HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/2016I City of WheatRdge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA December 1, 2016 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on December 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. *Agenda packets and minutes are available online at http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/95/Planning-Commission 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—October 20,2016 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. WS -1603: An application filed by Quadrant Properties for approval of a major subdivision with right-of-way vacation on property zoned Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) located at the southwest comer of 38`" and Wadsworth, including 7690 West 38a Avenue, 3790 Yukon Court, 3795 Wadsworth Boulevard, 3765 Wadsworth Boulevard and 3501 Wadsworth Boulevard 8. OTHER ITEMS 9. ADJOURNMENT Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Sara Spaulding Public Information Officer at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. I City Of ]�9rWheatRoge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting October 20, 2016 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29a Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Dirk Boden Alan Buckram Emery Dorsey Donna Kimsey Janet Leo Scott Ohm Steve Timms Commission Members Absent: Amanda Weaver Staff Members Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Mark Westberg, Engineering Project Supervisor Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner KIMSEY to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 7-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 22, 2016 It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve the minutes of September 22, 2016, as written. Motion carried 7-0. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (TMs is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Planning Commission Minutes - 1 — October 20, 2016 No one wished to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-16-01: an application filed by AMOF Partnership for approval of a zone change from Residential -One (R-1) to Planned Mixed Use District (PMUD) with an ODP for property located at 10001 W. 32nd Avenue. Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the Outline Development Plan and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Reckert entered into the record and distributed a packet of emails received by area residents for the Commissioners to review. These emails were sent to her after the Agenda Packet had been assembled. Ms. Reckert explained there is 2.16 acres comprising the property with a 40 foot grade change that contains multiple buildings. Along with the proposed zone change the owner would like to see an event center established at this site, but the ODP addresses different scenarios for land uses as well. A neighborhood meeting was held on December 21, 2015 with 10 neighbors attending and in response to the agency referral; there were no major concerns from city departments or outside agencies. There are two potential scenarios for the ODP, the first uses the existing building which would be repurposed, and the other would demolish the buildings and the property redeveloped for other uses including residential and commercial. Commercial uses would be similar to the City's most restrictive zone district, Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The ODP for an event center shows the existing buildings, expanded parking, three access points (one being for emergency use only) and circulation for the site. Ms. Reckert explained that even though the Structure Map from the Comprehensive Plan shows the property as Neighborhoods, Envision Wheat Ridge, in its totality, supports the zone change. Kipling Street is considered a principal arterial which serves high volume traffic and 32nd Avenue is a minor arterial which serves less volume with a mix of land uses and connects regional destinations. 32nd Avenue is also considered a bicycle corridor by the Transportation Structure Plan and Kipling Street has a recently completed 10 -foot wide multi -use trail that extends from 32nd and Kipling to 441i increasing pedestrian connections and safety. Ms. Reckert explained that the single family home on the property was built in 1935 as a single family residence but has not been used for that since the 1980's, since then it has been a group home for teens with psychiatric and substance abuse issues for the last thirty years. Staff has concluded that along with the increased land use intensification along the Kipling Corridor, a PMUD zone change for this Planning Commission Minutes -2— October 2— October 20, 2016 property is appropriate because the property is less desirable for a low density residential use and would be a good land use transition between Kipling and the neighborhood. All of the Commissioners expressed concern for this proposal focusing primarily on automobile, bike and pedestrian traffic. Mr. Westberg explained that there are no restrictions planned yet for access into or leaving the property. He explained that during peak traffic hours it may be right in and right out only but until the land use is decided on then it is difficult to predict. Traffic generation and required improvements would be reviewed at the time of Specific Development Plan (SDP) submittal. Additional concerns included the lack of parking on the site and what type of commercial use would be put there in its place. The Commissioners questioned the commercial uses on the property and expressed concern about noise generated by a big event. Ms. Reckert explained the applicant has intentions to improve the parking conditions and add more spaces. With regards to the noise, conditions would be made in the ODP that noise concerns be addressed at SDP. She added that other commercial uses were added as the applicant wanted to have a backup use for the property if the event center didn't carry through. Allison Winlund , Norris Design, represented the property owner 1101 Bannock Street Ms. Winlund explained that the property owner embarked on the possibility of a zone change for the primary purpose of converting the buildings and property into an event center which they believe will be an ideal transition to the neighborhood. Should the event center be unsuccessful, the property owner tried to include a variety of other uses with the PMUD zone change. Pedestrian and vehicular safety will be looked at, at the time of SDP design. With regards to noise and loud music during events; a condition of approval could be added to the ODP that there would be no outdoor music allowed. The capacity of the event center will be determined by building and fire codes. There will be an engineered plan for parking improvements. With approximately 60 parking spaces at a rate of 1 parking space per 3 people, the event center would accommodate 180 people at maximum capacity. Sight distance requirements for the existing access point will be met and landscaping will be evaluated at the time of SDP. Commissioner Bucknam agreed there are some positives for having an event center at this site, but asked why there is no potential redevelopment option if the event center does not work. He would like to see how the site plan would function with a total commercial redevelopment. In answer to a question about the trip generation numbers provided, Mr. Westberg opined that the trip generation provided is on the conservative side. Planning Commission Minutes -3— October 3— October 20, 2016 Commissioner TIMMS asked if the current owner has background knowledge of running an event center. Ms. Winlund stated the owners would probably get some professional consulting guidance. Chair OHM asked why there is landscaping conflicts in the Norris design letter. Ms. Winlund agreed there are conflicts and they will be resolved in conversations with staff. Melody Mascarenaz, Resident 62 Hillside Drive, Wheat Ridge Ms. Mascarenaz stated she has lived in the Paramount Heights area for 15 years and is concerned with the proposed zone change and development. She also had issues with the public hearing notification process. She does not agree with the zone change to commercial use especially with potential traffic issues and schools in the area. Other concerns included noise disturbance for the neighborhood and potential overflow parking on neighboring streets. Finally, Ms. Mascarenaz also expressed concern regarding residential property values if the property becomes a commercial use. Jim Mascarenaz, Resident 62 Hillside Drive, Wheat Ridge Mr. Mascarenaz lives in the Paramount Heights neighborhood and enjoys living in a safe, quiet environment and thinks that the zone change will negatively impact the neighborhood and community. Potential impacts include the increase traffic at the Kipling and 32°d intersection, hours of noise, and the potential rezoning of the vacant land adjacent to this site. He also likes the historic value of the site as it is and does not want to see it rezoned commercially. Clark Davenport, Resident 2886 Robb Circle, Lakewood Mr. Davenport indicated he was confused about the submittal only including the event center use and wondered why other commercial uses were added. Ms. Reckert explained that she has been in discussion with the applicant for several years about adaptive reuse for the property. The original submittal included other heavy traffic generating commercial uses such as banks and medical offices and staff required that they be eliminated. Mr. Wallace and Ms. Odean answered questions regarding the noticing for public hearings. Mr. Wallace stated the neighbors are noticed using a 300 feet radius Planning Commission Minutes -4— October 4— October 20, 2016 from the property boundary. Ms. Odean confirmed that the notification letters were mailed out October 5 and Ms. Reckert added that the code states the letters be mailed out 15 day prior to the hearing, but does not address when they are received. Mr. Westberg addressed that a full traffic study was not warranted for the zone change application. He explained that when the applicant comes forward with a specific development plan then it will be determined if a traffic study is required. Ms. Winlund added she and the applicant are willing to work with staff to find modify appropriate land uses for the property. Commissioner TIMMS asked staff if the City —owned event center on Benton (the Richards Hart Estate), which is in a residential area, has had any traffic or noise complaints. Ms. Reckert stated not that she is aware of. Commissioner TIMMS also added this is a unique site in the city and it has been utilized more intensively than a traditional single family use for the last couple of decades. It is not the right site to remain R-1, but the list of potential uses is too broad and his concerns come with a possible redevelopment to intense commercial uses. It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner LEO to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-16-01, a request for approval of zone change from Residential-One(R-1) to Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP), on property located at 10001 W. 32nd Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The zone change would not promote the safety of the community and would result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area specifically regarding traffic and concerns about pedestrian and bicycle safety. 2. Adequate traffic infrastructure may not be available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone particularly if the site is redeveloped per the ODP. 3. The zone change is inconsistent with the Neighborhood designation for the property and surrounding area on the Envision Wheat Ridge land use structure plan. 4. The ODP doesn't adequately address potential redevelopment scenarios; specifically, for more intensive uses such as multifamily as part of a mixed use development. Motion carried 7-0 Planning Commission Minutes - 5— October 20, 2016 A motion was made for a 10 minute recess. B. Case No. ZOA-16-06: an ordinance amending Articles I, II and VI of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the implementation of a residential bulk plane development standard. Mr. Wallace gave a short presentation regarding the ordinance and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Mr. Wallace reminded the Commission about the 90 -day Emergency 15 -foot bulk plane Ordinance for the R -1C zone district which expires on November 21, 2016, and the discussions that have been held between staff, City Council and Planning Commission. Staff presented to City Council the concerns of Planning Commission that the bulk plane is not the right method of addressing the neighborhood concerns with the height limit, and to look into residential architectural standards instead. Ultimately, City Council still directed staff to move forward with the 15 -foot bulk plane. Mr. Wallace gave a brief overview of the proposed ordinance that will repeal and replace the existing emergency ordinance including proposed changes to the nonconforming structures and uses, new definitions and modifications to the development standards charts. He continued by explaining that the bulk plane standard will apply to the R- 1C zone district as well as single-family homes in the R-3 zone district. The bulk plane will begin 15 feet above each property line then angle in 45 degrees, as measured from the average grade (base plane). There will be some exceptions (allowable encroachments) to the bulk plane such as architectural features and chimneys. There will also be options for variances (threshold) which will be reviewed administratively if under 50% or by the Board of Adjustment if over 50%. Ultimately, the bulk plane does not restrict a builder any more than the current development standards do, but decreases the vertical building area, provides extra space between neighboring properties and limits height. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was any discussion with City Council regarding the conversation between Planning Commission and staff with regards to a community overlay to allow bulk plane to be applied differently depending on the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Wallace stated that comments from the Planning Commission were summarized, including residential architectural standards. City Council directed Staff to move forward with the existing proposed legislation. Planning Commission Minutes -6— October 6— October 20, 2016 Commissioner BUCKNAM asked why multifamily buildings are excluded in the R-3 zone district. Mr. Wallace explained that multifamily buildings have step back requirements already in place so there will be a mix of bulk plane and step back applied to taller buildings. Chair OHM asked if a property owner would be penalized if they live on a sloped lot and the average grade has to be determined to get the bulk plane. Mr. Wallace explained this would be a perfect case for a variance. It's not an automatic approval, but could be supportable by Staff. Carol Matthews, Resident 3851 Hoyt Street, Wheat Ridge Ms. Matthews shared her concern with the height of homes going up in District I and is worried about hardships of the other property owners, drainage from these mass structures and the possibility of the homes being rental properties. Michael Epson, Resident 2905 Chase Street Mr. Epson passed out a petition- signed packet from residents in the neighborhood. The people on this petition do not want large houses built in their neighborhood and are proposing a 12 '/2 foot bulk plane and a maximum height restriction of 25 feet. He also said some neighbors adjacent to these large houses are having drainage problems. Chair OHM asked about the Charter height limit of 35 feet and asked it is voter approved and why it is not being looked at. Ms. Reckert replied that the Charter could not be amended to exceed 35 feet in residential areas, but it could be amended to go lower. Mr. Wallace stated height is on City Council's radar but they directed staff to move forward with bulk plane at this time due to the time limit of the Emergency Ordinance. Height limitations will be considered at a later date. Chair OHM asked if there is anything restricting a resident from putting deed restrictions on their property about a 25 foot height maximum and 12 '/2 foot bulk plane. Ms. Reckert said they can, but it wouldn't be anything the city could enforce. Planning Commission Minutes -7— October 7— October 20, 2016 Commissioner BUCKNAM told staff that he thinks they proposed a reasonable bulk plane and variance applications, but is concerned that it is too universal and should consider the character of the neighborhood. He would encourage City Council to look into the potential for neighborhood overlays which take into consideration the unique characteristics of every neighborhood. It was moved by Commissioner KIMSEY and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending Articles I, II and VI of Chapter 26 of the code of laws, concerning the implementation of a residential bulk plane development standards. Motion was denied 1-5-1 with KIMSEY approving; BUCKNAM, DORSEY, OHM TIMMS, LEO denying; and BODEN abstaining. 8. OTHER ITEMS 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner BUCKNAM to adjourn the meeting at 9:52 p.m. Motion carried 7-0. Scott Ohm, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -8— October 8— October 20, 2016 ♦��41 City of "� �7�Theat�idge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Lauren Mikulak DATE OF MEETING: December 1, 2016 CASE NO. & NAME: WS -16-03 / The Comers Filing No. 1 ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a major subdivision with right-of-way vacation on property zoned Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) LOCATION OF REQUEST: Southwest comer of38a' and Wadsworth, including 7690 West 38th Avenue, 3790 Yukon Court, 3795 Wadsworth Boulevard, 3765 Wadsworth Boulevard, 3501 Wadsworth Boulevard APPLICANT(S): Quadrant Properties PROPERTY OWNER(S): Applicant is under contract; current owners include 3765 Company, Chesrown Ford Inc, Emanuel and Birte Bugelli, Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority APPROXIMATE AREA: 619,947 Square Feet (14.232 Acres) PRESENT ZONING: Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant commercial buildings, vacant land ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE & SUBDIVISION RUGS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION LOCATION MAP R G Planning Commission 1 Case No. 4FSI6031The Corners iling No. 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a major subdivision that includes right-of-way vacation and dedication and would create five (5) lots and two (2) tracts. The property is zoned Mixed Use - Commercial (MU -C). It is located at the southwest corner of W. 38 Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard and includes 7690 West 38th Avenue, 3790 Yukon Court, 3795 Wadsworth Boulevard, 3765 Wadsworth Boulevard, 3501 Wadsworth Boulevard. The purpose of the request is to prepare the site for mixed use redevelopment. Because the plat includes right-of-way vacation, the plat is processed as a major subdivision (per Section 26-118 of the municipal code). In this case, Planning Commission will make a recommendation to City Council which is the final authority for approval of a major subdivision. Please note that the property is the subject of several related land use applications and agreements that are not under consideration by the Planning Commission. These include the following: • Concept Plan—A concept plan for phased mixed use development has been reviewed and approved administratively; the required neighborhood meeting was held in July 2016. • Site Plan Each building or phase of development will require site plan review to confirm compliance with the City's adopted zoning and design codes. These have not yet been submitted, but will be reviewed administratively upon submittal. • Redevelopment Agreement The Urban Renewal Authority and City Council approved a redevelopment agreement in summer 2015. While these applications are related, they are not part of the platting request and should not influence the Planning Commission's recommendation on the subdivision. The purpose of a subdivision plat is not to review specific site plan details, but rather to confirm property boundaries, access, rights-of-way, easements, and utility service in order to create developable parcels. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject property is located on the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard between W. 35th and W. 38th Avenues with frontage on four public streets: Wadsworth, W. 38th Avenue, Yukon Court, and W. 35th Avenue The property is zoned Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C), a zone district which is generally located along major commercial corridors and at community and employment activity centers. MU -C zoning is established to encourage medium to high density mixed use development and allows for residential, civic, and a wide range of commercial and retail uses. The surrounding properties include a variety of zoning designations and land uses (Exhi�. The Wilmore Center and Safeway Shopping Center to the north and northeast are also zoned MU -C. Uses to the east across Wadsworth include a Shell gas station (zoned Mixed Use -Neighborhood), independent pharmacy headquarters (zoned Neighborhood Commercial), architect's office (zoned Restricted Commercial), Morning Side senior apartments (zoned Residential -Three), and cabinet/countertop shop (zoned Planned Commercial Development). Planning Commission Case No. WS -16-03 /The Comers Filing No. I Uses to the south and west are primarily residential in nature. Properties on Yukon Court include four multifamily properties zoned R-3 and Vinola's Italian Market zoned MU -C. The residential properties on Yukon total 38 units and include a 1 -story condominium building, two 1 -story apartment buildings, and a 3 -story apartment building. To the west of the subject site are three more multifamily properties comprising about 100 units. These include two 4 -story condo buildings (zoned Planned Residential Development) and a 4 -story condo building (zoned R-3). To the south across W. 35th Avenue is a 2 -story office building (zoned Neighborhood Commercial), two single-family homes (zoned R-2), and a 3 -story multifamily property with about 40 apartments (zoned R-3). The subject property is 619,947 square feet or 14.232 acres in size. The site is currently owned by four property owners and comprised of a variety of platted and unplatted lots, tracts, and parcels. It is under contract for purchase by the applicant, Quadrant Properties. The northern half of the site includes three vacant buildings. According to the Jefferson County Assessor, they are 2,400 square feet; 7,200 square feet; and 33,000 square feet respectively and were built in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Surrounding the structures, the site is entirely paved with no landscaping. The northern portion of the site most recently operated as the Go Ford car dealership, but according to City records the business closed in January 2010. The site has been vacant since then. The southern half of the property is mostly vacant land. It includes platted, unimproved right-of-way for W. 36th Avenue, a detention area along the western property line, and a 1.5 -acre parking lot that previously served the dealership to the north. This southern portion of the property was platted in 2003 ahead of a planned expansion of the dealership which never moved forward. The site has been subject of numerous code enforcement cases in the past seven years while it has sat vacant. It is widely recognized as a blighted and underutilized site and is identified in the City's comprehensive plan, Envision Wheat Ridge, as a high priority redevelopment area. If the subdivision is approved, the applicant intends to scrape and redevelop the site in its entirety. The applicant is serving as the master developer and will be responsible for public improvements in and around the property. III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT The proposed subdivision plat is comprised of four sheets (Exhibi§ Proposed Plat). The cover sheet includes the standards notes and declarations. Sheet 2 depicts the existing conditions. For readability the proposed lots and easements are separated onto Sheets 3 and 4, respectively. The features of the plat are described below. Lot Configuration The subdivision boundary is abnormal in shape, but the proposed lot configuration will result a more logical layout than exists today and one that will make sense for future development. All existing parcel lines are proposed to be vacated (shown on Sheet 2), and a total of five development lots are proposed to be created (shown on Sheet 3). The MU -C zone district does not include minimum lot size and lot width requirements, but the proposed lots appear to be shaped and sized appropriately to accommodate future development. Lots Planning Commission Case No. WS -16-03 /The Comers Filing No. I 1, 2 and 3 are proposed to accommodate commercial development; Lot 4 is proposed to accommodate multifamily residential development; and Lot 5 will likely include a park feature but could be developed in the future. Right -of -Way (ROW) When new properties are created through the subdivision process, staff reviews adjacent street improvements to confirm that they meet current roadway design standards. Street and sidewalk widths are inadequate on the adjacent streets, so right-of-way is proposed to be dedicated along the entire perimeter of the site. The total area of dedication is nearly one acre in size at 39,375 square feet; it is shown on Sheets 3 and 4 as Tract B. The right-of-way dedication will allow for detached 6 -foot sidewalks and 6 -foot tree lawns on W. 35u' Avenue, Yukon Court, and W. 38th Avenue. The dedication on Wadsworth is sufficient in width to accommodate the future widening of the roadway. It will also accommodate a 10 -foot sidewalk and 10 -foot tree lawn which is required by the City's Streetscape Design Manual. The developer will be responsible for installing all sidewalk and tree lawn improvements, and these obligations will be memorialized in a Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) between the City and developer. Right-of-way for W. 36u' Avenue was previously dedicated by the John Elway Autonation USA Final Plat in 2003. The curvilinear right-of-way alignment was designed to accommodate the dealership expansion, and is not appropriate for the current proposal. West 36th Avenue is proposed to be vacated (shown on Sheet 2), and an analysis of the ROW vacation criteria is provided below. On-site Access and Circulation Internal site circulation is provided through a network of public access easements (shown on Sheet 4). These easements are laid out in a grid -like manner to allow efficient access for all users through the site drivers, bikers, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles. A condition of approval is proposed to ensure it is clear that all sidewalks and public spaces are available for public use. Primary access to the site will be at five different locations, including a full movement off Yukon Court, right-in/right-out access at 38th Avenue, a three-quarter movement on Wadsworth between Lots 1 and 3, right-in/right-out access on Wadsworth between Lots 3 and 4, and afull movement at W. 35th Avenue. The interior streets will be privately maintained but designed to feel and function more like local streets consistent with minimum street grid requirements for the mixed use zone districts. The developer has proposed a signal at Yukon and W. 38th Avenue. These obligations will be memorialized in the SIA. Civil construction plans will be reviewed when site plan applications are submitted. Drainage Because of the large size of the property and the existing topography, the site will require two separate drainage facilities. The applicant is proposing to utilize the existing detention along the southwest property line; this is identified as Tract A and a drainage easement encumbers the entire tract (shown on Sheet 4). A second drainage area will serve the northern portion of the site and is proposed to be designed as an underground detention system. It should be noted that such a design is considerably more expensive but allows for a more efficient use of land, consistent with City land use and urban Planning Commission 4 Case No. WS -16-03 /The Comers Filing No. I design goals for the Wadsworth corridor. The limits of the northern detention system will be contained within the drainage easement on Lot 1. Preliminary drainage letters have been reviewed with the subdivision application; a final drainage report and plan will be reviewed when site plan applications are submitted. Utility Easements Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city, so the applicant is actively working with utility providers to identify where wet and dry utility service can appropriately be located. The 2003 John Elway Autonation USA Final Plat included a variety of utility easements, and those are proposed to be vacated (shown on Sheet 2). Utilities are permitted within the internal street network and will surround the detention facility on Lot 1. The utility easements on Lots 1, 2, and 3 which are perpendicular to the access easements are primarily for water lines (shown on Sheet 4). Utility service is difficult to finalize in this early stage of development, but it is important to be reflected on the plat. Staff is recommending a condition of approval to allow continued coordination with utility providers; based on this coordination, easements may be modified slightly prior to recording the plat. IV. RIGHT-OF-WAY (ROW) VACATION As mentioned above, the right-of-way for W. 36th Avenue is proposed to be vacated by this subdivision plat. Staff has provided an analysis of the right-of-way vacation criteria outlined in Section 26-118.1) of the municipal code. Before a vacation can be approved, the following findings of fact shall be made: 1. That the proposed vacation will not leave any adjoining land without access to an established public right-of-way. The limits of the ROW which are proposed to be vacated are located entirely within the boundary of the subject property. The ROW was never developed as a street and will not impact the access of any adjoining land. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. That the proposed vacation is in conformity with the most recently enacted goals and policies of the transportation section of the current comprehensive plan of the City of Wheat Ridge. Chapter 7 of the City's comprehensive plan, Envision Wheat Ridge, addresses transportation. The chapter is organized around the key value of increasing "transportation connections and options" and furthering the City's vision of a "convenient and connected transportation system." The vacation of W. 36u' Avenue is proposed to be replaced with a rectilinear grid of public access easements which furthers the City's goals of connectivity and convenience. One of the goals of Chapter 7 is to align transportation improvements with land use decisions. As mentioned previously, W. 36th Avenue was originally dedicated in 2003 in association with the proposed car dealership expansion. The land use proposal for the site has since changed, Planning Commission Case No. WS -16-03 /The Comers Filing No. I and the curvilinear right-of-way configuration is inconsistent with the applicant's proposed development. Therefore, the right-of-way vacation is imperative in order to align new transportation infrastructure with the proposed land use pattern. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. That the proposed vacation will not have a negative impact on the infrastructure of the City of Wheat Ridge. The W. 36th Avenue right-of-way was dedicated but never developed as a street, so the vacation will have no negative impact on any physical improvements. The ROW alignment is being replaced with a network of public access easements which is expected to have a positive impact on the City's infrastructure and street grid. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 4. That adequate easements have been reserved for use and/or maintenance by the city or other utility agencies. Because W. 36th Avenue was never constructed, it does not appear there are any existing improvements or utilities that need to be accommodated. Adequate easements have been provided on the plat for the proposed internal street grid. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the subdivision plat and regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate future development, and the applicant is in direct contact with the appropriate utility agencies. Specific referral responses follow. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The plat and preliminary technical documents have been reviewed and approved. Renewal Wheat Ridge: RWR finds no conflict with urban renewal plans. Colorado Department of Transportation: Modifications to access on Wadsworth will require access permits, and the applicant has applied for these permits. West Metro Fire District: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Can serve. Utility coordination is ongoing. Wheat Ridge Water District: Can serve. Utility coordination is ongoing. Xcel Energy: Can serve. Utility coordination is ongoing. Planning Commission Case No. WS -16-03 /The Comers Filing No. I Comcast Cable: No comment. Utility coordination is ongoing. Century Link: No comment. Utility coordination is ongoing. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that the proposed major subdivision plat is in compliance with the MU -C zone district regulations and results in a logical lot layout for future development. Staff concludes that the subdivision plat complies with the standards in Article IV (subdivision regulations) of the zoning and development code and that all utility agencies can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Staff further finds that the right-of-way vacation is appropriate based on the evaluation criteria in Section 26-118 (right-of-way vacations). For these reasons, Staff recommends approval of the plat with the conditions listed below. VII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS- 16-03, a request for approval of a major subdivision plat with right-of-way vacation on property zoned Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) and located at the southwest corner of W. 38th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard (including 7690 W. 38th Avenue; 3790 Yukon Court; and 3501, 3765, and 3795 Wadsworth Boulevard), for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations (Article IV) of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. The proposed vacation of the W. 36th Avenue right-of-way is appropriate and meets the evaluation criteria provided in Section 26-118 of the zoning and development code. 3. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. With the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall continue to coordinate utility service with the appropriate agencies and any updated information regarding utility easements shall be reflected on the plat prior to recordation. 2. The access note on the cover sheet shall be modified to clarify that sidewalks are available for public use. 3. The applicant shall enter into a subdivision improvement agreement with required security prior to recordation of the subdivision plat. Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WS- 16-03, a request for approval of a major subdivision plat with right-of-way vacation on property zoned Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) and located at the southwest corner of W. 38th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard (including 7690 W. 38th Avenue; 3790 Yukon Court; and 3501, 3765, and 3795 Wadsworth Boulevard), for the following reasons: Planning Commission Case No. WS -16-03 /The Comers Filing No. I EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL The subject prOSerbe is outlived in blue below, it is located on the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard between W.35 and W. 38m Avenues. PlmssNg Comm„ffin IV 8 Cose Na WS1GN/ihe CorwsFlilg Na 1 EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP 38TH AVE A Plmwg Commis... Cos, Na WSJ6 031ne CorwsFlilg Na 1 EXHIBIT 3: PROPOSED PLAT [attached] Planning Commission 10 Case No. WS -16-03 /The Comers Filing No. I SHEET INDEX: SHEET 1: COVER SHEET SHEET 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET 3: NEW LOT CONFIGURATION SHEET4: EASEMENT DEDICATIONS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 A SUBDIVISION OF PLATTED AND UNPLATTED LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO TKG WHEATRIDGE, LLC AND WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY (WRURA), BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 14.2320 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRACT 1: LOT 1 AND TRACT C, JOHN ELWAY AUTONATION U.S.A. FINAL PLAT, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO TRACT 2: ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 30 FEET WEST AND 30 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST; THENCE WEST 145 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 150 FEET; THENCE EAST 145 FEET; THENCE NORTH 150 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION GRANTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 20, 1959 IN BOOK 1229 AT PAGE 217 IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION GRANTED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BY ORDER OF THE DISTRICT COURT RECORDED APRIL 29, 1997 AT RECEPTION NO. F0405701 IN SAID RECORDS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. TRACT 3: THAT PART OF THE N1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT 30 FEET WEST AND 30 FEET SOUTH OF THE NE CORNER OF THE E1/2 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE SOUTH 150 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH ALONG A WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD 348 FEET; THENCE WEST PARALLEL TO THE CENTER LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE 300 FEET; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL TO THE CENTER LINE OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD 498 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE; THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE 155 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TO THE CENTER LINE OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD 150 FEET; THENCE EAST PARALLEL TO THE CENTER LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE 145 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF RESERVED BY THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON FOR PUBLIC ROADWAY PURPOSES IN COMMISSIONERS DEED RECORDED JANUARY 6, 1958 IN BOOK 1098 AT PAGE 66; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF AS DESCRIBED IN RULE AND ORDER RECORDED OCTOBER 27, 1960 IN BOOK 1314 AT PAGE 493; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JANUARY 28, 1991 AT RECEPTION NO. 91007650, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. TRACT 4: L1LTiJ01■ THE NORTH 198 FEET OF TRACT 1, ADKINS SUBDIVISION, EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 26, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92136103, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL II: THE SOUTH 30 FEET OFTHE NORTH 228 FEET OFTRACT 1, ADKINS SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26 AND CONSIDERING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER TO BEAR S89037'55"W WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, S89037'55"W, A DISTANCE OF 74.70 FEET; THENCE PARALLELTO THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER, S00019'25"E, A DISTANCE OF 38.00 FEETTO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; THENCE ALONG A LINE TRANSITIONING FROM SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, S45020'45"E, A DISTANCE OF 34.92 FEETTO THE SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WADSWORTH BOULEVARD; THENCE THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY: 1. S00019'25"E, A DISTANCE OF 333.30 FEET; 2. N89037-55" E, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; 3. S00019'25"E, A DISTANCE OF 132.00 FEET; 4. S89037'55"W, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; 5. S00019'25"E, A DISTANCE OF 767.41 FEET TO A POINT OF NON -TANGENT CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A NON -TANGENT CURVATURE TO THE RIGHT, TRANSITIONING FROM SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WEST 35TH AVENUE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 36.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 35031'28", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 22.32 FEET, HAVING A CHORD WHICH BEARS S71055'59"W, A DISTANCE OF 21.96 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY, S89041'43"W, A DISTANCE OF 554.08 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WHEAT RIDGE PLAZA CONDOS; THENCE THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY: 1. N00019'25"W, A DISTANCE OF 380.53 FEET; 2. N43028'00"W, A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET; THENCE N00019'25"W, A DISTANCE OF 376.89 FEET; THENCE N89037'45"E, A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET; THENCE N00019'25"W, A DISTANCE OF 270.02 FEET; THENCE S89037'55"W, A DISTANCE OF 140.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR YUKON COURT; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY, N00014'20"W, A DISTANCE OF 213.03 FEETTO CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT TRANSITIONING FROM SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAYTO THE SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89°52'15", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.53 FEET, HAVING A CHORD WHICH BEARS N44041'48"E, A DISTANCE OF 21.19 FEET TO THE SAIDSOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WEST 38TH AVENUE; THENCE THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY: 1. N89037'55"E, A DISTANCE OF 38.71 FEET; 2. S87037'19"E, A DISTANCE OF 86.41 FEET; 3. S00014'20"E, A DISTANCE OF 3.86 FEET; 4. N89037'55"E, A DISTANCE OF 255.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. DEDICATORY STATEMENT HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE TRACT B FOR THE PURPOSE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND DO GRANT TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. RODNEY K. JONES, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TKG WHEATRIDGE, LLC STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 20 A. D. BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC TIM ROGERS, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 20 A. D. BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVALTHIS DAY OF , 20, BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20, BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, CAMERON M. WATSON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. CAMERON M. WATSON, PLS COLORADO LICENSE NUMBER 38311 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF POINT CONSULTING, LLC 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE LITTLETON, CO 80128 (720) 258-6836 cwatson@pnt-Ilc.com COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE DAY OF 20 A. D., IN BOOK , PAGE RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER w SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY POINT CONSULTING, LLC. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING BOUNDARY, EASEMENTS AND TITLE, POINT CONSULTING, LLC RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING TITLE COMMITMENT PREPARED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY: COMMITMENT NO. 654699-1, EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 2, 2015 AT 5:00 P.M. 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ASSUMED TO BEAR S 890 37'55" W BETWEEN A 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX "LS 13212" AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER AND A 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX "LS 28279" AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER. 4. FLOOD ZONE DESIGNATION: ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (F.I.R.M.) NUMBER 08059CO214F, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014, THE ENTIRE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE FOLLOWING ZONE DESIGNATION: ZONE X - AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. 5. UNIT OF MEASURE: PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 6. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY CONTAINS 619,947 SQUARE FEET OR 14.2320 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 7. ZONING: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL (MU -C). 8. TRACT A: THE AREA IDENTIFIED HEREIN AS TRACT A IS A NON -BUILDABLE TRACT FOR STORMWATER DETENTION. TRACT A IS FULLY ENCUMBERED BY A DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 9. TRACT B: THE AREA IDENTIFIED HEREIN AS TRACT B IS A NON -BUILDABLE TRACT HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT AS RIGHT-OF-WAY. WHEAT RIDGE GEODETIC INFORMATION: 1. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND-BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502. 2. VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 3. GROUNDTO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1:NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5471.62. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY: THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC-STD-007.2-1998). EASEMENT VACATION AND GRANT: ALL EXISTING EASEMENTS LOCATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OFTHE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 SUBDIVISION PLAT AND HEREIN IDENTIFIED ON SHEET 2/4 AS "HEREBY VACATED BYTHIS PLAT", SHALL BE FOREVER REMOVED, TERMINATED, AND EXTINGUISHED UPON RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT WITH THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE. FURTHERMORE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED HEREIN, ANY NEW EASEMENTS OF THE TYPE AND SIZE SHOWN ON SHEET4/4 HEREON ARE HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOLLOWING THE TERMS SET FORTH IN THE DEDICATORY STATEMENT FOUND ON THIS PLAT. ACCESS EASEMENTS: THE OWNER OF LOTS 1,2,3,4,5 ANDTRACTA OF THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS HEREBY GRANTS A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR PEDESTRIANS, VEHICULAR ACCESS AND EMERGENCY ACCESS ACROSS ALL PARKING AREAS AND DRIVE AISLES WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION.THE ACCESS EASEMENTS CREATED BY AND SHOWN ON SHEET OF THIS PLAT SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT EMERGENCY ACCESS AND PUBLIC ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS: ALL STORM SEWER AND STORM WATER DETENTION FACILITIES LYING WITHIN ANY AREAS SHOWN HEREIN AS "DRAINAGE EASEMENT" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREAS AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR PERMANENT STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ACROSS OR WITHIN SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STORM SEWER AND STORM WATER DETENTION FACILITIES WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: IN THE EVENT ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE AT ANY TIME FOUND TO EXIST WITHIN THOSE PORTIONS OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN AS TRACT B WHICH IS HEREBY DEDICATED AS RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, THE OWNER, FOR ITSELF AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS OR ACTIONS, DAMAGES, COURT COSTS AND ATTORNEY FEES, AND REMEDIATION REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED THEREWITH. THE TERM "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS" INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITEDTO SUBSTANCES DEFINED AS HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AS DEFINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, COMPENSATION, AND LIABILITY ACT, AS AMENDED; THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION ACT, AS AMENDED; THE TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT; OR ANY OTHER LAW, STATUE, RULE, OR REGULATION PERTAINING TO THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT OR THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PERSONS OR PROPERTY. DATA TABLE: LOT/TRACT SQ. FT. ACRES 1 152,988 1 3.5121 2 24,046 1 0.5520 3 150,629 3.4580 4 155,947 3.5800 5 28,704 0.6590 A 68,258 1.5670 B 39,375 0.9039 TOTAL 619,947 14.2320 CASE HISTORY WS -15-03 W C P-14-01 WSP-15-04 W C P-16-01 WS -16-03 V J 44 •_ yma ►1 V U� *Noma O CL p O 00 U z J C� LLJ p z 0 O �pz z< o00�z z 0 O OLu w OO w w Q 00 Q Z _ Q O U_ = 0 d H >Q (n C) i 00 N m C) E E U 0 Q r- d LLI ��o rZ V O Z�Z z �Lu (`") U O = r 0co U U (� U w 0 U q w< co w 0 00 c v) Q w CV O_ O >= > O O �OoN� U LLLco O Lu r�=< 0 O Z v VZ cc) J Lu QZ O J <! [I- J p O 00 U z J O z p z 0 O �pz z< o00�z z 0 O OLu w OO w w Q 00 Q Z _ Q O U_ = 0 d H >Q (n C) i C) J Ll m C) E E -0 Z 0 0CN(o� r- d rZ V � z F_ J O IL 0 Z L.L U 0 w 0 00 Z � Q w CV O >= > O O U LLLco O Z O Lu O U Z O Q J Q J J Q 10 Q OLu co CL oc co 0- =) J m Q r zv~J r U V) C� U E E -0 Z 0 0CN(o� 10 Lu F_ o` CN co w Q -000N w o FND 3.25" BRASS CAP NE COR NW 1/4 SEC 26 WHEAT RIDGE POINT#15709 LAT: 39046'09.67196" N LONG: 105005'26.87792" W STATE PLANE COORDINATES N: 1705393.28' E: 3117656.79' MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES N: 705823.48' E: 118443.25' �2 2 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 A SUBDIVISION OF PLATTED AND UNPLATTED LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26 � TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO TEXACO MINOR SUBDIVISION I RTD EASEMENT POB TRACT 2 REC. NO. 91002598 POB TRACT 3 O 0 Lu o — I R.O.W. R.O.W. - BK. 1098 ^' PG. 66 0 BK. 1229 - PG. 217 w I BAR 38.00' I NT EASEMENT FND#5 REBAR 00= I . F0405701 ADDED 1.5" RED PLASTIC CAP FND 1" BRASS DISK STAMPED "POINT LLC LS 38311" tTEDBYTHISPLAT ILLEGIBLE o HEREBYVACATEDBYTHISPLAT LAT: 39046'09.72050" N I CT 2ATTEDFND r:4 PARCEL LINE BOUNDARY LINE OREMOVED BY THIS PLAT Iu 1" BRASS DISK FND NAIL HOLE IN CONCRETE I I "LS 38311" I85080867STAMPED E: 3115027.71' DRAINAGE EASEMENT STAMPED "POINT LLC LS38311" I�ZI BOOK 18 - PAGE 48 EXISTING EASEMENT LINE N: 705806.59' I HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT R.O.W.-REC. NO. 92136103'—'—'- - -'-'-S' FND 1" BRASS DISK I E: 115813.51' PERMANENT EASEMENT Lu w >§ I PARCEL LINES HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT 0 STAMPED "LS 27275" w I MAP LEGEND = • PROPERTY CORNER ~ 6.5' ESMT SIDEWALKS, 00= I o UTILITIES & SIGNAGE WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15609 ILn REC NO. 91007649 o HEREBYVACATEDBYTHISPLAT LAT: 39046'09.72050" N to O1 PARCEL LINE BOUNDARY LINE OREMOVED BY THIS PLAT Iu FND NAIL HOLE IN CONCRETE I I 5' UTILITY & SET 1" BRASS DISK E: 3115027.71' DRAINAGE EASEMENT STAMPED "POINT LLC LS38311" I�ZI BOOK 18 - PAGE 48 EXISTING EASEMENT LINE N: 705806.59' I HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT R.O.W.-REC. NO. 92136103'—'—'- - -'-'-S' FND 1" BRASS DISK I E: 115813.51' PERMANENT EASEMENT ILLEGIBLE t- REC. NO. 92136103 - I HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT EMERGENCYACCESS& PUBLIC w _ _ _ _ _ _ EXISTING LOT LINE ACCESS EASEMENT LINE PARCEL LINE HEREBY FND NAIL HOLE IN CONCRETE HEREBY REMOVED BYTHIS PLAT REMOVED BY THIS PLAT SET 1" BRASS DISK DRAINAGE EASEMENT STAMPED "POINT LLC LS38311" I CD- ADJACENT BOUNDARY LINE TRACT 4: j O\�DGI PARCEL I: FND 1" BRASS DISK I ADKINS SUBDIVISION STAMPED"LS 38311" �Q j REC. NO. 2013121358 � I 130.00' I o FND 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP I I TRAIT 2, ADKINS SUBDIVISION R3 NOT A PART TRACT 3 UNPLATTED REC. NO. 86161160 M U -C FND 1.5" YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "13486" Lu U UNPLATTED Q I MORNINGSIDE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY � I Q0 m - -- -- -- -- -- WADSWORTH BLVD PUBLIC R.O.W. -WIDTH VARIES R.O.W. - BK. 1314 PG. 493 o FND 3.25" BRASS CAP SE COR NW 1/4 SEC 26 WHEAT RIDGE POINT #16709 Q\oGE LAT: 39°45'43.48891" N ti 3 LONG: 105°04'53.17227" W w MIRACLE ON 35TH STATE PLANE COORDINATES 3 ° AVENUE SUBDIVISION N: 1702739.03' o ~ E: 3117671.78' MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES N: 703168.57' E: 118458.25'}} 7 O o 0 I T R.O.W. - REC. NO. F1831544 -TO REMAIN FND 1.5" RED PLASTIC CAP ILLEGIBLE — - \ ; — -- 29.00' -I WATER ESMT FND 1" BRASS DISK / / / REC NO. F2026350 10' UTILITY ESMT STAMPED "LS 21275" I /. / HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT REC NO. F1831544 FND S2.5"TA ALUMINUM CAP HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT STAMPED "LS 21275" // / / ✓ WATER ESMT REC NO. F2026350 PARCEL LINE HEREBY I / /r J HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ZI 10'UTILITYESMT REC NO. F1831544 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT TRACT 1 o� / TRACT C. JOHN ELWAY I 0 I I / AUTONATION U.S.A. mI 4' SIDEWALK ESMT I F1831544 NO. w REC NO. F1831544 } REC. OI HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT IIII w 0 I z Lu 35.0' W. 36TH AVENUE w I > O = I HEREBYRIGHT-BY PLAT Q u I- , m -J I Ln III II �� I II III�Im1� jlll m I I� Ln o 10' UTILITY ESMT j REC NO. F1831544 TRACT 1 4' SIDEWALK ESMT — HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT LOT 1 JOHN ELWAY AUTONATION U.S.A. REC NO. F1831544 ti TRACT 4:III I HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT FND 1.5" BRASS DISK REC. NO. F1831544 I I PARCEL II: STAMPED"LS 29766" IVIU-C ADKINS SUBDIVISION j 1 REC. NO. 2013121358 FND 1.5" BRASS CAP V WITNESS CORNER ONLINE SOUTH N STAMPED LS 13212 — FND #5 REBAR MU -C PART OF TRACT 1,/ ADKINS SUBDIVISION / / 10' UTILITY ESMT R3 / / REC NO. F1831544 � / HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT NOT A PART / YUJS0-NLCT_ 50' PUBLIC R.O.W. TRACT A WATER ESMT REC NO. F2050205 F- HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT —J L — SII TRACT B —� — III R-3 DRAINAGE & DETENTION ESMT REC NO. F1831544 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT FND 1" BRASS DISK STAMPED "LS 38311" — 2100-1 r L - — —i — PUBLIC R.O.W. 10' UTILITY ESMT FND 1.5" RED PLASTIC CAP REC NO. F1831544 STAMPED "LS 26296" HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT WHEAT RIDGE PLAZA CONDOS PRD NOT A PART FND 2.5" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "LS 27275" NOTES 1. W 36TH AVE RIGHT-OF-WAY PREVIOUSLY DEDICATED BY THE JOHN ELWAY AUTONATION U.S.A. FINAL PLAT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1831544 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, IS HEREBY VACATED UPON THE RECORDATION OF THIS PLAT. ALL OTHER RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATED BY SAID PLAT IS TO REMAIN AS DEDICATED. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED HEREIN, ALL EASEMENTS PREVIOUSLY CREATED BY THE JOHN ELWAY AUTONATION U.S.A. FINAL PLAT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1831544 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, ARE HEREBY RELEASED, TERMINATED, AND EXTINGUISHED UPON THE RECORDATION OF THIS PLAT. 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED HEREIN, ALL LOT LINES, TRACT LINES, OR OTHER PARCEL LINES PREVIOUSLY CREATED BY THE JOHN ELWAY AUTONATION U.S.A. FINAL PLAT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1831544 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, ARE HEREBY REMOVED UPON THE RECORDATION OF THIS PLAT. VALENCIA CONDOS R-3 NOT A PART 50 25 0 50 SCALE 1" = 50' w FND 2" ALUMINUM CAP C� Lu Q STAMPED "LS 27275" w 0 MAP LEGEND FND 3.25" BRASS CAP I • PROPERTY CORNER V) NW COR NW 1/4 SEC 26 I FOUND/SETAS SHOWN WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15609 SECTION CORNER LAT: 39046'09.72050" N LONG: 105°04'53.20763"W BOUNDARY LINE — — SECTION LINE STATE PLANE COORDINATES N: 1705376.39' NEW RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE HEREBY E: 3115027.71' DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT — ROW CENTERLINE MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES I NEW LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY EXISTING EASEMENT LINE N: 705806.59' I THIS PLAT USE/SIZE AS DESCRIBED HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT E: 115813.51' PARCEL EXCEPTION LINE Lu - 0 � EMERGENCYACCESS& PUBLIC w _ _ _ _ _ _ EXISTING LOT LINE ACCESS EASEMENT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BYTHIS PLAT Q DRAINAGE EASEMENT CD- ADJACENT BOUNDARY LINE O\�DGI UTILITY EASEMENT �Q z<= 10' UTILITY ESMT FND 1.5" RED PLASTIC CAP REC NO. F1831544 STAMPED "LS 26296" HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT WHEAT RIDGE PLAZA CONDOS PRD NOT A PART FND 2.5" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "LS 27275" NOTES 1. W 36TH AVE RIGHT-OF-WAY PREVIOUSLY DEDICATED BY THE JOHN ELWAY AUTONATION U.S.A. FINAL PLAT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1831544 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, IS HEREBY VACATED UPON THE RECORDATION OF THIS PLAT. ALL OTHER RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATED BY SAID PLAT IS TO REMAIN AS DEDICATED. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED HEREIN, ALL EASEMENTS PREVIOUSLY CREATED BY THE JOHN ELWAY AUTONATION U.S.A. FINAL PLAT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1831544 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, ARE HEREBY RELEASED, TERMINATED, AND EXTINGUISHED UPON THE RECORDATION OF THIS PLAT. 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED HEREIN, ALL LOT LINES, TRACT LINES, OR OTHER PARCEL LINES PREVIOUSLY CREATED BY THE JOHN ELWAY AUTONATION U.S.A. FINAL PLAT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1831544 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, ARE HEREBY REMOVED UPON THE RECORDATION OF THIS PLAT. VALENCIA CONDOS R-3 NOT A PART 50 25 0 50 SCALE 1" = 50' w LLO co Z J z O00z o V O z 0" u w n O z Q 0 0 O < E> w O 0 z w p � � w���� _ Q Q O C) p= 0 ���nU�U�wmU O rZ V 0 F- J O Z IL 0 O U V) LLi � LL w m Z Q � CV w >= O Q > O U4 w 0 coO Z O F— Z '0 Z V O J Z 02QQa X Z Q ~ w D- Qm � m co CL J Q r r UC� zvU ~J V) E E -0 Z 0 OCNch= 'o 'o 'o 1 N w � C� Lu Q -000N w 0 0--- V) QN EwwC� c O Z Z= c`o) UU =r To Lu - 0 � U w � Q CD- _ �Q z<= I-- �o 3 zuQ cc) J QZ J <! CL J w LLO co Z J z O00z o V O z 0" u w n O z Q 0 0 O < E> w O 0 z w p � � w���� _ Q Q O C) p= 0 ���nU�U�wmU O rZ V 0 F- J O Z IL 0 O U V) LLi � LL w m Z Q � CV w >= O Q > O U4 w 0 coO Z O F— Z '0 Z V O J Z 02QQa X Z Q ~ w D- Qm � m co CL J Q r r UC� zvU ~J V) E E -0 Z 0 OCNch= 'o 'o 'o 1 N w � Cr CN Co Q -000N w 0 0--- V) POINT OF COMMENCEMENT FIN 3.25" BRASS CAP NE COR NW 1/4 SEC 26 WHEAT RIDGE POINT#15709 LAT: 39°46'09.67196" N LONG: 105°05'26.87792" W STATE PLANE COORDINATES N: 1705393.28' E: 3117656.79' MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES N: 705823.48' E: 118443.25' POINT OF BEGINNING S45'1045'E l0 34.92' I� .301 S00°19'25"E_/ 313 S0001925167 270.02' 312 38.00' Easting 300 705785.00' THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 118368.77' ON SHEET 2 38.00' 24,046 SQ. FT. 117805.62' 118393.61' 309 50.00' 705427.17' O 118395.49' H 0 NOT A PART 117788.37' 118400.49' 311 304 705295.20' O o^; �ryti h I 305 b 118116.24' .4) ADKINS SUBDIVISION oo - 50.00' w h M ZONED R-3 m�= - 30.00' z W 00 Oy^= NEW LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY h V1 o1 Vli�woi wa ao�� myz -.-.-.-.-.- EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BYTHIS PLAT 00D mL)- o o - - SECTION LINE J % N LI1 S0001420'E 318 I 587'3864.11 86.41' TRACT B THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 T 39,375 SQ. FT. I 317 0.9039 ACRES N89'3755'E 38.71' R=10.00' 316 A=089'52'15" L=15.69' I CHB=S44°41'48" W C H L=14.13' 41- R-15.00' d=089"5215" L=23.53' 01B-N4404148'E CHL=21.19' m 0 u, u, �n N I I FIND 3.25" BRASS CAP NW COR NW 1/4 SEC 26 WHEAT RIDGE POINT #15609 LAT: 39046'09.72050" N LONG: 105004'53.20763" W STATE PLANE COORDINATES N: 1705376.39' E: 3115027.71' MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES N: 705806.59' E: 115813.51' �QGE ti 3 m m Q c- N 7f�J THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 A SUBDIVISION OF PLATTED AND UNPLATTED LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 50.00' N89"37S57 S00019257 333.30' 90.00' 1 5.00, TRACT B THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 39,375 SQ. FT. 0.9039 ACRES R=15.00' A=090°02'39" L=23.57' CHB=N45°20'45"W C H L=21.22' S00°19'25"E 605.81' 303 SOO'1925'E 132.00' 304 589'3755"W 25.00' LOT 1 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 152,988 SQ. FT. 3.5121 ACRES ZONED MU -C 1295.41' 70.00' 90.00' 1 S00°19'23"E 178.00' 313 S0001925167 270.02' 312 LOT 2 Easting 300 705785.00' THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 118368.77' ON SHEET 2 301 24,046 SQ. FT. 117805.62' 118393.61' 309 0.5520 ACRES "' 705427.17' O 118395.49' 0 ZONED MU -C w 0 NOT A PART 117788.37' 118400.49' 311 304 705295.20' O 118401.23' PART OF TRACT 1, 305 ^ 118116.24' .4) ADKINS SUBDIVISION oo - 50.00' w 704527.65' M ZONED R-3 m - 30.00' z m 00 S00°14'20"E 168.02' 5.00' TRACT A 315 N0001420"W 213.03' 314 500° 14' 20" E _ 50.00' 55.00' _ _ 30.00'_ _ YUKON CT 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY TRACT B TRACT 2, MU -C ADKINS SUBDIVISION R-3 R3 NOT A PART 311 N89°40'35"E 15.00' S00°19'25"E 142.62' LOT 5 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 28,704 SQ. FT. 0.6590 ACRES ZONED MU -C R=49.50' A=017°02'29" -L=14.72' CHB=N08°49'55"E CHL=14.67' S00° 18'40" W 10.36' WHEAT RIDGE PLAZA CONDOS PRD NOT A PART Property Corner Coordinates Point # Northing r Easting 300 705785.00' ^� 118368.77' ON SHEET 2 301 705760.46' 117805.62' 118393.61' 309 302 705427.17' SECTION CORNER 118395.49' in 303 705427.20' 117788.37' 118400.49' 311 304 705295.20' O 118401.23' 312 305 705295.04' 118116.24' 118376.23' 313 306 704527.65' NEW RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE HEREBY 118380.57' °O z S0001925'E 2654.95' EASTL/NENW114SEC26 WADSWORTH BLVD PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH VARIES 25" 304.71 LOT 3 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 150,629 SQ. FT. 3.4580 ACRES ZONED MU -C MAP LEGEND TRACT B THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 39,375 SQ. FT. �� 0.9039 ACRES rS001925 767.41 in O m w in m 0 a m m z N PROPERTY CORNER Northing r 307 FOUND/SET AS SHOWN 705562.46' ^� 117974.33' ON SHEET 2 704517.89' a 117805.62' 117973.45' 309 w 705790.56' SECTION CORNER 117988.35' in 704914.33' 705790.81' 117788.37' m 311 BOUNDARY LINE 705787.22' O 118113.40' 312 705293.35' a 118116.24' 118113.42' 313 p� NEW RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE HEREBY °O z DEDICATED BYTHIS PLAT NEW LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT PARCEL EXCEPTION LINE -.-.-.-.-.- EXISTING LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BYTHIS PLAT ADJACENT BOUNDARY LINE - - SECTION LINE N N ROW CENTERLINE N EXISTING EASEMENT LINE USE/SIZE AS DESCRIBED H EREBY VACATED BY TH IS PLAT EMERGENCY ACCESS & PUBLIC ------------- ---_ ACCESS EASEMENT LINE -- -- -- DRAINAGE EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT z5.9z, 3g 219.13' N00°19'25"W 533.5 R=200.50' TRACT A A=017°40'34" THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 L=61.86' 68,258 SQ. FT. CHB=S08°30'52"W 1.5670 ACRES CHL=61.61' N4302800"W ZONED MU -C Property Corner Coordinates Point # Northing Easting 307 704520.83' 705562.46' 118359.69' 117974.33' 308 704517.89' 705775.50' 117805.62' 117973.45' 309 704898.41' 705790.56' 117803.47' 117988.35' 310 704914.33' 705790.81' 117788.37' 118027.06' 311 705291.22' 705787.22' 117786.24' 118113.40' 312 705293.35' 705783.36' 118116.24' 118113.42' 313 705563.36' 118114.71' Property Corner Coordinates Point # Northing Easting CT Cy CO 314 705562.46' Q 117974.33' 315 705775.50' 117973.45' 316 705790.56' 117988.35' 317 705790.81' 118027.06' 318 705787.22' 118113.40' 319 705783.36' 118113.42' 310 309 368.53' V J 44 FIND 3.25" BRASS CAP 1 SE COR 1/4 SEC 26 WHEAT RIDGEGE POINT#16709 Q\oGE LAT: 39045'43.48891" N ti ae m LONG: 105004'53.17227" W w m STATE PLANE COORDINATES 3 • N: 1702739.03' °o E: MODIFIED GROUNDROUND COORDINATES N: 703168.57' E: 118458.25' y_ 1359.55_T' •� O589°37'55"W 70.00' 75.00' 70.00' R-36.00' _ d=035"3128" Lu 306 L=22.32' z CHB-S7105559"W Q ccc),E Lu U 299.55 CHL=2196'� 0 0 z L z 307 = r R=15.00'OU�p U �ULu A=090°01'08" U U C w < L=23.57' � � c � CHB=N44°41'09"E 50.00' O 1 0 CHL=21.22'N Z Q Z 62.00' 0�� ZvUQ cc) J Q � Q LOT 4 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 155,947 SQ. FT. 3.5800 ACRES ZONED MU -C 314.39' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY TRACT B THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 39,375 SQ. FT. 0.9039 ACRES VALENCIA CONDOS R-3 NOT A PART 0 O W a V4 21 12.00'-\ - 50.00' 62.00' - m 50 25 0 50 SCALE 1" = 50' 0 0 00 Z Z 0 Z 0 �Oz 000"z C) nOz QZ00J 0 Q� W, Z w w 0 w Q Q Z _ 0 0 0U 0 z 0 n C) 3: U w m U O rz V 0 z j 0 IL I Z LL 0 O > LL 0 w m Z Q � CV w = o O o U w 0 co0 Z 0 F_ Z Z z 0 0 J U Q J J Q F_ Z Q Q Q >O 0 Lyco � m 0- -=) CO W CL r Z Q r r UC� zv~J U V) E E -0 Z 0 0CN c`)= 'o'o'o'o I m Lu CT Cy CO W Q r000y w 0 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 V J A SUBDIVISION OF PLATTED AND UNPLATTED LAND J SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO U� WADSWORTH BLVD � PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY TRACT B O WIDTH VARIES THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 39,375 SQ. FT. 0.9039 ACRES TRACT B THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 39,375 SQ. FT. 0.9039 ACRES LOT 1 UTILITY EASEMENT THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 HEREBY GRANTED N00019'25"W 20.00' 152,988 SQ. FT. BY THIS PLAT 3.5121 ACRES R=28.00' S89040'35"W 12.50' ZONED MU -C 0=090000'00" N89040'35"E 14.08' L=43.98' N00°19'25"W 183.76' CHB=N45°19'25"WT R=28.00' C H L=39.60' 11.00' 4.00' A=070041'18" Q PROPERTY CORNER �P LU Delta ON SHEET > w SECTION CORNER 23.00' Qo00 m 0900 00'00" N450 19'25"W NEW RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE HEREBY C18 DEDICATED BYTHIS PLAT uo NEW LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY N89040'35"E 48.91' m ?' C19 S89040'35"W 87.00' a EXISTING LOT LINE N89040'36"E 20.00' HEREBY REMOVED BYTHIS PLAT C20 93.22' 23.00' N00°19'25"W 168.01' S00°19'25"E 195.00' C _-L=34.54' Al 180.00' CHB=N54019'56"E N00019'24"W 9.21' ob CHL=32.40' SII o 0 f 2N89°40'35"E 76.50' O Y m m DRAINAGE EASEMENT of m HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ai m a a N00°19'25"W 180.00' w w S00019'24"E 9.21' 204.00' 23.50' 104.58' ----------�C3---------------------------- --- - - ----------------- S00°19'25"E 592.64' 26.00' _a N00°19'25"W 378.63' UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY ` Im - N GRANTED BY THIS PLAT 20.0 ir1 m 0 13.00' a 100 m S00019'25"E 20.00' 18.00' 18.00', UTILITY EASEMENT 36.00' HEREBY GRANTED S00019'25"E 20.00' BY THIS PLAT LOT 3 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 UTILITY EASEMENT 150,629 SQ. FT. m 3.4580 ACRES HEREBY GRANTED N N ZONED MU -C BY THIS PLAT m 0 0 UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY 00 m, m m GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ml w ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT z N00020'39"W 20.00' m m HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT00 0 m m 0 ° 5.82' 589°3727"W 23.56' S89039'21"W 8.81' a z 20.00, I 1,00124.34'i� C� ------------------- ---� L �� - --- 1 ---------- S00°19'25"E 253.71' --� ---- -- UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY 26.00' I C43TE/FGRAND BY THIS PLAT N00°19'25"W 253.71' X5.06' C36- C18J � 20.00' ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT LOT 2 N89040'35"E THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 N89°37'27"E 23.54' HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT n' ;N a al u, u S00022'33"E 20.00' 13.00' 24,046 SQ. FT. 5.82' 0.5520 ACRES 0',1'N S89040'35"W 22.85' ZONED MU -C w N74040'35"E 12.76' u, u TRACT B N00014'20"W 68.35' NOT A PART N75°19'25"W 12.71' , THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 m PART OF TRACT 1, 39,375 SQ. FT. m ADKINS SUBDIVISION LOT 5 �' 0.9039 ACRES UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY z 00 ZONED R-3 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 0', „ter GRANTED BY THIS PLAT 26.00' 28,704 SQ. FT. m S89045'40"W 20.00' 0.6590 ACRES _o ZONED MU -C m l 2 0 0 1 in 68.39' oN 26.00' TRACT A0 S00018'40"W 11.14' M', a IF 100 5.00' _YUKON CT N89°37'45"E 30.00' C34 Sy�z1 13.00' V 50' PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY oy-w 86,42' 26.000 N89°3745"E 0.50' 112 C38 „-,43� S17 2109 14.69' p TRACT B S00°18'40"W 3'31' S00°19'25"E 196.13' ---- ------------ 10.69' ,z1 pg"w1493gt 2608' 3000' C37 67.23' 20.00' 131.90' TRACT 2, MU -C ADKINS SUBDIVISION R-3 S89040'35"W 0.50' N89040'35"E 0.50' R3 S89040'35"W 9.50' N89040'35"E 9.50' NOT A PART I MAP LEGEND UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY S00019'25"E 20.00' GRANTED BY THIS PLAT Easement Curve Table PROPERTY CORNER Length FOUND/SET AS SHOWN Delta ON SHEET Chord Length SECTION CORNER 15.71' BOUNDARY LINE 0900 00'00" N450 19'25"W NEW RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE HEREBY C18 DEDICATED BYTHIS PLAT 10.00' NEW LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY N740 52'52"E THIS PLAT C19 PARCEL EXCEPTION LINE -.-.-.-.-.- EXISTING LOT LINE N820 10' 35"E HEREBY REMOVED BYTHIS PLAT C20 ADJACENT BOUNDARY LINE 25.00' - - SECTION LINE 6.53' ROW CENTERLINE - 10.00' EXISTING EASEMENT LINE S530 30'52"W USE/SIZE AS DESCRIBED C22 HEREBY VACATED BYTHIS PLAT 25.00' EMERGENCY ACCESS& PUBLIC N820 49'25"W ACCESS EASEMENT LINE C23 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 25.00' UTILITY EASEMENT Easement Curve Table Curve # Length Radius Delta Chord Bearing Chord Length C17 15.71' 10.00' 0900 00'00" N450 19'25"W 14.14' C18 5.16' 10.00' 0290 35' 26" N740 52'52"E 5.11' C19 6.54' 25.00' 0150 00'00" N820 10' 35"E 6.53' C20 6.54' 25.00' 0150 00'00" N820 10' 35"E 6.53' C21 12.62' 10.00' 0720 19' 26" S530 30'52"W 11.80' C22 6.54' 25.00' 0150 00'00" N820 49'25"W 6.53' C23 6.54' 25.00' 0150 00'00" N820 49'25"W 6.53' C24 15.71' 10.00' 0900 00'00" N440 40' 35"E 14.14' C25 52.45' 170.00' 0170 40' 34" S080 30' 52"W 52.24' DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT OVER THE ENTIRETY OF TRACT A WHEAT RIDGE PLAZA CONDOS PRD NOT A PART Easement Curve Table Curve # Length Radius Delta Chord Bearing Chord Length C26 15.71' 10.00' 090°00'00" S450 19'25"E 14.14' C27 4.42' 10.00' 0250 18' 29" S120 58'40"E 4.38' C28 15.71' 10.00' 0900 00'00" S440 40'35"W 14.14' C29 15.71' 10.00' 090°00'00" S450 19'25"E 14.14' C30 18.79' 10.00' 1070 40' 34" S360 29' 08" E 16.15' C33 15.71' 10.00' 0900 00'00" S440 40'35"W 14.14' C34 23.37' 80.00' 0160 44' 22" S080 58'58"W 23.29' C35 15.72' 10.00' 0900 02' 39" N450 20'45"W 14.15' C36 5.16' 10.00' 029032-46" N74051 -32"E 5.10' 7.76 �N89040'35"E 20.00' �S00019'25"E 7.76' - 13.00' - 26.00' 89039'21"E 7.86' 13.00' 26.00' TRACT A THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 68,258 SQ. FT. 1.5670 ACRES ZONED MU -C LOT 4 THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 155,947 SQ. FT. 3.5800 ACRES ZONED MU -C TRACT B THE CORNERS FILING NO. 1 39,375 SQ. FT. 0.9039 ACRES ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT S00°19'25"E 291.39' 314.39' 1'211111 Ly :1 Lel :1 Cil n6T/eV1 Easement Curve Table Curve # Length Radius Delta Chord Bearing Chord Length C37 61.70' 200.00' 0170 40' 34" S080 30' 52"W 61.46' C38 14.54' 50.00' 0160 39' 35" S090 01'22"W 14.49' C39 10.54' 10.00' 0600 24' 34" N290 52'52"E 10.06' C40 7.07' 4.50' 0900 00'00" S450 19' 25"E 6.36' C41 7.07' 4.50' 0900 00'00" S440 40'35"W 6.36' C43 10.54' 10.00' 0600 24' 34" N290 52'52"E 10.06' C44 11.29' 10.00' 0640 41' 31" S570 58'40"E 10.70' NOTE: ONLY EASEMENT DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. 30.00' VALENCIA CONDOS R-3 NOT A PART 0 0 0 M 50 25 0 50 SCALE 1" = 50' w w zU O 00 z O z O p U O z p OZ O w z w w O z Q 0 O J �_> O0 zwx p w rw Q Z =� Q Q 0 0= 0 C) 3: U w m U O rZ V 0 z J 0 IL I Z LL 0 0 U V) V/) w L > L m w Z Q � CV w = o O �o U w 0 co0 Z 0 U_ 0 LU 0 Z F_ OLU J Z Q J J Q L Q Q " Sw O W < m Q 00�LU C _ >- < r r w U c� zv~J U V) E E -0 Z 0 ONa)� LU �__ C� LU Q -000N w 0 - - o - V) (D QN E wwC� O Z=Z �C�0 U = r C3 O ' (� U w C U o w Q � c _ � Q LLJ � Oo� z< w � Z cc) J QZ J <! 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