HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Title ABD70261029-2011Land Title Gm -Mee (www aZraUBtpSMMMCN Date: 06-27.2011 Our Order Number: ABD70261029*1 Property Address: WADSWORTII & W. 44UI AVE. NVESTON SOLUMNS 143 UNION BLVD SUITE 810 LAMVOOD, CO 80228 Attm LINDSAY DELECKI Phone: 303-729.6106 Copies: 1 EMail: lindsay. delecki Ctiwewhmu)lntions. cum Linked Commitment Delivery If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact Commercial Title Dept Phone: 303-850-4174 lax: 303-393-4947 Form DELIVERY.LP LTG Policy No. L TAQ7026102911 Form PIB/ORT fpr/ ��+�p�p�1ry�� p�1.� PFCPEF 1 1 I1�-1..r�Y1/-tinCN o11VAl This Policy is issued in lieu of Policy No. l; rAQ70261029 which is(are) hereby cancelled. Our Order No. ABD70261029`11 Liability: $50,000.00 Fee: $0.00 Subject tW the exclusions from coverage, the limits of liability and other provisions of the Conditions and Stipulations hereto annexed and made a part of this Binder, OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL'TITLF, INSURANCE COMPANY a Corporation, herein called the Company, GUARANTEES wIS'1'ON SOLUTIONS herein called the Assured, against loss, not exceeding the liability amount stated above, which the assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurance which the Company hereby gives that, according to the public records as of .June 15, 2011 at 5:00 P.M. 1. 'Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: SEE ATTACHED 2. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Binder is: A Fee Simple Land Title Guarantee Company Representing Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Our Order No. ARD70261029^1 Title to the estate or interest oouered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: THE WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY, AS TO PARCEL 1, WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY, AS TO PARCEL 2, ENAYATALLAII BOROUNIAND, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST AND ENAYATALLAH BOROUMAND, AS TRUSTEE OF THE 1980 AGB TRUST, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 7570 INTEREST, AS TO PARCEL 3 WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY, AS TO PARCEL 4 JAMES E. KOLLS, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 47.57 INTEREST AND THE WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AU'T'HORITY, COLORADO, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 52.5% INTEREST, AS TO PARCEL 5 Form PIBlORT Our Order No. ABD70261029`1 3. The land referred to in this Binder is situated in the State of Colorado, County of JEFFERSON described as follows: SEE A'1'1'ACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4. The following documents affect the land: 1. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES, IF ANY. (AFFI+,CI'S ALI. PARCELS) 2. ANY WATER RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OR'rl'I'LL+ TO WA'T'ER IN, ON OR UNDER'I'IIE LAND, WHETHER OF RECORD OR NOT. (AFFE(,TS ALL PARCELS) 3. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTII IN AGREEMENT RECORDED .TUNE 21, 1951 IN BOOK 723 AT PAGE 149. (AFFECTS ALL PARCELS) 4. EASEMENT GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, FOR UTILITIES, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 14, 1962, IN BOOK 1456 Land 'Title Guarantee Company Representing Old Republic National 'Title Insurance Company Form PIB/ORT Our Order No. ABD70261029`1 4. The following documents affect the land: (continued) AT PAGE 510. (AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 4) 5. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH IN SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JUNE 27, 1962 IN BOOK 1493 AT PACE 149. (AFFECT'S PARCELS 2 THROUGH 5) 6. LEASE BETWEEN TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, LESSOR, AND NATIONAL, TEA CO., LESSEE, AS SHOWN BY LEASE AGREEMENT RFCORDF.D JULY 07, 1967, IN BOOK 1950 AT PAGE 333. (AFFECI'S PARCELS 2 THROUGH 5) 7. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMEN'T'S AS SES' FORTH AND GRANTED IN DECLARATION OF EASEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 01, 1967 IN BOOK 1956 AT PAGE 126 AND THAT QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 31, 1980 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 80082871. (AFT ECTS ALL PARCELS) 8. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS TO AGREEMENTS AS SET FORTH IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED JANUARY 10, 1969 IN BOOK 2074 AT PAGE 248. (AFFECTS PARCELS 3 THROUGH 5) 9. EASEMENT GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, FOR UTILPPIES, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 14, 1969, IN BOOK 2144 AT PAGE 746. (AFFECT'S PARCELS 2 THROUGH 5) 10. 'PERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGA'T'IONS AND EASEMENT'S AS SET FORTH AND GRANTED IN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED OCTOBER 13, 1970 Form PIBlORT Our Order No. ABD70261029*1 4. The following documents affect the land: (continued) IN BOOK 2213 AT PAGE 722. (AFTECTS PARCELS 3 THROUGH 5) 11. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS ASSET FORTH IN REAL ESTATE CONTRA(T INSTALLMENTS RECORDED DECENIBER 14, 1973 IN BOOK 2576 AT PAGE 693 AND THAT ASSIGNMENT RECORDED 101151977 IN BOOK 3080 AT PAGE 729. (AFFF.CI;S PARCEL 2) 12. 1.H:ASE BN TWEEN J.AMNS W. AND ELLEN V. PINKARD, LESSOR, AND ALBERT'SON'S, INC., IXSSE1, AS SIIOWN 13V MEMORANDUM OF SHOPPING CENTE'''R LEASE RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1976, IN BOOK 2940 A'1' PACE 297 AND '171.AT FIRST AME'NI)MENT RECORDED AUGUST 12, 1977 IN BOOK 3052 ATPAGE 91. (AFFECI'S ALL PARCEIS) 13. LEASE BETWE JAMES W. PINKIRD AND ELLEN V. PINKARD, LESSOR, AND UNITED STATES POSTAI. SERVICE, LESSEE, AS SHOWN BY LEASE RECORDED JULV 29, 1977, IN BOOK 3043 AT PAGE 43. (AFFECTS PAROLS 3 THROUGH 5) 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS AS SET FORTH AND GRANTED IN DECLARATION OF EASEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 113, 1977 IN BOOK 3046 AT PACE 253 AND THAT RATIFICATION RECORDED MAY 1, 1997 UNDER RECEI'TION NO. F0407439. (AFFECTS PARCEIS 3 AND 4) 15. LEASE BETWEEN JAMES W. PINIGIRD AND ELLEN V. PINKARD, LNSSOR, AND DENVER PIZZA INC., LESSEE, AS SHOWN BY NO'T'ICE OF LEASE RECORDED AUGUST 12, 1977, 1N BOOK 3052 A'1' PAGE 99 AND OC OBECR 19, 1977 IN BOOK 3087 AT PAGE 868. (AFTECI'S PARCELS 3 AND 4) Form PIBIORT Our Order No. ABD70261029*1 4. The following documents affect the land: (continued) 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS AS SET FORTH AND GRANTED IN RELEASE OP COVENANTS RECORDED DECEMBER 12, 1978 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 78112816. - (AFFECTS PA CF.IS 2 THROUGH 5) 17. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICLIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, 1982 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 82081495. (AFFECT'S PARCELS 2 THROUGH 5) 1& TIMMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET I"OR '11 IN AGREEMENTS RECORDED MAY 20, 1987 UNDER RECEPTION NOS. NO. 87066226 AND 87066227 AND THAT RATIFICATION RECORDED MAY 1, 1997 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F0407439. (AFFECT'S PARCELS 2'1'IIROUG115) 19. EASEMENT GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, FOR UTILITIES, AND INCIDENTAL PURPO)ISE.S, BY INSTRUMENT RE, CORDED AUGUST 20, 1987, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 871117245. (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) 201. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH IN RESOLUTIONS RECORDED NOVEMBER 20, 1991 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 91108123 AND APRIL 30, 2001 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1226476. (AFFECT'S ALL PARCELS) 21. L[EN WEED REMOVAL ASSESSMENTS EVIDENCED BY STATEMIINTOF LIEN RECORDED AUGUST 20, 1993, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 93127509. (AFF+ECrS PARCELS 3 THROUGII 5) Form PIB/ORT Our Order No. ABI170261029 `1 4. The following documents affect the land: (continued) 22. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVLSIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS AS SET FORT[] IN ('ROSS PARKING EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 05, 1997 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F0367252, ORDER AND DECREE RECORDED MARCII 2-5,1997 TINDER RECEPTION NO. F0388758 AND THAT TERMINATION RECORDED AUGUST 13, 1997 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F0460103. (AFFECTS PARCELS 3 THROUGH 5) 23. 'PERMS, CONDI'TIONS, PROV"LSIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS AS SET FORTH IN BOUNDARY SURVEY PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 13, 1997 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F0460102. (AFFECI'S PARCELS 3 THROUGH 5) 24. 'TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGA'T'IONS AS SET FORTH 1N RI SOLUTION RECORDEDJULY 19, 2001 UNDER RECEPI'[ON NO. 111279302. (AFFECT'S ALL PARCELS) 25. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVLSIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS ASSET FORTH IN IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT RECORDED NOVEMBER 21, 21103 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1911560. (AFFE(TS PARCEL 2 AND 5) 26. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVLSIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS AS SET FOR`T'H IN LAND SURVEY PLAT RECORDED NOVEMBER 03, 2004 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F2121706. (AFFECI'S PARCEL 4) 27. DEED OF TRUST DA'fF,D APRIL 17, 2008 FROM WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY TO rl,IIE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY I'OR THE USE OF F[RSTI3ANK OF WH EAT R[DGE TO SECLIRF, TiIE SUM OF $1,428,000.00, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER T[IE'TERMS'I'l1EREOF, RECORDED APRIL. 17, 2008, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2008036967. Form MORT Our Order No. ABD70261029$1 4. The following documents affect the hand: (continued) (AFFECTS PARCEL 4) 28. DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 17, 21108 FROM WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FHLSTBANK OF WHEAT RIDGE TO SECURE THE SUM OF $1,857,1000, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE IINDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED APRIL. 17, 2008, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2111181136969. (AFFECTS PARCEL 2) 29. LIS PENDENS IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ENTITLED WHEAT RIDCE URBAN RENEWAL AUT'HORI'TY, P1.AINTIFF(S), VS UNDERWRIT'E'RS INTERNATIONAL, INCORPORATION, ETAL, DEFENDANT(S), RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 2008, TINDER RECEPTION NO 2008087834, CIVIL ACTION NO. 08-CV4003. (AFFECT'S PARCEL 5) 30. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE RECORDED .TANUARY 07, 2009 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 21*9001396. (AFFECTS ALL PARCELS) 31. TERM, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MAMBER SANG COUNCIL BILL NO. 19 ORDINANCE NO. 1474, SERIES 2010 RECORDED DECEMBER 15, 2010 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2010113917. (AFFECI'S ALL PARCELS) NOTE: THIS BINDER IS NOTA RET'OR'T' OR REPRESENTATION AS TO MINERAL INTERESTS, AND SHOULD NOT BE USED, OR RELIED UPON, IN CONNECTION WITH THE NOTICE REQUIREMENTS THAT ARE SET FORTH IN CRS 24.65.5-103. NOTE: THIS BINDER DOES NOT REFLECT THE STATUS OF TITLE, TO WATER RIGHTS OR REPRESENTATION OF SAID RIGHTS, RECORDED OR NOT. Our Order No. ABU70261029-"I PARCEL 1: THE WEST 100 FEET OF'THE FAST 125 F11,71' OF THE SOUTH 100 FEEX OF THE NORTH 130 FEF,T OF THF, WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST I/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOU'T'HEAST 1/4 OF SEC'T'ION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH 1'. M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: THE W 1/2 OF THE NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WLST OF T]IE 6'TII P.M., EXCEPT' THE NOWFIl 30 FEKI IN USE AS WEST 44TH AVENUES, EXCEPTTHE FAST 25 FEET IN USE AS UPHAM STREET, AND EXCEPT THE EAST 125 FEET OF THE NORTH 130 FEET THEREOF, AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN DEED RECORDED JUNE 30, 1987 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 870852211, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 3: LOT 4, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVLSION AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 3, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, 1982 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 82081495, RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUAR'T'ER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE CiTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, S'PA'TE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE]) AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING A'1' TIIE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 3, SAID 'PIMP, SQUARE SUBDIVISION; THENCE: NORTH 89 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NOR'PII LINE: OF STUD LOT 3, A DISTANCE OF 195.00 FEF. f; '1'IIENCE SOUTH 00 DECREES 02 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE, OF 32.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 133.54 FEE'P TO A POINT ON THE EAS'T'ERLY LINE. OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 55.32 FEET; 'HIE, NCE LEAVING SAB) EASTrRLY LINE, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 328.67 FEET TO A POINT ON TIIE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES (13 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 87.57 FEET TO TIIE POINT OF BE, GINNING. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE WEST LINE OF LOT 3, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, BEING NORTH (10 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT. THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 IS A FOUND ('ROSS IN CONCRETE. THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 IS A FOUND 3/8" REBAR, ALL IN THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, Our Order No. ABD70261029*1 STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 4: LOTS 3 AND 4, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, EXCEPT 11 IE FOLLOWING: THAT PORTION OF LOT 3 LYING SOUTI I OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION AS IF EXTENDE1) FROM THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT I TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, WHICH LINT; 13PARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST AND WHICH LINE IS 'ITIE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 NOR'l7[WEST 1/4 SOUTHEAST 1/4 SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WE, OF THE, 6171 PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AND FURTHER EXCEPTING A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED A6 FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWTST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 211 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3, A DISTANCE OF 195.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 32.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DECREES 56 MINUTES 213 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 133.54 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 55.92 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 328.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 87.57 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE. OF COLORADO. PARCEL 5: THE NORTH 134 FEET OF THE SOUTH 272.3 FEETOF THE EAST 8.45 FEET OF THE, EAST 1/2 OF THE NOR'1'HNVFST 114 Or THE NORTHWEST 114 OF THE, SOU'T'HEAST1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANCE 69 WEST OF'nJE; 6TI I P.M., COUNTY OF.►EFr ERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Property Information Binder CONDITIONS AND S'1'IPULA'f10NS 1. Definition of Terms The following terms when used in this Binder mean: (a) "Land": The land described, specifically or by reference, in this Binder and improvements affixed dreeto which by law constitute, real property (b) 'Public Records"; those records which impart constrictive notice of matters relining to said land: (c) 'Dade": tine effective date; (d) "the Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Binder, or in a supplemental writing executed by the Cumpmty; (e) "the Comp:nry" means Old Republic Nationl Title Insurance Company, a Minnesota stock company. 2. Exclusions from Coverage of this Binder Tile company -sum- no liability including cost of dorense by reason of the following: (a) Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any fining authority That levies hoes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; taxes and assessments not yet due m• payable and special assessment, not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. (b) Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the i—tance tltneor; water nights, claims or title to water. (c) Title to any property beyond Ho lines of the Land, or title to sheets, mads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways on which such land shads, oe the right to maintain therein vaults, tunnels, r,unps, or any other structure or improvement; or any tights or easements therein rides such property, rights or casements are expressly and specifically set forth in said desciptimt (d) Mechanic's licn(s),,judgment(s) orotherlicn(s). (c) Detects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or otter matters: (a) created, suffered or agreed to by the Assured; (h) not known to the Company, not recorded in Ho RiMic Records as of Hie Date, but latown to the Assured as of tire Date; or (c) attaching or creating subsequent to file Date. 3. Prosecution of Actions (a) 'File Company shall have the right at its urn costs to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or do anry other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish or confirm tine malters herein assured; and tate C ompaury may take any appropriate action under the terms of this Binder, whether or not it shall he liable thereunder and shall not Hmrehy concede liability or waive any provision hereof. (h) In all cases where the Company does not Institute and prosecute any action or proceeding, the Assured shall pemhit Ho Company to use, at its option, the name of the Assured for this purpose. 141ienever recprested by the Company, the Assured shall give the Company all reasonable aid in prosecuting such action or proceeding, and the Company shall reimlurse the Assured for any expense so incurred 4. Notice of Loss - Limitation of Action A statement in writing of arty loss or daunmge for which it is claimed the Company is liable under His Binder shall be furnished to the Company within sixty days after such lass or damage shall have been determined, and no tight of action shall asses to the Assured under this Binder until thirty days :after such statement shall terve been furnished, and nu recovery shall be had by tire Assured under this Binder unless action shall lax commenced thereon with two years after expiration or the thirty dry period Failure to furnish the statement of loss or damage or to commence the action within the time herinbefore specified, .shmdl be conclusive bar against maintenance by the Assured or any action mid- this Binder. ;. Option to Pay, Settle or Compromise Claims Tile Company shall have the option to pay, wide or compromise for or in the name of the Assmrd any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this Binder, or to pay tile till amount or this Binder. Such payment or tender of payment or the fill amount or the Binder shall terminate all liability of Hie Company hereunder. F1BCRr Ib a' Fky l d 2 G. Limitation or Liability - Payment of Loss (a) The liability of die Company under this Binder shall he limited to the amount of actual Ims sustained by die Awned herause of reliance upon due assurances herein set forth, but in on event shall the liabiity exceed the amount of the liability stated on the face page hereof. (b) The Company will pay all costs imposed upon the Assured in litigation carried on by the Company for die Assured, and all costs and attorney's fees in litigation carried on by die Assured with the written authorization of the Company. (c) No claim for loss or damages shall arise or be maintainable under this Binder (1) if the Company after having received notice of any alleged defect, lien or encumbrance trot shown as :n Exception or excluded herein removes sa•h derect, lien or encumbrance vvidhtn a reasonable time after receipt of such notice, or (2) for liability voluntarily assroned by the Assured in settling any claim or suit witlomd written consent of the Company. (d) All payments under this Binder, except For aturhey's fees as provided for in panagrapli b(b) thereof, shall educe die amount of the liability hereunder pro tanto, and no payment shall be made withourt producing this Binder or an acceptable copy thereof for cndursrment of the payment intens the Binder be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of the lass or destruction shall he Furnished to the sadisfac.tion of the Company. (e) R'hen liability hes been definitely fixed in accordance with die conditions or this Binder, die loss or damage shall bepayable within thirty, days tbereahfter. 7. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim wader this Binder, all right orsubrogation shall vest in the Compmiy mnlTected by any act of the Assured, and it shall he subrogated to and be enticed to till rights and remedids which the Assured would have had against any person or properly in respect to the claim hal this Binder not been issued. If the payment docs not cover the loss of the Assured, the Company shall be subrogated to the rights and remedies in tlhe proportion which the payment Maus to die amount of said loss. 'rhe Assured, if requested by the Company, shall transfer to the Company all tights and remedies against any person or pmprty necesmy in miler to perfect the right of subrogation, mid shall permit the Company to one the name o1' the Assured in any transaction or litigation involving the rights or remedies. 8. Binder Entire Contract Any action or actions or rights of action that die Assured may have or may Ming against the Company arising out of the subject matter Hereof must be based on tune provisions of this Binder. No provision or cunditian of this Binder can be waived or clanged except by a writing endorsed or attached hereto signed by the President, a Vice ]'resident, the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary or other validating officer of the Company. 9. Notices. Where Sent All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at 400 Second Avenue South, 9'limreapulis, iN irme-ta 55401, (02) 371-1111. 10. Arbitration Unless prohibited by applicable law, ratherthe Gxnpamy or the insured may demand a bihadon pursuant no the fits Insurance Arbitration Riles of the American Arbitration Association. Isedth mm*theCMtoed: L*Dl1T1ECdfaR4NIlM0MFNtN 30M E15f AWOODO M4,01 0080MS 3=504174 F1BQir03ff Fhy2 d 2 LAID TITLE GUARWrEE aMPMY pq IM am Land Title GlIARANTEF COMPA,YY w•w.<« o• Customer Reference No. WADSWORTH & W. 44TH AVE. Record Owner. THE WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY, AS TO PARCEL 1, Property Address: WADSWORTH & IV. 441II AVE. When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. ABD70261029*1 Date: .lune 27, 2011 CHARGES - Property Information Binder $0.00 -- rotal-- $0.00 Payment is due within 30 days from the date on which the Guarantee is issued. If payment is not received within 311 days of that date, the Guarantee and all coverages thereunder shall he cancelled. Please make checks payable to: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3033 E 1ST AVE 9600 DENVER, CO 80206 RECORDED IN RernMeJa Wd.+._M_ - COUNTY OF JEFFERSON Rraxp7rrn Nv. _ _ ac STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION N0, 87006220 -- - QUIT CLAIM DIKED 06r3DJe7 f s: ro 6. DD THIS DEED, milde ihu 3rd Jay of June 19 87. 1 11w11n 11, Ltd. l ntlM1e •amrty,J 11sP1iltvn and stared To m.se,, ;1 P�OWdn, gramar(5{. and City of Plfleat Ridge, I A Wane Rule Municipality ��whnu kgar xAlress is 750011. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, of rhe L'twmly of JeffurOOn anJ Sralc ..f CnbrcvGv: giamtx(�L I, 1VI'fNPy5Ef11,1'hnl llm granlmrr).f rvnJ in cvmlJnmlun ur ilx•.wm of----------------------.�.__ l Ten and 00/100 DallarH (510.00)•—__-_ (, tlrc aeeip andvurne&racy nfWhlehh M1eaby.1ul -aged, has mwt!cd. rdcased. -A , cryvyrdand OUST CLAIMED. uW by (h est picunisdae9 remVse. rticnsc,Bell, c�incyunJOUrrCLAIblentnibepwlecl6, its hdrn, suaceswvsonJ nulkns, = 1vr. AS arc dghh tine. W-1. clAW cad demand whh'h till, gm011(f bra a In .IW lu Inc real pnyxay, sogerber Whb Inspnncaenls, ifnny.shuote, lyingnedbeing In the Cuvnly of Jefferson and Slmcaf 1 Colur�Jv, Jeaerlbcd m fnllrMs: �I I As deacril,ed on Lkhibit A attracted hereto gild incoiporattx3 Herein. W a d rn Exhibit 8 attached, w � �W� I11 1 n I I also Mncun hyslmrvial nrnolMr or: 7340 Wait 44th Avenue II 1n I IAVh ANO TL) HOLD the scAm. sug=lbcr .viih all ,rad sinpllar the spf+hre—ei u 1 paicReges Iberewm b tungMµ m in xnywlse thcrcunlu vpparloMing, anJ nil lbccamic. riyhl, lille.imercsl anJ clabu whvisve.v, rat the granterliyy. ellNev in lew yr eyelly,ro lhennly propernse. Nncftenil Mhwfot til=µmmeelfi, its W. and nssigm fnnxr. yl IN WI'I'NIiSS tYIItiNEOP, Th¢ RranwKyj ha S eaceulcd this Jad m the dme tel frnh vhu.c. /RN,ysC/� d., a parrnnrp'e/dhiip — Nnnaging General Partner - i I} ST1Tl:Op COLORADO. �ss, —_. li i` c.,vmv.d Arapahoe Th<n,mgg'usginskuh,ent,.a.:ntwnskJgee txf rJriM 3rd day of June , i9Dl by Mallin V, Miller, Illannging Cevernl Pnrtnar of MAC. Ltd. L wa [ q I' spl es. Jul .racy 30 V BR . W5lness n hmJ aW nlf.iol al. 1, '.rrl.J,1,.'f ,rr•.�. i�_i...-.—t.�. _.a.1c..vJ /� 'c/T �.Y..l��. !l t� (; •�. sF LrC" 1901 W. Little[afi'TIVil. U •� Littleton. CO e0120 !I ,. `If la Dcrcer. in!.TI "C -ay ana" fie.9!l. Re.. sal. 9tnr tn.snrnun w.r.•v r.w.a„a. . , •a s.. r.e.-,.a r., �:ar ,. ..... r., RECEPTION N0. 87085220 Pr.jact; S-44.06-87 Location; 7340 W. 44th Ave. ON EXHIBIT A Commencing at the northwest corner of the BE 1/4 of Section 23, T3S, I169W of the 6th P.M.; thence N 890 41' 17" E along the north line of said BE 1/4, a distance of 656.95 feet to the NW corner of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 71; thence S 000 17.' 06" E along the west line of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance of 30.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northwest corner of Parcel A, Seek 2363, Page 657, ,7efferson County RecordSl thence continuing 5 000 12' 06" E along said west line of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the BE 1/4, a distance of 17.00 feet; thence N 890 41' 37" E, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence N 420 44' 18" E, a distance of 19.16 feet; thence N 890 41' 37" E, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence N 000 12' 06" W, a distance of 3.00 feet; thence N 090 41' 37" W, a distance of 93.05 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 651 square feet. -109 1/2 ra 788gB�q' �8'a pb'{' 7$B$B5 5"R°a4 ja aj �s�j;iBBg�.g LAdy BSd�H e�� B®H#B g$® t5B ���daBB Ep.$ HE° e•! H6 a ddt'6�9Be �a� 5 g ®sip®spelt ,RKR�pa, � �����gidg���IIs7gg �E 5 YgyAYgand asam¢a o $ jd''€9 yl d $g� ap iaBaaYYY7fY � Ig BSBB` S pa5�'g • CdSF �daDYa $YYY=Y8 B 5 B da S.;YYt, Y Ll$2ffi�d0 Bl��eao��B�t�s9i�C� 2 Sj 0 d N tx a6 y W d f i v e S •g5 ax m�� is ..,..-- .. ...., gE • Y n y;b •. gym. e ° 4 ii a C e c ONK3'W'M m1VU-al' W 30b1=10 E E l A IabraTme smAn� �II r, 6 mc. bd�;� a S 9S SAD S d p A d� 6Y d S �g d 788gB�q' �8'a pb'{' 7$B$B5 5"R°a4 ja aj �s�j;iBBg�.g LAdy BSd�H e�� B®H#B g$® t5B ���daBB Ep.$ HE° e•! H6 a ddt'6�9Be �a� 5 g ®sip®spelt ,RKR�pa, � �����gidg���IIs7gg �E 5 YgyAYgand asam¢a o $ jd''€9 yl d $g� ap iaBaaYYY7fY � Ig BSBB` S pa5�'g • CdSF �daDYa $YYY=Y8 B 5 B da S.;YYt, Y Ll$2ffi�d0 Bl��eao��B�t�s9i�C� 2 Sj 0 d N tx a6 y W d f i v e S •g5 ax m�� is ..,..-- .. ...., gE • Y n y;b •. gym. e ° 4 ii a C e c ONK3'W'M m1VU-al' W 30b1=10 E E l A IabraTme smAn� �II r, 6 mc. iPo m IN : ffes5i 77 r s7 i ° e 5.: � E 51i 0i / INS! yQ •i F8 cg c� g aD rw3� � i38 7MT • � = e e e - iPo m W'ld NOLLVOICHO.MaNsews vivo annrKa .. 8NCLLVOVA 111mN ww T* 01:49.64, NOISIAI(31 E7A ------------ *IMM ban wol Gam Min 1w wam dM b"— mLL —am" vivo annrKa .. 8NCLLVOVA 111mN ww T* 01:49.64, NOISIAI(31 BOOK Reoor¢ed:at.2SUG P. M. an June 21, 1951 723 NV 149 G` Rabert W.' Newton, Recorder t Ea ria45411:1ri ,TNIS INDE14TU9 ;u:G .aGRi'i�1vNT, ;dude and entered into rr ythis•^ _±day_ok.3l;re,�- D. J-_ TOLLES04, LEGU,aRD V.I. TO:.L_Cl., and ci,RI:.E V. -:,RL iv J, of the County of Jefferson and St.:te of Colorado, of the first part, sna edILLER� SUPER A.+RKE 8, IHC., a Color -do corpor:aion., of the second part, S E T R T ii .. T- vai nL,.S, tae first -x%rties h:,ve this day sold and G,Ca f veyed to the second Darty taa follo%.'ing described real estate ' (hereinafter referred to as Parcel i,o. 1), situate in the Countj. of Jefferson, Stute of Colorado, to :it: E.� The East 1/2 of the Korth 3/5 of the §'esti 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of tate Northwest 1/4 of tie Southeast l/4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 Vest of t_:e 6th P.A., and the west 75.71 feet of the North 3/5 of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of t::a Northwest 1/4 of tatt Southeast 1/4 ofSection 23, Town- ship 3 South, Range 69 kest.of the 6th P.M.,. r being a tract of land 240 foot, more or less, east and west, by 396 fect, more or less, north •• and south; exaeot ng the east 24. feet of the north 180 feet of said tract; subject to rigbt of way for roEd purposes across the north 30 feet thereof; and V48R&%S, the first parties are the owners of the folldri- Ing deferibed real estate (herein.fter referred to as Parcel No: 2)'situate'in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to 4:itt- Thehest 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of tl•e F. Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the North- west 1/4 of the ESoutheast 1/4., except a por- tion thereof included in Parcel No. 1, all !` in Section 23, Township 3 South, kunde 69 West of the 6th P.M.,. and WIiE4AS, as u part of the consideration for the sa.lo and purchase of Parcel No. 1, it wus :,greed by and betwoon the paW-;'Liass-herettvs milli V y. .__...,.. 4'Tr. :.l$7:•_ .—............. ..�'�"----•--�_.. ,- ....... - .. tie.?"-_ _ '—. .. _ — — a ... - .... -_T" _�. t4 BOO ' M N° 00 `Y 1" be maintained under certain conditions between the oyners of Parcels numbered 1 and 2. NOV, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, At is by the darties hereto covenanted and agreed as follows: 1. If, and when -other store or business buildings shall be erected on Parcel No. 2, tae first parties or their,' assigns shall maintain ir connection with such buildings,. parking: lots or areas in a ratio of approximately tiro square feet of'parlt- ing area, and roadways to etch square foot of store space. 2. That t;zr: parking lot of the second party and the.` said parking lots or areas of ti:e first parties, or their ass*0i'; shall be used jointly by the first parties, their assigns, tens ants, customers and patrons, and by the second party, its ass4nrq-, tenants,customers and patrons. 3. The parties hereto, for themselves and their -'ie- spettive heirs, administrators, successors and assigns agree not to erect any fences, obstructions or blockades on the said pari Ing lots, except such as shall be reiluired or necessary for the-- orderly he-orderly parking of cars, and euoh party, on the land respectively. {t owned by it or them, will place connecting roadways sous to'-egn form and connect with the roadways of adjacent store p'roper'ties; and will not erect or pennit.to remain on any of the parking - areas, signs, indicating Ciat tae respeetive parking areas are reserved for tae exclusive use of customers of the respective i' store owners or occupants. w. That- should the parties heroto, their heirs, admin- " istrators, successors or assigns fail to maisituin the parkin,, lots or, areas of them herein respectively required, then We other .party or its or their heirs, administrutors, successors or assigns 'may,. in a0dition ko" anY ±'®lilody�;ti� whiph ':hoy ;n�.;. re .vnt>$$]:els h�,:.:. Rook 743 151 law, refuse access to, or use of, his or its parking area- by-tn& offending owner until the default has been corrected. 5. That t o reciprocal p:.rking rights agreed upon.and' given and granted herei:c shall inure to the benefit. of, atad be, a - burden upon, each and every parcel and part of the above.descrlbed- Parcels numbered 1 and 2, on s:hich there shall be erect ed- stores:. - or business buildings for a period of fifty yrars from the-diate, hereof. As s further considera`ior, for tier: sale and conveyanco`. by the first p-�rties to the second p..rty of Prrcel No. 1, the second party hereby gives and grants to the first partie4 an easement for itgress and egress on and across the' -easterly part;- of t -ie parking lot on Parcel No. 1 for Via purpose of loading and. unloading trucks onto Cie premises and property of the'first parties, immediately c,djoining Parcel No. 1 to the east; .said easeme=:t to exist so long as there is compliance by the owner:or- owners of Parcel No. 2 with the reciprocal parking provision-s:*Prb= inabove set forth. As a further consideration by the second -. party. 'from.Aflie, first parties of Parcel No. 1, the first parties, for themselves,; their heirs, administrators and assigns, covenant and agree-tha,t there will not be erected on the West 150 feet of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/,¢ of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/.4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 fest of the 6th P.M., Jefferson County, Colorado, any theatre, :Loving picture house or bowling alley, and that no building constructed thereon will be used for any suoh purposes for a period of 'if ty years after the date hereof. The covenants and agreements herein contained shall be covenants running with the land; and for a period of fifty (50) years'from the date hereof sshn1..1 be biudiuU upon t'hm pwrEloe hate i•,.,.tliclr..u,Qatii•vc'svcaraao:ay.:he:irs;:haatinis�;s:aLvs��s..tait}as3;�lis;- . M No 152 provided, however, that should either of the parties hereto con- vey away the above p;.rcels of land or any part thereof, then succi party shall be releused Troia all oblig,tion to perform. std 11 ;ability for non-performance of the agreements and covenants here in contained, with respect to the land so conveyed; but their. heirs, successors and assigns, so long E�s they recnain.owner.s•bf-' said land or any part t:iereof, shzll, ciurieig said fifty-yeAr.' period be subject to and shall remain bound by, the agreements and covenants herein contained. IN I!ITNESS IMEREOF, the first parties have hereunto set: their hands and seals ;u -id the corporate name of* the second party hereunto subscribed by .its yt�,__President, and the.corpbrate'-. seal hereunto affixed, attested by its Secretary,''thz day and year first above written. `���i;t`i.. (SRAh) ATTSST: Sectary. r. 61 First Parties.- AILLEWS SUPER MARKETS, INC., gy E - 'a i%� PCesident. Second Party. STATE OF'COLORADO ss. County of 9LIAXY151._ The forcgning, inAtrumpnt wy 4okna4ad4ed..beforg. p.a. c»._...r._r .. ........._ .. .. ..,.•: :. .._� •.. •. .�; ..:^{..ter?-i� . -. ..-. - ... ""- -- -.. x� 152 provided, however, tnst should either of the p4rties hereto •con- vey away the above pe.roels of land or any part thereof, then succi. - party shall be rel_used from all oblig-ition to perform' and 11 - ability for non-performance of tine agreements .,nd covenants here— in contained, with respect to the land so conveyed; but their. heirs, successors and assigns, so long �.s they remzin_owners-o: said land or any part taercof, shr ll, durit g said fifty-year period be subject to and shall remain bound by, the agreements. and covenants herein contained. Iiv F'ITWESS AMMOF, the first parties have hereunto' set their hands and seals and the corporate name of' the second party hereunto subscribed by its President, and the.corpbrate.. seal hereunto affixed, attested by its secretary,"thh day and year first above written. t (SEAL) ATTEST: Sec--�p�ary. (SISAL). First Parties.. AILLEWS SUPER MARKETS., INC., IA! President. Second Party. STATS OF COLORADO 88. County or sA., fn - Th k. ed d b f o . aroqu r� »s„rump_- vytj F, lh.. ..: �_-�-:+�9eit3e'--*rs: r.; .. .::.^'_'�-?- r�-;':..,^'..'��.'�T”%:.1?cx^hr-.Fs^.. ,..._:-^c--•^;-. s-:.--�—�: •�_._.-..."'?l�z-r.::ry :ea HOOK M No 153 this jRt_day of June, 1951, by :+LLEHTELB J. 'POLL•S9i:, LEONARD W. TOLLhSOA and .LAWN V. LARLANGO. fatness my hand un:? official .seal. aty co.xaiasion eapireeILI Ko y Public. ST:,TE 0, COLOR,00, ss. 4' County o!'p6pgzA?,t.d . The foregoing instrument as acknowledged before me tizis day of June, 1951, by -Ay 2 as President and. JA��, �• /// as Secretary of MILLER'S SUP'cii ::..:ciCw'PS, ii:C;, a corporation. My not..rial cowaissior. expire/��_ L Witness my hand and official weal. LI Notary Public. �.0 y i• +,,,J t.�� { :,�r v• t 7yt tic ri7 /jf t« r 1 1(' g ,(1lt: f ,.. 11• ;r} ..- • _• � 111 .} { �;:. P '1.'� ' • .'i.L , '�I : i� l � � l :!.^ r i Ketorgad s!- „belOgt ._JM4 ' bNSF• �1 .rottc J } ...,:.,.. I `r Is p r t Coeret •It 1,E ..«. !;7ff r try • v - 1.CO 4 and t>4 :[OO �, rl i_._..__......—_.7_.._. BI VSD OT PUBLIC BZRVICE COMPANY OP COLORADO._.._r1- {� •! Dpiltn, In toasidera at .hlrh.._hereby. pant onto said ComPan�, Its mcdmson ami the ^r'j and eatharily to eanetn2t, openls and atsiata n Ira eleeeriK Ir&nam,as on, dlttrltwtlos sad terr1 li,r~�wbap.r �y'{7I [inn now or nuy 6eraatter sane Wb prgaerry 6nila described or other propah, witb all Polett cross army ,. +� �;..:0 wires, gv'y nppotat, filatures and ie need or useful to ehe4operstlon of mid Itae, thrmdh at�d-aloug a as v� said lint may be hereafter constructed ia, through. urn or scram Lot Busk e.h Sybdirldon ...__ q i.the Of th0 ilEi1 - I:...t�f of section Tom* t p_ 3. -eolith T„ Ronk �9,rroet of the_. r_a ..lprincipal mcAdias t •� ,to the City t_.... ..... County a[.-_ Jeffe;epn State of Colorado, the a oaisuto center and f(• l �f whlch right -of way is more particularly{ described as (allows: 7• ,. I , 'c i_ ata int'on tbe_vestA,line of I Street vi.lch: int,• s ne 1 I "� �• ), , : �A6-_....._...�.._.__.._..,._ ..UPS. w_.__..»._... �..____Tl. - ftwt more or lead north or �WJAk'ae LUndreq.;a five. 25 _;4et mo I- vett of the dottth"!q oo er.,of the N t ,lbs__„ o! __g 4f_§yc _ "' rut _nd' a vent "six rapes...___._........ 1].AO urate and a9emeAt fiY _ e 1 trittlt' 2 nAdefiva+ th oths $ - aV itoi•th of aLd_ btmdred• seventy,_give out tb µ eacbed centori3ne}.i EeBinnin6t..e poet trhich�, inn aao.�,• .-_ _[, i l! 9 .i. m _ �7 1..._...:. ..:........... 1� p.a .!�� o g - i conduit Sine toffs trxansPoxmer� pad the B of Sec_ t_lon _ j �n_et qr tunes thence orttr tveat 20 a f et r{a or less la an undo r -•- i use N19 1 net. cruel I rq r'i btve oboe tier dpoe said ins tmenrew qy, and the Nt I ••-- _......._-,..�: I 5 ; y truce reconttmct m.ink.{t� oyl�rate +petrol arid- r h k to prrml4 the sttsehmmtlot •Minn of . > Co opsay.,T'he drartot-reaervo _, the right (o tends te" ase and occupy Bald Premia" toe a Porpola, caudeteht with �'•, sr ihq circ and prlrlletteR alrora granted and rihith willf not interfere with or endsager any o the israntearz ladlittee ,• ! d therela or use wareaf,l In rase of the petmenent abr4donmtot of add rlght oflway, all right, pd it and intmek berchr#, ajed &haft end onto and determine. I ?,Me &sash of insUISng mid tines shill be done with c" and all "e' to the premleea cab:aedllWeratirtditR'bs _�„-• •'- ! rape red at the VT as {{[ the Cmnmy: We grant Is obleit to aaieling minnal leases cooerlaglinrpart of the jbove described land. I Wltrtem _ 0 t.! itsand..P....And aniA....ebis...._ah.th._..........-Gay cif...-._Qq.t.m.Imi-_......... ».... 1. _.�.: �►. 3; .t Ar�xsfike�..._ _ I 7F'TLT o t - -_._. »_ ........... __.._7 eY.- ...... i XVTC t ' � rug w' '•, • ,, A r , V � � lbert B. Tsblll , f 1tAL I •• ma" V-Ws A �. �q ,, tall ?� .....il .ai... i yl tix � 1+4. ..tiytt'�:..sant....,_ o»..,..t�......._.... � ........... ..{....._........_....._:...._._.....r. _.. {�•i, iy t s ht.! Denve ) I • fantet�a 1p&tium6et waa'se3m tjdgidJan ros th4i: dgo(f?ctober ,Ig.61 bye AlblttIt B. .isbi1 f aV/ci-Pr' dull.; arrttyr1 8: T. 6 e@ne Ass Set�ant 5ec� ,t�!y� lof The Tif, Le p rant �t�o�opa}rty, ,-VI�`lrtata nor intWilda 4.; as: at i{ae a, Color Ado�c�rp'or�it;, .t' `,, Yyasttemtmlaa rn ,� (� � ( r i � i•''t'�` ti I S tl r ug }E:'nrw�a.t�.d.r.:..dneyJdtr.Fni.lAra!r!w esawt ma&wMw1 r. t 41O+3O-61 � J'. � _ �' • I "} �. k I r 11 F J l t -±•�'. Vk-. �� a.9 Ii != fA/J r.Y. A'/ i 1, 13jv�i�r 'r .�1 ',A•V II y � ,e •' t M' i LJ ic A } l P J : 't I '•,' � I ,i I' f �, nATd R, ci:l.o r 3 i— • - •fS. wA. �.r.N�+e: rr.. Trl•h«l y. ym m ue. a :yrl,mmi `. "l ..:" ae:. l.:M .�.. N !. 7YS ,�L►.44p fi hr.r r I � i 41 .. c'� �:a.�►ry..d�- -l.�w. �. +T bweme wr+r dm.aVa•. d dw n•• I , . M .eenlheli, A.1 t• ea. d d.l.ah In Ibe ,.enut d eNr tai w. "ii. . y.d ti..r Me:.•" .b. nun d rrmr.hr .. v a.e. N syydMil� rrY M �.» p a.. d w..mP'dr.�a.. �:w a.."n. r.6:n .0 W Yyb r.d dw�d .l pNlle pnVei c.�,, 1 1M fn,wt deer N tlr Cwt a I. wF .dd T�+ aln•w d.w .n I.w, wd e r .M .a rrr fer mr. �Y�rr�Y� .«A1.w..e tlne.w' .eU � rM :�l•ar.l ler.�f dw.y seb: n.lduln tlr wnylr i, r�) wee ,M ,+.itlr, sd .Mf W N dr 1M d, 1dwrM, r{d Trw AbaO �sY Md Mhn w W • L/a b M' Vi�.rtl eN.� OHw rA PRS �k P`P"h s wI Nre �r L aw d b�wria ¢e �ilf dµn b. b•.n e►e+• l w d.a.d • TV n.dw F b"dq Tv—,w 1.r.q en ells IIr rld cmvdr r { Msiwtl .wPw R mbar a�tl.d ww w M.slnr oma': N b— I•'f_• y i .� ' dr Y .MaJ Li e.r ii' Ij DAn.rm N.Nd Nriwe e✓ . hre.ei d sr M 1M ae.w.Y hmdn r�Mw W P'�af wJ'M+Iw ri WrY '� 3' Y •� d .Le� e.. wd yaj 11a .iws. w'd,lM 6 w .a. W�� hor n.e.lAw.d-6i=r°Waro. tl.�e ppaP+n .WWW. ��••�••a��l I' Y y, Ja, t.f.i'?r ar. W. de7w, sd s r� e.i C.MI..I^. tlr O•r.. i.11 M .rchW r a fer eNd prnbne,, '',*j�� • I lryiewar W b.i pr wrd.r Er d i..0 I.d.d. m•4 d. trf.rd M tlw yea d q. "n ba aerne•bM r an AY rl W i �t"ti • Y , 'FYwr y�M. w rYlln dr . lie��.A�: sr.,Tk 0w if 00: }i.F..... ; _ ` ►dw.la� _ __.6r i_... ltL-T-•, i "1F rpm VAwAiLi r+nt on, A. Tse '' Y • Ii { jILE wr f f. #Y• '� �� c f'>'d�i.au�i'�.kr" �.r�i.:.�- r .1., .,�y4D' �a , � •. ��?a'��l,nT.•J�� +� y 3 - t. a -- f -- "1 - . • i '- - -%� _ _ ' ' : ,. .• �'.�- ° Jl'^+ 1962' oa �� • N.a v'd �, a {t 4�i $T NV.. NF5VTON, Rne`orden dim— �'� �'f`. •- • 3 SPEGI L WAARANfy'AEED '`"` '.• +: THI-SYDE£D, de_[Sisa/� day of June`in the year of our t• :. .Lordiahe. rhousagSieige hundred andreixt-y=tuo, ber een'NATIONAL TEA i antzed=_aha •e#1etYn Binder a b virtue A ttije l .�: Po 4-l• !l: K fid',. V it- ? ' , :•.latae :af the.StateL of IIIinols,"j%1* the Alrsr rare, and fHK- jrITIE 6UARA�Y: > ' , -ae- q fporatinn, 4a Truste••'undoe ir.usr- No17794$ as - '-C6FIPANY, 'a Cot rado co �.•- - paryy of.the.sdconit.3'?ttt7: • - ''_-%imw.siETfi," chat ch- sa:•c. arto .if th ;, r r first Fare, for and�.n' �'Eonaldgrac�piw of [hit-l"n-1?7ei, !hAlars (SIO) and-other Knoll ads_ vdluab g - • j - J " L : ` .'•.�cvns`id4ation to the a aill'Pari v of ,the first Parr, •ir`hand pa.id_by-the'' - - ` saidpgi;ty-af the-se�hr•.d Far_ ,, the Ireeelpc Whereof is hereby dunfeased. - 3nd vledged, hats xran�,rd, t+argaLned, sold, gonvev d and by these. `'.�--••yre$ehtsr does Font __23Srxain.-ae:L,� convey-a0d confirm }into the Iiat,.- n--' T i • party gifRjEheF sec pari, t:• s:,cceesnrs and assigns _forever, Sll�the Ei�l=• - • @ ing •dt'scrlbed parCr;.,d+t j.wn•1, sl;[•JorG, lying and l+ei:ip, fn• the County _ _ e df Je.ffdrsdn end*State of In •''1'be PU h tryr'AKfi'fths .uf It11r East one-half of the 41eat d -'r•_ f _ fie�glf of.,[he Notthweat--pne-quarter of this-NOT hveac f e-quart. the•aoutheaet,Qne-quarter°of:Sec;loh 23, = _ Tyvnahip ut-h- kapitr b9� West, CoieoCy of Jef£eraan, �9 � iState oC loradci.4 - •. i• - •' _ - E{ , '' �.Siib{eeiC to.: Ceneref real, estate caidR-for the-se on d'thatiLlmelitof; til - - - _ -year 4961 slid •ITr subsequent pears;l any rltk or isseiigment for water or 1 `�-•- iever _4e1•vice; rights-°of .•the public yty*in the Worth 30 feet of the above- deagdi -ea.. f-Sn--'us4 aB;,Wa tb Avenue"; liability and Obligatiormi r :as 1m gaad, :reason :o:f iucluefopfi r r"Whestr�(dgE Fire f{otectidn• Dislrr�ct i • • Azad:: aEri¢ge 1JnEer District ; copi9 anis, aonfng ordltiaPce0; Moffat 1 '1'diiwiis=.Ifnpr4vgmarit_Diatrijt•Assees,&rw s far 1962 and aubaequeiit years, •suy,:.^spec-dar.taxie and asecasmawk vhe;her.aaseesed or not if.any; e' '::jihy• ata Ah= frac'_ t_s atl.�accur ate survt4y away ahov, - - - - 1. - Y - 1 To$pther'-witb.at) --and airgylar,the herediEamenta and appurtenap os- thereunto belpnging, -on to 'anywise -$ppeirtairiing,- 9nd�che- rdversign and- ` •revessiggs„ .remainder and remainder#; rents„_issuea end profits thereof; - •a--.. ..'.-and q11 the estate, X-tght,'_citle, iucerest, claim_and der�iand whatsoever,i +._�i":`• ="pf'ehe'said 'party 'of tfie •fx'rst part, erther to-iev'or"equity,:of, 'Irian d -to'ttie above- bargained-;:,temie.es, with the hCreditamenfs- and appurcedanCe • J�"•�. "end to ether with elf thr ri h[, t. tle and-x-terpst. Li any;, o'f at dnel g_- E g - N , 1. - Tel 00:..)i owner of tlk -,.-;ertv..iestri{ped 4bnetsatn tn,aG4 tv a,cartainj_- e0emen't .fni Z;ivewa-:,. iat•:. Su-'e H. 051. rcenrdc.-s-.Dune 21,_193L, is- DocUiaent- Nu, 50542•,- in $t-,rk :.. rage .54 ,1 ihn re=curds' it: Jeffer-son -� - t. ---GonZty, ColorpJ,;,, rr i ,::r• Noi-C.-J-.- lent ,: cm-+noacr. r o-fifths at the ' ' -West one'-hsl? ai t•,e Nnrrhwtr .• _j..arie.r .1 Chr NprthWeat ane-jOarter oi:=ho So_uthcAst 44arre: �:•Z la-cc ion.2! ,, ToOnshiy: 7 So6th,.11ange-�64 West :of the' SiO4 Pr-ineipyI >k * ;.it .n xcapt the Vrs_: 40 'lent thereof, lying- in . -' dads-_b Ch Bd_ulev¢ ', gr. --•� TU RAVE AN11 TU NOLti r. v41r. premises anova-nargained and desor bed -with the appurtenances, ::;ca T :L"iYti._CUARARrY CO AM a Colorado car- po r.a ar-porn tion, as-Trustab, ,anAx Tr•.ast h•}, •177945 the said:paxty of-the_ aecp d�• - :,pirrt,:.its ;euccesso s aut. Rss tans ':rc•;n- Che trnass •a i¢ far rhe uses wild_ pu --+ ppjas,SF4r� 4ruat apeawent,_ 1 ;-- .i ti . ..e'_ - - - Fhis conveyancr•Is made he Grantot and accepted bx dr” subject. ,to and upon_ condl.Llon that- oeither Crantie, Iror •its beneficdsty 1 - - :• pi: he mficiaries,- aucl_ces.orFe and aai igne; nor their resppct.ivR. benefi, ;� y %ti tienelficiarlea ,-auckessorp qr ass gas will use or'lease the above prop riy ' or any'bihldlt�g- to._lta;,etectea _tp wjor a reta-!l food seore as long as ' .• ' •`'NATIOIfALiTE11"CO.,: fts: sliceessgrs'or assigns-o�rarate a-retai-l-food store c�n' _ the Yblloaing deserilipd property: '• ,•The Whitenerhalf of the Northeadt one-qukrter of the Nor�hweat r ' '• oirg-�uar�et;of the-SoutjrLast-ane-qua-ter of •Sgptipn {i3,,lown- OLP 7 South'; gatij(e.69 West of the.6th Prltuipal lieeidian, `JRffarsoYt County, Colaradol axpept,the North thirty._fspt there- , '4f,-except the-- East. twenty }five_ Pees _thereof; and .a�icept the;, , h`ast pn8 hunfirad twenty=fi .e feet of.t North one hundred" + '. - - - =- ;StLZt� FE6t.therQof: - 54 i.d"-the East one -halt: of tb-'NorthweEt one�qunrter o£ :Che.' :Nort}tweat oea gti er'bE the Sourbeast•onte q- rter:of said. Ctien ��; eilcept the North'thi;ty feet: thereof; 'Afid-.'the NaICW -shiny- five'feet {df -the South -tw9-fi,Etha oL• tle West ®rte»half,bf the ]torthwas[ one -quart er of the_' " :Nartbwegt-ogei-gogiter of•, he Southeast ops-quer ter .of - :, said Seet�op '1-3, exeept- t e WedE .fdrCy-E@et theroof� alk - !_:.' �'_•:.'�•:' _.:+-.}'_-: •..:;..in Jefferadn County-, }tate of Colorado _ _ _ _ _ _ '.. - .-• 'ifiia.coyehaht shall run_witL th,F lhpc3. • . t '�' ' And'the said parryof chr: first par C. for ftioif and its suecesabrse .covenants an& rXrees •co .and With che'aaxd party of-thr;stcond pa ft, its-•• .. auccess.6rs-and aseivris, the aboveliargainr3-1,re•N4se.a in'rhe quiet and--' -- - -peaceable pdssession of- the:sa r! party of cht, secone parr, ica;§uceessars-• and as sign against all and every person or peisos .iawfully ciaimirig, to_ -c leim the whole-oi,gnv part thereof, by,'thro h or•urder ebe said: • party aftha- first parr„ to NARRA19T AND FOREVES=DEFEND, - - - i• NTPNESS WHEREOF; The said party of -the first :part -bag _Cdus . - - •�E-_ a=- - -ius coipoiata name to be hereunto, subscribed by its, 11r-edident;-and ste. - corporate• sesl.to be hereunto alfixed, attested b LtG Secre_razy,,the-a•ay_ _ '-- - 'and •year `first above "fii•'.' _�'� .p-it•E'-,`' '-fit._ ;' ' NATIONAL`TEA CO; i _ •' __ 7. a Cary''• + 8UTE'OR-ILLIW19' Z:� `Tile-_fo're89$ug-ipstrument 1wsp -a cknovjeliged,before "me. thla--d_ay sof4Juiiej96��'.b N. Ak,9te el-tbn,- P eaideit.and.l� T; Fbr"an; JrT } y . p. g:. a Secretary TNA`09. • _ l -_` MESS -my bei}d-and-•offi inR.se4v.- •�:: _ o:, ,;v�:; ,tti�y;;hh •_e1-':.