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W heat --Midge
Minutes of Meeting
June 6, 2019
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair LARSON at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present: Melissa Antol
Will Kerns
Daniel Larson
Janet Leo
Richard Peterson
Jahi Simbai
Vivian Vos
Commission Members Absent: Scott Ohm
Staff Members Present: Stephanie Stevens, Senior Planner
Scott Cutler, Planner II
Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer
Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner PETERSON and seconded by Commissioner LEO
to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 7-0.
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — May 16, 2019
It was moved by Commissioner SIMBAI and seconded by Commissioner ANTOL to
approve the minutes of May 16, 2019, as written. Motion carried 7-0.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing
on the agenda.)
Planning Commission Minutes - 1 —
June 6, 2019
No one wished to speak at this time.
A. Case No. WS -19-02: an application filed by John Roach for approval of an 8 -lot
major subdivision for property zoned Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) located at
10191 West 38th Avenue.
Mr. Cutler gave a short presentation regarding the major subdivision and the
application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet
materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He
stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the
Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case.
Commissioner PETERSON asked to have Conditions 2 & 3 of the suggested
motion explained and if Staff looks at certain standards.
Mr. Cutler explained that the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) gets
signed after the plat has been approved by City Council and obligates the developer
to construct the public improvements such as sidewalk along 38th Avenue as well
as onsite improvements. He then explained that the lot sale restriction covenant
agreement is required by the City for any townhome development and that is an
assurance that certain things like a drive access to the lots will be built. Finally he
explained that the HOA Covenants is specific to sites to ensure common
maintenance areas such as the driveway and drainage area will be maintained.
Commissioner Peterson also asked what the orientation of the duplexes will be.
Mr. Cutler said one building will be on lots 1 & 3, lots 2 & 4, lots 5 & 7 and lots 6
& 8, totaling 4 buildings.
Commissioner SIMBAI asked if parking will be looked at in this subdivision case.
Mr. Cutler answered no that will be a part of the Site Plan.
Commissioner VOS wanted confirmed that there was public noticing for this case.
Mr. Cutler said that Public Hearing signs were posted and neighbors within a 300ft.
radius were notified by a mailing.
Commissioner VOS wanted the 3rd paragraph of page 3 in the Staff Report
Mr. Brossman said there will be a project on the east side of Kipling to Lena
Gulch. He explained Public Works is currently designing that particular area and
because this property falls within that project the City will be taking fees in lieu of
Planning Commission Minutes -2—
June 6, 2019
some of the required infrastructure for the right-of-way (ROW) improvements
because the City is going to be constructing this project as a whole instead of in
pieces so there will continuity from beginning to end; the City is still in the design
phase currently.
Commissioner VOS asked what is being designed for this project.
Mr. Brossman explained the City is trying to fix the traffic situation at east bound
38th Avenue to north bound Kipling Street by adding extra turn lanes which means
the infrastructure needs to be completed to the west.
Commissioner VOS asked why there is no park on this site.
Mr. Cutler explained that the site is a little under half an acre and adjacent to the
Recreation Center.
Commissioner LEO asked about the easement on Lot 7 being released.
Mr. Brossman explained that the drainage way easement was wider than it needed
to be. Lena Gulch was rechanneled in the late 1980's, meaning the channel
became smaller, but the easement stayed the same. He said that during
discussions with the current Flood Plain Administrator in Public Works it was
decided the easement could be reduced to make the land more useable.
Commissioner KERNS asked if the size of the sidewalk.
Mr. Brossman said there will be a 6ft. detached sidewalk with a 6ft. tree lawn with
an additional 4ft. of ROW.
Commissioner ANTOL asked if the 6ft. sidewalk is standard for this area or if it
should be 8ft.
Mr. Brossman said the standards are different for the different corridors and 6ft. is
standard for this corridor.
Jan Rose, Resident
10221 West 38' Avenue
Ms. Rose explained she is the resident to the west of this subdivision and her
concerns are:
The 50ft buildings potentially blocking her 24 solar panels.
Her property line and she does not want her fence modified during
construction because she has 2 dogs in the back yard.
Constructions trucks parking in front of her property.
Ms. Rose added that she would like to see her property rights protected.
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June 6, 2019
Commissioner VOS asked about all the trees on the property and if any of them
will be saved. She also would like to see a conversation between the two property
owners with regards to concerns.
John Roach, Applicant
10220 West 2611 Avenue, Lakewood
Mr. Roach explained there is only one tree on the property next to the current
house and maybe one more by the driveway and they will come out to put the units
in. The other trees are outside the property line and will not be touched. Mr.
Roach added he would like to have good relations with the neighbors and will
reach out to Ms. Rose about some of her concerns.
Mr. Cutler then responded to Ms. Rose's concerns with regards to the duplex
building height. He said any residential building in the Mixed Use -Neighborhood
(MU -N) zone district is limited to 35ft. in height and there is a 20ft. setback for a
3rd floor if there is one and a 15ft. setback for the first 2 floors. He added the case
tonight is a subdivision and it is a use by right in the MU -N zone district to develop
the 8 units. Mr. Cutler explained that there could be more units on this site, but the
developer decided to do fewer.
Commissioner PETERSON had concerns about the blocking of Ms. Rose's solar
concerns and asked if an expert could look at the solar panel concern.
Commissioner KERNS commented on the solar panels and said they are oriented
south and west, there are none oriented southeast or east and due to this orientation
a 35ft. building located to the east will not affect the solar exposure.
Commissioner KERNS also commented on the parking lane in front of Ms. Rose's
property and said it is a public ROW and it is legal for anyone to park there.
However, she can call code enforcement regarding the constant running of the
diesel trucks while parked there.
Mr. Brossman added the work in the street should be done soon.
It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner
PETERSON to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -19-02, a request for
approval of a major subdivision on property located at 10191 W. 381h Avenue,
for the following reasons:
1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations (Article IV) of the
zoning and development code have been met.
2. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements
installed at the developer's expense.
With the following conditions:
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June 6, 2019
1. Prior to recordation, the applicant shall pay the required fees -in -lieu
of parkland dedication.
2. The developer shall enter into a subdivision improvement agreement
and lot sale restriction covenant agreement prior to the recordation of
the subdivision plat.
3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall provide
homeowner's association covenants for review and approval by staff.
Motion carried 7-0.
B. Case No. WS -19-03: an application filed by Redland for approval of a Major
Subdivision with right-of-way (ROW) dedication for property zoned Mixed Use -
Commercial (MU -C) located at 4331 Vance Street.
Ms. Stevens gave a short presentation regarding the major subdivision and the
application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet
materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She
stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the
Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case.
Commissioner PETERSON asked where 43rd Avenue terminates.
Ms. Stevens explained that 43rd Avenue will connect to an access easement that is
currently on the west side of the property which will help the flow of traffic to and
from 44th Avenue.
Commissioner PETERSON then inquired if there will be a right only from the
access easement onto 44th Avenue.
Mr. Brossman added that the median on 44th Avenue will be elongated to prohibit
left turns into and out of the drive.
Commissioner PETERSON also asked about the open space proposed for the north
end of the lot 3 project and who can use this.
Ms. Stevens said it is primarily meant to be a park/open space for the Town Center
residents in lots 1-3, but others can use it as well.
Commissioner PETERSON said he has concerns about the residents crossing
Vance with increased traffic.
Commissioner VOS asked if the only reason to extend 43rd Avenue is to have
better access to 44th Avenue via the access easement. She also inquired who will
be paying for the connection.
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June 6, 2019
Mr. Brossman explained it is part of a logical transportation network and if for
some reason the restaurant to the west were to ever redevelop or go away, then 43rd
could go straight through to Wadsworth Blvd, but this is something CDOT would
have to approve also. He added the developer will be paying for the 43rd Avenue
Commissioner VOS then asked about the entry into the building and which
direction it will face and if the access easement will be improved.
