HomeMy WebLinkAbout0035 \4 \' , , !.I ~' - " " Recorded at............... .............. ..o'clock.. .....0... M.. .00..... ...... mo.......... 0...00......... .0.........0.. ....0.00........ Reception NO"h...l"'~..(.l~,.1...m.. ........m...m..m.......h..hU........h..........tr;.i.;.~.".:~~~rder. 1-,11. . \,t . J, i r) ;.\ ;1' .,; 1 ./ :.: '~ j L RECORDER'S STAMP THIS DEED Made this 17th day of June 1971 . between i\lbert L Bacher and Mabel M. Bacher of the County of Jefferson and State of Colo- rado, of the first part, and City of Wheat Ridge, a hody politic and municipal corpon1tion ~i'tl&~organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado of the second part: ;::; ....", 0..., ~~ --< L = z ""'" ,....... '~t'1 ~-, -,., ..- -.. -.: , ' ...t.::.. l"- N _.~ ~ ~v: -,l " (1"'\- ~ g, c.~:J:- ;X> , (X) ... ~l ~r== t.e WITNESSETH, That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten LUllars and other good and valuable considerations" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..~ in the said parti es of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, hlte granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, ,md by these presents do grunt, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, nli of the following dcscribed lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Jeffc [SOn and State of Colorado, to wit The North 25 feet of the lc'~ of the '-,E~ of the SE ~ of the NE { o~ Sec~on 23, T :3 S, 1\ 69 W of the 6th p" M., in Jefferson County, ColoraOQ. '. [70R PllBUC ROi\DWi\ Y PURP()SE~" " It is an express condition hereof that the ~rantors shall not have the respol1.;- ~ sibility nor be liable for tl1e erection or construction of improvements 0,11 c1('~ ,r'~~~~~~ the above described parcel and that the grantee will make adequate provision~, ", for the drainage water traversing said areas aJ;d that no construction shall ::f6 '5' commence on the North 25 feet thereof UlitH after the 197'1' growing season" ~. I".",;;, No Documentary Tax required - Consideration less than $100. 00. "'~", TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances tii~t~linto ~belbnging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said parti es of the first part, either in law or equity, 0,. in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. X'HJHM~X'H~iX~~XNNe;,b'a't~-1i~)iN*l\1l{<lIi)()VIDiID<iX;Q~Woo'iJlle:SXfultK)tKiK XS\llaK]lllXeyJ0()t~~JpKUt~~~K~~*KwK~Xt1\e;.~~4'il&~XXxxXxmltp),Xlif,;hJi>i>P\,xfi>l( XXXXX~XXXXXXX~~~~~~~~~~~~XXXXXOOX~~~~~~~~X~e;,~~~ ~1I:~lllN.<};>>i)<:XlK~~~XcX>Xd(liMXXi)I\X~OOmQ~X<m4X1feM~X)h)l.~}!t(lr1N~OOXthXX.1UN(]jtil1:XMll'IJ<NIi"gel'$(~ X~~~m.xXXXXXXX>>w;ij~tlI.Wx<NAtXiX}IOO)(lWJ{~OONJ(~XQ(lX%'X<xmeX~l!I:mltx~iX~m<:<;<}!lXlWJIreXM<l >()4~feX~j)jiX1iS'tMiX~f(X~~14;}():}Cx,.'SK~)lIhJ!i~)6~)1l\'d(Mi.XXxgoKd(~W1tX~)V~l1K\\@XlQKb;dtK~x.x >(~ilIfi1{~~)oMV~M1l9.~Xrl\<K~~XHWiX~~~,J-<ll&Xmat{tlJX~iK*~XWi-~ XMKIX>l\lM<~Kdi.<IDidt:lg~~~~No~~l(s)l:<ltKdWiJXsX~ilid$NX~V4>ll~~&'(OO1C*K) X~~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) mtIl{Xlle'(~~Ki't~~<>>Msex)j,tllX~~ J<Ull{JPllj(;iXf:)j~J{dS~MlX()[XttaKX(}ifl.JPXllt",A\KXJlexse~fl. JpXllt;XffS(. )tX()C~iltX~~~~~a){"ge)(;jK~SOXX1K1t~lIIDlX~:tIlllW~OO~X1AX<KNilG}W(t!.\iX~Ma)lfJ{xnwxp;a1tK X~~~}sa:lH~'>>C~~RlxW)\~RKN1:~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said partieso~ the first part ha ve hereunto set thci [ handS and seal S the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presenee of '. . ~ /;-~ /'C X.......J:.LA{bir~~~tff01~..!1...?[SEAL] x..........:/M~ber'M: ..i~g~il~/':...:. [SEAL] .............................. [SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO, I ~ SS. County of Jefferson J, r C.3 .T,j]e lfor~l>oin~ instrument was acknowledged before me this 1\)71 ',by iqbert L. Boehl"- ond Mabel M" Bacher ./ " <:. -- / -" --A / -/ ( 1'ily commiss.ioIj. expires <.... / (<- .. .. I / , day of / (t. '1..,........ ._ WITNESS my -h,and and official seal. c~. ; I' ./" //L..c {I;'"~ _... n~.U____';" '---7 ./ --~ ( -~ -"-..--.'----N~~;:;--P~;bii~:------ .., Po ' N .'or Photozraphic Record. -Bradford Publishing Co., 1824-46 Stout Street, Denver, Colorad" 1-71 ZZ'11 ~t)~) ----.----- :;r ::1 ~. 10 ~ ~ ::s r 10 s '< ... ..... tl:l ~ ::r 0 ~ l1> Z 0 n ... ~ r0- O ? ... :g. 00 "i ~ '< . ~ > . l1> S' n Z > l1> l1> := c J" ~ ... >-3 r , r " n- t<:l e ~ := . n- '< 0 0- 0 0 . " :::: g; Q '%J ~ c rr (;. 0 ro I' s:: 0 !: ~ l1> n- ::s >-3 " l1> e: ;. {j 0 ~ n t-< 0 l1> fA' 0 ;; 'C ;is: r ..... 0 -< 0 p; [;;- ~ 0 0 :>- e ::s '" n- t::I 'il III a ~ c Z ., ::s p m ? Oll 0. S trj z F 0. l1> < " ::s tl'-'j M . "' -< ct- t:l ~ ... :!l r.:;1 0 0 ... " " l1> r ., " 0- n .. " 0 0 ~ ... ~ "--0--' C. <D '" l1> 0. 0. !" ACC~l!ID JOB ROAD POR:POSJI Subjeot to conditions that the City shall assume ma11ltenanoe only after oonstruction there of in accordance with Subdivision Regulations of the City of Wheat Ri~e as said regulations appl;y to roada .'.. " . . / ....'-.r1~~7~- _: (i.ff< ^-f LU.:.lA l.A..~---c:- Mayor. ---- '" J.~ )//, --r .'&-,1..0-.: ;.- --v.}f.,--c:~..;::-:...;:;.~~.......~..-..:...c-r:._;:.__; ...:-c....~_ OUr Olerk Acoeptance of t:." wi t~lin d,."ed i 3 recolllll:ended tni2 _...._L~_="..uda.y of D~~fJtE-PLm~'~G':'coW4isl:i~;.. "'y- Y,,\" ,~. ~~;l , {A; " ",Y C4 '-. /. .t) .. -: ....k..~...,.~~,...~ ,,~..I~i .- 1;;............ ., " t' (.-> ~ L.._ 1';-- 1'0 < , .' ( .' jDl n ~ ~ -----.J ,;Z::: "' '=.I;:D ! 1, /' "- \11 'wn., ;1 Rli DI;~'; eJ' ~ Ie: Ii.>- 'to ~,::; In, ,- '"---,,, 1. 1, )> ? < I~ 1'1 -~U '-\ '! -.., " > I 1'1 ~ ~ : n/ _J' :C 1 :...J r~ f'1 Z- 'n..Po ::::;. A' rr1 :n 0_ ~ .--\ ~' ~..-c 7 .i ~). pi ~ ;~' I''^ ;; 1- 1- ~I ---.J I'Il=::k',F -..,.. , i I ---\ Sf ~r- I rl \ ~1 ~ _L. "' :-' .\ ,J r: " r-, rn .C' t- ~ "7 ;0;. \J l" R'- T 1--\ 1/J -=: .-,. -- -., '\ \. -------- "-~ <~':- p' ~ Recorded at................................o.clock............M., ..................00............................................ 1"';,'Y7'': '''8 Reception N o......~!.~........~.~.:......... .u.......................m...m.......................................Recorder. and State of o o c:: :z: -i -< <:> r m '" ;>< S1<> ::c "' o <:> 2) C> "' :III Recorder's Stamp ;;-10 C} :::: c> ::-0 f'.,.J '=' -.., 1', r'" ~ (") r- if' (') r1'~ -.: c: C,J>Z --of " ~ ~ " I ~ lP THIs DEED, Made this 19 7 2 . between ;, day of October CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC. , ~I"- :;;- <.D Cl o JClOo :J:: --i'.-' ..:1:: .fl' rllC, C ~ ~.~~ "'"'r10-11 ~.:nP" 0...:;0 ....0(1) 000 z: :z: of the County of Colorado, of the first part, and Jefferson ~ ,- - .. ...., ,...., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a municipal XSCcorporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado ,of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ---------One Dollar (1.00) and other valuable consideration DOLLARS, to the said part y of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the seeond part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, haS remised, released, sold. conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED. and by these presents doe S remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part. it.! successors and assigns forever. all the right, title. interest, claim and demand which the said party of the first part ha S in and to the following described par c e 1 0 f 1 an d situate, lying and being in the County of J e f fer s on and State of Colorado, to wit: That parcel of real property situate, lying and being in the East half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. des- cribed