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,�/ City of l Wheatlidge Dozeman - motion to approve ITEM NO: 3. DATE: August 13, 2018 Pond - 2nd Motion failed 4-3 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Matthews, Urban, Duran -'no' �� t ca__,� (4j TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 19-2018 — AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4288 YOUNGFIELD STREET FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (N -C) TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-18-12/COPPER FOREST) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 1sT READING (07/09/2018) ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ® ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING (08/13/2018) ❑ RESOLUTIONS QUASI-JUDICIAL: ® YES ❑ NO «r--- Community Develops ent Director City Manager ISSUE: The applicant is requesting approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street. The proposed rezoning area includes one parcel, the total size of which is approximately 1.38 acres. PRIOR ACTION: Planning Commission heard the request at a public hearing on June 21, 2018 and recommended approval. The staff report and meeting minutes from the Planning Commission meeting are attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed zone change is not expected to have a direct financial impact on the City. Fees in the amount of $998.00 were collected for the review and processing of Case No. WZ-18-12. Council Action Form — Rezoning 4288 Youngfield August 13, 2018 Page 2 BACKGROUND: The property is located at the northeast corner of 42°d Avenue and Youngfield Street, directly east of the Interstate 70 and Highway 58 interchange. The property is currently zoned Neighborhood Commercial (N -C), which allows a limited range of commercial uses, such as office, general business, retail sales, and service establishments, which are oriented towards the local community and neighborhood. The structure on the property was originally built in 2001 as a model home for a log home builder. The property was purchased in 2015 by the current owner, who converted the log home into several small office spaces. The owner has applied for this zone change request in order to operate a wine and beer bar to help make the property more financially sustainable. Because of the limitations on rezoning to other commercial zone districts that would allow this type of business (such as Commercial -One), the infeasibility and inapplicability of a planned development, and this property's location along Youngfield Street between Interstate 70 and lower intensity residential and commercial uses, Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) is being recommended as the most appropriate straight zone district for this request. If the zone change is approved, and the applicant intends to operate any alcohol related use from the facility, a liquor license will need to be obtained by working with the City Clerk's Office, to obtain approval of the Liquor License Authority through a public hearing. Surrounding Land Uses The subject property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (N -C), and surrounding properties include a variety of commercial and agricultural zoning designations. To the east, along 42°d Avenue are two properties zoned Restricted Commercial (R -C), which is a slightly more permissive commercial zone district than the subject property's N -C zoning. These properties are home to the Jefferson County Head Start, and a small specialty retail establishment. To the south, along Youngfield Street is a property zoned Commercial -One (C-1), which allows for an array of regionally -serving retail, office, service, and commercial establishments. An irrigation supply company currently utilizes this C-1 property. To the west and southeast is zoned Agricultural -One (A-1). These areas are occupied by Interstate 70 and Highway 58 to the west, and single-family and vacant properties to the southeast. To the northeast is an area of Agricultural -Two (A-2), which is primarily single-family homes, but also contains some commercial operations, such as dog kennels. Current and Proposed Zoning Neighborhood Commercial is the City's most restrictive commercial zone district and typically appears on local streets and at transitions between light commercial uses and established residential neighborhoods. The proposed zone district, MU -N, provides for smaller -scale, neighborhood -serving commercial services and is similar to the existing N -C zone district. One significant difference between the existing and proposed zone districts is in the treatment of residential uses. In the N -C zone district, residential uses are permitted on a very limited basis per section 26-626 of the city code. Council Action Form — Rezoning 4288 Youngfield August 13, 2018 Page 3 In addition, MU -N allows a slightly expanded and more contemporary list of permitted commercial uses. The zone change would allow the property to be used residentially, commercially, or for a mix of residential and commercial. The zone change would also allow the property owner to convert the structure into a wine and beer bar, which is the current intent of the rezoning, as bars are not permitted in N -C, but are permitted in MU -N. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approved Council Bill No. 19-2018, an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 4288 Youngfield Street from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N), on second reading and that it take effect 15 days after final publication for the following reasons: 1. City Council has conducted a proper public hearing that meets all public notice requirements as required by Section 26-109 of the Code of Laws. 2. The requested rezoning has been reviewed by the Planning Commission, which has forwarded its recommendation of approval. 3. The requested rezoning has been found to comply with the criteria for review in Section 26-112.E. of the Code of Laws." Or, "I move to deny Council Bill No. 19-2018, an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 4288 Youngfield Street from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N), on second reading for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. REPORT PREPARED/REVIEWED BY: Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner II Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director Patrick Goff, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 19-2018 2. Planning Commission staff report with attachments 3. Planning Commission hearing minutes CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DOZEMAN COUNCIL BILL NO. 19 ORDINANCE NO. Series of 2018 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4288 YOUNGFIELD STREET FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (N -C) TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-18-12 / COPPER FOREST) WHEREAS, Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws establishes procedures for the City's review and approval of requests for land use cases; and, WHEREAS, Barbara McEahern of Copper Forest LLC has submitted a land use application for approval of a zone change to the Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) zone district for property located at 4822 Youngfield Street; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a comprehensive plan— Envision Wheat Ridge—which calls for a neighborhood buffer along Youngfield Street south of 44th Avenue, encouraging transitions and buffers between high intensity uses and corridors and lower intensity uses; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 21, 2018 and voted to recommend approval of rezoning the property to Mixed - Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) , NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Upon application by Barbara McEahern for approval of a zone change ordinance from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a zone change is approved for the following described land: BEGINNING ATA POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, WHICH IS 302.87 FEET SOUTH OF 0°10' EAST OF THE WEST 1/16TH CORNER ON CENTER LINE OF SECTION 20, TOWNHSIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.; THENCE NORTH 89°50' EAST 334.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0010' EAST 204.53 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°50' WEST 334.35 FEET TO SAID WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE NORTH 0°10' WEST 204.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ATTACHMENT EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 1966 IN BOOK 1853 AT PAGE 781, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this zone change does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability: Conflicting Ordinance Repealed. If any section, subsection or clause of the ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 0 on this 9th day of July, 2018, ordered it published with Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 2018. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 12018. Bud Starker, Mayor ATTEST: Janelle Shaver, City Clerk Approved as to Form Gerald Dahl, City Attorney 1 St publication: July 12, 2018 2"d publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript: Effective Date: ♦ A4' City of Wheat ��e CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission MEETING DATE: June 21, 2018 CASE MANAGER: Zack Wallace Mendez CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-18-12 / Copper Forest ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use-Neighborhood(A4U-N). LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4288 Youngfield Street APPLICANT (S): Barbara McEahern, owner of Copper Forest LLC OWNER (S): APPROXIMATE AREA: Copper Forest LLC 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Locatic Planning Commission Case No. wz18-12ICopperPorest ATTACHMENT 2 Site JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant and current owner of the property has submitted this application requesting approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N). II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The subject property is located at 4288 Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 1.38 acres in size and located at the northwest corner of Youngfield Street and 42°d Avenue. The property currently contains one structure, which was originally built in 2001 as a model home for a log cabin builder. The current owner purchased the property in 2015 and converted the structure into a series of small offices. The structure and parking lot take up much of the western half of the property, while the eastern half of the lot is vacant with the exception of some vegetation (Exhibit 1, Aerial). Prior to the construction of the log home, the property was zoned Agricultural -Two (A-2). The property was rezoned to Restricted Commercial -One (RC -1) in October 2000 for the purpose of constructing the model home. The RC -1 zone district became the Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) zone district during an update to Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws in 2001. The property to the south of the subject property is zoned Commercial -One (C-1) and is home to an irrigation supply company, which operates under a special use permit granted in 2014. Further south, and to the southeast are properties zoned Agricultural -One (A-1) containing single-family homes. The vacant A-1 parcel at the southwest corner of 42nd Avenue and Xenon Street has an active land use application proposing a zone change to Planned Commercial Development. Properties to the east are zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) containing the Jefferson County Head Start and a specialty retail establishment. To the east/northeast along Xenon Street are properties zoned Agricultural -Two (A-2) containing single-family homes and some agricultural activities. Also in this area are two dog related establishments, both operating under Special Use Permits, and both being day care/kennel facilities. Finally, property to the west and north is zoned A-1 and contains the right-of-way for Youngfield Street and I-70. The I-70/Highway 58 interchange is directly west of this property I['xhibit 2, Zoning Map). III. PROPOSED ZONING The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to Mixed Use -Neighborhood, a zone district intended to provide medium density mixed-use development. hi addition to residential and office uses, it allows for a range of neighborhood -serving commercial and retail uses. Youngfield Street is classified by the City as a Minor Arterial roadway. This designation may lend the property to be considered for the more intensive Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) zone district, which is meant for major commercial corridors. Additionally, the property's proximity to I-70 may also mean the MU -C Interstate zone district is an appropriate zone district for the property. However, given the proximity to single-family residential uses on Xenon Street, and some separation between the subject property and the more intensive commercial corridor further south on Youngfield Street, Staff feels the MU -N zone Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest district is a more appropriate transitional zone district for this site than the MU -C or MU -C Interstate designations. The current zone district for the property, Neighborhood Commercial (N -C), was established to accommodate a limited range of commercial uses, such as office, general business, retail sales, and service establishments, which are oriented towards the local neighborhood. The applicant intends to rezone the property in order to operate a beer and wine bar from the premises (Exhibit . This use is not permitted in the N -C zone district, but is permitted in the MU -N zone district. Despite this specific difference in allowable uses, the N -C and MU -N zone districts generally allow for a similar range of neighborhood -scale commercial uses. If redevelopment were to happen in the future, the MU -N zoning would allow residential uses on the property as well, while the N -C zoning does not. The following table compares the existing and proposed zoning for the property, with standards for new development or major additions. In terms of permitted uses, MU -N allows commercial uses at a similar intensity of the existing N -C zoning. In terms of residential uses, MU -N is more flexible because the N -C zone district would not otherwise allow the property to convert to a residential use. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.E. The applicant has also provided responses to the zone change criteria, found in Exhibit 4. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest CURRENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) Allows a limited range of commercial Allows residential, commercial or mixed Uses uses including office, general business, use — includes multi -family and live/work retail sales, and service establishments facilities, excludes outdoor storage Contemporary Overlay ASDM standards apply, including high quality Mixed -Use standards apply, including high Architectural Standards architecture, standards related to quality architecture, standards related to articulation, variation, materials, and articulation, variation and materials. transparency. Max. Building Height 35' 35' if the building has residential use 50' for all other uses Max. Lot coverage 80% 90°% for mixed use 85% for single use Min. Landscaping 20% 10°% for mixed use 15% for single use Build -to Area 0-20' along front property line 0-12' along Youngfield and 42nd Avenue Setbacks Rear: 10' plus 5' per story after the I It Side: 0' Side: 0' if nonflammable or 5' per story Rear: 5' IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.E. The applicant has also provided responses to the zone change criteria, found in Exhibit 4. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest The change of zone will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The rezoning would allow a similar range of neighborhood -oriented commercial uses on the site as is currently allowed under the N -C zoning, while allowing the owners to operate a beer and wine bar from the premises. While the MU -N zone district will expand use options by allowing for residential uses, these are generally considered to be less intensive than commercial uses. Based on the existing character of and land use patterns along Youngfield Street, the MU -N zone district is more appropriate than N -C in terms of land use and intensity. For that reason, the zone change should not have an adverse effect on the surrounding area The MU -N zoning is expected to add value to the subject property and also to the surrounding community. The mixed use development standards will support compatibility between future redevelopment and existing land uses. The subject site serves as a transition between commercial activity and the residential neighborhood to the northeast. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Infrastructure currently serves the property, and all responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property. In the event that the current utility capacity is not adequate for a future use, the property owner/developer would be responsible for utility upgrades. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The property is classified as a Neighborhood Buffer in Envision Wheat Ridge, the City's 2009 comprehensive plan (Exhibit 5, Comprehensive Plan). Envision WheatRidge states that these areas are intended to function as a buffer between low -intensity residential uses and higher intensity commercial corridors and uses. The plan also states that these neighborhood buffers will transition from a mix of residential (both single and multi -family) and small-scale commercial uses traditional to areas with higher intensity uses. This zone change request supports the comprehensive plan and subarea plan by enabling investment in the property transitioning from Youngfield and the I-70/Highway 58 interchange into the low -intensity neighborhood, which features some small-scale commercial businesses further east along 42nd Avenue, further buffering the residential uses along Xenon Street. As noted above, the property may be eligible for one of several mixed use zone districts based on its location, but MU -N is the most appropriate based on the surrounding land uses and consistency with the comprehensive. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission Case No. WZ18-12/CopperPorest b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current N -C zoning designation as is appears on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Staff finds no evidence of significant changes in the area. The zone change request from N -C to MU -N neither responds to nor results in notable change of character. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate zone change support this request. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 2, 2018. Three members of the public attended the meeting in addition to the applicant and staff. Some concerns were raised regarding traffic, the proximity of a bar to the Jefferson County Head Start school, and potential future allowed uses in the MU -N zone district. The concerns and the discussion from the meeting are summarized in the meeting summary (Exhibit 7, Neighborhood Meering Notes). VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: No comments. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No objection. Wheat Ridge Police Department: Provided no comments. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest Jeffco Head Start: Letter received objecting to a specific land use within the MU -N zone district. Staff Note: Per Wheat Ridge liquor license regulations the presence of the Head Start will not prohibit the issuance of a license for beer and wine sales. Valley Water District: No objection. Fruitdale Sanitation District: No objection. Arvada Fire Protection District: No objection. Xcel Energy: No objection. Century Link: No objection. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area Staff further concludes that utility infrastructure adequately serves the property, and the applicant will be responsible for upgrades, if needed in the future. Finally, Staff concludes that the zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan by providing a transition between the heavily travelled Interstate 70 and Youngfield Street, both of which serve major commercial centers in the immediate vicinity, and the low -intensity residential and commercial uses found along 42nd Avenue and Xenon Street. Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-18-12. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request." Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-18-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. 2. ... Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/CopperPorest EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 3: APPLICANT REQUEST wrict¢n Reouesc and oescriodon of me Proposal I, ea rbara MCEa hero, owner of the property located at 4288 Youngfie ld Street, Wheat Ritlge, would like to request to change the current zoning {rpm 'Neighborhood Commercial' (NC) to 'Mixed -Use Neighborhood' (MU -N). 1 would like to keep the exlsiing log ca bin on the property and turn it into a wine and beer taphouse. I will n the business with a partner, Mlke Mulvaney. After a long adventure -filled day on the slopes, skiers flood into alpine bars to laugh, share stories and re -live their snow day. We aspire m bring that apres-ski mountainous retreat to Wheat Ridge with the Copper For¢sf Taphouse. Our customers will b¢ immersed n a sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. We will offer local Coloratlo brews and wine for customers along with smoketl meat meals from a footl truck. We will have a large deck off the back of the taphogse featuring a Firepit, pergola with lights and heaters for year-round outdoor enjoyment. We will have tables and chairs throughout The first and second floors of the building and a large bar on the main floor. There will be a wine tasting and private party room with old world feel. Games such as pool, shuffleboard and cards will be available for entertainment and TVs will be located throughout the cabin. with the current zoning of NC, we are unable m have an establishment that serves beer antl wine. With a zo ing of MU -N, we are able to have [his type of business. We are not opening a "ba N'. This will not be wdy "get Brun K' establishment We will provide an atmosphere conducive for after -work meetings, date nights orfiriendly get-togethers. We are looking to attract pa Vons who appreciate good local brews and wines, who like to play games such as shuffle boartl antl pool or watch a sporting event on one of our multiple Ns. Again, we are striving to provide a comfortable gathering atmosphere. Planning Commission 1 O Case No_ WZ-I S -I2 /Copper Forest EXHIBIT 4: APPLICANT RESPONSES TO ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Zone Chare a Review Criteria The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. a. The property located at 4288 Youngfield Street is the only property along Youngfeld Street between 44`a Avenue and 48v Avenue that is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (Nix. It is the most restrictive zoning and does not allow for a business to expand that might be located there. All connecting properties around the location are zoned commercial and therefore the new zoning will not result In a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Since other commercial businesses already exist, the new zoning of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) will continue to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. a. The applicant will maintain the current lag cabin structure that is located at 4288 voungfield Street. Thestructure already houses officesfor 3 businesses and will therefore continue to have adequate infrastructure/mai ties to serve the types of uses allowed by a MU -N zoning. Upgrades will be made to the land to allowfor additional pargingspaces needed to accommodate and complement a zone change. 3. At least am (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other city-appmved policies or plans for the area. It. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. C. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that It Is In the public Interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. I. Over the last 50 Years, the community of the Applewood neighborhood has expanded and improved exponentially. 1-70 and Hwy SS, two major thoroughfares, were added and changed much of the character of the property lining Youngfeld Street. It went from Agriculture to Commercial in the form of restaurants, strip malls, fastfood establishments, and other small businesses. Rezoning the property at 4288 You ngfield Street to MU -N will be in alignment with the current character of the Immediate surrounding area. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Planning Commission Case Na W7-18-121 Coppzr Forest Justification for Zone Change 1. The need for a zone change: a. The applicant would like to take the existing log cabin on the property located at 4288 Youngfield Street and turn it into a wine and beer taphouse, while maintaining the structure . The current zoning does not allow for the serving of wine and beer that is not brewed on the premises. 2. Present and future effect on the zone districts, development and physical character of the area: a. Present effects will remain the same and be aligned with the other properties located along the same street. This portion of Wheat Ridge is in an urban renewal zone and development of this area is ongoing. Since we are keeping the current structure, the physical character will remain the same for our property and surrounding properties. b. Future effects will be aligned with surrounding properties if the applicant sells the business. There would be a possibility that the current structure would be taken down and replaced with another structure. However, the new zoning is similar to the other properties lining Youngfield Street so any new structure would maintain the current physical character of the neighborhood. 3. Access to the area, traffic patterns and impact of the requested zone: a. Asingle entry/exit access on 421d Avenue to the property will be expanded to 2 entry/exit points from 42nd Avenue. Traffic patterns will remain the same. There will be some impact on traffic entering Youngfield Street from 420d Avenue. However, it was discussed at the neighborhood meeting that with or without our rezoning, traffic is already congested at certain times of the day at this 3 -way cross section. If necessary, we would agree to put a "no left turd' sign from the property onto 42nd Avenue heading east to deter traffic from entering the neighborhood. 