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li.\ TFFi::TY',i'I!1 l'i)lll~ \ j, :::1.
THIS DEED ~'hclc Ihi, ~'~ t ]j
d(l\ (lr l'J.-,"embel
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h~I\\'l'l'n Eajll1.Cnd A l:;aJ"DcD, Jr
and Elizabetl1 M '~d'ln n
IlJ'l!lc ~ lJnt_y IJt LTefferscn
and State III I:=olcradc
\.!r;lI1fo! ;lI1d Thp - ir-:/ .,f Tt.Jhe3..'t Fid~JP, a 1~.Jl( rauc1
~ munir lpal corpora ti In
wh(l;;;ekgal<lddn::;;~i,;; 7S00 l~Jest 2S1th Avenue, i..-.7heat Ridqe, C81cldd'J 80215
llflhe County of ,Tefferson
I-~C: lorado
and Slate n!
, grantees:
\VITNESS 111at the grantllf lor and in cllllsideratillll uf the sum (If TiNO HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE
THOUSAND AND NO'100--------------------------------------------- ---------
- -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I)OI.I.ARS. 1$ 2 7 5, 000 0 n I. Ihe receipl and
-;ulliuenn III \\'hidl is lh:rehv ackno\v1cdged, ha;.; granted, hargained, ;.;uld and clln\'Cved, and h\, the;.;e pre;.;cnts docs grant. har-
~ail1. ;.;ell. convey and ulnJirm, untll the grantee;.;, tlll:ir hens and assigns tllrever. not in tenancy in common hut injoint ten.uIc\',
,Ill the real pnlpert\ to!;ether wIth Improvement;.;, iran\' ;.;ituate, Iving and heing III the County If Jetterson
and State ut l tJ\()radu \,:kscnbed as JOUllWS:
The Ncrth 85 teet of LL,ts 4, r; rtnJ (~,
Bl_"k- 2,
P;oar,' n 'd,,,',J,'icle Additi,)n,
I~-unty +: lTefferson, State at I_'olorado
also known hy ,trcel and nllrnhcr as 5300 West 3Sth Avenue, Wheat Fidge, C!loradc
TO(;I....THER \'llth all and singular the hereditJmL'nt.... and appmtenanccs thereuntu helunglng, III III dl1\,WISC arperlmmng, and
the re\'er.\.lun and reVerSions, remainder and rema111der;.;, rents, issues and prufits therellf. and all the estate. nght. title. lnterest.
da11ll and I.kmand whatsoever ut' the grantur either in law ur equitY' ut 111 and tu the above harga111ed preIl1lse:-., wIth the
hereditaments and appurtenances.
TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the said premises abuve hargained and descrihed, with the appurtenances, unto the grantees. their
heirs and assigns fnrever And lhe grantor, for himself. his heirs and personal representatives. does covcnant, grant. hargain and
agree to and with the grantees their heirs and assigns, that at tlw time of the ensea1ing and delivery 01 thcse presents, he is well
seized of the premises ahuve conveyed, has goud. :,>urc, pcrfed, ahslllute and indefeasihle estatc o( inheritance, in 1;-1\\/ in
rec simple and ha." ~l)()d ri1;ht. lull power and lawful authoritY' tll grant. harg:_lin. scll and convey the same in manner and form
;\...; ;\I\lfe:-.aid. and that tlIe samc arc tree ;\Ill! clear from all fllrIller and other grants. bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments,
eIKIJmhr:tnCl'S ;lIld re.<.;tril'tillns ()J whatevcr kind Ill' !lature ";(lcver except for taxl'S for the current year, a lien hut not yet due
and payahle, easements. restrictions, reservations, ('ovenants and rights-of-\vay of record, if an\'
Thl' ~rant\)r..;hall and will v.., ARRANT AND H)!{FV bJZ Dr,H-:ND tIlL a!)(lVl' h:ll'.1.:aincd prl'mi,..;es in the quiet and peal...-cahle posses-
SI\lllllf the !.2.rallkes. thell. heirs and assigns. a~ainst all and even' perslln (lr person;.; lil\vfullv cL-lirning the whule ur any part lhercol
The singular numhel shall indudc the plural. tht.: plural the .'iingular and the use uf all\, !;elldcr shall he applicahle to all genders
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the grantu!' ha, executed this deed un Ihe date set furlh ahllve
ttL~' //,4. f-
ECi" end A Gagnon, ~1
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Ilza eth M Gqgnun
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The f(lregoing instrument was acknowledged heflJre!Ile this =: 9 th da\ oj'
F -i1nFJnJ A \:;aqnL,n, lJr dnu Elizabeth 1'1 Gagnon
21)01 \"
J\'ly ( \ I III III i:-.;:-.;it III l'xpin.::-.;.
J;.tn'y "and and official seal.
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NtltaJ'\ Puhlic
W-\RIL\yr,\' HEED 110 Joint Tl'lIanlsl (WDJNTTENI
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