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City of
August 25, 2016
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Board
of Adjustment on August 25, 2016, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29"' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
4. PUBLIC FORUM (TMs is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing on
the agenda.)
A. Case No. WA -16-13: An application filed by OUTFRONT Media for approval of an
18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in
a 50 -foot tall billboard on property in the B-2 zone district located at 8105 W 48'
A. Approval of Minutes - July 28, 2016
Individuals with disahilities are encouraged to participate in all puhlie meetings sponsored by
the City of WheatRidge. Call Carly Lorentz, Assistant to the City Manager, at 303-235-2867 at
least one week in advance of a meeting ifyou are interested in partieipating and need inclusion
City of
,9�Wheat idge
Board of Adjustment MEETING DATE: August 25, 2016
Zack Wallace
WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media
The applicant is requesting approval of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the
maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard
on property in the B-2 billboard district located at 8105 West 48" Avenue.
LOCATION OF REQUEST: 8105 W. 48th Avenue
Wheatridge Industrial Park, LLC
43,386 square feet (0.99 acres)
Planned Industrial Development (PID) / B-2 Billboard District
Office Warehouse / Billboard
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA -1 6-13/ 0 UTPRONT Media
All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this
The applicant, OUTFRONT Media, is requesting approval of a variance from the maximum billboard
height in order to raise the height of the existing billboard to 50 feet. This is a 56% variance from the
maximum billboard height of 32 feet. The existing billboard currently measures 32 feet in height and is
located on the west end of the existing structure on the 8105 W. 48th Avenue property rxhibit 1,
Aerial). The property is zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and is located within the B-2
billboard district, which allows billboards (Exhibit 2, Zoning Map).
Section 26-115.0 (Variances and Waivers) of the Wheat Ridge City Code empowers the Board of
Adjustment to hear and decide on variances from the strict application of the zoning district
development standards. Because this application includes a variance request that exceeds 50% of the
development standard, the application is not eligible for administrative approval and is required to be
heard at a public hearing before the Board of Adjustment.
The applicant is proposing to raise an existing 32 -foot tall billboard to a height of 50 feet (Exhibit 3,
Simulation). Section 26-711 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code allows billboards to have amaximum
height of 32 feet. Therefore a height variance of 18 feet (56%) is being requested.
The purpose of the height variance is to increase visibility from Interstate 70 (I-70). The current
billboard is double sided, targeting both eastbound and westbound vehicles on I-70. The applicant has
stated the billboard is "nearly invisible" from eastbound traffic. This is said to be due to the lower
grade of the land the billboard sits on, compared to I-70, coupled with the existing sound wall along I-
70. In Staffs opinion, based on afield visit, the sign is adequately visible from the main travel lanes of
I-70. Staff does agree that the sign is not 100% visible from the Wadsworth Boulevard exit, but it
remains largely visible, and certainly not invisible, even to those drivers exiting I-70 (Exhibit 4, Site
Staff recognizes that the City of Wheat Ridge has a more restrictive maximum height for billboards
than many Denver Metro cities. In the past City policymakers have made conscious policy decisions to
maintain the 32 -foot maximum billboard height. As recently as August 1, 2016 Staff presented City
Council with a memo addressing many aspects of billboards, including height. Staff outlined the
maximum height in neighboring cities, in acknowledgement that the City of Wheat Ridge is more
restrictive. City Council declined to address or entertain changing any development standards for
billboards at that time.
In order to approve a variance, the Board of Adjustment must determine that the majority of the
"criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. The applicant has
provided their analysis of the application's compliance with the variance criteria (Exhibit 5, Criteric
Response). Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria.
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA -16-13 / 0 UTPRONT Media
1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if
permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in
which it is located.
If the request were denied, the property would continue to function as a light -industrial
property. The existing billboard remains visible from the main travel lanes, and mostly visible
from the Wadsworth Boulevard off -ramp lanes, and as such will continue to yield a reasonable
return in use under the City's existing billboard maximum height allowance.
Staff finds this criterion has not been met.
2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality.
There have been no billboards in the adjacent area which have received variances. The City's
zoning code does allow business/commercial signage up to 50 feet in height near the highway;
however these signs are limited to on-site businesses, and are limited in size based on the size
of the structure for which they are providing signage. Staff finds a 50 -foot tall billboard (which
is allowed a maximum of 750 square feet in size, by right) to be excessive and out of character
with the locality, especially considering it will dwarf the signage of local businesses along the
corridor with a large off -premises billboard advertisement.
