HomeMy WebLinkAbout0285 I~ II II I- ',I I' I' il ,I II Ii " " I c,,1 ~'II CJi CJ1, OJ Rt:~orded at Reception No o'clock _ M , PECORDED IN ('()/INTY (')0" jE:.rrC:F<:.,O(V STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 90000078 01/02/90 09:30 c OCI ~; . I Re WARRANTY DEED , il I, THIS DEED. Made thi, 28th da\ of Dee em b e r 1989, between COLORADO /"..0...." / ", "?""'., .. ~ \ KIPLIN(, LIMITED VENTliRES, LTD. PARTNERSHIP A D . ~_h ;.....)1 of tht: Count\ of J e f fer son State "fC"lorad" grantor. and THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE \:>". \ \.~._/. I /1 a m u n i c i pal ;K,.'orporation org:anlzt"'u and. cxi~ting under and b\ virtue of the law:-- of the State of Co lor 0. d 0 gr:.J.lltcc. whose kg:al address i.... 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 800J3 WITNESSETH, That the grantur. lor and in consiJeration of (he surn ot TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) anJ other good and valuable considerationrnx~, the receipt and 'iutlicienc'/ llt which is herL'hy acknO\vledgeJ, .has granted, ban.!.aincd. solJ anu c\m,\l'v~d. ~md b\',tbese..pr.e~ent\J(leS l.!.rant b\lrgain, sell, . . water, Water rlqntS and alten rlqhtS conve..,.' antI cllntirm. unto the grantee Its SUCl.es~ors and aS~lgn:-- lnfl?\er. all uf tIH.:XCill:::pJ:gJX~'~~MbeM\X(bCiropr\W~XiMtKyXsi1uate IYll1g and being in the (ounty 01" lJ e f fer son and State of Colmado de~(:fihed as follows: 1\ Four and three-fourths (4-3/4) inches of water in the 0ulette Ditch, together with all water rights. ditch rights and rights- of-way appurtenant to said four and Lhree-fourths (4-3/4) inches, which four and three-fourths (4-3/4) inches are described In the warranty deed dated July 17, 1980, and recorded July 22, 1980 at Reception No. 80053178, Jefferson County records and were historically used to irrigate the lands described In said deed. Grantor covenants for itself, its heirs, successors and assigns that said four and three-fourths (4-3/4) inches will forever hereafter not be used for irrigation of said lands. ills(; ~""'~~,M"""lfd>TJl>n1t1,, lW{ ,I TOGETHER v.ith all and :--ingular the hereditaments and appurtcnanco thereunto helonging llf in anywi~e appertaining. and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainder:--, renh. i:--sucs :Hld protits thereuC and all the estak' ri~ht. title interest. claim and lkmand whatsoever of the gran lor. either in law l)[ equity, of. in and t,l the "thove bargained rrem\:--c~. with the hereditament:-. and arrurtcnance~. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said pn:mlses above bargained and de:--crihed. with the appurtenances. unto the grantee. ih \UlTeSSllrs and assigns forever. A.nd the granltn. tor himself. his heirs and personal representative:>.. d(lL'S covenant. grant. balgain anu agree to and with the grantee it... ~Ul'l'essors and a...si~ns. that at the time of the en"ealing and deliver\- 01 the~t' pre:-.ents, he is well :--eized llr the premise" ahove COll\"eved. ha:-- guoJ. sure. perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate 01 inheritance, in law. in fee simple and has good right. lull PO\\'tT anu lawful authoritv to ~ranL bargain. ~el1 and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid. and that the same are free and dear from all former Jnd other granh. hargains. sales, hem. ta'i:es, a:>.sc~sments, encumbrances and restrictiun:-- l)f whatever kind or nature ~oever. except The granhlr shall and will \\-ARRANT A.~l) F()REVER DEFEND the ahlwc-hargained premises in till': 4Uld and peaceable p0ssession of the grantee. its successors and aS~lgns, against all and evcry person or per<;om.lawl"ulh claiming the whole or anY part thereof Tne singular numher "hall include the plural. the plural the singular. and the u...c l)f an, gender shall be applicahle {(1 all genders IN "'ITNESS \\-"HEREOF, The grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth ahoH~ KIPLING VENTURES, LTD. a Colorado limited partnership \ I ). / / :f' (, II 'I by -'"D tr"., A.V~ ---u ' L.h^-. 14 89 V~I.A"'JI M\ ullnmission expire:>. ~ WITNESS ffi\ hand and official seal. 7~ 1Yt::~ Ii *11' in Denver. insert 'C ity and. I 'I 1 .J No. 952. Re\'. ~'-85. WARRANTY DEED (to Corporation I For Ph(Jto~raphiC' Rel'ord r, :>(6 RwdforJ Puhhshing. 5S25 \\t fith A"yc LakewO(ld. CO So214 _11l111 2il..6lJtlO HARVEY W CURTIS OF COUNSEL HAYES & PHilLIPS, PC, OF COUNSEL STAR L. WARING ATTORNEY AT LAW MARKET CENTER BUilDING. SUITE 450 1350 SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80202 (303) 825-6631 January 8, 1990 Re: Wheat Ridge - Purchase Ventures, Ltd. "- '- LJ~Lfc - /.~ Y;;) / /'1 _ J ,QQAj, /f'" J:'~ (~ ~~~I ' ;0- ~^v-,AA/~ -if~ {v~ -~ f' J?d . / (-:I '1c; of Water Rights from Kipling VIA. HAND DELIVERY ........ '- John E. es, Esq. Hayes, Phil . s & Maloney, P.C. 1350 17th stree suite 450 Denver, Colorado 02 Dear John: Enclosed is the oriqinal warranty deed from Kipling Ventures, Ltd. conveying four and three-fourths (4-3/4) inches of Oulette Ditch water to the City of Wheat Ridge. The deed was recorded in Jefferson County on January 2, 1990 at Reception No. 90000078. Also enclosed for your records are copies of the Agreement signed by Donovan Nickel on behalf of Kipling Ventures, Ltd., and Mayor Dan Wilde on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge, and Donovan Nickel's personal bond. I will continue to push Kipling Ventures to obtain a release of the deed of trust encumbering the water as soon as possible. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments. ver~ArlY yours, star L. Waring SLW/bb enclosures