HomeMy WebLinkAbout0044 --'~------ 180€2t-l QUITCIAIH DEED THIS QUITCLAI:1 DE::m, made thts 24th day of' March, 1972, bebleen SAFEHAY .sTORES, r;COTIPORATED, a corporatl<.'n dUly organized and existing under an,:1 by virtue of the law::> e,f the state of Jtiaryland of the fir3t part. and CITY OF WHEAT RII/GI~, a IfJun1cipal corporation, duly organized ani exi3tin~ under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colo:-ado of the second part; WIT N E SSE T H : That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN Mill NO/IOO DOLLARS ($10.00) to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and ackno~ledged, hath rexlsed, ~p.ledsed~ sold, conveyed, QUITCIt.II(ED and by these presents c.oth remise, release, sell, convey, and Q.UITCIADl ~ xst~eHtxlO~.lti~ unto the said party of the second part, its successors ~nd assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which said party of the first part hath in and to the follo'fling described or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-wit: An easement for traffic sign purposes over the following parcel: A 2-foot strip of land lying Northeasterly of and con- centric with the rOllowing desc~ibed curved line: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 6 Coulehan Grange; , thence North along the West line of said Block 6, a distance of 30.00 fe~t; thence_East and parallel to the South line of said P1."'o".1...- t--. ~ ..:. -.:; ~:_.:,- .--_ -:.-. __.~ ....... ...,., A,-" _~ _ _ . _ _... . , ~..:.,- ......~- ....- - ............... ...c-.;....G'- V..i.. .J.v. I...iU .!. t.:t: v VU l;Ile Gl.'ue OO~i11; 0:1 ~eginning of the line herein described; thence along a ~u.~veto the left a distance of 31.45 feet central angle 01 said curve is 90006' and the radius is 20.00 feet, to the terminus of said line; Together with.the North 2 feet of the South 12 feet of Blocks 5 and 6} Coulehan Grange, EXCEPT the East 148.4 feet of the South 12 feet of said Block 5, EXCEPT the West 30 feet of the South 12 feet of said Block 6. fv~ , l>!: lC" \ I V' .tt \ -L.IL( , '-j TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances ~~d p~lviledbes thereunto belonging, or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim wnatsocver of the said pa~ty of the first part, either in law or eqUity, to ~ne only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS ~rlEREOFJ the said party of the first part hath caused its corDorate naT-e to be hereunto subscribed by its Assistant Vice President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its Assistant Secretary, the day and year first-above written. SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED (a Maryland corporation Attest: '/",'(~~ , '-'-.~"--('c:"-., t~ "02cretary ) By " ;:" ) ~( ("':.- Its Assistant Vice President c , )/" ) / 2358 401 2358 402 "" <">1'01 On Co z~ -Ie) -< ,-;.. ~J;. ,. 1'"'1 ::; ~, ~! :3::.: :n0- =<> c..... ~ n ..:.....(.r}C) ;- --iC r,> z: ,'-' --~-I r::_..: ) Co A CD o en N CO ~ ""\' .~ ;c toW "'! N--c gj c,., 3: :;:: CI1'~ ::0 Ql~ '-' -"~I ~:.:: :::::JfT1 ~i~~ 00'0 Z :z: iA e J-lo STATE OF CALIFORNIA! SSe COUNTY OF ALAMEDA I I I I / The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 24th day of March , 19 72 , by PATRICK S. TOTMJ\N , as Assistant Vice President, and RICHARD H. COSTEIJ~ , as Assistant Secretary, of SAFEWAY STORES~ INCORPORATED, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of l':'..aryland. My notarial commission expires: October 5. 