HomeMy WebLinkAbout0072 jIJ \1/) ( 537260 -, '2 : "',.' I Recorded at_ h _._. .....'.h '.'m..o'clock, ...u.u..M" ........ ...m. ..._......... ..._ ........uu...,. ,. "...' __ __ _...'h.... Reception No..,..........,........,.... ....u..u..mm..............,..........................u..,.......m..Recorder, ,. j" -I i', ,~ '- \ = (- " -,v;:; THIS DEED, Made this 5th n o c: % -l -<: c-> r-. .." co '" "" '" m n co '" o ..... "" Nc- ~.o c.r v c.r :.:t:: - -..J ~,-...;, '-l W L;n.;s -.::- -.. (-) (- ~ -"1'''';;-''' " :~.Hn -~~ ("')Cltf.: TYloC; Z day of r'", ;,~ :.:: I t.JI I -- '",,- nee e ~ hey J in the yea'!' of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Sc ven t" - t ~"o 1\'E f) I)(![j 'On;' between of the County of ,Jefferson and State of Colorado, of the first part, and the C it" () f '.,'lle8t T'idpe, ;1 LOt],- 1101itic incoTY\orClted under tJ e QU1~ St8te of Col('r?cl~ountyof Jeffe;'s0TI nf the and State of Colorado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said part V of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of *********TCN rlf'LL^PS & nTflE" II^Llf,^;,LE Cnr'T(;Ir[rl\Tln~J*******DQ~S, to the said part Y of the first part in hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents do e s remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said part V of the second part, heirs, successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, elaim and demand which the said part v of the first part haS in and to the following described situate, lying and being in the County of ,T e f fer s on. and State of Colorado, to-wit: That portion of the NW 1/4 of Section 21, Townshin 3 South, r~nfe 69 ''-est 0' the 6th p. "., ''ihich hefins 8t the Nl'i C0rner of s2id Section 21; thence South 00012' 54" FAst <1101'1[: the !iest lin cfosai;1 Sectirm 21 a distance of 990.0 feet to a 'Joint; thence '~orth 89 40 36" East :t d-istimce of 306.55 feet to the Tf)t:r: pnI~;T of BErTN\TI'W; thence :Jorth 1390 40' 36" Enst a dist3nce of 50.0 feet; th~nce,Sou~h 000 12' 54" C:tst a distance 0+ 100.0 feet; thence South 89 40 36 lTest "- distance of 50.0 feet; thence North 000 12' 54" Vlest a distance of 100.0 :'eet to the TRlIE pcn:n of B[C'I:~:n:1C. TO EE USED [OT the Southerly extension of P0UTT STf'EFT, a PU;)UC P0\L:. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto apperta.ining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part V of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part " 'of the second part, t t ' S heirs and assigns forever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said part y of the first part ha S hereunto set his hand :::1...1.' :::~::::: ::::- 1t~~[sEAL] _m__..Um'__._____'.____.m.__h__.__m...h__.__..h__.' [SEAL] m___m.________m..h__.m__h__._m.mhm__.hm_..[SEAL] .........---...............................----................................... h_ ___ _...._hh___.'_" ___ _._ .._mmhm.___ _h.." [ SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO, j ss, County of J e f fer s () . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this A,D, 1972 ,by', ,.",,, Ned Donson \ .... My comm~sio]1.~2'-plres ,^urus t 29, 5th December, day of ,19 74 ' Witness my hand and official seal. ~o~....w .....-........ - ... ..n._.n..--.u....._.._...h.h.---._._.N~~;y P;;blie. " cn (~ ~f,; '1-" C~ (~ i t '~~ 11 1ft I) I ~,_/ No. S. 933. Quit Claim Deed. COMPLIMENTS OF decutit!:J 'JitLe 2'1~)~ 4'73 ~ ~ t;; "' "'- .~ r~ ~ ~ " P' ,~ ~ t;j "'- ':1 ~: Z C C -, :+' " 10 0 ... (fl ..;.< ",. .., " :rl ... >-l ~ ' d c (1) ,~ ? Z r. J ~ 'Ij r. C ~, >-l ~ ~ 0 r; 0 ... c.1 1-3 (1) "'- 'n n - ;>;' -, ~ C :[ \": (1 - y, - '-c '"Ij :C) ;j c .{~ tool '<; .-;- ;J n, i:t: ~' .-;- :0 > s '" ,~ 01 :(:1 :~ ~ :,. o. :~ - s:- O 0 ~ >-c co en ~ :V' ~ n ?> - 'f. ~ .r:. '0 V; ~ :T ? J:, tj !" ;J ~ ~; ~ ~ rJ: V. I::) !2 .-;- "; tfj c ... 0 :.... ~: ,~ I::) C ~ tfj ~ ,~: ... >-" {;\ t::j (1) \CO " .' ~: II n " fil r-;.: .-;- ... ~ ~ "'- -C ~ " ff> I "'- if '" Ac~eptaI1ee l'f' tJ"J8 wi t.hj n deen iH ret.lQ!:ll'c-enQe"t'-\-' 'c ~ C,.r "r f _._ _ 1 _ -'-4. 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