HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP-16-01� J City of Wheat dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave June 9, 2016 Evan Scott, AECOM 1255 Broad Street, Suite 201 Clifton, NJ 07013 Re: Case No. CUP -16-01 Dear Mr. Scott: Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 Attached please find notice that your request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the expansion of a drive-through for the existing McDonald's restaurant at 3902 Wadsworth Boulevard has been approved with the following conditions: 1. The architectural upgrades, site plan modifications, and landscaping changes shall be consistent with the submittal documents, or other as approved by Staff. Enclosed is a copy of the staff report and Approval of Conditional Use Permit. For any applicant to exercise the right to develop a conditional use, a certificate of occupancy for development of the conditional use must be issued within three (3) years of the date of approval (June 9, 2019). Please feel free to be in touch with any further questions. Sincerely, 0ja Zack Wallace Planning Technician ,A,A,A.ci.,Aheatridge.co.us 7500 West 29th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033_� wheatPji:Je 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Approval of Conditional Use Permit WHEREAS, an application for a Conditional Use Permit was submitted to allow for the expansion of a drive-through to add an additional order point on property zoned Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) located at 3902 Wadsworth Boulevard referenced as Case No. CUP -16-01 WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Conditional Use Permit, relying on criteria listed in Sections 26-1118 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Conditional Use Permit to allow the expansion of a drive-through to add an additional order point on a property zoned Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) and located at 3902 Wadsworth Boulevard (Case No. CUP -16-01) is granted based on the following findings of fact: 1. The request for an administrative Conditional Use Pen -nit meets all applicable conditions of Section 26-1118 of the Code of Laws. 2. The proposed use is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses. 4. The orientation of parking spaces along the west side of the structure have been modified from the existing conditions in order to mitigate existing conflict points. 5. All responding agencies stated they can serve (and do currently serve) the property. With the following conditions: 1. The architectural upgrades, site plan modifications, and landscaping changes shall be consistent with the submittal documents, or other as approved by Staff. U LL t ennet Johnston , AICP D to Community Develppment Director City of Wh6atRi_dge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director DATE: June 2, 2016 CASE MANAGER: Zack Wallace CASE NO. & NAME: CUP -16-01 / McDonalds ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow an expansion to the existing drive through to add an additional order point LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3902 Wadsworth Boulevard APPLICANT (S): OWNER (S): Evan Scott, AECOM Wheat Ridge 08 LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 44,388 square feet (1.02 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) PRESENT LAND USE: Drive-through fast food restaurant ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Map Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's Site All application requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make an administrative decision for this Conditional Use Permit. I. REQUEST Case No. CUP -16-01 is an application by AECOM on behalf of McDonald's to allow the expansion of the existing drive through to accommodate two order points on property zoned Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) and located at 3902 Wadsworth Boulevard (Exhibit 1, Aerial). This request comes among a series of interior and exterior improvements to the existing McDonald's as part of the company's Remodel Program. The MU -C zone district allows eating establishments with a drive-through or drive -up as a conditional use. Minimum separation requirements for drive-through/drive-up uses only apply to properties that did not have a legal operating drive-through/drive-up use at the time of rezoning to a mixed use zone district. This McDonald's was constructed in 1996 with a legal drive-through, and has undergone very few improvements/renovations since. A 2011 city -initiated rezoning of the Wadsworth corridor from approximately 35th Avenue to 44th Avenue rezoned the subject property from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C). Pursuant to Section 26-1118 of the Code of Laws, the Community Development Director has the ability to decide upon applications for Conditional Use Permits without a public hearing, provided the following conditions are met: 1. A pre -application meeting has been held with the applicant and City staff. 2. A completed application package has been submitted and fee paid. 3. The proposed application has been through the City's standard agency referral process. 4. The Community Development Director concludes that the criteria for approval, as set forth below, are substantially complied with and support the request. The Community Development Director can impose conditions or stipulations upon the approval, which may include physical design, operational, and maintenance considerations to ensure compliance with the criteria for review. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS Subject Property The property is located at 3902 Wadsworth Boulevard, approximately 800 feet north of 38th Avenue, in the Wheat Ridge Marketplace shopping center. The property was rezoned to Mixed Use Commercial (per Case No. WZ-11-03) along with the majority of neighboring properties along Wadsworth Boulevard (Exhibit 2, Zoning Map). The existing McDonald's is part of the Wheat Ridge Marketplace which houses various dining establishments and retail stores. To the north and west of the subject property are more dining establishments (some with drive-throughs) and retail stores, in addition to an office building at 41" and Wadsworth. To the east of the Wheat Ridge Marketplace development is an area of residential properties and an elementary school. The subject property is Lot 3 of the Wheat Ridge Marketplace Subdivision First Filing. According to Jefferson County Assessor records, the total size of the property is 44,388 square feet (1.02 acres). The existing building was originally constructed in 1996, and has been occupied by a McDonald's since. Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's III. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing interior and exterior improvements to an existing McDonald's restaurant location on Wadsworth Boulevard (Exhibit 4, Letter of Request). These improvements include the addition of a drive-through order point, prompting the need for a conditional use permit. According to the applicant, the remodel of the existing restaurant is in response to a changing food service environment, which puts an emphasis on a brighter, more open, and livelier restaurant experience. Adding a second drive-through order point, which can currently be seen at many McDonald's restaurants in the Metro area, will help to reduce stacking and speed up order wait times. Upgrades to the parking stalls, curb ramps, sidewalks, signage, and restrooms will make the restaurant compliant with the latest ADA standards. Per Public Works request during the pre -application meeting, the parking spaces along the east side of the building have been changed from angled to perpendicular (Exhibit S, Site Plan). The existing angled parking spaces run counter to the flow of traffic in the nearest travel lane. The chance for conflicts is increased in this area, especially for cars reversing out of the angled parking spaces and cars travelling around the stacked cars in the drive-through lane (Exhibit 6, Current Conflicts). The addition of a second drive through order point should also help this situation by reducing the number of stacked cars. Making the eastern parking spaces perpendicular will also help increase visibility both for vehicles reversing into the travel lane and for cars in the travel lane and their ability to see parked vehicles reversing from the parking spaces. Finally, improvements to the exterior fagade will help improve the appearance of this structure by updating outdated architecture to a more modern and clean look. A fresh exterior, introduction of flat roof overhangs (rather than the current mansard overhangs) and a simplified branding feature on the southwest corner of the building, will be evidently clear to vehicles traveling along Wadsworth Boulevard (Exhibit 7, Elevations). IV. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW The Community Development Director shall use the following criteria from Section 26-1118 to evaluate each application for a Conditional Use Permit. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the CUP criteria. 1. The compatibility of the proposed use Nvith the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan calls this section of Wadsworth Boulevard a Primary Commercial Corridor, Community Commercial Center, and Neighborhood Buffer. Primary Commercial Corridor All primary commercial corridors have been tasked with accommodating multiple transportation modes and exemplifying high quality urban design and appearance. The Wadsworth Corridor, in particular, is the city's principal commercial corridor and key target for redevelopment. Retaining existing businesses and improving the function and appearance of the corridor are key components of this corridor designation. The McDonald's remodel will help to retain an existing business as they expand their service capacity with an additional order point. The interior and exterior remodel will help to improve the appearance of the building, and perhaps be a catalyst for more appearance improvements along the corridor. Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's Community Commercial Center Ensuring that commercial areas remain economically strong and able to serve the community's needs is a goal of the community commercial center designation. Improvements to these centers should address the appearance and transportation functions of the existing centers. The proposed drive-through order point addition to the existing McDonalds and interior and exterior upgrades are intended to improve both the appearance and transportation function of an existing business allowing it to remain economically strong and able to compete with market demands. Neighborhood Buffer Neighborhood buffer areas serve as a buffer of lower intensity commercial uses between residential and higher intensity commercial uses. Emphasis is placed on the vitality, appearance, use, and property values in this area. The improvements to the existing McDonald's will help to improve the appearance of a nearly 20 year old fagade, helping to increase the value of the property. Adding an additional order point will help improve the economic vitality of the business. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 2. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and proposed adjacent uses in terms of scale, site design, and operating characteristics (including traffic generation, lighting, noise and hours of operation). The existing use of this structure already contains a drive-through. The addition of second drive-through order point should, presumably, decrease the amount of cars stacked into the shopping center parking lot. The second order point will only minimally expand the scope of the current site. The site design accommodates this by removing three underutilized parking spaces along the northern edge of the property, and reorienting three remaining parking spaces in the same area (Exhibit S, Site Plan). Furthermore, the adjacent use to the north is a drive-through fast food restaurant, with another to the north of that. To the south is a gas station, with two drive-throughs located to its south. To the east is a large parking lot which serves the Wheat Ridge Marketplace strip mall. To the west is Wadsworth Boulevard, an additional fast food drive through restaurant, and an auto repair shop. The proposed drive-through expansion is not out of character with the surrounding area or Wadsworth Boulevard corridor. The scale of the property will stay the same, as will the operating characteristics. Lighting, noise, hours of operation will all remain relatively the same, with updated equipment. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The ability to mitigate adverse and undesirable impacts to the surrounding areas including but not limited to visual impacts, air emissions, vibrations, glare, heat, odors, water pollution, and other nuisance effects. Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's The site design has been improved, by the request of the City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department, by reorienting the angled parking on the north side of the building to be perpendicular to the building, limiting potential conflicts and nuisances. It is likely that a dual drive through order point can reduce the stacking of cars, which during peak periods can back up into the shopping centers drive aisles, and block access/egress from parking spaces. Additionally, the renovations to the structure will revive a tired, and architecturally outdated property with new a new fagade, interior, and eastern parking lot configuration. Staff finds this criterion has been met 4. The amount of traffic generated and capacity and design of roadways to handle anticipated traffic. This restaurant is located on Wadsworth Boulevard, a major arterial roadway scheduled for a major facelift within the next several years. While it may be assumed that most access for this McDonald's is gained from the main entry drive that enters Wheat Ridge Marketplace parallel with 39"' Avenue, the Marketplace as a whole has 3 entrances from Wadsworth and 2 from 38th Avenue. In addition, an internal private drive runs from 38th Avenue to 44`h Avenue connecting the Wheat Ridge Marketplace with the Big Lots shopping center and First Bank building. Access to the Marketplace is dispersed through its various entrances and internal roadways. The addition of a drive-through order point is not foreseen to generate much more traffic than is currently present along the corridor and in the Marketplace. Additionally, at the request of the Public Works department, access to the drive through order points has been addressed by the applicant to reduce conflicts currently present on the site. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 5. The incorporation and integration of architectural and landscape features to mitigate impacts from the proposed use. The adjacent use to the north is a Good Times Burger drive-through restaurant. There is an existing landscape buffer between the two restaurants. The adjacent land use to the south is a Safeway fueling center. A major access drive into the shopping center provides a buffer between the two uses. The renovation of this McDonald's does not plan to remove any of the landscaped areas currently present on the site. Staff finds this criterion has been met. V. AGENCY REFERRAL Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed the request, and has no comments. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No objections; provided general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's West Metro Fire District: No comments or concerns. Xcel Energy: No concerns; provided information about existing distribution facilities along easterly and westerly property lines, and the process for establishing new gas or electric service, if needed. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Having found the application for Case No. CUP -16-01 / McDonalds — a Conditional Use Permit to allow the expansion of a drive through in the Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) zone district — to be complete and in compliance with the majority of the applicable review criteria, staff recommends APPROVAL of the conditional use request for the following reasons: 1. The request for an administrative Conditional Use Permit meets all applicable conditions of Section 26-1118 of the Code of Laws. 2. The proposed use is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses. 4. The orientation of parking spaces along the west side of the structure have been modified from the existing conditions in order to mitigate existing conflict points. 5. All responding agencies stated they can serve (and do currently serve) the property. With the following conditions: 1. The architectural upgrades, site plan modifications, and landscaping changes shall be consistent with the submittal documents, or other as approved by Staff. Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP � Vgrof R�idgc Geographic Information Systems Legend Subject Property Displayed Zone Districts Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Restricted Commercial (RC) Residential -Two (R-2) Residential -Three (R-3) 0 rACREIN ^'fiton f !! 1-� ! Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's 8 1 'w -4. 38THAVE swt PI. -c -W -1e Prosect_ N Coio•aao Ceneai Zone Datum NAD83 A UJI Z _ Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's 8 EXHIBIT 3: SITE PHOTOS Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's .,A,� • �. ,tis., _� ;>., View of the existing structure, looking southwest. Facade improvements to the structure and an expansion of the existing drive-through (seen on the right end of the photo) are features of the store's remodeling. Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's -A. View of the western edge of the property looking south. The existing drive-through is visibly present in the photo. One order point will be added, and the two proposed drive-through lanes will merge back into one in the area shown here. Wadsworth Boulevard is obscured by the wall to the right. Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's I 1 EXHIBIT 4: LETTER OF REQUEST URS A=COM May 6, 2016 Planning & Development Department Subject: Wheat Ridge, CO - McDonald's Remodel - H•oject Narrative Description of Proposal: The McDonald's Remodel Program is a response to the changing food service environment. The re -branding of the building exterior is meant to reflect a new and brighter, open and livelier McDonald's catering to a diverse and health conscious audience. The remodel for the McDonald's located at 3902 Wadsworth Blvd. includes a fully updated fagade and minor interior renovations. The facade remodel includes installing updated McDonald's signage on three (3) elevations and implementing "brand wall" elements to warm the facade. It also includes the removal of the mansard roof and replacing several existing windows and a door. Trellises will be installed on entrance and drive-thru elevations for sun/rain shelter. All exterior lighting on the building will be replaced with LED lighting. The interior renovations include a new d6cor layout and updating the existing restrooms to ADA compliancy. This also includes updates to walls, fixtures, and finishes. The front counter and menuboards will be replaced as well. Existing building and site function to remain. The site will be modified to add a second drive- thru order point. This is being done to reduce stacking and to speed up order wait times. One existing overgrown tree is being removed behind the building as it is obstructing the drive-thru equipment and automobiles. The site ADA is being updated to meet the latest standards which includes parking stalls, curb ramps, sidewalks, and signage. The parking lot will also be restriped. There will be a new internal storage shed in the existing trash coral. All existing site utilities, lot fighting, and landscape elements are to remain. Sincerely, Evan J. Scott AIA, LEED AP BD+C AECOM Cc: Johri Litman- McDonald's Project Manager AECOM 1255 Broad Street, Sufte 201 Clifton, New Jersey 07013-3398 TEL' 973.883.8500 FAX 973.883.8501 www.urscorp.com Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's 12 EXHIBIT 5: SITE PLAN I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 L Hf JAI oil Ell �g �wN co . ,E cx,waa McDonald's USA LLC t 6 •+••• c.w, ro,raem ti.��: en�nw�. unee�eso, .......�.._�.-.... Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's 13 L 1 I � I1 i 1 1 1 1 7. .;•. l SII ` I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 L Hf JAI oil Ell �g �wN co . ,E cx,waa McDonald's USA LLC t 6 •+••• c.w, ro,raem ti.��: en�nw�. unee�eso, .......�.._�.-.... Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's 13 2014 Aerial of the subject property showing the potential for conflicts. The red arrows indicate general travel lanes through Wheat Ridge Marketplace. The blue arrow represents the drive-through lane and stacking area, in conflict with the travel lanes. The yellow arrows represent a vehicle pulling into/out of the angled parking spaces, which run counter to the nearest travel lane, and have increase potential for conflicts where the travel lanes, parking spaces, and drive-through stacking area converge. Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's 14 EXHIBIT 7: ELEVATIONS t t 9'V d t t t 0 Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's m� m d 0 .M 0 L ■ INN 1'"" Y ID T t N O �2 O y F o. 0 0 nay inn J W N do;l SCI 00C n rt •- t o m OH Case No. CUP -16-01 /McDonald's m� m d 0 .M 0 L ■ INN 1'"" City of :�q�WheatRid_CFC LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant Evan Scott Phone 973-883-8590 Email evan.scott(&aecom.com Address, City, State, Zip 1255 Broad Street, Suite 201, Clifton, NJ 07013 Owner Johri Litman Phone 720-357-5634 Email Johri.Litmanpus.mcd.com Address, City, State, Zip 4643 South Ulster St Suite 1300 Denver CO 80237 Contact Evan Scott Phone 973-883-8590 Email evan.scottnnaecom.com Address, City, State, Zip 1255 Broad Street, Suite 201, Clifton, NJ 07013 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy ofthe staffreport prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): 3902 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): O Change of Zone or Zone Conditions ?Special Use Permit 71 Subdivision — specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) ?..Special Use Permit O Administrative (up to 3 lots) O Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan 0 Major (6 or more lots) O Variance/Waiver (from Section 26- O Right of Way Vacation O Other: Detailed description of request: SGI= fbEi–nw Mi0 A-rrA" The remodel for McDonald's includes an updated fagade and interiors to meet new standards. The existing restrooms within the restaurant will also be remodeled to comply with ADA standards. The fagade remodel includes removing all existing signage and installing updated signage on three (3) elevations. It also includes the removal of mansard roofs, as well as implementation of "brand wall' elements. New trellises will be installed on entrance and drive-thru elevations for sun/rain shelter. All exterior lighting on the building is being replaced with LED lighting. There will also be a new decor layout on the interior. All existing restroom walls, fixtures and finishes will be removed and replaced and updated to meet the current ADA standards. Existing use and occupancy of this restaurant will not change. 