Minutes of Meeting ORIGINAL
March 4,1999
CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Vice
Chairman GOKEY at 7:30 p.m. on March 4, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman
Jerry Collins
Dick Doyle
Dean Gokey
Don MacDougall
Janice Thompson
Commission Members Absent: Nancy Snow (excused)
Tom Shockley
Staff Members Present: Alan White, Director of Planning & Development
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
Mr. White introduced Dick Doyle as the new Planning Commissioner, representing District
The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of March 4,
1999. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department
of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
Commissioner GOKEY moved and Commissioner MACDOUGALL seconded to approve
the agenda as presented. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioners
SHOCKLEY and SNOW absent.
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Commissioner GOKEY moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded to approve the
minutes of the February 18, 1999 Planning Commission meeting as presented. The motion
passed 5-0 with Commissioner DOYLE abstaining and Commissioners SHOCKLEY and
SNOW absent.
There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission.
A. Case No. ZOA-98-01 (Continued from December 17,1998) An application by the City
of Wheat Ridge to amend Section 26-30(L) of the code of laws pertaining to the Keeping of
Animals and Section 15-23 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws pertaining to the condition of
stables, fertilizer and buildings.
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and presented a
history of the proposed ordinances. She stated that this case was continued from the
December 17, 1998 Planning Commission at which time the Commission was in favor of the
proposed changes with the exception of the pen cleaning provision. There was consensus at
the hearing that regulations for clean-up should be based upon the size of pen or corral.
After further research and review, staff is now recommending requirements for corrals less
than 1,000 square feet to be cleaned once a week and corrals 1,000 square feet and over to be
cleaned every two weeks. This recommendation is intended, in part, to give code
enforcement officers some firm guidelines for enforcement of the ordinance.
Ms. Reckert stated that Nick Fisher, staff representative to the Animal Welfare and Control
Commission, reported that a motion was made at the Commission meeting of January 19,
1999 that the two-week clean-up period be specified for residential properties only and that
paragraph E be deleted from the nuisance ordinance. Staff is recommending that the two-
week cleanup period for residential properties should also apply to substandard agricultural
properties. Staff is also recommending that an additional phrase be added to the condition of
the suggested motion for approval as follows: "and by the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws,
Chapter 15."
Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern about the lack of definitive guidelines in
determining clean-up violations.
Mr. White commented that, since this will be very difficult to monitor, the best solution
seems to be the suggested change to the nuisance ordinance which requires testimony to be
presented in court by two or more neighbors from separate households.
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Ms. Reckert stated that she had thoroughly researched the clean-up matter with many experts
who had differing opinions as to the amount of time that should be required to clean up
Commissioner MACDOUGALL stated that Colorado State University is working on manure
management in residential areas but has not, as yet, reached a solution. Ms. Reckert
commented that she spoke with a Dr. Ann Swinker from CSU who was of the opinion that a
two-week clean-up requirement was reasonable.
Commissioner THOMPSON suggested that the words "private stables" in Section 1 (L) (1)
be changed to "as an accessory use at a private residence." She also stated that she had
received comments from citizens who felt that the 800 square foot requirement was too large
for smaller yards and were in favor of reducing the requirement to 300-500 square feet.
Chair BRINKMAN invited public comment. The following individuals addressed the
Diane Christensen
4311 Tabor Street
Ms. Christensen stated that she was in favor of reducing the 800 square foot pen requirement
and also requested that compost piles be permitted.
Tracy Dowson
28546 Golden Gate Canyon Road, Golden
Mr. Dowson spoke on behalf of the Jefferson County Horse Council. She stated that the
Council attempts to educate horse owners in the proper care of their animals, composting
methods, etc. She asked if the proposed ordinance addressed weather conditions such as
extended freezing temperatures which would prevent clean-up. Ms. Reckert replied that this
situation is not specifically addressed. Ms. Dowson stated that the one of the state standards
for horse equivalent units is that two horses are equal to one cow in contrast to the proposed
ordinance which indicates one horse is equal to one cow. She stated that she felt this
ordinance would be extremely difficult to enforce.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked Ms. Dowson what the Horse Council recommended for
pen sizes. She replied that, due to variables in types of horse management, it is difficult to
come up with one required size.
