HomeMy WebLinkAboutMetz Hill SubdivisionVICINITY MAP, SCALE lif=1000, LEGEND 0 = SET NO.5x1'-6" REBAR W/PLASTIC CAP LS.26298 = FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED + = FOUND CHISELED CROSS = SECTION CORNER (R) = RECORD INFORMATION (M) = MEASURED = PROPERTY LINE = EXISTING LOT LINE PROPOSED LOT LINE SECTION LINE ------------------ = EASEMENT LINE = SECTION TIE LINE IMF, -9ft IN RANGE BOX (ILLEGIBLE) NORTH 1/4 CORNER SECTION 25, T3S, R69W HILL 6 UBUIVIb N (WHEAT RIDGE CP -15909) M tz U ,--CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CNO-ORDINATE 4SYSTEM 705845.1BEING A REHLATUF LOT 7 ANU 8WEILAND 6U t3DIV1SI N, E--123125.79 LAT-N39'46'09.68934„L0N -W1 05*03'45'57133" Lu'"`C" ATE Dk IN THE NOE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T3S, R6�49"W OF THE'* 6TH P.M., A #on% 001% 0 a a UN Y OF JEFFEKti N, STATE '0'*AF"4"'LA*0%'RADO CITY -"OF WHEAT RIDGE, LOT 6 LOT 5 LOT 4 0 -1 c MARIETTA if J N89*49`21 "E(M) 0) N89*49'45$tEM N89*4' 22 1 E"M) SUBDIVISION 40' 80' I � i i 104.54(M)65.05'(M) LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 105.00'(R) 03. r4 R 65.00 (R) `25.001-0- S89-4057"W(M) SCALE: 1 = 40 5.00"(M&R`i C> 0 W 33RD AVE N89°49 21 E (M) (50 280.30'(11vill & r-, F L --EXISTING 5' UTILITY EASEMENT TO REMAIN 4 r EXISTING 5' UTILITY EASEMENT TO REMAINL--H LOT 16 OT I nr A 1 (179 L ZONED R -11C ZONED R -1C Lo 0 ry) 13 - OWNER'S CERTIFICATE B T M Gray LLC, being the owner(s) of real property containing 21.061 square feet, 0.4835 acres. described as follows: Description: Lot 7 and 8 of Weiland Subdivision being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Center Quarter Corner of Section 25, TOW-Sh'p 3 A South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, thence North '+2-#2425,3" East 450.50 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 8 and the Point of Beginning; thence South 89*4642" West 140.37 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; , thence North 0*21'45" West 150.04 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot %� " -7, thence North 89'A-6142" Eot 140.38 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 4- I � thence South 0021'25" East 150.04 feet to the Southeast Corner of said Lot 8 and the Point of Beginning; have laid out, subdivided and platted said land as per the drawing hereon contained into lots and tracts under the name and style of METZ- HILL SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and by these presents do dedicate- to the City of Wheat Ridge and the public those portions of real Property shown as right—of—way, and do further dedicate to the City of Wheat Ridge and those municipally owned cnd/or municipally franchised utilities and services those portions of real property shown as easements for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all services. This includes but is not limited to telephone and electric !lines, gas lines, water and sanitary sewer lines, hydrants, stormwater systems and pipes, det-illion ponds, street lights and alt appurtenances thereto, Brent J Metz (Owner) TAM&RA D ODEANT 0 " �C LU N-1Tf r-Aply PLIDC �;TATE f*F(-`,0UW ADO State of Colorado Ss MY, MMIWHONLURESARILa �.ounty of Jefferson The foregoing instrument cis acknowledged betore me this Day of 3: —1 20 -Ll— Witness MOV nand and official YI seal. My commission expire: Notary Public CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day ofq44�/ by the City of Wheat Ridge, ATTEST 4irdA i y Clerk Mayor JON X1, — ommunity DevelopmentW c t or MEMO at:AL OR - CLERK AND RECORDER'S CER -TIFICA71E Accepted for recording in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado this day of 201-41 JEFFERSON 'COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER Deputy CIS .w Z 00 It SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE" 1, JERALD W, RICHMOND, (DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THP - BOUNDARY OF METZ HILL SUBDIVISION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION I AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, PLAT CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. —li�T - ti — — — — — — — — — — iffW. r RICHMO , L,S. 26298 COLORADO PROFE ION r6N1A�L1' LAND SURVE CASE ::HIS—TORY ms- 18-01 OF WHEAT R I U U t VV;3ZNU AVE 2645.73`W 2645,70"(R) FOUND 3.25" ALUM CAP COORDINATE SYSTEM IN RANGE BOX (ILLEGIBLE) N-703194,06 E--123740,48 (R.O.W. UNDETERMINED) EAST 1/4 CORNER I-AT-N39*45'43.49563" SECTION 25, T3S, R69W L0N-W1 05*03'45154767" \jWHEAT RIDGE CP -16901) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ---=15 5 7 2-11, 8 3 9 4 COORDINATE SYSTEM N-70320815 E-126386.1,15 LAT—N39*45'43.50787" 2 -5,17/2018 - 1 10/26/2017 0 9/241/2017 Z N-703676.8 LOT 2 NO. DATE REVISION Ln LOT 6 FE -124041, 71 WETLAND - LOT 15 LOT 3 SUBDIVISION LOT 6 GRAY ST ?