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2822 Teller Street
Fenn: wheatndae co us To: Cnmml� Pemlts sugee: anon wnn suem�mc ammo m N"it APPoo om: elEuy, Auguu 13, 202110:01:36 An Revision to Permit Application Permit Number 202100825 assigned to project PROPERTY INFORMATION Permit Number 202000700 Property Address 2834 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Property Owner Name DEV29 LLC Property Owner Phone 303-901-5143 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email iesaan@lucid-studio.cam Address CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact Name Jesse Walden Contact Phone Number 303-901-5143 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-1234567) Contact Email Address iesse@lucid-studio.cam Retype Contact Email Jesse@ludd-studio.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Revised Revised 2018 REScheck Manuals JDS Scope of Work - Provide a detailed description of the change in scope of work including mechanical, electrical, plumbing work occurring, adding/removing walls, etc Engineer Letter (if Field not completed applicable) Additional Documents 02 2018 REScneN on Letter Size Are plans or No documents locked for editing? Construction Plans Field not completed scanned on 11"x17" or larger Additional Project 0 Value Only add what the revised scope of work is valued at. Attach City of Wheat 01 28v Teller Rei Ridge Electronic Payment Form - ""DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Submitting Jeff Schneider, AIA Revision Email not displayiig wmadly? View it in your browser. Reviewed for Zoning Compliance by the �► �. City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division APPROVED BY: DATE: 6/10/2021 COMMENTS: Complies with R-2 development standards pproved on behalf of areen Tasneem, who pproved original permit set As part of the foundation inspections and PRIOR TO proceeding with any further construction/inspections, a completed, signed and sealed, Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification shall be submitted to the City for review. The certification form shall be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado, stating that the foundation was constructed in compliance with all applicable minimum setback and elevation requirements of the City. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. For one- or two-family dwellings, the first twenty-five feet (25') of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. A right-of-way permit m be required; contact Public Works Department at 303-235-2861. Prior to issuance of a CO, 1 tree(s) shall be planted within the front setback. In addition, no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross lot area and no less than one hundred percent (100%) of the front yard shall be landscaped. No C.O. may be issued until public improvements are complete as identified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. All landscaping shall be in conformance with Section 26-502 of the Zoning and Development Code. All landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan prior to C.O. If landscaping cannot be installed prior to C.O., a landscape escrow agreement with financial guarantee in the amount of 125% of the cost of the installation shall be required. Prior to project completion or granting of a Certificate of Occupancy, an As - Built Survey or Improvement Survey Plat shall be submitted to the City. City of Wheat]�dge UNITY DEVEIAPMENT "REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE" These drawings were reviewed under the applicable laws in effect at the time of submittal. Reasonable effort was exercised in checking for code compliance. The stamping of these documents shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer MTheisen Date 06/13/2021 ITIELLER S.J D . PaE, . THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e cu Q ■ �� o U VCU V) 0 U cucu U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C COVER SHEET #: of W heat m 0 G0 Cl) Cl) O W 00 WO ccU U) LLI =wo J W N Q > N W W 0400 _ N e cu Q ■ �� o U VCU V) 0 U cucu U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C COVER SHEET #: of W heat m 0 G0 _ o GENEn�� M PFDIBJECU SCOPE Cl) ZONING: R-2 RESIDENTIAL -TWO DISTRICT THIS PROJECT SCOPE INCLUDES A NEW 2 -STORY, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE OVER �OOOO BASEMENT W/ ATTACHED 2 -CAR GARAGE. o O D D D �E I� u CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V -B UNSPRINKLED OWNER: STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: OCCUPANCY: R3 DEV29 LLC HENDERSON ENGINEERING / ''CCV 3190 W. 38TH AVE. 13485 N. TRAVOIS TRAIL DESIGN CRITERIA per Table R301.20) WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 PARKER, CO 80138 SNOW LOAD (GROUND/ROOF): 30 PSF, 30 LBS DRIFT 1J 1 ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL COMPLY W/ BUILDERS OSHA SAFETY AND HEALTH PLAN, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IEI EXISTING SEISMIC CATEGORY: B ANI WEATHERING SEVERE DESIGNER: APPROPRIATE USE OF FALL PROTECTION, SCAFFOLD, HOUSEKEEPING, ELECTRICAL CORDS, PPE'S INCLUDING HARD-HATS AND FROST DEPTH: 36" BELOW GRADE LUCID STUDIO LLC CHESSNOE & ASSOCIATES TERMITE: SLIGHT A.B. ANCHOR BOLT WINTER DESIGN TEMP.: 0 SAFETY GLASSES. ALL NONCOMPLIANT SUBCONTRACTORS WILL BE FINED $100 PER INCIDENT BY THE BUILDER AT THE BUILDER'S A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR P: (303) 901-5143 DISCRETION. A/C AIR CONDITIONING AIR FREEZING INDEX: 1500 ADH. ADHESIVE 2 CODES HAVING JURISDICTION SHALL BE OBSERVED STRICTLY IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. ALL APPLICABLE STATE, CLIMATE ZONE: 5 ADI. ADJACENT 04/18/2021 COUNTY, AND CITY REQUIREMENTS REGARDING BUILDING, ZONING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, AND FIRE CODES SHALL BE ALUM. ALUMINUM I 0 GAL O n� PU� O VERIFIED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIES ANOD. ANODIZED BETWEEN CODE REQUIREMENTS AND THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THIS OFFICE A APPROXIMATELY 11/20/2017 BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION ARCH. ARCH. ARCHITECT 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. AW1 AUTHORITY W/ JURISDICTION 3 GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND JOB CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE B.O. BOTTOM OF B.O.F. BOTTOM OF FOOTING o D DD DJ CD D� DDD o SUFFICIENTLY IN ADVANCE OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED TO ASSURE THE ORDERLY PROGRESS OF THE WORK. 4-9-21 4-9-21 S2 UPPER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 4-9-21 BD. BOARD 4 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE BOUND IN STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN BOT. BOTTOM INSTRUCTION, DETAILS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CURRENT INDUSTRY STANDARD. ALL TERMINATIONS, TRANSITIONS, AND OPENINGS BSMT. BASEMENT A2 SITE PLAN 04/18/2021 BYD. BEYOND SHALL BE SEALED, FLASHED, COUNTERFLASHED, AND GASKETED PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION, DETAILS AND CALL CALCULATIONS PROPOSED NEW CONC. PORCH SLAB: 90 SF SPECIFICATIONS. CANT. CANTILEVER 5 DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY OCCUR IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CIP CENTRLPLACE 04/18/2021 TOTAL PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE: 3,860 SF CL CENTER LINE CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT AND ARCHITECT, AND WRITTEN CLARIFICATION SHALL BE OBTAINED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE CLG. CEILING f19 ELEVATIONS WORK. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS OF ANY ERRORS, DISCREPANCIES, OR OMISSIONS OF CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT WHICH THE SUBCONTRACTOR FAILED TO NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT AND ARCHITECT BEFORE CONSTRUCTION CNTR, i. CENTER LINE All SECTIONS COL. CO LUMN Al2 SECTIONS AND/OR FABRICATION OF THE WORK. CONC. CONCRETE 6 ANY CONFLICTS WHICH MAY OCCUR DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE BETWEEN THE NOTED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, CONST. CONSTRUCTION "114n A':a Lakeside APPLICABLE CODES HAVING JURISDICTION, AND MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION CONT. CONTINUOUS COOR. COORDINATE 04/18/2021 OF THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT AND THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO ANY WORK. CPR, COPPER 7 THE OFFICE OF THE ARCHITECT AND THE OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES, CPT. CARPET OHWMEANS DOMESTIC Har WATER & METHODS, AND TECHNIQUES, OR THE FAILURE OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS TO CARRY OUT THE EO BSMT ELEC. PLAN 04/18/2021 El IST ELEC. PLAN ON, ON, DOWN WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS, OR REQUIRED CODES. DR DOOR 8 THE BUILDER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE OFFICES OF THE ARCHITECT AND THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR DS a SB DOWSPOUT & SPLASH BLOCK Crown OTL. DETAIL ALL MATTERS CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THESE PLANS. DWG. DRAWING 9 MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS SHALL SUPERCEDE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN E.W. EACH WAY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL ITEMS SPECIFIED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE EJECT, EJECTOR ELEV., EL. ELEVATION 04/18/2021 SPECIFICATIONS AND THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENG. ENGINEERED SUPERINTENDENT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. EQ EQUAL M2 2ND MECH PLAN 04/18/2021 EXP. EXPANSION 10 FIELD MODIFICATIONS OR STRUCTURAL CHANGES, SHALL BE PROHIBITED UNTIL THIS OFFICE AND THE OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTION a � P1 PLUMBING ISO'S E%T. EXTERIOR P2 GAS LINE DIAGRAM SUPERINTENDENT HAS BEEN NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. MODIFICATIONS INITIATED WITHOUT PROPER F.D. FLOOR DRAIN AUTHORITY SHALL BECOME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUBCONTRACTOR. F.F. FINISH FLOOR F.O. FACE OF 11 IN AREAS WHERE THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DO NOT ADDRESS DESIGN INTENT, MEANS & METHODS AND/OR MATERIAL, THE FABR. FABRICATOR CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COORDINATE WITH THE ARCHITECT TO RECEIVE WRITTEN INSTRUCTION FAST, FASTENER AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. FAU FORCED AIR FURNACE FIXT. FIXTURE 12 SUBMIT ALL MANUFACTURER'S PRODUCT SAMPLES AND DATA SHEETS TO THIS OFFICE AND THE OFFICE OF THE BUILDER FOR FLG. FLOORING REVIEW AND APPROVAL. FLR. FLOOR FG. TION 13 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS - WRITTEN DIMENSIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE. N.T.S. SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD TO MEAN "NOT TO SCALE". M FRVI FRRAGING 14 ALL MEASUREMENTS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED FOR PROPER FIT AND INSTALLATION OF ALL WINDOWS, DOORS, CABINETRY, TRUSSES, FUR FURRING APPLIANCES, HARDWARE, FIXTURES, AND ANY AND ALL OTHER SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT. ITEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT G GAS G.I. GALVANIZED IRON ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS. G.L. GLULAULAM 15 ALL WINDOWS AND GLASS DOORS SHALL BE DOUBLE GLAZED W/ LOW -E. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS AND DOORS LEADING TO GA. GAUGE UNHEATED AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GALV. GALVANIZED GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR WEATHERSTRIPPING, SEALANT, AND FLASHING TO ENSURE PROPER CONTINUATION OF REQUIRED DRAINAGE PLANE. GFCI GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTOR 16 ALL EGRESS WINDOWS FROM SLEEPING ROOMS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPENING OF 5.7 SQ. FT. AND THE WINDOW GLZ GLAZING GWB. GYPSUM WALL BOARD OPENING SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 42" ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR AND SHALL BE VERIFIED BY WINDOW MANUFACTURER / GYP. GYPSUM SUPPLIER. HDPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE 17 ALL GLAZING WITHIN 18" OF ANY FLOOR LINE AND ALL OTHER REWD LOCATIONS SHALL BE TEMPERED SAFETY GLASS AS PER HDR. HEADER HGR. HANGER INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (I.R.. C) HDR. HORIZONTAL 18 ALL INSULATION CONDITIONS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THESE MINIMUM PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS AS FOLLOWS: HSS HOLLOW STEEL SECTION A RES -CHECK CERTIFICATE MAY BE REQUIRED BY CERTAIN JURISDICTIONS HT. HEIGHT HVAC HEATING, VENTILATION, &AIR CONDITIONING 0.30 MAX "U" GLAZING - DOUBLE PANE W/ LOW -E HwD. HARDWOOD R -15d RIGID OR R-19 BATT (lO ALL BELOW GRADE (BASEMENT & CRAWLSPACE) WALLS INSUL. INSULATION R-20 BATTS @ 2x6 EXTERIOR FRAME WALLS INT. INTERIOR BOX R-49 BATT OR BLOWN @ ATTIC AREAS JSTX JOSTTION R-30 BATT OR BLOWN @ HABITABLE FLOOR AREAS OVER UNHEATED SPACES, U.O.N. L.V. LOW -VOLTAGE 19 OUTSIDE AIR (COMBUSTION AIR) MUST BE THERMALLY SEPARATED FROM CONDITIONED SPACES BY THE THERMAL ENVELOPE. THE LAM LAMINATED LED LIGHT EMTTING DIODE OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR REQUIRED FOR THE FURNACE AND WATER HEATER WILL REQUIRE INSULATING THE THERMAL ENVELOPE LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER SURROUNDING THEM, SUCH AS WITH A MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. A SOLID, WEATHER STRIPPED DOOR IS REQUIRED. MAX. MAXIMUM PROVIDE A SOLID DOOR FOR THIS CONDITIONED SPACE AND/OR IF HIGH EFFICIENCY APPLIANCES ARE BEING USED. PROVIDE MECH. MECHANICAL MFR. NUMURER INSULATION AROUND ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING LINES EXPOSED TO TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTIALS PER INDUSTRY STANDARDS. MN. MINIMUUMM 20 PROVIDE FIRE & CARBON MONIXIDE DETECTORS AS REQUIRED PER SECTIONS R314 & R315 I.R.C. VERIFY CODE W/ JURISDICTION. MTL METAL N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE 21 SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL MAINTAIN THE PREMISES CLEAN AND FREE OF ALL TRASH, DEBRIS AND SHALL PROTECT ALL ADJACENT NOM NOMINAL WORK FROM DAMAGE, SOILING, PAINT OVER SPRAY, ETC. ALL FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, GLAZING, FLOORS, ETC., SHALL BE LEFT O.C. ON CENTER CLEAN AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. O.H. OVERHANG OPT. OPTIONAL 22 ALL DROPPED SOFFITS FOR MECHANICAL / PLUMBING ARE A CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT; ADDITIONAL SOFFITS MAY BE REQUIRED. FIELD OSB ORIENTED STRAND BOARD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS, COORDINATE W/ GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND UTILITY CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO OWN, OWNER CONSTRUCTION - VERIFY ALL NEW SOFFITS W/ ARCHITECT. PKT. POCKET FILM. PLUMBING 23 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE RADON GAS MITIGATION PER THE LOCAL JURISDICTION'S REQUIREMENTS FOR RADON GAS PLN. PLAN MITIGATION IN NEW CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO 2018 I.R.C. - APPENDIX F TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED METHODS FOR RADON GAS PLT, c PLATE MITIGATION. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL SHEET R1 FOR RADON CONTROL METHODS. PNL. PANEL PNT PAINT 24 CRAWL SPACE AREAS SHALL BE OVERLAYED WITH 6 -MIL POLYETHYLENE OR EQUIVALENT FLEXIBLE SHEETING MATERIAL COVERING PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE THE ENTIRE FLOOR AREA WITH SEPARATE SECTIONS OF SHEETING LAPPED AT LEAST 12 INCHES. CRAWL SPACE ACCESS, R. RISER PENETRATIONS, AND DUCTWORK LOCATED IN CRAWL SPACE SHALL BE GASKETED OR SEALED TO PREVENT AIR LEAKAGE. CRAWL R.O. ROUGH OPENING R.O.W. RIGHT OF WAY SPACE VENTILATION SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION R408 I.R.C. A 3"-4" DIAMETER PLUMBING TEE OR OTHER APPROVED CONNCTION RCP REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SHALL BE INSTALLED BENEATH THE SOIL -GAS -RETARDER AND CONNECTED TO A VERTICAL VENT PIPE THAT EXTENDS UP REV. REVISION THROUGH THE BUILDING FLOORS, TERMINATED AT LEAST 12 INCHES ABOVE THE ROOF IN A LOCATION AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM ANY RM ROOM S SEWER WINDOW OR OTHER OPENING INTO THE CONDITIONED SPACES OF THE BUILDING THAT IS LESS THAN 2 FEET BELOW THE EXHAUST SCH 40 ANSI SCHEDULE 40 POINT, AND 10 FEET FROM ANY WINDOW OR OTHER OPENING IN ADJOINING OR ADJACENT BUILDINGS. THE VENT PIPE SHALL BE SCHED, SCHEDULE IDENTIFIED WITH A LABEL AT EACH FLOOR AND ACCESSIBLE ATTICS THAT READS "RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM", AND SHALL BE SEAL. SEALANT SECT. SECTION INSTALLED TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO THE GROUND BENEATH THE SOIL -GAS -RETARDER. A SEPARATE VENT PIPE SHALL SF SQUARE FOOT BE PROVIDED FOR EACH DIFFERENT FOUNDATION TYPE AND SHALL BE TERMINATED SEPERATELY OR COMBINED TO TERMINATE SIL. SILICONE ABOVE THE ROOF. TO PROVIDE FOR FUTURE INSTALLATION OF AN ACTIVE SUB -MEMBRANE OR SUB -SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION SIM SIMILAR SYSTEM, AN ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT TERMINATED IN AN APPROVED BOX SHALL BE INSTALLED DURING CONSTRUCTION IN THE ATTIC OR SPEC, SPECIFICATION SPK. SPEAKER OTHER ANTICIPATED LOCATION OF VENT PIPE FANS. AN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SHALL ALSO BE ACCESSIBLE IN ANTICIPATED SPLR. SPRINKLER LOCATIONS OF SYSTEM FAILURE ALARMS. AIR DUCTS AND PLENUMS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION M1601 I.R.C. SQ SQUARE THERMAL ENVELOPE AIR INFILTRATION REQUIREMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH ENERGY CONSERVATION PROVISIONS IN CHAPTER 11 STD. STANDARD STL. STEEL I.R.C. AND FIREBLOCKING SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN SECTION R302 I.R.C. STOR. STORAGE 25 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND THE LOCAL STRUCT. STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS BUILDING AUTHORITY. T TEMPERED T & B TOP & BOTTOM 26 MECHANICAL WORK SHALL BE EXECUTED AND INSPECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PUBLIC UTILITIES, REGULATIONS, AND LOCAL T & G TONGUE & GROOVE APPLICABLE CODES. T. TREAD T.O. TOP OF T.O.F. TOP OF FOOTING T.O.W. TOP OF WALL TPO THERMOPLASTIC POLYOLEFIN TYP. TYPICAL U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD VERT. VERTICAL W WATER W.I.C. WALKAN CLOSET W/ WITH WC WATER CLOSET WO WOOD WW WINDOW WELL I PFDIOJOOO DHFOFDIMAUO OH M PFDIBJECU SCOPE Cl) ZONING: R-2 RESIDENTIAL -TWO DISTRICT THIS PROJECT SCOPE INCLUDES A NEW 2 -STORY, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE OVER LOT AREA: 10,371 SF BASEMENT W/ ATTACHED 2 -CAR GARAGE. CODE VERSION: 2018 IRC, et at., 2018 IECC, 2020 NEC City of Wheat Ridge Local Admendments to the 2018 IRC, Chap. 26 of the Code of Laws of the o PM0J OOO D o � MOOOO MM City of Wheat Ridge u CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V -B UNSPRINKLED OWNER: STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: OCCUPANCY: R3 DEV29 LLC HENDERSON ENGINEERING / ''CCV 3190 W. 38TH AVE. 13485 N. TRAVOIS TRAIL DESIGN CRITERIA per Table R301.20) WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 PARKER, CO 80138 SNOW LOAD (GROUND/ROOF): 30 PSF, 30 LBS DRIFT P: (303) 901-5143 P: (303) 841-0983 WIND DESIGN: 105 MPH (3 -SEC. GUST) EXP. C w/ Topo. Effects SEISMIC CATEGORY: B N WEATHERING SEVERE DESIGNER: SURVEYOR: FROST DEPTH: 36" BELOW GRADE LUCID STUDIO LLC CHESSNOE & ASSOCIATES TERMITE: SLIGHT 3190 W. 38TH AVE. 4101 E. WESLEY AVE., STE 2 WINTER DESIGN TEMP.: 0 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 DENVER, CO 80222 ICE BARRIER UNDERLAYMENT REDID.; YES P: (303) 901-5143 P: (303) 322-3263 FLOOD HAZARDS: 1979 FIRM AIR FREEZING INDEX: 1500 MEAN ANNUAL TEMP: 45 CLIMATE ZONE: 5 ENERGY CODE ANALYSIS METHOD: REScheck - UA ENVELOPE TRADE-OFF GO COVER 04/18/2021 G1 GENERAL NOTES 04/18/2021 I 0 GAL O n� PU� O G2 PROJECT NOTES 04/18/2021 LOT LOT 4, TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, A RESUBDIVISION A OF PART OF LOT 1, loft TELLER SUBD FILING NO. 1 11/20/2017 BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 2of2 TELLER SUBD FILING NO. 1 11/20/2017 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO iofl GRADING PLAN 12-22-20 ADDRESS 2822 TELLER STREET Fl FOUNDATION PLAN 4-9-21 o D DD DJ CD D� DDD o ETAILS Sl MAINFRAMINGFDRAMING PLAN 4-9-21 4-9-21 S2 UPPER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 4-9-21 TOTAL LOT AREA: (1009) 10,371 SF S3 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 4-9-21 MAX. ALLOW. BLDG. COVERAGE: (409) 4,148 SF Al WALL/FLOOR/ROOF TYPES 04/18/2021 PROPOSED NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE: 1,174 SF A2 SITE PLAN 04/18/2021 PROPOSED NEW ATTACHED GARAGE: 576 SF PROPOSED NEW CONC. DRIVEWAY: 408 SF A3 BSMT PLAN 04/18/2021 2 04/12/2021 PROPOSED NEW CONC. PORCH SLAB: 90 SF A4 1ST FLOOR PLAN 04/18/2021 PROPOSED NEW CONC. SIDEWALK: 57 SF AS 2ND FLOOR PLAN 04/18/2021 PROPOSED NEW ASPHALT ROADWAY: 1,555 SF A6 ROOF PLAN 04/18/2021 TOTAL PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE: 3,860 SF A7 ELEVATIONS 04/18/2021 A8 ELEVATIONS 04/18/2021 I � � D � � y MAP f19 ELEVATIONS 04/18/2021 o o v A10 ELEVATIONS 04/18/2021 All SECTIONS 04/18/2021 a Al2 SECTIONS 04/18/2021 IWO A13 STAIRS 04/18/2021 A14 WALL SECTIONS 04/18/2021 "114n A':a Lakeside A15 DETAILS 04/18/2021 W 441• -yr NA AA:hW. MountainBE R K E LEY A16 DETAILS - FRAMING 04/18/2021 _ J1etiv ; A17 SCHEDULE - DOOR 04/18/2021 - ' n A18 SCHEDULE - WINDOW 04/18/2021 .i W3EII. Ar: /1_6111A, Wheat RICge Yd 3511 EO BSMT ELEC. PLAN 04/18/2021 El IST ELEC. PLAN 04/18/2021 r; )iltd str w 3!M AN 2022 Teller Street E2 2ND ELEC. PLAN 04/18/2021 wzmara E304/18/2021 SOLAR ROOF PLAN Crown Hill Park Edgewater Elite EC1 ENERGY COMPLIANCE 04/18/2021 H :S•hAir N7,rla„ EC2 AIR SEALING DETAILS 04/18/2021 Sloan's MO BSMT MECH PLAN 04/18/2021 W t !1. Aro ' Lake Perk M1 1ST MECH PLAN 04/18/2021 WEST COL FAN M2 2ND MECH PLAN 04/18/2021 W i�h avr YPlfat n•e F2 85 12 n a � P1 PLUMBING ISO'S 04/18/2021 MIIm1 Ata Vrt3rt aux 3 i P2 GAS LINE DIAGRAM 04/18/2021 E r x Rl RADON CONTROL 04/18/2021 UELLER SUREEU THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CGENERAL NOTES SHEET #: ti \N heat ° G 1 �G�Xdiry9 p1Vx5`c Cl) Cl) HD W 00 Wp U / ''CCV W CC 0 = W 0 1 J W N F Q N W W N00 2 N 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CGENERAL NOTES SHEET #: ti \N heat ° G 1 �G�Xdiry9 p1Vx5`c L1 OUES n00� ' 1 VERIFY ROOF FRAMING & LAYOUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2 PROVIDE RAKED WALLS @ ALL RAKED ROOF END FRAMING. 3 ALL STEEP -SLOPE ROOFS k2:12) TO BE ASPHALT SHINGLES ON (1) LAYER 30 LB. FELT UNDERLAYMENT w/ ICE & WATER SHIELD AT ALL HEADWALLS, SIDEWALLS, VALLEYS AND EAVES 36" MIN. TO INSIDE FACE OF WARM WALL. 4 ALL LOW -SLOPE ROOFS 12 : >2TO BE ADHERED 60 MIL 'GREY' TPO ON 1/2" 1 1 DENSDECK PRIME, MECHANICALLY -ATTACHED W/ APPROPRIATE FASTENERS & PLATES @ 18F, 24P, 32C, TYP. 5 ALL ACCESIBLE LOW -SLOPE ROOFS k2:12) TO BE ADHERED 60 MIL 'GREY' TPO ON 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME ADHERED W/ INSULATION ADHESIVE PER MGRS WRITTEN INSTRUCTION TYP. 6 ALL ACCESIBLE LOW -SLOPE ROOF AREAS TO BE PROTECTED W/ SACRIFICIAL TPO SLIP SHEET (TACK INTO PLACE USING TPO BONDING ADHESIVE AT UPHILL CORNERS ONLY) AND POLYPROPYLENE PAVER TILES (IKEA SPCL). 7 ALL LOW -SLOPE ROOFS TO HAVE 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. SLOPE (STRUCTURAL OR OVERFRAMED) 8 RUN TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE UP & OVER ALL PARAPET WALLS, U.N.O.; LAP FINISH MATERIALS 2" MIN. 9 PROVIDE 1/2" PER FT. SLOPE MIN. CONT. SLOPED SUPPORT ON ALL PARAPET WALLS - 1/2" MIN. EXT. GRADE PLYWOOD ON 1/2" PLYWOOD (SIM.) SHIM, SLOPE TO INTERIOR ROOF. 10 TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE IS NOT COMPATIBLE W/ ICE & WATER SHIELD. * DO NOT ALLOW ICE & WATER SHIELD TO CONTACT TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE. ** USE TPO COMPATIBLE P&S FLASHING: 'SHARKSKIN ULTRA SA' *** (PREMIUM PANELS, INC. ARVADA, CO 303.420.8538) 11 ALL PARAPET WALLS TO HAVE 24 GA. PRE -FINISHED COPING CAP FLASHING W/ CONTINUOUS 22 GA. CLEAT. 12 ALL FLASHING METAL TO BE 24 GA. PRE -FINISHED GALVANIZED STEEL, VERIFY COLOR SELECTION W/ ARCHITECT. 13 PROVIDE 24 GA. PRE -FINISHED CONTINUOUS 5" BOX GUTTER AND 24 GA. 4" ROUND, SMOOTH DOWNSPOUTS. 14 VERIFY ALL DOWNSPOUT LOCATIONS & CLEARANCES w/ ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 15 PROVIDE SPLASH BLOCKS AT ALL DOWNSPOUT LOCATIONS. 16 PROVIDE A CONTROLLED METHOD OF WATER DISPOSAL FROM ROOFS THAT WILL COLLECT AND DISCHARGE ALL ROOF DRAINAGE TO THE GROUND SURFACE AT LEAST 5 FEET FROM FOUNDATION WALLS OR TO AN APPROVED DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 17 RE: ARCHITECTURAL SHEET(S) WALL/FLOOR/ROOF TYPES, SECTIONS & DETAILS FOR ROOF ASSEMBLIES AND FLASHING DETAILS 18 PROVIDE ATTIC VENTILATION AS REQUIRED PER SECTION R806 - IRC REFER TO ROOF PLAN FOR VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS. _ 00000 = OOOOO 0000 1 ONE LAYER OF #15 ASPHALT FELT OR EQUAL (SPUN POLYOLEFIN HOUSE WRAP) FREE FROM HOLES AND BREAKS SHALL BE APPLIED OVER STRUCTURAL SHEATHING AND STUDS OF ALL EXTERIOR WALLS. ROLLED SHEETING SHALL BE APPLIED HORIZONTALLY, STARTING AT THE BOTTOM LAPPING SILL PLATE 1" MIN., W/ SUCCESSIVE UPPER LAYERS LAPPING OVER LOWER ONES, COURSES SHALL OVERLAP NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES. 2 THE REQUIRED SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND ANY ADJACENT LIVING SPACE REQUIRES A SINGLE LAYER OF 1/z" GYP BOARD ON THE COMMON WALLS AND CEILINGS. A SINGLE LAYER OF 5%" TYPE 'X' GYP BOARD IS REQUIRED ON THE CEILING, WITH A SINGLE LAYER OF 1/z" GYP BOARD ON ANY SYSTEM SUPPORTING THE FLOOR/CEILING ABOVE WHERE THERE IS HABITABLE SPACE. 3 BUILDER TO VERIFY FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION @ EACH LEVEL, STAIR LANDING, STAIR TREADS, AND SHALL ACCOUNT FOR ANY DESCREPANCIES IN FINISH MATERIALS PRIOR TO STAIR CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE ALL RISERS ARE EQUAL, AND THAT THE MEANS OF EGRESS MEETS R311 4 HARDWOOD FLOOR THROUGHOUT ENTIRE MAIN LEVEL PER OWNER SELECTION, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (U.N.O.) 5 LANDINGS OR A FLOOR SHALL BE PROVIDED ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOORS PER R311 IRC. 6 GUARDS AT THE STAIR OPENINGS, LANDINGS AND OTHER OPEN CHANGES IN ELEVATION GREATER THAN 30" WITHIN 36" MUST BE PROVIDED TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 36". BALUSTERS OR OPENINGS MUST BE SPACED TO PREVENT PASSAGE OF A 4" SPHERE. AT THE OPEN SIDE OF STAIRS, THE HEIGHT MAY RANGE FROM 34" TO 38" AND THE OPENINGS PROVIDED MUST BE SPACED TO PREVENT PASSAGE OF A 4%" SPHERE. 7 RAILING DIMENSIONS ARE FROM T.O. FINISH FLOOR TO T.O. FINISH RAILING 8 STAIR HANDRAILS MUST BE GRASPABLE WITH EITHER A TYPE I CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION (11/4" TO 2" DIAMETER WITH A 4" TO 61/4" PERIMETER) OR TYPE II WITH A PERIMETER OVER 61/4" WITH A FINGER RECESS OF AT LEAST 5/16" ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PROFILE, AND HANDRAILS ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF A FLIGHT OF STAIRS WITH 4 OR MORE RISERS PER SECTION R311.7.7.3. 9 ALL HABITABLE ROOMS, HALLWAYS, BATH/TOILET ROOMS, LAUNDRY ROOMS AND BASEMENTS MUST HAVE A MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHT OF 7'-0". A MINIMUM FINISHED CEILING HEIGHT OF 6'-8" IS PERMITTED AT THE SPACE IN FRONT OF BATH FIXTURES AND A 30"x30" AREA UNDER A SHOWER HEAD. A 6'-8" HEIGHT (6'-4" UNDER BEAMS, GIRDERS AND DUCTS) IS ALSO PERMITTED IN THOSE PORTIONS OF BASEMENTS NOT CONTAINING HABITABLE SPACES, BATH OR TOILET ROOMS, LAUNDRY ROOMS, OR HALLWAYS. 10 VERIFY ALL BUILT-INS DESIGN, MATERIALS, & LAYOUT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 11 VERIFY KITCHEN & BATHROOM DESIGN, MATERIALS, AND LAYOUT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 12 VERIFY CLOSET SHELF DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 13 ALL VANITY CABINETS ARE 21" DEEP (U.N.O.) - VERIFY FINISH MATERIALS w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 14 INSTALL SHOWER PAN PER MFR'S. WRITTEN INSTRUCTION. PROVIDE INSULATION AT EXTERIOR WALL PRIOR TO SETTING SHOWER PAN 15 FIBER -CEMENT, FIBER MAT, REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS OR FIBER -REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS TO BE USED BEHIND ALL WALL TILE IN TUB AND SHOWER AREAS AND WALL PANELS IN SHOWER AREA AT BATH. SAFETY GLASS REQUIRED IN SURROUNDING TUB/SHOWER AREAS. 16 ALL TILE WORK TO CONFORM W/ CURRENT TCA INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS & GUIDELINES. MASTIC SHALL NOT BE APPROVED FOR ANY TILE OR STONE INSTALLATIONS. 17 VERIFY FIREPLACE DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. INSTALL FIREPLACE PER MFR'S. WRITTEN INSTRUCTION; VERIFY FRAMING & VENTING CLEARANCES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 18 VERIFY VAULTED CEILINGS & LIGHT COVE DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 19 VERIFY ALL HVAC TRUNK LINE & REO'D. DROP SOFFIT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 20 VERIFY R.O. & FURNACE REQUIREMENTS w/ FRAMER. PROVIDE VENTED ACCESS DOOR (30" x 24" MIN.) 21 OUTSIDE AIR (COMBUSTION AIR) TO BE THERMALLY SEPARATED FROM CONDITIONED SPACES BY THE THERMAL ENVELOPE. THE OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR REQUIRED FOR THE FURNACE AND WATER HEATER REQUIRE INSULATING THE THERMAL ENVELOPE SURROUNDING THEM, SUCH AS WITH A MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. A SOLID, WEATHER-STRIPPED DOOR IS REQUIRED. 22 KITCHEN EXHAUST HOOD SYSTEMS CAPABLE OF EXHAUSTING IN EXCESS OF 400 CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH MAKEUP AIR AT A RATE APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO THE EXHAUST AIR RATE. SUCH MAKEUP AIR SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A MEANS OF CLOSURE AND SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLLED TO START AND OPERATE SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE EXHAUST SYSTEM 23 IF THE KITCHEN INCLUDES A DISHWASHER, THEN A WASTE LINE FROM A DOMESTIC DISHWASHER MUST DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY THROUGH AN AIR GAP OR AIR BREAK INTO A STANDPIPE, A WASTE RECEPTOR, A WYE -BRANCH FITTING ON THE TAILPIECE OF THE KITCHEN SINK DRAIN OR THE DISHWASHER CONNECTION OF A FOOD WASTE GRINDER PER P2717.2 AS AMENDED. 24 PROVIDE RECESSED DRYER VENT BOX @ LAUNDRY AREAS. CLOTHES DRYERS TO BE PROVIDED W/ A MOISTURE EXHAUST SYSTEM THAT VENTS TO THE EXTERIOR, AND MUST TERMINATE IN BACK -DRAFT DAMPER AT LEAST 3' FROM ANY OPENING INTO THE BUILDING. THE SIZE AND MAXIMUM LENGTH RUN OF THE DUCT IS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE DRYER MANUFACTURER. 25 FIRE BLOCKING WITH APPROVED MATERIALS MUST BE PROVIDED IN CONCEALED SPACES AT CEILING AND FLOOR LEVELS, HORIZONTALLY NOT TO EXCEED 101 , SOFFITS, DROP & COVE CEILINGS, BETWEEN STAIR STRINGERS, AND THE ANNULAR SPACE AROUND MATERIAL PENETRATIONS OF FLOORS AND CEILINGS. 26 CONCEALED SPACE OF A FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY WITH USABLE SPACE BOTH ABOVE AND BELOW THE CAVITY, DRAFTSTOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT THE AREA OF THE CONCEALED SPACE DOES NOT EXCEED 1,000 SQUARE FEET. DRAFTSTOPPING SHALL DIVIDE THE CONCEALED SPACE INTO APPROXIMATELY EQUAL AREAS. WHERE THE ASSEMBLY IS ENCLOSED BY A FLOOR MEMBRANE ABOVE AND A CEILING MEMBRANE BELOW, DRAFTSTOPPING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLIES UNDER THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: 1. CEILING IS SUSPENDED UNDER THE FLOOR FRAMING. 2. FLOOR FRAMING IS CONSTRUCTED OF TRUSS -TYPE OPEN -WEB OR PERFORATED MEMBERS. 27 THE DOOR BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND LIVING SPACE MUST BE SELF-CLOSING, SELF -LATCHING AND EITHER 20 -MINUTE RATED, 1%" SOLID CORE WOOD, OR 1%" SOLID OR HONEYCOMB STEEL. 28 AN EXTERIOR LANDING IS REQUIRED IF MORE THAN TWO RISERS (MAXIMUM 7'/4") ARE PROVIDED AT THE DOOR. THE REQUIRED EXIT DOOR MAY ONLY HAVE A SINGLE RISER (MAXIMUM 7'/4" FROM THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD) TO A SURFACE QUALIFYING AS A LANDING. LJ UOUES = LJVLJ EC LJ ❑ 1 LOW-ENERGY CONSUMPTION BUILDING DESIGN EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS, AND LOCAL BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS MAY HINDER CUSTOMER COMFORT PREFERENCES. CONTINUOUS BLOWER OPERATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO EQUALIZE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES. CALCULATIONS INDICATE THAT THE PROVIDED RETURN AIR VENTS ARE SUFFICIENT; HOWEVER PROVIDE ADDITIONAL RETURN AIR AS DICTATED BY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. 2 ALL CLOSED ROOMS WITH NO RETURN TO HAVE TRANSFER GRILLE OR JUMPER DUCT. 3 PER IECC, SECTION R303.3 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE FURNISHED FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS THAT REQUIRE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. REQUIRED REGULAR MAINTENANCE ACTIONS SHALL BE CLEARLY STATED AND INCORPORATED ON A READILY ACCESSIBLE LABEL. THE LABEL SHALL INCLUDE THE TITLE OR PUBLICATION NUMBER FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR THAT PARTICULAR MODEL AND TYPE OF PRODUCT. PLEASE NOTE THIS IN THE PLAN SET AND WHERE IT IS TO BE LOCATED. 4 PER IECC, R403.1 CONTROLS (MANDATORY). AT LEAST ONE THERMOSTAT SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SEPARATE HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM. 5 PER R403.1.1 PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT. THE THERMOSTAT CONTROLLING THE PRIMARY HEATING OR COOLING SYSTEM OF THE DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE CAPABLE OF CONTROLLING THE HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM ON A DAILY SCHEDULE TO MAINTAIN DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE SET POINTS AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE DAY. 6 ACTUAL THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR. 7 PER 2012 R403.5 MECHANICAL VENTILATION (MANDATORY). THE BUILDING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH VENTILATION THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE OR INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE, AS APPLICABLE, OR WITH OTHER APPROVED MEANS OF VENTILATION. OUTDOOR AIR INTAKES AND EXHAUSTS SHALL HAVE AUTOMATIC OR GRAVITY DAMPERS THAT CLOSE WHEN THE VENTILATION SYSTEM IS NOT OPERATING. 8 ALL DUCT IN UNCONDITIONED SPACE INSULATED W/ R8 MIN. 00000 = 00000 1 BRANCH CIRCUITS SUPPLYING ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS (EXCEPT BATHROOMS, KITCHENS & GARAGES) MUST BE PROTECTED BY A LISTED ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, COMBINATION -TYPE, TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE BRANCH CIRCUIT. [ARTICLES 210.12(A) AND 210.12(B), NEC AS AMENDED] 2 ALL AREAS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLE 210.52 ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE ALL 125 -VOLT, 15- AND 20 -AMP RECEPTACLES BE LISTED, TAMPER RESISTANT RECEPTACLES. [ARTICLE 406.12, NEC] 3 SMALL APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS RATED AT 20 -AMPS MUST BE PROVIDED TO SERVE ALL GENERAL WALL RECEPTACLES, COUNTERTOPS IN KITCHENS AND DINING ROOMS AND THE LAUNDRY AREA. A MAXIMUM OF 4 RECEPTACLES MAY BE SERVED BY EACH CIRCUIT. A DEDICATED CIRCUIT IS ALSO REQUIRED FOR THE LAUNDRY AREA AND BATHROOMS. [ARTICLES 210.52(D) AND 210.11(C), NEC AS AMENDED] 4 GFCI PROTECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLES AND GARAGE RECEPTACLES SERVING GARAGE DOOR OPENERS.I WILL REDLINE THE REQUIREMENT ON THE PLANS. [ARTICLES 210.8(A), 680.42 AND 680.43, NEC] 5 A MINIMUM OF 50 PERCENT OF THE LAMPS IN PERMANENTLY INSTALLED LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE HIGH -EFFICACY LAMPS (COMPACT FLUORESCENT, T-8 OR SMALLER LINEAR FLUORESCENT, OR LAMPS WITH A MINIMUM EFFICACY OF: 60 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 40 WATTS, 50 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 15 WATTS TO 40 WATTS, AND 40 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS 15 WATTS OR LESS) FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION. [SECTION 404.1, IECC] 6 RECESSED FIXTURES INSTALLED IN AN INSULATED CAVITY OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE MUST BE IC -RATED AND SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE. WHERE THE INSULATED CAVITY IS NOT PART OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE, LEAKAGE PROTECTION IS NOT REQUIRED. [SECTION 402.4.5, IECC] 7 ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL SHALL HAVE A RESERVED SPACE TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A DUAL POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC INSTALLATION AND SHALL BE LABELED "FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC." THE RESERVED SPACE SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE OPPOSITE (LOAD) END FROM THE INPUT FEEDER LOCATION OR THE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER. T103.9 (RA103.7) APPENDIX T 2018 IRC 8 ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE SERVICE PANEL OR SUBPANEL CIRCUIT DIRECTORY SHALL IDENTIFY THE OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE SPACE(S) RESERVED FOR FUTURE ELECTRICAL VEHICLE CHARGING AS "EV CAPABLE". THE RACEWAY TERMINATION LOCATION SHALL BE PERMANENTLY AND VISIBLY MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE". 9 A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE, INDICATING THE SOLAR READY ZONE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 0-2018-6-C409 SHALL BE POSTED NEAR THE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL, WATER HEATER OR OTHER CONSPICUOUS LOCATION BY THE BUILDER OR LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. OOo000 = 0000000 1 RE: STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR FRAMING LAYOUT 2 DESIGN FOR WIND SPEED 130 MPH WIND Vult EXPOSURE C, WIND LOAD: 20 PSF (CITY), 25 PSF (RURAL) LOCATIONS 3 DESIGN FLOOR FOR 40 PSF LIVE LOAD & 20 PSF DEAD LOAD. 4 DESIGN ROOF FOR 30 PSF LIVE/SNOW LOAD & 20 PSF DEAD LOAD (W/ INCREASES AS REQUIRED FOR DRIFTING 30 PSF MIN.) 5 STRUCTURAL STEEL: DESIGN PER AISC 14TH EDITION, A-997 GRADE 50, TS COLUMNS ASTM A500 GRADE B (AISC 14TH EDITION) 6 ALL STEEL BEAMS TO HAVE TOP PLATES TO ATTACH TO DIAPHRAGM. TOP PLATE ATTACHED WITH .0145 POWER ACTIVATED FASTENERS @ 2' O.C. 7 ALL BEAM POCKETS TO BE WIDTH OF BEAM . 2", DEPTH OF BEAM, MIN 4" BEARING & GROUTED SOLID AFTER BEAM PLACEMENT. 8 ALL FLUSH BEAMS SHALL BE PLACED ON STEEL BEARING PLATES, ADJUST TO FLUSH HEIGHT W/ STEEL SHIMS OR STEEL TUBE BLOCKING, AS REQUIRED. 9 STRUCTURAL WOOD: DESIGN PER AITC, ALL DIMENSIONAL LUMBER TO BE DOUGLAS FIR #2, U.N.O. Fb = 875 PSI, E=1,600,000 PSI 10 PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING TO WALLS AND ROOF AS REWD DURING CONSTRUCTION. 11 ALL WOOD INDIRECT CONTACT WITH EARTH TO BE ACO PRESSURE TREATED. 12 BLOCK SOLID UNDER POSTS TO STRUCTURE BELOW, PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SUPPORT TO TO FOUNDATION. PROVIDE SQUASH BLOCKS BETWEEN JOISTS BELOW POSTS AND BEARING WALLS. 13 FLOOR JOIST SUPPLIER TO PROVIDE SHOP & LAYOUT DWGS, AND INDICATE HANGER TYPES & LOCATIONS, FOR REVIEW BY ARCHITECT PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 14 FLOOR JOIST SUPPLIER TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND COORDINATE JOIST LAYOUT PLAN AND APPROPRIATE DETAILS. THIS OFFICE, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, THE SUBCONTRACTOR, AND THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S OFFICE SHALL REVIEW ALL DRAWINGS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 15 EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS SHALL BE FROM THE OUTSIDE FACE OF STUDS OR OUTSIDE FACE OF FOUNDATION WALLS. (RE: PLANS) 16 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 17 ALL BASEMENT WALLS TO HAVE FLOATING BOTTOM PLATES, 3" MIN. TYP. 18 INTERIOR PARTITIONS: 2x4 AT 16" O.C. FOR ALL WALLS WITH (1) LAYER OF GYPSUM BOARD ON EACH SIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 19 ALL STUD WALLS ARE DIMENSIONED 3 5/8" OR 5 1/2" WIDE, FACE OF STUD TO FACE OF STUD, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 20 ALL CONT RIMS ARE TIMBERSTRAND OR EQUAL. 21 FRAMER TO LAYOUT WINDOWS IN ROUGH OPENING TEMPORARILY FOR OWNER APPROVAL PRIOR TO SETTING WINDOW - VERIFY SWING AND SLIDE OF ALL INT./EXT. DOORS AND WINDOWS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 22 ALL WINDOWS AND EXTERIOR DOOR HEADERS ARE (2) 200 MINIMUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED (U.O.N.). SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS. 23 ROOF TRUSS MANUFACTURER TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND COORDINATE TRUSS HANGERS, DETAILS, PROFILES, AND LAYOUTS. THIS OFFICE, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, THE SUBCONTRACTOR, AND THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S OFFICE SHALL REVIEW ALL ENGINEERED TRUSS SHOP DRAWINGS PRIOR TO FINAL TRUSS FABRICATION. 24 TRUSS MFR TO VERIFY ROOF PITCH @ VARIOUS ROOF PARTS AND ACCOMMODATE FOR ROOFING MATERIAL 25 TRUSS MFR TO PROVIDE SHOP & LAYOUT DWGS, AND INDICATE HANGER LOCATION & TYPES FOR REVIEW BY ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 26 THE SHEATHED ROOF STRUCTURE ACTS AS A DIAPHRAGM. THE LATERAL LOADING OF THE ROOF TRANSFERS EVENLY THROUGH THE ROOF DIAPHRAGM, THROUGH ALL STRUCTURAL WALLS, DIRECTLY TO THE FOUNDATION & FOOTINGS. FLOOR LOADS TRANSFER DIRECTLY THROUGH STRUCTURAL WALLS OR BEAMS TO FOOTINGS. RE: STRUCTURAL DWGS FOR SHEAR NAILING SCHEDULE, HANGER SCHEDULE & TYPICAL FOOTING & WALL NOTES. 27 RE: ELEVATION AND SECTION DRAWINGS FOR ALL PARAPET HEIGHTS 28 ONE LAYER OF #15 ASPHALT FELT OR EQUAL (SPUN POLYOLEFIN HOUSE WRAP) FREE FROM HOLES AND BREAKS SHALL BE APPLIED OVER STRUCTURAL SHEATHING AND STUDS OF ALL EXTERIOR WALLS. ROLLED SHEETING SHALL BE APPLIED HORIZONTALLY, STARTING AT THE BOTTOM LAPPING SILL PLATE 1" MIN., W/ SUCCESSIVE UPPER LAYERS LAPPING OVER LOWER ONES, COURSES SHALL OVERLAP NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES. 29 FIRE BLOCKING WITH APPROVED MATERIALS MUST BE PROVIDED IN CONCEALED SPACES AT CEILING AND FLOOR LEVELS, HORIZONTALLY NOT TO EXCEED 10', SOFFITS, DROP & COVE CEILINGS, BETWEEN STAIR STRINGERS, AND THE ANNULAR SPACE AROUND MATERIAL PENETRATIONS OF FLOORS AND CEILINGS. 30 SOILS REPORT SECTION RECOMMENDS A 3" FLOAT ON THE BASEMENT WALLS OVER THE BASEMENT CONCRETE SLAB. RE: WALL TYPE 01/A0.1. IELLER 00000 = FOR THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 0 THE INTERIOR AREA OF THE GARAGE SHOULD BE OVER -EXCAVATED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12 INCHES BENEATH THE LOWEST BEARING ELEVATION OF THE SLAB AND REPLACED WITH AN IMPORTED STRUCTURAL FILL OR (� NON -EXPANSIVE PREDOMINANTLY GRANULAR MATERIAL. M 1 PERFORM ALL FOUNDATION AND SITE WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH O RECOMMENDATIONS ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE ENGINEER'S FINAL SOILS REPORT ` O AND CRITERIA AS COORDINATED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. THE W 00 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THIS PROJECT. O 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY A REGISTERED SOILS ENGINEER TO PERFORM MWM NECESSARY TESTING AND INSPECTIONS FOR QUALITY CONTROL AND TO ENSURE THAT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SOILS REPORT ARE COMPLIED WITH. TEST W REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER M �R 0 FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER, WITH COPY TO THE CONTRACTOR. INCLUDE THE Li FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THE REPORTS: 1.) TEST REPORT ON BURROW = W 0 MATERIALS, 2.) VERIFICATION OF EACH FOOTING SUB -GRADE, 3.) FIELD DENSITY' J M REPORTS, AND 4.) ONE (1) OPTIMUM MOISTURE -MAXIMUM DENSITY CURVE TEST Li FOR EACH TYPE OF SOIL ENCOUNTERED. CD W 3 VERIFY EXCAVATED EXISTING SOILS CONDITIONS W/ SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO N Q FORMING FOOTINGS, ALL FOOTINGS TO BE 36" MIN. BELOW FINAL GRADE, RE: > (V W SOILS REPORT UJ cm 4 FOOTING DESIGNED FOR MAX. ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE: 2,500 PSF FOR 00 SHALLOW FOOTINGS (s36"), 3,500 PSF FOR DEEPER FOOTINGS (BSMT). cm FOUNDATION EXCAVATION MUST BE OBSERVED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. IF SOIL, BEDROCK OR GROUND WATER CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED DIFFER FROM SOILS REPORT, SUPPLEMENTAL RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE REQUIRED. RE: SOILS REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 5 CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SHORING, CRIBBING, SHEET PILING, ETC. AS REWD TO SAFELY RETAIN EXCAVATIONS AND TRENCHES DURING CONSTRUCTION 6 SLOPE ALL EXTERIOR FINISHED GRADES AWAY FROM THE BUILDING PER SOILS cu REPORT. ENSURE NO PONDING OF WATER OCCURS AROUND BUILDING 0 7 CONCRETE: DESIGN PER ACI 301-99 & 318-11, FOR FOOTINGS AND HEATED ■ -� p SLABS -ON -GRADE, THE CONCRETE SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM TWENTY-EIGHT (28) v v DAY COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI; FOR FOUNDATION WALLS AND UNHEATED SLABS -ON -GRADE THE CONCRETE SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM V N TWENTY-EIGHT 1281 DAY COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 4,500 PSI; � USE TYPE -II CEMENT. v 8 MILD STEEL REINFORCING A-615 GRADE 60 (6 9 FOUNDATION WALLS TO BE WATERPROOFED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION v R406.1 - IRC v cu 10 FIRST SUBFLOOR TO BE IN PLACE OR FOUNDATION WALLS ADEQUATELY BRACED BEFORE BACKFILL. 11 ALL WOOD INDIRECT CONTACT WITH EARTH TO BE MCA PRESSURE TREATED. 12 BLOCK SOLID UNDER POSTS TO STRUCTURE BELOW, PROVIDE CONTINUOUS 3190 W. 38th Ave. SUPPORT TO TO FOUNDATION. PROVIDE SQUASH BLOCKS BETWEEN JOISTS BELOW POSTS AND BEARING WALLS. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 13 ABANDONED FOOTINGS, NEW OR EXISTING UTILITIES, ETC., THAT INTERFERE WITH ph. (303) 901-5143 NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REROUTED OR REMOVED AS COORDINATED WITH THE ARCHITECT AND AS DIRECTED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER WWW.lucid-studio.com iDfo@Qlucid-studio.Com 14 FILLED EXCAVATIONS OR BURIED STRUCTURES SUCH AS CESSPOOLS, CISTERNS, EXISTING FOUNDATIONS, ETC., OR AY UNUSUAL SOILS CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED DURING SITE CLEARING OR EXCATION SHALL BE BROUGH TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY 15 INSTALL (1) LAYER 6 MIL. VAPOR BARRIER ON GRADE BELOW SLAB w/ JOINTS OVERLAP 6" MIN. AND SEALED OR TAPED, AND SECURED UP WALL 6" MIN. SEAL: 16 SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDS A MAXIMUM SLAB AREA OF 81 SQUARE FEET (9' X 91 WITHOUT A CRACK CONTROL JOINT(S). REFER TO SOILS REPORT. 17 SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDS 1/2" CLEARANCES FOR ALL PLUMBING INTERFACES TO ALL CONCRETE SLABS AND WALLS. 18 REFER TO SOILS REPORT. ti pJheat O ° �G�Xdiry9 p1Vx5`c DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CPROJECT NOTES SHEET #: G2 0 - DEDICATION AND OWN'ER'S CERTIFICATE: I, LOH] CUSTOMS LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, BEING THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 61,437 SQUARE FEET OR 1.4104 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION AS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON[ COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO, AT RECEPTION NO. 2016059247 AND AT RECEPTION NO. 87076275, ALSO BEING IN PART OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE S42'44'39"E A DISTANCE OF 1992.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID POINT BEING ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TELLER STREET, ALSO BEING ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION; THENCE N89'53'18"E, A DISTANCE OF 317.10 FEET; THENCE S00°23'55"E, A DISTANCE OF 192.61 FEET, THENCE S89°28'50"W, A DISTANCE OF 317.11 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TELLER STREET, ALSO BEING ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION, THENCE NOO'23'43"W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAYI L NE AND WEST LINE OFT SAID LO 1 BLOCK 4, A DISTANCE OF 194.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 61,437 SQUARE FEET OR 1.4104 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, A RESUBDIVISION OF A PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTII [TIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS O REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. OWNER: LORI CUSTOMS LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 4�NAIG;CR: CHRIS PHER B. REILLY STATE OF COLORADO SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS _t' -DAY OF,__r*_kbA_tr_-, 2011- BY CHRISTOPHER B. REILLY, MANAGER, LOH"I CUSTOMS LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:aj16�-j{} 21 NOTARY PUBLIC Oki Iwl r ADDRESS, f, r SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, MICHAEL S. CHESSNOE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF TELLER SUBDIVISION FLING NO. 1 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, I CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS ;, E ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS;g� MICHAEL S. CHESSNOE, & L. (SURVEYOR'S SEAL) -3r,'•Qa 9 _I C�� ACCESS DRIVE AND UTILITY EASEMENNI THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 'ACCESS DRIVE AND UTILITY EASEMENT', AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS, ACCES UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT: ACCESS, UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT IS HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT AT THE LOCATION SHOWN HEREIN FOR FREE MOVEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF 'UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE FACILITIES IN THE AREA SHOWN AS TRACT "A". STANDARD EASEMENTS: UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT T4 ALL REAR AND SIDE LOT LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLAITED AREA, THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED OR ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. TRACT "A": THE STORMATER QUALITY AREA HEREIN SHOWN AS TRACT "A", IS A NON—BUILDABLE TRACT THAT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER, AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE STORMWATER QUALITY AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC OR WATER QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STORMWATER QUALITY AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 1 A RESUBDIVISION OFA PART OF SOT LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER 1 , BLOCK OF SECTION 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN C1 -1-Y OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET i OF 2 VICINITY MAP SCALE 1"=500' POINT OF COMM(NCEMENT 16709. WEST 32ND AVENUE 16809 CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 26, 1,044 0,0240 LOT 1 orCn 0.2245 LOT 2 9,751 FOUND 3 1/4" DIAMETVR BRASS LOT 3 10,053 W I— CAP STAMPED "LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX �\ 0.2381 LOT 5 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM 0.2388 LOT,6 9,746 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE jD'# 16709 NE PARCEL AREA m I— W W 1.4037 N=703168.57 E-,18458,25 292 WEST 32TH AVENUE 26,37.74' REG, N89'44'51"E REG. GROSS PARCEL ARE W. 3 TH AVE. li 1.4104 0 I--� t77 7 G� 5 I-- U w > z n W d : ~ WEST 29TH AVENUE i cn � m PHAC I T CL U wLj I- W v 0 -0Wm W. 28TH AVE � {/) L J Imo- d r")>- � _ Q Iy c(v o u ^� W Q LL! ti) Z 1 U7 ui SITE .Lu _ i 3 Q> W. 27TH AVE. c_ i70 TRUE POINT 16781 WEST 26TH AVE UE 16881 VICINITY MAP SCALE 1"=500' POINT OF COMM(NCEMENT A EL AREA SG7• FT. AREA ACRES CENTER 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 26, 1,044 0,0240 LOT 1 T3S, R69W. 67H P.M. 0.2245 LOT 2 9,751 FOUND 3 1/4" DIAMETVR BRASS LOT 3 10,053 0.2308 CAP STAMPED "LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX �\ 0.2381 LOT 5 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM 0.2388 LOT,6 9,746 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE jD'# 16709 NE PARCEL AREA 61,145 1.4037 N=703168.57 E-,18458,25 292 WEST 32TH AVENUE 26,37.74' REG, N89'44'51"E REG. GROSS PARCEL ARE - - BASIS OF BEARINGS SOUTH LINE, NE 1/4 OF SA=G, 26 1.4104 0 7 > O I c m fl T CL U wLj s� �U�� 0 d uj CITY LIPAiTSI c(v o u ^� Z 7 ui W. 29TH AVE. U Q> i70 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING pr E SITE 4 _j o I° > T o I� SOUTHEAST 1/4 SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SE( -'TION 26, , SECTION 26 T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M.DIAMETER c 'c 13S, R69W 2" 'ALUMINUM :D CAP STAMPED "LS 13212" IN I RANGE BOX LOCATION CALCULATED PER � CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ID# 16781 I N=700524.46 E_918473.27 W City of Wheat Ridge 2638.21' REC. N89''39'05"E REC, WEST 26TH AVENUE - City of Lakewood SOUTH LINE, SE 1/4 OF SEC. 26 — BASIS OF BEARI_NQS/S L TION TIE DETAIL SCALE 1"=500' EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 26, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. 3 1/4" DIAMETER BRASS CAP STAMPED "LS 32429" IN RANGE BOX (r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ID# 16809 i�LOCATION CALCULATED PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM N-703180.19 E=121095.96 ,u LjI f� W U a_ cv I CJ W Li r -i a W SIN � Q� (0 z Z D H C Q w I SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 26, i T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. 3 11/4" DIAMETER BRASS A " - I CAP STAMPED u5 2304- '' IN RANGE BOX LOCATION CALCULATED PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ID# 16881 N=700540.51 E=121111.43 I 7- 2GENERAL NOTES- BASIS THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, SAID LINE ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51 "E BETWEEN TWO MONUMENTS 2637.74 FEET APART; ONE MONUMENT BEING THE CENTER Y4 OF SAID SECTION 26, A 3 1/4" DIAMETER BRASS CAP STAMPED LS 13212 IN RANGE BOX, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I'D NO. 16709, CITY DATUM COORDINATES N=703168.57, E=118458.25, LAT.=39"45'40"N LONG. =105°0'4'50"W; AND THE OTHER BEING THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26, A 3 1/4" DIAMETER BRASS CAP STAMPED LS 32429 IN RANGE BOX, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ID NO. 16809, CITY DATUM COORDINATES N=703180.19, E=121095.96, LAT.=39'45'40"N LONG. =105°04' 20" W. 2. PER C.R.S. 38-52-106(L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 3. THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HAR`N STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC-STD-007.2-1998). 4. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 5. MONUMENT DEFACING STATEMENT: ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND 'BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18-4-508, C.R.S. 6. CERTIFICATION AND USE OF THE WORD CERTIFY IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: SAID CERTIFICATION OR USE OF THE WORD CERTIFY AS A STATEMENT IS BASED UPON THE UNDERSIGNED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AND IS NOT A GUARANTY OR WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED (PER COLORADO STATE BOARD RULE NO. 6.2.2). 7. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND-BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD& -3/2 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502. 8. VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 9. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0,99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT 1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83i92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1071258.75, EASTI'NG: 3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5471.62. 10. LOTS 1 AND 4 SHALL ACCESS TELLER STREET ONLY, ACCESS TO THE PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE AND UTILITY EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED FROM THESE LOTS, 11. RIGHT-OF—WAY FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR SERVICE AND EMERGENCY VEHICLES IS GRANTED OVER, ACROSS, ON, AND THROUGH ANY AND ALL PRIVATE ROADS, WAYS, AND FIRE LANES NOW OR HEREAFTER ESTABLISHED ON THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. THE SAME ARE HEREBY DESIGNATED AS FIRE LANES AND EMERGENCY AND SERVICE VEHICLE ROADS, AND SHALL BE POSTED "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE". 12. THE PROPERTY 1S ZONED R-2. 13. PROPERTY IS WITHIN ZONE X (AREA DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN (504 -YEAR FLOOD PLAIN)) AND THEREFORE IS NOT IN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN PER FIRM MAP FOR COMMUNITY NO. 085079, PANEL NO. 0214 F, AND MAP NO. 08059CO214F DATED FEBRUARY 5, 2014. T _ T BE: A EL AREA SG7• FT. AREA ACRES „.. TRA T A„ 1,044 0,0240 LOT 1 9,780 0.2245 LOT 2 9,751 0.2238 LOT 3 10,053 0.2308 LOT 4 10,371 0.2381 LOT 5 10,400 0.2388 LOT,6 9,746 0.2237 NE PARCEL AREA 61,145 1.4037 STREET RIGHT- 292 0.0067 OF -WAY DEDICATION GROSS PARCEL ARE 1,4 7 1.4104 CITY CERTIOCATiON; APPROVED THIS DAY OF'°S�"'�"glp BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. -------------------------- M AYOR ATTESTH Eq Y CLERK PLANNING :COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL ON THIS _ DAY _ BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. COUNTY CLERK AND REGQRDELRC2TIFICAT STATE OF COLORADO ) ) S` COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER O JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT ka-' = _O'CLOCK_ e M. ON THE q,,._.. DAY OF BOOK IN -, ------ PAGE ------- RECEPTION NO. -.I% _b JEFFEROCOUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: - __---_--_--� n: P U TY CASE HISTORY MS -17-01 (WITHDRAWN) WS -17-02 TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 SHEET INDEX \N heat ok 1�Q DESCRIPTION SHEET N0, v COVER SHEET 1 l PLAN VIEW 2 `ng D``I\40 COVER SHEET - SHEET 1 OF 2 PREPARED BY: DATE OF PREPARATION: CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, AUGUST 21, 2017 SUITE 2, REVISED: OCTOBER 18, 2017 DENVER, COLORADO 80222 NOVEMBER 20, 2017 PHONE: 303-722-3267 E-MAIL: chessnoedenver@comcast.net TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 m TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. I A RESUBDIVISION A OF PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 1 X5.00' WEST 29TH AVENUE CN C-4 �o Q0 In0- 1 ry C14 0-) D 00 0 �-- T- 0 ry0 -J �-- N < cr_ ry 0- C) < CD 25.0 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 114, BY THIS PLAT - TYPICAL 50' ROW SET MAGNETIC NAIL WITH ui ry 3: 1.5" DIAMETER ALLOY DISK 1-- V) 0 X STAMPED "P.E. & L.S. 9489 m :DV) 1FT W W/C" WITNESS CORNER 1,00' cr_ 0 WEST OF ACTUAL CORNER ON TOP Lo 317.09' A.M. uj 89*42'47"* ACTUAL CORNER: LEGEND 5' UTILITY AND LOT 1 N: 701610.62 E: 119811.08 1 (317.10' REC.) n ORANGE PLASTIC CAP STAMPED P.E. & L.S. #9489 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 9,780 SQ. FT. 0.2238 ACRES 20' FIRE LANE 8' UTILITY AND FOUND #3 REBAR IN ALLOY DISK STAMPED P.E. & L.S. "P.E. & L.S, 9489 1FT N W/C" 'to 4 HEREBY GRANTED BY 0.2245 ACRES THIS PLAT - TYPICAL FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ZONING: R-2 SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY 3/4" DIAMETER PIPE E: 120082.50 -1- C4 ZONING: R-2 A.M. - AS MEASURED IN FIELD 0, REC. NO, 2016059247 LINE OF WEST 29TH AVENUE (USED FOR LINE & PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE alto to 1.50' HEREBY DEDICATED BY I PART OF THE NW1 /4 16' AND THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, DISTANCE) 1 5; RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THIS PLAT TO THE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION C� - - - - - - - EASEMENT 014 1-- V) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AS PROPERTY CORNER COORDINATES ARE BARTH'S SUBDIVISION 1 0 A=90*00'00 ZONING: R-2 C) N WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM. E- < PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY I I oll A=90100'0 ZONING: R-2 0 R=28.00' R=28.00' t7 L=43.98' 1 REC. NO. 2006060123 CH=39.60' REC. NO. 201 3021 41 8 REC. NO. 2015001125 < PART OF THE NW -1/4 In 4 00' CHB=N44-28'49"E in PART OF THE NW1/4 PART OF THE NW1/4 0 0 0 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, / (y) - - - - - - - - - - -- - J- OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, 04 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION - - - - - 66.00' I BARTH'S SUBDIVISION BARTH'S SUBDIVISION ox 0 ZONING, R-2 ZONING: R -2i ZONING: R-2 N EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY 11.00, it I 1.00'I LINE OF TELLER STREET 103.60' N89'28'49"E 104.00' N89*28'49"E A 108.00' N -89'28'49"E 5-- AND THE WEST LINE OF 30' ACCESS DRIV E 7- 26' FIRE LANE EASEMENT 1 5' �ZZ LOT 1, BLOCK 4, AND UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY 15. 00' I BARTH'S SUBDIVISION HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT 10, CIO THIS PLAT - - - - - - - - - - I - - - -_ -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 7 - - - - - - - _--e T 7 --- ------- U U? V) LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED 10' ACCESS, UTILITY AND to < oo z 0 5; N I BY THIS PLAT (TYPICAL) 5' UTILITY AND i I cD 0 - I 0 ry M I I ff 0 M-j Z) i j € CN TRUE POINT LL- z 0 ; �5 OF BEGINNING C:) Z 1.- a-17 0 N: 701705.49 REC. NO. 87076275 1 tn I 317.10A.M. & REC. 0 'ri , V) (o d ry N 1 < ry LL- E: 119810.43 THE SOUTH 100' OF THE NW1/4 I bo I N89*5318"E A.M. (o C-� ry < 0 M 25 00 70 -3 -4 --Or— OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, 104.00 108.20' 0) 0 0 1.5-0 I BARTH'S SUBDIVISION N: 70170� F- — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — — — — — 8' UTILITY AND l' — - F __,.,,...—_...-----._---..`.._.....—._..—..—.—,...._--_._.1 LOT i—_ — — LINE HEREBY CREATED — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----E. 120127 CN C-4 �o Q0 In0- 1 ry C14 0-) D 00 0 �-- T- 0 ry0 -J �-- N < cr_ ry 0- C) < CD 25.0 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 114, BY THIS PLAT - TYPICAL SET MAGNETIC NAIL WITH ui ry 3: 1.5" DIAMETER ALLOY DISK 1-- V) 0 X STAMPED "P.E. & L.S. 9489 m :DV) 1FT W W/C" WITNESS CORNER 1,00' cr_ 0 WEST OF ACTUAL CORNER ON TOP Lo OF FENCE DUE TO OBSTRUCTION uj ACTUAL CORNER: LEGEND 5' UTILITY AND LOT 1 N: 701610.62 E: 119811.08 LOT 2 9,751 SQ. FT. SET #5 REBAR W/ 1.25" DIA. CN C-4 �o Q0 In0- 1 ry C14 0-) D 00 0 �-- T- 0 ry0 -J �-- N < cr_ ry 0- C) < CD 25.0 - v- 342.59' A.M. (342.10' REC.) 25' I 25 ry o V) ry n 0 uj u') FOUND #4 REBAR WITH NO CAP (USED FOR LINE DISTANCE) DRAINAGE EASEMENT 114, BY THIS PLAT - TYPICAL 0 20' V) ol 10, 20' 40' HERrBY GRANTED BY 0 ry Co m :DV) IN FEET C5 0 z 1 inch = 20 ft. THIS PLAT - TYPICAL N uj LEGEND 5' UTILITY AND LOT 1 LOT 2 9,751 SQ. FT. SET #5 REBAR W/ 1.25" DIA. n ORANGE PLASTIC CAP STAMPED P.E. & L.S. #9489 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 9,780 SQ. FT. 0.2238 ACRES 20' FIRE LANE 8' UTILITY AND PLASTIC CAP STAMPED ALLOY DISK STAMPED P.E. & L.S. "P.E. & L.S, 9489 1FT N W/C" 'to 4 HEREBY GRANTED BY 0.2245 ACRES THIS PLAT - TYPICAL FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ZONING: R-2 EASEMENT HEREBY DRAINAGE EASEMENT GRANTED BY THIS PLAT HEREBY GRANTED BY ACTUAL CORNER: N: 701580.23 E: 120082.50 -1- C4 ZONING: R-2 A.M. - AS MEASURED IN FIELD 0, REC. NO, 2016059247 THIS PLAT PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE alto to 1.50' HEREBY DEDICATED BY I PART OF THE NW1 /4 16' LOT 3 10,053 0Cn N 1 5; RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THIS PLAT TO THE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, SQ. FT. 0.2308 ACRES C� - - - - - - - EASEMENT 014 1-- V) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AS PROPERTY CORNER COORDINATES ARE BARTH'S SUBDIVISION 1 0 A=90*00'00 ZONING: R-2 C) N WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM. E- < PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY I I oll A=90100'0 ZONING: R-2 0 R=28.00' R=28.00' (292 SQ. FT. -0.0067 ACRES) L=43.98' L=43.98' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT CH=39.60' CH=39.60' HEREBY GRANTED BY 1 1 In 4 00' CHB=N44-28'49"E in CHB=S45*31' - THIS PLAT / (y) - - - - - - - - - - -- - J- 78.00' L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - .-L_ - - - - - 66.00' 40.00' I -21� 11.00, it I 1.00'I 103.60' N89'28'49"E 104.00' N89*28'49"E A 108.00' N -89'28'49"E 5-- 30' ACCESS DRIV E 7- 26' FIRE LANE EASEMENT 1 5' �ZZ AND UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY 15. 00' HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT 10, THIS PLAT - - - - - - - - - - I - - - -_ -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 7 - - - - - - - _--e T 7 --- ------- U U? LOT LINE HEREBY CREATED 10' ACCESS, UTILITY AND to < BY THIS PLAT (TYPICAL) 5' UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT Lo DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT TYPICAL C:) 0 Lu REC. NO. 87076275 1 tn 0 'ri , V) (o r- z 00 0'�t Cj to LOT 4 1 10,371 SQ, FT. I THE SOUTH 100' OF THE NW1/4 I bo I (o C-� 4 0 ;N OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, 0) 0 0 0.2381 ACRES I cot) I BARTH'S SUBDIVISION ZONING: R-2 I ZONING: R-2 1-0 1 LOT 6 29.86' 1 1-0 LOT 5 1 9,746 SO. FT. S89*28'49'IW 1 10,400 SQ. FT. I ID 1 0.2237 ACRES 10 0.2388 ACRES I ZONING: R-2 TRACT "A" 10' UTILITY EASEMENT I ZONING: R-2 I STORMWATER HEREBY GRANTED BY 8' UTILITY AND I I 1 uj QUALITY AREA 1,044 SQ. FT. 'o THIS PLAT I DRAINAGE EASEMENT 0.0240 ACRES C� HEREBY GRANTED BY THIS PLAT - TYPICAL L- - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J L-.. - - - --- - - - - - - --- --.50' ".50' 1 103.82' 104.00' 78.00' 29.79' ot - v- 342.59' A.M. (342.10' REC.) 25' I 25 ry o V) ry n 0 uj u') FOUND #4 REBAR WITH NO CAP (USED FOR LINE DISTANCE) FOUND NO. 5 REBAR.317.11' A.M. (317.10 REC-) SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, FOUND NO. 3 REBAR WITH NO CAP (USED FORS89'28'50"W A.M. BARTH'S SUBDIVISION WITH FLAGGING AND LINE AND DISTANCE) REC. NO. 2016016919 WITH NO CAP (USED FOR N: 701510.62 LINE AND DISTANCE) E: 119811.77 THE NORTH 1 /2 OF THE SW1 A N: 701513 50 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION ZONING: R-2 E: 120128. 86 i-jinir- ur AUGUST 21, 2017 REVISED: OCTOBER 18, 2017 NOVEMBER 20, 2017 CASE HISTORY \N heat MS -17-01 (WITHDRAWN) WS -17-02 PLAN VIEW SHEET OF 2 PREPARED BY: CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, SUITE #2, DENVER, COLORADO 80222 PHONE: 303-722-3267 E-MAIL: ch essn oeden ver0corn cost. net TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 C'4 y Z GRAPHIC SCALE (') 0 0 20' V) ol 10, 20' 40' M 0 ry Co m :DV) IN FEET C5 0 z 1 inch = 20 ft. z J V) N uj LEGEND ry < SET #5 REBAR W/ 1.25" DIA. n ORANGE PLASTIC CAP STAMPED P.E. & L.S. #9489 SET #5 REBAR WITH 1.25" DIAMETER ORANGE SET MAG, NAIL W/ 1.5" DIA. PLASTIC CAP STAMPED ALLOY DISK STAMPED P.E. & L.S. "P.E. & L.S, 9489 1FT N W/C" #9489 WITNESS CORNER 1.00' NORTH OF FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ACTUAL CORNER DUE TO OBSTRUCTION FOUND CROSS CUT IN CONC WALK ACTUAL CORNER: N: 701580.23 E: 120082.50 FIELD ANGLE A.M. - AS MEASURED IN FIELD REC, - DEED OR PLAT DISTANCE PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING LOT LINE PROPOSED LOT LINE U 0 - - CITY BOUNDARY 0Cn N 1 5; RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 0M - I �0 SECTION LINE Y-- lir-: Co 0 D6 - - - - - - - - - - EASEMENT 014 1-- V) 0 z NOTE: 0 2 PROPERTY CORNER COORDINATES ARE L'- m o MODIFIED STATE PLANE COORIDNATES CONSISTENT C) N WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM. E- < LLJ ry ry Co CL FOUND NO. 5 REBAR.317.11' A.M. (317.10 REC-) SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, FOUND NO. 3 REBAR WITH NO CAP (USED FORS89'28'50"W A.M. BARTH'S SUBDIVISION WITH FLAGGING AND LINE AND DISTANCE) REC. NO. 2016016919 WITH NO CAP (USED FOR N: 701510.62 LINE AND DISTANCE) E: 119811.77 THE NORTH 1 /2 OF THE SW1 A N: 701513 50 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION ZONING: R-2 E: 120128. 86 i-jinir- ur AUGUST 21, 2017 REVISED: OCTOBER 18, 2017 NOVEMBER 20, 2017 CASE HISTORY \N heat MS -17-01 (WITHDRAWN) WS -17-02 PLAN VIEW SHEET OF 2 PREPARED BY: CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, SUITE #2, DENVER, COLORADO 80222 PHONE: 303-722-3267 E-MAIL: ch essn oeden ver0corn cost. net TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 NORTH PROPERTY LINE MATCH EXISTING GRADE 4:1 MAX. SLOPES PROPOSED GRADE 8.0' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 5.0' CENTERLINE OF 6' WIDE SWALE FINISHED FLOOR TOP OF FOUNDATION BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL EXISTING GROUND 0.6 ' TO WATER SU FACE SECTION A -A NO SCALE 5461 / V 5g62 / / I i [l1.L1NI1[=,Ie1► PARCEL LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. #2880 TELLER STREET FINISHED8.0' DRAINAGE AND FLOOR UTILITY EASEMENT TOP OF 5.0' FOUNDATION BUILDING 4MAX.) FOUNDATION I EAST PROPERTY WALL 1 LINE PROPOSED GRADE 4:1 MAX. _ 01 ES EXISTING z -MATCH GROUND I EXISTING GRADE 0.63' TO WATER SURFACE SECTION IB -B NO SCALE 2.0' MIN. WATER QUALITY WATER SURFACE 4:1 MAX. ELEV.=5449.53 SLOPES SOUTH PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED 8" WIDE CONCRETE GRADE WALL W/ ORIFICE PLATE AND OVERFLOW WEIR MATCH EXISTING EXISTING GRADE GROUND SEC -PION -D-0 NO SCALE EAST PROPERTY LINE WATER QUALITY 4:1 MAX. WATER SURFACE SLOPES ELEV.=5449.53 PROPOSED GRADE MATCH EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GROUND SECTION E -E NO SCALE FINISHED8.0' DRAINAGE AND FLOOR UTILITY EASEMENT 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 5.0' TOP OF 33RD AVE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS LATEST ADDITION. PROJECT BENCHMARK FOUNDATION 33RD AVE TRANSI ELEVATION 5460.24 2. PROVIDE 4:1 MAXIMUM SLOPES IN ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS. ASP PAVIN 460 0 SOUTH PROPERTY 5:1 I LINE PROPOSED 4 MAXf PROPOSED 54�6.93 GRADE L -EOM i 5459.36 GRADE IN / EX '1 2.0' MIN. WATER QUALITY WATER SURFACE 4:1 MAX. ELEV.=5449.53 SLOPES SOUTH PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED 8" WIDE CONCRETE GRADE WALL W/ ORIFICE PLATE AND OVERFLOW WEIR MATCH EXISTING EXISTING GRADE GROUND SEC -PION -D-0 NO SCALE EAST PROPERTY LINE WATER QUALITY 4:1 MAX. WATER SURFACE SLOPES ELEV.=5449.53 PROPOSED GRADE MATCH EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GROUND SECTION E -E NO SCALE FINISHED8.0' DRAINAGE AND FLOOR UTILITY EASEMENT 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 5.0' TOP OF 33RD AVE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS LATEST ADDITION. Lu FOUNDATION 33RD AVE �V E BUILDING 2. PROVIDE 4:1 MAXIMUM SLOPES IN ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS. ASPHALT PAVEMENT FOUNDATION FINISHED SOUTH PROPERTY WALL I LINE PROPOSED 4 MAXf PROPOSED GRADE 32ND i GEOTECH) GRADE TOP OF QUALITY POND" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER, 4:1 MAX. SLOPES AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT ATCH 31 ST AVE EXISTING U OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH GRADE EI TIN EXISTINGJ 0.46' TO G 0 N GROUND WATER }Q -- SURFACE SECTION C NO SCALE -C 2.0' MIN. WATER QUALITY WATER SURFACE 4:1 MAX. ELEV.=5449.53 SLOPES SOUTH PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED 8" WIDE CONCRETE GRADE WALL W/ ORIFICE PLATE AND OVERFLOW WEIR MATCH EXISTING EXISTING GRADE GROUND SEC -PION -D-0 NO SCALE EAST PROPERTY LINE WATER QUALITY 4:1 MAX. WATER SURFACE SLOPES ELEV.=5449.53 PROPOSED GRADE MATCH EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GROUND SECTION E -E NO SCALE r moi" h OF ASPHALT I OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE / DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF v/ J I // I OOOU ASPEDGE HALT I PUBLIC WORKS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PROPER ROW CONSTRUCTION 5 REBAR PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS \ - J ITH 1.25" DIAMETER I I (303-235-2861) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES i� X317.10' A.M. & REC. �� /� CENTERLINE YELLOW PLASTIC CAP SECTION F -F WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. S89"28'50"W A.M. 5456 -� of SW500' STAMPED PE&54 9}8� NO SCALE rl 5450.26 �, 6� 5458.32 5457.99 5458 54 60.00 545. i / ¢,p I 5460 57.36 5460.05 J 2 7%5'461 00° GARAGE / 460.22 TF=5461.60 5' UTILITY AND 14.0' AINAGE EASEMEzo NT 5461 � o .1 5459.74 W (EOA) 3.5% 5460.52 CC 5459.7 10 5460.2 5461.00 a /5460.50 ~ 0' UTILI 5460.50. ! 5461.00 (� C) ��0 N Of EASEMEN 5461.00 - l 5 Of O 5459.401 + J (EOM) / FF=5461.78 / �l 5460.30 TF=5461.60 54 .00 / 5459.18 FG=5461.00 5457 (EOA) . 5. v T 1 a .o0 5 25 5451.00 2874 TOELLER ST i 5458.6 P) 458.75 EXISTING EDb455 F/4 - - - ASPH(1101 ��hc' 5461 5 .00 \ � 54 5459 /5458. 458.47 54 li / 5458.0 5457.84 5455 AI 4' A 'r� 5458. 8 yg5a PRIVATE ASPHALT DRIVE PAVING L 1 30.0' Ld \ S / 545735 10.0. / / Q 154(0 )7. 457.64 5457.34 MIN 10.0, 597-e6'545E / II dy J 545E J IN y 545 . O) / 5 5457 5 / v \ 457.23 / 457.50 / \ (EOA) CJ 5456.87 '¢�1k ACS 5457 15w 5457.22 5457.50 LOT 4 E SEMENT ND I N (E(8)2822 TELLER ST U LITY & RAIN Q O d E SEMENT & 3C ' O 5458.56 FF=5458.28 ATER A D SAS I C0 Z TF=5458.10 ASEMEN REC Q 5457.11 5457.50 FG=5457.50 (ASPHAL PAVEI 0) 5456.47 / 456.785, 7.50 bh^_ J yNy6 -\ 5457.1 5457. 5455 9 456.90 5457.50 1 56.37 \ 54 5455.96 W. 28TH AVE. a• 57.50 50' ROW \ / 5456:15 � kyr y n f - 5455. 7 455:9 4.0 ' rn GARAGE T 69 TF=5458.10 5456.10 \ SAWCUT EXI1 10.0'. 456.10 5 W t -V- W ^ psp{q 4' 454.55 5455. / / \ 5 54 > -545 5455.20 545 s4, / 54 FOUND NO. 5 REBAR WITH NO CAP (USED FOR,- 0 OR o I LINE AND DISTANCE) 5455 + TRANSITION / Z /^ CC), ASPHALT PAVING -5454 545*.4 / ,(lfOA) Q / 5453.13 J. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR 545/9.02 EX E ` - 545&..02 5454.14 EX WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL 545 .2 5456.56/ 5455.60 X MILLING/ OVERLAY & DRAINAG5452.84APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW 54575454.17 5454 _ 5453.42 _ _ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF 5¢6.77 5455.31 ' 545470 454 PUBLIC WORKS, 303-235-2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK). 5456.2 ` 6.80 h 454.70 5453.84 5' UTILI ND 456.10 � 5' UTILITY AND �1 5454 5 5455.00 5457.50 DRAINAGE EASEMEN 6. BENCHMARK: TOP OF 3 1.4" BRASS CAP BEING THE CENTER 1/4 OF SEC. DRAINAGE ASEMENT 5 58.00 6 5456.00 456. v ° 5 58.00 UTILITY AND 545250 26, T3S, R69W AT THE INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND RAI GE EASEMENT r - - - h WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. 20' R E 54 / ELEVATION = 5491.46 NAVD 1988 DATUM E EMENT, 5 � � U ( ) RASS- RETE Q Ld > PAVER OR 5455.50 7. PROJECT BENCHMARK (PBM): TOP OF A MAGNETIC NAIL & 1.5" DIAMETER 5458.00 �� EQ V 5455.20 (D L ALLOY DISK STAMPED P.E. & L.S. 9489 AT THE NORTHWEST PROPERTY LOT 2 5457.00 5456.50 5456.50 45 .40 w �� CORNER, ELEVATION = 5460.24 (NGVD 1988 DATUM). 2860 TELLER ST 545 .50 W NI 5 55.30 FF=5457.28 \ FF=5458.78 TF=5457.10 8. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: DRAINAGE CONVEYANCES AND WATER QUALITY TI _5458 GARAGE FG=5456.50 w FACILITY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) FEET FROM THE FG=5458.00 TF=5457.60 45 85 545 .45 GARAGE LOT 3 B SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE. 5457.00 TF=5457.10 5457.50 2 RA 2858 TELLE Z .-. 85458 00 TS 5457.50 545 .65 B \ 5455.50 ST CNj 9. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE EAST LINE OF TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 1 �r 5457.50 °28' R a1 Z �� BEING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOO'23'55"E BETWEEN TWO MONUMENTS 457.36) x 5455.81 -5456 50 _ w Q 192.61 FEET APART, ONE BEING A N0. 5 REBARS WITH CAPS STAMPED P.E. & 5457.75' 5458 0'a M 5456 5 .50 II 5456.50 5456.50 4 6. 0 Q D_ w W L.S. N0. 9489 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3 OF SAID SUBDIVISION F wl •°' m 1 AND THE OTHER BEING A NO. 3 REBAR WITH FLAGGING AND NO CAP AT THE 5^y SOUTTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 'A' OF SAID SUBDIVISION. 5456.43 5456.29 5456.1.7 5455,82j- 455 5455.77 45 56 CC• � to O i 5457.09 6 00 0) N N FL FLOW LINE PROPERTY LINE 5457.0 45687 5456.70 y6 5455.42 CL 5455.26 L c4 " (n 545 - C a ya a 5451 ; �• o m EOA - EDGE OF ASPHALT LOT LINE 57.12 5 \\ 1.0% 1:0% 1 �, cn Q PL - PROPERTY LINE -OH ---DH -DH -OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE s.10 ass w v SS $- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER C FF FINISHED FLOOR 5455.35 5456.32 5455.40 N ST STORM SEWER 5456.35 5 55.77 5455.18 ¢ BOWS BACK OF WALK 5456,12 545557 � 0 W WATER LINE POWER POLE s s .s GAS LINE / /// 5455 3 O Z EM ELECTRIC METER GAS F ✓ 5457.00 / a��. 5 7.p IT �/ -� a < 5448 -- EXISTING CONTOURS - MINOR ja 4s 1 i.: °� WATER METER 5457.00 T5=5457.00 5¢54.30 .y "'" �s EXISTING CONTOURS - MAJOR RI 5457.00 - 5457.00 5456.00 `5456.00 4 s. o w GRAPHIC�SCALE D4 WATER VALVE -EXCLU IVE o 5` PROPOSED CONTOURS - MINOR GARAGE TS=5456.00 5455.00 F I o -z°' o• ,o• z°' a°' FIRE HYDRANT CLUSI / TF=5457.60 4:1 oo Of k 5451 PROPOSED CONTOURS - MAJOR WEU ✓ o FF=5456.78 GARAGE A �; I 0 a 9e" EXIST. SPOT ELEVATION 001271 TF=5456.60 TF=5456.60 N 5457.00 iri 5456.00 w Q FF=5457.78 - FG=5456.00 v ( IN FEET ) XX 5458.141f PROP. SPOT ELEVATION TF=5457.60 5457.00 LOT 1 1 inch = 20 f . 5457.00 FG=5457.00 5456.00 5 5 0 LOT 5 2846 TELL R ST yA WATER QUALITY P ND °t W hearR 1 WATER URFA E J �Q 2834 TELLER 45, 5A53 452 O 0 I TO OF BER / /// / C) /�// CD ST 5 EL 5450. O / nnnnn�n C AK117ADV crIAIUD WITU 5457.00 qg1 54 I PROVIDE WAT UALITY C C iv '� 1 ORIFICEPLATE 57. 5457.00 4 54 O J ?' F ACT A 1 10' LO G X 0.5' IGH _ 5456 ` 45 .25 3 5454.50 TA IN DETAIL AR WEIR, EE /� // PREPARED BY: CALL UNCC POND 1 / CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES RSg ya 390 C.F.) E _ J / 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, TWO WORKING DAYS >.. 5453 X rn E "M" SOIL /d 5450.5 - SUITE #2, BEFORE YOU DIG 51.63 5452 / v RIP AP d50=T2" 545 / 1 "THICK DENVER, COLORADO 80222 0 800-922-1987 sa 545 D 5450.500 TBC PHONE: 303-722-3267 ®.. �► % > > ^��-- - E-MAIL: CFI E:SSf10E', CJ E:fI VE:f©COIIICOSt. f1 E:t '''"UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO 8' U11LI & DRAIN GE EASEMENT 5457 C EX 5449.0 544s.� FOUND N0. 3 REBAR REVISION TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 1 �/ 5450.50 TC 944950 BW WITH FLAGGING N0. DATE NAME GRADING PLAN / 317.11 A.M. (317.10 REC.) TOP OF RM 9490 n BW E 50.50 WITHSNO C (USED FOR 4 11-4-19 RDT 2850-2880 TELLER STREET, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO S89"28'50"W A.M. / / LINE ND DISTANCE) 5 1-31-20 RDT 6 1 -05-2 RDT 545 h 5� 54A� 7 1 -1 1-2 RDT DATE: 8/21/17 SCALE: NONE DWG BY RDT r / CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES TELE: (303) 722-3267 CONTACT: MIKE CHESSNOE 8 1 1 - 1 7-2C RDT 9 12-22-2C RDT 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, SUITE 2, DENVER, COLORADO 80222 SHEET 1 OF 1 VICINITY MAP J NOTES: SCALE NTS 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 33RD AVE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS LATEST ADDITION. Lu z 33RD AVE �V E DRIVE AND UTILITY 2. PROVIDE 4:1 MAXIMUM SLOPES IN ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS. ASPHALT PAVEMENT EASEMENT FINISHED (THICKNESS TO FLooR 3. THE STORMWATER QUALITY AREA HEREIN SHOWN AS "TRACT 'A' WATER BE DETERMINED BY PROPOSED 32ND AVE GEOTECH) GRADE TOP OF QUALITY POND" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER, FOUNDATION AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT 31 ST AVE U OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH _ FOUNDATION AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, EXISTINGJ Z _ Cn Z GROUND I NORTH EDGE }Q -- STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES ) > I I 29TH AVE Q 28TH' A Now 0 ■ z SITE. ; D Co ` - 25TH'AVE _j c `--/F_l w oo Ug 25TI 23RD PL C I 24TF 23RD AVE � 77t un1 r moi" h OF ASPHALT I OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE / DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF v/ J I // I OOOU ASPEDGE HALT I PUBLIC WORKS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PROPER ROW CONSTRUCTION 5 REBAR PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS \ - J ITH 1.25" DIAMETER I I (303-235-2861) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES i� X317.10' A.M. & REC. �� /� CENTERLINE YELLOW PLASTIC CAP SECTION F -F WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. S89"28'50"W A.M. 5456 -� of SW500' STAMPED PE&54 9}8� NO SCALE rl 5450.26 �, 6� 5458.32 5457.99 5458 54 60.00 545. i / ¢,p I 5460 57.36 5460.05 J 2 7%5'461 00° GARAGE / 460.22 TF=5461.60 5' UTILITY AND 14.0' AINAGE EASEMEzo NT 5461 � o .1 5459.74 W (EOA) 3.5% 5460.52 CC 5459.7 10 5460.2 5461.00 a /5460.50 ~ 0' UTILI 5460.50. ! 5461.00 (� C) ��0 N Of EASEMEN 5461.00 - l 5 Of O 5459.401 + J (EOM) / FF=5461.78 / �l 5460.30 TF=5461.60 54 .00 / 5459.18 FG=5461.00 5457 (EOA) . 5. v T 1 a .o0 5 25 5451.00 2874 TOELLER ST i 5458.6 P) 458.75 EXISTING EDb455 F/4 - - - ASPH(1101 ��hc' 5461 5 .00 \ � 54 5459 /5458. 458.47 54 li / 5458.0 5457.84 5455 AI 4' A 'r� 5458. 8 yg5a PRIVATE ASPHALT DRIVE PAVING L 1 30.0' Ld \ S / 545735 10.0. / / Q 154(0 )7. 457.64 5457.34 MIN 10.0, 597-e6'545E / II dy J 545E J IN y 545 . O) / 5 5457 5 / v \ 457.23 / 457.50 / \ (EOA) CJ 5456.87 '¢�1k ACS 5457 15w 5457.22 5457.50 LOT 4 E SEMENT ND I N (E(8)2822 TELLER ST U LITY & RAIN Q O d E SEMENT & 3C ' O 5458.56 FF=5458.28 ATER A D SAS I C0 Z TF=5458.10 ASEMEN REC Q 5457.11 5457.50 FG=5457.50 (ASPHAL PAVEI 0) 5456.47 / 456.785, 7.50 bh^_ J yNy6 -\ 5457.1 5457. 5455 9 456.90 5457.50 1 56.37 \ 54 5455.96 W. 28TH AVE. a• 57.50 50' ROW \ / 5456:15 � kyr y n f - 5455. 7 455:9 4.0 ' rn GARAGE T 69 TF=5458.10 5456.10 \ SAWCUT EXI1 10.0'. 456.10 5 W t -V- W ^ psp{q 4' 454.55 5455. / / \ 5 54 > -545 5455.20 545 s4, / 54 FOUND NO. 5 REBAR WITH NO CAP (USED FOR,- 0 OR o I LINE AND DISTANCE) 5455 + TRANSITION / Z /^ CC), ASPHALT PAVING -5454 545*.4 / ,(lfOA) Q / 5453.13 J. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR 545/9.02 EX E ` - 545&..02 5454.14 EX WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL 545 .2 5456.56/ 5455.60 X MILLING/ OVERLAY & DRAINAG5452.84APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW 54575454.17 5454 _ 5453.42 _ _ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF 5¢6.77 5455.31 ' 545470 454 PUBLIC WORKS, 303-235-2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK). 5456.2 ` 6.80 h 454.70 5453.84 5' UTILI ND 456.10 � 5' UTILITY AND �1 5454 5 5455.00 5457.50 DRAINAGE EASEMEN 6. BENCHMARK: TOP OF 3 1.4" BRASS CAP BEING THE CENTER 1/4 OF SEC. DRAINAGE ASEMENT 5 58.00 6 5456.00 456. v ° 5 58.00 UTILITY AND 545250 26, T3S, R69W AT THE INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND RAI GE EASEMENT r - - - h WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. 20' R E 54 / ELEVATION = 5491.46 NAVD 1988 DATUM E EMENT, 5 � � U ( ) RASS- RETE Q Ld > PAVER OR 5455.50 7. PROJECT BENCHMARK (PBM): TOP OF A MAGNETIC NAIL & 1.5" DIAMETER 5458.00 �� EQ V 5455.20 (D L ALLOY DISK STAMPED P.E. & L.S. 9489 AT THE NORTHWEST PROPERTY LOT 2 5457.00 5456.50 5456.50 45 .40 w �� CORNER, ELEVATION = 5460.24 (NGVD 1988 DATUM). 2860 TELLER ST 545 .50 W NI 5 55.30 FF=5457.28 \ FF=5458.78 TF=5457.10 8. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: DRAINAGE CONVEYANCES AND WATER QUALITY TI _5458 GARAGE FG=5456.50 w FACILITY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) FEET FROM THE FG=5458.00 TF=5457.60 45 85 545 .45 GARAGE LOT 3 B SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE. 5457.00 TF=5457.10 5457.50 2 RA 2858 TELLE Z .-. 85458 00 TS 5457.50 545 .65 B \ 5455.50 ST CNj 9. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE EAST LINE OF TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 1 �r 5457.50 °28' R a1 Z �� BEING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOO'23'55"E BETWEEN TWO MONUMENTS 457.36) x 5455.81 -5456 50 _ w Q 192.61 FEET APART, ONE BEING A N0. 5 REBARS WITH CAPS STAMPED P.E. & 5457.75' 5458 0'a M 5456 5 .50 II 5456.50 5456.50 4 6. 0 Q D_ w W L.S. N0. 9489 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3 OF SAID SUBDIVISION F wl •°' m 1 AND THE OTHER BEING A NO. 3 REBAR WITH FLAGGING AND NO CAP AT THE 5^y SOUTTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 'A' OF SAID SUBDIVISION. 5456.43 5456.29 5456.1.7 5455,82j- 455 5455.77 45 56 CC• � to O i 5457.09 6 00 0) N N FL FLOW LINE PROPERTY LINE 5457.0 45687 5456.70 y6 5455.42 CL 5455.26 L c4 " (n 545 - C a ya a 5451 ; �• o m EOA - EDGE OF ASPHALT LOT LINE 57.12 5 \\ 1.0% 1:0% 1 �, cn Q PL - PROPERTY LINE -OH ---DH -DH -OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE s.10 ass w v SS $- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER C FF FINISHED FLOOR 5455.35 5456.32 5455.40 N ST STORM SEWER 5456.35 5 55.77 5455.18 ¢ BOWS BACK OF WALK 5456,12 545557 � 0 W WATER LINE POWER POLE s s .s GAS LINE / /// 5455 3 O Z EM ELECTRIC METER GAS F ✓ 5457.00 / a��. 5 7.p IT �/ -� a < 5448 -- EXISTING CONTOURS - MINOR ja 4s 1 i.: °� WATER METER 5457.00 T5=5457.00 5¢54.30 .y "'" �s EXISTING CONTOURS - MAJOR RI 5457.00 - 5457.00 5456.00 `5456.00 4 s. o w GRAPHIC�SCALE D4 WATER VALVE -EXCLU IVE o 5` PROPOSED CONTOURS - MINOR GARAGE TS=5456.00 5455.00 F I o -z°' o• ,o• z°' a°' FIRE HYDRANT CLUSI / TF=5457.60 4:1 oo Of k 5451 PROPOSED CONTOURS - MAJOR WEU ✓ o FF=5456.78 GARAGE A �; I 0 a 9e" EXIST. SPOT ELEVATION 001271 TF=5456.60 TF=5456.60 N 5457.00 iri 5456.00 w Q FF=5457.78 - FG=5456.00 v ( IN FEET ) XX 5458.141f PROP. SPOT ELEVATION TF=5457.60 5457.00 LOT 1 1 inch = 20 f . 5457.00 FG=5457.00 5456.00 5 5 0 LOT 5 2846 TELL R ST yA WATER QUALITY P ND °t W hearR 1 WATER URFA E J �Q 2834 TELLER 45, 5A53 452 O 0 I TO OF BER / /// / C) /�// CD ST 5 EL 5450. O / nnnnn�n C AK117ADV crIAIUD WITU 5457.00 qg1 54 I PROVIDE WAT UALITY C C iv '� 1 ORIFICEPLATE 57. 5457.00 4 54 O J ?' F ACT A 1 10' LO G X 0.5' IGH _ 5456 ` 45 .25 3 5454.50 TA IN DETAIL AR WEIR, EE /� // PREPARED BY: CALL UNCC POND 1 / CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES RSg ya 390 C.F.) E _ J / 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, TWO WORKING DAYS >.. 5453 X rn E "M" SOIL /d 5450.5 - SUITE #2, BEFORE YOU DIG 51.63 5452 / v RIP AP d50=T2" 545 / 1 "THICK DENVER, COLORADO 80222 0 800-922-1987 sa 545 D 5450.500 TBC PHONE: 303-722-3267 ®.. �► % > > ^��-- - E-MAIL: CFI E:SSf10E', CJ E:fI VE:f©COIIICOSt. f1 E:t '''"UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO 8' U11LI & DRAIN GE EASEMENT 5457 C EX 5449.0 544s.� FOUND N0. 3 REBAR REVISION TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 1 �/ 5450.50 TC 944950 BW WITH FLAGGING N0. DATE NAME GRADING PLAN / 317.11 A.M. (317.10 REC.) TOP OF RM 9490 n BW E 50.50 WITHSNO C (USED FOR 4 11-4-19 RDT 2850-2880 TELLER STREET, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO S89"28'50"W A.M. / / LINE ND DISTANCE) 5 1-31-20 RDT 6 1 -05-2 RDT 545 h 5� 54A� 7 1 -1 1-2 RDT DATE: 8/21/17 SCALE: NONE DWG BY RDT r / CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES TELE: (303) 722-3267 CONTACT: MIKE CHESSNOE 8 1 1 - 1 7-2C RDT 9 12-22-2C RDT 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, SUITE 2, DENVER, COLORADO 80222 SHEET 1 OF 1 VICINITY MAP NOTES: SCALE NTS 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS LATEST ADDITION. 30' PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE AND UTILITY 2. PROVIDE 4:1 MAXIMUM SLOPES IN ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS. ASPHALT PAVEMENT EASEMENT FINISHED (THICKNESS TO FLooR 3. THE STORMWATER QUALITY AREA HEREIN SHOWN AS "TRACT 'A' WATER BE DETERMINED BY PROPOSED GEOTECH) GRADE TOP OF QUALITY POND" SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER, FOUNDATION AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID BUILDING OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH _ FOUNDATION AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, EXISTINGJ Z _ WALL HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR GROUND I NORTH EDGE -- STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES r moi" h OF ASPHALT I OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE / DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF v/ J I // I OOOU ASPEDGE HALT I PUBLIC WORKS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PROPER ROW CONSTRUCTION 5 REBAR PERMITS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS \ - J ITH 1.25" DIAMETER I I (303-235-2861) PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES i� X317.10' A.M. & REC. �� /� CENTERLINE YELLOW PLASTIC CAP SECTION F -F WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. S89"28'50"W A.M. 5456 -� of SW500' STAMPED PE&54 9}8� NO SCALE rl 5450.26 �, 6� 5458.32 5457.99 5458 54 60.00 545. i / ¢,p I 5460 57.36 5460.05 J 2 7%5'461 00° GARAGE / 460.22 TF=5461.60 5' UTILITY AND 14.0' AINAGE EASEMEzo NT 5461 � o .1 5459.74 W (EOA) 3.5% 5460.52 CC 5459.7 10 5460.2 5461.00 a /5460.50 ~ 0' UTILI 5460.50. ! 5461.00 (� C) ��0 N Of EASEMEN 5461.00 - l 5 Of O 5459.401 + J (EOM) / FF=5461.78 / �l 5460.30 TF=5461.60 54 .00 / 5459.18 FG=5461.00 5457 (EOA) . 5. v T 1 a .o0 5 25 5451.00 2874 TOELLER ST i 5458.6 P) 458.75 EXISTING EDb455 F/4 - - - ASPH(1101 ��hc' 5461 5 .00 \ � 54 5459 /5458. 458.47 54 li / 5458.0 5457.84 5455 AI 4' A 'r� 5458. 8 yg5a PRIVATE ASPHALT DRIVE PAVING L 1 30.0' Ld \ S / 545735 10.0. / / Q 154(0 )7. 457.64 5457.34 MIN 10.0, 597-e6'545E / II dy J 545E J IN y 545 . O) / 5 5457 5 / v \ 457.23 / 457.50 / \ (EOA) CJ 5456.87 '¢�1k ACS 5457 15w 5457.22 5457.50 LOT 4 E SEMENT ND I N (E(8)2822 TELLER ST U LITY & RAIN Q O d E SEMENT & 3C ' O 5458.56 FF=5458.28 ATER A D SAS I C0 Z TF=5458.10 ASEMEN REC Q 5457.11 5457.50 FG=5457.50 (ASPHAL PAVEI 0) 5456.47 / 456.785, 7.50 bh^_ J yNy6 -\ 5457.1 5457. 5455 9 456.90 5457.50 1 56.37 \ 54 5455.96 W. 28TH AVE. a• 57.50 50' ROW \ / 5456:15 � kyr y n f - 5455. 7 455:9 4.0 ' rn GARAGE T 69 TF=5458.10 5456.10 \ SAWCUT EXI1 10.0'. 456.10 5 W t -V- W ^ psp{q 4' 454.55 5455. / / \ 5 54 > -545 5455.20 545 s4, / 54 FOUND NO. 5 REBAR WITH NO CAP (USED FOR,- 0 OR o I LINE AND DISTANCE) 5455 + TRANSITION / Z /^ CC), ASPHALT PAVING -5454 545*.4 / ,(lfOA) Q / 5453.13 J. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: IF MORE THAN THREE (3) STREET CUTS OCCUR 545/9.02 EX E ` - 545&..02 5454.14 EX WITHIN 250 LINEAR FEET, ADDITIONAL MILLING OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS WILL 545 .2 5456.56/ 5455.60 X MILLING/ OVERLAY & DRAINAG5452.84APPLY. REFER TO THE TERMS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ROW 54575454.17 5454 _ 5453.42 _ _ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (THAT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF 5¢6.77 5455.31 ' 545470 454 PUBLIC WORKS, 303-235-2861, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK). 5456.2 ` 6.80 h 454.70 5453.84 5' UTILI ND 456.10 � 5' UTILITY AND �1 5454 5 5455.00 5457.50 DRAINAGE EASEMEN 6. BENCHMARK: TOP OF 3 1.4" BRASS CAP BEING THE CENTER 1/4 OF SEC. DRAINAGE ASEMENT 5 58.00 6 5456.00 456. v ° 5 58.00 UTILITY AND 545250 26, T3S, R69W AT THE INTERSECTION OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND RAI GE EASEMENT r - - - h WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. 20' R E 54 / ELEVATION = 5491.46 NAVD 1988 DATUM E EMENT, 5 � � U ( ) RASS- RETE Q Ld > PAVER OR 5455.50 7. PROJECT BENCHMARK (PBM): TOP OF A MAGNETIC NAIL & 1.5" DIAMETER 5458.00 �� EQ V 5455.20 (D L ALLOY DISK STAMPED P.E. & L.S. 9489 AT THE NORTHWEST PROPERTY LOT 2 5457.00 5456.50 5456.50 45 .40 w �� CORNER, ELEVATION = 5460.24 (NGVD 1988 DATUM). 2860 TELLER ST 545 .50 W NI 5 55.30 FF=5457.28 \ FF=5458.78 TF=5457.10 8. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: DRAINAGE CONVEYANCES AND WATER QUALITY TI _5458 GARAGE FG=5456.50 w FACILITY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) FEET FROM THE FG=5458.00 TF=5457.60 45 85 545 .45 GARAGE LOT 3 B SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE. 5457.00 TF=5457.10 5457.50 2 RA 2858 TELLE Z .-. 85458 00 TS 5457.50 545 .65 B \ 5455.50 ST CNj 9. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE EAST LINE OF TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 1 �r 5457.50 °28' R a1 Z �� BEING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOO'23'55"E BETWEEN TWO MONUMENTS 457.36) x 5455.81 -5456 50 _ w Q 192.61 FEET APART, ONE BEING A N0. 5 REBARS WITH CAPS STAMPED P.E. & 5457.75' 5458 0'a M 5456 5 .50 II 5456.50 5456.50 4 6. 0 Q D_ w W L.S. N0. 9489 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3 OF SAID SUBDIVISION F wl •°' m 1 AND THE OTHER BEING A NO. 3 REBAR WITH FLAGGING AND NO CAP AT THE 5^y SOUTTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 'A' OF SAID SUBDIVISION. 5456.43 5456.29 5456.1.7 5455,82j- 455 5455.77 45 56 CC• � to O i 5457.09 6 00 0) N N FL FLOW LINE PROPERTY LINE 5457.0 45687 5456.70 y6 5455.42 CL 5455.26 L c4 " (n 545 - C a ya a 5451 ; �• o m EOA - EDGE OF ASPHALT LOT LINE 57.12 5 \\ 1.0% 1:0% 1 �, cn Q PL - PROPERTY LINE -OH ---DH -DH -OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE s.10 ass w v SS $- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER C FF FINISHED FLOOR 5455.35 5456.32 5455.40 N ST STORM SEWER 5456.35 5 55.77 5455.18 ¢ BOWS BACK OF WALK 5456,12 545557 � 0 W WATER LINE POWER POLE s s .s GAS LINE / /// 5455 3 O Z EM ELECTRIC METER GAS F ✓ 5457.00 / a��. 5 7.p IT �/ -� a < 5448 -- EXISTING CONTOURS - MINOR ja 4s 1 i.: °� WATER METER 5457.00 T5=5457.00 5¢54.30 .y "'" �s EXISTING CONTOURS - MAJOR RI 5457.00 - 5457.00 5456.00 `5456.00 4 s. o w GRAPHIC�SCALE D4 WATER VALVE -EXCLU IVE o 5` PROPOSED CONTOURS - MINOR GARAGE TS=5456.00 5455.00 F I o -z°' o• ,o• z°' a°' FIRE HYDRANT CLUSI / TF=5457.60 4:1 oo Of k 5451 PROPOSED CONTOURS - MAJOR WEU ✓ o FF=5456.78 GARAGE A �; I 0 a 9e" EXIST. SPOT ELEVATION 001271 TF=5456.60 TF=5456.60 N 5457.00 iri 5456.00 w Q FF=5457.78 - FG=5456.00 v ( IN FEET ) XX 5458.141f PROP. SPOT ELEVATION TF=5457.60 5457.00 LOT 1 1 inch = 20 f . 5457.00 FG=5457.00 5456.00 5 5 0 LOT 5 2846 TELL R ST yA WATER QUALITY P ND °t W hearR 1 WATER URFA E J �Q 2834 TELLER 45, 5A53 452 O 0 I TO OF BER / /// / C) /�// CD ST 5 EL 5450. O / nnnnn�n C AK117ADV crIAIUD WITU 5457.00 qg1 54 I PROVIDE WAT UALITY C C iv '� 1 ORIFICEPLATE 57. 5457.00 4 54 O J ?' F ACT A 1 10' LO G X 0.5' IGH _ 5456 ` 45 .25 3 5454.50 TA IN DETAIL AR WEIR, EE /� // PREPARED BY: CALL UNCC POND 1 / CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES RSg ya 390 C.F.) E _ J / 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, TWO WORKING DAYS >.. 5453 X rn E "M" SOIL /d 5450.5 - SUITE #2, BEFORE YOU DIG 51.63 5452 / v RIP AP d50=T2" 545 / 1 "THICK DENVER, COLORADO 80222 0 800-922-1987 sa 545 D 5450.500 TBC PHONE: 303-722-3267 ®.. �► % > > ^��-- - E-MAIL: CFI E:SSf10E', CJ E:fI VE:f©COIIICOSt. f1 E:t '''"UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO 8' U11LI & DRAIN GE EASEMENT 5457 C EX 5449.0 544s.� FOUND N0. 3 REBAR REVISION TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 1 �/ 5450.50 TC 944950 BW WITH FLAGGING N0. DATE NAME GRADING PLAN / 317.11 A.M. (317.10 REC.) TOP OF RM 9490 n BW E 50.50 WITHSNO C (USED FOR 4 11-4-19 RDT 2850-2880 TELLER STREET, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO S89"28'50"W A.M. / / LINE ND DISTANCE) 5 1-31-20 RDT 6 1 -05-2 RDT 545 h 5� 54A� 7 1 -1 1-2 RDT DATE: 8/21/17 SCALE: NONE DWG BY RDT r / CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES TELE: (303) 722-3267 CONTACT: MIKE CHESSNOE 8 1 1 - 1 7-2C RDT 9 12-22-2C RDT 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, SUITE 2, DENVER, COLORADO 80222 SHEET 1 OF 1 LF #5'S TOP (2) #4'S ABOVE (2) #5'S TOP AND 5'S TOP WINDOW OPENING ~ AN # MIN 6"GIN 5' �OTTOM N BOTTOM OF WALL AND BOTTOM - SLOMIN GRADE MIN fi" IN 5' x -III, < 8" WALL "YP #4 HORIZONTAL 2Y4"CL OF VESTS @ 12" O.C. z MAIN FLOOR CRAWL SPACE BEAM PERTPLANSYSTEM PER PLAN WINO PENING a #4 DOWEL @AX S E 0" MIN TY 18" ON CENTERNBASEMENT - r� 4" CONCRETEST PER 5' -0"X6' - CONTINUOUS ' -0"X fi'- " TIN #45 SLAB PLAN r CONTINUOUS #@4 12"OCAL 1y"COVERERTIo _ _ = 1 1III I1111111i, --1ll jjj-11 .a (I#4'S BELOW -Ilrl. #5's @ 8 O.C. _II II WINDOW PENING - - - EACH WAY EXTEND 3 PAST 0 ENING 8" WALL N WIDTH VARIES, SEE PLA SEE PLA1 (2) #4'S DETAIL 102 VERTICAL FULL L DETAIL 1 05 HEIGHT OF WALL CRAWL SPACE EXPANSION Y2"=1Y2 ISOLATED COLUMN DETAIL 111 '-0" #4 DOWEL "=1'-0" WINDOW OPENING Y" @ 18" O.C. MATERIAL 4, CONC ETF SLAB (2) #5'S TOP AND BOTii OM 0" EXPANSION JOINT 4" CONCRETE SLAB �r}y GAZA(2) #5'S TOP GARAGE 4" CONCRETE SLAB (2) #4ous ;III„ III 9 111=� — AND BOTTo P"EXPA ION JOINT CONTINuM M�—� EE PLA SLOPE GRADE =III Ilr MIN fi' IN 5' 11111 CRAWL SPACE a DETAIL 1 01 8" WALL— FULL ALL FULL BASEMENT I� (2) #5'S TOP AND BOTTOM Y2 =1 —0 18" ON OCENTER 8" WALL BASEMENT #4 DOWEL @ 4's :1 -IIII IIII # a 8" ON CENTER m Y"covER CONTINUOUS —= III x A 11-=1il�illlll 11 2Y4"CE of VERTS I11�11�I1 I- � o #4 VERTICAL n EE -PLA -VIII —=11 H- =11 @ 18" O.C. " WALL (2) OUS IIIIIIII- CONTINUOUS SPLICE LENGTH MUST DETAIL 106 #4 HORIZONTAL SEE PLA BE MAINTAINED AROUND @ 18" O.C. , ALL CORNERS GARAGE WALL � DETAIL 107 #4 DOWEL @ GARAGE/CRAWL WALL 18" ON CENTER Ye" EXPANSION Y2"=1(2) #4,e MATERIAL CONTINUOUS 4 CONCRET SLAB F —1'''._ (2) #5S TOP -111 Kill 1111 AND BOTTOMikkllll 1 SLOPE GRADE --SEE PLA MIN 6" IN 5' SLOPE GRADE MIN 6" IN 5' _ #4 HORIZONTAL 2q"C2 OF VERTS - DETAIL 1 09a TOP of couNTERFORT - @ 12" o.c. _ - WITHIN 12" OF FINAL GRADE =H=111 - CRAWL/BASEMENT #4 REBAR RING TIE �T # ANTff #5S TOP BASEMENT TOP & BOTTOM & 24" 3 4's AND BOTTOM "rIII=III=IIf=11 ,X' O.C. IIN n m II 1/2"covER _ 12" DIA SPLICE LENGTH MUST #4 HORIZONTAL o SONO -TUBE I pr (2) #4 DOWEL BE MAINTAINED AROUND WE 12" O.C. ALL CORNERS 8" WALL m x 11=III=III=III= 2Y4"q OF VERTS a #4 VERTICAL II-III- #4 s @ 12" ON F= _ BASEMENT @ 12" O.C. CENTER EACH WAY G? WIDTH VARIES, SEE PLA (2) #5'S 1Y"COVER -1 CONTINUOUS o AROUND�18" TYP~� #4 VERTICAL COOUNTERFORT @ 12" QC. #4 DOWEL y" EXPANSION @ 18" O.C. MATERIAL D ETAI L 1 2 1 " WALL 4" GONG ETF COLUMN W/ PAD SLAB #4 DOWEL III = 18" ON CENTER (2) #4s CONTINUOUS (3) #4's P" EXPANSION �sEE Pxq)IIII ALONG LENGTH MATERIAL oF FooTINc & 4" CC E DETAIL 1 09 b #4's AT 18" SLAB ON CENTER CRAWL/BASEMENT 12" ACROSS WIDTH "' Y2 ,=1 '-0„ "Yz3Ye" 10 THICKEN EDGE OF CONTINUOUS SLAB TO 8" MIN (1) #q x Ill II III I I I,,,I I II ENGTH VARIESEE PLAN (2) #5'S TOP 4" SLAB 1 ., x CONTINUOUS AND BOTTOM - 1Yz" D ETA L 1 1 0 SLOPE GRADE - COUNTERFORT MIN 6" IN 5' _ 111GII-111-1 7; -� Fiff (2) #5'S ADD#4 VERTICALS TOP AND Y2"- 1 -0 -_-_= IHr @ 18" 0.0. MIN. #4 VERTICALS • BOTTOM 36" LONG • EXTENDED TO WITHIN 2" OF TOP OF WALL H (2) #5'S TOP & SEE PLAN i BOTTOM 0 #4 DOWEL @ 18" ON CENTER J — DETAIL 114 T BRICK & JOIST LEDGE DETAIL 113 — 11 —1 111 4" BRICK LEDGE (2) #4'x _ 1"_V-0" CONTINUOUS I, -1I-0" DETAIL 125 PATIO WALL Y2"=1'-0„ GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS \ FOUNDATION WALL ON FOOTINGS 1. FOUNDATION r� o. FOUNDATION DESIGN IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN SOILS INVESTIGATION PROJECT NUMBER 19-1114, n DATED JULY 3, 2019, BY: BEST ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES, (970) 409-9670. 0 TH O b. THE REPORT IS HEREBY REFERENCED AND EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE SPECIFICALLY NOTED HEREIN, ALL RECOMMENDATIONS AND Q CO PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED IN THAT REPORT SHALL BE ADHERED TO BY THE CONTRACTOR. c. FOUNDATION SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTINGS BEARING ON UNDISTURBED NATURAL SOIL. Z O • MAXIMUM BEARING CAPACITY: 2,500 PST. U • LATERAL SOIL PRESSURE (EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE): 45 PSF PER FOOT OF DEPTH. (n 00 d. AN OPEN HOLE INSPECTION PRIOR TO SETTING FOOTING FORMS IS REQUIRED TO VERIFY THE BEARING MATERIAL. THIS INSPECTION U SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER. e. FOOTING AND WALL STEEL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. THESE INSPECTIONS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY HENDERSON ENGINEERING � LLC OR THE LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY. O f. FLOOR SYSTEMS SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING OR ADEQUATE BRACING OR SHORING SHALL BE PROVIDED. U m � g. THE BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED IN SMALL LIFTS AND COMPACTED ACCORDING TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE SOIL REPORT. Q F. ALL FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. GRADE MUST SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION IiJ WALLS A MINIMUM OF 6" IN THE FIRST 5 FEET. _ I. WALL HEIGHTS VARY. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF STEP DOWNS. VERIFY ALL STEP DOWNS WITH BUILDER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. j. IF WALL HEIGHTS EXCEED 12', UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES ARISE OR THE DESIGN SHOWN VARIES GREATLY FROM SITE CONDITIONS, NOTIFY HENDERSON ENGINEERING FOR FURTHER CONSULTATION. k. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE PLACED CONTINUOUSLY. NO HORIZONTAL COLD JOINTS ARE ALLOWED WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. I. A PERIMETER DRAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOUND IN THE SOIL INVESTIGATION. RETAINING WALLS SHALL HAVE 2"0 WEEP HOLES SPACED AT 48" O.C. 6" ABOVE LOWER GRADE LINE. m. PLATES, SILLS AND SLEEPERS SHALL BE TREATED WOOD ATTACHED WITH Yp" DIAMETER X 10" LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 0" EMBED). ANCHORS SHALL BE SPACED AT 4'-0" ON CENTER MAXIMUM, 12" FROM ALL CORNERS, WITH A MINIMUM OF 2 BOLTS PER PLATE. n. ALL INTERIOR NON—BEARING PARTITIONS AT THE BASEMENT LEVEL SHALL BE INSTALLED AS A FLOATING WALL, UNLESS CONSTRUCTED OVER A STRUCTURAL FLOOR INDEPENDENT FROM THE SUBSURFACE. REFER TO SOIL INVESTIGATION OF FURTHER DETAILS. o. ALL DIMENSIONS ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWING SHALL BE CROSS— CHECKED AGAINST THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. ANY DISCREPANCY SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT To THE ATTENTION OF THE BUILDER, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. p. INSTALL VAPOR BARRIER UNDER CRAWL SPACE AREAS. q. THIS FOUNDATION PLAN WAS DRAWN WITH THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE BASEMENT PLAN DATED 1-6-20 BY LUCID STUDIO. 2. CONCRETE AND REINFORCING O o. Q CONCRETE, CONCRETE PLACEMENT, REBAR FABRICATION, AND DEBAR PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF __1ACI-318, AND ACI332-08. UP 0 Q UPb. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE MADE WITH STONE AGGREGATE AND SHALL DEVELOP A 28—DAY MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI. W c ALL EXTERIOR FLATWORK AND GARAGE SLABS SHALL BE MADE WITH STONE AGGREGATE AND SHALL DEVELOP A 28—DAY MINIMUM EP� COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3500 PSI LL) U d. CEMENT SHALL BE TYPE II. e. MAXIMUM SLUMP ALLOWED IS 5". E MECHANICAL VIBRATION IS REQUIRED FOR FOOTINGS AND WALLS. NO LIFTS GREATER THAN 24" ARE ALLOWED. g. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM FREEZING FOR A MINIMUM OF 36 HOURS, O W LY F. DEFORMED BARS SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM A615, GRADE 60. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM A185. 0 I. CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING CG CONCRETE CAST AGAINST THE EARTH: 3". < N • CONCRETE CAST AGAINST FORMS BUT EXPOSED TO EARTH: 1Yz', N CONCRETE SLABS: 3/4". j. REINFORCING SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN AND FREE OF ALL DIRT, OIL, SCALE AND RUST. FORMS SHOULD BE OILED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF REINFORCEMENT STEEL TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION. CSI Q k. LAP SPLICES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 36 BAR DIAMETERS. ALL BARS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AROUND ALL CORNERS AND ALL STEP O LJL DOWNS. LL I. ALL OPENINGS IN FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH A MINIMUM OF TWO #5's. THIS REINFORCING SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 2'-6" BEYOND THE OPENING. m. ALL CONCRETE SLABS SHALL BE ISOLATED FROM THE FOUNDATION WALLS, STEEL COLUMNS AND UTILITY LINES. 3. STRUCTURAL STEEL a. ANGLES AND MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A36 BEAMS To ASTM A992 (Fy-50 ksl ROUND POSTS TO ASTM A53 (GRADE B) SQUARE TUBE POSTS ASTM A500 (GRADE B). b. ALL BEAM SPLICES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS LOCATED AND DETAILED ON THE DRAWINGS. MINIMUM BEAM SPLICES SHALL BE 3/a" PLATE WITH A MINIMUM OF (8) %"m A325 BOLTS. SPLICES SHALL OCCUR 2'-0" OFF OF PIPE SUPPORT COLUMN LOCATION, ° UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. (� c. ALL BEAMS SHALL BE GROUTED SOLID INTO BEAM POCKETS WITH NON—SHRINK GROUT. J. ALL DEAD END BEAMS (SUICIDE BEAMS) SHALL BE BRACED TO THE FLOOR ABOVE WITH 2x4 KNEE BRACES. e. WHERE BEAMS CROSS EACH OTHER, SOLID STEEL SHIMS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND WELDED BETWEEN THE BEAMS. E MINIMUM BEARING OF BEAMS IN BEAM POCKETS SHALL BE 3". g. POSTS ARE SPECIFIED WITH NOMINAL DIMENSIONS. (3"m SCHD. 40=3Ye" O.D., 3R"O SCHD. 40=4" O.D., 4"0 SCHD. 40+4Yz" O.D., 5"0 SCHD. 40=5)/2 "0. D. ). F. POST BASE PLATES SHALL BE SIZED AS LISTED BELOW / • 3Yz'm—Yz'XAP"A8" • 4"m—Y4"X5"x10" • s"m-Yz"xs"x l o" a� • 6"4—Y"X7"X12" C= I. ALL ADJUSTABLE POSTS SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM ADJUSTMENT OF 3", AT TIME OF INSTALLATION THE MAXIMUM SCREW EXTENSION o ~ cc LM m MUST BE 2" OR LESS. UP _ 00 0 j. ALL NON—ADJUSTABLE POSTS SHALL HAVE SOLID STEEL SHIMS INSTALLED BETWEEN THE PLATE AND BEAM AS REQUIRED.O m 0 k. ALL STEEL COLUMNS SHALL BE WELDED TO THE BEAM BELOW AND ABOVE (AS APPLICABLE) OR ATTACHED TO THE CONCRETE U; GO O E FOOTING WITH A MINIMUM OF (1) Ya" DIAMETER EXPANSION ANCHOR. cn < O u I. CAST IN PLACE ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A307. Elf 4. SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUCTION z D n l ELF L a. BUILDER AND OWNER MUST BE AWARE OF THE RISK OF SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUCTION (SLAB MAY MOVE AND CRACK), AND HAVE ALJ In � w OPTED FOR SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUCTION, GIVEN THE INHERIT RISKS OF SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUCTION.�O Q b. TO MINIMIZE MOVEMENT AND DAMAGE, ALL RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE SOIL REPORT MUST BE FOLLOWED. 4 r7 ED c. HENDERSON ENGINEERING LLC WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE TO ANY PORTION OF THE SLAB ON GRADE, OR ANY 0 N FUTURE FINISHED SPACES CONSTRUCTED OVER THE SLAB ON GRADE. � n 1� ALJ w (1) #4 CONTINUOUS ADD #4 VERTICALS @ 18" O.C. MIN 36" LONG (2) #5'S TOP ANO BOT OMLL 2%"q STANDARD REINFORCING SEE FULL WALL DETAIL DETAIL 133 117/8" JOIST LEDGE 1 "-1 '-0" BEND INSIDE #5 AROUND POCKET WIDTH AND HEIGHT OF POCKET VARIES SEE PLAN FOR BEAM SIZE, OPENING TOP OF WALL SHOULD BE 2" GREATER THAN BE SIZE (2) #5 TOP BARS ADD #5 X48" LONG BEHIND CORN R ASOCKEFN REQUIRED STAMP DRAWN BY: ADD #5 X48" LONG BELOW 4-9-21 POCKET BEND AROUND CORNERS AS REQUIRED DETAIL 131 heat p�W 1Q, DEEP BEAM POCKET VARIES 1'=1°-G„ 20-104 0 4r/dAnQ pMg� ; STAMP DRAWN BY: AFH ISSUE DATE: 4-9-21 REVISIONS: SCALE VARIES PROJECT # 20-104 VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FRAMING NOTES: LUMBER A g [ E F G 5.2 ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO ALL LUMBER, SHEATHING, AND ENGINEERED W000 COMPONENTS SHALL CONFORM To GUIDELINES FROM THE AWC, DRS. CONSTRUCTION b. ALL STRUCTURAL FRAMING INCLUDING; HEADERS, TOP PLATES, JOISTS, AND RAFTERS SHALL BE HEM FIR #2 OR BETTER, n c OR BE HEM UBETTER. RAOE OR BETTER.ALLALLESS STUDSN HEM EIR #2R OR MORE THAN 10o-0' SHALLHBEL U > O d. ALL HEAVY TIMBER MEMBERS fi" AND GREATER SHALL BE DF—L #1 OR BETTER. 0 Q 03 SQUASH BLOCK e. WOOD "I" JOISTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURES UNDER POINT INSTRUCTIONS. IF VARIATIONS BETWEEN THOSE SPECIFICATIONS AND THIS PLAN ARE "I" LOAD ABOVE, FOUND CONTACT ENGINEER FOR CLARIFICATION. SUBSTITUTIONS OF JOISTS BETWEEN pC TYPICAL MANUFACTURES ARE ALLOWED BUT MUST BE AN APPROVED EQUAL. L ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR EXPOSED TO WEATHER SHALL BEPRE (� TREATED.SURE g. ALL L EXTERIORGLU—LAM BEAMS TO BE ALASKAN CEDAR 20F—V12 L. ALL OTHER GLU—LAM BEAMS TO BE DOUGLAS FIR 24F—V4 U m m 2. STEEL w m a. ALL STEEL BEAMS TO BE ASTM A992 STEEL SHAPES (Fy=50 ksi), M?LI!= oarniF, — — — — Pi — — — — — — 8 b. ALL ROUND STEEL POSTS TO BE ASTM A53 (GRADE B) STEEL COLUMNS. A JUST JOIST LAYOUT m rn c. NOMINAL COLUMN DIAMETERS ARE LISTED (3"0=3 Y"OD, 3 Yz'4=4" OR, 4"0=4 Y"OD, A REQUIRED, TYP. sos s"m=s Yz d. ALL SQUARE TUBE SHAPES SHALL BE ASTM A500 (GRADE B). — — — — * — — — — — — — e. ENDS OF POSTS SHALL HAVE PLATES WELDED TO THE POST. THE BASE WILL BE — — — — — — — — — BOLTED TO THE CONCRETE WITH A MIN OF (1) Y2"O EXPANSION BOLT. L ALL OTHER SHAPES (PLATES, ANGLES, CHANNELS) TO BE ASTM A36. 6 g. ALL STEEL TO STEEL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE FULLY WELDED AT ALL CONTACT SURFACES WITH A MIN OF A /16" FILLET WELD OF E70xx ELECTRODE. H STEEL BEAM SUPPLIER IS TO FURNISH BEAM BOLT TOGETHER CONNECTIONS WITH A MIN OF 3/e" PLATE AND (8) %" 3 A325 BOLTS. 5D6 MINIMUM BEARING FOR STEEL BEAMS IS 3". S1 a j. GROUT ALL BEAM POCKETS SOLID AFTER BEAM HAS BEEN SET AND SHIMMED. m sib 3. CONNECTIONS Q O a a. ALL HANGER CALL OUTS CORRESPOND TO PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CORPORATION. OTHER MANUFACTURER PRODUCTS ARE ALLOWED AS EL w LONG AS THEY ARE AN APPROVED EQUAL. Q b. HANGERS FOR "I" JOISTS TO BE SIZED PER JOIST MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. j� o c. PROVIDE MIN. OF H2.5T TRUSS CLIPS AT ALL TRUSS BEARING POINTS, PROVIDE O DOUBLE CLIPS AT MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES. OTHER ATTACHMENT MAY BE REQUIRED BY w w THE TRUSS DESIGNER. L O 6 wz� 5 d. SILL PLATES SHALL BE ATTACHED W/ Y"a ANCHOR BOLTS AT FOUR FEET MAXIMUM `ZS wQ ON CENTER, 12" FROM ALL CORNERS, MINIMUM 2 BOLTS PER PLATE. LL) U R x _ e. TO PROVIDE LATERAL SUPPORT, TIE ALL WOOD PLATES, WHICH REST ON STEEL Q — — — — — — oa O1 — — — — — — [} BEAMS, TO THE STEEL BEAM WITH X-ZF 47 PBS23 POWDER ACTUATED PINS AT 32" .. Jo NS O ao "� U O.C., OR 3/e" THRU BOLTS @ 48" O.C. INTO THE TOP FLANGE OF THE BEAMS. LL LL) LL m O o 0 HUC412 U EE W/ (16) Ya'"x13/4" 4. MINIMUM MEMBER SIZES 0 0 O m 5S6 FILED a. ALL LOAD BEARING HEADERS ARE TO BE (2) 2x10'S UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. O CSI 0 MeEh CONCRETE NCRETE b. FOR 2X4 WALLS ALL HEADERS ARE TO BE SUPPORTED BY A MINIMUM OF (1) 2x4 O (� �9 @ Greet TRIMMER AND (1) 2x4 KING STUD AT EACH JAMB, U.N.O. PROVIDE MINIMUM (2) 2x4 � 00 TRIMMERS AND (2) 2x4 KING STUDS AT EACH JAMB FOR OPENINGS 6'-0" TO 10'-0". FLUSH STEEL BEAM @ m 2x12 LEDGER -- c. FOR 2X6 WALLS ALL HEADERS ARE TO BE SUPPORTED BY A MINIMUM OF (1) 2.6 Q om W/ (1) R6ANCHOR TRIMMER AND (1) 2x6 KING STUD AT EACH JAMB, U.N.O. PROVIDE MINIMUM (2) 2x6 LLI BAT. 1/11.88 w o BST 0-1-2•�C �n TRIMMERS AND (2) 2x6 KING STUDS AT EACH JAMB FOR OPENINGS 6'-0" TO 10'-0". Z can MIN. EMBED= 4" o & d. ALL WALLS SHALL BE FRAMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE R602.3.1. o e. ALL RAKE WALLS SHALL BE FRAMED FULL HEIGHT TO THE BOTTOM OF EITHER Q5 4x4 POST LOOKOUT RAFTERS OR VAULTED GABLE END TRUSS WITH 1 PIECE STUDS. BLOCKING o� ABA44Z BASE MAY BE REQUIRED ON WALLS TALLER THAN 10'-0". (1) 1'('4"x1P/s" LVL = N �j M BC44 CAP L ALL POINT LOADS SHALL BE CARRIED DOWN AND BEAR DIRECTLY ON THE FOUNDATION El DISH BEAM 506 ;: a ^ WALL OR BEAM, EACH POST MUST INCREASE BY ONE PLY FOR EACH LEVEL �x .wm 1 CARRYING THE POINT LOAD. SQUASH BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED BETWEEN FLOORS. S1 a g. ALL BEARING LENGTHS FOR WOOD BEAMS SHALL NEVER BE LESS THAN 1Y" AT THE ENDS OF BEAMS. BEARING ACROSS THE FULL WIDTH OF THE BEAM IS REQUIRED. 2) 2x6 w F. TYPICAL ROOF OVER FRAMING SHALL BE 2xfi AT 24" ON CENTER AND BE POSTED POST x DIRECTLY TO TRUSSES OR RAFTERS BELOW. MAX. SPAN FOR THE 2x6 MEMBERS IS 6' , u i. ALL MULTIPLE MEMBER LVL'S SHALL BE ASSEMBLED ACCORDING TO THE SUPPLIERS RECOMMENDATIONS. LJ_ j. 2—PLY STUDS SHALL BE NAILED TOGETHER W/ TWO ROWS OF 16d NAILS O 16" O.C. _ _ _ j J ADJACENT NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN FROM OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE COLUMN. STAT LANDING FLUSH B M �/ k. 3—PLY STUDS SHALL BE NAILED THE SAME AS THE 2—PLY W/ THE THIRD PLY NAILED • 2x10 J01 TS ® 16" O.C. ABA44Z BASE DIRECTLY FROM I. TO THE 2—PLY W/ (2) 16d NAILS @ 16" O.C. 4 & 5—PLY STUDS SHALL BE NAILED THE SAME AS THE 3—PLY W/ CS16 STRAPS • 2x10 LEO ER, ATTACH TO FOUNDATION WALL WITH (1) 506 BEAM TO FEB. TOP & BOTTOM. 51 %"0 ANCHOR @ 32" O.C. m. 6 & 7—PLY STUDS SHALL BE NAILED THE SAME AS THE 3—PLY W/ CS16 STRAPS • (2) 2x10 LANDING BEAM, STRAP TOP, CENTER, & BOTTOM. TO BEA S/WALL ABOVE 506 —n. EXTERIOR WALL SHEATHING SHALL BE 7/6" OSB NAILED WITH 8d NAILS AT 12" O.C. IN S1 FIELD AND 6" O.C. AT EDGE OR 15go. x 133/4"LONG x '/s WIDE STAPLES AT 8" O.C. 0 OXc 4x4 POST 4x4 POST IN FIELD AND 4" O.C. AT EDGE, OR 16go. x 13.'4"LONG x '/6" WIDE AT 6" O.C. IN CC T� LEDGER GER ABA44Z BASE ABA44Z BASE FIELD AND 3" O.C. AT EDGE. O O O W/ (1) X/6"0 ANCHOR BCD CAP BCH CAP o. ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE 13/X2" OSB W/ 8d NAILS AT 6" O.C. EDGE AND 10" O.C. FIELD NAILING. O OC O U O E — Y N. FLOOR SHEATHING SHALL BE MINIMUM 3/4' OSB W/ 8d NAILS AT fi" O.C. BGE AND �V > Q O MIN. EMBED= 4" W � z m a � T O.C. FIELD NAILING. B � 03 O x m q. INTERIOR WALL SHEATHING SHALL BE Y2" DRYWALL W/ 1Y4"x#6 DRYWALL SCREWS AT IN � W Fn N N 8" O.C' � M 4 ALL NAILING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH INC TABLE R602.3ITT z N 5. WALL BRACING Y w D' n a. ALL EXTERIOR WALL BRACING SHALL COMPLY WITH INC R602.10.4 (CONTINUOUS o Q EX SHEATHING). METHOD CS—WSP. b. STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING (3/16" OSB) MUST BE USED ON ALL SHEATHABLE SURFACES ON ONE SIDE OF BRACED WALL LINE, INCLUDING AREAS ABOVE AND BELOW OPENINGS AND GABLE END WALLS. C. 30" MINIMUM LENGTH, MAXIMUM 76" TALL OPENING HEIGHT ADJACENT TO FULL 44 POST ABA44Z BASE HEIGHT PANEL FULL HEIGHT PANELS SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE END OF A BRACED WALL LINE AND BCH CAPd. AT LEAST 25' ON CENTER e. PROVIDE MINIMUM 24" WIDE PANEL CORNER RETURN AT ENDS OF A BRACED WALL LINE ANCHOR BOLT MUST PROJECT 2" 2" R" MAX T SHEATHING APPLIED TO ONE SIDE ONLY, WITH Ed COMMON (2"x0.113") NAILS AT 6" ATTACH SLEEPER TO STEEL 2x LUMBER SLEEPER THROUGH TOE EDGE SPACING AND 12" ON CENTER IN FIELD (ALTERNATE: 16gax13/4" STAPLES, 3" BEAM W/ (1) %"4 CARRIAGE FLUSH W/ EACH EDGE ATTACH SHEATHING PLATE EDGE AND 6" FIELD SPACING) SOLID LOCKING NAIL HOI TS TO SLEEPER TO PLATES W/ 8d BOLT @ 36" O.C. OR 9. SOLE PLATES OF BRACED WALL LINE SHALL BE NAILED TO CONTINUOUS RIM BELOW (1) OF BEAM FLANGE SINGLE UPPER PLATE TO X—ZF 47P8SS23 POWDER MEMBER MAY BE USED REPRICE JOISTS W/ (2) 10d NAILS NAILS @ 6" O.C. MATCH WALL SIZE iv T WITH (3) 16d NAILS AT 16" O.C. ACTUATED PIN @ 16" O.C. ON NARROWER BEAMS ® ® 6. GENERAL WOOD TREATED JOIST "I" ® T 1 ® a. FRAMING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING LOCATION OF PLUMBING IN Ppp Lic WOOD I' 2X4 PLATE REFERENCE TO FLOOR FRAMING. SOP Eys 3/4"OSB SHEATHING JOIST WOOD "I° " b. AT FIRST FLOOR AND STRUCTURAL FLOOR WHERE JOISTS RUN PARALLEL TO THE O :'.........HE' F O•vQ V� OF •.O JOIST I� FOUNDATION WALLS, PROVIDE PERPENDICULAR SOLID BLOCKING AT 4'-0" ON CENTER MUST LAP OVER ATTACH SLEEPER To STEEL ��— III 7"x4"x4"xs/6" 1316"0 HOLE FOR 3,'4"0 FOR THE FIRST 3 BAYS. BEAM MIN OF 12" BEAM W 1 %"6 CARRIAGE �— ( ) s 2x6 LUMBER ANGLE IRON CLIPS A325 BOLT TYR (6 TOTAL) c. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING AT SUPPORTS BETWEEN TRUSSES TO PREVENT ROTATION. 2 OS zp BOLT @ 36" O.C. OR (1) SLEEPER X—ZF 47PSSS23 POWDER a d. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING AT ALL TRUSS RIDGES, HIPS AND VALLEYS. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING AT INTERMEDIATE BEARING FOR FLOOR JOISTS WHERE WALL Ln SOLID BLOCKING e. 9•. D ATTACH TREATED 2X4 BETWEEN JOISTS "SPLICES DETAIL 517.10 ABOVE ISA BEARING WALL. SOLID BLOCKING IS ALSO REQUIRED WHEN JOIST D,p ••, ��� : �� ALTERNATEACTUATED ITS SERIES HANG R ^" SIDIN ES OF WEB SLEEPER TO FOUNDATION OCCUR OVER A BEAM. SOLID BLOCKING IS NOT REQUIRED WHEN THERE IS FS 6 TO MATCH JOIST SIZE STEEL BEAM WALL W/ (1) 3/6"4NO DETAIL 5034 DETAIL 504 BOLTED T" CONNECTION SPLICE OR BEARING WALL ABOVE. S�ONAL EP EXPANSION BOLT @ 36" STEEL DROP BEAM O.C. OR (1) X -'`F STEEL FLUSH BEAM 47P8SS23 POWDER FLOOR LOADS ROOF LOAD 1"—-0" -o ACTUATED PIN @ ,6•' Q.G. DETAIL 50640 PST LIVE 30 PST SNOW STAMP OPROJOECT LT RETURNS Yz MAX JOIST LEDGE DETAIL ATTACH SHEATHING MUST TMP 5 Pc, F DEAD 30 PST DEAD DRAWN BY: AFH ATM SLEEPER To STEEL Y4"x 5Y"x17Y" "=1'-0" To PLATES w/ ed TOE ISSUE DATE: 4-9-21 W BEAM W/ (1) 1 PLATETHROUGH NAILS @ 6' O.C. PLATE 55 PST TOTAL 60 PST TOTAL " O.C.CARRIAGE TOP PLATE BOLT @ 36" O.OR ( 1 ) REVISIONS: 47P POWDER 2x6 LUMBER X—ZFACTUATED "I" IN ED ACTUATED PIN @ 16" O.C. SLEEP R TREATED PLATE WOOD !l � � D LOADS D O D ALTERNATE SIDES OF WEB STEEL POST JOIST J' J TO MATCH WALL ABOVE 40 PST LIVE 105 MPH woo0 •I• II � � tai ` u' a �tttL� 3IRON6 JOIST 3/16' — ANGLE CLIPS 10 PST DEAD (3—SEC GUST) V'x5R'X21" SCALE Y4"=1'-0" (3) 6,Q BASE PATE ANCHORS DETAIL 516.10 50 PST TOTAL EXPOSURE "C" WELDED "T" CONNECTION CODE REFRENCES: oc`Nheal R PROJECT # 20-104 �A "=1'-0" DETAIL 503b DETAIL 505 DETAIL 507 AIsclRstnOE�ITION i�" STEEL FLUSH BEAM STEEL COL JOISTS PARALLEL TO FDN ACI 318-14 \ao� s t) OUMN goy AWC—NDS/WECM 2018 o�9 pn. 1"-1'-0" (2) D"0 ANCHOR LOCATED BETWEEN 6" AND 12" OF EACH END OF THE SEGMENT WITH ale"x2"x2" PLATE WASHER Bd COMMON NAILS @ 3" QC. TOP & BOTTOM (2) 16d NAILS @ 3" O.C. FROM PLATE TO ONLY LSTA24 MASONRY LINTELS: UP TO AND INCLUDING 6'-0” WIDE 4"x3 Y2'VIB" GREATER THAN 6' 0", UP TO 9'-0" 6"x3 Y"x5/6„ MINIMUM BEARING FOR LINTELS=4". A B C D E F G .2 H J OC15) 2x10 HAD /6" OSB 2.6 TRIM X2) 2F6 — — FOUNDATION WALL DETAIL 522c CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED PORTAL FRAME (CS—PF) Y2„-1 '-0„ EXTEND END CHORD TO FORM PARAPET WALL DETAIL 553 TRUSS/PARAPET PERPENDICULAR TO WALL 1"_V-0" WOOD TRUSS BY OTHERS 2x6 LEDGER, ATTACH To WALL WITH (2) 16d NAILS @ 16" O.C. EXTEND EXTERIOR BEARING WALL TO TOP OF PARAPET DETAIL 554 TRUSSF/PARAPET PARALLEL TO WALL 1"-1'-0" pz0 f Toe .. FLUSH BEAM (2) 2.6 TRIM (2) 2x6 K.S. r772x6 POS 3 2x6 POST D"x5"5" .. HSS POST (2) x6 TRIM' FLUSH BEAU 2�—FE - 2x10 RAFTERS Foyer 343.56/11.88 J @ 24" O.C. �mN (2) 2x4 POST (2) 2x6 Coat Pantry o + POST OPorch 1 LUSH1 EBA YHss O O U NON-STRUCTURAL 2 2x6eoh POST POST BE RING WALL U"x5"5"MITI L8 - HSS POST (2) 2x6 1 1x.'"x1P/" L (2) 2x4 CANT. BEAM LEDGER W/ POST - 2x10 (1) sDWS22400DB U.Stair SCREWS @ 24" O.C. "IOISTS G (2) x6PosT.C.2x, TO FRAME WALL WITH (2) �6d NAILS @ 16" C. — — 2x8 LANDING BE9y,•M, o PST TO BEAMS BELYJW s 0 N 2x10 (2) TOP PLATE MUST BE CONTINOUS � (3) HEADER (CONTINUOUS — ACROSS WIDTH OF WALL) o FASTEN SHEATHING TO HEADER 6 z Bd COMMON NAILS IN Ya"x3Y2'x3)2" _ m¢i G & GRID PATTERN AS SHOWN & ml , 3" O.C. TO ALL OTHER C-) O FRAMING MEMBERS (STUDS, — `FE SILLS, SILL PLATE), TYPICAL (2) 2x6 POST 'O IT S2 T STRAP HEADER TO (2) 2x6 TRIM o TRIMMER W/ LSTA24 � (3) 2.6 K.S. o BOTH SIDES OF OPENING, BEARING NTm — INSTALL INSIDE OF WALL - 'Y LLI Living 9 MINIMUM (2) 2x4, ~ CONNECTION TYPICAL I -74,177 IF PANEL SPLICE IS NEEDED IT FLU H TEEL BEAM SHALL OCCUR WITHIN 24" OF O N Q MID HEIGHT. FLAT BLOCK IS W1ox12# W FLUSH STEEL BEAM REQUIRED Ya x5"x 5" HSS POST (2) D"0 ANCHOR LOCATED BETWEEN 6" AND 12" OF EACH END OF THE SEGMENT WITH ale"x2"x2" PLATE WASHER Bd COMMON NAILS @ 3" QC. TOP & BOTTOM (2) 16d NAILS @ 3" O.C. FROM PLATE TO ONLY LSTA24 MASONRY LINTELS: UP TO AND INCLUDING 6'-0” WIDE 4"x3 Y2'VIB" GREATER THAN 6' 0", UP TO 9'-0" 6"x3 Y"x5/6„ MINIMUM BEARING FOR LINTELS=4". A B C D E F G .2 H J OC15) 2x10 HAD /6" OSB 2.6 TRIM X2) 2F6 — — FOUNDATION WALL DETAIL 522c CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED PORTAL FRAME (CS—PF) Y2„-1 '-0„ EXTEND END CHORD TO FORM PARAPET WALL DETAIL 553 TRUSS/PARAPET PERPENDICULAR TO WALL 1"_V-0" WOOD TRUSS BY OTHERS 2x6 LEDGER, ATTACH To WALL WITH (2) 16d NAILS @ 16" O.C. EXTEND EXTERIOR BEARING WALL TO TOP OF PARAPET DETAIL 554 TRUSSF/PARAPET PARALLEL TO WALL 1"-1'-0" pz0 f Toe .. FLUSH BEAM (2) 2.6 TRIM (2) 2x6 K.S. r772x6 POS 3 2x6 POST D"x5"5" .. HSS POST (2) x6 TRIM' FLUSH BEAU 2�—FE - 2x10 RAFTERS Foyer 343.56/11.88 J @ 24" O.C. �mN (2) 2x4 POST (2) 2x6 Coat Pantry o + POST OPorch 1 LUSH1 EBA YHss O O U NON-STRUCTURAL 2 2x6eoh POST POST BE RING WALL U"x5"5"MITI L8 - HSS POST (2) 2x6 1 1x.'"x1P/" L (2) 2x4 CANT. BEAM LEDGER W/ POST - 2x10 (1) sDWS22400DB U.Stair SCREWS @ 24" O.C. "IOISTS G (2) x6PosT.C.2x, TO FRAME WALL WITH (2) �6d NAILS @ 16" C. — — 2x8 LANDING BE9y,•M, o PST TO BEAMS BELYJW s 0 N 2x10 (2) 2x6 TRIM � (3) 2x6 K.S. — o 6 z _ Ya"x3Y2'x3)2" _ m¢i ml HSS POST O C-) O Q — `FE 553 (2) 2x6 POST r� IT S2 T � (2) 2x6 TRIM o > � (3) 2.6 K.S. o BEARING ALL/ AD (2) 2.6 POST 11 ul FLUSH BEAM ' � u. - (2 SPAN) o 6 Q _ Ya"x3Y2'x3)2" _ m¢i ml HSS POST O C-) O Q — `FE m (2) 2x6 POST r� T � LET � o > � nprk o BEARING NTm — - 'Y LLI Living 9 WELDED ~ CONNECTION I -74,177 FLU H TEEL BEAM w O N Q W1ox12# W FLUSH STEEL BEAM aJ Ya x5"x 5" HSS POST Cr E TEND THROUGH D 0 x 0 SOLAR -RE D EO E o @ SHADED A EA DESIGN FOR +10P3F 4 Garage� r? - _AM I I I OI AS REC (2) 2X6 POST 1Ya"x1 T.S. — �2tIvHJ OtST3T, (3) 2x10 HDR — — (2) 2.6 — ( 2) 2x6 TmM — HDR SQUASH BLOCK UNDER POINT Lono ABOVE, TYPICAL Fq rT — — H 7 ' � I - L 6 Q W EL ml O O C-) O Q 0 0� �O �w o� � LET r O > L1L U nprk 3FE LLI ~ U I N N-STRUCTURAL POST O O N Q W1ox12# W FLUSH STEEL BEAM Ya x5"x 5" HSS POST Cr E TEND THROUGH D CK TO FDN. BELOW BOLTED "T" CONN. SEE DETAIL 517.10/S1 SQUASH BLOCK UNDER POINT Lono ABOVE, TYPICAL Fq rT — — H 7 - L 6 Q EL LL O O C-) O Q 0 0� �O Cr � LET r O > L1L U LLI ~ U Cr N O O N Q � W Cr LET EL a_ O O O XX SO0 XX ) o CC 0 T O c E O I\IL/I OC O O u U C3 C3 Fn Z W C W O N Ln Y O N UC W OW O STAMP DRAWN BY: AFH ISSUE DATE: 4-9-21 REVISIONS: O \Neaf ( tihRd U011� BGi o° SCALE R =1 —0 id�9 pMs PROJECT # 20-104 TRUSS LAYOUT SHOWN IS PRELIMINARY FINAL LAYOUT SHALL BE REVIEWED BY ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION S2 0� THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 60 MIL 'GREY' TPO ASPHALT SHINGLES, M O ROOFING MEMBRANE, ADHERED, TYP. 50 YR. W/ HIGH WIND 60 MIL 'GREY' TPO W 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO wp TPO BONDING 111 LAYER SYNTHETIC ROOFING MEMBRANE, U ROOFING MEMBRANE, ADHESIVE TYP. UNDERLAYMENT ADHERED, TYP. FINISH VARIES, ADHERED 0 = W 0 TPO BONDING RE: FIN. PLANS — 1 — TPO BONDING W 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME, ICE & WATER SHIELD ADHESIVE TYP. N W 0 MECH-ATTACHED, TYP. ALL EAVES, RUN NO — — — — — 1 — ADHESIVE � z LESS THAN 24" PAST 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME, UNDERLAYMENT, TYP. 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME, m FASTENERS & PLATES THE INTERIOR WARM _ MECH-ATTACHED, TYP. ADHERED W/ 12F, 16P, 24C PER BD. INSIDE WALLS OF THE ' z PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — — — — _ — — — — INSULATION ADHESIVE, PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR, HOUSE m FASTENERS &PLATES 12F, 16P, 24C PER BD. RE: STRUC. 'Oly-Bond' RE: STRUC. 3/4" EXT. PLYWOOD PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR, I -JOISTS @ 16" O.C., EXT. GRADE 4" CLOSED -CELL ROOF DECKING RE: STRUC. RE: STRUC. PLYWOOD DECKING, SPRAY FOAM RE: STRUC. INSULATION (R-24) 4" CLOSED -CELL 4" CLOSED -CELL + SPRAY FOAM SPRAY FOAM UNVENTED ROOF 8" BATT UNVENTED ROOF NSULATI IN (R-24) UNVENTED ROOF INSULATION (R-24) PT FRAMING, ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 INSULATION (R-25) Lu ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 BATT INSULATION RE: STRUC. LL TOTAL: R-49 MIN. 8" BATT g BATTLu PER CODE IR -30) INSULATION (R-25) INSULATION (R-25) UNVENTED ROOF TOTAL: R-49 MIN. TOTAL: R-49 MIN. ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 WOOD I -JOISTS, WOOD -JOISTS, RE: STRUC. RE: STRUC. WOOD TRUSSES, 11/16" CVG HEMLOCK RE: STRUC_ 5/8" GYP. BD.5/8" GYP. BD. D. CLN 5/8" GYP B G., T&G SOFFIT, PNT. 5 1/2" CEILING, PNT. 2ND FLOOR CEILING, PNT. 2ND FLOOR PNT., TYP. 1ST FLOOR /BASEMENT TYP. 5/8" GYP. BD. GARAGE CEILING, PNT. po�6� �oo� a��o V�JC�1110 �O�II !I'IIJUe�JIS��� �ISI�IS 0011 1111e�J�15��� �OW���O l5 ���Il llll�JUl��o � o ll �O�II llllJUe�JIS��� 3„ = 1._8„ 5/8" GYP. BD. CLG., PNT. 0.91" 0.32" 0 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER L 5/8" GYP. BD. CLG., PNT. 1" AIR GAP, TYP. 15/16" x 3" BATTENS, VERT., CMT. BD. PANEL SIDING, HORZ. MASONRY BRICK TIE, TYP. LP SMARTSIDE 540 SERIES SMOOTH 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING EPDXY SEALER 5/16" x 16" VERT. PANEL SIDING 111 LAYER WEATHER BARRIER LP SMARTSIDE 38 SERIES SMOOTH (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER 4" FIBER REINFORCED BARRIER, LAP COUNTERFLASHING CONCRETE SLAB, EPDXY SEALER z 111 LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER RE: STRUC. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING, BARRIER, LAP COUNTERFLASHING 24 GA. 'PAINT -LOC' BONDERIZED a 6'x6' WELDED WIRE I E CONCRETE SLAB, p<, -,"° RE: STRUC_ PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. COUNTERFLASHING W/ HEM a. RE: STRUC_ TUD 0 2X6 WOODS C. S @ 16 , MESH REINFORCING RE STRUC APPPLY SEALANT AT ALL HORZ. PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. STEEL, RE: STRUC. ° a a"^' a" :: REINFORCING STEEL, ".' VAPOR BARRIER PER CODE (R601.3) BREAKS, 6" MIN. SEAM OFFSET 2X6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C_, 6 MIL. POLY RE: STRUC. 5-1/2" BATT INSULATION R-20 MIN. 2X6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C_, RE: STRUC. VAPOR BARRIER RE: STRUC. VAPOR BARRIER PER CODE (R601.3) 2" XPS RIGID COMPACTED SOIL:VAPOR BARRIER PER CODE (R601.3) INSULATION (R-10) 1/2" GWB., PNT. 5-1/2" BATT INSULATION PER RE: STRUC. 1" 5-1/2" BATT INSULATION (R-20) CODE (R-20 BATT) 4" COMPACTED T YP. 1"x4" WALL BASE, PNT. 1/2" GWB., PNT. 1/2" GWB., PNT. GRAVEL 24 GA. TYPE 304 SS WALL BASE 1"x4" POPLAR WALL BASE, PNT. T'x4" WALL BASE, PNT. FLASHING W/ DRIP W/ HEM, LAP TYVEK OVER FLASHING 24 GA. 'PAINT -LOC' BONDERIZED 2 4 GA. 'PAINT -LOC' BONDERIZED SOIL: COMPACT PER WALL BASE FLASHING W/ HEM, WALL BASE FLASHING W/ HEM, III III III III III III I SOILS REPORT BRICK LEDGE RE: STRUC_ - LAP TYVEK OVER FLASHING LAP TYVEK OVER FLASHING TERRA FIRMA TERRA FIRMA u 3 5/8" w PROVIDE DRAINAGE WEEPS @ � 3/4" PROVIDE 1/4" MIN. GAP W/ � Y 24" O.C. a PROVIDE 1/4" MIN. GAP W/ NO SEALANT z m NO SEALANT\ -- c a — LAP FNDN. WALL 1/2" MIN. 4 1/2' 2„ 3/8' 6 LAP FNDN. WALL 1/2" MIN. � 1/2" 5 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" BRICK LEDGE 1/2„ REVERSE LEDGEy� 7/8" 1/2" 3/4" 11)41 10 �U�IS ��(�IIYJ 0� IN�WW� O / �C4111 (�1�15 ��(�IIYJ 0� �Il (�1�15 �5 08 ISlnllSo � Il D0� �C41�� 0� ISlnllSo � �o � � (�1lS1S151111 MC41�� 5/8"*> O� ISlnllSo l��lSo � l�lo �C41�� *WALL TYPE 08a =THIN BRICK 5/8" GYP. BD. CLG., PNT. 5/8" GYP. BD. CLG., PNT. 5/8" GYP. BD. CLG., PNT. 5/8" GYP. BD. CLG., PNT. 5/8" GYP. BD. CLG., PNT. CLG CLG CLG CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL, RE: STRUC. a INSULATE PER CODE: R-19 MIN. 1/2" GWB., PNT. 1/2" GWB., PNT. 1/2" GWB., PNT. 1/2" GWB., PNT. CAVITY INSULATION 2X6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C_, RE: STRUC 2X6 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C_, 2X4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C_, 2X4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C_, ° Q" PLAN PLN RE: STRUC PLAN RE: STRUC PLN RE:STRUCT. PLN - 2X4 WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C, 5-1/2" BATT INSULATION ° _ ". a SET-OFF FROM WALL 2" 1/2" GWB., PNT. 3-1/2" BATT INSULATION 1/2" GWB., PNT. 1/2" GWB., PNT. 1/2" GWB., PNT. a . 1/2" GWB., PNT. FLOATING BOT. PLATE, TYP, FLR ea " FLRV'x4" POPLAR WALL BASE, T'x4" POPLAR WALL BASE, FLR 1"x4" POPLAR WALL BASE, T'x4" POPLAR WALL BASE, PNT. PNT. 1"x4" POPLAR WALL BASE, PNT. PNT. e. PNT. 3/4" S 1/2" 3/4" 3/41�5 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3 5/8" 3/4" 3/41�' 3 5/8" 3/4' 1 7/8" 3 5/8" 1/2" 1/2" 1L�/2" 1/2" 1/2" /2" 1L�/2" MM�/��j �1I�II11I71L�1/2" y� �p71L� (�a j1 j1 �ln1� �IllllSo �C�111 lSo � ���J141�o �vJ�/��j1 ��1 �p71L� 71L� �tA1V �IllllSo �(Ylll 1501500 �vJ71L�1/2" �/A1� ��150 �(Ylll l50 � �I111elJlyl�o �vJ71L�1 �/A1� ��150 �CWII 1SO15001111 �2 j1 j1 �p j1 j171L� �j (� j1 j1 �tA1� �I111150 ll 14111 �oUllS � �I111elJUl�o *> 3 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. VCU i N U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: of N heatj B, o�DATE: G�/Ging 50" r L 04/18/2021 1 SHEET TITLE: WALL/FLOOR/ROOF TYPES SHEET #: Al M O W 00 wp U / ''CCV W CC 0 = W 0 J W N F Q N W 0 TW 2 N VCU i N U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: of N heatj B, o�DATE: G�/Ging 50" r L 04/18/2021 1 SHEET TITLE: WALL/FLOOR/ROOF TYPES SHEET #: Al NDUED = NUE PLAN ■ 1 ANY AN L SUBCONTRACTORS WHOSE TRADES IN ANYWAY ARE INVOLVED WITH EARTH WORK SHALL BE RE NSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING ALL UTILITY LOCATES AND PROVIDING DOCUMENTATION THAT ALL UTILIT OCATES HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED - FLAGS SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE PRIOR TO ANY GROUND BREAKI - WHERE CONFLICTS MAY OCCUR THE BUILDER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO ELATION - "CALL BEFORE YOU DIG = 8 2 ALL WORK IN THE R.O.W. SHALL C RM TO CURRENT CITY OF LAKEWOOD, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON SPECIFICATIONS, SHALL BE FORMED BY A LICENSED AND BONDED RIGHT-OF-WAY CONTRACTOR, AND REQUIRE INSPECTION B E CITY PRIOR TO A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (TCO) OR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA (CO) BEING ISSUED. 3 SITE PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A NO TO PROCEED FOR R.O.W. WORK. THE SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL P ECT R.O.W. PERMITS ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. IMPROVEMENTS MAD THIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY TOTALING MORE THAN $20,000 REQUIRE A PERFORMANCE BOND. TACT THE R.O.W. IMSPECTOR FOR THIS AREA AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY R.O.W. PERMIT N 4 VERIFY FINISH GRADE, UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS, REQUIRED STEPS, INING WALLS, LANDSCAPING IRRIGATION, WOOD/STONE FENCES, CONCRETE PATIOS, AND GA TER STUB -OUTS W/ OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 5 VERIFY LOCATION OF WATER SHUT-OFF & COLD WATER GROUND w/ BUILDER PRIOR T CONSTRUCTION 6 ONE-HOUR FIRE -RATED CONSTRUCTION NOTE: WALLS WITHIN FIVE (5) FEET OF A PROPERTY LIN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF A TESTED ONE-HOUR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY. 7 ONE-HOUR FIRE -RATED SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION NOTE: SOFFITS WITHIN FIVE (5) FEET OF A PROPERTY LINE SHALL BE ONE-HOUR FIRE -RATED CONSTRUCTION PER IBC TABLETS) R302.1(2). PROVIDE (2) LAYERS 5/8" TYPE X GYP BD. ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE EAVES (GA ASSEMBLY RC 2601 OR RC 2602). NO SOFFIT VENTS ALLOWED ON THOSE EAVES. NO OVERHANGS OR PROJECTIONS ARE ALLOWED WITHIN TWO FEET OF PROPERTY LINES. 8 SEWER CLEANOUT INSTALLATION NOTE: THE PROPERLY LICENSED SEWER CONTRACTOR MUST COORDINATE ALL 4 -INCH CLEANOUT LOCATIONS WITH THE PW WMD PLUMBING INSPECTOR. AN APPROVED TYPE OF TWO-WAY CLEANOUT SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING NEAR THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE BUILDING DRAIN AND BUILDING SEWER, ON ALL BUILDING SEWER LINES EXITING THE BUILDING. CLEANOUTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOCATED IN THE GARAGE FLOOR SLAB OR IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. ALL CLEANOUTS LOCATED WITH VEHICLE TRAVEL PATHS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH TRAFFIC -RATED CLEANOUTS. ADDITIONAL CLEANOUTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 100 FEET AND FOR EACH AGGREGATE HORIZONTAL CHANGE IN DIRECTION EXCEEDING 135 DEGREES. 9 PROVIDE 4" MIN. PERFORATED PERIMETER DRAIN AT FOUNDATION. CONNECT PERIMETER DRAINS AND ALL WINDOW WELL AREA DRAINS TO SUMP PIT TO STORM SEWER. INSTALL PER SOILS REPORT, TYP. 10 DOWNSPOUTS TO DISCHARGE INTO 5' DOWNSPOUT EXTENSIONS OR CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDING PER SOILS REPORT. 11 PROVIDE DOWNSPOUT EXTENSIONS AND SPLASH BLOCKS ON ALL DOWNSPOUTS OR SUMP PUMP LINES. ALL DISCHARGE POINTS FROM DOWNSPOUTS AND SUMP PUMP LINES MUST BE 3' MIN. AWAY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND PUBLIC SIDEWALKS, AND 2' MIN. AWAY FROM THE BUILDING FOUNDATION. 12 DS & SB = DOWNSPOUT AND SPLASH BLOCK 13 LIGHT SOURCES SHALL BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM REFLECTIVE SURFACES TO MINIMIZE GLARE UPON ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. LIGHTING SOURCES SHALL BE POSITIONED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO DIRECT LIGHT AWAY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY. NO DIRECT RAYS OF LIGHT SHALL EXTEND BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPERTY FROM WHERE THE LIGHT ORIGINATES. 14 RETAINING WALLS OVER 30 -INCHES IN HEIGHT MUST BE ENGINEER APPROVED AND RECEIVE SEPARATE APPROVAL. THE WALL MUST BE SETBACK FROM THE PROPERTY LINE A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF THE WALL HEIGHT. 15 GARAGES MUST BE SETBACK A MINIMUM OF 18 -FEET FROM THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK. 16 NO STRUCTURES OVER 30 INCHES IN HEIGHT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DECKS, COVERED PATIOS, SUNROOMS, STAIRS AND PATIOS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE MINIMUM SETBACK REQUIREMENT. 17 FRONT YARD SHALL BE LANDSCAPED WITH A MINIMUM OF 50% LIVING GROUND COVER. 18 FINISHED SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS FOR THIS HOUSE WERE MADE BASED ON PLAN DIMENSIONS ONLY AND MAY VARY FROM THE FINISHED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE HOUSE AS BUILT. Lj P�D�DOD DO�I�n TOTAL LOT AREA: (1009) 10,371 SF MAX. ALLOW. BLDG. COVERAGE: (409) 4,148 SF PROPOSED NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE: 1,174 SF PROPOSED NEW ATTACHED GARAGE: 576 SF PROPOSED NEW CONC. DRIVEWAY: 408 SF PROPOSED NEW CONC. PORCH SLAB: 90 SF PROPOSED NEW CONC. SIDEWALK: 57 SF PROPOSED NEW ASPHALT ROADWAY: 1,555 SF TOTAL PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE: 3,860 SF REFER TO REDLINED SITE PLAN DATED 6/5/20 (INSERTED). a I= W I\ I LEGEND PROPERTY LINE Cl) - m -_\00_00 - - - - - - SITE EASEMENT S� O T 22 O ITY POLE SITE SETBACKS wp - - - - - - ROOF OUTLINE SANITARY SER STREET LIGHT 99'7 5457.29' SS SANITARY SEWER MAIN TI 4, 0„ cc 0 ➢ z -� w - NORTHWEST LAKEWOOD SAN0 <MAIN.. C5 CURB STOP SS SS SS SANITARY RVICE m N r o HEAD UTILITY SERVICE DISTRICT'S MUNICIPAL SAN SPEED LIMIT SIGN N m WATER WATER SERVICE 0 SEWER LINE IN TELLER m N PROPOSED Z � 3 m LOCATION OF PRGAS— PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL SA SEWER LINE CONNECTI SANITARY SERVIC a I= W I\ I LEGEND PROPERTY LINE Cl) BUILDING F00 INl - - - - - - SITE EASEMENT O LOT DIVISION LINE O ITY POLE SITE SETBACKS wp - - - - - - ROOF OUTLINE STREET LIGHT = SWALE SS SANITARY MANHOLE FENCE cc 0 GAS GAS SERVICE W WATER METER PIT STORM STORM SEWER C5 CURB STOP SS SS SS SANITARY RVICE W STOP SIGN HEAD UTILITY SERVICE — SPEED LIMIT SIGN N WATER WATER SERVICE 0 SPOT ELEVATION ADJACENT PROPER AVERAGE ELEVATION: 5453.5' (99.2') 2874 TELLER P1: 5457.5' + P2: 5457.5' + P3: 5457.5' + P4: 5457.5' /4 = 5457.5' (99.2') 30' ACCE DRIVE - UT YEAS T - - - -EDGE OF ASPHALT - - - - ----- w - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26' LANE EASEMENT U Ll� V AHE 12 -IM -WE 26' FIRE LANE EASEMENT N 890 28' 49" E o o pqE PROPOSED WATER MAIN /103.60' o PRIMARY FRONT ZLL S89°28 49"E 5455.73" _PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE' 0 - 0" 103.60 PRIMARY FRONT ZLL 9400 w MIN. SA ITARY SEWER I NEW 4" SCHD 40 PIPE NEW CLEANOUTS PER PLUMBING CODE 25' SIDE SETBACK 1 1/4" SIDE ZLL 25' - 1 1/4" TO FIN. A\\\\\V`P3:A\V� �2 MD �� WINDOW ), � � WOOD FENCE I�uLn,Ll)l EGRESS LADDER(S) & D� COVER GRATES), TYP. S, ► I I I ? P2 — PROPOSED 2 -STORY, SINGLE-FAMILY P4 I FRONT RESIDENCE OVER BASEMENT s� o SF OR 1,174 SF COVERAGE 9�s I ,`n P ��2428 GSF o LINE OF BLDG. I o _ Architectural FF=5458.28 0 ADJACENT PROPERTY EL: 160u°" �TF=5458.10 ABOVE I o 2834 TELLER ST -- - - vey I I' EL: 8.28' \FG=5457.50 I No m a I o ° I [D PERMEABLE o w os a se RAISED DECK I O of w I O rn I SITE COVERAGE: w a I N z I RESIDENCE: 1,174 SF z I wI > I AGE: 576 SF w I z zl a I DRI AY: 408 SF Nz I I w r� 0 0 0 w w w 0 0 0 0 0 o- o- o_ o_ SB ko 57 SF SIDEWALK _ o O N 0 O' W tiC m O � N SOD C=) w C:) ld w rn 25' - 0" FRONT SETBACK 456.37' u 10.0' I - I I Al; 1555 SF o NEW CURB STOP ROADWAY 1 I NEW WATER METER 30' ACCESS DRIVE AND EDGE OF SFHALT I W UTILITY EASEMENT I 1 ➢ LOCATION OF NEW GAS METER & MAIN DISCONNECT LOCATION OF HVAC I I CU ON CONC PAD 25' SIDE SETBA K_ _ _ PARALLEL -A SIDE ZLL29 4 S I I TO FACE 0' FIN.' 1 1- F PROPSED 6' J 2 CAR 408 SF h��� GARAGE a o DRIVEWAY ,q� 576 SF 2 I I 5455.97' 5, - 7" TO FIN. PO I, 10' SIDE SETBACK L — — — — — —� — -- ------ r PARALLEL - 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT n o sy LIGE o L � �'O' LOCATION OF NEW 5456.09' 200 AMP SERVICE & MAIN DISCONNECT 25.0' FRONT SETBACK ADJACENT PROPERTY 2830 TELLER ST /PORCH: 90 SF o I SIDEWALK: 57 SF 1 ROADWAY: 155 F o 10.0' TOTAL: 3,860 S REAR SETBACK LANDSCAPING I 5 1 0, LINE OF ROOF — — ABOVE I DE J_ _L_ m 1 LIGE 0 ➢ o m o I O� NR9°7R'S(1"F—clnr CTDFFT 711 5453.21'F� KI he S 890 28' 50" W 103.82' 103.82' PROPERTY LINE SoNs Halm 1" = 10'-0" \ Graphic Scale: 1 inch= 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' 40' THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 7190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSITE PLAN SHEET #: Cl) Cl) O W 00 wp U / ''ccv W cc 0 = W 0 J W N F Q N W 0 TW 2 N 7190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSITE PLAN SHEET #: D DDDDD = NUE DDDD ■ 1 ANY AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS WHOSE TRADES IN ANYWAY ARE INVOLVED WITH EARTH WORK SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING ALL UTILITY LOCATES AND PROVIDING DOCUMENTATION THAT ALL UTILITY LOCATES HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED - FLAGS SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE PRIOR TO ANY GROUND BREAKING - WHERE CONFLICTS MAY OCCUR THE BUILDER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION - "CALL BEFORE YOU DIG = 811". WHEAT RIDGE 2 ALL WORK IN THE R.O.W. SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT CITY OF EAKEW888• COUNTY OF JEFFERSON SPECIFICATIONS, SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED AND BONDED RIGHT-OF-WAY1\4VN 4/5/20 CONTRACTOR, AND REQUIRE INSPECTION BY THE CITY PRIOR TO A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO) BEING ISSUED. 3 OVAL DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A NOTICE TO PROCEED FOR R.O.W WO SUBCONTRACTOR IS OBTAINING ALL PRO ITS ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY MVN 4/5/20 DE WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY TOTALING MORE T UIRE A PERFORMANCE BO R.O.W. INSPECTOR A AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY R.O.W. PERMIT NEEDS. 4 VERIFY FINISH GRADE, UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS, REQUIRED STEPS, RETAINING WALLS, LANDSCAPING IRRIGATION, WOOD/STONE FENCES, CONCRETE PATIOS, AND GAS/WATER STUB -OUTS W/ OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 5 VERIFY LOCATION OF WATER SHUT-OFF & COLD WATER GROUND w/ BUILDER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 6 ONE-HOUR FIRE -RATED CONSTRUCTION NOTE: WALLS WITHIN FIVE (5) FEET OF A PROPERTY LINE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF A TESTED ONE-HOUR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY. 7 ONE-HOUR FIRE -RATED SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION NOTE: SOFFITS WITHIN FIVE (5) FEET OF A PROPERTY LINE SHALL BE ONE-HOUR FIRE -RATED CONSTRUCTION PER IBC TABLE(S) R302.1(2). PROVIDE (2) LAYERS 5/8" TYPE X GYP BD. ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE EAVES (GA ASSEMBLY RC 2601 OR RC 2602). NO SOFFIT VENTS ALLOWED ON THOSE EAVES. NO OVERHANGS OR PROJECTIONS ARE ALLOWED WITHIN TWO FEET OF PROPERTY LINES. 8 SEWER CLEANOUT INSTALLATION NOTE: THE PROPERLY LICENSED SEWER CONTRACTOR MUST COORDINATE ALL 4 -INCH CLEANOUT LOCATIONS WITH THE PW WMD PLUMBING INSPECTOR. AN APPROVED TYPE OF TWO-WAY CLEANOUT SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING NEAR THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE BUILDING DRAIN AND BUILDING SEWER, ON ALL BUILDING SEWER LINES EXITING THE BUILDING. CLEANOUTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOCATED IN THE GARAGE FLOOR SLAB OR IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. ALL CLEANOUTS LOCATED WITH VEHICLE TRAVEL PATHS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH TRAFFIC -RATED CLEANOUTS. ADDITIONAL CLEANOUTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 100 FEET AND FOR EACH AGGREGATE HORIZONTAL CHANGE IN DIRECTION EXCEEDING 135 DEGREES. 9 PROVIDE 4" MIN. PERFORATED PERIMETER DRAIN AT FOUNDATION. CONNECT PERIMETER DRAINS AND ALL WINDOW WELL AREA DRAINS TO SUMP PIT TO STORM SEWER. INSTALL PER SOILS REPORT, TYP. 10 DOWNSPOUTS TO DISCHARGE INTO 5' DOWNSPOUT EXTENSIONS OR CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDING PER SOILS REPORT. 11 PROVIDE DOWNSPOUT EXTENSIONS AND SPLASH BLOCKS ON ALL DOWNSPOUTS OR SUMP PUMP LINES. ALL DISCHARGE POINTS FROM DOWNSPOUTS AND SUMP PUMP LINES MUST BE 3' MIN. AWAY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND PUBLIC SIDEWALKS, AND 2' MIN. AWAY FROM THE BUILDING FOUNDATION. 12 DS & SB = DOWNSPOUT AND SPLASH BLOCK 13 LIGHT SOURCES SHALL BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM REFLECTIVE SURFACES TO MINIMIZE GLARE UPON ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. LIGHTING SOURCES SHALL BE POSITIONED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO DIRECT LIGHT AWAY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY. NO DIRECT RAYS OF LIGHT SHALL EXTEND BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPERTY FROM WHERE THE LIGHT ORIGINATES. 14 RETAINING WALLS OVER 30 -INCHES IN HEIGHT MUST BE ENGINEER APPROVED AND RECEIVE SEPARATE APPROVAL. THE WALL MUST BE SETBACK FROM THE PROPERTY LINE A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF THE WALL HEIGHT. 15 GARAGES MUST BE SETBACK A MINIMUM OF 18 -FEET FROM THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK. 16 NO STRUCTURES OVER 30 INCHES IN HEIGHT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DECKS, COVERED PATIOS, SUNROOMS, STAIRS AND PATIOS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE MINIMUM SETBACK REQUIREMENT. 17 FRONT YARD SHALL BE LANDSCAPED WITH A MINIMUM OF 50% LIVING GROUND COVER. 18 FINISHED SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS FOR THIS HOUSE WERE MADE BASED ON PLAN DIMENSIONS ONLY AND MAY VARY FROM THE FINISHED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE HOUSE AS BUILT. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - Engineering Division 1. Per Sec. 26-417 of the Municipal Code of Laws, prior to issuance of the first C.O. for the subdivision a Drainage Certification Letter ("DCL") accompanied by As -Built Plans shall be required from the Engineer of Record. The DCL certify that the water quality facility has been completed and the grading for the subdivision has been completed and the drainage shall function in general conformance with the approved Drainage Report & Plan. 2. Direct roof drain downspouts in the directions shown to protect adjacent properties from stormwater runoff. 3. A Right -of -Way Construction Permit is required prior to the commencement of any work in the public right-of-way. Contact Engineering at (303) 235-2861. 4. All work shall be in compliance with the approved and recorded Subdivision Improvement Agreement, in the Jefferson County Recorder's office at 2020012829. MVN 4/5/20 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEERING APPROVED FOR: jGDRAINAGE ❑ SIDEWALK ❑ CURB & GUTTER ❑ STREET OMISCELLANEOUS ❑ PLAT COMMENT Re: red -lined Site Plan APPROVED with Comments I✓' - 6/29/2020 CIVIL ENGINEER DATE SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS SANITARY SERVICE MAIN, SANITARY SEWER MAIN TIES INTO NORTHWEST LAKEWOOD SANITATION DISTRICT'S MUNICIPAL SANITATION SEWER LINE IN TELLER STREET, LOCATION OF PROPOSED PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL SANITARY SEWER LINE CONNECTION INTO SANITARY SERVICE MAIN. Provide new T wide v -pan* across the new driveway in the approximate location shown. *Asphalt may be extended and used to form the flow pan, but Eneineerine recommends usine concrete. Extended asphalt pavement New section to be 6" thick or as specified by geotech engineer. (K Teller St. ! _ 17' New conc. driveway ............... 6°(mmD CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS DATE 6/29/2019 RECEIVED 6/5/2019 2nd SUBMITTAL SECTION A -A oDODDODD DOoD]DDDDD TOTAL LOT AREA: (100%) MAX. ALLOW. BLDG. COVERAGE: (40%) PROPOSED NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE: PROPOSED NEW ATTACHED GARAGE: PROPOSED NEW CONC. DRIVEWAY: PROPOSED NEW CONC. PORCH SLAB: PROPOSED NEW CONC. SIDEWALK: PROPOSED NEW ASPHALT ROADWAY: 111111111111:111111211111 A r111011l41KrP/ 4.1-10: 4' - 0" PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER Extend flowline as shown to match i approved Grading and Drainage plan. Taper flowline back to existing flowline at > property line extended. ide 6" high rolledspha to direct street fl s to ma flowline. i ADJACENT PROPERTY AVERAGE ELEVATION: 5453.5' (99.21 2834 TELLER ST P1: 5453.5' + P2: 5453.5' + P3: 5453.5' + P4: 5453.5' /4 = 5453.5' (99.21 30' ACCESS DRIVE AND - UTILITY EASEMENT EDGE OF ASPHALT - - - - MU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i - - - - r 26' FIRE LANE EASEMENT jjj��� 26' FIRE LANE EASEMENT DDDDDD 601 10,371 SF PROPERTY LINE Sol o o \ BUILDING FOOTPRINT 4,148 SF - - - - - - SITE EASEMENT 00 T LOT DIVISION LINE PROPOSED WATER MAIN 1,174 SF O UTILITY POLE 576 SF SITE SETBACKS W PRIMARY FRONT ZLL 408 SF S89028'49"E PROPERTY LINE = W - - - - - - ROOF OUTLINE 0 w o STREET LIGHT 90 SF 103.60' PRIMARY FRONT ZLL F 9000 Nva Si SF SWALE N 1,555 SIF W SS SANITARY MANHOLE n FENCE 3,860 SF m GAS GAS SERVICE WATER METER PIT SANITARY SERVICE MAIN STORM STORM SEWER cs CURB STOP SS SS SS SANITARY SERVICE STOP SIGN OVERHEAD UTILITY SERVICE — SPEED LIMIT SIGN 1555 SF AAS WATER WATER SERVICE z SPOT ELEVATION ADJACENT PROPERTY AVERAGE ELEVATION: 5453.5' (99.21 2834 TELLER ST P1: 5453.5' + P2: 5453.5' + P3: 5453.5' + P4: 5453.5' /4 = 5453.5' (99.21 30' ACCESS DRIVE AND - UTILITY EASEMENT EDGE OF ASPHALT - - - - MU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i - - - - r 26' FIRE LANE EASEMENT jjj��� 26' FIRE LANE EASEMENT SANITARY SERVICE LINE ROADWAY ti I I to v' ➢ .N.i Q a � � m o I I o ~W W o w �30' ACCESS DRIVE AND z EDGE OF ASPHALT >a � ➢ UTILITY EASEMENT cQ I I _ o NEW CURB STOP ? w Q NEW 4" SCHD 40 PIPE a 10' - 0" NEW WATER METER F7.50ft NEW CLEANOUTS PER vl 25' SIDE SETBACK PLUMBING CODE MIN. 0 25' SIDE SETBACK --STpE7CL — 3 1/8'" PARALLEL �- — h — � — _SIDE ZLL Downspout 29' - 6" 25' - 3" os se h q os TO FACE 0' FIN. I r F PROPSED 6' TO FACE 0' FIN. P3 g9iLOCATION OF NEW I WOOD FENCE 10.0' 25.0' �ELLEJn0 GAS METER FRONT SETBACK INs MAIN DISCONNECT P2 I I PROPOSED 2 -STORY, SINGLE-FAMILY DP4 I I FRONT \RESIDENCE OVER BASEMENT `� LOCATION OF NEW N 57 SF SIDEWALK 90 SF DOOR �s� 200 AMP SERVICE 8, I IN PORCH 1,134 SF COVERAGE g� s o , MAIN DISCONNECT I to ° X2,428 GSF I o 0 W - LINE of BLDG. ADJACENT PROPERTY Architectural FF=5458.28 o e 4- EL: 100'-0' ABOVE I 2834 TELLER ST N _ Survey \TF=5458.10 M oo EL: 5458.28' FG=5453.50 I Np Im C=) w SOD PERMEABLE I O �° I C=1 os a se RAISED DECK I O O l M o M I P1 SITE COVERAGE: w Y I w 25 RESIDENCE: 1,134 SF w a I w z I FRONT SETBACK GARAGE: 536 SF ~w I w r DRIVEWAY: 408 SF w I z z l I i o 406 SF PORCH: 90 SF z o l o a I z 2 CAR SIDEWALK: 53 SF I I DRIVEWAY �hh GARAGE w } qq 576 SF ROADWAY: 1,555 SF o 10.01 a & TOTAL: 3,860 SF a 1REAR 25' - 4 3/4" LANDSCAPING LINE OF ROOF TO FIN. PO ABOVE I DE I 10' SIDE SETBACK — _ - -Y - - - � - — - IN s 1. J—�_L_ L — - - - - - - - -PARALLEL' �- - �j�6- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -o o 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT n o 60 !+r m N89'28'50"E SIDE STREET ZLL J qo L - -- h be - D 103.82' PROPERTY LINE q S 890 28' 50" W 103.82' ADJACENT PROPERTY 2830 TELLER ST She Man 1" = 10'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' 40' THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 601 N_890 28 49"_E Sol o o HD A W 00 T PROPOSED WATER MAIN 103.60' bhp h p A < W PRIMARY FRONT ZLL L S89028'49"E PROPERTY LINE = W m F w o PROPERTY LINE' 103.60' PRIMARY FRONT ZLL F 9000 Nva N W W N = n N m n SANITARY SERVICE MAIN I I 3 1555 SF AAS z SANITARY SERVICE LINE ROADWAY ti I I to v' ➢ .N.i Q a � � m o I I o ~W W o w �30' ACCESS DRIVE AND z EDGE OF ASPHALT >a � ➢ UTILITY EASEMENT cQ I I _ o NEW CURB STOP ? w Q NEW 4" SCHD 40 PIPE a 10' - 0" NEW WATER METER F7.50ft NEW CLEANOUTS PER vl 25' SIDE SETBACK PLUMBING CODE MIN. 0 25' SIDE SETBACK --STpE7CL — 3 1/8'" PARALLEL �- — h — � — _SIDE ZLL Downspout 29' - 6" 25' - 3" os se h q os TO FACE 0' FIN. I r F PROPSED 6' TO FACE 0' FIN. P3 g9iLOCATION OF NEW I WOOD FENCE 10.0' 25.0' �ELLEJn0 GAS METER FRONT SETBACK INs MAIN DISCONNECT P2 I I PROPOSED 2 -STORY, SINGLE-FAMILY DP4 I I FRONT \RESIDENCE OVER BASEMENT `� LOCATION OF NEW N 57 SF SIDEWALK 90 SF DOOR �s� 200 AMP SERVICE 8, I IN PORCH 1,134 SF COVERAGE g� s o , MAIN DISCONNECT I to ° X2,428 GSF I o 0 W - LINE of BLDG. ADJACENT PROPERTY Architectural FF=5458.28 o e 4- EL: 100'-0' ABOVE I 2834 TELLER ST N _ Survey \TF=5458.10 M oo EL: 5458.28' FG=5453.50 I Np Im C=) w SOD PERMEABLE I O �° I C=1 os a se RAISED DECK I O O l M o M I P1 SITE COVERAGE: w Y I w 25 RESIDENCE: 1,134 SF w a I w z I FRONT SETBACK GARAGE: 536 SF ~w I w r DRIVEWAY: 408 SF w I z z l I i o 406 SF PORCH: 90 SF z o l o a I z 2 CAR SIDEWALK: 53 SF I I DRIVEWAY �hh GARAGE w } qq 576 SF ROADWAY: 1,555 SF o 10.01 a & TOTAL: 3,860 SF a 1REAR 25' - 4 3/4" LANDSCAPING LINE OF ROOF TO FIN. PO ABOVE I DE I 10' SIDE SETBACK — _ - -Y - - - � - — - IN s 1. J—�_L_ L — - - - - - - - -PARALLEL' �- - �j�6- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -o o 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT n o 60 !+r m N89'28'50"E SIDE STREET ZLL J qo L - -- h be - D 103.82' PROPERTY LINE q S 890 28' 50" W 103.82' ADJACENT PROPERTY 2830 TELLER ST She Man 1" = 10'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet 0 10' 20' 30' 40' THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. D e � cu Q ■ -� U VCU 7 (n 0 0 cu DN N U cu SEAL: 7190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info@lucid-studio.com DRAWN: C js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: City of Wheat Ridge Building Division DATE: C06/05/2020 SHEET TITLE: CSITE PLAN SHEET #: A2 Cl) Cl) HD W 00 wp � U Cn W = W 0 � J � W Nva N W W N = N D e � cu Q ■ -� U VCU 7 (n 0 0 cu DN N U cu SEAL: 7190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info@lucid-studio.com DRAWN: C js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: City of Wheat Ridge Building Division DATE: C06/05/2020 SHEET TITLE: CSITE PLAN SHEET #: A2 LJ UOUES = NOR 0 THE INTERIOR AREA OF THE GARAGE SHOULD BE OVER -EXCAVATED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12 INCHES BENEATH THE LOWEST BEARING ELEVATION OF THE SLAB AND REPLACED WITH AN IMPORTED STRUCTURAL FILL OR NON -EXPANSIVE PREDOMINANTLY GRANULAR MATERIAL. 1 PERFORM ALL FOUNDATION AND SITE WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE ENGINEER'S FINAL SOILS REPORT AND CRITERIA AS COORDINATED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THIS PROJECT. 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY A REGISTERED SOILS ENGINEER TO PERFORM NECESSARY TESTING AND INSPECTIONS FOR QUALITY CONTROL AND TO ENSURE THAT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SOILS REPORT ARE COMPLIED WITH. TEST REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER, WITH COPY TO THE CONTRACTOR. INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THE REPORTS: 1.) TEST REPORT ON BURROW MATERIALS, 2.) VERIFICATION OF EACH FOOTING SUB -GRADE, 3.) FIELD DENSITY TEST REPORTS, AND 4.) ONE (1) OPTIMUM MOISTURE -MAXIMUM DENSITY CURVE FOR EACH TYPE OF SOIL ENCOUNTERED. 3 VERIFY EXCAVATED EXISTING SOILS CONDITIONS W/ SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO FORMING FOOTINGS, ALL FOOTINGS TO BE 36" MIN. BELOW FINAL GRADE, RE: SOILS REPORT 4 FOOTING DESIGNED FOR MAX. ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE: 2,500 PSF FOR SHALLOW FOOTINGS (s36"), 3,500 PSF FOR DEEPER FOOTINGS (BSMT). FOUNDATION EXCAVATION MUST BE OBSERVED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. IF SOIL, BEDROCK OR GROUND WATER CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED DIFFER FROM SOILS REPORT, SUPPLEMENTAL RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE REQUIRED. RE: SOILS REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 5 CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SHORING, CRIBBING, SHEET PILING, ETC. AS REDID TO SAFELY RETAIN EXCAVATIONS AND TRENCHES DURING CONSTRUCTION 6 SLOPE ALL EXTERIOR FINISHED GRADES AWAY FROM THE BUILDING PER SOILS REPORT. ENSURE NO PONDING OF WATER OCCURS AROUND BUILDING 7 CONCRETE: DESIGN PER ACI 301-99 & 318-11, FOR FOOTINGS AND HEATED SLABS -ON -GRADE, THE CONCRETE SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM TWENTY-EIGHT (28) DAY COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI; FOR FOUNDATION WALLS AND UNHEATED SLABS -ON -GRADE, THE CONCRETE SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM TWENTY-EIGHT (28) DAY COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 4,500 PSI; USE TYPE -II CEMENT. 8 MILD STEEL REINFORCING A-615 GRADE 60 9 FOUNDATION WALLS TO BE WATERPROOFED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R406.1 - IRC 10 FIRST SUBFLOOR TO BE IN PLACE OR FOUNDATION WALLS ADEQUATELY BRACED BEFORE BACKFILL. 11 ALL WOOD INDIRECT CONTACT WITH EARTH TO BE MCA PRESSURE TREATED. 12 BLOCK SOLID UNDER POSTS TO STRUCTURE BELOW, PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SUPPORT TO TO FOUNDATION. PROVIDE SQUASH BLOCKS BETWEEN JOISTS BELOW POSTS AND BEARING WALLS. 13 ABANDONED FOOTINGS, NEW OR EXISTING UTILITIES, ETC., THAT INTERFERE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REROUTED OR REMOVED AS COORDINATED WITH THE ARCHITECT AND AS DIRECTED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER 14 FILLED EXCAVATIONS OR BURIED STRUCTURES SUCH AS CESSPOOLS, CISTERNS, EXISTING FOUNDATIONS, ETC., OR AY UNUSUAL SOILS CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED DURING SITE CLEARING OR EXCATION SHALL BE BROUGH TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY 15 INSTALL (1) LAYER 6 MIL. VAPOR BARRIER ON GRADE BELOW SLAB w/ JOINTS OVERLAP 6" MIN. AND SEALED OR TAPED, AND SECURED UP WALL 6" MIN. 16 SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDS A MAXIMUM SLAB AREA OF 81 SQUARE FEET IT X 91 WITHOUT A CRACK CONTROL JOINT(S). REFER TO SOILS REPORT. 17 SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDS 1/2" CLEARANCES FOR ALL PLUMBING INTERFACES TO ALL CONCRETE SLABS AND WALLS. 18 REFER TO SOILS REPORT. 1+1C UlE 7: Vertical Fire lllocking 81 Walls ll Dgo I ll 011lea- dISIUJISed Uml 3" = 1'-0" AREA DRAIN; TIE INTO 2 5'-0 Y a 01 m w 6'-6" z 1 All 48' - 8" 5'-0" Cl) 3'-0" 11'-0" FLOOR JOIST 5- 0 9'-0" 8" 14 - 0 FIR=OLOCIC IICRE 00 w W 0 112'GYPSUM 130ARD U 13' - 0" FIRE BLOCK CONC EALEO Sf ACES OF I.IJ w FJRRED WALLS .AND 50=FITS AT 1D' 20' - INTERVALS ALONG TI IE LENGTI i Or TI IC AREA DRAIN; TIE INTO !WALL WITH 2 X 4 LU LIBER, 314' PLYIWOOD, ❑ UNFACED INSULATION OR GYPSUM BOARD 6" a FASTENED TO A STUD AND NELD TIGHT TO - 0" CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL rROM 4 - 0 " FLOOR TO CEILING. A1 FILL REMAINING GAPS AT TOi AND y� 6OTTOM WIT! I MIN CRAL WOOL OR UNFACE-D FIBERGLASS INSULATION. 1+1C UlE 7: Vertical Fire lllocking 81 Walls ll Dgo I ll 011lea- dISIUJISed Uml 3" = 1'-0" AREA DRAIN; TIE INTO 2 5'-0 Y a 01 m w 6'-6" z 1 All 48' - 8" G 8, _ 6„ 13'-0" 15' - 8" 5'-0" Cl) 3'-0" 11'-0" 5- 0 9'-0" 8" 14 - 0 W 00 w W 0 U 13' - 0" / ''CCV I.IJ w 10' - 0" 20' - 0'I AREA DRAIN; TIE INTO J 6' - 6" a 12' - 0" N 8' - 0 " i TW 2 a N z WINDOW WELL, COVER & N n PERIMETER DRAIN, RE: 1/6.0 G 8, _ 6„ 13'-0" 15' - 8" 8 7 6 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. Cl) PERIMETER DRAIN w 5- 0 a 14 - 0 W 00 W 0 U m / ''CCV I.IJ 10' - 0" = > AREA DRAIN; TIE INTO J W ! F- Q N W i TW 2 a N z WINDOW WELL, COVER & N n PERIMETER DRAIN, RE: 1/6.0 STEP IN FNDN WALL EMER. EGRESS LADDER 2 3/8" 8' - 0" l o MIN. R-15oi R-15oi,a L-- L--- RE: STRUC. ' o 3 WINDOW WELL, COVER & l I I � I LOCATION OF CRAWL I I I ` INSULATION T.O. Foot: 94' - 9 3/4" NJ BRICK LEDGE, RE: STRUC, _ o"3^ I 1' 1 GAS METER ABDVE 0' o a EMER. EGRESS LADDER - 1p _ o F— — — — — — -19 I - L---�` 0 8, 0„ lV -' L" -'-L HH ---0-�- --- - N 7 1/2" 10' 0" EMERGENCY EGRESS 5'- 4 1/2" 3' - 3" 5' - 4 1/2" T.O. Wall: 99' - 9 3/4" I WALL HH 10 -------m -- j L------- 44" MAX. SILL HT. _ ---- - --�- - m _ INTERIOR PERIMETER DRAIN, �., v -R_19_ — EMERGENCY EGRESS I GAS ROUGH STUB- RE: SOILS REPORT 1' - 0" REVERSE JOIST LEDGE, R 19 E0= =E0- — — — _ — _R-19 — 44" MAX. SILL HT. T.O. Ledge: 98' - 9 7/8" BPI RE: DETAIL 133/F2 m EMERGENCY EGRESS 3„ T.O. Watt: 99' 9 3/4" PROTECT DOOR WALL I 1" If 1112, 5' - 0" 1" 44" MAX. SILL HT. 12' - 6" JOIST LEDGE, I T.O. Wall: 99' - 9 3/4" �I o VINYL -FACED BATT I 94' - 9 3/4" THRESHOLD Bed.5 OS A- RE: DETAIL 133/F2 10o INSULATION IR -19 MIN.) R-19 121 SF illl = 05 BEAM POCKET, RE: STRUC. Closet.3 m DEPRESS FOR DOOR CPT B.Bath 10 SF BEAM POCKET. Bed•3 T.O. Foot: 89' - 2" R-19 0 m I I THRESHOLD 1" N STRUCTURAL BEAM(S) T.O. Ledge: 98' - 9 7/8" 43 SF CpT RE: STRUC. 135 SF NOTES: DEPRESS WALL FOR Tile o o RE: STRUC. NAVD88 CPT I VINYL -FACED BATT b T.O. Wall: 99' - 9 3/4" 5'-0" 1 5'-9" GARAGE SLAB m 71/2" m 15'-01/2" 1'-33/8" 13'-85/8" INSULATION (R-19 MIN.) O 'I T.O. Foot: 89' - 2")BF WALLS PER CODE w/ R-15 CONTINUOUS RIGID INSULATION, A1312' OVERPOUR, VIF II I IINTERIOR 4' - 10" (5453.11') ". L -.-'L L - 0 3/4^' OR R-19 CAVITY INSULATION. 15' - 3 1/4" Z� 4„ 14' - 8" PERIMETER DRAIN, JOIST LEDGE, � L — " o A RE: SOILS REPORT RE: DETAIL 133/F2 J R-19 1 L STL. CL TO CL STL. - CL STL. I DAMPPROOFED w/ BITUMINOUS COATING AND SHALL BE o a A- -A X91, - - 3 4, 0„ - 51 Z, 1„ B.Great — — — — — — - - — — — — JOIST LEDGE, Ra 19 o DIRECT -VENT GAS-FIRED 2 3/4" 411 SF PER IRC R408.3.1 - INSTALL (1) LAYER 6 MIL. VAPOR 0 0><o WATER HEATER 40 MBH, 5 1/2" GARAGE I o _ RE: DETAIL 133/F2 N o BARRIER ON GRADE BELOW SLAB w/ JOINTS OVERLAP 6" o o 92.5% Efficiency y m 0" 05 8" T - 7 1/2" 6' - 5 11 3/4" t3' - 2 3/4"- - s -CPT 14' 7" 5 1/2' 8„ r -------------------- -_ o - `n MIN. AND SEALED OR TAPED, AND SECURED UP WALL 6" MIN. BEAM POCKET. `�' NO 1/2" GYP. ED.CLG. Y I - 4" SCHD 40 NON -ADJUST. I RE: STRUC. m a MECH. RM. _ <805F A- r' R-20 C. m POST, RE: STRUL " FNDN WALL & o 15' - 0" l o R-19 I Safe I SUMP PUMP I 54' SO. PAD - PROVIDE ROUGH -IN FOR R-19 c°nc - FUTURE PLUMBING 14' - 8" 4" LOCATION OF RADON LL i --- - I. Mech 05 0 CONTROL VENT PIPE I=== __ 58 SF " ELEVATION: T.O. SUBF: 100'-0" NAV088 (5458.28')I CONC. PIER r� o 5 1/2"=3' - 3 =_ R-20 R-20 C00C j V z T.O. FNDN: 99' - 9 3/4" (5458.09'lI JOIST LEDGE, RE: STRUC. o FOUNDATION FOOTING — 05 o T.O. LEDGE: 98' - 9 7/8" (5457.10') RE: DETAIL 133/F2 STEP IN FNDN WALL a RE: STRUC.L I==R.O.== r OS T.O. SLAB: 89' - 6" (5447.78') L --i' - COLUMN PAD --- - - I=-- 1" AU --- F ---- T.O. FOOT: 89' - 2" (5447.45') I T.O. Ledge: 98' - 9 7/8" 24" SO. PAD RE: STRUC. ---a — ELEC PANEL STL COLUMNIST, RE: STRUC..o =3'- J N ==CLR: = R-20oorIoor as T.O. Watt: 99' - 9 3/4" TYP. Iiii DEPRESS TO FNDN I 8 BEAM POCKET, RE: STRUC. --t--- �— --- —------- ------------ — — — — — — — — — — I— — — — — — — — — — — — 10' SIDE SETBACK10' 8 1/8" Stair. 0 II 54 SF < �I BLOCK OUT FOR I T.O. Foot: 89' - 2" 1' - 10" ee 8 7 6 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 5 � 4 e c (6 ■ -� U VCU N O U (6 N U (0 DIRECT -VENT GAS- [pT VIII `nI U `n m CRAWLSPACE ACCESS FIRED FURNACE 80 MBH, a — — — — — — — — — DEPRESS TO FNDN Al2 92.1% AFUE Effeciency ° a. -N N °a L--- --- ----- - ---` - --------------- Y T.O. Wall 99' - 9 3/4" - a Foot: 89' - 2" T.O.STL COLUMN(S) mI I _ o RE: STRUC. Cl) STEP IN FNDN WALL w 5- 0 0 14 - 0 W 00 W 0 U m / ''CCV I.IJ = W 0 J W ! F- Q N W i TW 2 a N 5 � 4 e c (6 ■ -� U VCU N O U (6 N U (0 DIRECT -VENT GAS- [pT VIII `nI U `n m CRAWLSPACE ACCESS FIRED FURNACE 80 MBH, a — — — — — — — — — DEPRESS TO FNDN Al2 92.1% AFUE Effeciency ° a. -N N °a L--- --- ----- - ---` - --------------- Y T.O. Wall 99' - 9 3/4" - a Foot: 89' - 2" T.O.STL COLUMN(S) mI I _ o RE: STRUC. T.O.: smt Sl�h 1/4" = V-0" �W heat O U 04, m I O 0" Ing Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 0 4' 8' 12' 16' 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(lD lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: 12 REV 2 04/12/2021 DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CBSMT PLAN SHEET #: A3 STEP IN FNDN WALL w 5- 0 5- 0 14 - 0 3- 4 5- 6 10 15 - 0 m m z STEP IN FNDN WALL COLUMN PAD o R-15oi R-15oi,a L-- L--- RE: STRUC. ' o R-15oi XPS l I I � I LOCATION OF CRAWL I I I INSULATION T.O. Foot: 94' - 9 3/4" SPACE ACCESS Q I L---�` -' L" -'-L 7 1/2" 10' 0" 5'- 4 1/2" 3' - 3" 5' - 4 1/2" T.O. Wall: 99' - 9 3/4" 10 -------m -- j L------- R.O. ---J T.O. Foot: 94' - 9 3/4" m _ �., _ N GAS ROUGH STUB- OUT FOR BBQ GRILL N T.O. Watt: 99' 9 3/4" PROTECT DOOR 11' - 10" 12' - 6" 4" AND FIREPLACE �I T.O. Foot: 94' - 9 3/4" THRESHOLD 10o illl m DEPRESS FOR DOOR m I I THRESHOLD 1" NOTES: DEPRESS WALL FOR ELEVATION: NAVD88 * PER IECC SECTION 402 TABLE 402.1.1 INSULATE BASEMENT GARAGE SLAB I I T.O. FNDN: 09' - 9 3/4" I (5458.09') O 'I WALLS PER CODE w/ R-15 CONTINUOUS RIGID INSULATION, OVERPOUR, VIF II I T.O. FOOT: 4' - 10" (5453.11') ". L -.-'L L OR R-19 CAVITY INSULATION. i � * PER IRC R406.1 -TALL FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL BE DAMPPROOFED w/ BITUMINOUS COATING AND SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP OF FOOTING TO FINISHED GRADE PER IRC R408.3.1 - INSTALL (1) LAYER 6 MIL. VAPOR 0 0><o III><* GARAGE I BARRIER ON GRADE BELOW SLAB w/ JOINTS OVERLAP 6" o m m SLAB ON GRADE MIN. AND SEALED OR TAPED, AND SECURED UP WALL 6" MIN. 514 SF Y I I m a N m " FNDN WALL & l FOOTING, RE: STI UL d LL i N T.O. Wall: 99' - 9 3/4" T.O. Foot: 94' - 9 3/4" STEP IN FNDN WALL a m L-� --- ---- --- ---- --_-------, ---a — ELEC PANEL as Iiii —--- --t--- �— --- —------- ------------ — — — — — — — — — — I— — — — — — — — — — — — 10' SIDE SETBACK10' 8 1/8" UFER GROUND SIDE SETBACK 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT — —LOCATION — — — LOCATION OF NEW 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT 24' - 0"I 200 AMP SERVICE Iiiie & MAIN DISCONNECT o�1z-5�° T.O.: smt Sl�h 1/4" = V-0" �W heat O U 04, m I O 0" Ing Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 0 4' 8' 12' 16' 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(lD lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: 12 REV 2 04/12/2021 DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CBSMT PLAN SHEET #: A3 L1U0UES o FL00n PLAN 1 ONE LAYER OF #15 ASPHALT FELT OR EQUAL (SPUN POLYOLEFIN HOUSE WRAP) FREE FROM HOLES AND BREAKS SHALL BE APPLIED OVER STRUCTURAL SHEATHING AND STUDS OF ALL EXTERIOR WALLS. ROLLED SHEETING SHALL BE APPLIED HORIZONTALLY, STARTING AT THE BOTTOM LAPPING SILL PLATE 1" MIN., W/ SUCCESSIVE UPPER LAYERS LAPPING OVER LOWER ONES, COURSES SHALL OVERLAP NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES. 2 THE REQUIRED SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND ANY ADJACENT LIVING SPACE REQUIRES A SINGLE LAYER OF 1/z" GYP BOARD ON THE COMMON WALLS AND CEILINGS. A SINGLE LAYER OF 5/e" TYPE 'X' GYP BOARD IS REQUIRED ON THE CEILING, WITH A SINGLE LAYER OF 1/z" GYP BOARD ON ANY SYSTEM SUPPORTING THE FLOOR/CEILING ABOVE WHERE THERE IS HABITABLE SPACE. 3 BUILDER TO VERIFY FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION @ EACH LEVEL, STAIR LANDING, STAIR TREADS, AND SHALL ACCOUNT FOR ANY DESCREPANCIES IN FINISH MATERIALS PRIOR TO STAIR CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE ALL RISERS ARE EQUAL, AND THAT THE MEANS OF EGRESS MEETS R311 4 HARDWOOD FLOOR THROUGHOUT ENTIRE MAIN LEVEL PER OWNER SELECTION, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (U.N.O.) 5 LANDINGS OR A FLOOR SHALL BE PROVIDED ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOORS PER R311 IRC. 6 GUARDS AT THE STAIR OPENINGS, LANDINGS AND OTHER OPEN CHANGES IN ELEVATION GREATER THAN 30" WITHIN 36" MUST BE PROVIDED TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 36". BALUSTERS OR OPENINGS MUST BE SPACED TO PREVENT PASSAGE OF A 4" SPHERE. AT THE OPEN SIDE OF STAIRS, THE HEIGHT MAY RANGE FROM 34" TO 38" AND THE OPENINGS PROVIDED MUST BE SPACED TO PREVENT PASSAGE OF A 43%" SPHERE. 7 RAILING DIMENSIONS ARE FROM T.O. FINISH FLOOR TO T.O. FINISH RAILING 8 STAIR HANDRAILS MUST BE GRASPABLE WITH EITHER A TYPE I CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION (11/4" TO 2" DIAMETER WITH A 4" TO 61/4" PERIMETER) OR TYPE II WITH A PERIMETER OVER 61/4" WITH A FINGER RECESS OF AT LEAST 5/16" ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PROFILE, AND HANDRAILS ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF A FLIGHT OF STAIRS WITH 4 OR MORE RISERS PER SECTION R311.7.7.3. 9 ALL HABITABLE ROOMS, HALLWAYS, BATH/TOILET ROOMS, LAUNDRY ROOMS AND BASEMENTS MUST HAVE A MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHT OF 7'-0". A MINIMUM FINISHED CEILING HEIGHT OF 6'-8" IS PERMITTED AT THE SPACE IN FRONT OF BATH FIXTURES AND A 30"x30" AREA UNDER A SHOWER HEAD. A 6'-8" HEIGHT (6'-4" UNDER BEAMS, GIRDERS AND DUCTS) IS ALSO PERMITTED IN THOSE PORTIONS OF BASEMENTS NOT CONTAINING HABITABLE SPACES, BATH OR TOILET ROOMS, LAUNDRY ROOMS, OR HALLWAYS. 10 VERIFY ALL BUILT-INS DESIGN, MATERIALS, & LAYOUT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 11 VERIFY KITCHEN & BATHROOM DESIGN, MATERIALS, AND LAYOUT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 12 VERIFY CLOSET SHELF DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 13 ALL VANITY CABINETS ARE 21" DEEP (U.N.O.) - VERIFY FINISH MATERIALS w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 14 INSTALL SHOWER PAN PER MFR'S. WRITTEN INSTRUCTION. PROVIDE INSULATION AT EXTERIOR WALL PRIOR TO SETTING SHOWER PAN 15 FIBER -CEMENT, FIBER MAT, REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS OR FIBER -REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS TO BE USED BEHIND ALL WALL TILE IN TUB AND SHOWER AREAS AND WALL PANELS IN SHOWER AREA AT BATH. SAFETY GLASS REQUIRED IN SURROUNDING TUB/SHOWER AREAS. 16 ALL TILE WORK TO CONFORM W/ CURRENT TCA INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS & GUIDELINES. MASTIC SHALL NOT BE APPROVED FOR ANY TILE OR STONE INSTALLATIONS. 17 VERIFY FIREPLACE DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. INSTALL FIREPLACE PER MFR'S. WRITTEN INSTRUCTION; VERIFY FRAMING & VENTING CLEARANCES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 18 VERIFY VAULTED CEILINGS & LIGHT COVE DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 19 VERIFY ALL HVAC TRUNK LINE & REO'D. DROP SOFFIT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 20 VERIFY R.O. & FURNACE REQUIREMENTS w/ FRAMER. PROVIDE VENTED ACCESS DOOR (30" x 24" MIN.) 21 OUTSIDE AIR (COMBUSTION AIR) TO BE THERMALLY SEPARATED FROM CONDITIONED SPACES BY THE THERMAL ENVELOPE. THE OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR REQUIRED FOR THE FURNACE AND WATER HEATER REQUIRE INSULATING THE THERMAL ENVELOPE SURROUNDING THEM, SUCH AS WITH A MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. A SOLID, WEATHER-STRIPPED DOOR IS REQUIRED. 22 KITCHEN EXHAUST HOOD SYSTEMS CAPABLE OF EXHAUSTING IN EXCESS OF 400 CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH MAKEUP AIR AT A RATE APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO THE EXHAUST AIR RATE. SUCH MAKEUP AIR SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A MEANS OF CLOSURE AND SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLLED TO START AND OPERATE SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE EXHAUST SYSTEM 23 IF THE KITCHEN INCLUDES A DISHWASHER, THEN A WASTE LINE FROM A DOMESTIC DISHWASHER MUST DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY THROUGH AN AIR GAP OR AIR BREAK INTO A STANDPIPE, A WASTE RECEPTOR, A WYE -BRANCH FITTING ON THE TAILPIECE OF THE KITCHEN SINK DRAIN OR THE DISHWASHER CONNECTION OF A FOOD WASTE GRINDER PER P2717.2 AS AMENDED. 24 PROVIDE RECESSED DRYER VENT BOX @ LAUNDRY AREAS. CLOTHES DRYERS TO BE PROVIDED W/ A MOISTURE EXHAUST SYSTEM THAT VENTS TO THE EXTERIOR, AND MUST TERMINATE IN BACK -DRAFT DAMPER AT LEAST 3' FROM ANY OPENING INTO THE BUILDING. THE SIZE AND MAXIMUM LENGTH RUN OF THE DUCT IS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE DRYER MANUFACTURER. 25 FIRE BLOCKING WITH APPROVED MATERIALS MUST BE PROVIDED IN CONCEALED SPACES AT CEILING AND FLOOR LEVELS, HORIZONTALLY NOT TO EXCEED 101 , SOFFITS, DROP & COVE CEILINGS, BETWEEN STAIR STRINGERS, AND THE ANNULAR SPACE AROUND MATERIAL PENETRATIONS OF FLOORS AND CEILINGS. 26 CONCEALED SPACE OF A FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY WITH USABLE SPACE BOTH ABOVE AND BELOW THE CAVITY, DRAFTSTOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT THE AREA OF THE CONCEALED SPACE DOES NOT EXCEED 1,000 SQUARE FEET. DRAFTSTOPPING SHALL DIVIDE THE CONCEALED SPACE INTO APPROXIMATELY EQUAL AREAS. WHERE THE ASSEMBLY IS ENCLOSED BY A FLOOR MEMBRANE ABOVE AND A CEILING MEMBRANE BELOW, DRAFTSTOPPING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLIES UNDER THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: 1. CEILING IS SUSPENDED UNDER THE FLOOR FRAMING. 2. FLOOR FRAMING IS CONSTRUCTED OF TRUSS -TYPE OPEN -WEB OR PERFORATED MEMBERS. 27 THE DOOR BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND LIVING SPACE MUST BE SELF-CLOSING, SELF -LATCHING AND EITHER 20 -MINUTE RATED, 13%" SOLID CORE WOOD, OR 13%" SOLID OR HONEYCOMB STEEL. 28 AN EXTERIOR LANDING IS REQUIRED IF MORE THAN TWO RISERS (MAXIMUM 73/4") ARE PROVIDED AT THE DOOR. THE REQUIRED EXIT DOOR MAY ONLY HAVE A SINGLE RISER (MAXIMUM 73/4" FROM THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD) TO A SURFACE QUALIFYING AS A LANDING. TIC A B D E F G H J 48' - 8" 5' _ p„ 5' p,. 3' _ p„ 11, _ p„ 91 _ p„ 18,. 13' _ p„ 2' _ p„ 1 Al2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. Y a �I 13' - 0" Cl) = 20' - 0" - 15' - 8" HD W 00 w � 6' - 6" 6' - 6" o 0 20' - 0" 7' - 10" 7' - 10" U)w z m CC 5' - 0" OS 4' - 11 1/2" , 7 - 1" m 15' - 8 1/2" I o J i NW F- WIND04 WELL(S), EGRESS 04 0 WINDOW WELL(S), EGRESS NON -PRIMARY_ FRONT ZLL �----- N LADDE (S) & COVER GRATES) AC NDENSING UNIT 0 C NCRETE PAD— LADDERS) & COVER GRATES)� NON -PRIMARY FRONT ZLL ------25' FRONT SETBACK ---------- - Z' - 0" - --- ----------- OB � -FIREPLACE ---------- _ — _ — _ ----- 25' FRONT SETBACK 1 1/4" 3'-57/8" 3�-0' 2'-61/4A3'-03/8" 06- 2 OV SERVICE o GG o8 G S METER 0 m 57 SF 08 LR G 69 SF— F o T-��wo \ 7 6 7 6 7 6 - o m N a Dr & se m - -- CIOSet cont 08 Etrlll 3'-11" 1'-11" 3'-35/8" 3'-43/8" u 5 011 06 = z GG o I 1/4" / 12" 100000100000100 I � o 0 �xl Porch V N DN Coag 2' - 10"03 JJ _ ° STEEL COLUMNIST, PNT. 89 SF 7 SF 2' 4" 5' 0" 5' 0" 2' 8" �m R0 - cantB -- WD '-' Living p,. o LOCATION OF RADON -__-_ JJ Parlor 05 m 145 SF Powder o OP RABLE DOORS o WD 03 TI Kitchen WD Dining o EF RE: STRUC_ 169 SF 179 SF 2i SF JJ w o 3' TILE 9' - 0" 3' - 1 1/2" w0 1 Al2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. Cl) Cl) = T - HD W 00 Wp o 0 07 U)w 44" x 47 5/8" x 23" BOTTOM R.O. = T-0" m CC 5' - 0" OS 4' - 11 1/2" , 7 - 1" m 15' - 8 1/2" AA 2 - 9 1/2" 5' - 0" 5' - 0" 2' 2 1/2' o J CC NW F- Q 04 0 W 0 TW 2 N B � -FIREPLACE m, � 3'-57/8" 3�-0' 2'-61/4A3'-03/8" 06- o Sidewalk 1 5/8" 99' - 6" a 100' - 0" Foyer 03 = 0 m 57 SF 08 LR G 69 SF— F o T-��wo \ 7 6 7 6 7 6 - o m N a Dr & se m - -- CIOSet cont 99'-4" 3'-11" 1'-11" 3'-35/8" 3'-43/8" u 15'-3" BB BB BB a 7 6 I 1/4" / 12" A13 A �" J I � o 0 �xl Porch V N DN Coag 2' - 10"03 o m ° STEEL COLUMNIST, PNT. 89 SF 7 SF 2' 4" 5' 0" 5' 0" 2' 8" �m R0 - cantB -- WD '-' Living o LOCATION OF RADON -__-_ i Pantry 226 SF OP RABLE DOORS CONTROL VENT PIPE 16 WD RE: STRUC_ 2i SF H w 07 m STEEL COLUMN(S), PNT. jeh r =-_ WD gqR 100' - 0"99, _ 8-, N.Deck AA RE:STRUC 99' 5 1/4" - 6 - 3' - 11",,-3- - 10 1/4" 1' - 8 3/4" 9' - 6 1/2" 5' - 8 1/2" X 220 SF I w b pg , STEP Y _ a _R.0. -�_ ZERO -OUT �Tlrelx M o >,z e 0 3' - 3" LINE OF PORCH ROOF -�- 7 8 _ DRYWALL CORNER OB o PERMEABLE 08 n ABOVE - " u 10 o s u a u ' W/ WALL ABOVE EO EO RAISED DECK �i Stair.1 II II I UP 100' 0" 69 SF � U m _ ENTE TAINMEPIT ROUGH OPENING: LINE OF BLDG. ABOVE = 1 Al2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. Cl) Cl) HD W 00 Wp CCU 07 U)w 44" x 47 5/8" x 23" BOTTOM R.O. = T-0" AFF CC 0 = W IO o J CC NW F- Q 04 W 0 TW 2 N B � -FIREPLACE _ o N a Dr & se m - -- CIOSet 10 ' - 0" 7 6 OZ ° STEEL COLUMNIST, PNT. �m R0 13 SF RE: STRUC_ w 07 m TILE AA pg o >,z e 0 3' - 3" F - 3' - 3" 2' - 8 1/2" 4' - 4" 07 08 5' - 6" 8" DOWNSPOUT, DOWN THRU = o HOSE BIB a 06 DECK TO FLEXIBLE DS o -Mud 3' _ 6„ o EXTENSION TO DAYLIGHT V 7 6„ 85 SF 06 10' 0" 3' 0" 4' 0" 71 011 X S.Deck GAS STUB -OUT FOR 30" STEP - AA - - TILE o-� 258 SF FIREPLACE 17 3/8" bench 100' - 0" Trex _ SEE-THRU FIREPLACE: Nk C HEATNGLO 36" STEF99' _ 4 3/4" = TWILIGHT II MODERN = 1/8" / 12" Y / gg _ g" GAS STUB -OUT o 9' - 5 3/8' FOR BBQ GRILL G HOSE BIB PERMEABLE Garage Coverage RAISED DECK **OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL N 9920, 576 SF PERMEABLE RAISED DECK 9'9 _�� .22' GAS STUB -OUT FOR 1/4" / 12" I 99.23' Garage 99 - 5 1/2[_ GARAGE HEATER 529 SF 99.46' I 12' - 0" 12, - 6" I I cont o m 1/8" / 12" I o i I J i o i x—Driveway 409 SF conc Y� I 06 I I 0 I EV READY SPACE I o PER N1104.2 (R404.2) PROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE I CHARGER PER R404.2 LOCATION OF NEW L _ — 200 AMP SERVICE I& MAIN DISCONNECT 06 I m la �o DS & SPLASHBLO K, TYP. -- — - —- — ung„---------- — — — —� - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — ----------- — -- — — — — — — - — — — — - -------- ------ 10' SIDE SETBACK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UFER GROUND LOCAT ON 10' SIDE SETBACK 06 1 6' \-- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — -- — ---------- ELECPANEL ------------- — --------------- 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT r � 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 24' - 0"I 1 EAVE 9' - 0" 8” 13' - 0" 2' - 0" 1 o�1-z�5° Mm Man 1 Al2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. T e � (6 Q ■ —� U VCU N 0 U CAm U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I ,S ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: ri 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 0 4' 8' 12' 16' 1_ l 1 04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C1ST FLOOR PLAN SHEET #: A4 Cl) Cl) HD W 00 Wp CCU U)w CC 0 = W IO 1 J CC NW F- Q 04 W 0 TW 2 N T e � (6 Q ■ —� U VCU N 0 U CAm U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I ,S ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: ri 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 0 4' 8' 12' 16' 1_ l 1 04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C1ST FLOOR PLAN SHEET #: A4 L1U0UES o FL00n PLAN 1 ONE LAYER OF #15 ASPHALT FELT OR EQUAL (SPUN POLYOLEFIN HOUSE WRAP) FREE FROM HOLES AND BREAKS SHALL BE APPLIED OVER STRUCTURAL SHEATHING AND STUDS OF ALL EXTERIOR WALLS. ROLLED SHEETING SHALL BE APPLIED HORIZONTALLY, STARTING AT THE BOTTOM LAPPING SILL PLATE 1" MIN., W/ SUCCESSIVE UPPER LAYERS LAPPING OVER LOWER ONES, COURSES SHALL OVERLAP NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES. 2 THE REQUIRED SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND ANY ADJACENT LIVING SPACE REQUIRES A SINGLE LAYER OF 1/z" GYP BOARD ON THE COMMON WALLS AND CEILINGS. A SINGLE LAYER OF 5/e" TYPE 'X' GYP BOARD IS REQUIRED ON THE CEILING, WITH A SINGLE LAYER OF 1/z" GYP BOARD ON ANY SYSTEM SUPPORTING THE FLOOR/CEILING ABOVE WHERE THERE IS HABITABLE SPACE. 3 BUILDER TO VERIFY FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION @ EACH LEVEL, STAIR LANDING, STAIR TREADS, AND SHALL ACCOUNT FOR ANY DESCREPANCIES IN FINISH MATERIALS PRIOR TO STAIR CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE ALL RISERS ARE EQUAL, AND THAT THE MEANS OF EGRESS MEETS R311 4 HARDWOOD FLOOR THROUGHOUT ENTIRE MAIN LEVEL PER OWNER SELECTION, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (U.N.O.) 5 LANDINGS OR A FLOOR SHALL BE PROVIDED ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOORS PER R311 IRC. 6 GUARDS AT THE STAIR OPENINGS, LANDINGS AND OTHER OPEN CHANGES IN ELEVATION GREATER THAN 30" WITHIN 36" MUST BE PROVIDED TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 36". BALUSTERS OR OPENINGS MUST BE SPACED TO PREVENT PASSAGE OF A 4" SPHERE. AT THE OPEN SIDE OF STAIRS, THE HEIGHT MAY RANGE FROM 34" TO 38" AND THE OPENINGS PROVIDED MUST BE SPACED TO PREVENT PASSAGE OF A 43%" SPHERE. 7 RAILING DIMENSIONS ARE FROM T.O. FINISH FLOOR TO T.O. FINISH RAILING 8 STAIR HANDRAILS MUST BE GRASPABLE WITH EITHER A TYPE I CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION (11/4" TO 2" DIAMETER WITH A 4" TO 61/4" PERIMETER) OR TYPE II WITH A PERIMETER OVER 61/4" WITH A FINGER RECESS OF AT LEAST 5/16" ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PROFILE, AND HANDRAILS ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF A FLIGHT OF STAIRS WITH 4 OR MORE RISERS PER SECTION R311.7.7.3. 9 ALL HABITABLE ROOMS, HALLWAYS, BATH/TOILET ROOMS, LAUNDRY ROOMS AND BASEMENTS MUST HAVE A MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHT OF 7'-0". A MINIMUM FINISHED CEILING HEIGHT OF 6'-8" IS PERMITTED AT THE SPACE IN FRONT OF BATH FIXTURES AND A 30"x30" AREA UNDER A SHOWER HEAD. A 6'-8" HEIGHT (6'-4" UNDER BEAMS, GIRDERS AND DUCTS) IS ALSO PERMITTED IN THOSE PORTIONS OF BASEMENTS NOT CONTAINING HABITABLE SPACES, BATH OR TOILET ROOMS, LAUNDRY ROOMS, OR HALLWAYS. 10 VERIFY ALL BUILT-INS DESIGN, MATERIALS, & LAYOUT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 11 VERIFY KITCHEN & BATHROOM DESIGN, MATERIALS, AND LAYOUT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 12 VERIFY CLOSET SHELF DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 13 ALL VANITY CABINETS ARE 21" DEEP (U.N.O.) - VERIFY FINISH MATERIALS w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 14 INSTALL SHOWER PAN PER MFR'S. WRITTEN INSTRUCTION. PROVIDE INSULATION AT EXTERIOR WALL PRIOR TO SETTING SHOWER PAN 15 FIBER -CEMENT, FIBER MAT, REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS OR FIBER -REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS TO BE USED BEHIND ALL WALL TILE IN TUB AND SHOWER AREAS AND WALL PANELS IN SHOWER AREA AT BATH. SAFETY GLASS REQUIRED IN SURROUNDING TUB/SHOWER AREAS. 16 ALL TILE WORK TO CONFORM W/ CURRENT TCA INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS & GUIDELINES. MASTIC SHALL NOT BE APPROVED FOR ANY TILE OR STONE INSTALLATIONS. 17 VERIFY FIREPLACE DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. INSTALL FIREPLACE PER MFR'S. WRITTEN INSTRUCTION; VERIFY FRAMING & VENTING CLEARANCES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 18 VERIFY VAULTED CEILINGS & LIGHT COVE DESIGN w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 19 VERIFY ALL HVAC TRUNK LINE & REO'D. DROP SOFFIT w/ NATASHA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 20 VERIFY R.O. & FURNACE REQUIREMENTS w/ FRAMER. PROVIDE VENTED ACCESS DOOR (30" x 24" MIN.) 21 OUTSIDE AIR (COMBUSTION AIR) TO BE THERMALLY SEPARATED FROM CONDITIONED SPACES BY THE THERMAL ENVELOPE. THE OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR REQUIRED FOR THE FURNACE AND WATER HEATER REQUIRE INSULATING THE THERMAL ENVELOPE SURROUNDING THEM, SUCH AS WITH A MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. A SOLID, WEATHER-STRIPPED DOOR IS REQUIRED. 22 KITCHEN EXHAUST HOOD SYSTEMS CAPABLE OF EXHAUSTING IN EXCESS OF 400 CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH MAKEUP AIR AT A RATE APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO THE EXHAUST AIR RATE. SUCH MAKEUP AIR SYSTEMS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A MEANS OF CLOSURE AND SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLLED TO START AND OPERATE SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE EXHAUST SYSTEM 23 IF THE KITCHEN INCLUDES A DISHWASHER, THEN A WASTE LINE FROM A DOMESTIC DISHWASHER MUST DISCHARGE INDIRECTLY THROUGH AN AIR GAP OR AIR BREAK INTO A STANDPIPE, A WASTE RECEPTOR, A WYE -BRANCH FITTING ON THE TAILPIECE OF THE KITCHEN SINK DRAIN OR THE DISHWASHER CONNECTION OF A FOOD WASTE GRINDER PER P2717.2 AS AMENDED. 24 PROVIDE RECESSED DRYER VENT BOX @ LAUNDRY AREAS. CLOTHES DRYERS TO BE PROVIDED W/ A MOISTURE EXHAUST SYSTEM THAT VENTS TO THE EXTERIOR, AND MUST TERMINATE IN BACK -DRAFT DAMPER AT LEAST 3' FROM ANY OPENING INTO THE BUILDING. THE SIZE AND MAXIMUM LENGTH RUN OF THE DUCT IS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE DRYER MANUFACTURER. 25 FIRE BLOCKING WITH APPROVED MATERIALS MUST BE PROVIDED IN CONCEALED SPACES AT CEILING AND FLOOR LEVELS, HORIZONTALLY NOT TO EXCEED 101 , SOFFITS, DROP & COVE CEILINGS, BETWEEN STAIR STRINGERS, AND THE ANNULAR SPACE AROUND MATERIAL PENETRATIONS OF FLOORS AND CEILINGS. 26 CONCEALED SPACE OF A FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY WITH USABLE SPACE BOTH ABOVE AND BELOW THE CAVITY, DRAFTSTOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT THE AREA OF THE CONCEALED SPACE DOES NOT EXCEED 1,000 SQUARE FEET. DRAFTSTOPPING SHALL DIVIDE THE CONCEALED SPACE INTO APPROXIMATELY EQUAL AREAS. WHERE THE ASSEMBLY IS ENCLOSED BY A FLOOR MEMBRANE ABOVE AND A CEILING MEMBRANE BELOW, DRAFTSTOPPING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLIES UNDER THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: 1. CEILING IS SUSPENDED UNDER THE FLOOR FRAMING. 2. FLOOR FRAMING IS CONSTRUCTED OF TRUSS -TYPE OPEN -WEB OR PERFORATED MEMBERS. 27 THE DOOR BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND LIVING SPACE MUST BE SELF-CLOSING, SELF -LATCHING AND EITHER 20 -MINUTE RATED, 13%" SOLID CORE WOOD, OR 13%" SOLID OR HONEYCOMB STEEL. 28 AN EXTERIOR LANDING IS REQUIRED IF MORE THAN TWO RISERS (MAXIMUM 73/4") ARE PROVIDED AT THE DOOR. THE REQUIRED EXIT DOOR MAY ONLY HAVE A SINGLE RISER (MAXIMUM 73/4" FROM THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD) TO A SURFACE QUALIFYING AS A LANDING. Y al m w z NON -PRIMARY_ FRONT ZLL 25' FRONT SETBACK 0 m 7, 6 FF 1 - A11 B C D E 48' - 8" 0" 8'-0" 11'-0" 05 9'-0" 7 1/2" 13' - 0" 19 SF 74 SIF 20' - 0" o CPT m F 00 q�p CPT FUG 8" 10' - 0" 3' - 0" 5' - 0" 10' - 0" 5' - 0" 3' - 0" 10 10 10 01 08 --- --- --- ----- ------� — 7 6" 2 GA. PRE -FIN. DOWNSPOUT(S) FF 08 W/ 3' MIN. EXTENSIONS) R-20 44" MAX. SIL HT= 7- _ 6" 06 3' - 1" 7, 6„ _EGRESS WIN OW o R-20 2`4 FURR DD KNEE WALL LEDGE TO Se DD T CEILING -BE FRAMED FLUSH WITH WINDOW SILL :l 1 12' - 1" 2' - 8 1/2" TUB EO�—__Ea HJ) 13'-0" 2'-0" 15' - 8" 12' - 8" NON -PRIMARY FRONT ZLL 25' FRONT SETBACK 7, _ 6" 06 44" MAX. SILL HT. o FF EGRESS WINDOW R-20 N 7 6 DEEP AA 7' - 6„ JAMB/SILL i M.Bed Bed.2 FF I KWIC M.Closet 1 160 SF 06 III 172 SF 05 3' 7 1/2" 4' 0" 19 SF 74 SIF o CPT m F 00 q�p CPT —12 sF--- N D m - - M.Linen I_ 1 o A _ M 03 _Close 0 = 08 0 EO E EO � -' o 00 TILE TILE F m 18 S R-20 W 0 0 7' - 6" 10' - 10 1/2" 4' - 4 1/ 7' - 7 1/ " 3' - 8 1/4" 5' - 11 3/4" 1 0 15' - 2 1/2" 11/4" / 12" 5' - 10 1/2" FF "_ m m 18' - 2 1/2" 1' - 7 1/2' - 4 1/2" o m a v - 18 SF --- N CPT�F� 13 TUB FAUCET A 15 111' - 3/4" 136 SF 03 24 GA. PRE -FIN. o m 05 7' - 9 1/8,. 