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City of 9 Wheat] ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave 303.235.2857 July 9, 2018 Steve and Martha Mortell 4020 Estes Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Mortell: RE: Case No. WA -18-08 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: At its meeting on June 28, 2018, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your request of a waiver to Section 26-502 to allow artificial turf in the landscaping in the Residential -One (R-1) zone district located at 4020 Estes Street. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Artificial turf will be allowed due to the owner's daughter's allergies to grass and her disability. 2. It not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. 3. It is a substantial investment in the property. 4. It would not be detrimental to the public welfare. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The product should be consistent with the representations that have been made in the application. Enclosed is a draft of the minutes, stating the Board's decision. All variance approvals automatically expire within 180 days of the date approval unless a building permit for the variance is obtained within such period of time. The expiration date for this variance approval is December 28, 2018. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, J a/6—— Tammy Odean Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Draft of Minutes cc: WA -18-08 (case file) WA1808.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 1. 1. ,/( City of W heatMidge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting June 28, 2018 CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair ABBOTT at 7:05 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: 3. 4. VF Alternates Present: Board Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PUBLIC FORUM No one wished to speak at this time. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No.WA-18-08 Thomas Abbott Janet Bell Paul Hovland Betty Jo Page Larry Richmond Michael Griffeth Dan Bradford David Kuntz Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered the contents of the case file and packet materials, the zoning ordinance and the digital presentation into the record. She stated all appropriate notification and posting requirements have been met and advised the board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the presentation and staff report. The applicant is requesting approval of a waiver to section 26-502.C.8 of the Municipal Code to allow artificial turf instead of live landscaping at 4020 Estes Street. Staff recommends denial of this variance. Board of Adjustment Minutes June 28, 2018 Member PAGE asked if there is a requirement for grass in the code for new construction. Ms. Reckert confirmed there is not. Member Page also wanted to know why artificial turf would be allowed in the back and not the front. Ms. Reckert said the artificial turf is less impactful in the rear yard because it is not visible from the street. Member RICHMOND asked if there are emulsifiers included in the product being discussed because emulsifiers can be carcinogenic. Ms. Mikulak said that question will be reserved for the applicant. Member BELL has concerns of water shortage in the future and would like to see a drainage system created for runoff to be more efficient. Member GRIFFETH asked if this project could have been permitted as a remodel and would the same landscaping requirements be upheld. Ms. Reckert said no this house was a total scrape and could not be considered a remodel. Ms. Mikulak added that even if it was a remodel and the landscaping was disturbed then it would need to be restored. Member PAGE asked if there is a limitation as to how much concrete can be on a lot. Ms. Reckert said not in low density areas. Member ABBOTT asked if the waiver for this case is for the property or the product because the products of choice can have different permeability's. Ms. Reckert agreed the waiver is for the property address. Member PAGE asked if the lot is flat and if the cement will drain to the adjacent lots. Ms. Reckert explained the lot is mostly flat and has been engineered to have swales so the impact to the neighbor's will be les impactful. Martha Mortell, applicant 4020 Estes Street Ms. Mortell gave a brief description of why her family has applied for a waiver to have artificial turf on their property. She explained the main reason is for their kids, because they have allergies to grass, their daughter's being very extreme. She also mentioned the durability of artificial turf is great and it is low maintenance. Board of Adjustment Minutes June 28, 2018 2 Member PAGE expressed a concern that the world is much bigger than just the yard and there is grass everywhere. Ms. Mortell agreed, but explained that a portion of her daughter's school has artificial turf and she will experience other areas in the community where there will be grass and she has to be careful, but if we can keep a safe environment at home then that is our goal. Member GRIFFETH asked if any of the neighbors have complained about having artificial turf in the neighborhood. Ms. Mortell said she is not aware of any neighbors complaining and she has received letters in support. Member GRIFFETH asked if Ms. Mortell would considered installing the artificial turf in the back yard only. Ms. Mortell said yes, but the quality of the product is so impressive it looks very real from the street, even when standing on it. Ms Mortell said there are standards that need to be met and if installed professionally there is an 8 year warranty. Member PAGE asked how the artificial turf is maintained, is it vacuumed. Ms. Mortell says it will be swept to remove leaves and the rain keeps it clean. Member ABBOTT asked if other jurisdiction's standards can be used in a waiver situation like this. Ms. Reckert said not at this point, only if City Council asks staff to do research in the use of artificial turf. Member BELL said this might be a good opportunity to do this research. Ms. Mikulak added that research and a code amendment could take 6-12 months to pass and we are not in a position tonight to recommend installation codes from another jurisdiction. Member HOVLAND stated that as a Board we can't make or change the rules; we can look at this case, we can warrant a waiver in the rule if the situation for the case doesn't fit the rule. He thought it would help their decision if the Board could see letters from neighbors. He also thought maybe in the backyard for artificial turf, but not sure about the front yard. Ms. Mortell entered into the record some letters from her neighbors. She also added the extensive research she and her husband have done into the different products on the market and want to make sure there is no environmental pollution. The artificial Board of Adjustment Minutes June 28, 2018 turf significantly helps her daughter and they would like it in both front and back yards. There was then some discussion about what other jurisdiction's artificial turf standards are in other cities and states. Member PAGE asked about kids playing on artificial turf and developing cancer. Joseph Downs, Plush Grass, contractor 6051 Washington Street, Ste. B, Denver Mr. Downs gave some background on Plush Grass and their installations of artificial turf. He added there is a two yearlong study that the industry is waiting for results on with regards to rubber infill to athletic field turf and if it leads to lung conditions or cancer. He also explained the products that Plush Grass uses, called Envirofil, does not use emulsifiers. The product they use is 100% polyethylene and is anti -bacterial. He added it is not made from recyclable products, but is recyclable. Member RICHMOND said he is still concerned about material in the product even if it does not contain emulsifiers. Mr. Downs said research has been done and there is research still being done on all their products and he does not believe there is anything to fear. There was more discussion on the Envirofil product. Beverly Sparks, neighbor 4010 Estes Street, Wheat Ridge Ms. Sparks said she has no problem with the Mortell's installing artificial turf. Member Bell asked if live landscaping means grass. Ms. Mikulak read that the definition of landscaping from the Municipal Code and it is a combination of live plants, grasses, rocks and mulch. Upon a motion by Member Page and seconded by Member BELL, the following motion was stated: WHEREAS, application Case No. WA -18-08 was not eligible for administrative review; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge; and Board of Adjustment Minutes June 28, 2018 4 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment application Case No. WA -18-08 be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: Waiver to Section 26-502 to allow artificial turf in the landscaping at 4020 Estes Street. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Artificial turf will be allowed due to the owner's daughter's allergies to grass and her disability. 2. It does not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. 3. It is a substantial investment in the property. 4. It is not detrimental to the public welfare. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The product should be consistent with the representations that have been made in the application. Motion carried 5-1 with Member RICHMOND voting against. ALMember GRIFFETH agreed with the motion and thinks that the health of our children is important, the sustainability of the product might be in question, but it will look good and he fills a homeowner should be able to do what they want to their yard. 5. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair ABBOTT closed the public hearing. 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Minutes — April 26, 2018 It was moved by Member HOVLAND and seconded by Member PAGE to approve the minutes as written. The motion passed 5-0-1 with Board Member GRIFFETH abstaining. B. Election of Vice Chair Ms. Mikulak explained that Vice Chair ABBOTT is moving into the Chair position because Chair BANGHART resigned from the Board of Adjustment. Do to these events a Vice Chair needs to be elected. She then explained that the alternates present at the meeting can vote, but an alternate cannot be elected. Member PAGE was elected as Vice Chair. Board of Adjustment Minutes June 28, 2018 C. Member Griffeth would like to see the numbers for the super majority vote to be included in the packet every time, it was helpful. D. Member BELL would like more training from the City Attorney. Ms. Mikulak said staff will look into scheduling a dinner/training with Gerald Dahl, the City Attorney. 8. ADJOURNMENT Chair ABBOTT adjourned the meeting at 8:56 p.m. Thomas Abbott, Chair Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary Board of Adjustment Minutes June 28, 2018 6 J, L"� ) � / ,uI3 ALjO` Vb G. t'�ck T�I"I�t i1ih�-(�W�}L1K7Q City of ` Wh6atPiLdlge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment MEETING DATE: June 28, 2018 CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WA-18-08/Mortell ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a waiver to Section 26-502 to allow artificial turf instead of live landscaping at 4020 Estes Street LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4020 Estes Street APPLICANT (S): Martha and Steve Mortell OWNER (S): Same APPROXIMATE AREA: 16,719 square feet PRESENT ZONING: Residential -One (R-1) PRESENT LAND USE: Single Family Residence (under construction) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Case Nos. WA-18-08IMortell Site JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicants, Steve and Martha Mortell, are requesting approval of a waiver to allow the use of artificial turf in lieu of live landscaping for their new home currently under construction at 4020 Estes. Pursuant to Section 26-502.C.8, "artificial turf or plant materials are not allowed" as a substitute for live landscaping. Section 26-115.0 (Variances and Waivers the Wheat Ridge City Code empowers the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide on variances and waivers from the strict application of the requirements in the zoning code. Pursuant to Section 26-502.I. of the municipal code, a waiver is to be processed following the standards of Section 26-115 which means that the evaluation criteria is used for both waiver and variance applications. Further, this code section indicates "consideration should be given regarding alternatives to total waiver requirements (for example, substituting planter boxes or hanging baskets for normal ground landscaping)." The applicant has submitted a packet of material, which has been attached as Exhibit 5. II. CASE ANALYSIS The site is located at 4020 Estes, which is mid -block between West 38th Avenue and West 41St Avenue. The property is zoned R-1 which requires a lot size minimum of 12,500 square feet of area with 100' of lot width. (Exhibit 1, Aerial Photo) This is in an established neighborhood with well-maintained single-family homes on R-1 zoned properties surrounding the subject site. (Exhibit 2, Zoning map) The applicant is in the process of building a new single-family residence on the property. The previous home on the property was demolished for the new construction. Work on the new home is nearing completion and the owner is in the process of pursuing a Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.). (Exhibit 3, Site photos) One of the requirements for issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy is that required residential landscaping be installed. Section 26-502 of the code requires the following landscaping improvements with construction of a new single family home: • No less than 25% of the gross lot area be landscaped • 100% of the front yard be landscaped, exclusive of the driveway and sidewalk • No more than 50% of landscaping be comprised of turf • Street trees are required to be installed at one per every 70' of street frontage • No artificial turf or plants be used. The applicant is requesting the use of artificial turf, the location of which is represented by green on the attached site plan. The rest of the site is covered in buildings and concrete. (Exhibit 4, site plan) Staff has identified four primary considerations when assessing the appropriate use of artificial turf on a single site and for a community at large: 1. The quality of the product and installation, Board ofAdjustment Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. 2. The permeability of the product and effect on stormwater runoff, 3. The visual quality of artificial turf, and 4. Whether there are suitable alternatives. The most prevalent design of artificial turf consists of a loose -pile carpet of plastic, grass -like fibers made of polyethylene with a hole -punched backing which is "in filled" (top dressed) with rubber granules (crumb rubber), produced from recycled tires, or other rubber sources and sometimes with sand, depending on the proposed use. The turf is laid on a drainage layer and tacked down along the edges to keep it from lifting and blowing away. The last time staff researched the use of artificial turf was in 2010. In addition to various pros and cons about artificial turf, Staff polled other Front Range communities regarding the allowance of artificial turf. The majority of them indicated that they did not allow it unless used for athletic fields or playgrounds. This information was presented to Planning Commission and City Council and Staff was not directed to continue with any code amendment. The use of artificial turf for landscaping can be attractive because once it is installed, it is easier to maintain with no mowing or watering required. It does not require the use of pesticides or fertilizers to keep it looking good. It also keeps its "green" color all year long. Advances in industry technology have resulted in increased permeability and a more natural looking product. The product has evolved from the shiny "Astroturf' of the 1970's. Despite the availability of higher -grade products, they are expensive to purchase and install and from a regulatory perspective, it is nearly impossible to ensure the quality of the product and installation. If it is self -installed, it is questionable whether proper bedding preparation and installation will occur. Some maintenance is still required as the turf collects leaves and wind-blown dirt and debris, which need to be removed. This is typically done with a leaf blower adding to the particulate matter in the atmosphere. There are also drainage concerns, particularly with the rubber backed and filled product, which has low permeability as compared with living materials. As such, the rainwater has the potential to run off instead of soaking into the ground. Staff concurs that there are suitable uses for artificial turf as it is more durable than grass and is good for high traffic areas such as the athletic fields at Wheat Ridge High School. The fields need less maintenance since artificial turf is more durable than grass and the use of it can result in fewer injuries to athletes since it is more of a stable surface than living sod. The use on athletic fields, playgrounds and other activity areas allows greater usage options since it is not impacted by inclement weather. The character of landscaping contributes significantly to the visual character of a neighborhood and community. Artificial turf can stand out in the winter and year-round if poorly installed. "Waterwise" or xeric landscaping is an increasingly popular alternative to both live and artificial grass. These landscapes rely on integration of low-water plants, mulch and rock to create attractive, living, and water -saving ground cover. From a visual standpoint, a rear yard application (private view) may be more appropriate, but this does not eliminate the other considerations (quality and drainage) noted above. The applicants have submitted a package (Exhibit 5, Applicants' Submittal), which includes the information listed below. The reasons they list for their request are related to allergies, improved technology, no chemical pollution, no mowing (and associated noise), water conservation, and aesthetics. Board of Adjustment Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. • Pages 1 -2: Applicant's request/response to criteria • Page 3: Photo of applicants' backyard in Broomfield with artificial turf • Page 4: Site plan • Page 5 — 10: Photos of properties in neighborhood • Pages 11 — 15: Literature from Plush Grass (artificial turf sales and installation) • Pages 16 — 20: Article from Denver Post III. VARIANCE/WAIVER CRITERIA In order to approve a waiver, the Board of Adjustment must determine that the majority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.C.4 of the City Code have been met. The applicant has provided their analysis of the application's compliance with the variance criteria (Exhibit 5, Pages I - 2). Staff provides the following review and analysis of the variance criteria. 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the request is denied, the property would continue to yield a reasonable return in use. The property would continue to function as a single-family residence, regardless of the outcome of the variance request. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 2. The variance would not alter the essential character of the locality. There are a variety of front yard landscaping treatments in this neighborhood. These would include yards comprised of live grass/plantings, rocks, xeriscaping, concrete drives/patios and various combinations thereof. Most of these front yards are adequately maintained but some are not. In light of physical conditions in the surrounding neighborhood, the addition of another landscaping treatment may not alter the character of the area in warmer months, but would likely standout in cooler months. Installation of artificial turf in the side/rear yard (to the south of the house and pool and behind the fence) and would not change the visual character of the area and would also provide an allergen free play area. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. The purchase and installation of artificial turf can be expensive, especially with the higher - grade product proposed here. Once installed, future savings are realized by the homeowner because the turf does not need watering, fertilizers or mowing. Staff finds this criterion has been met Board of Adjustment Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. There are no unique physical conditions impacting this property. It is regular in shape, is relatively flat and is not a corner lot. Part of the applicants' rationale for the waiver is convenience from required yard maintenance, including watering, but the burden of yard maintenance is not a unique hardship. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 5. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. There are no physical hardships impacting the property or property owners. While there is concern for the use of live grass on the health of their children, other landscaping options do not require grass. Most suburban families utilize their backyard for outdoor activity. When completed, the backyard will contain a swimming pool, basketball court and room for yard games. The backyard will be separated from the front yard by a 6' high fence and gate. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. 6. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located, by, among other things, substantially or permanently impairing the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, impairing the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, substantially increasing the congestion in public streets or increasing the danger of fire or endangering the public safety, or substantially diminishing or impairing property values within the neighborhood. The request should not be injurious to the aesthetics of the neighborhood if it is installed correctly and looks natural. The adequate supply of light and air would not be compromised, nor would there be an impact on area streets or fire danger. There should be no impact on the public welfare. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 7. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. All of the residential properties in the area have typical 1950's -style front yards with at least 30' of setback between the street and house. The conditions necessitating the variance are not unique to the property. Staff finds that this criterion has not been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. Board ofAdjustment Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. Accessibility requirements are not applied to single-family construction. Staff finds this criterion not applicable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. The Architectural and Site Design Manual does not apply to single-family construction. Staff finds this criterion not applicable. IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Not having found the application in compliance with the majority of the review criteria, staff recommends DENIAL of a request for a waiver to allow artificial turf instead of live landscaping material in an R-1 zone district. Although introduction of another yard treatment into the neighborhood should not alter the character of the area, there are no unique circumstances with the property and this is a request of convenience, not hardship. Staff has concluded that there are other low -maintenance landscaping options available and is therefore recommending Denial for the following reasons: 1. The property will continue to yield a reasonable return in use. 2. This is a request of convenience, not hardship. 3. There are no unique circumstances. 4. There are low maintenance landscape options that do not require the use of live grass. Board ofAdjustment Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL PHOTO Site Board ofAdjustment Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. am �7 uj f,4 o2 0 LU 04C I c ,389--4 03880 EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP C-4031 rA C, 2 ' ()�-5 8 8 1 1:158:3 ,33868 03870 03611 CO 5 03860 33855 Board ofAdjustment 8 Case Nos. WA-18-08IMortell. EXHIBIT 3: SITE PHOTOS Board of Adjustment Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. View of north side of property from Estes with partial side yard of adjacent property View of property from Estes View of south side of property from Estes View of property to the south Board of Adjustment 10 Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. EXHIBIT 4: SITE PLAN i b AVM iwm ,05 `rl Board ofAdjustment 11 Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. EXHIBIT 5: APPLICANTS' SUBMITTAL Board ofAdjustment 12 Case Nos. WA -18-08 /Mortell. Variance Request Scc�l'k� tfa( We propose to install artificial turf in the front yard of our property located at 4020 Estes St in Wheat Ridge. The reasons in support of our request are as follows: 1. Allergies Our kids (ages 10 & 11) are allergic to most grasses and after just a few minutes on a lawn, their noses are running, they're congested, and their eyes are red, watery and itchy. Our daughter suffers more than our son and she often breaks out in hives or welts. The worst time for our kids is right after the lawn is mowed. Any loose trimmings floating around will trigger an allergic reaction and instead of being able to open our doors and windows to enjoy a spring or summer breeze, we are forced to keep our house closed up and run the air conditioner. As a family, we play lots of lawn games (bocce, bean bag toss, paddle tennis, horse shoe, ring toss, corn hole) on artificial turf. We are not able to do so on regular turf. 2. Superior Drainage/Porosity The artificial turf we are proposing to install in our front yard is from Plush Grass. They have been around for several years and have had a store front in Denver since 2014. Their turf backing drains over the ENTIRE installed area as opposed to the standard hole punched backing and it drains just as well if not better than regular grass. (See turf sample previously provided). 3. No noise or air pollution Lawn mowers produce some of the worst pollution there is since there is no catalytic converter. They are also loud which is why many cities limit their hours of operation. Artificial turf does not require any mowing. 4. No chemical pollution Grass requires fertilizers several times a year which puts lots of nitrates and other chemicals into the water table. No pesticides or herbicides are needed with artificial turf. EXHIBIT 5 5. No grass allergens Artificial turf produces no allergens (which one of our kids is very sensitive to - see above). 6. Conserve Water No water needed for artificial turf which is a concern for Colorado. 7. Aesthetics Modern artificial turf looks just like grass in color as well as shape. We are not using big box store product. Plush Grass produces an environmentally sound, quality product. 8. Consistency Unlike grass, artificial turf will not have patches of dead grass, weeds or other unsightly areas. It maintains a well -manicured appearance all year round. 9. Investment Artificial turf is not cheap, in fact, it is quite an investment. However, it is an investment we are willing to make in order to provide our kids with a healthy environment and to have a nice looking yard year round. One final note we'd like to make - we took a walk around our neighborhood and found several homes with poorly maintained lawns and other homes with rocks and concrete, but no lawn whatsoever in their front yard. If our neighbors are allowed to have rocks and/or weeds in their front yard, why shouldn't we be allowed to have turf? (See photos attached). 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I/ a (l I pa W PI I J W II m �K� Awa a o� �� �\ K� sod, WC'. t °'' be Ti S O w-- `rr' a O _ 3.815 ala m a`dAN 3 /3<�0 v /`n.��v arc "' e9f // d p11 ��'• vW ' s�� W I m A. az>� iaZ j ;¢N `se K 0? \ 3�O wr- I'oa-/ z� Wl °m v \Baa OQ I -Q m.� — ..s ..s '"'�7a 1xrs a..s�—AUK>„wx I .:r IR IR— 0— z—oval—L — .s a W �w a A" 40 11401N ,05 � m w z 133UM S31S3 o 1/ W N b' m p U U 881 I. �FUUp� W ogO��n NJaW 009818 au ?eR�i OWNO Rho agak'ax L" o ZNjin„ �k+ POP � ^FYI VI b�pppQ�(�y� U O 0=m2 WWt 2 IOW 0 k 8 tV��NU p 2 U 64 RIM�$o CQ2 mW IQN Z2 [UYY�a�aC ri v ui m 0 8 ., a W�l f -,- 5f a ` ^ -j;j fill ` _ ANW, ANW, Try i {.' � � $�—'A� r� l` � �,L � r��� s+ y� •�.� + . �x '� :vt�� .. - .. •"off-- ��.d'+'.�� �+ x '41.� f(/.��� ,.+� y .- S'�"��lit=' Al, V!Olm, t -o pow rpl:*m, r ®r PlushGrass is constantly developing and improving synthetic turf. Throughout the year, PlushGrass performs extensive testing on all products in every step of the manufacturing process. This ensures all products meet the highest quality standards in the industry. Independent testing confirms that PlushGrass 3D Fibers are more durable and DO NOT CRUSH like other fibers. For more information about PlushGrass and products please visit plushgrass.com. PlushGrass has an 8 year product/UV warranty backed by a 3rd party insurance company! We have incorporated a number of evolutionary features/materials in our grasses that truly sets them apart from all others: 1. We use a PROPRIETARY pure polymer blend (no fillers added) to make our grass fiber. This provides unsurpassed durability, life, natural feel/softness, and natural appearance (all grasses are de-lustered). 