HomeMy WebLinkAbout0516 ~0 0\J: " l' 1.I U l - r f > ~ c::> <=> C".J ;, '<::t ~ : " ~ C\.!, " ~ RECEPTION NO. F :I. ""1,,: t\'" i' 1, "J ". " J '1'4/2UU2 10:34:4~ _~~:~U.-uu. O' ('(~."'''. "'OUlJ(Jt.,.FE[: O~".\) ~~b[ F~~'N J'["I~f~E'R'CON I-OUld"I"'( COLUKHDO RECORDE)).I. -_ - . "_..J .", , Project No.. S-Ol-Ol LoCall< li1. 4070 Harlan Street Wheal Ridge, Colorado ~()033 WARRANTY DEED .1 ; WITNESSETH THAT Catherine DeAndrea, whose addrcss IS 4070 Harlan Street, County of Jcfferson, State o[Co!orado, soo:n, [or the cOllsideration of Two Thousand Four Hundred Nine and S5/ 100 DOLLARS ($2,409.85), III hand paid, does h~rcby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the City of Wheat Ridge, a llluIllclpal corporation 111 the State of Colorado, whose address is 7500 West 29th A vcnue, Wheat Rldgc, Colorado, 80215-6713, thc following rcal propel1) situatc, lying and bcing in the City of Wheat Ridgc, County of Jeffcrson, State of Colorado, to wil. .\ \, \ .~ I r A tract of land lying 111 the SE 1/4 ofScetlon24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal MerIdian. City ofWhcat Ridgc, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as THE WEST FIVE (5) FEET OF THAT PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F13U4642, IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO Said tract contains 311 square feet, more or less. Said tract to bc used as. Right-of-vVay Also known by strcet and numbcr as 4070 Harlan Strcct, Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 With '1.111t~ '~pr)llrten=!.!'!{_'P(, ~~~-lrI \.v~rr<;~nts tb(~' !It!e tn the ~=nllt.' 5~tll_lect In f~2,{~,nF'~ !.~ nght~, of \\1:1:' :~prl restrIctIOns of record, if any 1/ "F 'I Signcd tlus ~ day of ! irI-. / , 2002. ,/ i! f <, !' / ., Li{t~~ t:'t4-J ~ "'- Cathenne DcAndrca, Grantor STATE OF COLORADO ) ) S5 ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ~ ! The foregomg instrument was aCKnowledged before me tIns JL... day of H\Y\ \ , DcAndrea. . 2002, by Catherinc !i "I '.1 My commission cxplfes. l ~\(i~v~' . Witness my ~and andoi-5eal Ii " I TERI HADDEN y! L NOTARY ,~J.JI;3L1C ,I . _STATE OF e>OC'ORADO Ii ! Mv r;Jmmission Expires 7/18103 The drafter of this description is David F Brossman, P.L.S., prqnred on hehalf of the City Ill' \VltLat Ridge, 7500 W 2l.Jth Ave., Wheal Ridge, Colurado, ~021S-6713 and is not tl) he construed as rCJlresenting a monllll1entcd land survey ~ f