2, 4„ m 3 1/2" 8' - 5 1/2" o 3' - 2 7/8,. 81 9„— 05 x 4�/p° M.Bath a LOCATION OF RADON _ A� N A GRAVEL STOP m e e a ALIGN � -- 17_ _ CONTROL VENT PIPE Loft rLa fyLL FLASHING 08 D 10 SF 1 7 1 1/2” DENSDECK PRIME 1' - 1 1/2" s 51 SF N T LE 1 TO 14WD m TILE 2, 7„ 2, 6„ 2' 7„ STRUCTURALLY -SLOPED _ 3' - _ 11"1, 7' - 9 1/8" 6' - e z 4�p° 2, 4„ OZ 12, 1„ a 81 8„ 7,Ing 0 m �, e 1'-6" A15 8'-6" 1'-6" 14'-0" 1'-6" NJ EAVE EAVE EAVE a u I 1 i I I I 14 I I 1 1/4" / 12" 07 11'-7" i 24 GA. PRE -FIN. SILL PAN FLASHING 06 1 V 6" 0 GG R-20 07 DS &1S� PRE -FIN. GUTTER R &DOWNSPOUT W/ EXTENSION, SLEEVE THRU DECK 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GRAVELSTOP EDGE METAL, TYP. m RE: RO 1F PLAN o N N 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO ADHERED ONTO 4�p° 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME e MECH.-ATTACHED THRU STRUCTURALLY -SLOPED 1 DECK I a 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GUTTER & z DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK Ni� 10' SIDE SETBACK w 10' SIDE SETBACK — 8„ — — — — 24 GA. PRE (FIN. • — — — — — — — — — — — — 8' UTILITY &DRAINAGE EASEMENT —� GRAVEL STOP FLASHING 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT e 1, - 6, 24, - 0" 1' - 6" EAVE EAVE end Floor Plan 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 8 7 6 5 4 1 Al2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. Cl) CIOSet1m HD 71 3/4" 1 m F 00 q�p —12 sF--- N D m U M.Linen I_ 1 o A _ M 03 _Close 0 = 08 0 EO E EO � -' o W 7 SF F Q 18 S W 0 TW 2 N TILE CPT 11/4" / 12" 5' - 10 1/2" 1' - 8" 2 "_ 18' - 2 1/2" 1' - 7 1/2' - 4 1/2" n Closet.1 a 03 - 18 SF --- N CPT�F� 13 "' N 0 15 111' - 3/4" 136 SF 03 o m 3' - 11" # 7' - 9 1/8,. 2, 4„ WD 6' - 3 1/2" 8' - 5 1/2" 3' - 2 7/8,. 81 9„— x 4�/p° a LOCATION OF RADON _ A� N A m e e a 7' _ p- 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO ADHERED ONTO GG -- 17_ _ CONTROL VENT PIPE Loft rLa fyLL Bath-� Bed.1 1/2” DENSDECK PRIME s 51 SF 68 SF 136SFMECH.-ATTACHED TO 14WD m TILE CPT STRUCTURALLY -SLOPED _ 3' - _ 11"1, 7' - 9 1/8" 6' - 1/2" 1 8' - 5 1/2" 05 14' - 0 7/8" DECK--- St- a i r.2 „ ,0 9 0 , 1 1 4 3 I 2 _ 7„3,_p,�2,_S"p 4�/P. 07 R-20 60 SF 12' ° 8' 0„ 9- WD106' - 9 3 4" h 6'- 1" [ ;., o 44" MAX. SILL HT. 01 (EGRESS WINDOW PORCH ROOF �ONN D �I & Se Z, 6, BB i, 6, CC 7' 6, 1 F7' CC 6" EE e z 4�p° 2, 4„ OZ 12, 1„ a 81 8„ 7,Ing 0 m �, e 1'-6" A15 8'-6" 1'-6" 14'-0" 1'-6" NJ EAVE EAVE EAVE a u I 1 i I I I 14 I I 1 1/4" / 12" 07 11'-7" i 24 GA. PRE -FIN. SILL PAN FLASHING 06 1 V 6" 0 GG R-20 07 DS &1S� PRE -FIN. GUTTER R &DOWNSPOUT W/ EXTENSION, SLEEVE THRU DECK 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GRAVELSTOP EDGE METAL, TYP. m RE: RO 1F PLAN o N N 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO ADHERED ONTO 4�p° 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME e MECH.-ATTACHED THRU STRUCTURALLY -SLOPED 1 DECK I a 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GUTTER & z DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK Ni� 10' SIDE SETBACK w 10' SIDE SETBACK — 8„ — — — — 24 GA. PRE (FIN. • — — — — — — — — — — — — 8' UTILITY &DRAINAGE EASEMENT —� GRAVEL STOP FLASHING 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT e 1, - 6, 24, - 0" 1' - 6" EAVE EAVE end Floor Plan 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 8 7 6 5 4 1 Al2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. T e cu a ■ -� U VCU N U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C2ND FLOOR PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U�.. , C o� A5 Cl) HD W 00 wp U / ''CCV W CC 0 = W 0 J W N F Q N W 0 TW 2 N T e cu a ■ -� U VCU N U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C2ND FLOOR PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U�.. , C o� A5 I ID -100F 1 VERIFY ROOF FRAMING & LAYOUT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2 PROVIDE RAKED WALLS @ ALL RAKED ROOF END FRAMING. 3 ALL STEEP -SLOPE ROOFS k2:12) TO BE ASPHALT SHINGLES ON (1) LAYER 30 LB. FELT UNDERLAYMENT w/ ICE & WATER SHIELD AT ALL HEADWALLS, SIDEWALLS, VALLEYS AND EAVES 36" MIN. TO INSIDE FACE OF WARM WALL. 4 ALL LOW -SLOPE ROOFS k2:12) TO BE ADHERED 60 MIL 'GREY' TPO ON 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME, MECHANICALLY -ATTACHED W/ APPROPRIATE FASTENERS & PLATES @ 18F, 24P, 32C, TYP. 5 ALL ACCESIBLE LOW -SLOPE ROOFS k2:12) TO BE ADHERED 60 MIL 'GREY' TPO ON 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME ADHERED W/ INSULATION ADHESIVE PER MGRS WRITTEN INSTRUCTION TYP. 6 ALL ACCESIBLE LOW -SLOPE ROOF AREAS TO BE PROTECTED W/ SACRIFICIAL TPO SLIP SHEET (TACK INTO PLACE USING TPO BONDING ADHESIVE AT UPHILL CORNERS ONLY) AND POLYPROPYLENE PAVER TILES (IKEA SPCL). 7 ALL LOW -SLOPE ROOFS TO HAVE 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. SLOPE (STRUCTURAL OR OVERFRAMED) 8 RUN TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE UP & OVER ALL PARAPET WALLS, U.N.O.; LAP FINISH MATERIALS 2" MIN. 9 PROVIDE 1/2" PER FT. SLOPE MIN. CONT. SLOPED SUPPORT ON ALL PARAPET WALLS - 1/2" MIN. EXT. GRADE PLYWOOD ON 1/2" PLYWOOD (SIM.) SHIM, SLOPE TO INTERIOR ROOF. 10 TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE IS NOT COMPATIBLE W/ ICE & WATER SHIELD. * DO NOT ALLOW ICE & WATER SHIELD TO CONTACT TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE. ** USE TPO COMPATIBLE P&S FLASHING: 'SHARKSKIN ULTRA SA' *** (PREMIUM PANELS, INC. ARVADA, CO 303.420.8538) 11 ALL PARAPET WALLS TO HAVE 24 GA. PRE -FINISHED COPING CAP FLASHING W/ CONTINUOUS 22 GA. CLEAT. 12 ALL FLASHING METAL TO BE 24 GA. PRE -FINISHED GALVANIZED STEEL, VERIFY COLOR SELECTION W/ ARCHITECT. 13 PROVIDE 24 GA. PRE -FINISHED CONTINUOUS 5" BOX GUTTER AND 24 GA. 4" ROUND, SMOOTH DOWNSPOUTS. 14 VERIFY ALL DOWNSPOUT LOCATIONS & CLEARANCES w/ ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 15 PROVIDE SPLASH BLOCKS AT ALL DOWNSPOUT LOCATIONS. 16 PROVIDE A CONTROLLED METHOD OF WATER DISPOSAL FROM ROOFS THAT WILL COLLECT AND DISCHARGE ALL ROOF DRAINAGE TO THE GROUND SURFACE AT LEAST 5 FEET FROM FOUNDATION WALLS OR TO AN APPROVED DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 17 RE: ARCHITECTURAL SHEET(S) WALL/FLOOR/ROOF TYPES, SECTIONS & DETAILS FOR ROOF ASSEMBLIES AND FLASHING DETAILS 18 PROVIDE ATTIC VENTILATION AS REQUIRED PER SECTION R806 - IRC REFER TO ROOF PLAN FOR VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS. ROOF VENTILATION: UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLIES (All Flat Roof Assemblies): Per IRC 2012 R806.5 Unvented Attic Assemblies: Unvented attic assemblies (spaces between the ceiling joists of the top story and the roof rafters) shall be permitted if all the following conditions are met: 1. The unvented attic space is completely contained within the building thermal envelope. 2. No interior vapor retarders are installed on the ceiling side (attic floor) of the unvented attic assembly. 3. Where wood shingles or shakes are used, a minimum 1/4 inch (6 mm) vented air space separates the shingles or shakes and the roofing underlayment above the structural sheathing. 4. In climate zones 5,6,7 and 8, any air -impermeable insulation shall be a vapor retarder, or shall have a vapor retarder coating or covering in direct contact with the underside of the insulation. S. Either Items 5.1, 5.2or 5.3 shall be met, depending on the air permeability ofthe insulation directly under the structural roof sheathing. 5.1.. Air -impermeable insulation only. Insulation shall be applied in direct contact with the underside of the structural roof sheathing. ROOF VENTILATION: IRC 2012 R806.1 Ventilation Required Per IRC 2012 R806.2 Minimum Area: The total net free ventilating area shall not be less than 1/150 of the area of the space ventilated except that reduction of the total area to 1/300 is permitted provided that at least 50 percent and not more than 80 percent of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the space to be ventilated at least 3 feet (914 mm) above the eave or cornice vents with the balance of the required ventilation provided by eave or cornice vents. As an alternative, the net free cross -ventilation area may be reduced to 1/300 when a Class I or II vapor barrier is installed on the warm -in -winter side of the ceiling. 1 C - A11 A B D E F G Iq T48' - 8" 5'-0" 5'-0" 3'-0" 11'-0" 9'-0" 8" 13'-0" 12'-0" 13' - 0" 20' - 0" 15' - 8" T�(p° 22 GA. PRE -FIN. COP NG CAP FLASHING, TYP., RE: 6/A7.0 --- _ _ SIDE_ ZLL _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SIDE ZLL_ --� 25' SIDE SETBACK -----------1„ - ----- -------------------- ---- -24 GA. PRE -FIN. BOX GUTTER -------- Tip° _—_—_—_—_�------25' SIDE SETBACK ------------- N & DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK, TYP. ° I e ' Y N a o s m zo � '2, ,��, CRICKET, ROOFING, TYP. 60 MIL. 'GREY' TP ADHERED N ONTO UNVENTED ROOF 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME ASSEMBLY PER ° m e JP MECH.-ATTACH D THRU R806.5 22 GA. PRE -FIN. GRAVELSTOP e 1 or & SE YI a m, ~I w =I & T17P° 1 N w � a I I 1'-6" EAVE 22 GA. PRE -FIN. I GRAVELSTOP I o TF7P° o � e N QI 1 mlw ~I 0 I I N 14' - 0" T1YP° 1' - 6" 1/4" / 12" EAVE UNVENTED ROOF —ASSEMBLY PES - 14 R806.5 -1-7117-- 60 MIL. 'GR Y' TPO (ADHERED ONTO 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME (ADHERED ONTO TRUCTURALLY-SLOPED DEC 1/4" / 12" 360 SF SOLAR -READY ZONE PER T103.1 — - — - — ----- — — —o — — — — — — — 10 SIDE SETBACK w zi - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT 24' - 0„ ° 0.125° T 24 GA. PRE -FIN. CONT. T GUTTER & DS W/ e SPLASHBLOCK, TYP. 1'-6" EAVE DECK BELOW 24 GA. PRE -FIN. SILL RE: 1ST PLAN DECK BELOW PAN FLASHING __ IEE 1ST PL�N �� 360 SF SOLAR -READY ZONE PER T103.1. N T17P° I 1 1 4' - 0" SOLAR -READY INTERCONNECTION CONDUIT PATHWAY TO ELECTRIC SERVICE LOCATION OF NEW 200 AMP SERVICE & MAIN DISCONNECT BELOW — — ——-------------------- — 24 GA. PRE -FIN C NT. GUTTER 10' SIDE SETBACK & DS W/ SPLA H LOCK, TYP. -- -- ----——————— — — — — —— —————————— — — — — —— r' - 6" ELEC PANEL (BELOW) 8' UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT ;oor Ir Roof Plan 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 8 7 6 5 4 1 Al2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e � cu Q ■ —� O U VCU N 0 U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I JS ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: l�C ROOF PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U� I o� Ab Cl) O W 00 wp U / ''CCV W CC 0 = W 0 1 J W F— W cm W 0 2 N e � cu Q ■ —� O U VCU N 0 U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I JS ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: l�C ROOF PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U� I o� Ab 0.32" 0.91" o-Xr 7'-6" 7'-6" FF FF CHARCOAL 6 60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE 15/16" x 2-1/2" BATTENS, VERT., 5 i 1 1/4" LP SMARTSIDE 540 SERIES SMOOTH BLACK O7/16" x MATTE BLACK 5/16" x 16" VERT. PANEL SIDING CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT _30' - m 06 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING LP SMARTSIDE 38 SERIES SMOOTH MAJIK 2'-0"1'-0" m ALABASTER WHITE (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX 2'-0" 09 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE BARRIER, LAP COUNTERFLASHING -FORMED 10 STEEL RAILING, POWDER COATED 0 FINE TEXTURE PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. WINDOW FLASHING, RE: 08/A15 0 24 GA. PRE -FIN. HEAD FLASHING W/ HEM AT ALL WINDOWS/DOORS 1 3/8" PROVIDE 1/8" GAP OPEN HEM 1/2" GWB., PNT. m 1/2" GWB., PNT. wwolmdam Head @ D Ao 0 D ado CL 15/16" x 3" BATTENS, VERT., LP SMARTSIDE 540 SERIES SMOOTH 5/16" x 16" VERT. PANEL SIDING LP SMARTSIDE 38 SERIES SMOOTH (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER BARRIER, LAP COUNTERFLASHING PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. JAMB FLASHING PROVIDE 1/8" GAP 1 3/8" 01 i WINDOW JAMB, RE: WINDOW SCHD. m 1/2" GWB. JAMB, PNT. Window Jamb : d.:: at. 0 1 3/8" 0: 2 CM QUARTZ SILL, 'CORIAN' SEALANT, COLOR MATCH N WINDOW JAMB, RE: WINDOW SCHD. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. SILL FLASHING W/ N OPEN HEM AT ALL WINDOW SILLS N 15/16" BATTENS, VERT., 1 3/8" LP SMARTSIDE 540 SERIES SMOOTH 5/16" x 16" VERT. PANEL SIDING LP SMARTSIDE 38 SERIES SMOOTH (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER 1 1/4" BARRIER LAP COUNTERFLASHING PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. 0.320.91 �DI11ry� annn�0�� @ LOC41lSo 3" = 1'-0" 3" = 1'-0" 3„ = 1'-0„ Av . Grade 99' - 2 3/8 (5453.5') iinivrniTrn Dnn� ACCrMDIV DrD 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO, ADHERED UP & OVER PARAPET WALL, TYP. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COPING CAP 4" BRICK MASONRY VENEER TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE, ADHERED CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. POWDER -COATED HSS STL.COLUMN, RE: STRUC. CONC. PATIO SLAB 8 7'-6" 7'-6" FF FF CHARCOAL 6 60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE GREY 5 i 24 GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" x MATTE BLACK Lo CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT _30' - m 06 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK 2'-0"1'-0" m ALABASTER WHITE 10,-0" 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX 2'-0" 09 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE BOARD -FORMED 10 STEEL RAILING, POWDER COATED 0 FINE TEXTURE 0 Av . Grade 99' - 2 3/8 (5453.5') iinivrniTrn Dnn� ACCrMDIV DrD 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO, ADHERED UP & OVER PARAPET WALL, TYP. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COPING CAP 4" BRICK MASONRY VENEER TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE, ADHERED CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. POWDER -COATED HSS STL.COLUMN, RE: STRUC. CONC. PATIO SLAB 8 7'-6" 7'-6" FF FF CHARCOAL 6 60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE GREY 5 4 24 GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" CEMENT BD. FASCIA MATTE BLACK CO11/16" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT _30' - 0" 06 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK 2'-0"1'-0" VERT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN ALABASTER WHITE 10,-0" 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX 2'-0" 09 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE 7'-6" \ FF 7'-6" 7'-6" FF FF 08 8'-6" ED a� 8'-6" ED II 1 A 22 1C3 1' - 2" 2' - 2" 1 74' - MQ�En LEGEND MATERIAL: COLOR: OASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING CHARCOAL OZ 60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE GREY 03 24 GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" CEMENT BD. FASCIA MATTE BLACK CO11/16" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT MATTE BLACK 06 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK O16" VERT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN ALABASTER WHITE 08 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX BLACK 09 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE BOARD -FORMED 10 STEEL RAILING, POWDER COATED BLACK FINE TEXTURE 1 8' - 0" 24, - 0" y UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASPHALT SHINGLES 24 GA. GUTTER & DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK CMT. BD. & BATTEN, PNT. 2 TYP. A8 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GRAVELSTOP 06 7'-6" AA JD L AF LUMN F : STRUI 35' Max. Bldg_Ht.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 134' - 2 3/8" T. 0. Ridge 123' - 2 11/32" Mid -Roof � 124' - 0 23/32" 0 w B. 0. Eav�IIIII IZL 1/32" 2nd Top Ptate 120' - 2 7/8" UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE, ADHERED 0 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GRAVELSTOP 2nd SubFl�IIIIIIIII 111' - 1 3/4" - 110' Gar. Top P to 109' - 4 7/8" 06 CEMENT BD. SIDING 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP ELEC METER HOSE BIB 1st SubFloor 100' - 0" T.0 Fndn 9'-93/4" Ave. Grade 9' - 2 3/8" (5453.5') wart MewmUolm 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 wp ''ccVU / W cc 0 = W 0 J W F - 04 — N W W 0 2 N e � co a ■ —� o U VCU N 0 U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: 11l:L\wli! I jS ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CELEVATIONS SHEET #: ti \N heat C) �CD A t C N PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. m (1) LAYER WEATHER BARRIER 2 1/2" 3/4" 5/8" x 10.25" HORZ.'ASPIRE' SHIPLAP SIDING, SMOOTH STRIP -IN FLASHING W/ 'TYVEK' WEATHER BARRIER TAPE APPROP. FASTENERS @ 12" O.C. PROVIDE 1/4" MIN. GAP a 24 GA. BONDERIZED 'PAINT -LOC' 1/4" OUTSIDE CORNER FLASHING, PNT. GAP 00800de @ shoop tp 30d0ng 3" = 1'-0" UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASPHALT SHINGLES 4" BRICK MASONRY VENEER 2 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO, ADHERED A8 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME 24 GA. PRE -FIN. CONT. GUTTER & DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK t CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. STEEL RAILING, PNT. RE: STRUC. HOSE BIB JOIST REVERSE RE: STRUC. CONC_ PORCH COLUMN FOOTING,- RE: OOTING;RE: STRUC. A Grade 99' - 2 3/8&(5457.5') v 1 - A11 A B C I E 3'-0" 5'-0" 8'-0" 11'-0" 08 7'-6" CC 7'-6" BB 10 TY � OZ 1 A15 F1 14 1/4" 12" R-49 TRUSSES, RE: STRUC. CL 13 06 � . 06 J �� / T, i :R 20 Mud R-20' F HB 85 SF � 11 � o R-30 x e. R-15�i CONDITIONED i R-15ci CRAWLSPACE — J ALIGN BATTENS ON STUDS, CENTER STUD LAYOUT ON ELEVS. 15/16" x 3" BATTENS, VERT., LP SMARTSIDE 540 SERIES SMOOTH 5/16" x 16" VERT. PANEL SIDING LP SMARTSIDE 38 SERIES SMOOTH PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER BARRIER, STRIP -IN FLASHING PROVIDE 1/4" MIN. GAP a sa 1 24 GA. BONDERIZED 'PAINT -LOC' OUTSIDE CORNER FLASHING n n71L� (] (� �p (GGA�pP � y�7�L� 014 80de cuGAP @ R Wo � � (� , 3" = 1'-0" 91 _ 011 I8„ 13' - 0" 06 7'-6" BB H J 06 51 MATERIAL: COLOR: 01 ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING CHARCOAL 02 60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE GREY 03 24 GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" CEMENT BD. FASCIA MATTE BLACK 05 11/16" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT MATTE BLACK 06 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK OZ 16" VERT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN ALABASTER WHITE OO 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX BLACK 09 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE BOARD -FORMED 10 STEEL RAILING, POWDER COATED BLACK FINE TEXTURE 35' Max. Bldg. Ht. 134' - 2 3/8" UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASPHALT SHINGLES T. 0. Ridge 123' - 2 11/32" 0 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COPING CAP Mid -Roof � 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO ADHERED 124' - 0 23/32" UP & OVER PARAPET WALL w B.O. Eave 11 11lUll 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GUTTER & DS 2nd Top P toIIII RE: 3/A15 120' - 2 7/8" CEMENT BD. SIDING 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP, PNT. TYP. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN, PNT. 7 2 A8 7 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GUTTER & DS 24 GA. PRE -FIN. SILL PAN FLASHING MASONRY VENEER, 1/2" THIN STEEL COLUMN(S), PNT. RE: STRUC. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. DS, ALIGN ON COL., CUT THROUGH DECK TO EXTENSION TO DAYLIGHT GAS STUB -OUT FOR BBQ —�r I o s � o 2nd SubFl�IIIIIIIII � N u, 111' - 1 3/4" 1st Ton to 110' - 1 /8" Gar. Top Pl to 109' - 4 7/8" 0 1st SubFloor 100' - 0" 5458.28' T.O.Fndn 99' - 9 3/4" Ave. Grade 9' - 2 3/8" (5453.50') 300 0 HOWSUIDIM 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 wp ''ccVU / W cc 0 = W 0 J W N F Q N TW W 0 2 N e � co a ■ -� o U VCU V) 0 U N N N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: 11l:L\wli! I JS ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CELEVATIONS SHEET #: S, W heat C) �CD A8 CMT. BD. PANEL SIDING, HORZ. 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER BARRIER, LAP COUNTERFLASHING PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. WINDOW FLASHING, RE: 08/A15 24 GA. PRE -FIN. HEAD FLASHING W/ HEM AT ALL WINDOWS/DOORS M 1 3/8" PROVIDE 1/4" GAP OPEN HEM 1/2" GWB., PNT. " 1/2" GWB., PNT. m w ondw Hold Ca? NOWIP CMT. BD. PANEL SIDING, HORZ. 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER BARRIER, LAP COUNTERFLASHING PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. WINDOW FLASHING, RE: 08/A15 24 GA. PRE -FIN. JAMB FLASHING 1 3/8" PROVIDE 1/4" GAP 01 WINDOW JAMB, RE: WINDOW SCHD. m 1/2" GWB. JAMB, PNT. wondw Jamb (�D_ shopoop 71 33/8 woondw 300 3" = V-0" 3" = 1'-0" 3" = 1'-0" 1 Al2 Cl 2 3 24, - 0" 8' - 0" UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASP ALT SHINGLESON SYTHETI UNDERLAYMENT 5 1/2' CMT. FRIEZE CO. 24 GA. GYTTERS & DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK i CEMENT BD. & BATTEN, PNT. 0 0 m 2 TYP. m ¢ 24 GA. PRE-FIN.GRAVELSTOP A8 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE TYP. 14 4 24 GA. GUTTER & DS W/ A9 SPLASHBLOCK MASO RY VENEER, VIF CEMENT BD. FASCIA, PNT. EnEnjamp Plate 109' - 4 7/8" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. CEMENT BD. SIDING 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP, PNT. 3 ` TYP. ` 3 06 A8 � AA ELEC. METER GAS STUB -OUT FOR BBQ ®®® HOSE BIB EEEW=T.Q.Fmin A Grade 99' - 2 3/8 . 2 CM QUARTZ SILL, 'CORIAN' SEALANT, COLOR MATCH WINDOW JAMB, RE: WINDOW SCHD. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. SILL FLASHING W/ OPEN HEM AT ALL WINDOW SILLS CMT. BD. PANEL SIDING, HORZ. 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER BARRIER, LAP COUNTERFLASHING PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. 13'-0" 2'-0" 8'-6" 13 TY . 4 M r 3 3 A7 nc 6 7 8 O60 15' - 0" 8'-6" GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK 2 CM QUARTZ SILL, 'CORIAN' SEALANT, COLOR MATCH WINDOW JAMB, RE: WINDOW SCHD. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. SILL FLASHING W/ OPEN HEM AT ALL WINDOW SILLS CMT. BD. PANEL SIDING, HORZ. 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING (1) LAYER 'TYVEK' WEATHER BARRIER, LAP COUNTERFLASHING PLYWOOD SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. 13'-0" 2'-0" 8'-6" 13 TY . 4 M r 3 3 A7 nc 6 7 8 O60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE 2, 0„ GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" -6 2 08 7 06 / > A 07 6 MQ�En LEGEND MATERIAL: COLOR: OASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING CHARCOAL O60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE GREY O24 GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" CEMENT BD. FASCIA MATTE BLACK O5 11/16" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT MATTE BLACK O6 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK OZ 16" VERT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN ALABASTER WHITE OO 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX BLACK O9 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE BOARD -FORMED 10 STEEL RAILING, POWDER COATED BLACK FINE TEXTURE I inivrniTrn Dnn� ACCCMDIV DrD 35' Max. Bldg. Ht. 134' - 2 3/8" T. 0. Ridge 123' - 2 11/32" 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED UP & OVER PARAPET Mid -Roof � 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COPING CAP 124' - 0 23/32" 0 w East Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 Wp ccU U) W cc 0 = W 0 J NW F- 04 TW W 0 2 N e � co 0- E ■ -� o U VCU V) 0 U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: 11l:L\wli! I ,S ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CELEVATIONS SHEET #: ti W heat C) �CD A`I9 B.O. Eave , „ 1 1 2nd Top kate 120' - 2 7/8" 4" BRICK MASONRY VENEER CEMENT BD. SIDING 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP, PNT. 3 TYP. o s N m 2nd SubFloor 1St Top P to CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. 110' - 1 1/8" STL. COLUMN(S), PNT. RE: STRUC. RAISED PERMEABLE 'TREX' DECK GAS METER o HVAC CU ON CONC PAD WINDOW WELL, EGRESS LADDER & COVER GRATE 1st SubFloor PER CODE_ 100' - 0" 5458.28' N T.O.Fndn 9'-93/4" Ave. Grade 99' - 2 3/8" (5453.50') East Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 Wp ccU U) W cc 0 = W 0 J NW F- 04 TW W 0 2 N e � co 0- E ■ -� o U VCU V) 0 U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: 11l:L\wli! I ,S ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CELEVATIONS SHEET #: ti W heat C) �CD A`I9 AvGrade - 9 9' - 2 3/8 J H G F 48' - 8" - UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER 41' 8" R806.5 2' _ 0" 13' - 0" 8" 9' - 0" 10 ASPHALT SHINGLES ON SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 13 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO, ADHERED UP & OVER PARAPET WALL 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COPING CAP FLASHING ~ -_ w a a N 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GUTTERS & DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK 7, 6„ 7, 6„ 3TYP FF DD 3 CEMENT BD. SIDING A7 A9 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP, PNT. 3 TYP.TYP 2 2 A8 06 06 4 3 AR 7' --0" GG 220V SERVICE HVCAC CU ON CONC PAD WINDOW WELL, EGRESS LADDER & COVER GRATE PER CODE 8' = 0" 8' - 011� HH' HH 12 1 A11 D C B A 8'-0" 1 5'-0" 3'-0" MATERIAL: COLOR: OASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING CHARCOAL O60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE GREY O3 24 GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" CEMENT BD. FASCIA MATTE BLACK O5 11/16" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT MATTE BLACK O6 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK OZ 16" VERT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN ALABASTER WHITE OB 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX BLACK O9 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE BOARD -FORMED 10 STEEL RAILING, POWDER COATED BLACK FINE TEXTURE 35' Max. Bldg. Ht. � 134' - 2 3/8" UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASPHALT SHINGLES, TYP. T. 0. Ridge 127' - 2 11/32" UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 w 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO, ADHERED Mid -Roof UP & OVER PARAPET WALL 124' - 0 23/32" 0 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COPING CAP 2nd - 1L37" Top P toIIIII 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GUTTERS & 120' 2 3/8" DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK - \7+6 \FF CEMENT BD. SIDING 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP, PNT. 24 GA. PRE-FIN.GRAVELSTOP 15 24 GA. PRE -FIN. GUTTERS & 08 IS W/ SPLASHBLOCK CVG HEMLOCKSOFFIT, ' .iiii.l liiii..l- .iiii.! liiii�.l� 4" BRICK MASONRY VENEER I 'Eli WINDOW LADDER COVER GRATE -PER CODE 2nd SuIOR�IIIIIIIIIII z� 111' - 1 3/4" 1st Top P to 110' - 1 1/8" 1st SuIOR�IIIIIIIIIII 100' - 0" (5458.28' Ave. Grade 99' - 2 3/8" (5453.50') Hank HOW8 00[m 1/4" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 w0 ''CCVU / W CC 0 = W 0 J W N F Q N TW W 0 2 N e � co 0- E ■ -� o U VCU N 0 U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: 11l:L\wli! I JS ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CELEVATIONS SHEET #: ti W heat .., C) �' CD AN C A .Grade 99' - 2 3/8" (5453.5') UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 24 GA. COPING CAP FLASHING 60 MIL TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE, ADHERED ONTO 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME, MECH.-ATTACHED THRU EPS TAPER SYSTEM ON FLAT STRUCTURAL DECK RE: DETAIL 551/53 i 0 0 8 MATERIAL: 6 OASPHALT 5Y0.3 O60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE �2 0`1' v MATTE BLACK 10, - 0" �2' - 0"� 15, - 0" O6 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK (: 16" VERT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN ALABASTER WHITE OB 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX BLACK O9 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE 8'-6" 8'-6" Typo e T17P 8` A1513 �� Typo 12 ° R-49 RIDGE BEAM & R-49 ROOF RAFTERS, RE: STRUC. OF JOISTS, RE: STRUC 13, - 0" 20 M.Bed Closet Hall 172 SF D 12 SF 136 SF Stair.2 11 60 SF b M JOIST, RE: STRUC R -30C mechanical plenum 08 7 0" FF GG Parlor I FoyerI Stair.l R-20 145 SF 69 SF 69 SF WINDOW WELL(S), 11 EGRESS LADDER(S) & COVER GRATE(S), TYP. a R-30 I -JOIST, RE: STRUC R 30 3 0 R 19 MIN. Y b 81 _ 011 M m HH '< z M m to J o Bed.5 B.Great Safe 121 SF o 411 SF 8 SF a I z s � 01 = 10 AREA DRAIN TIE INTO R-19 w X PERIMETER DRAIN �. < R-10 R-10 1 Al2 3 2 8, _ 0„ UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 L ASPHALT SHINGLES, TYP. 13 ° R-20 VARIABLE -PITCH CONNECTOR (VPC) OR 2x6 CHEESE -WEDGE @ EVERY JOIST 7, 6„ BB T17Po e M � -18 R @-7 7 / R-19 ao Stair.0 54 SF 01 Baa 17 SUMP PUMP R-49 CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. 07 06 06 7' - 6„ AA R-20 = 24' - 0"- 14 SES, RE: STRUC w _ -- Garage 529 SF uUN, MQ`fEn LEGEND 09 Z 35' Max. Bldg. Ht. 134' - 2 3/8" 123' - 2 11/32" MATERIAL: COLOR: OASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING CHARCOAL O60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE GREY O3 24 GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" CEMENT BD. FASCIA MATTE BLACK O5 11/16" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT MATTE BLACK O6 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK (: 16" VERT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN ALABASTER WHITE OB 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX BLACK O9 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE BOARD -FORMED 10 STEEL RAILING, POWDER COATED BLACK FINE TEXTURE 09 Z 35' Max. Bldg. Ht. 134' - 2 3/8" 123' - 2 11/32" Mid -Roof 124' - 0 23/32" 0 w B. 0. Eave ' 1 - 1/37" 2nd Top kateIIIIIII 120' - 2 7/8" UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO, ADHERED 24 GA. PRE-FIN.GRAVELSTOP T1YPo e 2nd SubFloo� , 111' - 1 3/4" o P to 110' - 1/8" Gar. Top Pl to 06 109' - 4 7/8" 0 V-0" MIN. OVER -EXCAVATED o BENEATH SLAB AND REPLACE W/ IMPORTED STRUCTURAL FILL RE: SOILS REPORT X54_58,..28' 1st SubFloor X5457.22' 0 100 011 T.O.Fndn 9'-93/4" Ave. Grade 99' - 2 3/8" (5453.5') BsMt Top Plate 98' - 11 3/8" 0. Gar.Foot 94' - 9 3/4" T.O. Bsmt Slab 6„ T . Foo 89' - 2" 1111111-1.0 0 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet V 1 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 wp ''ccVU / W cc 0 = W 0 J W N F Q N TW W 0 2 N e cu 0- E ■ -� U Vi V) 0 U cu (6 N U co 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: 1l:L\wli! I jS ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSECTIONS SHEET #: o ti W heat CD A I I Av .Grade 99' - 2 3/8"(5457.5') UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASPHALT SHINGLES ON 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COPING CAP 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO ADHERED UP & OVER PARAPET WALL GUARD, 36" MIN. PER CODE 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO, ADHERED 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME 24 GA. PRE -FIN. CONT. GUTTER & DS W/ SPLASHBLOCK CEMENT BD. FASCIA, PNT. CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. / STEEL COLUMN, PNT. RE: STRUC. 15 / 08 13'-0" R-49 ROOF RAFTERS, RE. STRUC. R-20 OS ' OS OS R-20 E tair.2 , 60 SF ' A' �CB Laundry Bath Bed.1 F 54 SF 68 SF 136 SF 11 T � R-30 R-30 6 ZERO -OUT R.O.DRYWALL 07 07 ,2 R-2 R-20 7' - 6" 7' - 6" 7' - 6" tair.1 Living' B 69 SF m 226 SF BB BB BB 11 x_N.Dec k \ 220 SF 100, 0„ HLLTw 1991- 811 ll'- 2" R-30 ' v~ ju 14 R.O. REVERSE LEDGE 12 RE: STRUC. 10 81- 0,. o - B. reat HH R-19 411 SF R-19 `" � o Stair.0 W 01 �4 SF 10 2'-0" 06 4 N 07 UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASPHALT SHINGLES ON SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 CEMENT BD. SIDING 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP, PNT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN, PNT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN, PNT. 35' Max. Bldg. Ht. EMEME 134' - 2 3/8" T.O. Ridge MEME 123' - 2 11/32" 0 W Mid -Roof M 124' - 0 23/32" o ;o B. 0. Eave MEEMM 1/32" 2nd Top P toIIIII 120' - 2 7/8" 2nd SubFloor 111' - 1 3/4" T1WPo 1st Top PtateM 110' - 1 1/81, r CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. 0 DECKING, RAISED, TREX 1st SubFloor 100' - 011 T.O.Fndn 9'-93/4" CONC. PIER, RE: STRUC. Ave. Grade 99' - 2 3/8"(5453.5') Bs t Top Plate EMEME m 98' - 11 3/8" .0. Gar.Foot o 94' - 9 3/4" THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 wp ''ccVU / W cc 0 = W 0 1 J W N Q > N TW W 0 2 N e cu Q ■ -� 0 U Vi N 0 U i cu m N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I ,S ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: T.O. Bsmt Slab EIIEIEE 04/18/2021 61 T.O. Footin 89' - 2" SHEET TITLE: FiD'����n,,,,jjjD���I (� ^�5 r� I SECTIONS ' Q �W� l=1�V15 01111 _ L7 Vll 1/4" = V-0" SHEET #: ti W heat Graphic Scale: finch = 4 feet � � . m 0 4' 8' 12' YW/0". if Al2 MATERIAL: COLOR: OASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING CHARCOAL O60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE GREY 4) 24 GA. GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT MATTE BLACK O7/16" CEMENT BD. FASCIA MATTE BLACK 05 11/16" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT MATTE BLACK 06 10.25" 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP SIDING BLACK MAJIK O16" VERT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN ALABASTER WHITE OB 4" MASONRY BRICK VENEER SIDING ONYX BLACK 09 CONCRETE, POURED -IN-PLACE BOARD -FORMED 10 STEEL RAILING, POWDER COATED BLACK FINE TEXTURE UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 ASPHALT SHINGLES ON SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 CEMENT BD. SIDING 'ASPYRE' SHIPLAP, PNT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN, PNT. CEMENT BD. & BATTEN, PNT. 35' Max. Bldg. Ht. EMEME 134' - 2 3/8" T.O. Ridge MEME 123' - 2 11/32" 0 W Mid -Roof M 124' - 0 23/32" o ;o B. 0. Eave MEEMM 1/32" 2nd Top P toIIIII 120' - 2 7/8" 2nd SubFloor 111' - 1 3/4" T1WPo 1st Top PtateM 110' - 1 1/81, r CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT, PNT. 0 DECKING, RAISED, TREX 1st SubFloor 100' - 011 T.O.Fndn 9'-93/4" CONC. PIER, RE: STRUC. Ave. Grade 99' - 2 3/8"(5453.5') Bs t Top Plate EMEME m 98' - 11 3/8" .0. Gar.Foot o 94' - 9 3/4" THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 wp ''ccVU / W cc 0 = W 0 1 J W N Q > N TW W 0 2 N e cu Q ■ -� 0 U Vi N 0 U i cu m N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I ,S ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: T.O. Bsmt Slab EIIEIEE 04/18/2021 61 T.O. Footin 89' - 2" SHEET TITLE: FiD'����n,,,,jjjD���I (� ^�5 r� I SECTIONS ' Q �W� l=1�V15 01111 _ L7 Vll 1/4" = V-0" SHEET #: ti W heat Graphic Scale: finch = 4 feet � � . m 0 4' 8' 12' YW/0". if Al2 1 1/2" = V-0" POWDER -COATED STEEL RAILING 36" MIN. STAIR HANDRAILS MUST BE GRASPABLE WITH EITHER A TYPE I CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION (11/4" TO 2" DIAMETER WITH A 4" TO 61/4" PERIMETER) OR TYPE II WITH A PERIMETER OVER 61/4" WITH A FINGER RECESS OF AT LEAST 5/16" ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PROFILE, AND HANDRAILS ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF A FLIGHT OF STAIRS WITH 4 OR MORE RISERS PER SECTION R311.7.7.3. 1" BULLNOSE CLOSED RISER STAIR PER CODE a�3 "9 ,E „6 — ,8 1 st/2nd Stair Plan 1/2" = V-0" smt/1 st Stair Plan 1/2" = V-0" 1/2" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 2 feet ti W heat THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e cu Q ■ -� o U VCU i N C U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSTAIRS SHEET #: A13 Cl) Cl) 0 W 00 W 0 CCU U) LLI =wo J W N Q > N W W _ 004 N e cu Q ■ -� o U VCU i N C U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSTAIRS SHEET #: A13 UNVENTED ROOF ASSEMBLY PER R806.5 rZ�efR[�19@[e1tI1»I[.9:1@[e 60 MIL TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE, ADHERED UP & OVER PARAPET WALL/ ON 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME, MECH.-ATTACHED THRU EPS TAPER SYSTEM ON FLAT STRUCTURAL DECK BALLON FRAME W/ LEDGER BD., RE: STRUC. DETAIL 551/S2 1/2" GYP. BD. CLG., PNT., TYP. CEMENTITIOUS BD. & BATTEN, OR CEMENTITIOUS STUCCO W/ INTEGRAL COLOR (INSTALL PER MFR'S SPECS.) ON (1) LAYER TYVEK WEATHER BARRIER ON 1/2" SHEATHING (RE. STRUC.) ON 2x6 MIN. STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ R-20 BATT. INSUL., TYP. VAPOR BARRIER PER CODE R603.1, APPLIED TO WARM SIDE OF INSULATION. STRAPPING, RE: STRUC. CONT. RIM BD., RE: STRUC. (3) 200 HEADER, RE: STRUC. WINDOWS: RE: A8.1 WINDOW SCHDULE; FULLY -LAPPED & FLASHED TOP, SIDES & BOTTOM, BACK WRAP FOR CONTINUOUS BACKER ROD & SEALANT; INSTALL PER MFR'S. WRITTEN SPEC., RE: 01 & 02/A15 3/4" T&G SUB FLOOR SHEATHING (GLUED & NAILED TO TRUSSES) ON 11-7/8" FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O.C. (RE: STRUC.), TYP. PROVIDE ROLL BLOCKING AND BUILDING PAPER WHERE FLOOR JOISTS MEET FOUNDATION PT 2x6 PLATE ON CONT. SEALER INSULATION CAST JOIST LEDGE, RE: STRUC. ANCHOR BOLTS - RE: STRUC. BACKFILL PER SOILS REPORT REINFORCING STL., RE: STRUC. POUR -IN-PLACE CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL, RE: STRUC. WINDOW WELL(S), EGRESS LADDER(S) & COVER GRATE(S), TYP. VINYL -FACED BLANKET INSULATION (R-19 MIN.) DAMPPROOFING, FLUID -APPLIED AREA DRAIN TIE INTO PERIMETER DRAIN SPREAD FOOTING, RE: STRUC. INTERIOR PERIMETER DRAIN SYSTEM PER SOILS REPORT �Vmfl 1/2" = V -0" Eave 1P ate J 2 3/8" Floor 1 3/4" 0 Plate Floor 0 �nIIIIII Plate 11 3/8" CAST -IN-PLACE SLIDER WINDOW: 4'-0" X 5'-0" 6 MIL. POLYETHYLENE, ADHERE UP WALL 12" MIN., LAP SEAMS 6" MIN. AND TAPE OR SEAL PER CODE (111102. PERFORATED PERIMETER DRAIN PIPE PER SOILS REPORT COURSE GRAVEL BED RE: SOILS REPORT it Slab _ A RAFTERS & BEAM RE:STRUC. 1/2" GYP. BD. CLG. PNT., TYP. PROVIDE WOOD CAP, PNT. 6 MIL. POLYETHYLENE, ADHERE UP WALL 12" MIN., LAP SEAMS 6" MIN. AND TAPE OR SEAL PER CODE IN 1102. PERFORATED PERIMETER DRAIN PIPE PER SOILS REPORT COURSE GRAVEL BED RE: SOILS REPORT F ASSEMBLY PER ROOF PLAN 3LES ON (1) LAYER )ERLAYMENT SHIELD: ALL PAST WARM OF EXT. WALL I. GUTTER & DS H CONNECTOR CHEESE -WEDGE @ U H2.5 CLIP(S) ATE, RE: STRUC R, RE: STRUC. 48.1 WINDOW SCHDULE; & FLASHED TOP, IM, BACK WRAP FOR \CKER ROD & ALL PER MFR'S. RE: 01 & 02/A15 SPLASHBLOCK, TYP. 0 3D. & BATTEN, OR STUCCO W/ INTEGRAL _ PER MFR'S SPECS.) YVEK WEATHER 2" SHEATHING (RE. MIN. STUDS @ 16" ATT. INSUL., TYP. R PER CODE R603.1, SRM SIDE OF FLOOR SHEATHING =D TO TRUSSES) ON 0 JOISTS @ 16" O.C. YP. ON CONT. SEALER RE: STRUC. RE: STRUC. RE: STRUC. SOILS REPORT FLUID -APPLIED CONCRETE ALL, RE: STRUC. FL., RE: STRUC. LANKET 19 MIN.) JG, RE: STRUC. ETER DRAIN nnny� (�(�(�{} SYSTEM PER SOILS REPORT LIV (Yl�� NJl�al�JliOolm @ NJIi(�1011 1/2" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 2 feet m THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e � cu Q ■ -� O U 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: js ISSUE: FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: WALL SECTIONS SHEET #: ti W heat U : I m oc A14 Co Co O W 00 wp �U W = W 0 J W N � Q > N Lu W C 2 N e � cu Q ■ -� O U 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: js ISSUE: FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: WALL SECTIONS SHEET #: ti W heat U : I m oc A14 VIF 1/2" / 12" SLOPE a m Y - � N Z 22 GA. PRE -FIN. ATTACHMENT CLEAT, FASTEN 12" O.C. W/ APPROP.FASTENER EXT. CLADDING, RE: ELEVATIONS w > SET IN 3 BEADS OF SEALANT AT GSM GAP 6•• NOTES: 1. HEM ALL GSM EXPOSED EDGES 2. SOLDER ALL JOINTS WATERTIGHT 3. PROVIDE ONE-PIECE THRESHOLD CONTRACTORS OPTION 22 GA. PRE -FIN. COPING CAP 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE ADHERE UP & OVER PARAPET WALL, a LAP FINISH MATERIALS 1-1/2" MIN. T ~ 3/4" EXT. GRADE PLYWOOD ON SHIM, SLOPED TO INTERIOR 1/2"/FT. MIN. NEOPRENE WASHER FASTENERS @ 12" O.C. — 60 MIL. TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE ADHERE UP & OVER PARAPET WALL, TYP. INSTALL PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION — TPO BONDING ADHESIVE, TYP. BASE TIE-IN PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION APPROPRIATE FASTENER AND PLATES @ 12" O.C. 2" MIN. HEAT WELD, TYP. 60 MIL. GREY TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME, ADHERED INSULATION ADHESIVE, 'oly-bond' 3/4" PLYWOOD DECKING, RE: STRUC. Roof Parquet :ase Tie -In 3" = 1'-0" (H) APPLY BUILDING PAPER AT HEAD OVER VERTICAL FLANGE OF GSM Z -FLASHING (G) APPLY BUILDING PAPER AT JAMB BEHIND BUILDING PAPER AT HEAD & OVER SELF-ADHESIVE FLASHING PAPER AT JAMBS INSTALL BUILDING PAPER AROUND WINDOW IN WEATHERBOARD FASHION 'A �I FLASHING PAN AT THRESHOLD irp0 ossa voce -m EXT. WALL FINISH, RE: ELEVS 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 2 -PC. COUNTERFLASHING EXT. WINDOW /DOOR SILL, RE: ELEVS. SHINGLES, INSTALL PER MFR'S. REO'S. 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED 22 GA. PRE -FIN. SILL PAN FLASHING W/ TPO BONDING ADHESIVE LAP OVER COUNTERFLASHING HEMMED DRIP EDGE, FAB. W/ ENDS DAMS, BASE TIE-IN PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION 1-1/4" HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED APPROPRIATE FASTENER & PLATES @ 12" O.C. SET IN WATER BLOCK SEALANT ROOFING NAIL @ 12" O.C. MAX. ® 60 MIL. GREY TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED WATER BLOCK SEAL, NON -CURING MASTIC 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME V/ NON -CURING SEALING MASTIC 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COUNTERFLASHING = INTO DOOR THRESHOLD, UP JAMBS 4" MIN. VERIFY COLOR W/ ARCHITECT. \ J TPO BONDING ADHESIVE, TYP. ° 0 TPO BONDING ADHESIVE Nva � BASE TIE-IN PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION z � � — — — — APPROPRIATE FASTENER & PLATES @ 12" O.C. N WELDED SPLICE, 2" MIN. a > 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME, ADHERED TPO BONDING ADHESIVE w I — — I I INSULATION ADHESIVE 'OLY-BOND' INSULATION ADHESIVE ' m 3/4" T&G PLYWOOD — — — I — — — — 3/4" PLYWOOD DECKING I RE: STRUC. I n n 1 PT JOISTS, RE: STRUC. irp0 ossa voce -m 3" = V-0" 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 2 -PC. COUNTERFLASHING VERIFY COLOR W/ ARCHITECT., RE: 01/A15 SHINGLES, INSTALL PER MFR'S. REO'S. 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED (1) LAYER SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT, TPO BONDING ADHESIVE LAP OVER COUNTERFLASHING BASE TIE-IN PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION 1-1/4" HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED APPROPRIATE FASTENER & PLATES @ 12" O.C. ROOFING NAIL @ 12" O.C. MAX. ® 60 MIL. GREY TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED CONTINUOUS BEAD WATER BLOCK, 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME V/ NON -CURING SEALING MASTIC 24 GA. PRE -FIN. COUNTERFLASHING = W VERIFY COLOR W/ ARCHITECT. \ J 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED TERMINATE PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION LU TPO BONDING ADHESIVE Nva N APPROP. FASTENER & PLATES (la 12" O.C. MAX. W c 2 N WELDED SPLICE, 2" MIN. 60 MIL. GREY TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED TPO BONDING ADHESIVE — — — — — — 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME INSULATION ADHESIVE ' m 3/4" T&G PLYWOOD DECKING, RE: STRUC TALL GSM Z -FLASHING AT VDOW HEAD OVER SELF HESIVE FLASHING PAPER TPO Term. Shingles 3" = 1'-0" WATERPROOF WATERPROOF MEMBRANE MEMBRANE SEAL CORNER LAP FROM STEP 1 FROM STEP 1 W/ SEALANT 2• 2 -PIECE GSM PAN FLASHING, 4, 61 INSTALL OVER WATERPROOF WATERPROOF MEMBRANE MEMBRANE C\ INSTALL OVER DECK TO WALL FLASHING z VERTICAL FLANGE REMOVE 1" AND SILL WIDE STRIP OF WATERPROOF GSM DECK TO WALL MEMBRANE @ 41� FLASHING & 12" O.C. FOR DECK FLASHING DRAINAGE z N z (E) APPLY SELF-ADHESIVE FLASHING PAPER OVER WINDOW FLANGE AT HEAD, JAMBS & SILL. LAP HEAD FLASHING OVER JAMB FLASHING & JAMB FLASHING OVER SILL FLASHING (D) SET WINDOW ONTO FLASHING PAPER WITH CONTNUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT PER MFGR. BUILDING PAPER AT SILL (FROM STEP A) EXT. CLADDING SYSTEM, RE: ELEVS Im TPS ase Tie -In 3" = V-0" WHY TPO Edc 3" = 1'-0" 3/4" T&G PLYWOOD DECKING, RE: STRUC 5" TPO SEAM TAPE, 'GREY' CONT. BEAD TPO GP SEALANT, TYP. 24 GA. PRE -FINISHED GRAVELSTOP EDGE METAL PER ANSI/SPRI ES -1 60 MIL. GREY TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED TPO BONDING ADHESIVE 22 GA. CONT. ATTACHMENT CLEAT CEMENT BD. FASCIA, PNT. WEATHER BARRIER is m/ GmM Shop 3" = 1'-0" 5" TPO SEAM TAPE, 'GREY' 24 GA. PRE -FIN. EDGE METAL W/ DRIP EDGE, TYP. 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE, TERMINATE PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION. APPROPRIATE FASTENER 18 GA. GALV. GUTTER BRACKETS @ 24" O.C. MAX. 26 GA. PRE -FIN. BOX GUTTER WEATHER BARRIER, 'TYVEK' CEMENT BD. FASCIA, PNT. Tom M�In/ Gunu (C) WATERPROOF MEMBRANE OVER GSM PAN FLASHING AND UP ONTO JAMB GSM PAN FLASHING FROM STEP 2 APPLY FLASHING PAPER TO JAMBS OF ROUGH OPENING ALONG OPENING EDGE. DO NOT ATTACH FLASHING BELOW ROUGH OPENING SILL. APPLY FLASHING PAPER TO HEAD �B) APPLY FLASHING PAPER TO SILL OF ROUGH OPENING. ATTACH ALONG TOP EDGE OF PAPER ONLY. (FULL LENGTH OF PAPER) 'A) APPLY BUILDING PAPER TO SILL OF ROUGH OPENING Jr7 Typ. Window Flashing Steps l�ooR S/�F SET IN 3 BEADS OF SEALANT AT GSM GAP NOTES: 1. HEM ALL GSM EXPOSED EDGES 2. SOLDER ALL JOINTS WATERTIGHT 3. PROVIDE ONE-PIECE THRESHOLD CONTRACTORS OPTION fyp. Sill Pan Flashin 1 1/2" = V-0" unwaimbd sholl 3„ = 1'-0" 0.32 ASPHALT SHINGLE RIDGE CAP ASPHALT SHINGLES (1) LAYER 30 LB. FELT UNDERLAYMENT 3/4" ROOF SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. I -JOISTS @ 16" O.C., RE: STRUC. VPC, RE: STRUC. GLUE -LAM RIDGE BEAM, RE: STRUC. loll RaInD -lodge ASPHALT SHINGLES 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 'D -STYLE' RAKE FLASHING W/ HEM (1) LAYER SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT 4" (3-1/2") FRIEZE BD., 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. 3" (2-1/2") BATTEN, VERTICAL, 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. VERTICAL SIDING, 38 SERIES06" LP SMARTSIDE, SMOOTH, PNT. WEATHER BARRIER V�oo�gW IDI 101s s 3„ = 1,-0" ASPHALT SHINGLES ON (1) LAYER SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT ICE & WATER SHIELD ALL EAVES, RUN ESS THAN 24" PAST THE INTERIOR H INSIDE WALLS OF THE HOUSE 24 GA. PRE -FIN. D -STYLE DRIP EDGE W/ HEM APPROPRIATE FASTENER(S) 18 GA. GALV. GUTTER BRACKETS @ 24" O.C. MAX. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. BOX GUTTER 4" (3-1/2") HORZ. FRIEZE BD., 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. 3" (2-1/2") VERT. BATTEN BD., 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. VERTICAL SIDING, 16" WIDE BD. LP SMARTSIDE, SMOOTH, PNT. WEATHER BARRIER shoflgom Nd Ems m/ GUM 3" = 1'-0" **OPTION GARAGE: VIF FASCIA DIMS \N \ 0.32" 0.91" m m X 11/2"1 3/8" 11/2" 3/8" RIM BD., RE: STRUC. VIF WEATHER BARRIER VERTICAL SIDING, 16" WIDE BD. LP SMARTSIDE, SMOOTH, PNT. 3" (2-1/2") VERT. BATTEN BD., 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. CONT. TRANS. DRIP 3/4" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT Fascia /Soffit 1 3" = 1'-0" 1/4" 1/4 •• A: N 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 2 -PIECE COUNTERFLASHING RECEIVER B: 10° �0 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 2 -PIECE r COUNTERFLASHING ry 2 -HEC E COUNTERFLAS 3" = 1'-0" THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. (1) LAYER WEATHER BARRIER, 'TYVEK' LAP WEATHER BARRIER OVER FLASHING 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 2 -PC. COUNTERFLASHING VERIFY COLOR W/ ARCHITECT., RE: 01/A15 O 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED TERMINATE PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION TPO BONDING ADHESIVE 00 BASE TIE-IN PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION w APPROPRIATE FASTENER & PLATES @ 12" O.C. 2" MIN. HEAT WELD, TYP. ~ 60 MIL. GREY TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED 1/2" DENSDECK PRIME V/ INSULATION ADHESIVE, 'OLY-BOND' Im TPS ase Tie -In 3" = V-0" WHY TPO Edc 3" = 1'-0" 3/4" T&G PLYWOOD DECKING, RE: STRUC 5" TPO SEAM TAPE, 'GREY' CONT. BEAD TPO GP SEALANT, TYP. 24 GA. PRE -FINISHED GRAVELSTOP EDGE METAL PER ANSI/SPRI ES -1 60 MIL. GREY TPO MEMBRANE, ADHERED TPO BONDING ADHESIVE 22 GA. CONT. ATTACHMENT CLEAT CEMENT BD. FASCIA, PNT. WEATHER BARRIER is m/ GmM Shop 3" = 1'-0" 5" TPO SEAM TAPE, 'GREY' 24 GA. PRE -FIN. EDGE METAL W/ DRIP EDGE, TYP. 60 MIL. 'GREY' TPO MEMBRANE, TERMINATE PER MFR'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTION. APPROPRIATE FASTENER 18 GA. GALV. GUTTER BRACKETS @ 24" O.C. MAX. 26 GA. PRE -FIN. BOX GUTTER WEATHER BARRIER, 'TYVEK' CEMENT BD. FASCIA, PNT. Tom M�In/ Gunu (C) WATERPROOF MEMBRANE OVER GSM PAN FLASHING AND UP ONTO JAMB GSM PAN FLASHING FROM STEP 2 APPLY FLASHING PAPER TO JAMBS OF ROUGH OPENING ALONG OPENING EDGE. DO NOT ATTACH FLASHING BELOW ROUGH OPENING SILL. APPLY FLASHING PAPER TO HEAD �B) APPLY FLASHING PAPER TO SILL OF ROUGH OPENING. ATTACH ALONG TOP EDGE OF PAPER ONLY. (FULL LENGTH OF PAPER) 'A) APPLY BUILDING PAPER TO SILL OF ROUGH OPENING Jr7 Typ. Window Flashing Steps l�ooR S/�F SET IN 3 BEADS OF SEALANT AT GSM GAP NOTES: 1. HEM ALL GSM EXPOSED EDGES 2. SOLDER ALL JOINTS WATERTIGHT 3. PROVIDE ONE-PIECE THRESHOLD CONTRACTORS OPTION fyp. Sill Pan Flashin 1 1/2" = V-0" unwaimbd sholl 3„ = 1'-0" 0.32 ASPHALT SHINGLE RIDGE CAP ASPHALT SHINGLES (1) LAYER 30 LB. FELT UNDERLAYMENT 3/4" ROOF SHEATHING, RE: STRUC. I -JOISTS @ 16" O.C., RE: STRUC. VPC, RE: STRUC. GLUE -LAM RIDGE BEAM, RE: STRUC. loll RaInD -lodge ASPHALT SHINGLES 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 'D -STYLE' RAKE FLASHING W/ HEM (1) LAYER SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT 4" (3-1/2") FRIEZE BD., 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. 3" (2-1/2") BATTEN, VERTICAL, 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. VERTICAL SIDING, 38 SERIES06" LP SMARTSIDE, SMOOTH, PNT. WEATHER BARRIER V�oo�gW IDI 101s s 3„ = 1,-0" ASPHALT SHINGLES ON (1) LAYER SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT ICE & WATER SHIELD ALL EAVES, RUN ESS THAN 24" PAST THE INTERIOR H INSIDE WALLS OF THE HOUSE 24 GA. PRE -FIN. D -STYLE DRIP EDGE W/ HEM APPROPRIATE FASTENER(S) 18 GA. GALV. GUTTER BRACKETS @ 24" O.C. MAX. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. BOX GUTTER 4" (3-1/2") HORZ. FRIEZE BD., 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. 3" (2-1/2") VERT. BATTEN BD., 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. VERTICAL SIDING, 16" WIDE BD. LP SMARTSIDE, SMOOTH, PNT. WEATHER BARRIER shoflgom Nd Ems m/ GUM 3" = 1'-0" **OPTION GARAGE: VIF FASCIA DIMS \N \ 0.32" 0.91" m m X 11/2"1 3/8" 11/2" 3/8" RIM BD., RE: STRUC. VIF WEATHER BARRIER VERTICAL SIDING, 16" WIDE BD. LP SMARTSIDE, SMOOTH, PNT. 3" (2-1/2") VERT. BATTEN BD., 5/4" LP SMARTSIDE, PNT. 24 GA. PRE -FIN. CONT. TRANS. DRIP 3/4" CVG HEMLOCK SOFFIT Fascia /Soffit 1 3" = 1'-0" 1/4" 1/4 •• A: N 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 2 -PIECE COUNTERFLASHING RECEIVER B: 10° �0 24 GA. PRE -FIN. 2 -PIECE r COUNTERFLASHING ry 2 -HEC E COUNTERFLAS 3" = 1'-0" THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: HM DETAILS SHEET #: ti W heat 0 A15 �G�Xdiry9 p'�V�S�c M O W 00 wp V/ W = W 0 J LU Nva N LU W c 2 N 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: HM DETAILS SHEET #: ti W heat 0 A15 �G�Xdiry9 p'�V�S�c 2x PLATE WITH 16d @ 6" O.C. U.N.O. ON SHEAR WALL PLAN FULL -HEIGHT LSL BLOCKING 3/4" T&G OSB SIMPSON ITT JOIST HANGER BLOCKING @ 32" O.C. TJI JOIST, SIMPSON L50, SEE SEE PLAN SHEAR WALL SCHED. FOR SPACING (2) 2x PL. -LAM W/ - 16d @ 12" O.C. SEE DETAILS FOR LAP FLOOR DETAIL 2x STUDS PER PLAN SHEAR WALL EDGE NAILING SEE SCHED. 8d @ 6" O.C. INTO PT LEDGER 2x BLOCKING BETWEEN JOIST W/ 121 16d @ 8" O.C. 3/4" T&G OSB 5/8" DIA. THRU BOLT @ 12" O.C. TAPERED JOIST SEE PLAN LUIS HANGER SHEAR WALL EDGE NAILING, SEE SCH. SHEAR WALL SHEATHING IF REQUIRED, SEE PLAN 2x PLATE WITH 16d JOINT DETAIL A16 @ 6" O.C. U.N.O. ON BEAM, SEE PLAN 2x STUDS PER PLAN SHEAR WALL PLAN INTO BLOCKING SEE ARCH. PROVIDE A TRUSS SHEAR WALL STRAP BLOCKING VERT @ BLOCKING EACH SIDE OF BEAM SEE SCHEDULE @ 32" O.C. HOLD TOP CHOORD "-z 3/4" T&G OSB SHEAR WALL EDGE NAILING (2) 16d NAILS @ 6" O.C. BEAM WALL SCHED. SEE SCHEDULE DIAPHRAGM NAILING (STAGGER NAILS) END WALL TRUSS W/ - SIZE & ORIENTATION VERT.S AT 24" O.C. BLOCKING 10d TOE NAIL SIMPSON ITTFULL DESIGN FOR DRAG LOAD HEIGHT LSL 10d TOE NAIL JOIST HANGER SIMPSON L50, SEE SEE PLAN CONTINUOUS RIM JOIST AT 6" O.C. BETWEEN EA. JOIST SIMPSON A2 FULL -HEIGHT SIMPSON L50 SEE SCHED. LSL BLOCKING @ 24" O.C. SEE PLAN JOIST, 10d TOE NAIL TJI JOIST, SIMPSON L50, SEE SEE PLAN AT 6" O.C. SEE PLAN SHEAR WALL SCHED. WALL SCHED. SIMPSON IUS JOIST HANGER NAILING, (SEE SCH.) FOR SPACING AT 6" O.C. 16d AT 12" O.C. CONNECTION DETAIL 3 HANGER SHEAR WALL EDGE SEE THIS SHEET FOR LAP (2) 2x PL. -LAM W/ 2X TREATED NAILING, (SEE SCH.) SHEATHING 16d AT 12" O.C. SHEAR WALL SHEATHING 2x6 STUDS SEE THIS SHEET FOR LAP IF REQUIRED (SEE PLAN) @ 16" O.C. SHEAR WALL SHEATHING DETAIL @ RIM - PERP. I IF REQUIRED (SEE PLAN) 10 STRAPPING DETAIL @ RIM ° ... A16 _ ° 6" O.C. STAGGERED. NOTE: RIM JOIST & BLOCKING NOT SHOWN FOR CLAIR BUILT-UP 2x 3/4" DIA. A30Z ANCHOR BOLTS OR SOLID POST, @ 48" O.C., U.N.O. IN SHEAR BEA�BMFA�NCIB�FYOND) SEE PLAN BOTH SIDES OF WALL (2) 16d NAILS INTO BOTTOM OF POST EXTEND BEAM TO FACE OF CONT. 2x IT STUD (SET POST ON TOP) OSB ROOF DIAPHRAGM TRUSS BLOCKING BY TRUSS MANUF. DESIGN FOR LOADS INDICATED ON, PLAN 10d TOE NAILS @ 6" O.C. - BETWEEN TRUSS BLOCKING & VERT. WEBS OF TRUSS, TYP. DETAIL NOTE: PROVIDE 16d NAILS @ 12" O.C. AT NON -SPLICE LOCATIONS, TYPICAL 4'-0" JOINT STAGGER TWO ROWS OF 10d NAILS (z) NAILS EACH ROW ON EACH SIDE OF TOP PLATE JOINT. 4'-0" JOINT STAGGER TOP PLATE JOINT BOTTOM PLAT JOINT 1Z TOP PLATE JOINT DETAIL A16 BEAM, SEE PLAN 8d@ 6" O.0 2x4 FLAT @ 24" O.C. INTO BLOCKING SEE ARCH. PROVIDE A TRUSS VERT @ BLOCKING EACH SIDE OF BEAM FULL HEIGHT LOCATION, TYP. HOLD TOP CHOORD A16 DOWN 1 1/2" CONTINUOUS RIM JOIST EDGE NAIL, SEE SHEAR (2) 16d NAILS @ 6" O.C. BEAM WALL SCHED. FULL -HEIGHT (STAGGER NAILS) END WALL TRUSS W/ - SIZE & ORIENTATION VERT.S AT 24" O.C. BLOCKING 10d TOE NAIL TJI BLOCKING DESIGN FOR DRAG LOAD 10d TOE NAIL ON PLAN SIMPSON L50, SEE SEE PLAN @ 6" O.C., TYP. AT 6" O.C. BETWEEN EA. JOIST SIMPSON A2 SHEAR WALL SHTG. — SIMPSON L50 SEE SCHED. @ 24" O.C. SEE PLAN JOIST, 10d TOE NAIL @ 6" O.C. SEE PLAN EDGE NAIL, SEE SHEAR 10d @ 4" O.C. WALL SCHED. SIMPSON IUS JOIST HANGER NAILING, (SEE SCH.) 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. SHEAR WALL STUDS TRUSSES TRUSS BTM. CHORD SIMPSON DTC 6'- 0" O.C. MAX a a 2x4 @ 4'-0" O.C. NAILED 1/4" GAP TO BOTTOM OF 2 TRUSSES W/ (2) 16d INTO EA. TRUSS WOOD STUD WOOD STU SIMPSON DTC @ EA. PARTITION WALL PARTITION WALL 2x4 BRACE (NON BEARING) (NON- BEARING) TYP. NON-BEARING WALL BLOCKING BETWEEN OUTRIGGERS W/ 16d @ 6" O.C. 2x6, TYP TOP & BOTTOM 1'-0" (4) 16d NAILS, TYP BOTH ENDS (3) 16d END NAILS �- 2 x 6 @ 6'-0" O.C. NOTE: GABLE END TRUSS SHALL MATCH VAULT LINE OF CEILING (IF APPLICABLE, SEE ARCH) SIMPSON LS50 @ 24" O.C. , U.N.O. ON SHEAR WALL SCHED. PRE-ENGINEERED ROOF TRUSS DETAIL @ GABLE END TRUSS 15 TYP. NON-BEARING WALL A16 SIMPSON LS50 @ 32" O.C. 10d TOE U.N.O. NAILS @ 06a'CDIAPHRAGM EDGE NAILING, SEE PLAN 2x BLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSES VAULTED ROOF TRUSS SIMPSON H2.55 EA. Y SEE ARCH. CONT. TOP PLATE SEE FASCIA & GUTTER DETAILS SHEAR WALL SHEAR WALL EDGE SHEATHING, NAILING, SFE SEE SCHED. x HEADER, IF STW, APPLICABL SEE E PLAN 11 EXTERIOR WALL DETAIL A16 1' 1 -0 A16 1' 1 -0 A16 1„ 2x6 STUDS 2x STUDS SHEAR WALL STRAP 3/4" OSB DIAPH. GLUE SEE SCHEDULE AND NAIL, SEE PLAN. 2x PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT 6" O.C. U.N.O. ON SHEAR WALL 10d @ 6" O.C. Z-3/4" T&G OSB A16 1" 1'-0" PLAN 3/4" T&G SHEATHING BEAM, SEE PLAN SHEAR WALL NAILING DIAPHRAM NAILING SIMPSON IUS HANGER SIMPSON L30 EACH SIDE OF BEAM FULL HEIGHT A16 CONTINUOUS RIM JOIST (2) 16d NAILS @ 6" O.C. BEAM BEAM, SEE PLAN JOIST, SEE PLAN FOR FULL -HEIGHT (STAGGER NAILS) SEE PLAASTUD SIZE & ORIENTATION BLOCKING 10d TOE NAIL TJI BLOCKING 4 OR MORE 2X4 AND 2x6: 1/2"d MB @ 8" O.C. (2) 2x CONT. It TJI JOIST, SIMPSON L50, SEE SEE PLAN JOIST SEE AT 6" O.C. BETWEEN EA. JOIST SIMPSON A2 SHEAR WALL SCHED. BUILT-UP 2x OR SOLID POST, FOR SPACING SEE PLAN JOIST, SEE PLAN SHEAR WALL EDGE 10d @ 4" O.C. (2) 2x PL. -LAM W/ SIMPSON IUS JOIST HANGER NAILING, (SEE SCH.) BEAM/COLUMN AT 6" O.C. 16d AT 12" O.C. CONNECTION DETAIL 3 HANGER EXTERIOR WALL SEE THIS SHEET FOR LAP 3-2X4: ONE ROW OF 30d COMMON WIRE NAILS @ 2X TREATED SHEATHING SHEAR WALL SHEATHING 2x6 STUDS PLATE, TYP. IF REQUIRED (SEE PLAN) @ 16" O.C. STRAPPING DETAIL @ RIM - PERP. I DETAIL 10d @ 6" O.C. Z-3/4" T&G OSB POST UP TO BEAM OR GIRDER TRUSS, ABOVE @ 16" O.C. 2x6 PLATE (2) 10d @ 6" O.C. 3/4" T&G 0 TJI JOIST SIMPSON LS50 BOTH SIDES OF POST WALL STUD PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING PLYWOOD FLOOR WALL BOTT UNDER POST TO POST BELOW. SHEATHING PLATE WHERE JOISTS ARE PERPENDICULAR TO WALL, SET BLKG. INTO ONE JOIST SPACE. WHERE JOISTS ARE PARALLEL TO WALL, MAKE BLOCKING 48" LONG CONT. SOLID 1 3/4" LVL RIM JOIST JOISTS PARALLEL TO WALL WHERE NOTED 10d TOE NAILS AT 1'-0" LAMINATED STUDS SHEAR WALL STRAP MAY BE INSTALLED ON INSIDE OF BUILDING AT CONTRACTORS OPTIONS (COORDINATE W/ ARCH.) EQUAL CL STRAP EQUAL SOLID BLOCKING4" O.C., TYP. BOTH RIM JOIST LAMINATED STUDS SEE PLANS BETWEEN JOIST 1212x TOP PLATE SIDES, STAGGERED WALL CONTINUOUS (2) 2x STUDS FOR EACH MST37 POST DOWN TO FOUNDATION TYPICAL BLKG. BETWEEN FLOORS SCALE: 1" = V-0" A16 1" 1'-0" JOIST PER PLAN WIRE TIE TO THE HOLDOWN ANCHOR BEAM, SEE PLAN SIMPSON IUS HANGER SIMPSON L30 EACH SIDE OF BEAM 4 HANGER DETAIL @ FLUSH BEAM A16 (2) 16d INTO (2) 16d NAILS @ 6" O.C. BEAM BEAM, SEE PLAN JOIST, SEE PLAN FOR 3/4" T&G OSB (STAGGER NAILS) SEE PLAASTUD SIZE & ORIENTATION 121 16d NAILS INTO A 4 OR MORE 2X4 AND 2x6: 1/2"d MB @ 8" O.C. (2) 2x CONT. It BOTTOM OF POST JOIST SEE (BEAM BEARS ON 3-2X6: TWO ROWS OF 30d COMMON WIRE NAILS SIMPSON A2 PLAN BUILT-UP 2x OR SOLID POST, @ 8" O.C. APPLY ONE ROW TO EA. FACE. SEE PLAN JOIST, SEE PLAN 2-2X6: TWO ROWS OF 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS BEAM SEE PLAN SIMPSON IUS JOIST HANGER BEAM/COLUMN AT 6" O.C. CONNECTION DETAIL 3 HANGER DETAIL @ FLUSH BEAM 3-2X4: ONE ROW OF 30d COMMON WIRE NAILS @ 2X TREATED POST UP TO BEAM OR GIRDER TRUSS, ABOVE @ 16" O.C. 2x6 PLATE (2) 10d @ 6" O.C. 3/4" T&G 0 TJI JOIST SIMPSON LS50 BOTH SIDES OF POST WALL STUD PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING PLYWOOD FLOOR WALL BOTT UNDER POST TO POST BELOW. SHEATHING PLATE WHERE JOISTS ARE PERPENDICULAR TO WALL, SET BLKG. INTO ONE JOIST SPACE. WHERE JOISTS ARE PARALLEL TO WALL, MAKE BLOCKING 48" LONG CONT. SOLID 1 3/4" LVL RIM JOIST JOISTS PARALLEL TO WALL WHERE NOTED 10d TOE NAILS AT 1'-0" LAMINATED STUDS SHEAR WALL STRAP MAY BE INSTALLED ON INSIDE OF BUILDING AT CONTRACTORS OPTIONS (COORDINATE W/ ARCH.) EQUAL CL STRAP EQUAL SOLID BLOCKING4" O.C., TYP. BOTH RIM JOIST LAMINATED STUDS SEE PLANS BETWEEN JOIST 1212x TOP PLATE SIDES, STAGGERED WALL CONTINUOUS (2) 2x STUDS FOR EACH MST37 POST DOWN TO FOUNDATION TYPICAL BLKG. BETWEEN FLOORS SCALE: 1" = V-0" A16 1" 1'-0" WIRE TIE TO THE HOLDOWN ANCHOR BUILT UP COLUMN OR POST, SEE PLAN LAM WITH: SEE PLAASTUD 4 OR MORE 2X4 AND 2x6: 1/2"d MB @ 8" O.C. 3-2X6: TWO ROWS OF 30d COMMON WIRE NAILS SIMPSON A2 @ 8" O.C. APPLY ONE ROW TO EA. FACE. BOTH SIDES 2-2X6: TWO ROWS OF 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS AT 6" O.C. 3-2X4: ONE ROW OF 30d COMMON WIRE NAILS @ 2X TREATED 8" O.C. STAGGERED, APPLY (1) ROW TO EA. FACE. PLATE, TYP. 2-2X4: ONE ROW OF 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS @ ° ... _ ° 6" O.C. STAGGERED. 3/4" DIA. A30Z ANCHOR BOLTS CONCRETE FOOTING °- @ 48" O.C., U.N.O. IN SHEAR OR FOUNDATION WALL WALL SCHEDULE. TYP. BUILT-UP COLUMN/POST HOLDOWN, SEE PLANS WALL STUD - DOUBLE TOP PLATE (3) 2x STUDS FOR EACH MST60 WALL STUD 6 STRAP DETAIL A16 1" 1'-0" t LAMINATED KING STUDS SEE (3) 2x STUDS FOR STHD14, HD08 & HHD014 TREATED PLATE @ BOTTOM OF WALL ° a° CONTINUOUS HORIZONTAL WALL _ °° _ " REINFORCEMENT TO BE TIED WITH as BOLT. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF TWO HORIZONTAL BARS FOR HHD014 s AND ONE HORIZONTAL BAR FOR ALL OTHER HOLDOWNS. Z/8"d A30Z ROD W/ 12" EMBED & 1/4x4x4 PL WASHER FOR HD08 1"d A30Z ROD W/ 16" EMBED & 1/4x4x4 PL WASHER FOR HHD014 HOLD DOWN DETAIL 1„ 1'-01, A16 1„ 11-01, THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. LTJ W 00 W 0 cc U) LLI =wo 1 J NW F- 04 N TW W 0 2 N > e � cu Q VCU N 0 U N N N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info@lucid-studio.com SEAL: I j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CDETAILS - FRAMING SHEET #: oti W healR. o� A16 18'-0" A 2630 B.Bath B.Great / 2' - 7 1/4" 7' 0 PNT 4 5/8" i TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.3 5'-0" BIPASS Count Door Type Description Ext/Int 1111l:7i,iW1117V 12'-0" 3'-0" ❑� 0 0 OVRHD XOOX ENTRY To Room: 5'-0" DBL From Room: 3'-0" POCKET LH 20 MIN. 3'-0" A 2630 B.Bath B.Great / 2' - 7 1/4" 7' / PNT 4 5/8" Yes TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.3 B.Great RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 / TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.5 B.Great RH 2' - 7 / 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A / Closet.3 Bed.3 LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Safe OT � LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" ❑� 0 0 OVRHD XOOX ENTRY To Room: 5'-0" DBL From Room: 3'-0" POCKET LH 20 MIN. 3'-0" Wall Swing Rough Width Rough Height Door Finish Thickness Privacy Comments A 2630 B.Bath B.Great / 2' - 7 1/4" 7' / PNT 4 5/8" Yes TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.3 B.Great RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 / TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.5 B.Great RH 2' - 7 / 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A / Closet.3 Bed.3 LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Safe B.Great LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 7 1/4" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 C 3070 Mech B.Great LH 3' - 1 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 7 1/4" 20 MIN. FIRE -RATED, TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1" factory 7 1/4" 20 MIN. FIRE -RATED, TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 F 5070 2670 Closet Mud bipass 5' - 1" 7' - 0 1/2" PNT 4 5/8" Poplar Case, PNT Case, PNT 1 G 3080 Yes Foyer x Porch LH 3' - 2 1/2" 8' - 2" factory 7 1/4" Tempered TA -8, PRIMER 1 G 3080 Yes Garage x S.Deck RH 3' - 2 1/2" 8' - 2" factory 7 1/4" Tempered Case, PNT 1 H 12080 Yes Wall Swing Rough Width Rough Height Door Finish Thickness Privacy Comments O = Tempered RH/LH 1 A 2630 B.Bath B.Great LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' / PNT 4 5/8" Yes TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.3 B.Great RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 / TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.5 B.Great RH 2' - 7 / 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Closet.3 Bed.3 LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Safe B.Great LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 7 1/4" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 C 3070 Mech B.Great LH 3' - 1 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 7 1/4" 20 MIN. FIRE -RATED, TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1" factory 7 1/4" 20 MIN. FIRE -RATED, TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 F 5070 O = Tempered RH/LH 1 A 2630 B.Bath B.Great LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" Yes TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.3 B.Great RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.5 B.Great RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Closet.3 Bed.3 LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Safe B.Great LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 7 1/4" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 C 3070 Mech B.Great LH 3' - 1 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 7 1/4" 20 MIN. FIRE -RATED, TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 6 T.O.Fndn 1 1 18080 Yes x Driveway Garage OVRHD 18' - 3" 8' - 2" factory 7 1/4" Tempered 1 1st SubFloor 1 A 2670 Bath Coat Foyer RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.1 Pantry Foyer LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.2 Powder Foyer LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" Yes TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 B 3070 M.Bed Mud Living RH 3' - 1 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 6 1/2" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 B 3070 M.WC Stair.1 Foyer LH 3' - 1 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 C 3070 No Garage Mud LH 3' - 1 1/4" 7' - 1" factory 7 1/4" 20 MIN. FIRE -RATED, TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 F 5070 2670 Closet Mud bipass 5' - 1" 7' - 0 1/2" PNT 4 5/8" Poplar Case, PNT Case, PNT 1 G 3080 Yes Foyer x Porch LH 3' - 2 1/2" 8' - 2" factory 7 1/4" Tempered TA -8, PRIMER 1 G 3080 Yes Garage x S.Deck RH 3' - 2 1/2" 8' - 2" factory 7 1/4" Tempered Case, PNT 1 H 12080 Yes Living x N.Deck XOOX 12' - 2 1/2" 8' - 2" factory 7 1/4" Tempered Case, PNT 10 2nd SubFloor 1 A 2670 Bath Hall RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" Yes TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.1 Hall RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 Bed.2 Hall LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 M.Bed Hall LH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 A 2670 M.WC M.Bath RH 2' - 7 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" Yes TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 B 3070 Laundry Hall RH 3' - 1 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 D 2670 M.Bath M.Bed pocket 5' - 2" 7' - 4 1/2" PNT 6 1/2" Poplar Case, PNT 1 E 5070 Closet Hall DBL 5' - 1 1/4" 7' - 1" PNT 4 5/8" TIMELY TA -8, PRIMER WHITE 1 F 5070 Closet.1 Bed.1 bipass 5' - 1" 7' - 0 1/2" PNT 4 5/8" Poplar Case, PNT 1 F 5070 Closet.2 Bed.2 bipass 5' - 1" 7' - 0 1/2" PNT 4 5/8" Poplar Case, PNT 10 Grand total: 27 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. O e cu Q ■ —� U Vi N 0 U N m U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSCHEDULE — DOOR SHEET #: ti W heat A17 Cl) Cl) 0 W 00 W0 CCU U) LLI =wo J W N F Q N W W _ 004 N O e cu Q ■ —� U Vi N 0 U N m U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSCHEDULE — DOOR SHEET #: ti W heat A17 L(1 8' - 11 1/2" KK FX 2' - 11 1/2" Window Type T.O. Bsmt Slab HH HH HH 1st SubFloor AA AA AA BB BB BB GG GG JJ JJ JJ KK 2nd SubFloor AA BB CC CC DD DD EE FF FF FF FF FF GG GG Grand total: 29 JJ FX 4' - 11 1/2" J J_ X E - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 HH CAST -IN BUCK SLIDER 6' - 11 1/2" 2' - 11 1/2" N I 2' - 11 1/2" GG FF EE DD FX csL csR csL 2' - 11 1/2" 1' - 5 1/2" - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�- - - - - - - �- - - - - CC III��� BB AA csR FX FX O = Tempered ® = Emergency Egress Finish Heat Trans. Air Infiltration Location Size Operation Manufacturer Series Head Height Rough Width Rough Height Ext Int Glazing (U) CFM/FT2 B.Great 5050 Slider Andersen 100 8' - 0" 5' - 0" 5' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Bed.3 5050 Slider Andersen 100 8' - 0" 5' - 0" 5' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 Bed.5 5050 Slider Andersen 100 8' - 0" 5' - 0" 5' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Dining 1630 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 1' - 6" 7' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Mud 1670 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 1' - 6" 7' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Mud 1670 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 1' - 6" 7' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 Dining 3070 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 7' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Dining 3070 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 7' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Dining 3070 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 7' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 Dining 7020 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 0" 7' - 0" 2' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Parlor 7020. Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 0" 7' - 0" 2' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Parlor 3046 Fixed Andersen 100 5' - 0" 3' - 0" 4' - 6" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 Parlor 3046 Fixed Andersen 100 5' - 0" 3' - 0" 4' - 6" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Parlor 3046 Fixed Andersen 100 5' - 0" 3' - 0" 4' - 6" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Parlor Arch 9-0 x 4-6 Fixed Andersen 100 9' - 6" 9' - 0" 4' - 6" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 Bed.2 1670 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 1' - 6" 7' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Stair.2 3070 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 7' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 Bath 2040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 2' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Laundry 2040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 2' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 M.Bath 2040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 2' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 M.Closet 2040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 2' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Bed.1 3040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Bed.2 3040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 M.Bed 3040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 M.Bed 3040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 M.Bed 3040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 M.Bed 3040 Casement Andersen 100 7' - 6" 3' - 0" 4' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Bed.1 7020 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 6" 7' - 0" 2' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 4.2 Stair.2 7020 Fixed Andersen 100 7' - 0" 7' - 0" 2' - 0" Black Black Low -e 0.300 -0.2 Comments Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht., Cast -in -Buck Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht., Cast -in -Buck Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht., Cast -in -Buck Tempered W 00 Tempered Tempered Tempered / ''CCV W Tempered 0 W Tempered J Brick Molding W N Mulled, Tempered Q N Mulled, Tempered W _ Mulled, Tempered ago N Mulled, Tempered Tempered Tempered Tempered Tempered Tempered Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht. Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht. Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht. Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht. Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht. Emer. Egress, 44" max. sill ht. Tempered THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. T e � cu Q ■ -� U VV) 0 U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSCHEDULE - WINDOW SHEET #: of W heat 0 A18 Cl) Cl) 0 W 00 w0 U / ''CCV W CC 0 W IO J W N F Q N W W _ ago N T e � cu Q ■ -� U VV) 0 U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CSCHEDULE - WINDOW SHEET #: of W heat 0 A18 o ELECUnflCAL o 1 BRANCH CIRCUITS SUPPLYING ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS (EXCEPT BATHROOMS, KITCHENS & GARAGES) MUST BE PROTECTED BY A LISTED ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, COMBINATION -TYPE, TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE BRANCH CIRCUIT. [ARTICLES 210.12(A) AND 210.12(B), NEC AS AMENDED] 2 ALL AREAS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLE 210.52 ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE ALL 125 -VOLT, 15- AND 20 -AMP RECEPTACLES BE LISTED, TAMPER RESISTANT RECEPTACLES. [ARTICLE 406.12, NEC] 3 SMALL APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS RATED AT 20 -AMPS MUST BE PROVIDED TO SERVE ALL GENERAL WALL RECEPTACLES, COUNTERTOPS IN KITCHENS AND DINING ROOMS AND THE LAUNDRY AREA. A MAXIMUM OF 4 RECEPTACLES MAY BE SERVED BY EACH CIRCUIT. A DEDICATED CIRCUIT IS ALSO REQUIRED FOR THE LAUNDRY AREA AND BATHROOMS. [ARTICLES 210.52(D) AND 210.11(C), NEC AS AMENDED] 4 GFCI PROTECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLES AND GARAGE RECEPTACLES SERVING GARAGE DOOR OPENERS.I WILL REDLINE THE REQUIREMENT ON THE PLANS. [ARTICLES 210.8(A), 680.42 AND 680.43, NEC] 5 A MINIMUM OF 50 PERCENT OF THE LAMPS IN PERMANENTLY INSTALLED LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE HIGH -EFFICACY LAMPS (COMPACT FLUORESCENT, T-8 OR SMALLER LINEAR FLUORESCENT, OR LAMPS WITH A MINIMUM EFFICACY OF: 60 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 40 WATTS, 50 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 15 WATTS TO 40 WATTS, AND 40 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS 15 WATTS OR LESS) FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION. [SECTION 404.1, IECC] 6 RECESSED FIXTURES INSTALLED IN AN INSULATED CAVITY OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE MUST BE IC -RATED AND SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE. WHERE THE INSULATED CAVITY IS NOT PART OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE, LEAKAGE PROTECTION IS NOT REQUIRED. [SECTION 402.4.5, IECC] Z ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL SHALL HAVE A RESERVED SPACE TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A DUAL POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC INSTALLATION AND SHALL BE LABELED "FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC." THE RESERVED SPACE SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE OPPOSITE (LOAD) END FROM THE INPUT FEEDER LOCATION OR THE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER. T103.9 (RA103.7) APPENDIX T 2018 IRC 8 ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE SERVICE PANEL OR SUBPANEL CIRCUIT DIRECTORY SHALL IDENTIFY THE OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE SPACE(S) RESERVED FOR FUTURE ELECTRICAL VEHICLE CHARGING AS "EV CAPABLE". THE RACEWAY TERMINATION LOCATION SHALL BE PERMANENTLY AND VISIBLY MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE". 9 A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE, INDICATING THE SOLAR READY ZONE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 0-2018-6-C409 SHALL BE POSTED NEAR THE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL, WATER HEATER OR OTHER CONSPICUOUS LOCATION BY THE BUILDER OR LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. SWITCH LEGEND LIGHTING LEGEND Single Switch i a Three -Way Switch 1 Ceiling Fan �4 Four -Way Switch Standard Switch Leg i Dimmer Switch Leg [ Ceiling Fan With Light QThermostat �G Garage Door Switch Exhaust Fan Exterior Path Lighting : Exterior Step Lighting Exterior Wall Mount Light Fixture OUTLET LEGEND Exterior Wall Mount Motion i Single Outlet Sensor Light Fixture Duplex Outlet Fluorescent Light Fixture �GFI GFCI Outlet + Garage Door Infra -red Eye RwP Weatherproof Duplex 9240 240V Duplex O Garage Door Motor GF1 9240 240V GFCI Surface Mount Light Fixture 1 4-Plex Outlet Linear Light Fixture Floor Single Outlet o Interior Wall Mount Floor Duplex Outlet y Light Fixture 4 TV Outlet/ Jack O Keyless Light Fixture CAT -5/6 Data Outlet 0* 4" Recessed Can G'Ww 4" Recessed Can - Wall Wash 04WP 4" Recessed Can - Weatherproof 06 6" Recessed Can FIRE SAFETY LEGEND 06WP 6" Recessed Can - Weatherproof Fire Alarm Strobe and Siren A A A Track Lighting Carbon Monoxide Detector LED Tape Light Co c SO Smoke Detector = LED Driver a Smoke/ Carbon Monoxide Pendant Light Fixture SEVCO Detector AA Hanging Light Fixture A B C D E F G H J SERVICE &UllUMAIN DISCONNECT .0 �smt RCP 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. Cl) Cl) O W 00 w0 V/ W } CC a = W 0 6 J W N F Q N TW W 0 2 N 5 � 4 e cu Q ■ -� U VCU N 0 U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: C DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CBSMT ELEC. PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U� I C Wr EO . o ELECUnflCAL o 1 BRANCH CIRCUITS SUPPLYING ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS (EXCEPT BATHROOMS, KITCHENS & GARAGES) MUST BE PROTECTED BY A LISTED ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, COMBINATION -TYPE, TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE BRANCH CIRCUIT. [ARTICLES 210.12(A) AND 210.12(B), NEC AS AMENDED] 2 ALL AREAS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLE 210.52 ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE ALL 125 -VOLT, 15- AND 20 -AMP RECEPTACLES BE LISTED, TAMPER RESISTANT RECEPTACLES. [ARTICLE 406.12, NEC] 3 SMALL APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS RATED AT 20 -AMPS MUST BE PROVIDED TO SERVE ALL GENERAL WALL RECEPTACLES, COUNTERTOPS IN KITCHENS AND DINING ROOMS AND THE LAUNDRY AREA. A MAXIMUM OF 4 RECEPTACLES MAY BE SERVED BY EACH CIRCUIT. A DEDICATED CIRCUIT IS ALSO REQUIRED FOR THE LAUNDRY AREA AND BATHROOMS. [ARTICLES 210.52(D) AND 210.11(C), NEC AS AMENDED] 4 GFCI PROTECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLES AND GARAGE RECEPTACLES SERVING GARAGE DOOR OPENERS.I WILL REDLINE THE REQUIREMENT ON THE PLANS. [ARTICLES 210.8(A), 680.42 AND 680.43, NEC] 5 A MINIMUM OF 50 PERCENT OF THE LAMPS IN PERMANENTLY INSTALLED LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE HIGH -EFFICACY LAMPS (COMPACT FLUORESCENT, T-8 OR SMALLER LINEAR FLUORESCENT, OR LAMPS WITH A MINIMUM EFFICACY OF: 60 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 40 WATTS, 50 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 15 WATTS TO 40 WATTS, AND 40 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS 15 WATTS OR LESS) FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION. [SECTION 404.1, IECC] 6 RECESSED FIXTURES INSTALLED IN AN INSULATED CAVITY OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE MUST BE IC -RATED AND SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE. WHERE THE INSULATED CAVITY IS NOT PART OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE, LEAKAGE PROTECTION IS NOT REQUIRED. [SECTION 402.4.5, IECC] Z ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL SHALL HAVE A RESERVED SPACE TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A DUAL POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC INSTALLATION AND SHALL BE LABELED "FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC." THE RESERVED SPACE SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE OPPOSITE (LOAD) END FROM THE INPUT FEEDER LOCATION OR THE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER. T103.9 (RA103.7) APPENDIX T 2018 IRC 8 ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE SERVICE PANEL OR SUBPANEL CIRCUIT DIRECTORY SHALL IDENTIFY THE OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE SPACE(S) RESERVED FOR FUTURE ELECTRICAL VEHICLE CHARGING AS "EV CAPABLE". THE RACEWAY TERMINATION LOCATION SHALL BE PERMANENTLY AND VISIBLY MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE". 9 A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE, INDICATING THE SOLAR READY ZONE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 0-2018-6-C409 SHALL BE POSTED NEAR THE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL, WATER HEATER OR OTHER CONSPICUOUS LOCATION BY THE BUILDER OR LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. FLOOR OUTLET IN SOFFIT FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ON PHOTOCELL MOTION LIGHTS ON PHOTOCELL; JUNCTION BOXES TO BE CAPPED OFF. A B C D E F G H J PROVIDE POWER FOR CONDENSING UNIT REFER TO MECH. CONTRACTOR FOR ELEC. REO'S. WALL MOUNT SCONCE 36ANG BOX SB CENTERED OVER WINDOW GF1 Ds & B Ej 240 D 4 4 GFI GFI GFI FI 0_ - > b I � 110'-05/8" 0 110'-05/8', 2''- 5'-6" 5'-6" ®4 ®4 b4 4 sDico 4 0 "0-1 109' - 0 5/8 z 0 5/8" T \ \ �o o N IG I Z' - Z 5/8" dM� 4 SD/CO 4 — 0 109' - 0 5/81, 0 109' - 0 5/81, ' o % \ - 110'-05/81, :o m, 9 - 101, 110' - 0 5/81, _ _ _ _ _ PIN �v � aPIN i7 4 4 C �4WP \ - ` yr -DN-- 0 5/81, 109' 64 GFI �o4WP ,_-4WP \ \ - `--- u � o 4 10' - 1 1/8" ®4 ®4WP TO RECESSED GFI LIGHTING 4 4 v IN BASEMENTI ' - - Z' - 6" o,4WP ®4'WP v TO RECESSED LIGHTING 4 ON 2ND FLOOR ISP ------ 4, - 0„ 4, - 0„ - IL ------1_ GFI DI & SB `v GFI DS &ISB �I i CENTERED OVER PROVIDE POWER FOR FIREPLACE 10' - 1 1/8" ,' 9' - 8 7/8" 77 TOP OF DOOR, TYP. sDico i Qo, 109' - 4 3/8" PROVIDE POWER FOR ENTERTAINMENT i GFI GFI GFI GFI �� GFI i l I I \ PARAPET/SOFFIT OUTLET FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS "--------------------r— SO " � o o � - - ' LL 'i 9'-87/8" O9'-43/8" 1 � I i Single Switch i a Three -Way Switch 1 Ceiling Fan $4 Four -Way Switch \ / -'-`\ -z Standard Switch Leg i Dimmer Switch Leg [ L Ceiling Fan With Light 7 Thermostat \ � $G Garage Door Switch Exhaust Fan Exterior Path Lighting = Exterior Step Lighting 1i Exterior Wall Mount I Light Fixture OUTLET LEGEND Exterior Wall Mount Motion q) Single Outlet Sensor Light Fixture Duplex Outlet Fluorescent Light Fixture GFI GFCI Outlet RwP + Garage Door Infra -red Eye Weatherproof Duplex 9240 O Garage Door Motor 240V Duplex GF1 9240 240V GFCI Surface Mount Light Fixture 4-Plex Outlet Linear Light Fixture Floor Single Outlet n Interior Wall Mount Floor Duplex Outlet Y Light Fixture 4 TV Outlet/ Jack O Keyless Light Fixture CAT -5/6 Data Outlet 0* 4" Recessed Can d'ww 4" Recessed Can - Wall Wash 04WP 4" Recessed Can - Weatherproof 06 6" Recessed Can FIRE SAFETY LEGEND 06WP 6" Recessed Can - Weatherproof V�J9' Fire Alarm Strobe and Siren A A A Track Lighting Co Carbon Monoxide Detector LED Tape Light CC o SO Smoke Detector LED Driver o Smoke/ Carbon Monoxide Pendant Light Fixture SEVCO Detector AA Hanging Light Fixture FLOOR OUTLET IN SOFFIT FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ON PHOTOCELL MOTION LIGHTS ON PHOTOCELL; JUNCTION BOXES TO BE CAPPED OFF. A B C D E F G H J PROVIDE POWER FOR CONDENSING UNIT REFER TO MECH. CONTRACTOR FOR ELEC. REO'S. WALL MOUNT SCONCE 36ANG BOX SB CENTERED OVER WINDOW GF1 Ds & B Ej 240 D 4 4 GFI GFI GFI FI 0_ - > b I � 110'-05/8" 0 110'-05/8', 2''- 5'-6" 5'-6" ®4 ®4 b4 4 sDico 4 0 "0-1 109' - 0 5/8 z 0 5/8" T \ \ �o o N IG I Z' - Z 5/8" dM� 4 SD/CO 4 — 0 109' - 0 5/81, 0 109' - 0 5/81, ' o % \ - 110'-05/81, :o m, 9 - 101, 110' - 0 5/81, _ _ _ _ _ PIN �v � aPIN i7 4 4 C �4WP \ - ` yr -DN-- 0 5/81, 109' 64 GFI �o4WP ,_-4WP \ \ - `--- u � o 4 10' - 1 1/8" ®4 ®4WP TO RECESSED GFI LIGHTING 4 4 v IN BASEMENTI ' - - Z' - 6" o,4WP ®4'WP v TO RECESSED LIGHTING 4 ON 2ND FLOOR ISP ------ 4, - 0„ 4, - 0„ - IL ------1_ GFI DI & SB `v GFI DS &ISB �I i CENTERED OVER PROVIDE POWER FOR FIREPLACE 10' - 1 1/8" ,' 9' - 8 7/8" 77 TOP OF DOOR, TYP. sDico i Qo, 109' - 4 3/8" PROVIDE POWER FOR ENTERTAINMENT i GFI GFI GFI GFI �� GFI i l I I \ PARAPET/SOFFIT OUTLET FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS "--------------------r— SO " � o o � - - ' LL 'i 9'-87/8" O9'-43/8" 1 � I i GFI GFI PROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER PER R404.2 LOCATION OF NEW 200 AMP SERVICE & MAIN DISCONNECT UFER GROUND LOCATION ELEC PANEL FLOOR OUTLET PROVIDE SOFFIT OUTLET FOR STRING LIGHTS 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 8 7 6 5 4 i THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 wp ''� U Cn W = W0 1 J `W r N W W 0 2 N e cu Q ■ -� U VN 0 U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I JS ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: C DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: (A) 1ST ELEC. PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U� I C E1 L L � 1i I GFI GFI PROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER PER R404.2 LOCATION OF NEW 200 AMP SERVICE & MAIN DISCONNECT UFER GROUND LOCATION ELEC PANEL FLOOR OUTLET PROVIDE SOFFIT OUTLET FOR STRING LIGHTS 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 8 7 6 5 4 i THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. L0J W 00 wp ''� U Cn W = W0 1 J `W r N W W 0 2 N e cu Q ■ -� U VN 0 U cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I JS ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: C DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: (A) 1ST ELEC. PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U� I C E1 o ELECUnflCAL o 1 BRANCH CIRCUITS SUPPLYING ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS (EXCEPT BATHROOMS, KITCHENS & GARAGES) MUST BE PROTECTED BY A LISTED ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, COMBINATION -TYPE, TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE BRANCH CIRCUIT. [ARTICLES 210.12(A) AND 210.12(B), NEC AS AMENDED] 2 ALL AREAS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLE 210.52 ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE ALL 125 -VOLT, 15- AND 20 -AMP RECEPTACLES BE LISTED, TAMPER RESISTANT RECEPTACLES. [ARTICLE 406.12, NEC] 3 SMALL APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS RATED AT 20 -AMPS MUST BE PROVIDED TO SERVE ALL GENERAL WALL RECEPTACLES, COUNTERTOPS IN KITCHENS AND DINING ROOMS AND THE LAUNDRY AREA. A MAXIMUM OF 4 RECEPTACLES MAY BE SERVED BY EACH CIRCUIT. A DEDICATED CIRCUIT IS ALSO REQUIRED FOR THE LAUNDRY AREA AND BATHROOMS. [ARTICLES 210.52(D) AND 210.11(C), NEC AS AMENDED] 4 GFCI PROTECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLES AND GARAGE RECEPTACLES SERVING GARAGE DOOR OPENERS.I WILL REDLINE THE REQUIREMENT ON THE PLANS. [ARTICLES 210.8(A), 680.42 AND 680.43, NEC] 5 A MINIMUM OF 50 PERCENT OF THE LAMPS IN PERMANENTLY INSTALLED LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE HIGH -EFFICACY LAMPS (COMPACT FLUORESCENT, T-8 OR SMALLER LINEAR FLUORESCENT, OR LAMPS WITH A MINIMUM EFFICACY OF: 60 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 40 WATTS, 50 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 15 WATTS TO 40 WATTS, AND 40 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS 15 WATTS OR LESS) FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION. [SECTION 404.1, IECC] 6 RECESSED FIXTURES INSTALLED IN AN INSULATED CAVITY OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE MUST BE IC -RATED AND SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE. WHERE THE INSULATED CAVITY IS NOT PART OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE, LEAKAGE PROTECTION IS NOT REQUIRED. [SECTION 402.4.5, IECC] Z ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL SHALL HAVE A RESERVED SPACE TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A DUAL POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC INSTALLATION AND SHALL BE LABELED "FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC." THE RESERVED SPACE SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE OPPOSITE (LOAD) END FROM THE INPUT FEEDER LOCATION OR THE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER. T103.9 (RA103.7) APPENDIX T 2018 IRC 8 ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE SERVICE PANEL OR SUBPANEL CIRCUIT DIRECTORY SHALL IDENTIFY THE OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE SPACE(S) RESERVED FOR FUTURE ELECTRICAL VEHICLE CHARGING AS "EV CAPABLE". THE RACEWAY TERMINATION LOCATION SHALL BE PERMANENTLY AND VISIBLY MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE". 9 A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE, INDICATING THE SOLAR READY ZONE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 0-2018-6-C409 SHALL BE POSTED NEAR THE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL, WATER HEATER OR OTHER CONSPICUOUS LOCATION BY THE BUILDER OR LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. A B C D E F G H J PARAPET/SOFFIT OUTLET FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 8 7 M THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. Single Switch i a Three -Way Switch 1 Ceiling Fan $4 Four -Way Switch \ Standard Switch Leg i wp Dimmer Switch Leg [ U Ceiling Fan With Light QThermostat / ''CCV \ �G Garage Door Switch = Exhaust Fan 0 1 J W Exterior Path Lighting OUTLET LEGEND : Exterior Step Lighting W 0 TW 2 q) Single Outlet Exterior Wall Mount Light Fixture Duplex Outlet �GFI GFCI Outlet Exterior Wall Mount Motion Sensor Light Fixture IRWP Weatherproof Duplex IR 240 Fluorescent Light Fixture 240V Duplex 40 240V GFCI + Garage Door Infra -red Eye 4-Plex Outlet O Garage Door Motor ❑e Floor Single Outlet ❑ Surface Mount Light Fixture 0 Floor Duplex Outlet 4 TV Outlet/ Jack Linear Light Fixture CAT -5/6 Data Outlet Interior Wall Mount Light Fixture Keyless Light Fixture FIRE SAFETY LEGEND 04 4" Recessed Can Fire Alarm Strobe and Siren C�Ww 4" Recessed Can - Wall Wash Carbon Monoxide Detector 04WP 4" Recessed Can - Weatherproof CO sD Smoke Detector 06 6" Recessed Can o Smoke/ Carbon Monoxide ()6WP 6" Recessed Can - Weatherproof SEVCO Detector A A A Track Lighting LED Tape Light Im LED Driver Pendant Light Fixture AA Hanging Light Fixture A B C D E F G H J PARAPET/SOFFIT OUTLET FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 1/4" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet 8 7 M THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 5 4 e cu Q ■ -� U VN 0 U N cu N U (6 i 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C2ND ELEC. PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U� I C Wr E2 Cl) Cl) O W 00 wp U / ''CCV W CC 0 = W 0 1 J W N F Q N W 0 TW 2 N 5 4 e cu Q ■ -� U VN 0 U N cu N U (6 i 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C2ND ELEC. PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat U� I C Wr E2 o E&ECU��CAL 1 BRANCH CIRCUITS SUPPLYING ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS (EXCEPT BATHROOMS, KITCHENS & GARAGES) MUST BE PROTECTED BY A LISTED ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, COMBINATION -TYPE, TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE BRANCH CIRCUIT. [ARTICLES 210.12(A) AND 210.12(B), NEC AS AMENDED] 2 ALL AREAS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLE 210.52 ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE ALL 125 -VOLT, 15- AND 20 -AMP RECEPTACLES BE LISTED, TAMPER RESISTANT RECEPTACLES. [ARTICLE 406.12, NEC] 3 SMALL APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS RATED AT 20 -AMPS MUST BE PROVIDED TO SERVE ALL GENERAL WALL RECEPTACLES, COUNTERTOPS IN KITCHENS AND DINING ROOMS AND THE LAUNDRY AREA. A MAXIMUM OF 4 RECEPTACLES MAY BE SERVED BY EACH CIRCUIT. A DEDICATED CIRCUIT IS ALSO REQUIRED FOR THE LAUNDRY AREA AND BATHROOMS. [ARTICLES 210.52(D) AND 210.11(C), NEC AS AMENDED] 4 GFCI PROTECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLES AND GARAGE RECEPTACLES SERVING GARAGE DOOR OPENERS.I WILL REDLINE THE REQUIREMENT ON THE PLANS. [ARTICLES 210.8(A), 680.42 AND 680.43, NEC] 5 A MINIMUM OF 50 PERCENT OF THE LAMPS IN PERMANENTLY INSTALLED LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE HIGH -EFFICACY LAMPS (COMPACT FLUORESCENT, T-8 OR SMALLER LINEAR FLUORESCENT, OR LAMPS WITH A MINIMUM EFFICACY OF: 60 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 40 WATTS, 50 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS OVER 15 WATTS TO 40 WATTS, AND 40 LUMENS/WATT FOR LAMPS 15 WATTS OR LESS) FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION. [SECTION 404.1, IECC] 6 RECESSED FIXTURES INSTALLED IN AN INSULATED CAVITY OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE MUST BE IC -RATED AND SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE. WHERE THE INSULATED CAVITY IS NOT PART OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE, LEAKAGE PROTECTION IS NOT REQUIRED. [SECTION 402.4.5, IECC] Z ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL SHALL HAVE A RESERVED SPACE TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A DUAL POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC INSTALLATION AND SHALL BE LABELED "FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC." THE RESERVED SPACE SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE OPPOSITE (LOAD) END FROM THE INPUT FEEDER LOCATION OR THE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER. T103.9 (RA103.7) APPENDIX T 2018 IRC 8 ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESERVED SPACE: THE SERVICE PANEL OR SUBPANEL CIRCUIT DIRECTORY SHALL IDENTIFY THE OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICE SPACE(S) RESERVED FOR FUTURE ELECTRICAL VEHICLE CHARGING AS "EV CAPABLE". THE RACEWAY TERMINATION LOCATION SHALL BE PERMANENTLY AND VISIBLY MARKED AS "EV CAPABLE". 