4. Availability of utilities: a. Since we are not building a new structure, we are just improving an existing structure, there will not be any need for additional utilities to come to the property. 5. Present and future effect on public facilities and services, such as fire, police, water, sanitation, roadways, parks, schools, etc: a. Public facilities, such as police, water,sanitation,roads, parks and schools, will remain the same as they have since 2002 when the structure was built. b. The applicant will reach out to the fire department once the zone change has been approved to ask about the requirements of a possible sprinkler system. 6. Discuss the relationship between the proposal and adopted land and/or policies of the city: a. The City of Wheat Ridge is currently trying to beautify blighted areas within the city. The neighborhood at 44th and Youngfield Street/Ward Road is one of these areas. Before purchasing the property at 4288 Youngfield Street, there was a log home business housed within the current structure. The business was failing and soon to be abandoned. The applicant purchased the property in March of 2015 and turned the structure into an office complex with 9 offices. Unfortunately, with the high property taxes on this property, the applicant is unable to make a profit as an office. Therefore the applicant had the idea to create a business that would complement the log cabin structure and fit within the character of the neighborhood. A wine and beer taphouse with a "Colorado feel" fits perfectly in this location. Employees of the neighboring businesses along with residents Planning Commission 12 CaseNo. WZI8-12/Copper Forest of nearby homes will all benefit from an upscale, sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. The current zoning of Neighborhood Commercial INC) is the most restrictive zoning for a business. In order to create the wine and beer taphouse, a new zoning of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU-N)is needed. With a NC zoning, a brewery is allowed on the property. However, the applicant does not want to brew beer or make wine, they just want to sell the products. The NC zoning will not allow for this. Changing the zoning will enhance the value of the property and allow for a business that can support the expensive property taxes. The applicant believes the relationship with the policies of the city will be improved and aligned with a zone change. Planning Commission 13 CaseNo. ITZ 8-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 5: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 44" Avenue ". Subject Property Neighborhoods wnermm[nreheornoaa�ryve r -abe:- �e Lake West Lake Bas:. Lake i Neighborhood Buffer Area Employment Mixed -Use L Commercial d. Planning Commission 14 Case No. WZI8-12 / Copper Forest EXHIBIT 6: SITE PHOTOS Planning Commission 15 Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest Planning Commission 16 Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 7: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Meeting Date: Attending Staff: Location of Meeting: Property Address: Property Owner(s): Property Owner(s) Present? Applicant: Applicant Present? Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: May 2, 2018 Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner II 4288 Youngfield Street 4288 Youngfield Street Copper Forest, LLC Yes, Barb McEahern Copper Forest, LLC Yes, Barb McEahern Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) Neighborhood Buffer Existing Site Conditions: The site is located on the northeast corner of W. 42nd Avenue and Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) and contains a commercial building built in 2001, according to the Jefferson County Assessor. The building is a log cabin which is currently used as office space, though originally it was a model home. There is a parking lot in the front of the building and a large meadow and wooded area buffering the building from the properties to the east and north. The property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC). To the east along W. 42nd Avenue are two properties zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) which contain a school and an office/warehouse building. The property across the street to the south is zoned Commercial -One (C-1) and contains an irrigation supply business. Across Youngfield Street to the west is Interstate -70. Properties to the north and east are zoned Agricultural -One (A-1) or Agricultural -Two (A-2) and contain residential uses, and some associated agricultural uses such as dog kennels. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant has proposed to operate a taphouse in the log cabin, serving beer and wine. They have proposed minor modifications to the property, including adding parking, building a deck on the back of the log cabin, building an ADA ramp, paving an area for a food truck, and building a storage shed in the northeast corner. The interior would need to be modified to build a bar, accessible restrooms, and a game room, but the majority of the space would remain untouched. Additional landscaping would be added to the property, providing additional screening and creating shaded areas in the backyard. In order to accomplish this goal, the applicant has requested a zone change. Planning Commission 17 Case No. WZ-18-12/CopperPorest The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to the applicant and staff, the applicant's business partner was in attendance. Three members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff discussed the site and its zoning. • The applicant described their history with the building, and their plans for the building. • The applicant and members of the public were informed of the process for a zone change. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request: • There was concern raised regarding the proximity of a bar to the Jefferson County Head Start school, and if they would even be able to obtain a liquor license. Staff noted that in 2012 the City adopted an Ordinance that removed certain types of alcohol sales from the typical prohibited 500 foot radius, including beer and wine sales, which the applicant is proposing. Staff noted that any further liquor licensing questions should be directed towards the City Clerks Office. Additionally, the applicant added that the tentative hours of operation for the taphouse would only minimally overlap with the hours of the school. • There was concern raised about traffic in the area, the members of the public who attended the meeting stated their desire for a stoplight at 42"d Avenue and Youngfield Street, no parking along 42"d Avenue, and no left turns out of the property towards Xenon Street. Staff noted that for a traffic signal to be installed, the intersection must meet certain traffic warrants. Additionally, parking is typically permitted along all City streets, however the Planning Division Staff member was unable to answer if the Public Works Department would consider no parking along 42"d Avenue due to its substandard width and lack of curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The applicant stated they would be willing to put up a no left turn sign in an attempt to prevent their patrons from exiting the property and driving up Xenon Street to 44`h Avenue. The neighbors stated other businesses in the area have done that, and they hope the taphouse will too. • The applicant stated they desire to build a deck for their patrons to enjoy. Questions were raised regarding any associated music and noise. The applicant stated there would be no loud music played outside, and even inside it would be limited to background music. • One neighbor stated that the current owner and applicant seems trustworthy and has good intentions, but has concerns about changing the zoning and what future property owners might be able to do with the property. The concern was noted, and it was re-emphasized that while the applicant has a specific use in mind, the zone change is to a zone district that has a similar, albeit slightly more permissive use chart than is currently allowed on the property, and future owners would not be bound to the taphouse idea. Aside from the three neighbors at the meeting, staff received no comment from others in the area regarding the proposal. Planning Commission 18 Case No. WZ18-12/CopperPorest Mr. Metzger said he is working with the City and Neel to bury the power lines. Commissioner VOS asked to have the lighting in the project explained. Mr. Cutler explained the symbols and letters across the bottom of page 5 of the SDP explain the types of lights being used. These will include pedestrian and street lighting and it will show the exact specs for each light. Mr. Metzger added there will be interior LED parking lights and new street lighting along Youngfield Street which will also be LED. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if West Metro Fire's concerns have been addressed. Mr. Cutler said the West Metro Fire issues have been resolved, there are just afew outstanding comments from Public Works comments that need to be answered, but nothing that will change the plan. It was moved by Commissioner VOS and seconded by Commissioner PETERSON to APPROVE Case No. WZ-18-10, a request for approval of an amendment to the Specific Development Plan for property located at 3244 and 3298 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. The Proposal is consistent with the City's guiding documents including the I-70/Kipling Urban Renewal Plan. 2. The proposed SDP is consistent with the approved ODP document and the Architectural and Site Design Manual. 3. The Criteria used to evaluate the SDP have been met. With the following condition: The applicant shall continue working with utility and service providers, including the Fire District, to meet all applicable requirements. Motion passed 6-0. Case No. WZ-18-12: An application filed by Copper Forest, LLC for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street. Mr. Wallace Mendez gave a short presentation regarding the Zone Change and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Mr. Wallace Mendez also Planning Commission Minutes June 21, 2018 ATTACHMENT 3 3— entered into the record a letter from Jefferson County Head Start regarding their concern about the specific use for this property. Commissioner PETERSON asked if the existing businesses will remain when the Tap House opens. Mr. Wallace Mendez said he did not think so, but will defer the question to the applicant. Commissioner PETERSON then asked about Section 26-1105 of the code, Building Placement and Orientation. He mentioned the building has a Youngfield Street address, but the driveway is off 42°d Avenue and this has placed a lot of concern in the neighborhood and with Jefferson County Head Start. He asked if an entrance can be established on Youngfield Street and the 42°d Avenue entrance be taken away, perhaps as a condition of approval. Mr. Wallace Mendez explained Youngfield Street falls under the jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), and a right-of-way permit would need to be applied for and granted by CDOT in order to allow access from Youngfield Street. The City can't guarantee CDOT would allow this access point, especially given that 42°d Avenue is so close by, and provides an alternative access point. Staff was unsure this was a realistic condition of approval that could be met. Mr. Wallace Mendez added that if the Commission felt strongly about this, a more appropriate condition would be to ask the applicant to apply for a CDOT access permit, but not mandate access from Youngfield Street. Mr. Cutler added he believes this section of the code is related to pedestrian access to the building, not vehicular access to the parking lot. Discussion then continued about access to and from the site. Commissioner DORSEY asked about a fence to isolate the subject property from the Jefferson County Head Start property. He mentioned he would like to see it as a condition of the motion if approved. Mr. Wallace Mendez said this would be a part of the site plan. Commissioner VOS asked for definition of tap house and brewing at a tap house. Mr. Wallace Mendez said the applicant does not plan on brewing any beer at this site. He explained that the phrase "tap house" is being used by the owners as part of the Copper Forest name, and does not relate to any City definitions. This type of business being proposed for the site is considered a bar by the City. Commissioner BUCKNAM added there may be some confusion and a tap room is usually found in a brewery for tasting. He does not believe there will be a tap room in this facility. Planning Commission Minutes -4— June 4— June 21, 2018 Commissioner VOS asked about the overgrowth of landscaping to the east of the property and wondered if it will be cleaned up by the property owner of the City. Mr. Wallace Mendez deferred that question to the applicant. Commissioner LEO asked exactly where the Head Start School is in relation to the said property. Mr. Wallace Mendez said the school is directly to the east. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked who the property owner to the north of said property belongs to. Mr. Wallace Mendez it belongs to CDOT. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if a brewery could be built if the property remains Neighborhood Commercial (NC). Mr. Wallace Mendez said a microbrewery requires a Special Use Permit in the NC zone district. Commissioner BUCKNAM wanted the difference of Mixed Use -Neighborhood and Mixed Use -Commercial explained. Mr. Wallace Mendez said that in terms of intensity MU -N is less intense and would be more appropriate for a neighborhood buffer. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if the applicant wants to pursue another use how would the height in the MU -N zone district be applied. Mr. Wallace Mendez said that if there is any residential component the height limit is 35 feet, if strictly commercial then 50 feet is the limit. Commissioner Peterson asked about the proposed 2°d entrance/exit point to the property. Mr. Wallace deferred this question to the applicant and said is the City has not approved a secondary access point on 42°d Avenue. If the applicant would like to make that request it would be reviewed during the Site Plan process. Barbara McEahern, applicant 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge Ms. McEahern gave a little history about when the property was purchased and mentioned that her and her husband's business, Radiant Property Management, is Planning Commission Minutes - 5— June 21, 2018 located in the building along with several other tenants. She explained the office rental rates don't cover the property taxes, utilities and other expenses for this site, but maintaining the integrity and character of the log cabin is very important to her. After brain storming other options with her business partner, they came up with the idea of a tap house that would offer Colorado beers and wines. She explained the name "Tap House" comes from the taps behind the bar for the wine and beers. Some other questions she can't answer yet because their plans are on hold, pending the final outcome of this zone change request. Ms. McEahern explained one thought for the 2°d entrance to the site is for when the parking lot is expanded and the drive would go around the building to have a drive in and drive out points. She also mentioned that 30 dead trees at the rear of the property have been removed and the plan is to bring in more trees to make the landscaping look better. There is no plan for a restaurant, but they would like to have a food truck. She also explained there will be minimal overlap for the hours of operation with the Head Start School. She also mentioned they plan on putting up a fence in between the school's property and the Tap House. There will also be a shed constructed for storage and atrash enclosure. Commissioner VOS asked about the deck on the east side of the building and wondered why it would not be on the west side where the view is. Ms. McEahern explained there is more room on the east side as well as less noise from the highway. She also said the landscaping will be redone and much nicer to look at from the deck. Commissioner VOS also questioned Staff about the shed, she thought out door storage was not allowed in MU -N zone districts. Mr. Wallace Mendez explained that items stored out in the open is considered outdoor storage; items stored in a shed is not considered outdoor storage. Commissioner VOS wanted confirmation there would not be tenant spaces in the building along with the Tap House. She also questioned a bar being able to cover property taxes and utilities as opposed to the current use. Commissioner VOS also asked if the food truck food will be allowed in the establishment. Ms. McEahern explained all the tenant leases are up at the end of January 2019 and the only office space will be for the Tap House. She also explained that the Tap House will only need to sell on average 56 drinks a day to cover the property taxes. She also added food will be allowed in the establishment from the food truck. Commissioner VOS asked how big the deck will be. Ms. McEahern explained she has not thought that far ahead, but big enough for outdoor seating and a fire pit. She added there will still be a large buffer between the cabin and the Head Start School. Planning Commission Minutes -6— June 6— June 21, 2018 Commissioner LARSON asked what the next step in the process is for the applicant if the zone change is approved. Mr. Wallace Mendez said it will be a site plan which is administratively reviewed. Commissioner LARSON also asked about the food truck being moved on and off the site. Ms. McEahern said there are regulations that the food truck has to follow and will be separate from the Tap House. Commissioner LARSON asked where the trash will be located and if the signage will be changed. Ms. McEahern said the trash will be enclosed and there will be no new signage, as they plan on using the existing sign cabinets already in place on the property. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked Ms. McEahern if she has considered the impact on traffic even from the nearby Greenbelt bike path. Ms. McEahern said she will welcome the bicycle and pedestrian traffic from the Greenbelt and there will be bike racks in front of the Tap House. Mr. Wallace Mendez, in response to traffic questions, added there are currently traffic counters being set up at 42°d Avenue and Xenon Streets for another development and the Public Works Department will assess the results to determine what actions may be appropriate to mitigate traffic impacts on the local neighborhoods in the area. Gail Perryman, Head Start Director 5150 Allison Street, Arvada Ms. Perryman mentioned she has concerns with a liquor establishment being next to the Head Start School and the start time for the Tap House. She explained the School's parking lot separates the school and the cabin property and some of the students do not get picked up until 5:30p.m. Ms. Perryman would like to see a fence put up on the property line. She also has a concern about traffic issues. Matt Martin, DBC Irrigation Supply 12750 West 42" Avenue Mr. Martin said he has concerns with traffic at 42°d and Youngfield and the possibility of people parking in his business' parking lot and leaving cars overnight. Planning Commission Minutes -7— June 7— June 21, 2018 Courtney Hartman, Jefferson County Attorney's Office 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden Ms. Hartman fundamentally thinks it is not a good idea to have a bar next to a school. She would like to see the trash be located on the Northwest side of the property and she would like the site plan and special use permit process clarified. Mr. Wallace Mendez explained that if the rezone is approved, a site plan will be required, and that is reviewed administratively. He also explained that if there was not going to be a rezone then the applicant would have to apply for a Special Use Permit for a microbrewery (which would require production onsite). If there is any opposition during the Special Use Permit process, then the request will be forwarded to City Council for review and final decision. Mr. Wallace Mendez also explained that the applicant will also have to apply for a liquor license which requires a public hearing process. If the Tap House were to ever change ownership then the new owner will have to apply for a liquor license. Other Public concerns addressed by staff: • Potential conditions of approval (Hours of operation and fence) Mr. Wallace Mendez explained that hours of operation would probably be addressed during the liquor license process, but a fence separating the school and Tap House could be added as a condition to the motion. • Traffic study results Mr. Wallace Mendez said he wasn't positive when the 42°d and Xenon traffic study results will be available, but it will be sometime before July 9. • Parking lot concerns Mr. Wallace Mendez said within the restaurant category there is a minimum of 4 spaces per every 1000 square feet to a maximum of 10 spaces per every 1000 square feet. Staff will make sure the site plan complies with these parking regulations. He also said that if patrons are parking on other properties then the police department can be called because it is considered trespassing. Mr. Cutler mentioned that ADA spaces will be added and will meet the requirement. • Trash location Mr. Wallace Mendez said staff would have to look at the mixed use code sections and have a conversation with the applicant on the placement of the Planning Commission Minutes - 8— June 21, 2018 building. Mr. Cutler added the code says trash does need to be enclosed and cannot be visible from the street. Commissioner VOS ask if the applicant and the Head Start School have had a conversation. Ms. McEahern responded no. Commissioner VOS also recommended to Mr. Martin that his business put up No Parking signage and chains across the entrance of his parking lot, during off business hours. She also asked staff about a traffic survey being done at Youngfield. Mr. Wallace Mendez said that would be a question for Public Works. Commissioner PETERSON asked about having a no parking zone on 42°d Avenue. Mr. Wallace Mendez had a conversation with Public Works about this issue and because it is a public street then no parking zone cannot be enforced; the police department can enforce parking laws if driveways are being blocked. He also explained that if safety issues arise due to parking on the street then Public Works can identify if No Parking signs or other solutions would be adequate at that location. Commissioner PETERSON asked about the drop off/pickup times at the school and how many children attend. Ms. Perryman said there are 64 maximum children allowed at the school and there are 15 minute staggered drop off and pickup times. Commissioner PETERSON did not feel the traffic study currently in process will provide good evidence for the traffic coming and going to the Tap House. He feels the City can't control the traffic on Xenon or 42°d from going to or coming from the Tap House. Mr. Wallace Mendez added if the applicant wants to put up a no left turn sign coming out of their driveway it is their prerogative but the City cannot enforce it. Commissioner VOS said she would like the applicant and the Head Start School to have a conversation for good relations between property owners if the zone change is approved. Commissioner BUCKNAM thinks this MU -N zone change will be a good choice for this neighborhood and will give the property more flexibility in the future. Planning Commission Minutes -9— June 9— June 21, 2018 It was moved by Commissioner LARSON and seconded by Commissioner LEO to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. The Proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request. With the following condition: 1. Add to site plan the installation of a 6 -foot barrier fence of appropriate height between the Head Start School and the subject property to limit access to the school ground and mitigate noise. Motion Carried 5-1 with Commissioner PETERSON voting against. C. Case No. WZ-18-14: An application filed by RJP Investment Trust for approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU - N) for property located at 6701 West 44ffi Avenue. Mr. Wallace Mendez gave a short presentation regarding the Zone Change and the application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Commissioner VOS wanted to confirm that Commercial Zone Districts can allow residential uses, but Residential Zone Districts cannot allow commercial uses. Mr. Wallace Mendez generally agreed, but clarified. Residential uses in commercial zone districts are very limited and subject to very specific location and size limitations. General commercial uses are prohibited in residential zone districts, with the exception of home occupations, in which someone operates a small business from their home. This, again, has a list of criteria that must be followed, and is limited in nature. Planning Commission Minutes - 10— June 21, 2018 09/11/2018 2:56 PM 4288 Youngfield Street Process Neighborhood Meeting: — Held on May 2, 2018 — 3 neighbors in attendance Referral: — Jeffco Head Start concern over specific use. — No concerns from any other agencies Zoning Map Comprehensive Plan Envision Wheat Ridge — Neighborhood Buffer Staff Recommendation Staff concludes: — Zone change will promote public welfare —Zone change to MU -N supported by adopted plans — MU -N is a compatible buffer Staff recommends APPROVAL of the request. 