HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/2009MINUTES
March 3, 2009
The meeting of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority was called to order by
Chair Adams at 6:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Municipal Building,
7500 West 29 h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Chair Adams introduced Becky Bye as a new member of the Wheat Ridge Urban
Renewal Authority.
Authority Members Present: Rick Adams
James Bahrenburg
Becky Bye
Walt Pettit
Tom Radigan
Larry Schulz
Authority Members Absent: Janet Leo
Also attending: Patrick Goff, Deputy City Manager
Corey Hoffmann, WRURA Attorney
(left meeting at 7:30 p.m.)
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 3, 2009
It was moved by Walt Pettit and seconded by James Bahrenburg to approve
the minutes of February 3, 2009 as presented. The motion passed 4-0 with
Rick Adams and Becky Bye abstaining.
4. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not
appearing on the agenda.)
There was no one present to address the Authority.
There was no old business to come before the Authority.
WRURA Minutes - 1 - March 3, 2009
A. Kipling and I-70 Corridor Conditions Study - Matrix Design and
Leland Consulting
Patrick Goff introduced Ken Schroeppel of Matrix Design and Anne Ricker of
Leland Consulting. Mr. Schroeppel reviewed the results of the conditions survey.
The survey boundaries generally extend from Garrison to Eldridge and from I-70
to Highway 58. The area is comprised of approximately 1250 acres. He reviewed
the eleven blight factors, ten of which were found in the study area, and gave
examples of blight found.
A question and answer period followed. During discussion, comment was made
that WRURA wants to avoid the use of eminent domain.
Ms. Ricker reviewed the tasks that would be completed by her firm. These
included urban renewal plan alternatives and impact analysis; feasibility tests; tax
increment analysis; urban renewal plan; URA boundary legal description; and
public involvement activities. Under public involvement activities, four meetings
would be held. The first one would be for all the stakeholders in the survey area
to present the basics of urban renewal. The second meeting would be for
stakeholders within a certain area of the survey area to provide information on
market analysis and specific issues in their area. The third meeting would involve
stakeholders in the entire survey area again to report on feedback from the second
round of meetings and to discuss concepts, goals and vision for the entire area.
Using that information, an urban renewal plan document would be prepared and a
final meeting held to present the document to stakeholders. After the four
meetings are completed, the urban renewal plan would be brought back for
WRURA's consideration.
In answer to questions from the Authority, Mr. Schroeppel stated that his goal
was to avoid placing residential units in the survey area however, there is an
estimated 5% of residential property consisting mostly of rentals, in the area.
There was consensus to accept the boundaries for the urban renewal plan. The
possibility of adding the Ward Road urban renewal area to this plan was also
discussed. This possibility will be researched for further consideration.
B. URA Strategic Planning - Leland Consulting
Anne Ricker discussed various aspects of strategic planning such as marketing,
branding, mission statements, annual reports, and information packets for
prospective developers.
There was consensus to draft a mission statement for WRURA.
WRURA Minutes -2- March 3, 2009
Ms. Ricker will draft a more specific scope of services and bring it back for
WRURA's consideration as to which items should be pursued.
C. Resolution 02-2009, approving an amendment to the 2008 budget.
Patrick Goff presented this item. The 2008 budget did not include enough funds
to cover sales and property tax increment payments to Wheat Ridge Cyclery.
Therefore, a supplemental budget appropriation is necessary to balance the
It was moved by Larry Schulz and seconded by Walt Pettit to approve
Resolution 02-2009, amending the fiscal year 2008 Urban Renewal Budget to
reflect the approval of a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of
$1,800.00 to the Wheat Ridge Cyclery Fund for the purposes of 2008 sales
and property tax increment distribution to Wheat Ridge Cyclery. The
motion carried 6-0.
D. 38tn Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan TIF
The 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan was amended in 2003 to
implement sales and property tax increment financing (TIF) for the proposed
Cornerstone development project (Walgreens). Although the project was never
initiated, the TIF "clock" started on October 28, 2003. Staff recommended
stopping the property and sales TIF on the Walgreens' project.
There was consensus of the Authority to stop the TIF clock. Patrick Goff was
given direction to have the WRURA attorney draft an appropriate resolution to be
considered at the next meeting.
Patrick distributed copies of ordinance recently adopted by City Council
regarding appointment of Board members to the Authority. This will allow the
Authority to go outside of the district when a vacancy exists if a member cannot
be found within a district.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. The next WRURA meeting is scheduled
for April 7, 2009. )
AckAdams, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
WRURA Minutes -3 - March 3, 2009