9 A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE, INDICATING THE SOLAR READY ZONE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 0-2018-6-C409 SHALL BE POSTED NEAR THE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL, WATER HEATER OR OTHER CONSPICUOUS LOCATION BY THE BUILDER OR LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. ELEC PANEL (BELOW) THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e � (6 Q ■ -� U VCU N 0 U N N N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: SOLAR ROOF PLAN Soo�� �oo� Han l� 1/4" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet ti W heat w SHEET #: E3 Cl) Cl) O W 00 wp U / ''ccV W cc 0 = W 0 J W N F Q N W 0 TW 2 N e � (6 Q ■ -� U VCU N 0 U N N N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: SOLAR ROOF PLAN Soo�� �oo� Han l� 1/4" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet ti W heat w SHEET #: E3 141101.70.7 (8303.1.1} 13Wltllnp taerrnal anyeltlpe iriauratlon. An �1i rrlrliot chnlificalmn ma'h shat; be appted lyra hna nufatlLaar Ys Bach ptdpCe of b AharriNJ mwrdtiae Insulation 12 inches 005 nun) a' graeled in widih. NtefralsiV, tho illalllalon Nn=llers aha0 peo%�de a cerliricalion listing the typo, mtlrxllaelmnur and R-wakic or kisuiaii3n insinllgd In with o3cmcnt of the bwddkrl trrarmaf srlvebpa. For btownor sprayed insulation {fiberjass al d to ubse), the initial *Walled Ihickr'ess, tattled ih-Anus, witted R -value, instated dancity, wvwagc araa aid number of bags iWollod sham be awal on ups aarGFcation. Few insulaed sidnp. the R•'ralue shall be labeled ou the pmduers; avcL:age and sleet be listed an the certification. Trio I0.yuWxn installer shall sign. date and post IN Leri icallon In a rcrbpttuous location on the lob Bta. NT101.70.7.7 {8303.1.1.1) Blown or sproyed rogftoiling insulation. Tile thldknaea of bWwri•sn ler sprayed hto0cellnpinsulebdn flbergless or [aG:llcsa) shell be',wit[an in irrchsa (mm) on markers. Oral we InsdWed at least one for every 300 square Met (" M2) ItpaLgh ul Ore atlic spare. The narikem SAW he alfmad to the ttlases or joists and marked with the lrinintnm inoml installed MiCkril7s with numbers not less than 1 inon(25 firm) In 1 col. Each hairier "I face the attic access opening. Splay polyuroilsanic 5;iom IhdmGs and installed R.ophie Stroll bp ksfpd era gpi ficti prenidgd by the inSr.93licirr 111suller. N1101.10.2 W133.1.2F Insulalran mark insli Nation_ Imulaing natenals S'na': tie In"illed su;h that ling manutaGlur4rS R- aWat mark is readlls' =orvat; O upon Inspection. 1101101,14 ("4111.3) Certfteft (MarptptorA. A permanent cerlifrcale shah be crimpled by the auader ler regisleree design proressiorul and postop w a wpll kl Vile space where IN %ma a Is located a uclily roar or an spOraad +oca0cn inside the bUldirg. Where to4red on an elecuitef Mnel, the a wtfslhm shall rex nrnmr nr obMna Ihn vii4gilry of thn d=ii dimrlwy mbek serAce d accnnecl label a other regdi'ad labels. The cMfioala Shall lial Ole predofrtinan[ Fi-ralue9 of insulalion iistalled in a on OtlilinprrgOF, walls, taunda4un (dab, bosnmenr waV, rrrwl sRaa wall andMr Boer) xd ducts oulside o5ndltian d spade's: U4acllors for remas haill3n and the scar heat gain o3eRetent (SHGC) o4l fenestration, antl the results from any required dart sysWm and Wising en•rek:pe air leakage tasunq done on the Wilding Wirie:e [liege IS more then airs value rot troch oompxtl?ztl, the rirltBcaw sleet Eat Imre value coveiirig ICs largest area The certificate shad Inst the" and efllownroles of ticatIrm coding and aetvdOa water heabret equhpmlem. V17nere a gat -fired unvelxed room heater, decirit firiace, w baseboard electric heater is imlafled ;n the residence. Ina celltBcala shad fey 'gee-ilretl urlvented *can hleetar'-eLaC7ic lurrraoe` cr-bleseboartl a!rzclric healer,' as appropristo. An re6crncy stall not to fiSfed for ges•fired unvorded rrxam heaters, e3edrit fumares or arecadc baseboard heatem fOsco earee r �ndipyarp aORanrq 4a•riei Blower door;est: Ar -leakage pnrvhsdom, including Lee" of the bolldrtg thehrnal emeiope, we mandatory. eevhncahe pealed W ulehy nom FURN lawn "1102.2,3 (8402.2-3) Saffrl baff e. Far aye-pernirabk insuWions in vented attics. it Lai% shah be insiakd adjacant 7e, Soffit vents The baffle shat CX',rnd ovCT the iop of the of insulation The haft'# shat be permtled io bt any soid matergl N1102.2,4 [R402,2,41 Access hatches. and doors. A=ss ioo,s from mrlditianed spaoas to um:onditioned saraem such as attics and c*aarl spaccs shall be weatheMVipped and insjl ;B ad 15 a IeNel aQaiyaert to the insulation on the Euf oundL9g sh'fade3. Access shall be provicgd to a3 ecuipinglat That prevents damaging or conpressing Ow inwlatgn, A wood -framed or agwralent ba!da or falainar is required to be pfovdisd whorl loose -fill insulation is inata%d, the purpose or uthirlr is to prevent the roost -fit nsukit oo nom spilling Iran the pving Wpoo when tho ptlO %=$S is Opened. and in priodde a permanentmeans of ma:7isining Lie invAlktl R+vsk eedlbe laoaa-lil intulalim. Fxaepflow Verl:.al tlmn Nal provide ewress from conditioned to unci rdiGoned spaces shat be permit ed m meet the fenestration regv renrerxa of Table 81102.12 based on tie epphicabke climate Zone speo6ed in Chapter 3. Mc Irrtulgli;n>.7rh @EllhiralOm R'+ptl/0• Lo lir au'Jawn b Allgatbnil aR'Ig hsalatm nAUUglon Nil ell Iduc attor4 Pahivi Cealllg rniltinq F1YVh es7iiii4 47eahfxrs6ip R Harizontsl ales accees hatch un pnw Wnpll pill; k r� Nin, wail R-va4e U C*fKWQ drp0M rna,<fonoslration U•Iac;o1 t s Wrlcnl chic. access door "1102,2.9 (8402.25] Saeemeltt wells, VJa1LS assecia'.ed wnh tonddttordetl bliserninis snag tie insulated fn3nt the top t! iha hasomNN was dawn to 10 fee: (30413 mm) Calow grade or to the tasemert rear. wllidleyer Is teas. Walls assoceled with uroonditianed hasomilmie shah matt tiro rcquinsmrrtt until SItE floor overhhmn -s n"imd in aonorri nate wnh Sotlicns N7102'.2 and N11022N. 147102.210 (R402.2.10] Slab -off -grade floors. Stab or �ratle floors with a floor surface leas than 12 mches (305 mint batow grade snau be Insulated In albourdanw will1 Table N1102.1.2. The irdsuldiau %hall trnlend downward horri the top or Elie clan on this outb:do or hnaido of the foundation wan Inaulellon loofa atl 17elaw greda ahpl be eximcod the diatanal pMmood In 1AN7.. N11021.2 by any odrnble anion rt vertical irauhrkn, insvlatirn eleenoing 6icer the slab or xdshdsticn edenderg out from the bulklina, 1nsulabon aadunding away from the bulkArig shat be prolacbed by pavement or by nct tress than f0 inches (254 mm) of sal. The lop edge of the insulation insWed bal ween Ito eahlori it ensi mrd theedge of Me inter -or shah shall be permutied to be W at a 45-dogree (0.79 rad) angle weal from the exfa w WAV. Slab - alga inshtaliun is not roquiriad in juriSeichons dlpsignalpd by Iha tuildirry eiirc7iW as having a bury heavy ken ile Infestation_ 141102.211 (RdW.2.11) Crawl space walla. As do aY,rshca¢yg l0 11-r,.ula:ng ArxerA wnh ¢oM sllacns, crnai apexx: walls stela F1rh ponniryoe Ie Ix: ingularhXl when Ihhe orsvA space is not vented to file outside- Crawl space vial nslshatim shall be permanemty reshenad io the wait and expand downward from the }icor to The ani5hed grade loyal a1d than ver9ltally andipr horLloMary for at least an adi5lonal 24 uhebes (810 mm� Exposed earth in onvented caarA spars foundations aped be covered wmn a continuous. Class I vapor ralwelor in acccrdance with tis code. A01OIrsm of tie vapor m1arder sha7 awnep by 8 itcies (7 S3 nu'I) grid the Sernled or tape0. The p.'9es ql rill vapor retards shall eulend not kss Ulan b Indies (153 mrn) up, the stem wall and shall Do atechad to Ata stem wall M11024 (8402,4) Air foakpge (Mamtplory). The buN&V liSm7nN ertrefape shier be constructed to knit air Leakage bn aatordas with theregtiremenls or Sethons 41102,4,1 through N 1102.4.5, N1102AI (11442A.111 Building thermal swelope. The bO.Uvig (7r.lnrule'vrrraiope shall cornplywilh Sections N1102.4.1_4 and N7102.4.1.2. The sealing ntolhods between d" ., illsr maladala shah U!Rw, for differential exparrelcn and oontraetl3n, M1102A,1.1 (8402.4.1.1) Installatfom n} oumpononL, or the I`x,lldhng rhrvmlterllradoyo nn IL-iod in Tablo N1102A. 1.1 shan bO n0allyd in armrclanco wnh the marutsclwer's inabucllcna and Che criteria listed In Table 1,111132.4. 1.'. m asp cable to the rnehod of gpe7etwlilpi. Whene required by tiplxsadrvolfciau. an aoprverod third party shall impact all CprnponwiDantl verify corapllance. TABLE N11132,4 7.1 NO2,4.1,1) AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSTALLATION QQWK*VT AMODAR"CJ4rEMA IlrjlLAMO NSTaI I AMM Crag6ft eelerlsdar emltlrSYC y nrSalne h M a.a6� __-__ at�n'I+ieelra aeiarlr Ye.raY erwlrpaa.arlvaoa.M.pwA 4r.aina /rrprrp eevMAy✓1M>M'rp W hrhaar W L' hewer M"anriP.e8e11aY„Ih ON M 00 wN lee r•1uWwYIlia eq•1,psln lets d cram ter srarYaoa n hlrgdrgpW un�yoeemrea .,tCuo; wm,15o xerrti.. eer�ro. hrc eawrriwad'rar%waeeave �vc.wsn.rraa rWe. W 7Mgs.re otrrAraar4 nla4ws W iwh = a.islan of r. ra.roran rn wpg1. Y'r1116a lelrl. pa ararera4,r'aa'?1.4+r�Y1y`oa�i -W d rrwsaadiw kro Win.ru gwlararaxwlY'rhys ^'rlteeh awx'q Ir'�wnrwssl.eto rrtaaPM�sh - y' a"• • *+we.s+r'whsa..aawl rx a.nww.� w 0 fie' ce msec IN, Irt'+a.a r.Ydn..+rrm4xa"awnehw yds ��,a aasortint.exi aidnranY}+IesrirlMiO-aM W ora ON M aur. i iW rrrJWfdrnaa r,erre "pa har+ycsw!'.n.rrson.dr.r qrl, by we wYcwYri.rol rmm d c r0bVjfr I.y6:rarq civil }tiros ai'ta.hllwl/W WhllMYralalry glaaa.eah,� 6rar+MrsfOaM aorWRlnVy rMiaP rsMd p'0.N.aR7 W4af kMMIt•4 R �.rnJY 1YuLrrle ralaene wseen rnkx'.s'+'k s+P ruyfik Iephfy W141m or all na-rarer eourlsY aaesrimadM osvn spin smut haeoesno aswWixraed dloarroNwm, 1111114~ a 04" l veep Ntar/Y.is 11004 he p0ara AW0*gMehFaee4 loft,rr r:r, q.�wrwse•w V dLA, May c�Yirva, wi rkrelraw �9 b ]r arN.we.n.h� b.al io k arsnrrw r.wr w.-ws Nur W e'adavarA14cr1 vee m wattuaw• radrN'n M wAO 'feiYr.7.'d lee er'r.ir11e hwaYlYaea11r1a11M assri`on co•eo m nrser 4r'�9 IPIrl raiwra b.vr.ewe�evr�y ,ell r,5[aor r,.z r_., ue n-x.y �1 Iha'Lo ler- larL lC �aaV [ r.wlalM W M dl Ma:'1.P f 13•:l: M%r't - �.bp Ya w'r.� p\rtgrrJ Ir. [+lle0r'n'OrS. V nryacp� .: Y M race N aa.lanaxia.Ywe niece sial .irM bYero a•yax ill .r trot rauana Cl,mnerraa Y�aelr:m rohrvw#reEnY ah .lewrr ab ab �+aLew Sg�roam hr»wraa edare�rsl racarperem can frsn r.'. srnrtra Ira d.rir�yr,fw m. e.,.�nn Tr.w,r a-.r.n.n e. n.prerr.�.q e1.a.al M npfpr Ulaa�r .ea.rahr waar!n tori br MSM W, 0- haaa n9R.^,aldaNr theca lVr ranwvre M�e'reNmN Yat baaxW urge .e~ n +ww1a nae+'11110. rrrd.las'rr*araa+s ss.r M,rrd Ieam...r lane ermensrrd.r by �.e.pvikr. ..Th.rr riser. Sil.rgwcere ea,n..a of s.,b sry4 nlia.melead...i Na hpriwr caw cum A V ler a r emeah. mpecuanaf lip r,egsvu 4v n e:,carvarm w nra havWiitf OP 100 Cbntiaanid Lri:ra �e':e 8hn5(• Exleror R Coodidoned fN'rrg space sbbre C'andonnae :rvini spec', agaoem Ealmiur CandeanM � lmng spam at$ce1A Ta+O opNM for Ifoor,n5j QGon above wwcaridilioned space T1c1atEN11d2.4.7.1(4(l2A,iA) Air laRl0.r cad InsulathOn lain Hating I mnPrillml hytr LyamE. xiimda lo>QJatieIl ingallalaan h;rilvrw a:JN 11m 1'+h Kfhxl,lrthn lnnhsleinhi nod will IgrWhffak WIddN cin � ythu��d� mild lhhp11uN VI fgT .M h4Mllk �h�a IHI 1-1:41. fllall ba 0"104. inudabod tl%J•6 n Irk v JILlaa lisy mMhc inlh a InMe Yi1 iryfay Tbn lunuim nfilm lop PlNennlf tho'JJ�f.UA�luS6lluIL'_4(.t%lLr.!r1hJSIJ.0.Ol!iPpDi Inp nrranrivr uulb allul[t. rturhxl. F_%aim ltnawid uuwdrrtru lu.ulmir:e ku 6hmw.d Will. 0L.111 lir Sneswsllawhdl lie iaal[,i. insInlkd in ih#x;IUJlal can Wil mdiwshleaimhc al4naanu with Inn all I:nrmr. � I'.rN.ho r.f mal. •+J >Avrre p.r 4r+irr mil hihuiTr.h 'fabk•.�'1 IUY.r. f. J e.aarlhnah:s 111-3 Pa Sol M „:M R1,h H'1 ;ni h� m-blw F n.,ldiorr rrgp.red to to apPeP at hw je:s and mrlori v will conrrr c Scapus M1102A S.2 (R403,4.1.i) Taaffnb h replwrrd In hs cntirety with ibc Nluwlsgt N1102A.12 (R402,4.1.2) Tcatlag lire building or dwelling unit shall be tested and %wiflcd as having as s4 kilkago rule lip exceedir" live air changes per hour In Clinnle 7Aws ] and 2, and ibnec air cheegcs per boar in C:liniata Zargim 3 Ihrucagh $. Testing sfudl be ccaddwLed in accardenrx with AST11 E 779ler AMIE I S27 and reported at a pressure of 0.2 imp w.g. (50 Pascals). lkliets required by ibc cpdv cffjefaf, toting shall be eemduCbed by an approved Third party. A mitten report of the results of tho lesE shall be sigecd by dve party uxurduping the tri std prmidpi tO 1he rndr n�Gciti_ Tesr',ng shall ba pnxfanoaL at any minae eAer caealien of all peheArlrioets ler the biLrUfAg fhermtAi emvk*pe. Eweplfoesi 1. R-2 ocevpanciaa dial oornply with sacdoa 0402.5 2. Attached er Wicked dwctlinys sharing oat or aaorc fere rallied ae9ar0ion walla, floors, or ceilings, shall aehiemt an air leakatgc rate nut 110 exceed 4 air challgra per hazer in Clirl Tones 3 llanug)i 8_ vilicre approycd by the m* Mittal, gEmrdad Novel r door lieFbigInihng 7m l ipk blousr doors, shall be prmimed Laerltoare Ihat air leakage is measured framb the outdoors and mor from+[o adjacent anacbad units. During icula& 1. FaELadcs wirl and donna fvgi1laoe end s7ove dextts shall be closed. but nx wield, bi� the inhem!ed u'eatberstrippuhg m other 1ILLI Yalioa eoorrol nteaSlutS. 2. Dampers iwclading exhaust, intake, makeup air, bKkdfaA and fine dampers shall be dosed, bol not seated lieyvnd iawndcd infrltrniea tonoai Mees ars- 3, In;triar drain, if inatalfed of the time of tie tat, shall be open. 4. Exconor doora for cmriihwow vemilelion systems will lieatimeDvrryvectilakws Aull ba closed and sealed. S. Hewing and cooling syalerns, if instal led at the Tigre: oflhe lest, shall benighted off. F, Scpply and renin[ reglistcis, if insnnlh?d at libc time of tic test, shall bo folly open. 111102.4.4 [R402AA) Rooms containing fuel.burning appliances. Ir- Chmate Zoms 3 through S, where open combusibm as duds aravde combustion at 10 open combustion hleLou(nalg appliances, the appliances and combustion as openng shall be totaled our.SCe the bw.d,ep firemgf CfrlT Cp0 pr enaloseC in a room that is neblCd tram inside the ii minnol envelops. Such ropeis sha4 be sealed and nsuialed in accordance wnh the enwecpe requirements of Table NJI02.1.2 where the Wath. floors and callous shal meet a mnimum df the Cageavar Iva" R -value requirement The doer nth the room shat be fully @asketed and any water Ines mrd duets n the mom nsufaled In accordance With SecEan N1103. The eameusten at duct shat be esulated where a passes through ronemalxtl sure team R -value of not less than R-8 Exceptions: 1. tract -o ant apphan Cts w0 oWN intake antl exhaust pipes nslatod continuous to the outstde. 2. Fireplaces are stores corrpyaig with SeulonsN1102.4.2 and R1006. "7703.1 (8403.1) CorArals (Mandelory)- W krasl one themhosla: shall be proy,dad for each separate, healing and cooling sysWrn. f11 t03.t.5 (R403.i.7) Progrwmmallte tieRlWSte1. - r Tia thtsm tai cgslL-ur.i 7I'C dm nr + - )env d thle d i IiL Y:Iat :;u ca' able u. pS n9 p cry aeafrg tela ^5 sys wee np w .i danUohing the healing ern0 daoling aya7em on a da;Iy sohoduk: 7o maintain dlA''erent l3mpare:uro se, pglntg m vifferienl times of ata duy. This ilsemnesbht shall include the rapnbiity in Sal back a temporarily cpeale ane syrehem Lo malrtten moa templerehJres dorvl ro 55'F (s3'C] or uR Lo g5°F (29°C). The thermoslai et16'1 1flrielly be proyrasnneai by enc manhlttephrrs with a Ic,vinp Iem;aira Wm #t port no hipper than 70'F 121'fi) and a rnnirr,( terrombre satpanl no 73werthen 7@'F (20'C1. "71033 (8400.3} Duals- Ouas and lir handlers shall be in amordaliee wbn Sedarrs Nlt03-3,1 through "7103.3.5 N110&&1 I;RIIIII ) Imulatlon (lareateip1;ve)- Supply and r9tvim ducts in alk4 sea: be insulated to a mucin ,hm of R-8 whtero 3 Inouas (76,2 min} In d6arrwSer and giester and R-0 whara less than 3 iochea 47&2 rnm) In diwmelnr. Supply and return duos in ctrher portions of the bu ding shall be Insulated to a minimum of R4 where 3 inches;782 mm) In tllarrialer or gresfer and AA.2 wnem less than 3 irides CM.2 mhn):m diameter. Exception: D=.% arporions thereof rotated mmpleMly aside the Ikrdtling anelriRer rNhvaYhpe "1703.3..2 (R403.S.2) beating {Nandptory]. oae,% air handlers and filter boxes shell ba sea;ad. Jorhisand marm shall oomplywitheiher Lha 1Afw terkcval hlf Kha,'dwd QUcgq or Section M 1$0:.4,1 of this codq, as appk*4 Exceptionr.: I . Ar-knphxmeable spray'aam Wriducis aliell: tto permelad to be applied v ithoul eddllbnW Jd171 awls, 2. F;w dude haw -riga static pmsue9 classi4caaon of Fess than 2 Inches of water column (500 Na), addAlcnet ada.un: systems Shall Mn be mquiwd for sWrngS, and locking -type: joints and seams of other Chan the anap'•lack and butlan-lock types. "110&3.2-1 (R40S.3..2.11 Sealed ak handier, Aur hanalers shall have a ri>,arahtactua:r'a dcsignatim for an air IOaaage cl ado Mone than 2 perccn( OF ",he design air III rale when tented in accordance with ASH RAE 193. N1111&3_3 (8403.3.3) Duct testing [Mandatory). WcU shall be preslore tes;Wd lo determ ne air leakage by one of pia ickiwng methods; '. Rltogfl-lIi Vast: Total leakage ants• be menoweo with in pressure dmlorcaritinl of 0,1 Ilrh w.g (?.S Pa) across. the System, including the mai W fadlYee t air handler erw1oeora i1 irw.alled at Lne lime d the that. Air fe jitaerS Shell be loped ler otheltmse seared during the lest Z. Foatconslructon last; Total leakage Ghali be measured wdh a Rress;ire differenihet cf 0.1 inch w.9, (25 Ica) mrom; the entire syslrm . Indudinp the mmufacourpls air h ondlor enclosure. Rcgstbil shad bo t,;qd of olherAtse sail during Ina test. t:xceptiom A dura se leakage test stall not be required where this duces and air hsndae are located anlirely wehin the hulldirg mwmtat envelcipia. A wrfticn reporl of the meads of the lost shall be smncd by the party tondwng Ihlt teat aril p'OVided to 7110 oodo ol6dfaJ. NIIC&&e (R4a3-3A) oust I"ll (Proseripiive]. role total leakage ot the ducL5. where measured in accordance with Section 11403.3.3. shall be all fallows. t, Roughdn teaR The total leakage shall be leas than or equal to 4 cubic (set per minube (113.3 Lhnkk) per 100 swim feet (0.29 rnl1 of oon3ltioned floor area where 0he air haltdlc is Installed lei me lmie of NIB b&SL Where the a harls:fu is not instated at the line of the test, five total leakage shall be less than or egeml to 3 evtie feel. per mfnule, 485 Lorin} par 100 square feet (9.29 mit or conditioned floor area. 2 Postconairuebon lea!: Tate] leakage shag be less than or equal to 4 cubic feet per minute (113.3 LFmin) per 100 DwAre feet (0.29 m1) of cordlbaned floor area. Igil 5 (R403.3.5J Building cavities (Mandaloty). Building hamsdg rarities shall net be used as ducts or plpiurm. N1103.2-3 61103.35 (8403-351 Building Cavities (Maindatery). rluildillg framing cavities shall not Ito used its rlitcis or pllmums. ENERGY COMPLIANCE PROJECT ADDRESS: 2822 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 ENERGY COMPLIANCE METHOD: PRESCRIPTIVE - US TRADEOFF CLIMATE ZONE: 5B PER TABLE N1107.7 MUNICIPALITY: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ITITZI N E n ve (0 a 1/8" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 8 feet R-20 (41 CLOSED -CELL SPRAY -FOAM INSULATION, TYP R-30 (8") KRAFT -FACED BATT INSULATION, TYP. R-49 TOTAL R-20 IS 1/2") KRAFT -FACED BATT INSULATION, TYP. R-30 (10") KRAFT -FACED BATT INSULATION, TYP. R-19 (6 1/4") VINYL -FACED BLANKET INSULATION, TYP. R-10 (21 EPS UNDERSLAB INSUALTION, TYP. W heat ° rQ; \� ., V (U THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e � (6 Q ■ -� U 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(lg lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: js ISSUE: FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET #: EC1 co co O W 00 W p U r/liggill- _I W = W 0 d J `W r W N W M00 i N e � (6 Q ■ -� U 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(lg lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: js ISSUE: FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET #: EC1 final prenam pellelra(ion r through drywall tOUVEREr}nOOR 1rx�t ;3rsa%pli rckllI OeraFrallUn — Beal areclrlcal and plumbing penel:alona and perlrrreler or autsidn air van@•ation dual f Tfvi1E ✓S 0 —} -- PLENUM I .... r li HAnAIR NntFp) AIATE:. HEATER E -1a l I Seal 0erirnelar of drain ponoiraiion6 rwrry�;.......... ............ ..... Chases and common by-passes Seal int' plm Sed bottom aWL seal souses ° r� Cauk ak��tdcal oa1rc: and ixmr�as to dryy,al Seal 1pe ln%lo in u0nnnarl wall Showerltub drain rough opening Scd HVAC boat pcmlralms CHASF Saar alectrical and alumheng penalrallone UG lily chase copped and sealed a: part maWr - ni all lawls res Recessed light fixtures should be rated for uci ... aft-lawmeabw InauFntian nsula.;on CottaCL and a r fief[ (ICAT). dam. rear air perlrr_'abb Uli lily chase - capped and eea!ed n! Air tl g l- : v.-.: drn4pw.7 ad"" perimetar- 'lir: {.SIC zonicctioi rrom j 7 aialllxeah rar line-cn bcx r' of spun shall bo pio klnd �CaLllk htsial air owitir Dz core ti ve { f" 'over or Gasket toyer Saar alectrical and alumheng penalrallone UG lily chase copped and sealed a: part maWr - ni all lawls HVAC enntpannt ralurls ITIl}� panrranans i� ._� gay plLMrxl pi nalri wxls lr�. hst%l insalation and saocd air bawnr bann] lub?raquircol q, II II II II - Seal hsthluh Bran rcretmlinn Seal hotam Seat Nrlghl IG -Wad 1ecasaed Itphl AxII1Ns In drywall Seal pra'nbf'1il "neb." r" Mhv Is lmtdirtedl .°ictal gap hclvroon ointment he:x and drywall FM t,xnbd "vpugh cuhsrior %tiwl saskd al pcn lr,Jlpr Cawitq Insulalian Attic knee -walls CRmA and sea+ L7 rout opening HgldlnauWlan Weather-siripdcor ecamnlrnda:il Opening aro Ynimum R-vallre threshold equiwaleld to surrounding wall insulaiicn SW1,naapl pp-ral gym, rammmend InelsJ on inlanor(runins blcrpmml IF Inalerstl an Yxl9dpr roll. air barter dud; miend hohind bm cc air-saalod box E10 bw I411a1krd. 90011 (J1d hath wnt hon In rnifng &von hklrrslw uwd cautr' hefts are cul to ar �aulh I.nslal stocking and miter bale to prevent,Aindnaashing'dwanted, insulww rot:lfne oequirscj Sealed altic side air lhinier frenu Mdf OSB, insulaied sheathing. etc 8loddng - fit in iaiat cavity, caulked or foamed Two-level attic LhicwdWulv_'d Sp:ide Ai r Cdrriu r required, (rigid In9ulat£nl bcerd teoxarnended) Carldilirxlud n[mm Air "F r 11b!111r4f 51Cp3 =f s G:raW to hwae dwl 1 GarJgc {tncwdhlare(U .... Gnu* GarJgc ?tnccm"Itra(U Vxzb trJss Alr Ae?I C•drAidonEd Space Ek�dwg I I At.Nb IPJ s s:s aiyid pari (racornmend mysting wth iglilion baviar.:r rmquiredl t'.KaerrHn' IaJnd .�ncd} Iracl gara_c lu -iW= dou- SF,xa -T .rid 19aUIE1e -11;1(1 Joan i r_'cmunend LeeLriny nidi 1911 w t)s. Ther, :f ro jumrll H.saemgn' d. unud% 5landard Truss with lapored insulation depth tnergy Iruse with full height insula (rce0mm0nd0d) Standard miter and top plate with tapered insulation depth Capt h aft-lawmeabw InauFntian da ar wnn rnld air hammT dam. rear air perlrr_'abb and lnx.lulg abun baillee ahal be lr."ed drn4pw.7 ad"" acll int tic soffil any anti. j 7 visna: A minimum of a 1-nch r' of spun shall bo pio klnd b AAwr 1ha nSllMn an^ ;nn htsial air owitir {r { f" r 4'1 Hem! of ill rgid ream a_anil ahell extend ouar The top W. the raulwmd walk Insulation IIYNard until d Is ar J HVAC enntpannt ralurls ITIl}� panrranans i� ._� gay plLMrxl pi nalri wxls lr�. hst%l insalation and saocd air bawnr bann] lub?raquircol q, II II II II - Seal hsthluh Bran rcretmlinn Seal hotam Seat Nrlghl IG -Wad 1ecasaed Itphl AxII1Ns In drywall Seal pra'nbf'1il "neb." r" Mhv Is lmtdirtedl .°ictal gap hclvroon ointment he:x and drywall FM t,xnbd "vpugh cuhsrior %tiwl saskd al pcn lr,Jlpr Cawitq Insulalian Attic knee -walls CRmA and sea+ L7 rout opening HgldlnauWlan Weather-siripdcor ecamnlrnda:il Opening aro Ynimum R-vallre threshold equiwaleld to surrounding wall insulaiicn SW1,naapl pp-ral gym, rammmend InelsJ on inlanor(runins blcrpmml IF Inalerstl an Yxl9dpr roll. air barter dud; miend hohind bm cc air-saalod box E10 bw I411a1krd. 90011 (J1d hath wnt hon In rnifng &von hklrrslw uwd cautr' hefts are cul to ar �aulh I.nslal stocking and miter bale to prevent,Aindnaashing'dwanted, insulww rot:lfne oequirscj Sealed altic side air lhinier frenu Mdf OSB, insulaied sheathing. etc 8loddng - fit in iaiat cavity, caulked or foamed Two-level attic LhicwdWulv_'d Sp:ide Ai r Cdrriu r required, (rigid In9ulat£nl bcerd teoxarnended) Carldilirxlud n[mm Air "F r 11b!111r4f 51Cp3 =f s G:raW to hwae dwl 1 GarJgc {tncwdhlare(U .... Gnu* GarJgc ?tnccm"Itra(U Vxzb trJss Alr Ae?I C•drAidonEd Space Ek�dwg I I At.Nb IPJ s s:s aiyid pari (racornmend mysting wth iglilion baviar.:r rmquiredl t'.KaerrHn' IaJnd .�ncd} Iracl gara_c lu -iW= dou- SF,xa -T .rid 19aUIE1e -11;1(1 Joan i r_'cmunend LeeLriny nidi 1911 w t)s. Ther, :f ro jumrll H.saemgn' d. unud% 5landard Truss with lapored insulation depth tnergy Iruse with full height insula (rce0mm0nd0d) Standard miter and top plate with tapered insulation depth Rafter on raised top plate with full halght nlsukdion (recommended) Window rough opening Use Sacker rcd o- sla my foam (awroprlNe ror•Alndosya; to til gaps bolwcm window=car and �,h. o]enop ',01M dilt nrdtoald of rlpld :ern baa dl flit Usti Dilil dal : rdl;vard cl rfdf. ;&f1 bcwdl M imurn 1 -inch deplh h7r InexJalbn IJelne SaHd dam. (aardbcord or rgid Ine:lladr/1 f0arn L�.a.'dl Raised by 019.08 /\ Salril Uctl Wall cross-section AIItc -- x' l vmriLitim `'-I%- W.,, Qua drywall to top and bottom Pl:3W (mmrrimrdcd) Caulk 101M plats' to axo"aof A% Caulk nand ioisl to sub"oorand pales Glim drywall to top phrc {reaemrnendedl (ilea drri+rsll to bot pare C fnrr_•rrunandcrfL aLdJk;JutkJm plate tdauMlodr,fodndaion,orsiar' a i7, l i .1 11, 5111{] " ordotble,aeadol CaUlk bn'tiaf :yc-:rl fiele 1 41 , a-iaeh f140Lt,1.011 Irf.uLvrm ix Unoo1flear h%utxinn perrmetllh• anachsC -P.W be Inetaled In b wail ammanam rsxdaca with ailbf[rut (all ba tar seala0lGLA95I rwglimdatxrrya"nf d aapor nnaraor eLidn ul itxwlukvll + ulted n oawspaC9 QF seeDoimg DOWN 3„ = 1,-0„ VArd msl+baflk acid dans fur air -per resLfe nsulainr Sae Mea14tfW Demo Jb, CeffiVs will: ams scl�°aa P` eon" cern tape Cr text[ wdedor sheathing seanx Install dvsnar W&ler fee�}'.19 barrier as par 1 RG 705 2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. LTJ iU 00 iU p r/� U _I W = iU 0 1 J W N W W C 0 N e � Q ■ —� U VCU i N 0 U (6 N U (6 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(lrl lucid-studio.com SEAL: ISSUE: FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CAIR SEALING DETAILS SHEET #: ti W heat %EC2 Hair. Wind wash baffle and aft-lawmeabw InauFntian dam. rear air perlrr_'abb msulxhrxl in vemad xnica baillee ahal be lr."ed acll int tic soffil any anti. visna: A minimum of a 1-nch of spun shall bo pio klnd b AAwr 1ha nSllMn an^ ;nn 501111 dam lour shreaRring W;d at the (tardhoord or keatim nilfa wnc.Tho FmHla rgid ream a_anil ahell extend ouar The top W. the Insulation IIYNard until d Is ar least 4 Incres aarllca%- ebaae the alp d ihr ilsulation. fury solid malanai Sum W, cardboard of ihln irtaulaling shs>alidrg shall he parmssihla as 91e barle. Rafter on raised top plate with full halght nlsukdion (recommended) Window rough opening Use Sacker rcd o- sla my foam (awroprlNe ror•Alndosya; to til gaps bolwcm window=car and �,h. o]enop ',01M dilt nrdtoald of rlpld :ern baa dl flit Usti Dilil dal : rdl;vard cl rfdf. ;&f1 bcwdl M imurn 1 -inch deplh h7r InexJalbn IJelne SaHd dam. (aardbcord or rgid Ine:lladr/1 f0arn L�.a.'dl Raised by 019.08 /\ Salril Uctl Wall cross-section AIItc -- x' l vmriLitim `'-I%- W.,, Qua drywall to top and bottom Pl:3W (mmrrimrdcd) Caulk 101M plats' to axo"aof A% Caulk nand ioisl to sub"oorand pales Glim drywall to top phrc {reaemrnendedl (ilea drri+rsll to bot pare C fnrr_•rrunandcrfL aLdJk;JutkJm plate tdauMlodr,fodndaion,orsiar' a i7, l i .1 11, 5111{] " ordotble,aeadol CaUlk bn'tiaf :yc-:rl fiele 1 41 , a-iaeh f140Lt,1.011 Irf.uLvrm ix Unoo1flear h%utxinn perrmetllh• anachsC -P.W be Inetaled In b wail ammanam rsxdaca with ailbf[rut (all ba tar seala0lGLA95I rwglimdatxrrya"nf d aapor nnaraor eLidn ul itxwlukvll + ulted n oawspaC9 QF seeDoimg DOWN 3„ = 1,-0„ VArd msl+baflk acid dans fur air -per resLfe nsulainr Sae Mea14tfW Demo Jb, CeffiVs will: ams scl�°aa P` eon" cern tape Cr text[ wdedor sheathing seanx Install dvsnar W&ler fee�}'.19 barrier as par 1 RG 705 2 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. LTJ iU 00 iU p r/� U _I W = iU 0 1 J W N W W C 0 N e � Q ■ —� U VCU i N 0 U (6 N U (6 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(lrl lucid-studio.com SEAL: ISSUE: FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CAIR SEALING DETAILS SHEET #: ti W heat %EC2 SR -210,6",42 CFM,Reg:10x4 SR -390,34',4 CFM9Reg:10x4 _... Basement Low,8",1159 CFM,GriIle: 1Ox SR -340,3",2 CFM,Reg:10x4 12' of 14x10" to m; 7' of I LJVLJ EC L AM CAL = ■ 1 LOW-ENERGY CONSUMPTION BUILDING DESIGN EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS, AND LOCAL BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS MAY HINDER CUSTOMER COMFORT PREFERENCES. CONTINUOUS BLOWER OPERATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO EQUALIZE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES. CALCULATIONS INDICATE THAT THE PROVIDED RETURN AIR VENTS ARE SUFFICIENT; HOWEVER PROVIDE ADDITIONAL RETURN AIR AS DICTATED BY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. 2 ALL CLOSED ROOMS WITH NO RETURN TO HAVE TRANSFER GRILLE OR JUMPER DUCT. 3 PER IECC, SECTION R303.3 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE FURNISHED FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS THAT REQUIRE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. REQUIRED REGULAR MAINTENANCE ACTIONS SHALL BE CLEARLY STATED AND INCORPORATED ON A READILY ACCESSIBLE LABEL. THE LABEL SHALL INCLUDE THE TITLE OR PUBLICATION NUMBER FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR THAT PARTICULAR MODEL AND TYPE OF PRODUCT. PLEASE NOTE THIS IN THE PLAN SET AND WHERE IT IS TO BE LOCATED. SR -380,5",34 CFM,Reg:10x4 0 LJVL EC LA U CAL 4 PER IECC, R403.1 CONTROLS (MANDATORY). AT LEAST ONE THERMOSTAT SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SEPARATE HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM. 5 PER R403.1.1 PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT. THE THERMOSTAT CONTROLLING THE PRIMARY HEATING OR COOLING SYSTEM OF THE DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE CAPABLE OF CONTROLLING THE HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM ON A DAILY SCHEDULE TO MAINTAIN DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE SET POINTS AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE DAY. 6 ACTUAL THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR. Z PER 2012 R403.5 MECHANICAL VENTILATION (MANDATORY). THE BUILDING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH VENTILATION THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE OR INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE, AS APPLICABLE, OR WITH OTHER APPROVED MEANS OF VENTILATION. OUTDOOR AIR INTAKES AND EXHAUSTS SHALL HAVE AUTOMATIC OR GRAVITY DAMPERS THAT CLOSE WHEN THE VENTILATION SYSTEM IS NOT OPERATING. 8 ALL DUCT IN UNCONDITIONED SPACE INSULATED W/ R8 MIN. SR -220,6",4$ CFM,Reg:10x4 All duct in unconditioned space insulated with RS ,7r�-J�V,J ,Ip Lr1Y1,RC{�.iVlC�r All closed rooms with no return to have transfer grille or jumper duct 34 CFM,Reg:10x4 lends using i:t fittings Zone 1 Zone 2 Barometric Pressure Relief Damper May Be Necessary Low energy consumption criteria, building design equipment locations, and local building code requirements may hinder customer comfort preferences. Continuous blower operation may be required to equalize temperature differences. Calculations indicate that the provided return air vents are sufficient; However provide additional return air as dictated by performance requirements. Designer recommends builder offer zoning and/or dual furnace options on all houses with 2 above grade floors or more. Calculations and design may indicate 2nd floor loads are met with no zoning, however in certain cases field operation may demonstrate 2nd floor zoning is needed to equalize temperature differences. THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e cu Q ■ -� o U 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: MUM machafloocM Han I BSMT MECH PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet SHEET #: ti W heat o 'Q: U� . 11'I CD, oc M0 Cl) Cl) 0 W 00 W 0 U / ''CCV IJJ CC 0 = W 0 J W N Q > N W W _ 004 N e cu Q ■ -� o U 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: MUM machafloocM Han I BSMT MECH PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet SHEET #: ti W heat o 'Q: U� . 11'I CD, oc M0 SR -100,6",104 CFM,Reg:10x4 Office High 1,7',92 CFM,Grille:12x6__„ Office High 2,7",92 CFM,Grille:12x&-..,___ (Can be replaced with 1-30x6" grille) SR -120,3",7 CFM,Reg:10x4 SR -110,6",104 CFM,Reg:10x4 SR -130,6",78 CFM,Reg:10x4 Foyer 2 High,7",104 CFM,Grille:12x6 Foyer 3 High,7",104 CFM,Gr1lle:12x6 (Can be replaced with 1-30x6" grille) SR -140,6",83 CFM,Reg:i0x4 Foyer 1 High,7",104 CFM,Girille:12x6 I LJVLJ EC L AM CAL = ■ 1 LOW-ENERGY CONSUMPTION BUILDING DESIGN EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS, AND LOCAL BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS MAY HINDER CUSTOMER COMFORT PREFERENCES. CONTINUOUS BLOWER OPERATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO EQUALIZE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES. CALCULATIONS INDICATE THAT THE PROVIDED RETURN AIR VENTS ARE SUFFICIENT; HOWEVER PROVIDE ADDITIONAL RETURN AIR AS DICTATED BY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. 2 ALL CLOSED ROOMS WITH NO RETURN TO HAVE TRANSFER GRILLE OR JUMPER DUCT. 3 PER IECC, SECTION R303.3 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE FURNISHED FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS THAT REQUIRE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. REQUIRED REGULAR MAINTENANCE ACTIONS SHALL BE CLEARLY STATED AND INCORPORATED ON A READILY ACCESSIBLE LABEL. THE LABEL SHALL INCLUDE THE TITLE OR PUBLICATION NUMBER FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR THAT PARTICULAR MODEL AND TYPE OF PRODUCT. PLEASE NOTE THIS IN THE PLAN SET AND WHERE IT IS TO BE LOCATED. SR -200,6",76 CFM,Reg:10x4 0 LJVL EC LA U CAL 4 PER IECC, R403.1 CONTROLS (MANDATORY). AT LEAST ONE THERMOSTAT SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SEPARATE HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM. 5 PER R403.1.1 PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT. THE THERMOSTAT CONTROLLING THE PRIMARY HEATING OR COOLING SYSTEM OF THE DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE CAPABLE OF CONTROLLING THE HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM ON A DAILY SCHEDULE TO MAINTAIN DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE SET POINTS AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE DAY. 6 ACTUAL THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR. Z PER 2012 R403.5 MECHANICAL VENTILATION (MANDATORY). THE BUILDING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH VENTILATION THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE OR INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE, AS APPLICABLE, OR WITH OTHER APPROVED MEANS OF VENTILATION. OUTDOOR AIR INTAKES AND EXHAUSTS SHALL HAVE AUTOMATIC OR GRAVITY DAMPERS THAT CLOSE WHEN THE VENTILATION SYSTEM IS NOT OPERATING. 8 ALL DUCT IN UNCONDITIONED SPACE INSULATED W/ R8 MIN. SR -180,6",76 CFM,Reg:10x4 All duct in unconditioned space insulated with R8 SR -370,6",83 CFM,Reg:10x4 All closed rooms with no return to have transfer grille or jumper duct ..... ...... .SR -160,6",76 CFM,Reg:10x4 -SR-1 90,6",76 CFM,Reg:10x4 -SR-170,6",76 CFM,Reg:10x4 5 CFM,Reg:10x4 M,Reg:10x4 WITil 1 st Mechanical Plan 1/8" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e cu Q ■ -� U 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C1ST MECH PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat o 'Q: U� .. , � oc Cl) Cl) 0 W 00 W 0 U / ''CCV IJJ CC 0 = W 0 J W N Q > N W W 0400 _ N e cu Q ■ -� U 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: C1ST MECH PLAN SHEET #: ti W heat o 'Q: U� .. , � oc SR -260,411,18 CFM,Reg:10x4 SR-230,6",68 CFM,Reg:10x4-.._ Mstr High 1,7",78 CFM,Grille:12x6... Ms#r High 2,7",79 CFM,Gri11e:12x6 ....... (Can be replaced with 1-30x6" grille) SR -240,6",68 CFM,Reg:10x4- ' SR -300,8",103 CFM,Reg:10x6- " Comm. High 1,7",94 CFM,Grille: Comm. High 2,7',94 CFM,Grille:l! (Can be replaced with 1-30x6" grille) I LJVLJ EC L AM CAL = ■ 1 LOW-ENERGY CONSUMPTION BUILDING DESIGN EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS, AND LOCAL BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS MAY HINDER CUSTOMER COMFORT PREFERENCES. CONTINUOUS BLOWER OPERATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO EQUALIZE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES. CALCULATIONS INDICATE THAT THE PROVIDED RETURN AIR VENTS ARE SUFFICIENT; HOWEVER PROVIDE ADDITIONAL RETURN AIR AS DICTATED BY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. 2 ALL CLOSED ROOMS WITH NO RETURN TO HAVE TRANSFER GRILLE OR JUMPER DUCT. 3 PER IECC, SECTION R303.3 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE FURNISHED FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS THAT REQUIRE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. REQUIRED REGULAR MAINTENANCE ACTIONS SHALL BE CLEARLY STATED AND INCORPORATED ON A READILY ACCESSIBLE LABEL. THE LABEL SHALL INCLUDE THE TITLE OR PUBLICATION NUMBER FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR THAT PARTICULAR MODEL AND TYPE OF PRODUCT. PLEASE NOTE THIS IN THE PLAN SET AND WHERE IT IS TO BE LOCATED. SR -270,3",6 CFM,Reg:10x4 0 LJVL EC LA U CAL 4 PER IECC, R403.1 CONTROLS (MANDATORY). AT LEAST ONE THERMOSTAT SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SEPARATE HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM. 5 PER R403.1.1 PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT. THE THERMOSTAT CONTROLLING THE PRIMARY HEATING OR COOLING SYSTEM OF THE DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE CAPABLE OF CONTROLLING THE HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM ON A DAILY SCHEDULE TO MAINTAIN DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE SET POINTS AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE DAY. 6 ACTUAL THERMOSTAT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR. Z PER 2012 R403.5 MECHANICAL VENTILATION (MANDATORY). THE BUILDING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH VENTILATION THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE OR INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE, AS APPLICABLE, OR WITH OTHER APPROVED MEANS OF VENTILATION. OUTDOOR AIR INTAKES AND EXHAUSTS SHALL HAVE AUTOMATIC OR GRAVITY DAMPERS THAT CLOSE WHEN THE VENTILATION SYSTEM IS NOT OPERATING. 8 ALL DUCT IN UNCONDITIONED SPACE INSULATED W/ R8 MIN. SR -25093",1S CFM,Reg:10x4 B2 High,7",88 CFM,G rille: 1 2x6 All duct in unconditioned space insulated with R8 SR -310,4",23 CFM,Reg:10x4 SR -320,41111,29 CFM,Reg:10x4 All closed rooms with In return to have transfer grille or jumper duct SR -280,7",97 CFM,Reg:10x4 131 High,7',102 CFM,Grille:12x6 SR -330,7",112 CFM,Reg:10x4 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: 2nd machafloocM Han I 2ND MECH PLAN 1/8" = T -o" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet SHEET #: ti W heat U� .. , % oc 1% Cl) Cl) 0 W 00 W 0 U / ''CCV IJJ CC 0 = W 0 J W F - W cm W 0400 _ N 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C j ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: 2nd machafloocM Han I 2ND MECH PLAN 1/8" = T -o" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet SHEET #: ti W heat U� .. , % oc 1% TO SEW 1 1/2" rlumhing Is©. -Waste/Vent 6" = 1'-0" 3" o U LJ V LJ Fixture D LJ U �iil U UU�JLN FU Fixture Count FU Total CLOTHES WASHER 1.4 1 1.4 DISHWASHER 1.4 1 1.4 HOSE BIB 1/2" 2.5 2 5 KITCHEN SINK 1.4 1 1.4 LAVATORY 0.7 6 4.2 UTILITY SINK 1.4 2 2.8 WATER CLOSET 2.2 3 6.6 RI WC SHOW TUB LAVA 11_ 22.8 LIM I� .I I' 1/2" HW 1/2" CW I ' KITCHEN I° WC 1 .I J �f LAV E,4'0 r° HOSE J BIB 101 101 THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I •/•-0• BAR .0001 -0' BAR j,•el / I I BIB I I 'I I I I .I I I DRAWN: l i 1S ae•1 ~II ISSUE: fl ; 1/2° CW SHOW 1/2"Hw I I FOR CONSTRUCTION L WC'v: REVISION: JC�1 I LAV •�` 'l,\ v HWH DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: Numboona W WWII I PLUMBING ISO'S 3/16" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet ti W heat wr SHEET #: P1 Cl) Cl) 0 W 00 0 MW CC U) W CC 0 = W 0 J W N Q > N W W _ 004 N 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: I •/•-0• BAR .0001 -0' BAR j,•el / I I BIB I I 'I I I I .I I I DRAWN: l i 1S ae•1 ~II ISSUE: fl ; 1/2° CW SHOW 1/2"Hw I I FOR CONSTRUCTION L WC'v: REVISION: JC�1 I LAV •�` 'l,\ v HWH DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: Numboona W WWII I PLUMBING ISO'S 3/16" = V-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet ti W heat wr SHEET #: P1 GAS MPHS 00000 = _ 1 TOTAL LENGTH INCLUDING VERTICAL IS APPROXIMATELY 99 L.F. (TOTAL CONNECTED LOAD OF 605 MBH.) 2 NEW GAS PIPING SIZED PER IFGC TABLE 402.4(2). 3 PROVIDE SHUT-OFF VALVES AND DIRT LEGS AT EACH GAS CONNECTION. 4 PROVIDE CODE APPROVED GAS PIPING SUPPORTS PER IFGC SECTION 407. WOODEN BLOCK SUPPORTS ARE NOT ALLOWED. 5 FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND APPLIANCE RATINGS PRIOR TO ROUGH -IN. 6 ALL INTERIOR ABOVE GRADE GAS PIPING SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 BLACK PIPE WITH 150 PSI O.W.G. BLACK BANDED MALLEABLE IRON SCREWED FITTINGS. 7 GAS FIREPLACES MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A READILY ACCESSIBLE SHUT-OFF VALVE WITHIN 6' OF THE APPLIANCE AND PROVIDED WITH ADEQUATE OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR DIRECT TO THE FIREBOX (OR DIRECT VENT) WHICH IS THEN FITTED WITH GASKETED DOORS. [SECTIONS 304.6, 409.5, IFGC AND 402.3, IECCI 8 1MBH = 1,000 BTU/H 9 824 BTU/H = 1 CUBIC FOOT OF GAS PER HOUR (WHEAT RIDGE, CO). O 1 = 000 0000000 ONEW GAS METER. FIELD VERIFY EXACT SIZE AND LOCATION PRIOR TO ROUGH -IN. COORDINATE WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY. 02 TRANSITION THROUGH FOUNDATION WALL MUST BE ABOVE GRADE PER IFGC 404.6. 03 USE COMMON FITTINGS FACTOR = 1.5 - EQUIVALENT PIPE LENGTH IN TABLE _ PIPE LENGTH . 50% 2"G �'/1-1/2"G 3/4" G 3/4"G 40 MB MBH FURN 80 MBH 3/4"G GARAGE HEATER 60 MBH 56' NEW GAS METER 7" W.C. Oti 1"G RANGE 100 MBH 1-1/2"G 1-1/4"G 3/4"G 1-1/4"G 01 "G R"` 1ST FIRE 65 MBH 60 MBH � 1"G I r O 1.5 FITTING FACTOR: 66'11.51=99' 66' FIRE PIT 100 MBH GAS p NNG MOMETI�OC 3/16" = 1'-0" Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 4 feet ti W heat w THESE DOCUMENT ARE COPYRIGHTED AND ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AS AN "ARCHITECTURAL WORK" UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 17 U.S.C. AS AMENDED DEC. 1, 1990 AND KNOWN AS THE "ARCHITECTURAL WORKS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ACT OF 1990." THE PROTECTION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE OVERALL FORM AS WELL AS THE ARRANGEMENT AND COMPOSITION OF SPACES AND ELEMENTS OF THE DESIGN. UNDER SUCH PROTECTION, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THESE PLANS, WORK, OR FORMS PRESENTED CAN LEGALLY RESULT IN THE CESSATION OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDINGS BEING SEIZED AND/OR RAZED. e � (6 Q ■ -� U VCU i N 0 U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CGAS LINE DIAGRAM SHEET #: P2 Cl) Cl) O W 00 wp U / ''ccV W cc 0 = W 0 J W N Q > N W W N00 2 N e � (6 Q ■ -� U VCU i N 0 U N cu (6 N U cu 3190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 ph. (303) 901-5143 www.lucid-studio.com info(la lucid-studio.com SEAL: DRAWN: C js ISSUE: CFOR CONSTRUCTION REVISION: DATE: C04/18/2021 SHEET TITLE: CGAS LINE DIAGRAM SHEET #: P2 ti W heat U m ° �G��diry9 p�1V�5`C Fra:::: m lvft wheatndae co us To: C Mrnl)ev Pvnl is Subject: Wine Fnn&Axnitdl: New Padsbal CnnNww Dire: Weans!", JY: a 9. M212:95:19 PM New Residential Construction THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 2822 TELLER STREET Property Owner Name DEv29 LLC Property Owner Phone 303-901-5143 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email iesse@mcidstudio.conn Address Attach City of Wheat 01 Eiacimnir Pamen12822 Ther Stmei Ddt Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "'DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name Jesse Walden What is your role in the Property Gwner, General Contractor project? Wheat Ridge 190260 Contractor's License Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contact Phone Number 303-901-5143 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address iesse@mcid-studio.coan for Plan Review Comments Retype Contact Email lesse@lucid-studio.aom Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Scope of New 2 story single family residence over basement with 2 car Work -Example: New attached garage single family home with 2 car attached garage Square Footage of 2428 New Construction Upload Proof of 02 Prod M Sabmiec on CMWC odf Submission to Water Department Upload Proof of 01 PmmmStmmisslnn NWSD.nm Submission to Sanitation Department Upload Soils Report 04 So IsRpt 2850-2880Tener SN2-23-2019 nnf Engineering Letters and Other Letter Size Attachments Energy Calcs 06 2822 Teller RESCheck+ManJDS odf Construction Plans 07 2822 TELLER CD Set 210418 odf scanned on 11"x17" or larger Project Value (contract 498375 Valuation OK value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Person Applying for den Schneider, AIA Permit I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Email nM displaying mr-edly? View it in wee hmwser. Generated by REScheck-Web Software Compliance Certificate Project Lucid Studio -2822 Teller St -with Finished Bsmt Energy Code: 2018 IECC Location: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Orientation: Bldg. faces 270 deg. from North Conditioned Floor Area: 3,612 ft2 Glazing Area 15% Climate Zone: 5 (6158 HDD) Permit Date: 49.0 Permit Number: 0.026 o OkW heat v CD Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 2822 Teller St Sean DeGrande Breen Design 891 Spruce Rd Larkspur, CO 80118 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com Compliance: Passes using UA trade-off Compliance: 3.0% Better Than Code Maximum UA: 464 Your UA: 450 The % Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum -code home. Envelope Assemblies Ceiling 11: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss Ceiling 5: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss Ceiling 4: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss Ceiling 3: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) Ceiling 6: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) Ceiling 7: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) Ceiling 8: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) Ceiling 9: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) Ceiling 10: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) Wall 4: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Right side Wall 14: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Back 93 49.0 0.0 0.026 149 49.0 0.0 0.026 182 49.0 0.0 0.026 193 49.0 0.0 0.026 3 49.0 0.0 0.026 119 49.0 0.0 0.022 205 49.0 0.0 0.022 204 49.0 0.0 0.022 125 49.0 0.0 0.022 81 49.0 0.0 0.022 23 49.0 0.0 0.022 55 20.0 0.0 0.059 143 20.0 0.0 0.059 8 Project Title: Lucid Studio -2822 Teller St -with Finished Bsmt Report date: 04/02/21 Data filename: Page 1 of 6 Window 10: Other 10 0.300 3 Orientation: Back Wall 16: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 59 20.0 0.0 0.059 2 Orientation: Left side Window 12: Other 21 0.300 6 Orientation: Left side Wall 18: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 166 20.0 0.0 0.059 5 Orientation: Back Window 14: Other 84 0.300 25 Orientation: Back Wall 20: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 7 20.0 0.0 0.059 0 Orientation: Back Wall 22: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 7 20.0 0.0 0.059 0 Orientation: Front Wall 24: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 81 20.0 0.0 0.059 3 Orientation: Back Window 15: Other 10 0.300 3 Orientation: Back Window 16: Other 10 0.300 3 Orientation: Back Window 17: Other 10 0.300 3 Orientation: Back Wall 26: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 81 20.0 0.0 0.059 4 Orientation: Front Window 19: Other 10 0.300 3 Orientation: Front Wall 28: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 154 20.0 0.0 0.059 8 Orientation: Front Window 21: Other 14 0.300 4 Orientation: Front Wall 30: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 130 20.0 0.0 0.059 7 Orientation: Left side Window 23: Other 12 0.300 4 Orientation: Left side Wall 32: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 142 20.0 0.0 0.059 7 Orientation: Right side Window 25: Other 9 0.300 3 Orientation: Right side Window 26: Other 12 0.300 4 Orientation: Right side Wall 34: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 18 20.0 0.0 0.059 1 Orientation: Left side Wall 36: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 10 20.0 0.0 0.059 1 Orientation: Front Wall 38: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 27 20.0 0.0 0.059 2 Orientation: Back Wall 40: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 45 20.0 0.0 0.059 3 Orientation: Left side Wall 42: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 73 20.0 0.0 0.059 4 Orientation: Right side Window 32: Other 8 0.300 2 Orientation: Right side Wall 44: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 30 20.0 0.0 0.059 2 Orientation: Right side Wall 45: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 61 20.0 0.0 0.059W hey Orientation: Left side of t,p_ Window 34: Other 8 4;00 2 Orientation: Left side U CD Project Title: Lucid Studio-2822 Teller St-with Finished Bsmt Report date: 04 21 Data filename: Ptp 2 of 6.pC yaps ply. Wall 43: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 56 20.0 0.0 0.059 3 Orientation: Right side Window 33: Other 8 0.300 2 Orientation: Right side Wall 41: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 119 20.0 0.0 0.059 5 Orientation: Front Window 29: Other 9 0.300 3 Orientation: Front Window 30: Other 9 0.300 3 Orientation: Front Window 31: Other 9 0.300 3 Orientation: Front Wall 39: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 23 20.0 0.0 0.059 1 Orientation: Right side Wall 37: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 118 20.0 0.0 0.059 6 Orientation: Right side Window 28: Other 12 0.300 4 Orientation: Right side Wall 35: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 5 20.0 0.0 0.059 0 Orientation: Back Wall 33: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 119 20.0 0.0 0.059 6 Orientation: Back Window 27: Other 10 0.300 3 Orientation: Back Wall 31: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 76 20.0 0.0 0.059 4 Orientation: Left side Window 24: Other 8 0.300 2 Orientation: Left side Wall 29: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 132 20.0 0.0 0.059 7 Orientation: Back Window 22: Other 14 0.300 4 Orientation: Back Wall 27: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 111 20.0 0.0 0.059 5 Orientation: Left side Window 20: Other 21 0.300 6 Orientation: Left side Wall 25: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 135 20.0 0.0 0.059 7 Orientation: Left side Window 18: Other 21 0.300 6 Orientation: Left side Wall 23: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 38 20.0 0.0 0.059 2 Orientation: Left side Wall 21: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 61 20.0 0.0 0.059 4 Orientation: Left side Wall 19: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 7 20.0 0.0 0.059 0 Orientation: Left side Wall 17: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 51 20.0 0.0 0.059 2 Orientation: Left side Window 13: Other 21 0.300 6 Orientation: Left side Wall 15: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 57 20.0 0.0 0.059 2 Orientation: Left side Window 11: Other 21 0.300 6 Orientation: Left side Wall 13: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 174 20.0 0.0 0.059W hey Orientation: Right side of t,p Window 9: Other 14 4;00 4 Orientation: Right side U CD Project Title: Lucid Studio-2822 Teller St-with Finished Bsmt Report date: 04 21 Data filename: Ptp 3 of 6.pC yaps ply. Wall 6: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Front Window 4: Other Orientation: Front Wall 8: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Back Wall 9: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Left side Wall 10: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Front Window 6: Other Orientation: Front Window 7: Other Orientation: Front Window 8: Other Orientation: Front Wall 12: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Front Wall 11: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Right side Wall 7: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Right side Window 5: Other Orientation: Right side Wall 5: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Orientation: Left side Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry: Interior Insulation Orientation: Right side Window 1: Other Orientation: Right side Wall 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry: Interior Insulation Orientation: Right side Window 2: Other Orientation: Right side Wall 3: Solid Concrete or Masonry: Interior Insulation Orientation: Right side Window 3: Other Orientation: Right side Floor 1: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air Floor 2: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air Floor 3: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Front Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 8.0' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Front Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 3: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Left side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Project Title: Lucid Studio -2822 Teller St -with Finished Bsmt Data filename: 187 20.0 0.0 0.059 10 21 0.300 6 32 20.0 0.0 0.059 2 55 20.0 0.0 0.059 3 144 20.0 0.0 0.059 5 21 0.300 6 21 0.300 6 21 0.300 6 10 20.0 0.0 0.059 1 167 20.0 0.0 0.059 10 145 20.0 0.0 0.059 8 14 0.300 4 55 20.0 0.0 0.059 3 147 19.0 0.0 0.059 8 20 0.300 6 165 19.0 0.0 0.059 9 20 0.300 6 138 19.0 0.0 0.059 7 20 0.300 6 169 30.0 0.0 0.033 6 21 30.0 0.0 0.033 1 5 30.0 0.0 0.033 0 150 19.0 0.0 0.046 7 33 19.0 0.0 0.042 1 of W heat Report date: 04 21 e4of 6.pC �jblz - Basement Wall 4: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Back Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 5: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Left side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 6: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Back Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 7: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Left side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 8: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Front Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 9: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Left side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 10: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Left side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 11: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Back Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Basement Wall 12: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Left side Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Basement Wall 13: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Front Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Basement Wall 14: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Back Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 15: Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Left side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Project Title: Lucid Studio -2822 Teller St -with Finished Bsmt Data filename: 7 19.0 0.0 0.042 0 7 19.0 0.0 0.042 0 58 19.0 0.0 0.042 2 7 19.0 0.0 0.042 0 36 19.0 0.0 0.042 2 53 19.0 0.0 0.042 2 70 19.0 0.0 0.051 4 42 19.0 0.0 0.051 2 137 19.0 0.0 0.042 6 of W heat Report date: 04 21 e5of 6.pC '/blz pr�`5• Basement Wall 16: Solid Concrete or Masonry 17 19.0 0.0 0.042 1 Orientation: Right side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 17: Solid Concrete or Masonry 11 19.0 0.0 0.042 0 Orientation: Front Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 18: Solid Concrete or Masonry 47 19.0 0.0 0.042 2 Orientation: Right side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 19: Solid Concrete or Masonry 32 19.0 0.0 0.042 1 Orientation: Back Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 20: Solid Concrete or Masonry 53 19.0 0.0 0.042 2 Orientation: Left side Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Basement Wall 21: Solid Concrete or Masonry 135 19.0 0.0 0.042 6 Orientation: Front Wall height: 10.6' Depth below grade: 9.4' Insulation depth: 10.6' Compliance Statement. The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in REScheck Version : REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Sean DeGrande-HVAC Designer 4/02/2021 Name - Title Sianature Date of W heat V R� C Project Title: Lucid Studio -2822 Teller St -with Finished Bsmt Report date: 021 Data filename:e 6 of 6.pC �jblz � 5� 2018 IECC Energy Efficiency Certificate Above -Grade Wall 20.00 Below -Grade Wall 19.00 Floor 30.00 Ceiling / Roof 49.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): Window Door Heating System: Cooling System:_ Water Heater: 0.30 0.30 Name: Sean DeGrande Date: 4/02/2021 Comments OkWhe,3 o r V ' ' �,�a/hg 51AN Lucid Studio -2822 Teller St with Finished Bi HVAC Load Calculations Lucid Studio le oftvuara RHVACRESIDnAL HVAC OAA HVAC Lnos Prepared By Carl Breen Breen Dego 891 Spruce Rd Larlapur, CO 80118 9]0596-00]9 Friday April 2, 2021 Rhvao Isan ACCA approved Manuel J and Manuel D oomputsr program Calculations are patlormed par ACCO Manual J Bth Edition, Version 2 and ACCO Manual D C1 duoia Studio2822Tetter St H9 Friday, Apdi 22021, i1 t¢ 8 4 rmmm r &=n o�q Trod Sumow22TAIV SNdu Fi 4�bh Gvm .e iwr m Waw Par, 2 Pro act Re rt L�rol&ot Information ProfeotTI Wold Studio 2822 TeIlar St with Finished Rsmt Des)gned Ry: Sean oecandetRO Flash Protest Data: Monday, February 15 2021 GiantNam& WoldStudio Company Name: Breen Des)gn Company Reprasentative: Carl Flash Company Address: 891 GpruoeRd Company City Larkspur, CO 80118 Company Mona: 970 5964479 Company EMail Addras: breenhaWe$gn@gmallCom Company WeMNte: breenhaWe$gn Com Company Comm Int Relerenoe City: Wheat RlQga Colorado Building Orlentatlon Front door hoes West Dally Temper9W us Range: High L9tIWde: 39 Degrees Passion 5458 h Altitude Faotor 0.010 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains DR Frio WOeulb Its Hum Its Hum Opel 01�no& Winter: 1 0.19 n/a 30% 70 3418 Simmer 91 59 15% 50% 75 39 Total Building Supply CFM'. 1,650 CFM Par Square 1C O457 Square ft of Room Area 3,612 Gquareh Par Tort 1,814 Volume do) of Cord. Gpaoe: 36,104 el Loads T owl Heating Required l noluding v&ntilation Air: 50073 6Wh 50.0]3 MBH Total Genslble Gain 21,510 6Wh 100 Total Latent Gain 2,533 6Wh 0 Total Cooling Required lnoludlng Ventilation Air: 21,510 6Wh 199 Tons eased On 90%Genslble Capaolty) Not Chao Isan ACCA approved Manuald and Manual Doomput&r program Sargon 2and ACG Manual Call arepehormedp&rACC M9nu9id Edition, All dompNed results are estimates as building us& and we9Nadsmayvary Be sure to dent aun1tth9t meets both ste nslble and lant loads acoordImordlnq to the manNaoturer's petlormanoe d9ta9t your des)gn oondttlons 00heel U B C1 duoia Studio2822Tetter St H9 Friday, Apdi 22021, i1 C1.. LLuoia Studio 2822 T&ti&r St rh9 Friday. Grill 2, 2021, i1 is a a oru�oIE Ell 7B=0�5 Trod swmoazTerl�si,muFm�,� azmi �n m WT' Miscellaneous Re rt Sya&m l Wbols Hous& outdoor Outdooroutdoor indoor manor Gra ns In put Data o euro W&taulH&IHum RZum or aum od1&r&no& Wlntar: 1 0.19 80% 30% 70 34.18 Simm&r 91 59 15% 50% 75 39.05 ouotGmn Inputs Main Trunk Hunouls Caoulaa v&s Las Js&Somedul& Las Las Houghn&ss F9omr: 0.00300 0.01000 Pr&ssur&Drop: 0.1000 inwg/1001t 0.1000 inwg/1001t Mlnlmum V&Imlty 6501t/min 4501t/min M&Jmum Vacuity: 900 1t /min 750 1t /min Minimum Haight 0 In. 0 In. Matlmum Haight 0 In. 0 In. N/rot,r Inllltation Gpeollled. 098 AC/hr 3„mm,r 0.130 AC/hr 129 CFM 60 CFM Inllltation Aotual 0446 AC/hr 0 37 AC/hr Abov& Grad& Volum&: X,772 5 Cults Ontt 12364 Cuit/hr 10,311 Cult/hr X 0_016] X 0_016] Total Building infiltration 206 CFM 172 CFM Total Building V&ntilatlon 0 CFM 0 CFM —Sy &m 1— Intlmatlon&V&ntilatlon G&nslbl& Gain MuItlpll&r 1440 =(1.10X0.818 X 1600 Summar Tamp. Sll1&r&no&) Intltation& V&ntilatlon Laant Gain Mu hlpll&r: 21 72 =(0.68 X 0.818 X 3905 Grains Shl&r&no&) Intltation&V&ntilatlon G&nslbl& Los Multlpll&r 6208 =(1.10X0.818 X 6900 WInt&r Tamp Did&r&no&) CFM), Wlnt&r Intimation Gpeollled. 0250 AC/h r T 16 CFM) Construotlon SamH)ght, Flr&plao&s: 1, 13 CFM, Sarni Tight Summ&r Infiltration Gp&o/b ined. 0130 ACr (60 CFM), Saint TU ht ON Wnee/ 0 e C1.. LLuoia Studio 2822 T&ti&r St rh9 Friday. Grill 2, 2021, i1 c1.. Uola S Udlo-2822T&11&r S rbg Frday. Aptll2, 2021,1 Hwa a m � ar=nD" wea swmo�g2TAivSt wth Fini,h azml .e �� m W4� Load Preview Re rt 5�2 *^ ^� FM M M SQ of c 1 D9 1P14 3b12 2 1b50 1b50 SM 1D9 1A14 3P12 21,510 2,53 21,510 50,073 8m 1P50 1P50 2 Hum&�tnn 2,444 33, HV 1,176 1s75 -17 1s75 1 m 4P29 68 30 68 5P 16 3 16 3 2P � 48 45 48 6 y2, 38 42 42 6 6W;, H10, 4410 1P21 - 1P21 2y s 38 78 78 6 �nw 47 once 110 2,358 �0 2,358 4225 � 31 2 6P gtMND,Vg Ing 6� 5y71 -334 Syn 10,210 174 5� 5� 5P.5P6 6 MUd �OM 119 2,158 292 2,158 3P45 5P 3a,Hg_3m. 1p55 vpoo vpoo - 1947 -261 1947 2945 11 eQd 1 1� 1,454 Z8 1,454 3,169 54 112 112 7 1P02 17 29 29 4 1�71 1�71 3,161 53 97 97 7 3> 5P lamdatum altllw ba MQ a QM mom aMbw g g g p heet O ry B c1.. Uola S Udlo-2822T&11&r S rbg Frday. Aptll2, 2021,1 C1.. LLuola Studio -2822T&IhrStrh9 TO ay, Apol 2, e021`19w% _ 0.001 b. 1ma a v� � v LTJ 0 &=no�5 � I Tree 3wdiW22 TAlvSt wth Fin h azml .e �a m WTW Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply Roughness Diem&t&r v&lmly 3PLDuo Temperature Width LWs/1oo SPLFh Length H&(ght FitEq.Lan SPLTot CFM Aid SPAvall SPLCumul -Duct Mme: 6F330, Supplies: Se] 1(In Zone 3), Fittings: 21, LG, 6P2, Effective Length: 1 WA Runout 0.0003 7 419 0.014 Up: ST16055 54 0.042 0.029 Rnd 325 77 679 0.042 Prash& 112 59.6 0215 0585 -Duct Mme: Slii Supplies: Mager Bec room (In Zone 3), Fittings: 21, 4-H, 81 Effective Length: 59.0 Runout 0.0003 6 346 0.006 Up: ST18055 4.7 0.036 0.016 Rnd 151 66 439 0.021 Prash& 68 33.7 0229 0571 -Duct Mme: Slii Supplies: Mager Bec room (In Zone 3), Fittings: 21, 4-G, Effective Length: 72A Runout 0.0003 6 346 0.005 Up: ST21055 4 0.036 0.021 Rnd 139 66 58.5 0.026 Prash& 68 219 0225 0575 -Duct Mme: Slii Supplies: Mager WIc (In Zone 3), Fittings: 21, LG, 6P2, Effective Length: 37.6 Runout 0.0003 3 306 0.011 Up: ST18055 24 0.071 0.015 Rnd 160 33 216 0.09 Prash& 15 126 094 0576 -Duct Mme: SRi Supplies: Mager B th (In Zone 3), Fittings: 21, LH, Effective Length: 25.4 Runout 0.0003 4 206 0.001 Up: ST22055 3.1 0.025 0.005 Rnd 5.7 44 197 0.006 Prash& 18 59 0245 0555 -Duct Mme: SRi Supplies: M.W/C (In Zone 3), Fittings: 21, LG, Effective Length: 309 Runout 0.0003 3 102 0.001 Up: ST200140 24 0.010 0.002 Rnd 121 33 108 0.003 Prash& 5 95 0248 0552 -Duct Mme: Slii Supplies: Se] 2 (In Zone 3), FIXIngs: 21, LG, Effective Length: 99.5 Runout 0.0003 7 3W 0.011 Up: ST19055 54 0.033 0.021 Rnd 33.7 77 65.8 0.032 Prash& 97 617 0219 0582 -Duct Mme: 6F300, Supplies: Loft (In Zone 3), Fittings: 21, 4-G, Effective Length: 78.6 Runout 0.0003 8 295 0.002 Up: ST23055 62 0.019 0.013 Rnd 8.8 8.7 698 0.015 Prash& 103 183 0238 0562 -Duct Mme: 6F310, Supplies: LaunUry(In Zoni Findings: 2-1,4-G, Effective Length: 33.3 Wneaj Runout 0.0003 4 9A Up: ST24055 3.1 Rnd 32 44 301 Prash& 23 33 C1.. LLuola Studio -2822T&IhrStrh9 TO ay, Apol 2, e021`19w% _ 0.001 b. 0.038 an 0i 1 e1 LTJ 0 0 241 � I C1.. LLuola Studio -2822T&IhrStrh9 TO ay, Apol 2, e021`19w% _ C1.. LLuola Studio -2822T&Ihr St rh9 TO ay, Apol2, 2021,117%W- �0.000 1aa a v� � v 0 e1 &=no�5 � wee 3wmoWa2TAlvSt wth Finch azml .e �n m 8)4 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply wnt'd Roughnass Diem&t&r v&lmly SPL plot Temperature width LWs/1oo SPF Fit Length R&(ght Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM Aid, SP Avail SPLCumuI -Duct Mme: 6F331, Supplies: Bath (In Zone 3), Fittings: 21, LG, Effective Length: 43.5 Runout 0.0003 4 332 0.006 Up: ST17055 3.1 0.057 0.019 Rnd 9.8 4 336 0.025 Prash& 29 103 0229 0571 -Duct Mme: 6T-390, Feeds Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: OA Trunk 0.0003 9.8 130 0.000 Up ST 400 140 8 0 004 0.000 R&A 04 10 00 0.000 Prash& 72 12 0269 0.531 -Duct Mme: 6T- , Feeds Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 1.3 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 216 0.000 Up: ST 360 140 8 0.009 0.000 R&A 1a 10 00 0.000 Prash& 120 3.8 0269 0.531 -Duct Mme: 6T410, Feeds Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 5.0 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 216 0.000 Up: ST 420 140 8 0.009 0.000 R&A 50 10 00 0.000 Prash& 120 15 0269 0.531 -Duct Mme: 6T-421, Feeds Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 4.6 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 223 0.000 Up: ST 370 140 8 0.009 0.000 R&A 4.6 10 00 0.000 Prash& 124 13.8 0269 0.531 -Duct Mme: 6T-350, Feeds Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 0.6 Trunk 0.0003 137 162 0.000 Up ST 340 55 16 0.004 0.000 R&A 0.6 10 00 0.000 Prash& 180 25 029 0.543 -Duct Mme: 6T-3W, Feeds Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: OA Trunk 0.0003 137 230 0.000 Up: ST 330 55 16 0.007 0.000 R&A 04 10 00 0.000 Prash& 256 1.8 029 0.543 -Duct Mme: 6T-330, Feeds Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 3.0 Trunk 0.0003 137 299 0.000 Up: ST 320 55 16 0.011 0.000 R&A 3.0 10 00 0.000 Prash& 332 13 0257 0.543 -Duct Mine: 6T-3'EI,Feeds hXo:B.Bth, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 1.8 Wheat Trunk 0.0003 137 304 a' Up: ST 310 55 16 R&A 1 8 10 00 Prash& 338 79 C1.. LLuola Studio -2822T&Ihr St rh9 TO ay, Apol2, 2021,117%W- �0.000 0.012 � 99Po 0 e1 029 � 9 C1.. LLuola Studio -2822T&Ihr St rh9 TO ay, Apol2, 2021,117%W- o B s/ C1.. LLuola Studio -2822Teller St rh9 TO ay, April 2, 2021,1 1ma a � � Si &=no�5 wed Swmo�a2TAivSt wth Fini,h azml F.e �� m WT3 Pan, 7 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply wnt'd Roughness pia Vamp, SPLonot Temperature Lc�ss/1 oo SPF Fit Laggm Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM SPA SPF Cumul -Duct Mme: 3T-310, Fce]s Into: B.B t0, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 0.8 Trunk 0.0003 137 373 0.000 Up: ST 300 55 16 0.017 0.000 Rmt 0.8 10 00 0.000 Preshe 414 32 0258 0.542 -Duct Mme: 3T-300, Fce]s Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 1.7 Trunk 0.0003 137 460' 0.000 Up: ST29055 16 0.025 0.000 Rmt 1 7 10 00 0.000 Preshe 518 72 0258 0.542 -Duct Mme: 3T-90, Fce]s Into: Basement, Supplies Zone: 2, Elleci Length: 0.8 Trunk 0.0003 137 5d6 0.000 Up: ST28055 16 0.033 0.000 Rmt 0.8 10 00 0.000 Preshe 596 32 0258 0.542 -Duct Mme: 3T-291, Fce]s Into: Basement, Supplies Zone: 2, FlXIng: 12-01, EIIeci Length:10.9 Trunk 0.0003 152 484 0.000 Up: ST27055 20 0.024 0.002 Rmt 15 10 9A 0.003 Preshe 672 75 0258 0.542 -Duct Mme: 3T -M, Fce]s Into: Basement, Supplies Zone: 2, EIIeci Length: 4.9 Trunk 0.0003 152 5d9 0.001 Up: ST26055 20 0.030 0.000 Rmt 4 10 00 0.001 Preshe 748 24.6 0261 0.549 -Duct Mme: 3T -M, Fce]s Into: Mech, Supplies Zone: 2, EIIeci Length: 1.1 Trunk 0.0003 152 593 0.000 Up: ST25055 20 0.035 0.000 Rmt 1 1 10 00 0.000 Preshe 824 54 0261 0.547 -Duct Mme: 3T-230, Fce]s Into: Mech, Supplies Zone: 2, EIIeci Length: 0.7 Trunk 0.0003 152 651 0.000 Up: ST12055 20 0.042 0.000 Rmt 07 10 00 0.000 Preshe 907 33 0261 0.517 -Duct Mme: Sl W,Fce]s Inro:Men Supplies Zones: 1,2,3(4%Dlverslty), FXtIg: 1-I, Effective Length: 27.2 Trunk 0.0003 186 791 0.000 Up: Pan 55 25 0.047 0.012 Rmt 09 12 263 0387 Preshe 1647 57 092 05228 0 W neat o B s/ C1.. LLuola Studio -2822Teller St rh9 TO ay, April 2, 2021,1 C1.. LLuold Studio -2822Teller St rh9 Q.y 9 ACp Friday, Apd122021, 1 %W 1maav��v Twit Wv Swdi22 TAlSwth Finvh l azmn&=�o" e �m WTD Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply wnt'd m 9m&, oto Roughness ol9motor voloply SPLoum Tompor9Wro width Loss/100 SPF Fit Leggin Haight Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM Area SP Avail SPLCumuI -Duct Mme: 6T-110,Feeds Into: Mech, Supplies Zones: 1, 2(9°L Diti lty), Effective Length: 4.6 Trunk 0.0003 196 633 0.001 Up: SMT10055 25 0.023 0.000 Reo1 46 12 00 0.001 Presho 1,110 293 0271 0529 -Duct Mme: 6T-131, Feeds Into: Mech, Supplies Zone: 2, Fittings: SFB1 C,12-01, Effective Length: 37.9 Trunk 0.0003 196 475 0.000 Up: ST14055 25 0.019 0.007 Reot 20 12 359 0.007 Preshe 990 123 02&3 0.537 -Duct Mme: 6T-130, Feeds Into: Mech, Supplies Zone: 1, Fittings: SFB1 C,12-01, Effective Length: 30.6 Trunk 0.0003 196 05 0.000 Up: ST110140 25 0.001 0.000 Reo1 33 12 273 0.000 Presho 176 e0 0270 0.530 -Duct Mme: 6T -14Q Feeds Into: Mech, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 1.3 Trunk 0.0003 196 475 0.000 Up: ST11055 25 0.019 0.000 Reo1 13 12 00 0.000 Preshe 990 92 0270 0.530 -Duct Mme: 6T-1EQ Feeds Into: Mech, Supplies Zone: 3, Fittings: 9-131, 12-01, Effective Length: 1 03.2 Trunk 0.0003 196 259 0.001 Up SMT 100 55 25 0.006 0.006 Reot 11.1 12 951 0.007 Preshe 537 683 0255 0.535 -Duct Mme: 6T-360, Feeds Into: B.B th, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.7 Trunk 0.0003 9.0 216 0.000 Up: ST 410 140 8 0.009 0.000 Reot 07 10 00 0.000 Preshe 120 2 0269 0.531 -Duct Mme: 6T-370, Feeds Into: Basement, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 2.9 Trunk 0.0003 9.0 294 0.000 Up: ST 380 140 8 0.014 0.000 Reot 29 10 00 0.000 Preshe 159 88 0270 0.530 -Duct Mme: 6T-391, Feeds Into: Mech, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 1.2 Tmnh 0.0003 9.8 298 0.000 Up: ST130140 8 0.014 0.000 Reot 12 10 00 0.000 Preshe 160 35 0270 0.530 -Duct Mme: StillSupplies: Mech(in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, LPD, Effective Length: t' SA 6 Run p 000 0 Up: ST 380 140 24 0.002 O al Rnd 4.1 33 11A 0ejy Preshe 2 32 0270 Af0 C1.. LLuold Studio -2822Teller St rh9 Q.y 9 ACp Friday, Apd122021, 1 %W C1.. LLuold Studio -2822Teller St rh9 Q.y m ACp Friday. Apr112 e0A, 1 %WA-' 1maav��v Twit v SwdlW22 TAlSwth Finvh mln&=�o" SiltManual e �m WTD D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply wnt'd Roughness Diameter Vamp, SPLouot Temperature width Lcwat100 SPF Fit Length Haight Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM Area SP Avail SPLCumuI -Duct Mme: 6F35Q Supplies: Clawlslsce (In Zone 1), Fittings: 21, LAO, Effective Length: WAS Runout 0.0003 3 326 0.014 Up: ST130140 24 0.070 0.013 Rnd 202 33 186 0.027 Preshe 16 158 0243 059 -Duct Mme: 6F21Q Supplies: Sect S (In Zone 1), Fittings: 21, LAD, Effective Length: 34.8 Runout 0.01 6 214 0.003 Up: ST 390 55 4 0.025 0.006 Rnd 124 66 224 0.009 Preshe 42 195 0260 0.540 -Duct Mme: Still Supplies: Sect 3 (In Zone 1), Fittings: 21, LAD, 6P2, Effective Length: G).6 Runout 0.01 6 245 0.000 Up: ST 400 140 4.7 0.020 0.009 Rnd 292 66 323 0.017 Preshe 48 44 0252 0.548 -Duct Mme: Still Supplies: Basement (In Zone 1), FlXings. 21, LAD, 6P2, Effective Length: 48.1 Runout 0.0003 5 249 0.002 Up: ST 390 140 39 0.023 0.009 Rnd 92 55 389 0.011 Preshe 34 12 0259 0.542 -Duct Mme: 6F39Q Supplies: B.Bath (In Zone 1), Fittings: 21, LAD, Effective Length: 142 Runout 0.0003 3 82 0.000 Up: ST 420 140 24 0.007 0.001 Rnd 24 33 125 0.001 Preshe 4 19 0268 0 63 2 -Duct Mme: Still Supplies: Basement (in Zone 1), FlXings. 21, LAD, Effective Length: 53.3 Runout 0.0003 5 249 0.004 Up:ST370 140 39 0.023 0.000 Rnd 173 55 362 0.012 Preshe 34 227 0259 0.542 -Duct Mme: 6T -M, Feeds Into: Pahl 6upplksZone: 3, Effective Length: 0.6 Trunk 0.0003 129 407 0.000 Up: ST17055 14 0.021 0.000 Rmt 06 10 00 0.000 Preshe 396 23 0 AM 0.547 -Duct Mme: 6T-230, Feeds Into: Pahl 6upplksZone: 3, Effective Length: 2.8 Trunk 0.0003 129 384 0.001 Up: ST24055 14 0.019 0.000 Rmt 28 10 00 0.001 Preshe 373 113 02M 0.547 Duct Mme: 6T-?ID,Feeds Into: Foyer, Supplies Zone:3, putting: 1201, Effective Length. 112 phel Trunk 0 o Up: ST23055 14 0.011 p al Rmt 4.1 10 71 0111 Preshe 270 163 022 �8 C1.. LLuold Studio -2822Teller St rh9 Q.y m ACp Friday. Apr112 e0A, 1 %WA-' � 1sa a � � &=no�5 eel wee 3wdi�22 TAivSt wth Fin h azml .e �n m WTD 9 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply wnt'd Roughness ole v&loolp, sPLouot Temperature Losd100 SPF Fit Length Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM SPA SPF Cumul -Duct Mme: 6T-210, Feeds Into: Mr, 6upplks2one: 3, Effective Length: 4.3 Trunk 0.0003 12 302 0.001 Up: ST22055 12 0.014 0.000 Rett a3 10 00 0.001 Praslze 252 159 0251 0.549 -Duct Mme: 6T-30, Feeds Into: Mr, 6upplks20ne: 3, Effective Length: 0.6 Trunk 0.0003 12 221 0.000 Up: ST21055 12 0.000 0.000 Rett 0.6 10 00 0.000 Praslze 104 21 0251 0.549 -Duct Mme: 6T-190, Feeds Into: Mr, 6upplks20ne: 3, Effective Length: 0.5 Trunk 0.0003 12 216 0.000 Up: ST20055 12 0.00] 0.000 Rett 05 10 00 0.000 Praslze 100 1.8 0251 0.549 -Duct Mme: 6T-101, Feeds Into: Mr, 6upplks20ne: 3, Effective Length: 4.2 Trunk 0.0003 12 100 0.000 Up: ST19055 12 0.002 0.000 Rett 4 10 00 0.000 Praslze 03 153 0251 0.549 -Duct Mme: 6F100, Supplies: Office (In Zone 2), FlXings: 2-I, LH, 6P2, Effective Length: 448 Runout 0.01 6 5d0 0.029 Up: ST 350 55 4 0.140 0.03] Rnd 195 66 253 0.060' Praslze 104 30.6 0.191 0.609 -Duct Mme: 6F110, Supplies: Office (In Zone 2), Flnings: 2-I, LG, Effective Length: 51.5 Runout 0.01 6 5d0 0.024 Up ST 300 55 4.] 0.140 0.)53 Rnd 159 66 356 0.0]6 Praslze 104 25 0.102 0.610 -Duct Mme: Sli Supplies: PMr (In Zone 2), FlXings: 2-I, LG, Effective Length: 16.5 Runout 0.01 3 143 0.001 Up: ST 320 140 24 0.02] 0.004 Rnd 3.1 33 134 0.004 Praslze ] 24 0254 0.54] -Duct Mme: 6F130, Supplies: Foyer (In Zone 2), FlXings: 2I, LH, Effective Length: 64.3 Runout 0.0003 6 397 0.005 Up: ST29055 4 0.04] 0.025 Rnd 10.] 6.6 536 0.030 Praslze 70 160 0228 0 57 -Duct Mme: 6F15Q Supplies: Kitchen Dining living (In Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, LG Effective Length45{Hheat Runout 0.01 6 30] 0.013 � Up ST27055 4.] 0.000 U y023 Rnd 16.5 6.6 287 0 Praslze 76 259 0 22 C1.. LLuola SYudlo-2822T&liarSYrh9 TO ay, April2,2021, NNW eel 9 C1.. LLuola SYudlo-2822T&liarSYrh9 TO ay, April2,2021, NNW C1.. LLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St U 9 TO ay, Apd12 2021,1 t¢8 a � � Or=n�" wea St,d i W22 TAly St wth Fln 4�M�esnl .e �� m WTD Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply wnt'd m Name, eto Roughness ol9meter veloohy SPL plot Tsmpsr9turs width Loss/100 SPF Fit Leggin Haight Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM Are SP Avail SPLCumuI -Duct Mme: 3F1 GO, Supplies: Kitchen Dining living (In Zone 2), Finings. 2-I, LG, Effective Length: 638 Runout 0.01 6 307 0.025 Up: ST 330 55 4 0.000 0.026 Rnd 314 66 324 0.051 Preshe 76 493 0206 0594 -Duct Mme: SR470, Supplies: Kitchen Dining living (in Zone 2), FIXIngs. 2-I, LH, Effective Length: 45G Runout 0.01 6 307 0.019 Up ST28055 4.7 0.000 0.017 Rnd 243 66 213 0.036 Preshe 76 302 0222 0570 -Duct Mme: SR480, Supplies: Kitchen Dining living (In Zone 2), Finings. 2-I, LG, 6P2, Effective Length: 7.2 Runout 0.01 6 307 0.021 Up: ST 350 55 4 0.000 0.024 Rnd 26.7 6.6 306 0.046 Preshe 76 419 0211 0589 -Duct Mme: SF190, Supplies: Kitchen Dining living (In Zone 2), FIXIngs. 2-I, LG, Effective Length: 66.7 Runout 0.01 6 307 0.025 Up: ST 310 55 4 0.000 0.028 Rnd 315 66 352 0.053 Preshe 76 495 0204 0596 -Duct Mme: SF200, Supplies: Kitchen Dining living (In Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, LH, Effective Le l 388 Runout 0.01 6 307 0.011 Up: ST 340 55 4 0.000 0.020 Rnd 13.0 66 25.0 0.031 Preshe 76 21.6 0226 0574 -Duct Mme: SF36), Supplies: Kitchen Dining living (In Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, LH, 6P2, Effective Length: TSA Runout 0.0003 6 307 0.009 Up: ST26055 4 0.044 0.023 Rin 213 66 516 0.032 Preshe 76 33.5 0230 0570 -Duct Mme: SF14Q Supplies: Mud Room (In Zone2), FIXIngs. 21, LG, 6P2, 6P2, Effective Length: 55.2 Runout 0.01 6 423 0.020 Up: ST12055 4 0.095 0.033 Rnd 20.0 66 344 0.052 Preshe 03 327 0211 0589 -Duct Mme: SF370, Supplies: Mud Room (In Zone2), FIXIngs. 21, LG, 6P2, Effective Length: 83.9 Runout 0.0003 6 423 0.011 Up: ST25055 4 0.052 0.034 Rnd 20.7 6.6 662 0.045 Preshe 03 325 0210 0582 W heat O C1.. LLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St U 9 TO ay, Apd12 2021,1 c1.. LLuoia Studio-2822Tallar St H9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021,1 1¢84 rmmm r &=nD" wda SumoWe2TAIVSNdu Fi 4�vh wm .e iw� m WTw Pawl 12 Manual D Dui Data - Duct System 1 - Supply wnt'd Roughness Diameter Velmlry SET Duot Temperature Width Lcrss/1 oo SET Fit Leggin Haight FitEg.Len SET Tot CFM Area SP Avail SET CumuI —Duct Mme: 3T-160, Fell Into: Fairy, 3upplks Zone: 3, Fitting: 6121 C, Effective Length: 202 Trunk 0.0003 129 552 0.001 Up: ST15055 14 0.037 0.006 Rest 3.8 10 164 0.007 Preshe 5d] 15 0258 0.542 —Duct Mme: 3T-170, Fell Into: Fairy, 3upplks Zone: 3, Fitting: 6121 C, Effective Length: 173 Trunk 0.0003 129 437 0.000 Up: ST16055 14 0.024 0.004 Rest 1.6 10 157 0.004 Preshe 425 63 0 AM 0.547 Report Units: Pressure: In As End laughs : last, punt slzssinoh, Altllow: CFM, Velmty: h/min, Temperaturs F Notes: Matlopressure avallffiIe values for raturn duots are at the entranoe of this duot For supply, Nay are at this eJt This oumuhYva ward pressure lossvalua for a raturn trunklswith respeotto this airy point of the raturn runout upstream with this hlyhsst ward pressura avallffila. Total and oumul9tNa statlo pressura loss values for this supply main trunk ADiulo any davloa pressura IM aered, and this oumul9tNa may also Honda Natotal ward pressura loss of Na raturn da Numbar of aotiva trunks: 33 Numbar of aouva humans 30 Total runout outlat alilow: 1 709 Main trunkalrflow: 1 647 Largest trunkdlamafeo 186 SMT100 Largest runout diamafer: 8 SR300 Smallest trunkdlamatar: 9.8 ST 390 Smallest runout dlamatar: 3 SIR250 Supply fan aMamal ward prasura: 0800 Supply fan davba prassura lossas: 0374 Supply fan ward prasura av911ffila: 0426 Huronmadmum oumul9W& ward pressura lass: 0618 SIR110 Ratum loss added to supply: 0142 Total Oeotiva laugh of raturn (ft) 3873 D2 High Total Oeotiva laugh of supply (ft 1426 SIR110 Warall total affaotNa laugh (ft) 530.0 R2 High to SIR 110 Design warall full rata par 100 h: 0080 (Avallffil& SP a 100/TEL) S &rn duot suhaoa area(Soanario l): 11033 Main (linked to duot load) Total system duot surtaoa araa 11033 niWnee/ u B c1.. LLuoia Studio-2822Tallar St H9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021,1 C1.. LLuola Studio -2822Talhr St U 9 TO ay, Apol2, 2021,117%W- � 1ma a v� � v � 9 142 &=no�5 eel wea swdiW22 TAlvSt wth Finch azml .e �� m W4W 9 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Return m Hama, ato RoWnnass Diamatar valaolry 3PLDuo Tamparatura Width Loss1100 SPL U; Laggm Harm Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM Ara SP Avail SPLCumuI -Duct Mme: B1 High, Returns From: Both, Fittings. 6C, 6F,123, EXei Length: 88.T Runout 0.0003 T 382 0.011 Up: RT150 75 54 0.035 0.013 Rnd 322 ]T 365 0.024 Prasha 102 589 0015 0.024 -Duct Mme: Mar High 1, Returns Rom: Master Bath, Fittings: 6C, 6F, 12-3, Effective Length: 3TA Runout 0.0003 T 292 0.002 Up: RT230 75 54 0.022 0.010 Rnd 10.1 7 473 0.012 Prasha 78 185 0033 0.012 -Duct Mme: Mar High 2, Returns Rom: Master Bath, Fittings: 6C, 6F, 12-3, Effective Length: 44.3 Runout 0.0003 T 296 0.002 Up: RT270 75 54 0.022 0.000 Rnd 10.1 ]T 344 0.010 Prasha 79 185 0026 0.010 -Duct Mme: B2 High, Returns From: Mager Wit, FIXIngs: 6C, 6F,123, Effeci Length: 132.7 Runout 0.0003 T 329 0007 Up: RT240 75 54 0.09 0.028 Rnd 9.6 ]T 1051 0.035 Prasha 88 505 0.000 0.035 -Duct Mme: Comm. High 1, Returns From: Laundry, FIXIngs. 6C, 6F,123, Effeci Length: 0.9.3 Runout 0.0003 T 352 0.004 Up: RT280 75 54 0.030 0.011 Rnd 135 ]T 358 0.015 Prasha 94 24 0033 0.015 -Duct Mme: Comm. High 2, Returns From: Laundry, FIXIngs. 6C, 6F,123, 6P2, EXei Length: 39.0 Runout 0.0003 T 352 0.004 Up: RT260 75 54 0.030 0.013 Rnd 15.0 7 440 0.010 Prasha 94 95 0020 0.010 -Duct Mme: Pi Fees Rom: B.B th, Effective Length: 1.0 Trunk 0.0003 12 110 0.000 Up: RT200 75 12 0.002 0.000 Rro1 1 0 10 00 0.000 Prasha 92 3T 0056 0.033 -Duct Mme: Pi Fees Rom: B.B th, Effective Length: 4.8 Trunk 0.0003 12 221 0.000 Up: RT190 75 12 0.000 0.000 Rrot 4.8 10 00 0.000 Prasha 184 177 0056 0.034 -Duct Mme: RF190, Race Rom: B.B th, FX8ng: 12F1, EXe ive Length: 18.4 � heat Trunk 0.0003 12 346 a' 0.001 Up:RT-160 75 12 001 9P2 Rrot 4 10 Prasha 288 156 C1.. LLuola Studio -2822Talhr St U 9 TO ay, Apol2, 2021,117%W- � � 9 142 0 eel 0.056 �J 9 C1.. LLuola Studio -2822Talhr St U 9 TO ay, Apol2, 2021,117%W- c1.. LLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St U 9 TO ay, Apd12 2021, IWN no, to -V 0call el 0.038 Twit 3wmoW22TAiSwth vh Fini, ml&=�o� e �m WTD 9 Pan, 14 Manual D Dui Data - Duct System I - Return wnt'd m Name, eto Roughness ol9meter voloolry SPL plot Tompor9Wro Width SPF Fit Leggin Haight Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM Are SP Aiii SPLCumuI -Duct Mme: FT -181, Feeds Rom: Medi, Effective Length: 0.3 Trunk 0.0003 196 265 0.000 Up: RT 170 75 25 0.006 0.000 Reot 03 12 00 0.000 Preshe 551 21 0059 0.037 -Duct Mme: FT -1]0, Feeds Rom: Mech, Effective Length: 08 Trunk 0.0003 196 314 0.000 Up: RT12075 25 0.009 0.000 Reot 0.8 12 00 0.000 Preshe 655 51 0059 0.037 -Duct Mme: RMT -1 W, Feeds From: Mech, Fittings: SK, SN, Effective Le gth:148.0 Trunk 0.0003 196 994 0.000 Up: Pin 75 25 0.050 0.074 Reot 09 12 1471 0.074 Preshe 1,738 57 0067 0.142 -Duct Mme: Pi Feeds Rom: Mech, Effective Length: 3.3 Trunk 0.0003 196 577 0.001 Up: RMT 100 75 25 0.026 0.000 Reot 33 12 00 0.001 Preshe 1,203 20 0060' 0.044 -Duct Mme: RF131, Feeds Rom: Mech, Fining: &BIC, Effective Length: 28.1 Trunk 0.0003 196 577 0.001 Up: RT11075 25 0.026 0.007 Rro1 25 12 25.6 0.007 Preshe 1,203 154 0059 0.037 -Duct Mme: Pi Feeds Rom: Mech, Findings: 12-11, 6B, Effective Length: 41.9 Trunk 0.0003 129 550 0.004 Up: RMT10075 14 0.035 0.011 Reot 11.0 10 309 0.015 Preshe 535 44 0052 0.19 -Duct Mme: Bicement Low, Returns From: Mech, Findings: 6Q 6P2, 6G, Effective Length: EGA Runout 0.0003 8 456 0.005 Up: RT 180 75 6.2 0.040 0.018 Find 124 87 439 0.023 Preshe 159 26 0036 0.023 -Duct Mme: Pi Feeds Rom: Mech, Effective Length: 0.5 Trunk 0.0003 186 188 0.000 Up: RT 180 75 25 0.003 0.000 Reot 05 12 00 0.000 Preshe 392 3.1 0059 0.037 -Duct Mme: PF291, Feeds Rom: Foyer, Effective Length: 0.5 W hei Trunk 0.0003 129 349 `% 0.000 Up:RT-260 75 14 0.016 Ow Reot 05 10 00 Preshe 339 2 c1.. LLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St U 9 TO ay, Apd12 2021, IWN -V 0call el 0.038 9 c1.. LLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St U 9 TO ay, Apd12 2021, IWN C 1.. LLuola S udlo-2822 Tollor SY rh9 TO ay. April2,2021, 1 AlW' 0 1ma a � � &=no�5 ve wea 3wdi�22 TAivSt wth Fin h azml .e �� m WTD Y//L Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Return wnt'd m 9m&, 010 Rougnnoss Dia& voloolry 3PLoum Tompor9Wro SPF Fit Leggin Fit Eq SPL Tot CFM SP Aiii SPF Cumul -Duct Mme: FT -M, Feeds Rom: Pwdr, Ruing: 12F1, Effective Length:18.1 Trunk 0.0003 12 294 0.001 Up: RT280 75 12 0.012 0.002 Rro1 44 10 13 0.002 Preslzo 245 162 0.035 0.110 -Duct Mme: FT -M, Fees Rom: Foyer, Effective Length: 2.7 Trunk 0.0003 129 445 0.001 Up: RT 150 75 14 0.024 0.000 Rro1 27 10 00 0.001 Preslze 433 10 0038 0.112 -Duct Mme: FT -24o, Feeds Rom: Pwdr, Effective Length: 28 Trunk 0.0003 12 106 0.000 Up: RT230 75 12 0.002 0.000 Rrot 28 10 00 0.000 Preslze 88 10.1 0035 0.110 -Duct Mme: FT -239, Feeds Rom: Pwdr, Effective Length: I A Trunk 0.0003 12 199 0.000 Up: RT 270 75 12 0.006 0.000 Rrot 1.0 10 00 0.000 Preslze 160' 3 0035 0.110 -Duct Mme: Office High 1, Returns From: Office, RXings. 6C, 6-F,12-6, Effective Length:116.1 Runout 0.0003 ] 344 0.003 Up: RT 220 75 54 0.029 0.031 Rnd 99 ]] 1061 0.033 Preslze 92 182 0022 0.033 -Duct Mme: Office High 2, Returns From: Office, RXings. 6C, 6-F,12-6, Effective Length: 59A Runout 0.0003 ] 344 0.003 Up: RT200 75 54 0.029 0.014 Rnd 99 ]] 491 0.01] Preslze 92 182 0039 0.01] -Duct Mme: Foyer 3 High, Returns From: Pantry, Fittings: 6C, 6-F,126, 6P2, Effective Length: 582 Runout 0.0003 ] 389 0.005 Up: RT 160 75 54 0.036 0.016 Rnd 132 ]] 450 0.021 Preslze 104 24.1 0038 0.021 -Duct Mme: Foyer 2 High, Returns From: Pantry, Fittings: 6C, 6-F,126, Effective Length: 322 Runout 0.01 ] 389 0.00] Up: RT 170 75 54 0.063 0.013 Rnd 113 7 209 0.020 Preslze 104 20.8 0039 0.020 -Duct Home: 212x12" grllks High Low, Returns Rom: Kitchen/Dining/LiAng, Fittings' 6B 6F 6131 C Wheat Effective Length: 121.2 C 1.. LLuola S udlo-2822 Tollor SY rh9 TO ay. April2,2021, 1 AlW' 0 O 'y ve I Y//L 9 to C 1.. LLuola S udlo-2822 Tollor SY rh9 TO ay. April2,2021, 1 AlW' C1.. d uold Mudlo-2822T&II&r St H9 B 1m a a v� � v &=n o�5 fret 3wmowazTAlvsi, th Finbh azml .e iw� m WTw Pawl 16 Manual D Dui Data - Duct System 1 - Return writ'd m Nam&, &to Roughness HIS& Velmlry SPIT Duot Temperature Lcrss/1 oo SPF Fit Laugh Fit Eq.Len SPIT Tot SP Aleel SPF Cumw Runout 0.0003 129 56J 0.005 Up:RT-120 75 14 0.037 0040 Rrot 128 10 1005 0045 Preslz& 548 51 0015 0045 —Duct Mme: III Fees Rom: Pantry, FlXing: 6121 C, Effective Length:19.6 Trunk 0.0003 129 550 0.001 Up: RT130 75 14 0.035 0.006 Rrot 27 10 169 0.007 Preslz& 535 107 0046 0.120 —Duct Mme: III Fees Rom: Pantry, Flning: 6121 C, Effective Length: 31.1 Trunk 0.0003 129 550 0.001 Up: RT 140 75 14 0.035 0.006 Rrot 32 10 169 0.007 Preslz& 535 127 0038 0.113 —Duct Mme: Foyer 1 High, Returns From: Foyer, FIXIngs. 6C, 12-6, 6F, Ellectice Length: 0.9.0 Runout 0.0003 7 389 0.004 Up: RT19075 54 0.036 0.013 Find 123 77 367 0.018 Preslz& 104 226 0038 0.018 R&port Units: Pressur&: In w9, Duot laughs: last, Duot sizes: Ind, Arrow: CFM, V&ImM1y: h/min, T&mp&ratur& F Notes: Matlopreaur&avallffiI&values for raturn duots ar&atth&&ntrano&o1N&duot For supply, Nay ar&at this &Jt TM1& oumuhYva ward preaur& lossvalu& for a raturn trunklswith respeotto this an" point of tM1& raturn runout upstream with tM1& high &A ward preaur& avallffil&. Total and oumul9tiv& staflo pressur& loss values forth& supply main trunk olud& any davlo& pressur&loses entered, and thisoumul9tiv& may also Inolud& N a &total ward preur& loss Ad& of N& r&turn Numb&rofaotiv&trunks: 17 Numbar of aotiv& run outs 13 Total runout outl&tarrow: 1,738 Main tru nkalrrow: 1 738 Largest trunk dlam&f&o 186 RT180 Largest run out d lam&f&r: 129 2-1pal 2"Straw High/Low Smallest trunkdlam&t&o 12 RT 220 Smallest runout dlam&t&o 7 R1 High Runout maximum oumul9ty&ward preaur&loss: 0035 D2 High R&turn loss added to supply: 0142 Total Oeotiva laugh of raturn (ft) 3873 D2 High S) &m duot suhao&area(So&nario1): 57.8 Main (linked to duot load) Total system duot surfao&ar&a 57.8 JLWS�Y Rhao is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D oomput&rprogram r Caloul9tlons ar&ix,ormad par ACG Manual J eth Edltion,V&rson 2 and ACG Manual L. O All oomput&d results ar& estimates as building us& and w&aN&r may vary � /r{, Y C1.. d uold Mudlo-2822T&II&r St H9 B Frtlag Arid, 2021, 1% .. C1.. d uo1a Studio -2822Tetier St rig Frlday, Apd12 2021,17%W t¢8 a � � Or@➢�69f] wend Sund oWP2 TAy SPdMaFlnlM�Wvn( .e �r m Wow Total Building Summary Loads Comil Area San L9t San Total Oran Los Gam Gam Gam Standard 2018 Glazing Standard 2010, a value 03, 20 414 0 213 213 GHGC03 Standard 2018 Glazing Standard 2010, a value 03, 636 11,096 0 12,962 12,962 GHGC03 Fart Framed Rl9-O.Wall e ement Custom, Conorete 1499 406 0 16 16 Fart wall Inarlor 11nISh R19 Insulation Fart Framed R19941 WalFRasement Custom, 9496 3,117 0 62 62 Conorela Farm wall manor finish R19 Insulation Fart Framed Rl 94 Wall el Custom, Conorete 193 494 0 32 32 Fart wall Inarlor 1InISh R19 Insulation Crawlspaoe Rl54 Wall easement Custom, Crawlspaoe 1537 671 0 10 10 wall R15oraped Fart Framed Rl9-5Wall e ement Custom, Conorete 2624 11a 0 73 73 Fart wall Inarlor 1InISh R19 Insulation R20 WalIFrame, Custom, R2096 Formad no board 2870 13,072 0 2,140 2,140 siding finish, wood studs Roofsul9tlon, R49.Roof/Celling-Under AWo with insulation on 6204 090 0 600 600 Anro Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Fannon Callings), Custom, R49 Insul9tlon. Any roofing maarlal Inoluding asphalt the or Instal R49 Roof Rool/Celling Roof Joists Between Roof baou 7560 1,149 0 299 299 and Calling or Foam Enoapsul9ted Roof Joists, Custom, Roof R49 Insulation Any roofing malarial oludingthe Instal or asphalt 21A280. Floor Easement Conorefe slab, any NbMess, 11761 1,784 0 0 0 2 or more fast balow brads, no Insulation belowfloor, oarpet Rosalind, shortest side of floor slab 1528 wide 20P30Floor Over open Rawl spaoe or garage, FassS&, 1959 473 0 41 41 Rao blanket insulation any Subtotals for stmotura: 34090 0 16,456 16,456 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment 0 1,200 1,200 Lighting 0 0 0 Ouotwors o 0 0 0 Infiltration Winter CFM 206, Summer CFM'. 172 12,791 3733 2,474 -1259 VenN9tlon. Wlntar CFM 0, Summer CFM 0 0 0 0 0 Edhauat WInar CFM. 161, Summer CFM. 161 HuInId111aatlon(Wlnan 6666 gal/day 2,444 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 50,073 -2533 21,510 18,977 Total Building Supply CFM'. 1,650 CFM Par Square it 0457 Square LL of Room Area 3,612 Gquaren Par Tort 1,814 Volume (n) of Cord. Gpaoe: 36,104 Funding Loads Total Heating Required lnoludlng Ventilation Air: 50,073 BWM1 50.073 MBH Total Genslb1e Gain 21,510 BWM1 100 Total Latent Gain 2,533 BWM1 0 Total Cooling Required lnoludlng Ventilation Air: 21,510 BWM1 199 Tons(Based On 90%S&nslble C2paolty) Note Hisao is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual 0oompuar program Call are Rormad per ACG Manual) Sth Edlton, Sarson 2 and ACG Manual L. Ao All oompNed results are estimates as building use and weather mayvary. � , Be surato salad aunitthat masts both snslble and latent Toads amording to the manufaoturer's Rhormanoe dataaa your design oondNons '.9 d. C1.. d uo1a Studio -2822Tetier St rig Frlday, Apd12 2021,17%W Building Loss 50,073 Wall BWh Building Gan 18,9]] BWh Wall 1 13% C1 Uold SUdlo-2822 Tellers rh9 Frid ay, Apol2 260 20,000 15,000 Building 1U00 Loss 50073 Btuh 5,000 15,000 10,000 Building Gan 18,9]] Btuh 5,000 Floor S% Wall 3M Infiltration 260/. Roof 40/. Glass23% Humidification 50/. Floor 0% Wall 12% People 13% Roof 4% Glass 65% C1 LLuold Studio- 2822 Teller St rh9 Friday, colt 2, C1.. d uo1a Studio -2822Tetier St rig Frlday, Apd12 2021,17%W t¢8 a � � Or@➢�69f] wend Sund oWP2 TAy St wth Fn4MM�Wvn( .e �r m WTw Par, 21 S stem 1 Whole House Summary Loads Comp Area San L9t S§n Tot91 Duan Los Gam cam cam Standard 2018 Glazing Standard 2010, a value 03, 20 414 0 213 213 GHGC03 Standard 2018 Glazing Standard 2010, a value 03, 636 11,096 0 12,962 12,962 GHGC03 Fart Framed Rl9-O.Wall e ement Custom, Conorete 1499 406 0 16 16 Fart wall Inarlor 11nISh R19 Insulation Fart Framed R19941 WalFRasement Custom, 9496 3,117 0 62 62 Conorela Farm wall manor finish R19 Insulation Fart Framed Rl 94 Wall el Custom, Conorete 193 494 0 32 32 Fart wall Inarlor 1InISh R19 Insulation Crawlspaoe Rl54 Wall easement Custom, Crawlspaoe 1537 671 0 10 10 wall R15oraped Fart Framed Rl9-5Wall e ement Custom, Conorete 2624 1,184 0 73 73 Fart wall Inarlor 1InISh R19 Insulation R20 WalIFrame, Custom, Ren 96 Formad no board 2870 13,072 0 2,140 2,140 aiding finish, wood studs Roofsul9tlon, R49.Roof/Celling-Under AWo with insulation on 6204 090 0 600 600 Anro Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Fannon Callings), Custom, R49 Insul9tlon. Any roofing maarlal Inoluding asphalt the or Instal R49 Roof Rool/Celling Roof Joists Between Roof baou 7560 1,149 0 299 299 and Calling or Foam Enoapsul9ted Roof Joists, Custom, Roof R49 Insulation Any roofing malarial oludingthe Instal or asphalt 21A280. Floor Easement Conorefe slab, any NbMess, 11761 1,784 0 0 0 2 or more fast balow brads, no Insulation belowfloor, oarpet Rosalind, shortest side of floor slab 1528 wide 20P30Floor Over open Rawl spaoe or garage, FassS&, 1959 473 0 41 41 Rao blanket insulation any Subtotals for stmotura: 34090 0 16,456 16,456 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment 0 1,200 1,200 Lighting 0 0 0 Guotwors o 0 0 0 Infiltration Winter CFM 206, Summer CFM'. 