HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/171. PA 3. 4. P `. � GLY of Wheatl,icdge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting January 5, 2017 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dirk Boden Alan Bucknam Emery Dorsey Janet Leo Scott Ohm Amanda Weaver Donna Kimsey Steve Timms Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner II Robin Eaton, Deputy City Clerk Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 6-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — December 1, 2016 It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner BUCKNAM to approve the minutes of April 21, 2016, as written. Motion carried 4- 0-2 with Commissioner BODEN and LEO abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Planning Commission Minutes January 5, 2017 -1— No one wished to speak at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearing 8. OTHER ITEMS A. Small -Scale Alcohol Production Ms. Ritchie gave a brief presentation on reasons for a Small -Scale Alcohol Production discussion, including economic development in the State of Colorado, interest from potential brewers and distillers, clarity in the zoning code and the fact they already exist. Commissioner BODEN thinks it is a good idea to regulate small-scale alcohol production and he feels small communities such as Wheat Ridge can be revitalized and breweries can be the forefronts to energizing these communities. He said he would support leniency and will embrace the economic benefit. Commissioner BUCKNAM knows the impact Brewpubs can have on communities, such as the positive impact Colorado Plus has had on the 38th Avenue Corridor. He feels more of these uses in the community would bring destination -based traffic to the City of Wheat Ridge. He asked if staff knows the capacity that high visibility distilleries might be operating at, such as Leopold Bros to get an idea about what 15,000 gallons of production is equivalent to. Ms. Ritchie explained that research would have to be conducted; specific distilleries have not been contacted to find out how much they produce. She also explained there is no single industry trade organization that publishing that data. Mr. Eaton explained that most distilleries do not like showing how much alcohol they snake every year, it is not required. Leopold's is in an industrial zone district so they make a lot. Commissioner BUCKNAM also questioned if a large brewery came to Wheat Ridge would they be put into a Planned Development. Ms. Ritchie said that would probably be the case. Commissioner DORSEY asked why a brewpub is not part of the definition list. Ms. Mikulak explained the casual term brewpub is different than the legal term, from a liquor licensing standpoint. Planning Commission Minutes -2— January 2— January 5, 2017 Commissioner LEO asked how many applications, for sinall-scale alcohol production, the city has received. Ms. Mikulak explained there is no specific number; the challenge is the uncertainty because there is nothing in our zoning code and businesses want to know where to look. Commissioner WEAVER wanted to know how Colorado Plus operates. She also asked if there could be an Agricultural aspect to this type of production. Mr. Eaton explained that Colorado Plus is operating as an Eating Establishment, but also has a license to sell the malt liquor they make and can sell others wines, spirits and beers, but no off premise consumption except for what they manufacture. Ms. Ritchie and Ms. Mikulak explained the have looked into the Agricultural aspect, but it is difficult to combine Agricultural and Industrial zoning because of the second step uses. In addition, most of the Agricultural zoned areas are surrounded by Residential zone districts; it would be best to do a Planned Development where there can be activity that is more commercial. Commissioner OHM asked if someone wants to make mead, how is that classified. Mr. Eaton said that mead is considered wine and before an individual starts making a product they should check with the Feds to find out the proper licensing. The Planning Commission agreed they would like to see the clarification in the code for small-scale alcohol production. B. Regulations for New Site Design Standards Ms. Ritchie gave a brief presentation about a potential zoning ordinance amendment to expand standards for site grading, retaining walls and storm water facilities and hope to see results in the future with better standards. Commissioner WEAVER said she supports this plan. Commissioner DORSEY asked who makes the decision as to the aesthetics and is the cost added to the developers on the site. Ms. Ritchie explained the majority of the cost goes into the facility itself. The goal is to provide some flexibility and by giving the developers options, we don't want to make the standards more cost prohibitive. Ms. Mikulak said that by adding some simple landscaping we can meet the intent of the new code in some cases. Planning Commission Minutes -3 — January 5, 2017 Commissioner BUCKNAM thinks this is a great step forward and the landscaping plays a big role. Commissioner BODEN asked if standards were compared to other communities. Ms. Ritchie explained that other communities regulations were compared, and some were more prescriptive and some were more flexible, but this gives the City a way to get something established. Commissioner OHM gave some of his professional advice and explained he doesn't put heavy water turf on slopes that are greater than 3:1. Regarding retaining walls, they should not be more than 4 feet in height. In detention areas, there needs to be vegetation so there is no erosion and no trees; there also needs to be irrigation in the beginning until establishment. He also feels money should be spent on the detentions areas that are visible, but not in the back forty. Ms. Ritchie and Ms. Mikulak explained these standards will live both in the code and in the ASDM with images, captions and narrative and staff will bring that back to the Planning Commission for guidance. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to adjour the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. of hm, air Tammy Odca ,Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -4— January 4January 5, 2017