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5868 W. 37th Place
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY e Approved sr: -/�/ City of WheatIl�dge Inspector Due DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 294 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.2352846 F: 303.235.2850 FOUNDATION SETBACK AND ELEVATION CERTIFICATION For Single Family Developments This form, including the Exhibit on the reverse side, must be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado. This Certification must be submitted for review and approval prior to proceeding with any further construction. nj. v. 11n/2019 PERMIT# 201902151 ADDRESS: 5868 W. 37th PI, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 LOT 4 , BLOCK METZ ESTATES SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISION I hereby certify that the elevation and location of the recently constructed structural foundation for the above property described above has been measured by me or directly under my supervision. For the recently formed or constructed building foundation corners, the setback distances have been found by me to be in compliance with City of Wheat Ridge required limits and the elevations as stated herein have been found by me to be in compliance with the Building Permit construction plans as approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. The MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES from the property lines have been determined to be: FRONT: 20 REAR: 5 SIDE: 5 SIDE: 5 If in the Floodplain, the MINIMUM ELEVATION is determined to be: (NAVD88). The above measurements have been determined on the following location: (Check only one): X Top of proposed foundation prior to placement of conorete Top of foundation subsequent to placement of concrete The setback and elevation measurement locations are identified on the attached exhibit. Signed DAVID L. SWANSON Date 11/9/2019 Proreaaioaat Snweyor it n ; '�� e'�¢ W W WA.W heatddgaro.us Rev iIlia EXHIBIT NTS N NOTICE TO SURVEYOR: 1. Elevatiom shall be shown f pl l foundation comers. W - E 2. Foundation comers with minimum elevation and setback distance shall N identify. 3. Drawing must he properly oriented (North = top of page). 4. Show the roadway in front of the property. 5 5. If drawing is to -scale, provide the scale. If not no -scale show as N.T.S. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY e Approved sr: -/�/ City of WheatIl�dge p=me Due DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 294 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.2352846 F: 303.235.2850 FOUNDATION SETBACK AND ELEVATION CERTIFICATION For Single Family Developments This form, including the Exhibit on the reverse side, must be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado. This Certification must be submitted for review and approval prior to proceeding with any further construction. 11/14/2019 PERMIT# 201902125 ADDRESS: 5886 W. 37th PI, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 LOT 3 , BLOCK METZ ESTATES SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISION I hereby certify that the elevation and location of the recently constructed structural foundation for the above property described above has been measured by me or directly under my supervision. For the recently formed or constructed building foundation corners, the setback distances have been found by me to be in compliance with City of Wheat Ridge required limits and the elevations as stated herein have been found by me to be in compliance with the Building Permit construction plans as approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. The MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES from the property lines have been determined to be: FRONT: 20 REAR: 5 SIDE: 5 SIDE: 5 If in the Floodplain, the MINIMUM ELEVATION is determined to be: (NAVD88). The above measurements have been determined on the following location: (Check only one): X Top of proposed foundation prior to placement of conorete Top of foundation subsequent to placement of concrete The setback and elevation measurement locations are identified on the attached exhibit. Signed DAVID L. SWANSON Date 11/14/2019 P.orelale at snweyot o ro Jo W W WA.whenMdge.coms Rev iIlia EXHIBIT W 37TH PL NTS N NOTICE TO SURVEYOR: 1. Elevatio shall he shown f pl l foundation comers. W - E 2. Foundation comers with minimum elevation and setback distance shall bas ideatifle t. 3. Drawing must he properly oriented (North = top of page). 4. Show the roadway in front of the property. S 5. If drawing is to -scale, provide the scale. If not m -scale show as N.T.S. City of "Wheat icclge COMMUNITY DEVEIApM City of Whea Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 290 Ave. Wheataidge,(A800334MI P:303.DS280a F:303.D5.2857 FOUNDATION SETBACK AND ELEVATION CERTIFICATION This form, including the Exhibit on the reverse side, most be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado. This Certification must be submitted for review and approval prior to the placement of concrete and before proceeding with any further construction. DATE: 1/8/2021 202002159 ADDRESS: 5904 W. 37TH PL, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 LOT 2 ,BLOCK- METZ ESTATES SUBDIVISION I hereby certify that the elevation and location of the recently constructed stmctuml foundation for the above property described above has been measured by me or directly under my supervision. The foundation setbacks and elevations for all recently constructed building corners as stated herein have been found by me to be in compliance with all civil engineering and Building Permit construction plans as approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. The MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES from the property lines have been determined to be: FRONT: 20 REAR: 5 SIDE: 5 SIDE: 5 The MINIMUM ELEVATION has been determined to be: (NAVD88). The above measurements have been determined on the following location: Check only one): X Top of proposed foundation prior to placement of concrete Top of foundation subsequent to placement of concrete The setback and elevation measurement locations are identified on the attached exhibit. Signed pmt DAVID L. SWANSON Dare 118/2021 Prafcrmaal saneyar FOR OFFICE USE ONLY as Zt¢ 1 ta�eebr Dm oVs�`arvo 5:�� www.d.whestridge.co.us [7 1 EXHIBIT 5904 W 37TH PL NTS N NOTICE TO SURVEYOR: 1. Elevations shall be shown for ALL foundation corners. 2. Foundation comers with minimum elevation and setback distance shall be identified. 3. Drawing must be properly oriented (North —top of page). i 4. Show the roadway in front of the property. 5. If drawing is to -scale, provide the scale. If not to -scale show as N.T.S. n.,,mvtt City of "Wheat icclge COMMUNITY DEVEIApM City of Whea Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 290 Ave. Wheataidge,(A800334MI P:303.DS280a F:303.D5.2857 FOUNDATION SETBACK AND ELEVATION CERTIFICATION This form, including the Exhibit on the reverse side, most be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado. This Certification must be submitted for review and approval prior to the placement of concrete and before proceeding with any further construction. DATE: 2/8/2021 202002139 ADDRESS: 5922 W. 37TH PL, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 LOT 1 ,BLOCK- METZ ESTATES SUBDIVISION I hereby certify that the elevation and location of the recently constructed stmctuml foundation forthe above property described above has been measured by me or directly under my supervision. The foundation setbacks and elevations for all recently constructed building corners as stated herein have been found by me to be in compliance with all civil engineering and Building Permit construction plans as approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. The MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES from the property lines have been determined to be: FRONT: 20 REAR: 5 SIDE: 5 SIDE: 5 The MINIMUM ELEVATION has been determined to be: (NAVD88). The above measurements have been determined on the following location: Check only one): X Top of proposed foundation prior to placement of concrete Top of foundation subsequent to placement of concrete The setback and elevation measurement locations are identified on the attached exhibit. Signed pmt DAVID L. SWANSON Date 218/2021 Prafcrmaal saneyar u o`o o Ap��.mM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY :a cs'Oro�_a Ivepcmr pate AN www.d.whestridge.co.us w.awr EXHIBIT 5922 W 37TH PL NTS NOTICE TO SURVEYOR: V 1. Elevations shall be shown for ALL foundation comers. p E 2. Foundation comers with minimum elevation and setback distance shall be identified. 3. Drawing must be properly oriented (North = top of page). S 4. Show the roadway in front of the property. 5. If drawing is to -scale, provide the scale. If not to -scale show as N.T.S. Rev OW17 I nb . a 0Y -z Q CCD O rr N n N n a �] b y 3. n w l rr (D H 0 ti rr o 0 o ria rNt7� < < W O H z 6 C6 g r ~ O p p 'drAH 00n 'C io m o � N C t y `�,° s 1 n W 00 wZ P- m nm N0 o Y^N o ao N et N F. n0 tr• w CD O m N _ 270D yam z�" oo l V `a ` `J prr (io-r% ae M m O� p � mom y, p CD HN o c o m W m W ID H O CA � ra o /� N 0 rr Q M V GSf'D a o l y to cr A K W A7 P. Vj�v `C CD M 1 o a °. w om °QaM 0 w CD ~ n wFi 00 eo ro y5 vcc Nm CrQ w LQ1 rr O a• �• TI eep e N deo o „L z Ls d 2 z° o� U U Q C a.) 0 aN � ee bD u C bf34 ^.00 O U :jo l ,gyp L 0 rylbi ri � p! w a 4-4 4-1 II u Q q �. 4-)E w w� +' O O o u O 44 N W M L d to '3 -rf • ~ > oo cLM ad 44 r-qb F O - C° Gs N U O U O 3 M M A i 0 (d cv O A ^C z o U N w O j o Q L G W oo Z q G �'j '4+ N U4�� o O ~C �iOd ro N q d v p>UA. 0) O N W ++ C Q A— "pZ b 2s U z 'O o da thuU ' b ` A U 4„ G C •- U o b u H Z W U O o X30° ro ww U N O N 0 A O G C8 z E. o04 ro 3 a FAo3 Z R u Md A O U O O w +J LI ro N r w E a �UF�., 0 044 cc A o { „yam ww zZa,UE- w � U 4.3 3oa�o vN ao ,C C ro U O U 1 T2Structurai Engineering Post Office Box 7821, Loveland, Colorado 80537 Office: (970) 663-6016 June 26, 2020 BTM 37th, LLC 4134 Fenton Street Denver, CO 80212 AC Condenser Unit The 37th Place 5868 West 37th Place Lot 4, Metz Estates Subdivision Wheat Ridge, CO Project Number: 19-300-20 Dear Mr. Metz: It has come to our attention that a new air conditioning unit has been installed at this address. The location of the unit is on the roof above the laundry room on the 2nd floor as indicated on the next sheet. The new condenser was installed on a 30 -inch by 30 -inch by 8 inch platform. The weight of the condenser is 115 pounds. This office has review the framing calculations and it is the opinion of this office that the existing framing, in this area, is adequate for the anticipated loads. Please contact this office if there are questions or if additional information is required. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, Susan Tagg, PA T2Structural Engineering Post Office Box 7821, Loveland, Colorado 80537 Office: (970) 663-6016 Rccf SEC." rk TV Eowor CONOMIC ENERGY EEEICIENCY July 13th, 2020 5868 W 37th Place Wheat Ridge CO 80212 Re: Blower Door Test 5868 W 37th Place Wheat Ridge CO 80212 To whom it may concern: E3 Power performed a blower door test on the above mentioned building on July 13th, 2020 at 9:00 am. The volume of the building was calculated to be 43,402 cubic feet. The final blower door number was 1385 CFM @-50 pascals achieving an ACH of 1.91. The building meets the air tightness requirement and is compliant with code. Weather conditions: 80 degrees, Wind 9 MPH, 0 precipitation, 18% humidity. Site Conditions: 1. Exterior windows and doors, fireplace and stove doors were closed, but not sealed, beyond the intended weather stripping or other infiltration control measures; 2. Dampers including exhaust, intake, makeup air, backdraft and flue dampers were closed, but not sealed beyond intended infiltration control measures; 3. Interior doors were open; 4. Continuous ventilation systems or heat recovery ventilators were turned off; 5. Heating and cooling systems were turned off; and 6. Supply and return registers were fully open. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance to you. Sincerely, Jeremy Bryan (e3 power) 303-668-7295 Building Analyst (BPI) /HERS Rater Jere mY Digitally signed by Jeremy Bryan Date: 2020.07.13 Bryan 13:59:32 -06-00' 303,2KA33 120,201,0946 03power,0e1 , O111cl 1AM WEB 5868 w 37th pl covestro Insulation Certificate This form must be filled out and posted to comply with building code requirements. Meets IRC Sections N1101.3, N1101.41, and N1101.8 requirements. The following spray polyurethane foam product(s) has/have been installed: [ ] BaysealTM OC Open -Cell Spray Foam Insulation [ ] BaysealTM CC X Closed -Cell Spray Foam Insulation ] BaysealTA° CC.XP Closed -Cell Spray Foam Insulation Consult International Building Code, Chapter 26 -Plastic and International Residential Code (IRC) R314 Foam Plastics for specific requirements. The spray polyurethane foam insulation system(s) has/have been installed in accordance with manufacturer's processing guidelines to provide a thermal resistance of: Area Insulated Aged R -Value Thickness` Attic Area R- % At inches Sloped Ceilings R- j At Z inches Walls (Location): R- At inches �� Walls (Location): R- At inches Floors (over an unheated crawl space) R- At inches Crawl Space Perimeter R- At inches Basement Exterior Walls R- �' At inches Other (Location): R- At inches e- - 1 cNreacmauve of neia, spray-appoed roam material Jobsite Address: �-i P, j Date of Insulation: /. Building Contractor - Insulation —=— Insulation Contractor: � Insulation Contra9tor Phone: _ Installed By: 7 7 "rj. C! INSULATION CERTIFICATE -DO NOT REMOVE -Please Post Near Electrical Panel 2400 Spring Stuebner Rd Spring, TX 1.800.221.3626 Tel 281.350.9000 Fax 281.288.6450 www.polyurethane.covestro.com covestro Insulation Certificate This form must be filled out and posted to comply with building code requirements. Meets IRC Sections N1101.3, N1101.41, and N1101.8 requirements. The following spray polyurethane foam product(s) has/have been installed: [ ] Bayseal"m OC Open -Cell Spray Foam Insulation [;`<] BaysealTM CC X Closed -Cell Spray Foam Insulation [ ] BaysealTM CC,XP Closed -Cell Spray Foam Insulation Consult International Building Code, Chapter 26 -Plastic and International Residential Code (IRC) R314 Foam Plastics for specific requirements. The spray polyurethane foam insulation system(s) has/have been installed in accordance with manufacturer's processing guidelines to provide a thermal resistance of: Area Insulated Aged R -Value Thickness* Attic Area R- At inches Sloped Ceilings R- At inches Walls (Location): R- At inches Walls (Location): R- At inches Floors (over an unheated crawl space) R- At inches Crawl Space Perimeter R- At inches Basement Exterior Walls R- At inches Other (Location): R- At inches *Nnminal thirlrn.ceo - -•�V .�a.lv=U1 iiCJU, np,ay-appuea foam material Jobsite Address: Date of Insulation: Building Contractor: Insulation Contractor:, Insulation Contractor Phone: Installed By: INSULATION CERTIFICATE -DO NOT REMOVE -Please Post Near Electrical Panel 2400 Spring Stuebner Rd Spring, TX 1.800.221.3626 Tel 281.350.9000 Fax 281.288.6450 www.polyurethane.covestro.com i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: 1LI' Permit Number: C3 ,`� ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ��J AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes iNa When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www.ci, wheatridge.co.usrnspection Date:- DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: �i " r Job Address:��., �Q Permit Number:�� C d t. f- --, ❑ No one available for inspection: Time i AM/PM Re -Inspection required: �S No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: httpYlwww.ci. wheatridge.co. usVinspection �i 1_1' Date: Inspector: r DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ti f 4 . i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: 5f 3_ 7 Permit Number: Tr., / l Cis / 1, / { /`.' f /' r`%'�)'.yi,�� �.'`6?y`/`;�,t;;,�I"} .Cts �.