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City of
July 27, 2017
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Board
of Adjustment on July 27, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
4. PUBLIC FORUM (TMs is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing on
the agenda.)
A. Case No. WA -17-05: An application filed by Robert Alldredge for approval of a 20 -
foot variance from the mirumum rear yard setback requirement of 25 -feet for an
accessory structure on property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) located at 6085 West
39a Place.
A. Approval of Minutes— September 22, 2016
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City of
Minutes of Meeting
September 22, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kuntz at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29a` Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Board Members Present:
Alternates Present:
Board Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
No one wished to speak at this time.
Thomas Abbott
Dan Bradford
Janet Bell
Paul Hovland
David Kuntz
Betty Jo Page
Larry Richmond
Michael Griffeth
Sally Banghart
Lily Griego
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Zack Wallace, Planning Technician
Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
A. Case No. WA -16-14: An application filed by David Lombardi for approval of a 3 -
foot variance from the 6 -foot fence height maximum, resulting in a 9 -foot fence on
property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) located at 6840 West 36a` Place. The case
was presented by Zack Wallace. He entered the contents of the case file and packet
materials, the zoning ordinance and the digital presentation into the record. He stated
Board of Adjustment Minutes September 22, 2016 1
all appropriate notification and posting requirements have been met and advised the
board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the digital presentation.
Mr. Wallace stated this case was originally an administrative review by the
Community Development Director; however, objections were received during the
public noticing process, giving the Board of Adjustment jurisdiction to hear and
decide upon the case during a public hearing. Staff also received a letter and a call in
support of the fence height variance. A major factor in this variance request is an
existing 3 -foot tall retaining wall and grade change on the property line between the
subject property and the neighboring property to the east.
Board Member PAGE asked who the retaining wall belongs to and Board Member
GRIFFETH asked who the chain link fence belongs to.
Mr. Wallace explained they both belong to the multi- family property.
Board Member ABBOTT asked if there is also a retaining wall on the west side of the
applicant's property.
Mr. Wallace stated there is not and there is very little grade change to the west.
Board Member ABBOTT asked if the 9 -foot fence will be free standing or attached to
the retaining wall and chain link fence.
Mr. Wallace stated the freestanding fence will sit on the property line and must be
Board Member KUNTZ asked how things will be handled if the retaining wall need
repair and maintenance. h.
Ms. Reckert explained that the discussion will be a private matter between property
owners and the City will not be involved.
Board Member GRIFFETH asked if the doors looking into the subject property from
the apartments are the front or back doors of the multi -family units.
Mr. Wallace said he believed they are the back doors, and this could be verified by
the property owner, who was present at the meeting.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if both structures meet the setback codes.
Mr. Wallace said the single family structure meets the 5 -foot setback, but the multi-
family structure does not meet the required 15 -foot setback.
Board Member Griffeth asked if the two letters in opposition were from the same
Mr. Wallace stated they are and have been included in the Agenda Packet.
Board of Adjustment Minutes September 22, 2016
Board Member RICHMOND wanted to know why the fence is not proposed to go the
length of the house to block the view from the multi -family units into the windows on
the side of the single family house. Board Member KUNTZ asked where the fence
has to start tapering to a lower height when moving to the front of the house.
Mr. Wallace said the applicant could respond to Member RICHMOND's question
and Ms. Reckert stated the fence can start to taper from the front corner of the house
in the direction of the front property line.
David Lombardi, Applicant
6840 W 36"' Place, Wheat Ridge, 80033
Mr. Lombardi was sworn in by Chair KUNTZ. He answered a few of the questions
presented by the Board. The first being the maintenance of the retaining wall and the
access to it. He stated he will have the engineers design a fence so the retaining wall
is in full view and have the fence floating. He also explained he has three large
windows on the back of his house and that is why he positioned the fence toward the
back of the property. The smaller windows on the side of the house get the blinds
closed more frequently so no one can look in. He is very concerned for his lack of
privacy by the tenants looking into his windows, back yard and garage. He has three
young boys and is sometimes concerned for their safety. Mr. Lombardi also
explained there is trash left out by the back doors including cigarette butts and trash
bags that blow into his yard. Snow is also thrown into his property from the retaining
wall area. Mr. Lombardi tried to have conversations with the multi -family property
owner regarding the installation of a fence, but she didn't want to do any maintenance
to a fence although the cost and maintenance would be done by him memorialized by
a written agreement. Mr. Lombardi tried to sell house, and the brokers' remarks
indicated that the home is great, but the view from the back yard is undesirable.
