DETAILS C301 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 2 =) Z NO F— cf) Z a U Z� WOp LL L W a =Q wU wZ W Q Q m LS3P LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 864735.0105 FAX 884.2336027 MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCNRECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: �/o. Daampuon Dale ] PROJECT: 1/.0945 DATE: 2015_11 03 DRAWN BY. VSB CHECKED BY: JER UTILITY DETAILS C301 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D c- 8 i WEST 27TH AI/E 'MAINTENANCE ACCESS PATH CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON --.--- PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARDS AND SPECS. — -- Q----- --- =-- --- -- T Z NOTES. 1. SIGN POSTS AND BASE SHALL BE 1.75" X 1.75" AND 2" X 2', RESPECTIVELY, STEEL PERFORATED SQUARE TUBING AS SUPPLIED BY UNISTRUT OR APPROVED EQUAL. RE: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARD T-EO1 'SIGN BASE DETAIL'. 2. SEE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINT COLORS AND TYPE. to )p VM R7-+ GD `) R7 R7-1 M D 2) R1-1 12 X 16 '2 x '8 12 X 18 12 X 16 18 X 9 30 X 30 CONCRETE WALKS 5- CONCRETE OVER COMPACTED SUBGRADE 6 NATIVE SEED 12 �J��xJJJJJ..Jx�A4Yd �. METAL LANDSCAPE EDGING ' SE PLACED ON EDGE OF MAINTENANCE ACCESS ROAD TO ��MOI(�STURE7 S6)DELINEATE THE EDGE OF ROAD. ATED & COMPACTED SUBGRADE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT MAINTENANCE AGGEtS PATH N.T.S. N 40 20 0 40 60 SCALE: 1"=40' ALL DAIENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET I ittbell UN whaowTITTYNQTFIU Can n f CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. I S Ls5p LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE SOB GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29801 TEL a"_235.O40S FAX 964 233,4027 ME- OF THE AMERICAN I143TTME OF -CHR — COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATKSN MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WRHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM L33P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: PROJECT: 14.0845 DATE: 2015_11_03 DRAWN BY VSB CHECKED BY. JER PAVING, STRIPING & SIGNAGE 0400 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW E B I --- — - TJS, R69W, 67H P.K -.-__ _—---- FOUND FOUND ?-111-ALUM. CAP— - - - - - - - - - - - -- IN RANGE BOX /[LEGIBLE t A I LEGEND EX/57ib'G PROPOSED - - PROPERTY LINE - - — - - - — RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE — - - - — SECTION LINE — — — — — EASEMENT — - CURB & GUTTER TYPE 1 CURB & GUTTER (SPILL) TYPE II CURB & GUTTER (CATCH) DUTY DRIVE LANES CONCRETE/ SIDEWALK HANDICAP RAMPS SIGN Z DRIVE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51"EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANCE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM OPHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16- STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION -5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM NOTES, 1. BUILDING LAYOUT PROVIDED BY ARCHITECT ON AUGUST 26, 2015. N 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1"=40' ALL DIMOISXRIS SHDNN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET WM1I121rs below. RGATM Cell befDTe you di CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. T S �Z fA Q � CCZ 'G V Lu O ILLLpLL = a U J �a W z Z Z aQ LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29801 TEL $84.233.0405 FAX $64.233.4027 M-3 OF THE AMERK:AN 913TRYiE OF ARC CTS OPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND )CUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IOM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. REVISIONS: o. WpgBoR)—pole A PROJECT 14.0945 DATE 20151103 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER HORIZONTAL CONTROL C500 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW 0 C B jm o A o � E v i 5 2 :)Z NO LINE TABLE z p NUMBER DIRECTION LENGTH L1 S89'40'36"W 14.00' L2 SW 19.24-E 99.00' L3 N89'40'36 -E 14.00- L4 SW 19'24"E 1.00' L5 S89'40'36"W 14.00' L6 S00'19'24'E 99.00- L7 N89'40'36E 14.00' LB SOO*I9'24"E 1.00- L9 S89'40'36"W 14.00' L10 SOO-I9.24"E 117.00' L71 N89 -40-36"E 15.93' L12 Sl 5-14'52-E 20.70' L13 S89 -40.36-W 11.49- L14 SOO'19.24-E 81.00' LIS N89'40'36"E 14.00' L16 N89'40'36'E 24.24' L17 N90'00'00'E 80.56' L18 S00'20'56"E 19.00- 09 N8737'58 W 5.00' L20 S89'40'36"W 14.00' L21 NOO' 19'24W 99.00' L22 N89'40'36"E 14.00- L23 N00'19'24'W 109.00' L24 S89'40'36W 14.00' L25 N00'19'24 W 1 99.00' 5 2 :)Z NO UNE TABLE z p NUMBER DIRECTION LENGTH L26 N89'4O'36"E 17.70- L27 S89'40'36W 24.77' L28 S89'40'36W 14.29' L29 N00'I9'24"W 72.00' L30 N89'40'36"E 5.66' L31 S00'00'OO"EL32 4.00' 6.28' N90'OO'OO*E 5.66' L33 N89'40'36"E M7.43' L34 SB9't0'36W 5.66' L35 N00'I9'24"W L36 N89'40'36"E 17.00' L37 S89'40'36"W 35.00' L38 N89'40'36'E 17.00- L39 S00'19'24'E 81.00' L40 S89'40'36'W 17.00' L41 NOV20'56"W 15.00' L42 S00'20'56"E 15.00' L43 N88'40'09"E 4.74' L44 S00'20'56"E 98.19' L45 S45'00'OOYI 5.29' L46 N45'00'00"W 13.00' L47 N88'46'S9"E 324.00' L48 S23'11'32"W *5.7 Lag 500'00'00"E 5 2 :)Z NO z p CURVE TABLE CL d my NUMBER DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD DIRECTION CHORD LENGTH C1 90'00'00" 4.00' 6.28' N44'40'36'E 5.66' C2 90'00'00" 4.00' 6.28' N45'1 9'24W 5.66' C3 90'00'00" 4.00' 6.28' N44'40'36'E 5.66' C4 90'00'00" 4.00' 6.28' N45'19'24�N 5.66' C5 90'00'00" 4.00' 5.28' N44'40'36'E 5.66' C6 75'04'32" 5.00' 6.55' N52'47'08'W 6.09' C7 104'55'28" 5.00' 9.16' N37* 12'52"E 7.93' co 90'00'00" 4.00' 6.28' N45'19'24�N 5.66' C9 90'00'00" 25.00' 39.27' S4V 19'24"E 35.36' CIO 19'58'29' 50.00' 17.43' N8a20'lO'W 17.34' C11 31'08'45" 324.00' 176.13' S85'55'1 8"E 173.97' C12 11'29'40" 50.00' 10.03' SB4'15'1O'W 10.01' C13 89'39'04" 10.00' 15.65' N45'10'28"W 14.10' C14 97'42'58" 15.00' 25.58' N48'30'33'E 22.59' C15 90'00'00" 4.00' 1 6.28' 545'19'24"E 5.66' C16 90'00'00" 4.00' 6.28' S44'40'36 W 5.66' C17 90'00'00" 4.00' 6.28' S45'19'24"E 5.66' C18 101'32'13" 15.00' 26.58' 1 S39'33'18"E 23.24' CIS 83'28'30" 40.00' 58.28' N48'35'09"W 53.26' C20 83'28'30" 4.00' 5.83' S48'35'09"E 5.33' 5 2 :)Z NO z p CURVE TABLE CL d my NUMBER DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD DIRECTION CHORD LENGTH C21 90'00'00" 4.00' 6.28' S44'40'36W 5.66' C22 75'59'17" 15.00' 19.89' 538'19'03"E 18.47' C23 2701'30' 300.00' 141.50' S89'49'27"E 140.19' C24 76'39'48" 15.00' 20.07' N38'19'54"E 18.61' C25 90'00'00" 5.00' 7.85' N45'00'00"W 7.07' C26 90'00'00" 5.00' 7.85' S44'40'36W 7.07' C27 90'00'00" 1.00' 1.57' S4V 19'24"E 1.41' C28 90'00'00" 1.00' 1.57' S44'40'36Y1 1.41' C29 90'00'00" 5.00' 7.85' S45'1 9'24"E 7.07' C30 90'00'00" 5.00' 7.85' N44'40'36'E 7.07' C31 90'00'00" 1.00' 1 1.57' N45'19'24"W 1.41' C32 90'00'00" 1.00' 1.57' N44.40'36'E 1.41' C33 90'00'00" 5.00' 7.85' N45'19'24"W 7.07' C34 90'00'00" 2.50' 3.93' S44.39'04"W 3.54' C35 9('00'00" 2.50' 3.93' S45'20'56"E 3.54' C36 90'00'00" 2.50' 3.93' N44'39'04"E 3.54' C37 90'00'00" 2.50' 3.93' N45'20'56 W 3.54' C38 90'58'55" 15.00' 23.82' S45'50'24'E 21.39' C39 45'20'56" 5.00' 3.96' S22'1 9'32W 3.85' C40 90'00'00" 5.00' 7.85' N90'00'00'W 7.07' 5 2 :)Z NO z p CL d my �a .J Z OC Lu 0 O CL LL LL Lu D �V a~ 2 W �a � wZ as W In LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 700 OREENVILLL SOUTH CAROLINA 251101 TEL S U35AMIS FAX $"=AM7 SEIMERS OF THE AWW CMC INSTITUTE OF ARCMIRLCIS COPYRIGHT Mill ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRARAMS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED W ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMOOM FROM L83P ASSOCIATES LTD. PROJECT: itom DATE: tis /1 M DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER LINE AND CURVE TABLE _ C501 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW O C B PUBLIC NOTE: CONTRACTION JOINTS REQUIRED AT MAXIMUM 10' SPACING, MINIMUM V SPACING. MEASUREMENT: LINEAR FOOT (LF) PAYMENT: BY CG TYPE CDOT SEC WR STO A 118 CG2 8' NA CG2A B• NA CG28 10' — — 41/2' �-- 1R'RADIUS 7-0' Z p AT MAXIMUM 1C SPACING 1B' RADIUS a m CG2A 8' 1�FT 6' GUTTER TO BE PLACED A MONOLITHIC WITH SIDEWALK e TOP OF CURB TO SLOPE T I—_ TOWARDS GUTTER (1/4' IFT). _IIIA !IT 112'R SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK MINIMUM DENSITY PER 4•.0• SOIL CLASSIFICATION, COOT SECTION 203.07 VERTICAL CURB & GUTTER (CG) SECTION SCALE: 1' . 1'-0' PUBLIC CG TYPE A NOTE: CONTRACTION JOINTS REQUIRED Z p AT MAXIMUM 1C SPACING CG2 8' a m CG2A 8' NOTE: VERTICAL CURB AND WO0 GUTTER TO BE PLACED CG28 10' MONOLITHIC WITH SIDEWALK 2Q PAY ITEM SPLIT LINE TO BE PAID BY L. F. 3: VERTICAL CURB AND TO BE PAID BY S. Y. OF GUTTER TYPE (CG) 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 7-0' 8' 4•.0• PROFILE GRADE 8 OFFSET LOCATION (LIP) FL 4' - 1/8' RADIUS - 8' BOND BREAKER HERE W T HENABUTTING CONCRETE A 1 '/2* RADIUS SU BGRADE COMPACTED MINIMUM DENSITY PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION, PAY ITEM: CG TYPE. (LF) CDOT SECTION 203.07 PAY ITEM: CONCRETE SIDEWALK (4'), SY VERTICAL CURB WITH SIDEWALK (CS) SECTION SCALE: 1' • 1'-0• I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE C-DO1 VCG CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE C -D02 VCG.SW COD DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS VERTICAL CURB AND G' VERTICAL CURB WITH G` ENGINEERING DIVISION ENGINEERING DIVISION ��r I GUTTER (CG) SECTION SIDEWALK (CS) SECTION a.n tMo [-1', 2' OR 3' 1 1', 2' OR Y-7 to r weo L r4 SLOPE T rl -- 1 t7zz� TTYP T T 1 f - to r vtFOIVO4mrActmro NOTE: t.rtr oEMlnr reM HOMO RteNmt HOs taA aAsrr canon. wrE«.runwa Kwwete SAWCUT OR TOOLED JOINT AT 10' O.C. mor accrtonaw.v� SECTION A -A 2'. 4' OR 6' CONCRETE PAN IroT T03CA E NOT TO SCALE M/M 2009 A r r t AMr �) MYNIEA +} W -f IR011 NOEp RW IIDR LFMAFIFMu 3 ::.4'.lor Wt MNr aAt4!IOM rOlr/Nx I� rivenKrroM� —. r0ata ianre ro et FU®.rO.G (fYYI MY.ner3,r. eww IEA1 nt.t ca A eanrzueatm Te Iotrt rte Mem VERTICAL CURB MIDBLOCK RAMP (MR2) I-- CITY —ro trxe CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I C-DO7 VCG.MR DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS VERTICAL CURB ENGINEERING DIVISION MIDBLOCK RAMP (MR2) PRIVATE NOTES 1. SLOPE AT 1' PER FOOT 2. 1 1/2' RADIUS TYPICAL 3. SLOPE AT 1/2' PER FOOT. 4. PAVEMENT, SEE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION 1 1/2' Imo- -1.00' 4 1/2' l I 1 2 • 'io 6. STANDARD SECTION A "FIN �I-I t. /2' �4 1/2' SPILL SECTION 2 4 r4 3 1 6' MEDIAN AN c. O 6 INCH VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER NOT TO SCALE M/M 2009 PAY AREA LIMIT 8'CURBHEAD TO MATCH INTO EXISTING CURBHEAD Dnp 4. SIDEWALK WITH 2a VEWrCAL 8'-0' 3'-0' CURB 3 oURER DRIVE WAY 6' TRANS. W TIP. T ,.• 1:12 MAX. RAMP 4 EXISTING 5' JOINTS TOOLED JOINTS TO BE CROSSPAN PLACED Q 8' O.C. (TYP) DETECTABLE WARNING PANEL (24' X 38' REO) MEASUREMENT: EACH (EA) PAY ITEM: CR(SP)(EA) VERTICAL CURB RAMP 1. THIS RAMP IS TO BE USED IN APPLICATIONS WHERE THE RAMP CROSSES A DRIVEWAY ONLY. IT IS NOT TO BE USED AT A STREET CORNER CROSSING 2. DETECTABLE WARNING PANEL SHALL BE INSTALLED BY SETTING IN NEWLY FORMED CONCRETE. PANELS SHALL BE PRE -FORMED, RED IN COLOR WITH A TRUNCATED DOME SURFACE AS MANUFACTURED BY ARMOR TILE OR APPROVED EQUAL. °TAIL coDE m CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE C DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION - A �- j DETAt C -DOB VCG.CR.SPECIAL I cooE VERTICAL CURB RAMP I C (SPECIAL) 2 �Z NO H y Z p p a m CD y WO0 ZD CL LL W 0 = 2Q W U Ua 3: W W Z Q MMW LS5P 0 LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 28801 TEL 80/.233.0403 FAX 314.233.4027 i 0 MISIW OF TWIS A101011C 11 WITIM OF ARC N " COPYRIOM MS ALL MGM RESERVED PRMTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAININGS AND DOCU3IENMTM MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED N ANY FORK WITi1011T WRTTTEII PERWSSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTO. PROJECT: 14.0145 DATE: 2145 11-03 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: JER SITE DETAILS C600 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D B 1 K 0 A LEGEND BASIN BOUNDARY ■ . ■ ■ ■ SUB -BASIN BOUNDARY DIRECTION OF FLOW y EXISTING FLOW - -� DESIGN POINT Q BASIN 0.57 2.23 9.10 CS 2 9 AREA IN Ct00 ACRES RUNOFF SUMMARY :)Z rnO DESIGN AREA % BASIN DESIGN POSIT (ACRES) IMP. 05 C100 (CFS) 0100 (CFS) E1 El 2.55 155% 0.27 0.57 2.23 9.10 E2 E2 5.50 49.5% 1 0.48 0.55 9.53 25.09 BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM APHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5' DISK ON A 9/16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION _5471.62 FEET (NAV01988) DATUM BASIS OF BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51'EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS /13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. T— �— N 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1'=40' ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET CINC caii d TY NXYfIFiCA CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG. GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILI LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HC THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE MATERIAL. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UT PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTIOK T R LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 200 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29001 TEL, 594323.0405 FAX II4333.4027 AiISM OF THE ANOWYIN INNYITIR OF ARCHITECTS OPYRIONT 2073 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I NTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND ICUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED ANY FORM 7WfNOYT WRITTEN PERMISSION IOM L52P ASSOCIATES LTD. PROJECT: 14.0040 DATE: 291S I1 SS DRAWN BV Y: _ _ CHECKED BY: JER EXISTING DRAINAGE PLAN _ D1 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW :)Z rnO cr) Z p ~ CD a m y Z� wp0 a~LL 2Q wU wzW aQ m LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 200 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29001 TEL, 594323.0405 FAX II4333.4027 AiISM OF THE ANOWYIN INNYITIR OF ARCHITECTS OPYRIONT 2073 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I NTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND ICUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED ANY FORM 7WfNOYT WRITTEN PERMISSION IOM L52P ASSOCIATES LTD. PROJECT: 14.0040 DATE: 291S I1 SS DRAWN BV Y: _ _ CHECKED BY: JER EXISTING DRAINAGE PLAN _ D1 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW N B 0 IR ©a _ss---; BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM #PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5- DISK ON A 9/16- STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. ELEVATION :5471.62 FEET (NAVO1988) DATUM wt �A. F BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANCE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR 1,189.44 -51 -EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS #13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3 -1/4 - BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. a LEGEN BASIN BOUNDARY ■ ■ ■ . ■ SUB -BASIN BOUNDARY DIRECTION OF FLOW EXISTING FLOW RUNOFF SUMMARY DESIGN POINT Q BASIN BASIN DESIGN POINT C5 2 9 AREA IN C100 ACRES Otoo (CFS) 71.63 P.L. - EXISTING GRADE l 72.05 1 PROPOSED GRADE I --.- -__-___-_- 71,46 PROPOSED CURB I SECTION A -A SCALE: 1 "=4' SECTION B -B SCALE: 1 "=4' i IN I 40 20 O 40 80 SCALES 1'=40' A I ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET � I I CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE. MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. a s �Z �O Q� Zp V W00 IL LL LL 2Q UJ �a Lu Z Z Q Q F- H CLm Z M Lu D O_ W U II"_ MW W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 634.235 .0405 FAX 964 233 4027 0 C) MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN Y16TTUtE CF ARC-ECT3 COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN MY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM L33P ASSOCIATES LTD. PROJECT: 14.8843 DATE: 2813 11 O3 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: ,MER DRAINAGE PLAN D2 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW RUNOFF SUMMARY BASIN DESIGN POINT AREA (ACRES) % IMP. C5 CI00 05 (CFS) Otoo (CFS) 1 1 0.57 47A% CAT 0.87 1.14 3.13 2 2 0.82 60.7% 0.56 0.72 2.00 5.05 3 9 0.32 45.0% 0.45 0.67 0.56 1.82 4 4 0.58 74.7% 0.85 0.77 1.59 3.85 5 5 0.70 61.7% 0.56 0.73 1.59 4.01 IS 6 0.80 67.5% 060 0.75 121 2.93 7 7 0.33 85.5% 059 0.74 0.76 1.55 a 5 2.45 80 6% 0.55 0.72 478 1201 091 OS7 024 0.0% 0.15 o.SO 0.12 0.50 032 092 010 0.0% 1 0.15 0.50 0.19 OA1 OS3 OS3 121 0.0% 0.15 0.50 0.62 4.02 OS4 094 0.10 0.0% 0.16 0.50 0.07 0.44 OS6 095 0.87 1 36.2% 1 0.39 0.63 1.27 3.98 71.63 P.L. - EXISTING GRADE l 72.05 1 PROPOSED GRADE I --.- -__-___-_- 71,46 PROPOSED CURB I SECTION A -A SCALE: 1 "=4' SECTION B -B SCALE: 1 "=4' i IN I 40 20 O 40 80 SCALES 1'=40' A I ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET � I I CALL 8 1 1 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE. MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. a s �Z �O Q� Zp V W00 IL LL LL 2Q UJ �a Lu Z Z Q Q F- H CLm Z M Lu D O_ W U II"_ MW W LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL. 634.235 .0405 FAX 964 233 4027 0 C) MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN Y16TTUtE CF ARC-ECT3 COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN MY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM L33P ASSOCIATES LTD. PROJECT: 14.8843 DATE: 2813 11 O3 DRAWN BY: VSB CHECKED BY: ,MER DRAINAGE PLAN D2 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW � B7• � � � B- Bl• Bl• 9- � EXISTING 24' CAL ASH D TO BE REMOVEO 5 - FROBEL SPIREA EXISTING 20' CAL ASH TO REMAIN 5 - WHITE POTENTILLA EXISTING 24' CAL ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 24' CAL ASH TO BE REMOVED 1 -COMMON HACKBERRY 10 - FEATHER REED GRASS 2 - GRO LOW SUMAC L I T- 3 -AMERICAN LINDEN GONG. C B A 5 - FROBEL SPIREA- 5 - WHITE POTENTILLA 3 - GRO LOW SUMAC 10 - FEATHER REED GRASS SIGN �z Vl BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH EXISTING 12'-18' CAL U) I� HONEY LOCUST CLUMP: NEW CHAPEL, GYMNASIUM, AND PLATFORM ADDITION I 6 STEMS TO REMAIN \ MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L-02 4 - FROEBEL SPIREA _ I _ 4 -BUFFALO JUNIPER LOCUST TO BE REMOVED WAL i RESOD ALL DISTURBED I e� Sod 1 1 a u. I• I• m m I>• m m m B7• m m B1 B)• Bl• 9- m 991• m m m Q ~ (APPROX. LIMITS) PITCHING BOX 10 - MAIDEN GRASS CONIC. \\\, Q - >D REMA/N MORNING LIGHT 2- 16' CAL ASH \ W C Q *0 ,BE REMOVED EXISTING CHAPEL BUILDING CONIC• I \ IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERIISSION 1 / i� �::• TO BUILDING FLOWER \ FENCE (TRASH ENCLOSURE) • p�\ POT IPOT \ / / I _ �/• • •• • ••• /@ / CAL. ASH / TO REMAIN SIDEWALK • 6 TCH RASH 0 f / �; •• / / dhmdesign.com PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 2015 /1 17 EXISTING ING 24 24' CAL. ASH 6 -EXISTING COLORADO 1 I \ T / / ••� - BE REMOVED SPRUCE TO BE i I \ � EXISTING 30' CAL + 1 - DWF.BURNINC REMOVED I MAPLE TO REMAIN - RU 4 SHRUB ROSE 1 \ B 49 PINK h -- -- - - 4 -COMPACT - - 10 - EXISTING SHRUBS TYP - - - OREGON GRAPE POTENTILLA _ - - ^, - FREL SPI EA 3'- GRO LOW 3 - COMPACT -� SUMAC OREGON GRAPE 3 - GRO LOW SUMAC 10 - FEATHER REED GRASS SIGN �z Vl - - �I EXISTING 12'-18' CAL U) I� HONEY LOCUST CLUMP: ~ I 6 STEMS TO REMAIN \ / 1 4 - FROEBEL SPIREA ,� V C too U 4 -BUFFALO JUNIPER LEGEND i RESOD ALL DISTURBED I e� Sod 1 1 a u. AREAS WITH BLUEGRASS [] BASEBALL 1 �• eV1ea NAWe Seed fiELO l Q ~ (APPROX. LIMITS) PITCHING BOX CL2 TO REMAIN Q -IRRIGATEDATI N VE SEED >D REMA/N 'wz ' 11' BACK STOP 0' ENVER W 4' CHAINLINK \ FENCE Q ` ` TER UNE/ // / ,• CONTAINER IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERIISSION / i� �::• 2- AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE - FENCE (TRASH ENCLOSURE) REV13MM: orx. otic 1 - COMMON HACKBERRY--- GONG. SIGN WALL EXISTING 12' HT. BRISTLECONE PINE' TO REMAIN SIGN EXISTING 18' CAL. NORWAY MAPLE - TO REMAIN SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE. TYR EXISTING 20' CAL ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 14CAL NORWAY MAPLE - TO REMAIN - 55 - NI/4 COR. SEC. 35. T3S, R69W, 6711 P.M. FOUND 2 -1/4 - ALUM. CAP IN RANGE BOX ILLEGIBLE -y 4 -FEATHER REED o WALL EtfiSn C 8' CAL SUGAR MAPLE TO REMAIN EXISTING 12' CAL. ASH f 2 GRASS Evs"NG OVERHANG I •:� TO REMAIN BLHLDING EUISANG - ��BASKET BALL ' EXISTING 22' CAL ASH TO REMAIN J = NEW CNAPfC u - EXISTING 12' CAL. ASH TO REMAIN BU/[LVNC PILLAR I / DORS / J _ / TO REMAIN 7 - SHRUB ROSE- CONC. DO REMAIN _ MITE 12'X16'BRICK 11 - E%ISTINC RUBS 7YP. /� I LS5 F 14 GRASS FEATHER REED ) WAIL / :• \ _ ( ` EXISTING 8' C SUGAR MAPLE JVI N - 5 SPIREAFROEBCOVERED WALKWAY _ ` / / !.� / EXISTING REMAIN • CAL ASH -� ' J CHAINUNK ILPH / 1 EXISTING SOD TO REMAIN I FENCE GATE / CHA'INUN' PARKI ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM 4 - DWF. BURNING BUSH CONIC. FENCE / �i \ E%ISTING 30' A . COTTONMgOD� - r j�'�-' �•, TO REMAIN, / J ASH EXISTING TO REMAIN y LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 5-DWF. BURNING BUSH CONIC. BU/CD/NG i/ 10 - EXISTING SHRUBS TYP. TO REMA/N 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 6 - PLUMBAGP-7 5 --AUTUMN 'OLA MAPLE --- �z Vl c All O U) -- _ - Q ~ I 0 �nI-� Q CL a/� _ 991•B)• 991• 991 B)• ----------- B1•- ,� V C too U ` LEGEND U j 0 O W= I e� Sod 1 1 a u. p 2 [] BASEBALL 1 �• eV1ea NAWe Seed fiELO l Q ~ W V PITCHING BOX CL2 TO REMAIN , ' ••••:' -IRRIGATEDATI N VE SEED >D REMA/N 'wz ' 11' BACK STOP 0' ENVER W 4' CHAINLINK \ FENCE Q ` ` TER UNE/ // / ,• CONTAINER IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERIISSION -y 4 -FEATHER REED o WALL EtfiSn C 8' CAL SUGAR MAPLE TO REMAIN EXISTING 12' CAL. ASH f 2 GRASS Evs"NG OVERHANG I •:� TO REMAIN BLHLDING EUISANG - ��BASKET BALL ' EXISTING 22' CAL ASH TO REMAIN J = NEW CNAPfC u - EXISTING 12' CAL. ASH TO REMAIN BU/[LVNC PILLAR I / DORS / J _ / TO REMAIN 7 - SHRUB ROSE- CONC. DO REMAIN _ MITE 12'X16'BRICK 11 - E%ISTINC RUBS 7YP. /� I LS5 F 14 GRASS FEATHER REED ) WAIL / :• \ _ ( ` EXISTING 8' C SUGAR MAPLE JVI N - 5 SPIREAFROEBCOVERED WALKWAY _ ` / / !.� / EXISTING REMAIN • CAL ASH -� ' J CHAINUNK ILPH / 1 EXISTING SOD TO REMAIN I FENCE GATE / CHA'INUN' PARKI ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM 4 - DWF. BURNING BUSH CONIC. FENCE / �i \ E%ISTING 30' A . COTTONMgOD� - r j�'�-' �•, TO REMAIN, / J ASH EXISTING TO REMAIN y LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 5-DWF. BURNING BUSH CONIC. BU/CD/NG i/ 10 - EXISTING SHRUBS TYP. TO REMA/N 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 6 - PLUMBAGP-7 5 --AUTUMN 'OLA MAPLE --- r.1 / 1 EXI NC ONWOOD / EXISTING 32 CAL. ASH GREENYILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 39801 /. T REMAI/ / ..� / TO REMAIN TEL 861.235.0403 FAX 964.233.4027 _ Vl c All EUISANC BUILDING /N TO ABMA{'� 176 -- _ - WALL - \ rtEXISTING 20' CAL. ASH • / TO REMAIN EXISTING 24' CAL. ASH'�09C�+"' r.1 / 1 EXI NC ONWOOD / EXISTING 32 CAL. ASH GREENYILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 39801 /. T REMAI/ / ..� / TO REMAIN TEL 861.235.0403 FAX 964.233.4027 - 1 - AUTUMN BLAZE MAPS EXISTING 14' CAL ASH - TO BE REMOVED 7 , illglmffi��m- WAFA-fl 0w` EXISTING 16' CAL NORWAY MAPLE TO REMAIN EXISTING 14' CAL. NORWAY MAPLE TO REMAIN EXISTING 16' CAL ASH TO BE REMOVED 1 - AMERICAN LINDEN EXISTING 12' CAL NORWAY MAPLE TO BE REMOVED A A/ + J D£WA - COMMON HACKBERRY GHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE TYP. -EXISTING 18' CAL ASH _ _ I LAY GROUND �,�� �. EOUIPME / EUISANC BUILDING /N TO ABMA{'� 176 -- _ - WALL - \ rtEXISTING 20' CAL. ASH • / TO REMAIN EXISTING 24' CAL. ASH'�09C�+"' 'T1 2-20' CAL. CRABAPPLEI �( TO REMAIN 19 -EXISTING SHRUBS TW. TI TO REMAIN -7- EXISTING SHRUBS CONIC. / ( - -19 - EXISTING SHRUBS TYR / / GONG. BU14DINC TO REMAIN , ' ••••:' -IRRIGATEDATI N VE SEED >D REMA/N l _ - 0' ENVER GONG. SIDEWALK ` ` TER UNE/ // / ,• CONTAINER IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERIISSION / i� �::• -6'CHAINUNK FENCE (TRASH ENCLOSURE) REV13MM: orx. otic p�\ EXISTING 30' CAL. SILVER MAPLE TO REMAIN v EXIS / / I _ �/• • •• • ••• /@ / CAL. ASH / TO REMAIN SIDEWALK SCOL PRU TS RE 0 f / �; •• / / dhmdesign.com PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 2015 /1 17 / �.• •'''•''•: _ P I f EXISTING 30' 5 - SHRUB ROSE - PINK \ . COLORADO T / / ••� - -FEATHER 5 REED CRASS SPRUCE TO_. REMAIN .�I /.• / EXISTING 30' CAL / MAPLE TO REMAIN - RU 4 SHRUB ROSE 1 \ - PINK N Y I :•��• 10 - EXISTING SHRUBS TYP - - - - - ..:•:�•• •.:: �: •�:::�•:•, 9 .......... - 1 - AUTUMN BLAZE MAPS EXISTING 14' CAL ASH - TO BE REMOVED 7 , illglmffi��m- WAFA-fl 0w` EXISTING 16' CAL NORWAY MAPLE TO REMAIN EXISTING 14' CAL. NORWAY MAPLE TO REMAIN EXISTING 16' CAL ASH TO BE REMOVED 1 - AMERICAN LINDEN EXISTING 12' CAL NORWAY MAPLE TO BE REMOVED A A/ + J D£WA - COMMON HACKBERRY GHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE TYP. -EXISTING 18' CAL ASH / TO REMAIN �y NEU �Lyy 176 STUMP 3�v \ rtEXISTING 20' CAL. ASH • / TO REMAIN EXISTING 24' CAL. ASH'�09C�+"' �( TO REMAIN EXISTING 20' CAL. ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 24' CAL ASH TO REMAIN �2- EXISTING 18' CAL. ASH TO REMAIN -IRRIGATEDATI N VE SEED rEreBw Oi TIE AIEIOCAII w9mV1E os ARCI9fErn COPYRIGHT 20/3 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWWW AND ,-METAL STORAGE DOCUMENTATION TMAY NOT BE REPRODUCED CONTAINER IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERIISSION FROM L53P ASSOCIATES LTD. -6'CHAINUNK FENCE (TRASH ENCLOSURE) REV13MM: orx. otic -1 -CATALPA Um D _�_EXISTINC 20' 900 CAL. ASH / TO REMAIN S. Broadway Sunt 300 Denver. CO 80209 303.892.55" dhmdesign.com PROJECT: 3800-132110 DATE: 2015 /1 17 ' DRAWN BY: CF CHECKED BY: SN SIDEWALK I HmDESI6N 's �° J 9000 pB Co 802 / Denver CO 80209 3o .E97.5 de&, S 30 .dnmdesgn com SCALE: 1':30'•0' CONTACT: BILL NEUMANN: LA LIC. #175 41 LANDSCAPE PLAN] L-01 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D A EXISTING 16" CAL SCOTCH PINE TO REMAIN EXISTING 14" CAL SCOTCH PINE - TO REMAIN EXISTING 10" CAL DEAD SCOTCH PINE EXISTING 10' CAL SCOTCH PINE - TO REMAIN EXISTING 12' CAL SCOTCH PINE - TO REMAIN EXISTING 22" CAL SCOTCH PINE - TO REMAIN EXISTING 12' CAL ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 14" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 12" CAL. ELM TO REMAIN EXISTING 7' CAL ELM TO REMAIN - EXISTING 10" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 24" CAL. COTTONWOOD - TO REMAIN: 2 TRUNKS CONC. 5 -BUFFALO JUNIPER PLANT LIST / BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH NEW CHAPEL, GYMNASIUM, AND PLATFORM ADDITION EXISTING 24" CAL. SCOTCH PINE TO REMAIN BDWTW Nmm MR see mmu8 TFM EXISTING 14" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN a_ � EXISTING 9" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN 4 Ma a l Th eraser 2' OIL BBQ Spedeen EXISTING 12" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN Gelb axid9el6b Z. Cel BE Spmm 1 GBWB L� CNC. 2 COL BBB. $8011921 mmm7m TRANS. PAD 24 "0"* Spm X hulretle Froew �./A,'-' \ EIellFM the • 5 Carleim "'•' EXISSTING 18" CAL ASH TO REMAIN. . 5 Cadger 8 Gro La Sm Rte sande TEL BOX1 ■ EXISTI G SHED 7 SIRE ReaeO w11 lvay Carpo • 5 Cat" BU/CD/NC TO Rm9 TBry A29L1LT Mum am RE SOD AREAS NTH BLUE GRASS . t — 7 Cay"d Depm Crape Holy (APROX. AREAS) • 5, mil" 9 BA& Arow Jnpate 3b* WSW • 5 cWA" GKM / MOMS Oily . Camm Now BDWTW Nmm MR see mmu8 TFM zo a_ � V 4 Ma a l Th eraser 2' OIL BBQ Spedeen 4 Comm H9dmary Gelb axid9el6b Z. Cel BE Spmm 1 GBWB rAebw 3pedoa 2 COL BBB. $8011921 mmm7m WZ 24 "0"* Spm X hulretle Froew • 5 Cameo A Gd. Bump 8.h EIellFM the • 5 Carleim 14 WAS Polo* POW& khmea . 5 Cadger 8 Gro La Sm Rte sande 4 5 Canlam ■ • 5 Cadsa 7 SIRE ReaeO w11 lvay Carpo • 5 Cat" 9 S!" Roo - ft Rm9 TBry • 5 Conlam Mum am 7 Cay"d Depm Crape Holy M a011dhm cmpecl6 • 5, mil" 9 BA& Arow Jnpate 3b* WSW • 5 cWA" GKM / MOMS S P,Rxbw Y R= Gn. am" #I Contmor D MIid3I (Tai - Mm" L#d untie, Mxaiee affm WWW I .1 Call m E1 CONaPa 43 Festa Reed Om ft C*Rup * Kumn vial tarsier 41 GXAaner SATED NATIVE S® MR 10T DNIrf ParsrYrl Ry6Qaee IDT Bug Faeaa DT Rob" Carni BlMpasa IDT CIWwIr 9 F4=ala 257 Baa (Tama 257 Bullab O'as 5% Had Faxon B® AT 40 POUNDS PU E LIVE S® PER ACRE LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS Ld Am Total Area of Living Vegetation 155,407 SF Total Area of Nonliving MateriW 3,460 SF Total Landscape Area 758,867 SF Total Lot Area 395,524 SF Landscape Area Refired M of Total Area) 79,105 SF Treee Reared Landscape 1 Tree per. 1000 SF 79 Trees Reglred (79,05 SFT Wadsworth BNd Frontage 636 LF (21 Trees Reglred) W. 26th Ave. Frontage 629 LF (21 Trees Regrew Reared Frontage Trees 42 TOW Trete Refired .21 Total Wting Trees - 222 EgNalent) Total New Trees Provided = 17 TOW Trees ROWidtd .239 9hlbe Paler d Landscape ID Shr& per. 1100 SF S Ttbs Refired 09,1D5 SF) Total = 7790 6 Total New Slnbs Provided 184 TOW 90be Rovidtd .200 CONC. �► BOLLARD POST -411 — — — — — + 6 - RED SWITCH GRASS 'MS"N 3a- ?!V. iisN177 — LOCUST TO BE REMOVED u nrN CONIC. � LANDSCAPE NOTES EXISTING 3"-5" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING B" CAL. ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 20" CAL SCOTCH PINE TO REMAIN EXISTING 18" CAL SCOTCH PINE TO REMAIN EXISTING 20" CAL SCOTCH PINE TO REMAIN EXISTING 4-8" CAL ASH CLUMP TO REMAIN EXISTING 5" CAL ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 8' CAL ASH TO REMAIN EXISTING 8" CAL. CLUMP ASH TO REMAIN \ EXISTING 30" CAL. SCOTCH PINE TO REMAIN LEGEND O 8bga35 Sod h7ted Native Seed WEST 277H AVENUE —-EX1s,na-30'-CAl_-A-SH- TO REMAIN EXISTING 20" CAL ASH TO REMAIN \ EXISTING 30' CAL. � I PtAl &WUNO ASH TO REMAIN / 1 \""��'' / EXISTING 8' CAL. SILVER MAPLE TO REMAIN 7' CHINLINK EXISTING 2-14' HT. VIBURNUMS FENCE TO REMAIN 1 \, m m m m m m m mumm MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L-01 1. ALL PLANT MATERIAL IS TO BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. ALL SHRUB BED AND TREE LOCATIONS ARE TO BE STAKED OUT ON THE SITE FOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PROVIDE SHRUB BED LAYOUT BASED UPON THIS LANDSCAPE PLAN AND NOT THE IRRIGATION PLAN. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FINE GRADE ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE REQUIRED DEPTH OF SOIL ALONG CURBS AND WALKWAYS TO ACCOMMODATE SEED, SOD OR MULCH DEPTH. 4. ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED, SEEDED OR SODDED WILL HAVE THE TOPSOIL INSTALLED. THESE AREAS WILL THEN BE TILLED TO A MINIMUM 6" DEPTH INCORPORATING A-1 ORGANICS BIOCOMP CLASS 1 COMPOST AT A MINIMUM RATE OF 4 C.Y. PER 1000 S.F. THE DISTURBED AREAS OF THE SITE WALL THEN BE FINE GRADED IN PREPARATION FOR SEEDING, SODDING OR PLANTING AS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 5. ALL BED AREAS AND TREE PLANTINGS WILL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 3" DEPTH OF j" RIVER ROCK OVER FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WEED CONTROL ON BEDS AND SEEDED AREAS UNTIL FINAL PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. TREE PLANTINGS AND PLANTING BEDS WALL BE TREATED WITH DIEHARD TRANSPLANT (TREES) AND DIEHARD BED PREP (PLANTING BEDS) MICORRHIZA INOCULANTS INSTALLED AND AT THE RATE RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. 6. ALL PLANT MATERIALS WALL CONFORM TO THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSEREYMEN AND STATE OF COLORADO INDUSTRY STANDARDS. 7. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL PLANT QUANTITIES. SYMBOLS ON ALL SHRUBS AND TREES SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER WRITTEN QUANTITIES. 8. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ORANGE MESH PROTECTIVE FENCING AROUND DRIP LINE OF ALL EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES AND WALKWAYS. HAVE ALL FINE GRADING APPROVED PRIOR TO SEEDING. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SLEEVING FOR IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLING CONCRETE FLATWORK. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES, CURB AND GUTTER, WALKWAYS, IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND OTHER EXISTING STRUCTURES THAT IS A RESULT OF HIS WORK. THE REPAIR OF SUCH DAMAGE WILL BE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 12. ALL FINE GRADING TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO SODDING AND SEEDING. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO ALL PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREAS AND MODIFY EXISTING SYSTEM. PROVIDE DRIP IRRIGATION TO ALL SHRUB PLANTINGS AND POP UP SPRAY HEADS AND ROTORS TO ALL TURF AREAS. ADJUST EXISTING IRRIGATION TO PROVIDE HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE AND AVOID OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS OR PAVED SURFACES. IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE OPERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH A CONTROLLER NTH SHRUBS AND TURF AREAS ZONED SEPARATELY. -WALL EXISTING 10' CAL RED MAPLE TO REMAIN I 3 CHA1NLINK EXISTING 4" CAL SYCAMORE TREE TO REMAIN I CE 4' CHAINLINK \ �TETHERBALL FENCE \ LR7ASS m MISS 111111111 111111111 111111111 111111111 NOTE: TREES LARGER THAN 3" CAL. SHALL HAVE 3 STAKES INSTALLED / PPRUUNNE DAMAGED OR DEAD DO NOT CUT LEADER 112GAUGE GALV, WIRE WITH EUpANGAATE fACH WARE GROMMETTED TREE STRAP 6'x2"x2" LppCEPOLE STAKE ALIGN NW/!X 2 PER TREE SET MIN 8 INTO UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE WRAP ENTIRESURFACESURFACE OF W�ITUTIN SPECIFIEANCH D WRAPPINQ, SECURED O TOP AND BOTTOM & AT TWO FOOT INTERVALS. 2l'-4Z ABOVE FINAL TRRADE �q�A �� MU 9 RING, MIN. 48" IN DIA., 4" IN 4" HEIGHT WATER SAUCER IN NON -TURF AREAS SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AS PER SPECIFICATIONS AFTER TREE IS SET IN PLANTING PIT, REMOVE ALL TWINE k WARE z FROM TOP & SIDES OF ROOTBALL m I PULL BURLAP BACK 2/3 (MIN.) 2x DIAMETER OF ALL, MIN. SET ROOTBALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE-DO NOT OVER - EXCAVATE TYPICAL DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING t SCALE: NTS SHRUB BED WITH SPECIFIED MULCH DEPTH —MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED "DURA EDGE" 14 GAUGE ROLL-TOP STEEL EDGER METAL STAKES AS SPECIFIED 1. SET ALL EDGING 1" MAXIMUM ABOVE FINISH GRADE AS SHOWN 2. EDGING SHALL ABUT ALL CONCRETE CURBS, WALKS AND CRUSHER FINES TRAILS FLUSH WITH ADJACENT GRADES 3. ALL JOINTS TO BE SECURELY STAKED 4. CONTRACTOR TO DRILL 3/4"0 WEEP HOLES, CENTERED VERTICALLY, 2'-0" O.C. OXEE L EDGER � e GENERAL NOTES CONCRETE CURB OR SIDEWALK PRUNE ALL DAMAGED OR DEAD WOOD IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLANTING. SET SHRUB 1" HIGHER THAN THE GRADE AT WHICH IT GREW. AS THE CON �AINERCEOR MORSE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH 4" DEEP OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC. REMOVE CONTAINER ROUGHEN SIDES OF PLANT PIT SCORE SIDES OF ROOTBALL OF ROOTBOUND PLANTS ONLY FILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED SOIL MIX. • HOLD GRADE 1" BELOW EDGE OF WALK OR CURB • SHRUB PLANTING - REFER TO SHRUB BED LAYOUT FOR PLACEMENT OF SHRUBS. •FOR GROUPINGS OF SHRUBS, MULCH ENTIRE PLANTING AREA. FOR INDIVIDUAL SHRUBS, MULCH PLANTING PIT AREA ONLY. • GRADE EDGE OF PLANTING AREAS TO RETAIN MULCH. • ANY BROKEN OR CRUMBLING ROOTBALL WILL BE REJECTED. REMOVING THE CONTAINERS WILL NOT BE AN EXCUSE FOR DAMAGED ROOTBALLS. TYPICAL SHRUB PLANTING L AL : N DNM I S. om CONTACT: BILL NEUMANN: LA LIC. X1175 0 IS 60 3 T�,D SCALE: I'=-330'•0' Cc PR C'0 FR 2 :3 Z y0 � zo a_ � V W v Z� UJ 0 O Q i a~ Z WV L)CL� WZ QMWy� Q W ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 864 .235.0405 FAX 964233.4027 NEU '41yy 4+u,d664 O 1.m M INE AIEIOCAII MsTRYTE m ARCN TFm PYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND 'UMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED My FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERM133ION IIA LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. LEVISIONS: oprb„ INMDESI6N 00 S. Broadway Ote 300 lenvw. CO 80209 03.892.5566 PROJECT: 3x0.132110 TATE: 2015 11 17 BRAWN BY: CF 'NECKED BY: BN LANDSCAPE PLAN & DETAILS L-02 SSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW C B A D C MTI PANEL 72 HORIZONTAL Al UMINUM CANOPY ABOVE ENTRY (SEE ROOF PLAN) NEW WALKWAY CANOPY (SEE ROOF PLAN) EXISTIN""UILQ f L I , I� I 9-P I =1 BRICK ROWLOCK WATER TABLE 5919 7;8' NEW BRICKMATCH EXISTING (TVP.) �i CHAPEL ELEVATION - PLAN NORTH ,nNr.ro' c .e PFE FIN. COPING TO MATCH C BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH NEW CHAPEL, GYMNASIUM, AND PLATFORM ADDITION ISSUE FOR PERMIT - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PRE FIN COPING TO MATCH STANDING SEAM MTL ROOF COLOR NEW BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING (TYP.) T -O. CURVED WALL n _ B -O. CHAPEL ROOF 14' -o" & MIL PANEL - 2 X 4' FLAT SIGNAGE BY OWNER. N.I.C. NEW BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING (TYP.) T.O- CURVED W�A,L_L 23' -per B.O. CHAPELROOOOF� 14'-0' \1 NIL 717d BRICK RONM1,pOK WATER TABLE EVATION - PLAN WEST 2 3 PRE-FINCOPING TO MATCH AIU4NUIA CANOPY ABOVE EGRESS STANDING SEAM MR. ROOF COLOR (SEE ROOF PLAN) NEW BRICK TO MAI CH EXISTING (TYP.) CLU m= MTL PANEL - 7.2 HORIZONTAL — — NEW WALKWAY CANOPY T.O. CURVED WALL — — L_2 a00 W wU (SEE ROOF" - � ! wz 14; _ �O _CHAPEL ROOF 14-0. as § 1 TI1 ?• NIL FIRST FLOOR 59972" -* ISTING BUILDING tBRICK ROWLOCK WATER TABLE ICK TO MATCH EXISTING (TYP.) OCHAPEL ELEVATION - PLAN SOUTH TPO ROOF (SEE ROOF PIAN) NEW WALKWAY CANOPY BETWEEN NEW AND EXISTING (SEE ROOF PLAN) GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUTS MTL PANEL 7.2 HORIZONTAL T.O. CURVED WALL — — BRICK ROWLOCK WATER TABLE 23'-� J _ -�- _�F- -- _ B.O.-CHAPEL ROOF NEW BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING(TYP.) - - 8,-M § 14'-6- l r -: 11 FIRST FLO_OR�� 70.8" , f OCHAPEL ELEVATION - PLAN EAST 1118'. 1'-P 5 2z QO H cn I— Z CLU m= �a �� CC a00 W wU =a V J a 2 wz W as m ENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WEST NORTH STREET SURE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL 064.235 0405 FAX 864.233.4027 IE119E119 OF TIE AMERCAN IN9TflUTE OF Aw]f1ELT9 COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED N ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD REVISIONS: N0. L", I PROJECT: 38M132110 DATE: 2015 11 03 DRAWN BY:RWS CHECKED BY: BAM EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-205 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW D - ! nro:ArroM ruruau cen•re..l . MlNruw, nyr.D Or.rm pNir'c WU•ab.rq,p.m.n�t wnj .nMru NOUSIHG:Om ora aevw wrF nwncN 01.•.»rrl.a NMur WTlunmem um neu•ip rMrrm • .r ni•n l 1 Non mM bW r. m.p r . orM u nN lTt'Mk•rFwrrrun IED -r.000. noun 14• IESNA wait.ri... owl •n•n nead p•Ivutn•n MMYOMFrb wna, lumw m,IMm,nw yr rESIU p4eanr nnNnr,p Pr•Vw F•r..m• TM2l canard-a»•M N.na.ra i.p�rw•r.•�.d r�.-I-rr 2c orM a DDDR D.• uM Numinum N 65008 IN 2/541 •M mmlml oonnry pm.p 135• /0 UI �nViS .rn,<.N lo, Mrwlrgmm Ica •nawoow,�. tl..wl..I inpalmpmm. I�ie .p..•,�,d�, wbu.umpmmiprx DgrvErt lED anw., r,m,.. ourpn9.m.Fo.� Opnon•r .r:nlr•N,N,Irm lwd Nrvonk unn•r••I -9•r1.0 plplme. maum ,v,.I,eb rw VIS n. Dow M1mr, Mr,.r t/N 150NOI1,I.Mrv1501u1 er � nna.N •lc••wry dvnml for MOV Iark1+D t power Iwrw. alnD dopvonN IIDM <SO%numpnk p•lpnon. MwNnq r•fln�Lna.n Trv.ppa VFS C - .tt«.enr.omar.rtn F.Narr.me•.m wmgrnen rq.p mTGK pan.p•, �VISION FLOOD iwuvrq »nn•curro.ww• mmin nln�umn �Nlt mawrltaown gwa„r cal ppnl:iml ronrn. .i mn. D...l l.m . w wmrrw.agr,a. ga.w.n„ SMALL LED PO' pM• W aPC IaO'i) Snrpp.a —dAD.I--..d we•. 51•bpd n m d.,r flN 91er. MI•a bwbn irclu0• d.p, wvrv. pr.,. p. aoo .nn. om plo pll.om r. a.n wen r,a D..oMr. P.r<n IPot moa . AN . IED. auw dnvvr mpumgb m,uTw-NI•d.<Cenwn-d- AR[M.00 S,rmdY v,y.,Mpu,ppw ANudnunl Ca,e., bocn-<b.n UR.vnNpF INS, vIeu5pN:6nr s-1— nri•brwr or <umppe wr•<F.vn. opocN drgn• a1Nr pe cMke of rminrn•rFw. 6pn.»,wrcV M000lpnenD apuul annwnpm lnt inD•Y Fr •Yrr.nrnrrry rvuM. rymmMrk rw•r,D„I,r� KNUCKLE N••.Y pay 44 cM a•[FFr»Mtrk rrryu4r •M eVM •nurAM utl yr • 1•ppr rDr O•rIPMYFM.Oput maps. bw MNrnmmlmsn•n»mM 1 ! ONDATA n DMrrl IOFrr DllrvtAlD lur[»[ •! ratraYTFW. YP aMAKOTT AM aMyt AYMlNI [»[ »DY DATA ar OrrFllOOr»r• .v[rnr r)r I[•rA tlr• ,•...,.. l...enw• Loa r Fer rla• r.�, r1�• MIO 1r•reW now- car r Es w sRwNrw -- Far .k.r gn.....rr B - - r.r5,m...I._..F .a. a,r ttr w •,` »w..n+,..r.•r.Ar...rr tsF lFM -r,tl crew P.P d....,.ti«..nr.,,. narl W+_r.-rrklk+w sN un >we w ur w a.e n.,..+p-..r»..r w an• 6,rr Ar ar w wA_rrwenwae.r.. .'a- I»ruT MATIa PT YWTML ltD CWMTTT ARD DIMV! clummism Frr•r Mrre` /,so•tlrrrt F•e•r. lr. rm aFFq rF6 rFr• -A.rwrP— DowMAY e•wwr•rn l,rc rr ereTAr Dir Yw uY!» rulTFrIFM LMrIR WrlrtrArrt lrtl.rrr TArnarlr 1,r�•, rlAae AYr rMrr� aR ar •e ••• •trr R w.RrAr.' M..rtr.r ryyr� Irrrr v4 m.>r.A Fm<rP. MMItAprr.A �" F,raar4peFr. A rAw_wu AF�rrlre.[r.r» n.r.wwaF.ww.r.I +A.d..d...r.•r.l....-.n,p: ra.rrerMr. r•.• An• •rleGF {r.p,4r-p,rr.y.r T-,. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH NEW CHAPEL, GYMNASIUM, AND PLATFORM ADDITION ISSUE FOR ZONING REVIEW - LIGHTING SCHEDULE AND CUTSHEETS LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE INVUEa A me <T+Irw nwI rrm •r u• Vrpon r baa im.0 lED wmlm�n drd. OVFSK-020-3-LED-EI-MST- rts..NFo•rmnenur•I.nddMwq,mrnnnvm, rn. vi,ia im.rl I ED IamrnNn e1MF epFitN. mwvY vb mpM--nw n wbtlon• br ar• Nn d..am a MoalpMnp •ppkNlon, XX-X%-VFSVS BETH EDEN G1 ! nro:ArroM ruruau cen•re..l . MlNruw, nyr.D Or.rm pNir'c WU•ab.rq,p.m.n�t wnj .nMru NOUSIHG:Om ora aevw wrF nwncN 01.•.»rrl.a NMur WTlunmem um neu•ip rMrrm • .r ni•n l 1 Non mM bW r. m.p r . orM u nN lTt'Mk•rFwrrrun IED -r.000. noun 14• IESNA wait.ri... owl •n•n nead p•Ivutn•n MMYOMFrb wna, lumw m,IMm,nw yr rESIU p4eanr nnNnr,p Pr•Vw F•r..m• TM2l canard-a»•M N.na.ra i.p�rw•r.•�.d r�.-I-rr 2c orM a DDDR D.• uM Numinum N 65008 IN 2/541 •M mmlml oonnry pm.p 135• /0 UI �nViS .rn,<.N lo, Mrwlrgmm Ica •nawoow,�. tl..wl..I inpalmpmm. I�ie .p..•,�,d�, wbu.umpmmiprx DgrvErt lED anw., r,m,.. ourpn9.m.Fo.� Opnon•r .r:nlr•N,N,Irm lwd Nrvonk unn•r••I -9•r1.0 plplme. maum ,v,.I,eb rw VIS n. Dow M1mr, Mr,.r t/N 150NOI1,I.Mrv1501u1 er � nna.N •lc••wry dvnml for MOV Iark1+D t power Iwrw. alnD dopvonN IIDM <SO%numpnk p•lpnon. MwNnq r•fln�Lna.n Trv.ppa VFS C - .tt«.enr.omar.rtn F.Narr.me•.m wmgrnen rq.p mTGK pan.p•, �VISION FLOOD iwuvrq »nn•curro.ww• mmin nln�umn �Nlt mawrltaown gwa„r cal ppnl:iml ronrn. .i mn. D...l l.m . w wmrrw.agr,a. ga.w.n„ SMALL LED PO' pM• W aPC IaO'i) Snrpp.a —dAD.I--..d we•. 51•bpd n m d.,r flN 91er. MI•a bwbn irclu0• d.p, wvrv. pr.,. p. aoo .nn. om plo pll.om r. a.n wen r,a D..oMr. P.r<n IPot moa . AN . IED. auw dnvvr mpumgb m,uTw-NI•d.<Cenwn-d- AR[M.00 S,rmdY v,y.,Mpu,ppw ANudnunl Ca,e., bocn-<b.n UR.vnNpF INS, vIeu5pN:6nr s-1— nri•brwr or <umppe wr•<F.vn. opocN drgn• a1Nr pe cMke of rminrn•rFw. 6pn.»,wrcV M000lpnenD apuul annwnpm lnt inD•Y Fr •Yrr.nrnrrry rvuM. rymmMrk rw•r,D„I,r� KNUCKLE N••.Y pay 44 cM a•[FFr»Mtrk rrryu4r •M eVM •nurAM utl yr • 1•ppr rDr O•rIPMYFM.Oput maps. bw MNrnmmlmsn•n»mM 1 ! ONDATA n DMrrl IOFrr DllrvtAlD lur[»[ •! ratraYTFW. YP aMAKOTT AM aMyt AYMlNI [»[ »DY DATA ar OrrFllOOr»r• .v[rnr r)r I[•rA tlr• ,•...,.. l...enw• Loa r Fer rla• r.�, r1�• MIO 1r•reW now- car r Es w sRwNrw -- Far .k.r gn.....rr B - - r.r5,m...I._..F .a. a,r ttr w •,` »w..n+,..r.•r.Ar...rr tsF lFM -r,tl crew P.P d....,.ti«..nr.,,. narl W+_r.-rrklk+w sN un >we w ur w a.e n.,..+p-..r»..r w an• 6,rr Ar ar w wA_rrwenwae.r.. .'a- I»ruT MATIa PT YWTML ltD CWMTTT ARD DIMV! clummism Frr•r Mrre` /,so•tlrrrt F•e•r. lr. rm aFFq rF6 rFr• -A.rwrP— DowMAY e•wwr•rn l,rc rr ereTAr Dir Yw uY!» rulTFrIFM LMrIR WrlrtrArrt lrtl.rrr TArnarlr 1,r�•, rlAae AYr rMrr� aR ar •e ••• •trr R w.RrAr.' M..rtr.r ryyr� Irrrr v4 m.>r.A Fm<rP. MMItAprr.A �" F,raar4peFr. A rAw_wu AF�rrlre.[r.r» n.r.wwaF.ww.r.I +A.d..d...r.•r.l....-.n,p: ra.rrerMr. r•.• An• •rleGF {r.p,4r-p,rr.y.r T-,. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH NEW CHAPEL, GYMNASIUM, AND PLATFORM ADDITION ISSUE FOR ZONING REVIEW - LIGHTING SCHEDULE AND CUTSHEETS LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE KAD LED L',,,, GENERAL NOTES I ED Area I urn ire F- a A. ALL LIGHT FIXTURE FINISHES SHALL BE MANUFACTURERS STANDARD AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. Dom- .. Me,...aAM tNrrrw»y BFURNISH ALL NECESSARY LUMINAIRE COMPONENTS TO FACILITATE A COMPLETE AND FULLY FUNCTIONAL LIGHTING SYSTEM. L Ix r` P1 &_P CONNECTIONS MADE TO ANY EXTERIOR LIGHTS SHALL USE WATERPROOF CONNECTORS. rraa onr I p 'nv M5 MI V k. r to f•rr = Pr YIIaa IrPnr,ra DI rvl'� fr KEY NOTES, Ua MC a.r Lal.mrw dl. vdear,l q,.. I. PROVIDE STRAIGHT 5' 5OUARE STEEL POLE WITH FIXTURE. OVERALL HE16HT OF FIXTURE FROM GRADE TO TOP OF L16HT 15 L15TED UNDER MOUNTING COLUMN. PROVIDE SHAFT WALLTHICKIE55 CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EPA RATING FOR FIXTURE. DRILLING AND POLE FINISH SHALL MACTCH FIXTURE. REFER TO POLE BASE DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. KEY a,faw-p droved r5T b• wnpi etiar �>.r-�r»a<..r..,n.•ADlmmr.r.- nrM-,m tar-bw.Fn 4e a.er..-e,.a. d o» LIMPS WATTS Ue1B0e MANUFACTURER[ aGTKOG NO. ALTERNATE M4NIJFACIURFR9 VOLTAGE ICY NOTES AKXAGWG 61 EXTERIOR LED FLOODLIGHT LED INCLUVED 24 3,123 INVUE-VF5K-B2O-3-LED-EI-MST-XX-XX- KIM 120 GRADE r1M»M_!aN• SrrMFlr�r� R`wrrr. VFS-V5 WINONA PI SIN6LE4EAD LED POLE MOUNTED AREA LIGHT LED INCLUDED 131 12,633 LITHONIA aKAD-LED-6OC-1OO-4OK-R4- KIM 208 6 POLE WITH TYPE 4 DISTRIBUTION AND HOUSE- MVOLT-RFDO6-H5-XX MC6 K-ED150N 20'OAH SIDE SHIELD P2 SIN6LE-HEAD LED POLE MOUNTED AREA LIGHT I LED INCLUDED 131 13,620 LI—NIA -KAD-LED-6OG-700-41OK-R5- KIM 208 6 POLE WITH TYPE 5 DISTRIBUTION MVOLT RFD06 XX MCCRAW-EDI5ON 20' OAH EXAMPLE: KAD LED 40C 1000 40K RS MVOLT PUMBAK04 DOBXD KAD LED L',,,, Cn I ED Area I urn ire F- a �a Dom- .. Me,...aAM tNrrrw»y U Ix r` P1 &_P Sp-M."10otl- rraa onr I p 'nv M5 MI V k. r to f•rr = Pr YIIaa IrPnr,ra DI rvl'� fr !M. I!N Ua MC a.r Lal.mrw dl. vdear,l q,.. e { a,faw-p droved r5T b• wnpi etiar �>.r-�r»a<..r..,n.•ADlmmr.r.- nrM-,m tar-bw.Fn 4e a.er..-e,.a. d o» W.ep. I-r�.• � 6 (oeo,a SeebFpf•n Ny,q.brrnf<v.�ynrpen rr_pnc i�.. 1 � Mbw A•6Nbrq•cy iW aDNnwln•:a•n er ^V+gsPSwrre nMrYod w'ri-�rP nr RX W.pr rM w4 l I -d,V•rarwn Mdav!DDWDb,n EXAMPLE: KAD LED 40C 1000 40K RS MVOLT PUMBAK04 DOBXD 1 2 s Trr5lrr INIAL -__--_-- T6wr Ma1�W/EE/BIWr ___.-. • FM �� ra ns r•P' Or» F5•r ,� >r.► ma ms mm mM. mw mnr ms ms mu ms mr -T- rrrA•-�atlw •rwf•Pr •Irr,�� r��==ngru»rDr•rYNrr,.r,.r•.r.ypr,.rr-N4YrrrrrkW».I.. Uw rte.. �p..»r..r., Projected LED I—F4PYILrrAo r..rr.r•rrrwrew-.. 1---71 EkdrkW twd ',� ♦ rrrryir»rerp4r»r1-V►e,.•ee 1'N.rIrpNM\ _ - _.... PLA w a 5P4Dr4CA2lorr DID '. AdrPAMWA er,::"~-m•n.n.. 4 1 5 2 ow D Z Cn �r F- a �a Dom- .. Me,...aAM tNrrrw»y U Ix »'rr .r»,AIF.' M fr tlUD AYrr Dq 1L LL LL Q~o rraa onr I p 'nv M5 MI V k. r to f•rr = Pr YIIaa IrPnr,ra DI rvl'� fr W U Ua DIDu yr rrrlrrFr MrM.»rY• w AD �' Ia Nwrrr.rsrn Ir ,r I,rmHr Itlrl •warrar• r .r v a�.Mw Y.rr '-r "a'" D 4'bf1A1FI.p»I' a» • r.w-... rrn M.NFr Iru tl rr w Ar ro Iw•er •M- M»AvM +'Mir Arrr• ;r �btl KW, U w+aan_F rYM M rlr Y rlli .rr.N. truMl•,•� ..�rrr•RMr.N .Hrl. w �'rS»4r a »'M• .MrAM ,.... <map,..•.. -.r. dN..s b..na..-I..e _... Ad"DID.r u �N� teals-i.-�i���r�rr pw.wr r1M»M_!aN• SrrMFlr�r� R`wrrr. 1 2 s Trr5lrr INIAL -__--_-- T6wr Ma1�W/EE/BIWr ___.-. • FM �� ra ns r•P' Or» F5•r ,� >r.► ma ms mm mM. mw mnr ms ms mu ms mr -T- rrrA•-�atlw •rwf•Pr •Irr,�� r��==ngru»rDr•rYNrr,.r,.r•.r.ypr,.rr-N4YrrrrrkW».I.. Uw rte.. �p..»r..r., Projected LED I—F4PYILrrAo r..rr.r•rrrwrew-.. 1---71 EkdrkW twd ',� ♦ rrrryir»rerp4r»r1-V►e,.•ee 1'N.rIrpNM\ _ - _.... PLA w a 5P4Dr4CA2lorr DID '. AdrPAMWA er,::"~-m•n.n.. 4 1 5 2 D Z Cn a2 Z o F- a �a m= U w0� Z 1L LL LL Q~o 0_ W U Ua X: LU Z W Z Q m Q FN( -,AGE DESIGN TRANSFORM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 110 WESTNORTH STREET SUITE 300 GREENVIL LE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TEL SU 2350405 FAX 864.2334027 wM LTJ R E E S E r w,.•5.!!rr r r.•••F ,,• lFt•.F. CD•...... MEMBERS OF THE AMERI- I-I—E OF ARCr41ECTS COPYRIGHT 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD REVISIONS: PROJECT: 3E00-132110 DATE: 7015 11 00 DRAWN BY: K.O.O. CHECKED BY: M.DL Lighting Schedule and Cutsheets E-200 ISSUE FOR PERMIT - ZONING REVIEW Ln E cn c 'E 0 N T u 2.0 i Ir i OPPO" all *pop supp some I �p ems■ �, «�— NEIGHBORHOOD PRESENTATION 9.29.15 J BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH [ west elevation ] LS5 WORSHIP NEIGHBORHOOD PRESENTATION 9.29.15 AL .4"► BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH [exterior perspective - west elevation from north] LS5 WORSHIP EROSION CONTROL REPORT I STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT PLAN BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH WADSWORTHAND 26THAVE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AUGUST 11, 2015 MARTINIMARTIN PROJECT NO. 14.0945 PREPARED FOR: BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 2600 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WHEATRIDGE, CO 80033 PREPARED BY: MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, CO, 80215 (303)431-6100 (303) 431-4028 (FAX) PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE: PROJECT MANAGER: WILLIAM P. WILLIS, P.E. JOSEPH E. RAUSCH, P.E. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I hereby affirm that this Erosion Control Report for the Beth Eden Baptist Church re- development was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, for the owners thereof in accordance with the provisions of the City of Wheat Ridge Standards and Specifications and the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Design Criteria Manual and approved variances and exceptions thereto. William P. Wi $'01 Colorado Profes 9 Martin/Martin, Inc. E. .Engi .25803 Sc�` N 11;_M Date TABLE OF CONTENTS A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: .............................................................................................................. I B. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS: 5 C. SEQUENCED BMP IMPLEMENTATION..........................................................................................12 D. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES......................................................................13 E. FINAL STABILIZATION.....................................................................................................................14 F. REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................................14 APPENDICES APPENDIX A - SAMPLE INSPECTION FORMS APPENDIX B - STATE APPLICATION & INSTRUCTION FORMS (Stormwater Discharge Permit, Stormwater Discharge Permit Amendment Form, Change of Contact Form) APPENDIX C - BMP INFORMATION APPENDIX D - INITIAL AND INTERIM/FfNAL EROSION CONTROL PLANS APPENDIX E - DESIGN AND SDP LANDSCAPING PLANS A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: This report represents a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) for the re -development of Beth Eden Baptist Church (hereafter referred to as "PROJECT"). This plan was prepared based upon the regulatory requirements and guidelines set forth by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division — Stormwater Program's "Stormwater Management Plan Preparation Guidance" April 2011 revision; the "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual — Volume 3", current revision, and the City of Wheat Ridge Standards and Specifications. The Contractor needs to be aware that the City requires erosion sediment controls to be implemented for any erosion caused by concentrated flows, if rills or gullies are observed onsite, then erosion control BMP's need to be utilized. This report identifies potential sources of pollution which may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharges associated with construction. Furthermore, this report describes the practices to be used to reduce, or possibly eliminate, these potential pollutants from impacting the quality of water. The SWMP shall be completed and implemented by the time construction activities begin until final stabilization. The SWMP shall be revised as necessary during construction activities so that it accurately reflects the conditions and current practices found on site as construction progresses. A copy of the current updated SWMP shall be kept on site at all times and available for review by all jurisdictions having authority over stormwater discharge from the project site. This report puts forth recommendations for Best Management Practices (BMPs) and provides a description and/or detailed drawings of how these practices are to be installed, implemented and maintained. The Contractor is responsible for complying with ALL requirements of the Colorado Department of Health and Safety's Stormwater Discharge Permit including any changes to this SWMP to meet the requirements of the Permit. It should also be noted that the Contractor will need to meet the State's 70% stabilization criteria and the City of Wheat Ridge's Drainage Design Criteria prior to any Certificate of Occupancy's (CO) being released. The Developer needs to ensure the PROJECT meets this criteria before he or she can obtain a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) permit. Prior to any work commencing, and for general information or questions, please contact the City's Stormwater Quality Program Manager, Bill LaRow. Mr. LaRow can be contacted via phone at (303) 886-3670 or by email at blarowAci.wheatridge.co.us. PROJECT LOCATION: The PROJECT site is located in the SE 1/4 of Sections 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6`' Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson. Site address for the PROJECT is 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard. The site currently sits on one (1) parcel. The site is bordered to the north by the City of Wheat Ridge municipal buildings. The site is bordered by single family and duplex homes to the east, and W. 26th Avenue to the south, and Wadsworth Boulevard to the west. The latitude is 39145'2.1 "N inrd lnnoitwip is 1 nS0nA1AQ"1►/ Figure 1: Vicinity Map, NTS NATURE AND PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY: • The PROJECT will re -develop the site to construct a new gymnasium, add an extension to the existing gym, and construct a new chapel. The construction will include new parking and access lanes on the west side of the existing buildings with associated curb and gutter. Storm infrastructure including a detention pond, inlets, manholes, pipes, and outlet structures will also be constructed. There will be two connections to the project from adjacent roads, an entrance and exit connection will be via W 261 Avenue and an exit only will be located on Wadsworth Boulevard. EXISTING CONDITIONS: As mentioned previously, the existing site is comprised of one parcel, 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard. There is one structure existing onsite that will be demolished at the time of construction. Existing buildings consist of a sanctuary, chapel, school, gymnasium, maintenance building and offices. Areas not covered by buildings and pavement are landscaped with irrigated grass and scattered trees. An irrigation pond is north of the existing gymnasium. The irrigation pond is fed through a lateral of the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Overall, the ground surface slopes from the northwest gently down to the southeast. DISTURBED AREA ESTIMATES: Total Site Area: 9.08 AC Total Area Disturbed: 6.48 AC Note: The total area and disturbed area include the estimated area required for grading and construction activities. EXISTING PERCENT VEGETATION GROUND COVER: The existing area that is to be disturbed is estimated to have 67% vegetation ground cover. EXISTING SOIL TYPEIEROSION POTENTIAL According to the Natural Resources Conservation Services' Custom Soil Resource Report from the Web Soil Survey, prepared March 7, 2015, the PROJECT site soils consist mainly of clay loam. This soil can be classified as a well -drained soil with Hydrologic Soil Group Type C. 3 RECEIVING WATERS: According to the UDFCD GIS Workshop (udfcd.gisworkshop.com) the entire PROJECT site belongs to the Sloan Lake Drainage Basin which is ultimately tributary to the South Platte River, located east of the site. Storm runoff from the new parking lot will be intercepted by storm drain inlets that will convey it to the proposed detention pond at the southeast corner of the site. Storm runoff from the service road north of the gym and the existing parking lot will sheet flow southeast to the detention pond. The rest of the runoff will sheet flow to the southeast corner of the site and will be collected in a detention pond located at the low point of the site. Stormwater discharged from the site pond will be released via an outlet structure and storm pipe that will convey the stormwater to the curb and gutter of 26'h Avenue. The stormwater will then be conveyed by the City's stormwater system. • Immediate Receiving Waters: Sloan's Lake • Ultimate Receiving Waters: South Platte ANTICIPATED ALLOWABLE SOURCES OF NON-STORMWA TER DISCHARGE There are no anticipated allowable sources of non-stormwater discharge. There are no wetlands or springs anticipated to contribute to site discharge. PROPOSED SEQUENCE FOR MAJOR ACTIVITIES Construction activities are anticipated to begin in December, 2015. Prior to the start of major construction activities, erosion control measures shall be installed. Once erosion control is in place, major construction activities will begin. Major construction activities include the demolition of the existing chapel, paving of the new parking lot, and installation storm infrastructure, as well as the vertical construction of the proposed buildings. Erosion control measures will remain in place until final stabilization has been achieved. Final stabilization is anticipated to be achieved by October, 2016. Final stabilization will be achieved as soon as all of the construction activities are completed, and will consist of impervious surfaces for the road, curb & gutter and walks, as well as the roofs of the buildings. Final stabilization will also consist of permanent seeding and landscaping, as shown on the Landscape Plan. THREA TENEDIENDANGERED SPECIES Per the Urban Drainage Flood Control District's `Threatened Species Map,' there appear to be no known threatened or endangered species that currently reside on the proposed site. 4 B. STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS: SWMP ADMINISTRA TOR: The SWMP Administrator for the PROJECT is: NAME: TITLE W/ COMPANY: PHONE: EMAIL: The SWMP administrator shall be responsible for developing, implementing, maintaining, and revising the SWMP. Prior to work commencing, the City's Stormwater Coordinator will be notified. If the SWMP Administrator is changed at any time throughout the construction process, the State requires a Permit Contact Change Form to be submitted to the State with the updated contact information. This form can be found in the Appendix in the State Forms section. IDENTIFICA TION OFPOTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES: The potential for each of the possible pollutant sources to contribute pollutants to stormwater discharge in the list below have been evaluated with regards to the frequency of the activity, the physical characteristic of the area, the ability of containment measure to prevent and contain leaks and/or spills, proximity to waterways or drainage facilities, the concentration and toxicity of materials and the possible contamination of storage facilities and materials. If it was determined that the source has a reasonable chance of contributing pollutants to stormwater discharge, a specific BMP or combination of BMPs has been identified to address or mitigate that potential. All Disturbed and Stored Soils: Disturbed Area: 4.01 acres Paved roads will be inspected around the perimeter of the construction site daily. Street sweeping and vacuuming will be conducted when there is noticeable sediment accumulation on roadways adjacent to the construction site. BMP's: Street Sweeping and Vacuuming Vehicle Tracking of Sediment: A vehicle tracking control pad is required at the entrance of the parking lot located on 26`' Avenue. Street sweeping shall occur whenever sediment is carried onto the street from the site. The Contractor shall also maintain an entrance/exit for the public during construction. All construction traffic shall use the vehicle tracking control pad. BMP's: Vehicle Tracking Control E Management of Contaminated Soils: Pre-existing contaminated soils are not anticipated. Good housekeeping practices shall be implemented to prevent contamination, and control contamination in the event of a spill. BMP's: Good Housekeeping Practices Loading and Unloading Operations: Loading and unloading operations can result in particulate generation, which can be carried off the site and ultimately collected by runoff. BMP's: Waste trucks entering/exiting the site shall be covered. Loading and unloading shall take place at the staging area. Outdoor Storage Activities: Wherever possible, chemicals shall be stored in a covered location to prevent rainwater from directly impacting storage containers. The spill prevention, containment, and control BMP shall be utilized to minimize risks from storing chemicals outside. Workers on the site shall be trained in spill prevention, containment, and control. BMP's: Spill Prevention, Containment, and Control Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance and Fueling: Onsite vehicle equipment maintenance and fueling increases the risk for spilling the chemicals used for these activities. These activities should ideally occur offsite. However, when onsite fueling and maintenance is warranted, it shall occur on the staging area. BMP's: Good Housekeeping Practices, Spill Prevention, Containment and Control Significant dust or particulate generating processes: Runoff from vehicles including paving equipment shall be managed to reduce pollutants entering storm drainage systems and natural drainage ways. Inlet protection needs to be established. BMP's: Inlet Protection, Paving and Grading Operations Routine maintenance activities involving fertilizers, pesticides, detergents, fuels, solvents, oil, etc: Chemicals shall be stored in a covered location to prevent rainwater from directly impacting storage containers. The spill prevention, containment, and control BMP shall be utilized to minimize risks from storing chemicals outside. Workers on the site shall be trained in spill prevention, containment, and control. Spill kits shall be located in close proximity to chemicals stored onsite. BMP's: Spill Prevention, Containment, and Control 6 Onsite waste management practices: Trash, demolition debris, and waste can be carried by stormwater runoff, contaminating runoff water, and clogging existing facilities. To mitigate this risk, dumpsters should be closed at all times when not in use. Dumpsters and/or waste piles shall be located a minimum of 50ft from any inlet structures or watercourses. BMP's: Good Housekeeping Practices Dedicated asphalt and concrete batch plants: No dedicated asphalt or concrete batch plants will be used onsite. BMP's: None. Concrete truck/equipment washing, including the concrete truck chute and associated fixtures and equipment: A concrete washout will be installed to reduce pollutants entering storm drainage systems and natural drainage ways. Construction washout areas shall be located a minimum of 50ft from any inlet structures or watercourses. BMP's: Concrete Washout Area Non -industrial waste sources such as workers trash and portable toilets: Good housekeeping shall be practiced onsite in order to eliminate stormwater contamination risk from worker trash and portable toilets. Provide an adequate amount of trash bins in order to encourage compliance across all workers. Stake portable toilets to the ground in order to minimize the risk of overturning. Updated portable toilet locations shall be redlined on the construction plan set. Portable toilets shall be located a minimum of 50ft from any inlet structures or watercourses. BMP's: Good Housekeeping Prevention of sediment transport to offsite and the site road via storm runoff: Sediment control logs or silt fencing need to be placed at the back of curb to prevent runoff from depositing sediment into the concentrated flow running in the gutters along the road during storm events. The down -gradient areas of the site perimeter will need silt fencing to prevent sediment laden runoff from reaching the adjacent sites. This will include installing silt fence along the east and south borders with the exception of where the VTC entrance is located. BMP's: Sediment Control Logs, Silt Fencing, Surface Roughening Prevention of pollutants from masonry work: Sediment control logs or silt fencing need to be placed at a reasonable distance from masonry work areas to prevent particulates, concrete materials/waste, equipment cleaning waste, and potential brick debris from reaching concentrated flows. Small scale concrete 7 washing basins need to be used for cleaning the concrete associated with installing masonry. These basins need to be disposed of per State and City of wheat Ridge criteria. BMP's: Sediment Control Logs, Silt Fencing, Concrete Washout Area Offsite Work (i.e. utility connections, street sawcutting, etc.): For the PROJECT, offsite work will be required in order to connect to existing infrastructure. At the south end of the PROJECT, a proposed storm line will connect the detention pond to the curb and gutter in 261 Avenue. This connection will require sawcutting, trenching, backfilling and the placement of impervious surface (asphalt and concrete) or permanent seeding for areas that will remain pervious. The proposed work to the south will require initial and interim BMP's including, inlet protection, silt fence, and rock socks. The street will need to be kept free of debris from sawcutting and trenching operations. This can be accomplished by street sweeping. Final BMP's will include permanent seeding in locations of disturbed earth. The sawcut areas will be replaced with whatever impervious surface was removed. BMP's: Inlet Protection, Silt Fencing, Rock Socks, Street Sweeping, Permanent Seeding DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURAL AND NON STRUCTURAL BMP'S In addition to the descriptions below, the Contractor is encouraged to refer to the "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual — Volume 3" for comprehensive BMP information. Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) Good housekeeping is a source control BMP. Good housekeeping practices are designed to maintain a clean and orderly work environment. Poor housekeeping practices result in increased waste and potential for stormwater contamination. A clean and orderly work site reduces the possibility of accidental spills caused by mishandling of chemicals and equipment. Street Sweeping and Vacuuming (SS) Street sweeping is required when sediment has washed onto paved surfaces. This is to be done in a timely manner (by the end of the work day) either by hand or street sweeper. Flushing of sediment with water is prohibited. Paving and Grinding Operations (PGO) Paving and grinding increases and creates runoff, respectively. Inlet protection for all inlets that could possibly receive runoff shall be established before paving and grinding. Spill kits need to be kept onsite, in close proximity and easily accessible for any equipment 8 spills. Loose material shall be swept or vacuumed following paving and grinding operations. Inlet Protection (IP) Permeable barriers are to be installed around inlets to filter runoff and remove sediment prior to entering a storm drain inlet. Inlet protection is to be used for all inlets in the general proximity of the construction area. The inlets to be protected are shown on the erosion control plans. Silt Fence (SF) A silt fence is a woven geotextile fabric attached to wooden posts and trenched into the ground. It is designed as a sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow runoff from disturbed areas. A silt fence can be used where runoff is conveyed from a disturbed area as sheet flow. Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) Vehicle tracking controls provide stabilized construction site access where vehicles exit the site onto paved public roads. An effective vehicle tracking control helps remove sediment (mud or dirt) from vehicles, reducing tracking onto the paved surface. When site conditions are wet or muddy, all non-essential vehicles and equipment will be limited only to areas that are impervious or that have adequate stabilization. If no onsite areas meet these requirements, then offsite parking will need to be arranged. Concrete Washout Area (CWA) A concrete washout area can be created using one of several approaches designed to receive wash water from washing of tools and concrete mixer chutes, liquid concrete waste from dump trucks, mobile batch mixers, or pump trucks. Three basic approaches are available: excavation of a pit in the ground, use of an above ground storage area, or use of prefabricated haul -away concrete washout containers. Surface discharges of concrete washout water from construction sites are prohibited. Temporary Soil Stabilization (TSS) Temporary soil stabilization can be provided by implementing temporary seeding, mulch or erosion control blankets. Temporary seeding can be used to stabilize disturbed areas that will be inactive for an extended period of time. Effective seeding includes preparation of a seedbed, selection of an appropriate seed mixture, proper planting techniques, and protection of the seeded area with mulch, geotextiles, or other appropriate measures. These BMP's help prevent erosion and are measures that can be implemented immediately after disturbed areas become inactive. Regardless of seeding or no seeding, disturbed areas that exhibit slopes steeper than 4:1 require erosion control blankets. Any area that is considered 9 to be complete and/or is considered to be substantially complete are areas that will receive no work within 7 days or 30 days, respectively. Sediment Control Log (SCL) A sediment control log is a linear roll made of natural materials such as straw, coconut fiber, or other fibrous material trenched into the ground and held with a wooden stake. Sediment control logs are also often referred to as "straw wattles." They are used as a sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow runoff from disturbed areas. Extended Detention/Sediment Basin (EDB) The purpose of an EDB is to provide a designated basin where sediment can fall out of the stormwater runoff collected from the site and road. The concentration of collected sediment can then be removed by shoveling or by a small front-end loader. In order to accomplish an effective EDB there needs to be an adequate residency time for the stormwater prior to being discharged through the outlet structure. Therefore, as soon as the outlet structure is installed, the Contractor shall block every other orifice plate hole starting with the first orifice hole, thus increasing the residency time of the stormwater in the pond, which lends to increased potential for flocculation and better allows the sediment to fall out of the stormwater. MATERIAL HANDLING AND SPILL PREVENTION If a spill should occur, the City of Wheat Ridge (303-886-3670), and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (1.877.518.5608) must be notified. The Contractor shall keep specific procedure manuals for material handling information, accident procedures, and spill handling. At a minimum, the Contractor shall adhere to the following: Material and Equipment Storage: Nonhazardous materials that are to be stockpiled on the site but not installed within 14 days of arrival shall be stored in the construction staging and/or material storage area. Materials delivered to the site which will be installed within 14 days of arrival may be stored nearer to the point of installation. These materials include but are not limited to pipe, precast manhole and inlet structures, and miscellaneous fittings. Construction and maintenance equipment such as hand tools and small parts shall be stored within the stabilized storage area or materials storage area in watertight containers. Hazardous materials that are to be stored onsite such as, but not limited to, oil filters, petroleum products, paint, and equipment maintenance fluids shall be stored in structurally sound and sealed containers, protecting the materials from the elements and shall be clearly marked "Hazardous Material". These containers are to be located within the stabilized 10 storage areas and/or material storage area and shall be accompanied by a spill kit that is located in close proximity. Spill Response/Management of Contaminated Soils: Containment and cleanup of spills shall begin immediately after the spill is observed. • Contain medium sized spills with absorbents (e.g., kitty litter, saw dust) and use inflatable berms or absorbent snakes as temporary booms for the spill. Store and dispose of absorbents properly. For large spills, first contain the spill and plug storm drain inlets where the liquid may migrate offsite, then clean up the spill. Excavation of spill areas to remove contaminated material may be required where large spills occur on unpaved surfaces. • Contain the entire spill if possible. If immediate containment is not possible, use curbing to route spilled material to a collection basin. The containment area must have an impermeable surface. Material from the spill area must be disposed of or recycled according to local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Vehicle and Equipment Fueling and Maintenance: The fueling of vehicles and equipment which occurs onsite shall occur in the stabilized storage area. Only minor equipment maintenance shall occur onsite. All major equipment maintenance shall be performed offsite. Any equipment fluids generated from maintenance activities will be disposed of into designated drums stored on spill pallets. Absorbent, spill -cleanup materials and spill kits shall be available at the stabilized storage area and/or materials storage area. Drip pans shall be placed under all equipment receiving maintenance. Drip pans shall also be placed under vehicles and/or equipment parked overnight which have known fluid leaks. Waste Management and Disposal, Including Concrete Washout: All hazardous waste materials shall be disposed of in structurally sound and sealed containers located within a hazardous materials storage area in the stabilized storage area. Hazardous waste materials will be stored in appropriate and clearly marked containers and segregated from other non -waste materials. Secondary containment shall be provided for all waste materials in the hazardous materials storage area and will consist of commercially available spill pallets. Additionally, all hazardous waste materials shall be disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and municipal regulations. Non -hazardous waste materials may be disposed of into onsite dumpsters. Construction trash dumpsters should be located in the stabilized storage area. Dumpsters shall have a secure lid and meet all federal, state, and local regulations. Only trash and construction debris from the site should be deposited in these dumpsters. No construction materials shall be buried onsite. 11 All construction personnel shall be instructed regarding the correct disposal of trash and construction debris, as well as procedures for hazardous waste disposal. The SWMP Administrator shall be responsible for seeing that these practices are followed. C. SEQUENCED BMP IMPLEMENTATION GENERAL • Good Housekeeping • Material Handling and Spill Prevention INITIAL Site Mobilization • Install Inlet Protection, Vehicle Tracking Control, Construction Fence and Silt Fence • Concrete Washout Area to be installed and maintained during the course of paving operations Maintenance • Inspect all BMP's after every precipitation event, and at a minimum of once per week • Replace/repair BMP's as necessary • Check for sediment deposition on streets and sweep daily INTERIM During Construction Activities • Install Stabilized Staging Area, dumpster(s), portable toilets, additional Inlet Protection • Construct Temporary Soil Stabilization as needed Maintenance • Inspect all BMP's after every precipitation event, and at a minimum of once per week • Replace/repair BMP's as necessary • Inspect Inlet Protection and Silt Fence for tears and remove sediment accumulation from the area upstream of the inlet • Check for sediment deposition on streets and sweep daily • Update Erosion Control Plans to reflect current locations of major BMP's FINAL • If grading or construction activities has disturbed vegetation, restore to pre - construction state • Do not remove BMP's until final stabilization is achieved Maintenance • Inspect all BMP's after every precipitation event, and at a minimum of once per week 12 • Replace/repair BMP's as necessary • Inlet protection must be removed and properly disposed of when the drainage area for the inlet has reached final stabilization • Check for sediment deposition on streets and sweep daily D. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES The erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected by the Contractor and evaluated continually throughout the construction period. Inspections shall be performed weekly and after any precipitation event or snow melt event that causes noticeable erosion onsite or in proximity to the project. Inspections required after storm and/or snowmelt events shall be conducted in a timely manner, but no more than 24 hours after the end of the storm event. If construction activities have been completed, but final stabilization has not yet been achieved, the frequency of inspections may be reduced to once every thirty (30) days. Inspections shall be conducted and findings documented pursuant to the State Permit. Inspections shall be recorded on an inspection form acceptable to both the State of Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. See the Appendix for a sample inspection form. Inspections shall ensure adherence to all state and local jurisdictional requirements. Inspections shall also ensure compliance with the erosion control measures stipulated in this report. Lost or damaged erosion and sediment control devices shall be noted in the inspection report and shall be repaired or replaced immediately. Ineffective or inadequate devices shall also be noted in the inspection report and shall be immediately modified or replaced with an adequate device. Replacement and/or modification of ineffective or inadequate devices shall be completed immediately after the inspection. A BMP that requires maintenance, or is deemed inadequate, automatically places the project out of compliance with the State Stormwater Discharge permit and the City's Stormwater Construction Program. Any observed differences or modifications to the SWMP made after an inspection shall be shown on an updated SWMP in a timely manner. Any reports of non-compliance and/or violations shall be recorded. A brief explanation shall detail how the instance of non-compliance and/or violation was rectified, and how future violations will be avoided. The report shall then be signed indicating that site is once again in compliance by both the individual performing the inspection and the SWMP administrator. The permit operator shall keep a record of all inspections on site with the SWMP Plan. These records shall be made available to the City of Wheat Ridge or other authorities having jurisdiction upon request. Wherever inspection requirements differ between governing jurisdictions and/or this SWMP, the more stringent requirements shall apply. 13 E. FINAL STABILIZA TION If existing vegetative ground cover is disturbed, final stabilization will occur when the area(s) is (are) restored to their pre -construction state. SOIL AMENDMENTS None. PERMANENT SEED MIX Re -seed any bare or worn patches after construction. F. REFERENCES Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division — Stormwater Program, "Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity, Stormwater Management Plan Preparation Guidance", revised 4/2011 2. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volumes 1-3, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Rev. June 2001, Internet rev. October 2007. 14 APPENDIX A SAMPLE INSPECTION FORMS Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report The Permittee is responsible for making sure that all Inspection Reports comply with the latest State of Colorado requirements. General Information Project Name BMP Corrective Action Needed and Notes Maintenance Required? NPDES Tracking No. ❑Yes ❑No Location 2 Date of Inspection ❑Yes ❑No Start/End Time OYes ONo Inspector's Name(s) 4 Inspector's Title(s) OYes ❑No Inspector's Contact Information ❑Yes CNo Inspector's Qualifications 6 Describe present phase of construction []Yes ❑No Type of Inspection: ❑ Regular O Pre -storm event O During storm event ❑ Post -storm event Weather Information Has there been a storm event since the last inspection? ❑Yes oNo If yes, provide: Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Approximate Amount of Precipitation (in): Weather at time of this inspection? ❑ Clear ❑ Cloudy ❑ Rain ❑ Sleet ❑ Fog ❑ Snowing ❑ High Winds O Other: Temperature: Have any discharges occurred since the last inspection? ❑ Yes O No If yes, describe: Are there any discharges at the time of inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, describe: Site-specific BMPs BMP BMP Installed? BMP Corrective Action Needed and Notes Maintenance Required? 1 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ONo 2 OYes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 3 OYes ONo OYes ❑No 4 OYes ❑No OYes ❑No 5 ❑Yes CNo ❑Yes olio 6 ❑Yes ONo []Yes ❑No 7 ❑Yes ONo OYes ❑No 8 ❑Yes ❑No []Yes ONo 9 ❑Yes E --No ❑Yes []No 10 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ❑No 11 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo 12 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes ONo BMP BMP Installed? BMP Corrective Action Needed and Notes Maintenance Required? 13 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes []No 14 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 15 ❑Yes ONo ❑Yes []No 16 OYes ONo OYes ❑No 17 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 18 OYes ❑No Oyes [--No 19 ❑Yes ❑No OYes [�To 20 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No Overall Site Issues BMP/activity Implemented? Maintenance Corrective Action Needed and Notes Required? I Are all slopes and ❑Ycs ❑No ❑Yes ❑No disturbed areas not actively being worked properly stabilized? 2 Are natural resource []Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No areas (e.g., streams, wetlands, mature trees, etc.) protected with barriers or similar BMPs? 3 Are perimeter controls ❑Yes ❑No OYes ❑No and sediment barriers adequately installed (keyed into substrate) and maintained? 4 Are discharge points and ❑Yes ❑No ❑Ycs ELNo receiving waters free of any sediment deposits? 5 Are storm drain inlets ❑Ycs ❑No ❑Yes ❑No properly protected? 6 Is the construction exit ❑Ycs ❑No ❑Yes ❑No preventing sediment from being tracked into the street? 7 Is trash/litter from work ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ChNo areas collected and placed in covered dumpsters? 8 Arc washout facilities ❑Yes ❑No OYes ❑No (e.g., paint, stucco, concrete) available, clearly marked, and maintained? Non-compliance Describe any incidents of non-compliance not described above: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Print name and title: Signature: Date:_ BMP/activity Implemented? Maintenance Corrective Action Needed and Notes Required? 9 Are vehicle and ❑Yes ONo 0Yes ❑No equipment fueling, cleaning, and maintenance areas free of spills, leaks, or any other deleterious material? 10 Are materials that are OYes 0No OYes ❑No potential stormwater contaminants stored inside or under cover? 11 Are non-stormwater ❑Yes [--]No OYes ❑No discharges (e.g., wash water, dewatering) properly controlled? 12 (Other) OYes ❑No OYes CNo Non-compliance Describe any incidents of non-compliance not described above: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Print name and title: Signature: Date:_ APPENDIX B STA TE APPLICA TION FORMS STATE OF COLORADO For Agency Use Only Permit Number Assigned COR03- Date Received —/—/ Month Day Year COLORADO DISCHARGE PERMIT SYSTEM (CDPS) STORMWATER DISCHARGE ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES APPLICATION PHOTO COPIES, FAXED COPIES, PDF COPIES OR EMAILS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please print or type. Original signatures are required. All items must be completed accurately and in their entirety for the application to be deemed complete. Incomplete applications will not be processed until all information is received which will ultimately delay the issuance of a permit. If more space is required to answer any question, please attach additional sheets to the application form. Applications must be submitted by mail or hand delivered to: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South WQCD-P-B2 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Any additional information that you would like the Division to consider in developing the permit should be provided with the application. Examples include effluent data and/or modeling and planned pollutant removal strategies. PERMIT INFORMATION Reason for Application: El NEW CERT ❑ RENEW CERT EXISTING CERT # Applicant is: ❑ Property Owner ❑ Contractor/Operator A. CONTACT INFORMATION - NOT ALL CONTACT TYPES MAY APPLY * indicates required *PERMITTEE (If more than one please add additional pages) *ORGANIZATION FORMAL NAME: 1) *PERMITTEE the person authorized to sign and certify the permit application. This person receives all permit correspondences and is legally responsible for compliance with the permit. Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person): Telephone No: email address Organization: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: This form must be signed by the Permittee (listed in item 1) to be considered complete. Per Regulation 61 In all cases, it shall be signed as follows: a) In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer. For the purposes of this section, the responsible corporate officer is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the application originates. b) In the case of a partnership, by a general partner. c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor. d) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official page 1 of 5 revised April 2011 OF.cO� Dedicated to protecting and improving the health and environment of the people of Colorado 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 a s Phone (303) 692.2000 lg76 TDD Line (303) 691-7700 Colorado Department P Located in Glendale, Colorado of Public Health http://www.cdphe.state.co.us and Environment For Agency Use Only Permit Number Assigned COR03- Date Received —/—/ Month Day Year COLORADO DISCHARGE PERMIT SYSTEM (CDPS) STORMWATER DISCHARGE ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES APPLICATION PHOTO COPIES, FAXED COPIES, PDF COPIES OR EMAILS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please print or type. Original signatures are required. All items must be completed accurately and in their entirety for the application to be deemed complete. Incomplete applications will not be processed until all information is received which will ultimately delay the issuance of a permit. If more space is required to answer any question, please attach additional sheets to the application form. Applications must be submitted by mail or hand delivered to: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South WQCD-P-B2 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Any additional information that you would like the Division to consider in developing the permit should be provided with the application. Examples include effluent data and/or modeling and planned pollutant removal strategies. PERMIT INFORMATION Reason for Application: El NEW CERT ❑ RENEW CERT EXISTING CERT # Applicant is: ❑ Property Owner ❑ Contractor/Operator A. CONTACT INFORMATION - NOT ALL CONTACT TYPES MAY APPLY * indicates required *PERMITTEE (If more than one please add additional pages) *ORGANIZATION FORMAL NAME: 1) *PERMITTEE the person authorized to sign and certify the permit application. This person receives all permit correspondences and is legally responsible for compliance with the permit. Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person): Telephone No: email address Organization: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: This form must be signed by the Permittee (listed in item 1) to be considered complete. Per Regulation 61 In all cases, it shall be signed as follows: a) In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer. For the purposes of this section, the responsible corporate officer is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the application originates. b) In the case of a partnership, by a general partner. c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor. d) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official page 1 of 5 revised April 2011 2) DMR COGNIZANT OFFICIAL (i.e. authorized agent) the person or position authorized to sign and certify reports required by the Division including Discharge Monitoring Reports'DMR's, Annual Reports, Compliance Schedule submittals, and other information requested by the Division. The Division will transmit pre-printed reports (ie. DMR's) to this person. If more than one, please add additional pages. Same As 1) Permittee ❑ Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person): Telephone No: email address Organization: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Per Regulation 61 : All reports required by permits, and other information requested by the Division shall be signed by the permittee or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: (i) The authorization is made in writing by the permittee (ii) The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity such as the position of plant manager, operator of a well or a well field, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position); and (iii) The written authorization is submitted to the Division 3) *SITE CONTACT local contact for questions relating to the facility & discharge authorized by this permit for the facility. ❑ Same As 1) Permittee Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person): Telephone No: email address Organization: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: 4) * BILLING CONTACT if different than the permittee Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person): Telephone No: email address Organization: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Page 2 of 5 revised April 2011 S) OTHER CONTACT TYPES (check below) Add pages if necessary: ResponsiblePosition (Title): Currently Held By (Person): Telephone No: email address Organization: Mailing Address: City: o Pretreatment Coordinator o Environmental Contact o Biosolids Responsible Party o Property Owner State: Zip: Inspection Facility Contact Consultant Compliance Contact B. Permitted Project/Facility Information Stormwater MS4 Responsible Person Stormwater Authorized Representative Other Project/Facility Name Street Address or cross streets (e.g., "S. of Park St. between Sth Ave. and 101h Ave.", or "W. side of C.R. 21, 3.25 miles N. of Hwy 10"; A street name without an address, intersection, mile marker, or other identifying information describing the location of the project is not adequate. For linear projects, the route of the project should be described as best as possible with the location more accurately indicated by a map.) City, Wheat Ridge Zip Code County Jefferson Facility Latitude/Longitude— (approximate center of site to nearest 15 seconds using one of following formats 001A Latitude Longitude degrees to 3 decimal laces g (e.g., 3 laces) , 104.933°') 9 ( places) degrees (to 3 decimal places) or 001A Latitude 39 o 45 , 21 Longitude 105 o 04 48 (e.g., 39°46'11"N, 104°53'11"W) degrees minutes seconds degrees minutes seconds For the approximate center point of the property, to the nearest 15 seconds. The latitude and longitude must be provided as either degrees, minutes, and seconds, or in decimal degrees with three decimal places. This information may be obtained from a variety of sources, including: o Surveyors or engineers for the project should have, or be able to calculate, this information. o EPA maintains a web -based siting tool as part of their Toxic Release Inventory program that uses interactive maps and aerial photography to help users get latitude and longitude. The siting tool can be accessed at www.epa.gov/tri/report/siting–tool/index.htm o U.S. Geological Survey topographical map(s), available at area map stores. o Using a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit to obtain a direct reading. Note: the latitude/longitude required above is not the directional degrees, minutes, and seconds provided on a site legal description to define property boundaries. C. MAP (Attachment) If no map is submitted, the permit will not be issued. Map: Attach a map that indicates the site location and that CLEARLY shows the boundaries of the area that will be disturbed. Maps must be no larger than 11x17 inches. D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Legal description: If subdivided, provide the legal description below, or indicate that it is not applicable (do not supply Township/Range/Section or metes and bounds description of site) Subdivision(s): OR Not applicable (site has not been subdivided) Lot(s): page 3 of 5 revised April 2011 Block(s): E. AREA OF CONSTRUCTION SITE Total area of project site (acres): 9.1 Area of project site to undergo disturbance (acres): 6.48 Note: aside from clearing, grading and excavation activities, disturbed areas also include areas receiving overburden (e.g., stockpiles), demolition areas, and areas with heavy equipment/vehicle traffic and storage that disturb existing vegetative cover Total disturbed area of Larger Common Plan of Development or Sale, if applicable: (i.e., total, including all phases, filings, lots, and infrastructure not covered by this application) Provide both the total area of the construction site, and the area that will undergo disturbance, in acres. Note: aside from clearing, grading and excavation activities, disturbed areas also include areas receiving overburden (e.g., stockpiles), demolition areas, and areas with heavy equipment/vehicle traffic and storage that disturb existing vegetative cover (see construction activity description under the APPLICABILITY section on page 1). If the project is part of a larger common plan of development or sale (see the definition under the APPLICABILITY section on page 1), the disturbed area of the total plan must also be included. F. NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Check the appropriate box(s) or provide a brief description that indicates the general nature of the construction activities. (The full description of activities must be included in the Stormwater Management Plan.) Single Family Residential Development Multi -Family Residential Development Commercial Development Oil and Gas Production and/or Exploration (including pad sites and associated infrastructure) Highway/Road Development (not including roadways associated with commercial or residential development) V Other — Description: Church and School expansion G. ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Construction Start Date: Spring 2016 Final Stabilization Date: Fall 2016 *Construction Start Date - This is the day you expect to begin ground disturbing activities, including grubbing, stockpiling, excavating, demolition, and grading activities. •Final Stabilization Date - in terms of permit coverage, this is when the site is finally stabilized. This means that all ground surface disturbing activities at the site have been completed, and all disturbed areas have been either built on, paved, or a uniform vegetative cover has been established with an individual plant density of at least 70 percent of pre -disturbance levels. Permit coverage must be maintained until the site is finally stabilized. Even if you are only doing one part of the project, the estimated final stabilization date must be for the overall project. If permit coverage is still required once your part is completed, the permit certification may be transferred or reassigned to a new responsible entity(s). H RECEIVING WATERS (If discharge is to a ditch or storm sewer, include the name of the ultimate receiving waters) Immediate Receiving Water(s) Sloan's Lake Ultimate Receiving Water(s): South Platte River Identify the receiving water of the stormwater from your site. Receiving waters are any waters of the State of Colorado. This includes all water courses, even if they are usually dry. If stormwater from the construction site enters a ditch or storm sewer system, identify that system and indicate the ultimate receiving water for the ditch or storm sewer. Note: a stormwater discharge permit does not allow a discharge into a ditch or storm sewer system without the approval of the owner/operator of that system. page 4 of 5 revised April 2011 REQUIRED SIGNATURES (Both parts i. and ii. must be signed) Signature of Applicant: The applicant must be either the owner and/or operator of the construction site. Refer to Part B of the instructions for additional information. The application must be signed by the applicant to be considered complete. In all cases it shall be signed as follows: (Regulation 61.4 (lei) a) In the case of corporations, by the responsible corporate officer is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the form originates b) In the case of a partnership, by a general partner. c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor. d) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, (a principal executive officer has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge originates). STOP!: A Stormwater Management Plan must be completed prior to signing the following certifications! L STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN CERTIFICATION "I certify under penalty of law that a complete Stormwater Management Plan, has been prepared for my activity. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Stormwater Management Plan is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsely certifying the completion of said SWMP, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." XX Signature of Legally Responsible Person or Authorized Agent (submission must include original signature) Date Signed Name (printed) Title ii. SIGNATURE OF PERMIT LEGAL CONTACT "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." "I understand that submittal of this application is for coverage under the State of Colorado General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity for the entirety of the construction site/project described and applied for, until such time as the application is amended or the certification is transferred, inactivated, or expired." Signature of Legally Responsible Person (submission must include original signature) Date Signed Name (printed Title DO NOT INCLUDE A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN DO NOT INCLUDE PAYMENT — AN INVOICE WILL BE SENT AFTER THE CERTIFICATION IS ISSUED. page 5 of 5 revised April 2011 STATE OF COLORADO NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF PERMIT COVERAGE Terminating coverage fora partion of a permitted area GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY This form is to be used to amend a permit certification under Colorado's Stormwater Construction Permit, to terminate permit coverage when both of the following conditions have been met: 1. The area must no longer be under the operational control (via ownership or contract) of the permittee. AND 2. The area must be Finally Stabilized. An area is Finally Stabilized when all ground surface disturbing activities at the site have been completed, and all disturbed areas have been either built on, paved or equivalently hard -armored, or a uniform vegetative cover has been established with an individual plant density of at least 70 percent of pre -disturbance levels. Upon acceptance of this notice by the Water Quality Control Division (the Division), the permit certification will be automatically amended to exclude the specific portion described in the notice. The current permittee will not receive a revised certification. The corrected information will be placed in the permit file. In order to receive notification of the Division's receipt of this information, it is up to the permittee to request verification of delivery from the carrier (i.e., by sending certified mail). Conditions When This Form Can NOT Be Used: Below are some common scenarios where a permittee may need to use a different form or process. For additional guidance on administrative requirements and options for the Stormwater Construction Permit, refer to the Stormwater Construction Fact Sheet available at coloradowaterpermits. com The Division strongly recommends that entities involved with sites where multiple owners/operators exist review this information. A. The Permittee Still Has Operational Control over the Area The permit can only be amended to terminate coverage for sites that are no longer under the operational control of the permittee. If the permittee still has operational control: What to do instead: Revise your Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) to address the conditions and the BMPs used in the stabilized area. BMPs may still be needed depending on site-specific conditions, such as stormwater run-on or construction traffic from areas of active construction. Monthly inspections are still required in accordance with Part I.D.6 of the permit, but only need to focus on identifying pollutant sources (e.g., erosion, material storage, etc.) and BMPs. B. The Area Has Not Been Finally Stabilized This form is only for terminating an area that has been finally stabilized. If the area has not been finally stabilized: What to do instead: The permittee must either maintain permit coverage, or can reassign permit coverage to another entity that owns or has operational control over that area. The Division's Notice of Reassignment of Permit Coverage form should be used. The form is available at coloradowateipermits. com C. The Entire Permitted Area Has Been Finally Stabilized This form is intended for use when the conditions in 1 AND 2 above have been met, and the permittee wishes to terminate permit coverage for only part of the site. Submittal of this form will only result in the termination of coverage for a portion of a permitted site, and does not inactivate the permit certification. What to do instead: Use the Inactivation Form for construction activities, available at coloradowaterpermits.com 9/08/coverageamend -i- Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP): The permittee must maintain a SWMP that accurately reflects the activities and BMPs for the areas for which they will have permit coverage. Therefore, the SWMP must be updated to reflect the changes described in this form. Appendix A of the General Permit Application and SWMP Guidance for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (available from the Division's web site at coloradowaterpermits. com) contains the requirements for the SWMP. Failure by the permittee to maintain a SWMP in accordance with this guidance is a violation of the permit. Additional guidance for multi owner/operator development is also available in the Stormwater Fact Sheet for Construction, available from the Division's web site. Notice Due Dates: At least ten days prior to the requested effective date for permit coverage to end, the permittee shall submit this form to the Division. This form may be reproduced, and is also available from the Division's web site at coloradowaterpermits.com. Permit Fee: There are no new permit fees associated with amending the construction permit certification. Application Completeness: All items on the form must be completed accurately and in their entirety or the notice will be deemed incomplete, and processing of the form will not begin until all information is received. A map of the revised area must be included that clearly indicates the area with continued coverage under the permit certification, and the area excluded. (Do not include a copy of the SWMP.) One original copy of the completed form (no faxes or e-mails), signed by the current permittee, shall be submitted, only to: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division - Permits 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 If you have questions on completing this application, you may contact the Division at cdphe.wgstorm@state.co.us or (303) 692-3517. INSTRUCTIONS Site Map: A Site Map must be provided. The map must clearly define the boundaries of the site to be excluded from permit coverage, and the area of the site with continued coverage under the permit certification. The level of detail that must be provided will depend on the nature of the project, and must be adequate to determine during a field audit what construction activities are still covered under the issued certification. For typical developments within a specific surveyed property, a map clearly showing the property boundaries should be obtainable. For projects located in areas with adjacent construction areas that will not be covered by the application (such as multi -lot developments with multiple owners/operators), this detail is essential. However, for projects such as road or utility projects, where providing this detail may not be feasible or necessary to distinguish the project from adjacent activities, a less detailed map showing the approximate area is adequate. Maps should NOT exceed 8 '/i x 17 inches. Do not submit grading plans or other blueprints as the site map. 9/08/covcragcamcnd AI- Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Water Quality Control Division WQCD-P-132 REC 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South EFF Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 YEAR MONTH DAY AMENDMENT NOTICE FOR CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER DISCHARGE GENERAL PERMIT CERTIFICATION Please print or tune. Form must be filled out completer Certification Number: COR -03 Permittee (Company) Name: Permittee Address: Phone No Construction Site Address/Location: This number is not 0000. Site/Facility Name: Revised Site Information — Must include Site Mau indicating site boundaries, and area being excluded from permit coverage. Maps must be folded to 8Y2 x 11 inches.) Map enclosed? Yes F-1 No❑ County: Contact Person Phone No.: Contact Person: Contact Person Email: Summary of work performed and description of final stabilization for the area shown in the attached map: I certify under penalty of law that by the date of my signature below, at the identified construction site area, all disturbed soils have been finally stabilized; all temporary erosion and sediment control measures have been removed; all construction and equipment maintenance wastes have been disposed of properly; and all elements of the Stormwater Management Plan have been completed. I understand that by submitting this notice of amendment, I am no longer authorized to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity by the general permit, for this specific area. I understand that discharging pollutants in stormwater associated with construction activities to the waters of the State of Colorado, where such discharges are not authorized by a CDPS permit, is unlawful under the Colorado Water Quality Control Act and the Clean Water Act. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted herein, and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. (See 18 U.S.0 1001 and 33 U.S.C. 1319.) Signature of Permit Applicant (Legally Responsible Party) Date Signed Name (printed) Title 9/08/coverageamend COLORADO •,} Department of Public Health b Environment Dedicated to protecting and improving the health and environment of the people of Colorado For Agency Use Only Date Received Effective Date CHANGE OF CONTACT(s) for all PERMITS CERTIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATIONS This form must be submitted for changes made to any of the contacts or information listed below. PHOTO COPIES, FAXED COPIES, PDF COPIES OR EMAILS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. PERMIT, CERTIFICATION, OR AUTHORIZATION NUMBER (This number does not end in 0000) (A separate form must be prepared for each Permit, Certification, or Authorization covered by these changes.) PERMITTEE ORGANIZATION FORMAL NAME (If more than one please add additional pages) : The legally responsible organization is either the owner or operator of the facility or project to which the permit has been issued, or both if designated as co -permittees by the Division. FACILITY NAME ENTER ALL OF THE INFORMATION FOR EACH CONTACT WHERE THERE IS A CHANGE. 1. PERMITTEE the person authorized to sign and certify the permit application. This person receives all permit correspondences and is legally responsible for compliance with the permit. Responsible Position (title) Held by (person) Telephone # Organization Mailing address City email address State This form must be signed by the Permittee to be considered complete. Zip Per Regulation 61 In all cases, it shall be signed as follows: a) In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer. For the purposes of this section, the responsible corporate officer is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the application originates. b) In the case of a partnership, by a general partner. c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor. d) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official Revised 9/2014 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver, CO 80246-1530 P 303-692-2000 www.cotorado.gov/cdphe 1 e® CHANGE OF CONTACT(S) FOR ALL PERMITS CERTIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATIONS 2. DMR COGNIZANT OFFICIAL (i.e. authorized agent) the person authorized to sign and certify the Reports as required by the permit, including Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR's), Annual Reports, Compli- ance Schedule submittals, and other information requested by the Division. The Division will transmit pre- printed reports (i.e. DMR's) to this person. If more than one person, please add additional pages. This party may not sign application forms. Responsible Position (title) Held by (person) Telephone # Organization Mailing address City email address State 3. SITE CONTACT local contact for questions relating to the facility and discharge authorized by this permit for the facility Responsible Position (title) Held by (person) Telephone # Organization Mailing address City email address State Zip 4. CERTIFIED OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) may designate one or both if needed A. Wastewater Treatment Facility ORC Operator ID Number Operator's Legal Name Organization B. Wasterwater Collection System ORC Operator ID Number Operator's Legal Name Organization Ii CHANGE OF CONTACT(S) FOR ALL PERMITS CERTIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATIONS 5. BILLING CONTACT if different than permittee Responsible Position (title) Held by (person) Telephone # Organization Mailing address City email address State 6. OTHER CONTACT TYPES (check below) Add pages if necessary. Responsible Position (title) Held by (person) Telephone # Organization Mailing address City email address State 0Pretreatment Coordinator Environmental Contact Biosolids Responsible Party Inspection Facility Contact OConsultant O Other F31 01 Compliance Contact Stormwater MS4 Responsible Party Stormwater Authorized Representative Property Owner REQUIRED CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE [Reg 61.4(1)(h)] "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervi- sion in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the infor- mation submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature (Legally Responsible Party) Name (printed) Title Date APPENDIX C BMP INFORMATION Concrete Washout Area (CWA Description Concrete waste management involves designating and properly managing a specific area of the construction site as a concrete washout area. A concrete washout area can be created using one of several approaches designed to receive wash water from washing of tools and concrete mixer chutes, liquid concrete waste from dump trucks, mobile batch mixers, or pump trucks. Three basic approaches are available: excavation of a pit in the ground, use of an above ground storage area, or use of prefabricated haul - away concrete washout containers. Surface discharges of concrete washout water from construction sites are prohibited. Appropriate Uses MM -1 Photograph CWA-1. Example of concrete washout area. Note gravel tracking pad for access and sign. Concrete washout areas must be designated on all sites that will generate concrete wash water or liquid concrete waste from onsite concrete mixing or concrete delivery. Because pH is a pollutant of concern for washout activities, when unlined pits are used for concrete washout, the soil must have adequate buffering capacity to result in protection of state groundwater standards; otherwise, a liner/containment must be used. The following management practices are recommended to prevent an impact from unlined pits to groundwater: ■ The use of the washout site should be temporary (less than 1 year), and ■ The washout site should be not be located in an area where shallow groundwater may be present, such as near natural drainages, springs, or wetlands. Design and Installation Concrete washout activities must be conducted in a manner that does not contribute pollutants to surface waters or stormwater runoff. Concrete washout areas may be lined or unlined excavated pits in the ground, commercially manufactured prefabricated washout containers, or aboveground holding areas constructed of berms, sandbags or straw bales with a plastic liner. Although unlined washout areas may be used, lined pits may be required to protect groundwater under certain conditions. Do not locate an unlined washout area within 400 feet of any natural drainage pathway or waterbody or within 1,000 feet of any wells or drinking water sources. Even for lined concrete washouts, it is advisable to locate the facility away from waterbodies and drainage paths. If site constraints make these Concrete Washout Area Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control No Site/Material Management Yes November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CWA-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM-1 Concrete Washout Area (CWA setbacks infeasible or if highly permeable soils exist in the area, then the pit must be installed with an impermeable liner (16 mil minimum thickness) or surface storage alternatives using prefabricated concrete washout devices or a lined aboveground storage area should be used. Design details with notes are provided in Detail CWA-1 for pits and CWA-2 for aboveground storage areas. Pre -fabricated concrete washout container information can be obtained from vendors. Maintenance and Removal A key consideration for concrete washout areas is to ensure that adequate signage is in place identifying the location of the washout area. Part of inspecting and maintaining washout areas is ensuring that adequate signage is provided and in good repair and that the washout area is being used, as opposed to washout in non -designated areas of the site. Remove concrete waste in the washout area, as needed to maintain BMP function (typically when filled to about two-thirds of its capacity). Collect concrete waste and deliver offsite to a designated disposal location. Upon termination of use of the washout site, accumulated solid waste, including concrete waste and any contaminated soils, must be removed from the site to prevent on-site disposal of solid waste. If the wash water is allowed to evaporate and the concrete hardens, it may be recycled. Photograph CWA-2. Prefabricated concrete washout. Photo courtesy of CDOT. Photograph CWA-3. Earthen concrete washout. Photo courtesy of CDOT. CWA-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2UIU Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Concrete Washout Area (CWA) MM -1 7E CONCRETE WASHOUT a f SIGN 12" TYP. i >4 (— UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL ZZ) milli. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA PLAN _COMPACTED BERM AROUND THE PERIMETER 11 -- >3 \ I3' MIN 8 X 8 MIN. SECTION A (CWA VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL (SEE VTC DETAIL) OR OTHER STABLE SURFACE 2% SLOPE >3 VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL (SEE VTC DETAIL ) CWA-1 . CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA CWA INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR: —CWA INSTALLATION LOCATION. 2. DO NOT LOCATE AN UNLINED CWA WITHIN 400' OF ANY NATURAL DRAINAGE PATHWAY OR WATERBODY. DO NOT LOCATE WITHIN 1,000' OF ANY WELLS OR DRINKING WATER SOURCES. IF SITE CONSTRAINTS MAKE THIS INFEASIBLE, OR IF HIGHLY PERMEABLE SOILS EXIST ON SITE, THE CWA MUST BE INSTALLED WITH AN IMPERMEABLE LINER (16 MIL MIN. THICKNESS) OR SURFACE STORAGE ALTERNATIVES USING PREFABRICATED CONCRETE WASHOUT DEVICES OR A LINED ABOVE GROUND STORAGE ARE SHOULD BE USED. 3. THE CWA SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT ON SITE. 4. CWA SHALL INCLUDE A FLAT SUBSURFACE PIT THAT IS AT LEAST 8' BY 8' SLOPES LEADING OUT OF THE SUBSURFACE PIT SHALL BE 3:1 OR FLATTER THE PIT SHALL BE AT LEAST 3' DEEP, 5. BERM SURROUNDING SIDES AND BACK OF THE CWA SHALL HAVE MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 1'. 6. VEHICLE TRACKING PAD SHALL BE SLOPED 2% TOWARDS THE CWA. 7 SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, AT THE CWA, AND ELSEWHERE AS NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE CWA TO OPERATORS OF CONCRETE TRUCKS AND PUMP RIGS. 8. USE EXCAVATED MATERIAL FOR PERIMETER BERM CONSTRUCTION. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CWA-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 _y�.t•T�•..�r�_ • w . w .: .�_ X31 �f }I���1�•1 ��•���. . ...1.!'. 12" TYP. i >4 (— UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL ZZ) milli. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA PLAN _COMPACTED BERM AROUND THE PERIMETER 11 -- >3 \ I3' MIN 8 X 8 MIN. SECTION A (CWA VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL (SEE VTC DETAIL) OR OTHER STABLE SURFACE 2% SLOPE >3 VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL (SEE VTC DETAIL ) CWA-1 . CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA CWA INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR: —CWA INSTALLATION LOCATION. 2. DO NOT LOCATE AN UNLINED CWA WITHIN 400' OF ANY NATURAL DRAINAGE PATHWAY OR WATERBODY. DO NOT LOCATE WITHIN 1,000' OF ANY WELLS OR DRINKING WATER SOURCES. IF SITE CONSTRAINTS MAKE THIS INFEASIBLE, OR IF HIGHLY PERMEABLE SOILS EXIST ON SITE, THE CWA MUST BE INSTALLED WITH AN IMPERMEABLE LINER (16 MIL MIN. THICKNESS) OR SURFACE STORAGE ALTERNATIVES USING PREFABRICATED CONCRETE WASHOUT DEVICES OR A LINED ABOVE GROUND STORAGE ARE SHOULD BE USED. 3. THE CWA SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT ON SITE. 4. CWA SHALL INCLUDE A FLAT SUBSURFACE PIT THAT IS AT LEAST 8' BY 8' SLOPES LEADING OUT OF THE SUBSURFACE PIT SHALL BE 3:1 OR FLATTER THE PIT SHALL BE AT LEAST 3' DEEP, 5. BERM SURROUNDING SIDES AND BACK OF THE CWA SHALL HAVE MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 1'. 6. VEHICLE TRACKING PAD SHALL BE SLOPED 2% TOWARDS THE CWA. 7 SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, AT THE CWA, AND ELSEWHERE AS NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE CWA TO OPERATORS OF CONCRETE TRUCKS AND PUMP RIGS. 8. USE EXCAVATED MATERIAL FOR PERIMETER BERM CONSTRUCTION. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CWA-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM -1 Concrete Washout Area (CWA) CWA MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPS IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. THE CWA SHALL BE REPAIRED, CLEANED, OR ENLARGED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CAPACITY FOR CONCRETE WASTE. CONCRETE MATERIALS, ACCUMULATED IN PIT, SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE THE MATERIALS HAVE REACHED A DEPTH OF 2'. 5. CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER, WASTED PIECES OF CONCRETE AND ALL OTHER DEBRIS IN THE SUBSURFACE PIT SHALL BE TRANSPORTED FROM THE JOB SITE IN A WATER—TIGHT CONTAINER AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. 6. THE CWA SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL CONCRETE FOR THE PROJECT IS PLACED. 7. WHEN THE CWA IS REMOVED, COVER THE DISTURBED AREA WITH TOP SOIL, SEED AND MULCH OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. (DETAIL ADAPTED FROM DOUGLAS COUNTY, COLORADO AND THE CITY OF PARKER, COLORADO, NOT AVAILABLE IN AUTOCAD). NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCO STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. CWA-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Construction Fence (CF) Description A construction fence restricts site access to designated entrances and exits, delineates construction site boundaries, and keeps construction out of sensitive areas such as natural areas to be preserved as open space, wetlands and riparian areas. Appropriate Uses A construction fence can be used to delineate the site perimeter and locations within the site where access is restricted to protect natural resources such as wetlands, waterbodies, trees, and other natural areas of the site that should not be disturbed. SM -3 Photograph CF -1. A construction fence helps delineate areas where existing vegetation is being protected. Photo courtesy of Douglas County. If natural resource protection is an objective, then the construction fencing should be used in combination with other perimeter control BMPs such as silt fence, sediment control logs or similar measures. Design and Installation Construction fencing may be chain link or plastic mesh and should be installed following manufacturer's recommendations. See Detail CF -1 for typical installations. Do not place construction fencing in areas within work limits of machinery. Maintenance and Removal ■ Inspect fences for damage; repair or replace as necessary. ■ Fencing should be tight and any areas with slumping or fallen posts should be reinstalled. ■ Fencing should be removed once construction is complete. Construction Fence Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control No Site/Material Management Yes November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CF -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM -3 Construction Fence (CF) Gf - Cf PLASTIC CAP, TYP. CF 5' M M 4' A STUDDED STEEL TEE POST CF -1. PLASTIC MESH CONSTRUCTION FENCE CONSTRUCTION FENCE INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR: -LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION FENCE. 2. CONSTRUCTION FENCE SHOWN SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. 3. CONSTRUCTION FENCE SHALL BE COMPOSED OF ORANGE, CONTRACTOR -GRADE MATERIAL THAT IS AT LEAST 4' HIGH. METAL POSTS SHOULD HAVE A PLASTIC CAP FOR SAFETY. 4. STUDDED STEEL TEE POSTS SHALL BE UTILIZED TO SUPPORT THE CONSTRUCTION FENCE. MAXIMUM SPACING FOR STEEL TEE POSTS SHALL BE 10'. 5. CONSTRUCTION FENCE SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO THE TOP, MIDDLE, AND BOTTOM OF EACH POST. CF -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Construction Fence (CF) SM -3 CONSTRUCTION FENCE MAINTENANCE NOT (; 1. INSPECT BMPS EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPS SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPS IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPS HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. CONSTRUCTION FENCE SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHEN THERE ARE SIGNS OF DAMAGE SUCH AS RIPS OR SAGS. CONSTRUCTION FENCE IS TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE UPSTREAM DISTURBED AREA IS STABILIZED AND APPROVED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. 5. WHEN CONSTRUCTION FENCES ARE REMOVED, ALL DISTURBED AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND/OR REMOVAL OF THE FENCE SHALL BE COVERED WITH TOPSOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED, OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED AS APPROVED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. (DETAIL ADAPTED FROM TOWN OF PARKER, COLORADO. NOT AVAILABLE IN AUTOCAD) November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CF -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Construction Phasing/Sequencing (CP) Description Effective construction site management to minimize erosion and sediment transport includes attention to construction phasing, scheduling, and sequencing of land disturbing activities. On most construction projects, erosion and sediment controls will need to be adjusted as the project progresses and should be documented in the SWMP. Construction phasing refers to disturbing only part of a site at a time to limit the potential for erosion from dormant parts of a site. Grading activities and construction are completed and soils are effectively stabilized on one part of a site before grading and construction begins on another portion of the site. SM -1 Photograph CP -l. Construction phasing to avoid disturbing the entire area at one time. Photo courtesy of WWE. Construction sequencing or scheduling refers to a specified work schedule that coordinates the timing of land disturbing activities and the installation of erosion and sediment control practices. Appropriate Uses All construction projects can benefit from upfront planning to phase and sequence construction activities to minimize the extent and duration of disturbance. Larger projects and linear construction projects may benefit most from construction sequencing or phasing, but even small projects can benefit from construction sequencing that minimizes the duration of disturbance. Typically, erosion and sediment controls needed at a site will change as a site progresses through the major phases of construction. Erosion and sediment control practices corresponding to each phase of construction must be documented in the SWMP. Design and Installation BMPs appropriate to the major phases of development should be identified on construction drawings. In some cases, it will be necessary to provide several drawings showing construction -phase BMPs placed according to stages of development (e.g., clearing and grading, utility installation, active construction, final stabilization). Some municipalities in the Denver area set maximum sizes for disturbed area associated with phases of a construction project. Additionally, requirements for phased construction drawings vary among local governments within the UDFCD boundary. Some local governments require separate erosion and sediment control drawings for initial Construction Scheduling BMPs, interim conditions (in active construction), and final stabilization. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CF -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Functions Erosion Control Moderate Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management Yes November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CF -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM -1 Construction Phasinj Typical construction phasing BMPs include: uencing (CP) ■ Limit the amount of disturbed area at any given time on a site to the extent practical. For example, a 100 -acre subdivision might be constructed in five phases of 20 acres each. ■ If there is carryover of stockpiled material from one phase to the next, position carryover material in a location easily accessible for the pending phase that will not require disturbance of stabilized areas to access the stockpile. Particularly with regard to efforts to balance cut and fill at a site, careful planning for location of stockpiles is important. Typical construction sequencing BMPs include: Sequence construction activities to minimize duration of soil disturbance and exposure. For example, when multiple utilities will occupy the same trench, schedule installation so that the trench does not have to be closed and opened multiple times. ■ Schedule site stabilization activities (e.g., landscaping, seeding and mulching, installation of erosion control blankets) as soon as feasible following grading. ■ Install initial erosion and sediment control practices before construction begins. Promptly install additional BMPs for inlet protection, stabilization, etc., as construction activities are completed. Table CP -1 provides typical sequencing of construction activities and associated BMPs. Maintenance and Removal When the construction schedule is altered, erosion and sediment control measures in the S WMP and construction drawings should be appropriately adjusted to reflect actual "on the ground" conditions at the construction site. Be aware that changes in construction schedules can have significant implications for site stabilization, particularly with regard to establishment of vegetative cover. CP -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Good Housekeeping Practices (GH; MM -3 o Use high-pressure water spray at vehicle washing facilities without detergents. Water alone can remove most dirt adequately. o Do not conduct other activities, such as vehicle repairs, in the wash area. o Include the location of the washing facilities and the inspection and maintenance procedures in the SWMP. Develop a Spill Prevention and Response Plan. Spill prevention and response procedures must be identified in the SWMP. Representative procedures include identifying ways to reduce the chance of spills, stop the source of spills, contain and clean up spills, dispose of materials contaminated by spills, and train personnel responsible for spill prevention and response. The plan should also specify material handling procedures and storage requirements and ensure that clear and concise spill cleanup procedures are provided and posted for areas in which spills may potentially occur. When developing a spill prevention plan, include the following: o Note the locations of chemical storage areas, storm drains, tributary drainage areas, surface waterbodies on or near the site, and measures to stop spills from leaving the site. o Provide proper handling and safety procedures for each type of waste. Keep Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for chemical used on site with the SWMP. o Establish an education program for employees and subcontractors on the potential hazards to humans and the environment from spills and leaks. o Specify how to notify appropriate authorities, such as police and fire departments, hospitals, or municipal sewage treatment facilities to request assistance. Emergency procedures and contact numbers should be provided in the SWMP and posted at storage locations. o Describe the procedures, equipment and materials for immediate cleanup of spills and proper disposal. o Identify personnel responsible for implementing the plan in the event of a spill. Update the spill prevention plan and clean up materials as changes occur to the types of chemicals stored and used at the facility. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH -5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM -3 Good House Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan ing Practices (GH) Construction sites may be subject to 40 CFR Part 112 regulations that require the preparation and implementation of a SPCC Plan to prevent oil spills from aboveground and underground storage tanks. The facility is subject to this rule if it is a non -transportation -related facility that: ■ Has a total storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons or a completely buried storage capacity greater than 42,000 gallons. ■ Could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in quantities that may be harmful to navigable waters of the United States and adjoining shorelines. Furthermore, if the facility is subject to 40 CFR Part 112, the SWMP should reference the SPCC Plan. To find out more about SPCC Plans, see EPA's website on SPPC at www.epa.Rov/Oilspill/S--wc.htm. Reporting Oil Spills In the event of an oil spill, contact the National Response Center toll free at 1-800-424- 8802 for assistance, or for more details, visit their website: www.nrc.uscg.mil. Maintenance and Removal Effective implementation of good housekeeping practices is dependent on clear designation of personnel responsible for supervising and implementing good housekeeping programs, such as site cleanup and disposal of trash and debris, hazardous material management and disposal, vehicle and equipment maintenance, and other practices. Emergency response "drills" may aid in emergency preparedness. Checklists may be helpful in good housekeeping efforts. Staging and storage areas require permanent stabilization when the areas are no longer being used for construction -related activities. Construction -related materials, debris and waste must be removed from the construction site once construction is complete. Design Details See the following Fact Sheets for related Design Details: MM -1 Concrete Washout Area MM -2 Stockpile Management SM -4 Vehicle Tracking Control Design details are not necessary for other good housekeeping practices; however, be sure to designate where specific practices will occur on the appropriate construction drawings. GH -6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Inlet Protection (IP) SC -6 Description T Inlet protection consists of permeable barriers installed around an inlet to filter runoff and remove sediment prior to entering a storm drain inlet. Inlet protection can be constructed from rock socks, sediment control logs, silt fence, block and rock socks, or other materials approved by the local jurisdiction. Area inlets can also be protected by over -excavating around the inlet to form a sediment trap. Appropriate Uses J Install protection at storm sewer inlets that are operable during construction. Photograph IP -1. Inlet protection for a curb opening inlet. Consider the potential for tracked -out sediment or temporary stockpile areas to contribute sediment to inlets when determining which inlets must be protected. This may include inlets in the general proximity of the construction area, not limited to downgradient inlets. Inlet protection is not a stand-alone BMP and should be used in conjunction with other upgradient BMPs. Design and Installation To function effectively, inlet protection measures must be installed to ensure that flows do not bypass the inlet protection and enter the storm drain without treatment. However, designs must also enable the inlet to function without completely blocking flows into the inlet in a manner that causes localized flooding. When selecting the type of inlet protection, consider factors such as type of inlet (e.g., curb or area, sump or on -grade conditions), traffic, anticipated flows, ability to secure the BMP properly, safety and other site-specific conditions. For example, block and rock socks will be better suited to a curb and gutter along a roadway, as opposed to silt fence or sediment control logs, which cannot be properly secured in a curb and gutter setting, but are effective area inlet protection measures. Several inlet protection designs are provided in the Design Details. Additionally, a variety of proprietary products are available for inlet protection that may be approved for use by local governments. If proprietary products are used, design details and installation procedures from the manufacturer must be followed. Regardless of the type of inlet protection selected, inlet protection is most effective when combined with other BMPs such as curb socks and check dams. Inlet protection is often the last barrier before runoff enters the storm sewer or receiving water. Design details with notes are provided for these forms of inlet protection: IP -1. Block and Rock Sock Inlet Protection for Sump or On -grade Inlets IP -2. Curb (Rock) Socks Upstream of Inlet Protection, On -grade Inlets Inlet Protection (various forms) Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management 1 No November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC -6 Inlet Protection (IP) IP -3. Rock Sock Inlet Protection for Sump/Area Inlet IP -4. Silt Fence Inlet Protection for Sump/Area Inlet IP -5. Over -excavation Inlet Protection IP -6. Straw Bale Inlet Protection for Sump/Area Inlet CIP-1. Culvert Inlet Protection Propriety inlet protection devices should be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications More information is provided below on selecting inlet protection for sump and on -grade locations. Inlets Located in a Sump When applying inlet protection in sump conditions, it is important that the inlet continue to function during larger runoff events. For curb inlets, the maximum height of the protective barrier should be lower than the top of the curb opening to allow overflow into the inlet during larger storms without excessive localized flooding. If the inlet protection height is greater than the curb elevation, particularly if the filter becomes clogged with sediment, runoff will not enter the inlet and may bypass it, possibly causing localized flooding, public safety issues, and downstream erosion and damage from bypassed flows. Area inlets located in a sump setting can be protected through the use of silt fence, concrete block and rock socks (on paved surfaces), sediment control logs/straw wattles embedded in the adjacent soil and stacked around the area inlet (on pervious surfaces), over -excavation around the inlet, and proprietary products providing equivalent functions. Inlets Located on a Slope For curb and gutter inlets on paved sloping streets, block and rock sock inlet protection is recommended in conjunction with curb socks in the gutter leading to the inlet. For inlets located along unpaved roads, also see the Check Dam Fact Sheet. Maintenance and Removal Inspect inlet protection frequently. Inspection and maintenance guidance includes: ■ Inspect for tears that can result in sediment directly entering the inlet, as well as result in the contents of the BMP (e.g., gravel) washing into the inlet. • Check for improper installation resulting in untreated flows bypassing the BMP and directly entering the inlet or bypassing to an unprotected downstream inlet. For example, silt fence that has not been properly trenched around the inlet can result in flows under the silt fence and directly into the inlet. ■ Look for displaced BMPs that are no longer protecting the inlet. Displacement may occur following larger storm events that wash away or reposition the inlet protection. Traffic or equipment may also crush or displace the BMP. ■ Monitor sediment accumulation upgradient of the inlet protection. IP -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Inlet Protection (IP) SC -6 ■ Remove sediment accumulation from the area upstream of the inlet protection, as needed to maintain BMP effectiveness, typically when it reaches no more than half the storage capacity of the inlet protection. For silt fence, remove sediment when it accumulates to a depth of no more than 6 inches. Remove sediment accumulation from the area upstream of the inlet protection as needed to maintain the functionality of the BMP. ■ Propriety inlet protection devices should be inspected and maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications. If proprietary inlet insert devices are used, sediment should be removed in a timely manner to prevent devices from breaking and spilling sediment into the storm drain. Inlet protection must be removed and properly disposed of when the drainage area for the inlet has reached final stabilization. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District IP -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC -6 Inlet Protection (IP) IP SEE ROCK SOCK DESIGN ROCK DETAIL FOR JOINTING ROCK SOCKS(2f16" CINDER 16" CINDER SOCKS BLOCKS BLOCKS ., by FLOW 2"x4" WOOD STUD 1' MIN. CURB INLET 2"x4" WOOD - SECTION A - STUD IP -1. BLOCK AND ROCK SOCK SUMP OR ON GRADE INLET PROTECTION BLOCK AND CURB SOCK INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION ATION NOT S 1. SEE ROCK SOCK DESIGN DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 2. CONCRETE "CINDER" BLOCKS SHALL BE LAID ON THEIR SIDES AROUND THE INLET IN A SINGLE ROW, ABUTTING ONE ANOTHER WITH THE OPEN END FACING AWAY FROM THE CURB. 3. GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE PLACED AROUND CONCRETE BLOCKS, CLOSELY ABUTTING ONE ANOTHER AND JOINTED TOGETHER IN ACCORDANCE WITH ROCK SOCK DESIGN DETAIL. MINIMUM OF "_- EG. BLOCK AND ROCK SOCK INLET PROTECTION(SEE DETAIL IP -1) d CURB SOFLOWz MIN I 3'- 5' IP -2. CURB ROCK SOCKS UPSTREAM OF INLET PROTECTION CURB ROCK SOCK INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE ROCK SOCK DESIGN DETAIL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 2. PLACEMENT OF THE SOCK SHALL BE APPROXIMATELY 30 DEGREES FROM PERPENDICULAR IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF FLOW. 3. SOCKS ARE TO BE FLUSH WITH THE CURB AND SPACED A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET APART. 4. AT LEAST TWO CURB SOCKS IN SERIES ARE REQUIRED UPSTREAM OF ON -GRADE INLETS. IP -4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Inlet Protection (IP) SC -6 r 4 r nR ROCK SOCK _T GRATE I P SEE ROCK SOCK DETAIL FOR JOINTING IP -3 ROCK SOCK SUMPAREA INLET PROTECTION ROCK SOCK SUMP/AREA INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE ROCK SOCK DESIGN DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 2. STRAW WATTLES/SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF ROCK SOCKS FOR INLETS IN PERVIOUS AREAS. INSTALL PER SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG DETAIL. r SF� th � I� SFJ •" ST GRATE SILT FENCE (SEE SILT FENCE DESIGN DETAIL ) IP -4. SILT FENCE FOR SUMP INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE SILT FENCE DESIGN DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 2. POSTS SHALL BE PLACED AT EACH CORNER OF THE INLET AND AROUND THE EDGES AT A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 3 FEET. 3. STRAW WATTLES/SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF SILT FENCE FOR INLETS IN PERVIOUS AREAS. INSTALL PER SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG DETAIL. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District IP -5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC -6 Inlet Protection (IP) SHEET FLOW SILT FENCE AREA INLET SILT FENCE ECB 2:1 MAX L CONCENTRATED ll_ >3 AREA INLET ECB k a 1' MIN 2' MAX ROCK FILTER FLOW 1 OR ROCK SOCK _1 _LL (USE IF FLOW IS CONCENTRATED) IP -5. OVEREXCAVATION INLET PROTECTION OVEREXCAVATION INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES 1. THIS FORM OF INLET PROTECTION IS PRIMARILY APPLICABLE FOR SITES THAT HAVE NOT YET REACHED FINAL GRADE AND SHOULD BE USED ONLY FOR INLETS WITH A RELATIVELY SMALL CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA 2. WHEN USING FOR CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SHAPE BASIN IN 2:1 RATIO WITH LENGTH ORIENTED TOWARDS DIRECTION OF FLOW. 3. SEDIMENT MUST BE PERIODICALLY REMOVED FROM THE OVEREXCAVATED AREA. n a m INLET GRATE a c STRAW BALE (SEE STRAW BALE DESIGN DETAIL) IP -6. STRAW BALE FOR SUMP INLET PROTECTION STRAW BALE BARRIER INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE STRAW BALE DESIGN DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 2. BALES SHALL BE PLACED IN A SINGLE ROW AROUND THE INLET WITH ENDS OF BALES TIGHTLY ABUTTING ONE ANOTHER. IP-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Inlet Protection (IP) SC -6 GENERAL ILII FT PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR: —LOCATION OF INLET PROTECTION. —TYPE OF INLET PROTECTION (IP.1, IP.2, IP.3. IP.4, IP.5, IP.6) 2. INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED PROMPTLY AFTER INLET CONSTRUCTION OR PAVING IS COMPLETE (TYPICALLY WITHIN 48 HOURS). IF A RAINFALL/RUNOFF EVENT IS FORECAST, INSTALL INLET PROTECTION PRIOR TO ONSET OF EVENT. 3. MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. INLET PROTECTION MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPs IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMP9 HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED UPSTREAM OF INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMP EFFECTIVENESS, TYPICALLY WHEN STORAGE VOLUME REACHES 50% OF CAPACITY, A DEPTH OF 6" WHEN SILT FENCE IS USED, OR Y4 OF THE HEIGHT FOR STRAW BALES. 5. INLET PROTECTION IS TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE UPSTREAM DISTURBED AREA IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, UNLESS THE LOCAL JURISDICTION APPROVES EARLIER REMOVAL OF INLET PROTECTION IN STREETS. 6. WHEN INLET PROTECTION AT AREA INLETS IS REMOVED, THE DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE COVERED WITH TOP SOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED, OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. (DETAIL ADAPTED FROM TOWN OF PARKER, COLORADO ANO CITY OF AURORA, COLORADO, NOT AVAILABLE IN AUTOCAO) NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. NOTE: THE DETAILS INCLUDED WITH THIS FACT SHEET SHOW COMMONLY USED, CONVENTIONAL METHODS OF INLET PROTECTION IN THE DENVER METROPOLITAN AREA. THERE ARE MANY PROPRIETARY INLET PROTECTION METHODS ON THE MARKET, UDFCD NEITHER ENDORSES NOR DISCOURAGES USE OF PROPRIETARY INLET PROTECTION; HOWEVER, IN THE EVENT PROPRIETARY METHODS ARE USED, THE APPROPRIATE DETAIL FROM THE MANUFACTURER MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE SWMP AND THE BMP MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AS SHOWN IN THE MANUFACTURER'S DETAILS. NOTE: SOME MUNICIPALITIES DISCOURAGE OR PROHIBIT THE USE OF STRAW BALES FOR INLET PROTECTION. CHECK WITH LOCAL JURISDICTION TO DETERMINE IF STRAW BALE INLET PROTECTION IS ACCEPTABLE. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 1P-7 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Temporary Outlet Protection (TOP) EC -8 Description Outlet protection helps to reduce erosion immediately downstream of a pipe, culvert, slope drain, rundown or other conveyance with concentrated, high - velocity flows. Typical outlet protection consists of riprap or rock aprons at the conveyance outlet. Appropriate Uses Outlet protection should be used when adw conveyance discharges onto a disturbed ~ area where there is potential for accelerated Photograph TOP -1. Riprap outlet protection. erosion due to concentrated flow. Outlet protection should be provided where the velocity at the culvert outlet exceeds the maximum permissible velocity of the material in the receiving channel. Note: This Fact Sheet and detail are for temporary outlet protection, outlets that are intended to be used for less than 2 years. For permanent, long-term outlet protection, see the Major Drainage chapter of Volume 1. Design and Installation Design outlet protection to handle runoff from the largest drainage area that may be contributing runoff during construction (the drainage area may change as a result of grading). Key in rock, around the entire perimeter of the apron, to a minimum depth of 6 inches for stability. Extend riprap to the height of the culvert or the normal flow depth of the downstream channel, whichever is less. Additional erosion control measures such as vegetative lining, turf reinforcement mat and/or other channel lining methods may be required downstream of the outlet protection if the channel is susceptible to erosion. See Design Detail OP -1 for additional information. Maintenance and Removal Inspect apron for damage and displaced rocks. If rocks are missing or significantly displaced, repair or replace as necessary. If rocks are continuously missing or displaced, consider increasing the size of the riprap or deeper keying of the perimeter. Remove sediment accumulated at the outlet before the outlet protection becomes buried and ineffective. When sediment accumulation is noted, check that upgradient BMPs, including inlet protection, are in effective operating condition. Outlet protection may be removed once the pipe is no longer draining an upstream area, or once the downstream area has been sufficiently stabilized. If the drainage pipe is permanent, outlet protection can be left in place; however, permanent outlet protection should be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Major Drainage chapter of Volume 2. Outlet Protection Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management No November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TOP -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 EC -8 Temporary Outlet Protection (TOP) 3(Do) DOT EXTEND RIPRAP TO HEIGHT OF CULVERT OR NORMAL CHANNEL DEPTH, WHICHEVER IS LESS TEMPORARY OUTLET PROTECTION PLAN Lo 0% r D = 2 x D50 NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE KEY IN TO 2 x D50 AROUND PERIMETER SECTION A TABLE OP -1. TEMPORARY OUTLET PROTECTION SIZING TABLE PIPE APRON RIPRAP D50 DIAMETER, DISCHARGE, LENGTH, La DIAMETER Do O (CFS) (�) MIN (INCHES) (INCHES) 2.5 5 4 8 5 10 6 5 10 4 12 10 13 6 10 10 6 20 16 9 18 30 23 12 40 26 16 30 16 9 40 26 9 24 50 26 12 60 30 16 OP -1. TEMPORARY OUTLET PROTECTION OP TOP -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Temporary Outlet Protection (TOP) EC -8 TEMPORARY OUTLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR —LOCATION OF OUTLET PROTECTION. —DIMENSIONS OF OUTLET PROTECTION, 2. DETAIL IS INTENDED FOR PIPES WITH SLOPE S 10%. ADDITIONAL EVALUATION OF RIPRAP SIZING AND OUTLET PROTECTION DIMENSIONS REQUIRED FOR STEEPER SLOPES. 3. TEMPORARY OUTLET PROTECTION INFORMATION IS FOR OUTLETS INTENDED TO BE UTILIZED LESS THAN 2 YEARS. TEMPORARY OUTLET PROTECTION INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE, 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPS IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. NOTE; MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. (DETAILS ADAPTED FROM AURORA, COLORADO AND PREVIOUS VERSION OF VOLUME 3, NOT AVAILABLE IN AUTOCAD) November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TOP -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Paving and Grinding Operations (PGO) SM -12 Description Manage runoff from paving and grinding operations to reduce pollutants entering storm drainage systems and natural drainageways. Appropriate Uses Use runoff management practices during all paving and grinding operations such as surfacing, resurfacing, and saw cutting. Design and Installation Photograph PGO -l. Paving operations on a Colorado highway. Photo courtesy of CDOT. There are a variety of management strategies that can be used to manage runoff from paving and grinding operations: ■ Establish inlet protection for all inlets that could potentially receive runoff. • Schedule paving operations when dry weather is forecasted. ■ Keep spill kits onsite for equipment spills and keep drip pans onsite for stored equipment. • Install perimeter controls when asphalt material is used on embankments or shoulders near waterways, drainages, or inlets. • Do not wash any paved surface into receiving storm drain inlets or natural drainageways. Instead, loose material should be swept or vacuumed following paving and grinding operations. ■ Store materials away from drainages or waterways. ■ Recycle asphalt and pavement material when feasible. Material that cannot be recycled must be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations. See BMP Fact Sheets for Inlet Protection, Silt Fence and other perimeter controls selected for use during paving and grinding operations. Maintenance and Removal Perform maintenance and removal of inlet protection and perimeter controls in accordance with their respective fact sheets. Promptly respond to spills in accordance with the spill prevention and control plan. Paving and Grinding Operations Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control No Site/Material Management Yes November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PGO -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 19 Protection of Existing Vegetation (PV) SM -2 Description Protection of existing vegetation on a construction site can be accomplished through installation of a construction fence around the area requiring protection. In cases where upgradient areas are disturbed, it may also be necessary to install perimeter controls to minimize sediment loading to sensitive areas such as wetlands. Existing vegetation may be designated for protection to maintain a stable surface cover as part of construction phasing, or vegetation may be protected in areas designated to remain in natural condition under post -development conditions (e.g., wetlands, mature trees, riparian areas, open space). Appropriate Uses Photograph PV -1. Protection of existing vegetation and a sensitive area. Photo courtesy of CDOT. Existing vegetation should be preserved for the maximum practical duration on a construction site through the use of effective construction phasing. Preserving vegetation helps to minimize erosion and can reduce revegetation costs following construction. Protection of wetland areas is required under the Clean Water Act, unless a permit has been obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) allowing impacts in limited areas. If trees are to be protected as part of post -development landscaping, care must be taken to avoid several types of damage, some of which may not be apparent at the time of injury. Potential sources of injury include soil compaction during grading or due to construction traffic, direct equipment -related injury such as bark removal, branch breakage, surface grading and trenching, and soil cut and fill. In order to minimize injuries that may lead to immediate or later death of the tree, tree protection zones should be developed during site design, implemented at the beginning of a construction project, as well as continued during active construction. Design and Installation General Once an area has been designated as a preservation area, there should be no construction activity allowed within a set distance of the area. Clearly mark the area with construction fencing. Do not allow stockpiles, equipment, trailers or parking within the protected area. Guidelines to protect various types of Protection of Existing Vegetation existing vegetation follow. Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Management Yes November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PV -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM -2 Protection of Existing Vegetation (PV) Surface Cover During Phased Construction Install construction fencing or other perimeter controls around areas to be protected from clearing and grading as part of construction phasing. Maintaining surface cover on steep slopes for the maximum practical duration during construction is recommended. Open Space Preservation Where natural open space areas will be preserved as part of a development, it is important to install construction fencing around these areas to protect them from compaction. This is particularly important when areas with soils with high infiltration rates are preserved as part of LID designs. Preserved open space areas should not be used for staging and equipment storage. Wetlands and Riparian Areas Install a construction fence around the perimeter of the wetland or riparian (streamside vegetation) area to prevent access by equipment. In areas downgradient of disturbed areas, install a perimeter control such as silt fence, sediment control logs, or similar measure to minimize sediment loading to the wetland. Tree Protection' Before beginning construction operations, establish a tree protection zone around trees to be preserved by installing construction fences. Allow enough space from the trunk to protect the root zone from soil compaction and mechanical damage, and the branches from mechanical damage (see Table PV -1). If low branches will be kept, place the fence outside of the drip line. Where this is not possible, place fencing as far away from the trunk as possible. In order to maintain a healthy tree, be aware that about 60 percent of the tree's root zone extends beyond the drip line. Table PV -1 Guidelines for Determining the Tree Protection Zone (Source: Matheny and Clark, 1998; as cited in GreenCO and WWE 2008) Distance from Trunk (ft) per inch of DBH Species Tolerance to Damage Young Mature Over mature Good 0.5' 0.75' 1.0' Moderate 0.75' 1.0' 1.25' Poor 1.0' 1.25' 1.5' Notes: DBH = diameter at breast height (4.5 ft above grade); Young = <20% of life expectancy; Mature = 20%-80% of life expectancy; Over mature =>80% of life expectancy ■ Most tree roots grow within the top 12 to 18 inches of soil. Grade changes within the tree protection zone should be avoided where possible because seemingly minor grade changes can either smother I Tree Protection guidelines adapted from GreenCO and WWE (2008). Green Industry Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Conservation and Protection of Water Resources in Colorado: Moving Toward Sustainability, Third Release. See www.greenco.org for more detailed guidance on tree preservation. PV -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Protection of Existing Vegetation (PV) SM -2 roots (in fill situations) or damage roots (in cut situations). Consider small walls where needed to avoid grade changes in the tree protection zone. ■ Place and maintain a layer of mulch 4 to 6 -inch thick from the tree trunk to the fencing, keeping a 6 -inch space between the mulch and the trunk. Mulch helps to preserve moisture and decrease soil compaction if construction traffic is unavoidable. When planting operations are completed, the mulch may be reused throughout planting areas. ■ Limit access, if needed at all, and appoint one route as the main entrance and exit to the tree protection zone. Within the tree protection zone, do not allow any equipment to be stored, chemicals to be dumped, or construction activities to take place except fine grading, irrigation system installation, and planting operations. These activities should be conducted in consultation with a landscaping professional, following Green Industry BMPs. ■ Be aware that soil compaction can cause extreme damage to tree health that may appear gradually over a period of years. Soil compaction is easier to prevent than repair. Maintenance and Removal Repair or replace damaged or displaced fencing or other protective barriers around the vegetated area. If damage occurs to a tree, consult an arborist for guidance on how to care for the tree. If a tree in a designated preservation area is damaged beyond repair, remove and replace with a 2 -inch diameter tree of the same or similar species. Construction equipment must not enter a wetland area, except as permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Inadvertent placement of fill in a wetland is a 404 permit violation and will require notification of the USACE. If damage to vegetation occurs in a protected area, reseed the area with the same or similar species, following the recommendations in the USDCM Revegetation chapter. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District PV -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Rock Sock (RS) SC -5 Description A rock sock is constructed of gravel that has been wrapped by wire mesh or a geotextile to form an elongated cylindrical filter. Rock socks are typically used either as a perimeter control or as part of inlet protection. When placed at angles in the curb line, rock socks are typically referred to as curb socks. Rock socks are intended to trap sediment from stormwater runoff that flows onto roadways as a result of construction activities. Appropriate Uses ' Photograph RS -1. Rock socks placed at regular intervals in a curb Rock socks can be used at the perimeter line can help reduce sediment loading to storm sewer inlets. Rock of a disturbed area to control localized socks can also be used as perimeter controls. sediment loading. A benefit of rock socks as opposed to other perimeter controls is that they do not have to be trenched or staked into the ground; therefore, they are often used on roadway construction projects where paved surfaces are present. Use rock socks in inlet protection applications when the construction of a roadway is substantially complete and the roadway has been directly connected to a receiving storm system. Design and Installation When rock socks are used as perimeter controls, the maximum recommended tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of rock socks is approximately 0.25 acres with disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no steeper than 3:1. A rock sock design detail and notes are provided in Detail RS -1. Also see the Inlet Protection Fact Sheet for design and installation guidance when rock socks are used for inlet protection and in the curb line. When placed in the gutter adjacent to a curb, rock socks should protrude no more than two feet from the curb in order for traffic to pass safely. If located in a high traffic area, place construction markers to alert drivers and street maintenance workers of their presence. Maintenance and Removal Rock socks are susceptible to displacement and breaking due to vehicle traffic. Inspect rock socks for damage and repair or replace as necessary. Remove sediment by sweeping or vacuuming as needed to maintain the functionality of the BMP, typically when sediment has accumulated behind the rock sock to one-half of the sock's Rock Sock height. Once upstream stabilization is complete, rock socks and accumulated sediment should be removed and properly disposed. Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management No November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RS -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC -5 Rock Sock (RS) --I T0" ON BEDROCK OR HARD SURFACE, 2" IN SOIL 11S" (MINUS) CRUSHED ROCK :LOSED IN WIRE MESH WIRE TIE ENDS GROUND SURFACE RS 1h" (MINUS) CRUSHED ROCK ENCLOSED IN WIRE MESH 4" TO 6" MAX AT CURBS, OTHERWISE 6"-10" DEPENDING ON EXPECTED SEDIMENT LOADS ROCK SOCK SECTION ROCK SOCK PLAN ANY GAP AT JOINT SHALL BE FILLED WITH AN ADEQUATE AMOUNT OF UYt" (MINUS) CRUSHED ROCK AND WRAPPED WITH ADDITIONAL WIRE MESH SECURED TO ENDS OF ROCK ROCK SOCK, REINFORCED SOCK. AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO FILLING JOINTS TW BETWEEN ADJOINING ROCK SOCKS WITH CRUSHED ROCK AND 12" 12" ADDITIONAL WIRE WRAPPING, ROCK SOCKS CAN BE OVERLAPPED (TYPICALLY 12 -INCH OVERLAP) TO AVOID GAPS. ROCK SOCK JOINTING 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR: -LOCATION(S) OF ROCK SOCKS. GRADATION TABLE SIEVE SIZE MASS PERCENT PASSING SQUARE MESH SIEVES NO. 4 2 100 1" " 90 - 100 1 20 - 55 0 - 15 0 - 5 MATCHES SPECIFICATIONS FOR NO. 4 COARSE AGGREGATE FOR CONCRETE PER AASHTO M43. ALL ROCK SHALL BE FRACTURED FACE, ALL SIDES. 2. CRUSHED ROCK SHALL BE 1}4" (MINUS) IN SIZE WITH A FRACTURED FACE (ALL SIDES) AND SHALL COMPLY WITH GRADATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MINUS). 3. WIRE MESH SHALL BE FABRICATED OF 10 GAGE POULTRY MESH, OR EQUIVALENT, WITH A MAXIMUM OPENING OF Y2", RECOMMENDED MINIMUM ROLL WIDTH OF 48" 4. WIRE MESH SHALL BE SECURED USING "HOG RINGS" OR WIRE TIES AT 6" CENTERS ALONG ALL JOINTS AND AT 2" CENTERS ON ENDS OF SOCKS. 5. SOME MUNICIPALITIES MAY ALLOW THE USE OF FILTER FABRIC AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO WIRE MESH FOR THE ROCK ENCLOSURE. RS -1. ROCK SOCK PERIMETER CONTROL RS -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Rock Sock (RS) SC -5 ROCK SOCK MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPs IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. ROCK SOCKS SHALL BE REPLACED IF THEY BECOME HEAVILY SOILED, OR DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR. 5. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED UPSTREAM OF ROCK SOCKS SHALL BE REMOVED AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN FUNCTIONALITY OF THE BMP, TYPICALLY WHEN DEPTH OF ACCUMULATED SEDIMENTS IS APPROXIMATELY %I OF THE HEIGHT OF THE ROCK SOCK. 6. ROCK SOCKS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE UPSTREAM DISTURBED AREA IS STABILIZED AND APPROVED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. 7. WHEN ROCK SOCKS ARE REMOVED, ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE COVERED WITH TOPSOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED AS APPROVED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. (DETAIL ADAPTED FROM TOWN OF PARKER, COLORADO AND CITY OF AURORA, COLORADO, NOT AVAILABLE IN AUTOCAD) NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. NOTE. THE DETAILS INCLUDED WITH THIS FACT SHEET SHOW COMMONLY USED, CONVENTIONAL METHODS OF ROCK SOCK INSTALLATION IN THE DENVER METROPOLITAN AREA. THERE ARE MANY OTHER SIMILAR PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS ON THE MARKET. UDFCD NEITHER NDORSES NOR DISCOURAGES USE OF PROPRIETARY PROTECTION PRODUCTS: HOWEVER, IN THE EVENT PROPRIETARY METHODS ARE USED, THE APPROPRIATE DETAIL FROM THE MANUFACTURER MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE SWMP AND THE BMP MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AS SHOWN I IN THE MANUFACTURER'S DETAILS. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RS -3 Urban Storni Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC -2 Description A sediment control log is a linear roll made of natural materials such as straw, coconut fiber, or other fibrous material trenched into the ground and held with a wooden stake. Sediment control logs are also often referred to as "straw wattles." They are used as a sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow runoff from disturbed areas. Appropriate Uses Sediment control logs can be used in the following applications to trap sediment: ■ As perimeter control for stockpiles and the site. ■ As part of inlet protection designs. ■ As check dams in small drainage ditches. (Sediment control logs are not intended for use in channels with high flow velocities.) ■ On disturbed slopes to shorten flow lengths (as an erosion control). .447 — Photographs SCL-1 and SCL-2. Sediment control logs used as 1) a perimeter control around a soil stockpile; and, 2) as a '7 -hook" perimeter control at the corner of a construction site. ■ As part of multi -layered perimeter control along a receiving water such as a stream, pond or wetland. Sediment control logs work well in combination with other layers of erosion and sediment controls. Design and Installation Sediment control logs should be installed along the contour to avoid concentrating flows. The maximum allowable tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of sediment control log, installed along the contour, is approximately 0.25 acres with a disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no steeper than 3:1. Longer and steeper slopes require additional measures. This recommendation only applies to sediment control logs installed along the contour. When installed for other uses, such as perimeter control, it should be installed in a way that will not produce concentrated flows. For example, a 1 -hook" installation may be appropriate to force runoff to pond and evaporate or infiltrate in multiple areas rather than concentrate and cause erosive conditions parallel to the BMP. Sediment Control Lo Functions Erosion Control Moderate Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management No November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC -2 Sediment Control Log (SCL) Although sediment control logs initially allow runoff to flow through the BMP, they can quickly become a barrier and should be installed is if they are impermeable. Design details and notes for sediment control logs are provided in Detail SCL-1. Sediment logs must be properly trenched and staked into the ground to prevent undercutting, bypassing and displacement. When installed on slopes, sediment control logs should be installed along the contours (i.e., perpendicular to flow). Improper installation can lead to poor performance. Be sure that sediment control logs are properly trenched, anchored and tightly jointed. Maintenance and Removal Be aware that sediment control logs will eventually degrade. Remove accumulated sediment before the depth is one-half the height of the sediment log and repair damage to the sediment log, typically by replacing the damaged section. Once the upstream area is stabilized, remove and properly dispose of the logs. Areas disturbed beneath the logs may need to be seeded and mulched. Sediment control logs that are biodegradable may occasionally be left in place (e.g., when logs are used in conjunction with erosion control blankets as permanent slope breaks). However, removal of sediment control logs after final stabilization is typically recommended when used in perimeter control, inlet protection and check dam applications. SCL-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC -2 — SM—= — sm- 3- 4 �- i CENTER (TYP 6" �� Y3 DI FLOW OF SCL � (TYR,)"" "".j ; S 1h" x %" x 18" (MIN) WOODEN STAKE 9" DIAMETER (MIN) SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG DIAM.j jY(j�jU'/ /� NOTE: LARGER Sc DIAMETER SEDIMENT y�����/ \tel CONTROL LOGS MAY //_�� ' NEED TO BE 'N EMBEDDED DEEPER. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG CENTER STAKE IN CONTROL LOG COMPACTED EXCAVATED 3" 9" DIAMETER (MIN) TRENCH SOIL SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG FLOW Y3 DIAM. SCL (TYP.) SECTION A 12" OVERLAP 1Y2" x 1Y2" x 18" (MIN) WOODEN STAKE 9" DIAMETER (MIN) SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG JOINTS SCL-1. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC -2 Sediment Control Log (SCL 3.. COMPACTED EXCAVATED CENTER STAKE IN CONTROL LOG TRENCH SOIL 9" DIAMETER (MIN) SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG FLOW PLACE LOG AGAINST BACK OF CURB i DIAM. SCL (TYP.) 6" MIN. SCL-2. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT BACK OF CURB CENTER STAKE IN CONTROL LOG 3" 9" DIAMETER (MIN) SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TREE LAWN (TYPICAL) %3 DIAM. SCL (TYP.) CURB FLOW 7,77 MIN.' C �'WEWALK PLACE CONTROLLOG AGAINST%S)s?EWALK . . SCL-3. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT SIDEWALK WITH TREE LAWN STAKING AT 4' MAX. ON CENTER (TYP.) VERTICAL SPACING VARIES DEPENDING ON SLOPErn-, CONTINUOUS SCL AT PERIMETER OF CONSTRUCTION SITE SCL-4. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS TO CONTROL SLOPE LENGTH SCL4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC -2 )IMENT CONTROL LOG INSTALLATION NOTES SEE PLAN VIEW FOR LOCATION AND LENGTH OF SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS. 2. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS THAT ACT AS A PERIMETER CONTROL SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY UPGRADIENT LAND—DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. 3 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS SHALL CONSIST OF STRAW, COMPOST, EXCELSIOR OR COCONUT FIBER, AND SHALL BE FREE OF ANY NOXIOUS WEED SEEDS OR DEFECTS INCLUDING RIPS, HOLES AND OBVIOUS WEAR 4. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS MAY BE USED AS SMALL CHECK DAMS IN DITCHES AND SWALES. HOWEVER, THEY SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PERENNIAL STREAMS OR HIGH VELOCITY DRAINAGE WAYS. 5. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS BE TRENCHED INTO THE GROUND TO A DEPTH OF APPROXIMATELY Y3 OF THE DIAMETER OF THE LOG. IF TRENCHING TO THIS DEPTH IS NOT FEASIBLE AND/OR DESIRABLE (SHORT TERM INSTALLATION WITH DESIRE NOT TO DAMAGE LANDSCAPE) A LESSER TRENCHING DEPTH MAY BE ACCEPTABLE WITH MORE ROBUST STAKING 6. THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH SOIL THAT IS FREE OF ROCKS AND DEBRIS. THE SOIL SHALL BE TIGHTLY COMPACTED INTO THE SHAPE OF A RIGHT TRIANGLE USING A SHOVEL OR WEIGHTED LAWN ROLLER. 7. FOLLOW MANUFACTURERS' GUIDANCE FOR STAKING. IF MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT SPECIFY SPACING, STAKES SHALL BE PLACED ON 4' CENTERS AND EMBEDDED A MINIMUM OF 6" INTO THE GROUND. 3" OF THE STAKE SHALL PROTRUDE FROM THE TOP OF THE LOG. STAKES THAT ARE BROKEN PRIOR TO INSTALLATION SHALL BE REPLACED. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPs IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED UPSTREAM OF SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG SHALL BE REMOVED AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN FUNCTIONALITY OF THE BMP, TYPICALLY WHEN DEPTH OF ACCUMULATED SEDIMENTS IS APPROXIMATELY Y2 OF THE HEIGHT OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG. 5. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE END OF CONSTRUCTION. IF DISTURBED AREAS EXIST AFTER REMOVAL, THEY SHALL BE COVERED WITH TOP SOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. (DETAILS ADAPTED FROM TOWN OF PARKER, COLORADO, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, DOUGLAS COUNTY, COLORADO, AND CITY OF AURORA, COLORADO, NOT AVAILABLE IN AUTOCAD) NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC -2 Description Temporary seeding can be used to stabilize disturbed areas that will be inactive for an extended period. Permanent seeding should be used to stabilize areas at final grade that will not be otherwise stabilized. Effective seeding includes preparation of a seedbed, selection of an appropriate seed mixture, proper planting techniques, and protection of the seeded area with mulch, geotextiles, or other appropriate measures. Appropriate Uses When the soil surface is disturbed and Photograph TS/PS -1. Equipment used to drill seed. Photo courtesy of will remain inactive for an extended Douglas County. period (typically 30 days or longer), proactive stabilization measures should be implemented. If the inactive period is short-lived (on the order of two weeks), techniques such as surface roughening may be appropriate. For longer periods of inactivity, temporary seeding and mulching can provide effective erosion control. Permanent seeding should be used on finished areas that have not been otherwise stabilized. Typically, local governments have their own seed mixes and timelines for seeding. Check jurisdictional requirements for seeding and temporary stabilization. Design and Installation Effective seeding requires proper seedbed preparation, selection of an appropriate seed mixture, use of appropriate seeding equipment to ensure proper coverage and density, and protection with mulch or fabric until plants are established. The USDCM Volume 2 Revegetation Chapter contains detailed seed mix, soil preparations, and seeding and mulching recommendations that may be referenced to supplement this Fact Sheet. Drill seeding is the preferred seeding method. Hydroseeding is not recommended except in areas where steep slopes prevent use of drill seeding equipment, and even in these instances it is preferable to hand seed and mulch. Some jurisdictions do not allow hydroseeding or hydromulching. Seedbed Preparation Prior to seeding, ensure that areas to be revegetated have soil conditions capable of supporting vegetation. Overlot grading can result in loss of topsoil, resulting in poor quality subsoils at the ground surface that have low nutrient value, little organic matter content, few soil microorganisms, rooting restrictions, and conditions less conducive to infiltration of precipitation. As a result, it is typically necessary to provide stockpiled topsoil, compost, or other Temporary and Permanent Seeding Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control No Site/Material Management No November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TSPS -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 EC -2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TSTS) soil amendments and rototill them into the soil to a depth of 6 inches or more Topsoil should be salvaged during grading operations for use and spread on areas to be revegetated later. Topsoil should be viewed as an important resource to be utilized for vegetation establishment, due to its water -holding capacity, structure, texture, organic matter content, biological activity, and nutrient content. The rooting depth of most native grasses in the semi -arid Denver metropolitan area is 6 to 18 inches. At a minimum, the upper 6 inches of topsoil should be stripped, stockpiled, and ultimately respread across areas that will be revegetated. Where topsoil is not available, subsoils should be amended to provide an appropriate plant -growth medium. Organic matter, such as well digested compost, can be added to improve soil characteristics conducive to plant growth. Other treatments can be used to adjust soil pH conditions when needed. Soil testing, which is typically inexpensive, should be completed to determine and optimize the types and amounts of amendments that are required. If the disturbed ground surface is compacted, rip or rototill the surface prior to placing topsoil. If adding compost to the existing soil surface, rototilling is necessary. Surface roughening will assist in placement of a stable topsoil layer on steeper slopes, and allow infiltration and root penetration to greater depth. Prior to seeding, the soil surface should be rough and the seedbed should be firm, but neither too loose nor compacted. The upper layer of soil should be in a condition suitable for seeding at the proper depth and conducive to plant growth. Seed -to -soil contact is the key to good germination. Seed Mix for Temporary Vegetation To provide temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas which will not be paved, built upon, or fully landscaped or worked for an extended period (typically 30 days or more), plant an annual grass appropriate for the time of planting and mulch the planted areas. Annual grasses suitable for the Denver metropolitan area are listed in Table TSPS -l. These are to be considered only as general recommendations when specific design guidance for a particular site is not available. Local governments typically specify seed mixes appropriate for their jurisdiction. Seed Mix for Permanent Revegetation To provide vegetative cover on disturbed areas that have reached final grade, a perennial grass mix should be established. Permanent seeding should be performed promptly (typically within 14 days) after reaching final grade. Each site will have different characteristics and a landscape professional or the local jurisdiction should be contacted to determine the most suitable seed mix for a specific site. In lieu of a specific recommendation, one of the perennial grass mixes appropriate for site conditions and growth season listed in Table TSPS -2 can be used. The pure live seed (PLS) rates of application recommended in these tables are considered to be absolute minimum rates for seed applied using proper drill -seeding equipment. If desired for wildlife habitat or landscape diversity, shrubs such as rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus), fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) and skunkbrush sumac (Rhus trilobata) could be added to the upland seedmixes at 0.25, 0.5 and 1 pound PLS/acre, respectively. In riparian zones, planting root stock of such species as American plum (Prunus americana), woods rose (Rosa woodsii), plains cottonwood (Populus sargentii), and willow (Populus spp.) may be considered. On non-topsoiled upland sites, a legume such as Ladak alfalfa at 1 pound PLS/acre can be included as a source of nitrogen for perennial grasses. TSPS -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Tempora and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC -2 Seeding dates for the highest success probability of perennial species along the Front Range are generally in the spring from April through early May and in the fall after the fust of September until the ground freezes. If the area is irrigated, seeding may occur in summer months, as well. See Table TSPS -3 for appropriate seeding dates. Table TSPS -1. Minimum Drill Seeding Rates for Various Temporary Annual Grasses November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TSPS -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Pounds of Planting Species' Growth Pure Live Seed Depth (Common name) Seasonb (PLS)/acre (inches) 1. Oats Cool 35-50 1 - 2 2. Spring wheat Cool 25-35 1 - 2 3. Spring barley Cool 25-35 1 - 2 4. Annual ryegrass Cool 10-15 V2 5. Millet Warm 3-15 V2 -3/4 6. Sudangrass Warm 5-10 1/2 -3/4 7. Sorghum Warm 5-10 V2 -3/4 8. Winter wheat Cool 20-35 1 - 2 9. Winter barley Cool 20-35 1 - 2 10. Winter rye Cool 20-35 1 - 2 11. Triticale Cool 25-40 1 - 2 ' Successful seeding of annual grass resulting in adequate plant growth will usually produce enough dead -plant residue to provide protection from wind and water erosion for an additional year. This assumes that the cover is not disturbed or mowed closer than 8 inches. Hydraulic seeding may be substituted for drilling only where slopes are steeper than 3:1 or where access limitations exist. When hydraulic seeding is used, hydraulic mulching should be applied as a separate operation, when practical, to prevent the seeds from being encapsulated in the mulch. b See Table TSPS -3 for seeding dates. Irrigation, if consistently applied, may extend the use of cool season species during the summer months. ` Seeding rates should be doubled if seed is broadcast, or increased by 50 percent if done using a Brillion Drill or by hydraulic seeding. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TSPS -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 EC -2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) Table TS/PS-2. Minimum Drill Seeding Rates for Perennial Grasses Commons Name Botanical Name Growth Seasonb Growth Form Seeds/ Pound Pounds of PLS/acre Alakali Soil Seed Mix Alkali sacaton Sporobolus airoides Cool Bunch 1,750,000 0.25 Basin wildrye Elymus cinereus Cool Bunch 165,000 2.5 Sodar streambank wheatgrass Agropyron riparium Sodar' Cool Sod 170,000 2.5 Jose tall wheatgrass Agropyron elongatum Jose' Cool Bunch 79,000 7.0 Amba western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii Arriba' Cool Sod 110,000 5.5 Total 17.75 Fertile Loamy Soil Seed Mix E hriam crested wheatgrass p Agropyron cristatum Ephriam' Cool Sod 175,000 2.0 Dural hard fescue Festuca ovina 'duriuscula' Cool Bunch 565,000 1.0 Lincoln smooth brome Bromus inermis leyss 'Lincoln' Cool Sod 130,000 3.0 Sodar streambank wheatgrass Agropyron riparium Sodar' Cool Sod 170,000 2.5 Amba western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii Arriba' Cool Sod 110,000 7.0 Total 15.5 High Water Table Soil Seed Mix Meadow foxtail Alopecurus pratensis Cool Sod 900,000 0.5 Redtop Agrostis alba Warm Open sod 5,000,000 0.25 Reed canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea Cool Sod 68,000 0.5 Lincoln smooth brome Bromus inermis leyss 'Lincoln' Cool Sod 130,000 3.0 Pathfinder switch ass 8r Panicum virgatum Pathfinder' Warm Sod 389,000 1.0 Alkar tall wheatgrass Agropyron elongatum Alkar' Cool Bunch 79,000 5.5 Total 10.75 Transition Turf Seed Mix` Ruebens Canadian bluegrass Poa compresses Rueben' Cool Sod 2,500,000 0.5 Dural hard fescue Festuca ovines duriuscula' Cool Bunch 565,000 1.0 Citation perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne 'Citation' Cool Sod 247,000 3.0 Lincoln smooth brome Bromus inermis leyss 'Lincoln' Cool Sod 130,000 3.0 Total 7.5 TSPS -4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC -2 Table TS/PS-2. Minimum Drill Seeding Rates for Perennial Grasses (cont.) Common Botanical Growth Growth Seeds/ Pounds of Name Name Seasonb Form Pound PLS/acre Sandy Soil Seed Mia Blue grams Bouteloua gracilis Warm Sod -forming 825,000 0.5bunchgrass Camper little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 'Camper' Warm Bunch 240,000 1.0 Prairie sandreed Calamovilfa longifolia Warm Open sod 274,000 1.0 Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Cool Bunch 5,298,000 0.25 Vaughn sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula 'Vaughn' Warm Sod 191,000 2.0 Arriba western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii Arriba' Cool Sod 110,000 5.5 Total I 10.25 Heavy Clay, Rocky Foothill Seed Mix Ephriam crested wheatgrass d Agropyron cristatum Ephriam' Cool Sod 175,000 1.5 Oahe Intermediate wheatgrass Agropyron intermedium 'Oahe' Cool Sod 115,000 5.5 Vaughn sideoats grama` Bouteloua curtipendula 'Vaughn' Warm Sod 191,000 2.0 Lincoln smooth brome Bromus inermis leyss 'Lincoln' Cool Sod 130,000 3.0 Arriba western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii Arriba' Cool Sod 110,000 5.5 17.5 Total a All of the above seeding mixes and rates are based on drill seeding followed by crimped hay or straw mulch. These rates should be doubled if seed is broadcast and should be increased by 50 percent if the seeding is done using a Brillion Drill or is applied through hydraulic seeding. Hydraulic seeding may be substituted for drilling only where slopes are steeper than 3:1. If hydraulic seeding is used, hydraulic mulching should be done as a separate operation. b See Table TSPS -3 for seeding dates. ` If site is to be irrigated, the transition turf seed rates should be doubled. d Crested wheatgrass should not be used on slopes steeper than 6H to IV. Can substitute 0.5 lbs PLS of blue grama for the 2.0 lbs PLS of Vaughn sideoats grama. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TSPS -5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 EC -2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) Table TS/PS-3. Seeding Dates for Annual and Perennial Grasses Mulch Cover seeded areas with mulch or an appropriate rolled erosion control product to promote establishment of vegetation. Anchor mulch by crimping, netting or use of a non-toxic tackifier. See the Mulching BMP Fact Sheet for additional guidance. Maintenance and Removal Monitor and observe seeded areas to identify areas of poor growth or areas that fail to germinate. Reseed and mulch these areas, as needed. An area that has been permanently seeded should have a good stand of vegetation within one growing season if irrigated and within three growing seasons without irrigation in Colorado. Reseed portions of the site that fail to germinate or remain bare after the first growing season. Seeded areas may require irrigation, particularly during extended dry periods. Targeted weed control may also be necessary. Protect seeded areas from construction equipment and vehicle access. TSPS -6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Annual Grasses (Numbers in table reference species in Table TSPS -1) Perennial Grasses Seeding Dates Warm Cool Warm Cool January 1—March 15 ✓ ,/ March 16—April 30 4 1,2,3 ✓ ✓ May 1—May 15 4 ✓ May 16—June 30 4,5,6,7 July 1—July 15 5,6,7 July 16—August 31 September l—September 30 8,9,10,11 October 1—December 31 ✓ ✓ Mulch Cover seeded areas with mulch or an appropriate rolled erosion control product to promote establishment of vegetation. Anchor mulch by crimping, netting or use of a non-toxic tackifier. See the Mulching BMP Fact Sheet for additional guidance. Maintenance and Removal Monitor and observe seeded areas to identify areas of poor growth or areas that fail to germinate. Reseed and mulch these areas, as needed. An area that has been permanently seeded should have a good stand of vegetation within one growing season if irrigated and within three growing seasons without irrigation in Colorado. Reseed portions of the site that fail to germinate or remain bare after the first growing season. Seeded areas may require irrigation, particularly during extended dry periods. Targeted weed control may also be necessary. Protect seeded areas from construction equipment and vehicle access. TSPS -6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Silt Fence (SF) SC -1 Description A silt fence is a woven geotextile fabric attached to wooden posts and trenched into the ground. It is designed as a sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow runoff from disturbed areas. Appropriate Uses A silt fence can be used where runoff is conveyed from a disturbed area as sheet flow. Silt fence is not designed to receive concentrated flow or to be used as a filter fabric. Typical uses include: • Down slope of a disturbed area to accept sheet flow. • Along the perimeter of a receiving water such as a stream, pond or wetland. ■ At the perimeter of a construction site. Design and Installation Photograph SF -1. Silt fence creates a sediment barrier, forcing sheet Flow runoff to evaporate or infiltrate. Silt fence should be installed along the contour of slopes so that it intercepts sheet flow. The maximum recommended tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of silt fence, installed along the contour, is approximately 0.25 acres with a disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no steeper than 3:1. Longer and steeper slopes require additional measures. This recommendation only applies to silt fence installed along the contour. Silt fence installed for other uses, such as perimeter control, should be installed in a way that will not produce concentrated flows. For example, a "J -hook" installation may be appropriate to force runoff to pond and evaporate or infiltrate in multiple areas rather than concentrate and cause erosive conditions parallel to the silt fence. See Detail SF -1 for proper silt fence installation, which involves proper trenching, staking, securing the fabric to the stakes, and backfilling the silt fence. Properly installed silt fence should not be easily pulled out by hand and there should be no gaps between the ground and the fabric. Silt fence must meet the minimum allowable strength requirements, depth of installation requirement, and other specifications in the design details. Improper installation of silt fence is a common reason for silt fence failure; however, when properly installed and used for the appropriate purposes, it can be highly effective. Silt Fence Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management No November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SF -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC -1 Silt Fence (SF) Maintenance and Removal Inspection of silt fence includes observing the material for tears or holes and checking for slumping fence and undercut areas bypassing flows. Repair of silt fence typically involves replacing the damaged section with a new section. Sediment accumulated behind silt fence should be removed, as needed to maintain BMP effectiveness, typically before it reaches a depth of 6 inches. Silt fence may be removed when the upstream area has reached final stabilization. Photograph SF -2. When silt fence is not installed along the contour, a 'Thook" installation may be appropriate to ensure that the BMP does not create concentrated flow parallel to the silt fence. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. SF -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Silt Fence (SF) SC -1 ,w_w F1OW EXISTING GROUND 1 32" x 1 Y2„ (RECOMMENDED) WOODEN OST WITH S10' MAX FENCE P SPACING SILT FENCE GEOTEXTILE A ED ILL 1 � - N 18" MIN 4" MIN COMPACT BACKF 6" MI AT LEAST 10" OF SILT FENCE "TAIL" SHALL BE BURIED SILT FENCE 36"-48" TYP. POSTS SHALL OVERLAP AT JOINTS SO THAT NO GAPS EXIST IN SILT FENCE POSTS SHALL BE JOINED AS THICKNESS OF GEOTEXTILE HAS SHOWN, THEN ROTATED 180 DEG. BEEN EXAGGERATED, TYP IN DIRECTION SHOWN AND DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND SECTION A SF -1. SILT FENCE SF November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SF -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SC -1 Silt Fence (SF) SILT FENCE INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SILT FENCE MUST BE PLACED AWAY FROM THE TOE OF THE SLOPE TO ALLOW FOR WATER PONDING. SILT FENCE AT THE TOE OF A SLOPE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN A FLAT LOCATION AT LEAST SEVERAL FEET (2-5 FT) FROM THE TOE OF THE SLOPE TO ALLOW ROOM FOR PONDING AND DEPOSITION. 2. A UNIFORM 6" X 4" ANCHOR TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED USING TRENCHER OR SILT FENCE INSTALLATION DEVICE. NO ROAD GRADERS, BACKHOES, OR SIMILAR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED. 3. COMPACT ANCHOR TRENCH BY HAND WITH A "JUMPING JACK" OR BY WHEEL ROLLING. COMPACTION SHALL BE SUCH THAT SILT FENCE RESISTS BEING PULLED OUT OF ANCHOR TRENCH BY HAND. 4. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PULLED TIGHT AS IT IS ANCHORED TO THE STAKES. THERE SHOULD BE NO NOTICEABLE SAG BETWEEN STAKES AFTER IT HAS BEEN ANCHORED TO THE STAKES, 5. SILT FENCE FABRIC SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE STAKES USING 1" HEAVY DUTY STAPLES OR NAILS WITH I" HEADS. STAPLES AND NAILS SHOULD BE PLACED 3" ALONG THE FABRIC DOWN THE STAKE. 6 AT THE END OF A RUN OF SILT FENCE ALONG A CONTOUR, THE SILT FENCE SHOULD BE TURNED PERPENDICULAR TO THE CONTOUR TO CREATE A "J—HOOK." THE "J—HOOK" EXTENDING PERPENDICULAR TO THE CONTOUR SHOULD BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO KEEP RUNOFF FROM FLOWING AROUND THE END OF THE SILT FENCE (TYPICALLY 10' — 20'). 7. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. SILT FENCE MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPs IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED UPSTREAM OF THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE BMP, TYPICALLY WHEN DEPTH OF ACCUMULATED SEDIMENTS IS APPROXIMATELY 6". 5. REPAIR OR REPLACE SILT FENCE WHEN THERE ARE SIGNS OF WEAR, SUCH AS SAGGING, TEARING, OR COLLAPSE. 6. SILT FENCE IS TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE UPSTREAM DISTURBED AREA IS STABILIZED AND APPROVED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION, OR IS REPLACED BY AN EQUIVALENT PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP. 7. WHEN SILT FENCE IS REMOVED, ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE COVERED WITH TOPSOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED AS APPROVED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. (DETAIL ADAPTED FROM TOWN OF PARKER, COLORADO AND CITY OF AURORA, NOT AVAILABLE IN AUTOCAD) NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. SF -4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA Description A stabilized staging area is a clearly designated area where construction equipment and vehicles, stockpiles, waste bins, and other construction -related materials are stored. The contractor office trailer may also be located in this area. Depending on the size of the construction site, more than one staging area may be necessary. Appropriate Uses Most construction sites will require a staging area, which should be clearly Photograph SSA -1. Example of a staging area with a gravel surface to designated in SWMP drawings. The layout prevent mud tracking and reduce runoff. Photo courtesy of Douglas of the staging area may vary depending on County. the type of construction activity. Staging areas located in roadways due to space constraints require special measures to avoid materials being washed into storm inlets. SM -6 Design and Installation Stabilized staging areas should be completed prior to other construction activities beginning on the site. Major components of a stabilized staging area include: ■ Appropriate space to contain storage and provide for loading/unloading operations, as well as parking if necessary. ■ A stabilized surface, either paved or covered, with 3 -inch diameter aggregate or larger. • Perimeter controls such as silt fence, sediment control logs, or other measures. ■ Construction fencing to prevent unauthorized access to construction materials. ■ Provisions for Good Housekeeping practices related to materials storage and disposal, as described in the Good Housekeeping BMP Fact Sheet. • A stabilized construction entrance/exit, as described in the Vehicle Tracking Control BMP Fact Sheet, to accommodate traffic associated with material delivery and waste disposal vehicles. Over -sizing the stabilized staging area may result in disturbance of existing vegetation in excess of that required for the project. This increases costs, as well as requirements for long-term stabilization following the construction period. When designing the stabilized staging area, minimize the area of disturbance to the extent practical. Stabilized Staging Area Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Moderate Site/Material Yes November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SSA -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM -6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) Minimizing Long -Term Stabilization Requirements • Utilize off-site parking and restrict vehicle access to the site. ■ Use construction mats in lieu of rock when staging is provided in an area that will not be disturbed otherwise. ■ Consider use of a bermed contained area for materials and equipment that do not require a stabilized surface. • Consider phasing of staging areas to avoid disturbance in an area that will not be otherwise disturbed. See Detail SSA -1 for a typical stabilized staging area and SSA -2 for a stabilized staging area when materials staging in roadways is required. Maintenance and Removal Maintenance of stabilized staging areas includes maintaining a stable surface cover of gravel, repairing perimeter controls, and following good housekeeping practices. When construction is complete, debris, unused stockpiles and materials should be recycled or properly disposed. In some cases, this will require disposal of contaminated soil from equipment leaks in an appropriate landfill. Staging areas should then be permanently stabilized with vegetation or other surface cover planned for the development. SSA -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA SM -6 . � SF/Cf SF/CFl� SSA ONSLTIE . a CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION VFHIC�E TRAILERS I PARKING (1F NEEDED)., CONSTRUCTION \ \ U` SITE ACCESS I 3" MIN. THICKNESS 1 , MATERIAL • GRANULAR MATERIAL STABILIZED 11 STIJRAGE AREA CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (SEE , '^ DETAILS VTC -1 PCSILT TO VTC -3) � FENCE OR CONSTRUCTION SF/CF SF/CF FENCING AS NEEDED EXISTING ROADWAY SSA -1. STABILIZED STAGING AREA STABILIZED STAGING AREA INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR -LOCATION OF STAGING AREA(S). -CONTRACTOR MAY ADJUST LOCATION AND SIZE OF STAGING AREA WITH APPROVAL FROM THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. 2. STABILIZED STAGING AREA SHOULD BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE NEEDS OF THE SITE. OVERSIZING RESULTS IN A LARGER AREA TO STABILIZE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION. 3. STAGING AREA SHALL BE STABILIZED PRIOR TO OTHER OPERATIONS ON THE SITE. 4. THE STABILIZED STAGING AREA SHALL CONSIST OF A MINIMUM 3" THICK GRANULAR MATERIAL. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION, ROCK SHALL CONSIST OF DOT SECT. #703, AASHTO #3 COARSE AGGREGATE OR 6" (MINUS) ROCK. 6. ADDITIONAL PERIMETER BMPs MAY BE REQUIRED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SILT FENCE AND CONSTRUCTION FENCING. 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPs IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. ROCK SHALL BE REAPPLIED OR REGRADED AS NECESSARY IF RUTTING OCCURS OR UNDERLYING SUBGRADE BECOMES EXPOSED. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SSA -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM -6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) STABILIZED STAGING AREA MAINTENANCF7 NOTES 5. STABILIZED STAGING AREA SHALL BE ENLARGED IF NECESSARY TO CONTAIN PARKING, STORAGE, AND UNLOADING/LOADING OPERATIONS. 6. THE STABILIZED STAGING AREA SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE END OF CONSTRUCTION THE GRANULAR MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED OR, IF APPROVED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION, USED ON SITE, AND THE AREA COVERED WITH TOPSOIL, SEEDED AND MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. NOTE: MANY MUNICIPALITIES PROHIBIT THE USE OF RECYCLED CONCRETE AS GRANULAR MATERIAL FOR STABILIZED STAGING AREAS DUE TO DIFFICULTIES WITH RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION IN AREAS WHERE RECYCLED CONCRETE WAS PLACED. NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. (DETAILS ADAPTED FROM DOUGLAS COUNTY, COLORADO, NOT AVAILABLE IN AUTOCAD) SSA -4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Stone Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Stockpile Management (SP) MM -2 Description Stockpile management includes measures to minimize erosion and sediment transport from soil stockpiles. Appropriate Uses Stockpile management should be used when soils or other erodible materials are stored at the construction site. Special attention should be given to stockpiles in close proximity to natural or manmade storm systems. Design and Installation Photograph SP -1. A topsoil stockpile that has been partially revegetated and is protected by silt fence perimeter control. Locate stockpiles away from all drainage system components including storm sewer inlets. Where practical, choose stockpile locations that that will remain undisturbed for the longest period of time as the phases of construction progress. Place sediment control BMPs around the perimeter of the stockpile, such as sediment control logs, rock socks, silt fence, straw bales and sand bags. See Detail SP -1 for guidance on proper establishment of perimeter controls around a stockpile. For stockpiles in active use, provide a stabilized designated access point on the upgradient side of the stockpile. Stabilize the stockpile surface with surface roughening, temporary seeding and mulching, erosion control blankets, or soil binders. Soils stockpiled for an extended period (typically for more than 60 days) should be seeded and mulched with a temporary grass cover once the stockpile is placed (typically within 14 days). Use of mulch only or a soil binder is acceptable if the stockpile will be in place for a more limited time period (typically 30-60 days). Timeframes for stabilization of stockpiles noted in this fact sheet are "typical" guidelines. Check permit requirements for specific federal, state, and/or local requirements that may be more prescriptive. Stockpiles should not be placed in streets or paved areas unless no other practical alternative exists. See the Stabilized Staging Area Fact Sheet for guidance when staging in roadways is unavoidable due to space or right-of-way constraints. For paved areas, rock socks must be used for perimeter control and all inlets with the potential to receive sediment from the stockpile (even from vehicle tracking) must be protected. Maintenance and Removal Inspect perimeter controls and inlet protection in accordance with their respective BMP Fact Sheets. Where seeding, mulch and/or soil binders are used, reseeding or reapplication of soil binder may be necessary. When temporary removal of a perimeter BMP is necessary to access a stockpile, ensure BMPs are reinstalled in accordance with their respective design detail section. Stockpile Mana ement Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management Yes 71 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM -2 Stoc He Man ement (SM) When the stockpile is no longer needed, properly dispose of excess materials and revegetate or otherwise stabilize the ground surface where the stockpile was located. SP -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Stockpile Management (SP I� MM -2 "11\SP \ 3.0' MIN 1 SILT FENCE (SEE SF DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS) STOCKPILE PROTECTION PLAN MAXIMUM 2 SILT FENCE (SEE SF DETAIL FOR 11- 7 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS) SECTION A SP -1. STOCKPILE PROTECTION STOCKPILE PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR: -LOCATION OF STOCKPILES. -TYPE OF STOCKPILE PROTECTION. 2. INSTALL PERIMETER CONTROLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE DESIGN DETAILS. SILT FENCE IS SHOWN IN THE STOCKPILE PROTECTION DETAILS; HOWEVER, OTHER TYPES OF PERIMETER CONTROLS INCLUDING SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS OR ROCK SOCKS MAY BE SUITABLE IN SOME CIRCUMSTANCES. CONSIDERATIONS FOR DETERMINING THE APPROPRIATE TYPE OF PERIMETER CONTROL FOR A STOCKPILE INCLUDE WHETHER THE STOCKPILE IS LOCATED ON A PERVIOUS OR IMPERVIOUS SURFACE, THE RELATIVE HEIGHTS OF THE PERIMETER CONTROL AND STOCKPILE, THE ABILITY OF THE PERIMETER CONTROL TO CONTAIN THE STOCKPILE WITHOUT FAILING IN THE EVENT THAT MATERIAL FROM THE STOCKPILE SHIFTS OR SLUMPS AGAINST THE PERIMETER, AND OTHER FACTORS. 3. STABILIZE THE STOCKPILE SURFACE WITH SURFACE ROUGHENING, TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING, EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS, OR SOIL BINDERS. SOILS STOCKPILED FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD (TYPICALLY FOR MORE THAN 60 DAYS) SHOULD BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITH A TEMPORARY GRASS COVER ONCE THE STOCKPILE IS PLACED (TYPICALLY WITHIN 14 DAYS). USE OF MULCH ONLY OR A SOIL BINDER IS ACCEPTABLE IF THE STOCKPILE WILL BE IN PLACE FOR A MORE LIMITED TIME PERIOD (TYPICALLY 30-60 DAYS). 4. FOR TEMPORARY STOCKPILES ON THE INTERIOR PORTION OF A CONSTRUCTION SITE, WHERE OTHER DOWNGRADIENT CONTROLS, INCLUDING PERIMETER CONTROL, ARE IN PLACE. STOCKPILE PERIMETER CONTROLS MAY NOT BE REQUIRED. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM -2 Stockpile Management (SM) STOCKPILE PROTECTION MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPs IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. STOCKPILE PROTECTION MAINTENANCE NOTES 4. IF PERIMETER PROTECTION MUST BE MOVED TO ACCESS SOIL STOCKPILE. REPLACE PERIMETER CONTROLS BY THE END OF THE WORKDAY. 5. STOCKPILE PERIMETER CONTROLS CAN BE REMOVED ONCE ALL THE MATERIAL FROMTHE STOCKPILE HAS BEEN USED. (DETAILS ADAPTED FROM PARKER, COLORADO, NOT AVAJLA13LE IN AUTOCAD) NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED - SP -4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Stockpile Management (SP A POLY LINER BERM ORANGE SAFETY CONE 5 w POLY TARP m TARP ANCHOR ROAD CL L POLY TARP ROADWAY -\ I 6' MAX. m M MM -2 SA— � R SOIL/LANDSCAPE MATERIAL 6" PVC PIPE FOR DRAINAGE IN FLOWLINE r CURB LINE TARP ANCHOR (CINDER BLOCK, OR 5 GALLON BUCKET OF WATER) POLY LINER BERM MATERIAL+ (TRIANGULAR SILT DIKE, 6"MIN. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG, 6' MAX., MUST NOT 6" PVC PIPE ROCK SOCK, OR OTHER BE LOCATED WITHIN WRAPPED MATERIAL) A DRIVE LANE SP -2. MATERIALS STAGING IN ROADWAY MATERIALS STAGING IN ROADWAYS INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR -LOCATION OF MATERIAL STAGING AREA(S) -CONTRACTOR MAY ADJUST LOCATION AND SIZE OF STAGING AREA WITH APPROVAL FROM THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. 2. FEATURE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK OR DELIVERY OF MATERIALS. 3. MATERIALS MUST BE STATIONED ON THE POLY LINER. ANY INCIDENTAL MATERIALS DEPOSITED ON PAVED SECTION OR ALONG CURB LINE MUST BE CLEANED UP PROMPTLY. 4. POLY LINER AND TARP COVER SHOULD BE OF SIGNIFICANT THICKNESS TO PREVENT DAMAGE OR LOSS OF INTEGRITY. 5. SAND BAGS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED TO ANCHOR THE COVER TARP OR PROVIDE BERMING UNDER THE BASE LINER. 6. FEATURE IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE WITH WET MATERIAL THAT WILL BE DRAINING AND/OR SPREADING OUT ON THE POLY LINER OR FOR DEMOLITION MATERIALS. 7. THIS FEATURE CAN BE USED FOR: -UTILITY REPAIRS. -WHEN OTHER STAGING LOCATIONS AND OPTIONS ARE LIMITED. -OTHER LIMITED APPLICATION AND SHORT DURATION STAGING. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP -5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 MM -2 Stockpile Management (SM) MATERIALS STAGING IN ROADWAY MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPs IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. INSPECT PVC PIPE ALONG CURB LINE FOR CLOGGING AND DEBRIS. REMOVE OBSTRUCTIONS PROMPTLY. 5. CLEAN MATERIAL FROM PAVED SURFACES BY SWEEPING OR VACUUMING. NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. (DETAJLS ADAPTED FROM AURORA. COLORADO) SP -6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Street Sw Description ing and Vacuuming (SS Street sweeping and vacuuming remove sediment that has been tracked onto roadways to reduce sediment transport into storm drain systems or a surface waterway. Appropriate Uses Use this practice at construction sites where vehicles may track sediment offsite onto paved roadways. Design and Installation SM -7 Photograph SS -1. A street sweeper removes sediment and potential ollutants alon the curb line at a construction site Photo courtesy of Street sweeping or vacuuming should be p 8 Tom Gore. conducted when there is noticeable sediment accumulation on roadways adjacent to the construction site. Typically, this will be concentrated at the entrance/exit to the construction site. Well-maintained stabilized construction entrances, vehicle tracking controls and tire wash facilities can help reduce the necessary frequency of street sweeping and vacuuming. On smaller construction sites, street sweeping can be conducted manually using a shovel and broom. Never wash accumulated sediment on roadways into storm drains. Maintenance and Removal ■ Inspect paved roads around the perimeter of the construction site on a daily basis and more frequently, as needed. Remove accumulated sediment, as needed. ■ Following street sweeping, check inlet protection that may have been displaced during street sweeping. ■ Inspect area to be swept for materials that may be hazardous prior to beginning sweeping operations. Street Sweeping/ Vacuuming Functions Erosion Control No Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management Yes November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SS -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Vehicle Maintenance, Fueling and Storage S-7 Description Areas where vehicles are fueled, maintained, and stored/parked can be pollutant "hot spots" that can result in hydrocarbons, trace metals, and other pollutants being transported in stonnwater runoff. Proper fueling operations, storage of automotive fluids and effective spill cleanup procedures can help reduce contamination of stormwater runoff from vehicle maintenance and fueling facilities. Fuel -related spills can occur due to inattention during fueling or "topping off' fuel tanks. Common activities at commercial, industrial and municipal maintenance shops include parts cleaning, Photograph VF -1. Use drip p pans to collect leaks from vehicles until vehicle fluid replacement, and equipment repairs can be completed. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. replacement and repair. Some of the wastes generated at automobile maintenance facilities include solvents (degreasers, paint thinners, etc.), antifreeze, brake fluid and brake pad dust, battery acid, motor oil, fuel, and lubricating grease. Fleet storage areas and customer and employee parking can also be a source of vehicle -related contamination from leaks, antifreeze spills, etc. Appropriate Uses These BMP guidelines are applicable to vehicle maintenance, fueling, fleet storage and parking facilities. Be aware that washing vehicles and equipment outdoors or in areas where wash water flows onto the ground can pollute stormwater. Vehicle wash water is considered process wastewater that should not be discharged to the storm sewer system. Consult state and federal discharge permit requirements for proper disposal of vehicle washwater, which is typically accomplished through discharge to the sanitary sewer system. Practice Guidelines' Vehicle Maintenance The most effective way to minimize wastes generated by automotive maintenance activities is to prevent their production in the first place. Consider adopting these practices: Perform maintenance activities inside or under cover. When repairs cannot be performed indoors, be sure to use drip pans or absorbents. ■ Keep equipment clean and free of excessive oil and grease buildup. Guidelines adapted from the USEPA Menu of BMPs. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VFM-1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 S-7 Vehicle Maintenance, Fueling and Storage ■ Promptly cleanup spills using dry methods and properly dispose of waste. When water is required, use as little as possible to clean spills, leaks, and drips. ■ Use a solvent collection service to collect spent solvent used for parts cleaning. Where practical, use detergent -based, steam cleaning, or pressure -based cleaning systems instead of organic solvent degreasers when practical. (Be aware that cleaning water discharged into the sanitary sewer may require pre-treatment prior to discharge.) ■ When using liquids for cleaning, use a centralized station to ensure that solvents and residues stay in one area. Locate drip pans and draining boards to direct solvents back into a solvent sink or holding tank for reuse. ■ Store used oil for recycling in labeled tanks. Locate used oil tanks and drums away from storm drains, flowing streams, and preferably indoors. ■ Use non -hazardous or less hazardous alternatives when practical. For example, replace chlorinated organic solvents with non -chlorinated ones like kerosene or mineral spirits. ■ Properly recycle or dispose of grease, oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, cleaning solutions, hydraulic fluid, batteries, transmission fluid, worn parts, filters, and rags. ■ Drain and crush oil filters before recycling or disposal. ■ Drain all fluids and remove batteries from salvage vehicles and equipment. ■ Closely monitor parked vehicles for leaks and place pans under any leaks to collect the fluids for proper disposal or recycling. • Install berms or other measures to contain spills and prevent work surface runoff from entering storm drains. ■ Develop and follow a spill prevention plan. This includes a variety of measures such as spill kits and knowing where storm drains are located and how to protect them (e.g., drain mat, berm) when larger spills occur. (See the Spill Prevention, Containment and Control BMP for more information.) ■ Conduct periodic employee training to reinforce proper disposal practices. ■ Promptly transfer used fluids to recycling drums or hazardous waste containers. ■ Store cracked batteries in leak -proof secondary containers. ■ Inspect outdoor storage areas regularly for drips, spills and improperly stored materials (unlabeled containers, auto parts that might contain grease or fluids, etc.). This is particularly important for parking areas for vehicles awaiting repair. ■ Structural stormwater BMPs in vehicle hotspot areas require routine cleanout of oil and grease, sometimes monthly or more frequently. During periods of heavy rainfall, cleanout is required more often to ensure that pollutants are not washed through the trap. Sediment removal is also required on a regular basis to keep the BMP working efficiently. VFM-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Vehicle Maintenance, Fueling and Storage S-7 Vehicle Fueling ■ Designated fueling areas should be designed to prevent stormwater runoff and spills. For example, fuel -dispensing areas should be paved with concrete or an equivalent impervious surface, with an adequate slope to prevent ponding, and separated from the rest of the site by a grade break or berm that prevents run-on of stormwater. ■ Fuel dispensing areas should be covered. The cover's minimum dimensions must be equal to or greater than the area within the grade break or the fuel dispensing area so that the fueling area is completely covered. It may be necessary to install and maintain an oil capture device in catch basins that have the potential to receive runoff from the fueling area. ■ For facilities where equipment is being fueled with a mobile fuel truck, establish a designated fueling area. Place temporary "caps" over nearby catch basins or manhole covers so that if a spill occurs, it is prevented from entering the storm drain. A form of secondary containment should be used when transferring fuel from the tank truck to the fuel tank. Storm drains in the vicinity should also be covered. Install vapor recovery nozzles to help control drips, as well as reduce air pollution. ■ Keep spill response information and spill cleanup materials onsite and readily available. ■ Fuel -dispensing areas should be inspected regularly and repair promptly completed. Inspectors should: o Check for external corrosion and structural failure in aboveground tanks. o Check for spills and overfills due to operator error. o Check for failure of any piping systems. o Check for leaks or spills during pumping of liquids or gases from a truck or rail car to a storage facility or vice versa. o Visually inspect new tank or container installations for loose fittings, poor welds, and improper or poorly fitted gaskets. o Inspect tank foundations, connections, coatings, tank walls, and piping systems. Look for corrosion, leaks, cracks, scratches, and other physical damage that may weaken the tank or container system. ■ Aboveground and belowground tanks should be tested periodically for integrity by a qualified professional. ■ Dry cleanup methods should be employed when cleaning up fuel -dispensing areas. Such methods include sweeping to remove litter and debris and using rags and absorbents for leaks and spills. Water should not be used to wash these areas. During routine cleaning, use a damp cloth on the pumps and a damp mop on the pavement, rather than spraying with a hose. Fuel dispensing nozzles should be fitted with "hold -open latches" (automatic shutoff) except where prohibited by local fire departments. Signs can be posted at the fuel dispenser or island warning vehicle owners/operators against "topping off' vehicle fuel tanks. ■ Written procedures that describe these BMPs should be provided to employees who will be using fueling systems. November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VFM-3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM -4 Description Vehicle tracking controls provide stabilized construction site access where vehicles exit the site onto paved public roads. An effective vehicle tracking control helps remove sediment (mud or dirt) from vehicles, reducing tracking onto the paved surface. Appropriate Uses Implement a stabilized construction entrance or vehicle tracking control where Photograph VTC -1. A vehicle tracking control pad constructed with frequent heavy vehicle traffic exits the properly sized rock reduces off-site sediment tracking. construction site onto a paved roadway. An effective vehicle tracking control is particularly important during the following conditions: ■ Wet weather periods when mud is easily tracked off site. • During dry weather periods where dust is a concern. ■ When poorly drained, clayey soils are present on site. Although wheel washes are not required in designs of vehicle tracking controls, they may be needed at particularly muddy sites. Design and Installation Construct the vehicle tracking control on a level surface. Where feasible, grade the tracking control towards the construction site to reduce off-site runoff. Place signage, as needed, to direct construction vehicles to the designated exit through the vehicle tracking control. There are several different types of stabilized construction entrances including: VTC -1. Aggregate Vehicle Tracking Control. This is a coarse -aggregate surfaced pad underlain by a geotextile. This is the most common vehicle tracking control, and when properly maintained can be effective at removing sediment from vehicle tires. VTC -2. Vehicle Tracking Control with Construction Mat or Turf Reinforcement Mat. This type of control may be appropriate for site access at very small construction sites with low traffic volume over vegetated areas. Although this application does not typically remove sediment from vehicles, it helps protect existing vegetation and provides a stabilized entrance. Vehicle Tracking Control Functions Erosion Control Moderate Sediment Control Yes Site/Material Management Yes November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM -4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) VTC -3. Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit with Wheel Wash. This is an aggregate pad, similar to VTC -1, but includes equipment for tire washing. The wheel wash equipment may be as simple as hand-held power washing equipment to more advance proprietary systems. When a wheel wash is provided, it is important to direct wash water to a sediment trap prior to discharge from the site. Vehicle tracking controls are sometimes installed in combination with a sediment trap to treat runoff. Maintenance and Removal Inspect the area for degradation and replace aggregate or material used for a stabilized entrance/exit as needed. If the area becomes clogged and ponds water, remove and dispose of excess sediment or replace material with a fresh layer of aggregate as necessary. With aggregate vehicle tracking controls, ensure rock and debris from this area do not enter the public right-of-way. Remove sediment that is tracked onto the public right of way daily or more frequently as needed. Excess sediment in the roadway indicates that the stabilized construction entrance needs maintenance. Ensure that drainage ditches at the entrance/exit area remain clear. Photograph VTC -2. A vehicle tracking control pad with wheel wash facility. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore. A stabilized entrance should be removed only when there is no longer the potential for vehicle tracking to occur. This is typically after the site has been stabilized. When wheel wash equipment is used, be sure that the wash water is discharged to a sediment trap prior to discharge. Also inspect channels conveying the water from the wash area to the sediment trap and stabilize areas that may be eroding. When a construction entrance/exit is removed, excess sediment from the aggregate should be removed and disposed of appropriately. The entrance should be promptly stabilized with a permanent surface following removal, typically by paving. VTC -2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC SIDEWALK OR OTHER 50 FOOT (MIN. SM -4 VTC 20 FOOT (WIDTH CAN BE LESS IF CONST. VEHICLES ARE PHYSICALLY CONFINED ON BOTH SIDES) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY LOCAL INSTALL ROCK FLUSH WITH JURISDICTION. USE COOT SECT. #703, AASHTO OR BELOW T4PAVEMENT #3 COARSE AGGREGATE 9.. (MIN.) OR 6" MINUS ROCK NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC COMACURADE SECTION A VTC -1. AGGREGATE VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL JE _D E #3 November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC -3 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM -4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) 0a: PU@UC ROADW, NOTE: WASH WATER MAY NOT CONTAIN CHEMICALS OR SOAPS WITHOUT OBTAINING A SEPARATE PERMIT TC WW DITCH TO CARRY WASH WATER TO 67' MIN. REINFORCED CONCRETE RA K PI (MAY SUBSTITUTE STEEL CATTLE DRAIN SPACE GUARD FOR CONCRETE RACK) SECTION A VTC -2. AGGREGATE VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL WITH WASH RACK VTC -4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC; 10% MAX -- EXISTING PAVED ROADWAY 0 -P a, , SM -4 VTC/ VTC/ CM TR DISTURBED AREA, CONSTRUCTION SITE, STABILIZED STORAGE AREA OR STAGING AREA CONSTRUCTION MATS, WOVEN OR TRM MIN CONSTRUCTION MATS, WOVEN OR TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRIM) 18" MIN SPIKES OR STAKES TRM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES 2S CONSTRUCTION MAT END OVERLAP INTERLOCK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS 20' OR AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANTICIPATED TRAFFIC (WIDTH CAN BE LESS IF CONST. VEHICLES ARE PHYSICALLY CONFINED ON BOTH SIDES) VTC -3 VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL W/ CONSTRUCTION MAT OR TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC -5 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 SM -4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT INSTALLATION NOTE 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR —LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S)/EXIT(S). —TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES)/EXITS(S) (WITH/WITHOUT WHEEL WASH, CONSTRUCTION MAT OR TRM). 2. CONSTRUCTION MAT OR TRM STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES ARE ONLY TO BE USED ON SHORT DURATION PROJECTS (TYPICALLY RANGING FROM A WEEK TO A MONTH) WHERE THERE WILL BE LIMITED VEHICULAR ACCESS. 3. A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT SHALL BE LOCATED AT ALL ACCESS POINTS WHERE VEHICLES ACCESS THE CONSTRUCTION SITE FROM PAVED RIGHT—OF—WAYS. 4. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. 5 A NON—WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNDER THE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF ROCK. 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION, ROCK SHALL CONSIST OF DOT SECT. x/703, AASHTO #3 COARSE AGGREGATE OR 6" (MINUS) ROCK. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT MAINTENANCE NOTE 1. INSPECT BMPs EACH WORKDAY, AND MAINTAIN THEM IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. MAINTENANCE OF BMPs SHOULD BE PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE. INSPECT BMPs AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (AND ALWAYS WITHIN 24 HOURS) FOLLOWING A STORM THAT CAUSES SURFACE EROSION, AND PERFORM NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. 2. FREQUENT OBSERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BMPs IN EFFECTIVE OPERATING CONDITION. INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED THOROUGHLY. 3. WHERE BMPs HAVE FAILED, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHOULD BE INITIATED UPON DISCOVERY OF THE FAILURE. 4. ROCK SHALL BE REAPPLIED OR REGRADED AS NECESSARY TO THE STABILIZED ENTRANCE/EXIT TO MAINTAIN A CONSISTENT DEPTH. 5. SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO PAVED ROADS IS TO BE REMOVED THROUGHOUT THE DAY AND AT THE END OF THE DAY BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING. SEDIMENT MAY NOT BE WASHED DOWN STORM SEWER DRAINS. NOTE: MANY JURISDICTIONS HAVE BMP DETAILS THAT VARY FROM UDFCD STANDARD DETAILS. CONSULT WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONS AS TO WHICH DETAIL SHOULD BE USED WHEN DIFFERENCES ARE NOTED. (DETAILS ADAPTED FROM CITY OF BROOMFIELD. COLORADO. NOT AVAILABLE IN ALITOCAO) VTC -6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 Wind Erosion/Dust Control (DC) EC -14 Description Wind erosion and dust control BMPs help to keep soil particles from entering the air as a result of land disturbing construction activities. These BMPs include a variety of practices generally focused on either graded disturbed areas or construction roadways. For graded areas, practices such as seeding and mulching, use of soil binders, site watering, or other practices that provide prompt surface cover should be used. For construction roadways, road watering and stabilized surfaces should be considered. Appropriate Uses Photograph DC -1. Water truck used for dust suppression. Photo courtesy of Douglas County. Dust control measures should be used on any site where dust poses a problem to air quality. Dust control is important to control for the health of construction workers and surrounding waterbodies. Design and Installation The following construction BMPs can be used for dust control: • An irrigation/sprinkler system can be used to wet the top layer of disturbed soil to help keep dry soil particles from becoming airborne. • Seeding and mulching can be used to stabilize disturbed surfaces and reduce dust emissions. ■ Protecting existing vegetation can help to slow wind velocities across the ground surface, thereby limiting the likelihood of soil particles to become airborne. ■ Spray -on soil binders form a bond between soil particles keeping them grounded. Chemical treatments may require additional permitting requirements. Potential impacts to surrounding waterways and habitat must be considered prior to use. ■ Placing rock on construction roadways and entrances will help keep dust to a minimum across the construction site. ■ Wind fences can be installed on site to reduce wind speeds. Install fences perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction for maximum effectiveness. Maintenance and Removal When using an irrigation/sprinkler control system to aid in dust control, be careful not to overwater. Overwatering will cause construction vehicles to track mud off-site. Wind Erosion Control/ Dust Control Functions Erosion Control Yes Sediment Control No Site/Material Mana ement Moderate November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District DC -1 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 APPENDIX D INITIAL AND INTERIMIFINAL EROSION CONTROL PLANS •ro.: o\��.\'pub-w tw rnw o..a•\ti.r..\c�wfso. m. -n. �,p..� T r -- O b IIII rM� fax, � y � \a /4 /4 =ar�=o=v=w=cr=o=o-'=v—v� ams—oi- �p Ay. -g R �� 0 ®O II 0, FT 99 ss sls I S ' � I C s say FAY �� • 's A u Ja hl n 14.0945 No. I.rw Revi.ion ' PMJecl Moro", J. RAUSCN / rWr n Oe.i9n By J. BAUSCH 0ro.. By V. BERNAL Phndpol In Chw9e B. W M r -- O b IIII rM� fax, � y � \a /4 /4 Ay. -g R 0 0® C s say FAY �� • 's A u Ja hl n 14.0945 No. I.rw Revi.ion ' PMJecl Moro", J. RAUSCN / rWr n Oe.i9n By J. BAUSCH 0ro.. By V. BERNAL Phndpol In Chw9e B. W M BETH em. Nam. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH /lAMarnN/MamN ..wwmmsaaao./. un.9aacaoliWONRss INITIAL ESC PLAN r"'�Vur gym" FOR REVIEW V£� �F���k� -- O b IIII rM� fax, � y � \a 2 Ay. -g R 0 0® 0 ®O 0 000 0, FT 99 BETH em. Nam. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH /lAMarnN/MamN ..wwmmsaaao./. un.9aacaoliWONRss INITIAL ESC PLAN r"'�Vur gym" FOR REVIEW 11 0 ila ill aF C s wok 0 I \g,1 8 x1x!x1 A OD Z.4 gay Y Y — � � �s� 11 yag2 0 i� N .Ive RamWr I+.0945Na. I.— � F1W.aa ,,.,.� ,,,, -a��4�. -- BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH MARTINIMARTN y '11em :,r auYWOaa.aP0�1CaWP,� INTERIM AND FINAL ESC PLAN FOR REVIEW P.geck Yarpger J. PAUSCH Aga By RAUSCH – Dram By V. SERIAL Pnaeiml Ia Claes S. WILL75 - .. APPENDIX E DESIGN LANDSCAPING PLANS FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT FOR BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Sept 18, 2015 PREPARED FOR: BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH PREPARED BY: MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST Colfax Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 (303) 431-6100 PRINCIPAL -IN -CHARGE: William P. Willis, P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER: Joe E. Rausch, P.E. TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1 A. Site Location........................................................................................................ 1 B. Site Description.................................................................................................... 1 C. Proposed Project Description............................................................................... 1 D. Studies Relevant to the Site.................................................................................. 2 II. HISTORIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM........................................................................2 A. Major Basin.......................................................................................................... 2 B. Sub -Basin and Site Drainage................................................................................ 2 III. PROPOSED (DEVELOPED) DRAINAGE SYSTEM...........................................3 A. Criteria..................................................................................................................3 B. Runoff.................................................................................................................. 4 C. Detention.............................................................................................................. 4 IV. CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................5 A. Impact of Improvement........................................................................................ 5 B. Compliance with Applicable Criteria................................................................... 5 V. APPENDICES.........................................................................................................6 CERTIFICATION "This report for the drainage design of Beth Eden Baptist Church, was prepared by me (or under my direct supervision) in accordance with the provisions of City of Wheat Ridge Drainage Design and Technical Criteria, and was designed to comply with the provisions thereo xc tions to the criteria are stated herein. I understand that the City of Whe 3 . t and will not assume liability for drainage facilities design." 2!3803 WilliamV,, , P.E. I. INTRODUCTION A. Site Location The proposed development is located in the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. The property is bordered on the north by the Wheat Ridge Municipal Offices and Court and Barth's Subdivision (a single-family subdivision), on the west by Wadsworth Blvd and Olinger Crown Hill Mortuary & Cemetery, on the south by W 26`h Ave and a regional stormwater detention facility, and on the east by Cowden Ammon (a single-family subdivision). B. Site Description The property contains 9.08 Acres. The western portion of the property, along Wadsworth Blvd, has an easement which contains a public sidewalk with an RTD bus -stop. With the exception of the easement, the western portion of the property is landscaped with irrigated turf -grass and has scattered trees. The southeast portion of the property is a parking lot. Generally, the parking lot slopes to the southeast at approximately 4-4.5%. There are two drive entrances/exits on W 26`h Ave and one drive entrance/exit on Wadsworth Blvd. Beth Eden Baptist Church/School has eight buildings. The northeast portion of the property has a baseball field and a playground. There is a 60" Denver Water Conduit that runs underneath the parking lot on the southeast portion of the property. This water conduit also has a 60' easement associated with it. There is an 8" PVC water main that loops around the building complex. There are no drainage facilities on the property. The property is not in a special flood hazard zone. The property's topography is such that the lowest elevation is 5460' at the southeast corner and the highest elevation is 5489' at the northwest edge. C. Proposed Project Description The proposed development replaces the southeast portion of the parking lot with a detention pond. A new parking lot is proposed along the west side of the property with a drive connecting the two parking lots along the south side of the building complex. A single entrance/exit along W 26`h Ave. is proposed to replace the two existing entrances/exits. In addition, a short retaining wall is proposed to facilitate the proposed grading of the west parking lot. D. Studies Relevant to the Site There are no known Flood Hazard or Drainage Studies relevant to the Site. II. HISTORIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. Major Basin The property is located near the top of the Major basin. The only runoff that runs toward the property is from the adjacent property that is to the northwest, Olinger Crown Hill Mortuary & Cemetery. However, the runoff from the adjacent property is intercepted by Wadsworth Blvd and is collected by storm sewers. The topography on the north, east, and south sides of the property slopes away from the site. Therefore, the property receives no runoff from the adjacent properties. The property has a downward slope in the southeast direction, causing the property to drain to the southeast. The property is located in the Sloan Lake Basin. Currently, it appears that the drainage is intercepted on W 26`h Ave and routed east into Sloan Lake via streets and storm sewers. W 26th Ave has a slope of approximately 3%. B. Sub -Basin and Site Drainage As noted above, the property does not receive any off-site flows because the topography on the north. Drainage from the west side of the property is intercepted by Wadsworth Blvd. Therefore, the site receives no runoff from off- site basins. Calculated peak flows are shown in the summary table below and on the Existing Drainage Plan. The site was divided into two basins, E 1 and E2, based on how the site releases water to adjacent properties. Basin El releases water to the northeast while basin E2 releases water to the southeast. Associated with the two existing drainage basins are two design points where the basins release into the adjacent properties. The local and routed cumulative release rates are summarized in a table on the Drainage Plan. 2 RUNOFF SUMMARY BASIN DESIGN POINT AREA (ACRES) I IMP. C5 C,� Q5 (CFS) QIDO (CFS) E1 E1 E2 E2 2.58 6.50 18.5% 0.27 49.5% 0.48 0.57 0.68 2.23 9.10 9.53 26.09 The site was divided into two basins, E 1 and E2, based on how the site releases water to adjacent properties. Basin El releases water to the northeast while basin E2 releases water to the southeast. Associated with the two existing drainage basins are two design points where the basins release into the adjacent properties. The local and routed cumulative release rates are summarized in a table on the Drainage Plan. 2 III. PROPOSED (DEVELOPED) DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. Criteria The Rational method was selected for computing the site's hydrology. The initial (5 -yr.), 10 yr., and major (100 -yr.) storm frequencies were computed. A summary of the Proposed Basins with developed flows is shown below and also found in the Appendix. The V=kA method was used to compute required detention pond volumes. The water quality capture volumes (WQCV were computed based on methods suggested in the Urban Drainage Flood Control District Criteria Manual, Volume 3 (the Manual). According to the City of Wheat Ridge Criteria, required pond volumes and release rates are as follows: a. 5 -yr: The full WQCV + the full 5 -yr. detention volume. b. 100 -yr: 50% WQCV + the full 100 -yr. detention volume. Release rates: 100 -yr, 5 -yr, are based upon soil type C. They are 0.17 cfs/acre and 1.0 cfs/acre for the 5 -year and 100 -year storm events, respectively. WQCV release is based upon a 40 -hr drain time. The Detention Pond's tributary area is 6.48 acres, and the allowable release rates are 1.10 cfs and 6.48 cfs for the 5 -year and 100 -year storm events, respectively. A summary of these calculations is found in the appendix. 3 RUNOFF SUMMARY BASIN DESIGN POINT AREA (ACRES) % IMP. CS C100 O5 (CFS) O100 (CFS) 1 2 1 2 0.57 0.92 47.4% 60.7% 0.47 0.55 0.67 0.72 0.67 0.77 0.73 0.75 0.74 0.72 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.63 1.14 2.00 0.56 1.59 1.59 1.21 0.76 4.76 0.12 0.13 0.62 0.07 1.27 3.13 5.05 1.62 3.65 4.01 2.93 1.85 12.04 0.80 0.81 4.02 0.44 3.96 3 3 0.32 45.0% 0.45 4 4 0.59 74.7% 0.65 5 5 0.70 61.7% 0.56 6 6 0.60 67.5% 0.60 7 7 0.33 65.5% 0.59 8 8 2.45 60.6% 0.55 OS1 OS1 0.24 0.0% 0.15 OS2 OS2 0.20 0.0% 0.15 OS3 OS3 1.21 0.0% 0.15 OS4 OS4 0.10 0.0% J 0.15 OS5 OS5 0.87 36.2% 1 0.39 The V=kA method was used to compute required detention pond volumes. The water quality capture volumes (WQCV were computed based on methods suggested in the Urban Drainage Flood Control District Criteria Manual, Volume 3 (the Manual). According to the City of Wheat Ridge Criteria, required pond volumes and release rates are as follows: a. 5 -yr: The full WQCV + the full 5 -yr. detention volume. b. 100 -yr: 50% WQCV + the full 100 -yr. detention volume. Release rates: 100 -yr, 5 -yr, are based upon soil type C. They are 0.17 cfs/acre and 1.0 cfs/acre for the 5 -year and 100 -year storm events, respectively. WQCV release is based upon a 40 -hr drain time. The Detention Pond's tributary area is 6.48 acres, and the allowable release rates are 1.10 cfs and 6.48 cfs for the 5 -year and 100 -year storm events, respectively. A summary of these calculations is found in the appendix. 3 B. Runoff Developed flow rates for each of the proposed basins were computed based on the site layout and proposed grading for the site. The local developed flow rates are summarized in the appendix. Releases from the detention pond is conveyed via piping to the curb and gutter of W 26th Ave. From this point, runoff travels east to existing storm infrastructure. C. Detention The detention pond is proposed at the southeast corner of the property. The detention pond will require 6,762 c.f. for its WQCV, 14,135 c.f. for its 5 -yr volume, and 30,604 c.f. for its 100 -yr volume. Release rates are developed based on soil type, and follow the UDFCD guidelines. Water surface elevations for the volume in the pond are provided, along with pond stage -storage curves in the appendix. The detention pond will use a traditional concrete release structure with an orifice plate conforming to the Manual for the WQCV and 5 -year releases, and a restrictor plate over the outgoing pipe to control the 100 -yr release. The orifice for the plate was calculated to be 5/8 inch. The outlet structure plate will have 6 5/8 - inch diameter holes. The plate will have one column of holes. The trash rack for the outlet structure will include a well screen using #93 vee wire with 0.139 -inch openings. Calculated Water Surface Elevations (WSEL) for the pond is as follows: Water Quality WQ + 5 -Yr % WQ + 100 -Yr Detention Pond 5,464.15 5,465.30 5,466.20 Released flows will be piped to storm infrastructure located in W 26th Ave. south of the site. The emergency overflow will be released from the pond through an overflow weir located on the south side of the detention pond. Flows that overtop the weir will flow over to W 26th Ave. and into its curb and gutter. D. Streets No new streets are being created in this project. Also, the release rate from the detention pond will keep the peak flows lower than the existing peak flows 0 leaving the site. Therefore, the flow in the street for the proposed condition will be lower than the existing conditions for the same storm event magnitude. E. Open Channel Flow There is open channel flow in the form of a drainage pan that runs along the north side of the parking lot. The channel lining is concrete. The dimensions of the drainage pan is 4ft wide with a depth of 2in. The maximum velocity was determined to be 3.51 ft/s. Detailed information regarding the drainage pan is provided in the appendix. The allowed capacity of the drainage pan is 1.22 cfs. The total runoff from basins 6 and 7, which drain into the drainage pan is 1.22 cfs in the 2 -year storm event. Larger storm events that exceed this capacity will sheet flow across the asphalt parking lot to the curb & gutter along the east side of the lot, and be conveyed to the detention pond. IV. CONCLUSIONS A. Impact of Improvement The proposed careful accounting of developed runoff and proper metering of the detention pond releases will mitigate any adverse effects on downstream properties. Release rates from the detention pond will serve to keep peak flows lower than the existing peak flows leaving the site. Based on calculation, the total of all peak flow leaving the site is 35.19 cfs for existing conditions. After the proposed improvements are constructed the calculated peak flows leaving the site will be 15.70 cfs (the sum of offsite basins OS 1, OS3, OS4, and OS5 and the pond release rate of 6.48 cfs). B. Compliance with Applicable Criteria The proposed drainage design complies with all applicable criteria. 5 V. APPENDICES VICINITY MAP SOIL SURVEY MAPS - Soil type determination HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS RUNOFF COEFFICIENT CHARTS HISTORIC RUNOFF DEVELOPED RUNOFF INLET CALCULATIONS DETENTION POND CALCULATIONS POND RELEASE RATES DETENTION VOLUME CALCULATIONS WATER QUALITY CAPTURE VOLUMES ORIFICE SIZING CALCULATIONS OUTLET STRUCTURE CALCULATIONS OVERFLOW WEIR CALCULATIONS HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS 5YR HYDRAULIC ONSITE SUMMARY TABLE AND PROFILES 5YR HYDRAULIC N STORM LINE SUMMARY TABLE AND PROFILES 100YR HYDRAULIC ONSITE SUMMARY TABLE AND PROFILES 100YR HYDRAULIC N STORM LINE SUMMARY TABLE AND PROFILES DRAINAGE PLANS DEVELOPED DRAINAGE PLAN EXISTING DRAINAGE PLAN C1 W 29th Ave a� 0 Ln 0 m r O SITE 1*4 Beth E=den 8aptist School W26THAVE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE VICINITY MAP 0 MBER 18. 201 MARTIN / MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 2499 WEST COLFAx AVE. P.O. Box 1 51 500 LAKEWOOD, CO 802 1 5 303.43 1.61 00 FAX 303.431.402a 3 Hydrologic Soil Group—Golden Area, Colorado, Parts of Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, and Park Counties s "a (Beth Eden Baptist Church) 492990 493030 493070 493110 493150 493190 493230 493270 39° 4S 2T N o 39° 452TN g� S 8#�� ft 39° 4514' N 492990 493030 493070 493110 493150 3 � Map Scale: 1:1,850 f prirfied on A pavak (8.5" x 11")sheet. N � Meters 0 25 50 100 150 0 50100 200 300 Map pm]ect—: Web Mercator Comeramr*%ates: WG584 Edgebcs: UTM ZOne 13N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey 493190 493730 g� S I 39' 45 14' N 493270 3 e e 3/7/2015 Page 1 of 4 cn op m o cn o cnp(n c o. W @ Dn-R Ep Q*cn 3� 3 m 3 (D ak (0 -0 m O cn Coll D C 2 (O < N 0- o a C m OJ fp' rn o C CO: O& N N CD n° m m o' c N m B n m n _ m° a 0 m crk m a �'0 m D m CD < o Jc o m Nwm 3 nJ �' 0 mcn� d j W CO D to z O n 0 W co D to z p n n W co 3' D D m O O 70 0 0 0 m N (zp O p d O O m 07 p o (D m m m N N � .N_. J _— Cp N °' d O CS 07 D c Z N CJ N 0- o N m a m C77 fa Cn m- a m o N n CD n c o D O o m cn m °' ooi `< a N Q 3 Qm 10 - N y O 7 7 ;rD m o o 3 N �. N C � o.n2 Q .S. .ZJ m m m < 3 7 O (O (7 O m NO o 7 < QI C1 -OW N CD y N c0 �' < < N O7 7' - 01 (D () C (p d < � m —_ 10 _T_ n m O c cn D o N dE cr CD J m f S m 0 0) 9 m Q m 7 a O m y C7 3 o - n N N o o D Z _. a rn a m CDD m m n m C o Cn 2 m m C S L O A .� Cr PL(D0 CD ml `.� S (n CD CD c J 3 d n cn C N 7 N m m 7 (J G (D 7 01 m m 3 U N 0 C) 07 n p C Ln V N O. T ❑ 0 � _ G 3N C d s m a p m CD am 0 c N o- n m N 3 y 0 c (n CD c o N _S o _ LD W n;0^ CD S O z v n C) N n m D u, CD 0l @ O N N CD N C: ( p w m - m 7 O pC O m m 3 A d N m O OCD - o U:) m y N N -„ n Ci a ? 7O f N N m 7 D) 7 Dt < (D Q m 0 3 00 s op m o cn o cnp(n c o. EFj CD @ Dn-R Ep Q*cn 3� 3 m 3 (D ak (0 -0 m O _ A (D C 2 (O < N 0- o a C m OJ fp' rn o C CO: O& N N CD n° m m o' c N m B n m n _ m° a 0 m crk m a �'0 m D m CD < o Jc o m Nwm 3 nJ �' 0 mcn� m m m Q no �. - 3 in m D n 07 o -ne cn c < J o C n 0 J 3' 07 R N m u 0 0 0 m N (zp fn J CD N n 9- m m 07 _n Cp N m m ' m O N O J CD m N N � .N_. J _— Cp N °' d O CS 07 D c Z N CJ N 0- o CD n o m C77 fa Cn m- a m o c m o o (D CD n in Cu " _n o m cn m °' ooi `< a N Q 3 Qm 10 - N y O 7 7 ;rD m o o 3 N �. N C � o.n2 Q .S. .ZJ m m m < 3 O O (O (7 N 7 lD D m NO o 7 < QI C1 -OW (0 [wj N c0 �' N N O7 7' - 01 (D () C (p CL D D o to 7 � m —_ 10 _T_ n m O c cn m 0 m 7" o N cmi S J m f S m 0 N N N° Q m 7 a O m y C7 3 O 7- N 3� n N N o o D Z _. a rn a m CDD m m n m C o Cn 2 m m C S L O A .� Cr PL(D0 CD ml `.� S (n CD CD c J 3 d n cn C N 7 N m m 7 (J G (D 7 01 m m 3 U N 0 C) 07 n N Q S CD Ln V N O. _ O m 0 0 � _ G 3N J vy m 39 � 0 CD s m CD p m CD am 0 c N o- n m N 3 y 0 c (n A to 7 n CD S O N n m D u, CD 0) LU 01 N m n C O m < C: ( o w m - m N CD (n m O OCD - O -„ CD o- 3 m z _. D)J Vl C N 3 3 n m 3 N m cn 7 -' n CD n O m 3 to 3 m< v 0 W 3 CD n (D Cr < CD O (D 7 J J m 0 s ° m a a o w — m 7 0 O m N m 3 N a d _0 N d 9. m 0 3 70 O S mN 3 N m- J m n� Dmi m m m CD CDto O CL (0 o c rn m �io0J m O N to y c O. CD C - J - ca CD CD CD N 0 C m N C1 3 CD 0 0 D O (D m N 3 m (D m a d IV A O O O 0 0 CL CD D m m O S O m a CL o m - 7 � Co W � N N O n� 7'm C: J < n CD 0 c Cn m 0) v 0 0 7 m N Hydrologic Soil Group—Golden Area, Colorado, Parts of Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, and Park Counties Hydrologic Soil Group Beth Eden Baptist Church Hydrologic Soil Group— Summary by Map Unit — Golden Area, Colorado, Parts of Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, and Park Counties (C0641) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI lut Nunn -Urban land C 11.7 82.2% complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes 107 Nunn -Urban land C 2.5 17.8% complex, 5 to 9 percent slopes I Totals for Area of Interest 14.2 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. ym Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/7/2015 lialls Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—Golden Area, Colorado, Parts of Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, and Park Counties Rating Options Aggregation Method., Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff., None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Beth Eden Baptist Church tiU� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 3/7/2015 990110 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL (V. 1) Table RO-3—Recommended Percentage Imperviousness Values Land Use or Surface Characteristics Percentage Imperviousness Business: Commercial areas 95 Neighborhood areas 85 Residential: Single-family Multi -unit (detached) 60 Multi -unit (attached) 75 Half -acre lot or larger Apartments 80 Industrial: Light areas 80 Heavy areas 90 Parks, cemeteries 5 Playgrounds 10 Schools 50 Railroad yard areas 15 Undeveloped Areas: Historic flow analysis 2 Greenbelts, agricultural 2 Off-site flow analysis (when land use not defined) 45 Streets: Paved 100 Gravel (packed) 40 Drive and walks 90 Roofs 90 Lawns, sandy soil 0 Lawns, clayey soil 0 See Figures RO-3 through RO-5 for percentage imperviousness. CA = KA + (1.31i 3 –1.441 z + 1.135i – 0.12) for CA >! 0, otherwise CA = 0 (RO-6) CCD = KCD + (0.858i' — 0.786i2 + 0.774i + 0.04) (RO-7) CB = (CA + CcD )12 RUNOFF 2007-01 RO-9 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Project Description Friction Method Solve For Input Data Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope Normal Depth Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Results Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope 4 -Foot Conc Pan Manning Formula Discharge Supercritical 0.013 0.02530 ft/ft 0.17 ft 12.00 ft/ft (H:V) 12.00 ft/ft (H:V) 1.22 ft'/s 0.35 ftz 4.09 ft 0.08 ft 4.08 ft 0.23 ft 0.00509 ft/ft 3.51 ft/s 0.19 ft 0.36 ft 2.12 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity fUs 0.17 ft 0.23 ft 0.02530 ft/ft 0.00509 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBAofid;uNhruMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 9/21/2015 11:09:37 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME: Beth Eden Baptist Church PROJECT NO: 140945 DESIGN BY: % IMPERV REVIEWED BY: 0.04 JURISDICTION: Wheat Ridge REPORT TYPE: Existing DATE: 06/02/15 MARTIN /MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS JURISDICTIONAL STANDARD C2 C5 C10 C700 % IMPERV LANDSCAPE 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% ROOF 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% ASPHALT/CONCRETE 0.89 1 0.90 0.92 0.98 100% DRIVES AND WALKS 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% TOTAL SITE COMPOSITE AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS PERCENT SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS _ (ACRES) C2 CS C10 C700 IMPERVIOUSNESS 90% LANDSCAPE 2.05 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% El ROOF 0.19 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% DRIVES AND WALKS 0.35 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 2.58 0.18 0.27 0.30 0.57 18.5% SUB -BASIN E2 SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS LANDSCAPE AREA (ACRES) 2.92 C2 0.04 COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS C5 C10 0.15 0.25 C100 0.50 PERCENT IMPERVIOUSNESS 0% ROOF 1.01 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% DRIVES AND WALKS 2.57 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% -BASIN COMPOSITE 8.50 0.42 0.48 0.54 0.00 49.5% SUB TOTAL SITE COMPOSITE COMPOSITE_C-VALUES 9/21/2015 11:18 AM G:\Willis\14.0945-Beth Eden Baptist Church\ENG\DRAINAGE\Beth Eden Rational_6dSwv.xlSm \ |k§ 9 � � � \ f / ) | � ( E { k ( @ J ) � ( � $ 7 I ° � � � § k k 2 E { rn \cn �cn z > c ® $r» a cn n \ \ ®$ 0 k \ CA w3 2 ( §)9 \ (§ » 3 { � { B § » a y P \ k\\f/ \ « m \ ■ ® , a § § ) § \ ¢ a Z 0 Ca = ° ®� ^ / / , £ 7 § k k 2 a o m 'a3 7 j D j m n StD w 7 C 0 N N ' n O N s o _ _ v X IJ � my b, w R1 SID A in l X z � m 0 Z O m 0 0 to O O 3 y D o D r � z O Z S m O m v O X � 1 3 0O 3 -n m o w o m C: rn X L7 z 0 Z m m rn z N .i7 -{ m O n A � 3 O I N cp j c" m D �1 O O mCo Z 1 O A coCD 7 6 m to CD VA m CD N n 7 C A w m cn I,n z m m _m O �n m N Z O z .i Ol N D jZmT111 I p � 0 o A 0. z N T 0n M w in 3 s o :-L V v Z ZII m n C z N O D (7 TO �! A W V 01 C7 D N N Z ri 2 — Z; CP T CD o 00 O 4 v m p F J r C11 W r V cn N O O C4 O 0 D r C z O N N Z m Ln Ln � ^_ fT n V o N O ('n X m 3 w D (n O m 0 0 to O O 3 y D o D r � z O Z S m O m v O X � 1 3 0O 3 -n m o w o m C: rn X L7 z 0 Z m m rn z N .i7 -{ m O n A � 3 O I N cp j c" m D �1 O O mCo Z 1 O A coCD 7 6 m to CD VA m CD N n 7 C A w CD 3 S� a m m 0 = c N � m N Q O m N to � a X o O 1 m v_ �rl a T ` Cn C � N O 7 A Q � 0 � fjT1 m D 7 n 0 C m -Ow N D 7 � W i Z 61 � =z m m Z Q CP m m En �rl z 0 m m N z 0 z O Oho w D (7 Z11 0 o Q c OD V A Z T 0 T T O m n C Z w o D n TO V O O K T N O D w w z o _ — v�i � In N 0o T Q w w (n cn w o D n D r C Z O w w Z T O _ - T N M w ^' c Q m D cncn Q CP of § > I ( e } / % X \ o 00 _ - { f / j § m } \ § $ ■ � . [ ■ � \ § 2 \ m � of § > I m m s % z . _ y a m z z �N= a$ @ ■ — a § \\ -n I � � p ¥ y z� o \ . , e I @ ) } y / ' ° a- ? ¥ \o yƒz a$ ( f � @ § \ \� c. m 9 a n 5 3° $ \ cn ( $ q 2 z 2 q A § \ M ; » 2 $ @ § \ J 7 q 2 R 2 § / k ° z 2 q rp § 'u cn L ) » � { f PROJECT: JOB NO: DATE: Beth Eden Baptist Church 01/14/00 06/02/15 /�� MARTIN / MARTIN .10 �j CONSULTING ENGINEERS RUNOFF SUMMARY 9/21/2015 11:18 AM G:\Willis\14.0945-Beth Eden Baptist Church\ENG\DRAINAGE\Beth Eden Rational_Existing.xlsm RUNOFF SUMMARY BASIN DESIGN POINT AREA (ACRES) % IMP. C 5 C Q5 100 (CFS) Q100 (CFS) E1 E1 E2 E2 2.58 6.50 18.5% 0.27 49.5% 0.48 0.57 2.23 0.68 9.53 9.10 26.09 SITE COMPOSITE 11.75 35.19 RUNOFF SUMMARY 9/21/2015 11:18 AM G:\Willis\14.0945-Beth Eden Baptist Church\ENG\DRAINAGE\Beth Eden Rational_Existing.xlsm PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME: Beth Eden Baptist Church PROJECT NO: 14.0945 DESIGN BY: JR REVIEWED BY: 0.04 JURISDICTION: Wheat Ridge REPORT TYPE: Proposed DATE: 0.73 MARTIN/MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS .*000 0000" JURISDICTIONAL STANDARD C2 CS C10 C100 % IMPERV LANDSCAPE 0.04 0.15 025 0.50 0% ROOF 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% ASPHALTICONCRETE DRIVES AND WALKS 0.89 0.73 0.90 0.75 0.92 0.77 0.98 0.83 100% 90% TOTAL SITE COMPOSITE 9.10 0.40 0.46 0.52 0.67 46.9% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS PERCENT PERCENT (ACRES) C2 (ACRES) C2 C5 C10 C700 IMPERVIOUSNESS 0.73 ROOF 0.09 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% 0.75 0.77 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.21 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% LANDSCAPE 0.27 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.57 0.40 1 0.47 1 0.52 0.67 47.4% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA C100 COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS 0.73 PERCENT 0.83 (ACRES) C2 CS C10 C100 IMPERVIOUSNESS ROOF 0.47 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% 2 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.15 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% LANDSCAPE 0.30 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.92 0.51 0.55 0.60 0.72 60.7% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA (ACRE: ROOF 0.00 3 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.16 LANDSCAPE 0.16 C2 COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS CS C10 C100 PERCENT IMPERVIOUSNESS 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% 0.04 0.15 025 0.50 0% 0.39 0.45 0.51 1 0.87 1 45.0% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS ROOF AREA (ACRES) 0.13 C2 0.73 COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS C5 C10 0.75 0.77 C100 0.83 PERCENT IMPERVIOUSNESS 90% 4 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.36 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% C700 LANDSCAPE 0.10 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% 0.77 0.83 SUB BASIN COMPOSITE 0.59 0.61 0.65 0.88 0.77 74.7% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS SUB -BASIN PERCENT AREA (ACRES) C2 C5 C10 C700 IMPERVIOUSNESS C2 ROOF 0.21 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% DRIVES AND WALKS 027 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% 5 0.83 LANDSCAPE -BASIN COMPOSITE 022 0.70 0.04 0.51 0.15 0.56 0.25 0.61 0.50 0.73 0% 61.7% SUB SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS PERCENT (ACRES) C2 CS CIO C100 IMPERVIOUSNESS ROOF 0.28 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% 6 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.17 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% i LANDSCAPE 0.15 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.60 0.56 0.60 0.64 0.75 67.5% COMPOSITE_C-VALUES 9/21/2015 11:19 AM G:\Willis\14.0945-Beth Eden Baptist Church\E NG\DRAI NAG E\Beth Eden Rational_ Proposed.xlsm SUB -BASIN AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS _ PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT (ACRES) C2 (ACRES) C2 C5 C70 C100 IMPERVIOUSNESS 0.00 ROOF - 0.21 0.73 075 0.77 0.83 90% 7 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.03 0.73 075 0.77 0.83 90% LANDSCAPE SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE LANDSCAPE 0.09 0.04 015 0.25 0.50 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.33 0.54 0.59 0.63 0.74 65.5% SUB -BASIN AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS _ PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT (ACRES) C2 (ACRES) C2 CS C10 C100 IMPERVIOUSNESS 0.00 ROOF 0.20 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% 8 DRIVES AND WALKS 1.45 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% LANDSCAPE SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.80 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% 60.6% 2.45 0.50 0.55 0.80 1 0.72 SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS PERCENT PERCENT (ACRES) (ACRES) C2 C5 C70 C100 IMPERVIOUSNESS ROOF ROOF 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% OS.,� DRIVES AND WALKS 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% LANDSCAPE 0.24 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.24 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.0% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS PERCENT PERCENT (ACRES) C2 C5 C10 C100 IMPERVIOUSNESS IMPERVIOUSNESS ROOF 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% OS2 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% OS3 LANDSCAPE 020 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.20 0.04 1 0.15 0.250.50 0.15 1 0.25 0.0% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS PERCENT ORES) C2 C5 C70 0100 IMPERVIOUSNESS ROOF 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% DRIVES AND WALKS 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% OS3 LANDSCAPE 1.21 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 1.21 0.04 0.15 1 0.25 0.50 0.0% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS PERCENT (ACRES) C2 C5 C10 _ C100 IMPERVIOUSNESS ROOF 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% OS4 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% LANDSCAPE 0.10 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.87 SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.10 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.0% SUB -BASIN SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AREA COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS PERCENT (ACRES) C2 CIS C70 C100 IMPERVIOUSNESS ROOF 0.00 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% OS5 DRIVES AND WALKS 0.35 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 90% LANDSCAPE 0.52 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 0% SUB -BASIN COMPOSITE 0.87 0.32 0.39 0.46 0.63 36.2% TOTAL SITE COMPOSITE 8.10 1 0.40 0.46 0.52 1 0.67 1 46.9% COMPOSITE C -VALUES 9/21/2015 11.19 AM G:\Willis\14.0945-Beth Eden Baptist Church\ENG\DRAINAG E\Beth Eden Rational Proposed.xlsm w m v G) H S 1 D 4 w w D c 2Li m 7 � � w i O N O V N d N (7 I 0 n' N I I n p0 0a:) O N VAJ N T OD V W N A W N Z VI A W N 0 O V O� N A w N Z In Z C D m � m D D 0 o O O o a0N 0o pOH 0 0 0 0 0 Z O O + O O N O O O O' r 0 o D G1 IV = Z 0 0 0 0 0 0p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (n D 1�vf1 OO O pC GG CC_ o vS r rnO ;V o -0 rm ---------------D Z V Go 0 N m V m A V C W V W ----------------------- r m V 2 0 0 0 0 0 pN O� 0 Q� op O o q O o N o to r Op V CP ODW O x O w � m -- — — V V V rn V o o o fD n ^r' ----------------------- 3 m qq Q7 N � A � 07 V pO i 4i W W W V O V N W W V O� r j ----------------- roru�aa,omwV Vao��,^ o A O A V A m A Oo N W N O Z V? m N Ol V V N w m m S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z O m C) m (� ? E X z to A N � t71 N1 Cl N N fJl fJ � %V m A 7 � _C Y A O V N m CO N M O A CA N m LL I I cnD 2 0 0 X c m 5 O m m < v m n C A mCD m r C 0 0 m N O 0 1D to 0 N W N y 0 V 0 cn a w N -- D ;D on A tcn D 00 + cn n to X 7 _ b { d z ;l q O S m o O � �f1 � D G m 0 0 3 ? 0 � N o m 0 m X m 2 Z G) �, m 3 p D v 0 0 D m D m r- 0 0 m m v � M v m �7 O p Z m m w _C) Z 1 O O mO m w n 0z v 3 1 O O N Q p ( A n m D m CO �7 m vA 73 co w n 7 C n O O O O Q' W N y 0 V 0 cn a w N -- D tcn .p cn z o m � yy W N N 0 V 0 0 A W N -� N Z 1011 A _O Z O O+ O 0 0 0 0 0 O� D V NOO yAN� 00 O 0 op op Cl 0 on 0{�� 0 0 0 0 0 np C N p ppO p p t7 t A A A A N m p A T A O T T A O Cl r N m W IV 0 G A to Z `�' 0 X m C7 C Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Wt 0 0 0 0 D n O SO p � 8 i07� ++ 1Nd 0 A w X w07 0 N V W C7 T7 N N N N N N N N N N r, Z Co.), NW �N�pp AAN N N 0 W m V 1071 W iV71 OV7 c00 "' .Z=7 0 0 0 0 0 wo o n tvil p ppopp � N N N A m O pp N 1.1 t,1 1071 A O p� Oo � N O N 0 0 0 OC -------------------- jV A Pb j► - r- Z O 1n D n D r C Z O N N N N N Z V N� 1v11 1V71 pv7 _ — m � A W N -• .s tai. 1Nn KO, _ ^' p C C C Z C W w Oy -U-4 N N N N L s c s s CL ww 00> m>m 7m v A A O N 3 N S y K QG QQ QQa er 'p W X Z 2 9C. A N in v 0 0 D m D m r- 0 0 m m v � M v m �7 O p Z m m w _C) Z 1 O O mO m w n 0z v 3 1 O O N Q p ( A n m D m CO �7 m vA 73 co w n 7 C n a u C a NtOn O � V rn N �� tT rbr v D O 00 k -. ' X ob�N� W co CA cn a W N W pNy 1 Q n m ct b X a n 0 c z Ts N O + � �1 7 m a NtOn w V rn D A W co CA cn a W N W z � o m y NA w N O V 0 N A W N n� Z A T O Z O o+ O O O O O O O D> V O+ IOON O A ANA N W pOpH� O O m N N v '- n D n 0000000000 0A 0 0 O Z m O N N 0 S m Q Q�� 0 U q W p p�� N A N ccn n V A T O T T T t0 N O) P N V V Of OD 0I Cn A. C dp V m w IV NI C A -+ O �- ,S- O Z m m n C A N Go fOi/ A tW7� m O>I m O A N v n D W �A1 yWy A W NW W A A W A A S A � N W ION �W,1 Of COl1 O/ {W�p O t0J1 A O O O O A O + + + OON N V V N W N W (-D m S S A QJl A Vl N OD OD OD Oo � 3 F, IN J► A A + v Z o O O CA M m �t W N V O n K O D r M C O rn .