•eF.j�Js=u j ❑ No one available for inspection: Time �� '� A PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: httpYAvww. ci. wheatridge. co. us4nspection Date: '7--q- Inspector: AC,. ✓'� DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE IV � 4 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: C1 },.;� Job Address: C' `I Uj, 7'`' } I Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes (No,,i When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http I www.ci.wheatridge.co.uslinspection Date: `71 �al ? -.-� Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: �� �`' 1 Job Address: L,) Permit Number: 1 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http.11www.ci.wheatridge.co.usfinspection Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: S 5'� Job Address: fS_3 U_:� Permit Number: p 2 c) 15 U 17 j ❑ No one available for inspection: Time *' AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes ��No' When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www.ci. wheatridge.co. uslinspection Date: sZ 0 ) L*' Inspector: 1 1 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: c\ Ci 6";) % '5- 1 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time '-_ AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.ci. wheatridge.co. uslinspection Date: �� ��' ���`` Inspector: i.k. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office° INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: \ _ 7 Permit Number: 0 ty ❑ No one available for inspection: Time (1 /(— AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes Nq When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http.I www.ci.wheatridge.co.uslinspection Date: I (• 7 (� L) Inspector:} -I DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: _ ry. w Job Address: `' -� ,�, �h P \ Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No. When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.ci. wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date: " ) Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: � n<5 Job Address: 3. \A_. "t I Permit Number: a C> i �I U -a I kC____ 1 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: httpYlwww. ci. wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date:_3 ' u ? ° Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: I > Job Address: >- fir-, Permit Number: 1 C1 U �", 1 l A• ❑ No one available for inspection: Time_ AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www. ci. wheatridge.co. ushnspection Date: L, Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:��'`' Job Address: Permit Number: C, L, ❑ No one available for inspection: Time - AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://Www.ci.wheatridge.co.uslinspection Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division r (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: -T -Y -)S ` Job Address:` w �,-1 i'", V) Permit Number: C -A, p AN S_ A h I ❑ No one available for inspection: Time \W() AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes 0 When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.cl. whea tridge. co. ushnspection Date: •''1 • `LO _Q Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE T2structural Engineering Post Office Box 7821. LA^eland. Colorado 8O 3 i Office: (970) 663-6016 March 11, 2020 BTM 37th, LLC 4134 Fenton Street Denver, CO 80212 Limited Visual Observation The 37th Place SFR — Elevation D 5868 West 37th Place Lot 4, Metz Estate Subdivision Wheat Ridge, CO Project Number: 19-300-34 Dear Mr. Metz: On January 14th, 15th, February 29th, and March 2, 2020 a representative from this office visited the site referenced above to observe the structural aspects of the framing including the exterior sheathing. The plan indicates steel columns are to be bolted together however, welding the connection is an acceptable substitution. Please note at this time the front pergola was not installed and is to be observed at a later date. The framing and exterior shear appeared to be in general compliance with the drawing and details by T2 Structural Engineering, LLC, dated October 21, 2019. This observation makes no comment regarding fire -protection; this remains under the purview of the city of Wheat Ridge. Please contact this office if there are questions, or if additional information is required. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely,�� %_1 gned �1t99 .N 566 Susan Tagg, P.E. W�3�43 C � . r am 0?'•. G2 '(01VAt.`�a i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office _1�9r INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: k_0 1 g � r ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ' Lr4 AM/PM Re -Inspection required: , Yes No i When corrections have been e, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www. ci. wheatridge.co. uslinspection Date: '-';"\ -) ? `' Inspector: =� DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE e ® A s CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE V, Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: t2 cy, Job Address: Permit Number: C i ❑ No one available for inspection: Time .'.'-i g' AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www.ci. wheatridge.co. us/inspection Date: ` �_ `' t ' Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:_ -n - Job Address: Permit Number: a C`y D L� ay i 0 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 0" `� U AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http.,Ilwww.ci.wheatridge.co.uslinspection Date: ` ;t;• c%�� (j Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Boise Cascade= Single 14" BCI® 60-2.0 DF IPASSEDI J01 (Joist) BC CALL® Member Report Dry 11 span ( No cant. 116 OCS ( Repetitive I Glued & nailed February 26, 2020 08:48:33 Build 7555 Job name: Hartwood Homes File name: J01 Address: 5868 W. 37th Place Description: City, State, Zip: Wheat Ridge, CA Specifier: n/a Customer: Foxworth Galbraith Designer: Jeff Sexton Code reports: ESR -1336 Company: Boise Cascade C�t�i__T-t__�l 1___• i _i _lam. ��i �.�. 1 _. !. i:`_ � �.�� _ � .tel _,_. :. � _I_... B1 B2 Total Horizontal Product Length = 19-00-00 Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B 1, 4-3/8" 512/0 192/0 B2, 2" 501/0 188/0 Load Summary Live Dead Snow Wind Roof OCs Live Tag Description Load Type Ref. Start End Loc. 100% 90% 115% 160% 125% 1 Standard Load Unf. Area (Ib/ft2) L 00-00-00 19-00-00 Top 40 15 16 Controls Summary Value %Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 3169 ft -lbs 42.6% 100% 1 09-07-14 End Reaction 689 lbs 54.6% 100% 1 19-00-00 End Shear 677 lbs 35.2% 100% 1 00-04-06 Hole #3 Shear 366 lbs 48.3% 100% 3 04-10-00 Total Load Deflection 0749 (0.298") 32.0% n\a 1 09-07-14 Live Load Deflection 01030 (0.217") 46.6% n\a 4 09-07-14 Max Defl. 0.298" 29.8% n\a 1 09-07-14 NBCC Vibration 18'5-5/8" 89.0% n\a 00-00-00 Span / Depth 15.9 Hole Location Valid Hole Summary Center Elevation Ref. Height Width Shape Orientation H03 Group (1,2) 05-01-12 7" L 4" 7-1/2" Rectangular Horizontal Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) % Allow Value Support % Allow Member Material B1 Wall/Plate 4-3/8" x 2-5/16" 704 lbs n\a 46.2% Unspecified B2 Hanger 2" x 2-5/16" 689 lbs n\a 54.6% Hanger BC FloorValue® and NBCC Vibration Summary BC FloorValue®: Subfloor: 3/4" OSB, Glue + Nail Minimum Enhanced Premium Gypsum Ceiling: None Controlling Location: 09-07-03 Subfloor Rating: Premium Page 1 of 2 Bracing: None Strapping: None TBolse Cascada llllll� Single 14" BCI@) 60-2.0 DF PASSED J01 (Joist) BC CALCO Member Report Dry 11 span I No cant. 116 OCS I Repetitive I Glued & nailed February 26, 2020 08:48:33 Build 7555 Job name: Hartwood Homes File name: J01 Address: 5868 W. 37th Place Description: City, State, Zip: Wheat Ridge, CA Specifier: n/a Customer: Foxworth Galbraith Designer: Jeff Sexton Code reports: ESR -1336 Company: Boise Cascade Notes Design meets Code minimum (0240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (U480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Hanger Manufacturer: Simpson Strong -Tie, Inc. BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2009. Composite EI value based on 3/4" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. User Notes Per your request, we evaluated two maximum 4" diameter holes located too close together per our BCI Hole Chart. We evaluated this condition with one large rectangular hole that encompasses the two smaller diameter holes. The location of the holes must be a minimum of 4'- 6" from face of exterior f' bearing wall to edge of hole. Given this information, the holes are acceptable. No repair is necessary,! 35. Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior to anyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code -accepted design properties and analysis methods. Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER@ , AJSTM, ALLJOISTO , BC RIM BOARD-, BCI®, BOISE GLULAMTM, BC FloorValue® , VERSA -LAM®, VERSA -RIM PLUSO , Page 2 of 2 Boise Cascade BwC1 Repair carr Form Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products 1351 E. GGth Avenun I Denver, CO .10229 Office (303) 2£39.3271 1 Fax (303) 227-9485 Contact Phone # E-mail li a Fax # Job Name e56e ? AX, Date V Job Address City, State � % Gel Builder ?'�t/�C" lan # Lumber Dealer Product Series ❑ 5000 ❑ 6000 ❑ 6500 M-60 ❑ 90 Product Depth [] 9-112" ❑11-7l8"R14" ❑ 16" ❑ AJS 24 O.C. Spacing rl 12" ❑ 16" ❑ 19.2" ❑ 24" ❑ Double BCI PNo [I Yes Live Load qO psf Gyperete I L. Wt. Conc. Dead Load psf O -No [] Yes, " thick Description of Damage: % `/ Shade & Dimension area cut: SIMPLE SPAN (SIDE Vt Wf Diagram (dimension) damage to Joist In relationship to spans and bearing points T- MULTIPLE SPAN (SIDE VIEW) Diagram (dimension) damage to Joist In relationship to spans and bearing points (TOP VIEW) e @')Boise cascade `-- Single 14" BCI® 60-2.0 DF J01 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry 11 span I No cant. 116 OCS I Repetitive I Glued & nailed Build 7555 PASSED February 26, 2020 09:15:05 Job name: Hartwood Homes File name: J01 Address: 5868 W. 37th Place Description: Dead City, State, Zip: Wheat Ridge, CA Specifier: n/a Customer: Foxworth Galbraith Designer: Jeff Sexton Code reports: ESR -1336 Company: Boise Cascade B1 19-00-00 Total Horizontal Product Length = 19-00-00 -------------- B2 Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 4-3/8" 512/0 192/0 B2, 2" 501/0 188/0 Load Summary Live Dead snow Wind Roof ocs Live Tag Description Load Type Ref. Start End Loc. 100% 90% 115% 160% 125% 1 Standard Load Unf. Area (Ib/ft2) L 00-00-00 19-00-00 Top 40 15 16 Controls Summary Value %Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 3169 ft -lbs 42.6% 100% 1 09-06-09 End Reaction 689 lbs 54.6% 100% 1 19-00-00 End Shear 677 lbs 35.2% 100% 1 00-04-06 Hole #3 Shear 411 lbs 86.9% 100% 1 04-00-00 Total Load Deflection 0749 (0.298") 32.0% n\a 1 09-06-09 Live Load Deflection U1030 (0.217") 46.6% n\a 4 09-06-09 Max Defl. 0.298" 29.8% n\a 1 09-06-09 NBCC Vibration 18' 5-5/8" 89.0% n\a 00-00-00 Span / Depth 15.9 Hole Location Valid Hole Summary Center Elevation Ref. Height Width Shape Orientation H03 Group (1,2) 04-07-12 7" L 5-1/2" 15-1/2" Rectangular Horizontal % Allow % Allow Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) Value Support Member Material B1 Wall/Plate 4-3/8" x 2-5/16" 704 lbs n\a 46.2% Unspecified B2 Hanger 2" x 2-5/16" 689 lbs n\a 54.6% Hanger BC FloorValue(D and NBCC Vibration Summary BC FloorValue®: Subfloor: 3/4" OSB, Glue + Nail Minimum Enhanced Premium Gypsum Ceiling: None Controlling Location: 09-07-03 Subfloor Rating: Premium Page 1 of 2 Bracing: None Strapping: None Boise Cascade � Single 14" BCI® 60-2.0 DF PASSED J01 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry 11 span I No cant. 116 OCS I Repetitive I Glued & nailed February 26, 2020 09:15:05 Build 7555 Job name: Hartwood Homes File name: J01 Address: 5868 W. 37th Place Description: City, State, Zip: Wheat Ridge, CA Specifier: n/a Customer: Foxworth Galbraith Designer: Jeff Sexton Code reports: ESR-1336 Company: Boise Cascade Notes Design meets Code minimum (U240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (U480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Hanger Manufacturer: Simpson Strong -Tie, Inc. BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2009. Composite EI value based on 3/4" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. User Notes Per your request, we evaluated two maximum 5-1/2 diameter holes located too closeDexterior ' BCI Hole Chart. We evaluated this condition with one large rectangular hole that enco;=' ; ; ; = t A• Ssmaller diameter holes. The location of the holes must be a minimum of 3"- 8" from fac% ,,abearing wall to edge of hole. Given this information, the holes are acceptable. No repa<t, 35,673 ; Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior to anyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code -accepted design properties and analysis methods. Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER®, AJSTM, ALUOIST®, BC RIM BOARD-, BCI® BOISE GLULAMTm, BC FloorValue® , VERSA -LAM®, VERSA -RIM PLUS® , Page 2 of 2 8olse Cascade Engineered Wood Products Boise Casc e d�L j% � 1351 L. 66th Averttir. I Denver, CO a022�J 1Repair tF o 6 'n ` ` l/ lice (303) 289.3271 1 Fax (303) 227.9485 Contact Phone # E-mail Fax # Job Name Date Job Address City, State tn,�,a,�s Z ct. 1=0 Builder Plan # Lumber Dealer Product Series ❑ 5000 [:16000 ❑ 65009'-60 El 90 Shade & Dimension area cut: Product Depth Q.C. Spacing ❑ 9-112" ❑11-7/8' ❑ 12" a16" .14" 1G" 19.2" 1:124" ❑ AJES 24 ❑ Double BCI ❑ No ❑ Yes Live Load 0 psi Gyperete / L. Wt. Conc. Dead Load IS— psi ❑ No ❑ Yes, ° thick Description of Damage: �i (00 SIMPLE SPAN (SIDE VIE) Diagram (dimension} damage to Joist in relationship to spans a bearing M MULTIPLE SPAN (SIDE VIEW) Diagram (dimension) damage to Joist In relationship to spans and bearing points (TOP VIEW) i 2� )Boise Cascade Double 14" BCIO 60-2.0 DF PASSED J01 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry 11 span I No cant. 112 OCS I Repetitive j Glued & nailed February 26, 2020 10:19:21 Build 7555 Job name: Hartwood Homes File name: J01 Address: 5868 W. 37th Place Description: City, State, Zip: Wheat Ridge, CA Specifier: n/a Customer: Foxworth Galbraith Designer: Jeff Sexton Code reports: ESR -1336 Company: Boise Cascade �3 2' __ ..._ �.r.r _._....�_ ..._..i.. i... ____ _.,._..._r ---- r.,M..._.__.......,r._._._...... ......�...w____ .�....,.T,... ..i.�.�__� ' _. • r • ♦..�_. •. i ♦. • ♦ • • • ♦ ♦ •.. i. i • i ♦ • r ♦ ♦. 