David Murphy
12710 West 42nd Avenue
Mr. Murphy asked if there had been numerous complaints which precipitated this ordinance.
He stated that his neighbors have horses and there has never been a problem in his area. He
suggested that if horse pens are not cleaned properly, it may be a matter for the Humane
Society or similar organization. He expressed concern that property values could be reduced
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if horses are no longer allowed on a nonconforming property. He expressed concern that
this ordinance will be very difficult to enforce.
Ms. Reckert explained that if a nonconforming property does not meet new regulations, the
right to keep animals is transferable as long as the keeping of horses does not cease for more
than sixty days.
Shirlene Mekelberg
4596 Parfet
Ms. Mekelberg agreed with comments made by Tracy Dowson of the Jefferson County
Horse Council and stated that she was not in favor of regulating pen size.
Bonnie R. Botham
3380 Pierce Street
Ms. Botham stated that she has been a member of the Wheat Ridge Livestock Association
since its inception and stated that this Association would be willing to assist in the area of
education, etc. when problems arise in neighborhoods.
Chair BRNKMAN asked if the Association had been involved in the recent cases which
precipitated this ordinance. Ms. Botham replied that she did not know whether the group
had assisted in these two situations.
Louise Turner
11256 West 38th Avenue
Ms. Turner stated that she is a member of the Wheat Ridge Animal Welfare and Control
Commission (formerly known as the Wheat Ridge Animal Commission) and stated that the
800 square foot pen requirement originated with the Jefferson County Horsemen's
Association and became part of the code of laws when Wheat Ridge was incorporated. She
explained that this portion of the code was inadvertently omitted when the entire zoning law
was rewritten in 1989. She stated that the Commission recommended the 800 square foot
pen size. In response to Mr. Murphy's previous question about complaints, she stated that
there have only been two complaints over a period of thirty years, both of which occurred in
July, 1998. She stated that the Commission originally stated they would support the city
attorney's recommendations regarding the nuisance law; however, upon a review of the
ordinance, the Commission is now requesting that the requirement for two witnesses to
appear in court be deleted. She explained that she had personally checked the situation at
32nd and Upham on more than one occasion and had never seen a problem with manure
accumulation; however, there were two neighbors who complained vigorously. She stated
that she was not involved with the other complaint situation. She also stated that she was in
favor of allowing composting.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked staff to comment on the request to delete this portion of
the ordinance. Mr. White replied that this would take the city back to the position of having
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no means of enforcement. He stated that, since animal waste and odor problems are difficult
to prove in court, this requirement would give a judge and jury a basis of testimony to use as
evidence in trying nuisance complaints.
In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON regarding the wording
concerning private stables, Ms. Turner replied that she felt people should have the right to
keep animals on lots where there are no residences.
Chair BRNKMAN asked if it would be possible to add wording to the ordinance which
would require witnesses from two separate households as well as the Animal Welfare and
Control Commission.
Ms. Turner stated that her inspections were not performed as a representative of the Animal
Welfare and Control commission, but on behalf of the Wheat Ridge Livestock Association
which is an organization which polices large animal owners. If it appears that animals are
not being properly cared for, the Association will approach the owner and ask that they
correct the situation.
Mr. White stated that he would prefer to have the city's animal and parks officer provide
back-up opinions in these situations.
Joann Howard
7260 West 31st Place
Ms. Howard stated that her property is adjacent to horse property which continually causes
odor problems at her residence and in her street. She presented photographs of the horse
property to members of the Commission for their review. She stated that she didn't think it
would be proper to have a member of the Animal Welfare Commission member take part in
regulation of nuisance problems because her neighbor was a member of that Commission.
Ms. Reckert stated that the subject horse pen has been moved twice, and is still thirty feet
from adjacent neighbors which meets the requirement that the enclosure be located thirty
feet away from a main structure (not thirty feet from the property line). Ms. Howard stated
that moving the pen had not alleviated the odor problem.
