HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/17I City of WheatP,idge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA February 16, 2017 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on February 16, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. *Agenda packets and minutes are available online at http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/95/Planning-Commission 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—January 5, 2017 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. WZ-1608: An application filed by EnviroFinance Group for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) for the property located at 4255 Yarrow Street. B. MS -1604: An application filed by Regency Centers for US Retail Partners for approval of athree-lot minor subdivision for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at approximately 3400 Youngfield Street. 8. OTHER ITEMS 9. ADJOURNMENT Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Whew Ridge. Call Sara Spaulding Public Information Officer at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. City of i�9r WheatMidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting January 5, 2017 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29a' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dirk Boden Alan Bucknam Emery Dorsey Janet Leo Scott Ohm Amanda Weaver Donna Kimsey Steve Timms Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner Lisa Ritchie, Planner 11 Robin Eaton, Deputy City Clerk Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 6-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — December 1, 2016 It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner BUCKNAM to approve the minutes of April 21, 2016, as written. Motion carried 4- 0-2 with Commissioner BODEN and LEO abstaining. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) Planning Commission Minutes January 5, 2017 -1— No one wished to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearing 8. OTHER ITEMS A. Small -Scale Alcohol Production Ms. Ritchie gave a brief presentation on reasons for a Small -Scale Alcohol Production discussion, including economic development in the State of Colorado, interest from potential brewers and distillers, clarity in the zoning code and the fact they already exist. Commissioner BODEN thinks it is a good idea to regulate small-scale alcohol production and he feels small communities such as Wheat Ridge can be revitalized and breweries can be the forefronts to energizing these communities. He said he would support leniency and will embrace the economic benefit. Commissioner BUCKNAM knows the impact Brewpubs can have on communities, such as the positive impact Colorado Plus has had on the 38"' Avenue Corridor. He feels more of these uses in the community would bring destination -based traffic to the City of Wheat Ridge. He asked if staff knows the capacity that high visibility distilleries might be operating at, such as Leopold Bros to get an idea about what 15,000 gallons of production is equivalent to. Ms. Ritchie explained that research would have to be conducted; specific distilleries have not been contacted to find out how much they produce. She also explained there is no single industry trade organization that publishing that data. Mr. Eaton explained that most distilleries do not like showing how much alcohol they make every year, it is not required. Leopold's is in an industrial zone district so they make a lot. Commissioner BUCKNAM also questioned if a large brewery came to Wheat Ridge would they be put into a Planned Development. Ms. Ritchie said that would probably be the case. Commissioner DORSEY asked why a brewpub is not part of the definition list. Ms. Mikulak explained the casual term brewpub is different than the legal term, from a liquor -licensing standpoint. Planning Commission Minutes -2— January 2— January 5, 2017 Commissioner LEO asked how many applications, for small-scale alcohol production, the city has received. Ms. Mikulak explained there is no specific number; the challenge is the uncertainty because there is nothing in our zoning code and businesses want to know where to look. Commissioner WEAVER wanted to know how Colorado Plus operates. She also asked if there could be an Agricultural aspect to this type of production. Mr. Eaton explained that Colorado Plus is operating as an Eating Establishment, but also has a license to sell the malt liquor they make and can sell others wines, spirits and beers, but no off premise consumption except for what they manufacture. Ms. Ritchie and Ms. Mikulak explained the have looked into the Agricultural aspect, but it is difficult to combine Agricultural and Industrial zoning because of the second step uses. In addition, most of the Agricultural zoned areas are surrounded by Residential zone districts; it would be best to do a Planned Development where there can be activity that is more commercial. Commissioner OHM asked if someone wants to make mead, how is that classified. Mr. Eaton said that mead is considered wine and before an individual starts making a product they should check with the Feds to find out the proper licensing. The Planning Commission agreed they would like to see the clarification in the code for small-scale alcohol production. B. Regulations for New Site Design Standards Ms. Ritchie gave a brief presentation about a potential zoning ordinance amendment to expand standards for site grading, retaining walls and storm water facilities and hope to see results in the future with better standards. Commissioner WEAVER said she supports this plan. Commissioner DORSEY asked who makes the decision as to the aesthetics and is the cost added to the developers on the site. Ms. Ritchie explained the majority of the cost goes into the facility itself. The goal is to provide some flexibility and by giving the developers options, we do not want to make the standards more cost prohibitive. Ms. Mikulak said that by adding some simple landscaping we can meet the intent of the new code in some cases. Planning Commission Minutes -3— January 3— January 5, 2017 Commissioner BUCKNAM thinks this is a great step forward and the landscaping plays a big role. Commissioner BODEN asked if standards were compared to other communities. Ms. Ritchie explained that other communities regulations were compared, and some were more prescriptive and some were more flexible, but this gives the City a way to get something established. Commissioner OHM gave some of his professional advice and explained he does not put heavy water turf on slopes that are greater than 3:1. Regarding retaining walls, they should not be more than 4 feet in height. In detention areas, there needs to be vegetation so there is no erosion and no trees; there also needs to be irrigation in the beginning until establishment. He also feels money should be spent on the detentions areas that are visible, but not in the back forty. Ms. Ritchie and Ms. Mikulak explained these standards will live both in the code and in the ASDM with images, captions and narrative and staff will bring that back to the Planning Commission for guidance. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Scott Ohm, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -4— January 4— January 5, 2017 City of � Wheat�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE OF MEETING: February 16, 2017 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-16-08/EnviroFinance Group (EEG) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4255 Yarrow Street PROPERTY OWNER: JDB, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 4.52 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -Two (R-2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood ENTER INTO RECORD: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4255 Yarrow Street. The zone change is the first step of the process for approval for redevelopment of this site under MU -N zoning. If approved, and prior to any construction, a site development plan review will be required to confirm compliance with the city zoning code and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. These reviews would be administrative with no additional public hearings required. The purpose of the rezoning is to modify the list of uses and to simplify the review and approval process for future development on the property. (Exhibit 1, Applicant Letter) II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The site is located at 4255 Yarrow Street, south of 44"' Avenue and west of Wadsworth Blvd. According to the Jefferson County Assessor, the property is 4.52 acres in size and is unplatted. (Exhibit 2, Aerial Photo) The property contains a non -conforming greenhouse that was constructed in the 1940's, with minor modifications completed subsequently. The building is currently vacant. The subject property is "L" -shaped and has roughly 400 feet of street frontage along Yarrow Street and roughly 275 feet of street frontage along 42°d Avenue. (Exhibit 3 — ALTA survey) The property is currently contaminated due to pesticides and fuel used with the prior greenhouse use. The contamination will have to be remediated prior to any disturbance of soil on the site (Exhibit 4, Site Photos) Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the west is a parcel zoned Residential -Two (R-2) that contains an urban garden, owned by the City of Wheat Ridge, known as Happiness Gardens. Beyond that parcel to the west are properties zoned R-2 that contain primarily single-family dwellings. The roughly 1 -acre property to the south is zoned R-2 and contains a single family home. Beyond this to the south is Wilmore-Davis Elementary School and its associated play fields. Also on the southern side of the subject property are properties zoned R-2 that contain single-family homes. To the east is a multi -family property zoned Residential Three (R-3). Properties to the north front 44"' Avenue, containing a variety of commercial businesses, are zoned Commercial -One (C-1). A new assisted living facility was recently completed at the southwest corner of 44"' and Yarrow Street. (Exhibit 5, Zoning Map III. PROPOSED ZONING The existing zoning on the property is Residential -Two (R-2) which allows low density single and two family construction. The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to Mixed Use — Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG Neighborhood (MU -N) to allow the construction of a new multi -family housing development. The MU -N zoning allows a variety of residential, commercial and civic land uses. Multi -family development in the MU -N zone district is allowed at a density of up to 21 units per acre, consistent with the City Charter limitations. The MU -N zone district has been established for locations along neighborhood main streets and at neighborhood commercial centers. It was established to encourage medium to high density mixed use development. As there is a wide variety of land uses in the surrounding area, a zone change to MU -N at this location could provide an appropriate transition from more intense commercial land uses along 44ffi Avenue to the single-family homes to the south. Staff believes multi -family residential redevelopment of the property is appropriate and consistent with applicable policy documents adopted by the City. In addition to residential and civic uses, the MU -N zone district allows for a wide range of commercial and retail uses. The applicant has indicated that the property is not suitable for commercial land uses due to its lack of visibility and frontage on 44a' Avenue. This is articulated in the applicant's submittal letter labeled as Exhibit 1. The following table compares the existing R-2 zoning and proposed MU -N zoning for the property. Development R-2 zoning MU -N zoning Standard Uses Single family Residential and commercial uses and two family (office, service and retail, residential restaurant) including multi- family and live/work facilities Architectural None Mixed Use development Standards standards specified in zone district — similar to ASDM Max. Building Height 35' 35' for any building having a residential use; 50' for any building having a commercial use Max. Lot Coverage 40% 1 85% to 90% Min. Landscaping N/A Mixed use — 10% Single use - 15% Min. Front Setback 25' 1 0' — 20' build to If the rezoning is approved, the applicant would then submit for administrative plan review and plat. The design for the property would be held to the standards set forth in the zoning code and the architectural and site design standards contained in the Mixed- Use zone district regulations. Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.D.2. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in significant adverse effects on the surrounding area. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in significant adverse effects on the surrounding area The property is currently unmaintained with dilapidated buildings and various code violations including weeds and the presence of vermin. The MU -N zoning is expected to add value to the subject property and to the surrounding community. The mixed use development standards will promote compatibility between future development and existing surrounding land uses including building stepbacks and buffering. With regard to traffic impacts, based on trip generation information reviewed during the referral process, it has been determined that the local streets are adequate to support the rezoning request and a full traffic study was not required. Additional traffic analysis will be required during the administrative site plan review process, including further consideration of whether a traffic signal might be warranted at 44ffi and Yarrow. While staff does not believe that a traffic signal will be warranted based on the densities allowed under MU -N zoning, staff is recommending a condition of approval noting that if warranted, the applicant will be responsible for the proportional share of the cost of such signal installation. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Prior to issuance of a building permit, an administrative site development plan application will be required and referred to all impacted utility and service agencies Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG The proposed zoning is consistent with the policies and goals in the City's comprehensive planEnvisionWheat Ridge which was adopted in 2009. The Structure Plan map in Envision Wheat Ridge illustrates the community's vision by classifying different types of development areas and transportation corridors. The Structure Plan for this area depicts W. 44th Avenue as a Neighborhood Commercial Corridor (shown as pink dots) transitioning into Neighborhood to the south (represented by yellow). Goals identified for Neighborhood Commercial Corridors include: • Encouraging improvement of underutilized properties. • Increasing housing options • Ensuring quality design for development and redevelopment • Redevelopment and reinvestment in underutilized areas with denser, high quality development. 0 Site The category of Neighborhood are areas typically bounded by arterial and collector streets. Envision Wheat Ridge further breaks down the definition of Neighborhood to identify Stable Neighborhoods and Areas for Revitalization. Revitalization areas are generally over one-half an acre in size and have pockets of property that might benefit from reinvestment. Many times these properties require special attention due to dilapidated structures, code enforcement issues, incompatible uses and safety. Happiness Gardens to the west of the subject property is shown in green as Parks and Open Space. Further to the east, is the Wadsworth Corridor designated in red. Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG Goals met with the proposal include the redevelopment of and reinvestment in underutilized properties with denser, high quality development. Development of the site will eliminate an attractive nuisance and allow new housing choices for existing residents and those coming to the City of Wheat Ridge. The property is also located on the western edge of the Wadsworth Subarea Corridor Plan where it is designated as Medium High Density Residential in the Recommended Land Use map. r Site FF Y 14 1 r - Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current zoning designation as it appears on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. West 44"' Avenue carries between 11,000 and 12,000 vehicles per day and land use on the corridor includes a variety of commercial, residential and multi -family uses. Investment has been realized along this portion of West 44"' Avenue that includes newer medical offices and most recently, completion of an assisted living community directly to the north. The zone change will promote reuse and redevelopment of the property, which could act as a catalyst for additional redevelopment and property investment in the area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and other supporting documents; therefore this criterion is not applicable. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate zone change support this request. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on December 15, 2016. In addition to the applicants, roughly 10 persons were in attendance. Discussion topics are addressed in the neighborhood meeting notes. (Exhibits 6 and 7, Neighborhood Meeting Notes and Sign-up sheets) VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected City departments and service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department: No specific comments at this time. If the application moves forward, they will work with Planning staff and the applicant to discuss interface between Happiness Gardens and the proposed development. Wheat Ridge Police Department: Has no issues with the zone change. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has no comments regarding drainage at this time. A drainage plan will be required to be reviewed as part of the site plan and plat processes. Preliminary traffic information has been reviewed by Public Works. Additional traffic information will be required at the time of administrative site plan review. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No objections. Can serve the property with an existing line in Yarrow Xcel Energy: No objections. Comments received relate only to the zone change request. A separate referral process would be required in the future if the zone change is approved and a site plan is submitted. Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and the Wadsworth Subarea Plan. The zone change will promote redevelopment and revitalization of the property and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-16-08 with one condition included in the recommended motion.. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-16-08, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4255 Yarrow Street for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community. 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Wadsworth Subarea Plan. 3. The zone change will promote redevelopment and revitalization of the property and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. 4. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request. With the following condition: Additional traffic information be submitted at the time of administrative site plan review to determine whether the installation of a traffic signal at the corner of 44"' and Yarrow is warranted. If it is warranted, the applicant will be responsible for the proportional share of the cost of such signal installation." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-16-08, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4255 Yarrow Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG Exhibit 1— Applicant letter Rezoning Application Written Request and Description of Proposal 4255 Yarrow St. Wheat Ridge, CO Current Zoning: R-2 Proposed Zoning: MU -N Background: 4255 Yarrow Street is a 4.52 acre parcel of land, currently zoned R-2 and occupied by a 106,000 square foot greenhouse. Following decades of productive use as greenhouse growing flowers, landscaping, and produce, the property now sits vacant and blighted. Compromised by environmental contamination, the property is no longer viable as a greenhouse or re -developable consistent with the underlying zoning. EnviroFinance Group, LLC (applicant) is under contract to acquire the property from the current owner, JDB, LLC, and proposes to redevelop the subject property into a medium density residential development, comprised of townhomes or a mix of townhomes and a small apartment or mixed-use building, consistent with the City of Wheat Ridge's Comprehensive Plan, the Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan, and the proposed Mixed Use —Neighborhood zone district (MU -N). Response to zone change review criteria 41: The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Consistent with the adopted Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan, the change of zone will allow for medium density residential development and/or a mix of neighborhood serving commercial development; thereby creating a balanced mix of land uses. The added density will help support a sustainable and resilient local economy along W. 44th Ave. and Wadsworth Blvd., while maintaining the character and integrity of adjacent residential neighborhoods. Immediately adjacent to two key commercial corridors, a neighborhood school, and a community garden, this change of zone will enable opportunities for unique places for people to live, work, shop, and play; as well as promote use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users; and encourage active lifestyles. As such, the change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area The location of the property, between a single-family residential neighborhood to the south and west and two commercial corridors to the north and east, makes it an ideal candidate for MU -N zoning, helping to create the zone of transition contemplated by City plans. MU -N zoning allows the property to achieve many of the City's goals while protecting the character of the surrounding single-family neighborhood. Adding residential density achieves the goal of transitioning height from Main Street or Neighborhood Commercial Corridors to single-family neighborhoods, and provides new households to support the commercial activity of the corridors, Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG as well as the nearby school and gardens. Encouraging residential density within walking distance to commercial corridors also helps alleviate traffic congestion. While higher density residential development is the central objective of MU -N zoning, it also allows for commercial uses. Practically speaking, the location of the property fronting along Yarrow Street (as opposed to frontage along 44th or Wadsworth) means that commercial development on the property is very unlikely. This is especially true now that 7850 West 44th Avenue (the adjoining property at the corner of 44th and Yarrow) has been developed as assisted living. Nevertheless, to protect against potential negative impacts from commercial uses on surrounding properties, MU -N zoning has built in use restrictions, excluding uses such as storage, warehouse, industrial, and large retail; as well as providing guidance and requirements on design elements. Should a commercial use be viable in this location, these requirements help to ensure development is consistent with community expectations and set parameters for density, height, setbacks, open space, and more. To that end, the potential for commercial development on the property is likely limited to smaller neighborhood serving retail, such as a coffee shop, integrated into the ground floor of a multi -family development. A commercial use such as this can be integrated into the site plan and serve both the residents of this property, as well as surrounding neighbors and offices. Finally, the change of zoning will encourage reinvestment in and redevelopment of a contaminated, blighted property and eliminate the negative impacts on the surrounding residential and commercial property. As such, the proposed change of zone is a sensible step towards preserving the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Wheat Ridge, and a proactive step to support the positive planned growth of W. 44th Ave. and Wadsworth Blvd. Response to zone change review criteria 42: Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Applicant confirms that adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Dry Utilities: The site is currently served by electricity and gas (Neel). Water and Sanitation: The Wheat Ridge Water District and Wheat Ridge Sanitation District have confirmed there is adequate infrastructure to support a 10-21 unit per acre mixed-use project. An extension of a sewer line down Yarrow St. maybe necessary and will be accommodated as part of development. Transportation: Vehicular — Most of the vehicular access to and from the site will be though the regional highway network of I-70 and Wadsworth Blvd. (SH 12 1) east and north of the site. To a lesser extent Colfax (US 40) and 6th Avenue (US 6) will serve trips south of the site. Planning Commission 10 WZ-16-08/EFG Wadsworth Blvd. as a major arterial roadway with four capacity lanes plus auxiliary and turn lanes is a primary north/south connection to the regional network. Wadsworth Blvd. intersects with W. 44th Ave. and W. 41st Ave. which connect to the local roadways serving the site. W. 44th Ave. is the closest east/west roadway to the site and transitions from the Wadsworth traffic signal controlled intersection to afour lane main collector/minor arterial with four capacity lanes and no turn lanes. W. 41st Ave., south of the site, is a local street that intersects with Wadsworth Blvd. at a two-way stop condition. W. 41st Ave. intersects with Yarrow Court which serves the site. Two site access locations are anticipated off Yarrow Street along the east property line. Yarrow Street, a local street with an approximate width of 33 feet, supports two north/south lanes and on -street parking on both sides of the street. Yarrow St. is currently not striped and is stop controlled at the W. 44th Ave. intersection. Yarrow St. terminates at W. 42nd Ave. in an elbow configuration. One site