-1 ZONED R -11C ZONED R -1C LOT 1 01 ROW 04 THIS PLAT W 5 N-703676-33 N89-465"42"E(M) LO E- 1 23902J813 140.,38'(M) LOT 3 �C) Area 6946 SF (0,1595) th 138.88' ......... ...... .......... SO'21'25"E(M) Z 0 LOT 1 CIO ry Area : 6945 SF Ld 75; I LOT 14 1-0) i 1 6 ( 0 ,1594) �N N NC) LOT 2 N89*4642"E(M) 0 0 1,50' WIDE STRIP HEREBY DEDICATED -�-AS ZONED R -11C 1,38.88"M or) PUBLIC ROW 0 Z BY THIS PLAT LAT 13 - OWNER'S CERTIFICATE B T M Gray LLC, being the owner(s) of real property containing 21.061 square feet, 0.4835 acres. described as follows: Description: Lot 7 and 8 of Weiland Subdivision being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Center Quarter Corner of Section 25, TOW-Sh'p 3 A South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, thence North '+2-#2425,3" East 450.50 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 8 and the Point of Beginning; thence South 89*4642" West 140.37 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; , thence North 0*21'45" West 150.04 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot %� " -7, thence North 89'A-6142" Eot 140.38 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 4- I � thence South 0021'25" East 150.04 feet to the Southeast Corner of said Lot 8 and the Point of Beginning; have laid out, subdivided and platted said land as per the drawing hereon contained into lots and tracts under the name and style of METZ- HILL SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and by these presents do dedicate- to the City of Wheat Ridge and the public those portions of real Property shown as right—of—way, and do further dedicate to the City of Wheat Ridge and those municipally owned cnd/or municipally franchised utilities and services those portions of real property shown as easements for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all services. This includes but is not limited to telephone and electric !lines, gas lines, water and sanitary sewer lines, hydrants, stormwater systems and pipes, det-illion ponds, street lights and alt appurtenances thereto, Brent J Metz (Owner) TAM&RA D ODEANT 0 " �C LU N-1Tf r-Aply PLIDC �;TATE f*F(-`,0UW ADO State of Colorado Ss MY, MMIWHONLURESARILa �.ounty of Jefferson The foregoing instrument cis acknowledged betore me this Day of 3: —1 20 -Ll— Witness MOV nand and official YI seal. My commission expire: Notary Public CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day ofq44�/ by the City of Wheat Ridge, ATTEST 4irdA i y Clerk Mayor JON X1, — ommunity DevelopmentW c t or MEMO at:AL OR - CLERK AND RECORDER'S CER -TIFICA71E Accepted for recording in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado this day of 201-41 JEFFERSON 'COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER Deputy CIS .w Z 00 It SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE" 1, JERALD W, RICHMOND, (DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THP - BOUNDARY OF METZ HILL SUBDIVISION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION I AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, PLAT CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. —li�T - ti — — — — — — — — — — iffW. r RICHMO , L,S. 26298 COLORADO PROFE ION r6N1A�L1' LAND SURVE CASE ::HIS—TORY ms- 18-01 OF WHEAT R I U U t VV;3ZNU AVE 2645.73`W 2645,70"(R) FOUND 3.25" ALUM CAP COORDINATE SYSTEM IN RANGE BOX (ILLEGIBLE) N-703194,06 E--123740,48 (R.O.W. UNDETERMINED) EAST 1/4 CORNER I-AT-N39*45'43.49563" SECTION 25, T3S, R69W L0N-W1 05*03'45154767" \jWHEAT RIDGE CP -16901) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ---=15 5 7 2-11, 8 3 9 4 COORDINATE SYSTEM N-70320815 E-126386.1,15 LAT—N39*45'43.50787" 2 -5,17/2018 - 1 10/26/2017 0 9/241/2017 I Ct-I NO. DATE REVISION L T2 CREATED BY LST 04 THIS PLAT W 5 Uj �C) Area 6946 SF (0,1595) th ......... ...... .......... SO'21'25"E(M) Z 0 Z 1-0) 0 i N89*46'42"E(M) 150,04 '(M) 150 (R) N 0 Z 8.87'(M) F t I I 1Z LOT I LOT LINE HEREBY, I LOT 13 i Uj ZONED R -11C LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED 0L# 3 CREATED BY THIS PLAT Uj 5 SHAKLEE i BY THIS PLAT 1 17, -AF Area : 6945 SF SUBDIVISION 0 LIJ LO (0.1594) C-Ij 0 LOT GENERAL N0Tr-'-,: Z EXISTING S'UTILITY EASEMENT TO REMAI a in 0 Z Z 38-87' Uj 1. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENC-1E ANY 7"/ S89-4642"W(M) 3: U. T L S)EUD UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE LEGAL ACTION BA Z N-703526.229 140.37'(M) 0i POINT OF YE A R ",S) AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT, IN NO EVENT MAY ANY E-123903.78 (BEGINNING ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORS U-) LOT3 GRAY ST LOT 12 THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. ROW 2. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY N - 703526.83 EY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY COMMITS A CLIAS, TW,/) P1 1131 IC LAND SURVE S E-1 240-42.65 (22) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 4 LOT 6 -1 THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT A TITLE COMMITMENT. A TITLE nT SEARCH WAS N PERFOIRMED TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR OTHER MATTERS OF PUBLIC RECORD. INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON IS BASED ON THE PLAT OF WEILAND SUBDIVISION, RECORDED AT THE E JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER. `x/ A-, LOT 11 4. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE Of:" .1 Q), NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W OF THE 6TH P,M. ASSUMED TO BEAR NO"19"U'S"W BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS AS SHOWN r v HEREON, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREON RELATIVE THERETO. LOT 7 5. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38-511-106(L), ALL LINEAL UNPLA TTED >— 10 UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS 'LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEFT. ONE < METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. FEET ACCORDING To THE Z ONED R -IC W NATIONAL INqTIT1 jTP-0 OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 1Lr) 6. THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN LOT 10 DERIVED FROM NAD 83 DARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% k'-'NIONFIDENCE LEVEL AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDk/--1'-STD-007,2-1998' LU 7. tvIETZ HILL SUBDIVISION IS ZONED R-1 C. 00 ------------ ----------- 50i CIL LOT 9 in (POINT OF COMMENCEMENT)i iZ FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP N89-41 N89 N89°41'39" .(M) IN RANGE BOX (ILLEGIBLE) 280.71'(M) 280�8'(R) -50 — - - — - 280.67"M) --80.75'(R) - �E CENTER 1/4 CORNER 2 5.90'F- - - ji00' SECTION 25, T3S, R69W / /-Iiii C) 0 (WHEAT RIDGE CP -16909) t� Ci N89'4"39' "'E(M) 13 - OWNER'S CERTIFICATE B T M Gray LLC, being the owner(s) of real property containing 21.061 square feet, 0.4835 acres. described as follows: Description: Lot 7 and 8 of Weiland Subdivision being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Center Quarter Corner of Section 25, TOW-Sh'p 3 A South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, thence North '+2-#2425,3" East 450.50 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 8 and the Point of Beginning; thence South 89*4642" West 140.37 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; , thence North 0*21'45" West 150.04 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot %� " -7, thence North 89'A-6142" Eot 140.38 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 4- I � thence South 0021'25" East 150.04 feet to the Southeast Corner of said Lot 8 and the Point of Beginning; have laid out, subdivided and platted said land as per the drawing hereon contained into lots and tracts under the name and style of METZ- HILL SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and by these presents do dedicate- to the City of Wheat Ridge and the public those portions of real Property shown as right—of—way, and do further dedicate to the City of Wheat Ridge and those municipally owned cnd/or municipally franchised utilities and services those portions of real property shown as easements for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all services. This includes but is not limited to telephone and electric !lines, gas lines, water and sanitary sewer lines, hydrants, stormwater systems and pipes, det-illion ponds, street lights and alt appurtenances thereto, Brent J Metz (Owner) TAM&RA D ODEANT 0 " �C LU N-1Tf r-Aply PLIDC �;TATE f*F(-`,0UW ADO State of Colorado Ss MY, MMIWHONLURESARILa �.ounty of Jefferson The foregoing instrument cis acknowledged betore me this Day of 3: —1 20 -Ll— Witness MOV nand and official YI seal. My commission expire: Notary Public CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day ofq44�/ by the City of Wheat Ridge, ATTEST 4irdA i y Clerk Mayor JON X1, — ommunity DevelopmentW c t or MEMO at:AL OR - CLERK AND RECORDER'S CER -TIFICA71E Accepted for recording in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado this day of 201-41 JEFFERSON 'COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER Deputy CIS .w Z 00 It SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE" 1, JERALD W, RICHMOND, (DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THP - BOUNDARY OF METZ HILL SUBDIVISION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION I AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, PLAT CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. —li�T - ti — — — — — — — — — — iffW. r RICHMO , L,S. 26298 COLORADO PROFE ION r6N1A�L1' LAND SURVE CASE ::HIS—TORY ms- 18-01 OF WHEAT R I U U t VV;3ZNU AVE 2645.73`W 2645,70"(R) FOUND 3.25" ALUM CAP COORDINATE SYSTEM IN RANGE BOX (ILLEGIBLE) N-703194,06 E--123740,48 (R.O.W. UNDETERMINED) EAST 1/4 CORNER I-AT-N39*45'43.49563" SECTION 25, T3S, R69W L0N-W1 05*03'45154767" \jWHEAT RIDGE CP -16901) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ---=15 5 7 2-11, 8 3 9 4 COORDINATE SYSTEM N-70320815 E-126386.1,15 LAT—N39*45'43.50787" 2 -5,17/2018 - 1 10/26/2017 0 9/241/2017 LON—W1 05'03'11.67619" NO. DATE REVISION PREPARED FOR: BRENT i METZ 3265 GRAY ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 '4'