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� CItY Of
Minutes of Meeting
February 7, 2019
The meeting was called to order by Chair BUCKNAM at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Alan Bucknam
Emery Dorsey
Daniel Larson
Janet Leo
Scott Ohm
Richard Peterson
Amanda Weaver
Vivian Vos
Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager
Jordan Jefferies, Civil Engineer II
Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner LEO to
approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 8-0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES — January 17, 2019
It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner
WEAVER to approve the minutes of January 17, 2019, as written. Motion carried
7-0-1 with Commissioner LARSON abstaining.
PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing
on the agenda.)
Planning Commission Minutes
February 7, 2019
No one wished to speak at this time.
A. Case No. WZ-18-17, WZ-18-18 and WS -18-02: an application filed by Upham
Partners, LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential -Three (R-3) to
Planned Residential Development (PRD) with approval of an associated Outline
Development Plan (ODP), Specific Development Plan (SDP), and subdivision plat
for the construction of a 38 -unit townhome project for the property located at 4000,
4042, 4062 and 4066 Upham Street.
Ms. Mikulak gave a brief presentation regarding the zone change, SDP,
subdivision and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the
case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital
presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met,
therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case.
Commissioner VOS asked if the utilities will be underground.
Ms. Mikulak explained that for all new subdivision all utilities are required to be
Commissioner OHM inquired about the Jeffco Schools Letter of Intent with regard
to the drainage and detention areas around Steven Elementary and if there can be a
condition added to the motions to make sure the easements are in place.
Ms. Mikulak stated there are multiple ways to proceed, but the school is in
agreement with the design and there can definitely be a condition in the motions
regarding the easements being finalized.
Commissioner OHM asked why the heights are left blank on sheet one of the SDP.
Ms. Mikulak explained that was an oversight and per the ODP the maximum
building height is 35 feet and the provided building height will be filled in and can
be a condition of approval before going to City Council.
Commissioner PETERSON asked if the community park had been reduced in size
due to parking.
Ms. Mikulak said that projects evolve and over time the visitor parking has
increased which has shrunk the size of the park. She added the visitor parking is
around the park.
Commissioner asked if all the buildings will be 35 feet in height.
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February 7, 2019
Ms. Mikulak explained the roof lines vary and will range in height from 30 to 34
Commissioner LARSON wondered about having a Metropolitan District over an
Ms. Mikulak gave a brief explanation about the difference between Metro Districts
and HOAs. Like an HOA, a Metropolitan District can be responsible for long term
maintenance of shared facilities, including the park, drive aisles and detention.
Unlike an HOA, Metro Districts are funded by a mill levy instead of fees. Metro
Districts are a quasigovernmental entity and can issue bonds to pay for
infrastructure costs associated with new development. The City is seeing more
inquiries about Metro Districts because of the infrastructure costs often associated
with infill development. She gave examples of existing Metro Districts in the City,
explained the process by which they are created, and noted that the applicant is still
evaluating the pros and cons of a Metro District versus and HOA.
Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if the community park will be open to the
general public.
Ms. Mikulak said it is not intended for the neighborhood at large, but for the
residents and their visitors.
Tony Del Grippo, Upham Partners, LLC (Applicant)
19209 W 53rd Loop, Golden
Mr. Del Grippo explained that Upham Partners has the opportunity to do
something unique with this property and are excited about the prospect. He gave a
brief explanation about the surrounding area and other projects that are currently
under construction and their hopes of keeping this project affordable and utilize the
density without doing slot homes. Mr. Del Grippo mentioned the opportunity for
the park and the infill situation. He also confirmed they are in final agreements for
a temporary construction easement with the school district which will be replaced
by a long term agreement for the detention area. He added this will be an amazing
little village and their vision will have no 2 buildings looking the same.
Commissioner OHM asked about sheets 12 and 13 of the SDP with regards to
ornamental trees the City's code states xeric water wise plant material should be
used so he wondered why the Poplar tree was chosen.
Julie Gunther (Project Landscape Architect)
Ms. Gunther said the Poplar grows and fills in quickly, but a Columnar Oak could
be a nice substitute.
Commissioner OHM asked why the trees were shown in the site triangle.
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February 7, 2019
Ms. Gunter and Ms. Mikulak explained that the trees canopy will be higher than
the clear zone area and tree trunks along with utility poles can be allowed by the
City, because they are not completely obstructive.
