HomeMy WebLinkAbout0287 r' ~ .1> ~ ~ Recorded at Reception No o'clock 1'1 FLORDE"D J i'J LUUNJl U~ JL~~LKbUN ~ STATE OF COLORnDO RECEPTION NO. 90014558 ("'''' 1") 1/0") '\"') ',n I'" ")l') Jr.!.IC" 71, .t~:l:'.() ~)IIt.\. M, QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, Made this 25th day of January between Randy L. and Nickie Ann Jensen ~ I \ ,1990, .j VJ 81/ \ 1/ I of the *Countyof Jefferson Colorado, grantorls), and The City of Wheat municipal corporation " and State of _-,c. Ridge, a home rule whosc legal address is 7500 W. 29th Avenue of the Count)' of Jefferson ano State of Coloradu, grantcc(s), WITNESSETH. That the grantorls), f(,r and in consideration of the sum of $10.00-------------------------- Ten and no/100--------------------------______________________---------DOLLARS the receipt and sufficiency of whiL"h is hereby acknowledged, have rcmised. released, sold. conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and hy thc:-.c presenh do remise. release selL L'unvcy and VUlT CLAIM unto the grantcc(sl, its heirs. successors and assigns, forever. all the righL title interest. claim and demand which the grantorlsl ha ve in and to the real property. together with improvements, if any situate lying and being in the County of J ef fer son and State of Colorado descrihed as follows. The western 10' of the following described property: Beginning at a point 30 feet east and 86 feet north of the southwest corner of the Southwest 1/4 Northwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.; thence from said point of beginning north 75 feet; thence east 305 feet; thence south 75 feet; thence west 305 feet to the point of beginning, Except that portion of land deeded to the department of Highways, State of Colorado, described in deed recorded June 24, 1969 in Book 2113 at Page 3, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. also kOO\\'J1 by stred and numher as: Vacant Land TO HAVE "NO TO HOLD the same 1<'gcther with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto he longing or in anywise thereuntu appertaining. and all the estate, rig-ht. title, interest and claim whatsoever. of the grantor( s l. either in law or equity, to the only propc:r LIse benefit and behoof o! the grantcc(sl. heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The grantor! s I have executed this deed on the date set ~ / ( "-.... STATE 01- COLORADO. }ss B'H'J day of f~if ,19 qo, Cuunt) of The foregoing in:-.trument \vas acknowledged before me this by ..' ~ ~ ~, '.. ~ <, My commission expires .19 Witness my hand and official seal My Commission Expir€:'s 7-5-93 " (_'~ho !~~:.... *If in Denver, insert 'City and." No. 933. Rev. J.8..'i". QUT CLAIM DEED BraJtord Puhlishing. 'iR2'i \\ 11th .\1,t' Lah'w"ud. CO X()21.~ l'Oli231-6LJOO 'X'