Ms. Stevens said that there will be an internal parking garage and the building
wraps on all 4 sides along with entries on all 4 sides of the building. She added
that the access easement will be improved to street standards.
Commissioner LEO asked if this is still owned by the City's Urban Renewal
Ms. Stevens confirmed it was until it was economically viable and then handed to
the developer and is still a part of the Wadsworth Urban Renewal area.
Commissioner PETERSON he has concerns about the access easement becoming a
shortcut through the Big Lots parking lot.
Ms. Stevens said this is being looked at to mitigate, but parking lots are public and
can be driven through.
Commissioner VOS asked the applicant if he wanted 43' extension or the City.
Tyler Downs, Applicant
1801 Broadway, Denver
Mr. Downs explained the extension of 43rd Avenue was a request by the City and is
fine with it to complete the transportation grid.
Commissioner VOS asked about the orientation of the doors to the apartments,
how many stories the building will be and if there will be any retail.
Mr. Downs explained the apartment will be accessed from common hallways
indoors; the buildings are 4 stories same as the other 2 buildings and while it was
explored, there will not be any retail.
It was moved by Commissioner KERNS and seconded by Commissioner LEO
to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -19-03, a request for approval of a
re -subdivision with right-of-way dedication on property zoned Mixed Use -
Commercial (MU -C) and located at 4331 Vance Street, for the following
Planning Commission Minutes -6—
June 6, 2019
1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements
installed at the developer's expense.
2. The requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code
have been met.
3. The subdivision will facilitate development of the site in compliance
with the approved Concept Plan.
With the following conditions:
1. The revisions requested by the Public Works Department related to
labels, notes, and typos shall be addressed prior to the City Council
public hearing.
2. The developer shall enter into a subdivision improvement agreement
prior to recordation of the subdivision plat.
Motion carried 7-0.
C. Case No. WS -19-01: an application filed by Riverside Terrace, LLC for approval
of a major subdivision for property zoned Residential -Three (R-3) to allow for 18
single-family townhome units located at 11661 West 44th Avenue.
Mr. Cutler gave a short presentation regarding the major subdivision and the
application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet
materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He
stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the
Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case.
Commissioner PETERSON asked what the cross access drive would look like with
respect to the property to the northwest.
Mr. Cutler explained that the upper Tract C will make the connection between this
property and the property to the northwest; the City would request that there be a
continuous drive and sidewalk connection, if the adjacent property moves forward.
Commissioner PETERSON asked what Tract C will look like if the property to the
northwest does not move forward.
Mr. Cuter said that the Arvada Fire District would require a fire truck turn around
and there would be a permanent easement put in which would be a separate
recorded agreement.
Commissioner SIMBAI asked when the outbuildings were demolished in 2019 and
who will be responsible for the streetlights.
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June 6, 2019
Mr. Cutler said the demolition question can be answered by the applicant and Mr.
Brossman explained that the developer will be responsible for street lighting and
will also be responsible for lights along the sidewalks, as well.
Commissioner SIMBAI also asked if the bus stop standards are dictated by RTD.
Mr. Brossman said they are, but the City is going to have RTD reconstruct the bus
stop to meet the current RTD standards and to accommodate a shelter.
Commissioner VOS asked to have the height of the townhomes confirmed. She
also mentioned she would like to see more parks instead of a parkland dedication
fee. She asked if the cross access drive could be open space with sidewalks instead
of a drive aisle.
Mr. Cutler said the townhomes have a height limit of 35 feet. He then addressed
Commissioner VOS' concern for lack of parks. He explained that there will be
sidewalks along with the drive aisle and open space in the cross access area and
open space on the entire west side of the property for all to enjoy and it includes
sidewalks. He mentioned that for the purposes of parkland dedication it goes
towards parks that are owned and maintained by the City. He said it can be
challenging for the Parks Department to maintain smaller parks that are embedded
in a private development. He added that a public park needs to be approved by
City Council.
Commissioner VOS then asked where the parkland dedication fees go.
Ms. Stevens said they go into a fund controlled by the Parks Department and the
funds are reserved for future parks in the City.
Commissioner KERNS asked how many lots it takes for a property to have 2
access points.
Mr. Cutler believed that is more of a Fire Department concern and they have
already signed off on this subdivision.
Commissioner VOS asked if the property to the northwest is zoned Mixed Use -
Neighborhood (MU -N).
Mr. Cutler said no it is zoned Planned Residential Development (PRD) and it is
being reviewed separately.
Commissioner LARSON asked why the current name of this property is the
Fightmaster Subdivision.
Mr. Brossman said he believes it was named after the Fightmaster family.
Planning Commission Minutes - 8 —
June 6, 2019
Stephen Sundberg, Applicant
9640 W Chatfield Ave., Littleton
Mr. Sundberg explained that the demolition started at the beginning of April, after
the asbestos abatement. He added that the Fire Department has looked at this
subdivision and signed off on it both with the cross access connection and without.
Mr. Sundberg also said the case for the property to the northwest will be heard at
Planning Commission on June 20.
Commissioner VOS asked what was the purpose of demolishing the out buildings
in April.
Mr. Sundberg explained the single family home was too outdated for
John Clark, Resident
4665 Swadley St, Wheat Ridge
Mr. Clark mentioned he is not happy with the developments going up in the City of
Wheat Ridge. He says others don't want development in the City as well, and feels
they don't speak up. He said one of his concerns is more traffic entering on to
Tabor Street and he does not want to see a cross access road between the two
developments. He also said he does not like agricultural land being wiped out.
Allen Hadwiger, Resident
4455 Simms Street
Mr. Hadwiger said he thinks this is a great project and will make the community
better. His only concern is the possible increase in traffic and would like to see
something like a deceleration lane on 44th Avenue into the development.
Mr. Cutler explained that the access connections to and from developments are
dictated by the Fire District.
Commissioner VOS wanted condition 2 of the suggested motion explained.
Mr. Cutler said the lot sale restriction is to prevent the sale of any lot that doesn't
have access to a public street so in the event that the development doesn't move
forward that a lot may not be sold without access. He explained it is a prevention
measure in case the construction ceases; condition 2 would require that all the
roads be built so the lots could be developed in the future.
Commissioner VOS also wanted confirmation that condition 4 relates to the fire
truck turnaround if the adjacent property does not get developed.
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Mr. Cutler confirmed this to be true.
Commissioner LARSON inquired if there is a time limit for the emergency access
easement agreement.
Mr. Cutler explained that a future plat on the adjacent property would allow the
emergency access easement agreement to be extinguished.
It was moved by Commissioner ANTOL and seconded by Commissioner LEO
to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -19-01, a request for approval of a
major subdivision on property located at 11661 W. 441" Avenue, for the
following reasons:
1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations (Article IV) of the
zoning and development code have been met.
2. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements
installed at the developer's expense.
With the following conditions:
1. Prior to recordation, the applicant shall pay the required fees -in -lieu
of parkland dedication.
2. The developer shall enter into a subdivision improvements agreement
and a lot sale restriction covenant agreement prior to recordation of
the subdivision plat.
3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall provide
homeowner's association covenants for review and approval by staff.
4. An emergency access easement to allow the subdivision to function
independently in the event that the adjacent parcel is not developed
shall be recorded by separate instrument prior to the recordation of
the subdivision plat.
Motion denied 3-4 with Commissioners PETERSON, VOS, LEO and
KERNS denying.
There was discussion about a friendly amendment to add a deceleration lane on
44th Avenue. There was concern by Commissioner Antol that the Planning
Commission cannot add this as an amendment without additional traffic analysis.
Mr. Brossman said a trip generation study could be requested with the 2
developments combined because there is not enough traffic to warrant a study
with just 1 development. Mr. Brossman also explained to the Commission that if
there was a deceleration lane added to 44th Avenue then the properties to the east
of said property will be affected.