+Yt�yY3 - _ _ ,tit SJN�`• -e2j _ _ i!h6-.:rfitct, �o j j •' r Noka Public PARTIES LOCATION t "JIM i 1 I AUTOMAIK IXTINSIOM{ t Vttge Avecment 1 (Short Form) g � 1 9bilf 3Ilbtnturt of made the.. }st_„_day of. Fnblvapy__'_., ]9.6T, by ofd 9t i rleage, Loz a�$dllltii€R°�le, p1a�...... _inn"vnr€ ...I—— party or the fiat part, hereinafter called the Lesae r, and... .._..�...._._ . _.. ...... ._....... _... _......... an.Illirwla... _.... .... ..... ...........•__f orporalion party of the second part, hereinafter called lessee. I Witnestirty: 'rhat the !­,jr. boning iu)l authority to make the sureementa here. i j lnafter art forth, for ami in covilderatian of the covenants and agreements herein mentioned, to he krill and performed by both parties hereto, demises t.nd leaves to the l,esaee the premises located act in.Hadavarthe.Shopping.CsnLsr_Z%-,t..Qf..the-SEC_ of Wadsworth Blvd, and 44th St., HFleatridget, Colorado ............... ..........._------_....__..................... ........... .......................... ..... ..... .. Ictrelly described as: r Sae Schedule 2 attached hereto • IV ' V (J N C O ! J 1 ley CA The premise, d•mie,.i , .der ghie 1 -tau he.- u of paved, lighted, dram�d atrlped �• on Plot_L'L D !l parkmg tat j -y an—eg iar the perking at ..._Z4P ._— I p!oys. Soo al,rrored plat plan "A” bawl"X hultd• mobile. by 1,-,. tc, r :etnmere, areata av! arrae p Ina .ml parking lot -e- which ix attoehed hereto and. made . part hamef. Said parking lot to be u.ud m etut)uneli,a with other ruet�,nier, ,d tbn Lreetw to Lhia Jurulupmunl, if ar, std Lessor to lntaln ligh d remo �e from 11 parkinG .r a., with partial. rsilnbursess nt of .xpana6s t�tarecn )';ros ietiase. n +II Mo )OAtie anti to 7t)olbuu n term crave the 18t. day of._ Novamber_. , to 67 t until thelaat day "f octobor , 1':82. o•tth n•ri.in ext rnrfon providvm, at reatels tied 1 upon the Lena., randnlnnn, ng„ •m,•nr. no,l c,• nen:• a.• are more .p-Hleafy act forth In that eertatn indenture 1 I—e •4 n date her, wi:h br and L•aw ern the rnrtkn hereto mfemnee to whkk Inden. titre !_ hash, era:,- e,r th•• -i—.t­­.. ^end!!i^rte, ecmeme.es and "mart, ••ni: whmh I, Ih,• at . ,•.. of t!,o I,•,.,,,r that .! Inn each teem ear any exlandon thereof nalther ! a. .• 1 r lo • vthy benne . i Inten•n: i t the rn pray herein win rent tray property . i rte ear 1v ,.ifterrruwm+I ��. ,..n rolled 1•I• ,r lennel to there fur u retail food acrd graeeV .tore ,r perm l' any such rr"r••rq 11, I.,• ­,rple,l far aoeh use ....pt th.agehO�creen"t dull set apply Ito' to any uronrrty new n,. n+•,1 .,r w any pruperrr I,nnted more than S from the peari pn,rt hm I, made In • std m•I••ntare fee n,Wn rcmedle. In the event Ihl. p—Man 1. brteab.& The r rrro••• vI thi• f-t—eet I• to tine nvtke of the exiatrnee of the iesaney created hereby and ay raid Lndrnturr, anal or rhe ad•tenw of .ash mdrnturn whish, totetber with this fiot"nwat, eorp• .f Mule, the ngrrrnvnt L.f w...,. the parties hl - W. of tan years and than I The 1 .•a,+,r an the Len,.•.. for ons period gree that thin I.nnr hall automatically extan� for.__ five__.___ per of five yrara ,•ash an .hal titer the eamplation of the original t...,t UPON !M i •time term• and cen�l itluna avid at the .ume ramal Be in the original term of this Irate: pre 14e4 bcn • 1 .•:'vr, that I,enree .hull hove the right .ml privilege of rnnealllna thlr Iroe at theesti yf the original term or at the end of any ealended p,•riod upon Lease giving to 1m or at leul._.1.8.0. —Jay. not" of aoeh caru•ellation prtor thereta and thereupon all sucteWIng ei4tulone shall ba IaepKa°ee .nal of to IT. and NMKL WITNPSa WIIEHF.OF, tekl 1—, and Leese have duly esmenad tial has aAtied their .Jffmtur seats to thts base an the day end year neat abort writhe. p +�........................................ I............ F ATIM: Il.. ....... 1 woa97:' F lana 1950 334 This lease is executed by Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado not personally but as trustee as aforesaid in the exercise of the power and authority conferred upon and vested in such trustee and it is expressly understood and agreed that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed as creating any liability upon the said lessor personally to comply with and perform the covenants and agreements contained in this lease. It is expressly agreed that each of the provisions hereof shall constitute a condition and not a covenant or agreement regardless of whether the same may be couched in language of covenant or agreement and all such liability is hereby expressly waived by the lessee and the lessee shall look solely to the beneficiaries under said Trust for the performance of the covenants, conditions and agreements contained in this lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Lessor and Lessee have duly executed and have affixed their signatures and seals to this lease on the day and year first above written. i I -2- i 1350 33.1 I I Additional terms and conditions of the Lease include, but are not limited to, paragraphs Twenty-first and Twenty-sixth, as follows: 1 OPTION TWENTY FIRST: The parties hereto agree that, in the TO event the Lessor or its successor does not complete PURCHASE construction of a minimum of 18,000 square feet of additional store area (including an enclosed air con- ditioned sidewalk) on Tract B within 24 months from November 1, 1967 under this lease as provided for in Article Twentieth hereinabove, then in that event the Lessee shall have the option within 3 months after the aforesaid 24 month period to purchase the property designated Tract B and Tract C on Plot Plan A attached hereto Far the aum of $100,000.00, plus the depreciated book value of the actual cost price up to a maximum of $60,000.00 of the "Tire, Battery and Accessary Building" which may be constructed by Lessor on Tract "B". The aforesaid option to purchase may be exercised by the Lessee's giving written notice during the option period to the Lessor of its intention to exercise said option. LESSOR'S TWENTY SIXTH: The Lessor warrants and represents that REPRESEN- he has lawful title, subject to easements and restrictions TATION OF of record, to the parcels of land designated as Tract B Old"ERSHIF and Tract C on the attached Plot Plnn A. The parties hereto agree Lhett in the event Lhe Lessee exercises its option in accordance with the provisions of Article Twenty First hereinabove, then the rents herein reserved shall be abated from the first day of the 27th month after the date of November 1, 1967 until merchantable title is conveyed by the Lessor to the Lessee. The amount of rent whichshall be abated, in accordance with the afore- said provisions regarding the abatement of rent, is the amount agreed to and fixed as thr liquidated damages for such breach of contract. This lease is executed by Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado not personally but as trustee as aforesaid in the exercise of the power and authority conferred upon and vested in such trustee and it is expressly understood and agreed that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed as creating any liability upon the said lessor personally to comply with and perform the covenants and agreements contained in this lease. It is expressly agreed that each of the provisions hereof shall constitute a condition and not a covenant or agreement regardless of whether the same may be couched in language of covenant or agreement and all such liability is hereby expressly waived by the lessee and the lessee shall look solely to the beneficiaries under said Trust for the performance of the covenants, conditions and agreements contained in this lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Lessor and Lessee have duly executed and have affixed their signatures and seals to this lease on the day and year first above written. i I -2- i 1350 33.1 I I ATTEST: By L Secretary WITNESS FOR LESSEE: I 1850 315 NATIONAL TEA CO. By - Presiden .�yio.�s. an.C7 Jr;: •� " ` L E S S E E T��7 �l,rr.7- f TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF COLORADO, not personally, but as Trustee as aforesaid By Its , Y1c,, /w r WITNESS FOR LESSOR: t ATTEST:i- i Its r, ..t• ,•.�. t-w;ao,. ,;�:;'•: �_� _ ��--- — �• .� ' .� � ' ..,fie � •. i L E S S 0 R '•�•r', Yr• i STATE OF ILLINOIS ••vr •• nnu„ ,e••a COUNTY OF COOK BEFORE Z%E, the undersigned Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for said County and State, personally came. and appeared ` ✓ - _ r'�.. and to me known, who declared and acknowledged to me, Notary, that they are the President and Secretary , of National Tea Co., an Illinois corporation, that as such duly authorized officers, by and with the authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, have signed and executed the foregoing instrument as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, and for the objects ' i and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS.WHEREOF, I have as my hand and oflfbo this I the 4766 day of " 19" �:r•�Y�iT BEk1`:': Notary , , My cc -mission expires �10n j _3_ 1950 335 , 1950 ' 33S i �II STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF nENHER BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for said County and State, personally came and appeared Raymond O. Hagerty and Irma I. Sparks , to me known, who declared and acknowledged to me, Notary, that they are the Vice President and Assistant Secretary of Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado, as Colorado corporation, that as such duly authorized officers, by and with the authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, have signed and executed the foregoing instrument as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the objects and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and official seal on this the 20th day of TUNE , 1967. r Notary Public My Coff^ission expires July 2, 1969 I 1 1 1950 336 F i 1950 337 SCHEDULE I of Lease dated February 1, 1967 between Transamerica Title Insurance Company, as Trustee, under Trnst No. 166,720 and National Tea Co, That part of the building identified as National Tea outlined by diagonal markings on the attached plot plan of the Wadsworth Shopping Center, marked Plot Plan A, comprising an area of 150 x 160 feet, together with a nonexclusive right to use and enjoy for its agents, servants, employees, customers, and invitees, all cocmon areas on Plot Plan A attached hereto, including but not by w:iy of limitation: parking arena, drives, walks, entrances and ramps. The entire property represented on Plot Plan A (of which the demised premiiaes form a part) is legally described as follwa: The West half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Qti"ter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, in Twnship 3 South and Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the North Thirty Feet, in use as West Forty -Fourth Avenue, except the East Twenty-five Feet, in use an Upham Street, and except the East 125 feet of the North One Hundred Thirty Feet thereof; ALSO The East 11nlf of the Northwest Quarter or the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 3 Srmth and Rnnge 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the North Thirty Feet, in use as West Forty -Fourth Avenue. ALSO The North Thirty-five feet of the South Two-fifths of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, in Township 3 Suuth and Range 59 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the West Forty feet thereof, that Lie in Wadsworth Boulevard. I 1 t 1950 337 W. :sti �3r: - - g .ae•,^t:. i .';p:tea; ,+: n•-j,Y 'a:rvfP?g. Jft1W +,� r,°. - 1' :n .-•: •.ri ;, - l..w ' t r`.• .", A:,f+.•-..H =..:.- :F �• ->4 �+J. ;C a}.,:«'!y�tYi'•k +t ^� t 7; u:.. ::.yi.,-, ��r.t,,::•�.s;r :,,tt'..�'y:'•�w.'-,-d'w+ert{,o:.�.•"�' .,2•`. ��,i`"-;:�..'��- n 4�r��a ti=1-.V .:^.. C!.:r.� ,f N:. r . .R3Lhsse✓i�ta"4it'!f••'f..Kl• ]yt�yc S•i^ • ` .r.a��3�."�` •- :.}j; ;a+�l,'.�•q;:.;s, t.e'• t:�•aei.�v+art4..:�i..,�>.aeta4.1•. "`"' �.� � �'•, ... _. daa,,x,.z_..f..4T:,;,�G•'y.`•,,•.��;.�,rr r�.i=:lepy'•yl'kv-+�..v: CeFL: ye "KTNaY'. c_y F? r• 1-�'.,; - . • ..a, ar.�..t}.C».--.:- :,.t,}fl�il; !i:�i�Y._ ' iY. J - • •, Ji••'A o-1 �'<` .moi;:: -' ..r.•<..w..., s�,.wcaw �C - T'�, V.fir.�1 f,,,' •" :.�•�".'.,jete"' :'r��+en",•,'•i�x{,+'•' 4 �'t.'��1��1''�"*+%'lFitrt Ir� .. '1 {' .^+q. i N?' E6' J i}./. Lu- 1�}:�.,��d= '.'fit .J, t�-• it wing. � ...•. ..� _ � - ' 1{{ .,�['.^�" L; ".'��, �•�y !� 'S.�i•' .. rR S�IAiJY-'?iai.•.ii•�7. ..w•liY•iW#VOt=- ,�`R:. .Y:•' >1.' Irq:t... •.Y ,`�.. ;�.w..'R:'!�l'ix�•arflt.C����+tiMT.'f'�-i�i1-Y�'�KL�a t; }.,�1`Ttit9'i•KMrro: Yj'fN -!".h�1i'�:r 1"r q: _ .rJr'e yr .'1`•t$ *"�.f. i,y;.:tt;'!. '4 •",. ': W -?a�f __ _ _ _ -fi:"' --—''•�+°�f^s c ,i5. r,b-. •ry,r Nr• {_�7r•rp:_��:C"� •a3kwacN;lg,;•":; ir:•i .T�S•;p''i>- ,i-r%qn•`.., �ni:,Y .M1%Ti�a:2: ;rr f, e+r' •: •. ,�; ''Za�•1': Y��G�-.`.:Y':]''``••,t1^,: `i.'iS -•` � .4 .'r .• .'-�c. • - .. .. - ` •Mid - -F J 7..f: t' > • k i f f ' •L 1. J I In i 'r.jrr. • 7•t.-• U•at thz .k.1. of Lfw :i.H. '.; of the S.FC _ of Ucc. ?3 11% ttp ! S and ! I;1�0h 1+rim: ip•Il Wridinn. 1n jrfforuon County. Color, 'f o, except thn \. 3J 1 ,.i t., 'ea o•.r n; L'. Bhn. A--. v%cvrr lite fnst 25 ft. In uao an 1'phan Strca•t, awl 'encrpt'Ile• East � o'r' 110-! ;:orrh oil- hu.wlrad thirty foot thrtonf. 7raer p.• ::is 1:. 'i of. Oho N.W. -',' nt -vita• H.W. ; of the S.S. 1• of Sect. 22, to Wrt. .1 $1 and - - -' ^aa^a h7 N. o% elm Flkrh vrfn. areidlan "in Jefferson Countv.� Colorado, except vile H. .thirty , G fei• i , :n uao as V. Mith At,. rr^.ct C. The H. 'i5 ft, of rho S. wo-t'ifthe of•tho H. !s of the HU}.of the N.U. of tha S.B.i �, .• In Tilp 1 Soutia and Rml�e SLx F9 If, of. Lite tle Principal Meridian. In ;Nbw 1i»t/ - - nn:,�v, Colorado, exeapt LIM X- forty thereof, that Iiia !n'11+ulsvorth biNi. GJi10 �•- -� _ - - _ __ - __ - _ _ -:tin.Mi'.•:fnAv."•JL-.4•�,'w•d}Y:`.:._�L .Yue::���_ - •w "`'sit ct'•':'-}'ate' y x. 6'v:.:s.''.Oi;'•,:.«lCao:a_c:a�•�.�!r:1n,�:I�,i;iiv- .:. - - -- -_ L: JN1 THIS T)MIARATION eluted July 27, L967, b%, TRANSAMERICA JN_,1jRj,.NCE COKPANY OF. COLORADO, not. personally ixu L .I:, J't Li!: L E'1' Lit, pj.-,)V 2 1, ,Is u Tru.;I, Agru,,mc-ni- claLcd 1-Lirch 1961 -incl known af: Tru:;V j, Ko. 11)6770, ;L!, m 9",:r -or, ("o I ,irzolo ; ;111d MIE'RE-AS, Transawcr' :;i Ti fl- Insi;vancc,, Com-pany F rm' ' nundo o r Tract A (1—re i ij;- 't -,,r is tll(- L L L I Clio i�d( r I recorrod to ;If,' C f-0 as "Tr'1C.!: it -ell) Jegn L Ly described on A, nt v;iChcd. 1jy lill S rc CQ re i ic c- m.1 J c :1 1):] T' t I Q17 C.' 1.1 W11 1 C 11 property y lov;lcod easL oi, 1.114, ::!,I:l It St r"(,( Whc;itr. L,(j;nrndo (herv- WHERE 'A ;, 'l)-;wL A js ;Ilp.)(,L to be, improved and Tract 13-C !." Co hr i.11[j))_0VVd ;11. .1 I.nLer (1,ite; rind WHIEREAS. TracL A and TrncL E—C, imy i1ni. !-j­rt!- mort"'aged to common irL' - aftur bewnc'd by or ; and W'1­17'-�'REAS, TiLte Inmir:mco Gonipany of Colorado clesirw; to esLablish easements, c.arrictinns and obligations ns between Tract A as one parcel, and Tract B -C as anoLhcr parcel. NOW, TlIMFURE, IT v> AwJEED IN ViElvi OT '1;r: FORECMING, AND IN CONS-U)JERATION OF TFIE COVENANTS MPICJ�ARATWNS HER11,L141 CONTAINIM), A,,, YOUMS: I. 01W1 N E R , "he Term %%,rmc.r" as used herein shall rcfer to '1'rctnsiiworivn Til` 1v Insurance Company of Colorado -bi which, t-11 I,, t?) Ti'nri" A and Trnrf- 11-r is, oUW VL'S Litt ;111E] ill LIC Ct.,,:: Or. ;1:; "3if,.i r :!: I 1-c' and a] 1, ,lubsc�queiiu ownors of the s.nid premises and all. ;)':rsokls Claiming undcr ti -cm. 2. PURPOSE. That the purpose of this Declorn- fion is Lo creoto and crtnb1Js,[­i ri gencral. plan for the repair and maintenance of Lmprovvwents of Tract A and Tract B -C as a shopping center. 3. 17'4SEMENT AREA. Thot the Owner of Tract A 8-,u to Litt, awo,r of Tracts B -C and tric Owner of Tract B -C gives to 1 -ho Owner of Tract A and to thrir respective 1r,tinills, "Ind 1.11c clitA,wier:j, nr7'! et'lplo.vc^s n(14,110 I Ito Inii-x ec r t'n u,e , in romrinn, the 12'-S , wo, k, -l- , -.I r, ,•!'.- ic.) I S I P! 1) 0 Ut It'(. I ;m d ccnneO, 1 01114 with Lha' I, mi: I alon,uTcr . J -, 1!W'0, i hm ilm! )--'Jvl i r Lhc]-uot , 0, (1 L t,.o rl t 1111 - � , f --wL, I Y k) I the U0111 or (hurt L!:,l El cr ::()Ill( L r�rtz (ol I cct ; ve iY 1-,Acrr"d to ;is Lhe "Easumenr Aroo")' Arca is portrayed on A�tnchmr--nr- A rts !l—.,i ( 1, i ;I the dashed I i.m. shown cher(I'll), NTENANU. That Llic Chm.cr of Tracr. A Aw- 4. WO nild L:I-LL' Ownor of Tract T,'-(' shall. I -Cep wC11. Irl inLa bled '121<1 in t.,,00d rol -iij' i irk ],',I u,.- I I L A L 1 situated on itn, preinLut's and sivill ke-op such 0I --s wo y s I-- r 1 p to,! z: 1 :7 c v , u1 -1 , rklb- ;I i Hk MILI te'L 1 JI-1fjt-vcry I! a:--Lirc and provIdt.. ilLIC(ILML-C andLh( rc,oil . pnrki'„8 vi -ens and r1jThL-0f-way cii bol.h r--(,P.lL.qus nle(IL it -rr,--k-n and nf: In.r.; ..ha 1. 11 , 'r—.1-0 or licrill-iLt—I Llpoll prvnllsc!' wIlf0i wf I I in nny tarty, I.-01- .- WLO, :any Itgrevoic-lic. ,.TI-1131111)' 0( Vhtl tll.Uk ill', miki Lit,: %Ii-i.V(.-W;fYh F.hOtLjd not be ehangvd by cit:h;n. Owner wi L kou L the consent, in wri-ting, of th& otlF,Lr Owl -ii r. WADS1401,"I'll Alfl.,MTP- A C (7 F, q S . Thnt tho Dwl-mr :)f 'I A ;I non-exclus M.- vask,mullt- for r Igilt -1)f for illgrc.ss 111,1 vj;rv:iz; U) and Wadsworth Avemit. over f t. : 3 n d across Tl-.-.ic:(- C. Tract C shall be maintained as a rmidway and .,71'13! h.- hard -surfaced with either Concrete or, black -Lop. 6. INS URANCE. That the Owner of Tract A and the Owner of Trilct B sholl hcreqft,,r keep in force with a responsible Lnsurazricv company or companic-6 a policy or policies of Imblfc liability insurance naillim” both the Gwnov of T, -act A and tPiwint's thui.r.,on, aniT the 0,,,7ncr of Tract B -C, nncT [01',,IrtS i.11CILIdin,Iny benefici.ql interest thereunder, for coverage of the Ease- ment Are8s. ;Che ril" pnTiJAc liabi.liLy insurnnt•L' 101n) I h'il?(' I inti Ls 01- JfnbilLtv in the amount of not a 130112+-; L ) 000 00 less One PunLlred Thousan]($ Of , . ) Cor bodily injury to any one person; in the amount: of not less than Three Iluadrcd Thousand Dollers ($300,000.00) for hodily it -Jury occurring in any one accident; and in the amount of not less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for prope-rLy damage. A renewal policy shall be provided not l -,-ss than ten (10) days prior t:o t4 ex- piration of any such policy. A certified copy of each ori.rizmii- pol icy or a uerti Cil of the insurer i:evidcncing the insuranco ran-iPd sh.iLl be deposited by the Owner of Tract A with the Uwacmr oC '..'tact B-7 an 'Jw, Owner Of Tract B -C with the Owner of Traci; A. 7. r AT 1 1:71 (IlU (1VCLlL the common ;ir,•o ut.1-1 1L.,, '-:l W! hi' ::L%jW:'ili--:1-,' 114-( rred J.or Tract A and Tract D -G, Lho 01411vl- nP Tr;ict A she ll pay ['orty-Five per cent of 'h" I -C.1 ilLi I Lty COl; j. , and Lile - 2 - Ownvi: or Tract R -C SN -111 1 rjoy r! "ty-livu [)�r C(.11t of said utility cosL. All nthr,, 11'asnnicot ArLn -ost-s shall, he paid by the respective Owner. A real (I.staLc tax and statriucjit shalt 1)b provLd(ad for'Tract A, and a real estate tax asscssmenL and stnLvricnt for Tract 13-C and encu wivIr iJjoll hu respon:7 '10, c for Nil, respective real es Late tax :and assessment oh I i Pation, The rust of :4,;,i lit -y i�suranr,-- i�-- vi(Iled for in Article 6 above sh.,311. he borne by the Cjwrci-- iii propor- tion to the arca of ront;;bl., retail cr conwiczcial spacv located On cosh rosrectivu Tract. 8. AtI1;MIjII,W1S . IL1,1L IIL zv5poeri.. r", -,C -ZS of Tract A nnel Tract •i -C !r;lv roi a---! nr L,-rminato this Agrcornnf- without UIV C-XJreSS wrRl.-n or any holdurji of Fi,r:;L lixil, fit -;.t: -'U'll deeds of COVVI noud not 1- Lo or LIJ)t>170VC-d 11,%F ally IA':,F',PtI Or L)[ C,.(, Center. Any nvc.mpL to :11ilvild o- A,,;rL-C',uVnL without' thc con.senLs shall br, null and void. 9. TERM. Th;.:., Agreement shall continue for tLoamcC ffLty (50) yenr,,; rrom tho data ht,rool nr until :ja prov:fdcd Lr) ArLi-cln 8 ahnvo. 10, CO'' NT . Th,!t tho hLrrhv created, tine restrictions hereby imposed, and the angruc- monts herein contained shall be easements, reSLriCtiOnS and covenants running with the land and shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the undersigned, its respective heirs, succossors and assigns, including, but without limitation, all subsequent Onw-nors and wortgnpees of Tract- A and- of Tract B -r and all persons clnji:aing Lui0er. them. 11, DEVA LVYS . khat each Ownc,,r has the right, wiLhoul, J;It'.1 to Or 1,110 part of any Owner and Ti -le pa-ly r ur ing such elefollIts shall Lave a lien over the defaulting Owner's property interest fox any amounts expended to cure a default, such lion to be subordinate to any first mortgage or first lien need of trust On the d0faLdted Tract. The right to cure de- faults includes injunctive rcriedies as Well as rights to expend money for the cost and vxpenses of any suits, in- cJuding reasonabIr aLLoriiey ieLs, w,!Z:IL7L s; --.K jjcr cent (691) inernsL thr-,rcon, as -Ry be aSSC-SSVCI the d*-fatlit- ing Owner. 12. TRUSUE. This Declaration of Easement is executed by Trans,,.imej:j.cl TUAe. Tr'surance r"Cinpaly of Colorado, not, Por Soil' IA y but as Tru!.i:t�o ns aforesaid in the exercise Such Trustee eind 'lnrporativn hr:reby warrant.,; tial: it poqsc-S.Ses full power and nuthoriLy to execute this instru- ment and it is cxI)j:C-;!;iy unclerstood ind a.grued that nothing - i - 128, I L''17C L. ••„_. h+,• co lr B l'r n( -[! A C 2;t t i. n;; uny 1 int) i 1.i 1:y on L I I C s'11 d C1Lrorp01. ati 011 1>1 -rS0;:. "c Ly :,u per `'c^. -m thc, and conditions or pay :lily inueiAcdocss ac•cruLnl; here- ol�-I, r, or Lo pL•Irnt-rti •Iny :ovonanl' Lci.liaa•r c•xpre:;s or irirltrcl hcri,In !:;;nl.;t1nod (it huinl; unde,rr.Lon!i ,Incl ngreud that each ol= thr u:-n•ai.!;inns hvrcof, excepL the c•:nrrnnty hereinabove contained in thl.s execution clause, shall constiLttt,- a condition and not a covenanL or ,igroeircint, ;brcfl.ess of whcLlu:f Luc n+autt uay h'- roltched Ln lanslll'l a, of a promit;o nr covenant or ay,rcemrnC) all Much linbilit.v, ii' ;iny, hero); exprssly ea iv L! by e.—ery person now or Izcrc•:ftcr Claiminr, any rL ht or—cnrity hcrennder, and thyc SJ fG:' .,. th.. (3wnnr anrd it •,U,cC-.Ss alto titli!.l Corporation, porsunoliy arc c•nnccriind, nny o,orr,valrco ;—d th VVil1 — 0WnL-1ti of ;lily Ln(l01-L-dlK'S!i cit; L1, ttl fM1f f••.'L•- undor that 1001: r,OlcJy to '-11 hr.,rni.sos I)Q..rby convt•ycd nn(! '!, r,—riS,tu•v anri !trc!r:i-CS thoreof, for the i%ayment Lhcrcvf, by Lhv • nfor•cemcnt of HIv .lien hureny created. 1N WVI'N1,*SS W11t R1.OF, Tr:!nfi;:rn!; .'i!. T:tic- ol.'Urance Company of Color'•ldo not personally but as Trustee as afore - aid hat; CXCCUtflfi this Declnrat:ion of En-,3vincat on the 28th _ day of July, 1967. TRANSAME'R1CA TITLF 1\:SURANCE COMPANY OF COLORADO not personnMy, hut- .a • Tr.ustcc, rr� mores. i�*• ATTEST: _- - NlVice Proc'idNr:t Assis0nt Secrc:imy STAT•% ill” COLORADO ) ss. CITY AND C01iNTY OF DENVRR ) T!:= foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2801 .day of ,July, 1967, by Raymond O. Tiaoerty __ as Vice President of. Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation, as Trustee. v Witness my hand and official seal. i My COMM 9131.0o t >tpLrc's . July 2, 1969 Notary Public' I [i:;c, 1 N,C) ',TT;,C1('711NT A a^— 366.J' — ' 13S"I— RR9.3' r _-.-........ �✓gS+dLY. C, t:�� .� %mac ._—____-'.__._ . I Tact A. -The-We —st if of the N E. )L of the 14 W. a -of the S . of Sect. 23 in Twp 3 S and 6' 69 W, of the Sixth ;..a,Lpal *icridlan, in Jefferson County, Colorado, c:ccept the N. 30 'in use as W. 44th A.c. except the Ea, ^>t 25 ft. in use as Upham Street, and except the East 125 ft. of the North one hundred thirty feet thereof. U. 'fhr 1.. � of the N.N. �% %)f tho ;7.53. `.; a: tho S.E. }; of 5er-t. 23, in Twp, 3 S, and Sixth grin. kCridla:: iu .,_Fi:crlan Co114lt„ rO)O.-nd(', except the V. tliir:y W. 44Th Ave. Tract C. The N. 35 ft. of. the S. two-fif:119 of the W. ' of the NW,; of L'he N.W. of the S.E.k of Sept. 23, in Twp 3 South and ;«; ,r 69 W. of thn e7xth principal. M4 ;:i.dt:+n, in Jefferson Con;:ty, Coloroll.,, oxe(-, the 4:. fare, .as^.t t1:.,.cllf, [;wL Ste inVndeworth Alvd. ATTAMNENT A '1959 130 I I 1 I I� I a + I ' I I an • �1 1 I I I 1 I I I w � a tiP N a I a^— 366.J' — ' 13S"I— RR9.3' r _-.-........ �✓gS+dLY. C, t:�� .� %mac ._—____-'.__._ . I Tact A. -The-We —st if of the N E. )L of the 14 W. a -of the S . of Sect. 23 in Twp 3 S and 6' 69 W, of the Sixth ;..a,Lpal *icridlan, in Jefferson County, Colorado, c:ccept the N. 30 'in use as W. 44th A.c. except the Ea, ^>t 25 ft. in use as Upham Street, and except the East 125 ft. of the North one hundred thirty feet thereof. U. 'fhr 1.. � of the N.N. �% %)f tho ;7.53. `.; a: tho S.E. }; of 5er-t. 23, in Twp, 3 S, and Sixth grin. kCridla:: iu .,_Fi:crlan Co114lt„ rO)O.-nd(', except the V. tliir:y W. 44Th Ave. Tract C. The N. 35 ft. of. the S. two-fif:119 of the W. ' of the NW,; of L'he N.W. of the S.E.k of Sept. 23, in Twp 3 South and ;«; ,r 69 W. of thn e7xth principal. M4 ;:i.dt:+n, in Jefferson Con;:ty, Coloroll.,, oxe(-, the 4:. fare, .as^.t t1:.,.cllf, [;wL Ste inVndeworth Alvd. ATTAMNENT A '1959 130 8 0 0 8 2 8 7 1 15(10 GCT 31 P14 4: 20 4.00 Count, of J"Iter"ll Slate of Co ,S �O� c,.�•,rU�.' at QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, made this Sk4' day of October, 1980, between JAMES W. PINKARD of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, the "Grantor" herein, and EAGLE LAND COMPANY, a -4w, corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, the "Grantee" herein: Whose o legal address is 1152 Barroilhet Avenue, Hillsborough, rn California 94010. WITNz3SETH, That the Grantor, for and in considera-tion Of ji phi ![[��¢ �r d.;PR,r� _ _-Dn1=1s to the C-) Grantor in hand paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents does hereby remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, all right, title, interest, claim and demand which the Grantor has in and to the following described easement, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit: A non-exclusive easement for parking areas and other common facilities, including sewer, gas, water, and electrical supply outlets and connections with the right for maintenance, relocation and repair thereof, drives, sidewalks and right of way of the Center Area as shown and delineated in instrument creating and establishing said easement recorded August 1, 1967 in Book 1956 at Page 126, over the following described property: The West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., EXCEPT the North 30 feet in use as West 44th Avenue; ALSO EXCEPT the East 25 feet in use as Upham Street; and ALSO EXCEPT the East 125 feet of the North 130 feet thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges; thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, tight, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOr, The Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. `SEAL) I , B0082871 STAT2 OF COLORAPO COUNTY OFA The fore ung nAtroment wap acknowledged before me thisNA-44, day of lvej, by Jamey W. pinkar4. My commlisolon expirea Ay 0D'DMW!0n $,Pt,es W) 10,19.$4 91ITNESS my hand and official eeal. .+ c$' Xlnata �la .`i .7( � — � CF'ereT �aats�rh[aAim � I-}tr+.afsne.aotsi � .• - :�az wa)�.,L.�ea+L.l,. �"�'fOKzl�acl�lMaor, IiiiM,aT uIIL{dN_ J ... ast�a!ac•. ...>I� i�:`ia'7#iiNit "t�tio. '" PLaPave1-Te•'thoFCoiietyEet.JalroYftan. i+itjdtttL•7!'Wl't25�'hrn''f��s�� n' .a6 �_ ttoim•d xwik -_•�a•aoveu��titea_6gr�nt;;s�:.tb�ca�:-7+...�arr;Ebt�iw��:•:W,,a;,:'�? - - �[wbt-ia�ate�..-.•w.t::Ateb:.,ana.; •aarr�w•t..e.u;, ..G�..•.- _-..'....- ads tla'Vpiittt`etYdeel'•eed ggC�l:.itN6M2i, LIiaC"'d/l�ttiairsifL - .. 470 r«e-thiirot 'N '�[Alj�' � .>aa IL:1/3otVt7ii W 116 1d .L/M 9R.L! ot�6aeCles Zl''7b11ta11iP .. +..5 seueh:,saeaa 69 Wt ut,ths.fic&-P.N.,•QCLR X664" 30 ..: ""fpf'iu•nde.'ar Wtnat.44t4 A"ow.sc::._ " •r . - - .. - -3749-C. aba.aartb-7S fast o1 ths ddnth-2/Stb of give w th of twier-,1A 1!4-ot Sretloa tJ..'imummkU 34out s. tiata-N 1Mtt of : . tba-6th-V.1t.,'litr1T the Vast took tbtire_-that Ire it.: - - Wadsworth' Li... or say Mrt`thar+et, ,iaelitdtet, but set' limited to. tM rollewLS. 1. A certain Anetded &MLSubetLtatiA Atiertet dated July 7, IMP by and . - between Z. a" eradyi lae_� owral—ft" refesxid to u the "Oeatnneee'.') sed the Asstgaer add Jasse t, Voila.ai Odder. - - 2. A earteia N.nmgoneat At»arno dated Aprlt 2: , 19ar ►y and "hosen VmaSchaatk At Ce.; as manager, mod the Ase lavgw and Jesse It. Wall@. am owner, which Agreement was taraltated by a 3.1 day notice given July S, 1968 to the Manager. . S. A certain letter agreement dated Jas 23, mat$ 9 with Joseph Farb or and Ca.peay N MMger. . A.. A tartain lases dated rabtuary.l. 1967 :by ad i,batwaaa the National Tea rn; as Leasee and a treat holding tale for Aal ;nor'and Jsra'It. Voll§ as. 40e0r, subject to a conditional. Asdtgamoint-.d Looter's Interest in lasso datid'October 9, 1967 to the SoLtsbin Lila aaurante Satiety of the Dritad Stated. - S. A certain Lease dared Ortober 10i 1967 -by a d betwdem Ysldo rand Olive N. bugle as WS04 and John F. Sw"ney as it ttorney Le tact for Assigner and James E. Rolls. 6.. A cdrerin Declaration of Easement dated Jul 171, 1967 by Trammaeariee Tilts Laurance CanaAdy of CMledada AS ttunlM uadsr Twat aro. 166720 .. our whict. Aasisear and Jaws L, 1fe1L wain b amfitlal wan. 7. All efae' against Aidt too Casualty and "gutaty toap6ey laoluig but net' I I"ted to then driving Out alf a fits Ides an IDs c 201 IM and rubdagaant raadellea sod malicious seleahlaf. a.. A adrtatm 400a dated October 31,.196! by Arid between Adm4Mr Mad Jams§ X. falls AS Lessor. Add rataat'COtpnrMtlon at Leee1a, ler natal lrer this Ideas is aubiat tan Mareavedt with votionel iha 4ats17 to aedls -Martanat Tam Company the seem -04413 per-anoth toward- atidadi Tests obllptlde as taeson ata dslattlas - 9. Aemrtala tsar ee. tyrow.r.ate to be constructed. dated Le- y h' 1968,by and batwen Amalgder W Lmsa R. 90118. As Lpore,d earf : 6 Porta., Ltd., AdLenses. -1. r: i-'. avirraeaT••freliatirt'a�:nd dpv3;rn ba�twTteeSfhtr eetdJ�laftal�i{'i71M.'adu olDiiinidl.�:s; at .11 of the <owroa. ra M,pkrfstnad .ef;tli, Aatl�or•wld•r-tai itieer�iasl ,Ma' provided, I— or, Atat{oea,dodm Mt,.etr any ltekllicy or .btlpettai at A..itwe- far defaalt of Aa.ipar madc:aay ef'a.1d IDV Amel�ttl at aPpli" to sad blood, thQ Pame he-- mad tb lz ry i - ST Yrrmis wmntmtt, tn. y{sttme un ti uatad into tea 1 . .. a:acaoad this ,� day of A,1 o -+.a aenv- i', 1,X I _ Adq=U ASi[CMds D AC. eAMIi QU&AW7 imn 6 4h at -- :. •. '1 a ie�l.1 9ra_gey, sacs tory of IoG��. �) - oG1DRY or far) is o. this yU day of �1:t-+« ++��h ; 1966, before, es, panneally. appeared 1. 6r16ht and John P. 6eaan}y, to­pnSa h aolly ere, rhe bete6 by Aaly did say that they an the president and Secretary reap.ctiwty of Batas t' Corporation, a corporation, "t the deal affixed to the fora6ota6 paten ff the terPorara aeai o[ Said cotiperation, that Said looteurnt vas aartrt6d d _ of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors .0pdthe said ri6Mt .as ]ehq F. sre.nay acknowledgedSa[d Instrument teje to [tae set _ of said corporation. / / a ' gorary Publte to and for 4l:ougty. ior• SSAtt or tow ) ss Cot rm or ) .. s .9941.7 of , 1466, he[era ens W appci d, Sad /'- ' �1 r t peneiuyly court, tq6 �y er duty vorq, ofd .•y t they an ! and �11r"" % _ rnpettlwly of Life lmartoto Mae., a corporaclon, that the seal affixed co the [oraLLM leattuaent to the corporate teal of said corporation; that Sold lootrumont wa "-.Rod in .bahaLf of 9.14 }yr Ion by .rtMtlty .t mi ewN of laps d eM Sald. f� and I ackn�Said instrument to M tht tray ant and dead of said cot6e S a, 1 t story Nblic in am for Said Casty and Etre■ • r0 �l dial sr UN. C4 Aft 1 C 7f17R 247'�'� �`- 3501.95 � N i q` DOCUl. ENT NUMBER 774la--CD _ v W.O./J.O. NUMBER r's a ii525 z tr r y EASEMENT In consideration of the sum of One Dollar (51-00) and other good and valuable consid- erations, the under.,igned Grantor (whether one or more) hereby grants unto PUBLIC SER- VICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, a Colorado corporation, Grantee, its successors and i assigns, on easement for the installation, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, op- eration, control end use of electric conductors, conduit, equipment and related facilities 1 in and through the electric service system, including conduit and direct buried cable, as presently located and installed, or as to be located and installed, From the point where such electric service system enters the premises to the points of delivery of the meter or t I meters or other points as shown on the attached schematic diagram, on the premises and � within the improvements on the premises. Said premises being described as follows; to -w! t'. The * of the vi of the Ntu of the SE,—, of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, except the north thirty (30) feet thereof; and The Sit of the NQ. of the NW—t' of the SE, of Section 23, Township 3 South, i Range 69 Weet, except the east twenty-five (25) feet thereof and e. ept the east one hundred t my -five (125) feet of the north one hundre 4 thirty (130) feet the, ( (City and) County of left Tann -, State of Colorado, Known and numbered:7-44 West 44th Avenue Tet'fgrsnn [ of ty Colorado, together with the right and authority to enter upon said promises and the imp•ovements j thereon at all reasonable times and as reosonabiy necessary to the e.excise of the rights . t granted herein t Grantor reserves the right to use and ocarpy said premises and the improvements there• on f -)r any and of purposes consistent with the rights and privileges above granted and which will not interfere with the use of or endanger the facilities constructed within. the easement hereby granted: • I GOf'4.50 � NOV tc:; 1:157 • • DI)04.)0T All damage to the premises or the improvements thereon, except underground obstruc- tions of which Grantee has no specific location, caused by the exercise of the rights herein granted shall be repaired of the expense of Grantee - Executed this 7th day of — JU v . 19 69 . -.Fir Proctor, Bi Fre sident z.;' '• vey L, Clar , Aesistant Secretary arporation; ❑ Partnership; []doing business as '114.1 746 STATE OF 89ss — County of LINN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7th day of juily 19-69 , by yg—j I E Proctor — as Vire Pres L 'Cal. f Life and HarVgy L.L. CISrk — as Assistant Secretary 0 Tm"..r.rA Inc. — a corporation. My commission expires: july 4, 1972 Witness my hand and officlal seal. Not oy Pu Tic ioht-,-r.—§veeney -2- 21,14 `.47 1 PiJHL14 pGnrn:.c vv. yr �-�� LLCCT DIST ING OC*T I 2144 '748 �gl.ti U O V 43 F" M p ,q O O THIS ACRFaWT, made and entered into this 110— day of , 1970, by'and between the NATIC'NAL TEA CO., an Illinois corporation, c/o 4120 Brighton Boulevard, Denver, Cc•lorado, 80217, hereinafter referred to as "National Tea", and GENERAL INVESTMENT FJNDS REAL ESTATE HOLDING COMPANY, an Ohio non -prof -t corporation, One General Street, Akron, Ohio, 44309, herein- after, referred to as "General". WITNY,SSETH• THAT WHEREAS, Naticnal Tea is the owner of a tract of real property ' described as: PARCEL 1: The east one-half of the Northwest one- quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of the South- east one-quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the; 6th P.M., Except the North 30 feet, in use as West bbrty-fourth Avenue: PARCEL.2: The North 35 feet of the South two-fifths of the West oue-halff of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.i Except the West 40 feet thereof that lie in Wadsworth Boulevard, All in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. and WHEREAS, General is the owner of a tract of .real property described as follows: lot 1 ParktrLew No. 1, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado 03f to s 4;-2m aa�> am 'AND RIGHT-OF-WAY THIS ACRFaWT, made and entered into this 110— day of , 1970, by'and between the NATIC'NAL TEA CO., an Illinois corporation, c/o 4120 Brighton Boulevard, Denver, Cc•lorado, 80217, hereinafter referred to as "National Tea", and GENERAL INVESTMENT FJNDS REAL ESTATE HOLDING COMPANY, an Ohio non -prof -t corporation, One General Street, Akron, Ohio, 44309, herein- after, referred to as "General". WITNY,SSETH• THAT WHEREAS, Naticnal Tea is the owner of a tract of real property ' described as: PARCEL 1: The east one-half of the Northwest one- quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of the South- east one-quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the; 6th P.M., Except the North 30 feet, in use as West bbrty-fourth Avenue: PARCEL.2: The North 35 feet of the South two-fifths of the West oue-halff of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.i Except the West 40 feet thereof that lie in Wadsworth Boulevard, All in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. and WHEREAS, General is the owner of a tract of .real property described as follows: lot 1 ParktrLew No. 1, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado and ' WHEREAS, both of said parties have established existing mads or con- template the establishment of -roads andrights-of-way to various retail establishments located on,each of the parties` respective properties, and a' WHEREAS:, the parties desire to establish a mutual right-of-way and ease- ment connect:ing the two properties so that.the tenants, servants, visitors, employees and licenaees ofeach shall have the full, free r:lght to pass and, repass freely as a means of ingress and egress from the property of one of the parties to the property of the other; N0w TEIZximBE, it. is understood: and agreed as follows: r that, the �F Went 100 feet of the South boundary.line of the Fast r one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the North- west one-quarter of the Southeast ane -quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6ta P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, it a= which serves as a boundary line between National Tea's 1-nd and General's land, shall be used as a.weanr of ingress and egress joining the property par par agrees to pave and keep in a of,each of the ties and each of=the ties �V good state of repair the roadways on each respective side of said boundary ¢ line and each. , agrees not to .erect s barricade fence or othen,ise obstruct said boundary line so that the same shall at all times remain a means of ingress andress es aforesaid, � 9 This agreement shall be coterminus with that certain lease dated June 23, i., 1969, as supplemented by Supplement to Lease dated December 5, 1969, made by Monroe Development Corporation, Lessor, to Gem International; Inc., and i subsequently assigned from Monroe Development Corporation to General Investment - aP Funds Real .Estate Holding Company on December 5, 1969,, as recorded in book 2149,' pages 54 and 59, Jefferson County, Colorado. F - ;--,_._ - P 223:1 '72.1 IN WITN3-SS WHEREOF, the parties -hereto have set their hands and seals this a -Y of w 44to ILWO. ATTEST. AS h. - NATIONAL TEA BY Vice Pre GENERAL INVES24ENT R= Ri.J2j ESTATE :HOwum LvmyA;K . r STATE OF MLINOIS ' COUNTY OF COOK ass The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 29th day of September -1 19TO, by . W. B, Thomas as Vice President of the National Tea Co., an Illinois corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public',...., My commission expires: sENr4ET-r BERMAN Notary Public, Cook County, 11:00f$ MX Commission Expires January 12.197J! STATE OF CFt ;66 OOMTY OF The fygoing instrument was acknot(ledged before in t day of m 1970, by k as Vic- v4stkm-T of the General Investment Funds Real Estate Holding Company, an Ohio non-profit corporation. Witness my hand and official. seal. A6- Notaryic -P-Uzf 'c My: JACK A. B(INSKY. ANo At �U.R Poblic • State of Ohio 11—rr My commission has no azoleatim dft Sodim 147.03 R.O. 3 j 6110W a n IOWA STATE BAR AsSOMATlOR y_ ivie nm i�aL esP s� 0*0.1 rar[A (a.. at - REAL ESTATE CONTRACT -INSTALLMENTS iT IS AGREED thin day of December 1973 by and 1rlMse^ UnderwriteYs International, Ice•, a Tennessee corporation, and James E. Rolls. 1353 Granville Road_ i1 Newark, Ohio _ Sellers., and Homer Noble. 2425 South Colorado l Boulevard, Denver. Colorado - g •-- That the Sullen, m in this contract provided, agree W sellto ohs Buyers—and the Buyaes in considora°inn of the pnrnises hereby agree with the Sellers to purchase the following described real astate situated in the County of Jefferson ,•state of �og. - The West tM of the N.E. $ of the N.N. it of the y S.E. -`5 of Sect. 23 in Twp 3 S and Range 69 W. of the Sixth principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the N. 30 ft., in use as W. 44tb Ave. except the East 25 ft, in use as Upham Street, and except the East 125 ft. of the North 130 ft. thereof. (Showa -as Tract A on Attachment A attached hereto and wade a part hereof.) Subject to the leases set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.. 1. h Further subject to the easement described in Exhibit "B" attached her'to and made a part hereof. S together with any casements and s ient estdes appurtenant thereto, bas with such rearmaiians and escsptions of P!M n a mayy ba below stated, and certain parconal property if and as may be herein described of 1f and as an itemhed hist is at. ..Ked hereto end marked "Exhibit C" )As to any such perianal property, a Security Interest hereby nH—hes thereto. as 'I proyldad by the Uniform Commercial Code). all upon the terms and conditions following: r. larALFJlCNASQ mm fa w..aperp n s 498-000 .,,ebk .r 375 Ce 1'nc Road N Calor Rant dg wieu PATeuer o s 85.000 eYepgrt W -IM 0p m HUM A6feoPlFIDsa: cod II (See Attachment B attached hereto and made a part hereof.) a. MSSL13IDM. Men, ®ne.rr.1, mit du. P '...nm m Mair rod A.Il ba -e .d h .-.W. d ,dd primum m M. 15th der d December __ —M enc Ih-f- w lane m for ,hsa Pei- W aMlpdima d d:+ nmAecr: II Fares en reblp ..bract a Me rSbl+ d tam, sW we eaalled :. mvlrh xs.drvm an eW elnr doh d m"x.l.n. w 1-1- br "W rn IM r.e.. idlc. q ye s a. texas. AAha mi, -23 2 ger ori .Dada ,mn eawme a.e:,m Mw propary (ia:lu:�lp mead prem.rr, ii art am end Pevebh 1. de H+r l/ 74 e[e •• eM enr u>pdd tam, Awma, roreble In p:a [ro ..-.w"I pry nm tam xp eaamud br ielbn. -a»en ,M!I Per do TK+,puri n1a�e°h /He°,1aM+II rwni F 1e IF. `oll°i�a Ver n a°eJe :°o/6pM °M°Irri`ile. n`d LwrdihwOYUWi a M'EOO.h'Plpea,l m,mn.ml a enr. to rro CauMY a. SPINAL AS76915e11S. fr'W. ,-1 Pev Ibe ,rod., aeuemcl. e.M. M -s wep.rtr: ISM1e ed e'Aha NI er tbt WI-) M•'pM+LrareLp.L '_ ••- .,_-- • - - --. • JMane-Rdif.mMY-Kl+bbida-Haab. (b) WhIA .ne a c.a Ihenm e, d December I5, 1473 (cl le[Iadiq ell .empe diapaml mwnm+da for OvenD°ae duan Mddwe eaeAed 6y em mvnidP°Kh M1ON q ;wi,rFdbn w d dsh d pa,mai.n. euya...rmp ee abme eMed, dell pq ell ,abiagmm .pmiJ a,emrmene +ed areal, beton Mer bmme a.f .r. n e. HDRT4IAG. Aar merrmce c. exemhr..na or +dinner ub." eq.lue Wmid aloe be 1; 1, roil by Slr[ ;p a M!e erebCb 1fw Rnx' °b✓rSatEii°i se`IMitl semen [evil M m per(dmgmc°� a°Yapm°r ,b "d`ahs. aa» MOivlls e e anpr•mirn s Io N. ironed a iep map°.. mra m W rid aaeed'm. G err .ra T. d the Men rA fdmaanfrare d a1x�w,pr `IY roe,et ieP.u�la `:'. wv,nVnr d eY°ee4°d �ol:: a Eel or ,��i�b .al�•mWa.6v+ roatd ;.'7� •eq�mwyq, ww.�,»m,+„-lgw�ibli°ah cl n .n:g et,"r'Paa cod es am ro enY al avSOri than rlghh in uM pr.perrr. DEED FOA OVYEAa Sab1FCr TO NOer E Ir a:�w� Wn miu¢d ria p��r�pe oS IM lv rfln eme.m el e+Y s.,A,A n,wfye.e bele.n m and prerrlw, th mimed IMir apim. ewmr W b per [old lnalee® eend3q b � rdelM b ,ucL aert.epe [Mil teem» + teed b wid salla, d lhdr mllaq ear Kwp Wh Wlw. Imp ewN .sb _ npnpge dee o. Pev dl wcb nwrgge. Ai101' TFp PI1TM�1(IS furrR in Ike enol O/ ir:q rWa �ra�rl� Lan, w q$y bW.r hefxd aF ° IcIAv of t4 M Nth, a in Il,e er.el b . rrwk+a+ pdmt cold V W a M N ru.n°�° emir W Wit pM.abn re dFW+ a a'b>n Xr mrmada r. t!+ IaMrpCx.,tal Fran m rodr iMrn,la m appae•, 5£LIEtS Afi iAVSTEB. viel7.n +Yu tri Mw afA wlHd aP r.+n I.wm!.c b amre d 1b eau.nl d IM iNlwe aMlll hri°R✓ rW11M w damMiwh om:rretlnM Eerinl#d� Lwrr ..elW.mw:% Wr oda b. mw�wwW mdm�la mawsq «d `."ia,afd rq °�1immr ., 11m p.et e+d here. d IM luyen for M. up nqd bmrH d Ihr erye,c f. [.nap a mw b elMiviw ' tided h W IeiT .interim d rareDwps I(p alert -ewe witl dare d puuwb., NYl mar Ce m bop la Lane ' nnoea ni .Waq� ie bo pepid � Mae .itbW .Mb or ) OdYad toe w nn, lagde ad alis Irrsa wmHW sed fm Salta mer r viw an W 6WMi,.r a impr.»ennX, .ey m tritely plea,tl u di prmd cod ra nnnur peP.vr Clot n eey E„ IM ,ubi.e o! Mu wren• in sx°panie P b rw,ef.Eh epplmEd q xdr, b a anlPrA eat Iro ELe Ma iAI 1� .@as n? eW. e*Piw• d pameel propxr w •nct las iMe lee ynmlA mxlew crw Mn,. eLvhnr �alm+l h ,w.kW NM adt lmv.am pwWH°m°b ipin set IPw° Hwir i+4en.N aura LUYEFa SMALL PRCMP DE➢OSif sUCX aOLxT wITX PFOnrq AIpELS Yliirl' Sa,LPK MM Aa r.rrnr mo+ih�e.gM ¢r•emt d IaM°r ni( ne ponwm�pmllew+add. �!y°,.iHn en.r Min w°m e�lY wne'0swnabY ePPliuHw W W t'°°`wJ4°alerl M �-M°lu: 1a q' cwt a �P�azavb do:l ifad� Y ih b .be yetrrenl d rbe eblia°tb',e Iwiin. r• CAei of [ssaaarTP. Hvrsn 041 rd. nod un d IFA dN lsep�lhe bAla and Impmren+er. mm a kavdea q i as 1M .nin'dx.n` �,'io',e a w'�'.aa,��•inm`° i :rropeh •ad° rmdl rm+ i.�� 4' .. a„lw "1�° Irp °ar�l[ aadaa. r...+ ssdl ms m.b. raP p�m+ea dlm cl Ilu `wI Dc:vn dot eat yap er priNl uid pre:atnv b M oma far em Ilweal p.Tw b [®n. N. a.dado' IMe Jlaa b im.ma: spa a raaelrmd petal Me til mwe Hwtb+d ;dwlw V. AIVAXeSOMM sr 7KUH. H fame M !e pf webo lawn, held i-- w1 aJd�..by(r�aa�a-aieyw prr4 •X yba,ap—d, Wi., mr+yy bd Med eat, per em4 ImM [pK1m wa'ereledh wwP.:Fn end ileaamry oed ell msgNW. (Ibr alEc .+ dHll 9p lwlb a0-4 o�N DurWoph 6� 1�• of W Neelbn d Selaer, be rddad b 1M pN.ad[d emeW cctd lw_e br Tin t.en son m a.: Aee�ni. a•rwroasn -MO-025'76 693. 2576 694 /9. IO1NT iFMANCT IN FROCEEDS AND SMAITT 21ONTS fN AEAL 0TA'M it end ly if, the Salm I— dietaF/ aecedtnq Mic xla, bed hro lith I* iha .bore ds ibed "let" Ie j ;qt tenanN. d sash join ! rye has set {eMr beez desfroyvd by apereYier, flaw neM ch d tis Setiars, ihu wle het$ sal < stirut. —1, deetrietio d ts, p Ill o1 the tr.et, ndn ny cesdtoui:A nd/qr r "'mart ,:gbh i sella id 7 hold he rid coMia -a Scilcm a l he eu iib .i fits e f r Xip and end. b. ommen: ad Buyers. I Mo Mot the death I. am at __101 /.reale, .orae to ply m �bal6erdr-e of ih'M1 iu=tela of toy apntred b the sarvivinq Selkrr torr Sadism) and to aewpt dead xDW from him as them cor.Ivilh paragraph 13 6aloM .eg.eph ,s sbickan from s egmement. 7Jrh. "SELLBNS: 95aause. If not titleholder i ed;etely prccedinq tell sale, sholl he wasunred b have ruled this instrument niY for Me purPow d ,.sr... sh:n ell rigws of dm. a, heme[taad end d Iribufive here aadjnr in ea 01 ane. w)M wane, shl.;3 Cede of Iowa• end the f the .urd 'Sellers' rn if. Med Q.r?;o. of file cenllsel, winc�al mp , shall not .but such presumption, of in ant' weY enlergP adend the prevreut isderetf d cud shouse ;n laid psep- arty, .r rhe iMe proeeedc, r bind such corn. euxpi a afbreeid, tp iha' <Mmt enA pgvisigns of th;s wnhecl. r 17. TWO IS OF iN8 �SEMCI doff this Agreement. Feil,,, to promptly mwrt r19his d 5ellen herein shall not, hor.les, ba a 16151 d naafi rights or ,112, uExCEIVONS TO rWARiANTI 9P Y)TLE. The wprrer.}ias M title -n aro baud Mede pwamM 'o his eomreM (sae paragraph 11) shall W vlsh.d rrotlon ar goeNScM;on E%CEIRt (a) Zeninq dinar,$; (b) Such Waiila wvnnents a may be shv.rn ai aord; (,e` Ee:emaMa el r rd. IId} A red by peregravhs h 2. 3 and i of this mnhed; (e) $el$am µall 9i, Special Win—ty of to Ma osliod after nt 41`1. title peat.[ fo BuyerN I SPoaso if eat a HHA.Idl,l need not loin in say ..,nisi.$ of the deed ,also ,the -4. aHp.l.tad: 19) (dinrel resarvdioas,f "card?) (h7 (Lien[7) (Easements not rewrded7) (lnhnsh d osis, p•dias7) (kessw7) 13, 11 AND ABSTEfLCT, BILL OP SALE. 1{ ell sad ams of money end tntarsst en pard Iv seller d-'ag the life of his cbnfred, ed e9 other epraamelsla for performance by BUYen N» been <omDlied wilh, 5ellen will mecMe end deliver to Beyer. a CrL'neil'al w._my fled e,snv"I wiA twenirsb in Sae ole parsueat to a d in aMormiry wbh shy oM.ad: aid Sa' r !II ebnesvrcnfry dally., b- hien a ebsl d hewing rcM1eatsale title, in <oMormiry riM Mit nt• ct. surer abclrect xMll beads with }he q rrt of patent ,alar punueM to bre1 bar saoet{m ftlle stenderdxmi6e:. , lever as fitment to peri.Z of abdracHngl to said premum and shell show fives, tt:ereta `n sellms at of Me data of W. evnFscY; or m of ouch earlier is if and as daigmfed is Nle next senivnce. This walled .dn ff. p Ions "Atfen offer of Buyer to bas the *bele daoila d PMWN which rn aevaii by $ellen on Ih• 6th day v! December ft 13- 5ellen tall afee pry, file sol d ant abstraaiinp dw w mi ed or cheage In the iwr[omt eifain of S.It«a rpuffirq ;. dsengc of titIo by eperdien of far or oihereise. IF am -meal property is a part of fees aRyss-al,' thea voea dw prlamanw by Schen ,hell suxa end del;— a Bill as sale evmisbsf wifh the tam. of isle emebed. 5ellen shell pay ell taps m enY saeb —v I properly ....bb ie s4� . eM ell limes Me— .W. ➢riot thereto.Title �y 14. APPROVAL OF ABSTRACT. Buyer he•r. examined Me rP'P fa R,y plan" ad touch alDrADW Binder Binds; 15,1. FORFEITURL If Buyers (a) fell b mehe tis p.Maults eforas,id. or any pert thenpf, as wane bowma due; pr ib) fail to pay Mo faap er spacitl a:saw nh r herg6, r any ped Yh6ea1, levied pan .td preperiy, a ne3. pppf��t L by mYi ladno bcdY before an{ of neh lerro Become delinquent; or (c` rail fo keep the properly insured or (dl fail fa Iwao If in M noble roDvlr nr herein �u r d: r (e) fail 1v "edam ny �d M• •gwgmenh hNan m ds or recuirea; Meen wllns, in edailion to v„y end ail other legal aid nyuifable remedies which They may here, 1 the'�r option, may proased }e 1ar<ett en0 I his centred s providM 6y ler ZCXepra.-BBa�dcpp-Ipaati t;pn mmplefion of suc5 leribiq,ro .fryer shall Xeve 'ghf d rcclametiaq w ponce ehnf tion far mMey paid, a mprplaments de; bN meh pay OMs nd f prOVpmMp3i If anY (hell 6e rained end kap( $.flet, eb egmhppenwflpn 5qr the uFe Jell �I»pePae.[enaond elr[eld heel est Odor m v rY herwf,eluch�cpOrly rorfparf KU In gpiofl�i%IlonMh M Mwa�peee efally��mYohen'tFrnrbfom er 9 fo do [e may bs treated ee tan. all balding o unlewiully eller the mpbelion d a leve, and mar ecmrdingiy be ,,steel nd ,.mored as suaA es provld•d by Rev. 15,9. FORECIASURi. If Ruyan fail in any sae of the spe<i6ed ways 1s, ply dth ih;s combed, stn 1 } (b), Id (d) ar (ej of anal p.a d perey, •: b IS.i bore F qv de e, Shcan may eon thirty [39) days r Hen Mi® I infeMwn lea eWnfa Ihb pey enf f the eel%ra bel.nce, d_,, hill; 11, al.r• 1, default r oeiaulh re mol removed, declare the entire balance Irerwnda immediately d.e tl pay.6le M Meresntr et IM1e epldM olwthe Sallee th;6eraw ited t '" ins° be farec!osad i it, end a receiver may be apputMed to lake charge of slid premiss ¢ort wiled the risk[ and profits thereof to pp may be dirMed by the laud. 1*. ATTORNEY'S FW. In cera d an, aeften, any promed", ;a env Goal Ib c RIM II1f psye6k o c d beaa;a to —fee the lens dezaiMd sin t Setlen, or ,n any ofXer sale isrroined by whf h eherneyt feet may be <Mfetled from Bryem, a i.,.ad ,pot. IMm, or open the .bars prueertf. Bayes .oras b pay re swv6ta .harp: fees. 77 NREEEST ON CiELINOVENT 4M "M Blhw part( will paY inlereN et IM1e hs'9Bm/ kgel wMred rete eppGrsbk vo a nefu.ei "Man ro tis otMr on it —y'.. heroin m and etas, ?bey lvcorns delissRaed, ead)er oo rush resanably edvaneed by either pe.•ty pnnuaM ro the terms of fists cermet. as protective dilbune- m at.. 1& ASS76NMSM. n case of /he asdl.tFI of Mis :I by cit6n of the penia, promof notice shop be given to Me other parries, ha shell et the tirr_ of such '.flee 6s, furnished rfrh a dupltsafe el sed, as;:gnf y s�e6 espgnnn. Anv refs as(gvmenl sbell at ♦errsia to the liabslif,' e1 Me assignor 1. perform, infers a sp-ifl- rela6a in wdfing is given end signed by the other party to this Cv .t. 49. PESSONAL PRO►EBTT. if fill, onhect ' eludes theI.I. f env Denpnal ...... i', he. in he eat of Me (.Malas.., Ipreelmure of Mit c ft f, vah ap11111 shel bo w6;dered 'Ml,Wbia tth Ila r 1 rata ,bora daseri6ed; va d elf/ such Y6minaF.. of Boyers' righle In said reel .[safe I. oaeareMIV emreta az the' fvrieiluro or /praeloeurs hernf egvimt ell such lyenenal prcoerty. 26. CONSTROCnON. Word, end phrases haaio, including knewladgmanh hereof, shell be comtre'd m in Me singular or plural number, end as ra.-Joe. tem , eater gander, eccordinq to fhe cordes+. see pee Is tIvh. above, for wwlreclim of ih. -rd "Sellars. 21. SFSOIAL.PkMr CM. STATE OF COLORADO i ) as. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) On this 13th day of December, A.D. 1973, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publicin and for the State of Colorado, personally appeared Homer Noble to me known to be the identical person named and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his voluntary act and deed, witness my hand and official seal. KY Cammissioni6xpires: �sliy Cp rlryi)iotplRzp)rod as 75,7974 J ;e 9 - Notary Puhlic 2576 694 Eeculed f duPlipate`� f t hlpllcefp UNDE ' i Z �EIYIPA5;0. T C. By; iti? �•'•_ r*YrES E. ROLLS X75 Collins Rd. N.EyCedar Ra+>ids. IA. 1353 f;avi .. � , e.oa.e.e 25'rG 695 _ C HOMER NOBLE Ctrl = y_ isnP�lS °•• 2425 South_Colorado Boulevard .ar ...p Denver. Colorado ems. COUNTY, sn , & D. 19_73_, b.f.. ma, the undersigned, a NeNn Public in eW for the 51.f. of I—, Pm- rh—"e idegihd tgAre named in eM me eaeM.d she wWW. and fp.eg - i.tUame.1, end eeQlwWiatgad kei tb.y ?Mfi . ra •mac sausssssL i...J se, the st.s. or ioea O iid z&29 99,51 a 72 a a o S o w e• U E � i n ' 1 0 3 I >B I 71� O iid z&29 99,51 2576 696 AwACtmm A 4rae� t A. The West � of the N.E. } of the N.W. } of the S.E. � of Sect. 23 in Twp 3 S and Bang. 64 W, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County. Colorado; except the N. 30 ft., in use as W. 44th Ave, except the East 25 ft.. is use as Oph— St—t, and except the I.Aa L 125 £t. of tor: Worth one hundred thirty foot thereof. -� Tract B. The E. k of the N.W. ly of the N.W. Y of the S.E. 1 of Sect. 23, in Twp. 3 S. and Unge 69':. of the Sixth Prin. Meridian in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the N. thirty feet, iv rse as W. 44th Ave. Ytect CThe N. 35 ft. of the S. two-fifths of the W. § o£ the N.11 of the N.W. % o£ the Of Stct.. 23, to Twp 3 South and Range 69 W. of the Gi=th Principal Ceridian, in Jef£croon Couoty, Colora4o, except the W. forty feet thereof, that lte In Wad"ortb Blvd. 2576 GJIG . S7mp_2.n__ fl el :,loove psj tots! Of -=Ilorlsl m—n'an2n7-:_ of cos=�n area. Am nu �Z rents! 25703 69t7 f.nt laaz�4 -23zit.- ll-,,.Z-� a-ra-x- 1e153:! t 7- 5, 55 T - L-vW. - Z3 2-0 . 37--aza feela2sad Del ton Fall ll;ac sm:=3 fzel, --ease.:! u- U-1 Bpmxtician C--3rD!-,,Z -,, �'3.55 =--r Si. ft. 3, L --* bb =- r ty Loan - 17-1-1-0 &Tusra feat leazed witil I '31 -", Vii.25 psr 5 S7mp_2.n__ fl el :,loove psj tots! Of -=Ilorlsl m—n'an2n7-:_ of cos=�n area. Am nu �Z rents! 25703 69t7 DECLARATION OF EASEMENT THIS DECLARATION dated July 27, 1967, by TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE CO:;PANY OF COLORADO, not personally but as Trustee, under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated larch 9, 1961 and known as Trust No. 166720, having its principal office in Denver, Colorado; and WHEREAS, Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado is the titleholder of Tract A (hereinafter referred to as "Tract A"), and Tract R and Tract C (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Tract B -C"), legally described on Attachment A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, which property is locally known vs the Wadsworth Shopping Center and located east of the southeast corner of Wadsworth Boulevard and 44th Street, Wheatridge, Colorado (here- inafter sometimes called the "Center"); and WHEREAS, Tract A is about to be improved and Tract B -G is to be improved at a later date; and WHEREAS, Tract A and Tract B -C may not here- after be owned by or mortgaged to cormon interest; and WHEREAS, Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado desires to establish easements, restrictions and obligations as between Tract A as one parcel, and Tract B -C as another parcel. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS AND DECLARATIONS HEREIN CONTAINED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. OWNER. The Term "Owner" as used herein shall refer to Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado in which title to Tract A and Tract B -f, is Eoa vestzd, and to its successors, assigns, grantees and all subsequent owners of the said premises and all pbrsons claiming under them. 2. PURPOSE. That the purpose of this Declara- tion is to create and establish a general plait for the repair and maintenance of improvements of Tract A and Tract B -C as a shopping center. 3. E.4SKMEtrr AREA. That the owner of Tract A gives to the Owner of Tracts B -C and the Owner of. Tract B -C gives to the -Owner of Tract A and to their respective tenants, and the customers, agents and employees of said tenants, the non-exclusive right to use, is co_oa, toe parking areas and other common facilities, including sewer, 2576 619 27669 gas, water, and electrical supply outlets and connections with the right for maintenance, relocation and repair thereof, drives, sidewalks and right-of-way of the Center (hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as the "Easement Area"), which Easement Area is portrayed on Attachment A as the area located within the dashed line shown thereon. 4. MAINTENANCE. That the Owner of Tract A and the Owner of Tract B -C shall maintain and keep well maintained and in good repair the Easement Area situated on its premises and shall keep such areas and right-of- way striped and clear and free of snow, ice, dirt, rub- bish and obstructions of every nature, and shall provide adequate drainage and lighting thereon. The parking areas and right-of-way on both premises shall meet at equal grades and no obstructions shall be erected or permitted upon either premises which will, in any way, interfere with any rights granted by this Agreement. The striping of the parking spaces and the driveways should not be changed by either Owner without the consent, in writing; of the other Owner. :i. WAD54TOR_TH AVENUE ACCESS. That the Owner of Tract B -C gives to the owner of Tract A a non-exclusive easement for right-of-way for ingress euj obsess L. a from Wadsworth Avenue over and across Tract C. Tract C shall be maintained as a roadway and will be hard -surfaced with either concrete or.black-top. .. &. INSURANCE. That the Owner of Tract A and the Owner of Tract B -C shall hereafter keep in force with a responsible insurance company or companies a policy or policies or public liability insurance naming both the Owner of Tract A and tenants thereon, and the O,,ner of Tract B -C, and tenants thereon, including any beneficial interest thereunder, for coverage of the Ease- ment Areas. The policies of public liability insurance shall have aggregate limits of liability in the amount of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for bodily injury to any one person; in the amount of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for bodily injury occurring in any one accident; and in the amount of not less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for property damage. A renewal policy shall be provided not less than ten (IO) days prior to the ex- piration of any such policy. A certified copy of each original policy or a certificate of the insurer evidencing the insurance carried shall be deposited by the Owner of Tract A with the Owner of Tract B -C and the Owner of Tract B -C with the Owner of Tract A. 7. ALLOCATION. That in the event the common area utility costs can not be separately metered for Tract A and Tract H -C, the Owner of Tract A shall pay forty-five per cent (45.) of the common -area utility cost, and the 25'6 69a _ 2 - .5576 00 Owner of Tract B -C shall pay fifty-five per cent (55%) of said utility cost. All other Easement Area costs shall be paid by the respective Owner. A real estate tax assessment and statement shall be provided for Tract A, and a real estate tax assessment and statement for Tract B -C and each Owner shall be responsible for his respective real estate tax and assessment obligation. The cost of the public liability insurance provided for in Article 6 above shall be borne -by the owners in propor- tion to the area of rentable retail or cotamercial space located on each respective Tract. 8. AMENDMENTS. That the respective Owners of Tract A and -Tract B -C may not amend or terminate this Agreement without the express written approval of any holders of first lien mortgages or first lien deeds of trust covering all or part of said Tracts, provided, however, that such amendment or termination agreement need not be consented to or approved by any lessee or tenant of the Center. Any attempt to amend or terminate this Agreement without the foregoing required consents shall be null and void. 9. TERM. This Agreement shall continue for a term of fifty (50) years from the date hereof or until terminated as provided in Article 8 above. 10. COVELW4T. That the easements hereby created, the restrictions hereby imposed, and the agree- ments herein contained shall be easements, restrictions and covenants running with the land and shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the undersigned, its respective heirs, successors and assigns, including, but without limitation, all subsequent Owners and mortgagees of Tract A and of Tract B -C and all persons claiming under them. 11. DEFAULTS. That each Owner has the right, without obligation or duty, to cure defaults on the part of any Owner and the party curing such defaults shall have a lien over the defaulting Owner's property interest for any amounts expended to cure a default, such lien to be, subordinate to any first mortgage or first lien deed of trust on the defaulted Tract. The right to cure de- faults includes injunctive remedies as well as rights to expend money for the cost and expenses of any suits, in- cluding reasonable attorney fees, with six per cent (67,) interest thereon, as may be assessed against the default- ing Owner. 12. TRUSTEE. This Declaration of Easement is executed by Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Celcradu , not personally but as Trustee as aforesaid in the exarcis� of the power and authority conferred upon and vested in it as such Trustee and said Corporation hereby warrants that It possesses full power and authority to execute this: irstr.:- ment and it is expressly understood and agreed that nothing cie 2576 701 herein shall be construed as creating any liability on the said Corporation personally to perform the terms and conditions or pay any indebtedness accruing here- under, or to perform any covenant either express or implied herein contained (iC being understood and agreed that each of the provisions hereof, except the warranty hereinabove contained in this execution clause, shall constitute a condition and not a covenant or agreement, regardless of whether the same may be couched in language of a promise or covenant or agreement), all such liability, if any, being expressly waived by every person now or hereafter claiming any right or security hereunder, and that so far as the Owner and its successors and said Corporation personally are concerned, any mortgagee and the owner or owners of any indebtedness accruing here- under shall look solely to the premises hereby conveyed and the rents, issues and profits thereof, for the payment thereof, by the enforcement of the lien hereby created. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado not personally but as Trustee as afore- said has executed this Declaration of Easement on the day of July, 1967. TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF COLORADO nuL personally, but as Trustee, as aforesaid ATTEST: By Vice President STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. CITv AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of July, 1967, by as Vice President of Transamerica Title Insurance Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation, as Trustee. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public 4 ATTACEMEN i B Balance of Purchase Price: The balance of the purchase price, $413,000, will be paid as follows: In equal monthly installments of $3,325.00, the first payment to be made on or before the fifteenth day of January, 1974, and payments to be made on or before the fifteenth day of each month there- after, through and including the fifteenth day of December, 1988. This figure is equivalent to the payment to be made on -a Note in the principal sum of $413,000 bearing interest of 8-1/2% per annum amortized over a 25 year period. Fifteen years from the date of this Contract, December 15, 1988, the remaining balance of the purchase price is to be paid in full along with any accrued interest thereon. That remaining balance plus interest is to be computed in the same manner as if a Note with the previously stated terms had been executed. It is understood and agreed that the Buyer hereunder shall have the right to prepay the entire balance of this Contract plus any accrued interest thereon, at any time, without penalty. _ Buyer agrees to pay in addition to and concurrent with the payment o monthl}r-Listallments of this Contract, an amount equal to an estimatecL - 2th of the annu411- -axes and assessments levied or to be levied again, r,a property nn�� covered by this act and 1/12th of the annual premium o 1remiums that will become due and payable insurance against fire and_nZ41Vr hazards which may reasonably be required by tit `ller, in amounts fi€f in companies satisfactory l� to such holder. If the total amo-b5Lt�_of thy---Fayment actually made by the Buyer '11j herein shall exceed the amount of pay made by the Seller for such taxes j and insurance, such excess shall _br'creditee 1:y, the Seller on subsequent pay- ments of the same nature to_-b�made by the Buyer ---4_f,. however, the monthly payments made by the _pr shall not be sufficient to-powy_taxes and insurance premiums when the-es;1me shall become due, then the Buyer stia!-.ipay to the Seller any_,arunts necessary to make up the deficiency on or be?ys _the date when payments for such taxes and insurance premiums shall be due`'ai_ Ipisaa. ---- -- -- — -- _-� `- j C 1W yyy� C pYi r U,g Uli,Uu^�; 6 924300 BIT OCT -5 M 11: 41 10"01 Jollerbos Slata of*10888-5 Bat 1. W 3080 '72_ ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT RIGHTS Tt,ae Aoreament entered into this 3d day of SQt0,4-- 1977, between HOMER.HOBLE, individually, and GAYNO, INC. hereinafter referred to as the "Sellers" and RW INVESTMENTS Co., hereinafter re- ferred to as "Purchaser". WITNESSETH: In consideration of the sum of Six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000.00), seller hereby assigns, quit claims, and transfers all interest in the certain Contract of Purchase dated the 13th day of December, 1973, and recorded in Book 2596, Page 693 of the records of the Clark of Jefferson County, Colorado, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A". That the Purchaser shall be entitled to all rights and be responsible for all liabilities as provided in 9!� said Contract dated the 13th day of December, 1973. yfL = ti This Assignment is subject to the Leases in possession as of the date of this instrument. cPurchaser agrees to assume the balance due on the purchase of said property in the amount of $391,909.64. The legal description of the property covered by this Agree- ment is as follows: The West 1/2 of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.S. 1/4 of Sec. 23 in Twp. 3 S and Range 69 W. of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the N. 30 ft., in use as W. 44th Ave. except the East 25 ft. in use as Upham Street, and except the East 125 ft, of the North 130 ft. thereof. (Shown as Tract A on Attachment A hereto and made a art hereof.) known as- 7360 W.44th, Wheatridge, CO. CAXlllj); t �y RW INVESTMENTS CO. t, sac. STATE OF COLORADO )es ' COUNTY OF #0yxNeg ) HOME. NOBLE }}�� ivi ua t. r O vy SUBSCRIB$0 ,SWORN TO before me this 30th day of 9ept,•+197 b{( Homer Noble, President of 'Gayno, Inc. tin P. Millet„i,1i((f,,ete! ?t,f and Homer Noble, individually. 1,�.. i:” s"9 44 :•oi NOTARY PUBLIC C• ' qr{y MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 10/20/77 .1�1..�' 3080 1723 ".1, f�. lu31V/"I 3080 730 "' "7 o' MWA.srwn aaQ aawtMtlm C _ - - j' 1 same a �`_'I�4 �, epltNt W WA IM 71 w..�.r r..r ash• �1, 11 •� 1Y.1� �,r,.1:2 r' a�+Y�a�aYMMwrwlM+iwlwr rwr4• ar- ' REAL ESTATE CONTRACT -INSTALLMENTS R to AGR®Mfg -- -rdaY uses!_ G"19L, by ma hN w. UodaRMItera International. Inc., a T.aneaees tror ration, and= L.M a 135 uaa a U_xx, Ole mmmudwskimm and n 7M1 16 swkn. @114 Nil coshael po.idad,b aqua wY b ow %"M, WA lis &ryes 6 land... of Pwatlw. heeby some .0 Nr SaBws Ze , 16a $'aortej dwa8r,d «talo dwed 6 t4 Cee, of Jefferson Stam of 1iiIF. The Mast N of the N. /l o" the N.Y. k of the a.Q. k of Sect. 23 In Tllp 3 8 and fsn8a 69 M, of the Sixth Pr i Naridion, in Jeff.reoe Coorty, Colorado, except the Y. 30 ft., in vas as M. Nt --p—Me Bast 25 ft. In use as Upham Street, and except the East 123 ft. of the North 130 ft. thereof. (Sham " Tract A .m Attachment A attached berate and made a part hereof.) Subject to thy"gas act out in fxbibit "A" attached hereto and lade a part hereof. Further subject to the samewent described in Bxhibit "B"1 attached hereto and cede a pert Mraof. mpalllr W* airy ;wallahs sad M ANd al6lw f tlMlelo. bol .1% Iarh a—vo am and e.wpUoro of f& w r�oY b blbw doted, sod ceto6 panoral 11 and sl "Nf be bwele dl.xdbad a Y and a an HM«iwd fid h at. 6thW MmW and aw6d "ra66ll C" VA to cry " prwaal pmprly, a SmwHy 6f " I mbi am" #msto. as owudad by f4a Ueda- Clr.werW CW , .1 upon Nes trap a"d aadlSow 0,& 1 iq: I TRA RmwMw saw w _.ft+l ASA- DOD p,ey,a 375 falli"a Need M. N. C Aar Q�aAe_ r.ann •�rp M r YY.. WWW TATe1M1 I 95_ non on" op _m" ■ lee asallalaalert W Pt 96LAM OF waeuw wI1L 1 - d r I...r .. e (W «n• « rr Y .r+rW Y IY ►mer• M M 1«I erre M ar w.a+•Il M r Irl«. d be V - n� �/ •- alem aew Gomm (w • w I..re IW ry M irrrW Y w ...r.r. a a+ M.•a.•.aI •. r Neo w ..M w .r.. w t W-. W Nre1M WrHl..aNM MI+AaW WW-e...rVwewY %a•. ..�•+�..IMI.Y•r•.MM M...i�Lfi, W`Ment r•.••d it ..OJ -re r✓Ne M YM� M.. �I, r Y•rW �k Ya.n, •.' W ....Y W M.w Yr fNin .V W (Sae Attachment 8 attached hereto and wade a part hereof.) L 10mewn. a.tw ..M.rk r► M P.I.—M we 1. *4 1..t.IIW Y a.....w r rN....rr M w 15th M• d ..camber r 73 W ft a r W r Owmy M4«r w •aa.*w a tar W. 0 u Iw«. •r qb- ..IFr Y w ft* M .wr W w rrM Y ..el,..,a,+m�w`i.`nw_ r W N .0. r Mr.r". s eb. &, W.. b M.w Ml.rea a6TA1x't7L IN�w bN _13i 241M S M N eche n•r _.w w�•.•er1 ae awrb! tt .+M M." —P.*. A •.a M W.yaMt.N111• y. �. aa. -u -, 4•w «N j.iirr w�.IM.r..ei.S'rww iir"bwi.. ~ditr«YiW.Y., r1ir� M Ile aw.e L Mum AueallwaL 1•a.. aN ert w W «.•.ra W W al. a ff1 .r 0" (d w w W.) MMar w.n.+t. PI 'rY.• r• • w err w «NecwMr 15. 1979 W 4ab.. N req. M+r.e.a. w tmw 1We.• rrwa M •r r Alww Y.ra WM m r.11M• M Ir+r. •..•M r .1..• ,..IK aN M N .ed.r.l .r.am •ear..,h W •a.a Yen Mr e.e•a• M.wMe. •, �.��y�lLa.�.y.� ,a WW,pya�1�,�,yM�.arrrr. r .1 . 11..4r w �j��.�eWwle �... a•' F l,.l. M rIW ,. IYn..1 4 104.1 r ar � } �a'�IY.� f�tf^�," ir6 r r �em �•1 M..riw.lr.a "`.�+/.t�+�,i nrM1i� ��aN Y�wM�I •wY pi►r n.W M.Me RMM y j^ 1. "am N. «.MV./ li..W Y�a�.are�e�.yale��eon . /rW W. •I.I.a b rW .AN. MuMW I.w1. �, �" �_tea Cy,.l1Yl IMI►rhlr Y.•aw lrArd.N... „A.e OR -JR fI9q SL mm.w weP!" 4?' �m y-" W;))•!b bug M 02010 4 �i�r"M� `.r+r .,moi N Fi rY nM rWwyN.�y " " yMi�M wWMi iL. 1.'r.' �rL11h .rr/ y.'G+M "ir�'r�.» ie'9.:r' ^.i r•.,.u'�"n ..4:t.1 w « M iwmW M1ri► hih w A4Y nXl iM M IA- Mwr SYN. M M.rr. b wlr d .0 d0ft r e N W • NfMmb..w W W r ow re.Me d MMM mew .aY... d..(a.e (0 F IN W R eas AND iY.Wt.mLL M4I1Y. NdI UY rr drrrWiW rwr r a iW�O.MMNr M114 w+w4WNwW .9Xsrr M rr M w6 Y�✓W M rr.aw wM. MX �f Mw. r Yq M.Mw Mrh�.nMb dfi w wrr� M MMs r e�l)L M+ .r. r.. e.er M. I.M rA..prM r.rdW XO hrm a• arm w w�.Ma�..yyh.. d �.''',S6'..N1=—*mwwa ft rr der ar..h .r.n Oi rrm a..rw.T.Mi �r�rWi s.ww wwwb wA.rrN.+- w, A"99 l e9 ahhlah.9. 11X.. h - - Irl r.�i iti p..syead . Biadee _ 8lnder �./. V& �Pv I... err, r r� herase M V r « urr a�MlMrr %e�'�'_�.�,�^�j��_ M d wA" urJ rr "�MM n =71 nd u M «�(is.h'h'q .r r d w ..ar red i? _ � ...w.x � � w w'�"~r"�or,.�p ��� �' •r'n°�.idaw�M a.X rn+r, : ,ww�h:.: nod.. r .w"r. . 4.r. m r�M rAra1►, wM�" n ]li i qy.+W WN M IewJI d .h..+r M✓S.XmM�sgN.��a'� W�.,.M b, A. I.ArIW CMW "w.,ul."CI'mow $S:.'.i w :1AIr, ="w'i.r '"rrXX'+i' +r� sTATZ Of COLORADO ) se. CITY AND COUNTY O8 D8Nv9R ) On th1■ 13" day of December, A.D. 1973, before me, the undersigned, a Rotary 8ob1le la end Ser the state of Colorado, personally appeared Homer Noble !o ma knora !o ba the 14ant1Cal person named and who executed iba watbia sod Soregolaq lastraasnt, end ackaowlgdgad that hs erecnted the samr ag his .vol nate ry act and dead. Witnss■ my hand and offloial goal. Joy Commission farplrea. y •r°f�bf�.,Do..lcXe 141971 <• Notary eubiio 2576 694 wo r . 11090 731 2576 G9,; 2S'7f; 696 Azl•ACIllam A 3486 732 Frad.,,, <.A•.,,., fao.fl' u,bo., .r/.ref t-�..... - 1 0 � • �1 t � Y I. f �,l Z 1 •• \ RI t t I 1' I 1' r 1 act the Weat 5 of the N.E. k of Cha -ink o[ the S.E. k of Stet. 23 to rip 3 S and r e 69 W, of Cho Sixth Prineipel Neridtax, in Jeffareon County, Cetorado, encopt the H. 30 It.. in use •te W. Goth Ave. except the Soot 25 ft. in we as Upbeat Street, and except the Seat 123 ft. of the North ono hundred thirty foot thereof. Tcatt S. The E. k of Clio N.W. t of the N.W. k of the S.¢. k of Seat. 23, to 1bp. 3 &, etd Rooge 69W. of t"Sixth Prin. NarLdtao in Jefferson County, Colorodo, except the N. thirty feet. I% %;e ■s W. 44tb Ave. nt[ . Tia N. 33 ft. of the F. tvo-fifths of thi W. k of the HWk of the N.W. k of the 8.9.4 Of Seet. 23, in Tvp 3 South and Range 69 W. of the Sixth Principal NerLdlon, to deffereon Couoty. Colorado, axoept th. W, forty (see thereof, that Its in Wadsworth Blvd. ATUCHl W A 3080 '732. B -P 44th s Wadsworth 839403 (°'' DEC 20 N 9 55 w)arlt Ridqe, Colorado 11/26/76 �.axo►7 ,IfijIm-n SI a IQ u1C �x�►7 I IN d94a ti9'7 MEMORANDUM OF SHOPPING CENTER LEASE THIS MEMORANDUM OF SHOPPING CENTER LEASE is entered into as of the �i.�— day of between JAMES W and ELLEN V PINKARD, husband and wife, (Landlord), and ALBERTSON'S, INC , a Delaware corporation, (Tenant) 1 Premises Landlord and Tenant have heretofore entered into a Lease dated as of November 3, 1976, (herein- after called Lease), whereby Landlord has leased and Tenant has hired, and Landlord does hereby lease and Tenant does hereby hire, those certain premises in the City of Wheat R_dge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described in the Lease ("Leased Premises") which ,remises are a part of the Shopping Center described in said Lease and more particu- larly described in Schedule I attached hereto 2 Term The term of the Lease is for a period of twenty-five (25) years The Lease commences on the earlier of (a) that time when the improvements required to be con- structed pursuant to the Lease have been fully completed and Tenant's Building has been delivered to and accepted by Tenant for Tenant's exclusive occupancy, (b) the date Tenant opens for business on the Leased Premises, or (c) thirty (30) days following the date Landlord has substantially completed all Remoael work required by the Lease to facili- tate the orderly setting in place of the equipment and fixtures to be supplied by Tenant, provided Landlord has substantially completed within such thirty (30) days, all other Remodel work not dependent upon prior work by Tenant The thirty (30) day period set forth in the preceeding sentence shall be extended for the period of any delays experienced by Tenant which are beyond its control The 4940 297 2940 298 Lease terminates on the last day of the calendar month during which the twenty-fifth (25th) anniversary of the Lease commencement date occurs 3 01,tions for Renewal Tenant, at Tenant's option, in accordance with the terms of the Leaser may extend the s term of the Lease for six (6) separate and additional periods of five (5) years, each on the same terms and conditions, except length of term, as the Lease 4 Common Area The Lease provides as follows A All those portions of the Shopping Center upon which buildings cannot be built, as hereinafter provided, shall be Common Areas for the sole and exclusive joint use of all tenants in the Shopping Center, their customers, Invitees and employees Landlord hereby grants to Tenant, for use by Tenant, Tenant's customers, invitees and employees the right of such use of all the Common Areas, the Easement Area and any enlargements thereof In addition, Tenant shall have exclusive use of those portions of the Common Area to the rear or side of Tenant'a Building (as such Building may be subsequently expanded) which are reasonably necessary for loading docks, trash enclosures and other service facilities, but tenant shall not thereby impede the movement of motor vehicles past the rear or side of Tonant'a Building With landlord's consent, Tenant may, from time to time during the term hereof expand Tenant's Building into the 'Expansion Area' shown on Exhibit A B During the initial construction and remodel of avery portion of the Shopping Center, and thereafter during the entire term of the Lease, the sizes and arrangements of buildings and on-site improvements, including, without limitation, service drive„ parking areos striping, traffic directional arrows and signs, concrete bumpers parking lot -2- �9�i0 23B ,e940 299 �lifihting, perimeter walls or fences, and irrigated landscaped areas and landscaping will not be changed from the sizes and arrangements shown on Exhibit "A" (or as initially constructed or remodeled, if such are not shown on Exhibit "A") C Areas designated "Leased Premises", "Expansion Area", "Future Building Area", "Building Area A" and "Future Shops' on Exhibit "A" represent the only areas on which buildings may he located in the Shopping Center All areas shown as "Expansion Area' and "Future Building Area" upon which buildings are not constructed, either because of the requirements of the Lease ox because of governmental regula- tions or requirements, or for any otner reasons, shall be developed and maintained as improved Common Areas No eonstructxon shall occur within the Future Building Area adjacent to the Leased Premises without the consent of i Tenant and without providing alternative truck access to the rear of Tenant's Building from 44th Avenue D There shall he no doubledeck parking in the Shopping Center No portion of the Common Areas, except reasonable portions of sidewalks shall be used for the sale or display of merchandise No building shall consist of more than one-story plus up to 3 000 square feet of mezzanine or exceed twenty-five (23) feet in height F if the Shopping Center is expanded by Landlord, or through agreement between Landlord and a third party the following shall apply (a) all of the provisions of Paragraph 5 below (Shopping Center Use ReStrlCtlonS) with respect to the Shopping Center and the Leased Promises shall apply to such expanded area (except that a re".aurant shall be allowed in such expansion area outside -3- 1940 2ss 1940 300 three hundred (300) feet from the Leased Premises and except that a bowling alley shdll be allowed in such expansion area outside three hundred (300) feet from the Leased Premises if such faces 44th Avenue), and (b) the Common Area to Building Area ratio shall conform to all then existing applicable governmental requirements without variance At Tenant's request, Landlord s,all enter into an Amendment of the Lease and a memorandum of Lease to substitute a Schedule I and Exhibit 'A" which describe and show the Shopping Center as expanded P At Tenant's request, Landlord shall use all reasonable efforts to keep unauthorized persons from using the Common Areas and, if reasonably required by Tenant, construct a fence or barricade along one or more of the auundaries of the Shopping Center or provide a patrol service 5 Shop uinn Center_Ose_Aestrictions. Tie Lease provides as follows A No part of the Shopping Center other than the Leased Premises shall be used as a supermarket, (i e a store or a depart.nent of a store containing at least 10,000 square feet, i-cluding aisle space and storage, primarily devoted to the retail sale of food for off -premises consump- tion), nor as a bakery, nor for the sale of fresh or frozen meat, fish, poultry or produce for off -premises consumption B No part of the Shopping Center shall be used as a bar, tavern adult book store, gym massage parlor auto- motive repair facility or dance hall C No part of the Shopping Center shall be used as a theater bowling alley, skating rink Sitdown Restau,ant having more than 2 500 square feet, tr3lning or educational 4940 300 Z940 301 facility, entertainment facility, car wauh or for the renting, leasintl or sale of or displaying for the purpose of renting, leasing or sale of any motor vehicle or frailer D No restaurant, bank, or other facility featuring vehicular driveup or drive through customer service shall be located in the Shopping Center unless Tenant has first given Tenant's written cnnsent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, to the location, park(ng and dxivc lanes of such facility E As long as the Leaned Premises are used for retail purposes, no portions of the Shopping Center shall be used for industrial or warehousing purposes F If any term or provision of this Paragraph 5 or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall to any extent be invalid and unonforceable, the remainder of this Paragraph or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Paragraph shall be valid and shall be enforced to the extent permitted by law 6 In the event Tenant assigns or sublets the Leased Premises to other than a supermarket or super drug, the provisions of this Paragraph 5 shall be without further force and effect 6 Signs The Lease provides as follows A The exishinq Gem Department Store sig1i pylon shill be used by Tenant and not more than two (2) other tenants of the Shopping Centex who each ovcupy at least 15,000 square feet of Shopping Center space The costs of installation and hook up of designations on such pylon sign shall be borne by each entity designated on the sign on a basis in accordance with the size of each such—tity's 2940 2'31 Z940 302 sign The sixes style and design of such sign shall be first approved by Tenant Landlord shall. maintain and illuminate such sign and the cost thereof shall be included with -n the costs of Common Area maintenance B Tenant may, at itsown expense, erect, maintain and illuminate a sign on 44th Avenue in the area designated "Albertson's Sign" on Exhibit "A" Such sign shall also initially include a "Skaggs" designation The legal right to place such sign on 44th Avenue shall be obtained by Landlord, at its expense C No free-standing sign shall be placed on the Shopping Canter except as shown pn Exhibit "A" 7 Use Restriction Upon Cancellation The Lease provides that if Tenant terminates the Lease for the unexcused failure of Landlord to submit plans and specifications, commence construction or Complete construction as required by the Lease, no portion of the Shopping Center shall be used as a food market for a period of one `11 year from the date of such termination The restriction survives the termination or the Lease Under the terms of the Lease, Tenant is given no right to become the owner of the Leased Premises S Operation Under the terms of the Lease, Tenant i. not obligated to operate an Albertson's supermarket or any other business during the term of the Lease, but shall be obligated to pay minimum rent until the expiration or termina- tion of the term and the renewal options, if any 0 Lease Incoipoiated All the terms conditions and covenants of the Lease, which may be inspected at the offices of Landlord at James W and Ellen V Pinkard 1075 South Yukon, P o Box 26227, Lakewood, Colorado 80226, or the offices of the Tenant at 1623 Washington Street, Boise, -6- 944 '142 *820 303 Idaho, 83726, are zntorporated herein by this reference and are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and,pssigns of the parties LANDLORD II lj J By l By,_ / r TBNMT ALBERTSON'S, INC , a Delaware corporation ( SBniQls' bce Pres t BY �h r� Sher orY J G.f -7- '_940 303 4940 ins S1A11_ 01' IDAHO ) LounLy A Ad. ) On th" JbIl-) Illy nr � �1 _ lv-1c hLrntL III_ 11IL undo stl,ucdJJ .V 1'40111 ly. I�UTALL In n�,�(tlu�t sR�ldq')tdJt�L, pnt,l ..-Illy 7 'I'I'Latl 11 �(a,IJf CL Ut Wly tI u ./ II nIc Inuull 1, Lha Sa.n IOI VIIL I'I 1-111nl 1.111 at Ltll 1LapLLLI: LIy Ot Al I$Lli !SON'S, MIC t11L-L1;, ltlon thallll Ll ull I Lha iulatn urI-,f I wnl uL tad as lain.. 1, 11 -1 lu nu Lhlt tha nd ".,Lt " HI—L Ib Litt, fl k. tnd vOlu11Luy ILL'Ind d—d of bud anld la,lafurrt, ful lhL uv, Ind 11111 post Lha 14 In u1C1111uul Ind 111) 0111] IItL11 OIL ILL? IL authollzLd to tN—nla Lha. , Lid ul,ttunxuL lud LhLI thL bLdl IICINLA n LhL L u, put alc "'l of ,ud unp—ttmr �.,*WINLSS MY HAND Ind ufflual , Iki LI it to LLfLXLd Lhc lily, .Mach jtlftrytiOn tht, a tLlfu. tic LII t tbuva. wlltfan SMI t��,�1111jlbSta111 LYI),I LS 9 r3,eoIM lg Q1) E.pl— Bolella Idaho 6370. uy I7 tei8, tJ ,h 1 y PubL m and Cur ILL SLa r i_.�d Ll n ltcbtaltnl, at 13u1bc Idaho STATE _ On t] %/_ _ dal Of/� ,_LtRf I°7,�_. befurL- me the w et °If�9-d1 fS`n YLhhc m ul I0r —W Still. pt•• /r..on Sl appeal ad aId r,s . .LCSlG k.,.,n to he t,cr ^ ,- �aI meG at :a 1,s uLul to the , LLhrn urs. uma-1)t and acknu led_cd tusnu. Ifhat rt Ile; LIL 'died the bamc 10 R 11 ♦._SS 'l ILC4LOF I haac hLluu,to —, nl) hand and aff lard m offlual s—L lc d -q .uvl year ur this Iutlf late CII sL aLoac Wv lttcn � ieJM11p 'myY,sa rpu . 1111 L, -1 v 1 v. cNIli111ifmroL�pllw f=L, 16 tele X�;r�,l� (,l� ,:940 304 4.910 •30g tic III cull L The Sl pp -g Ccnle , "'1", „Bed is I nt l n Paik Vet w Co I a haaa un plu -Ip i, uu dl.d in Plal l3uok 30 paha 5 County or Iorl, ,yon 51,16 of C. dol ldu 4940 ,305 I 1 I � I I i I I 1 IY i Tt i ��P`Ff'IG g,�fAL Z940 306 `t —S&*6U- E na !,V' 4940 306 FE UPHAM eTp�T 4940 307 — --- �i 3 ►I E•,�-7E�N��aoN� 6�� :,k7N lgzEA �� EaI6N L 6riN6 c�Jg3 IIVT \ �} � ' \L—�__ SEf�I� � �f�Eh I�L'S1.17�s• I -!NE .�..�;i'� � r'�-t'�iz7rpN'S SIGN �r I I �I Grp G. "JH AYE W��hllIt l ---:0 rr/ 2t� 4e-17- 4A, Ye ,o/safib '49do 3ti7 int s• 9 D 7 D 2 3 r) a R47 - wheat Ridge I !heat ludgc Colorado .amip B! ft'; S,alnalt/oi/77 eu .i(}?+•i� Recorecu ,h 3052 1.9 IL r FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEAST+ TIIIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE (the "Amendment") is ' executed this let day of August. 1977, by and between >=5:. '• J41ES W. and ELLEN V. PINXhRD, husband and wife ("Landlord") and ALBERTSON'S, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Tenant"). RECITALS: A. Landlord and Tenant previously entered into that certain Shopping Center Lease (the "Lease") dated November 3, 1976, a memorandum of which Lease was dated December 3, 1976, and was recorded with the clerk and recorder of Jeffereon Cnunty, Colorado, as document 839483 recorded at Bcok 2940, Page 297. The Lease Commencement Date, as defined in para- graph 2 of such memorandum. is April 13, 1977_ B. Landlord and Tenant desire to amend the Lease ih certain particulars to a low, among other things, the oc*-upancy within the Shopping Cent.r of the Wheat Ridge Beauty Coll"ge, the construe Lion of an exclusive parking area for vrhicles of the United States post office, the expansion of the Common Area of the Shopping Center, amendment of the Con- demnation paragraph n_ `he Lease, crea=ion of a second access onto Wadsworth Boulevard and revi51nn of Exhibit "A" and Schedule l as originally attached to the r.casa. C. To accumplish the £oru�tuing, the parties do hereby amend the Lease as hereinafter set forth. AC,uerMP.NTn : 1. Legal Description. Schedule I ar.tached Lo the Lease, which contains a legal description of the "Shopping =�d 3052 91 e)' 3052 ,z Center" as defined in Section 1.3 of the Lease, is hereby Y. -.. amended to be the Schedule I as is attached to this Amend- ment. 2. Site Plan. Exhibit "A" attached to the Lease, which constitutes a site plan of the Shopping Center, is hereby amended to be the Schedule n as is attached to this Amendment. The "Future Building Area" shown on the original Exhibit "A" which was north of, and contiguous to, the Leased Premises has been deleted and such area has now become additional "Albertson's Expansion Area" as shown on Exhibit "A" attached to this lunendment. 3. Building Areas. Section 7.3 of the Lease is hereby amended to read in f'til as follows: 7.3 Areas designated "Leased Premises", "Expansion Area", "Building Area A", "Skaggs" and "Shops" on Exhibit "A" represent the only areas on which buildings may be located in the Shopping Center. The "Expansion Area" shown on Exhib_t "A" shall be develnped and maintained as improve Common Areas until buildings are built thereon. 4. ins. 4.1 Section 9.1 of the Lease is hereby amended to read in full as follows. 4.1 The existing Gem Department Store sign pylon (shown as "Shopping Center Sign" an Exhibit "h") shall be used by Tenant and other tenants of the Shopping Center. The costs of installatiun and hook up of designations on such pylon sign shall be borne by Landlord and Tonaut in accordance with the size of the designations placed by each party on the sign pylon_ The size, style and design of all designations shall be first approved by 'tenant. Landlord shall maintain and illuminate such sign and the cost thereof shall. he included within the costs of Common Area maiu�.•i.auc�•. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, it is under- stood that Laudlu_'d may, without obtaining Tenant's consent, place not muse. than six (5) and not less than three (3) co -tenant designations between the strnctural pylons of such pylon sign provided (i) such designa- tions are uniform in enlox and lettering (i.i) such designations match the color scheme of the Skaggs - Albertson's designation on such pylon sign, (iii) only a 'elvel, ica latter style is used, and (iv) the total sgl.are footage of all such co -tenant designations does not exceed 55 square feet. -2- 3052 92 3052 93 4.2 Section 9.3 of the Lease is hereby amended to rend in full as follows: 9.3 No fret -standing sign shall be placed on the Shopping Center except for the signs described above and except for one pylon sign to advertise and designate the accup,ant of the Pizza Hut building area as shoem on Exhibit A". Such (Pizza Hut) pylon sign shall not exceed 24 feet in height or contain more than 68 square feet of facia per side and the design and style of such sign shall first be approved by Tenant, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 5. Beauty College. Section 14.3 of the Lease is hereby amended to read in full as follows: 14.3 Wo part of the Shopping Center shall. be used as a theatre, bowling alley, skating rink, Sitdown Restaurant having more than 2560 square feet, training or educa- tional facility, entertainment facility, car wash or for the renting, leasing or sale of or displaying for the purpose of renting, leasing or sale of any motor• vehicle or trailer. Notwithstanding the foregoing however, the Wheat Ridge Beauty College may occupy that portion of the Shopping Center marked "Beauty College" on Exhibit "A". Such Beauty College shall not open for business, however, unless and until "Parking Area A" shown on Exhibit "A" has been completed as improved Common Area containing at least 80 parking spaces for use by such Beauty rnllege. Parking Area A shall not be deemed completed lir the ourposes of this Section 14.3 until such Area as been asphalted and striped to match the remaining parking -.rens of the Shopping Center, such Parking Area has beer adequately lighted and the boundaries of stuff: Parking Area nave been appropriately fenced to prevent use by unauthorized persons. if Parking Area A has not been completed as herein described by the time the Beauty College opens for business, Landlord shall provide improved and striped temporary parking for fifty -fire (55) cars in the area marked "Temporary Parkiugli on Exhibit "A" (to the North rf the leased Premises) until Parking Area A is so completed. Such temporary parking may continue throughout the term of this Lease if Parking Area A is not acquired or completed. 6. Condemnation. The following paragraph is hereby added as a new Section 16.5 to rhe Lease immediately following Section 16.4: 16.5 Notwitbstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article 16, a street widening of Wadsworth Boulevard, which takes up to 30 feet of Lhe Shopping Center fronting on, and parallel Lo, Wadsworth Boulevard, shall not be considered a condemnation under this Lease which would allow Tenant to cancel this Lease so long as (i) the entrance and exit points and traffic lights required by this Lease are maintained and (ii) the building to parking ratio is not thereby reduced to less than five (5) parking spaces For full s.ze American autumobile for each one thousand (1,000) square fact of building area in the Shopping center. as such Shopping Center was so constituted on August 1, 1977, 305: 93 -3 -01 30bS > 91 (excluding, however, malls, exterior sidewalks and the exclusive parking area for post office vehiclosl Tenant further agrees that so long as there is a first mortg„ge or first trust deed encumbering the leased Premises, if this Lease is terminated by Tenant as a result of any condemnation herein described, then Tonant's right to receive that portion of the con- demnation award for purchase price in lieu thereof) attributable to the value of Tenant's leasehold estate which is in excess of any award for Tenant's Fixtures and personal pi :i..qrty and improvements made by Tenant shall, be subordi:.ate and subject to the first mortgagee's right to recover out of such portion or Tenant's con- demnation award, the unpaid balance of that portion of mortgagee's loan attributable to the Lca.cd Premiscs (but not including any rcfinancings or prepayment ponalties), but only after Landlord's total award has been utilized in full to retire such first mortgage or first deed of trust. In the evenL a portion of what would have otherwise been Tenant's award is paid to the first mortgagee pursuant to this Section 16.5, Tenant shall, to such extent, be subrogated in plane of such first mortgagee and have the same rights as such first mortgagee to collect such portion from the Landlord. 9. Successors; Limitation of Amendment. This Amendment shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of. the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Except as specifically amended h, -ein, the Lease shall remain unaltered and in fad.1. torce and effect_ EXECUTED as of the date first above written. LANDLORD: J _ E en V. Pi.n�Ca rd" UM TENANT: ALH6R'.•SON'S, INC., a Delaware corporation .r �. enior Vice Preen t l- 3057 94 1052 9S STATE OF T0A110 1 ) ea. County of Ada ) On this day of �����. 7' , 1977, before me, rho undo rsigned, 1 Motafjy� ('aib�i99iu nd Cor said •+ ;.� St t parsona)_lY - ppuiarod ! Is!eGY` am ,� / /�, .. .•_;�—, to hy, known to bo the Senior VT—00 Fresadnnt and Secreta.W, rospectively, of AT,BERTSON'S, INC., the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the said instrument is the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes there'.n mentioned, and on oath stated that they are au Lhorized to executa the said instrument and that the Heal affixed is thu corporate coal Of said corporation. WITNESS MY RMM and official seal hereto affixed the day, month and year in this certificate first above written. commi_ssion cxpires:...,.:..,Y. 14 .p - -. --- Lary ubl c in and for the State of Idaho. •'p�-1-` a :' Residing at Boise, Idaho. Arr ( ora((i�c: ! Co., Ly 01: 431 &W -e ) On this Gl Ik._ day of �Ij :{u4 be Core me, Lhe undersigned a Nr, ry PRbl'c ,` :n and for said State, uersqn�} 1y ap)peared andY;,,� known to me to -- Y4-the persuns whose names are subscriLed to the within ,,N-. .,•.•1.(i�Fumen t, and acT-nuwledycd to me Lira L- they exr:cV Led the - samc�i- - •. ,1N: WITNESS WNEIi?OF, 7 havo hr.reunto set my hand -11 O3pryf��i kyr} my utLicial seal Lhe day and ycar in this; ��er Lifica to ?r• Yirs0pbuvc N'LiLLen. ar , o CA" commission expire,:: ylpict,.12 Notary Ppb -i in and 1" 1: the Scale of ! )L j _ I?esidin9 nt _`r_v. c=% -r 'r,:1i •�u�iu.. 3052 95 0841 - Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado '1052 9G SCHEDULE I The Shopping center is described as follows: Parcel 1; Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Park View No. 2, Jefferson County, Colorado. Parcel 2 i50' ensemen L): Commencing at the Northwest corner of Park View No. 2; thence Easterly along the North line of said Park View No. 2 290 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence Northerly and parallel to the North-South center- line of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West 543.12 feet; thence on an angle to the right. of 45 degrees 96.26 feet; thence on an angle to the left of 45 degrees and parallel to said North-South centerline of. Section 23, 20 feet to a point on the South Right of Way line of West 44th Avenue; thence Easterly along said South Right of Way line 50,01 foot; thence Southerly and parallel to the North-South eentt;rline of said Section 23, 40.82 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 45 degrees 96.26 feet; thence on an angle to the left of 45 degrees and parallel to the North-South centerline of said Section 23, 521.66 feet to a point on the North line of said Park View No. 2; thence westerly along said North l.i.ne 50.01, feet to the True Point of Beginning, Je_terson County, Colorado_ Parcel 3t All that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest. 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.N., described as follows; Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest .1/4 of the Sou Lheast 1/4 of Section 23; Lhence East along the .4orth -line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the South- east 1/4 of section 23 347.85 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing East along said North line 310.03 feet to the East line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; thence South along said East line 132.25 feet; iberce West 254.00 feet; thence North 101.35 reetr thence West 25.13 feet;. thence Northwesterly 43.7 feet, snore or less to the True Point of Beginning. JU JY" �1 Q —•�� UPNaM 1 F..{_1 f j3 �. nom^-�2�•p�d �,s9` , �-2.,la�ti I,�; , 3t'1''N' n� 7ytT& h: l? it / k ? �� �•�---��ft�tXN� �rhArK- L14e �u.arc� `��,F,., AfEER, �Ar 912R� �I } I I� �I FxH►1�,fT^ ° C\ 0 { 44 m, hvr~. wPrx�w rF r [ vo vZA PIZZA HUr R 121& --.?, 98 902347 igrr.t29 PR027 COUM7 01 dellorson State om Cc ftwd" IN 304443 U.3. POSTAL SERVICE LEASE ..IN O lrYce. STATION..eRAMM. ETC. ICITY,COUMTI',ST*IITWA"OZIIICCM Main Post Office Wheat Ridge, Jefferson, Colorado 80033 t.ThbLEASE,m,MandanwndNuoW, S1xteHlth- dgof June -- - 1977 q, Md ho. James N. Pinkard and Ellen V. Pinkard, husband and wife mlMts tore *» Lollar. Pmlowaddl.wfs P.O. Box 26227, Denver, CO 80225 (telephone 303/985-4655 for UM, and LINWI Polls, woolto ,wild%% r%NweaoaN. Md SWVW mo U.11,1Md sols roles/$—Iol, 1-1.dw tors IM tb,wl a,Ka: tom,ESS"MTh. nutta nww fs th. Mdd—d-hM.61i1u—doWd OtAlItIMMI OW Willut.It.wc 2 TM Lr I -,*y han to *Io inti! and= Ow Wk—Ale d,.vw.d wR10/N. Ilk: All that certain property located -at 4210 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge. . Colorado. being the southwest corner of the Time Square Shopping Center, measuring 1031 X 140.51 plus 41 X 561 containing about 14,696 net interior square feet, plus fenced parking for Postal Vehicles measuring approxi- mately Bol X 1601 (less 450 corner cuts, per drawings) plus exclusive parking for 35 employees along the south property perimeter and joint use parking for customers in the large parking area in front of the shopping center, as indicated on attached plan, Exhibit A more particularly described as Lots 1 and 2, Park View No. 2 { i TO NAVE AND TO NOLO des tod walhI wNr dMN allYuunoun fm+ THE TERM KOINN/NO ANPENwNP VYITN ri%TALNVMpeROr YE ARS July 1 l 1977 June 30 1947 Twen 20. 4. Tr. flellal Srdw IME wT fM Iles* M alwrrallwtdl: _ 11ee Pared 1'4�! 23� ..r —Dob", s:., PRA" IIw I" MMAffmM at des wd el,adl towdw nwMll_ Rant for out of Iogdh "I M wonrd, e. TM, fiat MW a Momwed, M 00 W Wn of doP.tu1 SM". M, dr r11NA" wmm old C.MePllba Iffm all at IM f ftft .d I.fM afw.m N0. YEAR! IIO. YEA11s-r NO.YGM µ.,uI =1 I afFt 5 t mteTotiated IDE[67ED fYa M > f 1 a : ItLtI�__ Flya (51 ne t ate a, �cn +• P.Odd,d Mdn MSiomin W&I"to ft Law, otW"_ML limbosan Uw rd o1 M, armSilM>•w lumpany I,Rwwm Nqe. Ae 0111M wPn and ton MDM of this haw dwf:Iwiwal the MMI duriyM y towhM was WOM nerd sMrvAw two... MF" 74:9 M... nta 3044 43 r'9' t al" 3044 4, The Lenon %hah furnish to the Pettrrr Sarviw urtdrt ttw taint of this facets, a$ Pal of /M notal tAratdsralr a, Me fobowtw: All heating/ventilating/air conditioning equipment, electrical and plumbing equipment as presently supplied and installed in accordance with Form 74(10A attached and made a part hereto. i 7. The LaWr %hall at hiatmense raced this kac in the Proper wordn.t office. B. Tlu Pcsul Serwce may wbkt all 4 any Part of Me Prelates of *N%n thio kens but YIcI not be SwHewd from day obigatton unMr this how by rsawn of Say Such wblolling or arMgnmtnt. IL Tho Pmtut Service shall ht dw right to rreao ahwol;o , Bloch tittwna arta woo additions, swrturres or short In of upon The hereby PralMm kawd IPiovided such aNeratem. addiliais, afnrrlaes a signs shall not be dstrimahgt to or inMAfittent with the rights Wmwd to other lanwtts tt•% the tMnlrartY or In the buifdttg In ahith Hid p—niw$ are $Pat"; rwIdrh titwrsl. S"tichn or StructuM so Plead In. upon Or atactwd to the raid werraft/ $hall be and remain the property of the Postat SO -Wee and rrlay be rwnowd ot nthw—N dhpaeA of by the Postai Sanke_ Prior a explTatiat of tarmnation of this Man the Poattt Servlev shed, it required by the Una by notice in vlrf N Sixtif data in advan" of Such taptration ee rtminaran, retwre 7th P.Mim th at ycod M"tlen aa.that oxitvky at the 11—t aahafna upon tlu was under thil 00M raa$onab" and allmuy ,ora Sad nor and Clarrtwaa by the atatnanls or by eitcunauneoS own %%hieb .]e Portal Swvke IM rm Macros, eacgnaL 10. lel This base P. -IT. nni n nr m m theLatorwtwoevier thePoslalSS—ceflubd%eida mmove the ol5ce intact6utltf4tg OWAdt4. 0+) Tor. Yaw mayr p..���ggg +�{ . i r a h. Pwul Serosa. hha t;•.iyrth of ilu %ervim at til dlros rettdtrf atlditiaNl room rtaatsaV and ti th tabic sod wtlhtilAt ad�hiael Umm m an additional renmi f ,tafactory m tlu Paakl Servka. I'S From 7440 haw. Iva c r2 of 'C; 1111111fill 11IITI1711111i1111111TTT11-limmim im i1151 --- -' 111111{iiillll111I1f�j�i;,=1lui��" .�r11�1r�::r..,�r�,:�l: 3044 50 tAAt 1'INk. �� CC W. pljj0y e+- ALIC Mt..; � •` Ir ......... .... •;.'�';. - — 4931 U4 ,U 1"1 :, �:�U.`� 56 g { 3555 jjlr auc -3 a3! 1¢ 4343,19 y' iitJ,,A LVC twistyat.teflorsnsStrt+M&55S-3 4-,e`i11A Recslsea W 301x; 25:3 nECLARATION OF EASEMENT WHEREAS, JAMES W. PINKARD and ELLEN V. PINKARD arc the owners and hnlders of Lots 1 and 2, Park View No. 2, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, upon which a shopping centar has been constructed; and WHEREAS, James W. Pinkard is the owner and holder of e tract of land situate between the above described property and West 44th Avenue; and WHEREAS, James W. Pinkard has agreed to catablish an easement over his property to provide ingress and egress to said shopping center froii 44th Avenue, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of thepremises and other valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, James W. Pinkard, hereby declares, establishes, grants and conveys unto JAMES W_ PINKARD and ELLEN V. PINKARD, their heirs, personal representativea, tenants, customers, agents, employees, successors and .assigns, a non-exclusive perpetual easement for ingress and egress over and across the following described property, tc-wit: Part of the NW 1(4 SE 114 of Section 23, Township 3 South. Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Commencing at the. Northwe:;t corner of Lot 1, PARK VIEW NO. 2; thence Easterly along the North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 29a feet to the "RUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Northerly and parallel with the North-South centerline of said Section 23, a distance of 543-12 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 45% a distance of 96.26 feet; thence on an angle to the left of 45" and parallel with said North-South centerline of Section 23, a distance Of 20 feet to a point an the South right of ws} line of West 44th Avenue; thence Easterly along said South right o: way line, e distance of 50.01 feet; thence Southerly and parallel with the North-South centerline of said Section 23, a distance of. 40.82 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 456, a distance of 96.2fi feet; thence on an angle to the Leff of 456 and parallel wjth the North-South centerline of said Section 23, a distance of 521.66 feet to a point on the North line of Lot 1, LARK VIEW NO. 2; thence Westerly along said North line, a distance of 50.01 feet to the. TRUE. POINT OF BEGINNING, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. p.7 30,11; 253 i.54 James W. Pinkard agrees that the easement granted herein may not be amended or terminated except with the written approval of any holders of first deeds of trus* or mortgages covering Lots 1 and 2. Park View No. 2, County of Jefferson. State of Colorado. IN b'IitdESS WHEREOF, James W. Pinkard has executed this Declaration of Easement this day of --L(_.3, 1977. � W Fnni`t' STATE OF COLDRADO t CITY ALIO COUNTY OF DENVER ? The above and foregoing was acknowledged before me --this `? day af.; _ 1977 by JAMES W. FURARD. ;WITNESS my hand and official seal- ,—mnissi.on expires Notary !u is -2-3()-'.t; 251 AFR-30-9? WELD i2:00 FM PHiLLIP C GAMS PC FAX N0, 303 863 5103 P u3 I RATIFICATION 44r" AND WADSWORTH LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company, hereby ratifies that certain easement described in an agreement recorded May 20, 1987, at Reception Nos. 87066226 a -id 87066227 (the "1987 Easement") and confirms that 44" and Wadsworth Limited Liability Company is utilizing the 1987 Easement rather than the easement described in Book 3046 at Page 253, said easement being more Darticularly described as shown on the attached Exhibit E. DAZED this 5OKday of April, 1997 F - Z W 2 O Z 44r" AND WADSWORTH LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited li:bly� Br Gal�a,, r l _ Ric Lard Engel, Manager STATE OF } } ss. County of ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me in the County of State of, _ _ _, this _ day of April, 1997, by Bruce Galloway, Manager of 44'x' and lhadsworth Limited Liability Company, a Colorado limited liability company. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF } )5s. County of ) The foregoing was acknowiedged before me in the County of _ State of _ this day of April, 1997, by Richard Engel, Manager of 44°i and Wadsworth Limited Liability Company, a Colorado limited liability company. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public 14th Rd6f[dINO RECEPTION NO. F0407439 11.00 PCaz 0001-002 210 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 5/01/97 16:21:03 \ +- CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT t Slate of California _ County of Los Angeles _ _ _ On April 3_019_97 before me, _Maral Samouelian Owe Names 1 idled Omcr wo.-JMeOm, Nolary PIAS personally appeared Bruce Galloway and Richard Eneel _ Nemeiel of 6lgne0) 2 personally known to me - OR - _- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by �rt r his/heritheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the acted, luwusarnouEulw rtxwet.+tnik103t �0-myco'", person(s) executed the instrument. LOSANGaF3cou"El�A(ae(;.E1S197 WiTNE my h d d offLseal.. w s siplim. el NONry PICC OPTIONAL Though rhe infomrarion below is not required bylaw. it may prove valuable to persons refying on rhe dacument and couldprevent fraudulent removal and readachment of (his form to anther document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ❑ Individual * Corporate Officer Title(s):, ❑ Partner —17 Urnited ❑ Genera ❑ Attomay-in-Fact ❑ Trustee C Guardian or Conservator L Other. Signer Is Representing: Signer's Name: C Individual ❑ Corporate Officer Title(s): — C1 Partner —❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attomey4ri-Fad ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: _ _ _ Signer Is Representing *-Nae dNmalyA wis5-19051iemawl Av F..0. Dw n61- C� PaA. CA 913047164 r-_ 5907 Reenter. Call Toll{lea 19a067B 1 907024;:r n:); f Prl )=Or: dl ul:la iq !01957312 v ti 4.O a,:It A ;L'vwy nl A'11'r -, slatea!e+ 3ecueetl !R :1452 99 NOTICE Or LEASE THIS NOTICE. 01' LEASE made by and between JAMES W. PINKARD and ELLEN V. PINKARD, hereinafter called LESSOR, and DENVER PIZZA INC_, hereinafter called LESSEE. NI.TNESSMI THAT: For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($lu.UO) and of other valuable considerations paid by the LRSSEF. to the LESSOR, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the LESSOR, the LESSOR hereby demises to the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby leasers from the LESSOR upon and subject to covenants and agrcrmrrAts set Earth in a certain Lease Aqreement betveen the LESSUR and LESSEE dated Novonsber. 10, 1976, the premises described in exhibit "A" attached hereto, and more commonly known as 3184 Wadsworth Boulevard,WheaLridge, Colorado. TOGETHER WITH ALL easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances belorging to the demised premises or in anywise appertaining or in any manner connotes therewith, including cD!mmon rights of ingress, egress and parking over the adjacent property. Lessee has right of first refusal. on any proposed sale of the property. AND TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same for a term of twenty (20) years from the date set forth in said Lease Agremmnnt.. AND FUR SAID CONS[DEHAT.ION, the LESSOR has granted and hereby does grant unto the LESSEE the ri.gh` and option to extend said term for two (2) additional periods of five .(51 years each, all in the manner and upon the covenants and agreements as set forth in the said Lease Agreement. THE TERNS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS of thin Lease are hereby referred to and made a part hereof as if herein set forth in full. This Short Form of Lease for recording is a form of the Loase for the purposes of constructive motive. rn the event of conflict between the provisions of this Short Form of Lease for recording and the long form of this Losse, the terms and provisions of uhe long form of this lease shall prevail. rN (QITNKSS WHEREOV, the parties have hereunto stet their hands and seals this 28th day of December, 1976. / i� 191,NESS AS TO WR p / BO STMATURES: - jr `l! ELLEN V. PIPIKARD DENVER PIZZA, 111C. .. '' ..... Ro ext E. Creseler, President T. herr n, Secretaa ey paw lobe ansz ss :lnsz -It)() •:TA I'i. t „° SOLORAO.0- Lt IIIN'1"1' fil• JEFF.I;[f;'ON J IH4 17 Itiirttl_L1!a-.it h:U. Ihwl nu Ihin J=day of _ AUltust. 1977 I,, h,,. ,ne tilt under .iyo•-.i. a Nul.vy PubLc in and le, the C,-unty and 51at.• f—e— t. -Me "dames. k_pinkard and Ellen V. PinkaCd .1... (VXI fart) pnraomdly known to me lu be the sanu.prrsnn fSJ who cxc cu lr<I Ihn 1-1—.—L urwntiug and such pens-on(sJ duly the rxrrouan n5 lilt same. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I h.ve hercuntu sM my hent) and .(fixed n.7 Ulti eial seal the day and Ve.Y first able writlen. ' Ngl,�yy�oili is : My Eomnusstun Lxpiree:o - j, �t1rI ' 41y Canmit6o¢ Expth6 %4, lNi 1411 J _ _ - - - b�, •.,it,�.t-;t•. _" C;TA7•E OF XAN£AS ss. GOUf'il'i OF SEUGMCK BE 1T 141-AII-XIREHii.U, Ihnt nn Ihis 29th day w- Doc—b—, I -fur.: ore the under -I! --d, a Nomry Public in and fm- the C. -Illy :Ind Slate aloresaid. .nnr. Rohert E. Cxess_ler,_ PrLuidcnt: of DENVER_PIZFA. INC., _ vaw i:; pvrsoo,dly luv.•xn to n to be the same person who execu.ed the vkhin--trumrut of stili„" and such pe : nn duly ackno ludOud the execution of use same as and for the duly authorized art .d such corporati..n. IN TESYINWMY WHERP.Op, I have 1,cre-Au set wy Mand and , If, ed my Official seal the day and ynar first above mrilt¢n, _ Ncta rl• Pubhc My Con....issiun expires: )l-. NOIARY RURL�C 3052: 100 For and in consideration of the Sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and of other valuable considerations paid by the LESSEE to the LESSOR, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the LESSOR, the LESSOR hereby demises to the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby leaves from the LESSOR upon and subject to covenants and agreements set forth in a certain Lease Agreement between the LESSOR and LESSEE dated November 10, 1.976, the premises described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and more commonly known as 41.64 Wadsworth Boulevard, Wheatridger Colorado. TOGETHER WITH ALL easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances belonging to the demised premises or in anywise appertaining or in any manner connected therewith, including common riqhts Of ingress, egress and parking over the adjacent property. Lessee has right of first refusal on any proposed sale of the property. AND TG IIAVE AND TO HOLD the same for a term of twent,, (20) years from the date set forth in said Lease Agreement. AND FOR SAID CONSTOERATION, the LESSOR has granted and hereby does grant unto the hEHHFU? Che right and option to extend said term for two (21 additional, periods of five (5) years each, all in the manner and upon the covenants and agreements as set forth in the said Lease Agreement. THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS of this Lease are hereby referred to and made a part hereof as if herein set forth in full. This Short Norm of Lease for recording is a form of the Lease fox the purposes of constructive notice. In the event of conflict between the provisions of this Short Farm of Lease for recording and the long form of this Lease, the terms and provisions of the long form of this lease shall pre -ail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this 28th day l/I December, 197666../d�_J�niy rtEV. P A ELLEN V. PINRARD DENVER PIZZA, T_NC. BY X E, Cress er,,president .110,9 7 - $86 9 2 8 5 6 4 1977 OCT 19 M 11! 42 RON �. +S Coasty a) JsNcson stateal C: WATSON PROPERTY MAMAGEAIENT CoMsEL a Re¢¢rd2d IN PIZZA NIA, WG _ .O 1022; EAST / , CC P. O. SOX 42C WiCHAA, KANSAS 67207 ^ u NOTICE OF LEASE THIS NOTICE OF LEASE made by and between JAMES W. LO PINNARD and ELLEN V. FINKARD, hereinafter called LESSOR, and DENVER PIZZA INC., hereinafter called LESSEE. WITNESSETH THAT! For and in consideration of the Sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and of other valuable considerations paid by the LESSEE to the LESSOR, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the LESSOR, the LESSOR hereby demises to the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby leaves from the LESSOR upon and subject to covenants and agreements set forth in a certain Lease Agreement between the LESSOR and LESSEE dated November 10, 1.976, the premises described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and more commonly known as 41.64 Wadsworth Boulevard, Wheatridger Colorado. TOGETHER WITH ALL easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances belonging to the demised premises or in anywise appertaining or in any manner connected therewith, including common riqhts Of ingress, egress and parking over the adjacent property. Lessee has right of first refusal on any proposed sale of the property. AND TG IIAVE AND TO HOLD the same for a term of twent,, (20) years from the date set forth in said Lease Agreement. AND FOR SAID CONSTOERATION, the LESSOR has granted and hereby does grant unto the hEHHFU? Che right and option to extend said term for two (21 additional, periods of five (5) years each, all in the manner and upon the covenants and agreements as set forth in the said Lease Agreement. THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS of this Lease are hereby referred to and made a part hereof as if herein set forth in full. This Short Norm of Lease for recording is a form of the Lease fox the purposes of constructive notice. In the event of conflict between the provisions of this Short Farm of Lease for recording and the long form of this Lease, the terms and provisions of the long form of this lease shall pre -ail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this 28th day l/I December, 197666../d�_J�niy rtEV. P A ELLEN V. PINRARD DENVER PIZZA, T_NC. BY X E, Cress er,,president .110,9 7 - $86 3081 8G9 /J STATE OF GOUNI'Y yry BR IT RL•MEMIJl RIA), that on this _2 day of heroic ane the lnnlcrsigned, a N, 1—y j'ublic in\a{� end if ti Cd'n d)Sl —i I came ;LJ %l. /[P V- GLS who LCL wlt.�A' ' •_' (arc) personally known to me [o be the same.persan(s) who executed the within Instrument of writing and such person(s) duly acknowledge the execution of the same_ IN TESi'IAIONY WHF,REOG, 1 have hcrcunlo set my Imnd and affixed my Official seat the clay and year first above written. Notary nblic ��l My Cmntnission Expires= C .'v.yV ;r Y STATE OF XANSAS ) �`.O<• •y^���� MUNTY OF SEDGWICR ) __ 1311 f'1 Ii RF IF AIRIi]IEU, that on this 2tt Ul day of Uecemher, 1976. _ before me the undcrslgncd, a Notary Public in and for Ihr. County and Stale aforesaid. came. Rahert E;_Cxesslor, _ President of DEWER kl'LA iNC.,�_ _ who is pm-sunally known to me to be the same person who executed the -within instrument of wriling and such person duly acknowledged the execution of the sante as and for the duly aulhm•iied uc•t of such corporation. IN TESTIMONY WIIERSO , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Otfirial scat the day and year first above written. Notary Public My Cnnun ission Expires: `� r'KfllE E. SCHUMACHER tx)TAC ty-K Scuyr k Canty Kenrat Att l 151 AF9. 308'7 870 LEGAL DESCRIXTION CONTMUCO PARCEL I: (...rimed) Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, PARK VIEN NO. 2; thence Easterly along the Nurth line of said tot 1, a distance of 290 feet to Elie TRUK POINT OF g£.GINNYAG; thence Northerly and parallel with the North-South centerline of said Section 23, a distance of 541.12 feet; thence ou an angle to the right of 45', a distance of 96.26 feet; thence on an angio to the left of 45° ural parallel with said North-South centerline of Section 23, a distance of 20 feet to a point on the South right of way lineof west 44th Avenue; thence Easterly along sad South right of way line, a distance ui 50.01 feet; thence Southerly and parallel with the North-5ouch centerline of said Section 2.3, a distance of 40.472 feet; thence nn an angle to the right of 456, a distance of 96.26 Feet; thence on an angle Lu the left of 45° and parallel with the North-South centar33ne of said 5 -tion, 23, a distance of 521.66 feet to a point on the North line of Int 1, PARK VIE14 thence Westerly along Said North .inti, a distance of 90.01 fort m [:he TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, County of .lafforson, State of Colorado. PARCEL I1: The G L12 of the W 1/4 of the Nw 114 of rhe SE 114 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 west of the 6th P. ti„ EXCEPT the North 134 feet of the South 272,5 feet of tlhe East 8.45 feet thereaf, AND EXCEPT the North 30 feet for 44th Avenue; ODUnty of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 3087 870 30831 8'71 LEGAL OESMI.P110.4; 4202 North Wadswu[Lh, Wheatridge, Colorado, s::awlI ouLlined in red in the drawing attached hereto, being a portion of the fallowing deseribed property: PARCEL I: Lots 1 and 2, LARK VTEW NO. 2. TOGETHER WITII a perpetual non-e..lusive driveway easement for ingress and egress as granted in instrument recorded May 11, 1977, in Book 3001 at Page 597, said easenent being over and across the fallowing described Property: Part of Lha 'AJ 1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 23, To—ship 3 Snnrh, Range 69 Wut of Lhc 601 P.N., dcoeribcd as follows: Commencing at the Northwest comer of the yW 1/4 Sw 1/4 SF. 1/4 of said Section 23; thence Easterly alung Lhe North line of Lhc UW 1/4 SIJ 1/4 Sr. 1/4 of said Section 23, a distance of 302.85 feet Lu the TRUE POINT OF BECUMING; thence comooning r:.:s Lerly along s,,id North line, a distance of 196.51 feet; thence an a deflection angle to the right of 135°00100", a distance of 43.7 feet; chance on a deflection angle to the right of 4VUU'00", a distance Of 135.71 feet; thence on a deflection angle to the right of 45°00'00", a distance of 43.7 Feet to the 'TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND TOGEIHER 141TH a non-e+.clusive perpeLual ad—ent for Lngreas and egress as granted in r vrded August 3, 1977, in Boole 3046 at Page 253, said easement being over and across the following described property: Part of the MI 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 23, T—hip 3 5vuth,-Range 69 W—L of the 6th P.M., dee:cribed as follows: continued.... ....... 30817 .8'23_ 308"l 872 3087 877, 78 1 12 a l b V8 DEP 12 M U tountyoljolter son State of Co. RELEASE OF COVENANTS Between R W INVESTMENT COMPANY, A PARTNERSHIP and JAMES W. PINRARD THIS AGREEMENT entered into between R W Investment Company, a Partnership, and James W. Pinkard; WITNESSETH: That each of the parties own property more KNOWN AS: 7340 W. 44th fully described below: WHEATRIDGE CO. 80033 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO Parcel ;l: The East one-half of the Northwest one- quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., EXCEPT the North 30 feet, in use as West Forty-fourth Avenue; and further EXCEPT the North 134 feet of the South 272.5 feet of the East 8.45 feet of the above described propertyp and The North 35 feet of the South two-fifths of the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast onn-quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., EXCEPT the West 40 feet thereof that lie in Wadsworth Boulevard. Parcel f#2: The West one-half of the Northeast one- quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. EXCEPT the North 30 feet, in use as West 44th Avenue; EXCEPT the East 25 feet in use as Upham Street and EXCEPT the East 125 feet of the North 130 feet thereof. The North 134 feet of thr South 272.5 feet of the East 8.45 feet of the East one-half of the Northwest one- quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. That Parcel No. 1 is owned by James W. Pinkard and Parcel No. 2 is owned by R W Investment Company; That there now exists certain recorded covenants limiting the right to construct improvements on each of the properties, which covenants are mutual and reciprocal. it is hereby agreed between the parties that each party waives the right to enforce these covenants against the other to the following extent: t►8 i 12 818 ;01,: James W. Pinkard plans to construct a Cake and Steak House on Parcel No. 1. Some time in the future, R W Investment Company plans to construct an improvement on its property, Each party agrees that the other may construct, operate and maintain said improvement and any covenant to the contrary now of record is hereby waived. It is anticipated that the improvements each party constructs may be comparable in terms of square footage on the first floor, but this is not an essential requirement. This agreement shall inure to and be binding upon the respective heirs, successors and assigns of the parties. DATE: I �r R W INVESTMENT COMPANY BYs 1 J STATE OF COLORADO ) SS r W'. Pihxaru/ COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me by Martin P. Milted""'•"•••.., in behalf of R W Investment Company this $1-� day oE•'1 irmb�ji..• 1978. so ,; ��l My commission expires: �'��%•;�„'; �dJ o a yPu li-l�'',•' STATE OF COLORADO SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) Subscribed and sworn to before me by James W. Pirskard this 7M, day of December, 1978. c? ' My commission ex iress •Xy'WMM1WDn Espins MvrcP2,1982 P _ _ Public�J[� Notary -2- 82-109 112 no .rs �tiniasia-rw�E'.�..,•.w..�.M,s..�..w..n,.,�a...•., � a ammem , npoB-040 ONE ane -XVI-ma 3 aawaoe ! � Cilli qqq IvIfIr 3 A111 58Y� 5 da a ggSea°lli �tjeedi L41 s��gge st'e.�� fl' 'y �� $s � 1 EiBE i�S ���ag �3� :G .,y� � �F� ���•#�� l8pk5 L S Ld A� !.i 6✓d��k-��ro�$9fi-�$ R i � F. �a2� S 7� SHE eaS Lei Al"W S ro �E. LL�4gg@@n� � yy 7 @ A •. 1*mrogi �Hfl it EL. 11 L2!6 jib �ro a s sQnm 9y® gaas�ggal a@p 4� F�3! $ fi' Qp fA .SE L9 R' aR,kai16d�rgEv8-giYLkgE 1 i LI a yH ifflis iimi4m 7$ SA piSjdS'8� F 3 5 i A-v5iR SeE Zp fSS �diro mro6* 6AimeSE $ 1 96H!_,�. 0 B � ! F a � f gfill : yy Yee eV Q Z bg 3 55 S 3 bs ! e ua L a y �✓ d sia _ �p E � €S : SY SLS s. j n L � � ;� rF' E�✓` W �Cga ,. �� g y 1 ��y9� g' S : g E• �aYa_ p fi�3'�k -IN JSEY'�a. pF j4 L QQQiii ACC g •Y 8"^ A �G _�stl33 ���✓ ` � B L,'ea a i -GI 3 1 W SCS i dYt'36 AFF � /( f d� � 4 p aaY .• .. e e a e, FFi :• BS's n 8 a yyI •p c � I e a. �F jp su& .. �� -. w..o.✓.. r. a$.. :i � .... .w � - �= w. m.r .. w... v.. .i�-8+�0--.uW.K l so Jillm n s� P1 . s ml Q � N fsfrfvtl co+ an S6►►iWU . w YiPN ..Vd MOOO 1DMA. _ f11 t r d0 a�xa � .dcop Pav1 .. .cavi .Kv4. Pan, ar i 4 i L.IPi RIP <CI.I. Pours NP 1�` M+ i Ir RM R4aPr �toP. l e RP ..+.PRa n+1• • .. _ i R.. i1aw Pial 1 �� •E ,uu JIRR .P.Y • .I . { v, . sf RtY R..R P.P 1 y r L II�r � i Po .I.,.•� Rxs P.. 3 R � ; FS = �. ro wcw� a maw snsm ,e+`e N tido a,� `°en�ouv'vn �mm�ueva P, oa u NOISIAICH a �� naouraaiaao �awasaa Plp1.. n . R4 vL ...iMYLalY1 W ilbl II.dL...tflO=.=.. 5p3'b'91 �w a w ... —•-- '4HIS )IAtl 9=1L'b�YW D9N 8H90tl D6M9 WN'J6 . w YiPN ..Vd MOOO 1DMA. _ f11 t r d0 a�xa � .dcop Pav1 .. .cavi .Kv4. Pan, ar i 4 i L.IPi RIP <CI.I. Pours NP 1�` M+ i Ir RM R4aPr �toP. l e RP ..+.PRa n+1• • .. _ i R.. i1aw Pial 1 �� •E ,uu JIRR .P.Y • .I . { v, . sf RtY R..R P.P 1 y r L II�r � i Po .I.,.•� Rxs P.. 3 R � ; FS = �. ro wcw� a maw snsm ,e+`e N tido a,� `°en�ouv'vn �mm�ueva P, oa u NOISIAICH a RF111RC•F0 114 ❑�IIDITY OF JI"FCl-.RCO14 k; Y fiTE OF CoLORAOO „n RL(;EFTIGIQ tiV. 1471160'4A {]V 1OREFNENT FIRBTRANS uF 11REAT RIMF, NATINNAL A51111;IAT1nN, a national banking associa- tion (hereinafter "FrrsLRaok"), FACLF. LARD C011PANY, a Delaware corporation (herei after "Eagle"), R. w. LNVESTNeNTS COMPANY, a partnership, a/kla RW INVESTMENTS CO., alk/a R W INVE87MP17TS COMPANY, a/k/a RAC, Ltd. (hereinafter "R_ W."). and DENVER BIiOPPINM PLAZA, LTD., a WashinFrne limited partnership (heretnaftec "Flaza"), agree as follows: /--/4 4 L. Definitions. The following words or phrases when used herein shall have the following meanings: 1.1. "Rank Property" means the real property described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. 1.2. "Engle Property" means the real Property described on Rithihir B attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. 1,3. "R. W. Property" means the real pruperty described on Exhibit O attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. 1.4. "Plaza Property" means the real property described as Lots I and 2, TIME MUM, SNSDIVISION, and that portion of Lot 3 lying South of the Northerly line of Let 1, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION as if extended fro. the East line of said Lot 1 to the WesL line of said Lot I, which line hears South B9°55'50" West and which line is the South line of the NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 114 Seetron 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6ch P.M., County of Jeffersun, State of Colorado. 1.5. "New Thirty -Five Foot Easement Property" means the real property deacrihed on Exhibit D attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. I,6. "old Thirty-five Foot Easement" means that certain grant of ease- ment dated June 19, 1951, recorded in Book 723 at page 154 of the records of Jeffer- son Cmmty, Qutn redo. 1.7. "Tolleson Agreement" means that certain agreement dated June 19, 1951, recorded in Book 723 at page 149 of the records of Jefferson County, Colorado. I.A. "Transamerica Agreement" means that certain Declaration of Ease- ment dated July 27, 1967, recorded in, Rook 1956 at page 126 nE the records of Jeffer- son County, Colorado. L.9. "ChAnny need" means chat certain deed dated June 19, 1951, and recorded in Book 723 at page 158 of the records of Jefferson County, Oolarado. L.10. "Old Plaza casement" means that certain easement Ear ingress and egress t" Lots l and 2., Times Artnaro Subdivision, Jefferson County, Colorado, an REGEPIAON 140- 67066,-W6 described in instrumeor. recorded August 3, 1977, in Rook 31046 at page 253, and as described in the Eirst fu11 porag-ph of Exhibit A to a deed dated Pebreary 29. 1984, and recorded as Reception No. 734018910, Jefferson County, Cotoradn. L. 11. "Nes+ Plaza Easement Property" means the real pruperty described in Exhibit F. attached hereto and by rc Eercnce incorporated herein. 2. Consideration. The consideration for the execution of this Agreement is the amu of Ten Dollars (S10.00) paid by each of the parties to each of the other parties, and the mutual covenents and agreements contained herein_ 3. Pr—erty Ownership. 3.1. Sank is the uwner at the Rank Property. 3.2. Eagle is the owner of the Eagle Property, 3.3. R. W. is the owner of the R. W. Property, 3.4. Plass is the owner of the Plaza Property. 4. Parties, Interest. The parties hereto are all of the assigns and successors in interest to all of the rights, benefits and burdens created by the Old Thirty-five Foot Easement, rho Tolleson Agreement, the Transamerica Agreement, the Chaney decd and the Old Plaza Easement. The parties hereto are all of the owners of aLl of the right, title and interest in the property whidl has any right, duty, benefit or burden created by the Old Thirty-five Foot Easement, the Tolleson Agree- ment, the Transamerica Aareement, the Chaney deed and the Old Plaza Easement, 5. Grant of Pertain Easement.. 5.1. Rank hereby grants to Eagle a perpetual non-extl-ive ea.ement for a right of way for ingress and egress to the Eagle Property from Wadsworth Boule- vard over the New Thirty-five Font Easement Prupertv, reserving, to Rank the right to use the Nev 'shirty -five Foot Easement Property jointly for ingress and egress to Wadsworth Boulevard Prem the Rank Property. 5.2. Renk hereby grants to R. W, o perpetual non-exclusive easement for a right of way for ingress and egress to the R. W. Properly from Wadsworth Roule- vaed over the New Thirty-five Foot Easement Property, reserving to Rank the right to use the New Thirty -live Foot Easement Property jointly for ingress and egress to Wadswurth P.oulevard from rhe Rank Property. 5.3. Rank shall maintain the flew Thirry-five Foot Easement Property in a clean, sanitary condition, hard -surfaced and in conformance with all ordinances and regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 5.4_ Rask may ewss[rve[, maintain and replace buildings, at ructures, HEf_EPTION N0. 870662Z6 parking, landscaping and other imp ruvemeats ahurt,ng an :tad Contiguous to the New Thirty -Live Fact F.asemenL Property without any requirrd .. r rhark thercfruin. 5.5. Eagle hereby grants to Plaza a perpetual non-exclusive easement far a right of way for ingress and egress to the ?Laza Property from 44th Avenue over the New Plaza Easement Property, reserving to Eaglo the right to use the New Plaza Easement Property juiutly for ingress and ep ress to 44th .Av.— from the Sagte 7 Property. 5.6. Eagle hereby grants to Bank a perpetual non-e,cclusive ua.s ement for a right of way fur ingress and egress to the Bank Property from 44th Avenue aver the New Plaza Easament Property, reserving to Eagle the right to use the New Plnza Easement Property joint Ly for ingress and egress to 44th Avenue from the Eagle Property. 5.7, Eagle hereby grans to R. W. a aerpetual uon-exrlusive easement for a right of way for ingress and egress to the R. W. Property from 44th Avenue over the New PL... Easement Property, reserving to Eagle the right to use the New Plaza Easement Property jointly for ingress and egress to 44th Avenue from the Eagle Property. 5.8. Eagle shall maintain the New Plaze Easement Property in a clean, sanitary condition, hard -surfaced and in eanformance with all ordinances and regula- tiana of the City of wheat Ridge, Colorado. 6. Termination of Certain Easeneats, Restrictions and Agreements. 6.1. The parties hereto hereby terminate the Old Thirty-five Foot Easement and the Tolleson Agreement. Each party releasee all of the other parries and each respective party's property from any right, duty, benefit or burden created or established by said instruments. 6.2. The parties hereto hereby terminate that portion of the Chaney deed reading as follows: "As a part of the consideration hereof, party of the second part ngre s to use and maintain the property above described as a roadway for a period or 50 years from the dote hereof, and that it will surface said strip of land and keep sane surfaced with either concrete or blacktop and "ch suitable gutters an each side thereof, and further, that parties of the first part shall have Lhe right to construct and maintain buildings or other structures abutting on Said strip of land, and shall not be required to set back from said strip of land any buildings they may construct. The above agcee,�,enes shall be construed as c ants running With the land and shall he binding upon the heirs, s-cessors, exec uturs, ad.i.i. rstors and as.aigns of Lhe parties hr, veto ." Each party releases all of the other parties and each respective party's property RLCEPTJON 00. 070.56224, from any right, duty, benefit or burden created or established by .,aid language, 6.3. Eagle and R. t4, hereby 801.1and con y to Annk rhe North 35 feet of the South 2/5 of the Nest 112 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 114 of Section 23, Town 3 South, Range 69 gest ul Lite 6th P.H., Jefferson County, Colorado, with all its appurtenances, 6.6. The parties hereto hereby amend the Transamerica Agreement by dcluting therefrom the Tract C as described in said Agra—ant. Each party releases L f all of the other parties and each respective party's property fr— any right, duty, 1{- benefit or burden is said Tract G established by Lhe Transamerica Agreement. Further, Attachment A to the Transamerica Agreement is amended by drawing thereon a dashed line and a solid line in a Northerly -Southerly direction to directly canoect the existing dashed and solid lines across the gap created by the deletion of Tract C. on the westerly boundary of Tract B. G.S. The parties hereto hereby terminate the Ald Plead Easement. Rech party releases all of the nther parties and each respective party's property From any right, duty, bane fit or burden ereaced or established to or to the Old Plaza Basement_ 7. Covenants Running with Land, The easements, restrictions, releases, rights and duties hereunder shall create mutual benefits and servitudes upon the properties as described herein, and shall be covenants running With the land. 8. Release of Selling Parti. If any party hereto shalt sell, transfer or otherwise terminate its interest as owner, then from and after the effective date of such ce rmina[ion of its -ownership internsc, that party shall thereafter he released and discharged from any rights and duties under this Agreement except those having previously accrued, and the party acquiring such interest shall be subject to the rights and duties created hereunder. 9. Successors. This Agreement shall be binding on the heirs, successors, assigne and personal representatives of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WWF.REOF, this Agreement has been executed at Denvr.r, Colorado, Ufa �_.,. day of _�:.�,., •,�`_, 1985. S' FlItSTBANR OF WHEAT RIDGE, N.A. a national banking asnucia_-tion -- F TTRST ,' By President q.sec ieTary -4- W[LLPTi0,V tlo. HIO6622L FArLF. LAND COMPANY, a Da Lawa rr cnrpnra[iwn. A'riTST! sy Secre[ary R.W. INVESTMENTS COMPANY, i�.Ci�',•I �tJ 7pa Cn4cjh'ip� n r •� CencraL Par[ner y, DENVER SHOPPING PLAZA, LTD., a Washington limi[ed partnership xy _ General Partner STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) n'Tha foregoing inatrumen[ was suhyrfihed Ppd sworn to gcfure no this JpA day f 1--(,Ix)U-A; 1985, by I_[{�p11 }J. 4 Ai' llil as President and [�1F9 f(,Qtl -sr ast Secretary of Firstxank of Wheat Ridge, a narional bank- ing aseactatian. _ Witness my hard and official seal. C.—ission expires: Notary Public .,rt, _.. �: �pl.jt�3 il�t.�-�• C.�i' r �t. ' U% Address ) STATE OF COLORADO } ss. COIrNTY OF ) Tne foregoing instcument vas aubsc rihed and sworn to before me this day of , 1985, by as President and_ as S.Crecary of Bogle Land Company, a Delaware corpora- tion Witness my head and official seal, My comnissiun expires: Nacary Public Address STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF /jiara�aP >s. I Eares tog inst[uman[ was uh crihed and y [u bef ure me Chia J E7 day of "le. S� _ , 1985, by .i�/'/ f ��f'!r , as cenc[al partner of R. W. loadstments Conpany, a general partwership, nik/a RW 1NVF1171EBTS CO., n/k/a R V INVFSITIEN'IS COMPANY, a/k/a M:C, LTD. W the as my hand and of €icial seal. ay!Cp,aFllaRinn ..Pi..._ /Hot' ary Pnhlic��%�� -/ -- AwpAadA.yI 24th Flsol Mang; Calolado 882Q2 -5- RECEPTION NO. 13708622& STATE OF COLORADO sa. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to before w this day of, 1985, by , as General Penner of Deaver Shopping Plaza, Ltd., a Washington limited partnership. Witness my hand aad official seal. Hy commission expires: Notary Pubtic Address -6- i -:I�V I Litt No. 8/U66;'76 EXHIBIT A (1..f 47 Bank Property The fallowing described four parcels of real estate; PARCEL I '7 A tract of land located in the W1/2 of the 14141/4 of the NW114 of the SEI/4 of Section 23, T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M.. County of Jefferson. State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of said Section 23, from which the El/4 Corner of said Section 23 bears H89'56'20%, thence S00'04'54"W, 30.00 feet along the West line of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to 0e South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; thence N89'56'20'E, 40.00 feet along the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEIJ4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence S00'04'50W, 9.75 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23, a point hereinafter referred to as Paint "A'; thence continuing 500'04'54"W, 10.00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence continuing S00'04'54"W, 121.85 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence N89'56'20"E, 8.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing N89'56'20"E, 115.74 feet; Thence SOU'04'54"W. 58.40 feet parallel with the West line of the SE1/4 of said Section 23; Thence N89'56'20"E, 79.64 feet; thence 400'00'36"E, 190.25 feet to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23, a point which bears N89'56'20"E. 203.64 feet from said Point "A"; Thence S89'66'20"W. 187.64 feet along the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; Thence 557'58'25"W, 8.85 feet to a point on a line that bears N00°04'54"E, parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121, from the True Point of Beginning; Thence SOO'04'54"W, 127.16 feet parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Area " 30,372 square feet (0.697 acres), more or less P.£CEP Iir.N NO. C70.', 6226 E%IIIOIT A (2 of 4) PARCEL II M A tract of land located in the W1/2 of the NWI/4 of the 4141/4 of the SEi/4 of Section 23, US, R69W of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows; Commencing at the Center of said Section 23, from which the E1/4 Corner of said Section 23 bears 989'56'20"E, thence 500°04'54"W, 30.00 feet along the West line of the SEi/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; thence 989'56'20"E, 40.00 feet along the South line of the North 30,00 feet of the 5E1/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence $00°04'54"W, 9.75 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No, 121 to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SE1/4 of said Section 23, a point hereinafter referred to as Point "A"; thence continuing 500'04'54"W, 10.00 feet along the Easterly right-ef-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121; Thence continuing $00'04'54"W, 121,85 feet along the Easterly right-of-way tine of said Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence N89'56'20"E, 8.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing N89'56'20"E, 115.74 feet; Thence S00'04'54"W, 58.40 feet parallel with the West line of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; Thence 989'56'20"E, 79.64 feet; Thence 1100'00'36"E, 190.25 feet to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SEi/4 of said Section 23, a point which bears N89°56'20"E, 203.64 feet from said Point "A'; Thence continuing N00'00'36"E, 9.75 feet to the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; Thence NBg'56'20"E, 84.83 feet along the South line of the North 30.00 feet of said Section 23 to the East line of the W1/2 of the NWi/4 of the NW1/4 of the SEIA of said Section 23; Thence 500'03'52"W, 575.68 feet along the East line of the W1/2 of the NWI/4 of the NWI/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the North 149.00 feet of the South 2/5thS of the. W1/2 of the NWI/4 of the NWI/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; Thence 589'55'64"W, 280.14 feet along the South line of the North 149.00 feet of the South 215th5 of the 411/2 of the NWI/4 of the HW1/4 of the SEi/4 of said Section 23 to a point on a line that bears S00'04'54"W, parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway 110, 121, from the True Point of Beginning; Thence N00'04'54"E, 374.12 feet parallel with the Easterly right-nf-way line of said Colorado State Highway No, 121 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Area = 112,134 square feet (2,574 acres), more or less. fv,,-UIP"I I Of! tlo- 'a7n6b226 EXHIBIT A (3 of 4) PARCEL III A strip of land 8.50 feet in width located in the Wl/2 of the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 23, T3S, R699 of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of said Section 23, from which the E1/4 Corner of said Section 23 bears N89'56'20'E, thence S00'04'54"V, 30.00 feet along the West line of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; thence 1189 56'20"E, 40.00 feet along the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right -of -fray line of Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence S00'04'S411W, 9.75 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; thence continuing SOO'04'64"W, 10.00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing S00'04'S4"W, 121.85 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No, 121; Thence H89°56'20"E, 8.50 feet; Thence N00'04'54"E, 127.16 feet parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to a point on a line that bears N57'58'25"E from the True Point of Beginning; Thence S57'58'25"W, 10.04 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Area = 1,058 square feet (0.024 acres), more or less. RECEPTION Nn_ 67156226 EXH1eIT A (4 of 4) PARCEL IV f) A strip of land 8.50 feet in width located in the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of the C/ NWl/4 of the SE1/4 of Section Z3. T3S, R691f( of the 6th P.N., County of Jefferson. State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of said Section 23, from which the El/4 Corner of said Section 23 bears N89"56'20"E, thence S00'04'54'W, 30.00 feet along the West line of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; thence H89"56'20"E, 40,00 feet along the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence S00'04'S4"w, 9.75 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; thence continuing 500°04'54"W, 10.00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No, 121; Thence continuing 500'04'54"'d, 121.85 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING; Thence N89°56'20"E, 8.50 feet; Thence S60°04'54"w, 374.12 feet parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the South line of the North 149.00 feet of the South 2/5ths of the N1/2 of the NW1/4 of the 4W1/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; Thence 589'55'54"w, 8.50 feet along the South line of the North 149.00 feet of the South 2/5ths of the w1/2 of the NW114 of the Nwl/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado Stats. Highway No. 121; Thence 800°04'54"E, 374.12 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TRUE POINT Of BE61NNING. Area - 3,180 square feet (0.073 acres), more or less. HTLEYTION 110- '47066226 EXHIBIT B Eigle Property The East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23, in Township 3 South, and Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the North thirty feet, in use as West 44th Avenue FECLPTION NO. 07066228 EXHIBIT C R. W. Property The West 112 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 114 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23 in Township 3 South and Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the North 30 feet, in use as West 44th Avenue except the East 25 feet in use as Upham Street, and except the East 125 feet of the North 130 feet thereof arcr7T10N IiG. 87066226 EXHIBIT 0 New Thirty-five Font Easement Property A strip of land 35.00 feet in width located in the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of the NWI/4 of the SE3/4 of Section 23, T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson. State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of said Section 23 from which the El/4 Corner of said / �3 Section 23 bears N89'56'20"E, thence Soo'04'54wW, 356.14 feet along the West line of the SE1/4 of said Section 23, thence N89'56120`E, 40.00 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing N89'56'20'E, 288.58 feet to the East line of the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of the NWl/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 21; Thence 500'03'52"W, 35.00 feet along the East line of the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of the SEIM of said Section 23; Thence 589'55'20"W, 268.59 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121; Thence N00'04'54wE, 35.00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Area - 10,100 square feet or 0.232 acres, more or less. REr�Y1;GN ilG. 679c622C F%HislT E Ne., Plaza Easement Prouerty A strip of land located in a portion of Lots 3 and 4, Time Square Subdivision. a Subdivision in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of Section 23, T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M., thence H89`56'20 -E, 328.50 feet along the East-West centerline of said Section 23 to the Northwest Corner of the E1/2 of the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of the SEW of said Section 23; thence S00'D3'46"W, 30.00 feet along the West line of the E1/2 of the NWI/4 of the NW1/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the South right-of-way line of 44th Avenue, also being the Northwest Corner of said Lot 4 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence N89'56'20"E, 59.94 feet along the South right-of-way line of said 44th Avenue and along the North line of said Lot 4; *hence 500'03'46"W, 8.50 feet parallel with the Nest line of the E1/2 of the NW1/4 of the HW1/4 of the SES/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of that easement for acceleration and deceleration as shown on the recorded plat of said Time Square Subdivision; Thence Southwesterly, 47.06 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast to a point tangent, said arc having a radius of 30.00 feet, a central angle of 89'52'34" and being subtended by a chord that bears S45 -00'04"W, 42.38 feet; Thence S00"03'46"W, 592.74 feet parallel with the West line of the E1/2 of the NW1/4 of the NWI/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the South line thereof; Thence S89°55'50"W, 30.00 feet along the South line of the E1/2 of the NW1/4 of the HW1/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the Southwest Corner thereof, also being the West line of said Lot 3; Thence N00'03'45"E, 631.18 feet along the West line of the ET/2 of the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 and along the West line of said Lot 3 and along the West line of said Lot 4 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. kF 1'ORDED TN UJINTY OF JEfFER.H0N !; I ATE OF r:OLORAD0 dCREElIENT RGI:EI'-1 T011 l70. L'/Do6r1�_'7 lJ`.111?i H/ -111 5E. 42.NII PIRRTBAN% OF WHEAT RIDOP., NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a not ie nal banking asaueia- tion (hereinafter "First Rank"), PACS.P-1ADD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (herein- after "Eagle"), R. W. INVESTMENTS,COMPANY, a partnership, a/k/a RN INVESTMENTS PA., a/k/a R W INVESTIIP.NTS COMPANY, a/k/a RWC, Ltd, (hereinafter "R, N,"), and DENVSR SHOPPING PLAZA, LTD., a Washington limited partnership (hereinafter "plaza"), agree as follows: I. Definitions. The following words at phrases when used herein .;hall have the following meaning.: 1.1. "Renk Property" means the real property deer ribed an Exhibit A attached hereto and. by reference incorporated herein. 1.2. "Eagle Property" means the real property described on Exhibit B attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. 1.3. "R. W. Property" means the real property described on Exhibit C attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. 1.4. "Plaza Property" mean the real property described as Lots 1 and 2, TIME S011ARF SORDIVISION, and that parting of Lot 3 lying South of the Northerly line of Lot 1, TM S4WARS 8110MVISION as if extended from the East line of .aid Lot 1 to the Nest line of said Lot 1, which line beers South 89'55'50" West and whielt Line is the South line of the NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SF, 1/4 Section 23, Township 7 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P,M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 1.5. "New Thirty -Siva Foot Easement Property" means the real property described on Exhibit D attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. 1.6, "Old Thirty-five Foat F,axamant" means that certain grant of ease- ment dated June 19, 1951, recorded in Ruuk 723 at page 154 of the records of JefEer- eon County, Colorado. 1.7. "Tolleson Agreemonta means that certain agreement dated June 19, 1951, recorded in Book 723 at puge 149 of the records of Jefferson County, Colorado, 1,8,, "Transamerica Agreement" means that certain Declaration of Ease- ment dated July 27, 1967, recorded in Rook 1956 at page 126 of the records of Jeffer- eon County, Cul arado. 1.9. "Chaney Deed" means that certain deed dated Jona 19, 1951, and recorded in Rook 723 at page 158 of the records of Jefferson County, Colorado. 1.10. "Old Plaza Easement" mean that certain easement far ingress and egress to bots i and 2, Times Square Subdivision, Jefferaun County, Colorado, an RECEPTION NO. 07oL6227 described in rnatrument recorded August 3, 1917, in Book 3046 at page 253, and as described in the first full paragraph of Exhibit A to a deed dated Februnry 29, 1484, and recorded as Reception No. 84018910, Jefferson Cuunty, C lorado. 1.11. "New Plaza Easement Property" means the real property described in Exhibit B attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. 2. Consideration, She a naidaration Cut the execution of this Agreement is the sum of Ten nollara (510.00) paid by each of the parties to each of the other parties, and the mutual covenents and agreementn contained herein. 3. Prole tap Ownershi_. ` 3.1. Rank is the owner of the Rank Property. 3.2. gagle is the owner of the Fa1,le Property. 3.3. R. W. is the owner of the R. W. property. 3.4. Plaza is the owner of the Plaza Property. 4. Parties' Interest. The parties hereto are all of the assigur and successors in interest to all of the rights, benefits and burdens created 6y the Old - Thirty -Five Foot Basement, the Tolleson Agreement, the Transamerica Agreement, the Chaney deed and the old Plaza Easement. The parties hereto are all of the owners of all of the right, title and interest in the property which has any -right. duty, benefit or burden created by the Old Thirty-five Foot Easement, the Tolleson Agree - went, the Transamerica Agreement, the Chaney deed and the Old Plaza Easement. 5. Orem of Certain F.asomants. 5.1. Bank hereby Brenta to Eagle a perpetual non-exclusive easement for a right of way for ingress and egress to the Eagle Property from Wadsworth Boule- vard over the New Thirty-five Foot Easement Property, reserving to Bank the right to use the New Thirty-five Foot Basement Property jointly for ingrean and egress to Wadsworth Boulevard from the Ronk Property, 5.2. Bonk hereby grants to R. W. a perpetual non-exclusive easement for a right of way for ingress and egress to the R. W. Property from Wadsworth Boule- vard over the New Thirty-fivo Foot Easement Property, reserving to Bank the right to use the New Thirty -Five Foot F.anement Property jointly for ingress and ogress to Wadsworth Roulevord from the Bank Property. 5.3. Bank shall maintain the New Thirty-five Foot Easement Property In a clean, sanitary condition, hard-aurfaeed and in conformance with all ordinances and- ecgnlat lana of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 5.4. Bank may construct, maintain and replace buildinga,.otructures, -2- RLLEPTTON Mo. 87066777 packing, Landscaping and other impruvemento abutting on and contiguous to the Nov Thirty-five Fool Easement Property without any required seLback therefrom. 5.5. Eagle hereby grants to Plaza a perpetual non-e;cciueive easement for a right of way for ingress and egress Lo the Plaza Property from 44th Avenue over - the New Plaza Easement Property, reserving to Engle the right to use the New Place Easement Property jointly for ingress and egceaa to 44th Avenue from the Eagle _ ti Property. 5.6. Eagle hereby grants to Bank a perpetual non-exclusive easement for m right of way for ingress and egress to the Bank Property from 44th Avenue over the New Plaza Easement Property, reserving to F.agle the right to use the New Plaza Easement Property jointty for ingress and agrees to 44th Avenue from the Eagle Property. 5.7. Eagle hereby grants to R. W. a perpetual non exclusive ansament for a right of way for ingreso and egress to the R. W. Property from 44th Avenue over the New Plaza Easement Property, reserving to Eagle the right to ume the New PLnza Easement Property jointly for ingress and egreas to 44th Avenue from the Eagle Property. 5.8. Eagle shall maintain the New Plaan Easement Property in a clean, sanitary condition, herd -surfaced end in conformance with all ardinances and regula- tions of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 6. Termination of Certain Easements, Restrictions and Agreements. 6,1. The parties hereto hereby terminate the Old Thirty-five Foot Easement and the Tafleaop Agreement. Each party releases all of Lila other parties and each respective party's property from any right, duty, benefit or burden created or established by said instruments. 6.2. The parties hereto hereby terminate that portion of the Chaney deed reading as follow.: "As a part of the c aideration hereof, party of the second part s agrees to u and maintain the property above describedas a rundway for a periodof 50 years from the date hereof, and that it will surface said strip of Land and keep same surfaced with either concrete ar blacktop and with auitnb Le gutters on each aide thereof, and further, that parties of the first part shall have the right to construct and maintain buildings or other structures abutting ori said strip of land, and shall not be required to act hack from sell[ strip of land any buildings they may construct. The above agreements shall be construed as covenants running -ith the land and shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto." Each party releasee all of the other parties and each respective party's property RErEP110N NO- P.7056227 from any right, duty, benefit or burden created or established by said language. 6.3. Eagle and R. W. hereby sell and convey to Rank the North 35 feet of Cite South 2/5 of the We.t 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northweat 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section.23. Town 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.N., 3effereon County, Colorado, With all its appurtenances. 6.4. The parties hereto hereby amend the Transamerica Agreement by deleting therefrom the Tract C no described to said agreement. Each party releaser all of the other parties and each respective party's property from Any right, duty, benefit or burden in fluid Tract C established by the Tranaamerica Agreement. Farther, Attachment A to the Transamerica Agreement is amended by drawing thereon a dashed line and a solid line in a Northerly-Sauthe rly direction to directly conoeet the existing dashed and solid lines across the gap created by the deletion of Tract C on the Westerly boundary of Tract R. 6.5. The parties hereto hereby terminate the Old Plass Easement. Each party teleases all of the other paU ies and each respective party's property from Any right, duty, benefit or burden created or established in or to the Old Plata basement. 7. Covenants Running with Land. The easements, rcntrictions, rale..... rights and duties hereunder shell create mutual benefits and servitudes upon the properties As described herein, and shall be covenants running with the land. 8. Rel Pose of Selling, Party. If any party hereto shall sell, transfer or otherwise terminate its interest as owner, then from and after the effective date of Such termination of its ownership interest, then party .hall thereafter be released and discharged from any rights and duties under this Agreement except those having previously Accrued, And the party Acquiring ouch interest shall be subject to the right. and Awti.. created hereunder. 9. Rucceseors. This Agreement shall be binding on the heirs,- eucceesnro, assigns and personal representatives of the parties hereto. tN WITHRSS WFPEREOF, this Agreement has been executed at hoover, Colorado, this • .,• day of . f_ _ FIRSTRAHK OF WHEAT RID:R, N.A., a national banking aero eietion ATTFST: ` By F �.As. retary v —4— QFf'EP.TON tiO. 87066227 FAC,f.E IANO COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ATTEST: _ R, Y Secretary fJ,-,., fl�� A. W. IMYF,STIlENI3 COMPANY, a pertnarah'p QX� - MTCANDELA N �, General Partner Natrypubuc. Sut.otmwYds •_- - Wo. SI.4B79ab3 DENVER SHOPPIVG P A, TOS tROW911 Naw YOM fbu.1 f _•Cmnmkabn Expnae Augutt3F, SD7N a Naohingto t��acahip I'"• `" General Par[nur STATP. OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The fo ing Lnatrume nt wee aubacribed 1 sworn to before me this day of a l_ ro 1985, by 6,1.:Ofl {� Fk+llclnd, s Premia -t a*�j X'. P "[iPlr as ecretary off FiratDank u[ Mieat Ridge, a national bank- ,ioB;,gapociation. I q7: L�llytness my hand and official oval. y =, •� K)j•cumaiaa ian expires: � ' I•T1 - •'7;: fI�)��T' Notary Public (� Address STATE OF COLORADO ) as. COUNTY DF ) She farRgoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to beforo me this . 1 day of ;),in; r , 1937, by �• ItioreY, L�as President end as eavretary of Eagle and %ompanl y, a Delaware corpura- Fion�.:... { - rs,;"'Ifitualis my hand and officiol veal. •ry comniasfan expires: Bo .RC( vet ti: CO•� Notary Publilc s'1IL)rJatD�°�r0, Ad coo STATE OF COLORADO ) COINITY OF Tl £ore ng instrument ad b pribed and 9unr1 to before me this Lf� day of Wr �•.f , 1785, by /) tri n !� ae Caneral eer[:.er of R. W. Investments Cwmpany, 'Rue. partnership, k a RW INVESINENTS CO., aik/a R W INVESTMENTS COMPANY, e/k/a RNC, LTD, .Mttneas my hand and official ..at. My cu:mnission expires:__ _ - 7 Notary Public My Commission Esslnn 1'/.R.Rq 1gU6B1o"Wo7. 241h floor Deaver, Worlds 80202 IM F'ECF_PTION NO. 67066227 n1P,=i nr'� STATE OF 118LOM ) COUNTY OF C�. The fu going instrument vaa sob.rribed nd vorn to before me this day 198/,7 by i�ly�,� /_ /�-Q tkllt , ea General Pnrtacr of Denver Shopping -plaza, Ltd., a Washington limited partnership, Witneaa my hand end official seal. - Hp comi..ion expire.: bl 1'?—i MAP.ELLEN CANQew 110197 Publ31413Slate 94 New Yak No.31-4" .A 58 Qu%a.eA In New York Caaax Commiavron E.p7rae August 31,1888 -6- BECEPTI011 Nei. 07066227 EXHIBIT A C? of 41 Bank Propert The following described four parcels of real estate: PARCEL I / A tract of land located in the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of the SEI/4 or Section 23, T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson. State .of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of said Section 23, from whlch the El/4 Corner of said Section 23 beers H89'56'20"E, thence S00'04'S4"W, 30.00 feet along the West Tine of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SE1/4 of said Section 23; thence H89'56'20"E, 40.00 feet along the South line or tha North 30.00 feet of the 551/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence SOO'04`54"W, 9.75 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SE1/4 of said Section 23, a point hereinafter referred to as Point A'; thence continuing SOD'04'54"W, 10.00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 721; thence continuing S00'04'54"W, 121.05 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence 089'55'20"E, 8,50 feet to the TRUE POINT or BEG DINING; Thence continuing 1189'56'20"E, 115.74 feet; Thence SOO'04'64"W, 58.40 feet parallel with the West Ifne of the SE1/4 of said Section 23; Thence N89'56'20"E. 79.64 feet; Thence ?100'00'36"E, 196.25 feet to the South line of the Horth 39.75 feet of the SEi/4 of said Section 23, a point which hears 1189'56'20"E. 203.64 feet from said Point 'A"; Thence 589'56'20"W 187.64 feet along the South tine of the North 39,75 feet of the SEi/4 of said Section 23; Thence S57'58'25"W, 8.85 feet to a point on a line that bears HOO'04'54"E, parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121, from the True Point of Beginning; Thence S00'04'54"W, 127.16 feet parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Area - 30,372 square feet (0.697 acres), more or less. RECEP"II019 NO- L'7066227 EXHIBIT A fZ of 4) F PARCEL II A tract of land located in the W1/2 of the 11141/4 of the NW114 of the SEE14 of Section 23. T35, R69W of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Cal orado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center, of said Section 23, from which the El/4 Corner of said Sect ian 23 bears N29'56'20"E, thence 500'04'54"W, 30.00 Feet along the Nest line of the SEi/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEi/4 of said Section 23; thence NW56'20"E. 40.00 feet along the South line of the ?forth 30.00 feet of the SEi/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State highway No. 121; thence $00'04'54"W, 9.75 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SE1/4 of said 'Section 23, a point hereinafter referred to as Point "A'; thence con Claming 500'04'54"W, 10.00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121; Thence continuing Soo 04'54"W, 121.85 feet along the Easterly right-af=nay line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121; theme N89'56'20E. 8.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing N89'56'20"E, 115.74 feet; Thence 500'04'54"W, 58.40 feet parallel with the West line of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; Thence N89'56'20"E, 79.64 feet; Thence N00'00'36"E, 190.25 feet to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SE1/4 of said Section 23, a point which bears N89'56'20"E. 203.64 feet from said point "A"; Thence continuing NO0'00'36"E, 9.75 feet to the South line of the North 3U.00 feet of the SEi/4 of said Section 23; Thence 1189'56'20"E. 84.83 feet along the South line of the North 30.00 feet of said Section 23 to the East line of the 141/2 of the NWI/4 of the HW1/4 of the SEi14 of said Section 23; Thence S00'O3'SZ"W, 515.60 feet along the East line of the W1/2 of the 11141/4 of the NW1/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the Horth 149.00 feet of the South 2/Sths of the W1/2 of the NWl/4 of the HW114 of the SEi/4 of said Section 23; Thence S89'55'54'W, 280.14 feet along the South line of the North 149.00 feet of the South 2/5ths of the W1/2 of the INW1/4 of the HW114 of the 591/4 of said Section 23 to a point an a line that hears S00'O4'54"W, parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway He. 121, from the True Point of Beginning; Thence 1100'04'54"E, 374,12 feet parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 1Z1 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Area - 112,134 square feet (2.574 acres), more or less. RErrrT7.ON "0. 67066227 E%HIBIT A (3 of 4) PARCEL III 7 Astrip of land 8.50 feet in width located in the H1/2 of the Nwl/4 of the Nw1/4 of the SEI/4 of Section 23, US, 969w of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of said Section 23, 'rom which the E1/4 Corner of said Section 23 beers 1189'56'20"E, thence 500'04'54"w, 30.00 feet along the West line of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SES./4 of said Section 23; thence N89'56'20"E, 40.00 feet along the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway Na. 121; thence 500'04154"w, 4.75 feet along the Easterly rfght-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the South line of the North 39.75 feet of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; thence continuing SGO'04154"w, 10.00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TROE POINT OF BEGINNING; ' Thence continuing S00'04'54"" 121.85 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway Nd. 121; Thence 1189'56'20"E, 8.50 feet; Thence 1100'04'54"E, 127.16 feet parallel with the Easterly right -or -way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to a point an a line that bears "57'58'25"E from the True Point of Beginning; Thence 557'58'25"w, 10.04 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Area = 1,058 square feet (0,024 acres), more or less. Rte_-:Epjjotj tjG. 070662:7 EXHIBIT A (4 of 4) PARCEL IV /d A strip of land 8.50 feet in width located in the H1/2 of the NNi14 of the HN1/4 of the SEI/4 of -Section 23, US, P69w of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of said Section 23, from which the El/4 Corner of said Section 23 bears N89'56'20"E, thence 500'04'54"N, 30.00 feet along the Nest line of the SEi/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SE1/4 of said Section 23; thence N89'56'ZO"E, 40.00 feet along the South line of the North 30.00 feet of the SEi/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121; thence S00'04'54"N, 9.75 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the South line of the Horth 39.75 feet of the SEi14 of said Section 23; thence continuing SOB'04'54"N, 10.00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway Igo. 121; Thence continuing S0o'04'54"N, 121.85 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence N09'56'20"E, 8.50 feet; Thence SOO'04'54"N, 374.12 feet Parallel with the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway Igo. 121 to the South line or the North 149.00 feet or the South 2/5ths of the N1/2 of the 110/4 of the iIN114 of the SEi/4 of said Section 23; Thence S09'55'54"N, 0.50 feet along the South line of the North 149.00 feet of the South 2/5ths of the N1/2 of the ANI/4 of the NN1/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway No. 121; Thence 1100'04'54"E, 374.12 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Colorado State Highway Ho. 121 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Area ^ 3,180 square feet 10.073 acres), more or less. RECEPIION NO- 137tthe227 EXIIJBIT B Eagle Property TheEast 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Suu theast 1/4 of Section 23, in Township 3 South, and Range 69 West of the SIX th Pr Incipal Meridien in Jefferson County, Colorado, �exoept the North thirty feet, in use as Nest 44th A—r— RECEP 110" NO. e7066-121 EBNIBIT C R. W. Property The West 1/2 of the Northeast 114 of the Northwest 114 of the Southeast 114 of Section 23 in Township 3 South and Range 69 Nest, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, except the North 30 feet, in use as West 44th Avenue except the East 25 feet in use as Upham Street, and except the East 124 feet of the North 130 feet thereof PECEPTTO14 110. ^o'/UMb�J/ EXHIBIT o Now Thirty-five Foot Easement Pr"Perty A strip of land 35.00 feet in width located in the WI/2 of the 11111/4 of the 13 NW1/4 of the SEi/4 of Section 23, 13S, R69W of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson. State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Center of said Section 23 from which the ET/4 Corner of said Section 23 bears 1489'5020'E, thence 500'04'54"W, 356.14 feet along the West line of the SEI/4 of said Section 23, thence H89'56'20"E, 40.00 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIIIG; Thence continuing N89056'ZO"E, ZB8.58 feet to the East line of the W1/2 of the IIWI/4 of the NWI/4 of the SET/4 of said Section 23; Thence S00'03'SZ"W, 35.00 feet along the East Tine of the W1/2 of the N191/4 of the NWi/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23; Thence 589'56'20'W, 280.59 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121; Thence NOO'04'54"E, 35,00 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of Colorado State Highway No. 121 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIIIG. Area - 10,100 square feet or 0.232 acres, more or less. HLCEF,f I0t1 Ne- 8706:.227 UHIBIT E Neu Flat Easement Propert. A strip of land located in a portion of Lots 3 and 4, Time Square Subdivision, / a Subdivision in the County of Jefferson. State of Colorado, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Conrencing at the Center of Section 23, T3S, 969W of the 6th P.M., thence 1169'56'20"E, 328.50 feet along the East -Nest centerline of said Section 23 to the Northwest Corner of the ET/2 of the 11111/4 of the NW1/4 of the SEi/4 of said Sectfan 23; thence SUO-03'46"W, 30.00 feet along the Nest line of the Ei/2 of the NWl/4 of the 11111/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the Soutn right-of-way line of 44th Avenue, also being the Northwest Corner of said Lot 4 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence 989'56'20"E, 59.94 feet along the South right-of-way line of said 44th Avenue and along the North line of said Lot 4; Thence 500`03'46"W, 8.50 feet parallel with the Nest line of the E1/2 of the HW1/4 of the IIW1/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the South line of that easement for acceleration and deceleration as shown on the recorded plat of said Time Square Subdivision; Thence Southwesterly, 47.06 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast to a point tangent, said arc having a radius of 30.00 feet, a central angle of 89'52'34" and being subtended by a chord that bears S45`00'04"W, 42.38 feet; Thence 500'03'46"W, 592.74 feet parallel with the West line of the E1/Z of the NNT/4 of the HW1/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 to the South line thereof; Thence S89'55'40"W, 30.00 feet along the South line of the E1/2 of the NWI/4 of the HW1/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 23 to the Southwest Corner thereof, also being the West line of said Lot 3: Thence No0'o3'46"E, 631.18 feet along the Nest line of the El/2 of the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of the SEI/4 of said Section 23 and along the West line of said Lot 3 and along the West line of said Lot 4 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ti The south five (S.U) feet of the north thirty Nva (35.0) feet 0 of the [test one hundred (100.0) feet of the east one hundred yy 3 Ji twenty if ye (125.0)feet of the W>f of the REb of the 4N9 of the S154 of Section 23. Township 3 South• RaMe 69 West. Y n O O The room. is S-« 1rel m wide". to. side boundary hoes of the easement in." b • Ianalhmed and shortened as salt to ancm•lui, a wuihium'n shin nF ret Ipf Than tlu aborawHm at a0 wbstoo Pr Grumer's opCrort erty ad Wthe a6aee dsoscribed cbnurline a-4 c.00, ing to th, bnundm191 of No Of—;,opertlG. Together with rho right m anter upon avid x -5 -to e -.Y, apnanwr. mataain, apnme, raPalr, Ieplace, sasntml and sue said Wilily lines and utad fi.d.- sore &d -sal to temova sof- mlmfcrinp therewith, hdudisg the [rimming .1lees and bmhas, and Wpm., with Ih. r aht to use w rnucir os the adjnininp premhes *11"— dlning suraeyi ,1 wml,uction, mafn, reWh. re oval, o replacement of said utility Ilan sod relau l IN.- and devises as may In required to Parinft the Pperedon of stardom .salty wnahuctinn o, repair maamne,y, and the tyht a o -Il the Installation at tha faelliliet PI any wise, co—I. The fwantar ,elwres ate aipht to me eml tauPY Ne .=lot fur al1Y p,rpm ,unsismot with the ,*[ and Privit oo, above g nutl and w•hlrh «ill nal int, lore with or mnwger any w the :old Companj s aariill" floral. orux thttmt. uch rnurratinn by Ne Grsntor shall in no wane melude Ilan right to erect or Ceufe to be eeeetatl any UWlclinys ar atmelorm Upon aha eauaens grantttl a 11— e locateny a- - At, home na9er .oats shores.. In ane nl she Pwiureni abanda-ant.l the resemml all right, draylr are'arena. ercnerd muse--mhefe. Tho wort. of i. ueIIInU and mmmaiiiiry said lint,ry antl fu sled natures and deha,hall hu done with are; the suttees rIva W. m:un<n[ f}iall Ue raiomtl sutstanslally to its nAgo,l leve: end contlltlDn. "Gsantw shore inmude the alpmar,,dura,,@ndniax, mawlhse. end nr,ter. r 5lpned did, day nl "-1,� _.._, 10 y"1. InITNESSFjS.-} �I STATE OF COLURAnn, I Cwnly of e[+t+c,rI-Iu yo Ve le ydeynt fff f r. f0 k�a GRAMOR: D: n.—xutGn, s xnrkn[{ a CY Si eco 0{{ - The lc,tatina Insl-1- suss ar rl-h sod taboo ma Chit .. M ...:himiz�.ikglms , i>//.l �yi 1fj,•t.:�'.=�rNma Ise- _._-_ svfid�'.if.(nyl,rah�srgbuwi,l ,eel- - - F -g7 -FS aosP�rt�_t�c._Ye vr6 lnVER Fox APPrTWNAA NnIAAJE9 con•+ lwla,oa ,aaa 1%JIIHTY aiF .ti 1-f,,.RliGat RETAIN aEPeaAAFNTAY Sl `,IhT:- Ill f.�:l-Jlf ll«G t$�� NECI_PI IGry N0. C]i«+;!S:i O°"+n'mt No. 150913 flemrWdat oilow __M., RH: aIlell7 13:57 Nm Rm. 23- an Na. _3 _I IU Gdd No. T— (Relx)Ael _ I .man... PUBLIC SERV!CF"6( fMPANY OF COLORADO UTILITY EASEMENT n_aonDEA•a disuea Tha anaa.,gnPl cram,. haehy aw twfedP a reales of S1.00 ONE ANO 0011001 _ imm PUBLIC SERVIC,F COMPANY OF CCLORADO, 560 150, Strot, Denser, Colorant, 90202.4905, In -ude,Plinn of w61C, hMafe6y Crones -11 acid Comoeny, io aneccu-end a„iant. anrot lP ctn.•tro o' Postale, maintain, oPau am replica sslplw ILMI and all a—, Raalas and owd or l the PRra4Pn et ealo Rocs. [trough. --oda" ora a 'lfal` d m anons a course as sold line nsay ht hash, aomow[od Cntl replatta In Lot 91xk ^saMirision I ID Iho__ t Extien 27._- l; a' TowaMP - . 11.4a T of the _. _6_ erb__ Prlrninal Mfian fnehemtYtt Wheat a'Q-M Pt Jeff¢YSOn ptlila nl Cnlaretlo, the eemer Ilne PI Iha eatamont �s tlescriDCU a fmlpWe: ti The south five (S.U) feet of the north thirty Nva (35.0) feet 0 of the [test one hundred (100.0) feet of the east one hundred yy 3 Ji twenty if ye (125.0)feet of the W>f of the REb of the 4N9 of the S154 of Section 23. Township 3 South• RaMe 69 West. Y n O O The room. is S-« 1rel m wide". to. side boundary hoes of the easement in." b • Ianalhmed and shortened as salt to ancm•lui, a wuihium'n shin nF ret Ipf Than tlu aborawHm at a0 wbstoo Pr Grumer's opCrort erty ad Wthe a6aee dsoscribed cbnurline a-4 c.00, ing to th, bnundm191 of No Of—;,opertlG. Together with rho right m anter upon avid x -5 -to e -.Y, apnanwr. mataain, apnme, raPalr, Ieplace, sasntml and sue said Wilily lines and utad fi.d.- sore &d -sal to temova sof- mlmfcrinp therewith, hdudisg the [rimming .1lees and bmhas, and Wpm., with Ih. r aht to use w rnucir os the adjnininp premhes *11"— dlning suraeyi ,1 wml,uction, mafn, reWh. re oval, o replacement of said utility Ilan sod relau l IN.- and devises as may In required to Parinft the Pperedon of stardom .salty wnahuctinn o, repair maamne,y, and the tyht a o -Il the Installation at tha faelliliet PI any wise, co—I. The fwantar ,elwres ate aipht to me eml tauPY Ne .=lot fur al1Y p,rpm ,unsismot with the ,*[ and Privit oo, above g nutl and w•hlrh «ill nal int, lore with or mnwger any w the :old Companj s aariill" floral. orux thttmt. uch rnurratinn by Ne Grsntor shall in no wane melude Ilan right to erect or Ceufe to be eeeetatl any UWlclinys ar atmelorm Upon aha eauaens grantttl a 11— e locateny a- - At, home na9er .oats shores.. In ane nl she Pwiureni abanda-ant.l the resemml all right, draylr are'arena. ercnerd muse--mhefe. Tho wort. of i. ueIIInU and mmmaiiiiry said lint,ry antl fu sled natures and deha,hall hu done with are; the suttees rIva W. m:un<n[ f}iall Ue raiomtl sutstanslally to its nAgo,l leve: end contlltlDn. "Gsantw shore inmude the alpmar,,dura,,@ndniax, mawlhse. end nr,ter. r 5lpned did, day nl "-1,� _.._, 10 y"1. InITNESSFjS.-} �I STATE OF COLURAnn, I Cwnly of e[+t+c,rI-Iu yo Ve le ydeynt fff f r. f0 k�a GRAMOR: D: n.—xutGn, s xnrkn[{ a CY Si eco 0{{ - The lc,tatina Insl-1- suss ar rl-h sod taboo ma Chit .. M ...:himiz�.ikglms , i>//.l �yi 1fj,•t.:�'.=�rNma Ise- _._-_ svfid�'.if.(nyl,rah�srgbuwi,l ,eel- - - F -g7 -FS aosP�rt�_t�c._Ye vr6 lnVER Fox APPrTWNAA NnIAAJE9 COId8L1,77NG ,�",_,,- SELLARDS & IGRIGG, INC. CN 6 7 N C E w s r Ona Union Square a 143 Union Boulevard. Suits 280 Lr7 Vke+vwod. Colantic 80228 13033 988.1444 LEGAL DESCRIPTION WADSWORTH TOWN CENTER A parcel of land lying within portions of Sections 23 and 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th P.M., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, being bounded on four (4) sides as follows: I. On the west by the west right-of-way line of Wadsworth Boulevard. 2. On the north by the north right-of-way line of W. 44th Avenue. 3. an the east by the east right-of-way line of Upham Street. 4. On the south by the south right-of-way line of W. 38th Avenue. It is the intent of this description to establish the boundary lines to intersect at points where the west, north, east and south said right-of-way lines as of October 1. 1987, when ezterded, would meet. This description was prepared without benefit of an actual field survey and is not to be relied upon as representing a monumented land survey. Said parcel contains 65 acres more or less. Prepared by: John A. Lambert. P.L.S. Date: September 30, 1987 SAG No. 87598-2I 875981d.jsl 4 3_1. DECEPTION NO 91108123 EXHIBIT 3 by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, 1 and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. rp Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect one (1) day after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 1 an this 22nd day of necamher , 1986, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for January 12 , 1987, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado READ, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of _ 7 to 1 this 12th day of January 1987. --- SIGNED by the Mayor on this 13th day of Januar, 1987. Mayor pro I for Frank 'Stites, Mayor % 1 ATTEST: 44f i Wanda Sang, City CIrk 1st Publication: 1/1/1987 APPROVED S T40' 2nd Publication: 1/15/1987 OFFICE%r�� TDR Wheat Ridge Sentinel: Effective Date: 1/16/1987 Joh / . Hayes RECEPTION NO. 91108123 2 RECEPTION NO. 91108I$3 INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER MERE Ordinance No. 709 Series of 1986 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING SECTIONS 23-3 AND 23-4 OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THEREBY ESTABLISHING THE WFEAT RIDGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION COMMISSION AND PROVIDING GUIDELINES FOR THE MEMBERSHIP THEREOF. / BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AS FOLLOWS: section 1: Section 23-3 of the Code of Laws of the city of Wheat. Ridge is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: Section 23-3. Economic Development and Revitalization Commission Established; Rights and Duties Generally. Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 31, Article 25, Part 1, the Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission is hereby organized and established. Said Commission is hereby vested with all of the rights contained, and is _ authorized to carry out all of the duties and functions as provided, in C.R.S. 31-25-101, et. seq., as it now exists or as amended in the future; provided, however, thatt the use of eminent domain shall not be undertaken without the approval of a majority of the City Council having first been obtained. Section 2. Section 23-4 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: Section 23-4. Appointment of Members; Number The Commission shall consist of nine (9) Commissioners, two (2) of such Commissioners being from each of the existing, or hereafter altered, City Council Districts, and one Commissioner to serve at large. Those members of the Urban Renewal Authority presently serving as Urban Renewal Commissioners shall continue to serve the term to which they were originally appointed without regard to Council District residency until such time as the term to which they have been appointed has expired. Each appointment to the Commission shall be made by the Mayor subject to approval by majority vote of the entire City Council. The term of office of each Commissioner shall be five (5) years. Terms of office shall be staggered so that the term of at least one (1) Commissioner shall expire each year. Section 2. Severabiliti�. if any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged EXHIBIT F ..:.0,L)TION NO, 756 Series of 1981 TITLE., RESOLIM ON APPROVING A LIMITED IVADSWORIV TOWN CENTER PROJECT DATED DECEMBER 9. 1981, INCLUUING THE URDAN HCNL•WAL PLAN. NHCRCAS; pi,blie notice has been given and the City Council has held public hearings on September 28, 1981 and on December I4, 1961 on the ^fadsworth Town Center Project and Urban Renewal Plan. HIIEREAS, the City Council has established an Urban Renewal Authority. WHEREAS. the Planning Commission has found that the Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the Comprehensive Development Plan. NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council finds that there is blight,in the Wadsworth Town Center Project Area which area is the Urban Renewal Plan Area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council finds that the Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Development Plan. j SL' IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the plan affords me.ximum opportunity for V the rehat•ilitation or redevelopment of the Urban Renewal Area by private ` enterprise. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Urban Renewal Plan contained within the Limited Wadsworth Town Center Project dated December 9, 1941 is hereby approved and the Limited Wadsworth Town Center Project is also approved. -,ONE-AND RESOLVED this 14th day of Dece@6er �, A.D., 1981, FRANK STI"IES, MAYOR ATTEST: CAVAL F. "IPP, CITY CL -RK' " RECEPTION NO. 91100123 j EXHIB . E _!k— PAGE -2- Section 4.' The Mayor is hereby directed, pursuant to C.A.S. 1371. 11-25-104, to appoint 7 commissioners to servo 00 the Wheat Ridge Urban Renawal Authority. Sactioh S. SafetCLaose. The City council hereby !in s3` uoto:minae. an ac arae that enia ordinance is promulgated under the goreral police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safoty, and vslfare of that public, and that this ordinance is ntCeBaary for the preservation of health and aafoty and for the protection of public convenience and weLfars. rite City Council further determines that the ordinance boar• a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to Do attained. Section 6. Severability. If any clause, qq sl� sontedce, paragraph, or paw -this ordinance or the /lVV7T'' application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudq&d by a court or compstant jurisdiction invaLid, such judoNant *hall not affect, impair or invalidate the rmmainder of this ordinance or its application to other persona or clrcurostances. Seet.ior, 7. This ordinance shall take effect 1Odayt after finoip,ib-MatlOA. iNTRODUCEO. READ, AND ADOPTED on first readlnq by a vote of 4 to 2 1 abstention ort thi■ ���_ day of _14811 ordered publlahod In PuiT in a nawspepar of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public hearing and consideration on final passage set for 5 28 1901, at 700 o'clock P.M., in the Council Cnarlmea,-� West 29th Avenue) Wheat Ridge, Colorado. HEAD, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUaLIS11ED on second and final reading by a vola of -fi_ to _. with ahstm is this 778th day of L ,Sp3ifmDtr.1981. SIGNED by the Mayor on tQs -, 'day a£ r .13..L- 2402. II PIIANaf2 Ir. YORK i ATTESTI C/ %fes tl Carol Ijemlif, C t C Br c let Publication, Sept. 17, 1981 2nd Publication, Oct, 6, 1981 Wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date, Oct. 18. 1981 APPROVED AS TO FORM Dy CITY ATTORNEY 0 dql a E. tares. clgF nTT EnEY cm :•',:: i tl C tl m In RECEPTION NO. 91108L23 INTIVIDUGED BY COUHCILMRNUeR MERG ORDINANCE NO. _462 Sari oa of 19!31 TITLEt AN ORDINANCE FINDING TIIE EXIB,TP.NCE Ob BLIGHTED MI?AS WITHIN TIIE CITY, ANO TIIE NL'E13 Yon 711E RCO%SVCLOt`NY.NT AND REHARILITATION OF SAID ARFA.St DECLARING IT TO BE IN THE PUBLIC INTeREST THAT AN URUAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY BE OR6ANI%V:Dr OROANIZING ANn 1S'.A2LISIIIHG TIIE WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RCNV.WAL AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO STATE. STATUSEi DIRECTINO THE MAYOR TO APPOINT COIiNiSSIO1JM-; TO SERVE ON SAID AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, Colorado Revised Stat-utew 1973, ]1 -ZS -101, at seq., provide for Lite organization and sstablishmunt of an urban renewal authority; and wBpAF.As, a petition bearing the rdyuiaite number of signatures has been presented to the city clerk —ting forth that there ie a need for an urban renewal authority to function withln the City of Wheat Ridgur and wNenr-,s, evidence Rat bean prevent,. that Certain areas Of the City are Ln a bligbtod cond:.tion, and are In need of redevelopment and rehabilitation% and WIIERr.AS, such urban renewal authority would be responsible for and -*-it to accomplish tta tedevelepoent and rehab; lltation of blLghted areas to provide s safer and more UNSful envlronaent for their users and inhabitantsr to Prc,note improved traffic patterns and eliminate traftic ' hazards within the aroar and, to ensure sound social and economic growth patterns within Lite Cityl NOW, THERCrORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE CI7Y COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF WIIEAT RIDGE, COWRADO, THA -113 section 1, meed upon ell of the evidence preannted ioit at a public hearing, notice of which was duty published, and after considering such faCtara as the physical condition and age of the buildings in particular areas of the City, the aggravated traffic problems created by present estreat layouts in portion. of tine City, and the impairment of sound commercial growth patterns within portion$ of the City and their adverse afflict upon the future devololment of the City, the City Council hareby finds he follower (a) One or more blighted areas erlat within the City of Wheat Rldgsl and, (b) The acquisition, clearance, rehabilitation, conservation, development, redevelopment, Or s, combination thorcof, of ouch areas io necessary In preserving Atte ensuring the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of itheat Ridge. Section 2. The City Council hereby decIATaa that It ie in the public interest for an urban runewal authority, crested pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 1973. 31-25-101 at eery., to fwsction within the City of Wheat Ridge and to exercise the powers provtdod therein. Section 3. Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, 31=25-ig1 at seq., the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Aucnurity is he—hy organized and ostabtt.had. Said Authority is hcroby vasLud with all of the rights contained. and is authorized to carry out all or the duties and functions as provided, In C.R.S. 1971, 31-25-LO1 at seq., so it now axiots or as amended in the future. EXHIBIT,f:Q RECEPTION NO- 91i08123 FUCIIRB LAND USE INP Op TFIE WNEA7 RIDGE CWPRENENSM DEVELDPNE7i PLAN RECEF-ION 1,40. 91108123 �jJ'�jZ pEVAkfMEM p/ CpYMINrh p[vRpil/[Y EXH1131T C I RECF_PTIDIJ ND. 9110B123 1EXHIBIT B-'2'_EXP ANSION OF PROJECT 'AREA PHASE 2 RECEPTION NO- 91108123 -EXHIBIT B-1 PROJECT AREA PHASE 1 ...._EXHIBIT A RECEPTION N0. 911m8123 PROJECT AREA into the tax increment revenue fund of the Authority. h. The division of ad valorem property taxes for the project area shall be divided and paid to the Authority by the Jefferson County Treasurer as provided by Colorado law. i. All tax increment revenues described in this section regarding financing will be Irrevocably pledged by the Authority for the payment of the principal of, the interest on and any premiums due in connection with the bonds, lcajis, advances and indebtedness of the Authority. G. CHANGES IN THE APPROVED PLAN This Plan may be modified as provided by the Colorado Urban Renewal Law. MINOR VARIATIONS Where a literal enforcement of the provisions contained in this Plan would constitute an unreasonable limitation beyond the intent and purpose of these provisions, the Authority may in specific cases allow minor variations from these provisions. COOPERATION AGREEMENTS. The Authority and the City may enter into cooperation agreements as allowed by the home rule charter of the City of wheat Ridge and Colorado Urban Renewal Law to further implement this Plan. Such agreements may include, but and not limited to: provisions for reimbursement to the City of funds expended since adoption of the plan in 1981 for staff, equipment, supplies, activities and expenses of the Authority; grants for projects made by the city; and defining the roles of the Authority and the City in the development of the project area. J. WHEAT RIDGE TOWN CENTER MASTER PLAN INCORPORATED The Wheat Ridge Town Center Master Plan, which was adopted by City Council on January 25, 1982, and amended on October 12, 1987, as Section IS.A. of the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan is incorporated by reference herein as Exhibit #5. Th.e goals and objectives of that plan provide both general and specific guidance for implementing this Urban Renewal Plan. The Master Plan provides specific standards and criteria for implementing the approved project elements. RECEPTION NO. 91108123 18 the projects anticipated in this Plan have been accomplished and all debts incurred to finance those projects have been repaid or otherwise disposed of. In that event, the Authority may declare the Plan implemented, and all taxes upon taxable property, and total municipal sales tax collections derived from the Project Area thereafter shall be paid into the funds of the respective public bodies as provided by law. g. The division of municipal. sales taxes generated and collected from within the Project Area after December 2;1, 1981, shall be: (1) The base year amount for the property described on Exhibit 9-1 shall be paid into the funds of the City annually commencing on January 1, 1981, and the first day of January of each year thereafter. (2) The base year amount for the property described on Exhibit B-2 shall be paid into the funds of the LCity annually commencing on October 1, 1987, and the first day of October of each year thereafter. (3) Upon receipt by the City, 1004 of the incremental amount in excess of the base year amount set for the areas described on Exhibit B-1 and Exhibit B -Z shall be paid into the tax increment revenue fund of the Authority as required for debt service. (4) Payment of incremental funds into the tax increment revenue fund shall commence only after the base year amount has been collected and paid into the funds of the City. Thereafter, and until the last day of December of each year for the property described on Exhibit B-1 and the last day of September for the property described on Exhibit B-2, the incremental amount in excess of the base year amount shall be paid into the tax increment revenue fund of the Authority. (5) All interest earned on the deposit or investment of funds allocated to the tax increment revenue fund shall be paid RECENrICN No. 9110812a 17 The effective date of the modified Plan for the additional area described in Exhibit 8 -2 for tax increment financing purposes is October 1, 1987, that data being subsequent to September 15, 1987, the last date of certification of valuation for assessment of taxable property within the boundaries of the area. The base year for- property tax valuation shall be 1987 for the property described on Exhibit B-2. C. Municipal sales taxes collected in the Urban Renewal Area described in Exhibit B-1 for the 12 -month period ending on the last day of the month (December 31, 1981) prior to the effective date of the original Plan for sales tax increment financing (January 1, 1982) has been calculated by the City Clerk and certified to the Authority. The 12 -month period base year for the division of sales taxes for tAie property described on Exhibit B-1, shall be January 1, 1981 to December 31, 1981. The sales tax base for Such property is $528,330. d. Municipal sales taxes collected in the Urban Renewal Area described in Exhibit B-2 for the 12 -month period ending on the last day of the month (September 30, 1987) prior to the effective date of this Pian for sales tax increment financing (October 1, 1987) shall be calculated by the City Clerk by October 31, 1987 and certified to the Authority. The 12 -month period base year for the division of sales taxes for the property described on Exhibit B-2 shall be October 1, 1986 to September 30, 1987. e. The Authority has established a tax increment revenue fund for the deposit of all funds generated pursuant to the division of property and municipal sales tax revenue described in this section regarding financing and any other funds so designated by the Authority. f. The property and municipal sales tax shall be divided according to Colorado law, for a period of 25 years from the effective date of the adoption and establishment of each urban renewal area for the property described on Exhibit B-1 (January 1, 2007) and for the property described on Exhibit 11-2 (October 1, 2012) unless the Authority deems that all of RECEPTION NO. 9110B1E3 16 widening, curbs avid gutters, drives, sidewalks, open space, drainage control, signs and landscaped areas. PROJECT FINANCING FINANCING METHOD. The Authority is authorized to finance projects for the implementation of this Plan with property tax increments, sales tax increments, interest income, or any other legal sources of funds. The Authority is authorized to issue bonds in any amount sufficient to finance all or any part of the project in accordance with applicable law This authorization is not limitad by the financing structure which may be approved by the City Council. The Auth,,rity is authorized to borrow funds and create indebtedness in carrying out this Plan. The principal and interest in such indebtedness will be paid from tax increments or any other funds available to the Authority. TAX INCREMENT. The projects initiated to implement the Plan are to be financed by the Authority under the tax allocation financing provisions of the Urban Renewal Law of the State of Colorado. The general provisions of the financing method are set forth below. In accordance with the requirements of Section 31-25-107(9)(a), C.R.S., Jefferson County School District R-1 has been requested and permitted to partir;ipate in an advisory capacity concerning the project financing included in this Urban Renewal Plan. 3. TAX ALLOCATION. The following information describes the division of funds necessary to implement the tax increment mechanism for the Authority under this Plan. This description relates to all property and municipal sales taxes generated within the urban renewal area. The effective date of the original Plan for tax increment financing purposes for the initial urban renewal area, which is described on Exhibit B-1 was January 1, 1982, that date being subsequent to September 15, 1980, the last date of certification of valuation for assessment of taxable property within the boundaries of the area. The base year for property tax valuation shall be 1980 for the property described on Exhibit B-1. RECEPTION NO. 91108123 is (6) The minimum benefits to which all eligible relocatees shall be entitled shall be in accordance with the applicable statutory and legal requirements. 4. PROPERTY ACQUISITION. The Authority may sell, lease, or otherwise �D transfer real property or any interest therein acquired by it as a part of an urban renewal project for residential, recreational, commercial, industrial, or other uses or for public use in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan pursuant to the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law of the State of Colorado, Section 31-25-106(1), C.R.S. (1973) as amended. The Authority shall not acquire more than the most western 150 feet of any residential property unless the residential property owner should desire or request the Authority to do so. If the Authority should acquire any residential property which includes an owner -occupied residential structure, and the: Authority, in its sole discretion, determines that the residence shall be sold or leased to a third party, which is not the developer for the majority of the project area, the owner -occupant at the time of the Authority's acquisition shall have the right of first refusal to purchase or lease the residence. Such right shall be subject to the terms and conditions established by the Authority. In no event shall such right of first refusal exist beyond five (5) years after the date of the Authority's property acquisition from the owner - occupant, termination of the plan or January 1, 2006—whichever is earlier. This right is available only to an owner -occupant so long as he/she occupies the property. DEMOLITION, CLEARANCE AND SITE PREPARATION. Buildings, structures, pavement and other improvements may be demolished and cleared from property which the Authority acquires, and the property may be prepared for new improvements in accordance with this Plan. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND FACILITIES. The Authority may install and construct or cooperate as appropriate with other public or private agencies, in the installation and construction of such public improvements, public facilities and utilities as are necessary to carry out this Plan. Such improvements, facilities and utilities include, but arenot limited to, street RECEPTION NO. 91108123 14 for which the business receives reimbursement or compensation from other sources. Relocation benefits will be available only to businesses functioning and residents living within the project area as of the date of the Authority's Notice of Intent to Acquire Property to the businesses and residents. � To implement this relocation policy, the Authority shall adopt a Relocation Handbook. The Authority may designate a person to be! responsible for negotiating the relocation tenefits with the property owners and tenants. Such person shall negotiate in strict conformance with the provisions of the Handbook and the direction of the Authority. The Authority may also establish a Relocation Committee to assist the negotiator with the application of this Plan and the Handbook. The Relocation Committee shall serve as directed by the Authority. The Relocation Handbook shall include, but is not limited to, the following: a. The procedures for applying for relocation benefits from the Authority; b. The manner in which the Authority shall pay such relocation expenses; C. The moving expenses and related expenses for which the Authority shall pay the reloeatee; d. The method for appealing a determination of the relocation negotiator or Relocation Committee to the Board of CommiSSioners of the Authority; e. The expenses for which the Authority shall not pay relocation benefits, including but not limited to: (1) Loss of business profite;; (2) Loss of goodwill; (3) Losses for which the :=elocatee shall receive reimbursement or compensation from another source; (4) Legal fees and related costs; and (5) Costs of constructing or moving real property improvements; REL'EP'TION NO. 91108I23 13 ordinance or regulation in order to meet the intents and purposes of the urban renewal law and this Plan. 2. Within Communis_ The City shall continue its efforts to enforce diligently its; building code, housing and occupancy codes and standards as well as the zoning code and other applicable municipal codes in order to prevent the spread of deterioration throughout Wheat Ridge. Although redevelopment of the project area may be effected with a single developer through a public-private partnership as described herein, financial and development incentive programs and policies may be Considered by the Authority and the City to encourage and effect rehabilitation and redevelopment of other properties within the project area and the community. These efforts are to prevent the spread of blight within the City and encourage redevelopment by setting established guidelines for redevelopment and use of properties by private owners. PROJECT ACTIVITIES 1. POWERS OF THE AU'T'HORITY. The Economic Development and Revitalization Commission shall have all the powers granted to an urban renewal authority under the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law of the State of Colorado, Part I of Article 25 of Title 31, Colorado Revised Statutes. Nothing in this Plan shall be construed to limit any statutory power of the Authority. 2_ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. During the time that acquired property is owned by the Authority, such property shall be under the management and control of the Authority and may be rented or leased, pending its disposition for redevelopment. 3. RELOCATION. The Authority shall assist business and residence occupants with moving and relocation expenses as required by law. The Authority shall pay the moving expenses and actual direct losses of personal property as a result of relocation from the project area. However, because an urban renewal authority is not allowed to pay for certain matters by Colorado law, the Authority shall not pay for items such as loss of goodwill or loss of profit of any business, or any costs RECEPTION NO. 91108123 12 anticipated traffic volumes, the peak -time back-up of traffic at major intersections, difficulty of ingress and egress with the internal Project Area and inefficient use and underutilization of land within the Project Area as well as multiplicity of ownership and buildings and land which are vacant and underutilized resulting in a low economic return for the centers and the City. Redevelopment of the Project urea in a manner compatible with and complimentary to existing development and uses in the general area, including adjacent and nearby residential neighborhoods, office, commercial and recreational development thereby increasing the Project Areas' ability to compete with retail centers in the one, three and five mile radius of the Area. 3. Encouragement of increased patronage of businesses within the Urban Renewal Area and adjacent areas by improving traffic circulation, access, and attractiveness, unification and recognition of the commercial center. 4. Provision of a stronger, more balanced tax base through new development and increased commercial activity.. 5. Encouragement of rehabilitation of properties that have a potential for function more compatible with new development. 6. Create a Town Center. LAND USE REGULATIONS, BUILDING REQUIREMENTS AND VOLUNTARY — —----------------------------- --- VOLUNTARY REHABILITATION. 1. Within Project Area. This Plan and any modifications hereto shall control the land area, land use, design, building requirements, timing and procedure within the Project Area. The Authority may impose additional written land use and design controls as it considers necessary to implement the intent and purposes of this Plan. Such land use and design controls may be contained in a Disposition and Development .Agreement with a developer. Such controls shall provide for the cohesive and planned redevelopment of the entire urban renewal area. Any proposed plans for development within the Project Area must be approved by the Authority. Such plans must also be approved by the City and comply with the City of Wheat Ridge regulations and ordinances. Provided however, the City may determine to allow an exception of the application of any City RECEPTION ND. 91108123 11 _V. URBAN RENEWAL PLAN A. STATUTORY AUTHORITY This Plan, as modified herein, has been approved by the Wheat Ridge City Council to provide direction for the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, which is now called the Economic Development and Revitalization r Commission, hereinafter referred to as "Authority", IIYA pursuant to the provisions of the Urtan Renewal Law of the State of Colorado, Part I of Article 25 of Title 31, CRS 1973. The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority was renamed the Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission on January 16, 1987, see Exhibit F. The City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge determined that blight existed within the Project Area described below and established the Authority on September 28, 1981. This Plan is adopted as the urban renewal plan for the Wheat Ridge Town Center Urban Renewal Project. The administration of this project and the enforcement of this Plan, including the preparation and execution of any documents implementing it, shall be performed by the Authority, as provided herein and allowed by Colorado law. B. THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA AND THE PROJECT The Urban Renewal Area is the entire area described as the wheat Ridge Town Center, sometimes referred to as the Hub, and referred to as the "Project Area" herein. The Project Area is bounded by West 39th Avenue, Wadsworth Boulevard, West 44th Avenue and Upham Street, Also included in the Urban Renewal axes are the street rights-of-way of the street intersections at the corners of the above-described area. The legal description of the boundaries of the urban renewal area is attached as Exhibit 3, The Project Area is shown on r-Ahibit A. The properties included in the Urban Renewal Area are listed in Exhibit 3, an inventory of properties. The "Project" describes the sum total of all Project Elements previously described in Section II and Seeticn III and described in this Section IV. C. PROJECT PURPOSES 1. Improvement or elimination of conditions constituting blight which are detrimental to the Project Area,. adjacent neighborhoods and facilities, and to the City as a whole. Specific elements of blight include, but are not limited to, the inability of Wadsworth Boulevard to function as an arterial road under current and .RECEPTION NO. 9/148123 10 WHEAT RIDGE TOWN CENTER PROJECT URBAN RENEWAL PLAN Prepared by Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization CommissWn 4c CFPTlnN no. gitoBip-3 Adopted 12/14/81 Modiiled 10/12/97 I5 INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado on the 12th day of October, 1987. Mayor r„e••,'r:,,'I,%CiUY•�clerk --� -- --- `APPROVED AS TO, -FORM: City tot rney RECEPTION NO. 9ll@e123 0 0 Section 2. The City Council hereby finds that: A. The properties to be included in the urban renewal area contain blight as defined by Colorado law; and H. The existence of such blighted conditions substantially impair and arrest the sound growth of the municipality, constitute an economic and social liability and are a menace to the public health, safety, morals or welfare in the present conditions and uses; and e. The acquisition, clearance, rehabilitation, conservation, development., redevelopment, or a combination thereof, of the urban renewal area is necessary to preserve and ensure the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city of wheat Ridge; and D. The area is appropriate for an urban renewal project; and .. Redevelopment of the urban renewal area shall prevent the further deterioration of the Wadsworth Town Center Area; and 1. inclusion of the residential properties is essential to the redevelopment of the Wadsworth Town Center Area. Section a. The commercial uses proposed Par the urban renewal area are necessary and appropriate to facilitate the proper growth and development of the community in accordance with sound planning standards and local community objectives. Section a. The urban renewal plan provides a feasible method for the relocation of the persons and business within the urban renewal area. Section S. The modifications of the plan conform to the Wheat Ridge comprehensive Plan. Section 6. The modifications of the urban renewal plan shall afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the city of Wheat Ridge, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Wadsworth Town Center Area by private enterprise. Section 7. The urban renewal plan for the Wadsworth Town Center project is hereby approved and adopted as modified in the plan document attached to this resolution, RECEPTION NO. 91/06123 WHEREAS, the City Cleric has caused notice of the time, place and purpose of a public hearing to be held concerning the modifications to the urban renewal plan to be published on u-t,.L:,,: , 1987, in THE WHEAT RIDGE SENTINEL, a newspaper of general circulation in the City; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before City council on October la, 1987, evidence was presented which supports the y findings contained herein that certain areas within the proposed urban renewal area are presently in a blighted condition and are in need of development, redevelopment or rehabilitation, or a combination thereof; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all residents and taxpayers of the City and all other interested persons were given a full opportunity to be heard. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE THAT: section 1. one or more blighted areas exist in the area of the City to be added to the urban renewal plan area within the Wadsworth Town Center, which, by reason of the following factors, substantially impair or arrost the sound growth of the City, constitute an economic and social liability, and are a menace to the public health, safety, morals, and welfare in their present conditions and uses. Specifically, the following blight factors exist: A. Defective and inadequate street layout including conflicts between bicycle, pedestrian and vehicle traffic, curb cuts Which do not provide adequate access or do not control ingress and egress in a safe manner: and B. Deteriorating structures; and C. Unsanitary and unsafe conditions including the accumulation of trash, weeds, abandoned and inoperable vehicles, more reports of criminal activity than comparable residential and multi -family residential areas within the City; and D. Unusual topography including conditions which create accumulation of water and other factors of inadequate drainage; and E. Faulty lot layout in relationship to size, adequacy, accessibility, or usefulness; and F. Substantial impairment of the sound growth of wheat Ridge by conflicting, incompatible uses of property. and multiple ownership of property which prevent redevelopment and rehabilitation of the area in an adequat,aly planned cohesive manner. RECEPTION NO. 91/08123 RECE: PTION NO. 91108123 1 IiP0/41 13:37 L20.00 RECORDED IN COUNTY OF ]EFFER51.N STATE OF COLORAOC CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORACO 1R� RESOLUTION NO. 11y IU� A RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE WADSWORTH TOWN CENTER v` URDAN RENEWAL PLAN TO TNCLUDE ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES WITHIN THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA 11 AND OTHER MODIFICATIONS; AND FINDING THAT BLIGHTED AREAS EXIST WITHIN THE AREA WHEREAS, the Economic Development and Revitalization Commission has recommended modifications to the urban renewal plan for the Wadsworth Town Center Project, and submitted the proposed modified plan to city council; and WHEREAS, the proposed modified plan is attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council by Resclution adopted on September L✓ 1987 determined that the proposed modifications of the plan were substantial; ani WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Wheat Ridge has determined that the proposed plan conforms to the comprehensive plan of the City; and WHEREAS, the inclusion of the additional properties, which include all of the residential properties along the west side of Upham Street between West 78th Avenue and West 44th Avenue, within the urban renewal area would accomplish the development, redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Wadsworth Town Center, so that the area can be developed or redeveloped to provide a safer and more useful environment for its users and inhabitants; to develop and redevelop such. area to provide necessary, greater and reasonable economic utilization of same; to promote more adequate public facilities and utilities and improved traffic patterns; to eliminate traffic and pedestrian hazards within the area; to ensure reasoned and sound social, physical and economic growth within the city; to promote and effect the goals, objectives and purposes of the urban renewal plan; to provide a sound financial or economic base for the community; and to provide a necessary tax base for the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Wheat Ridge to modify the plan as requested; and RECEPTION HCS, F . 3; :.- 4 Z6 4/30:2001. 14155:39 FSG: 001-00F. PAGE FEE: -,f0.00 HiC.FEF- 0.,(:0 RECORDrf) IN JEFFERSON COUNry, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 13-2001 Series of 2001 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN WHEREAS, in 1981, the City Council approved an urban rcnewal plan, known as the Wheat Ridge Town Center Project Urban Renewal Plan (hereafter Urban �7 Renewal Plan), which has been modified from time to time, for the elimination of 1 blight and redevelopment of certain portions of the City: and WHEREAS, such Urban Renewal Pian included the area depicted on the map designated as Exhibit 1 hereto; and WHEREAS, a portion of the redevelopment area covered by the Urban Renewal Plan (hereafter referred to as the Northern Portion) has not been developed or redeveloped since its inclusion in the redevelopment area in 1981; and WHEREAS, although the Urban Renewal Plan provided for the utilization of property tax incremental revenue sources within the redevelopment area, no such revenues have been realized from the Northern Portion since 1981; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority has recommended to City Council that the Urban Renewal Plan be modified to exclude the nonproductive Northern Portion of the redevelopment area; and WHEREAS. the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority has adopted Resolution No. 01, Series of 2000, with such recommendation; and WHEREAS, because of such nonproductivity of the Northern Portion with relationship to property tax incremental revenues, the City Council concurs with the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority that it is in the best interests of the community to modify the Urban Renewal Plan by deleting the Northern Portion from the redevelopment area within the Plan; and WHEREAS, compliance with the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (§31-25-101 et seo C.R.S.) has been effected in the fbllowing respects, including but not limited to: City Council's resolution that this proposed modification is substantial; referral of the modification to the City Planning Commission and its written recommendation that the modification is in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan; referral to the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners with information affirming there will be no impact upon the County; publication of notice of the public hearing on this proposed RECEPTION NO. F I i.'i)C, s %t; modification; holding of the public hearing on April 23. 2001 with all parties afforded a full opportunity to be heard_ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council as follows: Section 1. The modification to the Urban Renewal Plan by the deletion of the [and area as depicted on Exhibit 2 hereto and as described on Exhibit 3 hereto is hereby approved. Section 2. All other provisions of the Urban Renewal Plan. as modified V and/or amended from time to time, shall be and remain in effect. Section 3. Because all other provisions of the Urban Renewal Plan remain in effect, the Council makes the following findings consistent with the Urban Renewal Law based upon the existing provisions of the Urban Renewal Pian: a. No individuals or families will be displaced and their relocation will not be necessitated. b. A feasible relocation plan exists for relocation of businesses which may be displaced by an urban renewal project within the modified urban renewal area. C. The City Council has caused its staff to take reasonable efforts to provide written notice of the public hearing to property owners, residents and business owners in the modified urban renewal area at their last known addresses at least 30 days prior to this public hearing of April 23, 2001. d. Section 31-25-107 (4) (d) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law does not apply in that not more than 120 days have passed since the first public hearing on this modification, because this is the first public hearing. e. Section 31-25-107 (4) (e) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law does not apply in that City Council did not fail to previously approve this modification to the Urban Renewal Plan deleting the subject land area. f. The modified Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan. g. The provisions of the Urban Renewal Plan provide maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the urban renewal area by private enterprise. h. Sections 31-25-107 (5) and (6) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law are inapplicable in relationship to this modification of the Urban Renewal Plan. DONE AND RESOLVED this ATTEST: :Wanda Sang _City Clerk °_. RECEPTION NO. F. i I�647F, day of fipil 2001. tchen Ccrveny, Mayor—� IT 1 RECEPTION No. P 2 6 LI zB 6 6 MAN I %W N N\ M Area to be Removed From Urban Renewal Area Existing Urban Renewal Area EXHIBIT 2 RECEPTION A. F A, 22r 4 76 LE Jl .fir----! � � � �� ;r I� -J Area to be Removed From Urban Ren-ewal Area RECEPTION NO. f 1226476 EXHIBIT 3 LEGAL, DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land located in the southeast quarter of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 61 Principal -'Meridian County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Lot I, Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 4 of the Time Square Subdivision; Together with: �J The entire width of the right-of-way of W. 44" Avenue adjacent to the northerly lot line of Lot 4 ofthe Time Square Subdivision; Together with: The entire width of the right-of-way of Wadsworth Boulevard lying adjacent to the westerly property lines of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of the Time Square Subdivision; Together with: The West %x of the NE V. of the NW V: of the SE V. of Section -23; Together with: The North 134 feet of the South 272.5 feet of the East 8.45 feet of the E Y: of the NW V of the SE `/4 of Section 23; Together with: Commencing at the NW Comer of the NW i4 , SW '/4 , SE 1/4 of Section 23; thence along the North line of said NW'/4, SW '/4, SE 1/4 N 89°56'00" E a distance of 45.00 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Wadsworth Boulevard; said point being the point ofbeginning; thence continuing along said North line N 89°56'00" E a distance of 150.00 feet; thence S 00°04'45" W a distance of 132.50 feet; thence S 89°54'10" W. 150.00 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Wadsworth Boulevard; thence along said Easterly right -of --way line to the point of beginning; together with the entire width of the right-of-way of Wadsworth Boulevard adjacent to the westerly property line of said parcel. 7301!'NES-_,,� P o The Citysox r,3s Of 't7� VI MEAT F _GE C0 Vheat ` p Pa,- 235-29-:9 Ridge. �Qt0FRk August 18, 1993 4ECFPTION NO. °B1275nv 15. 1.10 RECORDED IN COUNTY OF ?EFFEPS;ON STATE OF COLORADO 9/20/93 9145 Office of the Clerk and Recorder Jefferson County 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, CO 80419 Dear Sir: Enclosed are nine (9) address for weed removal assessments for property owners in the City of Wheat Ridge, Please record and deduct the recording fees from the City's account, #230-035, and forward the nine addresses and cover letter on to Viona Brink in the Treasurers Office. THank you. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 235-2845. jicerelan Ellis Code Enforcement Division encl. cc: code file CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE — SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS DISTRICT CITY CODE NUMBER DATE INTEREST YEARS 70 AMORTIZE TY E I I ACCT I NAME 1 bVike Cock C' MAILING ADDRESS I 3725 Ja St. CITY lJheat Ridge STATE CO ZIP 80033 NAME 2 _ LOCK LOT PROPERTY ADDRESS 7953 W. 38th Ave. CIEDULE NUMBER 24112 & 187500 ASSESSMENT $ 94.50 TYPE I ACCT NAME 1 t Joel Prehn/Amoco Oil CO. MAILING ADDRESS I 9888 E. Vassar Dept B Suite 102 CITY Denver TA CO I 80231 NAME 2`BLOCK LOT I PROPERTY ADDRESS 5630 W. 38th Ave. CHEDULE NUMBER 197942 SSESSMENT $114.19 TYPE i ACCT J NAME 1 I Paula Kanios MAILING ADDRESS I 9615 Grandview Ave. CITY Arvada STATE CO ZIP 80002 I NAME 2 BLOCK IAT PROPERTY ADDRESS 4305 Kipling I SCHEDULE NUMBER 143671 ASSESSMENT I $120.75 TYPE I ACCT NAME 1 Brooklyn Land and Cattle Co. 1600 MAILING ADDRESS Loomis Ct. CITY Longmont STATE Co ZIP 80501 NM1E 2 (BLOCK LOT PROPERTY ADDRESS 4100 Connector Drive SCHEDULE NUMBER 166991 ASSESSMENT $145.69 TYPEACCT I NAME 1 I Melvin & Karen Ramsey I MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 8752 CITY Denver STATE CO ZIP 80201 1 MAILING ADDRESS or Phil Goedde] I 11361 W. 44th. Av Wheat CHEDULE N 043864 $129.94 .' U CITY OF PEAT RIDGE - SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS DISTRICT CITY CODE NUMBER DATE INMREST YEARS TO AMORTIZE TYPE + ACCT NAME 1 f MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP I Boroumand Enmtallam Trestee i 1152 Barroilhet Ave. # 2700 Billboron.h CA 94010 NAME 2 LOCK LOT PROPERTY ADDRESSCHEDULE NUMBER SESSMENT 7540 W. 44th Ave. 127199 & 171900 $99.75 TYPE NAME I NAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Carol Krenek 378 18th St. Golden CO 80401 NAME 2 BLOCK LOT PROPERTY ADD S CHEDULE NUMBER SESSMENT 1 3511 Ames St. 021090 $73.50 �TYPE ACCT NAME 1 MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP i C. Frederick Meyer PO Box.2206 Vail CO 81657 NAME 2 BLOCK LOT PROPERTY ADDRESS SCHEDULE NUMBER ASSESSMENT 1 4890 Kipling 109723 1$84.04 1 MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PROPERTY ADDRESS SCHEDULE NUMBER 1ASSESSMENT RECEPTION NO. P0367252 26.00 Pse 0001-005 230 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 2/05/97 I0:46.01 CROSS -PARKING BASEMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this -Iq day of January, 1997 �... by and between Mahrokh Boroumand ("Boroumand") and Perkins V Restaurants Operating Company L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Perkins") and Vista Restaurants, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("Vista"). 1 R E C I T A L 6 l A. Boroumand is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property located in Jefferson County, Colorado: Lot 3, Time Square Subdivision, Except that portion of Lot 3 lying South of the Northerly line of Lot 1, Time Square Subdivision as if extended from the east line of said Lot 1 to the West line of said Lot 1, which line bears South 89055150" West and which line is the South line of the NW ; NW i SE ; of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado ("Lot 310). B. Enayatallah Boroumand, individually, and Enayatallah Boroumand as Trustee of the 1980 AGB Trust are the fee owners of the following described real property located in Jefferson County, Colorado: Lot 4, Time Square Subdivision, Jefferson County, Colorado ("Lot 411). C. Perkins is in possession of Lot 4 pursuant to the terms and provisions of a lease dated October 3, 1978 between James W. Pinkard and Ellen V. Pinkard as lessor, and Perkins Cake and Steak, Inc. as lessee, which lease was amended by an addendum dated October 3, 1978 (the "Perkins Lease"). Perkins subleases the demised premises to Vista under a franchising lease dated June 30, 1989, as amended. D. Perkins is the successor in interest to Perkins Cake and Steak, Inc. under the Perkins Lease. E. Perkins and Vista desire to obtain a cross -parking easement on Lot 3 for the benefit of Lot 4 for the remainder of the term of the Perkins Lease and any extensions or renewals thereof. F. Boroumand will agree to grant a cross -parking easement subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the foregoing recitals all of which are incorporated herein by reference, and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Cross Easement for Ear$ina. Boroumand as the owner of Lot 3 hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Perkins and Vista as lessees under the Perkins Lease, and their customers, employees and other invitees a non-exclusive easement over and across those portions of Lot 3 which are not, from time to time, improved with buildings or other structures for the purpose of vehicular and pedestrian ingress, egress and for the purpose of parking. Boroumand further agrees that notwithstanding the construction of any buildings or other improvements on Lot 3, at least 65 parking spaces on Lot 3 will be available at all times for the use of Perkins, Vista and their customers, employees and other invitees. 2. Term. The cross -parking easement shall remain in effect for so long as Perkins, Vista, and their successors and assigns remain in possession of Lot 4 pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Perkins Lease, or any amendment, extension or renewal thereof. Upon termination of the Perkins Lease, the cross -parking easement created by this Agreement shall automatically terminate and shall be of no further force and effect. 3. ' obli4atgns. The obligation to repair and maintain the parking area on Lot 3 in a diligent and commercially reasonable manner shall remain with Boroumand and any successor owner of Lot 3. Perkins and Vista shall remain responsible for their share of such expenses as provided in the Perkins Lease. Each party agrees not to interfere with the rights of the other with respect to the use, improvement, maintenance and repair of Lot 3. 4. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Vista's rights under the Perkins Lease are subject to the' terms and conditions of the sublease between Vista and Perkins. In the event such sublease terminates, then Vista shall owe no direct obligation to Boroumand under the terms of the Agreement or any agreement or instrument referenced herein. 5. Attorneys' Fees. if any action is brought or commenced to enforce the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party should be entitled to recover its costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys, fees. 6. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. 7. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. Executed as of the day and year first -above written. '. Y Oi�'v✓bv`M P'rvlEJ�u-sa� �_� f9 9 tw_.�_�/ Mahrokh Boroumand Perkins Restaurants Operating Company L.P., a Delaware limited partnership By: Perkins Management Company, Inc. General Part'neer, , J By: A;;') r Vista Restaurants, Inc., a Colorado corporation B y. STATE OF GOLOR D9 ) )SS. COUNTY OF ) The, foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ___ _ , 1997 by Mahrokh Boroumand. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:__ Notary Public 3 CALIFORNIA ALLrPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Califomia County of San Mateo SS i, 1 On �J+ s, ; -M-T" Iylplq� � before me, ALBERT SIU-TOUNG, Notary Public, � personally appeared •jij9QKf) f) (A n4i9411 :, ❑ personally known to me - OR - Mg5roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the. person(j) whose name([] islaee subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatpelsheAhW im executed the same in hiefber/t)reir authorized capacity(ipb), and that by WwbedtUok sign atureW on the instrument the' GOMM. N1C2280Q person(f), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(f) Npi��'!'!PUBLIC•f:aLr-0!!lN1� acted, executed the instrument. Z >M ern 6�YwAPitt90 WITNESS my haul end official seal. ignature o Notary Public OPTIONAL - Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description ofAtlached Document (� >�(]� Title or Type of Document: l OS&^��-10KI54G C�Of0 'rt�LEE10EQl f, Document Date:—j— =w( cl _Number ofPages:,i Signer(s) Other Than Named Above:_ Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer(s) Signers Name;_- - - --- __ ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer Title(s): ❑Partner--❑ Limited ❑ General []Attorney -in -Fact Rroxr OF SH PRIM OF 1ONER ❑Trustee ❑Guardian or Conservator ❑Other: Signer is Representing: Signers Name: [] Individual ❑ Corporate Officer Title(s): ❑Partner --0 Limited ❑ General ❑Attorney -in -Fact wosrr THuhm am OF SIGNTA []Trustee — ❑Guardian or Conservator []Other: _ Signer is Representing: -Te AnP-550-IQ STATE OF debe ,*99 ) )SS. COUNTY OF 5 ktLb � ) J h The foregoing instrument was a knowlVgLed before me this 3L day of �6rtl Qr�l , 1997 by D nn e / LSe M a n as General Partner of Perkins Restaurant Operating Company L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. _ Witness my hand and official seal. 144 Wmmisstol) Idatch 10, 1999 My commission expires:_ n •:. rrII � � Notary P41ic COLORADO ) Qy�,e°�w00p �Q 5 )SS. f regoing instrument was acknowled�g� before me this 2g to�.fff 4� 1997 by _blc�evA-�• �citw�tdd as of Vista Restaurants, Inc., a Colorado I n. Witness my hand and official se My commission expires: 5 otar Publi a:\quiet.ttt\doctmant\xprky120 Jin 4 DISTRICT COURT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO I7 Case No. 96 CV 1371, Division 9 — — ORDER AND DECREE QUIETING TITLE MAHROKH BOROUMAND, Plaintiff, VS. LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD, a Minnesota fraternal insurance company; THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO; ROBERT D. BAMMERLIN,.as Treasurer of Jefferson County, Colorado; SUPERVALUE, INC., a Delaware corporation as successor by merger --to WESTERN GROCERS, INC.; JAMES W. PINKARD; ELLEN V. PINKARD; ENAYATALLAH BOROUMAND, individually; ENAYATALLAH BOROUMAND, as Trustee of THE 1980 AGB TRUST; PIZZA HUT OF AMERICA, a Delaware corporation as successor by merger Eo -DENVER PIZZA, INC.; PERKINS CAKE AND STEAK, INC.; VISTA RESTAURANTS, INC., a Colorado profit corporation; PERKINS RESTAURANTS OPERATING COMPANY, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership; and ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS who claim any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. THIS MATTER comes before the Court upon the Motion for Summary Judgment and the Verified Motion for Default filed by Plaintiff, Mahrokh Boroumand; and the Court having read and reviewed the Motions and being otherwise fully advised in the premises finds that Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment and the Verified Motion for Default should be granted. The Court further finds as follows: A. The Defendants named herein have been properly served and the Court has jurisdiction over all parties of the subject matter of this action. B. Venue has been considered and is proper. C. The Defendants named as Lutheran Brotherhood and All Unknown Persons who claim an interest in the subject matter of this action have failed to timely plead or otherwise respond to the Complaint, and said Defendants are now in default. All of the other Defendants have filed disclaimers. IT It FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED as follows: RECEPTION NO. F0388759 11.00 P6: 0001-002 744 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 3/25/97 10:33:46 1. Plaintiff, Mahrokh Boroumand is the owner in fee simple and in possession of the following described real property located in Jefferson County, Colorado: Lot 3, Time Square Subdivision, Except that portion of Lot 3 lying South of the Northerly line of Lot 1, Time Square Subdivision as if extended from the east line of said Lot 1 to the West line of said Lot 1, which line bears South 89°55150" West and which line is the South line of the NW 4 NW SE 4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado (the "Property"). 2. Defendants, Perkins Restaurants Operating Company, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership and Perkins Restaurants operating Company, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership as successor in interest to Perkins Cake 6 Steak, Inc. (collectively "Perkins't) and Vista Restaurants, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("Vista") have an interest in the Property by virtue of a Cross -Parking Easement Agreement between Plaintiff Mahrokh Boroumand and Defendants Perkins and Vista dated January 24, 1997 and recorded February 5, 1997 at Reception No. F0367252 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, Colorado. The interest of Perkins and vista in Lot 3 shall remain in effect for so long as Perkins, Vista or their successors and assigns remain in possession of an adjacent property described as Lot 4, Time Square Subdivision, Jefferson County, Colorado pursuant to the terms and provisions of a lease dated October 3, 1978 between James W. Pinkard and Ellen V. Pinkard as lessor and Perkins Cake and Steak, Inc. as lessee, which lease was amended by an Addendum dated October 3, 1978 and an Amendment to Lease dated January 24, 1997. 3. Except as expressly provided for in paragraph 2, above all of the other Defendants named in this action, including All Unknown Persons who claim an interest in the subject matter of this action, have no right, title or interest in and to the Property and are hereby enjoined from asserting any claim or title to the Property. Dated this �Z� day of 1997. -.BY THE COURT r % DISTRICT C y —c, STRICT COURT JUDGE County of Jeffersoh�r'. iorad e:tgJF;lerttfi6ddg�i+.��h]rl;�M9€�<^,Q iS„� Orr�C'fftQq�,of the Original in y 0 4yy� 12 -. Clek of tine Di tr't:t 6664 b, BY: F3kputy Clerk 3 RECEPTION NO. P0460103 36.00 PG: DOD1-007 743 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 8/13/97 15:59:51 TERMINATION OF CROSS PARKING EASEMENT THIS TERMINATION OF CROSS PARKING EASEMENT mad. and 11 entered into this / day of v 1997, by and between r fArj Mahrokh Boroumand "Boroumand") aincyPerkine Restaurants operating Company L.P „ a Delaware Limited Partnership ("Perkins") and Vista Restaurants, Inc., a Colorado Corporation ("Vista"). A. On or about January 24, 1997, Boroumand, Perkins and Vista entered into a Cross Parking Easement, which Cross Parking Easement was recorded on February 5, 1997 at Reception No. F0367252, records of the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, Colorado. B. The parties desire to terminate the Cross Parking Easement referred to in paragraph A above. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, all of which are incorporated herein by reference and in consideration of $10.00 and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. That the Cross Parking Easement referred to in paragraph A herein, is hereby terminated and extinguished, it being the express intention of the parties hereto that said Cross Parking Easement shall be null and void and of no further force or effect. 2. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. 3. This Agreement shall be binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. 4. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. Executed as of the day and year first above written. u Mahrokh Boroumand PERKINS RESTAURANTS OPERATING COMPANY L.P., A DELAWARE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: Perkins Management Company, Inc., General Partner By: Name: Title VISTA RESTAURANTS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION By: Robert J. Schmidt, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA) OF ; Be. 6 The foregoiag instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Ir ,, )1997 by Mahrokh Boroumand. My commission expires: !dy �MIINUMIMEtl1Ad�ItA�t{/1RIf II�IOAIIOi W AMI BABUL K, $HETH 01 COMM. t 1021779 NOTARY PUBLIC• CAUFORNp SAI M1TEO OOUNrY (SEAL) ` MyCprm.E�.Mr.2a, 1iP! IFWIWIIIMSiNe�AAIUMAAIN1AlIItlNY1RlNMIIYNIrIWAY1IN STATE OF TENNESSEE ) COUNTY OF ) Notary Public The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1997 by as of Perkins Management Company, nc., General Partner of Perkins Restaurants Operating Company L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. My commission expires: Notary Public (SEAL) -2- .91 STATE OF COLORADO) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) ij The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ✓ day of '1997 by Robert J. Schmidt as Secretary of Vista Restaurants, Inc., a Colorado Corporation. My commission expires: (SEAL) A�1DaanuodVtamadw Notary Public -3- SENT BY: 8- 6-37 ; 15'01 KRFADL HORAITZ 9017666482;k'14 TIMNATIdN OF CRASS PAABING E118 SNR' THIS TERMINATION OF CROSS PARE,ING EASEMENT made and entered into this day of , 1997, by and between Mahrokh Borousand raumand") an'TerT ns Restaurants operating Company L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership ("Perkins") and vista Restaurants, Inc., a Colorado Corporation ("Vista"). IRICITALS A. on or about January 24, 3,997, Horoumand, Parkins and Vista entered into a Cross Parking Easennent, which Cross Parking Basement was recorded on February 5, 1997 at R9coption No. F0367252, records of the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, Colorado. B. The parties desire to terminate the Cross Parking Basement referred to in paragraph A above. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, all of whiob are incorporated herein by referance and in consideration of $10.00 and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. That the Cross Parking Easement raferrad to in paragraph A herein, in hereby terminated and extinguished, it being the express intention of the parties hereto that said Cross Parking xaselrent shall be null and void and of no further force or affect. 2, This Agrooment shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Stats of Colorado. 3. This Agreement shall be binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. 4. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. Executed as of tho day and year first above written. lw rok SoSorgumand PERKINS RESTAURANTS OPERATING COMPANY L.P., A DELAwARB LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 8y: Parkins management Company, Inc., General Partner Naim T�tl yv� VISTA RESTAURANTS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 1 BY: Robert Schmidt, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ) ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1997 by Mahrokh Boroumand. My commission expires: Notary Public (SEAL) STATE OF TENNESSEE ) COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1997 by as of Perkins Management Company, Inc., General Partner of Perkins Restaurants Operating Company L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. (SEAL) My commission expires: Notary Public -2- StNP BY: 8- 6-97 ; 15:02 NREM. 110ROW112 9017666482;#17 VISTA RESTAURANTS, INC., (�J A COLORADO CORPORATION BY= RobeRobgR a. 809midt, Secretary STATE of CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OP ) as. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1997 by Mahrokh Horaumand. My commission expires: Notary Pu o (SEAL) STATE OF TENNESSEE ) COUNTY o8 SHELBY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bsfore me this 7th day of August, 1997 by Jack Willingham as Executive Vice Yxesident o erkins Management Company, Inc., do—neral Partner o Perk ne Restaurants operating Company L.P., a Delaware liiaited partnership. Ny oomllission expiree: µyCommissionEKpitesSept. 15.19H pUblo 3� (SEAL) NOTARY t�Z^�= a { PUBLIC � z AT .. _ LARGE -2 STATE OF COLORADO) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7-01 day of 41,,Ous7- , 1997 by Robert J. Schmidt as Secretary of Vista Restaurants, Inc., a Colorado Corporation. My commission expires:_ Liu a45T 15`, l7q`l A:16awa�o011wmmW.w -3- RECEPTION NO. F0460102 20.00 PG: 0001-001 743 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 8/13/97 15:59:51 c i SEE SURVEY BQQK; —� .... PAGE: _1 V NAME OF SURVEYOR �� L! /? C � % /'� RANGE/TOWNSHIP/SECTION R6,2,2,) -Tems n�°. This survey plat deposited pursuant to 38-5[}101, C.1t.S. does NOT subdivide property, affect subdivision plats Of constitute noticepursuant to 38-35-'a09 C.R.S. FE LOT 3 LOT 3, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 3 LYING SOUTH OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1, T Q� SQUARE SUBDIVISION AS IF EXTENDED FROM THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1 TO 1 LINE OF SAID LOT 1, WHICH UNE BEARS SOUTH 89 DECREES 55 MINUTES, 50 WEST AND WHICH UNE IS THE SOUTH UNE OF THE NW 1/4 NW 1/4�SEI*4/. 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 89 WEST OF THE 67H P.Y., COUNTY OF -'-j STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL CONTAINS 162,944 SQUARE FEET, 3.74 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LOT 4 LOT 4, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, PARCEL CONTAINS 40,527 SQUARE FEET, 0.93 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT AREA A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN BOCK 70, AT PAGE 42, RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH ST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 3, SAID TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISIONS THENCE N89.56'20'E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3, A DISTANCE OF 195A0 FEETi THENCE S00.02'461W, A DISTANCE OF 32.25 FEET) THENCE N89°56'20'E, A DISTANCE OF 133,54 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3I THENCE S00'02'46'W ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 55,32 FEETi THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE, S89'56'20'W, DISTANCE OF 388.67 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT;3f THENCE N00'03'46'E ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 87.57 FEET'TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS 24,468 SQUARE FEET, 0.156 ACRES MDRE OR LESS. EXECUTED THIS (,. DAY OF __ 19 it BY THE OWNER MAHROKH BOROUMAND;�;':»�� STATE OF COLORADO > COUNTY OF JEFFERSON } T F r�NG 19 TU E Z ilS K� DS�J F � I t'V44 A ❑ �S MY HAND AND OFF'CIAIaSEAL. JIM1I01 N0. F1279302 7/19/2001 9:55:29 PG: 001-012 PAGE FEE: 60.