HomeMy WebLinkAbout0298 (yfJ ~ ,- "- ~-- <:) C::: (J") ~ (J") ;>- ~ ~.~ l.D --'< ::0 ,-; '.~ E.5 -1 2~~ {,- } ~ ~ 'i o ," ~! 0 <~\'.< ffi 0 ~. z- '4 W~I ' ~21<~ ~8~f U. o ffi / ~~ : (f) -< "'" -<~" o u.~-. i.LIO ' > o . . II: iJ ,t: -' 0....... :\.0 >- - -~ lD Recurded at o'clock M" Reception No,~.__ _~U_. _ Recorder. 'I THIS DEED. Made this 1990 ,hetween Ci ty and through its Board of , corporation }WNuq:K>x~xduly organized and existing' under and by virtue of the laws ofth.e S.tate of Co Iura do, ufthe first part, and City of Wheat Ridge, a munIcIpal corporation >>/: ~;' '1" t 1\;' \ :LJ;;,...~) I :J9~ 900597lrl 15.00 RECORDER'S STAMP day of County of Denver, acting by and Water Commissioners, a municipal RECEPTION NO. 7/16/90 12:00 RECORDED IN COtmTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO whose legal address is 7500 West 29th Avenue P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 ufthe County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, of t hp second part, WITXESSETH, That the said partv of the first part, for and in cunsideratiun ufthe sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred and 0/1 OOths ($ 7 , 500 . 00 ) ------________________________________ Doll aI'S, to the said party of the first part, in hand paid by the said partY of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and cOTIveytc'd and by these presents does grant, bargain, ;.;ell, (~onvey and confirm unto the said partY of the second part, its sUcCe~~~i~nd assigns forever. all the following de;.;cribed lot or parcel of land, situate, lving- and being in the Countvof Jefferson and State ufCulurado, to wit. \/? As is more specifically described In Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING UNTO THE GRANTOR THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAINTAIN AND REPLACE A WATER PIPELINE OR LINES AS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE GRANTOR'S WATER WORKS OPERATION. ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING UNTO THE GRANTOR ALL WATER AND WATER RIGHTS,WHETHER RIPARIAN, APPROPRIATIVE, OR PRESCRIPTIVE, AND RIGHTS TO THE USE OF ALL WATER, WHETHER OCCURRING ON OR UNDER THE SURFACE OF THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY, WHETHER TRIBUTARY OR NONTRIBUTARY. also known as ~treet and number N/A Together with all and sing-ular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise apper- taining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right. title, intere~t, daim and demand what~wever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained (J~emises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said premises above baq,alned and described with the appurtenances, unto City of Wheat Ridge, a municipal corporation the said party of the second part, , t successors . 1 S H.~man(las~qgns forever And the said party of the first park for itself and. its successors covenants and agrees to and with the said . t ,=,uccessors . h h, b . d . . th . t d part of the second part, 1 S XlX'n and aSSIgns, t e as<rrCcea~~~N!e premises In e qUIe an peaceable posses;.;iun of the said party of the second part, its %lK*Kan~ assigns against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, by, through or under the said party of the first part, to WARRANT A:--lD FOREVER DEFEND I:--l WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its Manager ~j:Q~/l:~and its corporate seal to he hC'l't'unto affixed, attested by its Assistant Secl'l'tary, the day and year first above written, At%t: , l? / . Ci ty and County of Denver, /1 " ./ '. / i La "~"~ through its Board of Water ~aynt~~ ~~l~~ms :A~~~~tant-S'~~;:-etm a municipal corporation B, ()J~~*- BY~am H. Mi ler, Manager acting by and Commissioners ll>x,xill.K.X STATE OF ('O!'ORAIJO, } l L ss. c:..::t;:; ~ Cuuntvof ,po( ~ -z;t ~~egOlnglnstr~ment ~a~ alknowledged before me thIS do day uf ~ 1990 . by WUliam H..