Chair KUNTZ asked if the nice side of the fence will face the applicant's property or
the multi -family property.
Mr. Lombardi stated he could face the nice side either way, as long as he can build a
Board Member PAGE asked what rooms are behind the windows on Mr. Lombardi's
Mr. Lombardi explained the back of the house windows are the kitchen, dining room
and a child's bedroom and the side of the house windows are another child's
bedroom, bathroom and another bedroom.
Board Member GRIFFETH commented on the letters sent by the multi -family
building owner, Ms. Portacarrero. Ms. Partacarrero states a fence will block sunlight
and not let ice melt during the winter time for the back of the apartments. Also, she
states the fence will make her property look bad. Board Member GRIFFETH wanted
to know how Mr. Lombardi felt about the comments.
Board of Adjustment Minutes September 22, 2016
Mr. Lombardi said he will build a fence that looks good because he will be looking at
it himself. He also stated there is a walkway on the other side of the building that
does not get much sun and it is dealt with.
Board Member HOVLAND wanted to know why Mr. Lombardi doesn't feel it's
necessary to continue the fence down the side of the house, but only in the backyard.
Mr. Lombardi stated he thought the fence had to end at the back of the house, but if
he can go to the front corner of the house he would.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if that would make a difference in the variance
Ms. Reckert said it would not make a difference because the variance is for the height
of the fence, not the distance and that it could be a condition of approval in the
motion so it is clear where the fence can exceed 6' in height.
Chair Kuntz asked if a car could still drive into the backyard whergarage is, if
the fence afence is installed.
Mr. Lombardi explained that a small car would still fit.
Board Member GRIFFETH asked if the applicant had the same privacy issues when
they purchased the house in 2010.
Mr. Lombardi stated the house was a perfect starter home and they did not have
children at the time so there were not privacy issues like there are now.
Victoria Portocarrero, Owner of the multi -family building to the east.
4008 W 99' Place West
Ms. Portocarrero stated that these two properties have coexisted for 60 years and
there have not been issues. She thought it might be better to plant trees and bushes
for privacy instead of a fence. She explained that she is a responsible landlord and if
neighbors ever call with complaints she handles them right away. Ms. Portocarrero
does criminal background checks on all of her tenants and does not allow undesirable
tenant to live in her units. She also feels a fence will block sunlight from melting
snow and ice and would not be aesthetically pleasing.
Chair KUNTZ asked if she would think of putting up some type of amenity like a
screen wall that both tenants and neighbors could enjoy.
Ms. Portocarrero asked how she would attach it and who would maintain it.
Board Member ABBOTT wondered how wide the sidewalk is by the back doors of
the units.
Board of Adjustment Minutes September 22, 2016
Ms. Portocarrero replied 2-3 feet wide.
Board Member GRIFFETH agreed with Ms. Portocarrero about the lack of sunlight
not melting ice and snow. He does not think a 9 foot fence in this back yard is going
to set precedence in the City of Wheat Ridge.
Board Member BELL stated that it is hard to come up with conclusions to preexisting
issues that were created before the City of Wheat Ridge was incorporated in 1969.
Board Member HOVLAND stated this case presents unique circumstances. If there
was a 15 -foot setback and no grade change this case would be a different variance.
He does hope if this variance is passes, then the fence will be done in good taste.
Chair KUNTZ thought it would be a good idea to add a condition to the motion of
having the nice side of the fence face the multi -family building.
Board Member GRIFFETH added this fence may not be made out of wood and could
look good on both sides. Also, there could be a percentage of the fence open which
could help with the melting of snow and ice.
Ms. Reckert reminded the Board that to have the fence 80% open would leave it
ineffectual and the material would have to be wrought iron; also, the applicant would
have to agree to the nice side of the fence facing in a certain direction as a condition
of approval.
Discussion continued regarding maintenance and construction of the fence.
Chair KUNTZ commented that the back doors of the multi -family units are an
amenity for those renters to sit on their back patio and enjoy the sun.
Board Member PAGE feels there is too much cement for a tree or bush to grow so
this is not a good solution.