Commissioner THOMPSON stated that she could understand Ms. Howard's problem and
asked Ms. Howard to comment on the proposed nuisance ordinance.
Ms. Howard replied that she thought the nuisance ordinance was ridiculous and that she
would like to see each property considered individually on the basis of its impact on
surrounding neighbors.
Commissioner THOMPSON suggested the possibility of requiring certain properties in
situations such as this one to be cleaned more often.
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Ms. Howard suggested instituting use permits similar to those used by the City of Golden
Ms. Reckert stated that the reason Golden adopted the right to use permit was in order to
craft something for each property; however, this permit process doesn't seem to be the
sentiment of the citizens of Wheat Ridge.
Chair BRINKMAN commented that, after looking at maps of Wheat Ridge, Ms. Howard's
neighborhood seems to be the only area in Wheat Ridge where a subdivision has designed
two cul-de-sacs to back up to each other this drastically.
Commissioner DOYLE asked if the pictures were taken over a one day, one week, or one
month span. Ms. Howard replied that she didn't know because she had not taken the
pictures. She also stated that the photos were taken two years ago.
K. W. Penn
4675 Parfet Street
Mr. Penn asked about the continuous use requirement. He stated that his property is under a
half-acre and he has two horses, one of which will be removed from the property for
approximately one year for breeding purposes and asked, in the event something should
happen to his remaining horse, if he would lose the right to keep horses on his property. He
asked how horse equivalent units would apply to miniature horses. He also commented that
the ordinances are trying to address two complaints while there have never been any
problems with horse properties in his neighborhood.
In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Ms. Reckert stated that Mr. Penn
would not lose the right to keep a horse, if he doesn't have continuous use, because of the
provision for A-1 substandard lots requirement for 9,000 square feet.
Mr. Penn asked if he was going to have rebuild his stud pens. Chair BRINKMAN replied
that he would not.
In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. White stated that if a lot
size is correct for a horse and the pen size is correct, it is not nonconforming because the use
is grand fathered in.
Chair BRINKMAN declared a recess at 9:05 to give opportunity for the staff to discuss the
continuous use on nonconforming properties. The meeting was reconvened at 9:20 p.m.
Mr. White corrected his previous statement regarding continuous use on nonconforming
properties. He stated that, as the ordinance is presently written, a horse owner in a
nonconforming situation would be allowed to keep the nonconforming status unless the
horse is away from the property for two months or longer.
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Chair BRINKMAN requested that staff notify Mr. Penn of this error since he had already
left the meeting. Ms. Reckert stated that she would definitely contact Mr. Penn, and
commented that it is difficult for staff to make determinations during meetings without the
benefit of zoning maps and site layouts showing positions of buildings, etc.
Chair BRINKMAN stated that the issue of continuous use is not covered for A-1 and A-2
properties and asked if this was the intention of the ordinance. Ms. Reckert replied that this
was probably an oversight and that it should apply.
Kim Fear
7340 West 32nd Avenue
Ms. Fear stated that her property is the subject of the photographs submitted by Ms. Howard.
She stated that as soon as she was notified by the Code Enforcement officers, she moved her
pen. She moved the pen a second time after Code Enforcement came back and told her that
the pen needed to be 15 feet inside the property line. She stated that second time she moved
the pen was due to an error on the part of code enforcement. She stated that her property is
conforming in that she has 10,000 square foot of land and her pen is 942 square feet and
would still be conforming under the new regulations. She stated that since the pictures were
taken, she has been very conscientious in cleaning the pen two to three times a week and
more during summer months and that she doesn't have trouble with odor in her house. She
stated that she is doing her best to be accommodating but that she didn't think her neighbor
will be satisfied until her horse is removed from the property. She stated that she is a
member of the Animal Commission and agreed with Ms. Howard that it would present a
conflict of interest to have the Commission involved.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked if it would be possible to add a sentence in the ordinance
to the effect that in specific cases, as determined by code enforcement officers, more
frequent cleaning could be required to address particular situations.
