HomeMy WebLinkAbout5388 Quail StreetDpMUS ST RUCTU RA I, IE NG THE F.R ING February 4, 2022 To: Ion Solar 4801 N. University Ave. Suite 9100 Provo, UT. Sol Subject : Certification Lerter Selby Residence 5389 Quail Street Wheat Ridge, CO. W033 To Whom It May Concern, Domes Structual Engineering, LLC P.O. Box 6986 Broomfield, CO 80021 530-864-7055 Domusstructual@gmail.coin Ajobsne observation of the condition of the existing framing system was performed by an audit team M Ion Solar as a request from Domes Structural Engineering. All review is based on these observations and the design oiteria listed below and only deemed valid if proal H information is true and accurate. On the above referenced! project, the roof structural framing has been reviewM for additional loading due to the installation of the salar PV addition to the rcaf. The recd l review only spades to the section Mme raaf that Is all supporting the solar PV system and its supporting elements. The observed mot framing is described below. If field considers differ, contractor to notify engineer prompt stating construction. The roof structure M (R51) consists of composition shingle an roof plywood that Is supported by pre -manufactured trusses that are spaced at @ 24"o.c. The top chords, sloped at 30 degrees, are 2x4 sections, the bottom chords are 204 sections and the web embers are 2x4 stolons. The truss members are connected by steel gusset plates. The max unsupported projected horizontal top chord span is approximately 6'-6". The existing roof framing system of dil sjudged to be adequate to withstand the loading Imposed Wthe Installation Mthe solar panels. No reinforcement is necessary. The spacing of the solar standoffs should be kept at 48" oc, for landscape and 24' oi for portrait orientation, with a staggered pattern to ensure pincer distribution of loads. The scope of this report Is strictly limited to an evaluation of the fastener attachment, underlying framing and supporting structure only. The attachment's to the existing sWRum are required to be In a staggered pattern to ensure proper distribution of loading. All panels, racking and hardware shall be installed per manufacturer specifications and within specifed design limitations. All waterproofing shall be provided by the manufacturer. Domus Structural Engineering assumes no responsibility for misuse or improper installation athe solar PV panels or racking. Note: Seismic check is nM required since Sac4g and Seismic Design Category (SDC)<B �pAU0 Design CroccoV ;,SON q. •Applicable Codes =2018lB IRC, ASCE 7-16 gj¢T3' • Roof Dead Wad =] psf di 5 • Beef Uve Load -20 psf • Wind Speed= 135 mph Dick), Exposure C `3 R •Reef Snow Lead =30 psf •Attachment 1-5/16 dia. lag mriv im 2.5 inch mm. embedment SSS/ONAIE \ depth, M spacing shown above. Selby Wheat Ridge CO 02-04 1 a,ihlly,lyre nms regarding the Project. Please contact me with any further questions or mce by&antlm R. on R. tee. "are"' Little Brandon OMs, P.E. Project Engineer Selby Wheat Ridge CO 02-04 1 D}� Domus Structural Engineering, LLC o,l1 I7 s P.O. Box 6986 STRUCTURAL Broomfield, CO 80021 530-864-7055 ENG INEER 3 N G, L T. C Domusstructural@gmail.wm Gravity Loading Roof Snow Lead Calculad ps - Ground Snow Load= 30 psi p=0.7C,Ctlil (ASCE]-Eq 7.1) C,= Exposure Factor= 1 (ASCE?-Table 7-2) Ct=Thermal Factor= 1 (ASCE? - Table 73) 1= Importance Fador= 1 0.27 p= Flat Roof Snow Load= 30.0 psi DL Adjusted to 30 Degree Slope Ps= Cap ASCU - Eq 7-2) Cs=Slope Factor= 1 pa= Sloped Rool Snow Load= 30.0 Pat PV Dead Load =3 psf (Per Ion Solar) ' DL Adjusted to 30 Degree Slope 346 psi PV System Weight Weight of PV System (Per Ion Solar) 3.0 psf % Standoff Spacing- 2.D) ft Y Standoff Spacing= 6.085 Standoff Tributary Area 12.17 sR Point Loads of Standoffs 37 lb goal W standoffs are staggered to ensure proper distribution of loading Roof Live Load =20 psf Note: Root live load is removed in area's covered by PV any. Roof Dead Load fili Composition Shingle 4.00 Roof Plywood 2.00 2x4 Top Chords @ 24o.c. 0.73 Vaulted Ceiling 0.00 (Ceiling Not Vaulted) Miscellaneous 0.27 Total Roof DL (R51) 7.0 psl DL Adjusted to 30 Degree Slope 8.1 pat Selby Wheat Ridge CO 02-04 2 Domus ':TT X UCT II N Al. ENO IN E E H I N(: LLC Wind Calculating Per AHE 716 Components and Cladding Intentional apall11 WIM 9pnef 131 Expel Cool C FUddepe fits Red amrslops t6Oigreee Mean Rml Heigbl A1fl EXeolire'MMMa Mid Ground Evi w2ft y Dal Wind Prwxn Calcule6w Cornus Bhuclural Engnaeny, LLC P.O. Bax 6906 Brcamfi&E. CO EOMI 53(0864-]055 CepmusdruUure4Qgmall oom 4b=0002%-q'Ped 'W'Ke -V"Y apall11 go IE>peue CwMeimll• 0 W Table YJ311 M IaR91P0Nv1aWla IAOigp ll MI M Den:bolry Fatrfi= OZ ITablia 611 Ka Aimed Eleeeon Fml- nu V 10411 sent 51x]1 z I M mon Ug NZIF) Fid Neel) 11 (Tele 15-1) e= 2939 gxoZone2 .k Lone 077 Zone 0ou3 ppmna Y.. on 0 0m 01, Cdq= .3 0s2 al 52 pool 045 yvmpreaaa.= szpf . 