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City of -] Wheat�idge COM.MUNuy DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291' Ave. June 20, 2018 Maria Gabriela Hydle 12121 West 32nd Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Ms. Hydle: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 Enclosed please find a copy of the Special Use Permit Approval to allow for a large home daycare in the Residential -One (R-1) zone district located at 12121 West 32nd Drive. If you have not done so already, please remove the posting signs associated with this case from the property. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Tammy Odean Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Approval of Special Use Permit Cc: SUP -18-02 (case file) SUP 1802. doc www.chwheatridge.co.us 7500 West 29th Avenue City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 `JETheap i e 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Approval of Special Use Permit WHEREAS, an application for a Special Use Permit was submitted to allow a large home day care on property zoned R-1 located at 12121 W. 32nd Drive, referenced as Case No. SUP -18-02; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Special Use Permit relying on criteria listed in Section 26-114 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has properly notified pursuant to Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; and WHEREAS, there were no registered objections regarding the application; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Special Use Permit to allow the operation of a large home day care on property zoned R-1 is granted for the property located at 12121 W. 32nd Drive based on the following findings of fact: 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. With the following conditions: 1. The grant of use shall run with the business, Palamax Play School. 2. The daycare must maintain compliance with The State of Colorado Department of Human Services. ! s( Kennet ohnstone, ICP bate Community Develo ment Director `�l41 r City of Wheat CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director DATE: May 30, 2018 CASE MANAGER: Zack Wallace Mendez CASE NO. & NAME: SUP -18-02 / Palamax Day Care (Hydle) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Special Use Permit in order to operate a large home day care for up to 12 children in the Residential -One (R-1) zone district. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 12121W.32 nd Drive APPLICANT (S): Maria Gabriela Hydle OWNER (S): Andrew C. Hydle and Maria G. Hydle APPROXIMATE AREA: 16,371 square feet (0.376 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential -One (R-1) PRESENT LAND USE: Single-family home and small home day care (6 children) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Locatic Case No. SUP -18-02 /Palamax Day Care Site All application requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make an administrative decision for this Special Use Permit. I. REQUEST Case No. SUP -18-02 is an application filed by Maria Gabriela Hydle, the owner and instructor of Palamax Play School, LLC. Ms. Hydle is proposing to operate a large home day care for up to 12 children from her home located at 12121 W. 32nd Drive -. The property is zoned Residential -One (R-1) which treats large home day cares (7-12 children) as a special use. Pursuant to Section 26-114 of the Code of Laws, the Community Development Director has the ability to decide upon applications for Special Use Permits without a public hearing, provided the following conditions are met: 1. A completed application package has been submitted and fee paid; 2. The Community Development Department has notified adjacent property owner by letter notice and the site has been posted for at least ten (10) days; 3. No written objections have been received in such ten-day period; 4. The Community Development Director concludes that the criterial for approval, as set forth below, are substantially complied with and support the request. The Community Development Director can impose conditions or stipulations upon the approval, which may include physical design, operational, and maintenance considerations to ensure compliance with the criteria for review. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The applicant currently operates a home day care with six children, and is licensed by both the State of Colorado Department of Human Services and the City of Wheat Ridge Tax Division. A home day care with 6 children or less is considered a "small home day care" and is a use by right in the R-1 zone district. The applicant is experiencing increasing demand due to the services offered (Spanish immersion and Waldorf inspired), and would like to expand her services. The large home day care designation, which requires a special use permit, would allow up to 12 children. As was previously mentioned, the property is zoned R-1, as is much of the surrounding area to the east and south. To the northwest, across Lena Gulch, is a large single-family neighborhood zoned Residential -One A (R -1A) to the southeast is a single-family neighborhood in the City of Lakewood xi III. CASE ANALYSIS The existing small home day care has been operational since August 2017, and there have been no negative impacts on the surrounding neighborhood that the Community Development Department is aware of. Additionally, no neighbors attended the neighborhood meeting, and no calls or letters were received during the public notice period. This indicates that the current operation has minimal impacts on the neighborhood, and the proposed increase to 12 children is not perceived to be a negative impact. Since the home already functions as a small home day care, there are no plans to alter the current space, as the applicant states it can accommodate the additional children. The current day care space Case No. SUP -16-02 I Palamax Day Care includes some areas of the home and yard area . Additionally, the hours of operation are minimal and are intended to reduce negative impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. The hours proposed are the same as the current operating hours: 8:30am to 12:30pm, 4 days per week. Several letters of support from neighbors and patrons of the day care were included with the application (Exhibit 4. Letters). As was previously noted, no additional calls or letters were received during the public notice period. IV. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW The Community Development Director shall use the following criteria from Section 26-114 to evaluate each application for a Special Use Permit. The applicant has provided a letter of request Staff provides the following review and analysis of the SUP criteria. 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. It will utilize an existing structure, with an existing day care serving 6 children. The large home day care will allow a maximum of 12 children. With the existing 6 children being served by this day care, approval of this large home day care may introduce 6 additional vehicles to the neighborhood during drop-off and pick-up hours. The applicant has chosen specific hours of operation that limit impacts to the neighborhood, 8:30am to 12:30pm, which means many neighbors have left for work when the children arrive, and arrive home after the children have been picked up. The proposed use of the home as a large home day care may temporarily increase traffic on this local neighborhood street during the mornings and afternoons when children are being picked up or dropped off. That being said, the potential for a brief and slight increase in traffic is minor and does not constitute a threat to the general health, welfare and safety of the community. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood. The applicant and instructor of the day care has stated that the children spend much of their time outside in the garden, when weather permits, which may help to improve the overall condition of the neighborhood. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. Case No. SUP -16-02 I Palamax Day Care The existing zoning for this property and surrounding properties allows for small home-based daycares for up to 6 children as a use by right. This request calls for a larger number of children, which translates to more activity, especially during the mornings and afternoons when parents are dropping off and picking up their children. That being said, there is adequate street parking near the home to accommodate pick-up and drop-off traffic (Exhibit 6, Site Photos). Additionally, West 32nd Drive is a through street which connects to both Union Street and 32nd Avenue, allowing for dispersed traffic flow. The addition of 6 more students to this home day care should not constitute an increase in adverse impacts. Staff finds this criterion has been met 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. The addition of 6 vehicles (for 12 vehicles total), assuming maximum occupancy and no carpooling, should not result in undue traffic congestion. West 32nd Drive has outlets to both 32nd Avenue and Union Street. As a single-family home, there is no on-site parking other than approximately 4 spaces on the driveway area, however West 32nd Drive has adequate street parking for parents dropping off and picking up children (Exhibit 6, Site Photos. The current day care, with 6 children, has not garnered any complaints, parking or otherwise, and two neighbors have written letters in support of the day care (Exhibit 4, Letters). Staff finds this criterion has been met. 5. The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent property owners. The home appears to be in conformance with the R-1 development standards, and is compatible and harmonious with the character of the surrounding area and adjacent properties. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 6. The special use will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. The special use is not foreseen to overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public facilities.. Staff finds this criterion has been met. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. There is a history of compliance by this property owner and Palamax Play School LLC. There have been no code issues, and the business is licensed by both the State and the City Tax Division. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Palamax Day Care Staff finds this criterion has been met. 8. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. No new construction on the site is proposed. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. V. AGENCY REFERRAL Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has no comments. Wheat Ridge Police Department: Has no objections. Wheat Ridge Building Division: Has no concerns as long as the State license is updated. West Metro Fire Protection District: Noted that childcare must occur at ground level (or level of exit), a new State license is required, and the fire district requires permits for any work done in the structure. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Provided general comments and information. Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District: Provided general comments and information. VI. PUBLIC NOTICE & ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICING A required neighborhood meeting was held on April 24, 2018, with no neighbors attending the meeting. No letters or phone calls were received during the pubic notice period, though several letters in support were received with the application (Exhibit 4, Letters). Pursuant to the requirements of Section 26-114, special use applications can be approved administratively after a ten-day noticing period if no legitimate objections are received. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Having found the application for Case No. SUP -18-02 / Palamax Play School (Hydle) — a Special Use Permit to allow the operation of a large home day care in the Residential -One (R-1) zone district — to be complete and in compliance with the majority of the applicable review criteria, staff recommends APPROVAL of the special use request for the following reasons: 1. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Palamax Day Care 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. With the following conditions: 1. The grant of use shall run with the business, Palamax Play School. 2. The daycare must maintain compliance with The State of Colorado Department of Human Services. Case No. SUP -16-02 /Palamax Day Care EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Case No. SUP -16-02 /Palamax Day Care EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Case No. SUP -16-02 /Palamax Day Care EXHIBIT 3: SITE PLAN Zhs de C�assr00Y-n Care No. SUP-16-02/Palmnm Day Cme oo, ,, de classroom / flay - I&Y-den Oreo F,irunce. Ch. Cie YI Coop d.o c> �— �lowe� �'loweir Cover arect Garde h �Gtrd.2v� I � 0 h � \oWe.r !" veye�b�eQS i� gard2r� °` -Ti y arde�n +-tee \lege l-abl2 rdeh Cre e 1L Case No. SUP -16-02 /Palamax Day Care 10 EXHIBIT 4: LETTERS Margaret Martin Mphardt 5760 West 39ih Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 (865)719-8682 City of Wheat Ridge City Hall 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 2345900 To Whom It May Concent: As it is understood that local goods and services like preschools are needed to fulfill residents daily needs, strengthen a sense of cmnmuuity, and foster an environment that invests in the development of its youth, the Palamax Play School is an outstanding amenity to the community. The relatively short daily time frame, scale, nature of activity would easily allow for the school to acconsmodate additional students without being an in&astructmal burden in any capacity or reasonable nuisance to the neighbors. Under the leadership of Gabriella Hydle, the Palamax Play School embraces the Waldorf Education philosophy that emphasizes holistic development of children through a gentle and all natural atmosphere. The focus on nature and bringing attention to the role that the children play within the dynamics of their surroundings instills important qualities preparing them to in tum be caring, attentive, and engaging members of thein communities. There is no limit to the positive feedback that can be given as a parent of a child fortunate enough to have this early experience at the Palammc Play School and my hope is that their door will be opened slightly wider so that others may be able participate and benefit Encouraging these types of superb educational endeavors should be a priority for the city of Wheat Ridge and cherished by the residents. S' y K03-18 Margaret Martin Riphart Care No. SUP-16-02/Palm m Day Cme 11 May 2, 2018 Jack and Peg Emery 12161 W. 32" Dr. Wheat Ridge, CO City of Wheat Ridge Dear Sir or Madam: We are writing this letter to support Gabriella Hydle and Palamax Play School, located here On 32n0 Drive. They have been excellent neighbors. We have seen no adverse changes because there are children in the neighborhood. Any activity we have seen is right there on their property. We hope that you will grant permission for her to have additional children. We appreciate having children and young people in the area. Sincerely, Jack and Peg Emery Care No. SUP -16-02 /Palmnm Day Cme 12 5/2/18 City of Wheat Ridge We are writing this letter in support of the Palamax Play School changing their classification for home-based child care to large. In the year they have been open we have not had any issues with it being next door to us. One of us works from home and enjoys hearing the children playing and does not mind a few additional cars coming down our street since most of the neighbors are away from their homes working all day. We are in the house directly to the West of the Palamax School and I again want to tell you we in full support of the change. Feel free to call with any questions, 303-232-5267. Thank you, Stan & Shayne Ankoviak 12141 W 32ntl Drive Care No. SUP-16-02/Palmnm Day Cme 13 From: Shannon Stockman srucckmmiphoanaiLcom Subject: Letter = Date: May 2, 2018 at 8:47 PM To: gabrielahydla«pgmail ccm Here you got to me know 8 this is sufficient. We will see you Friday. Good luck tomorrow) To Whom It May Concern' I am writing to express my support of Palamax Play School. I live in the neighborhood, and my son attends Ms. Gabriela Hydle's program two mornings per week. This is a unique program, is incredibly enriching for this ones, and is a gem in this neighborhood. Having looked around for a preschool experience for my son, I knmv that programming like this is a rarity I feel exhemely fortunate to have the oppormitly, to be part of this school, and feel that it is an asset to our community. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely Shannon Stockman 303-5068298 Sent from my iPhone Care No. SUP-16-02/Palmnm Day Cme 14 From: folly Storm siormhailsOrimail.com Subject: Growing Palamax Mayschool Gate: May 2, 2018 at7:09 AM To: Gabriela Hydra infotbpalamax.org To Whom it May Concern, I understand that Palannax Mayschoo is looking to add more students and needs permission o do so. We are enrolling our younger son in Pelamex as of the fall of 2018. In my five years of looking at and experiencing preschools for my two children. I he" found that Palamex offers a unique opportunityfhrough as pay based Spanish immersion program. The program is highly benefdal to kids and the community and should be slowed mors students. Palamax is the only program I have come across in or near Wheat Ridge that is Spanish Immersion. I have found programs in Denver, but nm Wheat Ridge. Having a Spanish immersion ottemrg is beneficial to our city because it encourages communication across cultures. Palemax offem a play based program that is Waldorf end Mormsearl inspired and is unique for this area In my search for preschools, this Is the ideal of what I Warn for my child and I am not surprised Mere is a long waiting list for the program. Allowing more kids into the program will allow more Wheat Ridge residence and residence of surrounding areas the benefits ofthis unique curriculum. I we a high demand for preschools. Every preachool program that I've seen that takes a play-basetl approach Is MIL Moat people agree that early childhood edurAlon is an important foundation for success in elementary school and beyond. Allowing more students !me the Paramus( Program will allow mare children the opportunity of preschool in general. In summary. Palamex Presciml is a school with a unique offering that helps to grew community supplies a curriculum that maets Parent's currerd desire, ad helps to alleviate the backlog of young kids in need of a Preschool program. Allowing this school to grow will help our community to meet our preschool needs in away that is ben8dal o sodams and the community. Holly Sterm Wheat Ridge, Colorado Care No. SUP-16-02/Palmmm Day Cme 15 March 24th, 2018 To Whom it May Concern: This letter is to express our support for an increase in number of children allowed at Palamax Play School. We are residents of Denver and have a 3 and a half year old and a 15 month old. We have searched high and low for a Spanish immersion, Waldorf inspired program in the Denver area for our 3 and a half year old and have not found anything. When we found Palamax Play School and met Gabnela Hydle we were absolutely overjoyed. This is the program we have been searching for. For us, participation in Palamax Play School will mean a 25 minute drive each way, but we are more than willing to commit to the commute. That is how great she is and how wonderful the program is. Our challenge right now is that in order to accommodate my son's involvement in her program, she will need to be able to increase the number of kiddos allowed. Thank you for considering an increase to the number of children allowed at Palamax Play School, it will ensure that more children can benefit from this incredible program. Should you need any additional information from me, please don't hesitate to reach out. Sincerely, Jenna Wilson jennamwilson0ama'I com 720.231.7428 Care No. SUP-16-02/Palm ox Day Core 16 April 16, 2018 To whom it may concern, My name is Danielle, and I am a mother in hopes of sending my little boy to learn at Palamax Playschool next fall. My husband and I have mel Gabriela Hydle, and enjoyed spending time in her home while allowing my son to spend time exploring her yard. Not only has Gabriela created a peaceful, nurturing, and engaging environment for the children she teaches, she herself is kind and patient. I trust that she maintains her calm demeanor when having multiple young children enrolled, a feat I'm not sure I could do! Having her school grow and thrive in the neighborhood will omy enhance the sense of community and help our children learn in a unique and natural environment. Thank you for your time, Danielle Yorgy i-i� a Care No. SUP-16-02/Palamm Day Cme 17 EXHIBIT 5: LETTER OF REQUST Tf Palamax To whom it may concern, Palamax Play School is a Waldorf Inspired, Spanish immersion day cam/ play school located in Wheat Ridge Colorado. The play school is run by Maria Gabriela Hydle a teacher with over 17 years teaching experience. Eight of those years were spent working in Highland Hall Waldorf School, the largest Waldorf school in California. Maria Gabriela Hydle currently holds a BA in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Rafael Landivar University, is a certified Waldorf Language Education Teacher from The Waldorf Institute of Southern California and is working towards her Waldorf Early Childhood certification as well. Palamax play school follows the general principals and day to day routines found in any Waldorf school which is rooted in the teachings, philosophies and principals of Rudolf Steiner. This style of education is fairly common throughout Europe (sometimes called Steiner schools there) and has a very large following in the United States as well. In the Denver area there are currently four Waldorf schools nearby. The Denver Waldorf School in downtown Denver, Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder, Boulder Valley Waldorf School in Longmont and Mountain Phoenix a Waldorf Inspired Charter School (Please note. Only schools certified by AWSNA can use the term Waldorf which is why we use the term Waldorf Inspired). While there are currently four nearby Waldorf schools there are only two Waldorf inspired day care centers in our neighborhood. Palamax Play School in Wheat Ridge (My school) and Green Gables Play School in Golden which keeps us in high demand. Currently I am writing you to request the ability to take more students. We are currently classified as a small day care center which allows a maximum of six students and I would like to be able to accept a few more. Before applying I have spoken with my neighbors and have not heard of any complaints or problems. In fact all of my neighbors have been very supportive of my endeavor. That being said I also try to make sure that my business does not impact our neighborhood negatively. For example. We operate from 8:30AM to 12:30PM so most neighbors who work have already left for work by the time school opens and come back home long after all the children are gone. This helps alleviate potential traffic Issues and helps to make sure that we do not disturb or inconvenience anyone. Next, we invest heavily into our gardens as the majority of our time Is spent outside which helps to improve the appeal of our neighborhood. Care No. SUP-16-02/Palmnm Day Cme 18 Ultimately, I feel very lucky to live in this neighborhood and have the neighbors that I have. They have been extremely supportive, we communicate well and ultimately we are very happy to live here. I want to keep it that way so I do my best to ensure that my business does not affect anyone negatively. Thank you for your consideration Maria Gabriela Hydle Care No. SUP-16-02/Palmnm Day Cme 19 EXHIBIT 6: SITE PHOTOS Case No. SUP -16-02 /Palamax Day Care 20 Giy of WheatRkdge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. SUP -18-02 DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS: 1 Mk, 2 I8, 2018 I, MOt r t 4i qCA--1a r ��1 C (name) residing at ' Zl Z ` w 32 Yx, D �r (address) as the applicant for Case No. SUP -18-02 hereby certify that I have posted the sign or Public Notice at 12121 W. 32nd Drive (location) on this 2 day of iii and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was posted in the pos' 'on shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. MAP City of Wheatll4gge PUBLIC POSTING REQUIREMENTS One sign must be posted per street frontage. In addition, the following requirements must be met: • The sign must be located within the property boundaries. • The sign must be securely mounted on a flat surface. • The sign must be elevated a minimum of thirty (30) inches from ground. • The sign must be visible from the street without obstruction. • The sign must be legible and posted for ten (10) continuous days prior to and including the deadline for written comments [sign must be in place until 5pm on May 28, 2018] It is the applicant's responsibility to certify that these requirements have been met and to submit a completed Posting Certification Form to the Community Development Department. ry City of CommuNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE May 18, 2018 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. SUP -18-02, a request for approval of a special use permit to allow for a large home daycare for up to 12 children on the property located at 12121 West 32' Drive. The property is zoned Residential -One (R-1) and in this zone district a home daycare for 12 children, is considered a special use. A special use is a land use that may or may not be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and therefore requires additional review. Approval of a special use is dependent on compatibility with surrounding uses, design of the property, and operation and management of the use. Please see the attached image on the back of this page for a map demonstrating the area of expansion. Pursuant to Section 26-114 of the City Code, a special use permit (SUP) can be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director without the need for a public hearing. You are receiving this letter because prior to any approval of an SUP, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by mail. If you have any questions about this request, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235- 2846. If you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 29, 2018. Thank you. www.ci.wheatridge.coms Jul M gFWq !" W Ws Cityof 4TH PL WheatR�idge Geographic , Information Systems Legend Subject Property 0 F City of Lakewood- . At A. .4dK „ r . ,32ND p�^ �1-4=x ^_ _-_ —___ -- r7, — I R, S 1 . color Plane null Z"a Projection N Colorado Central Zone A y��■ � �� .� � Datum: NAD83 !ry` r r r www.ci.wheatridge.co.us HYDLE ANDREW C KENT FRIZ T KENT PATRICIA A OSBORNE DON M OSBORNE REBECCA E 12121 W 32ND DR 12140 W 32ND DR 12081 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOMAS THEODORA P 3352 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 NELSON DENNIS G NELSON SHIRLEY R 12080 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BOLCHEN CAROLE K 3322 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ANKOVIAK STANLEY J ANKOVIAK SHAYNE L 12141 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ♦6 A♦ City Of pcor eat dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheal Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29� Ave. Wheal Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 May 24, 2018 Maria Gabriela Hydle 12121 W. 32"a Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DELIVERED VIA EMAIL info@palama .org Re: SUP -18-02-1" Review Dear Ms. Hydle: This letter is in regard to your application for a special use permit on property located at 12121 W. 32"a Drive. The first submittal of your application has been reviewed, and there are no requests for additional information at this time. The Planning Division would like to reiterate that the rear portion of the property (what appears to near the rear yard fence) is located within the federally designated floodway and nothing shall be built in this area. Additionally, comments were received during the referral period from the following outside agencies and city departments: • Consolidated Mutual Water District • Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District • West Metro Fire Protection District • Wheat Ridge Police Department • Wheat Ridge Building Division • Wheat Ridge Public Works Department All comments are provided as an attachment to this memo. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, 14iy Zack Wallace Mendez Plannerll 303-235-2852 zwallace@ci.wheatridge. co. us cc: Case file (SUP -I8-02) Enclosures ONSOLIDATED mutual water May 22, 2018 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department Mr. Zack Wallace 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Wheat Ridge Referral - SUP -18-02 — 12121 W. 32nd Dr. Dear Mr. Wallace, This letter will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated May 10, 2018, regarding the above referenced project. Please be advised that the property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company (Company). The existing property is currently receiving domestic water from the Company. See the attached map for the existing water service and infrastructure information. Domestic water service may continue to be provided to the property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service. This Special Use submittal does not show site work or plumbing changes therefore the Company will forgo the Change of Use Application at this time. If plumbing changes are needed have the owner/developer contact Kim Medina at (303)274-7420. Fire protection requirements should be verified with the West Metro Fire Protection District and those requirements forwarded to this office. At this time, it appears Company owned infrastructure will not be required. If a main extension, fire line, or fire hydrant(s) are required a separate meeting will need to be held with the owner/developer to discuss water infrastructure. Please have the owner/developer contact our Engineering Department at (303)238-0451. The company has no objection to the Special Use permit proposed. If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincerely, 9$1 -- Andy Rogers Vice President of Engineering & Distribution /hh Cc: Bruce Kral. West Metro Protection Fire Marshall John Boyle, CMWCo President Kim Medina, CMWCo Tap Administrator CMWC Utility Map 5(2212018,11:4303 AM 1564 — Abandoned Out of Service Proposed Retired Our Aanymm Check Valve INFO RHATTON PROVIDED ON THIS I P A INTENDED TO BEAN OVERVIE, OF NEAR" Ai AND A NOT TO BE ® AT Vac 0 00075 0015 amrm Blow off — Active — Abandoned Out of Service Proposed Retired Our Aanymm Check Valve INFO RHATTON PROVIDED ON THIS I P A INTENDED TO BEAN OVERVIE, OF NEAR" Ai AND A NOT TO BE ./�AMAULT MARTIN/MARTIN 00000"CONSULTING SU LTING ENGINEERS May 7, 2018 Zack Wallace City of Wheat Ridge Planning 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Email: zwaIlace@ci.wheatridge.co.us Re: Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District— 12121 W. 32nd Dr. — Special Use Permit Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 17.0638 Dear Mr. Wallace, On behalf of the Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District (NWLSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District Engineer, offers the following in response to the referral received May 7`h, 2018 concerning a special use permit allowing for large home day care (up to 12 children) for the property at 12121 W. 32nd Dr. Please contact your water utility service provider to determine if your current water meter will meet the requirements of this proposed special use permit expansion. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. The subject lot is entirely within the service and boundary area of the Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. If the proposed special use permit requires a water meter upsizing, the District will need to review and approve plans prior to construction. If a water meter size increase takes place, the District must be informed immediately, and appropriate sanitary tap fees must be paid prior to acceptance. Please provide a letter from the water service provider with a determination of water meter size. Please be aware that the revised residential use is considered commercial and will be subject to associated fees accordingly. Please be aware that these comments are based on continued use of the residence as an in home daycare. Please notify the District of any changes to this intended use. Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, ooe Bill Willis, PE Cc: Steve Beck, SMDSI Tim Flynn —Attorney, Collins Cockrel & Cole P.C. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM 433 S. Allison Parkway Lakewood, CO 80226 Bus: (303) 989-4307 Fax: (303) 989-6725 www.westmetrofire.org West Metro Fire Protection District May 8, 2018 Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner II 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2852 Fax: 303-234-2845 zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us Re: Case No. SUP -18-02 (12121 West 32nd Drive) Palamax Play School Dear Mr. Wallace Mendez, This property is within the West Metro Fire Protection District (WMFPD). Fire service will be provided as long as provisions of the International Fire Code, 2012 edition, including amendments, are met in development. All child care must occur on the level of exit discharge or at ground level A new State license allowing the increased size must be obtained. Permits are required from the fire district for, tenant improvements, all work on automatic fire protection systems, all work on automatic fire detection systems, underground fire line, solar photovoltaic systems, radio amplification, and for the storage of hazardous materials including the removal and placement of fuel storage tanks. WMFPD reserves the right to provide additional comments/requirements at the time when plans are submitted and reviewed per applicable codes and amendments. If you have any questions contact me at 303-989-4307 extension 513 or e-mail: bkralkwestmetrofire.org. Respectfully, Bruce Kral Fire Marshal "Whatever It Takes"... To Serve Subpect: RE Reforal arm 18 02 lone Thursday, May 10, 2018 12 Q 38 DO We don't ha ve any object) on a to this one.. Thankg Moe Sgt Mark Moellenberg Criminal In vee gations Bureau Wheat Ridge Pollen Department 7500 AD ton Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dead 3032352906 www ci wheatrol cc us City of WheatR`dge POLICE DEPARTMENT CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This A mal M,i m,n,eM,,i information It M of only forthe use ofthe individual or enjoy named above If you are na the intended severe you are needed thon any bespoke aboard commuter, eleconand storage or use once communnybon is prohibited If you received this communication in error please many us in madatedy by am ail stashing the onginal message and delete the onvmel message tom Four computer, and any neadvark to whish Four computer is connewed Thank you Fmm:Zakary Wallace Bent: Monday, May 07, 201011'.19 AM To: Main Moellenberg Subject Referral- SUP 18 02 Mark, The Meat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a special Pse permit for a large home day are (up to 12 children) at 12121 W 32nd Deva (Case No SUP 18 02). lease download the application documents from the dry drive'. Felder V VCemmun v Dave en en f Land use Case Referral Foe name: SUP -1802-Hydle m Comments are due by looki MaI 2018 no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be In touch with any additional graspers. Thank you Zack Wallace Mendez Planner)) 7500 W 29th Avenue Meat Ritlge, Colorado 00033 Office Phone 303235-2852 has cards Wallace Subpent: RE Rearral Sm 18 02 Ectse Tuesday, Mal 2018 10 19 23 M Zack, s involved In the pre application meeting. As long as the state license is updated, I am I have no concerns on this one. Randy Shipped, CBO Chief Building Official 7500 W.2RM1 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 30033 Office Phone: 30395 2303 www ci whaMdee cc us .ad. Citya �i) �1aJa��c Hr�rchptv[eranvtiafrvt�^" entity named above rich are mote intended recipient you am mottled moral disclosure, copying distributor, eleconcoorge cruse corms communication is prohibited ff you receiged this communication in error pleagenomy us unnedly by emair attaching the original message, and delete the original rival waurcconputer and any networkto which year computer is connected Thankyou ary wahace Sent Monday, May 7, 201311.19 AM To: Randy Buaer<rsWsser@cv whatrldge cc us> Subject: Referral -SOP-l3d2 Randy, The Meat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a special Pse permit Per a large home day are (up to 4 children) at 4121 w 32m Drive (Case No SUP -1802). lease download the application documents from the ary drive'. Folds rVV ommun vPevcomment, La nd Use case R burns File name: SUP -1802-Hydle Cc mme Us a re due by Tueatlay, May 22, 2018 no resp onsefro m yo a will constitute having n o o Factors or concerns. Feel free to be In touch with any additional questions. Thank you Zack Wallace Mendez Planner 11 7500 W 29th Avenue 'SAI CIfY Of ridge WheatR PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Zack Wallace, Planning Technician FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: May 9, 2018 SUBJECT: SUP -18-02 / Hydle — 12121 W. 32" Drive I have completed my review for the request for approval of a special use permit for a large home day care (up to 12 children) for the property located at 12121 W. 32°d Drive received on May 7, 2018, and I have the following comments: It does not appear that the current rezoning proposal entails any site changes which could trigger traffic or drainage requirements. Public Works has no comments regarding this rezone proposal. ToZack-Hy&eSUP 1n Review. doc: ♦6 A♦ City of WheatlRidge CommuNLTy' DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: May 7, 2018 Response Due: May 22, 2018 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a special use permit (SUP) at 12121 W. 32 n' Drive. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: SUP -18-02 / Hydle Request: The applicant currently operates a small day care (limited to 6 children) from her home located at 12121 W. 32ntl Drive. She is requesting this special use permit in order to operate a large home day care (which allows up to 12 children). Modifications to the home are not planned, as it has already functions as a day care. Operating hours are not anticipated to change and currently are 8:30am to 12:30pm, 4 days per week. Children range from 2 to 6 years old. The property is located on the north side of W. 32nd Drive, which connects W. 32nd Avenue and Union Street. The property contains a house that was originally built in 1963. The property is approximately 16,371 square feet (0.376 acres), according to the Jefferson County Assessor. Lena Gulch is located at the end of the backyard on the north side of the property. There is currently a fence at the end of the backyard preventing access to Lena Gulch. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager: Case Manager: Zack Wallace Mendez Phone: 303.235.2852 Email: zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us Fax: 303.235.2852 DISTRIBUTION Consolidated Mutual Water District Wheat Ridge Police Department Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District Wheat Ridge Public Works West Metro Fire District Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Economic Development Vicinity Map City of Wheat Ridge 2018-05-03 16:02 CDBA ZONING APPLICATION FEES CDB019091 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICATION FEE 200.00 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT MC / 9102 200.00 AUTH CODE: 005685 TOTAL 200.00 A ♦submitted � V. City of _ W heat ki lge BY APPOINTMENT with a planner. Incomplete applications will ni be accepted—refer to submittal checklis LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) n � R Applicant(3 Email ( 6VX. b`Y'c Address, City, State, Zip C1 t )()- Z 11 `J G 1 r Owner CA (,'vO a G r IpY t"a �k PhoneEmail y t�j�(,�� ,1 Address, City, State, - - Z' C,16 1 j ® C) - //l� Contact lm(k l Gi a 6 Phone of 0 (0 Email j vi -t) �1Ct.vrla OYc Address, City, State, 4ip IZ1 1 '' ✓l c .-.i d Q Qi Cl (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide add ional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) 1 ( Location of request (address): 171, 1 Z V 1 Cl! ^S2 Y� �- 1C U -. i -t-1 [4 61 II - (Q {� Q CL� (6 00 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your r(?est): O Change of Zone or Zone Conditions a Special Use Permit O Subdivision - specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) O Conditional Use Permit C3 Administrative (up to 3 lots) ❑ Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan O Major (6 or more lots) O Variance/Waiver (from Section 26-) O Right of Way Vacation O Other: Detailed description of request: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. A plicant other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on jA *rJ 1 TAMARA D ODE AN Notarized Signature of Applicant_ State of Colorado } ss County of -e �'��� v , NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 20164015481 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL The foregoing instrument Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me this day of , 20Jg7 by o,('. o, it Notary Public To be filled out by staff: Date received -5'- 3 - Comp Plan Design. Related Case No. Assessor's Parcel No. Size (acres Rev 1/22/ 2016 My commission expires A/_�g /20 2b Fee $ d 6 - © () Receipt No. C Pre -App Mtg. Dat *-:15,43?, Current Zoning Proposed Zoning Case No. --s t, P- t,g� • D Quarter Section Map V-- Z9 Case Manager k Current Use R,,e st b "L, 4 Proposed Use City of Rev. 5/2014 "i Wheat -ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Special Use Permit Project Name: �al QX �lg 4 Scko a t Project Location: l 2 12l ln! -�2 VWI"�- Application Contents: A special use permit (SUP) is required for approval of a special use in any zone district. The following items represent a complete SUP application: 1. Completed, notarized land use application form _2. Application fee _3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) _4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed NWA 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) _6. Mineral rights certification form _7. Written request and description of the proposal Include a response to the SUP review criteria—these are found in Section 26-114 of the municipal code Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe .pdf file is required): 1. Site plan application—required if new development is proposed with the SUP loaya Kt of brick,rCA 01A 2. Proposed building elevations Any I,q.ter;ar W"ft(Ate' N/A 3. Trip generation letter or traffic study V,ay d rRa i e Cft*.. % NIA 4. Drainage report As applicant for this project, 1 hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. in addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be madegafter the second (2"d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Signature: G _ Date: e� Name (please pr" (rl A a 6r i eJC4 C Phone:y 1 �% ClC Community Development Department • (303) 235-2846 • www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Rev. 5/2014 City of Wheat ' e CommuNrry DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Special Use Permit Project Name: �al a�X �a Sck11 o a Project Location: 1-t 1-11 — W 32 Application Contents: A special use permit (SUP) is required for approval of a special use in any zone district. The following items represent a complete SUP application: 1. Completed, notarized land use application form _2. Application fee 3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) _4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed NIA 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) _6. Mineral rights certification form _7. Written request and description of the proposal _ Include a response to the SUP review criteria—these are found in Section 26-114 of the municipal code Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe .pdf file is required): 1. Site plan application—required if new development is proposed with the SUP iayow-t of b -c -pc-i WA 2. Proposed building elevations qny wt-wr:or maotAtAi" NIA 3. Trip generation letter or traffic study PLky area I v ce<Fs.^ PIA 4. Drainage report As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be madelafter the second (2101) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. o Signature: e CIO— Date: Name (please print): =Li iTS Gi Gt 6r- i (?-,!C4 Phone: U (U Community Development Department - (303) 235-2846 • www.ci.wheatridge.co.us rRi'a I a m a x To whom it may concern, Palamax Play School is a Waldorf Inspired, Spanish immersion day care / play school located in Wheat Ridge Colorado. The play school is run by Maria Gabriela Hydle a teacher with over 17 years teaching experience. Eight of those years were spent working in Highland Hall Waldorf School, the largest Waldorf school in California. Maria Gabriela Hydle currently holds a BA in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Rafael Landivar University, is a certified Waldorf Language Education Teacher from The Waldorf Institute of Southern California and is working towards her Waldorf Early Childhood certification as well. Palamax play school follows the general principals and day to day routines found in any Waldorf school which is rooted in the teachings, philosophies and principals of Rudolf Steiner. This style of education is fairly common throughout Europe (sometimes called Steiner schools there) and has a very large following in the United States as well. In the Denver area there are currently four Waldorf schools nearby. The Denver Waldorf School in downtown Denver, Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder, Boulder Valley Waldorf School in Longmont and Mountain Phoenix a Waldorf Inspired Charter School (Please note. Only schools certified by AWSNA can use the term Waldorf which is why we use the term Waldorf Inspired). While there are currently four nearby Waldorf schools there are only two Waldorf Inspired day care centers in our neighborhood. Palamax Play School in Wheat Ridge (My school) and Green Gables Play School in Golden which keeps us in high demand. Currently I am writing you to request the ability to take more students. We are currently classified as a small day care center which allows a maximum of six students and I would like to be able to accept a few more. Before applying I have spoken with my neighbors and have not heard of any complaints or problems. In fact all of my neighbors have been very supportive of my endeavor. That being said I also try to make sure that my business does not impact our neighborhood negatively. For example. We operate from 8:30AM to 12:30PM so most neighbors who work have already left for work by the time school opens and come back home long after all the children are gone. This helps alleviate potential traffic issues and helps to make sure that we do not disturb or inconvenience anyone. Next, we invest heavily into our gardens as the majority of our time is spent outside which helps to improve the appeal of our neighborhood. Ultimately, I feel very lucky to live in this neighborhood and have the neighbors that I have. They have been extremely supportive, we communicate well and ultimately we are very happy to live here. I want to keep it that way so I do my best to ensure that my business does not affect anyone negatively. Thank you for your consideration Maria Gabriela Hydle To whom it may concern, Palamax Play School is a Waldorf Inspired, Spanish immersion day care / play school Located in Wheat Ridge Colorado. The play school is run by Maria Gabriela Hydle a teacher with over 17 years teaching experience. Eight of those years were spent working in Highland Hall Waldorf School, the largest Waldorf school in California. Maria Gabriela Hydle currently holds a BA in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Rafael Landivar University, is a certified Waldorf Language Education Teacher from The Waldorf Institute of Southern California and is working towards her Waldorf Early Childhood certification as well. Palamax play school follows the general principals and day to day routines found in any Waldorf school which is rooted in the teachings, philosophies and principals of Rudolf Steiner. This style of education is fairly common throughout Europe (sometimes called Steiner schools there) and has a very large following in the United States as well. In the Denver area there are currently four Waldorf schools nearby. The Denver Waldorf School in downtown Denver, Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder, Boulder Valley Waldorf School in Longmont and Mountain Phoenix a Waldorf Inspired Charter School (Please note. Only schools certified by AWSNA can use the term Waldorf which is why we use the term Waldorf Inspired). While there are currently four nearby Waldorf schools there are only two Waldorf Inspired day care centers in our neighborhood. Palamax Play School in Wheat Ridge (My school) and Green Gables Play School in Golden which keeps us in high demand. Currently I am writing you to request the ability to take more students. We are currently classified as a small day care center which allows a maximum of six students and I would like to be able to accept a few more. To accomplish this on my end I do not believe I need to make any modifications to my property as the indoor classroom is currently the full middle floor of my tri -level and the outdoor area (where we spend most of the year) is around a'/a acre. I am hoping to get this approved for our next school year as I currently have several parents emailing contacting me on a weekly basis hoping for an opening. Thank you for your consideration Maria Gabriela Hydle ISSUED TO: 1'll 111"IIIlilllllill'1I111111111111111'I'1'l lll'il"I'11�111111 PAL MAS PLAY SCHOOL L.L.C. 12121 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-5356 LOCATION: PALAMAX PLAY SCHOOL. L.L.C. 12121 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LICENSE TYPE GENERAL. BUSINESS AND TAX City of Wheat LOW 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Tax Division (303) 235-2820 www.ci .wheatridge.co.us LICENSE AND RECEIPT DATE ISSUED 01/01/2018 LICENSE NUMBER: 14048.1 EXPIRATION DATE FETE PAID 12/3112018 $20.00 Licenses are issued in accordance with and subject to all applicable sections of the Wheat Ridge Code of Lams. Licenses are not transferable and are not refundable. SPECIALTY LICENSES MUST APPLY FOR RENEWAL, 45 DAYS BEFORE EXPIRATION. The Wheat Ridge Code of Laws may he viewed at: www.municode.cotn City Manager PLEASE POST WHERE EASILY VIEWED Provider ID. 1703225 STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES OFFICE OF EARLY CHILHOOD DIVISION OF EARLY CARE AND LEARNING 1575 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203-1714 PERMANENT CHILD CARE LICENSE MARIA G. HYDLE ANDREW C. HYDLE 12121 WEST 32ND DRIVE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 License Effective Date: 07-26-2017 Service Type: DAY CARE HOME LOCATION: 12121 WEST 32ND DRIVE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 COUNTY: JEFFERSON The licensee must comply at all times with the Child Care Act and the rules and standards of the Department of Human Services.. The licensed premises and its records must be available for inspection at all times by the Department of Human Services or its authorized representatives This license is valid only for the location address listed above and is not transferable to any other person, organization or location. The licensee must surrender this license to the Department of Human Services upon denial, revocation or suspension. Numbers and ages of children cared for at the licensed premises must not at any time exceed 8 children of the age 0 years 2 months to 18 years 0 months Other conditions and restrictions: No more than 2 children under 2 years may be in care 2 additional school-age children during non -school times License capacity and exhibits include providers own children Unique conditions: Z*f0ec.- lle-0:9� EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Place Stickers Below ANNIVERSARY DATE THIS LICENSE MUST BE POSTED IN A PROMINENT LOCATION ON THE LICENSED PREMISES Margaret Martin Kiphardt 5760 West 39h Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 (865)719-8682 City of Wheat Ridge City Hall 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 234-5900 To Whom It May Concern: As it is understood that local goods and services like preschools are needed to fulfill residents daily needs, strengthen a sense of community, and foster an environment that invests in the development of its youth, the Palamax Play School is an outstanding amenity to the community. The relatively short daily time frame, scale, nature of activity would easily allow for the school to accommodate additional students without being an infrastructural burden in any capacity or reasonable nuisance to the neighbors. Under the leadership of Gabriella Hydle, the Palamax Play School embraces the Waldorf Education philosophy that emphasizes holistic development of children through a gentle and all natural atmosphere. The focus on nature and bringing attention to the role that the children play within the dynamics of their surroundings instills important qualities preparing them to in turn be caring, attentive, and engaging members of their communities. There is no limit to the positive feedback that can be given as a parent of a child fortunate enough to have this early experience at the Palamax Play School and my hope is that their door will be opened slightly wider so that others may be able participate and benefit. Encouraging these types of superb educational endeavors should be a priority for the city of Wheat Ridge and cherished by the residents. S' ly r 86.03.18 Margaret Martin Kiphart May 2, 2018 Jack and Peg Emery 12161 W. 32nd Dr. Wheat Ridge, CO City of Wheat Ridge Dear Sir or Madam: We are writing this letter to support Gabriella Hydle and Palamax Play School, located here on 32"d Drive. They have been excellent neighbors. We have seen no adverse changes because there are children in the neighborhood. Any activity we have seen is right there on their property. We hope that you will grant permission for her to have additional children. We appreciate having children and young people in the area. Sincerely, C Jack and Peg Emery 5/2/18 City of Wheat Ridge We are writing this letter in support of the Palamax Play School changing their classification for home-based child care to large. In the year they have been open we have not had any issues with it being next door to us. One of us works from home and enjoys hearing the children playing and does not mind a few additional cars coming down our street since most of the neighbors are away from their homes working all day. We are in the house directly to the West of the Palamax School and I again want to tell you we in full support of the change. Feel free to call with any questions, 303-232-5267. Thank you, Stan & Shayne Ankoviak 12141 W 32nd Drive From: Shannon Stockman shockman Ock ho:rn<ail.c om Subject: Letter Date: May 2, 2018 at 8:47 PM To: gabrie!ahvn=.e@grnail corr. Here you go! Let me know if this is sufficient. We will see you Friday. Good luck tomorrow! To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my support of Palamax Play School. I live in the neighborhood, and my son attends Ms. Gabriela Hydle's program two mornings per week. This is a unique program, is incredibly enriching for little ones, and is a gem in this neighborhood. Having looked around for a preschool experience for my son, I know that programming like this is a rarity. I feel extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to be part of this school, and feel that it is an asset to our community. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Shannon Stockman 503-506-8258 Sent from my iPhone Froin: Holly Storm stormtraiis@grnail.corn Subject: Growing Palamax Playschoot Date: May 2, 2018 at 7:09 AM To: Gabriela Hydle info@palaroax.org To Whom it May Concern, I understand that Palamax Playschoot is looking to add more students and needs permission to do so. We are enrolling our younger son in Palamax as of the fall of 2018. In my five years of looking at and experiencing preschools for my two children, I have found that Palamax offers a unique opportunity through its play based Spanish immersion program. The program is highly beneficial to kids and the community and should be allowed more students. Palamax is the only program I have come across in or near Wheat Ridge that is Spanish immersion. I have found programs in Denver, but not Wheat Ridge. Having a Spanish immersion offering is beneficial to our city because it encourages communication across cultures. Palamax offers a play based program that is Waldorf and Montessori inspired and is unique for this area. In my search for preschools, this is the ideal of what I want for my child and I am not surprised there is a long waiting list for the program. Allowing more kids into the program will allow more Wheat Ridge residence and residence of surrounding areas the benefits of this unique curriculum. see a high demand for preschools. Every preschool program that I've seen that takes a play -based approach is full. Most people agree that early childhood education is an important foundation for success in elementary school and beyond. Allowing more students into the Palamax program will allow more children the opportunity of preschool in general. In summary, Palamax Preschool is a school with a unique offering that helps to grow community, supplies a curriculum that meets parent's current desires, and helps to alleviate the backlog of young kids in need of a preschool program. Allowing this school to grow will help our community to meet our preschool needs in a way that is benificial to students and the community. Holly Storm Wheat Ridge, Colorado March 24th, 2018 To Whom it May Concern: This letter is to express our support for an increase in number of children allowed at Palamax Play School. We are residents of Denver and have a 3 and a half year old and a 15 month old. We have searched high and low for a Spanish immersion, Waldorf inspired program in the Denver area for our 3 and a half year old and have not found anything. When we found Palamax Play School and met Gabriela Hydle we were absolutely overjoyed. This is the program we have been searching for. For us, participation in Palamax Play School will mean a 25 minute drive each way, but we are more than willing to commit to the commute. That is how great she is and how wonderful the program is. Our challenge right now is that in order to accommodate my son's involvement in her program, she will need to be able to increase the number of kiddos allowed. Thank you for considering an increase to the number of children allowed at Palamax Play School, it will ensure that more children can benefit from this incredible program. Should you need any additional information from me, please don't hesitate to reach out. Sincerely, Jenna Wilson ennamwilson mail. com 720.231.7428 April 16, 2018 To whom it may concern, My name is Danielle, and I am a mother in hopes of sending my little boy to learn at Palamax Playschool next fall. My husband and I have met Gabriela Hydle, and enjoyed spending time in her home while allowing my son to spend time exploring her yard. Not only has Gabriela created a peaceful, nurturing, and engaging environment for the children she teaches, she herself is kind and patient. I trust that she maintains her calm demeanor when having multiple young children enrolled, a feat I'm not sure I could do! Having her school grow and thrive in the neighborhood will only enhance the sense of community and help our children learn in a unique and natural environment. Thank you for your time, Danielle Yorgy WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, Made this 9th day of October, 2015 between Richard L. Swearingen and M. Margaret Swearingen of the County of Jefferson and State of COLORADO, grantor, and Andrew C. Hydle and Maria G. Hydle whose legal address is 1.2121 West 32nd Drive, ,Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-5356 of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, grantees: WITNESS, That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred Eighty -Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and No/100's ($387,500.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conve;led, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, not in tenancy in common but in joint tenancy, all the real property together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson, and State of COLORADO, described as follows: Lot 11, Glen Brook Subdivision, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Doc Fee S 38.75 also known by street and number as 12121 West 32nd Drive, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-5356 TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions,' remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. And the grantor, for himself, his heirs and personal representatives, does covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the grantees, their heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except all taxes and assessments for the current year, a lien but not yet due or payable, and those specific Exceptions described by reference to recorded documents as reflected into the Title Documents accepted by Buyer in accordance with section 8.1 "Title Review", of the contract dated September 10, 2015, between the parties. "And except the items set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof." The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above -bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantees, their heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. SELLERS: argaret Sw aringen L L Richard L. Swearingen By: Ri u rd L Swearin2ei as At orney in Fac STATE OF COLORADO }ss: I COUNTY OF Jefferson 4-6 Aa 40 zl- . . . . . . . . . . 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Aw til tw _=.y, •r�Y�� �_� .r 1. ... w'. ... •�,' ' ,41 jt ';� .- '' f;}� �to -•'2x • • r - L:. a�. n - 5 �'' �:L .� + -�. �.f "� �. � b i �� . eti. . � 'Ali, � I[F..•. 5f � .e,M. ,y,t, ~•iii: PIP - — ��•.�r' .:� � .i x ...�-irk' �� '— ':'R' •r. �4 �:". Ii` ,. r'?;fir iia.`- or. '.f'.s"s"...:i =l- •. ylfle -5C 'E'.:.rw'-• r t* r:•4-;—,�.Y . .. _.. _fit.. R. �_ r-,K•' .r ,.. �,•.' r C: �F-.` ,cry• •,k,.•. 1. - � � _,'s�� �•�} i. "J� �••--,_... •IL_ R' IL 7. �►� . 4Af - aAlJ � n S �e - s { R r` OL 50 AO Aow � • S �. r ip '' City of �7�Iheat dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Date: City Staff Present: Location of meeting: Property location: Applicants: Property owners: Property Owner(s) present? Existing Zoning: Comprehensive Plan April 24, 2018 Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Second Floor Conference Room Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29d' Avenue 12121 W. 32nd Drive Gabriela Hydle Same Yes Residential -One (R-1) Neighborhood Member(s) of the community present: None were present Existing Conditions: The property is located on the north side of W. 32nd Drive, which connects W. 32nd Avenue and Union Street. The property contains a house that was originally built in 1963. The property is approximately 16,371 square feet (0.376 acres), according to the Jefferson County Assessor. Lena Gulch is located at the end of the backyard on the north side of the property. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant plans to expand their existing daycare home, which currently has 6 children, to a home that allows up to 12 children. Parents have expressed interest in their children attending the daycare but the facility is currently limited to 6 children. The applicant does not plan to make modifications to the home as it has already been set up as a daycare. The existing garden area and gated backyard would remain. There is currently a fence at the end of the backyard preventing access to Lena Gulch. Operating hours would remain the same, from 8:30am to 12:30pm, 4 days a week. The ages of the children range from 2 to 6. www.d.wheatridge.co.us April 24, 2018 - 6 PIVI Neighborhood Meeting 12121 W. 32"d Drive Special Use Permit (SUP) for the expansion of an existing home day care PLEASE PRINT Name Address 2. n 1, -,r �" / //") �� � Z I L✓ �� � v� /"� 3. 4. 5. 6. Z I Zl kii ?Z- -Id- "e, --,-.4- /�, ; 1 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development department 7500 West 29th Avenue 80033 a�- s This letter is in response to the Special Use Permit application that is being proposed at the property of 12121 W 32 Dr. Wheat Ridge 80033. 1 will be unable to attend the meeting in person but would like to express my concerns regarding the pending application. The neighborhood cannot support more traffic and still hold the quiet, safe feel as the current residents have become accustomed too. As it is now with 6 children attending, parents frequently park on the wrong side of the road, arrive 15 to 20 minutes early and sit there until the school opens causing congestion along the streets in an unsafe manner. Many times you can't identify if there are children in the car or not so you don't know if it is someone that should or should not be in the neighborhood. This activity will only intensify as time goes on if this permit is issued. Having a daycare of this size is not going to be easily supported in this neighborhood. Name Address ` 6-(-111 Ptrt— /—?, ��-? :��pp � Signature City of Wheat Ridge Community Development department 7500 West 29th Avenue 80033 This letter is in response to the Special Use Permit application that is being proposed at the property of 12121 W 32 Dr. Wheat Ridge 80033. 1 will be unable to attend the meeting in person but would like to express my concerns regarding the pending application. The neighborhood cannot support more traffic and still hold the quiet, safe feel as the current residents have become accustomed too. As it is now with 6 children attending, parents frequently park on the wrong side of the road, arrive 15 to 20 minutes early and sit there until the school opens causing congestion along the streets in an unsafe manner. Many times you can't identify if there are children in the car or not so you don't know if it is someone that should or should not be in the neighborhood. This activity will only intensify as time goes on if this permit is issued. Having a daycare of this size is not going to be easily supported in this neighborhood. Name Ken 4 lay /,ZIVC Address I W66 Signature April 18, 2018 To: Planning Division, City Of Wheat Ridge Re: Palamax Play School Application for Special Use Permit We have been Wheat Ridge residents at this residence for 26 years and have raised our three children here. This is a quiet, single family neighborhood. The current 6 child capacity has increased come -and - go traffic but is acceptable. Doubling this number would significantly increase the traffic directly in front of our house. In addition, last summer the residents at 12121 W 32nd Dr also allowed what appeared to be a co-op garden in half of the front yard to the sidewalk. People not residing in the neighborhood were driving in and out frequently to tend and harvest garden crops. It appears this may also be the case this summer. While we value the ability to utilize our homes and yards, this is a residential area not commercial. We feel granting this permit request will increase outside traffic to an unacceptable level and our neighborhood will become less enjoyable for all. We are unable to discuss this in person at the hearing due to a family vacation, but respectfully request this permit be denied. &WisWelson' Shirley Nelson 12080 W 32nd Drive Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 rr Palamax 4 P4 School NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING Palamax Ply School is proposing a ficial Use Permit on property located at 12121 W 321 Dr. Wheat Ridae, 80033. The purpose of the request is to allow Palamax Play School to accept up to twelve children into its program from the six that is currently allowed. A neighborhood meeting will be held on Tuesday. April 2416:OOPM at the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, second floor conference room located at 7500 W 29t' Ave. Wheat Ridge, 80033. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for a Special Use Permit applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the administrative process by the Community Development Director and/or the public hearing in front of City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you submit written comments during the public notice period and/or attend the public hearing. The neighborhood meeting is an informal setting that provides an opportunity for you to understand the scope of the proposed project and the process for review. You will have the opportunity to speak with the applicant and city staff and to ask any question that you may have related to the project. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 291 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ADRIAN A SABATKA AND KAREN L SABATKA ABARE TIMOTHY H ABARE BRIDGET M ABERCROMBIE CYNTHIA C LIVI 12124 W 31ST PL 03322 VIVIAN DR 12181 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 AM MON CHRIS P AM MON PAMELA D ANKOVIAK STANLEY 1 ANKOVIAK SHAYNE L ANN M BERLIN LIVING TRUST 03385 UNION ST 12141 W 32ND DR 03234 TAFT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 APPLESTEIN FRANK LOUIS BROSSEAU ANTHONY VINCENT CAPRA TRUST CATHERINE L APPLEWOOD PARK INVESTMENTS 12045 W 34TH PL 12130 W 31ST PL 00100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 GOLDEN CO 80419 BAKER STEVEN BAKER MARENE BARTH HAROLD A BARTLE FAMILY TRUST 03315 VIVIAN CT 12273 W 31ST PL 12165 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BENESKI STEPHEN L BENESKI COLETTE L BIEGLER ABIGAIL BORRI RUTH J BORRI PATRICIA A 12083 W 31ST PL 03131 UNION ST 03341 VIVIAN CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BRADLEY JOHN C BURNS ROBERT L BURNS MARY J CALHOUN GARY R 03371 VIVIAN DR 12022 W 32ND AVE 03302 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CARRON ROBERT CARRON JOELLA CHAUNCEY JAMES B CHAUNCEY CAREY PATRICE A MARLENE MARGARET K 12173 W 31ST PL 12132 W 32ND AVE 00715 LAFAYETTE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENVER CO 80218 DURBIN NAIDA L TRUSTEE SHOPNITZ MARY CLARK ROBERT C DELL COLMAN LEE DELL MARTHA ELAINE DURBIN TRUSTEE 12151 W 32ND DR 12103 W 31ST PL 03383 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 EICK JEFFREY ALLEN EICK MARY LOUISE EMERY JACK W EMERY MARGARET A GERARDI JASON A GERARDI KIMBERLY A 03205 UNION ST 12161 W 32ND DR 03243 TAFT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GOTO ELIZA G GOTO LILY S GRAHAM SANDRA J 12336 W 34TH PL 03386 VIVIAN DR 03282 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GRAY CHRISTOPHER T GRAY COURTNEY E HARBERSON DAVID HARBERSON KAREN HARRIS JESS 12215 W 34TH PL 03253 TAFT CT 01570 S KENDALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80232 HENDRICKSON KATHERINE C LIECHTY DANIELJ 12272 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HILLENBURG DELLA JEAN HILLENBURG DAVID 03391 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HYDLE ANDREW C 12121 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 JDI HOMES INC 05204 S PRESCOTT ST LITTLETON CO 80120 KENT FRIZ T KENT PATRICIA A 12140 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KUNTZ DAVID A KUNTZ MICHELE FORD 03244 TAFT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAVENDER JAMES S 03362 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LOWERS HEATHER 12296 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HERRON FRANCES G 03392 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HOLMAN RICK G LATOUR HOLLY S 12276 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 IDSO ROBERT ALLEN 36326 GRANLUND LN SAINT PETER MN 56082 JEFFERSON COUNTY 00100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 KOROSEC KATHERINE 03384 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KYNCL RUSSELL G KYNCL DIANE E 03372 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LITTLE SUZANNE K WARNER VINCENT T 03331 VIVIAN CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LUNA KATHY ANN LAMB MICHAEL MCLEOD 12271 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HESSNER M LENORE 03395 UNION ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HUTCHCROFT JAY L HUTCHCROFT SANDRA E 03263 TAFT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 JAMES KIMBERLY KRISTINE 12063 W 31ST PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 KABORE WINDWAOGA ROBERT WELLS REBECCA ANNE 12386 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KOZLOWSKI ALFRED J KOZLOWSKI KATHERINE L 03381 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LABLUE KENNITH 12060 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LOCKWOOD SUSAN 12121 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LYDON TYLER 11906 W 32ND PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MANZANARES JOE LAMONACA KATHLEEN MARINO GARY J MARINO CHARLEEN MARTINEZ JOSEPH 03292 VIVIAN DR 12025 W 32ND AVE 03351 VIVIAN CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MCGONAGILL KENNETH R MULLEN TIMOTHY SCOTT MULLEN TERESA NELSON DENNIS G NELSON SHIRLEY R 03363 VIVIAN DR 03291 VIVIAN DR 12080 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 OPP JAMES H OPP MARCELLA M 03232 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 OSTERTAG LIVING TRUST 01305 ROLLINS RD BURLINGAME CA 94010 PENNINGTON DANIEL L PENNINGTON KAREN J 12232 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PORTER AUSTIN 12356 W 34TH PLAC LAKEWOOD CO 80215 RIDLEY CHARLES AIDAN 11926 W 32ND PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SARTEN EDITH 03190 UNION ST DENVER CO 80215 SAVIDGE THOMAS E SAVIDGE JANICE E 04955 MAKENA RD D301 KIHEI HI 96753 SCOTELLA ROCCO A SCOTELLA MARIE L 03241 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 OSBORNE DON M OSBORNE REBECCA E 12081 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PADILLA CHRISTINE 12143 W 31ST PLAC LAKEWOOD CO 80215 PIETRAFESO DOROTHY PEARL 12122 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RESEIGH ROSEMARY C 12182 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RIGGINS STEVEN A RIGGINS KRISTINA J 03222 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SASAKI HAROLD K SASAKI MARCIA A 12355 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SCHENK CHRISTOPHER J SCHENK JUDITH A 11946 W 32ND PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SCOTT COREY SCOTT CAITLIN 03261 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 OSSE DAVID J OSSE KATHLEEN M 12061 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PEARCE RALPH C PEARCE CAROLYN M 03321 VIVIAN CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 POLIVKA WILLIAM G POLIVKA ELIZABETH MILLET 12001 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RICCA NICOLAS 03312 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ROMIG JEAN M 03235 UNION ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SATERY COURTNEY 12256 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SCHEUNEMAN ELEANOR L 12000 W 32ND DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SEEBY KELLY A 03281 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SIMPSON DANNY E JR SIMPSON DEBORAH A SKRBINA CASSIDY SONSTELIE EDNA R 03254 TAFT CT 12146 W 34TH PLAC 12233 W 31ST PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LAKEWOOD CO 80215 TABER BENJAMIN JORDAN HELMERS SPEAK THRESA F STORRER LEE F STORRER WENDY J BRITNEY MARIE 03382 VIVIAN DR 03365 UNION ST 12142 W 32ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THE CARDINAL COMPANY LLC 09565 E HIDDEN HILLS LN LONE TREE CO 80124 TORBORG PAUL 03252 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WEST MARCIA R WEST CONRAD L 12185 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 YOUNG DONALD L YOUNG DEBORAH J 12064 W 31ST PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215 THIBODEAU GENE E THIBODEAU MONTE W 12095 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 TRUJILLO FELICIA 12125 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WILLIAMS CURTIS R WILLIAMS IVANELL R 12145 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 THOMAS THEODORA P 03352 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WAHLERS PETER D WAHLERS BETH A 03375 UNION ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 YARBROUGH STEPHEN L YARBROUGH KENNA R 03233 TAFT CT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 12375 W 34TH PL 12095 W 34TH PL 03251 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 12376 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 12366 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 12226 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 12186 W 34TH PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 03301 VIVIAN DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 _- - - city of Y11�c`�t�1C�e�[TY DEVELOPMENT PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 5, 2018 Applicant: Gabriela Hydle Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner H Scott Cutler, Planner I Mark Westberg, Projects Supervisor Specific Site Location: Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: 12121 W. 32nd Drive Residential -One (R-1) Neighborhood Existing Site Conditions: The property is located on the north side of W. 32nd Drive, which connects W. 321d Avenue and Union Street. The property contains a house that was originally built in 1963. The property is approximately 16,371 square feet (0.376 acres), according to the Jefferson County Assessor. Lena Gulch is located at the end of the backyard on the north side of the property. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant plans to expand their existing daycare home, which currently has 6 children, to a home that allows up to 12 children. Parents have expressed interest in their children attending the daycare but the facility is currently limited to 6 children. The applicant does not plan to make modifications to the home as it has already been set up as a daycare. The existing garden area and gated backyard would remain. There is currently a fence at the end of the backyard preventing access to Lena Gulch. Operating hours would remain the same, from 8:30am to 12:30pm, 4 days a week. The ages of the children range from 2 to 6. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? Yes, a Special Use Permit application requires a neighborhood meeting. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning & Use The zoning is Residential -One (R-1). This zone district provides for low-density residential neighborhoods. Small daycare homes, which allow up to 6 children, are permitted in the R-1 zone district as a home occupation. The applicant currently is licensed as a small daycare home. Large daycare homes, which allow 7 to 12 children, require a Special Use Permit (SUP) in order to allow staff to evaluate the impacts of the use on the surrounding neighborhood. Special Uses are discretionary uses, which, depending on their design and operation, may or may not be compatible at any specific location. The purpose of the Special Use process is to review the specific nature of a proposed use and relative to its proposed location. Required Fees The fee for a neighborhood meeting is $102. The fee for a Special Use Permit application is $200. If objections are received and the SUP application is required to be heard at City Council, an additional $200 fee + $120 for the publication/public notice will be required. Utility Providers The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city. The utility and service providers for this property include: • West Metro Fire Protection District, phone: 303-989-4307 • Consolidated Mutual Water District, phone: 303-238-0451 • Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District, phone: 303-987-0835 All land use applications will be sent out on referral to these agencies for comment. As no modifications to the property are taking place, the agencies may not comment on this application. Building Division comments: The applicant did not propose any interior modifications, and the space is currently used and approved as a small daycare home. No modifications to the home will need to take place. The applicant must obtain the proper State of Colorado permits if there is a difference between small daycare homes and large daycare homes. The applicant noted that the Early Childhood Association inspected the house when it originally began operating as a daycare. Public Works comments: Lena Gulch Floodway No new construction can take place in the Lena Gulch floodway. The existing fence at the back of the yard can remain but no new grading or construction, including raised garden beds or additional fencing, can take place behind the fence and/or on the banks of Lena Gulch. As the applicant has not proposed modifications to this portion of the property, no further review will be required. Review Process This request will require a Special Use Permit (SUP). Neighborhood Meeting The next step is to conduct a neighborhood meeting. The applicant is responsible for drafting a letter that will be delivered (via mail or hand delivery) to all property owners and current residents in a 600- 0) foot radius of the subject property. The letter must be approved by the Community Development Department PRIOR to sending. The Community Development Department can provide the applicant with a neighborhood meeting letter template and samples, if necessary. Additionally, the Community Development Department will research the property owner and resident information from the Jefferson County records and provide the applicant with mailing labels. The applicant will coordinate with the Community Development Department on the time and location of the neighborhood meeting. The meeting may be held in one of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building conference rooms, or any other location the applicant desires. Staff will be present at the meeting to facilitate the discussion and answer any zoning, land use, and process related questions. However, the applicant will lead the meeting and inform the audience about the proposal. Application Once the neighborhood meeting is complete, a formal application may be submitted. The SUP application will be assigned a case number and case manager. The case manager will be the applicant's point of contact at the City for the duration of the case processing. The case manager will review the case, and sent it out on referral to City and outside agencies for review. The referral period is 15 days, during which time all departments and agencies may submit comments on the application. These comments, as well as those from the case manager, may require modifications to the application. Once review of the application is complete, the property must be posted. This posting lasts 10 consecutive days and requires a sign to be posted on the property. Additionally, the Community Development Department will send out written notification of the SUP request to all adjacent property owners. If no legitimate complaints are received during this posting period, the Special Use Permit application may be reviewed and decided upon administratively. If a legitimate complaint is received by the Community Development Department during this posting period, the Special Use Permit will be automatically forwarded to the City Council for a public hearing and decision. If the application is reviewed administratively and denied, the applicant can appeal the decision to the City Council. If the case is forwarded to City Council due to receipt of legitimate objections, or due to appeal by the applicant, the property must be posted again. This posting period lasts 15 consecutive days and will require a sign to be posted on the property. The Community Development Department will also mail out notification of the hearing to all property owners within 300 -feet of the subject site. At the public hearing before City Council, the case manager will present the case, and based on an established set of criteria present evident to recommend the approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the Special Use Permit. The applicant, and the public, will be allowed to present evidence and provide testimony in support of opposition of the Special Use Permit. The City Council will then make a decision of approval, approval with conditions, or denial based on the testimonies provided by staff, the applicant, and the public. Attachments: SUP Application Checklist (customized) Note: Please be aware that the above comments are for general information purposes only. Staff cannot predict the outcome of any land use development application. A favorable response from staff does not obligate any decision-making body (Community Development Director, Public Works Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council) to a desired outcome. Staff will provide the best advice available given existing regulations, current policy, political climate and information submitted. Phone Numbers Lauren Mikulak — Planning Manager 303-235-2845 Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Zack Wallace Mendez — Planner II 303-235-2852 Scott Cutler — Planner I 303-235-2849 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg — Projects Supervisor 303-235-2863 Jordan Jefferies — Civil Engineer 303-235-2868 Steve Art — Economic Development Manager 303-235-2806 Randy Slusser — Chief Building Official 303-235-2803 U 4 - City of i��Wh6atRjdsye PRE—APPLICATION MEETING REQUEST FORM Community Development Department 7500 West 291h Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 Thank you for your interest in scheduling a pre -application meeting with the City of Wheat Ridge, we look forward to reviewing your request and meeting with you. The pre -application meeting process was established to provide an opportunity for potential applicants to meet with the City of Wheat Ridge's Development Review Team to discuss development proposals and learn more about the City's technical and procedural requirements, which are often unique to each zone district, development proposal, floodplain designation, etc. Pre -application meetings are required prior to the submittal of most land use applications. The City of Wheat Ridge's Development Review Team has established two standing meeting times every Thursday for pre -application meetings: 2-3pm and 3-4pm. Once the form below and any necessary materials are submitted, you will be contacted by the Community Development Department to schedule a pre -application meeting. Meetings will be scheduled no earlier than 7 business days from the date you are contacted. However, it is not uncommon for pre - application meetings to be booked several weeks out. A $200 fee is required for a pre -application meeting. This fee is payable by cash, check, Visa or MasterCard at your scheduled meeting time. Contact Information 1 l }} ��//�� Name Ir G G,1 r��'. ci 1 C� CPho �61 � F 16 130REmail 1 Z'�iJ c-�Gi/w a , 0 Ir C Address, City, State, Zip in �%� Via " Additional Contact Information (if necessary) Name Phone Email Address, City, State, Zip Site Location (address): UL W 5 L - V e.-(- LA �ti� k I c. t' l� J(JJ Relevant land use processes you are inquiring about (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your meeting): O Subdivision or Lot Consolidation O Planned Building Group O Variance ® Special/Conditional Use Permit O Planned Development O Site Plan O Major remodel or change of use O Rezoning D Other: At a minimum, two items are necessary to properly review your proposal prior to the pre -application meeting: a narrative and site plan. The narrative must provide enough detail to adequately describe the scope of work being proposed. It is acceptable for the site plan to be preliminary in nature; it is not required to be professionally drawn but should be scaled, labeled, and legible. The narrative and site plan will need to be submitted prior to scheduling your pre -application meeting. Please contact Tammy Odean at 303-235-2846 or todean@ci.wheatridge.co.us for any questions regarding submittal requirements. The more information you can provide regarding a project, the more productive a pre -app meeting can be. Please also consider submitting the following items if they are available: a survey or ILC of the property, subdivision sketch plan (if subdividing or platting), conceptual landscape plans, and conceptual architectural plans or examples. If you have been in contact with t a Staff member prior to ill' out this request please indicate their name below: U T t V T e r C� i CA- Approximate date of contact: Acknowledgements fd I acknowledge that I must submit a narrative and preliminary site plan, and any other relevant documentation to with the Wheat Ridge Planning Division with this request form prior to being contacted to schedule a pre - application meeting. I will submit the following information concurrently with this form (* denotes a required submittal): 9 Proposal Narrative* O Concept landscape plans fS Site Plan* O Conceptual Architectural Plans/ Examples O Survey or ILC O Subdivision sketch plan 1' I acknowledge that there is a $200 fee for the pre -application meeting, payable by cash, Visa, MasterCard, or check payable to the `City of Wheat Ridge' at the time of my scheduled pre -application meeting. Submit You have two options for submitting this form: 1) Click the button below to submit this completed PDF via e-mail. Please attach the necessary submittal items (narrative and site plan, at a minimum) to the e-mail with this form. Meeting request forms sent without the necessary submittal requirements will be considered incomplete and will not be scheduled for a pre -application meeting. Click here to submit form via email 2) Print and mail, or drop off, the form to: City of Wheat Ridge c% Planning Division (Pre Application) 7500 W. 29"'Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To be filled ou-t by -staff-, Date request received Pre -app meeting date Case Manager Date submittals reed Fee Received Due Diligence Complete Rev 11/08/20161 IA Pa, I a m a x� To whom it may concern, Palamax Play School is a Waldorf Inspired, Spanish immersion day care / play school located in Wheat Ridge Colorado. The play school is run by Maria Gabriela Hydle a teacher with over 17 years teaching experience. Eight of those years were spent working in Highland Hall Waldorf School, the largest Waldorf school in California. Maria Gabriela Hydle currently holds a BA in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Rafael Landivar University, is a certified Waldorf Language Education Teacher from The Waldorf Institute of Southern California and is working towards her Waldorf Early Childhood certification as well. Palamax play school follows the general principals and day to day routines found in any Waldorf school which is rooted in the teachings, philosophies and principals of Rudolf Steiner. This style of education is fairly common throughout Europe (sometimes called Steiner schools there) and has a very large following in the United States as well. In the Denver area there are currently four Waldorf schools nearby. The Denver Waldorf School in downtown Denver, Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder, Boulder Valley Waldorf School in Longmont and Mountain Phoenix a Waldorf Inspired Charter School (Please note. Only schools certified by AWSNA can use the term Waldorf which is why we use the term Waldorf Inspired). While there are currently four nearby Waldorf schools there are only two Waldorf Inspired day care centers in our neighborhood. Palamax Play School in Wheat Ridge (My school) and Green Gables Play School in Golden which keeps us in high demand. Currently I am writing you to request the ability to take more students. We are currently classified as a small day care center which allows a maximum of six students and I would like to be able to accept a few more. To accomplish this on my end I do not believe I need to make any modifications to my property as the indoor classroom is currently the full middle floor of my tri - level and the outdoor area (where we spend most of the year) is around a % acre. I am hoping to get this approved for our next school year as I currently have several parents emailing contacting me on a weekly basis hoping for an opening. Thank you for your consideration Maria Gabriela Hydle O 0 6 Aw 0cl y O 0 Fro n+ 9 or -d en 9oor f uj i W)a ouws I 0 tu lu SJalUrO uD-:T71 _tOe'P ou!p!15 o� 4 'HIN, A I LQ I c Xo� 9 City of Wheat Ridge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NOTICE TO MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS APPLICANTS: You must submit this completed form to the Community Development Department no later than ten (90) days before the public hearing on your application. Failure to complete and submit this Certification of Notice shall constitute sufficient grounds to reschedule your public hearing. ek , as of/with PJWML2S lCUA] (Print name (Posit on/ b Title) (Entity applying for perin]t/approval) (hereinafter, referred to as the "Applicant"), do hereby certify that notice of the application for set for public hearing on (Describe type of application) 20_, has been sent to all mineral estate owners at least thirty (30) days before the public hearing, as required by § 24-65.5-103(1), C.R.S., or, in the alternative, that the records of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder do not identify any mineral estate owners of any portion of the property subject to the above referenced application. ❑ Check here if there are no mineral estate owners of any portion of the subject property. I hereby further certify that I am authorized by the Applicant to make representations contained herein and act as the Applicant's agent for purposes of this Certificate of Notice and bind the Applicant to these representations by my signature below. Dated this day of , 20_, City of W heatj�idge ��COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Potential Land Use Applicants FROM: Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director DATE: October 16, 2012 SUBJECT: Notification of Surface Development (C.R.S. §31-23-215 and §24-65.5) In 2001, the Colorado Revised Statutes were amended to include an Article which addresses mineral rights in respect to land use applications. This Article states that any application for development must be accompanied by a completed notification to mineral estate owners. For the purposes of this requirement, an application for development includes any application which requires non -administrative approval from Planning Commission or City Council, including: • A Final Subdivision Plat • A Rezoning (including Planned Developments) • A Special Use Permit (if City Council approval is required) Building Permit applications are not considered an application for development, therefore mineral estate owners do not need to be noticed. A Certificate of Notice is attached, and must be completed and returned to the Community Development Department no later than ten (10) days prior to each public hearing. Both Planning Commission and City Council hearings must be noticed. It is the responsibility of the applicant, not the City, to notify any mineral estate owners prior to public hearing. Failure to notice will constitute sufficient grounds to reschedule the public hearing. If there are no mineral estate owners, the appropriate box on the certification can be checked and the certification can be submitted with the development application.