� n M � o, cc 2 C 04M R m cC ' O V + N N N m S W C+j w S CL 'cx O A A gICOLR1 rn V + S � N = q F O a w w D W N lD 7i y :j;3 7 D W � m CD N O ao O O O N m co D 0 lA n N abs W y (p W En .0 in A W N O Ln S • +p a , n °C 5 o � 0 7 N 0 CD m m f ; D O 1 ;u O 3 y D L� D r D 2 O D z m D C) z x m v Oo O U) M A 3 O m m to n 3 T m O w v m C cn m z O p Z m w m Z - L. m pm m m Y ; 1 O W m o a cn inm a Q s C OO O O O co D N Ul W y (p W V W N A W N Ln i A , Z 0 m 00000 C) fJl tT U1 w N y OD V W N A W N n> Z z I O O + O N O O O O O O> V O+ NOO O A N W WOp� O O m c 0 0t71� 0t� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p W X o NN0 O ( N N N N A 5" W V V r N m A T O Tn m m N W C W N M V OD m 0> m n O O O O O+ O O 0 0o O o O cm CA O N A CCA A N OOl Ol m Ci T Opf� Oo W V V V w NNV W QOpo W W A V W W NWN O pVp W pW O W N T— W A O Op N N A W+ W W (7 a AOA A N 2 Q OD W W N N N O +O W V7 N OD A W A W A CD r jV Z o D r c C O W V v V r 2 T o� N v W N C c C 2 C fA W -� y V + N N N S W w ca O CL A S a m n CL W q F Q Z S a w A �n A tj D O 1 ;u O 3 y D L� D r D 2 O D z m D C) z x m v Oo O U) M A 3 O m m to n 3 T m O w v m C cn m z O p Z m w m Z - L. m pm m m Y ; 1 O W m o a cn inm a Q s C PROJECT JOB NO: DATE: Beth Eden Baptist Church 01/14/00 MARTIN/ MARTIN / CONSULTING ENGINEERS RUNOFF SUMMARY 9/21/2015 11:19 AM G:\Willis\14.0945-Beth Eden Baptist Church\ENG\DRAINAGE\Beth Eden Rational_Proposed.xlsm RUNOFF SUMMARY BASIN DESIGN POINT AREA (ACRES) % IMP. C sFC100 Qs (CFS) Q100 (CFS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 _ 2 3 4 5 6 0.57 0.92 0.32 0.59 47.4% 60.7% 45.0% 74.7% 0.47 0.67 1.14 3.1_3 5.05 1.62 3.65 4.01 2.93 1.85 0.55 0.72 2.00 0.45 0.67 0.56 0.65 0.77 1.59 0.70 61.7% 0.56 0.73 1.59 0.60 0.75 1.21 0.59 0.74 0.76 0.60 67.5% 0.33 65.5% 7 8 8 2.45 60.6% 0.55 0.72 4.76 12.04 OS1 OS1 0.24 0.0% 0.15 0.50 0.12 0.80 OS2 OS2 0.20 0.0% 0.15 0.50 0.13 0.81 OS3 OS3 1.21 0.0% 0.15 0.50 0.62 4.02 OS4 OS5 OS4 0.10 0.87 0.0% 36.2% 0.15 0.50 0.07 0.44 3.96 OS5 0.39 0.63 1.27 SITE COMPOSITE 9.10 46.9% 0.46 0.67 15.83 44.33 RUNOFF SUMMARY 9/21/2015 11:19 AM G:\Willis\14.0945-Beth Eden Baptist Church\ENG\DRAINAGE\Beth Eden Rational_Proposed.xlsm MARTIN/MARTIN 000""'14iCONSULTING ENGINEERS Title %.S Date Job no. Subject /c''�7 ��4-r j By `,Z Sheet of tvi,�G-4-r E V4LL�y- 4-ssr ver IS .w4 -x , ?an�o..✓y A cP7;2W OF la - S OPS AA.:z A _ 610 „ x Z 3 ' (A VA-i✓� 92a--/I•Zs= ?0e,7 6.3 1 F7i Q= CAS A tom' b;-:Pi14�F /s?PLY GcOC,�i,,/� FA-C_-Ta� SZ 0 F7.31 111/GE-7 G444c / <`7 /S / .S, 2 G/=5 At'So Sc` C a-r-VEe,4/•4r+ . .er�. _.,..oma,., WR VALLEY INLET (SINGLE) A t _f OPS✓ .i�o� h z x/A,LlE s x 31Y -7 'OT, NI rfr. rpM coan•crm w oiu.0 T • L r nw e rn W YMLL .[ K aon moo- • z ro ounir nr.. rT16 E WR VALLEY INLET (SINGLE) r.r.o�..•,. a • o- aw.ero� YTN oanor GENERAL NOTES 1 CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS B 2 CAST -IN PLACE CONCRETE WALLS SHALL BE FORMED ON BOTH SIDES 3 STEPS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHEN INLET DIMENSION 'H' EXCEEDS X-6' AND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M 199 4 ALL INLETS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON GRADE PER DESIGN PROFILE dPe-V A.0.ta.,k- 2 r-7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LI -E01 IVALY.INLET XTAil Q cove DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS WR VALLEY INLET (51NGLE) U ENGINEERING DIV1510N APPROVED DY: X11 10/04 a r�r•"ocwt� � • rua.• ra w s r o- o-urr. g •on. owmoa anc ro Dunn = 1100��Nn} MCl1kD rN•rAN /(4C1MT uoa m.c.w o.+ I ••rT r.T � S" 1'l�l wu�'iiaTM ECTiOr+ &B WR VALLEY INLET (SINGLE) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LI -E01 IVALY.INLET XTAil Q cove DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS WR VALLEY INLET (51NGLE) U ENGINEERING DIV1510N APPROVED DY: X11 10/04 10 9 6 7 6 5 U- uJ 2 �L Q W cc 1 .9 .8 .7 Discharge vs Depth On Grate 1o0 90 04 70 60 50 U 40— W 30 `ui U. 20— u W ~-' to 4 �. 9 � � 8 '7 = 6 Q �` 5 Ce H W ce 3— I 1 J NE&/,#f Ftiv -w In 8 —6 5 i..: —4 —3 r —2 cc w O a - UJ 0 =.9 cc W 7 :3 DESIGN PEAK FLOW FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET Worksheel Protected OR GRASS -LINED CHANNEL BY THE RATIONAL METHOD project: Bath Eden Baptist Church Inlet ID: 11{1 kkr� ly,�eIIICB-4III(III Hide Details Design w: ONEY'laFmailydelermined Miro, Storm Major Storm _ (Iocal peak now for 12 of street OR grassJined channel) 'O _ 6 .7 cfs FILL IN THIS SECTION ' K ou onto, valuesin Row 14, ski the rest of this sheet and proceed to sheet Q Allow or Area Inlet R eograp orms n: a a m ue ca FILL IN THE Subcatchmen Area = Acres ECTIONS BELOW Percerd Imperviousness Ir Site Type: Fo" Deyeloped For; NRCS Soil Type = A, B, C, ar D O See is Urban eet Lnlst Slope (fttft) Length (R) O Ste s Non Urban m Inlets h a Medan Overland Flow = Channel Flow =1 I Design Storm Rehm Period, T, _ Retun Penod One -Hou PrecipitaboR P, _ C,= C'= C'= User -Defined Storm Runes Coefficient (leave the blanc to accept a calculated value), C = User -Defined Syr. Runes Coefficient (leave this blanc to accept a calculated value), C, = Bypass (Carty -Over) Flow from upstream Subcatchnients, Ob a °low Tim (Tine of Concentration) for a Catchment: Cac,lated Design Storm Runes Coefficient, C Calculated Su yr. Ruoff Coefficiert, Cs Overland Flow Velocity, Vi Channel Flow Velocity, Vt Overland Flow Time, Ti Channel Travel Time, Tt Calculated Time of Concentration, Tr Time of Concentration by Regional Formula, T, = Recommended T, = Time of Concentration Selected by User, Tc a Design Rainfall Intensity, I = Calculated Local Peak Flow, QP = Total Design Peak Flow, 0 a = WA WA = WA WA = WA WA = WA WA WA WA = WA WA = WA WA WA i WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA 1.8 3.7 Ps ps .,rhes ninules nirMes nirutes nirlutes nieutes nhhr fs ft CRA xlsm O -Peek 9/21/2015, 3:33 PM Ps ps .,rhes ninules nirMes nirutes nirlutes nieutes nhhr fs ft CRA xlsm O -Peek 9/21/2015, 3:33 PM Project: Inlet ID: ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) on Regulated Criteria for Ma: Beth Eden CB -4 Allowable Flow Depth and t rr.... T $ T T�,x TcRowK -W Tx Streel _ Crown y O�. Q HcuRn d �a dc Inum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb T_cK = 0.0 ft Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) S-cK = 0.215 ft/ft Iing's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) naACK = 0.012 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB - 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCRowN = 26.9 ft Gutter Width W = T37 It Street Transverse Slope Sx = 0.030 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0-063 ft/ft) Sw = 0.030 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition So = 0.009 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) n$WFT = I0.016 0.00 1 0.00 I Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm Flow Depth at Street Crown (leave blank for no) ter Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST -2) tical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") ter Depression (dc - (W ' S,' 12)) er Depth at Gutter Flowline Nable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) er Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC -22 method (Eq. ST -7) :harge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx :harge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Qx) harge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) imum Flow Based On Allowable Spread I Velocity within the Gutter Section Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth Theoretical Water Spread Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC -22 method (Eq. ST -7) Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx TH Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance Tc,wN) Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - %) Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g.. sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre -Safety Factor) Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V'd Product- Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth Slope -Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) Minor Storm Major Storm TM = 16.7 1 16.7 ft dM = 6.0 6.0 inches ❑ ❑ check= yes y do a d Tx Eo: Qx: Qw: QBACK or V= V'd = TTH Tx TH Eo Qx TH Qx Qw QRACK Q V V'd R= Qd' d= dcRowN Minor Storm Maim ctnrm 6.01 6.01 0.5 0.5 0.00 0.00 6.01 6.01 15.3 15.3 0.204 0.204 13.9 13.9 3.6 3.6 0.0 0.0 17.5 17.5 2.5 25 1.3 1.3 Minnr Stnrm Moinr qt 167 16.7 153 15.3 0.204 0.204 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 3.6 3.6 0.0 0.0 17.4 17.4 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.00 1.00 17.4 17.4 6.00 6.001 0.00 1 0.00 I nches nches riches nches t ;fs :fs fs is Ds ;fs Is Is fs is is fs fiches ches INOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm AJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based an Depth Criterion Qa- =1 17.4 1 17.4 1 cfs inor storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than flow given on sheet 'Q -Peak' ajor storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than flow given on sheet 'Q -Peak' CB -4 xlsm, Q -Allow 9/21/2015, 3'34 PM ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) Project: Beth Eden Baptist Church Inlet ID: CB -4 Teacr TCROWN S�T, Tm x WJ--T. Street _ Crown Qw Qz/ Y-� HcuRs d a dc 9/ laximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TRACK= 0.0 ft ide Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SeAcx = 0.215 ft/ft lanning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.012 0.204 eight of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HcuRB = 6.00 inches istance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 26.9 ft utter Width W = 1.37 It :reet Transverse Slope Sx = 0.030 ft/ft utter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.030 ft/ft reet Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition So = 0.009 ft/ft anning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREFT = 0.016 Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm Flow Depth at Street Crown (leave blank for no) Vater Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST -2) rertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") Sutter Depression (dc - (W - S, - 12)) Vater Depth at Gutter Flowline allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) ;utter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC -22 method (Eq. ST -7) ischarge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - %) ,ischarge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) laximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread low Velocity within the Gutter Section 'd Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth heoretical Water Spread heoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) utter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HE_C-22 method (Eq ST --7) heoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx rH ctual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) ischarge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - QX) ischarge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) 3tal Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre -Safety Factor) ✓erage Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section 'd Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth ope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm ax Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) ?sultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) :sultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) Minor Storm Major Storm T. = 16.7 16.7 it d. = 6.0 6.0 inches ❑ ❑ check =yes y do a d Tx: Eo: Qx: Qw = QBACK = QT' V= V'd = TTH TxrH Eo Qx TH Qx' Q, QBACK Q V V'd = R= Qd= d= dCROWN - Minor Rtnrm \Aa;. c- 6.01 601 0.5 0.5 0.00 0.00 6.01 6.01 15.3 15.3 0.204 0.204 13.9 13.9 3.6 3.6 0.0 0.0 17.5 17.5 2.5 2.5 1 1.3 1.3 Minor Storm Mainr Ran.m 16.7 16.7 15.3 15.3 0.204 0.204 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 3.6 3.6 0.0 0.0 17.4 17.4 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.00 1.00 17.4 1 17.4 6.00 1 6.00 Ji 0.00 0.00 1 nches nches nches nches t :fs :fs 1s :fs os JS :fs fs fs fs is fs fiches aches INOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based an Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm AJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Q.�. = 17.4 1 17.4 1 cfs inor storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than flow given on sheet 'Q -Peak' ajor storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than flow given on sheet 'Q -Peak' CB-4.xlsm, Q -Allow 9/21/2015, 3'34 PM DESIGN PEAK FLOW FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET OR GRASS -LINED CHANNEL BY THE RATIONAL METHOD Project: Beth Eden Baptist Church Inlet ID: rR-q (local peak lbw for 1Q of arrest OR grass lined channel)'. If yoo onto, values in Row 14, sklp the rest of this sheet and proceod to sheet Slee Type: F lows Developed For; O Sat is titan Street In elsO Ste is l'bn-Urban Mae Inlet h e kiNWh -- Hide Details J •QK" cis FILL IN THIS SECTION I Allow or Area Inlet OR.. FILL IN THE St6cah7ment Percent ImperviArea = SECTIONS BELOW ousness = 15 — NRCS Soil Type = B, C, or D Slope (fVft) Length (ft) Overland Flow = Channel Flow = _...___... .. __. _.., . �........., - .., • , • , .,: • , r ..1 Design Stone ReMiro, Storm - ajor tone Rehm Period. T, = years Retvn Period Ore -Hot, Precipitation, P, = inches C, _ C2 = C'= User -Defined Storm R"ff Coeffident (leave Ors blank to accept a ;akJated value), C = User -Defined 5 -yr R"ff Coefficient (leave the blank to accept a caI: ted value), Cs = Bypass (Carry -Over) Flow from upstmam Subcatchments, Qb0.0 0.0 cis of Concentratbn) for a CetcAmant: Calotiated Design Storm Rt ff Coefficient, C Calctlated 5 -yr. Rtnoff Coefficient, C, Overland Flow Velocity, M Channel Flow Velocity, Vt Overland Flow Time, Ti Channel Travel Time, TI: Calculated Time of Concentration, T, Time of Concentration by Regional Formula, Tc Recommerhded T, = Time of Concentratlon Selected by User, Tc , Design Rainfall Intensity, I = Calculated Local Peak Flow, Op Total Design Peak Flow, O WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA N/A WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA 1.0 4.0 os 2s brutes unites hinutes hiraAes Meares hinutes CNIV `s Is CB-5.hdsm, O -Peak 9/21/2015, 3'35 PM Project: Inlet ID: ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) fated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Beth T. S��� T TiAAx Tcrtows L $tr6el Crown y Qw Qs/ -� Hcuna d a d c 5� mum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) ring's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) of Curb at Gutter Flow Line s from Curb Face to Street Crown utter Width reel Transverse Slope utter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 tuft) reet Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition Bnning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm Flow Depth at Street Crown (leave blank for no) ter Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST -2) tical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") ter Depression (dC - (W ' S„' 12)) er Depth at Gutter Flowline Wable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) er Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC -22 method (Eq. ST -7) :harge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx :harge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Qx) harge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) imum Flow Based On Allowable Spread Velocity within the Gutter Section Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth Theoretical Water Spread Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC -22 method (Eq. ST -7) Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx TN Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qa - %) Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre -Safety Factor) Overage Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section ✓'d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter FloWine Depth 31ope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) TeACK - 0.0 ft SBACK = ft/ft ,BACK = 0.012 HCURB = 6.00 inches CROWN = 9.2 It W = 1.37 It SX = 0.051 ft/ft SW = 0.030 ft/ft So = 0.000 tuft nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm TMAx = 9.2 9.2 It cl a = 6.0 6.0 inches ❑ ❑ check =yes T y' dc = a- d= TX= Eo = Ox= Qw = Cl"' = Qr■ V= V'd = TTM: TXT. - Eo' QXT. _ Qx- Qw = ORA« _ O= V= V'd = R= Qr a d= dcnowN = Minor Storm Major 5.63 5.63 0.5 0.5 -0.35 -0.35 5.29 5.29 7.8 7.9 0.337 0.337 0.0 0.0 0.0 y' dc = a- d= TX= Eo = Ox= Qw = Cl"' = Qr■ V= V'd = TTM: TXT. - Eo' QXT. _ Qx- Qw = ORA« _ O= V= V'd = R= Qr a d= dcnowN = Minor Storm Major 5.63 5.63 0.5 0.5 -0.35 -0.35 5.29 5.29 7.8 7.9 0.337 0.337 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SUMP SUMP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mina Storm Major Stonn 10.4 10.4 9.0 9.0 0.304 0.304 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP t i i inches inches inches inches it ds CIS cis cfs fps cis cis cfs cls Ips ,is riches riches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion QW1_ =J SUMP I SUMP JcfS Minor storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than flow given on sheet 'Q -Peak' Major storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than flow given on sheet 'Q -Peak' CB-5.xlsm, Q -Allow 9/21/2015, 3-35 PM INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Project = Beth Eden Baptist Church Inlet ID = .�—Lo (C)—,f H -Curb H -Vain Wo _ Lo (G) 'ype of trial oral Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression'a' from'Q-A10W) lumber of Unt Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) Vater Depth at RoMne (outside of local depression) irate Information ength of a Unit Grate /idth of a Unit Grate rea Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical vales 0.15-0.90) logging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) rate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.50) rate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) :urb Opening Information ength of a Unit Curb Opening leight of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches IeigM of Cut Orifice Throat in Inches I of Ttroat (see USDCM Figure ST -5) Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) prig Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Opening Weir Coeffiaert (typical value 2.3-3 7) Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) otal Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) let Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms (>Q PEAK) La (C) = MINOR MAJOR Inlet Type = Wheat Ridge Combination man= 2.00 ] inches No = 2 1.37 Ponding Depth = 5.3 5.3 inches 3.80 MINOR MAJOR ❑ Override Depths L. (G) = - MINOR MAJOR 2.75 feet W. ` 1.37 feet Ana, = 0.05 C, (G) = 0.50 0.50 C. (G) " 3.00 C, (G) = 0.67 MINOR MAJOR La (C) = 260 feel Hwm= 6.00 incl Hr.ar= Theta = yyr= 5.25 irch deg feet 0.00 1.37 C,P C,. (C) = 0.10 0.10 3.80 Co (Q) or MINOR MAJOR Q - =F- 5.2 5.2 Cf3 CB -5. xtsm, Inlet In Sump 9/21/2015, 3 3b PkI DETENTION VOLUMES PROPOSED CONDITIONS TOTAL ACRES = 6.48 Developed Area Imperviousness (1) = 61.0% Soil Group C & D Water Quality Volume Req. Storage (Equation 3-1) = 0.240 inches Required Drain Time (Tp) WQCV = (Storage/12) * Area *1 .2 Hours (40, 24, 12, 6) = 40 WQCV (V) = 0.155 acre-feet WQCV = 6,762 cubic feet a= 1 Storage = a (0.91 i3 - 1.19i2 + 0.78i) Bottom Slope (S) = 0.02 where a = varies with desired drain time Water Quality Outlet Si ina_ i = developed area imperviousness WQCV Depth at outlet (h) (Ft.) = 1.95 Area per row, A. (in 2) = 88V (0.95 i nO.085) T,5' .09 h (2.G50.3 ) Redd. Area per row (in.2) = 0.34 Detention Volume (5 -YR) V 5 = K5*A 5 Year Release rate= 0.17*A cfs/acre Where K 5 = (0.77 * I - 1.90)/900 R 5 = 1.10 cfs K 5 = 0.050 V 5 = 0.325 acre-feet V5 = 14,135 cubic feet Detention Volume (100 -YR) V 100 = K100 A 100 Year Release rate = 1.0*A cfs/acre Where K 100 = (1.78 * I - 0.002{1} ^ 2-3.56)/900 R 100 = 6.48 cfs K 100 = 0.108 V 100 = 0.703 acre-feet V 100 = 30,604 cubic feet 100 -yr + 1/2 WQCV= 33,985 cubic feet 5 -yr + WQCV = 20,897 cubic feet Orifice Sizing Calculator for 5 -yr Storm Rectangular Orifice Project med Values: Width of Opening (inches)= Height of Opening (inches)= Given Values: Eden Baptist Church 6 5.24 Q (cfs)= 1.10 g (ft./s2)= 32.2 Elevation Top of Water= 65.30 Cd= 0.65 Elevation of lowest part of opening= 64.15 (Calculated Values: =Q/(Cd . (2gh)112) h=Top of Water - Bottom of Opening - 1/2 Height of opening h (feet)= 0.932 A (ft.)= 0.22 Calculated depth of opening (inches)= 5.24 Difference of assumed & Calculated heights: This spreadsheet calculates the size of an orifice opening. By using the EXCEL function "Solver" the spreadsheet automatically performs multiple iterations until the difference between assumed and calculated values converges to a desired value. MORNO Project Name: Beth Eden Baptist Church Date: 8/27/2015 OUTLET STRUCTURE DESIGN - 100 -YEAR STORM Min. Top of Bank Elevation= 5466.90 100 Year + 1/2 WQCV W.S. Elev. = Year+ WQCV W.S. Elev.= 5465.30 Finished - Pond Grade Storm Event: 100 -Yr Qwi. Release = 6.48 Cfs Pipe Size = 1.00 Ft A.) Verify adequate flow through outflow pipe: Q = C -A`(2 -G -H)112 Q = 8.21 Cfs > 6.48 Cfs Use Orifice Plate hA 1` 4.52 Inv. (In) = 5462 15 C: 0.65 A: 0.79 Ft G: 32.20 Ft/S2 H: 4.02 Ft B.) Determine the portion of outflow pipe to cover with orifice plate: Formulas: 9 = Cos' [ (r - h)/r ] A=rz•(9- Sin 9'Cos 9) H=hA+L'So-r+2/3'r'[Sin 39 /(9- Sin 9'Cos 9)] h 9 Area H Q (Ft) (Rad) (Ft2) (Ft) (Cfs) 0.73 2.04 0.61 4.12 6.48 h = 0.73 Ft 1 3 Outflow Pipe 42 63 L.F. 12" RCP @ 2.00 5461 68 =Inv. Elev. Orifice Plate Perforation Sizing Circular Perforation Sizinq This table may be used to size perforation in a vertical plate of riser pipe. Hole Dia. (in.) Hole Dia. (in.) Min. S, (in.) Area per Row (sq. in.) n= 1 n= 2 n= 3 1-/4 0.250 1 0.05 0.10 0.15 5/16 0.313 2 0.08 0.16 0.24 3/8 0.375 2 0.11 0.22 0.33 7/16 0.438 2 0.15 0.30 0.45 112 0.500 2 0.20 0.40 0.60 9/16 0.563 3 0.25 0.50 0.75 5/8 0.625 3 0.31 0.62 0.93 11116 0.688 3 0.37 0.74 1.11 3/4 0.750 3 0.44 0.88 1.32 13/16 0.813 3 0.52 1.04 1.56 7/8 0.875 3 0.60 1.20 1.80 15/16 0.938 3 0.69 1.38 2.07 1 1.000 4 0.79 1.58 2.37 11/16 1.063 4 0.89 1.78 2.67 1 1/8 1.125 4 0.99 1.98 2.97 13/16 1.188 4 1.11 2.22 3.33 1114 1.250 4 1.23 2.46 3.69 15/16 1.313 4 1.35 2.70 4.05 13/8 1.375 4 1.48 2.96 4.44 17/16 1.438 4 1.62 3.24 4.86 11/2 1.500 4 1.77 3.54 5.31 19/16 1.563 4 1.92 3.84 5.76 1 518 1.625 4 2.07 4.14 6.21 111/16 1.688 4 2.24 4.48 6.72 13/4 1.750 4 2.41 4.82 7.23 113/16 1.813 4 2.58 5.16 7.74 17/8 1.875 4 2.76 5.52 8.28 115116 1.938 4 2.95 5.90 8.85 2 2.000 4 3.14 6.28 9.42 n = Number of columns of perforations Minimum steel plate thickness 1 1/4' 1 5116' 318' ' Designer may interfere to the nearest 32 the needed area if desired. inch to better match Rectangular Perforation sizing Use only one rectangular column whenever two 2;inch diameter circular perforations cannot provide needed outlet area. Rectangular Height = 2 -inches Rectangular Width = Required Area per Row / 2" Rectangular hole Width Min. Steel Thickness 5" 1/4 " 6' 1/4 ' 7' 5/32 ' 8' 5/16 ' 9' 11/32' 10" 318 ' > 10' 1 1/2' Figure 5-WQCV Outlets Orifice Perforation Sizing. V N 3 O 0 O 3 j N (D n In O'< M. N < m c w � 7 !7 O O = fU N N cm d d (D N o =r F°a 7 N n in IO_ O C O V 5 CA cn Cm D� C) 00 O a N O n D m g c Elevation (h) g o wo g $ o O < O nV n O n m � IO � i1 f7 O go n A3 Q m A OA 5 An m3m Ql���1 J d N O I o O V V A_ 00 O ? m 3 P fiN N 'Z m v.. �� mm 01 }� O to y ? O� � O 9 n� �Am m m S } m N P N o O < O nV A ? 3 N v N 3 0 D o m CD3 J CD N <. CD < 3 (n y C ' m � n N O N w 0) CL d � 71 m 0 =r o �a _ y cn �0 O R T 0 V :5 ID Ln C 7 D� CD Sn 0 3 C') D O m U) m r m w J3 J N N 0 On. W (D 0 v N J n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �- t- 0) In ? W N W N n n n n 3 n n m w w w= w w O nl Q m C iD a 3 En c c m O 4! rD O O O O O O O _ K d r@ c n 00 kD V N a to O1 d DD CL O 00 Ql V W (D _ r a rD rD v V V Ln 01 V V V In v OD 00 V W 01 V N � In tD V ID Qi OL OD O 1D W M lD N (D m 'D�n N 0 CT W W W N fV _ No n 01 .A O co V �' (7 n n n n C) m D N ((D F — � m ONO 00 � OD CD co C rt .A 0n O to W .p r In O co N J] d (n c y Q a C D T r: o N v CD -" W r in w 0 0 of a, o O r In N In w T O O r r — w V W tD CO W 0 w 01 lfl O OD W � m _ 0 00 0) V O 00 00 d N N 00 ID r r r r? V (n .A O, CD Ln Co � `. O r to O 00 N � m 3 D 0 m 0 m CD 14 Vn v <rD �1 3 - t 0)) cVo(D .. o rn�rnrn� x ocn ^ <CD G7 3 U) n ti d CL c V 01 V V V V ;:P O O d m co V W V CO �D N�O C) = 1D V r In w O w .A N 00 � lD CD n m 01-< 0 a n 0 7' 00 N 01 00 �O V 7 a CO CO 0) V W O O r) � O N O ^ a) 0 �� to (p<D c 7 n tD 01 01 tD lD D m tD r W V %D O crN W V O orD Ct n Ln Ln iD 00 �D .A Orn i0 lD 00 al W V O V) Ln LT .fir d N OI N+ E 61 > > > > > > a n a a a a o, = 3 m nfD n a n a n a a 00 aUl in o = o,M O(D 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl !J7 V7 00 Ul In V7 O1 (p. O Ln 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 a= Ln co CD m Sn 0 n D O G CD cn m r m vwn 0 N CD N O N 0 v N v W BASIN BOUNDARY SUB -BASIN BOUNDARY RUNOFF S4J9{AmARY BASIN DESIGN AREA % C5 Q5 0100 (CFS) ON A 9/16" STAINLESS STEEL Q100 POINT (ACRES) IMP. (CFS) E1 E1 2.58 18.5% 0.27 0.57 2.23 9.10 E2 E2 6.50 49.5% 0.48 0.68 I 9.53 26.09 joammom=0 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM #PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5" DISK ON A 9/16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE OF THE INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. z ELEVATION =5471.62 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89"44'51 "EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS #13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. -E 40 `E -r40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1 "=40' ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET CALL 2 -BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GPADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. I® uy q P w w o o' Z � DL - O 0 C z 0 z_ w O z Z u O � F J O +J O v Ico— z Z d O U Ll! D Z w < X4 d q C) m h VS w tt � � m O1 oy z _ � d I® CL DL z_ z Ico— m E I� 0 z� n 0 I- zl Ig��w as �w ZCJ i(C3 d J I U Q wQa<5 (!1 Ua�wz (7 0 (n z � C I -- Jorma O � LLJ m a( d I z'_Oonz. _� TI Z TI �� >n> CD �' U OD z�a cy it w��rw DI�i C wzp�3z z� 6�'n o U� zf-a=a vE U W� 0 LO U muz w�pz a z Sheet Number: w wl 3 r' 4 1 G u 7 � n lummmumm7i ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM #PHAC 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A 5" DISK ON A 9/16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD, 12 FOOT LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER, AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNRE O: THE: INTERSECTION OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. 47.4% 0.47 ELEVATION =5471.62 FEET (RAVD1988) DATUM. 4 1 m _ BEARINGS ARE- BASED ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ASSUMED TO BEAR N89.44'51 "EAST AND BEING MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS #13212 AT THE CENTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX AT THE EASTERLY MOST CENTER SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. BASIN BOUNDARY SUB -BASIN BOUNDARY RUNOFF SUMMARY BASIN DESIGN AREA % C5 C100 05 0100 POINT (ACRES) - IMP. (CFS) (CFS) 1 1 0.57 47.4% 0.47 0.67 1.14 3.13 2 2 0.92 60.7% 0.55 0.72 2.00 5.05 3 3 0.32 45.0% 0.45 0.67 0.56 1.62 4 4 0.59 74.7% 0.65 0.77 1.59 3.65 5 5 0.70 61.7% 0.56 0.73 1.59 4.01 6 6 0.60 67.5% 0.60 0.75 1.21 2.93 7 7 0.33 65.5% 0.59 0.74 0.76 1.85 8 8 2.45 60.6% 0.55 0.72 4.76 12.04 051 OS1 0.24 0.0% 0.15 0.50 0.12 0.80 OS2 OS2 020 0.0% 0.15 0.50 0.13 0.81 OS3 053 1.21 0.0% 0.15 0.50 0.62 4.02 OS4 OS4 0.10 0.0% 0.15 0.50 0.07 0.44 OS5 OS5 0.87 36.2% 0.39 0.63 1.27 3.96 A EXISTING GRADE 72 71.63 P. L. --- - - '05 PROPOSED GRADE 71.46 PROPOSED CURB SECTION A -A SCALE: 1 "=4' aw ha's ' ffi TIUTv �vo.TjireigcnTio OU" dii CALL f 1 2-BUSRNESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES MARTIN/MARTIN ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, MATERIAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. i I vir�z z�oK GOWN J2}cn ff O J 2 Z T V Z C) (%) U Q W W - Li) 10 U) Z dG o�Q O) Q d LLI t W O C� tY m a w J moo= 00= Zz 0 L L i, i, : OF OSI m .._?�d�� a' W Zw3 Z U x O W O z > o I3z�a Q z I .N�o� a O m D .� d zwF o 9-1 0W - 2��OZ " 0- �-- Sheet Number: D2 IM U^ f W N Z O < - < CO Z 01 w OU 7 Z O j h h OO < Y K Z a d U uj z w d "d a o 4 m r �m w a O1 z r � i I vir�z z�oK GOWN J2}cn ff O J 2 Z T V Z C) (%) U Q W W - Li) 10 U) Z dG o�Q O) Q d LLI t W O C� tY m a w J moo= 00= Zz 0 L L i, i, : OF OSI m .._?�d�� a' W Zw3 Z U x O W O z > o I3z�a Q z I .N�o� a O m D .� d zwF o 9-1 0W - 2��OZ " 0- �-- Sheet Number: D2 IM CL z CO CL U T. ca i I vir�z z�oK GOWN J2}cn ff O J 2 Z T V Z C) (%) U Q W W - Li) 10 U) Z dG o�Q O) Q d LLI t W O C� tY m a w J moo= 00= Zz 0 L L i, i, : OF OSI m .._?�d�� a' W Zw3 Z U x O W O z > o I3z�a Q z I .N�o� a O m D .� d zwF o 9-1 0W - 2��OZ " 0- �-- Sheet Number: D2 IM 0 4VOCVVyQCV VO_UIME(CF) FROM BOTTOM OF MICROPOOL TO TOP OF STRUCTUR S. ° 4" 4'-3" 3" 5„ CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 'CLOSE MESH GRATE' OVER INLET PER CDOT STD. PLAN No. M-604-10 & 11 _I TOP OF STRUCTURE WQCV + 5YR WSEL=5465.30 ° a I I a 1 1 0 -- WcoNc=12" 1 0 � I I a G 0 ° 0MICROPOOL ° I I __ 5461.82 I I I I � I I `--RE: GALVANIZED a a STEEL PLATE DETAIL I i a ( j ° L ---I ° ° a a /1 4 p ° a 4 a SECTION B NOT TO SCALE 4'-3" 5„ 3» 3» 5„ 4 Y2" 51N. 0.75 5Q. SIGN RFT l ° Q ° WARNING ° a Y6"O STAINLESS STEEL UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATION OF ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) ° THIS OUTLET ISA ZONING CODE VIOLATION. 4 6 2" MIN. a E.W. ]- - ° -3/8"0 STAINLESS STEEL 00 0) ° a ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) 12" MAX. SPACING \ 1_ Ya" GALVANIZED OUTLET PIPE ° STEEL PLATE INV.= 5461.571 I 1 ° BOTTOM OF ORIFICE PLATE ELEV=5462.30 0.73' a a 4 p a a _ a d - - _ a 4 a 12" PVC OUTLET PIPE X// BOTTOM OF INSIDE OF STRUCTURE SECTION C // \ ELEV.=5459.32 NOT TO SCALE SUBGRADE, RE: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 0 0 0 0 --25" 6 Y-, 12 6 ✓a"�r MIN. MIN. �` TOP OF PLATE= _ 5465.30 5 -YR ORIFICE 6" X 5.24" O (1) COLUMN OF 5/8" DIA. HOLES NUMBER OF ROWS: 6 Y4" GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE I I 4" I I L® O 0 BOTTOM OF 1 st PER 5461.82 I I I I I I z 0 Q 2" STEEL PLATF- DETAIL NOT TO ,(:'ALE m 3/8"0 STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) 12" MAX. SPACING REFER TO POND GRADING DETAIL SHEET FOR ORIENTATION OF OUTLET PIPE 5" M STEPS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND;HALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M 199. (SEE COA STD DTL. NO. 105) Ell ' S III) I OUTLET STRUCTURE 6.85' 12.60' "CLOSE MESH GRATE" OVER INLET AND WINGWALLS PER CDOT STD. PLAN No. M-604-10 & 11 OUTLET STRUCTURE PLAN NOT TO SCALE 16.85' '-3" 12.60'- 100 YEAR + l'9 WQCV=5466.20y TOP OF STRUCTURE=WQCV+5YR=5465.30 WARNING SIGN 4'7 RE: SECTION C ORIFICE PLATE RE: SECTION C FILTER SCREEN TO BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE OF INLET 2" MIN. 2 YZ» 4VOCVVyQCV VO_UIME(CF) FROM BOTTOM OF MICROPOOL TO TOP OF STRUCTUR S. ° 5 -YR + WQCV 100 -YR +1 /2 WQCV 100 -YR -i 1/2 WQCV INVERT OVERFLOW WEIR --STEEL PLATE TO BE INSTALLED INSIDE OF INLET =5462.15 TOP OF BERM PERFORATED PLATE HOLE DIAMETER 4 a I I a 1 1 0 -- WcoNc=12" 1 0 � I I a G 0 ° 0MICROPOOL ° I I __ 5461.82 I I I I � I I `--RE: GALVANIZED a a STEEL PLATE DETAIL I i a ( j ° L ---I ° ° a a /1 4 p ° a 4 a SECTION B NOT TO SCALE 4'-3" 5„ 3» 3» 5„ 4 Y2" 51N. 0.75 5Q. SIGN RFT l ° Q ° WARNING ° a Y6"O STAINLESS STEEL UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATION OF ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) ° THIS OUTLET ISA ZONING CODE VIOLATION. 4 6 2" MIN. a E.W. ]- - ° -3/8"0 STAINLESS STEEL 00 0) ° a ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) 12" MAX. SPACING \ 1_ Ya" GALVANIZED OUTLET PIPE ° STEEL PLATE INV.= 5461.571 I 1 ° BOTTOM OF ORIFICE PLATE ELEV=5462.30 0.73' a a 4 p a a _ a d - - _ a 4 a 12" PVC OUTLET PIPE X// BOTTOM OF INSIDE OF STRUCTURE SECTION C // \ ELEV.=5459.32 NOT TO SCALE SUBGRADE, RE: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 0 0 0 0 --25" 6 Y-, 12 6 ✓a"�r MIN. MIN. �` TOP OF PLATE= _ 5465.30 5 -YR ORIFICE 6" X 5.24" O (1) COLUMN OF 5/8" DIA. HOLES NUMBER OF ROWS: 6 Y4" GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE I I 4" I I L® O 0 BOTTOM OF 1 st PER 5461.82 I I I I I I z 0 Q 2" STEEL PLATF- DETAIL NOT TO ,(:'ALE m 3/8"0 STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) 12" MAX. SPACING REFER TO POND GRADING DETAIL SHEET FOR ORIENTATION OF OUTLET PIPE 5" M STEPS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND;HALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M 199. (SEE COA STD DTL. NO. 105) Ell ' S III) I OUTLET STRUCTURE 6.85' 12.60' "CLOSE MESH GRATE" OVER INLET AND WINGWALLS PER CDOT STD. PLAN No. M-604-10 & 11 OUTLET STRUCTURE PLAN NOT TO SCALE 16.85' '-3" 12.60'- 100 YEAR + l'9 WQCV=5466.20y TOP OF STRUCTURE=WQCV+5YR=5465.30 WARNING SIGN 4'7 RE: SECTION C ORIFICE PLATE RE: SECTION C FILTER SCREEN TO BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE OF INLET 2" MIN. 2 YZ» DETENTION POND 4VOCVVyQCV VO_UIME(CF) FROM BOTTOM OF MICROPOOL TO TOP OF STRUCTUR S. STRUCTURE 5 -YR + WQCV 100 -YR +1 /2 WQCV 100 -YR -i 1/2 WQCV INVERT OVERFLOW WEIR --STEEL PLATE TO BE INSTALLED INSIDE OF INLET =5462.15 TOP OF BERM PERFORATED PLATE HOLE DIAMETER FROM BOTTOM OF INLET TO TOP OF STRUCTURES. Df - (D (CF) ELEVATION 12" PVC INIV=5461.57 ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION DIAMETER ELEVATION MICROPOOL WSEL=5461.82 INCHES ROWS/COLUMNS OUTH POND — Po 64.15 20,897 65.30 4" 66.20 62.15 66.20 2'- 6"MIN. FLAT 65.30 66.92 Un wQa MICROPOOL a RE: TRICKLE Q Y CHANNEL DETAILS O. z n a 0 z a°d ada a v da nc - a Uz DETENTION POND 4VOCVVyQCV VO_UIME(CF) ELEVATION 5 -YR + WQCV 5 -YR + WQCV 100 -YR +1 /2 WQCV 100 -YR -i 1/2 WQCV POND LOW POINT OVERFLOW WEIR OUTLET PIPE TOP OF STRUCTURE TOP OF BERM PERFORATED PLATE HOLE DIAMETER N0. OF < - (D (CF) ELEVATION (CF) ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION DIAMETER ELEVATION ELEVATION INCHES ROWS/COLUMNS OUTH POND 6,762 64.15 20,897 65.30 33,985 66.20 62.15 66.20 12" 65.30 66.92 Un wQa 2'-1 1 / C8 x 18,75 FORMED INTO CONCRETE. FILTER SCREEN FRAME ATTACHED TO CHANNEL BY INTERMITTENT WELDS. FILTER SCREEN FRAME ATTACHED TO STEEL CHANNEL BY INTERMITTENT WELDS (TYP SECTION A NOT TO SCALE NCO STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) 1. FINISHED GRADE TO MATCH TOP OF WALL ELEVATIONS AND SLOPES SUCH THAT NO CONCRETE SHALL BE VISIBLE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE TOP FACE OF WALL. 25" 12" RE: STEEL PLATE DETAIL 6 Yz.. MIN (TYP.) 2' MIN. (TYP.) C808.15 AMERICAN `- STANDARD STRUCTURAL STEEL CHANNEL FORMED INTO CONCRETE WALLS. L -INSTALL U.S. FILTER STAINLESS STEEL WALL SCREEN WITH #93 VEE WIRE, 0.139" OPENING BETWEEN WIRES, TE 0,074" x 0.50", SUPPORT RODS ON 1" CENTERS, TOTAL SCREEN THICKNESS=0.655'° WITH 3'4"x1.0" ANGLE, WELDED CARBON STEEL FRAME. -EXTEND FILTER SCREEN OR INSERT GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE AND TACK WELD TO STEEL CHANNELS OVER OPENING AT THE WATER QUALITY WSEL TO PREVENT DEBRIS FROM ENTERING VOID SPACE SEC ION CJ N07 7-0 SCALE i o` L, vi N h w w o 00 CC Z0 < - (D a a w 0 O 0 Owl �K o U Un wQa Ito Q Y Ln z n a 0 z D Uz w 2Q1� D Z _ _ JOW o w Q 4 � m d O a > U E=O°z z .w I �W�pp O Tm c, cn z (j)I a� n < N z i o` vi EU� 2 �Owtn Owl �K Un wQa Ito Q V) Ln n z w �Z D ck� _j 2Q1� Ld _ JOW o 0 a02 m a > m E=O°z z .w I m m (j)I a� n is z 0 O z � CO o awe zl--¢yr I zzga aH�zc o 0 _N Nw�Q z aaQ=� a Sheet Number: • • N e o e o e w T■ o GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ADDITIONS TO BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 2600 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Prepared For: BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80214 Attention: Dan Gruis Project No. DN47,701-125 March 2, 2015 1971 West 12th Avenue I Denver, Colorado 80204 1 Phone: 303-825-0777 1 Fax: 303-825-4252 I i *** W- I TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE............................................................................................................................ 1 SUMMARYOF CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................... 1 SITECONDITIONS.............................................................................................. 2 PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION...................................................................................... 3 INVESTIGATION............................................................................................................. 3 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS........................................................................................ 4 InfiltrationTesting.......................................................................................1111...... 5 SITEDEVELOPMENT.................................................................................................... 5 5 Demolition............................................................................................................ 6 Excavation............................................................................................................ 6 Filland Backfill Placement.................................................................................... FOUNDATIONS.............................................................................................................. 7 7 Footings................................................................................................................ 8 Drilled Piers Bottomed in Bedrock........................................................................ Closely -Spaced Pier Reduction Factor................................................................. 9 FLOORSYSTEMS..............................................................................................111...1... 10 12 ExteriorFlatwork................................................................................................. ............................................................................................... PAVEMENTS13 BELOW -GRADE CONSTRUCTION.............................................................................. 15 CONCRETE.......................................16 ........................................................................... SURFACEDRAINAGE................................................................................................. 16 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS............................................................................ 17 GEOTECHNICALRISK................................................................................................. 18 LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................ 18 FIG. 1 — LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS APPENDIX A — SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS APPENDIX B — LABORATORY TEST RESULTS AND TABLE B -I APPENDIX C — FLEXIBLE AND RIGID PAVEMENT MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47.701-125 S:WROJECTS4177001DN47701.000\125\2. ReportsMON47701-125-R1.doc SCOPE This report presents the results of our Geotechnical Investigation for the addi- tions to Beth Eden Baptist Church in Wheat Ridge, Colorado (Fig. 1). The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate subsurface conditions and provide geotechnical design and construction criteria for the project. The scope of this investigation was described in our Service Agreement (DN 14-0622R) dated December 3, 2015. This report was prepared from data developed during field exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis, previous investigations and experience with similar condi- tions. It includes our opinions and recommendations for design criteria and construction details for foundations and floor systems, slabs -on -grade, lateral earth loads, and drainage precautions. The recommendations presented in the report are based on the construction as currently planned. Revisions to the planned construction could affect our recommendations. If the plans change, we should be contacted to review our recom- mendations and determine if revisions are needed. A brief summary of our conclusions and recommendations follows, with more detailed design criteria presented in the report. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS Subsoils found in our borings consisted of about 13 to 20 feet of sandy clay and clayey sand and gravel over claystone and interbedded clay- stone/sandstone bedrock. Laboratory tests indicate that the sandy clay and claystone bedrock have low swell potential. 2. Groundwater was encountered during drilling at depths between 12 and 14 feet. When the holes were checked several days later, water was measured between about 11 to 13.5 feet. Current plans do not include basements or below -grade space. If basements are planned we recom- mend the floor be at least 3 and preferably 5 feet above groundwater and a perimeter drain should be installed. Groundwater will likely be encoun- tered during installation of drilled piers, if used. Groundwater will likely fluctuate seasonally and may rise in response to precipitation and land- scape irrigation. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc 3. Our investigation revealed non -expansive or low swelling soil at depths likely to influence performance of shallow foundations and slab -on -grade floors. The clay is relatively soft below 5 feet. We judge spread footings can be used for light foundation loads where the excavation does not ex- ceed 4 feet. For heavy loads and when excavation exceeds 4 feet, drilled piers are a safer choice to limit settlement to about an inch. 4. For low swelling soils most owners choose a slab -on -grade floor and po- tential movement for about an inch. Slab -on -grade floors can be used for these additions based on the soils condition. A structurally supported floor should be used if movement is not tolerable. 5. Subgrade materials are generally moderate to highly plastic clay; consid- ered poor for asphalt or concrete pavement. Infiltration tests found no per- colation over a 4 -hour period. Pavement thickness recommendations are presented in the report. 6. Surface drainage should be designed, constructed and maintained to pro- vide rapid removal of surface water away from the building and off of sur- rounding pavements and flatwork. Water should not be allowed to pond adjacent to the building or on flatwork and pavements. SITE CONDITIONS Beth Eden Baptist Church is located at 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard in Wheat Ridge, Colorado (Fig. 1). The site is bordered by Wadsworth Boulevard to the west, 26th Avenue to the south, houses to the east and City of Wheat Ridge municipal buildings to the north. Areas not covered by buildings and pavement are landscaped with irrigated grass and scattered trees. A detention area is north of the existing gym building. Over- all, the ground surface slopes gently down to the south and east. Existing buildings consist of a sanctuary, chapel, school, gym, maintenance building and offices. Brief observation of the structures and adjacent pavements and flatwork did not indicate soil -related distress. 2 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS447700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The additions to Beth Eden Baptist Church will encompass a new gymnasium west of the existing gym and a new stage platform will be added on the east wall. An existing building west of the old gym will be demolished and removed. A new chapel will be added onto the west side of the existing offices. The eastern portion of the new gym will have two floors. The finished floor elevation for the building additions will likely match the existing first -floor levels. Approximate locations of the planned additions are shown on Fig. 1. It is our understanding that no below -grade areas are planned. New parking and access lanes are planned around the west side of the church property. The existing pavement will likely be rehabilitated. Relatively little cut and fill grading is expected due to the gentle slope. INVESTIGATION We investigated subsurface conditions by drilling thirteen exploratory borings at the approximate locations shown on Fig. 1. Prior to drilling, we contacted the Utility Notification Center of Colorado and local sewer and water districts to identify locations of buried utilities. The borings were advanced using 4 -inch diameter, continuous -flight auger powered by a truck -mounted CME 45 drill rig. Samples of the soil and bedrock were obtained at 2 to 5 -foot intervals using 2.5 - inch O.D. modified California barrel samplers driven by blows from a 140 -pound ham- mer falling 30 inches. Our field representative was present during drilling to observe drilling operations, log the soil and bedrock encountered and obtain samples for labora- tory tests. Graphical logs of the borings, including results of field penetration resistance tests and a portion of laboratory test data are presented on Fig. 2. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 3 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\12512. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc Samples were returned to our laboratory where they were examined by our engi- neer and laboratory tests were assigned. Laboratory tests included dry density and moisture content, swell/consolidation, unconfined compressive strength, Atterberg Limits, sieve analysis and water-soluble sulfate concentration. Swell tests were per- formed by wetting the samples under approximate overburden pressures (the weight of the overlying soils) to help us estimate potential future heave. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsoils encountered in our exploratory borings consisted of about 13 to 20 feet of sandy clay and clayey sand and gravel over claystone and interbedded clay- stone/sandstone bedrock. In borings TH-5 and TH-7, sandy clay fill was found at the surface for 3 feet and 2 feet respectively. Some of the pertinent engineering characteris- tics of the soil and bedrock are described in the following paragraphs. Laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B and summarized in Table B -I. The sandy clay was medium stiff to very stiff based on results of field penetration resistance tests. They clay is relatively soft below 5 feet. Six samples swelled between 0.2 and 1.3 percent when wetted under approximate overburden pressures. The sandy clay is considered to be low swelling, but is moderately to highly plastic and sensitive to changes in moisture content. Four samples of sandy clay had unconfined compressive strengths between 400 and 1200 psf. Clayey sand and gravel about 2 to 5 feet thick was found below the clay and above bedrock. Groundwater was typically found in this layer. The sand and gravel is loose to medium dense based on penetration test results. Claystone and interbedded claystone/sandstone bedrock was weathered to very hard. The upper 3 to 6 feet of the bedrock was softer and weathered. Two samples swelled less than 0.4 percent when wetted under approximate overburden pressures. 4 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTSW7700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc One sample had an unconfined compressive strength of 9000 psf. The interbedded claystone/sandstone bedrock is judged to by non -expansive or low swelling. Groundwater was encountered during drill between 12 and 14 feet. When the holes were checked several days later, water was measured between about 11 to 13.5 feet. Current plans do not include basement or below -grade space. If basements are planned we recommend the floor be at least 3 and preferably 5 feet above groundwater and a perimeter drain should be installed. They clay is relatively soft below 5 feet. Groundwater will likely be encountered during installation of drilled piers if used. Groundwater will likely fluctuate seasonally and may rise in response to precipitation and landscape irrigation. Infiltration Testin We drilled a nest of percolation -infiltration test holes at 12, 18 and 24 inches deep at two locations, 1-1 (in the grass) and 1-2 (in the existing parking lot). The holes were wetted and tested the next day with approximately 10 to 12 inches of water. Essentially no infiltration was measured over a 4 -hour test. This is not surprisingly give the relatively high moisture content of the moderately to highly plastic sandy clay. It is unlikely the soils can be counted on to have significant capacity for infiltration. SITE DEVELOPMENT npmnlitinn An existing building west of the old gym, paved areas and concrete walkways will be demolished to allow for construction of the addition. Utilities, foundations flatwork, pavements and/or debris may be present below the new additions. All structures, vegetation and debris must be removed in new construction areas. Resulting excava- tions should be filled as discussed below in Fill and Backfill Placement. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 5 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc 11111 You will likely need an asbestos evaluation to obtain a demolition permit for the building. We can perform this service for you if you wish. Excavation We believe the soils encountered in our exploratory borings can generally be excavated with conventional, heavy-duty excavation equipment. We recommend the owner and the contractor become familiar with applicable local, state and federal safety regulations, including the current OSHA Excavation and Trench Safety Standards. We believe the clay fill and natural sandy clay will classify as Type B soil. Type B soil re- quires a maximum slope inclination of 1:1 (horizontal:vertical) for temporary excavations in dry conditions. The contractor's "competent person" should review excavation condi- tions and refer to OSHA Standards when worker exposure is anticipated. Fill and Backfill Placement The on-site soils are generally suitable for reuse as new fill, provided they are substantially free of debris, organics, vegetation and other deleterious material. Soil particles larger than 3 inches in diameter should not be used for fill unless broken down. If imported fill is necessary, it should ideally consist of soil having a maximum particle size of 2 inches, less than 50 percent passing a No. 200 sieve, a liquid limit less than 30 percent and a plasticity index less than 15 percent. Potential fill materials should be submitted to our office for approval prior to importing to the site. Prior to fill placement, debris, organics, vegetation and other deleterious material should be substantially removed from areas to receive fill. The surface to be filled should be scarified to a depth of at least 8 inches, moisture conditioned, and compact- ed. Subsequent fill should be placed in thin (8 inches or less) loose lifts, moisture conditioned between optimum and 3 percent above optimum moisture content for clay and within 2 percent of optimum for sand and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). 6 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-RI.doc Backfill will settle; any improvements placed on backfill should be designed for movement. We recommend that designs assume 1 to 2 percent settlement of the backfill due to weight of the fill. Timing of settlement is very difficult to anticipate be- cause of the large number of variables. FOUNDATIONS Our investigation revealed non -expansive or low swelling soil at depths likely to influence performance of shallow foundations. We judge footings can be used for light foundation loads where the excavation does not exceed 4 feet. For heavy loads and when excavation exceeds 4 feet, drilled piers are a safer choice to limit settlement to about an inch. For the purposes of this report, light foundation loading is assumed to be column loads of about 80 kips or less. Design and construction criteria for footings and drilled piers are presented below. Footings The footings should be constructed on firm subgrade. If soft or loose soils are exposed in footing excavations, these soils should be removed and recompacted as recommended in Fill and Backfill. 