2. We use only the highest quality pure color concentrates and UV block (no fillers added). The color and UV protection are mixed with the proprietary polymer BEFORE it is made into grass fiber. This assures maximum life by preventing drying, cracking, and fading. 3. Our fiber is made in 3D shapes: "Omega" and "S". This prevents fiber crush and turf flattening. 4. We build our grasses using Heat Reduction Technology! .":.,.�ld,�.4.itd,s=.�.>�� J��:t�IF31i'��'t:+ta moi® "..ir►s � x l�Jc7s�.l�Sify �� C`u'+S'.��8� (303) 862-8065 prlushgmss.eorn PlushGrass' QuadBacking Is More Than Twice as Permeable as Other Companies' Hole -Punched Urethane Backed Products • Environmentally Friendly & 100% Recyclable • Soft & Pliable - All Polyolefin Backing System Conforms to Contours lent Turf Fiber Thatch Fiber yer. Premium, tht. Geotextile Backing ilefin Hot Melt cking System ous Polyolefin Nun -raven Stabilizing Layer • Absorbs No Moisture - Dimensionally Stable o Prevents Expansion & Contraction o Eliminates Wrinkles Caused by Urethane Backing o Prevents Stress on Seams Synthetic T erf Store Installation Services PlushGrass is one of the oldest privately owned synthetic turf companies in the Denver. Dozens of synthetic turf companies have started and folded in the last couple of decades. PlushGrass continues to grow each year due to our quality products, commitment to service, customer support, and attention to detail. PlushGrass Custom Synthetic Turf Store, Warehouse, and Installation: Based in Denver; Serving Colorado! Our staff has over 50+ years of Experience and Expertise and we exclusively use American evade products! PlushGrass performs extensive testing on all products in every step of the manufacturing process. This ensures all products meet the highest quality standards in the industry. Independent testing confirms that PlushGrass 3D fibers are more durable and DO NOT CRUSH like competitors' fibers. Please visit plushgrass.com for more information. Why Choose PlushGrass Custom Synthetic Turf? 1. Proprietary Pure Polymers with no fillers are used to make our delustered fibers. We only use the highest quality color concentrates and UV block in our polymers preventing cracking/fading. Our products are lead free and 100% recyclable! 2. 3D Fibers and Heat Reduction Technology prevent unnecessary over -heating and crushing/flattening years after installation. 3. DuraFlo Backing®: made with an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. a. Superior drainage/porosity — drains over the ENTIRE installed area vs. standard hole punched backings b. Dimensional stability — absorbs virtually no moisture and does not expand and contract over ambient temperature changes like urethane backings. Much less stress on seams! c. Soft and pliable — prevents wrinkles and conforms to undulating surfaces d. Superior durability - binds the backing materials and the fiber together to prevent fiber loss under heavy stress. 4. Installation: as important as product quality; if it's not done correctly time will reveal an unsatisfactory result. We use infill that prevents odors and that won't wear on turf fibers. a. In-house Installation Crews trained to our specifications. b. PlushGrass is fully licensed, bonded, and insured with a brick -and -mortar location. c. Envirofill@: we use Envirofill@ infill with MicroBan® anti -microbial exclusively and we are Colorado's only distributor of Envirofill@. 5. PlushGrass was recruited by Celebrity GreensTM to represent Colorado in 2014 to design and install professional level Putting Green Complexes and Par 3 Courses. Celebrity GreensTm has created golf havens for notable figures such as actor Samuel L. Jackson, CBS Golf Commentator Peter Kostis, and Golf Instructor Hank Haney. 605St. Unit B CO 80216 (303) 862-8065 piushgrassecom 13 Face Weight: 80 oz Pile Height: 1.89" Color: Summer Blend Roll Width: 15' Infill: Envirofill Heat Reduction Technology: Yes 3D Shaped Fibers Keep the Grass Standing Upright Fiber Type: HSHR Monofilament - 10800 Denier Thatch Type: TXT Polyethylene - 7000 Denier Primary Backing: 7 oz Stabilized Woven Dual Layer Polypropylene Secondary Backing: 10 oz DuraFlo Tufting Guage: 1/4" INFILL THAT'S PET SAFE Because They're Family Too r -.-.^p�•�e' . _ �' ?�MCr tis, .. i «a;�." ._ _. - . _.wv.. Having a dog and a newborn child, Envirofill was the obvious choice for my family. r Tom Z., Homeowner Non-toxic and completely reusable, Envirofill® makes artificial turf look and feel great. Microban® antimicrobial product protection works continuously to help prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew that can cause odors and stains. Benefits A different kind of infill. Envirofill is composed of naturally - occurring sand found only in the Hickory Formation of central Texas. Its highly -rounded quartz core resists compression so it doesn't continue to compact over the life of your lawn, promoting better drainage Inhibits pet urine odor. Microban® technology reduces ammonia odor from urine by 99%. Microban® has been scientifically proven to disrupt the bacteria process that coverts pet urine into ammonia odor. So be assured, Fido can go about his business worry -free. It's cleaner. Microban8 antimicrobial protection is infused into Envirofill during the manufacturing process to help prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew that can cause stains, odors, and product deterioration. It's reusable. Because of its superior durability, Envirofill's coating and color are warrantied for 16 years. When your turf wears out and needs replacement, Envirofill has the potential to be reused in your new turf. Envirofill's exclusive partnership with Microban® provides an added level of antimicrobial protection for the lifetime of your infill. ® M I�ROB�^n-1 Contact us today at: 303-862-8065 plushgrass.com Frequently Asked Questions - PlushGrass I Artificial Turf & Design 5/28/18, 6:32 PM Frequently Asked Questions Q What Is artificial grass? Artificial Grass goes by many different names: synthetic turf, synthetic grass, synthetic lawn, artificial turf, artificial lawn, astro turf, and fake grass. Essentially, artificial grass is constructed like carpet using the same type of manufacturing process. Though high quality artificial grass is nothing like outdoor carpet! Modem artificial grass has two main components: fiber and backing. The fibers are the 'blades of grass" and the backing is what holds the fibers in place. A third element is infill (usually sand or treated sand). Infill adds weight to the artificial grass helping it to stay in place and also helps to keep the grass blades/fibers standing upright. Q Is artificial turf good for dogs? Most dogs cannot dig through artificial grass. It would take a very determined and strong dog to dig a hole through an artificial grass play area. PlushGrass installs artificial grass dog areas with careful attention to the perimeter so that dogs can't pull up the edges of the turf. Unlike natural grass, artificial grass wont stain from urine or feces. When Envirofill is used as an infill odors and hygiene are no longer an issue as long as the area is occasionally rained on or sprayed down with a hose. QDoes artificial grass require any maintenance? Artificial grass requires minimal maintenance, especially when compared to natural grass. In the autumn leaves need to be removed from the surface of artificial grass using a leaf blower and NOT a rake (raking will break down the leaves and create organic matter between the blades of grass that permit weed growth). It may also be necessary to "brush up" your artificial grass occasionally, especially if we are coming out of a particularly brutal, icy winter or you use your yard for sports and athletic activities. QWhere can I buy artificial turf? You can find artificial turf at the big box stores in Colorado or you can call or visit the PlushGrass Synthetic Turf Store in Denver to talk to someone who has been in the artificial grass industry for at least 5 years; we are happy to help you with difficult installation issues such as xeriscaping, slopes, areas with difficult drainage, and working with young trees whose trunk size will quickly expand in the coming years. Unlike Home Depot, Lowe's, and Costco we only provide, sell, and install artificial grass and artificial grass supplies. We are located just Northeast of 125 and 170 at 60th and Washington St. QHow many years will synthetic turf last? PlushGrass Synthetic Turf will last 20 years or more when installed at a residence with regular yard use. The products that we installed early on are still going strong. PlushGrass Custom Synthetic Turf has a limited 8 year Warranty on our synthetic grasses and a 2 year Craftsmanship Warranty* on our installations. * If PlushGrass installs turf made by another company our craftsmanship warranty will only cover 1 year. QHow much does artificial grass cost compared to real grass? Initially, artificial grass will cost more. When you factor in the monetary and time savings from not watering, fertilizing, and mowing artificial grass wins out in the long term. The average break even point between natural grass and ertlficMl grass ranges between 3 and 5 years. About Us Working Hours PlushGrass is your artificial turf