'It 44( City of Wh6at i POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. WZ-18-12 CITY COUNCIL HEARING DATE: residing at 4285 t-lourca as the applicant for Case No. (name) (address) WZ-18-12 August 13, 2018 hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 4288 Youngfield Street on this day of A-,, and do hereby certify that said sign has been j posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Community Development Department. MAP City of Wheatj�idge PUBLIC POSTING REQUIREMENTS One sign must be posted per street frontage. In addition, the following requirements must be met: • The sign must be located within the property boundaries. • The sign must be securely mounted on a flat surface. The sign must be elevated a minimum of thirty (30) inches from ground. • The sign must be visible from the street without obstruction. • The sign must be legible and posted for fifteen (15) continuous days prior to and including the day of the hearing [sign must be in place until 5pm on August 13, 2018. It is the applicant's responsibility to certify that these requirements have been met and to submit a completed Posting Certification Form to the Community Development Department. "• - ItCity of WheatR d e_ 1)02P W\a I,, QoGr z k -A b6LI'5 ITEM NO: 6\601'J 01'J DATE: July 9,201-8 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 19-2018 - AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4288 YOUNGFIELD STREET FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (N -C) TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-18-12/COPPER FOREST) ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ® ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING (07/09/2018) ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING (08/13/2018) ❑ RESOLUTIONS QUASI-JUDICIAL: ® YES ❑ NO ommunity Development Director City Manager ISSUE: The applicant is requesting approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street. The proposed rezoning area includes one parcel, the total size of which is approximately 1.38 acres. PRIOR ACTION• Planning Commission heard the request at a public hearing on June 21, 2018 and recommended approval. The staff report and meeting minutes from the Planning Commission meeting will be included with the ordinance for second reading. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed zone change is not expected to have a direct financial impact on the City. Fees in the amount of $998.00 were collected for the review and processing of Case No. WZ-18-12. Council Action Form — Rezoning Copper Forest July 9, 2018 Page 2 BACKGROUND: The property is located at the northeast corner of 42nd Avenue and Youngfield Street, directly east of the Interstate 70 and Highway 58 interchange. The property is currently zoned Neighborhood Commercial (N -C), which allows a limited range of commercial uses, such as office, general business, retail sales, and service establishments, which are oriented towards the local community and neighborhood. The structure on the property was originally built in 2001 as a model home for a log home builder. The property was purchased in 2015 by the current owner, who converted the log home into several small office spaces. The owner has applied for this zone change request in order to operate a wine and beer bar to help make the property more financially sustainable. Because of the limitations on rezoning to other commercial zone districts that would allow this type of business (such as Commercial -One), the infeasibility and inapplicability of a planned development, and this property's location along Youngfield Street between Interstate 70 and lower intensity residential and commercial uses, Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) is being recommended as the most appropriate straight zone district for this request. If the zone change is approved, and the applicant intends to operate any alcohol related use from the facility, a liquor license will need to be obtained by working with the City Clerk's Office, to obtain approval of the Liquor License Authority through a public hearing. Surrounding Land Uses The subject property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (N -C), and surrounding properties include a variety of commercial and agricultural zoning designations. To the east, along 42nd Avenue are two properties zoned Restricted Commercial (R -C), which is a slightly more permissive commercial zone district than the subject property's N -C zoning. These properties are home to the Jefferson County Head Start, and a small specialty retail establishment. To the south, along Youngfield Street is a property zoned Commercial -One (C-1), which allows for an array of regionally -serving retail, office, service, and commercial establishments. An irrigation supply company currently utilizes this C-1 property. To the west and southeast is zoned Agricultural -One (A-1). These areas are occupied by Interstate 70 and Highway 58 to the west, and single-family and vacant properties to the southeast. To the northeast is an area of Agricultural -Two (A-2), which is primarily single-family homes, but also contains some commercial operations, such as dog kennels. Current and Proposed Zoning Neighborhood Commercial is the City's most restrictive commercial zone district and typically appears on local streets and at transitions between light commercial uses and established residential neighborhoods. The proposed zone district, MU -N, provides for smaller -scale, neighborhood -serving commercial services and is similar to the existing N -C zone district. One significant difference between the existing and proposed zone districts is in the treatment of residential uses. In the N -C zone district, residential uses are permitted on a very limited basis per section 26-626 of the city code. Council Action Form — Rezoning Copper Forest July 9, 2018 Page 3 In addition, MU -N allows a slightly expanded and more contemporary list of permitted commercial uses. The zone change would allow the property to be used residentially, commercially, or for a mix of residential and commercial. The zone change would also allow the property owner to convert the structure into a wine and beer bar, which is the current intent of the rezoning, as bars are not permitted in N -C, but are permitted in MU -N. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. 19-2018, an ordinance approving the rezoning of property located at 4288 Youngfield Street from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) on first reading for the sole purpose of ordering it published and for a public hearing set for Monday, August 13, 2018, at 7 pm in City Council Chambers, and, if adopted, that it take effect 15 days after final publication." REPORT PREPARED/REVIEWED BY: Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner II Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director Patrick Goff, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 19-2018 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER _ COUNCIL BILL NO. 19 ORDINANCE NO. Series of 2018 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4288 YOUNGFIELD STREET FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (N -C) TO MIXED USE -NEIGHBORHOOD (MU -N) (CASE NO. WZ-18-12 / COPPER FOREST) WHEREAS, Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws establishes procedures for the City's review and approval of requests for land use cases; and, WHEREAS, Barbara McEahern of Copper Forest LLC has submitted a land use application for approval of a zone change to the Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) zone district for property located at 4822 Youngfield Street; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a comprehensive plan— Envision Wheat Ridge—which calls for a neighborhood buffer along Youngfield Street south of 44th Avenue, encouraging transitions and buffers between high intensity uses and corridors and lower intensity uses; and, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 21, 2018 and voted to recommend approval of rezoning the property to Mixed - Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) , NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Upon application by Barbara McEahern for approval of a zone change ordinance from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, a zone change is approved for the following described land: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, WHICH IS 302.87 FEET SOUTH OF 0°10' EAST OF THE WEST 1/16TH CORNER ON CENTER LINE OF SECTION 20, TOWNHSIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.; THENCE NORTH 89°50' EAST 334.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°10' EAST 204.53 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°50' WEST 334.35 FEET TO SAID WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE NORTH 0°10' WEST 204.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ATTACHMENT 1 EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 1966 IN BOOK 1853 AT PAGE 781, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this zone change does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability: Conflicting Ordinance Repealed. If any section, subsection or clause of the ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication, as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ to _ on this 9th day of July, 2018, ordered it published with Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of , 2018. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of _ , 2018. Bud Starker, Mayor ATTEST, Janelle Shaver, City Clerk Approved as to Form Gerald Dahl, City Attorney 1St publication: 2nd publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript: Effective Date: PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 2018 Case No, WZ-18-12: An application filed by Copper Forest, LLC for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Yeing f eld Street. (Please print) �y Name % �n_Addressr In Favor/Opposed 40unh , mc -ba -Ver l I (f) 3Rb W ;I Sl� In r1f](j.QV) w $_Oq©3 havoY" Qua VDA r PP .A u%_ 09/11/2018 3:26 PM i� 4288 Youngfield Street 42nd Avenue Youngfield Street Process Neighborhood Meeting: — Held on May 2, 2018 — 3 neighbors in attendance Referral: — Jeffco Head Start concern over specific use. — No concerns from any other agencies Development Standards MU -N N-C+ASDM Uses Residential, neighborhood scale Neighborhood scale commercial commercial, or mixed use. uses. Architecture Mixed Use Code Architectural and Site Design Manual Building 35' if residential 35' Height 50' all other Build -to 0-12 feet 0-20 feet, 40% Setbacks Side: 0' Side: 5' per story Rear: 5' (0' if nonflammable) Rear: 10'+5' for each additional story Lot Coverage 90% for mixed use 80% 85%for single use Landscape 10% for mixed use 20% 15%for single use Youngfield Street Process Neighborhood Meeting: — Held on May 2, 2018 — 3 neighbors in attendance Referral: — Jeffco Head Start concern over specific use. — No concerns from any other agencies Comprehensive Plan a Envision Wheat Ridge — Neighborhood Buffer Staff Recommendation Staff concludes: — Zone change will promote public welfare —Zone change to MU -N supported by adopted plans — MU -N is compatible with surroundings Staff recommends APPROVAL of the request. `�l41 r City of Wheat CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission MEETING DATE: June 21, 2018 CASE MANAGER: Zack Wallace Mendez CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-18-12 / Copper Forest ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use-Neighborhood(A4U-N). LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4288 Youngfield Street APPLICANT (S): Barbara McEahern, owner of Copper Forest LLC OWNER (S): APPROXIMATE AREA: Copper Forest LLC 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Buffer ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Locatic Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest Site JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant and current owner of the property has submitted this application requesting approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N). II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/PROPERTY HISTORY The subject property is located at 4288 Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 1.38 acres in size and located at the northwest corner of Youngfield Street and 42°d Avenue. The property currently contains one structure, which was originally built in 2001 as a model home for a log cabin builder. The current owner purchased the property in 2015 and converted the structure into a series of small offices. The structure and parking lot take up much of the western half of the property, while the eastern half of the lot is vacant with the exception of some vegetation �. Prior to the construction of the log home, the property was zoned Agricultural -Two (A-2). The property was rezoned to Restricted Commercial -One (RC -1) in October 2000 for the purpose of constructing the model home. The RC -1 zone district became the Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) zone district during an update to Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws in 2001. The property to the south of the subject property is zoned Commercial -One (C-1) and is home to an irrigation supply company, which operates under a special use permit granted in 2014. Further south, and to the southeast are properties zoned Agricultural -One (A-1) containing single-family homes. The vacant A-1 parcel at the southwest corner of 42nd Avenue and Xenon Street has an active land use application proposing a zone change to Planned Commercial Development. Properties to the east are zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) containing the Jefferson County Head Start and a specialty retail establishment. To the east/northeast along Xenon Street are properties zoned Agricultural -Two (A-2) containing single-family homes and some agricultural activities. Also in this area are two dog related establishments, both operating under Special Use Permits, and both being day care/kennel facilities. Finally, property to the west and north is zoned A-1 and contains the right-of-way for Youngfield Street and I-70. The I-70/Highway 58 interchange is directly west of this property (Exhibit 2, Zonin M. III. PROPOSED ZONING The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to Mixed Use -Neighborhood, a zone district intended to provide medium density mixed-use development. hi addition to residential and office uses, it allows for a range of neighborhood -serving commercial and retail uses. Youngfield Street is classified by the City as a Minor Arterial roadway. This designation may lend the property to be considered for the more intensive Mixed Use -Commercial (MU -C) zone district, which is meant for major commercial corridors. Additionally, the property's proximity to I-70 may also mean the MU -C Interstate zone district is an appropriate zone district for the property. However, given the proximity to single-family residential uses on Xenon Street, and some separation between the subject property and the more intensive commercial corridor further south on Youngfield Street, Staff feels the MU -N zone Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest district is a more appropriate transitional zone district for this site than the MU -C or MU -C Interstate designations. The current zone district for the property, Neighborhood Commercial (N -C), was established to accommodate a limited range of commercial uses, such as office, general business, retail sales, and service establishments, which are oriented towards the local neighborhood. The applicant intends to rezone the property in order to operate a beer and wine bar from the premises (Exhibit . This use is not permitted in the N -C zone district, but is permitted in the MU -N zone district. Despite this specific difference in allowable uses, the N -C and MU -N zone districts generally allow for a similar range of neighborhood -scale commercial uses. If redevelopment were to happen in the future, the MU -N zoning would allow residential uses on the property as well, while the N -C zoning does not. The following table compares the existing and proposed zoning for the property, with standards for new development or major additions. In terms of permitted uses, MU -N allows commercial uses at a similar intensity of the existing N -C zoning. In terms of residential uses, MU -N is more flexible because the N -C zone district would not otherwise allow the property to convert to a residential use. IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.E. The applicant has also provided responses to the zone change criteria, found in Exhibit 4. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest CURRENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) Allows a limited range of commercial Allows residential, commercial or mixed Uses uses including office, general business, use — includes multi -family and live/work retail sales, and service establishments facilities, excludes outdoor storage Contemporary Overlay ASDM standards apply, including high quality Mixed -Use standards apply, including high Architectural Standards architecture, standards related to quality architecture, standards related to articulation, variation, materials, and articulation, variation and materials. transparency. Max. Building Height 35' 35' if the building has residential use 50' for all other uses Max. Lot coverage 80% 90°% for mixed use 85% for single use Min. Landscaping 20% 10°% for mixed use 15% for single use Build -to Area 0-20' along front property line 0-12' along Youngfield and 42nd Avenue Setbacks Rear: 10' plus 5' per story after the I It Side: 0' Side: 0' if nonflammable or 5' per story Rear: 5' IV. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Staff has provided an analysis of the zone change criteria outlined in Section 26-112.E. The applicant has also provided responses to the zone change criteria, found in Exhibit 4. The Planning Commission shall base its recommendation in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest The change of zone will not result in adverse effects on the surrounding area. The rezoning would allow a similar range of neighborhood -oriented commercial uses on the site as is currently allowed under the N -C zoning, while allowing the owners to operate a beer and wine bar from the premises. While the MU -N zone district will expand use options by allowing for residential uses, these are generally considered to be less intensive than commercial uses. Based on the existing character of and land use patterns along Youngfield Street, the MU -N zone district is more appropriate than N -C in terms of land use and intensity. For that reason, the zone change should not have an adverse effect on the surrounding area The MU -N zoning is expected to add value to the subject property and also to the surrounding community. The mixed use development standards will support compatibility between future redevelopment and existing land uses. The subject site serves as a transition between commercial activity and the residential neighborhood to the northeast. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. Infrastructure currently serves the property, and all responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property. In the event that the current utility capacity is not adequate for a future use, the property owner/developer would be responsible for utility upgrades. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. 3. The Planning Commission shall also find that at least one 1 of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The property is classified as a Neighborhood Buffer in Envision Wheat Ridge, the City's 2009 comprehensive plan (Exhibit 5, Comprehensive Plan). Envision WheatRidge states that these areas are intended to function as a buffer between low -intensity residential uses and higher intensity commercial corridors and uses. The plan also states that these neighborhood buffers will transition from a mix of residential (both single and multi -family) and small-scale commercial uses traditional to areas with higher intensity uses. This zone change request supports the comprehensive plan and subarea plan by enabling investment in the property transitioning from Youngfield and the I-70/Highway 58 interchange into the low -intensity neighborhood, which features some small-scale commercial businesses further east along 42nd Avenue, further buffering the residential uses along Xenon Street. As noted above, the property may be eligible for one of several mixed use zone districts based on its location, but MU -N is the most appropriate based on the surrounding land uses and consistency with the comprehensive. Staff concludes that this criterion has been met. Planning Commission Case No. WZ18-12/CopperPorest b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. Staff has not found any evidence of an error with the current N -C zoning designation as is appears on the City zoning maps. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. Staff finds no evidence of significant changes in the area. The zone change request from N -C to MU -N neither responds to nor results in notable change of character. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. The proposed rezoning does not relate to an unanticipated need. Staff concludes that this criterion is not applicable. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate zone change support this request. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Prior to submittal of an application for a zone change, the applicant is required to hold a neighborhood input meeting in accordance with the requirements of section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 2, 2018. Three members of the public attended the meeting in addition to the applicant and staff. Some concerns were raised regarding traffic, the proximity of a bar to the Jefferson County Head Start school, and potential future allowed uses in the MU -N zone district. The concerns and the discussion from the meeting are summarized in the meeting summary (Exhibit 7, Neighborhood Meering Notes). VI. AGENCY REFERRAL All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the zone change request and regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: No comments. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No objection. Wheat Ridge Police Department: Provided no comments. Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest Jeffco Head Start: Letter received objecting to a specific land use within the MU -N zone district. Staff Note: Per Wheat Ridge liquor license regulations the presence of the Head Start will not prohibit the issuance of a license for beer and wine sales. Valley Water District: No objection. Fruitdale Sanitation District: No objection. Arvada Fire Protection District: No objection. Xcel Energy: No objection. Century Link: No objection. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed zone change promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area Staff further concludes that utility infrastructure adequately serves the property, and the applicant will be responsible for upgrades, if needed in the future. Finally, Staff concludes that the zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan by providing a transition between the heavily travelled Interstate 70 and Youngfield Street, both of which serve major commercial centers in the immediate vicinity, and the low -intensity residential and commercial uses found along 42nd Avenue and Xenon Street. Because the zone change evaluation criteria support the zone change request, staff recommends approval of Case No. WZ-18-12. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on the surrounding area. 2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property. 3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment in the area. 5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request." Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12ICopperPorest Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-18-12, a request for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. 2. ... Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/CopperPorest EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Planning Commission Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 3: APPLICANT REQUEST wrict¢n Reouesc and oescriodon of me Proposal I, ea rbara MCEa hero, owner of the property located at 4288 Youngfie ld Street, Wheat Ritlge, would like to request to change the current zoning {rpm 'Neighborhood Commercial' (NC) to 'Mixed -Use Neighborhood' (MU -N). 1 would like to keep the exlsiing log ca bin on the property and turn it into a wine and beer taphouse. I will n the business with a partner, Mlke Mulvaney. After a long adventure -filled day on the slopes, skiers flood into alpine bars to laugh, share stories and re -live their snow day. We aspire m bring that apres-ski mountainous retreat to Wheat Ridge with the Copper For¢sf Taphouse. Our customers will b¢ immersed n a sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. We will offer local Coloratlo brews and wine for customers along with smoketl meat meals from a footl truck. We will have a large deck off the back of the taphogse featuring a Firepit, pergola with lights and heaters for year-round outdoor enjoyment. We will have tables and chairs throughout The first and second floors of the building and a large bar on the main floor. There will be a wine tasting and private party room with old world feel. Games such as pool, shuffleboard and cards will be available for entertainment and TVs will be located throughout the cabin. with the current zoning of NC, we are unable m have an establishment that serves beer antl wine. With a zo ing of MU -N, we are able to have [his type of business. We are not opening a "ba N'. This will not be wdy "get Brun K' establishment We will provide an atmosphere conducive for after -work meetings, date nights orfiriendly get-togethers. We are looking to attract pa Vons who appreciate good local brews and wines, who like to play games such as shuffle boartl antl pool or watch a sporting event on one of our multiple Ns. Again, we are striving to provide a comfortable gathering atmosphere. Planning Commission 1 O Case No_ WZ-I S -I2 /Copper Forest EXHIBIT 4: APPLICANT RESPONSES TO ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Zone Chare a Review Criteria The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. a. The property located at 4288 Youngfield Street is the only property along Youngfeld Street between 44`a Avenue and 48v Avenue that is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (Nix. It is the most restrictive zoning and does not allow for a business to expand that might be located there. All connecting properties around the location are zoned commercial and therefore the new zoning will not result In a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Since other commercial businesses already exist, the new zoning of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) will continue to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. a. The applicant will maintain the current lag cabin structure that is located at 4288 voungfield Street. Thestructure already houses officesfor 3 businesses and will therefore continue to have adequate infrastructure/mai ties to serve the types of uses allowed by a MU -N zoning. Upgrades will be made to the land to allowfor additional pargingspaces needed to accommodate and complement a zone change. 3. At least am (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other city-appmved policies or plans for the area. It. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. C. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that It Is In the public Interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. I. Over the last 50 Years, the community of the Applewood neighborhood has expanded and improved exponentially. 1-70 and Hwy SS, two major thoroughfares, were added and changed much of the character of the property lining Youngfeld Street. It went from Agriculture to Commercial in the form of restaurants, strip malls, fastfood establishments, and other small businesses. Rezoning the property at 4288 You ngfield Street to MU -N will be in alignment with the current character of the Immediate surrounding area. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Planning Commission Case Na W7-18-121 Coppzr Forest Justification for Zone Change 1. The need for a zone change: a. The applicant would like to take the existing log cabin on the property located at 4288 Youngfield Street and turn it into a wine and beer taphouse, while maintaining the structure . The current zoning does not allow for the serving of wine and beer that is not brewed on the premises. 2. Present and future effect on the zone districts, development and physical character of the area: a. Present effects will remain the same and be aligned with the other properties located along the same street. This portion of Wheat Ridge is in an urban renewal zone and development of this area is ongoing. Since we are keeping the current structure, the physical character will remain the same for our property and surrounding properties. b. Future effects will be aligned with surrounding properties if the applicant sells the business. There would be a possibility that the current structure would be taken down and replaced with another structure. However, the new zoning is similar to the other properties lining Youngfield Street so any new structure would maintain the current physical character of the neighborhood. 3. Access to the area, traffic patterns and impact of the requested zone: a. Asingle entry/exit access on 4214 Avenue to the property will be expanded to 2 entry/exit points from 42nd Avenue. Traffic patterns will remain the same. There will be some impact on traffic entering Youngfield Street from 420d Avenue. However, it was discussed at the neighborhood meeting that with or without our rezoning, traffic is already congested at certain times of the day at this 3 -way cross section. If necessary, we would agree to put a "no left turd' sign from the property onto 42nd Avenue heading east to deter traffic from entering the neighborhood. 4. Availability of utilities: a. Since we are not building a new structure, we are just improving an existing structure, there will not be any need for additional utilities to come to the property. S. Present and future effect on public facilities and services, such as fire, police, water, sanitation, roadways, parks, schools, etc: a. Public facilities, such as police,water,sanitation,roads, parks and schools, will remain the same as they have since 2002 when the structure was built. b. The applicant will reach out to the fire department once the zone change has been approved to ask about the requirements of a possible sprinkler system. 6. Discuss the relationship between the proposal and adopted land and/or policies of the city: a. The City of Wheat Ridge is currently trying to beautify blighted areas within the city. The neighborhood at 44" and Youngfield Street/Ward Road is one of these areas. Before purchasingthe property at 4288 Youngfield Street, there was a log home business housed within the current structure. The business was failing and soon to be abandoned. The applicant purchased the property In March of 2015 and turned the structure into an office complex with 9 offices. Unfortunately, with the high property taxes on this property, the applicant is unable to make a profit as an office. Therefore the applicant had the idea to create a business that would complement the log cabin structure and fit within the character of the neighborhood. A wine and beer taphouse with a "Colorado feel" fits perfectly in this location. Employees of the neighboring businesses along with residents Planning Commission 12 CaseNo. WZ 8-12/Copper Forest of nearby homes will all benefit from an upscale, sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. The current zoning of Neighborhood Commercial INC) is the most restrictive zoning for a business. In order to create the wine and beer taphouse, a new zoning of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) is needed. With a NC zoning, a brewery is allowed on the property. However, the applicant does not want to brew beer or make wine, they Just want to sell the products. The NC zoning will not allow for this. Changing the zoning will enhance the value of the property and allow for a business that can support the expensive property taxes. The applicant believes the relationship with the policies of the city will be improved and aligned with a zone change. Planning Commission 13 CaseNo. ITZ 8-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 5: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 44" Avenue 71". Subject Property Neighborhoods an rmm[ nag"Aeeeornooa types Employment Tabor Lake West Lake Ba�/ ✓ Lake i i Neighborhood Buffer Area Mixed -Use L Commercial d. Parks and Open Space Planning Commission 14 Case No. WZI8-12 / Copper Forest EXHIBIT 6: SITE PHOTOS Planning Commission 15 Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest Planning Commission 16 Case No. WZ-18-12/Copper Forest EXHIBIT 7: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Meeting Date: Attending Staff: Location of Meeting: Property Address: Property Owner(s): Property Owner(s) Present? Applicant: Applicant Present? Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: May 2, 2018 Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner II 4288 Youngfield Street 4288 Youngfield Street Copper Forest, LLC Yes, Barb McEahern Copper Forest, LLC Yes, Barb McEahern Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) Neighborhood Buffer Existing Site Conditions: The site is located on the northeast corner of W. 42nd Avenue and Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) and contains a commercial building built in 2001, according to the Jefferson County Assessor. The building is a log cabin which is currently used as office space, though originally it was a model home. There is a parking lot in the front of the building and a large meadow and wooded area buffering the building from the properties to the east and north. The property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC). To the east along W. 42nd Avenue are two properties zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) which contain a school and an office/warehouse building. The property across the street to the south is zoned Commercial -One (C-1) and contains an irrigation supply business. Across Youngfield Street to the west is Interstate -70. Properties to the north and east are zoned Agricultural -One (A-1) or Agricultural -Two (A-2) and contain residential uses, and some associated agricultural uses such as dog kennels. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant has proposed to operate a taphouse in the log cabin, serving beer and wine. They have proposed minor modifications to the property, including adding parking, building a deck on the back of the log cabin, building an ADA ramp, paving an area for a food truck, and building a storage shed in the northeast corner. The interior would need to be modified to build a bar, accessible restrooms, and a game room, but the majority of the space would remain untouched. Additional landscaping would be added to the property, providing additional screening and creating shaded areas in the backyard. In order to accomplish this goal, the applicant has requested a zone change. Planning Commission 17 Case No. WZ-18-12/CopperPorest The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to the applicant and staff, the applicant's business partner was in attendance. Three members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff discussed the site and its zoning. • The applicant described their history with the building, and their plans for the building. • The applicant and members of the public were informed of the process for a zone change. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request: • There was concern raised regarding the proximity of a bar to the Jefferson County Head Start school, and if they would even be able to obtain a liquor license. Staff noted that in 2012 the City adopted an Ordinance that removed certain types of alcohol sales from the typical prohibited 500 foot radius, including beer and wine sales, which the applicant is proposing. Staff noted that any further liquor licensing questions should be directed towards the City Clerks Office. Additionally, the applicant added that the tentative hours of operation for the taphouse would only minimally overlap with the hours of the school. • There was concern raised about traffic in the area, the members of the public who attended the meeting stated their desire for a stoplight at 42"d Avenue and Youngfield Street, no parking along 42"d Avenue, and no left turns out of the property towards Xenon Street. Staff noted that for a traffic signal to be installed, the intersection must meet certain traffic warrants. Additionally, parking is typically permitted along all City streets, however the Planning Division Staff member was unable to answer if the Public Works Department would consider no parking along 42"d Avenue due to its substandard width and lack of curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The applicant stated they would be willing to put up a no left turn sign in an attempt to prevent their patrons from exiting the property and driving up Xenon Street to 44`h Avenue. The neighbors stated other businesses in the area have done that, and they hope the taphouse will too. • The applicant stated they desire to build a deck for their patrons to enjoy. Questions were raised regarding any associated music and noise. The applicant stated there would be no loud music played outside, and even inside it would be limited to background music. • One neighbor stated that the current owner and applicant seems trustworthy and has good intentions, but has concerns about changing the zoning and what future property owners might be able to do with the property. The concern was noted, and it was re-emphasized that while the applicant has a specific use in mind, the zone change is to a zone district that has a similar, albeit slightly more permissive use chart than is currently allowed on the property, and future owners would not be bound to the taphouse idea. Aside from the three neighbors at the meeting, staff received no comment from others in the area regarding the proposal. Planning Commission 18 Case No. WZ18-12/CopperPorest Background Information CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER POND Council Bill No. 04 Ordinance No. 1517 Series 2012 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11-53(b) OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS CONCERNING APPLICATION OF THE STATE LIQUOR LAWS WITHIN THE CITY WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge ("City") is a home rule municipality having all powers conferred by Article XX of the Colorado Constitution, and WHEREAS, the City Council ("Council") has exercised these powers by the adoption of Article III of Chapter 11 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning alcoholic beverages; and WHEREAS, pursuant to that article and the provisions in the Colorado Liquor Code, Section 12-47-101 et seq., C.R.S., the City issues licenses to businesses seeking to sell malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 12-47-313(1)(d)(1), C.R.S., all classes of liquor licensed premises within the City must be at least "five hundred feet from any public or parochial school or the principal campus of any college, university, or seminary;" and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 12-47-313(1)(d)(111), C.R.S., Council is authorized to reduce or eliminate that distance limitation for any and all classes of licenses; and WHEREAS, Council wishes to eliminate the five hundred foot distance requirement in Section 12-47-313(1)(d)(1), C.R.S., for all beer and wine licenses, brew pub licenses, arts licenses, and vintner's restaurant licenses that are licensed premises within the City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: Section 1. Section 11-53(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended to read as follows: (b) Notwithstanding the provisions in subsection (a) to the contrary, the distance restrictions imposed by Section 12-47-313(1)(d)(1), C.R,S., prohibiting the sale of malt, vinous or spirituous liquor within five hundred (500) feet of any public or parochial school or the principal campus of any college, university or seminary, are eliminated for all hotel and restaurant licenses, BEER AND WINE LICENSES, BREW PUB LICENSES, ARTS LICENSES, AND VINTNER'S RESTAURANT LICENSES issued pursuant to this article. Section 2. Severability. Conflicting Ordinances Revealed. if any section, subsection or clause of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections and clauses shall not be affected thereby. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec 'on 3. Effective Date, This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and signature of the Mayor as provided by Section 5.11 of the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on this 14th day of May, 2012, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge, and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, June 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of s to o, this 11th day of su„e , 2012. SIGNED by the Mayor on this *LORO-OV ATTEST:AL P j �f�lJ°a elle Shaver First Publication. May 17, 2012 Second Publication: June 14, 2012 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: June 11, 2012 12ttday of .lune , 2012. Jr lbiTullib, Mayor t � nAos to Form Gerald E. Dahl, City Attorney Zackary Wallace From: Robin Eaton Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 3:06 PM To: Zackary Wallace Subject: RE: Jeffco Head Start In the liquor code under 12-47-103 (32) "School" means a public, parochial, or nonpublic school that provides a basic academic education in compliance with school attendance laws for students in grades one to twelve. "Basic academic education" has the same meaning as set forth in section 22-33-104 (2)(b), C.R.S. So by clicking on the link you can see that they are programs for but not limited to communication skills of reading, writing, and speaking, mathematics, history, civics, literature, and science. https:llwww•cde.state.co.us/choicelhomeschool attendancelaw Robin Eaton Deputy City Clerk Office Phone: 303-235-2816 City of h6ait I idle OFFICIi OF THE CITY CLFIUC From: Zackary Wallace Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 1:54 PM To: Robin Eaton <reaton@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Subject: RE: Jeffco Head Start Thanks Robin. I assume it will come up during the meeting, so would you mind clarifying why Head Start does not fall under the definition of a school? Zack Wallace Mendez Planner II 303-235-2852 Cif}f Cif ]�qrWh6a-tf� `;,d Cdge OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT From: Robin Eaton Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 12:17 PM To: Zackary Wallace <zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Subject: RE: Jeffco Head Start Hey Zack, That ordinance only allows for those 5 specific types of licenses to be within 500ft. of a school, which the head start is not considered one so as long as its zoned correctly, all types of liquor licenses would be allowed there. Here's my definition page from the website and the only license type we do not have listed would be an optional premises type as we have not passed an ordinance on it as of yet. Robin Eaton Deputy City Clerk Office Phone: 303-235-2816 - City of at 1 dge 1 0, il3P ,17-7 CLERK From: Zackary Wallace Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 12:02 PM To: Robin Eaton <reaton@ci.wheatridpe.co.us> Subject: Jeffco Head Start Hi Robin, I spoke with you about a month ago about the property next to the Head Start on 42nd Avenue. I'm preparing the staff report for Planning Commission and I want to be clear about the city's liquor licensing. Is there any liquor license that the City would not be able to give to 4288 Youngfield (subject property in attached image) due to its proximity to Jefferson County Head Start? Thanks, Zack Wallace Mendez Planner II 303-235-2852 City of +�W h6 tj,jgic �CommumTY DEVELOPMENT 3 — STRUCTURE PLAN' Neighborhood Buffer The plan shows - Neighborhood Buffer Areas in the following Muted -Use Commercial Area 22 places: • Along both sides of Kipling Street north of 44'h Avenue • Along 44th Avenue near Youngfield Street 4 Along Wadsworth Boulevard. • Along Sheridan Boulevard Existing Areas: • Kipling Street at 1-70 • Youngfield Street and 38th Avenue at 1-70 • 38' Avenue between Sheridan and Wadsworth Boulevards Future Areas: • Crossing at Clear Creek site (proposed location for future Cabela's store) Neighborhood Buffer Areas are generally located at the "edges' of neighborhoods, and generally function as buffers between low - intensity residential areas and higher intensity commercial corridors and uses. Because of their close proximity to the city's primary commercial corridors, potential for assemblage; and underutilized nature of many of these properties, these areas will continue to transition from a mix of residential (both single and multi -family) and small-scale commercial uses traditional to areas with higher intensity residential, office, and commercial uses. Over time, the City aims to improve the appearance, mix of uses, property values, and overall vitality of these areas. Most Neighborhood Buffer Areas correspond with designated Urban Renewal areas, and will develop in accordance with adopted Urban Renewal plans as applicable. The plan designates existing commercial areas mixed with office and employment as mixed-use commercial areas. Focus in these areas is on long-term infill and redevelopment, reinvestment, and high quality urban design and landscaping for vacant or underutilized properties, with "centers" being the primary emphasis. The future Crossing at Clear Creek development area (also designated as a Regional Retail Center) will develop with a mix of uses including large anchor retail, smaller complementary retail, and additional secondary uses (including employment). The Regional Activity Center is described in the Activity Centers section. NH 2, NH 4, CS 3, CS 7, SF 4 ELU 1, ELU 2, ELU 4, ELU 5, NH2, SF 1 42"d and Youngfield traffic/ light In order for a traffic signal to be put in place, the intersection needs to meet warrants, which I understand to be quite a significant amount of vehicles sustained over a long period of time, somewere around 8 hours. As such, Public Works does not think this intersection meets those warrants. As part of a nearby land use application, the City Council continued -the case so more traffic data could be presented. As I understand it currently, or in the near future, traffic counters will be placed on 42nd Avenue and Xenon. Once we have those traffic counts the City can assess the situation with a little more clarity. o Finally, the City has a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, in which the residents can file a request for action and the City will work with the neighbors to assess potential solutions, such as speed humps, traffic islands, bump -outs, pavement markings, education, and enforcement, as some examples. Initiating this process is the responsibility of the neighborhood, so in this case the neighbors along Xenon St and/or 42nd Avenue. Parking • Public street, can't restrict ■ If parked cars are blocking driveways, PD can enforce + If the parking situation results in safety issues, PW may be able to assess potential solutions. City of Wheat f <iL Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (4-28-14) "Neighborhood residents working together with Public Works and Police Departments for safer, more livable, neighborhood streets. " I. INTRODUCTION TO THE PROGRAM The citizens of Wheat Ridge place a high value on their quality of life. An important part of a good quality of life is a safe and livable neighborhood that accommodates residents, cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians. The Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) represents the commitment of the City to the safety and livability of its neighborhoods by mitigating the negative impacts of vehicular traffic on residential streets. The Public Works and Police Departments are available to assist neighborhoods mitigate speeding or other traffic related concerns on streets where a problem has clearly been identified. The NTMP is limited to requests by residents adjacent to or on local street segments and is intended to mitigate problems directly associated with vehicular traffic. The program is intended to mitigate traffic on a particular street segment, not to divert traffic to adjacent or other nearby streets. This program is not intended to include traffic signs or signal modifications. However, if resolution of a specific traffic issue may be resolved by signing modifications, pavement markings, parking restrictions, improving sightlines, etc., such measures may be considered in lieu of installing traffic calming devices. Please contact the City's Public Works Department, Engineering Division at 303-235-2861 if you have questions about traffic signs or traffic signals. The following features are offered as a part of the NTMP: • Education and Enforcement — Requests can be made to the Police Department to provide neighborhood education, selective traffic enforcement, or placement of a portable speed display trailer. These services are available as resources allow. • Permanent Features — Requests can be made to the Public Works Department to install traffic control devices. Traffic control devices may include but not be limited to the following: Speed humps, traffic islands, curb bump -outs, and pavement markings. Speed humps will not be installed on streets that are Critical Emergency Response Routes (CERR). II. PROGRAM POLICIES Scope of Program and Policv This program is limited to neighborhood initiated projects for limited local street segments. Streets designated as arterial or collector streets under the City's Comprehensive Plan are not intended to be eligible for consideration under this plan. Projects may also be initiated by the NTMP Program (04-28-14) City Council or considered as part of other programs or construction projects as appropriate. A similar but modified public process will be utilized to address traffic related issues and consider traffic calming devices when initiated by the City Council or as part of other infrastructure or Capital Improvement Projects. The intent of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program is to address neighborhood initiated traffic complaints and requests. Typically after a request or complaint is made, City staff (including the Public Works and Police Departments) will investigate and provide an assessment or recommendation. Essentially, it is important that a problem is clearly identified before a mitigation measure is pursued. Such mitigation measures may include increased police enforcement, neighborhood education, addressing on street parking, or other eventual measures such as traffic calming devices. In reviewing a particular traffic issue, staff will generally follow accepted industry safety standards and professional practices as established and recognized by national, state, and local agencies. As a result, specific traffic calming devices may not be recommended by staff in certain situations. However, residents do have the option of pursuing specific traffic calming devices or other measures in accordance with a public process procedure as outlined further below. Traffic calming projects are intended to mitigate problems directly associated with vehicular traffic. Program projects are not intended to include lengths of sidewalk or other neighborhood infrastructure requests not directly associated with the mitigation of traffic problems and/or traffic mitigation treatments directly. III. NTMP PROCESS AND PROCEDURE Under the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP), residents on certain neighborhood (local) streets are provided the opportunity to request the City to review and address traffic related problems and issues, including requesting traffic calming devices. All local streets shall be considered and prioritized based on several factors including; the order received, accident history, traffic volumes, documented safety issues, available resources, and the final discretion of the City Council. Step I Bring Traffic Issue to the City's Attention and/or File a Request: Any resident can contact the City and express a traffic related concern or request. Staff will investigate the request accordingly. In many cases, specific traffic issues may be resolved by increased police enforcement, removal of sightline restrictions such as trees or shrubs that obscure visibility, addressing parking violations or other enforcement issues, or by improving or replacing signs. Other options that may be pursued are as follows: Education and Enforcement: All applications for the NTMP program are eligible for consideration and action by the Police Department, including neighborhood education, selective traffic enforcement, or placement of a portable speed display trailer. NTMP Program (04-28-14) 2 Neighborhood Education The Police Department can meet with a neighborhood upon request and provide information on the 3 A's (Awareness, Assistance, and Action) when dealing with local traffic and speeding problems. Often times, citizens may sometimes forget to watch their speed in their own neighborhood. Information regarding local transit, ride share and carpooling services may also be made available at this session. A neighborhood's livability often enhances when other transportation options are available and encouraged. Selective Traffic Enforcement Traffic enforcement, particularly for situations in which a specific repeat offender or other specific traffic problems are present is often available for residential streets. However, because of competition for Police resources across the City, general traffic enforcement for low volume residential streets is limited. Speed Display Trailer A portable speed trailer that displays drivers' speed to heighten speed awareness can be temporarily deployed to neighborhood streets as availability allows Filiint a Request for Installing Traffic