Board Member BRADFORD added his concern for the blocking of the natural light
and the creation of a corridor effect if a 9 foot fence is installed which would be
detrimental to the apartment building.
Board Member PAGE asked how high a vertical structure has to be to be considered a
Ms. Reckert replied that a fence is any divisional barrier between two properties.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if this height variance is approved if the applicant
could put a fence up, or if a new owner could build a wall.
Ms. Reckert stated the choice of material is the decision of the property owner, but
she does not think a wall would be built due to the cost of materials. Any owner after
Board of Adjustment Minutes September 22, 2016
the current owner could not take down a fence and build a wall. The new owner
would have to get a new variance.
Upon a motion by Board Member HOVLAND and second by Board Member
PAGE, the following motion was stated:
WHEREAS, application Case No. WA -16-14 was not eligible for review by an
administrative officer; and
WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and
in recognition that there were protests registered against it; and
WHEREAS the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the
public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the
regulations governing and City of Wheat Ridge
NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment application
Case No. WA -16-14 be, and hereby is APPROVED.
TYPE OF VARIANCE: Request for Approval of a 3 -foot variance (50%) from
the maximum fence height of 6 -feet.
1. The property would not alter the essential character of the locality.
2. The particular topographical condition of the property as well as the setback
of the adjoining apartment complex results in a particular and unique
3. The alleged hardship has not been created by any person presently having an
interest in the property by any person.
4. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment that would not be
possible without a variance.
5. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare.
1. The variance applies only to a fence along the eastern property line.
2. A building permit shall be obtained for all portions of the fence over 6 feet in
3. The finished side of the fence shall face the adjacent property.
4. A 6 inch vertical gap be left between the bottom of the fence and the cement
Motion was DENIED by a vote of 3-5 with HOVLAND, BELL and GRIFFETH
voting for and RICHMOND, ABBOTT, KUNTZ and BRADFORD voting
Board of Adjustment Minutes September 22, 2016
Chair KUNTZ closed the public hearing.
A. Approval of Minutes — August 25, 2016
It was moved by Board Member HOVLAND and seconded by Board Member
PAGE to approve the minutes as written. The motion passed 5-0-3 with Members
Chair KUNTZ adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
David Kuntz, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
Board of Adjustment Minutes September 22, 2016
City of
Board of Adjustment
Scott Cutler
WA -17-08 / Alldredge
DATE: July 21, 2017
ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a 20 -foot (80%) variance from the 25 -foot rear yard setback
requirement for rear yards which abut a public street, allowing a 24 -foot by 20 -
foot garage to be constructed on property located at 6085 W. 39' Place and
zoned Residential -Three (R-3).
LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6085 W. 39th Place
Robert Alldredge
5,036 Square Feet (0.115 Acres)
Residential -Three (R-3)
Single Family Residential
Location Map
All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this
The applicant is requesting approval of a 20 -foot (80%) variance from the 25 -foot rear yard setback
requirement for rear yards which abut a public street. The purpose of this variance is to allow for the
homeowner to construct a 24 -foot by 20 -foot garage in the rear (northwest) corner of their yard. The
garage is planned to comply with the required 5 -foot side yard setback.
The variance is being requested so the property owner may construct a garage in the northwest corner
of the lot which abuts W. 40"' Avenue. The property is located on W. 39"' Place between Ingalls Street
and Harlan Street (Exhibit 1) in the Harlan Court Subdivision, described further in the Subdivision
History section below. The existing house sits on a 5,036 square foot parcel and was originally
constructed in 1952 per the Jefferson County Assessor. The property is zoned Residential -Three (R-3),
as are all of the properties on W. 39ffi Place, W. 39ffi Avenue to the south, Ingalls Street to the west, and
Harlan Street to the east. Properties across W. 40ffi Avenue to the north are zoned Residential -Two (R-
2), Commercial -One (C-1), and Residential -One C (R -1C) at the corner with Harlan Street (Exhibit 2).
6025 W. 40u' Avenue, just to the northeast across W. 40ffi Avenue, is an active land use case pending
City Council approval; the property is proposed to be rezoned to R -1C and split into two buildable
single-family lots.