as follows: That portion of real property lying West and North of Lot 8, Crestview Heights Subdivision according to the recorded plat thereof and lying East and South of the center, thread,of the stream of Clear Creek and lying North of the North right-of-way of Colorado State Highway No. 58, West 44th Avenue This conveyance is intended to convey all that portion of property owned by the Grantors situate Westerly of and adjacent to Lot 8, Crestview Heights Subdivision, not included within said platted lot. .... A~ H,!:;~t~E , DLI~L) , tt i \.;- l l-, / G/ , , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title. interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part y of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part. its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part y of the first part haS and seal the day and year first above written. hereunto set its hand Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of c;.o ~TOM BU ILDE,RS, INC. ":....~...uLi.........:.../.,......../:...~..,.......:....:....+..,.u........... [SEAL] ,. ~.I ............................................................... .......:.....::................... [SEAL] ::~:::~:-_::::~:::~~:-:j ,......................................................................,.......................... [SEAL] ....................................................................................... ........... [SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO, County of Jd~~ }aa. My commission expires was acknowledged before me this (;; A (V Te-NPet-.v ~ ~ c. H ")...€> ............ll...~...*&.................................... Notary Publle. ;2lf day of 0G~~,- The foregoing instrument 1971-. . by. l';;'.!-t . I II . 19 7Y . Witness my hand and official seal. .If by natural person or persons here insert name or names: If by perSOD acting in representative or official capacity or as a.ttorney-tn-fact. then insert name of person as executor, attorney-in-fact or other capacity or description; if by officer of cor- poration.. then lnsert n~e of such officer or officers, as the president or other officers ot such corporation naming It -8tatut~. AcknowUl'dumen.t. BeS8W1t. 1927 ' . ....6 No. 522. QUIT CLAIM DEED TO CORPORATION.-Bradford Publishinll' Co., 1824 Stout Street, Denver, Colorado. -2-70 2439 3()4 tll '0 " 0 .... '7 \ " Ol ,,' '" ~ -!:> - OQ c.. 0- ... ..... ::T vl >- r ~. " ... ".. (1) f-' c::: "' r <1> <1> " ... ?> tn :;0 c.. 0 <1> rO rt '" ... C" H q c.. ~ f./). e . =<: n ~ S. " >-3 Z . "'l > ;0 ?> hi ... <1> > ~ c <1> <1> ... r , f-" P- <1> " 8 .... 0 >-3 ~ 0 P- 1fI "rI !!' 0 ~ i:1; l:'J . 0 OQ ~ ... ~ 0 f c.. ~ '" . (!) 0 <1> :r- ::l 0 n c c.. ~ "'l . w 'i 'Tl ,,' ~ ~ r . r+ 0 S' <1> .... 0 . n ::T >< r !} 0 0 Cl z .,. r t"' 0 0 0 r;;' 0 - n f-' t:rJ 0 ~ 0 S' :<l 0 0 n "' ;..- 0 'i ~ .. .... t:l " d t; z ?> f-' * 0 < P- (1) S " : t:rj . 0 -< <0 '" '" t:rj ?> . .... 00 'i t;j: i .... ~ t:J 0 P- il: r .. 0 "' d: '" t.N ~: ~ ~ -------- t.N ro "' c.. !" Acceptance of the within deed is recommended Uns _._._4. G. .da;y of u;:~2.e..".€.,.':'.l2!:.d,....... .... . ~ \) Z,A. ~~~'4% IRIDG'!!; l~A1p.I\:llC! "CO.MMISSlOli .D~: +f'l-1-ch<-~c:j//d'f<.-<-<,/fca ~ """. (' c-:m:.. :'.'L'man The wi thin deed is. 8,aaepted thh ~ of .j~:'"1;!jfiIJ:::~010W;;9li BY,..~.,..._,......,"..m......~' /- i.1a\"" 'm.......cw~ .-; ..-;.-- /" b...J.":"'~I.IJ.\_/~..._.+f-1~/.,"_~ ~ ,r,~~,~-:,'::.:L/:;;'~NP- _..~ G~l t;;~ J le!"~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 639 PROPERTY Ii ~ ' ~mr]l W- I <! ~: tj ~ \ :J,3\~' U) r--uJ /' J NO,,,). I .'~~<~\ !"'\ U\~,~i w r;;0=- " II (l I I C:l (j 3: H 18 '-' [,. ~\~~'.".., ~;; S;~~~ t--'\~..._L 18 n S Nj3!^,\ 0 \\\\\ \: ,lS:?J:; 19. U) ffilUm' H ,.. ~~~ . 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