__I'1.iller, Mamgpr and-Wayne D. WilliamsL Assistant SpcTPj-;,ry City and County of Denver, acting~~nQ_throuqbits_BQard of Watpr ~nmmj5sion~rs a munIclpal corporation. M .. . ~~7 y commIsSlOn expues _ , ./ WITNESS my hand and ufficia eaL /77/ -~9 ~ Notary Public. No. 16.8 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED-<-'orporation Bradford Puhlishing, ~,Il2) \\' 6th <\vc L..kcwood. CO S0214 - (lfnl 211-6WMI- 6.S I EXHIBIT "A" A parcel of land situated in the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter (NWl/4 SWl/4) of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, being a portion of Lot 4, Block 4 Amended Plat of Henderson's Subdivision, more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land being the exception to the parcel conveyed by D.W.D. to Wheatridge Recreation District, recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County in Book 2141 at Page 434 being more particularly described and bounded as follows: J.-- Beginning at a D.W.D. brass cap on the north boundary of West 29th Avenue, whence a D.W.D. brass cap at the intersection of the north boundary of West 29th Avenue and the west boundary of Newl and Street, bears North 89047' 30" East, a distance of 134.68 feet, more or less; thence along the Board's property boundary for Condui t Number 21 the followi ng ni ne (9) courses North 38029'30" East, a di stance of 77.86 feet to a D.W.D. brass cap; thence North 30010'30" East, a distance of 169.75 feet to a D.W.D. brass cap on the west boundary of Newland Street; thence North 0013'30" West along said west boundary, a distance of 112.62 feet to a D.W.D. brass cap; thence South 89047'30" West, a distance of 26.43 feet to a D.W.O. brass cap; thence South 31028' West, a distance of 12.14 feet to a D.W.D. brass cap; thence South 30010'30" West, a distance of 241.39 feet to a O.W.O. brass cap; thence South 49054' West, a distance of 127.68 feet to a D.W.O. brass cap; thence South 0013'30" East, a distance of 19.35 feet to a D.W.D. brass cap on the north boundary of West 29th Avenue; thence North 89047' 30" East along said north boundary, a distance of 118.32 feet, more or less to the point of beginning, as shown on D.W.D. drawi ng Dr. 402 No. 1342, a copy of wh i ch is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The above described parcel contains 0.65 acre, more or less. 17110/(61 ) RECEPTION NO. 90059741 3 SWI/4 SECTION 25. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST 6th P.M. JEFFERSON COUNTY I j r' 1\1 D ~ n c:: CJ "'I 'J 1- r.:. ~ I. ::J Lor 2 I Lor ! 589047'30",y I I 2643' ~.J , S302~''''1 BL OCK I 12 .4 I 14 ::J U ~) ;:::; !-\ NJ ...OT ! I~ N ;:), NWI/4 SW 1/4 SEC. 25 Lor 4 P LI A T 5001330 E 19.35' W 29TH / .PC '54+40.09 I ! N 0013' 30"/1 ; 12.621 "- V) ~ <:;( ~ ~ 50' "0 U' I ~OTE Seorings ore based on D M.,y ,y s"rvey tor Conduit No. 21 of ;)ec.5, 1967. Forfield notes see D M W W Field 600. 'Jo 1699 Poge 64 so 160 RECEPTION NO. 900597~1 80 0 ~~~~~- ~~ ! @ I ,----::-=J :-- -::-:_~ l SCAl-E "'4 FEE T LEGEND PARCEL CONTAINS 0.65 ACRE~ DENVEF~ WATER DEPARTMENT __ _ __~_"_"_"_ _"M' _ ~___. ~,_.__.,~.- -,._-....,._-_...._._-~._------..- CONDUIT NO.2/ REAL ESTATE CONVEYED TO CiTY OF WHEAT RIDGE "().~Al:t:---I"=-80' --- ; DATE--MAR.-2'O:"1990-" T - ... . .'-.--...__..Td.._.-.-.-.....--.-.- ;T" JCC iCK j:J _1... _ __._. _ ~ ......__..._... _ ..- iLJR 402 '~ ,1342 . _'___'__~"'____'_ . _..J REAL ESTATE CONVEYED D W D. BRASS CAP BOUNDARY D W D PROPERT Y DOCUMDI T DATED SEC"! FILE DOC RiMS ITEM NO 01379 CARD NO [jf~N J CC l~p~-i N