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June 6, 2019
The Planning Commissioners wondered why the two developments are not being
heard as one case. Mr. Cutler explained that the two developments have different
zoning; one review is more intensive while the one being decided on today did not
need a zone change and all the development standards are being met and that is
why staff is recommending approval. Commissioner ANTOL would like to see
additional information in staff reports related to the surrounding context.
There was also discussion on withdrawing the previous motion prior to a vote so
it can be continued to a later date. In doing so the Planning Commission can hear
the Case on 4440 Tabor Street to help them make a decision on this case.
Mr. Cutler read from the bylaws Part B of the voting section: "In the event a
motion fails to receive a majority vote, it shall conclusively be presumed that no
action has been taken, and it shall be required that a second motion be made,
seconded, and adopted by majority vote indicating the definite action (either
granting or refusing the requested action)." Mr. Cutler also explained the need for
the Planning Commission to provide reasons for the denial, if the there is a second
motion and majority vote to deny. Ms. Stevens added that if a motion is made to
refuse the denial, then there could be another motion made to continue this case to
a date certain.
It was moved by Commissioner VOS and seconded by Commissioner
SIMBAI to refuse requested action on denial.
Motion passed 7-0.
It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner
ANTOL to postpone WS -19-01 until July 18 after the adjacent property, the
4440 Tabor Case, is heard on June 20 for additional information.
Motion passed 7-0.
D. Case No. WS -19-04: an application filed by Evergreen -Clear Creek Crossing for
approval of a major subdivision with right-of-way (ROW) dedication for property
zoned Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) located at the SW quadrant of
Hwy 58 and I-70.
Ms. Stevens gave a short presentation regarding the major subdivision and the
application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet
materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She
stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the
Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case.
Commissioner SIMBAI inquired about the concern from the property owner to the
Planning Commission Minutes—
June 6, 2019
Ms. Stevens said there is some reconfiguration of Clear Creek Drive that is
occurring and impacts his property.
Mr. Brossman added that there is going to be a median on Clear Creek Drive that
will prohibit some of the traffic movement into his subdivision. Some
accommodations are being made to allow access to the existing Frontage Road. It
is still under design, but the City is working through the issues with him.
Commissioner KERNS asked where the possible site for the RTD bus station will
Ms. Stevens explained it is currently reserved to be in Block 4 Lot 1, preferably in
the Denver Water Easement. She mentioned the decision should be official in the
next 6 months.
Commissioner LARSON asked where the I-70 hook ramps are located.
Ms. Stevens said they are platted on the southeast side of the subdivision.
Commissioner LARSON also asked why the change in the ROW.
Ms. Stevens explained that Denver Water made some changes to their pipe size
which could impact the road so they asked if it could be shifted a little bit.
Mr. Brossman added that due to the width change along with the depth of the pipe
Denver Water needed some extra room to maintain the pipe.
It was moved by Commissioner VOS and seconded by Commissioner SIMBAI
to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS -19-04, a request for approval of a
major subdivision to realign and re -dedicate the 40th Avenue and Clear Creek
Drive intersection on property zoned Planned Commercial Development
(PCD) and Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) located west of
Interstate 70, south of Highway 58 and north of 32,d Avenue approximately,
for the following reasons:
1. All agencies can provide services to the property with improvements
installed at the developer's expense.
2. The requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code
have been met.
3. The subdivision will facilitate development of the site in compliance
with the approved Outline Development Plan.
With the following conditions:
Planning Commission Minutes -12—
June 6, 2019
1. The revisions requested by the Public Works Department related to
cross access and the future Regional Transportation District bus
transfer station shall be addressed prior to the City Council public
2. An updated Title Commitment shall be provided prior to recordation
of the plat.
Motion carried 7-0.
The next Planning Commission meeting will be held on June 20, 2019.
It was moved by Commissioner PETERSON and seconded by Commissioner
SIMBAI to adjourn the meeting at 10:09 p.m. Motion carried 7-0.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 6, 2019
Tammy Odean, ecording Secretary