HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-16-02City of Wheat idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. 303.235.2857 May 27, 2016 Lauren Mikulak Wheat Ridge Housing Authority 7500 W. 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Ms. Mikulak: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: At its meeting of April 7, 2016 Planning Commission recommended APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-16- 02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 441h Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the community. 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property. 4. The zone change will prepare the property for reuse or redevelopment and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request. At its meeting of May 9, 2016 City Council APPROVED Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44'x' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. City Council has conducted a proper public hearing meeting all public notice requirements as required by Section 26-109 of the Code of Laws. 2. The requested zoning has been reviewed by Planning Commission, which has forwarded its recommendation of approval. 3. The requested zoning has been found to comply with the "criteria for review" in Section 26-112-E of the Code of Laws. If you have not done so already, please remove the posting signs associated with this case from the property. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Tammy Odean Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes from Planning Commission Minutes from City Council cc: WZ-16-02 (case file) WZ 1602.doc heatridge.co.us Ms. Thompson stated it is very important for there to be a rezone and property line clean up and the Fruitdale project will definitely benefit the City. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner LEO to recommend APPROVAL Case No. MS -16-01, a request for approval of a two -lot minor subdivision plat on property located at 10801 and 10803 W. 44`x' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvement installed at the developer's expense. 2. All requirement of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The subdivision plat shall not be recorded until the land exchange between the applicants is finalized. Motion passed 5-0. B. Case No. WZ-16-02: an application filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for Fapproval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and v-0 Commercialne (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W 44`h Avenue. Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Reckert stated the purpose of the rezoning is to consolidate the zoning and to modify the list of uses and prepare the property for redevelopment. Rezoning is the first step in the process and if rezoning is approved then a Site Plan will be required to review redevelopment on the site. The 3 current zoning designations were inherited when the City incorporated in 1969; A-1 being the most restrictive and limiting to single family and farming uses, C-1 being for retail use and R-3 allowing for single family up to multi -family dwellings. MU -N is a hybrid of both A -I and C-1 allowing for residential uses and commercial uses as well as multi -family live/work. Both the Structure Plan (within the Comprehensive Plan) and the Fruitdale Valley Subarea Plan call for revitalization on the 44` Avenue Corridor. A neighborhood meeting held on March 1, 2016 had 3 attendees who were generally supportive and there were not concerns from outside referral agencies. The next steps are a City Council meeting on May 9, site plan review, and a building permit. Planning Commission Minutes -3— April 3_April 7, 2016 Commissioner BUCKNAM thinks the MU -N zoning makes sense in this corridor and asked a couple of questions regarding the historic building. He inquired about the relationship between the City's architectural standards and the historic preservation requirements. Ms. Reckert explained that if there were to be a large expansion, by more than 50%, then the developer would have to comply with architectural standards, but because it is registered historically it will have to follow the federal historical standards. Commissioner BUCKNAM then asked about the administrative site plan review process, and wondered if there has been any discussion about public input or review given that this is a historic site. Ms. Reckert and Ms. Mikulak stated currently there is no input from the public during a site plan review process. Because of the national landmark designation, federal design standards may trump local design standards. Commissioner OHM asked if the building is taller than 35 feet and if this presents a problem because 35 feet is the maximum height for residential uses. Ms. Mikulak and Ms. Reckert stated they don't know the current height of the building, but the height would not prohibit the building from being used residentially because it is an existing condition. Craig Horlacher, President, Fruitdale Roof Maintenance Assoc. 10720 W. 45`h, Wheat Ridge Mr. Horlacher read part of a letter addressed to Mr. Hartman with HEI. The concerns of the association regard the northern end of Lot 2 and the construction of a new fence or screening. They are concerned that a fence on the Fruitdale property could negatively impact the maintenance and replacement of the existing cedar fence in the future. Also, he expressed a concern of privacy in the backyards due to the proximity of the access road and the line of sight from the 2nd story windows in Fruitdale School. Ms. Reckert acknowledged the concerns and stated she is not sure what the future site plans holds related to fencing. She indicated that zone change approval is not typically conditioned with requirements related to fencing. It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commission BUCKNAM to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44`" Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. Planning Commission Minutes -4— April 4—April 7, 2016 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property. 4. The zone change will prepare the property for reuse or redevelopment and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request. AL Motion Carried 5-0. C. Case Nos. WZ-15-10 & WZ-15-11: an application filed by Stor-All Storage for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) and a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for property located at 12700 W. 44`h Avenue. Mr. Ritchie gave a short presentation on this continuance from the March 17, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Ritchie updated the Commission with the applicant's changes in the case report. She explained the ODP document now includes additional uses which are more commercial in use. These options include research laboratories, eating establishments without a drive-thru, medical and dental offices and retail sales. Also, there will only be one free standing sign with a maximum height of 15 feet. Revisions were also made to the SDP document including the lighting plan which was refined to have no spill on adjacent properties; a security light added at the rear emergency exit and the low light levels are consistent with office park lighting at night. The wall signs are what the applicant intends to apply for and are allowed under the sign code as is. With regards to the Comprehensive Plan, this area is designated as a neighborhood buffer due to the proximity to I-70, but there is no specific use of buffering defined, but there are goals. Goal NH2 is to increase housing, but this property is not ideal for housing; Goal NH4 is to stimulate investment and redevelopment in the neighborhood buffer areas, which this proposal promotes; Goal SC3 is to increase community safety and code enforcement, this proposal should reinforce this goal; Goal CS7 increases opportunities for public involvement with City government, this goal is not applicable to the proposal, but the ODP includes community buildings as a possible use; and finally Goal SF4 maintains a healthy and active community which this proposal promotes by providing a detached sidewalk along Youngfield Street. Ms. Ritchie explained that PID was proposed because the majority of uses are allowed in the I -E zone district and if rezoned to I -E the district would allow uses more intense than appropriate for this location. Also, PID is employment supporting. Other options Planning Commission Minutes -5— April 5_April 7, 2016 City Council Minutes May 9, 2016 Page 3 Motion carried 5-2, with Councilmembers Mathews and Duran voting no. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING \ 2. Council Bill 07-2016 — An Ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue from Agricultural -One, Residential -Three, and Commercial -One to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) (Case No WZ-16- 02/Fruitdale) Councilmember Fitzgerald announced that he needed to recuse himself from Item 2 as he sits on the Housing Authority. He left the room. Councilmember Pond introduced Council Bill 07-2016. Clerk Shaver assigned Ordinance 1596. Mayor Jay opened the Public Hearing. Mayor Jay swore in Meredith Reckert, senior planner. Staff presentation Meredith Reckert gave the staff presentation. She entered into the record the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning ordinance, the case file and packet materials, and contents of the digital presentation. She testified that all posting and publication requirements have been met. • The Housing Authority owns the 1.4 acre property and is requesting the rezoning. • The purpose of the rezoning is to consolidate the zoning, modify the allowed uses and simplify future review and approval. Further development would require only an administrative process. • Property contains two buildings, a 1,000 sq ft cottage and the Fruitdale school. • The property is currently under contract with a residential developer. • The MU -N zone is deemed appropriate for this location and follows the Comprehensive Plan. • The zoning criteria for neighborhood commercial corridors encourages improvement of underutilized properties. • The Fruitdale Valley Master Plan shows the area as mixed use which supports the redevelopment and revitalization of properties along 44th Ave. • A neighborhood meeting was held.; three people attended; were generally supportive. • All outside agencies can serve the property. • At the Planning Commission hearing the HOA for the homes to the north expressed concerns about common fencing and privacy issues (due to the height of the building), but the Planning Commission recommended approval. • If approved, the next steps would be a site plan approval and a building permit. City Council Minutes May 9, 2016 Page 4 Staff recommends approval 1. Zone change will promote the public health, safety, and welfare 2. Request is consistent with goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and other guiding documents 3. Zone change will prepare it for redevelopment and may be a catalyst for other improvements in the area. 4. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change supports the request. There were no questions from Council. Mayor Jay swore in the remainder of the speakers. Applicant Lauren Milulak, staff liaison to the Housing Authority, spoke in support of the rezoning. Public Comment Janice Thompson, member of the Housing Authority, spoke in support of the rezoning. She feels it will be a shot of adrenalin for the area. Paul Fiorino spoke on behalf of the group who put in a formal proposal for an art center for the property. Their proposal has yet to ever be considered. He noted the Romero property to the west that has the same zoning, and those people have not been considered. He suggested the grant the City is giving this developer could be put into the Romero property so a larger property can be developed. This would be a good site for community use. He urged that the proposal for the art center be revisited. There are lots of opportunities; this need not move so quickly. Clancy Degenhart (WR) had several questions about the selling price, the loan and grant of $1.9M the City is giving the developer, and the development agreement. He was informed his questions were not related to the rezoning case. Mr. Goff stated the development agreement has been approved by Council and is available for him to look at. The next Council update is scheduled for August 1; contingencies are pending. The Council had no questions. Mayor Jay closed the Public Hearing Motion by Councilmember Pond to approve Council Bill 07-2016, an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue from Agricultural - One, Residential -Three, and Commercial -One to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) (Case No WZ-16-021Fruitdale) and that it take effect fifteen (15) days after final publication for the following reasons: 1. City Council has conducted a proper public hearing meeting all public notice requirements as required by Section 26-109 of the Code of Laws. 2. The requested rezoning has been reviewed by the Planning Commission, which has forwarded its recommendation of approval. City Council Minutes May 9, 2016 Page 5 3. The requested rezoning has been found to comply with the "criteria for review" in Section 26-112 of the Code of Laws. seconded by Councilmember Hoppe; Councilmember Davis received confirmation that the Romero's were at the neighborhood meeting. Ms. Reckert will speak to them to see if they are interested in rezoning. Councilmember Urban received confirmation that this rezoning would be necessary for this property to be used for anything other than a school. Councilmember Duran had Mr. Dahl explain the quiet title action that was taken to remove the reverter clause. The reverter clause no longer applies. Councilmember Mathews explained that he understands the need for this rezoning, but continues to disapprove of how this project is being financed with taxpayer money ^ Motion carried 6-0. Councilmember Fitzgerald returned to the Chambers. Mr. Dahl provided directions for the study session to follow, followed by an executive session. CITY MANAGER'S MATTERS Mr. Goff announced two public meetings. Tomorrow, May 10 there is a public meeting about accessory dwelling units at 7pm at City Hall. People are encouraged to come and give their input. This Thursday, May 12 at 7pm in Council Chambers will be the first meeting of the DIRT Task Force. CITY ATTORNEY'S MATTERS Mr. Dahl directed Council's attention to the memo he had sent them on the Fair Campaign Practices Act providing guidance about their behavior related to ballot issues/questions and election activity. If they have further questions, they can call him. ELECTED OFFICIALS' MATTERS Treasurer Jerry DiTullio announced that in response to public requests over the years for information about financial reports there are now a number of reports available on the City Treasurer's page of the City website. He listed several and welcomed the public to view them. Clerk Janelle Shaver reminded Council to sign the letters being passed to them. 2016045877 5/16/201611:16 AM PGS 3 $21.00 DF $0.00 Electronically Recorded Jefferson County, Cc Saye Griffin. Clerk and Recorder —D1000 N CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOODEN COUNCIL BILLO. 07 ORDINANCE NO. 1596 Series of 2016 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10803 W. 44TH AVENUE FROM AGRICULTURAL - ONE, RESIDENTIAL -THREE, AND COMMERCIAL -ONE TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-16- 02/FRUITDALE) WHEREAS, Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws establishes procedures for the City's review and approval of requests for land use cases; and, WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority has submitted a land use application for approval of a zone change to the Mixed Use -Neighborhood zone district for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue -land, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a comprehensive plan— Envision Wheat Ridge—which calls for a mix of land uses along neighborhood commercial corridors such as W. 44th Avenue -,and, WHEREAS, a zone change will consolidate the existing zoning on the property and enable future reuse of the vacant property; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 7, 2016 and voted to recommend approval of rezoning the property to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) , NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Upon application by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a zone change ordinance from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue, and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a zone change is approved for the following described land: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONSIDERING THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21 TO BEAR NORTH 00018'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2645.89 FEET BETWEEN A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITYOF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C1/4, S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO. COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH 00018'33" EAST,ALONG WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 1600.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 15, FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES SUBDIVISION, DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 93180748, DATED NOVEMBER 3, 1993, RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89031'09" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINEA DISTANCE OF 11.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE 00018'34" EAST, A DISTANCEOF 140.24 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 2012138009, DATED DECEMBER 21, 2015, RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; THENCE SOUTH 89046'58" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 36.36 FEET -THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 00018'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 89.92 FEET; THENCENORTH 90°00'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 51.64 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL;THENCE SOUTH 00018'40" EAST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 172.70 FEET TO THE NORTHRIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 89053'18" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHRIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 198.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE NORTH 00018'41" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 262.43 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OFSAID LOT 15; THENCE NORTH 00018'34" WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF139.26 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTH 89031'09" EAST, ALONG THENORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 98.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 62,708 SQ.FT. OR 1.4396 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ALSO KNOWN AS 10803 W. 44TH AVENUE. Section 2. Vested Property Rights Approval of this zone change does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability; Conflicting Ordinance Repealed If any section, subsection or clause of the ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 1 on this 11th day of April, 2016, ordered it published with Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, May 9, 2016 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 6 to 0 , this 9thday of may 2016. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 9th day of May ATTEST: a elle Shaver, City Clerk 1St publication: April 14, 2016 2nd publication: May 12, 2016 Wheat Ridge Transcript: Effective Date: May 27, 2016 Ap v as t Form Gerald Dahl, City Attorney 2016. City or WheatRidge Co�uKnv DEWLOPMt'NT Case No. WZ-16-02/Fruitdale A request 1'or approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3) and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) at 10803 W. 4411' Avenue Cor Rxmdl \luc 1I. 21116 Site ,per Vol INIS i • �. r � .S• -jt Site ,per Vol INIS i W 4411' Avenue Combin Yt Fruitdalc pnghnics Comprehensive Plan Zoning nmp Process Neighborhood Meeting: Structure Plan - 2009 Held on March 1, 2016 - Three attendees present - were 44th Aernue-Neigmhood commercial corridor -encourageses improvement of pprezoning generally supportive of in and reinvestment underutilized properties with quality Referral: design. increasing lousing options No concerns from city departments or agencies - Subsequent referral for site plan review Fruitdale Valley Master Plan -2007 Planning Commission public hearing- April 7, 2016 General area shown as mixed use One member of the neighborhood spoke regarding the Redevelopment and revitalization of application - HOA for properly to the rear (north) - fencing propenies along 441^ I argots Fruitdale for a viable reuse of and privacy Clic existing, building PC recommends approval Next stens: City Council public hearing - May 9, 2016 Site plan Building pCI-Init 06/22/2016 (� - City of WheatR, dge C' ITEM NO: DATE: May 9, 2016 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION 4 TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 07-2016 - AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10803 W. 44TH AVENUE FROM AGRICULTURAL -ONE, RESIDENTIAL -THREE, AND COMMERCIAL -ONE TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-16- 02/FRUITDALE) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR IST READING (4/11/2016) ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ® ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING (5/9/2016) ❑ RESOLUTIONS 0TTA4T_T1Tn1r1A1 - 141 Vve ❑ NO City Manager ISSUE: The applicant is requesting approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One, Residential -Three, and Commercial -One to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44`x' Avenue. The proposed rezoning area includes one parcel, the total size of which is approximately l .41 acres. The purpose of the zone change is to consolidate the zoning, to modify the list of uses and to simplify the review and approval for future reuse of the property. The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRHA) is the owner and applicant, and at this time they are working with a developer partner to reuse the property for approximately 16 loft -style apartments. Regardless of whether this redevelopment moves forward, the Authority considers a zone change necessary for redevelopment of the property in any capacity. PRIOR ACTION: Planning Commission heard this request at a public hearing held on April 7, 2016. The staff report and meeting minutes from that public hearing are attached. Council Action Form — Fruitdale Zone Change May 9, 2016 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed zone change is not expected to have a direct financial impact on the City. The rezoning may, however, expand redevelopment opportunities for the property, which would promote the City's economic development goals. BACKGROUND: The site is located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue, on the north side of W. 44`h Avenue between Parfet St. and Moore Ct. The subject site is 1.41 acres in size and is zoned Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3) and Commercial -One (C-1). The subject property has roughly 198 feet of street frontage along W. 44`h Avenue, with a curb cut near the center, roughly 24 feet in width. The property contains two structures. The first is a cottage along the western property line near the front, approximately 1,100 square feet in size. The second is the historic Fruitdale School building which has not been used since 2007. The school structure which was built in 1927 is located toward the rear of the property with a single story addition on the west side constructed in the 1950s. The property was previously owned by Jefferson County Public Schools. When the Norma Anderson preschool opened to the east in 2007, Fruitdale School was decommissioned. The Housing Authority purchased Fruitdale School in 2011 and has been seeking a reuse for the property since that time. WRHA is under contract to sell the property to a developer partner, Hartman Ely Investments (HEI). The developer is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating approximately 16 loft -style apartments. Regardless of whether HEI is the ultimate buyer, WRHA considers the zone change necessary for redevelopment of the property. Surrounding Land Uses Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the east and north is the Norma Anderson Preschool facility, owned and operated by the Jefferson County School District. Along the W. 44th Avenue corridor are properties zoned C-1, Restricted Commercial (R -C), Residential -Three (R-3), Residential -Two (R-2) and A-1. The uses along the corridor vary, with multi -family residential properties, numerous commercial businesses, a few scattered single family homes, and a church. To the north of the property and the Norma Anderson Preschool is residential development, with both multi -family buildings and duplexes. Current and Proposed Zoning The property currently has three separate zonings: Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential 3), (R- 3), and Commercial -One (C-1). The purpose of the zone change to Mixed Use- Neighborhood (MU -N) is to consolidate zoning on the site and to prepare it for redevelopment opportunities. The MU -N zoning allows a variety of residential, commercial and civic land uses. The MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI's residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most future development, if for some reason HEI does not move forward. MU -N is also an appropriate zone district for this location. This zone designation is generally Council Action Form — Fruitdale Zone Change May 9, 2016 Page 3 located along neighborhood main streets, such as W. 44th Avenue, because it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. 07-2016, an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 10803 W. 40 Avenue from Agricultural -One, Residential -Three, and Commercial -One to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) on second reading, and that it take effect 15 days after final publication for the following reasons: 1. City Council has conducted a proper public hearing meeting all public notice requirements as required by Section 26-109 of the Code of Laws. 2. The requested rezoning has been reviewed by the Planning Commission, which has forwarded its recommendation of approval. 3. The requested rezoning has been found to comply with the "criteria for review" in Section 26-112-E of the Code of Laws." Or, "I move to deny Council Bill No. 07-2016, an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue from Agricultural -One, Residential -Three, and Commercial -One to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) on second reading, for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." REPORT PREPARED/REVIEWED BY: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director Patrick Goff, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 07-2016 2. Planning Commission report 3. Planning Commission minutes CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOODEN COUNCIL BILL NO. 07 ORDINANCE NO. Series of 2016 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10803 W. 44TH AVENUE FROM AGRICULTURAL - ONE, RESIDENTIAL -THREE, AND COMMERCIAL -ONE TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-16- 02/FRUITDALE) WHEREAS, Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws establishes procedures for the City's review and approval of requests for land use cases; and, WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority has submitted a land use application for approval of a zone change to the Mixed Use -Neighborhood zone district for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a comprehensive plan— Envision Wheat Ridge—which calls for a mix of land uses along neighborhood commercial corridors such as W. 44th Avenue; and, WHEREAS, a zone change will consolidate the existing zoning on the property and enable future reuse of the vacant property; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 7, 2016 and voted to recommend approval of rezoning the property to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) , NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Upon application by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a zone change ordinance from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue, and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a zone change is approved for the following described land: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONSIDERING THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21 TO BEAR NORTH 00018'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2645.89 FEET BETWEEN A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITYOF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C1/4, S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE Attachment 1 BOX AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO. COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH 00018'33" EAST,ALONG WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, A E OF LOT 5D RUITDA STANCEO PATIO HOMES SUBDIF 1600.70 FEET TO A VISION, NT ON THE NORTH LI ON, DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 93180748, DATED NOVEMBER 3, 1993, RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89031'09" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE,A DISTANCE OF 11.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE 00018'34" EAST, A DISTANCEOF 140.24 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 2012138009, DATED DECEMBER 21, 2015, RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; THENCE SOUTH 89046'58" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 36.36 FEET -THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 0001840" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 89.92 FEET; THENCENORTH 90°00'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 51.64 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL;THENCE SOUTH 00018'40" EAST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 172.70 FEET TO THE NORTHRIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 89°53'18" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHRIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 198.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE NORTH 00°18'41" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 262.43 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OFSAID LOT 15; THENCE NORTH 00018'34" WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF13 8903 09T EAST, ALONG THENORTTHE NORTHWEST OHRNER OF SAID LOT; NE OF SAID LOT, A THENCE NORTH DISTANCE OF 98.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 62,708 SQ.FT. OR 1.4396 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ALSO KNOWN AS 10803 W. 44TH AVENUE. Section 2 Vested Property Rights. Approval of this zone change does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3 Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4 Severability; Conflicting Ordinance Repealed. If any section, subsection or clause of the ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 1 on this 11 th day of April, 2016, ordered it published with Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, May 9, 2016 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 2016. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of ATTEST: Janelle Shaver, City Clerk 1 St publication: April 14, 2016 2 nd publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript: Effective Date: Joyce Jay, Mayor Approved as to Form Gerald Dahl, City Attorney , 2016. PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION April 7, 2016 Case No. WZ-16-02: an application filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -3 (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue. (Please print) Name Address In Favor/Opposed f�V City of Wheat ,, e OMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 7, 2016 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-16-02/Fruitdale School ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A -I ), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10803 W. 44f' Avenue PROPERTY OWNER: Wheat Ridge Housing Authority APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.41 acres PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial — One (C-1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor ENTER INTO RECOR D• COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Attachment 2 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a zone hange Mixed Use from Neighborhood (MU(N)lfor property (R-3), and Commercial—One (C-1) to located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue. The purpose of the rezoning is to modify the list of uses and to simplify the review and approval for future reuse of the property. exhibit'', A' jj& nt Letter) The zone change is the first step of the process for approval for reuse or redevelopment of this site under MU -N zoning. If approved, and prior to any redevelopment, a site development plan review will be required to confirm compliance with the city zoning code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. This review would be administrative with no additional public hearings required. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue, on the north side of W. 441h Avenue between Parfet St. and Moore Ct. The subject site is 1.41 acres in size and is zoned Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3) and Commercial -One (C-1). The subject property has roughly 198 feet of street frontage along W. 44`h Avenue, with a curb cut near the center, roughly 24 feet in width. The property contains two structures. The first is a cottage along the western property line near the front, approximately 1,100 square feet in size. The second is the old Fruitdale School building warditheh ear of as notthe property with aeen used since 0s ngle story school structure which was built in 1927 is located to addition on the west side constructed in the 1950s. (Exhibit 2, Aerial Photo) A related case, Case No. MS -16-01, would subdivide the subject site from adjacent property to the east. The Fruitdale school building and cottage are located on Lot 2 of the Fruitdale School Subdivision. (Exhibit 3, Fruitdale: School Subdivisionswaph c) The Housing Authority purchased Fruitdale School in 2011 from the Jefferson County School District, but the history of the site dates back to the 1800s. The property was deeded to the Jefferson County School District in 1883 and the first school was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroyed by fire in the 1920s, after which noted Denver architect and developer Temple Buell designed the existing red brick school building in 1927. Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s and the facility served as a public school until 2007. When the Norma Anderson preschool opened on the east portion of the site in 2007, Fruitdale School was decommissioned. The property is flat with various mature trees on it which appear to be elms, cottonwoods and spruce trees. [ t�� MMI RM In November 2015, WRHA executed a purchase and sale agreement with Hartman Ely Investments (HEI), by which Lot 2 will be sold for redevelopment after platting is completed, 2 Planning Commission 1VZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change and various other milestones are reached. The developer is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating 16 loft style apartments. The sale closing is anticipated in the summer of 2016. Regardless of whether or not HEI is the ultimate buyer, WRHA considers the zone change and subdivision plat necessary for redevelopment of the property in any capacity. Adjacent zoning and land use Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the east and north is the Norma Anderson Preschool facility, owned and operated by the Jefferson County School District. Along the W. 44 1h Avenue corridor are properties zoned C-1, Restricted Commercial (R -C), Residential -Three (R-3), Residential -Two (R-2) and A-1. The uses along the corridor vary, with multi -family residential properties, numerous commercial businesses, a few scattered single family homes, and a church. To the north of the property and the Norma Anderson Preschool is residential development, with both multi -family buildings and duplexes. (Exhibit 4, zoning map). III. PROPOSED ZONING The property currently has three separate zonings on it Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1). The purpose of the zone change to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) is to consolidate zoning on the site and to prepare it for redevelopment opportunities. The MU -N zoning allows a variety of residential, commercial and civic land uses. The MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI's residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most future development if, for some reason, HEI does not move forward. MU -N is also an appropriate zone district for this location. This zone district is generally located along neighborhood main streets, such as W. 44`h Avenue, because it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. The A-1 zoning has a limited use list and includes single family residential and agricultural uses such as general farming, horse stables and landscape nurseries. The R-3 zoning allows a variety of residential uses including single and two family dwellings and multi -family with up to 12 units per acre. The C-1 zone district allows a variety of land uses including office, service and retail uses that can serve the neighborhood or provide more of a regional draw such as with large format retailers and franchised restaurants. The most intensive zoning on the property is the Commercial -One with the least intensive zoning being A-1. The following table compares the existing A-1 and C-1 zoning and proposed MU -N zoning for the property. Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Development A-1 zoning g C-1 zoning MU -N zoning Standard Single family Commercial uses Residential and Uses residential and (office, service and commercial uses general farming retail) including (office, service and operations restaurants, fueling retail, restaurant) stations, RV and auto including multi -family sales and service and live/work facilities Architectural None None specified but would have to follow Mixed Use development standards Standards ASDM specified in zone district — similar to ASDM Max. Building Height 35' 50' 35' for an7denal having a r use and 5building hcommerci Max. Lot Coverage 40% 80% 85% to 90% Mixed use — 10% Min. Landscaping N/A 20% Sin le use - 15% Min. Front Setback 25' 0' — 20' build -to 0'-20' build -to If the rezoning is approved, the applicant would then submit for an administrative plan review and building permit. The design for the property would be held to the standards set forth in the zoning code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.D.2. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. While the new zoning would allow for residential, commercial and mixed uses on the lot, any proposed new development will require site plan review through which traffic impacts, drainage, and buffering will be analyzed. 4 Planning Commission 1VZ-16-021FY-uitdale Zone Change The MU -N zoning is expected to add value to the subject property and also to the surrounding community. The mixed use development standards will support compatibility between future development and existing land uses. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Prior to issuance of a building permit, an administrative site development plan application will be required and referred to all impacted utility and service agencies Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The proposed zoning is consistent with the policies and goals in the City's comprehensive plan—Envision Wheat Ridge which was adopted in 2009. The Structure Plan map in Envision Wheat Ridge illustrates the community's vision by classifying different types of areas and corridors. It is not a parcel -based land use map, and therefore does not specifically show all existing and proposed land uses. The Structure Plan for this area depicts W. 44th Avenue as a "neighborhood commercial corridor" with Public (represented in blue) transitioning into Neighborhood to the north, east and west (represented by yellow). "NOW , � _ Site �, W. 44th Avenue } Goals identified for neighborhood commercial corridors include: Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change 5 • Encouraging improvement of underutilized properties. • Increasing housing options • Ensuring quality design for development and redevelopment • Redevelopment and reinvestment in underutilized areas with denser, high quality development. The property is also located in the Fruitdale Valley Subarea plan which was adopted in 2007. Goals identified in the plan include: • Designating this general area as mixed use • Supporting the redevelopment and revitalization of properties along 44`h Avenue. • Improving and maintaining the quality and conditions of property in the area. • Targeting the Fruitdale School property for a viable reuse of the existing building Because the MU -N zoning will allow for investment in the property either through reuse or redevelopment, the zone change and site development could encourage revitalization on other properties in the area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current zoning designations as they appear on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. West 44`h Avenue carries between 11,000 and 12,000 vehicles per day and land use on the corridor includes a variety of residential, multi -family and small businesses. Many of these properties were developed in Jefferson County prior to incorporation of the City. The zone change will promote reuse or redevelopment of the property which could act as a catalyst for additional redevelopment and property investment in the area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Many of the City's guiding documents assist the mme recommend reaching this goal. expanding g choices for City residents. The zone change will Y 6 Planning Commission 111Z-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a zone change support this request. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on October 28, 2014. Roughly 20 persons were in attendance. Discussion topics are addressed in the neighborhood meeting notes. (Exhibit S, ;Neigh-bor,hood Meeting Notes) VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Arvada Fire Protection District: Can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense to be assessed at the time of site plan review. Fruitdale Sanitation District: May require line and tap upgrades at the developer's expense. Valley Water District: Can serve the property with upgrades at the developer's expense. Wheat Ridge Public Works: No objections. Drainage and traffic will be analyzed at the time of site development plan. Xcel Energy: No objections to the zone change Comments received relate only to the zone change request. A separate referral process would be required in the future if the zone change is approved and a site plan is submitted. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property and prepare it for reuse or redevelopment. Investment in the property may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-16-02. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change 7 Option A:` "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3)9 and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44`x' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property. 4. The zone change will prepare the property for reuse or redevelopment and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44 1h Avenue, for the following reasons: Exhibit 1 — Applicant letter 8 Planning Commission IVZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Wheat Ridge Housinq Authority 'PSW W. 29"'Aw- Wtest Ridge. Co 303�-Z-S-26:66 March 2. ?016 Please find enpclosed a comp�Itif. IaaL1.Lse, 2TV!iratior� ff� the pnuFaaoke of rezoning pay ,. 10803 IV � Avemrr_ The rpcse od'tiltue zme el�tre application is tD c�onwhdne zot�; from Agricultural -One (A-1;. Re-si mhaJ-Tbuee (R -f1; aaasl C'o�naercial-One (C- 1) err �iLKed Use-?Vtrghborbood O] l`U-V- ) amd 70, farilitate recuse of dw pmopem- and bmlftg Background The Fruitdale Sebool building is,, )vcawJ at I f*93 W.. 441b ?l vvnw and is rineM 11, o��. b �, 1X'heat Ridge Hausimg Autbor t �JA'3II�=� i The proprrt : "s deeded to the 7etiers�� C School District in 1883 amd Im, i5m KUO3 was bxrib m the site in 1884. This chgnsal buil was destroyed by fire in the 13t 't .. a 'acriir moiled Denier architect and &'%Tk-Tv Temple- r Buell designed the existing red basic; Wool hmkhn� in 1.47 7. Additions oa h,,dii sides ,M the building «vere constructed m the 1? MN, =a ffr lacilii�y setn�ed a_� a ptablir school tmiil 2107 . Enclosed is a tim thne of nmmi, Am 12we ocrusrred siiace 2007. but in bnef MRa,% pnnrh2saed; the ProPerh' in 2011 from 1e been sxeldmg a viable rem�se of the properi 4 "jDr;e that time. Zone Cbange Request The subject site is cw mtic ztatredAgrrxmh- x-9-Olw(;4-1�. Residential -Three -3i. and Conuuercial-Ont {C-1.) au. irk 171-2X6 zqmr feet or 3,93; acres in size_ .A courmew subdi«ion application vLiU ,rmi,vii,zte� ortmpwcrls neztltin_e in the 3.93 -acre su'bjert k*. The Authont}'has long been awacre tlbw t!he prmperr s.��o•,uld likel}, nerd to be gemmed Mardu to facilitate a rede"Velopmemt U Di1 wac, ;in x mId 1m -e been premature for the AutimtV ars specttlatirely rezone the. Fxcg era c TL'sv-, as: a schools would rant haze revtu a zrxae change. and other uses would 1`2r=e° rftv:ased a spe`fE zocdng designation or planned development Currently.. the Autbonry is W ddW 'MIb a developer pxmey who is PrapOsin¢ reuse of the existing .structures for the pwpm of'ereati ng, X 101t style apartments. The dmeloM_ #ia Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change 9 Ely Investments (HEI) is currently under contract to purchase the property and dosing r,. anticipated in the stmvner of1-016. The I�IIJ-N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEis residential reuse preypasal". but would also be appropriate for most future development if for some reawm HE] dog not mo;T font ard. MU -N is also an appropriate zone district for this loczt'm 7%is zone & suxdc i3 generally located along neighborhood main streets, such as W. 44 A emw becaw it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. Other Considerations The historic school does not currently have any utility connections. Because The butildnig was previously cipected to be demolished after it was decommissioned by the scbDW drstax l- all utilities A -me disconnected and transferred to the neighboring preschool Haben. it w3s Will m 2007. A de%rloper n-ould be responsible for reinstating utility sez UCS. This image is an excerpt from the City's zoning map which shows that the FFW"P a Scfl+oal property includes three different zoning designations. The subject property 6 mnlO - in biue and is proposed to be rezoned to MU -RI. 10 Plunninb Commission II7-16-021FP*WIdulc' Zona Cbunbc' Fruitdale School Timeline For background reference. h&W ibek4w is. a timeline of n—ents that Tuve orcimrrd since 2M including the purchase of the sem. by '%'U'A and the: manY attempts to identfify a viable end. use. • Fall 2007 — Fruitdale is, drx�mus , siioned as a school in 2007 wtm the nm Waanma Anderson Preschool opens; M the adjacem. px,o Pell . The east addition of. nxitdale is demolished to accommcdair tlr prrscbool_ Utilities to Fnutdale are disc transferred to the u orme�cte�l a per, sad the hOislarir building becomes 1'acant. ' Spring 2008 — Jeffco Scbuoh yeses; an. RFP to solicit Proposals for the pos soak sale of the building. A' MA dmules to robmit a propoW for renovation of the school inter residential units. • April 2008 — VLMM Iet2w1 rf a iso GMW to comxpicte a cost estimate four a posuble residential rrusr ofTxmiUU*_ LIMA pa,Ys; iasis 522,000 to develop conceta) plaus and v" rk sperifim ms. £waste;coroplevs a proposal to =01--Ae for wo residential lofts, ibe" ft xem '21Mm is estimated at nearly S1.7 mills au nr W cost of 5188.000 per unit Ears Fiat uaniis;. • Fall 2008 — Af Iff ealoarrA decide s a resicleutial x+eose of Fruitdale is not feawbk because crthr finasnW req>urmams mated wAh multifMgY &vrkP=m x. Tk''ld,'1 M nMfws Jeffm Schools that the project is no longer conwieted ka mble =d t$ir Pry is; withdrawn. • Summer 2010 — The kxniu r bU36AW has, xemaynead tiacaW for three x _and JedJro Schools contacts Vi'1>eztR'dfr,to.W- if Or 01Y or H:iousing,A , wMjjdW to reconsider purcbaing ei t 1VVMft-befrsv dez Dbt)c n Plass are fiukzed. • MY 2010 — MM dem., to cTwimissiion a mom detailed marjje anal=, to as��,s the viability ofcomwa�ing t ie Firzkft r School unto xemdentiial units. • October 2010 — A fitl anaris s, is; rwVk1ed Ir,v, 71W Genesis Cravp a fee os S4,000. Thr anal cis; fa -sale- and fine-Irasr Mudmbal units. The xe3v)t.; of the analysis again indi 6r Huai a x ideMmi ) xe,at is; not f>manriall�* �vabk. p�r[icnlar]�- ��m the current economic and srrrrltaifa 131T'hoa w9 audition. The Hcti A decides again not to pmare argMS cc- Rwuwe. � u�orit� • November 2010 i "M& a ktttr. 10 leffco Schools indicating dm j are not interested in pzacha&ingv thr %a-kbW,. • February 2011 The w1wol dhistdctl Prepoaes, for building for demolition.. The hfiayw. urith support from C0kV3dV PxesM73tion lac.. (CPI) staff- approaches kfko Schools about the Possibility Of ld MM. puuchasing the building to sa;,e it fram demolition. • April 2011— Afla several momlhs o!° negonahm the Housing purchases Fmdtda le School) fir 51.1 ".000 - the same �� r already- paid for em�iro�emoal xtnsrdiau�as. im �� Jeffco Schools had the my preschool -s playground i on jr land tdeeded to R'RI3A. of Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change 1 1 • Fall 2011 — The interior of the school has deteriorated because of a lack of c1e control and a lealong roof during the four years of sitting vacant.. NUM dco*,s to install a nmv roof and the building is weatherized for a cost of 5110.000. • Spring 2012 —Based on an application submitted by CPI_ a S15-000 Wg-Wtcbiiag Inaw is recei«d home the State Historic Fund {SHF) for completion of a Histonc SUM=e Assessment (HSA). Slaterpaull Architects is hired to prepare the HSA. • Dec=ber 2012 — The HSA is completed and identifies 52.2 million in deli these would need to be addressed simply to make the building habitable. vkith YW nay m20. interior changes to the building configuration or tenant finish Wwk. • Spring 2013 —'%TM apphes. for and receives a second SHF P20 in for anowl of $33.000. This includes a required S° o match of S 11.000 Som XkMRA. and aWas lea the preparation of consmution dooaments as identified in the HSA. March 2013 — Afte: applying for historical landmark designatrcm FrOw dak SrbM L" • approved to be included on tine National Register of Historic Places and the C'o oaadlo State Register of Histone Propeshe' • December '013 — a'RHA retains Butler Burgher Group to caarpkie a ;-Jbutm md market analysis that rsploaes possible reuse options (condos, apuriarorrris- cd5- r rml industriaL etc.) and quantifies the feasibility of each The market studt}' ammmles 60 deferred maintenance (S2-' fin) has already been addressed and conwdON the renovation costs and stabilized values for each type of land use. The nwIrt concludes that no specific land use is considered a '`highest and best tee." a potential reuse acxild lAely have a fimding gap of $1.5 to Sl_75 mrilliaa>. 3s>idao�. if redevelopment i.s desired, the study recommends a pzWershP with 1bE (' Alternatively- it reconiuma& demolition as the most objectin a finar aaW moble option, although ibis too vmuld be at agigiven The o>�vahrc is le s >han dr, cvwbowd costs of demolition and to Authority's • March 2014 — U'RRA publishes a Request for Interest (Rff) to sokO rem P• gs from the devekrpmeat camaUrity. • July 2014 — Three proposals or received in response to the RFI, and fW HowuT Authority selects a proposal from Mountain Phoenix Charter School for an espaar' m of their charter school into Fruitdale. A purchase and sale agreesmeut is esecurod in October. • January 2015 — Afler w%,eral months of due diligence, the charter school Ummmmm the purchase and sale agreement- . February '015 — The Housing Authority offers another RFI respondent" Harmnan Eli Investments (HEI), an opportunity to present their redevelopment PmPOsal • Apnl 2015 — HET presents a preliminary reuse proposalto,►'RHA and is gamed an exclusive four-month period to conduct due diligence. • November 2015 — VLME A and HEI execute a Purchase and Sale Age.. 12 Planning Commi.%sion l i'7.-16-02IFruinlalc' Zona Change • November 24. 2015—1llM paste a. moti.o o authorizing theif financial participation io the amount of a $170-ODO gram and a S400.000 loam February 22. 2016 —City apprwres; dM!c ap=M agreement authorizing their participation in the amount of. a S4 70., pant and a $1 _ g millioshort term10 Mal Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change 13 Exhibit 3 — Plat page Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change 15 Exhibit 4 — Site Photos -AW4 fcw,,+a.;Aleute..u-....:..X..r�i 16 Planning Commi,csion 1117-1 h-112/Fruitclale Zone Change Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change 17 Exhibit 5 — Neighborhood Meeting Notes � It1 ,►f W Beat [ icigc Ctjmmtlwl,v DmL0rmFNT (l I— -f -5(mU,240A%c 1lwxRhlpc.Cl) flfMti1-1(1.11 P.lfl�:}i'2tMM 1 :ti?lt??5 t4jEI(;tiB0R1l()OD MEETING NOTES 1%leelinK Date: March 1. 2016 Staff: Mcredith Rc'cicrt. Stllir)t Planner ,,wending i.aun-n %likulak. %1311 liai%on to the Wheat Ridgc l lousing Authority Location of \lcr•ting, Wheat Ridge Mur►ietpA Building Ponce 1 raining R m 150o W, 29° A,%,couc 'heat Ridge. C() lltltl?? Property Addrem: I09u:1l' 44"' %%enne Pruptrl,ii Ow•ntrlsI' t1 heat Rtdl:c 11ou mg A utlxtsit% PropeM O%ncr(.) Prltsent? l'cr "pplicant: Wheat Rtuip:IJous"W Auth:�nt► i,i►phranl Prr.cnt? (1►tnmctta,ll-One. Resldc'.ntial-7ltractR-?)andAgrieultutal- I•:sistint:l(Onillu: One (A- 11, F�ittin�, t ttmh. flan: \cighborhood ('/wnmcrcial ( omdor t.jisting Site Conditions: The.itc is healed at 1400 M 44" A.•cnue. on ti►c mirth side o1 H 44"' Ai,t:nut: txtuccn Partes 51 and M11nr ('1 I he subltYl site is currenth Toned Agricultural-<1rx tA•I i. )ttsidrntiul•Thrcc (R-11. and ('ontrticmial-(>rtc (('• 1 ) anti is 111.205 `quare fent or z.V+ acres in site consisting of %c-cral unplatici parcels. Surrounding prt►peMrs mcludc a .arict? hof land uses ImmcYfialrl� ht the tact and notch 1. th1 Andcrslm Prrschall laeilit\. owned and ttperatcd \ the Jefferson son County Schttttl Di'ancl. Along: W. 44'h Atc'nuc con are pro+pcnlcs nmcd C.1. Restnetcd commercial IR -('l. Rcsidential•111lec ilk-?). Residential - 1 %p tR-_' 1 and A-1. The uses on the c omdor %an, a fill multi•lamih lesidential propcOics. numerous Commercial businesses. a je%% sraticrcd single fanuly ht,mes, and a church. 1 o the north of the property and the• Anderson Preschool is residential dcs clopnlent. %% fill httth multi-tantih buildings and duplexes. 111C suhje%:l pttolnrt\ has roughly 106 fret of >trcet frontage along W. 44 A\enut. with a curb cut near the renter. roughl? 24 Ice, In a kith 'live prulscn+ contains mo structures. The first is a house along the MMM .!1-M (►l�Itld�t.t0.Y► 18 Planning Commission 112-16-02/Fruildule Zone Change uc�tent pr(+pert) line near the front. approximately I - IM square fitit in size. The seccond is the old Frundalc Schrm,l building ►►hick has riot hmn used sinc 2007. The school structure which %as built in 1927. is located to,u and the rear of the prupeny with a single story addition on the west side constructed in the 19,150s. The Cit►' of U'heal Ridge Housing Authority acquired the propert} in 2012 from the Jefletson County School District. Currertttly. a playground for the preschool is located on property owned by the Housing Authority. The school district and the Housing Authority are currently discussing a land swap, which will deed the land containing the playground to the school district, and the sehoo I district will deed a vacant p wesicm rear of their property to the Housing Authority. ortion of the The Fruitdale School building is located at 108{13 W. 44th Avenue and is currently ou-ned by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRIiA). The pmperty was deeded to the 1e1%rson County School District in 1883 and the first Scilml was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroved by fire in the 1920%, after which noted Denver architect and developer Temple Buell designed the existing red brick schcwl building in 1927. Additions on both sides of the building wcre constructed in the 1950% and the facility ser► -rd as a public school until 2(()7. The scl►oa,l building is on the state and national registries for historic buildings. ApplicanVOw-ner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is requesting a zone change from Ag icultural-Onc (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3). and yr nitolidate zoning -1)1 site and to Neighbnrlux►d (MU -N ), The puW.se of the zone change is to & l+ncparc it for rudcw•elopmarnt opportunities. The MU' -N zoning allows a variety of residential, u►rnmcrcial and civic land uses. Currently. the Authority is ►►oriking with a developer partner who is proposing reuse of the existing structures ti,r the purpose Dicer acing 16 Jori .rtyle apartments, l7rc developer, Hartman Lly Investments (HF[) is currently under contract to purchase the property anti closing is anticipated in the surntncr of 2016. '17te MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI'% residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most future development if, for some reason. HPI does not move forward. P, is also an appropriate zone district fir this location. This zone district is generally located along neighborhood stain streets. such as til', 44a' Avenuc, because it allows for residential uses ac well as a limited range of commercial and retail use,,,, Attendance from the neighborhood: • In addition to ctaffand the applicant. three members of the 41'hcat Ridge Housing Authority (Janice Thompson. Chad Harr. Jennifer Walter) and fivc members of the public were melting. in attendance at the • 11hree of those attending ou n and operate a car repair facility located on the immediately to the wast which has C -I and R-3 zoning (Phil Romano and Gil and Jean Romero) • The fourth attendee. Tracy Langworthy, lives in the (townhouse development west of the car repair tacility (1 1913 - 1095 ) W. 44"' Avcnue). Ms. Langworthy is a fortncT CityCouncil representative from District Wand WRHA member, • lien Hartman the potential develuper in negotiations with the WRHA for modification of the building into 16 residential duelling units. Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change 19 The foiloA.ing is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • Staffexplained the site conditions. zoning in the property and in the neighborhood. and the reason fir the rezoning request. • 111C applicant explained the reason for the zoning change and a propc►scd redevelopment �ccnario ti+r the property. • The attendees were informod of the process for a zone change. • The attendoes were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the pnuess and at the public hearings. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: If the property is rezoned anti repurposed. Will the school building be demolished? No. What about the small house in front - will it be kept? Under the current plan. the, small house on the /runt porlion of the rj-opertr will remain and he refitrbishc d. Will the zone change impact thi zonini: on adiacem rrnpeny'.' No. this _r» tt c hangc s% ill on 1.1 impuc t the Fntirdale school property. Will the zone change impact property values in tlw area" Tyre Jefjc►rson s'a:utty.9ssessor s o(Jirr bases prope•r•tt, assessments an cru nuthe•r titan zoninp. Improvements on the school site Will most likely have a positilT impact/ on property values and could sen -c• as a catoli:st fi,r wher other property invesnnent along the 44`x' .Avenue corridor. Arc there any specific platts,fir the property"? 7h`I> RIIA is r•urri•nt1v under contract ivith a developer eche, ►could renuxlcl the inside of the building 1or 10 residential dxrNing untra - these mar ix a mil ul lox -to - moderate income cubits and some market -rate units. Has the WRHA had any feedback from the Wheat Ridge Historical Society" A'ot recentA No HArittcn cormspondence was received regarding the neighborhood meeting notice. 20 Planning Commission 11,7-16-02IFruitdale Zone Change 1 W O r. Z* x Planning Commission WZ-16-02IFruildale Zone Change 21 O r. Z* x M cL :r 17 ., '0O cr > a 0 0 to CL m Z IL Planning Commission WZ-16-02IFruildale Zone Change 21 Ms. Thompson stated it is very important for there to be a rezone and property line clean up and the Fruitdale project will definitely benefit the City. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner LEO to recommend APPROVAL Case No. MS -16-01, a request for approval of a two -lot minor subdivision plat on property located at 10801 and 10803 W. 44`h Avenue, for the following reasons: I. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvement installed at the developer's expense. 2. All requirement of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The subdivision plat shall not be recorded until the land exchange between the applicants is finalized. Motion passed 5-0. �. Case No. WZ-16-02: an application filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W 44`h Avenue. Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Reckert stated the purpose of the rezoning is to consolidate the zoning and to modify the list of uses and prepare the property for redevelopment. Rezoning is the first step in the process and if rezoning is approved then a Site Plan will be required to review redevelopment on the site. The 3 current zoning designations were inherited when the City incorporated in 1969; A-1 being the most restrictive and limiting to single family and farming uses, C -I being for retail use and R-3 allowing for single family up to multi -family dwellings. MU -N is a hybrid of both A-1 and C-1 allowing for residential uses and commercial uses as well as multi -family live/work. Both the Structure Plan (within the Comprehensive Plan) and the Fruitdale Valley Subarea Plan call for revitalization on the 44 Avenue Corridor. A neighborhood meeting held on March 1, 2016 had 3 attendees who were generally supportive and there were not concerns from outside referral agencies. The next steps are a City Council meeting on May 9, site plan review, and a building permit. Planning Commission Minutes April 7, 2016 - 3 Attachment 3 Commissioner BUCKNAM thinks the MU -N zoning makes sense in this corridor and asked a couple of questions regarding the historic building. He inquired about the relationship between the City's architectural standards and the historic preservation requirements. Ms. Reckert explained that if there were to be a large expansion, by more than 50%, then the developer would have to comply with architectural standards, but because it is registered historically it will have to follow the federal historical standards. Commissioner BUCKNAM then asked about the administrative site plan review process, and wondered if there has been any discussion about public input or review given that this is a historic site. Ms. Reckert and Ms. Mikulak stated currently there is no input from the public during a site plan review process. Because of the national landmark designation, federal design standards may trump local design standards. Commissioner OHM asked if the building is taller than 35 feet and if this presents a problem because 35 feet is the maximum height for residential uses. Ms. Mikulak and Ms. Reckert stated they don't know the current height of the building, but the height would not prohibit the building from being used residentially because it is an existing condition. Craig Horlacher, President, Fruitdale Roof Maintenance Assoc. 