experts serving all of Colorado. With our over 10+ years Monday 09:00-4:0C of servicing the area we know what it takes to deliver stunning artificial turf installations. Tuesday 09:00-4:OC GET A FREE QUOTE (/contact) http://www.piushgrass.com/artificial-grass-faq/ Page 2 of 3 How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free 5/20/18, 5:40 PM GET B EAKII G NEWS 6N YOUR BROWSER. CLICK HERE TO T URN ON NOTWEICATT�01:°�': A LIFESTYLE > HOME & GARDEN On a roll: How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free Synthetic grass is especially useful in tricky areas of the yard, like spots in deep shade By COLLEEN SMITH I colleenwordsmith@gmail.com I Special to The Denver Post May 18, 2018 at 12:15 am Fake grass is real news in Denver. Tatum and Eddie Perez painstakingly curate every element of their stylish Modern home in Krisana Park, including the synthetic turf in their small backyard. The grass is always greener — not to mention weed -free — since the couple installed the product five years ago. "We never had fresh grass in that space. We just had a concrete slab and a large outdoor rug," said Tatum. "The turf drains nicely so it doesn't require much maintenance. It stays nice and green in the winter when everything else is dormant." https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/18/colorado-fake-turf-lawns/ Page 1 of 5 How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free 5/20/18, 5:40 PM ,i The Perezes paid about $1,200 for their do-it-yourself synthetic lawn. "It came in a big roll, and Eddie cut it to size," Tatum said. "It has weathered so nicely. We even considered doing the whole lawn with it, but only for a minute because we knew that would be sustainable, but also kind of crazy." Actually, not so crazy. Faux grass is growing ever more popular in Colorado, as it has in California. Playgrounds and parks use synthetic turf. Homeowners are installing faux grass putting greens. "My brother-in-law has the turf in his daughter's playroom," Tatum said. Libby and Chris Campbell rolled out their company, Mile High Synthetic Turf, more than 19 years ago. Libby Campbell said their product sells itself. "We're crazy busy," she said. Residential installations account for about 85 percent of the company's business. About 65 percent of customers are dog guardians. The Campbells' company has installed artificial grass at veterinarian clinics and dog kennels, too, because polyurethane turf can take the abuse of canine paws and claws. "Dogs can ruin grass and make a muddy yard. People get tired of replacing sod every two to three years and decide to replace it with artificial grass," Campbell said. The Perezes' rescue dog Moxey McJagger doesn't use the artificial grass to do her business, but many dogs do, and synthetic turf can take it without suffering unsightly burns and stains common to natural grass. "People still have to pick up poop and rinse urine, but we offer a 15 -year warranty," Campbell said, "We couldn't warranty our turf that long if dogs could destroy it, dig through it, pull it up." https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/18/colorado-fake-turf-lawns/ Page 2 of 5 17 How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free Kathryn Scott, Special to The Denver Post A blanket of artificial turf covers the courtyard patio of Tatum and Eddie Perez's home on April 16, 2018 in Denver. Bordering the turf area is blue Mexican Beach Pebble along the fence line. Other applications include shady spots where grass won't grow, small areas too difficult to mow, or bare patches typical beneath evergreen trees. Artificial grass looks more realistic due to brown thatch and varied textures. "Turf now has more dimension. Blades can be thicker, longer, or mixed throughout," Campbell said. "There are thousands of turf products on the market." Campbell said an ideal time to install synthetic turf is during new construction: "Your return on investment time is a lot shorter." Turf cost is offset by up to 70 percent lower water bills, as well as no money spent on mowing, irrigation system installation and maintenance, fertilizing, weed control, trimming, aerating, and treating diseases or pests. Synthetic turf's benefits include conserved water, reduced pesticides and herbicides, decreased CO2 emissions from lawn mowers and trucks that haul them, no grass allergens, and a savings of time. That's not enough to make a fan of Mike Bone, curator of the Steppe Collection at the Denver Botanic Gardens. https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/18/colorado-fake-turf-lawns/ 5/20/18, 5:40 PM Page 3 of 5 How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free 5/20/18, 5:40 PM "While permeable synthetic turf may be a way to save water, it gives nothing back to healthy ecosystems," he said. "A healthy, well-planned garden at home can conserve water, provide pollinator and animal habitat, and work to mitigate many negative impacts inherent in urban settings." How to make sure your fake turf looks better than a natural lawn: Libby Campbell, owner of Mile High Synthetic Turf, said the key to a natural looking fake lawn is the installation. "Bad installations give the product a bad name," she said. "When done wrong it looks just terrible —like wrinkled carpet." Campbell offered the following tips for consumers considering synthetic turf installations: • Inquire how long a company's been in business. "There are a lot of pop-up companies, and if they're out of business, that voids your warranty," she said. • Ask to see examples of a company's installed work. • Inquire about their installation process. To facilitate efficient drainage, Mile High Synthetic Turf installs atop a 4 -inch base of crushed granite. Sand should not be used in metro Denver, due to our freeze -thaw cycles. • And make sure the turf is made in the U.S.A., which certifies a lead-free product. TAGS: DENVER BOTANIC GARDENS, DROUGHT, GARDENING, PUNCH LIST cr-tit;%lso! EU CONTENT Forget Your 401k if you Own a Home (Do This) Sponsored By dollarfreedom If you own a home, you should read this. Thousands of homeowners did this yesterday, and banks are furious! Do this now before it's... https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/18/colorado-fake-turf-lawns/ Page 4 of 5 2® 4 , < City Of WheatP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 291h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 LETTER NOTICE (As required pursuant to Code Section 26-109.13) June 13, 2018 Dear Property Owner: This letter is to inform you of Case No. WA -18-08, a request for approval of a variance to section 26-502.C.8 of the Municipal Code to allow artificial turf instead of live landscaping materials for property located at 4020 Estes Street, in a Residential -One (R-1) zone district. This request is scheduled for a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 291h Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Board of Adiustment June 28, 2018 A 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you, City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. If you need inclusion assistance, please call Sara Spaulding, Public Information Official at 303-235-2877 at least one week in advance of a meeting. WA1808.doc Tiw- I 1 Cl) r � rMOWN ' CO r 7 39TH AVE `i �.4" ik 3940 DUDLEY ST LLC ANDERSON DALE R ANDERSON TRUDIANNE BLESSINGER MARY BETH 03940 DUDLEY ST 03920 DUDLEY ST 03880 DUDLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CARRY SHIRLEY C 04025 DUDLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 FLOREZ MARIAN T 04070 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HANSON ROBERT R HANSON ELIZABETH R 03871 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KELLER CLIFFORD B KELLER EMILY A 03888 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LUBELEY KRIS B LUBELEY GREG F 04031 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MEYER JULIE 04040 EVERETTST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PARKER KATHLEEN 0 14917 BEAR CREEK RD NE WOODINVILLE WA 98072 ROME FRANK A 04080 DUDLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CHIDLEY CHRISTOPHER B 04130 UMATILLA ST DENVER CO 80211 FOSTER MICHELE M PETSCHEL MICHAEL A 04095 DUDLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 HOVLAND PAUL M HOVLAND KIMBERLY J 04090 EVERETTST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KRIEGEL CHRISTOPHER KRIEGEL SANDRA R 04055 DUDLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MAJOR FAMILY TRUST 04021 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MORTELL MARTHA M 04020 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PETERSON ROBERT E JR PETERSON SUZANNE S 10955 CHIMING BELL CIR PEYTON CO 80831 RUDOLPH MARK A BURKETT JOANNA 03896 DUDLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 DEROSIER JOHN T DEROSIER KELLY M 03925 DUDLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 GRANT P ELIZABETH 03881 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 KACZMAREK JAMES KACZMAREK ANDREA R 04076 EVERETTST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 LUBELEY GREGORY F LUBELEY KRIS B 04031 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 MCNAMARA STEPHANIE 03880 EVERETTST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 OMEARA JAMES 03885 DUDLEY ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RIDENOUR DARYN PRATT RACHAEL A 03891 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SAKANAI CATHERINE SAKANAI JONATHON 03868 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 SCHURTER JANE SCHURTER KYLE SHANLEY CHRISTINE L CLARK DAVID E SPARKS BEVERLY J PETERSON STEVEN M 03960 DUDLEY ST 04010 EVERETT ST 04010 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 STAFFORD KIM