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City of Wheat dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director FROM: Scott Cutler, Planning Technician DATE: November 1, 2017 SUBJECT: WZ-17-06 / Vierow (Coors Planned Industrial District SDP Amendment) Summary of Request: The applicant requested an amendment to the existing Specific Development Plan for the Rocky Mountain Bottling Company facility to add a filter system, upgrade furnaces, construct an oxygen generator, and expand roadways internal to the site. The subject property is located between W. 501h Avenue and Ridge Road, with Miller Street and the City of Arvada to the east. The requested amendment was Amendment #10 to Filings No. 1 and 2 for the Coors Planned Industrial Development. Findings: • All comments from referral agencies have been addressed. • The amendment complies with criteria established in Section 26.305.1) of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of Amendment #10 to Filings No. 1 and 2 of the Coors Planned Industrial Development, Case No. WZ-17-06. 1 W /"� Wheat�dge MUNiTy DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29h Ave. October 31, 2017 Dane Vierow Grey Wolf Architecture 1543 Champa Street, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 Re: Rocky Mountain Bottling Company Specific Development Plan Amendment #10 Dear Mr. Vierow: This letter is in regards to the second submittal filed for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) amendment for property located at 10619 W. 50"' Avenue. The second submittal has been reviewed and all Planning comments have been addressed. The application was also sent on referral to other City departments and outside agencies. Attached are the comments that were received. Arvada Fire: The turning analysis may be removed from Sheet 6, but all other information, including emergency vehicle access notes, must be retained. Arvada Fire has requested adding a note on Sheet 6 indicating that the drive lanes are emergency vehicle access lanes. No additional comments. This concludes the summary of comments. For questions or clarification on any comments, please feel free to contact me directly. Please resubmit digital copies of the plans (in .pdf format). Sincerely, 4�5� Scott Cutler Planning Technician cc: W7-1 7-06 case file www.ci.wheatridge.co.us !M903 a Fire p",too.t a stric# Allison Way Arvada CO 80005 • 303-424-3012 • 303-432-7995 fax October 31, 2017 Mr. Scott Cutler, Planning Technician City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 291' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Coors Planned Industrial Development, COWR Project WZ-17-06 Ms. Reckert: The referral referenced above was reviewed for compliance with the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) as adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge. The Fire District has the following comments regarding this development plan. The resubmitted plans and response letter addressed all AFPD comments to date. No additional comments on this plan. Please contact me at (303) 403-0477 or via e-mail at steven.parkergarvadafire.com if you should have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, Steven Parker Deputy Fire Marshal ■ GREY WOLF ARCHITECTURE DATE: November 9, 2017 SEND TO: Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29t1 Ave. 2"d Floor Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Ph: 303-235-2849 ATTN: Scott Cutler PROJECT: RMBC SDP — B -Plus Furnace Upgrade NUMBER: # Wz-17-06 (439.1) VIA: DATE: ITEM: NOTES: Hand Deliver 09/09/17 Mylar Record Set (6 Sheets) REMARKS: Nate Danforth GREY WOLF ARCHITECTURE 1543 champa street suite 200 denver, colorado 80202 p 303.292.9107 x2242 f 303.292.4297 e ndanforth@grevwolfstudio.com i www.greVwolfstudio.com IN ■ ■ transmittal letter 1543 CHAMPA STREET SUITE 200 DENVER, COLORADO 80202 303.292.9107 arch@greywolfstudio.com GREY WOLF STUDIO, P.C. City of Wheatridge Key Bank Checking County Records County Records City of Wheat Ridgge 11/0/2017 09:35 CDRA LZON[NG Hl"ELLANEOUS t=cc:S CDA617439 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING MISCELLANEOUS FEE 63.60 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CHECK: 16061 63.86 TOTAL 63.86 11/9/2017 10061 63.00 63.00 age rim, P a.meati...vrf tie:. 7903 Allison Way Arvada CO 80005 • 303-424-3012 • 303-432-7995 fax October 31, 2017 Mr. Scott Cutler, Planning Technician City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Coors Planned Industrial Development, COWR Project WZ-17-06 Ms. Reckert: The referral referenced above was reviewed for compliance with the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) as adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge. The Fire District has the following comments regarding this development plan. The resubmitted plans and response letter addressed all AFPD comments to date. No additional comments on this plan. Please contact me at (303) 403-0477 or via e-mail at steven.parkergarvadafire.com if you should have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, Steven Parker Deputy Fire Marshal 1` 2 Will 5 - G H A B `�,,¢.b. 1/07-9Y PPM VICINITY MAP y.Y #. v[kiA4�n S PROJECT I:S plou _... 8 W+t+ p W A j wue.« n.am... ♦ 3 e WHEAT RIDGE, GO AMENDMENT TO ADD SAND STORAGE BUILDING AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 (BLDG 19) (Wa-70-0s) AMENDMENT TO CONVERT BATCH & CULLET PLANTS TO PRODUCE FLINT GLASS (..0 Z_ } o - r 6) WZ-77-16, WZ-83-36, WZ-65-28, WZ-93-4, WZ-99-1, WZ-02-04, WZ-02-11, WZ-06-01, WV -06-01. MS -06-05, ANX-06-07, WZL10-05, 0j8 -/o -r0 CASE HISTORY N N � N n -I ` N 7 W z z z z F-11 9 ai "" I �O p % ORIGINAL P 10 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ^N j7I gg zzZ RECEPTION No. 60647892 z DATE 3/18176 P I D AMENDMENT No.1 BOOK 36 PAGE 11 F E X_ D C B P ID AMENDMENT No.2 I C DOORS PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT �uol� 0.;4 FILINGS NO.1 & 2, AMENDMENT#. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INCLUDING A PART OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, A PART OF THE N.W.1/4, S.E.114 AND A PART OF THE S.W.1/4, N.E. 114, ALL )N SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. SHEET 1 OF 2 LEGAL D COORS BREWING COMPANY, BEING THE OWNER OF THE REAL PROPERTY OF 28.74 ACRES MORE OR LESS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 1 OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLING COMPANY SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO, 2006151565, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, CONTAINING 28.74 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. I, MICHAEL C. CREGGER DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREIN ON THE (FDP FILINGS NO. I & 2, AMENDMENT 19) HAS BEEN VERIFIED BY ME AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IS CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE NTH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL CODE OF LAWS, AND ALL APPUCABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED. SIGNATU �� (SURVEYOR'S SEAL) PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR COLORADO REGISTRATION NO. 22564 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF TST INC. OF DENVER 9222 TEDDY LANE _ONE TREE, CO. 80124 r., E DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS: SEC. 26-302 8. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 50'-0' MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE SEC. 26-302 B. "LANDSCAPING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 20% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA" (SECTION 26-502) "ALL PARKING SHALL BE IN CONFOTMANCE WITH SECTION 26-501 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS." "ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WTH SECTION 26-503 OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS." "ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26-603 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAW'S" "ALL SIGNAGE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ARTICLE VII OF THE j WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS." s "ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL TO BE APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STREETSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN MANUAL." CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE CHARACTER OF THIS DEVELOPMENT SHALL REFLECT THE INDUSTRIAL NATURE OF THE INTENDED USE. ACCEPTABLE MATERIALS SHALL BE CONCRETE, METAL OR GLASS. BUILDING COLORS SHAL BE EARTH TONES. THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT N ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW, I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF A REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL Of THIS FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RICHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PERSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. BILL DILLAMAN NflT"�i STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON THE FOREGOING ',NSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLAGED BEFORE ME THIS a2wDAY OF _ A.D. 20LM BY &laY_K'rj&—v*4 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTA%A�]d UBL-,C T - G J 0-lec"010rado TI APPROVAL THIS !t DAY OF *Til 20.I BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ATTEST GTY CLERK �ro :IMMUNITY DEVEL NT DIREC COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE ACCEPTED FOR RECORDING W THE OFFCE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERWN COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON THIS DAY OF �°tL _` 201E AT 5!•©7_ O'CLOCK_ 1�__—. J F SON COUNTY�RKMAANO RECORDER Bim: OcFU ii�rrarw A REVISED 11/17/05 K L H GREY W0l F ARCHITECTURE u,aORCfURE A.waxx¢ imlaoR GEOfa+`- ,aNawn,A sua aec wr«n cua,00 oma aunaiW a awasssr wl. 6WAPF4J )I0. 10-203 SHEET 1 (sauwmTwa) NAME DATE i M1tLtKt.t)vrca CONTAINER GLASS �+ FLINT CONVERSION KH -- T---1- K SH'. Or J I KI L 5 0 7 ORIGINAL P 10 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN BOOK 14 PAGE 18 RECEPTION No. 60647892 DATE 3/18176 P I D AMENDMENT No.1 BOOK 36 PAGE 11 RECEPTION No. 84017574 DATE 2127/84 P ID AMENDMENT No.2 BOOK 89 PAGE 16 RECEPTION No. 88061871 DATE 51IW88 P I D AMENDMENT Na 3 OOP BOOK 70 PAGE 51 RECEPTION No, 931275W DATE 8!20193 P I D AMENDMENT No, 4 ODP BOOK 105 PAGE 47 RECEPTION No. F1083350 DATE 513400 P I D AMENDMENT No. 5 ODP BOOK 115 PAGE 64 RECEPTION No. F1480798 DATE 5113W P I D AMENDMENT No, 6 ODP BOOK 118 PAGE 50 RECEPTION No. F1620499 DATE 12/04 I P 10 AMENDMENT No. 7 FILING No. 2 OPO RED No. 2008151583 I DATE 12(28106 FILING No, 2 FDP REG No. 24X10151584 DATE 12128+08 ¢ P 10 AMENDMENT No� 6 1, FILING Noe.1 and 2 FDP a'< RECNO, 2af01945i DATE !2-sa-r0 PID AMENDMENT No.9 ` FILING Nos. 1 and 2 FOP _ REC No. DATE H GREY W0l F ARCHITECTURE u,aORCfURE A.waxx¢ imlaoR GEOfa+`- ,aNawn,A sua aec wr«n cua,00 oma aunaiW a awasssr wl. 6WAPF4J )I0. 