HomeMy WebLinkAbout0245 /' "ded at r<eception No o'dock M, Re RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 86087649 08/05/86 09:30 3.00 QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, Made this day nf between The City of Wheat Rid<]e, a Rule Municipal Corporation ,1986, Colorado Home I/'I ~ . ~~ '~f.; :~~ _\ '\.c:: of the 'Countyof Jefferson and Stale of Colorado, grantor(~ and Tne County of Jefferson, a lxxlv !.Xllitic and cOrp::lrate whose legal address is 1701 AraJXlhoe Street, (".,olden, CO 80419 of th County' of Jefferson d S f C 1 d e an tate 0 0 ora u, grantee( ~ ~:,~' ('91.,. . f Rl.' . ; I:';:,: J \2..yS-, ,,-,/ WITNESSETH, That the grantor(x), for and in consideralion of the sum of Ten ----------------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, ha S remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAI\IED, and b, these presents do es remise, relcase, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unlo the grallteeK), its hei", successors and assigns' fore....er. all thl: right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantur(~ ha S in anu to the real propcrt). together with improveme~ts, ifany, situate, lying and being in the County of and State of Colorado, described as follows: THE NORm 175 FFET OF THE "JEST 279.64 FEET OF THE F.AST 306.64 FEET OF TRAcr 15, BRCOKSIDE EXCEPT THAT POm'ION DESCRIBED IN rnSTRUMFNI' TO COUNTY OF ,JEFFERSON Rfl:ORDED IN BCXJK 886 AT !"'AGE 340, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PIAT THEREOF, COUNI'Y O""/, JEFFERSON, STATE OF COWRAJX) /f i ') I /" I, , ,\'/ I v,' ) i ,~ , I '/, '~ I :;,\' \ /i ,.,1 , ," \ " , / also known by street and number as: \'1. 38th Ave. and ONens St. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, int~rest and claim whatsoever, of the grantoriX), either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of tbe grantee(:<<j, ~ ts heirs and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor\* ha S exeeuted this deed on the date set forth above. I' A~/, / Bv: ';J;f;!.~~ ~.) /.:';'1 J ~da Sang, City CIeJ:}' THE CITY OF VlliEAT RIDGE, COLDP2\r:o ---- By: ~-<r:/;,./~~~j L ~"~ Frank Stites, ~nyor STATE OF COLORADO, } ss, County of ~ f7.., d b,Tb'r():::;;;~'w?~ ;~:;~=Zff~ c77 My commISSIOn expire~ ," .:3 j;.j f?? , 19 Witness my hand and official seal. \ ~'.\" " I I, " " I' "... . ~ I ". -~i~ ~. ~~"~j. 0;" , 4~,(; ~\ ),~~ "~..lv l:;;; I'" :-' I <.:l " c t:J~t ~!~~;)".:J ~) . .J.: ~"+'" C'", \ I" . W';,:. \...J -''01 ~_ -.r""-~ ~ I, -:'..:l,~!" ..:;;:,"'-:'1;tQ... \) 'If irtpe!:'~r;,Ailh".~c.cW:.and," -. '1'''''';' "/0'" "U ,1' -~- .i.J.~_r_rtP!!~ , I9E'~, c~YL~L~ /,1) ~'llyl'u:"1 ~ n '7 "- 00 t,..{/. CJ?TA c...-c.u-<- No. 933. Rev. 3--85. QClT CLAI~1 DEED Br<luf<>rtl P \V hll: (-0 H0214 ~ ()U~) 233-6l)(){) 5-00 /QtJ ~\)~ liEL<JF(DED IN ~ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON .R.. $',.- -. 'HriTE OF COLOI~,~D() Reception No -- R EeEI" T I ON NO. D6 '\ '19 '\1.,7 10/02/86 09:27 .00 QUIT CLAIM DEED Re RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 86087649 08/05/86 09:30 3.00 THIS DEED. Made this day of ~ between The City of Nheat Ridqe, a Rule Municinal Corporation 1986 Colorado Home ~,~ ~~: ~c:' -\ ' -.