HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP-16-02City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W, 29" Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303-235.2846 F: 301235.2857 Josh Robbins 3401 W. 29"' Ave. Denver, CO 80211 Dear Mr. Robbins: Enclosed please find a copy of the Special Use Permit Approval to allow a Daycare Center in a Residential -One (R-1) zone district, for property located at 631 O West 2g'1' Avenue. If you have not done so already, please remove the posting signs associated with this case from the property. Please fee] free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Tammy Odean Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Approval of Special Use Pen -nit Cc: SUP -16-02 (case file) www.chwheatri dge.com s 7500 West 29th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 fie 303-235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 W -V "I at WHEREAS, an application for a Special Use Permit was submitted to allow a day care center on property zoned R-1 located at 6310 W. 29" Avenue, referenced as Case No. SUP -16-02; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Special Use Permit relying on criteria listed in Section 26-114 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has properly notified pursuant to Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; and WHEREAS, there were no registered objections regarding the application; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Special Use Permit to allow the operation ofa day care center on property zoned R-1 is granted for property located at 6310 W. 291' Avenue based on the following findings of fact: 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. With the following conditions 1. The grant of use shall run with the business, Explore and Discover 2. The daycare must maintain Compliance with the Code of Colorado Regulations regulating child care centers, including but not limited to the number of children who may be served at anyone time in the building. I The daycare must be in compliance with Wheat Ridge building codes, including but not limited to the maximum occupancy established by the Wheat Ridge Building Division and West Metro Fire Protec4on District. icrilleth sto ' ICP Date Community Develop et Director Wh6atRi:L.d e g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director DATE: July 19, 2016 CASE MANAGER: Zack Wallace CASE NO. & NAME: SUP -16-02 / Explore and Discover ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the operation of a state licensed day care center for up to 32 children, ages 6 weeks to 3 years in age, to be located within an existing church building located in the R-1 zone district. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6310 W. 29" Avenue APPLICANT (S): Josh Robbins, Parent/Advisor for Explore and Discover OWNER (S): Wheat Ridge Congregational Church (Reverend Claudia Schmitt, Pastor -in -Charge) APPROXIMATE AREA: 79,976 square feet (1.84 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential -One (R-1) PRESENT LAND USE: Church ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover Site All application requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make an administrative decision for this Special Use Permit. I. REQUEST Case No. SUP -16-02 is an application by Explore and Discover Daycare to operate a state licensed day care center for up to 32 children, ages 6 weeks to 3 years in age, to be located within an existing church building zoned Residential -One (R-1) and located at 6310 W. 29th Avenue (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The applicant is requesting that this SUP run with the land in perpetuity. Pursuant to Section 26-114 of the Code of Laws, the Community Development Director has the ability to decide upon applications for Special Use Permits without a public hearing, provided the following conditions are met: 1. A completed application package has been submitted and fee paid; 2. The Community Development Department has notified adjacent property owner by letter notice and the site has been posted for at least ten (10) days; 3. No written objections have been received in such ten-day period; 4. The Community Development Director concludes that the criterial for approval, as set forth below, are substantially complied with and support the request. The Community Development Director can impose conditions or stipulations upon the approval, which may include physical design, operational, and maintenance considerations to ensure compliance with the criteria for review. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The R-1 zone district allows for small in-home daycares (up to 6 children) as a use by right. Large in- home daycares (7-12 children) and churches require special use permits in the R-1 zone district. While the `day care center' use is not listed in Section 26-204 (Zone district use schedule), it is found in Section 26-205 (Residential -One District [R-1) in a list of allowed principal buildings in the R-1 zone district. The majority of other uses within the same list require a special use permit, as do similar uses listed in the use chart. As such it was determined that the operation of a day care center in the R-1 zone district would require a special use permit. Explore and Discover is proposing to operate from the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church on 29th Avenue. The church was constructed in 1956 and has been in operation since. Under the current version of the Municipal Code, churches require special use permits to operate in the R-1 zone district. However, this church is non -conforming to the special use permit requirement as it has been in continual operation since 1956, more than a decade prior to the incorporation of the City of Wheat Ridge. As was previously mentioned, the property is zoned R-1, as is much of the surrounding area. There are areas of Residential -Two (R-2) and Residential -One A (R -1A) in the immediate vicinity as well Fxhibit 2, Zoninji. The eastern boundary of the subject property abuts the City of Edgewater. Within Edgewater immediately abutting the property is an area of vacant land and an apartment community known as Terra Village. The applicant, Explore and Discover, is proposing to utilize existing rooms on the lower level of the church (Exhibit 3, Site Plat. These rooms have direct egress into a sunken courtyard, which provides Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover access to the exit driveway (Exhibit 4, Site Photos). The applicants have planned to renovate the courtyard into a play area. They have also been working with the building department, and have planned to install a ramp to allow ADA compliant egress from the sunken courtyard. The hours of operation for this state licensed, non-profit, co-operative daycare are 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. The Explore and Discover day care is currently in operation less than 2 miles east of the proposed location, at the corner of 29th Avenue and Julian Street in the City of Denver. They currently care for approximately 20 children between the ages of 6 weeks and 3 years, under the supervision of 7 professional caretakers. Explore and Discover has requested to operate a day care center with up to 32 children (the allowed maximum for the size of the space they are proposing to occupy per state regulations). They are also requesting that the SUP run with the land in perpetuity. III. CASE ANALYSIS The applicants are proposing to utilize an existing space within an existing structure. The church has been in operation for nearly 60 years, and there have been few, if any, negative impacts on the surrounding community that the Community Development Department is aware of. The layout of the church building provides a separation between the church and the proposed day care, and the layout of the parking lot provides adequate parking and circulation around the site Pnibit 4, Site Photos). According to the Church's website (www.wheatridgeucc.org), services are held on Sundays with some community events (adult study hour, Sunday school, and cookies, snacks, and coffee) occurring immediately before and after the services. From the church calendar it appears the bulk of the Church's activities occur on Sunday's between 9:OOam and 12:OOpm. Some other regularly scheduled events are listed on the calendar such as Deacons and Trustees meetings every 2°d Saturday, and a Pastor's meditation group every Wednesday from 9:00-10:00am. The day care center will operate Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 5:30pm. Based on the main usage hours of the church and the daycare, the two uses appear to be complimentary in nature. IV. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW The Community Development Director shall use the following criteria from Section 26-114 to evaluate each application for a Special Use Permit. The applicant has provided their analysis of the application's compliance with the SUP criteria (Exhibit 5, Letter of Request). Staff provides the followine review and analvsis of the SUP criteria. 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. It will utilize an existing structure, with existing parking, utilities, and functional space, which currently is primarily used during the weekend. The proposed use of the building during the week may temporarily increase traffic in the area during the mornings and evenings when children are being picked up or dropped off. This potential for a brief and slight increase in traffic does not constitute a threat to the general health, welfare and safety of the community. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover Staff finds this criterion has been met. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood. In fact, it will bring more people and activity into an area which is currently underutilized throughout the week. In theory, the increased use and attention to the property should contribute to the opposite of blight conditions. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. The existing zoning for this property and surrounding properties allows for small home-based daycares for up to 6 children as a use by right. This request calls for a larger number of children, which translates to more activity, especially during the mornings and evening when parents are dropping off and picking up their children. That being said, the property currently has adequate parking and circulation, in addition to existing space adjacent to a vacant lot that can be converted to a play area, thus mitigating any adverse parking, congestion, or noise impacts that may be greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. Staff finds this criterion has been met 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. 291' Avenue carries between 2,500 and 3,500 (based on City of Wheat Ridge 2007 and 2010 counts to the east and west of the subject property). The addition of approximately 30-40 cars (assuming maximum occupancy and no carpooling), is minimal compared to the traffic regularly carried along 29' Avenue. The subject property has ample room in the parking lot for circulation and parking, preventing stacking within the property and the potential for such stacking to spill into travel lanes on 29a' Avenue. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 5. The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent property owners. Changes to the existing structure are proposed for the interior of the basement and sunken courtyard. Few changes, if any, will be taking place that will impact the existing setbacks, heights, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping. The existing structure conforms to the current R-1 development standards for churches. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover A shared parking analysis indicates that the existing 91 parking spaces are more than adequate for the church and daycare to share parking (Exhibit 6, Shared Parking Analysis). The property already includes a significant amount of landscape buffering along the property perimeter where it abuts residential uses to the east. Residential uses to the west are also buffered by some landscaping and fencing. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 6. The special use will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. The special use is not foreseen to overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public facilities, as it will function out of an existing structure and site and utilize its own internal playground and facilities. Staff finds this criterion has been met. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. There is a history of compliance by the church. In 1982 a code complaint was received about weeds and was immediately addressed. There have been no code issues since. The proposed daycare operates in the City of Denver, and their code compliance is unknown. They have been in operation since 2002. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 8. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. No new construction on the site is proposed. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. V. AGENCY REFERRAL Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed the request, and has no comments at this time. Wheat Ridge Police Department: Has no problem with the request. West Metro Fire Protection District: In need of more details to assess the need for fire protection features. Must meet provisions of International Fire Code, 2012 edition, including amendments. Consultation with a fire protection engineer is recommended. Applicant was copied on referral email reply from West Metro and is actively working with the fire department on these issues. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover City of Edgewater: Has no comments. Xcel Energy: No apparent conflict. VI. PUBLIC NOTICE & ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICING A required neighborhood meeting was held on June 1, 2016. There were six (6) attendees, five (5) were affiliated with Explore and Discover and one (1) was the pastor of the church. No representatives from the neighborhood were in attendance (Exhibit 7, NeighJ&oodMeettM. One letter was received from the noticing for the neighborhood meeting which opposes the day care center due to the fact that it is in a residential neighborhood (Exhibit 8, Letter). The letter was deemed to lack a substantive and legitimate objection to the proposed use. Additionally, there was no formal objection received during the public noticing period from the same party, or any others. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 26-114, special use applications can be approved administratively after a ten-day noticing period if no legitimate objections are received. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Having found the application for Case No. SUP -16-02 / Explore and Discover — a Special Use Permit to allow the operation of a day care facility in the Residential -One (R-1) zone district — to be complete and in compliance with the majority of the applicable review criteria, staff recommends APPROVAL of the special use request for the following reasons: 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. With the following conditions: 1. The grant of use shall run with the business, Explore and Discover 2. The daycare must maintain compliance with the Code of Colorado Regulations regulating child care centers, including but not limited to the number of children who may be served at any one time in the building. 3. The daycare must be in compliance with Wheat Ridge building codes, including but not limited to the maximum occupancy established by the Wheat Ridge Building Division and West Metro Fire Protection District. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL ,, Zof lwge Geographic Information Systems Legend OSubject Property r.... Wheat Ridge City Limits City of Edgewater IF " rr --L�� ; r r&4 AW �., . .,% Stale Plane Coordinate Pmjecdon N Colorado Central Zone A D um: NAD83 N Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover 7 EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover 0 EXHIBIT 3: SITE PLAN Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover EXHIBIT 4: SITE PHOTOS Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover 10 Case No. SUP-16-02 /Explore and Discover 11 Case No. SUP-16-02 /Explore and Discover 12 EXHIBIT 5: LETTER OF REQUEST 7. Written Request and Description of the Proposal Request The Applicant, Explore and Discover ("E&D") requests as special use permit for a state -licensed day care center for up to 32 children, to be located within an existing church building located in an R -I zone district at 6310 W. 29s' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 (the "Property"). As accompanying conditions to the special use, Applicant requests (i) that the maximum number of children be thirty-two (32) and (ii) that the special use permit tun with the land in perpetuity. E&D, which is an established program that was founded in 2002 by a group of parents with the common goal of creating a high-quality infant -toddler program in Northwest Denver, plans to relocate an existing state -licensed child care facility to the Property, serving approximately 16-24 children between the ages of 6 weeks to 3 years. Current E&D enrollment is 20 children, and the program would like to grow to accommodate up to 32 children. E&D currently has a waiting list of at least 50 children. The owner of the Property, Wheat Ridge Congregational Church (the "Owner") supports the special use permit and desires to have E&D as a tenant in the Property. "Day care" is listed as a special use under the R -I zone district. Because it serves the community, is a daytime weekday use, and generates very low noise and traffic, this special use is appropriate for the Property, is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, and is consistent with the intent of the R -I zone district. SUP Review Criteria Per Section 26-114 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code, the Community Development Director or City Council shall base its decision to approve, approve with conditions, or deny an SUP application in consideration of the following criteria: (Applicant's responses are in RED) 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The special use will not have a detrimental effect on the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. Any potential concerns related to traffic, noise, or congestion are mitigated because the hours of operation are during normal weekday business hours, all Ioadinglunloading shall occur in designated off-street loading areas, there is minimal parking required, the outdoor play area is below -grade and any sound is blocked and/or deflected by concrete retaining walls, and there are numerous mature trees surrounding the property, which create a natural buffer. Furthermore, by providing a safe care environment for children, the special use will provide an additional "set of eyes" on the neighborhood, adding to neighborhood safety. 2. The proposed special use will have a positive effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The proposed special use will have a positive effect on the general health, welfare, safety, and convenience of residents and visitors to the neighborhood, by providing a safe, active, and caring environment for children. In particular, the special use will serve the community by providing much- needed day care (at the time of this application, E&D has a waiting list of>50). Because E&D has a Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discaver 13 strong community focus as well as parent education and social connection opportunities for the families it serves, the special use will contribute positively to the neighborhood. 3. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. The special use will not create or contribute to blight. Due to the high degree of hands-on involvement of E&D's parents and volunteers, keeping the property and the premises clean and well-maintained is a top priority. 4. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. By having no more than 32 children at any given time, the special use is appropriately scaled for the building, the Property, and the neighborhood context. 5. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. The Property has a surface parking lot of 91 spaces, which is more than ample for the I I parking and loading spaces that will be required for the proposed special use. All loading/unloading will occur on the Property, so parking and loading impacts on the neighborhood are negligible. 6. The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The special use does not require new square footage to be constructed. (The day care premises will be accommodated within the existing building). The Property is an existing building that meets code requirements, has front, side, and rear setbacks that meet code under R -I, and has ample parking, landscaping, and buffers to adjacent properties. 7. The special use will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. Due to the light use, the special use will not overburden existing city infrastructure and public facilities. According the traffic counts published by the City of Wheat Ridge Engineering Division on 10/21/2015, the average daily weekday traffic count on 20 Avenue at Lamar Street (adjacent to the subject Property), is between 2,348 (20 10 count at Pierce Street) and 3,554 (2007 count at Fenton Street). The average of these two counts is 2,951 and it would be reasonable to assume that traffic counts have increased since 2007 and 2010. Assuming a daily weekday traffic count of 3,000 vehicles per day 29'"/Lamar, the proposed special use would account for approximately 2.6 percent of the daily traffic at that location. (32 children + 7 staff x 2 trips per day = 39 x 2 = 78 vehicles per day... 78/3000=0.026). Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discaver 14 Source: hity:llwww.ci.wheatridye.co.usIDocumeniCenterlHomelViewl24 8. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. To the Applicant's knowledge, the Owner has kept the Property in compliance with all applicable code requirements, municipal laws, and ordinances. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Wherever applicable, the special use will be in compliance with all applicable architectural, site design, and planning standards. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discaver 15 r ^ 1 J �n 5 $ 2Gbl CWi N.ND= F aN-Yy-JY.IYf MT T 2006 COO MIO CdM CoAT �59uT 7 '._�y RN1�.43 wam ] L•s Mn 2WB COA- -JnB Wi M13 LOLNT T Mil LQt �� • 7 _ I T.J..eN MiCO1NT yy y .L,rau LLaaaJ 0."LCFY i N 5 9srucaw omso. Source: hity:llwww.ci.wheatridye.co.usIDocumeniCenterlHomelViewl24 8. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. To the Applicant's knowledge, the Owner has kept the Property in compliance with all applicable code requirements, municipal laws, and ordinances. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Wherever applicable, the special use will be in compliance with all applicable architectural, site design, and planning standards. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discaver 15 EXHIBIT 6: SHARED PARKING ANALYSIS Provided Parking on site: 91 spaces Below is a shared parking analysis based on Section 26-501.C.2.b.i of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. Institutional (non -church) represents the proposed day care center. The parking required by code is 1 space per each faculty or staff member plus 1 off-street loading/unloading space per each 8 students or children. • Request for the care of 32 children, divided by 8 (1 space per 8 children) equals 4 parking spaces. The day care center currently has 7 staff members, requiring 7 parking spaces. With the proposed expansion to 32 children, I've factored in 4 additional staff members. 