HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-16-13City of Wheat idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29ih Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 September 7, 2016 Nicole Haibach OUTFRONT Media 4647 Leyden St. Denver, CO 80216 Dear Ms. Haibach: RE: Case No. WA -16-13 At its meeting of August 25, 2016, the Board of Adjustment made a motion for denial of Case No. WA -16-13, a request for approval of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on property located in the B-2 district; the motion to deny passed. Therefore, the request is DENIED. Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision. Should you decide to appeal the decision of the Board, you will need to file the appeal with the Jefferson County district court within 30 days of the Board's decision. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Tammy Odean Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Draft of Minutes Certificate of Resolution (to follow by separate mailing) cc: WA -16-13 (case file) WA 1613.doc i%%% %%-ci.i% heatridge.co.us City of Wheat Riidge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting August 25, 2016 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair KUNTZ at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Board Members Present Alternates Present: Board Members Absent: Staff Members Present: 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC FORUM No one wished to speak at this time. 5. PUBLIC HEARING Sally Banghart Janet Bell David Kuntz Betty Jo Page Rocco Germano Michael Griffeth Larry Richmond Thomas Abbott Dan Bradford Lily Griego Paul Hovland Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary A. Case No. WA -16-13: An application filed by OUTFRONT Media for approval of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on property in the B-2 zone district located at 8105 W. 48th Avenue. Board of Adjustment Minutes August 25, 2016 , The case was presented by Zack Wallace. He entered the contents of the case file and packet materials, the zoning ordinance and the digital presentation into the record. He stated all appropriate notification and posting requirements have been met and advised the board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the digital presentation. Mr. Wallace explained that the property is located along 48th Avenue, just south of I- 70 with Carr Street to the West. There is some grade change from the highway to the property where the billboard sits, which measures approximately 4-6 feet, but it does not impact the visibility of the billboard. This billboard meets all the required standards and the only item the applicant wants to change the height from 32 -feet to 50 -feet. Mr. Wallace stated that staff does not support this variance and showed a video from the exit lane and center lane of I-70 to prove the sign is visible. Wheat Ridge's billboard height maximum is restrictive and City Council is not interested in looking at any changes in height at this time. Board Member PAGE asked what other surrounding community's maximum height is for their billboards. Mr. Wallace and Ms. Mikulak stated they did not have that information on hand and that information is really only looked at when a code amendment is being looked at. Board Member BANGHART asked if Wheat Ridge gets any revenue from the billboard companies. Ms. Mikulak explained that the billboard company and the property owner have a lease agreement and the property owner is the sole recipient of revenues. Board Member BANGHART asked if the topography had changed since the billboard had been put up. She also asked if the sound wall was installed before or after the billboard was installed. Mr. Wallace stated the topography had not changed and the sound wall was installed after the billboard, but staff is unsure of the date. Board Member BANGHART also asked how far the billboard is to the pet sign Mr. Wallace explained he was not positive, but maybe a couple hundred feet. The pet sign is on the property adjacent to the billboard property or a couple properties down. Board Member Bell wanted to confirm that the advertisement on the billboard is not for the function of the property it sits on. Mr. Wallace stated the billboard can be advertisement for off premise businesses and is currently. Board Member GERMANO asked if the variance was less than 50%, if it would make a difference. Board of Adjustment Minutes August 25, 2016 2 Mr. Wallace stated it would not because staff is following City Council's action of 32 -feet and the billboard is visible. Ms. Mikulak added that the 50% is a designation on how the application will be processed, either administratively or by the Board of Adjustment. The request does meet the criteria no matter if they were above or below the 50% threshold. Board Member GRIFFITH asked how many 50 -foot signs are in use. Mr. Wallace explained he is not sure on the total number, but is aware of quite a number of businesses with the '/4 mile threshold that take advantage of the 50 -foot height limit. Board Member GRIFFITH asked about the intended audience of the billboard Mr. Wallace explained what he meant by the intended audience is that the billboard is being captured by the intended audience because it is oriented toward I-70 and is visible to those traveling in the through lanes. Nicole Haibach, OUTFRONT Media 8933 E. Union Ave., Greenwood Village 80111 Ms. Haibach explained that OUTFRONT Media's billboards have been in the Wheat Ridge area since 1971 and they are hoping to raise the height on most of the inventory due to blockage after the billboards were installed which devalued the locations. The financial obligations to the landlord were in place before the sound wall went up and blocked the view of the billboard. The business decision was made based on the billboard having a clear and unobstructed view. Ms. Haibach stated that if the billboard were to be raised then they can charge more and increase their financial viability and give incrementally more money to the land owner. Chair KUNTZ asked when the sound wall was built Ms. Haibach stated the land owner said around 1986; the lease for the billboard was signed before then and the leases are amended as time goes on. The lease would have been structured differently had the sound wall been constructed before the billboard was installed. Board Member BELL feels the sound wall frames the billboard and makes it easier to see. Board Member BANGHART asked if there had been any problems renting the billboard. Ms. Haibach said that the revenue history states the billboard has been sold regularly. Board Member BANGHART then asked why OUTFRONT Media waited so long from the time the sound wall was built to ask for a variance. Board of Adjustment Minutes August 25, 2016 Ms. Haibach stated prior managers had put paperwork together but never moved forward. It is now being revisited and acted on. Board Member GRIFFETH asked if OUTFRONT Media has been in front of any other boards in Wheat Ridge before. Ms. Haibach stated the Wheat Ridge archives show that they have been in front of the Board of Adjustment 10 times, but under different entity names. Ms. Mikulak reminded the Board that each variance stands alone regardless of history. Previous dispositions, for or against, shouldn't dictate what happens in this case. Chair KUNTZ feels OUTFRONT Media is going down their billboard list and attempting to raise all the heights. Board Member BELL feels that City Council set the height limit of billboards in the City because there are other views, such as the mountains. Also, she tends to support staff because the billboard is not advertising the business on the land below it. Board Member RICHMOND reiterated that City Council doesn't want to see billboards above 32 -feet and we should respect that. He commented that he drove I- 70 and thought the billboard was visible. He also feels a higher billboard would block other business signs. Board Member BANGHART had two concerns. One, the height of other signs is 50 - feet which seems unfair. Second, she was concerned about the sound wall being built after the billboard; but because 30 years has passed it seems like too long to make this argument now. Chair KUNTZ stated the billboard is functioning as it is intended to function and the landlord is getting the revenue. Upon a motion by Board Member PAGE and second by Board Member BELL, the following motion was stated: WHEREAS, application Case No. WA -16-13 was not eligible for administrative review; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and WHEREAS the relief applied for may not be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing and City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment Minutes August 25, 2016 NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment application Case No. WA -16- 13 be, and hereby is DENIED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: Request for approval of an 18 -foot variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: L The property would continue to yield a reasonable return in use without the variance. 2. The variance would alter the essential character of the locality. 3. The particular surrounding topography does not render the billboard invisible. 4. The billboard is currently visible from Interstate 70, at the City's maximum allowed billboard height. Motion Passed by a vote of 4-3 with Board Members Banghart, Richmond and Griffeth voting against. 6. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair KUNTZ closed the public hearing. 7. OLD BUSINESS The Board talked about having a joint session with Planning Commission and maybe the City Attorney. Ms. Mikulak explained usually the City Attorney will do some required training. Board Member GRIFFETH stated that training was done last year and he thought it would be good to have a study session with the City Manager to get some awareness about what is going on in the city. Ms. Mikulak said it can be taken under advisement and perhaps there could be a type of town hall format to the suggested study/training session. Board Member RICHMOND stated it would be nice to have a manual of procedures for the Board. Ms. Mikulak stated there are Bylaws that are to be followed and we could also hand out copies of Robert's Rules of Order which can help everyone feel more confident on how to run a good meeting. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Minutes — July 28, 2016 It was moved by Board Member GRIFFITH and seconded by Board Member BELL to approve the minutes as written. The motion passed 4-0-3 with Members BANGHART, KUNTZ AND GERMANO abstaining. Board of Adjustment Minutes August 25, 2016 City of "Wh6atPud �g e TO: CASE MANAGER: CASE NO. & NAME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT Board of Adjustment MEETING DATE: August 25, 2016 Zack Wallace WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media ACTION REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting approval of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on property in the B-2 billboard district located at 8105 West 48`h Avenue. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 8105 W. 48'h Avenue APPLICANT (S): OUTFRONT Media OWNER (S): Wheatridge Industrial Park, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 43,386 square feet (0.99 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Planned Industrial Development (PID) / B-2 Billboard District PRESENT LAND USE: Office Warehouse / Billboard ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Site Board of Adjustment Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media Billboard Location JURISDICTION All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant, OUTFRONT Media, is requesting approval of a variance from the maximum billboard height in order to raise the height of the existing billboard to 50 feet. This is a 56% variance from the maximum billboard height of 32 feet. The existing billboard currently measures 32 feet in height and is located on the west end of the existing structure on the 8105 W. 48`x' Avenue property (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The property is zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and is located within the B-2 billboard district, which allows billboards (Exhibit 2, Zoning Map). Section 26-115.0 (Variances and Waivers) of the Wheat Ridge City Code empowers the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide on variances from the strict application of the zoning district development standards. Because this application includes a variance request that exceeds 50% of the development standard, the application is not eligible for administrative approval and is required to be heard at a public hearing before the Board of Adjustment. H. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing to raise an existing 32 -foot tall billboard to a height of 50 feet (Exhibit 3, Simulation). Section 26-711 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code allows billboards to have a maximum height of 32 feet. Therefore a height variance of 18 feet (56%) is being requested. The purpose of the height variance is to increase visibility from Interstate 70 (1-70). The current billboard is double sided, targeting both eastbound and westbound vehicles on 1-70. The applicant has stated the billboard is "nearly invisible" from eastbound traffic. This is said to be due to the lower grade of the land the billboard sits on, compared to 1-70, coupled with the existing sound wall along I- 70. In Staff s opinion, based on a field visit, the sign is adequately visible from the main travel lanes of I-70. Staff does agree that the sign is not 100% visible from the Wadsworth Boulevard exit, but it remains largely visible, and certainly not invisible, even to those drivers exiting I-70 (Exhibit 4, Site Photos). Staff recognizes that the City of Wheat Ridge has a more restrictive maximum height for billboards than many Denver Metro cities. In the past City policymakers have made conscious policy decisions to maintain the 32 -foot maximum billboard height. As recently as August 1, 2016 Staff presented City Council with a memo addressing many aspects of billboards, including height. Staff outlined the maximum height in neighboring cities, in acknowledgement that the City of Wheat Ridge is more restrictive. City Council declined to address or entertain changing any development standards for billboards at that time. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA In order to approve a variance, the Board of Adjustment must determine that the majority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. The applicant has provided their analysis of the application's compliance with the variance criteria (Exhibit 5, Criteria Response). Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. Board of Adjustment Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the request were denied, the property would continue to function as a light -industrial property. The existing billboard remains visible from the main travel lanes, and mostly visible from the Wadsworth Boulevard off -ramp lanes, and as such will continue to yield a reasonable return in use under the City's existing billboard maximum height allowance. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. There have been no billboards in the adjacent area which have received variances. The City's zoning code does allow business/commercial signage up to 50 feet in height near the highway; however these signs are limited to on-site businesses, and are limited in size based on the size of the structure for which they are providing signage. Staff finds a 50 -foot tall billboard (which is allowed a maximum of 750 square feet in size, by right) to be excessive and out of character with the locality, especially considering it will dwarf the signage of local businesses along the corridor with a large off -premises billboard advertisement. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. A billboard currently exists on the property at the maximum allowed height of 32 feet. Raising the billboard to a higher height will give the billboard more visibility. However, Staff viewed the billboard from various travel lanes along I-70 and has determined that the billboard is visible at its current height. Staff finds this criterion has not been met 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. Parallel to the billboard, I-70 sits approximately four feet above the property, according to the City's topographic information. Moving west, the highway becomes increasingly elevated, as compared to the adjacent land. On the west end of the subject site, the highway sits approximately 10 feet above the property (Exhibit 6, Topography). In addition, there is a sound wall along I-70 which the applicant alleges is creating a hardship by reducing the visibility of the billboard. That being said, in the opinion of Staff, the billboard is clearly visible for a reasonable amount of time as you travel along I-70 (Exhibit 4, Site Photos). Staff finds this criterion has not been met. Board of Adjustment Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. The alleged hardship has been created by the grades between the highway and adjacent properties. Seeing as the elevation of properties to the north and south of the highway are approximately the same, it is likely the grade changes were a result of the construction of I-70, which occurred in the late 1960s at this location according to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). I-70 also has existing sound walls in place, which the applicant alleges are creating a hardship. CDOT does not have any interest in the subject property, or the billboard. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare. It may be injurious to neighboring property or improvements due to its proposed height and maximum allowable size by right (750 square feet). The adequate supply of air would not be compromised as a result of this request; however, the adequate supply of light may be. The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it cause an obstruction to motorists on the adjacent streets. The development would not increase the danger of fire. It is also unlikely that the request would impair property values in the neighborhood Staff finds this criterion has mostly been met. 7. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. The grade changes between I-70 and the adjacent properties are present in the surrounding area (Exhibit 6, Topography). Sound walls along I-70 are also common along this stretch of the highway. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Accessibility requirements are not applied to billboards. Staff finds this criterion not applicable. Board of Adjustment Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Man uaL The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to billboards. Staff finds this criterion not applicable. IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Having found the application not to be in compliance with the majority of the review criteria, staff recommends DENIAL of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on property in the B-2 district located at 8105 West 48`' Avenue. Staff has found that while the sign has limited visibility for those in the Wadsworth Boulevard off - ramp lanes due to a grade change and existing sound wall, this does not deny visibility from the intended audience travelling along I-70 in the main eastbound and westbound travel lanes. Therefore, staff recommends denial for the following reasons: 1. The property will continue to yield a reasonable return in use. 2. The variance would alter the essential character of the locality. 3. The particular surrounding topography does not render the billboard invisible. 4. The billboard is currently visible from Interstate 70, at the City's maximum allowed billboard height. Board of Adjustment Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media Zfat }�id�e Geographic Information Systems Lenend QSubject Property Billboard Location lea,ate, Wheat Ridge City Limits Floodway Floodplain City of Arvada Jefferson County dw EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL OARVAD� 10,111 -11 lot. "••FR - •� �l0 .r 1 • 1 qw `.H A'tit .0 7ija7 j �= 48TH AVE � �. 0 p t00 r!0 ]AO Sate Plane Coordinate Propcoon e« N Colorado Cermal Zone Datum NAD83 A mu.�aaaz ~w wwn�•rr�w�rr a ��rM.fw^~..�w r W�.�_�_rrne r� wr.t�rin Board ojAdjustment 6 Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP %of t Geographic Information Systems tJ1 Leaend O cn ►__� Q Subject Property A R V A D A W j Q Billboard Location LL O r..� LL O C. Wheat Ridge City Limits _ > R_ I City of Arvada Jefferson County '•���.�••�•'�••••,'••'•• Displayed Zone Districts .••�„r•••” i �� NjB Agricultural -One (A-1) '�•,+,'.�•�•,••'�•��•''•' \ Residential -Two (R-2) �•..••�� t\j0 E8 N •�•. Industrial -Employment (I -E) �� 00.0 Planned Industrial Development PID " ✓ ) oo do T ' CPLr' U • 9rt t R I , - - �. 48TH M 1 C State Pinna Coordaata Prolacoon N Colorado Comral Zona Datum NAD83 Board of Adjustment 7 Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media EXHIBIT 3: SIMULATION (PROVIDED BY APPLICANT) 8105 W 48"' Avenue Before and After Photos raising the structure from 32 to SO ft in total height Before: After: Board ofAdjustment Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media w nw. 303-432-8860 •ewe nn cnsL�aad,pL}. tsNn EXHIBIT 4: SITE PHOTOS (PROVIDED BY STAFF) a View of the billboard from the center lane of I-70 (eastbound) approximately 400 feet west of the billboard location. Note: The image quality and legibility is reduced when printing. Staff will provide further evidence of the billboard's visibility during the hearing. Board of Adjustment Case No. WA -16-13 /OUTFRONTMedia EXHIBIT 4: SITE PHOTOS (cont'd) (PROVIDED BY STAFF) View of the billboard from the Wadsworth Boulevard exit lane of I-70 (eastbound) approximately 250 feet west of the billboard location. Note: The image quality and legibility is reduced when printing. Staff will provide further evidence of the billboard's visibility during the hearing. ;.L View of the billboard from the Wadsworth Boulevard exit lane of I-70 (eastbound) approximately 130 feet west of the billboard location. Note: The image quality and legibility is reduced when printing. Staff will provide further evidence of the billboard's visibility during the hearing. Board of Adjustment Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media EXHIBIT 4: SITE PHOTOS (cont'd> (PROVIDED BY STAFF) I i". View of the billboard from I-70 westbound. View of the billboard from I-70 westbound. Board ofAdjustment Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media EXHIBIT 5: CRITERIA RESPONSE (PROVIDED BY APPLICANT) Responses to Variance Criteria 8105 W. 48" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 7/14/2016 A. As our current board sits on the property, it is almost invisible to eastbound traffic on I. 70, its primary audience. Our entire business is driven by visibility, and a hidden board does not inform the drivers or appeal to businesses or organizations that are trying to communicate with those driving by. We are requesting a variance to the height requirement regulation. If the variance is not approved, this board will stay hidden and there will be no opportunity to reach those driving by. B. The area in question is currently zoned industrially, and has been for at least 40 years. There is no residential zoning in the vicinity, so the sign is not an eyesore for people living in the neighborhood. There are other large signs in the area, both on and off premise, so altering our sign would not take away from or alter the existing character of the area. C. OUTfRONT Media is willing to invest a significant amount of money into this project because of the anticipated value of this sign once it has been moved and raised. Investing close to $200,000 into this rebuild is only viable if we can assure our corporate office that the improvements will significantly increase the board's attraction. Proximity to the road and length of read effect our business substantially, especially considering the fact that you can barely see the current sign, if at all. D. The property on which the board currently sits, parcel 39-143-00-101, is an irregularly shaped property. The variance specific to the hardship surrounding its physical characteristics which we would like to address is as follows: HEIGHT (section 26-711): The current board is 32' feet tall, and is nearly invisible from 1-70 heading eastbound. The property sits lower than the grade of 1-70, so we are disadvantaged by abiding to the allowable height. Additionally, there is a sound wall running along the south side of 1-70 leading up to our sign, blocking it for an even longer period of time. By raising it to 50', we will eliminate the both of these visibility problems. E. The disparity in height from the grade of the road is a hardship created by CDOT when they annexed land for and constructed 1-70. COOT has no interest in this property. E. There is already an existing sign on the property, so raising it would remain consistent with the current nature of the neighborhood. It is in an industrial area, with no close residential zoning, and the sign will be located fully on the property, so it will not increase street congestion. Whenever we build a sign, we use engineers to ensure we are constructing the most safe, secure structure possible. A taller, more visible sign will actually increase the property's value, not diminish it. G. The entire area bordered between 1-70 and W. 48'" Ave is lower than the grade of the interstate. The sound wall runs along this same stretch of land, creating the need for taller signs than in other, flatter areas. H. There are currently no elements of our structure that would inhibit a person with disabilities' access to the property, and the rebuilt structure will maintain these same standards. I. According to the Architectural and Site Design Manual, the property on which our sign sits falls under the Suburban Overlay designation. Thusly, there are no additional setback requirements than those in the Municipal Code, and a variance may be requested. As we are not building a building, we referred to the signage requirements of the manual. In section 5.2, it states that pole signs are discouraged unless the sign is highway oriented, which ours is. Section 5.3 addresses the lighting of the signs. Our lights shine only on the sign, and are turned off at night, minimizing light pollution. Board ol'A4iustment 12 Case Aro. WA -16-13 /OUTFRONTMedia EXHIBIT 6: TOPOGRAPHY Board of Adjustment 13 Case No. WA -16-13 / OUTFRONT Media WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION (TEMPLATE) CASE NO: WA -16-13 APPLICANT NAME: OUTFRONT Media LOCATION OF REQUEST: 8105 W. 48`h Avenue WHEREAS, the application Case No. WA -16-13 was not eligible for review by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and in recognition that there were not protests registered against it; and WHEREAS the relief applied for may not be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment application Case No. WA - 16 -13 be, and hereby is, DENIED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: Request for approval of an 18 -foot variance to the maximum height of 32 feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The property will continue to yield a reasonable return in use. 2. The variance would alter the essential character of the locality. 3. The particular surrounding topography does not render the billboard invisible. 4. The billboard is currently visible from Interstate 70, at the City's maximum allowed billboard height. 5. Good evening. My name is Zack Wallace, planner with the City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department. We are here tonight to hear Case Number WA -16-13, which is a request for approval of an 18 -foot billboard height variance, resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on property located at 8105 W. 48th Avenue in the B-2 billboard district, and zoned PID. I would like to enter into the public record the contents of the case file, the zoning ordinance, this digital presentation. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge. All appropriate notification and posting requirements have been met, and therefore the Board of Adjustment does have jurisdiction to hear this case. 1 The subject property is outlined here in red. The existing billboard location is indicated by the yellow circle. Located adjacent to 1-70 east of Carr Street along 48`h Avenue. Industrial area, Arvada and Uninc. Jeffco to the north. North is to the top of the screen.... The subject property is outlined here in red. The existing billboard location is indicated by the yellow circle. Mostly industrial zoning in the immediate area, with the highway being zoned A-1, but clearly utilized as the interstate, 1 additional property. Residential zones to south and west. South is also Clear Creek, which separates the industrially zoned area from the residentially zoned area. North is to the top of the screen 3 The billboard location is indicated by the yellow star. This map indicates the B-2 billboard district that has been mentioned several times. The B-1 district is indicated by white, the B-2 district is indicated by the shaded area. "On and after January 1, 1996, billboards are prohibited in the B-1 district. This billboard is located in the B-2 billboard district, as allowed by Section 26-711. North is to the top of the screen 4 One more zoomed in aerial...you can see the existing billboard location more clearly. This is the same aerial photography, faded so you can see the topography lines more clearly. The highway is elevated anywhere from 2-20 feet above the buildable land area to the north and south. While there are grade changes, Staff finds that this does not impact the visibility of the sign. Billboards are only allowed in the B-2 district, and are subject to specific standards in Section 26-711.C. of the Municipal Code. The chart above showed the required standards and how the current billboard compares to those standards. It is our understanding that the applicants desire only to raise the height of the billboard, so all development standards will stay the same or within the bounds of the required standards, except height, which is being heard today for a variance request. Appears to meet all standards, notwithstanding the proposed height. This slide includes photos provided by the applicant from the right -most lane on 1-70. To the left is their image of the current conditions. To the right is their simulation of the billboard raised to 50 feet. A larger version of the simulation, provided by the applicant. Staff provides the following 2 videos as evidence of the signs visibility. The 1st video was taken from eastbound 1-70 from the Wadsworth Boulevard exit lane. Staff recognizes that 100% of the sign is not visible for the entire duration of the video, however would like to note that these are the exit lanes, second nearest to the sound wall. 10 The second video was taken from eastbound 1-70 from the center lane. The sign is visible throughout the video, leaving staff to conclude that the main intended audience, those travelling along 1-70, are able to see the sign. We do not find that small obstructions to the billboard for those in the Wadsworth Blvd exit lanes to constitute the need for an 18 -foot addition to the height of the billboard. 11 Note here (??) that Staff is aware its height maximum is more restrictive than other metro denver cities and that Council has recently (August 1) declined to make any adjustments to these standards, including height, even with staff providing detailed evidence of other city's more permissive height maximums. 12 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends DENIAL of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on property in the B-2 district for the following reasons: — The property will continue to yield a reasonable return in use without the variance. — The variance would alter the essential character of the locality. — The particular surrounding topography does not render the billboard invisible. — The billboard is currently visible from Interstate 70, at the City's maximum allowed billboard height. -kww ma� S0� (,orad s..11Y..s �,Q—. "e_ City of WheatRi:de g POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. WA -16-13 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING DATE: August 25, 2016 I, ZG6(L �aresidingat LM � Le`fide j (address) as the applicant for Case No. WA -16-13 Public Hearing at I o S I J, hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of 41A n A ) % ., ---K i? 1i_ 01n (location) / on this day of u and do hereby certify that said sign has been�`'v posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Community Development Department. MAP City of W heat PQidgc PUBLIC POSTING REQUIREMENTS One sign must be posted per street frontage. In addition, the following requirements must be met: ■ The sign must be located within the property boundaries. • The sign must be securely mounted on a flat surface. • The sign must be elevated a minimum of thirty (30) inches from ground. • The sign must be visible from the street without obstruction. ■ The sign must be legible and posted for fifteen (15) continuous days prior to and including the day of the hearing [sign must be in place until 5pm on August 25, 2016. It is the applicant's responsibility to certify that these requirements have been met and to submit a completed Posting Certification Form to the Community Development Department. City of Wheat idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE (As required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.13) August 10, 2016 Dear Property Owner: This letter is to inform you of Case No. WA -16-13, a request for approval of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on property located in the B-2 district located at 8105 West 48th Avenue. This request is scheduled for a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 291h Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Board of Adjustment August 25, 2016 (& 7.00 vm As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you, City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. If you need inclusion assistance, please call Carly Lorentz, Assistant to the City Manager at 303-235-2867 at least one week in advance of a meeting. CITY OF ARVADA 9 owmi - - . wA 161 ,.doc Site Map TN FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL ARVEX PROPERTIES INC CIP OWNER LLC INTERNATIONAL 6205 W 52ND AVE 1512 LARIMER ST #325 12189 W 64TH AVE ARVADA CO 80002 DENVER CO 80202 ARVADA CO 80004 LAMMCO PROPERTIES LTD 8150 W 48TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 METRO WASTEWATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT 6540 YORK ST DENVER CO 80229 PSC LLC UNITED SALES & SERVICE ATTN:PAT CAHI TRIAD REAL ESTATE 8011 I-70 FRONTAGE RD North 7885 W 48TH AVE ARVADA CO 80002 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 METROPOLITAN DENVER SEWAGE DISPOSAL DIST 6450 YORK ST DENVER CO 80221 WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK LLC 8933 E UNION AVE #216 ENGLEWOOD CO 80111 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing to Consider Case No. WA -16-13, an application filed by OUTFRONT Media for approval of an 18 -foot (56%) variance to the maximum height of 32 -feet for a billboard resulting in a 50 -foot tall billboard on the property located at 8105 West 48`" Avenue and will be held in the City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, located at 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on August 25, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. Legal description: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 'V4 OF THE SOUTHWEST % OF THE SOUTHWEST '/ OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST % OF THE SOUTHWEST '/ OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 14, A DISTANCE OF 660.55 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1642 AT PAGE 49. THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1642 AT PAGE 49, A DISTANCE OF 47.74 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1132 AT PAGE 193; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE AFORESAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 691.5 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST '/ OF THE SOUTHWEST % OF SECTION 14; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE SAID EAST LINE, 248.9 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PART DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1983, 83082644, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONi PARCEL 1: That part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Township 3 South, Range 69 Wept of the 6th Pr Inc 1ppel Mer ldlan, (ounty of Jefferson, State of Colorado, deacr ibed I. follow.. Beginning atthe southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Sect ton 14t thence Went along the south line of avid Section 14, a distance of 660.55 feet, more or less, to the sout heap[ corner of property described In Book 1642 at Page 49; thence North along the east lin. of property described In Book 1642 at Page 44, a distance of 47.74 feet, more or lees, to a point on the southerly line of Property described in Book 1132 at Page 191[ thence Northeasterly along the aforesaid southerly I Ins, a distance of 691.5 feet, more or less, to a joint no the east line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/of Sectlon 14; thence South along the said ..at line, 248.9 feet to a Point of Beginning. Brcell that part described in deed recorded August 31, 1987, 83082644. PARCEL II: Thatpert of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Town ahlp 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Yeridlan, CoonLy of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Cass♦enefag at the southwest corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; thence N00'1U'UU"E along the vent Iine of sold Southeast 1//. of the Sour hweet I7., o distance of 2.40 feet to the True Path of Beginning; theMe cony lnuing NOO'10'00"C 275.10 feet, more or less, to a point on the .outh line of a former county road right-nf-ray as described in Book 261 at Page 460, Jefferson County records; thence South 69'58'00"E and parallel with [he south line of said So ut least 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, o Alatance of 85.00 fete; thence S00,10 00'w par At lel with the vest line of Acrid Southeast 1/4 of tie Southwest 1/4, a distance of 254.64 feet, more or leap, to A polo[ on the north tight -o[ -way line of 48th Avenue, said point being on a 527.00 foot radius Curve to [he right, havingg a delft Angle of 9'75'40", the chord of said curve bear. S16'10'20"W, 87..8 feet; thence along the arc of sold curve and said north right-of-way line 87.53 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning, Except that pert conveyed to Ch? Department f Highways, State of Colorado by ln.trtrnent recorded In Book 1665 at Page 545, Jefferson County records. 1, Eugene A, Burdick, • Reglet Bred Professional Engineer and Pro- fessional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Colorado• here- by certify to DAN RUBBY and ROBERT L. MOWSAM, TRUSTEE and EDWIN L. CANTER and to BURTON D. LEVY and to PULLER and COMPANY end to TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY that a field survey of the property described hereon was conducted under my direction end supervision and completed on January !, 1990; that, to the beat of my information• konwledge and belle(, the attached Improvement Survey Plat correctly show. all boundaries, the location of all pin. and monuments, the location of all structures eltuated on the described parcel, ...amen is, visible encroachments, and any fence•• hedges or wells on oc within two feet of both aides of all boundaries of said parcel, the location of all vialble utilitleA Inests d on said parcol end all underground urllitlea for which there is visible surface evidence, and the location of ell easement., underground utilities, tunnels for whichrecord evidence Is available from the Colney Clerk and Recorder or for which Information was made available based on ,ao....... conte inad In Ticar Title Insurance Co ny title Insurance coemi tment No. 49052450, dated November 15, 1990. For and an behalf of 2� q g SURD ENC INEE H N COMPANY By PSP 5,00 6fG/ ugene ur cF Colors o Reg. No. 9)10 �Y,,.••AN ..Pl !p`•^" 4p'.;`q t: ^t e Dale /-?-9/ BURDILA ENOINEERwlO COMPANY Fnpin•erinp • Una axrreyMp aloo s w.i.,.onslant oae.n t«el Nam U"•"Oda Clla•II ea327 '� 9/Z/7 ANO Pe esmlm Bk Pq B/07 Z Sn•, No. / s!/ NI D•sn'o+In D•Y Br �' sa✓Yi ,AvYa srvlA -rA_rE 70 Til. Pi 1N ssr ai Evz G' n ti — — — �G i dei Aecia. ssspl s fMl'067f►f rsN C°rp peP2s'ro v�Fbr." of 1 SWIM 7 tvwo r35,erre ,!a'pGSer. Sea? `CYJ?S . /4, >bA- = �.e "across`6 ` "r 8 �'nn .ert 4 y 1,1e p .01) °i'1 E' tHgf eese t6.d'd°95 /Mfvsurcme `415°o f 0X7 sf' Ix f7irf of�Sf_ d SWX4 S/VX •-. c /6. 73,5 C�dOn, co'... oe r : `s/os o µare n: h � � i � h (.ICP(' 2776 orf a �� o' Ate' ano . \ 9 1. : R o co�Ps O �O .a c ` d//S r° dean Bea•s.Sor, rh U+e ^9 o t u o ° a 6/75 Slwmr• Jin /c S/� Qur/dr /r.r' of Swr .$ar 1io., /ir etemrr S4!'t1Gt�)V aswmed "� .w `e/55 q Am, h c 6 , r r e7r9j N �das S:n�/e S/orr! Bu:/d:T'r^ ew-n.•a Lw+r I Js I Ara r9ba. l> J.mrrweSb� p S' SSo 6 l N h (M�aenrY) r�' tis I e j� y G1'9 •dOAs docs Boss ''GL'trs `daK r► � � `Q V OSr.•- fis.wv.f ��^'" <nr a r/f' .o a p• •• b a ? f7f Mb'f9�E /4 74"4 R;,P) Y <�ri/•....,.a. /a�aRaRaJ sem armsvr i z ,/d t3 (Nlellnry ^ e . e „e a „a ze e,Q :,a eta „ I A �r •S r Inv el Sal If, r$ .Fm /I. 7l J. ltaawcv'ibA n Q ° b \ e 71 io O' °n%rNy PgQCE L f + 'R 6 A 7Poe I I t I I '4r`• f N?» , A.,f, trfaw nes, .� Ltw) Q•i ( d 'y lar SwrM Liar. if I d - 1•!3 IO' 7 n swh y SK rss..l4 fN l P) c • eies�. LG07r' <N.f /'__ __._..__�A,- • SX'SOZtl•N— Jf fw. Ii.ear - r8.• `A, r+I 9' 4200 iV, 646. p. a—' a sea.:. R .LSL 911 L4. I•Cap `acro 640 s5v . SNA SEK SrwA , s 4V 46 th ,4 VENUE Se /I T!! Cs` Ste /t s; e4 ory LEGAL DESCRIPTIONi PARCEL 1: That part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Township 3 South, Range 69 Wept of the 6th Pr Inc 1ppel Mer ldlan, (ounty of Jefferson, State of Colorado, deacr ibed I. follow.. Beginning atthe southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Sect ton 14t thence Went along the south line of avid Section 14, a distance of 660.55 feet, more or less, to the sout heap[ corner of property described In Book 1642 at Page 49; thence North along the east lin. of property described In Book 1642 at Page 44, a distance of 47.74 feet, more or lees, to a point on the southerly line of Property described in Book 1132 at Page 191[ thence Northeasterly along the aforesaid southerly I Ins, a distance of 691.5 feet, more or less, to a joint no the east line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/of Sectlon 14; thence South along the said ..at line, 248.9 feet to a Point of Beginning. Brcell that part described in deed recorded August 31, 1987, 83082644. PARCEL II: Thatpert of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Town ahlp 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Yeridlan, CoonLy of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Cass♦enefag at the southwest corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; thence N00'1U'UU"E along the vent Iine of sold Southeast 1//. of the Sour hweet I7., o distance of 2.40 feet to the True Path of Beginning; theMe cony lnuing NOO'10'00"C 275.10 feet, more or less, to a point on the .outh line of a former county road right-nf-ray as described in Book 261 at Page 460, Jefferson County records; thence South 69'58'00"E and parallel with [he south line of said So ut least 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, o Alatance of 85.00 fete; thence S00,10 00'w par At lel with the vest line of Acrid Southeast 1/4 of tie Southwest 1/4, a distance of 254.64 feet, more or leap, to A polo[ on the north tight -o[ -way line of 48th Avenue, said point being on a 527.00 foot radius Curve to [he right, havingg a delft Angle of 9'75'40", the chord of said curve bear. S16'10'20"W, 87..8 feet; thence along the arc of sold curve and said north right-of-way line 87.53 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning, Except that pert conveyed to Ch? Department f Highways, State of Colorado by ln.trtrnent recorded In Book 1665 at Page 545, Jefferson County records. 1, Eugene A, Burdick, • Reglet Bred Professional Engineer and Pro- fessional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Colorado• here- by certify to DAN RUBBY and ROBERT L. MOWSAM, TRUSTEE and EDWIN L. CANTER and to BURTON D. LEVY and to PULLER and COMPANY end to TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY that a field survey of the property described hereon was conducted under my direction end supervision and completed on January !, 1990; that, to the beat of my information• konwledge and belle(, the attached Improvement Survey Plat correctly show. all boundaries, the location of all pin. and monuments, the location of all structures eltuated on the described parcel, ...amen is, visible encroachments, and any fence•• hedges or wells on oc within two feet of both aides of all boundaries of said parcel, the location of all vialble utilitleA Inests d on said parcol end all underground urllitlea for which there is visible surface evidence, and the location of ell easement., underground utilities, tunnels for whichrecord evidence Is available from the Colney Clerk and Recorder or for which Information was made available based on ,ao....... conte inad In Ticar Title Insurance Co ny title Insurance coemi tment No. 49052450, dated November 15, 1990. For and an behalf of 2� q g SURD ENC INEE H N COMPANY By PSP 5,00 6fG/ ugene ur cF Colors o Reg. No. 9)10 �Y,,.••AN ..Pl !p`•^" 4p'.;`q t: ^t e Dale /-?-9/ BURDILA ENOINEERwlO COMPANY Fnpin•erinp • Una axrreyMp aloo s w.i.,.onslant oae.n t«el Nam U"•"Oda Clla•II ea327 '� 9/Z/7 ANO Pe esmlm hI V V Q, WI 25 I 75' NOTiCEI According to Co for Ido law you asst commence any e�— action based upon any defect in tlTt survey within three years after you flrsr discover such defect. in no event, mey any action based upon any defect in this purvey be commenced pore than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. 2� q g CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT Boundor-y and Improvement Survey f3` Of SH (t s/Vtt f sEI, _')V.4. -5'erha' /J, 7--maev Jefferson Cbunty, Co/orodo e Dale /-?-9/ BURDILA ENOINEERwlO COMPANY Fnpin•erinp • Una axrreyMp aloo s w.i.,.onslant oae.n t«el Nam U"•"Oda Clla•II ea327 '� 9/Z/7 Bk Pq B/07 Z Sn•, No. / s!/ NI D•sn'o+In D•Y Br Responses to Variance Criteria 8105 W. 48th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 7/14/2016 A. As our current board sits on the property, it is almost invisible to eastbound traffic on I- 70, its primary audience. Our entire business is driven by visibility, and a hidden board does not inform the drivers or appeal to businesses or organizations that are trying to communicate with those driving by. We are requesting a variance to the height requirement regulation. If the variance is not approved, this board will stay hidden and there will be no opportunity to reach those driving by. B. The area in question is currently zoned industrially, and has been for at least 40 years. There is no residential zoning in the vicinity, so the sign is not an eyesore for people living in the neighborhood. There are other large signs in the area, both on and off premise, so altering our sign would not take away from or alter the existing character of the area. C. OUTFRONT Media is willing to invest a significant amount of money into this project because of the anticipated value of this sign once it has been moved and raised. Investing close to $200,000 into this rebuild is only viable if we can assure our corporate office that the improvements will significantly increase the board's attraction. Proximity to the road and length of read effect our business substantially, especially considering the fact that you can barely see the current sign, if at all. D. The property on which the board currently sits, parcel 39-143-00-101, is an irregularly shaped property. The variance specific to the hardship surrounding its physical characteristics which we would like to address is as follows: HEIGHT (section 26-711): The current board is 32' feet tall, and is nearly invisible from 1-70 heading eastbound. The property sits lower than the grade of 1-70, so we are disadvantaged by abiding to the allowable height. Additionally, there is a sound wall running along the south side of 1-70 leading up to our sign, blocking it for an even longer period of time. By raising it to 50', we will eliminate the both of these visibility problems. E. The disparity in height from the grade of the road is a hardship created by CDOT when they annexed land for and constructed 1-70. CDOT has no interest in this property. There is already an existing sign on the property, so raising it would remain consistent with the current nature of the neighborhood. It is in an industrial area, with no close residential zoning, and the sign will be located fully on the property, so it will not increase street congestion. Whenever we build a sign, we use engineers to ensure we are constructing the most safe, secure structure possible. A taller, more visible sign will actually increase the property's value, not diminish it. G. The entire area bordered between 1-70 and W. 48th Ave is lower than the grade of the interstate. The sound wall runs along this same stretch of land, creating the need for taller signs than in other, flatter areas. H. There are currently no elements of our structure that would inhibit a person with disabilities' access to the property, and the rebuilt structure will maintain these same standards. According to the Architectural and Site Design Manual, the property on which our sign sits falls under the Suburban Overlay designation. Thusly, there are no additional setback requirements than those in the Municipal Code, and a variance may be requested. As we are not building a building, we referred to the signage requirements of the manual. In section 5.2, it states that pole signs are discouraged unless the sign is highway oriented, which ours is. Section 5.3 addresses the lighting of the signs. Our lights shine only on the sign, and are turned off at night, minimizing light pollution. 8105 W 48Th Avenue Before and After Photos raising the structure from 32 to 50 ft in total height Before: After: June 14, 2016 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department 7500 W 29h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It Concerns: This letter is in response to being approached by OUTFRONT Media, a tenant on our property at 8105 W 48th Avenue. Please consider this letter as written permission giving OUTFRONT Media permission to act as an agent on our behalf in requesting a variance to raise and modify their current billboard structure on our property. If you have any questions, we may be reached at 303.741.6343 X 101. Warm Regards, s Matt Landes, CCIM Wheat Ridge Industrial Park RECEPTION NO. F077B730 WHEATRIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK, LLC R EXMBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 14, A DISTANCE OF 660.55 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1642 AT PAGE 49. THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1642 AT PAGE 49, A DISTANCE OF 47.74 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1132 AT PAGE 193; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE AFORESAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 691.5 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 14; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE SAID EAST LINE, 248.9 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PART DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1983, 83082644, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL II: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE NORTH 00° 10'00" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF TRE' SOUTHWEST 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 2.40 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 00` 10'00" EAST 275.10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF A FORMER COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 261 AT PAGE 460, JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 89°58'00" EAST AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 85.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 ° 10'00" WEST PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 254.64 FEET. MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAX LINE OF 48TH AVENUE, SAID POINT BEING ON A 523.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A DELTA ANGLE OF 9°35'40", THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 76°30'20" WEST 87.48 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 87.53 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PART CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 1665 AT PAGE 545. JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO. A-1 x �v RECEPTION NO. F077e730 11.00 PS: 0001-002 ,236 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO _ 1!14/1999 10:03:29 THIS DEED, made this -26_ day of october , 1998, between Jay IL Levy, Grantor, and Wheatridge Industrial Park, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, Grantee, whose legal address is 8933 East Union, Suite 216, Englewood, Colorado 80111-1357. )� WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has remised, released, sold and quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell and QUITCLAIM unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the Grantor has in and to the real property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County ogA alieeand State of Colorado, described as follows: Je ferson See Exhibit A attached hereto. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me. this day of �, 1998, by Jay R. Levy. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: `LAURA W. TETER��'s 1 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO 10 0 My Commission En-fras May 2. 2000 O W. media 185 US Highway 46 Fairfield, NJ 07004 973-575-6900 www.outfrontmedia.com CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Page 1 of 1 PAYMENT SUMMARY Check Date: July 22, 2016 Vendor Name: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Check Number: 01220541 Vendor Number: 101555 Invoice No. Invoice Dt Description Voucher Net Amount 10788847 20-JUL-16 WHEAT RIDGE VARIANCE 10788847 220.00 TOTAL: 220.00 OLnTRO��'' . media ' 185 US Highway 46 Fairfield, NJ 07004 973-575-6900 www.outfrontmedia.com CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Page 1 of 1 PAYMENT SUMMARY Check Date: July 14, 2016 Vendor Name: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Check Number: 01220298 Vendor Number: 101555 Invoice No. Invoice Dt Description Voucher Net Amoun 10785496 13-JUL-16 WHEAT RIDGE VARIANCE APPLICATION 10785496 200.00 TOTAI • onn nn City of W heat jjclge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Variance Project Name: Height Variance Request Billboard @ Wheat Ridge Industrial Park Project Location: 8105 W 48th Avenue, Wheat Ridge Application Contents: A variance provides relief from the strict application of zoning standards in instances where a unique physical hardship is present. The following items represent a complete variance application: X 1. Completed, notared land use application form X 2. Application fee X 3. Signed submittal checklist (this dument) x 4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed oc X 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) x 6. Written request and description of the proposal X Include a response to the variance review criteria—these are found in Section 26-115 of the municipal code X Include an explanation as to why alternate designs that may comply with the zoning standards are not feasible X Include an explanation of the unique physical hardship that necessitates relief x 7. Survey or Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) of the property /" x 8. To -scale site plan indicating existing and proposed building footprints and setbacks x9. Proposed building elevations indicating proposed heights, materials, and color scheme/ Rev. 5/2014 As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2"d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. D"_ Signature: 411k, 4ilrILADate: 7/13/16 Name (please print): Nicole K. Halbach Phone: 303.316.5809 L,ommunity uevelopment Department - (303) 235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us ♦ � � � submitted Bl' AI City of planner. Incomp ]/9""Wh6atRjc1syc be accepted—ret LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 291h Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant Wheat Ridge Industrial Park Phone 303.741.6343 Email matt@jandbbuilding.com Address, City, State, Zip 8933 E. Union Avenue, #216, Greenwood Villaqe, CO 80111 Owner_ Wheat Ridge Industrial Park Phone 303.741.6343 Email mattna jandbbuilding com Address, City, State, Zip 8933 E. Union Avenue, #216, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Contact Nicole Haibach Phone 303.316.5809 Email nicole.haibach@outfrontmedia.com Address, City, State, Zip 4647 Leyden Street, Denver, CO 80216 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing. and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): 8105 W. 48th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): O Change of Zone or Zone Conditions O Special Use Permit O Subdivision — specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) O Conditional Use Permit O Administrative (up to 3 lots) O Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan O Major (6 or more lots) D Variance/Waiver (from Section 26- 115 ) 0 Right of Way Vacation O Other: Detailed description of request: Raise the height of our existing billboard from 32' tall to 50' tall. The sound wall and highway railing block the west face of the existing structure. An on premise sign blocks the east face of the structure. Parcel 39-143-00-098 I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Notarized Signature of Applica State of Color County of ) ss The ing instru by Public To be filled out by staff: Date received j t'll Comp Plan Design. r Related Case No. Assessor's Parcel No.60 Size (acres or sgft) was acknowledged by me this /u day of 20-1(e— My commission expires l_/ &/20n Fee S Receipt No. Pre -App Mtg, Date 092C11 21 249& Current Zoning Proposed Zoning Case No. Quarter Section Map SWiy Case Manager W;A 0a69 Current Use Proposed Use RENAISSANCE MEDIA CROUP 4425 N. 24TH ST. STE 200 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 602-230-8634 /800-525-8509 FAX 602-230-9071 CUSTOMER. C. g S OUTDOOR, LOCATION. ;q Uc-AT ui a6,f C ENG. REQUEST NO, G- 7!3' 10' J08 # 0 3 3-- O G COVER SHEET SIZE OF SIGN '14 X H.A.G.L. Z �. WIND LOAD 3 19.' PSF SOIL: �o PSF/FT STRUCTURE DESING: CENTER MOUNT PARTIAL FLAG (col.-loc. _ FULL FLAG (col. loc. EXTENDED FLAG (col.loc. OFFSET V -BUILD ANGLE OR v BACK TO BACK SINGLE FACE TRUSS - I FOOTING DESIGN: V ROUND SQUARE SPREAD SPECIAL CONDITIONS: } _FT (max. -opening) �T i :F9� VALID ONL `@r7is a INET SE �n • NAL MAY E� � MAY 0 8 2006 RENAISSANCE MEDIA GROUP �� 4425 N. 24TH ST. STE 200 CALC'S DATE: -16 ./ ot- PHOENIX, AZ 85016 S P B G! r t CA L o >� BY: 5 602-230-8634 BOC -525-8509 FAX 602-230-4071 SF£T.A OF- 1'2- CRITERIA SPECIFICATION CODE: 18� G 200 STEEL ASTM A-36 FY = 36 k::il PIPE SECTIONS: ASTM A -53B, A 252 GR, OR API-5LX WELDING ROD - ASTM E-70 SERIES LOW HYDROGEN BOLTS - A.307 OR 325 TYPE 'N' CONCRETE - MIN. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF FC = 3000 PSI (150 PCF) AT 23 DAYS (DESIGN BASED ON 2500 PSI, SPECIAL STRUCTURAL INSPECTION NOT REQUIRE[ REBAR - ASTM A 615 GRADE 40 OR GRADE 60 WOOD - DOUGLAS FIR LARCH 42 WITH Fb (REP.) = 1310 PSI FOUNDATIONS - SPREAD FTG. ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE N .d PSI SEE SOIL REPORT OF I BC TABLE NO. (g • 2 ROUND OR SQUARE CAISSON FTG. ALLOWING LATERAL BEARING PRESSURE PSFIFT SEE SOIL REPORT OR I FSC.TABLE NO, D AZT 4 TPz DESIGN LOADING 0T= 2� WIND = PSF LIVE = FRONT CATWALK - 20 PSF OR (4) 200# MEN. AT ANY POINT REAR CATWALK - 20 PSF OR (2) 200# MEN. ATANY POINT DEAD = SIGN FACE WT. 5/16 DURAPLY -.9375 PSF 2X4 (6 TOTAL HORIZ.) -.5691 PSF 2X6 (1 TOTAL VERT.) - .575 PSF 7 LAYERS -PAPER AND GLUE - .416 PSF 2.49 PSF - 2.5 PSF -' WIND LOAD FOR I.B.C. •• EXPOSURE C (OPEN COUNTRY) I -r -t ND LOA -fl c -4 -1 -CU L A-rCf—fl FC -R TO 2P t L) LA- ( 7'ei2 q r 1 /A s G E Wl tz�: �z=. oo2sE, kakz,: k4 V?- j G *'•8� rz �xPo.Su2� k z - c.1 -la tv � �o r-�t �-�-t 77 � k cl - S s v- ,� s Pcs �n , s 8 7 OVEt A4 -L dC-LOGITY O f¢� ISO WINn SS QO Io0 lA S I 1 O 120 12S 130:FS5 - {}G1 r C"4T' kZ q Z 13,45 IS,G4- 19.3o 21.29 23,•34 2?,81 30,1'1 32.(1 4-0, Co 41,45 0-15 O,SS f 11.11'7 13.E 1(-.41 18, U0 I9,$(- 23,64- 297•(-4- 121,14- 3z. 1? 34,91 36.93 20 0. 9.0 1 12.41 (4, b8 _ h.�l 19.16 2I, 02- 25,03 1115 29,3-7 34,07 36.4 39,11 2S 0,94 13.aZ 14.-10 18.14- ZD.ol 21,% 2(.,14- 28,3� 3o, G7 '3 s7. Q,5 38.16 40,54- 0,8¢3O '600,98 13.57 1s.33 l8,91 70.5G 2285 2.1.25 29,977 31.98 37,09 39.19 4-2.5g l.Ot} 1d4a 16.2to ?�,� 22.1¢ 2¢,29 28.`'72 31.36 X3,94 3ry,3(- 42,22 46,19 O 1.09 15.10 OS 21,0 23,21 25,46 30.31 32 5 35,51 41,2(. 44,29 41.3c. G O 1, 13 197.(-8 0.(_1 21.61 24.0 26.4.0 3t*t, 7,4-.09 36.87 42,?7 45.88 d°1• to 10 1.11 IL.Zo 18.3o 22-% 24,91 2133 32,54- 38,30 30,18 44,28 47,50 5a,64 $ O 1,21 1(01(0 Io,92- 23,35 2S.)G 28,21 33 (-S 3G,S1 '39,4.8 45.80 4-9,1-5 52.57 9p 1,24- 1-1.ri 19.39 23.43 2(-,40 28,97 34,4$ 31,¢1 40,4(. 46.93 Sb,34 53,SP, 1 1 0 1.2t; h'+4 19.-11 35,04. 38,01 41,11 41.69 51, 1G, 54.'75 120 1.3 4 18,14- 10, 4-11 2S.'L$ 2,1,69 30,60 .4 2, 39.82 I 42.15 49 s$ 53.19 ST2ttGTV /2.C5- D0 -St G-f,� FO 2: L.Of� dy$. _ n -I -L 4 tJ ASNAISSANCE mrolA CRour. INC. ZFZTLE; I�`TX-4 /`�: CAW 0 ! w� Pu -rd �r...wf�.+..e.J.7tt told D\ IE : S '"0104R.JA..,1lolt BY: S tolatlaru• • rj0oaru-1str� 7:c eREF.JOBg ; $ )f ; ('` < L!ort R �Tt� � ►.r-t,-�*z S t�' A ['� to -------------- �.. L. Go . L . SPS t ntt�-L� s ! . ( . -- Q S t' rt---, t_ Civ t--{- f- Lzt�, a-n_e-ir t CA -P. '120 0-- c o Lb 4-T- C47 -I-s42. -OP- S F>A," 1091L% /-f H , °� L41 T 69 V - ►- -1- 3 ► L� L v X31 8 oo = 8q5 1 b S " . 9 0 -(I-SG f- 1.6 G) 2, . 0 1 W G x-- 4 ,� tcsP . ?:7, o' IJ �. /'I* -.p. C.o "-fli , C L i P b G t Cr+.l-z3 fl YL . S CC, — Go ------------- RENAMSANCE ME=IA GROUP TIiLF. 4425 N. 24TITST. SIE 200 CALC'S g: PHOEgIX, AZ 85016IZEA 2 i-f;� 60Z-23008DAA602-23009634f200-=4509PL�F-UfZ M HY; l FAX 602-230-9071 SH.I. 3 0 12 Lo AID - L S 320 -A, CZ1 G -t2 -sir ! nI 2 ►�- 2 z , C} p 2. v, A-Nt C co t;;,< P RSA r a cF-b �+-c fi 7 Go fit. L d .a-r'� GG�r-?L�rZ o 1 S PA -r.1 I tS'O v FL u -z A7t L ST -P-1 I S. 2 'e- 2-,e- 0 cO CIO `�-a Zai "�.. •.�..Q' .� .6�-t�rg--rZ V z • S2 �— : ! 3 til ?�. o z—; RENALSSANOE MMIA GROUP TITLF_ 4425 N. 24TH ST. = 200 CALC's PHOENIX, AZ 8.5016 S7` �{�� 602-23008634 /800-=-U09 DATE: BY: FAX 602-230-9M SErr-": ¢ 2 �..} f�j Li T l�•t r3,�, -Aice 2/ Tt/Y �- 1'-c. T P -Y q i L Rz-1 t1SNC-1; `=- IA GRQVm 4425 x. -)A-r= s -r. s -r-- zoa CALC,3 ;4• PHOE�ii 1X, AZ 85016 DATE; s 602-23008634 /800-325-8509 9Y. S c7a�c, FAX 602-230-9071 o n 12- • In h'tU � � d� ! S , SZ�2. 2$, � 3� `� � C '�-1 v A kzt t,-�-•,--3 . 312 ►�M 6 Lo A -P '% b V r� a'�o � -/ff til Gp N--t�--t i - CT.a til � UrrilGtsT (,o A -fl ' � �E'iZt�-T I?,��t� - t o C.1 70 2r14 -zdS� • t�..I7.. Li7-2 t D� v �-ti.=� � t �— . � ` c�c.—�'''� c.-�u-t•-b -- c��a-nom 31� t � 1.3 � ? �•- . �3 `�%c �.�r•��3 3.•'32 �' Sf�abLL 5 Cc�rYi G�-►- �'3 � ✓ G 19 I-sbcsR --l RENAISSANCE MEDIA GROL-P 44.25 N. 24TH ST. STE 200 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 l brl-� Lo N 602-230086341800-525-8509 FAX 602-230-9071 CALC,S rc DATE: BY: S SH7A p�,z l.t� �2 � �-384 T �� 4-- 210 ( P t F & h -L t,Lz 2 'a L L IO , aD 't.4. S O.{4 2- &i ? r 0 S3 ►c I S - $p2/Z, <- . `C g6.S U S t� P t t� d 2q , '?�1 3 s t� 1 -2 ( OS' t 1 '1' 21 t .3 234.-) 3 C,7. S' e- 4-,15 K . -z Z S , 20 tc I�-t• �,,, � 2 �. 2� t z- f� z 1 g s�, 3 r-� C-- 19.2 s- - -v RENAISSANCE MEDI?i GROUP Trilz- 4425 N. 24TH ST. STE 200 C 4I.C'S J. PHOENDC, AZ 85016 To P-k, L -,p .\j GO L V tit N DATE; S/0/1006 602-23008634 /800-525-8509 �,p.�y-�}-� � 0 r� g h -p D L� BY: S L/ FAX 602-230-9071 SAT.N ^74F l2 S �qrD b L (� [YY t c• t �-s cam- P 'P c�-(Z X41 S G r`t God �--�. t,F rQ z .7G 446 h-L4.. b Z Q`= 4 d- 4- 4- til j3 . G<y„ cl r t 4'?So�3Co t 4-.g2gx,1 j.33 1 yn- RENAISSANCE MEDIA GROUP- ►I7lE 4425 N. 24TH ST: STE 200 CALC'S #: PHOENIX, AZ 85016 DATE: /06 602-23008634/800-525-8509 ?' BY: 4� C- FAX 602-230-9071 SHT•#: Mb (PLATE) — T X 2"/W REQ— MX6' 27 X 1.33 • p(�.�.t--j'� loll STS FFNI�(2- CENTER MOUNT l CAP BOLT TEN. PLATE STIFFNER IND 38 1/2 So 44 SO THK WELD THK WELD 20 10 ic 9K 1/2 g 1/411 30 3 3 1 1 4" 40 17 15 3/4 3 8 1 2X8 .1 4" 50 20 7V8 3 8 2X8 1 " 60 ` 24 22 7/8 3Z8 1/2X8 1 4" TMIN 45° SLOPE M (PLATE) — T X 4.5/6 �t /W — 11-K/INCH t REQ M X b 27 X 1.33 0 l FULL FLAG CAP BOLT TEN: PLATE STIFFNER IND 38 12 SO 1 44 SQ THK WELD THK WELD 20 40 1 36 1 1450 V 1 2X8 5 1 30 43 140 1' 450 V. I .2X8 5/16 40 46 43 1 1/8 45° V 1 2X8 5/16 1`0450 46 1 1 4 45° V 12X8 3/8 53 50 1 1 4 45° V -1� 2X8 3 8 MIN 45° SLOPE L. 1 REMAISSANCE N=IA GROUP TTII..E_ 4425 N. 24Th ST. M 200 CAI.C'S PHOENIX, AZ 85016 DATE; / 602-230086341800-525-8509 CIO L U M 9Y. FAX 602-230-9071 �T 9 o T. 12 25,,E � IF1Wc RENAISSANCE MEDIA GOUP 4425 N. 24TH ST.STE200 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 602-230-8634/800-525-8509 FAX: 602-230-9071 ROUND FOOTING DESIGN BY: SL�Io/3-00& SHT.#:IQOF 12 FOOTING DESIGN PER I BC FORMULA SECTION 1805:7.-2,1 DEPTH OF FOOTING: d=A(1+(1+4.36*h/A)^0.5))/2= 19.38 ft WHERE: Mb = 1078 ft -kips P = 27.54 kips b = 5 ft d = 12 ft Pall = 0.4 ksf/ft h=Mb/P= 39.12 s1=d*Pall* 1.33/3= 2.13 A=2.34*P/s1 /b= 6.06 BENDING MOMENT AT GROUND LEVEL HORIZONTAL FORCE DIAMETER OF FOOTING ESTIMATED DEPTH OF FOOTING ALLOWABLE LATERAL SOIL BEARING AS SET FORTH IN TABLE 1804.2 FROM I.B.C. FOR SOIL TYPE : SANDY GRAVEL USE ROUND FOOTING 5 ' - 0 " O x 19 ' - 6 " RENAISSANCE MEDIA GROUP TTTZE: P I PE 4425 N. 24TH ST. SM 200 CALC's : PHOENIX, AZ 65016 �-t O -t CA --p A- C.1 T' I � S DATE: Z d�j Iry o(� 602-23008634 /800-525-8509 g y. S FAX 602-230-9071 SHT.V: 1 of 12 5= T('(D,4_DZ-+) 3z Di DZ= 2= SD Z Fb = .7Z F� (.IF Q/T- t 33001-F > 3300/FN 1 r <<5710E55 114CfZEl15�� M6 CAP sxFbxr.33 F.Y.= - F CIF jT GS 7.9 9 q F�4/s( y�� FY = -r-F+ G LA FZ G EFZ cF ) 23 8 00 I 4 600 o r� 9 4 Ya r�3 Mt-cAP - C22i x 1 3STRFss IMCREAsE) DIA WALL Fy s I Fb Mb CAP in in ks i in3 in4 ks i f 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 .0 20 a ' i�;..2 0 120 20 20 0.188 0.203 0.219 0.239 0.250 0.281 0.312 0.344 0.375 0.406 0.438 0.469 0.500 0.562 0.625 0.688 0.750 0.812 1.031 1.281 1.500 35 57.4 35 61.9 35 66.6 35 72.4 35 75.6 35 84.6 35 193.5 35 102.6 .35 111.3 35 120-.0 35 128.8 35 137.3 35 14.5 .. 7 35 162.2 35 178.7 35 194.8 35 210.4 35 225.7 3-5 277.2 35 331.5 35 375.4 t k Fv Mt CAP L max WT/ FT ksi ft k ft 4/ft 574 619 20.2 20:7 128.7 14.0 178.2 40.9 39.8 666 25.2 142.1 185.9. 14.0 14.0. 192.0 ' 49.5 43.0 724 25.2 202.3 14.0 206_6 224.8 UNLTD UNLTD 46.3 756 25.2 211.3. 14.0 234.7 UNLTD 50.5 52.8 846 935 25.2 25.2 _ 236:4 . 261.2 14.0 14,0 262.6 UNLTD 59•.2 1026 25.2 286.6 14;.0 290.2. 318.5 UNLTD UNLTD 65-7 1113 25.2 311.0 14.0 345.5 UNLTD 72.3 78.7 1200 1288 25.2 335.'1 , .14.0 372.4 UNLTD 85.1 1373 25.2 359.8 14.0 399.8 UNLTD 1457 25x2 25.2 • 383.5 406.9 14.0 14.0 426.1 UNLTD .•91.6_. 97.9 1622 25.2 453.1 14.0 452.1 503.4' UNLTD UNLTD 104_2 116_8 1787 1948 25.2 499.1 14.0 554.6 UNLTD 129.5 2104 25.2 25.2 544.2 587.7 14.0 14.0 604.7 UNLTD 142.1 2257 25.2 630.3 14.0' 653.0 700.3 UNLTD154.4 UNLTD 166.6 2772 25.2 .774.1 14.8 860,1 UNLTD 209:1 3315 3754 25.2 925.9 14.0 1028.8 UNLTD 256.4 25.2 1048.5 14.0 1165.0 UNLTD 296.7 BEEN-e1ISSANCE MEDIA CROUP 4425. N. 24TH ST. STE 200 PHOS (D% AZ 3.016 602-230086341900-525-8509 FAX 602-230-9071 5= Ir(Dt4-D.+� WlfcR� 3 2 Qt DI = 0.0. Dz.- I.0- CALC'S - _ DATE: S/l Zot7b BY: S L SHT-9 12- or- 12 Z .F6= .72 F� (.IF o/1- < 33 oo/-t j F. ( I r- 13 0 0 > °� > 33 o O/- N 3TRE55 I1dCMEASP-) M6C"p.33 Fv= •' Fy (IF < 6575• 49 ci a Ff - i r}E LA P,GER cF 23800 Pl t O 11 �-- O O .r)?;2 C F� afs MtCAp ��•3 j� I;STRa55 111 CRERSrs) d DIA WALL Fy . s -- I... - Fb Mb CAR Fv Mt --- - -- in in ks i in3 in4 ks i ft k in L max WT/FT ksi ft k ft #/f t 36 36 0.258 0.281 35 35 249.2. 279.4 4486 5929 18.6 19.2 513.71 14.9 773.4 •34.5 95.6 36 0.312 35 309.4 5569 19.7 593.5 676.9 14.9 14.9 867.1 46.2 107.3 36 0.344 35 340.2 6124 20.3 7 6 6 A 14.0 960.2 1055.9' 60.9 119_1 36 36 0:375 • 35 369.9 6659 20.9 856.8 14_0 1148.0 76.6 131.1 36 9.406 35 399.5 7191. 25.2 1115.8: 14.0 2239.7 95.1' 142.8 0.438 35 429.8 7737 25.2 120.5 14.0 1333'.9 UNLTD 154:5 36 0.469 35 459_0 8263 25,2 1282+1.14_0 1424.6 UNLTD 166.5 36 0.500' 35 488-1 .8786 25_2 13 63 .3 14.0 1514.8 UHLTD .178.2 36 0.562 35 545.8 9825 25.2 1524_4 14.0 1693.8 UNLTD 189.8 36 0.625 35 603.8 10868 25.2 1686..4 14.0 1873.8 UNLTD 212_9 36 36 0.65.6 35 632.1 11378 25,2 1765.5 14.0 1961.6 UNLTD 236-.4 36 5.688 35 661.2 11901 25.2 1846.6 14.0 2051.8 UNLTD 247_9 36 0-750 0.875 35 35 717.0 827.8 12906 14900 25.2 25.2 2092.6 14.0 2225.1 UNLTD UNLTD 259.8 282.7 6 1.000 35 936.2 16851 25.2 . 2312-.0 2614.7 14.0 14.0. 2568.9 UNLTD 328:6 2905.2• UNLTD 374.2 REAR LADDER - u Q CROSSOVER ' FRONT LEDGER FRONT MAINTENANCE PLATFORM - STRINGER REAR LADDER —� CROSSOVER (4) 1/2 � A32 BOLTS (21/4" CAGE 48'-O" FACE 4'-0" 5 SPACES AT V-0" = 40'-01141-011 REAR HANGRAIL--\ MAINTENANCE PLATFORM 7 \a PAINrENANCELATFORM COLUMN LADDER COLUMN WIPE 360 x .40o m (Fy = 35 ksi) SLOPE CONCRETE AWAY FROM COL. — GRADE --\ w LU �0 d ' U w z CONC. ROUND 0 FOOTING PANEL 1 1/4 IA/(2 " 2'n12'1 1/4° HANGRAIL 1/4 {!I C2) 1124 A301 PER UPRIGHT W & x - FRONT 1 LEDGER T � TORSION PIPE 20m x 0.250 (Py " 3b ks0 — 45'-0" FAC=E UPRIGHT FROM i _LEDGER j GuSSE'1` f2 1/2 \ C12) REQ'J. COLUMN F=W`E REAR—/ "-- TORSI ON�COLUMN MAINTENANCE PLATFORM .LADDER FLAN VC TOF,,,51cN TO _ - )N W224xxa44 Ua V T -F A I fE 1" x 38 1/2 802 I TVP. 1/4 • TORSION N m 3 n 13 1 UPRIG;PT �— REAR LEDGER 3 SIDES 1/4_ `--L3x3x 1/4x43Y4If N/ (2) 1/2"4) 4301 1%' 5OLTS SECTIC)N 3'-2W (12) 3/40 A32�,N BOLTS FRAME L 4 X 3 X 1/4 LLV FOR FRONT MAINTENANCE PLATFORM FRAME L 3 X 3 X 1/4 FOR REAR MAINTENANCE PLATFORM GRATE X AMICO EXPANDED METAL NELDED ANGLES 10110.0. 2,0 PSF CRATING FOR 2'®11/2" NIDE MAINTENANCE PLATFORM 3.14 PSF CRATING FOR 31-11/2" NIDE MAINTENANCE PLATFORM IJPRIGI-4T II STRINGER L 3 x 3 x 1/4 I� \�UVL 1/4 L 5 x 3 x 1/4x4-H4IfLLN N/ (2) 1/211"o '430-1 5OLTS DETAIL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS (APPLY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PERMIT DRAWING) CODE — 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. DESIGN WIND LOAD — 30 PSF (90 MPH WIND SPEED, EXPOSURE "C") DESIGN LIVE LOAD — (2' WIDE FRONT AND REAR MAINTENANCE PLATFORM) 20 PSF OR 800 LBS CONC. LOAD AT FRONT AND 400 LBS AT REAR MAINT. PLATFORM. DES6GH DEAD LOAD — (SIGN FACES) -- 2.5 PSF STEEL — ROLLED SECTIONS — ASTM A-36 PIPE SECTIONS — ASTM A-53 8 OR A 252 GO 2, OR API — LX �;}— T ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE FABRICATED AND ERECTED ACCORDING TO LATEST ASIC SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD PRACTICE 3 ® SIDES CONCRETE - MIN. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF P'c = 3000 PSI 0 28 DAYS (150 PC) 4" SLUMP (MAX.) FOOTING DESIGN BASED ON Vc = 2500 PSI. WELDING RODS - ASTM A-233 E-70 SERIES LOW HYDROGEN. WELDING MATERIALS AND PROCEDURE COMPLY WITH AMERICAN WELDING - SOCIETY STANDARDS. �L 3 BOLTS — ALL REGULAR BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-307. HIGH STRENGTH W/ ( 2) A307 E30LT S BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 325. IN BEARING TYPE CONNECTIONS WHEN THREADS ARE NOT REQUIRED BY DESIGN TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE SHEAR PLAN OR WORKING IN TENSION, INSPECTION PRIOR TO OR DURING INSTALLATION FRONT LEDGER WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. TIGHTEN BOLTS PER ASIC TURN OF THE NUT METHOD (1/3 OF A TURN PAST A SNUG TIGHT CONDITION). ROUND COLUMN FOOTING — EMBEDMENT DEPTHS FOR FOOTINGS DO NOT APPLY TO LOCATIONS WHERE WALLS OF THE HOLE WILL NOT STAND WITHOUT SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORT, OR WHERE UNCOMPACTED FILL OR ORGANIC FILL EXISTS. DESIGN LATERAL SOIL PRESSURE PER IBC TABLE 1804.2 IS 400 PSF/FT (SOIL CLASS 3 — SANDY GRAVEL). ALLOWABLE LATERAL SOIL PRESSURE HAS A FACTOR OF 2. VERIFY SOIL TYPE DURING EXCAVATION. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCY, EXTEND COLUMN PIPE TO BOTTOM OF FOOTING (3" CONCRETE COVER REQUIRED) THE ERECTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD BEFORE ERECTION AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, ERECTORS SHAD NOTIFY ENGINEER IF STRUCTURE IS LOCATED NEAR BUILDINGS. THE ABOVE NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS BEFORE ERECTION. THE UNDERSIGNED ENGINEER WILL NOT SUPERVISE THE FABRICATION OR ERECTON OF THIS STRUCTURE. 1/2°41 J SOLT EACH SIDE OF PLATFORM MAINTENAI\CE PLATFORM FRAME G-7911=0 THIS PRINT IS THE PROPERTY OF RING OUTDOOR, INC.. PROFESSIONAL SEAL, VALID ONLY WHEN FABRICATED BY THE ABOVE, IT IS PROVIDED FOR PERMIT PURPOSES ONLY. ANY OTHER USE OR REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM RING OUTDOOR, INC.. r s z; 'V''vTI SIEFllf�l. S3jONA4 f.C�ts MAY Q 8 2306