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4 City of W heat idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. October 1, 2018 Stephanie L. Garcia 2050 Raleigh Street Denver, CO 80212 Re: Garcia Subdivision Ms. Garcia: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 Please allow this letter to serve as confirmation that your subdivision plat for the Garcia Subdivision has been approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. The following fees must be paid within 90 days of this final action, by December 31, 2018: • Parkland dedication fee for new lot: $2,497.23 • Fees in lieu of construction of public improvements: $12,721 (to Public Works) City Code requires the above fees be paid prior to plat recordation; the approval will expire if the fees are not received by December 31, 2018. The existing garage must also be demolished prior to recordation. Once fees are paid, the document will be recorded with Jefferson County. You will be emailed with the Jefferson County reception number for your records. After the mylar is recorded, the new lots are officially created and new addresses will be assigned by the City. The City will be responsible for routing an address form to alert necessary agencies of the new lot and address. The addresses must be created prior to submittal for building permits. Sincerely, Scott Cutler Planner I cc: MS -18-02 case file www.ci.wheatridge.coms 0 0, roveg � W � 0 WERIS CER 77RCA TE 1, STEPHANIE L. GARCIA, BEING THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 31,227 SQUARE FEET DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 1 AT A -w! 20, BEL—AIRE ALSO BEING ALL OF THAT REAL PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED AND CONVEYED IN 'AT TH CERTAIN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED MARCH 16, 2018 AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2018024169 LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL IMERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, (COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARL)r' DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONSIDERING THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 22 TO BEAR S 89'3748" W, A DISTANCE OF 2650.53 FEET, AS MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3 1/4- BRASS CAP "PLS 13212" AT THE SOUTH CORNER OF SAID SECTION 22 AND A FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP "PLS 28279" AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 22, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP �`j SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN THENCE N 61*599'01" W A DISTANCE OF 1930.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 89*44'06" W A DISTANCE OF 260.00 FEET; THENCE N 41*05'42" E A DISTANCE OF 255.16 FEET; 'THENCE 104.93 FEET ALONG AN ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04*42'20",, A RADIUS OF 1277.65 FEET AND A kCHORD WHICH BEARS S 60"54'27" E A DISTANCE OF 104.90 FEET; THENCE S '0014"59' E A DISTANCE OF 140.09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 31,227 SQUARE FEET OR, 0.7169 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYI E 09' QALR �I _50-D—MaJON 11,3 ISIOIN OF A PART OF THE CITY OF L, A UBDIVI WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF MEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO 71LEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTE_ E THERETO. F, C�H�Nl ARCIA STATE OF (30LORADO Ss COUNTY OF JEFFERSON N THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOY&EDGED BEFORE ME THIS A Y OF 20jr III. E3Y5T WITNESS _,,�#v HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 0 V— c)4N)0 011 �J� — — — — — — — — — — VT A R Y�P U11 8 L I �C Roe! Flublic NotsrV m Colorado Slate � I, # -20154034,534 1w COMM 00ionfix 4 11 T16. q -m iii��Iii I ml I � ''I � K0,421 THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO HEREBY ACCEPTS THE DEDICATION AND CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY Of THOSE LOTS, TRACIFS, EASEMENTS, AND OTHER INTERESTS IN REAL PROPER , DENO D TO T I- -11—if FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. Ty TE ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED H C_ fi�Ptp#!D�, Hl� A_ DAY OF HE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. BY T L/ MAYOR CLERK AND REM9MRS CSI?77RCA&r.- ACCEPTED FOR RECORDING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND ICORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, THIS DAY OF JEFFER ON COUNTY C ERK AND RECORDER BY R'%01 & EPUTY CL R SFAU, PREPARED B\j-- KURT 11 -INN AND ASSOC)ATES r #- 8790 WES! l,,0LIF-AX AVENUE, UNIT 20 �0, 80215 LAKEWOOD, 3023-233-11'71l 2237-1893 (fox) 'OB # 1807-00 J UZ CA SE_ HIS TOR Y DESCRIF3TION A DATE OF PRE-PARt-010N Cil'Y CAOMMEENTQ` "_1 -------------- - ------ T\," i J 1,20MMENTS of §ffs I , '' WO -i z I SEC77CW COWROL MAP: 10� 500* CENTER OUARTER CORNER SEC. 22, TJS, R69W FND� 3 1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX "PLS 13212" N: 708429.3165 E: 113152.6102 T POIN i # 14509 WES] jbfH AVENUE EAST QUARTER CORNER SEC. 22, TJS, R69W FND� 3 1/4" BRASS- CAP IN RANG"E BOX "PLS1 3212" N: 708454�5396 E: 115798.2130 0 I OiNT # 114609 �Aj CIN ZA44 SOUTH QUAR7ER CORNER SEC 22, TJS, R89 W WEST 38TH AVENUE FNID, 3; 11/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX "PLS 13212" N' 7057894811 113163�0403 POINT # 15509 SOUTHEAST CORNER SEC. 22, Tjs, R69 w FND� 3 1 14'� BRA, -'S CAP IN R,�NGE E,40 -x' " PLS 28279" N. 705806.586ti 115813,5096 POINT # 15609 1 - DATE OF SURVEY- JULY 05, 2018 2. THE AREA OF PROPERTY AS SURVEYED: 31,227 SQUARE FEET OR, 0.47169 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. gm w Aft I* WIN A IN w w A Elm; I hil SUR WYOWS CER77MA 7F 1, GORDON S. PAGE III DO HEREBY CERIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF QAECIA SV IVI� � 10& WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION A 'S T A T1 I TV C, I _S, T11 ON A 3 AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE NTH ALL APPLItCABLE COLORADO I ?IN I U CURRENT REVISED ED[ AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY kEPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. V", 40" ID GORDON S. PLS 2904 KURT LINN & ASSOCIATES 8790 W COLFAX AVE, #20 LAKEWOOD CO. 80215 303 233-1171 ox NN L EASO"T NOM FIVE-FOOT (5"" ODE EASEMENTS ARE 4REBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL INTERIOR SIDE LOT LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA AND TEN -FOOT (10") WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTFD�ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE FRONT LOT LINES ON EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE GRANTED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENF OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS, EASEMENTS AS GRANTED BY THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AND NOTED HEREON, STA&MWT OF ACCURACY THE GEODETIC POINT,,COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN T STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HOR12ZONIAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED 'IN THE. GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF' 'THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC-STD-007.2-1998)4 T IT SHE INDFX —T DEScRIP 7-101V SHET"T No. COVER SHEET PLAN VIFW 2 C 0 V[_,�? 7 - OF "HEE IL, MOM, I ow BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF (1--l"OLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 r PROPER TY CORNER I NU. 3/4" IRON FW"'_� N: ,06904.69 E- 4016-57 Vol - R=1277.651 L= 1 04 93' CD=104.90* 6.50' RIGHT—OF—WAY CE3=S60*54*27"E --HEREBY DEDICATED A= 04*42"20" ""�/ 13Y THIS PLAT 2,5100' 500' (0 -PROPERTY CORNER 51' UTILITY EASIEMENT SET 1 1/4" PLASTIC (..-'AP HEREBY GRANTED BY ON No, 5 REBAR T'HIS PLAT "PLS /2-9048" (TYP) :70685 ,68 E- 114108.24 LST OT LINES HEREBY 10' LITLITY EASEMEN >—CREATED BY THIS HEREBYGRANTED) BY 7 �A ill T) PLAT THIS PLAT '0( /K 5' UTILITY EASEMENT I A3f / 1-1 k HEREBY GRANTED BY I 0 ul LOT 2 0. 2982 A case. 0 12,988 Sq. ft, 0 (n 5' UTILITY EASEMENT/ Z ON E -D y? - 11 HEREBY GRANTED BY IN, THIS PLAT IN, 5' UTILITY EASEMENT "—HEREBY GRANTED BY 1&58' 10' WATER EASEMENT THIS PLAT ISO "14' 59 w HEREBY GRAN -FED BY THIS PLAT 1 04 11 89* 61.46 N43*05"14"E 0 LOT1 0 21,12' J 3 ( %K 980 Acres. S 89 'T5Z72 -A *Cj 17,336 Sq ft. LOT LINES HEREBY 6 8.17 1 00 ZONED R- I C R LEATED BY THIS 10' SANITARY EASEMENT 1 PLAT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT 0 5' UTILITY EASEMENTS N� HEREBY GRANTED BY " V_ j THIS PLAT N°14}59,}w / 11 001 5' UTILITY EASEMENT 42. I 538732 5' UTI1 ITY EASEMENT 1 001 L HEREBY GRANTED BY HEREBY GRANTED BY 04 THIS PLAT L THIS PLAT Ae - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - j - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18Z55' T 75.95" 7C 719 59 n nn' 1.50' RIGHT--OF-WAY E: 384,& 85 HER[EBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT — Z >?3 y w -t v 0 v v E 5JITY1 _U -ff L__1 T5�_� _AS E M E N T - - -_ - - - P /Jpf1?TY CORNFF 7 11" R /'-A f F ON NCS. 5 RE AR C) LnT DATA: '_ND� 1 1 P TIC C /4 LAS AP ON N0 PLS 29048" 1'x5' OFFS - El 25-00 N, -71 j p v ON NUM -1- DELTA LENGTH RADIUS BEARING 4ISTANCE C1 1008'00" 25.40 1284.15' S 5 9 *04'1 -9 P _tE --2-5'__4 _0' - - - - -------- C 2 3*25'20" 76.70' 1284.15 020'59"E 76.69 D Obl,[_) U t3; L R`4 Z UIVL L SCALE- =20' 20 C ' 10, C 20' 4C US SURVEY 17171---l- fe PLL A Pvt VIL W ,5H, E- 2 OF E: 384,& 85 I �-s —T 7 -41 _P L �AS =1C —te � — — — Z >?3 y w -t v 0 v v E 5JITY1 _U -ff L__1 T5�_� _AS E M E N T - - -_ - - - P /Jpf1?TY CORNFF 7 11" R /'-A f F ON NCS. 5 RE AR LnT DATA: '_ND� 1 1 P TIC C /4 LAS AP ON N0 PLS 29048" 1'x5' OFFS - El 4 REBAR LOT I If ROW DEDICA TION EGIBLE 0,3980 Ac. 0.0207 Ac. 17, JJ6 Sq. It 90J Sq. ft. _&85 POIAI T OF RECINNIAIG LOT 2 PLAT BIND Y 0.2982 Ac. pa . 12,988 Sqft O� 7169 Ac. J1,227 Sq. ft. ijj I It SS 79 1, JP z 26 /.OT 1 DOUD _5/6,?N d to ZOIVED IGH T-- OF- WA Y LINE ----------- ---------------------------------1INDICA 71 -ES' _7_1E-_ LINE /ND/ CIA" 't"E-5 PROPOSED HOW LINE 11-1A 7F 5 - ....n.«. .....m. - - - ...:.nINDIL."Al PRU P 05F D E A SEUENT INDICA TES ALIQUOT SECTION LINE I v 0'h if INDICA TE 5 BOUNDARY LINE N D I C A TE PROPOSED LOTITRACT 0,f lu�o 00 __`V 7ERLINE RIGH, T-- Of- WA y 10 C�" - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - INDICA TE,5 EXISTING X UTILITY EASE is -----------_`------------- INDI ; 6Y5 PROPOSED SANI TAP, Y EASE INDICA IES WA IWENI PROPOSE I D EASL iE INDICATE-..: SECDON CORNE-P INDICA TES A40NUA4EN T FOUND if IN'.P-(A FES SET 1 114" PLASTIC, CAP ON No. 5 REBAR '-*PLS 2904c"-?" aF N89*37'48"E BASIS OF HEARHVG 2650.53" J V SOUTH 114 CORNER SOUTH LINE OF THE SOU THEA S"17- OLA TER SEC. 22 TJ S R69W POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SEC. 22 TJS AL1 OUTHEAST CORNER FNE. - 5 1 -4 BRAS' CAP "PLS' SEC 22 TJ S R69W 3 1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX 13212" IN RANGE BOX "PLS 28279" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE' PT. NO. 15509 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IPT, NO� 15609 N- 705 789�4-811 I'. N- 705806�5868 E: 115813.5096fr N, -71 j p v ON NUM -1- DELTA LENGTH RADIUS BEARING 4ISTANCE C1 1008'00" 25.40 1284.15' S 5 9 *04'1 -9 P _tE --2-5'__4 _0' - - - - -------- C 2 3*25'20" 76.70' 1284.15 020'59"E 76.69 D Obl,[_) U t3; L R`4 Z UIVL L SCALE- =20' 20 C ' 10, C 20' 4C US SURVEY 17171---l- fe PLL A Pvt VIL W ,5H, E- 2 OF City of ge Whe 11/g2/2618 at 813.26 CDBB SIDEWALK COMMERICAL DEV. FEE AMOUNT CDB826149 FMS� FOR PARK IMPROVEMENT%BY/ 12,457 23 AMOUNT PAYMENT RECEIVED 12,721,86 CHECK: 1569847 2,497.23 CHECK: 1569848 15,218.23 TOTAL ----- ---- City of W heat,idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director FROM: Scott Cutler, Planner I 4 DATE: September 27, 2018 SUBJECT: MS -18-02 / Garcia Summary of Request: The applicant requested an administrative subdivision on property zoned Residential -One (R-1) and located at 4055 Everett Drive. Findings: • All comments from referral agencies have been addressed. • Public Works has completed review of the plat and has found it approvable. • The proposed lots meet all R-1 development standards. • The plat complies with the subdivision design criteria established in Section 26-410 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the administrative subdivision at 4055 Everett Drive (Case No.: MS -18-02), with the following conditions: 1. The existing garage is demolished prior to recordation of the subdivision. 