04p.f 45 pool -949pf u_i eM tot 294-7) tot 294 nWCgARwue= -3].I paf 4 -5Ix 96pF SaMfl6palq= 2IM %W 2W 1L VSenMlopil 3W 3dIp836186 T Tblsysi 606 4W OX= rib 18L IIIb FwIngUOMMADO.0.40181b Ml -ill unuOMCs1,umnpWdec 2pane zonez 0a3 Real Y.- ors 0m 050 -30 GCs= 3m Oso 1a19.2941 CSlmFrenln= 4 -T0.4peE 45p A45pf (F4IA47) Aspupun Freanuela M9l= 144 pf -03a3 -21 seer A6w 9a l=r xeelnp63peln= 4.m g1, 3% V 91eMM5pulg= 3m1 IF 175 Trapani lam Too 4OF Deed Losel an plachment = 2100 is .la Fppmrygml6opgpM= apMle 495 ro axfilb mmhfl VpkncnxF sHxlmpm Al uplln= Mi Si Uplift Capacity -45010 xW mCapable > x46 In demand Thi OK FSWw Coway check Fazkner-l-5116'do so N poo NFaNre2=1 Fnlbedme Per an =25 pLLan GsicurCCIM= x601, Fy wCeppi 6356 MFS. o11534DOL M1 Bon637 1, all m �ny45 m ll.id The> 3dem.rem., p1, Seby Wheat R4ga CO 024343 rr�� Domus Structural Engineering, LLC LCcOM IT S P.O. Boz 6986 J-'IR O C T U R .A L Broomfield, C080021 530-864-7055 EN G r N F, P. R I N G 1. L C Domusstructural@3gurad.com Framing Check (RS1) PASS w= 83 plf Dead Load 8.1 psf PV Load 3.5 psi Snow Load 30.0 pM 2x4 Tap Chords @2 0 Governing Load Combo = OIL +SL Member Span = 6'-6' Total Load 41.5 psi Member Properties Member Size S6m3) I(ir Lumber Splen Member Spacing 2x4 3.06 5,36 DF#2 @24b.a Check Bending Stress Rb (psi) fb x Cd x Cf x Cr (NDS Table 4.3.1) 900 x 1.15 x 1.5 x 1.15 Allowed Bending Stew =1]85.3 psi Maximum Moment=(wLA2)18 = 438.84 hp =526608 in# Actual Bending Stress= (Maximum Moment) 16 =1719.6 psi Allowed> Actual - 96.4% Stressed -- Therefore, OK Allowed> Actual - 28.6% Stressed -- Therefore, OK Selby Wheat Ridge CO 02-04 4 (E =1600000 psi Per NDS) Allowed Deflection (Total Load) = U180 0.433 in Deflection Crusts Based on = Continuous Span Actual Defection(rolad Load) _ (WLA4)I(iBYPI) = 0,1621n City we =11482 > 1/180 Therefore OK Albwed DeAeclbn (LNe Loatl) = 11240 0.325 in ez„�9/ZZ Actual Deeection(Mve Load( _ (w'LA4) I(185TI) - 0.117 in 11667 > J240 Therefore OK Check Shear Member Area =5.3 ini Fv(psi)=180 psi (NDS Table 4A) Allowed Shear =Fv'A 945 lb Max Shear IV) w'L12= 2701b Allowed> Actual - 28.6% Stressed -- Therefore, OK Selby Wheat Ridge CO 02-04 4 AERIAL SITE VIEW JURISDICTION CODES AND STANDARDS GOVERNING ASSAY EDL"WOW City M WheatR� eAR. COMPLY WITH: LUECODE ION e COMMUNITY URACESC EM CODE 1 peCl s01e IxrelmATlmu FIRE CODE DEC) APPROVED Zaa INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING DDE (EBC), EOIB INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE III Reviewed far Cotle Canplianee AND ALL STATE Aro LOCAL BUILDING. F ELECTRICAL. Aro PURRING CODES. CONFIDENTIAL-THE�OIa1ATION HEREIN CONTAINED W NOT BE USED SIM CLASSIFICATION ANSA MGULATION FORTHEBENEFIT DF ANYONE EXCEPT OCCUPANCY CLUBS IoiuiVMCEDPCRWHOL INN 9� CLASS OUP PAW TO Plans Examiner Date zOmw Tvro. RESIDENTIAL TS EXCEPT INCONNECTION WITH THE SALE THE ..I..: n.,nrwq•mlm.ml„wgBmummlgmxsMALL EQUIPMENT WITHO elleml,wro M.ov War m....,I,xryOr AM ro e'l, AEG wAI0 2 THIS PROJECT HAD BEEN REVIEWED AND WILL NOT DIRECT CONCENTRATED SOUR NOTATION DR GLARE WRITTEN mvgm. vo all.gm.6WmlDs mee egon Cayusnuu• AW"Iw ON70 NEARBY Mc DIES DR ROADWAYS. DEVELOPERS LLC. perwryro 9" 0141"T II`WAm A, III lMpw+amFyMr1u'Yry cmma&A•]..xImAM.gm.CY?'A"e"Iatwild ELECTRICALCRITERIA,Reas NABCEP EXTRRREEEMEMINTTIOE"6 RAMRER "I"C`°` CERTIFIED -STAEE CIA HIGH TIME PAY PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL y' I. DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DETAILED ACCORDING TO M LISTING REDUIREMENTs. S�� SCOTT , Z TERMINALS AND LOSS BE T15 TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS MHEN PROVIDED) IN GGURNEY 6 ACCORDANCE WITH NED DIOL L EWDTROMANUFACTURER ) UP DEVELOPERS LALC 3. W MODULE CERTIFICATIONS WILL INCLUDE LLI703, IEC61646.1661]M.IM 01 N UNIVERSITY AVEPRO S4 COMMUT ADD WIRE SPECIFISATIONS AGE DOWN ON MINIMUM CLUE REOUIREME"tt ADD ARE NOT MCNrt TO . LIMB UP SAW AS REWIRED DY FIELD CONDITIONS. 88SO8 VO)4 5 PROPER ACCESS ABC WOWING CLEARANCE AROUND EXISTING AND PROPOSED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL BE PROVIDED CC PER BECTON [NEC Im] DAVID STANLEY CONRAD EC PC.0100960 STRUCTURAL CRITERIA NOTES #401110 LOAD ASCE 6 WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY PDSWECATEUST) C WIND ED OSE[ RUST) I] MPH GROUI LOAD, DESIGN LOAD DO PST "SoTEGO SO SO SEISMIC oES GxDDIF Y R SEISMIC RISC FACTOR u 0 MY ME 2o ado V A qualified person must be present at the time of a PV electrical inspectionn 'c'd iz:�O: IS a1) Licensed master or journeyman electrician, AY Residential wireman o3)NABCEP-certified mrc3-C2) GO 0 ILL 0 '�• solar installer ca able oftestin the ra Id shut downs st P B P Y¢ GO ED - GO o •• ILL ILL w rnoSCOPE OF WORK SHEET LIST 3 ? Sealed For DRAW FIG RY 9PND�„D,dE,y ON R `� INSTALLATION OF UTILITY INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM G-1 V-2 COVER SHEET SITE PLAN (AD. LIB) ExistingRoof and 4� }?O (X DANIEL SCHOLLE Attachment Only E 1.48 KW DC & 1.16 KW AC PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ARRAY REV.A S-3 ROOF PLAN S-4 STRUCTURAL DETAILS l 2/4/2022 PV MODULES: (4) SILFAB SOLAR SIL -370 NX MONO PERC E-5 ELECTRICAL DETAILS (LINE DIAGRAM)E-7 4 yp PROJECT ID ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS & INVERTEWS): (4) ENPHASE 107PLUS-72-2-US .m �SS/ONAL<^-\� E-8 ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS (AD. LIB) 005TRO E-9 ELECTRICAL LABELS A LOCATIONS EDT "AME ROOF TYPE: COMPOSITION SHINGLE - I LAYERS) E-10 ELECTRICAL DIRECTORY PLACARD (AD. LIB) DgUaRydowl PV MOUNTING HARDWARE: ECOFASTEN ROCK -IT 3.0 Brandon W Brandon R. COVER SHEET Lm. R. Little mh:2022a204 EDTGWIBER saNB Txn<eorw� SITE NOTES: ION CONFIDENTIAL (NEIGHBORING ADJOINED PROPERTY) HERR INH E DExNEF17 OFEANYONE EXCEPT DISCLOSED INRWHOLE DME IN PAW TO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . 4ii oRGAHlmnorvp EXCEPT RECIPIENTS PECEDUEHFESTIIVSALE AND THEWRITTEN PERMISSIONa F ION + + + ++ ......3' TYP. +......+ + + + + + + DEVELOPER. FLA, + + + + + i + + + + + + ++ + + + + + i i + + + + + + NABCEP + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CERTIFIED + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3' TYP. PROFESSIONAL + + + + +++ s' «wuuins`uRxEv ASA6 w W ION DEVELOPER. LL[ £ + JBDX HIM N UNIVERSITY&A6 E 4900 ESCAPE, 04 Of CE 0 O ++++ BSS]S VA)4 0O LL +I+ 0 0 O + ++ E i4 i �C O i + + DAVID ErgAO O Z O i i i++ + + + ++ ea oEAADeA IF + + + I + + IF IF + + BE 0 AT AT + + + + + + AT AT + + LL + + + + R + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +E) (E) + + + + + + + REVe + + SUB i�=a RSI + + + + + + + + + N) ACD N + (D) O� �uC ED 411'-6" TYP. y a3(NEIGHBORING ADJOINED PROPERTY) p HuCO o MOTO CCwSealed For GO Existing Raof and DUDNaD/z w rcl (E) (E) Attachment OnlyON y v M MAIN (UTILITY SERVICE METER BANK APPROXIMATELY nw DANIEL SCHOLLE 50 FEET AWAY AT SOUTH END OF BUILDING ROW ) SCALE: 3/16' = 1'-0' DATE 2/4/2022 SYSTEM LEGEND a) BUT PV COMBINER PANEL❑ IN) Ju+CTION BOX O SUNEYE LOCATION ROOF SECTION ROOF PV NODULE ECT ID CRITERIA AND SECTION aTY AZIMUTH PITCH TORE 005TRO ® (E) NUTILITY TERM METER / IRS ❑ NSI A ISO a0 ne% ET R GO N SERV¢EPGNEL (W PV LOCH) CENTER N)AS DISCONNECT EIRE SETBACK SPECIFICATIONS u NA FaWN]NE) MAIN SERVICE PANEL ® (W Pv PRODUCTION )N) M1CRo1NVERTER n T NUMBER OOF PLAN METER (N) PV MODULE ® (E) SUBPANEL :N) INVERTER /STRING ® ON) DC DISCONNECT SHEE S SONR INVERTER RACKING INSTALLATION SCHEDULE AND STRUCTURAL CRITERIA PACKING ECOFASTEN ROCK -IT 3.0 SAILFREE-fiCAI-NWyVE XPENTG TAW HASHING TWE: PAILPPE -SPACING P -%I 241N. O.C. MAX. STANDOFF: ROCK -IT SYS SLIDECOMP 4' SU{ X CANTILEAVER P -%S B IN, MAX. STANDOFF TYPEE MOUNT 8 PLASHING SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0' MODULE LENGTH SPAN FASTENER 5/I6'Y 3 -ICE' ZINC LAG SCREW V-CAMILEAVER P -V3 01N, STRUCTURAL AMMAL ABATE LVA95CAE CAPPLE OXCENTG T/CN ROOF TYPE: COMPOSITION SHINGLE X -SPACING L -XI 48 IN. O.C. MAX. ROOF HING TME A2' PLYWOOD SUBSEQUENT ROW OF ATTACHMENTS ONE RAFTER OVER :ry STRUCTURE WOW TRUSS SPPE ACING Y-SPAL L-YI MODULE WIDTH SPAN RAFTER SIZE 2XA V-CANTILEAVEP L -Y2 01N. RAFTER SPACING: 24 ARRAY PARAMETERS J-1 TOTAL ROOF AREA (SO FL) I007 65 TOTAL PV MODULE AREA (50. FT .1 78.8 z AD N MODULE ROOF COVERAGE 6% 0 STANDOFF 3' = I'-0 NMODULE MIT ION sKlar NORMAL PV ARRAY DETAIL, FRONT VIEW. r-nc—LP ORIENTATIONI ORIENTATION CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION LANDSCAPE CONTAINED NOT BE US HEREINFORTHE BENEFIT OF q YONE EXCEPT ION IDISCLOSED INDEVELOPERLLC MGM WHOLE AS SN PAU TOHALL IT L-%2 L -%I OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH D SE OF THE RESPECT VE EOUIMEN uWITHOTSALE T THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF IPV MODULE FRAME PORTRAT ORIENTATION DEVELOPER LL[, LANDSCAPE WIErvrAMOry PV INSTALLATION MODULE PROFESSIIONALCOTT LENGTH GURNEY A, G S' «Nalvn901506 PV ARRAY DETAIL, SIDE VIEW a LC SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0' 4001 N UNIVERSITY AVE BASO PROVO, 889 7817074 ODULE DAVID ONRAD WIDTH RACKING ATTACHMENTS TO BE STAGGERED BV SHIFTING EACH ED SUBSEQUENT ROW OF ATTACHMENTS ONE RAFTER OVER Ec.Dloo46 TO DISTRIBUTE LOAD ACROSS ALL SIMMONS MEMBERS LOVER PV AWAv. J-1 0 z 0 37 x 1N SOZMY AID MODULE 0 �19� NS ti a i�a EWFAsreN YORK IT ED W ED rnourvT X OU OC UL 0 ON a o NO 0__OSITE -COMPRESSOR w OMP sxIxvLE SLmE ON a= p_ ILL W Y NADnBPANEGFp ry E COMP SHINGLE ROOF ' V�/DON AW caNP sxwGLe PUSHINGDATE 1�' DANIEL SCHOLLE 5 (E)PWF SHEATHING 'Op R 2/4/2022 '\ PROD ECTID 005TRO 5116'SSS/ONALE WITH STAINLESS EMBED LAG BOLT WITH 2 -ICH' MIN EMBEDMENT IN TO Sealed For (E) ROOF RARER Existing Roof and DAMUM 2 MEET NAME STRUCTURAL DETAILS Attachment Only EELS NUMBER REVISIONH E CONDUCTOR AND RACEWAY SCHEDULE "I In III. I TYPE PERNATH, )y TOP DOC I'll. I LINE IIARXIGN, SV TOG WHY I'll . 