HomeMy WebLinkAbout0071 b \~I/ Recorded aL..,:::,....,u..".. u, .____"o'c1ock.. u. "" __ .M" R' ~(' ". ",.no eception N o........tJ~,.,:1:"',~,::f..J... .,....__.....__.nl.u}.g.I..~.~.kjcorder . !] !) in., u "J:':. ;: Ii g, 4.'1 6 ~ Iii o tJ 0150: It "K, Recorder's Stamp :;l; :x::oo ft1 .." g ;;u ::0 c:> "'- I'T'l o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a municipal /I( corporation organized and existinl; under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Co lor a do , of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said part of the first p~rt, for and in considera tion of the snm of -----------One Dollar C 1.00) and other valuble considerations DOLLARS, to the said paTty of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second paTt, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed alli! 'iSkno~)edg'\9' hl!6 remised, released, sold, eonveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by thes~ pTesen\i" do BS. . remife~release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part, it!! succes~ors and 'l,ssigns forev~r: a:Ii' the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said part y of the first P?'rt has in anq to the following described parc8l of land situate, lying and being in the' County of J8fferson , , Tms DEED, Made this 19 72 , between November /~......-. "....)~ day of " ClI C Z ... -< n r- III "" :z i I to ~ ~ ....y -.l W ~ .... HACO CONTRACTERS, INC. of the County of Colorado, of the first part, and J8ff8rson and State of .." n -"'0 r~c !TIp,," O---t---t -f'l-< Z .::10 ;:: rt l~ F, ~, h C... if II ~l L. ~ .... ~' i- t,: .... [', t1- : I " ~ C1 ---. l'~l ~;;o c:J(f> -'0 ;z: /-'.... / I' " --". \'[' . ,l'. : ;:: - I'~ Il., '" ') II(~"; and State of Colorado, to wit: Th8 East T8n (10) fe8t of the following d8scrib8d parc81 of ~roperty lying on the west side of Tabor Street withing Section 17, Town~hip.3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado: That part of Lot 19, Standley Heights Subdivision, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 19, Thence East a-long the south line of said Lot 19 a distance of 915.13 feet in an easterly direction, thence turning in a northerly direction 90029'30" a distance of 209.55 feet to the true point of beginning, thence turning an inside angle of 89030'30" in an easterly direction a distance of 280.00 feet, thence ail inside angle of 90029' 30" in a northerly direction a distance of 119.30 feet, thence turning an inside an~le of 73010'45" in a southwesterly direction a distance of 192.50 feet, thence turning an inside angle of 106049'15" in a southerly direction 37.06 feet to the true point of beginning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and pri\"ileges thereunto belonging or in anyWise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part y of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part y of the first part haS and seal the day and year first above written. hereunto set its hand L~ ;!;2"L~:, [SEAL] ___..__.u., ..un._..___uu _____.,:.~;.~~--,..:.--y..T[SEALl . ~-- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ,-- ~I 19,' ,by~. My co;"~s~ion J,pires My Ccm:i1t~5icD expires Mar. 23. 1915 ,19 ' Witness my hand and official seal. - ,,\, \"nAf.AM.l.n~L /~...u.m __u ,--. . Um --~;,..... , Notary Public.. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of .' . STATE OF COLORADO, County of : }... ,--,1. day of [SEAl;l ,[SElMa :,::...!. :.} r.:; l' .U b natural person or persons here insert name or names; if by 't)eraon act1n~ in reuresentativ-6 or ?fttcial eatl&ctty or ~ attorneY-1n:fa.ct., then insert name of person as ~xecutor. attorney-tn-tact or other capacity or de8crl~11on. it ~ otlicest ofu~ poratlon then lnsert name of such officer or officers. as the president or other officers of such corpora on, na.m a AcknowledomEmt. Session 19!7 No. 522. QUIT CLAIM DEED TO CORPORATION, Bradf"nl Puhli:-;ldng ('0., lS24~1() Stout Street, Dpnver Color3do-8-71 ~.J,,~CL~l 'l') 1 ...... _<;;..... ,-_fl.-, I I;J;J 'C o....-c -- ~ ~ (D 0 .... (D ::l Il'1 ",- 0 1 r A 0' .., ..... ~, n g ". I '" r '" Co 0 .., . p d. I} . q '<j rt.l to > "'1 J;:: ~. 0 '" .., ::l n ., ~ '. , '" ;.- 0 -~ '" El ~ Z . n h ., 0 0 '<j t<J r , r .., ~ 0 .v I Co C <> 0 p . A :::: !} ::l 0 c ~ "'1 Cl -' ;; 5' n' (D x <> ... 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