172 12,791 3733 2,474 -1259 VenN9tlon. Wlntar CFM 0, Summer CFM 0 0 0 0 0 Edhauat WInar CFM. 161, Summer CFM. 161 HuInId111aatlon(Wlnan 6666 gal/day 2,444 0 0 0 Swbann l Whole Honda Load Totals: 50,073 -2533 21,510 18,977 Supply CFM'. 1,650 CFM Par Square it 0457 Square LL of Room Area 3,612 Gquaren Par Tort 1,814 Volume (n) of Cord. Gpaoe: 36,104 stem Lo s Total Heating Required lnoludlnq V&ntilation Al[ 50,073 BWM1 50.073 MBH Total Ganslblein 21510 Rini 100 Latent Total Gam 2,533 BWM1 0 TotalCooling Required lnoludlnq Ventilation Ab: 21,510 BWM1 199 Tons(Based On 90%Sensible Not lsan ACCAapprwedManual Manual Soomn, program &rACCJ a Cal ACG M9nu9W O& Sargn2,a Sargon ACG Manual L. Ao All domtbnsarepetlormedpar All oompNed rerunsare estimates ash and useandwe9Nads acoordI , s&nslg Be sure to slant aunitthat meets both snslble and latent loads amordlgq to the manutaoturer's petlormanoe data your desygn Rood M1lons ' 9. C1.. d uo1a Studio -2822Tetier St rig Frlday, Apd12 2021,17%W C1.. dLuola Studio -2822T&II&r St H9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wm Fve .n m XT9 Detailed Room Loads -Room 7- Meoh (Average Load Procedure Amaral Galoulatlon Moda: Ltq. &o1q. Ooourranoas: 1 Room L&ngth 80 1t Sya&m Numb&r 1 Room Width 881t Zon&Numb&o 1 Ar&a 66.6 sq ft Supply Air 2 CFM Calling Haight 1061t Supply AH Cbang&s: 01 AC/hr Volume 7058 on ft Rq.V&ntC1g 0 CFM Numb&ro1R&gl4&rs: 1 AotualWlnt&rV&nt 0 CFM Italy of Supply[ 0 AotualSumm&rV&nt 0 CFM Italy of Supply. 0 AotualWlnt&rinfll. 0 CFM AotualSumm&rInfll. 0 CFM o&aCr granny ao call Floor-mA-261 bb O.o4 15 101 oo 0 Subtotals for Struotur&: 101 0 0 Infl Win [00, Sum [0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ouotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 101 0 0 ON Wnel 0 B C1.. dLuola Studio -2822T&II&r St H9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i1 C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TaIIar St rh9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Far, 24 Detailed Room Loads - Room 8 - Basement (Average Load Procedure Amaral Galoul9tlon Mods: Htq. &olq. Ooourrsnoes: 1 Room LOngth nh Sya&m Numbsr. 1 Room Width nh ZonsNumbso 1 Arses 57.9 sq ft Supply Air 68 CFM Calling Haight 10 6 1t Supply Alr Cbartgss: 0 7 AC/hr Volum&. 6,1165 on ft RN Giant C1q 0 CFM Numbarof Rsgl4ars: 2 Aotual Wlntar Gant 0 CFM Italy of Supply 0 Aotual Su mmar Gant 0 CFM Italy of Supply 0 Aotual Wlntar lnfil 9 CFM Aotual Summar lnfl e CFM g San V91u0 H32 Lass G91 G16 W- Wall EsrtA Earned R19A M2 1J99 0 04 32 406 01 0 0 16 Framed R19AJ1 W-31 326 0 04 33 107 01 0 2 x 10 106 N- Wall -&smt Famed R19 139X 1273 0 04 39 494 03 0 32 06 5- Wall EsmtFmmad R1934102 26 0 04 33 9 01 0 0 106 E - mtFmmad R193J1 159.5 0 04 33 524 01 0 11 51 15 1 x 106 6 m 3 5- 11EsmtFmad R19J10] ].1 0 04 33 31 01 0 0 X106 E- Wall EsmtFmmad R1934107 ].1 0 04 33 31 01 0 0 X106 5-11EsmtFmmad R193J155 5H2 O.OJ2 33 191 01 0 J X106 W-7XFramed R19AJ1 ].1 0 04 33 31 01 0 0 0 10 llX106 5- Wall EsmtFmmad R1934134 363 0 04 33 119 01 0 2 X106 5- Wall EsmtFmmad R193415X 5d.1 0 04 33 174 01 0 J 06 N GIs20105Ftgo-03 20 0300 20 414 10 0 213 100,GSdard %5 Floor -21A -2B1 X57.9 57.9 0.012 15 87 00 0 0 Subtotals for Struotura: 3,41A 0 2M Inflf Win[ 91, Sum[]. 6 167 337 565 0.652 -165 109 puotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 4,029 -165 393 ON Wnel 0 B C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TaIIar St rh9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i1 c1..dLuo1a Mudlo-2822 Te11er St ring Friday. Apd12 2021,1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �4� Far, 26 Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Crawl ace (Average Load Procedure General Galoulatlon Mode: Htq. &oIcj Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Length 141 it Sy4em Number. 1 Room Width 831t Zone Number: 1 Area 1173 sq ft Supply Air 16 CFM Calling Tashi 501t Supply Alr Changes: 16AC/hr Volume. 5864 on ft Rq.VentC1g 0 CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter Vent 0 CFM Parr of Supply[ 0 Aotual Si mmer Vent 0 CFM Parr of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 2 CFM Aotual Si mmer l nfll. 1 CFM Also, U HM C1 Lat Gen Quantity Value HTM Lass HIM Gain Galn E- Wall Aawlspaoe R 15493 X 5 41 0.05] 4.4 182 01 0 5 G- Wall Aawlspaoe R 154141 X 5 704 0.05] 4.4 307 01 0 8 W -Wall-0rawlspaoe R154 83 X 5 41 ] 0.05] 4.4 182 01 0 5 Floor -21A -281X11]4 1174 0.022 15 178 00 0 0 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 849 0 18 Infl Win [1], Sum [14 31 3389 104 0.651 30 20 Guotworls 0 0 Room Totals: 953 30 38 O Yl heel O ry B c1..dLuo1a Mudlo-2822 Te11er St ring Friday. Apd12 2021,1 C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Ta11ar St rb9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �4� Detailed Room Loads - Room 19 - Bed 3 (Average Load Procedure Amaral Galoul9tlon Mods: Htq. &olg Ooourrsnoes: 1 Room Length n/a Sya&m Numbsr. 1 Room Width n/a ZonsNumbso 1 Arses 2045 sq ft Supply Air 48 CFM Calling Haight 106 1t SupplyAlr Cbartgss: 13 AC/hr Volum&. 2,1646 on ft RN GantCly. 0 CFM Numbarof Rsgl4ars: 1 Aotual Wlntar Gant 0 CFM Italy of Supply 0 Aotual Su mmar Gant 0 CFM Italy of Supply 0 Aotual Wlntar lnfll. ] CFM Aotual Su mmar l nfll. 6 CFM Also, U HM Sw ant rQuammy V91ua HTM Lass HTMly AT G91n N -Wall -Rsmt Famed H19 15 3X 144.8 0.042 4 69 03 0 41 106 E - Wall esmt Formad R19941 1367 0.042 33 449 01 0 9 129X106 5- Wall esmt Formad R19941 1552 0.042 33 510 01 0 10 14]X106 N- Wall -esmt Famed R199411. 6 167 0.042 33 55 01 0 1 X106 W - Wall earth Framed R199411 10.6 0.042 33 35 01 0 1 X106 N GIs Standard 2018 Ago -03 20 0300 20 ] 414 10 ] 0 213 100%5 Floor -21A -281X204.5 204.5 0.022 15 310 00 0 0 Subtotals for Struotura: 2,430 0 95 InfIC Win[ 6],Sum[ 56 122 3372 413 0 M -121 80 puotwork 0 0 Paop1a: 20019f/par 230 sen/par: 1 200 230 Room Totals: 2843 79 585 O Yl heel O ry B C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Ta11ar St rb9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i1 c1.. dLuola Mudlo-2822TeIIer String Friday. Apdi 2 2021,1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Far, 27 Detailed Room Loads - Room 20 - 8 Bath (Average Load Procedure General Galoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &oIcj Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Length nh Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width nh Zone Number: 1 Area 528 sq ft Supply Air 4 CFM Calling Tashi 1061t Supply Alr Changes 5AGhr Volume. 5589 on ft Rq.VentC1g 0 CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter Vent 0 CFM Parr of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer Vent 0 CFM Parr of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfil 0 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 0 CFM Also, U Mind �iM U19 Lat Gan Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain N- Wall -&smt Famed R19941✓. 5 473 0042 33 155 01 0 3 X106 Floor -21A -281X528 528 0.022 15 so 00 0 0 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 315 0 3 Infl Win [03, Sum [02 5 3460 10 057 ri 3 Guotworls 0 0 Room Totals: AM ri 6 ON Wheel 0 B c1.. dLuola Mudlo-2822TeIIer String Friday. Apdi 2 2021,1 C1.. dLuoia Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Detailed Room Loads - Room 21 - Bed 5 (Average Load Procedure General Galoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent n/a Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width n/a ZoneNumbeo 1 Area 1560 sq ft Supply Air 42 CFM Calling Haight 1061t Supply Alr Changes: 15AC/hr Volume. 16596onft RN Giant 0CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CFM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CFM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 5 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 4 CFM NEW Sw C1 Lat Gan V91ue HTM' Lass HTM Gain Gain N -Wall -Rsmt Famed R19ri 13 X 1175 0042 4 59 03 0 32 106 E - Wall esmt Formad R199413 X 31 0042 33 104 01 0 2 106 G- Wall esmt Formad R199415X 528 0.042 33 173 01 0 4 106 W -Wall earth Framed R19 941 134.9 0.042 33 443 01 0 9 120X106 N GIs Standard 2018 Ago -03 20 0300 20 ] 414 10 ] 0 213 100%G Floor -21A -281X1568 1560 0.022 15 338 00 0 0 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 1 899 0 260 Infl Win [53,Gum[✓.4 W 3300 328 0.649 96 W Guotwork 0 0 People: 2001af/per 230 senroer: 1 200 230 Room Totals : 2,227 104 553 ON Wnel 0 B C1.. dLuoia Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TaIIar St H9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl Fve .n m X49 Detailed Room Loads - Room 1 - Pwdr (Average Load Procedure Sanaral Galoul9tlon Mods: Ltq. &o1q. Ooourrsnoes: 1 Room Langth 49 1t Sya&m Numbsr. 1 Room Width 1011t ZonsNumbso 2 Arses 496 sq ft Supply Air ] CFM Calling Haight 111 ft Supply Air Cbaggss: 08 AC/hr Volumes. 549 on ft RN VantC1q 0 CFM Numbarof Rsgl4ars: 1 Aotual Wlntar Vant 0 CFM Italy of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmar Vant 0 CFM Italy of Supply. 0 Aotual Wlntar lnfl 3 CFM Aotual Su mmar l nfll. 2 CFM U&MLIStion granny �alncall N- Wall -R2o✓.9 111 5J.5 0.060 4.6 248 0] 0 41 Subtotals for Struotura: 248 0 41 InfIC Win[ 30, Sum[ 25 55 3375 184 0.660 54 36 puotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 432 54 n ON Wheel 0 B C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TaIIar St H9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Foyer (Average Load Procedure General Galoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent nh Sy4em Number. 1 Room Width nh ZoneNumbeo 2 Area 157.1 sq ft Supply Air ]e CFM Calling Haight 11 1 ft Supply Alr Changes: 27 AC/hr Volume. 1]409 on ft RN Giant 0 CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CFM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CFM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfil 13 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 11 CFM CLat Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gan G91n G- Wall R205 X 11.1 554 0.060' 4.6 252 0 0 41 W- Wall R20169 X 111 1665 0.060' 4.6 758 0 0 124 W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 21 0300 20 435 332 0 697 0%G Subtotals for Gpuoture: 1 445 0 862 Inflf Win [132, Sum. 11.0 243 3376 820 0.655 -239 159 Guotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 2,2+5 -239 1,021 0 SN heel O ry B C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 C1 dLuola Mudlo-2822 TeIIer St ring Friday, Apdi2 2021,1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �r m �a� Detailed Room Loads -Room 3- Pantry (Average Load Procedure Amaral Galoulatlon Moda: Htq. &oIcj Ooourranoas: 1 Room LaggN n/a Sya&m Numbar. 1 Room Width n/a Zona Numbar: 2 Arad J]2 sq ft Supply Air 0 CFM Calling Tashi 111 ft Supply Alr Cbaggas: 00 AGhr Volum&. 5226onft Rq.VantC1g 0CFM Numbarof Ragl4ars: 0 Adual Wlntar Vant 0 CFM Runout Air 0 CFM Parr of Supply. 0 Runout prof Sza: 0 In. Adual Su mmar Vant 0 CFM Runout Air Veloolty: 0 ft /min Parr of Supply. 0 Runout Air Veloolty: 0 ft /min Adual Wlntar lnfll. 0 CFM Aotual Lass: 0.000 in Ad/100h Adual Simmer lnfll[ 0 CFM LOSS HIM �aln�all Subtotals for Struoture: 0 0 0 Infl Win [OO, Sum [0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 puotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 0 0 0 oiWnee/ U B C1 dLuola Mudlo-2822 TeIIer St ring Friday, Apdi2 2021,1 C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St rh9 Friday, Arid 2, 221, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �4� Far, yS Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - O!/ice (Average Load Procedure General Galoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent nh Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width nh ZoneNumbeo 2 Area 170 sq ft Supply Air 208 CEM Calling Haight 1111t Supply Alr Changes: 66AGhr Volume. 1865.1 on ft RN Giant 0 CEM Numberof Registers: 2 Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CEM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CEM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 20 CEM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 17 CEM U HI San C1 Lat Gan Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain N- Wall -R2013.1 Xll.1 1309 0.060' 4.6 596 0 0 98 E- Wall R2029X11.1 31.8 0.060' 4.6 145 0 0 24 G- Wall R205X 11.1 552 0.060' 4.6 251 0 0 41 W- Wall R2013 X111 81 0.060' 4.6 369 0 0 60 N GIs Standard 2018 Ago 03 14 0300 20 ] 290 10 6 0 149 100%G W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 21 0300 20 435 332 0 697 0%G W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 21 0300 20 435 332 0 697 0%G W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 21 0300 20 435 332 0 697 0%G Subtotals for Gpuoture: 2,956 0 2,463 Inflf Win[ 204, Sum.' 17.1 376 3375 1,269 0.652 370 245 Guotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 4,225 370 2708 O Yl heel O ry B C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St rh9 Friday, Arid 2, 221, i1 C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St rh9 Friday, Arid 2, 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wm .e �� m �4� Detailed Room Loads -Room 5-16tchenlDlnln Nvin (Average Load Procedure)e� General Ualoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent n/a Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width n/a ZoneNumbeo 2 Area GABA sq ft Supply Air 635 CEM Calling Haight 1111t Supply Alr Changes: ✓.5AC/hr Volume. 7,0752onft RN Giant 0CEM Numberof Registers: ] Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CEM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CEM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 52 CEM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 43 CEM U HI San C1 Lat Gan Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain N- Wall -R2015 X 11.1 1666 0.060' J.6 759 0 0 124 W- Wall R2009 X 11.1 102 0.060' 4.6 46 0 0 8 N- Wall -R2015]X11.1 160.1 0.060' 4.6 729 0 0 119 E- Wall R20129 X 11.1 132 0.060' 4.6 604 0 0 99 G- Wall R2051 X11.1 355 0.060' 4.6 162 0 0 26 G- Wall R2053Xn.1 393 0.066 4.6 174 0 0 29 G- Wall R2046X n.1 30 0.066 4.6 136 0 0 22 E- Wall R2015X 11.1 822 0.060' 4.6 374 0 0 61 G- Wall R200]X11.1 74 0.060' 4.6 34 0 0 6 E- Wall R200]X11.1 74 0.060' 4.6 34 0 0 6 G- Wall R2055 X 11.1 61.1 0.060' 4.6 98 0 0 46 W- Wall R2007X 11.1 74 0.060' 4.6 34 0 0 6 G- Wall R2034 X11.1 381 0.060' 4.6 174 0 0 28 N GIs Standard 2018 Ago 03 14 0300 20 290 106 0 149 100%G E - GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 105 0300 20 217 331 0 348 G- GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 21 0300 20 435 168 0 352 G- GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 21 0300 20 435 168 0 352 G- GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 21 0300 20 435 168 0 352 E - GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 84 0300 20 1]39 332 0 2786 UP Carl Roof R 4932 X 1 32 0.021 14 5 10 0 3 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 7,094 0 4,922 Infl Win[ 51.6 Sum.' 43.0 948 3376 3,202 0 M 934 619 Guotwork 0 0 People: 20019f/per, 230 sen/per: 1 200 230 Egulpment 0 1,200 Room Totals: 10,296 -734 6971 ON SN heel O ry B C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St rh9 Friday, Arid 2, 2021, i1 C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Ta11ar St rh9 Friday, Grill 2, 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �4� Far, y4 Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Mud Room (Average Load Procedure Ganaral Ualoul9tlon Mods: Htq. &olq. Ooourrsnoes: 1 Room Langth 141 ft Sya&m Numbsr. 1 Room Width 84 ft ZonsNumbso 2 Arses 1106 sq ft Supply Air 166 CEM Calling Haight 961t Supply Air Changs: 97 AC/hr Volum&. 11361 on ft RN Giant C1q 0 CEM Numbarof Rsgl4ars: 2 Aotual Wlntar Gant 0 CEM Italy of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmar Gant 0 CEM Italy of Supply. 0 Aotual Wlntar lnfll. 16 CEM Aotual Su mmar l nfll. 13 CEM C1 Lat Gan HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain E- Wall R208A 9.6 492 0.060' J.6 224 0 0 37 G- Wall R201✓. 1 X 9.6 1139 0.060' 4.6 519 0 0 65 W- Wall R2084 X 9.6 70 0.060' 4.6 320 0 0 52 E - GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 105 0300 20 217 331 0 348 E - GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 105 0300 20 217 331 0 348 E - GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 105 0300 20 217 331 0 348 G- GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 21 0300 20 435 168 0 352 W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 105 0300 20 217 331 0 348 0%G UPR Sof R49 R Sof 1185 X 1 1185 0.022 15 180 04 0 47 Subtotals for Gpuotura: 2,546 0 1,965 Inflf Win[ 161,Sum. 134 296 3376 1,000 0.652 -292 193 Guotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 3546 -292 2,158 ON Wheel 0 B C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Ta11ar St rh9 Friday, Grill 2, 2021, i1 C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �4� Detailed Room Loads - Room 10 - LoH (Average Load Procedure General Ualoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent nh Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width nh ZoneNumbeo 3 Area 1933 sq ft Supply Air 103 CFM Calling Haight 911t Supply Alr Changes: 35AC/hr Volume. 1,7558 on ft RN Giant C19 0 CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CFM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CFM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfil 14 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 12 CFM U HI San C1 Lat Gan Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain G- Wall R20122 X 9.1 902 0.060' J.6 411 0 0 67 W- Wall R20169 X9.1 139.6 0.060' J.6 W6 0 0 104 G- GIS Stand ard 2018 sftgo03OGS 21 0300 20 435 168 0 352 W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 14 0300 20 290 331 0 464 0%G UP Carl Roof R 49 193 3 X 1 1933 0.021 14 280 10 0 187 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 2,052 0 1 17 Inflf Win[ 144, Sum.' 120 265 3375 894 0 M -261 173 Guotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 2,946 -261 1347 ON SN heel O ry B C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 C1.. dLuoia Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 221, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q wda SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Detailed Room Loads - Room 11 - Bed 1 (Average Load Procedure General Ualoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent n/a Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width n/a ZoneNumbeo 3 Area 1025 sq ft Supply Air 112 CFM Calling Haight 91 ft Supply Alr Changes: 4 AC/hr Volume. 165/3 ouft RN Gant 0 CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter Vent 0 CFM Parr of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer Gant 0 CFM Parr of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfl 14 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 12 CFM Also, u HM up Lat Gan Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain E- Wall R201✓.5 X 9.1 11]] 0.060' J.6 636 0 0 88 G- Wall R20143 X 9.1 1191 0.060' J.6 638 0 0 88 E - GIS Stand ard 2018 sftgo03OGS 14 0300 20 290 331 0 41A G- GIS Stand ard 2018 sftgo03OGS 12 0300 20 248 168 0 201 UP Carl Roof R 491025 X 1 1025 0.021 14 2FA 10 0 176 Floor -20P301 X 169 4 1694 0.035 24 409 02 0 36 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 2,285 0 1 063 Inflf Win[ 142, Sum.' 119 262 3377 884 0 M -258 171 Guotwork 0 0 People: 2001af/per 230 senroer: 1 200 230 Room Totals : 3,169 158 1g54 ON Wnel 0 B C1.. dLuoia Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 221, i1 C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St rh9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Far, y7 Detailed Room Loads - Room 12 - Bath (Average Load Procedure General Ualoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent nh Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width nh ZoneNumbeo 3 Area 1486 sq ft Supply Air 29 CFM Calling Haight 91 ft Supply Alr Changes: 13 AC/hr Volume. 13498 on ft RN Giant 0 CFM Numbarof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CFM Parr of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CFM Parr of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 4 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 3 CFM HI San up Lat Gan Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain G- Wall R208A X 9.1 685 0.060' 4.6 312 0 0 51 G- GIS Stand ard 2018 sftgo03OGS 8 0300 20 160' 168 0 134 UP Carl Roof R 49 148 6 X 1 1486 0.021 14 215 10 0 144 Floor -20P301X212 212 0.035 24 51 02 0 4 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 744 0 333 Inflf Win [A2, Sum [35 76 3375 258 0 M -75 50 Guotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 1,002 75 389 d Wnel 0 B C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St rh9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i1 C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �4� Detailed Room Loads - Room 13 - Bed 2 (Average Load Procedure General Ualoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent n/a Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width n/a ZoneNumbeo 3 Area 2053 sq ft Supply Air W CFM Calling Haight 91 ft Supply Alr Changes: 31 AC/hr Volume. 18648 on ft RN Giant 0 CFM Numbarof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CFM Parr of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CFM Parr of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 16 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 13 CFM U HI up Lat Gan Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain N- Wall -R2015] X 91 1213 0.060' 4.6 552 0 0 90 E- Wall R20131 X9.1 1093 0.060' 4.6 493 0 0 81 G- Wall R202X 91 182 0.060' 4.6 83 0 0 14 E- Wall R2005X9.1 4 0.060' 4.6 21 0 0 3 W- Wall R201.1 X9.1 9.8 0.060' 4.6 45 0 0 N GIs Standard 2018 Ago -03 9 0300 20 ] 186 10 ] 0 96 100%G N AIsStandard 2018 Ago -03 12 0300 20 ] 248 10 ] 0 128 100%G E - GIS Standard 2018 sftgo03OGS 105 0300 20 217 331 0 348 UP Roof R49 Roof 2053 X 1 2053 0.022 15 312 04 0 81 Floor -20P301X53 53 0.035 24 13 02 0 1 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 2170 0 mg Infl Win[ 160,Sum. 133 294 3376 991 0 M -289 192 Guotwork 0 0 People: 20019f/per 230 sen/per: 1 200 230 Room Totals : 3,161 89 1,271 d Wnel 0 B C1.. dLuola Studio -2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021, i1 C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St rh9 Friday, Arid 2, 2021, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �4� Detailed Room Loads - Room 14 - Master Bedroom (Average Load Procedure General Ualoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent n/a Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width n/a ZoneNumbeo 3 Area 2040 sq ft Supply Air 136 CEM Calling Haight 91 ft Supply Alr Changes: 44 AC/hr Volume. 18526onft RN Giant 0CEM Numberof Registers: 2 Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CEM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CEM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 18 CEM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 15 CEM San C1 Lat Gan HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain N- Wall -R2013 X 91 106 0.060' 4.6 409 07 0 79 E- Wall R203 X 9 1 272 0.060' 4.6 124 07 0 20 N- Wall -R2025X9.1 227 0.060' 4.6 103 07 0 17 G- Wall R205X 91 454 0.060' 4.6 207 07 0 34 W- Wall R2013. 1 X 9.1 91.0 0.060' 4.6 410 07 0 68 N GIs Standard 2010 Ago 03 12 0300 20 7 240 10 7 0 128 100%G W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 9 0300 207 106 332 0 299 0%G W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 9 0300 207 106 332 0 299 0%G W GIs Standard 2018 shgo 03 9 0300 207 106 332 0 299 0%G UP Roof R49 Roof 204 X 1 204 0.022 15 310 04 0 81 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 2,451 0 1324 Inflf Win[ 181,Sum. 151 332 3375 1,121 0 M 39 217 Guotwork 0 0 People: 20019f/per 230 sen/per: 1 200 230 Room Totals : 3,572 -127 1,771 ON Wnel 0 B C1.. dLuo1a Studio -2822Te11er St rh9 Friday, Arid 2, 2021, i1 c1.. dLuola Mudlo-2822Teller St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021,1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wm .e �� m �4� Detailed Room Loads - Room 15 - Master Bath (Average Load Procedure General Galoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent nh Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width nh ZoneNumbeo 3 Area 1249 sq ft Supply Air 18 CFM Calling Haight 91 ft Supply Alr Changes: 09 AC/hr Volume. 11348 on ft Rq.VentC1g 0 CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter Vent 0 CFM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer Vent 0 CFM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 4 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 3 CFM ua64 Valu&antGen H46 Less HTM G910 G48 N- Wall -R200 9.1 64b 0066 0.060' 4b 294 06 0 40 N Is 20105Ftgo-03 B 0300 20 160' 106 0 65 100%ndard Roof Roof124.9 X1 124.9 0.012 15 190 OA 0 49 650 2 102 Infil in 40,Sume Inflf Wln[AO, Sum[38 73 3373 245 0.64] -72 40 Di 0 Room Totals: 095 -72 129 ON Wheel 0 B c1.. dLuola Mudlo-2822Teller St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 2021,1 C1.. dLuola Mudlo-2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 221, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Far, 41 Detailed Room Loads - Room 16 - Master Wic (Average Load Procedure General Ualoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Lent nh Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width nh ZoneNumbeo 3 Area 807 sq ft Supply Air 15 CFM Calling Haight 911t Supply Alr Changes: 12AC/hr Volume. 7328 on ft Rq.VentC1g 0 CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter Vent 0 CFM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer Vent 0 CFM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfil 3 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 3 CFM C1 Lat Gan Quantity Value HTM Lass HTM Gain Gain N- Wall -R2062 9.1 48 0.060' J.6 219 07 0 36 N AIsStandard 2018 Ago 03 8 0300 20 7 160' 10 6 0 65 100%S UP Roof R49Roof807X1 807 0.022 15 122 04 0 32 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 507 0 153 Inflf Win [30,Sum[25 56 3374 189 0.660 55 37 Guotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 696 55 190 O Yl heel O ry B C1.. dLuola Mudlo-2822TeIIer St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 221, i1 c1.. dLuola Mudlo-2822TaIIar St ring Friday. Apdi 2 2021,1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Far, 42 Detailed Room Loads - Room 17 - M WIC (Average Load Procedure Amaral Ualoul9tlon Mods: Htq. &oly. Ooourrsnoes: 1 Room LsggN 33 1t Sya&m Numbs[ 1 Room Width ]0 ft zone Number: 3 Area 233 sq ft Supply Air 5 CFM Calling Tashi 91 ft SupplyAlr Charges: 13 AC/hr Volum&. 211 on ft Rq.VantCly. 0 CFM Numbarof Regl4ars: 1 Aotual Wlntar Vant 0 CFM Parr of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmar Vant 0 CFM Parr of Supply. 0 Aotual Wlntar lnfll. 2 CFM Aotual Su mmar l nfll. 1 CFM granny a 9 N -Wall -R2033 9.1 302 0.060' J.6 138 0] 0 23 UP Roof R49 Roof 233 X 1 233 0.022 15 35 OA 0 9 Subtotals for Struotura: 1 7 0 32 Infl Win[1 6,Sum [1 J 30 3 37 102 0.651 30 20 Auotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 95 3o 52 ON Wnel 0 B c1.. dLuola Mudlo-2822TaIIar St ring Friday. Apdi 2 2021,1 C1.. dLuola Studio -2822Teller St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 221, i1 t¢84 rmmm r &=no�q fund SumoW22TAIVSNdu Fi 4 h wnl .e �� m �a� Far, Ry Detailed Room Loads - Room 18 - Laundry (Average Load Procedure General Ualoul9tlon Mode: Htq. &olq. Ooourrenoes: 1 Room Length 67 ft Sya&m Number. 1 Room Width 1391t ZoneNumbeo 3 Area 928 sq ft Supply Air 23 CFM Calling Haight 91 ft Supply Alr Changes: 17 AC/hr Volume. IAM3 on ft RN Giant 0 CFM Numberof Registers: 1 Aotual Winter VenC. 0 CFM Paroent of Supply[ 0 Aotual Su mmer VenC. 0 CFM Paroent of Supply. 0 Aotual Winter lnfll. 3 CFM Aotual Su mmer l nfll. 3 CFM Cl a Gan iiiiiiiOuantM1 V91ue HTM HTM Gain Gain G- Wall R206] X 9.1 526 0.060' J.6 319 07 0 39 G- GIS Stand ard 2018 sftgo03OGS 8 0300 207 160' 168 0 134 UP Carl Roof R 49920 X 1 928 0.021 14 134 10 0 90 Subtotals for Gpuoture: 99 0 233 mnC Win[ 33,Sum[ 27 61 3368 204 0.660 60 40 Guotwork 0 0 Room Totals: 743 60 303 ON Wheel 0 B C1.. dLuola Studio -2822Teller St rh9 Friday. Apdi 2 221, i1 Room MeoM1 B Basement 9 Crawlspaos 19 Red Zonal subtotal Zone 2-- 1 Pwdr 2 Foysr 3 Pantry 4 0111oa 5 Kltohsnl0lnlgqAldi ng 6 Mud Room Zons 2 subtotal Zons 3-- 10 Lon 11 Red 12 Rath 13 Red 14 Masar Rsdroom 15 Masar Path 16 Mahar W to 1 M W/C 6] 101 2 3 98 4,029 67 55 117 95d 16 3 205 2BM 47 6 53 253 4 3 157 2,227 37 6 1 17 10,406 174 48 50 432 ] 3 157 2,265 38 6 4] 0 0 100 170 4,225 71 66 638 10,296 172 6666 0 0 0 6,6,6 119 3,546 59 66 1 101 20 ]6J 347 535 193 2,946 49 8 182 316' 53 992 149 1,002 17 4 205 3,161 53 112 204 3572 60 66 125 895 15 4 81 696 12 3 23 95 5 3 I Gans lat Coq Sys BWM1 RWM1 CFM CFM 0 0 0 2 - 393 -165 22 68 38 30 2 16 - 585 79 33 48 6 5 0 4 553 104 31 42 1575 1] 88 176 ]] 54 4 1,021 -239 57 78 0 0 0 0 - 2708 370 150 208 - 6971 -734 387 535 2,158 -292 120 160' 12,935 -1689 719 992 - 1 34 -261 75 103 - 1454 58 81 112 - 383 -75 21 29 1 91 89 71 W - 1 771 -19 98 136 - 229 -72 13 18 - 190 55 11 15 52 30 3 5 Velmlty: 791 ftAmin Loss par 100 h: 0 047 Inwg Guot size rasulLs abovs ars from Manual GuotsR& srospt whsrs lndloated oth&mis&. Runout duot valmltlas are not prinfsdwlN duot size rasults from Manual Dul slnoa Nay oan vary within R& room S&& R& Manual Duotslza report for duot valooltlas and othardata ' Indloafss duot shad with Rh9o's built in duot sizing radar than with Manual D Duotslza. Nota: Glnoathesya&m is millions, NaPaak FanaN9tlon Gain Prooadura was used to dafsrmina glass sensible gains atth& room and zone Issas, Both& sums of the zone s&nslble gains and airflows for 000llgq shown abw& are not Intended to&qual Radials at th&sysbaml&v&I. Room and zon&s&nslbl& gains and 000ling CFM values az for R& hour In which N&glass s&nslbl&gain for th&zon&Is 9t its p&ak G&nslbl&gains atth&sysbaml&v&lar&bas&donN&"Av&ryq&Load Prooedur&+ Paulson unshod Tyra Modal Indoor Modal C1 UoldStudio -2822T&IIarStrig Frday, AbIIA C1.. d uo1d Studio -2822Teter St H9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i&%IAVII t p ommam o e pnm4 8r=n t�hn Hi SutlIo39P2 TAIV SkwIM FInfM� wnt Eve icen W W49 ranby Building Rotation Re rt All rotation degrss values In this spoH ars olmkwlse with resprotto the projects original otlsntlllon. eltlingorlsntatlon as moaned(zsro dsgrsss rotation) Front door faoes West At lasso ons syslemwlth Its SyAsm Air Type Input sat to Fixed was ohanged toAuto during this building rotation. If you want to ohangethls behavior unoheckthe option on the Amaral tab of the Salado ReportsHand oalled Always use Auto for Sy &rn Air Type for Ridding Rotation Repoli vldual Rooms 45° 90° 135° 180° 225° 90° 315° High Room Lama0° Rot Rot Rot Rot Rot Rot Rdt Rot ouot CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM Sze synem t Zone 1: MroM1 "2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 8 Basement "6I 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 55 9 Cmwlspaoe "16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 3 19 Red 47 47 W58 52 47 52 58 47 6 20 R.Rath st 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 21 Red 37 45 W56 50 38 50 56 45 6 Zone 2: 1 Psir W] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 3 2 Foyer W57 45 38 45 57 51 38 51 6 3 Pantry WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 oflloe 150 19 89 130 W155 147 110 143 66 5 Kltohen/pining/LNI 387 wl2 376 399 371 374 344 387 6666 ng 666 6Mud Room W120 119 W 114 113 108 90 114 66 Zone 3: 10 Loft 75 81 A 75 68 79 81 Was 8 11 Red 1 81 W85 79 81 A 78 74 81 12 Ran 21 26 W29 24 19 24 29 26 4 13 Red 71 83 87 W88 78 86 84 80 14 M95rer Redroom 98 92 80 96 102 W103 89 99 66 15 pi Bath 15 18 W23 21 15 21 23 18 4 16 piWlo 12 16 W21 18 13 18 21 16 3 17 M W/C W5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 18 Laundry 17 22 W24 20 14 20 24 22 4 W Indloates h(drag CFM of all rotations. W M1ole RulldlnWl Rotation Frontdoor Recommended e o r Fades ONEEK:Tdna 0° West 1,195 21,510 W-2533 199 45° Northwest 1 234 22749 -2533 211 90° North 1,181 21,256 -2533 19 135° Northeast W1 235 W2276/ -2533 W211 180° EaA 1197 2194 -2533 199 225° Southeast 1231 22,698 -2533 210 90° South 1,176 21164 -2,633 196 315° Southwest 1,260 22,680 -2,633 210 W IndI hdrag value of all rotators. dtWneae UA 9 C1.. d uo1d Studio -2822Teter St H9 Friday. Arid 2, 2021, i&%IAVII Building Rotation Tonnage C1 LLu01dSUdlo-2822 Tellers rh9 Frd ay, April 2, Building Rotation Hourly Net Gain eam Dam roam nam 12Pm IPm 2 P 3 p 4 P cpm bpm 7 P Font dFor rot, Wo,D Font ccor rot, o1ohl,,D t F r C1.. LLuold SYudlo-2822Teller SYrh9 Frd ay, Apol2 Manual D/S Information Lucid Studio -2822 Teller St -with finished bsmt Performed on ACCA approved software -Elite Additional information available on Manual 1 Equipment: System 1 -Whole House Furnace: Carrier Model #59SC2D080E21--20 (80000 BTU) Coil: Carrier Model # CNPV"4821AL"+TDR (4 Ton) Condenser: Carrier Model # CA13NA036BN""D (3 fon) Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com otWheat /01 0 Ggan9 D`J\y� P resign Furnace Info Heat Rise Used 60 Degrees Heating Capacity and Efficiency 010E14-10 04OE17-12 06OE14-12 06OE17-14 OBDE17-16 W7E21-20 100E21-20 120E24-20 Input High Heat (BTUH) 40,000 40,000 60,000 60,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Output Higin H) FIFU 37,000 37,000 56,000 56,01)) 75,0() 75,000 93,000 111,000 Certified Temperature Rise Range °FPC) High 9 35-65 (19-367 35-65 (19 - 36 35-65 (19-3q 35-65 (19-36) 40-70 (22-39) 35-65 (19-36) 40-70 (22-39) 45-75 (25-42) Airflow Capacity and Blower Data Rated External Static Pressure (in. w.c.) Heating 0.1 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 Cooing 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 AidlowDelivery @ Rated ESP (CFM) Had 765 740 1100 1000 1350 1460 1675 1735 Cooing 985 985 1035 1190 1370 1815 1855 1000 Coding Capacity (tori) @ 400, 350 CFWton 900 CFM/Ion 2 2.50 2.50 3 3.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 350CFMADn 2.50 3 3 350 4 5 5 5 Died -Dive Mow Type Electronically Commutated Mot r (ECK Dired-Dive Motor HP 112 112 1R 1 112 1 112 314 314 314 Motor Full Load Amps 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 8.8 8.8 8.8 RPM Range 600 -1200 Speed Selections 5 Blower Wheel DaxWidth n. 11x7 11x8 11x7 11x8 11x8 11z10 11x10 11x11 Air RNration System Field Supplied Hler Filter Used for Ceded Waft Data KGAWF1506UFR BJecYical Dam InputVdtage Vols-Hertz 115-00-1 OperaOngVoltage Range Min -Max 104-127 MadmumInput Amps Amps 7.10 7.10 7.20 720 720 9.60 9.70 9.70 Unit Ampacity Amps 9.80 9.80 9.90 990 9.90 1290 13.00 13.00 Minimum WreSize AWG 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Madmum Wire Length @ Minimum Wire Size Fed 37 37 37 37 37 28 29 28 (M) (11.50] 91.50) (11.40) (11.40) 01.40) (8.70) (8.70) (8.70) Madmum FuselCld Bill (rime-Delay Type Recom- mended( Amps 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Trandonner Capacity (24vac output) 40 VA External Control Poor Available Heating 27.9VA Cooing 34.6VA Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com Ok W heat R/91 doOD 0 ng D1J\y c Fan Performance FURNACE SIZE RETURN—AIA CONNECTION SPEED TAPS FUNCTION STATIC PRESSURE *14 010 0.10 020 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 04OE14-10 BOTTOM Gray Coding. Do not use for hearing. 1120 1005 11155 1015 935 950 915 850 815 Yellow Coding. Do not use for hearing. 925 885 850 810 775 735 1 695 660 620 580 Due Hearing or ah Cooling 765 725 685 640 605 565 1 525 475 1430 375 Orange An Cooling or an Heal 750 710 665 625 585 545 500 455 405 350 Red Alt Cooling. Do not use forheaing. 510 435 400 S45 290 230 190 145 —7 —7 040E17-12 BOTTOM Gray Coding. Donduse for heating. 1120 1090 1055 1020 985 950 915 875 840 805 Yell Coding. Do nor use for hearing 910 880 845 8010 760 720 660 670 595 555 Orange An Cooling or an Hearing 835 795 760 720 680 630 585 540 505 475 Due Hearingdah0oofng 740 700 660 610 565 520 475 440 405 365 Red AltGooing.Donot useforhearing. 556 500 445 995 350 515 260 206 —7 —7 06OE14-12 BOTTOM Gray Coding.Donot use for hearing. 1165 1140 1110 1060 1035 1000 960 920 870 625 Due Hearing oraft Cooling 1105 1085 1050 1010 975 930 890 845 795 755 Yell An Cooling or at Heating 1040 1000 960 920 880 840 785 740 690 640 Orange An Cooling oraft Healing 840 795 750 705 655 610 555 500 450 395 Red Alt Cooing.Donor use for hearing. 745 615 555 510 450 390 340 290 230 195 O60E17-14 BOTTOM Gray Coding. Do not usefor hearing. 1335 1300 1275 1230 1190 1135 1090 1040 985 925 Yellow AtCodhgoralrH�g 1170 1135 1095 1045 995 940 890 825 770 700 Due Heaonporal log 1010 965 910 855 800 735 675 615 655 505 Orange AtCodingoratHeamg 960 905 855 800 740 675 615 556 505 460 Red Alt Cooling. Donor use for hearing. 910 735 675 605 535 485 430 375 330 265 080E17-16 8 IDDM Gray Coding. Do not use for hearing. 1545 1505 1460 1420 1365 1320 1275 1225 1180 1135 Due Hearing or ah Cooling 1375 1330 1275 1225 1175 1125 1075 1025 970 920 Y"low An Cooling or ah Hearing 1195 1140 1090 1040 985 930 875 815 765 705 Orange Alt Cooling. Do not uofor hearing. 1015 955 900 845 780 730 670 615 550 490 Red Alt Cooling. Do nor use for hearing. 945 735 575 520 45D 375 325 260 —7 —7 080E21-20 BOTTOM TWO— SIDES 5,6 Gray Go ling. Do not use for healing. 2020 1965 1920 1865 1815 1760 1105 1650 1595 1545 An Cooling or an Hearing 1650 1590 1535 1475 1425 1370 1315 1260 1255 1145 Due Hearing or ah Cooling 1495 1430 1365 1310 1260 1200 1145 1085 1630 970 Orange An Cooling oraft Hearing 1420 1355 1290 1235 1175 1120 1060 1005 945 890 Red AnCooling. Donot use for hearin0 1200 1120 1060 995 940 875 810 750 085 0 100E21-20 BOTTOM O— TWO SIDES 5,6 Gray Cooling. Do nor use for hearing. 2060 2010 1955 1905 1850 1800 1750 1690 1630 1565 Due Hearing or ah Cooling 1730 1675 1620 1565 1510 1455 1385 1325 1270 1210 Yellow AlCoolngoraft H�g 1665 1630 1570 1515 1460 1410 1345 1200 1225 1170 Orange Wod'ngorahHeap 1445 1370 1310 1250 1185 1115 1055 1005 950 875 Red Alt Cooling. Do not use for hearing. 1235 1155 1090 1020 945 9D0 835 755 690 635 12GE24-20 BOTTOM TWO_ SIDES 5.6 Gray Coding. Do not use forheaDng. 2070 2020 1965 1910 1850 1790 1725 1660 1605 1550 Due Hearing or ah Cooling 1795 1735 1680 11620 11560 11495 11440 11375 11315 11255 Yellow A4Cooling orahHealop 1465 1400 1340 1270 1210 1150 1090 1090 952 880 Orange A.BGooling.Donduseforhearing. 1295 1235 1165 1095 1030 970 905 825 760 700 Red ABGooling.Donduseforhearing. 1095 1020 945 675 605 730 661 585 525 465 Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhuacdesign@gmail.com Ok W heat R/91 do0 o;�an9 D1J\y� c z U 7 IL z U Condenser Specs EVAPORATORAIR CqNDFNSEREN RING AIR TEMPERATURES 'FCC) 75 R3.9) 85 (29.4) 95 (35) 105 (40.6) CFM ) CapacityMBlut Total SKV+m Capacity wuh Total Capacity MBtuh System Total Sens# Outdoor Tool CapacityMBtuh Total system Total Sena# Total Sens# SKWst em Total Sens# 12 (22.2) 4022 21.00 2.54 38,50 20,34 2.79 36.66 19,65 3.07 34.69 18.93 339 67119.4) 36.61 25.73 2.51 35.00 25.05 2.76 33.29 24.35 3.04 31.46 23.60 336 1050 63 (172)tt 34.02 24.88 2.49 32.50 24.20 2.74 30.89 23,09 3.02 29.17 22.73 335 3.02 28.86 28.20 3.35 57 (13.9) 32.55 32.55 2.48 31.38 3138 2.73 30.12 30.12 3.02 28.77 26.77 335 72 (22.2) 40.90 21.97 2.60 39.11 21.31 2.85 37.20 20.61 3.13 35.17 19.88 3.45 67(19.4) 37,25 2730 2,57 35,57 26,61 2,82 33,80 25,90 3.10 31.91 25,15 3.42 INC 63 (172)tt 34.63 2636 2.55 33.04 25.66 2.80 31.38 24.94 3.06 29.60 24.18 3.41 62(16.7) 34,19 32,60 2.55 32,73 31,85 2.80 31.24 3124 3,08 29.83 29,83 341 57 (13.9) 33.81 33.67 2.55 32.61 32.61 2.80 31.27 31.27 3.06 29.83 29.83 3.41 72(22.2) 41,40 22,89 2.66 39,55 22,22 2.91 37.60 21,52 3,19 35.50 2D.T7 3,51 67 (19.4) 37.72 28.79 2.63 36.00 28.11 2.88 34.19 27.39 3.16 32.26 26.63 3.48 1350 63 (17,2)ft 35,09 27,77 2,61 33,47 27,07 2.86 31.76 26,34 3,14 29,94 25,57 3.47 62 (167) 34.90 34.90 2.61 33.63 33.63 2.86 3222 3222 3.15 30.70 30.10 3.41 57 (13.9) 34.96 34.96 2.61 33.fi4 33.64 2.86 32.23 32.23 3.15 30.70 3D.70 3.47 Total Gain From Manual J=21510 Sensible Capacity of AC above: 23490 Sensible 21510/23490=.91 or 9% Over Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com `W heat o ¢; 0 G;/a/ng ©5\c City of Wheat Ridge Single Family New PERMIT - 202000252 PERMIT NO: 202000252 ISSUED: 07/12/2021 JOB ADDRESS: 2822 Teller St EXPIRES: 07/12/2022 JOB DESCRIPTION: Development 29 - New 2 story single family home with finished basement and attached garage Square footage: 7,150 ***REVISION*** Added finished basement, brick veneer on front facade, solar ready zone and reduced glazing. Additional project value - $4540 ***REVISION*** Fire -blocking detail added to basement plan Additional project value - $0 *** CONTACTS *** OWNER ( 3 0 3) 901-5143 WALDEN JESSE GC (303)901-5143 JESSE WALDEN 190260 LUCID STUDIO LLC SUB (303)420-5459 MICHAEL SPRANKLE 170671 MODERN ELECTRIC LLC SUB (303)352-4172 MATTHEW S KIPP 202035 GO PLUMBING CO LLC SUB (303)369-3633 TODD SIMPKINSON 150172 STREAMLINE MECHANICAL LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: R-2 / Residential - Duplex USE: R-3 / Residential SUBDIVISION CODE: 0801 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT REGGIE/LRTF: / 4 *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 526,360.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 21509.36 Use Tax 11,053.56 Permit Fee 31860.55 Engin. Review Fee 150.00 ** TOTAL ** 17,573.47 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IRC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. As part of the foundation inspections and PRIOR TO proceeding with any further construction/inspections, a completed, signed and sealed, Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification shall be submitted to the City for review. The certification form shall be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado, stating that the foundation was constructed in compliance with all applicable minimum setback and elevation requirements of the City. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. For one- or two-family dwellings, the first twenty-five feet (25') of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, City of Wheat Ridge Single Family New PERMIT - 202000252 PERMIT NO: 202000252 ISSUED: 07/12/2021 JOB ADDRESS: 2822 Teller St EXPIRES: 07/12/2022 JOB DESCRIPTION: Development 29 - New 2 story single family home with finished basement and attached garage Square footage: 7,150 ***REVISION*** Added finished basement, brick veneer on front facade, solar ready zone and reduced glazing. Additional project value - $4540 ***REVISION*** Fire -blocking detail added to basement plan Additional project value - $0 *** CONTACTS *** OWNER ( 3 0 3) 901-5143 WALDEN JESSE GC (303)901-5143 JESSE WALDEN 190260 LUCID STUDIO LLC SUB (303)420-5459 MICHAEL SPRANKLE 170671 MODERN ELECTRIC LLC SUB (303)352-4172 MATTHEW S KIPP 202035 GO PLUMBING CO LLC SUB (303)369-3633 TODD SIMPKINSON 150172 STREAMLINE MECHANICAL LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: R-2 / Residential - Duplex USE: R-3 / Residential SUBDIVISION CODE: 0801 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT REGGIE/LRTF: / 4 *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 526,360.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 21509.36 Use Tax 11,053.56 Permit Fee 31860.55 Engin. Review Fee 150.00 ** TOTAL ** 17,573.47 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2012 IRC, 2017 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. As part of the foundation inspections and PRIOR TO proceeding with any further construction/inspections, a completed, signed and sealed, Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification shall be submitted to the City for review. The certification form shall be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado, stating that the foundation was constructed in compliance with all applicable minimum setback and elevation requirements of the City. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. For one- or two-family dwellings, the first twenty-five feet (25') of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, bricK pavers o malar materials. A right-of-way permit may be required; contact Public WorKs Department�at 303-235-2861. Prior to of a CO, 1 tree (s) shall be planted within the front etbacK. In additionsu cless than twenty -£ave percent (25%) o£ the gross lot area and no less than one hundred percent (100%) o£ the Front yard shall be landscaped. No C.O. may be ued until public improvements are complete as identified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. All landscaping shall be nformance with Section 26-502 of the Zoning and Development Code. All landscaping shall be nstalled i ordance with the approved landscape plan prior to C.O. I£ landscaping c not be nstalled prior to C.O., landscape i agreement with Financial guarantee in the amount o£ 125% o£ the cost o£ the installation shall be required. Prior to pro? ect ompletion or granting of a Certificate of Occupancy, an As -Built Suroey or Improvement Suroey Plat shall be submitted to the City. I, bY tore, do heresy attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accom yin proved plans and specifications, bppli a�lel�alding codes d all applicable mumci al codes, policies and procedures, and that I am �heplegal owner or have been authonzed y the legal owner of the ' roperty and am authonzed to obtain flus amrt and perform the work descnbed and approved in con'uncfion with trusfpe d�andelltwso��tbeaml�a�xned. �s�oaeain,�aa�,>.iee a.,aio=ea a��"o..°lnsaocumenta=pda.i,esw asworsc�t,ons. per orme pe panying approve p ans an peci Sigrtature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the infoamafion provided' the ami[ applicaq'on and accom anying P1. sand specifications and is s ubj ect to the compliance wrth those documentr, and all applicable statutes ordinances, regulations, policies andprocedures. 2. T}us.ped t shto the�date of uaysation. �An ea#epsilon of no more t�heans 180 da�ty' 3 gbestr f �d at the �sc=estiobn of the Clrief B�uil�n pnor pu ys ma gran g Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the onginal rmit fee. 3. If tlns pemut expses, anew VV ermit may be req d to be obtazned. 1Psauance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard thgmrements, fees and r edures for approval of any new perrmt. Re -issuance or extension of expued perrmts is at the sole discretion of e Chief Builth �g Official and is not guaranteed. q. No work of an shall be perfoamed that shall results in a change. of the natural flow of water without prior ands ed fic a royal. 5. The p tions anddahall not ohfy dor cson eat worksw.ath ut wn'tten aDs�sel of such work finm�thest$a�lidsihed podlic�of aIPre�uire� Division. p=ocee pprov ng an pec ion ermces 6. The issb e code orr anfi� d naanermit shdation of [hist' add'ction. A �t el of workPs�sub� t to � ld ins�ontof any provision of any pphca j y or ce or reg funs pprov lec pec ion. ///�/,✓-✓t/- 09/12/2021 Signature of Chief Building Offic'al Date R8QD85T5 MOST B8 MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BOSIN855 DAY FOR INSPECTION TH8 FOLLOWING BOSIN855 DAY. bricK pavers o malar materials. A right-of-way permit may be required; contact Public WorKs Department�at 303-235-2861. Prior to of a CO, 1 tree (s) shall be planted within the front etbacK. In additionsu cless than twenty -£ave percent (25%) o£ the gross lot area and no less than one hundred percent (100%) o£ the Front yard shall be landscaped. No C.O. may be ued until public improvements are complete as identified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. All landscaping shall be nformance with Section 26-502 of the Zoning and Development Code. All landscaping shall be nstalled i ordance with the approved landscape plan prior to C.O. I£ landscaping c not be nstalled prior to C.O., landscape i agreement with Financial guarantee in the amount o£ 125% o£ the cost o£ the installation shall be required. Prior to pro? ect ompletion or granting of a Certificate of Occupancy, an As -Built Suroey or Improvement Suroey Plat shall be submitted to the City. I, bY tore, do heresy attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accom yin proved plans and specifications, bppli a�lel�alding codes d all applicable mumci al codes, policies and procedures, and that I am �heplegal owner or have been authonzed y the legal owner of the ' roperty and am authonzed to obtain flus amrt and perform the work descnbed and approved in con'uncfion with trusfpe d�andelltwso��tbeaml�a�xned. �s�oaeain,�aa�,>.iee a.,aio=ea a��"o..°lnsaocumenta=pda.i,esw asworsc�t,ons. per orme pe panying approve p ans an peci Sigrtature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the infoamafion provided' the ami[ applicaq'on and accom anying P1. sand specifications and is s ubj ect to the compliance wrth those documentr, and all applicable statutes ordinances, regulations, policies andprocedures. 2. T}us.ped t shto the�date of uaysation. �An ea#epsilon of no more t�heans 180 da�ty' 3 gbestr f �d at the �sc=estiobn of the Clrief B�uil�n pnor pu ys ma gran g Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the onginal rmit fee. 3. If tlns pemut expses, anew VV ermit may be req d to be obtazned. 1Psauance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard thgmrements, fees and r edures for approval of any new perrmt. Re -issuance or extension of expued perrmts is at the sole discretion of e Chief Builth �g Official and is not guaranteed. q. No work of an shall be perfoamed that shall results in a change. of the natural flow of water without prior ands ed fic a royal. 5. The p tions anddahall not ohfy dor cson eat worksw.ath ut wn'tten aDs�sel of such work finm�thest$a�lidsihed podlic�of aIPre�uire� Division. p=ocee pprov ng an pec ion ermces 6. The issb e code orr anfi� d naanermit shdation of [hist' add'ction. A �t el of workPs�sub� t to � ld ins�ontof any provision of any pphca j y or ce or reg funs pprov lec pec ion. ///�/,✓-✓t/- 09/12/2021 Signature of Chief Building Offic'al Date R8QD85T5 MOST B8 MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BOSIN855 DAY FOR INSPECTION TH8 FOLLOWING BOSIN855 DAY. 1* ► � i City of Wheat Ridge '/� Residential Electric PERMIT - 202101389 PERMIT NO: 202101389 ISSUED: 06/25/2021 JOB ADDRESS: 2822 Teller St EXPIRES: 06/25/2022 JOB DESCRIPTION: New temp electrical service for construction for development on jobsite Lucid Development *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)341-5672 DEVELOPMENT 29 LLC SUB (303)420-5459 MICHAEL SPRANKLE 170671 MODERN ELECTRIC LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: R-2 / Residential - Duplex USE: R-3 / Residential SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: / 4 *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 875.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 18.38 Permit Fee 40.10 ** TOTAL ** 58.48 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** A printed copy of the permit and city stamped on-site plans must be available on-site for the first inspection. Work must comply with the 2020 NEC, 2018 IBC and other applicable codes and ordinances. Work is subject to field inspection. I by m si nature do hereby attest that the work to, be performed shall comply with all accompanyin approved plans and specificationsapplicale uilding codes, and all applicable munical codes, policies and procedures, and that I am t e legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorize to obtain this ermit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermit. I further attest that I am le ally authorized to include al entities named within this document as parties to the work to be per ormed and that all work to be per ormed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1, This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180, days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and��procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all requ�ired inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, anviolation of any provision of any �pplicabje code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. 06/25/2021 Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Pets Subject: Online Form Submittal: Electrical Service Change/Upgrade/Electrical Work Permit Application Date: Friday, June 25, 20213:12:46 PM Electrical Service Change/Upgrade/Electrical Work Permit Application This application is exclusively for RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL SERVICE CHANGE OR UPGRADE (200 amps or less). YOU MUST ATTACH A VALID CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM IN ORDER FOR THE PERMIT TO BE PROCESSED. Your Permit will be emailed to the email address provided below once it is processed. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for Yes electrical service change or upgrade - 200 amps or less? PROPERTY INFORMATION Is this Residential or Residential Commercial? Property Address 2822 Teller Street Property Owner Name Lucid Development Property Owner Phone 720-630-0087 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Modern Electric -Lc Name Contractor's License 170671 Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone 303-420-5459 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email office@mod-electric.com Address Retype Contractor office@mod-electric.com Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is this an electrical Upgrade service upgrade or change? Number of Amps 125 Location of work on jobsite (garage, house, etc) Provide additional new temp electrical service for construction for development details, if needed. Project Value (contract 875 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Jason Niles Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. PERMIT NO: JOB ADDRESS: JOB DESCRIPTION: City of Wheat Ridge Site Work Permit PERMIT - 202000700 202000700 2822 Teller St Site work, minor Sq. ft: 61,145 subdivision. ISSUED: 06/02/2020 EXPIRES: 12/22/2021 *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)341-5672 DEVELOPMENT 29 LLC GC (303)901-5143 JESSE WALDEN 190260 LUCID STUDIO LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: R-2 / Residential - Duplex USE: R-3 / Residential SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: / 4 *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 60,700.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 531.77 Use Tax 11274.70 Permit Fee 818.10 Engin. Review Fee 11400.00 ** TOTAL ** 41024.57 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** No C.O. may be issued until public improvements are complete as identified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to, be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicae building codes, and all applicable municpal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this�permrt. I further attest that I am leg ally authorized to include alI entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1, This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180, days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and��procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all requ�ired inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, anviolation of any provision of any �pplicabje code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. 06/02/2020 Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of n �COMMUMTY`JV heat Ri 1 I DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: Der mits(iDd.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Date: Plan/Pernnit # Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Complete all applicable highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** )-2. Property Address: 0 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Property Owner (please print): Jesse Walden 30fl"- 143 Property Owner Email: jesse@lucid-studio.com Tenant Name (Commercial Projects Only) Property Owner Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: 7190 Teller Street, Suite B City, State, Zip: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ArchitectlEngineer: Henderson Engineering Architect/Engineer E-mail: hengineering@comcast.net Contractor Name: Lucid Studio, LLC City of Wheat Ridge License #: 190260 Contractor E-mail Address: Jesse@lucid-studio.com For Plan Review Questions & Comments (please print): Phone: 303-841-0983 Phone: 303.901.5143 CONTACT NAME (please print): Jeff Schneider, AIA Phone: CONTACT EMAIL(p/ease print): jell@lucid-studio.com 720.323.0518 Sub Contractors (Must provide Wheat Ridge License No & Signed Subcontractor Authorization form): Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.R. City License # W.R. City License # W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City License # Complete all highlighted fields. []COMMERCIAL ] RESIDENTIAL Provide description of work: For ALL projects, provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc. THIS PROJECT SCOPE INCLUDES A NEW 2 -STORY, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE (1,074 SF) OVER CRAWLSPACE W/ DETACHED GARAGE (586 SF). THE EXISITING LOT IS VACANT. APPLIANCE: BTUs: EFFICIENCY: FURNANCE: 60,000 92% W H W : 40,000 92% RANGE: 65,000 n/a FIRE: 60,000 75% GRILL: 165,000 n/a APPROXIMATELY 7,150 SF STUCCO AND 7,250 SF BOARD & BATTEN Sq. Ft./LF BTUs 390,000 BTUs Gallons 50 gal. Amps 125 Squares 14.5 For Solar: Kw # of Panels Requires Structural For Commercial Projects Only: Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Occupancy Load: Square Footage: Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) $ OWNEWCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE. (OWNER),-TCDNTRACTOR)Jo (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Signature (first and last name): _ J DAI'L Printed Name: -fe-27 N DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMMENTS: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: 93 Z L ZO CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V Reviewer: zip BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer. i PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer. Building Division Valuation: RESIDENTIAL Building Permit – Plan Review Worksheet Address: -Te 1W S� Lot Size: t0 , 311 sq. ft. Zoning: R– Z Lot Width: too ft. Rev. 09/2017 Property in the flood plain? U19 If yes, notify PW Floodplain Administrator and add surveying condition FLD Subdivision: Tjftf SU i�i51'D�l Any conflict? (Y/N) paSeWl•2vc'�S' Related Cases: Type of project (applicable survey conditions in parenthesis): Maximum Lot Coverage: 140 % q, ( qq. ct sq. ft. Existing Improvements (footprints): Proposed Improvements (footprints): House: sq. ft. House/addition: �, ( 5"7 sq. ft. Shed: sq. ft. Shed: sq. ft Detached garage: sq ft. Detached Garage: 5'7�_ sq. ft. Other: sq. ft. Other: ^- !I -t 3. 75 sq. ft. '?WV%k AVe Ra 'pt -t* Total Existing h sq. ft Proposed+Existing sq. ft Lot Coverage p % py92r�eevL�S Lot Coverage 20.7 % W � 1 S Required Setbacks: FR S 1_ S eo R t0 Provided Setbacks: FR Z -s r 3 It S _17T S'O_ , 7 !► R 29'6` For additions or new construction, is the structure within 2 feet of minimum setbacks? If yes, add surveying condition FND. Maximum Height: Proposed Height: 3, •e �Joc}t h�t. Maximum Size: Proposed Size: sq. ft. sq. ft. Does the bulk plane apply? (Y/N) Wo Ifyes, does it meet on all sides (Y/N): FR S — S — R (See 26-642 and 26-120.C.1 — applies to all single-family structures (new, addition, accessory) in R -IC and R-3) Parkland Conditions Does the permit result in a new dwelling unit (new structure or conversion from non -res use)? �_.S If yes, have parkland dedication fees already been paid (eg with a previous land use approval)?_ If fees are owed, add condition PFEE, notify owner, notify building division, enter fee amount in ADG. Rev. 09/2017 Streetscape Conditions Does the permit result in any of the following conditions? ❑ Construction of new roads ❑ Platting of new lots New development ❑ Additions that increase gross floor area (not just the footprint) by 60% or more (proposed floor area — existing floor area ) / existing floor area = % increase If any box above is checked... For SF/DUPLEX—Is there existing ❑ Curb ❑ Gutter 05 -ft+ sidewalk adjacent to the property? If curb, gutter or sidewalk is missing, streetscape construction or fees -in -lieu will be required. -76.TA- Wppt kols MULTIFAMILY—Does the frontage meet current city standards? If not, streetscape construction or fees -in -lieu will be required. Fees -in -lieu of dedication or construction are due at the time the permit is issued. Access Conditions (apply to all new driveways, garages, additions, or new homes/units) ❑ For one and two-family dwellings, the first 25' of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials. �J fP❑ For all uses other than one and two family dwellings, no vehicle entrances or exits may be closer than 25' to any property line, except when used as joint access for two or more lots. ❑'In residential zone districts, curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet and not more than 24 feet in width. a/p❑ One and two-family dwellings may have horseshoe driveways, provided that the street accesses are at least 30 feet apart, measured from the interior edges. 0" For all uses, one access point per property is permitted. Landscaping Conditions (apply to additions and new dwelling units) For one -and two-family dwellings, one tree for every 70 feet of street frontage is required. r Frontage of lot 11DQ - width of driveway tb � / 70 = i (round up for required trees) + ly I frttoi*_alive Street trees required: Street trees provided: ❑ 100% of the front yard and 25% of the entire lot must be landscaped prior to issuance of C.O. In the event that landscaping cannot be installed due to inclement weather prior to the issuance of a C.O., an escrow agreement with financial guarantees may be allowed to ensure future installation. 125% of the cost of the proposed improvements will be required with the agreement. These funds will be reimbursed back to the property owner or contractor once the improvements are in place. Dwelling Unit ❑ Not approved as an independent dwelling unit. District/Distributor Header CONDITIONAL WATER PLAN APPROVAL PROJECTNAME: Teller Street Subdivision PROJECT No.: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL DATE (invalid after six (6) months of inactivity): 9/25/19 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE' APPROVAL SIGNATURE: EMAIL: cburtis@cmwc.net CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: PRINT: Casey Burtis PHONE: 303-274-7419 1) The Applicant is responsible for submitting to and coordinating with Denver Water for their review and approval. 2) The Applicant is responsible for notifying District/Distributor during the Denver Water review process of any revisions to the conditionally approved plans resulting in substantial changes, including changes to pipe alignment, materials and/or site plan layout. 3) At time of final plan submittal to Denver Water and before Denver Water Approval, the Applicant shall provide a PDF plan set to District/Distributor. District/Distributor reserves the right to delay final approval if District/Distributor finds that plans have changed and those changes have not been conveyed to District/Distributor as required under item 2 above. The changes will be reviewed and a determination made for the acceptance or denial of those changes. 4) If applicable, review and execution of easement documents (Easement Agreement, Legal Description, and Exhibit) will be processed through District/Distributor. District/Distributor will provide a copy of the recorded easement documents and electronic files to Denver Water for their records once available. Note: Format of the Legal Description and Exhibit shall follow Denver Water's CAD standards. (Add hyperlink to DW's easement requirements) b) When all conditions have been satisfactorily met, District/Distributor will provide Fina_ 1 Plan Approval, and, thereafter, the pre -construction meeting may be scheduled. I UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AS DESCRIBED ABOVE OWNER f SIGNATURE: DATE: 2 7 It t PRINT NAME: TITLE: i/��it�/iP , COMPANY: Please contact Denver Water for their procedures regarding plan reviews: Denver Water,l600 West 12th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204-3412, (303) 628-6100. The information is also available on their website: www.denverwater.org/DoingBusinesswithUs/PlanReviews/ •S' �WlZyatlldge 240007ocz CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 301235,2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 1/21/2020 Project Address: 2850 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description: This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single-family over crawl space with detached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY indicated below and do, by my signature bE and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented: (Please check one) `o� Wheat Ridge Water District sK Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water Agency Notes: �w I ao L'K !Vt) CL/.o . , am a duty authorized representative of the agency iwledge receipt of documents necessary for review o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Signature: ��?{ yyZpjj'�a. Date:%.�f City of WheatNdge Z02000ZS"Z CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation Only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 1/21/2020 Project Address: 2850 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description: This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single-family over crawl space with detached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY "' s , am a duty authorized representative of the agency indicated below and do, by my signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District o Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water ,X Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Agency Notes:y� J, 2-L' a•� +-+ ems- t'tis t . -., ca �� �iILS�' S�-.. QL � p/ f,�► as e. /'�L u r��.,. �-- 3 d c� %:� 4 - Signature: Signature: Date: —2.0 (Agency Representative) C .fit �Zr lt%f�ta,5i 1 � 14,k" #1 .3 f < < f Cans F- "`� Cw & S D) MARTIN/MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS June 18, 2019 Jesse Walden lucid studio Ilc Email: jesse@lucid-studio.com Re: Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 2850 and 2880 Teller St Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 17.0633 Dear Mr. Walden, On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the site plan received June 11, 2019, concerning a proposed 6 single- family homes with detached garages at the above referenced address. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. A re -submittal is required for review and approval. The subject lot appears to be entirely within the service and boundary area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainlinels) Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running north to south, west of the referenced property within Teller St. It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) to verify if service and gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No underdrain or storm sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. Utility Locates It is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, c/o Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Senate Bill 18-167 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. All projects must meet Senate Bill 18-167 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. Sanitary Sewer Extension and Easement Agreement A mainline extension is required which includes an extension agreement, any necessary easements and easement agreements, District approvals, deposits, and necessary insurance and bonding prior to beginning construction. Tap applications cannot be accepted until conditional approval is made on the extension. A sanitary sewer main extension agreement with appropriate bonding and deposit is required prior to moving forward with construction. This agreement will be provided from the District's Attorney. Public right-of-way or a 25' easement (20' exclusive) with drive -able surface will be required to be dedicated to the District prior to construction. An easement agreement will be provided from the District's Attorney. The owner/developer is responsible for providing a vesting deed and title MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 2850 and 2880 Teller St June 18, 2019 insurance commitment for the easement parcel prior to coordination with the District's Attorney. The owner/developer is also responsible for providing a certified land description and exhibit of easement to the District for review. An engineering review fee document will be provided and is required to be deposited to the District prior to moving forward with reviews and agreements. All costs associated with extensions are the responsibility of the owner/developer. The owner/developer is required to participate in the District flow study completed in June 2017. Costs for participation in the flow study are based on the proposed number of single-family residential equivalents (SFREs) for the development and will be provided in the engineering review fee document. From the site plan provided on June 11, 2019, it appears that 6 SFREs are proposed. Please notify the District if these values are not correct. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from the anticipated development(s) to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. Sanitary Sewer Extension Design The owner/developer will need to provide documentation for the sanitary sewer extension design. The design documentation/exhibits need to include existing and proposed grades, existing and proposed utilities, sanitary and storm inverts, existing and proposed structures, and survey to include utility locates meeting Senate Bill SB18-167 "Enforce Requirements 811 Locate Underground Facilities". Survey information must also include depths of all upstream and downstream inverts of sanitary and/or storm manholes and inlets. Survey must be provided, signed, and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor. Utility locates must meet quality level "B" and be potholed at utility crossing quality level "A" and signed/stamped by a Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado. Shared Service line After review of the plans, it is apparent that each unit must have an individual service line connecting to the District main. Section 2.3.02 of the District Rules and Regulations states: "The plumbing system of each separate structure, each house or separate dwelling, each unit in a duplex building and each townhouse, and each separate building, including each separate condominium building, store, premises, and other structures connected to the District's sanitary sewer system shall be separate and independent from that of every other house, structure, or dwelling unit, each duplex unit, building including each condominium building, store, premises and other structure and each shall have an independent, direct connection with the sanitary sewer system. Flow Stuff Participation Sub -Total (WRSD): 6 SFRE X $35.80/SFRE _ $214.80 An additional $600.00 fee is charged to analyze the proposed development flows. A total fee of $10,000.00 is anticipated to cover plan review, sanitary sewer flow study review, mainline extension agreement, sanitary sewer easement agreement and exhibit review, coordination with contractor, assistance with tap fee documents, construction observation, project closeout, and coordination with Metro Wastewater. The money from the initial deposit discussed will be used towards the steps listed above. If any credit is left over after the construction, it will be refunded accordingly. If the funds are exhausted during the review or construction process, additional monies will be required prior to continuing. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance— engineering, reviews, design, legal, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware of the following: 1. Deposit must be made prior to reviews and further coordination. 2. Extension agreement with Page 213 Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 2850 and 2880 Teller St m June 18, 2019 required title, vesting deed, bonding, etc. and easement agreement(s) with required legal, exhibits, title, etc. prior to construction. 3. Application for tap fees and development fees can only be made upon completion of conditional acceptance of the mainline extension per extension agreement. 4. All fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. No tap fees will be accepted until conditional approval is received for the mainline extension including such items as: mainline air testing, as -constructed drawings (certified survey), and final televising of the mainline(s). If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: Mike Bakarich — Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Page 313 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 O $0.0 2020012718 01/31/2020 10:11:59 AM 7 Page(s) EASEMENT AGREEMENT JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colorado (Distributor Performance Non -Exclusive) THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT, effective the _!_ day of 20 20 , is made between Development 29 LLC, addressed at 7190 W 38TH AVE., WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 , hereafter called "Grantor", (whether grammatically singular or plural) and The Consolidated Mutual Water Company hereinafter called "Distributor," whose legal address is WITNESSETH: 12700 W 27th Ave Lakewood, CO 80215 For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency whereof are acknowledged, Grantor hereby grants to the Distributor, its successors and assigns, a permanent non-exclusive right to enter, reenter, occupy and use the property situate in the County of JEFFERSON , State of Colorado, and more fully described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property") to construct, lay, install, inspect, monitor, maintain, repair, renew, substitute, change the size of, replace, remove, and operate one or more underground water pipelines and all underground and surface appurtenances thereto, including electric or other related control systerns, underground cables, wires and connections and surface appurtenances in, through, over and across the Property. By way of example and not by way of limitation, the parties intend to include within the terms "pipelines" and "appurtenances" the following: mains and conduits, valves, vaults, manholes, hydrants, control systems, ventilators, and the like, of such size and capacity as necessary or required by the Distributor. IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY CONVENANTED AND AGREED by and between the parties as follows: 1. The Distributor shall have and may exercise the right of ingress and egress in, to, over, through and across the Property for any purpose needful for the full enjoyment of any other right of occupancy or use provided for herein. 2. Grantor shall neither cause nor permit the parking or storage of vehicles or other goods or equipment, or the construction or placement of any structure or building, street light, power pole, yard light, mailbox or sign, temporary or permanent, or the planting of any tree, woody plant or nursery stock, of any kind, on any part of the Property. Where paved roadways are installed on all or any part of the surface of the Property they shall be installed and maintained by Grantor on and over the entire width thereof, with no planters, islands or median structures. The lateral edges of the Property shall be clearly delineated by permanent surface features approved in advance by the Distributor. Any prohibited use or installation located on the Property as of or after the date of this Agreement, including utility installations not conforming to Paragraph 1 1 (eleven) hereof, may be removed by the Distributor at Grantor's expense without liability for damages arising therefrom. 3. The Grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, shall provide to the Distributor any information within its possession about past and currently existing Environmental Contamination in the easement area. Such information shall include but not be limited to environmental studies, reports, samples, agreements, liens, letters and any remediation work that has been done or is ongoing to clean the area or is planned to occur. If contaminated soils exist in the easement area upon the effective date of this Agreement, for which (DISTRIBUTOR PERFORMANCE NON-EXCLUSIVE —REV 11/2011) the Grantor or its successors or assigns are responsible under applicable state or federal laws, the Grantor, at Grantor's sole expense, shall take Corrective Action to clean the contamination to the full width of the easement area and a depth of at least twelve (12) feet from finished grade or to two (2) feet below the bottom of the water line as determined by the Distributor. Contamination shall be cleaned to the appropriate state and federal standards set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment or to the standards of Corrective Action plans for the property currently approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Grantor shall provide documents verifying Corrective Action to the Distributor prior to the installation of pipeline facilities. 4. To the extent it legally may, and as long as the Distributor did not cause Environmental Contamination„ the Grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, shall indemnify the Distributor against any liability, damages, costs, expenses, causes of action, claims, losses, settlements, fines and penalties, and reasonable attorneys' fees claimed against the Distributor relating to (1) the existence, mitigation, or remediation of Environmental Contamination in the easement area; (2) any Corrective Action in the easement area; (3) any Environmental Contamination in the easement area that occurs or is discovered after conveyance of the easement; or (4) the occurrence, disturbance, or movement of existing contaminated soils resulting directly or indirectly from any work conducted by the Distributor in exercise of the Distributor's functions. 5. As used in this Agreement, "Corrective Action" shall refer to risk assessment, active remediation, passive remediation, voluntary cleanup, investigation and/or monitoring of Environmental Contamination. 6. As used in this Agreement, "Environmental Contamination" means the presence within the easement area of any hazardous material, including but not limited to any substances defined as or included in the definition of "hazardous substance," "hazardous material" or "toxic substances" in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9601, et seq., the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. § 5101, et seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. § 6901, et seq., or any other federal, state or local statute, law, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, order, decree or other requirement of governmental authority regulating, relating to or imposing liability or standard of conduct concerning any hazardous, toxic or dangerous substance or material, as now or at any time hereafter in effect, and in the regulations adopted, published and/or promulgated pursuant to said laws. 7. Fences existing as of the date hereof which are disturbed or destroyed by the Distributor in the exercise of its rights hereunder shall be replaced by the Distributor to their original condition as nearly as may reasonably be done. Grantor shall not, however, construct or install new fencing across or within the Property without the written approval of the Distributor. 8. All pipelines installed within the Property shall be laid not less than four and one-half (4'/2) feet below the surface of the adjacent ground. 9. The Distributor shall have and exercise the right of subjacent and lateral support to whatever extent is necessary or desirable for the full, complete and unmolested enjoyment of the rights herein granted. Grantor shall neither take nor permit any action which would impair the lateral or subjacent support for any water pipelines or appurtenances or cause the earth cover over any water pipeline within the Property to be less than four and one-half (4 '/z) feet or more than ten (10) feet, measured vertically from the top of the pipeline. Grantor shall not modify the earth cover over a Distributor water pipeline without advance written authorization from the Distributor, which shall provide for full payment or reimbursement to the Distributor of all costs of adjusting Distributor facilities made necessary by such modification. (DISTRIBUTOR PERFORMANCE NON-EXCLUSIVE - REV 11/2011) 10. After any construction or other operations by the Distributor which disturb the surface of the Property, the Distributor will restore the general surface of the ground, including paving and authorized appurtenances, as nearly as may reasonably be done to the grade and condition it was in immediately prior to construction, except as necessarily modified to accommodate Distributor facilities. Topsoil shall be replaced in cultivated and agricultural areas, and any excess earth resulting from installations by the Distributor shall be removed from the Property at the sole expense of the Distributor. For a period of one year following disturbance of the surface of the Property by the Distributor, the Distributor will maintain the surface elevation and quality of the soil by correcting any settling or subsiding that may occur as a result of the work done by the Distributor. 11. Service lines from adjacent properties receiving service from Distributor facilities in the Property, and other public utilities such as sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, electric, telephone, and TV cable lines, may be installed in the Property, provided that they do not interfere with the Distributor's rights herein granted. Public utilities which cross the Property shall cross at approximately right angles, and utilities which parallel the Distributor's facilities shall not be located closer than ten (10) feet thereto. Except for utilities as herein authorized and for roadways, all surface and subsurface uses of the Property, including fences, must be approved in writing by the Distributor before installation. 12. Grantor retains the right to the undisturbed use and occupancy of the Property insofar as such use and occupancy are consistent with and do not impair any grant or covenant herein contained. 13. The Distributor is acquiring its rights in the Property in order to insure to it a dominant casement for the exercise of the Distributor's functions. The exercise of any rights in the Property other than those expressly retained by Grantor shall be within the discretion of the Distributor. The Distributor may permit and authorize such other uses of the Property not reserved in Grantor as will not impair the Distributor's dominant rights, upon payment of reasonable compensation to the Distributor and upon such terms, limitations and conditions as the Distributor shall find reasonably necessary to protect its dominant right of occupancy without undue or unnecessary injury to or impairment of the estate retained by the Grantor. 14. If the Distributor, by written instrument, abandons or releases its rights herein granted and ceases to use the same, all right, title and interest of the Distributor hereunder shall cease and terminate, and the Grantor or its successors in title shall hold the Property, as the same may then be, free from the rights so abandoned or released and shall own all material and structures of the Distributor so abandoned or released, but nothing herein shall be construed as working a forfeiture or abandonment of any interest derived hereunder and not owned by the Distributor at the time of the termination of the Distributor's rights. 15. Grantor warrants that it has full right and lawful authority to make the grant herein contained, and promises and agrees to defend the Distributor in the exercise of its rights hereunder against any defect in title or in Grantor's right to make said grant, subject to general taxes for the year this instrument is recorded, and subject further to easements, encumbrances, exceptions, limitations, restrictions and reservations contained in instruments of record prior to the date of this Agreement. 16. Each and every one of the benefits and burdens of this Agreement shall inure to and be binding upon the respective legal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 17. This writing constitutes the whole agreement between the parties and no additional or different oral representation, promise or agreement shall be binding on any of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of this instrument. Any special provisions added hereto which conflict with printed provisions set forth above shall control and supersede such conflicting printed provisions. (DISTRIBUTOR PERFORMANCE NON-EXCLUSIVE - REV 11/2011) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed the within Agreement as of the day and year first above written. Development 29 LLC a Colorado limited liability company Jesse den Managing Member STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF r 8 W ) ss. The within and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Jesse Walden as Managing Member company, on this 29 , LLC a _ day of 0,nt ,C, , Witness my hand and official seal {SEAL) LINDSEY BARSLUND NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 20124020582 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 2, 2020 ATTEST: Secretary -4- (DISTRIBOTOR) Colorado i • of limited liability The Consolidated Mutual Water Company l L� EA"Q-IIBIT W LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PERMANENT, NON—EXCLUSIVE WATER MAIN EASEMENT BEING A PART OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6, TELLER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 2018089057 IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, SITUATED IN A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF TELLER STREET, FROM WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, T.3S., R.69W., BEARS N41'16'26"W, A DISTANCE OF 2052.97 FEET AND FROM WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, TELLER SUBIDIVISION FILING NO. 1 BEARS N00'23'43"W, A DISTANCE OF 94.86 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE, N89' 28'49"E, A DISTANCE OF 98.57 FEET; THENCE NOO'31'11 "W, A DISTANCE OF 8.00 FEET; THENCE N89' 28'49"E, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE SOO'31'11 "E, A DISTANCE OF 8.00 FEET; THENCE N89' 28'49"E, A DISTANCE OF 207.03 FEET; THENCE S00'23'55"E, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET; THENCE S89' 28'49"W, A DISTANCE OF 315.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SAID EAST RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF TELLER STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE, N00'23'43"W, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 9,548 SCJ. FT. (0.2192 AC.) MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARING: THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, SAID LINE ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'44'51 "E BETWEEN TWO MONUMENTS 2637.74 FEET APART; ONE MONUMENT BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SE1/4 OF SAID SECTION 26, A 3 1/4" DIAMETER BRASS CAP STAMPED LS 13212 IN RANGE BOX, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ID NO. 16709, CITY DATUM COORDINATES N=703168.57, E=118458.25, LAT.=39'45'40"N LONG.=105'04'50"W; AND THE OTHER BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SE1/4 OF SECTION 26, A 3 1/4" DIAMETER BRASS CAP STAMPED LS 32429 IN RANGE BOX, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ID NO. 16809, CITY DATUM COORDINATES N=703180.19, E=121095.96, LAT.=39'45'40"N LONG. =105'04'20"W. T 9489 ~ PREPARED BY: MICHAEL S CHESSNOEJ COLORADO P.E. & L.S. 9489 � 4101 EAST WESLEY AVENUE, SUITE NO. DENVER, COLORADO 80222 email: chessnoedenver@comcast.net Telephone: 303-722-3267 SE 1/4 SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST 6th PMPM ------JEFFERSON COUNTY ------ Point of Commencement East 1/4 Corner of Section 26, Center 1/4 Corner of Section 26, T3S, R69W, 6th P.M. _ T3S, R69W, 6th P.M. 3 1/4" Diameter Brass 3 1/4" Diameter Brass Cap Stamped "LS 32429" in Range Box Cap Stamped "LS 13212" in Range Box 2637.74' REC. N89'44'51 "E REC. _BASIS OF BEARINGS 1% North Line, SE 1/4 of Sec 26 — — — — — — r'p s Beginning Northwest Corner, KESi 32ND A EENUE Lot 1, Teller Subdivision Filing No. 1 94.86' JG 1 /4, N00'23'44"W SEC 25' 25'kl'l'l 10.00' N89'28'49"E ) -� - � 8.00S00.31'11"E l Lot 2 SE1 4 1�' ' A.� / 26 Lot vi j'N00'23'43"W j I S89'28'49'W f Lot 4 f Lot 5 Lot 6 26' I l 25' 25' East Right—of—Way Line of Teller Street SE1 /4, SE1 /4 SEC 26 BASIS OF BEARING: The north line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, said line assumed to bear N89'44'51 "E between two monuments 2637.74 feet apart; one monument being the Northwest Corner of the SE1/4 of said Section 26, a 3 1/4" diameter brass cap stamped is 13212 in range box, City of Wheat Ridge ID No. 16709, City Datum Coordinates N=703168.57, E=118458.25, LRT.=39'45'40"N Long. -105'04'50"W; and the other being the t f Id SE1 /4 f S tion 26 0 3 1 /4" 30.00' S00'23'55"E N 29 Northeas comer o sa o ec , diameter brass cap stamped Is 32429 In range box, City of too' o tao' 200' Wheat Ridge ID No. 16809, City Datum Coordinates N=703180.19, SCALE: 1" = 100' E=121095.96, Lat.=39'45'40"N Long.=105'04'20"W. PARCEL CONTAINS 8,828 SQ. FT. OR 0.20266 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LEGEND SEC'Y FILE DOC. RIMS ITEM NO. EASEMENT ACQUIRED CARD NO. DRN. RDT IPM. SHEET 1 OF 1 ) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS 12202016 WATER MAIN CONSOLIDATED EASEMENT ACQUIRED MUTUAL WATER FROM LUCID STUDIOS, LLC COMPANY 7190 W. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80033 IS ALE- 1 = 100 DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2019 CAD: OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR Development 29 LLC March 18, 2019 THE MEMBERSHIP INTERESTS HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED, OR THE SECURITIES LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION. NO MEMBERSHIP INTEREST MAY BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE (WITHIN THE MEANING OF ANY SECURITIES LAW) UNLESS A REGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER ALL APPLICABLE SECURITIES LAWS WITH RESPECT TO THE INTEREST IS THEN IN EFFECT OR AN EXEMPTION FROM THE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS OF THOSE LAWS IS THEN APPLICABLE TO THE INTEREST. NO MEMBERSHIP INTEREST MAY BE TRANSFERRED OR ENCUMBERED UNLESS THE PROVISIONS OF THIS OPERATING AGREEMENT ARE SATISFIED. Operating Agreement TABLE OF CONTENTS EXPLANATORYSTATEMENT................................................................................................ 1 ARTICLEI—DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 "Agreement"........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 `Bankruptcy".......................................................................................................... 1 1.3 "Capital Account"................................................................................................... 1 1.4 "Company„............................................................................................................. 1 1.5 "Dissolution"........................................................................................................... 1 1.6 "Immediate Family Member"................................................................................. 