1 certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf.' Notarized Signature of Applicant , State of entoffdn i J =fy County of Q� Z t,Qi } ss The foregoing instrument (Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me this 6 day of I -I1 2016 by LOIS A. WHITMORE. NOTARY PUBUC OF NEW JERSEY W COIgIIMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31,.2021 Notary To be filled out b staff: Date received Comp Plan Design. Related Case No. Assessor's Parcel No. 3q- - D - Size (acres or sgft) J1 4 If fVMy commission expires 061 /�1 _/20ALql Fee S 2-CX)— Receipt No. Pre -App Mtg. Date Current Zoning M U - L Proposed Zoning Case No. Lu tom. Quarter Section Map S E 2 �j Case Manager &J IS I I Art Current Use bt the r rr, t,o vrs. Proposed Use eA,t City Of Rev. 512014 Wheat jdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Conditional Use Permit Project Name: McDonald's - 38th & Wadsworth Project Location: 3902 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 Application Contents: A conditional use permit (CUP) is associated with conditional uses in mixed use zone districts. The following items represent a complete CUP application: /1. Completed, notarized land use application form V2. Application fee - c -AL -i- FSR_ CR-'E�-Orr c1+AD :Z3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) 4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) ,76. Wri ten request and description of the proposal Include a response to the CUP review criteria—these are found in Section 26-1118 of the municipal code Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe .pdf file is required): – 1. Site plan application—required if new development is proposed with the CUP �Z2. Proposed building elevations 3. Trip generation letter or traffic study =4. Drainage report As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the sec7d (2"d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. i Signature: Date: Ds. 1 - [ Name (please print): � v� S SCc-� Phone: `�7 67 a 1 Community Development Department • (303) 235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us uRs acoM May 6, 2016 Planning & Development Department Subject: Wheat Ridge, CO - McDonald's Remodel — Project Narrative Description of Proposal: The McDonald's Remodel Program is a response to the changing food service environment. The re -branding of the building exterior is meant to reflect a new and brighter, open and livelier McDonald's catering to a diverse and health conscious audience. The remodel for the McDonald's located at 3902 Wadsworth Blvd. includes a fully updated fagade and minor interior renovations. The fagade remodel includes installing updated McDonald's signage on three (3) elevations and implementing "brand wall" elements to warm the fagade. It also includes the removal of the mansard roof and replacing several existing windows and a door. Trellises will be installed on entrance and drive-thru elevations for sun/rain shelter. All exterior lighting on the building will be replaced with LED lighting. The interior renovations include a new d6cor layout and updating the existing restrooms to ADA compliancy. This also includes updates to walls, fixtures, and finishes. The front counter and menuboards will be replaced as well. Existing building and site function to remain. The site will be modified to add a second drive- thru order point. This is being done to reduce stacking and to speed up order wait times. One existing overgrown tree is being removed behind the building as it is obstructing the drive-thru equipment and automobiles. The site ADA is being updated to meet the latest standards which includes parking stalls, curb ramps, sidewalks, and signage. The parking lot will also be restriped. There will be a new internal storage shed in the existing trash coral. All existing site utilities, lot lighting, and landscape elements are to remain. Sincerely, Evan J. Scott AIA, LEED AP BD+C AECOM Cc: Johri Litman— McDonald's Project Manager AECOM 1255 Broad Street, Suite 201 Clifton, New Jersey 07013-3398 TEL: 973.883.8500 FAX: 973.883.8501 www.urscorp.com 07/14/2008 10:24 FAX ACF PROP MGT CORP OFFICE 01002/013 2008048451 05/16/2DD8 03:28:48 PM PGS rnc y Rewr$36.00eSoonnD� $tt1yy co .25 Pam Andersen. Clerk and Recarwr TD1000 Y SPECUL WARRAN'1"Y DEEB Recording requested by and when recorded piessc ret m to: Hrowrutela Hyatt Farber Schmk, LLP 410 17°i Street, Seita 2200 Denver, CO 80202 Atm: Oriene Mitchell TkM SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED is made this J!��day of May, 2008, by WHEAT RIDGE MARKET PLACE, a Colorado general partnership ("fiM=71 in favor of WHEAT RIDGE 08 A, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("Grantee'% which has an office at c/o ACF Property Management, Inc., 3 801 F. Florida Avenue, Suite 102, Denver, Colorado 80210-2538, WITNESSETH, That CkwAor, for and in consideration of Ten and No/10o Dollars (510.00) ars! other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, 1w grouted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does great, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto Ch nice, its successors and assigns forever, all the real property, together with improvements, located in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described on ExMH A• attached hereto and incorporaud herein by this refemrioe. TOGETBER with all and singular the hereditaments sad appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits th=of, and all the estate, right, title, interrsst, claim and damartd whatsoever of Grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hareditame=, easements, rights of way and appurtenances, and with all of Grantor's interest, if any, in and to any and all minerals, water, ditches, wells, reservr in and drains, and all water, ditci well, reservoir and drainage rights which are appurtenant to, located on, now or heresfte7 acquired under or above or used in connection with the property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described with the appurtenances, unto Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, for itself, and its successors and assigns, does covenasrt, grunt, bargain and agree to and with the Grantee, its successors and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, Grantor is well seized of the premises above conveyed„ has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inhwitanoe, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authcrity to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same is manner and fora as aforesaid, and that the same aro free and clear from all former and other grants bargains, sales, liens, =s, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nat= whatsoever, except those matters set Borth on Exbibft B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 604U.V d 133 M.4 ACF Property Management, Inc. May 9, 2016 Regarding: McDonald's Corporation 3902 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear City of Wheat Ridge: As agent for the owner of the property located at the address noted above, please accept this letter as our authorization for McDonalds Corporation to secure a Conditional Use Permit for their proposed remodeling of their store located at the address noted above. Proposed work to include interior and exterior improvements, including replacing the exterior mansard roof with a new updated looking parapet, updating signage and adding an additional order point in the drive thru. No major structural changes are planned. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our office. Thank you, Wheat Ridge 08 A, LLC ACF Property Management, Inc. Its: Manager Cathy Reynolds, Vice President C 1512 Larimer Street, Suite IOR ■ Denver, CO ■ 80202 Phone: 303.291.01I I ■ Fax: 303.291.1044 •. r t� I\ �J C W C 2 LL C 0 m > W Qi U) rr2 1E .t 0 Z "fill ❑ ■❑❑❑C:_ y0 m O U 7 m m , m7g yID W Cr �mr 'D '0 m m o�of � � m U O � 3 W ) rn 0 a 0 N L Cl) m m 0 6 0 0 ��a nw uweam�.�.wi4r rplanxl0 1ppygiCt{40lWpYt[! c�0lh/S � yMCilO[OM'�M� tOL �lS'W6 Moi 9R1 _ _ 2CL K °"'°m°o •01'1 �fl s.PPypO '� W1831x3 9t 3800 dbM a ., W a� eag jai �t E 1 yq lip g log IN rru WAVIL I Y p 1 \ \ 1 sa Ph l+ t I � ' s v� � pJ � � •;! o, I wa a St St I �t 1 � � I J IN 0 8 pp 's y g g � b z �� � S g❑ �� Li 1��� OO®OO©OO® �Q R -----------�C� 1 . I i I 1`I i 00 Sp� ate$ 80ia31x3 sr 3800 eaw lQ r laW [9V U6.40lCV [VQ CL6 - � m Br ppECK lu. fN �AIIJ ttj� owe ...._pn.p �uoe tlQ: uoyuaCn7 A!A 0 -1 vsn s.piwocom•'yam' 801631%3 9L 3800 d6n ,y t, t gb gg gY 9 � jY Xaa�Evgqln`tf `8 S. 7`77V1 7 n Iboo ooaoo©oo® � �. - t• 8 B�o ���7a� _9 �� Ilya; M. I x s u� In ...... .... �-WorN uoqeiodrooiii Jll I'm oppmoam,w LI Em [-L ,.• 16Y WY CL6 .408Sp [PY� - - - 9�0[/r/G $�� um 801831x3 9l 3aO� aNv 8�y S M :)-n `vsn s.Plewcow Y� n. 7 �■ ^ � u Y QF i oo c� O C e ddp �■ 1255 Broad Street Clifton, NJ 07013 TEL: (973) 883.8500 FAX: (973) 883.8501 City of Wheat Ridge C/O Zack Wallace, Plann 7500 West 29,nAvenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-235-2849 SIR OR MADAM: WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached ❑ Shop Drawings Prints ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Change Order LETTER OF T R ° NSA TTAL DATE JOB NO. 5/31/16 60483275 ATTENTION Zack Wallace Re: McDonald's 38`' & Wadsworth, CO PLEASE REFER TO THIS TRANSMITTAL NUMBER ON ALL FUTURE CORRESPONDENE ❑ Under a separate cover via the following items: ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Other: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 5/31/16 005-0319-00-0 38 & Wadsworth, Wheat Ridge, CO — CUP Drawings 1 5/31/16 005-0319-00-0 38 & Wadsworth, Wheat Ridge, CO — Notarized Application 1 5/31/16 005-0319-00-0 38 & Wadsworth, Wheat Ridge, CO — Submittal Checklist 1 5/31/16 005-0319-00-0 38 & Wadsworth, Wheat Ridge, CO — Project Narrative 1 5/31/16 005-0319-00-0 38 & Wadsworth, Wheat Ridge, CO — Proof Of Ownership 1 5/31/16 005-0319-00-0 38 & Wadsworth, Wheat Ridge, CO — Written Authorization From Owner 1 5/31/16 005-0319-00-0 38 & Wadsworth, Wheat Ridge, CO — Photometrics THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ No Exceptions Taken For your use ❑ Revise as Noted ❑ As requested ❑ Amend and Resubmit ❑ For review & comment ❑ Rejected -See Remarks ❑ FORBIDS DUE 19 REMARKS: Copy to: ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ Other ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Signed:. Evan Scott, AIA LEED AP evan.scott@aecom.com rx °a p ti t / d � �j Maio- Moo - I'll i � � an ,ID b h i a ro ION � (��^� Ii j li r. b, 4a .e ..• ni o ie `e __ _ _ t 4 E a 1z _ _ !— 1�✓)Y1 OCI11 11 1112 \ rl 11 - \ _ 4 OL. �n �., e. 1( E.. 'C° �q V� L L bd ° N� �- } �� 4_ •. .la 1 . .. ._ S 1=` i I O a h p. b ,a i� i 11 4= 14� b. I . v t I PHOTOMETRIC P PH.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'--0" URS PROJECT No. 60483275 a 0 8` 16 32' WADSWORTH BLVD 1 ul}fC SCi iBdE0a -0-- -- f�-- -_-_ Manufactur CatalogNORTSymbol Label Quantity ----..--._ - --_- N_nbe_rDescripon LamP -- - Lumens Per rer Number ILight Lass ` Wattagee(SECURITLamps Lamp actor I3all-Wash NichaLEDs- LIGHTING L.2t LEDown-ght Downt-ight--LED_D_ 41 - - 36-U - �StatiStlCS land Sign 18, U li ht- _ - !LightUpLight 112 -- �Descrp -- p 9 � 120.1ES 5 on SECURITY IHIRAFLED- 3'Wall-Wash NichaLEDs- 1 �Cale Zen- #1 9243.289 4 - - - 24.5 LED3D- - - ' LED LIGHTING �36 DD -120 DownLight IDownLight- irtIRAF-LED- 1 18 36 DO- - - — 1120JES 1 (SECURITY — -- j - r-- -- �— liIRAF ED- 4 Wall-Wasfi NichdLEDs- 1 LED4-HIRAF- 2952.936 55 1 LEC :LIGHTING 148 -UD- 120 IDownLight IDownLight ;LED -48 -UD- 1 - -- 12 SSL 'Light Uptight i16 P9-- -- - 120.IES -- --- (and Sign- 24, U li ht- r 30 COUNT (DOWN/UP 30- LEDs I S1-RWSC- 1433.372 43.6 1 !LED LIGHT LIGHT) - ITO'TA 18 I50LED- i �.�� � � TEST RAN AS DO.IES LEDS ON i I DOWNLIGNT DOWNSIDE Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Mic 2.3 fc 12.2 fc�- - 0- -1 fc 122.0:1 23,0:1 0.2:1 M m L � a) b C P Lt) O `p CCU b m cl� L Coco, o m 00 0��Mr- C? M 11 S2 x Q 8 /0 S✓ ,� 0V 1- V{ ^. Q L00) m U) co _s: EU � U S { L) W m C c 3: O \ a U rn c J a N C U Q O U O p N Q s= L� N O C aao N�o� 0— o °'a vao o c N ¢' E O O ]4 o a y =+ !n poyy a U C N N v W o 005-0319.00,0 C B L U O C C L N O C N C C N Q N O w_ O C U p U p U y N C ry L N `m a � 0 4- U ": v)ornpcy`o PHOTOMETRIC PLAN K 0c o N N OJC a Tj p O n 0 � U N N ] p - c 0 ) ® 5poo`oa = O O S N r W ui O U O Ln W `� w V) w it (D M m O cl� L o m W CO w 0 N r � o Q O O C N U O W 0— K CO O o ~ W n- W o 005-0319.00,0 d z w_ PHOTOMETRIC PLAN M m SSS', -L -1-1.,. 6 1ILK'G PLAYPLACE ELN. + 23-10" T/ARCADE: REVEAL ELN. + 20'-9" T/ARCADE REVEAL & T/BLDG. PARAPET ELN. + 97'-6" B ARCADE REVEAL ELEV. + 14'-10" -f- GLLV. + 10 -8 T/ARCADE REVEAL ELN. + 9'-0" I B/ARCADE REVEAL '� ELN. + 3'-4" + 20'-9" iDE REVEAL & PARAPET , y„�E='RNEAL'.PARAPET & 1 + 10'-8 �� ' �.., T/ARCADE REVEAL + 9'-0" B/ARCADE REVEAL ELN. + 6'-3 1/2" W 0 13/ARCADE REVEAL. ELN. + 3'-4" Non-Drive-Thru a Elevation 4j WG ! PLAYPLACE ore NEMMUMMMM l � j 5 � C Bleaker Beige BM -HC -80 Stucco - Accent Color: s s 6 1ILK'G PLAYPLACE ELN. + 23-10" T/ARCADE: REVEAL ELN. + 20'-9" T/ARCADE REVEAL & T/BLDG. PARAPET ELN. + 97'-6" B ARCADE REVEAL ELEV. + 14'-10" -f- GLLV. + 10 -8 T/ARCADE REVEAL ELN. + 9'-0" I B/ARCADE REVEAL '� ELN. + 3'-4" + 20'-9" iDE REVEAL & PARAPET , y„�E='RNEAL'.PARAPET & 1 + 10'-8 �� ' �.., T/ARCADE REVEAL + 9'-0" B/ARCADE REVEAL ELN. + 6'-3 1/2" W 0 13/ARCADE REVEAL. ELN. + 3'-4" Non-Drive-Thru a Elevation 4j WG ! PLAYPLACE ore NEMMUMMMM !materials Legend, Stucco - Base Color: Bleaker Beige BM -HC -80 Stucco - Accent Color: Alexandria Beige BM -HC -77 Stucco - Brand Walls Iron Mountain BM -2234-30 Aluminum Canopy (Metal) Glazing (Windows +Storefront) Aluminum Trellis Metal (Coping) EdCorrugated Metal Proposed McDonald"s Restaurant Rendered 41 -~ Elevations EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN. NEW STORAGE IN EXISTING TRASH CORRAL NORTH 1 Si PIAN SP.1 0 8 16' 32' URS PROJECT No_ 60483275 a.. WADSWORTH BLVD LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE SF 5,415 SQ FT PROPERTY SF 49,033 SQ FT 10TAL PERCENT 11% FvARKING GENERAL NOTES ! EXISTING BUILDING 4,480 SQ FT NEW ADDITION 0 SQ FT TOTAL 4,480 SQ FT REQUIRED @ 45 SPACES l SPACES FOR rrPARKING EVERY 100 SF PARKING PROVIDED 33 SPACES SHARED PARKING ADJACENT. LEGEND m NOT ALL SYMBOLS APPEAR ON SHEET EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER TO REMAIN -- -- - - EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER TO BE REMOVED NEW CURB AND GUTTER. SEE SCHEDULE NOTE 5. NEW STRIPING (4" WHITE) EXISTING CONCRETE z o cL a. NEW 6" CONCRETE SLAB u c� EXTENT OF SIDEWALK ADA WORK EXISTING PROPOERTY LINE (APPROX. - NOT SURVEYED) EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STRIPING TO BE REMOVED EXISTING BOLLARD SS ? EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE LIJ 11. NEW 'GATEWAY' SIGN. FOOTING TO BE 18" TO 24" m o w c° FROM FACE OF CURB. s n z N o 12. NEW "ANY LANE / ANY TIME" SIGN. w 13. NEW PRE -SELL BOARD. soz 14. NEW COD - CUSTOMER ORDER DISPLAY.s3 soz 15. NEW LOOP DETECTORS. (OPTIONAL) 2 sDl Sol 16. NEW MENUBOARD. ANGLE SHOULD BE 417-50' FOR MAXIMUM VISIBILITY. 