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Minutes of Meeting
May 3, 2018
The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Alan Bucknam
Emery Dorsey
Daniel Larson
Janet Leo
Scott Ohm
Richard Peterson
Amanda Weaver — arrived at 7:05p.m.
Vivian Vos
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner LEO
to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner
PETERSON to approve the minutes of April 5, 2018, as written. Motion carried 6-
0-2 with Commissioner BUCKNAM and VOS abstaining.
PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing
on the agenda.)
Planning Commission Minutes
May 3, 2018
No one wished to speak at this time.
A. Case No. WZ-18-08: an application filed by Chris Ball for approval of a zone
change from Agricultural -One (A-1) to Planned Commercial Development (PCD)
and for an Outline Development Plan for property located at 12600 West 42"d
Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the
application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet
materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She
stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the
Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Reckert also
distributed a letter to the Commissioners and entered it into the record. It was
written by John L. Wright representing the interests of Mr. Greg Boom.
Commissioner VOS asked what the property of 12600 West 42"d Avenue has been
used for in the past and who the trees south side of the property belong to.
Ms. Reckert explained it has only been vacant land and the trees could very well
belong to the City of Wheat Ridge.
Commissioner VOS also asked where Prospect Park Rec District puts their
Ms. Reckert said that they are kept in a fenced in area on the south side of the
Commissioner WEAVER asked if the City encouraged this zoning to PCD.
Ms. Reckert explained that a Mixed Use zone district would have speculative uses
and design where a PCD's uses and design will be known. For this property, staff
supported more commercial than industrial uses. .
Commissioner OHM asked for clarification about the coversheet on page one and
the permitted uses of a MicroBrewery.
Ms. Reckert explained that the PCD specifies that a brewery with tasting room is a
Special Use Permit due to the retail sales versus strictly production.
Commissioner OHM would like the arrangement of the pine trees along the
western property line to be looked at during the SDP phase, because he does not
believe evergreen trees planted 25 feet on center will work.
Planning Commission Minutes -2—
May 3, 2018
Commissioner OHM also wanted to remind the audience that the Planning
Commission is a quasi-judicial body, not a fiduciary body as mentioned in the
letter that was handed out at the beginning of the public hearing. He explained that
the Planning Commission looks at the zoning code.
Commissioner BUCKNAM was curious about the 50 -foot front setback as opposed
to the 30 -foot setback.
Ms. Reckert explained that the property is in the urban overlay which follows the
commercial zoning code. In the commercial zones, the front setback is 50'. .
Chris Ball, Applicant
19542 West. 52nd Circle, Golden
Mr. Ball thanked staff for their assistance in helping him work through this
process. He then gave a brief presentation of his business and what he and he and
his partner/sister's vision is for this site. He explained the commercial zoning
would be non -impactive uses, with not a lot of heavy traffic coming in or out. He
also explained the type of outdoor storage they envision. He also gave an
explanation about why they do not want a minimum of 25% of the space to be
office space and how the traditional office space has been replaced with open floor
plans. Mr. Ball would like the Commission to approve the zone change but without
the conditions of no outdoor storage and no 25% minimum of office space.
Commissioner VOS wanted to know why the conditions had to be figured out by
the Planning Commission and not just staff.
Ms. Reckert said that because this is a public hearing, staff is making a
recommendation that the applicant does not agree with. The applicant's
opportunity to have this number modified is at the Planning Commission public
Commissioner VOS thinks outdoor storage is very broad. She also wondered what
Mr. Ball's number is, if 25% is too large for office space.
Mr. Ball said the outdoor storage would be approved by special use permit, so not
just outside storage of anything would be allowed. He mentioned it is difficult to
define a set percentage for office space and picking a number is arbitrary.
Esther Kettering, Applicant
1401 Laurence Street, Denver
Ms. Kettering added the ODP says office warehouse/office workshop needs to be a
25% minimum of office space, which is a blended use. The question in this day
and age is what is the definition of office space.