2. The new lots are re -addressed to the streets from which they gain primary access, prior to submittal for building permits. �Lna d City of Wheat ' idge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planning Technician FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: September 17, 2018 SUBJECT: MS -18-02 / Garcia Subdivision, 4055 Everett Street — Review 3 I have completed my 3' review for an administrative subdivision to subdivide the property at 4055 Everett Street into two lots received on September 24, 2018, and I have the following comments: PLANNING & ZONING Final Plat: 1. All previous comments have been addressed; Public Works finds the plat to be approved for Mylar®. Please note the following requirements tied to the plat: Fees in Lieu of Construction: The public improvements along the Field Drive and Everett Street frontages consisting of curb & gutter and 5' attached sidewalk must either be constructed with this project or fees may be provided in lieu of construction. Due to the fact there are no other improvements on either side of the proposed subdivision or even in the vicinity, Public Works highly recommends that fees be provided in lieu of construction. The amount of the itemized cost estimate for the improvements as provided by Public Works in accordance with Sec. 26-417 of the Municipal Code of Laws is $12,721. The fees shall be due prior to plat recordation (per the same Code section). Garcia Subdivision_Review-3.approval.docx l City of W heat�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 September 24, 2018 Stephanie L. Garcia 2050 Raleigh Street Denver, CO 80212 Re: Garcia Administrative Subdivision Ms. Garcia: This letter is in regards to the application for the Garcia Subdivision on property located at 4055 Everett Street. The third submittal has been reviewed and all Planning comments have been addressed. Public Works has also found the submittal to be approvable. You may now submit to the Community Development Department a black line mylar of the plat with the Owner's Certificate and Surveyor's Certificate signed (in black ink, preferably with a thin black sharpie or similar pen). The fees in lieu of construction of public improvements must be paid to Public Works prior to plat recordation, per City Code. For this project, the fee is $12,721. A parkland dedication fee of $2,497.23 for the new lot, plus a $23 recording fee for the two-page document is also due prior to recordation. Please note that the City is required to record the plat within 90 days of approval, so all fees must be paid within that 90 day period. The garage would also need to be demolished within this 90 day period. Sincerely, Scott Cutler Planner I cc: MS -18-02 case file Gordon S. Page III www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 44th Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303-424-7252 Fax: 303-424-2280 September 6, 2018 Stephanie Garcia 303-619-2546 Email: formandsubstance@gmail.com Re: 4055 Everett St. — Sanitary Sewer Availability Dear Ms. Garcia, On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc. acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following availability letter for the property at 4055 Everett St. From an email received on August 16, 2018 it appears that a proposed subdivision is planned for the property with the addition of one single family unit. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. The subject lot at the address referenced above is entirely within the boundary and service area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within WRSD is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District (Metro). Sanitary Sewer: WRSD has the following sanitary facilities in the vicinity: • 8 -inch mainline running south to north within Everett Street, east of the property. • 8 -inch mainline running west to east within Field Drive, northwest of the property A public sanitary sewer extension may be required to service the proposed subdivision lots unless appropriate private service line easement(s) can be provided. The sanitary sewer extension must either be in public ROW or a 25' paved easement dedicated to the District. The extension must front Lot 1 by 10 feet to provide sanitary service. An extension agreement and easement agreement are required to be executed prior to beginning of construction. It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) to verify if gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. Each building is required to have its own sanitary sewer service line and individual connection to the District main. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. For a private sanitary sewer service easement a platted easement must clearly show that it is a private sewer service line easement and indicate that it is for the benefit of Lot 1 allowing full access to maintain and replace the private service. Furthermore, all future deeds conveying Lot 1 should note that it is benefited by an easement appurtenant that runs over and across Lot 2. All future deeds out of Lot 2 should contain language indicating that it is burdened by an easement appurtenant for the benefit of Lot 1. Prior to recording, a copy of the plat document must be provided to the District's attorney for review. Utility Locates If a mainline extension is necessary to service Lot 1, it is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, through Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Senate Bill 18-167 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. If the ASCE Utility Quality Level B is not provided, the Developer's utility locate professional engineer shall provide the rationale and documentation to the District and Notification Association as to why the utility locate mapping was unable to achieve the ASCE Utility Level B in accordance with Senate Bill 18-167. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Plans and Costs For any extension, construction documents are to be submitted to the District for review prior to acceptance. An engineering review fee will be collected for the review of the design(s). This fee amount is to be provided when concept plans are received. All costs involved — reviews, design, contract development, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer. Please be aware that proper tap and development fees are required prior to connection to the District main. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Please contact the District for the most recent tap/service fee schedules. A copy of the rules and regulations, standard notes and details can be provided upon request. Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: Mike Bakarich —Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Tim Flynn — Collins Cockrel & Cole P.C. Scott Cutler From: Jake Tihansky <JTihansky@martinmartin.com> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:07 AM To: Scott Cutler Cc: Bill Willis; Travis Stevens Subject: RE: MS -18-02 Referral - Wheat Ridge Scott, In addition to the plat showing the 10' easement, a separate agreement between lots will be needed. We are coordinating with the District Attorney on the necessary language needed to be included in an agreement between lots to allow service for Lot 1. We can follow up with comments after the holiday weekend if that is acceptable. Thanks, Jake Tihansky Engineer -In -Training I V 303.431.6100 ext. 583 From: Scott Cutler <scutler@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 8:54 AM To: Jake Tihansky <JTihansky@martinmartin.com> Cc: Bill Willis <BWILLIS@martinmartin.com> Subject: RE: MS -18-02 Referral - Wheat Ridge Hi guys, following up on this again. Scott Cutler Planner I Office Phone: 303-235-2849 `�� i 1Cil}� cif ] Y V L a 1Ll.�L COMMS M-ry DFVELOPMENT From: Jake Tihansky <JTihansky@martinmartin.com> Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2018 11:27 AM To: Scott Cutler <scutler@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Cc: Bill Willis <BWILLIS@martinmartin.com> Subject: RE: MS -18-02 Referral - Wheat Ridge Scott, Thanks for the reminder - this is on our radar. We are trying to meet some project deadlines by the end of the week but we are hoping to have comments by early next week. Thanks, Jake Tihansky Engineer -In -Training I V 303.431.6100 ext. 583 From: Scott Cutler <scutler@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 12:01 PM To: Jake Tihansky <JTihanskv@martinmartin.com> Cc: Bill Willis <BWILLIS@martinmartin.com> Subject: RE: MS -18-02 Referral - Wheat Ridge Hi, I'm checking in on the status of this review (2nd submittal). The City is ready to send comments to the applicant but we need to wait until you weigh in. Thanks! Scott Cutler Planner I Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Cit), of �jdge CQMMUNITY DEV171.nf ti1ENT From: Scott Cutler Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 10:52 AM To: 'Jake Tihansky' <JTihanskv@martinmartin.com> Cc:'Bill Willis' <BWILLIS@martinmartin.com> Subject: RE: MS -18-02 Referral - Wheat Ridge Jake & Bill, Attached is the second submittal for the Garcia Subdivision plat. They have revised the lot shape as well as easements, drawing from Everett Street. The City does not have many outstanding comments on this plat, so please provide comments at your earliest convenience. Thanks, Scott Cutler Planner I Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Cit}, (A W h� t P �j, CoMmUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2 From: Scott Cutler Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 4:37 PM To: 'Jake Tihansky' <JTihanskv@martinmartin.com> Cc: Travis Stevens <TStevens@martinmartin.com>; Bill Willis <BWILLIS@martinmartin.com>; Tim Flynn <tflynn@CCCFIRM.COM>; Michael Bakarich <mbakarich@morainco.com> Subject: RE: MS -18-02 Referral - Wheat Ridge Hi Jake, thanks for the letter. The applicant is proposing to have Lot 1 connect to Field Drive and Lot 2 connect to Everett Street and/or Field Drive since it fronts both streets. I will let them know to work with you directly on the connections. I sent the applicant comments on August 6 and put WRSD as having none, so I will forward this information to them. Scott Cutler Planner I Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Cii}' of W haat Rick COMMUNITY DFVFLOPMENT From: Jake Tihansky <JTihanskv@martinmartin.com> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 4:16 PM To: Scott Cutler <scutler@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Cc: Travis Stevens <TStevens@martinmartin.com>; Bill Willis <BWILLIS@martinmartin.com>; Tim Flynn <tflynn@CCCFIRM.COM>; Michael Bakarich <mbakarich@mora inco.com> Subject: RE: MS -18-02 Referral - Wheat Ridge Scott, Apologies for the delay. Attached is an availability letter for the property. Let us know if you have any questions. Regards, Jake Tihansky Engineer -In -Training I V 303.431.6100 ext. 583 MARTIN/MARTIN consutlING EaGintiiS 12499 West Colfax Avenue I Lakewood, CO 80215 martinmartin.com 9J M k1i u U ENR ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DESIGN FIRM OF THE YEAR From: Scott Cutler <scutler@ci.wheatridge.co.us> Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018 8:33 AM To: Bill Willis <BWILLIS@martinmartin.com> Subject: MS -18-02 Referral - Wheat Ridge 21 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an Administrative Subdivision at 4055 Everett Street (Case No. MS -18-02). Please download the application documents using the following Dropbox link. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bbctkOvOolzOwuh/AAAMeaObEh8s3 eAFwHVB6Q3a?d1=0 Comments are due by August 2, 2018; no response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns. Feel free to be in touch with any additional questions. Thank you, Scott Please note you will need Adobe software to view the application submittals. The latest version of Adobe Reader can be downloaded here: http://get.adobe.com/reader/ Scott Cutler Planner 1 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-234-2849 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us (dvof W h6atsrvl idlge Cl�.titti�s�!�a7� CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business -confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. This e-mail and any file(s) transmitted with it contain privileged and confidential information and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, disclosure or copying of this e-mail disclosure or copying of this e-mail or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sending individual or entity by e-mail and permanently delete the original e-mail and attachment(s) from your computer system. Thank you. This e-mail and any file(s) transmitted with it contain privileged and confidential information and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, disclosure or copying of this e-mail disclosure or copying of this e-mail or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sending individual or entity by e-mail and permanently delete the original e-mail and attachment(s) from your computer system. Thank you. This e-mail and any file(s) transmitted with it contain privileged and confidential information and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, disclosure or copying of this e-mail disclosure or copying of this e-mail or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sending individual City of W heat ]doge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Scott Cutler, Planning Technician FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: August 21, 2018 SUBJECT: MS -18-02 / Garcia Subdivision, 4055 Everett Street — Review 2 I have completed my 2°a review for an administrative subdivision to subdivide the property at 4055 Everett Street into two lots received on August 16, 2018, and I have the following comments: PLANNING & ZONING Final Plat: GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. All references to the "PLS number" on the cover sheet are in quotes and two references on the plan view are in quotes. PW recommends making all consistent. COVER SHEET (Sheet 1): 1. Owner's Certificate a. In the third paragraph the PLS number (for John Lambert) is 13212. b. In the third and fourth paragraphs, the word "Quarter" should be removed; the monument should be simply identified as "...SOUTHEAST CORNER of SECTION 22...", rather than the `Southeast Quarter Corner'. 2. Sorry, but we didn't provide sufficient clarification regarding the City Certification block. Let's combine the City Certification and City Acceptance blocks as shown. 3. Section Control Map — SE Corner should be "PLS 28279", not `PLS 13212'. 4. Note 8 —'South East' reference should be one word "SOUTHEAST". Also, there is one too many "FEET" in the last sentence. 5. Easement Note — please delete the word "ADJACENT" as redlined. PLAN VIEW (Sheet 2): 1. All the "PROPERTY CORNER" callouts would benefit by a leader to accurately pinpoint the corner. 2. The road centerline linetype appears to vary from time to time from the centerline linetype. 3. The text for dimensions for Lot 1 at Field Drive access point is too small and should be carried to two (2) decimal places. 4. Verify the correct area for Lot 2. 