5 SD2 SD2 17. 80--0" FROM COD TO CASH WINDOW. � a w 18. NEW STORAGE ROOM IN EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE. sos w 19. EXISTING GREASE INTERCEPTOR. LOCATIOI SHOWN BASED ON SITE VISIT; SEE w o PLUMBING DRAWINGS. d Lv Z J Q 20. 30' FROM COD TO PRE -SELL BOARD. o U o � N 21. PROVIDE NEW WHEEL STOPS AND NEW ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE AT ADA VAN AND CAR PARKING SPACES PER ADA STA,IDARDS. E w o 22. PROVIDE SIGNAGE FOR PULL -FORWARD SPACE. 005-0319.00.0 23, PROVIDE NEW CURB RAMP W/ 8% MAX. RUNNING SLOPE AND 2% MAX.S r CROSS SLOPE W/ LEVEL LANDING 5' LOI WG TOP AND BOTTOM. SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES LI A. DIMENSIONS AND RADII SHOWN ARE 10 FLOWLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE :- STATED. �.. B. ALL CURBS ARE 6" AND SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY WITH CONCRETE PAVEMENT. ` C. VERIFY IN FIELD ALL LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND RESOLVE ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH MCDONALDS PROJECT MANAGER PRIOR TO II I D. COMMENCING WORK. COORDINATE ALL DRIVE-THRU =_ �,� STRIPING AND MARKINGS WITH THE ,1 MCDONALDS PROJECT MANAGER. ���``§' - M ' C Q E. CONCRETE SHALL BE 6 MIN. THICKNESS AND 4000 PSI STRENGTH AT 28 `. t • O DAYS. PROVIDE #4 REINFORCEMENT AT 12" O.C. AND SAWCUT JOINTS IN - CONCRETE PAVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI STANDARDS. F. COORDINATE GROUND COVER OF NEW ISLANDS WITH MCDONALDS PROJECT � o MANAGER. c o m G. ALL SITE WORK INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ASPHALT OVERLAY, 0 a 00 SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE SHALL BE IN cq a ACCORDANCE WITH MCDONALDS CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. m "� 0rn v H. MAINTAIN EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERNS WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION. " IS c c2 x 8 {0 07 0 "6 0 cUn — - --- SCHEDULEY CD mco i,_ L m G m o?C6 Lo m a NOTE: NOT ALL NOTES ARE USED ON PLAN clot Lo 1. EXISTING MCDONALDS BUILDING. a�()rn�c J = o-6 2. EXISTING CURB TO REMAIN. N N Q a2 N_O p 5- 0 3. STRIPE PARKING SPACES WITH 4" WHITE PAINT. 15 0 aa, 2 m o p 4. REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE SLAB PER Qv p ro p K DETAILS ON SD SHEETS. PAINT/STENCIL IN BLUE. PLACE HANDICAP SIGNS O o 3 w p _ a a . PER DETAILS z e =°°E�ov� 5. 6" VERTICAL CURB REINFORCED W/ FIBERMESH. o o ° 0.3 ' p Sp C O p L p O 6. 6° CONCRETE SLAB REINFORCED W/ FIBERMESH IN NEW DRIVE THRU LANES. L a i0 O V MATCH EXISTING CONCRETE (TO REMAIN) ALONG JOINT LINES WHERE O -34J ` p C o POSSIBLE. ° e7 w_ 7. EXISTING TRANSFORMER TO REMAIN. o V< N D C O .-, ° p 8. STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS TO BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE o 26 aE PLAN; USE YELLOW PAINT. V p o N 0 0 p U 9. 8" WIDE YELLOW STRIPE PAINTED. THIS STRIPING ALSO REPRESENTS THE 0 LIMIT OF THE NEW CONCRETE INSTALLATION. � �' a T a ao 10, 6" WIDE YELLOW STRIPE PAINTED. FOR MERGE POINT STRIPING o0v N ~ a s 11. NEW 'GATEWAY' SIGN. FOOTING TO BE 18" TO 24" m o w c° FROM FACE OF CURB. s n z N o 12. NEW "ANY LANE / ANY TIME" SIGN. w 13. NEW PRE -SELL BOARD. soz 14. NEW COD - CUSTOMER ORDER DISPLAY.s3 soz 15. NEW LOOP DETECTORS. (OPTIONAL) 2 sDl Sol 16. NEW MENUBOARD. ANGLE SHOULD BE 417-50' FOR MAXIMUM VISIBILITY. 5 SD2 SD2 17. 80--0" FROM COD TO CASH WINDOW. � a w 18. NEW STORAGE ROOM IN EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE. sos w 19. EXISTING GREASE INTERCEPTOR. LOCATIOI SHOWN BASED ON SITE VISIT; SEE w o PLUMBING DRAWINGS. d Lv Z J Q 20. 30' FROM COD TO PRE -SELL BOARD. o U o � N 21. PROVIDE NEW WHEEL STOPS AND NEW ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE AT ADA VAN AND CAR PARKING SPACES PER ADA STA,IDARDS. E w o 22. PROVIDE SIGNAGE FOR PULL -FORWARD SPACE. 005-0319.00.0 23, PROVIDE NEW CURB RAMP W/ 8% MAX. RUNNING SLOPE AND 2% MAX.S r CROSS SLOPE W/ LEVEL LANDING 5' LOI WG TOP AND BOTTOM. SITE PLAN T/BLK'G @ PLAYPLACE ELEV. + 23'-10" T/BLDG. PARAPET__ ELEV. + 17'-8" B/DRIVE-THRU TRELLIS ELEV. + 10'-8 14 JN T/SLAB ELEV. + 0'-0" FRONT LEVATIO A2.0 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 ON I'VE-TH A2.0 f SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" KEY NOTES- BW BRAND WALL - TALL (PLAY PLACE) TALL BRAND WALL — SIDE SIDE Ci ALUMINUM CANOPY (COLOR: BENJAMIN MOORE: CHANTILLY LACE BM OC --65) C2 ALUMINUM CANOPY TIE—BACK CD COMPOSITE DECKING PRIVACY SCREEN PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING CM CORRUGATED METAL PANEL — SEE (DETAILI COLOR: "CITYSTUAPE" BY METAL—ERA cMu CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT EX = EXISTING (� HOLLOW METAL DOOR — PAINT TO MATCH COLOR f� OF SURROUNDING MATERIAL URS PROJECT No. 60483275 EX c—J TALL T/BLK'G O PLAYPLP ELEV. + 23'-10" B/DRIVE-THRU TREL ELEV. + 10'-8 _ B/CANOPY ELEV. + 9'-0 T/SLAB _ ELEV. + 0'-0" VATIO SIDE _._.....- E E❑ EIFS EXTERIOR FINISH E= COLOR: CHOCOLATE SCHEME E1 = SLEEKER BEIGE w--HC-80 E2 = ALEXANDRIA BEIGI_, BM -HC -77 E3 = IRON MOUNTAIN, '-M 2134-30 ED_] EXPANSION JOINT, SEE DETAidt. GR GUARD RAIL -SEE SITE PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION AND LETiGTFI CLJ LIGHT FIXTURE (WALL SCONCly - SEE ELECTRICAL Lt—L1 = UP AND DOWN FIXTURE L2 = DOWN ONLY FIXTURE LE ACCENT LIGHTING - SEE ELECTRICAL 11 —LED LIGHT: L1 = NOT USED L2 = DOWN ONLY FIXTURE L3 = INTEGRAL CANOPY FIXTI t?E ML METAL LETTERING - BY OTHERS (COLOR: SILVER) MF METAL FASCIA - COLOR TO MATCH CORRUGATED METAL PANEL 1 —TYPE: 1 = PRE -FAB ANCHOR--TITE FASCIA 2 = PRE -FAB CUSTOM ARCADE FASCIA 3 = PRE -FAB MASONRY CAP FASCIA I p PAINT FINISH l— P1—TYPE: (COLOR—SEE COLOR LEGEND) Pt = PAINTED COLOR BASE BUILDING P2 = PAINTED COLOR ACCENT P3 = NOT USED PB PIPE BOLLARD — PAINTED YELLOW (RMHC) COIN COLLECTOR LPTUNIT ##WPT DT2000 STD CALL 1-888-743-7435 TO ORDER RLlROOF LADDER (EXISTING); PAINT TO MATCH ADJACENT SURROUNDING FACADE BUILDING SIGNAGE SCHEDULE FACADE- SIGN ELEMENT FRONT O McDONALD'S LOGO (2'-3"Fi X 18'-6"W)_ " " ' OMcDONALDS MARCH 1 LOGO (3'-6"H X 4'-0"W) McDONALD'S ""M" ARCH LOGO THRU SIDE NON—DRIVE O1 (3'-6"H X 4'-0"W) OMcDONALD'S PLAYPILACE LOGO (2'--5"H X 12'-0"W) C�LEGEND (ALL COLORS ARE PER BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS, U.N.O.) BRAND WALLS FRON MOUNTAIN BM# 2134-30 KHAKI SCHEME BASE BUILDING JLEEKER BEIGE BM# HC -80 DRIVE THRU SURROUND / ACCENT — Ai_EXANDRIA BEIGE BM# HC -77 CORRUGATED METAL �/e" "S' PANEL 24 GAUGE COLOR: CITY SCA S. F. FACADE 41.6 REAR 14 SIGN ELEMENT MCDONALD'S LOGO TOT 55.6 DRIVE THRU (2'-3"H X 18'-6"W) SIDE 14 29 -- TOTAL: 43 TOTAL BUILDING SIGNAGE S.F. TOTAL. 41.6 TOTAL. 41.6 WOW a z 0 c� w c w t - c Li cc McDONALD'S SIGNAGE BY OTHERS - NOTE: UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. c <- in SHADED REGIONS DENOTE LOCATIONS WHERE h EXISTING STOREFRONT AND GLAZING TO NEW E.I.F.S. IS TO BE APPLIED DUE TO THE Ln R[WAIN REMOVAL OF OLD OBJECTS ON THE EXISTING ca COco BUILDING'S FACADE. COORDINATE WITH EXTERIOR W METAL SCREEN SYSTEM WALL ASSEMBLY TYPES ON SHEET A3.0. 0scNt C>LOR: ALUMINUM z STU STUCCO STU1 --TYPE:COLOR— ( SEE COLOR LEGEND) STU1 = PAINTED STUCCO—COLOR BASE BUILDING w STU2 = PAINTED STUCCO—COLOR ACCENT S N w 0 O STU3 = PAINTED STUCCO—BRAND WALL T1 ALUMINUM FRELL1S SYSTEM o T2 T!?EL'_IS TIE—BACK SYSTEM T3 ALUMINUM TRELLIS 2" x 8" WALL FASCIA SYSTEM m — REFER TO SIM. DETAIL 3 ON SHEET A5.1 ucz z c O I W tC) 0 n w N[.W EXTERIOR WINDOW ASSEMBLY — TEMPERED GLASS W1 — SEE ASSEMBLY NOTES BUILDING SIGNAGE SCHEDULE FACADE- SIGN ELEMENT FRONT O McDONALD'S LOGO (2'-3"Fi X 18'-6"W)_ " " ' OMcDONALDS MARCH 1 LOGO (3'-6"H X 4'-0"W) McDONALD'S ""M" ARCH LOGO THRU SIDE NON—DRIVE O1 (3'-6"H X 4'-0"W) OMcDONALD'S PLAYPILACE LOGO (2'--5"H X 12'-0"W) C�LEGEND (ALL COLORS ARE PER BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS, U.N.O.) BRAND WALLS FRON MOUNTAIN BM# 2134-30 KHAKI SCHEME BASE BUILDING JLEEKER BEIGE BM# HC -80 DRIVE THRU SURROUND / ACCENT — Ai_EXANDRIA BEIGE BM# HC -77 CORRUGATED METAL �/e" "S' PANEL 24 GAUGE COLOR: CITY SCA S. F. FACADE 41.6 REAR 14 SIGN ELEMENT MCDONALD'S LOGO TOT 55.6 DRIVE THRU (2'-3"H X 18'-6"W) SIDE 14 29 -- TOTAL: 43 TOTAL BUILDING SIGNAGE S.F. TOTAL. 41.6 TOTAL. 41.6 WOW a z 0 c� w c w t - c Li cc v L0 c <- in G c a Ot a w o cN (*) C7 ca COco _ CO O� E w 00 z � aw ?� ° � w (D CL M w O S N w 0 O GM1 N M CU ui C7 i 0 o b dj d m V 41 ucz z c O I W tC) 0 n w 0 M 97 m = 00 005-0319.00.0 A2*00 ` L a ELEVATIONS c) a w mrC)0) c a U v Q � E (y_ o a p N U 0 0 0 0 i— s O N U O o %C -E 'U .L 7 O _fn O'y O c O O N T) O 5g�, O p o N U AQP"� U C O m 2 a or O w of t ops N- a_ w O >. O O c'� L E W 1 U ED z LO LO N o V C Q L w G a w X = w z � � w w S N w 0 O N M u o rn d V 41 I W tC) 0 005-0319.00.0 A2*00 ELEVATIONS T/BLK'G OO PLAYPLACE Mp ELEV. + 23'---10" T/BLDG. PARAPET ELEV. + 17'-8" B/DRIVE-THRU TRELLIS ELEV. + 10'-8 T/SLAB ELEV. + 0'-0" m \ REAR EEEVAT A2.1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" T/BLDG. PARAPET ELEV. + 17'--8" JA T/BLDG. PARAPET ELEV. + 14'-10' B/DRIVE-THRU TRELLIS ELEV. + 10'-8 B/ARCADE REVEAL ELEV. + 3'--4" T/SLAB _ ELEV. + 3 DHI`` E-1 HR( A2. I SCALE: 1 /4" =1'-0" KEY NOTES: ew BRAND WALL - TALI_ (PLAY PLACE) TALL BW BRAND WALL — SIDE SIDE C1 ALUMINUM CANOPY (COLOR: BENJAMIN MOORE: CHANTILLY LACE BM OC -65) C2 ALUMINUM CANOPY ITE -BACK GD COMPOSITE DECKING PRIVACY SCREEN PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING CM CORRUGATED METAL PANEL - SEE (DETAIL) COLOR: "CITYSTUAPE" BY METAL -ERA cMu CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT EX = EXISTING HOLLOW METAL DOOR - PAINT TO MATCH COLOR OF SURROUNDING MATERIAL URS PROJECT No. 60483275 STU1 L3 MF�I STU LE C1 off ` EIFS EXTERIOR FINISH E= COLOR: CHOCOLATE S H ME E1 = BLEEKER BEIGE J;M-HC-80 E2 = ALEXANDRIA BEIGE, BM -HC -77 E3 = IRON MOUNTAIN NVI. 2134-30 EJ EXPANSION JOINT, SEE DETAIL GR GUARD RAIL. -SEE SITE PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION AND I_Et'CTH ❑L LIGHT FIXTURE (WALL SCONCE; - SEE ELECTRICAL I-1—Lt = UP AND DOWN FIXTURE L2 = DOWN ONLY FIXTURE LE, ACCENT LIGHTING - SEE ELECTRICAL `1.1 --LED LIGHT: L1 = NOT USED L2 = DOWN ONLY FIXTURE L3 = INTEGRAL CANOPY FIXTURE ML METAL LETTERING - BY OTHERS (COLOR: SILVER) M;00NALD'S SIGNAGE BY OTHERS - NOTE: LS UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. r SHADED REGIONS DENOTE LOCATIONS WHERE �MF METAL FASCIA - COLOR TO MATCH CORRUGATED METAL PANEL SFj cEXISTING STOREFRONT AND GLAZING TO NEW E.I.F.S. IS TO BE APPLIED DUE TO THE " REMOVAL OF OLD OBJECTS ON THE EXISTING N M C? S. F. R[MAIN CL M 1 -TYPE: M 0C E BUILDING'S FACADE. COORDINATE WITH EXTERIOR i to OD M 0 0 M U 1 = PRE -FAB ANCHOR-TITE FASCIA U NEW MEAL SCREEN SYSTEM - WALL ASSEMBLY TYPES ON SHEET A3.0. M X O 2 = PRE -FAB CUSTOM ARCADE FASCIA SC COLOR: ALUMINUM ID a Q L 3 = PRE -FAB MASONRY CAP FASCIA m co 5 O U STu ST Iucco I 00 o, PAINT FINISH STU1 —TYPE: (COLOR -SEE COLOR LEGEND) a P1—TYPE: (COLOR -SEE COLOR LEGEND) ° of STU1 = PAINTED STUCCO -COLOR BASE BUILDING 41.6 a STU2 = PAINTED STUCCO -COLOR ACCENT � N N P woP P1 = PAINTED COLOR BASE BUILDING STU3 = PAINTED STUCCO -BRAND WALL 0 P2 = PAINTED COLOR ACCENT P3 = NOT USED w ELEVATIONS T1 ALUMINUM TRELLIS SYSTEM PB PIPE BOLLARD - PAINTED YELLOW � COIN COLLECTOR . T2 TRI-LUS TIE -BACK SYSTEM a 3 O c C O F(RMFIC) PT UNIT ##WPT DT2000 STD N U U 0 0 C O CALL 1-888-743-7435 TO ORDER C i N O C O T3 ALUMINUM TRELLIS 2" x 8" WALL FASCIA SYSTEM C C V 6 O C U E p 0 - REFER TO SIM. DETAIL 3 ON SHEET A5.1 C p x.. U 0 p C N S N ROOF LADDER (EXISTING); PAINT TO C R` MATCH ADJACENT SURROUNDING FACADE Fw1 NEW EXTERIOR WINDOW ASSEMBLY - TEMPERED GLASS o U p C 0 0 - SEE ASSEMBLY NOTES __ I MAIGH LINE BUILDING SIGNAGE SCHEDULE FACADE SICK! ELEMENT FRONT O McDONALD'S LOGO (2'-3"H X 18'-6"IN) McDONALD'S "M" ARCH LOGO O (3'-6"H X 4'-0"W) NON—DRIVE 1 McDONALD'S "M" ARCH LOGO tHRU SIDS � (3'-6"H X 4' --0"W) 01 McDONALD'S PLAYPLACE LOGO (2'-5"H X 12'-0"W) LE S LE C1 Ct3LC}R LEGEND (ALL COLORS ARE PER BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS, U.N.O.) BRAND WALLS IRON MOUNTAIN BM# 2134-30 _ KHAKI SCHEME BASE BUILDING BLEEKER BEIGE BM# HC -80 DRIVE THRU SURROUND / ACCENT - ALEXANDRIA BEIGE BM# HC -77 CORRUGATED METAL - 71" "S" PANEL 24 GAUGE COLOR: CITY SCAPE S. F. FACADE SIGN ELEMENT 41.6 REAR _ I i 14 TOTAL: 55.6McDONALD'S LOGO DRIVE THRU 0 SIDE (2'-3"H X 18'-6"W) 14 29 — TOTAL: 43 TOTAL BUILDING SIGNAGE m z 0 2 u> w c w w < --- u� L 0 ® Oq N M C? S. F. CL M M 0C E � i to OD M 0 0 M U U M X O 6 C!7 I- Q i ID a Q L TOTAL: m co 5 O U I 00 o, a Om 41.6 a �Ln U LO It - ° of r 0 c 41.6 a U � N N P woP 005-0319.00.0 0 A2* d N N Vl U J w ELEVATIONS c � � a � (O c N m 4J N UJ Gi N E a 3 O c C O OO p p •• c � o a N U U 0 0 C O C i N O C O C C V 6 O C U E p 0 C p x.. U 0 p C N S N C 2 o U p C 0 0 N. C E p a U c a T N:✓. p wo C N O d N C..S t" n - w m o o a E LA ^I V o Z to w 31:� cn N o <z uN� o w� - --- 0 W F- X S. F. W � N 3 TOTAL: O W o o, 41.6 2 TOTAL: 41.6 005-0319.00.0 0 A2* 140.E w ELEVATIONS FI P(TPIrAl CDI r4C I!