2 1.7 "Member"............................................................................................................... 2 1.8 "Membership Interest"............................................................................................ 2 1.9 "Persons".................................................................................................................2 1.10 "Resignation ............................................................................................................ 2 ARTICLE 2—ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION................................................................... 2 ARTICLE 3—TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT....................................................................... 2 ARTICLE4—CONTRIBUTIONS............................................................................................. 3 4.1 Original Capital Contributions................................................................................ 3 4.2 Capital Accounts..................................................................................................... 3 4.3 Liability for Contributions...................................................................................... 3 4.4 Compromise of a Member's Liability..................................................................... 3 4.5 Additional Capital Contribution............................................................................. 3 ARTICLE5—PROFIT AND LOSS........................................................................................... 4 5.1 Membership Percentages........................................................................................ 4 5.2 Allocation of Taxable Items.................................................................................... 4 5.3 Special Allocation of Losses Creating Negative Capital Accounts ........................ 4 5.4 Qualified Income Offset..........................................y............................................... 4 ARTI L ...H:a .............'"�' r/ ..: 6 1 `" OperatiA Distributions.........`....................................... ..................... ........... 5 6.2 Net Cash from Operations...................................................................................... 5 6.3 Disposition Distributions........................................................................................ 5 6.4 Distributions Upon Resignation.............................................................................. 6 6.5 Distributions in Kind............................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE 7—MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY........................................................... 6 7.1 Managers................................................................................................................. 6 7.2 Duties of Managers................................................................................................. 6 7.3 Certain Powers of Managers................................................................................... 7 7.4 Number of Managers.............................................................................................. 8 (ii) 7.5 Regular Meetings.................................................................................................... 8 7.6 Special Meetings..................................................................................................... 8 7.7 Notice...................................................................................................................... 8 7.8 Quorum................................................................................................................... 9 7.9 Manner of Actin.................................................................................................... 9 7.10 Informal Action by Managers................................................................................. 9 7.11 Participation by Electronic Means.......................................................................... 9 7.12 Vacancies................................................................................................................ 9 7.13 Resignation ............................................................................................................. 9 7.14 Removal................................................................................................................10 7.15 Committees........................................................................................................... 10 7.16 Compensation....................................................................................................... 10 7.17 Presumption of Assent.......................................................................................... 10 7.18 Transactions with Company and Otherwise......................................................... 10 ARTICLE 8-MEMBERS......................................................................................................... 10 8.1 Original Members................................................................................................. 10 8.2 Admission of New Members................................................................................ 10 8.3 Annual Meetin.................................................................................................... 10 8.4 Special Meetings................................................................................................... 11 8.5 Place of Meetings.................................................................................................. 11 8.6 Notice of Meeting................................................................................................. 11 8.7 Meeting of All Members....................................................................................... 11 8.8 Quorum................................................................................................................. 11 8.9 Manner of Actin.................................................................................................. 11 8.10 Proxies...................................................................................................................11 8.11 Voting of Members............................................................................................... 12 8.12 Voting by Certain Members.................................................................................. 12 8.13 Action by Members Without a Meeting............................................................... 12 8.14 Voting by Ballot.................................................................................................... 12 8.15 Waiver of Notice................................................................................................... 12 8.16 Members Entitled to Vote..................................................................................... 13 ARTICLE9-BANKING.......................................................................................................... 13 ARTICLE 10 -BOOKS; FISCAL YEAR; AUDITS.............................................................. 13 ARTICLE 11 -MEMBERSHIP INTEREST AND MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS OF A DECEASED, INCOMPETENT, OR DISSOLVED MEMBER ....................... 13 ARTICLE 12 -TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP INTEREST AND MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS.............................................................................................. 13 12.1 Offer...................................................................................................................... 14 12.2 Payment.................................................................................................................14 12.3 Free Transfer Period............................................................................................. 14 12.4 No Dissolution...................................................................................................... 14 12.5 Transfers During Calendar Year........................................................................... 15 (iii) ARTICLE 13—DEATH, INCOMPETENCY, DISSOLUTION, OR TERMINATION OFA MEMBER.............................................................................................................. 15 13.1 Purchase of Membership Interest.......................................................................... 15 13.2 Payment.................................................................................................................15 13.3 Failure to Exercise Purchase Option..................................................................... 15 ARTICLE 14—BANKRUPTCY, RETIREMENT, OR RESIGNATION OF A MEMBERI6 14.1 Purchase of Membership Interest.......................................................................... 16 14.2 Payment.................................................................................................................16 14.3 Consequences of Bankruptcy or Resignation ....................................................... 16 ARTICLE 15—CERTAIN TAX ASPECTS INCIDENT TO TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED BY THIS AGREEMENT............................................................ 16 ARTICLE 16—OPTION PURCHASE PRICE....................................................................... 16 16.1 Calculation of Option Purchase Price................................................................... 16 16.2 Appraised Value.................................................................................................... 17 16.3 Fair Market Value................................................................................................. 17 16.4 Qualifications of Appraiser................................................................................... 17 ARTICLE 17—INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS...................................................................... 17 17.1 Election to Pay by Installment.............................................................................. 17 17.2 Rights of Members Under Installment Payments ................................................. 18 ARTICLE 18—DELIVERY OF EVIDENCE OF INTEREST .............................................. 18 ARTICLE19—NOTICES......................................................................................................... 18 ARTICLE 20—ADDITIONAL MEMBERS............................................................................ 19 ARTICLE 21—DISSOLUTION AND TERMINATION 21.1 Dissolution.................................................... 21.2 Filing of Statement of Intent to Dissolve...... 21.3 Effect of Filing of Dissolving; Statement ...... 21.4 Distribution of Assets upon Dissolution ....... 21.5 Articles of Dissolution .................................. 21.6 Filing of Articles of Dissolution ................... 21.7 Managers' Responsibility ............................. 21.8 Power of Attorney ......................................... ..................................................... 19 ..................................................... 19 ..................................................... 19 ..................................................... 19 ..................................................... 20 ..................................................... 20 ..................................................... 20 ..................................................... 20 ..................................................... 21 ARTICLE22—GOVERNING LAW........................................................................................ 22 ARTICLE 23—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS.............................................................. 22 23.1 Successors and Assigns ..................................... 23.2 No Limit on Personal Activities........................................................................... 22 23.3 Further Assurances................................................................................................ 22 23.4 Gender and Headings............................................................................................ 22 23.5 Entire Agreement.................................................................................................. 22 (iv) OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR Development 29 LLC This Operating Agreement is made and entered into as of May 1 lth, 2018 by and among the members of Development 29 LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (the "Company"), who have signed this Operating Agreement. EXPLANATORY STATEMENT This Operating Agreement governs the relationships between members of the Company and between the Company and the Members, pursuant to the Colorado Limited Liability Company Act (C.R.S. §§" 7-80-101, et seq.), as amended from time to time (the "Act"). In consideration of their mutual promises, covenants, and agreements and the Explanatory Statement, which Explanatory Statement is incorporated by reference herein and made a substantive party of this Operating Agreement, the parties hereto do hereby promise, covenant, and agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 —DEFINITIONS Throughout this Operating Agreement, and unless the context otherwise requires, the word or words set forth below within the quotation marks shall have the meanings set forth below: 1.1 "Bankruptcy" shall mean the filing by a Member of a petition commencing a voluntary case under the bankruptcy laws of the United States or under any insolvency act of any state; a general assignment by a Member for the benefit of creditors; an admission in writing by a Member of the Member's inability to pay the Member's debts as they become due; the filing by a Member of any petition or answer in any proceeding seeking for the Member, or consenting to, or acquiescing in, any insolvency, receivership, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or similar relief under any present or future statute, law, or regulation, or the filing by a Member of an answer or other pleading admitting or failing to deny, or to contest, the material allegations of the petition filed against the Member in any such proceeding; the seeking or consenting to, or acquiescence by a Member in, the appointment of any trustee, receiver, or liquidator of the Member or any part of the Member's property; and the commencement against a Member of an involuntary case under the Bankruptcy Code, or a proceeding under any receivership, composition, readjustment, liquidation, insolvency, dissolution, or like law or statute, which case or proceeding is not dismissed or vacated within 60 days. 1.2 "Capital Account" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 4.2. 1 1.3 "Company" shall mean Development 29 LLC, a Colorado limited liability company. 1.4 "Dissolution" shall mean: (a) In the case of a Member who is acting as a Member by virtue of being a trustee of a trust, the termination of the trust (but not merely the substitution of a new trustee). (b) In the case of a Member that is a partnership, the dissolution and commencement of winding up of the partnership. (c) In the case of a Member that is a corporation, the filing of a Certificate of Dissolution, or its equivalent, for the corporation or the revocation of its charter. (d) In the case of a limited liability company, the filing of Articles of Dissolution, or its equivalent, for the limited liability company, or the involuntary dissolution by a nonappealable order of the district court. (e) In the case of an estate, the distribution by the fiduciary of the estate's entire Membership Interest. 1.5 "Immediate Family Member" shall mean an individual person who is a Member and such Member's spouse and children, whether natural or adopted. 1.6 "Manager" shall mean person or entity elected or appointed by the Members from time to time to manage the business and affairs of the Company in accordance with the provisions of this Operating Agreement. Initially, the Managers shall be: (a) Jesse Walden and (b) Thomas Dadourian. 1.7 "Member" shall mean each of the persons that is a signatory hereto either by signing this Operating Agreement or a separate subscription agreement agreeing to be obligated by the terms of this Operating Agreement, and any other person or persons who may subsequently be designated as a Member of the Company pursuant to the further terms of this Operating Agreement. Initially, the Members shall be: (a) Jesse Walden and (b) Thomas Dadourian. 1.8 "Membership Interest" shall mean the entire interest of a Member in the Company, including the Member's share of profits and losses and all of the Member's voting rights and other rights hereunder. 1.9 "Persons" shall mean individuals, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, unincorporated associations, trusts, estates, and any other type of entity. 1.10 "Resignation" shall mean the decision or determination of a Member to continue no longer as a Member, upon written notice to the Company. 2 ARTICLE 2 — ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION The Articles of Organization of the Company, dated the same date hereof, are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference in this Operating Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between the Articles of Organization and this Operating Agreement, the terms of the Articles of Organization shall govern. ARTICLE 3 — PURPOSE AND TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT 3.1 Purpose of the Company. The purpose of the Company shall be to engage in the transaction of any lawful business. 3.2 Term. This Operating Agreement shall terminate upon the voluntary or involuntary dissolution of the Company or the expiration of its term as provided in the Articles of Organization, if any. ARTICLE 4 — CONTRIBUTIONS 4.1 Original Capital Contributions. The original capital contribution to the Company of each of the Members shall be made in accordance with the terms set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. As used herein, "capital contribution" shall mean all contributions to the capital of the Company including contributions of cash, non- cash contributions of property and positive capital account revaluation adjustments permitted by Code Section 704(b). 4.2 Capital Accounts. (a) An individual capital account (each, a "Capital Account") shall be maintained for each Member. The Capital Account of each Member shall consist of that Member's original capital contribution, increased by (a) additional capital contributions made by that Member and (b) that Member's share of Company gains and profits, and decreased by (c) distributions of such profits and capital to that Member and (d) that Member's share of Company losses. The manner in which Capital Accounts are to be maintained pursuant to this Section is intended to comply with the requirements of Code Section 704(b) and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder. If in the opinion of the Managers the manner in which Capital Accounts are to be maintained pursuant to the preceding provisions of this Section should be modified in order to comply with Code Section 704(b) and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the preceding provisions of this Section, the Managers may alter the method in which Capital Accounts are maintained, and the Managers shall have the right to amend this Operating Agreement without action by the Members to reflect any such change in the manner in which Capital Accounts are maintained; provided, however, that any change in the manner of maintaining Capital Accounts shall not materially alter the economic agreement between or among the Members. (b) Upon liquidation of the Company (or any Member's Membership Interest), liquidating distributions will be calculated in accordance with the positive Capital 3 Account balances of the Members, as determined after taking into account all Capital Account adjustments for the Company's taxable year during which the liquidation occurs. Liquidation proceeds will be paid to all Members (upon liquidation of the Company) or to the liquidating Member within 90 days after the end of the taxable year. 4.3 Liability for Contributions. Each Member is obligated to the Company to perform any promise contained in this Operating Agreement to contribute cash or property or to perform services, even if that Member is unable to perform because of death, disability, or any other reason. If a Member does not make the contribution required by this Operating Agreement, the Member is obligated at the option of the Company to contribute cash equal to that portion of the value, of such contribution that has not been made. 4.4 Compromise of a Member's Liability_. The obligation of a Member to make a contribution to the Company may be compromised only by consent in writing of all the Members of the Company. 4.5 Additional Capital Contributions. (a) In the event that the cash funds of the Company are insufficient to meet its operating expenses or to finance new investments deemed appropriate to the scope and purpose of the Company as determined by the Managers, the Members shall make additional capital contributions. The amount of the additional capital required by the Company and the period during which such additional capital shall be retained by the Company shall be determined by the Managers. (b) If any Member shall fail to make any additional capital contribution when required (a "Default"), the Company may take such action as is necessary to collect the amount of the additional capital contribution and shall be entitled to collect interest thereon at a rate of Prime + 2% (or, if said rate is higher than permitted under applicable laws, at the highest rate permitted) together with all costs and expenses of collection, including attorneys' fees and costs. In the alternative, the Membership Interest in the Company of the defaulting Member may be purchased by one or more of the Members in accordance with the following provisions. After a Default, the Company may give written notice of the Default to the defaulting Member and to all other Members. If the defaulting Member fails to make payment of the defaulted additional capital contribution, together with interest thereon as provided above, within 10 days after the giving of such written notice and, if one or more of the other Members elect to purchase the Membership Interest in the Company of the defaulting Member as herein provided, the Membership Interest in the Company of the defaulting Member may be sold to the Members who elect to purchase said Membership Interest. Members may elect to purchase the Member Interest of the defaulting Member by giving written notice to the Company within 30 days after receiving written notice of the Default. The purchase price for the Membership Interest shall be the payment to the Company of the defaulted additional capital contribution, without interest, and the assumption of the obligation to make payment of any other additional capital contribution payable with respect to the Membership Interest in the Company of the defaulting Member plus payment to the defaulting Member of an amount equal to 80% of all capital contributions actually made by the defaulting Member. The purchase price shall be paid within 45 days after receipt by the CI purchasing Member or Members of the written notice of Default. The Membership Interest in the Company of the defaulting Member shall be deemed sold and shall be transferred to the Members electing to purchase the same at the time of payment of the purchase price. If more than one Member elects to purchase the Membership Interest in the Company of the defaulting Member, the Membership Interest in the Company of the defaulting Member shall be transferred to, and the purchase price for the Membership Interest of the defaulting Member shall be paid by, the electing Members in proportion to their respective Membership Interests or in such other proportion as such Members may otherwise agree among themselves. If no Member elects to purchase the Membership Interest in the Company of the defaulting Member of the purchase price for the Membership Interest is not paid, the Company shall continue to have the right to collect from the defaulting Member the amount of the defaulted additional capital contribution together with interest, costs and expenses aforesaid. Each Member hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints each Manager as its true and lawful attorney and agent, with full power and authority in his or her name place and stead to execute, acknowledge, deliver, file and record any and all instruments necessary, desirable or appropriate to accomplish and evidence any sale and transfer of his or her Membership Interest in the Company in accordance with the foregoing provisions. (c) The Members each acknowledge and agree that prompt payment of required capital contributions hereunder is of the essence and that failure of any Member to make such payments as provided herein will cause substantial injury to the Company and the other Members; further, the amount of damages caused by such injury will be difficult to calculate and the remedies granted to the Company in this Section 4.5 are fair and reasonable. 4.6 Capital Contributions in General. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Operating Agreement, (a) no part of the contributions of any Member to the capital of the Company may be withdrawn by such Member, (b) no Member shall be entitled to receive interest on such Member's contributions to the capital of the Company, (c) no Member shall have the right to demand or receive property other than cash in return for such Member's contribution to the Company, and (d) each Member shall look solely to the assets of the Company for return of such Member's contributions, and such Member shall have no recourse against any other Member for that purpose. 4.7 No Capital Withdrawals. A Member shall not be entitled to withdraw any part of the Member's capital contribution or to receive any distributions, whether of money or property, from the Company except as provided in this Operating Agreement. ARTICLE 5 — PROFIT AND LOSS 5.1 Membership Percentages. There is hereby allocated to each of the Members, as part of such Member's Membership Interest, a percentage interest in the Company (each, a "Membership Percentage"), as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. 5.2 Allocation of Taxable Items. Subject to Sections 5.3 and 5.4 below, for purposes of Section 702 and 704 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding provisions of any future federal internal revenue law or any similar tax law of any state or jurisdiction, all 5 items of income, gain, loss, deduction, credit, or allowance of the Company for any period or year shall be allocated among the Members in proportion to their relative Membership Percentages. 5.3 Special Allocation of Losses Creating Negative Capital Accounts. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article 5, no allocation of losses or deductions may be made to a Member if such allocation would cause or increase a deficit balance in such Member's Capital Account as of the end of the Company taxable year to which such allocation relates, taking into consideration reductions in the Member's Capital Account in the manner prescribed by Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(d) of the Treasury Regulations. Any allocation of losses or deductions (or portions thereof) disallowed to a Member pursuant to this Section shall be specially allocated to Members with positive capital account balances, pro rata, in proportion to such positive capital account balances, or if no such Member exist, then to all Members in accordance with their Membership Percentages. Furthermore, if one or more Members are specially allocated losses or deductions pursuant to this Section, there subsequently shall be specially allocated to such Members, profits in an amount equal to such losses or deduction previously specially allocated to such Members hereunder. 5.4 Qualified Income Offset. If a Member unexpectedly receives an allocation or distribution described in Sections 1.704-(1)(b)(2)(ii)(d)(4), (5) or (6) of the Treasury Regulations and such unexpected allocation or distribution of items creates or increases a deficit balance in the Member's Capital Account, then such Member shall be allocated items of Company income and gain in an amount and manner as set forth in the Treasury Regulations sufficient to eliminate the deficit balance in such Member's Capital Account created by such allocation or distribution as quickly as possible. Any special allocations pursuant to this Section shall be taken into account in computing subsequent allocations of profits and losses pursuant to this Article 5, so that the net amount of any items so allocated and the profits, losses, and all other items allocated to each Member pursuant to this Article 5, to the extent possible, shall be equal to the net amount that would have been allocated to each such Member pursuant to the provisions of this Article 5 if such unexpected adjustments, allocations, or distributions had not occurred. Allocations under this Section shall be comprised of a pro rata portion of each item of Company income (including gross income) and gain for the year (and, if necessary, subsequent years). The Members intend that the provisions set forth in this Section will constitute a "qualified income offset" provision as required by Treasury Regulation Section 1-704(b)(2)(ii)(d) and will meet the alternate test for economic effect set forth therein. The regulations shall control in the case of any conflict between those regulations and this Section 5.4. 5.5 Minimum Gain. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if there is a net decrease in the Company's minimum gain as defined in Treasury Regulation Section 1.704 2(d) during a taxable year of the Company, then, the Capital Account of each Member shall be allocated items of income (including gross income) and gain for such year (and if necessary for subsequent years) equal to that Member's share of the net decrease in Company minimum gain. This section is intended to comply with the minimum gain chargeback requirement of Section 1.704-2 of the Treasury Regulations and shall be interpreted consistently therewith. 101 5.6 Tax Allocations. In accordance with Sec. 704(c) of the Code and the related Regulations, income, gain, loss and deduction with respect to any property contributed to the capital of the Company, solely for tax purposes, will be allocated among the Members so as to take account of any variation between the adjusted basis to the Company of the property for federal income tax purposes and the initial Book Value of the property. Any elections or other decisions relating to allocations under this Section 5.6 will be made in any manner that the Manager determined reasonably reflects the purpose and intention of this Operating Agreement. Allocations under this Section 5.6 are solely for purposes of federal, state and local taxes and will not affect, or in any way be taken into account in computing, any Member's Capital Account or share of Book Income, Loss, Net Income or other items or distributions under any provision of this Operating Agreement. ARTICLE 6 — DISTRIBUTIONS 6.1 Operatic Distributions. The Net Cash from Operations (as defined in Section 6.2 below) shall be distributed to the Members at such times as may be determined by the Managers in accordance with Article 7 of this Operating Agreement, and in proportion to the respective percentages of Membership Interest. 6.2 Net Cash from Operations. As used in this section, the term "Net Cash from Operations" shall mean: (a) The taxable income of the Company for federal income tax purposes as shown on the books of the Company increased by (1) the amount of depreciation and amortization deductions taken in computing such taxable income, and (2) any non-taxable income or receipts of the Company, and reduced by (A) payments upon the principal of any installment obligations, mortgages, or deeds of trust respecting the Company assets or of other Company debts, and (B) such expenditures for capital improvements or replacements, such reserves for said improvements and replacements, and such reserves for repairs, for meeting anticipated expenses, and for working capital as the Managers, in accordance with Article 7 of this Operating Agreement, shall deem to be reasonably necessary in the efficient conduct of the business; plus (b) Any excess funds resulting from the placement or refinancing of any mortgages or deeds of trust on Company property, or the encumbrancing or financing of such property, in any other manner; plus (c) Any other funds (including amounts previously set aside for reserves by the Managers, in accordance with Article 7 of this Operating Agreement, to the extent that the Managers, in accordance with Article 7 of this Operating Agreement, no longer regard such reserves as reasonably necessary in the efficient conduct of the Company business) deemed available for distribution by the Managers, in accordance with Article 7 of this Operating Agreement. (d) In determining the amount of Net Cash from Operations, any negative balance in any category described in Sections 6.2(a), (b), and (c) shall be netted against the 7 positive balances in the other such categories. Cumulative negative or positive balances shall be carried forward. 6.3 Disposition Distributions. In addition to the distributions pursuant to Section 6.1 of this Operating Agreement, upon any sale, transfer, or other disposition of any capital asset of the Company (hereinafter referred to as a "Disposition"), the proceeds of such Disposition shall first be applied to the payment or repayment of any selling or other expenses incurred in connection with the Disposition and to the payment of any indebtedness secured by the asset subject to the Disposition immediately prior thereto; all proceeds remaining thereafter (the "Net Proceeds") shall be retained by the Company or be distributed, at such time or times as shall be determined by the Managers in accordance with Article 7 of this Operating Agreement, to the Members in accordance with Section 6.1 (subject to Section 4.2(b) relating to liquidating distributions); provided, however, that for purposes of Sections 702 and 704 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding provisions of any future federal internal revenue law or any similar tax law of any state or jurisdiction, each Member's distributive share of all items of income, gain, loss, deduction, credit, or allowance in respect of any such Disposition shall be made and based upon such Member's basis in such capital asset. 6.4 Distributions Upon Resignation. Upon resignation of a Member, a resigning Member shall be entitled to receive only the distributions to which that Member is entitled under this Operating Agreement, as provided in Article 14. 6.5 Distributions in Kind. A Member, regardless of the nature of that Member's contribution, has no right to demand and receive any distribution from the Company in any form other than cash. However, a Member shall not be required to accept the distribution of any asset in kind from the Company to the extent that the percentage of the asset distributed to that Member exceeds the percentage that is equal to that Members' Membership Percentage. In the event of an in-kind distribution, the assets distributed shall be treated as having been sold by the Company at the time of such distribution for an amount equal to their then fair market value; and any gain or loss that would have been recognized on such sale shall be allocated to the Members in accordance with Article 5. ARTICLE 7 — MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY 7.1 Managers. The business and affairs of the Company shall be managed by its Managers. The Managers shall direct, manage, and control the business of the Company to the best of their ability and shall have full and complete authority, power, and discretion to make any and all decisions and to do any and all things that the Managers deem necessary or desirable for that purpose. Each of the Managers may be compensated by the Company as determined by the Members. 7.2 Duties of Managers. (a) A Manager of the Company shall perform his duties as a Manager, including his duties as a member of any committee upon which he may serve, in good faith, in a manner he reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the Company, and with such care as an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. In performing his duties, a Manager shall be entitled to rely on information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, in each case prepared or presented by persons and groups listed in subsection (b) below; but he shall not be considered to be acting on good faith if he has knowledge concerning the matter in question that would cause such reliance to be unwarranted. A person who so performs his duties shall not have any liability by reason of being or having been a Manager of the Company. (b) Those persons and groups on whose information, opinions, reports, and statements a Manager is entitled to rely are: (1) One or more employees or other agents of the Company whom the Manager reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented. (2) Legal counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to matters that the Manager reasonably believes to be within such persons' professional or expert competence. (3) A committee, appointed by the Manager, upon which he does not serve, duly designated in accordance with the provisions of this Operating Agreement, as to matters within its designated authority, which committee the Manager reasonably believes to merit confidence. (c) A Manager shall spend such time on Company affairs as is necessary to fulfill his duties to the Company; there will be no presumption that a Manager must spend all or a substantial portion of his time on Company Affairs. Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to relieve a Manager from any of his duties to the Company. 7.3 Certain Powers of Managers. Without limiting the generality of Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of this Operating Agreement, the Managers shall have the following authority when acting on behalf of the Company: (a) To purchase and develop all or a portion of the real property located 15200 W 32nd Ave Golden, CO 80401 (the "Property"). (b) Upon the affirmative vote of the Members, to acquire and develop real property. (c) Upon the affirmative vote of the Members, to borrow money for the Company from banks, other lending institutions, the Members, or Affiliates of the Members on such terms as they deem appropriate and, in connection therewith, to hypothecate, encumber, and grant security interests in the assets of the Company to secure repayment of the borrowed sums. Except as otherwise provided in the Act, no debt shall be contracted or liability incurred by or on behalf of the Company except by the Company's Managers. (d) Upon the affirmative vote of the Members, to lend money to such parties on such reasonable terms and conditions as the Managers may determine; provided, however, that the written approval of a majority of the Members shall be required for any loan by the Company to any Member or Manager. �67 (e) To purchase liability and other insurance to protect the Company's property and business. (f) To hold and own any Company real and personal properties in the name of the Company. (g) To invest any Company funds temporarily (by way of example but not limitation) in time deposits, short-term governmental obligations, commercial paper, or other investments having a prudently obtainable yield. (h) Upon the affirmative vote of the Members, to sell or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company as part of a single transaction or plan, so long as such disposition is not in violation of or causes a default under any other agreement to which the Company may be bound. (i) Subject to the provisions of this Section, execute on behalf of the Company all instruments and documents that do not exceed a liability of $1,500,000 to the Company, including, without limitation, checks; drafts; notes and other negotiable instruments; deeds of trust; draw requests; security agreements; financing statements; documents providing for the acquisition, mortgage, or disposition of the Company's personal property; assignments; bills of sale; leases; partnership agreements; and any other instruments or documents necessary or useful, in the opinion of the Managers, to the business of the Company. In the case of instruments and documents that exceed $1,500,000 in liability to the Company, an affirmative vote of the Members shall be required. 0) To maintain reserves for the purpose of paying property taxes, mortgage installments, and any and all other types of costs or expenses as required or desired by the Managers. (k) To employ accountants, legal counsel, managing agents, or other experts to perform services for the Company and to compensate them from Company funds. (1) To contract with themselves or other persons or entities, whether or not affiliated with any Manager, for management, consulting, or other services. (m) To pay all fees and expenses reasonably necessary for the organization of the Company and to reimburse those persons who have advanced said fees and expenses on behalf of the Company. (n) Subject to the provisions of this Section, to enter into any and all other agreements on behalf of the Company, with any other person or entity for any purpose, in such forms as the Managers may approve. (o) To do and perform all other acts as may be necessary or appropriate to the conduct of the Company's business, including paying the fees and expenses described in this Operating Agreement and delegating duties and authority to others when deemed necessary or appropriate. its] Without limiting the rights of each Manager, construction, design and bid tracking items for the Company will generally be handled by Thomas Dadourian and accounting activities for the Company will generally be handled by Jesse Walden. Any action by the Managers that is conditioned by this Operating Agreement "upon the affirmative vote of the Members" may be taken by the Managers even though such action has not been addressed in a meeting of the Members or a unanimous written consent of Members (pursuant to Section 8.13 below), so long as Members owning a majority of the Membership Percentages have approved such action in writing. 7.4 Number of Managers. The number of Managers of the Company shall be determined by the Members from time to time and initially shall be two. The initial Managers shall be as set forth in Section 1.6 above. The number of Managers may be increased or decreased from time to time by a unanimous resolution of the Members, but no decrease shall have the effect of shortening the term of any incumbent Manager. Each Manager shall hold office until the next annual meeting of Members or until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. Managers need not be residents of the State of Colorado or Members of the Company. 7.5 Regular Meetings. A regular meeting of the Managers shall be held without the requirement of any other notice immediately after, and at the same place as, the annual meeting of Members. The Managers may provide, by resolution, the time and place, either within or without the State of Colorado, for the holding of additional regular meetings without other notice than such resolution. 7.6 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Managers may be called by or at the request of any Manager. The person calling the special meetings of the Managers may fix any place, either within or, without the State of Colorado, as the place for holding any special meeting of the Managers called by him. 7.7 Notice. Written notice of any special meeting of Managers shall be given (a) by mail to each Manager at his business address at least three days prior to the meeting; or (b) by personal delivery or telecopy at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to the business address of each Manager or, in the event such notice is given on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, to the residence address of each Manager; or (c) by e-mail to the e-mail address of each Manager. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail, so addressed, with postage thereon prepaid. If notice is delivered by telecopy, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when a confirmation of receipt of facsimile is printed by the sending facsimile. If notice is delivered by e-mail, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when a "delivery receipt" is received. Any Manager may waive notice of any meeting. The attendance of a Manager at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a Manager attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular or special meeting of the Managers need be specified in the notice or waiver of notice of such meeting. 11 When any notice is required to be given to a Manager, a waiver thereof in writing signed by such Manager, whether before, at, or after the time stated therein, shall constitute the giving of such notice. 7.8 Quorum. A majority of the number of Managers fixed by or pursuant to Section 7.4 of this Operating Agreement shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Managers, but if less than such majority is present at a meeting, a majority of the Managers present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice. 7.9 Manner of Actin. The act of the majority of the Managers present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Managers. Any voting deadlock on the part of the Managers shall be resolved by majority vote of the Membership Percentages entitled to vote. 7.10 Informal Action by Managers. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Managers or of any committee designated by said Managers may be taken without a meeting if the action is evidenced by one or more written consents describing the action taken, signed by each Manager or committee member, and delivered to the person having custody of the Company records for inclusion in the minutes or for filing with the records. Action taken under this Section is effective when all Managers or committee members have signed the consent, unless the consent specified a different effective date. Such consent has the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the Managers or committee members and may be stated as such in any document. 7.11 Participation by Electronic Means. Any Manager or any committee designated by the Managers may participate in a meeting of the Managers or committee by means of telephone conference or similar communications equipment by which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time. Such participation shall constitute presence in person at the meeting. 7.12 Vacancies. Any managerial vacancy may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Managers even if the number of remaining Managers comprises less than a quorum of the Managers. A Manager elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. Any Manager position to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Managers may be filled by election by the Managers for a term of office continuing only until the next election of Managers by the Members. 7.13 Resignation. Any Manager of the Company may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Company. The resignation of any Manager shall take effect upon receipt of notice thereof or at such later time as shall be specified in such notice; and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. When one or more Managers shall resign, effective at a future date, a majority of the Managers then in office, including those who have so resigned, shall have power to fill such vacancy or vacancies, the vote thereon to take effect when such resignation or resignations shall become effective. 12 7.14 Removal. Any Manager or Managers of the Company may be removed at any time, with or without cause, by a vote of the majority of the Membership Percentages then entitled to vote at an election of Managers. 7.15 Committees. The Managers may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the Managers, designate two or more Managers to constitute a committee, any of which shall have such authority in the management of the Company as the Managers shall designate. 7.16 Compensation. By resolution of the Members and irrespective of any personal interest of any of the Members, each Manager may be paid his expenses, if any, for attendance at each meeting of the Managers, and may be paid a stated salary as Manager or a fixed sum for attendance at each meeting of the Managers or both. No such payment shall preclude any Manager from serving the Company in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefor. 7.17 Presumption of Assent. A Manager of the Company who is present at a meeting of the Managers or committee thereof at which action on any matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless such Manager objects at the beginning of such meeting to the holding of the meeting or to the transacting of business at the meeting, unless his dissent is entered in the minutes of the meeting, or unless he shall file his written dissent to such action with the presiding officer of the meeting before the adjournment thereof or shall forward such dissent by registered mail to the Company immediately after the adjournment of the meeting. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a Manager who voted in favor of such action. 7.18 Transactions with Company and Otherwise. Any of the Managers, or any agent, servant, or employee of any of the Managers, may engage in and possess any interest in other businesses or ventures of every nature and description, independently or with other persons, whether or not directly or indirectly in competition with the business or purpose of the Company, and neither the Company nor any of the Members shall have any rights, by virtue of this Operating Agreement or otherwise, in and to such independent ventures or the income or profits derived therefrom, or any rights, duties, or obligations in respect thereof. A Manager and any business controlled by a Manager may lend money to, act as surety for, and transact other business with the Company and shall have the same rights and obligations with respect thereto as a person who is not a Manager of the Company, except that nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to relieve a Manager from any of his duties to the Company. ARTICLE 8 — MEMBERS 8.1 Original Members. The original Members of the Company shall be those persons or entities who have signed this Operating Agreement. 8.2 Admission of New Members. After the filing of the Company's original Articles of Organization, a person or entity may be admitted as an additional Member pursuant to Article 20 below. 8.3 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Members shall be held at such time on such day as shall be fixed by the Managers, commencing with the year 2014, for the purpose of electing Managers and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the 13 meeting. If the day fixed for the annual meeting shall be a legal holiday in the State of Colorado, such meeting shall be held on the next succeeding business day. 8.4 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Members for any purpose or purposes, unless otherwise prescribed by statute, may be called by the Managers and by not less than one- tenth of all Membership Percentages entitled to vote at the meeting. 8.5 Place of Meetings. The Managers may designate any place, either within or outside of the State of Colorado, as the place of meeting for any annual meeting or for any special meeting called by the Managers. If no designation is made, or if a special meeting be otherwise called, the place of meeting shall be the principal office of the Company in the State of Colorado. 8.6 Notice of Meeting. Written notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting of the Members and, in case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than 10 nor more than 50 days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by mail, by or at the direction of the Managers or other persons calling the meeting, to each Member of record entitled to vote at such meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail, addressed to the Member at his address as it appears in the books of the Company, with postage thereon prepaid. If three successive letters mailed to the last -known address of any Member of record are returned as undeliverable, no further notices to such Member shall be necessary until another address for such Member is delivered in writing to the Company. 8.7 Meeting of All Members. If all of the Members shall meet at any time and place, either within or outside of the State of Colorado, and consent to the holding of a meeting at such time and place, such meeting shall be valid without call or notice, and at such meeting any action of the Members may be taken. 8.8 Quorum. A majority of the Membership Percentages entitled to vote, represented in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of Members. In the absence of a quorum at any such meeting, a majority of the Membership Percentages so represented may adjourn the meeting from time to time for a period not to exceed 30 days without further notice. However, if the adjournment is for more than 30 days, a notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given to each Member of record entitled to vote at the meeting. At such adjourned meeting at which a quorum shall be present or represented, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally noticed. The Members present at a duly organized meeting may continue to transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal during such meeting of that number of Membership Percentages whose absence would cause there to be less than a quorum. 8.9 Manner of Acting. If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of the majority of the Membership Percentages represented at the meeting and entitled to vote on the subject matter shall, unless otherwise provided herein, be the act of the Members. 8.10 Proxies. At all meetings of Members, a Member may vote in person or by proxy executed in writing by the Member or by a duly authorized attorney-in-fact. Such proxy shall be `C! 0 filed with the Company before or at the time of the meeting. No proxy shall be valid after 11 months from the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided in the proxy. 8.11 Voting of Members. Each Member entitled to vote shall be entitled to one vote upon each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of Members, and such vote shall be weighted according to such Member's Membership Percentage. 8.12 Voting by Certain Members. (a) Membership Interests owned in the name of a corporation may be voted by such Officer, agent, or proxy as the by-laws of such corporation may prescribe, or, in the absence of such provision, as the Board of Directors of such corporation may determine. (b) Membership Interests owned in the name of a limited liability company may be voted by such member or manager as the articles of organization of such corporation may prescribe, or, in the absence of such provision, as the members of such limited liability company may determine. (c) Membership Interests owned in the name of a deceased person, a minor ward, or an incompetent person may be voted by an administrator, executor, or a court-appointed guardian or conservator, either in person or by proxy, without a transfer of such Membership Interests into the name of such administrator, executor, or court-appointed guardian or conservator. Membership Interests owned in the name of a trustee may be voted by him, either in person or by proxy, but no trustee shall be entitled to vote Membership Interests held by him without a transfer of such Membership Interests into his name. (d) Membership Interests owned in the name of a receiver may be voted by such receiver and Membership Interests held by or under the control of a receiver may be voted by such receiver either in person or by proxy, but no receiver shall be entitled to vote Membership Interests without a transfer thereof into the receiver's name. (e) A Member whose Membership Interests are pledged shall be entitled to vote such Membership Interests until the Membership Interests have been transferred into the name of the pledgee. (f) If a Membership Interest is owned in the names of two or more persons, whether fiduciaries, members of a partnership, joint tenants, tenants in common, tenants by the entirety, or otherwise, or if two or more persons have the same fiduciary relationship respecting the same Membership Interest, the owners of such Membership Interest shall designate one individual to have voting power for the entire Membership Interest, and shall give written notice of such designation to the Company. Until that notice is revoked, the designated individual will have sole authority to vote on behalf of such Membership Interest. 8.13 Action by Members Without a Meeting. Action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of Members may be taken without a meeting if the action is evidenced by one or more written consents describing the action taken, signed by each holder of Membership Percentages entitled to vote and delivered to the Managers for filing with the Company records. Action taken under this Section is effective when all Members representing the Membership 15 Percentages entitled to vote have signed the consent, unless the consent specifies a different effective date. 8.14 Voting by Ballot. Voting on any question or in any election may be by voice vote unless the Managers or any Member shall demand that voting be by ballot. 8.15 Waiver of Notice. When any notice is required to be given to any Member, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the person entitled to such notice, whether before, at, or after the time stated therein, shall be equivalent to the giving of such notice. The attendance of a Member at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice, waiver of objection to defective notice of such meeting, and a waiver of objection to the consideration of a particular matter at the meeting unless the Member, at the beginning of the meeting, objects to the holding of the meeting, the transaction of business at the meeting, or the consideration of a particular matter at the time it is presented at the meeting. 8.16 Members Entitled to Vote. Any reference in this Operating Agreement to "majority of the Members" or "affirmative vote of the Members" or "unanimous consent of the Members," or the like, is intended to refer only to those Members holding Membership Percentages that are entitled to vote with respect to the matter in question. Any Member that is in default under its obligations under this Operating Agreement at the time any Notice of Meeting or other consent or approval is sought, or that has caused a Triggering Event, or that has caused an event of withdrawal in accordance with Section 14. 1, shall not be entitled to vote with respect to the matter in question. 8.17 Participation by Electronic Means. Any Member may participate in an annual or special meeting of the Members by means of telephone conference or similar communications equipment by which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time. Such participation shall constitute presence in person at the meeting. ARTICLE 9 — BANKING All revenues of the Company shall be deposited regularly in the Company savings and checking accounts at such bank or banks as shall be selected by the Managers in accordance with Article 7 of this Operating Agreement, and the signatures of such Managers as shall be determined in accordance with Article 7 of this Operating Agreement shall be honored for banking purposes, including the extension of credit to, or the borrowing of money by or on behalf of, the Company. ARTICLE 10 — BOOKS; FISCAL YEAR; AUDITS Accurate and complete books of account shall be kept by the Managers. Entries shall be made promptly therein of all of the transactions of the Company. Such books of account shall be open at all times to the inspection and examination of the Managers and Members. The books shall be kept on the basis of accounting selected by the accountant regularly servicing the Company. The fiscal year of the Company shall be the calendar year. A compilation, review, or audit of the Company, as shall be determined by the Managers in accordance with Article 7 of 16 this Operating Agreement, shall be made as of the closing of each fiscal year of the Company by the accountants who shall then be engaged by the Company. ARTICLE 11 — MEMBERSHIP INTEREST AND MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS OF A DECEASED, INCOMPETENT, OR DISSOLVED MEMBER If a Member who is an individual dies or if a court of competent jurisdiction adjudges him to be incompetent to manage his person or his property, the Member's executor, administrator, guardian, conservator, or other legal representative may, subject to Article 13 below, exercise all of the Member's rights and receive the benefits of the Member's Membership Interest for the purpose of settling the Member's estate or administering the Member's property. If a Member is a corporation, trust, partnership, limited liability company, or other entity and is dissolved or terminated, the powers of that Member may be exercised by its legal representative or successor. ARTICLE 12 — TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP INTEREST AND MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS Except as otherwise provided in Articles 4.5, 13 and 14, no Member (the "Offering Member") shall sell, hypothecate, pledge, assign, or otherwise transfer, with or without consideration ("Transfer"), any part or all of his Membership Interest in the Company to any other person (a "Transferee"), without first offering (the "Offer") that portion of his Membership Interest in the Company subject to the contemplated transfer (the "Offered Interest") first, to the Company, and second, to the other Members, at the Option Purchase Price (as defined in Article 16 below) and in a manner as follows: 12.1 Offer. (a) The Offer shall be made by the Offering Member first to the Company by written notice (hereinafter referred to as the "Offering Notice"). Within 20 days (the "Company Offer Period") after receipt by the Company of the Offering Notice, the Company shall notify the Offering Member in writing (the "Company Notice") whether or not the Company shall accept the Offer and shall purchase all but not less than all of the Offered Interest. (b) If the Company decides not to accept the Offer, the Offering Member shall, by written notice (the "Remaining Member Notice") given within that period (the "Member Offer Period") terminating 10 days after the expiration of the Company Offer Period, make the Offer of the Offered Interest to the other Members, each of whom shall then have a period of 25 days (the "Member Acceptance Period") after the expiration of the Member Offer Period within which to notify the Offering Member in writing whether or not that Member intends to purchase all but not less than all of the Offered Interest. If two or more Members of the Company desire to accept the Offer to purchase the Offered Interest, then, in the absence of an agreement between them, each such Member shall have the right to purchase the Offered Interest in the proportion which that Member's Membership Percentage bears to the combined Membership Percentages of all of the Members who desire to accept the Offer. 17 12.2 Payment. The Option Purchase Price shall be payable in cash, unless the Company or the purchasing Members shall elect prior to such date to purchase such Offered Interest in installments pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 below. The closing of such purchase shall take place within 10 days after the Option Purchase Price has been established pursuant to Article 16 below. 12.3 Free Transfer Period. If the Company or the other Members fail to accept the Offer or, if the Offer is accepted by the Company or the other Members and the Company or the other Members fail to purchase all of the Offered Interest at the Option Purchase Price within the time and in the manner specified in this Article, then the Offering Member shall be free, for a period (hereinafter referred to as the "Free Transfer Period") of 60 days from the occurrence of such failure, to transfer the Offered Interest to a Transferee; provided, however, that if all of the other Members other than the Offering Member do not approve of the proposed transfer by unanimous written consent, the Transferee of the Offered Interest shall have no right to participate in the management of the business and affairs of the Company or to become a Member. The Transferee shall only be entitled to receive the share of profits or other compensation by way of income and the return of contributions to which the Offering Member would otherwise have been entitled. In the event that the other Members approve the Transfer by unanimous written consent, any such Transferee, upon acquiring the Offered Interest, shall automatically be bound by the terms of this Operating Agreement and shall be required to join in, execute, acknowledge, seal, and deliver a copy of this Operating Agreement as a result of which that Transferee shall become a substituted Member. If the Offering Member shall not transfer the Offered Interest within the Free Transfer Period, the Offering Member's right to transfer the Offered Interest free of the foregoing restrictions shall thereupon cease and terminate. 12.4 No Dissolution. No transfer made pursuant to this Article 12 shall dissolve or terminate the Company or cause the Company to be dissolved, but, instead, the business of the Company shall be continued as if such transfer had not occurred. 12.5 Transfers During Calendar Year. If a Membership Interest is transferred during a calendar year, that part of the Company's profits and losses (including, for income tax purposes, all items of income, gain, loss, deduction and credit) allocated pursuant to Article 5 with respect to the transferred interest shall be allocated between the transferor and the person who acquired such interest in proportion to the number of days in such year during which each owned the interest, as disclosed by the Company's records. The allocation required by this Section shall be made without regard to the results of Company operations during particular periods of such year or to the Company distributions made to the transferor or the person who acquired such interest. Items of Company gain or loss earned or incurred on the sale, exchange or other disposition of any Company asset shall be allocated to the Member owning the Membership Interest at the time of the closing of said sale, exchange or other disposition of such Company asset. ARTICLE 13 — DEATH, INCOMPETENCY, DISSOLUTION, OR TERMINATION OF A MEMBER 13.1 Purchase of Membership Interest. Upon the death or the adjudication by a court of competent jurisdiction of the incompetency of any individual Member, or the dissolution ip (except with respect to a partnership or limited liability company dissolution that is immediately followed by a reconstitution of such entity) or termination of a Member that is not an individual (collectively, a "Triggering Event"; the Member whose Membership Interest is the subject of the Triggering Event is referred to herein as the "Departing Member"), the heirs, personal representative, guardian, or administrator, as the case may be, of the Departing Member must offer to sell to the Company and to the remaining Members, at the Option Purchase Price and in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 12.1 of this Operating Agreement, all of the Departing Member's Membership Interest (the "Departing Member's Interest") as of the date of the Triggering Event. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, each Member shall have the right by a lifetime transfer or testamentary disposition to bequeath all or any portion of that Member's Membership Interest in the Company to an Immediate Family Member or to any trust in which any one or more Immediate Family Members retains the full beneficial interest; provided, however, that in the case of any such bequest, the legatee or legatees shall hold the Membership Interest received as a result of such bequest subject to the terms of this Operating Agreement (including the above purchase options) and, if the other Members unanimously consent in writing, shall be required to join in and execute, acknowledge, seal, and deliver a copy of this Operating Agreement as a substituted Member. If the other Members do not so unanimously consent in writing, then the legatee or legatees shall have no right to participate in the management of the business and affairs of the Company or to become a Member, and shall only be entitled to receive the allocations and distributions to which the Departing Member would otherwise have been entitled. 13.2 Payment. Payment for the Departing Member's Interest shall be made in cash, unless the purchasers shall elect prior to or on the closing date to purchase the Departing Member's Interest in installments as provided in Article 17 below. The closing of such purchase shall take place within 10 days after the Option Purchase Price has been established pursuant to Article 16 below. 13.3 Failure to Exercise Purchase Option. Should the Company and the other Members decline to exercise their options to purchase the Departing Member's Interest, unless the other Members unanimously consent, the holder or holders of that interest shall have no right to participate in the management of the business and affairs of the Company or to become a Member and shall only be entitled to receive the allocations and distributions to which the Departing Member would otherwise have been entitled. In the case of a Triggering Event that is a dissolution or termination of the Departing Member, upon such failure to exercise the purchase options, the Departing Member's Interest shall be liquidated in accordance with Section 4.2(b) above. ARTICLE 14 — BANKRUPTCY, RETIREMENT, OR RESIGNATION OF A MEMBER 14.1 Purchase of Membership Interest. Upon the Bankruptcy or Resignation of any Member (the "Withdrawing Member"), the Withdrawing Member must offer to sell to the Company and to the remaining Members, at the Option Purchase Price and in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 12.1 of this Operating Agreement, all of the Membership Interest (the "Withdrawing Member's Interest") owned by the Withdrawing Member on the date of such Bankruptcy or Resignation. Should the Company and the other Members decline to `K purchase the Withdrawing Member's Interest, that interest shall be liquidated in accordance with Section 4.2(b) above. 14.2 Payment for the Withdrawing Member's Interest shall be made in cash, unless the purchaser shall elect prior to or on the closing date to purchase the Withdrawing Member's Interest in installments as provided in Article 17 below. The closing of such purchase shall take place within 10 days after the Option Purchase Price has been established pursuant to Article 16 below. 14.3 Consequences of Bankruptcy or Resi ation. Resignation of a Member shall not be considered to be a breach or default of this Operating Agreement so long as that Member resigns with the written consent of a majority of the Membership Percentages (a "Permitted Resignation"). Bankruptcy and Resignation, other than a Permitted Resignation, of a Member shall be regarded as a breach and default of this Operating Agreement, and the Company may withhold and set-off from any amount payable or distributable to the Withdrawing Member any damages incurred by the Company including, but not limited to, the costs of complying with the provisions of this Operating Agreement to determine and fix the Appraised Value. ARTICLE 15 — CERTAIN TAX ASPECTS INCIDENT TO TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED BY THIS AGREEMENT It is the intention of the parties that the Option Purchase Price shall for income tax purposes constitute and be considered as made in exchange for the interest of a partner in partnership property, including goodwill, within the meaning of Section 736(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. ARTICLE 16 — OPTION PURCHASE PRICE 16.1 Calculation of Option Purchase Price. With respect to any Membership Interest, the Option Purchase Price shall be (a) the Appraised Value (as defined below), minus (b) the amount of any deficit balance of the Capital Account for that Membership Interest, as determined after taking into account all Capital Account adjustments for the Company's taxable year during which occurs the Offering Notice, the Triggering Event, the Bankruptcy, or the Resignation. 16.2 Appraised Value. The term "Appraised Value," as used in this Operating Agreement, shall be the dollar amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying (a) the Member's Membership Percentage by (b) the Fair Market Value of the Company's assets, as determined in accordance with Section 16.3, minus the liabilities of the Company. 16.3 Fair Market Value. The Fair Market Value of the Company's assets shall be determined in the following manner: (a) Within 20 days after the date of the Offering Notice, the Triggering Event, the Bankruptcy, or the Resignation, as the case may be, the Managers shall select an accountant or appraiser (the "Company Appraiser") to determine the Fair Market Value of the Company's 20 assets, and the Company Appraiser shall submit a determination thereof within 21 days after the date that appraiser was selected (the "Appraisal Due Date"). (b) If the appraisal made by the Company Appraiser is unsatisfactory to the Offering Member, the personal representative or administrator (as the case may be) of the Departing Member, the Departing Member's heir, or the Withdrawing Member, as the case may be, then within 10 days after the date of the Appraisal Due Date, that unsatisfied parry shall select an accountant or appraiser (the "Member's Appraiser") to determine the Fair Market Value of the Company's assets, and such appraiser shall submit a determination thereof within 21 days after the date that appraiser was selected. (c) If the appraisal made by the Member's Appraiser is unsatisfactory to the Managers, then, within 10 days after issuance of the second appraisal, the Company Appraiser and the Member's Appraiser shall select a third accountant or appraiser (the "Third Appraiser") to determine the Fair Market Value of the Company's assets, and the Third Appraiser shall submit a determination thereof within 21 days after the date that appraiser was selected. The average of the respective determinations by the Company Appraiser, the Member's Appraiser, and the Third Appraiser shall constitute the "Final Determination," which shall be binding upon the Company, the remaining Members, and the Offering Member, the personal representatives or heirs of the Departing Member, or the Withdrawing Member, as the case may be. 16.4 Qualifications of Appraiser. Any and all accountants or appraisers selected in accordance with the provisions of this Article 16 shall be accountants or appraisers who conduct their business in the same location as the Company property is located. Any and all costs incurred in connection with any of the appraisals provided for in this Article 16 shall be borne equally by the seller and the purchaser of the Membership Interest. ARTICLE 17 — INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS 17.1 Election to Pay by Installment. In the event that there shall be an election pursuant to the provisions hereof to purchase (the Member or the Company so purchasing shall be hereinafter, where appropriate, referred to as the "PurchasingPerson") the Offering Member's Interest, the Departing Member's Interest, or the Withdrawing Member's Interest, as the case may be (hereinafter, where appropriate, referred to as the "Interest"), on an installment basis, then the terms and conditions of such installment purchase shall be as set forth below: (a) 30% of the Option Purchase Price shall be paid on the closing date; and (b) The remainder of the Option Purchase Price shall be paid in three equal consecutive annual installments on each anniversary of the closing date, beginning with the year following the calendar year in which the sale occurred (hereinafter referred to as the "Installment Payment Period"). (c) Anything contained in this Article to the contrary notwithstanding, the entire unpaid balance of the Option Purchase Price shall become immediately due and payable upon the sale, exchange, transfer, or other disposition of all or substantially all of the property or assets of the Company. 21 (d) The Purchasing Person shall pay simple interest at a rate that shall be equal to the prime rate of interest then being charged by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., or its successors to its highest credit -rated corporate borrowers on short-term unsecured commercial borrowings on the unpaid balance of the Option Purchase Price on each anniversary of the closing date during the Installment Period. 17.2 Rights of Members Under Installment Payments. So long as any part of the Option Purchase Price remains unpaid, the Company shall permit the Offering Member, the personal representative, heir, or administrator of the Departing Member or the Withdrawing Member (or the legal representative of the Withdrawing Member in the event of the bankruptcy of the Withdrawing Member), as the case may be, and the attorneys and the accountants of each of the foregoing persons, to examine the books and records of the Company and its business following the event that shall have given rise to the election to purchase, during regular business hours from time to time upon reasonable prior notice, and to receive copies of the annual accounting reports of the Company. ARTICLE 18 — DELIVERY OF EVIDENCE OF INTEREST On the closing date, upon payment of the Option Purchase Price for the purchase of the Interest hereunder or, if payment is to be made in installments pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 hereof, upon the first payment, the Offering Member, the personal representative, heir, or administrator of the Departing Member or the Withdrawing Member, or the legal representative of the Withdrawing Member (in the event of the bankruptcy of the Withdrawing Member), as the case may be, shall execute, acknowledge, seal, and deliver to the Purchasing Person such instrument or instruments of transfer to evidence the purchase of the Interest (the "Instruments of Transfer") that shall be reasonably requested by counsel to the Purchasing Person in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to such counsel. If a tender of the Option Purchase Price, or if payment is to be made in installments pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.1 hereof, the tender of the first payment thereof, shall be refused, or if the Instruments of Transfer shall not be delivered contemporaneously with the tender of the Option Purchase Price or of the first payment thereof, as aforesaid, then the Purchasing Person shall be appointed, and the same is hereby irrevocably constituted and appointed, the attorney-in-fact with full power and authority to execute, acknowledge, seal, and deliver the Instruments of Transfer. ARTICLE 19 — NOTICES Any and all notices, offers, acceptances, requests, certifications, and consents provided for in this Operating Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given and be deemed to have been given when personally delivered against a signed receipt or mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last address of the addressee known by the Company. The address of the Company shall be its principal office. If a Membership Interest is owned in the names of two or more persons, whether fiduciaries, members of a partnership, joint tenants, tenants in common, tenants by the entirety, or otherwise, or if two or more persons have the same fiduciary relationship respecting the same Membership Interest, the address for such Membership Interest shall be that of the individual designated, pursuant to Section 8.12(e) above, as having the voting power for the entire Membership Interest. 22 0 ARTICLE 20 — ADDITIONAL MEMBERS From the date of the formation of the Company, any individual or entity acceptable to the Members by their unanimous vote may become a Member in this Company by the sale of new Company Membership Interests for such consideration as the Members by their unanimous vote shall determine, or as a transferee of a Member's Membership Interest or any portion thereof, subject to the terms and conditions of this Operating Agreement. All new Members shall agree to the terms and conditions of this Operating Agreement and assume all obligations and responsibilities hereunder. Each new Member will execute and deliver to the Company concurrent with its admission as a Member in the Company an assumption agreement in form and content acceptable to the Company. No new Members shall be entitled to any retroactive allocation of profits or losses incurred by the Company. The Managers may, at their option, at the time a new Member is admitted, close the Company books (as though the Company's tax year had ended) or make pro rata allocations of profits or losses to the new Member for that portion of the Company's tax year in which a new Member was admitted. ARTICLE 21 — DISSOLUTION AND TERMINATION 21.1 Dissolution. (a) The Company shall be dissolved upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) By the unanimous written agreement of all Members; or (2) Upon the Resignation of a sole Member, or the occurrence of any other event which leaves no remaining members of the Company. (b) As soon as possible following the occurrence of any of the events specified in this Section effecting the dissolution of the Company, the Company shall execute a statement of intent to dissolve in such form as shall be prescribed by the Colorado Secretary of State. 21.2 Filing of Statement of Intent to Dissolve. Duplicate originals of the statement of intent to dissolve shall be delivered to the Colorado Secretary of State. 21.3 Effect of Filing of Dissolving Statement. Upon the filing with the Colorado Secretary of State of a statement of intent to dissolve, the Company shall cease to carry on its business, except insofar as may be necessary for the winding up of its business, but its separate existence shall continue until articles of dissolution have been filed with the Secretary of State or until a decree dissolving the Company has been entered by a court of competent jurisdiction. 21.4 Distribution of Assets upon Dissolution. (a) In settling accounts after dissolution, the liabilities of the Company shall be entitled to payment in the following order: 23 (1) To creditors including Members who are creditors, to the extent otherwise permitted by law, in satisfaction of liabilities of the Company other than liabilities for distributions to Members under the Act. (2) To Members and former Members of the Company in satisfaction of liabilities for distributions under the Act. (3) To Members of the Company for the return of their contributions and as distributions in the proportions in which the Members share in distributions. (b) Members will share in Company assets for their claims for return of their capital contribution, and in respect to any claims they may have for compensation or for income on their capital contributions, if any, but only as may be specifically provided for in this Operating Agreement. Any such distribution will be made in proportion to the respective amounts of the claims. 21.5 Articles of Dissolution. When all debts, liabilities, and obligations have been paid and discharged or adequate provision has been made therefor and all of the remaining property and assets have been distributed to the Members, articles of dissolution shall be executed in duplicate and verified by the person signing the articles, which articles shall set forth the information required by the Act. 21.6 Filing of Articles of Dissolution. (a) Duplicate originals of such articles of dissolution shall be delivered to the Colorado Secretary of State. (b) Upon the filing of the articles of dissolution, the existence of the Company shall cease, except for the purpose of suits, other proceedings, and appropriate action as provided in the Act. The Managers shall thereafter be trustees for the Members and creditors of the Company and as such shall have authority to distribute any Company property discovered after dissolution, convey real estate, and take such other action as may be necessary on behalf of and in the name of the Company. 21.7 Managers' Responsibility. Upon dissolution, each Member shall look solely to the assets of the Company for the return of his Capital Contribution. If the Company property remaining after the payment or discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Company is insufficient to return the cash contribution of each Member, such Member shall have no recourse against a Manager or any other Member. The winding up of the affairs of the Company and the distribution of its assets shall be conducted exclusively by the Managers, who are hereby authorized to take all actions necessary to accomplish such distribution, including, without limitation, selling any Company assets the Managers deem necessary or appropriate to sell. In the event of removal or resignation of all Managers and the failure to appoint a new Manager, the winding up of the affairs of the Company and the distribution of its assets shall be conducted by such persons or entities as may be selected by a vote of Members holding a majority of the Membership Percentages, which persons are authorized to do any and all acts and things authorized by law for these purposes. 24 21.8 Power of Attorney. Unless otherwise prohibited by the Act, each Member hereby irrevocably designates and appoints each Manager of the Company, or any successor Manager with full power of substitution, to be his agent and true and lawful attorney-in-fact, for him and in his name, place, and stead, to implement, execute, acknowledge, file, and record: (a) This Operating Agreement and any separate certificates and agreements, as well as amendments thereto, which under the laws of the State of Colorado or the laws of any other state are required to be filed, or which a Manager deems it advisable to file. (b) Any other instrument or document which may be required to effect the qualification and continuation of the Company under the laws of any state or any governmental agency, or which a Manager deems it advisable to file. (c) Any instrument or document which may be required to effect the admission of an additional or substituted Member, or the dissolution and termination of the Company (provided such continuation, admission, or dissolution and termination are in accordance with the terms of this Operating Agreement), or to reflect any change in the amount of contributions of Members. (d) Any and all documents required to acquire, finance, refinance, convey, or sell the assets of the Company. (e) Any nonmaterial amendment to this Operating Agreement. (f) Any amendment to the Company's articles of organization when: (1) There is a change in the name of the Company or in the amount or the character of Capital Contributions; (2) There is a change in the character of the business of the Company; (3) There is a false or erroneous statement in the articles of organization; or (4) There is a change in the time as stated in the articles of organization for the dissolution of the Company. The foregoing power of attorney: (A) Is a special power of attorney coupled with an interest, is irrevocable, and shall survive the death or incapacity of a Member; (B) May be exercised by a Manager, acting alone, for each Member by listing all of the Members executing any instrument with a single signature of the Manager, acting as attorney-in-fact for all of them; 25 (C) Shall survive the assignment by a Member of all or any portion of his Membership Interest in the Company except that, where the assignee of such Membership Interest in the Company owned by such Member has been approved by the Members for admission to the Company as a substituted Member, the special power of attorney shall survive the assignment for the sole purpose of enabling the Manager to execute, acknowledge, and file any instrument or document necessary effect such substitution; and (D) Shall in no way cause a Member to be liable in any manner for the acts or omissions of a Manager. Each Member hereby agrees to be bound by any actions taken by a Manager acting in good faith pursuant to this power of attorney; and each Member hereby waives any and all defenses that may be available to contest, negate, or disaffirm the action of a Manager taken in good faith under such power of attorney. Any substituted or additional Member, upon admission to the Company, shall be deemed to ratify and reaffirm the appointment of a Manager as his true and lawful attorney for the purposes and on the same terms as set forth hereinabove. ARTICLE 22 — GOVERNING LAW It is the intent of the parties hereto that all questions with respect to the construction of this Operating Agreement and the rights, duties, obligations, and liabilities of the parties shall be determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the laws of the State of Colorado. ARTICLE 23 — MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 23.1 Successors and Assigns. This Operating Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, all parties hereto, their personal and legal representatives, guardians, successors, and assigns to the extent, but only to the extent, that succession or assignment is provided for in accordance with, and permitted by, the provisions of this Operating Agreement. 23.2 No Limit on Personal Activities. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to limit in any manner the Members, or their respective agents, servants, and employees, in carrying out their own respective businesses or activities. 23.3 Further Assurances. The Members and the Company agree that they and each of them will take whatever action or actions as are deemed by counsel to the Company to be reasonably necessary or desirable from time to time to effectuate the provisions or intent of this Operating Agreement, and to that end, the Members and the Company agree that they will execute, acknowledge, seal, and deliver any further instruments or documents which may be necessary to give force and effect to this Operating Agreement or any of the provisions hereof, or to carry out the intent of this Operating Agreement or any of the provisions hereof. 26 23.4 Gender and Headings. Throughout this Operating Agreement, where such meanings would be appropriate, (a) the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and the neuter and vice versa, and (b) the singular shall be deemed to include the plural, and vice versa. The headings herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and reference, and in no way define or describe the scope of this Operating Agreement, or the intent of any provisions thereof. 