17-06.00 B1 B2 Total Horizontal Product Length = 17-06-00 Reaction Summary (Down / Uplift) (lbs) Bearing Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live B1, 4-3/8" 648/0 391 /0 57/0 B2, 2" 442/0 214/0 18/0 Load Summary Live Dead snow Wind Roof ocs Live Tag Description Load Type Ref. Start End Loc. 100% 90% 115% 160% 125% 1 Standard Load Unf. Area (Ib/ftl) L 00-00-00 17-06-00 Top 40 15 12 2 Conc. Lin. (Ib/ft) L 04-06-00 04-06-00 Top 390 293 12 3 Conc. Lin. (Ib/ft) L 04-06-00 04-06-00 Top 50 75 12 Controls Summary value % Allowable Duration Case Location Pos. Moment 3843 ft -lbs 25.8% 100% 1 05-06-00 End Reaction 1040 lbs 34.1% 100% 1 00-00-00 End Shear 1020 lbs 26.5% 100% 1 00-04-06 Hole #1 Shear 157 lbs 12.6% 100% 2 05-06-00 Total Load Deflection U1251 (0.164") 19.2% n\a 1 08-02-00 Live Load Deflection U999 (0.104") n\a n\a 8 08-04-00 Max Defl. 0.164" 16.4% n\a 1 08-02-00 NBCC Vibration 16' 11-5/8" 63.8% n\a 00-00-00 Span / Depth 14.7 Hole Location Valid Hole Summary Center Elevation Ref. Height Width Shape Orientation H01 05-01-08 7" L 6" 9" Rectangular Horizontal % Allow % Allow Bearing Supports Dim. (LxW) Value Support Member Material B1 Wall/Plate 4-3/8" x 4-5/8" 1040 lbs n\a 34.1% Unspecified B2 Hanger 2" x 4-5/8" 656 lbs n\a 26.0% Hanger BC FloorValue@ and NBCC Vibration Summa BC FloorValue®: Subfloor: 3/4" OSB, Glue + Nail Minimum Enhanced Premium Gypsum Ceiling: None Controlling Location: 07-05-01 Bracing: None Subfloor Rating: Premium Strapping: None Page 1 of 2 Boise Cascade Double 14" BCI® 60-2.0 DF PASSED J01 (Joist) BC CALC® Member Report Dry 11 span I No cant. 112 OCS I Repetitive I Glued & nailed February 26, 2020 10:19:21 Build 7555 Job name: Hartwood Homes File name: J01 Address: 5868 W. 37th Place Description: City, State, Zip: Wheat Ridge, CA Specifier: n/a Customer: Foxworth Galbraith Designer: Jeff Sexton Code reports: ESR -1336 Company: Boise Cascade Notes Design meets Code minimum (U240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (0480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1") Maximum Total load deflection criteria. Calculations assume member is fully braced. Hanger Manufacturer: Simpson Strong -Tie, Inc. BC CALC® analysis is based on IBC 2009. Composite EI value based on 3/4" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. User Notes Per your request, we evaluated one maximum 6" high x 9" long rectangular hole that encompasses smaller diameter holes. The holes I are acceptable. No repair is necessary Disclosure Use of the Boise Cascade Software is subject to the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA). Completeness and accuracy of input must be reviewed and verified by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert to assure its adequacy, prior to anyone relying on such output as evidence of suitability for a particular application. The output here is based on building code -accepted design properties and analysis methods. Installation of Boise Cascade engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (800)232-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER®, AJSTM, ALLJOIST®, BC RIM BOARD-, BCI®, BOISE GLULAMM, BC FloorValue® , VERSA -LAM®, VERSA -RIM PLUS, Page 2 of 2 • 'r --Odom 7777777:;7i now" pv� 0 17 't, i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: CZ e\vnn�q (-I ` (CM2 Job Address: � Z SSI a \� Permit Number: 'dU\ C, o D. 1 S- 1 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ` ' i' AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes X10' When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.ci.wheatridge.co.us inspection Date: -d" 20 ` Inspector: I -DF, DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE L w � Ch - N V i w � N V i i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: �� Permit Number: r 100 'a } 41 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time -� AM/PM Re -Inspection required: lies No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www. ci. wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date:_J DO Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE /') t ❑ No one available for inspection:it r,�rW i';ll/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes. When corrections have been made sghedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.ci.wheatridge.co.uslun(specf n Date: 7Inspec •�=,,__ s i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: cv_ti I (1 0 M"_4� :-A) ❑ No one available for inspection: Time hw AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www. ci. wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date: a V" 7-11" Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 0 S�.� Job Address: Permit Number: Ca `� 1 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www. ci. wheatridge. co. uslinspection Date: . \ � Q� Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: VQ Job Address: ' 3 U Permit Number: —DCJ\ e ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www.ci. wheatridge.co. uslinspection Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE e A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: tr 1 c, <.- ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www.ci. wheatridge.co. ushnspection Date: IN \\ .\ c" Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: ,r�- Job Address: Permit Number: ? C ; l CN � , ❑ No one available*for inspection: Time AM/PM r Re -Inspection required: Yes/ No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http:l/www.ci. wheatridge.co. usrnspection Date: \ -) - `(d . \ �` Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A 41 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE , 0(-) -1 Inspection Type:r Job Address: 4 I. -P Permit Number: I.J No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://Www.cLwheatridge.co.ushnspection Date Inspector: blr DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE IV � 4 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: ll f ❑ No one available for inspection: Time J c _ i ,.� AM/PM ,- . Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://Www.cLwheatridge.co.usllnspection Date:A Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: k 1: Ll No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -inspection required: Yes No,, When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.ci. wheatridge. co. usVinspection DateA \ -_)u. \C. Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE A City of �C(OrMNAMOUNITY W heat j�dgc DFVIA0PMFNT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved by: Inspector Date City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 FOUNDATION SETBACK AND ELEVATION CERTIFICATION For Single Family Developments This form, including the Exhibit on the reverse side, must be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado. This Certification must be submitted for review and approval prior to proceeding with any further construction. DATE: 11/7/2019 PERMIT# 201902151 ADDRESS: 5868 W. 37th PI, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 LOT 4 ,BLOCK - METZ ESTATES SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISION I hereby certify that the elevation and location of the recently constructed structural foundation for the above property described above has been measured by me or directly under my supervision. For the recently formed or constructed building foundation corners, the setback distances have been found by me to be in compliance with City of Wheat Ridge required limits and the elevations as stated herein have been found by me to be in compliance with the Building Permit construction plans as approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. The MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES from the property lines have been determined to be: FRONT: 20 REAR: 5 SIDE: 5 SIDE: 5 If in the floodplain, the MINIMUM ELEVATION is determined to be: (NAVD88). The above measurements have been determined on the following location: (Check only one): X Top of proposed foundation prior to placement of concrete Top of foundation subsequent to placement of concrete The setback and elevation measurement locations are identified on the attached exhibit. Signed Print DAVID L. SWANSON Date 11/9/2019 Professional Surveyor www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Rev 11/18 CGNC WALK E L= 5427.7' EL=5427. 1*61:ii:1r1 NTS FOUND REBAR W/YELLOW PLA5. CAP L5.36070 (TY') =5427.7' =5427.7' 'v NOTICE TO SURVEYOR: I . Elevations shall be shown for ALL foundation corners. 2. Foundation corners with minimum elevation and setback distance shall be identified. 3. Drawing must be properly oriented (North = top of page). 4. Show the roadway in front of the property. 5. If drawing is to -scale, provide the scale. If not to -scale show as N.T.S. 2Structural Engineering LLC Fort Office Fox 7S_^ 1, Loveland, Colonido Office: (970) 66:,-6011. Fax: (970) 6 -9K3 F November 11, 2019 BTM 37th, LLC 4134 Fenton Street Denver, CO 80212 Foundation Reinforcement Observation The 37th Place SFR — Elevation D 5868 West 37th Place Lot 4, Metz Estate Subdivision Wheat Ridge, CO Project Number: 19-300-32 Dear Mr. Metz: On November 8, 2019, a representative of this office visited the site referenced above to observe the foundation wall reinforcement size, and location and to confirm the vertical reinforcement spacing in foundation forms. The reinforcement appeared to be in general compliance with the foundation drawing and details by T2 Structural Engineering, project number: 19-300, dated October 21, 2019. There was one Ufer bar located in the east garage foundation wall approximately 4 -feet towards the south from the north face of the garage foundation wall. The #4 Ufer bar was 20- feet long (min.) and it was tied to the bottom row of continuous rebar in the foundation walls. Protect freshly placed concrete from temperatures that will compromise the design strength of the concrete. Concrete placement and reinforcement is to be installed in accordance with ACI 318 and IRC. Please contact this office if there are questions or if additional information is required. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, S T Susan Tagg, P.E. Enclosures am signed Q�. • 201 I :3i-07' . ��SS�QNAL•��G� IN w 2 Structural Engineering LLC Post Office Fox 7821. Loveland. Colorado So 37 Office. (070) 663-6016, Fay:: (970) 62_-9324 November 7, 2019 BTM 37t", LLC 4134 Fenton Street Denver, CO 80212 Footing Observation The 37th Place SFR — Elevation D 5868 West 37th Place Lt 4, Metz Estate Subdivision Wheat Ridge, CO Project Number: 19-300-31 Dear Mr. Metz: On November 5, 2019, a representative of this office visited the site referenced above to observe the footing form widths, depths, and reinforcement. The continuous and isolated footing widths and depths were in general compliance with the foundation drawing by T2 Structural Engineering, project number: 19-300 dated October 21, 2019. The dowel reinforcement was on site and the spacing will be confirmed with the foundation wall observation. Protect freshly placed concrete from temperatures that will compromise the design strength of the concrete. Concrete placement and reinforcement is to be installed in accordance with ACI 318 and IRC. Please contact this office if there are questions, or if additional information is required. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, C ,N Susan Tagg, P.E. "0 = �"""'�" Ir Enclosures IONAL•��G` wrt, am i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE r Inspection Type:,"yr;1- Job Address:F �_ i '-• (� o Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www. ci, wheatridge, co. uslinspection Dated I '1 )'1 ' Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Single Family - New PERMIT - 201902151 PERMIT NO: 201902151 ISSUED: 10/23/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 5868 W 37th Pl EXPIRES: 10/22/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: New single family home with unfinished basement and attached garage - 2,820 sq ft total **REVISION: Moving house location on lot, forward, no other changes. No added valuation. *** CONTACTS *** FEES Total Valuation OWNER (563)542-5068 BTM 37TH LLC 1,993.58 Use Tax GC (563)542-5068 BRENT METZ TYLER DIVINE 190272 HARTWOOD, LLC SUB (303)364-8256 BRYAN & JEREMY GRAY 120139 ROAD RUNNER HVAC SUB (303)659-3143 ALEJANDRO GUERRERO 021696 RAYO ELECTRIC, INC. SUB (720)695-4256 TONY GARCIA 080073 TONY GARCIA PLUMBING *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2412 / LAKESIDE, STEWART GARDENS, OLI BLOCK/LOT#: / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 1,993.58 Use Tax 8,400.00 Permit Fee 3,067.05 Engin. Review Fee 150.00 ** TOTAL ** 13,610.63 *** COMMENTS *** PROJECT VALUATION: 400,000.00 *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IRC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. As part of the foundation inspection and PRIOR to the placement of concrete and before proceeding with any further construction, a completed, signed and sealed, Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification shall be submitted to the City for review. The certification form shall be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado, stating that the foundation was constructed in compliance with all applicable minimum setback and elevation requirements of the City. Prior to project completion or granting of a Certificate of Occupancy, an As -Built Survey or Improvement Survey Plat shall be submitted to the City. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. For one- or two-family dwellings, the first twenty-five feet (25') of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. A right-of-way permit may be required; contact Public Works Department at 303-235-2861. Prior to issuance of a CO, 1 tree(s) shall be planted within the front setback. In addition, no less than twenty-five percent (250) of the gross lot area and no less than one hundred percent (1000) of the front yard shall be landscaped. No C.O. may be issued until public improvements are complete as identified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. All landscaping shall be in conformance with Section 26-502 of the Zoning and Development Code. All landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan prior to C.O., a landscape escrow agreement with financial guarantee in the amount of 125% of the cost of the installation shall be required. In residential zone districts, curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet and not more than 24 feet in width. I by my signature do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications; applicable building codes, and all applicable munici al codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the pro rty and am ut o to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this�ppermit. I f ttest th a le ally uthorize de all entities named within this ocument as parties to the work to be perforiipd t all work t e�erfg s isc osed i this document and/or itsN aq�omparying approved plans and specifications. Signhture of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Pate I I. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This. permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4' No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The ' nce or granti of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any 7q4 or an dinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City Of V`I heat Ide COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits(fti.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: `h' 1 Add to Permit # Z )l 90j'15I Building Permit Revision/Amendment Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: 5oa U;- 31' o1- tv ke'a'f �,Cj%�C�?, �0 Z1 Z Property Owner (please print): 91,PA-5 i Phone: 563 Property Owner Email: blza ; Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: State. Zi e0L12 P Submitting Com ag_ny: STM 977 r" Contact Person: A'mA Ae4z Phone: 56� 5` 2 75--,6ti> Contractor: 6,Y+Wlxc� LV -- Contractors City License #: /90 Z%2 Phone: ?63 5-y?- *66 E-mail U Please Note: Additional valuation must include all general and subcontracted work to be performed related to the revisions and/or amendments declared in the description of work and which were not included in the original permit valuation. If revisions or amendments increase the original valuation, additional fees will be due at the time of approval. Depending on the scope of work, additional plan review fees may be due upon approval ($60.00 an hour — 2 hour minimum). Description of revised/amended work: Sq. Ft./LF Amps l�v�� �►r� &))e kcAtoy' �� ua,,d .l l fb 6+h e' C11Q KX, Btu's Squares Gallons Other Additional Project Value: (Must include all general and subcontracted work to be performed related to revisions/amendments described above) $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) o (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE�f (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: [�DATE: Off:Ink� !'' DEPARTMENT USEr�'ONLY .^ ZONING COMMMENTS: 2 Xe �. (`{ } sk��} 1� J j �i��j �: 5111 W ifI11 IVt OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION �� q 1l iq Reviewer. �C'{ly�uc � � BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer L4/Kfcq PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: PROOF OF SUBMISSION FORMS Fire Department ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Water District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Sanitation District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Building Division Valuation: i ® City of Wheat Ridge Single Family - New PERMIT - 201902151 PERMIT NO: 201902151 ISSUED: 10/23/2019 JOB ADDRESS: 5868 W 37th P1 EXPIRES: 10/22/2020 JOB DESCRIPTION: New single family home with unfinished basement and attached garage - 2,820 sq ft total *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (563)542-5068 BTM 37TH LLC GC (563)542-5068 BRENT METZ TYLER DIVINE 190272 HARTWOOD, LLC SUB (303)364-8256 BRYAN & JEREMY GRAY 120139 ROAD RUNNER HVAC SUB (303)659-3143 ALEJANDRO GUERRERO 021696 RAYO ELECTRIC, INC. SUB (720)695-4256 TONY GARCIA 080073 TONY GARCIA PLUMBING *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2412 / LAKESIDE, STEWART GARDENS, OLI BLOCK/LOT#: / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 400,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 1,993.58 Use Tax 8,400.00 Permit Fee 3,067.05 Engin. Review Fee 150.00 ** TOTAL ** 13,610.63 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IRC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. As part of the foundation inspection and PRIOR to the placement of concrete and before proceeding with any further construction, a completed, signed and sealed, Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification shall be submitted to the City for review. The certification form shall be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado, stating that the foundation was constructed in compliance with all applicable minimum setback and elevation requirements of the City. Prior to project completion or granting of a Certificate of Occupancy, an As -Built Survey or Improvement Survey Plat shall be submitted to the City. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. For one- or two-family dwellings, the first twenty-five feet (25') of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. A right-of-way permit may be required; contact Public Works Department at 303-235-2861. Prior to issuance of a CO, 1 tree(s) shall be planted within the front setback. In addition, no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross lot area and no less than one hundred percent (100%) of the front yard shall be landscaped. No C.O. may be issued until public improvements are complete as identified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. All landscaping shall be in conformance with Section 26-502 of the Zoning and Development Code. All landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan prior to C.O., a landscape escrow agreement with financial guarantee in the amount of 125% of the cost of the installation shall be required. In residential zone districts, curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet and not more than 24 feet in width. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I , the legal owner or have been authorized by the le er the property and am uthorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this p it. rthe fittest that I am le al uthorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be perto nd tha 1 w k to e rfor e 's disclosed in this document and/or its' accompa ing appro ed plans and specifications. o Si' nature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) ate I. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the ermit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicab e statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This. permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4, No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or gr nting of a pen -nit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any cable code o y ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. r Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of' u- W heat Rdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services 7500 W. 29' Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: permits .ci.wheatridge.co.us I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Date: l %1 Plan/Permit # / 0 Plan Review F ') qq \ / Building Permit Application *** Complete all applicable highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** 51("� Property Address:_ Property Owner (please print): 3T M Phone: Property Owner Email: r -et —A S V-Vlt�--Z C Tenant Name (Commercial Projects Only) eVN.1,•,%-r- tr;^'g , Ca 'V -- Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Add ress: LA \-ej `t T-= r_ , ".' S+ City, State, Zip: v -e r C-, o a-1 Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor Name: AA ', cl yic r y / L, . 9 - 4-,o ,-e- -bc s:.5 %-� Phone: City of Wheat Ridge License #: —1 o-- Phone: o�- ' S�� G Contractor E-mail Address: 17r�'^k J e[� 7lev-�;wCo vin For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): CONTACT NAME (please print): < < ^ �` 5�-�� Phone: S� 3 �u CONTACT EMAIL(p/ease print): Sub Contr ctors (Must provide Wheat Ridge License No & Signed Subcontractor Authorization form Electrical: Ka.,lp ►,�,Lc�r,'c Plumbing: i Complete all highlighted fields, if applicable. ❑COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Provide description of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. MP -V3 S A5(i T, I-' i �0.� a {eStJe . Sq. FULF 2%10 BTUs ao t Gallons — 75' Amps Squares For Solar: Kw # of Panels Requires Structural For Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Occupancy Load: Square Footage: Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $ q66 I Do 0 • av 1 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided o lication. CIRCLE ON COR) or UT R/ZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Signature (first and last name): 1 DATE: 10/641 Printed Name: � r ZONING COMMMENTS: Zov��ctioj'R- l� Reviewer:yT IDlit I BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: 17,31 tel f - DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: A/ C ,�2oVc-o Reviewer: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: " e GoNDI' l 10Ns " Re = TO Ll3T. Building Division Valuation J goo, an City of Wh6atpjd c COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB -CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM This form must be signed by each sub -contractor. This form will not be accepted with missing information. Subcontractor's City of Wheat Ridge License number must be provided in the applicable space. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: General Contractor: Electrical Sub -Contractor Company Name: State License #: Wheat Ridge License #: Signature of Authorized Agent Plumbing Sub -Contractor Company Name: State License #: Permit #: Phone #: Master #• (required held) Date Phone #: Master #: Wheat Ridge License #: (required held) Signature of Authorized Agent Mechanical Contractor Date Company Namer_�Vjw AAP Phone:_ (,, Wheat Ridge License #: (required field) ]JLA�C�� --- 'p _ Z 3 l � Signature of Date City of 40 Q W heat Psjide COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB -CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM This form must be signed by each sub -contractor. This form will not be accepted with missing information. Subcontractor's City of Wheat Ridge License number must be provided in the applicable space. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: General Contractor: Electrical Sub -Contractor Permit #: Company Name: Rayo Electric Phone #: 7207320990 State License #: 5875 Master #:� Wheat Ridge License #: 021696 (required field) 9/23/2019 Sign rc of Authorized Agent Date Company dame: Phone #: State License #: Master #: Wheat Ridge License #: (required field) Signature of Authorized Agent Date Company Name: Phone:___ Wheat Ridge License #: (required field) Sigg4ture of Authorized Agent Date 4 City of j..: Wh6at Pj ,i- COMM (Ty DEvaom ENT SUB -CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM This form must be signed by each sub -contractor. This form will not be accepted with missing information. Subcontractor's City of Wheat Ridge License number must be provided in the applicable space. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: Permit #: General Contractor: Electrical Sub -Contractor Company Name: Phone #: State License #: Master #: Wheat Ridge License #: (required lield) Signature of Authorized Agent Date Plumbing Sub --Contractor - Company Name: 1,0)1)) a �'4ri,!r�� R$h/pIlone #>� ��� CP��' �5 /� t' State License #: "105 Master d C? Wheat Ridge License #: (2 YJ22 (required field) A. Stb a e of Aut d A� Date Mechanical Contractor Company dame: Phone: Wheat Ridge License #i: (required field) Signature of Authorized Agent Date `7�� city i,t V V CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855. f. 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date.- Project ate:Project Address: Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents:j�fC-- Project Type/Description: fy G�,J {�,Q3 ��' K� �� �-^N e, 04 u„� Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOTIWRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY �-elow � , am a duly authorized representative of the agency indic to d do, y signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval a project indicated above. (Please check one) Wheat Ridge Water District o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Consolidated Mutual Water District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Valley Water District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Denver Water o Westridge Sanitation District o Other l 4 City of Wheat i-idprc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: � � � � ++wC Project Address: 5-'J5-'J'� � t -e, Name of Firmflndividual submitting documents: p�, 3� �- L- c - Project Type/Description: _r✓t.J {Ze°, , x jar �,,,,�,� (% *4 S r4, Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY am a duty authorized representative of the agency indicated below and do, by my signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District o Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District, o Denver Water Agency Notes: ,K Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other L f� Signature: Date: Agency Representative) %) 2-V') . MARTIN/MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS March 20, 2019 Brent Metz SSE Consulting 3080 Fenton St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 563.542.5068 Email: brentjmetz@7engineering.com Re: Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 5870-5910 West 37th Place — Four Single Family Homes Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 17.0633.C.01 Dear Mr. Metz, On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the site plan received March 14, 2019, concerning four proposed single- family homes at the above referenced address. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. The subject lot is entirely within the service and boundary area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainline(s) Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: 0 8 -inch mainline running west to east, north of the referenced property within W. 37111 PI. It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) to verify if gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. Utility Locates It is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, through Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Senate Bill 18-167 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. All projects must meet Senate Bill 18-167 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. Shared Service Line After review of the provided information, it appears that each single-family unit will have individual service line(s) meeting Section 2.3.02 of the District Rules and Regulations. If development consists of anything other than detached single-family residences, additional requirements will apply. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTIN MARTIN.COM Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 5870-5910 West 37th Place — Four Single Family Homes March 20, 2019 Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance— engineering, reviews, legal, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware of the following: 1. Deposit must be made prior to reviews and further coordination. 2. All fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. No tap fees will be accepted until conditional approval is received for the mainline extension including such items as as -constructed drawings (certified survey) and final televising of the mainline(s). If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: Mike Bakarich — Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Page 212 City of XX/h6atRl c I�ULVJCV WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29''' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW IFEES Location of Construction: e566,o5 Purpose of Construction: Single Family _ / _ Commercial Development Review Processing Fee: ................................................ $100.00 (Required of all projects for document processing) Single Family Residence/Da®lex Review Fee: ..................................... $50.00 Commercial/Multi-Family Review Fees: • Review of existing or minimal technical documents: ........................ $200.00 • Initial review' of technical civil engineering documents (Fee includes reviews of the I" and 2nd submittals) :.......................... $600.00 o Traffic Impact Study Review Fee: (Fee includes reviews of the I' and 2nd submittals): .......................... $500.00 © Trip Generation Study Review Fee: .................................................. $200.00 v O & M Manual Review & SMA Recording Fee ................................ $100.00 Multi -Family $ t OD o 0 ' Each Application will be reviewed by staff once and returned for changes. If after review of the second submittal changes have not been made to the civil documents or the Traffic Study as requested by staff, further reviews of the Application will be subject to the following Resubmittal Fees: ® Resubmittal Fees: 3Td submittal (% initial review fee): .................................................... $300.00 4d' submittal (full initial review fee) :................................................. $600.00 All subsequent submittals: ................................................................. $600.00 (Full initial review fee) TOTAL REVIEW FEES (due at time of Building Permit issuance) PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE FEES, THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL LICENSING AND PERMITTING FEES REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. %, .,I� ci v, it l'8(, idgC.{.0. us' Rev ]2/12 City of SINGLE FAMILY/.DUpLEX 1�6a.-t i I'UhtIC WORKS B UILDING PERMIT APPLIC9 TION REVIEW Date. lt2 f)rT �p.1 9 Location: 5bo�'j J ATTENTION: BUILDING DIVLSION I have reviewed the submitted application documents to construct a Alle W located at the above referenced address. Please note the comments checked below. 1. Drainage: a. Drainage Letter & Plan required: Yes No b. Site drainage/grading plan have been reviewed and are: ZOK refer to 2. Public Improvements required & to be completed with project: stipulations. a. street paving/patching: _ Yes No b. curb & gutter: Yes -4/— No Completed c. sidewalk: Yes No Completed Completed d. Other (specify): Yes _ No Completed For items not constructed, the amount of funds taken in lieu of construction: 3. -4L Does all existing roadway/alley R.O.W. meet the standards of the City: Yes If not, what is required? No If R.O.W. is required, has the deed been received: Yes _ No (see Note below) NOTE: All deeds must be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 4. APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and hereb a this Permit Appllicatiion, subject to the stated requirements and/or attached stipulations. y pproves CST. 2DWZ Signature Mark Van Nattan Date 5. 1# NOT APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and aloes not approve this Permit Application for the stated reason(s): Signature 6. 4.L Stipulations: Mark Van Nattan Date 7. A Grading Certification Letter from the Engineer -of -Record accompanied by an Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) shall be required prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 8. NOTE: ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AS A RESULT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPAIRED PER ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Rev 04/2016 City of Wheat -Midge PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Address: 5868 W. 37TH Place Permit Number: 201902121 Approval of this building permit is subject to the following conditions and notes: • Swales are designed to convey runoff and protect properties from stormwater incursion. No alteration to approved drainage facilities such as swales shall be allowed without written approval from the Director of Public Works. STRUCTURES Construction of sidewalks, permanent support pads or other structures within drainage swales affecting the hydraulics of the approved design are not allowed. Re: NOTES on Approved Drainage Plan for additional information. Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in the complete removal of the constructed item(s) within and restoration of said drainage swale(s), and be completed at the sole cost of the owner and/or contractor. • A Right -of -Way Construction Permit shall be required prior to the commencement of construction in the public ROW. Contact Public Works at 303-235-2861. Re: Drainage Plan redlines for additional information. MVN 10/18/19 Page 1 of 1 City of W heat Ridge PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION D. 2(J DDR♦iii I . Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval of the building permit application for the above referenced address, this letter is to inform you that all existing public improvements located along the frontage of said address shall be restored, (if damaged from related construction) to an acceptable condition, as determined by City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to any construction commencing, the City's representative will conduct an onsite inspection to determine the existing condition(s) of the public improvements at this address. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: File www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Rev 2/08 Alliance Consulting Envineers 8 Surveyors PLANNING • ENGINEERING • SURVE\ ING • PROjECT .1ANAGEMENT • CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS August 8, 2019 Brent J. Metz Manager of BTM 37th LLC 4134 Fenton St. Denver CO 80212 Office : 720.428.2611 Cell : 563.542.5068 Email : brentjmetzic 7engineering.com Reference: Metz Estates Subdivision Drainage Letter Report and Plans 5910 W 37th Place Wheat Ridge CO AC Job No. 19031 Revised 8-8-19 Brent: DATE 8/29/2019 RECEIVED 8/23/2019 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS, APPROVED ..Oi 1t DRAINAGE, • SIDEWALK «. & GUTTER 0 STREET ■ MISCELLANEOUS PLAT COMMENT 4 \...--., AUG 29, 2019 CrfAL ENGINECr DATE SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS This letter is written to address the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements that must be followed by proposed developments or re -developments. Metz Estates Subdivision is a minor new single-family development that disturbs less than one acre and does not increase the amount of impervious area by more than 10,000 sf and is not subject to stormwater detention and water quality criteria found in the Site Drainage Requirements. Metz Estates Subdivision is a scrape of two existing homes on two lots. The existing two homes are shown on the attached Existing Conditions Map. Impervious calculations have been performed on the existing conditions and found to be 82% impervious. Impervious calculations are tabulated on the attached Impervious Calculations Sheet. The proposed architectural Site Plan A0.0 attached shows the buildings on the lots and calculates the proposed impervious areas for each lot. The impervious calculations have been performed for the entire site on the attached Impervious Calculations Sheet. The proposed impervious area is 30 percent. There is a substantial reduction in the impervious area resulting in a net reduction in the runoff from the new development because there will be large backyards and a small building footprint. A Drainage Plan has been prepared showing the preliminary grading on the lots. The Drainage Plan shows the drainage patterns, elevations, swales and slopes. All the drainage is directed toward the street and will not impact adjacent property owners. A copy of the plan is attached for review. 16415 W 85"' Lane Unit B Arvada, CO 80007 • Phone: 720-625-1571 • email: demoorepe@aliiariceengineer.com Alliance Consulting Engineers ti Surveyors PLANNING •ENGINEERING • SURVEIING • PRO!ECT MANAGEMENT • CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Final site, grading and erosion control plans will be submitted with the Building Permit Application. Upon the project completion, a Drainage Certification Letter will be provided by our firm. Please review the attached Existing Conditions Map, Architectural Site Plan, Impervious Calculations Sheet and Drainage Plan. If you have questions, feel free to contact us at the phone number and addresses listed at the bottom of this letter. Sincerely, Cog t liC .d s 22491 David E Moore PE Alliance Consulting Attachments: Existing Conditions Map, Architectural Site Plan, Impervious Calculations Sheet, Plat and Drainage Plan. 16115 W 85" Lane Unit B Arvada, CO 80007 . Phone: 720-625-1571 • email: demoorepe@allianceengineer.com W .j N) CN U) 7 Impervious Calculations Sheet 5910 W 37th PI 7/27/2019 Existing Site Impervious Areas Description Area Grass 4042 Shrubs 3166 Impervious 32742 Total 39950 Existing Impervious 82 Percent Proposed Site Impervious Areas Description Area Impervious Lot A 3133 Impervious LotB 2916 Impervious Lot C 3133 Impervious Lot D 2916 Yard 27852 Total 39950 Proposed Impervious 30 Percent c\�\niwa a mavaYi\emyrnaW+w¢ mnx*ae\.voai xc wwa em.'�➢+Qvaoac oaa+b\awwz rwam nvnm a/ie/ve�v Fa FI E%. CUHB� E'° W. 37TH PLACE (46.50' R.O.W.) Y 8 • sazs •'. , s i m!q 4g e C r Isers .. I 1 N Cn 5 I x Oy o RDti F.w _.. p I ti a OH zO U; a of � spry Y £ I Y 3 g w c I c m Y I El e / z z � I Y o I 0 n I n v �sazs C I I I — s.„_ r I I I I I I I I I i I I I iI I I I I I Fgs I ==oo o o ; F3 PO m gRst"�D.-Ii n I§p2 •-I F I g 3 o ?Fg b^e R82 'Z, m Z f am = G g o@'sew m �� 2g F7m T e I � a ---r A Fwa�`����ge �a�a u oo:� Raim4= ”" �y � €s lams f os9aem- €� z I € P�zF�Ri2M t o of 23 § w JF ®so METZ ESTATES SUBDIVISION �[Alliance slarvs e. m, .o. a SG —1. TION a4 z m t DEM W. 37TH PLACE 9Is-'-'1)_gpp-922-1987$ "" DRAINAGE PLAN ' Consulting Engineers 8 Surveyors - —E— r m � � �`�•�,,..��, x as � naw aaaeve�n Homs a r.awaon v nomla aw¢ � wao n. rr..ar KMwnVNan naw4 mnalW nY®naallkaW MO •••.•.. . .,.••.. •:., MWL1� WR OBL�IO�eii�a9a�fMi'YIMOQeY L -A RIIIDEIIIIAI- IINGII I"IIY- NEW CONIMIUCIKIN 5910 W. 37TH PLACE LODEST N DESI N40ROUP0� WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 L -A =$>oz��8 s= ^a=�gra ama aam 9vm �e H o$A8>'aa> o m$�sog =msm -Pl- gF mgn '�N N _ =n zo o PmIm arA�zm off= §�g8 =m sm= o€m - g �� m p= :;-XI a, a oo^>? mo"o z E s=oma m € ah-g; ;�08�� �9AAEa � oEg$?g " m> 0$8 ..gym A M.S. mNom" o2"., m!=n� po'miinmFi" " m�$ om �" 9A ,"I �� 'A o �� mE� oz N=p $ n �N 5.1" ' F2'S--�' x�am E: SKU>o^ R$Na AYR mmRma-' :=g ggoa Sl. a>$; m_ mog om gm$Fm��m y vg a goo w�mm »'a gx ` _ ^�^ S<Nm aAoaB m " gg m 'gym 'mse y?m��a "5s�eeetanAea %Jeep=33 a s aLo• _ •__�sy:s 3� 'rig 'smz s is"B^e=s • 9 „e $a°'s�Z mem$ 0 > N 98 e' cex+�aH 90 sem.--s 3 -n D M. v E;Yeaa�anye p3s4 9u ':a B 3s%Gssg.y o Z �J J 6, �•^gy9•;;e� 9:"'s.o �, xa;s$o '3;�s`$"��a mm o 3= ��se3z9A ss8 -- 9 s5'T a'HEN c)a zt __�°$.;s :�yyyes s:aas38a o ocn D o ➢>•33�$S '""� mqs i�3 �g °ej vz}i$ "a mr8R-;__.� egg..s�- ,3 3;= m C'�r M, oT N!n 'n -n N > V / N m W Z z0- :s1 C M- o 3qa R- 3 _ � ➢� ia� o'� a� m r r 7 oR 3 e"gee o D 3o 3 rn O ca O n I o = Z £ 8� omgm a 9n Wo Si C n `m90?j v of ym.KP g yN$vQ NARLaysr yy __ BEvcw sr 9m#nEEN TON11 5! � _ QTYO"WNEAT RIDGE SNERIDAN BLVD DENVER ZENBBIP Si o'T I I � I � I I I I nT C, Koxo=sus m $— m z I a ! n r v >,o N I tom M> 2A., m I -M0 V/ �m0 O Z T M 0A� D0 z N � N -z cml0 mo-io Z�' ■ • ■ m z j v,'^ i Nm O m N m � m N D V NWz I 0 o= 'mo0 0 m � r :E< O �cn —Im C/ o m D O=O Zi /� �3m v, �s 0 < O I= z Z IA I~= IV I I m>� I R� i �4R ' 8C� HARLAN ST Ol9'w•W(Y) zesi"e'cu) zesxza(u) I I I oYs��,ga�4 j Im mo'm g 19a 8 al, NDrzi =Z n j I zON®OT "z'8 mm IV NO2Sw'MY) i b"oel _I —__ -- — — _ r---- =g Ism IZ $g znsoyuj) Nm o c= >SI tgy(O Cp0 om l9 �Y Im iI use+e+. Nzoiwyu) a� y ' 1________ --------- -------------------- mw 11 ;£ eor ae Z IC arElEOo R A I O�m o -'C �. > `oma y�N z g LM`7£WG'F' m z EOT221 -IC j o'T I I � I � I I I I nT C, Koxo=sus m $— m z I a ! n r v >,o N I tom M> 2A., m I -M0 V/ �m0 O Z T M 0A� D0 z N � N -z cml0 mo-io Z�' ■ • ■ m z j v,'^ i Nm O m N m � m N D V NWz I 0 o= 'mo0 0 m � r :E< O �cn —Im C/ o m D O=O Zi /� �3m v, �s 0 < O I= z Z IA I~= IV I I m>� I R� i �4R ' 8C� RESIDENTIAL Building Permit — Plan Review Worksheet Address: . 5'*� W, 3 T'I 'P i Zoning: 'R - 1 Lot Size: i V sq. ft. Lot Width: 5 ft. Rev. 09/2017 Property in the flood plain? 00 If yes, notify PW Floodplain Administrator and add surveying condition FLD Subdivision: t�(J-6S Any conflict? (Y/N) Related Cases: M S — l9 - O 3 Type of project (applicable survey conditions in parenthesis): ❑ Accessory ISP, ILC or site plan none ❑ Addition ILC and site plan if w/in 2' of setback or in floodplain (FND) if New ILC and site plan yes (FND) Maximum Lot Coverage: Llfl % Existing Improvements (footprints): House: sq. ft. Shed: sq. ft. Detached garage: sq ft. Other: sq. ft. -"Uu" Total Existing sq. ft `4k Lot Coverage % 07D sq. ft. if in floodplain (FLD) if in floodplain (FLD) if w/in 2' of setback (NRS) if in floodplain (FLD) Proposed Improvements (footprints): House/addition: I -,?A LI sq. ft. Shed: sq. ft Detached Garage: sq. ft. Other: sq. ft. Proposed+Existing Z 29 sq. ft Lot Coverages 5 % Required Setbacks: FR ZO' S S ` S R Provided Setbacks: FR 1151 S :5' 11 S S 1 R(1 For additions or new construction, is the structure within 2 feet of minimum setbacks? yeS If yes, add surveying condition FND. Maximum Height: ft. Maximum Size: `1 r 70 sq. ft. Proposed Height: ft. Proposed Size: 212.q'H sq. ft. Does the bulk plane apply? (Y/N) Yej If yes, does it meet on all sides (Y/N): FR S , S Yel, R "i'P3 (See 26-642 and 26-120.C.1 — applies to all single-family structures (new, addition, accessory) in R -1C and R-3) Parkland Conditions Does the permit result in a new dwelling unit (new structure or conversion from non -res use)? If yes, have parkland dedication fees already been paid (eg with a previous land use approval)?�,e5 If fees are owed, add condition PFEE, notify owner, notify building division, enter fee amount in ADG. Rev. 09/2017 Streetscape Conditions Does the permit result in any of the following conditions? ❑ Construction of new roads ❑ Platting of new lots J New development ❑ Additions that increase gross floor area (not just the footprint) by 60% or more (proposed floor area — existing floor area ) / existing floor area = % increase If any box above is checked... For SF/DUPLEX—Is there existing Il Curb © Gutter 05 -ft+ sidewalk adjacent to the property? If curb gutter or sidewalk is missing, streetscape construction or fees -in -lieu will be required. � '(O. v Ptkui,/�� buy �d rev✓ �urb�gl.�tlel'� 5td+e�ct(k per,. .5-T4, MULTIFAMILY—Does the frontage meet current city standards? If not, streetscape construction or fees -in -lieu will be required. Fees -in -lieu of dedication or construction are due at the time the permit is issued. Access Conditions (apply to all new driveways, garages, additions, or new homes/units) Yior one and two-family dwellings, the first 25' of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. ❑ For all uses other than one and two family dwellings, no vehicle entrances or exits may be closer than 25' to any property line, except when used as joint access for two or more lots. --5, ❑ In residential zone districts, curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet and not more than 24 feet in width. ❑ One and two-family dwellings may have horseshoe driveways, provided that the street accesses are at least 30 feet apart, measured from the interior edges. Cd For all uses, one access point per property is permitted. Land �eaping Conditions (apply to additions and new dwelling units) 0 For one -and two-family dwellings, one tree for every 70 feet of street frontage is required. Frontage of lot 50 - width of driveway 1`6 ) / 70 = 1 (round up for required trees) Street trees required: Street trees provided: Q,.,{ -100% of the front yard and 25% of the entire lot must be landscaped prior to issuance of C.O. L�l 'In the event that landscaping cannot be installed due to inclement weather prior to the issuance of a C.O., an escrow agreement with financial guarantees may be allowed to ensure future installation. 125% of the cost of the proposed improvements will be required with the agreement. These funds will be reimbursed back to the property owner or contractor once the improvements are in place. Dwelling Unit ❑ Not approved as an independent dwelling unit. u v�eoa3z ante rvro�a3as 3oaro1r3am,uA oo ~Oyu � 1f 35tlN) 1 � 1S M3d3Q SW � lsrv)ava � 'b F if SLLO _ �1 HE$< y` au ` itltl €33 Q€m 8' Neiloin �Q.=�aG6 fI a! m�ws ;i Eli! WWI Z e€' U I a °e I m Z a i V J JO '<ooe s a=� bo frU o 00�' Z ~ W N � W � s ¢EB�frS W Ys�zsv 5m frNa$;O�P g° Ww- v N^g6° ^w�=�?'E�a ^ pZ 0 QW! � @6Ee'= 80 V_ � =6�c�� i6� �Saao38a' U s arymo§�90 sx'°°eeE�`fri E =6 H L U W ;�4 a 5 ° eg°= fr `°s m What Ei 1 LL Z O 8 HIM. N ie €i= p-hin. S s`s41 z W~~ Q �`S-oS E n�55fr5 �-O-�gaE'gfr y 'o W W `.k N-bL_b �'BYsJL°$ gEb-Foe_:@ m � N - Ya:� igagg .-` a � Ee@ U � o �.. ae °P s`f o•° 5o6�dR'n�u SSSS,&S=eg 2I• uEi;�E off` dapQ.€^fr fr a 6�e: cag=ed � W a0 WIN MIRMw lull =gyp€iW\N �o��`a=oys oKR $i_� 1Rs'o» Y 11 NO R1 w kaE off` �"-'$¢oma€gip �gb+ �o`m<`� a €����w '< €bac �>� OHIO 411 s�^�=�W � . M <� �€ "�<_ kWks�' mho 3 s � R. �o�«oo �k8 S «� :, �"ow�ni�: �� Cm==<"�ow BIRID S�F,�� NO m� � c�=sa�W .=w �:�: <S<�F� B €_ �gg ��� S€"�skE�� <F <�`"='wok' A�< 191 imp: I F w„o ag 'sm== =o w o�AN �s� � � �� � a:e'-_ <�� Nm W€mak ^BCoYiF Cw< aw: w_��w=o�� €Ya `s€`='o=_bo p�< oEme '”,:,R ao ^€ UH!k gm >20 I Npq 30 BOB: go< k<� o w� Ming sow ��a Yk g�i< & S€�v�oi��y 0 < �� em dog ISI s - wi sial wti Y 5« B iso If nn � ^ a m� WHIN a=3 _aaca���ai u v�eoa3z ante rvro�a3as 3oaro1r3am,uA oo ~Oyu � 1f 35tlN) 1 � 1S M3d3Q SW � lsrv)ava � 'b F if SLLO _ �1 ®� NOISV{IOS()S ;LL Si13113S (AA Oa,Op) __ R ___ _ _____—___—____- (rv)7.[9.9L05 1S NOIN3d �ms os=a k�� tlol o,A e 16" I g oB k� i o� zlol oB o9 06 4 �k �^ ElOI 21— >F,ka=f 9107 b a3 °z ZlOI Z OZ 9107 i Y � N 2I 95 5; .101 LL c n °3ra Z �7 8 ozlo,z oei ° [lol z Z nI B101® z—.- c O o ________________�q (n).OS'EOE.----------------- _ —_ ___________1_________ ^ I oxJ I "s \/ O w � o , (---------------- -- -----(eye) oe°UN J~ o Z '"--------- ----------------- --------- ------------------- _°o LL=LL w yaw / r E� w Q Mw Q _________ Y€ --------------T ) --- ------ (w)-oS'coE_______________— W N Io LL " nY .ca.e oN______________, Zo p �Im oB ag Nh� M6 ` 18 �" 3 o N � /� �/ Z N 9t 101 ' c O oz LL' n}Y,.CO.6LON F-11 L V/ R SiW p w ._ ZLLZrn o8 --- I' ` O w " L____- ________„eM)Msoo.soxos a[�- �3 \\\ LL w p 9!101 ti iz [{101 w Q = w Btlol p8 a Ts LL W > R NW g0� i oz ww J U tZ107 a e yQaN ” vc K oB }M1'`Jl, ° -1p qn, z 5 ss`�`" 7o LU a � I I -' _ L _ (_nn_O a.Os) _ 9JNNn39 1p 561 ----------- ----- -------------------(n>.z s9z (w>sns9z 1S NVl21VH (MASO-ON dna=n8¢'kN'S a hhRod WRS k^tlffa¢ '� S Y ----------------- 6. W4 aYw " o�eg�, I 1�6`oSi61�- I ' I I I�, ' I I !I EENERGY Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue i INNOVATIONS Project Summary S -c, 6� Date: September 25, 2019 Bsmnt&Main AH b By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC LJ _7 � Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com Project• • For: Brent Metz Notes: Design Information Weather: Winter Design Conditions Outside db 1 °F Inside db 70 °F Design TD 70 °F Heating Summary Structure 27556 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh ( none) Humidification 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 27556 Btuh Infiltration Denver International, CO, US Method Simplified Construction quality Semi -tight Fireplaces 1 (Semi -tight) Heating Cooling Area (ft') 2649 2649 Volume (ft3) 18095 18095 Air changes/hour 0.23 0.11 Equiv. AVF (cfm) 71 34 Heating Equipment Summary Make Carrier Trade Carrier Performance Boost Sing... Model 59SP2A040E 17--12 AHRI ref 0 Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat Summer Design Conditions Outside db 92 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 17 °F Daily range H Total cooling Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference -37 gr/Ib Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 15359 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh ( none) Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y Rate/swing multiplier 1.00 Equipment sensible load 15359 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure -692 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh (pone) Total cooling 800 Equipment latent load 0 Btuh Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 15359 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.85 SHR 1.5 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Carrier Trade CARRIER Cond 24ACC424AO0300 Coil CNPVP2417ALA+59SP2A040E17--12 AHRI ref 9764106 92.1 AFUE Efficiency 40000 Btuh Sensible cooling 31200 Btuh Latent cooling 43 °F Total cooling 800 cfm Actual air flow 0.029 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.80 in H2O Static pressure Load sensible heat ratio 12.0 EER, 15 SEER 19040 Btuh 3360 Btuh 22400 Btuh 800 cfm 0.052 cfm/Btuh 0.80 in H2O if 1.00 r� `Q Bold/italic values have been manually overridden p Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th E ;ate w .., _11.. .,_ -1k- wrightft' ... Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 ,.so RCCA ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N (14 15:41:26 Page 1 EENERGY AED Assessment Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue i INNOVATIONS Date: September 25, 2019 Bsmnt&Main AH By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com Project Information For: Brent Metz 1 0 Hourly Glazing Load 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hour of Day / Hourly h°" Average f AED limit Maximum hourly glazing load exceeds average by 44.4%. Zone does not have adequate exposure diversity (AED), based on AED limit of 30%. AED excursion: 1015 Btuh (PFG - 1.3*AFG) Bold/italic values have been manually overridden W rig htsoft" 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:26 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 1 ACCta ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Denver International, CO, US Indoor temperature (°F) 70 75 Elevation: 5430 ft Design TD (°F) 70 17 Latitude: 40oN Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/Ib) 61.6 -36.8 Dry bulb (°F) 1 92 Infiltration: Daily range (°F) - 28 ( H ) Wet bulb (°F) - 60 Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Test forAdequate Exposure 1 0 Hourly Glazing Load 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hour of Day / Hourly h°" Average f AED limit Maximum hourly glazing load exceeds average by 44.4%. Zone does not have adequate exposure diversity (AED), based on AED limit of 30%. AED excursion: 1015 Btuh (PFG - 1.3*AFG) Bold/italic values have been manually overridden W rig htsoft" 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:26 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 1 ACCta ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N EENERGY BuildingAnalysis Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue i INNOVATIONS y Date: September 25,2019 Bsmnt&Main AH By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com Project Information For: Brent Metz Heating Component Design Conditions % of load Walls Location: 11629 Indoor: Heating Cooling Denver Internationa, CO, US 31.8 Indoor temperature (°F) 70 75 Elevation: 5430 ft Ceilings Design TD (°F) 70 17 Latitude: 40°N 1.4 Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/Ib) 61.6 -36.8 Dry bulb (°F) 1 92 Infiltration: 0 Daily range (°F) - 28 ( H ) Method Simplified 0 Wet bulb (°F) - 60 Construction quality Semi -tight Adjustments Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 1 (Semi -tight) Heating Component Btuh/ft2 Btuh % of load Walls 3.6 11629 42.2 Glazing 22.2 8768 31.8 Doors 20.2 484 1.8 Ceilings 1.4 383 1.4 Floors 1.4 1870 6.8 Infiltration 2.2 4422 16.0 Ducts 0 0 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 275561 100.0 Cooling Component Btuh/ft2 Btuh % of load Walls 0.6 1837 12.0 Glazing 22.0 8661 56.4 Doors 7.2 172 1.1 Ceilings 1.0 266 1.7 Floors 0.0 5 0.0 Infiltration 0.3 517 3.4 Ducts 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 3900 25.4 Blower 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 15359 100.0 Latent Cooling Load = 0 Btuh Overall U -value = 0.062 Btuh/ftZ-°F Data entries checked. infiltration Walls_ Floors Glazing Glazing Bold/italic values have been manually overridden al Gains filtration her wriQhtsoft ` 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:26 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 1 ACCO, ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N EENERGY Component Constructions Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue i INNOVATIONS Date: September 25, 2019 Bsmnt&Main AH By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eibouldercom Project• • For: Brent Metz Construction descriptions Design Conditions U -value Insul R Location: Loss Clg HTM Indoor: Heating Cooling Denver Internationa, CO, US Btuh/ft'-"F Indoor temperature (°F) 70 75 Elevation: 5430 ft Btu Design TD (°F) 70 17 Latitude: 40°N 10 Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/Ib) 61.6 -36.8 Dry bulb (°F) 1 92 Infiltration: 0.13 54 Daily range (°F) - 28 ( H ) Method Simplified 19.0 Wet bulb (0F) - 60 Construction quality Semi -tight 0 Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 1 (Semi -tight) 3.21 Construction descriptions Or Area U -value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain 0.320 0 fp Btuh/ft'-"F ft"F/Btuh Btu h/ft' Btu Btu h/ft' Btu Walls 356 33.8 540 10 0.320 0 22.2 228 15B19-Owc-8: Bg wall, heavy dry or light damp soil, 2"x6" wood int frm, n 408 0.040 19.0 3.21 1312 0.13 54 concrete wall, r-19 cav ins, 8" thk, 1/2" gypsum board int fnsh e 423 0.040 19.0 3.15 1333 0.11 48 0 s 408 0.040 19.0 3.21 1312 0.13 54 1204 w 407 0.040 19.0 3.09 1257 0.09 38 1349 all 1645 0.040 19.0 3.17 5213 0.12 194 R20 BC: Frm wall, wood ext, 1/2" wood shth, r-20 cav ins, 1/2" gypsum n 149 0.058 20.0 4.05 605 1.15 172 board int fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm a 406 0.058 20.0 4.05 1644 1.15 467 s 295 0.058 20.0 4.05 1194 1.15 339 w 422 0.058 20.0 4.05 1708 1.15 486 all 1272 0.058 20.0 4.05 5151 1.15 1464 Partitions R20 BC: Frm wall, wood ext, 1/2" wood shth, r-20 cav ins, 1/2" gypsum board int fnsh, 2"x6" wood frm Windows U32 SHGC30: Typ double pane; 6.67 ft head ht n e e w w all U32 SHGC30: Typ double pane; 9.2 ft overhang (7.3 ft window ht, 1.7 ft s sep.); 6.67 ft head ht U32 SHGC30: Typ double pane; 9.2 ft overhang (8 ft window ht, 1.7 ft s sep.); 6.67 ft head ht U32 SHGC30: Typ double pane; 1.3 ft overhang (8 ft window ht, 1.5 ft w sep.); 6.67 ft head ht 312 0.058 20.0 4.05 1264 0.57 179 77 0.320 0 22.2 1720 11.2 869 16 0.320 0 22.2 356 33.8 540 10 0.320 0 22.2 228 33.8 346 32 0.320 0 22.2 712 33.8 1080 37 0.320 0 22.2 812 33.8 1232 172 0.320 0 22.2 3827 23.6 4068 54 0.320 0 22.2 1204 11.2 609 120 0.320 0 22.2 2669 11.2 1349 48 0.320 0 22.2 1068 33.8 1620 Doors 11 P0: Door, mtl pur core type n 24 0.290 10.5 20.2 484 7.18 172 Bold/italic values have been manually overridden wrightsoft 2019 -Sep -2515:41:26 _., Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 1 RCCA ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09 25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Ceilings R49 attic: Attic ceiling, asphalt shingles roof mat, r-49 ceil ins, 1/2" 267 0.021 49.0 1.44 383 1.00 266 gypsum board int fnsh Floors 20P -38c: Flr floor, frm flr, 12" thkns, carpet flr fnsh, r-38 cav ins, amb 21 0.030 38.0 2.09 44 0.25 5 ovr 21A -32t: Bg floor, heavy dry or light damp soil, 8' depth 1314 0.020 0 1.39 1827 0 0 Bold/italic values have been manually overridden wrightsoft' 2019 -Sep -2515:41:26 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 2 A—Cl�' ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N E• ENERGY Right -J80 Form J1 Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue I INNOVATIONS 9 Date: September 25,2019 Bsmnt&Main AH By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com 1 Name of Room Bsmnt&Main AH Unfin Bsmnt 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wall 307.3 ft 166.0 It 3 Ceiling Ht (Ft) and Gross Wall Area (SgFt) 10.8 ft 6356.7 ft2 10.2 ft 1693.2 ft2 4 Room Dimensions (Ft) and Floor Plan Area (SgFt) 2649.1 ft2 1.0 x 1314.1 ft 1314.1 ft2 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SgFt) 0 2649.1 ft2 0 1314.1 ft2 Type of Const., Panel HTM Area or Btuh Area or Btuh Exposure Number Faces Length Length Htg. Clg. Heating S-Clg L-Clg Heating S-Clg L-Clg 6 Wall 15819-Owc-8 n 3.21 0.13 408 1312 54 408 1312 54 all R20 BC n 4.05 1.15 227 605 172 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 n 22.24 11.24 77 1720 869 0 0 0 all 15B 19-0wc-8 a 3.15 0.11 439 1333 48 439 1333 48 11 laz U32 SHGC30 a 22.24 33.75 16 356 540 16 356 540 all R20 BC a 4.05 1.15 416 1644 467 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 e 22.24 33.75 10 228 346 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wall 15819-Owc-8 s 3.21 0.13 408 1312 54 408 1312 54 all R20 BC s 4.05 1.15 469 1194 339 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 54 1204 609 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 120 2669 1349 0 0 0 all 15B 19-Owc-8 w 3.09 0.09 439 1257 38 439 1257 38 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 32 712 1080 32 712 1080 all R20 BC w 4.05 1.15 506 1708 486 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 37 812 1232 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 48 1068 1620 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 W, all R20 BC 4.05 0.57 336 1264 179 0 0 0 -Door 11P0 n 20.15 7.18 24 484 172 0 0 0 Ceil R49 attic 1.44 1.00 267 383 266 0 0 0 Ceil R49 vaulted 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 19C-19cscl) 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 20P -38c 2.09 0.25 21 44 5 0 0 0 Flor 20P -38c 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 21A -32t 1.39 0.00 1314 1827 0 1314 1827 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.23 4422 814 Effect WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 1.00 517 0.18 95 0.11 Latent Load (Btuh) -692 Internal a Occupants at 230 and 200 Btuh 0 0 0 0 0 0 b Scenario number 3900 900 13 c Default Adjustments d Custom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals Sum lines 6 through 12 27556 15359 -692 8921 2966 Duct EHLF & ESGF 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Loads ELG 0 0 16 Ventilation Loads Vent Cfm 0 E Cfm 0 0 0 0 17 Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day 0 0 18 Piping Load 0 19 Blower Heat 0 20 AED Excursion & Latent Moisture Migration Load 1015 157 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 27556 15359 0 8921 2966 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrig"tsotFt- 2019 -Sep -2515:41:26 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 1 \5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N E • ENERGY Right -A@ Form J1 Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue 9 INNOVATIONS Date: September 25, 2019 Bsmnt&Main AH By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com 1 Name of Room Kitchen Living 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wall 28.0 ft 40.0 ft 3 Ceiling Ht (Ft) and Gross Wall Area (SgFt) 11.3 ft 723.2 ft2 11.3 ft 870.1 ft' 4 Room Dimensions (Ft) and Floor Plan Area (SgFt) 13.5 x 18.5 ft 249.8 ft2 1.0 x 350.1 ft 350.1 ft' 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SgFt) 0 249.8 ft2 0 350.1 ft' Type of Const., Panel HTM Area or Btuh Area or Btuh Exposure Number Faces Length Length Htg. Clg. Heating S-Clg L-Clg Heating S-Clg L-Clg 6 Walt 15B19-0wc-8 n 3.21 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC n 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 17 69 20 laz U32 SHGC30 n 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 all15B 19-Owc-8 a 3.15 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 laz U32 SHGC30 a 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC a 4.05 1.15 164 664 189 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 e 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wall 15B19-0wc-8 s 3.21 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC s 4.05 1.15 153 399 113 226 429 122 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 54 1204 609 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 120 2669 1349 all 15B 19-Owc-8 w 3.09 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC w 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 209 699 199 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 37 812 1232 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 V�Jall LDoor R20 BC 4.05 0.57 0 0 0 0 0 0 11130 n 20.15 7.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ceil R49 attic 1.44 1.00 0 0 0 8 11 8 Ceil R49 vaulted 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 19C-19cscp 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 2OP-38c 2.09 0.25 0 0 0 8 16 2 Flor 20P -38c 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 21A -32t 1.39 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.23 706 1008 Effect WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 0.16 83 0.23 118 0.11 Latent Load (Btuh) Intemal a Occupants at 230 and 200 Btuh 0 0 0 0 0 0 b Scenario number 1200 900 13 c Default Adjustments d Custom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals Sum lines 6 through 12 2972 2123 5713 4198 Duct EHLF & ESGF 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Loads ELG 0 0 16 Ventilation Loads Vent Cfm 0 1 E Cfm 0 17 Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day 0 18 Piping Load 19 Blower Heat 20 AED Excursion & Latent Moisture Migration Load -70 250 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 2972 2123 5713 4198 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -t'}f- wirl ofttsoft 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:26 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 2 ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N ENERGY RI ht -J8® Form J1 Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue INNOVATIONS g Date: September 25, 2019 Bsmnt&Main AH By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com 1 Name of Room Pantry Powder 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wall 8.5 ft 13.3 ft 3 Ceiling Ht (Ft) and Gross Wall Area (SgFt) 11.3 ft 344.6 ft2 11.3 ft 339.0 ft2 4 Room Dimensions (Ft) and Floor Plan Area (SgFt) 6.8 x 8.5 ft 57.4 ft2 1.0 x 48.7 ft 48.7 ft2 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SgFt) 0 57.4 ft2 0 48.7 ft2 Type of Const., Panel HTM Area or Btuh Area or Btuh Exposure Number Faces Length Length Htg. Clg. Heating S-Clg L-CIg Heating S-Clg L-Clg 6 Wall 15B19-0wc-8 n 3.21 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC n 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 n 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 all 15B 19-0wc-8 a 3.15 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 laz U32 SHGC30 a 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC a 4.05 1.15 96 373 106 93 352 100 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 e 22.24 33.75 4 89 135 6 139 211 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wall 15B19-Owc-8 s 3.21 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC s 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 57 229 65 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 all 15B 19-0wc-8 w 3.09 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 VNR20 BC w 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 W, all R20 BC 4.05 0.57 76 309 44 0 0 0 spoor 11P0 n 20.15 7.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ceil R49 attic 1.44 1.00 51 74 51 31 44 31 Cell R49 vaulted 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 19C-19cscp 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 20P -38c 2.09 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 20P -38c 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 21A -32t 1.39 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.23 214 334 Effect WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 0.05 25 0.08 39 0.11 Latent Load (Btuh) Internal a Occupants at 230 and 200 Btuh 0 0 0 0 0 0 b Scenario number 0 0 13 c Default Adjustments d Custom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals Sum lines 6 through 12 1059 368 1098 460 Duct EHLF & ESGF 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Loads ELG 0 0 16 Ventilation Loads Vent Cfm 0 E Cfm 0 17 Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day 0 18 Piping Load 19 Blower Heat 20 AED Excursion & Latent Moisture Migration Load 7 14 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 1059 368 1098 460 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all reouirements of Manual J 8th Ed -rl#-- wr10"tsof1t- 2019 -Sep -2515:41:26 ACCA Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 3 ..