HomeMy WebLinkAbout0045 ",1 f1) '., (I'" ),~""~J , ," .. , ~~ \...~ V' "J""'" ~ ," QUITCLAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, made this 24th day of March, 1972, between SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Maryland of the first part, and CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Municipal corporation, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of colorado of the second part; WIT N E SSE T H : That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, hath remised, released, sold, conveyed, QUITCLAIMED and by these presents doth remise, release, sell, convey, and QUITCLAIM, for street purposes, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which said party of the first part hath in and to the following described or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Jefferson and State of colorado, to-wit: 1. The South 10.00 feet of Blocks 5 and 6, Coulehan Grange, EXCEPT the East 148.4 feet of said Block 5 and EXCEPT the West 10.00 feet of said BlOck 6. 2. A tract of land located in the Southwest corner of Block 6, Coulehan Grange, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Block 6; thence North along the West line of Block 6, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence East and parallel to the South line Block 6, a distance of 10.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence along a curve to the left, a distance of 31.45 feet, central angle of said curve is 90006' and the radius is 20.00 feet; thence West and parallel to the South line of BlOck 6 a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North and parallel to the West line of Block 6, a distance of 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning. The West 22.00 feet of the North 50.00 feet of the South 200.00 feet of Block 6, Coulehan Grange, EXCEPT the West 10.00 feet of the South 200.00 feet of said BlOck 6. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances and priviledges thereunto belonging, or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or eqUity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. -"'..<'-.......~ \, /wnr \ \ If !' 1. ~ ' ~: \ '" I I ILl) \ l:t" ,_ \, -.'J '''........... 3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part hath caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its Assistant Vice President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its Assistant Secretary, the day and year fir8t-~bQ~e written. Attest: / SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED (a Mar~land corpora~ion ) .. -'~, .'./ / ~ /' '/ ,/ , ~ .___/~' --c-~/ By, { / / ,h' , t_ \ "' \ ItB Assistanf ecretary /-- / \ 7' --r By ': I Its Assistant Vice President Z358 :J99 l . 23~8 .\00 ;;:c gr;-:: ~ :2g ~ -;;:c :JF ~ n= .- !'Tl:: xi ro;Jl ~I! '~, g -::r. ::c :;:~ :>> c..""'" C/' (7) ""' ~ ~ ~ C"> ;::l~o r~>~ -, --i--j r~l-< A OD o m ',=""J .- ~l "_":""""""'1 ~:::-rTi r,:::-, 7.J - Vl Clao Z z 1"0 -..J STATE OF CALIFORNIAl SSe COUNTY OF ALAMEDA /..