23.5 Entire Agreement. This Operating Agreement and the subscription agreements, if any, of each of the Members, including exhibits attached hereto and thereto, set forth all (and are intended by all parties hereto to be an integration of all) of the promises, agreements, conditions, understandings, warranties, and representations among the parties hereto with respect to the Company; and there are no other promises, agreements, conditions, understandings, warranties, or representations, oral or written, express or implied, among them. 23.6 Amendment. The terms of this Operating Agreement may be modified, amended, altered, or repealed from time to time by the affirmative vote of 80% of the Membership Percentages entitled to vote. 23.7 Severability. Nothing contained in this Operating Agreement shall be construed as requiring the commission of any act contrary to law. In the event there is any conflict between any provision of this Operating Agreement and any statute, law, ordinance, or regulation contrary to which the Members or the Company have no legal right to contract, the latter shall prevail, but in such event the provisions of this Operating Agreement thus affected shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent necessary to conform with said requirement of law. In the event that any part, article, section, paragraph, or clause of this Operating Agreement shall be held to be indefinite, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, this entire Operating Agreement shall not fail on account thereof, and the balance of this Operating Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 23.8 Life Insurance. The Company shall have the right to make application for, take out, and maintain in effect such policies of life insurance on the lives of any or all of the Members, whenever and in such amounts as the Members shall determine in accordance with Article 8 of this Operating Agreement. Each Member shall exert his best efforts and fully assist and cooperate with the Company in obtaining any such policies of life insurance. 23.9 Buy/Sell Provision. (a) Any Member ("Offeror Member") may at any time make to any other Member ("Offeree Member") an offer in writing (i) to sell all, but not less than all, of his or her Membership Interest in the Company, or (ii) to purchase all, but not less than all, of the Offeree Member's Membership Interest in the Company. All offers shall state all material terms, including, without limitation, the offered purchase price. The offer shall be irrevocable for a period of 10 days from the date of receipt of the offer by the Offeree Member. (b) In the event an offer has been made pursuant to subsection (a), the Offeree Member shall respond in writing within 10 days from the date of receiving the offer. In the event the Offeree Member fails to respond within the specified time period or provides written 27 notice of acceptance in a timely fashion, the Offeree Member shall be deemed to have accepted the offer to sell his or her Membership Interest on the terms and conditions stated in the offer. In such case, the closing shall occur no later than 10 days after the expiration of said 10 -day period. If the offer price for the Membership Interest is $100,000 or less, then at the closing the Offeror Member shall tender to the Offeree Member a certified check in the full amount of the offer. If the offer price for the Membership Interest is more than $100,000, then at such closing, the Offeror Member, at its option, shall tender to the Offeree Member either (i) a certified check in the full amount of the offer, or (ii) a certified check in the amount of 30% of the offer price, together with a full -recourse promissory note for the balance of the offer, payable in three equal consecutive annual installments on each anniversary of the closing date, beginning with the year following the calendar year in which the sale occurred, with interest at a rate of Prime +2% and secured by the interest being acquired; and in either case, the Offeree Member shall deliver to the Offeror Member all necessary instruments transferring the Offeree Member's Membership Interest to the Offeror Member. The Offeror Member shall purchase the Offeree Member's Membership Interest free and clear of any and all liens, claims, encumbrances or other rights of third parties. (c) In the event the Offeree Member accepts in writing the offer to buy the Offeror Member's Membership Interest, the Offeror Member shall sell its Membership Interest to the Offeree Member based on the price of the offer. Closing shall occur no later than 10 days after the Offeree Member's acceptance. If the offer price for the Membership Interest is $100,000 or less, then at the closing the Offeree Member shall tender to the Offeror Member a certified check in the full amount of the offer. If the offer price for the Membership Interest is more than $100,000, then at such closing, the Offeree Member, at its option, shall tender to the Offeror Member either (i) a certified check in the full amount of the offer, or (ii) a certified check in the amount of 30% of the offer price, together with a full -recourse promissory note for the balance of the offer, payable in three equal consecutive annual installments on each anniversary of the closing date, beginning with the year following the calendar year in which the sale occurred, with interest at a rate of Prime +2% and secured by the interest being acquired; and in either case, the Offeror Member shall deliver to the Offeree Member all necessary instruments transferring the Offeror Member's Membership Interest to the Offeree Member. The Offeree Member shall purchase the Offeror Member's Membership Interest free and clear of any and all liens, claims, encumbrances or other rights of third parties. (d) In the event that the Membership Interests of the Offeror Member and the Offeree Member are not equal, the purchase price of the offer shall be adjusted prorata to reflect their respective proportionate Membership Interests. (e) Because of the unique relationship of the Members in the Company and the unique value of their interest therein, in addition to any other remedies for breach hereof, the provisions of this Operating Agreement concerning purchase and sale of Membership Interests shall be specifically enforceable. 23.10 Assumption of Debt. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Operating Agreement, despite the fact that a loan may be in the amount of $3,850,000.00 or less (the "Loan") for the real property located at 15200 W 32nd Ave Golden, CO 80401 may be guaranteed by Thomas Dadourian and Jesse Walden, the Company hereby agrees that it shall be M solely responsible for the payment of any such debt and further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Thomas Dadourian and Jesse Walden harmless from any loss, cost, damage, expense or claims arising out of the Company's failure to pay the Loan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals and acknowledged this Operating Agreement as of the date first written above. MEMBERS: es Walden 4j-1 omas Dadourian 29 3.18.2019 DEVELOPMENT 29 LLC LAND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT At the Special Meeting of Members held on March 18th, 2019, the undersigned members of Development 29 LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Corporation (the "Corporation"), hereby approve an authorize the acquisition and development and subsequent construction financing of the property located at 2850 and 2880 Teller St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (the "Property"). By: Jesse Walden Title: Member By: Thomas Dadourian Title: Member 30 12/11/2019 10:16 AM Title Report No.: H0574561-025-TN-DMT co " Y• zozop Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company TITLE REPORT SCHEDULE A Z6ZhtV2C2 Title Report No: H0574561 -025 -TN -DMT 1. Effective Date: December 5, 2019 at 8:00 A.M. 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Title Report is: A Fee Simple 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the Effective Date vested in: Development 29 LLC, a Colorado limited liability company 4. The land referred to in this Title Report is described as follows: See Attached Legal Description (for informational purposes only) 2850 and 2880 Teller Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Title Report Page 1 RPT00001 (DSI Doc 03/03/17) 12/11/2019 10:16 AM T*e RrpDqO,%-`4i057456 25- MT 9 t i Attached Legal Description Lots tt ugb..6 inclusive, �,Se�t* *r,,dJkisjon Filing No. 1, a resubdivision of a part of Lot 1 Block 4, Barth's Cut d��or� Cse;� �ff��oi�� gado %:A �.. Title Report Page 2 RPT00001 (DSI Doc 03/03/17) 12/11/2019 10:16 AM Title Report No.: H0574561 -025 -TN -DMT SCHEDULE B Exceptions Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document In favor of: Public Service Company of Colorado Purpose: Utility Easement Recording Date: July 25, 1980 Recording No.: 80054154 2. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Boundary, Improvement and Topographic Survey as set forth below: Recording Date: December 21, 2016 Recording No: 2016135317 3. Terms, conditions, restrictions, provisions, notes and easements but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, source of income, gender, gender identity, gender expression, medical condition or genetic information, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on the Plat(s) of Barth's Subdivision set forth below: Recording Date: April 15, 1886 Recording No: Plat Book 1 at Page 26A 4. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Improvement Survey Plat with Topography as set forth below: Recording Date: January 8, 2018 Recording No: 2018002394 5. Terms, conditions, restrictions, provisions, notes and easements but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, source of income, gender, gender identity, gender expression, medical condition or genetic information, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on the Plat(s) of Teller Subdivision Filing No. 1, a resubdivision of a part of Lot 1, Block 4, Barth's Subdivision set forth below: Recording Date: September 28, 2018 Recording No: 2018089057 Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations contained in the Development Covenant Agreement as set forth below: Recording Date: September 28, 2018 Recording No.: Reception No. 2018089058 A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $965,000.00 Trustor/Grantor Development 29 LLC, a Colorado limited liability company Trustee: Public Trustee of Jefferson County Beneficiary: Commerce Bank Recording Date: April 15, 2019 Title Report Page 3 RPT00001 (DSI Doc 03/03/17) 12/11/2019 10:16 AM Title Report No.: H0574561 -025 -TN -DMT Recording No: Reception No. 2019028863 END OF EXCEPTIONS THIS IS A TITLE REPORT ONLY. This is not a commitment to insure. The information set forth herein is based on information supplied to Heritage Title Company, Inc. by sources believed to be reliable and is provided for accommodation purposes only. Heritage Title Company, Inc. assumes no liability hereunder unless a policy or policies of title insurance are issued by Heritage Title Company, Inc. and fully paid for and the insured under said policy or policies and party to whom this report was issued have no knowledge of any defect in title not disclosed. Reliance on the information set forth herein is subject to the issuance of a mortgage and/or owner's policy of title insurance by Heritage Title Company, Inc. within six (6) months from the effective date hereof. If a title insurance policy is not issued insuring the property within such time, this title report shall be null and void as of its effective date and shall be deemed to have been furnished for informational purposes only. NOTE: Below Exhibit B and/or Exhibit C Need to be able to pull in depending on which version is used. If this is a no cost form use Exhibit B (Below) If there is a fee to this form, use Exhibit C (Below) F11 to the one you do not want and press DEL Title Report Page 4 RPT00001 (DSI Doc 03/03/17) 12/11/2019 10:16 AM Title Report No.: H0574561 -025 -TN -DMT Exhibit B LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND EXCULPATORY CLAUSES FOR-- NO COST SEARCHES THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT HAS BEEN PROVIDED AT NO COST TO YOU. THIS REPORT IS LIMITED IN SCOPE. IT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, TITLE OPINION, CERTIFICATE OF TITLE OR PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT, NOR A REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE, AND ITS ACCURACY IS NOT INSURED. WHILE THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, THE COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS AS TO ITS ACCURACY, DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES AS TO THE REPORT, ASSUMES NO DUTIES TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY, DOES NOT INTEND FOR YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY TO RELY ON THE REPORT, AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE ON THIS REPORT OR OTHERWISE. IN PROVIDING THIS REPORT, THE COMPANY IS NOT ACTING AS AN ABSTRACTOR OF TITLE. IF IT IS DESIRED THAT LIABILITY BE ASSUMED BY THE COMPANY, YOU MAY REQUEST AND PURCHASE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER, OR A COMMITMENT TO ISSUE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. NO ASSURANCE IS GIVEN AS TO THE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE. IN NO EVENT WILL THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS, OR ANY OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, OR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, SAVINGS, DATA, BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITY, OR GOODWILL, NON -OPERATION OR INCREASED EXPENSE OF OPERATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR DELAY, COST OF CAPITAL, OR COST OF REPLACEMENT PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER RISKS OR HARM INCURRED BY YOU, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTIES, FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE AND WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, OR ANY OTHER CAUSES WHATSOEVER, AND EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES OR KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY FOR SUCH DAMAGES. THESE LIMITATIONS WILL SURVIVE THE CONTRACT. Exhibit C LIMITATION LANGUAGE FOR LIMITATION TO AMOUNT OF FEE PAID FOR SEARCH YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF LOSS WHICH COULD ARISE FROM ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN, OR THE COMPANY'S NEGLIGENCE IN PRODUCING, THE REPORT. YOU RECOGNIZE THAT THE FEE CHARGED IS NOMINAL IN RELATION TO THE POTENTIAL LIABILITY WHICH COULD ARISE FROM SUCH ERRORS OR OMISSIONS OR NEGLIGENCE. THEREFORE, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE COMPANY WAS NOT WILLING TO PROCEED IN THE PREPARATION AND ISSUANCE OF THE REQUESTED REPORT BUT FOR YOUR AGREEMENT THAT THE COMPANY'S LIABILITY IS STRICTLY LIMITED. YOU AGREE THAT MATTERS AFFECTING TITLE BUT WHICH DO NOT APPEAR AS A LIEN OR ENCUMBRANCE AS DEFINED IN THE CUSTOMER AGREEMENT OR APPLICATION ARE OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE REPORT. YOU AGREE, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF THIS REPORT AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, TO LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS, OR ANY OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, LOSSES, COSTS, DAMAGES AND EXPENSES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, HOWEVER ALLEGED OR ARISING INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE ARISING FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT Title Report Page 5 RPT00001 (DSI Doc 03/03/17) 12/11/2019 10:16 AM Title Report No.: H0574561 -025 -TN -DMT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, EQUITY, THE COMMON LAW, STATUTE, OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF RECOVERY OR FROM ANY PERSON'S USE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE THE REPORT, SO THAT THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE COMPANY'S TOTAL FEE FOR THIS REPORT. YOU AGREE THAT THE FOREGOING LIMITATION ON LIABILITY IS A TERM MATERIAL TO THE PRICE YOU ARE PAYING WHICH PRICE IS LOWER THAN WOULD OTHERWISE BE OFFERED TO YOU WITHOUT SAID TERM. YOU RECOGNIZE THAT THE COMPANY WOULD NOT ISSUE THIS REPORT, BUT FOR YOUR AGREEMENT, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION GIVEN FOR THIS REPORT, TO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND THAT ANY SUCH LIABILITY IS CONDITIONED AND PREDICATED UPON THE FULL AND TIMELY PAYMENT OF THE COMPANY'S INVOICE FOR THIS REPORT. THIS REPORT IS LIMITED IN SCOPE AND IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, TITLE OPINION, PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT, TITLE REPORT, COMMITMENT TO ISSUE TITLE INSURANCE, OR A TITLE POLICY, AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS SUCH. IN PROVIDING THIS REPORT, THE COMPANY IS NOT ACTING AS AN ABSTRACTOR OF TITLE. THIS REPORT DOES NOT PROVIDE OR OFFER ANY TITLE INSURANCE, LIABILITY COVERAGE OR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS COVERAGE. THIS REPORT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS A REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE TO THE PROPERTY. THE COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE REPORT'S ACCURACY, DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES AS TO THE REPORT, ASSUMES NO DUTIES TO YOU, DOES NOT INTEND FOR YOU TO RELY ON THE REPORT, AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE ON THIS REPORT OR OTHERWISE. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO LIMIT LIABILITY AS STATED HEREIN AND YOU DESIRE THAT ADDITIONAL LIABILITY BE ASSUMED BY THE COMPANY, YOU MAY REQUEST AND PURCHASE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER, OR A COMMITMENT TO ISSUE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. NO ASSURANCE IS GIVEN AS TO THE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE OR STATUS OF TITLE. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE AN INDEPENDENT DUTY TO ENSURE AND/OR RESEARCH THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE COMPANY OR ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PURCHASED. NO THIRD PARTY IS PERMITTED TO USE OR RELY UPON THE INFORMATION SET FORTH IN THIS REPORT, AND NO LIABILITY TO ANY THIRD PARTY IS UNDERTAKEN BY THE COMPANY. YOU AGREE THAT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS, OR ANY OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, OR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, INCOME, SAVINGS, DATA, BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITY, OR GOODWILL, PAIN AND SUFFERING, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, NON -OPERATION OR INCREASED EXPENSE OF OPERATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR DELAY, COST OF CAPITAL, OR COST OF REPLACEMENT PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTIES, FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE AND WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER CAUSES WHATSOEVER, AND EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES OR KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY FOR SUCH DAMAGES. THESE LIMITATIONS WILL SURVIVE THE CONTRACT. Title Report Page 6 RPT00001 (DSI Doc 03/03/17) 12/11/2019 10:16 AM Title Report No.: H0574561 -025 -TN -DMT LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY APPLICANT EXPRESSLY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF LOSS WHICH COULD ARISE FROM ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN, OR THE COMPANY'S NEGLIGENCE IN PRODUCING, THE REPORT. APPLICANT RECOGNIZES THAT THE FEE CHARGED IS NOMINAL IN RELATION TO THE POTENTIAL LIABILITY WHICH COULD ARISE FROM SUCH ERRORS OR OMISSIONS OR NEGLIGENCE. THEREFORE, APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS THAT THE COMPANY IS NOT WILLING TO PROCEED IN THE PREPARATION AND ISSUANCE OF THE REQUESTED REPORT UNLESS THE COMPANY'S LIABILITY IS STRICTLY LIMITED. APPLICANT AGREES WITH THE PROPRIETY OF SUCH LIMITATION AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. THE LIMITATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS AND THE LIMITATIONS WILL SURVIVE THE CONTRACT: MATTERS AFFECTING TITLE BUT WHICH DO NOT APPEAR AS A LIEN OR ENCUMBRANCE, AS DEFINED ABOVE, AMONG THE TITLE INSTRUMENTS ARE OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE REPORT. APPLICANT AGREES, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF THE REPORT AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, TO LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS, OR ANY OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, LOSSES, COSTS, DAMAGES AND EXPENSES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, HOWEVER ALLEGED OR ARISING INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE ARISING FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, EQUITY, THE COMMON LAW, STATUTE, OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF RECOVERY, OR FROM ANY PERSON'S USE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE THE REPORT OR ANY OF THE MATERIALS CONTAINED THEREIN OR PRODUCED, SO THAT THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY AND ITS, AGENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT EXCEED THE COMPANY'S TOTAL FEE FOR THE REPORT. APPLICANT AGREES THAT THE FOREGOING LIMITATION ON LIABILITY IS A TERM MATERIAL TO THE PRICE THE APPLICANT IS PAYING WHICH PRICE IS LOWER THAN WOULD OTHERWISE BE OFFERED TO THE APPLICANT WITHOUT SAID TERM. APPLICANT RECOGNIZES THAT THE COMPANY WOULD NOT ISSUE THE REPORT, BUT FOR THIS CUSTOMER AGREEMENT, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION GIVEN FOR THE REPORT, TO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND THAT ANY SUCH LIABILITY IS CONDITIONED AND PREDICATED UPON THE FULL AND TIMELY PAYMENT OF THE COMPANY'S INVOICE FOR THE REPORT. THE REPORT IS LIMITED IN SCOPE AND IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, TITLE OPINION, PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT, TITLE REPORT, COMMITMENT TO ISSUE TITLE INSURANCE, OR A TITLE POLICY, AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS SUCH. THE REPORT DOES NOT PROVIDE OR OFFER ANY TITLE INSURANCE, LIABILITY COVERAGE OR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS COVERAGE. THE REPORT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS A REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE TO THE PROPERTY. THE COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE REPORT'S ACCURACY, DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES AS TO THE REPORT, ASSUMES NO DUTIES TO APPLICANT, DOES NOT INTEND FOR APPLICANT TO RELY ON THE REPORT, AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE ON THE REPORT OR OTHERWISE. IF APPLICANT DOES NOT WISH TO LIMIT LIABILITY AS STATED HEREIN AND APPLICANT DESIRES THAT ADDITIONAL LIABILITY BE ASSUMED BY THE COMPANY, APPLICANT MAY REQUEST AND PURCHASE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER, OR A COMMITMENT TO ISSUE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. NO ASSURANCE IS GIVEN AS TO THE INSURABILITY OF Title Report Page 7 RPT00001 (DSI Doc 03/03/17) Irr 12/11/2019 10:16 AM Title Report No.: H0574561 -025 -TN -DMT THE TITLE OR STATUS OF TITLE. APPLICANT EXPRESSLY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES IT HAS AN INDEPENDENT DUTY TO ENSURE AND/OR RESEARCH THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE COMPANY OR ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PURCHASED. NO THIRD PARTY IS PERMITTED TO USE OR RELY UPON THE INFORMATION SET FORTH IN THE REPORT, AND NO LIABILITY TO ANY THIRD PARTY IS UNDERTAKEN BY THE COMPANY. APPLICANT AGREES THAT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS, OR ANY OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, OR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, INCOME, SAVINGS, DATA, BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITY, OR GOODWILL, PAIN AND SUFFERING, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, NOW OPERATION OR INCREASED EXPENSE OF OPERATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR DELAY, COST OF CAPITAL, OR COST OF REPLACEMENT PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTIES, FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE AND WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER CAUSES WHATSOEVER, AND EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES OR KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY FOR SUCH DAMAGE Title Report Page 8 RPT00001 (DSI Doc 03/03/17) Best Engineering Solutions and Technologies Prepared Matthew A. Best, P Project Engineer 49.5-, 2.620 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING PAVEMENT DESIGN STUDY 2850-2880 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 PROJECT NUMBER 19-1114 JULY 3, 2019 UPDATED DECEMBER 23, 2019 PREPARED FOR LUCID STUDIO LLC 7190 W 38TH AVENUE STUDIO B WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 WAdl 0051186`^, '.12/23/2019,. Matthew Best 0"01 W,tiea0'10: 4148 BuiNdln9 10,4011 � Zv 2-161- K' #aoa obo ZSR Digitally signed by Matthew Best Date: 2019.12.23 12:0421 -07100' Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 . Phone: 970.409.9670 - Matt(a)BestEngineerinoUSA. com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A e Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office(o)BestEnoineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B . E1 . S . T . Project Number: 19-1114 �."'Tabk,Contents-, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................::..::.......'.......A..................................... .. .d ..................................................................3 �.' PURPOSEAND SCOPE OF WORK........................................................................................................................................................4 PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION...............................................................................................................................................................4 SITECONDITIONS..................................................................................................................................................................................4 FIELDEXPLORATION...........................................................................................................................................................................4 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS................................................................................................................................................................4 FOUNDATIONDESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................................ 5 CRAWLSPACE......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 ATTACHEDGARAGE FLOOR SLABS................................................................................................................................................. 7 SEISMICCONSIDERATIONS................................................................................................................................................................ 8 SURFACEDRAINAGE............................................................................................................................................................................8 UNDERDRAINSYSTEM........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 PAVEMENTTHICKNESS DESIGN.......................................................................................................................................................9 CONSTRUCTIONDETAILS.................................................................................................................................................................11 MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................................................................................................12 SITEDEMOLITION...............................................................................................................................................................................12 HOMEOWNERPRECAUTIONS...........................................................................................................................................................12 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES...................................................................................................................12 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................................................................................13 TABLE 1 FIGURE 1 - LOCATION AND SITE MAP FIGURE 2 - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORING FIGURE 3 - BORING LOG FIGURE 4 - LEGEND AND NOTES FIG 5,-', SVaLL/CONSQLIDATI()4 TES,;II�& [2] Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • MattaBestEngineeringUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • QfficeaBestEnoineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street L` . rf`• Project Number: 19-1114 R 1J.L S.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Best Engineering Solutions and Technologies, LLC (BEST) completed a geotechnical engineering study for the project located at 2850-2880 Teller Street in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Design parameters and a discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to construction of the proposed residences are included in this report. A summary of the findings includes: 1. Subsurface explorations encountered natural, hard, sandy clay over silty to sandy claystone bedrock. Groundwater was not encountered during excavation of the test boring. Fluctuations of the groundwater may occur seasonally or with precipitation events. 2. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the test boring and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend the proposed structures be founded with spread footings bearing on native soils. Spread footings bearing as recommended should be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). 3. Using the design resilient modulus (MR) and the assumed ESALs identified in the report, flexible pavements used for the automobile parking areas should be constructed with a minimum of 5.0 inches of full -depth asphalt. As an alternative to the full -depth asphalt recommendations, a composite section consisting of 3.5 inches of asphalt over 6 inches of aggregate base course may be used for the parking areas. Areas requiring Portland Cement Concrete should be constructed with a minimum of 6.0 inches of concrete. 4. Interior floors of the residence will be structurally supported over a crawl space. Soil beneath attached garage slabs should be over -excavated to a minimum depth of 12 inches and replaced with an imported structural fill or a non -expansive, predominantly granular material. Native soils or imported structural fill are suitable for support of exterior flatwork. 5. A representative of our office should observe the construction operations discussed in this report. 6. Keep any exposed soils from excessive drying or wetting during the construction process. 7. More detailed recommendations are made throughout this report. These must be reviewed to assure proper consideration in the design. [3] Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • MattCa)BestEnoineeringUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A - Lakewood, Colorado 80211. Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office(a)BestEngineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B . E. S .T. Project Number: 19-1114 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK This report presents the results of a geotechnical engineering study and pavement design study for the project located at 2850-2880 Teller Street in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The project site is shown on Figure 1. The study was conducted to provide foundation design and support of slabs -on -grade recommendations. A field exploration study consisting of one exploratory boring was conducted to collect information on the subsurface conditions. Samples of the subsoils collected during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine their classification and engineering characteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths, and allowable pressures for the proposed building foundations. This report has been prepared to summarize the data obtained during this study and to present our conclusions and recommendations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered. Design parameters and a discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to construction of the proposed residences are included in this report. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand that the proposed construction will consist of the demolition of the existing structure and construction of six single-family homes over crawlspaces with attached and detached garages. Conventional wood frame construction, with column loads expected to be low to moderate and typical of this type of structure, will be used above grade with cast -in-place concrete foundations below grade. Ground floors will be slab -on -grade. Site development is expected to include sidewalk and landscaped areas. Local utilities will generally be underground, except for surface storm runoff and overhead electric. If the loadings, locations, or grading plans for the structures change significantly from those described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations contained in this report. SITE CONDITIONS At the time of our field exploration, the property consisted of a single-family residence and adjacent vacant lot. The site is bounded by residential single-family homes. The topography in the area slopes toward the north and east and is at an approximate elevation of 5,460 feet MSL. FIELD EXPLORATION The exploratory boring was drilled on June 18, 2019, approximately at the location shown on Figure 2 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The boring was drilled using a truck -mounted rig and was logged by a representative of BEST. Samples of the soils were taken with undisturbed sampling methods and the depth of the boring and samples are shown on the Boring Log, Figure 3 and Legend and Notes, Figure 4. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS In Borehole 1, natural medium stiff to stiff silty and sandy clay was encountered to a depth of approximately 24 feet. Olive claystone was encountered to the depth explored of 25 feet. The soils encountered were slightly moist to very moist. Groundwater was initially encountered at a depth of 16 feet, and was found at 12 feet when measured 72 hours later. In Borehole 2, natural medium stiff to stiff silty and sandy clay was encountered to the depth explored of 20 feet. The soils encountered were slightly moist to very moist. Groundwater was encountered at the very bottom of the hole at the time of the boring. Fluctuations in the groundwater levels may occur seasonally or with precipitation events. [4] Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt[cDBestEnoineerinoUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 e Phone: 303.238.1770 • OfficeCcDBestEnoineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street L� . cS. rT1'• Project Number: 19-1114 B 1J•L Samples taken from the exploratory boring were obtained for laboratory testing and inspected by the project engineer. The results of the tests performed on the samples obtained from the test borings are shown on Table 1. Laboratory testing included index property tests; such as moisture content and density, swell/consolidation testing and gradation analysis. The testing was performed on relatively undisturbed drive samples and were in general conformance with recognized test procedures, primarily, ASTM and Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS The native soils are suitable to support lightly to moderately loaded slab -on -grade construction. Based on the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory boring and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend that the structures be founded with spread footings bearing on native soils. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. Footings placed on the native soils should be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). Based on experience it is expected that movement of the footings, designed and constructed as discussed in this section, would be approximately 1.5 -inch or less. Differential movements are estimated to be approximately '/2 to 3/4 of the total settlement. Most of this settlement will occur during the construction phase. 2. Spread footings placed on native soils should have a minimum footing width of ] 8 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for isolated pads. 3. Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 36 inches below exterior grade is required by the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies by assuming an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. 5. A grounding system (Ufer Ground) may be installed where the grounding system is contained within the exterior building wall and the concrete foundation wall. This is in place of having a copper ground rod installed adjacent to the foundation wall. 6. The lateral resistance of a spread footing placed on undisturbed native soils or properly compacted granular structural fill material will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Based on the soil characteristics, the resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.42. Passive pressure against the sides of the footings can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of 230 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). The at -rest lateral pressures on the walls can be calculated using and equivalent fluid density of 60 psf per foot of depth. The active lateral earth pressures should use and equivalent fluid density of about 45 psf per foot of depth. These lateral resistance values are working values. 7. All loose or soft soils should be removed, and the footing bearing level placed on native soils or properly compacted structural fill. The disturbed surface of the native soils should be compacted prior to concrete placement. 8. Interior backfill should consist of onsite native soils and should be placed in uniform lifts not to exceed 10 inches thick and compacted to at least 98% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) maximum dry density [5] Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt(aBestEnoineeringUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 - Phone: 303.238.1770 • OfFce()BestEngineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B . E . S . T. Project Number: 19-1114 and within 2 percentage points of the optimum moisture content. Interior backfill should extend laterally beyond the edges of the footings at a distance at least equal to the depth of the fill below the footing subgrade. Prior to the fill placement, any loose subgrade soils should be compacted. Any wet and soft subgrade soils should be removed prior to fill placement. The backfill material should be free of snow and ice, vegetation, topsoil, organics, trash, construction debris, oversized rocks greater than 8 inches in diameter, and other deleterious material. 9. Exterior backfill may consist of the onsite native soils or imported structural fill and should be properly placed and compacted to reduce the risk of settlement and distress. Onsite backfill material placed on the exterior of the structure should be placed and compacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) maximum dry density within 2 percentage points of the optimum moisture content. 10. Backfill in pavement and walkway areas should also be compacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) maximum dry density and within 2 percentage points of the optimum moisture content. Care should be taken when compacting around the foundation walls and underground structures to avoid damage to the structure. Hand compaction procedures may be used to prevent excessive lateral pressures from exceeding the design values. 11. Backfill in landscaped areas may consist of native onsite soils or imported structural fill. It should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 90% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) maximum dry density within 2 percentage points of the optimum moisture content. 12. Utility backfill should be compacted as appropriate for the proposed surface uses (landscape, building, pavement, etc.). 13. All foundation and retaining structures should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures, such as adjacent footings, traffic, construction materials, and equipment. The buildup of water behind a wall or an upward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pressure imposed on a foundation wall or retaining structure. An underdrain system should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind the walls. The lateral resistance values identified above assume drained conditions behind the walls and a horizontal backfill surface. Refer to the Underdrain System section for further information. Minor cracking of concrete foundation walls should be expected. 14. Based on our experience, we recommend all concrete exposed to the onsite materials meet the cement requirements for Class 2 exposure of sulfate attack on concrete as presented in ACI 201. Alternatively, the concrete could meet the CDOT requirements for Class 2 exposure as presented in Section 601.04 of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2011). 15. Depending upon depth of excavation and seasonal conditions, groundwater may be encountered within excavations on the site. Pumping from sumps may be utilized to control water within excavations, if necessary. BEST is available to provide further dewatering recommendations if this issue arises. 16. A BEST representative should observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. CRAWLSPACE The owner should be aware that crawlspace areas are typically subject to air quality issues and should be constructed to provide proper ventilation and moisture management. Structural wood floor members over crawlspaces and concrete walls should be treated to reduce or eliminate the propensity for mold or mildew to [6] Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt@BestEnaineeringUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office .BestEnoineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B . E . S . T. Project Number: 19-1114 11 1 form. The recommended clearance between floor members and the ground surface should meet applicable codes. Further, it is recommended that a four (4) mil thick impermeable plastic sheet be placed over the ground surface to reduce moisture migration into the crawlspace area. The sheet should be secured to the interior of foundation walls. There should be a minimum 1 -foot of side lap between sheets and a minimum 2 -feet of end lap. Ventilation and air quality control recommendations are beyond the scope of this report, a consultant specializing in such issues should be contacted to provide further recommendations. BEST is capable of providing these services. The crawlspace ground surface should be sloped to the perimeter drain system and be free of depressions or divots that could allow water to pond. Trenching within the crawlspace area is not recommended, apart from trenching for interior drain or sump installation. Prior to the placement of the plastic sheeting, the crawlspace should be free of standing and ponding water, overly moist soils, snow and ice, vegetation, topsoil, organics, trash, construction debris, oversized rocks greater than 8 inches in diameter, and other deleterious material. Isolated slab -on -grade pads may be used for utility appliances (hot water heater, furnace, water treatment appliances, etc.). This system is appropriate provided flexible and collapsible connections are used and provide allowance for up to 3 -inches of differential movement between floor/slab mounted appliances and fixed pipes or ducts attached to structural elements of the building. Through -wall penetrations should be over -sized for water, sewer, electrical connection, and any other forms of penetration to allow for movement. In addition, all plumbing and sewer lines should be isolated from the ground surface or foundation walls by at least 3 -inches. ATTACHED GARAGE FLOOR SLABS The interior area of the garage slab should be over -excavated to a minimum depth of 12 inches beneath the slab and replaced with an imported structural fill or a non -expansive, predominantly granular material. The geotechnical engineer should evaluate the suitability of fill materials prior to placement. Interior backfill should be properly compacted and moisture treated and placed in accordance with the recommendations outlined above. To reduce the effects of differential movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints, which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Interior non-bearing partitions resting on floor slabs should be provided with slip joints so that, if the slabs move, the movement cannot be transmitted to the upper structure. This detail is also important for wallboards, stairways and door frames. Slip joints which will allow at least 1.5 inches of vertical movement are recommended. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. Joint spacing is dependent on slab thickness, concrete aggregate size, and slump, and should be consistent with recognized guidelines such as those of the Portland Cement Association (PCA) and American Concrete Institute (ACI). The joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. Slab performance is greatly dependent on the amount of moisture introduced to the underlying soils which could result in excessive movement, causing uneven slabs and cracking. Proper surface grading and foundation drain installation will help to reduce water infiltration in the sub -slab soils. Recommendations within the Surface Drainage and the Underdrain System sections below, should be followed. Recommendations provided in this section are meant to reduce the possible distress caused by slab movement but will not completely eliminate risk. A structurally supported floor system should be used if the owner cannot tolerate potential movement. [7] Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt(a)BestEngineeringUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A - Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office(cDBestEngineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B . E . S . T. Project Number: 19-1114 DETACHED GARAGE FLOOR SLABS Since the detached garage will be a stand-alone structure, we recommend a thickened edge slab founded on at least 12 inches of over -excavated and replaced soils. The interior area of the garage should be over -excavated to a minimum depth of 12 inches beneath the lowest bearing elevation of the slab and replaced with an imported structural fill or non -expansive predominantly granular material. Interior backfill should extend laterally at least 12 inches beyond the extents of the slab in all directions and should be placed in accordance with the recommendations outlined above. Prior to the fill placement, any loose subgrade soils should be compacted. Any wet and soft subgrade soils should be removed prior to fill placement. The backfill material should be free of snow and ice, vegetation, topsoil, organics, trash, construction debris, oversized rocks greater than 8 inches in diameter, and other deleterious material. The thickened edge slab may be 18 inches below grade and six inches above grade. Interior ribs may be used to provide additional strength/stiffness to the slab as needed. If the slope of the ground precludes the use of a thickened edge slab, we recommend a footing and stem wall placed in accordance with the recommendations above. To reduce the effects of differential movement, garage columns should be founded on isolated pads with minimum widths of 24 inches and should extend at least 18 inches below grade. Pads should be separated from the slab with expansion joints, to allow unrestrained vertical movement. Wallboards, stairways and door frames resting on floor slabs should be provided with slip joints so that, if the slabs move, the movement cannot be transmitted to the upper structure. Slip joints which will allow at least 1.5 inches of vertical movement are recommended. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. Joint spacing is dependent on slab thickness, concrete aggregate size, and slump, and should be consistent with recognized guidelines such as those of the Portland Cement Association (PCA) and American Concrete Institute (ACI). The joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS This area of Wheat Ridge is located in Seismic Design Category `B". The soil at the foundation level has a very dense soil profile. The average soil profile in the top one -hundred feet provides an overall "stiff soil" profile, which provides a Site Class of "D". Based on the subsurface profile, site seismicity, and the anticipated ground conditions; liquefaction is not a design consideration. SURFACE DRAINAGE Proper surface drainage is very important for acceptable performance of the slab -on -grade during construction and after the construction has been completed. The following recommendations should be used as guidelines and changes should be made only after consultation with the geotechnical engineer. 1. Excessive wetting or drying of the excavation and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. Free -draining wall backfill should be capped with approximately 2 feet of the onsite finer graded soils to facilitate surface drainage. Site drainage beyond the 10 -foot zone should be designed to promote runoff and reduce infiltration. These 181 Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt@BestEngineeringUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office(ailBestEnoineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street R . �`L. c e �(1`• Project Number: 19-1114 1J S,J slopes may be changed as required for handicap access points in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 3. Xeriscaping should be considered with limited irrigation within 4 feet of the foundation walls. Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill and onto splash blocks. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM The crawlspace level should be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an interior underdrain system. In addition, any interior slabs -on grade should be protected with a plastic barrier. It is recommended that an impermeable plastic sheet be placed beneath the floor slab to reduce moisture migration through the concrete slab. The sheet should be secured to the interior of the foundation walls. The should be a minimum one -foot side lap and at least two feet of end lap. The underdrain system should consist of a layer of free -draining granular material with a drain pipe connected to a sump pit with a drain pipe to the exterior of the residence. The gravel layer should be encased in a non- woven geotextile fabric. The free -draining granular material used in the drain system should contain less than 5% passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 30% passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum size of 2 inches. The drains should consist of flexible or rigid drain pipe placed in the bottom of a trench and surrounded above the invert level with free -draining granular material. The free -draining gravel should extend up to the top of the footing. The drain lines should be placed at least 12 inches below the floor level and graded to sumps at a minimum slope of 0.5%. The granular underdrain system should be sloped to a sump where water can be removed by pumping. Sprayed on water -proofing should be used on the exterior of the foundation to prevent infiltration of water. The geotechnical engineer should observe the underdrain and/or dampproofing prior to backfill placement. Any slab -on -grade construction precludes the need for an underdrain system. It is recommended that an impermeable plastic sheet be placed beneath the floor slab to reduce moisture migration through the concrete slab. The sheet should be secured to the interior of the foundation walls. There should be a minimum one -foot side lap and at least two feet of end lap. PAVEMENT THICKNESS DESIGN The following pavement design criteria meets the City of Wheat Ridge pavement design guidelines. The pavement design provided here is based on the minimum required pavement thicknesses as shown on the standard Construction Details for Local Residential Streets with Parking. If the recommendations provided below are followed, the proposed pavement sections should provide acceptable performance for the property. A pavement section is a layered system designed to distribute concentrated traffic loads to the subgrade. Performance of the pavement structure is directly related to the physical properties of the subgrade soils and traffic loadings. Soils are represented for pavement design purposes by means of a resilient modulus (MR) for flexible pavements and a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) for rigid pavements. Both values are empirically related to strength. HOT MIX ASPHALT (HMA) 1. Subgrade Materials — Based on the results of the field exploration and laboratory test data, the pavement subgrade materials at the site classify as A-6, in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) classification system. Soils classifying as A-6 would generally be considered to provide adequate subgrade support. 191 Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt(a)BestEngineering USA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 - Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office _BestEngineerinoUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B . E. S . T. Project Number: 19-1114 The R -value of the onsite material (estimated to be 10) was converted to resilient modulus (MR) with a value of 3,563 psi, using CDOT and AASHTO methods for conversion. Based on this, we have selected an MR of 3,563 psi for pavement thickness design calculations. 2. Design Traffic — It appears that daily traffic at the site will be generally limited to automobiles that will utilize the facility along with delivery and trash trucks on a routine basis. At the time of the report, traffic data was not available. Therefore, we have estimated traffic usage based on similar facilities. We have assumed an 18 -kip equivalent single axle loading (ESAL) of 58,400 for areas restricted to residential streets. If the assumptions indicated above appear to be different than actual traffic values for the site, we should be notified to reevaluate the pavement thickness requirements. 3. Pavement Sections — The pavement sections were calculated using the 1993 AASHTO pavement design procedures. For flexible pavement design, an initial serviceability of 4.5 and 2.0, respectively, were selected with a reliability of 70 percent. If other design parameters are preferred, we should be contacted in order to reevaluate the recommendations presented in this report. Jefferson County minimum requirements for private streets, drives and fire lanes require the following sections. Private drives, fire lanes, and parking should be paved with a minimum of 5.0 inches of full -depth asphalt. As an alternative to the full -depth asphalt recommendations, a composite section consisting of 4.0 inches of asphalt over 6.0 inches of aggregate base course may be used for the parking areas. Truck loading areas, dumpster pads, and other areas where truck turning movements are concentrated should be paved with a minimum of 6 inches of Portland cement concrete. All concrete pavement areas on the site should contain sawed or formed joints to %4 of the depth of the slab at a maximum distance of 12 feet on center. 4. Pavement Material Recommendations — The asphalt mix should meet the latest requirements of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The asphalt placed for the project should be designed in accordance with the SuperPave gyratory mix design method. The mix should meet Grading S or SX requirements. A SuperPave gyratory design revolution (LADES) of 75 should be used in the design process. A PG 64-22 asphalt binder should be used for the mix. 5. Subgrade Preparation — The pavement subgrade should be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, adjusted to a moisture content within 2 percentage points of the optimum moisture content and recompacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). Subgrade should not contain organic matter or other deleterious substances. The pavement subgrade should be proof -rolled with a heavily loaded pneumatic -tired vehicle of a heavy, smooth drum compactor. Pavement design procedures assume a stable subgrade. Areas that deform excessively under a heavy wheel load are not stable and should be removed and replaced to achieve a stable subgrade prior to paving. The contractor should be aware that the clay soils, including onsite and imported materials, may become somewhat unstable and deform under wheel loads if placed near the upper end of the moisture range. 6. Paving should only be performed when subgrade temperatures are above 40° F and air temperature is at least 40° F and rising. 7. HMA should not be placed at a temperature lower than 245° F for mixes containing PG 64-22 asphalt, and 290° F for mixes containing polymer modified asphalt. The breakdown compaction should be completed before the mixture temperature drops 20° F. 8. The maximum compacted lift should be 3.0 inches and joints should be staggered. No joints should be placed within wheel paths. Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • MattBestEnaineerinoUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office BestEnoineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B . �..a` . c • T. Project Number: 19-1114 L �,J 1 9. HMA should be compacted to between 92 and 96 percent of Maximum theoretical Density, The surface shall be sealed with a finish roller prior to the mix cooling to 185° F. 10. Placement and compaction of HMA should be observed and tested by a representative of our firm. Placement should not commence until the subgrade is properly prepare, tested and proof -rolled. 11. Drainage — The collection and diversion of surface drainage away from paved areas is extremely important to the satisfactory performance of the pavement structure. Drainage design should provide for the removal of water from paved areas and prevent the wetting of the subgrade soils. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE (PCC) 1. Portland cement concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of 4,500 psi at 28 days and a minimum modulus of rupture (flexural strength) of 650 psi. A CDOT approved Class P mix design is also acceptable. A job mix design is recommended and periodic checks on the job site should be made to verify compliance with specifications. 2. Portland cement should be Type II "low alkali" and should conform to ASTM C 150. Portland cement should conform to ASTM C 150. 3. Portland cement concrete should not be placed when the subgrade or air temperature is below 40° F. 4. Free water should not be finished into the concrete surface and finishers should not use a steel trowel on the surface. Atomizing nozzle pressure sprayers for applying finishing compounds are recommended whenever the concrete surface becomes difficult to finish. 5. Curing of the portland cement concrete should be accomplished by the use of a curing compound. The curing compound should be applied in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. 6. Curing procedures should be implemented, as necessary, to protect the pavement against moisture loss, rapid temperature change, freezing, and mechanical injury. 7. Construction joints, including longitudinal joints and transverse joints, should be formed during construction or sawed after the concrete has begun to set, but prior to uncontrolled cracking. 8. All joints should be properly sealed using a rod back-up and approved epoxy sealant. 9. Traffic should not be allowed on the pavement until it has properly cured and achieved at least 80 percent of the design strength, with saw joints already cut. 10. Placement of portland cement concrete should be observed and tested by a representative of our firm. Placement should not commence until the subgrade is properly prepared and tested. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS The design of a pavement system is as much a function of the quality of the paving materials and construction as the support characteristics of the subgrade. The construction materials are assumed to possess sufficient quality as reflected by the strength coefficients used in the flexible pavement design calculations. These strength coefficients were developed through research and experience to simulate expected material of good quality, as explained herein. During construction careful attention should be paid to the following details: Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt(a)BestEngineeringUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A . Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office(o)BestEnoineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B . E. S . T. Project Number: 19-1114 • Placement and compaction of trench backfill. • Compaction at curblines and around manholes and water valves. • Excavation of completed pavements for utility construction and repair. • Moisture treating or stabilization of the subgrade to reduce swell potential. Design slopes of the adjacent ground and pavement to rapidly remove water from the pavement surface. MAINTENANCE Routine maintenance, such as sealing and repair of cracks, is necessary to achieve the long-term life of a pavement system. We recommend a preventive maintenance program be developed and followed for all pavement systems to assure the design life can be realized. Choosing to defer maintenance usually results in accelerated deterioration leading to higher future maintenance costs, and/or repair. SITE DEMOLITION Demolition of the existing buildings should include the removal of foundation systems and loose backfill found adjacent to the structures. Drilled piers, if encountered, should be truncated a minimum 3 feet below new foundations, slab or pavement construction elevations. All materials derived from the demolition of the structures, exterior flatwork and pavements should be removed from the site and should not be allowed for use in any on-site fills. Existing utilities and bedding to be abandoned should be completely removed. Existing utilities and bedding may be abandoned in place if they do not interfere with planned development. Utilities which are abandoned in place should be properly pressure -grouted to completely fill the utility HOMEOWNER PRECAUTIONS All new construction has an adjustment period after construction is completed. Exterior and interior observation should be performed on a regular basis. The exterior backfill should be checked for positive drainage away from the foundation. No ponding of water should be observed. Roof downspouts and splash blocks should direct water away from the foundation. The discharge of any sump should be free of blockage and discharge away from the foundation. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES Please consider retaining BEST to provide the following services: 1. Review of the project plans and specifications for conformance with the recommendations provided in this report. 2. Observation and testing to document that the intent of this report and that the requirements of the plans and specifications are being followed during construction. 3. Identification of possible variations in subsurface conditions from those encountered in this study, so that recommendations can be re-evaluated, if needed. 4. Preparation of a shoring plan, if necessary, for the protection of adjacent structures. BEST is also available to assist the design team in preparing specifications for the geotechnical aspects of the project and performing additional studies if necessary to accommodate possible changes in the proposed construction. Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt(a)BestEnoineerinoUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office(a)BestEngineeringUSA.com 2850-2880 Teller Street B • . �. Project Number: 19-1114 LIMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in this area for exclusive use by the client for design purposes. Copying of this report or portions of this report without the express written permission of Best Engineering Solutions and Technologies, LLC (BEST), is specifically prohibited. We make no warranty either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon data obtained from the exploratory test borings at the locations indicated on Fig. 2, and the proposed construction. This report may not reflect subsurface variations that occur between the explorations. The nature and extent of variations across the site may not become evident until site grading and excavations are performed. If fill, soil, rock or water conditions appear to be different from those described herein, BEST should be advised at once so that a re-evaluation of the recommendations presented in this report can be made. BEST is not responsible for liability associated with interpretation of subsurface data by others. The scope of services for this project does not include any environmental assessment of the site or identification of contaminated or hazardous materials or conditions. In addition, this study does not include determination of the presence, prevention, or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants developing in the future. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination, other studies should be undertaken. Matthew A. Best, P.E. Project Engineer [13] Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 a Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt(5)BestEngineerinaUSA com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • OfficeCilBestEngineeringUSA.com B.E.S.T. TABLE 1.1 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS PROJECT: 2850-2880 Teller Street PROJECT NO: 19-1114 DATE: December 23, 2019 LOCATION: Denver, CO SOURCE: Field Test Boring / Lab Testing Boring Depth No. Sam le Nat. Natural P Type Dry Moist. (Note 1 Density toy) (PCF) ATTERBERG LIMITS GRADATION % Swell and Consolidation Additional Test Results (Note 3) Soil Description LL PI % Gravel +No.4 % Sand ° -No. 4 Fines +No.200 -No. 200 I 1 CA 111 11.0 36 13 3 26 72 Sandy Clay 4 CA 119 14.0 59 SW=1.2% Sandy Clay 1 9 CA 99 22.5 45 CT=0.6°/ Clayey Sand 1 14 CA 97 26.6 59 Sandy Clay 2 1 CA 104 20.4 40 22 68 SW=0.8% Sandy Clay 2 4 CA 109 18.4 56 CT=0.3% Sandy Clay 2 9 CA 90 29.0 70 Sandy Clay 2 14 CA 87 30.9 54 Sandy Clay NOTE 1- Sample Type BS=Bag Sample AS=Auger Sample ST—Shelby Tube CA=Califomia Sample RM=Remolded Sample HD=Hand Drive AD=Air Dried NOTE 2 -Shear Strength Tests C1= Unconfined Compression C2=Miniature Compression C3=Pocket Penetrometer C4—Pocket Value NOTE 3- Additional Test Results TT=Triaxial Test PT=Proctor CT=Consolidation Test RA=Radon Testing (pCi/L) pH = pH of soil OR = Organic content of soil Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado • Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 • Matt(ZDB -stFe _nain3P ring A com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • (price raBestEnaineerinaUSA com TABLE: 1 Page 1 of 1 3 2850-2880 Her St j 19-1114 lk t r - =r H 2880:TeIIer S, y�T ` �• ' _ : 85 Teller st L m 4111- 6 R —«..�.t.r a M' F +m '°� • y C $Yi _ -tl � � .- e Google Earth r "i, +tif► )' ` lrNord east Lake'; cod x _ 3 Wo 11 B.E.S.T. BORING LOCATION LEGEND: B-1— Indicates approximate location of exploratory boring Project Number 19-1114 Locations: Summit County & Lakewood, Colorado - Psalm 20 • Phone: 970.409.9670 - Matt(&BestEnaineerinaUSA.com Mailing: 747 Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 2A • Lakewood, Colorado 80211 • Phone: 303.238.1770 • Office@BestEngineering SA. om I N Not to Scale Figure 2 APPROXIMATE BORING ELEVATION B1 B2 5461' 5464' 0' 0' 22/12" 14/12" 14/12" 9/12" 5' 5' 5/ 12" 4/ 12" 10` 10' ( 72 hrs ) V _ (0) 7/12" 5/12" 15' 15' (0) 20' 20' 36/12" 25' 25' 30' 30' 35' 35' BORING LOG Best Engineering Lakewood Office: Solutions and 747 Sheridan Blvd, Unit 2A Technologies Lakewood, CO 80214 Project Location: DRAWN BY: MKT SCALE: 2850-2880 Telles Street REVIEWED BY: MAB DATE: December 23, 2019 Vertical: V= 5' Horizontal: N/A ]i011V0I, COlOT1(l0 PROJECT NO: 19-1114 FIGURE: 3 Concrete Driveway Silty sandy clay, moist to very moist, brown Claystone, olive (0) V Water Level, Time After Drilling (0 = At Time of Drilling) rDisturbed Sample Collected Undisturbed Sample Collected X/12" Blow Counts; Number of Blows to Drive the Sampler 12 -Inches (ASTM D-1586) (( X )) Depth of Caving Soils NOTES: 1. The samples were collected on June 18, 2019 with a CME 45 truck mounted drill rig and 4" solid flight auger. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between soil types and the transition may be gradual. 3. The boring log(s) show subsurface conditions at the dates and locations indicated, and it is not warranted that they are representative of subsurface conditions at other locations or times. 4. Elevations are provided by Google EarthC and are considered approximate. LEGEND &NOTES Best Lakewood Office: Engineering 747 Sheridan Blvd, Unit 2A Geotechnical Engineering Study Solutions and Technologies Lakewood, CO 80214 Project Location: DRAWN BY: MKT SCALE: REVIEWED BY: MAB Vertical: N/A 2850-2880 Teller Street DATE: December 23, 2019 Horizontal: N/A Denver, Colorado PROJECT NO: 19-1114 FIGURE: 4 2% 1% -1% Swell -Consolidation 131 at 4' -2% 0.10 2% 1% -1% 1.00 Load (KSF) Swell -Consolidation 131 at 9' -2% 0.10 Swell -Consolidation Tests Project Location: 2850-2880 Teller Street Denver, Colorado 1.00 Load (KSF) Best Engineering solutions and Technologic DRAWN BY: MKT CHECKED BY: MAB DATE: December 23, 2019 PROJECT NO: 19-1114 10.00 10.00 Lakewood Office: 747 Sheridan Blvd, Unit 2A Lakewood, CO 80214 SCALE: Vertical: NA Horizontal: FIGURE:5a Swell -Consolidation 132 at 1' 2% 1% m 3 y 0% m a -1% -2% 0.10 1.00 10.00 Load (KSF) Swell -Consolidation 132 at 4' 2% 1% d 3 w y 0% v m a -1% -2% 0.10 1.00 10.00 Load (KSF) Swell -Consolidation Tests Project Location: 2850-2880 Teller Street Denver, Colorado Best Enl;ineering Soll+utions and rl eC11riU,Ug1f DRAWN BY: MKT CHECKED BY: MAB DATE: December 23, 2019 PROJECT NO: 19-1114 Lakewood Office: 747 Sheridan Blvd, Unit 2A Lakewood, CO 80214 SCALE: Vertical: NA Horizontal: FIGURE:5b Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St HVAC Load Calculations for Lucid Studio 0 r�q1% SIOPI .'A a o� RHVACI-NAC: ResummAL LoAos Prepared By: Carl Breen Breen Design 7555 Shrine Rd Larkspur, CO 80118 970-596-4479 Monday, January 27, 2020 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. Company Comment Elite Software Development, Inc. Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Paoe 2 Design Data Outdoor Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads ' Breen Design Evergleer- Gq%@0oW_ Building Orientation: ___4E [Prbject Daily Temperature Range: General Project Information Latitude: Project T, tlp Luci Studio -2850 Teller St 5593 ft. Sean DeGrande PriJect tate: Thursday, January 23, 2020 Client Name: Lucid Studio Company Name: Breen Design Company Representative: Carl Breen Company Address: 7555 Shrine Rd Company City: Larkspur, CO 80118 Company Phone: 970-596-4479 Company E -Mail Address: breenhvacdesign@gmail.com Company Website: breenhvacdesign.com Company Comment Elite Software Development, Inc. Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Paoe 2 Design Data Outdoor Reference City: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Building Orientation: Front door faces West Daily Temperature Range: High Latitude: 39 Degrees Elevation: 5593 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.814 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: 1 0.21 n/a 30% 70 34.31 Summer: 91 59 15% 50% 75 -39 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM: 1,260 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.383 Square ft. of Room Area: 3,291 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,531 Volume (W) of Cond. Space: 26,711 Building Loads _ Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: _ 43,752 Btuh 43.752 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 23,216 Btuh 100 % Total Latent Gain: -2,897 Btuh 0 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 23,216 Btuh 2.15 Tons (Based On 90% Sensible Capacity) Notes -- Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Page I Miscellaneous Report stem 1 House Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor IndoorG a nr ii s Input Data _ Dry Bulb _ Wet Bulb _ Rel.Hum Rel.Hum _ry Bulb Difference J Winter: 1 0.21 81% 30% 70 34.31 Summer: 91 59 15% 50% 75 -38.99 Duct Sizing Inputs Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Outside Air Data Winter Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.300 AC/hr 0.300 AC/hr 113 CFM 113 CFM Infiltration Actual: 0.456 AC/hr 0.456 AC/hr Above Grade Volume: X 22,581 Cu.ft. X 22,581 Cu.ft. 10,286 Cu.ft./hr 10,286 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 171 CFM 171 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM ---System 1 --- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 14.32 = (1.10 X 0.814 X 16.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: -21.58 = (0.68 X 0.814 X -38.99 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 61.77 = (1.10 X 0.814 X 69.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified: 0.300 AC/hr (113 CFM) Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.300 AC/hr (113 CFM) C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Breen Design ■ Evergreen, CO 80439 Load Preview Report Elite Software Development, Inc. Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Page 4 Sum of room airflows may be greater than system airflow because system room airflow option uses the greater of heating or cooling. C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Sys s Sys Rec ft.2 Sen Lat Neth Sen Htg C�g, Act Duct Scope Ton /Ton Area Gain Gain Gain; Loss CFM CFM CFM Size Building 2.15 1,531 3,291 23,216 -2.897 23,216 43,752 698 1260 1,260 System 1 2.15 1,531 3,291 23.216 -2.897 23,216 43,752 698 1.260 1,260 25x10 Humidification 27143 Zone 1 -Clg.: 60%, Htg.: 59% 2,070 14,023 -1.852 14.023 24.372 409 761 761 1 -Crawl Space 1,033 219 -185 219 5.339 90 12 90 6.6 2 -Office 166 3,022 -391 3.022 4,183 70 164 164 7.7 3-Pwdr 40 63 -48 63 328 6 3 6 4 7'7'7'7.7' 4-Kit/Din/Liv 628 9,144 -1.093 9.144 11.797 198 496 496 7 5 -Foyer 165 1.345 -335 1.345 2.725 46 73 73 7 6 -Mud 38 230 200 430 0 0 12 12 4 Zone 2 - Clg.: 40%, Htg.: 41% 1.220 9,193 -1.045 9.193 17,237 289 499 499 7-Mstr Bed 189 2.336 -176 2.336 3.892 65 127 127 6.6 8-M.Clst 87 257 -71 257 738 12 14 14 3il 9-Mstr Bth 115 267 -58 267 694 12 14 14 3' 10-M.W/C 20 176 -56 176 546 9 10 10 3'' 11 -Bed 2 199 1 .71 1 -133 1 ,71 1 3.229 54 93 93 7 12 -Bed 1 172 1.770 -92 1.770 3.205 54 96 96 7 13 -Bath 150 394 -88 394 994 17 21 21 4 14 -Laundry 92 313 -71 313 745 12 17 17 3 15 -Meth 196 1.969 -300 1,969 3.194 54 107 107 7 Sum of room airflows may be greater than system airflow because system room airflow option uses the greater of heating or cooling. C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ® 0.000 Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 0.000 Rect 1.3 10 Page 5 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply 0.406 0.394 ---Duct Name, etc. 0.385 0.415 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 SPL. Fit Shape Length Height Fit.Eq.Len SPL.Tot Sizing _ _ _ CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cumul ---Duct Name: SMT -100, Feeds Into: Mech, Supplies Zones: 1, 2 (6% Diversity), Fitting: 1-1-11, Effective Length: 134.5 Rect 0.8 10 0.0 0.000 Trunk 0.0003 16.9 726 0.000 Up: Fan 55 25 0.047 0.062 Rect 0.8 10 133.6 0.299 Presize 1,260 4.9 0.406 0.394 ---Duct Name: ST -110, Feeds Into: Mud, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 1.3 Runout 0.01 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 512 0.000 Up: SMT -100 55 14 0.032 0.000 Rect 1.3 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 498 5 0.406 0.394 ---Duct Name: ST -120, Feeds Into: Mud, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 2.8 0.385 0.415 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 686 0.001 Up: SMT -100 55 16 0.051 0.000 Rect 2.8 10 0.0 0.001 Presize 762 11.9 0.405 0.395 ---Duct Name: ST -130, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.8 33.0 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 686 0.000 Up: ST -120 55 16 0.051 0.000 Rect 0.8 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 762 3.6 0.405 0.395 ---Duct Name: SR -100, Supplies: Office (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 33.0 Runout 0.01 7 307 0.000 Up: ST -170 55 5.4 0.041 0.013 Rnd 0.0 7.7 33.0 0.013 Presize 82 0 0.385 0.415 ---Duct Name: SR -110, Supplies: Office (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 33.0 Runout 0.01 7 307 0.000 Up: ST -160 55 5.4 0.041 0.013 Rnd 0.0 7.7 33.0 0.013 Presize 82 0 0.385 0.415 ---Duct Name: SR -120, Supplies: Pwdr (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 14.8 Runout 0.01 4 69 0.000 Up: ST -180 140 3.1 0.005 0.001 Rnd 0.0 4.4 14.8 0.001 Presize 6 0 0.403 0.397 ---Duct Name: SR -130, Supplies: Foyer (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 32.8 Runout 0.01 7 273 0.000 Up: ST -150 55 5.4 0.033 0.011 Rnd 0.0 7.7 32.8 0.011 Presize 73 0 0.390 0.410 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads ■ Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 6 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply (cont'd) - ---Duct Name, etc. Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct j Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 SPL.Fit Shape Length Height Fit.Eq.Len SPL.Tot Sizing CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cumul ---Duct Name: SR -140, Supplies: Mud (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-1-11, Effective Length: 11.3 Trunk 0.01 Runout 0.01 4 138 0.000 Up: ST -290 55 3.1 0.019 0.002 Rnd 0.0 4.4 11.3 0.002 Presize 12 0 0.401 0.399 ---Duct Name: SR -150, Supplies: Kit/Din/Liv (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 33.0 0.399 Runout 0.01 7 311 0.000 Up: ST -340 55 5.4 0.042 0.014 Rnd 0.0 7.7 33.0 0.014 Presize 83 0 0.386 0.414 ---Duct Name: SR -160, Supplies: Kit/Din/Liv (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 33.0 Runout 0.01 7 311 0.000 Up: ST -320 55 5.4 0.042 0.014 Rnd 0.0 7.7 33.0 0.014 Presize 83 0 0.381 0.419 ---Duct Name: SR -170, Supplies: Kit/Din/Liv (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 33.0 Runout 0.01 7 311 0.000 Up: ST -280 55 5.4 0.042 0.014 Rnd 0.0 7.7 33.0 0.014 Presize 83 0 0.381 0.419 ---Duct Name: SR -180, Supplies: Kit/Din/Liv (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 33.0 Runout 0.01 7 311 0.000 Up: ST -260 55 5.4 0.042 0.014 Rnd 0.0 7.7 33.0 0.014 Presize 83 0 0.379 0.421 ---Duct Name: SR -190, Supplies: Kit/Din/Liv (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 33.0 Trunk 0.01 Runout 0.01 7 311 0.000 Up: ST -270 55 5.4 0.042 0.014 Rnd 0.0 7.7 33.0 0.014 Presize 83 0 0.379 0.421 ---Duct Name: SR -200, Supplies: Kit/Din/Liv (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 33.0 0.399 Runout 0.01 7 311 0.000 Up: ST -220 55 5.4 0.042 0.014 Rnd 0.0 7.7 33.0 0.014 Presize 83 0 0.380 0.420 ---Duct Name: ST -140, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 12.3 Trunk 0.01 Trunk 0.01 10 301 0.003 Up: ST -190 55 7.8 0.024 0.000 Rnd 12.3 10.9 0.0 0.003 Presize 164 32.2 0.401 0.399 ---Duct Name: ST -150, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 8.5 Trunk 0.01 7 273 0.003 Up: ST -200 55 5.4 0.033 0.000 Rnd 8.5 7.7 0.0 0.003 Presize 73 15.5 0.401 0.399 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ® Up: ST -230 140 Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 _ Rnd 6.7 Page 7 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System _ 1 - Supply (cont'd) Presize 6 7 Duct Name etc. 0.397 ---Duct Name: ST -190, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.5 Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 SPL.Fit, Shape Length Height Fit.Eq.Len SPL.Tot Sizing CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cumul ---Duct Name: ST -160, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 5.7 0.0 Trunk 0.01 7 307 0.002 Up: ST -140 55 5.4 0.041 0.000 Rnd 5.7 7.7 0.0 0.002 Presize 82 10.4 0.398 0.402 ---Duct Name: ST -170, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 6.0 Trunk 0.0003 Trunk 0.01 7 307 0.002 Up: ST -140 55 5.4 0.041 0.000 Rnd 6.0 7.7 0.0 0.002 Presize 82 11 0.398 0.402 ---Duct Name: ST -180, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 6.7 Trunk 0.01 4 69 0.000 Up: ST -230 140 3.1 0.005 0.000 Rnd 6.7 4.4 0.0 0.000 Presize 6 7 0.403 0.397 ---Duct Name: ST -190, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.5 0.404 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 148 0.000 Up: ST -230 55 16 0.003 0.000 Rect 0.5 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 164 2.2 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: SR -210, Supplies: Crawl Space (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 44.0 0.0 Runout 0.01 6 229 0.002 Up: ST -250 140 4.7 0.025 0.009 Rnd 6.4 6.6 37.6 0.011 Presize 45 10.1 0.393 0.407 ---Duct Name: ST -200, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.5 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 291 0.000 Up: ST -250 55 16 0.011 0.000 Rect 0.5 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 323 2.2 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: SR -220, Supplies: Crawl Space (in Zone 1), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 70.2 Runout 0.01 6 229 0.008 Up: ST -250 140 4.7 0.025 0.009 Rnd 32.7 6.6 37.6 0.017 Presize 45 51.3 0.386 0.414 ---Duct Name: ST -210, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.7 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 225 0.000 Up: ST -200 55 16 0.007 0.000 Rect 0.7 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 250 2.9 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: ST -220, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 22.5 Trunk 0.01 7 311 0.009 Up: ST -210 55 5.4 0.042 0.000 Rnd 22.5 7.7 0.0 0.009 Presize 83 41.2 0.394 0.406 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM vac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Breen Design Evergreen, CO 80439 Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.5 Elite Software Development, Inc. Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Page 8 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply (cont'd) 0.0003 13.7 150 0.000 - - - - - - -- -- 0.000 Rect ---Duct Name, etc. 0.000 Presize 167 2.2 0.404 Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 Fit.Eq.Len SPL. Fit SPL.Tot Shape Length ii Height Rnd 32.8 10.9 0.0 i Sizing CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cumul ---Duct Name: ST -230, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.5 Trunk 0.0003 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 150 0.000 Up: ST -210 55 16 0.003 0.000 Rect 0.5 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 167 2.2 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: ST -240, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 32.8 0.396 Trunk 0.01 10 304 0.008 Up: ST -300 55 7.8 0.025 0.000 Rnd 32.8 10.9 0.0 0.008 Presize 166 85.8 0.396 0.404 ---Duct Name: ST -250, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.5 Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 6.8 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 302 0.000 Up: ST -300 55 16 0.012 0.000 Rect 0.5 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 335 2.2 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: ST -260, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 7.7 Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 6.8 Trunk 0.01 7 311 0.003 Up: ST -240 55 5.4 0.042 0.000 Rnd 7.7 7.7 0.0 0.003 Presize 83 14.1 0.392 0.408 ---Duct Name: ST -270, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 6.8 Trunk Trunk 0.01 7 311 0.003 Up: ST -240 55 5.4 0.042 0.000 Rnd 6.8 7.7 0.0 0.003 Presize 83 12.4 0.393 0.407 ---Duct Name: ST -280, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 21.8 Trunk Trunk 0.01 7 311 0.009 Up: ST -330 55 5.4 0.042 0.000 Rnd 21.8 7.7 0.0 0.009 Presize 83 40 0.395 0.405 ---Duct Name: ST -290, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 2.0 Presize Trunk 0.01 4 138 0.000 Up: ST -310 55 3.1 0.019 0.000 Rnd 2.0 4.4 0.0 0.000 Presize 12 2.1 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: ST -300, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.9 Trunk Trunk 0.0003 13.7 451 0.000 Up: ST -310 55 16 0.024 0.000 Rect 0.9 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 501 4 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: ST -310, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.7 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 462 0.000 Up: ST -330 55 16 0.025 0.000 Rect 0.7 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 513 2.9 0.404 0.396 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ® 0.000 Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 0.032 0.000 Page 9 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System _ 1 - Supply (cont'd) 0.000 Presize 596 r ---Duct Name, etc. 0.404 0.396 0.000 Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 SPL.Fit Shape Length Height Fit.Eq.Len SPL.Tot Sizing CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cun u ---Duct Name: ST -320, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 21.7 Rnd 14.4 6.6 Trunk 0.01 7 311 0.009 Up: ST -350 55 5.4 0.042 0.000 Rnd 21.7 7.7 0.0 0.009 Presize 83 39.8 0.395 0.405 ---Duct Name: ST -330, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.6 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 536 0.000 Up: ST -350 55 16 0.032 0.000 Rect 0.6 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 596 2.5 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: ST -340, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 11.7 Trunk 0.01 7 311 0.005 Up: ST -130 55 5.4 0.042 0.000 Rnd 11.7 7.7 0.0 0.005 Presize 83 21.4 0.400 0.400 ---Duct Name: ST -350, Feeds Into: Crawl Space, Supplies Zone: 1, Effective Length: 0.6 16.0 Trunk 0.0003 13.7 611 0.000 Up: ST -130 55 16 0.041 0.000 Rect 0.6 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 679 2.5 0.404 0.396 ---Duct Name: SR -230, Supplies: Mstr Bed (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 60.9 Up: ST -360 Runout 0.0003 6 321 0.005 Up: ST -370 55 4.7 0.032 0.015 Rnd 14.4 6.6 46.5 0.019 Presize 63 22.6 0.383 0.417 ---Duct Name: SR -240, Supplies: Mstr Bed (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 72.1 Runout 0.0003 6 321 0.005 Up: ST -400 55 4.7 0.032 0.018 Rnd 14.4 6.6 57.7 0.023 Presize 63 22.6 0.380 0.420 ---Duct Name: ST -360, Feeds Into: Pwdr, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 2.4 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 324 0.000 Up: ST -400 55 8 0.020 0.000 Rect 2.4 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 180 7.2 0.403 0.397 ---Duct Name: SR -250, Supplies: M.W/C (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-H, Effective Length: 30.0 Runout 0.0003 3 204 0.005 Up: ST -390 55 2.4 0.035 0.006 Rnd 14.0 3.3 16.0 0.010 Presize 10 11 0.392 0.408 ---Duct Name: SR -260, Supplies: M.Clst (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-H, Effective Length: 21.0 Runout 0.0003 3 285 0.001 Up: ST -360 55 2.4 0.062 0.012 Rnd 2.3 3.3 18.7 0.013 Presize 14 1.8 0.390 0.410 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 10 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Suppe (c)nt'd� ---Duct Name, etc. Trunk 0.0003 9.8 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 Fit.Eq.Len SPL.Fit' SPL.Tot Shape Length Height 0.402 0.398 Sizing CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cumul ---Duct Name: SR -270, Supplies: Mstr Bth (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 28.0 Runout 0.0003 3 285 0.006 Up: ST -450 55 2.4 0.062 0.012 Rnd 9.3 3.3 18.7 0.017 Presize 14 7.3 0.386 0.414 ---Duct Name: SR -280, Supplies: Bed 2 (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 94.7 Runout 0.0003 7 348 0.010 Up: ST -380 55 5.4 0.030 0.019 Rnd 33.2 7.7 61.5 0.029 Presize 93 60.8 0.374 0.426 ---Duct Name: SR -300, Supplies: Mech (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 72.7 Runout 0.0003 7 400 0.004 Up: ST -410 55 5.4 0.039 0.025 Rnd 9.3 7.7 63.4 0.028 Presize 107 17 0.377 0.423 ---Duct Name: SR -310, Supplies: Laundry (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 22.3 Runout 0.0003 3 346 0.002 Up: ST -430 55 2.4 0.088 0.017 Rnd 2.7 3.3 19.6 0.020 Presize 17 2.1 0.386 0.414 ---Duct Name: SR -320, Supplies: Bath (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, Effective Length: 37.2 Runout 0.0003 4 241 0.003 Up: ST -440 55 3.1 0.032 0.009 Rnd 9.4 4.4 27.7 0.012 Presize 21 9.9 0.394 0.406 ---Duct Name: SR -330, Supplies: Bed 1 (in Zone 2), Fittings: 2-I, 4-G, 8-A2, Effective Length: 106.2 Runout 0.0003 7 359 0.010 Up: ST -110 55 5.4 0.032 0.024 Rnd 32.3 7.7 73.9 0.034 Presize 96 59.1 0.372 0.428 ---Duct Name: ST -370, Feeds Into: Pwdr, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 1.2 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 113 0.000 Up: ST -380 55 8 0.003 0.000 Rect 1.2 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 63 3.5 0.402 0.398 ---Duct Name: ST -380, Feeds Into: Pwdr, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 1.6 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 281 0.000 Up: ST -390 55 8 0.015 0.000 Rect 1.6 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 156 4.8 0.402 0.398 ---Duct Name: ST -390, Feeds Into: Pwdr, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 1.3 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 299 0.000 Up: ST -360 55 8 0.017 0.000 Rect 1.3 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 166 3.8 0.403 0.397 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design 437 0.000 Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 0.000 Rect 1.4 10 Pae 11 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply cont'd 0.403 0.397 Duct Name, etc. T 0.396 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 SPL.Fit Shape Length Height Fit.Eq.Len SPL.Tot Sizing CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cumul ---Duct Name: ST -400, Feeds Into: Pwdr, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 1.4 Trunk 0.0003 Trunk 0.0003 9.8 437 0.000 Up: ST -450 55 8 0.034 0.000 Rect 1.4 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 243 4.2 0.403 0.397 ---Duct Name: ST -410, Feeds Into: Foyer, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 2.9 0.404 0.396 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 374 0.001 Up: ST -420 55 14 0.018 0.000 Rect 2.9 10 0.0 0.001 Presize 364 11.7 0.405 0.395 ---Duct Name: ST -420, Feeds Into: Mud, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 0.7 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 374 0.000 Up: ST -430 55 14 0.018 0.000 Rect 0.7 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 364 2.7 0.406 0.394 ---Duct Name: ST -430, Feeds Into: Mud, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 0.6 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 392 0.000 Up: ST -440 55 14 0.020 0.000 Rect 0.6 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 381 2.3 0.406 0.394 ---Duct Name: ST -440, Feeds Into: Mud, Supplies Zone: 2, Effective Length: 0.4 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 414 0.000 Up: ST -110 55 14 0.022 0.000 Rect 0.4 10 0.0 0.000 Presize 402 1.7 0.406 0.394 ---Duct Name: ST -450, Feeds Into: Pwdr, Supplies Zone: 2, Fitting: 12-01, Effective Length: 13.3 Trunk 0.0003 12.9 264 0.001 Up: ST -410 55 14 0.010 0.001 Rect 6.3 10 7.1 0.001 Presize 257 25 0.404 0.396 Report Units: Pressure: in.wg, Duct lengths: feet, Duct sizes: inch, Airflow: CFM, Velocity: ft./min, Temperature Notes: Static pressure available values for return ducts are at the entrance of the duct. For supply, they are at the exit. The cumulative static pressure loss value for a return trunk is with respect to the entry point of the return runout upstream with the highest static pressure available. Total and cumulative static pressure loss values for the supply main trunk include any device pressure losses entered, and the cumulative may also include the total static pressure loss of the return side. Summary Number of active trunks: 36 Number of active runouts: 23 Total runout outlet airflow: Main trunk airflow: Largest trunk diameter: Largest runout diameter: Smallest trunk diameter: 1,341 1,260 16.9 SMT -100 7 SR -100 4 ST -180 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM FR—hvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio-2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 _ _ _ __--_---- - - __- Page 12 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Supply (cont'd) Summary - --- — — - — Smallest runout diameter: 3 SR-250 Supply fan external static pressure: 0.800 Supply fan device pressure losses: 0.236 Supply fan static pressure available: 0.564 Runout maximum cumulative static pressure loss: 0.428 SR -330 Return loss added to supply: 0.095 Total effective length of return ( ft.): 342.3 Office High 1 Total effective length of supply ( ft.): 241.9 SR -330 Overall total effective length ( ft.): 584.2 Office High 1 to SR -330 Design overall friction rate per 100 ft.: 0.097 (Available SP x 100 / TEL) System duct surface area (Scenario 1): 724.2 Main (Linked to duct load) Total system duct surface area: 724.2 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads® Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 13 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Return ---Duct Name, etc. Trunk 0.0003 18.6 643 0.000 Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 SPL.Flt , Shape Length Height Fit.Eq.Len SPL.Tot Sizing CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cumul ---Duct Name: RMT -100, Feeds From: Mech, Fittings: 5-H1, 5-N, Effective Length: 217.8 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 643 0.000 Up: Fan 75 25 0.031 0.068 Rect 0.7 12 217.1 0.068 Presize 1,340 4.1 -0.027 0.095 ---Duct Name: RT -110, Feeds From: Foyer, Effective Length: 4.4 103.8 0.025 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 643 0.001 Up: RMT -100 75 25 0.031 0.000 Rect 4.4 12 0.0 0.001 Presize 1,340 27.2 -0.026 0.093 ---Duct Name: Office High 1, Returns From: Office, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 106.5 Runout 0.0003 7 307 0.001 Up: RT -120 75 5.4 0.023 0.024 Rnd 2.7 7.7 103.8 0.025 Presize 82 4.9 0.000 0.025 ---Duct Name: Office High 2, Returns From: Office, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 50.7 Runout 0.0003 7 307 0.001 Up: RT -160 75 5.4 0.023 0.011 Rnd 2.7 7.7 48.0 0.012 Presize 82 4.9 -0.013 0.012 ---Duct Name: Foyer High 1, Returns From: Office, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 41.0 Runout 0.0003 7 427 0.001 Up: RT -140 75 5.4 0.042 0.016 Rnd 3.4 7.7 37.5 0.017 Presize 114 6.3 -0.008 0.017 ---Duct Name: Foyer High 2, Returns From: Office, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 42.6 Runout 0.0003 7 423 0.002 Up: RT -190 75 5.4 0.041 0.016 Rnd 5.1 7.7 37.5 0.018 Presize 113 9.3 -0.007 0.018 ---Duct Name: Lvng Rm Low, Returns From: Kit/Din/Liv, Fittings: 6-C, 6-G, Effective Length: 68.2 Runout 0.0003 12 573 0.003 Up: RT -210 75 9.3 0.037 0.021 Rnd 9.5 13.1 58.7 0.025 Presize 450 29.8 -0.001 0.025 ---Duct Name: RT -120, Feeds From: Pwdr, Effective Length: 1.0 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 39 0.000 Up: RT -160 75 25 0.000 0.000 Rect 1.0 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 82 6.2 -0.025 0.093 ---Duct Name: RT -130, Feeds From: Pwdr, Effective Length: 0.9 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 203 0.000 Up: RT -140 75 25 0.004 0.000 Rect 0.9 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 422 5.7 -0.025 0.093 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen DesignLucid Studio -2850 Teller St ® Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 14 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Return (cont'd) Runout 0.0003 J F ---Duct Name, etc. -- - - - -- - Up: RT -130 75 5.4 Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 SPL.Fit' Shape Length Height Fit.Eq.Len SPL.Tot Sizing CFM Area SP.Avail SPL.Cumul ---Duct Name: RT -140, Feeds From: Pwdr, Effective Length: 0.7 Runout 0.0003 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 257 0.000 Up: RT -190 75 25 0.006 0.000 Rect 0.7 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 536 4.1 -0.025 0.093 ---Duct Name: RT -150, Feeds From: Foyer, Effective Length: 2.5 0.020 ---Duct Name: Comm. Trunk 0.0003 18.6 381 0.000 Up: RT -210 75 25 0.012 0.000 Rect 2.5 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 794 15.4 -0.025 0.093 ---Duct Name: Mstr High 1, Returns From: M.Clst, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 43.2 73 Runout 0.0003 7 311 0.002 Up: RT -180 75 5.4 0.024 0.008 Rnd 8.3 7.7 35.0 0.010 Presize 83 15.1 -0.015 0.010 ---Duct Name: Mstr High 2, Returns From: M.Clst, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 43.1 Runout 0.0003 7 307 0.002 j Up: RT -130 75 5.4 0.023 0.008 Rnd 8.3 7.7 34.9 0.010 Presize 82 15.1 -0.015 0.010 ---Duct Name: B2 High, Returns From: Bed 2, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 61.3 Runout 0.0003 7 348 0.007 Up: RT -170 75 5.4 0.029 0.011 Rnd 25.4 7.7 35.9 0.018 Presize 93 46.6 -0.007 0.018 ---Duct Name: B1 High, Returns From: Bath, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 66.0 0.0 Runout 0.0003 7 359 0.009 Up: RT -110 75 5.4 0.031 0.011 Rnd 29.8 7.7 36.2 0.020 Presize 96 54.7 -0.005 0.020 ---Duct Name: Comm. High 1, Returns From: Laundry, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 45.1 Runout 0.0003 7 273 0.002 Up: RT -200 75 5.4 0.019 0.006 Rnd 11.2 7.7 33.9 0.009 Presize 73 20.5 -0.017 0.009 ---Duct Name: Comm. High 2, Returns From: Laundry, Fittings: 6-C, 6-F, 12-S, Effective Length: 46.5 Runout 0.0003 7 269 0.002 Up: RT -150 75 5.4 0.019 0.006 Rnd 12.7 7.7 33.8 0.009 Presize 72 23.2 -0.017 0.009 ---Duct Name: RT -160, Feeds From: Pwdr, Effective Length: 3.6 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 79 0.000 Up: RT -170 75 25 0.001 0.000 Rect 3.6 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 164 22.1 -0.025 0.093 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Breen Design ® Elite Software Development, Inc. Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 15 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Return (cont'd) ---Duct Name, etc. Type Roughness Diameter Velocity SPL.Duct Upstream Temperature Width Loss/100 SPL.Fit Shape Length Height Fit. Eq. Len SP L.Tot Sizing CFM Area _ SP.Avail _S_PL.Cumul j ---Duct Name: RT -170, Feeds From: Pwdr, Effective Length: 0.8 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 123 0.000 Up: RT -180 75 25 0.002 0.000 Rect 0.8 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 257 5.1 -0.025 0.093 ---Duct Name: RT -180, Feeds From: Pwdr, Effective Length: 1.0 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 163 0.000 Up: RT -130 75 25 0.003 0.000 Rect 1.0 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 340 6.2 -0.025 0.093 ---Duct Name: RT -190, Feeds From: Foyer, Effective Length: 2.3 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 312 0.000 Up: RT -200 75 25 0.008 0.000 Rect 2.3 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 649 14.4 -0.025 0.093 ---Duct Name: RT -200, Feeds From: Foyer, Effective Length: 0.5 Trunk 0.0003 18.6 347 0.000 Up: RT -150 75 25 0.010 0.000 Rect 0.5 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 722 3.1 -0.025 0.093 ---Duct Name: RT -210, Feeds From: Foyer, Effective Length: 0.3 li Trunk 0.0003 18.6 597 0.000 Up: RT -110 75 25 0.027 0.000 Rect 0.3 12 0.0 0.000 Presize 1,244 2.1 -0.026 0.093 Report Units: Pressure: in.wg, Duct lengths: feet, Duct sizes: inch, Airflow: CFM, Velocity: ft./min, Temperature: F Notes: Static pressure available values for return ducts are at the entrance of the duct. For supply, they are at the exit. The cumulative static pressure loss value for a return trunk is with respect to the entry point of the return runout upstream with the highest static pressure available. Total and cumulative static pressure loss values for the supply main trunk include any device pressure losses entered, and the cumulative may also include the total static pressure loss of the return side. Summary Number of active trunks: 12 Number of active runouts: 11 Total runout outlet airflow: 1,340 Main trunk airflow: 1,340 Largest trunk diameter: 18.6 RMT -100 Largest runout diameter: 12 Lvng Rm Low Smallest trunk diameter: 18.6 RMT -100 Smallest runout diameter: 7 Office High 1 Runout maximum cumulative static pressure loss: 0.025 Office High 1 j Return loss added to supply: 0.095 Total effective length of return ( ft.): 342.3 Office High 1 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads■ elite Software ueveiopment, inc. Lucid Studio -2850 Breen Design Teller St Evergreen CO 80439 _ Page 16 Manual D Ductsize Data - Duct System 1 - Return cont'd) Summary _ System duct surface area (Scenario 1): 346 Main (Linked to duct load) Total system duct surface area: 346 Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Crawl wall R15 draped insulation, New crawl Rhva&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Total Building Supply CFM: 1,260 12F-Osw: Wall -Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud - Elite Software Been Design 1,805 1,805 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 1,531 uidStuud Studio -2850 50 TPeelleer St Evergreen, CO 80439 -� _ -- 1220.3 Page 17 Total Building Summary Loads 1,123 1,123 Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition 43,752 Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total !. Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain; LS1: Glazing -Window, u -value 0.32, SHGC 0.32 592.3 13,084 0 15,578 15,578 Crl R15 drape -4: Wall -Basement, Custom, Concrete 804.1 3,240 0 96 96 Crawl wall R15 draped insulation, New crawl Total Building Supply CFM: 1,260 12F-Osw: Wall -Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 2455.2 11,010 0 1,805 1,805 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 1,531 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 26,711 Roof R-49: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on 1220.3 1,685 0 1,123 1,123 Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition 43,752 Btuh 43.752 MBH Total Sensible Gain: Ceilings), Custom, R49 Insulation -Asphalt, metal, Btuh 100 % Total Latent Gain: -2,897 Tile-anyroof material 0 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 23,216 Btuh 21 A-28: Floor -Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 1032.9 1,568 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, Notes -1 any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 28' wide 20P-30: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 180.6 435 0 38 38 R-30 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 31,022 0 18,640 18,640 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 0 1,200 1,200 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 171, Summer CFM: 171 10,587 -3,697 2,456 -1,241 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Exhaust: Winter CFM: 129, Summer CFM: 129 Humidification (Winter) 5.84 gal/day : 2,143 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 43,752 -2,897 23,216 20,319 j Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM: 1,260 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.383 Square ft. of Room Area: 3,291 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,531 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 26,711 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 43,752 Btuh 43.752 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 23,216 Btuh 100 % Total Latent Gain: -2,897 Btuh 0 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 23,216 Btuh 2.15 Tons (Based On 90% Sensible Capacity) Notes -1 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads ® Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen CO 80439 Page 18 Building Pie Chart Building Wall 33 Loss 43,752 Btuh Glass 30% nfiltration 24% C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inti Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 19 Building Bar Graph 15,000 10,000 Building Loss 43,752 Btuh 5,000 IC 20,000 15,000 Building 10,000 Gain 20,319 Btu 5,000 X Floor 5% Wall 33% Infiltration 24% Roof 4% Glass 30% Humidification 5% Floor 0% Wall 9% Roof 5% People 8% Glass 72% Equipment 6% C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ® Lucid Studio-2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 20 Sy 1 House Summary-Loads i �Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total L Description _ Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain LS1: Glazing-Window, u-value 0.32, SHGC 0.32 592.3 13,084 0 15,578 15,578 Crl R15 drape-4: Wall-Basement, Custom, Concrete 804.1 3,240 0 96 96 Crawl wall R15 draped insulation, New crawl 12F-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 2455.2 11,010 0 1,805 1,805 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs Roof R-49: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on 1220.3 1,685 0 1,123 1,123 Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Custom, R49 Insulation-Asphalt, metal, Tile-anyroof material 21 A-28: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 1032.9 1,568 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 28' wide 20P-30: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 180.6 435 0 38 38 R-30 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 31,022 0 18,640 18,640 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 0 1,200 1,200 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 171, Summer CFM: 171 10,587 -3,697 2,456 -1,241 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Exhaust: Winter CFM: 129, Summer CFM: 129 Humidification (Winter) 5.84 gal/day : 2,143 0 0 0 System 1 House Load Totals: 43,752 -2,897 23,216 20,319 ;Check Figures Supply CFM: 1,260 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.383 Square ft. of Room Area: 3,291 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,531 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 26,711 System Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 43,752 Btuh 43.752 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 23,216 Btuh 100 % Total Latent Gain: -2,897 Btuh 0 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 23,216 Btuh 2.15 Tons (Based On 90% Sensible Capacity) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads® Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Paae 21 Equipment Data - System 1 - House Cooling System Type: Outdoor Model: Indoor Model: Tradename: Outdoor Manufacturer: AHRI Reference No.: Capacity: Efficiency: Heating System Type: Model: Tradename: Manufacturer: Description: Capacity: Efficiency: Standard Air Conditioner CA13NA036BN**D CNPV*4821 AL*+TDR 13 SEER AC CARRIER 9871097 34200 13 SEER Natural Gas Furnace 59SC2D080E21--20 CARRIER CARRIER CORPORATION Natural Gas or Propane Furnace 75000 92.1 AFUE C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Breen Design Evergreen, CO 80439 Clg HTM ■ Page 22' Detailed Room Loads - Room 1 - Crawl Space (Average Load Procedure) General 14.6 0.051 4.0 59 0.1 Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. 100.4 Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a 12 System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a 0 Zone Number: 1 Area: 1,032.9 sq.ft. Supply Air: 90 CFM Ceiling Height: 5.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.0 AC/hr Volume: 5,164.5 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 8.3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 'Itm Description N -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 13 X 5 E -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 2.9 X 5 N -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 20.1 X 5 W -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 1.1 X 5 N -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 15.5 X 5 E -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 12.6 X 5 S -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 4.6 X 5 E -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 1.7 X 5 S -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 5.8 X 5 W -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 1.7 X 5 S -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 4.6 X 5 E -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 14.7 X 5 S -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 28.6 X 5 W -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 16.5 X 5 S -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 5.1 X 5 W -Wall-Crl R15 drape -4 12.6 X 5 Floor -21A-28 1 X 1032.9 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 8.6, Sum.: 8.6 Ductwork: Room Totals: Area Quantity -U- Value Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: Htg Sen HTM Loss Clg HTM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 9 CFM 9 CFM Lat Gain Sen Gain 65 0.051 4.0 262 0.1 0 8 14.6 0.051 4.0 59 0.1 0 2 100.4 0.051 4.0 405 0.1 0 12 5.4 0.051 4.0 22 0.1 0 1 77.5 0.051 4.0 312 0.1 0 9 62.9 0.051 4.0 253 0.1 0 7 22.9 0.051 4.0 92 0.1 0 3 8.3 0.051 4.0 34 0.1 0 1 28.8 0.051 4.0 116 0.1 0 3 8.3 0.051 4.0 34 0.1 0 1 22.9 0.051 4.0 92 0.1 0 3 73.3 0.051 4.0 296 0.1 0 9 142.9 0.051 4.0 576 0.1 0 17 82.5 0.051 4.0 332 0.1 0 10 25.4 0.051 4.0 102 0.1 0 3 62.9 0.051 4.0 253 0.1 0 7 1032.9 0.022 1.5 1,568 0.0 0 0 4,808 0 96 161 3.302 531 0.765 -185 123 0 0 5,339 -185 219 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads® Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design -U- Value Htg HTM Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Lat Gain v N -Wall-12F-Osw 13.1 X 10.1 Page 23 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Office (Average Load Procedure) 0.7 0 General E -Wall-12F-Osw 3 X 10.1 29.7 0.065 4.5 Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 S -Wall-12F-Osw 5 X 10.1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 0.7 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 0.065 Area: 165.7 sq.ft. Supply Air: 164 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 5.9 AC/hr Volume: 1,671.0 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 188 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S Percent of Supply.: 0 % 464 35.4 Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM 21 0.320 Percent of Supply: 0 % 0 743 Actual Winter Infil.: 18 CFM 22.1 464 Actual Summer Infil.: 18 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen j Gain I, N -Wall-12F-Osw 13.1 X 10.1 117.8 0.065 4.5 529 0.7 0 87 E -Wall-12F-Osw 3 X 10.1 29.7 0.065 4.5 133 0.7 0 22 S -Wall-12F-Osw 5 X 10.1 39.7 0.065 4.5 178 0.7 0 29 W -Wall-12F-Osw 12.7 X 10.1 64.7 0.065 4.5 290 0.7 0 48 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 14 0.320 22.1 309 11.4 0 159 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 10.5 0.320 22.1 232 17.9 0 188 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 21 0.320 22.1 464 35.4 0 743 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 21 0.320 22.1 464 35.4 0 743 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 21 0.320 22.1 464 35.4 0 743 Subtotals for Structure: 3,063 0 2,762 Infil.: Win.: 18.1, Sum.: 18.1 339 3.299 1,120 0.766 -391 260 Ductwork: 0 0 Room Totals: 4,183 -391 3,022 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ■ Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 - __ Page 24 j Room Loads - Room 3 - Pwdr (Average Load Procedure) 0 CFM _Detailed General -- - — — — — -- --J Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 4.2 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 9.7 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 40.3 sq.ft. Supply Air: 6 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.8 AC/hr Volume: 406.6 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 2 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 2 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall-12F-Osw 4.2 X 10.1 42 0.065 4.5 189 0.7 0 31 Subtotals for Structure: 189 0 31 Infil.: Win.: 2.2, Sum.: 2.2 42 3.307 139 0.761 -48 32 Ductwork: 0 0 Room Totals: 328 -48 63 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ® Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 _ _ Page 25 Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Kit/Din/Liv (Average Load Procedure) 0 7,218 Infil.: Win.: 50.7, Sum.: 50.7 948 General -1,093 726 Ductwork: 0 0 Equipment: Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. 1,200 Occurrences: 11,797 1 9,144 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 Area: 628.4 sq.ft. Supply Air: 496 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.7 AC/hr Volume: 6,336.5 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 6 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 51 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 51 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain j N -Wall- 1 2F-Osw 15.8 X 10.1 _ 142.8 0.065 4.5 640 0.7 0 105 W -Wall-12F-Osw 1 X 10.1 10.1 0.065 4.5 45 0.7 0 7 N -Wal l-12F-Osw 15.6 X 10.1 148 0.065 4.5 664 0.7 0 109 E -Wal l-12F-Osw 12.6 X 10.1 70.8 0.065 4.5 318 0.7 0 52 S -Wall-12F-Osw 4.6 X 10.1 18.2 0.065 4.5 81 0.7 0 13 E -Wall-12F-Osw 1.6 X 10.1 15.9 0.065 4.5 71 0.7 0 12 S -Wall-12F-Osw 5.8 X 10.1 58 0.065 4.5 260 0.7 0 43 W -Wall-12F-Osw 1.6 X 10.1 15.9 0.065 4.5 71 0.7 0 12 S -Wall-12F-Osw 4.6 X 10.1 18.2 0.065 4.5 81 0.7 0 13 E -Wall-12F-Osw 14.7 X 10.1 67.8 0.065 4.5 304 0.7 0 50 S -Wall-12F-Osw 16.4 X 10.1 131.5 0.065 4.5 590 0.7 0 97 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 8 0.320 22.1 177 11.4 0 91 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 8 0.320 22.1 177 11.4 0 91 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 9 0.320 22.1 199 11.3 0 102 E -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 28 0.320 22.1 618 35.4 0 991 E -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 28 0.320 22.1 618 35.4 0 991 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 28 0.320 22.1 618 17.9 0 500 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 28 0.320 22.1 618 17.9 0 500 E -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 80 0.320 22.1 1,767 35.4 0 2,832 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 14 0.320 22.1 309 17.9 0 250 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 20 0.320 22.1 442 17.8 0 357 Subtotals for Structure: 8,668 0 7,218 Infil.: Win.: 50.7, Sum.: 50.7 948 3.300 3,129 0.766 -1,093 726 Ductwork: 0 0 Equipment: 0 1,200 Room Totals: 11,797 -1,093 9,144 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads■ Area Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Sen Clg Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Description Quantity Value Page 26 Detailed Room Loads - Room 5 - Foyer (Average Load Procedure) Gain General S -Wall- 1 2F-Osw 12.2 X 10.1 123.5 _ 0.065 _ 4.5 Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 W -Wall-12F-Osw 16.6 X 10.1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 0.7 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 1 0.320 Area: 164.9 sq.ft. Supply Air: 73 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,662.5 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 1,123 Infil.: Win.: 15.5, Sum.: 15.5 Percent of Supply.: 0 % 959 0.764 Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % 0 Actual Winter Infil.: 16 CFM 2,725 Actual Summer Infil.: 16 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain S -Wall- 1 2F-Osw 12.2 X 10.1 123.5 _ 0.065 _ 4.5 554 0.7 0 91 W -Wall-12F-Osw 16.6 X 10.1 140.9 0.065 4.5 632 0.7 0 103 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 6.2 0.320 22.1 138 35.4 0 221 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 O%S 20 0.320 22.1 442 35.4 0 708 Subtotals for Structure: 1,766 0 1,123 Infil.: Win.: 15.5, Sum.: 15.5 291 3.300 959 0.764 -335 222 Ductwork: 0 0 Room Totals: 2,725 -335 1,345 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ® Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St j Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 27 Detailed Room Loads _ _ v_ - Room 6 - Mud (Average Load Procedure) General _ Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 7.9 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 4.8 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 38.3 sq.ft. Supply Air: 12 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.9 AC/hr Volume: 385.7 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 0 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Cig Lat Seri Description Quantity Vatue,, HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain Subtotals for Structure: 0 0 0 Infil.: Win.: 0.0, Sum.: 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 1 200 230 Room Totals: 0 200 230 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ® Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen CO 80439 Page 2_8.1 Detailed Room Loads - Room 7 - Mstr Bed (Average Load Procedure) General J _ Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 2 Area: 189.5 sq.ft. Supply Air: 127 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.4 AC/hr Volume: 1,720.9 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 17 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 17 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Descri tion_ Quantity Value _ HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall-12F-Osw 13 X 9.1 104 0.065 4.5 467 0.7 0 76 E -Wall-12F-Osw 2.8 X 9.1 25 0.065 4.5 112 0.7 0 18 N -Wall-12F-Osw 2.5 X 9.1 22.7 0.065 4.5 102 0.7 0 17 S -Wall-12F-Osw 5 X 9.1 24.4 0.065 4.5 109 0.7 0 18 W -Wall-12F-Osw 12.7 X 9.1 88 0.065 4.5 395 0.7 0 65 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 14 0.320 22.1 309 11.4 0 159 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 9 0.320 22.1 199 17.9 0 161 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 12 0.320 22.1 265 17.8 0 214 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 O%S 9 0.320 22.1 199 35.3 0 318 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 9 0.320 22.1 199 35.3 0 318 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 9 0.320 22.1 199 35.3 0 318 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 189.5 X 1 189.5 0.020 1.4 261 0.9 0 174 Subtotals for Structure: 2,816 0 1,856 Infil.: Win.: 17.4, Sum.: 17.4 326 3.299 1,076 0.767 -376 250 Ductwork: 0 0 People: 200 Iat/per, 230 sen/per: 1 200 230 Room Totals: 3,892 -176 2,336 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Breen Design Elite Software Development, Inc. ® Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Pa e 29 Detailed Room Loads - Room 8 - M. Clst (Average Load Procedure) 53.3 0.065 General 239 0.7 0 39 Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 177 Room Length: 6.8 ft. System Number: 1 86.6 Room Width: 12.8 ft. Zone Number: 2 0 Area: 86.6 sq.ft. Supply Air: 14 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.1 AC/hr Volume: 786.6 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 0 Percent of Supply.: 0 % Room Totals: Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM -71 Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 3 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 3 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain N -Wal l-12F-Osw 6.8 X 9.1 53.3 0.065 4.5 239 0.7 0 39 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 8 0.320 22.1 177 11.4 0 91 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 86.6 X 1 86.6 0.020 1.4 120 0.9 0 80 Subtotals for Structure: 536 0 210 Infil.: Win.: 3.3, Sum.: 3.3 61 3.296 202 0.767 -71 47 Ductwork: 0 0 Room Totals: 738 -71 257 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM ri hvac -Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ® Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen CO 80439 _ _ Page 30 Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Mstr Bth (Average Load Procedure) General 0 CFM Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 2 Area: 115.1 sq.ft. Supply Air: 14 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,045.1 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 3 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 3 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall- 1 2F-Osw 5.6 X 9.1 42.7 0.065 4.5 191 0.7 0 31 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 8 0.320 22.1 177 11.4 0 91 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 115.1 X 1 115.1 0.020 1.4 159 0.9 0 106 Subtotals for Structure: 527 0 228 Infil.: Win.: 2.7, Sum.: 2.7 51 3.296 167 0.770 -58 39 Ductwork: 0 0 Room Totals: 694 -58 267 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Page 31 Detailed Room Loads - Room 10 - M. WIC (Average Load Procedure) -U- Value Htg HT_M General Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain) N -Wall-12F-Osw 5.3 X 9.1 40.4 Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. 181 Occurrences: 1 30 Room Length: 5.3 ft. System Number: 1 11.4 Room Width: 3.8 ft. Zone Number: 2 1.4 Area: 20.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 10 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.2 AC/hr Volume: 181.5 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Ductwork: Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 0 Percent of Supply.: 0 % 546 Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 3 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 3 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HT_M Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain) N -Wall-12F-Osw 5.3 X 9.1 40.4 0.065 4.5 181 0.7 0 30 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 8 0.320 22.1 177 11.4 0 91 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 20 X 1 20 0.020 1.4 28 0.9 0 18 Subtotals for Structure: 386 0 139 Infil.: Win.: 2.6, Sum.: 2.6 48 3.306 160 0.765 -56 37 Ductwork: 0 0 Room Totals: 546 -56 176 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM i Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen CO 80439 Page 32 Detailed Room Loads - Room 11 - Bed 2 (Average Load Procedure) General -U- Htg Sen Cig Lat Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 HTM Loss Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 119 0.065 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 2 87 E -Wall-12F-Osw 12.7 X 9.1 Area: 199.5 sq.ft. Supply Air: 93 CFM 0 Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.1 AC/hr 81 Volume: 1,811.9 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM 0.065 Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM W -Wall-12F-Osw 0.8 X 9.1 7.5 0.065 Percent of Supply.: 0 % 0 6 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM 199 11.3 0 Percent of Supply: 0 % 0.320 22.1 265 Actual Winter Infil.: 15 CFM E -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 8 0.320 Actual Summer Infil.: 15 CFM 0 Item Area -U- Htg Sen Cig Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -Wall-12F-Osw 15.4 X 9.1 119 0.065 4.5 534 0.7 0 87 E -Wall-12F-Osw 12.7 X 9.1 96.5 0.065 4.5 433 0.7 0 71 S -Wall-12F-Osw 2 X 9.1 18.2 0.065 4.5 81 0.7 0 13 E -Wall-12F-Osw 0.9 X 9.1 8.4 0.065 4.5 37 0.7 0 6 W -Wall-12F-Osw 0.8 X 9.1 7.5 0.065 4.5 34 0.7 0 6 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 9 0.320 22.1 199 11.3 0 102 N -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 100%S 12 0.320 22.1 265 11.3 0 136 E -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 8 0.320 22.1 177 35.4 0 283 E -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 10.5 0.320 22.1 232 35.3 0 371 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 199.5 X 1 199.5 0.020 1.4 275 0.9 0 184 Floor -20P-30 1 X 2.9 2.9 0.035 2.4 7 0.2 0 1 Floor -20P-30 1 X 0.6 0.6 0.035 2.4 1 0.2 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 2,275 0 1,260 Infil.: Win.: 15.4, Sum.: 15.4 289 3.300 954 0.764 -333 221 Ductwork: 0 0 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 1 200 230 Room Totals: 3,229 -133 1,711 II C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Knvac - Kesiaentiai & Light t;ommerciai KVAL; LOWS Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design % Actual Summer Vent.: Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Percent of Supply: 0 % Detailed Room Loads - Room 12 - Bed 1 (Average Load Procedure) CFM General 14 CFM Gain Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 2 Area: 172.4 sq.ft. Supply Air: 96 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.7 AC/hr Volume: 1,566.3 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 14 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 14 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain_ Gain E -Wall-12F-Osw 13.7 X 9.1 103.1 0.065 4.5 463 0.7 0 76 S -Wall-12F-Osw 14.2 X 9.1 115.4 0.065 4.5 518 0.7 0 85 E -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 9 0.320 22.1 199 35.3 0 318 E -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 12 0.320 22.1 265 35.4 0 425 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 14 0.320 22.1 309 17.9 0 250 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 172.4 X 1 172.4 0.020 1.4 238 0.9 0 159 Floor -20P-30 1 X 155.8 155.8 0.035 2.4 376 0.2 0 33 Subtotals for Structure: 2,368 0 1,346 Infil.: Win.: 13.5, Sum.: 13.5 254 3.302 837 0.765 -292 194 Ductwork: 0 0 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 1 200 230 Room Totals: 3.205 -92 1.770 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design % Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 0 CFM Page 34 Detailed Room Loads - Room 13 - Bath Average Load Procedure) % General —_. Actual Winter Infil.: --- - — - --- — -- Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 2 Area: 149.7 sq.ft. Supply Air: 21 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.9 AC/hr Volume: 1,359.7 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Item Area _U_ Description Quantity Value S -Wall-12F-Osw 8.4 X 9.1 68.5 0.065 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 8 0.320 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 149.7 X 1 149.7 0.020 Floor -20P-30 1 X 21.2 21.2 0.035 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 4.1, Sum.: 4.1 Ductwork: Room Totals: 76 Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 4 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 4 CFM Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain 4.5 307 0.7 0 50 22.1 177 17.9 0 143 1.4 207 0.9 0 138 2.4 51 0.2 0 4 742 0 335 3.296 252 0.772 -88 59 0 0 994 -88 394 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Devel�Teller Breen Design Htg HTM ® Clg HTM Lucid Studio 2Evergreen, CO 80439 S -Wall-12F-Osw 6.8 X 9.1 53.3 0.065 4.5 Detailed Room Loads - Room 14 - Laundry (Average Load Procedure) S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S General 0.320 22.1 177 17.9 0 Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. 91.7 Occurrences: 1 127 Room Length: 6.8 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 13.6 ft. Zone Number: 2 Infil.: Win.: 3.3, Sum.: 3.3 Area: 91.7 sq.ft. Supply Air: 17 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.2 AC/hr Volume: 832.6 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 3 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 3 CFM Item Descri tp ion __ Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain- S -Wall-12F-Osw 6.8 X 9.1 53.3 0.065 4.5 239 0.7 0 39 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 8 0.320 22.1 177 17.9 0 143 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 91.7 X 1 91.7 0.020 1.4 127 0.9 0 84 Subtotals for Structure: 543 0 266 Infil.: Win.: 3.3, Sum.: 3.3 61 3.296 202 0.767 -71 47 Ductwork: 0 0 Room Totals: 745 -71 313 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential &Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design ■ Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen CO 80439 _ Pae 36 Detailed Room Loads - Room 15 - Mech (Average Load Procedure) General 0 CFM Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: n/a System Number: 1 Room Width: n/a Zone Number: 2 Area: 195.9 sq.ft. Supply Air: 107 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.1 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,779.3 cu.ft. Req. Vent. Clg: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 14 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 14 CFM Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen', Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain S -Wall-12F-Osw 12.2 X 9.1 89.5 0.065 4.5 401 0.7 0 66 W -Wall-12F-Osw 16.5 X 9.1 119.8 0.065 4.5 537 0.7 0 88 S -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 21 0.320 22.1 464 17.9 0 375 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 9 0.320 22.1 199 35.3 0 318 W -GIs-LS1 shgc-0.32 0%S 21 0.320 22.1 464 35.4 0 743 UP-Ceil-Roof R-49 195.9 X 1 195.9 0.020 1.4 270 0.9 0 180 Subtotals for Structure: 2,335 0 1,770 Infil.: Win.: 13.9, Sum.: 13.9 260 3.300 859 0.764 -300 199 Ductwork: 0 0 Room Totals: 3,194 -300 1,969 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Duct size results above are from Manual D Ductsize. Runout duct velocities are not printed with duct size results from Manual D Ductsize since they can vary within the room. See the Manual D Ductsize report for duct velocities and other data. Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. Cooling System Summary 7,7 Cooling Sensible/Latent Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads 46 7 - 1,345 Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design 73 6 Mud 38 0 0 Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 200 13 12 Zone 1 subtotal 2,070 24,372 409 Page 37 System 1 Room Load Summary 783 761 ---Zone 2--- Heating System _ Cooling System Htg Min Run Run Cig Clg Min Act' Room Area Sens Htg Duct Duct Sens Lat Clg Sys No Name SF Btuh CFM Size Vel Btuh Btuh CFM CFM ---Zone 1--- - 267 -58 15 14 10 M.W/C 20 546 9 1 Crawl Space 1,033 5,339 90 6,6 - 219 -185 12 90 2 Office 166 4,183 70 7,7 - 3,022 -391 169 164 3 Pwdr 40 328 6 4 - 63 -48 4 6 4 Kit/Din/Liv 628 11,797 198 7,7,7,7, - 9,144 -1,093 511 496 Duct size results above are from Manual D Ductsize. Runout duct velocities are not printed with duct size results from Manual D Ductsize since they can vary within the room. See the Manual D Ductsize report for duct velocities and other data. Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. Cooling System Summary 7,7 Cooling Sensible/Latent 5 Foyer 165 2,725 46 7 - 1,345 -335 75 73 6 Mud 38 0 0 4 - 230 200 13 12 Zone 1 subtotal 2,070 24,372 409 14,023 -1,852 783 761 ---Zone 2--- Heating System _ Cooling System Type: Natural Gas Furnace 7 Mstr Bed 189 3,892 65 6,6 - 2,336 -176 130 127 8 M.Clst 87 738 12 3 - 257 -71 14 14 9 Mstr Bth 115 694 12 3 - 267 -58 15 14 10 M.W/C 20 546 9 3 - 176 -56 10 10 11 Bed 2 199 3,229 54 7 - 1,711 -133 96 93 12 Bed 1 172 3,205 54 7 - 1,770 -92 99 96 13 Bath 150 994 17 4 - 394 -88 22 21 14 Laundry 92 745 13 3 - 313 -71 17 17 15 Mech 196 3,194 54 7 - 1,969 -300 110 107 Zone 2 subtotal 1,220 17,237 289 9,193 -1,045 513 499 Humidification 2,143 System 1 total 3,291 43,752 698 23,216 -2,897 1,297 1,260 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 25x10 in. Velocity: 726 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.047 in.wg Duct size results above are from Manual D Ductsize. Runout duct velocities are not printed with duct size results from Manual D Ductsize since they can vary within the room. See the Manual D Ductsize report for duct velocities and other data. Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. Cooling System Summary Cooling Sensible/Latent Sensible Latent Total Tons Split Btuh Btuh Btuh Recommended: 2.15 90% / 10% 23,216 2,580 25,796 Actual: 2.85 90%/10% 30,780 3,420 34,200 Equipment Data Heating System _ Cooling System Type: Natural Gas Furnace Standard Air Conditioner Model: 59SC2D080E21--20 CA13NA036BN**D Indoor Model: Brand: Description: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: AHRI Reference No.: CARRIER Natural Gas or Propane Furnace 92.1 AFUE 0 75,000 Btuh n/a n/a n/a CNPV*4821AL*+TDR 13 SEER AC 13 SEER 0 34,200 Btuh 30,780 Btuh 3,420 Btuh 9871097 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads■ Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Pa a 38 Bu /ding Rotation Report All rotation degree values in this report are clockwise with respect to the project's original orientation. Building orientation as entered (zero degrees rotation): Front door faces West At least one system with its System Air Type input set to Fixed was changed to Auto during the building rotation. If you want to change this behavior uncheck the option on the General tab of the Select Reports dialog called "Always use Auto for System Air Type for Building Rotation Report." Individual Rooms - 0° —45-0 90° 135° 180° 225° 2700 3150 High Rm. Room Rot. Rot. Rot. Rot. Rot. Rot. Rot. Rot. Duct I No. Name CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM Size System 1: 90 Zone 1: 90 1 Crawl Space *90 2 Office 169 3 Pwdr *6 4 Kit/Din/Liv 511 5 Foyer *75 6 Mud 13 Zone 2: 6 7 Mstr Bed 130 8 M.Clst 14 9 Mstr Bth 15 10 M.W/C 10 11 Bed 2 96 12 Bed 1 99 13 Bath 22 14 Laundry 17 15 Mech 110 * Indicates highest CFM of all rotations. 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 6,6 150 114 156 *170 169 136 168 7,7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 Northwest 1,354 24,249 -2,897 2.25 900 North 7'7'7'7' *552 501 550 487 495 450 513 7,7 60 46 62 75 67 49 67 7 13 13 *13 13 13 13 13 4 140 134 143 128 146 143 *148 6,6 20 *25 23 17 23 25 20 3 21 *26 24 18 23 26 21 3 16 *21 19 13 18 21 16 3 106 106 *116 103 107 99 101 7 *102 92 101 94 92 84 96 7 27 *30 26 19 25 30 27 4 23 *25 21 15 21 25 23 3 107 91 104 102 110 101 *116 7 Whole Building Rotation Front door Supply Sensible Latent Recommended Degrees Faces CFM Gain Gain To 00 West 1,297 23,216 *-2,897 2.15 450 Northwest 1,354 24,249 -2,897 2.25 900 North 1,235 22,103 -2,897 2.05 1350 Northeast *1,376 *24,632 -2,897 *2.28 1800 East 1,270 22,732 -2,897 2.10 2250 Southeast 1,325 23,730 -2,897 2.20 2700 South 1,218 21,813 -2,897 2.02 3150 Southwest 1,346 24,103 -2,897 2.23 * Indicates highest value of all rotations C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads® Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Evergreen, CO 80439 Paae 39 Building Rotation Report (contbq Building Rotation Tonnage 2.30 C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads ® Elite Software Development, Inc. Breen Design Lucid Studio-2850 Teller St Evergreen CO 80439 Page 40 Building Rotation Report (cont'd) Building Rotation Hourly Net Gain —f-- Front door faces West ■ Front door faces Northwest 9 Front door faces North Front door faces Northeast —� Front door faces East — r — Front door faces Southeast Front door faces South �4'•� Front door faces Southwest C:\ ...\Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St.rh9 Monday, January 27, 2020, 11:28 AM d2oaa��� Manual D/S Information Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Performed on ACCA approved software -Elite Additional information available on Manual J Equipment: System 1-WholeHouse 4 Furnace: Carrier Model # 59SC2D080E21--20 (80000 BTU) Vv O`J\°� Coil: Carrier Model # CNPV*4821 AL*+TDR (4 Ton) eO`�a\o92� k'rn Z. Condenser: Carrier Model # CA13NA036BN**D (3 ton) Notes: Static pressure available values for return duds are at the entrance of the duct_ For supply, they are at the e)dt. The cumulative static pressure loss value for a return trunk is with respect to the entry point of the return runout upstream with the highest static pressure available. Total and cumulative static pressure loss values for the supply main trunk include any device pressure losses entered, and the cumulative may also include the total static pressure loss of the return side. Number of active trunks: 36 Number of active runouts: 23 Total runout outlet airflow: 1,341 Main trunk airflow: 1260 Largest trunk diameter 16.9 SMT -100 Largest runout diameter: 7 SR -100 Smallest trunk diameter 4 ST -180 Smallest runout diameter: 3 SR -250 Supplyfan e)dernal static pressure. 0.800 Supplyfan device pressure losses: 0236 Supplyfan static pressure available: 0.564 Runout maximum cumulative static pressure loss: 0.428 SR -330 Return loss added to supply. 0.095 Total effective length of return ( ft): 3423 Office High 1 Total effective length of supply( ft.): 241.9 SR -330 Overall total effective length( ft.): 584.2 Office High 1 to SR -330 Design overall friction rate per 100 ft.: 0.097 (Available SP x 100 J TEL) System duct surface area (Scenario 1): 7242 Main (Linked to duct load) Total system duct surface area: 7242 Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-S96-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com flzv : is. Furnace Info Heat Rise Used 60 Degrees Heating Capac4 and Efficiency 04OE14-10 04OE17-12 06OE14-12 06DE17-14 OBOE17-16 09m1-20 100E21-20 120E24-20 Input H gh He at 401000 40,000 60,ODO 60,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Output High Heat (BTUH) 37,000 37,000 56,000 56,000 75,000 75,000 93,000 111,000 Certified Temperature Rise Range OF (°C) High Heat 35-65 (19 - 36) 35-65 (19 - 36) 35-65 (19 - 36) 35-65 (19 - 36) 40-70 (22 - 39) 35-65 (19 - 36) 40-70 (22-39) 45-75 (25-42) Airflow Capacity and Blower Data Rated External Static Pressure (in_ w.c.) Heating 0.1 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 Cooling 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Airflow Delivery Rated ESP (CFM) Heat 765 740 1100 1000 1350 1460 1675 1735 Cooling 985 985 1035 1190 1370 1815 1855 1800 Cooling Capacity (tons) C 400, 350 CFM/ton 400 CFMton 2 2.50 2.50 3 3.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 350 CFM/ton 2.50 3 3 3.50 1 4 5 5 5 Direct- Drive Motor Type Electronically Commutated Mot r (ECM) Direct -Drive Motor HP 112 112 1!2 112 1f2 3f4 3f4 314 Motor Full Load Amps 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 8.8 8.8 8.8 RPM Range 600-1200 Speed Selections 5 Slower Wheel Dia x Width in_ 11 x 7 11 x 8 11 x7 11 x 8 I 11 x 8 11 x 1 O 11 x 1 O 11 x 11 Air Filtration System Field Supplied Filter Filter Used for Certified Watt Data KGAWF1506UFR Electrical Data Input Voltage Volts -Hertz- Phase 115-60-1 Operating Voltage Range Min -Max 104-127 Maximum Input Amps Amps 7.10 7.10 7.20 720 7.20 9.60 9.70 9.70 Unit Ampacity Amps. 9.80 9.80 9.90 9.90 9.90 12.90 13.00 13.00 Minimum Wire Size AWG 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Maximum Wire Length Minimum Wire Size Feet 37 37 37 37 37 28 28 28 (M) (11.50) (11.50) (11.40) (11.40) (11.40) (8.70) (8.70) (8.70) Maximum FusefCkt Bkr (rime -Delay Type Recom- mended) Amps 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Transformer Capacity (24v2c output) 40 VA External Control Power .Available Heating 27.9 VA Coo ra 34.6 VA Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com Fan Performance FURNACE SIZE RETURN—AIR CONNECTION SPEED TAPS FUNCTION Q 10 02 0 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE 0 .30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0-701 0.80 0.90 1.00 04GE14-10 SIDE/ BOTTOM Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating. 1120 1085 1055 1015 985 950 915 an 850 815 Yellow Cooling. Do not use for heating. 925 885 850 810 775 735 695 660 620 580 Blue Heating or alt Cooling 765 725 685 640 605 565 525 475 430 375 Orange Alt Coaling or alt Heating 750 710 665 625 585 545 500 455 405 350 Red Aft Cooling. Do not use for heating_ 610 435 400 345 1 290 230 190 145 —7 —7 04OE17-12 SIDEI BOTTOM Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating. 1120 1090 1055 1020 985 950 915 875 840 605 Yellow Cooling. Do not use for heating. 910 880 845 800 760 720 680 6640 595 555 Orange Aft Cooling or alt Heating 835 795 760 720 680 630 585 540 505 475 Blue Heating or aft Cooling 740 700 660 610 565 520 475 440 405 365 Red Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating. W5 500 445 395 35D 315 260 205 —7 —7 06OE14-12 uTOIDEJ BOTTOM Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating. 1165 1140 1110 1080 1035 1000 960 920 870 825 Blue Heating or alt Cooling 1105 1085 1050 1010 975 930 890 845 795 755 Yellow Alt Cooling or ait Heating 1040 1000 960 920 B80 840 785 1 740 690 640 Orange Aft Coaling or aft Heating 840 795 750 705 655 610 555 500 450 Red Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating. 745 615 555 510 450 390 340 290 ;�M 06OE17-14 SIDE] BOTTOM Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating. 1335 1300 1275 1230 1190 1135 1090 1040 Yellow Aft Cooling or all Heating 1170 1135 1095 1045 995 940 890 825 770 Blue Heating or aft Cooling 1010 965 910 855 800 735 675 615 555 505 Orange Aft Cooling or aft Heating 960 905 855 800 740 675 615 555 505 460 Red Alt Cooing. Do not use for heating. 910 735 675 605 535 485 430 375 330 265 080E17-16 SIDEJ BOTTOM Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating. 1545 1505 1460 1420 1365 1320 1275 1225 1180 1135 Blue Heating or alt Cooling 1375 1330 1275 1225 1175 1 125 1075 1025 970 920 Yellow Alt Cooling or all Heating 1195 1140 1090 1040 985 930 875 815 765 705 Orange All Cooling. Do not us+ for heating. 1015 955 900 845 780 730 670 615 550 490 Red Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating. 945 735 575 520 450 375 325 260 —7 —7 0$DE21-20�— BOTTOM ,IDES 5,6 Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating. 2020 1965 1920 1865 1815 1760 1705 1650 1595 1545 Yellow Alf Cooling or alt Heating 1650 1590 1535 1475 1425 1370 1315 1260 1205 1145 lie Heating or aft Cooling 1495 1430 1365 1310 1260 1200 1145 1030 970 Orange Ah Cooling or aft Healing 1420 1355 1290 1235 1175 1120 1060 1005 945 890 Red All Cooling. Do not use for heating. 1200 1120 1060 995 940 875 810 750 685 625 1 DOE21-20 BOTTOM TWO— SIDES 5,6 Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating. 2060 2010 1955 1905 1850 1800 1750 1690 1630 1565 Blue Heating or aft Cooling 1730 1675 1620 1565 1510 1455 1385 1325 1270 1210 Yellow Aft Cooling or aft Heating 1685 1630 1570 1515 1460 1410 1345 1280 1225 1170 Orange Aft Cooling or aft Healing 1445 1370 1310 1250 1185 1115 1055 1005 950 675 Red Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating. 1235 1155 1090 1020 945 900 836 765 690 655 120E24-20 BOTTOM or O_ SIDES 5.6 Gray Cooling. Do not use for heating. 2070 2020 1965 1910 1850 11790 1725 11660 11605 1559 Blue Heating or aft Cooling 1795 1735 1680 1620 1560 11495 1440 11375 11315 1255 Yellow Aft Cooling or all Heating 1465 1400 1340 1270 1210 1150 1109D 11030 1950 1 880 Orange Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating- 1295 1235 1165 1095 1030 970 905 825 760 700 Red I Alt Cooling. Do not use for heating 1095 1020 945 875 805 730 1 660 15W 1525 1 465 Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com Coil Performance Data PERFORc�ILA CE DATA fcout.! COIL S'TNTIC PRESSURE DROP fin. w.c.! PLROti and R-22 REFRIGER-1,NTS Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com ' I'I I'1 , I'I /TI :R'1 ••I'I M, JIUM111914,:, I'1 I= JI*I JIM, JIM°I I2 l I'I1 1 1 U, a, EMINTMIM i�iiY�li� [i� i•TLI lilQ lii iiii� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Y3ii 6 Ixw! I.f 1 1 liYii�_________111■1-11-111■_ # 1 ��II�Yi®ILiSii©1111♦IIIIIIIIIIII,IIIIIIIIIIII,IIIIIIIII■IIIIIIIIIIIII'11111,1111■IIIIIIIIIIII._IIIIIIIIIIII.11111111111111_ ii��{i�ll� 1 � II�IIIIIIIIIIIIII,111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII'lllllllllllllll,_IIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 ! lyl• fiY"fii 1•••1 li�� 1 .f' �Yfi�liilGi�111■111■_111■__111♦111■111■111■111■111■ r MUM ����r��y��i�ii.p�il■li����y����l�Yi���yi�� ��p�i�����1�Y�i���1y1�r1�■�r1111'1'I1111.111■111■111■111■111■111■1111. [KIK kl fpiyY���i},i��'rli��i l�iY�nYdiyi iry��ii�i _ _ _ _ 1_ (Y�iy7 `i,Yi {i���i' �i�iY� pLyiyi �i�yWpyY� �ii�yWYii-i� `ii:��i�! ■iei�igY� lioi+� I f i�i� �Y�i `W ii i'�Gi ilii iii! iiYiiii �'iiiii ii�lii 111■ 111■ 1_ 1_ _ _111■ li�iii�iliYiYiliYiii 1 � iiYfiiliY�Y��Yiii7li®�i:•i�iliiii7i�______1__ ��®11�8JL7®� 11�Ci1�11diL��_111■111■1111.11111I1111.111■111■ ©�®Ii�iYi�i 11iiYiil� II� � II� 111 �__1111._1111111111111111111111111 ! __[fgyp,!'*�,+,{�'■,moi`-.`.i�.Ly■��y�,y�q��ygl ��■ rl,�:y�.�iyytl�i��l,���yi���ri.W�iYyli.;Yf�Yi'iriYYyyi,�•r�,iiiiilyLxi�iiy/iit�zia��i�Yi�Gr`�yi�yi4ii`Yy�i�ii1_1_____, 1111♦111■�li�ii7[�iklll�IiiYil • r' 11i�1f�G�11�1111■111■111■111■111■11111, CyY*+iiia'�i�lf�iYi�'fiY"i}i'�fl,��Gi�i�■itii�YiiyiriiYsilii�',1,i�FY;'i��'iYyiyiiy�liWL�l�r".Y�i.-ll" f��grrif�i.ieii.111■111■111■111■111■_ r`�iiliilrGi�ii �i�i�'.I•�i�iili�Glii�ili�ii�ii� �ii�7�li�lGili�i�i�.Y'.�'�!�_____1_ ! :•• ����IM` L'dWti35+1U �'L I L=WWUW Wi'7L1�: WMAM 1 MitwAMMUMMIA Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com Condenser Specs CO RING AIR TEMPERATURES °F (°C) EVAPORATOR AIR 75 (23.9) 85 (29.4) 95 (35) 105(40. CFM EWB °F(°C) 72 (22.2) Capacity MBtuh Total Sena# 40.22 21.00 Total System KW"' 2.54 Capacity MBtuh Total Sena# 38.50 20.34 Total Sj(YWem ** CAI 3NA036"**C 2.79 Capacity MBtuh Total Sens# Outdoor Section 36.66 19.65 TOI Kalem :r Vith CAP**4821 3.07 Capacity MBtuh Total Sena# ** Indoor Section 34.69 18.93 Total System ++ 3.39 67 (19.4) 36.61 25.73 2.51 35.00 25.05 2.76 33.29 24.35 3.04 31.46 23.60 3.36 1050 63 (17.2)tt 34.02 24.88 2.49 32.50 24.20 2.74 30.89 23.49 3.02 3.02 29.17 28.86 22.73 28.20 3.35 3.35 57 (13.9) 32.55 32.55 2.46 31.38 31.38 2.73 30.12 30.12 3.02 28.77 28.77 3.35 72 (22.2) 40.90 21.97 2.60 39.11 21.31 2.85 37.20 20.61 3.13 35.17 19.88 3.45 67 (19.4) 37.25 27.30 257 35.57 26.61 2.82 33.80 25.90 3.10 31.91 25.15 3.42 1200 63 (17.2)tt 34,63 26.36 2.55 33.04 25.66 2.80 31.38 24.94 3.08 29.60 24.18 3.41 62 (16.7) 34.19 32.60 2.55 32.73 31.85 2.60 31.24 31.24 3.08 29.83 29.83 3.41 57 (13.9) 33.87 33.87 2.55 32.61 32.61 2.80 31.27 31.27 3.08 29.83 29.83 3.41 72 (22.2) 41.40 22.89 2.66 39.55 22.22 2.91 37.60 21.52 3.19 35.50 20.77 3.51 67 (19.4) 37.72 28.79 2.63 36.00 26.11 2.88 34.19 27.39 3.16 32.26 26.63 3.48 1350 63 (17.2)tt 35.09 27.77 2.61 33.47 27.07 2.86 31.76 26.34 3.14 29.94 25.57 3.47 62 (16.7) 34.90 34.90 2.61 33.63 33.63 2.86 32.22 32.22 3.15 30.70 30.70 3.47 57 (13.9) 34.96 34.96 2.61 33.64 33.64 2.86 32.23 32.23 3.15 30.70 30.70 3.47 Total Gain From Manual J=23216 Sensible Capacity of AC above: 23490 Sensible 23216/23490=.98 or 2% Over Breen HVAC Design -7555 Shrine Rd -Larkspur Co 80118-P 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com REScheck Software Version 4.6.5 Compliance Certificate u ,s Project Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Energy Code: 2015 IECC Location: Wheat Ridge, Colorado Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Conditioned Floor Area: 3,291 ft2 Glazing Area 19% Climate Zone: 5 (6158 HDD) Permit Date: Comment: Bed 2, 20P-30 Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: 2850 Teller St 156 Wheatridge, CO 0.0 C2' i'a -2rszo �F202o oOZSZ Designer/Contractor: Sean DeGrande Breen Design 891 Spruce Rd Larkspur, CO 80118 970-596-4479 breenhvacdesign@gmail.com Compliance: Passes using UA trade-off Compliance: 1.5% Better Than Code Maximum UA: 412 Your UA: 406 The % Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum -code home. Envelope Assemblies Floor 1: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 3 30.0 0.0 0.033 0 Comment: Bed 2, 20P-30 Floor 2: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 1 30.0 0.0 0.033 0 Comment: Bed 2, 20P-30 Floor 3: All -Wood joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 156 30.0 0.0 0.033 5 Comment: Bed 1, 20P-30 Floor 4: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 21 30.0 0.0 0.033 1 Comment: Bath, 20P-30 Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 189 49.0 0.0 0.026 5 Comment: Mstr Bed, Roof R-49 Ceiling 2: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 87 49.0 0.0 0.026 2 Comment: M.Clst, Roof R-49 Ceiling 3: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 115 49.0 0.0 0.026 3 Comment: Mstr Bth, Roof R-49 Ceiling 4: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 20 49.0 0.0 0.026 1 Comment: M.W/C, Roof R-49 Ceiling 5: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 199 49.0 0.0 0.026 5 Comment: Bed 2, Roof R-49 Ceiling 6: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 172 49.0 0.0 0.026 4 Comment: Bed 1, Roof R-49 Ceiling 7: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 150 49.0 0.0 0.026 4 Comment: Bath, Roof R-49 Project Title: Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Report date: 01/27/20 Data filename: C:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\Designs\Lucid Stud io\Lucid-2850 Teller St\Lucid Studio -2850 Page 1 of 6 Teller St.rck � Ceiling O: Flat Ceiling nrScissor Truss ^ " 92 49.0 0.0 0.020 z .. ~ �.�s� ~;�'' ''rfi � + ^,~ 196 49.0 0.0 0.025 s Comment: M4cx' Roof n g � Basement Wallz: Solid Concrete orMasonry 65 0.0 15.0 0.052 3 Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: .0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, CdRI5drmpe4 Basement Wall z: Solid Concrete orMasonry 15 0.0 15.0 0.052 z xvaU height: 5.0' Depth below d 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, CdnzxUrape'4 Basement Wall 3: Solid Concrete nrMasonry zoO 0.0 15.0 0.052 u VvaU height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, [dRz5dmpe-4 Basement Wall 4: Solid Concrete o,Masonry 5 0.0 15.0 0.052 O vvax height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, CdRI5dnape-4 Basement Wall 5: Solid Concrete orMasonry 78 0.0 15.0 0.052 4 VVaU height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, CUnI5drape-4 Basement Wall 6: Solid Concrete or Masonry 03 0.0 15.0 0.052 s vvaU height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, [nnzsurape-4 Basement Wall 7: Solid Concrete or Masonry 23 0.0 15.0 0.052 z m/aU height: 5.0' Depth below d 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, Cdn15drape'4 Basement Wall 8: Solid Concrete or Masonry 8 0.0 15.0 0.052 0 VVa|| height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, Cdn15depe-4 Basement Wall 9: Solid Concrete or Masonry 29 0.0 15.0 0o52 z Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.O' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, [x*z5dmpc-4 Basement Wall IO: Solid Concrete or Masonry 8 0.0 15.0 0.052 n m/aU height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, cdRI5drnpe-4 Basement Wall 11: Solid Concrete orMasonry 23 0.0 I5.0 0,052 1 wmU height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, [dn15Umpe-4 73 0.0 15.0 0,052 4 Project Title: Lucid Studiu'2850 Teller 5t Report date: 0I/27/20 Data filename: C:\UsersV'ay|or\Desktop\Designs\Lucid Stud io\Ludd'285O Teller St\Lucid Studio -2850 Page Z of O Te||erSt./ck Basement Wall 13: Solid Concrete or Masonry 143 0.0 15.0 0.052 7 Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, Crl R15 drape -4 Basement Wall 14: Solid Concrete or Masonry 82 0.0 15.0 0.052 4 Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, Crl R15 drape -4 Basement Wall 15: Solid Concrete or Masonry 25 0.0 15.0 0.052 1 Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, Crl R15 drape -4 Basement Wall 16: Solid Concrete or Masonry 63 0.0 15.0 0.052 3 Wall height: 5.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Comment: Crawl Space, Crl R15 drape -4 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 132 21.0 0.0 0.057 7 Comment: Office, 12F-Osw Window 1: Other 14 0.320 4 Comment: Office, LS1 Wall 2: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 30 21.0 0.0 0.057 2 Comment: Office, 12F-Osw Wall 3: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 50 21.0 0.0 0.057 2 Comment: Office, 12F-Osw Window 2: Other 10 0.320 3 Comment: Office, LS1 Wall 4: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 128 21.0 0.0 0.057 4 Comment: Office, 12F-Osw Window 3: Other 21 0.320 7 Comment: Office, LS1 Window 4: Other 21 0.320 7 Comment: Office, LS1 Window 5: Other 21 0.320 7 Comment: Office, LS1 Wall 5: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 42 21.0 0.0 0.057 2 Comment: Pwdr, 12F-Osw Wall 6: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 159 21.0 0.0 0.057 8 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Window 6: Other 8 0.320 3 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Window 7: Other 8 0.320 3 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Wall 7: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 10 21.0 0.0 0.057 1 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Wall 8: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 157 21.0 0.0 0.057 8 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Window 8: Other 9 0.320 3 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Wall 9: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 127 21.0 0.0 0.057 4 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Window 9: Other 28 0.320 9 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Window 10: Other 28 0.320 9 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Wall 10: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 46 21.0 0.0 0.057 1 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Project Title: Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Report date: 01/27/20 Data filename: C:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\Designs\Lucid Studio\Lucid-2850 Teller St\Lucid Studio -2850 Page 3 of 6 Teller St.rck Window 11: Other 28 0.320 9 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Wall 11: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 16 21.0 0.0 0.057 1 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Wall 12: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 58 21.0 0.0 0.057 3 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Wall 13: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 16 21.0 0.0 0.057 1 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Wall 14: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 46 21.0 0.0 0.057 1 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Window 12: Other 28 0.320 9 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Wall 15: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 148 21.0 0.0 0.057 4 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Window 13: Other 80 0.320 26 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Wall 16: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 166 21.0 0.0 0.057 7 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, 12F-Osw Window 14: Other 14 0.320 4 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Window 15: Other 20 0.320 6 Comment: Kit/Din/Liv, LS1 Wall 17: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 123 21.0 0.0 0.057 7 Comment: Foyer, 12F-Osw Wall 18: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 167 21.0 0.0 0.057 8 Comment: Foyer, 12F-Osw Window 16: Other 6 0.320 2 Comment: Foyer, LS1 Window 17: Other 20 0.320 6 Comment: Foyer, LS1 Wall 19: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 118 21.0 0.0 0.057 6 Comment: Mstr Bed, 12F-Osw Window 18: Other 14 0.320 4 Comment: Mstr Bed, LS1 Wall 20: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 25 21.0 0.0 0.057 1 Comment: Mstr Bed, 12F-Osw Wall 21: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 23 21.0 0.0 0.057 1 Comment: Mstr Bed, 12F-Osw Wall 22: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 45 21.0 0.0 0.057 1 Comment: Mstr Bed, 12F-Osw Window 19: Other 9 0.320 3 Comment: Mstr Bed, LS1 Window 20: Other 12 0.320 4 Comment: Mstr Bed, LS1 Wall 23: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 115 21.0 0.0 0.057 5 Comment: Mstr Bed, 12F-Osw Window 21: Other 9 0.320 3 Comment: Mstr Bed, LS1 Window 22: Other 9 0.320 3 Comment: Mstr Bed, LS1 Window 23: Other 9 0.320 3 Comment: Mstr Bed, LS1 Wall 24: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 61 21.0 0.0 0.057 3 Comment: M.Clst, 12F-Osw Window 24: Other 8 0.320 3 Comment: M.Clst, LS1 Wall 25: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 51 21.0 0.0 0.057 2 Comment: Mstr Bth, 12F-Osw Project Title: Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Report date: 01/27/20 Data filename: C:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\Designs\Lucid Studio\Lucid-2850 Teller St\Lucid Studio -2850 Page 4 of 6 Teller St.rck Window 25: Other 8 0.320 Comment: Mstr Bth, LS1 Wall 26: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 48 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: M.W/C, 12F-Osw Window 26: Other 8 0.320 Comment: M.W/C, LS1 Wall 27: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 140 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Bed 2, 12F-Osw Window 27: Other 9 0.320 Comment: Bed 2, LS1 Window 28: Other 12 0.320 Comment: Bed 2, LS1 Wall 28: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 115 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Bed 2, 12F-Osw Window 29: Other 8 0.320 Comment: Bed 2, LS1 Window 30: Other 10 0.320 Comment: Bed 2, LS1 Wall 29: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 18 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Bed 2, 12F-Osw Wall 30: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 8 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Bed 2, 12F-Osw Wall 31: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 8 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Bed 2, 12F-Osw Wall 32: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 124 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Bed 1, 12F-Osw Window 31: Other 9 0.320 Comment: Bed 1, LS1 Window 32: Other 12 0.320 Comment: Bed 1, LS1 Wall 33: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 129 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Bed 1, 12F-Osw Window 33: Other 14 0.320 Comment: Bed 1, LS1 Wall 34: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 76 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Bath, 12F-Osw Window 34: Other 8 0.320 Comment: Bath, LS1 Wall 35: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 61 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Laundry, 12F-Osw Window 35: Other 8 0.320 Comment: Laundry, LS1 Wall 36: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. ill 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Mech, 12F-Osw Window 36: Other 21 0.320 Comment: Mech, LS1 Wall 37: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 150 21.0 0.0 0.057 Comment: Mech, 12F-Osw Window 37: Other 9 0.320 Comment: Mech, LS1 Window 38: Other 21 0.320 Comment: Mech, LS1 3 2 3 7 3 4 6 3 3 1 0 0 6 3 4 7 4 4 3 3 3 5 7 7 3 7 Project Title: Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Report date: 01/27/20 Data filename: C:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\Designs\Lucid Studio\Lucid-2850 Teller St\Lucid Studio -2850 Page 5 of 6 Teller St.rck Compliance Statement. The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.6.5 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Sean Sean DeGrande-HVAC Designer DeGrande ° "'°' °"" "s 1/27/2020 Name - Title Signature Date Project Title: Lucid Studio -2850 Teller St Report date: 01/27/20 Data filename: C:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\Designs\Lucid Stud io\Lucid-2850 Teller St\Lucid Studio -2850 Page 6 of 6 Teller St.rck �J(2015 IECC Energy Efficiency Certificate Above -Grade Wall 21.00 Below -Grade Wall 15.00 Floor 30.00 Ceiling / Roof 49.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): Glass & Door Rating U -Factor SHGC Window 0.32 0.32 Door Heating System: Cooling System:_ Water Heater: Name: Sean DeGrande Date: 1/27/2020 Comments R City of Wheat Ridge Site Work Permit PERMIT - 202000700 PERMIT NO: 202000700 ISSUED: 06/02/2020 JOB ADDRESS: 2822 Teller St EXPIRES: 06/02/2021 JOB DESCRIPTION: Site work, minor subdivision. Sq. ft: 61,145 *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)341-5672 DEVELOPMENT 29 LLC GC (303)901-5143 JESSE WALDEN 190260 LUCID STUDIO LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: R-2 / Residential - Duplex USE: R-3 / Residential SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#$: / 4 **'* FEE SUMMARY **'* ESTIMATED FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 531.77 Use Tax 1,274.70 Permit Fee 818.10 Engin. Review Fee 1,400.00 ** TOTAL ** 4,024.57 *** COMMENTS *** PROJECT VALUATION: 60,700.00 *'** CONDITIONS *** No C.O. may be issued until public improvements are complete as identified in the Subdivision. Improvement Agreement. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this�ermrt. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, po plans and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or ani, inance or re -* tion of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Offilal Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Farm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: SITE Work Permit - Large Developments Only Date: Friday, April 17, 2020 12:22:39 PM SITE Work Permit - Large Developments Only Items Needed to Submit THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Do you have the Signed Proof of Submission Form to Water District, Signed Proof following ready to of Submission Form to Sanitation District, Signed Proof of attach to this Submission Form to Fire District application? These forms are required to submit for plan review. Upload Proof of Teller St Project Proof of Submissions. odf Submission to Water District Upload Proof of Submission to Sanitation District Upload Proof of Submission to Fire District Step 2 2850-2880Teller ProofSubmissionSewer.odf Email BKral West MetroFireProtection ProofSubmission.odf PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address Property Owner Name Property Owner Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) 2822 TELLER STREET DEVELOPMENT 29, LLC 303-901-5143 Property Owner Email JESSE@LUCID-STUDIO.COM Address CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor or Lucid Studio, LLC Architect's Business Name Contact Name for Plan BRANDON BAUMANN Review Comments Contact Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address for Plan Review Comments 720-341-5672 brandon@lucid-studio.com Plan Review Contact brandon@lucid-studio.com Email DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Scope of MINOR SUBDIVISION WITH SIX(6) SFR Work - Example: New Commercial Building for Roger's Grocery Market Square Footage of 61,145 New Construction Upload Full Size Set of TELLER GRADING + UTILITY PLAN APPROVED.odf Civils Upload Engineer 2850-2880 TELLER CCP 200303.odf Stamped copy of approved CCP (Construction Control Plan) Project Value (On-site 86,378.40 Improvements Only) PLAN REVIEW FEE IS REQUIRED AT TIME OF SUBMITTAL Attach City of Wheat Electronic Payment Form Teller Lane Lucid Studio, LLC.odf Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Brandon Baumann Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. David F. Brossman, Development Review Engineer 05/14/2020 A Drainage Certification Letter accompanied by an updated CCP with sufficient spot elevations to show the on-site grading has been completed and that the water quality facility have been constructed in accordance with the approved Final Drainage Report and Civil Construction Plans prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the subdivision. City of Wheat f�,idLyc C CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 4/16/2020 Project Address: 2834 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single-family over crawls ace with attached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY I, 1 �� ���✓;� �17r7, am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated beloW and do, byyy signaturetbelow, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. A-gency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District Consolidated Mutual Water District r+, r' Valley Water District o Denver Water Agency Notes: �� min 0( Signature: f. T 1 bvt ly\- ncy Representative) o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other foafim Date: L4 - I I - 3110 City of Wheat doge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 4/16/2020 Project Address: 2846 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description: This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single-family over crawls ace with attached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY I, 1^0 SSI, —T116hiP—:f by-) am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated bel and do, b my signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District t. Consolidated Mutual Water District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Valley Water District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Denver Water o Westridge Sanitation District o Other j1 Agency Notes: SignatureQy ��� Z �. Date: 4( 17'ID ( Representative) City of WheatR,oge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 4/16/2020 Project Address: 2858 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description. This pr9ject scope includes a new 2-sto , single-family over crawls ace with detached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY I, �Yl -y—ffiayi fXbvu am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated beldw and do, by my signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Aqency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water Agency Notes: o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Signatu : �')1 ! (.�L Date: envy representative) City of Wheat Midge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 4/16/2020 Project Address: 2860 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single- amily over crawls ace with attached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 1, M! r �� rl0b, f ) , am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated below and do, by tny signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District e Consolidated Mutual Water District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Valley Water District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Denver Water o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Agency Notes: JWOJV ece- Signat� e&0 1) )I Date: ` �A ncy Representative) City Of %' Wheat �ic�c CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 4/16/2020 Project Address: 2874 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single-family over crawls ace with detached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated be!Wv and do, by rhy signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented_ (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District consolidated Mutual Water District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Valley Water District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Denver Water o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Agency Notes: l� ✓� i� (� �� r 1(� 1 d {.- e e i i+ d Signature: Date. (Age cy Representative) City of WheatNgge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p, 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 1/21/2020 Project Address: 2850 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description: This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single-family over crawls ace with detached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY I, A'a—, , am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated beiow and do, by my signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water Agency Notes: IN l eto l CL 1p . o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District n Westridge Sanitation District o Other Signature: a tKe9Lg=L Date: Agency Representative) i City of W heat j�idge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 1/21/2020 Project Address: 2850 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description: This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single-family over crawl space with detached garage. ' Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY I, 1 4-4— 4.`i w E , am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated below and do, by my signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District o Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Agency Notes: f�+ v S t �'� Lt r /'e. vin �--�� _ 0 Wr"!• =1 t �,. i � /� r t :re are. � C�IYaJ�w.-a�.eit�� G -1 F�-� / Signature: Date: '24 (Agency Representative) t3 Lt' cc-AsJ'f � C✓yr�1�� I ��'i*rfStL+�r�kiT/P� >t3le,c -- Cw & S a) L + , hL City of W h6at jjdge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: 1/21/2020 Project Address: 2880 TELLER STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Name of Firm/individual submitting documents: LUCID STUDIO LLC Project Type/Description: This project scope includes a new 2 -story, single-family over crawl space with detached garage. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY st I. c-%— Ld f c-%— iS , am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated below and do, by my signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. Agency represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District o Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Agency Notes: _ t 5+&J c4.^ , �J Signature: Date: _f 23 -Zy (Agency Representative) * Ca-"�3 v 1f, -.l a-e:>r - u -m-d- JL, dj 3)o4vn-C+-- MARTIN/MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS June 18, 2019 Jesse Walden lucid studio Ilc Email: jesse@lucid-studio.com Re: Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 2850 and 2880 Teller St Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 17.0633 Dear Mr. Walden, On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the site plan received June 11, 2019, concerning a proposed 6 single- family homes with detached garages at the above referenced address. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. A re -submittal is required for review and approval. The subject lot appears to be entirely within the service and boundary area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existina District Sanitary Sewer Mainlinelsl Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running north to south, west of the referenced property within Teller St. It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) to verify if service and gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No underdrain or storm sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. Utility Locates It is the developer's responsibility to provide the District, c/o Martin/Martin Inc., with an ASCE Utility Quality B utility locate mapping stamped by a Colorado PE as required in Colorado Senate Bill 18-167 and ASCE 38 standards. Depending on the design, an ASCE Quality Level A supplemental survey may be required which necessitates physical contact and survey of the existing utility at crossings. All projects must meet Senate Bill 18-167 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. Sanitary Sewer Extension and Easement Agreement A mainline extension is required which includes an extension agreement, any necessary easements and easement agreements, District approvals, deposits, and necessary insurance and bonding prior to beginning construction. Tap applications cannot be accepted until conditional approval is made on the extension. A sanitary sewer main extension agreement with appropriate bonding and deposit is required prior to moving forward with construction. This agreement will be provided from the District's Attorney. Public right-of-way or a 2S' easement (20' exclusive) with drive -able surface will be required to be dedicated to the District prior to construction. An easement agreement will be provided from the District's Attorney. The owner/developer is responsible for providing a vesting deed and title MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 2850 and 2880 Teller St June 18, 2019 insurance commitment for the easement parcel prior to coordination with the District's Attorney. The owner/developer is also responsible for providing a certified land description and exhibit of easement to the District for review. An engineering review fee document will be provided and is required to be deposited to the District prior to moving forward with reviews and agreements. All costs associated with extensions are the responsibility of the owner/developer. The owner/developer is required to participate in the District flow study completed in June 2017. Costs for participation in the flow study are based on the proposed number of single-family residential equivalents (SFREs) for the development and will be provided in the engineering review fee document. From the site plan provided on June 11, 2019, it appears that 6 SFREs are proposed. Please notify the District if these values are not correct. The developer will be required to provide definition of proposed generated flows from the anticipated developments) to allow an understanding of downstream sanitary mainline capacity. If it is determined that downstream mainlines will need to be upsized due to the development, upsizing costs will be the responsibility of the owner/developer. Sanitary Sewer Extension Design The owner/developer will need to provide documentation for the sanitary sewer extension design. The design documentation/exhibits need to include existing and proposed grades, existing and proposed utilities, sanitary and storm inverts, existing and proposed structures, and survey to include utility locates meeting Senate Bill SB18-167 "Enforce Requirements 811 Locate Underground Facilities". Survey information must also include depths of all upstream and downstream inverts of sanitary and/or storm manholes and inlets. Survey must be provided, signed, and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor. Utility locates must meet quality level "B" and be potholed at utility crossing quality level "A" and signed/stamped by a Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado. Shared Service Line After review of the plans, it is apparent that each unit must have an individual service line connecting to the District main. Section 2.3.02 of the District Rules and Regulations states: 'The plumbing system of each separate structure, each house or separate dwelling, each unit in a duplex building and each townhouse, and each separate building, including each separate condominium building, store, premises, and other structures connected to the District's sanitary sewer system shall be separate and independent from that of every other house, structure, or dwelling unit, each duplex unit, building including each condominium building, store, premises and other structure and each shall have an independent, direct connection with the sanitary sewer system. Flow Studv Participation Sub -Total (WRSD): 6 SFRE X $35.80/SFRE _ $214.80 An additional $600.00 fee is charged to analyze the proposed development flows. A total fee of $10,000.00 is anticipated to cover plan review, sanitary sewer flow study review, mainline extension agreement, sanitary sewer easement agreement and exhibit review, coordination with contractor, assistance with tap fee documents, construction observation, project closeout, and coordination with Metro Wastewater. The money from the initial deposit discussed will be used towards the steps listed above. If any credit is left over after the construction, it will be refunded accordingly. If the funds are exhausted during the review or construction process, additional monies will be required prior to continuing. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance— engineering, reviews, design, legal, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware of the following: 1. Deposit must be made prior to reviews and further coordination. 2. Extension agreement with Page 213 Wheat Ridge Sanitation District — 2850 and 2880 Teller St June 18, 2019 required title, vesting deed, bonding, etc. and easement agreement(s) with required legal, exhibits, title, etc. prior to construction. 3. Application for tap fees and development fees can only be made upon completion of conditional acceptance of the mainline extension per extension agreement. 4. All fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. No tap fees will be accepted until conditional approval is received for the mainline extension including such items as: mainline air testing, as -constructed drawings (certified survey), and final televising of the mainline(s). If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: Mike Bakarich —Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Page 313 CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING/PLANNING/SURVEYING 4101 East Wesley Avenue, Suite 2 Denver, Co. 80222 Tele. No. 303-722-3267 Email: chessnoedenver@comcast.net ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR Teller Subdivision, Wheat Ridge, Colorado DESCRIPTION UNITS AMOUNT COST/UNIT TOTAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Saw Cut Asphalt LF 243 $3.00 $729.00 Remove Asphalt SY 20 $10.00 $200.00 Excavation CY 30 $10.00 $300.00 Asphalt Pavinq SY 117 $40.00 $4,680.00 Sub -grade Prep SY 117 $3.00 $351.00 MOBILIZATION 4% of PI Cost EA 1 $750.00 $750.00 Sub -Total Public Improvements $7,010.00 25% CONTINGENCY EA 1 $1,752.50 $1,752.50 Grand Total Public Improvements = $7,960.00 PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS Earthwork Cut CY 30 $10.00 $300.00 Earthwork Fill 2,070 $10.00 $20,700.00 Asphalt Paving SY 990.0 $40.00 $39,600.00 Detention Pond Outlet Structure EA. 1 $100.00 $100.00 Sub -Total $60,700.00 Grand Total Private Improvements = $60 700.00 NOTES: 1. The cost of the detention pond outlet structure to be verified by the structural engineer. 2. The cost estimate of the landscaping is not included herein and will need to be provided by the landscape architect. 3. The water line construction is within Consolidated Mutusal Water District. The cost estimate for the water line construction is not included. 4. The sanitary sewer line construction is within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. The cost estimate for the sanitary sewer line construction is not included. Quantities and Cost Estimates Approved: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS CHESSNOE AND ASSOCIATES 4101 East Wesley Avenue, Suite #2 Denver, Co. 80222 Tele. No. 303-722-3267 Date: 8/27/2019 City of Wheat�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM Electrical Subcontractor This form must be completed & signed by the ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR performing electrical work on site. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: 2822 Teller Street Wheat Ridge CO 80033 General Contractor: Lucid Studio, LLC FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITH MISSING INFORMATION Company Name: /t edxrr? 6lCt iL' Contact Phone 9: 303—YOD—Jy5�) Wheat Ridge Contractor License #: I70 to % I (required field) State License #: / 00 E 2 % Master License#: L90&151 ////�SNa/-I - a , Printed Name of Auth ized Agent 4� (i� 1 Z/// le/Z02� Signature of Authorized Agen Date City of "heat�idge CrCOMMUNI►Y EVELOPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM Mechanical Subcontractor This form must be completed & signed by the MECHANICAL SUBCONTRACTOR performing mechanical work on site. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: 2822 Teller St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 General Contractor: Lucid Studio, LLC 7190 W 38th Ave. Unit B Wheat Ridge CO 80033 FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITH MISSING INFORMATION Company Name: Streamline Mechanical Wheat Ridge Contractor License #:150172 Todd Simpkinson Printed Name o Authorized Agent Signature of Authorized Agent Contact Phone #: 720-505-6142 (required field) 4/16/2020 Date City of W heat l dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 February 11, 2020 OFFICIAL ADDRESS NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION is hereby given that the following address has been assigned to the property/properties as indicated below: CURRENT ADDRESS: Vacant Land in Teller Subdivision Filing No. 1 NEW ADDRESS: 2822 Teller Street: Lot 4, Parcel # 39-264-12-031 2834 Teller Street: Lot 5, Parcel # 39-264-12-032 2846 Teller Street: Lot 6, Parcel # 39-264-12-033 2858 Teller Street: Lot 3, Parcel # 39-264-12-030 2860 Teller Street: Lot 2, Parcel # 39-264-12-029 2874 Teller Street: Lot 1, Parcel # 39-264-12-028 NOTES: This is a courtes-v notification. 2850 & 2880 Teller Street s AUTHORIZED BY: DISTRIBUTION: DATE: z I M► I z o Zm Property Owner AddressingAieffco.us Jefferson County Assessor: Data Control, Lacey Baker; Jefferson County Elections: Holly Roth; Jeffco IT Services (Mapping): Steve Mitchel Jeffco Public Schools, ATTN: Communication Services, 1829 Denver West Dr., Bldg. 27, Golden, CO 80401 4. U.S. Post Office, 4210 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 5. Email to arlene.a.vickrey_Ausps.gov; mariann.szaszAusps.gov; carmen.s.suarezAusps.gov; theresa. a.kraft(a)usps. gov 6. Xcel Energy, jacob.van.laere(&xcelenergy.com 7. Century Link, Aaron.Keller(&Centurylink.com; rachel.weaver(-,centualink.com 8. Comcast, scott mooreC&cable.comcast.com 9. Consolidated Mutual Water District: en ing eering_na,cmwc.net 10. WR Sanitation District: bwillis(a,martinmartin.com; info n,wheatridgesanitation com; mbakarich(a),morainco.com; 11. Fire Dept: planreviewAwestmetrofire.org 12. Wheat Ridge Planning Division 13. Wheat Ridge Building Division 14. GIS Specialist 15. Log File NOTE: Please notify all other parties concerned. ADDRESS MAP UPDATED BY: www.ci.w heatridge.com s DATE: -2500' Site TRUE POINT 0' BECK140 /N: 701705.49 L 119EE10.43 ----------------------- 8' uT_,TY AND I DRA'NAOE iASEWNT i HEREBY CRANTED BY I THIS P,A` TYPICAL I I LOT1 5' L,7LilyAND I DRANAbE EASEMCkT -I 1 9,78p S0. F1 HLMLBY GFASILD BY 0.7145 ACRES THIS F_A- - 11THCA1 �, I ZDNu4G. a-2 1; Ir " 1.50' I'my DEpC4 E0 Br I THIS PLA' t0 THE I MY OF AKAT RIDGE AS I MAC RCHT-RIF-NAY 1 i (292 SO. FT.-psTftst 1i 0' unLlTr E 1 HEREBY GRANTED BY I I THS PIAT 1 mmmw L LOT INL icflL6Y CREA .0 I By 5' uAR.'T AND I DRAINAGE EASEMEN' .-I HERESY GRAVED BY I 1146 PLAT - TYPICAL 1 I LOT 4 I 10,371 S0. FT 1 0,2381 ACRES I ZONING R-2 I 2822 T" at i 16 UTIJTY EASEMENT 1 HEREBY GRANTED BY 8' u;,cIIY AND I MI5 PLAT DRAINAGE EASEMFkT HEREBY GRANTED BY I ---------- 1`141$ PLA- fYPICAt �^ I 103 82' FOiNrO N0. 5 REBAR WIH NO CAP (USED "OR LVE AND DISTANCE) N: 701510.62 C: 119!11.77 Vicinity Map 317.10' A.AL k REC. N8953"8'E A.V. --- --------------------i LOT JNE HEREBY CREA'ED BY IH; HLAI - 'YT'CA- 0T 2 I 9,151 97. FT. I 02738 AM$ r L I ZONING. R-2 REC. NO. 2016059247 ; r PART OF THE N'#1/4 OF LOT % BIOCK 4, I BARTH'S &MASION I 10NIN T st 1 4 OC' _- ------ 6 r------------------------- E ,1917Tss i I 71 FINE IANC 6' "L"Y AND I V � LASEMEN' HEREBY DRAINAGE EASEMENI 21 all' I 1 [RANTED BY THIS PLAT HEREBY GRANTED BY 56976"19*01 THIS PLAT LOT 3 � •� TRACT 'A" I1%053 SO. Fl s1>rNnaT+EN 0.2308 AMS 1 W away NRA _ 3c9DTA'OD' ZONM R- 2 `r 1,011 S9. FT b R-28.00' Bt g r 0.0740 ARAE$ C3 1CH.X�gp'wrw er ; ��s W-545'3111"Ej I 'P.E. / I uT�1 --------- -'I 1 - .-r�-003,� ACTU / E• Ti AA. FASFM:wT SrAi _-----_-.._---I---------T - r - I I I 2334Tdorg I REC NO 87076275 i THE SOUTH 100' OF THE NW1/4 OF LOT 1, BLOC( 4, BARTH'S SUBDIV19ON 1 I LOT 5 ZONNC. R-2 10.400 S0. FT I i 0.2388 ACRES I 1 7MK R-2 I I I I I I 1 I I L - ----------------------j J IC' ACCCSSI,TIL17Y AND MANAGE EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED BY ftm&%"V qet at I V � I IGT 6 21 all' I I 9.746 50 FT. 56976"19*01 I 0 2237 ACRES I ZUNNC: R-2 TRACT 'A" I s1>rNnaT+EN I W away NRA 1 `r 1,011 S9. FT b g r 0.0740 ARAE$ C3 L--- ------------ y� 317.11' AM (31710' RECSTH M a' 101 1 BLO 4. S89'28'50'W kV 9AR1H'S simloS'RYI REC. NO Z016016919 THE NORTH ill OF T4 SWI/4 OF LOT I. 9L0C4 4, BARN'S SOMMSION ZONING R- 2 A FOUND 100. 3 REBAR W11N FLAGGING AND WTI+ NO CAP (USED JNE AND DISTANCE) N. 70151354. F. 12012886