HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/18I City of WheatP,idge PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA June 21, 2018 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on June 21, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. *Agenda packets and minutes are available online at http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/95/Planning-Commission 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—June 7, 2018 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-18-10: An application filed by US Retail Partners, LLC for approval of a Specific Development Plan for a restaurant for property located at 3298 Youngfield Street. B. Case No. WZ-18-12: An application filed by Copper Forest, LLC for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street. C. Case No. WZ-18-14: An application filed by RJP Investment Trust for approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 6701 West 44`h Avenue. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Whew Ridge. Call Sara Spaulding Public Information Officer at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 1. 2. 3. 4. City of i�9r WheatMidge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting June 7, 2018 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:03 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29a' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Alan Bucknam Emery Dorsey Daniel Larson Janet Leo Scott Ohm Vivian Vos Richard Peterson Amanda Weaver Staff Members Present: Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner 11 Jordan Jefferies, Civil Engineer II Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner OHM to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 6-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — May 17, 2018 It was moved by Commissioner LARSON and seconded by Commissioner VOS to approve the minutes of May 17, 2018, as written. Motion carried 6-0. Planning Commission Minutes June 7, 2018 -1— 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) No one wished to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WS -17-07: An application filed by Evergreen Devco for approval of a Major subdivision located west of Interstate 70, south of Highway 58 and north of approximately 33`d Avenue (Clear Creek Crossing). Mr. Wallace Mendez gave a short presentation regarding the Subdivision and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Commissioner VOS asked if Coors will be involved in this subdivision/plat. Mr. Wallace Mendez explained that Coors does own property that is part of this subdivision, and so Coors is involved and added as a signatory. Mr. Wallace Mendez also noted that the Coors owned parcels were not part of the Clear Creek Crossing zone change that the Commissioners heard earlier in 2018. Commissioner Larson asked if there are other property owners besides Coors. Mr. Wallace Mendez said the other owners are Evergreen Devco and Broken Arrow 3, LLC who are partners on this development. It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner LEO to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -17-07 a request for approval of a 13 -lot subdivision on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) located west of Interstate 70, south of Highway 58 and north of 33" Avenue approximately, for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 2. The requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The developer shall enter into a subdivision improvement agreement whereby all required infrastructure improvements are in place prior to issuance of building permits for individual lots. 2. All minor corrections occur prior to the City Council public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes -2— June 2— June 7, 2018 Motion carried 6-0. B. Two applications filed by Squareroot, Inc., Case No. WZ-17-07 a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for 9 cottage style duplexes and single family homes and Case No. WS -17-04 a request for approval of a 9 -lot subdivision for property located at 2826 Eaton Street. Mr. Wallace Mendez gave a short presentation regarding the SDP, subdivision and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Commissioner OHM asked if there is a photometric plan for this development to make sure that there is no light spillage. Mr. Wallace Mendez explained that a photometric plan is not required for single- family homes or duplexes. Commissioner OHM asked if there will be any new street lighting. Mr. Jefferies stated there will be no new street lighting installed Commissioner OHM feels that the landscape plan is incomplete and hard to read. Andrew Gibson, Squareroot, Inc. 4250 Urban Street, Denver Mr. Gibson explained he was not aware that a photometric plan was required. He added there will be some lighting around the parking structure and there will be individual porch lights on the single family homes and duplexes. Curtis Sterns Mr. Sterns added there will be not be any pole lights so a photometric plan was not required. He also addressed the landscape plan and explained that they only added the quantity and size of plants that will be in the public areas and right-of-way. It will be up to each home owner as to what kind of tree/plant they want on their property. Commissioner VOS said she was disappointed to see the current home that is on the site will be demolished and asked if the new homes and duplexes will be for sale or rent. Mr. Gibson said they will be for sale at market value. Planning Commission Minutes -3— June 3— June 7, 2018 Mr. Larson asked if there will be an HOA covenant. Mr. Gibson concurred. Steven Pflug, resident 204 Eaton Street Mr. Pflug mentioned his only concern is parking; he feels that 1.5 per unit is inadequate. He also said there are concerns about the parking bump outs along Eaton Street and asked if the tree closest to the street will be lost. He finished by saying he is excited about the project. Mr. Stern said the bump out on Eaton Street will go around the large tree and it will be saved. Noble Harrison, resident 2855 Eaton Street Mr. Harrison also said he had concerns about parking and traffic in the neighborhood. Mary McNamee, resident 2855 Eaton Ms. McNamee has concerns about construction traffic and feels there needs to be parking mitigation with the City. Janet Ryan, resident 2825 Depew Street Ms. Ryan asked if the power will continue to be overhead or if it will be buried. Staff responded to the resident's concerns: • Parking on and off street. The Commissioners also inquired what the typical parking ratio is for single-family homes. Mr. Wallace Mendez explained that the Code of Laws requires, for single- family and duplex development, four off-street spaces if there is no on - street parking available, and 2 off-street spaces if on -street parking is available. He added that Council approved the 1.5 parking spaces per unit when the Outline Development Plan was approved, and as such this overrides the Code of Laws. Mr. Wallace Mendez noted that 14 off-street spaces are required for this development and 15 are being provided. Additionally, the developers will be formalizing 5 on -street parking spaces along the Eaton Street frontage. Planning Commission Minutes -4— June 4— June 7, 2018 • Regarding the bulb outs on the street, will the bulbs outs go into the street. Mr. Wallace Mendez explained Eaton Street will not be narrowed with the bump outs, the additional portion for on street parking will be put in towards the property in an area which currently looks like front yard, but actually is located within the City's right-of-way. • Construction traffic Mr. Jefferies said he will have a discussion with the Public Works department to make sure it flows smoothly. • Electricity overhead or buried Mr. Gibson explained the service for the Depew Street homes will stay in place overhead and the new service for Eaton Street Cottages will be buried and electrical pedestals will be put in place. Mr. Gibson also addressed some of the earlier concerns. Regarding construction traffic, Mr. Gibson said that because this development is small, construction vehicles to this site will be minimal. He also explained that because this is a pocket neighborhood, parking is a common concern and these homes and duplexes are small so there may not be as many cars owned by the home owners. Also, this development is close to a lot of amenities which are in walking or bike riding distance. Commissioner LARSON asked how long this site will take to develop Mr. Gibson said they are estimating one year. Commissioner Leo asked if any cars will be parked adjacent to the homes or duplexes and where will guest parking be located. Mr. Gibson said there will be no cars parked adjacent to the homes as all parking occurs in the shared parking lot. Guests will park on the street. Commissioner asked if the existing homes on Eaton Street have garages to park in and how many spaces are being provided to park in where the bulb outs will be located. Mr. Gibson said the current residents on Eaton Street, park both on the street and on their properties and the two bulb outs will provide a total of 5 spaces on Eaton Street. Planning Commission Minutes - 5— June 7, 2018 Commissioner OHM said he would like to approve the motion without items 3 and 4, as he felt items required by the City's SDP checklist were not provided with this application, and he would add a condition. Mr. Johnstone explained the checklists Commissioner OHM was referring to were created by Staff for the convenience of applicants, and they are not codified. He agrees more clarity can be provided with the landscape plan, if Commissioner OHM would like to make that a condition of approval. He also confirmed that photometric plans are not required for single family homes and duplexes. It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to APPROVE Case No. WZ-17-07, a request for approval of a Specific Development Plan for property zoned Planned Residential Development (PRD) located at 2826 Eaton Street for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy and Envision Wheat Ridge. 2. The proposed SDP is consistent with the approved ODP document. 3. All requirements for an SDP have been met. 4. The criteria used to evaluate an SDP have been met. With the following condition: That the SDP landscape plan be in compliance with the City's SDP submittal checklist and that the landscape plan legibly show the proposed and existing plants. Motion passed 5-1 with Commissioner LEO voting against. It was moved by Commissioner VOS and seconded by Commissioner OHM to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -17-04, a request for approval of a 9 - lot subdivision for property zoned Planned Residential Development (PRD) located at 2826 Eaton Street for the following reasons: 1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. 2. The plat will result in a logical layout consistent with the future development proposed by the specific development plan. 3. The requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development Code have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A plat note be added with the language contained in Section 26-420 (Plat note concerning multi -family development) Planning Commission Minutes -6— June 6— June 7, 2018 2. No building permit shall be issued until a demolition permit is issued for the existing home, carriage house, and garage. 3. The developer shall enter into a subdivision improvement agreement whereby all required infrastructure improvements are in place prior to issuance of building permits for individual lots. 4. The Homeowners' Association covenants be reviewed and approved by Staff prior to issuance of building permits. Motion carried 5-1 with Commissioner LEO voting against. C. Case No. WZ-18-09: An application filed by Nathan Laudick for approval of a zone change from Residential -One (R-1) to Planned Residential Development and for an Outline Development Plan for property located at 9800 W. 38"' Avenue. Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Commissioner OHM mentioned there were a couple of minor spelling errors on the sketch plan, sheet 2, along Johnson Street that he would like to see corrected. He also asked about the width of the existing sidewalk along 381' Avenue. Ms. Reckert said it is 5 feet and does not meet current standards. The developer will either build the improvements for a 6 -foot sidewalk and 6 -foot tree lawn or pay fees in lieu of construction of the street improvements. h Commissioner OHM asked if there is any proposed permit parking along Johnson Street. Ms. Reckert said Johnson is a public street so there will be no permit parking along the property's frontage. Commissioner LARSON asked about the elevation of the units on the east side of the property and if there will be a drainage structure built. Mr. Jefferies replied that Public Works has reviewed a preliminary plan but is certain there will be some retaining walls required to deal with the grading issues. Commissioner LARSON also asked if there might be a traffic light installed around the Johnson Street and 381h Avenue intersection. Mr. Jefferies explained there will be a dedicated left turn on to 38u' Avenue, but there is not enough traffic generated to meet the warrants for a traffic signal. Planning Commission Minutes -7— June 7— June 7, 2018 Commissioner Larson inquired about the year Iris Court was rezoned and for what purpose. Ms. Reckert said around the mid -1980's. Commissioner VOS asked about the roof design and is curious who owns the trees near the south end of the property. Ms. Reckert said the neighbors are not in favor of a flat roof or a shed roof, so the developer has written into the development standards that roof lines will be pitched and not of a single plane. She is also not aware who the trees in question belong to. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked how the density compares to the R-2 zone district across the street. Ms. Reckert said R-2 is a little bit denser and this property fits closely in between R -2A and R-3. Nick Laudick, Developer 6204 Xavier Court, Arvada Mr. Laudick thanked the Commissioners, Staff and the neighbors for working through this process and explained that the original plan was 23 townhomes for this site. He understood the concerns of the neighborhood and theirs concerns with density. The plan has been modified from 23 townhomes to 16 duplexes to address the neighbors' concerns. Mr. Laudick explained that due to the grade of the site some of the three story structures will look like two stories and the duplexes will have garages to take away from parking on the streets. Commissioner VOS asked the applicant who the trees belonged to on the south side of the property. Mr. Laudick said the trees are on the neighboring properties so they will remain. Commissioners VOS asked if the duplexes will be for rent or for sale and if the grade on the site will remain or be leveled. Mr. Laudick said the duplexes will be for sale and the grade will remain and a retaining wall will be built to help with the grade elevations. Commissioner LARSON was curious about the grade of the internal drive's exit onto 38"' Avenue. Mr. Laudick explained the grade goes from 4.5% to 10% and mentioned there will be sight triangle analysis completed with the final design. He also explained that Planning Commission Minutes -8— June 8— June 7, 2018 there is unshaded southern exposure during the winter time and the HOA will be required to maintain the internal drive. Commissioner DORSEY asked why there are two access points to this site. Mr. Laudick said the main reason is for emergency response access and it is also good for emergency access and to distribute traffic generation between the two access points. Commissioner OHM asked if the street running through the proposed site is considered private and if there is a maximum grade allowed. His concern is for the parallel parking. Ms. Reckert said the road will be private and Mr. Laudick added, for reference, a 12% grade is allowed with southern exposure without a variance by Jefferson County. Margaret Nelson, resident 9865 W. 37" Avenue Ms. Nelson's main concern with the zone change is due to the density and she explained that a petition had been passed with over 100 signatures in opposition to the zone change. She was happy to see the developer had reduced the density, but would like the City to retain the R-1 zoning to keep the traffic to a minimum. Don MacDougall, resident 9815 West 37' Avenue Mr. MacDougall's main concern is for density and traffic from the site and there not being 135 feet of ingress/egress from 30' Avenue. Delaney Novak, resident 9795 West 38' Avenue Ms. Novak's main concern is for density and traffic and the potential for possible traffic accidents. Guy Stanfield, resident 9870 West 37' Avenue Mr. Stanfield thanked Mr. Laudick for listening to the neighbors, but would like to see the site remain R-1. He has concerns for density, traffic and parking. Igor Figlas, resident 9775 West 36' Avenue Planning Commission Minutes -9— June 9— June 7, 2018 Mr. Figlas attended the neighborhood meeting and appreciates Mr. Laudick addressing a lot of the concerns, but wondered how binding the ODP is, because it says it is conceptual in nature. He is afraid if the zone change is approved, a different developer can come in and build something different. Lordis Weingardt, resident 3935 Independence Court Ms. Weingardt moved to the City of Wheat Ridge because of how her old neighborhood in northwest Denver was being developed. She would like to see this property remain R-1. Will Francis, resident 9785 West 37' Avenue � Mr. Francis has lived in the neighborhood for 9-10 years, likes the big lots in the R-1 zone district and is concerned with the height of the duplexes and the traffic. Staff responded to the residents' concO4: • History of the property and the private drive with 135 -foot distance from 381' Avenue along Johnson Street for ingress/egress: Ms. Reckert explained that she believed the residents were referring to a previous development proposal that never moved forward past the neighborhood meeting stage. As such, the City cannot identify who prompted the 135 -foot requirement. However, there is currently no 135 -foot separation requirement, and as such the proposed development access meets the current codes for separation from the intersection. • Traffic concerns: Mr. Jefferies said trips generated are looked at during the peak hours which would be one additional car every four minutes which should not impact the neighborhood. • ODP and the binding conditions and transferring of property if sold: The ODP establishes development standards and restrictions, which if approved are then recorded with the County and become the zoning document for the land. The standards carry through with the property, even if the property is sold to another developer. If a new developer wanted to change the development standards, they would need to go through this same zone change process. • Where the 35 -foot height measurement is taken from: Planning Commission Minutes - 10— June 7, 2018 Mr. Laudick and Ms. Reckert explained the measurement will be taken from the average of the 4 points of the lot/building foundation to the midpoint of a sloped roof. Commissioner LARSON asked about the ditch letter from Bill Gordon, and about the concrete vault. Ms. Reckert mentioned there is a ditch on the south side of the property that runs to Lena Gulch but does not think it is regulated by the City. Mr. Jefferies added that the vault is associated with the irrigation lateral that is not regulated by the City, but does run to Lena Gulch. The developer will have to work with the ditch company to get the clean out installed. Mr. Laudick said the rights to the ditch have been sold to Consolidated Mutual Water Co. and there will need to be a valve installed to run the water to Lena Gulch. Commissioner OHM would like Staff to look into the grade of the private drive and parallel parking and the steep transition to the sidewalk. Commissioner BUCKNAM added he appreciates what the developer has done to address the density concerns of the neighborhood. It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner LEO to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-09, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -One to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) for property located at 9800 W. 38' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will serve as a land use transition between 38' Avenue and the neighborhood to the south and could serve as a catalyst for additional investment in the area. 2. The proposed zoned change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. All agencies can serve the property with improvement installed at the developer's expense. 4. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request. With the following condition: 1. All minor corrections occur prior to the City Council public hearing. Motion Carried 6-0. Planning Commission Minutes - 11 — June 7, 2018 D. Case No. ZOA-18-02: An Ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to include an additional criterion for review of applications for special use permits. Mr. Johnstone gave a brief summary and background regarding the ordinance amendment. Commissioner OHM wanted to know if within this 9th criteria the developer has any control. Mr. Johnstone explained that City Council has softened the language and will use a standard of reasonableness. 11 Commissioner OHM also asked if a special use permit would be granted in perpetuity. Id Mr. Johnstone said yes but a special use permit could also be granted specific to an applicant or limited in time. It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner LARSON to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending Chapter 26 to include an additional criterion for review of applications for special use permits. Motion carried 6-0. E. Case No. ZOA-18-03: An Ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning electrically charged fences. Mr. Johnstone gave a short presentation regarding the ordinance amendment. Commissioner OHM asked if the Board of Adjustment recommended a 3 foot separation from a 6 foot perimeter fence for safety concerns, why has this been omitted from the ordinance. Mr. Johnstone said that due to the reality of the parties involved they say it is not acceptable to them. He explained the other issue is real estate that is not used and third the trash that collects between the two fences. Commissioner OHM also wanted to know if signage, warning people that the fence is electrified could be added to the ordinance. Mr. Johnstone said it can be a condition of approval. Planning Commission Minutes - 12— June 7, 2018 Commissioner OHM asked if there should be any references to the International Standard IEC in the code. Mr. Johnstone said he did not think there needed to be because the City has adopted the International Electric Codes as part of our electric codes. Commissioner OHM asked if a 9 -foot high electric fence is a standard in the industry. Mr. Johnstone said he does not think it is a custom design, but if 9 feet is codified in the ordinance and if a higher fence is desired than a variance could be asked for. Commissioner OHM thinks there should be a distinction between electric fences and cattle electric fences. Mr. Johnstone said the language to distinguish between the two could be used. Commissioner LARSON asked if Electric Guard Dog, in the original application, opposed the 3 -foot setback, only turned on after normal business hours and not electrified on the Pennington School side. Mr. Johnstone said yes but they appealed the 3 -foot separation requirement to the Board of Adjustment. Commissioner VOS asked what the need for an electrified fence is if there is already a 6 -foot fence in place. She also asked if they have tried security on site. Mr. Johnstone explained the 6 -foot fence is still easy to climb over and doesn't stop the criminal activity. He added the fence has also been cut and on-site security has not helped because the site is large. Commissioner VOS asked if Pennington School is OK with the electrified fence on their side of the property. Mr. Johnstone said they have concerns but do not think they will object. Commissioner OHM asked if there could be language regarding the voltage, duration, repetition and distance between perimeter fences as determined by the manufacturer. Mr. Johnstone said Electric Guard Dog will have to have regular maintenance program to keep the area clear so the system is not tripped. Commissioner VOS asked what the material is between the fences. Planning Commission Minutes - 13— June 7, 2018 Mr. Johnstone said it will be a non -permeable material so there will be no weed growth. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked about addressing the Agricultural use with regards to electrical fences. Mr. Johnstone said it could be challenging because it is a different set of circumstances because a cattle fence might not need a perimeter fence around it. Commissioner VOS asked if the Agricultural community has asked about an electrical fence. Mr. Johnstone said not that he is aware oP..d It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner LARSON to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending Chapter 26 concerning electrified fences. Motion carried 4-2 with Commissioners BUCKNAM and DORSEY voting against. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS A. City Council's Strategic Priorities for 2018/2019 B. Upcoming Ordinance on Freestanding ERs C. Upcoming Update to Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy (NRS) D. Citizens Survey Results Mr. Johnstone gave a brief update on the four New Business items because the Planning Commissioners will be involved in all four of the different processes. 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner DORSEY to adjourn the meeting at 10:34 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Alan Bucknam, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes June 7, 2018 - 14— ♦�4le 1W Ir Wh6atRiLd e g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission MEETING DATE: June 21, 2018 CASE MANAGER: Scott Cutler CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-18-10 / Hacienda ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an amendment to the Specific Development Plan (SDP) for Applewood Village Shopping Center, allowing a new restaurant building. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3244 and 3298 Youngfield Street APPLICANT (S): US Retail Partners, LLC c/o Regency Centers OWNER (S): US Retail Partners APPROXIMATE AREA: 26,798 square feet (0.615 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Mixed -Use Commercial / Primary Commercial Corridor / Community Commercial Center ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Map (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission CaseNo. WZ-18-10/11acienda Site All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST Case No. WZ-18-10 is an application for approval of a Specific Development Plan in the Applewood Village Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development (PCD), specifically at 3244 and 3298 Youngfield Street. The purpose of the request is to permit development of a new restaurant building for Hacienda Colorado, reconfigure access on Youngfield Street, reconfigure an existing parking lot, and upgrade the streetscape on Youngfield Street. The purpose of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) is to establish a site layout, architectural standards, and building elevations, and to demonstrate feasibility through preliminary or final engineering. This SDP requires approval by Planning Commission; a City Council public hearing is not required unless the application is denied by Planning Commission or the applicant objects to conditions placed on the proposal. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The subject property is located in Applewood Village Shopping Center on the east side of Youngfield Street, between W. 32°d Avenue and the central entrance to the shopping center. The Applewood Village Shopping Center is comprised of approximately 35 acres in western Wheat Ridge, adjacent to the I-70 Corridor. The shopping center is currently the city's largest commercial center. The building site is primarily located on the 3298 Youngfield Street parcel, which was the recently demolished Wells Fargo drive-through building. Some of the site work, including the parking lot reconfiguration and new landscaping (but not the restaurant building itself) will take place on the 3244 Youngfield Street parcel, which includes the existing Chili's restaurant and a small shopping center building with several shops (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The site is zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD), and was approved as an Outline Development Plan in 2014 (Case No. WZ-14-08) (Exhibit 2, Zoning Map). To the north of the site is more of the Applewood Village Shopping Center, including the existing Smashburger Building. Interstate -70 is located across Youngfield Street to the west. Just to the south of the Chili's building is the Starbucks building at the corner of W. 32°d Avenue and Youngfield Street. As shown in the site photos (Exhibit 3), the site is currently vacant. III. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN As noted above, the proposed development affects two parcels, and the boundary of the SDP is limited to this development area (not the parcel boundaries). The area affected by the Hacienda SDP is shown as a black box in Exhibit 1. Planning Commission CaseNo. WZ-18-10/1facienda Attached is a copy of the proposed SDP amendment which contains ten sheets, including an overall site plan, a landscape plan, and renderings (Exhibit 4, SDP Document). The applicant's request letter is also included (Exhibit 6, Applicant Letter). Sheet 1 is the cover sheet of the document which includes signature blocks, a vicinity map, the legal description, and the character statement. Sheet 2 shows the overall site plan of the new development, zoomed out to show a proposed storm sewer extension to the east. The Site Data Table is also located on this sheet. Sheet 3 shows an annotated site plan of the redevelopment site. Site improvements include construction of a 9,500 square foot restaurant (7,220 square foot footprint), the reconfiguration of the parking lot to the south, entrance drive modifications, and landscaping. Access to the site is from two entrances on Youngfield Street. Two access points to the former Wells Fargo site have already been closed, so the total number of entrances in this area of the shopping center has been reduced from four to two. The northern entrance to the site will be limited to right-in/right-out only with a central island to prevent left turns. This entrance is also being narrowed from 45 feet to 35 feet, which is the City's commercial driveway maximum width. The southern entrance is being shifted one parking lot aisle south in order to increase driveway spacing, and will be a three-quarter movement. Drivers heading southbound on Youngfield Street will be able to turn left into the parking area, but drivers leaving the parking lot will only be able to turn right onto northbound Youngfield. This modification is due to safety concerns on Youngfield Street. The parking lot between the future Hacienda building and the Chili's will have some circulation changes, and landscaping islands will be added to the parking area Parking will also be added along the shopping center's major interior drive just north of the restaurant. A sidewalk will be added along this roadway. Consistent with the City's Streetscape Design Manual, 8 -foot wide detached sidewalks will be installed along Youngfield, buffering pedestrians from Youngfield Street and providing space for landscaping. The restaurant building is located at the northwest corner of the site, on the corner of Youngfield Street and the northern access drive. The property is located within the Contemporary Overlay District of the ASDM, which requires buildings to have a 0' to 20' build -to adjacent to public streets. The closest edge of the building is located 10.8 feet from the property line. An 8 -foot sidewalk from Youngfield Street leads to the main entrance, located on the south side of the building. Sheet 4 provides details for the improvements installed on private property, including curb/gutter, bollards, curb ramps, directional signage, and bicycle racks. Sheet 5 is the photometric plan. Pedestrian and street lights will be added along Youngfield Street, and lights will be upgraded in the parking lot. Sheets 6, 7, and 8 contain the landscape plan. The plan itself is on Sheet 6 and planting schedules and details are on Sheets 7 and 8. Street trees will be added along Youngfield Street and the northern access drive. Trees and shrubs will be placed in the new landscape islands in the parking lot. Many trees, shrubs, and rock gardens will surround the building. Planning Commission 3 CaseNo. WZ-18-10/1facienda Sheets 9 and 10 contain the elevations for each fagade. The architecture has been designed to integrate Hacienda's corporate designs with the City's requirements and with materials from some of the shopping center's newer buildings. The Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) requires that the fagade of a restaurant facing the primary street (in this case Youngfield Street) is at least 60% transparent, which the proposed building exceeds. The building will have large garage -style windows on the fagades facing Youngfield Street and the northern drive. A rounded column containing the interior staircase will have punch windows which provide light to the staircase and add depth to the facade. The primary entrance will have wood doors and decorative wall tile, with large windows in some cases partially obscured by patterned wood. The primary material is painted hard stucco, with a significant amount of brick and wood -look aluminum. Color elevations are provided in jrxhibit 5. IV. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the Specific Development Plan criteria outlined in Section 26-305.D. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The proposed specific development plan is consistent with the purpose of a planned development as stated in Section 26-301 of the zoning and development code. The proposed SDP is consistent with the purpose of a planned development. The proposed SDP ensures compatible development with the existing shopping center and promotes more efficient access, circulation, and design. The landscape plans, building elevations, and site plan (including parking layout, pedestrian access, and utilities) ensure a greater control over the intended development character, operations, and maintenance. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. The proposed specific development plan is consistent with the design intent or purpose of the approved outline development plan. The proposed amendment adheres to the design intent of the approved ODP. It meets the architectural requirements from the ASDM/ODP as well as the landscaping, parking, and screening requirements from the ODP. The Applewood Village Shopping Center ODP (Amendment #9) is the underlying zoning document for the shopping center. It was approved in 2014 to create consistency in the land uses and development characteristics of the shopping center which previously was not regulated under one overarching document. The ODP requires new buildings to be consistent with the retail and mixed use building requirements in the City's Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM), including building placement, fagade design, materials, transparency, and screening. The ODP also memorialized landscaping and parking requirements. The site data table on Sheet 2 compares the proposed SDP to the requirements of the ODP and City code. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The proposed uses indicated in the specific development plan are consistent with the uses approved by the outline development plan. Planning Commission CaseNo. WZ-18-10/1facienda Restaurants are permitted uses in the ODP, and restaurants already exist in the shopping center. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 4. The site is appropriately designed and is consistent with the development guidelines established in the outline development plan. The Applewood Village Shopping Center was originally built in the 1970s but has recently seen a series of new developments under the 2014 ODP, including the Starbucks to the south of the subject property. The "facelifts" of the shopping center adhere to the fagade and materials requirements in the ASDM. The proposed SDP improves upon the quality of design of the former Wells Fargo drive-through and helps to modernize the architecture and design of the shopping center, while improving access. All site development is consistent with the development guidelines from the 2014 ODP. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 5. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the subject property, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. The utility agencies that currently serve the property will be able to do so with the proposed redevelopment. There will be no impact on parks, schools, or other public facilities or services. The plan will improve the infrastructure in the immediate area. Two of the four existing full - movement vehicle entrances on Youngfield Street will be closed. This greatly improves safety for drivers in the area and reduces potential auto -pedestrian conflicts. The reconfiguration of the parking lot will also help circulation in the area. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 6. The proposed specific development plan is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual, Streetscape Design Manual, and other applicable design standards. The proposed SDP meets the ASDM requirements for commercial/retail/mixed-use buildings. The fagade includes changes in materials, an emphasized primary entrance, and articulation. The utility area is screened and is located towards the rear of the building, enclosed by a screen wall which matches the primary structure. The streetscape on Youngfield Street is being upgraded with an 8 -foot detached sidewalk and an 8 - to 16 -foot amenity zone with 5 street trees. The City's sight triangle requirements and the width of the driveways limit the total amount of street trees added, but there will also be substantial landscaping between the sidewalk and building/parking lot, including additional small trees. The existing substandard attached sidewalk will be removed. Six pedestrian lights are also being added in the amenity zone. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission CaseNo. WZ-18-10/Hacienda Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate SDP applications support this request. VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the SDP amendment request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: No concerns. Civil construction plans are in their final stage of review. Consolidated Mutual Water District: No concerns. Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District: No comments. West Metro Fire Protection District: West Metro initially had concerns regarding fire access, but plans have been modified to allow for wider fire lanes and turning radii for trucks meeting West Metro's specifications. Minor modifications to the parking lot may be required pending a final review from West Metro. Regional Transportation District: No concerns. The scope of work will not affect the existing bus stop on Youngfield Street. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments. New construction will require building permits, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy upon completion of the project, only after passing all of the required inspections. Wheat Ridge Economic Development: The submittal does not conflict with the I-70/Kipling Corridors Urban Renewal Plan. Wheat Ridge Police Department: No comments. Xcel Energy: No concerns. Century Link: No comments. Comcast: No comments. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed Specific Development Plan is consistent with the planned development regulations, with the goals and policies of the City's guiding documents, and with the Applewood Village Shopping Center ODP. Staff further concludes that the proposed amendment improves upon existing conditions and creates a more cohesive Planned Development. Because the SDP criteria support the request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-18-10. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: Planning Commission CaseNo. WZ-18-10/11acienda "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-10, a request for approval of an amendment to a Specific Development Plan for property located at 3244 and 3298 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the I-70/Kipling Urban Renewal Plan. 2. The proposed SDP is consistent with the approved ODP document and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. 3. The criteria used to evaluate an SDP have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall continue working with utility and service providers, including the Fire District, to meet all applicable requirements. Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-18-10, a request for approval of an amendment to a Specific Development Plan for property located at 3244 and 3298 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. 2. ... Planning Commission CaseNo. WZ-18-10/11acienda EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL The subject parcels are outlined in red, and the area of work subject to the SDP is outlined in black. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-10 /Hacienda EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP The subject parcels are outlined in red, and the area of work subject to the SDP is outlined in black. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-10 /Hacienda EXHIBIT 3: SITE PHOTOS Planning Commission 10 Case No. WZ-18-10 /Hacienda A view looking southeast from Youngfield Street. Chili's is behind the tree on the right of the photo. The existing parking lot will be reconfigured as part of the project. Planning Commission 11 Case No. WZ-18-10 /Hacienda EXHIBIT 4: SDP DOCUMENT Attached as an 11x17 document on the following page. Planning Commission 12 CaseNo. WZ-18-10/11acienda CIVIL ENGINEER STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC 2009 W. LITTLETON BLVD. #300 LITTLETON, CO 80120 (303) 794-4727 CONTACT: JOSEPH SCHIEL, PE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC 2009 W. LITTLETON BLVD. #300 LITTLETON, CO 80120 (303) 794-4727 CONTACT: MIKE HAAF, RLA LEGAL DESCRIPTION SURVEYOR FLATIRONS, INC. 655 FOURTH AVE. LONGMONT, CO 80501 303-776-1733 CONTACT: JOHN B. GUYTON ARCHITECT ARIA GROUP ARCHITECTS, INC. 830 NORTH BLVD. OAK PARK, IL 60301 (708) 445-8400 CONTACT: ILIAS SAOUKBAEV APPLEWOOD V PROPERTY OWNER U.S. RETAIL PARTNERS, LLC C/O REGENCY CENTERS 8480 EAST ORCHARD ROAD, SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 (303) 300-5300 CONTACT: TOM METZGER A PARCEL OF LAND, RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AT RECEPTION NO. 2016027462, DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2016, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONSIDERING THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 TO BEAR NORTH 89°29'29" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1322.42 FEET PER THE PLAT OF APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2, RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2017081101, DATED AUGUST 7, 2017, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO. COMMENCING AT THE WEST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION SECTION; THENCE NORTH 64°05'26" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1525.41 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A 6 FOOT PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NO. 2017022103, DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2017, IN THE OFFICES OF JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; THENCE NORTH 89°29'29" EAST, ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID 6 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 6.00 FEET TO A WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FILING NO. 2 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89°29'29" EAST, ALONG A SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 134.00 FEET TO A CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 00°54'01" EAST, ALONG A WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NO. 2016027462, A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89029'29" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF A PROPERTY DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NO. 2016027462, A DISTANCE OF 134.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 00°54'01" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 26,799 SQ. FT. OR 0.62 ACRES, MORE OR LESS CASE HISTORY WZ-18-10 WZ-14-07 CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT IT IS THE INTENT OF REGENCY CENTERS, L.P. TO REDEVELOP A PORTION OF THE APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER INTO A HACIENDA COLORADO RESTAURANT, WITH ASSOCIATED DRIVE, PARKING, AND LANDSCAPE AREAS. THE PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE "CONTEMPORARY OVERLAY DISTRICT" WHICH REQUIRES A 0'-20' BUILD -TO LINE WHERE BUILDINGS ARE ADJACENT TO PUBLIC STREETS. UTILITIES WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE NEW RESTAURANT FROM EXISTING UTILITY MAINS WITHIN THE SHOPPING CENTER. A NEW STORM SEWER STUB IS PROPOSED TO CONVEY STORMWATER RUNOFF TO THE EXISTING DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY POND IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SHOPPING CENTER. AS PART OF THE PROJECT, TWO EXISTING ACCESS POINTS ON YOUNGFIELD AVENUE ARE PROPOSED TO BE RECONSTRUCTED AND TWO EXISTING ACCESS POINTS ARE PROPOSED TO BE REMOVED. THE PARKING AREA TO THE SOUTH OF THE PROPOSED RESTAURANT WILL BE RECONFIGURED TO ALLOW FOR VEHICULAR PARKING AND ACCESS WITHIN THE SHOPPING CENTER. A PROPOSED ON-SITE SIDEWALK AND WALKWAY CONNECTION TO THE YOUNGFIELD STREET SIDEWALK WILL PROMOTE A PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY ENTRANCE TO THE HACIENDA RESTAURANT. LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL UTILIZE COLORFUL AND TEXTURAL LOW WATER DEMAND PLANTINGS AND TREES. ILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT # 15 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SE I/4, NW I/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., R 69 W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO VICINITY MAP o O Erw O� O w U a LL a J QO NORTH 1"=1000' 0 ti W Q U) <Y w z w w w J W LL (7 Z D 0 0 O cD Ozw � d I,_ 0-o U Q SITE W 32ND AVE SHEET INDEX I OF 10 COVER SHEET 2 OF 10 OVERALL SITE PLAN 3 OF 10 SITE PLAN 4 OF 10 SITE DETAILS (PRIVATE) 5 OF 10 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 6 OF 10 LANDSCAPE PLAN 7 OF 10 PLANT LIST & NOTES 8 OF 10 LANDSCAPE DETAILS 9 OF 10 BUILDING ELEVATIONS 10 OF 10 BUILDING ELEVATIONS SIGNATURE BLOCKS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. U.S. RETAIL PARTNERS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BY: U.S. RETAIL PARTNERS HOLDING, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ITS SOLE MEMBER BY: GRI -REGENCY, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ITS SOLE MEMBER BY: REGENCY CENTERS, L.P., A DELAWARE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ITS MANAGING MEMBER BY: REGENCY CENTERS CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, ITS GENERAL PARTNER BY: NAME: WILLIAM DAMRATH TITLE: VICE PRESIDENT, MARKET OFFICER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 20 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF APPLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. (SURVEYOR'S SEAL) SIGNATURE COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNT CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE DAY OF A.D., IN BOOK PAGE , RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MAYOR BY Sterling Design Associates, Ilc CIVIL ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2009 W. Littleton Blvd. #300 Littleton, CO 80120 303.794.4727 ph www.SterlingDesignAssociates.com PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF JOSEPH G. SCHIEL P.E. COLORADO REGISTRATION 48332 FOR & ON BEHALF OF STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC ISSUES & REVISIONS NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - DATE: SCALE: 06/13/2018 _ PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: JIGS DRAWN BY: DRAWING FILE: AJY PROJECT: HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Regency- Centers. CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL: (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET SHEET NUMBER: 1 OF 10 EXISTING GROCERY STORE NOT A PART RI/RO -ACCESS- 8 -1\ I IIYV / ww"VVLV - TO BE REMOVED APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT # 15 ACCESS AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., R 69 W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 0��llll/lll 1'[91111[Q2lais 1153M 0 J Lu Z Lu a 0 Z N M ►i i EXISTING SIGNALIZED ------�NTERSECTION Z 4 0 1 SITE DATA TABLE ZONING AND LAND USE PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) EXISTING ZONING (APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PCD, AMENDMENT #9) PROPOSED LAND USE RESTAURANT TOTAL PROPOSED WITHIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LEGEND PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT LOT LINE EXISTING SIDEWALK PROPOSED STORM SEWER STM STM EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING CURB & GUTTER TOTAL PARCEL PROPOSED AREA DISTURBED AREA UNPLATTED PARCEL REC. NO. F1110326 (HACIENDA PARCEL) 0.615 ACRES 0.615 ACRES UNPLATTED PARCEL REC. NO. 2009001664 2.39 ACRES 0.755 ACRES LOT 1 APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER SUBDIVISION FLG. NO. 2 17.09 ACRES 0.110 ACRES TOTAL PROPOSED WITHIN R.O.W. 0.256 ACRES TOTAL PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA (WITHIN R.O.W.) 0.256 ACRES TOTAL PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA (ONSITE) 1.480 ACRES FLOOR AREA BY USE PROPOSED HACIENDA: 7,220 SQ. FT. BUILDING FOOTPRINT 2,280 SQ. FT. MEZZANINE 9,500 SQ. FT. TOTAL PARCEL COVERAGE REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED LOT SIZE - 26,798 SQ. FT. (0.615 ACRES) BUILDING COVERAGE 35% MAX. 7,220 SQ. FT. BUILDING FOOTPRINT (26.9% BUILDING COVERAGE) OPEN SPACE/LANDSCAPING LIVING LANDSCAPING 10% MIN. OF GROSS LOT AREA 44% (11,651 S.F.) (2,680 S.F. MIN.) PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER PROPOSED SIDEWALK - EXISTING TO BE REMOVED - EXISTING TO REMAIN - PROPOSED NEW Sterling Design Associates, Ilc CIVIL ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2009 W. Littleton Blvd. #300 Littleton, CO 80120 303.794.4727 ph www.SterlingDesignAssociates.com PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF JOSEPH G. SCHIEL P.E. COLORADO REGISTRATION 48332 FOR & ON BEHALF OF STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC ISSUES & REVISIONS TURF 30% MAX. OF TOTAL LS AREA 10% (1,144 S.F.) NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: JGS (11,651 X.30=3,495 S.F. MAX.) DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: JGS PARKING CALCULATION DESCRIPTION 2NDSDPSUBMITTAL WITHIN ANALYSIS AREA*: NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS TOTAL PROPOSED BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE: 31,105 SQ. FT.* TOTAL EXISTING VEHICLE PARKING: 188 STALLS DESCRIPTION: 3RDSDPSUBMITTAL TOTAL VEHICLE PARKING REMOVED WITH THIS SDP: (94 STALLS) NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - TOTAL NEW VEHICLE PARKING: 104 STALLS DESCRIPTION: - TOTAL PROPOSED VEHICLE PARKING: 198 STALLS (6.37 STALLS / 1000 SQ. FT.) NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - PARKING SUMMARY DESCRIPTION - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED VEHICLE PARKING 4.00 / 1,000 S.F. / 125 STALLS* 198 STALLS (6.37 STALLS / 1000 SQ. FT.) DESCRIPTION: - BICYCLE PARKING 5% OF VEHICLE PARKING (6 STALLS) 6 BICYCLE PARKING STALLS (3 U -RACKS) DATE: SCALE: 06/13/2018 V. = 40' *PARKING REQUIREMENTS AND EXISTING BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE ARE BASED ON THE APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER AMENDMENT #9 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, RECORDED WITH THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 2016070522. JIGS DRAWN BY: DRAWING FILE: AJY NORTH 0 20 40 80 SCALE: 1 "= 40' PROJECT: HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Regency- Centers. CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL: (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: OVERALL SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: 2 OF 10 IU JAIYI 1 /'1111 ;-<-. EASEMENT � (BK. 1297, PG. 351) L _ .. 8' PSCo EASEMENT 2 (BK. 2459, PG. 862) I 41 12 (TYP) 40 15 MULTI -TENANT 3 RETAIL 41 �:.. NOT A PART (TYP) 30 40 { 41 13 (TYP) L 26.3' 10' PSCo EASEMENT 18.0' . 86064188) 10' PSCo EASEMENT , (REC. NO. 86064191) 'a 9 4.3 P. o C:1 co q d- ® I N 27 I 2 I 29 c I � I LAS - 27 13 - 43 35.0' y I 26 37 5 16 31 16 LS O1S - 0 27 - _ LS 35 12 ---- - 24 37 PROPOSED RI/RO ACCESS z O APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT # 15 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., R 69 W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO r.. SCHEDULE NOTES 101.0 FOOT WIDE SIDEWALK CHASE. 6t-• 8 °, : a O PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING. Q d f O PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVING. Lu C'm°I Lu I .• a •. ; 04 PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK (PRIVATE) WIDTH AS NOTED HEREON. SEE SITE DETAILS z PRIVATE LO Lu CIII . I W I� M W . . c0 W O , O PROPOSED 8.0 FOOT WIDE PUBLIC DETACHED SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTED 1.0 FEET WEST OF W m THE PROPERTY LINE WITH 6.0 FOOT MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AMENITY ZONE. SEE ROADWAY wm moo.: (MINIMUM) Q r- - • - : DETAILS (PUBLIC). W z z w MULTI -TENANT ° 1 50'WATER EASEMENT w � RETAIL ° :� - 06 PROPOSED SITE LIGHTING. SEE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN. f -. .. :. 7. (BK. 2440 P 840) M `- NOT A PART 17 0 PROPOSED THREE (3) BICYCLE RACKS (SIX BICYCLE PARKING SPACES TOTAL). SEE SITE nn " DETAILS (PRIVATE). q.. - - •. a: : • -- lQ.:°El e .•. . °• PROPOSED HACIENDA TRASH ENCLOSURE �- - •-: 4 29 27 r - 29 (� 32 Og PROPOSED 9.0 -FOOT X 18.0 -FOOT, 4" WIDE, 90 -DEGREE WHITE PARKING STRIPING. (� L PROPOSED ADA PARKING AREA STRIPING AND SYMBOLS. SEE SITE DETAILS (PRIVATE). C14 z 04 z 23 \ o z 30' WATER EASEMENT 11 PROPOSED ADA PARKING SIGNAGE IN 6" DIA. CONCRETE -FILLED BOLLARD. SEE SITE N 21 PTYP. 6 CD z 33 N g REC. NO. 90016475 29 6 43 33 �\ C ( ) DETAILS (PRIVATE). L�o ZS 43 LS LS \ \ 17 12 PROPOSED 2 FOOT WIDE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK STRIPING SPACED 4.0 FEET O.C. 43 4 LS 13 1 13 PROPOSED 6" CURB AND 12" GUTTER (ONSITE). SEE SITE DETAILS (PRIVATE). 43 13 62 43 8 N00° 54'01 "1 200.00' a "' ;;• _ 14 PROPOSED 6" CURB AND 24" GUTTER (WITHIN R.O.W.). SAWCUT 2.0 FEET FROM LIP OF 00 LS EXISTING GUTTER AND ASPHALT PATCH BACK. SEE ROADWAY DETAILS (PUBLIC). CD CD 6 13.0 0 0 6 15 PROPOSED PRIVATE ADA -ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP. SEE SITE DETAILS (PRIVATE). ... T 22 4 39 28.0' 24.0' 28.0' Lw 28.0' 16 PROPOSED ADA -ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP WITH TRUNCATED DOMES (WITHIN R.O.W.). SEE 20 7 18.01 36.0' 36.0' 36.0' 18 1 to I ® SITE DETAILS (PUBLIC). 8.0 4 I q o 6.0' 4 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO REMAIN. -� w 9 4.0' 33 Typ N 23 J d 18 ANTICIPATED TRANSFORMER LOCATION. 38 _ N 19 0) � U O 19 ANTICIPATED GAS METER LOCATION. 6 PROPOSED 29 z z 13 13 25 I ' °'•: 20 PROPOSED WATER METER. HACIENDA RESTAURANT &11 1 FF. EL. = 5520.00 10 ® LS F - 6 -L �\ r -: 21 PROPOSED GREASE INTERCEPTOR. 4 7,220 SF FOOTPRINT 3 a \ 22 PROPOSED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL WITH PEDESTRIAN GUARDRAIL (3.0 FEET MAX. 17 (' 2,280 MEZZANINE 11 43 0 \ 27 co I �„ \ :: ; HEIGHT). 9,500 SF TOTAL 12. ®> 2 N 30' WATER EASEMENT 13 \ LS 6 (REC. NO. 90016475) (LANDSCAPE LS \-';,::: 23 SAWCUT LINE /LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. }LS 6 13cn 24 PROPOSED CONCRETE COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARDS 10' SEWER EASEMENT 4 �° 9.0' 9 30.0' 6 m �;-:_,".~ AND ASPHALT PATCH BACK 2.0 FEET. 6 34 (BK. 1906, PG. 652) o P 31 <v. .: d01S 16 _ 26 25 PROPOSED R1-1 STOP SIGN PER MUTCD ON STEEL POST AND "STOP" PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND WHITE STOP BAR. SEE SITE DETAILS. ' 26 EXISTING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN. 36 LS 36 35 42 5 35 LS 36 16 36 LS o ::.° :' °. _ ru - - EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER TO REMAIN. 14 28 z N 36 37 14 35 12 24 5 35 (.028 EXISTING PARKING AREA TO REMAIN. LLI-w o PROPOSED 3/4 w m 29 EXISTING ASPHALT PAVING TO REMAIN. U) 00 YO U N G F I E L D STREET MOVEMENT z w d ACCESS O 30 PROPOSED TYPE D AREA INLET. 0 U) U 31 PROPOSED R1-1 STOP SIGN AND R3-2 "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN PER MUTCD ON STEEL POST o AND STOP PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND WHITE STOP BAR. SEE SITE DETAILS (PRIVATE). 32 EXISTING CONCRETE CROSSPAN TO REMAIN. :_ 33 PROPOSED CONCRETE CROSSPAN, WIDTH NOTED HEREON. SEE SITE DETAILS. 34 EXISTING BUS STOP TO REMAIN. 35 PROPOSED STREET LIGHT. NORTH 0 15 30 60 36 SCALE: 1"= 30' PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT. 37 EXISTING POWER POLE / OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE TO BE UNDERGROUNDED BY XCEL ENERGY. 38 PROPOSED ADA -ACCESSIBLE RAMP WITH PEDESTRIAN HANDRAIL. 39 PROPOSED (3) STAIRS WITH PEDESTRIAN HANDRAIL. LEGEND 40 PROPOSED 8'X1 O'TRASH ENCLOSURE FOR ADJACENT RETAIL BUILDING. 41 PROPOSED CONCRETE -FILLED PIPE BOLLARD. PROPERTY LINE 42 EXISTING IRRIGATION VAULT TO REMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE INLET GRATE AND ADJACENT LOT LINE INSTALL AN 8" CONCRETE LID WITH ACCESS MANHOLE. - - - - EXISTING EASEMENT 43 INSTALL "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE" SIGNAGE PER MUTCD ON STEEL POST OR FASTEN TO EXISTING SIDEWALK LIGHT POLE. SEE SITE DETAILS. EXISTING CURB & GUTTER EXISTING PARKING STRIPING PROPOSED PARKING STRIPING PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER i I PROPOSED SIDEWALK PROPOSED SIGN 00 PROPOSED SITE LIGHT C" PROPOSED STREET LIGHT + PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT Sterling Design Associates, Ilc CIVIL ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2009 W. Littleton Blvd. #300 Littleton, CO 80120 303.794.4727 ph www. Ster l i ngDesignAssociates.com PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF JOSEPH G. SCHIEL P.E. COLORADO REGISTRATION 48332 FOR & ON BEHALF OF STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC ISSUES & REVISIONS NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION. - NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - DATE: SCALE: 06/13/2018 V. = 20' PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: JIGS DRAWN BY: DRAWING FILE: AJY PROJECT: HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Regencyn Centers, CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL- (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: 3 OF 10 V-6" 4 1/2" NORMAL GUTTER FLOWLINE AND PROFILE SHALL 7. V-1/2" LOCAL STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. BE MAINTAINED THROUGH THE RAMP AREA. WHERE THE CONCRETE RAMP JOINS ANY RIGID DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST PAVEMENT AND PAVEMENT OR STRUCTURE. 2. CONCRETE FOR SIDEWALK RAMPS SHALL BE IN GUTTER IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO BOTTOM OF POST PRIME AND ACCORDANCE WITH PAVING NOTE; SEE SITE PLAN. 1 "/FOOT N PAINT BLACK WITH STEEPER THAN 1:20. PAVING NOTE (TYP.); SEE SITE PLAN. 3. RAMP AND WINGS HALL BE POURED POLYURETHANE r\ \ MONOLITHICALLY. 6. RAMP SURFACE SHALL HAVE A COARSE BROOM 9. REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR SPECIFIC RAMP FINISH WITH STRIATIONS PERPENDICULAR TO THE ELEVATIONS. 4. MINIMUM WIDTH OF RAMPS SHALL BE EQUAL TO DIRECTION OF RAMP SLOPE. 'S 1-1/2" R L: u. V-6" 0.5' SEE PLAN 0.5' TRANSVERSE SLOPE SHALL MATCH THAT OF ADJACENT PAVEMENT REFER TO PLAN COMPACT No. 4 BARS AT 18" O.C.E.W. SUB -GRADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PAVING NOTE (TYP); INTEGRAL CURB SEE SITE PLAN CONCRETE FOR CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PAVING NOTE; SEE SITE PLAN UNLESS CONCRETE FOR INTEGRAL VEHICULAR PAVEMENT IS MORE STRINGENT CURB & GUTTER (PRIVATE) NOT TO SCALE D 6" I SEE PLAN CONCRETE . . . . . . . . . . FLARED CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . (SEE PLANS) <1/2"WIDE x 1/2" DEEP GROOVES SHALL BE SPACED AT 12 INCHES. CURBED CONSTRUCTION NN.. 1R /�... 7' D *SEE PLANS FOR CURBED OR FLARED CONSTRUCTION NOTES APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT # 15 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SE I/4, NW I/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., R 69 W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 4" STRIPING PAINTED WHITE (3M LIQUID PAVEMENT MARKING SERIES 1200) 2.0' PER PLAN STRIPING REQUIREMENTS NOT TO SCALE J�a 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 5. NORMAL GUTTER FLOWLINE AND PROFILE SHALL 7. A 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT SHALL BE REQUIRED LOCAL STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. BE MAINTAINED THROUGH THE RAMP AREA. WHERE THE CONCRETE RAMP JOINS ANY RIGID DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST PAVEMENT AND PAVEMENT OR STRUCTURE. 2. CONCRETE FOR SIDEWALK RAMPS SHALL BE IN GUTTER IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO BOTTOM OF POST PRIME AND ACCORDANCE WITH PAVING NOTE; SEE SITE PLAN. CURB RAMP TO ENSURE COUNTER SLOPE IS NO 8. COMPACT SUBGRADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PAINT BLACK WITH STEEPER THAN 1:20. PAVING NOTE (TYP.); SEE SITE PLAN. 3. RAMP AND WINGS HALL BE POURED POLYURETHANE r\ \ MONOLITHICALLY. 6. RAMP SURFACE SHALL HAVE A COARSE BROOM 9. REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR SPECIFIC RAMP FINISH WITH STRIATIONS PERPENDICULAR TO THE ELEVATIONS. 4. MINIMUM WIDTH OF RAMPS SHALL BE EQUAL TO DIRECTION OF RAMP SLOPE. POST MIN. 3 FEET THE WIDTH OF THE APPROACH WALK AND RAMP. L: u. SLOPES SHALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN 1:12. CURB RAMPPRIVATE CONCRETE FOOTING G NO PARKING - FIRE LANE NOT TO SCALE 4" OR 6" 6" YELLOW TRAFFIC STRIPE 4" DIA. CONCRETE FILLED STEEL TUBING (6" DIA. AT TRASH ENCLOSURE) PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING TRIM 0 FINISHED GRADE o .I I•.z CONCRETE FOOTING PER STRUCTURAL ENG. BOLLARD DETAIL C NOT TO SCALE PRODUCT NAME: DERO HOOP RACK AS MANUFACTURED BY DERO BIKE RACKS BIKES PARKED PER UNIT: 2 MATERIALS: 1.5" SCHEDULE 40 PIPE (1.9" OD) STAINLESS STEEL NOTES 1. INSTALL RACK IN THE DIRECTION AND LOCATION AS SHOWN ON PLAN MIN. 30" FROM BUILDING OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT, 36" O.C. 2. IN GROUND MOUNT INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 3. HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED FINISH 1.0' "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE" SIGN, R8-31; U -BRACKET MOUNTED (TYPICAL ALL SIGNS). 0 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL 1-3/4x1-3/4 STEEL NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL POST PRIME AND NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - PAINT BLACK WITH NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - POLYURETHANE r\ \ BY: - DESCRIPTION: - ..�� ACRYLIC EXTEND M y' ..S 'f POST MIN. 3 FEET L: u. BELOW GRADE CONCRETE FOOTING PER STRUCTURAL ENG. NO PARKING - FIRE LANE BIKE RACK DETAIL E NOT TO SCALE �I I I I I I LJ STOP 1i UNIVERSAL STOP SIGN R1-1 1-3/4x1-3/4 STEEL POST PRIME AND _ PAINT BLACK WITH I 1 POLYURETHANE o III—IIs.: ACRYLIC EXTEND M I �POST MIN. 3 FEET BELOW GRADE CONCRETE FOOTING PER STRUCTURAL ENG. STOP. UNIVERSAL STOP SIGN R1-1 UNIVERSAL NO LEFT TURN SIGN R3-2 0 1-3/4x1-3/4 STEEL POST PRIME AND _ PAINT BLACK WITH POLYURETHANE ACRYLIC EXTEND M I �POST MIN. 3 FEET `u. BELOW GRADE CONCRETE FOOTING PER STRUCTURAL ENG. STOP SIGN W/ NO LEFT TURN SIGN PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS COMPLYING WITH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION'S MANUAL "UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES", LOCAL CODES, AND AS SPECIFIED. ON-SITE TRAFFIC SIGNAGE DETAIL /— No. 4 BARS AT 18" O.C.E.W. AS NOTED ON PLANS _I CROSS SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT TO/�� /�j /�j /�j /�j /���� COMPACT SUB -GRADE IN ACCORDANCE \� � � � j WITH PAVING NOTE (TYP); SEE SITE PLAN 1/4 DEEP P`RESISTANT 1/8" SEALANT, BURKE U-SEAL#3204 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT RAt.KFR Pnn CONTROL JOINT 1/4" R (TYP.) 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT NOTES: 1. REFER TO GENERAL NOTES AND JOINT LEGEND ON SITE LAYOUT SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS; AND AT STRUCTURES, PCR'S AND EVERY 50 FEET MINIMUM. 3. EXPANSION JOINT FILLER SHALL MEET AASHTO M 213 CRITERIA AND BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 4. SIDEWALK SURFACE SHALL HAVE A COARSE BROOM FINISH WITH STRIATIONS PERPENDICULAR TO THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN CIVIL AND/OR ARCH. PLANS. 5. CONCRETE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PAVING NOTE; SEE SITE PLAN. 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, CONCRETE SHALL BE A MINIMUM 6" THICK WITH NO. 4 BARS, 18" O.C.E.W. SIDEWALKPRIVATDO NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE O M O co 1.0' UNIVERSAL HANDICAPPED SIGN THIS SIGN TYPICAL AT EACH HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE THIS SIGN AT —VAN SPACES ONLY 1-3/4x1-3/4 STEEL POST PRIME AND PAINT BLACK WITH POLYURETHANE ACRYLIC _6" YELLOW STRIPE _6" DIA. CONCRETE FILLED GUARD POST PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING CONCRETE FOOTING PER STRUCTURAL ENG. PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS COMPLYING WITH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION'S MANUAL "UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES", LOCAL CODES, AND AS SPECIFIED. ADA -ACCESSIBLE SIGN WITH BOLLARD r NOT TO SCALE Sterling Design Associates, Ilc CIVIL ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2009 W. Littleton Blvd. #300 Littleton, CO 80120 303.794.4727 ph www.SterlingDesignAssociates.com PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF JOSEPH G. SCHIEL P.E. COLORADO REGISTRATION 48332 FOR & ON BEHALF OF STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC FPREELIMINARYR CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - DATE: SCALE: 06/13/2018 _ PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: JIGS DRAWN BY: DRAWING FILE: AJY PROJECT: PAINT HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 LUE BACKGROUND 8" OF PARKING SPACE HANDICAP SYMBOL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Regencyn Centers, CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL: (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: SITE DETAILS (PRIVATE) SHEET NUMBER: 4 OF 10 APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT #15 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, NORTHWEST QUARTER, SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.0+ .0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + 0. 0.3 0 2 0.3 0. LLO.1 0.1 _0 0.0 +.7 1.3 1.6 1.2 1.9 1.1 1.5 0 6 + + + 1 7 + +138+ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7 2.0 1. 2.3 4 2. 9 F_ M I 0.4 + 0 6 q pS 0.7 1. 2.1 + 1. 2.2 .8 2.5 0 + + �' + + + + + + +1 +1 +1 l 0.8 5 1 1. 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.5 0 9 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2.3 1.6 A78 1.3 1.8 0 7 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 1.0 2.4 3.5 3.8 2.2 2.0 3.8 3.7 4.4 1.9 1.4 1.6 2.7 3.9 3.9 2.6 1.5 1.1 1.0 0.8 0. 0 5 + 7 + 1 3 + + + + + ®-i-� 131 + + 1 9 + 4 1. 5 .0 3.2 9 1 9 2.7 3 3.4 83,22 1.6 1 6 0 6 + +4 17 4.4 3.7 4. 4.4 4.6 4. 4.0 4.1 4.5 3.7 2.8 5 0 14 1. 3 i. 1260 122 + 8 3. 2 3. 1 6.1273.5 2. 2. 5 3. 1 5. 31�. 4 0P P 121 B-2 H B-2+ + L120 + + + + + + + + + + + +3 1.4 5. 51 118 0 2.9 0 4.0 5 3.5 3.1 0 P +4+-'50 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 1.4J66_ 4.7 1� 116 2.7 1.9 .2 3.6 .0 4.0 1.6 4 0 + + + 10 13 108117115 + + + + 132 + + + + 2 1. 2.4 92N - 113114 7 .6 3.6 .1 2.5 2 3.6 1.8 4 0 Q Q 112 M' jo H B-2 .41 0.2 1 5 . 35 8 8546778 N 111 � 5 7 4 44.0 4 . 4.6 (.3 5.1 9 . 1 e 36 3.0 0 . � + . 3 0 JB -1 9097 N J -0 42 J - + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + 0.2 1. 5. 5.3 1.1 0.4 1.4 1 0 2. 3.3 8 2.3 3.8 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 JH + +3 O + + + + + 125 + + +129+ + + 0 0.9 .t 4.1 1.1 906® 2.1 1.0 0. 1.4 ®2.2 3.2 3.0 2.® 3. ST 1. +. 1.5 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 !R_ B-1 RR -1 +tB-1 RB -1 2 + + + 6+ + + + + + + + + + + + 0.6 0.9 1.6 l 1.2 0.9 2. 1.5 0.9 1.1 2.3 1.8 1. 3.0 1.1 0.8 SLB -1 SLB -1 SLB -1 SLB -1 SLB -1 LED PHOTOMETRIC PLAN SCALE: 1"= 30' KEY NOTES EXISTING CONCRETE FOOTINGS FROM ABANDONED POLES TO BE REMOVED FROM SERVICE. TYPICAL (5) EXISTING LOCATIONS. cc �6 3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 YOUNGFIELD STREET Luminaire Schedule Symbol Qty Label Arranged FILL LLE Description BUG Rating A 1 C-1 SINGLE 30000 0.20 Exist NAP 320W PSMH T3 Horz FG 1T-0 Mtg Ht B3 -UO -G3 ®Bill ®-- 2 C-4 4 @ 90 DEGREES 30000 0.20 Exist NAP 320W PSMH T3 Horz FG 17'-0 Mtg Ht B3 -UO -G3 32.45 369.50 280 6 HB -2 BACK -BACK N.A. 0.90 New Base, Pole & Fixt 130W LED T5ME VS 18'-0 Mtg Ht (4000K/XX LED's/15999 LumensM IPD/XXXmA) Cree OSO Medium OSO-A-xx-5ME-K-40K-UXxxxxx B4 -UO -G4 Retlev Building_6_Side_10 1.43 2.8 5 JB -1 SINGLE N.A. 0.90 New Base, Pole & Fixt 130W LED T3ME 18'-0 Mtg Ht (4000K/XX LED's/16959 LumensM IPD/XXXm A) Cree OSO Medium OSO-A-xx-3ME-K-40K-UXxxxxx B3 -UO -G3 0.0 5 L SINGLE N.A. 0.90 New Flood 26W LED WE VS 18'-0 Mtg Ht (5000K/21 LED's/2169 Lumens/350nl Sconce(OSE-Kim CFL-WF-215K35UVXX B2 -UO -G1 1.14 3 M SINGLE N.A. 0.90 New Fixt 13W LED T5 VS 10'-0 Mtg Ht Recessed Can (270OK/XX LED's/1000 Lumens/XXXmA) X1(OSE-Green Creative Specft 4 I AD4LES9027DIM010UNVMDADR4XX B1 -UO -GO 1.00 13 N SINGLE N.A. 0.90 New Flood 26W LED WE VS 1'-0 Mtg Ht (5000K/21 LED's/2169 Lumens/350nl X4(OSE-Kim CFL-WF-215K35UVXX B2 -UO -G1 129 4 P SINGLE N.A. 0.90 New SLMWPK Fixt 13W LED T2 FG 8'-0 Mtg Ht Wall Mt (4000K/1 LED/1400 Lumens/XXXmA) X5(OSE-Sylvania Slim Wall Pack SLMWPKIA-0131UNV740-CO-XX-X_74340_74342 B1 -UO -GO Elid 88 O SINGLE 21 0.90 New LF Strip 0.48W/LF LED T5 VS FG 28'-0 Mtg Ht Wall Mt (6500K/3xLF=32 LED's/0.64 Lumens/XXXmA) XLS1-Tokistar Tokil-um Strip LUM_WH6500K_V_2 BO -U1 -GO 6 RB -1 SINGLE N.A. 0.90 New Muni Base, Pole & Fixt 50W LED T3 HS 12'-0 Mtg Ht (3000K/34 LED's/4448 Lumens/530nl Mountain States Pedestrian PRESTIGE-CY11T4X-VS3AR-3MHS-50W-3K-BK B1 -U3 -G2 PHOTOMETRIC 6 SLB -1 SINGLE N.A. 0.90 New Muni Base, Pole & Fixt 31W LED T3 30'-0 Mtg Ht (3000K/XX LED's/3900 Lumensf700mA) GE Evolve (Mountain States) Street Light ERL1_04C330_ 120 -277V -BK B1 -UO -G1 GENERAL NOTES 1. THE PEDESTRIAN AND STREET LIGHTS IN THE PUBLIC ROW ALONG YOUNGFIELD STREET ARE TO BE INSTALLED AS PART OF THIS WORK, CONNECTED TO A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -METERED ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND SUCH SERVICE INSTALLATION SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON TURN -OVER. 2. LIGHTING MATERIAL PROVIDER SCOPE TO INCLUDE LIGHT POLES, ANCHOR BOLTS, BASE COVERS, HAND HOLE COVERS, FIXTURES AND ARMS. 3. ANCHOR BOLTS FOR POLES ARE TO BE SCHEDULED TO ARRIVE AT JOBSITE IN TIME FOR EMBEDMENT IN C.I.P. CONCRETE POLE FOOTINGS (BY OTHERS). 4. MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION LABOR FOR CONCRETE POLE BASES INCLUDING DESIGN, EXCAVATION AND SONOTUBES, TRENCHING, CONDUIT, WIRING, LIGHTING INSTALLATION AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. Calculation Summary Label Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min #PIS Property +40 Ft 2.02 14.8 0.0 N.A. N.A. 379 Retlev Building_1_Side_18 7.57 30.8 1.0 7.57 30.80 260 Retlev Building_1_Side_19 6.49 73.9 0.2 32.45 369.50 280 Retlev Building_1_Side_6 12.46 276. 0.0 N.A. N.A. 170 Retlev Building_6_Side_10 1.43 2.8 0.6 2.38 4.67 156 Retlev Building_6_Side_11 1.11 3.3 0.0 N.A. N.A. 180 Drive Entry & Exit - Bottom 2.05 2.3 1.8 1.14 1.28 2 Drive Entry & Exit - Left 3.50 3.5 3.5 1.00 1.00 1 Main Parking 3.27 10.5 0.5 6.54 21.00 129 BIG- '� LIGHTFIXTURE REFERENCE SPECIFICATION SHEETS FOR POLE CONFIGURATION 28' 30' CONCRETE POLE BASE 2' FINISHED GRADE MUNICIPAL POLE DETAIL (TYP) SCALE:NTS LIGHTFIXTURE REFERENCE SPECIFICATION SHEETS ! FOR POLE CONFIGURATION 10' 12' CONCRETE POLE BASE 2' FINISHED GRADE 3 POLE DETAIL PED. (TYP) SCALE: NTS 16' 18' '� LIGHTFIXTURE REFERENCE SPECIFICATION SHEETS i FOR POLE CONFIGURATION CONCRETE POLE BASE FINISHED GRADE POLE DETAIL PARKING (TYP) SCALE:NTS "THIS POLE FOOTING DETAILS TYPICAL, FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ACTUAL FOOTING SHOULD BE DESIGNED FOR THE SPECIFIC APPUCATION AND LOCATION WITH CONBIDERATIONTO ACTUAL REQUIRED SEISMIC BOIL WIND LOAD CONDITIONS, ETC GROUND LUG INDDE POLE LIGHT POLE OPPOSITE LANSDALE PROVIDE BUSHINGS ON CONDUITS BASE PITTS COVER 1 FORMED CHAMFER GRADE LEVEL v, "gy00 ND U TS (PAR) SCH AN WITH COPPER CITED TAX 0 MEER ELBOWS CRON ND R OF 24 CLEAR 9 CLEAR DIMENSION CIA Y=2 0 LIGHT POLE BASE DETAIL (TYP) SCALE: NTS BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED, ALL DIMENSIONS AND LUMINAIRE LOCATIONS SHOWN REPRESENT RECOMMENDED POSITIONS. THE ENGINEER ANDOR ARCHITECT MUST DETERMINE APPLICABILITY OF THE LAYOUT TO EXISTING OR FUTURE FIELD CONDITIONS. THE LIGHTING PATTERN REPRESENTS ILLUMINATION LEVELS CALCULATED FROM LABORATORY DATA TAKEN UNDER THE CONTROLLED CONDITIONS UTILIZING CURRENT INDUSTRY STANDARD LAMP RATINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH I LLUM INATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY APPROVED METHODS. ACTUAL PERFORMANCE OF ANY MANUFACTURER'S LUMINAIRE MAY VARY DUE TO VARIATION IN ELECTRICALV OLTAGE TOLERANCE IN LAMPS, AND OTHER VARIABLE FIELD CONDITIONS. FOR ADDITIONAL LIGHTING INFORMATION CONTACT. On -Site Lighting & SueyLLC rv, PH'. 763.6841548 On -Site Lighting & Survcy, LLC 1111 HIGHWAY 25 NORTH SUITE 201 BUFFALO MN 55313 PH:763.684.1548 FAX:763.682.9048 Regency, Centers. o APPLEWOOD HACIENDA 3400 YOUNGFIELD STREET u WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 z Fe UJz w ot w z w b DATE I111T DESCRIPTION 1 04.06.2018 GAG ICM ADDED BUILDATG MOUNTS 2 05.11.2018 GAG RELOCATE POLES ICM PER ENGIDIEER EB UJ o LED FEE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN RC90020 0 03.29.2018 EB3 0 " 6 G. CREWS a J.MACKEY SL3,0EB In 2 N SOF 10 p _v -.a V 8' PSCo EASEMENT ° (BK. 2459, PG. 862) y a' a ° J_ ' a a V. I— W v Z ^ Lu p' 4 a �O Z a. J 10' PSCo EASEMENT ° (REC. NO. 86064188) ° a 10' PSCo EASEMENT (REC. NO. 86064191) - a ��r� � 1 L _-' it ��� • � `�' ���\ iiiiiiuLill ii I BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL _- I ■ BY: JGS ., NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - �- �;I�� / BY: - DESCRIPTION: - _�' •. '' NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - a 1 ACo EASEMENT] .11 • • \I W t: �I II' YOUNGFIELD a MCI FA .. • 19■��� _ CnI 1 • • rm • / _ • i•li 1 ■ I .,. ,, ��•lss'�'. An, WATF=R F=A.';: . ,� wIl • •11 14 WAI I ■ ya aal . °. . , p •.777771 �lal •� e� ' :,` i LI!' III - • • • I 1 _ • ,I � I" �0 z �- ® I! ..I�,� �_,� � _ ♦ iii 1'il.•'•.�,i".�r •, -I , t! � ov y w 1 w�• --� �' � O / w r r X '•Y,r 3- MR 1- AT 1- GS 1- RF 2- RA JG - HS O APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT # 15 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., R 69 W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO p . I 50' PSCo E y I FIRE LINE AGREEMENT AREA MULTI -TENANT RETAIL ° W ° (REC. NO. II 90016476) I (REC. NO. 90032752) NOT A PART ° N pI : : �p a v 146' P o EASE ENT a °° V v °° I (BK. 2440, P y I °— — — —a - y ° — ° — —: ■ a ' : y . : v— ° a I' :❑y 3 I■° 46' PSCo EASEM NT _ (BK. 1'297, PG. 31) — — — — _ _ _ _ 1- JG 3 ____ _ 1 -GS q-� ------ V T p 1- AB 4- RR RR 3 HS (W)M I[W M �I-YiT" �W)M �W)M �W)M— — — — (w)M �) �W)M �W)M— �w)M _ M M M—�� M— —M— M M 11� A 3 Irn 2- CP 3- HS 2- MR 2- MRS tt2��--- MR 1 I AF2- JW _ • 2- UP , �1 2- QB -\2- UP I • � e � e 2- J( l/`.�.' \VF r��/ •'' 4 :,: -•., �Ike: t" x.'10 ',Q -02"M IF 14 SS I go, N! N MIFAMERN N00'! 200.00 I 0501, 1140 �_ %II `1-•■�• �`�+'.viii L: =i ,ur.}' "";t+i� i►� •1'.+�? �,'�� t;J�a�� • • • .I . • _ • •' _ a�SO '; C.MEN_r��C�.lJ�::►til 0 a1 I ■ \ice/►' �'I��� r�_� _ , ; I ' ► IIIA .s ,��� ° ICD wk• �I� .. �JOE -7- RG L�� ISI II—I • �� - ��r� � 1 L _-' it ��� • � `�' ���\ iiiiiiuLill ii I BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL _- I ■ BY: JGS ., NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - �- �;I�� / BY: - DESCRIPTION: - _�' •. '' NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - ■ ■ ■ �Y ■ I�`iIJI11111mY■��I�_��.al■ 1 ACo EASEMENT] .11 • • \I W t: �I II' YOUNGFIELD :�•iZJii�i�► MCI FA .. • 19■��� _ CnI 1 • • rm • / _ • i•li 1 ■ .,. ,, ��•lss'�'. An, WATF=R F=A.';: . ,� wIl • •11 14 WAI I ■ •�•%� •11- •.777771 e� ' :,` i LI!' III - • • • I 1 _ • ,I � I" �0 z �- ® I! ..I�,� �_,� � _ ♦ iii 1'il.•'•.�,i".�r •, -I , t! � ov y w 1 w�• --� �' � O / w r r X '•Y,r - C _ • I�iR- *�„. a71 ; �� .• . •� Iiu r • ♦� •�� •• y•rt �• ►�,��-', •.�,`.• �'/�j r .. �\ : • t - • -i� l� �%•I I�I • c r4'r art ' a • ` � • . �y Cie ;?. ` � � •♦_ �•!; .Y.�i. •5 PR 3. 5 RI • �':t i CEL OV4,11 0w F-6 1 PW ��o • • 1 i • • •./ r ♦I��: i! J '� i �rI r w y 4/i1!' ' �� � _ •�*�; � • � ��d� ► . a sQ � a a�����.�0"��_,J�.4_ 1. , e �� a :. '-. � i � , �, �. � �., �,�• „ _._'•. - � • � � ' . . - • �Z'Ts. • � � �^,:;1r ' �a� �� � %!• 7.c. ,j;�•�`„*.��.• �� r -.3 .1 � � 0'��'��r r pct♦+i 1" Iii �. N _ O - I • t � ��./M.► �i _ ��r� � 1 L t• 1 • - a ,� • • � `�' ���\ iiiiiiuLill ii I BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL _- NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - _ Emuil��IIV� 1 20 BY: - DESCRIPTION: - _�' •. '' NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - ■ ■ ■ �Y ■ I�`iIJI11111mY■��I�_��.al■ 1 ACo EASEMENT] .11 • • W t: �I II' YOUNGFIELD :�•iZJii�i�► MCI FA .. • CnI 1 • • • i•li 1 ��•lss'�'. An, WATF=R F=A.';: . ,� wIl • •11 WAI I �,`,•,. gill NORTH 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1 "= 20' LANDSCAPE DATA TOTAL LOT AREA 26,798 SF DESCRIPTION REQUIRED PROPOSED OPEN SPACE/LANDSCAPING LIVING LANDSCAPING 10% MIN. OF GROSS LOT AREA/ 2,680 S.F. MIN. 44% /11,651 S.F TURF 30% MAX. OF TOTAL LS AREA / 3,353 S.F. MAX. 10% / 1,144 S.F. SEC26-502.D.3.a LANDSCAPE WITHIN BLDG STBK ABUTTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DESCRIPTION LENGTH REQUIRED PROPOSED YOUNGFIELD STREET 330' 1 TREE PER 35 LF / 10 TREES 5 TREES* DESCRIPTION REQUIRED PROPOSED TREES 1 TREE PER 1,000 SF REQ. LS AREA / 3 TREES 26 TREES SHRUBS 10 SHRUBS PER 1,000 SF REQ. LS AREA / 27 SHRUBS 242 SHRUBS * DUE TO SIGHT VISIBILITY RESTRICTIONS, EXPECTED LARGE MATURE SIZE OF THE PROPOSED TREES, AND PROXIMITY TO PROPOSED LIGHT POLES, STREET TREE QUANTITY REDUCED TO 5 TREES. —cc SS SS SS— -SS ilk. 1 • � ti til ��r� � 1 L t• 1 • - a ,� • • � `�' ���\ iiiiiiuLill ii I BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL DRAWING FILE: NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - 1 NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - 1 ACo EASEMENT] .11 • • II' YOUNGFIELD STREET • CnI ��•lss'�'. An, WATF=R F=A.';: . ,� wIl • •11 WAI I �,`,•,. gill •.777771 • I 1 ,, ' •1•T��II • ,I c • ,• z 1E , t! � ov y w 1 w�• • � O / w r r X '•Y,r - ilk. 1 • � ti til ��r� � 1 L t• 1 • - a ,� • • � `�' ���\ iiiiiiuLill ii I BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL DRAWING FILE: NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - 1 NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - 1 ACo EASEMENT] .11 • • YOUNGFIELD STREET LEGEND Q v PROPOSED GRANITE BOULDERS, REFER TO PLANT LIST FOR SIZES Oc O O PROPOSED RIVER ROCK MULCH COVER 0p000 O 5 PROPOSED COBBLE MULCH COVER e PROPOSED RTF FESCUE SOD - IRRIGATED Sterling Design Associates, Ilc CIVIL ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2009 W. Littleton Blvd. #300 Littleton, CO 80120 303.794.4727 ph www.SterlingDesignAssociates.com PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF JOSEPH G. SCHIEL P.E. COLORADO REGISTRATION 48332 FOR & ON BEHALF OF STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC 1�-i.,m6vj. ,mk.,6,y1•],I NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDPSUBMITTAL PROJECT NO.: NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL DRAWING FILE: NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - DATE: 06/13/2018 SCALE: V. = 20' PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: JIGS DRAWN BY: DRAWING FILE: MEH PROJECT: HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Regency- Centers• CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL- (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: 6 OF 10 (L101) APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT # 15 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SE I/4, NW I/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., R 69 W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PLANT LIST - ON SITE LANDSCAPE NOTES QTY ABBR SYMBOL DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE REMARKS 2 CC e THORNLESS COCKSPUR HAWTHORN 3-5 TRUNKS FULL CROWN, (ESTABLISHED) Crataegus crus-galli inermis Crusader 3 GE m SEEDLESS KENTUCKY COFFEETREE 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, 15 HP RED FALSE YUCCA #1 CONTAINER Gymnocladus d io icus 'Espresso' B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, 36 Malus x'Thunderchild' B&B QUALITY 6 GS + SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, (18"-24" SPR.) FULL FORM BASKET -OF -GOLD ALYSSUM Gleditsia triacanthos v. inermis Skyline B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN ( SASKATOON SERVICEBERRY 5'-6' CLUMP FULL CROWN, SPACING PER PLAN Amelanchier alnifolia QUALITY 2 QB o TEXAS RED OAK 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, LEADPLANT #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Quercus buckleyi B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN FULL FORM FULL FORM 103 MR CREEPING OREGON GRAPE HOLLY #1 CONTAINER QUALITY 8 UP • PATRIOT ELM 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, FULL FORM 30 CB ® BLUE MIST SPIREA Ulmus'Patriot' B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN Caryopteris x clandonensis'Blue Mist' (18"-24" HT.) FULL FORM QUALITY ORNAMENTAL TREES EVERGREEN SHRUBS HS BLUE AVENA GRASS #1 CONTAINER 2 CC e THORNLESS COCKSPUR HAWTHORN 3-5 TRUNKS FULL CROWN, (ESTABLISHED) Crataegus crus-galli inermis Crusader B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED Mock Bearberry SPACING PER PLAN QUALITY 15 HP RED FALSE YUCCA #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN 5 MT THUNDERCHILD CRAB 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, 36 Malus x'Thunderchild' B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN 26 JG + GREEN CARPET JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER QUALITY DECIDUOUS SHRUB'S Juniperus communis'Green Carpet' (18"-24" SPR.) FULL FORM BASKET -OF -GOLD ALYSSUM #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN 1 AA ( SASKATOON SERVICEBERRY 5'-6' CLUMP FULL CROWN, SPACING PER PLAN Amelanchier alnifolia B&B SPECIMEN QUALITY SPECIMEN QUALITY SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM EVERGREEN SHRUBS 10 AC0 LEADPLANT #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN SPACING PER PLAN Amorpha canescens (18"-24" HT.) FULL FORM FULL FORM 103 MR CREEPING OREGON GRAPE HOLLY #1 CONTAINER 5 AT FOUR WING SALTBUSH #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM Atriplex canescens (18"-24" HT.) FULL FORM 30 CB ® BLUE MIST SPIREA #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Caryopteris x clandonensis'Blue Mist' (18"-24" HT.) FULL FORM 9 CN0RABBITBRUSH #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Chrysothamnus nauseosus (20"-30" HT.) FULL FORM 11 CP PYGMY PEASHRUB #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Caragana pygmaea (12"-18" HT.) FULL FORM 21 PA RUSSIAN SAGE #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Perovskia atriplicicifolia (18"-24" HT.) FULL FORM 17 RA ALPINE CURRANT #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Ribes alpinum (18"-24" HT.) FULL FORM 12 RF FRAGRANT SUMAC #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Rhus aromatica (20"-30" HT.) FULL FORM 27 RG GREEN MOUND ALPINE CURRANT #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Ribes alpinum'Green Mound' (12"-18" HT.) FULL FORM 18 RH DWARF FRAGRANT SUMAC #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Rhus aromatica 'Gro -low' (12"-18" HT.) FULL FORM 38 RR FLOWER CARPET RED ROSE #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Rosa Flower Carpet Red (12"-18" HT.) FULL FORM EVERGREEN SHRUBS ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 95 HS BLUE AVENA GRASS #1 CONTAINER 4 AB MOCK BEARBERRY MANZANITA #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN (ESTABLISHED) Arctostaphylos x coloradoensis (18"-24" SPR.) FULL FORM KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED Mock Bearberry SPACING PER PLAN m 15 HP RED FALSE YUCCA #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN PERENNIALS Hesperaloe parviflora STAKED, SPECIMEN FULL FORM 36 AM 0- MOONSHINE YARROW #1 CONTAINER 26 JG + GREEN CARPET JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Quercus muehlenbergii Juniperus communis'Green Carpet' (18"-24" SPR.) FULL FORM BASKET -OF -GOLD ALYSSUM #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 3 JS WICHITA BLUE JUNIPER 15 GAL. CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN 25 Juniperus scopulorum'Wichita Blue' (5'-6' HT.) SPECIMEN QUALITY SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM EVERGREEN SHRUBS Hemerocallis 'Little Business' 10 JW o WILTON CARPET JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN BRIDGE'S PENSTEMON Juniperus horizontalis'Wiltonii' (18"-24" SPR.) FULL FORM 103 MR CREEPING OREGON GRAPE HOLLY #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN BOULDERS/MULCH Mahonia repens (8" HT.) FULL FORM ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 95 HS BLUE AVENA GRASS #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN BY: JGS \`Lwl�_ Celtis occidentalis Helictotrichon sempevirens (ESTABLISHED) FULL FORM 25 CK KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN m SEEDLESS KENTUCKY COFFEETREE Calamagrostis acutiflora'Karl Foerster (ESTABLISHED) FULL FORM PERENNIALS B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN 36 AM 0- MOONSHINE YARROW #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, Achillea 'Moonshine' Quercus muehlenbergii FULL FORM 15 AS BASKET -OF -GOLD ALYSSUM #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN DECIDUOUS SHRUBS Aurinia saxatilis 4 RR FULL FORM 25 HL LITTLE BUSINESS DAYLILY #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN FULL FORM EVERGREEN SHRUBS Hemerocallis 'Little Business' FULL FORM 8 PR BRIDGE'S PENSTEMON #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Penstemon rostriflorus FULL FORM BOULDERS/MULCH BOULDERS: O 2'-6" X 3'-6" 2'X 3' . V_6" X 2' GRANITE GRANITE GRANITE BOULDER BOULDER BOULDER QTY: 9 QTY: 5 QTY: 7 MULCH: 9,164 SF 1.5" DIA. ROCK MULCH WITH DOUBLE SHREDDED BARK MULCH RINGS, SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES. 1,749 SF 3"-6" DIA. COBBLE MULCH WITH DOUBLE SHREDDED BARK MULCH RINGS, SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES. NOTE: 1) BOULDER SIZE CAN VARY BY 6" IN ANY DIRECTION BURY 1/4 OF BOULDER INTO FINISH GRADE 2) ALL MULCH MINIMUM 3" DEPTH. ROCK MULCH AREAS SHALL BE COVERED W/ SPECIFIED ROCK MULCH OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC. 3) BOULDER, COBBLE AND RIVER ROCK COLOR TO BE MEDIUM TONED COLOR MIX OF BROWN, TAN, PINK, GRAY AND SHADES OF CREAM AND WHITE. SOD 1,144 S.F. RTF FESCUE SOD - IRRIGATED NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN TAKEOFFS AND QUANTITY CALCULATIONS, TO INCLUDE PLANT MATERIALS AND GROUND COVERS. 2. IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE PLAN AND THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND, THE PLAN SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE AND NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THESE DISCREPANCIES. 3. ALL LIVING LANDSCAPING SHALL BE SERVED BY AN AUTOMATIC, ZONED IRRIGATION SYSTEM. PLANT LIST - RIGHT-OF-WAY QTY ABBR SYMBOL COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE REMARKS DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES 2 CO ( o WESTERN HACKBERRY 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, BY: JGS \`Lwl�_ Celtis occidentalis B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL QUALITY 1 GE DESCRIPTION: - m SEEDLESS KENTUCKY COFFEETREE 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, Gymnocladus d io icus 'Espresso' B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN QUALITY 2 QM ® CHINKAPIN OAK 2" CAL. FULL CROWN, Quercus muehlenbergii B&B STAKED, SPECIMEN MEH QUALITY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 4 RR FLOWER CARPET RED ROSE #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Rosa Flower Carpet Red (12"-18" HT.) FULL FORM EVERGREEN SHRUBS 4 JG + GREEN CARPET JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Juniperus communis'Green Carpet' (18"-24" SPR.) FULL FORM PERENNIALS 8 AM MOONSHINE YARROW #1 CONTAINER SPACING PER PLAN Achillea 'Moonshine' FULL FORM SOD 2,451 S.F. RTF FESCUE SOD - IRRIGATED BOULDERS/MULCH BOULDERS: 2'X 3' GRANITE BOULDER QTY: 2 MULCH: 1,139 SF 1.5" DIA. ROCK MULCH WITH DOUBLE SHREDDED BARK MULCH RINGS, SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES. NOTE: 1) BOULDER SIZE CAN VARY BY 6" IN ANY DIRECTION BURY 1/4 OF BOULDER INTO FINISH GRADE 2) ALL MULCH MINIMUM 3" DEPTH. ROCK MULCH AREAS SHALL BE COVERED W/ SPECIFIED ROCK MULCH OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC. 3) BOULDER, COBBLE AND RIVER ROCK COLOR TO BE MEDIUM TONED COLOR MIX OF BROWN, TAN, PINK, GRAY AND SHADES OF CREAM AND WHITE. 1. COORDINATION THIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN IS TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, STRUCTURAL AND IRRIGATION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO FORM COMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS SITE. 2. COMPLIANCE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES. 3. GUARANTEE ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR, FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 4. COMPLETION AND MAINTENANCE A. FINAL ACCEPTANCE: WITHIN TEN DAYS OF CONTRACTOR'S NOTICE THAT THE ENTIRE PROJECT IS COMPLETE, THE L.A. SHALL REVIEW INSTALLATION. IF FINAL ACCEPTANCE IS NOT GIVEN, THE L.A. SHALL PREPARE A PUNCH LIST OF PENDING ITEMS. THE PUNCH LIST ITEMS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITHIN TEN CALENDAR DAYS FROM DATE ISSUED. SUBSEQUENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL SHALL SIGNIFY ACCEPTANCE. B. MAINTENANCE: ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE MAINTAINED FROM INSTALLATION TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE WATERING, FERTILIZING, WEEDING, MOWING, TRIMMING, ROLLING, REGRADING, REPLANTING, DISEASE AND INSECT PROTECTION. 5. SITE CONDITIONS LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE THE SITE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN WRITING OF UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS. DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL CONDITIONS ARE CORRECTED. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISHED GRADES AND POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. 6. DAMAGE AND CLEANING A. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ALL ITEMS DAMAGED DUE TO THIS WORK AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN ALL AREAS DUE TO THIS WORK AND PROPERLY REMOVE ALL UNUSED MATERIALS FROM SITE. 7. RIGHT OF REJECTION OWNER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY MATERIALS AT ANY TIME. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM CURRENT "AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK" BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SAMPLES, SPECS., AND OR TAGS FOR ALL MATERIALS. 8. SOIL PREPARATION SOD AND SHRUB BED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE SIX INCHES OF APPROVED TOPSOIL. AMEND SOIL WITH FOUR CUBIC YARDS PER THOUSAND SQUARE FEET OF ORGANIC COMPOST. COMPOST TO HAVE A C:N RATIO BETWEEN 15:1 AND 30:1, LESS THAN 6 mmhos/cm SALT CONTENT, A pH BETWEEN 6.5 AND 8.5, AND OVER 30% ORGANIC MATTER. APPLY 5 LBS. OF 20-10-5 GRANULAR FERTILIZER PER THOUSAND SQ. FEET. ROTOTILL AMENDMENTS AND TOPSOIL TO A DEPTH OF SIX INCHES. VERIFY SOIL PREP SPECIFICATIONS WITH WATER PROVIDER STANDARDS. PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF APPLICATION AS REQUIRED. RAISED PLANTERS SHALL BE FILLED TO 36" DEPTH WITH A BLENDED SOIL CONTAINING 33% PREMIUM COMPOST AND 66% SCREENED TOPSOIL. 9. PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE PLANTED PER DETAILS. STAKE AND GUY TREES PER DETAILS. TREE AND SHRUB BED LOCATIONS SHALL BE APPROVED PRIOR TO PLANTING. BACKFILL WITH 1/3 SOIL AMENDMENT AND 2/3 SITE SOIL, THOROUGHLY MIXED. FERTILIZE AS RECOMMENDED WITH AGRIFORM TABLETS. 10. EDGER INSTALL 4" ROLL-TOP RYERSON STEEL EDGING (14 GAUGE WITH GREEN FINISH) OR EQUAL. INSTALL WITH STAKES AND SPLICERS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. INSTALL BETWEEN ALL SOD OR SEEDED AREAS AND MULCHED AREAS. 11. MULCH ALL SHRUB AND PERENNIAL BEDS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH A MINIMUM 3"4" THICK LAYER OF MULCH AS SPECIFIED IN THE LEGEND (EITHER SHREDDED CEDAR BARK MULCH, 3"-6" COBBLE, OR 1 1/2" ROUNDED RIVER ROCK). AFTER ALL PLANTING IS COMPLETE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL INSTALL A 4" THICK RING OF DOUBLE SHREDDED CEDAR BARK MULCH AROUND ALL PLANT MATERIAL IN ROCK MULCH BEDS WHERE LANDSCAPING IS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. WOOD MULCH RING SIZE SHALL BE THE SIZE OF THE OF SHRUB, PERENNIAL, AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS'S CONTAINER/ROOTBALL. TREE INSTALLATION/RING SHALL REFERENCE INDUSTRY STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACTORS HANDBOOK PUBLISHED BY THE STATE'S LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. INSTALL WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER ALL ROCK MULCH SHRUB BEDS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS ONLY. NO LANDSCAPE FABRIC SHALL BE USED IN WOOD MULCH AREAS. 12. SODDING SOD SHALL BE "RTF" FESCUE BY GREEN VALLEY TURF (GVT) (303-798-6764). SOIL PREP,. INSTALL AND WATER ACCORDING TO GVT GUIDELINES. 13. MAINTENANCE THE PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD, THE OWNER'S AGENT OR TENANT SHALL KEEP ALL LANDSCAPING IN A WELL MAINTAINED AND HEALTHY GROWING CONDITION. 14. IRRIGATION REFER TO SHEET L201 FOR PROPOSED IRRIGATION. AROUND THE HACIENDA BUILDING, AS DEFINED ON THE SCOPE OF WORK LIMITS SHEET, IRRIGATION SHALL BE INSTALLED AFTER IRRIGATION IS INSTALLED OUTSIDE OF THE SCOPE OF WORK LIMITS. AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM, MEETING LOCAL REQUIREMENTS, SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE SHOPPING CENTER'S EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM, AND PROVIDE ADEQUATE IRRIGATION COVERAGE TO PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREAS. A. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE SHOPPING CENTER OWNER AND MAINTENANCE GROUP THE LOCATIONS OF THE EXISTING IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION, MAINLINES, LATERAL LINES, WIRING, AND HEADS IN THE FIELD. B. ALL TURF AREAS SHALL HAVE HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE WITH APPROPRIATE DRIP IRRIGATION TO ALL SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS AREAS. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING EXISTING SHOPPING CENTER IRRIGATION IN PROPER FUNCTIONING ORDER DURING CONSTRUCTION. ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE SHOPPING CENTER SYSTEM IS WORKING TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SHOPPING CENTER OWNER/MAINTENANCE GROUP. D. CONTRACTOR SHALL RUN ENTIRE SYSTEM FOR OWNER OPERATIONS REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINAL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE. E. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE. F. ALL UPGRADES AND/OR MODIFICATIONS SHALL MEET CURRENT IRRIGATION INDUSTRY STANDARDS FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND STATE OF COLORADO. Sterling Design Associates, Ilc CIVIL ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2009 W. Littleton Blvd. #300 Littleton, CO 80120 303.794.4727 ph www.SterlingDesignAssociates.com PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF JOSEPH G. SCHIEL P.E. COLORADO REGISTRATION 48332 FOR & ON BEHALF OF STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC FC LIMINARY R CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC ISSUES & REVISIONS NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 5 DATE. - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - DATE: SCALE: 06/13/2018 _ PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: JIGS DRAWN BY: DRAWING FILE: MEH PROJECT: HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Regency- Centers. CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL: (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: PLANT LIST & NOTES SHEET NUMBER: 7 OF 10 (L102) APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT # 15 2 x ROOTBALL DIA. AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., R 69 W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DO NOT CUT SINGLE LEADER. PRUNE DAMAGED OR DEAD WOOD AND CO -DOMINANT LEADERS AT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S DIRECTION ONLY. 12" NYLON TREE STRAP ON GUY WIRE AND AROUND TREE TRUNK. 1/2" DIAM. WHITE PVC PIPE SECTION ON ENTIRE LENGTH OF EACH WIRE. 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE, DOUBLE STRAND TWISTED. 6' STEEL T -POST (2 MIN.) (4' EXPOSED) WRAP ENTIRE SURFACE OF TRUNK TO SECOND BRANCH WITH SPECIFIED TREE WRAP MATERIAL SECURED AT TOP AND BOTTOM & AT 2 -FT. INTERVALS. RE: SPECS FOR TIMING. SET ROOT COLLAR 3" HIGHER THAN GRADE AT WHICH TREE GREW. 48" CIRCLE OF SHREDDED BARK MULCH (4" DEEP) AROUND BASE OF TREES IN GRASS AREAS. FORM SAUCER AROUND EDGE OF TREE PIT. FINISH GRADE REMOVE ALL TWINE AND WIRE FROM TOP AND SIDES OF ROOTBALL. PULL BURLAP BACK 2/3 MINIMUM. SLOPE SIDES OF PIT AS SHOWN. ROUGHEN SIDES PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE STAKE TO EXTEND MIN. 24" INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE ANY BROKEN OR CRUMBLING ROOTBALL WILL BE REJECTED. REMOVING THE WIRE WILL NOT BE AN EXCUSE FOR DAMAGED ROOTBALLS. REMOVE STAKING AFTER ONE YEAR DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE SHRUB PLANTING NOT TO SCALE LANDSCAPE NOTES 1 2 3. 16163 01161:1 ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS AND PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE SERVED BY FUNCTIONING AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHICH COMBINES DR SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRINKLERS. AT A VERTICAL DISTANCE OF 36" TO 96" ABOVE THE GUTTER FLOW 1_11 UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW SHALL BE PROVIDED AND MAINTAINED AT ALL WITHIN THE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES. USE OF NON -LIVING MATERIALS SHALL NOT EXCEED 35% OF THE REG LANDSCAPE AREA. PRUNE ALL DAMAGED OR DEAD WOOD IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLANTING. SET SHRUB 1" HIGHER THAN THE GRADE AT WHICH IT GREW. DIG PLANT PIT TWICE AS WIDE OR MORE AS THE CONTAINER. APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH 4" DEEP OVER SPECIFIED WEED MAT. FINISHED GRADE ALL JUNIPER PLANTS SHOULD BE PLANTED SO TOP OF ROOT MASS OCCURS AT FINISH GRADE OF MULCH LAYER. LOOSEN SIDES OF PLANT PIT AND ROOTBALL. REMOVE CONTAINER BACKFILL: ONE THIRD ORGANIC MATTER TWO THIRDS SITE SOIL THOROUGHLY MIXED. ANY BROKEN OR CRUMBLING ROOTBALL WILL BE REJECTED. REMOVING THE CONTAINER WILL NOT BE AN EXCUSE FOR DAMAGED ROOTBALL. CLUMP TREES SHALL HAVE SPECIFIED NUMBER OF TRUNKS. SHRUB FORMS WILL BE REJECTED. DO NOT CUT LEADER. PRUNE DAMAGED OR DEAD WOOD IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLANTING. WATER RING - INSTALL AT END OF PLANTING, REMOVE PRIOR TO SODDING OR IRRIGATED SEEDING. PLANT ROOTBALL 2" HIGHER THAN WHICH IT GREW (IN IRRIGATED AREAS) IN NON -IRRIGATED AREAS PLANT TREE AT GRADE WHICH IT GREW. APPLY 4" OF BARK MULCH TO THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF SAUCER UPON PLANTING APPLY 18-24" RING OF BARK MULCH 4" DEEP UPON COMPLETION OF SEEDING OR SODDING 1010111►y:IA1101tel:1091 CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP AND SIDES OF ROOTBALL. REMOVE ALL WIRES AND NYLON TIES. IF TREE IS IN FIBER POT, REMOVE PRIOR TO PLANTING. ANY BROKEN OR CRUMBLING ROOTBALL WILL BE REJECTED. REMOVING THE WIRE WILL NOT BE AN EXCUSE FOR DAMAGED ROOTBALLS. SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION. HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES CLUMP TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE DO NOT CUT OR DAMAGE LEADER RUBBER HOSE (1/2" DIA.) OR 12" NYLON TREE STRAP ON GUY WIRE TO PROTECT TREE. 012 GALVANIZED WIRE TWISTED DOUBLE STRAND. MIN. 3 GUY WIRES PER TREE. 1/2" DIA. X 36" LONG WHITE PVC PIPE ON EACH GUY WIRE. SET ROOTBALL 3" HIGHER THAN GRADE AT WHICH TREE GREW. APPLY 4" OF BARK MULCH TO THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF SAUCER UPON PLANTING APPLY 18-24" RING OF BARK MULCH 4" DEEP UPON COMPLETION OF SEEDING OR SODDING. FINISHED GRADE 30" METAL "T" STAKE. DRIVE VERTICALLY INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL, FLUSH W/GRADE. REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOTBALL. OVE TWINE & WIRE FROM TOP AND SIDES OF ROOTBALL. UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE SPECIFIED BACKFILL MIXTURE HOLE SHOULD HAVE ROUGHENED SIDES AND =ERTILIZER APPLICATION REMOVE .BUYING AFTER ONE YEAR. INSTALL SPECIFIED MULCH TO DRIPLINE OF TREE WHERE PLANTED IN LAWN AREAS. DO NOT PROVIDE WATER BASIN IN IRRIGATED LAWN AREAS. EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE Sterling Design Associates, Ilc CIVIL ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2009 W. Littleton Blvd. #300 Littleton, CO 80120 303.794.4727 ph www.SterlingDesignAssociates.com PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF JOSEPH G. SCHIEL P.E. COLORADO REGISTRATION 48332 FOR & ON BEHALF OF STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC FC LIMINARY R CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC ISSUES & REVISIONS NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDPSUBMITTAL NO.: 3 DATE: 6/13/2018 BY: JGS DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION. - DATE: SCALE: 06/13/2018 _ PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: JIGS DRAWN BY: DRAWING FILE: MEH PROJECT: HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Regencyn Centers, CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL: (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: LANDSCAPE DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: 8 OF 10 (L103) OIL /PARAPET EL: 131'-6" OIL T/PARAPET EL. 132'-0" OIL T/PARAPET EL. 121'-0" OIL T/FINISHED FLOOR EL: 100'-0" OIL T/PARAPET EL: 131'-6" OIL T/PARAPET EL: 132'-O" OIL T/FINISHED FLOOR EL: 100'-0" APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECFC DEVELOPMENT PIAN AMENDMENT X15 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., R 69 W. OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 3/16" = 1'-0" T/ TRASH ENCLOSURE q� EL: 110'-0" T/ TRASH ENCLOSURE FINISHED FLOOR EL: 91'-9" EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE NO. MATERIAL SPECIFICATION SF % OF FACADE MFR: ENDICOTT BR -I BRICK I SIZE: FACE BRICK BR -2 BRICK 2 COLOR: SIENNA IRONSPOT VELOUR 16.1 GL -I MFR: ENDICOTT BR -2 BRICK 2 SIZE: FACE BRICK METAL 50 COLOR: SIENNA DARK IRONSPOT VELOUR GL -I GLAZING TYPE: I" CLEAR INSULATED GLASS 36.9 T -I TEMPERED PER CODE 0 0.0 MFR: PAC -CLAD M-1 METAL COPING BRAKE METAL TOTAL 2610 COLOR: SLATE GRAY 10.3 TOTAL MFR: WESTERN STATES METAL ROOFING M-2 WEATHERED STEEL PRODUCT: SHEET STEEL 24 GAUGE COLOR: ANTIQUE RUSTIC PAINT PRINT MFR: STD CORPORATION PF -I PAINTED HARD STUCCO PRODUCT: HARD STUCCO COLOR. SW 1521 FINISH: STOCOLOR LOTUSAN COATING MFR: KNOTWOOD WD -I WOOD- LOOK ALUMINUM I" X 3" BATTENS WITHIN FRAMED PANELS 6" DECKING BOARDS TO CLAD WINDOW FRAMES FINISH. DRIFTWOOD EAST F o 2670 SF MATERIALS & TRANSPARENCY SUMMARY NO. MATERIAL SF % OF FACADE BR -I BRICK 1 1192 44.6 BR -2 BRICK 2 430 16.1 GL -I GLAZING 0 0.0 M-1 METAL 50 1.9 PF -I PAINTED HARD STUCCO 984 36.9 T -I TILE 0 0.0 WD - I WOOD 14 0.5 TOTAL 2610 340 0"' U T H E L E V A T 10"' N 3/16" = 1'-0" NOTE: PLACE"OLDERS FOR S IGNAGE ARE NOT APPROVED AS FART OF THIS SITE PLAN REVIEW. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE SIGN REGULATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED THROUGH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS OR THROUGH A FUTURE MASTER SIGN PLAN NCLOSURE EL: IIO'-o" NCLOSURE IED FLOOR EL: 91'-9" SOUTH FACADE o 3315 SF MATERIALS & TRANSPARENCY SUMMARY NO. MATERIAL SF % OF FACADE BR -I BRICK 1 105 21.3 BR -2 BRICK 2 239 1.2 GL -I GLAZING 493 14.9 M-1 METAL 30 0.9 M-2 WEATHERED STEEL 64 1.9 PF -I PAINTED HARD STUCCO 1221 36.8 T -I TILE 223 6.1 WD - I WOOD 340 10.3 TOTAL 3315 FNOT DN1LaRY FOR CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC ISSUES & REVISIONS NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: - DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: - DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 3 DATE: 06/14/18 BY: - DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - DATE: SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 05/25/2018 3/16"=1'-0" PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: DRAWN BY: PR DRAWING FILE: PROJECT: HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 regency ,enters CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL: (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: BUILDING ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: 9 OF 70 OIL T/PARAPET EL: 132'-O" OIL T/FINISHED FLOOR EL: 100'-0" OIL T/PARAPF EL: 121'-O" T/ TRASH ENCLOSUR EL: 110'-O" OIL T/FINISHED FLOOR EL: 100'-O" T/ TRASH ENCL05UF OIL1=1N15HED FLOOR EL: 9l'-9" APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SPECFC DEVELOPMENT PIAN AMENDMENT X15 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT SITUATED IN THE SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SECTION 29, T 3 S., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE RIDGE, COLORADO R 69 W. OF THE OF COLORADO T/PARAPET SIGNAGE TO BE DETERMINED T/PARAPET EL: T/SECOND FLOOR EL: 115'-O" WEST ELEVATION 4 311ro" = P-0" 6TH P.M. WEST FACADE o 2637 SF EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE NO. MATERIAL SPECIFICATION % OF FACADE BR -I MFR: ENDICOTT BR -I BRICK I SIZE. FACE BRICK BRICK 2 33 COLOR: 51ENNA IRON5POT VELOUR GL -I GLAZING MFR: ENDICOTT BR -2 BRICK 2 SIZE. FACE BRICK 3 0.1 COLOR: SIENNA DARK IRONSPOT VELOUR GL -I GLAZING TYPE: I" CLEAR INSULATED GLA55 PF -I PAINTED HARD STUCCO TEMPERED PER CODE 51.1 T -I MFR: PAC -CLAD M -I METAL COPING BRAKE METAL WOOD 404 COLOR: SLATE GRAY TOTAL 2631 MFR: WESTERN STATES METAL ROOFING M-2 WEATHERED STEEL PRODUCT: SHEET STEEL 24 GAUGE COLOR. ANTIQUE RUSTIC PAINT PRINT MFR: STD CORPORATION PF -I PAINTED HARD STUCCO PRODUCT: HARD STUCCO COLOR: SW 1521 FINISH: 5T000LOR LOTU5AN COATING MFR: KNOTWOOD WD -I WOOD- LOOK ALUMINUM I" X 3" BATTENS WITHIN FRAMED PANELS 6" DECKING BOARDS TO CLAD WINDOW FRAMES FINISH. DRIFTWOOD WEST FACADE o 2637 SF MATERIALS & TRANSPARENCY SUMMARY NO. MATERIAL SF % OF FACADE BR -I BRICK 1 81 3.3 BR -2 BRICK 2 33 1.3 GL -I GLAZING 136 21.9 M-1 METAL 3 0.1 M-2 WEATHERED STEEL 4 0.2 PF -I PAINTED HARD STUCCO 1348 51.1 T -I TILE 22 0.8 WD - I WOOD 404 15.3 TOTAL 2631 illl - , � w 3/16" = 1'-0" NOTE: PLACENOLDERS FOR SIGNAGE ARE NOT A=PPROVED AS FART OF THIS SITE PLAN REVIEW. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE SIGN REGULATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED THROUGH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS OR THROUGH A FUTURE MASTER SIGN PLAN T/PARAPET EL. 131'-6" T/PARAPET EL: 132'-O" T/SECOND FLOOR EL. 115'-0" NORTH FACADE o 3171 SF MATERIALS & TRANSPARENCY SUMMARY NO. MATERIAL SF % OF FACADE BR- I BRICK 1 619 21.4 BR -2 BRICK 2 219 6.9 GL -I GLAZING I16 22.6 M-1 METAL 146 4.6 PF -I PAINTED HARD STUCCO 1096 34.6 T- I TILE 0 0.0 WD - I WOOD 315 9.9 r— TOTAL 31111 FNOT DN1LaRY FOR CONSTRUCTION STERLING DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC ISSUES & REVISIONS NO.: 1 DATE: 04/09/2018 BY: - DESCRIPTION: 1ST SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 2 DATE: 05/11/2018 BY: - DESCRIPTION: 2ND SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 3 DATE: 06/14/18 BY: - DESCRIPTION: 3RD SDP SUBMITTAL NO.: 4 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 5 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - NO.: 6 DATE: - BY: - DESCRIPTION: - DATE: SCALE: 05/25/2018 3/16"=1'-0" PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT NO.: DRAWN BY: DRAWING FILE: PROJECT: HACIENDA COLORADO 32nd & YOUNGFIELD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 regency ,enters CLIENT: REGENCY CENTERS 8480 ORCHARD RD. SUITE 6900 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TEL: (303) 300-5300 SHEET TITLE: BUILDING ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: 70 OF 70 a EXHIBIT 5: RENDERINGS colorful decorative wall file Fixed glass behind upper- level bar I Folding glass windows at upper-level patio Wall -painted sign ��tE1�Ti}L(•al—� PAmrung Commission 13 Case No. WZ-I8-10/Hacienda EXHIBIT 6: APPLICANT LETTER 0 Sterling Design Associates, Ilc CIVIL ENGINEERS - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Written Request & Description Date: 2018.04.09 To: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 From: Wayne Sterling RE: SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Hacienda Colorado at 3298 Youngfield Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Sterling Design Associates has prepared a Site Development Plan submittal on behalf of U.S. Retail Partners, LLC (Regency Centers, as Managers) for the development of a two -Story Hacienda Colorado Restaurant within the Applewood Village Shopping Center. The project intent is to redevelop this .6 acre parcel previously used as a Bank Drive-Thru. The current zoning is PCD/Contemporary Overlay. The proposed restaurant use is consistent with approved uses within the shopping center. Vehicle access will be from a shared entry with Chili's to the South and an existing shared shopping center entry to the North of this site. The two existing access points from Youngfield directly into the parcel will be closed. The 9,500 square foot facility will include an outdoor mezzanine patio. The building design utilizes a variety of materials including brick face stone, wood, glass and stucco. Warm tones with rust -colored accents will create a southwest vernacular typical of Mexican Haciendas. The inclusion of a low retaining wall and refuse enclosure screen which match the building materials is consistent with the Applewood Shopping Center Development Guidelines. Utility mains within the shopping center provide adequate services to the site. The existing water main on the north side of the building will provide water service. Connection to the sanitary sewer main on the east side of the building will provide sanitary service. Storm drainage improvements include a new storm inlet proposed at the northeast corner of the site. Captured stormwater will be conveyed off-site to the existing water quality pond which has already been sized to accommodate water from this site. The site design provides an efficient, low -impact development that integrates with surrounding businesses. Improved, ample off-street parking is provided. The parking field in front of the Planning Commission 14 CaseNo. WZ-18-10/11acienda building will be re -constructed to improve vehicular circulation and its overall quality. The proposed on-site sidewalk configuration promotes a walkable environment with a connection point along Youngfield Street for a pedestrian friendly entrance to the Hacienda Colorado restaurant. The existing attached sidewalk along Youngfield Street will be removed and replaced with a detached sidewalk providing an amenity zone with street trees and pedestrian light poles to enhance the image of the street and to help separate the sidewalk from the roadway. New light pole fixtures on-site and within the right-of-way will be LED and will provide sufficient illumination for safety and security. Building placement promotes visibility from Youngfield Street and 1-70 immediately to the west. Landscaped areas will utilize turf and colorful and textural low water demand shrubs and trees. We look forward to your feedback and working with you in an attempt to develop an exceptional project for Hacienda Colorado and the City of Wheat Ridge. Jay M. Newell, PE Wayne T. Sterling, RLA, LEED AP 2009 W. Littleton Blvd. 9300 Littleton, CO 80120 303.794.4727 ph v .SterlingDesignAssociates.com Planning Commission 15 Case No. WZ-18-10 /Hacienda `�l41 r City of Wheat CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission MEETING DATE: June 21, 2018 CASE MANAGER: Zack Wallace Mendez CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-18-12 / Copper Forest ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use-Neighborhood(A4U-N). LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4288 Youngfield Street APPLICANT (S): Barbara McEahern, owner of Copper Forest LLC OWNER (S): APPROXIMATE AREA: Copper Forest LLC 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Locatic Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest Site JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant and current owner of the property has submitted this application requesting approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N). II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The subject property is located at 4288 Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 1.38 acres in size and located at the northwest corner of Youngfield Street and 42°d Avenue. The property currently contains one structure, which was originally built in 2001 as a model home for a log cabin builder. The current owner purchased the property in 2015 and converted the structure into a series of small offices. The structure and parking lot take up much of the western half of the property, while the eastern half of the lot is vacant with the exception of some vegetation (Exhibit 1, Aerial). Prior to the construction of the log home, the property was zoned Agricultural -Two (A-2). The property was rezoned to Restricted