The R-3 zone district provides for high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium to high-density
residential neighborhoods, and prohibits activities of any nature which are incompatible with the
medium to high-density residential character. In the R-3 zone district, a major accessory structure
generally requires 5 -foot rear setbacks if at or under 10 feet tall or 10 -foot rear setbacks if over 10 feet
tall. However, since the rear yard abuts a public street, W. 40u' Avenue, the required setbacks increase
to 25 feet for all structures. The proposed garage will therefore encroach upon this required setback,
prompting the request for a 20 -foot variance from the rear setback (80%).
The proposed garage location (Exhibit 3) is at the rear of the property along W. 40ffi Avenue. The
garage is similarly sized and similarly located as other garages in the area. Part of the proposed garage
aligns with an existing small shed on the neighboring property to the east. The elevation drawings
provided by the applicant show a two -car garage with siding, a small window, and shingles (Exhibit 4).
The site photographs provided (Exhibit 5) show the existing fence along W. 40ffi Avenue where the
garage would be located. The fence is 6 feet tall and runs close to the substandard sidewalk along the
street. The existing homes and accessory structures are mostly one story, and the proposed garage
would be at or below the height of these structures. W. 40ffi Avenue acts as a rear access to the homes
on the north side W. 39ffi Avenue; many residents store trash and recycling bins there, and have gates
to access their properties.
Many of the surrounding properties are non -conforming to the minimum lot size in the R-3 zone
district, and have structures with non -conforming setbacks (Exhibit 6). Several garages on surrounding
Board ofAdfustment 2
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
streets are set back less than 25 feet. Most garages are set back in the range of 5 feet to 10 feet. The
map provided in Exhibit 6 indicates that five properties in the immediate subdivision have non-
conforming garages and/or the primary buildings are non -conforming. One additional property, 6088
W. 391' Place, had setback variances approved in 2008 for all three street frontages. The surrounding
area is a mix of single-family homes and duplexes, with two multifamily buildings at the corner of W.
391' Place and Harlan Street.
The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property, particularly since the existing
home does not have a garage or additional storage space.
Development Standards
The parcel does not meet minimum standards for the R-3 zone district. The garage meets the standards
for major accessory structures in residential zones. The following table compares the required R-3
development standards with the actual and proposed conditions:
R-3 Development Standards:
Lot Area
7,500 square feet (min)
5,036 square feet
Lot Width
60 feet (min)
50 feet
Building Coverage
40% (max)
—28.9% (with garage)
Major Accessory Building:
Proposed Garage
Building size
600 square feet (max)
480 square feet
15 feet max
—11 feet at mid -roof)
Rear Setback (abutting public street)
25 feet (min)
5 feet
Subdivision History
The property was subdivided as Lot 3 as part of the Harlan Court Subdivision approved by the
Jefferson County Commissioners in 1951. The subdivision originally contained 10 lots. W. 39"'
Avenue was the southern boundary of the subdivision, Ingalls Street was the western boundary, W.
401h Avenue was the northern boundary, and Harlan Street was the eastern boundary (Exhibit 7).
At the time of construction of the majority of the homes, a private alley was built along the interior of
the common shared lot lines of the subdivision. The alley was privately owned but named W. 39"'
Place. Many of the homes built fronted this interior roadway and were eventually addressed to it,
including the subject property. The original Harlan Court Subdivision dedicated 15 -foot easements
along the shared edges of the lots, which allowed W. 39"' Place to be created within a 30 -foot total
The private roadway known as W. 39"' Place was not built to the City's standard road construction
section for width and pavement thickness and was inadequately maintained by the homeowners. In
1987, the subdivision residents approached the city to inquire about dedication of this private roadway.
In 1988, W. 39"' Place was dedicated to the City Council by a dedication plat, the "39"' Place Roadway
Dedication Plat" (Exhibit 8). Dedication of 39u' Place as a public street resulted in the creation of
numerous nonconforming setbacks in the subdivision. Over time, lots 3, 4, 7, and 8 of the Harlan Court
Subdivision were further re -subdivided subsequent to the original plat approval, which was noted on
the dedication plat. Lot 3 was subdivided into parcels A (subject property, 6085 W. 39"' Place) and B,
now 6065 W. 391' Place.
Board ofAdjustment 3
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
In order to approve a variance, the Board of Adjustment must determine that the majority of the
"criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. The applicant has
provided their analysis of the application's compliance with the variance criteria (Exhibit 9). Staff
provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria.