Commissioner OHM also asked about artificial turf possible being used.
Ms. Mikulak stated artificial turf is typically not allowed and the ODP includes a
note to allow it in these limited front yard areas.
Commissioner OHM also inquired about the one Blue Spruce which typically
provides a lot of shade and can be a risk for residents to the north in the winter
Ms. Gunter said a deciduous tree could be substituted.
Commissioner OHM asked if an existing fence on the east side of the property will
be removed. If a new one is installed, he asked if it would go around the catch
Mr. Del Grippo confirmed there is a fence that will be removed and replaced by a
wood fence and will be maintained by the Metro District; he added the fence will
go on top of the catch basins and not impede flows.
Commissioner LARSON asked if there is an issue with the electric service
easements for the subdivision plat.
Jessie Donovan, Bright Letter Engineering (Project Engineer)
3265 Gaylor Street, Denver
Mr. Donovan explained there is a preliminary layout with Xcel, and they require
building size information first for the load panels then they will know where to
place the transformers. Xcel has a 6 week design process, but currently there are 2
transformers within the park area.
Commissioner LARSON asked where the easement will enter the property.
Mr. Donovan stated the utility easement will be along the southern end of the
Commissioner VOS asked if the developer has worked in the City of Wheat Ridge
before and said she appreciated the 5 -foot setback from the sidewalks. She also
wondered how the Ridgetop Village name was chosen.
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February 7, 2019
Mr. Del Grippo mentioned this is the first project in the Wheat Ridge area and they
are excited about it. He added the team liked the happenings at the Ridge at 38 and
wanted to incorporate Ridge with village since the feel of this project is a village.
Commissioner VOS asked the applicant to explain the architectural theme and
asked what was intended by the modifications to the Architectural and Site Design
Buddy Poppitt (Project Architect)
7382 S Odessa Circle, Centennial
Mr. Del Grippo and Mr. Poppitt explained the architecture is a mix of mid-century
modern and traditional elements along with creating a vibrant village feel with
variations of textures and colors so it does not feel like a cookie cutter architecture.
Ms. Mikulak explained the slight modifications refers to the fact that the project
will comply with the ASDM, with the exception of slight modifications to the
windows and siding ASDM standards which have been adapted to the proposed
architectural themes.
Rhonda Norman
4110 Upham Street
Ms. Norman mentioned she has concerns about the multifamily project and if the
zoning will extend to other properties wanting to also do zone changes in the
future. She also has concerns about the affordable housing and what it implies.
Finally, she is curious about the timeline of construction and if it will overlap with
the construction at 381h and Upham. Ms. Norman added she likes the architecture
and the feel of the village atmosphere.
Becky Zachmeier
4200 Upham Street
Ms. Zachmeier wondered what the notification process is for projects of this type.
She also was curious about affordable housing in this project and how many of
these townhomes will be rentals. She mentioned there are also concerns about
truck traffic in the surrounding neighborhood and would like to see them go south
instead of north on Upham.
Rob McCleod
3960 Upham Street
Mr. McCleod said that he and his wife are very enthusiastic about Ridgetop Village
coming to the neighborhood. He mentioned the house they live in south of the
property was his wife's grandparents and she has fond memories about the vitality
Planning Commission Minutes -5—
February 7, 2019
of the Upham Street community and can't wait for new life coming back to the
Commissioner BUCKNAM had the public's questions answered:
• Zone changes in the neighborhood
Ms. Mikulak explained that each zone change stands alone and there is no
plan to change all of Upham and the Comprehensive Plan wants there to be
a good mix of housing types.
• Public notifications
Ms. Mikulak said the codified requirement is 600 feet for neighborhood
meetings and 300 feet for public hearings, along with posting signs on the
• Haul routes
Ms. Mikulak said the Public Works Division will complete a condition
analysis regarding the haul routes to determine the best route. She added
Upham St is due for a mill and overlay which is scheduled in 2020 after the
construction is complete. Ms. Mikulak also mention the West End 38
project should close to completion by the end of 2019, beginning of 2020.
• Time line for construction
Mr. Del Grippo said that vertical construction will hopefully start the 4"'
quarter of 2019 with approximately 2 '/2 years of construction until
• Intent of rentals
Mr. Del Grippo said the intent for these townhomes is owner occupied, but
there might be some investors who purchase as well. The starting point for
townhome price will be $400,000 and they will all be market rate home.