10-203 SHEET 1 (sauwmTwa) NAME DATE i M1tLtKt.t)vrca CONTAINER GLASS �+ FLINT CONVERSION KH -- T---1- K SH'. Or J I KI L 5 0 7 _ f L -.--------------------- .._. _... BOOK ------- PA3E` RECEPTION NO. '71'�cep,4Q;� - COORS PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT UATEOfREOOROiNG- Y FILINGS NO.1 & 2, AMENDMENT #9 RD .�c}N^ FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE a,, INCLUDING APART OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, APART OF THE N.W.1/4, S.E.1/4 AND APART OF THE S.W,114, -- r� r -114, ALL IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M,,JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. s ,r �y L?4 ^� 5! CHART_,..__..,,,,. --- - - I � _ 2J f D +. -% i Z` 10M1,11RT 9P tC'.i ANc- lM .,�e., ,,� �} ,�u. H; Es.__ 112' {t C dF� 5a' SG _ ;�F E 6,iicl'N(, COVER aGS r O.EB ACRE- _S ,y7.'3 EhN t� TO ^ i f { �-�.-,,,., .,e �• � c cc.. vw� i4 d. t .._AS°� __ _..... --.+a n ,..,..- ,.,.", .�..+ r 1 a Tcimc ^,c t^it P _ rj __ i1� Q„V�i'itG ritlG. 30 _ _.. 5_.. t t ,a' a p t ,� .._ ;a A-, c F [SiW a 7 S`. _. z _- �.-:-' (.-.,9„ F ,ti! t_ 2. it,:. F '1A' 4,.E - ' }- t , �� -- M'' i '( I - i ;'r'x.. st 1y- l' MI ti l AR n 5c N 2 4..Pri A.'. t _ 4{;P.�.. '- $.0, -- 3'AaYIC" C SAM,*,, _.. .__. - w ,f t', H a .T clnfttc -C s .. at"RA6 a' E r - _ `,j� - -. j y AA - f I - 7'ARM 1.RP 6� 1 O;G,i J t'� -!d M1:flA _ -#- ! F Rr { r a iACF pa2r, , L - ,.'� `x GM ,t.,_,.✓ J -t> l #PAu { � t 3 .3 S (Cl +,.,, �SREE, iJk V 8. ROA 9 , ` k.. at,t rain i_,A! _.... _-.,.. t 1 _ _ _ 374 f, llf 1.-NPS"i lGC . •_ ! '. i , _ c tAit; 77� 'ACR_. 37.n9 ,7:Ja ,>_ Aa A C +:, ;_ . i ti" NA -Ai G4n r6N�s,� 1Ft_. a� F E ' '4 $6, ;.+>�. ,'y ".APv Rat T£_ 1 <~J G"S_F 9AK hG A A¢a i t8 c t ' '_i t ['v , .1 __ I :p �t N: tt .. �� , ,.,j �ROJt; ;it}r, k Q7tPG'. Adk-ktLtUSt t r-' v0. 25 _ 52 t ' fr\ i s ' ..yt Si 6 ,R JA'AlftUP'DFR ` t 4:j QN CUO SOF si!:Ts5' EMS] 1Tt„.E POWMevT -� t I r of Rn,N,;..,C § iT:,iT �l'1Nf. ar.E t1;'. MILL:ER EAa �E,r a s nKn ,; cc7,:.a.NT! 2 inS s s,, ,_ - j i STREET su.c.h .N) Ir ,. , C OURS trLAj.S' F'l.4?!rT u j _. _ , - -- - -.. WAREHOUSE rr±9* r Exi T., a n rO �Eu;r. 1 �_-� lR },' G C ? �}D �ti N S _ R3 A7 h i 4`C(JfJft iiLwnrC �')f _c , ._ I ' � •(Oa4r rr RAW t1 s 4-:A,S L. L�iVG O 9 l-, 3A N rQ,S (' l �`, r.,., Af,:=° r 'S U�AN? W, 2 ao ` e .;� s-' ..__... A Z C?MW * Sti R 5 V ' kPo -_._ '• , ✓ : S ,tG'.NG t) 76 SST. GA ty. 't E1'. - a INLAND CONT47.' ER - + ...- F AftEa-:G. a; { QL!DNG NO 27 RAWry4Ai'f i S tv;;: N.. ) D. Q4L'^1'saRY CUF.t't7P.ATIfJ.�v ,. , i,vrn r,ic�”` '' ecDr•. ei "�i Gv' „f c' `. 't; 'i -«- ---`-�„- rtvrE "��+ i x r i' i a' r r ,k, �A` ti., u2 ,cTtikt t' t ta-- ,�.. r RAW MA- RIAS •RCC SN' l�d: i , o /`f 3l)!.L.NG by 23 _ «, A d n 'f.ASA°E N 7 _ E _ t 4' ---- )7 -ROPANF `IAPORIFAIION ,,t..;IGN f �.. -�., REA (Y E TOP[ 81,"..�.+tai� '-X AN9!,l C` ' _ ,.�-->?- t i -W.,+• „__—: �� -_., _. !, PV '.GE '4 is ( �� ,.,,.,.. } .,. � ,A r+ (' E',1 .. r �' g.. ''N^ NO 43 Po _ .�h .1d,1�. A mons , 2' ..K .;3'-}> t^ 'I r,N tC.. at.�t _ ..U3,1.2 -,A IU` r.,`cl �iR 1t .A4„St, f AREA f,H_ h,nrPE 9 9C. -- J StAa ze i, 5Uv ... ,•".SX. (2.32 AG,) r X! 4G A., ft£_C £'M SEC 9e _--- _ ,t__ • i ,'at•__`-__” 7' StL SC 3 Ga -4r 15 �- i i, -IJ.,� UNLET I2ECY(;LIrV � � '`g' rt=9 L. � ' d' ( f � ! L {Yr+ , i , %CE, if' t� 9.; i..s'.NC; NQ u.; q t c 3 --_ _ ("ENTER --- - t _ r f LD s -.__ � � h. tF ; i(—i ORA, L!.' �). �!i J, USE`` - If P - � i KAi. INT _. < Vit• w -w„ _-'' .. -- sr ^c_srx.er' 1� RPxht 1Nr sr{ r .,-1vilIR .,1 y ,. --� C: R C S C 4r 3�-r.NC ',G r.�^ , _ _. or , .i .__.._ t ,.., ay,=,s,7tOt� rn:r SE r-:i+Nrar RECc�*: 1. ._-_ _ � - ..__ ...._ _ _ ._.. _ ! , ' a^ - _. --tskv-_ r ! � , rt:. , '(i'k_. 4. C'P.9t :--_(z0.;7p tJl G(NdS7ftL( iOp a>t:fiP <ct, o. --... '-'_ - _.. - _ -_ .' , � _ - ............. . �ttr i E-----. `''•, Cu rtr � I j , , 's + N } ;-i .. , t . _ �", 4 -it-i r G1LA',t RPD T,4'7 ... J c i -.0 - iii : `s 7 aEw k10tC f x : I fd A:NTENAN6 .HOP- X00 !GN ....-._ _ i. :. '� -`_ IT 100, '<,rri, p!.AD "DN --------- 35,46 z C 3 I V URE�AaaO.-s.- • a N . _-' R roPh Ara,.,;n( '4 ArY W,` :I' -- - E GWAPROJ_.EC7N0 _ 10�.-.,2...63 iti ii1 NEW SAND C+, (GWA SNEET CASE HISTORY — -.- _ -- c c3 _, _ w v I �ti �� '; — — — SEs _ _ _ E CONTAINER GLASS j FLINT CONVERSIONr I� J Z k?—. - 4 yy. AI of SSSS __ .. A B C D E F G H J K L COORSPLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SHEET E °F RECEPTIa FILINGS NO. 1 & 2, AMENDMENT # 10 DATE OF RECORDING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1 INCLUDING A PART OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, A PART OF THE N.W.1/4, S.E.1/4 AND A PART OF THE S.W.1/4, N.E. 1/4, ALL IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. VICINITY MAP SHEET91 OF .V .e,. p, °^ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALLOWED USES CITY CERTIFICATION ORIGINAL P I D FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN BOOK 14 PAGE 18 s.0 • "04 RECEPTION No. 00947892 wnam�.” *.rc"=„ $- DATE 3/18/76 _w„pamn WS+"q wsarw a r moi" n>" COORS BREWING COMPANY, BEING THE OWNER OF THE REAL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS APPROVAL THIS _DAY OF 20_ BY THE CITY OF thea OF 28.74 ACRES MORE OR LESS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS: SEC. 26-302 B. WHEAT RIDGE P I D AMENDMENT No. 7 BOOK 36 PAGE 11 wsaea w+?� LOT 1 OF COORS PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FILING N0. 1, A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 50'-0° RECEPTION No. 84017574 DATE 2127184 2 w.sx"uwe p N � � � ,v.,y., ,F?° PORTION OF MILLER STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 89, MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: SEC. 26-302 B. ATTEST 2 K3 n°' PAGE 16 UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 86051871, AND A PORTION OF LOT "LANDSCAPING 9 "8 OF ARVADA RIDGE FINAL PLAT, SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 20% OF THE TOTAL LOT P I D AMENDMENT No. 2 PROJECT LOCATION.—W RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF AREA" (SECTION 26-502) CITY CLERK MAYOR BOOK 89 PAGE 16 x JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS RECEPTION No. 86051871 g wont _; FOLLOWS: 'ALL PARKING SHALL BE IN CONFOTMANCE WITH SECTION 26-501 OF DATE 5116186 teEae°.n<�THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS." A PORTION OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, AND A PORTION P I D AMENDMENT No. 3 wa �A m OF THE N.W. 1 4, S.E. 1 4, AND THE S.W. 1 4, N.E. 1 4, SECTION 16, / // / ALL EXTERIOR LIGHT NG SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION ODP BOOK 70 PAGE 51 RECEPTION No. 93127559 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH. P.M., WHEAT RIDGE,26-503 �i� OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS.' DATE 8/20193 Woe A y „- � �w °P«q-COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE S.E. CORNER,COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR w �p a+ s g N.W. 1/4, S.E. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 16, THENCE S89'30'02°W ALONG 'ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26-603 P I D AMENDMENT No. 4 wunn" THE SOUTH LINE OF THE N.W. 1/4, S.E. 1/4, 30.00 FEET TO THE TRUE OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS.' ODP BOOK 105 PAGE 47 c POINT OF BEGINING, THENCE CONTINUING 589'30'02"W, 921.39 FEET RECEPTION No. F1063350 3 wu°a° ap. f MORE OR LESS TO A POINT THAT IS 376.72 FT. EAST OF THE S.W. "ALL SIGNAGE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ARTICLE VII OF THE DATE 5/30100 3 CORNER, N.W. 1/4, S.E. 1/4, THENCE NORTH AND PARALLEL TO THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS.' WHEAT RIDGE, CO NORTH -SOUTH CENTER- LINE OF SECTION 16, 1323.42 FEET , TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF THE COLORADO AND "ARCHITECTURAL COUNTY CLERK PIDAMENDMENT No. 5 SOUTHERN RAIL -ROAD, THENCE N74'40'18"E ALONG THE SAID SOUTH DETAIL TO BE APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STREETSCAPE AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE ODP BOOK 115 PAGE 64 RECEPTIONNo. F1480796 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 642.61 FEET TO THE N.W. CORNER OF SAID AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN MANUAL' DATE 5/13102 TALMAR INDUSTRIAL N0. CE ALONG THE EXPLANATION OF AMENDMENT PARK 385072'57°E THE WEST LINE OF SAID INDUSTRIAL PARK 389.34 FEET, THENCE SAID INDUSTLINGRIAL AMENDMENT TO ADD FILTER SYSTEM, VPSA OXYGEN GENERATOR, N89'33'01"E, 383.29 FEET, TO THE WEST BOUNDARY OF THE MILLER ACCEPTED FOR RECORDING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK PIDPBOOK 118 PA 6 ODP BOOK 178 PAGE 50 AND ROAD EXPANSION STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE ALONG ANON -TANGENT CURVE TO THE AL T CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON RECEPTION No. F1620499 RIGHT HAVING A DELTA OF 1NCE 7GENT FEET, AND A RADIUS THIS DAY OF 20_ AT DATE 12/04 AN ARC LENGTH OF 232.76 FEET WITH A CHORD BEARING S8'51'47"E, O'CLOCK 231.88 FEET; THENCE S012'10"W, 236.62 FEET; THENCE ALONG A THE CHARACTER OF THIS DEVELOPMENT SHALL REFLECT THE TANGENTAL CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A DELTA OF 17'39'50°, A RADIUS INDUSTRIAL NATURE OF THE INTENDED USE. ACCEPTABLE MATERIALS P I D AMENDMENT No. 7 OF 670.00 FEET AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 206.56 FEET; THENCE SHALL BE CONCRETE, METAL OR GLASS. BUILDING COLORS SHAL BE FILING No. 2OPD 40 51727'39"W, 164.38'; THENCE ALONG A TANGENTAL CURVE TO THE LEFT EARTH TONES. REG No. 2006151563 44 HAVING A DELTA OF 170'49", A RADIUS OF 730.00 FEET AND AN ARC DATE 28106 FILING No. 2 FDP FILING o.2F LENGTH OF 15.04 FEET; THENCE S89'47'48'W, 30.00 FEET; THENCE REG No. 2006151564 SO'12'12"E ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF MILLER STREET JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CLERK DATE 12/28/06 228.79 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN BOOK 2163, PAGE 738 AND BOOK 89, PAGE 16 OF THE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE P I D AMENDMENT No. 8 RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, CONTAINING 28.74 ACRES, FILING Nos. Iand 2FOP MORE OR LESS. THE BELOW SIGNED OWINER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) REC No. THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY REVISED 08/21/17 DACE X1009957 DESCRIBED HEREON WALL BE DEVELOPED AS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT P I D IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS FILING2 F NGNDMEN Nos. 1 and DP CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY REG No. 2 2818 LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF A .20110 DATE 0412911918 REZONING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS 5 CASE HISTORY NUMBERS: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY INDEX OF DOCUMENTS P I D AMENDMENT No. 10 RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE WZ-77-16, WZ-83-36, WZ-85-28, WZ-93-4, WZ-99-1, I, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PERSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. SHEET 1 TITLE PAGE FILING Nos.1 and 2 FDP REG No. WZ-02-04, WZ-02-11, WIZ -O6-01, WV -06-01, MS -06-05, SHOWN HEREIN ON THE (FDP FlWNGS N0. 