1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if
permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in
which it is located.
If the request were denied, the property would continue to yield a reasonable return in use. The
property would continue to function as a single-family residence, regardless of the outcome of
the variance request.
Staff finds this criterion has not been met.
2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality.
A variance is not likely to alter the character of the locality. The R-3 zone district allows
accessory buildings of the proposed size, and many surrounding properties have non-
conforming setbacks for primary and accessory structures. At least five of the surrounding
properties on W. 39"' Place and W. 39"' Avenue contain non -conforming structures or setbacks,
including garages with setbacks of approximately 5 feet. A small shed located on the
neighboring property to the west has a setback of approximately 5 feet. At least one property,
6088 W 39"' Place, had a variance approved to reduce the required side and rear setbacks due to
multiple street frontages.
The general appearance and proposed materials of the garage will be consistent with other
homes and garages in the neighborhood.
Staff finds this criterion has been met.
3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application,
which would not be possible without the variance.
The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property, consistent with the
Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy. Constructing a garage would allow the applicant to store
vehicles currently parked in the front driveway. Building a garage that conforms to the rear
setback requirements is not possible due to the narrow lot and placement of the existing home.
The 25 -foot setback requirement on both sides of the home limits the ability of the applicant to
make investments in the property.
Staff finds this criterion has been met.
4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific
property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried
Although the property is rectangular in shape and is flat, there are unique conditions related to
the physical surroundings that hinder the development potential of the vacant portion of the
property. Double -fronted lots (lots with streets along both the front and rear property lines) are
prohibited in the current Subdivision Regulations. Given the existing 25 -foot setback
requirements on both the front and rear boundaries, and the 5 -foot side setback requirements, a
limited portion of the lot is buildable.
It is a City policy that garage setbacks cannot be between 5 and 18 feet in length. The purpose
of the regulation is to allow setback encroachments where there will not be the possibility of
vehicles parked in the driveway extending into public rights-of-way (Sec. 26-625 C). While the
intent of this policy was to regulate allowable setback encroachments for accessory buildings
associated with a non -conforming primary structure, the policy has been applied to other land
use cases. This further limits the location of the garage, since a setback greater than 18 feet
would not allow enough space for a garage due to the position of the existing home.
Five of the 11 lots in the subdivision have nonconforming setbacks adjacent to streets, and one
additional property received variances to reduce the required setbacks (Exhibit 6, map).
Staff finds this criterion has been met.
5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an
interest in the property.
Because the current owner neither platted the lot, nor constructed the home in its current
location or orientation, the difficulties have not been created by any person presently having an
interest in the property.
Staff finds this criterion has been met.
6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located,
by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or
development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to
adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing
the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or
impairing property values within the neighborhood.
The request would not be detrimental to public welfare and would not be injurious to
neighboring property or improvements. It would not hinder or impair the development of the
adjacent properties. The adequate supply of air and light would not be compromised as a result
of this request.
The request would not increase the congestion in the streets, nor would it cause an obstruction
to motorists on the adjacent streets, and would not increase the danger of fire. It is unlikely that
the request would impair property values in the neighborhood.
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
The request does not comply with existing sight triangle requirements for driveways, which
requires 15 feet from the edge of pavement. However, several existing garages on the
surrounding streets, including another garage that faces W. 401' Avenue, do not comply with
these regulations. West 40"' Avenue carries minimal amounts of traffic at low speeds so this is
not a concern.
Staff finds this criterion has been met.
The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in
the neighborhood and are not unique to the property.
There are unusual circumstances which impact all of the homes in this subdivision due to the
public dedication of W. 39a' Place and the 25 -foot required setbacks from the front and rear
property lines. The neighborhood is unique in that there are a large number of nonconforming
setbacks, including encroachments to the extent of or beyond this application.
Staff finds that this criterion has been met.
8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with
Single family homes and their accessory buildings are not required to meet building codes
pertaining to the accommodation of persons with disabilities.
Staff finds this criterion is not applicable.
9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the
Architectural and Site Design Manual.
The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to single and two family dwelling
Staff finds this criterion is not applicable.