1 0,11 111111OXX 11V TAX IT' ORE.' ICTW E1INATII III 10 IO 10 AWG TIRN / HEWN, CU. BLACK (LII CBA AS (NM) ] (D ID AWG TEND I THWN ON BLACK LLD 4.8A AS (MAX) 2 (U 10 ARNO 2C, NM -B WIG, ON (LI, L2, EDC) 4.BA AS WAX) 1 (U 12 AWG 2C. TC -ER. CLL (LI. L2)A AC (MAINI (D 10 AWG INHN I THWN, CU. ED (L21 240V AC (0 10 AWG PLOT!I TOWN. CU. RED (L2) 240V AC FREE AIR (RACEWAY) 2LOV AC (U 6 AWG SOLID BARE CU. HERE) PBC46V AC O� (D 10 G TURN I THWN, CLL TE HN) (0 10 G THHN I TOWN. CU. GREEN (ERC) (D 514 IN. EMT OR FREE AIR (RACEWAY) (1) ISs THHN I THWN CU GREEN (EGO D) 3/41X. EMT (RACEWAY) U) 5/4 IN E CEWAY) n (E) 2/0 AWG CHUN I THWN AL. BLACK (LZ) 40A AC (MAY) (E) SIX AWG TERN I THWN, LL. REO ILO) 240V AC (E) 2/0 AWG CHUN I THI AL. WHITE HN) (E) 4AWG CHUN I THWN, LL. GREEN(EGO CONFIDENTIAL THE MODERATED (E) (RACEWAY) HEREIN CONTANED W STAFFNOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT EXCEPTION DEVELOPER LLC NOR SMALL TE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE HE x PART TO ZTION.EXCEPT RECIPIENTS N1C01 ENNECTON ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM WITH THE SUNN TNT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PRIMARILY! OF N DEVELOPI HE)150A MAIN SERVICE PANEL SIOE SOWCE CONNECTION PXABE ID COMBINER 3 LOA0.EN IE)1508/2P MAIN DISCONNECT RE)2WA SLBPANEL SUECANEL RUSSIAN PING IN TYPE BREAKER HN CIRCUITS WLY) (NEC ]05.12) Iy SILFAB SOLAR SIL3]0 NX MONO PERC NABCEP (E)II INTEGRATE L 1 03 LISTED UL I]o3 LrsTEO PP OPEC P R TV L DISCONNECT IQENVOYCERTIFIED (E)LOAOS SEA.240V.BIG NON- RACEWAY (4) EMPHASIS IO)PWS]2-2-US MICfl01NVERTERCEL1741 I240VI PV INSTALLATION WEN LDcnABLE, VISIBLE DPEry 1a nu usreD PROFESSIONAL S (E)LOADS JUNCTION BOX JUNCTION BOX GURNEY 015866 11 (OPTIONAL - FOR (CONFIRMED FOR LSCOTT]11 IM DEVELOPER. LLC z CONDUCTOR SPLICE) CONDUCTOR SPLICE) 4801NUNIVEAa ARE aGW PRpVO. W CAREY LL (WISA/iP (1) GAVE 1201240 GAC CIRCWT BBB.)BI ]0)4 SINUTE RNSE MODULES MVID STANLEY tlAAD g SERVICE REV.0 EB.01oo960 (N) SECONDARY POWER 10 m SOURCE (PV DEAD) TO 2 BE LOCATED AT OPPOSITE ENDGF BUSBAR FROM PRIMARY SOURCE (MAIN CARD) (NEC 705.12) Approval Notes: ELEQRODENG 1) PN array system to have grounding system installed per Part III of 1 KEY — SYSTEM Article 250 per 2020 NEC Article 690.47(A). 2) If LIFER ground in not available provide or verify supplemental ON ground rods per 2020 NEC Article 250.53(A)(3).ALL ] a izaw 3) Cold Water & Natural Gas bonding per 2020 NEC Article 250.104(A)&(B) 4'r rOTELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM NOTES TOO TOO VON 0CIE w SBAS 'AS WAW DANIEL SCHOLLE DATE 2/4/2022 PROJECT IS 005TRO sHEET NAME ELEC. LINE DIAG. WENT NUMBER PRISON PV SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS AND CALCULATIONS TEMPERATURE DATA SOURCE ASHRAE STATE COLORADO JURISDICTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WEATHER STATION DENVER STAPLETON INTL AP ASHRAE EXTREME LOW LEFT ('C) -25 ASHRAE 2% HIGH TEMP MCA 34 DESIGNED MAX. SYSTEM VDROP/VRISE 5.00% PV MODULE SPECIFICATIONS SILFAB SOLAR SIL 370 N% MONO PERU RATED POWER (PMA%)CAD 370 MAXIMUM POWER VOLTAGE VAR) 37.2 MAYIMUM POWER CURRENT (IMP) 10 OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE (VOD) 44.8 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISD) 10.6 PMP/UMP TEMP. COEFFICIENT -0.36 VOC TEMP. COEFFICIENT -5.28 SERIES FUSE RATING 20 ADJ. MODULE VOC @ ASHRAE LOW TEMP SLI ADJ. MODULE VMP 0 ASHRAE 2% AVG. HIGH TEMP 31.7 INVERTER SPECIFICATIONS ENPHASE IO7PLUSd2-2-US TYPE MICROINVERTER MAX. OR RECOMMENDED MODULE POWER (W) 440 MAXIMUM INPUT DC OPEN -CIRCUIT VOLTAGE(VOC) 60 MINIMUM START VOLTAGE (V) 22 MAXIMUM START VOLTAGEVO 60 MAXIMUM INPUT CURRENT (ISG (A) 15 LEL PEW( OUTPUT POWER (W) 290 MAX. CONTINUOUS OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 1.21 NOMINAL (L -U OUTPUT VOLTAGE 240 CEC WEIGHTED EFFICIENCY IRS) 97.0% NUMBER OF MODULES PER CIRCUIT 4 DC POWER RATING PER CIRCUIT GTG(W DC) 1480 TOTAL MODULE QUANTITY 4 PV MODULES STC DL POWER RATING OF ARRAY 148OW DC INVERTER OUTPUT CIRCUIT CURRENT(A AD) 4.84 CIRCUIT GEED RATING (A) 15 COMBINED INVERTER CONTINUOUS OUTPUT CURRENT 4.84A AC PV POWER PRODUCTION SYSTEM GOES RATING (X125%) 15A MAY ARRAY AC POWER II6OW AC AC VOLTAGE RISE CALCULATIONS DIST (FT) COND. VRISE(V) VENDOR %VRISE VRISE SEC. I (MICRO TO JBOXJ - 21.6 12 Cu. 0.4 240.4 0.17% VRISE SEC, 2 WBO%TO COMBINER BOX) 64 10 Cu, 0.7 240.7 031% VRISE SEC. 3 (COMBINER BOX TO P00 10 10 cu, 0.1 240.1 0.05% TOTAL VRISE 1.3 241.3 0.53% ON - 6 MICRONVERCHER MAX CA BRANCH CIRCUIT SIZE TO COMPLY WITH SWISS RACEWAY I CONDUCTOR CALCULATIONS ION MICROINV. TO JUNCTION BOX (1) MAX INVERTER OUTPUT CIRCUIT CURRENT = 4.8 A AC PER NEC 690.8(B)(2)(WITH CORRECTION FACTORS) CONDUCTOR SIZE / INSULATION / TYPE - 12 AWG DO TC -ER, CU.EREIN CONTAINER NOT BE FR CONDUCTOR AMP. RATING 0 90-C - 30 A NFOR THE BENEFIT OF q YONE EXCEPT AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0.96 ION DEVELOPER LLC PER MALL IT BE DISaoSED IN WHOLE BE SN PAST TO ADJUSTED AMPACITY COMPLIANCE (A)= 28.8 > 4.8 ON OTHERS OUTSIDE RECMENTS EXCEPTRACEWAY SIZE / TYPE = 3/41N. EMT OR FREE AIR Oa6WITH THEATIOSALE AND IUSE OFCONTHE CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF CONDUCTORS) / CABLE(5)(IN.'Z) = 0, 14Z IN.2 RESPECTIVE FD01mENT, WI1F OM THE WRITTEN PERMISSION ION CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF RACEWAYON.'2)= 0.5331N.2 DEVEtoPER. LFC. % ALLOWABLE RACEWAY FILL (NEC CHAPTER 9. TABLE 0 = 53% > 27% ON JUNCTION BOX TO JUNCTION BOX (2) NABCEP MAX INVERTER OUTPUT CIRCUIT CURRENT = 4.B A AC CERTIFIED PER NEC 690.80B00(WITH CORRECTION FACTORS) PV INSTALLATION CONDUCTOR SIZE / INSULATION / TYPE = IO AWG 2C, NM -B W/G, CU. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCTOR AMP. RATING 060-C = 30 A S.JOW� SCOTT kSURREY S 1 # OF CONDUCTORS IN RACEWAY CORRECTION = 1.0 015866 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION= 1.12 4801NUION NDEESELERSITY AVEa900 PaWO. PDJUSTED AMPACITY COMPLIANCE (A)= 33.6 > 4.8 OR0 CARDS RACEWAY SIZE / TYPE = FREE AIR SSBUMIS074 AVOID STANLEY CONRAD PC EC 0E 0960 JUNCTION BOX TO COMBINER BOX (3) MAX INVERTER OUTPUT CIRCUIT CURRENT = 4.8 A AC 1�a PER NEC 690.8(8)(2)(WITH CORRECTION FACTORS) CONDUCTOR SIZE / INSULATION /TYPE = 10 AWG THHN / TURBO. CLL CONDUCTOR AMP. RATING 660-C = 35 A # OF CONDUCTORS IN RACEWAY CORRECTION - 1.0 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 1.12 ED ADJUSTED AMPACITY COMPLIANCE (A)= 39.2 > 4.8 OR RACEWAY SIZE / TYPE = 3141N. EMT ^�CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF CONDUCTORS) / CABLE(S)ORL-2) - 0,0631N.'Z y QCROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF RACEWAY(IN - 0.533 IN. -2 BEw AP %ALLOWABLE RACEWAY FILL (NEL CHAPTER 9, TPBLE 0 = 40% > 12% OR 6 0 ED AL COMBINER BO% TO MAIN PV OCPO (10) UL -'COMBINED INVERTER CONTINUOUS OUTPUT CURRENT = 4.8 A ACE i v'LF W Y.PER NEC 690.8(8)(2)(WITH CORRECTION FACTORS) nCONDUCTOR SIZE / INSULATION / TYPE - 10 AWG THHN / TMWN, CU. v v CONDUCTOR AMP. RATING 075-C - 35 A # OF CONDUCTORS IN RACEWAY CORRECTION = 0 AMB. TEMP. AMP. CORRECTION = 0,94 DANIEL $CHOLLE ADJUSTED AMPACITY COMPLIANCE (A)= 26.3> 48 OR DATE RACEWAY SIZE /TYPE = 3/41N.EMT 2/4/2022 CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF CONDUCTOR(S)I CABLEOSXIN.Y)= 0.0841N.'2 CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF RACEWAYON.'2) = 0.5331N.F2 PROJECT 0 96 ALLOWABLE RACEWAY FILL (NEC CHAPTER 9, TABLE U - 40% > 16% GO I 005TRO ELECTRICAL CALCS. E-7 ELECTRICAL FIELD -APPLIED HAZARD MARKINGS u AT EACH PV SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEtwS. [NEC 690 54. NEC 690.OQUI ❑SIGN LOCATED ON OR NO MORE THAN S F FT FROM THE RAPID SHUT DOWN DISCONNECT SWITCH [NEC 69056(p]. FOR BUILDINGS WITH PVRVISYSTEMS. To BE LOCATED AT EACH SERVICE B FOR PV DISCONNECTING MEANS WHERE ALL WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN EQUIPMENT YST M IS LOCATION i0 WHICH THE PV TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS SYSTEM I$ CONNECTED. [NEC Fl V• NRAj� MAY BE ENERGIZED IN 5,2 OPEN POSITION. 690.56(C)] DEAD YBENERGU0 [NEC 690.15(8). NEC ]05.22] IOM THE NAYBESIBION 2E0 _,. INTHE OPEN PoSDION ❑ AT EOUIMENT CONTAINING OVERCURRENT PERMANENT DIRECTORY TO BE LOCATED AT "UTLI� BUREAU IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POW R TO A H MAIN SERVICING HEMS ( LOCATION IF L ausBAR OR CONDUCTOR SUPPLIED FORM obB' 6��q ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE Y MULTIPLE SOURCES. [NEC 705.12(C)]OIBCONNECTING MEANS (SOLAR ARRAY RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH) ARE GROUPED AND AND IN LINE OF SITE OF MAIN SERVICE TEM DISCONNECTING MEMS. [NEC 690.56(C) 9 NEc ]ov01 ` OWARN ING -1 ❑D TYPEEBRE M'ER TO A a SBAR FOR A LOAD POWER SOURCE SIDE CONNECTION. [NEC ]05.12(D)(ma)] OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE © LOCATED ON EXTERIOR, PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT NON-REMOVEABLE PORTION OF THE A/C DISCONNECT [UTILITY SPECIFIC LABEL]. ION SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED ❑G CONFIDENTIAL - INFORMATION SEEM CONTAINED SMALL NOT BE TAX FOR THE BENEFIT OFFEANYONE EXCEPT DEVELOPER. TO PROFESSIONAL *PV-0III ION DEVELOPER, EEC 4801 x UNIVERSITY VWn o PROVO UT DAVID STANLEY COMM ED ED 01I LOCATED ON EXTERIOR, PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM © NON-REMOVEABLE PORTION OF THE CONNECTED EXISTING UTILITY METER SOCKET. [UTILITY SPECIFIC LABEL]. ION SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED ❑G CONFIDENTIAL - INFORMATION SEEM CONTAINED SMALL NOT BE TAX FOR THE BENEFIT OFFEANYONE EXCEPT DEVELOPER. TO PROFESSIONAL *PV-0III ION DEVELOPER, EEC 4801 x UNIVERSITY VWn o PROVO UT DAVID STANLEY COMM ED ED 01I ALL CAUTION. WARNING, OR DANGER SIGNS OR EASELS SHALL. I. COMPLY WITH ANSI Z535.4 2011 STANDARDS. L BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO THE EQUIPMENT OR WIRING METHOD AND SHALL NOT BE HANDWRITTEN, B. SMALL BE OF SUFFICEINT DURABILITY TO WITHSTAND TME ENVIRONMENT INVOLVED. 