HomeMy WebLinkAbout0034 h \" Recorded at.oo..oo............oo__........o'clock.........__.M., ....00..........__..............00.......00__......00........ ............. Reception N o....~..~~:f.l~.~,~........... .......................oo..............oo...............ll1l.1.2.:;;~rder. j.1 :1 ...:~: i~ ,'i; 1 :". / ~. !;1 :,; Ii J 1./:' " it!, HECORDER'S STAMP THIS DEED Made this 17th day of June 1971 . between ROBER T L. WILLIAMS and ANN K. WILLIAMS of the County of J effer son and State of Colo- rado, of the first part, and City of V. heat Ridge, a body politic and mun ic ipal corpora tion :ll.;aot}l.ot~ organized and ;"J r#f"'I'"' 0", ~~ --I C-.._ = Z T'o>.;) ,~" n ;-~ (n ,") -, .- ; -l_~ ..t.:. 1', tiw ~~ J-ll c, ., ~ g. C-t'!:T-"''': ~I :f~ :0; _ I --..: exi,ting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of of the second part: Colorado t: (. r, .,,\ , "W",\ \ \\\",_l 1\ ~\::z,~) \ 11 I , J '-._../ WITNESSETH, That the said part ie s of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Tcn Dollars and other good and valuable considerations - - - - - .. .. - -~~~ to the said part ics of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the rec~ipt w;lereof is hereby confess€d and acknowledged, ha V~ranted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do gr~lnt, hargain, sell, convey an,l confirnl, l:into the said parL:{ of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. "II of the following described lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the . County of Jeffcr son and State of Colorado, to wit: ' The West 48.5 feet of the N1: of the SW~ of the swt of S'ectiiun 15, T 3 S, R 69 W. except the South 182 feet thereof and except Public' Service Company right-of-way. ~ .~ PUR ROADWAY PURPOSES. It is an express prOVISlOn and condition h~reo that the grantors shall not be responsible nor liable for the erection or con- struction of any roadway improvements thereon nor for the maintenance ther ~ ". of. No Documentary Fee. Consideration less than $500. 00 . TOGETHE!{ with aU and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said part ie s of the first part. eitl,er in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and apPUl'tenal'ces. 'NXHXXE~HBKNl:lle)Sl\.1K~~~\Ie,'b)i~~:ll.M(.KesID:IM"'X~.lSlreX~}w{~~IDilllOXWQ )!loot Xl~)l~~X ;llIli-JllOO<.M':~ Xtl!.)!ll(CXOOXlKiK X~!.\ro(iK~N\'lM'XIDlIi;,XbexsuXlxpro::<<. x x x XX>>f(};J1>eXl'l.llX<<'tIa't~){Kr XXXXXel.XXXXXX~XOCKt<i~atliL~bO~JiiXXXXXX<lC~~K~liiM-~l\.1K)Q1{cKXgij2iiKm;QO,W~X lll~)@{~XiXl)(j;~m{ XKiK XEl(I)lt4~:i:'OX ~)(ocNlli.Qi'Jl:: XlKd(XM;)(Ol9; J4:l\MxatXUloc XilIDl ~)t)@( Mi;MUXgI:)CKd(XMJV:KrlYXM WOO>> ;PXal~XXXXX X xX)!,1(lXx<x<*!( )()!::meXPt~~w..!X<XiK*}{OOX);jKX>:l~~~veX;Poo;:(<Xi~XtHJXdNtK)ouoi:l: rnOOXOO~Wx~~X~WX~<<WK~XrnX~~~K~OO~~~XOOOC>>~XXX~<XiOCX~K~~~~OO~K~~~X~~~)tK ~'lili~~~xn1XX:i>m~1lfJX)sMK<Ki>>~et~l'l:;{ot~:ll.ft>Xes~.xNllIlK1lfJX~~~ll:.l:illlat)f~K ::Klxf:\Ilt'rol'X )(1)@;ot~ :gNro)SX~~XiKl}eJ\,){\:Ie!\l!X Jo.'\1tm Nl)(OO19X<ro)l;X<m4~MroK>M()K'" )v;(~Wlxlle)(<Xi)JNOOxotX:OOlt\ltK OO~KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XOOXNlli.Je1i!Q4-X)V)I!l0iIO)(d<:.li.roXOO~H\x~}(Xl)l\:le~xOOxX<ro~>Xm<lllS)(""!>OKX>:ltXbllxiKlXlx~WXOfXtlliK~~tiItt~)qt(; mc~XOONlmQ.XJl~jgQ~XlK1>i~Xl;(XNK~rox'>>"XJK!~';:X~~roX1JQ)Cw.jqxXI)PXV<lXl)?XQf~)p:ll.N; };J1>e~~~N;XXXXd(X~1X~lKMlXN.lIM(wmxwARRAN:l:~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parU.eS of the first part ha ve heremlto set their hand S :::r:ed~l s:alc~~:::::~::r:: :~r~:ea::'::e::~tto:n.u . ~!J:!Lu.oooo!/6TT.f;(~SEAL] ~~~f . WI lamS ~u:t.:jfd.~u[SEAL] Ann K. Williams [SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO, County of Jefferson th~ fn.t~oing instrulnent was acknowledged before me this ' -, l",(~ 191J ,br' Robert L. Williams and Ann K. Williams. }ss. day of My C"zAfuission expires '/ :/ / , / , 1':"/.;, . " ~,> '. ~- __.n':...::-::::.._."':_u__u)...u A' ;. (1 I Notary Public. , ~, n --' JjI[d\.~W~~Jr<<K~~laW~For Photo.....phi. Record. -Bradford Publishing Co.. 1824-46 Stout Street. Denver, Coloradu --1-71 2271 ~)b; AOcMIiJ fOR ROAD PURPOSI Subject to oonditions that the City ahall asa~ maintenance only after construction there of in accordance with Subdivision Regulations of the City of Wheat Ri~e as said regulations apply to roads DATE: _,,:.,.11.7 - ,ciTY at ~~, B.1: , i i {~:..!