HomeMy WebLinkAbout0048 /U )::1 n.. . _........o'elock._ M., Recorded at... Reception No.u "OC(:~19 .uuRecorder. THIS DEED, Made this 19. ,between Recorder's Stamp ...."" '- 0.... c::: c:C'> :::II! ",0 ...." -<;; Y"'-Jl C"><:: r-_ ,.,:> ,.... ""I .- "'I :;, N~ ~~ ~~ CI CJ1 .. t"l '--ll T'""" Ci~ N \S) -,-,-~ Ma'J 11th day of .. (") -u>O r...c: "'J>oZ :::'-l-l .::~-< . ='0 ""'"';1 THE INDEPENDENT LUMBER COMPANY, a Colorado Corporation :: Pl Denver -"":nrTl (')J>o:n mo", 000 2: Z and State of of the City and County of Colorado, of the first part, and THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, A I"lunicipa1 Corporat ion, a corporation orgllinized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado , of thc second part: WITNESSETH, That the said part of the first part, for and in consideration of the slim of -----Ten Dollars ($10,00) and other valuable consideration--------DOLLARS, to the said part'J of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents do es remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said part y of the first part ha S in and to the following described situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit: The South 220 Feet of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section Twenty Two (22), Township Three (3) South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Jefferson County, Colorado. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the apllurtenances and pI'ivileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, ita successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part y of the first part haS hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of INDEPENDENT LUMBER COMPANY ......;;;.(;l~~3,~:::: u.h....omh..... .....[SEAL] "u [SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO, County of Jefferson } s.. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11 t h day of Ma y 1972~.by. James 8, Kurtz, President, The Independent Lumber Company. My (~Ommi5sion expires ~h-. :r,rnryd(:'-1 , 19. i . Witness my hand and official seal. 'r'- ,f 0:-' r' ' ..._".... ~.;......(...____......... ...._______._., ....1<0...__ ....._......___._..._.___n__... Notary Public. -If by natural person or persons here insert name or names: If by person acting In representative or official capaCity or as attorney~1n-fact, then insert name of person as executor, attorney.1n-fact or other capacity or description; it by officer of cor. poration... then insert name of such officer or officers, 88 the president or other officers of such corvoratlon, naming It.-Statuto", Ackno'Uuedoment, Session. 1927 Z385 No. 522. QUIT CLAIM DEED TO CORPORATION. Bradford. Puhlif'.hing Co., lK24 S,t.otlt Street, Dr-m't'I". Co1ornJo. 12-6S ~ tIC en a:. ~ c..o '- 5~8 ----- ~ . 'd R 0 ... \\ ' , , ,,- 0 : ' III ... .... (Jq 0- ::>' ,\ \ \ ~ 1, f .... " ... rg y;' '" \'; "' " 0 ~ '" ... e. P- o< ~ ~ ~ '-G f Er " \ r '" ~ . ... a S; 0 '" h > " t<:l e 0 0 0< ~ , ... ~ 0 g- o s- o ~ 0 p. .... ~ , n rt' 0 ~ e .... '" . ;:; g:. ?t- o 0 ~ ; C' f .... t'" . 0 '" 0 i 0 .... ~ 0 \ ;:; ~ ~ 0 '" 0 9.\ ~ I ~\ ? 0 \ a . ~ . ~ \ ~ < . rt' 0 \ i\ ~ l;l' .... ~ ~, ",' \ ..... :...-..----- ~\ "" ::0 ~\ '" '" '!' P- \f{i.) 1 ~.c " ;,;me. ,"1iZ- y; ,i'~J{:t::,:,:T':' 1/ '. 'C..H!,.!l"':}!>' '.' [I .::'~/ -'"I //\-l-'L.tcc:...,..:}~:':/l f ~f' ~ : ~ ~ J _I y. '!!'2 wi th~n deed. is aCC\Erpt.f!<1 '.hi.s lfcY d .........~~'~.~..'-".'ttl~~~...ii';~'", ;;;~o~ 9."~;__ bY. .....a_...L~...t............L..~,l;;1.~.""".. il.e,.yo!,_ ----' .Il.'l"I'ES'l'~ ,..rH.""4~/_.._-;.,,,:-:.,,;,,,-""-:')'J I ~ City Clerk Jl,c/.,erf!'r ,.-, l'el /l.1\13d0\1d Ot9 39Q\\ll.'43\\ftA -i0 1I.l\~ ,:>61 95 ~~ 60 2.45 .2- t-' t-' t-' t-' W tv ...... ~\ 0 -p 11.1 I-"'" / ~ r4 ______- 11. 0 '1 1:--- 60 W tv tv tv ~u\ 0 0), (J1 ~ 0 5 c. 'Z. 600 " " 9\6~ ~ l' 11. 