Commissioner Larson asked if the City requires a soil sample of the property.
Ms. Mikulak said geotechnical reports are required as a part of the building
permits for foundations. Also, a property owner might complete a phase 1
environmental study to see if there is any contaminant when they purchase the
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February 7, 2019
Commissioners OHM, WEAVER and BUCKNAM mentioned that they really like
this project including the direction the doors face the street, the drainage on the
site, along with the pocket park. They think it is a creative infill use.
It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner
WEAVER to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-17, a request for
approval of a zone change from Residential —Three to Planned Residential
Development with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) for property located
at 4000 to 4066 Upham Street, for the following reasons:
1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or
welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on
the surrounding area.
2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of
the City's Comprehensive Plan.
3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the intent of a planned
development, compatible with surrounding land uses, and will result in
a high-quality development.
4. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request.
With the following conditions:
1. All minor corrections occur prior to City Council public hearing.
2. Prior to plat SDP and subdivision recordation the applicant enters
into a formal agreement with any necessary easements with Jefferson
County Public Schools as required by the City.
Motion carried 8-0.
It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner VOS to
recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-18-18, a request for approval of a
Specific Development Plan on property located at 4000 to 4066 Upham Street,
for the following reasons:
1. The specific development plan is consistent with the purpose of a
planned development, as stated in Section 26-301 of the Code of Laws.
2. The specific development plan is consistent with the intent and purpose
of the outline development plan.
3. The proposed uses are consistent with those approved by the outline
development plan.
4. All responding agencies have indicated they can serve the property
with improvements installed at the developers' expense.
5. The specific development plan is in substantial compliance with the
applicable standards set forth in the outline development plan and with
the City's adopted design manuals.
Planning Commission Minutes -7—
February 7, 2019
With the following conditions:
1. All minor corrections occur prior to City Council public hearing.
2. Prior to plat SDP and subdivision recordation the applicant enters into
a formal agreement with any necessary easements with Jefferson
County Public Schools as required by the City.
Motion carried 8-0.
Commissioner Peterson asked what staff looks at in condition 6 in the following
Ms. Mikulak said common spaces are usually looked at because the City does not
regulate the covenants.
It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner
WEAVER to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -18-02, a request for
approval of a 38 -lot major subdivision plat for property located at 4000 to
4066 Upham Street, for the following reasons:
1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met.
2. The plat is consistent with zoning on the property.
3. Utility districts can serve the property with improvements installed
at the developer's expense.
With the following conditions:
1. Sheet 2 shall be updated prior to the City Council public hearing t
remove the existing parcel line between 4062 and 4066 Upham
2. Note 4 shall be updated prior to recordation to indicate the current
zoning as PRD.
3. The applicant shall continue to coordinate utility service with the
appropriate agencies and any updated information regarding dry
utility easements shall be reflected on the plat at recordation.
4. The developer shall enter into a subdivision improvement
agreement prior to recordation of the subdivision plat.
5. The developer shall pay parks fees at the time of plat recording in
the amount of $84,907.86.
6. The Homeowners' Association covenants and/or metropolitan
district service plan shall be reviewed by Staff prior to issuance of a
building permit.
7. All minor corrections occur prior to City Council public hearing.
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February 7, 2019
8. Prior to plat SDP and subdivision recordation the applicant enters
into a formal agreement with any necessary easements with
Jefferson County Public Schools as required by the City.
Motion carried 8-0.
A. Resolution 01-2019
Commissioners VOS and LARSON asked about the purpose of this resolution.
It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner
LEO to approve Resolution 01-2019
Motion passed 8-0
B. Ms. Mikulak noted that the NRS study session is March 21 and the week of March
18 is NRS Blitz week which including a City Council study session and 4 public
open houses ending with the PC study session. She mentioned more information
can be found at www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/nrs
Commissioner LARSON asked who will be in attendance at the PC study session.
Ms. Mikulak said the czb consultant, some of the steering committee members,
staff and co-chairs. The meeting will be televised and is a public meeting.
Commissioner LARSON asked if the Commissioners will be asked to make
Ms. Mikulak input from the Commissioners will be needed for draft
recommendations for the final report especially if they include code amendments
or programs and the committee would like the Commissioners reactions to the
It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner LEO to
adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Motion passed 8-0.
Planning Commission Minutes -9—
February 7, 2019
S hm, Ac mg Chair Tammy O , Recording Secretary
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February 7, 2019