1975 .WITNESS my hand and official seal. . (Notarial Seal) ='IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~"lllli 1111' I! i "111111'1' j I !~!'Jlill._ ~ ~ OFFJc:lAL SI:.AL :: E'~) PHYlLIS G. LANE ~ :: '" "') NOTARY f>URLlC CAlIfURNIA :: ~~' ALAMEDA r)U"-JTY ~ - II, CommlSSlo E '" ::unl....n.."..IIIIIIIII.,I"~Hnllres Oct.fi,1975 :: f..IJU'IIJlU,ur"u': ~~ ~ in and for the State of California. with principal office in the County of Alameda. Colorado Acknowledgment. Z358 402 ~ f'i , I ~. ( ( ~\ ( , . "- \' "-3 'V "'I' o ~ ,)-.. " . -.;: '" r'- ;J .~~ '- ~1 ~ :~ ~, \ -.'\ ~ 1,"" . , \' ~ """"., n <;: ? ~ t~~ \2: ..... ~ 'i' \, f.., .J., C'-' ~ '" '," '\ ~............. 1;'--' ~, l'- ~ r}:.}i'> '.,[ )" '"" 00.. ~ ~ '" (' \' c' t v-- P' " " '- \r.. " ~ A '-. ~' ,. ~ \ S ~ '0-. R <:.J"'. '-C" ''-I.. , '" AcceptallGG of the w' t ", .0 C 2;'C, j ~ recomp.en.j.ec:. tIJl s ~~j,~~I 'Ji,v of ..____A'w.__:..~,/_~~~_'h_______ __hu... __ m 1" J:'- wr~T.lj..1:DGEI 'PI,AJUlJNG C9MlvLTS,,10N ~y ~ ~~ ~ "_.~~:::';_L" A. If,., ,:~~-:....~=-___ V, U'. Chairman .- ACCEP"l'ED !'OR ROAD PURPOSE Subject to oonditions that. the City shall assume ma.intenance only after construction there of in accordanoe with Subdivision Regc11ations of thb City of Wheat Ridge as said regulations :~~~:~1i~~~ Mayor j ATTEST: ~;::iJ j&~~";':-;";"'__?:,:_..~_~ 'I L. ..... . City Clerk , ,- - \ 75 .. i 1 2 3 or - A P E. L S U 6. 4 5 6 0 <t \ I 75 .. 75 ) ~\--- o \~ z\ d. \------ V-I '. \ \ \r \ \-- ~w.________45'l:11.-----AVE~\ \~ . ~ ~ \ ,--- \ \~ \ \ \r:J:>' , \-- . \ \- \ \~- ------= \ . \ \. \ \ \ \ q 1? J ~\.\:I-V- 6 ''2.5 '2.5\ , ' ~ ~'W.- '" \ t.\-\~~ \G , \ , \ r..... \ '. (,~1\f;"~ , \ I 'RI\).'.' \\ \ \ :t'D \~ \~5C --:: _ _ __--- W. 0/ C 0 \j L L. AJ!Pb'1:f \ \ "'~- '\ .p,\ ~~~.; t ~-, L. \;,\" .co' . ~ ()'li,':...?~:~ nh::tS~;; ~t,.?~, . l: r~ i!:' E -> ::>' 8,.,. >- ~".~~ $ ':;J ;; " " ..., : -p"''''t' .,..... ~,~_ '- ,L ... " ._ u1.u /. ...."1' ".f C~\J;:,r, It_;"'.u...- ....-1.~G ..J L U J 0 U CHillI IS . ~ SO WAIlRAN~ · (ro OTHER 11fAN ]....... TI:HAIITS) 3087 4 IlECORDER'STAMP 'I1IIS DaD ('0 be coaatnaed .0 tllat "erea..ftPl" n~ry .ord :.portaall: tile ....... ._....r .ty ..,. ~.t..cI to aad be applied to . plllor.lily of ...... ..d Ui... ad eyery .otd i.port., Ui" ..-calia" ."d~t 0II1y ".Y e.t.. to ... be I pph'" to le_I_. _4 Co be re." ace-OIdi.,!y ...h,.,~ Ih~ c._a" ....ila, ..,1. tile proper verb.1 c_.. ..d .dditiOlla, Ib" ""... a1'l U .rin. ....... '0 fally eff~ct".e the trae iIIteat aDd pu.rpo"" h",,"of). ..4e ..... Ju1, 21, 1977 Xath~ V. Schieman, Patrick Francis Hart, Thoma. J. Hart, Marie I. 8rov.ky, Louis W. Hart, MadeLine D. Hart, May Ellen Hart and John H. Brovsky ,reffer.on county, a body politic and corporate be'... paatOt, ..d IV..I"". WITNESSEm, ca.t tile If_tor, for nd U. cODllladera,ion of ,he s\lm of len doll.rll aDd other valuable c~aider.liOlll, receipt w"'...eof ia .c1taowled~ed. by tIIeae preee.,. does "aat. batsaill. .ell, cODvey ..d c~fi,.. ""0 tla.. p..u.,r.. Ill. Itef... ..d ...ill. forey.. .U the loUowill<< described rea propen) .h"'ate i. lh.. CHalyof Jefferson aDd Stale of Cnlorado. lO1'it: See exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof ~r~ ( t.J t-/ ''''c~ . !, '77. APPRO &fs~;j .. c'- '--:.- ... TOGETHER willa .11 ..d .lapl. tlte heredit..e.ts ud .ppart....en ,hernalo belnaialt or bl ..ywwe ._--.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Uae Hid real prOperly, wi..... the .pp1U'leaaace.. uta the .....tee. hia heha aDd ....... forey.. Asci die peat_. for hi..elf. "I. heira, neeDlor. ..d ad.i.ie,r.tore doe. COy....,.. to nil .ith lite P".. Itl. It.in .... ....... '''.1 al "e liae of I". ..aeaU., ..Ii delivery of '''eat!' prea_c. he ia well .eized 01 .... .....1... ...., e_",~. . fee alapl.. _4 laaa ,004 ript. f.U power .ad 1..'.1 .at"ority to liell .ad eo."tlY tlte N. .. _a, ., II 1_ .'.....1... ... da.l tlte e..e .re free ....d cle.r fro. all IOf1IlIer a.d otlter .....t.. bat..ia.. ...... 11_. lasH, ......... ..4 ae..btaKea of w".tever Itiad or ..ture. e..cept Maff., T...el Diatriel ...e.._ _a (if ..W "..rty i. wleW. lite Dlalrictl ,.,aMe 0Ia l....ry I Dnl followi.S ,he d.le 01 tIIi. deed. aad aD ........ ,.... ..d except the ,_eral tax few ~e cur..t ulendar yr.a,. payable jaaa.'1 I DUC loUowi., de dale 01 lIti. deed. a.d the a"""e bat.a.ed ,,_ia.. ia the qa'.1 aDd peacetlblr poaae..iou of the sra.tee. hi. hr.ir. ..d a..ip.. a,ai.al all ud evtlfy pe.aoa or peraoaa ...f.l1y cI.imiDK Ot to daim Ihf" wbol.. Ot ~tny pltrl Ihf'teof. Ihe ".DIOt &hall ..d will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. STATE OF COL'>RADO. .... ::j!tt:::~ Coo.,y 0' Jefferson ,> August 16, 1977 D. Hart, hu.band and wife (SEAl.) t~t:AI.) L~t:AI.) ) ss: Thtt 'ore.oiall ia.t....mrDt ... ack.o_t~dled bf"fOfe mfo Ihilt by: Patrick Franci. Hart and Madellne IIy c_IoeI.. ..pi,... October 7, 19Ja"t; ..~~\::. I.! :i' ' ,,' )"",~' 1:..."" '"- ( J .-;.~ -oj .. -:, :u,.; [t(o "'e 6;- ~ -, ;:', /.."", Wita... .y hald ..d oUid.lae.l. 30B'1 490 '" 41 "'" .. --, ~ .. . " ft- . c- c: '.. \ \ , \ ) . .... ~'.-. . < .,. !" ~.~ ::.~r ~<'~;' GAUSl'1 ... ~..:. ,,,.w.. ~I~ljJ'; l , " ~j.j ('Ii 1:'\; --;:'j~_ ,./ >. .. \ ,- ",". , ~ P.lI.PE.1:l. 'N j.j.~"iL~ ....... .. ------------.. ........ ...13.1';'ib _ - :SOU '': J1 1 Z " 0 7S A .. .. S~ . ~ - J. r ...... ..... 1Wa DaD,........ 16th dq of July III tile rear of our Lord ODe tho_d ..."udnd'" .1xty-flv. betw_ CA'ftIAIlDfB A. HAJl'l' "... OD..~ of J.ff.non ln th ..... of 001....."...... ,.n.... JCIIlI R. UOV8ItY and IIAIlU I. BItCW8KY of... 00aV of J.ffer.on ........ of 0Dl0n to, of the --.l part , r't ~ .. ~c.- g II =';~. ~ , .... ~ ..,. - rr ... ,~ ;::v ~,..i _ z' , ~ ".I o N (...; .... _(,., :z ~ I' d L. .. " ., ," 1\'1n.'B88BTD, 'rUt the Ial4 lIU't Y of the fJnt part, for ud III ~tlea of ... _ of 'l'BII TlOLI".. AIm 0'fRBIt QOQD AIm VALUJlBI,R CCII8IDDA'l'ICII --. a to ... .... part y of ... tint part III Mad paid br the Mid partiN of the ~ ,.n. die neGp& w""",,, Ia ....., -'111I1 ud aebowledpd,.... reaMed, "'-d, 1Ohl, -ft)'ed ... .... eW.d, ... 1Ir .... ...... do .. --. nt.., .u, _"., ... quit elaIa uto die IUd ...- .r tIle.....,.n. tlMir............. f_, DOt I. teauaer III eo_ lMat Ia joiat ~, lID ... riI1lt. tltle. Ia.., e..... ud d...... w""'. tile _Id part Y of tile ... part ... . III ... to ... ........ ......... lot or panel of Iud lituate, 11m.... be.. III tile Coat)' of J.ff.r.on ud S_ of Colonclo, to-wit, C_enc1Jl9 at the Sou~.t corn.r of Block 10, LBk..ld., 84qewat.r. J.ff.r.on County, Colorado, '!'henc. Borth alon9 the w..t lln. of .ald Block 10. a d1.tance of 120.00 f_t, ~enc. Ba.t parall.l to the South lln. of .ald Block 10, a d1.tanc. of 100.00 f_t, ~enc. South parall.l to the w..t lin. of .ald Block 10. a d1.tanc. of 120.00 f..t, '!'benc. alon9 the South llne of .ald Block 10, a d1.tance of 100.00 f..t to the true polnt of beg1nninq. conta1n1ncJ 0.275 acr.., 1II0r. or 1.... togeth.r wlth an undlvlded one-fourth lntere.t ln and to all water r19ht. conveyed to Catharine A. Hart by Deed recorded in BoOk 300 at Paqe 284 of the Jefferson County records. '!'be consideratlon for thls deed is les. than one Hundred Dollars, therefore, no revenue staaps are required. 