\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N EENERGY i INNOVATIONS Right -J88 Form A Bsmnt&Main AH Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue Date: September 25, 2019 By: Max Nuttelman 1 Name of Room Mud Room Office 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wall 0 ft 31.3 ft 3 Ceiling Ht (Ft) and Gross Wall Area (SgFt) 11.3 ft 433.6 ft' 12.0 ft 624.0 ft' 4 Room Dimensions (Ft) and Floor Plan Area (SgFt) 7.5 x 12.8 ft 95.6 ft2 13.0 x 13.0 ft 169.0 ft2 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SgFt) 0 95.6 ft2 0 169.0 ft2 Type of Const., Panel H Area or Btuh Area or Btuh Exposure Number Faces Length Length Htg. Clg. Heating S-Clg L-Clg Heating S-Clg L-Clg 6 Wall 15B 19-6wc-8 n 3.21 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC n 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 156 416 118 laz U32 SHGC30 n 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 53 1186 600 all 15B 19-0wc-8 a 3.15 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 laz U32 SHGC30 a 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC a 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 63 255 73 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 e 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wall 15B 19-0wc-8 s 3.21 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC s 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 la7 U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 all 15B 19-0wc-8 w 3.09 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC w 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 156 632 180 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 V�✓all R20 BC 4.05 0.57 85 246 35 0 0 0 tLpoor 11P0 n 20.15 7.18 24 484 172 0 0 0 Cell R49 attic 1.44 1.00 18 26 18 103 148 103 Cell R49 vaulted 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 19C-19cscp 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 20P -38c 2.09 0.25 0 0 0 13 27 3 Flor 20P -38c 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 21A -32t 1.39 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.23 0 836 Effect WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 0 0 0.19 98 0.11 Latent Load (Btuh) Internal a Occupants at 230 and 200 Btuh 0 0 0 0 0 0 b Scenario number 0 900 13 c Default Adjustments d Custom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals Sum lines 6 through 12 756 218 3500 2007 Duct EHLF & ESGF 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Loads ELG 0 0 16 Ventilation Loads Vent Cfm 0 E Cfm 0 17 Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day 0 18 Piping Load 19 Blower Heat 20 AED Excursion & Latent Moisture Migration Load -7 f6 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 19 756 218 3500 2007 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wr1ghts41rt` 2019 -Sep -2515:41:26 �--4� Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0. 12 RSU20087 Page 4 ..\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th -Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = M,18 Front Door faces: N ENERGY � INNOVATIONS Right -J8® Form J1 Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue Bsmnt&Main AH Date: September 25, 2019 By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com 1 Name of Room Entry/Stairs Dining 2 Running Feet of Exposed Wall 4.8 ft 15.5 ft 3 Ceiling Ht (Ft) and Gross Wall Area (SgFt) 11.3 ft 745.8 ft2 11.3 ft 576.3 ft2 4 Room Dimensions (Ft) and Floor Plan Area (SgFt) 1.0 x 201.9 ft 201.9 ft2 13.0 x 12.5 ft 162.5 ft2 5 Ceiling Slope (Deg.) and Gross Ceiling Area (SgFt) 0 201.9 ft2 0 162.5 ft2 Type of Const., Panel HTM Area or Btuh Area or Btuh Exposure Number Faces Length Length Htg. Clg. Heating S-Clg L-Clg Heating S-Clg L-Clg 6 Wall 15B 19-0wc-8 n 3.21 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC n 4.05 1.15 54 120 34 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 n 22.24 11.24 24 534 270 0 0 0 all 15B 19-0wc-8 a 3.15 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 laz U32 SHGC30 a 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC a 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 e 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 a 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wall 15B19-Owc-8 s 3.21 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC s 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 34 137 39 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 s 22.24 11.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 all 15B19-0wc-8 w 3.09 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 all R20 BC w 4.05 1.15 0 0 0 141 378 107 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 laz U32 SHGC30 w 22.24 33.75 0 0 0 48 1068 1620 laz U32 SHGC30 w 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 V�Jall R20 BC 4.05 0.57 175 709 101 0 0 0 tLpoor 11P0 n 20.15 7.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ceil R49 attic 1.44 1.00 0 0 0 56 80 55 Cell R49 vaulted 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 19C-19cscp 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 20P -38c 2.09 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 2OP-38c 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Flor 21A -32t 1.39 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Infiltration Heating Load (Btuh) 0.23 120 391 Effect WAR WAR 12 Sensible Load (Btuh) ACH 0.03 14 0.09 46 0.11 Latent Load (Btuh) Internal a Occupants at 230 and 200 Btuh 0 0 0 0 0 0 b Scenario number 0 0 13 c Default Adjustments d Custom Appliances 0 0 0 0 e Plants 0 0 14 Subtotals Sum lines 6 through 12 1483 405 2053 2612 Duct EHLF & ESGF 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Loads ELG 0 0 16 Ventilation Loads Vent Cfm 0 E Cfm 0 17 Winter Humidification Load Gal/Day 0 18 Piping Load 19 Blower Heat 20 AED Excursion & Latent Moisture Migration Load -13 744 21 Total Load Sum lines 13 through 191 1 1483 405 2053 2612 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -ri - wrightsoftw 2019 -Sep -2515:41:26 �--�� - Right -Suited Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page s ..\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N EENERGY Load Short Form � INNOVATIONS Bsmnt&Main AH Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com Project ! • For: Brent Metz Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue Date: September 25, 2019 By: Max Nuttelman Design Information Htg Clg Infiltration Outside db (°F) 1 92 Method Simplified Inside db (°F) 70 75 Construction quality Semi -tight Design TD (°F) 70 17 Fireplaces 1 (Semi -tight) Daily range - H Inside humidity (%) 50 50 Moisture difference (gr/Ib) 62 -37 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Carrier Trade Carrier Performance Boost Sing... Model 59S P2A040E 17--12 AHRI ref 0 COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Carrier Trade CARRIER Cond 24ACC424AO0300 Coil CNPVP2417ALA+59SP2A040E17--12 AH R I ref 9764106 Efficiency 92.1 AFUE Htg load (Btuh) Efficiency 12.0 EER, 15 SEER Clg AVF (cfm) Heating input 40000 Btuh Sensible cooling 19040 Btuh Heating output 31200 Btuh Latent cooling 3360 Btuh Temperature rise 43 °F Total cooling 22400 Btuh Actual air flow 800 cfm Actual air flow 800 cfm Air flow factor 0.029 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.052 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.80 in H2O Static pressure 0.80 in H2O Space thermostat 169 3500 Load sensible heat ratio 1.00 102 ROOM NAME Area (ft2) Htg load (Btuh) Clg load (Btuh) Htg AVF (cfm) Clg AVF (cfm) Unfin Bsmnt 1314 8921 2966 259 155 Kitchen 250 2972 2123 86 111 Living 350 5713 4198 166 219 Pantry 57 1059 368 31 19 Powder 49 1098 460 32 24 Mud Room 96 756 218 22 11 Office 169 3500 2007 102 105 Entry/Stairs 202 1483 405 43 21 ni-i— ial 1)ncl 00-11) an .113c ✓11111 I1,. IVJ LVJJ LV IL VV IJV Bold/italic values have been manually overridden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed r Wrightsoft, 2019 -Sep -2515:41:28 — Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 1 ACCT+. ... \5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Bsmnt&Main AH 2649 27556 15359 800 800 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. @ 1.00 RSM 15359 Latent cooling 0 TnTA i C 2649 27556 15359 Bold/italic values have been manually overridden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. W rightSOft ` 2019 -Sep -25 15:41: 28 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 2 A --CA ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N EENERGY Duct System Summary Job: 5880 W 37th Avenue i INNOVATIONS Date: September 25,2019 Bsmnt&Main AH By: Max Nuttelman Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 Email: max@eiboulder.com Web: www.eiboulder.com Project Information For: Brent Metz External static pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure Supply / return available pressure Lowest friction rate Actual air flow Total effective length (TEL) Heating 0.80 in H2O 0.29 in H2O 0.51 in H2O 0.209 / 0.301 in H2O 0.088 in/ 100ft 800 cfm 579 ft Cooling 0.80 in H2O 0.29 in H2O 0.51 in H2O 0.209 / 0.301 in H2O 0.088 in/ 1 00f 800 cfm Supply Branch Detail Table Name Design (Btuh) Htg (cfm) Clg (cfm) Design FR Diam (in) H x W (in) Duct Matl Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk Dining c 1306 30 68 0.097 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 26.5 190.0 st2 Dining -A c 1306 30 68 0.098 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 18.3 195.0 st2 Entry/Stairs h 1483 43 21 0.104 5.0 Ox 0 ShMt 21.0 180.0 st2 Kitchen c 1062 43 55 0.104 5.0 Ox 0 ShMt 21.0 180.0 st3 Kitchen -A c 1062 43 55 0.096 5.0 Ox 0 ShMt 27.5 190.0 st3 Living c 1399 55 73 0.098 6.0 0x0 ShMt 23.0 190.0 st1 Living -A c 1399 55 73 0.122 5.0 Ox 0 ShMt 12.0 160.0 SO Living -B c 1399 55 73 0.097 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 19.8 195.0 st3 Mud Room h 756 22 11 0.095 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 40.3 180.0 st3 Office c 2007 102 105 0.102 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 35.8 170.0 st2 Pantry h 1059 31 19 0.093 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 35.0 190.0 st3 Powder h 1098 32 24 0.088 4.0 Ox 0 ShMt 27.5 210.0 st3 Unfin esmnt h 2230 65 39 0.106 5.0 Ox 0 ShMt 27.3 170.0 st2 unfin Bsmnt-A h 2230 65 39 0.090 6.0 Ox 0 ShMt 31.3 200.0 st3 unfin Bsmnt-C h 2230 65 39 0.105 5.0 Ox 0 ShMt 30.0 170.0 st3 unfin Bsmnt-D h 2230 65 39 0.106 5.0 Ox 0 ShMt 17.5 180.0 1 st1 wrightsoft, 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:28 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 1 ACCN ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st1 Peak AVF 175 184 0.098 553 7.3 8 x 6 ShtMetl st2 Peak AVF 269 300 0.097 541 8.8 8 x 10 ShtMetl st3 Peak AVF 356 315 0.088 640 9.6 8 x 10 ShtMetl wrightsoft, 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:28 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 1 ACCN ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Name Grille Size (in) Htg (cfm) Clg (cfm) TEL (ft) Design FR Veloc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in) Stud/Joist Opening (in) Duct Matl Trunk rb7 14x4 98 128 252.5 0.119 480 7.0 Ox 0 Peak AVF ShMt rt2 rb6 14x 5 107 152 250.3 0.120 570 7.0 Ox 0 571 ShMt rt3 rb5 14x 5 116 160 313.5 0.096 599 7.0 Ox 0 655 ShMt rt3 rb3 14x4 118 100 316.8 0.095 442 7.0 Ox 0 ShMt rt2 rb2 16x7 259 155 160.8 0.187 583 7.3 8x 8 ShMt rt3 rb4 14x 3 102 105 341.8 0.088 391 7.0 Ox 0 ShMt rt3 W rights oft 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:28 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 2 AC—Ck ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk rt2 Peak AVF 217 229 0.095 514 8.0 8 x 8 ShtMetl rt1 rt3 Peak AVF 583 571 0.088 656 11.5 8 x 16 ShtMetl rt1 rt1 Peak AVF 800 800 0.088 655 13.0 8 x 22 ShtMetl W rights oft 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:28 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 Page 2 AC—Ck ...\5880 W 37th\5880 W 37th_Man J&D_2019-09-25.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: N 5" 10x4 65 drn Basement 6" Job #: 5880 W 37th Avenue Energy Innovations LLC Performed by Max Nuttelman for: Brent Metz Phone: 720.281.4554 www.eiboulder.com max@eibouldercom 4" Scale: 1 : 81 Page 1 Right -Suite® Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 2019 -Sep -25 15:41:48 W 37th Man J&D 2019-09-25.ru Main Level Job #: 5880 W 37th Avenue Performed by Max Nuttelman for: Brent Metz Energy Innovations LLC Phone: 720.281.4554 vww..eiboulder.com max@eiboulder.com 10x4 31 cfm 10x4 32 cfm rOR fully do re cli ster Scale: 1 : 81 Page 2 Right-Suite(D Universal 2019 19.0.12 RSU20087 2019 -Sep -2515.41:49 ...80 W 37th Man J&D 2019-09-2 lmiwmk =7J COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AND ENGINEERING ANALYSIS Proposed Single Family Residences 58� West 37th Place, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 5"16 1? Prepared For: Mr. Brent Metz 3080 Fenton St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 0 Project No. 19-11130 September 12, 2019 912 TWELFTH STREET, GOLDEN, CO 80401 303 279-6418 FAX 303-279-9586 PROJECT NO. 19-11130 September 10, 2019 Page 1 of 8 SCOPE A geotechnical and geological engineering investigation was conducted at 5870 West 37th Place, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to determine foundation design specifications and basement floor system recommendations for a proposed single family residence. Recommendations for design and construction, based on soil and groundwater conditions, are provided. This investigation does not include evaluation of soil or groundwater for the presence of pollutants or other environmental hazards. Conclusions and recommendations presented are based on results of a field and laboratory investigation, other investigations conducted by this firm on nearby lots, and experience with similar projects and conditions. determine subsurface conditions and provide information for planning and foundation design considerations pertinent to soil and groundwater conditions. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION One single family residence will be constructed on the lot. The structure will be three stories with a full -depth basement. A wood frame superstructure will be supported by a reinforced concrete foundation. A geotechnical and geological engineering investigation was conducted on the lot directly to the west, where similar subsurface conditions were observed. SITE CONDITIONS The site is in a fully developed residential subdivision in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. A single family residence has been razed and removed. The surface in the general vicinity slopes to the north at gentle PROJECT NO. 19-11130 September 10, 2019 Page 2 of 8 grades. The surface within this lot is relatively flat. Vegetation was removed during demolition procedures. There are no apparent geologic hazards that should affect the proposed construction. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions were investigated by drilling one foundation design test hole inside the anticipated building envelope. The approximate test hole location is shown in Figure 1, Test Hole Location Plan. The test hole was drilled to a depth of 30 feet below existing grade and samples were taken at various intervals based on anticipated foundation bearing depths and materials encountered. The lithologic log and Standard Penetration test results are shown in Figure 2, Test Hole Log. Soils have been deposited by wind and low -to -moderate energy stream flow. The test hole encountered thirteen feet of fine-grained sand overlying six feet of clayey sand, overlaying clay to the total depth. Detailed soil descriptions are shown on Figure 2. Bedrock was not encountered. Bedrock has been mapped by the U.S.G.S. as the Denver and Arapahoe Formations. The Denver and Arapahoe Formations consist of interbedded sandstones, claystones, siltstones, shales and conglomerates. Bedrock will not affect foundation design or performance due to soil thickness. Detailed bedrock descriptions are shown on Figure 2. PROJECT NO. 19-11130 September 10, 2019 Page 3 of 8 One-dimensional swell -consolidation testing was conducted on one representative soil sample from a depth of nine feet below existing grade. Results indicate the soil has low consolidation potential. The soil samples consolidated 0.2 percent when saturated under a constant load of 1000 psf. Detailed swell -consolidation test results are presented in Figure 3. Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. Due to the geologic and topographic location of the site, it is unlikely that groundwater will affect the residence during or after construction. Groundwater may become more shallow following periods of heavy precipitation. Groundwater conditions can be better evaluated during construction by observing the foundation excavation. FOUNDATION DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS The foundation can be supported on continuous spread footings and isolated pads designed for a maximum contact pressure of 2000 psf. Maximum contact pressure shall be calculated using full dead load plus full live load. Footings shall be constructed on relatively undisturbed native soil that is smooth, even and free of organic materials, debris or rocks over three inches in diameter. Footings shall not be constructed on frozen or saturated soils. Foundation walls and other walls retaining soil that are restrained at the top shall be designed to withstand an at -rest lateral earth pressure of 45 lb/cu-ft/ft. Walls retaining soil that are not restrained at the top shall be designed using an active equivalent fluid pressure of 30 pcf/ft. A pull-out friction coefficient of 0.8 1W PROJECT N0. 19-11130 September 10, 2019 Page 4 of 8 shall be used for soil retaining structures using geotextiles as reinforcement. An equivalent fluid pressure of 290 pcf/ft shall be used for passive lateral soil pressures. Concrete -to -soil friction coefficient shall be 0.4. DRAIN SYSTEMS A drain system shall be constructed around the exterior basement foundation perimeter. The drain system shall be constructed in compliance with details shown in Figure 4, Drain System Detail, and shall be graded to a sump pit with an automatic pump. The pump shall discharge to the ground surface a minimum of 10 feet from the structure. Bottom of the sump should be above the seasonal high water level for normal -depth basement construction. Particular attention shall be given to placing polyethylene along the bottom of the exterior drain and up the foundation wall and to proper grading of drain pipes. Improper grading, such as high or low spots in the drain pipes, could result in damage to the foundation and superstructure by overwetting of foundation bearing soils. Window well drains shall be constructed in conformance with specifications contained in Figure 5, Window Well Details, and connected to the foundation drain system. EXCAVATION SPECIFICATIONS Soils encountered within the excavation profile are Type B according to OSHA classification parameters. These soils should hold a vertical face for a short time, but excavation sides may slough and/or fail if not retained. Excavation requirements are: 1. Vertical cuts may be made to a maximum depth of four feet. The excavation shall be benched and sloped in conformance with Figure 6, Typical Excavation Profile, if excavation depth is greater than four feet. PROJECT NO. 19-11130 September 10, 2019 Page 5 of 8 2. The excavation shall be set back from the property line a distance equal to the first vertical cut depth. 3. Maximum allowable effective slope of the excavation shall be 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) or 45 degrees. Excavation shoring will be required if property constraints prohibit achieving this profile. Crawl -space and garage -depth excavations may have vertical cuts abutting the property line without shoring. 4. Roof gutter downspouts and surface drainage from this, and adjacent, properties shall be diverted away from the excavation during construction. Temporary shoring elements shall be designed to withstand an active lateral earth pressure of 30 pcf/ft and a passive lateral earth pressure of 275 pcf/ft. Shoring design and specifications can be provided if required. FOUNDATION BACKFILL Backfill placed against foundation walls shall be free of trash and fragments of rock over six inches in maximum diameter, moistened and adequately compacted to prevent excessive settlement. Walls should be a minimum of seven days old prior to backfilling. Walls should be backfj-lled on both sides simultaneously. Controlled puddling shall not be used. The ground surface shall slope away from the foundation. A minimum grade of 10 percent (one foot in ten) shall be provided within 10 feet of the structure, or as far as property boundaries permit, where the surface is not covered with concrete or other hardscaping. The owner should periodically inspect the surface around the foundation to locate and correct grading problems that may occur due to normal foundation backfill settlement. PROJECT NO. 19-11130 September 10, 2019 Page 6 of 8 INTERIOR FLOOR SLAB CONSTRUCTION The builder and/or owner should be aware that concrete floor slabs placed on native soil or bedrock may move if support materials become wet. Construction of a suspended floor over crawl space is one means of minimizing risk that slab movement will occur. Expansion potential of soils at, and below, interior floor bearing elevation indicates there is a low risk of significant floor slab movement. Procedures that will help improve slab performance, minimize potential for movement, and help prevent damage, if some risk of movement can be tolerated, are: 1. Subgrade should be prepared based on the soil type encountered. Granular soils should be wetted and thoroughly compacted prior to slab placement. Expansive materials should not be compacted more than necessary during excavation and construction. Clays and silts should not be allowed to dry excessively. The surface should be thoroughly wetted 24 hours prior to slab placement. 2. Concrete slabs should be reinforced with steel mesh and should be separated from all bearing members and utilities to allow independent movement ( i.e., a "floating slab"). 3. Joints should be scored in the slab at maximum 200 -square -foot areas. 4. A minimum void space of one -and -one-half inches should be con- structed above or below any nonbearing partition walls. In finished areas, any furring strips, drywall, paneling, etc., should stop a minimum of two inches above the floor. 5. Water pipes should not be placed under the floor slab if hot water is used. A flexible connection should be used to allow some movement between the furnace and the heating ducts if forced -air heating is used. 6. Flexible connections should be used on all mechanical systems placed on floor slabs. All plumbing which extends below floor slabs should have flexible connections and allowance for movement with the slab. 7. Foundation drain systems and landscaping should be completed in strict compliance with specifications contained herein to help prevent wetting of slab support soils. PROJECT NO. 19-11130 September 10, 2019 Page 7 of 8 LAWN AND LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION Lawn and landscaping irrigation shall be controlled to prevent additional wetting of subsoils. Automatic sprinkling systems shall be placed so that, under full pressure, spray does not fall within five feet of foundation walls. Drip or mist irrigation systems shall not be placed within five feet of foundation walls. Installing any portion of the irrigation system within five feet of walls should be avoided. Decorative landscape, such as rock and/or bark should be used in areas next to foundation walls. Vegetation planted within five feet of foundation walls should be hand watered and this watering should be minimized. Downspouts and sillcocks should not be allowed to discharge directly on the ground surface. Splash blocks and/or down spout extensions should be used to discharge water beyond foundation backfill where backfill soils are not covered by pavement and/or sidewalks. The owner is encouraged to read A Guide to Swelling Soils for Colorado Homebuyers and Homeowners, Special Publication No. 43, available from the Colorado Geological Survey. Recommendations contained in the report are applicable to all residential construction in the Denver area, regardless of soil expansion potential. INSPECTION AND CONSULTATION In any subsurface investigation it is necessary to assume conditions encountered in the field investigation are representative of the site. Actual conditions may differ from anticipated conditions. PROJECT NO. 19-11130 September 10, 2019 Page 8 of 8 Subsurface conditions should be verified through visual inspection of the foundation excavation by a representative of this office prior to construction. Footing forms, reinforcing steel placement in foundation walls and drain system installation should also be inspected to ensure compliance with these recommendations and engineered foundation plans. We are available to discuss the contents of this report with you. Please contact us if you have questions or when further consultation or inspections are required. TEST HOLE LOCATION PLAN 5870 WEST 37TH PLACE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO WEST 37TH PLACE TH-1 • PROPOSED SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE EXPLANATION • TH -1 FOUNDATION DESIGN TEST HOLE 20 1P Q 20 Test holes are located using taping and map SCALE: 1" = 20' measurement. Locations should be considered BUILDING LOCATIONS accurate only to the degree implied by the ARE APPROXIMATE method used. _e� AR ONO PROJECT N0.COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICES 19-11130 FIGURE 1 TEST HOLE LOG TH-1 0 - ]9/12 N• 5 — '. — , 115/12 30 —®� 50/9 — DRY ®0 DRY ® 7 EXPLANATION: ElSAND; fine to medium grained, dry, loose to medium dense, dry, brown (SP) ® CLAY; sandy to v. sandy, medium stiff, moist, brown, (CL). ®CLAYSTONE; blocky, sandy, firm to hard, greyish brown to olive—brown. 713/12 Indicates location of standard penetration S—C test. Indicates 13 blows with a 140 pound 0.09 hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive a 2.5" diameter sampler 12 inches. S—C indicates sample tested for swell— consolidation potential & percent swell (+) or consolidation (—). Indicates approximate location of boundary between lithologic units. Transition may be gradual. DRY ® 13 Indicates no groundwater present at given number of days after drilling Art 04 PROJECT N0. 19-11130 COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICES FIGURE 2 IA 30 —®� 50/9 — DRY ®0 DRY ® 7 EXPLANATION: ElSAND; fine to medium grained, dry, loose to medium dense, dry, brown (SP) ® CLAY; sandy to v. sandy, medium stiff, moist, brown, (CL). ®CLAYSTONE; blocky, sandy, firm to hard, greyish brown to olive—brown. 713/12 Indicates location of standard penetration S—C test. Indicates 13 blows with a 140 pound 0.09 hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive a 2.5" diameter sampler 12 inches. S—C indicates sample tested for swell— consolidation potential & percent swell (+) or consolidation (—). Indicates approximate location of boundary between lithologic units. Transition may be gradual. DRY ® 13 Indicates no groundwater present at given number of days after drilling Art 04 PROJECT N0. 19-11130 COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICES FIGURE 2 3 SWELL- CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS MOISTURE CONTENT: 19.2' UNIT DRY WEIGHT: 112.7 pcf DESCRIPTION: Mottled Brown Clay FROM: TH-1 AT 9 FEET I I I I I I I I I I U—CONSOL PRESSSURENDER DUE TON STANT � I WETTING I 11 1.0 10 APPLIED PRESSURE (kat) m PROJECT N0. 19-11103 COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICES FIGURE 3 DRAIN SYSTEM DETAIL CONTINUOUS SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATION FLOOR SYSTEM FOUNDATION WALL EXPANSION JOINT FLOOR SYSTEM + 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE MINIMUM 4" CLEAN GRAVEL (MINUS 3/4") FOOTING MINIMUM 8" CLEAN GRAVEL (MINUS 3/4") FINAL GRADE COVER WITH +5 MILL PLASTIC AND DECORATIVE GRAVEL 10 FOUNDATION EXCAVATION BACKFILL 7 + 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE GLUED TO WALL AND EXTENDED ALONG BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION MIRAFI 140N FILTER FABRIC OR EQUIV. 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE 7--45 DEG. MAX. MINIMUM SLOPE 1/8" PER FOOT. DISCHARGE TO SUMP WITH AUTOMATIC PUMP OR GRAVITY OUTFALL. e_mkk PROJECT NO. -� 19-11130 COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICES FIGURE 4 WTND0 W WELL DETAIL NOTE: HARDSCAPED WINDOW DEPTH OF WINDOW WELL WELL CANNOT BE CONNECTED VARIES WITH WINDOW TO PERIMETER FOUNDATION ELEVATION AND GRADE DRAIN. "�-4 WINDOW WELL FLOOR SYSTEM EGRESS WINDOW EMERGENCY LADDER IIIII (II ( COMPACTED EARTH MIN 3" CLEAN GRAVEL 6 OVERFLOW WINDOW DRAIN COMPACTED EARTH I—_ CONNECTED TO PERIMETER =1) 1 FOUNDATION DRAIN MIN 10% SLOPE 1 INLET SHALL BE MIN 6" ABOVE FOUNDATION WALL1 COMPACTED SOIL AND COVERED EXPANSION JOINT i I 10 I1 I I 111 1� ( WITH A GRATE OR SCREEN FLOOR SYSTEM El I 1=1 I I— III 1111111111111 111111 111111II11111 111111 1 �I � 1111111 1111111 777 . a° 701 -.Pp ) FOOTING ° o' EXTERIOR PERIMETE DRAIN. RE: FIG. 4 em PROJECT NO. �� COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICES 19-11130 FIGURE 5 km PROJECT NO. 18-11130 TYPICAL EXCAVATION PROFILE 5880 WEST 37TH PLACE DENVER, COLORADO EXCAVATION SPOILS 6' MIN HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM FOUNDATION WALL TO TOP OF EXCAVATION OR PROPERTY LINE SHALL NOT EXCEED 1X EXCAVATION DEPTH Q �r FOUNDATION H MIN, COMPLETE ENGINEERING SERVICES FIGURE 6 4 City of � WheatRige COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 October 7, 2019 OFFICIAL ADDRESS CHANGE NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property/properties as indicated below: NEW ADDRESS: 5868 (Lot 4),5886 (Lot 3),5904 (Lot 2) and 5922 (Lot 1) West 37" Place of the Metz Estates Subdivision CURRENT ADDRESS: 5890 and 5910 West 371 Place • Fred L Spallone Subdivision, Lot 19,18 and 10, Section Parcel #:39-251-07-006 and 39-251-07-007 NOTES: This is a courtesy notification. AUTHORIZED BY: DATE: M 17119 DISTRIBUTION: 1. Property Owner 2. Addressing_@jeffco.us Jefferson County Assessor: Data Control, Lacey Baker; Jefferson County Elections: Holly Roth; Jeffco IT Services (Mapping): Steve Mitchel 3. Jeffco Public Schools, ATTN: Communication Services, 1829 Denver West Dr., Bldg. 27, Golden, CO 80401 4. U.S. Post Office, 3700 Tennyson St., Denver CO 80212 5. Email to arlene.a.vickrey(&usps.gov; mariann.szasz(d)usps.gov; carmen.s.suarezAusps.goy; theresa.a.kraftAusps.gov 6. Xcel Energy, iacob.van.laere(&xcelenerg, 7. Century Link, robert.davisAcenturylink.com; rachel.weaver(¢urylink.com 8. Comcast, scott mooreAcable.comcast.com 9. WR Water District: barrv(d,wrwdistrict.com 10. WR Sanitation District: bwillis(-&martinmartin.com; infoAwheatridgesanitation.com; mbakarichAmorainco. com; 11. Fire Department: planreview(&westmetrofire.org 12. Wheat Ridge Planning Division 13. Wheat Ridge Building Division 14. GIS Specialist 15. Log File NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: www.ci.w heatridge.com s DATE: Vicinity Map a LOTS. LOT 23 A LOfM LOT27 LOTM LOT 20 [OT!8 LOT 79 � zcmm c zolm •L xa+t•3 r}r b7m R,c MRS W, aacc a. = tars r. n: H d: i j liJ'V • IEdY EE9'a?f ` ftr ►y �'3 g :Y JI'riN _ _ W 3_TfH PL-- — -- — — — — — — aso u----- -- --- r. - nr--- {� f V.YY I• 1e •'.nb. E�.. �• i/ oauraz yx.w\L• i ` dJDP �zEm 901 � F9 _ LOT 16 y. ul Ir � I L;i ut; 3 Ip� zo'm Aae p LOT 7 '• LOT 2 I / LOT 3 LO? 4 x 4 o� LOTis 5922 i 5904 j I - 5868 gmLOT, LCNRD A -1C i MST ASR.' w R is r L sc.n vid. 8' arn.+. BLOCK BLOCK2 -7 t" w..�n • 5886 FR2DLlPALLmPe SLID NVBSM a 11 I 1 mKcn.,� 8 LOT Y. i �+q m -$I F��M't 1YY .{LLrltlf, r ^ AW wWS W777.7 �Lc..n R zr 7fv Vt i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Cc etynM�V (firVAq2 Job Address: � 3 U-1 rJ 4. e Permit Number: d o\ C� 0 Vf ❑ No one available for inspection: Time G ��� AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes W When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http✓/www.ci. wheatridge.co. uslinspection Date:-d,,Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: '!5 .6 U7, Permit Number: �-) c�k i-,\ ❑ No one available for inspection: Time } ~ AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at. http✓/ivww.ci. wheatridge.co.us4nspection Date: U; '1-T-) ".1 0 Inspector:`�. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE