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♦��4_ Wheat R, d� e I ( OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT " Memorandum TO: Case file for Case WSP-16-02 / Sharman's Place FROM: Scott Cutler, Senior Planner DATE: April 8, 2021 SUBJECT: Revised architectural elevations At the time of Building Permit application, revisions to the approved architectural elevations were requested by the applicant. Because the architectural changes did not result in any significant changes to the site plan or layout, a Site Plan amendment was not required. The proposed changes in building materials comply with the site design and material standards in Section 4.3 (Multifamily) of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). The primary change is from a 3 -story design to a 2 -story design. The primary materials, brick veneer and stucco, remain the same and are approved materials, but the locations of those materials changed to alternate between units. The middle unit (3279 Ames Street) will have a more offset facade from the end units, contributing to the articulation of the street -facing facade. The depth and materials of the front door recessed entries have also changed, and lighting has been added to further enhance the entries. No changes to the site layout, accessory buildings, or alley access are proposed, and the site continues to meet the ASDM and Residential -Three (R-3) development standards. The project is still expected to comply with the landscape plan as approved with the site plan application, Case No. WSP-16-02. The proposed changes are still compliant with the approved plat for the property, Sharman's Place, Case No. WS -16-03. The new elevations are provided below on pages 2 and 3 of this memo. WEST ELEVATION L/ W.„ nNORTH ELEVATION u -- �sOUTH ELEVATION November 30, 2016 Zack Wallace Planning Techician 7500 W. 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Zack, I am submitting all the final documents as required for this process. I. A signed and notarized mylar copy of the plat. 2. A check to Jefferson County for recording fees in the amount of $11. 3. A notarized 2406" site plan. 4. A copy of the Improvement Survey showing existing building and hard surface coverage of 5563 SF. Additionally enclosed is a letter from my designer saying the total coverage of the new buildings and hard surfaces will be 6,156 SF. This additional coverage of 593 SF is well below the allowable 3000 SF limit before Water Quality Capture and a drainage plan are required. Sincerely, Robert J. Schwinn 824 W. Fremont Ct. Littleton, CO bobschwinn@comcast.net Sharman's Place Square Footage Letter: To whom it may concern: The Sharman's Place plat is located at 3275 Ames St in Wheat Ridge Colorado. The dimensions of the lot are 100.00' wide and 125.00' deep with a total of 12,500 square feet. The proposed main 3 unit structure lot coverage is 3,527 square feet (28.216%). The total coverage of all 3 proposed garage structures is 1,465 square feet (11.72%). The total coverage of all proposed concrete sidewalks and patios, not including garage driveways, is 824 square feet (6.592%). The total coverage of proposed garage driveways is 340 square feet (2.72%). The total remaining open lot area is 6,344 square feet (50.752%). Thank You, Mikhail Bykov 7500 West 29th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 WheatPi:LdC1 C� 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 / �g Approval of Site Plan WHEREAS, an application for a Site Plan was submitted for the property located at 3275 Ames Street to allow the construction of three attached townhomes, referenced as Case No. WSP-16-02; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Site Plan, relying on criteria listed in Sections 26-111 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Site Plan to allow the construction of three attached townhomes on a property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) and located at 3275 Ames Street (Case No. WSP-16-02) is granted based on the following findings of fact: SITE PLAN 1. A site plan was properly applied for and is in substantial compliance of Section 26-111 of the City Code. I . Johnstone, 41CP Date city Develo ent Director City of Wh6,at�idge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director DATE: September 14, 2016 CASE MANAGER: Zack Wallace CASE NO. & NAME: WSP-16-02 / Schwinn ACTION REQUESTED: Request for a Site Plan approval to construct a triplex. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3275 Ames Street APPLICANT (S): Robert and Sharman Schwinn OWNER (S): Robert and Sharman Schwinn APPROXIMATE AREA: 12,500 square feet (0.29 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Three (R-3) PRESENT LAND USE: Residential ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Map Site Site Plan 1 Case No. WSP-16-02 I Schwinn JURISDICTION: All application requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make an administrative decision. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a Site Plan for the construction of three attached townhomes on property located at 3275 Ames Street. The property is zoned Residential -Three (R-3), and is currently located in the Columbia Heights subdivision. The applicant is undergoing a concurrent subdivision process to consolidate four lots into three lots (MS -16-03), and was approved with conditions by the Planning Commission on September 1, 2016. A triplex is allowed in the R-3 zone district with a minimum of 12,500 square feet of area and a frontage of 100 feet. This lot meets both requirements. Three units is the maximum allowed for this property, per the City's R-3 density limitation of twelve (12) dwelling units per acre. Section 26-111 (Site Plan Review) of the Wheat Ridge City Code empowers the Director of Community Development to decide upon applications for a site plan that conform to all required standards. Staff recommends approval of the request. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is located on the west side of Ames Street, south of 33rd Avenue. The property is zoned R-3, a zone district that provides for high quality, safe, quiet, and stable medium to high density residential neighborhoods. The subject property is surrounded by properties with a diverse mix of residential zoning and land uses, ranging from single-family homes to large apartment complexes. To the east and south are areas zoned Residential -One C (R -1C), the City's smallest lot single family zone district. The properties in these areas largely match the requirements of the R-1 C zone district, and contain single family homes. To the west is an area of R-3 zoning, which provides for single-family, duplexes, and multi -family development, dependent on the size of the property. Much of this area is occupied by apartment complexes and courtyard apartment buildings. To the north of the subject property is a mix of R-1 C and R-3 zoning, consisting of both single family homes and multi -family apartment buildings (Exhibit 1, Zoning). The total size of the subject property is 12,500 square feet (0.29 acres). Currently, the subject property has three residential units within two existing structures. In addition, there are two garages, a metal shed, and a carport. Jefferson County Assessor records indicate that the two story residence was built in 1899 (adjusted year built 1902), and the one story building was built in 1899 (adjusted year built 1916) (Exhibit 2, Aerial and Exhibit 3, Site Photos). The land was Flatted in 1889 as the Columbia Heights subdivision. This subdivision covered the area from 32" Avenue to 35th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to Depew Street. All lots in the subdivision were platted as 25' wide by 125' deep with alleys. As most of the properties in this area developed they did so across lot lines, and as such most properties currently consist of at least two platted lots under single ownership (essentially creating properties that are 50' wide by Site Plan 2 Case No. WSP-16-02 / Schwinn 125' deep). The subject property was developed across four lots, creating a property with 100 feet of frontage along Ames Street, and 125 feet of depth, with alley access. III. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant has submitted a 4 -page site plan which includes plans for landscaping, site design, and building elevations (Exhibit 4, Site Plan). The proposed site plan orients the front of the three -unit attached townhome building towards Ames Street. Each unit will have its own alley -loaded garage. The residential structure will have a footprint of approximately 3,478 square feet, with approximately 1,464 square feet of garage space oriented towards the rear alley, resulting in a lot coverage of approximately 39%. The R-3 zone district allows 40% building coverage for multifamily uses. Each of the three units will have be three stories tall, with the midpoint of the roof measuring approximately thirty-three (33) feet in height. The site plan is conforming based on the proposed lot configuration (MS -16-03), and the development standards related to setbacks, height, density, and building coverage limitations for multi -family structures in the R-3 zone district. Individual townhouse lots are exempt from minimum lot size, lot width, and interior side yard setback requirements, so long as the development parcel for the entire multi -unit townhouse building meets all standards of this section. The structure is in substantial conformance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) for multi -family structures. The structure features the projection of unit entrances while recessing others, and using different materials for one entrance; garage doors are not visible from the street; fagade articulation and detail meet the minimum requirements of the ASDM. Building materials will be stucco, brick, and mix of horizontal and vertical cement board siding. The site plan is in conformance with the landscaping requirements for multi -family structures per Section 26-502 of the Municipal Code. Comprehensive Plan This redevelopment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan which calls for increasing housing options, which are appealing to new residents and adequately meeting the needs of the modern homebuyer, and increasing investment in neighborhoods. Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy (NRS) The NRS calls for the development of new market rate housing, the upgrading of out-of-date housing stock, and an increasing homeownership. This redevelopment will replace three existing nearly 100 year old units with three new and larger for -sale units. Public Improvements When new properties are created through the subdivision process (MS -16-03), staff reviews adjacent street improvements to confirm that they meet current roadway standards. Ames Street is classified as a local street meaning it provides access to residential land uses, and can accommodate low traffic volumes. The current minimum standard for a local street includes a 6 - Site Plan Case No. WSP-16-02 / Schwinn inch vertical curb, a 2 -foot gutter, and a 5 -foot attached sidewalk. It has been determined that Ames Street meets the current width requirements for a local street, thus requiring no right-of- way dedication. Curb and gutter currently exist along Ames Street; however, the existing sidewalk does not meet City Standards. The applicant has been provided the option of constructing an attached 5 -foot sidewalk to current City standards or providing fees in lieu of construction in the amount of $2,900. This has been added as a condition of approval on the subdivision case, MS -16-03. Drainage A drainage report was not required in association with the subdivision plat. Because there is already a large amount of impervious surface already existing on the property, it is unlikely that the future development would result in a substantial net increase in impervious surface. The extent of any net increase will dictate the installation of required drainage improvements. As the site plan is finalized, a drainage letter and plan will be required if warranted by the net increase in impervious surface. Conditions of approval for the subdivision case, MS -16-03, address this requirement. IV. AGENCY REFFERAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the subdivision plat regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Wheat Ridge Water District: No comment received. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No objections. West Metro Fire Protection District: No comment or concerns. Xcel Energy: No apparent conflict. Century Link: No comment received. Comcast Cable: No comment received. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Site Plan has satisfactorily addressed Public Works comments. The plat has been reviewed and approved with additional information to be provided as conditions of approval for Case No. MS -16-03. Wheat Ridge Police Department: No issues. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Regarding the Site Plan, staff concludes that the application complies with the standards for approval. For this reason, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. WSP-16-02. Site Plan 4 Case No. WSP-16-02 I Schwinn EXHIBIT 1: ZONING MAP City of W heat "idge .4 - Q' Geographic - Information Systems j Lenend (n Ir� 46 Q Subject Property Q ; Wheat Ridge City Limits 1z i jn( _v - City & County of Denver Displayed Zone Districts r LIV��7 Residential -One C (R-1 C) Residential -Three (R-3) Restricted 33RD AVE Commercial (RC) _ Neighborhood Commercial (NC) I� t, t r J, Fi r I I ` t - 32NDAVE -- mW - = Z LU cn L a State Plane Coordinate Projection N _ Colorado Central Zone A Datums NAD83 N t Site Plan 5 Case No. WSP-16-02 / Schlvinn EXHIBIT 2: AERIAL Site Plan Case No. WSP-16-02 / Schwinn EXHIBIT 3: SITE PHOTOS r Site Plan Case No. WSP-16-021 Sch",inn -r 4 J View of the property looking northeast from the alley. The peach colored structure can be seen to the right of the photo. The stone wall and stone building are located on the subject property. Site Plan Case No. WSP-16-02 / Schwinn R EXHIBIT 4: SITE PLAN Site Plan Case No. TIVSP-16-02 / Schtivinn I I I I SRe In (Common Hackbeny } I R-3 Adjacent Lot SHARMAN' S PLACE Zoned R-1 C 125.00' HghPoirn _ � (Golden Flame Seire_a Bushes)= 31 (Common Hackberry) } Adjacent Lot 1 Site Zoned RAC Unit #1 1217 8% Ft. Lot Coverage 3028 Sq. Ft. Total Potential 6 Unit #2 1093 Sq. Ft. Lot Coverage 2908 Sq. Ft. Total Potential Unit #3 1217 8% Ft. Lot Coverage 3028 Sq. Ft. Total Potential b —39'- 6" F e OAA Golden Flame Spires Bushes) 125.00' CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this_ day of by the City of Wheat Ridge. ATTEST Community Development Director --------------- ----1 mon Hackberry= = _ -(Lilac I I RE I Iln (Burning Bushes - z -a J � I //^ \\ Boxwood Bushesl)c Y "- I z Q///1 /// a oo4_a k 25'-a Setback Q ( IO - (Red Ma le Tree) Q 1, I o z o'- I/ mg�B,^,ush(Bum^ esI I 27'-3- I I ,i, AAAI / / vAI vU�l vU l /i v A Il/ non Hackbeny = c c Bushes) - NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: If more than three (3) street cuts occur within 250 linear feet, additional milling / overlay requirements will apply. Refer to the terms of the City of Wheat Ridge ROW Construction Permit to be obtained from the Department of Public Works, 303-235-2861, prior to commencement of work. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do her agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed in accordance with the restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherqise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of this Site Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only apse and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Owner Owner State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson ) The foregoing insturment was acknowledged before me this _day of_, A.D. 20_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires Notary Public Address: I I SRe \\\ (Common Hackbeny Jefferson County -,�Hgh Point R-3 Adjacent Lot 1 Site Zoned RAC Unit #1 1217 8% Ft. Lot Coverage 3028 Sq. Ft. Total Potential 6 Unit #2 1093 Sq. Ft. Lot Coverage 2908 Sq. Ft. Total Potential Unit #3 1217 8% Ft. Lot Coverage 3028 Sq. Ft. Total Potential b —39'- 6" F e OAA Golden Flame Spires Bushes) 125.00' CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this_ day of by the City of Wheat Ridge. ATTEST Community Development Director --------------- ----1 mon Hackberry= = _ -(Lilac I I RE I Iln (Burning Bushes - z -a J � I //^ \\ Boxwood Bushesl)c Y "- I z Q///1 /// a oo4_a k 25'-a Setback Q ( IO - (Red Ma le Tree) Q 1, I o z o'- I/ mg�B,^,ush(Bum^ esI I 27'-3- I I ,i, AAAI / / vAI vU�l vU l /i v A Il/ non Hackbeny = c c Bushes) - NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: If more than three (3) street cuts occur within 250 linear feet, additional milling / overlay requirements will apply. Refer to the terms of the City of Wheat Ridge ROW Construction Permit to be obtained from the Department of Public Works, 303-235-2861, prior to commencement of work. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do her agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed in accordance with the restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherqise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of this Site Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only apse and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Owner Owner State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson ) The foregoing insturment was acknowledged before me this _day of_, A.D. 20_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires Notary Public Address: 3275 Ames St SRe Wheat Ridge CO 80211 County: Jefferson County Zone District: R-3 Code: 2012 IRC, 2012 IBC, 2014 NEC Building Type: Multi Family N Lot Size: 12,500 Sq. Ft. Allowable Coverage 5,000 Sc. Ft. 40 Main Building Footprint: 3,527 Sq. Ft. Detached Garages: 1,465 Sq. Ft. Unit #1: 1,217 Sq. Ft. Garage #1: 506 Sq. Ft. Parking Spaces: 2 Unit #2: 1,093 Sq. Ft. Garage #2: 480Sq. Ft. Parking Spaces: 2 Unit #3: 1,217 Sq. Ft. Garage #3: 479 Sq. Ft. Parking Spaces: 2 Total Coverage: 4,991 Sq. Ft. 39.9 1/6 Open Space: 7,509 Sq. Ft. 60.1 Garage Height(s): 10' Max Fence: 6' Cedar Privacy -W Cn N E Q L20 LOTS 39 TO 42, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO Mikhail Bykov 303-437-8813 O SRe U Z O F- �' L) r'T X �i V / O� VW �� W Z L0 Q W 0— M SRe / ) v, r'T X Q W 0— C U 3 Vicini Ma C 1 1000'_0„ N —J ' ^ VF- Q X `MV - — - — Property Line Lot Minimum Setback Planting Schedule: Trees: — Sewer Line Maple -1-2"cal. Site Plan Locust - 2 - 2" cal. Water Service Line Hackbeny - 4 - 2" cal. Shrubs: Boxwood - 5 - 5 gal. Date 6-28-16 Fence Burning - 10 - 5 gal. Lilac - 10 - 5 gal. Down Spout / Splash Block Golden Flame Spires - 14 - 5 gal. J C P Legend __ Se As indicated am 09- Roof 28'- 4 5/8" 08 -3rd Floor 26- 3 1/2" O6 - 2nd Floor 04 - Main Flo._ or n 0' - 01 03 -TO F-. .,, -1-- 2 1/8" Roof 4 5/8„ — — -19 1111n SHARA AN' S PLACE 1O Painted Vertical Cement Boartl Sidlrg (About 505 S, Ft. Total) O2 Paintetl Hor¢onlal c—,", Board Sldirg (About 4,051 Sq, Ft, Total) OStucco(About 3,481 Sq. Ft Total) 4O Brick (About 753 Sq. Ft Total) ODetail Bumpouts (About 577 Sq. Ft.) n Wall Legend 1/ 09�- Roof v 28' - 4 5/8" — — — v -1' - 2 1/8" South 1/4" = Mikhail Bykov 303-437-8813 r. V) x W Q- 0 Q I- J LO Q F- T- 2 N U) co Elevations Date n 6-28-18 A2 scale 1/4" = T-0" SHARHAN' S PLACE tO Painted Vint -i Cement Board Siding (About 605 Sq. Ft. Total) 2O Painted Horizontal Cement Board Siding (About 4,061 Sq. Ft. Total) OStucco(About 3.461 Sq, Ft, Total) OBrick (About 753 Sq. Ft, Total) ODetail Bumpouts (About 577 Sq. Ft.) r l Wall Legend 114" = 1�a$ 1/d = 3 Gara a North Garage Roof U 03 - TO Foundation -1'- 2 1/8" ara�Jc a Roof Il Foundation -1'- 2 1/8" Garage Roof O 03 -TO Foundation -1'- 2 1%8" 1/4' 11'-0" Garage Roof 03_TO Foundation I, 4 Gara a South Mikhail Bykov 303-437-8813 Na D—dplon V) x LLL Q Q 1 ,�u^ ) T- U) U) Ch Garage Elevations Data 6-28-16 A3 soale 1/4" = 1'-0'' 0 0 r U W /i O UW W Z Q AO 1 \ N M Na D—dplon V) x LLL Q Q 1 ,�u^ ) T- U) U) Ch Garage Elevations Data 6-28-16 A3 soale 1/4" = 1'-0'' Good evening. My name is Zack Wallace planner with the City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department. We are here tonight to hear Case Number MS -16-03, a request for approval of a plat consolidating 4 lots into 3 on property zoned R-3 located at 3275 Ames Street. I would like to enter into the public record the contents of the case file, the zoning ordinance, the comprehensive plan, and this digital presentation. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge. All appropriate notification, publication and posting requirements have been met, and therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. 1 i 33R0'AVE LU It - f ����� o; �_� �� , 70 _ ,�� � � r t �_ �� ii•�iS`- r - � ■ • � psi. -a i U A� r •1 L:`; • l;��t1�`T h AkI r.f The subject property is outlined in red. The existing lot lines can be seen in grey. City and County of Denver to the east (greenish -turquoise color). 2 Zoning in the area includes R-3 (single family thru multifamily), some apartment complexes and courtyard apartments in the area. R -1C, the city's smallest lot single family zone district. Some low -intensity commercial zones are also present. The R -C is used residentially and some low intensity commercial services. The N -C is utilized as an assisted living facility (Retreat at Highlands). V A a- yy - 1 0 Vii•'^'' - t Es-'li � ! 17 r -- i Am Zoning in the area includes R-3 (single family thru multifamily), some apartment complexes and courtyard apartments in the area. R -1C, the city's smallest lot single family zone district. Some low -intensity commercial zones are also present. The R -C is used residentially and some low intensity commercial services. The N -C is utilized as an assisted living facility (Retreat at Highlands). V popes. Clwse BMtoaT Mmes 1 VVV Ja Ci ' o y Fi M ]FLAT Or Jf WIKT1E5-fIA of THE ft-E" o�f.S.1CC.2b T,".M1.SSW. n jh p - R - -Y-- A x I Ne.,..,, yr: sr.-�.. c-" -�f'. clf'/ + eist • tom•: y i.�� -� �r�� ; ...:: '- - 33.a A, I A., 1G.. d.-.:- i'�� ec-!s. •Y't:'7 '..5 �-' n..J; ...e 7 � , w : � " Y_� J� ` - 3 �- iii � 11,�•�. J w f_ 1. 2� C6l ✓,.jam..... h:,,Cb,,_r�f�. ..... N JVI -- N _ lea -_ le F10 a - -. 3275 Ames 1 i v � ... Street - = —_ ...- v- •'- i As you may have noticed the lots in this area are narrow. This area was originally platted in the late 1800s, and all lots were platted as 25 x 125 with alley access. As most of the properties in the area developed they did so across lost lines, and as such most properties currently consist of at least two platted lots under single ownership (essentially creating properties that are 50x125). The subject property developed across 4 lots, creating a 100x125 parcel. 4 Closer view of the current conditions on the property. Structures built in early 1900s, contain 3 dwelling units. Several accessory structures. Current lot lines shown in black. Subdivision regulations found in Article 4 of the zoning code... Plat is a technical document that... As a remind, a subdivision plat does not affect the zoning or permitted uses on the property—enables development already permitted by the zoning ...with that we'll look at the plat. M A RESUBDIVISION Or COLUMBIA NEIGH PA., 1 rn Zv.:. Z ---A nn -P11 777 7� I FF -M Proposed Plat Document Contains • Standard notes and declarations • Signature blocks for owners, city etc. • Proposed lot layout, next slide zoom in WESTMT11 A%-TNIJI: 01 LOT 7 LOT 9 z L&I -11 �onc _01 5 01 LOT 7 LOT 9 z L&I -11 �onc Lug LDT 7 LOI a LOT To woc" Lo, LOT mrK WI -2 LOT 31 'LOO 5 9sc�Po.NO u' LOT -3 .OT 36 11 ICE, n Grey dashed lines indicate existing parcels — Columbia Heights subdivision Black line denote the new lots created by this subdivision. M This request will consolidate the 4 existing Columbia Heights lots into 3 new Sharman's place lots, in order to accommodate the redevelopment of the site into a 3 -unit attached townhome building. Note that Section 26-411 (subdivision design) states that Individual townhouse lots shall be exempt from minimum lot size, lot width, and interior side yard setback requirements, so long as the development parcel for the entire multi -unit townhouse building meets all standards of article II. Individual townhouse lots shall not be developed for any purpose other than townhomes, and the plat shall include a note to this effect. The development parcel does indeed meet the standards of article II for multifamily development in the R-3 zone district. 9 View of property from opposite side of Ames Street 10 View of the front of the property taken from Ames Street frontage 11 View of the rear of the property from the alley looking NW. 12 View of the rear of the property from the alley looking SW. 13 As part of the review process, the application was sent on a 15 -day referral to outside agencies and other city department. All districts have responded that they can serve the property, or have not responded, which constitute having no objections or concerns as is stated in our referral notice. 14 Staff Recommendation Staff concludes the plat: — Results in a logical lot layout — Complies with the standards in Article IV of the zoning and development code (subdivision regulations) — Can be served by all utility agencies, with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Staff recommends APPROVAL of the request — Staff also recommends placing conditions on the approval in regards to: • Additional notes required for townhouse plats. • Construction of improvements or fees paid in lieu. • The applicant provide a drainage letter and drainage plan prior to recordation of the plat. • Any detention areas shall be labeled as such and created by Permanent Easement document to the benefit of the City, prior to recordation. City Of K Wheat Fjdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building September 13, 2016 Robert Schwinn Sharman Schwinn 824 W. Fremont Ct. Littleton, CO 80120 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Schwinn: 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 At its meeting of September 1, 2016 Planning Commission to approve Case No. MS -16-03, a request for approval of a plat consolidating four (4) lots into three (3) lots on property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) and located at 3275 Ames Street, for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 2. The requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Add note reading "Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Sharman's Place Subdivision may only be developed as attached townhomes." 2. Improvements to the curb, gutter and sidewalk must be constructed with this project, or fees -in -lieu of construction be paid in the amount of $2,900, collected with the first Building Permit Application. 3. Prior to recordation of the plat, the applicant shall provide a drainage letter and drainage plan with sufficient calculation to address the 100% water quality capture volume for the added impervious surface only. The Drainage Plan must contain sub -basin info, flow arrows and percent grades, and show the water quality facility. 4. Prior to recordation of the plat, a `STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT' shall be shown over the entirety of any proposed detention, and created by Permanent Easement document (the standard templates for which are to be obtained by the Public Works Department) to the benefit of the City. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Tammy Odean Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes MS 1603.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS -16-03: an application filed by Robert Schwinn for approval of a plat consolidating 4 lots into 3 lots for the property located at 3275 Ames Street. Mr. Wallace gave a short presentation regarding the Minor subdivision to consolidate four lots into three lots and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Mr. Wallace explained the property is zoned Residential -Three (R-3) which allows single-family, duplexes and multi -family dwellings depending on the lot size. The site is surrounded by Residential -One C zoning. The lots in this area were previously platted in the late 1800s as part of the Columbia Heights Subdivision and the lots were platted as 25'x 125' with alley access. Most of the properties consist of two lots, with 3275 Ames St. consisting of 4 lots, thus measuring 100'x125'. The purpose of the subdivision request is to allow for the redevelopment of the site into 3 attached townhomes which can be sold separately. This site as a whole will meet the development standards for multi -family structures in the R-3 zone district. There were no concerns from outside agencies. Commissioner DORSEY asked if a curb cut will be vacated. Mr. Wallace stated the curb cut will be vacated and the sidewalk needs to be brought up to City standards or the applicant will pay the fees in lieu. Chair OHM asked if the units will face the street. Mr. Wallace explained there is nothing in the Architectural and Site Design Manual that states they have to face the street, but they are attached and the center one will likely face the street. The applicant did not wish to speak at this time. Jeff Richards 3255 Ames Street Mr. Richards explained the neighborhood wants assurance that this project is moving toward owner occupancy and not rental units. He explained the current owner does not reside on the property and does things inexpensively. The neighbors don't want to see the property continuously neglected. Planning Commission Minutes September 1, 2016 -2— Linda Hillshafer 3245 Ames Street Ms. Hillshafer asked where the cars for the new development will park. Mr. Wallace stated the Code requires off-street parking spaces for multi -family residential and the preliminary site plan shows parking provided in alley loaded garages. Robert Schwinn — Applicant 824 W. Fremont Court Mr. Schwinn asked to respond to the public comments. He explained that the idea behind this project is to build units that can be sold individually. It will comply with all the building standards in the R-3 zone district. He added that everything on the site will be leveled before construction begins. Commissioner BODEN asked if the garages being proposed are one or two car. Mr. Wallace replied they will be two car garages. Commissioner KIMSEY asked if the center lot will be 22 -feet in width. Ms. Mikulak confirmed the width. Chair OHM asked if the center lot is narrower than the outside two because they act as buffers. Ms. Mikulak stated that is correct and with the R-3 development standards the developable area for these three lots is about the same even though the area looks different. Jim Dent 3235 Ames Street Mr. Dent asked if the property lines are where they are supposed to be because there has been confusion in the neighborhood. Mr. Wallace explained that in order to have a plat document the property has to be surveyed and the property lines shown on the plat represent the findings of the survey. Mr. Richards asked if a title company was hired to research the property lines and where fences sit. Planning Commission Minutes -3— September 3—September 1, 2016 Ms. Mikulak explained that the city requires title work to be submitted only if right-of-way is going to be acquired. A licensed surveyor will be hired to locate property lines to make sure there are no gaps or overlaps. She also explained that if there are any fence issues, it becomes a civil issue to be resolved between neighbors. Fences are not always right on a property line. Mr. Schwinn stated the surveyor found the fence on 3275 Ames Street property is correct and the fence on the property to the north can be moved 1 %2 feet to the south if that neighbor wants to. Also, the new garages will not encroach on the alley as they do now. It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner KIMSEY to APPROVE Case No. MS -16-03, a request for approval of a plat consolidating four (4) lots into three (3) lots on property zoned Residential - Three (R-3) and located at 3275 Ames Street, for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 2. The requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Add note reading `Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Sharman's Place Subdivision may only be developed as attached townhomes." 2. Improvements to the curb, gutter and sidewalk must be constructed with this project, or fees -in -lieu of construction be paid in the amount of $2,900, collected with the first Building Permit Application. 3. Prior to recordation of the plat, the applicant shall provide a drainage letter and drainage plan with sufficient calculation to address the 100% water quality capture volume for the added impervious surface only. The Drainage Plan must contain sub -basin info, flow arrows and percent grades, and show the water quality facility. 4. Prior to recordation of the plat, a `STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT' shall be shown over the entirety of any proposed detention, and created by Permanent Easement document (the standard templates for which are to be obtained by the Public Works Department) to the benefit of the City. 8. OTHER ITEMS 1. Next Planning Commission Meeting will be held September 15, 2016. Planning Commission Minutes -4— September 4_September 1, 2016 City of WheatRLdge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA September 1, 2016 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on September 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. *Agenda packets and minutes are available online at http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/95/Planning-Commission 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — August 18, 2016 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) �r 7. PUBLIC HEARING VA"'Vn A. MS -16-03: an application filed by Robert Schwinn for approval of a plat consolidating 4 lots into 3 lots. 8. OTHER ITEMS 9. ADJOURNMENT Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Carly Lorentz, Assistant to the City Manager at 303-235-2867 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If City of -]��W heat -Midge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting August 18, 2016 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29`x' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dirk Boden Alan Bucknam Emery Dorsey Donna Kimsey Janet Leo Scott Ohm Steve Timms Amanda Weaver None Lisa Ritchie, Planner II Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to approve the order of the agenda. Motion passed 8-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — April 21, 2016 It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner WEAVER to approve the minutes of July 21, 2016, as amended. Motion passed 5-0- 3 with Commissioners LEO, OHM and TIMMS abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Planning Commission Minutes August 18, 2016 -1— No one wished to speak at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. ZOA-16-02: an ordinance amending Articles I, II and VI of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning regulation of self -storage facilities. Ms. Ritchie gave a short presentation regarding self -storage facilities and this ordinance amending portions of Chapter 26. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Ritchie explained that there are two existing self -storage facilities in the City, both in the northern part of Wheat Ridge and have been in existence since the early 1980s. This discussion arose with the Planning Department receiving three applications for self -storage facilities within a matter of months. All have now been reviewed by Planning Commission. One of the concerns expressed was related to architecture. These have been addressed through updates to the City's Architectural Site and Design Manual. Exterior access facilities will follow the light industrial standards and interior access facilities will follow the retail/commercial standards. Ms. Ritchie said the goals for the ordinance are to establish buffers, remove these facilities from the Commercial -2 Zone District Use Chart and to update the definition from Mini -warehouse to Self -storage. The proposed buffers would bell/2 mile from any other existing self -storage facilities, even the ones outside our jurisdictional boundaries and '/ mile from a fixed guideway transit stations, primarily the new RTD Gold Line stations. This ordinance will include interior access facilities. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if the buffers will be applied from extra jurisdictional areas. Ms. Ritchie stated it will be. Chair OHM wanted to make sure the term "mini -warehouse" in Section 2, part A of the Ordinance for City Council will get changed to "self -storage". Ms. Ritchie confirmed it will be changed. Chair OHM also wanted to know in Section 1 of the Ordinance where it mentions a unit be sold as condominium storage space is still correct. Ms. Ritchie stated it is carry over from the previous definition and it is a teen for ownership. Planning Commission Minutes -2— August 2— August 18, 2016 Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if city staff received any comments from land owners or self -storage operators. Ms. Ritchie said not related directly to this ordinance, but staff has previously discussed possible updates with self -storage operators who indicated these changes are in line with other municipalities. It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending Articles I, II and VI of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning regulation of self -storage facilities. Motion carried 8-0. 8. OTHER ITEMS Ms. Ritchie said the next meeting will be held on September 1, 2016 Commissioner OHM stated with regards to the Hance Ranch, the applicant explained that cement is an expensive building material which would limit building taller. He's become aware of a cheaper substitute called Cross Timber and it might be worth it to look into and is very strong for building. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner TINIMS and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Motion passed 8-0. Scott Ohm, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes - 3 — August 18, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION September 1, 2016 Case No. MS -16-03: Request for approval of a plat consolidating four (4) lots into three (3) on property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) located at 3275 Ames Street. (Please print) Name (� Q Address In Favor/Opposed City of _,�qrWheat �idge TO: CASE MANAGER: CASE NO. & NAME ACTION REQUESTED: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT Planning Commission MEETING DATE: September L 2016 Zack Wallace MS -16-03 / Sharman's Place Subdivision Request for approval of a plat consolidating four (4) lots into three (3) on property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3275 Ames Street APPLICANT (S): OWNER (S): APPROXIMATE AREA: Robert and Sharman Schwinn Robert and Sharman Schwinn 12,500 square feet (0.29 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Three (R-3) PRESENT LAND USE: Residential (3 units) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Map (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission Case No. MS -16-03 /Sharman's Place Subdivision Site JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a plat consolidating four (4) lots into three (3) on property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) and located at 3275 Ames Street. The property currently consists of four (4) separate parcels that function as one single property, and has so historically. The purpose of the request is to allow for the redevelopment of the site for three (3) attached townhomes. Since there are currently four (4) lots, the subdivision is considered a `minor' subdivision, which requires a public hearing before Planning Commission. For this case, Planning Commission is the final authority for approval. The purpose of subdivision plat review is to confirm appropriate lot configuration, access, rights-of- way, easements and utility service to enable future development. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is located on the west side of Ames Street, south of 33`d Avenue. The property is zoned R-3, a zone district provides for high quality, safe, quiet, and stable medium to high density residential neighborhoods. The subject property is surrounded by properties with a diverse spectrum of residential zoning and land uses, ranging from single-family homes to large apartment complexes. To the east and south are areas zoned Residential -One C (R-1 C), the City's smallest lot single family zone district. The properties in these areas largely match the intent of the R-1 C zone district, and contain single family homes. To the west is an area of R-3 zoning, which provides for single-family, duplexes, and multi -family development, dependent on the size of the property. Much of this area is occupied by apartment complexes and courtyard apartment buildings. To the north of the subject property is a mix of R -IC and R-3 zoning, consisting of both single family homes and multi -family apartment buildings (Exhibit 1, Zoning). The total size of the subject property is 12,500 square feet (0.29 acres). Currently, the subject property holds three residential units within two existing structures. In addition, there are two garages, a metal shed, and a carport. Jefferson County Assessor records indicate that the two story residence was built in 1899 (adjusted year built 1902), and the one story building was built in 1899 (adjusted year built 1916) (Exhibit 2, Aerial and Exhibit 3, Site Photos). The land was platted in 1889 as the Columbia Heights subdivision. This subdivision covered the area from 32"d Avenue to 351h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard to Depew Street. All lots in the subdivision were platted as 25' wide by 125' deep with alleys (Exhibit 4, Current Plat: Columbia Heights). As most of the properties in this area developed they did so across lot lines, and as such most properties currently consist of at least two platted lots under single ownership (essentially creating properties that Planning Commission Case No. WA -16-03 /Sharman's Place Subdivision are 50' wide by 125' deep ). The subject property was developed across four lots, creating a property with 100 feet of frontage along Ames Street, and 125 feet of depth, with alley access. III. PROPOSED SUBDIVSION PLAT Lot Configuration The site is rectangular in shape, 100' wide by 125' deep. The property is relatively flat, with approximately three feet of fall between the southwest corner of the property and the northeast corner. The subdivision plat will result in three parcels oriented towards Ames Street, to accommodate ownership parcels for development of three attached townhomes (Exhibit 5, Proposed Sharman's Place Subdivision). The proposed townhomes require a site plan application, which is currently under administrative review by the Community Development Department. The lot configuration is appropriate based on the proposed site plan, and the development standards related to setbacks, height, density, and building coverage limitations for multi -family structures in the R-3 zone district. Individual townhouse lots are exempt from minimum lot size, lot width, and interior side yard setback requirements, so long as the development parcel for the entire multi -unit townhouse building meets all standards of this section. Public Improvements When new properties are created through the subdivision process, staff reviews adjacent street improvements to confirm that they meet current roadway standards. Ames Street is classified as a local street meaning it provides access to residential land uses, and serves low traffic volumes. The current minimum standard for a local street includes a 6 -inch vertical curb, a 2 -foot gutter, and a 5 -foot attached sidewalk. It has been determined that Ames Street meets the current width requirements for a local street, thus requiring no right-of-way dedication. Curb and gutter currently exist along Ames Street; however, the existing sidewalk does not meet City Standards. The applicant has been provided the option of constructing an attached 5 -foot sidewalk to current City standards or providing fees in lieu in the amount of $2,900. Drainage A drainage report was not required in association with the subdivision plat. Because there is already a large amount of impervious surface already existing on the property, it is unlikely that the future development would result in a substantial net increase in impervious surface. The extent of any net increase will dictate the extent of any required drainage improvements. As the site plan is finalized, a drainage letter and plan will be required if warranted by the net increase in impervious surface. Conditions of approval address this requirement. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the subdivision plat regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Wheat Ridge Water District: No comment received. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No objections. Planning Commission Case No. WA -16-03 /Sharman's Place Subdivision West Metro Fire Protection District: No comment or concerns. Xcel Energy: No apparent conflict. Century Link: No comment received. Comcast Cable: No comment received. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The plat has been reviewed and approved (Exhibit 6, Public Works Approval), with additional information to be provided as conditions of approval. Wheat Ridge Police Department: No issues. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision plat results in a logical lot layout for the proposed future development. Staff further concludes that the subdivision plat complies with the standards in Article IV of the zoning and development code (subdivision regulations) and that all utility agencies can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. For these reasons, staff recommends approval of the subdivision plat with the conditions listed below. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS -16-03, a request for approval of a plat consolidating four (4) lots into three (3) lots on property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) and located at 3275 Ames Street, for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 2. The requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Add note reading "Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Sharman's Place Subdivision may only be developed as attached townhomes." 2. Improvements to the curb, gutter and sidewalk must be constructed with this project, or fees -in - lieu of construction be paid in the amount of $2,900, collected with the first Building Permit Application. 3. Prior to recordation of the plat, the applicant shall provide a drainage letter and drainage plan with sufficient calculations to address the 100% water quality capture volume for the added impervious surface only. The Drainage Plan must contain sub -basin info, flow arrows and percent grades, and show the water quality facility. 4. Prior to recordation of the plat, a `STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT' shall be shown over the entirety of any proposed detention, and created by Permanent Easement document (the standard templates for which are to be obtained by the Public Works Department) to the benefit of the City. Planning Commission Case No. WA -16-03 /Sharman's Place Subdivision EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Planning Commission Case No. WA -16-03 /Sharman's Place Subdivision EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Cn "yof Wheat[Ki clbe Geographic Information Systems , Legend Z Subject Property O .w=� r..�.� Z Wheat Ridge City Limits W AI City & County of Denver Displayed Zone Districts 04 Residential -One C (R -1C) _- r Residential -Three (R-3) Restricted 33RD: AVE Commercial (RC) Neighborhoodt Commercial (NC) J e i �a��r o m W UJI x 1 , -29 - T 1 _ Stale Pane Cwdinate Projection N Colorado Central Zone A Datum: NAM3 N 1i. Planning Commission 6 Case AV WA -16-03' Sharman's Place SzubdiVision Planning Commission Case No. WA-16-03 /Sharman's Place Subdivision >r -q%4,rA View of the property looking northeast from the alley. The peach colored structure can be seen to the right of the photo. The stone wall and stone building are located on the subject property. Planning Commission Case No. WA -16-03 /Sharman's Place Subdivision EXHIBIT 4: CURRENT PLAT COLUMBIA HEIGHTS [see attached] Planning Commission 10 Case No. 11'A-16-03 %Sharman's Place Subdivision V KITK 5-E 1-4 OF THE N -E 1-4 Of SEC. 25T*3. R.69 W. M Depew Mll &Z EtWA42 c7lel (D all, 217ve-m 64-,f cLu .9 dL TO a_lzl�t 4_4 c;k,* CA -4 -4L—UtL -Z 4444" OL. -Y IWOVZOV 71- 0 30" 49 lz IS Chase PP -W M 0-_ -10 -- -10 90 M 20 '20 21 21 A 41 4 ....... ...... 3275 Ames Street 150 40 10 12 42 22 30 ZZ 12 ....... ...... 3275 Ames Street 150 40 12 42 22 20 28 2z 33rd Ave. V-L�� If - 30 I 3 2nd Ave. Ii EXHIBIT 5: PROPOSED PLAT SHARMAN'S PLACE [see attached] Planning Commission 12 Case No. WA -16-03 /Sharman's Place Subdivision SHARMAN'S PLACE A RESUBDIVISION OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO OWNERS CERTIFICATE LOT 5 WE, ROBERT J. SCHWINN AND SHARMAN S. SCHNNN, BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY LOT 44 CONTAINING 12,500 SQ. FT. OR 0.2870 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: RIGHT OF WAY VARIES LOTS 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P.M COMMENCING AT THE EAST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.,WHENCE THE NE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25 BEARS N 00'15'56" W A DISTANCE OF 2636.98 FEET WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO; THENCE N 44'58'55" W A DISTANCE LEGEND OF 534.39 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF AMES STREET AND THE R -1C TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; } PI THENCE S 89'41'39" W A DISTANCE OF 125.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY 0 SET PIN & CAP OF A 16' PUBLIC ALLEY; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY N 00'15'53" W A LINE BREAK DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE N 89'41'39" E A DISTANCE OF 125.00 FEET TO A POINT ON 0 SECTION CORNER SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF AMES STREET THENCE ALONG S D PROPERTY SUBJECT PRO E S 00'15'53"E A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ADJACENT BOUNDARY CONTAINING: 12,500 SQ. FT., OR 0.2870 ACRES MORE OR LESS. - - - - - -- - BOUNDARY TIE LOT S — — SECTION LINE HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED, AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED — — CORPORATE BOUNDARY UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF SHARMAN'S PLACE. A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES PORTIONS F REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS R THE CONSTRUCTION THOSE PORTIOS 0 F0 ZONING INSTALLATION, OPERATION. MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS ZONING INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. m —__ _—___ OWNER OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , A.D. 20__ BY____ __- WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: VICINITY MAP 1:500 -1_- I •--J- i : I C -1—I WE3Y 35TH AVENUE-- 77 VENUE-- � I i� WREST 33RD AVENUE -: l; FBJEIT OPEN,�_ 1 � I - WESt.31N0.A U_ 1 I El ---i 1=4_ if 1: NOTARY PUBLIC LOT 5 I LOT 44 NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 RIGHT OF WAY VARIES ZONING 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P.M ZONING BEARING N00'15'56"W. R-3 R -1C } PI N- Q m PLANNING COMMISION CERTIFICATE < APPROVED THIS —__ DAY OF , BY THE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN HEREON. LOT S WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. LOT 6 LOT 43 ZONING z ZONING R-3 m R -1C FEBRUARY 20, 2013. CHAIRPERSONSET BLUE PIN CAP k o m SET BLUE PIN ' CAP PLS 34183 N89°41'39"E 125.00' PLS 34183 LOT 6 m 1Z O <o� 08059CO218F WITH A DATE OF IDENTIFICATION OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014., FOR COMMUNITY NO. LOT 7 w � o �,� 085079, IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD CITY CERTIFICATION ZONING r O O LOT 42 INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS SITUATED. APPROVED THIS DAY OF ------- ____ BY THE CITY OF R-3 LOT 3 g COLUMBIA p WHEAT RIDGE. a; 4,875 SQ. FT., HEIGHTS 13) FALCON SURVEYING INC. HAS RELIED UPON THE FIDELITY NATION TITLE COMPANY FILE a ATTEST � OR 0.1119 ACRES t ZONING R-3 LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT _ ----- CITY CLERK MAYOR LOT 8 LOT 7 OU 4 W j W 02300 ZONING R-3 S89°41'39"W 125.00' LOT 41 w J W n o 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIRS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A � g LOT UNE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT TMM g COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR w O } HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL HEIGHTS < w 9N LOT 2 AS DEFIND IN THE LEVEE ZONINS.--3 C4; LOT 9 J 4 2,750 SO. FT., 3 z LOT UNE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PUT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ZONING U OR 0.0631 ACRES 3 S89°41'39"W 125.00' LOT 40 ; 15) PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON R-3 m h LOT UNE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT COLUMBIA THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 H 3 W } Q ZONING R1 -C HEIGHTS 310 Z O Q U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY 16) TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 598-FO545102-150-SSP EFFECTIVE DATE MARCH 30, 2016 AT 7:00 a °c� � ZONING R-3 m H < r COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE A.M. FROM FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY WAS RELIED UPON FOR ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY AFFECT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. q L� O LOT UNE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE LZONINGO 1 LOT 1 LOT 39 8 STATE OF COLORADO ) S R_3 COLUMBIA LOT 9L ) Ss 4,e75 SO. Fr., HEIGHTS `� COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) iI OR 0.1119 ACRES t ZONING R-3 lr I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE n d COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT — �I 589'41'39"W 125.00' GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT _O'CLOCK_. M. ON THE LOT 11 SET BLUE PIN k CAP PLS 34183 < POINT OF BEGINNING DAY OF __ A.D., IN ZONING K (.T.T SET BLUE PIN &CAP __ ______, BOOK____. PAGE____, RECEPTION NO.__—____ R-3 LOT 38 �> PLS 34183 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND LOT 10 w ZONING RECORDER R-1 C BY: 0.1 < rLOT _ 30.00' \ ., BLO_A --� DEPUTY --- LOT 12 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 37 ~ Q 3 3 U 8`OCK I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO v-OCK LOT 11 COORDINATE SYSTEM NOTE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ALL DISTANCES USED ON THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN USING (GROUND) L17 0' AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS MODIFIED STATE PLANE MEASUREMENTS (U.S. SURVEY FEET ROUNDED TO LOT 13 LOT 36 IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED THE NEARED 0.01') CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY DATUM: CA STATUTES. A: THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A \ A GROUND-BASED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLANE JEFF E MAC " \ COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, PLS 341^).}" .o B: VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE �I DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). C: GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 'LS SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC-iPERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY ( END. ALUMINUM CAP IN MON. BOX 28279' INT. OF W. 32ND AVE. AND HARLAN ST. CONTROL POINT q1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NO. 16909 WEST 32ND AVENUE PLANE COORDINATES: N 703194.06 E 123740.48 CITY DATUM 60' RIGHT OF WAY PHAC-1: NORTHING: 1701258.75 EASTING 3118217.58, S. LINE OF NE 1/4 SECT. 25 ELEVATION: 5471.62. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,500 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.287 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTON BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R.S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5 FALCON SURVEYING INC. RECOMMENDS ALL L INTERESTED PARTIES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH MIGHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6) DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (80TH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY. RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. 7 BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LES IN ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND IN USE: UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, E OR ABANDONED MIGHT EXIST ON NEAR OR CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. LACKING EXCAVATION, THE EXACT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSARY. WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POTENTIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY POLE CROSSM EMBERS AND/OR OVERHANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8) BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED "107A" LOCATED IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND WEST 29TH AVENUE WEST 38TH AVENUE I NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 RIGHT OF WAY VARIES 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P.M BEARING N00'15'56"W. } PI N- Q m 10) THE PURPOSE OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT IS TO CREATE LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AS SHOWN HEREON, TO REMOVE EXISTING LOT LINES FOR LOTS 39 THROUGH 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA < o mNo HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN HEREON. LOT S Z z 11) THE SUBJECT PARCELS ARE ZONED R-3, PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING MAP DATED m w- r o FEBRUARY 20, 2013. o m Z O w of a m zow ri -z'- 12) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION X BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) ON FLOOD PLANE MAP N0. LOT 6 m 1Z O <o� 08059CO218F WITH A DATE OF IDENTIFICATION OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014., FOR COMMUNITY NO. w � o �,� 085079, IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD r O O r'i I-! INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS SITUATED. QIwU Naaaw 0 Z w 0 13) FALCON SURVEYING INC. HAS RELIED UPON THE FIDELITY NATION TITLE COMPANY FILE 30.00 w n a NUMBER 598-FO54102-150-SSP, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF MARCH 30, 2016 AT 7:00 AM. LOT 7 OU 4 W j W 02300 14) THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD w w J W n o 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIRS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A p w O v z a HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL AS DEFIND IN THE LEVEE Z z z GEOL, DETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC-STD-007.2-1998) w wC. O 15) PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON LOT 8 THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 H 3 W } Q ZONING R1 -C 310 Z O Q U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY 16) TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 598-FO545102-150-SSP EFFECTIVE DATE MARCH 30, 2016 AT 7:00 3 3 � m H < r A.M. FROM FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY WAS RELIED UPON FOR ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY AFFECT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. q L� O U m U LOT 9L Ca lr n d o < w K (.T.T ~ �> LOT 10 w •� I} 3 0.1 < _ 30.00' \ ., BLO_A a10 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ~ Q U = I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO LOT 11 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION L17 0' AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS .� IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED CA STATUTES. \ A JEFF E MAC " \ PLS 341^).}" .o GRAPHIC SCALE �I N N 0 ( IN US SURVEY FEET ) \ Z 1 i,..1. = 20 rL CASE HISTORY POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 589'41'42°W EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 WSY-IG-02 V 2645.71• END ALUMINUM CAP IN MON. BOX SLS LVD. MS16-03 INT OF W. 32ND AVE AND . BOX - BLVD. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT NO. 16901 N 703208.15 E 126386.15 CITY DATUM EXHIBIT 6: PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL City of W heat j�dge punLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'h Ave. August 24, 2016 Mr. Jeffrey J. Mackenna, P.L.S. Falcon Surveying, Inc. 9940 West 25" Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 (303)202-1560 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 Re: Fourth Review Comments of the Final Plat for Case # MS -16-03/ Schwinn located at 3275 Ames Street. Dear Mr. Mackenna, I have completed my review for the request for a resubdivision plat for the property at 3275 Ames Street received on August 23, 2016, and I have the following comments: LAND SURVEYING Final Plat: 1. All previous comments have been addressed; the Final Plat is hereby approved by Public Works. ADDITIONAL INFO: 1. Drainage: Please note that the magnitude of the proposed project is going to dictate what drainage improvements will be required. The more impervious surface (such as buildings and concrete pavement) that is added to the site, the greater the drainage requirements will be. In either scenario below the required drainage documents shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. 3,000-10,000 square feet: If the amount of impervious surface added to the subject property is between 3,000 square feet and 10,000 square feet, and the project disturbs less than 10,000 square feet of existing impervious surface, then this will be considered a Moderate Redevelopment under the Site Drainage Requirements. All Moderate Redevelopments require a Drainage Letter and Drainage Plan with sufficient calculations to address the 100% water quality capture volume for the added impervious surfhec only. The Drainage Plan must contain sub -basin info, flow arrows and percent grades, and show the WQ facility. In all likelihood this project will fall into the Moderate Redevelopment category. The site drainage for the subdivision shall be addressed in a Drainage Letter required prior to issuance of the fust Building Permit. 2. Stormwater Detention Easement: A"STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT" must be shown over the entirely of any proposed detention/WQ area. The easement shall be created either by plat or by a separate Permanent Easement document to the benefit of the City. The City has a w"tic.ci.N% heatri dge.co.0 s Planning Commission 13 Case No. ITA -16-03 Sharman's Place Subdivision EXHIBIT 6: PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL (cont'd) Public Works Engineering August 24, 2016 Page 2 standard template that is to be used for the Permanent Easement which must be accompanied by a signed & scaled Exhibit A, and submitted for review and approval with Land Use Application. If a Permanent Easement is to be used the template will be furnished by the Public Works Department. 3. Funds in Lieu of Construction for Public Improvements: A 6" vertical curb & gutter with 5' attached (monolithic) sidewalk is the current standard design along Ames Street. These improvements may be constructed with this project, or if preferred, a fee in lieu of construction may be taken leaving the existing improvements intact. Since there is existing curbing only the cost of a new 5' sidewalk will be imposed. The required fee for a new 5' sidewalk is $2,900.00 which shall be paid with the fust Building Permit Application. Please include one PDF and one AutoCAD (2015 or older) DNN'G file of the Final Plat and one PDF of the Closure Sheets & Geodetic Surveying checklist with the next submittal. If you have any questions please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. City Surveyor / Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Mark Van Nattan, Engineering Technician File musk. ci. wl i ea tri d ge.co. u s Shanl4ne Piwe Subdivision PLAT 7215 Amen SI Review -4 APPROVHD.Itrdoc% Planning Commission 14 Case No. I1A-16-03 Sharman's Place Subdivision City of Wh6atP,ijidge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. MS -16-03 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING DATE: September 1, 2016 (name) residing at g @-0 (addfess) as the applicant for Case No. MS -16-03 hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 3'2-75 A Me.S S. (location) on this r� day of kua US1" and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Community Development Department. MAP City of Wheat edge PUBLIC POSTING REQUIREMENTS One sign must be posted per street frontage. In addition, the following requirements must be met: ■ The sign must be located within the property boundaries. ■ The sign must be securely mounted on a flat surface. ■ The sign must be elevated a minimum of thirty (30) inches from ground. ■ The sign must be visible from the street without obstruction. ■ The sign must be legible and posted for fifteen (15) continuous days prior to and including the day of the hearing [sign must be in place until 5pm on September 1, 2016. It is the applicant's responsibility to certify that these requirements have been met and to submit a completed Posting Certification Form to the Community Development Department. City of W heat Rj,�qge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE (As required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.1)) August 17, 2016 Dear Property Owner / Current Resident: This is to inform you of Case No. MS -16-03, an application filed by Robert Schwinn, requesting approval of a plat consolidating 4 lots into 3 lots for property located at 3275 Ames Street. This request is scheduled for public hearing in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planniny, Commission September 1, 2016 (a, 7:00 p.m., As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you, City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. If you need inclusion assistance, please call Carly Lorentz, Assistant to the City Manager, at 303-235-2867 at least one week in advance of the meeting. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us C4 M S I 603.doc Vicinity Map Site ,AM A N �A DENVER BANDIMERE DAVID F GAGER JO 3250 BENTON STREET LLC ASHLEY CYNTHIA K HIATT RICHARD ANNA M 3125 BRAUN CT 3264 AMES ST 3125 BRAUN CT GOLDEN CO 80401 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 GOLDEN CO 80401 BENANNA HOLDINGS LLC 3416 W 40TH AVE DENVER CO 80211 BSA LLC 865 CIRCLE DR BOULDER CO 80302 DAVIS CLAY A CARROLL STEPHANIE 3291 BENTON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 DEW GEORGE E HILLSHAFER LINDA 3245 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 BREENSHANNA 3289 AMES ST DENVER CO 80212 CHAPMAN KELLISUE A ROBERT R. LUCERO 322 S UTICA ST DENVER CO 80219 DENT JAMES E DENT JAN D 3235 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 EDDY DARCIE 3305 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 FISCHLER MARK HOWARD FISCHLER KATHRYN MARION GADBOIS JACLYN A 3287 AMES ST 222 HENNEPIN AVE S #554 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55403 GRAMLING ALETTE HULSEY 3219 BENTON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 HAYDEN FRANK PO BOX 622004 LITTLETON CO 80162 IMMORDINO JOSEPH J CHAPMAN GRAY PROPERTIES WHEATRIDGE LLC 4 LYNN RD CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE CO 80113 HOERIG KEITH D HOERIG ERYN R 3201 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 JOANNE ELISE IMMORDINO JOSEPH KIELPIKOWSKI KAREN RAFFERTY JULIUS ROSEMARY 900 DUDLEY ST 4959 RALEIGH LAKEWOOD CO 80214 DENVER CO 80212 LOMBARDI FRED LOMBARDI KATHY MACIAS LILIANA 14503 W 58TH AVE 4203 S BAHAMA ST ARVADA CO 80002 AURORA CO 80013 BRUNDRIDGE MATTHEW C 3285 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 CORONADO ERNEST CORONADO TINA CORONADO JANET 3210 AMES ST DENVER CO 80212 DESHANO DANIEL K 3245 BENTON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 FIEIERTAG DAVID B FEIERTAG ASHLEY ELIZABETH 3270 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 GAGE ALISON 3280 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 GREER LARRY C GREER LAURA R 3215 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 HOLLIS LAUREN 3200 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 LIBBY DALE A LIBBY LINDA J 9393 VIAGGIO WAY HIGHLANDS RANCH CO 80126 MAMMALSMART PROPERTIES INC PO BOX 630381 LITTLETON CO 80163 PETERSEN VICTOR A JR PETERSEN MARTINEZ SHIRLEY M MATHIS MARCUS MATHIS DONAVAN ARLENE M 3220 AMES ST 3241 SHERIDAN BLVD 3211 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 PRALL BRIAN J 3291 SHERIDAN BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 RICHARDS JEFFREY L RICHARDS MORGAN L 3255 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 ROGERS DAVID K 3251 SHERIDAN BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 SULLIVAN DANIEL JOSEPH 5401 W 33RD AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 QUATE RANDAL W 17701 E BAILS PL AURORA CO 80017 ROCHA AARON 3261 SHERIDAN BLVD WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 SALAZAR GREGORY C FOSTER RUSSELL 3225 BENTON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 THEIMER ROBIN M 3246 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 WEAVER TOMMYE J WELLERS JEANETTE 3250 AMES ST 3315 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 RAEL LINDSEY 3207 AMES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 RODRIGUEZ ELIZABETH 1430 NELSON ST LAKEWOOD CO 80215 SCHWINN ROBERT J SCHWINN SHARMAN S PO BOX 36100 DENVER CO 80236 VIGIL CLAUDIO M VIGIL CARMEN M 3231 SHERIDAN BLVD DENVER CO 80212 4- City of '� Wheat p, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. June 14, 2016 Robert Schwinn 824 W. Fremont Court Littleton, CO 80120 Dear Mr. Schwinn: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to an application filed for approval of a site plan and subdivision (consolidation plat) on property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) located at 3275 Ames Street. The application has been reviewed and below are comments regarding the first submittal. I have attached two examples of past site plan documents (Starbucks at Kipling Ridge and 3775 Benton Site Plan) in order to demonstrate the general document layout for the site plan. SITE PLAN ALLSHEETS 1. Project name needs to be centered at the top of the page (see attached examples) SHEET 1(SITE PLAN) 1. Vicinity map needed 2. Signature blocks needed a. Owners Certificate (including a signature line for both owners) b. City Certification 3. Case History box needed a. WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 4. Include open space requirement and provided in breakdown of lot size 5. Include number of parking spaces required and provided SHEET TWO (LANDSCAPE PLAN) Include a Schedule of proposed plantings, including: a. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, landscaped open space, required and provided shrubs, required and provided trees, required and provided street trees b. Species name—common and botanical c. Quantity of each species d. Size of plants/trees gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees e. Type of ground cover f. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space g. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc Sample Landscape/Plant Schedule [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Trees Required Botanical Name Proposed Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / sq ft min % / s ft Sod % max /s ft max % / sq ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / s ft On-site trees # # On-site shrubs # # Street trees # I # Trees Oty Botanical Name Common Name Shrubs Qty Botanical Name Common Name Street Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name SHEET THREE (Al - ELEVATIONS) Material and color information needed in order to determine compliance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). SHEET FOUR (A2 - ELEVATIONS) Material and color information needed in order to determine compliance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). SHEET FIVE (A3 — GARAGE ELEVATIONS) Material and color information needed in order to determine compliance with the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). SUBDIVISION Please refer to attached letter and redline comments from Dave Brossman for necessary changes to the plat document. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See attached letter and attached redline comments from Dave Brossman dated June 8, 2016 Wheat Ridge Police Department: See attached email from Mark Cooney dated May 25, 2016. West Metro Fire Protection District: See attached letter from Bruce Kral dated June 1, 2016. Xcel Energy: See attached letter from Donna George dated June 9, 2016 Additional referral comments may be forthcoming and will be forwarded. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Meredith Reckert 303-235-2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 Traffic Engineering Mark Westberg 303-235-2863 Once changes have been made, please submit one 24" x 36" copy and one 11" x 14" copy of the revised documents. Include an electronic copy with a PDF document and an AutoCAD dwg (2010 or older) including all external reference and shx files, etc. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2849. Sincerely, --i� Zack Wallace Planning Technician From: Mark Coonev To: Zack Wallace Subject: RE: Referral WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:57:12 AM I don't have any issues with this. Mark Cooney Investigations Commander Wheat Ridge Police Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2931 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication In error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. From: Zack Wallace Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:33 AM To: Mark Cooney Subject: Referral WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Dear Mark, The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a site plan review and consolidation plat at 3275 Ames Street (Case No. WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03). Please download the application documents from the City drive: Folder: V:\Community Development` Land Use Case Referral File name: 3275 Ames Street - Schwinn Comments are due by June 9, 2016; no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you, Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2857 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Zack Wallace From: Zack Wallace Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 3:41 PM To: 'Bob Schwinn' Subject: 3275 Ames Street - First Review Attachments: SitePlan_Comments.pdf; PublicWorksComments.zip; Sample Site Plan Documents.zip; Review Letterl.pdf Mr. Schwinn, Please find attached to this email the first review of your application filed for approval of a site plan and subdivision for the property located at 3275 Ames Street. Four attachments can be found with this email: 1) ReviewLetterl —This is the cover letter for your first review. It includes Planning comments on your site plan documents, as well as referrals received from the Wheat Ridge Police Department, West Metro Fire Protection District, Xcel Energy. Public Works comments will be included in a separate attachment. 2) SitePlan_Comments —This document contains a redlined copy of your site plan submittal, and mirrors the comments found in the aforementioned review letter. 3) PublicWorksComments —This zip file contains the packet of materials received during the referral period from the Public Works department. It includes a letter from the Development Review Engineer, Dave Brossman, and redlines on the site plan document and subdivision document. It also includes a fee calculation worksheet for fees in lieu of upgrading the Ames Street sidewalk, as was discussed during the pre -application meeting. 4) Sample Site Plan Documents — This document includes two site plans that have previously been approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. This has been included to demonstrate a general layout for the Site Plan document. As a reminder, the Site Plan document is an administrative approval, and will be forwarded to the Community Development Director for final decision once all changes have been made, the landscaping is deemed to be compliant with City Code, and architectural elements are deemed to be compliant with the ASDM. This may take one or more rounds of comments depending on the quality of the subsequent submittals. Once the documents are approved a 24" x 36" hard copy site plan set will need to be submitted for signature by the Community Development Director ('City Certification'). Prior to submitting this, the cover sheet will need to be signed by the owners of the property ('Owners Certificate') in the presence of a notary public. The surveyor ('Surveyors Certification') will also need to be signed. The subdivision is considered a 'minor' subdivision and requires one public hearing before Planning Commission. In order to be heard at the July 21 Planning Commission hearing, an approvable plat document will need to be submitted no later than June 30. If the document submitted appears to have addressed the first round of comments, it will be published for the July 21 Planning Commission hearing. Minor adjustments may need to be made during the days leading up to the July 21 hearing. If the document is not submitted by June 30, or if the document does not appear to be ready at that time, the next Planning Commission hearing is August 4, with a submittal date of July 14. Please don't hesitate to call or email if you have further questions. Please note, this email is only being delivered to you, as you are both the applicant and point of contact. Please forward these comments accordingly. Thank you, Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Direct Line: 303-235-2849 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us �,A4 I 1 City of ►// YY j l�c�t C ie COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Y U m 00 a p a ]aaM ]S sau v g/- EE Y a` NOuonN1SNOO M3N nu�nn IIh1I ill 0 0 m Pb I a § uuimgoS q08 °7 e m � QI siiun £ I I III !Illi I a § uuimgoS q08 °7 e m � QI siiun £ O m y OJ a oa laaM IS saucy SLZo cc 2 Y Q NOIlonNISNOO M3N y s c uuimgog qo8 Q sliun c W s ME ME - IL . O'dVA31flOf i z1= •, O O O u NEI k ria mw,u!•-ao fz-.1 tll3.\3 iInI SONIW38 10 SISVO r . b NOOIB E NoO F M M p O �9� AR9 zwx Lg� 7 ml £al N a s a I I� Iffi �§ �Yo � z MX =ay- PG .44 o 1,44 O O p pA�� o o �7qd o 0 PJB'�iC ALI..r NWIS53'W ;O w O•------------- .-- ----"------- O o lzi PG — — AMES STREET ,r anNGEiiN[ / ap` �y' 8 N00.15'53'w 26.76.95' V BASIS OF BEARINGS O acs 10� HR .44 1,44 O O p pA�� o o �7qd o 0 PJB'�iC ALI..r NWIS53'W ;O w O•------------- .-- ----"------- O o lzi ro u P €" VG4$QQ �o�$M§^$fig s "> =oad 8 � a o ri _ .n ,o N^o 6 VIAR N=o yAo a7m: 8 sR ' _ 39AP� SOO15'53'E ...4�g 100.00' 39.OD' 1$1 — — AMES STREET ,r anNGEiiN[ / ap` �y' 8 N00.15'53'w 26.76.95' V BASIS OF BEARINGS O acs 10� HR €" VG4$QQ �o�$M§^$fig "> =oad o N^o VIAR N=o yAo a7m: 8 sR =NR 1$1 $� Np mRR - � ,.>€ r ^gmS> o p^ $_^ m"A m�wo =g mm^ < >g 222 =< 4g $^ Y>S; $a o pR g vb 2 0 2A A.: cm gR�a^• X80 �c�gg om � FRS g` o YFa R K9 . m A.A> a 0 C 8 uuinyaS qo8m O� a Pl��aaM 1,3 sauy 5LZa L W N d V Q Z d � NOIl�f1211SN00 M3N fl £ E s iu "O _N O N N O 1O U Yp�O O�� S a N Q'O u $' S O N '-•• mJp as y"yO'OO as 8 ?F S ,go. g„ N.0 O I I I I I I a LL CI - N iE Cp U d 0. m jN0 mJ=� a° m ami c LL w CL T co 7 I N N I C N C saw SY �mh E'P.. B^'g.RS -3" c a�" O S ... m '0a�G»�� g� E o w a 6M Y N �63 V .00'006 EoamW O� c d m m ._ .� a ° c O E .00'006 N O mm`o I I t ❑ I I I I1 ❑ ❑ ❑ i r r ❑t ❑ ZN `O c 1 � j ; ma yf aF777 , I i 1 I I A--- _A_:__ r L i I a .. d I I � I w I 1 I s si I _ mN I C� C 7 � I C O I I r I I r n .. I N I I I I 1 I I I I a si ❑ ❑ ry a s� I I I I r 1 1 I �ti I '-•• F_ zg I I I I I I I a LL w 7 I N N I N Oa V .00'006 EoamW O� c d m m ._ .� a ° c O E N O ZFmM(D Improvement Location Certificate H i-1 JOB NO.: 9638 STREET ADDRESS: 3275 AMES ST. BORROWER: SCHYNNN SCALE. l--20' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 39 TO 42, INCLU9W,, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, FOUND CHISELED CROSS ON STATE OF COLORADO EXTENDED LOT LINE AT 15' OFFSET ON WALK LOT 43 FENCE OWNED BY ADJACENT LOT 2.0 f I — — 125' -----�----------------i r------------------- + W u METAL SHED 1 LOT 42 J tt) Q GARAGE -------------------J9 i -----------i N - CONC Inni - ---- i " COV/GONG 0. D' _ I - 30 : i LOT 41 N _ til GARAGE �t U i 0 • 1 i. - I I I ~ QI. Ni. J9.8 LOT 40 i 9 W 11.5 Q - It 2 r. r-- -- lKSQY RSQYC_ANE STORY BLDG — — — — O.6 BLOCK WALL^ `----- GONG _-- 28.0' r --------- ---i_---= �- 11.6 ; h coV. =r- colic . ; 20.3'f N 13. D f -- LOT 39 1- I 1 - ----- CONCRE7F CONCRETE POURED TO FENCE CONTINUOUS 1 100' 17 FOUND PIN W/CAP SOUTH LINE OF LOT 35 /—STAMPED ROBINSON Certification I hereby certify that this Improvement Location Certificate was prepared on this date 4-4-00 and was prepared only for the use of D. WH17E & CO. It is not a Land Survey Plat or Improvement Survey Plot, and it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the improvements on the above City of Wheat A,e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: May 25, 2016 Response Due: June 9, 2016 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a site plan review and consolidation plat for 3275 Ames Street to construct a triplex. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: MS -16-03 and WSP-16-02 / Schwinn Request: The applicant is requesting approval of a site plan for a 3 -unit residential building on a property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) at 3275 Ames Street. This request will also require the consolidation of the 4 existing lots into 3 lots in order for each of the residential units to be sold individually. The proposed triplex will be three stories tall, have private fenced in rear yards, and offer alley -loaded garages. The footprint of the main structure is proposed to be 3,527 square feet; the footprint of the garages is proposed to be 1,485 square feet. Currently the property houses two houses built in the early 1900s (one duplex and one single-family), in addition to two garages, and two metal outbuildings/carports. These existing structures will be scraped to make way for the new triplex structure. Three residential units currently exist on the property and are being replaced by three new units, resulting in a net gain/loss of 0 housing units. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager: Case Manager: Zack Wallace Phone: 303.235.2849 Email: zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us Fax: 303.235.2857 DISTRIBUTION: Wheat Ridge Water District Wheat Ridge Sanitation District West Metro Fire District Xcel Energy Century Link Comcast Cable Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division 7 z I 0 �i' 1ti -0 -it Vicinity Map t4z UJI alp 32NDAVE ANSWO DENVER I Qk City (A 'W heat iclge t VAWUNI IY Pf Vf 10PMFN 1' CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 433 S. Allison Parkway Lakewood, CO 80226 Bus: (303) 989-4307 Fax: (303) 989-6725 www.westmetrofire.org West. Metro Fire Protection District June 1, 2016 Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2845 www.ci.wheatridee.co.us Re: Case# WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 3275 Ames Street Dear Mr. Wallace, This property is within the West Metro Fire Protection District (WMFPD). Fire service will be provided as long as provisions of the International Fire Code, 2012 edition, including amendments, are met in development. WMFPD has no comment or concerns regarding the site plan or lot consolidation. The emergency access available on.Ames Street is acceptable. The existing fire hydrants are able to meet the required fire flow for the proposed town houses. Permits from WMFPD are required from the fire district for all work on automatic fire protection systems, all work on automatic fire detection systems, solar photovoltaic systems, radio amplification, underground fire line, and for the storage of hazardous materials. WMFPD reserves the right to provide additional comments/requirements at the time when plans are submitted and reviewed per applicable codes and amendments. If you have any questions contact me at 303-989-4307 extension 513 or e-mail: bkral@westmetrofire.ore. Sincere —Bruce -Kra - ruce Kral Fire Marshal "Whatever It Takes".. To Serve XceiEnergysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY June 9, 2016 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Zack Wallace Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3rd Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571.3284 donna.l.george@xcelenergy.com Re: Sharman's Place Consolidation Plat and Schwinn Site Plan at 3275 Ames Street, Case #s WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way & Permits Referral Desk has reviewed the plans for the above captioned project and has no apparent conflict. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing and electric facilities within the subject property. The property owner/developer/contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 or https://xcelenergy.force.com/FastApp (Register so you can track your application) and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities including relocation and/or removal. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571- 3306. Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado .% 4 City of zj*rwh6at idge PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. June 8, 2016 Mr. Jeffrey J. Mackenna, P.L.S. Falcon Surveying, Inc. 9940 West 25th Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 (303) 202-1560 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 Re: First Review Comments of the Final Plat for Case # MS -16-03/ Schwinn located at 3275 Ames Street. Dear Mr. Mackenna, I have completed my review for the request for a resubdivision plat for the property at 3275 Ames Street received on May 26, 2016, and I have the following comments: LAND SURVEYING Final Plat: General Comments: 1. Include the following pertaining to the coordinate system and vertical datum used: All distances used on this Plat are shown using (ground) modified State Plane measurements (U.S. survey feet rounded to the nearest 0.01') consistent with the Current City Datum: a. The Current City Datum Coordinate System used is a ground-based modified form of the NAD83/92 State Plane Coordinate System, Colorado Central Zone 0502. b. Vertical Datum used is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). C. Ground to Grid Combined Scale Factor is 0.99974780300, scaled from base point PHAC 1 (Permanent High Accuracy Control Point #1) having the following NAD83/92 State Plane coordinates: PHAC 1: Northing: 1701258.75, Easting: 3118217.58, Elevation: 5471.62. 2. Need to include the following items with the next plat submittal (note that items a & b are required per Sec 26-410 of the Municipal Code of Laws): a. Provide Closure Reports for the platted boundary and for individual lots. b. A completed Geodetic Surveying for Final Plats checklist. c. Show all existing and proposed easements (w/ location, purpose and dimensions). d. Show a Legend 3. In all instances. Show the acreage to four (4) decimal places. Specific Comments: 1. Please note the following comments pertaining to the Legal Description: a. There are numerous typographical errors; please correct. b. The east -west distance calls along the platted boundary call for 127.00 feet, while the original Columbia Heights Subdivision plat indicates this distance to be 125.00'. Please double-check this or explain where the extra two feet came from (produce the deed, reference the JeffCo reception Number, etc.). c. Need to add a second Owner signature line. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Public Works Engineering June 8, 2016 Page 2 2. Need to provide additional space for the Community Development and Public Works Directors signature lines so there will actually be room for them to sign the plat. 3. Remove the asterisks from the Surveyor's Note. 4. Please include a complete description of all City monumentation used as required by Code. Refer to the redlined plat for further information. 5. Using a light or shaded linetype, please identify the existing lots as previously platted during the Columbia Heights Subdivision. 6. Identify all of the new lots as being a part of this plat, e.g., Lot 1, Sharman's Place, etc. 7. Need to provide the northing & easting coordinates for each corner of the platted boundary on the Current City Datum. 8. Please include all zoning, both on-site for each lot and offsite for all adjoining parcels. 9. Please remove all setback calls. This information needs to be included on the Site Plan but not on the plat. 10. Since the east -west distances are shown as 127.00' and the original Columbia Heights Subdivision show these distances to be 125.00', the area for each lot may need to be modified depending on whether or not the distances are correct as shown. 11. Please be advised that per City Code the platted boundary must be tied from two different corners of the subdivision to section/quarter-section monumentation. 12. The section tie provided appears to have a different bearing from the official City mapping; please verify the drawing is on the Current City Datum as required by Sec. 26-41 of the Municipal Code of Laws. 13. Need to identify the section line used for the Basis of Bearing, and again, the bearing shall be on the Current City Datum per Code. 14. Need to identify West 32nd Avenue and the S. line of the NE '/, Section 25 section line shown in the section tie info. 15. Need to identify Sheridan Boulevard, the section line as also being the corporate boundary between the City of Wheat Ridge and the City and County of Denver. 16. The following comments pertain to the Notes: a. In Note 9, Basis of Bearing, the bearing shall be on the Current City Datum as required. b. Need to add the following Notes: "14) THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC-STD-007.2-1998). 15) Per Colorado Revised Statutes Sec. 38-51-106 (L), all lineal units depicted on this Land Survey Plat are U.S. Survey Feet. One Meter equals 39.37 divided by 12 U.S. Survey Feet according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 17. Please add a Case History Box and include the two case numbers associated with this project: W SP -16-02 and MS -16-03. Site Plan: 1. Since the east -west distances are shown as 127.00' and the original Columbia Heights Subdivision show these distances to be 125.00', the area for each lot may need to be modified depending on whether or not the distances are correct as shown. In any case, these distances will need to match the Final Plat. 2. The following comments pertain to the swales shown on the Site Plan: www.ci.wheatridge. co. us Sharman Place Subdivision PLAT 3275 Ames StReview- Public Works Engineering June 8, 2016 Page 3 a. Draw the flowline for the proposed drainage swales along the north and south sides of the property. b. Include a note at all locations where a Swale will cross a fence line that the Swale must be maintained under the fence. c. Include a detail such as the cross-section A -A that Public Works (PW) has provided on the Site Plan. d. Need to adjust the proposed Swale locations where landscaping features may interfere with the flow pattern. e. Show the proposed high points for the swales. 3. PW recommends that downspouts be directed away from doorways and walkways so as to minimize stormwater runoff impacts to adjacent properties. Similarly, downspouts must be directed away from downstream properties to minimize negative impacts from stormwater. 4. Please add the following Notes to this Sheet: "NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING/OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 303.235.2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK." Please include one PDF and one AutoCAD (2015 or older) DWG file of the Final Plat and one PDF of the Closure Sheets & Geodetic Surveying checklist with the next submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. City Surveyor / Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Mark Van Nattan, Engineering Technician File wwAxi.,wheatridge.co.us Sharman Place Subdivision PLAT 3275 Ames StReview- 433 S. Allison Parkway Lakewood, CO 80226 Bus: (303) 989-4307 Fax: (303) 989-6725 www.westmetrofire.org West. Metro Fire Protection District June 1, 2016 Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2845 www.ci.wheatridee.co.us Re: Case# WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 3275 Ames Street Dear Mr. Wallace, This property is within the West Metro Fire Protection District (WMFPD). Fire service will be provided as long as provisions of the International Fire Code, 2012 edition, including amendments, are met in development. WMFPD has no comment or concerns regarding the site plan or lot consolidation. The emergency access available on Ames Street is acceptable. The existing fire hydrants are able to meet the required fire flow for the proposed town houses. Permits from WMFPD are required from the fire district for all work on automatic fire protection systems, all work on automatic fire detection systems, solar photovoltaic systems, radio amplification, underground fire line, and for the storage of hazardous materials. WMFPD reserves the right to provide additional comments/requirements at the time when plans are submitted and reviewed per applicable codes and amendments. If you have any questions contact me at 303-989-4307 extension 513 or e-mail: bkralOwestmetrofire.ore. Sincere -Bruce-Kral ----- - ------ ...— ------ --- -- ------ Fire Marshal "Whatever It Takes"..To Serve XcelEnergySM Right of Way & Permits 3 1123 West 3" Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Facsimile: 303. 571.3284 donna.l.george@xcelenergy.com June 9, 2016 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Zack Wallace Re: Sharman's Place Consolidation Plat and Schwinn Site Plan at 3275 Ames Street, Case #s WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way & Permits Referral Desk has reviewed the plans for the above captioned project and has no apparent conflict. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing and electric facilities within the subject property. The property owner/developer/contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 or https://xcelenergy.force.com/FastApp (Register so you can track your application) and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities including relocation and/or removal. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571- 3306. Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado From: Zack Wallace To: "Bob Schwinn" Subject: FW: Referral WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Date: Thursday, June 16, 2016 8:52:00 AM Attachments: WRSD - 3275 Ames Street.pf imaae002.[)no Mr. Schwinn, Please find attached to this email a referral response from Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. They have no objections to your request, assuming the general requirements for sanitary sewer service have been met. Those general requirements are included in their attached letter. Thank you, Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 20' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Direct Line: 303-235-2849 www.ci.wheatridee.co.us Oily c�) W heat Iidge C OMMUN1IY 111 VII(1PMI N 1 From: Peter Everest [mailto:PEverest@martinmartin.com] Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 8:43 AM To: Zack Wallace Cc: Bill Willis; Patrick Roberts Subject: RE: Referral WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Zack, Please find attached Wheat Ridge Sanitation District referral response for the project at 3275 Ames Street. Any questions, let us know. Thank you, Peter Everest Engineer -in -Training II Martin/Martin, Inc. 12499 W. Colfax Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215 P) 303-431-6100 Ext. 384 From: Zack Wallace [ma ilto:zwaIlace Pci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:09 AM To: Bill Willis <BWILLISPmartinmartin.com> Subject: Referral WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a site plan review and consolidation plat at 3275 Ames Street (Case No. WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03). Please download the application documents from the City's FTP site using the following credentials. The file is located in the "Community Development" folder, and the file name is 3275 Ames Street - Schwinn. Access the site at: ftp://ftp.ci.wheatridae.co.us/outbox/ Path: Community Development 4 3275 Ames Street - Schwinn Comments are due by June 9, 2016; no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you, Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2845 www.ci.wheatridae.co.0 ( ilk tai W haat [Qe C V1MM1IN17Y hI VI lAll'Ait N 1 Please note you will need Adobe software to view the application submittals. The latest version of Adobe Reader can be downloaded here: tget.adobe.com/reader/ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. This e-mail and any file (s) transmitted with it contain privileged and confidential information and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, disclosure or copying of this e-mail disclosure or copying of this e-mail or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sending individual or entity by e-mail and permanently delete the original e-mail and attachment(s) from your computer system. Thank you. MARTIN/MARTIN CONS ULTI NG E N G I N E E R S June 16, 2016 Zack Wallace City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Email: zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us Re: Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 3275 Ames Street — WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 17456.C.01 Dear Mr. Wallace, On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District Engineer, offers the following in response to the referenced referral dated May 25th, 2016 concerning a consolidated plat and site plan review for the property at 3275 Ames Street. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed request conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. The subject lot is entirely within the service and boundary area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainline(s) Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains adjacent to the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running north to south, west of the referenced property within an easement. It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the homeowner/developer is responsible for determining depths of the existing sanitary sewer main to verify if gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. Each unit is required to have a separate sanitary sewer service with an independent connection to the District main. The site plan is showing a shared service line for unit #2 and #3, please revise the plans and resubmit to the District. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance— engineering, reviews, design, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware that proper tap and development fees are required to be paid prior to connection to the District main. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, I Bill Willis, PE Cc: Sue Matthews — Wheat Ridge Sanitation District MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM From: Mark Cooney To: Zack Wallace Subject: RE: Referral WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:57:12 AM I don't have any issues with this. Mark Cooney Investigations Commander Wheat Ridge Police Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2931 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thankyou. From: Zack Wallace Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:33 AM To: Mark Cooney Subject: Referral WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03 Dear Mark, The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a site plan review and consolidation plat at 3275 Ames Street (Case No. WSP-16-02 and MS -16-03). Please download the application documents from the City drive: Folder: V:\Community Development\ Land Use Case Referral File name: 3275 Ames Street - Schwinn Comments are due by June 9, 2016; no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you, Zack Wallace Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2857 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 7—City of, Co MUNITY DIV[ I.(-)rMFNI CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. NOTE: Land use applications must be ► l submittal BY APPOINTMENT with a /�. City of planner. Incomplete applications will not be accepted --refer to submittal checklists. ea LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue * Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Rob�r� mid Sharman Applicant S c Address, City, State, Zip Phone Owner "nYA e Phone Email Address, City, State, Zip Contact -306 Scf)f}i.nn Phone -A03-5a1.-71ES2Email Address, City, State, Zip (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): % A ME S - Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): O Change of Zone or Zone Conditions O Special Use Permit Subdivision — specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) O Conditional Use Permit A Administrative (up to 3 lots) O Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan O Major (6 or more lots) O Variance/Waiver (from Section 26-__) O Right of Way Vacation O Other. ten i+ III 1 certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, l am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this plon on his behalf. i Notarized Signature of Applicant -� State of Colorado ss County of �r,s The foregoing ' trument and Use ProcessingApplication) was acknowledged by me this J day of < 201L by a 13 KX r7 ANTONIO G MARTINEZ ' NOTARY PUBLIC * My commission expires D S /�/20� STATE OF COLORADO Notary Public NOTARY ID 20084033351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 8/24/2010 To be filled out by staff: Date received 26-& Comp Plan Design. Related Case No. S - 0)� Assessor's Parcel Na -251 •21-D69 Size (acres or sgft) J 2,570b s. S} RavIr" 2016 Fee 55.31 Receipt No. Pre -App Mtg. Date Current Zoning -3 Proposed Zoning Case No. Quarter Section Map_ Case Manager Current Use Proposed Use SHARMAN'S PLACE This application for 3275 Ames Street is for a consolidation plat. Currently the land is divided into 4 lots as per the Columbia Heights subdivision plat from the 1880's. The project proposed consists of 3 -units, which is in compliance with the existing R-3 zoning. The existing property has an old house in the front which is a duplex. Additionally there is a small house directly behind, 2 garages, a metal outbuilding, and a metal carport. All of this is shown on the Improvement Survey Plat. That surveying shows that more than 50% of the existing site is covered with either building or concrete. The new proposed buildings are shown in our conceptual architectural drawings. In these drawings you will see compliance with all R-3 zoning regulations, ranging from height to setback to coverage. These 3 homes will each be 3 BR/2.5 BA townhouses with 3`d floor decks and party rooms adjacent. All units will have basements. All units will have 2 car detached garages on the alley. We have limited the height of the garages to 10 feet so as to push them to the 5 foot alley setback line. Each unit will have a private fenced back yard. The conceptual drawings were conceived with a firm understanding of the architectural standards desired in the Wheat Ridge Design Manual. Siding materials are varied, and there is articulation in the front and side elevations. Starting with the footprint of the building, we have the middle unit projecting 2 feet beyond the 2 end units. Additionally, the face of the middle has 2 stories of brick, and the recessed 3 d floor has board on batt siding. The end units are mirror images to create overall symmetry to the building. All third story rooms are inset to lessen the visual impact from the street, softening the streetscape. The street facade of the end units is wrapped 12 feet around the corner and is stucco with brick to wainscot height. The remainder of the building and the garages are 8 inch fiber cement lap siding. The overall effect is to create a fresh, inviting contemporary appearance. There are several large lilac bushes along the north and south property lines. Every several years they are cut back to the ground, resulting in very healthy and hearty lilacs. Additionally we show a shade tree in the middle each of the three front yards. The back yards will be fenced with 6 foot cedar fencing. Rev. 5/2014 City Of Wheatp, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Site Plan Project Name: Project Location: 2 - Ain,e'S S"r-, Application Contents: The site plan is used to confirm that new development, redevelopment, or significant fagade improvements meet all applicable zoning or design standards. The following items represent a complete site plan application. Completed, notarized land use application form Application fee Signed submittal checklist (this document) / 4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) �6. Written request and description of the proposal `7. Plan set—including site plan, landscape plan, building elevations, streetscape plan, -photometric Two (2) full size paper copies (24" x 36") One (1) reduced size paper copy (11" x 17") 8. One (1) color reduction of building elevations 9. Civil documents, if required _710. Electronic (Adobe .pdf) files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via email, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive Form and content of Plan Set: Site Plan Note: Depending on the size of the site, it may be necessary to provide one Project information overall site plan and additional pages to _1 . Title of document—centered at top of page show the location of all buildings, 2. Vicinity map fences, signs, parking, etc. 3. Scale and north arrow—scale not to exceed 1 "=100' 4. Date of plan preparation and name/address of who prepared the plan 5. Legal description 6. Appropriate signature blocks—see cover sheet handout 7. Signed surveyor's certification 8. Case history with applicable land use case numbers 9. Statement of proposed uses and compliance with zoning _10. Site data in tabular form (numeric and percentage), including the following: _a. Total area of property, gross and net _b. Building coverage _c. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, and landscaped open space d. Number of parking spaces required and provided e. Gross floor area by use _f. Number of residential units and density _11. Justification of provided parking ratio, especially where shared parking is proposed Community Development Department - (303) 235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Sample Site Data Table [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] zoning d land use Total area[acres/sq ftgross[acres/sq ft net Lot #[acres/sq ft Lot #[acres/sq ft Floor area by use Use sq ft Use sq ft Graphical information 12. Legend 13. Property lines and dimensions _14. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking _15. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: _a. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use b. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking c. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) _d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material _e. Exterior lighting _f. Signs—identify type and height _g. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls _h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls 16. Easements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development _17. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable _18. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines _19. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "=100') 3. Legend 4. Property lines and dimensions 5. Proposed buildings and parking areas 6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage _7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material Required Proposed Building coverage % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Sod % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Parkin Standard # # Accessible # # Bicycle # # Graphical information 12. Legend 13. Property lines and dimensions _14. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking _15. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: _a. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use b. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking c. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) _d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material _e. Exterior lighting _f. Signs—identify type and height _g. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls _h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls 16. Easements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development _17. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable _18. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines _19. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "=100') 3. Legend 4. Property lines and dimensions 5. Proposed buildings and parking areas 6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage _7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material _8. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: _a. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, landscaped open space, required and provided shrubs, required and provided trees, required and provided street trees _b. Species name—common and botanical _c. Quantity of each species _d. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees _e. Type of ground cover _f. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space _g. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc Sample Landscape/Plant Schedule [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Trees Required Botanical Name Proposed Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / s ft Useable % min / sq ft min %/s ft Sod % max / sq ft max % / s ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / s ft On-site trees # % / sq # Fa ade B On-site shrubs # % / s # Street trees # # Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name Ground floor transparency Shrubs Qty Botanical Name Common Name % / sq ft Fa ade B % min / sq Street Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name anels/sidin .. Fa ade A Building Elevations 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) 2. Detailed elevations for each facade 3. Detailed elevations for accessory structures 4. Detailed elevations for trash enclosures/screen walls _5. Material and color information _6. Structure dimensions—overall building height, overall building width, floor -to -floor heights _7. Summary table of materials and transparency by fagade—where material or transparency standards apply, include a table identifying required and proposed materials Sample Building Materials Summary [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Required Proposed Ground floor transparency Fa ade A % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Fa ade B % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Secondary material (EIFS/CMU/metal anels/sidin .. Fa ade A % Max / sq ft max % / sq ft Fa ade B % max / sq ft max % / s ft Streetscape Plan It may be possible to combine this sheet with the Landscape Plan as long as public street trees are disaggregated in the plant schedule. Refer to the Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual for streetscape design requirements. _1. Title of document (centered at top of page) _2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') 3. Location of all existing and proposed streetscape elements/furnishings, including: a. Sidewalk and amenity zones—location, dimensions, materials b. Street trees—identify spacing dimensions c. Street lights d. Pedestrian lights _e. Street furniture—benches, trash cans, etc _f. Bus stops _g. Signs h. Irrigation system _i. Utilities and utility boxes j. Curbs and ADA ramps 4. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: _a. Species name—common and botanical _b. Quantity of each species _c. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees _d. Type of ground cover _e. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space f. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc 7. Schedule of proposed streetscape furnishings, including: a. Manufacturer b. Product number _c. Color _d. Quantity Photometric Plan 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) _2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') _3. Site plan showing the location of all exterior lights and a numerical grid of lighting levels in foot candles or as isoilluminance curves 4. A fixture schedule that includes all luminaries shown on the plan and specs for each fixture: a. Manufacturer and model a. Fixture type and wattage _b. Mounting height of all fixtures 5. Cut sheets showing the design and finishes of all fixtures, including designation of cutoff fixtures Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe . pdf file is required): 1. Trip generation letter or traffic study 2. Drainage report _3. Soils report _4. Erosion control plan As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2"d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Signature: Date: _5 -9-C ) (p Name (please print): �`' F -Y l `V- �c,� 1 L� i j� Phone: 3L3 52J • -7 % 5,,)-- 0 00 a my leant is sou v 9LZ6 NOIlonuiSN03 M3N 0 0 N NOWIV 3S saw V .00•oo� �LLO Vp0 O�p m�0 ZJC-p W N CO �m0 y D5W y- LL pUW J uuim,4oS qo8 a a m � siiun £ m 00 a Pky JeaM 19 saw b'91Z£ N0113nb1SNO3 M3N o^ N uuimgc)S qo8 Q smun s W 00 a P!y JaaM IS saucy SLZC Y NOI1of1w Nm M3N uuimgoS qo8 s;lull E Im r1i,", 0 O0 a Rd leant is saw W � b 9LZ£ Nollonm.LSNo:3 maN � a uuimgoS qo8 d swn £ o D Rev. 5/2014 City of Wheat d- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Subdivision Project Name: Project Location: 2 —7 -5 A,",f S Application Contents: The following items represent a complete subdivision application. This submittal checklist applies to all types of plat applications, including major, minor, and administrative subdivision plats. Please contact a staff planner with any questions about your specific application. Completed, notarized land use application form Application fee _77- 3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) _4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed ?� Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) —6. Mineral rights certification form—required for plats are reviewed at a public hearing �7. Commitment for title insurance—required for all major and minor subdivisions and right- of-way dedications Written request and description of the proposal _9. Geodetic Surveying Requirements for Final Plats checklist—completed & signed by surveyor 10. Closure sheet for the exterior boundary and for all individual lots—boundary must close Within a limit of 1:50,000 �11. Subdivision plat _ Two (2) full size paper copies (24" x 36") One (1) reduced size paper copy (11" x 17") AutoCAD .dwg file format—confirm acceptable version with city staff 12. Civil documents, if required 713. Exhibit and deed for right-of-way dedication prepared by surveyor—only required if partial right-of-way is being dedicated by separate document 14. Electronic (Adobe .pdf) files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via email, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive Form and content of Subdivision Plat: Project information 1. Title of document — centered at top of page "[Subdivision Name] Located in the _ 1/4 Section, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian..." _2. Complete metes and bounds legal description compliant with Geodetic Surveying Requirements: _a. On Current City Datum (ground-based modified form of NAD83/92 (NAD83 HARN) State Plane coordinate system) b. Includes section ties to Section corners, Quarter Section corners, or to City of Wheat Ridge Permanent High Accuracy Control (PHAC) points 3. Basis of bearing statement _4. Small scale vicinity map — with north arrow and scale _5. Name/Address/Phone number(s) of architect, engineer, or surveyor associated with the project Community Development Department (303) 235-2846 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us _6. Certification blocks — including for surveyor, owner, City, and County (see cover items handout) 7. Standard easement notes (see cover items handout) 8. Ownership/unified control statement, if applicable 9. Dedicatory statement, if applicable _10. Data table with total area of site and area of individual lots (in square feet and acres) _11. Case history box and date of preparation Graphical information 12. Graphical representation of the property boundary corresponds with the legal description _13. Point of Beginning and Point of Commencement are shown _14. Monument information — including City -based monument identification number and coordinates on Current City Datum _15. Existing and proposed lot lines, with appropriate information: a. Include distances and bearings on Current City Datum _b. Round all distances to the nearest 0.01 -foot and all angular measurements to the nearest second _b. Provide the arc length, chord length, chord bearing, central angle, and radius for all curves d. Show lot lines as "Hereby [created/removed] by this plat" 16. Existing and proposed street right-of-way, with appropriate information: _a. Include all adjacent ROW widths and distances from ROW centerline to corners of subject property boundary b. Show right-of-way dedications as "Hereby dedicated by this plat" _17. Existing and proposed easements a. Show location, purpose, and dimensions of all easements _b. Distances and bearings shall be consistent with the Current City Datum 18. Location and dimensions of public dedication/reservation, if any 19. Subdivision name, lot and block numbers, and zoning for adjacent properties — all adjoining parcels not previously platted are shown as "UNPLATTED" 20. Legend, north arrow, and scale — scale not to exceed 1 "= 100' 21. Section ties to a minimum of two (2) property corners are included 22. NOS/NGS Statement of Accuracy included 23. All Set & Found property pins are identified 24. All encroachments or gaps have been clearly identified including any necessary note(s) _25. All lineal units are shown as being in U.S. SURVEY FEET _26. A description of the Current City Datum is included (refer to Geodetic Surveying Requirements) _27. Location of the 100 -year floodplain (if applicable) _28. The sheet margins are 2" on the left, 1" on top, and 1/2" on sides Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe . pdf file is required): 1. Traffic study 2. Trip Generation Study 3. Drainage Letter & Plan _4. Drainage, Grading, and Erosion Control Plan _5. Final Drainage Report & Plan 6. Soils Report 7. Engineering plans which detail construction of all public improvements 8. HOA Covenants 9. Subdivision Improvement Agreement 10. Development Covenant Agreement 11. Phase I Environmental Assessment 12. Complete set of construction drawings (2 copies) 13. Improvement Survey Plat 14. Improvement Location Certificate 15. Site Plan As applicant for this project, l hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. 1 fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2"d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Signature: Date: Name (please print): a �e S'c� ; Phone: 303 , 9-Z I.77rj:�— City of Wheat id e COMMUNITY D EVELOPM ENT Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: March 24, 2016 Applicant: Robert J. Schwinn, Property Owner Phone: 303-988-7752 Email: rjsconstructionkgmail.com Mike Bykov, Architect Phone: 303-437-8813 Email: bykovmikeAgmail.com Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner II Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Mark Westberg, Projects Supervisor Specific Site Location: Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: 3275 Ames Street Residential -Three (R-3) Neighborhood Existing Site Conditions: The property is located on Ames Street (1 block west of Sheridan Boulevard), just south of 33rd Avenue. The subject property was platted in 1889 via the Columbia Heights Subdivision, and consists of Lots 39, 40, 41, and 42 of Block 3. The zoning in the area is largely Residential -One C (R -1C) and Residential -Three (R-3). There are also sporadic pockets of Restricted Commercial (RC) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zone districts in the immediate area. The subject property is zoned R-3. It is bordered by R -1C on the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of the property. To the west of the subject property is R-3 zoning, where several multi -family residential buildings are located. There is also R-3 to the north of the subject property along Ames Street at the intersection of 33rd Avenue. Currently on the subject property are three residences in two structures. In addition, there are two garages, a metal shed, and a carport. Jefferson County Assessor records indicate that the `two story residence' was built in 1899 (adjusted year built 1902), and the `one story building' was built in 1899 (adjusted year built 1916). The subject property is 12,500 square feet (0.29 acres). N Rtl�N30 E rf �!'!l4�I 0/119�NVORl3HS � ! f�i,��;� t �� [�tfjilil� f � IS3WV 1SNOiN3S 0 1tr u s 1 t W AV t Ju 'ffi � V o L NS 0,� Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to redevelop the property with three attached dwelling units. The units will have garages off the alley along the rear of the property. The structure will likely be two -stories with a rooftop deck and a basement. The applicant desires a contemporary architectural style. 125 W I r r r t 12ILW Figure 3: Submitted Site Plan Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting is not required. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning & Use The Residential -Three (R-3) zone district was established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium to high-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium to high-density residential character. The R-3 zone district allows for one -family, two-family, and multifamily dwelling units. A multifamily structure requires 12,500 square feet of land, and a 100 -foot minimum lot width. The proposed use of a three dwelling unit structure is in line with the intent of the R-3 zone district; in addition, the property has adequate square footage and lot width to accommodate a multifamily structure. Subdivision Owner -occupied units will require the property to be replatted. A townhouse plat will allow each unit to be owned individually. 3 Z t.raaoxsr�n oraraiuoo _ I SP Figure 3: Submitted Site Plan Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting is not required. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning & Use The Residential -Three (R-3) zone district was established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium to high-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium to high-density residential character. The R-3 zone district allows for one -family, two-family, and multifamily dwelling units. A multifamily structure requires 12,500 square feet of land, and a 100 -foot minimum lot width. The proposed use of a three dwelling unit structure is in line with the intent of the R-3 zone district; in addition, the property has adequate square footage and lot width to accommodate a multifamily structure. Subdivision Owner -occupied units will require the property to be replatted. A townhouse plat will allow each unit to be owned individually. 3 Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) New multifamily development is required to comply with the development standards established in the City of Wheat Ridge's Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). The ASDM is available online, and will be included as an attachment to these notes. The ASDM allows for a variety of architectural elements and building materials. It also has requirements for facade articulation, defined entrances, and window and openings in the fagade. Section 4.3 Multifamily Residential begins on page 27 of the document. Building Coverage A multifamily structure in the R-3 zone district is allowed a maximum building coverage of 40%. The site plan provided to staff indicates a coverage of 39.8%. Please ensure that the building coverage is being measured based on the foundation footprint, rather than finished interior square footage. Setbacks Section 26-611 of the Municipal Code establishes building setbacks and what elements of a structure are allowed to encroach upon the setbacks. Section 26-611.A. states: 1. Porches, patios, decks and balconies. Porches, patios, decks and balconies which are open on at least two (2) sides may encroach into a front setback up to eight (8) feet or into a side or rear yard a maximum of one-third the distance to the closest property line. 2. Architectural features. Cornices, eaves, beltcourses, sills, canopies or other similar architectural features, including bay windows, may extend or project into a required front, side or rear yard not more than thirty (30) inches. 3. Chimneys. Chimneys may project into a required front, side or rear yard not more than two (2) feet, provided the width of such yard is not reduced to less than three (3) feet. 4. Fire escapes, open stairways. A fire escape or open stairway may extend into any front, side or rear yard, provided the width of such yard is not reduced to less than three (3) feet. Automobile Parking Multifamily residential is required to provide the following number of parking spaces: - 1.5 spaces per 1 bedroom unit - 2.0 spaces per 2 or 3 bedroom unit - 2.5 spaces per 4 or more bedroom unit Landscaping Section 26-502 of the Municipal Code establishes landscaping requirements. Multi -family residential uses require landscaping to cover at least 30% of the total lot area. The minimum required front yard (25 feet from the front property line) shall be fully landscaped, except for those areas providing pedestrian or vehicular access. One tree and 10 shrubs are required for every 1,000 square feet of required landscape area, in addition to the requirement for one tree every 30 feet of street frontage (or portion thereof). Utility Providers The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city. The utility and service providers for this property include: • West Metro Fire Protection District, phone: 303-989-4307 • Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, phone: 303-424-7252 • Wheat Ridge Water District, phone: 303-424-2844 4 All land use applications will be sent out on referral to these agencies for comment; however, staff encourages potential applicants to contact service districts ahead of time. This may help to understand any design or infrastructure requirements and potential costs associated with the proposed project. Building Division comments: Please be advised that planning notes and processes are only one aspect of the process. New construction will require building permits, and the issuance of new Certificate of Occupancy depending on the use or reuse of the structure/s. Public Works comments: Public Works has several comments regarding the need for water quality, the removal of the existing driveway on Ames Street, and upgrading the sidewalk to a 5 -foot attached sidewalk (or paying fees in lieu). These written comments were provided to you during the meeting, and will also be attached with these notes. Review Process This request will require a subdivision plat and site plan review. Subdivision The first step in the subdivision process is the pre -application meeting. After the pre - application meeting is complete, a formal application may be submitted. Applications must be submitted by appointment with a planner. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Depending on the number of lots that will be established by the subdivision, and any possible right-of-way dedication, the subdivision process may be administrative (3 or fewer lots or parcels), minor (4 or 5 lots or parcels), or major (more than 5 lots or parcels). An administrative subdivision is reviewed and decided upon by the Community Development Director. A minor subdivision requires one public hearing in front of Planning Commission, who will approve, approve with conditions, or deny the subdivision. A major subdivision requires two public hearings, one in front of Planning Commission, and one in front of City Council. Planning Commission will make a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial. This recommendation will be forwarded to City Council for final action. Regardless of the magnitude of the subdivision, upon submittal of a complete application, the case manager will review the application, send it out on referral to outside service agencies (Xcel Energy, water district, fire district, etc.) and other City agencies (Public Works, Economic Development, etc.) for review. The referral period is 15 days, during which time the referral agencies and departments may submit comments on the application. These comments, as well as those from the case manager, will be forwarded to the applicant. Modifications to the subdivision plat may be required as a result of these comments. The applicant must address comments and resubmit relevant documents. This process may need to occur several times. Once all comments have been addressed to the case manager's satisfaction, the application will be forwarded to the appropriate deciding body for final decision. The plat must be approved prior to the issuance of any building permits. Site Plan Review The first step in the Site Plan Review process is the pre -application meeting. After the pre - application meeting, a formal application may be submitted. Application must be submitted by appointment with a planner, and will not be accepted if they are incomplete. Upon submittal, a case manager will be assigned to handle the application, and will be the applicant's point of contact at the City for the duration of the site plan review process. The case manager will review the application, and once all submittal requirements are met, the application will be sent out on referral to outside service agencies (Xcel Energy, water district, fire district, etc.) and other City agencies (Public Works, Economic Development, etc.) for review. The referral period is 15 days, during which time the referral agencies and departments may submit comments on the application. These comments, as well as those from the case manager, will be forwarded to the applicant. Modifications to the site plan may be requires as a result of these comments. When all comments are addressed to the satisfaction of the case manager, the application will be forwarded to the Community Development director for final decision. The Site Plan review process is administrative, which means there are no public hearings before City Council or Planning Division. Please note: Approval of the Site Plan application does not mean that a building permit has been issued. Once site plan approval is attained, the applicant may submit a building permit application with the Building Division. Attachments: Land Use Application, Architectural and Site Design Manual, Public Works Comments Note: Please be aware that the above comments are for general information purposes only. Staff cannot predict the outcome of any land use development application. A favorable response from staff does not obligate any decision-making body (Community Development Director, Public Works Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council) to a desired outcome. Staff will provide the best advice available given existing regulations, current policy, political climate and information submitted. Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Lauren Mikulak — Senior Planner 303-235-2845 Lisa Ritchie — Planner II 303-235-2852 Zack Wallace — Planning Technician 303-235-2849 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg — Projects Supervisor 303-235-2863 T ♦�A4 11 City of WheatRidge PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 March 24, 2016 Pre -Application Meeting 3275 Ames Street (Schwinn Triplex) Public Works Requirements: NOTE: All Public Works submittals must be in electronic PDF file format. Public Works performs all reviews electronically and comments are generally returned via e-mail; no hardcopies are required by Public Works until the final documents are deemed approvable. At the time of approval, one signed & sealed hardcopy of the civil documents accompanied by a PDF of the scanned (signed & sealed) documents will be required. The following shall be submitted for review and approval with the Land Use Application: Final Plat: If the triplex is to be completed in a manner that allows for individual sale, a Final Plat shall be required. All plat submittals must adhere to the following: a. City -based bearings/coordinates shall be used per Section 26-407-D-6 of the Municipal Code of Laws. The City is currently on a ground-based modified form of the NAD83/92 State Plane coordinate system. b. All section ties shall be to Section or'/< Section corners or City of Wheat Ridge PHAC points only — aliquot corners cannot be used as section ties. c. To be approvable the Plat will need to contain all items found in the Final Plat Review and Geodetic Surveying Requirements checklists found on the City's website. d. PW submittals shall be submitted in the form of: i. 1 file in AutoCAD DWG (2015 or older) format (including all associated SHX and external reference files), AND ii. 1 file in PDF format (see Note 1 below). NOTE: Please be advised that the plat cannot be reviewed without BOTH of these files. 2. Final Plat Supporting Documents: a. Geodetic Surveying Requirements: An initialed Geodetic Surveying Requirements checklist shall accompany all Final Plat submittals. The plat must contain all items from this checklist to be approvable. b. Closure Sheets: Closure sheets for the platted boundary and all internal lots shall accompany the Final Plat submittal; boundary must close within the 1:50,000 as required by the Municipal Code of Laws. 3. Drainage: The magnitude of the proposed project is going to dictate what drainage improvements will be required. The more impervious surface (such as buildings and concrete pavement) that is added to the site, the greater the drainage requirements will be. In either scenario below the required drainage documents shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. wwv.ci.whcatridge.co.us Public Works Engineering March 24, 2016 Page 2 a. 3,000-10,000 square feet: If the amount of impervious surface added to the subject property is between 3,000 square feet and 10,000 square feet, and the project disturbs less than 10,000 square feet of existing impervious surface, then this will be considered a Moderate Redevelopment under the Site Drainage Requirements. All Moderate Redevelopments require a Drainage Letter and Drainage Plan with sufficient calculations to address the 100% water quality capture volume for only the added impervious surface only. The Drainage Plan must contain sub -basin info, flow arrows and percent grades, and show the WQ facility. In all likelihood this project will fall into the Moderate Redevelopment category. b. >10,000 square feet: In the unlikely scenario whereby the amount of impervious surface added to the site is greater than 10,000 square feet, or the overall project disturbs more than 10,000 square feet of existing impervious, then this project would be considered a Major Redevelopment under the Site Drainage Requirements. All Major Redevelopments must submit a Final Drainage Report and Plan describing how full stormwater flood attenuation detention incorporating water quality measures (100 -Year + 50% WQCV) for the entire site will be achieved. A full report and plan following the mandatory outline found in the Site Drainage Requirements shall be required. If necessary, the City does accept alternative types of stormwater designs, including infiltration (Rain Garden) and underground facilities in addition to the standard EDB. A Geotechnical Engineer will need to be consulted if an infiltration type of detention facility is to be proposed. The key elements of an infiltration system are a deep water table and a high rate of percolation. To be approvable the water table shall be at least 3' below the bottom of a proposed infiltration basin, and the percolation rate shall be no less than 1 "/hour (with a rate closer to 3"/hour preferred). Please refer to the City's Site Drainage Requirements for additional information. 4. Stormwater Detention Easement: A"STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT" must be shown over the entirety of the proposed detention/WQ area. This easement will be created either by the plat or if a plat is not required then by a separate Permanent Easement document to the benefit of the City. The City has a standard template that is to be used for the Permanent Easement which must be accompanied by a signed & sealed Exhibit A, and submitted for review and approval with Land Use Application. 5. Construction Plans: Construction Plans signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado, shall be required for all drainage -related items such as detention ponds, water quality features, outlet structures, drainageways or pans, and curb & gutter. Include any applicable COWR standard details for proposed constructed items (refer to Item 8 Additional Information below). 6. Funds in Lieu of Construction for Public Improvements: A 6" vertical curb & gutter with 5' attached (monolithic) sidewalk is the current standard design along Ames Street. These improvements may be constructed with this project, or if preferred, a fee in lieu of construction may be taken leaving the existing improvements intact. Since there is existing curbing only the cost of a new 5' sidewalk will be imposed. The required fee for a new 5' sidewalk is $2,914.00 ivww.ci.wheatridge.co.us (03-24-16)3275 Ames Schwinn.docx Public Works Engineering March 24, 2016 Page 3 (refer to the attached itemized Cost Estimate) which shall be paid with the first Building Permit Application. 7. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing: a. ROW Permits. Prior to commencement of any construction within the public right-of- way (ROW) such as for utility connections, the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the Public Works Department (303.235.2861). Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by Public Works only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and any necessary easement or ROW dedications. b. Licensing. All work within the public Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. 8. Drainage Certification/ As -Built Plans: Please note that prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy a Drainage Certification Letter from the Engineer -of -Record stating that all drainage and water quality related items were constructed and the entire site graded per the approved civil engineering documents. The Certification Letter shall be accompanied by As - Built plans in support of the statements made in the Letter. 9. Grading Certification/ Improvement Location Certificate (ILC): Prior to issuance of the C.O. for each individual lot, a Grading Certification accompanied by an ILC is required. These documents are to ensure the lot has been graded properly subsequent to building construction. 10. Additional Information: Information pertaining to the Public Works requirements, land surveying, platting, and ROW information, as well as the City's Standard Street Construction, Site Drainage Requirements, and Stormwater/Erosion Control Details are available on the Public Works, Development Review pages of the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ei.wheatrifte.co.us Please be advised that submittals will not be considered as being under review until such time as all required items have been received by the City. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant without being reviewed. www.ci.wheatridge.coms (03-24-16) 3275 Ames_Schwinn.docx Alley 100.00' r-------- I I I ® I I �1 4 I SP a= c= I I I I I I I I j I I I k�• El 0 I1 El 0 I � I —El F1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I C C C I I ~ y I I _ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I in I I 0 E E I j ❑ i� y �9 { i F-1 j I i 0 ! I ----------------Q------------------------J 100.0 ' Ames St v •_ yqm o°i-°o n 3 y rn A�Zr aW�y y n a o1:_5y- oom ozm >, s neo On 0Tw 3 Units NEW CONSTRUCTION Bob Schwinn 3275 Ames St Weat Ridqe CO W City of Wh6atR-d- e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum To: Gerald Dahl, City Attorney From: Zack Wallace, Planning Technician Through: Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director and Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Date: March 9, 2016 Subject: Planning Division Staff interpretation of Section 26-117.D. in regards to a potential redevelopment of 3275 Ames Street. Background Staff was approached by the owner of 3275 Ames Street (henceforth referred to as 'subject property') inquiring about the zone district development standards for the property, as he is interested in redeveloping the site. This inquiry prompted my review of two code sections which may impact how this property is able to redevelop due to its zoning. Site The subject property is located on Ames Street (1 block west of Sheridan Boulevard), just south of 33`d Avenue (Exhibit 1: Site Location). The subject property was platted in 1889 via the Columbia Heights Subdivision, and consists of Lots 39, 40, 41, and 42 of Block 3 (Exhibit 2: Subdivision Plat). The zoning in the area is largely Residential -One C (R -1C) and Residential -Three (R-3). There are also sporadic pockets of Restricted Commercial (RC) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zone districts in the immediate area. The subject property is zoned R-3. It is bordered by R -IC on the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of the property. To the west of the subject property is R-3 zoning, where several multi -family residential buildings are located (Exhibit 3: Zoning). There is also R-3 to the north of the subject property on Ames Street at the intersection of 33`d Avenue. This area of R-3 includes the 3330 Ames Street property which has been a topic of development related legal discussion in the past. Currently on the subject property are three residences in two structures. In addition, there are two garages, a metal shed, and a carport (Exhibit 4: Improvement Location Certificate AND Exhibit 5: Current Conditions). Jefferson County Assessor records indicate that the 'two story residence' was built in 1899 (adjusted year built 1902), and the 'one story building' was built in 1899 (adjusted year built 1916). The subject property has been owned by the current owner since 2000. Proposal The owner, with the help of an architect, has created a proposed site plan for redevelopment of the subject property. The proposed site plan features three units (equal to the existing number of units. The units would be attached, face Ames Street, and each have a garage that is accessed via the alley (Exhibit 6: Proposed Site Plan). Development Standards and Substandard Lots The subject property's four lots are individually substandard for any development by today's development standards, as they are each only 25' wide along Ames Street. Dividing the 4 lots into sets of two would still not be adequate to meet the 60 -foot minimum lot width requirement for a single family home in the R-3 zone district. A combination of three of the lots would be adequate for a one or two family dwelling, but would then leave one 25' wide lot undevelopable. The 4 lots together create a 100 - foot lot width. This width is adequate for multi -family dwelling(s) in the R-3 zone district (Exhibit 7: Residential -Three (R-3) Development5tondards). City Records City of Wheat Ridge building permit records on file for 3275 Ames Street go back to 1999. The permits are only for general improvements to the structures such as electrical work, replacement of a water heater, re -roofing, and the like. Microfiche files also indicate a code enforcement complaint and subsequent action in 1978. There are no City permit records for any new construction on the site or any indication if all four lots have been grouped together and considered one development parcel since their inception. The age of the structures clearly indicates that this site was developed before the City of Wheat Ridge was incorporated in 1969. Municipal Code As previously indicated, the owner has been in contact with Planning Staff with interest in redeveloping the property into three attached residential units. It appears that the second paragraph of Section 26- 120.6. is relevant to this situation. Section 26-120.6. states: Nonconforming lots of record. In any district in which single-family dwellings are permitted, a single-family residence and customary accessory buildings may be erected on any single lot of record, provided that the lot is in separate ownership and not of continuous frontage with other lots under the same ownership. This provision shall apply even though the lot fails to meet the requirements of the district in which it is located for area, width, or both; provided, however, that the requirements of the district for minimum yard dimensions and lot coverage shall be met. If two (2) or more lots or combinations of lots and portions of lots with continuous frontage in single ownership are of record, and part or all of the lots do not meet the requirements of the district in which they are located as to minimum area or frontage or both, the lands shall be considered to be an undivided parcel and no portion of the parcel shall be sold or used in a manner which diminishes compliance with minimum lot width and area requirements. However, during conversations regarding development standards for the R-3, Section 26-117.D. was initially perceived to be in conflict with Section 26-120.6., and a possible barrier to redeveloping the site into a multi -family residence. The language of Section 26-117.D. is as follows: Lots or parcels of land which are included in the Residential -3 (R-3) or Residential -3A (R -3A) zones and which are individually substandard for multifamily development, but which would meet the lot size and width requirement for single-family or two-family development, shall not be consolidated for the purpose of multifamily residential development unless the predominant adjacent land use is multifamily development of a similar density. Interpretation Discussion of this situation at a Planning Division meeting yielded the following analysis: • Because the four lots have been developed and utilized as a single property since before any City of Wheat Ridge records indicate, and • Because the perceived intent of Section 26-117.D. is to prevent the acquisition of multiple parcels of land for the purpose of consolidation and construction of multi -family development, and • Because the acquisition of Lots 39, 40, 41, and 42, of Block 3 Columbia Heights Subdivision (the subject property, 3275 Ames Street) in 2000 by the current owner as one piece of developed land does not constitute the acquisition of unrelated parcels for the purposes of consolidation and development, • Therefore, the 4 lots that comprise the subject property at 3275 Ames Street are to be considered one parcel, regardless of the presence of multiple lots. o As such the proposal of a multi -unit attached residential structure at 3275 Ames Street is not impacted by Section 26-117.D., and Staff may move forward with the applicant on ensuring that planning, public works, and building requirements are met Exhibit 1: Site Location ev,LMjr _ City of Wheat Ridge Geographic Information Systems Legend 3275 Ames Street Wheat Ridge City Limits 33RD AVE Parcel Lines 1w Z _ Q W t� ��' m V1 N �.,r . ra �. ��� y NL � � ,N.v d ab�r�iiw N • �YY. �1A e. M M Mwr �'�•� ...fie rc •weir �s+nsw.dY��a�M�e+e Oavre.uw ewisk er.n Mw I Mir 41"M lLX 7 i I Wheat id e . m c.75WV a 9thA w. — �.234 , 3D3 32ND AVE om, sw.�e onawnn, woos Exhibit 2: Subdivision Plat 8-K) ® hese Benton mes ]FLAT OF A2 —g- - -_L I to ..a � � • _ s - fr � � +s �s a if t► Y N _ BEIMTHE5-EI-4 OF THEN•EI# 0F6EG.25 r*s.R.s9w. n_._ IF __ ���••�....,t� �...r,- .4•.� -4•:� a:,�-......t �za.� • g �.Lliotr �P.Caes sFi �......c �-G,..ti .a.�..•„ a.. -.:�:: n�yG. -�•+� r! eC..rE m.f - - i. _ _ � ;n- --�� _AIL_ _T ../? few ewi*ry t3 a !�_. 10. -fo _E 1-i-' tl • �f��.X,4,��''*9 — —_ Ztir6� 6 _M gg -y -� -.- u- ��io �k�„ F sii:. y,. •%1�nMAi . A ti-. �f __fi y3IIqr1 ',f�fu4.sL...ur..11.y( � .:..�i..+..t(�Crr, .�wai.�. ~yb«i...l.µd._N rok..G( J�!�i..wr••.�<(.w+l�t..y.cfa.y...,-.. d ,—._- _g.— -_ - - _-_...i e. c-4 .4 .P -'.... .__iys . - -Lr�-• _.. _-a. .-_--. - --- v '43 2+t0 d—+l.9z ah yaz&. - _ !i F•#" mow.VILt Jr�y Subject Property (3275 Ames Street) Exhibit 3: Zoning City of Wheat Ridge Geographic Information Systems V Legend 3275 Ames Street 1hR".7 Wheat Ridge City Limits �^ City of Denver 33RD AVE Displayed Zone Districts Residential -One C (R -1C) Residential -Three (R-3) Neighborhood Commercial (NC) • �` �`�� ._ Restricted Commercial (RC) DENVER 4 p F y U) 1 W fn m W N � % . ; .r ,.... wrr......rr+r•rr.wrr rrr r... ►. r..r. rrr r rrr r w rrr • r.Y r...�. r.q rrr rr.rrrr �e.r. orr.-. ra r� �r �rrr�rrrros arwvu ' �� wr4 irr�w.rrirrrrww wl rrM w~iiw.w' rr rwY.��rrH•w+..r�� rrr�rpr rwrcrrw.r iva�awrr�rr.i.w.rr.r.....are�r.wi r w.rr rairr.�. — --- — 32ND AVE ,'t`' of W heat idgc, �i CRY WAft. Rt., Cobn6e nW Ma 39M A.— N M V"MROPAO BOD"" I S —'i D" ro— QN w MMM kw Exhibit 4: Improvement Location Certificate Improvement Location Certificate JOB NO.. 9638 STREET ADDRESS: 3275 AYES ST. BORROWER: SCNNNMf SCALE. 1=20' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 59 70 4Z AVaL K JLOCK 4 CO L40A HEMIS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, FOUND CHISELED CROSS ON STATE OF COLORADO EXTENDED LOT UNE AT LOT 43 15' OFFSET ON WALK FENCE OWED BY ADJACENT LOT 125, I . 100' FOUND PIN W/CAP SOUTH LINE OF LOT 35 STAMPED ROBINSON Certification I hereby certify that this Improvement Location Certificate was prepared on this date 4-4-00 and was prepared only for the use of D. 111117E dt CO. It is not a Land Survey Plat or Improvement Survey Plot, and it Is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the Improvements an the above ----r-------------------- METAL SlfEO i LOT I? GARAf ��----------r-r-r.li i --------- CONC - r : coy/ avc O.O• 16 , LOT 41 , "f. . caws 39.8 LOT 40 L 11.5 CNE SAW 6LOa 7w Swr MMMAX 9.7' — — i-- BLOCK WALL K a6 .. i 3A6 ----_±�' 2d 0't 1t.8 ei � CSV. ,r CCINC: i LOT 39 2031 1? COVMVE CO AD—WIE POURED TO fEWCE CONTINUOUS 100' FOUND PIN W/CAP SOUTH LINE OF LOT 35 STAMPED ROBINSON Certification I hereby certify that this Improvement Location Certificate was prepared on this date 4-4-00 and was prepared only for the use of D. 111117E dt CO. It is not a Land Survey Plat or Improvement Survey Plot, and it Is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the Improvements an the above Exhibit 5: Current Conditions Exhibit 6: Proposed Site Plan NOV 100.W Lj 1 IniiFPl 4 � N 9L as N a� 8T 3 Units - NEW CONSTRUCTION ; a i Bob Schwinn 3275 Ames St Weat Ridge CO Exhibit 7: Residential -Three (R-3) Development Standards Sec. 26-211. Residerttia]-Three District (R-3). A. Intent and purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable medum to high-density residential neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium to high-density residential character. B. Devek 1pmenf standards: Notes: (a) Caner lots shall have a minimum lot width of eighty (80) feet for both street frontages. (b) Front setback reductions may be allowed in accordance with Section 26.611. (c) Side and rear yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet for the first two (2) stories and an additional five (5) feet for each additional story over two (2) stories. (d) Any side or rear yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback of twenty five (25) fed for all structures. (e) Front setbacks for one -or two-family dwelling structures on Ids or portions of lots which abut cul-de-sacs may be reduced to ten (10) feet for those portions of Ids which abut a cul-de-sac bulb. (See Figure 26.123.3.) (Q A minimum ofthree thousand six hundred thirty (3,630) square feet of land area shall be required for each dwelling unit for multifamily buildings. (g) See Section 26-625 for additional regulations pertaining to accessory buildings. The requirements of section 26-120C.2. shall not apply to require compliance with minimum lot area and/or minimum land area per unit requirements otherwise applicable to the reconstruction of multftanrly dwelling units in the R-3 district, where such structures and their reconstruction meet all of the following requirements: 1. The structure was legally in existence on September 8, 1997, 2. The structure is located upon a lot which does not meet the then -applicable minimum Iet area and/or minimum land area per unit requirements for such proposed reconstruction, and 3. Such reconstruction is restricted to replacement of the structure which has been destroyed. This exemption shall not apply to: 1. New construction where no replacement of a preexisting structure takes place or 2. Reconstruction of structures which were not legally in existence (as distinguished from legal nonconforming structures). C. Design standards: For site development except single- or two-family homes, development must comply with the Architectural and Site Design Manual and the Streetscape Design Manual, where applicable. (Ord. No. 2001-1215, § 1, 2-28-01; Ord. No. 1313, § 7, 10-27-03; Ord, No. 1448, § 2, 8-24409, Ord, No 1481, § 7, 3-28-11) Maximum Height Maximum Building Coverage 40°% Minimum Minimum Lot Lot Area 7,SOOsf W. Minimum Front Setback r 25' (e) Minimum Side Yard , 5' Minimum Rear Yard Principal Buildings One -(amity dwelling �'` r 10' ly i 35' 40% 9,000 sf 75' 25' (e) 6 per 10' dwellng story Multifamily 2,500 sf 1 1100' (3hnore dwelling 35' 40°,6 25'(e) 15' (c) 15' (c) units) Group home 35' 40% 9,000 sf 75' 25 (e) 5' per 10' Churches, schools, government and quasF government buildings, golf courses, small 35' 40% 1 acre 200' 25' (e) 15' (c) 20' day care center, and nursing, elderly and congregate care homes Accessory 5' if <= 10' Buildings Major 15' 600 sf (per (e) 5 in height; (g) unit) N/A N/A 10' if > 10' in height Minor 10' 400 sf/4 d.u. N/A N/A 25'(e) S 5' All Other Uses 35' 401% 7,500 sf 60' 25' (e) 5� 10' Notes: (a) Caner lots shall have a minimum lot width of eighty (80) feet for both street frontages. (b) Front setback reductions may be allowed in accordance with Section 26.611. (c) Side and rear yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet for the first two (2) stories and an additional five (5) feet for each additional story over two (2) stories. (d) Any side or rear yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback of twenty five (25) fed for all structures. (e) Front setbacks for one -or two-family dwelling structures on Ids or portions of lots which abut cul-de-sacs may be reduced to ten (10) feet for those portions of Ids which abut a cul-de-sac bulb. (See Figure 26.123.3.) (Q A minimum ofthree thousand six hundred thirty (3,630) square feet of land area shall be required for each dwelling unit for multifamily buildings. (g) See Section 26-625 for additional regulations pertaining to accessory buildings. The requirements of section 26-120C.2. shall not apply to require compliance with minimum lot area and/or minimum land area per unit requirements otherwise applicable to the reconstruction of multftanrly dwelling units in the R-3 district, where such structures and their reconstruction meet all of the following requirements: 1. The structure was legally in existence on September 8, 1997, 2. The structure is located upon a lot which does not meet the then -applicable minimum Iet area and/or minimum land area per unit requirements for such proposed reconstruction, and 3. Such reconstruction is restricted to replacement of the structure which has been destroyed. This exemption shall not apply to: 1. New construction where no replacement of a preexisting structure takes place or 2. Reconstruction of structures which were not legally in existence (as distinguished from legal nonconforming structures). C. Design standards: For site development except single- or two-family homes, development must comply with the Architectural and Site Design Manual and the Streetscape Design Manual, where applicable. (Ord. No. 2001-1215, § 1, 2-28-01; Ord. No. 1313, § 7, 10-27-03; Ord, No. 1448, § 2, 8-24409, Ord, No 1481, § 7, 3-28-11) Zack Wallace From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Meredith and Zack, Gerald Dahl <gdahl@mdkrlaw.com> Friday, March 18, 2016 12:53 AM Meredith Reckert Zack Wallace RE: 3275 Ames Street Memo I have reviewed Zach's good analysis and exhibits. I agree with your conclusion that Code 26-120.6, second paragraph, applies and as a consequence, the four lots at 3275 Ames are considered an undivided [and thus, single] parcel. No consolidation action need be taken to permit development. I also agree that Code 26-117.D does not apply because the lots in question are already an "undivided parcel" under 26- 120.6, and thus are not being consolidated for the purpose of multifamily development. Accordingly, staff can proceed to review to ensure compliance with the planning, public works and building code requirements as you mention. A couple of notes: While being treated as a single undivided parcel under 26-120.6, that also means, though that the same Code provision applies: " no portion of the parcel may be sold or used in a manner which diminishes compliance with minimum lot widths and area requirements." So, do I assume correctly that the 3 unit attached development is: (1) permitted in this R-3 district, and (2) will be in compliance with lot width and area requirements for such a development? You mentioned the property at 3330 Ames Street. I think I recall this is the vacant parcel at the NE corner of 33`d and Ames, correct? I know we have analyzed this parcel for development options in the past. Can you refresh my recollection on our conclusions on that land? I want to make sure we are acting consistently, if the fact patterns are the same. Thanks for the chance to review. Let me know if this message raises questions. Regards, Jerry Gerald E. Dahl gdahK&mdkrlaw.com Direct: 303-493-6686 Murray Dahl Kuechenmeister & Renaud LLP 710 Kipling Street Suite 300 Lakewood CO 80215 Phone: 303-493-6670 Fax: 303-945-7960 www.mdkrlaw.com This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify me immediately by telephone or e-mail and destroy the original message without making a copy. Thank you. From: Meredith Reckert[mai Ito: mreckertCcbci.wheatridge.co. usl Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 4:56 PM To: Gerald Dahl Cc: Zack Wallace Subject: FW: 3275 Ames Street Memo Hi, Jerry WE are once again facing a development challenge in the eastern side of town where most of the properties were platted in the 1890's and made up of lots 25'x 125' in size. We are working with the owner of 3275 Ames who is desirous of redeveloping his property into a tri-plex. Because it is zoned R-3 and made up of three parcels, we are facing the challenge of the provision in the zoning code under section 26-117.D. Because the property has always been considered a single development parcel, (even though made up of 3 lots), planning staff feels that this section should not apply. Zack has provided an analysis of the existing situation and we were hoping to get read from you as to whether you agree or disagree with our conclusion. Let me know if you have any questions. WE are on a pretty tight timeline and hope to have an answer back to the owner late next week. Meredith Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner Office Phone: 303-235-2848 FAX: 303-235-2857 m City of Ccrd�1MUN1"rY DEvrt[mA,rNt From: Zack Wallace Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 4:48 PM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: 3275 Ames Street Memo Memo regarding 3275 Ames Street is attached. Thanks, Zack Wallace Planning Technician Phone: 303-235-2849 www.d.wheatriclRe.co.us City irf (__''�g t ),a1 �4l � tJ l i Y Ii l \"(l t�Cht {' N 1 I I I I I II I I I I ! I I V I I s Lump?a€sP 5 Sc�c c�c c�c c�c� g�3mp? g7 mQ TOY mcw 3 yy m _8 0 0 On, W Alley I 100.00' 100.00' Ames St I I I I II I I I I I I I I 4 Units NEW CONSTRUCTION D Bob Schwinn 3275 Ames St Weat Ridge CO i N O O (A O 00 N N N O O O O r- n (21 N O O V V (.- I— (D CD M Cl) 04 Cl)M O O O O --1S s9vyv i r LO Lr) Lo I LO co O 00 O r- n N O O O O O O (h K LO r N M O � LO � L N N N N O O O O O o: (D CD (D to CD O O CD (O (D O O 00 00 N h h r_. r._ � (N N N Nco N N N N N N N N C) O O O O O O 0 O O O O LO co N co O LO LO LO r__ LO � V co M M O O O O O (D CD (D to CD O O CD (O (D O O 00 00 N h h r_. r._ � (N N N Nco N N N N N N N N C) O O O O O O 0 O O O O l SITUATEDA PARCEL OF LAND SECTIONRTHWEST 1/4 OF 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO . rlvu SURFACE AREA (SQ. FT) - --..• HOUSE 1129.88 RED' PIN CAP .ORANGE FND 363.60 OUTBUILDING _ c0 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - LOT 2 & PIN CAP LOT 47 6e LOT 2 376.00'= 0015'53'W S8933'52°E 125.97' 1 LOT 3 LOT 46 LOT 3 w LOT 4 } Efl7 45 LOT 4 i > FND LOT 5o W LOT 44 END CROSS LOT 5 #5 REBAR M W 0.74', END rL #5 RjBAR LOT 6 _ �o LOT 43 _ N 0.33' I WQ LOT 6 L I I M89'41'39"E 125.00' ;M W3: LOT 7 6- wQ' LOT 42 0 041 LOT 7 0 0 o v _..... - z .... _. _.__. '..OF-- LOT 8 a Z LOT 41 I = LOT 8 moOR o' 12,500 SQ. FT., w W� LOT 9 w m LOT 40 0,287 ACRES t -1-LOT 9 o,n in <( CID� w LOT 10 o n o LOT 39 o I LOT 10 LOT 11 z ���°1`. Oma\ I 589'41'39"W LOT 38 LOT 11 o 1 O 125.00' 0v4 LOT 12 LOT 37 LOT 12 co - J G\x w I< LOT 13 0 LOT 36 #5 REBAR ( LOT 13 0 \X<o G � F-+0' LOT 14 YELLOW FP R LOT 35 a I LOT 14 z w C7 I & CAPN " z oLOT 15 o LAST 34 as. � LOT 15 Lw EN N I CD LOT 16 U LOT 33 #5 REBAR ( LOT 16 � N89'43'10"E 125.03' I LOT 17 LOT 32 LOT 17 o m 2 LOT 18 LOT 31 ,��\ w LOT 18 -- GRAMLING SUBD w ( - REC.N0. cfl �'rii\l \P 2014006149 LOT 19 LOT 30 �� � � �� � LOT 19 J z LOT 20 LOT 29 " ��~ a . LOT 20 S89'42'25"W 125.03' I LOT 21 LOT 28 N I LOT 21 l LOT 22 L,1jT 27 ENo - LOT 22 PIPE... 1 o LOT 23FND L,OT 26 #o6z I 5 REBAR LOT 23 _. _._. A I LOT 24 _.... -FND #5 REBAR LOT 2-5 1" IRON PIPE- { LOT 24 ---- N89'58'40"W 127.11' FND 20' RANGE LINE ALUMINUM CAP ---111 z S89041'39"W 125.00' a N � 6.5' WOOD FENCE 16.5' 35.0' 0 �H0 M CLEANOUT HOLE IN GROUND � NO LID PIPES UNOERWATERI 4 \ 0', 6' WOOD FENCE1\ GARAGE PAD I,& \30.1' N N �G RAILROAD TE WALL DIRT 3.9' A,--� 2.8' b N 0.8' OUTBUILDING V' 28.0' 0.6 �a m v Lol 11.6' CONC DIRT PAD L F 2. 1/2" INCH POST (TYP.) i ! 11 c N89 4139 EJ 125.00' d' GARAGE 2y� 0 SET PIN &CAP P.L.S. 34183 t- CONIFEROUS TREE (CT SIN) DECIDUOUS TREE_ (DT 121N) UTILITY POLE ® CLEANOUT © GAS METER � ELECTRIC METER c"a WATER VALVE � FIRE HYDRANT ® WATER METER # LIGHT POLE –a– SIGN BOLLARD © COMMUNICATION PEDESTAL I O ELECTRIC PEDESTAL a PEDESTAL 5S SANITARY SEWE$ MANHOLE STORM SEWER MANHOLE ,------ 5280 --MAJOR CONTOUR -- — — — MINOR CONTOUR OVERH_gD UTILITY —s^"---SANITAl�Y SEWER LINE sne STORM SEWER LINE — wrR -- -- WATER LINE -�� -- EDGE GF ASPHALT -- x x --_.–IRON FLLlCE _��-��CHAWUt7K FENCE WOOD ` BRUNBR'DGE MATTHEW { Sl N 5' CHAINUNK FENCE SHED 30.3' FND NE 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF WEST 38TH AVE AND SHERIDAN BLVD 6' WOOD FENCE FND CROSS FND #5 REBAR74' W: 0.74' N. 0.33' a INCINERATOR 2.5' X 3.6' COVERED CONCRETE PAD CINDERBLOCK WALL 40.0' ELEC. CONDUIT 12,500 SQ. FT., OR 0.287 ACRES t GATE POST (TIP.) 5' TALI LA IEN R )D O )E N 5' WOOD }INCE R.Ci ARt c JEFFREY REY L i�lC7t D . MORGAN L- 325,11. AMES 5T 3275 AMES ST TWO STORY FRAME FINISHED FLOOR=5477.04 ROOF PEAK=5500.13 SOUTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC90N 26 VY 32ND V EN E 60' RIGHT OF WAY FND CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 z — — __ — __ __ ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVE AND HARLAN ST GRAPHIC SC 60 0 30 60 I: ( IN US SURVEY FEET',} 1 inch = 60 ft. M 30 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 60 ( IN US SURVEY FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATION SURFACE AREA (SQ. FT) CONCRETE 2580.85 HOUSE 1129.88 GARAGES 842.41 SHED 363.60 OUTBUILDING 646.19 c0 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS X5562.93 TOTAL LOT 12,500.00 RRTIO 44.50% i 26.82' ---� LL 0 Vi Q LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. LEGEND 0 Q w ED in I a ( L (�0 c0 ' I (!I 589.44 07 W — -- — 376.00'= 0015'53'W 1.00' 1 LL 0 Vi Q LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. LEGEND 0 Q w ED in €'NCE NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHT,; OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,500 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.287 ACRES MORE OR LESS, 3} ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY 'lIiTHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTIGPI BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C. R. S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5) FALCON SURVEYING, INC. RECOMMENDS ALL INTERESTED PARTES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH MIGHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6} DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (BOTH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY. RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. ui N zo 7) BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LINES ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND � a UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, IN USE OR ABANDONED, MIGHT EXIST ON, NEAR OR p o CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY_ LACKING EXCAVATION;, THE. EXACT LOCATION OF � xrr UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. L- m i WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED o � � THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSARY: WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POTENTIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY _:�E d POLE CROSSMEMBERS AND/OR OVERHANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF D OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF z p � RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE n LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8} BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED "107A" LOCATED IN p ¢ z p NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF U SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. z�,p,_, NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 �O ? On w � w 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF T9-I'� NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH ' (o SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ' i, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LNND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH 'SECTION ¢ z P.M. 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. i WEST 25TH AVENUE ;MMNO.1604081 WOOD, CO 80215 202-1560ALCONSURVEYlNG.COM fl2/16 REV: 66/28/16 25/16 REY: JM JOB N0. 360408 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: 04/18/16 160408_ISP.DWG (Swale Unde, F_ve) - I -_ -_- - - -_ - 1 (Birch Tree)' o mel CITY CERTI.1 ATtON � Approved this. j.� day of tJd2*e_ — ,.-,y! -- 9 by the City of Wheat Ridge. LACE ® - - — - - — - ATTEST ------ - Zoned R -11C _ \ w Cpm-nunity Developmel?t irect61t- -,. i ---E- ale++9--- -- -_ X _ __ ._ -_. SN31b. \ \ I ben! / -- -- _. S e >high Point (G ]den Flame Spirea Bushes), /; (Birch Tree)BUSheS \ ) -- Tree �41 Swale Detail 1/4" = I 1-011 39' - 6" Unit 1217 Sq, Ft. Lot Coverage 3028 Sq. Ft. Total Potential - 6" ® 1093 Sq. Ft. Lot Coverage 2908 Sq. Ft, Tota! Potential - 6" 1217 Sq. Ft, lot Coverage 3028 Sq, Ft. Total Potential CJ v1, god > 12 ° ( Locust Tree) -- / \ '� ' v 27 --'3' � 7 \ -au-:W— ,n SIOPe -> I i -,(Burning Bushes _ X X____ I El 1 M „ (Boxwood Bushes)\ 4' - 0' ___1 F v � i 25' -0' \Setback (Red Maple Tree] i vv sC"� -- -- -- — — — -- — -� (Locus t ocust Tree)Td. r, i I Sk Po 3 � \ U M � _,/, _ r- (Birch Tree) I (Lilac Bushes) Golden Flame Spirea Bushes _ - - _ / \ /' High Point — X \ ..-. _--E—aserl,. - -_._ -_ ___ - __ .... __. ._. --- - _. bW in--� ___ - ._. __. .___. _. __ .-._Su&lo^ 3 _._. _. _ _ _.. •�� 1 \ � \ / i 1 125. V Zoned RAC Site 3/16" = 1'-0" NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: If snore than three (3) street arts occur within 250 linear feet, additional milling / overlay requirements will apply. Refer to the terms of the City of Wheat Ridge ROW Construction Permit to be obtained frorn the Department of Public Works, 303-235-2861, prior to commencement of work. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed in accordance with the restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may othergise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of this Site Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Owner Owner State of Colorado ) )SS County of Jefferson ) The foreg' oil nstur Gent wi� as acknowledged before me this qday of c__�v 20%6 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: lc�' Z Z3 - Notary Public ; NOTAkY tO C€ 33 S til E.at3 e"k?'xte3r_ „, County: Zone District: Code: Building Type: Lot Size: Allowable Coveraae Main Building Footprint: Detached Garages: Unit #1: Garage #1: Parking Spaces: Unit #2: Garage #2: Parking Spaces: Unit #3: Garage #3: Parking Spaces: Total Coverage: Open Space: Garage Height(s): Fence: 3275 Ames St Wheat fridge CO 80211 Jefferson County R-3 2012 IRC, 2012 IBC, 2014 NEC Multi Family 12,500 Sq, Ft. 5,000 So. Ft. 40% 3,527 Sq. Ft. 1,465 Sq. Ft 1,217 Sq. Ft. 506 Sq, Ft. 2 U93 Sq. Ft. 480Sq, Ft. 2 1,217 Sq. Ft. 479 Sq. Ft. 2 4,991 Sq. Ft. 39.9% 7,509 Sq. Ft. 60.1% 10' Max 6' Cedar Privacy Planting Schedule LL Lj_ c)7 Type �.., '°fid ._.---- I_' Birch - 10' 4J � � -- Birch 10' Birch -10' Birch - 10' Boxwood 2'-9" C) Boxwood 2'-9" C;7 (, j Z LLI Q) Boxwood 214' C LL, Boxwood 2'-91, LL-r. 1 j�o t.iJ Boxwood 2'-9" - — — "� Burning Bush 4'-6" Mikhail Bykov 303-437-8813 S ewer Line ac 7 Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Site \ Golden Flame Sp irea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9 3 Vicinity Map - - 1" = 1000'-0" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2 -9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" fieT Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9' - Property Line Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9'- Honey Locust - 25' Lot Minimum Setback Honey Locust -2 5' Lilac T-6' -6 f Lilac 7'-6" Site rvEyst o"�— Water Service Line Lilac 7' 6" Lilac T-6" Fence Lilac T-6" - Date 6-28-16 Lilac T-6" « 63 Down Spout /Splash Block Lilac 7 6 Lilac 7'--6"- - Legend Lilac T-6" - __-- --- `2' As indic 1/4" = 1 0 Red Maple - 30' scale ated 5' - 3 rn M I i i i o I I m � of a � IIS 5'- 0 ! Setback mel CITY CERTI.1 ATtON � Approved this. j.� day of tJd2*e_ — ,.-,y! -- 9 by the City of Wheat Ridge. LACE ® - - — - - — - ATTEST ------ - Zoned R -11C _ \ w Cpm-nunity Developmel?t irect61t- -,. i ---E- ale++9--- -- -_ X _ __ ._ -_. SN31b. \ \ I ben! / -- -- _. S e >high Point (G ]den Flame Spirea Bushes), /; (Birch Tree)BUSheS \ ) -- Tree �41 Swale Detail 1/4" = I 1-011 39' - 6" Unit 1217 Sq, Ft. Lot Coverage 3028 Sq. Ft. Total Potential - 6" ® 1093 Sq. Ft. Lot Coverage 2908 Sq. Ft, Tota! Potential - 6" 1217 Sq. Ft, lot Coverage 3028 Sq, Ft. Total Potential CJ v1, god > 12 ° ( Locust Tree) -- / \ '� ' v 27 --'3' � 7 \ -au-:W— ,n SIOPe -> I i -,(Burning Bushes _ X X____ I El 1 M „ (Boxwood Bushes)\ 4' - 0' ___1 F v � i 25' -0' \Setback (Red Maple Tree] i vv sC"� -- -- -- — — — -- — -� (Locus t ocust Tree)Td. r, i I Sk Po 3 � \ U M � _,/, _ r- (Birch Tree) I (Lilac Bushes) Golden Flame Spirea Bushes _ - - _ / \ /' High Point — X \ ..-. _--E—aserl,. - -_._ -_ ___ - __ .... __. ._. --- - _. bW in--� ___ - ._. __. .___. _. __ .-._Su&lo^ 3 _._. _. _ _ _.. •�� 1 \ � \ / i 1 125. V Zoned RAC Site 3/16" = 1'-0" NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: If snore than three (3) street arts occur within 250 linear feet, additional milling / overlay requirements will apply. Refer to the terms of the City of Wheat Ridge ROW Construction Permit to be obtained frorn the Department of Public Works, 303-235-2861, prior to commencement of work. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed in accordance with the restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may othergise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of this Site Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Owner Owner State of Colorado ) )SS County of Jefferson ) The foreg' oil nstur Gent wi� as acknowledged before me this qday of c__�v 20%6 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: lc�' Z Z3 - Notary Public ; NOTAkY tO C€ 33 S til E.at3 e"k?'xte3r_ „, County: Zone District: Code: Building Type: Lot Size: Allowable Coveraae Main Building Footprint: Detached Garages: Unit #1: Garage #1: Parking Spaces: Unit #2: Garage #2: Parking Spaces: Unit #3: Garage #3: Parking Spaces: Total Coverage: Open Space: Garage Height(s): Fence: 3275 Ames St Wheat fridge CO 80211 Jefferson County R-3 2012 IRC, 2012 IBC, 2014 NEC Multi Family 12,500 Sq, Ft. 5,000 So. Ft. 40% 3,527 Sq. Ft. 1,465 Sq. Ft 1,217 Sq. Ft. 506 Sq, Ft. 2 U93 Sq. Ft. 480Sq, Ft. 2 1,217 Sq. Ft. 479 Sq. Ft. 2 4,991 Sq. Ft. 39.9% 7,509 Sq. Ft. 60.1% 10' Max 6' Cedar Privacy Planting Schedule LL Lj_ c)7 Type �.., '°fid ._.---- I_' Birch - 10' 4J � � -- Birch 10' Birch -10' Birch - 10' Boxwood 2'-9" C) Boxwood 2'-9" C;7 (, j Z LLI Q) Boxwood 214' C LL, Boxwood 2'-91, LL-r. 1 j�o t.iJ Boxwood 2'-9" - — — "� Burning Bush 4'-6" Mikhail Bykov 303-437-8813 S ewer Line ac 7 Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Site \ Golden Flame Sp irea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9 3 Vicinity Map - - 1" = 1000'-0" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" Golden Flame Spirea 2 -9" Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9" fieT Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9' - Property Line Golden Flame Spirea 2'-9'- Honey Locust - 25' Lot Minimum Setback Honey Locust -2 5' Lilac T-6' -6 f Lilac 7'-6" Site rvEyst o"�— Water Service Line Lilac 7' 6" Lilac T-6" Fence Lilac T-6" - Date 6-28-16 Lilac T-6" « 63 Down Spout /Splash Block Lilac 7 6 Lilac 7'--6"- - Legend Lilac T-6" - __-- --- `2' As indic 1/4" = 1 0 Red Maple - 30' scale ated -6 f Lilac 7'-6" Site rvEyst o"�— Water Service Line Lilac 7' 6" Lilac T-6" Fence Lilac T-6" - Date 6-28-16 Lilac T-6" « 63 Down Spout /Splash Block Lilac 7 6 Lilac 7'--6"- - Legend Lilac T-6" - __-- --- `2' As indic 1/4" = 1 0 Red Maple - 30' scale ated m OWNERS CERTIFICATE WE, ROBERT J. SCHWINN AND SHARMAN S. SCHWINN, BEING THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 127,000 SQ. FT. OR 0.292 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. LOTS 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, IkIORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EAST 1/4 OF SECTION''25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, (RANGE 29 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., WHENCE THE NE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25 BEARS N 00'15'53" W A DISTANCE OF 2636.95 FEET WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO; THENCE N 44'58'55" W A DISTANCE OF 534.39 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE F; R AMES STREET AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 89'41'39" W A DISTANCE OF 127.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF A 16' PUBLIC ALLEY; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY N 00°15'53" W A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE N 89'41'39" E A DISTANCE OF 121.00 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF AMES STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY, S 00'15'53"E A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGNNING. CONTAINING: 127,000 SQ. FT., OR 0.292 ACRES MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED, AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAINING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF SHARMAN'S PLACE A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO HE- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTLiTIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWNAS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION. MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GA LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES/ DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS ---- DAY OF --------- A.D. 20--- BY_'---------______ WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC PLANNING COM IISION CERTIFICATE APPROVED THIS ------- DAY OF _-----' --------- BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. ------------------------------ CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS ___- DAY OF ------- ------- BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ------- ----------------- DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERT COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILEI COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSOf GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT -------- O'CLOCK_ DAY OF BOOK ------ PAGE ------- RECEPTION NO. - JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY SURVEYOR'S NOTE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY AT _. M. ON THE IN *PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC, 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S.' SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY.* LOT 5 • ei 3250 BENTON STREET LLC 3250 BENTON ST LOTS 3-6, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LOT 7 m 3250 BENTON STREET LLC 3250 BENTON ST LOTS 7-14, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 f` RID CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 AL(JMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX NTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVE AND HARLAN ST LOT 44 LOT 43 N89041 VICINI'T'Y MAP -. -: 4,953-S0. FT®mm___ WEST 35TH AVENUE -- M; 15' SIDE SE1�ACt< OR 0.114 ACRES t e � 6 cn ' LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT � �— 5' REAR SETBACK _„�' w "W w; w - SETBACK w S89041'39"W 127.00' V An U o w cn w LOT 2 N �_ :. WEST 33RD AVENUE BY THIS PLAT SUBJECT OR 0.064 ACRES f ;589041'39"W 127.00' �n I -OT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT ' PROPERTY WEST .32ND AVENUE BRUNBRIDGE MATTHEW 0 3285 AMES ST LOTS 43-45, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LOT 3 127.001 ® 4,953-S0. FT®mm___ -- M; 15' SIDE SE1�ACt< OR 0.114 ACRES t e � 6 cn ' LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT �— 5' REAR SETBACK _„�' 25' FRONT SETBACK S89041'39"W 127.00' (_OT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT 2 N �_ 2,794 SO, FT., LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT OR 0.064 ACRES f ;589041'39"W 127.00' �n I -OT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT ' ' LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT 5i 15' SIDE SETE9ACK LOT 1 ' :� b------------------s..e.:..........-----------------------..------- n 4,953 SO. FT., OR 0.114 ACRES J LOT 38 S89041'39"W 127.00' POINT OF BEGINNING RICHARDS JEFFREY L. RICHARDS MORGAN L 3255 AMES ST LOTS 37 & 38, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LOT 37 LOT 36 C1,1 Iw< ��0 v) 7E (�CD Q0 F N D NE 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF VIEST 38TH AVE AND SHERIDAN BLVD LOT 5 LOT (3 1 LOT 7 LOT f3 O LOT Q m cn LOT 10 I m \ LOT 11 \ I � ri rn \SSSS: U-) CC, .9 x S8, n — -- 2 GRAPHIC SCALP LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,700 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.292 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY AC -PON BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R.S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5) FALCON SURVEYING, INC. RECOMMENDS ALL INTERESTED PARTIES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH MIGHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6) DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (BOTH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY. RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. 7) BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LINES ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, IN USE OR ABANDONED, MIGHT EXIST ON, NEAR OR CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. LACKING EXCAVATION, THE EXACT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAI= INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSAR''. WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POTFHTIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY POLE CROSSMEMBERS AND/OR OVERHANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR T'I'E LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8) BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED 1,107A,, LOCATED IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF IHE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P.M BEARING N00'15'53"W. 10) THE PURPOSE OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT IS TO CREATE LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AS SHOWN HEREON, TO REMOVE EXISTING LOT UNES FOR LOTS 39 THROUGH 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN HEREON. 11) THE SUBJECT PARCELS ARE ZONED R-3, PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 20, 2013. 12) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED WTHIN AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION X BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) ON FLOOD PLANE MAP NO. 08059CO218F WITH A DATE OF !DENTIF€CATION OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014., FOR COMMUNITY NO. 085079, IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS SITUATED. 13) FALCON SURVEYING INC. HAS RELIED UPON THE FIDELITY NATION TITLE COMPANY FILE NUMBER 598-FO54102-150-SSP, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF MARCH 30, 2016 AT 7:00 AM. SETBACK NOTES 1) SETBACKS AS CREATED BY THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AND NOTED HEREON. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAID SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH :SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. OWNERS CERTIFICATE WE, ROBERT J. SCHWINN AND SHARMAN S. SGHWINN, BEING THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 127,000 SQ. FT. OR 0.292 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, IVoRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EAST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 29 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., WHENCE THE NE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25 BEARS N 00°15'53" W A DISTANCE OF 2636.95 FEET WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO; THENCE NI 44'58'55" W A DISTANCE OF 534.39 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR AMES STREET AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 89'41'39" W A DISTANCE OF 127.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF A 16' PUBLIC ALLEY; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY N 00°15'53" W A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE N 89'41'39" E A DISTANCE OF 127.00 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF AMES STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY, S 00`15'53"E A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING: 127,000 SQ. FT., OR 0.292 ACRES MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED, AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF SHARMAN'SPLACE A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO -,HE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION. MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON } THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS ____DAY OF --------- A.D. 20--- BY ----------------- WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC PLANNING COMMISION CERTInCATE APPROVED THIS ------- DAY OF -------- ---------, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICA'T'ION APPROVED THIS ---_ DAY OF ------- WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK _ MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSO GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT -.---------O'CLOCK- DAY OF -----------, _ BOOK-----, PAGE------, RECEPTION NO., JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: -------------- DEPUTY SURVEYOR'S NOTE BY THE CITY OF IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY AT M. ON THE L, IN *PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC, 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT: ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF U.S:. AND TECHNOLOGY.* LOT 5 LOT 6 3250 BENTON STREET LLC 3250 BENTON ST LOTS 3-6. BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LOT 7 LOT 8 3250 BENTON STREET LLC 3250 BENTON ST LOTS 7-14, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 43 VICINITY MAP f:500 BRUNBRIDGE MATTHEW C 3265 AMES ST LOTS 43--45, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 1'39"E 127.00' LOT 3 WEST 35TH AVENUE 4,953 SQ. FT_ � ®___®m _____________ O�0_______----15'_SIDE SETBACK OR 0.114 ACRES ± o p _a 1 LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED � W J ..... .I U 2 ,'.. W O m rr N .. '.. SETBACK m a QI LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT o ,0 e n LOT 2 m a WEST 33RD AVENUE REMOVED .... ..... ... OR 0.064 ACRES S89041'39"W 127.00' SUBJECT L LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT . 1 PROPERTY ' e WEST 32ND AVENUE ... I BRUNBRIDGE MATTHEW C 3265 AMES ST LOTS 43--45, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 1'39"E 127.00' I -'rND CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVE AND HARLAN ST I LOT 37 LOT 36 POINT OF BEGINNING RICHARDS JEFFREY L R3CHARDS MORGAN L 3255 AMES ST LOTS 37 & 38, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS END NE 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF WEST 38TH AVE AND SHERIDAN BLVD i w Z. LOT 5 Lil CD Z m W3: :4L, yH O Lei U I LOT 6 O LOT 9 E Lil m L� O I C/) LOT 10 m \ vv ( LOT 1 i + 3 s�s r) L toS89°41'39"W 2645.76' GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 ( IN US SURVEY FEET ) I inch = 10 ft. FND EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF 32ND AND SHERIDAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,700 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.292 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R.S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5) FALCON SURVEYING, INC. RECOMMENDS ALL INTERESTED PARTIES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH DIGHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6) DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (BOTH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY. RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. 7) BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LINES ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, IN USE OR ABANDONED, MIGHT EXIST ON, NEAR OR CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. LACKING EXCAVATION, THE EXACT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSARY. WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POTF?NITIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY POLE CROSSMEMBERS AND/OR OVERHANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8) BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNT'( OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED "107A" LOCATED IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P.M BEARING N00°15'53"W. 10) THE PURPOSE OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT IS TO CREATE LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AS SHOWN HEREON, TO REMOVE EXISTING LOT L114ES FOR LOTS 39 THROUGH 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN HEREON. 11) THE SUBJECT PARCELS ARE ZONED R-3, PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 20, 2013. 12) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED PWITHIN AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION X BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) ON FLOOD PLANE MAP NO. 08059CO218F WITH A DATE OF IDENTIFICATION OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014., FOR COMMUNITY NO. 085079, IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS SITUATED. 13) FALCON SURVEYING INC. HAS RELIED UPON THE FIDELITY NATION TITLE COMPANY FILE NUMBER 598-FO54102-150-SSP, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF MARCH 30, 2016 AT 7:00 AM. SETBACK NOTES 1) SETBACKS AS CREATED BY THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AND NOTED HEREON. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN ]-HE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN :HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH: SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. 40 9940 WEST 25TI-I AVENUE LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 303-202-1560 WWW.FALCONSURVEYING.COM VALCO® i' DATE: 05/02/10 REV: 05/17/16 SURVEYp INC. REV: I REV: DRAWN BY: SLE CHK'D BY: JJM JOB NO. 160408 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: 04/18/16 160408_RESUB.DW LOT 3 4,953 SQ. FT_ � ®___®m _____________ O�0_______----15'_SIDE SETBACK OR 0.114 ACRES ± p 1 LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT 25' FRONT -�— 5' REAR SETBACK --�; SETBACK S89041'39"W 127.00' a LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT Q i�LOT e LOT 2 2,794 SQ. FT., LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT OR 0.064 ACRES S89041'39"W 127.00' e LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT ' 1 ' e ' ' ' LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ®:___________-- 15'0a SIDE SETBACK LOT1 O 4,953 SQ. FT., m OR 0.114 ACRES ±- I -'rND CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVE AND HARLAN ST I LOT 37 LOT 36 POINT OF BEGINNING RICHARDS JEFFREY L R3CHARDS MORGAN L 3255 AMES ST LOTS 37 & 38, BLOCK 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS END NE 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF WEST 38TH AVE AND SHERIDAN BLVD i w Z. LOT 5 Lil CD Z m W3: :4L, yH O Lei U I LOT 6 O LOT 9 E Lil m L� O I C/) LOT 10 m \ vv ( LOT 1 i + 3 s�s r) L toS89°41'39"W 2645.76' GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 ( IN US SURVEY FEET ) I inch = 10 ft. FND EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF 32ND AND SHERIDAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,700 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.292 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R.S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5) FALCON SURVEYING, INC. RECOMMENDS ALL INTERESTED PARTIES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH DIGHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6) DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (BOTH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY. RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. 7) BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LINES ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, IN USE OR ABANDONED, MIGHT EXIST ON, NEAR OR CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. LACKING EXCAVATION, THE EXACT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSARY. WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POTF?NITIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY POLE CROSSMEMBERS AND/OR OVERHANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8) BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNT'( OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED "107A" LOCATED IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P.M BEARING N00°15'53"W. 10) THE PURPOSE OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT IS TO CREATE LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 AS SHOWN HEREON, TO REMOVE EXISTING LOT L114ES FOR LOTS 39 THROUGH 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN HEREON. 11) THE SUBJECT PARCELS ARE ZONED R-3, PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ZONING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 20, 2013. 12) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED PWITHIN AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION X BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) ON FLOOD PLANE MAP NO. 08059CO218F WITH A DATE OF IDENTIFICATION OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014., FOR COMMUNITY NO. 085079, IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS SITUATED. 13) FALCON SURVEYING INC. HAS RELIED UPON THE FIDELITY NATION TITLE COMPANY FILE NUMBER 598-FO54102-150-SSP, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF MARCH 30, 2016 AT 7:00 AM. SETBACK NOTES 1) SETBACKS AS CREATED BY THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AND NOTED HEREON. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN ]-HE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN :HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH: SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. 40 9940 WEST 25TI-I AVENUE LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 303-202-1560 WWW.FALCONSURVEYING.COM VALCO® i' DATE: 05/02/10 REV: 05/17/16 SURVEYp INC. REV: I REV: DRAWN BY: SLE CHK'D BY: JJM JOB NO. 160408 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: 04/18/16 160408_RESUB.DW 3 a CL CL) m a 0 w ccD Z LL 0 0 0 m 0 m g S0095'53"E 100.00' INDERBLOCK WALL 0 • A SHED CD N 6.5' WOOD S89041'39"W 127.00' CD Ln. A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITE' OF 147HEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO -� ------ 29.81' I -ND .: NE 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 BRUNBRIDGE MATTHEW G ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX 3285 AMES ST INTERSECTION OF WEST 38TH AVE AND SHERIDAN BLVD I T c� r 5' CHAINLINK FENCE aVz a,/4 16.5' ' — �-�. 0.3' — 2.71' cN � SHED o LOT 42, r� I 0% b U EANOUT oHo NtiLID � o 50 HOLE IN GROUND \\ GARAGE \\ °Mb PIPES UNDERWATER �u. CONCRETE°'O °O 6' WOOD FENC PAD GIN LO WALL 16.5' -J R; LOT 411' 18 � N GARAG(': \ d- oy G 0%5474.35 0 r ix X5475.59 ONCRETE WALKWA DIRT RAILROAD TIE WALK 3474 DT -2 47426 40 GRAVEL 5. 06 DIRT � END 6' WOOD FENCE #5 REBAR W: 0.14' END N: 1.71' CROSS *5471.45 �d Iv CINDERBLOCK WALL d) \� INCINERATOR i 2.5' X 3.6' ELf=C. ERED CONCRETE I ld' 3� x5473.16 5471 88 = � ----- 132.09' — =5474 LnLn 547T'14 FLAGSTONE PATH F� SET IN CONCRETE 28.0 s- ROOF PEAK=5500.13 w 0.6' TF jj i DE I H 40.0' 8 co o LANDING POU 'GRAVEL PATH 11.6' I 6T-3 1--- --- -- -- GATE 5' TALL ul 1/2" INCH POST (TYP.) LOT 38 LOT 37 DIRT 0 CONCRETE o o FLANT!] PAD Qx �ti j DT}�D 6' WOOD FENCE \�" y 0 3' X 0.3' POST L POSTS — I 5' WOOODOD FENCESQ DT-SHRU\ 5474.37 547 0„ % N89041'39"E 127.00' RICHARE RICHARE 3255 At =ND CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX NTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVE AND HARLAN ST 26.82' r VIT R -- IVR--_I-/-f- WTR - - I N / r DT \ �I I, I I A I v ( liQ \J'A`S n �l S89°41'39"W n 2645.76' \ Cn O 2: Q W m L� O Cn Q m IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATION �I LOT 1 CONCRETE 3.9' DT -6 2.8' -2.8' �I HOUSE 1129.88 GARAGES 12,700 SO. FT., SHED 363.60 OUTBUILDING 646.19 LOT 40 I OR 0.292 ACRES TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 0 5 OUTBUILDING 3275 AMES ST 12,700.00 c° N TWO STORY FRAME o ?� FINISHED FLOOR=5477.04 o- e 5. 06 DIRT � END 6' WOOD FENCE #5 REBAR W: 0.14' END N: 1.71' CROSS *5471.45 �d Iv CINDERBLOCK WALL d) \� INCINERATOR i 2.5' X 3.6' ELf=C. ERED CONCRETE I ld' 3� x5473.16 5471 88 = � ----- 132.09' — =5474 LnLn 547T'14 FLAGSTONE PATH F� SET IN CONCRETE 28.0 s- ROOF PEAK=5500.13 w 0.6' TF jj i DE I H 40.0' 8 co o LANDING POU 'GRAVEL PATH 11.6' I 6T-3 1--- --- -- -- GATE 5' TALL ul 1/2" INCH POST (TYP.) LOT 38 LOT 37 DIRT 0 CONCRETE o o FLANT!] PAD Qx �ti j DT}�D 6' WOOD FENCE \�" y 0 3' X 0.3' POST L POSTS — I 5' WOOODOD FENCESQ DT-SHRU\ 5474.37 547 0„ % N89041'39"E 127.00' RICHARE RICHARE 3255 At =ND CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX NTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVE AND HARLAN ST 26.82' r VIT R -- IVR--_I-/-f- WTR - - I N / r DT \ �I I, I I A I v ( liQ \J'A`S n �l S89°41'39"W n 2645.76' \ Cn O 2: Q W m L� O Cn Q m IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATION SURFACE AREA (SQ. FT) CONCRETE 3274.02 HOUSE 1129.88 GARAGES 912.41 SHED 363.60 OUTBUILDING 646.19 ELECTRIC METER rQ TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 6326.10 TOTAL LOT 12,700.00 RATIO 49.817 LEGEND LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,747 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.2.93 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R.S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5) FALCON SURVEYING, INC. RECOMMENDS ALL INTERESTED PARTIES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH M9GHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6) DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (BOTH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY. RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. 7) BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LINES ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, 'N USE OR ABANDONED, MIGHT EXIST ON, NEAR OR CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. LACKING EXCAVATION, THE EXACT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSARY. WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POTENTIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY POLE CROSSMEMBERS AND/OR OVERHANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND TFIE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8) BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED "107A" LOCATED IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P.M. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. FND SE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF 32ND AND SHERIDAN 40 SET PIN & CAP P.L.S. 34183 E: CONIFEROUS TREE (CT 81N) DECIDUOUS TREE (DT 121N) UTILITY POLE co CLEANOUT © GAS METER (D ELECTRIC METER rQ WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT Q FDC (FIRE DPT CONNECTION) ® WATER METER ?� LIGHT POLE o- SIGN e BOLLARD © COMMUNICATION PEDESTAL 11 ELECTRIC PEDESTAL U PEDESTAL Qs SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE '' STORM SEWER MANHOLE — — — — — 5280— — MAJOR CONTOUR — ---—MINOR CONTOUR OVERHEAD UTILITY -- onU sAu SANITARY SEWER LINE — STORM SEWER LINE -san -- WATER LINE - WTR -'-- EDGE OF ASPHALT - x x IRON FENCE CHAINLINK FENCE WOOD FENCE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,747 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.2.93 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R.S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5) FALCON SURVEYING, INC. RECOMMENDS ALL INTERESTED PARTIES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH M9GHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6) DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (BOTH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY. RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. 7) BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LINES ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, 'N USE OR ABANDONED, MIGHT EXIST ON, NEAR OR CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. LACKING EXCAVATION, THE EXACT LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSARY. WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POTENTIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY POLE CROSSMEMBERS AND/OR OVERHANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND TFIE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8) BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED "107A" LOCATED IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P.M. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. FND SE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF 32ND AND SHERIDAN 40 S00°15'53"E 100.00' 0 ¢INIIERBLOCK WALL I r F m LOT 4.4 LOT 43 SHED N 6.5' WOOD S89041'39" W 127.00' O Ln A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNS 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO -� 29.81' � FND NE 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 BRUNBRIDGE MATTHEW G ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX 3285 AMES ST INTERSECTION OF WEST 38TH AVE AND SHERIDAN BLVD I r IMPERVIOUS SURFACE __CALCULATION SURFACE AREA (SQ. FT) CONCRETE 3274.02 HOUSE 1129.88 GARAGES 912.41 SHED 363.60 OUTBUILDING 646.19 11.oNu 5 -- �a TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 6326.10 TOTAL LOT 12,700.00 RATIO 49.81 N � FND -I 6' WOOD FENCE 5' CHAINLINK FENCA, E #5 RE .14 ��, W: FIND FND N: 1 71 CROSS - _ -5471,45 5470.76x 16.5'� 47 4 1 30.3' 5474 2.71' SHED o LOT 42 30.3' Ln n n py gyp NN `pyG O \ CLEANOUT L \\ oyy NO LID oy� � - - o � HOLE ° IN GROUND GARAGE \ y6� PIPES UNDERWATER GONCRETE"yZI 6' WOOD FENC � PAD ` �\ \ CIN LO WALL 16.5' LOT 4-1 p 1' r� CO N �- cv GARAQ_ \ d- °Ho oyo 't5 74.35 L% G -FF i c- \ 5473.59 S oyo 30.1' !, €)ONCRETE WALKWA,. • :-�_ � RAILROAD TIE WALL �- GRAVEL 566 DIRT I` 4,u -k u u L0 1/2" INCH POST (TYP.) LOT 37 0.6' 11.6' CONCRETE II PAD r ROOF PEAK=5500.13 s FF RJ), 40.0' a 1 CON N d-- CINDERBLOCK WALL INCINERATOR 2.5' X 3.6' ELEC. CONDUITf,._ 1� COVERED CONCRETE PAD 5472 LT4 FF -5473.16 32.09 ?4 4FLAG STONEPATHET IN CONCRETE s LANDINGRAVEL PATH ---�_� PAD' .. ora GATE 5' TALL 54 DIRT 1 ) o CD LPLANTER 0 Q 1 N _ X, Y 6' WOOD FENCE 0 3 X 0.3' POST (TYP.) cTG 2 _ L P057S-.._� 5' WCOD FENCES - nz uT-s Rue ��3 r x5474.37 547 OSx n .I -V.� or� i )T-4 0� DT \ N89041'39'E v v 127,00' _ FND CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVE AND HARLAN ST RICHARE RICHARE 3255 Al \ I A ! A I I I A 26.82' \ SCO rry 01� ifl C71 �� 0O in \9, N I \ S89041'39" W v� 2645.76' v GO O z tr Q W m E� O CO Q m DIRT -.... '5`1�14 D z 40.0' CONIFEROUS TREE (CT 81N) I s474.zs F LOT 1 3 2.8' 3.9' 2.8' or=s CLEANOUT © 2,700 S0. FT., ® 11.oNu 5 -- �a WATER VALVE � LOT 40 i OR 0.292 ACRES t 0 o OUTBUILDING 3275 AMES ST WATER METER °0 NTWO STORY FRAME 0 SIGN FINISHED FLOOR=5477.04 BOLLARD 0'ry _ COMMUNICATION PEDESTAL 566 DIRT I` 4,u -k u u L0 1/2" INCH POST (TYP.) LOT 37 0.6' 11.6' CONCRETE II PAD r ROOF PEAK=5500.13 s FF RJ), 40.0' a 1 CON N d-- CINDERBLOCK WALL INCINERATOR 2.5' X 3.6' ELEC. CONDUITf,._ 1� COVERED CONCRETE PAD 5472 LT4 FF -5473.16 32.09 ?4 4FLAG STONEPATHET IN CONCRETE s LANDINGRAVEL PATH ---�_� PAD' .. ora GATE 5' TALL 54 DIRT 1 ) o CD LPLANTER 0 Q 1 N _ X, Y 6' WOOD FENCE 0 3 X 0.3' POST (TYP.) cTG 2 _ L P057S-.._� 5' WCOD FENCES - nz uT-s Rue ��3 r x5474.37 547 OSx n .I -V.� or� i )T-4 0� DT \ N89041'39'E v v 127,00' _ FND CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVE AND HARLAN ST RICHARE RICHARE 3255 Al \ I A ! A I I I A 26.82' \ SCO rry 01� ifl C71 �� 0O in \9, N I \ S89041'39" W v� 2645.76' v GO O z tr Q W m E� O CO Q m LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,747 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.293 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC I...AND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R. S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5) FALCON SURVEYING, INC. RECOMMENDS ALL INTERESTED PARTIES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT 'PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH NIGHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6) DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (BOTH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY, RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. 7) BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LINES ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, IN USE OR ABANDONED, MIGHT EXIST ON, NEAR OR CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. LACKING EXCAVATION, THE EXACT LOCATION Of= UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSARY. WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POT NTIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY POLE CROSSMEMBERS AND/OR OVER, -HANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8) BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED "107A" LOCATED IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP ilv THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE STH P.M. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. FND SE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF 32ND AND SHERIDAN SET PIN & CAP P.L.S. 34183 CONIFEROUS TREE (CT 81N) ^; DECIDUOUS TREE (DT 121N) UTILITY POLE CLEANOUT © GAS METER ® ELECTRIC METER �a WATER VALVE ,E, FIRE HYDRANT 0 FDC (FIRE DPT CONNECTION) WATER METER LIGHT POLE o- SIGN • BOLLARD © COMMUNICATION PEDESTAL O ELECTRIC PEDESTAL 0 PEDESTAL >` SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STORM SEWER MANHOLE ------ 5280 --MAJOR CONTOUR --------MINOR CONTOUR OVERHEAD UTILITY - oriu ------ s- - - SANITARY SEWER LINE STM STORM SEWER LINE -- -------"TR WATER LINE ------- EDGE OF ASPHALT x ------- x ----- IRON FENCE " �-CHAINLINK FENCE ------ a--'�-WOOD FENCE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 39, 40, 41, AND 42, BLOCK 3, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTES 1) ANY RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOWN HEREON SUBJECT TO THE RECEIPT OF A CURRENT TITLE COMMITMENT POLICY. 2) TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL IS 12,747 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.293 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3) ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC I...AND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R. S. 13-80-105(3)(A)) 5) FALCON SURVEYING, INC. RECOMMENDS ALL INTERESTED PARTIES RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT INDIVIDUAL TO CONSULT 'PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS AND CRITERIA WHICH NIGHT APPLY TO SUBJECT PARCEL. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ZONING RESTRICTIONS UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6) DIRECT ACCESS TO PROPERTY FROM AMES STREET AND PUBLIC ALLEY (BOTH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY) EXIST AT TIME OF SURVEY, RIGHTS TO ACCESS NOT ADDRESSED BY SURVEYOR. 7) BURIED UTILITIES AND/OR PIPE LINES ARE SHOWN PER VISIBLE SURFACE EVIDENCE AND UTILITY PLANS. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES, IN USE OR ABANDONED, MIGHT EXIST ON, NEAR OR CROSSING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. LACKING EXCAVATION, THE EXACT LOCATION Of= UNDERGROUND FEATURES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY, COMPLETELY AND RELIABLY DEPICTED. WHERE ADDITIONAL OR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, THE CLIENT IS ADVISED THAT EXCAVATION MAY BE NECESSARY. WITHOUT EXPRESSING A LEGAL OPINION AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OR NATURE OF THE POT NTIAL OVERHANGS. THE DIMENSIONS OF ALL UTILITY POLE CROSSMEMBERS AND/OR OVER, -HANGS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. FALCON SURVEYING, INC. AND THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOCATION OF OR THE FAILURE TO NOTE THE LOCATION OF NON-VISIBLE UTILITIES. 8) BENCHMARK: FOUND CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER BRASS CAP STAMPED "107A" LOCATED IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RAMP ilv THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHERIDAN BOULEVARD AND 29TH AVENUE. NAVD 88 ELEVATION= 5404.42 9) BASIS OF BEARINGS: EAST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE STH P.M. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JEFFREY J. MACKENNA, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT THIS DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 38-51-106, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES. FND SE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25 ALUMINUM CAP IN MONUMENT BOX INTERSECTION OF 32ND AND SHERIDAN