`ATInMC AhIM r>c'a,c7e9aa e,,r.r 1. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR (E.C.) SHALL PROVIDE ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS NECESSARx FOR A COMPLETE AND FULLY OPERATIONAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/INSTALLATION. 2. MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH ALI, CODES, LAWS AND ORDINANCES OF FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNING BODIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 3. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LISTED AND/OR LABELED BY U.L., ETD, CSA, OR ANOTHER RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, GOVERNMENTAL FEES, TAXES AND LICENSES NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION AND COMPLETION OF ALL ELECTRICAL WORK. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT TO GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES, UTILITY COMPANIES, AND LOCAL CODE OFFICIALS, SHOP DRAWINGS AND/OR INSTALLATION DETAILS WHICH ARE REQUIRED BY THESE AGENCIES FOR NHEIR APPROVAL, 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT, ENGINEER AND PROJECT MANAGER IN WRi„INC OF ANY MATERIALS OR APPARATUS BELIEVED TO BE INADEQUATE, UNSUITABLE, IN VIOLATION OF LAW,S ORDINANCES, RULES OR REGULATIi(NS OF THE AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT TO THE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ALL DO';';MENTS, INCLUDING DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS, REQUIRED TO OBTAIN APPROVAL OF THE EMERGENCY LIGHTING, LIFE SAFETY, AND EXIT SIGN SYSTEM(S) FOR TYPES AND LOCATIONS. A COPY OF THE APPROVED DRAWINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 8. ALL NEW ELECTRICAL WORK OR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PAN�EI,, PANELBOARDS, METERS, ETC SHALL BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON THE ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. THE E.C. SHALL f,,JoMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED INDICATING FLOOR PLAN LAYOUT, ELEVATIONS, AND ALL DIMENSIONS FOR APP;jOVAL OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CODE REQUIRED CLEARANCES IN FRONT OF AL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MAINTAITEE) AT ALL TIMES. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL. INCLUDE IN BID AN ALLOWANCE FOR THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL ILP; SAFETY DEVICES, INCLUDING INSTALLATION AND AL CONDUIT AND WIRE, FOR ADDITIONAL DEVICES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE REVIEW OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. (2) EXIT SIGN FIXTURES (2) EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIXTURES CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A UNIT PRICE FOR EACH QUANTITY ADJUSTMENT 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN BID ELECTRICAL UNIT PRICES (EUP) TO PROVIDE ADCI16NAL LIFE SAFETY DEVICES WITHIN FINISHED CEILING SYSTEMS, INCLUDING ALL CONDUIT AND WIRE, FOR EACH TYPE OF DEVICE AS SCHF,iWALED IN NOTE NUMBER 9. THE UNIT PRICE SHALL INCLUDE ALL GENERAL CONTRACTOR ASSOCIATED COSTS TO INSTALL DEVICES WITHIN OSTALLED CEILING SYSTEMS. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY EXAMINE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, MAKE A SCHEDi1'ui_O ARRANGEMENT WITH THE PROJECT MANAGER TO VISIT THE SITE, AND THOROUGHLY BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE BUILDING STANDARDS AND LOCAL CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE WORK. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE CON "ACT. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY POWER AND WIRING FOR THE PERFORMANCE F ALL TRADES, FOR THE ENTIRE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY WIRING AT THE COMPLETION OF CONS R:ICTION. ALL COSTS FOR ESTABLISHING AND REMOVING TEMPORARY POWER SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BID. 13. THE EXISTING POWER, SIGNAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS ARE TO REMAIN IN SERVICE TG PROVIDE FOR THE OWNER'S EXISTING FUNCTIONS. SHOULD IT BECOME NECESSARY TO SHUT -DOWN ANY SYSTEM OR PORTION OLA SYSTEM, APPROVAL IN WRITING MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE PROJECT MANAGER AND SHALL BE ONLY FOR THE PERIOD AND TIME AGIREED UPON. THE BID IS TO INCLUDE THE COST OF ANY TEMPORARY WIRING AND PREMIUM TIME REQUIRED FOR THE SHUTDOWN. 14. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ERECTED, INSTALLED, TOOLED, CONNECTED, CLEAwrj, ADJUSTED, TESTED, CONDITIONED AND PLACED IN SERVICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS AND RECOMME ATIONS. 15. ALL CUTTING, DRILLING AND PATCHING OF MASONRY, DRYWALL, CONCRETE, STEEL OR IRON WORK BELONGING TO THE BUILDING SHALL BE DONE BY THIS CONTRACTOR IN ORDER THAT WORK MAY BE PROPERLY INSTALLED. UNDER NO CONDITIONS MAY S(RUCTURAL WORK BE CUT, EXCEPT AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ARCHITECT /ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVE. 16. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL INCLUDE MANUFACTURER'S NAMES, CATALOG NUMBERS, CUTS, DIAGRAIJS AND OTHER SUCH DESCRIPTIVE DATA AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO IDENTIFY AND REVIEW THE EQUIPMENT. SUBMITTALS SHALL BE IN LOGICAL ',,TOUTS (FOR EXAMPLE ALL LIGHTING FIXTURES), PARTIAL SUBMITTALS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. 17. SUBMIT FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW: A. LIGHTING FIXTURES AND LAMPS B. WIRING DEVICES C. LOW VOLTAGE RELAYS AND SWITCHES D. DIMMERS AND CONTROLS 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE "AS -BUILT" DOCUMENTATION AND HARD COPY REPRODUCIBLE PL?AWINGS AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT AND SUBMIT TOT HE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER, AS -BUILT DRAWINGS SHALL INDICATE EXSr-T CIRCUIT NUMBERS, LOCATIONS OF ALL DEVICES, CEILING FIXTURES AND RACEWAY FOR LIGHTING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND POWER 'J„TRIBUTION SYSTEMS AS INSTALLED. 19. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, WIRING DEVICES, ETC. SHALL BE NEW AND OF COMMERCIAL GRADE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED TO BE REUSED ON DRAWINGS. 20. EXCEPT AS NOTED OTHERWISE, ALL WORK REQUIRED FOR THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AS S'!,OWN ON DRAWINGS SHALL INCLUDE ALL LABOR, INSTALLATION METHODS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS AND SHALL BE IN STRICT COMPLIANCE W'IF1 ALL BUILDING STANDARDS, 21. PROVIDE A COMPLETE METAL RACEWAY SYSTEM, FITTINGS AND ENCLOSURES FOR ALL ELEC(Rlt,nl WIRING SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED FOR THE PROJECT. SYSTEMS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, POWER, COMMUNICATIONS, SECU,'ITY, PAGING, TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND CONTROLS. 22. FLEXIBLE CONDUIT CONNECTIONS TO RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE MADE WITH FLEX"BLE STEEL CONDUIT, 1/2 INCH MINIMUM, INCLUDING AN INSULATED COPPER GREEN EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR OR SHALL BE YADE WITH METAL CLAD TYPE CABLE. 23. WIRE NUMBER 8 AND SMALLER FOR USE IN INTERIOR DRY LOCATIONS SHALL BE TYPE THWN THERMOPLASTIC 600 VOLT INSULATED COPPER CONDUCTORS. FEEDERS AND POWER WIRING NUMBER 6 AND LARGER SHALL BE TYPE THW 601J VOLT INSULATED COPPER. WIRE WHICH IS INSTALLED IN RACEWAYS IN MOIST OR DAMP LOCATIONS SHALL BE THW, 600 VOLT INSULATED '..OPPER CONDUCTORS. NO WIRE SMALLER THAN NUMBER 12 AWG SHALL BE USED FOR LIGHTING OR POWER. 24, BRANCH CIRCUIT HOMERUN WIRING: A. GENERAL PURPOSE BRANCH CIRCUIT HOMERUNS CONSISTING OF TWO NETWORKS SHkLL HAVE PHASE, NEUTRAL AND GROUND CONDUCTORS INCREASED TO NUMBER 10 AWG, THWN AS A MINIMUM. WHERE HOMERUIi (ONE OR MORE NETWORKS) EXCEEDS 100 LINEAR FEET, CONDUCTOR SIZE SHALL BE INCREASED ONE TRADE SIZE. B. ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS, FEEDERS AND HOMERUNS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN INSLk ATED COPPER GREEN GROUNDING CONDUCTOR ROUTED IN THE SAME CONDUIT. GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SHALL BE SIZED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF NEC SECTION 250. C. HOMERUN LENGTH SHALL BEGIN AT THE CENTRAL POINT OF ALL DISTRIBUTED CIRCUIT'S TO THE PANELBOARD CIRCUIT BREAKER. 25. ALL NEW CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR EXISTING PANELBOARDS AND DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS SHIA-L. MATCH EXISTING BUILDING PANELBOARD MANUFACTURER AND CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE. ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHALL BE BOLT ON TYPE. AIC RATING OF NEW CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL MATCH AIC RATING OF PANELBOARD IN WHICH IT IS INSTALLED. WHERE SERIES RATED TYPE CI JIT BREAKERS ARE USED, NEW CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO AS TO MAINTAIN THE UL SERIES RATING OF THE ENTIRE S ,EEM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A NEW TYPEWRITTEN PANEL DIRECTORY FOR EACH PANEL CHANGED AT THE COMPLETION OF THE; :PROJECT. EACH CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL BE LABELED TO IDENTIFY LOAD TYPE AND LOCATION. 26. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CEILING CONSTRUCTION TYPE WITH ARCHITECTURAL DETAL` BEFORE ORDERING LIGHTING FIXTURES IN ORDER, TO CONFIRM PROPER MOUNTING. 27. EACH SWITCH, LIGHT, RECEPTACLE OR OTHER MISCELLANEOUS DEVICE SHALL BE PROVIDED WI"EII1 A GALVANIZED OR SHERARDIZED PRESSED STEEL OUTLET BOX OF THE KNOCKOUT TYPE, OF NOT LESS THAN NUMBER 14 U.S. GAUGE STEEL. CONDUITS SHALL BE FASTENED WITH LOCKNUTS AND BUSHINGS AND ALL UNUSED KNOCKOUTS SHALL BE LEFT SEALED. THERE SHALL BE SUFFICIENT ROOM FOR WIRES AND BUSHINGS AND DEEP BOXES SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE REQUIRED. BOXES SHALL BE SECUREY AND ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED. 28. IN SUSPENDED CEILINGS, SUPPORT CONDUITS AND JUNCTION BOXES DIRECTLY FROM THE STRU[71JRAL SYSTEM, DECK OR FRAMING PROVIDED FOR THAT PURPOSE. LIGHTING BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUITS SHALL NOT BE CLIPPED TO THE CELLNG SUPPORT WIRES OR SPLINE UNLESS THE CEILING SYSTEM HAS BEEN SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR THAT PURPOSE AND APPROVAL HAS BEEN' GRANTED BY THE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER. 29. E.C. SHALL PROVIDE "3M" FIRESEAL SYSTEMS FOR ALL CORES AND RACEWAY PENETRATIONS IN 1 -IRE RATED WALLS, PARTITIONS, CEILING PENETRATIONS, ETC. USING "CP -25" CAULK, "303" PUTTY AND/OR "FLAMESEAL" PUTTY AS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS TO MAINTAIN EXISTING AND NEW FIRE RATINGS. VERIFY FIRE RATING CONDITIONS AND LOCATIONS PRIOR TO FNAL BIDS. ALL OPEN LEEVE PENETRATIONS SHALL BE FIRESELAED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE BY E.C. AFTER ALL CABLING IS COMPLETELY INSTAL!L:=D. SEALING METHODS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY E.C. AND SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CABLING CONTRACTOR. 30. NUMBERED CIRCUITS SHOWN ON PLAN ARE FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF DESIGN INTENT ONLY, ACLAL FIELD CONDITIONS WILL AFFECT CIRCUITRY. INDICATE THE ACTUAL CIRCUIT NUMBERS INSTALLED ON THE "AS -BUILT" DRAWINGS. 