--... .I WHE\ ~ ; HlIH;[; \ ! DEJ::U : \::) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 24th day of Mt.rc~ ' 19 72 , by PATRICK S. TOTMAN , as Assis an Vice President, and RICHARD H COSTELLO , as Assistant Secretary, of SAFEWAY STORES, INC6RPORATED, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Maryland. My notarial commission expires: October 5. 1975 . WITNESS my hand and official seal. /:1, ;\:",'1 1- iJ~ ,)i_. i\,l T" _ \ i \ \ \ \ I I \ ~ 1\ \ \. ( ~~'~~1~ and for the state of California, with principal office in the County of Alameda. (Notarial Seal) "i~~~~~':.n9~'10af!\l'~:, ~;. jl' ,~~'~'S' ;: UFt.~, ,:"1\.1.. '. J-:,,_~,"L ~:i!.~ ;~l--iV~l~(' ~ L,'\Nf ~(n ~ ,''1 'I r i..... CAUi:i :~fI4IA '- .f f~(m;mr,:.;i'!I' ~ r;ld;~ -:,t': ;,' ~'ft,~l'i" :,l;'"i'r.~.rH~~!~;~Jlt 1'~~''''~.~1~, ~'I.~(H' ", Colorado Acknowledgment. ZJ~8 100 I' <" (' /'1 v ~ ':.] ; )-. ,. I ,,-"< ' ,,;. ". :\. ~ ,~ '", 1 " <'. ri ~", '" ~. , '- \- "- p ~ ' r' " ., "1 , 0, , '- .,. \v --,. /"'" r<' C',-_ i) -' :t ..., It'~, " ," r"~ \.. ( '" t',! r " ("'" , .:; '" , " ~ 0 r' I' " \ , v~ ( v. ,..... ~ ". \. r ,. , <'y, '-'" ,.., " l ,~\ ~', r Acr.er t< . , , !'eo:.~~;:1.>.::~'~ -' \ -, ~~- -.. ."-- r~J:k~~~_.;,:::",",~.;j;;~,;, ''': ,'~::~~ ..~... ~_J. .:\.'"-_~'.~"';" _~. \.. ~....: l.. o t B. j ~ "~_dB.xl AC'i';FJ""!'1I:D JIIO'R RI'1AD 1'1TR.PD~R Sllb.je,-,t to cnnri.J.1 icn!'; f: OF-. t. th8 ,'j ~y c:.na 11 B.~snrtle me ir tfHH;"tf!t: A lnl~ B.f ter c ~'!;';3 tr, 'c t- i )T.' +,he1-.(':; f'f 11 ace I'C c',Jl, <6 ').It th Sn1vti.vi_sL..lu B;:;~~:.18tJLC.8 .f -sl-'c G~t;y of I'Ib8'it t\10ge I'S said. rl;)g1.l1ations ap; ',y to roads , {- ! / .. DATE: .ft:: ':...:......-'..-'...,-:..,......._,__._.,_...19......_ I ( ITY o.f WJ:OO.. T R~E, OOLOHADO. ." , ~(. Lt, / ( / I L" --- -,-,y. - . .....,..!.....,.....-- ,../ Ma.yor..,... ,-/ ATTEST: ,.~~;.r.:-,..Jd,.~.,f:,:,:,._..L-"'.:..,.f.~...__..__ City Clerk Recorded at.umu.u.u..u. uu. 0' cl ocku.muu..M., ';".,- Reception N O.um:l""'-;-f;lr"""~" h...um...u.u..u..u...m..mhum..m.hm....m...m..R.eco:tder. THIs DEED, Made this between WHEAT RIDC;E association .,..., :0 n", On ~g -t t:l -< r-t ::=... ~ <:.... c::> -=, ~ S~ q .~" ,- day of March ,19 72, NATIONAL BANK, a national banking xafXtl\lj: X:)OlUits'xM State of Colorado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten (and good and other valuable consideration) ($10.00)-------------------------------------------------~OLLARS, to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, hath remised, released,-sold, cQnVe~~d and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these pres- . tor S1:.re T purposes . ents doth remIse, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM.1unto the sai pm y of the second part,l ts succe, fiors xheim and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and Stllte of Colorado, to wit: l"J ;-'N' ;0 1" W 7l, ~ \.0 (:':'1' cr. ."""C ",Q:):X -"I ~I c.=.-:i ~ <;.,..... (X :~ .~ .A en o m I'..: <f\ r -,.., - XlK~lXrPlImtto!