1 & 2. AMENDMENT #8) SHEET 2 SITE PLAN DATE ANX-06-01, WZ-10-05, WZ-10-10 HAS BEEN VERIFIED BY ME AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, SHEET 3 02 GENERATOR ELEVATIONS INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IS CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH SHEET 4 FILTER SYSTEM ELEVATION THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL CODE OF LAWS, AND ALL BILL DILLAMAN SHEET 5 BATCH HOUSE ELEVATION APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, AND THAT UPON COMLETITION OF THE PROJECT I AGREE TO FURNISH AN AS -BUILT SURVEY ACCURATELY LOCATING ALL STATE OF COLORADO CONSTRUCTED ITEMS. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON GREY WOLF ARCHITECTURE 6 THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLAGED BEFORE ME THIS Ncw Ec u� —.IN. Nm °E-- 6 SIGNATURE DAY OF A.D. 20_ BY .n� WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC GWAPROJECTNO. 17-464 CASE HISTORY (SURVEYOR'S SEAL) SHEET 1 (GWASHEET NO.) o o m IA �A 3N\ as rn om C.Ny �wH�Ra w , hb.. 0A 7hY hh+mullm ac NAME DATE ORSMILLERCO DOWN 09.05.17 TITLE ¢a aM :2 o:N !2 � Uo m \N o00 f ruy Ib. — B PLUS FURNACE UPGRADE o d m d m o o e d N N o^ ~z o 0 z d d i o CNK KWH 7 g � P�'^ a,am�a�.°�`i,q 7 APw KW w z z z z z zo� zoZ z ywmN wv� z z z `'.moi'ho.,. m y Tlam'•� nT� TITLE PAGE w w w wz.m wzm O�w Ei= w ws w SCALE NTS SHL 1 OF U o 0 7 m 0 m 0 5— 0zO U 0zO Z:go 0 0 x w .fn Oto 2 a MIA o m 0 b.&W h mnrq !y Nrnaw�VbRoh ve pw K�pd/y I�q a a a O 1 N M L K J I H I G F E I D I C A I B I C I D E F G H J K L D I A-1 ZONE I �' PRD ZONE PID ZONE RIDE gOAD ORTTiERN R R ACC ECY SNRD. D AVENUE GTQN - N (GRA L) WEST 52N RUgyIN OIL STORAGE & SPILL 21 CONTAINMENT I I pE o❑ En r 2 xi"� I F -T I Qo o� °o°o L�1 11 N ❑ Cy e.7 I -_ - Ail 23 r III RAW MATERIALS L STORAGE AREA ASPHALT ACCESN EMERGENCY T13`m�) i O 22 \ 11 111w 3 I II 17 PID ZONE \ MILLER STREET COORS CLASS PLANT a^a (COORS BUILDING 25) WAREHOUSE(COORS BLDG. 36) II 1 PID ZONE 1 �I 18 4 Z (E HI\ II - Y INLAND CONTAINER 4 I I 15 coNvarotts m 20 I COORS � 4 K CORPORATION Z. I 11 1 14 5❑ T BULK CLASS _ LID 27 1 F, ©. MIN - A i coons I FIRE BLDG. 28 HYD.— P Li �rry RAIYP �Or–\ — --_- FI \ HYD. OND- • \\ --- 1 (E) 8- CURB W/ 4- 0 W. 50TH AVE. • • E F G H J K L SHEET 2 COO RS PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT RECEPTION NO. E OF 5 FILINGS NO. 1 & 2, AMENDMENT # 10 DATE OF RECORDING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INCLUDING A PART OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, A PART OF THE N.W.1/4, S.E.1/4 AND A PART OF THE S.W.1/4, N.E. 1/4, ALL IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. SHEET 2 OF 5 1 Amn I ICC rMADT �D 1 s"' ■ i PID ZONE 2 CASE HISTORY CONVERT BATCH AND CULLET PLANTS TO PRODUCE FLINT GLASS > m0� n O O O O N fJ� N UJ'\ N Ute'\ Oe N' Oe Ol M ACREAGE OF HARD SURFACE BUILDING NO. 36 PRODUCTION STORAGE 2 FILTER SYSTEM 480 S.F. BLDG HT. 15' AREAS, CONCRETE, ASPHALT, 2.28 ACRES 8.07 'L1 BATCH HOUSE SILO HT. 89'-11 7/8° ETC. GENERAL USAGE I 2,900 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 82'-10" 5 BUILDING NO. 26 EXHAUST HT. 94'-3' ACREAGE OF PARKING, OFF 5.1 ACRES ACRES ADDED 20.53 23 ROAD EXPANSION RAW MATERIALS PROCESSING 5,500 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 45' STREET LOADING & ROADS .8 5.9 ACRES TOTAL RAW MATERIALS PROCESSING SCALE 1' = 100' 5,000 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 30' ACREAGE OF LANDSCAPING, 10.7 ACRES TOTAL SO. FT. 466,801 SQ. FT. 7 MIN 20%.8 ACRESACRES REMOIV D 0 o d d d drL orLyr o ~~z z Z Z- Z 900 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 15' w Z Z Z 2 r Z r ZQ9 FF ZwZ F Z o— w F IJ CULLET RECYCLING CENTER FZ lal 43,000 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 35' 13 CONSTRUCTION SHOP W 14 z W W WZ� WZi W ESE R. W RECEPT/LUNCH/ W LOCKER ROOM ADDITION i i i Z Z i—� i02 i O= N f WS N Q 0 z 0 z 0 z 0 z 0 z ozo Z�o ozo Z�cJ o Z w .rn 0� w 0 o w 0 w Zi 0 w a� � � O 1 N I M L K J I H G F E D C A I B I C E F G H J K L SHEET 2 COO RS PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT RECEPTION NO. E OF 5 FILINGS NO. 1 & 2, AMENDMENT # 10 DATE OF RECORDING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INCLUDING A PART OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, A PART OF THE N.W.1/4, S.E.1/4 AND A PART OF THE S.W.1/4, N.E. 1/4, ALL IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. SHEET 2 OF 5 1 Amn I ICC rMADT �D 1 s"' ■ i cmn w Rqm" W—A. 16Y a — h«.E *anm bn uhd Dd b. u.M bym�pq"m�aUlr bim Cam. CwCaaryryMmm�� heti�l A�fc— Ptr ,M b. .pb k4 d &ri1 — h Md.� pv�l, b� � 9tl,mb.d h rMg by Gv. enbN oma N mpyyl6 m 12 KEY ALLOWABLE PROPOSED 2 ZO CONVERT BATCH AND CULLET PLANTS TO PRODUCE FLINT GLASS 1,663 S.F. SILO HT. 66'-7 1/2" BUILDING COVERAGE SEC. 26-302 B. 10.66 ACRES, 466 801 SF 37.75 BUILDING HEIGHT MAX 50'-0' SEE BELOW 50,000 SOFT. BLDG. HT. 35' 21 VPSA OXYGEN GENERATOR AND SUBSTATION 350 S.F. BLDG HT. 10' 716 S.F. BLDG HT. 12' SILO HT. 73'-6 7/16" LOT SIZES MIN 1 ACRE 28.74 ACRES, 1 251 951 SF 22,100 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 35' ACREAGE OF HARD SURFACE BUILDING NO. 36 PRODUCTION STORAGE 2 FILTER SYSTEM 480 S.F. BLDG HT. 15' AREAS, CONCRETE, ASPHALT, 2.28 ACRES 8.07 'L1 BATCH HOUSE SILO HT. 89'-11 7/8° ETC. GENERAL USAGE I 2,900 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 82'-10" 5 BUILDING NO. 26 EXHAUST HT. 94'-3' ACREAGE OF PARKING, OFF 5.1 ACRES ACRES ADDED 20.53 23 ROAD EXPANSION RAW MATERIALS PROCESSING 5,500 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 45' STREET LOADING & ROADS .8 5.9 ACRES TOTAL RAW MATERIALS PROCESSING SCALE 1' = 100' 5,000 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 30' ACREAGE OF LANDSCAPING, 10.7 ACRES TOTAL SO. FT. 466,801 SQ. FT. NATURAL GRASS, PONDS, MIN 20%.8 ACRESACRES REMOIV D 34.45 DECORATIVE GRAVEL ETC. 9.9 ACRES TOTAL GWA PROJECT N0. 17-464 900 SOFT. BLDG. HT. 15' SETBACKS SEC. 26-302 B. ELECTRICAL SNATCH STATION cmn w Rqm" W—A. 16Y a — h«.E *anm bn uhd Dd b. u.M bym�pq"m�aUlr bim Cam. CwCaaryryMmm�� heti�l A�fc— Ptr ,M b. .pb k4 d &ri1 — h Md.� pv�l, b� � 9tl,mb.d h rMg by Gv. enbN oma N mpyyl6 m 12 KEY BUILDING NO. 25 PRODUCTION & SOME WAREHOUSE 3 ---- G ---- EXIST. GAS 130,000 SO.FT. BLDG. HT. 52' - -T- - EXIST. TELEPHONE FUTURE EXPANSION I EXIST. IRRIGATION DITCH 50,000 SOFT. BLDG. HT. 35' W EXIST. WATER SERVICE OF CE & STORES AREA GAS— EXIST. GAS (STREET) 22,100 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 35' ---- P.I.D. BOUNDARY BUILDING NO. 36 PRODUCTION STORAGE 2 1 AREA OF FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION 103,000 SOFT. BLDG. HT. 37' ® LANDSCAPE AREA FIRE PROTECTION PUMP STATIONS OE EXISTING ASPHALT AERIAL MAPPED 1983 ® BATCH HOUSE SILO STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS POND 2,900 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 82'-10" 5 BUILDING NO. 26 AIR COMPRESSOR & STORAGE TANKS 5 3,000 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 30' 6 ❑ BUILDING NO. 27 RAW MATERIALS PROCESSING 5,500 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 45' COUNTY, COLORADO BUILDING NO. 28 RAW MATERIALS PROCESSING SCALE 1' = 100' 5,000 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 30' ❑] PROPANE VAPORIZATION STATION ® BUILDING NO.40 ELECTRICAL SWITCH STATION SUB -STATION CONTROL GWA PROJECT N0. 17-464 900 SOFT. BLDG. HT. 15' SHEET 2 (GWA SHEET NO.) ELECTRICAL SNATCH STATION BUILDING N0.41 MAINSERVICE ENTRANCE 900 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 15' FUEL STORAGE 1D PROPANE AND FUEL OIL STORAGE 11 GAS METER STATION BUILDING NO. 29 CULLET RECYCLING CENTER 12 43,000 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 35' 13 CONSTRUCTION SHOP 6,000 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 20' 14 BULK GLASS ADDITION 40,200 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 35' NEW MOLD / 15 MAINTENANCE SHOP ADDITION 10,000 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 35' 16 RECEPT/LUNCH/ 3,431 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 25' LOCKER ROOM ADDITION 17 FUTURE EXPANSION 35,463 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 35' 18 NEW BUILDING ADDITION 1,092 SQ.FT. BLDG. HT. 35' 19 NEW SAND STORAGE BUILDING 1,106 SQ.FT. cmn w Rqm" W—A. 16Y a — h«.E *anm bn uhd Dd b. u.M bym�pq"m�aUlr bim Cam. CwCaaryryMmm�� heti�l A�fc— Ptr ,M b. .pb k4 d &ri1 — h Md.� pv�l, b� � 9tl,mb.d h rMg by Gv. enbN oma N mpyyl6 m 12 KEY ---- S --- EXIST. SANITARY SEWER 3 ---- G ---- EXIST. GAS - -T- - EXIST. TELEPHONE E EXIST. ELECTRICAL I EXIST. IRRIGATION DITCH W EXIST. WATER SERVICE EXIST. ARE HYDRANT GAS— EXIST. GAS (STREET) ---- P.I.D. BOUNDARY ---t>� FENCE 4 1 AREA OF FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION ® LANDSCAPE AREA OE EXISTING ASPHALT AERIAL MAPPED 1983 FIELD REVISED 1992 POND PROPOSED ROAD EXPANSION BUILDING DEVELOPMENT PLAN 5 COORS BREWING CO. GLASS N OPERATIONS JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 0 50 100 20 Oft. SCALE 1' = 100' GREY WOLF ARCHITECTURE AR NTNG IN1EAIdi DE— 6 GWA PROJECT N0. 17-464 SHEET 2 (GWA SHEET NO.) NAME DATE MILLERCOORS NCD 09.08.17 DW E KWH TITLE PLUS FURNACE UPGRADE KWH KWH 7 SITE PLAN $GATE I. =1m' -n• T. 9 of 5 E F G H J K L A B C D EF G H J K L PLA N E D I D L DEVELOPMENT- SHEET 3 OF 5 RBOOK P ECEPTION NOAGE FILINGS NO. 1 & 2, AMENDMENT # 10 DATE OF RECORDING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INCLUDING A PART OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, A PART OF THE N.W.1/4, S.E.1/4 AND A PART OF THE S.W.1/4, N.E. 1/4, ALL IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. SHEET 3 OF 5 2 2 I I 3 Ln 14'W 52'L 12'H BUILDING I co — II'W 311 10'H pp cy) _ BUILDING r7 ummmnn -� --- I gI)1 NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION 4 4 I 1D � I 5 5 i WIN 521 12'H Lf-) BUILDING jBU II' 31'L 10'H LDING II'W 31'L 10'H BUILDING Ib j.- M q„ GREY WOLF ARCHITECTURE 6 ANCHI—RE PUNNING —OROEMGN g WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION a�:=: U■■ GWA PROJECT NO. 17-464 CASE HISTORY SHEET 3 (GWASHEETNO) N N �M 3N �n MN as m NAML D^,>= MILLERCOORS OWN JH 09.08.17 DWG. nTIE Waw W m O n O N �� a M �� N �� UZ O �� m .- �N coo O r ma nu Een Ie..d F 5_ ad iAa nol M Des KN}I .auTmw.an.umm, B PLUS FURNACE UPGRADE O z m z m z r z m z v1 z6n N F oL N z Od z z < z M o z z N z CHK KNH 7 : m baCmm�E m tulnd bsd add 7 APw KM w w .- w �- w w w ��w wZ� F-�w wZw z ZN �w E5< w �. z w z w w= z z n ne.,Q�i,°; SHEET nne 02 GENERATOR ELEVATIONS U o p Q O OZO pz0 0 OwwN O N O N O , b,,,,.„ mih°bE H b Cam �w�+grmyf N�W'AV�Is SCALE 1 16• = 1'-0• SHT. 3 OF 5 w z z z z zzo zzc� uJ5 z o¢ o z z z a by a M as Sda a� <� < w �.re..Hs c, „ter O N M L K J H G F E D C A B C D E F G H J K L A B C D E F G J K L R PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT—SHEET` DF s BOOK_PAGE_ RECEPTION NO. FILINGS NO. 1 & 2, AMENDMENT # 10 DATE OF RECORDING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INCLUDING A PART OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, A PART OF THE N.W.1/4, S.E.1/4 AND A PART OF THE S.W.1/4, N.E. 1/4, ALL IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, SHEET 4 OF 5 84"0 EXHAUST STACK 2 2 3,000 cu. ft. DSI STORAGE SILO NA PROCESS TIE-IN TEE DUCT BRIDGE ®_ INLET DAMPER 64"0 INLET DUCT CCF -500 VESSELS - IT (4) -PLACES - - 3 64"0 BYPASS 3 CL - - _ _ - - - _ ��� 84"0 WASTE ST04GE - - - _ -- 8 OUTLET 9' SUPER SACKi.STATION C PLENUM 72"0 61 O 64"0 DAMPER OUTLET DUCT 4 m i B 4 40"0 FLEX y s (4)-PLCS. 40"0 DAMPER 12'W X 40'L X 15'H CLEAN OUT PORT IT _- (4)-PLCS. BUILDING 0 � o '�'-0 DUCT SUPPORT PLATFORM -- 47'-6. EXHAUST BLOWER CCF ACCESS LADDER ENCLOSED BOTTOM CCF ACCESS STAIRS STACK ACCESS LADDER (2) -PLACES GREY WOLF ARCHITECTURE 6 PI-mN° m,�oR oma 6 EAST ELEVATION„„; man GWAPROJECTNO. 17-464 CASE HISTORY SHEET 4 (GWA SHEET NO.) a n o \ o \ m \ a o �N 0 ��� op, �� m�mwtidc— NAME DATE MILLERCOORS Ji 09.08.17 DNG. TITLE p rn o n o R'\ < K� D'� N ' \ p \ m —;t ^ coo p me em e.. e..e b DES KNH N m e m odr umaam F-„�,,,mpe. B PLUS FURNACE UPGRADE o m m n m m m m a n r CHK KN4i 7 Z Z Z Z Z iQm zoo Z ox S Z' O wZ Z O Z Z Z wmm pa TE of Cmn Bm„9 cm- T* w II a 7 APw Kxvi W W -2 -2 2 2 wom m -mo 8' m -x W 3 W S m W W= N W FILTER SYSTEM ELEVATION 1/.I. -Tu; •_p' T. 4 OF 5 U O W p Z W p W O O W OZO WU OZO WU p W O W m p� p W pW O W p W41 p W „"y°,�,,bL°yy�'b O0 gW s i s 1a - im. amM.—Eanpm} O N M L K J I I H G I F E D I C A B IC D E F G H J K A B C D E F G H J K L PLANNED EL P DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL SHEET 5 DF 6 FILINGS NO. 1 & 2, AMENDMENT # 10 BOOKPAGER NO. DATE OF RECORDING FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOL -TEG BIN VENT- o m o — AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _ INCLUDING A PART OF TALMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK, FILING NO. 1, A PART OF THE N.W.1/4, S.E.1/4 AND A PART OF THE S.W.1/4, 'L 1 N.E. 1/4, ALL IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. 0 SHEET 5 OF 5 Z 'I NOL -TEC DAY BIN o 3• BUTTERFLY VALVE - - -- - (PRESSURE RELIEF) 00 O : i O —_--- - -_ --- __ BATCH HOUSE VACUUM BLOWER } O (PLACEHDLDER) P ¢ 3 � 6" BUTTERFLY VALVE ' O ------ 6" BUTTERFLY VALVE - 41, tee 4 -------------- 9'-0 3/16. 5 i 10'-5 7/16• RUBBER FLEX JOINT NOL -TEC MICRO FEEDER CONVEY UNE _ GREY WOLF ARCHTTECTURE 6 11 lN—oR oE— 6 — - - s, _ -- dram G ( GWA PROJECT N0. 17-464 CASE HISTORY SHEET 5 (GWASHEETNO.( n o o N a N �N No on 0 �n 0' °' o' rn m �< ve �m Cmbdsitld PaPNety/ hfaaolb� NAME DATE ihY traeFe M I LLE R C OO R S DWG. >> WQQ \ o \ \ o \ \ �'^ m\ 3N �� �� �-\ - o 0 p ft w. Ar.. 1.W b®bri I.nd OWN J1 09.08.17 a n N o rn N F *Id and dd n be Wftc— Des KWH TITLE B PLUS FURNACE UPGRADE O 0 z m o z m cs n o z m 0 z 0- zwF N o N p p �z wN O z p z a M o z z z� N 7 M. py.eal.lm w�cove B CHK KWH Momwtlm wnt" Mei M APVD KWH 7 0 Z F w F w z F w 1- w r w FpZ w�� zw� rpZ w�� z F- w�� V M W �� �= z z W w= z H w TIHT"T BATCH HOUSE ELEVATION ne, be ew:d apaAiad a uee4 H aH�� _2 0 p M p p 2 p p ��. pzo ��4 pzo W p p 2 pp%N p 10 M z 2 N z> z pa. MwBbsa vie. , mtllaNd F b Beeiq mmpm NrapY*t. as y 4T• al•_0• sHT. 5 OF 5 z w w z w z w z w 2ZU wg ZZU wg z w iY o> p W w w W w Mb, ahead by -T 1 2 1 2 1 1 O N M L K J H G F E D C A B C D E F G H J K L l• SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made effective the 1st day of July, 2008 by and between CooRs BREWING COMPANY, a Colorado corporation, whose legal address is c% A0 Real Estate Department, Coors Brewing Company, 17735 West 32nd Avenue, of the , City of Golden, County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, Grantor, and MILLERCOORs LLC, a Delaware limited liability company whose legal address is 17735 West 32"d Avenue, of the City of Golden, County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, Grantee: WITNESS, that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm with special warranty unto the Grantee, its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns forever, all of the real property together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, described as follows: See Legal Description attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A Together with the interests, easements, rights, benefits, improvements and attached fixtures appurtenant to the property, all interest of Grantor, if any, in vacated streets, alleys, gores and strips adjacent to the property; also known by street and number as: 10619W. 50th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO (the "Property"). Together with all minerals and mineral rights owned by Grantor, if any, which are within and appurtenant to the Property (the 'Mineral Rights"). After Recording please return to: , – - -- — Real Estate Department l0�11�1�llIINIIlll R $41 .00 Coors Brewing Company J �Nu� �Jluui1! 111J IIII 17735 West 32 Avenue r 416.50 2002008064252 WD D $1 Golden, Colorado 84401 07/01/2008 05:07:39 PM 8 Page(s) Jefferson county, Colorado Together with all water and water rights (whether decreed or undecreed, tributary, not nontributary or nontributary, surface or underground, or appropriated or unappropriated, together with all permits and approvals relative thereto); wells and well rights, ditches and ditch rights, springs and spring rights, reservoirs and reservoir rights; and shares of stock in water, ditch, and canal companies and all evidence of such rights, which are owned by Grantor, if any, which are appurtenant to, underlying or which have been used in connection with the Property (the "Water Rights"). Together with such prescriptive rights Grantor may have, if any, as the result of the placement of fences and improvements on or adjacent to the Property (the "Prescriptive Rights"). Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the Grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the Grantee, its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns forever. The Grantor, for itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns does covenant and agree to and with the Grantee, its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, it is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature whatsoever, except general taxes for the year 2008 and subsequent years, and except those matters set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein. The Grantor shall and will WARRANT SPECIALLY AND FOREVER DEFEND the above -bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee, its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons claiming the whole or any part thereof, by, through or under the Grantor, except as to those matters set forth on Exhibit B. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has executed this deed effective as of the date set forth above. COORS BREWING COMPANY, a Colorado corporation By: N• 6 -A -t G f� Name: N. Cornell Boggs Title: Chief Legal Officer Coors Brewing Company CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF I & M. VR ,✓scw , a Notary Public in and for the state and county aforesaid, do certify that N. Cornell Boggs, whose name is signed to the writing above, bearing date on the jLj-day of June, 2008 has personally appeared, identified himself/herself to me as the Chief Legal Officer of Coors Brewing Company, a Colorado corporation, and subscribed to and acknowledged the same before me in the county aforesaid and has signed the writing with authority for the purpose stated in such writing on behalf of Coors Brewing Company, a Colorado corporation. Given under my hand and seal this )VO*day of June, 2008. My commission >�� E , ;, �,'"•"""••..,� Notary Public �OTARy oma••., ci ,. _ � •.., «A' ` 3 EXHIBIT A (Legal Description of Property) Lot 1, ,\ Rocky Mountain Bottling Subdivision, Recorded December 28, 2006 at Reception No. 2006151565, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado N EXHIBIT B (Exceptions to Title and to Special Warranty) 1. All taxes for 2008 and subsequent years, which are liens not yet due and f� payable. TJ 2. Special assessments and special taxes, if any, not yet due and payable. 3. Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to: (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Property; (ii) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Property; or (iii) the subdivision of the Property. 4. Grantor hereby excepts from Grantor's obligation to WARRANT SPECIALLY AND FOREVER DEFEND any and all warranties, special warranties, or obligations as to the right, title, ownership, encumbrance and interest in and to the Mineral Rights, the Prescriptive Rights, and the Water Rights, and as to the location of fences and utility service lines. 5. An easement for telephone and telegraph lines and incidental purposes granted to The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company by the instrument recorded February 19, 1954 in Book 843 at Page 468. 6. The effect of the inclusion of the subject property in The Valley Water District, as disclosed by the instrument recorded October 29, 1956 in Book 1026 at Page 592. 7. Easements for a railroad spur and ingress and egress and the installation and maintenance of utilities as more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded December 4, 1969 in Book 2148 at Page 170- 8. An easement for utility lines and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded July 30, 1970 in Book 2198 at Page 528. 9. An easement for one or more water pipelines and incidental purposes granted to The Valley Water District by the Right of Way Agreement recorded October 15, 1975 in Book 2780 at Page 7. 10. An easement for utility lines and -incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded January 6, 1976 in Book 2806 at Page 586. 5 11. The effect of the inclusion of the subject property in the Arvada Fire Protection District, as disclosed by the instrument recorded March 10, 1977 in Book 2973 at Page 310. 12. An easement for a gas regulation station, including all above ground structures to house the station, gas pipelines, related facilities and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded October 25, 1978 at Reception No. 78098330. 13. An easement for utility lines and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded November 6, 1978 at Reception No. 78102266. 14. License for easements, together with the terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Access License Agreement by and between Adolph Coors Company, a Colorado corporation and Inland Container Corporation, a Delaware corporation and N.R. Petry Company, a Colorado corporation, which was recorded August 5, 1982 at Reception No. 82054060. 15. The effect of the inclusion of. the subject property in the North Jeffco Metropolitan Recreation and Park District, as disclosed by the instrument recorded September 16, 1985 at Reception No. 85088240. 16. An easement for buried gas transmission and distribution facilities and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded August 10, 1993 at Reception No. 93121403. 17. Terms, agreements, provisions conditions and obligations of a Memorandum of Glass Plant Lease and Limited Option to Purchase between and among Coors Brewing Company, a Colorado corporation, lessor and Rocky Mountain Bottle Company, a Colorado general partnership, as lessee, and Anchor Glass Container Corporation, a Delaware corporation, as anchor, recorded July 26, 1995 at Reception No. F0088908, and any and all parties claiming by, through or under said lessee. 18. An easement for one or more underground water pipelines and incidental purposes granted to Valley Water District by the instrument recorded January 25, 2000 at Reception No. F1008322 and amended by Quitclaim Deed recorded February 25, 2002 at Reception Nb. F1429704. 19. An easement for one or more underground water pipelines and incidental purposes granted to Valley Water District by the instrument recorded February 25, 2002 at Reception No. F1429705. N 20. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Easement and License Agreement by and among The Wadsworth Ditch Company, Ridge Venture, LLC and State of Colorado acting by the State Board of Land Commissioners, which was recorded August 4, 2004 at Reception No. F2072502. .n 21. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under T the License Agreement and Grant, Conveyance, and Confirmation for Non- Exclusive Easement among the Swadley Ditch Association, Ridge Venture, LLC and State of Colorado, acting by the State Board of Land commissioners, which was recorded August 9, 2004 at Reception No. F2074868. 22. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Subdivider's and Development Agreement Arvada Ridge between Ridge Venture LLC and the City of Arvada, recorded December 14, 2004 at Reception No. F2143597. 23. Reservation in Patent 8353 recorded December 15, 2004 at Reception No. F2144075, as follows: Reserving, however, to the State of Colorado, title and all rights to any and all minerals, ores, and metals of any kind and character, and all coal, asphaltum, oil, gas, or other like substances, and all geothermal resources, in, or under the State Property and rights of ingress and egress in, on, under, over, across and through the State Property for the purposes of exploration, production, mining, extraction, removal of or access to such substances and resources, together with enough of the surface as may be necessary for the proper and convenient working of such substances and resources. (affects that part of subject property lying east of Swadley Ditch recorded at Reception No. F2074868) 24. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the State of Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners Department of Natural Resources Long -Term Agreement to Restrict Mineral Development, which was recorded December 16, 2004 at Reception No. F2144718. 25. An easement for utility lines and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded December 29, 2004 at Reception No. F2151086. 26. All items set forth on the Final Plat of Arvada Ridge recorded December 14, 2004 at Reception No. F2143596 and the Final Plat of Rocky Mountain Bottling Subdivision recorded December 28, 2006 at Reception No. 2006151565. Note: The easement that was recorded in Book 3120 at Page 56, shown on the Final Plat of Rocky Mountain Bottling Subdivision, was 7 released by Quitclaim Deed recorded August 10, 1993 at Reception No. 93121397. 27. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 1, which was recorded December 21, 1977 at Reception No. 77947892, and Coors Planned Development Filing No. 1 recorded February 27, 1984 at Reception No. 84017573, Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 1, Amendment No. II recorded May 16, 1986 at Reception No. 86051871, Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 1, Amendment No. II recorded April 10, 1986 at Reception No. 86036636, Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 1, Amendment No. 3 recorded August 20, 1993 at Reception No. 93127559, Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 1, Amendment No. 4, recorded May 30, 2000 at Reception No. F1063350, Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 1, Amendment No. 5, recorded May 13, 2002 at Reception No. F1480796, Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 1, Amendment No. 6 recorded December 12, 2002 at Reception No. F1629499, Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 2, recorded December 28, 2006 at Reception No. 2006151563, and Coors Planned Industrial Development Filing No. 2, recorded December 28, 2006 at Reception No. 2006151564. 28. Unrecorded Industrial Track Agreement dated April 25, 1980 between Coors Container Company and The Colorado and The Southern Railway Company and Supplemental Agreement dated March 18, 1986 between Burlington Northern Railroad Company and Adolph Coors Company (Coors Glass Division) providing for the construction and maintenance of the tract serving the property. 29. The following matters as disclosed by ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey Job No. 4429, File No. T7 -ALTA, prepared by Carroll & Lange, Inc.: (a) The encroachment of the buildings located on subject property into the easement recorded in Book 2198 at Page 528. (b) The encroachment of the buildings located on subject property into the right of way for Swadley Irrigation Ditch. (c) The encroachment of the comer of the Miller Street warehouse over a corner of the easement recorded at Reception No. 86051871. (d) The encroachment of the small metal building located on subject property into the easement recorded at Reception No. F1008322. I3 Rev. 7/2015 City of WheatP d COMMUNITY DLVLLOPMLNI Submittal Checklist: Specific Development Plan (SDP) Project Name: B Plus Furnace Upgrade Project Location: Lot 1 of the Rocky Mountain Bottling Company Subdivision, Wheat Ridge, CO Application Contents: The specific development plan (SDP) is a site plan for property that is zoned planned development. The SDP must be approved with or after an outline development plan and before right-of-way or building permit applications may be submitted. The SDP illustrates a site layout and building elevations for one or more phases of development and demonstrates feasibility through preliminary or final engineering. 1. Completed, notarized land use application form 2. Application fee 3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) _4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed _5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) _6. Mineral rights certification form _7. Approved legal description on the Current City Datum with proper section and PHAC ties per City Geodetic Requirements, in Microsoft Word format _8. SDP document—see form and content requirements below Two (2) full size paper copies (24" x 36") One (1) reduced size paper copy (11" x 17") _ AutoCAD .dwg file format—confirm acceptable version with city staff 9. One (1) color reduction of building elevations _10. Civil documents, if required _11. Written request and description of the proposal Include a response to the SDP review criteria—these are found in Section 26-305.D of the municipal code _12. Electronic (Adobe .pdf) files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via email, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive Form and content of Specific Development Plan: Note: SDP amendments may not require all items listed herein. Required content will be determined at the pre -application meeting. Project information _1. Title of document – centered at top of page in the following format: [Name] Planned [Commercial/Residential/Industrial...] Development An Outline Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado A Part of the 1/4 Section, Township 3 South ... 2. Vicinity map 3. Scale and north arrow—scale not to exceed 1 "=100' 4. Date of plan preparation and name/address of who prepared the plan 5. Legal description 6. Appropriate signature blocks – see cover sheet handout 7. Signed surveyor's certification Community Development Department - (303) 235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 8. Case history with applicable land use case numbers _9. Ownership/unified control statement, if applicable _10. Name/Address/Phone number(s) of architect, engineer, or surveyor associated with the project 11. Character of development — summarize in paragraph form the character of the project _12. Description of amendment, if applicable _13. Site data in tabular form (numeric and percentage), including the following: _a. Total area of property, gross and net _b. Building coverage _c. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, and landscaped open space _d. Number of parking spaces required and provided e. Gross floor area by use _f. Number of residential units and density _14. Justification of provided parking ratio, especially where shared parking is proposed Sample Site Data Table [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Existing zoning Proposed land use Total area[acres/sq ftgross[acres/sq ft net Lot # acres/s ft Lot #[acres/sq ft Floor area by use Use sq ft Use sq ft Site plan 1. Legend 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "=100') 3. Property lines and dimensions _4. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking _5. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: a. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use b. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking c. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material e. Exterior lighting f. Signs—identify type and height Required/Allowed Proposed Lot size sq ft sq ft Building coverage % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Sod % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Parkin Standard # # Accessible # # Bicycle # # Site plan 1. Legend 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "=100') 3. Property lines and dimensions _4. Adjoining property lines, buildings, access, and parking _5. Location of improvements that are proposed and those that are existing and will remain: a. Buildings—identify floor area, setback dimensions, proposed land use b. Parking and loading areas—identify handicap parking c. Open space/landscaping—identify size (sq ft) and type (eg living, sod, hardscape) d. Fences, walls, or hedges—identify height and material e. Exterior lighting f. Signs—identify type and height _g. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls _h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls 6. Easements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development _7. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable _8. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines _9. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1"=100') 3. Legend 4. Property lines and dimensions 5. Proposed buildings and parking areas _6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage 7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material _8. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: _a. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, landscaped open space, required and provided shrubs, required and provided trees, required and provided street trees b. Species name—common and botanical c. Quantity of each species _d. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees _e. Type of ground cover f. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space g. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc Sample Landscape/Plant Schedule [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Trees Required Botanical Name Proposed Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Sod % max / s ft max % / sq. ft Hardsca e % max sq ft max % / sq ft On-site trees -/ # # On-site shrubs # # Street trees # # Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name Shrubs Qty Botanical Name Common Name Street Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name Building Elevations 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) 2. Detailed elevations for each fagade 3. Detailed elevations for accessory structures 4. Detailed elevations for trash enclosures/screen walls 5. Material and color information _6. Structure dimensions—overall building height, overall building width, floor -to -floor heights _7. Summary table of materials and transparency by fagade—where material or transparency standards apply, include a table identifying required and proposed materials Sample Building Materials Summary [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Streetscape Plan It may be possible to combine this sheet with the Landscape Plan as long as public street trees are disaggregated in the plant schedule. Refer to the Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual for streetscape design requirements. 1. Required _2. Proposed Ground floor transparency _3. Location of all existing and proposed streetscape elements/furnishings, including: a. Fa ade A % min / sq ft min % / s ft Fa ade B % min / s ft min % / s ft Secondary material (EIFS/CMU/metal panels/siding. Street furniture—benches, trash cans, etc Fa ade A:=:=/.ax / sq ft max % / s ft Fa ade B I % max / sq ft max % / s ft Streetscape Plan It may be possible to combine this sheet with the Landscape Plan as long as public street trees are disaggregated in the plant schedule. Refer to the Wheat Ridge Streetscape Design Manual for streetscape design requirements. 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) _2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') _3. Location of all existing and proposed streetscape elements/furnishings, including: a. Sidewalk and amenity zones—location, dimensions, materials _b. Street trees—identify spacing dimensions _c. Street lights _d. Pedestrian lights e. Street furniture—benches, trash cans, etc _f. Bus stops _g. Signs _h. Irrigation system i. Utilities and utility boxes _j. Curbs and ADA ramps _4. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: a. Species name—common and botanical b. Quantity of each species c. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees _d. Type of ground cover _e. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space f. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc 7. Schedule of proposed streetscape furnishings, including: a. Manufacturer b. Product number c. Color d. Quantity Photometric Plan 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) _2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1"= 100') _3. Site plan showing the location of all exterior lights and a numerical grid of lighting levels in foot candles or as isoilluminance curves _4. A fixture schedule that includes all luminaries shown on the plan and specs for each fixture: a. Manufacturer and model a. Fixture type and wattage _b. Mounting height of all fixtures _5. Cut sheets showing the design and finishes of all fixtures, including designation of cutoff fixtures (these may be provided separately from the plan sheet, if appropriate) Aerial Perspective — if required 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) _2. A blackline aerial perspective or "birds' -eye -view" image of the project shall illustrate building location, layout, bulk, and height in three dimensions. Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe .pdf file is required): 1. Trip generation letter or traffic study 2. Drainage report and plan 3. Civil construction plans _4. Stormwater management plan (SWMP) _5. Stormwater operations and maintenance manual (O&M Manual) As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. 1 fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, 1 understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2" d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. 4 / �_ Signature: Date: 09/07/17 Name (please print): Dane Vierow Phone. 303-292-9107 x2234 5 City of r Wheat i e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 27, 2017 Applicant: Noel Guerrero, MillerCoors Daniel Waldock, Owens-Illinois Attending Staff: Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner Il Scott Cutler, Planning Technician Brian Tardif, Interim Chief Building Official Mark Westberg, Projects Supervisor Specific Site Location: 10619 W. 50th Avenue Existing Zoning: Planned Industrial Development (PID) Existing Comp. Plan: Employment Existing Site Conditions: The property is zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and is located at 10619 West 50' Avenue. The site contains the Rocky Mountain Bottle Company (RMBC), which has been on the site since approximately 1970 and produces glass bottles for the MillerCoors breweries. The site contains a several existing industrial buildings and silos, which store materials used to create glass bottles. The northern boundary of the site is Ridge Road, which separates the site from residentially -zoned properties to the north. The big -box retail and multifamily residential to the east of the property, across Miller Street, is in the City of Arvada. The southern edge of the site borders other industrial properties, and there are agriculturally zoned properties to the west. The development site is located primarily in the center of the site, inside and next to the existing buildings and structures. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant has proposed major facility upgrades in accordance with an agreement to reduce emissions. This entails: decommissioning two furnaces and replacing them with a more efficient model, new ducts and filter system, a new 95 -foot stack which will replace the old one of the same height, a new oxygen plant building, and a new roadway to connect to the new oxygen plant building. The applicant also discussed a separate project, which involves major security upgrades including a perimeter fence, a guard shack at the southern entrance, and an automatic exit gate for trucks on Miller Street. While these upgrades are separate from the mechanical upgrades, construction will occur around the same time. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? A neighborhood meeting will not be required because an ODP is already in place. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning & Use The property is zoned Planned Industrial Development. Changes to the approved Specific Development Plan require an amendment, which in this case can be processed administratively (see the process below). Landscaping Landscaping along Miller Street must be brought up into compliance with the approved plan before additional site improvements can take place. Staff sent the applicant the approved landscaping plan on July 28, 2017. The applicant expressed their desire to commit to low water usage for landscaping maintenance. Changes to the landscaping plan can be processed with the amendment if a new landscaping plan is submitted and approved as part of the application checklist. Stack Height Demolishing the existing stack and constructing a new stack of the same height (95') will not require a variance. The height limitations established in the Wheat Ridge Charter (Sec. 5.10. 1) do not apply to chimneys, ventilators, transmission towers, solar heating and cooling devices, water towers, antennas, or necessary mechanical appurtenances. The new stack location shall be indicated in the SDP site plan. Utility Providers The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city. The utility and service providers for this property include: Arvada Fire District #1, phone: 303-424-3012 Valley Water District, phone: 303-424-9661 Clear Creek Valley Sanitation District, phone: 303-424-4194 All land use applications will be sent out on referral to these agencies for comment; however, staff encourages potential applicants to contact service districts ahead of time (particularly Arvada Fire in this case). This may help to understand any design or infrastructure requirements and potential costs associated with the proposed project. Discussions with Arvada Fire should include the access road and internal site improvements, as well as the proposed exit gates. Building Division comments: Staff has requested a walkthrough and/or additional information on the technology due to the complex nature of the upgrades. Brian Tardif, the interim Chief Building Official, will be the point of contact on this project. N Please note The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted and currently enforces the 2012 Edition of the International Codes and the 2014 Edition of the National Electrical Code. The City uses the ANSI 117.1-2009 Standard in determining requirements related to building accessibility. Public Works comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: A Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) will be required if one acre or greater of ground is disturbed for construction or re -grading. This must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of any Grading/Fill or Building Permits. Please contact Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer, for more information. Any work in the right-of-way, including new curb cuts, will require a Right -of -Way Permit. Review Process This request will require an administrative amendment to the Specific Development Plan. After the pre -application meeting is complete, a formal complete Specific Development Plan (SDP) amendment application may be submitted. The complete application will be assigned a case manager. The case manager will be the applicant's point of contact at the City for the duration of the SDP process. The case manager will review the application, and once all submittal requirements are met, the application will be sent out on referral to outside service agencies (Xcel Energy, water district, fire district, etc.) and other City agencies (Public Works, Economic Development, etc.) for review. The referral period is 15 days, during which time the referral agencies and departments may submit comments on the application. These comments, as well as those from the case manager, will be forwarded to the applicant. Modifications to the Specific Development Plan document may be required as a result of these comments. When all comments are addressed to the satisfaction of the case manager, the application will be forwarded to the Community Development director for final decision. The SDP Amendment review process is administrative, which means there are no public hearings before City Council or Planning Division. NOTE: Staff has requested that the security upgrades and facility upgrades be processed under the same amendment. The parking lot reconfiguration can be processed as Amendment 10, so this application would be processed as Amendment 11. Any changes to this process, such as processing the parking lot and security upgrades in the same amendment, are appropriate as long as the number of amendments are limited and all parties involved in the application and construction process are in agreement. Approval of the SDP amendment application does not mean that a building permit has been issued. Once site plan approval is attained, the applicant may submit a building permit application with the Building Division. Attachments: None Note: Please be aware that the above comments are for general information purposes only. Staff cannot predict the outcome of any land use development application. A favorable response from staff does not obligate any decision-making body (Community Development Director, Public 3 Works Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council) to a desired outcome. Staff will provide the best advice available given existing regulations, current policy, political climate and information submitted. Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Lauren Mikulak — Senior Planner 303-235-2845 Zack Wallace Mendez — Planner II 303-235-2852 Scott Cutler — Planning Technician 303-235-2849 Brian Tardif — Interim Chief Building Official 303-235-2850 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg — Projects Supervisor 303-235-2863 4 Five nrotootion, District 7903 Allison Way Arvada CO 80005 • 303-424-3012 • 303 -432 -7"r - September 27, 2017 l5� Mr. Scott Cutler, Planning Technician City of Wheat Ridge�p� 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Coors Planned Industrial Development, COWR Project WZ-17-06 Ms. Reckert: The referral referenced above was reviewed for compliance with the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) as adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge. The Fire District has the following comments regarding this development plan. 1. Fire protection service This parcel is currently within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Arvada Fire Protection District (AFPD). The fire protection services for this parcel are provided primarily by AFPD Fire Station #2 located at 5250 Oak Street. 2. Emergency Vehicle Access (EVA) Fire apparatus access shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 26 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches including any overhead utilities. The plans provided indicate that the unobstructed width requirement is not being met with a 24 foot wide EVA. (2012 IFC Section 503.2.1 amended). 3. Fire apparatus access -surface Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided with an approved all-weather surface (concrete or asphalt). Access roads shall be capable of supporting an imposed load of 85,000 pounds. (2009 IFC Section 502.2.3) 4. Fire apparatus access -turning radius Fire apparatus access roads shall provide a minimum inside turning radius and an outside turning radius sufficient to allow navigation of fire apparatus and allow effective fire suppression operations. A turning analysis of the site, using AutoTURN® or an equivalent program, shall be provided and indicate that access throughout the site will accommodate fire apparatus as specified by Arvada Fire. The developer or representative shall contact Arvada Fire Community Risk Reduction Division for apparatus dimensions for use in the turning analysis (2012 IFC Section 503.2.4). 5. Emergency access through site The private roads through the site shall be dedicated on the final plat as "Emergency Access Lanes" or other similar language as required by the City of Wheat Ridge. 6. Fire lane signage XceiEnergy SM Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 31' Avenue PUBLIC SERVICE C©MPANY Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571. 3284 donna.1.george@xcelenergy.com September 25, 2017 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Scott Cutler Re: Vierow, Case # WZ-17-06 Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way & Permits Referral Desk has reviewed the specific development plan amendment for Vierow. Please be aware that the proposed road expansion crosses PSCo's existing intermediate pressure natural gas distribution pipeline running southward from the gas regulator station. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922- 1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. Please note that any grading changes may require the raising or lowering of underground facilities in order to maintain PSCo's minimum coverage requirements, therefore existing grading must not be diminished. However, be advised this is an installation depth and any subsequent change of grade may render this depth incorrect. When excavating within 18 -inches of marked facilities, hand digging is strongly recommended. Please be aware that all risk and responsibility for this request are unilaterally that of the Applicant/Requestor. Should the project require any new gas or electric service or modification to existing facilities, the property owner/developer/contractor must complete the application process via FastApp- Fax-Email-USPS (go to: https://www.xcelenergy.com/start, stop, transfer/new construction service activation for buil ders). Should you have any questions with this referral response, please contact me at 303-571-3306. Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado 09/13/1.7, WED 13:49 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS 16001 VALLEY 'WATER DISTRICT *121 0,1 W[s4' 52ND AVENUE Wt 1EAT MI)Ch, C(.)1-0:AD() 80033 Tit i,EPnONr. 