4. UNLESS OTHERS SPECIFIED MINIMUM TEXT HEIGHT TO BE k ONES 2/4/2022 aEccT.D OOSTRO ELECTRICAL LABELS EVISON 1EEEx� ER e 0 0 Fal ILI© o©0 00 0©KV RV o © 00 0© o© x (E) MAIN SERVICE PANEL PC SUBPANEL COMBINER BOX m RE OR O cS ® ® QSIC CA M Do _J m o w O o AD AD d ® (ro ON Ac Dlscoxrvecr �.- va o BE OD o O PV SYSTEM £m O UJ Q K Q orscoNN EEp sRTo 0- PV BE i ED a F J w (N) PV BREPXER JZ OUTPUT FROM) \ ED m W N w wCC DOCC EEC ME ���� � DRAre DANIEL SCHOLLE ALL CAUTION. WARNING, OR DANGER SIGNS OR EASELS SHALL. I. COMPLY WITH ANSI Z535.4 2011 STANDARDS. L BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO THE EQUIPMENT OR WIRING METHOD AND SHALL NOT BE HANDWRITTEN, B. SMALL BE OF SUFFICEINT DURABILITY TO WITHSTAND TME ENVIRONMENT INVOLVED. 4. UNLESS OTHERS SPECIFIED MINIMUM TEXT HEIGHT TO BE k ONES 2/4/2022 aEccT.D OOSTRO ELECTRICAL LABELS EVISON 1EEEx� ER e IDENTIFICATION OF POWER SOURCES A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY TO BE INSTALLED AT EACH SERVICE EQUIPMENT LOCATION ION DENOTING THE LOCATION OF EACH POWER SOURCE DISCONNECTING HEMS AND SHALL INDICATE THE LOCATION OF RAPID SHUTDOWN INITIATION DEVICES. FOR THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE AND BE GROUPED WITH OTHER PLAQUES OR DIRECTORIES FOR OTHER ONSITE SOURCES. ALL MARKING TO COMPLY WITH IIO2I ON. (NEC ]05.10) CONFIDENTIALTHE SHALL INFORMATION HALNOT B HEREIN USED FOR THE BENEFIT UP ANYONE EXCEPT I DEVELOPER LLC NOR SHALL IT BE 07HERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS �dDISCUSSED IN WHOLE OR IN CARL TO 01 EXCEFT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SAFE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE E UIFTEXr WITHOUT THE CAUTION: MULTIPLE DEVELOPED, OC ION SOURCES OF POWER. NABCEP POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS SUPPLIED FROM THE CERTIFIED FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED PVINSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL AS SHOWN: s'jr�T SCOTT A] GURNEY b 01NUN 015866 LL ION s900 PR HIS 7617074 PV ARRAY (NEIGHBORINGDAVID STANLEY CONRAD B F W ADJOINED PROPERTY) Ec0100960 W ¢ O_ J Q 0 - O o O ti ' • g °. z O Z o O m K ,d z n US (NEIGHBORING 0 ADJOINED PROPERTY) BE ti AS w o K d Y - p W O a u a MAIN DISTRIBUTIONP UTILITY DISCONNECT o QJL! Q a a¢ o RAPID SHUTDOWN AC z F7 z DISCONNECT SWITCH w a m w u, w Y SIC ~ AT UD 3 AWING BY DANIEL SCHOLLE DATE 2/4/2022 PROJECT ID 005TRO SHEET NAME ELEC. DIRECTORY SHEET NUMBER PERSON S From: no-reolvCalci.wheatridae.co.us To: CommDev Permits Subject: Online Form Submittal: REVISION APPLICATION Revisions to Permit Date: Monday, February 7, 2022 11:37:49 AM CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report any suspicious activities to the IT Division. REVISION APPLICATION Revisions to Permit Permit Number 202102553 assigned to project PROPERTY INFORMATION Permit Number 202102553 Property Address 5388 Quail St, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033 Property Owner Name Sarah Selby Property Owner Phone 917-574-6859 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email sselby@gmail.com Address CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact Name ION Developer LLC Contact Phone Number 8887817074 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address permits@ionsolar.com Retype Contact Email permits@ionsolar.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Revised [Revisions A, all sheets] The module count, inverter count, and Scope of Work - system sizes have been adjusted to reflect a four -module 370 - Provide a detailed Watt microinverter system. [Revision B, sheet Site Plan S-3] One description of the module was relocated to the eastern side of the south -facing roof change in scope of due to space constraints on the ease -west roof sections. work including mechanical, electrical, plumbing work occurring, adding/removing walls, etc Engineer Letter (if applicable) Additional Documents on Letter Size Are plans or documents locked for editing? Construction Plans scanned on 11'x17" or larger Additional Project Value Only add what the revised scope of work is valued at. Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" [Revision C, sheet Electrical Line Diagram E-6] Circuit one now consists of four modules. CAD Selby, Sarah REV.B RESPONSE LETTER 2022-02-04.odf No 0 Electronic -Payment -Form Selby.odf SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and Yes Yes posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Submitting Natalie Nielson Revision Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type:_ -Enc - Job Address: Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Tirn4 - AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes' No *1 C -/�/ City of l Wheatlk COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved-by:C 1 r1 2-16-21 Inspector Date City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 FOUNDATION SETBACK AND ELEVATION CERTIFICATION For Commercial and Multi -Family Developments This form must be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado. This form must be accompanied by a Construction Control Plan following the procedure found on the reverse side of this form. DATE: 1/25/2021 PERMIT# #202001642 ADDRESS: 5388 QUAIL STREET LOT 3 ,BLOCK 2 , QUAIL RUN SUBDIVISION I hereby certify that the elevations and distances shown on the attached sheets and as stated below for the recently formed or constructed structural foundation for the above property have been measured by me or directly under my supervision. The MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES from the property lines have been determined to be: FRONT: 10' REAR: 0' SIDE: 0/5 SIDE: 10' (CORNER) The foundation corner ELEVATIONS (NAVD88) have been determined to be: FRONT: 5481.3 REAR: 5481.3 SIDE: 5481.3 SIDE: 5481.3 All measurements have been determined on the following location: (Check only one): )( Top of proposed foundation wall prior to placement of concrete Top of foundation wall subsequent to placement of concrete The setback and elevation measurements are included on Signed Professional Surveyor Print MICHAEL S. MCDANIEL Date 1/25/2021 www.cLwheatridge.co.us S. cv �l F, (Surveyor's Sa NL Uo 00 Plan. Rev 1 M018 Ntlld 1081NOO NOIlondISNOO O NI930 A37tlld 1tl3N9383HM N PuL21Pa2I NV,d,OaiNoO NOIionaiSNOO v NR �ivno IN �i IS L J J J J -• �� I� 1 . �lil,�+■5 J L a ° 1 — B•u =1 a6 � ! p /�yi ;� I • aarwgrwevam p� gal of � I I � ■ 1 11111 P. 1 r .— �/ '-_�g/ �R,I I a ®� (� as - � � � �e O �m x � ■ ■ �€■fig L �_'�' '�! °� �' — 1 ■ a i w I . as el c 1 5 � el 1 ,g; ti■ a s' II ®5 rp eel �" --mom_ • �� — ® I a ■ — el ��:: I I ', ■_ lana ,�� ,,�/rv, — I�Ij a Ei II � � i —•mom I � ,�� � e� ��� ■0 ,I nal ■ 8� ��H pH �� a $ m� e � _ � o ! " Iii 5 - m, 91 cP �aa ■ �� pal _I8_ w■� v., ��: �!^ �� 0 s:�c €_ €000^Yos—uaN!-'R aem�==o m a�W 00 Y 0 89 —T��r rlr rlr Tr r _1. o o A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Liv G r)� P Job Address: 53 5 H Quc� I LL Permit Number: Z 0 (6 t� ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections are complete, schedule re -inspection online. Date — L� -LOO A Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: _ Job Address: Permit Number: . c.`, C� �A ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 1 k'-1 1 AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections are complete, schedule ret -inspection online. � 1 � Date: 0 ' ' d Inspector: 1 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Z, Sl r-� � S? Permit Number: dot' U O FA ❑ No one available for inspection: Time it Gl / PrM/ M Re -Inspection required: Yes I No When corrections are complete, schedule re -inspection online. Date: Inspector: 14 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE January 13, 2021 Wonderland Homes Re: Footing Inspection Letter Quail Run 5380, 5384, 5388, 5392, 5396 Quail St., L1-L5 B2 Wheat Ridge, CO EVstudio was requested on January 13, 2021 to observe the footing form construction at the above listed address. An EVstuido representative verified that all void, forms and steel was placed per the construction documents prepared by EVstudio. It is EVstudio's professional opinion that the constructed footing was placed in substantial compliance to the plans and specifications prepared by this office for this address and will support the anticipated loading conditions. Please call our office with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Dominic Chapman Field Inspector 46537 • ,' s I . Ross Maxwell, PE Assistant Director of Structural Engineering 5335 W. 481h Ave. 303.670.7242 ph design@evstudio.com Denver, CO 80212 303.679.1862 fax www.evstudio.com i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1 - Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: C71 {; ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 'AM/PM Re -Inspection required: (Yes,/ No When corrections have been made, schedule for re -inspection online at: http://www.ci. wheatridge.co. us/inspection Date: -/3- Z/ Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: `'.� l a C-) L 1 Permit Number: � 11. c�- L r�- ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 11 `� AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections are complete, schedule re -inspection online. Date: I' L' c) (J�� Inspector:. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Single Family - New PERMIT - 202001642 PERMIT NO: 202001642 ISSUED: 12/23/2020 JOB ADDRESS: 5388 Quail St EXPIRES: 12/23/2021 JOB DESCRIPTION: Station 53- New single family town home with 2 car tandem garage - 2,054 sq ft total (Bldg -1 Lot 3 -Unit 1) *** CONTACTS *** OWNER WONDERLAND HOMES GC (303)567-7630 KOLBY O'HERRON 202128 WONDERLAND AT STATION 53 SUB (303)978-1051 TODD WOODFORD 070071 C&T PLUMBING LLC SUB (303)650-3393 LAWRENCE GILL 022483 GILL ELECTRIC SUB (303)289-3441 ROBERT D. GROSS, SR. 019659 R&R HEATING & COOLING, INC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2320 / APPLERIDGE ESTATES, STANDLEY H BLOCK/LOT#: / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 207,604.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 120.00 Use Tax 41359.68 Permit Fee 11828.65 Engin. Review Fee 100.00 ** TOTAL ** 61408.33 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. A printed copy of the permit and city stamped on-site plans must be available on-site for the first inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2018 IRC, 2020 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. As part of the foundation inspections and PRIOR TO proceeding with any further construction/inspections, a completed, signed and sealed, Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification shall be submitted to the City for review. The certification form shall be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado, stating that the foundation was constructed in compliance with all applicable minimum setback and elevation requirements of the City. No C.O. may be issued until public improvements are complete as identified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. All landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan (Case No. WZ-18-13) prior to C.O. and pursuant to the phasing identified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. Per the SIA, installation of landscaping, street trees, and irrigation is not required prior to Certificate of Occupancy if issuance of the C.O. occurs outside of the planting season, generally October to June. 1* � � i City of Wheat Ridge Single Family - New PERMIT - 202001642 PERMIT NO: 202001642 ISSUED: 12/23/2020 JOB ADDRESS: 5388 Quail St EXPIRES: 12/23/2021 JOB DESCRIPTION: Station 53- New single family town home with 2 car tandem garage - 2,054 sq ft total (Bldg -1 Lot 3 -Unit 1) I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this�permrt. I further attest that I am leg ally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1, This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This.permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180, days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and��procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all requ�ired inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, anviolation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Farm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: New Single -Family TOWNHOME UNIT Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 4:25:43 PM New Single -Family TOWNHOME UNIT THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Has the Master Plan Yes been approved for this project? Name of Project Wonderland at Station 53, LLC PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address - Only enter one unit on this application 5388 Quail St. Wheat Ridge, CO Property Owner Name Wonderland at Station 53, LLC Property Owner Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) 303-567-7630 Property Owner Email oherron@wonderlandhomes.com Address PLAN REVIEW CONTACT INFORMATION What is your role? Owner Business Name Wonderland at Station 53, LLC Main Contact Name for Michele Beckett Plan Review Contact Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address for Questions/Comments 303-915-4340 beckeft@wonderlandhomes.com Retype Contact Email beckett@wonderlandhomes.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Scope of Work - Example: New single family townhome with 2 car garage - 1,525 sq ft total (Bldg 1, B -unit) Square Footage of New Construction Foundation Plans for Specific Building Elevations of Building New single family townhome unit with 2 car tandem garage ( 594 sq ft ) -1460 sq ft conditioned (bldg 1 lot 3 unit 1) Options include : A/C, door at MB, open wood handrail 2054 5388 Quail St Foundation Plan.odf 5388 Quail St Station 53 5-Plex Buildina 1 Permit Set (1).odf Site Plan showing Unit UNIT 5388 - TYPE 1 - 5 UNIT BLDG 1 SITE PLAN ndf Highlighted Floor plan of Unit 2020-0818 5388 UNIT TYPF 1 - FLOOR PLANS Dd Construction Plans Field not completed. scanned on 11'x17" or larger Project Value (contract $172,390.00 Conditioned: 1461sf x $122.46 = $178,914 value or cost of ALL Garage: 594sf x $48.30 = $28,690 materials and labor) Total: $207,604 SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. Yes Yes I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Michele Beckett -agent Permit APPROVED 12/16/2020 J. Jefferies Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.