J STARR KYLE TAYLOR BRITTA M 03890 EVERETT ST 03895 DUDLEY ST 04050 ESTES ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 TERRY LEE & BILLIE ANN TAYLOR FAMILY LIVING TRUST TOLL DAVID B TOLL NETTA W WILLIAMS JAMES 1 HAGEVIK SANDRA T 11890 E LOUISIANNA AVE 04085 DUDLEY ST 04090 ESTES ST AURORA CO 80012 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 �of Wheat�dge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. WA -18-08 DEADLINE FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS I, residing at as the applicant for Case No Public Notice at on this 14th day of June 28, 2018 4(11 (name) 4020 Estes Street (address) WA -18-08 hereby certify that I have posted the sign for 4020 Estes Street June (location) and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was postm in the position own on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. MAP __-;Clvof WheatRidge PUBLIC POSTING REQUIREMENTS One sign must be posted per street frontage. In addition, the following requirements must be met: ■ The sign must be located within the property boundaries. ■ The sign must be securely mounted on ■ The sign must be elevated a minim ■ The sign must be visible from the afat surface., of thirty (30) inc6es from ground. i t without obstruction. ■ The sign must be legible and posted for fifteen (15) continuous days prior to and including the deadline for written comments [sign must be in place until 7pm on Thursday, June 28] It is the applicant's responsibility to certify that these requirements have been met and to submit a completed Posting Certification Form to the Community Development Department. Ck,+ v S'LA Vel '-L ( Variance Request We propose to install artificial turf in the front yard of our property located at 4020 Estes St in Wheat Ridge. The reasons in support of our request are as follows: 1. Allergies Our kids (ages 10 & 11) are allergic to most grasses and after just a few minutes on a lawn, their noses are running, they're congested, and their eyes are red, watery and itchy. Our daughter suffers more than our son and she often breaks out in hives or welts. The worst time for our kids is right after the lawn is mowed. Any loose trimmings floating around will trigger an allergic reaction and instead of being able to open our doors and windows to enjoy a spring or summer breeze, we are forced to keep our house closed up and run the air conditioner. As a family, we play lots of lawn games (bocce, bean bag toss, paddle tennis, horse shoe, ring toss, corn hole) on artificial turf. We are not able to do so on regular turf. 2. Superior Drainage/Porosity The artificial turf we are proposing to install in our front yard is from Plush Grass. They have been around for several years and have had a store front in Denver since 2014. Their turf backing drains over the ENTIRE installed area as opposed to the standard hole punched backing and it drains just as well if not better than regular grass. (See turf sample previously provided). 3. No noise or air pollution Lawn mowers produce some of the worst pollution there is since there is no catalytic converter. They are also loud which is why many cities limit their hours of operation. Artificial turf does not require any mowing. 4. No chemical pollution Grass requires fertilizers several times a year which puts lots of nitrates and other chemicals into the water table. No pesticides or herbicides are needed with artificial turf. EXHIBIT 5 5. No grass allergens Artificial turf produces no allergens (which one of our kids is very sensitive to - see above). 6. Conserve Water No water needed for artificial turf which is a concern for Colorado. 7. Aesthetics Modern artificial turf looks just like grass in color as well as shape. We are not using big box store product. Plush Grass produces an environmentally sound, quality product. 8. Consistency Unlike grass, artificial turf will not have patches of dead grass, weeds or other unsightly areas. It maintains a well -manicured appearance all year round. 9. Investment Artificial turf is not cheap, in fact, it is quite an investment. However, it is an investment we are willing to make in order to provide our kids with a healthy environment and to have a nice looking yard year round. One final note we'd like to make - we took a walk around our neighborhood and found several homes with poorly maintained lawns and other homes with rocks and concrete, but no lawn whatsoever in their front yard. If our neighbors are allowed to have rocks and/or weeds in their front yard, why shouldn't we be allowed to have turf? (See photos attached). f3r-o©/d 3 . p _ U w II I I I I -� c Q p p < �1 F 2 ('IM :E w w N w N li x 2' m w U z Cl til C! 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V. aZZOW— Q WN,,99vI W-jZRVI VxmRQ R C� ri o vi O N o \f� s )TW 01 J4 I Pq L -a ARM, m �ililll ll�li�l �e1 'YA J"��. r�+r y�aCC Mm 1 73 rM- f �` "st Y.y. ♦ Z ° .i q1 �' .:a" �`.-r Ems"` �� '�-�M (J "*�,sm��'W� ,Y�..•- i'�r,� `� /��� it �f Ay^-� rca S. .+G.� X-P-3. : yar ieric ari 'store insra.e#ion S-&rVioes PlushGrass is constantly developing and improving synthetic turf. Throughout the year, PlushGrass performs extensive testing on all products in every step of the manufacturing process. This ensures all products meet the highest quality standards in the industry. Independent testing confirms that PlushGrass 3D Fibers are more durable and DO NOT CRUSH like other fibers. For more information about PlushGrass and products please visit plushgrass.com. PlushGrass has an 8 year product/UV warranty backed by a 3rd party insurance company! We have incorporated a number of evolutionary features/materials in our grasses that truly sets them apart from all others: 1. We use a PROPRIETARY pure polymer blend (no fillers added) to make our grass fiber. This provides unsurpassed durability, life, natural feel/softness, and natural appearance (all grasses are de-lustered). 2. We use only the highest quality pure color concentrates and UV block (no fillers added). The color and UV protection are mixed with the proprietary polymer BEFORE it is made into grass fiber. This assures maximum life by preventing drying, cracking, and fading. 3. Our fiber is made in 3D shapes: "Omega" and "S". This prevents fiber crush and turf flattening. 4. We build our grasses using Heat Reduction Technology! y PlushGrass' QuadBacking Is More Than Twice as Permeable as Other Companies' Hole -Punched Urethane Backed Products 614 6Y �r=;oxtm ent Turf Fiber Thatch Fiber yer, Premium, Iht, Geotextile Backing lefin Hot Melt cking System )us Polyolefin ..,,.en Stabilizing Layer • Environmentally Friendly & 100% Recyclable • Soft & Pliable - All Polyolefin Backing System Conforms to Contours • Absorbs No Moisture - Dimensionally Stable o Prevents Expansion & Contraction o Eliminates Wrinkles Caused by Urethane Backing o Prevents Stress on Seams I2 Synthetic TurfStore & instoliatfon Services � PlushGrass is one of the oldest privately owned synthetic turf companies in the Denver. Dozens of synthetic turf companies have started and folded in the last couple of decades. PlushGrass continues to grow each year due to our quality products, commitment to service, customer support, and attention to detail. PlushGrass Custom Synthetic Turf Store, Warehouse, and Installation: Based in Denver; Serving Colorado! Our staff has over 50+ years of Experience and Expertise and we exciusiveiy use American made products! PlushGrass performs extensive testing on all products in every step of the manufacturing process. This ensures all products meet the highest quality standards in the industry. Independent testing confirms that PlushGrass 3D fibers are more durable and DO NOT CRUSH like competitors' fibers. Please visit plushgrass.corn for more information. Why Choose PlushGrass Custom Synthetic Turf? 1. Proprietary Pure Polymers with no fillers are used to make our delustered fibers. We only use the highest quality color concentrates and UV block in our polymers preventing cracking/fading. Cour products are ieao' free and 100 o recyclabic: 2. 3D Fibers and Heat Reduction Technology prevent unnecessary over -heating and crushing/flattening years after installation. 3. DuraFlo Backing®: made with an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. a. Superior drainage/porosity — drains over the ENTIRE installed area vs. standard hole punched backings b. Dimensional stability — absorbs virtually no moisture and does not expand and contract over ambient temperature changes like urethane backings. Much less stress on seams! c. Soft and pliable — prevents wrinkles and conforms to undulating surfaces d. Superior durability - binds the backing materials and the fiber together to prevent fiber loss under heavy stress. 4. Installation: as important as product quality; if it's not done correctly time will reveal an unsatisfactory result. We use infill that prevents odors and that won't wear on turf fibers. a. In-house Installation Crews trained to our specifications. b. PlushGrass is fully licensed, bonded, and insured with a brick -and -mortar location. c. Envirofill®: we use Envirofill® infill with MicroBan® anti -microbial exclusively and we are Colorado's only distributor of Envirofill®. 5. PlushGrass was recruited by Celebrity GreensTM to represent Colorado in 2014 to design and install professional level Putting Green Complexes and Par 3 Courses. Celebrity GreensTm has created golf havens for notable figures such as actor Samuel L. Jackson, CBS Golf Commentator Peter Kostis, and Golf Instructor Hank Haney. } U3hGr&ss • 60SI Washington St, Unit B + Ofon er, Co 802` (303) 862-806S plushgrsss.com 13 Face Weight: 80 oz Pile Height: 1.89" Color: Summer Blend Roll Width: 15' Infill: Envirofill Heat Reduction Technology: Yes Fiber Type: HSHR Monofilament - 10800 Denier Thatch Type: TXT Polyethylene - 7000 Denier Primary Backing: 7 oz Stabilized Woven Dual Layer Polypropylene Secondary Backing: 10 oz DuraFlo Tufting .g• Leaci-i4ee Product o �-x8 Year Limited Warrant� 3D Shaped Fibers Keep the Grass Standing Upright x LY Ylw 'Ae ■ 0 0 For,wour best frie'n, i i PLUSH RAS INFILL THAT'S PET SAFE Because They're Family Too t.,'L'�`.... W ,�T Having a do and 9 a newborn child, Envirofill was the obvious choice for my family. - Tom Z., Homeowner Non-toxic and completely reusable, Envirofill° makes artificial turf look and feel great. Microban® antimicrobial product protection works continuously to help prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew that can cause odors and stains. Benefits A different kind of infill. Envirofill is composed of naturally - occurring sand found only in the Hickory Formation of central Texas. Its highly -rounded quartz core resists compression so it doesn't continue to >, , compact over the life of your lawn, promoting better drainage X\\\ 'ON Inhibits pet urine odor. Microban° technology reduces ammonia odor from urine by 99%. Microban° has been scientifically ' proven to disruptthe bacteria process that coverts pet urine into ammonia odor. So be assured, Fido can go about his business worry -free. It's cleaner. MicrobanO' antimicrobial protection is infused into Envirofill during the manufacturing process to help prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew that can cause stains, odors, and product deterioration. It's reusable. Because of its superior durability, Envirofill's coating and color are warrantied for 16 years. When your turf wears out and needs replacement, Envirofill has the potential to be reused in your new turf. EnvirofilI's exclusive partnership with Microban`-' provides an added level of antimicrobial protection for the lifetime of your infill. USA M Contact us today at: 303-862-8065 i plushgrassxom Frequently Asked Questions - PlushGrass I Artificial Turf & Design 5/28/18, 6:32 PM Frequently Asked Questions Q What Is artificial grass? Artificial Grass goes by many different names: synthetic turf, synthetic grass, synthetic lawn, artificial turf, artificial lawn, astro turf, and fake grass. Essentially, artificial grass is constructed like carpet using the same type of manufacturing process. Though high quality artificial grass is nothing like outdoor carpet! Modern artificial grass has two main components: fiber and backing. The fibers are the "blades of grass" and the backing is what holds the fibers in place. A third element is infill (usually sand or treated sand). Infill adds weight to the artificial grass helping it to stay in place and also helps to keep the grass blades/fibers standing upright. Q Is artificial turf good for dogs? Most dogs cannot dig through artificial grass. It would take a very determined and strong dog to dig a hole through an artificial grass play area. PlushGrass installs artificial grass dog areas with careful attention to the perimeter so that dogs can't pull up the edges of the turf. Unlike natural grass, artificial grass won't stain from urine or feces. When Envirofill is used a: an infill odors and hygiene are no longer an issue as long as the area is occasionally rained on or sprayed down with a hose. QDoes artificial grass require any maintenance? Artificial grass requires minimal maintenance, especially when compared to natural grass. In the autumn leaves need to be removed from the surface of artificial grass using a leaf blower and NOT a rake (raking will break down the leaves and create organic matter between the blades of grass that permit weed growth). It may also be necessary to "brush up" your artificial grass occasionally, especially if we are coming out of a particularly brutal, icy winter or you use your yard for sports and athletic activities. QWhere can I buy artificial turf? You can find artificial turf at the big box stores in Colorado or you can call or visit the PlushGrass Synthetic Turf Store in Denver to talk to someone who has been in the artificial grass industry for at least 5 years; we are happy to help you with difficult installation issues such as xeriscaping, slopes, areas with difficult drainage, and working with young trees whose trunk size will quickly expand in the coming years. Unlike Home Depot, Lowe's, and Costco we only provide, sell, and install artificial grass and artificial grass supplies. We are located just Northeast of 125 and 170 at 60th and Washington St. QHow many years will synthetic turf last? PlushGrass Synthetic Turf will last 20 years or more when installed at a residence with regular yard use. The products that we installed early on are still going strong. PlushGrass Custom Synthetic Turf has a limited 8 year Warranty on our synthetic grasses and a 2 year Craftsmanship Warranty* on our installations. * If PlushGrass installs turf made by another company our craftsmanship warranty will only cover 1 year. QHow much does artificial grass cost compared to real grass? Initially, artificial grass will cost more. When you factor in the monetary and time savings from not watering, fertilizing, and mowing artificial grass wins out in the long term. The average break even point between natural grass and artificial grass ranges between 3 and 5 years. About Us Working Hours PlushGrass is your artificial turf experts serving all of Colorado. With our over 10+ years Monday 09:00-4:0( of servicing the area we know what it takes to deliver stunning artificial turf installations. Tuesday 09:00-4:0C GET A FREE QUOTE (/contact) http://www.plushgrass.com/artificial-grass-faq/ Page 2 of 3 i� How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free LIFESTYLE > HOME & GARDEN On a roll: How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free Synthetic grass is especially useful in tricky areas of the yard, like spots in deep shade By COLLEEN SMITH I colleenwordsmith@gmail.com I Special to The Denver Post May 18, 2018 at 12:15 am Fake grass is real news in Denver. Tatum and Eddie Perez painstakingly curate every element of their stylish Modern home in Krisana Park, including the synthetic turf in their small backyard. The grass is always greener — not to mention weed -free — since the couple installed the product five years ago. "We never had fresh grass in that space. We just had a concrete slab and a large outdoor rug," said Tatum. "The turf drains nicely so it doesn't require much maintenance. It stays nice and green in the winter when everything else is dormant." https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/18/colorado-fake-turf-lawns/ 5/20/18, 5:40 PM Page 1 of 5 I+ How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free 5/20/18, 5:40 PM The Perezes paid about $1,200 for their do-it-yourself synthetic lawn. "It came in a big roll, and Eddie cut it to size," Tatum said. "It has weathered so nicely. We even considered doing the whole lawn with it, but only for a minute because we knew that would be sustainable, but also kind of crazy." Actually, not so crazy. Faux grass is growing ever more popular in Colorado, as it has in California. Playgrounds and parks use synthetic turf. Homeowners are installing faux grass putting greens. "My brother-in-law has the turf in his daughter's playroom," Tatum said. Libby and Chris Campbell rolled out their company, Mile High Synthetic Turf, more than 19 years ago. Libby Campbell said their product sells itself. "We're crazy busy," she said. Residential installations account for about 85 percent of the company's business. About 65 percent of customers are dog guardians. The Campbells' company has installed artificial grass at veterinarian clinics and dog kennels, too, because polyurethane turf can take the abuse of canine paws and claws. "Dogs can ruin grass and make a muddy yard. People get tired of replacing sod every two to three years and decide to replace it with artificial grass," Campbell said. The Perezes' rescue dog Moxey McJagger doesn't use the artificial grass to do her business, but many dogs do, and synthetic turf can take it without suffering unsightly burns and stains common to natural grass. "People still have to pick up poop and rinse urine, but we offer a 15 -year warranty," Campbell said, "We couldn't warranty our turf that long if dogs could destroy it, dig through it, pull it up." https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/18/colorado-fake-turf-lawns/ Page 2 of 5 /g How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free Kathryn Scott, Special to The Denver Post A blanket of artificial turf covers the courtyard patio of Tatum and Eddie Perez's home on April 16, 2018 in Denver. Bordering the turf area is blue Mexican Beach Pebble along the fence line. Other applications include shady spots where grass won't grow, small areas too difficult to mow, or bare patches typical beneath evergreen trees. Artificial grass looks more realistic due to brown thatch and varied textures. "Turf now has more dimension. Blades can be thicker, longer, or mixed throughout," Campbell said. "There are thousands of turf products on the market." Campbell said an ideal time to install synthetic turf is during new construction: "Your return on investment time is a lot shorter." Turf cost is offset by up to 70 percent lower water bills, as well as no money spent on mowing, irrigation system installation and maintenance, fertilizing, i weed control, trimming, aerating, and treating diseases or pests. Synthetic turf's benefits include conserved water, reduced pesticides and herbicides, decreased CO2 emissions from lawn mowers and trucks that