4 + 7 + 4 = 15 parking spaces for the day care center Institutional (church) represents Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. The parking required by code is 1 space per every 4 seats in the main assembly area The church has a maximum seating capacity of 316. • 316 seats divided by 4 (1 space per 4 seats) = 79 parking spaces. • I have rounded up to 80 required parking spaces for the church. Applying the shared parking matrix to the existing church and proposed day care facility demonstrates that adequate parking for both uses is supplied on-site by the existing off-street parking area. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover 16 Monday- Monday- Saturday- Saturday - Code Monday- Saturday - Friday Friday Sunday Sunday Shared Parking Matrix Required Friday Sunday Parking 8am-5pm Parking 6pm- Parking 12am- Parking 8am-5pm Parking 6pm- Parking 12am- Parking Required 12am Required 6am Required Required 12am Required 6am Required Institutional (non -church) 15 100% 15 20% 3 5% 0.75 10% 1.5 10% 1.5 5% 0.75 Institutional (church) 80 10% 8 5% 4 5% 4 100% 80 50% 40 5% 4 Total Parking Required - - 23 - 7 - 5 - 82 - 42 - 5 Parking Provided 91 91 91 91 91 91 Difference 68 84 86 9 49 86 Applying the shared parking matrix to the existing church and proposed day care facility demonstrates that adequate parking for both uses is supplied on-site by the existing off-street parking area. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover 16 EXHIBIT 7: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING �"� City of '� WheatR�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29e Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: June 1, 2016 Attending Staff: Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Location of Meeting: Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Second Floor Conference Room 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Address: 6310 W. 29" Avenue Property Owner(s): Wheat Ridge Congregation of the United Church of Christ Property Owner(s) Present? Yes Applicant: Explore and Discover Day Care Applicant Present? Yes Existing Zoning: Residential -One (R-1) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Existing Site Conditions: The property is located on the south side of 29t' Avenue between Kendall Street and Lamar Street. The property is zoned Residential -One (R-1). Much of the surrounding area is also residentially zoned as either Residential -One (R-1) or Residential -Two (R-2) and developed primarily as low density residential. The subject property's eastern boundary borders the City of Edgewater. This adjacent parcel is vacant. The property is currently occupied by a church; home to the Wheat Ridge Congregation of the United Church of Christ. According to the Jefferson County Assessor the almost 7,000 square foot church sits on nearly 80,000 square feet (1.84 acres) of land and was built in 1956. A rough count of parkin p� indicates there are more than 80 parking spaces on the site. There are two access points from 29 Avenue; one each on the east and west sides of the structure. Circulation is one-way with the entrance to the property on the west side and exit on the east. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, Explore and Discover Day Care, is proposing to utilize the existing rooms on the lower level of the church. The hours of operation for this state licensed, non-profit, co-op daycare would be 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. The Explore and Discover Day Care Center is currently in operation less than 2 miles away, at the comer of 29 Avenue and Julian Street in Denver. They currently have approximately 19 children between the ages of 6 weeks and 3 years, under the supervision of 7 professional caretakers. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: All attendees present were affiliated with the proposed daycare. The pastor of the church was present as well. Staff explained the reason for the Special Use Permit, and the process that could be forthcoming for the application. The applicants, Explore and Discover Day Care, explained how they intend to use the property. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover 17 EXHIBIT 8: LETTER 10 the City of Wheat Ridge, CO: 1 am not in favor of providing a Special Use permit for and infant and toddler day care center at the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, United Church of Christ located at 6310 W. 291" Ave. This Is a residential area. My vote Is NO to the special Use permit for a day care center. Tracey Hughes 6340 W. 30r" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 3039952018 Case No. SUP -16-02 /Explore and Discover 18 City of Wheatj�e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE June 29, 2016 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. SUP -16-02, a request for approval of a special use permit to allow a Daycare Center on a property zoned Residential -One (R-1) located at 6310 W. 29`h Avenue. Pursuant to Section 26-114 of the City Code, an administrative special use review can be granted by the Community Development Director without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on July 11, 2016. Thank you. SUP ] 602.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us VICINITY MAP Site �r a t Mfit' i T BEGEMAN GABRIELLE A BROOKS ALLDREDGE ROBERT L SYKES JUDY KELCEY DAVID 2890 LAMAR ST 6363 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 DELONG CHAD 6345 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 KINNICKINNIC REALTY CO % GREG JACKSON - NEWCASTLE PROPERTIES 7700 E ARAPAHOE RD #300 ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 HENDERSON ALICE E SNODGRASS JAMES M 2720 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 MALOUFF ROBERT L MALOUFF STAR 2777 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 CAPALDO GEORGE R 6020 E 1 STAVE DENVER CO 80220 JAGGI PATRICIA M 2905 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 MEYERS ROBERT L 2700 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 WHEATRIDGE CONGREGATIONAL STEINMEYER CAROL L WHEAT CHARLES H CHURCH 2730 LAMAR ST PO BOX 147026 6310 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 DENVER CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 FIRST FLOOR PLAN Al 3M-1,fy, EXPLORE AND DISCOVER 6310W 21WAVE W-eAT R3MF CO $0214 EXPLORE AND DISCOVER 3401 W 2�l AVE DfNWER co 8021 1 PROJECTNO ORAVM BY, CHET-KED By APPROVED BY ---- ----------- . . .. .................... ........ .. SHEETPTLE E -1 111 DOOR SCHEDULE SHEET NOTES - CONSTRUCTION PLANS RCM M)ORNOTE W)TE hord I coplan I mache DOOR NAME WH HOCRiT mal -W Dov Ha:emqm COMMENTS IM 1111 1- 1331 N"Werah St—t P 303 607 oa 7 N". co WM� 1ILE 11 c KY I I I CIA P 411 FIRST FLOOR PLAN Al 3M-1,fy, EXPLORE AND DISCOVER 6310W 21WAVE W-eAT R3MF CO $0214 EXPLORE AND DISCOVER 3401 W 2�l AVE DfNWER co 8021 1 PROJECTNO ORAVM BY, CHET-KED By APPROVED BY ---- ----------- . . .. .................... ........ .. SHEETPTLE E -1 111 Ve X, V, fto ml NX rs as is ww 0—M FIRST FLOOR PLAN Al 3M-1,fy, EXPLORE AND DISCOVER 6310W 21WAVE W-eAT R3MF CO $0214 EXPLORE AND DISCOVER 3401 W 2�l AVE DfNWER co 8021 1 PROJECTNO ORAVM BY, CHET-KED By APPROVED BY ---- ----------- . . .. .................... ........ .. SHEETPTLE E -1 111 Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments received. Consolidated Mutual Water District: No comments received. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No comments received. Century Link: No comments received. Comcast Cable: No comments received. All comments are provided as an attachment to this memo. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Zack Wallace Planning Technician 303-235-2849 zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us cc: Case file (SUP -16-02) Enclosures 2 ♦SAI City Of .]�WheatR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT jge City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 June 21, 2016 Mr. Andrew Park -Friend Mr. Josh Robbins Explore and Discover 3401 W. 29th Avenue Denver, CO 80211 Re: SUP -16-02 — 1st Review Dear Mr. Park -Friend and Mr. Robbins: This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a day care center on property located at 6310 W. 291h Avenue. I have reviewed the first submittal and have no requests for additional information at this time. I have the following comments on your first submittal: 1. The request associated with your special use permit was to allow for 32 children to be cared for in the day care facility. At this time, Staff is unable to comment on the feasibility of allowing for the care of 32 children in your location. Please note that if approved, a condition may be placed on your approval limiting the number of children allowed to be cared for in the center. Please continue working with Building Division and Planning Division Staff as you develop a more concrete site plan, as this will help Staff make a determination. 2. Please provide an updated site plan indicating use areas within the building, circulation, and other aspects critical to the operation of the day care center. The following referral agencies also provided comments: Wheat Ridge Police Department: See attached comments from Mark Cooney dated June 3, 2016. West Metro Fire Protection District. See attached comments from Bruce Kral dated June 7, 2016. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See attached comments from Dave Brossman dated June 9, 2016. City of Edgewater: See attached comments from Patty McCartney dated June 20, 2016. Xcel Energy: See attached comments from Donna George dated June 20, 2016. Wheat Ridge Economic Development. No comments received. Right Way 8 Permits XcelEnergySM 11233 West 3"' Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone- 303.571.3306 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Facsimile: 303. 571.3284 donna.I.george@xcelenergy.com June 20, 2016 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Zack Wallace Re: Explore and Discover, Case # SUP -16-02 Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way & Permits Referral Desk has reviewed the plans for Explore and Discover and has no apparent conflict with the special use permit to operate as a day care from the lower level of an existing church. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing electric distribution facilities within the subject property. Should the project require any new gas or electric service or modification to existing facilities, the property owner/developer/contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 or https://xcelenergy.force.com/FastApp (re ister, application can then be tracked) to complete the application process. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. Should you have any questions with this referral response, please contact me at 303- 571-3306. Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado From: Patty McCartney To: Zack Wallace Subject: RE: SUP -16-02 Referral (6310 W. 29th Avenue) Date: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:44:35 AM Zack, Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed Special Use Permit for a day care center at 6310 W. 29th Avenue. The City of Edgewater has no comments. Sincerely, Patty McCartney City Planner City of Edgewater 2401 Sheridan Boulevard Edgewater, CO 80214 720.763.3053 direct 303.238.7192 fax 12McCartneyPedgewaterco.com From: Zack Wallace[mailto:zwaIlace@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 5:13 PM To: Patty McCartney <pMcCartney@edgewaterco.com> Subject: SUP -16-02 Referral Patty, The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Special Use Permit for operation of a day care center at 6310 W. 29th Avenue (Case No. SUP -16-02). Please download the application documents from the City's FTP site using the following credentials. The file is located in the "Community Development" folder, and the file name is SUP -16-02 — Explore and Discover Daycare. Access the site at: ftp - //ftp ci wheatridg co us/outbox/ User name: cowrftp Password: cowrftp20l2 Path: Community Development 4 SUP -16-02 — Explore and Discover Daycare Comments are due by June 20, 2016; no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you, Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue . ' , . City of W heat �dgre PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Zack Wallace, Planning Technician FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: June 9, 2016 SUBJECT: SUP -16-02 / Explore and Discover — 6310 W. 29th Avenue I have completed my review for the request for approval of a Special Use Permit for operation of a day care center at 6310 W. 29th Avenue received on June 6, 2016, and 1 have the following comments: It does not appear that the current proposal entails any site changes which could trigger traffic or drainage requirements. Therefore, Public Works has no comments at this time. To Zack -Explore and Discover SUP at 6310 W. 29th Ave Review-Ldocx 7JAWest Metro Fire Protection District 433 S. Allison Parkway Lakewood, CO 80226 Bus: (303) 989-4307 Fax: (303) 989-6725 www.westmetrofire.org June 7, 2016 Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2845 www.ci.wheatridee.co.us Re: Case# SUP -16-02 6310 West 29`h Avenue (Explore and Discover Daycare) Dear Mr. Wallace, This property is within the West Metro Fire Protection District (WMFPD). Fire service will be provided as long as provisions of the International Fire Code, 2012 edition, including amendments, are met in development. Building plans including the areas to be rented to the daycare must be submitted by the applicant to WMFPD prior to occupation and operation. The proposed use as a children's daycare may require the addition of significant fire protection features such as sprinklers and fire detection with notification. Existing exiting must also be assessed for compliance with use as a daycare. The applicant may wish to address this prior to moving forward to ensure the proposal's feasibility. Consultation with a fire protection engineer is recommended. Permits from WMFPD are required from the fire district for tenant improvements, all work on automatic fire protection systems, all work on automatic fire detection systems, solar photovoltaic systems, radio amplification, underground fire line, and for the storage of hazardous materials. WMFPD reserves the right to provide additional comments/requirements at the time when plans are submitted and reviewed per applicable codes and amendments. If you have any questions contact me at 303-989-4307 extension 513 or e-mail: bkral(o)westmetrofire.ore. Sinc Bruce Kral Fire Marshal "Whatever It Takes "...To Serve CCCONSOLIDATED mutual water June 3, 2016 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Mr. Zack Wallace 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Case Number SUP -16-02 — 6310 West 29th Avenue Dear Mr. Wallace: This letter will acknowledge receipt of your submittal regarding the above referenced property. Please be advised that the above referenced property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company. Domestic water service may be provided to this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service. Our records indicate that the property addressed as 6310 West 29th Avenue is currently receiving domestic water from the Company through a 5/8 -inch meter (CMWCo Tap Number 1941/Account Number 01001553-01.) Domestic water service may continue to be provided to this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service. The Company requires that a new application for water service be completed by the owner and returned to the Company at the time there is a change in use. The Company considers a remodel or building addition as a "change of use." The Company's rules, regulations, and requirements further state that each separate structure be served by a separate tap and meter, and in order to receive domestic water service, the property must also front a Company main. THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue • P.O. Box 150068 • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238-0451 • Fax (303)237-5560 cei City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Mr. Zack Wallace June 3, 2016 Page Two Fire protection requirements should be obtained from West Metro Fire Protection District and those requirements forwarded to this office by the Fire District at the earliest possible time. We can then determine if additional system improvements would be required to meet the demands set forth by the Fire District. If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincerely, 411 -1 - Andy Rogers Project Engineer cc: Bruce Kral, West Metro Fire Protection Fire Marshall Michael E. Queen, CMWCo President Zach Queen, CMWCo Superintendent of Distribution Kim Medina, CMWCo Tap Administrator From: Mark Coonev To: Zack Wallace Subject: RE: SUP -16-02 Referral Date: Friday, June 3, 2016 7:36:08 AM I have no problem with this. Mark Cooney Investigations Commander Wheat Ridge Police Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2931 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. From: Zack Wallace Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 5:07 PM To: Mark Cooney Subject: SUP -16-02 Referral Dear Mark, The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Special Use Permit for operation of a day care center at 6310 W. 29th Avenue (Case No. SUP -16-02). Please download the application documents from the City drive: Folder: V:1Community Development- Land Use Case Referral File name: SUP -16-02 — Explore and Discover Daycare Comments are due by June 20, 2016, no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you, Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2857 www.ci.wheatridge co.us �, , 41 Cit of Community Development Y Wheatj�ge 7500 West 29th Avenue ide COMWheat Ridge, DEVELOPMENT g , Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: June 3, 2016 Response Due: June 20, 2016 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Special Use Permit for operation of a day care center at 6310 W. 291h Avenue. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: SUP -16-02 / Explore and Discover Request: The applicant is requesting a special use permit to operate a day care center for up to 32 children from the lower level of an existing church located at 6310 W. 29'h Avenue. The property is zoned R-1, which allows single-family homes. Other uses, such as churches and day care centers require special use permits in the R-1 zone district. The special use permit process allows staff to review land uses which may or may not be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and allows for a special review to assess the impacts. Explore and Discover Day Care currently operates in the City of Denver, and is currently looking for a new location. They currently care for 19 children, have 7 professional caretakers, and are a state licensed, non-profit, co-op day care. Hours of operation are 7:30am — 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager: Case Manager: Zack Wallace Phone: 303.235.2849 Email: zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us Fax: 303.235.2857 DISTRIBUTION: Consolidated Mutual Water District Wheat Ridge Sanitation District West Metro Fire District City of Edgewater Xcel Energy Century Link Comcast Cable Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Economic Development Vicinity Map DOOR SCHEDULE R, --W DOOR CSOA # t�MF, MTH HOGHT M-W(W Ow H.d"l. C(A4.NTS y Y —El"k—x —LAP 11 T Q31 4,J~th svoet P 303 W70077 CO ?AM'Z • 0 63161 nhAV!r WHEAT EDGE, CO W2,14 1 Q alkletelTIM Wl W IWAVE CENVER, C,) 40211 PROACT NO DRAVION SY CHECKED ply APP - D BY - - ----------- SHEET 1171E Al FIRSTFLOOR PLAN A-1 I ,sur[ 1.F9} n wD Aw—36.20o - •'� u rd !14 242n ^ __J 1 - T `C,000 n 30.900 657 4 3i.e6f . ,- . � a 283J I'--� ,.pF 70 � _ I 32.747 43.26I— 1.63 d 2001 CDOT I J6.508 g 3 36—M'-�3G.676 - WCOIJ.IT T R a oT325oo 2006 COO" 2010 COUNT .' 45.953 -i— ry _gyp I a �jp--6.J- I . �vn ,N -- -- 3' 2007 COUNT 2011 COUN7 1 q 1-- f_ I i 1 2007 COOT 20 2 COU.7 I - m 2008Q�,Q� S�CO 2019 COUNTT 204 3 S I I �r4 - I 134.659 T 2r7C19 tGf,'n,T 2009 CDOT 2015 COUNTT gj L417" —yam 1^/ I_1 _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ �I{ANT"' __ __ _I •_ 1_ _- I I__ __ __ OC -OUR 2. 20.5 ENGr.EERu.G 7 V1510K Source: ht ://www.ci.wheatrideeco.usIDocumentCenterlHome/View/24��www.ci.wheatridee.co.usIDocumentCenter/Home/View/24 8. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. To the Applicant's knowledge, the Owner has kept the Property in compl lance with all applicable code requirements, municipal laws, and ordinances. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Wherever applicable, the special use will be in compliance with all applicable architectural, site design, and planning standards. strong community focus as well as parent education and social connection opportunities for the families it serves, the special use will contribute positively to the neighborhood. I The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. The special use will not create or contribute to blight. Due to the high degree of hands-on involvement of E&D's parents and volunteers, keeping the property and the premises clean and well-maintained is a top priority. 4. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. By having no more than 32 children at any given time, the special use is appropriately scaled for the building, the Property, and the neighborhood context. 5. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. The Property has a surface parking lot of 91 spaces, which is more than ample for the 1 I parking and loading spaces that will be required for the proposed special use. All loading/unloading will occur on the Property, so parking and loading impacts on the neighborhood are negligible. 6. The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The special use does not require new square footage to be constructed. (The day care premises will be accommodated within the existing building). The Property is an existing building that meets code requirements, has front, side, and rear setbacks that meet code under R-1, and has ample parking, landscaping, and buffers to adjacent properties. 7. The special use will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. Due to the light use, the special use will not overburden existing city infrastructure and public facilities. According the traffic counts published by the City of Wheat Ridge Engineering Division on 10/21/2015, the average daily weekday traffic count on 291h Avenue at Lamar Street (adjacent to the subject Property), is between 2,348 (2010 count at Pierce Street) and 3,554 (2007 count at Fenton Street). The average of these two counts is 2,951 and it would be reasonable to assume that traffic counts have increased since 2007 and 2010. Assuming a daily weekday traffic count of 3,000 vehicles per day 291h/Lamar, the proposed special use would account for approximately 2.6 percent of the daily traffic at that location. (32 children + 7 staff x 2 trips per day = 39 x 2 = 78 vehicles per day... 78/3000=0.026). 