'l'O JU VB AND 'l'O BOLD tile _. tocetJIer with all and oiquJar the al'l'_ lft_ ... pri.... .... thINato ,. .... 01' III U7WIae tlatremlto appmaininl. ud all tile -. riPt, title, Iatenat, .... w1tt~1T ... of tile .... part Y of the tint part, either iIl"w or eqaitr, 1IIIto the IUd ...- " ... --.l ,.n. tIleIr .... ud ...... fornar. "" IX ~ WDBmI', 'fte IUd part Y of tbe first part'" s .......to aM her ..... MIl ... tile dq ud ,.r tint ...... wriua. .' I-.L< of] ~<.'M...{~~~ .............. Dalmn4_ -..- "~i.-x:m1lirt---_[BaAL) .___.__.._.._... ......._.........___..._m_.._......._ [BaAL) .._____ ......._..........._..................._................._..._[BaAL) 1'f.A.1II 01' OOLOUDO o..tr.r Arapahoe }- 16th dq " July ...._ T -------- iSi1JJ '>r-. - I i .! ~ ,. '~~ ':;~ \.. ~ ~ .. . ...r:I3 1:; II ..:-~;~.. DC : . f' ~..~~..c OV7~:.\ ';;1>: ,:':'-;~ J PA?~ '1'~ j}.:~..:.r:~~ , T~ ~_ ;-,AI'~2"L .... - ~ f:"_ ~: .,. r' -. ,.. .......iw..lv ;. LL.. :-_.) ,:; ~'-\) c: II :: :.J~~l7.i7 ,II. -r=-=='; =-=, =---.::...=- ~-:---=- -== , !I TIuI 0--. ...... _ 16th _ of July ,It 6~ 'I ""- JOHN H. BROYSKY and MARIB I. BROYaKY i! II of ... c.aatr of J.ffennn IlIl<I .... of II CeIerMo, of ... lint ,.... ... II I ,I I j II I ,". 'J02 5 ,;iJl 1 Z 3 S"O/'G .75~ A I -_. /, . --- :=- ,-_.w == ...... .... 0'"1" q I c ("') i-",' oJ . .r;.. ~ ~;:.t~; ~__ ......~., ~ :1 ~ I ;rl ~ i; c.>> '~:. .... ".I x .: ' , II .. .' ,'~. "I' .... ...~ '" : I O::iiI I - CATHARINE A. IIART ~-J ~d ~', Ii.... ., ... c.aatr of J.fferson and .... ., Ii ('.--, of 1M __ pan, WI1'NaIIftB. 'hat....... JUt i.."'" fIM p."" for IlIl<IIa -worau. of... _ of ji 'I'a DOLLlUlS AND OTHBR GOOD AND VALUABLE CCBSIDERA'I'ICB )< ~ It :: Ie ... ...... 1... eI... lint fUl .. .... .... .., ... ..w fUl y eI ... _ ,.... ... ...... ......, '. 10 "-b7 -'-'" -. wWpd, ..V._...... __. ..... __ ... QUIT CLAlIOD. ...., [i .... .-.. .-. -. .... _ .. QUIT CLAIM _ ... ..w fUl y eI... _,.... ; h.r -.. _ _ _ ........ '-. aD ... riP'. 1IlIo. ......... _ .. __ wllIeIa ... ..w _ie. ., ... lint _ .. ve ..... Ie ... f........ -... lot .. ..- eI _ __ IrtIIIr ... ..... .. ... o..tr., Jeff.raon ...... eI ~ ...wIt: Beginning at a point thirty feet North of the Northea.. corn.r of Block '!'en in LAKESIDE, according to the recorded plat ther.of, thence West parallel with the North line of Block Ten 409.5 fe.t, I thence South parallel with the West line of Block Ten 357 f.et to the true point of beginningl thence East parallel with the South line of Block Ten 119.5 feet, thence North parall.l with the W.st line of Block Ten 90 feet' thence West parallel with the South lin. of Block Ten 119.5 feet, thence South to the true point of Ii beginning, together with an undivided one-fourth interest in and to all water right. conveyed to JOM H. Brovsky and Marie I. Brov.ky Ii by Deed record.d in Book 300 at Page 284 of the Jefferson County ,'i records. I I I! I. ~~ I \ j The consideration for this deed is less than One Hundred Dollars, therefore, no revenue stamps are required. U I ,I II TO BAVJI: AND TO BOLD'" _......... willi 011 ODd obIplar lbo ___ ODd prl..u.- ........... L. .1>.. or Ia ___ .