1 1.1.11'5\ t-4 tv - tv tv UJ\ >-1 :; (j:) (!) 0 5 U ~ 204.0 100 v.> UJ tv ~ ~ 0) 0 0 V A- I.. 171.0 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 v.> tv v.> \ t-' >-1 tfl ----- v.> v.> ~.-'" .+~ \ ~ tg, f' '" \ '?II 2. 5 ,>- ..- 0, \ IT .~.tS 'Z. d<P '" \ '" ~ iJ) .c. ~ \162.5 tA 1'015---- ~ _ ----- j.\. ~---- 105 ..-' (j1 ..-' .+> (1) <JI \I 10 I.!) u .;.. \D s - ~ -.l '" ..-' (,U ..-' tv O"l -.\ FILIN( (J1 - O~ 1 (J1 t-' (J1 tv 1: o ~ " 600 814\ \60 tv ..-' tv (J1 tv (!) y l' ' 5 1:.- A- P \,:>0 __ G R A. V E S ~~p H \ tv tv 1. --- tv l...0 No. 19. TREASUUER'S DEEO.-The Hnldford-Rubinson Ptg. Co., Mh~. Robinson's I~egal Blanks, Denver KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Tr 9-Gt GO ntatning..l...75A..H/1..in.S.Wf.-. described in Book 1791 pa.geJ96 That, whereas, the following descrilwd real Pl'O})Crty, viz. NE:".5;,~~" ulying. uQrth.Q.LCle.ar.Gre.ek.as.. Section 22 Township }South Ranee 69 \'Jest Abov.e...de.scri.b.e.d .propertY..covered..oy T.ax...Sale .Cert.Uic.at.e.. if.S03J"". . en n ", _ c:> n .., ~~--c::y .". -4~ :::r:: o<X.Cc ...4,,;;C"-- .~_~I~._r;..____. t;.~ -n ::: C5 ;.. ":"-' ";~';o_." ,~, .....~ ;1:";-..... ,"l'~ r~.;. c.:. :- \ :oJ I ;po ~".~. "..". .. ....' . C7") '..' c:x::') .JefJer.SOD-u . ...and State of Colorado, was subject to taxation for the year___u. slt\u\ted in th~~ Count\' 01 A.D 1963 ' AND, WHEREAS, the ~.mQeDeX<l.l... taxes assessed upon said property for the year .aforesaid !"pmainpd duC' and unpaid at thf' datp of the sale hereinaft(,l' nan1<2d; AND, WHEREAS, tlw Tl'ea,mrer of the said County did, on the. ..4t.h mday of... .Decemb.er. A, D. Ifl 6.4.., by virtue of the authority vested in him by law, at the sale begun and publicly held on the 4th .day of December , A, D 1!l640..., 1" "- expose to puhlic sale at the. office of the Treasurer, in the County aforesaid, in substantial confol'lnity with the re. quirf'll1lC;'nts of the statute in such caRP made and provided, the real property above described for the payment of the ta;~l'S, intenKt and costs thf'n due and l'Nnaini.ng unpaid on sai.a property; AI\'Jl WHEREAS, at th~ time and plael' afore'aid..E.9!?~D1!)'TY..J:\l:r;ln.9.ff UUmmu,,'Uum'''' 01 the County oL.....IJ.emrEl.:r and....0ta.t.EloL .C9J9:r!).g9. bid on all of the above d":icl'ibed pl'uperty the SUTIl of._ ....P.ort.y-- fi.ve.. .Dollars and. .forty___f.our.. .cents, being' the \-vhole amount of taxes, interest and eo~ts then due and reu1aining unpaid upon said property for said year ., and the saidu ...Rosem.ary..J1arino.ff.. 'having offerr~d in his said hid to accept interest upon the said sum at the rate of .18.._ .peI" cent pel' annum for thl' first six months, and at the rate ofm..12u........per cent pel' annum fOl' the next six months, and thereafter at the ratl' of.....12...........per cent pl'r annum, and the said rate of interest being- the lowest rate of interest at which any person offer~d to pay the said taxes, intC'l'est and costs so due upun said property for said year __, and pay- ment of the said sum having- been rnadp. by }-Jim to the said Treasnrer, the said propertv was stricken off to him at that price; r"....,--....-..,-.......-...-._ ~,r -,."--..,-~ AND, WHEREAS, the said... the .day of and all his rights, title .., A. D. 19 ., duly assign and interest in said property to of the County ofu,,'mm the certificate of the sale of and, h~jY' ......-..n_."" of. _'__".nn_... n...' .l' AND, WH EAS, at the sale so held as aforesaid by the Treasurer, no bid';j"~ere offered or 'de by any per- son or persons for t said property, and no person 01' persons having- offered to pay ~ said tax' , interest and costs upon the said property , r said year ., and the Treasurer having- become satisfied that sal f said property could be had, therefore the sai roperty was, by the then Treasurer of the said County, stric . off to the said County, and a certificate of sale was Iv issued therefor to th(~ sai.d County in accordance with th st ute in such case made and provided: ~ ~ AND, WHEREAS, the said unty of throug'h the' Co tv Tl'C'asl1l'er, and in eO~.f,6l'mitv with the order of th oard of Countv Commissioners of the s' County, duly entere f record on theu. /.m.. .............day of........ . '. ...., A. D 19 Y being' one of the days of /~n of th~ Board of County Conlluissionel's the said County, did du assign unto /__.m..... _ the c-pl'tifi' te of sale of said property, so issued as afore- C smd to said County, ft;.d al~.it_s l:~"g'hts, t~tl~ a::d_in~t.('::.. .. i~_~>~~.pr __e~~~~, r r._r_ ..--' AND, WHEREAS, the saidm.....ROS.e.mary...I1a.. .inoL has paid subsequent tax('s on said property to tbe amount of...Two..hJJ.n.dre.d. th.irty seven.. .Dollars aTld........f.Q.r.t~', o.mL... .eents, AND, WHEREAS, more than three years have elapsed since the date of the said sale, and the said property has not bf'en redee.mc.d thereironl as provided by law; AND, WHEREAS, the said property was assessed for said year at a sunl of ~'::nlOn' than one hundn'd dollars; AND, WHEREAS, all the proyisions of the statutes prescribing' prerequisites to obtaining- tax deeds hav(' been fully complied with, and an' now of record, and filed in the office of the County Tre-aSl1l'Cl' of said County; NOW, THEREFORE, r,......Erank..J'1....3.tanbro... . u....m.....m.. ..., TreasUl"el' of the County afotp:-:.aid, for and in consideration of the sum to the Treasurer paid as aforesaid, and by virtut-' of the statute in such caSt' made and provided, havl' granted, bargained and sold, and by these pl'e~ents do grant, ban.rain and sell the ?ipg described real estate unto the said..... ...m.llosem.aryuJwinofL.m... his " ;,,f011ever, subject to all the rights of redemption by minors, insane persons or idiots. provided hy ~"t'{". _.''\:'~.., .-~' \,' " '.; ;/ '~~/ ~~"'. I /) :~;;) 'iN '''~T}jJ;JS'~,(~AEltEPF, rFrank..L...StanhrOmu ~.i"':,td.~y,vj'rtU{l of tl1ejJt,lit1\~ft.t'y:;p:fon'~~aid. hav(~ lH'J'E'unto set my hand anrl seal this_ ,,~ i\~';'~, D 11)68 ': ", ;\'i;;,;r: " , . <':;""-' 'R" , \'\1: "'~');,.,~?t~<;l.f'P~c_t~l.~~'~e~ ~'I "':~'~'7:'.,t.;~~':::~~rd:~' ';~I;:'r~t ~Inh~l"t }",(~t:":wLl,1l.l\r{Jf 'the" or "special." :nn~l:irt.~H'<:ul'dm~ to fact, "Sai(1 dat.' when the saIL' was begun bein.tr bter than the time then specificnlIy dt'siJ!nated by statut~ for <,,,nwH'ndng' 8-aie,-{lwing- 10 the inahility of th..' Tn-'Hsurer to compile the advertised list in time to give the not1cf' reqnil'ed by la'...-," or insert uther 1'C'I1"on. .6t.h. _, Treasurel' as afol'e::;aid, .day of .S.ept.emher Treasurer. ~():"H) ",,'\:; ~ N CD U1 N 03 CY- " I I '>1'- ..... '-> .~O/H; 217 CO""" 0,8rrll~O:;'':JDO. .. 1"" !II . i!' I hereby [r:ifY that before me.. *-&1.1-1 !) ..L-.r4:/(L,/:/ . d.a~muJ{t.tdjt---Vc~<d~&: . . 5/ _ /! ~" j/ / m and for saId County, personally appeared the above namedumm. m .dOU.-Ild.m/LtL..,. . d.-.u:,a.,4:.2._...... Treasurer of said County, personally known to me to be the Treasurer of said County, at the date of the execution of the within and foregoing conveyance, and to be the identical person whose name is affixed to said within and fore- going deed, and who cxecuted the said conveyance as Treasurer of the said County, and who acknowledged the exe- cution of the same to be his voluntary act and deed as Treasurcr of said County, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. Giv<!n-~l\rilllt ~and and official scal this. ~-~~.~~?~~~esA~&J! /tt, .. ~..,,,' ~~/ f'<J.~.(f~<!\~,.:;;:, r)~ .#, . ~'GXd'!>> ~~~" .~~l'~ ~" ~.." 1" \.tl"li~Yll)~, \ ..,:, 'S-:' .. : \.h" . -,-, ':. .-.c ::~ ; _,; c"'.~ ~'" :0." .~, ")IJi>... \fU : e, g '. 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