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Minutes of Meeting
January 15, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair MATTHEWS at 7:00 p.m. in the
City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue,
Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Jim Chilvers
John Dwyer
Dick Matthews
Davis Reinhart
Kim Stewart
Steve Timms
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Anne Brinkman
Jerry Scezney
Ken Johnstone, Community
Development Director
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Jeff Hirt, Planner II
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner
REINHART to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 18, 2008
It was moved by Commissioner CHILVERS and seconded by Commissioner
STEWART to approve the minutes of December 18, 2008 as presented. The
motion passed 6-0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN and SCEZNEY absent.
PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not
appearing on the agenda.)
Planning Commission Minutes 1 January 15, 2009
There was no one to address the Commission at this time.
A. Case No. ZOA-08-07 (continued from December 18, 2008): An
ordinance amending Chapter 26 concerning amendments to development
The case was presented by Jeff Hirt. He entered all pertinent documents into the
record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He
reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. The amendments would affect
the consent required from property owners in planned developments to submit an
application for any type of amendment.
Commissioner DWYER questioned the language in Section 26-311, paragraph A
(only the property owner for the property where the amendment is being
requested...) and asked what would happen in the case of multiple owners of a
property who did not agree. He expressed concern that one person could make
the decision even though all owners are not in agreement. Mr. Hirt stated that he
would follow-up on this matter and possibly seek the city attorney's opinion.
It was moved by Commissioner REINHART and seconded by Commissioner
CHILVERS to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending
Chapter 26 concerning amendments to development plans. The motion
carried 5-1 with Commissioner DWYER voting no and Commissioners
B. Case No. ZOA-08-08: An ordinance amending Chapter 26 concerning
city-initiated rezonings.
The case was presented by Jeff Hirt. He entered all pertinent documents into the
record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He
reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. The amendments relate to
current minimum acreage limitations and restrictions on what type of zone change
the process may be used for City-initiated xezonings. Currently, the subject
property must be at least five separate parcels or five acres in area and the City-
initiated rezoning process may only be used for a zone change to a less intensive
zone district.
In response to a question from Commissioner STEWART, Mr. Hirt explained that
while the property owner wouldn't have to consent to making the application, the
application would still have to go through the public process. This is the same as
the current code.
Planning Commission Minutes 2 January 15, 2009
Commissioner STEWART expressed concern about possible misuse of this type
of ordinance. She would like to see more safeguards for property owners.
Mr. Hirt commented that one of the biggest criteria to be used would be the future
land use map and the comprehensive plan. Mr. Johnstone commented that the
intent of the ordinance is to help the city do a good job of adopting land use plans
and, when appropriate, rezoning properties to be consistent with those plans.
It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner
TIMMS to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending
Chapter 26 concerning city-initiated zone changes. The motion passed 5-1
with Commissioner STEWART voting no and Commissioners BRINKMAN
and SCEZNEY absent.
A. Resolution designating a public place for posting of notices of public
This resolution identifies the bulletin board i the lobby of the municipal
building as the designated place for posting meeting notices.
It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by
Commissioner STEWART to pass Resolution 01-2009 designating a
public place for posting of notices of public meetings. The motion
passed 6-0 with Commissioners BRINKMAN and SCEZNEY absent.
B. Postponement of Case No. WPA-08-02 - A resolution adopting an
amendment to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan.
This case will not be presented at the January 15, 2009 Planning
Commission meeting as published in the Wheat Ridge Transcript on
January 8, 2009. Once rescheduled, it will be republished.
It was moved by Commissioner REINHART and seconded by
Commissioner CHILVERS to postpone Case No. WPA-08-02 to a date
to be determined in the future. The motion passed 6-0 with
Commissioners BRINKMAN and SCEZNEY absent.
C. Comprehensive Plan Open House
Ken Johnstone reported on the Comprehensive Plan Open House held on
Tuesday of this week. The open house was well attended and valuable
input was received from the public. The Citizen's Advisory Committee
will be meeting again next week to discuss results of consultant interviews
and the joint study session.
Planning Commission Minutes 3 January 15, 2009
D. Mixed Use Zoning for 44th and Wadsworth
Mr. Johnstone stated that he and Mr. Hirt met with the city attorney to
discuss options regarding development of the 44th and Wadsworth
property presently owned by the Urban Renewal Authority. There are
options of using mixed use districts and increasing density up to 21
dwelling units per acre. A straight zoning district is also an option. Staff
will do more research and come back to the Commission in late February
for follow-up discussion.
Commissioner REINHART commented that he is more concerned about
design than he is about density. He asked if the staff s proposal would
include design options for use within the mixed use district. Mr.
Johnstone commented that tools include the Architectural and Site Design
Manual as well as an administrative site design review process. These
tools would be useful for a streamlined approval process subsequent to
Commission and Council action on rezoning.
Commissioner REINHART commented that he felt that the present
Architectural and Site Design Manual may not have sufficient design
controls. He would like to consider whether it needs to be amended to
apply to the circumstances now being proposed.
E. Joint study session with Board of Adjustment
There was consensus to have a joint study session with the Board of
Adjustment to discuss development standards for residential zones.
It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner
STEWART to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The motion passed
Dick Matthews, Vice Chairman Ann Lazzeri, Secretary '
Planning Commission Minutes 4 January 15, 2009