-- "'J I .." ODd aD ... _to. rlPt, tItIo, Iato'"' ODd .lollD _-.., of tho ..w fUl p. eI ... ftnt ,.... ...... Ia .... or .tr. to lIlo llBI7 p_ 11M, ......fIt alld behoof of tho oald fUl *-Y eI ... ..... JlIU't. her __........ I......r. IN WITNBI8 WRDmr, no..w fUlie. of lbo ftm put ba ve ..........to Nt their band S =:...:=:-.::- ......~.:......~../~J .........*l.'~~....~[SEAl.J Marle I. BrOYi'iY--.-7 ..........................m...............................'m.............. [8&.U.] .........................................................,...........................l8&.U.] ftAft ", 001-011&_. 0.., of Arap.hoe }- . 1I"~~ ......oIIa k~k;':\c;~ ~~ I. l~~.kY _of July "" r 1 ,II 66. -.- ., ... ... otIIeIaI .u. ~)A.@~~~/ _.. M. O'IIe! 1 ..._ !.i.... '. ....) - '\.\. ~ t.j_ ~1t-,~ '." , ./ ~ .,1 C') l\' ~tl \'rJ'-J .3~S.O....L.:... ---.:::-_......-..-- ......... ol" . 'f <<. tGvrfOl'l........' ~ ~-_..~ ~- \ " ... ~ fII'II' " ..- - ... f1!JIl!fI o' .1....- ., - ..... fII ---- ~'" \. ~.. ... 'tIfJ1Il \ \ , \ ) .,.... to. --. \ ~. .-. \ __ ~. to- .,.~.. ...--' ) ~.~~.,. ) ..,sJ ...:, .- .: ~~. \ - - ~~ ...---:-.- \ ~':-. ,.,. t.1Io.....~, ~4111- .- ~...::. " -- ) ..."" fIIIa--- ...~. \ ........ ..~. !!.~!!'" r~ ... .... - .. .. .. -' ' .. _ _. ....r. ...... .. ........ ., \ ---.,,--"'-' .....- ' .---. -, ,. \ ,.....,.,... --. -" -......-.. " - .... ~ .. ........ ;::. ... ,.. -- ,.. ... ... "" --.... -.......... - - -- ..- ..,......"'- -- .. ... ... .. .. ...... ....-.... ---- .",.,..... .. ..-- .. .A ....--....- ~ --....-..... :,..... - ..". ... .. .-. .. -' .- .. "" ..... ......... .... ... ........ -- - ..'- .... ",..". ...",.. -...... .... ... - ",. .... """ ... .. - ~ ~ - ..... ..... ... .. ... ... ...----- ..... -.".- -" ~_.....-..---. ---"""... - -..,....... ~- - ~...... ........ ___ ' - ,,__---- I - ~:;;~;.7'- ,--: r""'~ ;.:::;;-' .h"'" '.' .'.' . .! ....... ,-.".' -- . :-: . - -' ~ . -"""'" ..-- ": . .., .,,",~. . 'II!I'!"'" .,:J- \ \ \ (l~ f. ".",," T"I l ~ ; 4-: [ r: DO J; O~-~..q ~.K':'v)L l . \ P~~1...i.( 'Zt,1 i~iu..':.i. ;' ;7 ~~"1 n, ":"_-. , T , ..1....' >..3 'i. _ ~.J.. C.~ fJ ' ....- '-.Jo'Ot ; ~':.; ?IUS I'" A ~H r,(, N' J . .M,!) ~~, ...: ()ll LEj.; 'r ..~~, 0''/1"11:;' -;':'_""'" ..c.t J...: . ."' "',lrOSURE ';>,' PJ'~~O .~ . "r,- 1:Q DAFtKEli ,~ALLI :,'''''''7..- 't\/-!'1 -~""".~"'f;: -1iJ.~D PAr'[ii;" L -i. .......1 (' cr-,., f .~J....,. T T"~ ...... J i.l.lW~:J. T "-I.. ..r_"J.~ Pi':"~ Cl~tlTS ......,.- ....u~ll~ da\' ur -:"l~; b~' ...pt.u..~r . :.d ..! i:... ~cnb,t in thf! 1"" or flUf l.ord n~ til~ Dine huadJed .of .... OlIaat, 01. J.[hl .~n ..,t Mt&te uf (. 'ulmal'n nf t h.. li"t flIlTt Ilntl ;';atharln8 A.. Hart.. of th~ I C-uu.'r 01. Lad. .nd ~~te u{ (. uloradn. u( the Mlt'oud parl: ~t Tha' the Aid part 1..of "M! tint ,...... for aad ia cohideraUon of lhn IUm or TUl( S.lO.OO) Do ..J.a.r a. ~nj o~h.r value ~ ~ Ie &lIe..w part.. 1.1101 tbe lint pert I. :'ud l!&id I,) tll,; _iJ p.rt Y of the ~nd flart. the reeeipt .~reof iA hM'Ohy eOllr,'ft8ed and vknOy..t- .... .. Y.. &l'Uwd. harpioed.. told &ad eot\\.lI:'yed. .nd hy tlw.ea sm-mta do Ilfant. harpin. wit convey and cOJ"i,m UbU" the uid put ~ .01 tile! ltOeOlIk1 ....... .her ....... aDd ......, foft\'er. .n lIle 'ollo"lnK d('Jlt'nl.ed lot lor paref"l of land, .Lule. lyilll .Ad .....Ia \110 C....., uI Jd.... 0lId Slalo uI l'ulurado, t...il: A.d. of ...loci<. l~l.o.l..;,.r.d ...(;;. (.:......) in 1.L;.r;.ea1d., ~fld ....11 ..Qrti,-,..o of aVenuea ....._ ..,t.. e&t.