_.j~.~LLLj ( .'-/.~_. L Mayor r -- _.__19.zL OOLORADO Acceptance of the within deed is i"eCOjend~d t;hi..______.~__.._ooaa,~ of limA, R~ Pym;TN~-..~isl;!Zf :Bf' 7, - v -'7T. L ~ "',,~/1{ ~ ...~.._G.d_..~L //'.-.' ~n..;-~'- {' / Cba.lrman . ,~ ?>- Af!IfBS'.r- j ~,......:.....;...~2s_.;~~"..~.:...;;...t.;~~~_~....::::;;~:...._.;;;;;......... . I~. Oi t;y Clerk \ , .', <.:'! pI :,~ IT1 Tc ::..., ~ -< rt1 1 , ., f'": \ \ "-J CJ R ' 1-\ + i t j ~ I) ill z..~..-.' \[ c, L. \ N e- rn, I I' '/'T'~ -{ _ _ ~ j~_cL c _ \ /;;'1- + \ \ - -:, c/. ~ ~- "\_J -- I' j '/ r ~.~ ,/ \.,.-"1 ~ I' ^ I ! '?; ..::---" "1 ,.? , \' , .J r -:-~ 1"'1 , I n " - 1 f'1 ,./ I en ::/ ,- ,. , ~ ," j en T" I' "J \ " 1 ! I' ~.. II I' -~\ r.: tL,i.U 1+ \ ::''-1 J '-.--/ Recorded at...____._._..___o'cloclt.._.--1t~ ..___..__......._......._.......__ -- -" ReceptlOll No..~.....__u._..__....___.__ ....--.....--....-......--......---...--.......--_.Reeord.er. THIs DEED, Made this 10th day of February ,19 70 , between ROBERT L. WILLIAMS and ANN KAY WILLIAMS of the County of Jefferson Colorado, of the fint part, and and state of THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE of the County of Jefferson and state of Colorado, of the seeond part, . WITNESSETH, That the said part ie s of the first part, for and in eonsideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable consideration ~, to the said part ies of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, ha ve remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents do remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part, its heirs, aucceSlors and asslg"s, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said part ies of the first part ha ve in and to the following described lot or parcel of land situate, lying Uld being in the County of Je f fe rson and State of Colorado, to wit: A tract of land in the N~ of the SW~ of the SW~ of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point 197 feet North of the South boundary of said N~ of the SW~ of the SW~ of Section 15 and 31.5 feet East of the West boundary of said Section 15; thQnce East 18.5 feet, thence North 150 feet, thence West 18.5 feet, thence South 150 feet to the point of beginning, for use as a public road only. In the event said property above described is not used for the purpose of a public road within 10 years of the above dated conveyance, said above described premises shall revert to the grantors herein, or their heirs, successors or assigns; or, if the above described premises is conveyed or otherwise transferred, said above described premises shall revert to the owners of said property at that time. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whataoever, of the said part ie s of the first part, either in Jawor equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part y of the second part, its heirs and assigna forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part ies of the first part have hereunto set their hand; and seal S the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of ,-...-..-.........,.....,_.._,.,.......,...,.............._...._.....,_......_. [SEAL] ...-......................................-...-........-;-.----..-...--.---- -.....--..-................-..-.._,.._........_.....__......____[SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO, County of Jefferson } lB. . The fore~inlr instrument was aclmowledged before me tbie 10th d&yof 19 70 ,by> ROBERT L. WILLIAMS and ANN KAY WILLIAMS February My eommisaion ezp!rell April 4 , 19 70. Witness my band llo11d. offlcla1 seal. -----~LL-JL--------- Charzes T. Flett N.... hl>1lo: -If by natural. penon or personlJ here lneert name or name.; If by peraon &oUntr In reprMentattv6 or offlcl&l eapaclty or .. attorneY-in-tact. then iDsert name ot penon a.a executo~l attorney-In-fact or other capaoltJ' or deecrlp.tlon: It by officer of cor- poraUoD. then InMrt D&1]"Ie ot 8ucb offICer or off1oena. u tn. prMS4eDt 01' other oUkwra ot IIUC1I. eol'pOn.tIOD. nambia It.-atGhttory Aok_ledgmoa.. I!eo. 111-6.1 Colora40 n..._ Btatulea UII. 5-933 QUIT CLAIM DEED "--'- -1---