Calming Devices:, If residents wish to pursue the installation of traffic calming devices such as speed humps, traffic islands, or other measures, a public process shall be followed to ensure that a problem has been clearly identified, that the neighborhood as a whole wishes to have the devices installed, and that the identified problem or issue is addressed accordingly. Traffic calming devices that meet placement criteria may be eligible for consideration and installation. In addition, residential collector streets as designated in the Comprehensive Plan may be eligible for installation of radar feedback signs which heightens awareness of actual traveled speed vs. the speed limit. To file a request for consideration in the City NTMP Program, a minimum of five (5) City residents from a single street (must be from separate households) must submit a signed written request letter to: City of Wheat Ridge Engineering Division Public Works Department Attn: NTMP Program 7500 West 29`h Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To be considered, a request must include the following basic information: a. The name, address, and phone of each requesting resident. b. Identify the resident who will be considered Point of Contact (POC) for the NTMP. c. Description of request location and/ or street segment of concern d. Nature of concern. NTMP Program (04-28-14) 3 Step 2 City Review of Request: Upon receiving a qualifying written request, staff will evaluate the request and perform an initial field investigation as follows: a. The street segment of concern will be observed, analyzed, and evaluated per standard engineering criteria. In addition, the evaluation will also include a review of available accident history and safety data, as well as input from the Police Department b. Staff will define the official limits of the street segment that will be eligible for the NTMP under the original request. The limits of a NTMP segment will generally fall within the limits of a block which is normally defined as the length of the street between two intersecting streets. The total number of households (properties) along the selected segment will be identified. If the street segment is determined to be eligible for the installation of traffic calming devices, staff will identify possible or appropriate devices. Staff will prepare a written cost estimate for the requested speed reduction feature, including the material cost and installation cost. Available resources will also influence the City's ability to install traffic control devices in a timely manner. Staff will also propose an appropriate location for each feature based on engineering review and feedback received. d. Staff shall schedule a neighborhood meeting date following completion of the review process. Property owners bordering the affected street shall be notified of the meeting at least 10 days in advance. Step 3 Neighborhood Meeting: The neighborhood meeting is intended to be the first opportunity for open discussion regarding neighborhood concerns on traffic and speeding, including identification of a problem, and an appropriate solution. Staff from the Public Works and Police Departments will attend the meeting with the following format generally presented: a. Staff will listen to neighborhood concerns and provide interactive feedback. b. If appropriate, the Police Department will make a presentation of the 3 A's of traffic control (Awareness, Assistance, and Action). The presentation will include basic education on traffic calming principles and application of neighborhood solutions. Police Department Staff will present proposed methods for Traffic Enforcement and/ or application of a portable speed trailer in the neighborhood. c. Staff will explain the limits of the NTMP street segment and number of households/ properties along this segment as identified in Step 2. NTMP Program (04-28-14) 4 d. Staff will also discuss the permanent features available under the NTMP, and explain the aspects of each as they are applied in a residential setting. e. Staff will provide a petition form at the meeting, which requires endorsement of 80% of the property owners along the NTMP street segment to qualify for the installation of any Permanent Features. Step 4 Police Department Action: If it is determined that Police Traffic Enforcement and/ or application of a portable speed trailer is desired and warranted, the Police Department will begin a selective program of traffic enforcement on or near the affected NTMP Segment. Step 5 Petition Process: To be considered for a permanent feature (traffic calming device), property owners along the NTMP segment must complete the following process: A valid petition form (as provided at the Public Meeting or by staff) shall be submitted by the appropriate neighborhood representative or point of contact. The petition form supplied by the City requires supporting signatures from a minimum of 80% of property owners along the identified NTMP segment. The petition form shall include a description of the requested feature and its proposed location. It shall be required that each property owner immediately_ adjacent to the proposed Permanent Feature provide a supporting signature on the petition form. Requests for permanent features will be considered for construction once a valid petition is received by the Public Works Department. In addition, engineering staff will complete a feasibility assessment to ensure that the proposed construction is feasible. Complete requests for permanent features in any given NTMP year shall be taken on a first-come, first-served basis, and as funds are available. Should a project be validated after NTMP funds are exhausted in any given year, they shall be rolled over to the next NTMP project year, and will be prioritized based on the order received, available funds, safety considerations, and any other factors and considerations as determined appropriate by the City Council or staff. STEP 6 City Council Approval: A proposed project must be formally approved by the City Council before proceeding ahead with construction. If a petition is in order, clear direction and consensus of the neighborhood is provided, and staff has determined that the project is feasible, staff will schedule for City Council consideration at the next available City Council meeting as scheduling allows. NTMP Program (04-28-14) STEP 7 If the City Council approves a project, staff will proceed with a bid or quote procurement process and begin scheduling for construction. The intent will be to construct or install the approved traffic calming improvement as soon as reasonably possible. However, the timing and construction will be administered and balanced against other on-going or previously approved projects, available resources, or seasonal restrictions. Construction may not commence until other projects are completed or when a contractor and resources become available. General Program Policies 1. Unintended traffic diversion as a result of an NTMP project from one street to another, or simply shifting a traffic issue to an adjacent or nearby local street is not acceptable. 2. Unintended diversion is defined as an increase of 10% or more of a street's traffic volume or 100 vehicles - whichever is higher. 3. The City reserves the right to either remove or modify any traffic calming treatments/projects in cases when an unacceptable level of unintended diversion is created or if some other unforeseen problem or safety condition is created. 4. All traffic control devices and traffic calming measures are carefully and deliberately placed by the City based on the following: Safety, research, traffic volumes, standards and warrants as established nationally and locally, field studies, and other location specific considerations and details. Other factors such as drainage considerations, public utilities, adjacent private driveways, etc., may also affect the specific location of devices. Requests that deviate from established Local, State and National practices for safety and effectiveness are not considered acceptable. The Public Works Department may be contacted at 303-235-2861 for further information. 5. In some instances, it may be possible to consider a temporary or "pilot" project in lieu of an immediate permanent improvement. This could involve the use of temporary measures to evaluate whether or not permanent improvements are acceptable and/or desired by the neighborhood. Whether a pilot project is appropriate or not would depend on the nature of the request, the result of the public process discussion, and available resources. IV. ENGINEERING CRITERIA Speed Humps: The following criteria shall be applied by the Public Works Department when considering eligibility for placement of Speed Humps. a. Street Classification. Speed Humps will only be installed on streets identified as local or neighborhood residential streets as identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan. b. Spacing. A maximum of one speed hump shall be used in a block with humps no closer together than 700 feet. c. Location. In order to eliminate situations such as a speed hump near a drainage pan, driveway entrance, or other feature, a final determination on location shall be made by the Public Works Department. NTMP Program (04-28-14) 6 d. Grade. Speed humps will be installed only on streets with grades of 8% or less. e. Horizontal and Vertical Ali ent. Speed humps will not be installed on horizontal curves with a centerline radius of less than 200 feet or on vertical curves with less than minimum stopping sight distance. f. Special Vehicle Restrictions. Speed hump requests will be referred to RTD on any local street that has an RTD bus route on it. Any local street that has more than 5% long wheel based vehicles will be reviewed by the City to determine if a speed hump shall be allowed on a street. Speed humps will not be installed on any street that is a Critical Emergency Response Route (CERR). The City will refer all requests to the local Fire Department for their review of emergency vehicle routes. g. Design. The design of speed humps to be installed within the City is shown on Attachment A. h. Resurfacing Streets. When a speed hump is approved on any street that is scheduled to be resurfaced within two years, installation of the speed hump will be delayed until resurfacing is completed. Speed Radar Boards: The following criteria shall be applied by the Public Works and Police Departments when considering eligibility for placement of Speed Radar Boards. Speed radar boards shall be considered for installation only on streets designated as collector or arterial under the City's Comprehensive Plan. a. Visibility. At the appropriate and recommended location for Speed Radar Board(s), there shall be sufficient unobstructed visibility to oncoming traffic. b. Spacing. A maximum of two Speed Radar Boards shall be used in any NTMP segment. c. Placement. At the appropriate and recommended location for Speed Radar Board(s), there shall be an adequate mounting surface and sufficient exposure to the sky for proper function with the attached solar panels. V. PERMANENT FEATURE REMOVAL Should the property owners on a street desire to have a permanent feature removed, a petition and approval procedure shall be followed identical to the request and installation procedures previously described. However, unanimous approval is not required for properties immediately adjacent to the permanent feature. Attachments: SPEED HUMP DESIGN STREET CLASSIFICATION MAP NTMP Program (04-28-14) ♦� A4 �• City of W h.&,atlKid POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. WZ-18-12 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING DATE: - ( (name) residing at l a3 ata 1n 1 l (-p Wn D ?-Llj o -3 (address) as the applicant for Case No. WZ-18-12 June 21, 2018 hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 4288 Young eld Street on thisday of and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Community Development Department. MAP City of `1`IheatRjoge PUBLIC POSTING REQUIREMENTS One sign must be posted per street frontage. In addition, the following requirements must be met: The sign must be located within the property boundaries. ■ The sign must be securely mounted on a flat surface. ■ The sign must be elevated a minimum of thirty (30) inches from ground. ■ The sign must be visible from the street without obstruction. ■ The sign must be legible and posted for fifteen (15) continuous days prior to and including the day of the hearing [sign must be in place until 5pm on June 21, 2018. It is the applicant's responsibility to certify that these requirements have been met and to submit a completed Posting Certification Form to the Community Development Department. 01 City Of ` Wheat�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE (As required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.D) June 7, 2018 Dear Property Owner / Current Resident: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-18-12 an application filed by Copper Forest, LLC for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4288 Youngfield Street. This request is scheduled for public hearing in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planning Commission June 21, 2018 A 7:00 p.m., City Council August 13, 2018 A 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you, City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. If you need inclusion assistance, please call Sara Spaulding, Public Information Officer, at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of the meeting. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Vicinih, Mau Site Outlined in red tr or W heat �dge Geographic Information Systems Legend i Q Subject Property / i r y p� v O` Z� w X 5 42N❑ AVE MJ CO 07 - state Plan» Coordinate Projection N ~f•T Colorado Central Zone (i — Del— NAD53 A A WZ 1812.doc SOLSBURY HILL LAND COMPANY LLC COPPER FOREST LLC FERGUSON VERNA R 5805 E 39TH AVE 16398 W 51ST LN 4221 XENON ST DENVER CO 80207 GOLDEN CO 80403 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 IMER DWANE R 12710 W 42ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 M & M REALTY LLC 4219 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 JEFFERSON COUNTY 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY GOLDEN CO 80419 METRO WASTEWATER RECLAMATION DIST 6450 YORK ST DENVER CO 80229 LOYA ELIAS 4235 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MORA JESSIE 4160 YOUNGFIELD ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ROCK MATTHEW P ROCK TRUDY A ROCK TRUDY MURPHY DAVID A MURPHY KATHRYN R RADIO RESOURCE INC ANN 12700 W 42ND AVE 12701 W 42ND AVE #A 10300 W 65TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ARVADA CO 80004 ♦6 A♦ City Of ?00" eat dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29� Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 May 24, 2018 Copper Forest, LLC Attu: Barbara McEahern 4288 Youngfield Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DELIVERED VIA EMAIL barb@mceahem.com Re: WZ- 18-12 —1" Review Dear Ms. McEahem: This letter is in regard to your application for a zone change on property located at 4288 Youngfield Street The first submittal of your application has been reviewed, and there are no requests for additional information at this time. The Planning Division has no comments regarding your proposal. Comments were received during the referral period from the following outside agencies and city departments: • Valley Water District • Fruitdale Sanitation District • Arvada Fire Protection District • Wheat Ridge Police Department o The comments state the requestfor comments has peen forwarded to command stgfffor further input As ofnoon on May 24, no further input has been received. Ifcomments are received they will he forwarded to you. • Wheat Ridge Building Division • Wheat Ridge Public Works Department • Jefferson County o The City is following up with the County regarding the position taken in the attached letter. • Xcel Energy • Century Link All comments are provided as an attachm ent to this memo. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Zack Wallace Mendez Plannerll 303-235-2852 zwallace@ci.wheamrdge. co. us cc: Case file (WZ-I8-12) Enclosures 05/07/18 MON 12:44 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS IM001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12107 W EST 52ND AV F NU F. WI IEs.AT F:1L)G�l;?., COLORADO 80033 'I'La rvio N v. 303-424-9661 F nx 303424-0828 May 7, 2018 Zack Wallace Mefulez City u Wheat. Ridge C0n]snunity I.)evelopment Department 7500 W. 29`x' !Avenue Wheat Ride, CO 80033 Lear pack: In reference t0 your Case No. WZ-]8-12/N9c1?tthern , the District has no concerns with the proposed ]'Czoni119 The 'District currently provides water service to the hrOpertY, Ind a change in use miry require additional water capacity. J'he ownc.r .,should remain in contact with the District 10 d'SCUSS spCC' IC 'WatC�" system needs. Please 'feel 'free to cor]tact the with any further questions. sinwrely, -- Kathleen Kadnq 1)istrict UtTice 1Manager ./�AMAULT MARTIN/MARTIN 00000"CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 7, 2018 Zack Wallace City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Email: zwaIlace@ci.wheatridge.co.us Re: Fruitdale Sanitation District -4288 Youngfield St. —Zone Change Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 13.0053.C.01 Dear Mr. Wallace, On behalf of the Fruitdale Sanitation District (FSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the referenced referral dated May 7`h, 2018 concerning request for a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed -Use Neighborhood (MU -N) at 4288 Youngfield St. From review of the referral, a bar including additional restrooms are proposed for the property. The Fruitdale Sanitation District has no objection for approval of the zone change conditional on the elements identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. The property referenced above is entirely within the boundary and service area of FSD. Treatment of sewage generated within the FSD is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). Any existing grease interceptors must be shown to have adequate capacity for the property. If no grease interceptors of adequate capacity exist, a grease interceptor of adequate capacity must be installed. Additionally, a monitoring test manhole must be install if one does not currently exist on the property. Any modification to the site must be referred to the District. If development creates a capacity issue to existing sanitary lines downstream of the development, the developer will be responsible for upsizing costs. In the event of water meter upsizing, a sanitary tap application per District standards is required. Please provide a site plan and proposed water meter sizing when available. Existing Sanitary Sewer Mains Fruitdale Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running west to east, south of the referenced property within W. 42nd Ave. It appears from existing records that the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the developer is responsible for determining vertical depths and horizontal locations of District facilities to verify if gravity flow is capable of servicing lots or if private individual sewage ejectors (lift station) are required. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance— engineering, reviews, design, construction, legal, observation and inspections — and are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware that proper tap and inspection fees are required to be paid prior to connection to the District main. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Fruitdale Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees'. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Fruitdale Sanitation District -4288 You ngfield St.—Zone Change May 7, 2018 NAMPIPEZ If future improvements to the site are planned based on the new zone change, meter size modification, or if sanitary sewer connection or easements are planned on the parcel, these modifications/improvements will require review by the District according to the Standards, Rules, and Regulations set forth by FSD, which are available upon request. Refer to the standard application process online. Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis District Engineer Cc: Gary Charbonnier, Fruitdale Sanitation District Manager Page 212 From: Steven Parker To: Zackary Wallace Subject: RE: Wheat Ridge Referral - WZ-18-02 Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 9:19:50 AM Attachments: AFPD Review - WZ-18-12.Ddf Zack, Attached is my review letter for this referral. I do not know if it is clear in the letter, but I am in support of the zone change. The comments are more specific to if they are going to be able to do this, I will need additional information prior to them moving forward with this change of use. If you have any questions or comments let me know. Thanks. Steven Parker Deputy Fire Marshal — Code Compliance and Investigations Community Risk Reduction Division Arvada Fire Protection District 7903 Allison Way Arvada, CO 80005 303-403-0477 www.arvadafire.com From: Zackary Wallace <zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Sent: Monday, May 7, 2018 10:56 AM To: Steven Parker <steven.parker@arvadafire.com> Subject: Wheat Ridge Referral- WZ-18-02 Steven, The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a zone change at 4288 Youngfield Street (Case No. WZ-18-12). You may view and download the application materials from the following Dropbox link: hffnc /Ammimi nm/chlhHi... nadca479Qh/A Lnn,W kr..9nh,nPRk7hAA/d RA9/1ic-n Comments are due by Tuesday, May 22, 2018, no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you, Zack Wallace Mendez Planner II 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2852 Fax 303-234-2845 403 a Fire Protection Platirlep1� Allison Way Arvada CO 80005 • 303-424-3012 • 303-432-7995 fax May 22, 2018 Mr. Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29a' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: 4288 Youngfield Sheet, COWR Project WZ-18-12 Mr. Mendez: The referral referenced above was reviewed for compliance with the 2012 Intemational Fire Code (IFC) as adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge. The Fire District has the following comments regarding this development plan. 1. Fire protection service This parcel is currently within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Arvada Fire Protection District (AFPD). The fire protection services for this parcel are provided primarily by AFPD Fire Station #2 located at 5250 Oak Street. 2. Required Information The information provided is insufficient to comment specific to the fire department requirements for this site. Additional information needs to be provided, i.e. site plan utility plan, and more detailed information regarding square footage of the space that will be used for this newly proposed use. Below are general comments in nature, once more detailed information is provided, specific comments to this site will be provided. 3. Emergency Vehicle Access (EVA) Fire apparatus access shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 26 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches including any overhead utilities. The plans provided indicate that the unobstructed width requirement is not being met with a 24 foot wide EVA. (2012IFC Section 503.2.1 amended). 4. Fire apparatus access -surface Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided with an approved all-weather surface (concrete or asphalt). Access roads shall be capable of supporting an imposed load of 85,000 pounds. (2009 IFC Section 502.2.3) 5. Fire apparatus access -turning radius Fire apparatus access roads shall provide a minimum inside turning radius and an outside turning radius sufficient to allow navigation of fire apparatus and allow effective fire suppression operations. A turning analysis of the site, using AutOTURN® or an equivalent program, shall be provided and indicate that access throughout the site will accommodate fire apparatus as specified by Arvada Fire. The developer or representative shall contact Arvada Fire Community Risk Reduction Division for apparatus dimensions for use in the turning analysis (20121FC Section 503.2.4). 6. Emergency access through site The private roads through the site shall be dedicated on the final plat as "Emergency Access Lanes" or other similar language as required by the City of Wheat Ridge. 7. Fire lane signage Provide a signage plan indicating the location of fire lane signage. The fire lane signage shall comply with the City of Wheat Ridge Engineering Standards shall be provided on the curb line. (2012IFC Section 503.3) 8. Required fire -flow The information provided does not have sufficient information to determine the required fire - flow. In order to determine this, the total square footage of the largest structure and associated construction type shall be provided. (2012IFC Table B105.1 and Section B105.2) 9. Fire Hydrants Fire hydrants shall be provided along required apparatus access roads and adjacent public streets with spacing between hydrants no greater than 300 feet. Fire hydrant spacing for complexes or subdivisions shall not exceed 300 feet. (2012IFC Section 507.5.1.2 amended) 10. Water supply for fire -protection Fire hydrants shall be installed and/or made operational to provide the minimum required fire - flow prior to commencing construction above grade. (2012IFC Sections 507) 11. Fire sprinkler system If there is not an existing fire sprinkler and fire alarm system installed in this building, one may need to be provided. Based on the occupant load, fire area, and proposed operation(s), additional fire protection systems may be required. 12. Landscaping clearance A 3-0 foot clear space shall be maintained around all fire hydrants. The space shall be measured from the top center of the hydrant and there shall be no obstructions directly in front of fire hydrants. (2012IFC Section 50 7.5.5) All of the trees within this development, shall provide an unobstructed vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches for emergency vehicle access (2012IFC Section 503.2.1). 13. Premise identification During construction and upon completion there shall be building signage provided, a minimum of 4 inches high with a 0.5 inch stroke and visible from the street or road fronting that building. (2012IFC Section 505). 14. Construction plans Complete specifications and building construction plans shall be submitted directly to the Fire District (AFPD) for review and approval at the same time plans are submitted to the Arvada Building Inspection Division and prior to construction occurring. The developer is encouraged to contact the AFPD Community Risk Reduction Division to verify plan submittal requirements and Fire District permit fees prior to plans submittal. Please contact me at (303) 403-0477 or via e-mail at steven.narkerAarvadafire.com if you should have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, Steven Parker Deputy Fire Marshal Si RE Racial as! 18 12 lone Thursday, May 10, 2018 12 38 04 DO Hey Zack Since this is bar, I'veforwarded the in b to the rest of M1e command 4aff Or Input So we'll let you know what, Ilan y, comments we have. Than kg Moe Sgt Mark Moellenberg IXlmina l In ve4lgations Bureau Wheat Ridge Police Department 7500 W. SPIT Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dead 3032452906 Away ci wheatrol cc us V 4 City of 'WheatRoge POLICE DEPARTMENT CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE th,,no,ndw,nlyforthempeofthe individual or enjoy named above Ifyouarenintheintendedisopere youareffindedthatanydisdosus Rogers commuter, eleconninsporage or use ofthiscommunnybon operated If you received this communication in error please oetiryus immediately averted stashing the onginal message and delete the onvmel message tom Four computer, and any neworkto whish Four computer sconnewed Thankyou Fmm:Zakey Wallace Bent: Monday, May 07, 201010 59 AM To: Main Moellenberg Subject Deferral Way -1812 Mark, The Meat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a zone Mange at 4288 Youngfieltl Street (Case No. AVE 18 You may view and download the application documents from the City drive. Folder V VCommun v Deva on an f Lana use Case Peters File name SAFE1812—McWhern rezone Comments are due by Teeatlay, MaI 2018 no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be In touch with any additional quer ions. Thank you Zack Wallace Mendez Planner 11 7500 W 29th Avenue Meat Rltlge, Colorado 00033 Office Phone 303235-2852 has cards Wallace Subpent: RE Rearral gas 18 12 inase Travel Mal 2018 10 15 19 M Zack, I have no objections on this one. I was Involved In the pre application meeting and provided feedback tot he applicant In regards to accessible access. Randy Slaw, CBO Chief Building Official 7500 W. Eel Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303235 2803 Sees ci whaMdee cc us _ad. I ECitya �i) �1aJa��c Hr�rchptv[eranvtiafrvt�^" entity named above Ifyou are route intended recipient you am mottled thatany disclosure, copying distributor, eleconestorge cruse orchis communication is prohibited ff you receiged this communication in error pleasenoury us unable by oral, attaching the original message, and delete the original messadfrourn waurccurnputer and any netavento which year computer is connected Thal ary wahace Sent Monday, May 7, 201810:59 AM To: Randy Buaer<rslusser@cv whatrldge cc us> Subject: Referral -WZ-18-12 Randy, The Meat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a zone Mange at 4288 Your pre ltl Street (Case No. W2-18-12). You may view and download the appliarion documents from the City drive. Folds rVV ommun voavaon enf La nd use case R stand File name FARE1812—MCEahern rezone Cc come nts a re due by Tueatlay, May 22, 2018 no resp onsefro m yo a will constitute having n o o Factors or concerns. Feel free to be In touch with any additional questions. Thank you Zack Wallace Mendez Planner 11 7500 W 29th Avenue Meat Rltlge, Colorado 80033 'SAI CIfY Of ridge WheatR PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Zack Wallace, Planning Technician FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: May 11, 2018 SUBJECT: WZ-18-12/ McEahem-4288 Youngfield Street. I have completed my review for the request for approval of a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) for the property located at 4288 Youngfield Street received on May 7, 2018, and I have the following comments: It does not appear that the current rezoning proposal entails any site changes which could trigger traffic or drainage requirements. Public Works has no comments regarding this rezone proposal. ToZack -McEahercRe-Zone Istkeview. dean J E F F E R Slua-,'mN Human Services COUNTY COLORADO Steps to a better, safer life May 21, 2018 Zack Wallace Mendez City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Case No. WZ-18-12 (Application to Rezone 4288 Youngfield Street) Dear Zack: I am the Director of Jefferson County Head Start ("Head Start"), a government program that provides comprehensive early childhood education, health, nutrition and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families. For the past eleven years, Head Start has operated a pre-school at 12725 42nd Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO, 80033, which is directly adjacent to 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (the "Subject Property"). At present, Head Start provides educational services to approximately 64 children (ages 2 to 5) at the pre-school as well as intensive parenting and coaching services for the families of these children. I am writing regarding Case No. WZ-18-12, which involves the application by Copper Forest, LLC to rezone the Subject Property from Neighborhood Commercial to Mixed Use -Neighborhood. Head Start believes that the Property is appropriately zoned as Neighborhood Commercial, which permits professional office and related uses, and we would encourage the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and City Council to deny this rezoning request. Head Start is concerned about the applicant's stated intention of operating a beer and wine taphouse next door to the pre-school. In looking at the surrounding community, there are a number of other more appropriate locations for a beer and wine taphouse, including further south along Youngfield and further to the north and east of this location along 44th Avenue. People will already drive by numerous establishments where they can purchase beer and wine before they get to the Subject Property. Head Start believes the current office and professional uses are an appropriate transition between the neighborhood and the more commercial areas of Wheat Ridge and are appropriate for this neighborhood buffer area. As a result, Head Start requests that current zoning stand and the application for rezoning be denied. Nevertheless, if the City of Wheat Ridge resolves to approve the proposed rezoning, Head Start requests that the following conditions be added to mitigate the impacts of the proposed uses on Head Start and the surrounding neighborhood: Restriction on Hours of Operation: Head Start requests that the applicant be restricted from operating the taphouse when children are present at the pre-school. Head Start operates the pre- school from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays during the school year and holds parental education and training classes at the pre-school some weekday evenings, but children are typically present at the pre-school from about 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Head Start would request that the taphouse be restricted from operating during those hours when children are present. 2. Construction of a Barrier lienc : Head Start requests that a six-foot solid barrier fence be installed along the eastern property line between the school and the Subject Property to limit access to the pre-school grounds and to mitigate noise. 3. Installation of a Traffic Li ht: If appropriate warrants can be met, Head Start requests that a traffic light be installed at the intersection of Youngfield Street and West 42nd Street to mitigate any additional congestion caused by the operation of a taphouse on the Subject Property. I appreciate your consideration of our concerns on this matter, and we encourage you to deny the application. Sincerely, Gayle e man, Director Jefferson County Head Start 5150 Allison Street Arvada, CO 80002 Xcel Energy - PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY May 21, 2018 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Zack Wallace Mendez Re: McEahern Rezone, Case # WZ-18-12 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West V Avenue Denver Colorado 80223 Telephone. 303.571.3306 Facsimile. 303. 571 3284 donna I.george a�T:celenergy. corn Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way & Permits Referral Desk has reviewed the request for the McEahern Rezone. Please be advised that PSCo has existing electric distribution facilities within the areas indicated in this proposed rezone. Public Service Company has no objection to this proposed rezone, contingent upon PSCo's ability to maintain all existing rights and this amendment should not hinder our ability for future expansion, including all present and any future accommodations for natural gas transmission and electric transmission related facilities. If there are any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571- 3306. Donna George Right of Way and Permits Public Service Company of Colorado use wounedi suspect: RE miss RiAe Referral Ect.: Travel press, 2018 3 57 4 nor Zack, CenturyLlnk has no objeRlon to the proposed application. Thanks Pardo emblem, ROW Agent CenturyLlnk 700 W. Mineral Ave, Littleton, CO 80120 Call. 7205202133 Ou41n Pulclanl@centuryllnk c0ok "Centu Lmk- vil�c N Bwriper cannecua- From:Zad-ary Wallace mallto2wallacei wheatridge cc us{ Sent Monday, May 7, 201810:56 AM To: Fulgoni, Epson mush Pulclanl@ centuryllnk. com> Subjects Wheat Ridge Referral - WZ-1842 Rusin, The Meat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a zone Mange at 4288 Young(ieltl Street (Case No. WZ-18-12). You may view and download the application materials from the following Dmpboz link h oe//www drOOMz roMSNMvuna4w3729&AADDMJ(Ce2DhmB6K7NW45a2dtO Comments are due by Tuearms May22, 2018 no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to beintouch with any additional questions. Thank you Zack Wallace Mendez Planner 11 7500 W 29th Avenue Meat Ritlge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone 303235-2852 Fax 303 234 2845 vowev a wheatridgeccus City of �Whtp' g ar �N caned above llfm a int res vezMed reeapmt you a moved redlistlmvrepopymg lismLvemy eleoma smvge ♦6 A♦ City of WheatlRidge CommuNLTy DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: May 7, 2018 Response Due: May 22, 2018 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a zone change at 4288 Youngfield Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: Vt2-18-12 / McEahern Request: The applicant is requesting a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N). The applicant is proposing the zone change in order to operate a bar from the facility. According to the applicant, the bar will serve local wine and beer, and a food truck will provide meals. This use is not permitted in the NC zone district, but is allowed under the MU -N district, in addition to several other uses including live-work/mixed use, commercial, and residential uses. The subject property is located on the northeast corner of 42ntl Avenue and Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) and contains a commercial building built in 2001 originally as a model home for a log cabin builder. The current owner purchased the property in 2015 and converted it into a series of small offices. If the zone change is approved the applicant anticipates modifying the interior space to allow the construction of a bar and accessible restrooms. On the exterior, the applicant anticipates needing to provide ADA access to the building, providing additional paving for a food truck area and additional parking, constructing a deck on the rear of the building, and providing additional landscaping. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager: Case Manager: Zack Wallace Mendez Phone: 303.235.2852 Email: zwallace@ci.wheatridge.co.us Fax: 303.235.2852 DISTRIBUTION: Valley Water District Fmitdale Sanitation District Arvada Fire District Xcel Energy Century Link Comcast Cable Colorado Department of Transportation Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Economic Development Jeffco Schools Vicinity Map -� 44TH�AVE City of Wheatf<i�gge _. M Geographic Information Systems Legend Subject Property Uninc. Jefferson County � v W g . z O p BOJ= X .: 3 tT e• � 42ND�AVE � i, p�VY F, EN��v� G� o OUNV•,�Ov� State Plane Coordinate Proiecton N CatereD.W.NAD83 zone Datum NAD83 v _. tr.t.,.,.,.m...w.....r. N. ♦ submitted E City of planner. In i�9�Wh6atf:uidge— be accepted LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue * Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) 313zo- 6V-)- Applicant Copper Forest, LLC Phone 303-420-6807 Email barb@mceahern.com Address, City, State, Zip 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Owner Barbara McEahern Address, City, State, Zip 16398 w 51st Phone 303-420-6807 Email barb@nceahern.com Golden, CO 80403 Contact Barbara McEahern Phone 303-420-6807 Email barb@mceahern.com Address, City, State, Zip 16398 w 51 st lane, Golden, CO 80403 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): M Change of Zone or Zone Conditions ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Subdivision – specify type: ❑ Planned Development (ODP, SDP) ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Administrative (up to 3 lots) ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Site Plan ❑ Minor (4 or 5 lots) ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Concept Plan ❑ Major (6 or more lots) ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section 26-_ ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Other:— Detailed description of request: We would like to change the zoning from NC (Neighborhood Commercial) to MU -N (Mixed Use - Neighborhood). Currently the building is being used as an office complex and we would like to convert it to a wine and beer taphouse. It will not be a restaurant nor a brewery, so the current zoning does not allow a special use permit to be granted. I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Notarized Signature of Applicant_ State of Colorado } ss County of 717� 0cy0 The foregoi instrument(Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me this ;-' L/ day of � by l cit/ Ctd�C[ ! I cea he V -PI . J 2 My commission expires /6/ /20 Zp Notary Public To be filled out by staff: Date received 5 -q- 14S Fee $ `f `1 T-06 Case No. � Comp Plan Design. Receipt No. C W01 g' -I yq Quarter Section M Related Case No. Pre -App Mtg. Date - Case Manager Assessor's Parcel No. 31-a03-06-6 Current Zoning �je. r ( C Current Use Size (acres or sgft) �. 3 g ctc,-e S Proposed Zoning- p, Proposed Use Rev 1/22/2016 City of Rev. 512014 "� Wheatl cige COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submittal Checklist: Zone Change (straight zone district) Project Name: _C[ i7i}('.f ro1-e5t Q i��'10�15� LLC Project Location: Application Contents: A zone change application is required for approval of a rezoning to any non -planned development (straight) zone district. The following items represent a complete zone change application: ✓ 1. Completed, notarized land use application form 7-2. Application fee 17-3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) 7-4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed NA.5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) ;;// 6. Mineral rights certification form Z:7. Approved legal description on the Current City Datum with proper section and PHAC ties per City Geodetic Requirements, in Microsoft Word format ✓ 8. Certified boundary and improvement survey of the property 7-9. Written request and description of the proposal V Include a response to the zone change review criteria—these are found in Section 26-112 of the municipal code VInclude a justification of why the zone change is appropriate addressing these issues: • The need for the zone change. • Present and future effect on the existing zone districts, development and physical character of the area. • Access to the area, traffic patterns and impact of the requested zone on these factors. • Availability of utilities. • Present and future effect on public facilities and services, such as fire, police, water, sanitation, roadways, parks, schools, etc. • A discussion of the relationship between the proposal and adopted land and/or policies of the city. As applicant for this project, 1 hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. i fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2"°) full review, l will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Signature: 4 ,z 4bTrza& nrn.� Date: Name (please print): Bcybayrt LMCF_A;-)PX n Phone: _'42.Q Community Development Department - (303) 235-2846 • www.d.wheatridge.co.us Written Request and Descrintion of the Proposal I, Barbara McEahern, owner of the property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge, would like to request to change the current zoning from 'Neighborhood Commercial' (NC) to 'Mixed -Use Neighborhood' (MU -N). I would like to keep the existing log cabin on the property and turn it into a wine and beer taphouse. I will own the business with a partner, Mike Mulvaney. After a long adventure -filled day on the slopes, skiers flood into alpine bars to laugh, share stories and re -live their snow day. We aspire to bring that apres-ski mountainous retreat to Wheat Ridge with the Copper Forest Taphouse. Our customers will be immersed in a sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. We will offer local Colorado brews and wine for customers along with smoked meat meals from a food truck. We will have a large deck off the back of the taphouse featuring a firepit, pergola with lights and heaters for year-round outdoor enjoyment. We will have tables and chairs throughout the first and second floors of the building and a large bar on the main floor. There will be a wine tasting and private party room with an old world feel. Games such as pool, shuffleboard and cards will be available for entertainment and TVs will be located throughout the cabin. With the current zoning of NC, we are unable to have an establishment that serves beer and wine. With a zoning of MU -N, we are able to have this type of business. We are not opening a "bar". This will not be a rowdy "get drunk" establishment. We will provide an atmosphere conducive for after -work meetings, date nights or friendly get-togethers. We are looking to attract patrons who appreciate good local brews and wines, who like to play games such as shuffleboard and pool or watch a sporting event on one of our multiple TVs. Again, we are striving to provide a comfortable gathering atmosphere. Zone Change Review Criteria 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. a. The property located at 4288 Youngfield Street is the only property along Youngfield Street between 44th Avenue and 48th Avenue that is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC). It is the most restrictive zoning and does not allow for a business to expand that might be located there. All connecting properties around the location are zoned commercial and therefore the new zoning will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area. Since other commercial businesses already exist, the new zoning of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) will continue to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. a. The applicant will maintain the current log cabin structure that is located at 4288 Youngfield Street. The structure already houses offices for 3 businesses and will therefore continue to have adequate infrastructure/facilities to serve the types of uses allowed by a MU -N zoning. Upgrades will be made to the land to allow for additional parking spaces needed to accommodate and complement a zone change. 3. At least one (1) of the following conditions exists: a. The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other city -approved policies or plans for the area. b. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. 1. Over the last 50 years, the community of the Applewood neighborhood has expanded and improved exponentially. 1-70 and Hwy 58, two major thoroughfares, were added and changed much of the character of the property lining Youngfield Street. It went from Agriculture to Commercial in the form of restaurants, strip malls, fast food establishments, and other small businesses. Rezoning the property at 4288 Youngfield Street to MU -N will be in alignment with the current character of the immediate surrounding area. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. Justification for Zone Change 1. The need for a zone change: a. The applicant would like to take the existing log cabin on the property located at 4288 Youngfield Street and turn it into a wine and beer taphouse, while maintaining the structure . The current zoning does not allow for the serving of wine and beer that is not brewed on the premises. 2. Present and future effect on the zone districts, development and physical character of the area: a. Present effects will remain the same and be aligned with the other properties located along the same street. This portion of Wheat Ridge is in an urban renewal zone and development of this area is ongoing. Since we are keeping the current structure, the physical character will remain the same for our property and surrounding properties. b. Future effects will be aligned with surrounding properties if the applicant sells the business. There would be a possibility that the current structure would be taken down and replaced with another structure. However, the new zoning is similar to the other properties lining Youngfield Street so any new structure would maintain the current physical character of the neighborhood. 3. Access to the area, traffic patterns and impact of the requested zone: a. A single entry/exit access on 42nd Avenue to the property will be expanded to 2 entry/exit points from 42nd Avenue. Traffic patterns will remain the same. There will be some impact on traffic entering Youngfield Street from 42nd Avenue. However, it was discussed at the neighborhood meeting that with or without our rezoning, traffic is already congested at certain times of the day at this 3 -way cross section. If necessary, we would agree to put a "no left turn" sign from the property onto 42"6 Avenue heading east to deter traffic from entering the neighborhood. 4. Availability of utilities: a. Since we are not building a new structure, we are just improving an existing structure, there will not be any need for additional utilities to come to the property. 5. Present and future effect on public facilities and services, such as fire, police, water, sanitation, roadways, parks, schools, etc: a. Public facilities, such as police, water, sanitation, roads, parks and schools, will remain the same as they have since 2002 when the structure was built. b. The applicant will reach out to the fire department once the zone change has been approved to ask about the requirements of a possible sprinkler system. 6. Discuss the relationship between the proposal and adopted land and/or policies of the city: a. The City of Wheat Ridge is currently trying to beautify blighted areas within the city. The neighborhood at 44th and Youngfield Street/Ward Road is one of these areas. Before purchasing the property at 4288 Youngfield Street, there was a log home business housed within the current structure. The business was failing and soon to be abandoned. The applicant purchased the property in March of 2015 and turned the structure into an office complex with 9 offices. Unfortunately, with the high property taxes on this property, the applicant is unable to make a profit as an office. Therefore the applicant had the idea to create a business that would complement the log cabin structure and fit within the character of the neighborhood. A wine and beer taphouse with a "Colorado feel" fits perfectly in this location. Employees of the neighboring businesses along with residents of nearby homes will all benefit from an upscale, sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress-free wine and beer drinking experience. b. The current zoning of Neighborhood Commercial (NC) is the most restrictive zoning for a business. In order to create the wine and beer taphouse, a new zoning of Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU-N) is needed. With a NC zoning, a brewery is allowed on the property. However, the applicant does not want to brew beer or make wine, they just want to sell the products. The NC zoning will not allow for this. Changing the zoning will enhance the value of the property and allow for a business that can support the expensive property taxes. The applicant believes the relationship with the policies of the city will be improved and aligned with a zone change. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE EXCEPTED PORTION r— REC. NO. 168628 N89°50'E 234.35' FENCE ASPHALT PARKING t\ 56.4' S89"50'W 277.9 W. 42ND AVE. R.O.W. VARIES 0' 60' 120' SCALE: 1" = 60' IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE WAS PREPARED FOR MILE HI PROPERTY AND THAT IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, AND THAT IT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL ON THIS DATE 1-10-15 EXCEPT UTILITY CONNECTIONS, ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PARCEL THAT THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS UPON THE DESCRIBED PREMISE EXCEPT AS NOTED, BY IMPROVEMENTS ON ANY ADJOINING PREMISE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RODNEY H. MAXWELL, COLORADO P.LS 38083 NOTE: 136. ALL PROPERTY DISTANCES AND EASEMENTS WERE FOUND ON OFFICIAL DEED FROM THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE ALONG WITH OLD REPUBLIC TITLE COMMITMENT NO. ABJ70435355, NO OTHER DOCUMENTS WERE PROVIDED TO THE SURVEYOR. OWNERSHIP AND LOCATION OF FENCES NOT DETERMINED BY THE SURVEYOR. ILC BASED ON LINES OF OCCUPATION. ALL MEASURED DISTANCES ARE APPROXIMATE AND A SURVEY IS RECOMMENDED. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4288 YOUNGFIELD ST WHEAT RIDGE 80033 LEGAL• BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, WHICH IS 302.87 FEET SOUTH 0010' EAST OF THE WEST 1/16TH CORNER ON CENTER LINE OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.; THENCE NORTH 8950' EAST 334.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0110' EAST 204.53 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89'50' WEST 334.35 FEET TO SAID WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE NORTH 0'10' WEST 204.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 1966 IN BOOK 1853 AT PAGE 781, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PREPARED FOR: MILE HI PROPERTY 15-1-3 _ e FAN -'j A I i'f DATE PREPARED: .0. BOX 181551 DRAWN BY: 1-12-2015 ENVER, CO 80218 A. SAMPSON, LSI 303.668.7540 53.1' �N � #g28MERG\P� � 9U O\NG A s8 O� g ASPHALT PARKING t\ 56.4' S89"50'W 277.9 W. 42ND AVE. R.O.W. VARIES 0' 60' 120' SCALE: 1" = 60' IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE WAS PREPARED FOR MILE HI PROPERTY AND THAT IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, AND THAT IT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL ON THIS DATE 1-10-15 EXCEPT UTILITY CONNECTIONS, ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PARCEL THAT THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS UPON THE DESCRIBED PREMISE EXCEPT AS NOTED, BY IMPROVEMENTS ON ANY ADJOINING PREMISE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RODNEY H. MAXWELL, COLORADO P.LS 38083 NOTE: 136. ALL PROPERTY DISTANCES AND EASEMENTS WERE FOUND ON OFFICIAL DEED FROM THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE ALONG WITH OLD REPUBLIC TITLE COMMITMENT NO. ABJ70435355, NO OTHER DOCUMENTS WERE PROVIDED TO THE SURVEYOR. OWNERSHIP AND LOCATION OF FENCES NOT DETERMINED BY THE SURVEYOR. ILC BASED ON LINES OF OCCUPATION. ALL MEASURED DISTANCES ARE APPROXIMATE AND A SURVEY IS RECOMMENDED. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4288 YOUNGFIELD ST WHEAT RIDGE 80033 LEGAL• BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, WHICH IS 302.87 FEET SOUTH 0010' EAST OF THE WEST 1/16TH CORNER ON CENTER LINE OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.; THENCE NORTH 8950' EAST 334.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0110' EAST 204.53 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89'50' WEST 334.35 FEET TO SAID WEST LINE OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE NORTH 0'10' WEST 204.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 1966 IN BOOK 1853 AT PAGE 781, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PREPARED FOR: MILE HI PROPERTY 15-1-3 _ e FAN -'j A I i'f DATE PREPARED: .0. BOX 181551 DRAWN BY: 1-12-2015 ENVER, CO 80218 A. SAMPSON, LSI 303.668.7540 City of �Wheat�ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NOTICE TO MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS APPLICANTS: You must submit this completed form to the Community Development Department no later than ten (10) days before the public hearing on your application. Failure to complete and submit this Certification of Notice shall constitute sufficient grounds to reschedule your public hearing. 1, &rbwra QUI *—Msn'1111j1.1 r of/with (Print name) (Position/Job Title) Entity applying for permit/approval) (hereinafter, referred to as the "Applicant"), do hereby certify that notice of the application for M U _ , set for public hearing on type of 20___, has been sent to all mineral estate owners at least thirty (30) days before the public hearing, as required by § 24-65.5-103(1), C.R.S., or, in the alternative, that the records of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder do not identify any mineral estate owners of any portion of the property subject to the above referenced application. •' RrCheck here if there are no mineral estate owners of any portion of the subject property. I hereby further certify that I am authorized by the Applicant to make representations contained herein and act as the Applicant's agent for purposes of this Certificate of Notice and bind the Applicant to these representations by my signature below. Dated this day of , 20A—b 2015027137 3123120151:25 PM PGS 3 $21.00 DF $70.27 Electronicaly Recorded Jefferson County, CO Faye Griffin, Clerk and Recorder TD1000 Y �Il��lll�lill��ll�l� 'StaftDmv Fft'--1 Spell WarritOW Deed _ (�mm to 38.30.115 C.&S j ffi 7l r - — 2M DMM made by =MVAIX LLC, A COLORADO LJmYI MM LdA=Xff COWA-NY Gantot(s), of the County of JEFFERSON and loos of COLORADO for fire am4bration of ($7O$,700.00) "*Sam Bandied Two Thousand Seem Bmubx d and OW100 *"'" doila m in lend paid, hereby sei0s and conveys to COFFER FOREST LLC, A COLORADO LUMVED LIAM TY COMPANY Ghaome(s), whose s* eet ad&m 1s 15399 W. &W LAl1lf6 GOLDEN, CO OW, Coady of JEFFERSON, and Stade of COLORADO, the foliowi * real pmper1! in the County of Jeffisma, az!r Sttlme of Colorado, to wit: SES ATI'ACiM "1131121M A" also kmmn by sbvrt and mater as: 4288 YOUNUFE LD ST WHEAT RXEKZ CO 50033 wfth all Is qppummonm and umm s the title aminst aU pmoms dahning n:.R the Granmu(s), subject to 9ewral aim {m' tft year 2015 acid dme sped ft Rw*txwn descry W in Exliftt B mwlied hereto l: \ 'IPAJI :ur. W.- LUPIE BEEIMEY NOTSTATE OF COLA O State URM of r ) NOTARY ID 201340MG4 �- AMl�caatleaali�N EXptfilpl 0it*OSSD'[T Caamty of N Nz--r- v Mnkmpbgkgn=Mvuacl=Medgedbef=mecaUsdWat m ftjl\(a olL3 rs by JORDAN WHA'TONAS AITl'HORJ191j SIGNATIORY FOIERTMWVAD, LLC, A COLORADO i.10lMMD LIABILrry CONFANY Witness mybandand offieW seaL Notary Public Wimm Reao�ded 1ltetuDt to COPPI� I+ORE.4T ia+C, A t.OLORE1Db 7�iCIYsn 1dABlLTi'Y COA3PANY 183 W. SiSTLANE GOLUM CO Farm 13767 OM11 nrd.adt SPKW WWWW Deed (MotowspMe) ARNS43M fM24MM *-I: BEG94 IING AT A POINT ON TM WEST LINE OF IM EAST 12 OF US SOCTMWEST 114, WHYCi3IS 30287 FEST SOUTH 001& EAST OF THE WEST 1A M CORNER ON CENT ER LIIM OF SECTION 20, TDWNSW 3 SOUTa, RANM 69 WEST OF THE G H PAL; THENCE NORTH WRY EAST 334.35 FEST, TMKZ SOUTH 0°1.0' EAST 204M FEE'!; THBNM SOUTH W50' WEST 33435 FBBT TO SAID WEST LINE OF TIM EAST ]2 OF THB 90VP MST iW; T NMtM 0°lir WEST 204.53 FEET TO THE Pa NT OF BEGHWEVQ, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND HEREMFORE CONVEYED TO THE DEPARIME[TT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORAM DES CRTIE BQ IN DEW RECORDED FEBRUARY ]8,1966IN BOOK 1853 AT PAGE 781, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Form ]3767 01!2911 swdrodt Special Warranty Deed0ha4ppWc) AW76433M {Z1249BM E%EE[BIT B E3MTlNG IJASES AND TEXAMMS, W ANY. PBRMAN81 BASMENP GRANTED TO THE IWARTMENr OF RIGHWA & STATE OF CO Q` �, IILSTRIAI�NT RECORDED MARCH M 1987, IN BOOK LSW AT PAGE 77. TERM CONDMONS, PROVMWNS, BURBM ONUGAMNS AND EASE ENTS'AS SErIKR= AND GP -4R 84 IN RIC,BT-OF-WAY ACREMMICNT RECORDED MARCH 18, L991 UNDER RBCBPnON NO. 9=668. ANY TAX. LIEN, PM OR ASBSSS1YlErNT BY REASON OF INCLUSION OF SURIECT PROPERTY IN THR PACT AND PARK DISTRICT, AS EVID994CED BY i11811tLUMENr RBCORDBD DH['.6MENER. 10,1999, U NDIRt R®CIiPDM NO. F09W44. TERMS, COTDITIONI% PROVISIONS, BIHDF.NS AND OBLICATI0N3 AS SET FORM I N! ORDRUME NO.1208, SBRTe9 OF 2000 RECORDED OCIUBER IB, 2000 UMERIMUrMN NO. F1731662. fir' CONDM ONS, PROVISIONS, SUMMM AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH 7N DEVELOnMqr COVENANT RECORDED FEBRUARY 07, 2001 UNI)EREECEP1gQN NM VIIWM SURVBYMATME AS 93DWN ON SIMVHY OF A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF 3BCnW SQ, TOIWNMV 3 SOUII$ RANGE 69 WEST OF TILE 6ZS P.BL RBCORDED FEBRUARY L9, 2002 UNDBRRBCH.'TIOK NS). P142m" Foam 13757 01=l and & Special Wmanty Deed. (RkftrR*c) AD27A aMS fzu"97 t Document must be filed electronically. Paper documents are not accepted. Fees & forms are subject to change. For more information or to print copies of filed documents, visit www.sos.state.co.us. Colorado Secretary of State Date and Time: 01/05/2015 10:27 AM ID Number: 20151007490 Document number: 20151007490 Amount Paid: $50.00 ABOVE SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Articles of Organization filed pursuant to § 7-80-203 and § 7-80-204 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) I 1. The domestic entity name of the limited liability company is COPPER FOREST, LLC (The name ofa limited liability company must contain the term or abbreviation "limited liability company ", "ltd. liability company ", "limited liability co. ", "ltd. liability co. ", "limited", 77.1.c. ", "llc", or 'ltd. ". See §7-90-601, C.R.S.) (Caution: The use of certain terms or abbreviations are restricted by law. Read instructions for more information.) 2. The principal office address of the limited liability company's initial principal office is Street address 16398 WEST 51 ST LANE (Street number and name) GOLDEN CO 80403 I I_F(State) (ZIP/Postal Code) Ci_4ec. (Province — if applicable) (Country) Mailing address (leave blank if same as street address) (Street number and name or Post Office Box information) (City) (State) (ZIP/Postal Code) (Province — ifapplicable) (County) 3. The registered agent name and registered agent address of the limited liability company's initial registered agent are Name (if an individual) or MCEAHERN BARBARA L (Last) (First) (Middle) (Suffix) (if an entity) (Caution: Do not provide both an individual and an entity name.) Street address 16398 WEST 51 ST LANE (Street number and name) Mailing address (leave blank if same as street address) GOLDEN Co 80403 (State) (ZIP Code) (Street number and name or Post Office Box information) ARTORG_LLC Page 1 of 3 Rev, 12/01/2012 CO (City) (State) (ZIP Code) (The following statement is adopted by marking the box.) ❑✓ The person appointed as registered agent has consented to being so appointed. 4. The true name and mailing address of the person forming the limited liability company are Name MCEAHERN BARBARA L (if an individual) (Last) (First) (Middle) (Stix) or (if an entity) (Caution: Do not provide both an individual and an entity name.) Mailing address 16398 WEST 51 ST LANE (Street number and name or Post Office Box information) GOLDEN CO 80403 (City) (State) (ZIP/Postal Code) United States (Province — if applicable) (Countr)) (Ifthe follawing statement applies, adopt the statement by marking the box and include an attachment) ❑ The limited liability company has one or more additional persons forming the limited liability company and the name and mailing address of each such person are stated in an attachment. 5. The management of the limited liability company is vested in (Mork the applicable box.) ❑✓ one or more managers. or ❑ the members. 6. (The following statement is adopted by marking the box.) J❑ There is at least one member of the limited liability company. 7. (If the following statement applies, adopt the statement by marking the box and include an attachment.) ❑ This document contains additional information as provided by law. 8. (Caution: Leave blank if the document does not have a delayed effective date. Stating a delayed effective date has significant legal consequences. Read instructions before entering a date.) (If the following statement applies, adopt the statement by entering a date and, if applicable, time using the required format ) The delayed effective date and, if applicable, time of this document is/are (mnilddlyyyy hour. minitte amlpnt) Notice: Causing this document to be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing shall constitute the affirmation or acknowledgment of each individual causing such delivery, under penalties of perjury, that the document is the individual's act and deed, or that the individual in good faith believes the document is the act and deed of the person on whose behalf the individual is causing the document to be delivered for filing, taken in conformity with the requirements of part 3 of article 90 of title 7, C.R.S., the constituent documents, and the organic statutes, and that the individual in good faith believes the facts stated in the document are true and the document complies with the requirements of that Part, the constituent documents, and the organic statutes. ARTORG_LLC Page 2 of 3 Rev. 12/01/2012 This perjury notice applies to each individual who causes this document to be delivered to the Secretary of State, whether or not such individual is named in the document as one who has caused it to be delivered. 9. The true name and mailing address of the individual causing the document to be delivered for filing are MCEAHERN BARBARA L (Last) (First) (Middle) (Suffix) 16398 WEST 51ST LANE (Street number and name or Post Office Box information) GOLDEN CO 80403 (013) (Prrnmince — if applicable) (State) (ZIPIPostal Code) United States (Country) (Ifthe following statement applies, adopt the statement by marking the box and include an attachment.) This document contains the true name and mailing address of one or more additional individuals causing the document to be delivered for filing. Disclaimer: This form/cover sheet, and any related instructions, are not intended to provide legal, business or tax advice, and are furnished without representation or warranty. While this form/cover sheet is believed to satisfy minimum legal requirements as of its revision date, compliance with applicable law, as the same may be amended from time to time, remains the responsibility of the user of this form/cover sheet. Questions should be addressed to the user's legal, business or tax advisor(s). ARTORG_LLC Page 3 of 3 Rev_ 12/01/2012 ♦ 4.( - City of WheatRdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Meeting Date: Attending Staff: Location of Meeting: Property Address: Property Owner(s): Property Owner(s) Present? Applicant: Applicant Present? Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: May 2, 2018 Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner II 4288 Youngfield Street 4288 Youngfield Street Copper Forest, LLC Yes, Barb McEahern Copper Forest, LLC Yes, Barb McEahern Neighborhood Commercial (N -C) Neighborhood Buffer Existing Site Conditions: The site is located on the northeast corner of W. 42nd Avenue and Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) and contains a commercial building built in 2001, according to the Jefferson County Assessor. The building is a log cabin which is currently used as office space, though originally it was a model home. There is a parking lot in the front of the building and a large meadow and wooded area buffering the building from the properties to the east and north. The property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC). To the east along W. 42nd Avenue are two properties zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) which contain a school and an office/warehouse building. The property across the street to the south is zoned Commercial -One (C-1) and contains an irrigation supply business. Across Youngfield Street to the west is Interstate -70. Properties to the north and east are zoned Agricultural -One (A-1) or Agricultural -Two (A-2) and contain residential uses, and some associated agricultural uses such as dog kennels. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant has proposed to operate a taphouse in the log cabin, serving beer and wine. They have proposed minor modifications to the property, including adding parking, building a deck on the back of the log cabin, building an ADA ramp, paving an area for a food truck, and building a storage shed in the northeast corner. The interior would need to be modified to build a bar, accessible restrooms, and a game room, but the majority of the space would remain untouched. Additional landscaping would be added to the property, providing additional screening and creating shaded areas in the backyard. In order to accomplish this goal, the applicant has requested a zone change. w .ci.wheatridgexo.us The following is a summary of the neighborhood meeting: • In addition to the applicant and staff, the applicant's business partner was in attendance. Three members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting. • Staff discussed the site and its zoning. • The applicant described their history with the building, and their plans for the building. • The applicant and members of the public were informed of the process for a zone change. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearings. The following issues were discussed regarding the zone change request: There was concern raised regarding the proximity of a bar to the Jefferson County Head Start school, and if they would even be able to obtain a liquor license. Staff noted that in 2012 the City adopted an Ordinance that removed certain types of alcohol sales from the typical prohibited 500 foot radius, including beer and wine sales, which the applicant is proposing. Staff noted that any further liquor licensing questions should be directed towards the City Clerks Office. Additionally, the applicant added that the tentative hours of operation for the taphouse would only minimally overlap with the hours of the school. There was concern raised about traffic in the area, the members of the public who attended the meeting stated their desire for a stoplight at 42"d Avenue and Youngfield Street, no parking along 42"d Avenue, and no left turns out of the property towards Xenon Street. Staff noted that for a traffic signal to be installed, the intersection must meet certain traffic warrants. Additionally, parking is typically permitted along all City streets, however the Planning Division Staff member was unable to answer if the Public Works Department would consider no parking along 42"d Avenue due to its substandard width and lack of curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The applicant stated they would be willing to put up a no left turn sign in an attempt to prevent their patrons from exiting the property and driving up Xenon Street to 44`h Avenue. The neighbors stated other businesses in the area have done that, and they hope the taphouse will too. The applicant stated they desire to build a deck for their patrons to enjoy. Questions were raised regarding any associated music and noise. The applicant stated there would be no loud music played outside, and even inside it would be limited to background music. One neighbor stated that the current owner and applicant seems trustworthy and has good intentions, but has concerns about changing the zoning and what future property owners might be able to do with the property. The concern was noted, and it was re-emphasized that while the applicant has a specific use in mind, the zone change is to a zone district that has a similar, albeit slightly more permissive use chart than is currently allowed on the property, and future owners would not be bound to the taphouse idea. Aside from the three neighbors at the meeting, staff received no comment from others in the area regarding the proposal. May 2, 2018 — 6 PM Neighborhood Meeting 4288 Youngfield Street Proposed zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) Name y 1. 2. C 3. 4. 5. 6. PLEASE PRINT Address W, Art' aC,,2 r S11- 1- &/ } , C J_ /� J rJ� ;F(_50 3.3 Zone Change Process Step 1: Pre -application Meeting 1 Step 6: Publish Request/Post Property for Planning Commission Public Hearing (15 days prior to public hearing) 1 Step 7: Staff Report for Planning Commission Public Hearing Step 9: Packet to City Council for 1st Reading Step 11: Resubmit Relevant Documents (Based on Planning Commission recommendation, if necessary) Step 12: Publish Request/Post Property for City Council Public Hearing (15 days prior to public hearing) Step 13: Packet to City Council for Public Hearing ♦�A*1_ Wheat id e�MMUNITy DEVELOPMENT 4288 Youngfield Street Proposed zone change from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) �ifj _ _ 42ND AVE 4 1BELT PKWY a GF2EEr� ka 65 �ifj _ _ 42ND AVE 4 1BELT PKWY a GF2EEr� 41 City of "� Wheatl dJge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zone Change Criteria For a zone change request, the Planning Commission and City Council base their decision on the extent to which the following criteria have been met: 1. The change of zone promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and will not result in a significant adverse effect on the surrounding area; and 2. Adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the types of uses allowed by the change of zone, or the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity; and 3. At least one (1) of the following conditions exists: The change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with, the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other city -approved policies or plans for the area. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. c. A change of character in the area has occurred or is occurring to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage redevelopment of the area or to recognize the changing character of the area. d. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide for a community need that was not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan. What is zoning? All properties within the City of Wheat Ridge are zoned. Zoning regulates what land uses are allowed and establishes standards for construction including building setbacks, lot coverage, and building height. There are many different zone districts within the City including residential, commercial, industrial, mixed use, and planned development zoning. What is a zone change? A zone change is the process of changing the current zone district to a different zone district. A property owner may choose to change the zoning to use his property differently from what the existing zoning allows (e.g., residential vs. commercial). All proposed commercial, industrial and residential applications for property exceeding one acre in size must be rezoned to a planned development district. Why is a neighborhood meeting required? A neighborhood meeting is required for all zone change requests. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of the proposed development in their neighborhood, and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns regarding the proposed project. All residents within 600 feet are notified of the meeting. How do I give my opinion on a zone change? All public hearings for proposed zone changes are open to the public to appear and give testimony. Testimony can include written correspondence or a statement made at the public hearing. Any written correspondence provided to staff will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council as part of the evidence of the case. All pertinent correspondence should be routed through planning staff. Can I contact my council representative? Public hearings for zone changes are quasi-judicial in nature. This means that the deciding body should make a decision only based on testimony presented at public hearings. Please do not contact the Mayor, Planning Commissioners, or City Council representatives to discuss the merits of the case prior to the public hearings; it could jeopardize their ability to hear the case. What is a legal protest? A legal protest is a formal, written protest which can be submitted by adjacent property owners within 100' of a subject property. If 20% of property owners on one side within a 100' radius file a legal protest, it requires a three-fourths vote of City Council (6 out of 8 members present) to approve a zone change instead of a simple majority (5 out of 8 members present). A legal protest is usually filed after the Planning Commission public hearing. Community Development Department - 303-235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING Copper Forest Taphouse, LLC is proposing a Rezoning from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) on the property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge 80033. A neighborhood meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge, at 6:00 pm. The purpose of the request is to allow a beer and wine taphouse to exist within the current log cabin at this location. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for the rezoning of a property (in this case rezoning to MU -N), an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearing in front of City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you submit written comments during the public notice period and/or attend the public hearing. The neighborhood meeting is an informal setting that provides an opportunity for you to understand the scope of the proposed project and the process for review. You will have the opportunity to speak with the applicant and city staff and to ask any questions that you may have related to the project. We hope that you will attend this meeting so you can learn about our plans to create a sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. We will offer local tap beer and a variety of wines for customers along with smoked meat meals from a food truck. We will have a large deck off the back of the taphouse featuring a fire pit and pergola with lights and heaters for year-round outdoor enjoyment. There will. be a large wine and beer bar as well as a wine tasting/private party room with an old world feel. Games such as pool, shuffleboard and cards will be available for entertainment. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Sincerely, Barb McEahern — owner of property/partner in Copper Forest Taphouse, LLC Mike Mulvaney— partner in Copper Forest Taphouse, LLC NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING Copper Forest Taphouse, LLC is proposing a Rezoning from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) on the property located at 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge 80033. A neighborhood meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 4288 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge, at 6:00 pm. The purpose of the request is to allow a beer and wine taphouse to exist within the current log cabin at this location. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for the rezoning of a property (in this case rezoning to MU -N), an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearing in front of City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you submit written comments during the public notice period and/or attend the public hearing. The neighborhood meeting is an informal settingthat provides an opportunity for you to understand the scope of the proposed project and the process for review. You will have the opportunity to speak with the applicant and city staff and to ask any questions that you may have related to the project. We hope that you will attend this meeting so you can learn about our plans to create a sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Sincerely, Barb McEahern — owner of property/partner in Copper Forest Taphouse, LLC Mike Mulvaney — partner in Copper Forest Taphouse, LLC BASHARI REM BECKFELD LAVONNE A BOOM GREGORY J BOOM MARNIE 01050 S MONACO PKWY #25 04365 XENON ST 04200 XENON ST DENVER CO 80224 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 BOOM GREGORY J BOOM MARNIE A BROKEN HILL 3 LLC COPPER FOREST LLC 04225 VIVIAN ST ATTN: LESLIE RUDD INVESTMENT COMPANY 16398 W 51ST LN WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 02416 E 37TH ST GOLDEN CO 80403 WICHITA KS 67219 FERGUSON VERNA R HOSIER DENISE IMER DWANE R 04221 XENON ST 10251 W 44TH AVE 2207 12710 W 42ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 JEFFERSON COUNTY LOYA ELIAS M & M REALTY LLC 00100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PKWY 04235 XENON ST 04219 XENON ST GOLDEN CO 80419 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 XENON STREET LLC METRO WASTEWATER RECLAMATION DIST MKB COLORADO PROPERTY LLC 04315 XENON ST 06450 YORK ST 00169 MONROE NW 350 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DENVER CO 80229 GRAND RAPIDS MI 49503 MORA JESSIE MURPHY DAVID A MURPHY KATHRYN R PROSPECT RECREATION & PARK DISTRICT 04160 YOUNGFIELD ST 12700 W 42ND AVE 04198 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RADIO RESOURCE INC ROCK MATTHEW P ROCK TRUDY ANN ROCK SOLSBURY HILL LAND COMPANY LLC 12701 W 42ND AVE A MATTHEW PHILLIP 05805 E 39TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 10300 W 65TH AVE DENVER CO 80207 ARVADA CO 80004 STOR ALL YOUNGSFIELD STREET LLC STORMS NICOLE L STROH MEYER RAY A 01375 W HILLSBORO BLVD 04250 XENON ST 04320 XENON ST DEERFIELD BEACH FL 33442 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT 04280 XENON ST 12651 W 42ND AVE 12900 W 43RD DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GOLDEN CO 80403 CURRENT RESIDENT 04210 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 12725 W 42ND AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 04225 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 04318 XENON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT 04288 YOUNGFIELD ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 1� �4le City of wheat (Age Rr- OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRE -APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 5, 2018 Applicant: Barb McEahern Mike Mulvaney Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner 11 Scott Cutler, Planner I Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Randy Slusser, Chief Building Official Specific Site Location: 4288 Youngfield Street Existing Zoning: Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Buffer Area Existing Site Conditions: The site is located on the northeast corner of W. 42nd Avenue and Youngfield Street. The property is approximately 60,113 square feet (1.38 acres) and contains a commercial building built in 2001, according to the Jefferson County Assessor. The building is a log cabin which is currently used as office space, though originally it was a model home. There is a parking lot in the front of the building and a large meadow and wooded area buffering the building from the properties to the east and north. The property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC). To the east along W. 42nd Avenue are two properties zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) which contain a school and an office/warehouse building. The property across the street to the south is zoned Commercial -One (C-1) and contains an irrigation supply business. Across Youngfield Street to the west is Interstate -70. Properties to the north and east are zoned Agricultural -One (A-1) or Agricultural -Two (A-2) and contain residential uses, and some associated agricultural uses like dog kennels. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant has proposed to operate a taphouse in the log cabin, serving beer and wine. They have proposed minor modifications to the property, including adding parking, building a deck on the back of the log cabin, building an ADA ramp, paving an area for a food truck, and building a storage shed in the northeast corner. The interior would need to be modified to build a bar, accessible restrooms, and a game room, but the majority of the space would remain untouched. Additional landscaping would be added to the property, providing additional screening and creating shaded areas in the backyard. In order to accomplish this goal, the applicant has requested a zone change. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? Yes, a zone change application requires a neighborhood meeting. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: Zoning & Use The property is currently zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC). This zone district provides for a transition between residential and more intensive commercial land uses, which includes residential scale professional offices and services. It is the most restrictive commercial zone in terms of allowed uses. Bars, taverns, and lounges are prohibited in the NC zone district. Restaurants and breweries/wineries with tap rooms are permitted if a Special Use Permit (SUP) is obtained. As the applicant does not plan to produce their own alcohol or operate a restaurant, they fall into the bar/tavern category. In order to operate legally, the applicant needs to rezone to a zone district which permits the use and allows for flexibility in the future should business plans change. It is possible to rezone the property to Mixed Use — Neighborhood (MU -N). The MU -N zone allows for a flexibility of uses and may allow for the applicant to make revisions to the site or more easily sell the property in the future. There is precedent for rezoning to MU -N along arterial streets, including W. 441i Avenue. Parking If the zone change to MU -N is successful, the amount of parking required will be determined by the mixed-use code (Sec. 26-1109). A range of 4-10 spaces per 1,000 square feet is required. Based on the applicant's estimate that the building is 5,000 square feet, between 20 and 50 spaces are allowed; no more than 50 parking spaces could be permitted on the site. The current parking lot contains approximately 20 spaces and one accessible space. Current code requirements dictate 2 accessible spaces. Due to this requirement and the applicant's desire to add some parking, the parking lot can be reconfigured, added to, or a new small parking lot could be constructed on the east side of the building. However, staff recommends increasing the overall impervious surface as little as possible in order to reduce potential drainage requirements. Utility Providers The City of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city. The utility and service providers for this property include: Arvada Fire Protection District, phone: 303-424-3012 Valley Water District, phone: 303-424-9661 Fruitdale Sanitation District, phone: 303-424-5476 All land use applications will be sent out on referral to these agencies for comment; however, staff encourages potential applicants to contact service districts ahead of time. This may help to understand any design or infrastructure requirements and potential costs associated with the proposed project. Staff recommended discussing requirements with Arvada Fire pertaining to sprinklers and fire access. Required Fees The fee for a neighborhood meeting is $102. The fee for a rezoning application to MU -N is $600 + $125/acre + $225 for the publication/public notice. This will result in a $998 fee, due at time of application. If the MU -N zone change is approved, a site plan application fee will be required for the development of the site, which is $200 + $200/acre. This will result in a $476 fee, due at time of application. Building permits are based on project value and include plan review fees and use tax. Building Division comments: New construction, including interior remodeling, will require building permits, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy upon completion of the project, and only after passing all of the required inspections. The City has adopted and currently enforces the 2012 Edition of the International Codes and the 2014 Edition of the National Electric Code. The City uses the ANSI 117.1-2009 Standard in determining requirements related to accessibility. The applicant shall enlist the services of a Colorado Licensed Architect to complete a code analysis and for the change in occupancy. The architect will need to prepare the construction and ADA drawings and evaluate exiting, accessibility, fire protection, and occupancy. This includes providing accessible parking and a conforming path of travel to the public entrance and the second floor. Public Works comments: Drainage The magnitude of the proposed site changes will dictate what drainage improvements will be required. The more impervious surface added to the site, the greater the drainage requirements will be. Refer to the attached Public Works notes for more information. They describe the tiers of development based on the amount of impervious surface added. Please note that site grading and stormwater drainage facilities will need to meet design requirements as well as engineering requirements. The purpose of these design standards is to ensure that grading and drainage is integrated into site development and provide enhancements to the site through low impact design approaches. For grading plans, this can include terracing and rolling grades. For drainage facilities, this can include incorporation of natural features (such as boulders and landscaping) as well as surface treatments on concrete structures. Refer to Sections 26-507 and -508 of the Code of Laws for code requirements and to the Architectural and Site Design Manual for explanatory images. Review Process This request will require a zone change, which begins with a neighborhood meeting. A site plan will be submitted after the zone change. Neighborhood Meeting The applicant is responsible for drafting a letter that will be delivered (via mail or hand delivery) to all property owners and current residents in a 600 -foot radius of the subject property. The letter must be approved by the Community Development Department prior to sending. The Community Development Department can provide the applicant with a neighborhood meeting letter template and samples, if necessary. Additionally, the Community Development Department will pull the property and resident information from the County records and provide the applicant with mailing labels. The applicant will coordinate with the Community Development Department on the time and location of the neighborhood meeting. The meeting may be held in the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building Conference Room, or any other location the applicant desires. Staff will be present at the meeting to answer any zoning, land use, and process related questions. However, the applicant will lead the meeting and inform the audience about the proposal. Rezoning Application Once the neighborhood meeting is complete, a formal complete application may be submitted by appointment with a planner. The complete application will be assigned a case number and case manager. The case manager will be the applicant's point of contact at the City for the duration of the zone change process. The case manager will review the application, and once all submittal requirements are met, the application will be sent out on referral to outside service agencies (Xcel Energy, water district, fire district, etc.) and other City agencies (Public Works, Economic Development, etc.) for review. The referral period is 15 days, during which time the referral agencies and departments may submit comments on the application. These comments, as well as those from the case manager, will be forwarded to the applicant. After all comments have been addressed, a public hearing before Planning Commission will be scheduled. A public hearing before Planning Commission will require the property to be posted. The posting period lasts 15 days and requires a sign be posted on the property. Additionally, the Community Development department will send out written notification of the hearing to all property owners within a 300 -foot radius of the subject property. During the public hearing at Planning Commission, the case manager will present the rezoning case to Planning Commission, and based on an established set of criteria present evidence to support a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the rezoning. The applicant and the public will have the opportunity to present evidence and provide testimony in support or opposition of the rezoning application. The Planning Commission will then recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the rezoning. This recommendation will be forwarded to City Council for review and decision. Regardless of Planning Commission's recommendation, the rezoning will automatically be scheduled for a public hearing before City Council. The City Council hearing will require an additional posting period. This posting period lasts 15 consecutive days and will require a sign to be posted on the property. The Community Development Department will also mail out notification of the hearing to all property owners within 300 -feet of the subject site. At the public hearing before City Council, the case manager will present the case, and based on an established set of criteria present evidence to support a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the zone change. The applicant, and the public, will be allowed to present evidence and provide testimony in support of opposition of the zone change. The City Council will then make a decision of approval, approval with conditions, or denial based on the testimonies provided by staff, the applicant, and the public. 4 Attachments: Public Works requirements Disclaimer: Please be aware that the above comments are for general information purposes only. Staff cannot predict the outcome of any land use development application. A favorable response from staff does not obligate any decision-making body (Community Development Director, Public Works Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council) to a desired outcome. Staff will provide the best advice available given existing regulations, current policy, political climate and information submitted. Phone Numbers Lauren Mikulak—Planning Manager 303-235-2845 Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Zack Wallace Mendez — Planner II 303-235-2852 Scott Cutler — Planner I 303-235-2849 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Mark Westberg—Projects Supervisor 303-235-2863 Jordan Jefferies — Civil Engineer 303-235-2868 Steve Art — Economic Development Manager 303-235-2806 Randy Slusser — Chief Building Official 303-235-2803 City of WheatWdge PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 April 5, 2018 Pre -Application Meeting 4288 Youngfield Street (Copper Forest Taphouse) Public Works Requirements: NOTE: All Public Works submittals must be in electronic file format. Public Works performs all reviews electronically and comments are generally returned via e-mail; no hardcopies are required by Public Works until the documents are deemed approvable. Subsequent to approval of the rezoning application, the following documents shall be submitted for review and approval with the Site Plan (prior to the Building Permit Application): Drainage: All subdivisions, multi -family, and commercial developments are subject to the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements. The magnitude of the proposed project is going to dictate what drainage improvements will be required. The more impervious surface (such as buildings and concrete pavement) that is added to the site, the greater the drainage requirements will be. hi either scenario below the required drainage documents shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado and submitted in PDF format. a. 0-2,999 square feet: If the amount of impervious surface added to the subject property is between 0 square feet and 3,000 square feet, then this will be considered a Minor Redevelopment under the Site Drainage Requirements. Minor Redevelopments require a Drainage Letter and Drainage Plan stating how any additional imperviousness will be placed without impacting adjacent properties, and include a comparison of the existing area of imperviousness to the proposed amount. The Letter for a Minor Redevelopment does not need to involve detailed calculations beyond the determination of the impervious area before and subsequent to construction. It is likely this project will either fall into the Minor Redevelopment category, and may wind up reducing the amount of imperviousness from existing. If the site imperviousness will in fact decrease with this project, the only requirements will be to direct roof drains into landscaped areas to provide some level of water quality (WQ) before the runoff leaves the site. If possible direct any portion of the proposed parking lot into a landscaped area If the site increase the imperviousness then the project must incorporate the basic WQ features from the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements. Any measures employed will need to be discussed in the Letter and the Plan should show where any WQ features will be placed. b. 3,000-10,000 square feet: If the amount of impervious surface added to the subject property is between 3,000 square feet and 10,000 square feet, and the project disturbs less than 10,000 square feet of existing impervious surface, then this will be considered a Moderate Redevelopment under the Site Drainage Requirements. All Moderate Redevelopments require a Drainage Letter and Drainage Plan with sufficient calculations to address the 100% water quality capture volume for onlv the added w .ci.wheatridgexo.us Public Works Engineering April 5, 2018 Page 2 impervious surface only. The Drainage Plan must contain sub -basin info, flow arrows and percent grades, and show the WQ facility. c. >10,000 square feet: If the amount of impervious surface added is greater than 10,000 square feet or the overall project disturbs more than 10,000 square feet of existing impervious, then this project will be considered a Major Redevelopment under the Site Drainage Requirements. All Major Redevelopments must submit a Final Drainage Report and Plan describing how full stormwater flood attenuation detention incorporating water quality measures (100 -year + WQCV/EURV for a standard EDB) for the entire site will be achieved. A full report and plan following the mandatory outline found in the Site Drainage Requirements shall be required. If necessary, the City does accept alternative types of stormwater designs, including infiltration (Rain Garden) and underground facilities in addition to the standard EDB. A Geotechnical Engineer will need to be consulted if an infiltration type of detention facility is to be proposed. The key elements of an infiltration system are a deep water table and a high rate of percolation. To be approvable the water table shall be at least 3' below the bottom of a proposed infiltration basin, and the percolation rate shall be no less than 1"/hour (with a rate closer to 3"/hour preferred). Please refer to the City's Site Drainage Requirements on our website for additional information. 2. Stormwater Drainage Easement: If it is determined that this project requires the construction of a stormwater detention/water quality facility, it shall lie within a Stormwater Drainage Easement. A Stormwater Drainage Easement must be granted to the City of Wheat Ridge to ensure the detention facility will be adequately maintained in the future. This easement will be created by separate Permanent Easement document to the benefit of the City (a template will be provided). The easement shall completely encompass the proposed detention/water quality facility (the easement boundary being coincident or outside the elevation of the one (1) foot of freeboard required for the facility for standard EDBs). The following language shall be included as a Note on the Easement Exhibit "A" and on the Building Permit Site Plan: "THE STORMWATER DETENTION/WATER QUALITY AREA(S) SHOWN HEREIN AS A "STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT" SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS, ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SAID STORMWATER QUALITY AREA SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS." The applicant shall have the Exhibit "A" containing the required Legal Description and associated graphic created by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado. w .ci.wheatridgexo.us (04-05-18) 4288 Yoovgfield_Taphoose.docx Public Works Engineering April 5, 2018 Page 3 The Stormwater Detention Easement document shall be recorded prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. Construction Plans: Construction Plans signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado, shall be required for all drainage -related items such as detention/water quality facilities, outlet structures, drainageways or pans, and curb & gutter. Include any applicable CDOT M -Standards for curb, gutter, sidewalk, and driveways (refer to Item 5, Additional Information below). 4. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing: a. ROW Permits. i. Citv of Wheat Ridge: Prior to commencement of any construction within the public right-of-way (ROW) including utility connections, the necessary Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right -of -Way Construction Permits are issued by the Department of Public Works (303.235.2861) only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Streel Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and any necessary easement or ROW dedications. b. Licensine. i. Com: All work within the City Right -of -Way shall only be performed by a municipally -licensed contractor. 5. Additional Information: Information pertaining to the Public Works requirements, land surveying, platting, and ROW information, as well as the City's Standard Street Construction, Site Drainage Requirements, and Geodetic Surveying Requirements are available on the Public Works, Development Review pages of the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatridee.co.us Please be advised that submittals will not be considered as being under review until such time as all required items have been received by the City. w xi.wheatridgexo.us (04-05-18) 4288 Yoovgfield_Taphoose.docx 04221 XENON ST QD "i MD - 04219 XENON ST •, MD a 04288 Y©UN FIE D T r f 127 42ND AVE r CG Ir 4288 Youngfield St. Copper Forest Taphouse Legend JeffCo Parcels—Dec-2017 ROW CURRENT Road Centerline CLASS Primary road, interstate highway, limited access road Secondary road, U.S. highway Connecting road, county roads Neighborhood road, city street, unimproved road Special Road Feature NAVD88 Contours Type Index Intermediate 30 15 0 30 Feet Horizontal Coordinate System: NAD83/92 State Plane, Colorado Central Zone 0502 Vertical Datum: NAVD88 DISCLAIMER NOTICE: This is a pictorial representation of geographic and demographic information. Reliance upon the accuracy, reliability and authority of this information is solely the requestor's responsibility. The City of Wheat Ridge, in Jefferson County, Colorado - a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, has compiled for its use certain computerized information. This information is available to assist in identifying general areas of concern only. The computerized information provided herein should only be relied upon with corroboration of the methods, assumptions, and results by a qualified independent source. The user of this information shall indemnify and hold free the City of Wheat Ridge from any and all liabilities, damages, lawsuits, and causes of action that result as a consequence of his reliance on information provided herein. ♦SAI WheatWdge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 303.234.5900 DATE: 04/05/2018 . long adventure -filled day on the slopes, skiers flood into alpine Taphouses to 1, share stories and relive their snow day. There is no better,way to end the day than to share a beer or wine with good friends in a cozy, festive atmoshphere. We aspire to bring that apres-ski, mountainous retreat to Wheat Ridge with the Copper Forest Taphouse. Our site is at 4288 Youngfield Street and is within the city of Wheat Ridge's urban renewal and future growth area. Most wine and beer establishments within 10 miles of the proposed site of the Copper Forest Taphouse are housed within strip malls or warehouse -type facilities. A few are self -standing and none are over one level. There is no other location that is, literally, in a log cabin. Our customers will be immersed in a sophisticated mountain retreat for a relaxing, stress -free wine and beer drinking experience. We will offer local tap beer and a variety of wines for customers along with smoked meat meals from a food truck. We will have a large deck off the back of the Taphouse featuring a fire pit and pergola with lights and heaters for year-round outdoor enjoyment. We will have tables and chairs throughout the first and second floors of the building and a large wine and beer bar on the main floor. There will be a wine tasting/private party room with an old world feel. Games such as pool, shuffleboard and cards will be available for entertainment. There are 3 bars in the Applewood neighborhood with full liquor options; Long Shots Bar, Teller's Taproom and Kitchen, and Mountain Tapbar and Grill. There are multiple food establishments that do not provide alcohol like Noodles & Company, Qdoba, Pizza Hut and Heidi's Brooklyn Deli. There are no "wine and beer" only taphouses in the Applewood neighborhood. We will be competitive all seasons of the year. We are providing a unique Colorado setting that will attract customers from the surrounding communities of Wheat Ridge, Golden, Lakewood and Arvada. We will also attract motorists returning from the mountains who would like to enjoy a drink closer to home as we are located off of I-70 and Highway 58 where commuters leave the mountain area and return to the city. Local neighbors in Applewood will create our base customer group. This will not be a rowdy "get drunk" establishment. We will provide an atmosphere conducive for after -work meetings, date nights or friendly get-togethers. We are looking to attract patrons who appreciate good local brews and wines and like to play games like cards, shuffleboard and pool or watch a sporting event on one of our multiple TV's. Social Media with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram will give internet users access to daily specials, events, seasonal beers and general information. Shared marketing strategies with nearby restaurants and fast food establishments will create neighborhood relationships. We will send emails to customers who sign up with weekly coupons, specials and information on upcoming events. There will be local networking with neighbor businesses to host meetings and after work events. Apparel with `Copper Forest Taphouse' logo will further advertise our business as will personal connections and word-of-mouth. • Owner/Manager — Barb McEahern • Co-owner — Mike Mulvaney • Manager — Christine Roberts • Bookkeeper — Erin Collins • Liquor attorney — Kevin Coates • Business attorney — Anthony McEahern • Bar tenders — 5 • Host/hostess — 2 The owner, Barb McEahern, will finance the project. There are no financial partners or outside investors. She has access to approximately $800,000 cash to see the project from beginning to end. The largest expenses will be architectural and design fees, building out the interior space to outfit it for a wine/beer bar, building a deck, adding parking around the building and initial wine/beer purchase. e"Wer Barb McEahern Local Wheat Ridge property owner and business owner barb@mceahern.com 720-320-0822 Mike Mulvaney: Athletic Director/Assistant Principal, Arvada West High School Mikemulvaney65@gmail.com 720-560-9740 R FA cA v 79 � i 2�� a o°o e T � Z m n 3 tTi � 2 3 2�� a o°o