~ . '-",Q1Vt;..... for pra,vat.e 1.08. t.1..-:re-..1""h; a1::.0 011 .ut.- r ~&j.t.1 be.L'..Inc;ine to =,;;li~ .loci< ::u.mt..o::red ,__f' (1;)\ ..flint), l.d it) 1\ CArta I, c tract in ':.hlcb _he i.,1t.lzena lIaterCo..,.-,e..I... la corpon..t....n) 1& brtll.tor_ u.al.eQ n:""e.\.I.ti\. firat., 1890, .d .ulj. r-ecvrl.i.ed ...r. t.!.~ office \,)1 u.e l.iount) .....Lerk _L'C1 Recuruer .;f .aic Jeffers"I. t.:ount.j In BooiC lvv, r8t,.. 330, un ^.r-,1.1. 26th, J.8~a: ~l.o <......l "at.~, ribllta J.n ..:.e :10CKj' .........;nt.a ., .,..at...... ....vlhflu.oy'. ...~t....r. ....!...,,:r. :..e!-'I"lti t.o ~..;.i~ _lOCh ;:......iJt:re..i len (J.v .1z, F_ur (.;., int.l.ea. I ,......... W"'tdt an aad aiDCU.... tbe h~it.m""t. and sppUrWn:LnN'lII tbM'Punto l.elonc:in,.. or in .n~."'i.e apfW'rtaiDiIll, and tbe l'e\'cnion .._ . .............. remainderll. fea.... _" aDd profit.lhereof; and all the ratatt', ri.ht. title. inlt'",,,t. e!aim and demand whatlo<k..\'er. of .... __..lAM"'" "" put. either io law or equity, of, in and to the al>O\'e bargained premlrft. 'NJlb the herelhtament. lldd appurteDAneea. T.... aM . n..w The laid pre__ .bon barJaioed &ad d,*rilJe\J, ",ilh Lbo "VI)urklua&l~ uoLo .00.....eeoad part. her heir. &ud &NlilblJ furt'\l'r. .\nd the Mid ! ,..,,100 .,.b.fi..I''''',r", '-be" ",rn. tbelr. hoi.., : OOH'nant. arant, !'Ilrr;&in llnd !l1{rN' 10 anll ",'ith Ihe laid llart Y of the ...eontl part. her heu. &ad I ; ..~...... die u.. of &he eMNliD<< aDd delh'l'l1. 01 ttlt-~ pn'l!(.nb t.c.ey are ""cllllt'i&l ,I of thll:' premi_ above OObVf'yed, at of I')l:KJ, .:.....',.... .......... ........ .... .Iedol. ....... b1e.... al. of .".ntM'ritaJll.'f' ,in I..., in fre simplf' .an"- h.a n. ....w. ';."h I. '.011 po.er and 1& ".fUI. a.U.thorit.,. .to .... nt, . ..............,.., \M..-.eia........ and form aforelt&id. and that :\". _:tm~ are free and elear frurn.all former .Dd ~r pnta:, bupiu, < .......~ _tAl aM iDcu..braDCN oI1th.t('\'f'r )..ind f::- Datu"'. Wil'\'Cf, .av.. :In.. e>;c.~t,. '.1. f< 0.,,'..3.':4.o.nt..8o.f (~'" ---.........~t~_.i.~.~!r~.~ r.C: !,~clal, r!i..::.~ ~e ~ ~ ,i-=.I....'.l...er~t. :r. 1928 f:.~d ~!~~.~.!~.f.~~:r.t ..~;.d ~ ..!...~~u~.~"~r4, To...r ...h:OI,.....;.(.;. (f4..J_.......I.., :i_..:lrs, (; . ...hlch gr<~nt.ee '!1 s.....1e. fin!.. agre6l;i t .. ......... ''''''''In the quiet and puoeabte poIlK"!"i~ll\ 'If Hit' Ai.II""" Y of ~b", ~d f"lr\ n.r .\M'in &Dd......... . -- ..... '''aIJ perWll or peft,OM m\\fut1.r d:liming O!> tr; !'"b.i~: tb. !:ll!I':r u.::y I1srt tht.rror. thf" !!aitl psI'! lea of th" tint rart "'....11 and I ......-....... I ....... Tho ooId part... 1...., ,be fi..1 parI ba ve b"",unlo'" t.be1r .hand ....OlId -' a .Ihe da, and rear , Lue." ;,. "~"Il1' .~ I .J .B. Iolanby. -M ) 1..11.:1.:1.. ii. li.anlly ..... I ", ". , '.. bi Reception No.. o'clock.nn.......M., "'~Jl~('\'ll ~". T ,,"... '..1-n7'.~2rqer 05 U 6.2 5 ~ ~ : V5172.8} ijl1 V a J U (, .2 ? 0 II ct Recorded at.. Recorder's 'Si"mp il THIS 19 7() DEED, Made this 2 C,th day of Fovember ,between S',VfTTEP,1TIT SEtSET REALTY crR;>ORATIrr ;:lnr1 ~\R.'T'plm J( TP,:':;C'iT FnlTFDATI\:'N, c-, ~ c:::l rl " w c: Z _..J .< ..c:.. r! c..c> 7ES crr" r"" "nr,\T '\.1D(;r:, a :'llnicipal ('orporatton, N~ 'N-:=> N.;=- ~'r:. .- .~ :\",0<' a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado ,of the first part, and i: C, , " lI"lillI1K>YULY6h'<duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of r,,,lorado ,of the second part, WITNESS, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ('np ['leI] lar (~l.O(1) ;'!Dr! other roar! nnd vnlui1ble consideri1tion pi '" en .. ,:-o~ c .. " I~;~)'\ I EASE. '1 MENT :.' L.ttj ,. . f' -;::-J DOLLARS, to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledg;ed, hath remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents doth remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described situate, lying and being in the County of Je ff"rson and State of Colorado, to wit An [a""ment for storm sp'""r ri~ht of "a", in and to tho prnpprtv describpr! in ~chpdu]ps A and n, copies of which are attached hcret ------------ Fr'R E.I\SEl'ErT PTJ:{T)()C:;;~~; Ot,lLY. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto . belonging, or in anfi;ise thereUnto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the " said party of the fir;t part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the secor,!} part, its sttecessorsand assigns forever. IN WIT.NESS-.WM<EREOF, The said party of the first part hath caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its.. President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its Secretary, tbe day and year first above written. ')pfl1--; Attest: . --, - ...--r;' ~./ ~U~~...u.. .... uo --." ,--- - 1\' r t Secretary , _, ,ss~s..an .... 0 ~ ~ . ';EVEFTEEt~TH '>TREET REALTY (;r'R rc;tATI( ;' .,f r> ( , .' SEAL , ..~~!:(~ . l. /:-' /\ - .l f . /1 ..____ .t.n'.nun"'TJ....un l.CE'President. _..'___~h_ . .^ttN1t: "\\, " , / 'J . /~).__~J.~ ,,?> /fd (~L",:I By.. u:n'!Or'csident Sf>crpt" RX" STATE OF COLORADO, I I 5S. r,i t ,. f!l:Tlvpr County of... The foregoing instrument was acknowledged hefore me this 8n'~ 2 Sth day of rovembpr 19 70 ,by (;eor('f' Y. l!a"den as Vi ce President and " F. ,\. F'ostf'r as l\ssistant Secretary of (jev~.n"{~f~ntf' Str-cet Rf'Rltv C'orporA.tioTl a corporation. M 1" ':Commission expirps :r~t r Witness my hand and 0'1fWlal seal. 1 1,:,,'4 .....:)...<00".:.00... ../.. /" ....:.' < '-..-::-~ Notan' Public. \ckno~,J1_('d(.f'r:lent fnr i\rtJ~Hr JolYDhon Foundation ('In tne reverse sirle !lcreof 1/ j' No. 825~ QUIT l'LAIM Ot:EO.--Coypoution t\l Corporation. -Byadfol'u PUblh,hing CJ" lR24-4>; '6tout Street, Den\er, Colorado ~''''''''A CP.",3 ,;..~<_!(.,".. u 4 ), ;2."2~J ~yy c;r-;lte ('I Colorario ) st:;. (:j t-~. .:4nri ('() '~r y nf !l(,!1vpr) ::',-" '1'h J.~ i "'r~r1]mel)lt "a~acl'no"11 edf'erl r; __,__ . 4l, ~. ,., /, ,. " . / ~ A~"" (~ Defore me this ~) dav of C'ovCT'lDrr. ]'170 as '" -< (--<C_ .<-~ r.lnrl I j c -"-"-_ as -~~-- of Arthur Johnson F(,\'lJ.lrlal en, a cor""'lornrion.. c.. ' .. 1',. commission (>xpin'~ t,', 1/ .' -. /, :0 C:~JI:Jr 13, lJ74 "fihi-;'ss my hano awl official seal. .~, -I. (.. ~ Notary "ublic :.- ~,) '," ,~. , :< 1 ..-(' \. ~',h~,;"~-,, ~\rt:.'11 ., ,. " "'- .A,-,-- ,.-..... 0., "-...{ Tl:c wjth~n deed is ['ccerted this G.-o.y of --..P.UU1JOLt?::c ::z,~ 19 Z'Q , , '. --. 1-- / , -Ie ..~ ..-, -<=-.-(. ;. , , T-~. ~- c ~~ r;-_ L .f.' ~-:~ _____ ~~j __ _~. . " ( I , :~..~?L.~_'__'::'~~:::__1_. ~~__.L / ^"-,."'\ ~'l~' ."'-- I.. -P-- L L/ ....---'----.._ ___"_.'__.'~"'''.'__n."_ 1,', "".'-" ~..~ .) "',,""r ;- A'll'::: ll: "'._m"~:::?~:~:_!~-:-:-:-:---_//_'~":.'-!!._'_':h~:.m:~_.1..~~..~_............ City Clerk :1 ,; "0 "0 w ~ '" ~- ;;:; "0 " iJ !, .. " 0 '" . ~ II " " " i) 0 " a; ~ 0 '" :< . ~ ,.... 0; ., >. ~ '" ;:; '" "0 ~ [I 0 s "0 ;:l '" I 'I 0 .. " ., ~ < w II "" .S ~ 0 U - 0 <H " w i 0 0 ~ 0 :E :E < < il E-< 0 +' +' 1,1 I U >. . ~ +' +' '" :i l~ '" " " . U ;:l -" ;;:; < 0 ., 'H .,;. U >. 0 II D < ~ >. .:< .; e 0 ~ II \'~ +' S " '" 0 .. 0 '" Z - '" U Ii. I < 'E-< " .S < ~ II IW '0 Ii . >. "0 V 1\ .0 .. II '" 0 .. " "" Ii II '" '" 0 -" ... 0 !I II .. >. .0 II >. ;,1 '" 0 " +' .S 1:% 'H "0 " a:l 'I ;J.2;lc/- 6fej -I rL -iUlUli\j (JJrrlrrl(]1 (f)CI_ . ~ """"" ::uO~~O . ;Z (]) ZUl Wl\)rrl:;: :;:~ ... ~ ;;:: ("") 0) "'0 - ~::u :;y Zz :u :;:rrl ;s: _AJ ,- ..,. RO-CHAN SUBDIVISION ------------------1 I I I I I 1 ......, "-. I ........ '..............----.-...... i ! INGALL~ ,~, /~=:E_~~ ,tI":~~>"T---;~ ~:"'T\ -;so~//; / I ~ ~ D,...J ,: ~.~ // I ~o f~ /'/ I ~ " I~ ~? ~// I 'I/$- // ] ~ I oz "tJ-i L Orrl UlAJ -l rrlr Oz ~~ I 0" I "rrl Ull> I -iUl Orrl :::a s:: I ;S:rrl Z ~ -i I :;:l> I rrlZ ::u0 "tJ I ~ I I I I LJ ::u o "tJ 1'1 AJ -i -< OJ o C ;Z o l> ::u rrl (f) en ("") l> r 1'1 (]1 o 0). 1+ r -e)> II Z 0) o I . 0:: "Ul ""'<:>1'1 - ~ UlZ("") 1'1 rrl 0 ("") ::u -i~Z -,SfTl O~ ::u Z _ f\)Zen ..,.:l:fTl \JfTll> Cl>g ;o(f)_ "tJfTl-i OS::- Ulrrl~ rrlZl> (f)-ir .,,- 00_ ::u (""):;: 06 ZfT1 (f) -i-i ;ofT1 CS ("")"tJ -i0 -::u ol> z:::a -< I I I I I 1\)1 81 1 I I I I I --- 170' HARLAN STREET --- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CO LORADO STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR THE PROPOSED 46th AVENUE a HARLAN ST REET DEVE LOPMENT McCALL -ELLINGSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS ;1721 HIGH STREET DENVER, COLORADO !DATE DRAWING NO INOVEMBER,J970 7011068 -I 2221 68t rrlf\) l>0. (f) fTl:l: s::- fTlO zrrl -i"tJ rrl ::u ;s: l> Z rrl Z -i I I I I I I I I '--- RIGHT,OF.WAY LINE --- (JJ o. z _ :u o o :r: l> :z: (f) C OJ o < (f) o :z: N-S CENTERLINE SECTION 24 0) 0_ --- RIGHT-OF"WAY LINE --- SCHEDULE B 2224 68:" ------- ~ to ;. ~ ~ ~.. )> ~~;c: 000:;0 '" Ul ';0_ '" :Z z () '0 g ':i (T\ o -l b';~"T\ "Ill . bg~"T\ o ~ :< 0 Ol <: ')<. o .,. o ;xl w a W 2224 68& SCHEDULE A. Tracts of land lying in Jefferson County, Colorado, in the S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, more par- ticularly described in two parts as follows: 1. A tract of land, hereinafter designated for permanent easement, extending for ten feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point on the West line of the Harlan Street right-of-way, said point of beginning being 170 feet northerly and 30 feet westerly from the southeast corner of said S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 24; thence along a line bearing westerly at right angles to the Harlan Street west right-of-way line, a distance of 200 feet; thence along a line bearing 49029' to the right, a distance of 203 feet, more or less, to a point on a curve whose radius is 46 feet and which is con- centric with the turnaround at the south end of Ingalls Street as shown onthe recorded plat of Ro-Chan Sub- division, said point on curve being the end of the centerline for this tract of land. This tract contains 0.185 acres, more or less. 2. A tract of land, hereby designated for temporary construction easement to be used during pipeline in- stallation, said tract being 10 feet wide and lying adjacent to the south and southwest sides of the tract of land designated for permanent easement: beginning at the west line of the Harlan Street right-of-way and ending on the arc of the turnaround at the south end of Ingalls Street. This tract contains 0.096 acres, more or less. """-'/1 6F',c- ,;.,:,....... '?'