HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/02/1999ORIGINAL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting September 2, 1999 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair BRINKMAN at 7:30 p.m. on September 2, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Jerry Collins Dick Doyle Dean Gokey Janice Thompson Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Don MacDougall (excused) Nancy Snow (excused) Alan White, Planning Director Ann Lazzeri, Secretary The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of September 2, 1999. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA Commissioner GOKEY moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded to approve the order of the agenda. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0, with Commissioners MACDOUGALL and SNOW absent. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner COLLINS moved and Commissioner THOMPSON seconded to approve the minutes of the August 5. 1999 Planning Commission meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0, with Commissioners MACDOUGALL and SNOW absent. Commissioner COLLINS moved and Commissioner DOYLE seconded to approve the minutes of the August 12. 1999 Planning Commission meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0, with Commissioner GOKEY abstaining and Commissioners MACDOUGALL and SNOW absent. Planning Commission Page 1 September 2, 1999 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission on unscheduled matters. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-99-02: An application submitted by Leo Davis for approval of a two-lot subdivision for the purpose of developing three attached,'single-story units for property located at 6690 West 38th Avenue. This case was presented by Alan White. On July 1, 1999, Planning Commission approved the rezoning of the subject property from Restricted-Commercial to Restricted-Commercial and Residential-Three for the purpose of allowing construction of a three-unit multi-family residential structure. The minor subdivision portion of the applicant's request was tabled until a final decision on the rezoning was made by City Council and a final drainage report was approved by the Public Works Department Development Review Engineer. City Council approved the rezoning portion of the request on August 23, 1999 and the Development Review Engineer approved the final drainage study. Copies of the engineer's comment sheet were provided to the Commission. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. White replied that she was correct in her understanding that all the applicant had to do in this case was to prove that he is not contributing to an existing drainage problem and the drainage plan has been approved by the Public Works Department. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. MS-99-02, a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for a property located at 6690 West 38th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. Approval of this request would allow for the individual sale of Lot 2. 2. All of the outside agencies can serve the proposed subdivision. 3. All of the requirements in the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 4. Criteria supports approval. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0, with Commissioners MACDOUGALL and SNOW absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair BRINKMAN declared the public hearing portion of the meeting to be closed. Planning Commission Page September 2, 1999 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Planning Commission Vacancy - In response to an inquiry from Chair BRINKMAN, Mr. White advised that no applications have yet been received for the vacancy which exists on the Planning Commission. B. Elway Dealership - Commissioner COLLINS asked the status of this property. Mr. White stated that he will be meeting on September 3, 1999 with the dealership representatives and the potential commercial developers to review their concept plan for the entire area between 35th and 38th on Wadsworth. The plan will go before City Council at a study session on September 13, 1999. He commented that the developers may seek ESTIP funds. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. 2000 Capital Projects Budget Review - As part of the annual budget process, the Planning Commission is asked to review and comment on the 5-year Capital Projects Budget. Chair BRINKMAN expressed concern that there was nothing in the plan for the parks support building on the Jaedinger land. She also mentioned that the plan doesn't address drainage problems around 32nd and Teller. Commissioner GOKEY commented that the school district should be required to reimburse the city in the amount of $450,000 for their part in creating a drainage problem when the middle and Stevens Elementary schools were built. Chair BRINKMAN expressed concern about the lack of budgeting for maintenance services and temporary personnel. Mr. White stated it was his understanding that these needs are met by transfers to the general fund. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the city was responsible for any part of the sound barrier walls planned for I-70 from Tabor east. Mr. White replied that he will find out if the city has any obligation. She also commented that she would like to see the design using raised triangles at the handicapped access ramps on sidewalks be discontinued and that those already in place on 38th Avenue be removed because they are dangerous to people with sight impairments. B. I-70 and Highway 58 MeetinE - Commissioner THOMPSON encouraged Commission members to review the design report and forward their comments to Bob Goebel for presentation at the final option plan meeting to be held on September 20. She felt it was important to strongly oppose the proposed closing of 38th at I-70. Planning Commission September 2, 1999 11. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that the meeting be adjourned at 8:26 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0 with Commissioners MACDOUGALL and SNOW absent. 61we~ L„ , ANNE BRINKMAN, Chair C r~r rcJ Z -I A, Ann Lazzeri, RecordirCg Wecretary C:Tub=\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\PCMINUrE\990902.wpd Planning Commission September 2, 1999