31. BUILDING STANDARDS A. ALL NEW CONDUIT RACEWAYS AND BOXES FOR ALL SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED TIGHT -UI' TO THE BOTTOM OF THE STRUCTURAL BEAMS WHERE REQUIRED AND PROPERLY SUPPORTED FROM STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. B. ALL NEW CONDUIT RUNS SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE AND OVER THE TOP OF ALL NEW AND/CR EXISTING DUCTWORK, PIPING, CONDUITS, PULLBOXES, ETC. E.C. SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY ACCESSIBLE PULLBOXES. CONDUIT BEL6S SHALL NOT EXCEED CODE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN A SINGLE RUN. E.C. SHALL PROVIDE ALL PULLBOXES AS REQUIRED. C. NEW CONDUIT RUNS OR PULLBOXES SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED LESS THAN 2 INCHES ABOVE'I,FCESSED LIGHTING FIXTURES UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, D. NEW CONDUIT RUNS OR PULLBOXES SHALL NOT BLOCK OR PREVENT FULL AND COMPLETE ACCESS AND OPERATION OF NEIN OR EXISTING HVAC EQUIPMENT, ACCESS DOORS, PIPING VALVES, JUNCTION BOXES, DUCT HEATERS, MAIN SUI�PLY AND RETURN AIR DUCTS, PULLBOXES, CLEANOUTS, ETC. E. NEW CONDUIT AND PULLBOXES TO BE INSTALLED BELOW NEW OR EXISTING DUCTWORK SHALL NE MOUNTED TIGHT UP TO BOTTOM OF DUCT WITH 90 DEGREE BENDS UP SIDEWALL OF DUCT TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF LETTER C ABOVE. SUPPORTS SHALL NOT PENETRATE DUCTWORK AND SHALL BE INDEPENDENT OF ALL DUCTWORK SUPPORTS. DIRECT CONTACT OF .CONDUIT RACEWAY SYSTEMS WITH DUCTWORK OR PIPING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH VIBRATION SEPARATION METHOD APPROVED BY THE ENONF;FR. URS PROJECT No. 60483275 F. NEW CONDUIT AND BOXES TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN ALL EXISTING FINISHED BUILDING DRYWALL, FURRED BUILDING WALLS, PARTITIONS AND COLUMNS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH EMT AND FLEXIBLE RACEWAYS NOT MORE THAN 6'-0" LONG. E.C. SHALL INCLUDE ALL COSTS FOR DRYWALL ACCESS, CUTTING, PATCHING, PAINTING, ETC. IN BIDS FOR SUCH CONDITIONS, FIELD VERIFY ALL LOCATIONS ON SITE PRIOR TO FINAL BIDS, EXCEPTIONS DURING BIDS SMALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING, G. THE G.C. AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL Of. HELD RESPONSIBLE TO HAVE EXAMINED THE CONSTRUCTION SITE WITH RESPECT TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS, ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS, DOOR FRAME HEIGHTS, PIPING OBSTRUCTIONS, DUCTWORK HEIGHTS AND LEVELS, FLOOR LEVELS, CEILING HEIGHTS, ETC. PRIOR TO FINAL BIDS. H. ALL NEW BUILDING STANDARD EQUIPMENT, DEVICES AND MATERIALS SHALL BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER IN QUALITY TO EXISTING APPROVED BUILDING STANDARD MATERIALS PRESENTLY INSTALLED IN BUILDING. EQUIPMENT, DEVICES AND MATERIALS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT, PROJECT MANAGER A14D ENGINEER. L ALL EMERGENCY AND EXIT SIGN JUNCTION [BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED RED. PANEL TAG AND CIRCUIT NUMBER FOR ALL WIRING WITHIN JUNCTION BOX SHALL BE INDICATED ON COVER. J. ALL JUNCTION BOXES SERVING LIGHTING AND POWER SHALL HAVE CIRCUIT NUMBERS AND PANEL TAGS FOR ALL WIRING WITHIN JUNCTION BOX INDICATED ON COVERS. 33. A NEW PANELBOARD COPPER GROUND BUS SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PANELBOARDS LACKING A GROUND BUS. 34. PERFORM ALL WORK OF A DEMOLITION NATURL THAT MAY BE REQUIRED OR NECESSARY FOR THE FULL AND COMPLETE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, WHETHER EXPLICITLY SHOWN AND/OR `aPECIFIED OR NOT, EXACT EXTENT OF DEMOLITION WILL NOT BE FULLY INDICATED BY DRAWINGS. DETERMINE THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF DEMOLITION THAT WILL BE NECESSARY BY COMPARING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND DEMOLITION DRAWINGS TO EXISTING CONDITIONS. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WHICH WILL NOT BE REUSED SHALL BE TURNED OVER TO THE OWNER OR REMOVED FROM LK PREMISES AS DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT MANAGER. 35. ANY EXISTING ELECTRICAL MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT WHICH IN'iERFERES WITH THE NEW ADDITION OR REMOVAL OF EXISTING WALLS SHALL BE REMOVED OR RELOCATED BY THE CONTRAACTOP, VERIFY REMOVAL AND NEW LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT WITH THE PROJECT MANAGER AND THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER PRIOR TO WORK. 36, VERIFY CLEARANCES FOR ALL NEW OR EXISTING RELOCATED ELECTRICAL WORK BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. COORDINATE USAGE OF AVAILABLE SPACE WITH ALL TRADES. IN THI= EVENT OF CONFLICTS, NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 37. WHERE EXISTING CONDUIT IS SHOWN IN THE DRAWINGS, IT IS SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY. THE EXACT ROUTING OF THE EXISTING CONDUIT SHALL BE DETERMINED ON THE JOB SITE BY HE CONTRACTOR. 38. ALL HANGER AND/OR ROD SUPPORT SYSTEMS SHALL BE SUPPORTED TO THE BOTTOM RIB OF THE METAL DECK, WHERE APPLICABLE. 39. PROVIDE A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT THE ELECTRICAL. INSTALLATION IS FREE FROM MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DEFECTS, CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST SHALL REPLACE AND/OR REPAIR, !0 THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND/OR THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, ANY PARTS OF THE INSTALLATION WHICH MAY FAIL WITHIN A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS FROM CONSTRUCTION ACCEPTANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PROVIDED THAT SUCH FAILURE IS DUE TO DEFECTS IN MATERIAL, WORKMANSHIP OR FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE SPECIFICATIONS, MANUFACTURE -P'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND/OR DRAWINGS. 40. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY PROPERLY SIZED WALL OR MILLWORK MOUNTED BOXES, RINGS, SUPPORTS AND DEVICES AS REQUIRED VIA COORDINATION WITH ARCHITECTUL=AL WALL SECTIONS AND MILLWORK DETAILS. 41. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE DRAWINGS. WHERE MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS THAN THOSE DESCRIBED HEREIN OR AS SET FORTH UNDER CODES, LAWS AND ORDINANCES OF FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNING BODIES HAVING JURISDICTION, THE MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENT SHALL BE ADHERED TO. 42. ALL EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIXTURES AND EXIT %IGNS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A BATTERY INVERTER EMERGENCY TYPE BALLAST, EMERGENCY BALLAST SHALL BE A TWO LAMP TYPE OF 600 -700 INITIAL LUMEN RATED (MINIMUM) TO ILLUMINATE FIXTURE IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE. BALLAST BATTERY SHALL MAINTAIN 87.6% OF THE NOMINAL BATTERY VOLTAGE AFTER 1.5 HOURS TO COMPLY WITH NEC SECTION 700 AND UL924. BALLAST SHALT_ BE AS MANUFACTURED BY BODINE, (MODEL B60 FOR T8 APPLICATIONS) SECURITY LIGHTING (MODEL UFO120 FOR COMPACT FLUORESCENT APPLICATIONS) OR AN APPROVED EQUAL TO MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS LISTED ABOVE. LEO FIXTURES DENOTED AS EMERGENCY SHALL BE APPROVED WITH DUAL LITE LIGHTING INVERTER MODEL #LGt-T. INVERTER SHALL BE CAPABLE OF ILLUMINATING FIXTURE FOR 1.5 HOURS T COMPLY WITH NEC SECTION 700 AND UL924. E.C. SHALL NOT INSTALL MORE THAN FOUR FIXTURES TO EACH INVERTER. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INVERTERS AS NECESSARY. 43. IDENTIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL ITEMS: A. PROVIDE PERMANENT IDENTIFICATION MARKING AND NAMEPLATES FOR ALL CONDUCTORS AND EACH ITEM OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS AND ASSOCIATED CONTROLLED EQUIPMENT, WITH fHE SAME INSCRIPTIONS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. ALL IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS SHALL BE CLEARLY AND NEATLY APPLIED. B. APPLY ENGRAVED PLASTIC LAMINATE NAMEPL7STES WITH NON -CORRODING TYPE SCREW FASTENERS OR RIVETS TO ALL MOTOR STARTERS, DISCONNECT SWITCHES, RELAYS, REMOTE COWROL PANELS, PUSH BUTTON STATIONS, PANELBOARDS, SWITCHBOARDS, TRANSFORMERS AND OTHER ELECTRICAL APPARATUS. NAMEPLATES ?HALL BE WHITE WITH BLACK CORE, 1 1/4" x 3" MINIMUM WITH 3/16" HIGH LETTERING. THE NAMEPLATE SHALL IDENTIFY NAME OF DEVICE OR LOAD THE DEVICE IS SERVING. C. PROVIDE A TYPEWRITTEN DIRECTORY OF CIRCUITS IN LIGHTING AND POWER PANELS AND PROVIDE PANEL IDENTIFICATION IN BLACK ALKYD PAINT STENCILED INSCRIPTIONS ON THE INSIDE OF THE DOOR, DIRECTLY ABOVE THE: CENTERLINE OF THE DIRECTORY FRAME OR ON THE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CENTERL114E OF DOORS WITHOUT DIRECTORY FRAMES, D. PROVIDE ON DEVICE PLATES FOR LOCAL TOGI�LE SWITCHES, TOGGLE SWITCH MANUAL STARTERS, PILOT LIGHTS AND OTHER ELECTRICAL ITEMS, WHOSE FUNCTION IS NOT READILY APPARENT, ENGRAVED SUITABLE INSCRIPTIONS OR PLASTIC LAMINATE NAMEPLATES DESCRIBING THE EQUIPMENT CONTROLLED OR INDICATED, E. EMBOSSED SELF -ADHERING PLASTIC TAPE LABELS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 44. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE AI_i EXISTING OR NEW NON -ACCESSIBLE SYSTEM DEVICES, PULLBOXES AND EQUIPMENT FOR RELOCATION TO ACCESSIBLE CEILING AREAS. E.0 SHALL INCLUDE ALL COMPLETE COSTS FOR RELOCATION AND VERIFY SUCH CONDITIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL CEILING PLANS PRIOR TO FINAL BIDS. 45. EXISTING CONDITIONS OF ALL EXISTING BUILDING EQUIPMENT, DEVICES, FIXTURES AND SYSTEMS THAT REQUIRE REWIRING, REUSE, RELOCATION OR REFURBISHING AS PER DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE E.C. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK TO BE COMPLETELY OPERATIONAL. E.C. SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEN STATEMENT AND ITEMIZED LISTING OF ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING, ALTHOUGH NOT LIMITED TO THOSE LISTED: A. HVAC EQUIPMENT B'EXIT SIGNS AND EMERGENCY LIGHIING FIXTURES C. LIFE SAFETY/FIRE ALARM SYSTEM DEVICES D. LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLE DEVICES. THE WRITTEN STATEMENT SHALL BE SUBMITTED 14 THE PROJECT MANAGER, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO WORK. IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR COMMENCES WORK WITHOUT SOBMITTAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND COST TO MAINTAIN THE ABOVE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER AND CONDITION 46. E.C. SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF ALL. ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS OUTLETS. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS SHALT_ BE USED FOR CIF'CUITING INFORMATION ONLY. 47. E.C. SHALL REFER TO MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF ALL MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING EQUIPMENT, 48. FOR ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RELOCATED SITE LIGHTING AND RELOCATED DRIVE-THRU ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, REFER TO DRAWING SRI 49, ALL ELECTRICAL MATERIAL ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE "UL" LISTED AND LABELED. 50. APPROVED SWITCHBOARDS, PANEL & SPD SUPPLIERS: SIEMENS Energy and Automation _ SQUARjf D `!IA--GR.AYBAR SPD:INTEGRAL: PANEL SAFE SERIES, 900 RtI;GENO DRIVE (208Y/12QV, 30) GLENDALE HEIGHTS, IL 60139 MCDONALDSORDERS.SEA®SIEMENS.COM TEL: (>'00)784-6059 OR (630) PHONE: (800) 624.3274 671.6304 FAX: (678) 297.7096 SPD INTEGRAL: I -LINE SERIES, 2349 W. LAKE ST, SUITE 200 1(208Y/12OV, 30) ADDISON, IL. 60101 INSTALLATION METHODS: M1. ALL ELECTRICAL MATERIAL USED ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE "UL" USTED AND LABELED. M2. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TAKEN FROM FACE OF GYP BOARD/PLYWOOD. THE EC SHALL MAKE NECESSARY DIMENSIONAL ALLOWANCES. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO CENTER LINE OF OUTLET BOX AND/OR RECEPTACLE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. M3. ALL J -BOXES, DCOs, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES SHOWN SHALL BE RECESSED INTO A WALL, FLOOR OR CEILING UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE. M4, ALL RECEPTACLES (EXCEPT SPECIFIED HUBBELL PIN & SLEEVE TYPES) SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE EC. THE RECEPTACLES INCLUDING PIN AND SL[ WJE TYPE SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE EC. M5. EC SHALL PROVIDE STAINLESS STEEL COVER PLATES ON ALL RECEPTACLES AND J -BOXES. ADDITIONALLY, EC SHALL PROVIDE ORANGE NYLON COVER i4ATES MARKED "COMPUTER ONLY" ON ALL ISOLATED GROUND/DEDICATED CIRCUIT RECEPTACLES. PURCHASE PJ8CO (ONE DUPLEX) OR PJ82CO (TWO DUPLEX) FROM HUBBELL. M6. ROUGH -INS FOR OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ARE SHOWN ON THESE SHEETS. EC SHALL VERIFY WITH McDONALD'S PROJECT MANAGER WHICH OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT IS TO BE INCLUDED AND INSTALL OPTIONAL ROUGH -INS AS REQUIRED. PRICING FOR OPTIONAL ROUGH -INS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BID AND CALLED OUT AS OPTIONAL. M7. EC SHALL COORDINATE WITH KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR AND GC FOR FINAL LOCATIONS AND CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS OF ALL EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY CONDUIT AND/OR STUB -UP LOCATIONS. M8. ALL HOLES IN THE FRONT COUNTER FOR THE POS CORDS AND CABLES SHALL BE LOCATED BY OWNER AND DRILLED BY GC. M9. ALL ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO RECEPTACLES USING ONLY THE TERMINAL SCREWS. RECEPTACLE BACK WIRE/QUICK CONNECTION:; SHALL NOT BE USED. M10. GC SHALL NOT INSTALL OFILING TILE IN AREAS OF THE BEVERAGE BAR REFRIGERATION LINES AND EQUIPMENT PENETRATION LOCATIONS UNTIL THE UNES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. THE CEILING TILE INSTALLER SHALL RETURN AND INSTALL THE TILES AFTER THE REFRIGERATION LINE:: HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AND TESTED. GROUNDING. G1. ALL BRANCH AND FEEDEF¢ CIRCUITS SHALL BE GROUNDED BY TWO METHODS. THE FIRST METHOD SHALL INCLUDE AN INSULATED COPPER EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR CONTAINED WITHIN THE SAME CONDUIT AS THE PHASE CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS AND SIZED PER NEC SECTION 250 REQUIREMENTS. THIS INSULATED EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SHALL HAVE ONE END PROPERLY TERMINATED AT THE EQUIPMENT GROUND BUS IN THE CORRESPONDING CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL, AND THE OTHER END TERMINATED AT THE GROUNDING CONTACT OF A GROUNDING RECEPTACLE AND TO THE JUNCTION BOX OR TO AN EQUIPMENT CABINET, AS APPLICABLE. THE SECOND METHOD PROVIDES EQUIPMENT GROUNDING VIA METALLIC CONDUIT THAT IS CONNECTED AND TERMINATED IN FITTINGS LISTED FOR GROUNDING PER NEC SECTION 250 REQUIREMENTS. 80TH GROUNDING METIiODS ARE REQUIRED IjJ A MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT. ISOLATED GROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN AND AS SHOWN IN POS ISOLATED GROUND/DEDICATED CIRCUIT DETAIL ON SHEET E1.1. G2. EC SHALL REFER TO "PO`, ISOLATED GROUND/DEDICATED CIRCUIT DETAIL, SHEET ETA, FOR REQUIRED WIRING REQUIREMENTS OF COMPUTER PANEL CR. G3. METAL RACEWAYS CONTAINING A GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SHALL BE BONDED AT BOTH ENDS AS REQUIRED BY NEC SECTION 250 REQUIREMENTS, CONDUIT AND WIRE: W1. THE FOLLOWING WIRING 1yU ODS SHALL NOT BE USED: NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE (ROMEX, NM, NMC & NMS ARMORED CABLE TYPE AC (BX), ELECTRICAL NON-METALUC TUBING, TYPE ENT (SMURF-IUBE). ) W2. CONDUIT RUNS MAY BE COMBINED EXCEPT WHERE ISOLATED GROUNDS ARE USED. IG CIRCUITS SHALL BE RUN IN SEPARATE CONDUITS. ALL HOME RUN; SHALL BE SIZED BASED ON DERATED CONDUCTOR AMPACITIES AND INCREASE CONDUIT AND WIRE SIZE AS REQUIRED BY NE(; SECTION 310 REQUIREMENTS. W3. CONDUIT SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM OF 4 BENDS WITHOUT A JUNCTION BOX TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO CABLE DURING PULLING. THE EC SHALL PIGTAIL #1'., PULL WIRE AT EACH END FOR INSTALLER TO PULL CABLE. ALL LOW VOLTAGE CONDUIT STUB -UPS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A BUSHING. W4. MINIMUM WIRE SIZE SHALL BE #12 AWG COPPER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. MINIMUM CONDUIT SIZE SHALL BE 1/2" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WIRES INSTALLED UNDERGROUND OR OUTDOORS SHALL BE THW. W5. CONDUCTORS #10 AWG AND SMALLER SHALL BE SOLID COPPER. CONDUCTORS #8 AND LARGER SHALL BE STRANDED COPPER, ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS SHALL NOT BE UTILIZED FOR FEEDER OR BRANCH CIRCUIT DISTRIBUTION. WE. RACEWAYS SHALL BE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS, INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES: OUTDOORS: (FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE FITTINGS, SEE TABLE 4Y6) 1. EXPOSED: RMC, IMC. 2. CONCEALED: RMC, IMC. 3. BELOW GRADE, SINGLE RI IN; RNC, RMC. 4. BELOW GRADE, GROUPED: RNC, RMC. 5. CONNECTION TO VIBRATIN EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING TRANSFORMERS AND HYDRAULIC, PNEUMATIC; ELECTRIC SOLENOID, OR MOTOR -DRIVEN EQUIPMENT): LFMC. 6. BOXES AND ENCLOSURES; NEMA 250, TYPE 3R OR 4. INDOORS: (FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE FITTINGS, SEE TABLE !W6) 1. EXPOSED: EMT, IMC. 2. CONCEALED: EMT, IMC. 3. CONNECTION TO VIBRATING EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING TRANSFORMERS AND HYDRAULIC, PNEUMATIC, ELECTRIC SOLENOID, MOTOR -DRIVEN EQUIPMENT): FMC; EXCEPT USE LFMC IN DAMP OR WET LOCATIONS. OR 4. DAMP OR WET LOCATIONS: RIGID STEEL CONDUIT, 5. BOXES AND ENCLOSURES: NEMA 250, TYPE 1, EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: A. DAMP, WET OR KITCHEN LOCATIONS: NEMA 250, TYPE 4, STAINLESS STEEL. ELECTRICAL PANELS, El. THE EC SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BALANCING THE LOADS ON ALL PANELS. E2. THE EC SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROPER IDENTIFICATION AND LABELING OF ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS. EACH PANEL_ SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN ACCURATE TYPEWRITTEN CIRCUIT DIRECTORY AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT AND PRIOR TO RESTAURANT OPENING. Ll� Wn 0 LI waw M z m w �IviN � m D`O c � c CD 00 CO N (1j 4) V 1 O Ci q CO O Ln LD I- 00 00 in(f) r 0 0 U a-) 7 rn 2 0 w r M o it a a Oe tI7 o U n 7 1, CD a) a 005--0319.00.0 0 Z c 0 c) w El w Q)LO c0 *0i GENERAL NOTES LO 0 co nWQ- U Lr} 4® CL w 0 y it C w Ly <i..0 13 ° Y a LnYl Q Ll� Wn 0 LI waw M z m w �IviN � a� D`O c � c CD 00 CO N (1j 4) V O Ci q CO O Ln LD I- 00 00 in(f) r L-1 0 U a-) 7 rn 0 w r M o it a a Oe tI7 o U n U 1, CD a) a 005--0319.00.0 0 Z c 0 w El w Q)LO c0 *0i GENERAL NOTES LO 0 co nWQ- U Lr} 4® CL Ll� Wn 0 LI waw M z m w �IviN J�m a� D`O (n 4) V ti N Li O Ln Ll� a 0_ W X Li LD I- L-1 O o it a a U � � a 005--0319.00.0 0 w El *0i GENERAL NOTES ELECTRICAL O y SHALL REVIEW PANEL CONNECTIONS 1. R EXISTINGCIRCUITS INTERIOR AND « O . LIGHTING, SIGNS AND APPLIANCES. FOR SYMBOLS AND LEGENDS SEE DRAWING E1.1 F120 Ftp Flz0 E7 CS F12 F72®RF12, � fi20 — FIS f12ti F120 KEY LIGHTING FIXTURES SHOWN HALF SHADED ;HALL DENOTES BE WIRED TO THE NIGHT LIGHTING CIRC! AND FIXTURE TYPE F2 PROVIDED WITH A BATTERY TYPE EMERC t,4CY BALLAST. SEE NOTE EL3 ON THIS SHEEII DENOTES CIRCUIT COORDINATE LOCATION WITH DECOR. nit RADro F14"a F14B F12 OF12 C+' F1e0 F120 F120 F12 0 20 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING R E2.1rKALE: 1/4" 11'-O" LIGHTING U) r FIXTURE SCHEDULE. a 0 7MARKSYMBOL! DESCRIPTION .--- DIFFUSER LAMPS b�ATTS'E . -- BALLAST MOUNTING MANUFACTURER —4—ND CATALOG NUMBER F12 o CDC)�� 6' LED DOWN LIGHT 12W LED - RECESSED SECURITY LIGHTING # S11-35K-9-WH/DBXQL a i O - »., w U Ln w c7 CL F12A �°�, 4J� - 6" LED ADJUSTABLE DOWN LIGHT - I 12W _— LED __-_..,.___ - RECESSED SECURITY LIGHTING I SL6LEDWW-35K-9-WH # //DBXQL r F128 F148 I 6" LED DOWN LIGHT W/FLAT BLACK TRIM' MARKET PENDANT FIXTURE I _ - 12W (1)-8W LED —_ I LED _- - RECESSED ---SECURITY LIGHTING # SL6LED1K-35K 7-BL//DBXQL _ SECURITY LIGHTING n E o coa a APPROVED IN WRITING BY McDONALD'S CORPORATION. U n a 3. EC SHALL FIELD VERIFY THAT ALL LIGHT FIXTURES SHOWN ON THISc o t I PENDANT #SLSH-791612-991--CDB-991 --- SFE FR--OSW-LED-BCM-M ORDER THESE NEW FIXTURES EARLY BECAUSE OF LONGER LEAD TIMES. F20 +1�� F22 S1 ® EXIT SIGN WITf I BA TERY BACKUP 2 HEADED EMERGENCYFI I BATTERY LIGHT EMERG BAT ERY & 2 REMOTE HEADS I -- WDOW ONLY RADIAL WALL r IS2 pUP/OOAVIV- RADIAL WALL SCONCE - - I TEMPERED GLASS TEM EREPD CLASS(1)-43W 8W I - (1)-30W LED LED LEG EDSCONCE LEO __%IBECAUSE - - - _ SURFACE SURFACE TO WALL OR CEILING SURFACE TO WALL OR SECURITY LIGHTING: PRB. SEE NOTE LS;) ON THIS SHEET. SECURITY LTG. #EV4D r SECURITY LTG. #L�4D-02L-0/EVODB SECURITY LIGHTING: #RWS-30LD--DL-SA SECURITY UGIiTING: #BINS-30ED-UD-SAL LED4D BE ADDED TO SPARE SLOTS IN LIGHIING CONTROL PANEL. IF NO DOWN ONLY ACCENT LIGHTING (SEE PLAN) DOWN ONLY ACCENT _ UP& DOWN ACCENT LIGHTING (SEE PLAN) rFIXTURE TEMPERED GLASS TEMPERED GLASSXTERIOR TEMPEREDLED -26W PER FIXTURE _ 1-34W PERLIGHIING FIXTURE --84W PERASS I ED r - -XTERIOR _ 5. PROVIDE CEILING MOUNTED DUAL TECHNOLOGY OCCUPANCY SENSOR.. ECURITY LIGHTING:WRAF—LED-36-D0 '!?0 -PS CUSTOM BUILT FORLED3D' ACCENT CHANNELS. ORDER THE' E NEW FIXTURES EARLY ECAUSE OF LONGER LEAD TIMES. ECURITY LIGFiTlNG: WRAF-LED-36-D0--120-PS CUSTOM BUILT FOR ACCENT CHANNELS. ORDER THESE NLW FIXTURES EARLY ECAUSE OF LONGER LEAD TIMES. ECURITY LIGHTING: WRAF--LED-36-DC '1'120 -PS CUSTBUILT FOR TERIOR ACCENT CHANNELS. ORDER THE:,E NEW FIXTURES EARLY ECAUSE OF LONGER LEAD TIMES. REFER TO OCCUPANCY DETAIL ON SHEET El. 1. ORDER ALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS FROM; SECURITY LIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. URS PROJECT No- 60483275 IN F20 PROVIDE CEILING MOUNTED DUAL, TECHNOLOGY OCCUPANCY SENSOR.REFER Et TO OCCUPANCY DETAIL ON SHEET E1.1. ORDER ALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS FROM; SECURITY LIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. F27 F27 Fz7 A BE A F27 F27 F27 m m RE E9NERGEiVCY LIGHTING P`�t7T� 1. EC SHALL INSTALL A LOCK ON CIRCUIT BREAKER HANDLE FOR ALL EMERGENCY LIGHTING CIRCUITS. EC SHALL VERIFY ALL REQUIREMENTS AND FINAL EMERGENCY LIGHTING LOCATIONS WITH LOCAL AUTHORITIES. IN(LUDE ALL COSTS IN BASE BID. 2. IF NOT INSTALLED BY MANUFA•,CTURER, EC SHAH BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF THE EMERGLNCY INVERTER BALLAST IN NIGHT LIGHTING FIXTURES SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. 3. ALL FIXTURES DENOTED AS tyIGHT LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A BATTERY INVERTER EMERGENCY TYPE LALLAST. EMERGENCY BALLAST SHALL BE A TWO LAMP TYPE OF 600-700 INITIAL LUMEN RATID (MINIMUM) TO ILLUMINATE FIXTURE IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE. BALI -AST BA' FERY SHALL MAINTAIN 87.5% OF THE NOMINAL BATTERYVOLTAGE AFTER 1.5 HOURS lo COMPLY WITH NEC SECTION 700 AND UL924. BALLAST SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY BODINE, (MODEL E360 FOR T8 APPLICATIONS) SECURITY LIGHTING (MODEL UFO120 FOR COMPAI;j FLUORESCENT APPLICATIONS) OR AN APPROVED EQUAL TO MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS LISTED ABOVE. LED FIXTURES DENOTED AS NIGHT LIGHTING SHALL BE APPROVED WITH DUt LI -If- LIGHTING INVERTER MODEL #LG1-T. INVERTER SHALL BE E.C. SHALL NOT INSTALL MORE THAN FOUR FIXTURES TO EACH CAPABLE OF ILLUMINATING FIXTURE FOR 1.5 HOURS TO COMPLY WITH NEC SECTION 700 AND UL924, INVERTER. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INVERTERS AS NE(,ESSARY. 4. EMERGENCY BATTERY LIGHIING WALL PACKS IN PLAYPLACE SHALL BE LOCATED SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR MAXIMUM ILLUMINATION OF AREA. EC SHALL_ VERIFY EXACT PLACEMENT IN THE FIELD WITH McDONALD'S ACM. (IF APPLICABLE) 5. EMERGENCY LIGHTING HAS BE€.N DESIGNED PER NEPA 101 TD MAINTAIN 1 FC IN PATH OF EGRESS. IF FIELD CONDITIONS REQUIRE ANY CHANGES TO LIGHTING DESIGN, EMERGENCY LIGHTING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO MEET THE ABOVE REQUIREMEN FS, 6. EC TO PROVIDE LOCKOUT CIRfUIT FOR EMERGENCY LIGHTING CIRCUIT. THE FOLLOWING PROVIDES .A GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FOR THE DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SITE. THIS SECTION IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE, AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND COMPARE EXISTING CONDITIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS DENOTED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS TO DETERMINE THE EXACT EXTENT OF THE DEMOLITION WORK REQUIRED. E.C. SHALL PROVIDE ALL DEMOLITION WORK REQUIRED IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION AS DENOTED WITHIN THESE DRAWINGS. LIGHTING SCHEDULE NOTES; LS1. ORDER LED EXIT SIGNS WIfH LETTER COLORS THAT COMPLY WITH LOCAL_ CODE'i FROM SECURITY LIGHTING. — FOR RED LETTERS USE #PRB (UNIVERSAL), — FOR GREEN LETTERS US #PGB (UNIVERSAL), OR IF THE ABOVE EXIT SIGNS 00 NOT COMPLY WITH LOCAL CODES USE: LED SIGN WITH BATTERY BACKUP, LETTER SIZE, COLOR, TYPE & DIRECTIONAL ARROWS AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES F21 >N H Q D U) r T CD C Lo 0 4 M co O o 1 Q. v �2 O '� N t-- (�6 o CDC)�� m 0z co w t0 07 C 07 ' a i O - »., w U Ln w c7 CL GENERAL NOTES; � � v LIGHTI�JG aao�= ° 1. ALL LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE 120 VOLT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.s. 2, LIGHTING FIXTURES AND LAMPS HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO ACHIEVE 0 L� .0 E N C o° ° °.o MAXIMUM ENERGY CONSERVATION NlHLE MAINTAINING ADEQUATE LEVEL OF ILLUMINATION. LAMP SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED. ANY DEVIATION FROM ;AMP SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE n E o coa a APPROVED IN WRITING BY McDONALD'S CORPORATION. U n a 3. EC SHALL FIELD VERIFY THAT ALL LIGHT FIXTURES SHOWN ON THISc o t PLAN DO NOT OBSTRUCT OR CONFLICT WITH THE WORK OF OTHER = TRADES. IF A DISCREPANCY IS FOUND, THE EC SHALL IMMEDIATELY o NOTIFY THE GC BEFORE THE INSTALLATION OF SUCH FIXTURE(S). U ca � J L L 21 C O Q) 4. EC SHALL CONNECT ALL LIGHTING CIRCUITS TO LIGHTING CONTROL ° a PANEL OR ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. ADDITIONAL CIRCUITS SHALL c n o BE ADDED TO SPARE SLOTS IN LIGHIING CONTROL PANEL. IF NO SPARE SLOTS ARE AVAILABLE, EC SHALL COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF NEW LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL WITH McDONALD'S ACM. n o a a 5. PROVIDE CEILING MOUNTED DUAL TECHNOLOGY OCCUPANCY SENSOR.. v,, o ° � � � o � REFER TO OCCUPANCY DETAIL ON SHEET El. 1. ORDER ALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS FROM; SECURITY LIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. o INSTALLATION MEfHQDS � �-, � a a>> o � N.c 6. THE USE OF "MC" CABLE IN LENG TS OF 6 FEET OR LESS (WHERE PERMITTED BY LOCAL CODES) SHA'_ BE ALLOWED FOR WIRING TO THE "ROMEX" t LIGHTING FIXTURES. OR BX" SHALL NOT BE USED. m o o m _ j 7. IF PC -POS CASH REGISTER SYSTEM, IS INSTALLED, EC SHALL ^ 3 w �= RELOCATE FIXTURES ABOVE FRONT COUNTER TO AVOID GLARE ON THE o o tcf ~ �t CASH REGISTER SCREENS. EC SHALL INSTALL CABLE WHIP TO s o n s FIXTURES SO THAT FIXTURE MAY BE RELOCATED FOUR FEET WITHOUT v 3 DISCONNECTING CABLE WHIP. CUTDi50R BUILDING L6GHTING�PC74M"ER D1. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT AND REMOVE ALL OF THE EXTERIOR ILLUMINATED ROOF BEAMS FROM THE BUILDING. REMOVE ALL FIXTURES, WIRING, WHIPS, AND CONDUIT TO ALLOW FOR THE NEW FACADE INSTALLATION AS DENOTED ON THE PLANS. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER TRADES AND WITH THE PROJECT MANAGER. D2. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE SALVAGE O_ Cr REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL EQU14� ,E NT REMOVED AS PART OF THE 1-iJ m m DEMOLITION WORK WITH THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER. ALL I ­_ EQUIPMENT TO BE SALVAGED A4D/OR REUSED SHALL BE PROTECTED uJ z FROM DAMAGE UNTIL REINSTALLED OR THE TIME PERIOD WHEN IT IS TURNED OVER TO THE OWNER AND/OR THE PROJECT MANAGER. to 0 0 D3. SEE THE GENERAL ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES ON SHEET U-% o E1.0 AND THE DETAILS ON SHE= 1I E1.1 FOR ADDITIONAL. GENERAL w M REQUIREMENTS. C-) o m U- it v o W El� S U a o yr o 005-0319.00.0 w E 20 FOR SYMBOLS AND LEGENDS SEE DRAWING E2.0 SEE DRAWING E2.1 FOR LIGHTING !VOTES FOR LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE SEE DRAWING E291 E CUSTOM LED DOWN,IGHTING AND HEARTH; ORDERED FRC CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERT LOCATION, QUANTITY, FIXTUR CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS McDONALD'S AREA CONSTRU ORDERING AND INSTALLATIOP E2 WEATHERPROOF JUNCTION 6 McDONALD'S FASCIA / PLAY PROVIDED WITH INTEGRAL Di If ILLUMINATED FASCIA WITH IP E3 LOCATION, LENGTH AND ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS F OPERATING SYSTEM WITH E\ INSTALLATION. (TYPICAL) i E2.3 URS PROJECT No. 60483275 SCALE: 1/4" = 1 �j NOT USED RADIAL WALL SCONCE. SEE SHEETS A2.0 & A2.1. EC SHALL REUSE EXISTING AND ROOF CAP ELEMENT L m I �n r m o y U1 � o O C r � FIXTURES FOR ARCADE WALLS Ln C- CD cq V 0 �� 00 U W M SECURITY LIGHTING. N Rei OD co in �U)m6 U Y FIXTURE MOUNTING HEIGHT, R 0 N O 0 b E LENGTHS, AND ALL ELECTRICAL a)O 8 LO mn CO ?� WITH SECURITY LIGHTING AND 5 ('� 0)c r00 TION MANAGER PRIOR TO co r 0 m L a OX FOR ARCH LOGO / -PLACE SIGN. ALL SIGNS SCONNECT SWITCH. ITEGRAL LED LIGHTING. VERIFY z APPURTENANCES INCLUDING EQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE 'ERBRIGHT LLC, PRIOR TO U w CA ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS ON CIRCUIT FOR ROOF SIGNAGE GHTING. w ¢ 0 w m I �n r m o y U1 � o O C r � � Ln C- CD cq V 0 �� 00 U W C Q � p N Rei OD co in �U)m6 U �v R 0 N O 0 b a)O 8 LO mn CO ?� 0 Z v 5 ('� 0)c r00 co r 0 m L a ly 0 El� Lil I— X W IN z w o O m o o O N O � Ln C- w n o U W N G a- w 7 a\ O L in ly 0 El� Lil I— X W IN z o a n � [,-Q' 0 o 005-0319.00.0 zz w z E2e3 cn ELECTRICAL ROOF PLAN F- 0 City of 9Wheat jid�gye COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 28, 2016 Applicant: Evan Scott, AECOM evan.scott@aecom.com Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner 11 Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Michael Arellano, Chief Building Official Steve Art, Economic Development Manager Mark Westberg, Projects Supervisor Specific Site Location: 3902 Wadsworth Boulevard Existing Zoning: Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) Existing Comp. Plan: Mixed Use Town Center, Primary Commercial Corridor, Community Commercial Center, Neighborhood Buffer Existing Site Conditions: The property is located along Wadsworth Boulevard approximately 800 feet north of 38`h Avenue in the Wheat Ridge Marketplace shopping center. The property is zoned Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) as are many of the adjacent properties along Wadsworth Boulevard. To the south of the shopping center, along 38`h Avenue, is a corridor of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) zoning. To the east and west of the Wadsworth Corridor area are residentially zoned areas, primarily comprised of the Residential -Two (R-2) and Residential -Three (R-3) districts. According to the Jefferson County Assessor, the McDonalds at this site sits on a parcel of land measuring 44,388 square feet (1.02 acres). The approximately 4,000 square foot building was constructed in 1996 prior to the City initiated rezoning along the Wadsworth corridor. This location currently has a single drive-thru lane. The property is embedded in the shopping center and gets access from a shared curb cut to Wadsworth and internally from shared drive aisles. The order window is located on the north end of the building with the pick-up window on the west. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing exterior facade improvements, relocation of ADA parking spaces, and the addition of a second drive-thru. N - QW GATS HIHOMSOVM � r a W J, ci R n u j, v`Ci i K c o w E 4 Ji1S AOkO NVA T 8 F•. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting is not required prior to the application submittal for a conditional use permit. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning & Use The Mixed Use Commercial (MU -C) zone district requires drive-through and drive -up eating establishments to obtain a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). This McDonalds was built (1996) and was last renovated (2010) prior to the establishment of the Mixed Use Commercial zone district, which is why no use permit currently exists for the property. The change of zoning on the property, and much of the Wadsworth corridor from West 35`h Avenue to just north of 44`h Avenue, occurred in 2011. The existing drive-through was permitted to operate as it existed prior to the MU -C zone district; however expansion of the drive-through requires compliance with the existing regulations, which requires a conditional use permit. Development Standards The applicant stated the exterior would be EIFS or stucco. The Municipal Code only allows for a maximum of 25% on each facade to be EIFS. Lighting Since the fagade improvements include upgraded lighting, the Planning Division requests that a photometric plan be submitted with the Conditional Use Permit application. Signage The applicant stated that there will be no upgrading of the monument signs facing Wadsworth Landscaping The MU -C zone district requires a minimum of 10% landscape coverage. The applicant stated that no existing landscaped areas are being lost. Building Division comments: The Building Division had several questions, mainly regarding how the electrical components of the structure would be upgraded, and the Chief Building Official has requested that an electrical plan be included in the submittals. Remodeling of the interior and exterior of the structure will require building permits, and potentially the issuance of a new Certificate of Occupancy upon completion of the project, and only after passing all of the required inspections. The City has adopted and currently enforces the 2012 Edition of the International Codes and the 2014 Edition of the National Electric Code. The City uses the ANSI 117.1-2009 Standard in determining requirements related to accessibility. Public Works comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Access & Circulation Issues have been identified with the current shared drive aisles, the drive-thru stacking lane, and angled parking on the east side of the structure. The angled parking runs counter to the flow of traffic in the drive aisle and is often blocked in by stacked cars in the drive-thru lane. While the addition of a second drive-thru lane should help reduce the amount of stacking, it is still recommended that the angled parking spaces be straightened to perpendicular parking spaces to reduce conflicts with vehicles backing out opposite the flow of traffic. Review Process This request will require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) with a site plan. Application A formal application may be submitted at any point after the pre -application meeting, which was held on April 28, 2016. The CUP application will be assigned a case number and case manager. The case manager will be the applicant's point of contact at the City for the duration of the case processing. The case manager will review the case, and sent it out on referral to City and outside agencies for review. The referral period is 15 days, during which time all departments and agencies may submit comments on the application. These comments, as well as those from the case manager, may require modifications to the application. The case manager will prepare a staff report for review by the Community Development Director, who will approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Conditional Use Permit. The Director will evaluate the application based on the following criteria, which have been established by the Municipal Code: 1. The compatibility of the proposed use with the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and proposed adjacent uses, in terns of scale, site design, and operating characteristics (including traffic generation, lighting, noise, and hours of operation); 3. The ability to mitigate adverse and undesirable impacts to the surrounding area, including but not limited to visual impacts, air emissions, noise, vibrations, glare, heat, odors, water pollution, and other nuisance effects; 4. Amount of traffic generated and capacity and design of roadways to handle anticipated traffic; 5. The incorporation and integration of architectural and landscape features to mitigate impacts from the proposed use. A decision of denial by the Community Development Director can be appealed by the applicant to the Board of Adjustment. Public hearings before the Board of Adjustment are subject to an additional processing and public notification fee. Please note: A Certificate of Occupancy for development of the conditional use must be issued within three years of the date of approval of the CUP, or the CUP will expire. The approval of a Conditional Use Permit is only one step in the process; additional requirements may need to be addressed from other agencies and departments. This includes the Building Division's permitting and inspection requirements. .19 Attachments: None. Note: Please be aware that the above comments are for general information purposes only. Staff cannot predict the outcome of any land use development application. A favorable response from staff does not obligate any decision-making body (Community Development Director, Public Works Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council) to a desired outcome. Staff will provide the best advice available given existing regulations, current policy, political climate and information submitted. Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Lauren Mikulak — Senior Planner 303-235-2845 Lisa Ritchie — Planner 11 303-235-2852 Zack Wallace — Planning Technician 303-235-2849 Michael Arellano — Chief Building Official 303-235-2853 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg — Projects Supervisor 303-235-2863