HomeMy WebLinkAbout0031 ~ \If) '\ Recorded at._m o'dock.. ____._lVI., :J {j jJ 1.:; U ~~ ~~ ~ Reception No... .,.,....(,--4.--"1--1. < ~. B,ecoxder. ;, ~!b I.U v iil I (',,. I ~ ~; 1../ ~ \:~ ~).\ THIS DEED, Made this 27 TH 19 7 I ,between JUAN ITA JOHNSON day of f'\I\Y Recorder's Stamp " -" r., c... c.. T1 {"'"'J (/)0 ...--= ,~Z , '..;-< , \--- .. r :> ( I> 'P / r.....; of the County of Colorado, of the first part, and THE (ITY OF \iHEAT RIDGE, A MUNICIPAL .. corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of CoLORADO ' of the 8econd part: WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of 1EN DOLLARS --------------------____________ DOLLARS, to the said part Y of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, ha S remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents do ES remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said part y of the first part ha S in and to the following described LAND situate, lying and being in the County of JEFFERSOf\i and State of Colorado, to wit: T fjE ,~ORTH :l) F~ET OF THE SoUTH otJE-HALF QF LOT OR TRACT 12 HAPPY VALLIY Gi-IRlJr.i'JS, JEFFERSON CoUNTY, COLORADO ' JEFFERSON and State of r~ Nn ~ ';"'~(I ooe. z :;.'~ roo I- -, :;; , ~\~~ !j- ~ ", '" 0.,,1 ( y~;:~;;/ \ 1.-":..)) I '*., I / \,"':"J Mceptance of the wi thi~/Aeed is recommended this _.___L_=-..-~ f4 J. " 'v '- ....,.............,.._.l9.ZL fi~,.AT...RlOOE..~IlJG c ISSIO~ ...., /' 1 i/U~ ."Z; BY: {/IH/,''''!4t-'-t """"',-,V ~"i~ /, c;;?rmaIt. ine wi thi!: deed is a.ccepted this day of --rJLr4#iUoo';COLO~'-?L BY:.. ,"~ l ' l t L." K c '- '~,___ -~___..4 ...J Mayox:... , A1"fJlSi': -"{...rj'" .~.z:: r- ~ ..../ ',.-/ ~~ ~.~~.~ r 1.( J ;"....c..... (1-4." Cit7 Clerk __.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, tog-ether with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part y of the first part, eithcr in Jawor equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said pal.ty of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part y of the first part ha S hereunto set HER hand and seal ON the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of &'.i.4A;.'.~.:.m;..~#f!.f..i:.,:.~.~~:......h........h.h.. [SEAL] 00 [SEAL] ..m........m.....m........m.j [SEAL] ..[SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO, County of } BO. JEFFERSON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 27 197I ,by. JUANITA JOHNSON day of [flAY My commission expires , 19 , Witness !"hnd and official seal. Il'IJ CommiS5i/lit e:";;i(;~ j-j"i. 2~, 1(11'~~?(~'1f&1u~;:~ i.~.... .3!... ....'....m.. .. ..... ! I l;i.otary Pubiic. ~~ ;;; ~.Gb<'> ,.,;Z3 -It by natural person or persons here insert name or names; L! by person acting in representative or offictal capacity or as attorney~tn-fa.ct then insert name of person as executor, attorney-In-fact or other capacity or descrlption: it by offlcer or cor- poration then tD.sert name of such officer or officers. as the president or other officers of such corporation, naming It.-Statutor:u Acknowledgment, Session 1927 No. 522. QUIT CLAIM DEED TO CORPORATION.-Dradford Publishing Co.. 1824 Stout Str!'et, DCnVl'I', Colorado. 12-68 '. \ \ \ \ \ \ 'J.._ '.>..) -: ,~...._~l._~f~t '\~ - J // , ,'r ..! --~~~.,~-,-~~ - ,.::.'~ - -,------~ < jL.JL--, '.~=- \~ r\~C;\ .., C. in. ,I y ( ~ ~' ,.- -.,~~ '"C" \----- i \_----- -- --" --- - - I J}L ,__ "'\- - --- - ----- " -" , \ \ " \ \ ' \ \ r-, 11\\; ,,' \ r. ,\ \ l,___o./ \ '\:) I I I i i \ I ! i I i I ! i. I i I I I , I i I i I AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLlCY---STANDARD FORM 8-1962 Title Insurance Policy No. co 133535 -0 ~c- (. .x-" Issued by Transamerlca Title Insurance Company a California corporation, hereinafter called the Company, in consideration of the premium which has been paid for this Policy, does insure the person, corporation or other entity, designated as the Insured in Item I under Schedule A, hereinafter called the Insured, the heirs, devisees, personal representatives of such Insured, or, if a corporation, its succes- sors by dissolution, merger or consolidation, against loss or damage not exceeding the amount of this Policy as shown in Schedule A, together with costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay as provided in the Conditions and Stipulations hereof, which the Insured shall sustain by reason of. 1. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title to the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, existing at the date hereof, not shown or referred to in Schedule B or excluded from coverage in Schedule B or in the Conditions and Stipulations, or 2. Unmarketability of such title; or 3. Lack of a right of access to and from land, all subject, however, to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereto annexed, all as of the effective date of this policy, as shown in Schedule A. In WlIl1C1<.S Whereof, the Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers. Tl1ansamel1lCa Title Insul1ance Company By ~~ p~ Attest - _.~-~ // /// , Auth~ri~ed offic~r or~Age~t----- President. Secretary SCHEDULE A ORDER NUMBER II 456890 I[ AMOUNT II $2,800.00 II Dated this 8th day of June . 19..1.l.., at the hour of 8:00 0' clock A,M, 1. The name of the insured and the estate, or interest of the insured in the land described below and COVM ered by this policy is as follows: THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Municipal corporation, in fee simple. 2 The land, the title to which is insured, is described or known as follows: The North 50 feet of the South one-half of Lot or Tract 12, HAPPY VALLEY GARDENS, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. SCHEDULE B This Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1 Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown of record, including unrecorded easements. 2. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a corM reet survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 3. Mechanics liens, or any rights thereto, where no notice of such liens or rights appear of record. 4 Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable, and Special Taxes or Assessments certified to the office of the County T ,eosu,e, subsequent to. May 24, 1971 at 8: 00 A. M . Sheet 1 of 2 Policy No. CO 133535-0 A.MERICAN LA.I~D TITLE '\S\OCit.TlON OWI~EPS POLICY - STANDARD FORM 8-1'162 SCHEDULE B CONTINUED ORDER HUMBER I A 5"01"\0 "l;, ,,_\..}..l 5. night of \V~y fa:;: il'ri2:ation eli tchcs alonG the East and ','est lot 1im;s of nubjoct prOpGl.ty as shown on the recorded pl~'" of said subdivision. 6. utility and irrigation easements as reserved in instrument 1'0- cOl'dcd Augt:st 15. 1!};11 in Boo!: ,1,.14 at PaGe 205, as Ect forth on the forr.1 attached hOl'cto. said naser-louts beinG' 10 fcc::t wide along the l'onr lot line and wi thin 3 feet of each side lot line. 7. Right to construct, or:ol'ute and mnilltain nll il'l'i[1ation ditches and laterals a::,pcr'.rin2 'thoreon, sewer or water lin8s, cns or ele- ctric utility ligc;J within 3 feot of each property 1in0', as re- servad to the subdiviC:;1.' :1.n the pInt of said subdivision recorded July 21, 1~41. in Bool~ 6 at r::;.go 25. 8. Any tax. asscs::;E'~ut, fees, or chargos. by l'enEion of tho inclusion of "tho cubj oct p:.'opcrty in !l.rvnda l~iro Protoction District. Cleal' Creel;: Valley Yiate;;.' and Sanitation District. Prospoct necl'eation District and Valley ~atar District. 9. Any tax. assessment, fees or charges by reason of the inclusion of subject property in Wheat Ridge General Impro'fement District No.9. Sheet 2 of 2 Policy No. CO 133535-0 OWNER'S POLICY . AAERrCAN tAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY-STANDARD FORM B-1962 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS The following' terms when USN in this pOlicy mean: lal "land": the land described, specifically or by fef. en'nce, in Schedule A and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property' (h) "public records": those records which impart con- structive notice of matters relatIng to said land; (e) "knowledge"; actual knOWledge, not constructive knowledge or notice which may be imputed to the- Insured by reason of any public n'c'ords; and (d) "date'" the effective date. 2. EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF THIS POLICY This po;lcy does not Insure against loss or damagl" by rea- son of the following: I a I Any law ordinam_~ or :;!;ovemmental regulation (including but cot limited to bullding and zoning ordi- nances I restricting' or