10720 W. 45th, Wheat Ridge Mr. Horlacher read part of a letter addressed to Mr. Hartman with HEI. The concerns of the association regard the northern end of Lot 2 and the construction of a new fence or screening. They are concerned that a fence on the Fruitdale property could negatively impact the maintenance and replacement of the existing cedar fence in the future. Also, he expressed a concern of privacy in the backyards due to the proximity of the access road and the line of sight from the 2nd story windows in Fruitdale School. Ms. Reckert acknowledged the concerns and stated she is not sure what the future site plans holds related to fencing. She indicated that zone change approval is not typically conditioned with requirements related to fencing. It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commission BUCKNAM to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. Planning Commission Minutes April 7, 2016 " 4 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property. 4. The zone change will prepare the property for reuse or redevelopment and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request. Motion Carried 5-0. C. Case Nos. WZ-15-10 & WZ-15-11: an application filed by Stor-All Storage for approval of a zone change from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) and a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for property located at 12700 W. 44`h Avenue. Mr. Ritchie gave a short presentation on this continuance from the March 17, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Ritchie updated the Commission with the applicant's changes in the case report. She explained the ODP document now includes additional uses which are more commercial in use. These options include research laboratories, eating establishments without a drive-thru, medical and dental offices and retail sales. Also, there will only be one free standing sign with a maximum height of 15 feet. Revisions were also made to the SDP document including the lighting plan which was refined to have no spill on adjacent properties; a security light added at the rear emergency exit and the low light levels are consistent with office park lighting at night. The wall signs are what the applicant intends to apply for and are allowed under the sign code as is. With regards to the Comprehensive Plan, this area is designated as a neighborhood buffer due to the proximity to I-70, but there is no specific use of buffering defined, but there are goals. Goal NI -12 is to increase housing, but this property is not ideal for housing; Goal NH4 is to stimulate investment and redevelopment in the neighborhood buffer areas, which this proposal promotes; Goal SC3 is to increase community safety and code enforcement, this proposal should reinforce this goal; Goal CS7 increases opportunities for public involvement with City government, this goal is not applicable to the proposal, but the ODP includes community buildings as a possible use; and finally Goal S174 maintains a healthy and active community which this proposal promotes by providing a detached sidewalk along Youngfield Street. Ms. Ritchie explained that PID was proposed because the majority of uses are allowed in the I -E zone district and if rezoned to I -E the district would allow uses more intense than appropriate for this location. Also, PID is employment supporting. Other options Planning Commission Minutes - 5 April 7, 2016 City of Wheat�idge � �, ITEM NO: DATE: April 11, 2016 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 07-2016 - AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10803 W. 44TH AVENUE FROM AGRICULTURAL -ONE, RESIDENTIAL -THREE, AND COMMERCIAL -ONE TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-16- 01/FRUITDALE) ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ® ORDINANCES FOR jST READING (4/11/2016) ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2 READING (5/9/201 ❑ RESOLUTIONS QUASI-JUDICIAL: ® YES ❑ NO ommunity Deve ent Dir ' or City Manager ISSUE: The applicant is requesting approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One, Residential -Three, and Commercial -One to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue. The proposed rezoning area includes one parcel, the total size of which is approximately 1.41 acres. The purpose of the zone change is to consolidate the zoning, to modify the list of uses and to simplify the review and approval for future reuse of the property. The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRHA) is the owner and applicant, and at this time they are working with a developer partner to reuse the property for 16 loft -style apartments. Regardless of whether this redevelopment moves forward, the Authority considers a zone change necessary for redevelopment of the property in any capacity. PRIOR ACTION: Planning Commission will hear the request at a public hearing on April 7, 2016. The staff report and meeting minutes from that meeting will be included with the ordinance for second reading. Council Action Form — Fruitdale Zone Change April 11, 2016 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed zone change is not expected to have a direct financial impact on the City. The portunities for the property, which promotes the rezoning may, however, expand redevelopment op City's economic development goals. BACKGROUND: The site is located at 10803 W. 40 Avenue, on the north side of W. 40 Avenue between Parfet St. and Moore Ct. The subject site is 1.41 acres in size and is zoned Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3) and Commercial -One (C-1). The subject property has roughly 198 feet of street frontage along W. 44`h Avenue, with a curb cut near the center, roughly 24 feet in width. The property contains two structures. The first is a cottage along the western property line near the front, approximately 1,100 square feet in size. The second is the historic Fruitdale School building which has not been used since 2007. The school structure which was built in 1927 is located toward the rear of the property with a single story addition on the west side constructed in the 1950s. The property was previously owned by Jefferson County Public Schools. When the Norma Anderson preschool opened to the east in 2007, Fruitdale School was decommissioned. The Housing Authority purchased Fruitdale School in 2011 and has been seeking a reuse for the property since that time. WRHA is under contract to sell the property to a developer partner, Hartman Ely Investments (HEI). The developer is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating 16 loft -style apartments. Regardless of whether HEI is the ultimate buyer, WRHA considers the zone change necessary for redevelopment of the property. Surrounding Land Uses Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immey nort diatelto the east and h is the Norma Anderson Preschool facility, owned and operated by the Jefferson County School District. Along the W. 44th Avenue corridor are properties zoned C-1, Restricted Commercial (R -C), Residential -Three (R-3), Residential -Two (R-2) and A-1. The uses along the corridor vary, with multi -family residential properties, of the ous commercial ises, a few scattered Anderson Preschool single family homes, and a church. To the north o property and the Norma residential development, with both multi -family buildings and duplexes. Current and Proposed Zoning The property currently has three separate zonings: Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R- 3), and Commercial -One (C-1). The purpose of the zone change to Mixed Use- Neighborhood (MU -N) is to consolidate zoning on the site and to prepare it for redevelopment opportunities. The MU -N zoning allows a variety of residential, commercial and civic land uses. The MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI's residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most futuredistrict for thislf for some locat on. This zone MU -N is also an appropriate zone zone district is generally located Council Action Form — Fruitdale Zone Change April 11, 2016 Page 3 along neighborhood main streets, such as W. 40 Avenue, because it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. 07-2016 an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue from Agricultural -One, Residential -Three, and Commercial -One to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) on first reading, order it published, public hearing set for Monday, May 9, 2016 at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers, and that it take effect 15 days after final publication." REPORT PREPARED/REVIEWED BY: Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director Patrick Goff, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 07-2016 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL BILL NO. 07 ORDINANCE NO. Series of 2016 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10803 W. 44TH AVENUE FROM AGRICULTURAL - ONE, RESIDENTIAL -THREE, AND COMMERCIAL -ONE TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-16- 01/FRUITDALE) WHEREAS, Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws establishes procedures for the City's review and approval of requests for land use cases; and, WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority has submitted a land use application for approval of a zone change to the Mixed Use -Neighborhood zone district for property located at 10803 W. 44" Avenue; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a comprehensive plan— Envision Wheat Ridge—which calls for a mix of land uses along neighborhood commercial corridors such as W. 44th Avenue; and, WHEREAS, a zone change will consolidate the existing zoning on the property and enable future reuse of the vacant property; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 7, 2016 and voted to recommend of rezoning the property to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) , NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Upon application by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a zone change ordinance from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue, and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a zone change is approved for the following described land: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONSIDERING THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21 TO BEAR NORTH 00018'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2645.89 FEET BETWEEN A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITYOF WHEAT RIDGE, ATTACHMENT 1 SURVEY MONUMENT, C1/4, S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO. COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION, THENCE SOUTH 00018'33" EAST,ALONG WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 1600.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINEOF LORDPATIO HOMES SUBDIVISION, DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO 9318078, DATEDOMB R 99 RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89031'09" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINEA DISTANCE OF 11.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE 00018'34" EAST, A DISTANCEOF 140.24 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 2012138009, DATED DECEMBER 21, 2015, RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; THENCE SOUTH 89"46'58" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 36.36 FEET;THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 00018'40" EAST, A T; THENCENORTH 90°00'00" EAST, A DISTANCE DISTANCE OF 89.92 FEE OF 51.64 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL -,THENCE SOUTH 00018'40" EAST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 172.70 FEET TO THE NORTHRIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 89053'18" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHRIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 198.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE NORTH 00018'41" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 262.43 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OFSAID LOT 15; THENCE NORTH 00018'34" WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF139.263 E 9T EOS HALO G THENORTORNNE OF SAID LOT, A ER OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTH 89 DISTANCE OF 98.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 62,708 SQ.FT. OR 1.4396 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ALSO KNOWN AS 10803 W. 44TH AVENUE. Section 2 Vested Property Rights. Approval of this zone change does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3 Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability; Conflicting Ordinance R2Rtaled. If any section, subsection or clause of the ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ to on this 11 day of April, 2016, ordered it published with Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, May 9, 2016 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 2016. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of ATTEST: Janelle Shaver, City Clerk Joyce Jay, Mayor Approved as to Form 1 sc publication: Gerald Dahl, City Attorney 2nd publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript: Effective Date: 2016. ., A I City of Wheat Rid e ��r MUNITY vg DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 7, 2016 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-16-02/Fruitdale School ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10803 W. 44°i Avenue PROPERTY OWNER: Wheat Ridge Housing Authority APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.41 acres PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial — One (C-1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial—One (C-1) to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue. The purpose of the rezoning is to modify the list of uses and to simplify the review and approval for future reuse of the property. (Exhibit 1, Applicant Letter) The zone change is the first step of the process for approval for reuse or redevelopment of this site under MU -N zoning. If approved, and prior to any redevelopment, a site development plan review will be required to confirm compliance with the city zoning code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. This review would be administrative with no additional public hearings required. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue, on the north side of W. 44th Avenue between Parfet St. and Moore Ct. The subject site is 1.41 acres in size and is zoned Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3) and Commercial -One (C-1). The subject property has roughly 198 feet of street frontage along W. 44th Avenue, with a curb cut near the center, roughly 24 feet in width. The property contains two structures. The first is a cottage along the western property line near the front, approximately 1,100 square feet in size. The second is the old Fruitdale School building which has not been used since 2007. The school structure which was built in 1927 is located toward the rear of the property with a single story addition on the west side constructed in the 1950s. (Exhibit 2, Aerial Photo) A related case, Case No. MS -16-01, would subdivide the subject site from adjacent property to the east. The Fruitdale school building and cottage are located on Lot 2 of the Fruitdale School Subdivision. (Exhibit 3, Fruitdale School Subdivision graphic) The Housing Authority purchased Fruitdale School in 2011 from the Jefferson County School District, but the history of the site dates back to the 1800s. The property was deeded to the Jefferson County School District in 1883 and the first school was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroyed by fire in the 1920s, after which noted Denver architect and developer Temple Buell designed the existing red brick school building in 1927. Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s and the facility served as a public school until 2007. When the Norma Anderson preschool opened on the east portion of the site in 2007, Fruitdale School was decommissioned. The property is flat with various mature trees on it which appear to be elms, cottonwoods and spruce trees. (Exhibit 4, Site Photos) In November 2015, WRHA executed a purchase and sale agreement with Hartman Ely Investments (HEI), by which Lot 2 will be sold for redevelopment after platting is completed, Planning Commission 2 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change and various other milestones are reached. The developer is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating 16 loft style apartments. The sale closing is anticipated in the summer of 2016. Regardless of whether or not HEI is the ultimate buyer, WRHA considers the zone change and subdivision plat necessary for redevelopment of the property in any capacity. Adjacent zoning and land use Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the east and north is the Norma Anderson Preschool facility, owned and operated by the Jefferson County School District. Along the W. 44`h Avenue corridor are properties zoned C-1, Restricted Commercial (R -C), Residential -Three (R-3), Residential -Two (R-2) and A-1. The uses along the corridor vary, with multi -family residential properties, numerous commercial businesses, a few scattered single family homes, and a church. To the north of the property and the Norma Anderson Preschool is residential development, with both multi -family buildings and duplexes. (Exhibit 4, zoning map). III. PROPOSED ZONING The property currently has three separate zonings on it Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1). The purpose of the zone change to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) is to consolidate zoning on the site and to prepare it for redevelopment opportunities. The MU -N zoning allows a variety of residential, commercial and civic land uses. The MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI's residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most future development if, for some reason, HEI does not move forward. MU -N is also an appropriate zone district for this location. This zone district is generally located along neighborhood main streets, such as W. 44`h Avenue, because it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. The A-1 zoning has a limited use list and includes single family residential and agricultural uses such as general farming, horse stables and landscape nurseries. The R-3 zoning allows a variety of residential uses including single and two family dwellings and multi -family with up to 12 units per acre. The C-1 zone district allows a variety of land uses including office, service and retail uses that can serve the neighborhood or provide more of a regional draw such as with large format retailers and franchised restaurants. The most intensive zoning on the property is the Commercial -One with the least intensive zoning being A-1. The following table compares the existing A-1 and C-1 zoning and proposed MU -N zoning for the property. Planning Commission 3 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Development A-1 zoning C-1 zoning MU -N zoning Standard Uses Single family Commercial uses Residential and residential and (office, service and commercial uses general farming retail) including (office, service and operations restaurants, fueling retail, restaurant) stations, RV and auto including multi -family sales and service and live/work facilities Architectural None None specified but Mixed Use Standards would have to follow development standards ASDM specified in zone district — similar to ASDM Max. Building Height 35' 50' 35' for any building having a residential use and 50' for any building having a commercial use Max. Lot Coverage 40% 80% 85% to 90% Min. Landscaping N/A 20% Mixed use —10% Single use - 15% Min. Front Setback 25' 0' — 20' build -to 0'-20' build-tb If the rezoning is approved, the applicant would then submit for an administrative plan review and building permit. The design for the property would be held to the standards set forth in the zoning code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.D.2. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. While the new zoning would allow for residential, commercial and mixed uses on the lot, any proposed new development will require site plan review through which traffic impacts, drainage, and buffering will be analyzed. Planning Commission 4 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change The MU -N zoning is expected to add value to the subject property and also to the surrounding community. The mixed use development standards will support compatibility between future development and existing land uses. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Prior to issuance of a building permit, an administrative site development plan application will be required and referred to all impacted utility and service agencies Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The proposed zoning is consistent with the policies and goals in the City's comprehensive plan—Envision Wheat Ridge which was adopted in 2009. The Structure Plan map in Envision Wheat Ridge illustrates the community's vision by classifying different types of areas and corridors. It is not a parcel -based land use map, and therefore does not specifically show all existing and proposed land uses. The Structure Plan for this area depicts W. 44th Avenue as a "neighborhood commercial corridor" with Public (represented in blue) transitioning into Neighborhood to the north, east and west (represented by yellow). - -T— Site r W. 44th Avenue Goals identified for neighborhood commercial corridors include: Planning Commission 5 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change • Encouraging improvement of underutilized properties. • Increasing housing options • Ensuring quality design for development and redevelopment • Redevelopment and reinvestment in underutilized areas with denser, high quality development. The property is also located in the Fruitdale Valley Subarea plan which was adopted in 2007. Goals identified in the plan include: • Designating this general area as mixed use • Supporting the redevelopment and revitalization of properties along 44`h Avenue. • Improving and maintaining the quality and conditions of property in the area. • Targeting the Fruitdale School property for a viable reuse of the existing building Because the MU -N zoning will allow for investment in the property either through reuse or redevelopment, the zone change and site development could encourage revitalization on other properties in the area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current zoning designations as they appear on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. West 44`x' Avenue carries between 11,000 and 12,000 vehicles per day and land use on the corridor includes a variety of residential, multi -family and small businesses. Many of these properties were developed in Jefferson County prior to incorporation of the City. The zone change will promote reuse or redevelopment of the property which could act as a catalyst for additional redevelopment and property investment in the area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Many of the City's guiding documents recommend expanding housing choices for City residents. The zone change will assist the City in reaching this goal. Planning Commission 6 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Staff concludes that this criterion has been niet. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a zone change support this request. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on October 28, 2014. Roughly 20 persons were in attendance. Discussion topics are addressed in the neighborhood meeting notes. (Exhibit S, Neighborhood Meeting Notes) VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Arvada Fire Protection District: Can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense to be assessed at the time of site plan review. Fruitdale Sanitation District: May require line and tap upgrades at the developer's expense. Valley Water District: Can serve the property with upgrades at the developer's expense. Wheat Ridge Public Works: No objections. Drainage and traffic will be analyzed at the time of site development plan. Xcel Energy: No objections to the zone change Comments received relate only to the zone change request. A separate referral process would be required in the future if the zone change is approved and a site plan is submitted. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property and prepare it for reuse or redevelopment. Investment in the property may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-16-02. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Planning Commission 7 1VZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Op "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The zone change will consolidate zoning on the property. 4. The zone change will prepare the property for reuse or redevelopment and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request." Opt= "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-16-02, a request for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue, for the following reasons: Exhibit 1 — Applicant letter Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Aor%hh.' -"�RM Wheat NOW- HotiOng Authonty 7500 W. 29'h Ave. wheat Ridge, Co 303-235-2846 March 2. 2016 Please find enclosed a complete land use application for the purpose of rezoning propem- at 10503 W. 44 t Avenue. The purpose of the zone change application is to consolidate zoning from Agricultural -One (A-1). Residential -Three (R-3). and Commercial -One ((,-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (NW -N) and to facilitate reuse of the property and building. Background The Fruitdale School btulding is located at l OS03 Vi'. 44th Avenue and is cuurently owned b;= the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority- (u'HRA)_ The property was deeded to the Jeffeison Cotuma School District in 1583 and the first school was built on the site in 1584. This original building was destroyed by fine in the 1920s. after which noted Denver architect anddeveloper Temple Buell designed the existing red brick school building in 192 7. Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s and the facility served as a public school until 2007. Enclosed is a timeline of events that have oceti red since 2007. but in brief INTJLA purchased the propem, in 2011 from Jeffco Schools and has been seeking a viable reuse of the property since that time. Zone Change Request The subject site is currently zoned Agriculiftni-One (A-1). Residential -Three (R-3)- and Commercial -One (C-1) and is 171?03 square feet or 3.93 acres in size. A concurrent subdivision application will consolidate existing parcels resulting in the 3.93 -acre subject lot. The Authority. has long been aware that the property would likely need to be rezoned in order to facilitate a redevelopment. Until now. it would have been premature for the Authority to speculatively rezone the property. Some uses (such as a school) would not have required a zone change- and other uses would have required a specific zoning designation or planned development. Currently. the Authority is working with a developer partner who is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating 16 loft style apartments. The developer. Hartni m Planning Commission 9 WZ-16-02/Fuitdale Zone Change Ely Imvestments (HEI) is currently under contract to purchase the- propemy and closing is anticipated in the summer of _'016. The N[U-Ni zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI's residential reuse proposal. but would also be appropriate for most future development if for sonre reason. HEI does not move forward. NIU -N is also an appropriate zone district for this location This zone district is generally located along neighborhood main streets_ such as W. 4.0' Nvemie_ because it allows for residential uses as well as a liuuted range of commercial and retail uses - Other C ousiderations The historic school does not currently have any utility* connections. Because the building was previously expected to be demolished after it was decommissioned by the school district. all utilities were disconnected and transferred to the neighboring preschool ;then it was built in 2007 A developer would be responsible for reinstating utility ser,ices. This image is an excerpt from the City's zoning map which shows that the Fruitd ale School property includes three different zoning designations The subject propert,, is outlined in blue and is proposed to be rezoned to MU -N_ Planning Commission 10 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Fruitdale School Timeline For background reference. listed below is a timeline of events that have occuured since 2007 inchiding the purchase of the school by'%THA and the manv attempts to identify a viable end use. • Fall 2007 - Fruitdale is decommissioned as a school in 2007 when the new Norma Anderson Preschool opens on the adjacent property. The east addition of Fnuitdale is demolished to accommodate the preschool- Utilities to Fnuitdale are disconnected and transferred to the new preschool. and the historic building becomes vacant. • Spring 2008 - Jeffco Schools issues an RFP to solicit proposals for the possible sale of the building. tl'REA decides to submit a proposal for renovation of the school into residential units. • April '008 - XATJ -k retains Entasis Group to complete a cost estimate for a possible residential reuse of Fnutdale. IML -k pans Entasis $22.000 to develop conceptual plan: and work specifications. Entasis completes a proposal to renovate the building into residential lofts: the cost for renovation is estimated at nearly SL million for m averap7e cost of S188-000 per unit for nine units. • Fall 2008 After exploring financing, options. IXTJ- A decides a residential reuse of Fnuitdale is not feasible because of the financing requirements associated with multifamily, development. The ZNTJLk notifies Jeffco Schools that the project is no longer considered feasible and the proposal is withdranu_ • Summer 2010 - The Fnutdale building has remained vacant for three years, and Jeffco Schools contacts Wheat Ridge to see if the City or Housing Authority wound like to reconsider purchasing the propeM7 before demolition plans are finalized. • July 2010 - XX'RHA decides to commission a more detailed market analvsis to assess the viability of converting the Fniitdale School into residential units. • October 2010 - A market analysis is completed by The Genesis Group for a fee of $4-000. The anal) -is considers for -sale and for -lease residential units. The results of the analis again indicate that a residential reuse is not financially viable. particularly given the nurent economic and multifamily housing conditions. The Housing Authont-77 decides again not to pursue acquisition of Fruitdale. • November 2010 - WRI A sends a letter to Jeffco Schools indicating they - are not interested in purchasing the building. • February 2011- The school district prepares the building for demolition. The 14Ia-,w, with support from Colorado Preservation Inc. (CPI) staff. approaches Jeffco Schools about the possibility of XTJLk purchasing the building to save it from demolition. • April '011- After several months of negotiation_ the Housing Authority* ultimately purchases Fniitdale School for S112.000—the same price which Jeffco Schools had already paid for environmental remediation in preparation for demolition. A portion of the new preschools play groutid remains on the land deeded to `XTJiA Planning Commission WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change • Fall 2011— The interior of the school has deteriorated because of a lack of climate control and a lealaug roof durimg the four years of sitting vacant. IN'RHA decides to install a new roof_ and the building is weatherized for a cost of 5110.000. • Spring 2012 —Based on an application submitted by CPL a $15.001 non matching grant is received from the State Historic Fluid (SHF) for completion of a Historic Stricture Assessment (HSA). Slaterpaull:architects is hired to prepare the HSA. • December 2012 — The HSA is completed and identifies $'.' million in deficiencies: these mould need to be addressed simply to male the building habitable. n-ithout any_ major interior changes to the building configuration or tenant finish Awk. • Spring 2013 — N WL -k applies for and receives a .second SHF grant in the amount of $43.000. This includes a regtured _2 5° o match of $11.000 from VLTJLA- and allows for the preparation of constriction documents as identified in the HSA. • March 2013 — After applying for historical landmark designation. Frnwitdale School is approved to be included on the National Register of Historic Places and the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties. • December 2013 — IXTdLA, retains Butler Burgher Group to compkte a aluation and market analysis that explores possible reuse options (condos. ap=ments. office. retail. industrial etc.) and quantifies the feasibility of each. The market study assumes that deferred maintenance (S'.2 mullion) has already been addressed and considers the renovation casts and stabilized values for each type of land use The market stud; conchudes that no specific laud use is considered a -highest and best use. 7 and any potential reuse mould likely have a funding gap of 51.5 to S1. i_5 million dollars If redevelopment is desired. the study recommends a partnership with the City. Alternativelti, it recommends demolition as the most objectite. financially feasible option, although this too would be at a loss given the land tahre is less than the combined costs of demolition and the Auuthority' s investment to date. • March 2014 — IURH.a publishes a Request for Interest (RFT) to solicit reuse proposals from the development community. • July 2014 — Three proposals are received in response to the RFI_ and the Housing Authority selects a ptoposal from Mountain Phoenix Charter School fear an expansion of their charter school into Fruitdaale. A purchase and sale agreement is executed in October. • January 201 — After several months of due diligence. the charter schaol terriinates the purchase and sale agreement. • Febntar,, 2015 — The Housing Authority offers another RFI respondent- Hamman Ely Investments (IffiI). an opportunity to present their redevelopment proposal. • April 2015 — HEI presents a preliniinuy reuse proposal to AT Uk and is granted an exchasive four-month period to conduct due diligence. • November 2015 — I�TdUk and HEI execute a Purchase and Sale Agreenuen;. Planning Commission 12 WZ-1 h-02/Fruitdale Zone Change • November 24.201:5 — IXTdLk passes a motion authorizing their fuLincial participation in the amount of a $170.000 gr=T and a S400.000 loan. • Febnwy 22, 2016 — Cit` approves development agreement authorizing their financial participation in the amount of a $470.000 grant arida $1.9 million short terns loan. Planning Commission 13 WZ-16-02/Fruildale Zone Change I LOT 8 I LOT 9 T Detail 'A' Legend 0 FOUND AUOUOT MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED 1 µ 102.]1' ® SET 16' p REBAR WITH 1 1/I' ALUMINUM CAP lo CORNER, SECTION 21----*N69'JI'09'E CoW.R. POINT NO. 13609Cl 'FLATIRONS SURV 16406' 2 SET2' ALUMNUM DISK WN NAG NAIL ® I/4' BRASS CAP. YARNED 'tt OF O N69']1'09'E 110.00 N69'31'09'E 267.37' SECTION LINE T RIOGTC SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4. 3/522, T3S. R69W, 1864, LS 13212' SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY UNE N69'31'09'E 9.63' — CASTING EASEMENT UNE — — — _ — PROPOSED EASEMENT UNE OE BO% (PER MONUMENT RECORD) — EASTNG LOT UNE PROPOSE. I Imo« LOT 1 F I:: wz8 PROPOSE. LOT 2 STORY EASEYENT� 0. 20110DD0J4) I REMNN Detail 'A' NOtes I. .E INFORMATION ONIHIS SHEET SNOWS THE PROPOSED CONDITIONS. ONLY MEASURED AND CALCULATED DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET, UNLESS OTHERWY NOTED. GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN Eger ) 1 Ince - 30 It N89'53'18 -W 159,]9- 1711... 4 REBAR 'NO CAP' Proposed Conditions CASE HISTORY MS -16-01 Legend 0 FOUND AUOUOT MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED ® SET 16' p REBAR WITH 1 1/I' ALUMINUM CAP 'FLATIRONS SURV 16406' 2 SET2' ALUMNUM DISK WN NAG NAIL ® .FLA FEIGNS SIIRVEYING LS 16406' O CALCULATED POSITION (NOT FOUND OR SET) SECTION LINE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY UNE — — CASTING EASEMENT UNE — — — _ — PROPOSED EASEMENT UNE — — — EASTNG LOT UNE PROPOSED LOT UNE NOtes I. .E INFORMATION ONIHIS SHEET SNOWS THE PROPOSED CONDITIONS. ONLY MEASURED AND CALCULATED DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET, UNLESS OTHERWY NOTED. GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN Eger ) 1 Ince - 30 It N89'53'18 -W 159,]9- 1711... 4 REBAR 'NO CAP' Proposed Conditions CASE HISTORY MS -16-01 Exhibit 3 — Plat page Planning Commission 15 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Exhibit 4 — Site Photos Planning Commission 16 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Planning Commission 17 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change Exhibit 5 — Neighborhood Meeting Notes Wheat _gc COMMUNITY DFvFuwmFNT ('ii}ol'WhcalRidgeMunicipal Building 7500til'.29"A+e. WheatK,dgc.('u h(X1;3•h0UI P_:u3.2235.284t, 1. 30.215.2837 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Mile: March 1, 2016 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckcrt, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, staff liaison to the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Location of fleeting: Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Police Training Room 7500 W. 2e Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Proper[% Address: 10803 W. 44'" Avenue Properth Owner(s): Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Property Owner(s) Present? Yes Applicant: Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Applicant Present:' Yes Existing Zoning: Commercial-Onc. Residential-Thri-r (R-3) and Agricultural - One (A-1) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Existing Site Conditions: The site is located at 1(1803 W. 44"' Avenue. on the north side of W. 44'h Avenue between Parfet St. and Moore Ct. The subject site is currently zoned Agricultural-Onc (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and C ommcrcial-Onc (C-1) and is 171.205 square feet or 3.93 acres in size consisting of several unplatted parcels. Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the east and north is the Anderson Preschool facility, owned and operated by the Jefferson County School District. Along W. 44's Avenue corridor are properties zoned C-1. Restricted Commercial (R -C). Residential -Three (R-3), Residential - Two (R-2) and A-1. The uses on the corridor vary, with multi -family residential properties, numerous commercial businesses, a few scattered single family homes, and a church. To the north of the property and the Anderson Preschool is residential development, with both multi -family buildings and duplexes. The subject property has roughly 196 feet of street frontage along W. 44'" Avenue, with a curb cut near the center, roughly 24 feet in width. The property contains two structures. The first is a house along the %%%xi.o leatetdge.muf Planning Commission 18 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change western properh line near the front, approxirnateiv 1.1()0 square feet in size. The second is the old Fruitdale Schcx�I building which has not been used since 2007. The school structure which was built in 1927, is located toward the rear of the properly with a single story addition on the west side constructed in the 1950s. Thc City of Wheat Ridge Housing Authority acquired the property in 2012 from the Jetierson County School District. Currently, a playground for the preschool is located on pmPerty owned by the Housing Authority. The school district and the Housing Authority are currently discussing a land swap, which will deed the land containing the playground to the school district, and the school district will deed a vacant portion of the western rear of their property to the Housing Authority. The Fruitdale School building is located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue and is cun'cntly owned by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRHA). The property was deeded to the Jefferson County School District in 1883 and the first school was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroyed by fire in the 1920s, after which noted Denver architect and developer Tcmple Buell designed the existing red brick scltool building in 1927. Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s aril the facility served as a public school until 2007. The school building is on the state and national registries for historic buildings. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is requesting a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3). and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use. Neighborhood (MU -N). The purpose of the none change is to consolidate zoning on the site and to prepare it for redevelopment 6pportunities. The MU -N zoning allows a variety of residential. commercial and civic land uses. Currently, the Authority is working with a developer partner who is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose otcreating 16 loft style apartments. The developer, Hartman Ely Investments (HEI) is currently under contract to purchase the property and closing is anticipated in the summer of 2016. The MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HE1's residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most future development if, for some reason, HEI does not move forward. MU -N is also an appropriate zone district for this location. This zone district is generally located along neighborhood main sire -ts, such as W. 44 Avenuc, because it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. Attendance from the neighborhood: • In addition to staff and the applicant, three members of the IA'hcat Ridge Housing Authority (Janice Thompson. Chad Harr, Jennifer Walter) and five members of the public were in attendance at the meeting. • Three of those attending own and operate a car repair facility located on the immediately to the west which has C- I and R-3 zoning (Phil Romero and Gil and Jean Romero) • The fourth attende c, Tracy Langworthy, lives in the townhouse development west of the car repair facility (1 1913 — 10951 W. 44'h Avenue), Ms. Langworthy is a form cr City Council representative from District iV and WRHA memher. • Jim Hartman the potential developer in negotiations with the WRHA formodificadon of the building into 16 residential dwelling units. Planning Commission 19 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change The following is a Summar' of the neighborhood meeting: • Staff explained the site conditions, zoning nn the property and in the neighborhood. and the reason for the rezoning request, • The applicant explained the reason for the zoning change and a proposed redevelopment scenario for the property. • The attendees were informed of the process for a zone change. • The attendees were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. The following issues %ere discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: If the property is rezoned and repurposed. will the school building be demolished? No. What about the small house in front - will it be kept? Under Me current plan, the small house on the front portion of the propertY will remain and be refurbished. Will the zone change impact the zoning on adjacent property? No, this rom change ++-ill only impact the Frtrltdale school properly. Will the zone change impact property values in the area? The Jefferson C'ounn, Assessor's office bases properly assessments on use rather than zoning. Improvements on the school site +vill most likelt, have a posili+xr impact on property values and could sena as a catahst for other other property- investment along the 44`h Avenue corridor. Arc there any specific plans for the property? The WRHA is currenth• under contract ++vth a developer who would reibodel rhe inside of the building for 16 residential dwelling units-'ihesc may he a mix of low -to - moderate income units and some market -rate units. Has the WRHA had any feedback from the Wheat Ridge Historical Society? Not recent!►-, No written sY?rrespondcnce was received regarding the neighborhood meeting notice. Planning Commission 20 WZ-16-02/Fruitdale Zone Change S CL Y G z r Planning Commission YVZ-16-01/Fruitdale Zone Change CL to �t X � (D n a S Q. ? J p0 a'D o = D a0) Z Planning Commission YVZ-16-01/Fruitdale Zone Change �t X � (D n a S Q. ? J p0 a'D o = D a0) Z °0 (D ow ce 3 3C Ca 0 1 ' City of Wheatidge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE (As required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.D) March 24, 2016 Dear Property Owner / Current Resident: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-16-02, an application filed by Wheat Ridge Housing Authority for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -3 (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue. This request is scheduled for public hearing in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planning Commission April 7 2016 (i 7.00 p.m., City Council May 9, 2016 0) 7.00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you, City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Ifyou need inclusion assistance, please call Maureen Harper, Public Information Officer, at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of the meeting. +++++s.ci.++ heatridge.co.us !� X11■ li. lu It '-JUARt .3 ■ AW'- E - Ys Ail City of Wheat jdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE (As required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.1)) March 24, 2016 Dear Property Owner / Current Resident: This is to inform you of Case No. MS -16-01, an application filed by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority requesting approval of a subdivision plat to create 2 lots for property located at 10801- 10803 W. 44th Avenue. This request is scheduled for public hearing in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planning Commission April 7. 2016 na 7.00 p.m., As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you, City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Ifyou need inclusion assistance, please call Maureen Harper, Public Information Officer, at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of the meeting. www.ei.wheatridge.co.us _ 11 • ;.� ,: 10900 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT 10810 44TH LLC LLC ANDERSON HOLLY J 17454 W 67TH AVE 6504 MOSS CIR 10921 W 44TH AVE ARVADA CO 80007 ARVADA CO 80007 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ANNA CAROL 10881 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CAMPBELL KEVIN CAMPBELL DANA 10750 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 COVINGTON SAM G 10840 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DEVRIES RICHARD D DEVRIES DIANE M 4300 PARFET ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FRANKS GREGORY E 4375 NEWCOMBE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GALLEGOS GARRY R L GALLEGOS LOUISE C 10801 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GONZALES CARLOS J GONZALES EVAN A 10860 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HILER GORDON R HILER MERLENE A 10861 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DIST R1 1829 DENVER WEST DR GOLDEN CO 80401 BLOSSER JOELY A 10940 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CANNON CLINT D 5240 JUNIPER CT GOLDEN CO 80403 COX ROBERT A 10798 W 46TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DICK T & CHARLENE S MORISHIGE REVOC TRST 1909 PARFET ESTATES DR GOLDEN CO 80401 FRUITDALE BAPTIST CHURCH 10555 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GHANI MOHAMMED A GHANI SAYEEDA 6101 PHEASANT CT FORT COLLINS CO 80525 HECTOR BRADLEY R 10846 W 77TH AVE ARVADA CO 80005 HOLSTEIN CHESTER L HOLSTEIN ROSA L 3995 EASLEY RD GOLDEN CO 80403 KUEBLER GLORIA JEAN VANDAMME ELLA MARIE STOKER NANCI SAXTON 5355 S SAULSBURY WAY LITTLETON CO 80123 BLUE SKY III LLC 10047 ALLISON BROOMFIELD CO 80021 CLEARWATER TOWNHOME CONDO ASSOC INC % TREASURER 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 DENINGER GILBERT M DENINGER MARY J 4342 BROOKWOOD DR HIGHLANDS RANCH CO 80130 ELLIOTT ANN 4301 QUAIL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FRUITDALE CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION % WEST 45TH AVENUE LIMITED LIABILITY CO 7100 GRANDVIEW 10 ARVADA CO 80002 GIBBONS ASHLEY RENEE GIBBONS JASON 10942 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HELTEN RONALD J HELTEN MARY ROSE 10231 PRESTWICK TRL LONE TREE CO 80124 INDOOR SPORTS COMPLEX LLC 19181 STATE HWY 8 MORRISON CO 80465 LIGHTBURN FAMILY TRUST THE 10821 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MANES GLENN D MANES KIMBERLY MARTINEZ BENITO Q MARTINEZ A DEBBIE L 10770 W 46TH AVE 14369 W 69TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ARVADA CO 80004 MMD APARTMENTS LLC 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 NEWTON RICHARD L NEWTON CLARA W 10841 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RDVK LLC 0 PO BOX 391 KIOWA CO 80117 SCHROEDER RICHARD J 5717 MC INTYRE ST GOLDEN CO 80403 TABRIZI MAKAN A 4342 OWENS ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MYRON MARGARET 10820 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 OTA GEORGIA 10936 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 REGRUT MICHAEL W 8548 67TH PL ARVADA CO 80004 STREET DIANNE ELIZABETH 10938 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THRASH MARY G 10940 W 44TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MCKEARNAN NEIL J 1700 GLEN MOOR DR LAKEWOOD CO 80215 NENE HOLDINGS LLC 32929 INVERNESS DR EVERGREEN CO 80439 PHEGLEY MARILYN A 10771 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ROMERO GILBERT ROMERO FELIX R 7743 NEWLAND ST ARVADA CO 80003 STREMEL ROBERT L STREMEL LEXIE K 10770 W 45TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 TORRENCE WILLIAM C FARNUM DEBORAH L 17494 W 43RD DR GOLDEN CO 80403 TRUJILLO INDALESIO B TRUJILLO ODILA M KRAPES DAVID A VALLEY BOYS LLC VOS JOHN ERIC 10991 W 44TH AVE 10710 W 44TH AVE 10760 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Litt' of W heat j ridge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: March 14, 2016 SUBJECT: WZ-16-02/ Fruitdale Zone Change, 10803 W. 44th Avenue I have completed my review for the request to rezone the property at 10803 W. 44th Avenue to consolidate the existing zoning to Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) received on March 3, 2016, and I have the following comments: It does not appear that the current rezoning proposal entails any site changes which could trigger traffic or drainage requirements. Therefore, Public Works has no comments at this time. To Lauren - Fruitdale_10803 W441h Ave_MU-N Re -Zone Ist Review.docx MARTIN MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS March 4, 2016 Lauren Mikulak City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Fruitdale Sanitation District —10803 W. 44th Avenue — WZ-16-02 Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 130053.C.01 Dear Ms. Mikulak, On behalf of the Fruitdale Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District Engineer, offers the following in response to the referenced referral received March V, 2016 concerning request for approval of a property zone change located at 10801-10803 W. 44" Avenue. The zone change consolidates Agricultural One, Residential Three, and Commercial One to Mixed Use Neighborhood. From a site plan provided by the developer via email on December 20, it appears the development will include two apartment buildings — one with 16 units and the other with 1 unit. The Fruitdale Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed request conditional on the elements identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. The subject lot is entirely within the service and boundary area of the Fruitdale Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Fruitdale Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainline(s) FSD has an existing 15 -inch sanitary sewer main running west to east within W. 44"' Avenue to the south of the subject property. The District Rules and Regulations state that each individual building will require a separate service line and connection to the District main. An alternate option is to construct a public sanitary sewer main from W. 44" Avenue into the development to service the individual buildings. The mainline extension will be required to be public and either within public ROW or a dedicated District easement. If a service line crosses property not owned by the building owner, an easement must be obtained to show authority to place the service in that alignment. It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the homeowner/developer is responsible for determining depths of the existing sanitary sewer main to verify if gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. Certified design documentation indicating the amount of flow that each unit will contribute to the sanitary system is required to initially evaluate if the existing sanitary sewer system has sufficient downstream capacity. Depending on values of anticipated flow, the Owner/Developer may be required to evaluate downstream sanitary mainline capacity to show the anticipated peak flows can be accommodated by the existing main. Plans and Costs A plan set including site design and utilities are to be submitted to the District for review prior to acceptance. An engineering review fee will be collected for review of the site design and must be provided when plans are submitted. All costs involved are to be deposited to Martin/Martin prior to beginning the review — reviews, design, contract development, construction, observation and inspections — and are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer. Please be aware that proper tap and development fees are required to be paid prior to connection to the District main. For MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM 03/03/16 THU 14:46 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS 0 001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 Wl"w+T 52ND AVENUF, WHFAT RIDGE, COI .ORADO8M.33 TEt Fr! a )N 1; 303-424-9661 FAX ?;03-424-0828 March 3, 2016 Lauren Mikulak ,Senior Planner City cif Wheat Ridge 7.500 W. 29'h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 50033 Dear Lauren: In reference to Case No. WZ-16-02, Fruitdale Zone Change, the Valley Water District has reviewed the inquiry and has no concerns with the proposed zone change, however the following items apply: 1. Valley Water District can provide water service to the proposed project subject to Valley Water District rules and regulations and Denver Water Department rules and regulations and engineering standards, 2. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed to meet Valley Water District and Arvada )Fire Protection District requirements which would be at owner), expense. 3. If additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines are needed, the owner would need to provide any necessary easements. All construction must be in compliance with the terms of the easement. 4_ Each separate building structure will require a separate water tap, service line and meter. The owner will be responsible for the cost of the taps, service lines and meter installation. 5, The owner of the property will need to contact Valley Water District at 303424- 9661 prior to development of the project to discuss specific water system design needs. if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 3)03-4249661. Sincc�fy, K ticen M. Kadnuck District Office Manager It, 141 Cit of Community Development "� Wheatl dge 7500 West 29th Avenue COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: March 3, 2016 Response Due: March 18, 2016 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a zone change for property located at 10803 W. 441h Avenue. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-16-02 / Fruitdale Zone Change Request: The subject property includes the historic Fruitdale School located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue which is owned by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority. The purpose of the zone change application is to consolidate zoning on the property from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential - Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N). The zone change will also facilitate reuse of the property and building. MU -N zoning allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. Subsequent to the zone change, the historic school is proposed to be repurposed into 16 residential apartments. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager: Case Manager: Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Phone: 303.235.2845 Email: lmikulak(a-)ci.wheatridge.co.us Fax: 303.235.2845 DISTRIBUTION: Wheat Ridge Public Works Valley Water District Fruitdale Sanitation District Arvada Fire District Xcel Energy Century Link Comcast Cable Vicinity Map The subject site is outlined in blue in the image below. / �V, City of '�WheatR,jge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: March 1, 2016 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, staff liaison to the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Location of Meeting: Property Address: Property, Owner(s): Property Ov*,ner(s) Present? Applicant: Applicant Present? Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: Existing Site Conditions: Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Police Training Room 7500 W. 29`" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 10803 W. 44`h Avenue Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Yes Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Yes Commercial -One, Residential -Three (R-3) and Agricultural - One (A-1) Neighborhood Commercial Corridor The site is located at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue, on the north side of W. 44`h Avenue between Parfet St. and Moore Ct. The subject site is currently zoned Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) and is 171,205 square feet or 3.93 acres in size consisting of several unplatted parcels. Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the east and north is the Anderson Preschool facility, owned and operated by the Jefferson County School District. Along W. 44`h Avenue corridor are properties zoned C-1, Restricted Commercial (R -Q, Residential -Three (R-3), Residential - Two (R-2) and A-1. The uses on the corridor vary, with multi -family residential properties, numerous commercial businesses, a few scattered single family homes, and a church. To the north of the property and the Anderson Preschool is residential development, with both multi -family buildings and duplexes. The subject property has roughly 196 feet of street frontage along W. 44`h Avenue, with a curb cut near the center, roughly 24 feet in width. The property contains two structures. The first is a house along the www.ci.wheatridge.co.us western property line near the front, approximately 1,100 square feet in size. The second is the old Fruitdale School building which has not been used since 2007. The school structure which was built in 1927, is located toward the rear of the property with a single story addition on the west side constructed in the 1950s. The City of Wheat Ridge Housing Authority acquired the property in 2012 from the Jefferson County School District. Currently, a playground for the preschool is located on property owned by the Housing Authority. The school district and the Housing Authority are currently discussing a land swap, which will deed the land containing the playground to the school district, and the school district will deed a vacant portion of the western rear of their property to the Housing Authority. The Fruitdale School building is located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue and is currently owned by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WRHA). The property was deeded to the Jefferson County School District in 1883 and the first school was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroyed by fire in the 1920s, after which noted Denver architect and developer Temple Buell designed the existing red brick school building in 1927. Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s and the facility served as a public school until 2007. The school building is on the state and national registries for historic buildings. Applicant/O,vti,ner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is requesting a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use- Neighborhood (MU -N). The purpose of the zone change is to consolidate zoning on the site and to prepare it for redevelopment opportunities. The MU -N zoning allows a variety of residential, commercial and civic land uses. Currently, the Authority is working with a developer partner who is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating 16 loft style apartments. The developer, Hartman Ely Investments (HEI) is currently under contract to purchase the property and closing is anticipated in the summer of 2016. The MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI's residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most future development if, for some reason, HEI does not move forward. MU -N is also an appropriate zone district for this location. This zone district is generally located along neighborhood main streets, such as W. 44`h Avenue, because it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. Attendance from the neighborhood: • In addition to staff and the applicant, three members of the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (Janice Thompson, Chad Harr, Jennifer Walter) and five members of the public were in attendance at the meeting. • Three of those attending own and operate a car repair facility located on the immediately to the west which has C-1 and R-3 zoning (Phil Romero and Gil and Jean Romero) • The fourth attendee, Tracy Langworthy, lives in the townhouse development west of the car repair facility (1 1913 — 10951 W. 44`h Avenue). Ms. Langworthy is a former City Council representative from District IV and WRHA member. • Jim Hartman the potential developer in negotiations with the WRHA for modification of the building into 16 residential dwelling units. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • Staff explained the site conditions, zoning on the property and in the neighborhood, and the reason for the rezoning request. • The applicant explained the reason for the zoning change and a proposed redevelopment scenario for the property. • The attendees were informed of the process for a zone change. • The attendees were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: If the property is rezoned and repurposed, will the school building be demolished? No. What about the small house in front — will it be kept? Under the current plan, the small house on the front portion of the property will remain and be refurbished. Will the zone change impact the zoning on adjacent property? No, this zone change will only impact the Fruitdale school property. Will the zone change impact property values in the area? The Jefferson County Assessor's office bases property assessments on use rather than zoning. Improvements on the school site will most likely have a positive impact on property values and could serve as a catalyst for other other property investment along the 44`h Avenue corridor. Are there any specific plans for the property? The WRHA is currently under contract with a developer who would remodel the inside of the building for 16 residential dwelling units — these may be a mix of low -to — moderate income units and some market -rate units. Has the WRHA had any feedback from the Wheat Ridge Historical Society? Not recently. No written correspondence was received regarding the neighborhood meeting notice. a N � O � � C ^O r � i m � � 'co E), Z M O O T- J 0 L J-� z n� LL 9, V1 ? v W W J 0 L J-� 0 �- N M d' CO oo 0 �- N M d' CO r O N (� In CO I` 06 ti 06 0') r - r r r r r r r Zone Change Process Step 1: Pre -application Meeting Step 2:— — - Neighborhood Meeting Step 3: Submit Complete Application Step 4: Staff Review, Referral (Typically 15 days) Step 5: Comments to Applicant Changes Necessary? yes I I No Step 6: Publish Request/Post Property for Planning Commission Public Hearing (15 days prior to public hearing) Step 7: Staff Report for Planning Commission Public Hearing Step 9: Packet to City Council for 1st Reading Step 11: Resubmit Relevant Documents (Based on Planning Commission recommendation, if necessary) Step 12: Publish Request/Post Property for City Council Public Hearing (15 days prior to public hearing) Step 13: Packet to City Council for Public Hearing City of � Wheat R v e "OMITY DEVELOPMENT MUN 10803 W. 44th Avenue (Fruitdale School) Proposed zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) City of �W heat�idge MUNlTy DEVELOPMENT Zone Change Criteria For a zone change request, the Planning Commission and City Council base their decision on the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area; and Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; and 3. At least one (1) of the following conditions exists: The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other city -approved policies or plans for the area. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. What is zoning? All properties within the City of Wheat Ridge are zoned. Zoning regulates what land uses are allowed and establishes standards for construction including building setbacks, lot coverage, and building height. There are many different zone districts within the City including residential, commercial, industrial, mixed use, and planned development zoning. What is a zone change? A zone change is the process of changing the current zone district to a different zone district. A property owner may choose to change the zoning to use his property differently from what the existing zoning allows (e.g., residential vs. commercial). All proposed commercial, industrial and residential applications for property exceeding one acre in size must be rezoned to a planned development district. Why is a neighborhood meeting required? A neighborhood meeting is required for all zone change requests. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of the proposed development in their neighborhood, and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns regarding the proposed project. All residents within 600 feet are notified of the meeting. How do I give my opinion on a zone change? All public hearings for proposed zone changes are open to the public to appear and give testimony. Testimony can include written correspondence or a statement made at the public hearing. Any written correspondence provided to staff will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council as part of the evidence of the case. All pertinent correspondence should be routed through planning staff. Can I contact my council representative? Public hearings for zone changes are quasi-judicial in nature. This means that the deciding body should make a decision only based on testimony presented at public hearings. Please do not contact the Mayor, Planning Commissioners, or City Council representatives to discuss the merits of the case prior to the public hearings; it could jeopardize their ability to hear the case. What is a legal protest? A legal protest is a formal, written protest which can be submitted by adjacent property owners within 100' of a subject property. If 20% of property owners on one side within a 100' radius file a legal protest, it requires a three-fourths vote of City Council (6 out of 8 members present) to approve a zone change instead of a simple majority (5 out of 8 members present). A legal protest is usually filed after the Planning Commission public hearing. Community Development Department • 303-235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us I*�A( 1W Ir City of Wh6a-tlidge IT COMMUNY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 30, 2015 Applicants: City of Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Kenneth Johnstone, Executive Director 7500 W. 29'h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 James Hartman Phone: 720-333-0110 2120 Bluebell Avenue Boulder, CO 80302 Email: iim(&hartmanelyinvestments com Susan Ely Phone: 303-507-2553 2120 Bluebell Avenue Boulder, CO 80302 Email: susan(aDhartmanelyinvestments com Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner I1 Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Steve Art, Economic Development Manager Specific Site Location: 10803 W. 44°i Avenue Existing Zoning: Residential -Three (R-3), Commercial -One (C-1), and Agriculture -One (A-1) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Existing Site Conditions: The site is located at 10803 W. 44`' Avenue, on the north side of W. 44`h Avenue between Parfet St. and Moore Ct. According to the Jefferson County Assessor, the property is 1.82 acres in size, consisting of several unplatted parcels. Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the east and north is the Anderson Preschool facility, owned and operated by the Jefferson County School District. Along W. 44th Avenue corridor are properties zoned C-1, Restricted Commercial (R -C), Residential -Three (R-3), Residential -Two (R-2) and A-1. The uses on the corridor vary, with multi -family residential properties, numerous commercial businesses, a few scattered single family homes, and a church. To the north of the property and the Anderson Preschool is residential development, with both multi- family buildings and duplexes. The subject property has roughly 196 feet of street frontage along W. 40 Avenue, with a curb cut near the center, roughly 24 feet in width. The property contains two structures. The first is a house along the western property line near the front, approximately 1,100 square feet in size. The second is an abandoned brick school located toward the rear of the property and constructed in 1927, with a single story addition on the west side constructed in the 1950s. The City of Wheat Ridge Housing Authority acquired the property in 2012 from the Jefferson County School District. The subject property and the adjacent Jefferson County School District property are unplatted. Currently, a playground for the preschool is located on property owned by the Housing Authority. The school district and the Housing Authority are currently discussing a land swap, which will deed the land containing the playground to the school district, and the school district will deed a vacant portion of the western rear of their property to the Housing Authority. ApplicanVOwner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing a multi -phase development. This pre -app summary addresses only the first phase of development and the associated review processes. An initial action that is proposed by the Housing Authority is an administrative adjustment to the zoning on the portion of the property zoned C-1 and R-3. This will result in a C-1 zoning on the portion of the property that contains the school. Additionally, as noted above, a land swap between Jefferson County School District and the Housing Authority is proposed. The Housing Authority will deed to the school district an area in the northeast corner of their property approximately 4,600 square feet in size that contains a portion of the preschool's playground. In exchange, the school district will deed to the Housing Authority a vacant area on the northwest corner of their property roughly 13,650 square feet in size. Once, the land swap is complete, the Housing Authority will apply for a major or minor plat, to be determined as land records for the property are identified, in order to consolidate the parcels into one lot. Along the northern boundary of the property, a 15' foot wide ingress/egress emergency access easement will be platted that connects W. 44th Place with the school district property. Following these actions, the property owned by the Housing Authority will be purchased by the Hartman Ely Investments, LLC and developed in multiple phases. The first phase of their proposal currently includes minor site improvements in order to operate the Fruitdale Artisinal Meat Company. The operation will be located in the 1950s portion of the school in the former gym, cafeteria and kitchen. They will produce fresh sausage, deli meats, dry-cured/aged salami and other charcuterie, custom grind hamburger and other custom cuts of meat, all prepared from local animals that are butchered and processed off-site at other locations. Sales will primarily be wholesale. In addition, an 2 educational component is proposed that includes butchery classes, a charcuterie school, and farm to table dinners. The proposed site improvements for this phase include new paving, attention to the existing landscaping, a new perimeter fence, the addition of a loading dock, and interior improvements to the 1950s portion of the building. During this phase, the 1920s portion of the building will remain vacant and unimproved. A building permit(s) will be required to complete this phase. Future phases are anticipated to include improvements to the site, including an orchard, greenhouses, improvements to the 1920s portion of the school to include apartments and a small retail storefront. Prior to any additional phases, another pre -application meeting will be necessary to discuss zoning, site design, other considerations, and the required process. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning An administrative adjustment to the R-3 zoning area to C-1 zoning will allow the land uses permitted in the C-1 zone to be used in entire school building. This is permitted by Section 26-119.E of the municipal code in instances where there is more than one zone district on a property. As C-1 zoning is the majority zone, the zone district boundary will not be adjusted greater than 50 feet to the north, and the action is consistent with and does not violate any rules and regulations of the City, this can occur under the process described in detail below. Subdivision To consolidate the property, a minor or major plat shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor. This plat should show the removal of existing lot lines and will delineate any new or existing easements and dedications on the property. The subdivision process is described in detail below. This process may occur in conjunction with the administrative zoning adjustment. Public Works comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Site drainage requirements are based on the area of disturbance created by new development. Any disturbance below 3,000 square feet does not trigger any drainage requirement. Disturbance between 3,000 and 10,000 square feet requires water quality facilities, and disturbance over 10,000 requires detention and water quality. Maintenance of existing impervious surface/parking areas do not affect drainage requirements. The first phase as proposed does not appear to trigger any drainage requirements. For more information, please refer to the Site Drainage Requirements available on the City's website (httn://www.ci.wheatridp-e.co.us/64/Development-Review) or contact Dave Brossman in the Public Works Department. Building Division comments: The building division was not present and has no comments at this time. 3 Process This request will require approval of an administrative zoning adjustment, a subdivision plat and a building permit(s). The first two will be applied for by the Housing Authority, and the building permits will be applied for by Hartman Ely Investments, LLC. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting is not required prior to approval of an administrative zoning adjustment, a subdivision plat or a building permit. Administrative Zoning Adjustment The first action will be the administrative zoning adjustment. The application will be made by the Housing Authority to the Community Development Director. Community Development staff will notify adjacent property owners by letter and will post the property for at least ten days prior to rendering a decision. If no valid objections are received during the ten day period, the director will initiate the adjustment. If an appeal to the decision is filed, the city council shall conduct a properly noticed public hearing on the appeal. Subdivision A subdivision application will be made by the Housing Authority. Once property records identify the number of parcels on the property, it will be determined whether the application will qualify as a minor plat or a major plat. When the applicant is ready to submit the subdivision application, an appointment with a planner in the Community Development Department is required. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Upon submittal of the subdivision application, the assigned staff will review the project and will refer it to affected service agencies (Xcel Energy, water district, sewer district, etc.) and other City agencies (Public Works, Building Division, etc.) for comment. After a 15 -day referral period, the case manager will forward all comments to the applicant. Modifications to the subdivision plat may be required as a result of these comments. The applicant must address all comments and resubmit relevant documents. This may occur several times before scheduling a public hearing. After all comments have been addressed, a public hearing before Planning Commission will be scheduled. If the plat is a major plat, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions or denial. The public hearing procedure is replicated before City Council for final approval. If the plat is a minor plat, the Planning Commission will be the decision making body for final approval. Once approved, a blackline mylar copy of the plat must be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder. Utility Providers The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city include: • Valley Water, phone: 303-424-9661 • Fruitdale Sanitation, phone: 303-424-5476 • Arvada Fire, phone: 303-424-3012 The utility and service providers for this property 4 All land use applications will be sent on referral to these agencies for comment; however staff encourages potential applicants to contact service districts ahead of time. This may help to understand any design or infrastructure requirements and potential costs associated with the proposed project. Please be aware that the above comments are for general information purposes only. Staff cannot predict the outcome of any land use development application. A favorable response from staff does not obligate any decision-making body (Community Development Director, Public Works Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council) to a desired outcome. Staff will provide the best advice available given existing regulations, current policy, political climate and information submitted. Attachments: Subdivision Process Guide, Subdivision Application Checklist Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Lauren Mikulak — Senior Planner 303-235-2845 Lisa Ritchie — Planner II 303-235-2852 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg — Projects Supervisor 303-235-2863 '-A� WR"A Wheat Ridge Housing Authority 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 303-235-2846 March 2, 2016 Please find enclosed a complete land use application for the purpose of rezoning property at 10803 W. 44`h Avenue. The purpose of the zone change application is to consolidate zoning from Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) and to facilitate reuse of the property and building. Background The Fruitdale School building is located at 10803 W. 44th Avenue and is currently owned by the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority (WHRA). The property was deeded to the Jefferson County School District in 1883 and the first school was built on the site in 1884. This original building was destroyed by fire in the 1920s, after which noted Denver architect and developer Temple Buell designed the existing red brick school building in 1927. Additions on both sides of the building were constructed in the 1950s and the facility served as a public school until 2007. Enclosed is a timeline of events that have occurred since 2007, but in brief WRHA purchased the property in 2011 from Jeffco Schools and has been seeking a viable reuse of the property since that time. Zone Change Request The subject site is currently zoned Agricultural -One (A-1), Residential -Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) and is 171,205 square feet or 3.93 acres in size. A concurrent subdivision application will consolidate existing parcels resulting in the 3.93 -acre subject lot. The Authority has long been aware that the property would likely need to be rezoned in order to facilitate a redevelopment. Until now, it would have been premature for the Authority to speculatively rezone the property. Some uses (such as a school) would not have required a zone change, and other uses would have required a specific zoning designation or planned development. Currently, the Authority is working with a developer partner who is proposing reuse of the existing structures for the purpose of creating 16 loft style apartments. The developer, Hartman Ely Investments (HEI) is currently under contract to purchase the property and closing is anticipated in the summer of 2016. The MU -N zoning is flexible enough to accommodate HEI's residential reuse proposal, but would also be appropriate for most future development if, for some reason, HEI does not move forward. MU -N is an appropriate zone district for this location. This zone district is generally located along neighborhood main streets, such as 4411' Avenue, because it allows for residential uses as well as a limited range of commercial and retail uses. Other Considerations The historic school does not currently have any utility connections. Because the building was previously expected to be demolished after it was decommissioned by the school district, all utilities were disconnected and transferred to the neighboring preschool when it was built in 2007. A developer would be responsible for reinstating utility services. This image is an excerpt from the City's zoning map which shows that the Fruitdale School property includes three different zoning designations. The subject property is outlined in blue and is proposed to be rezoned to MU -N. Fruitdale School Timeline For background reference, listed below is a timeline of events that have occurred since 2007 including the purchase of the school by WRHA and the many attempts to identify a viable end use. • Fall 2007 – Fruitdale is decommissioned as a school in 2007 when the new Norma Anderson Preschool opens on the