7. Written Request and Description of the Proposal Request The Applicant, Explore and Discover ("E&D") requests as special use permit for a state -licensed day care center for up to 32 children, to be located within an existing church building located in an R-1 zone district at 6310 W. 29' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 (the "Property"). As accompanying conditions to the special use, Applicant requests (i) that the maximum number of children be thirty-two (32) and (ii) that the special use permit run with the land in perpetuity. E&D, which is an established program that was founded in 2002 by a group of parents with the common goal of creating a high-quality infant -toddler program in Northwest Denver, plans to relocate an existing state -licensed child care facility to the Property, serving approximately 16-24 children between the ages of 6 weeks to 3 years. Current E&D enrollment is 20 children, and the program would like to grow to accommodate up to 32 children. E&D currently has a waiting list of at least 50 children. The owner of the Property, Wheat Ridge Congregational Church (the "Owner") supports the special use permit and desires to have E&D as a tenant in the Property. "Day care" is listed as a special use under the R-1 zone district. Because it serves the community, is a daytime weekday use, and generates very low noise and traffic, this special use is appropriate for the Property, is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, and is consistent with the intent of the R-1 zone district. SUP Review Criteria Per Section 26-114 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code, the Community Development Director or City Council shall base its decision to approve, approve with conditions, or deny an SUP application in consideration of the following criteria: (Applicant's responses are in RED) I. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The special use will not have a detrimental effect on the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. Any potential concerns related to traffic, noise, or congestion are mitigated because the hours of operation are during normal weekday business hours, all loading/unloading shall occur in designated off-street loading areas, there is minimal parking required, the outdoor play area is below -grade and any sound is blocked and/or deflected by concrete retaining walls, and there are numerous mature trees surrounding the property, which create a natural buffer. Furthermore, by providing a safe care environment for children, the special use will provide an additional "set of eyes" on the neighborhood, adding to neighborhood safety. 2. The proposed special use will have a positive effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The proposed special use will have a positive effect on the general health, welfare, safety, and convenience of residents and visitors to the neighborhood, by providing a safe, active, and caring environment for children. In particular, the special use will serve the community by providing much- needed day care (at the time of this application, E&D has a waiting list of>50). Because E&D has a City of W heat fkd ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Potential Land Use Applicants FROM: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director DATE: October 16, 2012 SUBJECT: Notification of Surface Development (C.R.S. §31-23-215 and §24-65.5) In 2001, the Colorado Revised Statutes were amended to include an Article which addresses mineral rights in respect to land use applications. This Article states that any application for development must be accompanied by a completed notification to mineral estate owners. For the purposes of this requirement, an application for development includes any application which requires non -administrative approval from Planning Commission or City Council, including: • A Final Subdivision Plat • A Rezoning (including Planned Developments) • A Special Use Permit (if City Council approval is required) Building Permit applications are not considered an application for development, therefore mineral estate owners do not need to be noticed. A Certificate of Notice is attached, and must be completed and returned to the Community Development Department no later than ten (10) days prior to each public hearing. Both Planning Commission and City Council hearings must be noticed. It is the responsibility of the applicant, not the City, to notify any mineral estate owners prior to public hearing. Failure to notice will constitute sufficient grounds to reschedule the public hearing. If there are no mineral estate owners, the appropriate box on the certification can be checked and the certification can be submitted with the development application. City of "� Wh6atpdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NOTICE TO MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS APPLICANTS: You must submit this completed form to the Community Development Department no later than ten (10) days before the public hearing on your application. Failure to complete and submit this Certification of Notice shall constitute sufficient grounds to reschedule your public hearing. (Print name) as jP'�_/DVI S,o� of/with�� Q IS�ovee. (Position/Job Title) (Entity applying for permit/approval) (hereinafter, referred to as the "Applicant"), do hereby certify that notice of the application for VSE Pe—rte rr- [ S Q ,set for public hearing on (Describe type of application) N , 20 1(o, has been sent to all mineral estate owners at least thirty (30) days before the public hearing, as required by § 24-65.5-103(1), C.R.S., or, in the alternative, that the records of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder do not identify any mineral estate owners of any portion of the property subject to the above referenced application. Check here if there are no mineral estate owners of any portion of the subject property. I hereby further certify that I am authorized by the Applicant to make representations contained herein and act as the Applicant's agent for purposes of this Certificate of Notice and bind the Applicant to these representations by my signature below. Dated this 24 day of 20 JoSK ��8► N 5 + D,Stal— ,-une 1. 2016 Meredith Reckert Development & Zoning Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29' Avenue, 2' Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Explore & Discover Special Use Permit at 6310 W. 29'° Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 (the "Property") Dear Meredith: This letter is to serve as authorization for Andrew Park -Friend (Parent/Advisor) and Josh Robbins (Parent/Advisor) to act as representatives of Explore and Discover (the "Applicant") in connection with all activities related to the special use permit application at the above -referenced Property. If you have any questions, please feel free to co►ptact me. Sincerer, i jEmily Li htens in xecutiv Director xplore Discover 3401 W. 29' Ave., Denver. CO 80211 t: (720) 855-6818 e: eandddirector@gmail.com UNITED CHURCH I �,� e June 1, 2016 Meredith Reckert Development & Zoning Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29`h Avenue, 2" Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Explore & Discover Special Use Permit at 6310 W. 29"' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 (the "Property") Dear Meredith: This letter is to serve as authorization for Explore & Discover ("Applicant") to represent the property owner, Wheat Ridge Congregational Church (the "Owner"), for the special use permit application at the above - referenced Property. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Reverend Claudia Schmitt Pastor -in -Charge Wheat Ridge Congregational Church (d.b.a., Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, United Church of Christ) 6310 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 t: 303-246-0589 e: WheatRidgeUCC@gmail.com i Q W 7t _ s a i � 1. I s 1 % b Y ------------L_�_s,___� MDKWOfMS s,'AIDSi0gN3Yl .p'tYII O3GaO11Y I I 1 i N i Q W 7t _ s % b Y 8, afl RECEPTION NO. F0365249 11.00 PG: 0001-001 743 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON -COUNTY, COLORADO 1/31/97 14:56:12 REGULAR 900K /3 �_PgGE � FEE 77035 OWNER(S) IF GIVEN: lGti/LL� ��/40 ;X/" i i � 4 - e� i4PR t? 1962 Recorded at_�._ � �dcl«lam .---...M.. --------- ___------•-------------_---- Reception No -908068 1466 571 V 11, THIS DEED, Mad. thin . 9th day of - Ap211 ty in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Sir—trio between the B oulevard Congregational Church a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado of the first part, and the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, a non—profit corporation duly organized under the lave of the State of Colorado of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DOLLARS, to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, hath granted, bargalned, sold and conveyed, and by these presents doth grant, bnrrain, seB, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part. its beirs, and assigns forever, all of the following described lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to -wit - East 112 of West 112 of Northwest 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 251, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, exce?t that part conveyed to Jefferson County for a County Road. and described in Book loo, Page 319, and except ditches and rights—of—way. TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thernonto belonging, or in anywise rp ertainin and the reversion or reversions, remainders, rents, issues and pests thereof; and an the estate, ight, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of thc,isid party of the fust part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises with the hereditaments and appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the maid premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances unto the maid party of the second Dart, its heirs and assigns forever. And the mid Boulevard Congregational Church, party of the first part, for itself, and its successors, doth covenant, grant, bargain, acd agree to and with the said part y of the second part, its heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents it is well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and bath r' ht, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the some in manner and form aforeaei and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments and incumbrances of whatever kind or nature sower; - except that mortgage deed recorded in Book 986 at Page 276 of the records of Jdfferaon Cotmty and except that mortgage deed recorded in Book 986 at Page 279 of the records of Jefferson County, both mortgages which the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, party of the second part, assumes and agrees to pap and the above bargpined.`pw;mises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, its HiQ ,against all and every person or persons lawfdly claiming or to claim the whole or any pa. !. qf the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. IN Rf TftSi; WH1r' tF. k.*— hpld party of the first part hath caused its corporate name to be hereunto sub- scribed bilttt; • • i its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its Secretaryytha� written. Attest: -: fVS • ' - ;..( ------Bottle... -- - -' _....... -- .--......... ?�0r.Ao :: nw,at ,,.....,.._•- Board of Trustees STATE OF COLORADO. I R :- .-_------------ County of_Je1f-ei6ac�¢: The foregoing inatrtl�iE�ft'•wga -aclmowledged before me this 9th day of A�l, 19 62 , by Del UJP as President and Stti9�%•. e • as Secretary of the Bo3ni of , ` Arg t $oulevard Congregational Church a corporation_ ..Mi. notarial commission expires Witness ess y hando i7, .•_ �� -- — � I tJ -`'t' - Cry Corm;ssidq �lt�i,es 0�►obet 5, i655 w.d.T No, 4aB. w/.PRANTT P*tuner Comp 1 IU" Stout stmt' D.