Planning Commission Minutes -3—
May 3, 2018
Commissioner Leo asked if there will be designated work hours would be for this
Mr. Ball said yes, the work hours will be 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Citizens Forum
Cindy Beckfeld, resident
4365 Xenon Street
Ms. Beckfeld explained that she feels her neighborhood has become too
commercial with more and t more traffic. She would like to see more houses put in
the area instead of office buildings.
Janice Thompson, resident
12290 West 42nd Avenue
Ms. Thompson feels this neighborhood is worn out from the zone changes
happening in this area. She mentioned the traffic has increased in this
neighborhood due to the traffic on Youngfield Street, 44th Avenue and Ward Road.
She would like to land owners rights to be protected and would like to see this site
be redeveloped as residential.
Jared Boom, resident
4200 Xenon Street
Mr. Boom read the letter distributed to the Commissioners at the beginning of the
public hearing. He also emphasized that traffic has increased in the neighborhood
and does not feel the streets can support more commercial impacts Mr. Boom
also doesn't know why another commercial building would be developed in a
neighborhood where there is already an empty building right across the street.
Citizens Forum closed
Commissioner OHM asked if staff could answer a few of the citizen's concerns.
• Traffic impacts
Ms. Reckert explained that during the SDP phase, a trip generation report
may be required.
• On -street parking
Ms. Reckert said on -street parking will be allowed because 42"d Avenue
and Xenon Street are public streets.
Planning Commission Minutes -4—
May 3, 2018
• Residential traffic compared to commercial traffic
Ms. Reckert explained that if the site were residential it would average
about 10 trips per day.
Commissioner WEAVER asked about relief from heavy traffic in the
neighborhood as there are only two access points in the neighborhood.
Ms. Reckert said there are not many alternatives to offer but perhaps installation
of traffic calming devices on Xenon St. would help.
Commissioner BUCKNAM asked for clarification that this site cannot be just
warehouse or just storage.
Ms. Reckert agreed.
Commissioner VOS asked how many residential homes are in the area. She also
inquired about how many homes could be put on the site in question if it stayed as
A-1 or changed to MU -N.
Ms. Reckert said there are about 20 house on Xenon Street. She added only one
single family home could be put on the site if it remained A-1. Ms. Reckert also
explained that in the MU -N zoned district 21 units per acre could be allowed, but
doesn't know if the density could be supported on the site.
Discussion then continued regarding the percentage of office space to be allowed
on this site.
It was moved by Commissioner VOS and Seconded by Commissioner
BUCK -NAM to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-08, a request
for approval of a zone change from Agricultural -One (A-1) to Planned
Commercial Development (PCD) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP)
for property located at 12600 W. 42"d Avenue, for the following reasons:
1. The proposed zone change will not result in an adverse effect on the
surrounding area and could serve as a catalyst for additional
investment in the area.
2. The proposed zoned change is consistent with the goals and objectives
of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the I-70/Kipling Corridor
Urban Renewal Plan.
3. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request.
It was moved by Commissioner BUCK -NAM and seconded by
Commissioner WEAVER to recommend approval of a condition to the
Planning Commission Minutes -5—
May 3, 2018
1. A minimum of 25% office space is required with warehouse or
workshop primary use with office use to be determined and
defined at the discretion of the Community Development Director.
Amendment carries 6-2 with Commissioners BUCKNAM and
LEO voting against.
Motions carries 7-1 with Commissioner LEO voting against.
Ms. Odean mentioned the next meeting will be held on May 17, 2018
Commissioner VOS mentioned she had a sympathy card for all to sign to give to the
family of Donna Kimsey.
It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner LEO to
adjourn the meetin at 9:01 p.m.
Scot Ohm, Chair
Planning Commission Minutes
May 3, 2018
Motion carried 8-0.
Tammy Ode—an, Recording Secretary