adjacent property. The east addition of Fruitdale is demolished to accommodate the preschool. Utilities to Fruitdale are disconnected and transferred to the new preschool, and the historic building becomes vacant. • Spring 2008 – Jeffco Schools issues an RFP to solicit proposals for the possible sale of the building. WRHA decides to submit a proposal for renovation of the school into residential units. • April 2008 – WRHA retains Entasis Group to complete a cost estimate for a possible residential reuse of Fruitdale. WRHA pays Entasis $22,000 to develop conceptual plans and work specifications. Entasis completes a proposal to renovate the building into residential lofts; the cost for renovation is estimated at nearly $1.7 million for an average cost of $188,000 per unit for nine units. • Fall 2008 – After exploring financing options, WRHA decides a residential reuse of Fruitdale is not feasible because of the financing requirements associated with multifamily development. The WRHA notifies Jeffco Schools that the project is no longer considered feasible and the proposal is withdrawn. • Summer 2010 – The Fruitdale building has remained vacant for three years, and Jeffco Schools contacts Wheat Ridge to see if the City or Housing Authority would like to reconsider purchasing the property before demolition plans are finalized. • July 2010 – WRHA decides to commission a more detailed market analysis to assess the viability of converting the Fruitdale School into residential units. • October 2010 – A market analysis is completed by The Genesis Group for a fee of $4,000. The analysis considers for -sale and for -lease residential units. The results of the analysis again indicate that a residential reuse is not financially viable, particularly given the current economic and multifamily housing conditions. The Housing Authority decides again not to pursue acquisition of Fruitdale. • November 2010 – WRHA sends a letter to Jeffco Schools indicating they are not interested in purchasing the building. • February 2011 – The school district prepares the building for demolition. The Mayor, with support from Colorado Preservation Inc. (CPI) staff, approaches Jeffco Schools about the possibility of WRHA purchasing the building to save it from demolition. • April 2011 – After several months of negotiation, the Housing Authority ultimately purchases Fruitdale School for $112,000—the same price which Jeffco Schools had already paid for environmental remediation in preparation for demolition. A portion of the new preschool's playground remains on the land deeded to WRHA. • Fall 2011 — The interior of the school has deteriorated because of a lack of climate control and a leaking roof during the four years of sitting vacant. WRHA decides to install a new roof, and the building is weatherized for a cost of $110,000. • Spring 2012 — Based on an application submitted by CPI, a $15,000 non-matching grant is received from the State Historic Fund (SHF) for completion of a Historic Structure Assessment (HSA). Slaterpaull Architects is hired to prepare the HSA. • December 2012 — The HSA is completed and identifies $2.2 million in deficiencies; these would need to be addressed simply to make the building habitable, without any major interior changes to the building configuration or tenant finish work. • Spring 2013 — WRHA applies for and receives a second SHF grant in the amount of $43,000. This includes a required 25% match of $11,000 from WRHA, and allows for the preparation of construction documents as identified in the HSA. • March 2013 — After applying for historical landmark designation, Fruitdale School is approved to be included on the National Register of Historic Places and the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties. • December 2013 — WRHA retains Butler Burgher Group to complete a valuation and market analysis that explores possible reuse options (condos, apartments, office, retail, industrial, etc.) and quantifies the feasibility of each. The market study assumes that deferred maintenance ($2.2 million) has already been addressed and considers the renovation costs and stabilized values for each type of land use. The market study concludes that no specific land use is considered a "highest and best use," and any potential reuse would likely have a funding gap of $1.5 to $1.75 million dollars. If redevelopment is desired, the study recommends a partnership with the City. Alternatively, it recommends demolition as the most objective, financially feasible option, although this too would be at a loss given the land value is less than the combined costs of demolition and the Authority's investment to date. • March 2014 — WRHA publishes a Request for Interest (RFI) to solicit reuse proposals from the development community. • July 2014 — Three proposals are received in response to the RFI, and the Housing Authority selects a proposal from Mountain Phoenix Charter School for an expansion of their charter school into Fruitdale. A purchase and sale agreement is executed in October. • January 2015 — After several months of due diligence, the charter school terminates the purchase and sale agreement. • February 2015 — The Housing Authority offers another RFI respondent, Hartman Ely Investments (HEI), an opportunity to present their redevelopment proposal. • April 2015 — HEI presents a preliminary reuse proposal to WRHA and is granted an exclusive four-month period to conduct due diligence. • November 2015 — WRHA and HEI execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement. • November 24, 2015 — WRHA passes a motion authorizing their financial participation in the amount of a $170,000 grant and a $400,000 loan. • February 22, 2016 — City approves development agreement authorizing their financial participation in the amount of a $470,000 grant and a $1.9 million short term loan. 1*�A4 W, l.lty Or "� Wh6a-t 7c COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NOTICE TO MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS APPLICANTS: You must submit this completed form to the Community Development Department no later than ten (10) days before the public hearing on your application. Failure to complete and submit this Certification of Notice shall constitute sufficient grounds to reschedule your public hearing. I, (Print name) as (Position/Job Title) of/with (Entity applying for permit/approval) (hereinafter, referred to as the "Applicant"), do hereby certify that notice of the application for (Describe type of application) set for public hearing on 20_, has been sent to all mineral estate owners at least thirty (30) days before the public hearing, as required by § 24-65.5-103(1), C.R.S., or, in the alternative, that the records of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder do not identify any mineral estate owners of any portion of the property subject to the above referenced application. -OR- Check here if there are no mineral estate owners of any portion of the subject property. I hereby further certify that I am authorized by the Applicant to make representations contained herein and act as the Applicant's agent for purposes of this Certificate of Notice and bind the Applicant to these representations by my signature below. Dated this 3 day of , 20 1_?, By: _ City Of W heat Ijdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Potential Land Use Applicants FROM: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director DATE: October 16, 2012 SUBJECT: Notification of Surface Development (C.R.S. §31-23-215 and §24-65.5) In 2001, the Colorado Revised Statutes were amended to include an Article which addresses mineral rights in respect to land use applications. This Article states that any application for development must be accompanied by a completed notification to mineral estate owners. For the purposes of this requirement, an application for development includes any application which requires non -administrative approval from Planning Commission or City Council, including: • A Final Subdivision Plat • A Rezoning (including Planned Developments) • A Special Use Permit (if City Council approval is required) Building Permit applications are not considered an application for development, therefore mineral estate owners do not need to be noticed. A Certificate of Notice is attached, and must be completed and returned to the Community Development Department no later than ten (10) days prior to each public hearing. Both Planning Commission and City Council hearings must be noticed. It is the responsibility of the applicant, not the City, to notify any mineral estate owners prior to public hearing. Failure to notice will constitute sufficient grounds to reschedule the public hearing. If there are no mineral estate owners, the appropriate box on the certification can be checked and the certification can be submitted with the development application. CORRECTION BARGAIN AND SALE DEED THIS DEED IS FILED TO CORRECT THE PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE BARGAIN AND SALE DEED RECORDED WITH THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ON APRIL 25, 2011 AT RECEPTION #2011041029. KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, That JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT R- 1. the "Grantor," whose legal address is 1829 Denver West Drive #27, Golden, Colorado 80401, County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, for the consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED TWELVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE AND 00/00 DOLLARS ($1 12,645.00). in hand paid, hereby sells and conveys to WHEAT RIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY, the "Grantee," whose legal address is 7500 West 38th Avenue. Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80033 of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, the following real property situate in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado. to wit: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTH 112 OF SECTION 21, TWP. 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 86049897 BEING THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE. SAID POINT ALSO LYING 642.56' NORTH OF THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 21 ON THE N/S CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 21, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.89"34'27"W.ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 99.01 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 9, PAGE 451; THENCE N.00° 18'35"W ALONG THE SAID WEST LINE AND ITS SOUTHERLY EXTENSION, A DISTANCE OF 261.17 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY; THENCE N.89°41'25"E. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PROPERTY, A DISTANCE OF 198.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY; THENCE S.00° 18'35 "E. ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PROPERTY AND ITS SOUTHERLY EXTENSION, A DISTANCE OF 263.36 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 86049897; THENCE N.89°46'46'W. ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 99.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 51,946.36 SQUARE FEET OR 1.1925 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND IS PLATTED ON FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES TO BE N.00'09'23"W FROM THE EAST 1/4 OF SECTION 21, TWR 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PM TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION, SAID EAST 1/4 BEING A 3 1/4' BRASS CAP AND POST SET IN RANGE BOX STAMPED LS 13212 PER THE MONUMENT RECORD AND THE NE CORNER BEING STAMPED LS 13212 1984 PER THE MONUMENT RECORD. with all its appurtenances. Signed this 100 day of(�J' TL , 20J JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT' R- I A w Vlw By: Cheryl H ann, Executive Director of Facilities STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. County of lefferson ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 10 day of , 20 E, by Cheryl Humane as Executive Director of Facilities for Jefferson County School District R- 1. Witness my hand and official My commission expires: al 3,P HAYD- ') - ' 4o'f AR Y PURI 1G ,o;••. .a28 -44664W 1, r. t No. 901. Rev. 1-06. BARGAIN AND SAIF. DEF.n (Pate 1 of 1) Public BSD 2012138009 12/21/2012 11:51:19 AM 3 page(s) Jefferson County, Colorado a M O 0 N a N N a 0 3 a Ln w w w a a a Ln 3 I rn 0 to Lo w J N 1 a 0 w Irr EXHIBIT "A" LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONSIDERING THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21 TO BEAR NORTH 00'18'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2645.89 FEET BETWEEN A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C1/4, S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX AND A FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO. COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH 00'18'33" EAST, ALONG WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST/Q' ORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 1600.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 14 FRUITDALE PATIO HOMES SUBDIVISION, DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 93180748, DATED NOVEMBER 3,993, RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BE NTNG; THENCE NORTH 89'31'09" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 11.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'18'34" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 140.24 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 2012138009, DATED DEPARTING SAID DECEMBER 21, 2015, RECORDED AT JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; THENCE SOUT NORTH LINE 89'46'58" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 36.36 FEET; THENCE OUTH 00'18'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 89.92 FEET; THENCE NORTH 90'00'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 51.64 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE SOUTH 00'18'40" EAST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 172.70 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 89'53'18" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 198.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE NORTH 00'18'41" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 262.43 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 15; THENCE NORTH 00'18'34" WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 139.26 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTH 89'31'09" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 98.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 62,708 SQ.FT. OR 1.4396 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. I, JOHN B. GUYTON, A LAND SURVEYOR LICENSED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY STATE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF FLATIRONS, INC., THAT THIS PARCEL DESCRIPTION AND ATTACHED EXHIBIT, BEING MADE A PART THEREOF, WERE PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AT THE REQUEST OF THE CLIENT AND NDED TO REPRESENT A MONUMENTED LAND SURVEY OR SUBDIVIDE LAND IN VIOLATI Q�TALT TU TE. 16416 IZ, JOHN B. GUYTON AoF I'L�'1I �•:j�� COLORADO P.L.S. #16406 ss .,••�• ,. �� SI JOB NO. 15-66,609 CHAIRMAN/CEO, FLATIRONS, Hq� �pNO S Flatirons, Inc. JOB NUMBER: 15-66,609 ti'urrering, Engineering & Geomalics DRAWN BY: E. DAVIS 655 FOURTH AVE DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 2016 LONGMONT, CO 80501 THIS IS NOT A "LAND SURVEY PLAT" OR "IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT" AND THIS EXHIBIT IS PH: (303) 776-1733 NOT INTENDED FOR PURPOSES OF TRANSFER OF TITLE OR SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND. RECORD FAX: (303) 776-4355 INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CLIENT. mine. IJolirons Inc. com EXHIBIT "A" LOCATED IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 NORTH 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 21 POINT OF FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY COMMENCEMENT OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, 1/4, S16/S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN JRANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) I LO 8 S0018'33"E LOT 9 LCT 10 FRUITDEkLE Pr;TIOIO•]E 1600.70' FRUIT DA' F LE FRUITM W. 44TH I N89'31'09"E 98.94' P ;TIO "0 P� FS �" T 10 HOP?ES PLACE _ 0 I C? N LL..._ M LL! N 1_ m 0 C3 Cal ._I� < "QC) LY s ._.: C) Ld X. .M. POINT OF BEGINNING FOUND 1-3/4" ALUMINUM I N89'31'09"E CAP, MARKED "WILLEY MCKISSACK, LS 23528" I Alum. cap appears to ie east of section cO � N N CAP, MARKED "VALLEY ai n Q N G1 .. rn U.l o MCKISSACK, LS 23528" 6 1� - r; P0RTICtd OF LOT I5 .r m I._.. zcq w .L () CD 3 FRUITDf;LE PATIO w `v M HOMES I N 5 X Wo3 c0 ' A PORTION OF LOT 15 0 Z 0 FRUITDaLE PATIO HOMES 0 z I o Show as sectil 0 sn z z line symbol. FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC 3 CAP, MARKED "VLC, 20699" v LINPL . EO LINPLnTTED 589'46'58"E (REC. 1.C). 20;2138009) 1 36.36' LOT -2 AREA: 62,708 S0. FT. OR 1.4396 ACRES, MORE OR LESS P� i < SIONA N89'53'18"W 198.00' CENTER 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 21 W. 44TH AVENUE C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 14309 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C 1/4, S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) THIS IS NOT A "LAND SURVEY PLAT" OR "IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT" AND THIS EXHIBIT IS NOT INTENDED FOR PURPOSES OF TRANSFER OF TITLE OR SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND. RECORD INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CLIENT. anow as exist. lot line. AI � N N "JI O F n Q N G1 .. rn U.l Ls.i Show as exist. W 6 1� - r; lot line. 4 m I._.. zcq w .L () CD i Li ..-I o La a v c� Z cn LoN j N O N 5 X Wo3 � C) N N90'00'00"E w � Z — 51.64' Q 00 a Wm 0 I o Show as sectil N z z line symbol. 3 v LINPL . EO LINPLnTTED co (REC. 1.C). 20;2138009) (REC. f40. 2012138009) LOT -2 AREA: 62,708 S0. FT. OR 1.4396 ACRES, MORE OR LESS P� i < SIONA N89'53'18"W 198.00' CENTER 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 21 W. 44TH AVENUE C.O.W.R. POINT NO. 14309 FOUND 3-1/4" BRASS CAP, MARKED "CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, SURVEY MONUMENT, C 1/4, S21, T3S, R69W, 1984, LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX (PER MONUMENT RECORD) THIS IS NOT A "LAND SURVEY PLAT" OR "IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT" AND THIS EXHIBIT IS NOT INTENDED FOR PURPOSES OF TRANSFER OF TITLE OR SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND. RECORD INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CLIENT. anow as exist. lot line. AI N "JI n 41 Ls.i 0. . i 0 a. M n N 5 X C) w � 0 a 00 — O O !n 0 25 50 I lnon - 50 tc JOB NUMBER: 15-66,609 DRAWN BY: E. DAVIS DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2016 41 submitted BY AI 91 Cit of City planner. Incomp ]�9""Wh6atNidge be acepted—ref LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 291h Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant_ Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Phone 303-235-2846 Email NA Address, City, State, Zip 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Owner WRHA Address, City, State, Zip Phone Email Contact Lauren Mikulak, Staff Liaison Phone 303-235-2845 Email Imikulakng ci.wheatridge co us Address, City, State, Zip 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Quarter Section Map 21NW. 21NE (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible communication to applicant and owner.) for forwarding all verbal and written Location of request (address): 10803 W. 44th Avenue Proposed Zoning MU -N Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): IN(Change of Zone or Zone Conditions O Special Use Permit O Subdivision — specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) O Conditional Use Permit O Administrative (up to 3 lots) O Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan O Major (6 or more lots) O Variance/Waiver (from Section 26- O Right of Way Vacation O Other: Detailed description of request: Request to rezone from Agricultural -One (A-1) Residential Three (R-3), and Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, 1 am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully e ac omplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of t 's a ti on hi behalf. Notarized Signature of Applicant State of Coloraqo County of C J& ) ss The foregoing instrument (Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me thisdday of /`'AL , 20 by /Pin /Lti/�Lt /'4k iz No ry Public To be filled out by staff: Date received 3/2/2016 Comp Plan Design. Neighborhood Comm Related Case No. MS -16-01 Assessor's Parcel No. 39-212-00-095 Size (acres or sqft) 3.93 acres Rev 1/22/ 2016 KATHRYN A FIELD NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires f % /20_y STATE OF COLORADO t40tery ID 200',10127,10 VY Cc'..... -sign Er 051-'-7; Fee S 0 (waived for WRHA) Case No. WZ-16-02 Receipt No. NA Quarter Section Map 21NW. 21NE Pre -App Mtg. Date 7/30/2015 Case Manager Current Zoning A-1, R-3, C-1 Current Use vacant huildinq Proposed Zoning MU -N Proposed Use multifamily 0