303-424-9661 rnx 303-421:-0828 September 1:3, 2017 Scott Cutler C-ty Of Wheat Ridge C;omIllUnit,y DeVc;lopntent 7500W. 2.9" Avenue Wheat Rick, -e, C'O 9003:3 Do,,u' Scott: We etre i1t receipt OfyoUr inquiry regarding Case flWL-17-06, Vierow (.kOcl:y Mountain liottle Company). We have no concerns with the additions, Upgrades and expansions as dosi�;ned. S11`kllcl there. be ClIallocs to the proposed project, we Will offer blither comments at that tints. Please feel free to contact me with any yuest�ons. Sincerely, �tih Gcn M. MidnUcl: District Office manager City of Wheat Ridge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planning Technician FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: September 15, 2017 SUBJECT: WZ-17-06 / Vierow — 10619 W. 50'x' Avenue. I have completed my review for an amendment to the existing Specific Development Plan for the Rocky Mountain Bottling Company facility to add a filter system, upgrade furnaces, construct an oxygen generator, and expand roadways internal to the site for the property located at 10619 W. 50"' Avenue received on September 13, 2017, and I have the following comments: It does not appear that the current rezoning proposal entails any site changes which could trigger traffic or drainage requirements. Public Works has no comments regarding this SDP Amendment. To Scott - RMBC SDP Amendment 1st Review.docx Scott Cutler From: Brian Tardif Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:36 AM To: Scott Cutler Subject: RE: WZ-17-06 Referral Hi Scott, I have review this and do not see any problems with the documents submitted. Brian Tardif Combination Inspector/ Plan Examiner Office Phone: 303-235-2850 �/ Cil", of Wh -tlk From: Scott Cutler Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:03 AM To: Brian Tardif <btardif@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Subject: WZ-17-06 Referral Brian, The Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amendment to the Specific Development Plan for the Coors Planned Industrial Development at 10619 W. 50th Ave (Case No. WZ-17-06). Please download the application documents from the City drive: Folder: V:\Community Development\ Land Use Case Referral File name: WZ-17-06 — RMBC Furnace Comments are due by September 28, 2017; no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you, Scott Cutler Planning Technician 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2849 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Cit} r�i ' 1`icat [ 1dC '"-- CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. if you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. September 07, 2017 Noel Guerrero 10619 W. 50th Ave. Mail Stop RR836 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 OBJECT: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION To Whom It May Concern, I, Noel Guerrero, am authorizing Grey Wolf Architecture — Kenneth W Harshman to act on my behalf in all matters relating to amend the portion of Lot 1 located at 10619 W. 50th Avenue, Rocky Mountain Bottling Subdivision, in order to facilitate the development of a B Plus Furnace Upgrade. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, Noel Guerrero Rev. 7/2015 6_ City of WheatEN'("ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMT Submittal Checklist: Specific Development Plan (SDP) Project Name: Project Location: Application Contents: The specific development plan (SDP) is a site plan for property that is zoned planned development. The SDP must be approved with or after an outline development plan and before right-of-way or building permit applications may be submitted. The SDP illustrates a site layout and building elevations for one or more phases of development and demonstrates feasibility through preliminary or final engineering. 1. Completed, notarized land use application form Z2. Application fee _3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) _Z4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed _t/5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) _6. Mineral rights certification form 7. Approved legal description on the Current City Datum with proper section and PHAC ties per City Geodetic Requirements, in Microsoft Word format _8. SDP document—see form and content requirements below Two (2) full size paper copies (24" x 36") One (1) reduced size paper copy (11" x 17") _ AutoCAD .dwg file format—confirm acceptable version with city staff 9. One (1) color reduction of building elevations _10. Civil documents, if required _11. Written request and description of the proposal Include a response to the SDP review criteria—these are found in Section 26-305.D of the municipal code _12. Electronic (Adobe .pdo files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via email, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive Form and content of Specific Development Plan: Note: SDP amendments may not require all items listed herein. Required content will be determined at the pre -application meeting. Project information _1. Title of document – centered at top of page in the following format: [Name] Planned [Commercial/Residential/Industrial...] Development An Outline Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado A Part of the _ 1/4 Section, Township 3 South ... 2. Vicinity map 3. Scale and north arrow—scale not to exceed 1 "=100' 4. Date of plan preparation and name/address of who prepared the plan 5. Legal description _6. Appropriate signature blocks – see cover sheet handout _7. Signed surveyor's certification Community Development Department - (303) 235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us _g. Trash containers or storage area—identify height and material of screen walls _h. Areas for outside storage/display—identify height and material of screen walls 6. Easements, utilities, or other encumbrances that may impact development _7. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams—if applicable _8. Streets and rights-of-way both adjacent and within the site—include names, widths, location of centerlines _9. 100 -year floodplain—if applicable Landscape Plan 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) 2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "=100') 3. Legend 4. Property lines and dimensions 5. Proposed buildings and parking areas _6. Proposed open space/landscape areas—identify dimensions/square footage 7. Proposed materials for all landscape and hardscape areas—identify type of ground cover, pavers, and plant material _8. Schedule of proposed plantings, including: _a. Amount of open space required and provided—include breakdown of usable open space, hardscaped open space, landscaped open space, required and provided shrubs, required and provided trees, required and provided street trees _b. Species name—common and botanical _c. Quantity of each species _d. Size of plants/trees—gallon size of container, caliper or height of trees e. Type of ground cover _f. Quantity of ground cover—identify total size in square feet and as a percentage of total open space _g. Supplementary notes—regarding irrigation, size of plant container, balled and burlapped, depth of non -living material/rock/bark, etc Sample Landscape/Plant Schedule [more or less information may be required depending on the development proposal] Trees Required Botanical Name Proposed Open sace/landsca in % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Useable % min / sq ft min % / sq ft Sod % max / sq ft max % / sq ft Hardsca e % max / sq ft max % / sq ft On-site trees # # On-site shrubs # # Street trees # # Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name Shrubs Qty Botanical Name Common Name Street Trees Qty Botanical Name Common Name Photometric Plan 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) _2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed 1 "= 100') _3. Site plan showing the location of all exterior lights and a numerical grid of lighting levels in foot candles or as isoilluminance curves _4. A fixture schedule that includes all luminaries shown on the plan and specs for each fixture: _a. Manufacturer and model a. Fixture type and wattage _b. Mounting height of all fixtures _5. Cut sheets showing the design and finishes of all fixtures, including designation of cutoff fixtures (these may be provided separately from the plan sheet, if appropriate) Aerial Perspective — if required 1. Title of document (centered at top of page) 2. A blackline aerial perspective or "birds' -eye -view" image of the project shall illustrate building location, layout, bulk, and height in three dimensions. Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe .pdf file is required): 1. Trip generation letter or traffic study 2. Drainage report and plan 3. Civil construction plans _4. Stormwater management plan (SWMP) _5. Stormwater operations and maintenance manual (O&M Manual) As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2nd) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Signature: Date: Name (please print): Phone: City of Wheat Ridge 09/Ot:12E�i7 13:0r% CDBB ZONING APPLICATION FEES CDB@16923 AMOUNT FM3D ZONING APPLICATION FEES 620.00 PAYMENI RECEIVED AMOUNT CHECK: 9998 &10.00 TOTAL 62.0.00 GREY WOLF ARCHITECTURE the real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes Marcel Proust dane vierow, LEED AP BD+C dvierow@greYwOlfstudio.com won 1543 champa street suite 200 LEEdenver, colorad0 80202 - AP zs7s Imm P 303.292.9107 ext. 2234 f 303.292.4297 r submitted BY A] • City of planner. Incomp i�9�Wh6atRjdge be accepted—ref LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 291h Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant Dane Vierow Address, City, State, Zip 1543 Phone 303-292-9107 Email dvierow@greywolfstudio.com St., Ste. 200, Denver. CO 80202 Owner Miller Coors LLC Phone 303-425-7949 Email Noel.Guerrero@MillerCoors.com Address, City, State, Zip 17735 W. 32nd Ave, Golden CO, 80401 Contact Dane Vierow Phone 303-292-9107 Email dvierow@qrevwolfstudio.com Address, City, State, Zip 1543 Champa St., Ste. 200, Denver, CO 80202 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): 10619 W. 50th Ave., Mail Stop RR836, Wheat Ridqe, CO, 80033 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): O Change of Zone or Zone Conditions O Special Use Permit O Subdivision — specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) O Conditional Use Permit O Administrative (up to 3 lots) O Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan O Major (6 or more lots) O Variance/Waiver (from Section 26- ) O Right of Way Vacation 0 Other: Amendment #10 Detailed description of request: Amendment to add filter system, VPSA Oxygen Generator, and Road Expansion. I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action n h/is e Notarized Signature of Applicant C State of C01% , / } ss County of VQi The fore in instru Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me this�&ay of!�* - 111,X,1 20 by NOTA PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO 'VOTARY ID 20164013553 My commission expires_*&20—Z) Not 24YUMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 8, 2020 To be filled out by staff: Date received 1 -i -xi Comp Plan Design. Related Case No. Assessor's Parcel No. ?4► -it (� - 01 -ods Size (acres or sgft) &7 y 2 Ac f't S Rev 1/22/2016 Fee $ 6.2,0-o Receipt No. CDOOVU3 Pre -App Mtg. Date Current Zoning pro Proposed Zoning Case No. t.J q - 17 -OC, Quarter Section Map SS /4 Case Manager Current Use Proposed Use