- c t..wo Prepared For: CENTURY REAL ESTATE ADVISORS ��ET�PANY JOSH ROBBINS w ww. -GC Reference: 6310 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 yttached are the additional documents you requested: Doc Type CLAY DANIELSON Land Title Property Resource Specialist Email: cdanielson@Itgc.com Phone: 303-850-4191 Fax: ADD.DOCS 663340 Recorded Reception#IBookPage ONE REPORT To: CENTURY REAL ESTATE ADVISORS Land True GUARANTEE CDMPANY Attn: JOSH ROBBINS WN - Lr G C. COu Fax: Address: 6310 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 Date Ordered: 06-01-2016 Order Number 663340 Phone: 303-629-1221 County: JEFFERSON LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, WHEAT RIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. OWNERSHIP & ENCUMBRANCES Certification Date: 05-25-2016 OWNERSHIP: WHEAT RIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Doc Type Doc Fee Date Reference# DEED NA 04-10-1962 908068 ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS Item Payable To PLAT Cust Ref# By: CLAY DANIELSON Land Title Property Resource Specialist Email: cdanielson@Itgc.com Phone: 303-850-4191 Fax: Form OE.WEB 06/06 Amount Date Reference# 01-31-97 365249 .,ms L)Nh REPORT is based on a limited search of the county real property records and is intended for informational purposes only. The ONE REPORT does not constitute any form of warranty or guarantee of title or title insurance, and should not be used by the recipient of the ONE REPORT as the basis for making any legal, investment or business decisions. The recipient of the ONE REPORT should consult legal, tax and other advisors before making any such decisions. The liability of land Title Guarantee Company is strictly limited to (1) the recipient of the ONE REPORT, and no other person, and (2) the amount paid for the ONE REPORT. 5/31/2016 1 Property Information 1 OF 0 GENERAL INFORMATION Property appraisal system PIN/Schedule: 300425036 AIN/Parcel ID: 39-253-13-008 Status: Exempt Property Type: Commercial Property Address: 06310 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80214 Mailing Address: SAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTY Neighborhood: 500 - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Subdivision Name: 829840 - WHEAT RIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Owner Name(s) WHEATRIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Block Lot Key Section Township Range QuarterSection Land Sqft 0001 25 3 69 SW 79976 Total 79976 Assessor Parcel Maps Associated with Schedule 1pmap39-253.pdf COMMERCIAL INVENTORY Building Number Year Built Quality iFloorlStructure Type U 1 1956 Averaqe 1 Church 1 SALE HISTORY Sale Date Sale Amount )1-31-1997 TAX INFORMATION 2016 Payable 2017 2 2016 Mill Levy Information Actual Value Land 759,800 Imp 209,400 Total 969,200 WHEAT RIDGE Assessed Value Land 220,342 Imp 60,726 Total 281,068 2015 Payable 2016 TBA WHEATRIDGE SAN DIST Actual Value Land 759,800 Imp 209,400 Total 969,200 Assessed Value Land 220,342 Imp 60,726 Total 281,068 Treasurer Information Interactive Mau in SgFtIBasement SgFt]Land Area 32 10 179976 Deed Type 0 JPlat n View Mill Levy Detail For Year 2 2016 Mill Levy Information Tax District 3142 County TBA School TBA WHEAT RIDGE TBA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST TBA URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DIST TBA URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD C SO PLAT TBA WHEATRIDGE FIRE DIST TBA WHEATRIDGE SAN DIST TBA Total TBA )16 2015 httpl/ats.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=300425036 112 4. Proof of Ownership and Representation 1) 6310 W. 29'' Ave. is owned by Wheat Ridge Congregational Church ■ Jefferson Countv Assessor Record attached ■ Deed is attached 2) Wheat Ridge Congregational Church (Owner) has authorized Explore and Discover (Applicant) to apply for a special use permit ■ (honer Letter ofAuthorization attached 3) Explore and Discover (Applicant) has authorized Andrew Park -Friend (Parent/Advisor) and Josh Robbins (Parent/Advisor) to represent the Applicant ■ Applicant Letter of Authorization attached City of W heat icdg� CUMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Special Use Permit Rev. 5/2014 Project Name: ExpLd►P_G 14-r J6 Z 1 SC1a1eN2, Project Location: (0310 W . Z i -tL-NAVS*'XE W UF'A't' 7-1 D4 ET CD 8021 y Application Contents: A special use permit (SUP) is required for approval of a special use in any zone district. The following items represent a complete SUP application: . 1. Completed, notarized land use application form _2. Application fee ),,' 3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) X 4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed X' 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) x6. Mineral rights certification form x 7. Written request and description of the proposal Include a response to the SUP review criteria—these are found in Section 26-114 of the municipal code Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe . pdf file is required): _1 - Site plan application—required if new development is proposed with the SUP _2. Proposed building elevations 3. Trip generation letter or traffic study _4. Drainage report As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2"d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Signature, Date: (o12- / so (j, -� oS►{ V-Qe-e-1 NS �� «: - os t,' V10 b 17111 S OP Na (please print): ',� �'r4,�enh' ►4`Q✓t502 � � � �[o. oo c o � Community Development Department (303) 235-2846 www. ci.wheatridge.co.us Rentable SF proposed by E&D Outdoor Play Area for E&D New SF to be constructed Parking Required for E&D Parking Provided for E&D Parking Provided for Building Preapplication Meeting Date Neighborhood Meeting Notification Neighborhood Meeting SUP Submittal 1,727sf 1,130sf (min. area required by State is 750sf) None. This will be a tenant -finish buildout within the existing building, subject to separate building permit(s). I 1 stalls. (I stall per each faculty or staff' member plus 1 off-street loading/unloading stall per each 8 students or children plus I stall for each bus or van operated by the child care facility). I 1 stalls 91 stalls May 119, 2016 May N, 2016 — flyers were distributed to addresses within 600' radius June 1, 2016 June 2, 2016 Thank you again for the opportunity to present this special use permit application. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments, or responses. Sincerely, drew Park -Friend Josh Robbins Applicant (Parent/Advisor) Applicant (Parent/Advisor) e: rockieswonta msn.com e: joshjrobbinsGyahoo.com June 2, 2016 Meredith Reckert Senior Planner Development & Zoning Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 291h Avenue, 2nd Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE., Explore & Discover Special Use Permit at 6310 W. 29`h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 (the "Property") Dear Meredith: Thank you for holding a pre -application meeting with us on Thursday May 19, 2016 to discuss the special use permit application that would allow Explore & Discover to be located at Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, at 6310 W. 29th Avenue. Following that meeting, on Tuesday May 24, 2016 we distributed notification letters to all addresses within a 600 foot radius of the Property, and on Wednesday June 1, 2016, we held the neighborhood meeting at Wheat Ridge City Hall with the Applicant and the Owner both present; no neighbors attended. The consensus by all present was that the proposed special use is appropriate for the Property, compatible with the the neighborhood, and consistent with the intent of the R -I zone district. This letter is intended to serve as a cover sheet for the Special Use Permit (SUP) application on the following pages, which include: 1. Land use application form; 2. Application fee; 3. Signed submittal checklist; 4. Proof of ownership and representation, including 5. Written authorization from Owner authorizing Applicant to apply for the SUP; 6. Mineral rights certification form; 7. Written request and description of the proposal, including how the SUP review criteria, as found in Section 26-114 of the Wheat Ridge municipal code, are met. In addition, the table below summarizes the key points of the proposed special use. Property 6310 W. 29`h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 Owner Wheat Ridge Congregational Church Owner Contact Rev. Claudia Schmitt, e: wheatridgeuccCwgmail.com Applicant Explore and Discover (E&D) Applicant's current address 3401 W. 29" Ave., Denver, CO 80211 Applicant Contact Andrew Park -Friend, e: rockieswon@msn.com Josh Robbins, e: joshjrobbinsCyahoo.com Property Zoning Wheat Ridge R-1 Special Use Proposed Day care center for up to 32 children, to run with the land in perpetuity. Explore and Discover plans to relocate an existing state -licensed child care facility to the Property, serving approximately 16-24 children between the ages of 6 weeks to 3 years. Current E&D enrollment is 20, and the program would like to grow to a maximum of 32 children. E&D Hours of Operation 7:30am to 5:30pm. Monday through Friday E&D Staff Seven (7) Site Area, per Assessor 79,976sf (1.836 acres) Building SF, per Assessor 6,832sf main level (plus lower level est'd at 6.552sf for total building SF of 13,384sf,+/-) 2. Application Fee 5200.00 check attached hereto, . for the SUP application fee app—au submitted By APPOINTII Cit Of City planner. Incomplete applic " W heat �id�ge be accepted—refer to subm LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29`h Avenue - Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 - Phone (303) 235-2846 ,OsH QOg� i N5 (Please print t b typetall i'nforination) } \ ti Ss O�`�- LIC oA"JApplicant � A�/�S*a_— ��e382_�� Yail ' w%y�.1�oL 6, S Address, City, State, Zime 3 at t,.e. Z. -K. �� &0 2-1 GLtiV61 A 5-CNrN TT -"4V W- ►?4 Owner PAs1D�C- kVQ CKAt-IkE - Phone 3 -ZJito OS'#A EmaiI wti1�+.'} "`�►°.�G OCC .' Address, City, State, Zip 63(O W . 2 q-V%N w t.1 'E -AV— P- tTS4 !- r n A z 1 u Amu 4*+4-lt - ,�ew� p�o�' t nits ao4c-& - - Contact Som 9�fibne 3 �oy2� -IN4 Email_ rOCk -{S WQA & M5#1. Co Address, City, State, Zip c-10 3 10 ( 29-h A..�h e+,3,/0VZ ca eGa Z.t (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): 340 W • 2-01*% Ave- wi ked >? ( zcw ll co Bn Z.( Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): O Change of Zone or Zone Conditions XSpecial Use Permit O Subdivision - specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) O Conditional Use Permit O Administrative (up to 3 lots) O Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan O Major (6 or more lots) 0 Variance/Waiver (from Section 26-) 0 Right of Way Vacation O Other: 5-ro�� L�G�1tiS� Detailed description of request: DA �y C hrGE LevJrC'1lE_ *:;110 IC VP TD -Two 321 C Kt Loe crJ IA-�.� 6 w1 cry T% 3 1 r4 attE -1-u 6C7, L- 13 C Ani-LOVN NJ I T" % rJ A1-3 E -1c, I S'►l tj- 15v t rV o I �. I- o C q � ►cel tA-n1 1� - Zo Na✓ a� 5'� ¢. c T'� 1 certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, 1 am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. PAIGE ELIZABETH SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC Notarized Signature of Appli STATE OF COLORADO State of Colorado } ss NOTARY ID 20144011408 County of MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 12, 201 The foregoing instrument (Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me this � da of t,IYK by Y , 2016 &� 44,0 Notaf� Public To be filled out by staff: Date received (e -?-1(„ Comp Plan Design. Related Case No. Assessor's Parcel No. _1 a) - 2 g-3 -/3- ppf ( Size (acres or sqft) Rev 1/22/ 2016 My commission expires 0S / 12/20$ Fee $ D0.0 Receipt No. Pre -App Mtg. Dat 01-1(p Current Zoning 9L7 ; Proposed "Zoning Case No. 1L4 r' 16-0). Quarter Section Map 5W �2S Case Manager Q�,(tocc e Current Use Glti Proposed Use GI, U� hra 4" City of Wheat�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: June 1, 2016 Attending Staff: Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Location of Meeting: Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Second Floor Conference Room 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Address: 6310 W. 29"' Avenue Property Owner(s): Wheat Ridge Congregation of the United Church ofClirist Property Owner(s) Present? Yes Applicant: Explore and Discover Day Care Applicant Present? Yes Existing Zoning: Residential -One (R-1) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Existing Site Conditions: The property is located on the south side of 29th Avenue between Kendall Street and Lamar Street. The property is zoned Residential -One (R-1). Much of the surrounding area is also residentially zoned as either Residential -One (R-1) or Residential -Two (R-2) and developed primarily as low density residential. The subject property's eastern boundary borders the City of Edgewater. This adjacent parcel is vacant. The property is currently occupied by a church; home to the Wheat Ridge Congregation of the United Church of Christ. According to the Jefferson County Assessor the almost 7,000 square foot church sits on nearly 80,000 square feet (1.84 acres) of land and was built in 1956. A rough count of parking indicates there are more than 80 parking spaces on the site. There are two access points from 29th Avenue; one each on the east and west sides of the structure. Circulation is one-way with the entrance to the property on the west side and exit on the east. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, Explore and Discover Day Care, is proposing to utilize the existing rooms on the lower level of the church. The hours of operation for this state licensed, non-profit, co-op daycare would be 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. The Explore and Discover Day Care Center is currently in operation less than 2 miles away, at the corner of 291h Avenue and Julian Street in Denver. They currently have approximately 19 children between the ages of 6 weeks and 3 years, under the supervision of 7 professional caretakers. The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to, all attendees present were affiliated with the proposed daycare. The pastor of the church was present as well. • Staff explained the reason for the Special Use Permit, and the process that could be forthcoming for the application. • The applicants, Explore and Discover Day Care, explained how they intend to use the property. � N CO M 4 6 6 W c Q Q > � O Q i--- M a. O N t N L •� M Z � N CO M 4 6 6 w Q Q O J i--- M a. � N CO M 4 6 6 City of W heatidge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT What is a Special Use? Special uses are discretionary uses which, if properly designed, developed, operated, and maintained may be approved in a zone district where the special use is permitted. The primary issues to be addressed are those related to the justification of need and special design, as well as operational considerations which mitigate the potential detrimental impacts on surrounding land uses, the street system, and public services or facilities. A special use permit can be granted administratively by the Community Development Director or by City Council. Special use approvals can be vested with the land in perpetuity, can be granted only to the applicant, or can be for a specific period of time. Obtaining a special use approval can take as little as two months or as long as four months depending on the nature of the request and whether an administrative approval occurs. Special Use Permit Criteria Before a special use permit is approved, the applicant will demonstrate that the following criteria have been met: • Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. • Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. • Will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. • Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. • Is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. • Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. • There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/ or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. • Will be in compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Standard Schedule Step 1: Pre -application Meeting s— Step 2: Neighborhood Meeting Step 3: Submit Complete Application Step 4: Staff Review, Referral (Typically 15 days) Step 5: Comments to Applicant Changes Necessary? Yes Step 6: 10 day noticing Community Development Department 303-235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 6310 W. 29th Avenue • Day Care Center Aprial Zoning Mar til. c i i -i ons CT 4 w 1. F' 1 To the City of Wheat Ridge, CO : I am not in favor of providing a Special Use permit for and infant and toddler day care center at the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, United Church of Christ located at 6310 W. 29th Ave. This is a residential area. My vote is NO to the special Use permit for a day care center. Tracey Hughes 6340 W. 30th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 303-995-2018 UNffED CHURCHi+ w OF CHRIST 4 WHEAT RIDGE, COLO NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING Explore and Discover, a non-profit cooperative day care center, along with the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, located at 6310 W. 291 Avenue, are proposing a special -use permit to allow Explore and Discover to operate an infant and toddler daycare on weekdays within the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. A neighborhood meeting to discuss the special use permit will be held on: Wednesday, June I st at 6pm Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29' Avenue 2' Floor Conference Room The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for a special use permit an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the administrative process by the Community Development Director and/or the public hearing in front of City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you submit written comments during the public notice period and/or attend the public hearing. The neighborhood meeting is an informal setting that provides an opportunity for you to understand the scope of the proposed project and the process for review. You will have the opportunity to speak with the applicant and city staff and to ask any question that you may have related to the project. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 291 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 6409 W 29TH AVE 2670 NEWLAND ST 6520 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 2662 LAMAR ST 6301 W 26TH AVE 6417 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 2695 LAMAR ST 2663 LAMAR ST 2870 NEWLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 6201 W 26TH AVE 6170 W 29TH AVE 6200 W 29TH AVE EDGEWATER, CO 80214 EDGEWATER, CO 80214 EDGEWATER, CO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 6201 W 26TH AVE 6201 W 26TH AVE 6250 W 29TH AVE EDGEWATER, CO 80214 EDGEWATER, CO 80214 EDGEWATER, CO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 2696 LAMAR ST 6310 W 30TH AVE 2651 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 2955 KENDALL ST 2945 KENDALL ST 2740 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 2640 LAMAR ST 6350 W 30TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 NEITHERCUT LOREN D PAGE BETTY JO PECHACEK J JOHN 2725 LAMAR ST 6185 W 29TH AVE 6320 W 30TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 PEREZ CATHERINE POULIN ROSS POWELL AMBER RAE 2965 JAY ST WILCOX NAOMI POWELL GLENN S WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 2985 JAY ST 2915 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 PRICE BRETTA RATHE BRUCE D REINES LAURENCE 6360 W 30TH PL RATHE LINDA 1 2702 NEWLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 6411 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 RICKARD JUSTIN RUDY RICHARD L SCENA PAULA J CAVALLARO ALLECIA ODEN ANN L 2550 LAMAR ST 2801 LAMAR ST 2705 LAMAR ST EDGEWATER, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 SCHUMACHER TERRY SERRANO SANDRA JANYRA SHIVELY CHARLES B PARISI PHILIP F 2651 KENDALL ST SHIVELY KATHERINE S PO BOX 625 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 2696 NEWLAND ST LITTLETON, CO 80160 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 STEIN SHARON J STEINMEYER CAROL L SWIADER DONNA 2915 JAY ST 2730 LAMAR ST SWIADER TEDDY L WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 2980 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 THOMAS RUSSELL D VAN SCOYK MARTIN W VINCENT BETTY F THOMAS FLORA M VAN SCOYK JANET A BETTY JEAN FRANCIS VINCENT 2686 NEWLAND ST 2920 JAY ST 2925 JAY ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WELCH JACOB WELLER RITA E WHEAT CHARLES H WELCH KIMBERLY HEDDEN 3290 INGALLS ST PO BOX 147026 6205 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 DENVER, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEATRIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH YOUNG WILLIAM ANDREW ZHUANG FEN 6310 W 29TH AVE MCCORMICK SARAH 6350 W 30TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 2640 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 2661 KENDALL ST 6285 W 29TH AVE 2985 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 HEALING WATERS FAMILY CENTER HENDERSON ALICE E HINKLE HEIDI L % GREG JACKSON - NEWCASTLE PROPERTIES JOSEITO VALESQUEZ SNODGRASS JAMES M FLOYD JOSEPH D 2675 LAMAR ST 6475 W 29TH AVE 2720 LAMAR ST 2935 JAY ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 HOOVER MICHAEL C HORVATH BARBARA HUGHES TRACEY A ARVADA, CO 80004 6380 W 30TH AVE 2660 NEWLAND ST 6340 W 30TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 INGALLS LINDA A JAGGI PATRICIA M JARRETT SCOTT L 2777 KENDALL ST 6415 W 29TH AVE 2905 KENDALL ST 2950 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 JOHNSON MARK R JOHNSON STANLEY W JONES JANE S 2995 JAY ST JOHNSON ROSE BREYER LYNNETTE M JONES JANE SUE 2950 JAY ST 6301 W 26TH AVE 6417 W 29TH AVE 2990 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 KADNUCK GERALDINE M KEMPFER DENNIS L KINNEY STEVEN C 2695 LAMAR ST 2663 LAMAR ST 2870 NEWLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 KINNICKINNIC REALTY CO KITTERMAN MICHAEL JEROME KIZIMA JUSTIN % GREG JACKSON - NEWCASTLE PROPERTIES KITTERMAN TERESA MARIE 6370 W 30TH AVE 7700 E ARAPAHOE RD 300 2675 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 LAVOIE MARC ALEXANDER LAVOIE MARC ALEXANDER LAWRENCE AARON T LAVOIE DEA L 9663 W 69TH PL DOWDY AMANDA L 2696 LAMAR ST ARVADA, CO 80004 2630 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 MAJOR JACK J SR MALOUFF ROBERT L MARIANNE ZWAHLEN LIVING TRUST MAJOR THOMAS W MALOUFF STAR E 2650 LAMAR ST 2785 LAMAR ST 2777 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 MARQUEZ JAMES N MARSHALL BRETT P MARTINES EVER ABDULIO MARQUEZ V ISABEL COUTTS JANET L 2655 KENDALL ST 2698 LAMAR ST 2995 JAY ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 MARTINEZ HOWARD T MCCARTHY DONNA L MEYERS ROBERT L 2990 KENDALL ST 2895 LAMAR ST 2700 LAMAR ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 ALLDREDGE ROBERT L ALLDREDGE ROBERT L ANDERSON ROBERT G BARBIS FREDERIC C SYKES JUDY M SWOVERLAND TYLER C 2970 KENDALL ST 2890 LAMAR ST 6190 W 29TH PL WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 BEGEMAN GABRIELLE A BERGREN JOHN E BERRILL MARY K BROOKS KELCEY DAVID 6121 W 29TH AVE BERRIL JOACHIM E 6363 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 239 PINECREST CIR WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 BAILEY, CO 80421 BORYS MICHAJLO BRIELS JARDIN BRINSON BEVERLY A MILES CINDY 6476 W 29TH AVE 2715 LAMAR ST 2955 MARSHALL CT WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 BROWN HUNTINGTON C CAPALDO GEORGE R CHANDLER CHAD M 2704 NEWLAND ST 6020 E 1ST AVE DAWN CHANDLER WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 DENVER, CO 80220 6308 VIOLET CT ARVADA, CO 80403 CLEMENT D & JACQUELINE A BISANT TRUST THE DAHL THAD C DELONG CHAD 2980 NEWLAND ST DAHL KELLI D 6345 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 2880 NEWLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 DRDA PAUL EHLERS NINA A EUGENE KIEFEL TRUST 6209 W 26TH AVE EHLERS PAUL R 2935 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 2750 NEWLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 FERNANDEZ ALEKSANDRA FISHER DAVID L GABRIELLI EILEEN LAFLEUR CRANFORD BRIGITTE C FISHER NANCY E GABRIELLI JOSEPH LOUIS JR 2920 KENDALL ST 2990 MARSHALL CT 6201 W 29TH AVE LAKEWOOD, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 GEBHARDT MARK D GEHAUF ROSEANNE GIPE JAMES H 6330 W 30TH AVE GEHAUF RONALD 1 2930 KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 2890 NEWLAND ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 GOODE THERESA L GRAVES DIANE GREEN KEVIN MICHAEL 9029 W ARIZONA DR GRAVES JAMIE GREEN LEA MARIE LAKEWOOD, CO 80232 4610 W MONCRIEFF PL 2998 MARSHALL CT DENVER, CO 80212 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 GUNTHER GREGORY S HANLEN PATRICIA A HATCH MARY M LANE NANCY GUNTHER 2674 LAMAR ST 2960 JAY ST 4470 36TH ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80214 ARLINGTON, VA 22206 UUNITED�CHURS H WHEAT RIDGE CO.ORADO �••....rr NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING Explore and Discover, a non-profit cooperative day care center, along with the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, located at 6310 W. 29`h Avenue, are proposing a special -use permit to allow Explore and Discover to operate an infant and toddler daycare on weekdays within the Wheat Ridge Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. A neighborhood meeting to discuss the special use permit will be held on: Wednesday, June I st at 6pm Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29'x' Avenue 2°d Floor Conference Room The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for a special use permit an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the administrative process by the Community Development Director and/or the public hearing in front of City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you submit written comments during the public notice period and/or attend the public hearing. The neighborhood meeting is an informal setting that provides an opportunity for you to understand the scope of the proposed project and the process for review. You will have the opportunity to speak with the applicant and city staff and to ask any question that you may have related to the project. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 29`x' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ♦,44' City of '�-e W h6a t�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Applicant: Andrew Park -Friend, Explore and Discover rockieswon@msn.com Josh Robbins, Explore and Discover joshjrobbins@yahoo.com Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner 11 Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Michael Arellano, Chief Building Official Specific Site Location: 6310 W. 291h Avenue Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: Residential -One (R-1) Neighborhood Existing Site Conditions: The property is located on the south side of 291h Avenue between Kendall Street and Lamar Street. The property is zoned Residential -One (R-1). Much of the surrounding area is also residentially zoned as either Residential -One (R-1) or Residential -Two (R-2) and developed primarily as low density residential. The subject property's eastern boundary borders the City of Edgewater. This adjacent parcel is vacant. The property is currently occupied by a church; home to the Wheat Ridge Congregation of the United Church of Christ. According to the Jefferson County Assessor the almost 7,000 square foot church sits on nearly 80,000 square feet (1.84 acres) of land and was built in 1956. A rough count of parking indicates there are more than 80 parking spaces on the site. There are two access points from 29`h Avenue; one each on the east and west sides of the structure. Circulation is one-way with the entrance to the property on the west side and exit on the east. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, Explore and Discover Day Care, is proposing to utilize the existing rooms on the lower level of the church. The hours of operation for this state licensed, non-profit, co-op daycare would be 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. The Explore and Discover Day Care Center is currently in operation less than 2 miles away, at the corner of 291h Avenue and Julian Street in Denver. They currently have approximately 19 children between the ages of 6 weeks and 3 years, under the supervision of 7 professional caretakers. Q. r Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? Yes, a neighborhood meeting is required for application for Special Use Permit approval. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning & Use The R -I zone district allows day care centers as a special use. As such, no zone change will be required, but a special use permit application will be required to evaluate the impacts of the day care use on the surrounding residential neighborhoods. A site plan should be submitted with the application showing general use areas on the property. Circulation Designated drop off and pick up locations will need to be identified to provide safe access for parents and children into the daycare. The drop-off location should be identified on the site plan submitted with the application. Utility Providers The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city. The utility and service providers for this property include: West Metro Fire Protection District, phone: 303-989-4307 Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, phone: 303-424-7252 Consolidated Mutual Water District, phone: 303-238-0451 All land use applications will be sent out on referral to these agencies for comment; however, staff encourages potential applicants to contact service districts ahead of time. This may help to understand any design or infrastructure requirements and potential costs associated with the proposed project. Building Division comments: Please note The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted and currently enforces the 2012 Edition of the International Codes and the 2014 Edition of the National Electrical Code. The City uses the ANSI 1 17.1-2009 Standard in determining requirements related to building accessibility. The following items were discussed during the pre -application meeting: Courtyard The primary outdoor activity area will be located in an area on the eastern side of the church building. There are existing doors exiting into this area. The stairs in the courtyard cannot exit directly into a driveway, a landing will be necessary. A ramp will also be necessary to provide ADA access into/out of the courtyard. Code Analysis The portions of the building that are being taken over will need to conform with current codes. It appears that the space will move from an `A' occupancy to an `E' occupancy. The `E' occupancy does not require fire rated separation between the upstairs `A' use. However, this is a preliminary analysis of the structure and operations. A full code analysis will need to be submitted to the building division which justifies the categorization as an `E' occupancy, rather than another more intensive category. HVAC The applicants stated they were not planning on altering the HVAC unit. However, the Chief Building Official (CBO) informed them that partitioning off rooms may impact the airflow and functionality of the HVAC. This issue will need to be further evaluated. Public Works comments: The public works department was not present and has no comments at this time. Review Process This request will require a special use permit. SPECIAL USE PERMIT Neighborhood Meeting The first step in the Special Use Permit (SUP) process is the pre -application meeting, which took place on May 19, 2016. The next step is to conduct a neighborhood meeting. The applicant is responsible for drafting a letter that will be delivered (via mail or hand delivery) to all property owners and current residents in a 600 -foot radius of the subject property. The letter must be approved by the Community Development department PRIOR to sending. The Community Development department can provide the applicant with a neighborhood meeting letter template and samples, if necessary. Additionally, the Community Development department will research the property owner and resident information from the Jefferson County records and provide the applicant with mailing labels. The applicant will coordinate with the Community Development department on the time and location of the neighborhood meeting. The meeting may be held in one of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building conference rooms, or any other location the applicant desires. There is a $100 fee for the meeting, and an additional 50 -cent fee for each page of mailing labels provided to the applicant (average is about $2-$3). Staff will be present at the meeting to facilitate the discussion and answer any zoning, land use, and process related questions. However, the applicant will lead the meeting and inform the audience about the proposal. Application Once the neighborhood meeting is complete, a formal application may be submitted. The SUP application will be assigned a case number and case manager. The case manager will be the applicant's point of contact at the City for the duration of the case processing. The case manager will review your case, and sent it out on referral to City and outside agencies for review. The referral period is 15 days, during which time all departments and agencies may submit comments on the application. These comments, as well as those from the case manager, may require modifications to the application. Once review of the application is complete, the property must be posted. This posting lasts 10 consecutive days and requires a sign to be posted on the property. Additionally, the Community Development department will send out written notification of the SUP request to all adjacent property owners. If no legitimate complaints are received during this posting period, the Special Use Permit application may be reviewed and decided upon administratively. If a legitimate complaint is received 4 by the Community Development Department during this posting period, the Special Use Permit will be automatically forwarded to the City Council for a public hearing and decision. If the application is reviewed administratively and denied, the applicant can appeal the decision to the City Council. If the case is forwarded to City Council due to receipt of legitimate objections, or due to appeal by the applicant, the property must be posted again. This posting period lasts 15 consecutive days and will require a sign to be posted on the property. The Community Development Department will also mail out notification of the hearing to all property owners within 300 -feet of the subject site. At the public hearing before City Council, the case manager will present the case, and based on an established set of criteria present evident to recommend the approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the Special Use Permit. The applicant, and the public, will be allowed to present evidence and provide testimony in support of opposition of the Special Use Permit. The City Council will then make a decision of approval, approval with conditions, or denial based on the testimonies provided by staff, the applicant, and the public. Attachments: None. Note: Please be aware that the above comments are for general information purposes only. Staff cannot predict the outcome of any land use development application. A favorable response from staff does not obligate any decision-making body (Community Development Director, Public Works Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council) to a desired outcome. Staff will provide the best advice available given existing regulations, current policy, political climate and information submitted. Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Lauren Mikulak — Senior Planner 303-235-2845 Lisa Ritchie — Planner If 303-235-2852 Zack Wallace — Planning Technician 303-235-2849 Michael Arellano — Chief Building Official 303-235-2853 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg — Projects Supervisor 303-235-2863 n � LAvJN? kL LA - '----- ............ - --. v U zsg2� o rk, G 31 o w . 2°l ±. 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