HomeMy WebLinkAbout0445 ~ \~ 16. ()(i PG, 000 t '-003 <.;/23/c,>b 14:09 PECEPTION NO. F0221287 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COLORADO COUNTY. 210 WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, Made th" uavof January I y 96 hetween liability of the LF Enterprises, company LLC, a Colorado limited I j-fJ Jefferson anu St<.lTl.: lit Count..,' uf C olurauo grantor. and The City of Wheatridge, a Home-Rule City, I whm,e legal adure...,s i..., 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 'I oj the Count\ 01 Jefferson ,1I1(J State llt Cldllrado. grantee I \VITNESSETH. That the grantor for aou in con....idcration of the \UJl1l)f Ten Dollars ------------------------ I ______________________________________________________--------------------T~,C~ the receipt and ~utticICnL'\' of which is hereby acknmvlcdged. ha~ granted. hargained. sold and conveyed ant.! hy thc<.,c rn~'iCnh doc\ grant. bargain. selL convcv and contiI'm. unto the grantee, his heirs and assign" forever. all the real propl.'rt\ together with improvement:-.. if any :-'ltuatc IVing and heing in the Count\' of J e f fer s on and State llr (lllurauo Ul':-.crihl'd a.., follO\\:-. See attached for complete legal description as knll\'.m hv qreet and numher as: assessor's schedule or parcel numher: TOGETHER \vith all and ~ingular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging. ur in anvwi)l' appcrtainin!l. and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders, rents, issues and protits thereot and all the estate, right. title, Interest. claim and demand whatsoever of the grantur. either in law or equit\', of. in and to the ahove hargained premIses. with the hcn.,'dit:.Hllents and appurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises ah(lVC bargained and de:-.crihed. with the appurtenances. untn the grantee, his heils and assigns forever. And the grantor. for himself. his heir..., and personal representativc:-.. docs covenant. grant, hargain. anu agree t(l and \\ith the grJ.ntee his heir) and assigns. that <It the time ofthc cnsc<lling and dcliver\, (If these presents. he is well seized 01 the premises ahnve conveyed, ha.;, goud. ~ure perfect. <lbsolutc and indeka:-.ible estate of inheritance. in law. in fee simple. and ha:-. good right. full p(l\\cr and law1ul authllril\ to grant. kHgain, sell and convev the same in manner and form as aforesaid. and that the :-.allle arc free and clear fWIll all former anu nther grants. bargainS, sales. liens. ta.\es. assessments, enL"umhrances and restrictions ufw"hatever kind or nature soever. except general taxes and assessments not yet due and payable and except easements, restrictions and rights-of-way of record, if any. The grantor shall and will WARRANT I\ND FOREVER DEFEND the ahove bargained premises In the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee. his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part 0 The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular. and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. ["I WITNESS WHEREOF. the grantor has executed this deed on the d~'abOV onald R. ./ ST",TE OF COLORADO } ss J~ c[~- {~^ Countv of /Lj'-(f'ct The furcgoIng instrument was acknowledged before me this day of January, a Colorado limited 1496 bv Ronald R. Leslie, Manager of LF Enterprises, liability company. Mv commission expires () ;' _ ;;2 (f:' LLC, 1 q Vi': 7/ hand and ofJicial :-'l'a! . '1 ....' '. 'I' ) j \iuldrll'ublJ(; It in DeTlvL'r. insert 'l it\" and Name and Address of Person Creating 'Kew]y Created Legal Descri~tiooT~.31f-j5-}{}6.5, c.R.S.} No. 932A. Rev. 4-94. WARRANTI DEED (For Photographic Record) Bradford Publishing. 1743 Wazee St., Denver, CO 80202 - (303) 292-2500 - 4-94 .~ DI"TR "'12-1<-95 ',3:33 ~~~T B~'KENZ & LE~L.~~, . PURCHASING~ Fairfield and Woods:# 2 CONIUL.TING €:NC3IN;:r;:RS f5I :~I::~~,2t~OO & GR I ~O~(~~,~. 1@1 Lal<ewooo,Colorldc80228 FlllC:(303)~ PROPERTY DESCRlPTION A parcel ofland lying within Tract 8, NICHOLAS GARDENS, Jefferson County Records, City of ;:2 Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: The west 10 fee! of said Tract 8, lying north of that property as described in Reception No. 88078045, from Waugaman Associates, Inc. to the City of Wheat Ridge recorded August 10, 1988, Jefferson County Records, Said Parcel contains 0 065 acres (2840 square feet) more or less. Exhibit A as attached hereto is made a part hereof. Jo \J o o ::1J o o '1J ..< The drafter of this description is Mr. John S. Lambert, PLS 13212 prepared on behalfofSe1lards & Grigg, Ine, 143 Union Boulevard, Suite 700, Lakewood, Colorado 80228 on December 11, 1995 under S&G No, 95248-22 for Me, Ron Leslie, ofKenz & Leslie and is not to be construed as representing a monumented land survey, lesheld v RECEPTION NO. F02i'21287 SENT BY:KENZ & LESLIE DISTR ;12-13-95; 13:33 I , PURCHASrNG~ Fairfield and Woods:# 3 ~ ~ ~ S 89'07'11' 'vi 10.00' !J- ", EXH\6tT (. ,,~~\ ~. ~. ,. , . \:"~1 ,....:,., ~ .. (-:. 40\ S,Jrvc!..4 1 4~~1~C. ~ .N. ,~ '1."f~-~'" ~~9u' Ll, (~~< -0 o o :IJ 8 '"t' <><: o q C\J If') ~ ~ 6~~~~~6' ~ = 100"6' :: SO 1 HB= =1~1~'56'44' E --- ~........... :. \ , 38'18'02' E: 16,23' S 38'18'02' E 10.87' x x 8358 )-- , .. ..~~._~.~ ' '- @"-- - T - N 8~'07'50' E 247.86' --~ -- - ::---. 8359 S 80~~,- =-- ~__ E: 104.75,--$-- 8360 --- --- -....- --- --- --- 487') -------------- - - - - - -. -... -. L-. R[: ~~~~g~4. = ~~ 41' HB:: =1\4,g~'.35'23. E --- RECEPTION NO. F0221287