5. The "Set" pin symbol nearly disappears on plan view at intersections - suggest bumping up the size somewhat. Garcia Subdivision Review-2.docx Public Works Engineering August 21, 2018 Page 2 6. The areas listed in the Lot Data table add to 31,257 square feet while the total area of the platted area totals to 31,227 square feet. Please double-check as revised as needed. Appears that Lot 1 should be 17,336 s.f. 7. Please add the "Point of Beginning" text. Also, the northing coordinate appears to be incorrect. Appears the corner should be "FOUND", not SET. 8. The lot line between Lots 1 & 2 could be cleaned up a bit by leadering in two callouts (and unhiding some easement linework). Also by moving the "Lot lines hereby created..." note as shown, leaders can point to three lines as redlined. 9. The easement identifier notes can be leadered to the easement dimensioning thereby eliminating the extra dimension number, as redlined. Please note the following requirements tied to the plat: Fees in Lieu of Construction: The public improvements along the Field Drive and Everett Street frontages consisting of curb & gutter and 5' attached sidewalk must either be constructed with this project or fees may be provided in lieu of construction. Due to the fact there are no other improvements on either side of the proposed subdivision or even in the vicinity, Public Works highly recommends that fees be provided in lieu of construction. The amount of the itemized cost estimate for the improvements as provided by Public Works in accordance with Sec. 26-417 of the Municipal Code of Laws is $12,721. The fees shall be due prior to plat recordation (per the same Code section). Garcia Subdivision Review-2.docx A A , City of W heat �idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. September 5, 2018 Stephanie L. Garcia 2050 Raleigh Street Denver, CO 80212 Re: Garcia Administrative Subdivision Ms. Garcia: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regards to the application for the Garcia Subdivision on property located at 4055 Everett Street. I have reviewed the second submittal of the subdivision plat and have the following comments. Please also refer to the enclosed redlined copy of the draft documents. Cover Sheet (Sheet 1) 1. No comments on this sheet. Sheet 2 (Plat) 2. The square footage of Lot 1 in the Lot Data table does not match the square footage shown on the plat. Correct the square footage on Lot 2 so it matches Lot 2 in the Lot Data table. For future consideration 3. Prior plans showed a garage being built in the southern portion of Lot 2. With the proposed water and sanitary easements, plus the R-1 setback requirements, a garage may no longer fit in this location (or its size would be limited). 4. New driveways will require a Right -of -Way Permit, reviewed by Public Works. The first 25 feet of driveways must be paved. 5. The fees in lieu of construction of the public improvements will be due prior to plat recordation. Refer to the Public Works redlines for more information. 6. A reminder that demolition is required prior to recordation. Thank you for taking the necessary steps to receive State approval. The application was also sent on referral to other City departments and outside agencies. Attached are the comments that were received. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See attached comments and redlines from Dave Brossman dated August 21, 2018. Please refer to both Public Works and Planning documents to ensure all City comments are addressed. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Comments were received on August 13, 2018 after the first round of comments were sent, which were forwarded to you on that date. I referred the second submittal to WRSD on August 16, 2018. On August 30, 2018, Jake Tihansky replied: "In addition to the plat www.ci.wheatridge.co.us showing the 10' easement, a separate agreement between lots will be needed. We are coordinating with the District Attorney on the necessary language needed to be included in an agreement between lots to allow service for Lot L" This concludes the summary of comments. For questions or clarification on any comments, please feel free to directly contact me or Dave Brossman. Please resubmit digital copies of the plat in a .pdf file. Sincerely, Scott Cutler Planner I cc: MS -18-02 case file Gordon S. Page III Case No. MS -18-02 / Garcia Scott Cutler From: Potter, Matt <Matt.Potter@centurylink.com> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2018 10:28 AM To: Scott Cutler Subject: MS -18-02 / Garcia Subdivision CTL #802088 CenturyLink has no issues or concerns with this plat. Approved Matt Potter Faulk & Foster Prior Rights Team 1569 Ponderosa Ave. Middleton, ID 83644 712-249-4093 Matt. Potter@CenturyLink.com 111 .`CenturyLink Fa#f1k,1V-ottcr This communication is the property of CenturyLink and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. City of 9Wheat idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29b Ave. August 6, 2018 Stephanie L. Garcia 2050 Raleigh Street Denver, CO 80212 Re: Garcia Administrative Subdivision Ms. Garcia: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regards to the application for the Garcia Subdivision on property located at 4055 Everett Street. I have reviewed the first submittal of the subdivision plat and have the following comments. Please also refer to the enclosed redlined copy of the draft documents. Cover Sheet (Sheet 1) 1. Add the case number MS -18-02 to the Case History table. 2. Add a sheet index with page numbers and titles in the bottom right corner. Number each page in the bottom right corner with title and "Sheet X of 2". 3. Add City Clerk and Mayor to the City Certification section. Refer to attached Cover Items for administrative subdivisions. 4. Remove "along with private drives" from the Easement Note as this development will not have private drives. Remove the next sentence ("utilities shall..."). Remove "access/drainage and" in the following sentence. Sheet 2 (Plat) 5. Add "Lot line hereby created" to new lot line, or with an arrow pointing to the line. Refer to comments/redlines from Public Works for more information. 6. Do not show existing house on the plat; the exhibits you provided are sufficient. 7. Add ROW dedication square footage to the data table as evidence that it matches the square footage total in the legal description. 8. There are remaining concerns about the lot lines at the southern portion of the site because they create an odd triangle wedge for the southwest corner of Lot 2. Re -draw the lot line in this area which would still allow for Lot 2 to be over 12,500 square feet; our estimation is a north -south line approximately 50 feet from the existing wedge point (refer to redlines). This layout will result in a more logical lot shape for Lot 2 that still allows it to be over 12,500 square feet. For future consideration 9. The properties will need to be re -addressed before building permits can be applied for. Lot 1, which will contain the existing house, will likely be re -addressed as 4100 Field Drive. Lot 2, which will contain the new house and detached garage gaining access from Everett Street, will be addressed to Everett Street. It must be an odd number between 4027 and 4073. wNN w.ci.wheatridge.co.us 10. Xcel has noted there are existing natural gas lines that will need to be relocated (see comment below). Are there other service lines (water or sewer) that run through the new Lot 2 to service the existing house on lot 1 ? If so, these would presumably need to be in easements or be relocated to the "flag" portion of the lot. You will need to contact the utility districts directly since they did not provide feedback to us regarding this application. 11. The City will require the garage be removed post approval and prior to recordation. What are the plans to remove the garage? The application was also sent on referral to other City departments and outside agencies. Attached are the comments that were received. Wheat Ridge Public Works: See attached comments and redlines from Dave Brossman dated July 27, 2018. Please refer to both Public Works and Planning documents to ensure all City comments are addressed. Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments. West Metro Fire Protection District: No concerns. See attached comments from Bruce Kral dated July 27, 2018. Fire can serve both properties. The properties will need to be re -addressed to the streets from which they gain access. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: No comments. Wheat Ridge Water District: No comments. Xcel Energy: See attached comments from Donna George dated August 3, 2018. There are existing natural gas lines within the subject property. The gas service will need to be relocated so that it is entirely on Lot 1, and the gas service to the new house should be located entirely on Lot 2. The electric service line will only need to be relocated if the new house interferes with it. Century Link: No comments. Comcast: No comments. This concludes the summary of comments. For questions or clarification on any comments, please feel free to directly contact me or Dave Brossman. Please resubmit digital copies of the plat in a .pdf file. Sincerely, 5--� Scott Cutler Planner I cc: MS -18-02 case file Gordon S. Page III Case No. MS -18-02 / Garcia XcelEnergysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY August 3, 2018 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Scott Cutler Re: Garcia Subdivision, Case # MS -18-02 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3rtl Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571. 3284 donna.I.george@xcelenergy.com Public Service Company of Colorado's (PSCo) Right of Way & Permits Referral Desk has reviewed the plat for Garcia Subdivision. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing natural gas and electric service facilities within the subject property. The gas service will need to be relocated so that it is entirely on Lot 1, and the gas service to the new house should be located entirely on Lot 2. The electric service line will only need to be relocated if the new house interferes with it. The property owner/developer/contractor must complete the application process for any new natural gas or electric service, and modification to existing facilities including relocation, via FastApp-Fax-Email-USPS (go to: https://www.xcelenergy.com/start, stop, transfer/new construction service activation for builders). It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. If there are any questions with this referral response, please contact me at 303-571- 3306. Donna George Right of Way and Permits Public Service Company of Colorado 433 S. Allison Parkway Lakewood, CO 80226 Bus: (303) 989-4307 Fax: (303) 989-6725 www.westmetrofire.org West Metro Fire Protection District July 27, 2018 Scott Cutler, Planner I 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-235-2849 scutler@ci.wheatridge.co.us Re: Case No. MS -18-02 (4055 Everett Street) Administrative Subdivision Dear Mr. Cutler, This property is within the West Metro Fire Protection District (WMFPD). Fire service will be provided as long as provisions of the International Fire Code, 2012 edition, including amendments, are met in development. Fire apparatus is acceptable. The existing fire hydrant is acceptable. The address for the existing house should be changed to a Field Drive address. The address for lot 2 should be based on the house orientation and access point. Permits are required from the fire district for tenant improvements, all work on automatic fire protection systems, all work on automatic fire detection systems, underground fire line, solar photovoltaic systems, radio amplification, and for the storage of hazardous materials including the removal and placement of fuel storage tanks. WMFPD reserves the right to provide additional comments/requirements at the time when plans are submitted and reviewed per applicable codes and amendments. If you have any questions contact me at 303-989-4307 extension 513 or e-mail: bkralna,westmetrofire.org. Respectfully, Bruce Kral Fire Marshal "Whatever It Takes "... To Serve ONNER'S CER77R/CA7L' 1, STEPHANIE L. GARCIA, BEING THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 31377 SQUARE FEET DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 20, BEL—AIRE ALSO BEING ALL OF THAT REAL PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED AND CONVEYED IN THAT CERTAIN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED MARCH 16, 2018 AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2018024169 LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONSIDERING THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 22 TO BEAR S 89'37'49" W, A DISTANCE OF 2650.52 FEET, AS MONUMENTED BY A FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP PLS 13112 AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 22 AND A FOUND 3 1/4- BRASS CAP PLS 13212 AT THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 22, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN THENCE N 61'59'01" W A DISTANCE OF 1930.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 89'44'06" W A DISTANCE OF 260.00 FEET; THENCE N 41"05'42" E A DISTANCE OF 255.16 FEET; THENCE 104.90 FEET ALONG AN ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04'42'20", A RADIUS OF 1277.65 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS S 60'54'27" E A DISTANCE OF 104.90 FEET; THENCE S 00'14'59" E A DISTANCE OF 140.09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 31377 SQUARE FEET OR, 0.7203 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF GARCIA SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. STEPHANIE L. GARCIA — STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS—__._..I'AY OF 2018 BY-- ----- ____. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CITY CER77RCA7I0N APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF , 2018 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ACCEPTANCE OR DEDICATED IMEWSTS IN REAL PROPERTY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO HEREBY ACCEPTS THE DEDICATION AND CONW`YANCE TO THE CITY OF THOSE LOTS, TRACTS, EASEMENTS, AND OTHER INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY DENOTED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED TO THE CITY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. MAYOR ATTEST: [ SEAL) CITY CLERK CLERK AND RECORDERS M?77RiCA7E: ACCEPTED FOR RECORDING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, THIS DAY OF __ , 2018. PREPARED BY: KURT LINN AND ASSOCIATES 8790 WEST COLFAX AVENUE, UNIT 20 LAKEWOOD, CO. 80215 303-233-1171 237-1893 (fax) JOB # 1807-02 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: --- ------- DEPUTY CLERK CASE HISTORY GARCIA SUBDIVISION BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 227 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 V4CINI TY MAP: 1 . 300' W WEST 38TH AVENUE SECTION CONTROL MAP: 1 = 500' 1-1 w k w� N89:27'14"E CENTER QUARTER CORNER SEC. 22, T3S, R69Y FND. 3 1/4- BRASS ;AP IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 N: 708429.3165 E: 113152.6102 POINT # 14509 WEST 44 TH A VENUE 2645.72' EAST QUARTER CORNER SEC. 22, T3S, R69 FND. 3 1/4" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 N: 708454.5396 E: 115798.2130 POINT # 14609 xW w + oa SOUTH QUARTER CORNER _ MS �-$ A VENUE SEC. 22, T3S, R69W FND. 3 1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 N: 705789.4811 E: 113163.0403 POINT # 15509 SOUTHEAST QUARTER CORNER SEC. 22, T3S, R69 w FND. 3 1/4" BRASS, CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 N: 705806.5868 E: 115813.5096 POINT # 15609 NO DATE OF SURVEY: JULY 05, 2018 2. THE AREA OF PROPERTY AS SURVEYED: 31377 SQUARE FEET OR, 0.7203 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 3. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4. KURT LINN AND ASSOCIATES HAS RELIED UPON THE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER NO. K70572436, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 14, 2018 AT 5:00 P.M. FOR OWNERSHIP AND FOR THE PURPOSES OF SHOWING RECORD EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS—OF—WAY ACROSS SAID PREMISES. THE SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH! BY KURT LINN & ASSOCIATES TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP, RIGHTS—OF—WAY AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 5. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT AND/OR BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE SEC 18-4-508. WHOEVER WILLFULLY DESTROYS, DEFACES, CHANGES, OR REMOVES TO ANOTHER PLACE ANY SECTION CORNER, QUARTER—SECTION CORNER, OR MEANDER POST, ON ANY GOVERNMENT LINE OF SURVEY, OR WILLFULLY CUTS DOWN ANY WITNESS TREE OR ANY TREE BLAZED TO MARK THE UNE OF A GOVERNMENT SURVEY, OR WILLFULLY DEFACES, CHANGES, OR REMOVES ANY MONUMENT OR BENCH MARK OF ANY GOVERNMENT SURVEY, SHALL BE FINED UNDER THIS TITLE OR IMPRISONED NOT MORE THAN SIX MONTHS, OR 80TH. 6. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38--51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS ADMINISTRATIVE SUBDIVISION PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 7. COORDINATES SHOWN HEREON ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM, BEING GROUND MODIFIED NAD83\92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, ON NADV88 VERTICAL DATUM. ALL COORDINATE INFORMATION IS DERIVED FROM PUBLISHED CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT PHAC-1 INFORMATION, WITH A COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 0.99974780300, AND NTH NAD83\92 STATE PLANE GRID COORDINATES AS FOLLOWS: N:1701258.75, E:3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5,471.62'. 8. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN AS MARKED BY A FOUND 3 1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT PLS 13212 AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER AND A FOUND 3 1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SURVEY MONUMENT CAP PLS 13212 AT THE SOUTH EAST QUARTER CORNER, SAID LINE BEARS SOU'H 89"37'49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2650.52 FEET FEET PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK NAD 83/92, MODIFIED STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. 9. THE PLAT OF BEL—AIRE AS RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 47412155, APRIL 22, 1947 HAS NUMEROUS MATHEMATICAL ERRORS, MISSING DISTANCES AND OMITS ANY CURVE DATA FOR FIELD STREET. THE CURVE AS SHOWN HEREON FOR LOT 20, WAS CALCULATED FROM THE INTERIOR ANGLES AND CHORD DISTANCES OF LOTS 20 AND 21. A BEST FIT CURVE WAS PLACED FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 21, THE COMMON CORNER OF LOTS 20 AND 21 AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 20. 10. SAID DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION X BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA), ON FLOOD PLANE MAP NO. 08059CO213F, WITH A DATE OF IDENTIFICATION OF FEBRUARY 05, 2014, FOR COMMUNITY NO. 085079 (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STATE OF COLORADO), WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS SITUATED SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, GORDON S. PAGE III DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF GA CIA MDIVIraION.. WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. GORDON S. PAGE III PLS 29048 KURT LINN & ASSOCIATES 8790 W COLFAX AVE, #20 LAKEWOOD CO. 80215 303 233-1171 EASEMENT NOM FIVE—FOOT (5') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL INTERIOR SIDE LOT LINES OF EACH ADJACENT LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA AND TEN—FOOT (10') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE FRONT LOT LINES ON EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OF PLATTED AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE GRANTED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES ALONG WITH PRIVATE DRIVES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID ACCESS/DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS. EASEMENTS AS CREATED BY THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AND NOTED HEREON. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL PIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPA11AL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC—STD-007.2-1998). K GARCIA SUBDIVISION BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 LOT 31 BEL—AIRE SUBDIVISION ZONED R— I LOT 19 BEL—Alf�E SUBDIVISION ZONED R — I 40* 0 1�10 PROP. COR. CITY I Ty OF WHEA T RIDGED TUM �� '�\ N 706904.69 FND 34' E 114016.57 IRON PIE 20.0' vo R-1 Z77.65 L -104.9Z IN, 6.5- CD -104.90. CB=S60"54*27'*E A, 10.0, A= 04*42120" 25.0' N. 70, & I-- Olk 11�10'44 OP PROP. COR. CITY OF 14HEA T RIDGE DATUM N 706853.68 E 114108.24 SET 1 1/4- PLASTIC CAP ON No. 5 REBAR PLS 29048 (TYP) W it 0) LO 0 4C m 50.0' I LOT 12 LEE DOUD SUBDIVISION ZONE/j LOT 13 LEE DOUD SUB5.1MSION ZONED R-1 NUM DELTA Q I RADIUS BEARING DISTANCE Cl 1'08'00" 4C m 50.0' I LOT 12 LEE DOUD SUBDIVISION ZONE/j LOT 13 LEE DOUD SUB5.1MSION ZONED R-1 NUM DELTA ARC RADIUS BEARING DISTANCE Cl 1'08'00" 25.40' 1284.15' 559'04'19"E 25.40' 5.400C2 C23*25'20 76.70 L284.15' S61'20'59"E 76.69' C3 62048'40 10.96;i---10.00' I 5,31039'19"E 10.42' SET 1 1/4" PLASTIC CAP 2 11 60.00' FND. 1" PLASTIC CAP N 706 71 J. 59 N 706 712.39 �44*06"W E 114106.85 SET 1 1/4" PLASTIC CAP S89 t ON No. 5 REBAR ON No. 4 REBAR E 1138485 PROP. COR. ON No. 5 REBAR PLS 29048 1' OFFSET ILLEGIBLE LOT 32 BEL -AIRF SUBDIVISION PROP. COR, ♦ PLS 29048 1'x5' OFFSET 'CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM CITY OF WHEA r RIDGE DA 7UW,,' ZONED R- I LOT DATA. P. as ♦ LOT 1 0.3782 Ac. 16475 Sq. It. LOT 14 LEE DOUD SUBDIVIBION It Z ZONED R- I LOT 2 0.3179 Ac. 5<- 13847 Sq. ft It ♦ LOT 26 LEE DOUD SUR)MISION to ZONED R- I -1, co" A151 I ♦ LOT 33 BEL —AIRE SUBDIVIS.19N ZONED R— I 0J ♦ fo (A 0 160 It I % It N89*J7*49E " BASIS OF BEARING * — — — 260, 52: _AV_ SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER SEC. 22 TJS R69W SOUTHEAST 114 CORNER SOUTH 114 CORNER SEC. 22 TJS R69W SEC. 22 TJS P69W FND, 3 1/4" BRASS CAP FND, 3 1/4- BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 IN RANGE BOX PL:3 13212 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PID 15609 CITY OF WHEAT RID,, -;;E PID 15509 N: 705806.5868 N: 705789.4-311 E: 115813.5096 E: 113163.0403 P. O. C. LOT 15 LEE DOUR SUBDIVISION ZONED R— I SCALE: 1"=20' 20' 10' 00 10, 20' 40' US SURVEY FEET k4'A-5�� Yq-vN ~ 0. IRON PIPE - l 277.65 ., L=-104.93' `SCD=1 x4.90' CI3=S6C'54'27"E A= 04.42'20» ~~ ~ N89'37'49 "E BASIS OF BEARING 265!152' SOUTH LINE OF THE SOU THEA S T QUA R TER SEC. 22 T3S R? 9 W EA OF APPARENT AT CONFLICT E NOTE 7 , , i , J ,Q , Q Iq I w , , , , f , , LAJ , , , , , , , , 1 tw,4 FND. 3\4" IRON PIPE SE COR LOT 24 IMPROVEMENT SUR Y PLAT 4055 EVERETT STREET LOT 20, BEL-AIRE BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 227 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LEGAL DESCR/P770N: (PROWDED BY LAND 7777.E GUARANTEE COMPANY LOT 20, BEL--AIRE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO M 7ES:. 1. DATE OF SURVEY: JULY 05, 2018 2. THE AREA OF PROPERTY AS SURVEYED: 31377 SQUARE FEET OR, 0.7203 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THA FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. N TEN YEARS 4. KURT LINN AND ASSOCIATES HAS RELIED UPON THE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY K70572436, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 14, 2018 AT 5:00 P.M. FOR OWNERS HI ' ORDER OR PURPOSES OF SHOWING RECORD EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS--QF--WAY ACROSS SAID PREMIS P AND FOR THE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY KURT LINN & ASWNE`SOCIATES TO DETERMINE O NE THE SURVEY RIGHTS—OF—WAY AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. RSHIP, 5. BASIS OF BEARING: BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6 P.M., ASSUMED TO BE N 89'37'49" E SHOWN HEREON. 6. THE PLAT OF BEL—AIRE AS RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 47412155, APRIL 22, 1947 HAS NUMEROUS MATHEMATICAL ERRORS, MISSING DISTANCES AND OMITS ANY CURVE DATA FOR FIELD STREET. THE CURVE AS SHOWN HEREON FOR LOT 20, WAS CALCULATED FROM THE INTERIOR ANG DISTANCES OF LOTS 20 AND 21. A BEST FIT CURVE WAS PLACED FROM THE NORTHWESTLES AND CHORD 21, THE COMMON CORNER OF LOTS 20 AND 21 AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF T CORNER OF LOT o. THE CHORD DISTANCE 103 FEET OF LOT 20, SCALES CLOSER TO 105 FEET PER THE PLAT OF BEL--AIRE. 7. THE PLAT OF BEL—AIRE IS A REPLAT OF LOTS 23, 27, 28 AND 29 OF LEE DOUD'S S RECORDED MARCH 09, 1946 UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 46388823. UBDIVISION AS LOT 20 BEL--AIRE HAS BEEN REPLATTED FROM LOTS 27 AND A PORTION OF LOT 28 LEE DOUDS SUBDIVISION. THE RIGHT OF WAY OF EVERETT STREET WITHIN SAID LOTS HAS A PROMINENTRV NORTH AND EAST WITHOUT ANY CURVE DATA AND HAS BEEN PLACED BY THE LOT AND RI CURVE THE DISTANCES. RIGHT OF WAA Y LOT 20, BEL--AIRE SHOWS THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY ALONG THE EAST LINE AS BEING A TA CALCULATING THE CURVE FROM THE LEED DOUD SUBDIVISION FOR EVERETT STREET AND NGENT LINE. INTERIOR ANGLES OF THE BEL—AIRE SUBDIVISION PLAT, PLACES ALL LOTS ALONG FIELD STREET THE THE RIGHT OF WAY OF FIELD STREET PER SAID PLAT OF BEL--AIRE. STREET WELL INTO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND AN ATTORNEY SHOULD BE CONSULTED REGARDING THIS MATTER. 8. THE BEARINGS AS SHOWN HERE ON HAVE BEEN ROTATED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RID CONTROL NETWORK. GE SECTION SURVEYORS CER77RCA 7F 1, GORDON S PAGE., A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLO RADO, CERTIFY THAT THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT WAS MADE BY ME AND UNDER MY DIRECTIONS* D0 HEREBY SUPERVISION AND CHECKING OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREON. I FURTHER CERTIFY TIONS, THAT THE LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY IN EVIDENCE OR KNOWN ENCROACHMENTS BY OR ON THE PROPERTY ARE SHOWN. TO ME, AND GORDON S.---------- PAGE III PLS 29048 --� SCALE: 1 "=20' -20' -'10' 0' 10' 20' 40' US SURVEY' FEET Indexing StOt went: Deposited this -, --_ __day of ----------- 2017 at ---------- __.M.f in Book __— of the County Surveyor's land survey/right of way surveys at Page ------_, Reception No. County Surveyor `Deputy oun y urveyor QCj v. a�5, P4Q•• �.7--9- 018 4ca.�`°`\� KURT LINN & ASSOCIATES 71111T 8790 West Colfax A�enue, Unit 20, Lakewood Colorado 80215 PH: 303-2,33-1171, FAX 303-237-1893 Date Rev. NIZQVMMT MAT 4055 EVERETT STREET BIEL- BEING A Tip OF THE SOUTHEAST 2QUARTERAIRE OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. COUNTY OF BJEFFERSONSTATE OF COLORADO PREPARED BY: PREPARED FOR: KURT LINN & ASSOCIATES STEPHANIE GARCIA 8790 W. COLFAX AVE, UNIT 20 4055 EVERETT STREET LAKEWOOD CO. 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO, 80033 303-233-1171 237-1893 (FAX) oTES: FILE 4055 EVERETT STREET JOB NO. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 1807-02 It r�. s , N89'37'49 "E BASIS OF BEARING 265!152' SOUTH LINE OF THE SOU THEA S T QUA R TER SEC. 22 T3S R? 9 W EA OF APPARENT AT CONFLICT E NOTE 7 , , i , J ,Q , Q Iq I w , , , , f , , LAJ , , , , , , , , 1 tw,4 FND. 3\4" IRON PIPE SE COR LOT 24 IMPROVEMENT SUR Y PLAT 4055 EVERETT STREET LOT 20, BEL-AIRE BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 227 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LEGAL DESCR/P770N: (PROWDED BY LAND 7777.E GUARANTEE COMPANY LOT 20, BEL--AIRE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO M 7ES:. 