access is proposed off W. 42nd Ave. west of an intersection with Yarrow Ct. Yarrow Ct. intersects with W. a "T" configuration south of the site. Planned City roadway improvements include the widening of Wadsworth Blvd. to six capacity plus turn lanes. Future plans also include a traffic signal at the W. 41st Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. intersection. Bicycle — There are currently no dedicated bicycle facility in the vicinity of the site, however the Wadsworth Blvd. planning study and the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan indicates Bike lanes on Wadsworth Blvd. and W. 44th Ave. Pedestrian — There are currently attached sidewalks on the perimeter streets including Wadsworth Blvd., W. 44th Ave., Yarrow St., and W. 41st Ave. The Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan indicates sidewalks with buffer on Wadsworth Blvd. Transit — Transit in the area includes RTD Bus service on Wadsworth Blvd., W. 44th Ave., and 38th Ave. In addition, the Gold Line commuter rail, approximately 1.8 miles from the site, provides service to downtown Denver and Ward Road in western Wheat Ridge. Trip Generation — Vehicle trips associated with the proposed change of zone were calculated by Matrix Design Group using the Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers. Two land use scenarios were assumed. The first scenario maxes out the allowable residential density and considers 40 apartment units and 55 townhouse units. The second "expected" scenario assumes a market driven outcome and considers 70 townhouse units. The 40 apartment units and 55 townhouse units generates the most traffic between the two scenario with 749 ADT and 57 AM peak hour, and 77 PM peak hour trips. The expected outcome of 70 townhouse units generates 472 ADT and 39 AM peak hour, and 54 PM peak hour trips. Applicant acknowledges that the City of Wheat Ridge criteria require that a site plan generating more than 60 peak hour trips will require a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) at the time of submittal. Planning Commission 11 WZ-16-08/EFG Storm Drainage: This site is located on a FEMA Zone X and according to the FEMA website this means the site is outside the 0.2% chance floodplain and at low to moderate risk of flooding. Storage and treatment of runoff on sites in the City of Wheat Ridge is required for all developments within city limits. All detention facilities, unless designated as regional detention facilities by the City of Wheat Ridge, are to be privately owned and maintained. Redevelopment of the site under the proposed zoning would be classified as a Major Redevelopment according to the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements because it will disturb more than 10,000 square feet of the existing impervious area of the site. Applicant acknowledges that there is no existing storm water drainage infrastructure on or adjacent to the site and, as such, the site will likely need to provide full infiltration for the detention facility and that storm water plans and reports will require review and approval by the City of Wheat Ridge Public Works department. CONCLUSION: Regardless of the proposed zone change, redevelopment of the property known as 4255 Yarrow will require an onsite detention and infiltration system for storm drainage infrastructure to support development. With the construction of an infiltration facility, no storm water infrastructure improvements are anticipated to be required off-site to provide service to this proj ect. Any project developed under the current or proposed zone will follow the City of Wheat Ridge City Code and City of Wheat Ridge Engineering Regulations and Design Standards for concept and formal submittals to obtain services. No offsite dry utility or water infrastructure will be required to support redevelopment of the property. Modest upgrades to the existing sanitary sewer pipe in Yarrow Street are expected. Expected transportation related improvements are sidewalks, curb ramps at entrance drives, and signing at access locations, as well as possible signing and striping improvement along Yarrow Street. Response to zone change review criteria 43a: The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other city -approved policies or plans for the area. The proposed zone change is consistent with the Envision Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan and the Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan, and is a catalyst to achieve a number of the stated goals and strategies set forth in these plans. In certain areas, zone change is needed to bring the property into conformance with these plans. Envision Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan Two of the six stated key values of the Envision Wheat Ridge Comprehensive PlanCreating a Resilient Local Economy Based on a Balanced Mix of Land Uses and Promoting Vibrant Neighborhoods and an Array of Housing Options are directly enhanced through a zone change to MU -N. More specifically, the following excerpts speak to the connection between this zone change and conformance with the Envision Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission 12 WZ-16-08/EFG CHAPTER 4: Economy and Land Use "In order for Wheat Ridge to continue to be viable residential community, and to maintain existing levels of services (such as police protection, roadway maintenance, and parks and recreation amenities) the City must chart a new course for the future to establish a diverse mix of land uses to build and sustain a broad and resilient tax base." Economy and Land Use Goal 2: "Attract quality retail development and actively retain existing retailers to locate in Wheat Ridge." Economy and Land Use Goal 4: "Increase the diversity of land uses." Economy and Land Use Policy 4.1 —Efficient Use ofLimited Land: "Because of the limited amount of land available for new development, the City will require efficient use of newly developing and redeveloping areas by promoting higher -intensity development." Economy and Land Use Policy 4.1 —Efficient Use ofLimited Land, Strategies A and B: "A - Emphasize mixed-use development in developing and redeveloping areas", `B -Develop a new mixed-use zoning district and associated land use regulations." Economy and Land Use Goal 5: "Revitalize key redevelopment areas." A zone change to MU -N provides a critical mass to support existing and future retail, diversifies existing land uses, revitalizes a key redevelopment area near W. 44th Ave. and Wadsworth Blvd., and deploys the City's new mixed-use zoning. Additionally, townhomes, a development outcome not possible under the current zone, can often offer greater square footage than nearby single family homes, and are new construction, leading to increased property tax for the City. With "nearly 60% of general City revenues coming from sales tax" (pg. 33), the density associated with MU -N offers an opportunity to bolster property tax as a complement to sales tax. CHAPTER 5: Neighborhoods and Housing "The edges of neighborhoods, displayed as Neighborhood Buffer Areas on the Structure Plan, correspond with areas that have generally shifted away from predominately single-family owner -occupied uses over time, to a mix of uses .... According to the NRS, the homogenous nature of the city's housing stock is a somewhat limiting factor in attracting new residents and households. This is due to the fact that the housing types available in Wheat Ridge are generally older and smaller than the current Jefferson County market demands ....As reinvestment and redevelopment occur in revitalization and Neighborhood Buffer areas, it will be important to add new housing types." Neighborhoods and Housing Goal 2: "Increase housing options." Neighborhoods and Housing Policy 2.1: "The City will direct the development of new housing types such as townhomes, condos/lofts, and senior living units (especially in Neighborhood Revitalization, Neighborhood Buffer, and other mixed-use areas) to meet market demand." Neighborhoods and Housing Goal 4: "Stimulate investment and redevelopment in Neighborhood Buffer Areas." Planning Commission 13 WZ-16-08/EFG The property is located adjacent to a Neighborhood Buffer area, MU -N provides variety of housing options in a way R-2 cannot, and responds to the market by providing more square footage than the current single family housing stock pervasive in Wheat Ridge. In addition to diversifying the available housing options, the proposed zone change will help facilitate new families moving Wheat Ridge. CHAPTER 7: Transportation "While the city's established bus transit and trail systems are tremendous assets, there are opportunities to improve the linkages between these systems and existing neighborhoods and future activity centers. One of the primary opportunities will arise with the opening of the Gold Line commuter rail corridor that is planned for 2016." Transportation Goal 4: "Improve the coordination between transportation improvements and future land use decisions." This property takes advantage of the existing W. 44th Ave. RTD bus route and is conveniently located 1.8 miles south of the RTD Gold Line Olde Town Arvada station. CHAPTER 9: Sustainable Future "A sustainable community recognizes the importance of economic prosperity (both for individuals and the community as a whole) .... A sustainable community maintains property values and retains strong households." Sustainable Future Goal 1: "Establish and maintain a resilient and sustainable tax base." Sustainable Future Policy 1.1 — Coordinated Planning, Strategy B: "Focus on attracting strong households and a healthy mix of ages within the community." MU -N allows for an array of housing types, such as townhomes. Townhomes offer larger square footage than many of the surrounding single family homes, and are ideal for young families or baby boomers looking to downsize from large properties. CHAPTER 10: Plan Implementation Code Amendments to Achieve Economic and Land Use Goals: "In general, the perception of Wheat Ridge's development review process is that it has become more challenging over the years in part because Wheat Ridge is mostly built out, but also because the Code and regulatory structure is overly complex, somewhat out-of-date (standards and procedures), and unpredictable. It also contains regulatory "barriers" to achieve desirable patterns, such as mixed-use development." Code Amendments to Achieve Economic and Land Use Goals —Planned DevelopmentsOver Reliance and Unpredictability: "In addition, the Code promotes overreliance on Planned Developments (PDs) for new development instead of using straight zoning districts and standards. This means development projects require multiple review steps and are subject to a high degree of discretion rather than objective standards. As a result, predictability for developers, neighborhoods, and decision -makers is low. hi addition, the requirement for rezoning to PDs adds another step to the process and adds uncertainty for new developments, Planning Commission 14 WZ-16-08/EFG which can be expensive and unpredictable for businesses and industries and frustrating for neighbors." General Recommendations for New Mixed -Use Zoning Districts —Develop New Mixed -Use Zoning: "Drawing from the Architectural and Site Design Manual, the City could develop new mixed-use zoning district(s). Standards would not only ensure quality architectural design, but also address planning. For examples, they could require new projects to provide transition or buffers near single family neighborhoods, allow for shared parking, relax front setback standards so buildings relate to the street, provide ample pedestrian features, and encourage (not just allow) public gathering spaces and public art. New projects would also need to maintain essential components of Wheat Ridge's character, including landscaping and trees, and other appropriate themes." For all of the reasons stated in previous pages, a zone change is critical for redevelopment of this property, and redevelopment to medium density is an effective way to advance many of Wheat Ridge's stated goals. A zone change to MU -N allows this desired development and puts into practice a new zoning district that Wheat Ridge's has proactively developed to catalyze the type of development and impact it is looking for, while maintaining a level of quality control. In the case of a contaminated site such as this one, the City's Mixed Use zone district encourages redevelopment of a site already burdened by the regulatory demands of remediation. Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan Two of the Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan's eight goals Improve the success of businesses along Wadsworth Boulevard and Create a town center with vitality, attractive shopping and a gathering space for the community are aided by a zone change for this property to MU -N, which allows higher density and more homeowners near the corridor. Furthermore, a zone change to MU -N allows for a redevelopment that directly matches the fifth major plan feature: "In general, encourage a gradual increase in density and building height closer to Wadsworth Boulevard to provide the critical mass of users and residents that will help support the businesses in the Corridor and brings life into this town center as well as prevent encroachment into the residential neighborhoods east and west of the Subarea" CHAPTER 2.6: Future Land Use Figure 3: Recommended Land Uses in the Wadsworth Corridor: This map lays out a land use map where the eastern half of this property is defined as Medium -High Density Residential — "Medium -High Density Residential land use will be developed between ten and twenty-one units to the acre. This range includes townhomes, condominiums and apartments." A zone change to MU -N is consistent with this recommendation and will bring the property into conformance with Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan. CHAPTER 3.7: Density "In the proposed town center area between W. 38th Avenue and W. 44th Avenue, higher densities (10-20 units per acre) could be encouraged over and above commercial uses. Densities Planning Commission 15 WZ-16-08/EFG will be "feathered" (gradually decreased) along the edges of the corridor to make a transition to adjacent zoning." This property is situated near the edge of the W. 44th Ave. corridor and with MU -N zoning provides an opportunity to "feather" height between the corridor and single family neighborhoods. Current zoning provides little opportunity for feathering and instead requires single family neighborhoods adjacent to the corridor. CHAPTER 4.6: Economic Development "The report documented the decline of stronger sales tax generators (i.e. food stores, eating/drinking establishments, building materials and finance/insurance and real estate). The report observed that stronger tax generation may be possible by the growth of these industries, but also observed that the affluence of local households is a key factor in attracting and retaining these businesses" "To create a successful retail environment and encourage redevelopment, residential densities need to be increased in this area. Changing the land use along the corridor to include a higher density residential component associated with mixed us will assist in the creation of a retail environment." "Roughly sixty-seven percent of Wheat Ridge's multifamily housing market is rental" "The City should look for other partners such as Wheat Ridge 2020 to help acquire and land- bank problem properties in the corridor as they become available. Finally, the City should consider using their authority to acquire lots at fair market prices and to condemn as necessary." MU -N allows for increased density, which can help support nearby retail, and an array of housing types, which can accommodate some higher priced homes that cater to more affluent residents. Property redevelopment presents a unique opportunity for a large for sale residential development such as town houses, which will help balance out Wheat Ridge's current 67% rental multifamily housing market. Response to zone change review criteria 43c: A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. The proposed zone change to MU -N is in response to the changed and changing conditions in the W. 44th Ave. and Wadsworth Blvd. corridors and more specifically the property itself. W. 44th Ave. and Wadsworth Blvd. Corridors Both corridors are seeing increased development activity, and the Wadsworth corridor, between W. 38th Ave. and W. 44th Ave., is one of five target redevelopment areas in Wheat Ridge (Envision Wheat Ridge, Executive Summary, page 5-6). The City has identified the desire to create a vibrant Town Center in this area, and has created an Urban Renewal Area to help accelerate many of these goals. Wheat Ridge voters recently approved Ballot Initiative 2E providing approximately $33 million public improvements including the reconstruction of Wadsworth Boulevard. Plans for the corridor include significant upgrades to the intersection with W. 44th Ave. and new lighted intersections to the south. This is a significant change to the Planning Commission 16 WZ-16-08/EFG immediate area and will positively impact redevelopment and reinvestment along and adjacent to the corridors consistent with City plans. Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan This property is recommended to be a Medium High Density Residential area as part of the Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan, which is a change from its current R-2 land use. Greenhouse operations on this property have long sense ceased, and the property has changed from being an asset to a liability. The vacant, dilapidated building runs the risk of continuing to deteriorate if the property cannot be redeveloped. In conclusion, the change in the character and condition of the property, as well as the nature of and proposed upgrades to nearby corridors, supports a change of zone for this property. The zone change best serves the public interest of the citizens of Wheat Ridge by allowing a derelict property to redevelop while also advancing many of Wheat Ridge's stated planning goals and objectives. MU -N allows an array of housing options, supports a variety of users at different socio-economic scales, including homeownership opportunities for young families, provides density to support nearby commerce and diversifies and strengthens the tax base. MU -N in this specific location takes advantage of the W. 44th Ave. bus route and nearby Light Rail options, creates a critical mass within walking distance of already identified commercial nodes, and provides buffers to protect the character of the surrounding single family neighborhood. Planning Commission 17 WZ-16-08/EFG XTUJ LL 3 rd A f Gk7AC'-L�[J' i 0 Exhibit 3 — ALTA Survey Planning Commission 19 W&16-o8/EPG Exhibit 4 — Site photos Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG Looking northwest from Yarrow at new assisted living facility adjacent to site 20 Looking southwest down Yarrow towards front of property , it Looking west from Yarrow towards front of �_ -- property Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG 21 Looking west from Yarrow towards front of property Looking west down northern drive aisle Planning Commission 22 WZ-16-08/EFG Looking southwest across Happiness Gardens Looking west towards house to the south of property Planning Commission 23 WZ-16-08/EFG Looking northeast from West 42nd Avenue Looking north from West 42nd Avenue Planning Commission 24 WZ-16-08/EFG C-1 4 R-3 R•2 M- a&L� :1 MU -C 4 n. Exhibit 6 — Neighborhood Meeting Notes City of Wh6atfj�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: Attending Staff: Location of Meeting: Property Address: Property Owner(s): Property Owner(s) Present? December 15, 2016 Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Second floor conference room 7500 W.29a`Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 4255 Yarrow Street JDB, LLC No Applicant: Cameron Bertrom, EnviroFinance Group (EFG) Sarah Laverty, EFG Michael Bruckner, Sprocket Architecture Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: Planning Commission WZ-16-08/EFG Residential -Two (R-2). Neighborhood 26 Existing Site Conditions: The site is located at 4255 Yarrow, south of 441' Avenue and west of Wadsworth. According to the Jefferson County Assessor, the property is 4.52 acres in size and is unplatted. The property contains a non -conforming greenhouse that was constructed in the 1940's with various modifications since that time. The building is currently vacant. Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. Immediately to the west is a parcel zoned Residential -Two (R-2) that contains an urban garden, owned by the City of Wheat Ridge, and known as Happiness Gardens. Beyond that parcel to the west are properties zoned R-2 that contain primarily single-family dwellings. The roughly 1 -acre property to the south is zoned R-2 and contains a single family home. Beyond this to the south is Wilmore-Davis Elementary School, owned by Jefferson County School District. Also on the southern side of the subject property are properties zoned R-2 that contain single-family homes. To the east is a multi -family property zoned Residential Three (R-3). Properties to the north front 44"' Avenue and contain a variety of commercial businesses, and are zoned Commercial -One (C-1). The subject property is "L" -shaped and has roughly 400 feet of street frontage along Yarrow Street and roughly 275 feet of street frontage along 42°d Avenue. The remainder of the other property boundaries abut other properties and has no street access. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R-2 to Mixed Use -Neighborhood and intends to develop multi -family housing in the form of a for -sale townhome product. The specifics of the site design and subdivision will be provided following any zone change approval. The applicant shared a preliminary site plan that proposes a series of townhouses oriented north -south. Two primary access drives are identified, one off Yarrow Street near the center of the eastern property boundary, and one off 42°d Avenue that would align with Yarrow Court to the south. Additional internal circulation is also shown that would access tuck - under garages. Pedestrian greenways are shown between the townhomes as well. An open green space is shown near the eastern -center of the property for the residents. At this time, the applicant is still determining market viability of a possible retail or office component on the site. As the site has been used as a greenhouse for a number of years, there is significant environmental contamination that will need to be remediated prior to the construction and occupancy of any new buildings. The applicant specializes in brownfield redevelopment, and has the capability to develop the property in a safe manner, and will secure the necessary permits from the Colorado Department of Public Health and any other necessary agency. The applicant is proposing to rezone the entire property to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N). Although there is no specific development being proposed at this time, a conceptual site plan was shared with the group. Planning Commission 27 WZ-16-08/EFG The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to staff and 3 applicant representatives, 9 members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff explained the site conditions, zoning in the neighborhood, and the reason for the rezoning request. • The applicant explained the proposed project and also addressed required removal of contaminated materials from the site. • The members of the public were informed of the process for a zone change. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request and proposed development: • How many units are being proposed 70 townhomes and/or multifamily dwellings. If the density allowance were maxed out at 21 units per acre, a total of 94 units could be built. • Will these be rental or low income units? No, they will be market rate units for purchase. • What could be built under the existing zoning? The property is zoned R-2 and could accommodate about 15 duplexes. • Happiness Gardens (a communal garden owned by the City of Wheat Ridge) is located directly to the west of the proposed development. How will the Gardens be impacted? The tentative site plan has been designed so that the new buildings will be oriented in a north south direction. A buffer area approximately 30' feet in width will be provided on the western side of the development so that sunlight to the gardens will not be blocked by buildings. • There is a row of large spruce trees on the common property line; will those remain in place? The row of trees between the gardens and the proposed development are in need of maintenance but will be kept. As the project moves forward, the applicant will continue to work with Parks staff regarding the interface between the two properties. Happiness Gardens currently brings heavy equipment like tractors through the proposed project site to access the eastern portion of the property. Will this access remain? As the project moves forward, the applicant will continue to work with Parks staff regarding the interface between the two properties. Planning Commission 28 WZ-16-08/EFG There is currently unbuilt street right-of-way that extends east from 42°d Avenue, through the Happiness Gardens improvements over to Ammons? Will this street be extended? If any east/west street extensions are made from Yarrow Street, it would probably extend east over to Wadsworth to divert traffic away from the neighborhood. Where will water and sanitary sewer service come from? Both water and sanitary sewer service would be extended from Yarrow Street. • There is an existing single family residence to the south with a large, vacant front yard. Will this property be included in the development? No, the property owners wish to retain their entire parcel, including the large vacant area on the east. The developer has had discussions with the owners regarding transition to the proposed project. A fence delineating the common property line will be built but will be an open type design so views into the adjoining properties are maintained. • A variety of concerns were expressed regarding traffic problems in the area which vehicles from the new residential units will compound. Those concerns included the following: o During rush hour, traffic at the 44`h/Wadsworth intersection backs up on 441h to Balsam Street. Because of this, the new residents will be tempted to exit the new development by turning left to go south and wind through the neighborhood to get to 41''`Avenue or 38`h Avenue. o Wilmore Davis Elementary is located on 41' Avenue between Yarrow Court andAmmons Street. Many children living in this area attend this school and walk back and forth in the morning and afternoons. Although there are sidewalks, excessive speeds on Ammons and Yarrow make it unsafe for pedestrians. The City of Wheat Ridge does not adequately enforce speeding in the area. o The narrowing of West 3e Avenue between Wadsworth and Sheridan has forced more cars to use West 44`h Avenue. o It was indicated that in 2014, a request for traffic calming on Ammons was submitted but did not move forward with City Staff. • One of the commercial property owners to the north along 44"' Avenue commented that the property is currently an attractive nuisance with weeds, dilapidated buildings and rodents. He opined that the proposed development would be an improvement for the area. Staff received no written comment before or after the neighborhood Planning Commission 29 WZ-16-08/EFG Exhibit 7 — Neighborhood Meeting Sign -Up G N � Z ZI N CJ C w Mmmng Commission 30 W&16-G8/EFG 0 O cs 2 z d a ys w � m a � E z � � a w h m� rn� e u 0.X v L O N ZI N CJ C w Mmmng Commission 30 W&16-G8/EFG 25 I� m Os O N C) V N tG r W r r r N N N N N N N N N Plam ng Co=saoo W&16 OS EFG ♦��� City of WheatJge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE OF MEETING: February 16, 2017 CASE NO. &NAME: MS-16-04/Applewood Village Shopping Center (AVSC) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a three- lot minor subdivision LOCATION OF REQUEST: Applewood Village Shopping Center generally addressed as 3400 Youngfield PROPERTY OWNER: Regency Centers APPROXIMATE AREA: 35 acres PRESENT ZONING: PCD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Primary Commercial Corridor, Community Commercial Center, Mixed -Use Commercial ENTER INTO RECORD: CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission 1 MS-16-04/AVSC All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a three -lot minor subdivision plat on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located generally at 3400 Youngfield. The purpose of the subdivision is to create a new development parcel on the south side of the Applewood Village Shopping Center (AVSC) to accommodate a previously approved King Soopers fueling station. A neighborhood meeting is not required for a subdivision plat. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY Subject property The Applewood Village Shopping Center is comprised of approximately 35 acres on the western edge of the City of Wheat Ridge, adjacent to the I-70 corridor. The shopping center is bordered by West 38d' Avenue to the north, low-density residential neighborhoods to the north and east, West 32nd to the south, and Youngfield Street to the west. (Exhibit 1, Aerial Photo) The Applewood Village Shopping center is the City's largest commercial center and is comprised of numerous parcels and buildings. The center was rezoned from Neighborhood Commercial, Restricted Commercial and Commercial -One to PCD pursuant to Case No. WZ-14-09. The intent of that application was to incorporate new ownership parcels, consolidate the boundary of the center and to prepare several existing building pads for new development. While portions of the property had been zoned planned development for over forty years, there had never been a unifying zoning document. The plat encompasses the majority of the property extending from West 38d' Avenue south to 32nd; however, at this time, most redevelopment opportunities will occur on the southern end of the center. Some of the existing structures will remain in their current configuration and others, will be or are in the process of being demolished. Excluded from the plat boundary are the new Starbucks site, the Chili's building at 3240 Youngfield and the existing drive-through for Wells Fargo bank at 3298 Youngfield. Exhibit 2, site photos) The property owner/manager has several cross access agreements which allow free movement and shared parking throughout the center. The parcels that are not included in this application are subject to these agreements. Planning Commission approved specific development plans for a new Starbucks on the hard corner of 32nd Avenue and Youngfield Street, which is currently under construction, and for a King Soopers fueling station on the eastern portion of the main access drive at West 32nd Avenue. (Exhibit 3, SDP for King Soopers Fueling. The primary purpose of this plat is creation of a new freestanding lot for the fueling station. Planning Commission MS-16-04/AVSC Adjacent zoning and land use Surrounding properties include a variety of land uses. On the east and north sides of the center are residential neighborhoods, generally zoned R-lA. To the south across West 32nd Avenue are a mix of homes and businesses. Abutting the property on the west is Youngfield and beyond that, I-70. The shopping center ownership comprises all parcels within the super block from 32nd to 38d' Avenue except for the Qdoba/Mattress Firm building addressed as 3500 Youngfield. III. SUBDIVISION PLAT Attached is a copy of the proposed resubdivision plat, which contains six sheets. (Exhibit 4, Plat) Sheet 1 is the declaration page and contains the legal description, required signature blocks for property owners, a recording block and notes. The notes, among other things, contain information regarding Tract A which is a detention easement which will accommodate drainage for the southern portion of the shopping center including the Starbucks and King Soopers fueling site. Sheet 2 is the boundary/control sheet, which shows the boundary of the plat with adjacent lots, and information regarding the survey conducted for preparation of the plat document. Sheet 3 is the current lot configuration that depicts properties previously owned by the shopping center and those more recently obtained to facilitate construction of the fueling center. Sheet 4 is the current easement configuration, many of which are being vacated by this plat document. Sheet 5 illustrates the new lot configuration with three parcels and one tract. Lot 1 will contain the King Soopers, Petsmart and Walmart strip building. Other structures in the development contained within Lot 1 include the Wells Fargo Bank, the Applejack Liquor store building and several multi - tenant buildings. Lot 2 will encompass the multi -tenant building containing Chipotle and Noodles and Company restaurants. Lot 3 will contain the King Soopers fueling station. Tract A will accommodate the new detention pond for the site. Right-of-way is being dedicated by this document and is reflected on Sheet 5. Four feet of r -o -w will be dedicated for 38d' Avenue, with 6' being dedicated on Youngfield. Two feet of r -o -w will be dedicated for 32nd Avenue. Sheet 6 lays out the new easement configurations on the property. Staff concludes that all requirements of the subdivision regulations contained in Article IV of Chapter 26 have been met. Planning Commission MS-16-04/AVSC IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the plat document and their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve with improvements installed at the developer's expense. No comments on the plat. Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District: Has adequate capacity to accommodate development. No comments on the plat. Westridge Sanitation District: No objections to the plat. West Metro Fire Protection District: No comments on the plat. Will assess the need for water supply, hydrant locations, site access and building configuration at the time of building permit application. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed drainage information and approved the plat. Xcel Energy: Can serve. No comments on the plat. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that all requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met and that approval of the subdivision will facilitate construction of the King Soopers gas facility and detention pond for the southern portion of the center. Because all internal and external agencies can provide service to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. MS -16-04. VI. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. MS -16-04, a request for approval of a three -lot subdivision plat for property generally addressed as 3400 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. 2. The proposed plat will facilitate construction of the King Soopers gas facility and detention pond for the southern portion of the center. 3. Utility districts can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense." Planning Commission MS-16-04/AVSC OPTION B: "I move to DENY Case No. MS -16-04, a request for approval of a three -lot subdivision plat for property generally addressed as 3400 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 2." Planning Commission MS-16-04/AVSC ;F Exhibit 2 - Site photos Planning Commission MS-16-04/AVSC Interrtal view looking east from main drive to the Old CMcago Internal view looking east from main drive to the barber shop location Planning Commission MS-16-04/AVSC View looking north from 32"d Avenue towards the Starbucks site View looking west from Wright Court to the location of the future detention pond Exhibit 3 — SDP document Planning Commission MS-16-04/AVSC Exhibit 4 — Plat document Planning Commission 10 MS-16-04/AVSC � I etw(• GE CBiMRD 'NOTE F9R M6 ffiF 101 E NTlNtlpa hn BI lXE ILtlID.11@1C SUOPNS SIOIff nM91c-R-A--O+JIN_-c-- LEFffiCEHo � I WIIIgIR (tlR30T BY 61M06) ' CDMM94CLAL C EWUMEW F1 �C ' BENCHMARK F2-4-01 FPa1We swF ntwnax . I• / WECRIl DEVELOPLMT AT i0 BE CEIEItlR{0 0.AU® K" 19! 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I IO; i ri f w1 _ T'I I41 LL. 7 7.6 X-2' PAN O 1.20Rapt I// -V W "AA I I yh , I u' f , 1 _ / _ i , I I I � � I , 11'I v 1 , 5510 TM. 5'0 II I11 n _ I _-__-_cN[I: 557zwv � ' I 1 I , I � _ I I I ---------------------------------------------- OOD VILLAGE -- F I I I I I `.---------------------- APPLE __ i ; i i ; 1 ' � FL 95.00 GB I T 19 [ ' _ I I �I I Z ------ ---- _ --= ------------------------------------- _-_— ill -�--- ----- i III W EJL %I M I I I ; ------- _ - - - - I , J I I --------------------- v - PL CL - -__ __ _ 1 --- ------------ 5580 - i i , li , VJPAN5.75 !' = -- ; ; : - _: -- tkPE'l Wflf7_D_V4LFAUE T_------ A€'PIEyS- ---_-_'_4_L_I J•F ' ' D ,Il 5" W - - '� --��^ - - - - _�_'- ---_ ----------_-----_ ------ ---------- PAN 0 9.86x _ _ _ t__ _____ —5 - U1- - �, 22;'- — •-= : _, .cT --- '' 1 Ill roleet No: RS n0030At 10 3 W 72. 7'--r-_ ----- r 9% rr -4ir- ---,L �-`.� _ -_ ' N6K ,% /%' ' 1 °"� ' l tl I ! feet style: _u_; -N231'21 4y 8 stye —uP II' iII ' ,, ,ice_ y}• 9 9 LF - 87 -14"16" F-.2 ',(s.,—�,7Ty aluw9n ed 9v: .FNc 87.14' 1 6" 11',1 ' L PAN BY. JM L = .14.46', - - ® Dote: OCTOBER 31, 2014 R - 9 50 ry1''I13�11tl� '/1VE` z F1. e9.zp: Lr- GAS 9 / ! o rncKSFina r_w-sae.ag DRAIN O 200x CHB = N 44'37'76" W t 1 t �jj� \ CRADW PLAN CHD = 13.107' - -� - r9_ - �_ -�_, --'� - -�',-- _D� _ D_ ��,-- D -D-`-, �y -- - yD� EHIBIT 3 I11 T'1 - -1 - 1uE -'SOUTH LINE NW 1/4 SEC 29 N. 89' 29 '2 �,a OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: U.S. RETAIL PARTNERS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, BEING THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 1,336,587 SO. FT. (30.6837) ACRFS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, FILED IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE AT RECEPTION NO. F0193712 AND LOTS 19, 20, 23 AND 24, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE, FILED IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE AT RECEPTION NO. 763416, SITUATED WITHIN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE GTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29 AND CONSIDERING THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID NORTHWEST CORNER TO BEAR 589"29'29"W WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO; THENCE N64'O1'19"W, A DISTANCE OF 358.74 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF WRIGHT COURT (A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY) AND THE CORNER COMMON TO LOTS 20 AND 21, SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE; THENCE S89'29'29"W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2DAND THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 155.00 FEET TO THE CORNER COMMON TO SAID LOT 22 AND LOT 23, SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE, SAID LINE IS COMMON TO THE NORTHERLY LINES OF LOTS 21 AND 22, SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE; THENCE SOO'54'O1"E, ALONG THE LINE COMMON TO SAID LOTS 22 AND LOT 23, A DISTANCE OF 115.21 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE (A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY); THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING ELEVEN (11) COURSES: 1) NBT3l'21"W, A DISTANCE OF 83.90 FEET; 2) THENCE N88'13'S9"W A DISTANCE OF 72.07 FEET; 3) THENCE N88"1422"W, A DISTANCE OF 58.35 FEET TO A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; 4) THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 14.46 FEET, HAVING A RADIUS OF 9.50 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 87"14'16 AND WHICH CHORD BEARS 1444'3716"W, A DISTANCE OF 13.11 FEET; 5) THENCE 589'05'15"W, A DISTANCE OF 87.36 FEET; 6) THENCE 500'24'32"E, A DISTANCE OF 8.16 FEET TO A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; 7) THENCE ALONG SAID CURVETO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 14.&5 FEET, HAVING A RADIUS OF 9.50 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89'32'21", AND WHICH CHORD BENE 544'21'38"W, A DISTANCE OF 13.38 FEET; 8) THENCE 589'07'49"W, A DISTANCE OF 136.21 FEETTO A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; 9) THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 15.04 FEET, HAVING A RADIUS OF 9.50 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90'40'44", AND WHICH CHORD BEARS N45 -31'50"W, A DISTANCE OF 13.51 FEET; 10) THENCE N00'11'28"W, A DISTANCE OF 2MFEET; 11) THENCE S89'4832"W, A DISTANCE OF 32.54 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SOUTHWEST CORNER, FILED IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE AT RECEPTION NO. 2016011628; THENCE NLKY54'01"W ALONG THE LINE COMMON TO SAID LOT 1 AND SAID EASTERLY LINE OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SOUTHWEST CORNER AND UNPLATTED LANDS DESCRIBED AT RECEPION NO. 2009001664, A DISTANCE OF 566.35 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID UNPLATTED LANDS DESCRIBED AT RECEPION NO. 20D9001664; THENCE S89* 9'29"W ALONG SAID LINE COMMON TO SAID LOT 1 AND SAID UNPLATTED LANDS, A DISTANCE OF 149.91 FEET TOTHE EAST LINE OF UNPLATTED LANDS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NO. F1110326; THENCE ALONG THE UNE COMMON TO SAID LOT 1 AND SAID UNIPLATTED LANDS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NO. FI116326 THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: II NOD'54'01"W, A DISTANCE OF 24.34 FEET; 2THENCE 589"29291-W, A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF YOUNGFIELD STREET (A PUBUC RIGHT-OF-WAY); THENCE NOO"S4'01"W ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 667.77 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF UNPLATTED LANDS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NO. F1790452; THENCE ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND SAID UNPLATTED LANDS THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES: 1) N89'26'17"E, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; 2) THENCE NOD'S4'01"W, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; 3) THENCE 589'26'17"W, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF YOUNGFIED STREET; THENCE NOO'S4'01'W, ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 135.14 FEET TO A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 245.96 FEET, HAVING A RADIUS OF 182.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 77'25'57", AND WHICH CHORD BEARS N37 -4856"E, A DISTANCE OF 227.67 FEET, CONNECTING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF YOUNGFIELD STTO THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE (A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY); THENCE N76'31'47"E ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 701.71 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SND LOT 3 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RIDGEVIEW ACRES 3RD FILING, FILED IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE IN BOOK 23, PAGE 14; THENCE SOD'46'O9"E, ALONG THE EASTERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 670.37 FEET, SAID LINE IS COMMON TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID RIDGEVIEW ACRES 3RD FILING; THENCE 589'26'17"W, CONTINUING ALONG THE LINE COMMON, A DISTANCE OF 0.68 FEET; THENCE SO753'19"E, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOTS 1 AND 2, SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, A DISTANCE OF 896.32 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 19 AND THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE; THENCE SQM0124"E, ALONG THE LINE COMMON TO SAID LOT 19 AND LOTS 12-14, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE, A DISTANCE OF 234.05 FEET TO A NON-TANGENTCURVE TO THE LEFT AND THE NORTHERY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID WRIGHT COURT; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT AN ARC LENGTH OF 148.16 FEET, HAVING A RADIUS OF 45.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 188'38'41', AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS 537'1016"W, A DISTANCE OF 89.74 FEET; THENCE SD'54'01"E, CONTINUING ALONG SAID WRIGHT COURT, A DISTANCE OF 38.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MU NICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT UMITE D TO TELEPHON E AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY 5EWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. U.S. RETAIL PARTNERS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BY: U.S. RETAIL PARTNERS HOLDING, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ITS SOLE MEMBER BY: GRI -REGENCY, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ITS SOLE MEMBER BY: REGENCY CENTERS, L.P. A DELAWARE UMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP, ITS MANAGING MEMBER BY: REGENCY CENTERS CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, ITS GENERAL PARTNER BY: NAME: WILL DAMRATH TITLE: VICE PRESIDENT, REGIONAL OFFICER STATEOFCOLORADO ) )SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS —DAY OF 20_A.D. BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIALSEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2 A RESUBDIVISION OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION AND LOTS 19, 20, 23 & 24, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO COVER SHEET EXHIBIT 4 SHEET INDEX: DATA TABLE: WHEAT RIDGE GEODETIC INFORMATION: SHEET I: COVER Haar 7 LOT# SQ, FT. ACRES 1 11 11.1 1. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS AGROUND -BASED MODIFIED FORM OFTHE SHEET2: BOUNDARY AND CONTROL 2 51.099 11731 3 60 280 1.3838 NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502. SHEETS: CURRENT LOT CONFIGURATION TraclA 34187 0.7848 2. VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988(NAVD88). R.O.W. 9,906 0.2274 SHEET4: CURRENT EASEMENT CONFIGURATION - ciE`B 'I`Y TOTAL 36585 30.6838 3. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM RASE POINTPHACI r (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING HAD83192 STATE PLANE SHEETS: NEW LOT CONFIGURATION � . COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5471.62, SHEET 6: NEW EASEMENT CONFIGURATION /EASEMENT DETAIL T VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ('ITV f`FOTIFIr'AT1f1Nl- APPROVED THIS DAY OF 20_ BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE- ATTEST IDGEATTEST CITYCLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MUMT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF ,20 , BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, CAMERON M. WATSON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. CAMERON M. WATSON, PIS COLORADO LICENSE NUMBER 38311 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF POINT CONSULTING, LLC 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE U`ITLETON, CO 80128 (720) 258-6836 metson@pnt-Ilc.com CASE HISTORY WZ-73-14 WZ-94-4 WZ-75-15 MS -96-1 WZ-77-19 WZ-98-3 WZ-82-6WZ-04-09 WZ-84-18 WZ-10-06 WZ-86-15 SUP -13-04 WZ-14-09 MS -15-01 WZ-15-02 MS -15.04 SITE .=—- 06 SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGALACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY W THIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON, 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY POINT CONSULTING,LLC. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING BOUNDARY, EASEMENTS AN D TILE, POINT CONSULTING, LLC RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING TITLE COMMITMENT PREPARED BY STE WARTTITLE GUARANTY COMPANY: FILE NO. 01330 -65852 -AMENDMENT NO. 2, EFFECTIVE DATE OF AUGUST 9, 2016 AT 5:30 P.M. 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ASSUMED TO BEAR S 89° 29'29" W BETWEEN A 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX "1513212" AT THE CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION AND A 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX "LS 13212" AT THE WEST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION. 4. FLOOD ZONE DESIGNATION: ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(F.I. R.M.) NU MBER 0805900194 F, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 5, 2014, THE ENTIRE PROPERTY LIES ENTIRELY WITHIN THE FOLLOWING ZONE DESIGNATION: ZONE X - AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. 5. UNIT OF MEASURE: PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38.51.106(L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. & THE SUBJECT PROPERTY CONTAINS 1,336,587 SQUARE FEET OR 30.6637 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 7. ZONING: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT(PCD). S. ADDRESS: VARIOUS STATEMENT OF ACCURACY: THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARM STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCU RACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROLSUBCOMMIITEE (FG DC -STD -007.2-1998). CROSS ACCESS EASEMENTS: THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS "CROSS-ACCESS/INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENTS" AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT, SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS: ALL STORM SEWER FACILITIES LYING WITHIN ANY AREAS SHOWN HEREIN AS 'DRAINAGE EASEMENT" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREAS AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR PERMANENT STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ACROSS OR WITHIN SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STORM SEWER WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. nFTFAITIfIAI ADFA- THESTORMWATER DETENTION AREA HERE SHOWN AS TRACT A SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIG HT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK .M. ON THE DAY OF ,20 A.D., IN BOOK , PAGE , RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: Properly Comm Coordinate, Point# Nodhlnp EasNnp 1 703183.08 102275.50 2 703181.70 102120.57 3 703066.51 702122.32 4 703077A3 102039.13 5 703079.65 707967.10 6 703087A4 ID19o8.77 7 703090.71 1 101899.57 8 703089.38 707812.22 9 703081.22 101812.28 70 703071.65 707802.92 it 703069.59 101666.73 12 703079.05 101657.08 13 703081.05 101657.08 14 703080.95 IDIA24.53 15 703647.23 701615.63 Property Comm Coordinate, Point# NoAMng Ed,ff g 76 703645.90 101465.73 17 703670.24 101465.35 78 703668.99 101325.35 19 704336.68 101314.86 20 704338.15 101464.85 27 704538.13 107461.71 22 704536.66 101371.71 23 704671.78 101309.59 24 704851.63 101449.18 25 705075.09 102731.59 26 704344.78 102740M 27 704344.78 702739.90 28 70344&56 10215390 29 703293.50 102329.17 30 703221.99 10227499 MAP LEGEND FOUND PROPERTY CORNER -AS DESCRIBED FOUND/SET NAIL &BRASS DISK %S 38311" FOUND #5 REBAR & RED PLASTIC CAP "POINT LS38311" SECTION OR 1/16TH CORNER RIGHT-OF-WAY TAKE BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING LOT UNE TO REMAIN OR CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ADJACENT PARCEL LINE ROW CENTER LINE APPROX. CENTERLINE LEE, STEWART & ESKINS DITCH SECTION UNE - - - 1/16TH ALIQUOT LINE - - - - - EASEMENT HEREBYGRANTED BYTHLS PIAT ---------- EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXISTING IRRIGATION EASEMENT ----------------- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EXISTING TELEPHONE EASEMENT EXISTING WATER EASEMENT EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT --------- EXISTING PSCO EASEMENT ............... I....... LEASE AREA EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES \V'®\\\�Ov\•®\\\'®0®6\ EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES �•i\\�\\\\\\�'t'®`A\\\\\\' EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES 4L411� EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2 A RESUBDIVISION OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION AND LOTS 19, 20, 23 & 24, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BOUNDARY AND CONTROL [ors BLOCK4 PUBLIC R.O.W. LOTS 81OCK3 ZONLNGR-SA 1 COT# BLOCKS PUBLICR.O.W. 40.00' LOTI, BLOCKII LOT4 1 WRIGHT CT. BLOCK2 R/DGEV/£e9 ACRES3RDF1/N6 26 b 1 LOTI L07_2LOTS BOOA'13, PAG£14 LOTS 1OT6 ZONLNGR-IA A i ZONLN6R-1 zi �. 25 DETAIL"A" / I Soo 4608'£ 670.37' I � L TT3 ZONLNGR-SA 1 COT# BLOCKS PUBLICR.O.W. 40.00' LOTI, BLOCKII LOT4 1 WRIGHT CT. BLOCK2 'O 26 b 1 / G O1 LOT14, BLOCKIO I -\� T ZONLNGR-IA A i V \ zi \\ DETAIL"A" / LOT3 MOCK2 � L TT3 W 38TH DR I RIDGESUBD/V/5ION 80OK21, PA6E34 ZONINGR-1 \ 'f'j 24 ' S8976177W 150.00' TRACTC BLOCKS R=182.00' A= 0772557" L=24596' 0HB=N3748567 23 CHL=22767' 60.00' DATE 08.09.16 11 '03.16 N 12.05.16 100 50a 100 SCALE 1" • 100' SHEET 2/6 _ WRIGHTST - 50' R.O.W. REC. NO. 763415 ZONLNGR-1 A LOTII LOrl LOTS LOTS LOT# I LOTS LOr6 I 1077 I LOTS LOT9 LOr10 I SEE DETAIL 40.00' LOTI, BLOCKII A LOT ,�LOT 1B17 MAPLEGROVEMLAG£ BLOCKKII AND 12 WRIGHTST. I PUBLIC R.O.W. WRIGHT CT. ui q Q I/ 26 b 1 / 668.17' LOT14, BLOCKIO I -\� T \ 27 I V \ zi \\ DETAIL"A" / R=9.50' ZON£DR2 NW 1/16 529 LOT1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION ZONLNGPCD -20 UNPLATTED REG NO. F1790462 ZONINGC-1 N892617'£ 150.00' IS005401 T R=45.00' 38.91' d= 188°3841" L=14816'-•, 1OT14fff CH8=S37"1076"W\\ CHL =89.74' LOT13 2g LOr12 Jo/30 LOT2, APPLEWOOD 11=46ESHOPP/NG CWTERS11=111SLON PO/NTOFCOMMENC£MENT FOUND 3-1/4" DIAM. BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX, WITH REFERENCE TIES, STAMPED AS SHOWN (ACCEPTED AS CENTER 1/4 CORNER SEC 29, T. 3 S., R. 69 W.) �16131Y WHEAT RIDGE POINT#16109 1/4 SEC 2 LAT: 39.45'42.75292" N T36 Rfi9W LONG: 10.08'16.22155" W REST 1969 STATE PLANE COORDINATES 19e5 N: 1702596.44' / E: 3101815.54' L MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES / N: 703025.94' E: 102598.00' LOT16 01/ q�%i/ 40.00' LOTI, BLOCKII A LOT ,�LOT 1B17 MAPLEGROVEMLAG£ BLOCKKII AND 12 WRIGHTST. I PUBLIC R.O.W. WRIGHT CT. ui q Q 60.00'- PUBLIC R.O. W. / 668.17' LOT14, BLOCKIO I -\� T - _ _ YOUNGFIELD ST V \ zi NOOS401"W 135.14' 35 8496, PUBLICR.O.W. R=9.50' ZON£DR2 NW 1/16 529 d= 0871416" 1995 CN8=N44 3716'W !y. 131y9 CH1=13.11' 1 � I d=0904044" 1 1 13 12 L=15.04' I 1 5"00, CH8=N453150"W I \ 3 CHL=13.51' l \ N / FOUND 3.1/4" DIAM. ALUMINUM CAP IN NOMM1178'W / \\ q 100' DORS HOWN(ACCEPTEDWITH N MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES 1/16CORNERSEC29,T.35., R.69W,) E6z9c ~ DETAIL'.' �� WHEAT RIDGEPOINT#160002 PO/NTOFCOMMENC£MENT FOUND 3-1/4" DIAM. BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX, WITH REFERENCE TIES, STAMPED AS SHOWN (ACCEPTED AS CENTER 1/4 CORNER SEC 29, T. 3 S., R. 69 W.) �16131Y WHEAT RIDGE POINT#16109 1/4 SEC 2 LAT: 39.45'42.75292" N T36 Rfi9W LONG: 10.08'16.22155" W REST 1969 STATE PLANE COORDINATES 19e5 N: 1702596.44' / E: 3101815.54' L MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES / N: 703025.94' E: 102598.00' LOT16 01/ q�%i/ 40.00' LOTI, BLOCKII A LOT ,�LOT 1B17 MAPLEGROVEMLAG£ BLOCKKII AND 12 WRIGHTST. I PUBLIC R.O.W. 7WRIGHT CT. PUBLIC R.O.W. 1 LOT21 -PO/NTOFBEG , LOT19 1 Lor20S8! APPLEWOODV/LL46E ZONING PCD LOT22 S89 2929"W - 149.91' N00'5401 "W UNPLA77E0 14.34' R£C NO. 2a7"1694 17 16 ZON/NG PCD 5891929"W - UNPL47TED 140.E REC. NO. f1110316 ZONLNGPCO 22 - - N0054 V1 "W 567.77' N89 0539'E PUBLIC R.O.W. WRIGHT CT. ui q Q 60.00'- PUBLIC R.O. W. p 668.17' LOT14, BLOCKIO I -\� T - _ _ YOUNGFIELD ST N005401"W 13111o' zi NOOS401"W 135.14' 35 8496, PUBLICR.O.W. R=9.50' ZON£DR2 NW 1/16 529 d= 0871416" 1995 CN8=N44 3716'W !y. 131y9 CH1=13.11' FOUND 3-1/4" DIAM. ALUMINUM CAP IN INTERSTATE 70 2I�;N RANGE BOX, WITH REFERENCE TIES, q STAMPED AS SHOWN (ACCEPTED AS NW 5"00, 1/16 CORNER SEC 29, T. 3 S., R. 69 W.) WHEAT RIDGE POINT #160003 STATE PLANE COORDINATES FOUND 3.1/4" DIAM. ALUMINUM CAP IN N: 1703906.26' .R4STAMP 41k REFERENCEEAS NGEI' - E: 3100472.63' DORS HOWN(ACCEPTEDWITH MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES 1/16CORNERSEC29,T.35., R.69W,) E6z9c N: 704336.14' WHEAT RIDGEPOINT#160002 E: 103254.86' 1995 STATE PLANE COORDINATES DESCRIPTION A RESUBDIVISION PLAT TECHNICAL REVISIONS APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING TECHNICAL REVISIONS CENTER FILING NO. 2 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BOUNDARY 8" CONTROL JOB NO. 13.08.049 653.93' LOT23 N8B7359'1Ntiles 71.07' LOT24 N881422"W 7 SB9 0515"W 87.36' 5007432E _ 8 8..16, if SEE DETAIL "B"- , S89'4972"W 1 32.54,--- gr LOTI, BLOCKSI MAAlEGROVEV/[CAGE BLOCKKII AND SZ ZONED R2 L0712 MAPLE GROVEV/LL46E 0' RESUBDIPWONI ti 83.90' W b PUBLIC R.O.W. WRIGHT CT. ui q Q 3 PUBLIC R.O. W. p d= 0893171" LOT14, BLOCKIO 5 N L=14.85' MAPL£GROVE 14LL4GE M zi BLOCK52-10 CHC=13.38' R=9.50' ZON£DR2 S I d= 0871416" L=14.46' CN8=N44 3716'W v CH1=13.11' ti XENON ST. W b PUBLIC R.O.W. THE DIRECT LOTIA s N SUPERVISION d= 0893171" tip L=14.85' WWW,pnT-IIC.COm CHBnS'447118'W b CHC=13.38' 1 14 63.64' ' W b -- 59.00' THE DIRECT LOTIA s H SUPERVISION WALGREENSAT MAPLEGROVEMINGZ tip CAMERON M. . WATSON WWW,pnT-IIC.COm PointConsulting, LLC b '3 PLANNING I ENGINEERING BEHALF OF POINT ZONED PCD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSULTING, LLC 40000 e�x 2I�;N q LOT2A 5"00, WALGREENSAT MAPLEGROVEF/L/NGS FOUND 3.1/4" DIAM. ALUMINUM CAP IN .R4STAMP 41k REFERENCEEAS NGEI' - DORS HOWN(ACCEPTEDWITH 1/16CORNERSEC29,T.35., R.69W,) E6z9c WHEAT RIDGEPOINT#160002 !y. 1995 STATE PLANE COORDINATES t3j55 N: 1702584.60' E:3100413,41- MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES N: 703014.20' E: 101275.63' �F FOUND 3-1/4" DIAM. ALUMINUM CAP IN H RANGE BOX, WITH REFERENCE TIES, '�'.1 STAMPED AS SHOWN (ACCEPTED AS T35 R69 I/4 WS/4 CORNER SEC 29, T.35., R. 69 W.) WHEAT RIDGE POINT#16009 530 •529 LAT: 39'45'42.62508" N 2013 LONG: 105'08'50.08185" W Ply 29761 STA7E PLANE COORDINATES E: 3099171.35' MODIFIED GROUND COORDINATES N: 703002.46' '^ E: 99953.15' PREPARED UNDER 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE THE DIRECT LITTLCO 80128 SUPERVISION 720-2 720-2 58-6836 CAMERON M. . WATSON WWW,pnT-IIC.COm PointConsulting, LLC COLORADO LICENSE N0.38311 FOR AND ON PLANNING I ENGINEERING BEHALF OF POINT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSULTING, LLC LAND SURVEYING LOTl FND. 1.5° ALUM CAP LS 438 LOT] 1 1 1 RIOGESUBD/VISION 800K21, PAGE34 1 1 APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2 A RESUBDIVISION OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION AND LOTS 19, 20, 23 & 24, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO CURRENT LOT CONGIFURATION RLOG£VLEWACRES 3RD FILM G LOTS BOOK23, PA6E14 LOTS ZONINGR-1 LOT4 FND. 1.5" ALUM CAP LS 438 MAP LEGEND FOUND PROPERTY CORNER - AS DESCRIBED • FOUND/SET NAIL&BRASS DISK "IS 38311" FOUND BS REBAR & RED PLASTIC CAP "POINT LS38311" SECTION OR 1/16TH CORNER RIGHT-OF-WAY TAKE BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING LOT UNE TO REMAIN OR CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE REMOVED BYTHIS PLAT ADJACENT PARCEL LINE ROW CENTER LINE APPROX. CENTERLINE LEE, STE WART & ESKINS DITCH SECTION LINE ]/16TH ALIQUOT LINE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ---------- EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXISTING IRRIGATION EASEMENT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ------ EXISTING TELEPHONE EASEMENT EXISTING WATER EASEMENT EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING PSCO EASEMENT ......................... LEASE AREA EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES .:.:.................. EASEMENTAREA-VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENTAREA-VARIOUSTYPES EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES r-�--�` EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES MENOWN� EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES I = w LnQ LOT6 I cn LOTI LOT] I LOT3 FND. 1.5" ALUM b CAP LS 438 ^N c Yi `06 FND. LS" ALUM CAP LS 438 LOT6 I LOT7 I LOTS I LOT9 I LOT10 LOTS, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIOSION ZONINGPCD 1,744,116SO. FT. 28.561 ACRES 41 LOT21 FND. ALUM CAP r FND. #5 REBAR aIn YOUNGFIELD ST O 9 LOT3 BLOCC2 cLT'1 1 WRIGHT CT. T CAP LS 438 / \ DATE 7 crc BLOCT 1 PREPARED UNDER 1 RIOGESUBD/VISION 800K21, PAGE34 1 1 APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2 A RESUBDIVISION OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION AND LOTS 19, 20, 23 & 24, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO CURRENT LOT CONGIFURATION RLOG£VLEWACRES 3RD FILM G LOTS BOOK23, PA6E14 LOTS ZONINGR-1 LOT4 FND. 1.5" ALUM CAP LS 438 MAP LEGEND FOUND PROPERTY CORNER - AS DESCRIBED • FOUND/SET NAIL&BRASS DISK "IS 38311" FOUND BS REBAR & RED PLASTIC CAP "POINT LS38311" SECTION OR 1/16TH CORNER RIGHT-OF-WAY TAKE BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING LOT UNE TO REMAIN OR CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE REMOVED BYTHIS PLAT ADJACENT PARCEL LINE ROW CENTER LINE APPROX. CENTERLINE LEE, STE WART & ESKINS DITCH SECTION LINE ]/16TH ALIQUOT LINE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ---------- EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXISTING IRRIGATION EASEMENT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ------ EXISTING TELEPHONE EASEMENT EXISTING WATER EASEMENT EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING PSCO EASEMENT ......................... LEASE AREA EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES .:.:.................. EASEMENTAREA-VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENTAREA-VARIOUSTYPES EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES r-�--�` EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES MENOWN� EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES I = w LnQ LOT6 I cn LOTI LOT] I LOT3 FND. 1.5" ALUM b CAP LS 438 ^N c Yi `06 FND. LS" ALUM CAP LS 438 LOT6 I LOT7 I LOTS I LOT9 I LOT10 LOTS, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIOSION ZONINGPCD 1,744,116SO. FT. 28.561 ACRES LOTZl FND. 1.5" ALUM CAP LS 438 LOT], APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION ZONIN6RCO 51,09950. FT. 1.173ACRES LOT16 LOT21 FND. ALUM CAP FND. BRASS DISK FND. BRASS DISK FND. #5 REBAR LOT18 YOUNGFIELD ST ILLEGIBLE &NAIL LS 24966 &NAIL LS 24966 15,714 SO. FT. PUBLIC R.O.W. WRIGHT CT. T CAP LS 438 / \ DATE DESCRIPTION A RESUBDIVISION PLAT PREPARED UNDER 08.09.16 ORIGINAL IICALREARATION THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF 11 12.05. 16 - TECHNICAL REVISIONS APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CAMERON M. "� BYTHIS PLAT FND. 2" ALUM CENTER FILING NO.2 WATSON CAP ILLEGIBLE LOT13 60 30 0 60 - WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO LICENSE NO. 38311 FORANDON SCALE 1"=6o' HEREBY REMOVED ---- BEHALF OF POINT BYTHIS PLAT SHEET 3/6 CURRENT LOT CONFIGURATION JOB NO. 13.08.049 1 CONSULTING, LLC LOTZl FND. 1.5" ALUM CAP LS 438 LOT], APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION ZONIN6RCO 51,09950. FT. 1.173ACRES REC. NO.2OD8D93175 Iw REC. NO. 2011096840 --- Q O Izu N rna REC. NO. 2011096812 REC. NO. 90013512 �I J t J 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE LITTLETON, CO 80128 720-2 720-258-6836 www.pnt-llc.com point .':.onsulting, LLC PLANNING I ENGINEERING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING LOT16 LOT21 LOT14 LOT20 LOT18 LOT199,11850. LOT 17 15,714 SO. FT. FND. 1.5" ALUM WRIGHT CT. T CAP LS 438 / \ PUBLIC R.O.W. REC. NO.2OD8D93175 Iw REC. NO. 2011096840 --- Q O Izu N rna REC. NO. 2011096812 REC. NO. 90013512 �I J t J 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE LITTLETON, CO 80128 720-2 720-258-6836 www.pnt-llc.com point .':.onsulting, LLC PLANNING I ENGINEERING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING VILLAGE LOT21 LOT20 LOT199,11850. FT. 15,714 SO. FT. � 0.111ACRE5 0.361 ACRES J_ r LOT22 LOT LINES HEREBY REMOVE FND. NAIL l BYTHIS PLAT FND. 2" ALUM CAP ILLEGIBLE LOT13 8146SO. FT. LOT LINES 0.189ACRES HEREBY REMOVED ---- BYTHIS PLAT FND. NAIL i LOT24 I I� 8,186SO. fT. "m 0.188ACRES ¢ Q REC. NO.2OD8D93175 Iw REC. NO. 2011096840 --- Q O Izu N rna REC. NO. 2011096812 REC. NO. 90013512 �I J t J 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE LITTLETON, CO 80128 720-2 720-258-6836 www.pnt-llc.com point .':.onsulting, LLC PLANNING I ENGINEERING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2 A RESUBDIVISION OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION AND LOTS 19, 20, 23 & 24, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO CURRENT EASEMENT CONFIGURATION ------------------------------------ L_ --------------------------- I -- TII------------------------------ L 10' PSCo. EASEMENT B 2309'" P 906 MAP LEGEND FOUND PROPERTY CORNER -AS DESCRIBED A FOUND/SET NAIL& BRASS DISK'T538311" E FOUND85REBAR&RED PLASTIC CAP"POINT LS38311" SECTION OR 1/16TH CORNER — RIGHT-OF-WAY TAKE BOUNDARY UNE EXISTING LOT UNE TO REMAIN OR CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ADJACENT PARCEL UNE ROW CENTER LINE APPROX. CENTERLINE — - - LEE, ART&ESKINS DITCHS SECTIONCTION UNE 1/16TH ALIQUOT LINE = _ - EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT i EXISTING IRRIGATION EASEMENT ------ ----------- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EXISTING TELEPHONE EASEMENT = — — - EXISTING WATER EASEMENT EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT --------- EXISTING PSCO EASEMENT ............• LEASE AREA EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EAS EMENTAREA-VARIOUSTYPES EASEMENT AREA- VARIOUS TYPES i\\\\\\0\®\•\\\\\\'®\` EASEMENTAREA-VARIOUSTYPES EASEMENT AREA- VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENTAREA - VARIOUS TYPES \•\`h.-.0\\'Y.'®� EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES �— EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES I 50' U EEASEMENT B 1297 - P 355 RESERVATION LEASE AREA B2895 -P308 -- 81916" P 458 B 2449 P 154 ------------------------------------ L_ --------------------------- I -- TII------------------------------ L 10' PSCo. EASEMENT B 2309'" P 906 MAP LEGEND FOUND PROPERTY CORNER -AS DESCRIBED A FOUND/SET NAIL& BRASS DISK'T538311" E FOUND85REBAR&RED PLASTIC CAP"POINT LS38311" SECTION OR 1/16TH CORNER — RIGHT-OF-WAY TAKE BOUNDARY UNE EXISTING LOT UNE TO REMAIN OR CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ADJACENT PARCEL UNE ROW CENTER LINE APPROX. CENTERLINE — - - LEE, ART&ESKINS DITCHS SECTIONCTION UNE 1/16TH ALIQUOT LINE = _ - EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT i EXISTING IRRIGATION EASEMENT ------ ----------- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EXISTING TELEPHONE EASEMENT = — — - EXISTING WATER EASEMENT EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT --------- EXISTING PSCO EASEMENT ............• LEASE AREA EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EAS EMENTAREA-VARIOUSTYPES EASEMENT AREA- VARIOUS TYPES i\\\\\\0\®\•\\\\\\'®\` EASEMENTAREA-VARIOUSTYPES EASEMENT AREA- VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENTAREA - VARIOUS TYPES \•\`h.-.0\\'Y.'®� EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES �— EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES 5' TELEPHONE EASEMENT B1250 P384 VACATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT 5' UTILffY EASEMENT REC. NO. 763416 APPLEWOOD V114AGE f I LOT20 LOT19 5' UTILITY EASEMENT I REC. NO. 763416 HEREBY VACATED I 10'SANITARYEASEMENT I \ B 1297 - P 355 'I LEASE AREA B2895 -P308 -- B 1778"P 278 B 2449 P 154 . APPROXIMATE CENTER LINE OF TECHNICAL REVISIONS SEPARATE DOCUMENT 10' PSCo. EASEMENT �� 16' SANITARY EASEMENT J \ B 1768" P 160 \ \ B 1297'" P 351: B2745"P737 REC, N0. 86064191 11 4.1111l 5' TELEPHONE EASEMENT B1250 P384 VACATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT 5' UTILffY EASEMENT REC. NO. 763416 APPLEWOOD V114AGE f I LOT20 LOT19 5' UTILITY EASEMENT I REC. NO. 763416 HEREBY VACATED 8 \ INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT 82745 PE 37NT LEASE AREA B2895 -P308 -- B 1778"P 278 B 2449 P 154 . APPROXIMATE CENTER LINE OF TECHNICAL REVISIONS SEPARATE DOCUMENT LEE, STEWART & ESKINS DNCH 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 8' PSC EASEMENT `� SO' PSCo. EASEMENT 1 B2745"P737 REC, N0. 86064191 11 5' PSCo. EASEMENT r VACATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT B 1877" P 157 \ { _ - PERPETUAL EASEMENT AND RIDGE, COLORADO ENO.30311 FOR AND FORA RIGHTOFWAY .� FOR S JOB NO. 13.08.049 K 1189 PAGE 32 BOOK 1189 PAGE 326 10' SANITARY EASEMENT 10' PSCo. EASEMENT B 1832 - P 558SIGNAL " EASEMENT r REC. NO. 89101624 B 2451'" P 672 J L---------�--- -------- ---- _ --� 5' TELEPHONE EASEMENT B1250 P384 VACATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT 5' UTILffY EASEMENT REC. NO. 763416 APPLEWOOD V114AGE f I LOT20 LOT19 5' UTILITY EASEMENT I REC. NO. 763416 HEREBY VACATED DATE _F J A RESUBDIVISION PLAT �I 10'TELEPHONE EASEMENT LEASE AREA B2895 -P308 -- 1 B1250 -P 384 B 2449 P 154 VACATED BY TECHNICAL REVISIONS SEPARATE DOCUMENT / 10' UTILITY EASEMENT V PSCo. EASEMENT REC. NO. 763416 " 20' SANITARY EASEMENT PSCo. INTEREST VACATED . REC NO. 91010212 " 82051-P221 i VACATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT I DRAINAGE EASEMENT 5' PSC.. EASEMENT REC.NO. F0193712 __jB 1690 ` P 580 HEREBYVACATED it VACATED BY 'SEPARATE DOCUMENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT _ REC. NO. F0193712 10'IRRIGATION EASEMENT - 8985"P 343 30' WATER EASEMENT 50' WATER EASEMENT REC. NO. F0183243 B 2440 `P 840 10' PSCo. EASEMENT REC. NO. 78098329 VACATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT 5' UTILITY EASEMENT REC. NO. 763416 _ 5' UTILITY EASEMENT REC. NO. 763416 10' PSCo. EASEMENT PEC.NO. 78048312 f VACATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT 10' UTILITY EASEMENT B 1999 ` P 786 LOT19 YUTI ASEMEX fl16%63416 HEREBYVACATED LL — -- L 5' PSCo. EASEMENT REC. NO. 2009010920 VACATED BY 10' PSCo. EASEMENT B 1652 P 38 DRAINAGE EASEMENT REC. NO. P0193712 HEREBY VACATED 50' EASEMENT DATE DESCRIPTION A RESUBDIVISION PLAT RATER ry, B2440 ^'P84010'TELEPHONE EASEMENT LEASE AREA B2895 -P308 -- ORIGINAL PREPARATION B 2449 P 154 11.03.16 - TECHNICAL REVISIONS APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING SUPERVISION OF V PSCo. EASEMENT TECHNICAL REVISION " 20' SANITARY EASEMENT CAMERON M. . REC NO. 91010212 " REC NO. 85096474 CENTER FILING NO.2 CWATSON OLORADO 6a 30 0 soWHEAT _ - -- - - - - -- RIDGE, COLORADO ENO.30311 FOR AND FORA _ 8' PSC*. EASEMENT B 2904 ^ P 162 5' TELEPHONE EASEMENT J SHEET 4/6 CURRENT EASEMENT CONFIGURATION JOB NO. 13.08.049 8 2775 - P 119 10' PSCo. EASEMENT B 2451'" P 672 W 8' PSCo. EASEMENT Q �- REC. NO. 90020962 K Z U 30' WATER�EASEMENT REC, NO. 90016475 M 71 10' SANITARY EASEMENT 110' _ B 1906 `P 652 TELEPHONE EASEMENT REC. NO.9DD37291 I 10' PSCo. EASEMENT _ REC. NO. 86064188 ..WATER EASEMENT — — EASEMENT �- NO. 1D' PSCo. EASEMENT J -` REC. NO. 85992220 — 6R�EC. 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE LITTLETON, CO 80128 720-2 720-258-6836 www.pnt-llc.com point-e�nsulting, LLC PLANNING I ENGINEERING Point LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING DATE DESCRIPTION A RESUBDIVISION PLAT PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT 08.09.16 - ORIGINAL PREPARATION 11.03.16 - TECHNICAL REVISIONS APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING SUPERVISION OF 12.05.16 TECHNICAL REVISION CAMERON M. N CENTER FILING NO.2 CWATSON OLORADO 6a 30 0 soWHEAT - RIDGE, COLORADO ENO.30311 FOR AND FORA SCALE I"=60' BEHALF OFFPOINT SHEET 4/6 CURRENT EASEMENT CONFIGURATION JOB NO. 13.08.049 CONSULTING, LLC 8460 W KEN CARYL AVE LITTLETON, CO 80128 720-2 720-258-6836 www.pnt-llc.com point-e�nsulting, LLC PLANNING I ENGINEERING Point LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING 3.08' 1 1 1 4.00' RIGHT-OFWAY HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT ` 4,875 SQ. FT. 0.1119 ACRES 1 1 1 m N .t= V T m � 1J 1 1 1 1 l 1 4.00' RIGHT -OF -WAV HEREBY DEDICATED 4� BY THIS PIAT 4,875 SQ. FT. 0.1119 ACRES APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2 A RESUBDIVISION OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION AND LOTS 19, 20, 23 & 24, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO NEW LOT CONFIGURATION MAP LEGEND FOUND PROPERTY CORNER - AS DESCRIBED A, FOUND/SEF NAIL&BRASS DISK "LS 38311" ■ FOUND 45 REBAR&RED PLASTIC CAP "POINT LS38311" 0 SECTION OR 1/16TH CORNER RIGHT -CF -WAY TAKE BOUNDARYLINE EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN OR CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ADJACENT PARCEL LINE ROW CENTER LINE APPROX. CENTERLINE LEE, STEWA'T & ESKINS DITCH SECTION LINE 1/16TH ALIQUOT LINE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ---------- EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXISTING IRRIGATION EASEMENT ----------------- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ------ EXISTING TELEPHONE EASEMENT EXISTING WATER EASEMENT EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT --------- EXISTING PSCO EASEMENT ......................... LEASE AREA EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPE 5 EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES "•-=--••-- EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES c=-- - EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES 1 \ R=1711 11' D-077'25'48" L=240.55' CHBS37°48'53"W CHLr222.66' y.115 -62', N135.62' 6.00'RIGHT-OF-WAY HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT 4,875 SQ. FT. 0.1119 ACRES <-N = 60 30 0 60 SCALE 1" = 60' DETAIL DETAIL'A" 1"=1' LOTS, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 1 1,181,116SQ. FT. 27.1147ACRES ZONED PCD • 2.00' RIGHT-OF-WAY I _ HEREBY DEDICATED �J IAREA BY THIS PUTT B. - RIGHT-OF-WAY N58'00'42"EEREBY DEDICATED DETAIL "F" 5 N R=9.50' ml q op A=037°51'50" L=6.26' 2• Z I CHB=N71'56'17"W + CH11.16' 1 L6 '54'01'E 1 113.19' SDO'S4'Ol'E FOUND NAIL 2.00' RIGHT-OFWAY 2.02' HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT 4975Q.FT. 0.0114ACRES DETAIL"C" H - ml � I 501'45'38"W N 7f/ 7.49' 589°05'15"W - -AREA OF RIGHT-OF-WAY 9. L, HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT 0 DETAIL "D" 11 -20 DETAIL"E" _ IAREA - RIGHT-OF-WAY N58'00'42"EEREBY DEDICATED 14BY THIS PLAT 412.50'N 01 489'07'49N8 6.00' RIGHT-OF-WAY HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT 589°29'29"W _ 489'26'17"E - - - - - - - - 4,007 SQ. FT.; 0.092 ACRES 6,O0' 4.50' 500°5,01"E 667.78' - - - EXISITNG LOT . LINE TO REMAIN LOTZ, APPLEWOOD 14LLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. Z 51,O99SQ FT. 1.1730ACR£S ZONED PCO EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN Line Table Line 8 Length Direction Ll 83.90' 592'31'21"E L2 72.07' 568'13'59"E L3 58.35' 588'14'22"E L4 87.36' N89"05'15'E L5 8.16' NDO' 24'32"W L6 2.00' 500' 11' 28"E L7 1 32.54' N89° 48' 32"E R=4S.00' d=1883841" -L=148.16' 0HB-S371076"W CHL=89.74' MOW V17 7)P4CTA, APPLEW000 VILLAGE SHOPPING CENMR FILING NO. Z 34 18750. FT. 0.7848ACRES ZONEOPCO S45'00'00"W 66.76' N89'29'29"E 5005401 E115.21'- 25.00' 113.19' SOD°02'25"E 118.99' SEE DETAIL - C SLOT LINES HEREBY 2.00'RIGHT-OF-WAY �m v CREATED BY THIS PIAT HEREBY DEDICATED 66.57' ' '=15.00' A=055'17'02" L=14.47' CHB=N46'51'59"E CHL=13.92' LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PIAT R=230.00' A=002°53'56" L=11.64' CHB=N20'40'26"E CHL=11.64' SEE DETAIL ..E.. 2.00' RIGHT-OF-WAY HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PIAT 528 SQ. FT. 0.0121 ACRES SEE DETAIL "F" 161 Curve Table 4 Curve p Length Radius Delta Chord Bearing Chord Length ` W Q3 CS 14.46' 9.SD' 097-14-16- 544° 37' 16"E 13.11' p 0 � C2 14.85' 9.50' 089-32-2r 444' 21' 38"E 13.38' Z V C3 15.04' 9.50' 090-40-44- - NOO 545' 31' S0" E I 13.51' 54'01 "W 74.34' APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2 A RESUBDIVISION OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION AND LOTS 19, 20, 23 & 24, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO N89'25'26"E 5pp•34'36E30.44' 7.65' EASEMENT DETAIL 45.445'"E x5.85' \ n r -s �o,P:P\ � \ \ � .ty Noo•Idos•w A a 6. •00, 10' r ZJS �a• 'ft �'yS7q, •rJ* ,� �2,. jSOq Zg F sas�a's9^6 b e � �, MAP LEGEND FOUND PROPERTY CORNER - AS DESCRIBED - FOUND/SET NAIL &BRASS DISK "TS 36311" ' FOUND#SREBAR&RED PLASTIC CAP "POINT LS36311" eSECTION OR 1/16TH CORNER RIGHT-OF-WAY TAKE BOUNDARY UNE EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN OR CREATED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE REMOVED BY THIS PLAT ADJACENT PARCEL LINE ROW CENTER LINE APPROX. CENTERLINE LEE, STEWART & ESKINS DITCH SECTION LINE - - 1116TH AUQUOT LINE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ---------- EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXISTING IRRIGATION EASEMENT -------------- EXISTING SANITARYSEWER EASEMENT ------ EXISTING TELEPHONE EASEMENT EXISTING WATER EASEMENT EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT --------- EXISTING PSCO EASEMENT ...................... LEASE AREA EASEMENTAREA- VARIOUS TYPES ..:..:.:.... _....:.:.:� EAS EM ENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPESEASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA -VARIOUS TYPES EASEMENT AREA - VARIOUS TYPES 30 15 0 30 SCALE 1" = 30' N 1d05^w LOT2, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE -2V SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION ---_10.00' I HEREBYINIASEMINI "' ""� �� HEREBYGRANTED 37.FA' 68e'13b]"w \ Nox,x,nfi^w BY THIS PLAT ]AO' r \ �666b1'll W \f >3,03• \ \ i ' 19.66' \ \f 600'11'38"E \ 7 N66'Oss1"E \ 6.56 !N \ `�9bt'p6 NOW57-17"W \zyZ,ws �/� \ \ �zR.xs• 1a.00' T\ — 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT Nzt tz3� ., N7o'S8'Se^w \ \ F HEREBYGRANTEDSg,gq• BYTHIS PLAT N00'31'38"W 1 \ 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT , \ HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT Sz.ss' 658b0'Ix"W 9.03'�I LOTI, APPLEW000 VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION ZONINGPCD I I 15' I I le �I I- mI I: �I I= I I I I I I I I I I I I Noo•sa'ol"w ss.ad 1re1— ND. NAIL LLJ QCi 3 L] Zu N m �a N88'10'x2"W 10.31' TR9CTA S00'53'19'E SAS' APPLEWOOD VILLAGE LOTZI APPLEWOOD U/[CAGE 5HOPP/N6CEN7ERF/L/N6NO2 S' UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBYGRANTED S17OPP/1VGCENTERF/L/NGN0.2 BY THIS PIAT I -N89'19]9"E 6x A2' sasrodoo^w I IND. 2" ALUM tid Ss.ol' CAP ILLEGIBLE FIND. P --"'I N89'x9R9"E 61.35' II ry^Y% �i �s/r � 4y �I I 21XT 30 W S00'02'25'E S.OS'� ]: I m I LOTS, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE z I SHOPPING C£NTERSUBDIVISION L5' DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED/// F I BY THIS PLAT 1/ / E OSA/ s I i / 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 6 '27'O6^E i HEREBYGRAWED 13.33' BY THLSPIAT l0.Od' � 587'32'50"W 612i0.8� ---_10.00' I HEREBYINIASEMINI "' ""� �� HEREBYGRANTED 37.FA' 68e'13b]"w \ Nox,x,nfi^w BY THIS PLAT ]AO' r \ �666b1'll W \f >3,03• \ \ i ' 19.66' \ \f 600'11'38"E \ 7 N66'Oss1"E \ 6.56 !N \ `�9bt'p6 NOW57-17"W \zyZ,ws �/� \ \ �zR.xs• 1a.00' T\ — 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT Nzt tz3� ., N7o'S8'Se^w \ \ F HEREBYGRANTEDSg,gq• BYTHIS PLAT N00'31'38"W 1 \ 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT , \ HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT Sz.ss' 658b0'Ix"W 9.03'�I LOTI, APPLEW000 VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION ZONINGPCD I I 15' I I le �I I- mI I: �I I= I I I I I I I I I I I I Noo•sa'ol"w ss.ad 1re1— ND. NAIL LLJ QCi 3 L] Zu N m �a N88'10'x2"W 10.31'