{~~~M:lij&tO(gCX1Xltil\-~~~&liaw:s:: xo~xt:bJC'Sta.tllX>tJCo1<ltliOO> of the first part, aud the City of Wheat Ridge, a municipal corporation >':"':"<, .;;0;:' ""'- .:;; i,~'''''-. The West 22.00 feet of the South 293.00 feet of the North 430.00 feet of Block 6, Coulehan Grange, EXCEPT the West 15.00 feet of the South 263 00 feet of the North 400.00 feet of said Block 6. #</0 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said party of the first part either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part y . "uc<;essors . of the secon~ llart, 1 t S J<beJorll and aSSIgns forever. TN Wi,T:N:ESS WI;lEREOF, The said party of the first part hath caused its corporate name to be hereunto I\subscribed ~y 'its I President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its '~cretll.ry, khe day and., year first above written. ttest: J ,\ . . -~\ - .........\ ......... \, \ \ '\.. . 1\',-""" .___:_-:...._.,'~_-.:..__.:~~.';______ -~-). ;:=..__"'~.h .~.-~~:~.____..~_.........~....._..__. . Secretary. STATE OF COLORADO } SSe t;: .i.tX.__1!}}Q..__m.__.__nCounty of.,..._!2~D.y.~.r..____....mn The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this --.\~I{.E.~r7p..~7. ~A;'1J?TBA2 uu hum /~>/ " ,~/ B~tn.(;~:$*'.m.4?/.t'7 /C/&4:::/. nh__ n hn;.m'hhu, r - 1 -./)- (i~.,PreSHlent. //j y . 'y /' , by Re,g :..:l.~ n~' d :l -/7/...#. r 1ft/'ll /-P/l~<7I'k day of Harch 1972 as I' a - President and Wi ll~am, p ""Johnson as Secretary of WHEAT RIDC,E NAT lONAL BANK, a nat ional banking association. My n{),tarial commission ~xpircs____n.mji.~n:-'.h"'.U:n:.:.n.--.'..;. 0;;'!J, i ')73' ~~ / -' Witness diy hand aud ol'!idal seal. nn__. ,( /.--,<;;:::LJ---'....--n\c7f,21ff!-<--:.~~m--.... -Am:: ? ,,>~:.~~otary Pubh,". / ;ex~llI.OOK -::;:...-- No. IOS..B. Qtl6' CLAIM DEED.--Corporntinn Form --Bradford Publishing Co.. 1824.-46 St.-mt Str("et, Denver, Col()r::J,<lu-12~23~8 33~ I \:ll ::1 ~. r Q. ~ '<l = \II a '<l ... ... 0' ~ IT 0 0 z I " ~ to [ 0 ! \ ... ... (') . Q. d ""'\' , ~ " S' rn > g: " >'l ~ Z 0 r ";l El ~ ~ ~ "r ~ <D g; r 0 <D i '<l ~ !!' t;:I ':) ,0 0 '<l h r; ){ .. [ :::: ~ 0 0 * "- c 5 I:I:j \ < . ~ ,'i' 10 ~ , 'r; r, (I) ... ~ CO) > 'oJ ',.'-.. . <D e: ~ 0 >-3 ., :" ~" :J: " ~ t" 0 (l) .;" ~. r ~ -(, " '" .. 0 ~ N' 'Y" 0 .... .. ~. ~ 'ri - , " 0 o' Il'l " n ~ " <D \II .. < - r = i I::l rf r , 10 Z Q. ? 0 I~ [ r, ~ Z Q. ~ ". < E. <D r .......,.) ~ ;::. ~ "- <- '\ ~ '<l "".'::::.. r "- , ., ... .... ~ 0 ~~~ vJ ~r t::l ~ <D r . 0 " c-, cr, ! ~ 0 I ('t' 0. it .... '--.-'~ . == t,;\: ~ ~ '" '" .. ,. \ ' , Q. Q. !" , ~ \ ........ :_~ ~'-"(-. ~ \ , {'r r~ r L.- '-> '\ ~ [" 0>":,- ~ ~ ~ I.J'o ~ Ac"',p.::: .-~.:'), f: r,o ~i,~:r,.:: ~..:;, J.,:.ts Wy~;,~:['-iPi-;u/~ i.: ~ i~,:c' ~;G - \ J,' j'-J 1..'2 COMli,;.:,,,.i.OH '~"''''''''''''''1) 'FOR ROAD l'URPOSlI to 'Jonditions t.hat the City assume mr;>,int.enance on.ly after I" ct.ion there of in a{}0ord.anoe with j ;!' S ion Regulations '.)f the Ct ty of ':rpr,t Rj.dge as said rt::gulations ~;;J"r Ly to ~adS, _ D!,TE: ~.~..._(_.._...:,::,.......<_...L-_...l9-.l.. ? w ~ I' I r:~,()f JI~~r~ ~G~:~O~'O~_____ "Y ,(-..L..L{_~....'o.'/.::"M~Y;;'::_:_'--- . 1,'1"1'F.S'1': \__J.(.~,___.c:1~...!.-:!,d..--..- City Clerk ~' )> r ~ '...~ / '1 15Y ; ....-!~~_:~.....,,,:~..t..-t (ihairman ~