Staff finds this criterion has not been met.
3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application,
which would not be possible without the variance.
A billboard currently exists on the property at the maximum allowed height of 32 feet. Raising
the billboard to a higher height will give the billboard more visibility. However, Staff viewed
the billboard from various travel lanes along I-70 and has determined that the billboard is
visible at its current height.
Staff finds this criterion has not been met
4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific
property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as
distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried
Parallel to the billboard, I-70 sits approximately four feet above the property, according to the
City's topographic information. Moving west, the highway becomes increasingly elevated, as
compared to the adjacent land. On the west end of the subject site, the highway sits
approximately 10 feet above the property (Exhibit 6, Topography). In addition, there is a sound
wall along I-70 which the applicant alleges is creating a hardship by reducing the visibility of
the billboard. That being said, in the opinion of Staff, the billboard is clearly visible for a
reasonable amount of time as you travel along I-70 (Exhibit 4, Site Photos).
Staff finds this criterion has not been met.
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA -16-13 / 0 UTPRONT Media
5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an
interest in the property.
The alleged hardship has been created by the grades between the highway and adjacent
properties. Seeing as the elevation of properties to the north and south of the highway are
approximately the same, it is likely the grade changes were a result of the construction of I-70,
which occurred in the late 1960s at this location according to the Colorado Department of
Transportation (CDOT). I-70 also has existing sound walls in place, which the applicant alleges
are creating a hardship. CDOT does not have any interest in the subject property, or the
Staff finds this criterion has been met.
6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located,
by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or
development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to
adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing
the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or
impairing property values within the neighborhood.
The request would not be detrimental to public welfare. It may be injurious to neighboring
property or improvements due to its proposed height and maximum allowable size by right
(750 square feet). The adequate supply of air would not be compromised as a result of this
request; however, the adequate supply of light may be.
The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it cause an obstruction
to motorists on the adjacent streets. The development would not increase the danger of fire.
It is also unlikely that the request would impair property values in the neighborhood.
Staff finds this criterion has mostly been met.
The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in
the neighborhood and are not unique to the property.
The grade changes between I-70 and the adjacent properties are present in the surrounding area
(Exhibit 6, Topography). Sound walls along I-70 are also common along this stretch of the
Staff finds that this criterion has been met.
8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with
Accessibility requirements are not applied to billboards.
Staff finds this criterion not applicable.
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA -16-13 / 0 UTPRONT Media
9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the
Architectural and Site Design Manual.
The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to billboards.
Staff finds this criterion not applicable.
Having found the application not to be in compliance with the majority of the review criteria, staff
recommends DENIAL of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard
resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on property in the B-2 district located at 8105 West 48th Avenue.
Staff has found that while the sign has limited visibility for those in the Wadsworth Boulevard off -
ramp lanes due to a grade change and existing sound wall, this does not deny visibility from the
intended audience travelling along I-70 in the main eastbound and westbound travel lanes. Therefore,
staff recommends denial for the following reasons:
1. The property will continue to yield a reasonable return in use.
2. The variance would alter the essential character of the locality.
3. The particular surrounding topography does not render the billboard invisible.
4. The billboard is currently visible from Interstate 70, at the City's maximum allowed billboard
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA -16-13 / 0 UTFRONT Media
Board ofAdjustment
Case No. WA-16-131OUTFRONTMedia
Board ofAdjustment
Case No. WA-16-131OUTFRONTMedia
8105 W 48"' Avenue Before and After Photos raising the structure from 32 to 50 ft in total height
Board ofAdjustment 8
CareNo. WA-16131OUTFRONTdkdia
� { St1y;�ndA
A '
View of the billboard from the center lane of I-70 (eastbound) approximately 400 feet west of the
billboard location. Note: The image quality and legibility is reduced when printing. Staff will provide further
evidence of the billboard's visibility during the hearing.
Board ofAdfusbnent
CaseNo. WA-16-13/OUTPRONTMeda
V J,
View of the billboard from the Wadsworth Boulevard exit lane of I-70 (eastbound) approximately
250 feet west of the billboard location. Note. The image quality and legibility is reduced when printing. Staff
will provide further evidence of the billboard's visibility during the hearing.