-. of the *County of ,Jefferson and State of Colorado, granton sX and T'ne County of Jefferson, a body =litic and corporate whose legal address is 1701 Arapahoe Street, r.olden, CO 80419 Je-Fferson of the County of and Slate of Colorado granteet,:{ \-] 1/1 <:~,~ IVf,.,. ! RI.' ; e& ~ Z. 42; "-.. WITNESSETH, That the grantorlXl, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ----------------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, ha s remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by ".4these presents do es remise, release sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the granted'sl, its heirs, successors and assigns, ~ :;jforever, al\ the nght, Iltle, 1Oterest, claIm and demand which the grantorl~ ha S 10 and to the real property, together wllh ~~mproveme"ts, If any, situate. IY10g and be10g 10 the County of and State of 'ot:olorado, descnbed as follows. ,... , r, ,~ :::; ;:,0 THE NORTH 175 FFEl' OF THE r'JEST 279.64 FEET OF THE EAST 306.64 \~ 6'~~' ~~ FEEl' OF TRACI' 15, BRCDKSIDE EXCEPT THAT POTU'ION DESCRIBED IN .'J _ c . ,.", INS'I'RUMFNr 'ID COUNTY OF' ,!l'"tl'J:>;l<SON RECORDED IN BCDK 886 AT @ f..::'.J ~, r ~'; PAGE 340, ACCORDING 'ID THE RECORDED PIAT THEREOF, COUNTY 0"' ~ i: ~,.~' ,". ~, JJ:>;t'YI:::l<SON, STATE OF COIDRAJX) ~~ '-= ~. !.. . + .. , ._ I :: ~il ( ) ~ i L..' - :: \ ~i :5.~, .J \'l.... , ,2 ~,::;~i! ~'~~I j : '"-~ ~ w. 38th Ave. and OWens St. i also known by street and number as: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same. together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title interest and claim whatsoever, of the grantor~, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the granteeti:;1, its heirs and assigns forever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF The grantortw, ha S executed this deed on the date set forth above 'I , " /' ATIEy1\ i / f' ,_ ! l/::' / (?< Bvf_ --r;~Z~'LkL., --.., ~ ,,) ~?-J,L-1' \-'!anda Sang, City Clejr THE CITY OF %'HFAT RII:hE, COIDPAOO ~ By: ~~~'J!/1//~j L ~-Il--' Fran!<. stites, ~1ayor ,I , STATE OF COLORADO, } Countv of (), / I ss "Tkf{):'::;::'~;~f~~~~~~ My commission expires -3;j 0 ~~ :? ,pi'" .Il) b, v~ , l~ Witness my hand and official seal ,'lo\' . ~ " ....... ~.'" ~ ..\.~~ ;1, 0.... ,~v " ~<. t~. -..""1 ;~, -, , _ ...q" '. ~ - \ I (.....'- ('~ ; T [~~..~ ';~ :J . .~'t; :.~ ,,'. 'j.,.-, . w... 0 J ..:;' :.'-" , _r~/" _ ..;i. ..~ (:.:....~? ~~1;t('<.. ( J *If in pen-..;!r; in8~ft,."Ciiy, and," ,.~. ~ ,..; ~: '7>'\ I -., ----_~__:;-:1.~,.r u~ !_~T' , , " ~-'.. {L/ (-%V ~~C-, '7 vo dJ ~l~~ ---- ---- No. 933. Rev. 3-85. QUIT CLAIM DEED Bradford Publi~hing, 5X25 W 6th Ave. Likewood. CO 80214 - (30~) 233 6900 5-86 ~?1 -<: if' QJ QJ c: o rt (C o (t ill ::u c. "0 (]) rtOI- QJ (]) Cf) ::J'U Ortl- ill ",'C- o (t tJ"::J::: ,< rt Z... rtOG ;Y' ~ (]) I- 0) tr1 0'\ rt 00 C QJ 0) 11 -...J 0- o,O'\(t .t>(t \Df2 QJ H m(t rtG (]) C 11 H (: (D ~ ~~'- I) EI.::' ,r:: DEl., 11'..1 1 l.iUi\! /1 tOr/-. IF."I rT'"N;"'l...li'-'! , 1 j~i I [ PF" L: "lL \h: Hf."il...! I'<:E.L.EI' J I"i.,1 N,).. <:16./,... 