Having found the application in compliance with the majority of the review criteria, staff recommends
APPROVAL of a 20 -foot (80%) variance from the required 25 -foot rear yard setback for rear yards
which abut a public street. Staff has found that there are unique circumstances attributed to this request
that would warrant approval of a variance. Therefore, staff recommends approval for the following
1. The variance would not to alter the essential character of the neighborhood.
2. The alleged hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the
3. The request would not be detrimental to public welfare.
4. Existing conditions on the property present a particular and unique hardship.
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
5. No objections were received regarding the variance request during the public notification
With the following conditions:
1. The design and architecture of the proposed garage shall be consistent with representations
depicted in the application materials, subject to staff review and approval through review of a
building permit.
Board ofAdfustment
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
Board ofAdjustment
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
Board ofAdjustment
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
Board ofAdjwtment 10
CareNo. WA-17-08/Alldredge
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Board ofAdjwtment
CareNo. WA-17-08/Alldredge
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View of the property from W. 40a` Avenue, facing southeast. The garage would be located to the
left of the neighbor's red and white shed. Note that W. 40a` Avenue is used by some W. 39a` Place
residents to store trash bins and for parking.
Board ofAdjustment 12
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
View of the frontage on W. 39"' Place. The garage would be located behind the home, and would
not be visible from this view. The lot is narrow and the home is built at or near the required front
and side setbacks.
An additional view looking east on W. 40"' Avenue. The garage would be located to the right and
the driveway would connect to the street with a new curb cut. For many residents on W. 39"` Place,
40"' Avenue functions as a rear alley, with trash pickup and additional parking.
Board ofAdjustment 13
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
A non -conforming garage located on W. 39"' Place, with setbacks of less than 5 feet. This garage
was constructed when the street was a private drive. However, it is in character with the
surrounding area. A similar garage exists on W. 40"' Avenue, where the proposed garage is located.
A non -conforming garage located at the corner of W. 39"' Place and Ingalls Street. This garage also
has a driveway between 5 and 18 feet, which would not be supported by staff today.
Board of-4djustment 14
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
6088 W 39h Place received a variance in 2008 to reduce all setback requirements. This property has
three street frontages, none of which meet the 25 -foot standard.
Board of-4djustment 15
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
A map showing the surrounding properties with non -conforming setbacks. The subject property is
outlined in bright red. Each non -conforming property has a garage located within the required 25 -
foot setback.
Board ofAdjustment 16
CareNo. WA-17-O8/Alldredge
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Board ofAdjustment 17
Case No. WA-17-08/Alldredge
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Board of-4djustment 18
Case Mo. WA-17-08/Alldredge
June 30, 2017
Re: variance request for 6085 W 39th PI
Review criteria: variance
1. Currently there isn't any garage on the property, therefore the addition of a 2 car detached
garage will make the property more functional and usable.
2. As the garage would be added to the rear of the property and conform to the general
neighborhood, the character would not really change as a number of garages and homes are
located within 5 feet of a front or rear property line.
3. If the variance is not granted, I would not build any garage on the property.
4. The use and configuration of the garage would be compatible with the neighborhood.
5. The request for the variance is common in older neighborhoods in order to bring the property
up to normal use in the 21" century.
6. As the proposed garage would be at the rear of the property, there wouldn't really be any
adverse impact on the neighbor's property.
7. There are many structures that sit within 5 feet of the front or rear property line and my 1 story
garage is not as tall or large as some of the other structures in the immediate neighborhood.
Respectfully submitted
Robert L Alldredge
Applicant and owner
Board ofAdjustment 19
Case Mo. WA-17-08/Alldredge
PIN/schedule: 300024314 AIN/Part)IN: 39 293-19-003
Status; : Active Property Type: Residential
Property Address: 06005 w 39111 PI Owner goal
Mailing Address: 00902 WADSV IDUH BLw
Subdivision Name: 330600 - HARLAN COURT
rummaging iV tU
Land Si t
0003 BOA 124 3 s9 sw
Assort wiM scM1etlul
Interactive May
ma 33293. tlf
Property Type REEID Year Buil: 1952
Adjusted Year Built: 1952
Design: 1 Story/Ranch Improvement Number:O
Won sett
Number of Units Average
Covered Parl 122221
Base Bath Average I
First Floor Average M
Betlrmm(Move Gmde)Awmge 2
Carport Averagel
Hot Water Heat 1736 Vpiral Lnra0on
Cess Na WA 17 GllAIlArdge