2. Footings should be designed for a maximum allowable soil pressure of 2,500 psf. Lateral earth pressures can be calculated based on equivalent fluid density using at least 45 pcf for the active case. For the at -rest case, where essentially no lateral movement is allowed, we suggest using at least 65 pcf. Footing translation can be resisted using an equivalent fluid density of 300 pcf for the passive case, providing backfill is similar to the site soils, is well compacted and remains in-place. The coefficient of fric- tion for sliding may be taken as 0.45. These values have not been fac- tored. The structural engineer should apply appropriate factors of safety in design. 3. Footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches. Foundations for iso- lated columns should have minimum dimensions of 18 inches by 18 inch- es. Larger sizes may be required depending upon the loads and structural system used. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 7 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS447700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc 4. Foundation walls should be well -reinforced. We recommend reinforcement sufficient to span an unsupported distance of at least 10 feet. Reinforce- ment should be designed by the structural engineer considering lateral earth pressure on wall performance. 5. Exterior footings must be protected from frost action. Normally, 3 feet of frost cover is assumed in the area. 6. The completed foundation excavation should be observed by a repre- sentative of our firm to confirm subsurface conditions are as anticipated from our borings. 7. Excessive wetting of foundation soils during and after construction can cause heave or softening and settlement of foundation soils and result in footing and slab movements. Proper surface drainage around the building is critical to control wetting. Drilled Piers Bottomed in Bedrock 1. Piers should be designed for a maximum allowable end bearing pressure of 25,000 psf and a skin friction value of 2,500 psf for the portion of pier in the relatively unweathered bedrock. 2. The piers should be designed for a minimum deadload pressure of 10,000 psf based on the pier end cross-sectional area, to concentrate deadload on the piers. If the recommended minimum deadload pressure cannot be achieved, we recommend increasing the pier length and bedrock penetra- tion using 2,500 psf skin friction in bedrock to calculate the additional pier length required to compensate for minimum deadload deficiency. 3. Piers should penetrate a minimum of 6 feet into the relatively un- weathered bedrock. Greater penetration may be required depending upon foundation loads. A minimum diameter of 12 -inches is recommended. Piers should be at least 20 feet long. Piers should be designed with a maximum L/D (length/diameter) ratio not to exceed 30. 4. Pier drilling should produce shafts with relatively undisturbed bedrock ex- posed. Excessive remolding and caking of bedrock on pier walls must be removed. The bedrock surface along the shaft walls should be rough or roughened. 5. Piers should be reinforced their full length and the reinforcement should extend well into grade beams or foundation walls. We recommend mini- mum steel to pier ratio of 0.005 based on cross-sectional area. Grade 60 steel is recommended. More reinforcement may be required by structural considerations. 8 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.0001125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc 6. There should be a 4 -inch continuous void beneath the grade beams, pier caps and foundation walls between the piers, to concentrate the deadload of the structure onto the piers. 7. Piers should have a center -to -center spacing of at least three pier diame- ters, or they should be designed as a group for vertical loading conditions. Piers aligned in the direction of lateral forces should have a center -to - center spacing of at least six pier diameters. Reduction factors for closely - spaced piers are provided in the following section. 8. Quantity and size of column reinforcement or the size of base plates may dictate the most convenient size of drilled piers. Economy can be achieved by varying bedrock penetration and limiting the number of pier diameters. 9. Piers should be cleaned prior to placement of concrete. Concrete should be on-site and placed in the pier holes immediately after the holes are drilled, cleaned and observed and reinforcing steel is set. Concrete placed in pier holes should have a slump of 6 inches (± 1 inch) to promote proper consolidation and reduce arching of concrete on the reinforcement, casing and sides of the piers. Groundwater was not encountered in our borings under the site at the time of our field investigation. Concrete should not be placed in pier holes containing more than 3 inches of water. 10. Some movement of drilled pier foundations should be anticipated to mobi- lize the skin friction. We estimate the movement will be on the order of 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Differential movement between adjacent piers may equal total movement. 11. Installation of drilled piers should be observed by a representative of our firm to identify the bearing strata, confirm the subsurface conditions are as anticipated from our borings, and observe contractor's installation proce- dures. Closely -Spaced Pier Reduction Factors For axial loading, no reduction is needed for a minimum spacing of three diame- ters (center to center). At one diameter (piers touching), the skin friction reduction factor for both piers would be 0.5. End pressure values would not be reduced provided the bases of the piers are at similar elevations. Interpolation can be used between one and three diameters. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 9 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. ReporWR1\DN47701-125-R1.doc For lateral loading, no reduction is needed for piers in-line with the direction of lateral loads with a minimum spacing of six diameters (center -to -center) based upon the larger pier. If a closer spacing is required, the modulus of subgrade reaction for initial and trailing piers should be reduced. At a spacing of three diameters, the effective modulus of subgrade reaction of the first pier can be estimated by multiplying the given modulus by 0.6; for trailing piers in a line at three -diameter spacing, the factor is 0.4. Linear interpolation can be used for spacing between three and six diameters. Reductions to the modulus of subgrade reaction can be accomplished in LPILE by inputting the appropriate modification factors for p -y curves. Reducing the modulus of subgrade reaction in trailing piers will result in greater computed deflections on these piers. In practice, a grade beam can force deflections of all piers to be equal. Load - deflection graphs can be generated for each pier by using the appropriate p -multiplier values. The sum of the piers lateral load resistance at selected deflections can be used to develop a total lateral load versus deflection graph for the system of piers. For lateral loads perpendicular to the line of piers, a minimum spacing of three diameters can be used with no capacity reduction. At one diameter (piers touching) the piers should be analyzed as one unit. Interpolation can be used for intermediate condi- tions. FLOOR SYSTEMS Our investigation indicates the sandy clay has low swell potential. Wetting of these soils can cause heave or settlement of slab -on -grade floors. Based on laboratory test results, subsurface conditions, and our experience, we estimate potential move- ment of about 1 inch for slabs constructed directly on these soils. 10 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTSW77001DN47701.000\12512. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc We anticipate a slab -on -grade floor is desired for the building addition. A slab -on - grade floor is suitable for the addition provided potential movement of about 1 inch is acceptable. A structural floor should be used if the floor will be highly finished or if the owner cannot tolerate the potential movement. We recommend the following design and construction criteria for slabs -on -grade at this site. These criteria will not prevent movement. Rather, they tend to reduce dam- age if movement occurs. The 2012 International Building Code (IBC) may require a vapor retarder be placed between the subgrade soils and the concrete slab -on -grade floor. The merits of installation of a vapor retarder below floor slabs de- pend on the sensitivity of floor coverings and building use to moisture. A properly installed vapor retarder (10 mil minimum) is more beneficial be- low concrete slab -on -grade floors where floor coverings, painted floor sur- faces, or products stored on the floor will be sensitive to moisture. The va- por retarder is most effective when concrete is placed directly on top of it, rather than placing a sand or gravel leveling course between the vapor re- tarder and the floor slab. The placement of concrete on the vapor retarder may increase the risk of shrinkage cracking and curling. Use of concrete with reduced shrinkage characteristics, including minimized water content, maximized coarse aggregate content, and reasonably low slump will re- duce the risk of shrinkage cracking and curling. Considerations and rec- ommendations for the installation of vapor retarders below concrete slabs are outlined in Section 3.2.3 of the 2006 report of American Concrete Insti- tute (ACI) Committee 302, "Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construc- tion (ACI 302.R-96)". 2. Underslab plumbing (if any) should be thoroughly pressure tested for leaks prior to slab construction and be provided with flexible couplings. Plumbing and utilities that pass through the slabs should be isolated from the slabs. 3. Slabs should be separated from walls and bearing members with a slip joint that allows free vertical movement of the slabs to reduce cracking and distress to the foundation when movement of the slab occurs. 4. Exterior flatwork should be separated from the structure. These slabs should be designed to function as independent units. Movement of these slabs should not be transmitted directly to foundations or structures. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 11 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS447700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc 5. Use of slab -supported partition walls on conventional slab -on -grade should be minimized. If slab -bearing partitions are used, they should be designed and constructed with a minimum 2 -inch space to allow for slab movement. Differential slab movements may cause cracking of partition walls. If the void is provided at the top of partitions, the connection be- tween slab -supported partitions and foundation -supported walls should be detailed to allow differential movement. Doorways should also be detailed to allow for vertical movement. Interior perimeter framing and finishing should not extend onto slabs -on -grade, or if necessary should be detailed to allow for movement. 6. HVAC systems supported by the slabs (if any) should be provided with flexible connections capable of at least 2 inches of movement. 7. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) recommends frequent control joints be provided in slabs to reduce problems associated with shrinkage crack- ing and curling. To reduce curling, the concrete mix should have a high aggregate content and a low slump. If desired, a shrinkage compensating admixture could be added to the concrete to reduce the risk of shrinkage cracking. We can perform a mix design or assist the design team in select- ing a pre-existing mix. Exterior Flatwork We recommend exterior flatwork and sidewalks be separated from the structure to reduce the risk of transferring slab movement to the foundations. The inner edges of flatwork can be supported on haunches or steel angles bolted to the foundation walls with connections detailed so that movement of the flatwork will not cause distress to the buildings, rather than tying the flatwork directly into the building foundations. Construc- tion on haunches or steel angles and reinforcing the sidewalks and other exterior flat - work will reduce the potential for differential settlement and better allow them to span across wall backfill. Frequent control joints should be provided to reduce problems associated with shrinkage. Panels that are approximately square perform better than rectangular areas. Sub -excavation or partial removal can be considered to improve exterior flatwork performance. 12 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.d0C PAVEMENTS Four of our borings penetrated existing pavement. We found 2.5 to 3.5 inches of asphalt over 2.5 to 6.5 inches of gravel base course. Table I below presents the results from each hole. Existing Pavement Thickness Pavement Boring Asphalt Thickness (in.) Base Course Thickness (in) 12 2.5 5.5 P1 3.5 2.5 P2 3.5 6.5 P3 3.0 6.0 New pavement areas will be used for automobile parking, access drives and truck/fire lanes. Our investigation indicates pavement subgrade will consist sandy clay with moderate to high plasticity, AASHTO A-7-6 soils. These soils are considered to be poor subgrade. We determined the following minimum pavement thickness alternatives using an estimated California Bearing Ratio of 2, Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESAL) of 5 for parking lots and 10 for fire lanes, and AASHTO Design Methods. We recommend parking lots and access drives/fire lanes can be paved with one of the alternatives in the table below. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED MINIMUM PAVEMENT ALTERNATIVES Traffic Type Hot -Mix Asphalt Hot -Mix Asphalt (HMA) + Portland Cement Concrete (HMA) Aggregate Base Course (ABC) (PCC) Automobile Parking Only 5.5" HMA 3.5" HMA + 6" ABC Not Recommended Access Drives and Fire Lanes 7° HMA 4"HMA + 9" ABC 6" PCC BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 13 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTSW7700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc D At a minimum, we recommend scarifying the pavement subgrade to a depth of at least 12 inches, moisture conditioning, compacting and proof -rolling with a loaded, tandem -axle dump truck to disclose soft/loose areas. These areas should be reworked and compacted. Subgrade areas that pass proof -roll should be stable enough to pave. The design of a pavement system is as much a function of paving materials as support characteristics of the subgrade. If the pavement system is constructed of inferi- or material, then the life and serviceability of the pavement will be substantially reduced. Materials and placement methods should conform to the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge. All materials planned for construction should be tested to confirm their compliance with project specifications. Control joints should separate concrete pavements into panels with patterns and spacings as recommended by ACI. No de-icing salts should be used on paving concrete for at least one year after placement. Routine maintenance, such as sealing and repair of cracks and overlays at 5 to 7 -year intervals, are necessary to achieve long-term performance of an asphalt system. We recommend application of a rejuvenating sealant such as fog seal after the first year. Deferring maintenance usually results in accelerat- ed deterioration of pavements leading to higher future maintenance costs. A primary cause of early pavement deterioration is water infiltration into the pavement system. The addition of moisture usually results in heave or softening of the subgrade and eventual failure of the pavement. We recommend drainage be designed for rapid removal of surface runoff. Curb and gutter should be backfilled and the backfill compacted to reduce ponding adjacent to the pavements. Final grading of the subgrade should be carefully controlled so that design cross -slope is maintained and low spots in the subgrade which could trap water are eliminated. Seals should be provided between curb and pavement and at all joints to reduce moisture infiltration. Landscaped areas and detention ponds in pavements should be avoided. 14 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S'\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.d0C Recommended material properties and construction criteria for pavements are provided in Appendix C. These criteria were developed from analysis of the field and laboratory data and our experience. If the materials cannot meet these recommenda- tions, then the pavement design should be re-evaluated based upon available materials. All material and construction requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge should be fol- lowed. All materials planned for construction should be submitted and the applicable laboratory tests performed to verify compliance with the specifications. BELOW -GRADE CONSTRUCTION Foundation walls and grade beams that extend below grade should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures where backfill is not present to about the same extent on both sides of the wall. Many factors affect the value of the design lateral earth pres- sure. These factors include, but are not limited to, the type, compaction, slope and drainage of the backfill, and the rigidity of the wall against rotation and deflection. For a very rigid wall where negligible or very little deflection will occur, an "at -rest' lateral earth pressure should be used in design. For walls that can deflect or rotate 0.5 to 1 percent of the wall height (depending upon the backfill types), lower "active" lateral earth pres- sures are appropriate. If on-site soils are used as backfill and the backfill is not saturated, we recom- mend design for "active" earth pressures using an equivalent fluid density of at least 45 pcf. This value assumes deflection; some minor cracking of walls may occur. If very little wall deflection is desired, a higher design value is appropriate. The structural engineer should also consider site-specific grade restrictions and the effects of large openings on the behavior of the walls. Current plans do not include basements or below -grade. If basements are planned we recommend the floor be at least 3 and preferably 5 feet above groundwater and a perimeter drain should be installed. We can provide drain construction details upon request. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 15 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTSW77000N47701.000\125\2. Reports\R101447701-125-R1.doc CONCRETE Concrete in contact with soil can be subject to sulfate attack. We measured wa- ter-soluble sulfate concentration of between less than 0.01 and 0.03 percent in three samples taken from this site. Sulfate concentrations less than 0.1 percent indicate Class 0 exposure to sulfate attack for concrete in contact with the subsoils, according to the American Concrete Institute (ACI). For this level of sulfate concentration, ACI indicates any type of cement can be used for concrete in contact with the subsoils. Superficial damage may occur to the exposed surfaces of highly permeable concrete, even though sulfate levels are relatively low. To control this risk and to resist freeze -thaw deteriora- tion, the water-to-cementitious material ratio should not exceed 0.50 for concrete in contact with soils that are likely to stay moist due to surface drainage or groundwater. Concrete should have a total air content of 6 percent ± 1.5 percent. SURFACE DRAINAGE Performance of foundations, flatwork and other improvements is influenced by the moisture conditions existing within the foundation or subgrade soils. Overall surface drainage should be designed, constructed, and maintained to provide rapid removal of surface water runoff away from the proposed building and off of pavements and flat - work. We recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after construction is completed. Wetting or drying of open foundation and utility excavations should be avoided. 2. Positive drainage should be provided away from the building. We recom- mend a minimum slope of at least 10 percent in the first 5 to 10 feet away from the foundations in landscaped areas. Paved surfaces should be sloped to drain away from the building. A minimum slope of 2 percent is suggested. More slope is desirable. Concrete curbs and sidewalks may "dam" surface runoff adjacent to the building and disrupt proper flow. Use of "chase" drains or weep holes at low points in the curb should be con- sidered to promote proper drainage. Use of area drains can assist draining areas that cannot be provided with adequate slope. 16 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\Rt\DN47701-125-R1.doc 3. Final grading of pavement subgrade should be carefully controlled so that the designed slopes are maintained and low spots in the subgrade that could trap water are eliminated. 4. Backfill around foundations should be moistened and compacted accord- ing to criteria presented in Fill and Backfill Placement. 5. Landscaping should be carefully designed to minimize irrigation. Plants used close to foundation walls should be limited to those with low moisture requirements. Irrigation should be limited to the minimum amount suffi- cient to maintain vegetation. Application of more water will increase likeli- hood of slab and foundation movements and associated damage. 6. Impervious plastic membranes should not be used to cover the ground surface immediately surrounding the new construction. These membranes tend to trap moisture and prevent normal evaporation from occurring. Geotextile fabrics can be used to control weed growth and at the same time allow for evaporation. 7. Roof drains should be directed away from the building. Downspout exten- sions and splash blocks should be provided at all discharge points. Roof drains should not be directed below slab -on -grade floors. Where this is unavoidable, drain pipes should be thoroughly pressure treated for leaks. Any leaks should be repaired before placing slabs or backfill. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Beth Eden Baptist Church for the purpose of providing geotechnical design and construction criteria for the pro- posed project. The information, conclusions and recommendations presented herein are based upon consideration of many factors including, but not limited to, the type of structure proposed, the geologic setting and the subsurface conditions encountered. The conclusions and recommendations contained in the report are not valid for use by others. Standards of practice evolve in the area of geotechnical engineering. The recommendations provided are appropriate for about three years. If the proposed building and associated improvements are not constructed within about three years, we should be contacted to determine if we should update this report. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 17 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS447700\DN47701.0001125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc We recommend that CTL I Thompson, Inc. provide construction observation services to allow us the opportunity to confirm soil conditions are consistent with those found during this investigation. If others perform these observations, they must accept responsibility to judge whether the recommendations in this report remain appropriate. GEOTECHNICAL RISK The concept of risk is an important aspect with any geotechnical evaluation primarily because the methods used to develop geotechnical recommendations do not comprise an exact science. We never have complete knowledge of subsurface condi- tions. Our analysis must be tempered with engineering judgment and experience. Therefore, the recommendations presented in any geotechnical evaluation should not be considered risk-free. Our recommendations represent our judgment of those measures that are necessary to increase the chances that the structure will perform satisfactorily. It is critical that all recommendations in this report are followed during construction. The owner must assume responsibility for maintaining the structure and use appropriate practices regarding drainage and landscaping irrigation. LIMITATIONS Our borings were drilled within the approximate addition footprints to obtain a reasonably accurate picture of subsurface conditions. Subsurface variations not indicat- ed by our borings are possible. The recommendations presented in this report are based on the construction as currently planned. Revisions in the planned construction could affect our recommenda- tions. We should be contacted if plans change to review and revise our recommenda- tions, if necessary. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 SAPROJECTSW7000N47701.000\125\2. Reports\14101447701-125-R1.doc We believe this investigation was conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily used by geotechnical engineers practicing in this area at this time. No warranty, express or implied, is made. If we can be of further service in discussing the contents of this report, or in the analysis of the influence of the subsur- face conditions on the design of the building or any other aspect of the proposed con- struction, please call. CTL THOMPSON, INC. i Alexander C. Franceski, E.I.T. Staff Engineer Via e-mail- JRAUSCH(a)-martinmartin com davebenham(@ls3p.com mthornbrough(a-)marinmartin com BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 9 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO DN47.701-125 S TROJECTS1477001DN47701 000/125/2 Repor1s1R11DN47701-125-R1 doc Li i r • - Via e-mail- JRAUSCH(a)-martinmartin com davebenham(@ls3p.com mthornbrough(a-)marinmartin com BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 9 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO DN47.701-125 S TROJECTS1477001DN47701 000/125/2 Repor1s1R11DN47701-125-R1 doc Li iif3 O O0 O O0 _a LL �O Wd aHQ� 2 Qc z _ ` R U i OJ Jm Jm OJT t I 1 C C) - —�� R _ Cc t!� S < O O &-C: UAW xtz 1 _O00 C asa a J as n. N G W Q W J W W Z NO Wuj J APPENDIX A SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTSW7700\DN47701.000\1252. Reports\Rt\DN47701-125-R1.doc TH-1 TH-2 TH-3 TH-4 EL. 5486.6 EL. 5482.9 EL. 5485.4 EL. 5487.1 5,490 5,485 _12/12 40 8/12 50112 00, Q 40 NIC=1 s 2 OD=105 LU Lu 00, 1 n SW -1.3 .40 = °°=toe DO10 50/12 r 10112 00, 9 _ SW -0 z 1 000, 5,460 40 -5,480 00, w oll 140 00, _ 40 11/12 5,455 r 00, .40 NVC-20 2 O g -18/12 14 11/12 00, DD-' 04 SS -<001 M=28 7 00, DD=88 - WC -26 1Jo UC=400 DD -96 4/12 _OP UC 800 - 5,475 041 —00 00, 00 3/ 12 00 4/12 _00 _ 6112 ol 6/12 —M=24 3 40 DD=101 5,470 UC=750 _ 40 � 13/12 00, ti 18/12 42/12 50/11 43/12 46112 50/11 WC=36 0 OD=85 SW=O 4 50/6 5,445 SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 50/11 5,490 5,485 5,480 --� 5,475 ---1 5,470 1 � w 2 O w 5,465-- w 5,460-1 5,455 ---� 5,450 --i 5,445 -J FIG. A- 1 O 50112 Q LU Lu 5,465 n 50/12 r 9 5,460 ir0 a w N 0 u 5,455 r r U w O g cn 5,450 42/12 50/11 43/12 46112 50/11 WC=36 0 OD=85 SW=O 4 50/6 5,445 SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 50/11 5,490 5,485 5,480 --� 5,475 ---1 5,470 1 � w 2 O w 5,465-- w 5,460-1 5,455 ---� 5,450 --i 5,445 -J FIG. A- 1 TH-5 TH-6 TH-7 TH-8 EL. 5483.7 EL. 5481.6 EL. 5481.1 EL. 5487.4 5,490 5,485 5,480 100 10/12 000, WC=' 9 8 44 of DD -102 SW=C 4 ol 9/12 W, =202 11/12 DD=103oll SW=02 W C=19 SSW- 4 Z - — 5,475 5/12 00, - b00, 00, 5/12 40 we=21 4 6/12 00, DD=101 oil SS -0.02 5,470 Sz 100 40 5/12 w — WC=29 4 Tloo LL DD=$6 UC=1,200 op ; 4 40 00 O 11/12 _ 00 00, oO 10/12 Lu J w 5,465 45/12 WC=29 5 DD=93 SW=o.O 48/12 46112 5,460 36112 Wc vvC3o s J 30= OD=91 UC=9.000 50/12 150/12 5,455 5,450 L-5,445 SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS PROJECT NO ON47.701-125 12/12 WC=18 9 DO=109 SW=1.2 10/12 10/12 40/12 50/5 TV 5,490 5,485 5,480 5,475 5,470 F Lu w LL 5,465 --- w 5,460 5,455 5,450 5,445 FIG. A- 2 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 EL, 5472.5 EL. 5478.0 EL. 5484.7 EL. 5488.3 EL. 5485.5 5,490 5.485 --5,480 5,460 5,455 5,450 WC=22 5 ,9 WC219 200=65 LL-;2 00, 16/12 200=66 WC -17 5 00, of DD- 109 11/12 5,475 00, oll LL'48 PI,29 WC=20.7 7/12 200.63 LL= 691=30 15!12 WC=21 1 7112 — 12/12 WC -18 8 DD=104 WC=20 3 OD=100 00, WC=19.5 SW=04 SW -0.6 oe LL=44 PI=28 6/12 ol 9112 200=63 7/12 WC=20 3 5,470 ol SW-i1.s° l'— w LU � 8/12 z 01 O F— — w 11' 5,465 5,460 5,455 5,450 _5,445 SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS PROJECT NO. DN47.701-125 5,490 5,485 5,480 5,475 5,470 1 -- LU w Lu z O H Lu J 5,465-- "' 5,460 5,455 5,450 5,445 FIG. A— 3 WC=22 5 LL=43 P1=26 200=65 00, 16/12 WC -17 5 00, DD- 109 SS=O 03 WC -23 8 LL'48 PI,29 WC=20.7 200.63 LL= 691=30 15!12 7112 00, 12/12 WC -18 8 WC=20 3 OD=100 00, DD=106 SW -0 5 #4 SW -0.6 oe 6/12 ol 9112 _5,445 SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS PROJECT NO. DN47.701-125 5,490 5,485 5,480 5,475 5,470 1 -- LU w Lu z O H Lu J 5,465-- "' 5,460 5,455 5,450 5,445 FIG. A— 3 W� m N N J W C) r` W 0 N > W I W W Z Z Z .J C > 3p ow' U w w Z w <i W of p � N a R x ¢= H Z m Qo Y� mg_ S m OF _ tai m h WW r� J W ppZ ~ N O O � W p N ] Z N R 7 {{y1� LL Z N K jr. of W m ❑ �Ni7 Q' �yy% -WWS 2 > O Z m W 1311.1 ~p J} Q D W W a J O 8 '- i ~ oz ^� <Q � x8 W i O p QCQ �C Q Q O<y. W oUE W z NOn O y N > 2 W 2 p w O O w w w r ¢ i =~ Z y F K iZ$' W 2 W � C W W �U' 5z C7 LL Up > s -~-+ N� p W H {a/>� <<> C3 < ZZ NO J.SN NZ (z�,) W �4W p W U U N ..7 T K �= W W '!E 2 W i j g34Q Z W D O UJ p W NNNNNUINN w� ,w rc x �j `i Q� _ N $ ¢ o V {WJ� 12 w w `+Z y W W_ GiK 22 Z22 ZZZ JZ > >i Q K K- Y F 5 K �t1 WO W ai 7J Q Q �Z ypC j�p yQ �3Z u. U � (7 U' $ m m � LL m 3 �3i$ONJ4`7�M f U raOCSCLIM wtj"Kh LZrS1J M"S a (7 LL N 133j-NOUVA313 C7 m n o m o n o LO o n m } 4' W) to to 0 n vi ui ori �n � raOCSCLIM wtj"Kh LZrS1J M"S a (7 LL N C7 2 ® O m } 4' O H O J IL x W LL O J N �9 a Q Q 0 �������� iM:i Na1YA313 raOCSCLIM wtj"Kh LZrS1J M"S a (7 LL APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS AND TABLE B-1 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTSW7700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.dec 3 2 1 z 0 O 0) z a -1 0- x w 0 z -2 O U) LU -3 x CL 2 O (� -4 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-1 AT 4 FEET 3 2 1 z o O Fn z Q CL , x W 0 z O2 rn N W W -3 CL 2 O U -4 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY_STONE From TH-3 AT 29 FEET BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITION PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S.IPROJECTSW7700IDN47701.0=125V Repor1s1RI\DN47701-125-R1-XI(SWELL).x1sm IF ON UNDER 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 106 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 17.1 % ION UNDER 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= $5 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 36.0 % Swell Consolidation Test Results FIG. B-1 3 2 1 z 0 O rn z a' a z -2 O_ t!1 W -3 W a 2 O U -4 EXPAt ION UN ERC N TAN- I I I -Ht- L ,I i I I I I � 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-4 AT 4 FEET 3 2 1 z o O N z a a , x W 0 z 02 U) W x -3 IL 2 O U -4 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-5 AT 4 FEET BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITION PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 SWROJECTS14MMON47701000112512 RepWs1R11DN47701-125-R1-X1(SWELL)zlsm 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 105 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 19.2 % ON UNDER 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 102 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 19.8 % Swell Consolidation Test Results FIG. B-2 3 2 1 z 0 _0 U) z Q -1 a Z -2 O N CAI W3 a O 0 -4 I lit � � � I I 0.1 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAYSTONE From TH-5 AT 19 FEET 3 2 1 z o O 75 z Q (L , 0 z 0 2 U) 0) w a -3 0 Q -4 1.0 0.1 to APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) _ From TH-6 AT 4 FEET BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITION PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 SIPROJECTS%477001DN47701.000\12512. ReportslRl\DN47701-125-R1-X1(SWELL)xlsm 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 93 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 29.5 % ON UN 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 103 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 20.2 -% Swell Consolidation Test Results FIG. B-3 h I 3 2 1 z 0 O z Q -1 CL w 0 z -2 O Fn 0 W -3 W a O U -4 ION UN ERC DWOT N I I I � _ I i i i 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-7 AT 4 FEET 3 2 1 z o O 7) z Q IL 1 X W 0 z 2 _O W W -3 CL 2 O U -4 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 104 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 19.5 % 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-8 AT 4 FEET BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITION PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 SWROJECTSW77001DN47701.000112512 ReporlsMl%DN47701-125-R1-XI (SWELL)x!s,- 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 1_09 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 18.9 % Swell Consolidation Test Results FIG. B-4 P NVON '31 i UN IRE ER CON TAN 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-8 AT 4 FEET BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITION PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 SWROJECTSW77001DN47701.000112512 ReporlsMl%DN47701-125-R1-XI (SWELL)x!s,- 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 1_09 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 18.9 % Swell Consolidation Test Results FIG. B-4 3 N 1 z o O_ z o- u� 0 z -2 O Q) U) W 3 0: CL 2 O U -4 X ION UN ER C N T N I i I - i I r 0.1 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From S-1 AT 1 FEET 3 2 1 z o O z a a , X W z O 2 W 'r 3 a X- 0 U -4 1.0 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 110 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 26,3 y, ION UNDER OON 0.1 1.0 10 100 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of FILL, CLAY, SANDY _ _ DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 104 PCF From S-2 AT 4 FEET MOISTURE CONTENT= 21.1 % BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Swell Consolidation BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITION Test Results Its PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 FIG. B-5 SIPROJECTSW77001DN47701 000112512, Reper1skRI\DN47701-125-R1-X1(SWELL).xbm 3 2 , z 0 0 0 z a X W 0 z -2 O W -3 a O U -4 X A ION UNE ER WN N Dll E LO_16 F T i TTI I i � I I I i i i 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From S-4 AT 4 FEET 3 2 1 z o O W z Q x W 0 z O z N W IL -3 2 O U -4 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From S-5 AT 1 FEET BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITION PROJECT NO. DN47,701.125 S 1PROJECTS1477C01DN47701.000112512. Repor1s1R 11DN47701-125-R1-X1(SWELL) xlsm 10 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 10_6 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 18.8 % ON UNDER (ION DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 100 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 20.3 % Swell Consolidation Test Results FIG. B-6 c } Q N W 16 W } J O J J J J J J J J J J J J J Q J J UOUo UUUUU Uc� ZZZZZZZUZU }}}} }}}}} }}}}aaaaaaa"a" OV) U) U) } N OO} Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z}}}}}}} Z} Z aaaaoaaa0a0aaaagggggg5CQC }>}>r»}>}}},}}UUUUUUU U _<j_<j agggggaggJ_J JJJJJJ}J}Q J J J J J J J J J J �1 J J J J J J J J g J _J U U U U U U U U U U U U U U :.% LL LL LL LL LL LL LL U lL U O W _Z N W o Q0 M (O M Ln M tD O (D to cc Z a w w JF. Z CO a W J J Z Cl) O O O OHO v o 0 � N U W W > S Z W � 0 0 0 0 0 �rl_ O d Lu a m v N UF - 0 U U) } H V X j D' co N N 71 � Z " N Cl)p w — I W GO Of O W F::) !� o O- '7 N00 M W v v v v v a J J a � � ~ O W D a n O p S v 0 0 0 0 H CL W o 0 (") (V N to Ln N waa J J J J W W N V M O N t0 N O (D CD � O O O O O .-- } Ln U tD O a tD to W p N M '- V O V O O O o 0 0 0 o o O M M 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z Wv O W (C W ~ H o — N M O N. O a In Q) N V to O U') M m U') N O O M n tD O V tDOb O N fr co M OZ N N N M N NN CN N N � U S F- a- r v rn v N v rn v Q) N V D) R 'i 0— 0 0 0 .- v p W _Z r N M M L? tD 9 Ln tD tD r. O— 0 2 — N N M� N S 2 S 2 S S S S S 2 S 2 S S N V) U (1) N m W 16 APPENDIX C FLEXIBLE AND RIGID PAVEMENT MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\Rt\DN47701-125-R1.doC MATERIAL GUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE AND RIGID PAVEMENTS Aggregate Base Course (ABC) A Class 5 or 6 Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) specified aggre- gate base course should be used. A recycled concrete alternative which meets the Class 5 or 6 designation is also acceptable. 2. Aggregate base course should have a minimum Hveem stabilometer value of 84. Aggregate base course or recycled concrete material must be moisture stable. The change in R -value from 300 psi to 100 psi exudation pressure should be 12 points or less. 3. Aggregate base course or recycled concrete should be laid in thin lifts not to ex- ceed 6 inches, moisture treated to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum modified Proctor dry density (ASTM D 1557, AASHTO T 180). The material should be placed without segre- gation. 4. Placement and compaction of aggregate base course or recycled concrete should be observed and tested by a representative of our firm. Placement should not commence until the underlying subgrade is properly prepared and tested. Hot -Mix Asphalt (HMA) HMA should be composed of a mixture of aggregate, filler, hydrated lime and as- phalt cement. Mixes shall be designed with 1 percent lime. Some mixes may re- quire polymer modified asphalt cement, or make use of up to 20 percent re- claimed asphalt pavement (RAP). A proiect mix design is recommended and pe- riodic checks on the proiect site should be made to verify compliance with speci- fications. 2. HMA should be relatively impermeable to moisture and should be designed with crushed aggregates that have a minimum of 80 percent of the aggregate retained on the No. 4 sieve with two mechanically fractured faces. 3. Gradations that approach the maximum density line (within 5 percent between the No. 4 and 50 sieves) should be avoided. A gradation with a nominal maxi- mum size of 1 or 2 inches developed on the fine side of the maximum density line should be used. 4. Total void content, voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) and voids filled should be considered in the selection of the optimum asphalt cement content. The opti- mum asphalt content should be selected at a total air void content of about 4 percent. The mixture should have a minimum VMA of 14 percent and between 65 percent and 80 percent of voids filled. 5. Asphalt cement should meet the requirements of the Superpave Performance Graded (PG) Binders. The minimum performing asphalt cement should be PG 64-22 for use along the Front Range. The use of PG 58-28 or PG 58-22 asphalt BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH C-1 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\1252. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc cement has been known to cause tenderness in pavements in the Front Range area and should be avoided. 6. Hydrated lime should be added at the rate of 1 percent by dry weight of the ag- gregate and should be included in the amount passing the No. 200 sieve. Hy- drated lime for aggregate pretreatment should conform to the requirements of ASTM C 207, Type N. 7. Paving should only be performed when subgrade temperatures are above 40 F and air temperature is at least 40�F and rising. 8. HMA should not be placed ata temperature lower than 245'F for mixes contain- ing PG 64-22 asphalt, and 290�F for mixes containing polymer modified asphalt. The breakdown compaction should be completed before the mixture temperature drops 20F. 9. The maximum compacted lift should be 3 inches and joints should be staggered. No joints should be placed within wheel paths. 10. HMA should be compacted to between 92 and 96 percent of Maximum Theoreti- cal Density. The surface shall be sealed with a finish roller before the mix cools to 185F. 11. Placement and compaction of HMA should be observed and tested by a repre- sentative of our firm. Placement should not commence until the subgrade is properly prepared, tested and proof -rolled. Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Portland cement concrete should meet CDOT Class P concrete and have a min- imum compressive strength of 4,200 psi at 28 days and a minimum modulus of rupture (flexural strength) of 650 psi. A iob mix design is recommended and peri- odic checks on the iob site should be made to verify compliance with specifica- tions. 2. Portland cement should be Type II "low alkali" and should conform to ASTM C 150. Portland cement should conform to ASTM C 150. 3. Portland cement concrete should not be placed when the subgrade or air tem- perature is below 40°F. 4. Free water should not be finished into the concrete surface. Atomizing nozzle pressure sprayers for applying finishing compounds are recommended whenever the concrete surface becomes difficult to finish. 5. Curing of the portland cement concrete should be accomplished by the use of a curing compound. The curing compound should be applied in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. C-2 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTSA7700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R10N47701-125-R1.doc 6. Curing procedures should be implemented, as necessary, to protect the pave- ment against moisture loss, rapid temperature change, freezing, and mechanical injury. 7. Construction joints, including longitudinal joints and transverse joints, should be formed during construction or sawed after the concrete has begun to set, but pri- or to uncontrolled cracking. 8. All joints should be properly sealed using a rod back-up and approved epoxy sealant. 9. Traffic should not be allowed on the pavement until it has properly cured and achieved at least 80 percent of the design strength, with saw joints already cut. 10. Placement of portland cement concrete should be observed and tested by a rep- resentative of our firm. Placement should not commence until the subgrade is properly prepared and tested. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH C-3 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S'\PROJECTS1477000N47701.000\125\2. ReportslRION47701-125-R1.doc FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES Experience has shown that construction methods can significantly affect the life and serviceability of a pavement system. A site-specific mix design is recommended and periodic checks during the project should be made to verify compliance with specifications. We recom- mend the proposed pavement be constructed in the following manner: 1. The subgrade should be stripped of organic matter, scarified, moisture condi- tioned and compacted. Subgrade soils should be moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D 698, AASHTO T 99). 2. Utility trenches and all subsequently placed fill should be moisture conditioned, compacted, and tested prior to paving. As a minimum, fill should be compacted to 95 percent of maximum standard Proctor dry density. 3. After final subgrade elevation has been reached and the subgrade compacted, the resulting subgrade should be checked for uniformity and all soft or yielding materials should be replaced prior to paving. Concrete should not be placed on soft, spongy, frozen, or otherwise unsuitable subgrade. 4. If areas of soft or wet subgrade are encountered, the material should be sub - excavated and replaced with properly compacted structural backfill. Where ex- tensively soft, yielding subgrade is encountered, we recommend the excavation be inspected by a representative of our office. 5. Aggregate base course should be laid in thin, loose lifts no more than 6 inches, moisture treated to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95 percent of modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557, AASHTO T 180). 6. Asphaltic concrete should be hot plant -mixed material compacted to between 92 and 96 percent of maximum Theoretical density. The temperature at laydown time should be at least 245°F. The surface shall be sealed with a finish roller pri- or to the mix cooling to 185°F. 7. The maximum compacted lift should be 3 inches and joints should be staggered. No joints should be within wheel paths. 8. Paving should only be performed when subgrade temperatures are above 40OF and air temperature is at least 40°F and rising. 9. Subgrade preparation and placement and compaction of all pavement material should be observed and tested. Compaction criteria should be met prior to the placement of the next paving lift. The additional requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge should apply. C-4 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S'\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.000\125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.d0C RIGID PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES Rigid pavement sections are not as sensitive to subgrade support characteristics as flexible pavement. Due to the strength of the concrete, wheel loads from traffic are distributed over a large area and the resulting subgrade stresses are relatively low. The critical factors affecting the performance of a rigid pavement are the strength and quality of the concrete, and the uniformity of the subgrade. We recommend subgrade preparation and construction of the rigid pavement section be completed in accordance with the following recommendations: 1. The subgrade should be stripped of organic matter, scarified, moisture condi- tioned and compacted. Subgrade soils should be moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D 698, AASHTO T 99). 2. After final subgrade elevation has been reached and the subgrade compacted, the resulting subgrade should be checked for uniformity and all soft or yielding materials should be replaced prior to paving. Concrete should not be placed on soft, spongy, frozen, or otherwise unsuitable subgrade. 3. The subgrade should be kept moist prior to paving. 4. Curing procedures should protect the concrete against moisture loss, rapid tem- perature change, freezing, and mechanical injury for at least 3 days after place- ment. Traffic should not be allowed on the pavement for at least one week. 5. Curing of the portland cement concrete should be accomplished by use of a cur- ing compound in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. 6. Construction joints, including longitudinal joints and transverse joints, should be formed during construction or should be sawed shortly after the concrete has be- gun to set, but prior to uncontrolled cracking. All joints should be sealed. 7. Construction control and inspection should be performed during the subgrade preparation and paving procedures. Concrete should be carefully monitored for quality control. The additional requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge should apply. The design sections are based upon 10 -year and 20 -year periods. Experience in the Denver area indicates virtually no maintenance or overlays are necessary for a 20 -year design period. We believe some maintenance and sealing of concrete joints will help pavement perfor- mance by helping to keep surface moisture from wetting and softening or heaving subgrade. To avoid problems associated with scaling and to continue the strength gain, we recommend deicing salts not be used for the first year after placement. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH C-5 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:IPROJECTSA77000N47701.0001125 2. ReportslR1XDN47701-125-131.doc MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS A primary cause for deterioration of pavements is oxidative aging resulting in brittle pavements. Tire loads from traffic are necessary to "work" or knead the asphalt concrete to keep it flexible and rejuvenated. Preventive maintenance treatments will typically preserve the original or existing pavement by providing a protective seal or rejuvenating the asphalt binder to extend pavement life. Annual Preventive Maintenance Visual pavement evaluations should be performed each year. Reports documenting the progress of distress should be kept current to provide information on effective times to apply preventive maintenance treatments. Crack sealing should be performed annually as new cracks appear. 3 to 5 -Year Preventive Maintenance The owner should budget for a preventive treatment (e.g. chip seal, fog seal, slurry seal) at approximate intervals of 3 to 5 years to reduce oxidative embrittlement problems. 5 to 10 -Year Corrective Maintenance Corrective maintenance (e.g. full -depth patching, milling and overlay) may be necessary, as dictated by the pavement condition, to correct rutting, cracking and structurally failed areas. C-6 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S'\PROJECTSA7700\DN47701.000\125\2 Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES FOR RIGID PAVEMENTS High traffic volumes create pavement rutting and smooth, polished surfaces. Preventive maintenance treatments will typically preserve the original or existing pavement by providing a protective seal and improving skid resistance through a new wearing course. Annual Preventive Maintenance Visual pavement evaluations should be performed each spring or fall. Reports documenting the progress of distress should be kept current to provide information of effective times to apply preventive maintenance. Crack sealing should be performed annually as new cracks appear. 4 to 8 Year Preventive Maintenance The owner should budget for a preventive treatment at approximate intervals of 4 to 8 years to reduce joint deterioration. Typical preventive maintenance for rigid pavements includes patching, crack sealing and joint cleaning and sealing. Where joint sealants are missing or distressed, resealing is mandatory. 15 to 20 Year Corrective Maintenance Corrective maintenance for rigid pavements includes patching and slab replace- ment to correct subgrade failures, edge damage and material failure. Asphalt concrete overlays may be required at 15 to 20 year intervals to improve the structural capacity of the pavement. BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH C-% BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITIONS CTL I T PROJECT NO. DN47,701-125 S:\PROJECTS\47700\DN47701.0001125\2. Reports\R1\DN47701-125-R1.doc Applicant City ♦��4 W, City Of ]qr Wheat Rjdge LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 291h Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Address State Zip Phone Fax Owner S�rA JFbyt,,a' n QA, -,"Address '&oo l�.ns�lor�-r�S 'gc_.vfl Phone City �s,Aff,,,, ��� State Q Zip gtarL��S Fax Contactmw--Ma',e Address llo NW.tjoVTA ST. STV- 'Soe Phone_gt,�(.-Z e-o� City - f "Vtug State S(, Zip Z9L 0I Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written cornmunication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): 7jew IdA VhW� gr V1:2 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Please refer to submittal checklists for complete application requirements; incomplete applications will not be accepted. O Change of zone or zone conditions XSpecial Use Permit O Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) O Consolidation Plat O Conditional Use Permit O Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) O Flood Plain Special Exception Site Plan approval O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Lot Line Adjustment 0 Concept Plan approval O Variance/Waiver (from Section ) O Planned Building Group O Right of Way Vacation O Other: Detailed description of request: SQ.P peQ,,,%V p9= CM( As t �o� caro e1.Jf T�e.ItaC-.� Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 9.a-4- ^tft%, Current Zoning: 1Z,_Z Proposed Zoning: I? -Z Current Use: C quacy Sct�oot� QfClvhc^� Proposed Use: 01"44 & SIZ400L JY,&M: 1 certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge and that in filing this application, 1 am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the ow ne w rich approved oft is action on his behalf. Notarized Signature of Applicang5 ma ! J State ofCol do County of fr� } ss CC'S The foregoing instrument (Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged STg11o'-41 CV by me this J-5—day of Ld i))e/, 20� by ` '�'►'C04 4R1,0FCpveC CT/S Mi 0 �O /pNE1Pl 1 DO Notary Public My commission expires LOL/20_V,�2 16 To be filled out by staff. Date received //- 1 q- /- Comp Plan Design. Related Case No. l.J S P- /5-0 SS Fee $ )Vo. Ot Receipt No. Zoning Q-;2 Pre -App Mtg. Date Case No. 6(10- 15-C(c Quarter Section Map E Case Manager—k,-4 c ; Q IWYMII�ININIII�IIII��llllfll �b'��°2013077484 1 n 06/26/2013 12:03:56 1 Page(s) COUNTY, Colorado 4JEFFERSON 11 REQUEST FOR ® FULL ❑ PARTIAL KELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST AND RELEASE BY HOLDER OF THE EVIDENCE OF DEBT WITH PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE OF DEBT PURSUANT TO § 38-39-102(1)(a), COLORADO REVISED STATUTES May 28, 2013 Date CJG Beth -Eden Centenary Baptist Church Original Grantor (Borrower) Current Address of Original Grantor, Assuming Party, 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard, Wheat Ridge Colorado 80033 or Current Owner ❑ Check here if current address is unknown. C oe Eden Manor Management Corporation' V Original Beneficiary (L.cnder) I -ntxvsti =ff7 _ I , r lgr 3r) , Z on' % •,/ Date of Deed of Trust August 1. 2007 .,' Date of Recording and/or Re -According of Decd of Trust 2007089483 /Recording Information County Reception No. and/or Film No. and/or Book/Pagc No. and/or Torrcns Reg. No. TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO (The County of the Public Trustee who is the appropriate grantee to whom the above Deed of Trust should grant an interest in the property described in the Deed ofTrust) PLEASE EXECUTE AND RECORD A RELEASE OF THE DEED OF TRUST DESCRIBED ABOVE. The indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust has been fully or partially paid and/or the purpose of the Deed ofTrust has been fully or partially satisfied in regard to the property encumbered by the Deed of Tntst as described therein as to a full release or, in the event of a partial release, only that portion of the real property described as: THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER (SWA SW' -A SETA) OF SECTION TWENTY-SIX (26) IN TOWNSHIP THREE (3) SOUTH OF RANGE SIXTY-NINE (69) WEST OF THE SIXTH (6"t) P.M., OTHERWISE DESIGNATED AS LOT 3 IN BLOCK 3, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BY DEED RECORDED APRIL 21, 1960 IN BOOK 1268 AT PAGE 3, AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 1, 2000 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1092015. Commonly known as: 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 (IF NO LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS LISTED THIS WILL BE DEEMED A FULL RELEASE.) Eden Manor Management Corporation 2600 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Name and Address of Current Holder of the Evidence of Debt Secured by Deed of Trust (Lender) Title, and Address of Officer, Agent, or Attorney of Currcnt Holder State of Colorado County of 4AL" The f agoingequcst for Release was acknowledged before me on I �i'1 � , :3 (date), by Carl D Clark./as fo lan of the Board of Trustees r Eden Manor Management Corporation Date Commission Expires 'lf app icablc, i title o o cer and name of current holder. Signature Witness my hand and official seal. Public RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST .N NOTARY fns; PtJBLIC �F COL WHEREAS, the Grantor(s) named above, by Deed of Trust, granted certain real property described in the Deed of Trust to the Public Trustee of the County referenced above, in the State of Colorado, to be held in trust to secure the payment of the indebtedness referred to therein; and WHEREAS, the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust has been fully or partially paid and/or the purpose of the Deed of Trust has been fully or partially satisfied according to the written request of the current holder of the evidence of debt; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the payment of the statutory sum, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 1, as the Public Trustee in the County named above, do hereby fully and absolutely release, cancel and forever discharge the Deed of Trust or that portion of the real property described above in the Deed of Trust, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging. Margaret TP pman „ Public Trustee Deputy Public Tru e -r L. Johnson rbravr+ ° npnnfi D t.r (If applicable, name and address of person creating new legal description as required by § 38-35-106.5 C.R.S. ppi0t r " ~` ubhC Trustee Original Note and Deed of Trust Returned to: Beth -Eden Centenary Baptist Church, 2600 adswo vd.,Eili Mirm 38-35106 041 When Recorded Return to: Beth -Eden Centenary Baptist Church 2600 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Prepared/Rcceived by: Fisher & Su hr, P.C., 1512 Larimer St. Suite #730 Denver CO 80202 No. 1240. Rev. 9-09. REQUEST FOR FULL/PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST AND RELEASE BY HOLDER (Page 1 of 1) OF THE EVIDENCE OF DEBT WITH PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE OF DEBT METH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH November 15, 2015 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To whom it may concern: We are authorizing LS3P Associates and/or Martin and Martin Consulting Engineers to act as agents on behalf of Beth Eden Baptist Church pertaining to matters of zoning and permitting with the City of Wheat Ridge. Sincerely, ':�t VV1 id" Dan Gruis, Deacon Board Chair A14 � .fib Stew rdship-Finance Chair 2600 Wadsworth Blvd. I Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 1 303.238.7711 1 betheden.org I Jason Pilchard, Pastor LS5PENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM July 28, 2015 City of Wheat Ridge Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, SC 29669 Reference: Beth Eden Baptist Church Project No. 3800-132110 Project Description for Special Use Permit Application Dear City of Wheat Ridge: LS3P Associates, LTD. (LS3P) is writing on behalf of Beth Eden Baptist Church (BEBC) located at 2600 N. Wadsworth Boulevard on this 28th day of July, 2015. BEBC has developed plans for facility additions and improvements working with the architecture firm LS3P and their consulting engineers and architecture firm; Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers (Civil), JVA Consulting Engineers (Structural), The Ballard Group, Inc. (Mechanical and Plumping), Reese Engineering, Inc. (Electrical), and Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture (Consultant Architecture). The church is requesting approval from the City of Wheat Ridge for a special use permit for the project described below. The proposed project is to include: 1. Revisions to existing site drainage (including a new retention pond); 2. Revisions to portions of parking areas and drives; 3. New parking areas; 4. New inter -site driveways; 5. Demolition of selected existing structures / portions of existing structures; 6. Additions to existing structures (gym, support spaces and stage area), and: 7. New structures (chapel and covered walkways). Revisions to site work are proposed to provide appropriate site drainage to a new retention pond. The proposed site drainage incorporates all revisions to existing parking / drives, new parking / drives, all revisions to existing structures, and additions of new structures. The new retention pond is to be located in the south east corner of the site. The existing irrigation pond is to remain in the same location on the north edge of the site. The proposed plans include revising the existing parking and drives located on the south east corner of the site to accommodate the new retention pond and new drive located south of the existing sanctuary structure. The two drives located along the south of the property will be combined to create one entry point with one ingress lane and two egress lanes, creating a cleaner vehicular access. New parking areas and associated drives are proposed along the west edge of the campus structures to provide access to new structures, and better access to existing structures. The bulk of the new parking will exist at an elevation lower than the adjacent street (Wadsworth Boulevard), and a large portion will be screened from the street via the proposed retaining wall required to maintain the integrity of the existing adjacent sidewalk, grass yard, etc. The retaining wall will not be visible from the street. A new accessible pedestrian walk will be added from the existing sidewalk adjacent to Wadsworth Boulevard to the main entry area on the south east quadrant of the existing structure. 1 10W. NORTH STREET. SUITE 300 GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 864.235.0405 PH 864.233.4027 FAX e LS3P.COM LSPENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM M5 New driveways will be provided per the proposed plans to allow for vehicular flow within the site, while being outside of the pedestrian pathway network (which is located within the campus between existing and proposed structures). The proposed scope of work includes the demolition of selective portions of existing structures. The existing circular chapel structure located on the North West corner of the property will be demolished to allow for new construction. Partial demolition will also be required to construct an addition (stage) on the east wall of the existing structure (existing cafeteria) located on the north east corner of the campus. Part of the new construction included in the proposed work includes the addition of new stage on the east wall of the existing cafeteria (as indicated above) and a large addition of a gymnasium / youth space on the west side of the existing cafeteria. The gymnasium / youth addition will include a full size high school gymnasium suitable for basketball and volleyball, locker room spaces, support spaces (storage, coach's office), a youth worship space, and a lobby / concourse at the connection point with the existing cafeteria. The gymnasium elevation facing Wadsworth has been designed to break down the scale of the structure to proportions that are more in scale with the lower existing structures and proposed new chapel structure. Materials are intended to blend with the existing campus, while creating a stronger presence as a campus. New brick would match existing, while the introduction of new materials would add depth and variation to the otherwise more repetitive campus. Material selections beyond the brick veneer have not been finalized to date. Any applied signage would be installed in such a manner to adhere to current requirements. Additional new construction proposed includes a new chapel structure (not connected to any existing structure) to be located to the west of the existing educational building located on the west side of the campus and south of the new gymnasium addition. The chapel structure will include a break room and support spaces (lobby, restrooms, storage, a/v booth, etc.) in addition to the worship area. The exterior of the chapel facing Wadsworth would be composed primarily of brick veneer to match the existing. The form is to be reminiscent of the existing sanctuary's arced, but at a scale and form to create a more intimate expression. Covered walkways and entryways are proposed to incorporate the campus as a whole and promote pedestrian connections within the site (and also connections from outside the site). New covered walkways will contain similar materials as the proposed new structures. The forms will complement the existing covered walkways, but will not be direct imitations. Where covered walkways terminate at parking areas, the intent is for the walkways to create threshold or gate like openings at the human scale. Proposed elevations and plans are included per the submittal requirements. We look forward to working with you as the project progresses. Kindest Regards, LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. Burgess A. Metcalf AIA, LEED AP 110 W. NORTH STREET, SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 864.235.0405 PH 864.233.4027 FAX a LS3P.COM City of Wheat Rdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Site Plan Project Name: Rev. 5/2014 i- 11urf�-!4 q 1oll-w Project Location:!// lam. Application Contents: The site plan is used to confirm that new development, redevelopment, or significant fagade improvements meet all applicable zoning or design standards. The following items represent a complete site plan application. �1. Completed, notarized land use application form 2. Application fee 43. Signed submittal checklist (this document) 44. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed �5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) /6. Written request and description of the proposal �7. Plan set—including site plan, landscape plan, building elevations, streetscape plan, photometric Two (2) full size paper copies (24" x 36") One (1) reduced size paper copy (11" x 17") 8. One (1) color reduction of building elevations 9. Civil documents, if required 10. Electronic (Adobe .pdf) files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via emai D, DVD, or USB flash drive 7a uss� ,�JI'Gfl7,E Form and content of Plan Set: Site Plan Note: Depending on the size of the site, Project information it may be necessary to provide one /1. Title of document—centered at top of page overall site plan and additional pages to Z 2. Vicinity map show the location of all buildings, Z_3. Scale and north arrow—scale not to exceed 1 "=100' fences, signs, parking, etc. 4. Date of plan preparation and name/address of who prepared the plan 5. Legal description 6. Appropriate signature blocks—see cover sheet handout _7. Signed surveyor's certification /8. Case history with applicable land use case numbers �9. Statement of proposed uses and compliance with zoning �10. Site data in tabular form (numeric and percentage), including the following: / a. Total area of property, gross and net fib. Building coverage mac. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, and landscaped open space �d. Number of parking spaces required and provided �e. Gross floor area by use f. Number of residential units and density �11. Justification of provided parking ratio, especially where shared parking is proposed Community Development Department - (303) 235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Sample Site Data Table [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Existing zoning Proposed land use Total area -[acres sq ftgross[acres/sq ft net Lot #[acres/sq ft Lot # acres/s ft Floor area by use Use sq ft Use sq ft Graphical information / 12. Legend X13. Property lines and dimensions X14. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking X15. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: /.a. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use / b. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking % c. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) �d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material e. Exterior lighting �f. Signs—identify type and height �g. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls / 16. asements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development �17. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable X18. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines 19. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan / 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) / 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "=100') ,3. Legend �4. Property lines and dimensions �5. Proposed buildings and parking areas �6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage �7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material Required Proposed Building coverage % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Sod % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Parkin Standard # # Accessible # # Bicycle # # Graphical information / 12. Legend X13. Property lines and dimensions X14. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking X15. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: /.a. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use / b. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking % c. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) �d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material e. Exterior lighting �f. Signs—identify type and height �g. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls / 16. asements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development �17. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable X18. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines 19. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan / 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) / 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "=100') ,3. Legend �4. Property lines and dimensions �5. Proposed buildings and parking areas �6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage �7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material 8. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: �a. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, landscaped open space, required and provided shrubs, required and provided trees, required and provided street trees / b. Species name—common and botanical mac. Quantity of each species d. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees fie. Type of ground cover �f. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space �g. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc Sample Landscape/Plant Schedule (more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Trees Required Botanical Name Proposed Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / sg ft min % / sq ft Sod % max / s ft max % / s ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / sq ft On-site trees # # ftmax On-site shrubs # Fa ade B # % max / sq Street trees # ft # Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name Ground floor transpar Shrubs 0tv Botanical Name Common Name ft min % / sg ft Fa ade B Street Trees Qtv Botanical Name Common Name Secondary material EIFS/CMU/metalanels/sidin .. Building Elevations �1. Title of document (centered at top of page) �2. Detailed elevations for each fagade 3. Detailed elevations for accessory structures 4. Detailed elevations for trash enclosures/screen walls ,/5. Material and color information / 6. Structure dimensions—overall building height, overall building width, floor -to -floor heights �7. Summary table of materials and transparency by facade—where material or transparency standards apply, include a table identifying required and proposed materials Sample Building Materials Summary (more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Required Proposed Ground floor transpar Fa ade A % min / sn ft min % / sg ft Fa ade B % min / so ft min 1 % Secondary material EIFS/CMU/metalanels/sidin .. Fa adeA % max /s ftmax % / sq ft Fa ade B % max / sq ft max % / sg ft Streetscape Plan It may be possible to combine this sheet with the Landscape Plan as long as public street trees are disaggregated in the plant schedule. Refer to the Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual for streetscape design requirements. _1. Title of document (centered at top of page) ,2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') ,,/3. Location of all existing and proposed streetscape elements/furnishings, including: tea. Sidewalk and amenity zones—location, dimensions, materials _b. Street trees—identify spacing dimensions c. Street lights A d. Pedestrian lights �!/ e. Street furniture—benches, trash cans, etc �Y!' f. Bus stops Wig. Signs �h. Irrigation system moi. Utilities and utility boxes J. Curbs and ADA ramps _4. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: tea. Species name—common and botanical fib. Quantity of each species mac. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees fid. Type of ground cover fie. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc AO�7. Schedule of proposed streetscape furnishings, including: a. Manufacturer b. Product number c. Color d. Quantity Photometric Plan / 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) /2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1"= 100') /3. Site plan showing the location of all exterior lights and a numerical grid of lighting levels in foot candles or as isoilluminance curves �4. A fixture schedule that includes all luminaries shown on the plan and specs for each fixture: tea. Manufacturer and model tea. Fixture type and wattage /b. Mounting height of all fixtures _5. Cut sheets showing the design and finishes of all fixtures, including designation of cutoff fixtures 4 Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe .pdf file is required): —1 - Trip generation letter or traffic study _Z2. Drainage report Z3. Soils report ,Z4. Erosion control plan As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2'd) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Signature- Date: 17 AdytWAZ 2415 Name (ple print): gyp. L..�� ( -�,�� � Phone: _ 8W. Z1Z115_, dot o� (off l_53Y �cctic ie�r,�c ._,c CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 02603 TELLER ST 07340 W 26TH AVE 02625 UPHAM ST WHEAT RIDGECO 80033 LAKEWOODCO 80214 WHEAT RIDGECO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 07325 W 28TH AVE WHEAT RIDGECO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 07660 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOODCO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 02475 WADSWORTH BLVD LAKEWOODCO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 02599 WADSWORTH BLVD LAKEWOODCO 80215 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 02560 UPHAM ST LAKEWOODCO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 07230 W 28TH AVE WHEAT RIDGECO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 07635 W 24TH AVE LAKEWOODCO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 02599 WADSWORTH BLVD LAKEWOODCO 80215 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 07650 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOODCO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 07400 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOODCO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 02670 UPHAM ST WHEAT RIDGECO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 07300 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGECO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT 02575 UPHAM ST LAKEWOODCO 80214 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UPHAM ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 07350 E PROGRESS PL 208 LAKEWOOD CO 80214 GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80111 GRANT LAWRENCE J GRANT BURKE CAROL E SALAZAR ALFONSO A CHRISTINE A 02675 UPHAM ST 07365 W 28TH AVE 07320 W 26TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SLEVIN COLLEEN A HOUSE SHARROW TRACY L STARK DONNA L LARRY N 07665 W 25TH AVE 07635 W 25TH AVE 07225 W 28TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 LAKEWOOD CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GREEN DAVID G HERMAN LESTER E HERMAN COULTER AIMEE DEPAULO 07325 W 26TH AVE BRENDA CARR COULTER KIM WILLIAM WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 02535 UPHAM ST 00329 PRIMROSE DR LAKEWOOD CO 80214 LOUISVILLE KY 40207 BOWLES BARTON A BOWLES RAMIREZ NATHAN J RAMIREZ WEBB MARY LOUISE CHERI L HELEN JANE 02550 UPHAM ST 02545 TELLER CT 06971 WOLFF ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 LAKEWOOD CO 80214 WESTMINSTER CO 80030 KENYON JOHN M CUMMINGS JULIE ANNE MESTAS DANIELLE J 07233 W 26TH PL 02691 TELLER ST 02655 TELLER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DE SELM MARVIN L DE SELM HEDDE MARTA L WOOD DON L HARRIS KENNETH LAING JEAN ANN 07385 W 28TH AVE HARRIS VIRGINIA DAWN 00622 PARTRIDGE CIR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 07345 W 28TH AVE GOLDEN CO 80403 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 POINDEXTER TIMOTHY M WALDEN THOMAS R WALDEN JJB LLC POINDEXTER BRITTANY M PATRICIA A 07325 W 28TH AVE 07300 W 29TH AVE 02405 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80215 SMITH JOHN W SMITH ILLA J GREEN DONAL E GREEN LORI SEIKO LLC 07660 W 26TH AVE 07660 W 25TH AVE 16820 E EASTER AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 LAKEWOOD CO 80214 FOXFIELD CO 80016 ONTIVEROS MICHAEL ONTIVEROS VALERIE A WITASCHEK FAMILY TRUST HAMMOND GARDINER MARTINEZ NORA J 02505 UPHAM ST 06610 CRESTBROOK DR 02475 WADSWORTH BLVD LAKEWOOD CO 80214 MORRISON CO 80465 LAKEWOOD CO 80214 MARFIL MATTHEW MARFIL MICHAEL N LOGUE TRUST RIVERA MARY L ANASTASIA 02790 VANCE ST 07365 W 27TH AVE 07363 W 26TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 CLAY RONALD 07305 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 JOYCE E EDWINSON LIVING TRUST 07266 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 HURTADO MICHAEL J HURTADO KAREN L 02590 TELLER CT LAKEWOOD CO 80214 HENNIG MARGARET A HENNIG CELESTE E 02785 TELLER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GRUIS DANIEL MARK GRUIS HEATHER M 07655 W 25TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 SOUCEK MICHAEL P PITT PATRICIA J PARISH 02580 UPHAM ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 LAWRENCE D THOMPSON FAMILY TRUST THOMPSON GEORGIA F 01585 WADSWORTH BLVD LAKEWOOD CO 80215 COCHRAN SETH COCHRAN TARA 02570 TELLER CT LAKEWOOD CO 80214 BRAMWELL RYAN TREVOR 02613 TELLER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MAY RICHARD P MAY MARGARET R 10834 IRVING CT WESTMINSTER CO 80031 ECKER JAMES M II 02540 UPHAM ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 ROWLAND MARK A ROWLAND DIANE M 07235 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DOYLE DANIEL M 02540 TELLER ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 JOHNSON JARED JAY 01445 DETROIT ST 205 DENVER CO 80206 PARKER HAROLD D PARKER CYNTHIA L 07640 W 25TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 LAKE WOOD INVESTMENTS SWIHART JAMES E TISON MCHUGH JAMES E LLC ANNA S 02700 VANCE ST 01334 SILVER ROCK LN 07360 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 EVERGREEN CO 80439 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SHIRES JIM WILSON JENNIFER SUE FKA SCHIMMING RICHARD 07313 W 26TH AVE ANDERSON JENNIFER SUE SCHIMMING WALDEMAR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 02530 UPHAM ST SCHIMMING WALDEMAR LAKEWOOD CO 80214 11895 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ENGLISH ROXIE J 07295 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WALTERS JERAD WALTERS ENHDUUREN 02565 TELLER CT LAKEWOOD CO 80214 SMART TRENT W SMART LISA 07205 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RICHMOND ARTHUR PROSE THOMAS A PROSE WILSON ADAM L WILSON 07204 W 26TH AVE LOUISE M ANITA F LAKEWOOD CO 80214 07295 W 28TH AVE 07670 W 26TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80235 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DAHLBERG BARBARA VALAND THOMAS VALAND 07500 W 29TH AVE 07340 W 26TH PL JESSICA WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 07330 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 HUSTON DONALD LEE HUSTON MARJORIE LOUISE 02585 UPHAM ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 COCOZZELLA ANTHONY JR 07323 W 26TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 VICTOR A OLSON REVOCABLE TRUST SHARON D OLSON REVOCABLE TRUST 02620 UPHAM ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BELLOT SCOTT A 07200 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 NGUYEN TUAN MINH 07615 W 24TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 BERRY JAMES EDWARD PO BOX 261307 LAKEWOOD CO 80226 SHINK SHARI F 07360 W 28TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WARNER GERALD D WARNER VIRGINIA L 02515 UPHAM ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 ESPEY WILLIAM T ESPEY GISELA E 02570 UPHAM ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 CHAVEZ SANDRA DELEON GREGORY 07290 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SCI COLO FUNERAL SERVICES INC 07777 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MYERS CYNTHIA K 07650 W 25TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 CITY OF LAKEWOOD 00445 S ALLISON PKWY LAKEWOOD CO 80226 KRAMER JACK A KRAMER CHRISTINE L 07340 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ROYAL GREGORY 07350 W 27TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BISHOP PATRICIA K 12508 KEARNEY CIR THORNTON CO 80602 HARRIS THERESA LYNN HARRIS RUTHERFORD JR 04219 AVE F KEARNEY NE 68847 MATIA EUGENE J MATIA KAREN L PO BOX 140713 LAKEWOOD CO 80214 BROWN KALEB 07640 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 STRAATMANN STEPHEN J 07930 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 NEWCOMB GERTRUDE A 07343 W 26TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SANFORD B SIMAITIS JOHN F POWERS III TRUST WILBANKS FRANKIE D REVOCABLE TRUST GEORGENE H POWERS TRUST 07313 W 26TH PL 32446 GOLDEN ACRES RD 05338 S JOSHUA TREE CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LINCOLN MO 65338 GOLD CANYON AZ 85118 SALAZAR ALFONSO A MCCORMICK SALLY ANNE REIMAN DONNITA GRANBERG 07365 W 28TH AVE 00133 UTE CT MICHAEL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RED FEATHER LAKES CO 80545 07273 W 26TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 STAHL WILLIAM P PLIVAC BESIM PLIVAC 07260 W 28TH AVE RAMIZA WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 02580 TELLER CT LAKEWOOD CO 80214 HARRIS ROBERT CANAAN SCHMIDT CHRIS J JR SCHMIDT JORGENSON NIKI PATRICIA J 02653 TELLER ST 02633 TELLER ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 STORM TREVOR R STORM SEGOVIA BRYCE IRINA P 07615 W 25TH AVE 07380 W 29TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 STEWART BONNIE R GEBERS JOHN F GEBERS 05426 S TELLURIDE ST YOLANDA M CENTENNIAL CO 80015 07625 W 25TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 SCHWEIN SALLY JO JONES CONSTANCE L 07290 W 28TH AVE 02525 TELLER CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80214 MORGENSON KENNETH L PETERSON CAROLYN G 07230 W 26TH PL PETERSON DALE W PETERSON WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MELINDA J 07235 W 26TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SKAFLEN RICHARD M SCHLEISMAN RONALD R 03358 WEBSTER ST SCHLEISMAN MARY JERMAIN WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 07036 S NIAGARA CT CENTENNIAL CO 80112 DALLA CHARLES G JR DALLA SUSAN M 02565 TELLER ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 KINANEE GBARAWII GEOFFREY KINANEE HELEN D 07620 W 25TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 STURGEON TYREL R BROHARD SHANNON D 07290 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHITE DENNIS E 07630 W 26TH AVE LAKEWOOD CO 80214 OATES JERRID OATES ALICIA 02660 UPHAM ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MALDONADO ADELITA P SLEVIN BRIAN P 02575 TELLER ST LAKEWOOD CO 80214 NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING Beth Eden Baptist Church and School is requesting a Special Use Permit on property located at 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard. A neighborhood meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 29th at 6:00 PM at 2600 Wadsworth Boulevard. The purpose of the request is to inform our neighbors of the proposal of new and renovated campus facilities. Proposed improvements include a new chapel and a new gymnasium facility, site and parking improvements, and the addition of a stage to the existing cafeteria. The property is zoned Residential -Two, and the church and school are permitted under Special Use Review. A new Special Use Permit is required for any expansion under an existing Special Use Permit. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for a Special Use Permit an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved. However, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the administrative process by the Community Development Director and/or the public hearing in front of City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you submit written comments during the public notice period and/or attend the public hearing. The neighborhood meeting is an informal setting that provides an opportunity for you to understand the scope of the proposed project and the process for review. You will have the opportunity to speak with the applicant and city staff and to ask any question that you may have related to the project. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 oVia v, CL O v CD L cm O � O i- tnc T- .w >N f O 0 m N.G �-- J , v N Z3 O L O fy G1 O E . o L m t w 'D u w 0 Q .W -a � a� ,� o CIO � o 0 Z N +� .E L 0 a 0 v� �a cn Z _19 CV M ori c0 City of qrwh6at�idg OMMUNITY e CDEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: Attending Staff: Property Address: September 29, 2015 Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner II 2600 Wadsworth Blvd Property Owner: Beth Eden Centenary Baptist Church 2600 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner Present?: Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: Yes, represented by: Burgess Metcalf LS3P Architects Phone: 864-235-0405 Residential -Two (R-2) Public, Primary Gateway Existing Site Conditions: The property is located at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd at the northeast corner of Wadsworth Blvd and W. 26`h Avenue. The subject property consists of one parcel platted as Lot 3, Block 3 of Barths Subdivision and has a total area of 9.08 acres, per Jefferson County Assessor. The property is currently the site of Beth Eden Baptist Church and School and contains multiple buildings connected via breezeways. There are also two outbuildings on the northern side of the property, with unknown dates of construction. The property is zoned R-2 and is currently approved under Conditional Use Permit No. CUP -94-03. Access to the property is currently provided on two curb cuts along W. 26`h Avenue. Surrounding properties are a mix of uses, zones and jurisdictions. To the north is the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, also on property zoned R-2. To the south, across West 26`h Avenue is the City of Lakewood. To the west, across Wadsworth Blvd, is the Crown Hill Cemetery in unincorporated Jefferson County. To the east is an established low density residential neighborhood with R-2 zoning. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant proposes the demolition of the existing chapel, and the construction of a new chapel, a new gymnasium, additional parking and existing parking reconfiguration, and a new detention facility. The new chapel will be located along the Wadsworth Blvd frontage, near the center of the property. The new gymnasium will be constructed at the location of the demolished chapel, along the northern edge of the cluster of main buildings, fronting Wadsworth Blvd. Additional parking is proposed on the south and west sides of the property between W. 26th Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd and the buildings. The existing parking lot at the rear of the property will be reconfigured, and the new detention facility will be constructed in the southeast corner of the site. The access point at the eastern property edge to W. 26th Avenue will be removed, and access consolidated to a single point at the location of the existing access near the center. No new access to Wadsworth is proposed. There is no change of use proposed; however a Special Use Permit with a site plan is required for the expansion. Attendance from the neighborhood: One person from the neighborhood attended the meeting, see attached sign-up sheet. The neighbor in attendance is an owner of the vacant lot immediately south of the subject property, on the south side of W. 26th Avenue, in Lakewood. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • Staff explained the site conditions, zoning in the neighborhood, and the reason for the special use permit request. • The applicant explained the development proposal. • The attendee was informed of the process for a special use permit. The following issues were discussed regarding the application: How will access on the south side of the property be changed? • Access is proposed to be consolidated to one location, near the existing western access point. Clarification on the Site Plan symbology was requested. • The applicant clarified the symbology Will the proposal result in a lower profile elevations along W. 26th Avenue? • No, the improvements are proposed at the northern area of the site. Discussion also occurred regarding the alignment of access points for the future potential development on the lot to the south. The attendee was instructed by the City of Lakewood that the opposing access points should align. Staff obtained the contact information of the attendee and will provide access to any submittals by the applicant. No written correspondence was received regarding the meeting. 2 I*�Ale City of "6heat i e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 6, 2015 Applicant: Attendees: Mark Thornbrough Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers mthornbroug_h(a�,martinmartin.com Phone: 303-431-6100 ext. 349 Burgess Metcalf— Via phone conference LS3P Architects Phone: 864-235-0405 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner Il Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Mark Westberg, Engineering Projects Supervisor Specific Site Location: 2600 Wadsworth Blvd Existing Zoning: Residential -Two (R-2) Existing Comp. Plan: Public, Primary Gateway Existing Site Conditions: The property is located at 2600 Wadsworth Blvd at the northeast corner of Wadsworth Blvd and W. 26`h Avenue. The subject property consists of one parcel platted as Lot 3, Block 3 of Barths Subdivision and has a total area of 9.08 acres, per Jefferson County Assessor. The property is currently the site of Beth Eden Baptist Church and School and contains multiple buildings connected via breezeways. There are also two outbuildings on the northern side of the property, with unknown dates of construction. The property is zoned R-2 and is currently approved under Conditional Use Permit No. CUP -94-03. Access to the property is currently provided on two curb cuts along W. 26`' Avenue. Surrounding properties are a mix of uses, zones and jurisdictions. To the north is the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, also on property zoned R-2. To the south. across W. 26`h Avenue is the City of Lakewood. To the west, across Wadsworth Blvd, is the Crown Hill Cemetery in unincorporated Jefferson County. To the east is an established residential neighborhood with R-2 zoning. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant proposes the demolition of the existing chapel, and the construction of a new chapel, a new gymnasium, additional parking and existing parking reconfiguration, and a new detention facility. The new chapel will be located along the Wadsworth Blvd frontage, near the center of the property. The new gymnasium will be constructed at the location of the demolished chapel, along the northern edge of the cluster of main buildings, fronting Wadsworth Blvd. Additional parking is proposed on the south and west sides of the property between W. 26th Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd and the buildings. The existing parking lot at the rear of the property will be reconfigured, and the new detention facility will be constructed in the southeast corner of the site. The access point at the eastern property edge to W. 26th Avenue will be removed, and access consolidated to a single point at the location of the existing access near the center. No new access to Wadsworth is proposed. There is no change of use proposed Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning The subject property is zoned Residential -Two (R-2). This zone district was established to provide for high quality, safe, quiet and stable residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with low-density residential character. In addition to single-family residential uses, there is a variety of other uses which can be approved by special use. A church use requires a Special Use Permit (SUP). Due to the addition of new buildings, an SUP with a Site Plan Review is required. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? Yes, a neighborhood meeting will be required prior to submittal of an application. Building Division comments: The building division was not present at the meeting. Staff suggests the applicant confer with the Building Department to ensure all City requirements are met for the proposed buildings. Public Works comments: Access The maintenance access at the northwest corner of the property will be required to be restricted with a gate, or other means, as maintenance access only. No public access to Wadsworth Blvd will be allowed. OA Drainage A Final Drainage Report from a CO licensed P.E. shall be required. The Report must detail how full flood attenuation detention incorporating water quality measures for the entire site will be acheieved. Public Improvements The City and CDOT are currently planning a project to widen Wadsworth Blvd at the site. This will require a Right -of -Way dedication in the future. The proposed plan will not conflict with this project as proposed. Streetscape improvements will be required along W. 26`h Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd in the form of additional street trees, as required in the Streetscape Design Manual. Improvements will not be required where the Wadsworth project is proposed. The applicant shall coordinate with staff the limits of the required public improvements. Special Use Permit (SUP) Process This request will require a special use permit. The first step in the process was the pre - application meeting held on August 6, 2015. For a special use permit, the next step required by the Community Development Department will be to conduct a neighborhood meeting. The applicant must coordinate with staff the date, time and location for the meeting. For this meeting, the applicant must notify all property owners within a 600 -foot radius of the property. Notification may be via mail or hand delivery. The Community Development Department will supply the applicant with a list of all property owners within the 600 -foot radius. A fee of $100 is required for staff to be present at this meeting. All costs associated with meeting, its location, and mailings will be paid by the applicant. The meeting will be led by the applicant and should inform those who are in attendance what is being proposed. After the neighborhood meeting is held, the applicant may submit their application for the Special Use Permit. Upon the submittal, the Special Use Permit application will be reviewed by the case manager and sent to outside agencies for review. This referral period is 15 days long and allows time for agencies to comment on the application. Modifications to the application may be required as a result of these comments. Once the review of the application is complete, the property must be posted for a minimum of 10 consecutive days. In addition to the sign, the Community Development Department will send written notification of the request to property owners within 300 feet. If no legitimate complaints regarding the request are received within the 10 -day period, the application for a Special Use Permit may be reviewed administratively. If a legitimate complaint is received by the Community Development Department, then the request for the Special Use Permit will be decided upon at a public hearing before the City Council. If the application is reviewed administratively and denied, the applicant can be appeal the decision to the City Council. 3 If a hearing before City Council is required for any reason, the neighborhood will be notified and the property shall be posted for a 15 -day period. At the public hearing staff will present evidence to recommend the approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the Special Use Permit. The public will be allowed to present evidence or give testimony in support or in opposition of the project. The City Council will approve, approve with conditions, or deny the project based on the testimonies given by staff, applicant, and the public. Utility Providers The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city. The utility and service providers for this property include: • Consolidated Mutual, phone: 303-238-0451 • Wheat Ridge Sanitation, phone: 303-424-7252 • Wheat Ridge Fire District #2, phone: 303403-5900 All land use applications will be sent on referral to these agencies for comment; however staff encourages potential applicants to contact service districts ahead of time. This may help to understand any design or infrastructure requirements and potential costs associated with the proposed project. Please be aware that the above comments are for general information purposes only. Staff cannot predict the outcome of any land use development application. A favorable response from staff does not obligate any decision-making body (Community Development Director, Public Works Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council) to a desired outcome. Staff will provide the best advice available given existing regulations, current policy, political climate and information submitted. Attachments: SUP Criteria, SUP Checklist, SUP Process Guide, Neighborhood Meeting Notification Template Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Lauren Mikulak — Senior Planner 303-235-2845 Lisa Ritchie — Planner 1I 303-235-2852 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg — Projects Engineer 303-235-2863 .19 LS5PENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM July 28, 2015 City of Wheat Ridge Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, SC 29669 Reference: Beth Eden Baptist Church Project No. 3800-132110 Project Description for Special Use Permit Application Dear City of Wheat Ridge: LS3P Associates, LTD. (LS3P) is writing on behalf of Beth Eden Baptist Church (BEBC) located at 2600 N. Wadsworth Boulevard on this 28" day of July, 2015. BEBC has developed plans for facility additions and improvements working with the architecture firm LS3P and their consulting engineers and architecture firm; Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers (Civil), JVA Consulting Engineers (Structural), The Ballard Group, Inc. (Mechanical and Plumping), Reese Engineering, Inc. (Electrical), and Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture (Consultant Architecture). The church is requesting approval from the City of Wheat Ridge for a special use permit for the project described below. The proposed project is to include: 1. Revisions to existing site drainage (including a new retention pond); 2. Revisions to portions of parking areas and drives; 3. New parking areas; 4. New inter -site driveways; 5. Demolition of selected existing structures / portions of existing structures; 6. Additions to existing structures (gym, support spaces and stage area), and: 7. New structures (chapel and covered walkways). Revisions to site work are proposed to provide appropriate site drainage to a new retention pond. The proposed site drainage incorporates all revisions to existing parking / drives, new parking / drives, all revisions to existing structures, and additions of new structures. The new retention pond is to be located in the south east corner of the site. The existing irrigation pond is to remain in the same location on the north edge of the site. The proposed plans include revising the existing parking and drives located on the south east corner of the site to accommodate the new retention pond and new drive located south of the existing sanctuary structure. The two drives located along the south of the property will be combined to create one entry point with one ingress lane and two egress lanes, creating a cleaner vehicular access. New parking areas and associated drives are proposed along the west edge of the campus structures to provide access to new structures, and better access to existing structures. The bulk of the new parking will exist at an elevation lower than the adjacent street (Wadsworth Boulevard), and a large portion will be screened from the street via the proposed retaining wall required to maintain the integrity of the existing adjacent sidewalk, grass yard, etc. The retaining wall will not be visible from the street. A new accessible pedestrian walk will be added from the existing sidewalk adjacent to Wadsworth Boulevard to the main entry area on the south east quadrant of the existing structure. 110 W. NORTH STREET, SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 864.235.0405 PH 864.233.4027 FAX . LS3P.COM LS5PENGAGE DESIGN TRANSFORM New driveways will be provided per the proposed plans to allow for vehicular flow within the site, while being outside of the pedestrian pathway network (which is located within the campus between existing and proposed structures). The proposed scope of work includes the demolition of selective portions of existing structures. The existing circular chapel structure located on the North West corner of the property will be demolished to allow for new construction. Partial demolition will also be required to construct an addition (stage) on the east wall of the existing structure (existing cafeteria) located on the north east corner of the campus. Part of the new construction included in the proposed work includes the addition of new stage on the east wall of the existing cafeteria (as indicated above) and a large addition of a gymnasium / youth space on the west side of the existing cafeteria. The gymnasium / youth addition will include a full size high school gymnasium suitable for basketball and volleyball, locker room spaces, support spaces (storage, coach's office), a youth worship space, and a lobby / concourse at the connection point with the existing cafeteria. The gymnasium elevation facing Wadsworth has been designed to break down the scale of the structure to proportions that are more in scale with the lower existing structures and proposed new chapel structure. Materials are intended to blend with the existing campus, while creating a stronger presence as a campus. New brick would match existing, while the introduction of new materials would add depth and variation to the otherwise more repetitive campus. Material selections beyond the brick veneer have not been finalized to date. Any applied signage would be installed in such a manner to adhere to current requirements. Additional new construction proposed includes a new chapel structure (not connected to any existing structure) to be located to the west of the existing educational building located on the west side of the campus and south of the new gymnasium addition. The chapel structure will include a break room and support spaces (lobby, restrooms, storage, a/v booth, etc.) in addition to the worship area. The exterior of the chapel facing Wadsworth would be composed primarily of brick veneer to match the existing. The form is to be reminiscent of the existing sanctuary's arced, but at a scale and form to create a more intimate expression. Covered walkways and entryways are proposed to incorporate the campus as a whole and promote pedestrian connections within the site (and also connections from outside the site). New covered walkways will contain similar materials as the proposed new structures. The forms will complement the existing covered walkways, but will not be direct imitations. Where covered walkways terminate at parking areas, the intent is for the walkways to create threshold or gate like openings at the human scale. Proposed elevations and plans are included per the submittal requirements. We look forward to working with you as the project progresses. Kindest Regards. LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. Burgess A. Metcalf AIA, LEED AP 110W. NORTH STREET, SUITE 300 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 864.235.0405 PH 664.233.4027 FAX a LS3P.COM I I EXISTING IRRIGATION POND O O O E3 �O O O P / ' ��' ENTRANCE �% i' - \�� FZ� - / � f. !PLAYGROUND / ��EXISTING BUILDING. -T � � TO REMAIN I GYMNASIUM EXPANSION E y. •x�AINING EXISTING SHED TO REMAIR - LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION WALL) O �. 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