regulating or prohibiting- the occu- pancy use or enjoyment of the- land, or regulaUng the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected un said land, or Prohibiting a separation In ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or (lfea of any lot or parcel of land. I b I Governmental rlg-hts of poli('F' power or eminent domain unless notIce of the exercise of such rlg-hts appears in the public records at the date hereof. l c \ Title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described or referred to in Schedule A, or title to arf':lS "'lOlin 0r ril::hts or east'ments In any abuttln~ street.s roads, avenut's, lanes, ways or 'h"att'rways 1 except to thf' l'xtent the right of ac('ess to and frum saId land is coverl'd by the insuring provisions of this poliCy I or the rIght to maintain therein vaults, tunnels, ramps or any other struc- tUff? Ilr i1npr')vemmt, unless this policy spt:cifically provides that suC'h titles, rIghts or easements are insured. 'd De1f'~ls, liens, encumbranC'es adverse claims against the title as insured or other matters (11 creatf'd, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the Insured: or (2 I known to the Insured either at the date of this policy or at the date such Insured acquired an ('state or interest Insured by this policy and not shown by the publle records, unll2'Ss disclosure there- of in writing- by the Insured shall have been made to the Company prior to the date of this policy; or (3) resulting in no loss to the Insured; or 14) attaching ur create1I sub- sequent to the date lll'reof. I e I Loss or damag-e which would not have been sus- tained if the Insured were a purr.:haser for value without knowledge 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS-NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY THE INSURED I a) The Company at lt5 own eo~t and without undue delay shall provide for the defense of the Insured in all litigation consisting of actions or proceediug-s commenced agalnst the InSUred, or de!en5€'S interposed against a sale of the estate In said land which litigation In any of such events Is fGunded upon hn alleged defect. lien or encum~ brance insured against by this policy, and may pursue such litigation to final determination In the court of last resort. (b} In case any such action or proceedIng shaH be begun, or defense It\terposed, or in ca~ knowledge shall come to the Insured of any claim of tHlf' or Interest which is adverse to the title as InsurE"d, or whi~h might cause loss or damag-e for which the Company shall or may be liable by vIrtue of this policy or in the ~vent the title Is rejf"Cted as unmarketable by one who has leased or has contracted to purchase, lease or lend money on the land described in sched. ule A hereuf, the Insured shall notify the Company thereof in writing, If such notice shall not be given to the Company within ten days of the receipt of process or pleadIngs or if the Insured shall not In wrHIng, promptly notify the Com- pany of any defect, lien or encumbrancl' insured against which shall ::ome to the knowledge of the Insured, or if the Insured shall not, In writing, promptly notify the Company of any such rejection by rf"ason of claimed unmarketabil1ty of the title, then all liablJity of the Company In regard to the subject mattPI' o( such action, proceeding or matter shall cease and terminate; provided, however. that failure to no- tl1y shall In no case prejudlce the claim of any InsuTl'd un- less the Company shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of s.uc.h prejudice, ~~) The Company shall have the rIght at its own cost to institute and prosecute any action or prOCE'edlng or do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable Conditions and Stipulations to establish the title as Insured; and the Company may take any awropr1ate a~tion under the terms of this pollcy wheth- ('r or not it shall be Uable thereunder and shall not thereby concede llabillty or waive any prOVision of thIs policy (d) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prosf'{"Ute or provide for the defense o( any action or proceeding, the Insured shall se<:uw to it the right to so prosf"Cute or provide defense In such action or pro. c€'(>dlng, and all appeals