Commercial -One (RC -1) in October 2000 for the purpose of constructing the model home. The RC -1 zone district became the Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) zone district during an update to Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws in 2001. The property to the south of the subject property is zoned Commercial -One (C-1) and is home to an irrigation supply company, which operates under a special use permit granted in 2014. Further south, and to the southeast are properties zoned Agricultural -One (A-1) containing single-family homes. The vacant A-1 parcel at the southwest corner of 42nd Avenue and Xenon Street has an active land use application proposing a zone change to Planned Commercial Development. Properties to the east are zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) containing the Jefferson County Head Start and a specialty retail establishment. To the east/northeast along Xenon Street are properties zoned Agricultural -Two (A-2) containing single-family homes and some agricultural activities. Also in this area are two dog related establishments, both operating under Special Use Permits, and both being day care/kennel facilities. Finally, property to the west and north is zoned A-1 and contains the right-of-way for Youngfield Street and I-70. The I-70/Highway 58 interchange is directly west of this property lExhibit 2, Zonirl Map). III. PROPOSED ZONING The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to Mixed Use -Neighborhood, a zone district intended to provide medium density mixed-use development. hi addition to residential and office uses, it allows for a range of neighborhood -serving commercial and retail uses. Youngfield Street is classified by the City as a Minor Arterial roadway. This designation may lend the property to be considered for the more intensive Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) zone district, which is meant for major commercial corridors. Additionally, the property's proximity to I-70 may also mean the MU -C Interstate zone district is an appropriate zone district for the property. However, given the proximity to single-family residential uses on Xenon Street, and some separation between the subject property and the more intensive commercial corridor further south on Youngfield Street, Staff feels the MU -N zone Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest district is a more appropriate transitional zone district for this site than the MU -C or MU -C Interstate designations. The current zone district for the property, Neighborhood Commercial (N -C), was established to accommodate a limited range of commercial uses, such as office, general business, retail sales, and service establishments, which are oriented towards the local neighborhood. The applicant intends to rezone the property in order to operate a beer and wine bar from the premises (Exhibit . This use is not permitted in the N -C zone district, but is permitted in the MU -N zone district. Despite this specific difference in allowable uses, the N -C and MU -N zone districts generally allow for a similar range of neighborhood -scale commercial uses. If redevelopment were to happen in the future, the MU -N zoning would allow residential uses on the property as well, while the N -C zoning does not. The following table compares the existing and proposed zoning for the property, with standards for new development or major additions. In terms of permitted uses, MU -N allows commercial uses at a similar intensity of the existing N -C zoning. In terms of residential uses, MU -N is more flexible because the N -C zone district would not otherwise allow the property to convert to a residential use. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.E. The applicant has also provided responses to the zone change criteria, found in Exhibit 4. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest CURRENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) Allows a limited range of commercial Allows residential, commercial or mixed Uses uses including office, general business, use — includes multi -family and live/work retail sales, and service establishments facilities, excludes outdoor storage Contemporary Overlay ASDM standards apply, including high quality Mixed -Use standards apply, including high Architectural Standards architecture, standards related to quality architecture, standards related to articulation, variation, materials, and articulation, variation and materials. transparency. Max. Building Height 35' 35' if the building has residential use 50' for all other uses Max. Lot coverage 80% 90°% for mixed use 85% for single use Min. Landscaping 20% 10°% for mixed use 15% for single use Build -to Area 0-20' along front property line 0-12' along Youngfield and 42nd Avenue Setbacks Rear: 10' plus 5' per story after the I It Side: 0' Side: 0' if nonflammable or 5' per story Rear: 5' IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.E. The applicant has also provided responses to the zone change criteria, found in Exhibit 4. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest The change of zone will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The rezoning would allow a similar range of neighborhood -oriented commercial uses on the site as is currently allowed under the N -C zoning, while allowing the owners to operate a beer and wine bar from the premises. While the MU -N zone district will expand use options by allowing for residential uses, these are generally considered to be less intensive than commercial uses. Based on the existing character of and land use patterns along Youngfield Street, the MU -N zone district is more appropriate than N -C in terms of land use and intensity. For that reason, the zone change should not have an adverse effect on the surrounding area The MU -N zoning is expected to add value to the subject property and also to the surrounding community. The mixed use development standards will support compatibility between future redevelopment and existing land uses. The subject site serves as a transition between commercial activity and the residential neighborhood to the northeast. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Infrastructure currently serves the property, and all responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property. In the event that the current utility capacity is not adequate for a future use, the property owner/developer would be responsible for utility upgrades. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The property is classified as a Neighborhood Buffer in Envision Wheat Ridge, the City's 2009 comprehensive plan (Exhibit 5, Comprehensive Plan). Envision WheatRidge states that these areas are intended to function as a buffer between low -intensity residential uses and higher intensity commercial corridors and uses. The plan also states that these neighborhood buffers will transition from a mix of residential (both single and multi -family) and small-scale commercial uses traditional to areas with higher intensity uses. This zone change request supports the comprehensive plan and subarea plan by enabling investment in the property transitioning from Youngfield and the I-70/Highway 58 interchange into the low -intensity neighborhood, which features some small-scale commercial businesses further east along 42nd Avenue, further buffering the residential uses along Xenon Street. As noted above, the property may be eligible for one of several mixed use zone districts based on its location, but MU -N is the most appropriate based on the surrounding land uses and consistency with the comprehensive. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission Case No. WZ18-12/CopperPorest b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current N -C zoning designation as is appears on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Staff finds no evidence of significant changes in the area. The zone change request from N -C to MU -N neither responds to nor results in notable change of character. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate zone change support this request. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 2, 2018. Three members of the public attended the meeting in addition to the applicant and staff. Some concerns were raised regarding traffic, the proximity of a bar to the Jefferson County Head Start school, and potential future allowed uses in the MU -N zone district. The concerns and the discussion from the meeting are summarized in the meeting summary (Exhibit 7, Neighborhood Meering Notes). VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: No comments. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No objection. Wheat Ridge Police Department: Provided no comments. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest Jeffco Head Start: Letter received objecting to a specific land use within the MU -N zone district. Staff Note: Per Wheat Ridge liquor license regulations the presence of the Head Start will not prohibit the issuance of a license for beer and wine sales. Valley Water District: No objection. Fruitdale Sanitation District: No objection. Arvada Fire Protection District: No objection. Xcel Energy: No objection. Century Link: No objection. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area Staff further concludes that utility infrastructure adequately serves the property, and the applicant will be responsible for upgrades, if needed in the future. Finally, Staff concludes that the zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan by providing a transition between the heavily travelled Interstate 70 and Youngfield Street, both of which serve major commercial centers in the immediate vicinity, and the low -intensity residential and commercial uses found along 42nd Avenue and Xenon Street. Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-18-12. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request." Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-18-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. 2. ... Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/CopperPorest EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 3: APPLICANT REQUEST wrict¢n Reouesc and oescriodon of me Proposal I, ea rbara MCEa hero, owner of the property located at 4288 Youngfie ld Street, Wheat Ritlge, would like to request to change the current zoning {rpm 'Neighborhood Commercial' (NC) to 'Mixed -Use Neighborhood' (MU -N). 1 would like to keep the exlsiing log ca bin on the property and turn it into a wine and beer taphouse. I will n the business with a partner, Mlke Mulvaney. After a long adventure -filled day on the slopes, skiers flood into alpine bars to laugh, share stories and re -live their snow day. We aspire m bring that apres-ski mountainous retreat to Wheat Ridge with the Copper For¢sf Taphouse. Our customers will b¢ immersed n a sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. We will offer local Coloratlo brews and wine for customers along with smoketl meat meals from a footl truck. We will have a large deck off the back of the taphogse featuring a Firepit, pergola with lights and heaters for year-round outdoor enjoyment. We will have tables and chairs throughout The first and second floors of the building and a large bar on the main floor. There will be a wine tasting and private party room with old world feel. Games such as pool, shuffleboard and cards will be available for entertainment and TVs will be located throughout the cabin. with the current zoning of NC, we are unable m have an establishment that serves beer antl wine. With a zo ing of MU -N, we are able to have [his type of business. We are not opening a "ba N'. This will not be wdy "get Brun K' establishment We will provide an atmosphere conducive for after -work meetings, date nights orfiriendly get-togethers. We are looking to attract pa Vons who appreciate good local brews and wines, who like to play games such as shuffle boartl antl pool or watch a sporting event on one of our multiple Ns. Again, we are striving to provide a comfortable gathering atmosphere. Planning Commission 1 O Case No_ WZ-I S -I2 /Copper Forest EXHIBIT 4: APPLICANT RESPONSES TO ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Zone Chare a Review Criteria The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. a. The property located at 4288 Youngfield Street is the only property along Youngfeld Street between 44`a Avenue and 48v Avenue that is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (Nix. It is the most restrictive zoning and does not allow for a business to expand that might be located there. All connecting properties around the location are zoned commercial and therefore the new zoning will not result In a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Since other commercial businesses already exist, the new zoning of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) will continue to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. a. The applicant will maintain the current lag cabin structure that is located at 4288 voungfield Street. Thestructure already houses officesfor 3 businesses and will therefore continue to have adequate infrastructure/mai ties to serve the types of uses allowed by a MU -N zoning. Upgrades will be made to the land to allowfor additional pargingspaces needed to accommodate and complement a zone change. 3. At least am (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other city-appmved policies or plans for the area. It. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. C. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that It Is In the public Interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. I. Over the last 50 Years, the community of the Applewood neighborhood has expanded and improved exponentially. 1-70 and Hwy SS, two major thoroughfares, were added and changed much of the character of the property lining Youngfeld Street. It went from Agriculture to Commercial in the form of restaurants, strip malls, fastfood establishments, and other small businesses. Rezoning the property at 4288 You ngfield Street to MU -N will be in alignment with the current character of the Immediate surrounding area. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Planning Commission Case Na W7-18-121 Coppzr Forest Justification for Zone Change 1. The need for a zone change: a. The applicant would like to take the existing log cabin on the property located at 4288 Youngfield Street and turn it into a wine and beer taphouse, while maintaining the structure . The current zoning does not allow for the serving of wine and beer that is not brewed on the premises. 2. Present and future effect on the zone districts, development and physical character of the area: a. Present effects will remain the same and be aligned with the other properties located along the same street. This portion of Wheat Ridge is in an urban renewal zone and development of this area is ongoing. Since we are keeping the current structure, the physical character will remain the same for our property and surrounding properties. b. Future effects will be aligned with surrounding properties if the applicant sells the business. There would be a possibility that the current structure would be taken down and replaced with another structure. However, the new zoning is similar to the other properties lining Youngfield Street so any new structure would maintain the current physical character of the neighborhood. 3. Access to the area, traffic patterns and impact of the requested zone: a. Asingle entry/exit access on 421d Avenue to the property will be expanded to 2 entry/exit points from 42nd Avenue. Traffic patterns will remain the same. There will be some impact on traffic entering Youngfield Street from 42nd Avenue. However, it was discussed at the neighborhood meeting that with or without our rezoning, traffic is already congested at certain times of the day at this 3 -way cross section. If necessary, we would agree to put a "no left turd' sign from the property onto 42"d Avenue heading east to deter traffic from entering the neighborhood. 4. Availability of utilities: a. Since we are not building a new structure, we are just improving an existing structure, there will not be any need for additional utilities to come to the property. 5. Present and future effect on public facilities and services, such as fire, police, water, sanitation, roadways, parks, schools, etc: a. Public facilities, such as police, water,sanitation,roads, parks and schools, will remain the same as they have since 2002 when the structure was built. b. The applicant will reach out to the fire department once the zone change has been approved to ask about the requirements of a possible sprinkler system. 6. Discuss the relationship between the proposal and adopted land and/or policies of the city: a. The City of Wheat Ridge is currently trying to beautify blighted areas within the city. The neighborhood at 44th and Youngfield Street/Ward Road is one of these areas. Before purchasingthe property at 4288 Youngfield Street, there was a log home business housed within the current structure. The business was failing and soon to be abandoned. The applicant purchased the property in March of 2015 and turned the structure into an office complex with 9 offices. Unfortunately, with the high property taxes on this property, the applicant is unable to make a profit as an office. Therefore the applicant had the idea to create a business that would complement the log cabin structure and fit within the character of the neighborhood. A wine and beer taphouse with a "Colorado feel" fits perfectly in this location. Employees of the neighboring businesses along with residents Planning Commission 12 CaseNo. WZI8-12/Copper Forest of nearby homes will all benefit from an upscale, sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. The current zoning of Neighborhood Commercial INC) is the most restrictive zoning for a business. In order to create the wine and beer taphouse, a new zoning of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) is needed. With a NC zoning, a brewery is allowed on the property. However, the applicant does not want to brew beer or make wine, they just want to sell the products. The NC zoning will not allow for this. Changing the zoning will enhance the value of the property and allow for a business that can support the expensive property taxes. The applicant believes the relationship with the policies of the city will be improved and aligned with a zone change. Planning Commission 13 CaseNo. ITZ 8-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 5: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 44" Avenue 71". Subject Property Neighborhoods an rmm[ nag"Aeeeornooa types Employment Tabor Lake West Lake Ba�/ ✓ Lake i i Neighborhood Buffer Area Mixed -Use L Commercial d. Parks and Open Space Planning Commission 14 Case No. WZI8-12 / Copper Forest EXHIBIT 6: SITE PHOTOS Planning Commission 15 Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest Planning Commission 16 Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 7: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Meeting Date: Attending Staff: Location of Meeting: Property Address: Property Owner(s): Property Owner(s) Present? Applicant: Applicant Present? Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: May 2, 2018 Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner II 4288 Youngfield Street 4288 Youngfield Street Copper Forest, LLC Yes, Barb McEahern Copper Forest, LLC Yes, Barb McEahern Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) Neighborhood Buffer Existing Site Conditions: The site is located on the northeast corner of W. 42nd Avenue and Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) and contains a commercial building built in 2001, according to the Jefferson County Assessor. The building is a log cabin which is currently used as office space, though originally it was a model home. There is a parking lot in the front of the building and a large meadow and wooded area buffering the building from the properties to the east and north. The property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC). To the east along W. 42nd Avenue are two properties zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) which contain a school and an office/warehouse building. The property across the street to the south is zoned Commercial -One (C-1) and contains an irrigation supply business. Across Youngfield Street to the west is Interstate -70. Properties to the north and east are zoned Agricultural -One (A-1) or Agricultural -Two (A-2) and contain residential uses, and some associated agricultural uses such as dog kennels. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant has proposed to operate a taphouse in the log cabin, serving beer and wine. They have proposed minor modifications to the property, including adding parking, building a deck on the back of the log cabin, building an ADA ramp, paving an area for a food truck, and building a storage shed in the northeast corner. The interior would need to be modified to build a bar, accessible restrooms, and a game room, but the majority of the space would remain untouched. Additional landscaping would be added to the property, providing additional screening and creating shaded areas in the backyard. In order to accomplish this goal, the applicant has requested a zone change. Planning Commission 17 Case No. WZ-18-12/CopperPorest The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to the applicant and staff, the applicant's business partner was in attendance. Three members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff discussed the site and its zoning. • The applicant described their history with the building, and their plans for the building. • The applicant and members of the public were informed of the process for a zone change. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request: • There was concern raised regarding the proximity of a bar to the Jefferson County Head Start school, and if they would even be able to obtain a liquor license. Staff noted that in 2012 the City adopted an Ordinance that removed certain types of alcohol sales from the typical prohibited 500 foot radius, including beer and wine sales, which the applicant is proposing. Staff noted that any further liquor licensing questions should be directed towards the City Clerks Office. Additionally, the applicant added that the tentative hours of operation for the taphouse would only minimally overlap with the hours of the school. • There was concern raised about traffic in the area, the members of the public who attended the meeting stated their desire for a stoplight at 42"d Avenue and Youngfield Street, no parking along 42"d Avenue, and no left turns out of the property towards Xenon Street. Staff noted that for a traffic signal to be installed, the intersection must meet certain traffic warrants. Additionally, parking is typically permitted along all City streets, however the Planning Division Staff member was unable to answer if the Public Works Department would consider no parking along 42"d Avenue due to its substandard width and lack of curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The applicant stated they would be willing to put up a no left turn sign in an attempt to prevent their patrons from exiting the property and driving up Xenon Street to 44`h Avenue. The neighbors stated other businesses in the area have done that, and they hope the taphouse will too. • The applicant stated they desire to build a deck for their patrons to enjoy. Questions were raised regarding any associated music and noise. The applicant stated there would be no loud music played outside, and even inside it would be limited to background music. • One neighbor stated that the current owner and applicant seems trustworthy and has good intentions, but has concerns about changing the zoning and what future property owners might be able to do with the property. The concern was noted, and it was re-emphasized that while the applicant has a specific use in mind, the zone change is to a zone district that has a similar, albeit slightly more permissive use chart than is currently allowed on the property, and future owners would not be bound to the taphouse idea. Aside from the three neighbors at the meeting, staff received no comment from others in the area regarding the proposal. Planning Commission 18 Case No. WZ18-12/CopperPorest ♦�4le 1w Ir Wh6atRiLd e g TO: CASE MANAGER: CASE NO. & NAME: ACTION REQUESTED: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT Planning Commission Zack Wallace Mendez WZ-18-14 / Potrykus MEETING DATE: June 21, 2018 Approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N). LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6701 W. 44th Avenue APPLICANT (S): Robert Potrykus, Trustee of RIP Investment Trust OWNER (S): RIP Investment Trust APPROXIMATE AREA: 19,602 square feet (0.45 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Commercial -One (C-1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Locatic Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-14IPotrykus Site JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant and current owner of the property has submitted this application requesting approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N). II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The subject property is located at 6701 W. 44"' Avenue. The property is approximately 0.45 acres in size and located on the north side of 44"' Avenue, at Otis Street. The property currently contains one structure, constructed in 1910 as a house, per Jefferson County records (Exhibit 1, Aerial). The City's original zoning map indicates this property was zoned Residential -Three (R-3) at the time of incorporation in 1969. This zoning remained in place until July 1982, when City Council approved a rezoning of the property from R-3 to Commercial -One (C-1). City permit records indicate that in October 1982, permits were pulled to convert the residence into a commercial structure. The properties adjacent to the subject property to the east along the north side of 44a' Avenue are also zoned Commercial -One (C-1). Restricted Commercial (RC) zoned properties can be found along 44"' Avenue to the west and south/southeast of the subject property. Also south of the property are two parcels which were rezoned to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) in 2013. Approximately two blocks from the subject property in either direction are properties zoned Neighborhood Commerical (NC). Moving north and south, away from 40 Avenue, are residential neighborhoods, mostly zoned Residential -Two (R-2). While a few duplexes can be found in this residential area, single-family homes are the dominant housing type. To the north and northwest of the subject�roperty are a few multi -family residential properties, zoned Residential -Three (R-3) Whibit 2, Zoning Map). III. PROPOSED ZONING The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to Mixed Use -Neighborhood, a zone district intended to provide medium density mixed-use development. In addition to residential and office uses, it allows for a range of neighborhood -serving commercial and retail uses. MU -N zoning is intended for "neighborhood main streets," such as 44a' Avenue and 38ffi Avenue. The property is currently zoned Commercial -One (C-1). The C-1 zone district was established to accommodate a wide range of commercial uses, such as office, general business, retail sales, and service establishments, which are oriented towards the community or entire region. The applicant intends to rezone the property so he can offer the space as a location for a small business owner to both live and work. The applicant stated that he has received many requests for the property to be a live -work location (Exhibit 3, Applicant Letter). The desire for live -work arrangements has been noted in several previous zone change requests within this eastern portion of 40 Avenue. The property owner is not contemplating any redevelopment at this time. However, if the zone change is approved and in the future development is proposed for this property, Mixed Use development Planning Commission Case No. WZ18-14IPotrykus standards will apply. The following table compares the existing and proposed zoning for the property, with standards for new development or major additions. In terms of permitted uses, MU -N allows commercial uses at a lesser intensity than the existing C-1 zoning, in addition to also allowing residential uses. FF CURRENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING Commercial -One C-1 Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) Allows a wide range of commercial uses Allows residential, commercial or mixed Uses including office, general business, retail use — includes multi -family and live/work sales, and service establishments. facilities, excludes outdoor storage. Traditional Overlay ASDM standards Mixed -Use standards apply, including high Architectural Standards apply, including high quality architecture, quality architecture, standards related to standards related to articulation, variation, articulation, variation and materials. materials, and transparency. Max. Building Height 50' 35' if the building has residential use 50' for all other uses Max. Building coverage 80% 90°% for mixed use 85% for single use Min. Landscaping 20% 10°% for mixed use 15% for single use Build -to Area 0-12' along front property line 0-12' along front property line Setbacks Side setback (adjacent to commercial): Side 0 feet if nonflammable or 5 feet per story 0 feet Rear 10 feet plus 5 feet per story Rear setback (adjacent to duplex): 10 feet for the first 2 stories, additional 5 feet for each additional story. Must be landscaped. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.E. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. The change of zone will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The rezoning would allow a less intensive range of commercial uses than the current C-1 zoning, and encourage more neighborhood -oriented businesses. The proposed zone change is not out of character with 44ffi Avenue and the array of businesses and residences located in the vicinity of the subject property, and thus should not have an adverse effect on the surrounding area. The MU -N zoning is expected to add value to the subject property and also to the surrounding community. The mixed use development standards will support compatibility between future redevelopment and existing land uses. Based on the small size of the property, many of the more intensive permitted uses in MU -N zone district are likely unrealistic (such as multifamily uses or larger commercial uses). Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission Case No. WZ18-14IPotrykus 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Infrastructure currently serves the property, and all responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property. In the event that the current utility capacity is not adequate for a future use or development, the property owner/developer would be responsible for utility upgrades. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. West 44th Avenue is a primary east -west thoroughfare in the City, is classified as a minor arterial, and is predominantly commercial in character. Envision Wheat Ridge, the City's 2009 comprehensive plan, identifies this corridor as a Neighborhood Commercial Corridor. This designation envisions a corridor with a broad mix of activities, including small-scale, pedestrian -friendly mixed-use retail, commercial businesses, and residential, with a focus on promoting a compatible mix of uses to supply daily services and meet the needs of adjacent residential areas. A stated goal in the comprehensive plan is to promote reinvestment in property and to promote a mix of neighborhood supporting uses, including residential and commercial. As such, this zone change request supports the comprehensive plan by enabling investment in the property and by aligning the zoning with the City's mixed use goals for this corridor. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current C-1 zoning designation as it appears on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Staff finds no evidence of significant changes in the area. The zone change request from C-1 to MU -N neither responds to nor results in notable change of character. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. Planning Commission Case No. WZ18-14 /Potrykus d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate zone change support this request. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 16, 2018. There were no neighbors in attendance. VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: No comments. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No objection. West Metro Fire Protection District: No objection. Century Link: No objection. Xcel Energy: No objection. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area Staff further concludes that utility infrastructure adequately serves the property, and the applicant will be responsible for upgrades, if needed in the future. Finally, Staff concludes that the zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan by promoting a mix of uses along a neighborhood commercial corridor. Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-18-14. Planning Commission Case No. WZ18-14IPotrykus VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-14, a request for approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 6701 W. 441h Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and consistent with the character of 44u' Avenue. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-18-14, a request for approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 6701 W. 44h Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. 2. ... Planning Commission Case No. WZ18-14IPotrykus EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-14 /Potrykus EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-14 /Potrykus EXHIBIT 3: APPLICANT LETTER To: City of Wheat Ridge From: Robert and Deborah Potrykus, Trustees, RJP Investment Trust Date: April 18, 2018 Re: ZONING CHANGE REQUEST — 6701 W 40 Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO. Please accept this Zoning Change Request for the subject property on behalf of RIP Investment Trust — from Commercial "C-1" to Mixed Use -Neighborhood `MU -N." Justification This property is a small home zoned commercial, that is used as an office but is capable of supporting a small business owner who may desire to use same as a live and work location. The home has full kitchen and bathroom/shower facilities (recently installed and modernized). Pictures sent to planner Zachary Wallace Mendez. This change requested will promote the health, safety and welfare of the community and not result in any significant adverse effect. Many requests have been made by the current and other prospective tenants for this property to be able to live and work within this facility. Numerous `homes' have been converted to commercial and specifically MU -N along 44" Ave in Wheat Ridge. This type of property is consistent with that use and classification. Properties directly across the street from the subject properly are zoned as MU -N. Full utilities are available to and utilized by the subject property. No changes will occur with effect on public facilities and services. At a minimum, the change of zone is in conformance or will bring the property in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and polices and other city approved policies and plans for the area. In accordance with Section 26-114 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code, the zoning change request will have no detrimental effect given the change to MU -N classification, will have a medium density effect (less effect than its current C-1 Commercial classification) allowing for neighborhood serving commercial and retail uses as well as residential and civic land uses — so a small business owner may work and live at the subject property. The current physical and operational characteristics of the subject property already meet the current zoning classification of C-1 and the change request will have no change, or less effect, on current utilities, traffic and/or other similar neighborhood impact. The current architectural design or the subject property meets the zoning change request fit for a neighborhood, consistent with the adjacent neighborhood (homes) and consistent with the neighborhood businesses along Planning Commission Case No. WZ 8-J41Pobykus 44' Avenue in Wheat Ridge. There is no change in the current structure of the subject property and no anticipated redevelopment at this time. review. The community development director or city council shall base its consideration of the extent to which the applicant demonstrates the following n met: [I.] The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare. safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. [2.] The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. [3.]The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property [4.]The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whodicron or oRthe site. [5.]The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character ofthe surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. [6.] The special use will not overburden the capacities ofthe existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. [7.] There is a history ofcomplianee by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, ifany, regarding the subject property. [8.] The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Please advise if any questions or if you need additional information. We appreciate your time and attention. Thankyou. Robert and Deborah Potrykus Trustees of the RJP Investment Trust Owner of 6701 W 44" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO. 720-261-0860 Planning Commission 10 Case No. WZ 8-14/Pooykus EXHIBIT 4: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Subject Property Neighborhoods T • • 4 - Neighborhood Neighborhood Commercial Corridor (44' Avenue) Planning Commission 11 Case No. WZ-I8-141 Potrykus EXHIBIT 5: SITE PHOTOS View of the subject property looking north from 44' Avenue. Planning Commission 12 Case No. WZ-18-14 /Potrykus Planning Commission 13 Case No. WZ-18-14 /Potrykus