haul them, no grass allergens, and a savings of time. That's not enough to make a fan of Mike Bone, curator of the Steppe Collection at the Denver Botanic Gardens. https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/18/colorado-fake-turf-lawns/ 5/20/18, 5:40 PM Page 3 of 5 Iq How Colorado homeowners are using fake turf to keep their lawns green and weed -free 5/20/18, 5:40 PM "While permeable synthetic turf may be a way to save water, it gives nothing back to healthy ecosystems," he said. "A healthy, well-planned garden at home can conserve water, provide pollinator and animal habitat, and work to mitigate many negative impacts inherent in urban settings." How to make sure your fake turf looks better than a natural lawn: Libby Campbell, owner of Mile High Synthetic Turf, said the key to a natural looking fake lawn is the installation. "Bad installations give the product a bad name," she said. "When done wrong it looks just terrible —like wrinkled carpet." Campbell offered the following tips for consumers considering synthetic turf installations: • Inquire how long a company's been in business. "There are a lot of pop-up companies, and if they're out of business, that voids your warranty," she said. • Ask to see examples of a company's installed work. • Inquire about their installation process. To facilitate efficient drainage, Mile High Synthetic Turf installs atop a 4 -inch base of crushed granite. Sand should not be used in metro Denver, due to our freeze -thaw cycles. • And make sure the turf is made in the U.S.A., which certifies a lead-free product. TAGS: DENVER BOTANIC GARDENS, DROUGHT, GARDENING, PUNCH LIST Forget Your 401k if you Own a Home (Do This) Sponsored By dollarfreedom If you own a home, you should read this. Thousands of homeowners did this yesterday, and banks are furious! Do this now before it's... https://www.denverpost.com/2018/05/18/colorado-fake-turf-lawns/ Page 4 of 5 20 QI o o z wI II U ¢ z x x a x 3 X : a o z z o O ~ 3 3 N -i CL W <0 CV w w w w to w w U z lZ r a x a VIII O I I I �I \\ o I z r v O _ � h z UO \\ J WO\ WU \ OA IsU'UlU £ JZW SJ\\ JO�� My ]OV 15= W IUi !!I 6 101 w .-. Z W J N �� Z W w w . 3 cN3 tl3ii6H5 L 10' w W O 1 44 133i�Vm^mj aMm VU�dM JO_N '=N Q? UU�O CV%Ni misum \rn Q�UZM�pm m <;Z\�NMmp NW O(/ Z0<� A \\ r3na OtDN IMI\3i+i a to ... 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IN.., � \2 � AVM !0 1N018 0i r .I�HN.LS S-tu I I O ^ I II � I PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: LOTS 5 BLOCK 1, SCHIFFENDECKER SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BUILDING CODE: 2012 IRC WITH WHEAT RIDGE AMENDMENTS SITE SURVEY INFORMATION BASED ON IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT PREPARED BY FALCON SURVEYING INC., (303-202-1560) DATED 8/15/2016 SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES• A. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING UTILITY LOCATIONS, VEGETATION, CONTOURS, SETBACKS AND BOUNDARIES PRIOR TO START OF DEMOLITION OR NEW CONSTRUCTInni Minor Property appraisal system Page 1 of 2 Property j Information GENERAL INFORMATION PIN/Schedule: 300024715 AIN/Parcel ID: 39-224-08-004 Status: Active Property Type: Residential Property Address: 04020 ESTES ST 281 Owner Name(s) WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 4344 2545 IMORTELL STEVE Mailing Address: SAME ADDRESS AS PROPERTY 1325 IMORTELL MARTHA M Neighborhood: 2406 - BEL AIRE,HILLCREST HEIGHTS, MELROSE MANOR AREA PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Subdivision Name: 659000 - SCHIFFERDECKER flock Lot Key Isection[Township Range lQuartersection Land S ft 0005 22 13 169 ISE 117061 otal 117061 Assessor Parcel maps Associated with Schedule pmao39-224.pdf PROPERTY INVENTORY Property Type RESID Design: 1 Story/Ranch Interactive Mao Year Built: 2018 Adjusted Year Built: 2018 Improvement Number: 1 � Areas Quality Construction S ft Covered Porch Good 281 BSMT TOTAL Good 2545 ATTACH GARAGE Good 1325 First Floor Good F 2545 Minor structures; non -calculated area Good 3870 Adjustment Code Adjustment Land Characteristics Sq Ft JBelow Avg. Location Forced Air Unit Heat 2545 Central Air / Package 2545 Unit Bsmt Finish - No W/O 2036 SALE HISTORY Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception 12-05-1988 0 Death Certificate 88117470 11-24-1998 0 Quit Claim Deed F0755292 11-08-2013 290,000 Warranty Deed 2013135674 08-23-2016 443,000 Warranty Deed 2016085260 TAX INFORMATION 2018 Payable 2019 2018 2018 Mill Levy Information Actual Value Total 456,632 County Assessed Value Total 32,878 2017 Payable 2018 TB WHEATRIDGE WATER DIST Actual Value Total 385,671 URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DIST Assessed Value Total 27,769 Treasurer Information View Mill Levy Detail For Year 2018 2018 Mill Levy Information Tax District 3139 County TB School TB WHEATRIDGE SAN DIST TB WHEATRIDGE WATER DIST TB REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST TBAl URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CONT DIST TB URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD C SO PLAT TB WEST METRO FIRE PROTECTION - G TB WHEAT RIDGE TB j 2017 http://ats.jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=024715 06/19/2018 2016085260 8126/201611:23 AM PGS 1 $11.00 DF $44.30 Electronically Recorded Jefferson County, CO Faye Griffin, Clerk and Recorder TD1000 Y State Doc unenmryFee Warranty Deed Date: August 23, 2016 (Pursuant to 3&30-113 C.RS.) $ THIS DEED, made on August 23, 2016 by JUSTIN BUNKER Graz oft of the County of JEFFERSON and State of COLORADO for the consideration of ($443,000.00) — Four Huauth+ed Forty Thuve Thousand and OW10001 0 dollars in hand paid, hereby sells and conveys to MARTHA M. MORTELL AND STEVE MORTELL Grantee(s), as Joint Tenants, whose street address is 4020 ESTES STREET WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033, County of JEFFERSON, and State of COLORADO, the following real property in the County of Jeffmw , and State of Colorado, to wit: LOT S, SCHHWERDECKER SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. also known by street and number as: 4020 ESTES STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 00033 with all its appurte*w>rs. and warrants the title to the same, subject to general taxes for the year 2016 and those specific Exceptions described by ref hence to recorded documents as reflected in the Title Documents accepted by Grantee(s) in accordance with Record 71de Matters (Section 8.2) of the Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate relating to the above described neat property; distribution rdility easements, (including cable M. dwse specifically described rights of third parties not shrn m by the public records of which Grnotee(s) has actual bwwiedge and which were accepted by Grante<s) in aeeordame with Off -Record ntle Matters (Section 8.3) and CWrent Swvey Review (Section 9) o f the Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate relating w the above described real property; hwhaiods o f the Property within aqy special tat district; ArW special assessment if the in p ovemew were not installed as a f tee date of BWer s signamm the Corowt to Buy and Sell Real Estaw, whether assessed prior to or after Closing; and other NONE ,tUM4 B1*HQl R State of COLORADO ) County of JEFFERSON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of August 23, 2016 by JUSTIN BUNKER Notary public �t=ft51AC3 S�OLAN M commission 1Vt7 fARY d�LiRil1C My ATr,- OF COLORADO NOTARY iD 1 192'0 587 When Recorded Return to: MARTHA M. MORTELL AND SIEVE MORTEL MY CO 4020 ESTES STREET WHEAT RIDGE, CO 0003 °°'"7TW m, For13050 17/2015 wd.16.odt 1-16 Warranty Deed (Joint Tennant) KMOS931 126002=1 --------------- ----------- I ► A 4' submitted BY Al City Of planner. Incomp Wheat Fridge be accepted—ref LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) \ __uu leis Applicant' l �f - �- AVL, '�U+J Phone 3 -0S-%11i') Email Address, City, State, Zip 7,0 � 6 �Z e6()K?'3 5 Owner ; k Y.- Address, City, State, Zip ,( Contact �i11. ✓' Address, City, State, Zip Phone Phone Email Email (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) �p Location of request (address): � w 15��hes 44 . (,h+ ku-r� V,d4e- do 6603-4 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): O Change of Zone or Zone Conditions O Special Use Permit O Planned Development (ODP, SDP) O Conditional Use Permit O Planned Building Group O Site Plan O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Concept Plan -0 Variance/Waiver (from Section 26-5b4,4) O Right of Way Vacation ��, Detailed description of request: ✓?✓i V" 5 V` ('i,�, wut o 1- r. n t O Subdivision - specify type: O Administrative (up to 3 lots) O Minor (4 or 5 lots) O Major (6 or more lots) O Other: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting wit the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be ccomplished. 4pplicakother than ow Aw_. 6auorne from the owner which approved of this c 'on on beh IfT�D ODEAN NOTARY PUBLIC Notarized Signature of Applicant STATE OF COLORADONOTARY ID 20164015481 County of State of Colorado } MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 22, 2020 �c rsa!'sOr1- �f ss 4A— The foregoing instrument (Land Use Processing Application) was acknowledged by me this 6 day of J i, n P 20_1g�_ by _ C-A0✓3-,A on,> r -d -Q �^ �d My commission expires 2o1/20-,-& Notary Public To be filled out by staff: Date received --41--1 dC/f Comp Plan Design. Related Case No. Assessor's Parcel No. Size (acres or sqft) Rev 1/22/ 2016 Fee $ 6120-66 Receipt No. C- U f< L) I `l3110 Pre -App Mtg. Date _ Current Zoning �pf,, en ; o Qn p - t Proposed Zoning Case No. �A— I V— 0 U Quarter Section Map $✓ a 2 Case Manager CLC( Current Use^ Proposed Use