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 11-2001 Series of 2001 TITLE: A RESOLUTION FINDING THE EXISTENCE OF BLIGHT IN THE VICINITY OF THE WADSWORTH CORRIDOR FROM 35`1 AVENUE TO 44"' AVENUE WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (§31-25-101 et seq C.R.S.) authorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to / determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to eliminate and prevent blight and to develop and/or redevelop such areas for the _ economic and social well being and public health, safety and welfare of the community: and IliYi WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35" Avenue to 44" Avenue, which study area is depicted on Exhibit I hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto, HNTB, Corporation was chosen to conduct such blight analysis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (the Authority) was presented with such analysis, and reviewed and considered the evidence and factors of blight presented to it at its public meeting on April 17, 2001 by HNTB, Corporation representatives; and WHEREAS, based upon the blight analysis and information presented to it, the Authority enacted Resolution No. 01-02 advising the City Council of its opinion of the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area; recommending that City Council hold a public hearing to consider evidence and determine if such factors of blight exist in the Study Area; and that if Council makes findings of blight, that it establish an urban renewal area; and WHEREAS, in compliance with §31-25-104 C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law, notice of a public hearing was provided to hear evidence and determine if factors of blight existed in the Study Area; and WHEREAS, in accordance with §31-25-104 C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law, a public hearing was held on April 23, 2001, at which public hearing a full opportunity to be heard was provided to all residents and taxpayers of the City of Wheat Ridge and all other interested persons; and WHEREAS, at such public hearing the City Council was presented evidence of the existence of factors of blight within the Study Area. NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge as follows: Section 1. Based upon the blight analysis by HNTB. Corporation, which analysis and document was presented to Council at the public hearing and is incorporated in this Resolution as Exhibit 2; the testimony of persons at the public hearing; the evidence presented at the public hearing; and consistent with §31-25-103(2), the City Council hereby finds that the following factors of blight, as defined by such law, exist in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor from 35' Avenue to 44" Avenue, within the City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado: A. Slum. Deteriorated or Deteriorating Structures. Of the properties surveyed in the Study Area, more than one-third (1/3) had some form of physical deterioration. Such deterioration was on or about gutters, downspouts, soffits, fascia, exterior finishes, windows and doors. Damage and deterioration also existed on loading areas and fencing or screening. Except for the properties at 7615 West 38' Avenue and an occasional residence, all sites within the Study Area are in some form of deterioration and need physical improvements. B. Predominance of Defective or Inadequate Street Layout. Between 1998 and 2000, 329,' of the traffic accidents in the Study Area were at the intersections of Wadsworth Boulevard and 38' Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard and 44" Avenue. Traffic accidents related to curb cuts or driveways along Wadsworth Boulevard constituted 15 % of all accidents in the Study Area. Many of these accidents were caused by uncontrolled local access points within close proximity to major intersections and deficiencies in cross-sections in the 38" Avenue and 44' Avenue corridors. The defective and inadequate street layouts were one of the causes of these accidents and a danger to vehicular traffic. Many properties on the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard have substandard, inadequate parking layout and configuration. Parking in front of buildings does not allow for separation between roads, pedestrians and vehicular movement. This also creates a danger to the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles. Many parking areas do not have curb stops and are not properly marked; therefore, vehicles encroach on sidewalks. C. Faulty Lot Layout In Relation To Size, Adequacy. Accessibility or Usefulness. In particular, the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard is composed of small -subdivided lots used for strip commercial facilities. The configurations of the lots are not adequate to provide safe and accessible parking or pedestrian uses. Lack of landscaping does not satisfy current municipal code requirements. D. Unsanitary or Unsafe Conditions. Many properties in the Study Area had trash, weeds and debris scattered throughout the sites. There is also a presence of cracked and/or uneven sidewalks, poor drainage (causing ice problems in cold weather), graffiti, damage and vandalism to the sites. The traffic accidents and resulting danger and unsafe conditions related to vehicular travel, pedestrians and bicyclists has been described in Paragraph B of this Section. There is a lack of adequate provisions for the disabled. E. Deterioration of Site or Other Improvements. Many properties and sites in the Study Area have parking surface deterioration; unscreened and unsightly trash or mechanical devices; lack of landscaping; poor landscape maintenance and lack of pedestrian access to sites and property. F. The Existence of Conditions that Endanger Life or Property By Fire or Other Causes. Because of the old age of the Study Arca in general, many of the buildings have severely outdated fire suppressant facilities, inadequate fire escape facilities and do not have fire sprinkler systems, which causes danger to lives and property. The danger to life and property caused by defective and inadequate street layout, which contributes to traffic accidents and endangers lives and property is described in Paragraph B of this Section. There is a lack of adequate provisions for the disabled. f� G. Inadequate Public Improvements or Utilities. There is a distinct lack of useable sidewalks throughout the Study Area. This is exacerbated in the cold weather with ice and snow hindering/endangering pedestrian access and movement. Heavy, substantial overhead utilities exist throughout the Study Area. There are also instances of curb and gutter deterioration. The main water utility line though the Study .Area is at full capacity and must be replaced to serve any other uses or redevelopment of the Study Area. Section 2. The City Council finds that the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor from 35" Avenue to 44" Avenue, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of the foregoing factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of the City of Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic or social liability and is a menace to the public health, safety and welfare of the community. Section 3. An urban renewal area within the City of Wheat Ridge in the general vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor from 35' Avenue to 44" Avenue as depicted on Exhibit I hereto is hereby created and to be known as the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Area. Section 4. The staff is hereby directed, with the assistance of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, to commence the process for the preparation of an urban renewal plan, to be known as the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plan, to be eventually considered for approval by the City Council DONE AND RESOLVED this day of tlxL 2t)Ul. >r then Cerveny, Mayor d i ATTEST: %anda Sang, C'iry clerk Exhibit 1 A tract of land in Section 23, and the north half of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6'h Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Comer of the Northeast '!Q of said Section 23; thence proceeding on a bearing of N00°10'12"W and a distance of 635.69 feet on and along the West line of the Northeast '/4 of said Section 23 to the True Point of Beginning. Thence, N89°47'22"E a distance of 415.39 feet, along the North line of Coulehan Grange Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence S00°10' 16"E a distance of 405.00 feet, along the East line of the parcels as recorded in Book 2335 Page 785 under Reception Number F0856884 at said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89°41'35"E a distance of 206.57 feet, along the North side of the parcel recorded at Reception Number F0856884 at said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the West Right -of Way line of Vance Street; Thence S42°30'33"E a distance of 74.25 feet, to a point on the East Right - of -Way line of Vance Street, said point being on the West Line of a parcel as recorded at F0532782, said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89°41'37"E a distance of 169.31 feet; Thence N00° 11'28"W a distance of 6.00 feet; Thence N89'4 1'38"E a distance of 146.31 feet, to a point on the East line of Lot 4, Coulehan Grange Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence S00°10'l2"E a distance of 181.00 feet, on and along the East line of said Lot 4, Coulchan Grange Subdivision, to a point on the South line of the NE '/4 of Section 23; Thence N89'41 '377 a distance of 22.83 feet, on and along said South line of the NE !4, Section 23; Thence S00°13'03'E a distance of 661.01 feet, on and along the East Right - of -Way line of Upham Street; Thence S89°39'45"W a distance of 353.61 feet, on and along the South line of the parcel recorded at Reception Number F0330477, and to a point on the East line of the Times Square Subdivision, as recorded at said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence SOO'12' l2"E a distance of 661.13 feet, on and a]ong the East line of said Times Square Subdivision; Thence S89°39'57"W a distance of 462.76 feet, on and along the South line of said Times Square Subdivision; Thence SOO°10'23"E a distance of 132.50 feet, on and along the West line of Currier Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of the County of /^ Jefferson, State of Colorado; I/1 Thence S89°39'09"E a distance of 150.00 feet, to a point on the East Right - of -Way line of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence S00' 10'09"E a distance of 132.03 feet, on and along the East Right -of -Way line of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence N89'39'22"E a distance of 20.00 feet, on and along said East Right -of -Way line; Thence SOO' 10' 12"E a distance of 1057.80 feet, on and along said East Right -of -Way line, said line also being the West line of the Wheat Ridge Marketplace First Filing Subdivision as recorded in said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the North line of the Northeast '/4 of Section 26; Thence SOO'19'34"E a distance of 302.14 feet, on and along the East Right -of -Way line of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence 589'23'54"W a distance of 20.00 feet, on and along said East Right -of Way line; Thence S00'19'29"E a distance of 358.18 feet, on and along said East Right -of -Way line; Thence N89°37'43"E a distance of 20.06 feet, on and along said East Right -of -Way line; Thence S00'l9'33"E a distance of 439.60 feet, on and along said East Right -of -Way line; Thence S89°38'52"W a distance of 17.90 feet, on and along said East Right-of-way line; Thence S00'l9'35"E a distance of 257.52 feet, on and along said East Right -of -Way line; Thence S89'41'38"W a distance of 47.14 feet, on and along said East Right -of -Way line, to a point on the East line of the Northeast %< of Section 26; Thence N00' 19'35"W a distance of 5.00 feet, on and along the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26; Thence S89'41'23"W a distance of 660.00 feet, on and along the South Right -of -Way line of West 35th Avenue; Thence N00'19'35"W a distance of 823.78 feet, to the Southwest corner of the Adkins Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89037'49"E a distance of 330.00 feet, on and along the South line of said Adkins Subdivision; Thence N00°19'39"W a distance of 270.00 feet, on and along the East line of said Adkins Subdivision, to the Southeast corner of a parcel recorded at F0768224, said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence S89'16'58"W a distance of 330.00 feet, on and along the North line of the parcels as recorded at the Reception Numbers F0768224 and 85079150 in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N00°20' 15"W a distance of 260.00 feet, on and along the West line of said Adkins Subdivision, to a point on the South line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 23; Thence N89°37'48"E a distance of 2.52 feet, on and along the South line of the Southwest'/. of Section 23; Thence N00°20' 16"W a distance of 686.44 feet, on and along the West litre of the Wilmore Center Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the South Right -of -Way line of West 39`" Avenue; Thence N89°38'44"E a distance of 310.29 feet, on and along the South Right -of -Way line of West 396 Avenue; Thence N00°21' 12"W a distance of 611.13 feet, on and along the East line of Laurel Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the South Right -of- Way line of West 41" Avenue; Thence S89'38'51 -W a distance of 234.14 feet, on and along the South Right -of -Way line of West 41" Avenue; Thence N71 X34' 19"W a distance of 77.57 feet, on and along the South Right -of -Way line of West 41" Avenue, to a point on the West line of the Melrose Manor Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence NOVI8'44"W a distance of 185.68 feet, on and along the West line of said Melrose Manor Subdivision, to the Southwest corner of a parcel as recorded at the Reception Number F0155284, in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89041'44"E a distance of 303.00 feet, on and along the South line of said parcel; Thence N00' l 0' 12"W a distance of 205.46 feet, on and along the East line of said parcel, to a point on the North right -of -Way line of Three Acre Lane; Thence N89°46'48"E a distance of 97.12 feet, on and along the North Right -of -Way line of Three Acre Lane, to the Southeast comer of Lot 5, Three Acre Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N00° 13' 12"W a distance of 158.00 feet, on and along the East line of said Lot 5, Three Acre Subdivision; Thence S89°46'48"W a distance of 400.00 feet, on and along the North line of said Three Acre Subdivision, to a point on the East line of Melrose Manor Subdivision, as recorded, in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N00°12'22"E a distance of 78.93 feet, on and along the East line of said Melrose Manor Subdivision to a point of curvature, said point being on a curve to the left; Thence along said curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 42.20 feet, a central angle of 60°00'00", and a chord bearing of N30' 12'22"E, said curve being on and along the East Right -of -Way of Yarrow Street; Thence N00°13'45"W a distance of 20.00 feet, on and along said Right -of - Way to the Southwest corner of Graul Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89°38'49'E a distance of 274.17 feet, on and along the South line of said Graul Subdivision; Thence N00°13'55'W a distance of 331.05 feet, on and along the East line of said Graul Subdivision; Thence S89°41'42"W a distance of 274.15 feet, along the North line of Lot 3, Graul Subdivision, to a point on the East Right -of -Way line of Yarrow Street; Thence N00°13'50"W a distance of 310.00 feet, on and along the East Right -of -Way line of Yarrow Street, to a point on the South line of the Northwest 14 of Section 23; Thence N00°13'50'W a distance of 30.00 feet, to a point on the North Right -of -Way line of West 44`h Avenue; Thence N89°41'00"E a distance of 77.85 feet, on and along said North Right -of -Way line; Thence N00°13'39"W a distance of 2.52 feet, on and along said North Right -of -Way line; Thence N86"47'35"E a distance of 345.35 feet, on and along said North Right -of -Way line; Thence N89°41'58"E a distance of 129.62 feet, on and along said North Right -of -Way line, to a point on the West Right -of -Way line of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence N47°29' 14"E a distance of 30.47 feet, on and along said West Right -of -Way line; Thence N00°10' 18'W a distance of 210.19 feet, on and along said West Right -of -Way line; Thence N89030'32"E a distance of 14.00 feet, on and along said Right -of - Way line: Thence N00'10' 11 "W a distance of 355.09 feet, on and along said Right - of -Way line; Thence N89°49'48"E a distance of 45.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. EXCEPT FOR A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST A OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6' PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southeast V< of Section 23, thence S56°34'28"E a distance o£54.02 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Thence N89°42'47"E a distance of 283.5 1, feet on and along the South Right -of -Way line of West 44`h Avenue; Thence 5009 VI I "E a distance of 631.18 feet, on and along the Westerly line of Times Square Subdivision, as recorded in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence S89°40'33"W a distance of 283.69 feet, along a Northerly line of said Times Square Subdivision, to a point on the East Right -of -Way of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence N00°10' 12"W a distance of 631.34 feet, on and along the East Right -of -Way of Wadsworth Boulevard to the True Point of Beginning. The area described above contains 3,659,074 square feet (84.00 acres) more or less. The drafter of this description is David F. Brossman, P.L.S., prepared on behalf of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, 7500 W. 29'" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80215- 6713, and is not to be construed as a monumented land survey. Exhibit 2 Copies of Exhibit 2 are available at the Wheat Ridge Department of Planning and Development, 7500 W. 29"' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215. 9 R WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY - O •16 i N A L RESOLUTION NO. 01-02 Series of 2001. TITLE: A RESOLUTION FINDING.THE EXISTENCE OF BLIGHT IN THE VICINITY OF THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR BETWEEN 35"' AVENUE AND 44TH AVENUE AND MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE WHEAT U RIDGE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (§31-25-101 et seq - C.R.S.) autltorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to eliminate and prevent blight and to develop and/or redevelop such areas for the economic ind social well being and public health, safety and welfare of the community; and WHEREAS,. such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35th Avenue and 44' Avenue, which study area is depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto, HNT -B, Corporation was chosen to conduct such blight analysis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners.has been presented with the results ce and evidenof such blight analysis at a public meeting on April 17, 2001; and. WHEREAS, said study and analysis and"the data and evidence presented at the public meeting validates the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area consistent with §31-25-103(2) C.R.S. of the Urban Renewal Law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority as follows: Section 1'. The blight study for the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor and the data and evidence related thereto is hereby accepted by the Board of Commissioners. Section 2. Consistent with §31-25-103(2) C.R.S. of the Urban, Renewal Law, the Board of Commissioners hereby funds that the following six factors of blight exist in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area: A. Slum, deteriorated or deteriorating structures; and B. Defective or inadequate street layout; and C. Faulty tot layout in refalion to size, adequacy, accessibility or usefulness; and D. Unsanitary or unsafe conditions; and E. Deterioration of site or other improvements; and F. Inadequate public improvements or utilities. l W-� l�Section 3. The Board of Commissioners finds that the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of the foregoing six factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic liability and is a menace to the public health, safety and welfare. Section 4. The Board of Commissioners respectfully recommends to the Wheat Ridge City Council the following: A. That, in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law, it give notice of and hold a public hearing regarding consideration of blight factors in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area; and B. That if the data and evidence at the public hearing is sufficient to comply with the Urban Renewal Law, it make findings of the existence of factors of blight; and C. Based upon such blight factors, it establish an urban renewal area in the general vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35th Avenue and 44" Avenue, as it deems appropriate; and D. if it makes such findings of blight and establishes the urban renewal area, that it authorize the procedures for commencement of the preparation and consideration of an urban renewal plan for the area. ra. DONE AND RESOLVED this _j7 day of ( y _ __, 2001. WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY ATTEST: Secretary to the Authority 2 IN . PAV L14t1j, :MV JG I V PAV IPGi£ r— W, 0 (D p "k, IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT in the SE 1/4 of Seafion 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. City of Wheatridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. �9----------'1��- -----------,-- I49N x � ��� I PO4N1 gad_-k'.7rti +�xE,�PYJ2U€Y9 r L.._ I. wl +�§ SE 1/4 SEC. 23 J ° _J IIC TAPRB - I p B1V56G136 --j Al- Ili e.°Mx 8 Wv � y� - _eTl 456 a Il6 _ _ _ _ ` '�Yiti16'Y�4:16d446 S`xS16LWC9FA0W \ � N°ns q i 1� wnY/6) xfo5 n THE .WT 3 .. ( .o• $ 9 -aTyNo ,;, ONE STORY 00 � 3, m , I I % I -.-YY 1 --- - - -. -.- -._. _- °0 -osc 1 InMving Slal6mml , r n ° I "�;d�„k� e -� E.waaYrnn, R I ���•i s i "n°" a x... rt' I 1�1 I I 81 I II - V II I :I - VICINITY I I fif 'II� �Iil wl.� n» wvz xL w VICINITY MAP TITLE NOTES: `.a:..- 7' NOTES & LEGEND: � ry Y°V. .Im p..ve xurm »ama 1u w. xu uVa',ww 9 °" I • M1 s s° .was .o,. x .o. L % Kw CLING .b ` 1y. - ^ - Y. ar r o.. k A N, nWr»iw h. Y �mrwinlN e� .imnez .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: .�. CERTIFICATE: 71 I ow�ni anM1a aYsn, °Yn a Iwn. "•"•• rw. s»sro nn m„.... c.mv°». 14£Sf—L AVENUE CE. COLORADO. NORCK M SLOW BVI 103/563 1/1 vv �,fl_Nq�Y ANTIQUE MALL 1701, //-3-aO04 /a IV.'dl fid- 9 '"") j � LAND SURVEY PLAT A PORTION OF LOT 3, TIME SQUARE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE NWt/4 OF SEI/4 OF SECTION 23, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO II Excwom Famax 0. LOT a \ , 1 BFEDRDFD N D]tlk 70. FPLE a? \ X11 A PORTI..DF lora TIME SDUABE SUBDIVISION I I ABE• . auo •CBEs 1--{ a , 1 ' ueeuen[n I 83 $• II 1 I 11 I/// 1V I �I VVV 1 I I i II i I I II 11 I —1 euao�o,uon x 0 5 [ JPA. 9 Axl TME MIME =11M. 104-571 1 /1 Esc�lE`n �.M w Wn.EP [� Dporm w++u� aw Ih ePCPt.Gsuc cv I.ec•1. DescBmrlDx may ao. we [7w,ca. w ' w•"W..:. w.mv.. x.c.e.,,scaem�,m b,xa xores u,c �w irv'rca mu nc wl x6an.uw sxax C@BSIFIC•TIDN =40 ijr/v a1 -.t IdDiD 9UANY PMT . c nl wkklxsax. Ir ui, sc.Wi.ao. Space Above This Line For Recording Data DEED OF TRUST DATE AND PARTIES The date of this Deed Of Trust (Security Instrument) is April 17, 2008_ The parties and their addresses are: GRANTOR: d° 4Ul WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY A Colorado Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 TRUSTEE: PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADOIIIIIJiLENDER: R IIII FI STBANKOFWHEATRIDGE �l�u6lllu�Nllll��llullllll�IIIIB 0 $0.000 0 Organized and existing under the laws of Colorado 2008036967 TD 4350 Wadsworth Boulevard 04/17/2008 04:09:52 PM 9 Page(s) Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Jefferson County, Colorado I. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debts and Grantor's performance under this Security Instrument, Grantor irrevocably grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the benefit of Lender, with power of salt, the following described property: Lot 3, Time Square Subdivision, Except that portion of said Lot 3, lying South of the Northerly line o£Lot 1, Time Square Subdivision as if extended from the East line of said Lot I to the West line of said Lot 1, which line bears South 89° 55' 50" West and which is the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., and Except a parcel of land being a portion of Lot 3, Time Square Subdivision, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3, Time Square Subdivision, thence North 89° 56 20" East, along the North litre of said Lot 3, a distance of 195.00 feet; thence South 00° 02' 46" West, a distance of .32.25 feet; thence North 891 56' 20" East, a distance of 133.54 feet to a point oil the Easterly line of said Lot 3; thence South 00° 02' 46" West, along said Easterly line, a distance of 55.92 feet; thence leaving said Easterly line, South 89° 56'20" West, a distance of 328.67 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 3; thence North 00° 03' 46" East, along said Westerly line, a distance of 87.57 feet to the Point of Beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado The property is located in Jefferson County at7540 West 40 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033. Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, crops, timber, all diversion payments or third party payments made to crop producers, all water and riparian rights, wells, ditches, reservoirs and water stock and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described q3- 214 q (all referred to as Property). This Security Instrument will remain in effect until the Secured Debts have been paid in full. 2. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one rime will not exceed $1,428,000.00. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument. 3. SECURED DEBTS. The term "Secured Debts" includes and this Security Instrument will secure each of the following: A. Specific Debts. 'Che following debts and all extensions and modifications: A promissory note, No. 8836556, dated April 17, 2008, from Grantor to Lender, with a loan amount of $3,285,000.00, with an interest rate of 4.0 percent per year and maturing on April 15, 2014 (the Note"). B. Sums Advanced. All sums advanced and reasonable expenses incurred by Lender under the terms ofthis Security Instrument, 4. PAYMENTS. Grantor agrees that all payments under the Secured Debts will be paid when due and in accordance with the terms of the Secured Debts and this Security Instrument. 5. WARRANTY OF TITLE. Grantor warrants that Grantor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grant, convey and sell the Property to Trustee, in trust, with power of sate. Grantor also warrants that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. 6. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard to any other mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on (lie Property, Grantor agrees: A. To make ail payments when due and to perform or comply with all covenants. B. To promptly deliver to Lender any notices that Grantor receives from the holder. C. Not to allow any modification or extension of, nor to request arty future advances under any note or agreement secured by the lien document that is on a parity or superior to the lien created by this Security Instrument without Lender's prior written consent. 7. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Grantor will pay all taxes, assessments, liens, encumbrances, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, and other charges relating to the Property when due. Lender may require Grantor to provide to Lender copies of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment. To the extent permitted by low, Grantor will defend title to the Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security instrument. Grantor agrees to assign to Lender, as requested in writing by Lender, any rights, claims or defenses Grantor may have against parties who supply labor or materials to maintain or improve the Property. 8. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. Lender may, at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to be immediately due and payable upon the creation of any lien or encumbrance on the Property on a parity with or senior to the lien created on the Property by this Security Instrument, unless consented to in writing by the Lender, or upon the sale of any or all of the Property. This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C.F.R. 591), as applicable. 9. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. Grantor has the right and authority to enter into this Security Instrument. The execution and delivery of this Security Instrument will not violate any agreement governing Grantor or to which Grantor is a party. 10. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Grantor will keep the Property in good condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor will not commit or allow any waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Property. Grantor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. Grantor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without notification to the Lender. Grantor will not permit any change in any license, restrictive covenant or easement without notifying the Lender. Grantor will notify Lender of all demands, proceedings, claims, and actions against Grantor, and of any loss or damage to the Property. No portion of the Property will be removed, demolished or materially altered without notifying the Lender except that Grantor has the right to remove items of personal property comprising a part of the Property that become worn or obsolete without notifying the Lender, provided that such personal property is replaced with other personal property at least equal in value to the replaced personal property, free from anv title retention device, security agreement or other encumbrance. Such replacement of personal property will be deemed subject to the security interest created by this Security Instrument. Grantor will not partition or subdivide the Property without notifying the Lender. Lender or Lender's agents may, at Lender's option, enter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting the Property. Lender will give Grantor notice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property will be entirely for Lender's benefit and Grantor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. [t. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Grantor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument, Lender may, without notice, perform or cause them to be performed. Lender's right to perform for Grantor will not create an obligation to perform, and Lender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. Grantor irrevocably assigns, grants, convoys to Lender as additional security all the right, title and interest in the following (Property). A. Existing or future leases, subleases, licenses, guaranties and any other written or verbal agreements for the use and occupancy of the Property, including but not limited to any extensions, renewals, modifications or replacements (Leases). B. Rents, issues and profits, including but not limited to security deposits, minimum rents, percentage rents, additional rents, common area maintenance charges, parking charges, real estate taxes, other applicable taxes, insurance premium contributions, liquidated damages following default, cancellation premiums, "loss of rents" insurance, guest receipts, revenues, royalties, proceeds, bonuses, accounts, contract rights, general intangibles, and all rights and claims which Grantor may have that in any way pertain to or are on account of the use or occupancy of the whole or any part of the Property (Rents). In the event any item listed as Leases or Rents is determined to be personal property, this Assignment will also be regarded as a security agreement. Grantor will promptly provide Lender with copies of the Leases and will certify these Leases are true and correct copies. The existing Leases will be provided on execution of the Assignment, and all future Leases and any other information with respect to these Leases will be provided immediately after they are executed. Grantor may collect, receive, enjoy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not in default. Grantor will not collect in advance any Rents due in future lease periods, unless Grantor first obtains Lender's written consent. Upon default, Grantor will receive any Rents in trust for Lender and Grantor will not commingle the Rents with any other funds. When Lender so directs, Grantor will endorse and deliver any payments of Rents from the Property to Lender. Amounts collected will be applied at Lender's discretion to the Secured Debts, the costs of managing, protecting and preserving the Property, and other necessary expenses. Grantor agrees that this Security Instrument is immediately effective between Grantor and Lender. This Security Instrument will remain effective during any statutory redemption period until the Secured Debts are satisfied. Unless otherwise prohibited or prescribed by state law, Grantor agrees that Lender may take actual possession of the Property without the necessity of commencing any legal action or proceeding. Grantor agrees that actual possession or the Property is deemed to occur when Lender notifies Grantor of Grantor's default and demands that Grantor and Grantor's tenants pay all Rents due or to become due directly to Lender. Immediately after Lender gives Grantor the notice of default, Grantor agrees that either Lender or Grantor may immediately notify the tenants and demand that all future Rents be paid directly to Lender. As long as this Assignment is in effect, Grantor warrants and represents that no default exists under the Leases, and the parties subject to the Leases have not violated any applicable law on leases, licenses and landlords and tenants. Grantor, at its sole cost and expense, will keep, observe and perform, and require all other parties to the Leases to comply with the Leases and any applicable law. If Grantor or any party to the Lease defaults or fails to observe any applicable law, Grantor will promptly notify Lender. If Grantor neglects or refuses to enforce compliance with the terms of the Leases, then Lender may, at Lender's option, enforce compliance. Grantor will not sublet, modify, extend, cancel, or otherwise alter the Leases, «- or accept the surrender of the Property covered by the Leases (unless the Leases so require) without Lender's consent. Grantor will not assign, compromise, subordinate or encumber the Leases and Rents without Lender's prior written consent. Lender does not assume or become liable for the Property's maintenance, depreciation, or other losses or damages when Lender acts to manage, protect or preserve the Property, except for losses and damages due to Lender's gross negligence or intentional torts. Otherwise, to the extent permitted by law, Grantor will indemnify Lender and ]told Lender harmless for all liability, loss or damage that Lender may incur when Lender opts to exercise any of its remedies against any party obligated under the Leases. 13. DEFAULT. Grantor will be in default if any ofthe following occur: A. Payments. Grantor fails to make a payment in full when due and such failure continues for 5 business days. B. insolvency or Bankruptcy, The death, dissolution or insolvency of, appointment ofs. receiver by or on behalf of, application of any debtor relief law, the assignment for the benefit of creditors by or on behalf of, the voluntary or involuntary termination of existence by, or the commencement of any proceeding under any present or future federal or state insolvency, bankruptcy, reorganization, composition or debtor relief law by or against Grantor. C. Failure to Perform. Grantor fails to perform any condition or to keep any promise or covenant ofthis Security Instrument.. D. Other Documents. A default occurs under the terms of any other document relating to the Secured Debts. E. Other Agreements. Grantor is in default on any other debt or agreement Grantor has with Lender or any affiliate of Lender. F. Misrepresentation. Grantor makes any verbal or written statement or provides any financial information that is materially untrue or inaccurate, or conceals a material fact at the time it is made or provided. G. Judgment. Grantor fails to satisfy or appeal any judgment against Grantor. 11. Forfeiture. The Property is used in a manner or for a purpose that threatens confiscation by a legal authority. 1. Name Change. Grantor changes Grantor's name or assumes an additional name without notifying Lender before making such a change. J. Property Transfer. Grantor transfers all or a substantial part of Grantor's money or property. This condition of default, as it relates to the transfer of the Property, is subject to the restrictions contained in the DUE ON SALE section. K. Property Value. Lender determines in good faith that the value of the Property has declined or is impaired. L. Insecurity, Lender determines in good faith that a material adverse change has occurred in Grantors financial condition from the conditions set forth in Grantor's most recent financial statement before the date of this Security Instrument or that the prospect for payment or performance of the Secured Debts is impaired for any reason. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision in this Security Instrument or any other Loan Document (as defined in the Note) or agreement with the Lender to the contrary, upon the occurrence of any non-payment default the Lender shall provide the Grantor with written notice of such a default, and the Grantor shall have 10 days after the receipt of such notice to cure such default prior to the Lender exercising any remedies hereunder or under any other Loan Documents or agreements. 14. REMEDIES. On or after default, Lender may use any and all remedies Lender has under state or federal law or in any document relating to the Secured Debts, including, without limitation, the power to sell the Property or foreclose on installments without acceleration. Any amounts advanced on Grantor's behalf will be immediately due and may be added to the balance owing under the Secured Debts. Lender may make a claim for any and all insurance benefits or refunds that may be available on Grantor's default. Subject to any right to cure, required time schedules or any other notice rights Grantor may have under federal and state law, Lender may make all or any part of the amount owing by the terms of the Secured Debts immediately due and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law upon the occurrence of Grantor's default or anytime thereafter. If there is a default, Trustee will, in addition to any other permitted remedy, at the request of the Lender, advertise and sell the Property as a whole or in separate parcels at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Trustee will give notice of sale including the time, terms and place of sale and a description of the Property to be sold as required by the applicable law in effect at the time of the proposed sale. Upon the sale of the Property, to the extent not prohibited by law, and at such time purchaser is legally entitled to it, Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property sold which conveys title to the purchaser, and after first paying all fees, charges and costs, shall pay to Lender all monies advanced for repairs, taxes, insurance liens, assessments and prior encumbrances and interest thereon, and the principal and interest on the Secured Debt, paying the surplus, if any, to persons legally entitled to it. Lender may purchase the Property. The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. All remedies are distinct, cumulative and not exclusive, and the lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or equity, whether or not expressly set forth. The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debts after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed will not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require full and complete cure of any existing default. By not exercising any remedy, Lender does not waive Lender's right to later consider the event a default if it continues or happens again. 15. COLLECTION EXPENSES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. On or after Default, to the extent permitted by law, Grantor agrees to pay all reasonable expenses of collection, enforcement or protection of Lender's rights and remedies under this Security Instrument or any other document relating to the Secured Debts. Grantor agrees to pay reasonable expenses for Lender to inspect and preserve the Property and for any recordation costs of releasing the Property from this Security Instrument. Expenses include, but are not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees after default and referral to an attorney who is not a salaried employee of the Lender, court costs, and other collection costs. These expenses are due and payable immediately. 11' not paid immediately, these expenses will bear interest from the date of payment until paid in fill] at the rate of 12.000 percent. In addition, to the extent permitted by the United States Bankruptcy Code. Grantor agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Lender to protect Lender's rights and interests in connection with any bankruptcy proceedings initiated by or against Grantor. 16. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environmental Law means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.), all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous substance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or environment. The term includes, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substance," "hazardous waste," "hazardous substance," or `regulated substance" under any Environmental Law. Grantor represents, warrants and agrees that: A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Hazardous Substance has been, is, or will be located, transported, manufactured, treated, refined, or handled by any person on, under or about the Property, except in the ordinary course of business and in strict compliance with all applicable Environmental Law. Q. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Grantor has not and wit[ not cause, contribute to, or permit the release of any Hazardous Substance on the Property. C. Grantor will immediately notify Lender if (1) a release or threatened release of Hazardous Substance occurs on, under or about the Property or migrates or threatens to migrate from nearby property; or (2) there is a violation of any Environmental Law concerning the Property. In such an event, Grantor will take all necessary remedial action in accordance with Environmental Law. Q. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Grantor has no knowledge of or reason to believe there is any pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceeding of any kind relating to any Hazardous Substance located on, under or about the Property; or (2) any violation by Grantor or any tenant of any Environmental Law. Grantor will immediately notify Lender in writing as soon as Grantor has reason to believe there is any such pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceeding. In such an event, Lender has the right, but not the obligation, to participate in any such proceeding including the right to receive copies of any documents relating to such proceedings. E. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Grantor and every tenant have been, are and will remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. F. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, there are no underground storage tanks, private dumps or open wells located on or under the Property and no such tank, dump or well will be added unless Lender tirst consents in writing. G. Grantor will regularly inspect the Property, monitor the activities and operations on the Property, and confirm that all permits, licenses or approvals required by any applicable Environmental Law are obtained and complied with. H. Grantor will permit, or cause any tenant to permit, Lender or Lender's agent to enter and inspect the Property and review all records at any reasonable time to determine (1) the existence, location and nature of any Hazardous Substance on, under or about the Property; (2) the existence, location, nature, and magnitude of any Hazardous Substance that has been released on, under or about the Property; or (3) whether or not Grantor and any tenant are in compliance with applicable Environmental Law. 1. Upon Lender's request and at any time, Grantor agrees, at Grantor's expense, to engage a qualified environmental engineer to prepare an environmental audit of the Property and to submit the results of such audit to Lender. The choice of the environmental engineer who wit[ perform such audit is subject to Lender's approval, J. Lender has the right, but not the obligation, to perform any of Grantor's obligations under this section at Grantor's expense. K. As a consequence ofany breach of any representation, warranty or promise made in this section, (1) Grantor will, to the extent permitted by law, indemnify and hold Lender and Lender's successors or assigns harmless from and against all losses, claims, demands, liabilities, damages, cleanup, response and remediation costs, penalties and expenses, including without limitation all costs of litigation and attorneys' fees, which Lender and Lender's successors or assigns may sustain; and (2) at Lender's discretion, Lender may release this Security Instrument and in return Grantor will provide Lender with collateral of at least equal value to the Property without prejudice to any of Lender's rights under this Security Instrument. L. Notwithstanding any of the language contained in this Security Instrument to the contrary, the terms of this section will survive any foreclosure or satisfaction of this Security Instrument regardless of any passage of title to Lender or any disposition by Lender of any oral] of the Property. Any claims and defenses to the contrary are hereby waived. 17. CONDEMNATION. Grantor will give Lender prompt notice of any pending or threatened action by private or public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain, or any other means. Grantor authorizes Lender to intervene in Grantor's name in any of the above described actions or claims. Grantor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property. Such proceeds will be considered payments and will be applied as provided in this Security Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien docurnent. 18. INSURANCE. In the event that Grantor leases the Property to a third party, Grantor will maintain a prudent amount of liability and hazard insurance on the Properly, as determined by the Grantor. Evidence of such insurance shall be provided to the Lender upon its request. Grantor will not be required to obtain any other insurance coverage on the Property. 19. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Grantor will not be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. 20. CO-SIGNERS. If this Security Instrument secures a guaranty between Lender and Grantor, Grantor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from bringing any action or claim against Grantor or any party indebted under the obligation. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any anti- deficiency or one -action laws_ 21. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights relating to the Property. 22. OTHER TERMS. The following are applicable to this Security Instrument: A. Additional Terms. Grantor hereby covenants that it will not take any action or omit to take any action with respect to the Secured Debts, any proceeds therefrom, or any other funds that Grantor has or any facilities financed or refinanced with the proceeds of the Secured Debts if such action or ornission (i) would cause the interest on the Secured Debts to lose its exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), (ii) would cause interest on the Secured Debts to lose its exclusion from alternative minimum taxable income as defined in Section 55(b)(2) of the Code except to the extent such interest is required to be included in adjusted current earnings adjustment applicable to corporations under Section 56 of the Code in calculating corporate alternative minimum taxable income, (iii) would cause interest on the Secured Debts to lose its exclusion from Colorado taxable income or Colorado alternative minimum taxable income under present Colorado law, or (iv) would cause the Secured Debts to not be bank qualified under Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. The foregoing covenant shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the payment in full or defeasance of the Note until the date on which all of Grantor's obligations in fulfilling the above covenant under the Code have been met. 23. APPLICABLE LAW. This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of Colorado, the United States of Amcrica, and to the extent required, by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located, except to the extent such state laws are preempted by federal law. - 24. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY AND SUCCESSORS. Lender may release any part of the Property and Grantor will still be obligated under this Security Instrument for the remaining Property. The duties and benefits of this Security Instrument will bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Grantor. 25. AMENDMENT, INTEGRATION AND SEVERABILITY. This Security Instrument may not be amended or modified by oral agreement. No amendment or modification of this Security Instrument is effective unless made in writing and executed by Grantor and Lender. This Security Instrument and any other documents relating to the Secured Debts are the complete and final expression of the agreement. If any provision of this Security Instrument is unenforceable, then the unenforceable provision will be severed and the remaining provisions wilt still be enforceable. 26. INTERPRETATION. Whenever used, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The section headings are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the terms of this Security Instrument. 27. NOTICE, FINANCIAL REPORTS, ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS AND RECORDING TAXES. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice will be given by delivering it or mailing it by first class mail to the appropriate party's address listed in the DATE AND PARTIES section, or to any other address designated in writing. Grantor wilt inform Lender in writing of any change in Grantor's name, address or other application information. Grantor will provide Lender any financial statements or information Lender reasonably requests- All financial statements and information Grantor gives Lender will be. correct and complete. Grantor agrees to pay all reasonable expenses, charges and taxes in connection with the preparation and recording of this Security Instrument. Grantor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Grantor's obligations under this Security instrument and to confirm Lender's lien -status on any Property, and Grantor agrees to pay all reasonable expenses, charges and taxes in connection with the preparation and recording thereof. Time is of the essence. 28. AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. Lender or Grantor may submit to binding arbitration any dispute, claim or other matter in question between or among Lender and Grantor that arises cut of or relates to this Transaction (Dispute), except as otherwise indicated in this section or as Lender and Grantor agree to in writing. For purposes of this section, this Transaction includes this Security Instrument and any other document relating to the Secured Debts, and proposed loans or extensions of credit that relate to this Security Instrument. Lender or Grantor will not arbitrate any Dispute within any "core proceedings" under the United States bankruptcy laws. Lender and Grantor must consent to arbitrate any Dispute concerning the Secured Debi secured by real estate at the time of the proposed arbitration. Lender may foreclose or exercise any powers of sale against real property securing the Secured Debt underlying any Dispute before, during or after any arbitration. Lender may also enforce the Secured Debt secured by this real property and underlying the Dispute before, during or after any arbitration. Leader or Grantor may, whether or not any arbitration has begun, pursue any self-help or similar remedies, including taking property or exercising other rights under the taw; seek attachment, garnishment, receivership or other provisional remedies from a court having jurisdiction to preserve the rights of or to prevent irreparable injury to Lender or Grantor; or foreclose against any property by any method or take legal action to recover any property. Foreclosing or exercising a power of sale, beginning and continuing a judicial action or pursuing self-help remedies will not constitute a waiver of the right to compel arbitration. The arbitrator will determine whether a Dispute is arbitrable. A single arbitrator will resolve any Dispute, whether individual or joint in nature, or whether based on contract, tort, or any other matter at law or in equity. The arbitrator may consolidate any Dispute with any related disputes, claims or other matters in question not arising out of this Transaction. Any court havingjurisdiction may enter a judgment or decree on the arbitrator's award. Thejudgment or decree will be enforced asany other judgment or decree. Lender and Grantor acknowledge that the agreements, transactions or the relationships which result from the agreements or transactions between and among Lender and Grantor involve interstate commerce. The United States Arbitration Act will govern the interpretation and enforcement of this section. The American Arbitration Association's Commercial Arbitration Rules, in effect ort the date of this Security Instrument, will govern the selection of the arbitrator and the arbitration process, unless otherwise agreed to in this Security Instrument or another writing. 29. WAIVER OF TRIAL FOR ARBITRATION. Lender and Grantor understand that the parties have the right or opportunity to litigate any Dispute through a trial by judge or jury, but that the parties prefer to resolve Disputes through arbitration instead of litigation. If any Dispute is arbitrated, Lender and Grantor voluntarily and knowingly waive the right to have a trial by jury or judge during the arbitration. SIGNATURES. By signing, Grantor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument. Grantor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument. Grantor: Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority B� Terrell R. Williams, Chairman A T ST: f� (ti 1' p�' ro �o '=z -AM,Y. m Executive Director S'ytr >t �trtJ0 Hind ACKNOWLEDGMENT. STATE OF COLORADO } )ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ) This instrument was acknowledged before me this ,s ay of April, 2008, by Terrell R. Williams and Patrick Goff, Chairman and Executive Director, respectively, of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, a Colorado urban renewal authority. My commission expires: sxo-,�/a I ' — A .OTA/?J, A'_ �'UBL1G 824857.1 N6-60 q L uj Space Above This Line For Recording Data DEED OF TRUST DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Deed Of Trust (Security Instrument) is April 17, 2008. The parties and their addresses are: GRANTOR: WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY do A Colorado Urban Renewal Authority qu 7500 W 29s'Avenue ✓V Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 f TRUSTEE: PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO LENDER: I�I�IIIIII,,I �RII!IIIIIIIII�JIUD�IIII D $0.00 F'IRSTl1ANK OF WHEAT RIDGE Organized and existing under the laws of Colorado 200803d969 TD 4350 Wadsworth Boulevard 04/17/2008 04:09:52 PM 9 Page(s) Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Jefferson County, Colorado 1. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debts and Grantor's performance under this Security Instrument, Grantor irrevocably grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the benefit of Lender, with power of sale, the following described property: The West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., Exeept the North 30 feet, in use as West 44th Avenue, Except the East 25 feet in use as Upham Street, Except the East 125 feet ofthe North 130 feet thereof and Except that portion conveyed to the City of Wheat Ridge in Deed recorded June 30, 1987 at Reception No. 87085220, County oflefferson, State of Colorado The property is located in Jefferson County at7340 West 441h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033. Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, crops, timber, all diversion payments or third party payments made to crop producers, all water and riparian rights, wells, ditches, reservoirs and water stock and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described (all referred to as Property). "Chis Security Instrument will remain in effect until the Secured Debts have been paid in full. 2. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one time will not exceed $1,857,000.00. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly trade pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's secuLjjy and to perform any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument. q 3. locJ Sl 3. SECURED DEBTS. The term "Secured Debts" includes and this Security Instrument will secure each of the following: A. Specific Debts. The following debts and all extensions and modifications: A promissory note, No. 8836566, dated April 17, 2008, from Grantor to Lender, with a loan amount of $3,285,000.00, with an interest rate of 4.0 percent per year and maturing on April 15, 2014 (the "Note"). B. Sums Advanced. All suns advanced and reasonable expenses incurred by Lender under the terms of this Security Instrument. a. PAYMENTS. Grantor agrees that all payments under the Secured Debts will be paid when due and in accordance with the terms of the Secured Debts and this Security Instrument_ 5. WARRANTY OF TITLE. Grantor warrants that Grantor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grant, convey and sell the Property to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale. Grantor also warrants that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. 6. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard to any other mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property, Grantor agrees: A. To make all payments when due and to perform or comply with all covenants, B. To promptly deliver to Lender any notices that Grantor receives from the holder. C. Not to allow any modification or extension of, nor to request any future advances under any note OF agreement secured by the lien document that is on a parity or superior to the lien created by this Security Instrument without Lender's prior written consent. 7. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Grantor will pay all taxes, assessments, liens, encumbrances, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, and other charges relating to the Property when due. Lender may require Grantor to provide to Lender copies of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment. To the extent permitted by law, Grantor will defend title to the Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument. Grantor agrees to assign to Lender, as requested in writing by Lender, any rights, claims or defenses Grantor may have against parties who supply labor or materials to maintain or improve the Property. 8. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. Lender may, at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to be immediately due and payable upon the creation of any lien or encumbrance on the Property on a parity with or senior to the lien created on the Property by this Security Instrument, unless consented to in writing by the Lender, or upon the sale of any or all of the Property. This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law (I2 C.F.R. 591), as applicable. 4. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. Grantor has the right and authority to enter into this Security Instrument. The execution and delivery of this Security Instrument will not violate any agreement governing Grantor or to which Grantor is a party. 10. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Grantor will keep the Property in good condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor will not commit or allow any waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Property. Grantor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. Grantor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without notification to the Lender. Grantor will not permit any change in any license, restrictive covenant or easement without notifying the Lender. Grantor will notify Lender of all demands, proceedings, claims, and actions against Grantor, and of any loss or damage to the Property. No portion of the Property will be removed, demolished or materially altered without notifying the Lender except that Grantor has the right to remove items of personal property comprising a part of the Property that become worn or obsolete without notifying the Lender, provided that such personal property is replaced with other personal property at least equal in value to the replaced personal property, free from any lisle retention device, security agreemont.or other encumbrance. Such replacement of personal property will he deemed subject to the security interest created by this Security Instrument Grantor will not partition or subdivide the Property without notifying the Lender. Lender or Lender's agents may, at Lender's option, enter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting the Property. Lender will give Grantor notice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property will be entirely for Lender's benefit and Grantor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. 11. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM, if Grantor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument, Lender may, without notice, perform or cause them to be performed. Lender's right to perform for Grantor will not create an obligation to perform, and Lenders failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument. 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. Grantor irrevocably assigns, grants, conveys to Lender as additional security all the right, title and interest in the following (Property). A. Existing or future leases, subleases, licenses, guaranties and any other written or verbal agreements for the use and occupancy of the Property, including but not limited to any extensions, renewals, modifications or replacements (Leases)_ B_ Rents, issues and profits, including but not limited to security deposits, minimum rents, percentage rents, additional rents, common area maintenance charges, parking charges, real estate taxes, other applicable taxes, insurance premium contributions, liquidated damages following default, cancellation premiums, "loss of rents" insurance, guest receipts, revenues, royalties; proceeds, bonuses, accounts, contract rights, general intangibles, and all rights and claims which Grantor may have that in any way pertain to or are on account of the use or occupancy of the whole or any part of the Property (Rents). In the event any item listed as Leases or Rents is determined to be personal property, this Assignment will also be regarded as a security agreement. Grantor will promptly provide Lender with copies of the Leases and will certify these Leases are true and correct copies. The existing Leases will be provided on execution of the Assignment, and all future Leases and any other information with respect to these Leases will be provided immediately after they are executed. Grantor may collect, receive, enjoy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not in default. Grantor will not collect in advance any Rents due in future lease periods, unless Grantor first obtains Lender's written consent. Upon default, Grantor will receive any Rents in trust for Lender and Grantor will not commingle the Rents with any other funds. When Lender so directs, Grantor will endorse and deliver any payments of Rents from the Property to Lender. Amounts collected will be applied at Lender's discretion to the Secured Debts, the costs of managing, protecting and preserving the Property, and other necessary expenses. Grantor agrees that this Security Instrument is immediately effective between Grantor and Lender. This Security Instrument will remain effective during any statutory redemption period until the Secured Debts are satisfied. Unless otherwise prohibited or prescribed by state law, Grantor agrees that Lender may take actual possession of the Property without the necessity of commencing any legal action or proceeding. Grantor agrees that actual possession of the Property is deemed to occur when Lender notifies Grantor of Grantor's default and demands that Grantor and Grantor's tenants pay all Rents due or to become due directly to Lender. Immediately after Lender gives Grantor the notice of default, Grantor agrees that either Lender or Grantor may immediately notify the tenants and demand that all future Rents be paid directly to Lender. As long as this Assignment is in effect, Grantor warrants and represents that no default exists under the Leases, and the parties subject to the Leases have not violated any applicable law on leases, licenses and landlords and tenants. Grantor, at its sole cost and expense, will keep, observe and perform, and require all other parties to the gases to comply with the Leases and any applicable law. If Grantor or any party to the Lease defaults or fails to observe any applicable law, Grantor will promptly notify Lender. If Grantor neglects or refuses to enforce compliance with the terms of the Leases, then Lender may, at Lenders option, enforce compliance. Grantor will not sublet; modify, extend, cancel, or otherwise alter the Leases, or accept the surrender of the Property covered by the Leases (unless the Leases so require) without Lender's consent. Grantor will not assign, compromise, subordinate or encumber the Leases and Rents without Lender's prior written consent. Lender does not assume or become liable for the Property's maintenance, depreciation, or other losses or damages when Lender acts to manage, protect or preserve the Property, except for losses and damages due to Lender's gross negligence or intentional torts. Otherwise, to the extent permitted by law, Grantor will indemnify Lender and hold Lender harmless for all liability, loss or damage that Lender may incur when Lender opts to exercise any of its remedies against any party obligated under the Leases. 13. DEFAULT. Grantor will be in default if any of the following occur: A. Payments. Grantor fails to make a payment in full when due and such failure continues for 5 husincss days. B, Insolvency or Bankruptcy. The death, dissolution or insolvency of, appointment of a receiver by or on behalf of, application of any debtor relief law, the assignment for the benefit of creditors by or on behalf of, the voluntary or involuntary termination of existence by, or the commencement of any proceeding under any present or future federal or state insolvency, bankruptcy, reorganization, composition or debtor relief law by or against Grantor_ C. Failure to Perform„&gtttor fails to perform any condition or to keep any promise or covenant of this Security Instrument.. D. Other Documents. A default occurs under the terms of any other document relating to the Secured Debts. E. Other Agreements. Grantor is in default on any other debt or agreement Grantor has with Lender or any affiliate of Lender. F. Misrepresentation. Grantor makes any verbal or written statement or provides any financial information that is materially untrue or inaccurate, or conceals a material fact at the time it is made or provided. G- Judgment. Grantor fails to satisfy or appeal any judgment against Grantor. H. Forfeiture. The Property is used in a manner or for a purpose that threatens confiscation by a legal authority_ i. Name Change. Grantor changes Grantor's name or assumes an additional name without notifying Lender before making such a change. J. Property Transfer. Grantor transfers all or a substantial part of Grantor's money or property. This condition of default, as it relates to the transfer of the Property, is subject to the restrictions contained in the DUI; ON SALE section. K. Property Value. Lender determines in good faith that the value of the Property has declined or is impaired. L. Insecurity. Lender determines in good faith that a material adverse change has occurred in Grantor's financial condition from the conditions set forth in Grantor's most recent financial statement before the date of this Security Instrument or that the prospect for payment or performance of the Secured Debts is impaired for any reason. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision in this Security Instrument or any other Loan Document (as defined in the Note) or agreement with the Lender to the contrary, upon the occurrence of any non-payment default the Lender shall provide the Grantor with written notice of such a default; and the Grantor shall have 30 days after the receipt of such notice to cure such default prior to the Lender exercising any remedies hereunder or under any other Loan Documents or agreements. 14. REMEDIES, On or after default, Lender may use any and all remedies Lender has under state or federal law or in any document relating to the Secured Debts, including, without limitation, the power to sell the Property or foreclose on installments without acceleration. Any amounts advanced on Grantor's behalf will be immediately due and may be added to the balance owing under the Secured Debts. Lender / may make a claim for any and all insurance benefits or refunds that may be available on Grantor's default. Subject to any right to cure, required time schedules or any other notice rights Grantor may have under federal and state law, Lender may make all or any part of the amount owing by the terms of the Secured Debts immediately due and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law upon the occurrence of Grantor's default or anytime thereafter. If there is a default, Trustee will, in addition to any other permitted remedy, at the request of the Lender, advertise and sell the Property as a whole or in separate parcels at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Trustee wilt give notice of sale including the time, terms and place of sale and a description of the Property to be sold as required by the applicable law in effect at the time of the proposed sale. Upon the sale of the Property, to the extent not prohibited by law, and at such time purchaser is legally entitled to it, Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property sold which conveys title to the purchaser, and after first paying all fees, charges and costs, shall pay to Lender all monies advanced for repairs, taxes, insurance liens, assessments and prior encumbrances and interest thereon, and the principal and interest on the Secured Debt, paying the surplus, if any, to persons legally entitled to it. Lender may purchase the Properly. The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. All remedies are distinct, cumulative and not exclusive, and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or equity, whether or not expressly set forth. The acceptance by Lender of any sunt in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debts after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed will not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require full and complete cure of any existing default_ By not exercising any remedy, Lender does not waive Lender's right to later consider the event a default if it continues or happens again. I5. COLLECTION EXPENSES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. On or after Default, to the extent permitted by law, Grantor agrees to pay all reasonable expenses of collection, enforcement or protection of Lender's rights and remedies under this Security Instrument or any other document relating to the Secured Debts. Grantor agrees to pay reasonable expenses for Lender to inspect and preserve the Property and for any recordation costs of releasing the Property from this Security Instrument. Expenses include, but are not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees after default and referral to an attorney who is not a salaried employee of the Lender, court costs, and other collection costs. These expenses are due and payable immediately. If not paid immediately, these expenses will bear interest from the date of payment until paid in full at the rate of 12.000 percent. In addition, to the extent permitted by the United States Bankruptcy Code, Grantor agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Lender to protect Lender's rights and interests in connection with any bankruptcy proceedings initiated by or against Grantor. 16. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (I) Environmental Law means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.), all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous substance: and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or environment. The term includes, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substance," "hazardous waste," "hazardous substance," or "regulated substance" tinder any Environmental Law. Grantor represents, warrants and agrees that: A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Hazardous Substance has been, is, or will be located, transported, manufactured, treated, refined, or handled by any person on, under or about the Property, except in the ordinary course of business and in strict compliance with all applicable Environmental Law. / B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Grantor has not and wilt �Q not cause, contribute to, or permit the release ofany Hazardous Substance on the Property, C. Grantor will immediately notify Lender if (1) a release or threatened release of Hazardous Substance occurs on, under or about the Property or migrates or threatens to migrate from nearby property; or (2) there is a violation of any Environmental Law concerning the Property. In such an event, Grantor will take all necessary remedial action in accordance with Environmental Law. D. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Grantor has no knowledge of or reason to believe there is any pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceeding of any kind relating to any Hazardous Substance located on, under or about the Property; or (2) any violation by Grantor or any tenant of any Environmental Law. Grantor will immediately notify Lender in writing as soon as Grantor has reason to believe there is any such pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceeding. In such an event, Lender has the right, but not the obligation, to participate in any such proceeding including the right to receive copies of any documents relating to such proceedings. E. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Grantor and every tenant have been, are and will remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. F. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, there are no underground storage tanks, private dumps or open wells located on or under the Property and no such tank, dump or well will be added unless fender first consents in writing. G. Grantor will regularly inspect the Property, monitor the activities and operations on the Property, and confirm that all permits, licenses or approvals required by any applicable Environmental Law are obtained and complied with. H. Grantor will permit; or cause any tenant to permit, Lender or Lender's agent to enter and inspect the Property and review all records at any reasonable time to determine (l) the existence, location and nature of any Hazardous Substance on, under or about the Property; (2) the existence, location, nature, and magnitude of any Hazardous Substance that has been released on, under or about the Property; or (3) whether or not Grantor and any tenant are in compliance with applicable Environmental Law. t. Upon Lender's request and at any time, Grantor agrees, at Grantor's expense, to engage a qualified environmental engineer to prepare an environmental audit of the Property and to submit the results of such audit to Lender. The choice of the environmental engineer who will perform such audit is subject to Lender's approval. J. Lender has the right, but not the obligation, to perform any of Grantor's obligations under this section at Grantor's expense. K. As a consequence of any breach of any representation, warranty or promise made in this section, (1) Grantor will, to the extent permitted by taw, indemnify and hold Lender and Lender's successors or assigns harmless from and against all losses, claims, demands, liabilities, damages, cleanup, response and remediation costs, penalties and expenses, including without limitation all costs of litigation and attorneys' fees, which Lender and Lender's successors or assigns may sustain; and (2) at Lender's discretion, Tender may release this Security Instrument and in return Grantor will provide Lender with collateral of at least equal value to the Property without prejudice to any of Lenders rights under this Security Instrument. L. Notwithstanding any of the language contained in Ibis Security Instrument to the contrary, the terms of this section will survive any foreclosure or satisfaction of this Security Instrument regardless of any passage of title to Lender or any disposition by Lender of any or all of the Property. Any claims and defenses to the contrary are hereby waived. 17. CONDEMNATION. Grantor will give Lender prompt notice of any pending or threatened action by private or public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain, or any other means. Grantor authorizes Lender to intervene in Grantor's name in any of the above described actions or claims. Grantor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property. Such proceeds will be considered payments and will be applied as provided in ibis Security Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document 18. INSURANCE. In the event that Grantor leases the Property to a third parry, Grantor will maintain a prudent amount of liability and hazard insurance on the Property, as determined by the Grantor. Evidence of such insurance shall be provided to the Lender upon its request. Grantor will not be required to obtain any other insurance coverage on the Property. 19. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Grantor will not be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. 20. CO-SIGNERS. If this Security Instrument secures a guaranty between Lender and Grantor, Grantor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from bringing any action or claim against Grantor or any party indebted tinder the obligation. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any ami - deficiency or one -action laws. 21. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights relating to the Property. 22, OTHER TERMS. The following are applicable to this Security Instrument: A. Additional Terms. Grantor hereby covenants that it will not take any action or omit to take any action with respect to the Secured Debts, any proceeds therefrom, or any other funds that Grantor has or any facilities financed or refinanced with the proceeds of the Secured Debts if such action or omission (i) would cause the interest on the Secured Debts to lose its exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), (ii) would cause interest on the Secured Debts to lose its exclusion from alternative minimum taxable intone as defined in Section 55(b)(2) of the Code except to the extent such interest is required to be included in adjusted current earnings adjustment applicable to corporations under Section 56 of the Code in calculating corporate alternative minimum taxable income, (iii) would cause interest on the Secured Debts to lose its exclusion from Colorado taxable income or Colorado alternative minimum taxable income under present Colorado law, or (iv) would cause the Secured Debts to not be bank qualified under Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. The foregoing covenant shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the payment in full or defeasance of the Note until tite date on which all of Grantor's obligations in fulfilling the above covenant under the Code have been met. 23. APPLICABLE LAW. This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of Colorado, the United States of America, and to the extent required, by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located, except to the extent such state laws are preempted by federal law. 24. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY AND SUCCESSORS. Lender may release any part of the Property and Grantor will still be obligated under this Security Instrument for the remaining Property. The duties and benefits of this Security Instrument will bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Grantor. 25. AMENDMENT, INTEGRATION AND SEVERARILITV. This Security instrument may not be amended or modified by oral agreement. No amendment or modification of this Security Instrument is effective unless made in writing and executed by Grantor and Lender. This Security Instrument and any other documents relating to the Secured Debts are the complete and final expression of the agreement. If #; any provision of this Security Instrument is unenforceable, then the unenforceable provision will be severed and the remaining provisions will still be enforceable, 26. INTERPRETATION. Whenever used, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The section headings are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the terms of this Security Instrument. 27. NOTICE, FINANCIAL REPORTS, ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS AND RECORDING TAXES. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice will be given by delivering it or mailing it by first class mail to the appropriate party's address listed in the DATE AND PARTIES section, or to any other address designated in writing. Grantor will inform Lender in writing of any change in Grantor's name, address or other application information. Grantor will provide Lender any financial statements or information Lender reasonably requests. All financial statements and information Grantor gives Lender will be correct and complete. Grantor agrees to pay all reasonable expenses, charges and taxes in connection with the preparation and recording of this Security Instrument. Grantor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Grantor's obligations under this Security Instrument and to confirm Lender's lien status on any Property, and Grantor agrees to pay all reasonable expenses, charges and taxes in connection with the preparation and recording thereof. Time is ofthe essence. 28. AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. Lender or Grantor may submit to binding arbitration any dispute, claim or other matter in question between or among Lender and Grantor that arises out of or relates to this Transaction (Dispute), except as otherwise indicated in this section or as Lender and Grantor agree to in writing. For purposes of this section, this Transaction includes this Security Instrument and any other document relating to the Secured Debts, and proposed loans or extensions of credit that relate to this Security Instrument. Lender or Grantor will not arbitrate any Dispute within any "core proceedings" under the United States bankruptcy laws. Lender and Grantor must consent to arbitrate any Dispute concerning the Secured Debt secured by real estate at the time of the proposed arbitration. Lender may foreclose or exercise any powers of sale against real property securing the Secured Debt underlying any Dispute before, during or after any arbitration. Lender may also enforce the Secured Debt secured by this real property and underlying the Dispute before, during or after any arbitration. Lender or Grantor may, whether or not any arbitration has begun, pursue any self-help or similar remedies, including taking property or exercising other rights under the law; seek attachment, garnishment, receivership or other provisional remedies from a court having jurisdiction to preserve the rights of or to prevent irreparable injury to Lender or Grantor; or foreclose against any property by any method or take legal action to recover any property. Foreclosing or exercising a power of sale, beginning and continuing a judicial action or pursuing self-help remedies will not constitute a waiver of the right to compel arbitration. The arbitrator will determine whether a Dispute is arbitrable. A single arbitrator will resolve any Dispute, whether individual or joint in nature, or whether based on contract, tort, or any other matter at law or in equity. The arbitrator may consolidate any Dispute with any related disputes, claims or other matters in question not arising out of this Transaction. Any court having jurisdiction may enter a judgment or decree on the arbitrator's award. The judgment or decree will be enforced as any other judgment or decree. Lender and Grantor acknowledge that the agreements, transactions or the relationships which result from the agreements or transactions between and among Lender and Grantor involve interstate commerce. The United States Arbitration Act will govern the interpretation and enforcement of this section. The American Arbitration Association's Commercial Arbitration Rules, in effect on the date of this Security Instrument, will govern the selection of the arbitrator and the arbitration process, unless otherw'isc agreed to in this Security instrument or another writing. 2v. WAIVER OF TRIAL FOR ARBITRATION. Lender and Grantor understand that the parties have the right or opportunity to litigate any Dispute through a trial by judge or jury, but that the parties prefer to resolve Disputes through arbitration instead of litigation. If any Dispute is arbitrated, Lender and Grantor voluntarily and knowingly waive the right to have a trial by jury or judge during the arbitration. SIGNATURES. By signing, Grantor agrees to the semis and covenants contained in this Security Instrument. Grantor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument. Grantor: Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority By Terrell R. Williams, Chairman COIip0 ATT,. 3:rrq s q - ti { , Yr Executive Director p� ACKNOWLEDGMENT. STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ) This instrument was acknowledged before me this & day or April, 2008, by Terrell R. Williams and Patrick Gorr, Chairman and )executive Director, respectively, of Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authorityt a Colorado urban renewal authority. My commission expires: S%o7�aplb (Notary Publi s2ahsa.z DISTRICT COURT, JI COLORADO Court Address: 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80403 101r1P�fl11111111�11!Ill�lli Illll'iii�lllll o $0t.00 2008087834 LP 09/18/2008 09:58:26 AM 2 Page(s) Jefferson County, Colorado Plaintiffs: WHEAT RIDGE_ URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Vs. Defendants: UNDERWRITERS INTERNATIONAL, INCORPORATED, a Tennessee corporation succeeded by merger; SOUTH CENTRAL UNDERWRITING COMPANY, a Tennessee corporation; SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE DIVISION, INC., a Tennessee corporation; FAYE GRIFFIN, as Public Trustee and Treasurer of Jefferson County; PARTIES IN POSSESSION; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION; ANY AND ALI, OTHER PERSONS, PARTNERSHIPS, CORPORATIONS OR ENTITIES OF EVERY TYPE, KIND AND DESCRIPTION WHATSOEVER UNKNOWN, REAL NAMES UNKNOWN, CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, INTEREST, EQUITY, OR LIEN, WHATSOEVER, IN AND TO OR AGAINST THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HERE -IN; AND ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO CLAIM ANY INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT MATTER OF TIIIS ACTION Attorney: Jefferson H. Parker, No. 26205 Attorney: Elizabeth C. Gross, No. 36982 Firm: Hayes, Phillips; HolTmann & Carberry, P.C. Address: 1350 17'h Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 Phone No.: (303) 825-6444 Fax No.: (303) 825-1269 A COURT USE ONLY A Case Number: 08 -CV -4003 Division: NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS This action has been commenced to quiet title of Plaintiff in and to the real property situated in Jefferson County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Oro The North 134 feet of the South 2723 feet of the Last 8.45 feet of the East '/2 of the Northwest % of the Northwest'/ of the Southeast 1/. of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 61h P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Dated this (S+N day of September, 2008. Hayes, Phjllips, Hoffmann & Carberry, P.C. By: 1� J Terson H. Parker, No. 26205 Elizabeth C. Gross, No. 36982 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF Address of Plaintiff: Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 2009001396 01/07/2009 11:67:47 AM PGS 4 $21.00 DF $0 Electronically Recorded Jefferson Coun((yy CO Pam Anderson, Clerk and Recorder T01000 N ♦LAI • City of � Wheat is ge Official Legal Description For the City of Wheat Ridge Corporate Boundary May 1, 2008 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE The South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 15 and that portion of the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 13 lying South of the North lines of Lots 4 and 5 and 9, Berkeley Heights Subdivision, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 1, page 40, and East of the West right of way line of Marshall (A.K.A. State Highway 72). That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 14 lying East of the Westerly line of that parcel described in deed recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 2627, page 423 and South of the South right of way line of Interstate 70. Also, that portion of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 14 lying South of the South right of way line of Interstate 70 and that portion of the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 14 lying South of the North right of way line of Interstate 70. That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 15 lying South of the North right of way line of Interstate 70. Also, that portion of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 15 lying South of the North right of way line of a 100' Public Service Company Corridor, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 722, page 172 and the South half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, and that portion of the North half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 15 lying South of the South line of Sandra -Terry Subdivision, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 17, page 14, also being the center line of West 51" Place, and West of the West right of way of Independence Street. The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and that part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter West of the East right of way line of Mil ler Street as described in document recorded at reception number 2006151561, the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter, the Southwest quarter ofthe Southeast quarter, the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, all in Section 16, all that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, lying South of the North line of that right of way parcel described in deed recorded in Book 738 at page 374, and West of the East right of way line of Miller Street as described in document recorded at reception number 2006151561, all that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter lying West of the East right of way line of Miller Street as described in document recorded at reception number 2006151561 and all that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter lying South of the North line of that parcel described in document recorded at reception number F 1738744 and that portion lying West of the West line of Skyline Estates Filing No. 2, recorded at reception number F1816752. The Southeast quarter of Section 17 and that portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 17 lying South of the North line of Kaiser Permanente Subdivision Filing No. 2, recorded with the County of Jefferson at Reception No, F1207410 and East of the West line of Kaiser Permanente Subdivision Filing No. 3, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 167, page 52, Reception No. F1545447, and that part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter being described in deeds recorded at reception numbers F 1851207 and F 1851208, and all of Beyers Subdivision recorded at reception number F 1023054. Page I of 3 That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, being South of the North line of 44' Industrial Park Subdivision, recorded with the County of JetTerson in Book 143, page 42, Reception No. 1?0700216. All that portion ofthe Southeast quarter of Section 19 being East ofthe West line of Cabela's/Coors Subdivision Filing No, 1, recorded with the County'4)f Jefferson at 2006099915, excepting therefrom that parcel described in document recorded at reception number 06730009. The Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest quarters of Section 20, excluding therefrom those parcels described in documents recorded at reception numbers 03370277 and 06730009. That portion ofthe East half ofthe Northwest quarter of Section 20 lying East ofthe West line of Kaiser Permanente Subdivision Filing No. 3, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 167, page 52, Reception No. F 1545447 and East of the West line of those parcels described in deed recorded with the County of Jefferson at Reception No, 89037733 and South ofthe North line of State Highway 1-70, as recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 1875, page 165 and Book 1900, page 478 and South ofthe North right of way line of West 441 Avenue as recorded with the County of Jefferson at Reception No. 89033001 and South of the North line of 44t' Industrial Park Subdivision, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 143, page 42, Reception No. F0700216. All of Sections 21, 22, and 21 The Northwest and Southwest quarters of Section 24. The Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, the Southwest quarter ofthe Southeast quarter, and the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of section 24. The Northeast and Northwest quarters of Section 25. The North half of the Southwest quarter, the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, the West half ofthe Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, and the West half of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, and that part of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter lying East of the East line of the Pads Subdivision (recorded at reception number F0777006), and that part of the Northeast quarter ofthe Southeast quarter ofthe Southwest quarter lying East ofthe West right of way line of Harlan Street adjacent to Lots 1, 2, 4, and 5, Daisylan Subdivision (recorded at Book 11, page 62). The Southeast quarter, excepting therefrom, Lot 3, Daisylan Subdivision (recorded at Book 11, page 62) and adjacent Harlan Street right of way, and excepting the Addams Apt, Homes Condo, and excepting that parcel described in document recorded at reception number 2006069427, and excluding Lots 6 through 12, Block 1, and all of Block 2, Zerobnick Resubdivision of Block 13, Lakeside (recorded at Book 13, Page 24), and adjacent right of way for Eaton, and West 26' Avenue, and the West half of adjacent Depew Street, and excluding Lots 16, and 17, and Tract A, Whitechurch Subdivision (recorded at Book 9, Page 12), and East half of adjacent Ames Street and W. 26'" Avenue. All ofthe Northwest, Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 26 and that portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 26 lying East of the Westerly right of way line of Wadsworth Blvd and North of the Southerly right of way line of 32" Avenue. Page 2 of 3 The North half of Section 27 and that portion of the South half of Section 27 Westerly of the Easterly right of way line of Kipling Street and North ofthe Southerly right of way line of West 32n0 Ave. The North half of Section 2g, and that portion ofthe South half of Section 28 which is comprised of Paramount Heights Part 1, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 10, page 22, Paramount Heights Part 2, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 12, page 4, Paramount Heights Part 3, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 13, page 48, Paramount Heights Part 4, recorded with the County of Jellerson in Book 15, page 51, and Paramount Heights Part 5, recorded with the County of Jefferson in Book 19, page 29. All of the Northeast quarter of Section 29. The Northwest quarter ofthe Southeast quarter, the Northeast quarter ofthe Southwest quarter, and that portion ofthe Northwest quarter ofthe Southwest quarter Lying .Easterly of the East right of way line of Jaterstate Highway I-70 and Northerly ofthe South right of way of 32' Avenue, East ofthe West right -of way line of Zinnia Court extended. The Northwest quarter, lying East of the West line of CabclaWCoors Subdivision Filing No. 1 recorded with the County of Jefferson at 2006099915 and East of the West line of 70 West Business Park, Filing No. 3, recorded with the County of Jefferson at F0901318 and that portion of W 3211 Avenue East ofthe West right-of-way line of Zinnia Court, That portion ofthe Northeast quarter of Section 30 lying East ofthe Westerly line and North ofthe Southerly line ofthe Cabela's/Coors Subdivision Filing No. 1 recorded with the County o0effemon at 2006099915. All in Township 3 South, Range 69 West ofthe a P.M., County of Jet%rson, State of Colorado. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I, EDGAR THOMAS BRISTOW, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, LICENSED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY STATE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF FLATIRONS, INC. THAT THIS BOUNDS DESCRIPTION WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND CHECKING, AND IS ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFOIt.WO]iD BELIEF. EDG. f IOMASB 'PR' 19588' TL —1— COLO 1D0 P.L.S. #' , 8* r' NO. 06-50,874 PRESIDENT, FLATIR • ;NC. ; •� 3825 IRIS AVE., SUTCE gJ` BOULDER, C0 80301 �NAt• rAN�c (303) 443-7001 Page 3 of 3