1. DATE OF SURVEY: JULY 05, 2018 2. THE AREA OF PROPERTY AS SURVEYED: 31377 SQUARE FEET OR, 0.7203 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THA FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. N TEN YEARS 4. KURT LINN AND ASSOCIATES HAS RELIED UPON THE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY K70572436, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 14, 2018 AT 5:00 P.M. FOR OWNERS HI ' ORDER OR PURPOSES OF SHOWING RECORD EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS--QF--WAY ACROSS SAID PREMIS P AND FOR THE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY KURT LINN & ASWNE`SOCIATES TO DETERMINE O NE THE SURVEY RIGHTS—OF—WAY AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. RSHIP, 5. BASIS OF BEARING: BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6 P.M., ASSUMED TO BE N 89'37'49" E SHOWN HEREON. 6. THE PLAT OF BEL—AIRE AS RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 47412155, APRIL 22, 1947 HAS NUMEROUS MATHEMATICAL ERRORS, MISSING DISTANCES AND OMITS ANY CURVE DATA FOR FIELD STREET. THE CURVE AS SHOWN HEREON FOR LOT 20, WAS CALCULATED FROM THE INTERIOR ANG DISTANCES OF LOTS 20 AND 21. A BEST FIT CURVE WAS PLACED FROM THE NORTHWESTLES AND CHORD 21, THE COMMON CORNER OF LOTS 20 AND 21 AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF T CORNER OF LOT o. THE CHORD DISTANCE 103 FEET OF LOT 20, SCALES CLOSER TO 105 FEET PER THE PLAT OF BEL--AIRE. 7. THE PLAT OF BEL—AIRE IS A REPLAT OF LOTS 23, 27, 28 AND 29 OF LEE DOUD'S S RECORDED MARCH 09, 1946 UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 46388823. UBDIVISION AS LOT 20 BEL--AIRE HAS BEEN REPLATTED FROM LOTS 27 AND A PORTION OF LOT 28 LEE DOUDS SUBDIVISION. THE RIGHT OF WAY OF EVERETT STREET WITHIN SAID LOTS HAS A PROMINENTRV NORTH AND EAST WITHOUT ANY CURVE DATA AND HAS BEEN PLACED BY THE LOT AND RI CURVE THE DISTANCES. RIGHT OF WAA Y LOT 20, BEL--AIRE SHOWS THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY ALONG THE EAST LINE AS BEING A TA CALCULATING THE CURVE FROM THE LEED DOUD SUBDIVISION FOR EVERETT STREET AND NGENT LINE. INTERIOR ANGLES OF THE BEL—AIRE SUBDIVISION PLAT, PLACES ALL LOTS ALONG FIELD STREET THE THE RIGHT OF WAY OF FIELD STREET PER SAID PLAT OF BEL--AIRE. STREET WELL INTO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND AN ATTORNEY SHOULD BE CONSULTED REGARDING THIS MATTER. 8. THE BEARINGS AS SHOWN HERE ON HAVE BEEN ROTATED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RID CONTROL NETWORK. GE SECTION SURVEYORS CER77RCA 7F 1, GORDON S PAGE., A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLO RADO, CERTIFY THAT THIS IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT WAS MADE BY ME AND UNDER MY DIRECTIONS* D0 HEREBY SUPERVISION AND CHECKING OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREON. I FURTHER CERTIFY TIONS, THAT THE LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY IN EVIDENCE OR KNOWN ENCROACHMENTS BY OR ON THE PROPERTY ARE SHOWN. TO ME, AND GORDON S.---------- PAGE III PLS 29048 --� SCALE: 1 "=20' -20' -'10' 0' 10' 20' 40' US SURVEY' FEET Indexing StOt went: Deposited this -, --_ __day of ----------- 2017 at ---------- __.M.f in Book __— of the County Surveyor's land survey/right of way surveys at Page ------_, Reception No. County Surveyor `Deputy oun y urveyor QCj v. a�5, P4Q•• �.7--9- 018 4ca.�`°`\� KURT LINN & ASSOCIATES 71111T 8790 West Colfax A�enue, Unit 20, Lakewood Colorado 80215 PH: 303-2,33-1171, FAX 303-237-1893 Date Rev. NIZQVMMT MAT 4055 EVERETT STREET BIEL- BEING A Tip OF THE SOUTHEAST 2QUARTERAIRE OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. COUNTY OF BJEFFERSONSTATE OF COLORADO PREPARED BY: PREPARED FOR: KURT LINN & ASSOCIATES STEPHANIE GARCIA 8790 W. COLFAX AVE, UNIT 20 4055 EVERETT STREET LAKEWOOD CO. 80215 WHEAT RIDGE CO, 80033 303-233-1171 237-1893 (FAX) oTES: FILE 4055 EVERETT STREET JOB NO. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 1807-02 Rev. 5/2017 city Or COMMUNITY DEv(,LOPMEN1 Submittal Checklist: Subdivision Project Name: Everett Street Subdivision (Garcia) Project Location: ��055 _ Application Contents: The following items represent a complete subdivision application. This submittal checklist applies to all types of plat applications, including major, minor, and administrative subdivision plats_ Please contact a staff planner with any questions about your specific application. V 1. Completed, notarized land use application form 2. Application fee �3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) „L4_ Proof of ownership—e.g. deed 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) 1119#1# 119. t t,.Gl C11T- 1 ItJ7 cal Yll Gt]""-7 �f7C`YV'Ctt Qt Ca (JLGttlG IfCGllt it�. ✓ 7. Commitment for title insurance—required for all major and minor subdivisions and right- /8. of-way dedications Written request and description of the proposal _9. Geodetic Surveying Requirements for Final Plats checklist—completed & signed by surveyor _10. Closure sheet for the exterior boundary and for all individual lots—boundary must close within a limit of 1:50,000 _11 _ Subdivision plat _ Two (2) full size paper copies (24"x 36") One (1) reduced size paper copy (11" x 17') ^ _ AutoCAD .dwg file format—confirm acceptable version with city staff _c -t. LIY/1 uU4il1i3Gi1lJ,(1 /�". C.IU I 113. Exhibit and deed for right-of-way dedication prepared by surveyor—only required if partial right-of-way is being dedicated by separate document _14. Electronic (Adobe .pdo files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via email, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive Form and content of Subdivision Plat: Project information _1. Title of document – centered at top of page "[Subdivision Name] Located in the _ 1/4 Section, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian..." _2. Complete metes and bounds legal description compliant with Geodetic Surveying Requirements: _a. On Current City Datum (ground-based modified form of NAD83/92 (NAD83 HARK) State Plane coordinate system) _b. Includes section ties to Section comers, Quarter Section comers, or to City of Wheat Ridge Permanent High Accuracy Control (PHAC) points 3. Basis of bearing statement _4. Small scale vicinity map – with north arrow and scale _5. NamelAddress/Phone number(s) of architect, engineer, or surveyor associated with the project Community Development Department - (303) 235-2846 • www.ci.wheatridge.co.us _6. Certification blocks — including for surveyor, owner, City, and County (see cover items handout) 7. Standard easement notes (see cover items handout) 8. Ownership/unified control statement, if applicable _9. Dedicatory statement, if applicable _10. Data table with total area of site and area of individual lots (in square feet and acres) _11. Case history box and date of preparation 1will be provided after application is received Graphical information _12. Graphical representation of the property boundary corresponds with the legal description _13. Point of Beginning and Point of Commencement are shown _14. Monument information — including City -based monument identification number and coordinates on Current City Datum _15. Existing and proposed lot lines, with appropriate information: _a. Include distances and bearings on Current City Datum _b. Round all distances to the nearest 0.01 -foot and all angular measurements to the nearest second _b. Provide the arc length, chord length, chord bearing, central angle, and radius for all curves _d. Show lot lines as "Hereby [created/removed] by this plat" _16. Existing and proposed street right-of-way, with appropriate information: _a. Include all adjacent ROW widths and distances from ROW centerline to corners of subject property boundary _b. Show right-of-way dedications as "Hereby dedicated by this plat" _17. Existing and proposed easements a. Show location, purpose, and dimensions of all easements _b. Distances and bearings shall be consistent with the Current City Datum _18. Location and dimensions of public dedication/reservation, if any _19. Subdivision name, lot and block numbers, and zoning for adjacent properties — all adjoining parcels not previously platted are shown as "UNPLATTED" 20. Legend, north arrow, and scale — scale not to exceed 1"= 100' 21. Section ties to a minimum of two (2) property comers are included 22. NOS/NGS Statement of Accuracy included 23. All Set & Found property pins are identified 24. All encroachments or gaps have been clearly identified including any necessary note(s) _25. All lineal units are shown as being in U.S. SURVEY FEET _26. A description of the Current City Datum is included (refer to Geodetic Surveying Requirements) _28. The sheet margins are 2" on the left, 1" on top, and W on sides Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe. pdf file is required): c•+ ©o+ scrtinnc rPnuired to -gauge the appmoriatP u�,irlfi+o s o�.�, — w � � vaarcauonS and n � EGO 14, Imnr ement Agreement - template to be pr^yi�jarl • ^;�� As applicant for this project, l hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. 1 fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2"d) full review, l will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Signature: Name (please print): -9-TE-AAM IL L . (,kV -e , Date: Phone: City of W lie at 11C1cyC' PLAT REVIEW CASE NO: A CASE NAME: B LOCATION: C REVIEW NO.: D GENERAL INFORMATION OK OK N/A COMMENTS NAME OF SUBDIVISION PLAT (UNIQUENESS) ✓ E SUBTITLE E LEGAL DESCRIPTION (SHOWN) X E SCALE BAR (NOT LESS THAN 1:100) X E NORTH ARROW X E LEGEND X E DATE OF PREPARATION/REVISION X E CASE HISTORY BOX X E GENERAL NOTES (SHOWN & APPLICABLE) X E VICINITY MAP X E DEDICATORY STATEMENT E ZONING ON AND ADJACENT TO SITE X E ADJACENT SUBDIVISIONS SHOWN X E READABILITY FOR RECORDING PURPOSES X E SURVEYOR'S NAME X E SURVEYOR FIRM NAME, ADDRESS, & PHONE X E LETTER SIZE (1/8" minimum) X E MARGINS (2" on left, min. 1" on top, Yz" on sides) X E CERTIFICATION BLOCKS: OK NOT OK N/ACOMMENTS OWNER'S SIGNATURE(S) & NOTARY X E CITY CLERK x E MAYOR X E DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT x E DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS X E COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER x E SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION x E PLANNING COMMISSION (If Applicable) X E LIEN HOLDER & NOTARY (If Applicable) E PLAT REVIEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION OK NOT OK N/A COMMENTS CORRECT SECTION, TOWNSHIP, & RANGE X E PROPER QUARTER SECTION X E LOTS & BLOCKS IDENTIFIED X E SECTION TIE INCLUDED IN LEGAL DESC. X E LEGAL DESCRIPTION CLOSURE (>1:50,000) AS WRITTEN. Closure: = 1:275356.8 City Closure: = E LEGAL DESCRIPTION CLOSURE (>1:50,000) PER DRAWING. Closure: = 1:275356.8 City Closure: = E CLOSURE SHEET PROVIDED (meeting 1:50,000) X E AREA OF TOTAL SITE (& match to Legal Description) X E INDIVIDUAL LOT CLOSURES X E AREA OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS X E LAND SURVEYING OK OK N/A COMMENTS HORIZONTAL DATUM ID (modified NAD83/92) X E GROUND -GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR X USEDCity Factor = 0.99974780300 NOS/NGS STATEMENT OF ACCURACY X E LINEAL UNITS SHOWN AS "U.S. SURVEY FEET" X E PT. OF BEGINNING / PT. OF COMMENCEMENT X E BASIS OF BEARINGS (to be on Current City Datum) X USEDCity Basis = E ALL CURVE DATA SHOWN (AL, CHL, CHB, R, A) X E HORIZONTAL DISTANCES ARE SHOWN TO 0.01' X E ANGLES SHOWN TO NEAREST SECOND X E BEARINGS & DISTANCES OF BOUNDARY X E BEARINGS & DISTANCES OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS X E BEARINGS & DISTANCES OF EASEMENTS E SECTION TIES (min. of 2 different property corners tied) E PLATTED PARCEL FITS THE SECTION E PROPERTY LINE GAPS/OVERLAPS IDENTIFIED E Rev. 08/08/2014 PLAT REVIEW EASEMENTS, DEDICATIONS, & MISC. OK NOT OK N/A COMMENTS ACCESS EASEMENTS (w/language) E SIDEWALK EASEMENTS (w/language) E DETENTION/DRAINAGE EASEMENTS (w/language) E EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENTS E PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENTS X E IRRIGATION DITCH EASEMENTS (w/language) E STANDARD EASEMENT LANGUAGE X E ADDITIONAL DEDICATIONS (If Applicable) E ENCROACHMENTS ONTO SITE ID'd (If Applicable) E ROW WIDTH(S), CENTERLINE(S) (& distance to site) E SURROUNDING STREETS SHOWN X E PROPOSED STREET NAME(S) SHOWN E LOCATION OF PROPOSED STREETS DEFINED E CITY BOUNDARY IDENTIFIED (If Applicable) E STREET MONUMENTS TO BE SET (If Applicable) E LOCATION OF BUILDING ENVELOPES (If Applicable) E REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS OK �K N/A COMMENTS PROPERTY DEED(S) X E GEODETIC SURVEYING REQMNT. CHECKLIST X E DIGITAL PLAT FILE (AutoCAD .dwg) X E BOUNDARY ERROR OF CLOSURE PRINTOUT X Provided Closure: _ City Closure: _ REVIEWER COMMENTS: 1) SEE REDLINES FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. E 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) PW PLAT REVIEW COMPLETED BY: DATE: Rev. 08/08/2014 Rev. 5/2017 City Of " V`Theat jdge COMMLiNI"TY DEVELOPMENT 4 Submittal Checklist: Subdivision Project Name: GRACIA SUBDIVISION Project Location: 4055 EVERETT ST, WHEAT RIDGE CO. 80033 Application Contents: The following items represent a complete subdivision application. This submittal checklist applies to all types of plat applications, including major, minor, and administrative subdivision plats. Please contact a staff planner with any questions about your specific application. 1. Completed, notarized land use application form 2. Application fee 3. Signed submittal checklist (this document) 4. Proof of ownership—e.g. deed 5. Written authorization from property owner(s) if an agent acts on behalf of the owner(s) _6. Mineral rights certification form—required for plats are reviewed at a public hearing x7. Commitment for title insurance—required for all major and minor subdivisions and right- of-way dedications _8. Written request and description of the proposal X 9. Geodetic Surveying Requirements for Final Plats checklist --completed & signed by surveyor X 10. Closure sheet for the exterior boundary and for all individual lots—boundary must close within a limit of 1:50,000 y11. Subdivision plat X Two (2) full size paper copies (24" x 36") x One (1) reduced size paper copy (1 V x 17") X AutoCAD .dwg file format—confirm acceptable version with city staff _12. Civil documents, if required _13. Exhibit and deed for right-of-way dedication prepared by surveyor—only required if partial right-of-way is being dedicated by separate document X 14. Electronic (Adobe .pdf) files of all submittal documents—these may be provided via email, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive Form and content of Subdivision Plat: Project information x1. Title of document – centered at top of page "[Subdivision Name] Located in the _ 1/4 Section, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian..." X 2. Complete metes and bounds legal description compliant with Geodetic Surveying Requirements: Xa. On Current City Datum (ground-based modified form of NAD83/92 (NAD83 HARN) State Plane coordinate system) X b. Includes section ties to Section comers, Quarter Section comers, or to City of Wheat Ridge Permanent High Accuracy Control (PHAC) points X 3. Basis of bearing statement x4. Small scale vicinity map –with north arrow and scale X 5. Name/Address/Phone number(s) of architect, engineer, or surveyor associated with the project Community Development Department - (303) 235-2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us X 6. Certification blocks — including for surveyor, owner, City, and County (see cover items handout) X 7. Standard easement notes (see cover items handout) 8. Ownership/unified control statement, if applicable X 9. Dedicatory statement, if applicable X10. Data table with total area of site and area of individual lots (in square feet and acres) X11. Case history box and date of preparation Graphical information X 12. Graphical representation of the property boundary corresponds with the legal description X 13. Point of Beginning and Point of Commencement are shown X14. Monument information — including City -based monument identification number and coordinates on Current City Datum X 15. Existing and proposed lot lines, with appropriate information: Xa. Include distances and bearings on Current City Datum Xb. Round all distances to the nearest 0.01 -foot and all angular measurements to the nearest second X b. Provide the arc length, chord length, chord bearing, central angle, and radius for all curves _d. Show lot lines as "Hereby [created/removed] by this plat" X 16. Existing and proposed street right-of-way, with appropriate information: X a. Include all adjacent ROW widths and distances from ROW centerline to comers of subject property boundary X b. Show right-of-way dedications as "Hereby dedicated by this plat" _17. Existing and proposed easements Xa. Show location, purpose, and dimensions of all easements X b. Distances and bearings shall be consistent with the Current City Datum X18. Location and dimensions of public dedication/reservation, if any X 19. Subdivision name, lot and block numbers, and zoning for adjacent properties — all adjoining parcels not previously platted are shown as "UNPLATTED" X20. Legend, north arrow, and scale — scale not to exceed I"= 100' X21. Section ties to a minimum of two (2) property corners are included X 22. NOS/NGS Statement of Accuracy included X 23. All Set & Found property pins are identified X24. All encroachments or gaps have been clearly identified including any necessary note(s) SEE ISP X 25. All lineal units are shown as being in U.S. SURVEY FEET X26. A description of the Current City Datum is included (refer to Geodetic Surveying Requirements) _27. Location of the 100 -year floodplain (if applicable) X 28. The sheet margins are 2" on the left, 1" on top, and 1/2" on sides Additional information which may be required: Depending on the size, scope, and complexity of the request additional documents may be required. The submission of these documents will be discussed during the pre -application meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following documents (one paper copy plus Adobe .pdffile is required): 1. Traffic study 2. Trip Generation Study 3. Drainage Letter & Plan _4. Drainage, Grading, and Erosion Control Plan _5. Final Drainage Report & Plan _6. Conceptual utility plans — required to gauge the appropriateness of proposed easements _7. Street sections — required to gauge the appropriate widths of ROW dedications and access easements 8. Soils Report 9. Engineering plans which detail construction of all public improvements 10. Development Covenant Agreement 11. Phase I Environmental Assessment _12. Complete set of construction drawings (2 copies) X 13. Improvement Survey Plat 14. Improvement Location Certificate 15. Site Plan _16. HOA Covenants ®17. Subdivision Improvement Agreement — template to be provided by staff, exhibits to be provided by applicant As applicant for this project, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal. I fully understand that if any one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for City review. In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second (2"d) full review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittal fee. Digitally signed by Gordon S Page 111 Signature: Gordon S Page III DN:cn=GordonSPage III, —Kurt Linn &Associates, o -Survey, email=klinnsurveyin9®msn.com,-= Date: 201 B. 11:41:19 -06'00' Name (please print): GORDON S. PAGE III Date: 7-10-2013 Phone: 303 233-1171 N City of AF tRoLidge PUBLIC WORKS Geodetic Surveying Requirements for Final Plats TITLE OF PLAT: GARCIA SUBDIVISION Notice to Surveyor: 4 Initial each item as completed. This form shall accompany the Final Plat submittal. GSP 1. All distances for the above referenced Plat are shown using (ground) modified State Plane measurements (U.S. survey feet rounded to the nearest 0.01') consistent with the Current City Datum, AND the following datum information is shown on the Final Plat: a. The Current City Datum Coordinate System used is a ground-based modified form of the NAD83/92 State Plane Coordinate System, Colorado Central Zone 0502. b. Vertical Datum used is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). c. Ground to Grid Combined Scale Factor is 0.99974780300, scaled from base point PHAC 1 (Permanent High Accuracy Control Point #1) having the following NAD83/92 State Plane coordinates: PHAC 1: Northing: 1701258.75, Easting: 3118217.58, Elevation: 5471.62. GSP 2. Modified State Plane coordinates consistent with the Current City Datum are shown on the Final Plat to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot (0.01') for all property boundary corners, angle GSP point(s), and for all point(s) of curvature/tangency. 3. The following curve data for the site boundary, and for all lot lines and easement boundaries, shall be shown on the Final Plat. All angular measurements shall be to the nearest second and all distances to the nearest 0.01': a. Arc length. b. Chord length. c. Chord bearing. d. Central angle (delta). e. Radius. GSP 4. The Section Tie control points shall be on the Current City Datum and shown using (ground) modified State Plane distances and bearings with the Latitude/Longitude and modified State Plane coordinates shown per City of Wheat Ridge published values. All associated property boundary corners shall be in modified State Plane values consistent with the Current City Datum; a minimum of two (2) property boundary corners of the site shall be tied to any of the three (3) following control point types within the City of Wheat Ridge network: a. Section corners. b. Quarter -section corners. GSP c. City of Wheat Ridge Permanent High Accuracy Control (PHAC) points. 5. A Basis of Bearing Statement shall be shown specifying the two (2) City of Wheat Ridge monuments selected to establish the modified State Plane (Current City Datum) bearings used for the Plat. Specify the City monument identification number, the Current City Datum coordinates and the Latitude/Longitude for each of the two monuments used for the Basis of Bearing, and show the modified State Plane distances and bearings between them. Rev 11/12 GSP 6. The following information is included on the Plat for all monuments used: a. The City -based monument identification number. GSP b. Modified State Plane coordinates on the Current City Datum (as supplied by the City). 7. Provide one (1) 24"X 36" paper copy on the Current City Datum as listed on this Plat, with all bearings relative to the Current City Datum Basis of Bearing, and all coordinates relative to said GSO Current City Datum. 8. Two digital files of the Final Plat positioned correctly on the Current City Datum have been provided with the Plat submittal as follows: a. One (1) file in the currently acceptable version of AutoCAD DWG format (please contact the Department of Public Works at 303.235.2861 for version info). GSP b. One (1) file in Adobe PDF format. 9. A Closure Report showing the error of closure for the platted area was provided with the plat submittal. The error of closure shall not exceed 1:50,000 for all linear and angular (bearing) GSP measurements per Section 26-407-D of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. 10. The following statement is included on the plat: "Per Colorado Revised Statutes Sec. 38-51-106 (L), all lineal units depicted on this Land Survey Plat are U.S. Survey Feet. One Meter equals 39.37 divided by 12 U.S. Survey Feet according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. " GSP 11. Per C.R.S. 38-52-106, the Final Plat shall contain a Statement of Accuracy, as defined by the National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey, used to derive the coordinates shown on the Final Plat. The form of the Statement of Accuracy shall be: The geodetic point coordinate data shown herein has been derived from the NAD 83 HARN State Plane Colorado Central FIPS 0502 Coordinate System, and has a 0.02 horizontal Accuracy Classification of 0.07 U.S. Survey Feet at the 95% Confidence level, as defined in the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards of the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGDC-STD-007.2-1998). I hereby acknowledge all the above requirements have been addressed in a full and complete manner. GORDON S. PAGE III Surveyor Name (Please Print) KURT LINN & ASSOCIATES Firm Gordon S Page III Digitally signed by Gordon S Page III DN: cn=Gordon S Page 111, o=Kurt Linn & Associates, ou=Survey, email=klinnsurveyi ng@msn.com, c=US Date: 2018.07.1010:53:34 -06'00' Surveyor Signature 7-10-2018 Date For information pertaining to Section and Quarter Corner information, PHAC points, benchmarks, or for general City surveying monumentation information, please visit the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Or contact the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division at 303.235.2861. Rev 11/12 LOT 1.txt Lot Closure Report - Lot : LOT 1 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- file- C:\Dropbox\Survey\Projects\2018\1807-02 4055 EVERETT ST ISP-PLAT\GARCIA SUBDIVSION\DWG\GARCIA SUBDIVISION.msj\lc_LOT 1.txt Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 7:11:19a.m. Starting location (North, East) = ( 706713.05, 113991.09 ) (In the table below, the Length of Curves refers to the chord length. and the Bearing of Curves refers to the chord bearing.) Leg Segment ----------- Bearing ------- Length ------ Front ----- End—Northing End_Easting ------------ ----------- 1 Line S89044'06"W 142.24 No 706712.39 113848.85 2 Line N41005'42"E 248.57 No 706899.72 114012.24 3 Curve S59004'19"E 25.40 No 706886.67 114034.03 ARC= 25.40, RAD= 1284.15, DELTA= 1°08'00" BC_TO_RAD= N31°29'41"E RAD—TO—EC= S30021'41"W SUBTRACT—ARC—AREA = 1.06 4 Line S41005'42"W 70.61 No 706833.45 113987.62 5 Line S53006'08"E 72.46 No 706789.95 114045.56 6 Line S0014'59"E 18.58 No 706771.37 114045.64 7 Line S43005'14"W 79.85 No 706713.05 113991.10 Ending location (North, East) = ( 706713.05, 113991.10 ) Total Distance 657.71 Total Traverse Stations 8 Misclosure Direction S67027'54"W (from ending location to starting location) Misclosure Distance 0.005 Error of Closure 1:104173.5 Frontage 0.00 Frontage/Perimeter 0.0 percent AREA 16474.963 sq. ft. (straight segment added to close traverse) = 0.378213 Acres Page 1 BNDY.txt Lot Closure Report - Lot : LOT 20 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- file- C:\Dropbox\Survey\Projects\2018\1807-02 4055 EVERETT ST ISP-PLAT\DWG\4055 EVERETT ST ISP.msj\lc_LOT 20.txt Monday, July 9, 2018, 8:43:04a.m. Starting location (North, East) = ( 706713.59, 114108.85 ) (In the table below, the Length of Curves refers to the chord length. and the Bearing of Curves refers to the chord bearing.) Leg Segment Bearing ------------------ Length ------ Front ----- End—Northing End_Easting ------------ ----------- 1 Line S89044'06"W 260.00 No 706712.39 113848.85 2 Line N41005'42"E 255.16 No 706904.69 114016.57 3 Curve S60054'27"E 104.90 No 706853.68 114108.24 ARC= 104.93, RAD= 1277.65, DELTA= 4042'20" BC_TO_RAD= S26°44'23"W RAD—TO—EC= N31°26'43"E ADD—ARC—AREA = 75.33 4 Line S0014'59"E 140.09 No 706713.59 114108.85 Ending location (North, East) = ( 706713.59, 114108.85 ) Total Distance : 760.18 Total Traverse Stations : 5 Misclosure Direction : N38°36'39"E (from ending location to starting location) Misclosure Distance : 0.00 Error of Closure : 1:275356.8 Frontage : 0.00 Frontage/Perimeter : 0.0 percent AREA : 31377.258 sq. ft. (straight segment added to close traverse) *********** = 0.720323 Acres Page 1 4055 EVERETT —ADMINISTRATIVE SUBDIVISION REQUEST I kindly request that the City of Wheatridge approve my application for an Administrative Subdivision to create two, R-1 lots (16475sf and 13847sf) in the subdivision known as Bel -Aire. PROPOSAL 1- Create 2, code -compliant R-1 lots on a current 31,377sf R-1 lot 2- Preserve what is widely believed to be a home of one of the original orchard farmers 3- Develop a home on the new front lot that does not overshadow the the original "farmer's" home and honors the current neighborhood character Specifically, • The current home is quite small by today's standards and most especially given the size of the lot and the surrounding homes. It is little over 1000sf footprint and not suitable for today's modern family needs (it's only a lbedroom/lbath with a low -ceiling, unfinished basement). • Given the home's characteristics, it was likely a target for tear -down with the expected McMansion to replace it. Again, given the lot size and the price/value of the home/land, the economics dictate that a home of at least $1.5m would be constructed on the site. Such a home would be in scale with the lot but NOT in keeping with the scale of the neighborhood. • Creating a new lot effectively permits me to have the same economics as the single large home, while "preserving" & enhancing what I consider a "home of meaning" while honoring neighborhood character by designing a new home in appropriate scale, suitable for today's living. Given the topography of the front of the lot (the new lot), I can achieve a smaller footprint home by creating a "tuck under"' garage (common in Bel -Aire) which will permit more green space and not overshadow the original home or any home near it. Likely, the footprint of the new home would be smaller than the average footprint of homes on Field Drive or Everett Street. • Given the lot's irregular shape, it is not an intuitive split and therefore requires thoughtful creativity and development: I am proven capable of such a thing. I ask that you approve the lot split in order to maintain the original home and offer a new one which is of similar value and scale as most others in Bel -Aire. I am not a preservationist, per se, but I strongly believe in protecting neighborhood character. Moreover, I believe the most "green" thing one can do is to creatively use what is usable. Consequently, keeping the existing home in tact, irrespective of emotional or historical importance, is very important to me—to tear it down is wasteful and insensitive. I look forward to pursuing this very interesting opportunity that most others would not undertake. In addition to the items on the Submittal Checklist, I am attaching to this Proposal a potential footprint of home on the "new" lot, as well as floorplans which demonstrate the livability of a new home on the new lot. Regards, Stephanie L. Garcia Attch: Potential Footprint on new lot Floorplan of potential home a ¢�� it �tais=�=s;y+�l�� 4�la:ae� .n Q' O Q� IL A z mu OOu�,�o > < a� O v oo ��1J.5 11k/ Ew Q� 11- ,00 -tell M „OO,tltT000 I i u -.I�O I IL I 0 � , �egT'P�BrTfeg se' g .n i dd Lau9 emr NIV � e ggP}8i{IPT�'i;fPf 444444 � 5� iam" 31AWaAg 990V NV fifflf; s P" Land Title rJ.'AN A%Trr rAMFANY WWf 10, Order Number: Property Address: Parties Land Title Guarantee Company Estimate of Title Fees K70572436 4055 EVERETT STREET, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 STEPHANIE L. GARCIA LONNIE L. SMITH Visit Land Title'-- Wahsite at vnwve iinr rnm fnr rfiractinnc to nnv of —it nffi— Date: 02/21/2018 Estimate of Title insurance Fees Owner's Extended Coverage Policy - ALTA Policy 06-17-06 $2,003.00 Tax Certificate $26.00 Total $2,029.00 'If Land Title Guarantee Company will be closing this transaction, the fees listed above will be collected at closing. Thank you for your order! Chain of Title Documents: Jefferson county recorded 10/19/2012 under reception no 2012112181 Jefferson county recorded 10/09/2012 under reception no 2012107803 Jefferson county recorded 12/20/2011 under reception no 2011115294 Jefferson county recorded 04/20/1977 under reception no 870650 Plat Map(s): Jefferson county recorded 04/22/1947 under reception no 412455 at book 7 page 38 ALTA COMMITMENT Land Title Insurance Corporation Schedule A Order Number: K70572436 Property Address: 4055 EVERETT STREET, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 1. Effective Date: 02/14/2018 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued and Proposed Insured: Owner's Extended Coverage Policy - ALTA Policy 06-17-06 $555,000.00 Proposed Insured: STEPHANIE L. GARCIA 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: LONNIE L. SMITH 5. The Land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 20, BEL AIRE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Copyright 2006-2018 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. AMERICAN LAND TITLE The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing ASSOCIATION as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. tM ALTA COMMITMENT Land Title Insurance Corporation Schedule 13, Part 1 (Requirements) Order Number: K70572436 All of the following Requirements must be met: This proposed Insured must notify the Company in writing of the name of any party not referred to in this Commitment who will obtain an interest in the Land or who will make a loan on the Land. The Company may then make additional Requirements or Exceptions. Pay the agreed amount for the estate or interest to be insured. Pay the premiums, fees, and charges for the Policy to the Company. Documents satisfactory to the Company that convey the Title or create the Mortgage to be insured, or both, must be properly authorized, executed, delivered, and recorded in the Public Records. 1. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED DECEMBER 14, 2001 FROM LONNIE L. SMITH AND PATRICIA A. SMITH TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY FOR THE USE OF MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR HCL FINANCE, INC. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $155,000.00 RECORDED JANUARY 03, 2002, UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1393564. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED MARCH 22, 2004 UNDER RECEPTION NO. NOTE: THE COMPANY DOES NOT HAVE SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO ORDER AN INDEMNITY FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED DEED OF TRUST. PLEASE CONTACT THE TITLE DEPARTMENT WITH ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 2. WARRANTY DEED FROM LONNIE L. SMITH TO STEPHANIE L. GARCIA CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. REQUIREMENTS TO DELETE THE PRE-PRINTED EXCEPTIONS IN THE OWNER'S POLICY TO BE ISSUED A. UPON RECEIPT BY THE COMPANY OF A SATISFACTORY FINAL AFFIDAVIT AND AGREEMENT FROM THE SELLER AND PROPOSED INSURED, EXCEPTIONS 1 THROUGH 4 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED. ANY ADVERSE MATTERS DISCLOSED BY THE FINAL AFFIDAVIT AND AGREEMENT WILL BE ADDED AS EXCEPTIONS. B. IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTIONS AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, EXCEPTION NO. 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED. C. UPON RECEIPT OF PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL PRIOR YEARS' TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, EXCEPTION NO. 6 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2018 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ALTA COMMITMENT Land Title Insurance Corporation Schedule B, Part II (Exceptions) Order Number: K70572436 in This commitment does not republish any covenants, condition, restriction, or limitation imit tion conon tained resin any or document referred to in this commitment to the extent that the specific covenlimitation violates state or federal law based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, handicap, familial status, or national origin. thereof, not shown by the Public be 1. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims pe ons in possession ossesst that on could the Land. ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by p 2. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 3. Any encroachment, encumbrance,an accurate and complete land t survey of he Land and not shown by the Pubor adverse circumstance affecting the Title lic would be disclosed by Records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public ior to the e of records orattaching record or value the euent s at orthe finterestivetor mortgage therate hereof but reon coveredtby this eCommitment.sed ' ured acquires of record 6. (a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records ooff any 'ta i authority tho it that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings Y Pagency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 7. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. The Owner's Extended Coverage Policy will automatically increase coverage by 10 percent on each of the first five anniversaries of the policy date, at no additional charge. g. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING REN INSTROUME.IF ANY, BASED ON NT RECORDED APRI L 22,1947, E190L0 R, RELIGION, BOOK 7OAT PAGENAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED 9. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF BEL AIRE RECORDED APRIL 22, 1947 IN PLAT BOOK 7 AT PAGE 10. ANY FACTS, RIGHTS, INTERESTS OR CLAIMS WHICH MAY EXIST OR ARISE BY REASON OF THE FOLLOWING FACTS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE DATED AUGUST 01, 1990 PREPARED BY DRA SURVEYING, INC., JOB# NA: ENCROACHMENT OF GARAGE ONTO 6 FOOT EASEMENT. Commitment For Title Insurance Issued by Land Title Insurance Corporation rndTlUe NOTICE 1N%Ma14c1 cOxrOFaTION IMPORTANT—READ CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT IS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE COMPANY INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRACT. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TITLE, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUDING ANY SEARCH AND EXAMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACTUAL LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANY'S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT. THE COMPANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON.. COMMITMENT TO ISSUE POLICY Subject to the Notice; Schedule B, Part 1—Requirements; Schedule B, Part II—Exceptions; and the Commitment Conditions, Land Title Insurance Corporation, A Colorado corporation (the "Company"), commits to issue the Policy according to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. This Commitment is effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A for each Policy described in Schedule A, only when the Company has entered in Schedule A both the specified dollar amount as the Proposed Policy Amount and the name of the Proposed Insured. If all of the Schedule B, Part I—Requirements have not been met within 6 months after the Commitment Date, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. COMMITMENT CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a)"Knowledge" or "Known": Actual or imputed knowledge, but not constructive notice imparted by the Public Records. (b)"Land": The land described in Schedule A and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property. The term "Land" does include any property beyond the lines of the area described in Schedule A, nor any right, tide, interest, estate, or not easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways, or waterways, but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the Land is to be insured by the Policy. (c)"Mortgage": A mortgage, deed of trust, or other security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law. (d) "Policy": Each contract of title insurance, in a form adopted by the American Land Tide Association, issued or to be issued by the Company pursuant to this Commitment. (e) "Proposed Insured": Each person identified in Schedule A as the Proposed Insured of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (1) "Proposed Policy Amount": Each dollar amount specified in Schedule A as the Proposed Policy Amount of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (g)"Public Records": Records established under slate statutes at the Commitment Date for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without Knowledge. (h)"Title": The estate or interest described in Schedule A. 2. It all of the Schedule B, Part 1—Requirements have not been met within the time period specified in the Commitment to Issue Policy, Comitmenl terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. 3. The Company's liability and obligation is limited by and this Commitment is not valid without: (a)the Notice; (b)the Commitment to Issue Policy; (c)the Commitment Conditions; (d)Schedule A; (e)Schedule B, Part 1—Requirements; and (Q Schedule B, Part II --Exceptions[; and (g)a counter -signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. 4. COMPANY'S RIGHT TO AMEND The Company may amend this Commitment at any time. If the Company amends this Commitment to add a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter recorded in the Public Records prior to the Commitment Date, any liability of the Company is limited by Commitment Condition 5. The Company shall not be liable for any other amendment to this Commitment. 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY (a)The Company's liability under Commitment Condition 4 is limited to the Proposed Insured's actual expense incurred in the interval between the Company's delivery to the Proposed Insured of the Commitment and the delivery of the amended Commitment, resulting from the Proposed Insured's good failh reliance to: i. comply with the Schedule B, Part 1—Requirements; ii. eliminate, with the Company's written consent, any Schedule B, Part II—Exceptions; or iii. acquire the Tide or create the Mortgage covered by this Commitment. (b)The Company shall not be liable under Commitment Condition 5(a) if the Proposed Insured requested the amendment or had Knowledge of the matter and did not notify the Company about it in writing- (c)The Company will only have liability under Commitment Condition 4 it the Proposed Insured would not have incurred the expense had the Commitment included the added matter when the Commitment was first delivered to the Proposed Insured. (d)The Company's liability shall not exceed the lesser of the Proposed Insured's actual expense incurred in good faith and described in Commitment Conditions 5(a)(i) through 5(a)(iii) or the Proposed Policy Amount. (e)The Company shall not be liable for the content of the Transaction Identification Data, if any. (f) In no event shall the Company be obligated to issue the Policy referred to in this Commitment unless all of the Schedule B, Part 1—Requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the Company. (g)ln any event, the Company's liability is limited by the terms and provisions of the Policy. 6. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT (a)Only a Proposed Insured identified in Schedule A, and no other person, may make a claim under this Commitment. (b)Any claim must be based in contract and must be restricted solely to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. (c)Until the Policy is issued, this Commitment, as last revised, is the exclusive and entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Commitment and supersedes all prior commitment negotiations, representations, and proposals of any kind, whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subject matter of this Commitment. (d)The deletion or modification of any Schedule B, Part II—Exception does not constitute an agreement or obligation to provide coverage beyond the terms and provisions of this Commitment or the Policy. (e)Any amendment or endorsement to this Commitment must be in writing and authenticated by a person authorized by the Company. (I) When the Policy is issued, all liability and obligation under this Commitment will end and the Company's only liability will be under the Policy. 7. IF THIS COMMITMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN ISSUING AGENT The issuing agent is the Company's agent only for the limited purpose of issuing title insurance commitments and policies. The issuing agent is not the Company's agent for the purpose of providing closing or settlement services. 8. PRO -FORMA POLICY The Company may provide, at the request of a Proposed Insured, a pro -forma policy illustrating the coverage that the Company may provide. A pro -forma policy neither reflects the status of Title at the time that the pro -forma policy is delivered to a Proposed Insured, nor is it a commitment to insure. 9. ARBITRATION The Policy contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Proposed Policy Amount is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Proposed Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. A Proposed Insured may review a copy of the arbitration rules at httpJ/www.afta.org/arb4ration, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Land Title Insurance Corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. Issued by: Land Title Insurance Corporation .��' i LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY F" DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Land Title ca ARwrrr cnmrwy —Silr 107— Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: (A) The Subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. (B) A certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction will be obtained from the county treasurer of the county in which the real property is located or that county treasurer's authorized agent unless the proposed insured provides written instructions to the contrary. (for an Owner's Policy of Title Insurance pertaining to a sale of residential real property). (C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 8-1-2 requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: (A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. (B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material -men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. (C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un -filed mechanic's and material -men's liens. (D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. (E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments disclosing that a mineral estate has been severed from the surface estate, in Schedule B-2. (A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and (B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-1-128(6)(a), It is unlawful to knowingly provide false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the company. Penalties may include imprisonment, fines, denial of insurance, and civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insurance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to a policyholder or claimant for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the policyholder or claimant with regard to a settlement or award payable from insurance proceeds shall be reported to the Colorado Division of Insurance within the Department of Regulatory Agencies. Note: Pursuant to Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 8-1-3, notice is hereby given of the availability of a closing protection letter for the lender, purchaser, lessee or seller in connection with this transaction. JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY OF Pqq LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, L IId ,,,tile LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF SUMMIT COUNTY „T rllml�y LAND TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION AND OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This Statement is provided to you as a customer of Land Title Guarantee Company and Meridian Land Title, LLC, as agents for Land Title Insurance Corporation and Old Republic National Title Insurance Company. We want you to know that we recognize and respect your privacy expectations and the requirements of federal and state privacy laws. Information security is one of our highest priorities. We recognize that maintaining your trust and confidence is the bedrock of our business. We maintain and regularly review internal and external safeguards against unauthorized access to non-public personal information ("Personal Information"). In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from: • applications or other forms we receive from you, including communications sent through TMX, our web -based transaction management system; • your transactions with, or from the services being performed by us, our affiliates, or others; • a consumer reporting agency, if such information is provided to us in connection with your transaction; and • The public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates and non -affiliates. Our policies regarding the protection of the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information are as follows: • We restrict access to all Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products and services to you. • We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion. • Employees who violate our strict policies and procedures regarding privacy are subject to disciplinary action. • We regularly assess security standards and procedures to protect against unauthorized access to Personal Information. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT PERMITTED BY LAW. Consistent with applicable privacy laws, there are some situations in which Personal Information may be disclosed. We may disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission; when we are required by law to do so, for example, if we are served a subpoena; or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. Our policy regarding dispute resolution is as follows: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to our privacy policy, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. AFFILIATED BUSINESS ARRANGEMENT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4055 EVERETT STREET, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 TO: The undersigned Buyer and Seller FROM: Land Title Guarantee Company This is to give you notice that Land Title Guarantee Company has a business relationship with Land Title Insurance Corporation due to the common ownership of Land Title Guarantee Company and Land Title Insurance Corporation. Because of this arrangement, the referral may provide Land Title Guarantee Company a financial or other benefit. Set forth below are the estimated charges or range of charges for each of the services You are NOT required to use the listed provider as a condition for your settlement of the purchase and sale of the subject property. THERE ARE FREQUENTLY OTHER SETTLEMENT PROVIDERS AVAILABLE WITH SIMILAR SERVICES. YOU ARE FREE TO SHOP AROUND TO DETERMINE THAT YOU ARE RECEIVING THE BEST SERVICES AND THE BEST RATE FOR THOSE SERVICES ACKNOWLEDGMENT Uwe have read this disclosure form, and understand that I/we Land Title Guarantee Company is referring me/us to the above described services. There may be a financial benefit as a result of this referral. Seller(s) Buyer(s) LONNIE L. SMITH STEPHANIE L. GARCIA Provider Type of settlement serv ice provided Range of charges Land Title Insurance Corporation Owner's policy of title insurance Rates are based on the amount of insurance coverage and other factors. Rates range from $815 to $2,737. Credits may be available. Land Title Insurance Corporation Loan policy of title insurance Rates are based on the amount of insurance coverage and range from $350 to $550. 2018024169 3/16/20181:32 PM PGS 1 $13.00 DF $55.05 Electronically Recorded Jefferson County, CO Faye Griffin, Clerk and Recorder TD1000 Y Seats Documentary Fee Dam: ilardr 13„ 2018 r -M; sw-OS Warranty Deed (Pursuant to 38-30-113 C. R.S.) THIS DEED, made an Msreh 131h, 2018 by LONME L. SMITH Grantor(s), of the City and County of aroomfleld and State of Colorado for the consideration of ( GM00) ""Flue HurKl ed Fffty Thousand Ftve Hundred wM OW100— dollars in hand pold, hereby sells and convoys to STEPHANIE L. GARCIA Grantee(s), whose street address is 4055 EVERETT STREET, WHEAT RIME, 00 80033, County of Jefferson, and State of Colorado, the fokwAM real property in the County of Jefferson, and Stain of Colorado, to wit: LOT 20, BEL ME, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. slw known by street and number as: 4065 EVERETT STREET, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 with all its appurtenances and warrants the title to to same, subject to general faxes ibr the ywr2018 ared those speck E tcsloft m dnabW by mefenwm to moorded d xwnvnb as mefAe w in the Me Doarnrrertts aoo*W by GmnoWs) m acaordieve with Record TA* Magda (Beckton &4 Of Ms (contract 10 Buy and Self Real Este re118Tng to fJhe above desartbed raw PmPartr awoutbn uft eawmarft omo*w cablle Tv); those speairy dw4rewd agfrfs of o*d per oes rw shom by ft pL6%c records of ~ Grarriee(s) has actual kwMadas and ~ were accepted by Grantse(s) v aocamd&nce with Off- Recaord T#b Afders (Secdw 8L3) and Current SunW Review (Seddon 9) of the Co� to Buy and Self Rea! EsIM reWng to Me above dmatwd real pr+ogD&* hwkdskum of the Property **Vn wry special fax &Lftd; Any special assessment y ore irgPrdrvwrmmb were nd ffmt&W as of &he dMe of Buyer's an the Cwtract to Buy and So# Raed Estate, whether assessed prior to or aW Cnkg and MORE KATHERINE SHEPHERD LONME L. SMITH NOTARY PUBM STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 20034008539 State of Colorado ) My C mmisslon Fires 3112!2019 )ss. County of Jefferson } The foregoing bstrtsnwd was acknowledged before me on this day of March 15th, 2018 by LONNIE L. SMfTH Witness my harm and official seal My Commission expires: 11PublIc tub wren rkecorcea Hetum to: Form 13 closirtgldeedsdwd.html STEPHANIE L.. GARCIA 02050 0-fteIblf S7: OJ AX , CO 260212. 70572436 11 I IIIg1111111 Rill 111111111 C Gity of Wheat Ridye 09!27!2018 15;04 CDBB ZONING REIMBURSEMENT FEES CDB019973 FNSD ZONING REIMBURSEMENT FEE AMOUNT u00 PAYMENT RECEIVED V5 ! 7214 AMOUNT AUTH CODE: 340513 TOTAL 23.00 --------- _ 23.08 NOTE: Land use applications must be i submitted BY APPOINTMENT with a C ity of planner. Incomplete applications will not i��WheatWidge be accepted—refer to submittal checklists. LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 2901 Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant STEPHANIE L. GARCIA Phone 303-619-2546 Address, City, State, Zip 2050 RALEIGH ST.. DENVER, CO 80212 Owner SAME Address, City, State, Zip Contact SAME Address, City, State, Zip Phone Phone Email FORMANDSUBSTANCE@GMAIL.CC Email Email (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) E,/ere+4 S+r'ee-+ Location of request (address): 4055 Fly'_^--�^.-.m-r':`_'E. WHEATRIDGE. COLORADO 80033 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): 71 Change of Zone or Zone Conditions O Special Use Permit u�bd�vision — specify type: O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) 0 Conditional Use Permit l!1`Administrative (up to 3 lots) 0 Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan O Major (6 or more lots) O Variance/Waiver (from Section 26- ) O Right of Way Vacation C3 Other: Detailed description of request: SUBDIVISION OF ONE 31,377sf R-1 LOT INTO 2 LOTS. ONE LOT SHALL BE 16,475sf AND ONE LOT SHALL BE 13847sf. These figures fully account for required Public Works ROW dedications and maintain the unique character of the neighborhood (irregular lots and varied topo) I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action o �a1. Notarized Signature of Applicant State of Colorado County of .y r#4e re A/ } ss The foregoing instrument (Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me this day of V~� j 20 by S`T�fJ<2�, ) f Gr�r- i f� ROBIN LEE EATON My commission expires/ /20 Notary Public State of Colorado Notary Public Notary ID # 20164034634 To be filled out b,l y��o � taff• p Date received \ i D Fee $ Case No. Comp Plan Design. Receipt No. �� ©���jL Quarter Section Map a Related Case No. Pre -App Mtg. Date L(- s- j Case Manager C- ,-7 Assessor's Parcel No. - 3 9 -A 2V - -003 Current Zoning (2•- Current Use �. o Size (acres or sgft) _ . 7 3 t a er,e S Proposed Zoning Proposed Use Rev 1122/ 2016