Ms. Reckert stated that this was discussed at a previous hearing and the city attorney was
uncomfortable with giving that discretion to a code enforcement officer. Commissioner
THOMPSON suggested adding another person such as the animal parks enforcement officer.
Mr. White stated that he would not want a code enforcement officer to be acting as
policeman and judge out in the field, but perhaps there was a way to include
recommendations from both a code enforcement officer and an animal parks enforcement
Rick Lopez
10755 West 46th Avenue
Mr. Lopez stated that he was in favor of the proposed ordinance but was concerned about
Commissioner THOMPSON's suggestions to require extra cleaning in certain situations.
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Wayne Wendell
3430 Vivian Court
Mr. Wendell sated that there are a number of lots in Wheat Ridge that meet the square
footage requirements to have a horse but would present an immediate source of problems to
the neighbors. He did not think the proposed ordinance will be a solution to all the problems
that could occur with horse properties within Wheat Ridge.
Diane Christensen returned to the podium and asked if her land was agricultural. Ms.
Reckert informed Ms. Christensen that her property was zoned A-1 and in order to have a
horse, she has to have 9,000 square feet of open space plus an 800 square foot pen. Mr.
Christensen asked if composting is allowed. Mr. White replied that his interpretation of the
ordinance is that if the compost pile is not offending adjacent properties by either odor or
flies, then a compost pile would not be in violation.
Chair BRINKMAN asked if there were others present who wished to address the
Commission. There was no response.
Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner GOKEY seconded that Case No.
ZOA-98-01, proposed revisions to the zoning code relative to the keeping of large animals,
be approved for the following reasons:
The proposed changes to the clean-up period address different sized corrals in
residential zones and on substandard agriculturally zoned lots.
With the following condition:
Section (b) be revised to read: "for residential lots and substandard sized agricultural
lots, manure and liquid waste allowed to accumulate for more than one week in
corrals less than 1,000 square feet in size and more than two weeks in corrals 1,000
square feet or larger in size shall constitute a nuisance as determined by the Code
Enforcement Officer of the City of Wheat Ridge and by the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws, Chapter 15.
2. Sections (L) (1) (a) be amended to include two ponies as a horse equivalent.
Commissioner MACDOUGALL stated that, based upon his previous experience in dealing
with manure management issues while employed by the Health Department, he felt it will be
difficult to enforce the ordinance.
Chair BRINKMAN offered the following amendments:
That the words "liquid was" in Section (L) (1) (b) be changed to "liquid waste."
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That Section (L) (1) (g) and (L) (1) (h) be swapped for the sake of consistency.
The amendments were accepted by Commissioners THOMPSON and GOKEY.
Mr. White asked for clarification regarding section (L) (1) concerning private stables.
Commissioner THOMPSON replied that after hearing Ms. Turner's comments, she was
satisfied with the present wording.
The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioners SHOCKLEY and SNOW absent.
Commissioner COLLINS moved and Commissioner GOKEY seconded that Case No. ZOA-
98-01, proposed revisions to the code of laws relative to nuisance regulations, be approved
for the following reason:
It will allow personal testimony as prima fascia evidence in court.
The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioners SHOCKLEY and SNOW absent.
Chair BRINKMAN declared the public hearing portion of the meeting closed.
A. State Beauty Supply Chair BRINKMAN stated that lighting in the rear of this property
shines directly into neighboring yards on the east of the property and asked that staff contact
the owners to redirect the lights.
B. DRCOG 20 20 Plan Commissioner THOMPSON asked if staff would look into the
feasibility of purchasing the Ridge Home property as open space under the DRCOG's 20 20
buffering plan.
C. Lingerie Modeling Businesses Commissioner THOMPSON asked if staff had been able to
address this issue. Mr. White replied that the city attorney is presently reviewing the
appropriate regulations.
D. Absence Commissioner GOKEY stated that he will be out of town from March 20 through
March 28.
E. COMP PLAN Hearings Mr. White distributed copies of material for discussion at the next
Comprehensive Plan hearing to be held on March 18, 1999.
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There was no new business.
There were no discussion items.
There were no committee or department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to
adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioners
SHOCKLEY and SNOW absent.
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
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