'J,..:",') J l...i (J, i ~u.;,! "j c:j :: I::; 5 "IlL) COMMISSIONERS DEED THIS INDENTURE made this ~-ftv day of October, 1986, ,JnD b~tween the County of,Jefferson, State of Colorado, a body poli- I~ )y- /at'p~Cpo?nndtedcorCPommorate act~ngMabY ,an~ througlh its duly constituted and / -J-. ~:\ /; ~ issioner, rJor~e E. Cement, to convey and to ' V ,/ execute deed, f~r~t party and the City of Wheat Ridge, State of \,' Colorado, a Mun~c~pal Corporation, second party, WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the Count~ of Jefferson, State of Colorado, did at a regular meeting of sa~d Board held at the Courthouse in said County on the 29th day of September, 1986, duly adopt and pass Resolution No. CC86-751 authorizing the conveyance of the hereinafter described real property to second party, and did by said resolution appoint and ~onstitute the undersigned as Commissioner to convey and exe- cute deed for said real estate to second party for and on behalf of the said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, a body poli- tic and corporate, and did further authorize the undersigned to execute this deed and to affix the seal of said County hereto. '(.0 '00 ~~ ,:1 l- ,'\ Q 10 'J NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, 'n hand paid by second party to said County of Jefferson, State Colorado, a body politic and corporate, receipt of which is reby confessed and acknowledged, the undersigned, acting as Commissioner aforesaid, does by these presents remise, release, sell, convey and quit claim unto second party, its successors and assigns all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which said Jefferson County, State of Colorado, a body politic and cor- porate, has in and to the following described real property situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. THE NJRI'H 175 FEET OF THE "lEST 279.64 FEEl' OF THE EAST 306.64 FEET OF TPACT 15, BRCOKSIDE EXCEPI' THAT PORl'Io""1 DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT ro COUNTY' OF dtJ:J:WSON RB:ORDED IN BCDK 886 AT PAGE 340, ACCORDING ro THE RffDRDED PIAT THEREOF, COUNTY' <Y JtJ: l: J:;.~rn, STATE OF COIDRAlX) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any way thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of said Jefferson County, State of Colorado, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, bene- fit and behoof of the said second party, its successors and assigns. "1I~1""",, ,,\\\'c:~ON C. """ ,"'..c.~v...~....~~" ...' L).,~..~ R A. ~ ':-f:Z- .....(J- . .. :- . . ~-: f.. is' iJ!! 11' \ >.d . . .., ,~Jl1. - : ~ .:; ;:<;: ~ -I-~" tJI~ #-~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ "":;.. ~,. "." .: ~~ ....." 0... <'\"" ...~ / ) ""~~((, J/L'L~ ( , Deputy Clerk and Recorder COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO CC By Marjo to Co vey and to Execute Deed for and on behalf of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Dated { '- /, i ( (. /'~ " / Cj ~.J it"! , I APPROVED If] - ..... -~. ~ i.3" _---,-_4It kFI /::/:. 1'1' ,', ..,... 'n ,,1,,11..1 (.11 '00'-", "J' "\"1 \.. . . "" '..."..) ...: ,..:"!" STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON) ss: this The It" I., , 1986 by Marjorie E. Clement, foregoing Commissioners Deed was executed before me -(' ,_ (,-~j c{ day of /1 as Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Jefferson County, ~- state of Colorado. witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: May 20, 1899 ~~ (~ \, --,.,... t.: t' -~ / ; Notary Public ,/; , ' , r { " / ,- Gulde\!' l...\.; uU;'~ 'I \1