therein, and permit it to use, at fts option, the name of the Insured. fa. such purpose. Whenever requested by thf" Company the Insured shall g-ive the Com- pany aU reasonable aId in any such action or proceeding, in effecHng settlement, s~uring evidence, obtaining- witnest'e5, or prosecuting or defending such action or proceedIng, and the Company shall reimburse the Insured. for any expense so incurre.d, 4. NOTICE OF lOSS-LIMITATION OF ACTION In addition to the notices requJred under paragraph 3 I b 1 , a statE"ment In writing- of any loss or damag-e for which it is claimed the Company is Haole under this policy shaH be furnished to the Company within sixty days after such loss or damage shan have been determined and no right of action shaH a~CTue to the InsurE"d under this polley until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnIshed, and no recovery shall be had by the Insured under this pol1cy unless action sha.H be commenced thereon within five yf"ars after expiration of said thirty day perIod, Failure to furnish such statement of loss or damage, or to commence such action within the time hereinbefore spedfled, shall be a conclusive bar against maIntenance by the Insured of any action under thIs poll")' S. OPTION TO PAY, SETTLE OR COMPROMISE CLAIMS The Company shall have the option to payor settle or compromise ior or in the name of the Insured any claim in- sured against or to pay the full amount of this policy and such-payment or tender of payment. tOl;pther with all costs. attorneys' fees an1 expenses which the Company is obligated hereunder to pay, shall terminate an Uability of the- Com~ pany hereunder, 6. PAYMENT OF tOSS I a) The lia.blllty of the Company under this poliC'y shall In no ease f'xceed, in all, the actual loss of the Insured and costs and atlnrIwys' fees which the Company may be obli- gated hereunder to pay (bl The Company will pay in addition to any loss in- sun>d against by this poU~y all costs imposed upon the Insur- ed in litigation carried on by the Company for the Insured, and all cost;; and attorneys' fees in litigatIon carried on by the Insurf"d with the. written authoMzatlon of the Company (c) No claim for damages shall arise or be maintainable under this policy {I) if the Company after having re- ceived notice of an alleged defect, lien or encumbrance not excepted or exdudett herein removes such defect, lien or encumbranc.e within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice; or (2 I for liability voluntarily assumed by the In~ SUyed in settling any claim or suH without written consent of the Company; or (3) In the event the title Is rejected. as unmarketable because of a detect, lien or encumbrance not f'xcepted or excluded In this poUcy, untll there has been a flnal determJnation by a court of competent jurisdIctlon sustaining such rejection, (d) All payments under this poIlcy except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of tne insurance pro tanto and no payment shall ~ made without produclng this policy fat endorsement of such payment unless the polley be lost or df'stroyE"d, In which case proof o( such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company (e) When Uablllty has been definitely fixed In accord- anc.e with the. conditions. of this poll.~y the- loss or damage shall be payable within thIrty days thereafter. 7 LIABiliTY NONCUMULATIVE It Is expressly understood that the amount of this policy is reduced by any amount the Company may pay under any policy Insuring- the validity or priority of any mortgage or deed of trust shown or referred to in Schedule B hereof or any mortgage or deed of trust hereafter executed by the Insured whIch is a charge or lien on the land descMbed or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paId shall be deemed a payment to the insured under this policy, B, COINSURANCE ANI) APPORTIONMENT (a) In the {'Vent that a partial loss occurs after the In. sured makes an improvement subsequent to a date of this pOlley and only In that event, the Insured becomes a coin- sureI' to the extent hereinafter set forth. If the cost of the improvement exceeds twenty per centum of the amount of this poUcy such proportion only of any partial loss established shall be borne by the Company as one hundred twenty per centum of the amount of this policy bears to the sum of the amount of this pollcy and the amount of this pollcy and the amount expended for the im- provement. The foregoing provisions shall not apply to CQsts and attorneys' fees incurred by the Company In prosecutlng or provldin,IJ for the defense of actions 0. proceedings in behalf of the Insured pursuant to the terms of this policy or to costs imposed on the Insured m such actions or pro- ceedings, and shall apply onty to that portion of losses which exceed in the aggreKate ten per cent of the face of the poUcy. Provided, however, that the foreg-oing coinsurance pro- visiuns shall not apply to any loss arising out of a lien or encumbrance for a liquidated amount which existed on the date of this P\lIIcy and was not shown in Schedule B; and provided further, such coinsurance provisions shall not apply to any lu.<:s if, Lt thl' time of the occurrence of such loss, the then value of the premises, aG so improved, does not ex- ('~d Dne hundred twenty per centum of the amount of this poiicy (b) If the land desc.ril)e-d or referred to in Sc.hedule A Is divisible into separate and noncontiguous parcels, or if {'ont1guou~ and such parcels are not used as one single site, and a loss Is established afft"Ctlng one or more of !'AId parcell> but not aU, the loss shall bt" computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the face amount of this pflllcy was divided pro rata as tu the value on the date "f this poll.cy of eac.h separate independent parc(>} to the whoie, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent tu the date of this pol1cy unless a Ilabillty or value has othenvise been ag:reed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the Insured at the time of the issuanre of this policy and sllOwn by an px- press statt'ment herein or by an endorsement attached hereto, 9 SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Com~ pany unaU!>Cted by any act of the Insured, and it shall be subro,gated to and be entitl('d to all rights and remedies which the Insured would have had against any person or pTnp~rty in respl2'Ct to sucn claim had this policy not been issued. If the payment does not cover the loss o~ the In- sured, the Company shall be subrogate-d to such Tlg-hts and remedies in the pwp(1ftion which said payment bears to the amount of said loss. If loss should result from any act of the Insured, such act shall not void this polIcy, but the Com- pany in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against hereunder whIch shall exceed thl' amount, if any lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation. The insured. If re- quested by the Company, shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedIes against any person or property neces- sary in order to perfect such right of subrogation, and shall permit the Company to use the name of the Insured in any transaction or litigation Involving such rights. or remedies, 10, POLlCY ENTIRE CONTRACT Any action or actions or rIg-hts of action that the InsurE"d may have or may bring agaInst the Company arising- out of the status of the title Insured herein must be ba5ed on the provisions of this policy, No provision or condition of this pollcy can be waived or changed except by writing endorsed hereon or attached here~ to signed by the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant seCITtary or other validating officer of the Company. 11. NOTICES, WHERE SENT All notices reqUired to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Compan'Y shall be addressed to Transamerica Title Insurance Com- pany 1720 California St., Denver, ColoradO 80202. '" ~ "'~'^ o "'0 '" G O::~.~ ~ ~?< ~ t -p-+m tv"2.':P' ~ D-NU- NO", C , j 3 -' ~ Ql ~ :S. -' co fJI !e. -01.......0 o @ ~ 0", "'~ dB 411 ",:>0- ~~ ,,~ .;r.,-!. :: ~. ~g ,..::... " " o .;; c ?. ,,' " )> C'l m Z .... \II .... :J: '" o c: C'l :J: o c: .... '" N 0)> nlO rn '" :=::> ~" ",0 -< ~~. 0 .QUI (D O(fO"O o-~ l>> o-ep ~ "'. 3 - '" 0:> " ~ j < " ('I o .... o '" )> o o . "'w o~Z ~lJ10 __QJ{fl"'l (.N::}~;' 39- ~ ~ '" \'-.)Obtll rv~c- NtD ~ 0 , 0 ::r _0 -<:J j < -<:J J>-' W..Q < ~. --' ""'-J ~ 0 N j " Oc "'<1> '" '" "" o o Q. 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