View of the billboard from the Wadsworth Boulevard exit lane of I-70 (eastbound) approximately
130 feet west of the billboard location. Note. The image quality and legibility is reduced when printing. Staff
will provide further evidence of the billboard's visibility during the hearing.
Board of4udinent 10
Case No. WA-161310UTFR0NI Media
Board ojndmslmenm
CaseNo. WA-1613/OUTFBONTMerda
Responses to variance Criarm
8105 W. A8^ Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
I 7/14/2016 I
A, As our current board sits on theproperty, it is almost invisible to eastbound traffic on I.
70, its primary audience. Our entire business is driven by airlb, llit and a hidden board
does not inform the drivers or appeal to businesses or organizations that are trying to
communicate with those driving by. We are requesting a variance to the height
requement regulation. If the variance Is not approved this board will stay hidden and
tM1ere will be no opportunity to reach those driving by.
B. The area in question is currently zoned industrially, and has been for at least 40 years.
There is no residential zoning in the vldnity, so the sign is not an eyesore far people
living In the neighborhood. There are other large signs In the area, both on and off
premise, s0 altering our sign would not take away from or alter the existing character of
the area.
C. OUTFHONT Media is willing to fried a significant amount of money into this picked
because of the anticipated value of this sign once it has been moved and raised.
Investing close to $200,000 into this rebuild is only viable if we Can assure our corporate
oHltt that the improvements will significantly Increase the board's attraction. proaimhy
to the mad and length of read effect our business substantially, especially considering
the fad that you can barely see the current sign, If at all,
D. The property on which the board currently sits, partial 34343-00-101, is an irregularly
shaped property. The variaare specific tc the hardship surrounding Its physical
characteristics whim we would like to address is as follow::
HEIGHT Indian 367111: The current board is 3Y feet tall, and is nearly invisible
from 1-70 heading eastbound. The property sits laver than the grade of I-70, so
we re disadvantaged by abiding to the allowable height Addkionally, there is
and wall running along the south side of 1-70 leading up to our sign, blocking it
for an even longer period of time, By raising it to SO', we will eliminate the both
of these visibility problems.
E. The disparity in height from the grade of the road is a hardship created by COOT when
they annelid land fair and constructed 1-70. COOT has n0 interest in this property.
F. TM1ere is already an existing sign on the properly, so raising it would remain consistent
with the current nature of the neighborhood It is in an Industrial area, with no close
residential zonln& and the sago will be located fully on the property, so it will not
ncreaxexre nngan i Ind -runner we build a sign, 116firseers to ensure we
are constructing the most safe, secure structure possible. Ataller, more "ble sign will
actually increase the property's value, not diminish it.
G. The entire area bordered between 1-70 and W, 48`^ Ave is lower Man the grade of the
interstate. The sound wall runs along this same stretch of land, creating the need fpr
taller signs than In other, flatter areas.
H. There are currently no elements of our structure that would inhibit a person with
disabilities' access to the property, and the rebuilt sinecure will maintain these same
L According to the Architectural and Site Design Manual, the mapeny on which our sign
sits falls under the Suburban Overlay designation. Thusly, there are no additional
setback requirements than those in the Municipal Code, and a variance may be
requested As we are not building a building, we referred to the signage requirements of
the manual. In section 5,2, it Sines that pole signs are diswnn e d unless the sign is
highway oriented, which ours is, sadden 5.3 addresses the lighting of signs. Our
lights shine only on the sign, and are turned off at night, minimaing light pollution,
Board ofAdjwtment 12
CcOfi WA-16131OUTFRONTAkdia
5320 5320
Geographic , - ' �'-
Information Systems
Subject Property
Billboard Location
Contour Lines r�20 5320
N 5322 i
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b � N
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5322 =
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12� La
State Plane Coordinate.
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C larada Cental Zone
Datum: NAD83
Board ofAdjustment
Case Mo. WA-16-131OUTFRONTMedia
City of
Minutes of Meeting
July 28, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Chair ABBOTT at 7:03 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29a' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Board Members Present:
Alternates Present:
Board Members Absent:
Staff Members PrNt:
No one wished to speak at this time.
Thomas Abbott
Janet Bell
Dan Bradford
Paul Hovland
Betty Jo Page
Larry Richmond
Michael Griffeth
Sally Banghart
David Kuntz
Lily Griego
Lisa Ritchie, Planner II
Zack Wallace, Planning Technician
Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
A. Case No. WA -16-05: An application filed by Gray Properties for approval of
Request A: a 10 -foot (40%) variance from the 25 -foot side yard setback requirement
when adjacent to a public street and approval of Request B: a 5 -foot (100%) variance
to the additional 5 -foot side yard setback requirement for a third story located on
property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) located at the Northeast corner of 33`d
Avenue and Ames Street.
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016 1
The case was presented by Zack Wallace. He entered the contents of the case file and
packet materials, the zoning ordinance and the digital presentation into the record.
He stated all appropriate notification and posting requirements have been met and
advised the board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the digital
Request A: Mr. Wallace explained the side setback for the southern end of the
property is 25 -feet and the applicants have proposed a 15 -foot setback. The applicant
did a property analysis along 33`d Ave and concluded the average setback from the
property lines is approximately 13 -feet; so the proposed 15 -foot setback is in line
with what is present in the neighborhood. Along with the 15 -foot setback there will
be an added amenity zone so the building will sit about 20 -feet away from 33`d
Board Member GRIFFETH asked if numbers in Exhibit 7 were provided by a
surveyor or the applicant.
Mr. Wallace explained it was provided by the applicant because surveys are not kept
by the City. Based on a visual inspection by aerial photography this looks to be
accurate to staff, but there is no way to verify the accuracy without a survey.
Board Member GRIFFETH asked who deemed theproperty developable as stated on
page 3 of the staff report.
Mr. Wallace stated it was the City Attorney.
Board Member GRIFFITH asked about the two calls in opposition and if any letters
were submitted.
Mr. Wallace said there were no formal written objections.
Board Member BELL commented about the setbacks being created before the City
was incorporated in 1969 and asked if the building to the north came in to existence
when under County planning laws.
Mr. Wallace agreed.
Board Member BRADFORD asked if there has been any analysis done from the
Building Division regarding codes; for example - property distance.
Mr. Wallace stated that the Building Division has not looked at anything yet.
Todd Briney
4070 N. Albion Street, Denver 80216
Mr. Briney explained he works for Gray Properties and he performed the
measurements manually for the property lines on 33`d Avenue; finding on average the
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016
setback were 13 -feet. He stated that it will be difficult to make this development work
if there is not a 10 -foot variance from the 25 -foot side yard setback. The fourth unit
makes this development profitable.
Chair ABBOTT asked about the square footage of each unit, being a total of three
Mr. Briny stated 2,289 sq. ft. is the total. He also stated there was a lot line
adjustment done to take the two lots and make it one so from an investment
standpoint it is better to get 4 units on one lot than a duplex and single family on 2
Board Member PAGE asked how wide the units are.
Mr. Wallace said the units are 24 -feet wide.
Chair ABBOTT asked about what is meant by the perceived setback.
Mr. Wallace explained the 15 -foot setback will look larger because added to it will be
the 5 -feet of ROW and amenity zone, making the setback look approximately 20 -feet.
The City's property will be the ROW and amenity zone. Ms. Ritchie added that what
is called for in the Streetscape Manual will be done. She believes a 5 -foot attached
sidewalk will be created and the ADA ramps at the corners will have to be
Board Member GRIFFETH asked the applicant if their civil engineer is licensed with
the state.
Mr. Briney replied yes, they have PE and PLS licenses.
Board Member GRIFFETH asked why the variance would not result in any additional
accommodation of a person with disabilities.
Mr. Wallace stated that there is nothing on the site that will prevent the building from
being built without the ADA requirement.
Upon a motion by Board Member HOVLAND and second by Board Member
GRIFFITH, the following motion was stated:
WHEREAS, application Case No. WA -16-08 was not eligible for administrative
review; and
WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and
in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and
WHEREAS the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the
public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the
regulations governing and City of Wheat Ridge; and
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016
NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Request A of Board of Adjustment
application Case No. WA -16- 08 be, and hereby is APPROVED.
TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 10 -foot (40%) variance from the 25 -foot side yard
setback requirement when adjacent to a public street.
1. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality.
2. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property that may
not be possible without the variance.
3. The lot has two street frontages which require increased setbacks, which
have not been adhered to along the same 33 Id Avenue corridor.
4. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare.
5. The circumstances necessitating the variance are present in the
neighborhood and not unique to the property.
6. The perceived setback is greater than the actual measurement thereby
negating the impact on the distance from the street.
1. The Site Plan be in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set
forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual.
Motion passed by a vote of 7-0.
Request B: Mr. Wallace explained the 5 -foot variance from the additional 5 -foot
side yard setback requirement for the third story of a multifamily principal structure.
Chari ABBOTT asked if the variance affects the entire north side of the building or
just the third story.
Mr. Wallace stated this variance affect only the third story of the northern portion of
the building.
Board Member GRIFFETH asked why the code asks for the 5 -foot setback.
Mr. Wallace explained it is to act as a bulk plane and is required for multifamily
buildings to scale back the massing of structures.
Chair ABBOTT asked for bulk plane to be explained.
Mr. Wallace explained bulk planes typically extend above a property line then angle
45 degrees into property. This code section acts more like a `step back,' but is similar
to a bulk plane. The R-3 code asks that the third story be stepped back 5 -feet for
multi -family structures.
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016
Ms. Ritchie added that depending on the development, a step back allows more light
into the neighboring property.
Board Member BELL commented that the architecture over the last 10 years has
changed and feels this building is in line with all the new construction and like the
additional 5 -feet on the northern end of the building because it makes the building
look symmetrical.
Board Member HOVLAND added that the 5 -foot step back would reduce the tunnel
affect but in this case the adjacent building is going to be 50 -feet away so it is not a
Chair ABBOTT and Board Member GRIFFETH agree with Board Member
Board Member GRIFFETH asked if the variance doesn't pass, will the 3`d floor be
Mr. Briny stated it would depend on the units on the southern end, but we would like
to maximize the amount of square footage and make it flow with other rectangular
buildings in the area.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if the 5 -feet that would be stepped back and cut
out is living space or covering for the stairwell.
Mr. Briny explained it is both and would take out a skylight to the stairwell. The
floor plan would have to be adjusted and the laundry room would have to be adjusted
or put somewhere else.
Upon a motion by Board Member BELL and second by Board Member PAGE,
the following motion was stated:
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Request B of Board of
Adjustment application Case No. WA -16-08 be, and hereby is, APPROVED.
TYPE OF VARIANCE: Approval of a 5 -foot (100%) variance from the
additional 5 -foot side yard setback requirement for a third story in the
Residential -Three (R-3) zone district.
1. The 55 -foot separation between the buildings will not cause any impact or
reduction on air, light or sunshine to either property.
2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality.
3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property that may
not be possible without the variance.
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016
4. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare
or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in
which the property is located.
5. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set
forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual.
Motion passed by a vote of 7-0
B. Case No. WA -16-09: An application filed by Designs by Sundown for approval of
two variances. The first is a request for a variance to the maximum size permitted for
an accessory structure in the Residential -One (R-1) zone district. The second is a
request for a variance to permit a metal accessory structure for the property located at
3390 Oak Street.
The case was presented by Lisa Ritchie. She entered the contents of the case file and
packet materials, the zoning ordinance and the digital presentation into the record.
She stated all appropriate notification and posting requirements have been met and
advised the board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the digital
Ms. Ritchie explained the area of the property is 25,600, sq. ft., just a little over half
an acre with an existing single family home on the property. The intent of this
request is to build a retractable pool enclosure. It would be 500 sq. ft. larger than the
1000 sq. ft. permitted in the R-1 zone district. The pool enclosure will bean anodized
aluminum frame with a polycarbonate sheeting, kind of like a green house. The back
portion will be fixed and then part of it can retract or keep the pool covered during the
colder months. The structure will only be 13 -feet in height which is 2 -feet under the
allowable height. There were no neighborhood objections. One of the conditions
would be to have the owner replace any trees on the property if they should die from
becoming damaged or diseased.
Board Member PAGE stated she found a typo in the staff report and the model for
approval. Number three under For the Following Reasons should not be included in
the approval.
Board Member GRIFFETH asked who came up with the condition of replacement of
trees and if that will transfer to later owners of the property.
Ms. Ritchie stated that staff came up with this condition as long as the structure is in
place and the property owner agreed with it. Also, it will transfer to the next owners.
Chair ABBOTT asked about how staff came up with the tree replacement condition
because he has never heard of this being done before.
Ms. Ritchie explained she discussed it with the director and the structure won't be
visible to the neighbors because of the vegetation and because they are getting a
benefit above and beyond what the zoning code will allow so staff determined it was
reasonable to make the request.
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016
Board Member HOVLAND wondered if the tree replacement is in perpetuity or
during construction and feels it is far reaching if it is in perpetuity.
Ms. Ritchie state it is in perpetuity, but the Board can state how they would like it in
the motion.
Board Member BELL feels it is important to maintain vegetation.
Roy Martin, Owner
3390 Oak Street, Wheat Ridge
Jeremiah Lord
8562 Ingalls Circle, Arvada
Mr. Martin explained he wanted to create an oasis in the backyard that is private and
the trees were mature when we placed them in the yard and this was by design. He
stated he has no problem replacing the trees and has done so in the past when he lost
four trees to a devastating storm in 2009. A few trees will be removed right up
against the house to install the pool, but this will not affect the neighbors view.
Chair ABBOTT asked why does the owner need such a large structure and why
Mr. Martin explained he would like some walking room around the pool when the
structure is closed during the winter months and aluminum is the only material that
satisfies the requirement to look good over a long period of time.
Mr. Lord added that when the structure is closed the owners want the pool to be
functional and safe to walk around. It will be also be non -impactful to the
neighborhood and will increase the property value.
Board Member PAGE asked if the structure was attached to the house if the variance
would be needed.
Ms. Ritchie said no, not if it is attached to the house.
Bruce Waring, neighbor
3370 Oak Street, Wheat Ridge
Mr. Waring says he is in favor of the variance. We live in a great neighborhood and
nobody disapproves, the view will not be obstructed and there will be no other
impacts. The tree requirement is a nice idea as part of the construction, but in
perpetuity if far reaching and shouldn't be required.
Board Member PAGE asked what the requirement is about fencing pools.
Mr. Lord explained that because there is already a 6 -foot fence around the backyard
then the requirements have been met.
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016
Upon a motion by Board Member GRIFFETH and second by Board Member
HOVLAND, the following motion was stated:
WHEREAS, application Case No. WA -16-09 was not eligible for administrative
review; and
WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and
in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and
WHEREAS the relief applied for may not be granted without detriment to the
public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the
regulations governing and City of Wheat Ridge
NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment application
Case No. WA -16- 09 be, and hereby is APPROVED.
TYPE OF VARIANCE: a variance to the maximum permitted size for an
accessory structure, and a request for approval of a variance to permit a metal
accessory structure.
1. The proposed pool cover will appear incidental to the home, and significant
property investment will occur as a result of approval of the variance.
2. The variance will not alter the essential character of the locality.
3. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare.
4. No objections were received regarding the variance request.
5. The building is only 13 -feet tall.
6. There is no variance request for setbacks or maximum lot coverage.
7. The building is primarily transparent with less than 10% metal.
1. The design and architecture of the proposed enclosure shall be consistent
with representations depicted in the application materials, subject to staff
review and approval through review of a building permit.
2. If any existing perimeter tree is removed or becomes damaged during
construction, it shall be replaced with a minimum 2" caliper tree or 6 -foot
tall evergreen tree.
Motion passed by a vote of 7-0.
Chair ABBOTT closed the public hearing.
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016
A. Approval of Minutes — January 28, 2016
It was moved by Board Member PAGE and seconded by Board Member
HOVLAND to approve the minutes as written. The motion passed 7-0.
C. Board Member PAGE encouraged the Board to attend the Mayor's Reception for the
Carnation Festival on Wednesday, August 10.
D. Board Member BELL thought there were some good discussions at the meeting
tonight. She would like to suggest having a session with the City Attorney and
discussions with the Board in general about the changes going on in the City. Chair
ABBOTT added it would be nice to include the Planning Commission.
Ms. Ritchie added that the Planning Commission has update discussions at least once
a year and the same could be done for the Board of Adjustment.
Chair ABBOTT adjourned the meeting at 9:32 p.m.
David Kuntz, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
Board of Adjustment Minutes July 28, 2016